Castle Super Beast - SBFC 181: Strong Opinions About Flags feat. Super Eyepatch Wolf

Episode Date: January 24, 2017

Look man, we're pretty dumb, but some countries are just doing it all wrong. If you're just a palette swap of another flag, you failed. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I My eggs under my eyes look fucking awful. I don't worry about it. Those are built in a they're they're they're installed I ever tell you that like gara when I had like two weeks off or whatever And I slept to 14 hours a day of bags under my eyes. I'm still there like it does not matter No much how how no matter how good your sleep is. It's always gonna be Pat you look like you're gonna die like tattooed. Yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I get that I should tattoo like skin colored Like under shadows. No, you need to get cool like Xerxes like mascara, you know and then become like I don't think that's gonna happen Yeah, I don't think that's a likely become the JoJo. Okay, just go just go all in
Starting point is 00:00:56 Why don't I just tattoo damaged on my fucking forehead? There you go. Let everybody know. Yeah, so messed up Yeah, no, I know I know that like my My like actually a couple of the ladies in my family like have that like Really tired look no matter how well-rested they are because of your shit, you know, yeah, it's all because of your shit Yeah, me as a baby. I was babies are horrible. Yeah, well, you know, you got it, so you got to figure them out What what are what are babies like over in Dublin? They're they're really hairy and they're pretty gross. Mm-hmm Are they are they are they are they weaned on on the bottle nice and early?
Starting point is 00:01:38 No, you pretty much kick him out into the countryside and drive back like week later And if you can find your baby or at least a baby that kind of looks like your baby, you can take it home Okay, so when when when does when is when is babies first trip to the bar? Well, they survived the forest and straight to the bar. I mean, well usually it's a new row What the fuck oh Jesus hey, man, what's the deal with potatoes? God damn it. I knew it. I knew this is gonna be it from the moment Is it all right? All right?
Starting point is 00:02:10 Listen if you thought for a second that we were gonna come at you with interesting or not stereotypical Highbrow things you're on the wrong fucking podcast sir Look, we went we went through a tricky time where there were no potatoes for a really long time and everyone got freaked out And so now we just make sure they're always around Everyone has their potato underneath their pillow. I I get okay. Listen. I promise you there will be no more than at least two Hotty-totty-toss. Oh, that's all gonna be you. I don't know one of them. Okay So it's it's all right before the podcast started I was like wait, I have a question you're like no save it and the question was Ireland dot dot dot question mark
Starting point is 00:02:53 And that was it. Yeah, and you you answered my question for me by saying Dublin Yes, I think that's an Ireland say that again Which one the place Dublin. Yeah, okay, do you know Dublin is the capital of Ireland? I thought you said I thought you said Dublin and I was like Dublin is very different. Oh, I wish I lived in Dublin. That's really cool. That'd be a fun thing sick Yeah, man. Hey super. I patch wolf welcome. Thanks for coming on one of the greatest video makers in all of anime pretty strong one Thank you. That's that's very kind. I appreciate you. I Appreciate you. I appreciate you joining us
Starting point is 00:03:32 And I appreciate your channel, sir like A lot of the other internet friends we've made it's just kind of starts from We click see a video and we watch it and we go holy fuck They put more work into this than I put in any of my stuff that guy sounds smart We should probably find some coattails and grab them If I said smart at all that is purely something I add in the edit afterwards Mmm, also, it's the accent. Yeah, it's charming and
Starting point is 00:04:06 Matthew Matosis body I patch wool you're in good company. These people sound much smarter than they may be in fact because of their fancy European accents so when you tell us all about how and why bleach turned to shit We believe is that video back up you sound like yeah, that's like okay Foreign and informed you know and it's it's the it's the good kind of accent. It's not the like James Bond villain type So we feel safe. Well, not yet. I had a guy on Twitter yesterday and his first tweet was okay So I'm not really a bleach fan, and I was like oh god here we go Mm-hmm, and he proceeded to send me like 12 messages about how amazing bleach was and how I just didn't get it
Starting point is 00:04:47 I thought you want to be a fan though. I Mean yeah, like it was like yeah now. What if that guy takes that and Uses the internal struggle of you not liking it to go and spawn him into making a channel about videos and So I got this is this really gonna happen. We're starting here, buddy. Oh boy, okay And I and I gave I popped a little retweet to give everyone a hint of the backstory that we're gonna be getting into but I so I got there to magfest and the first thing I did was going to check check into my hotel and Yeah, this this man stands up and is like hey there, you know really has a how's it going?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Nice to meet you. I was like oh hey cool. Nice to nice to meet someone like right off the bat And he introduces himself a super eye patch wolf, and I was like oh wait okay, no hold on you what's up and We checked into our rooms and took the elevator up and it's like we're right next door to each other Isn't that weird? Yeah, so like you planned it almost like almost like someone planned it. Yeah, we planned it so we spent a bunch of time hanging out at magfest with the crew and You know it was cool to hang out and drinking out fun with Super eye patch wolf, and I think that the the coolest part was when you gave me the back story on
Starting point is 00:06:13 Some of how your your your work started sir Mm-hmm, would you care to inform? Pat on what you told me Okay, so This is maybe god like three years ago, and so I'm sitting down and listen to the friend cast at lunch like I always do and No, at one point the anime hunter x hunter comes up. Oh my god. That is the red edit. Oh, no You mean that show that sucks So then
Starting point is 00:06:47 Woolly expresses sentiments about hunter x hunter that are maybe like a little unfair You know he wasn't really feeling the first couple episodes And you know each to his own that's what I say, but at the time like a perfectly sane and normal person I Became outraged held that rage within me for an entire year Before producing a 49 minute video called why you should watch hunter x hunter I am baffled that you are the person being singled out for this because I remember Exactly why I didn't like it was like the main character looks like a stupid baby
Starting point is 00:07:25 I hate this show and that was it that was my entire No, but the reason why people why why people came at me more was because I actually watched 12 episodes of it Yeah, and I and I like in dumb shit for babies, and I'm like no no no I gave it multiple chances, you know, but There's a very important but here John and that is The the first thing I replied to you in that conversation Which was yep before you like find a place for before you find an outlet for all this rage Which you did which is the video and it spawned and it was the first video on his channel And you scroll all the way back to it and the first thing is why you should watch hunter x hunter
Starting point is 00:08:03 That's the first video the first video he ever watched that and came away going like I'm not gonna watch it Okay, but here's the thing that was that so that was the first one, but what I told him what did you create super? I patch what I might have accidentally created Super I patch wolf. I might it's working out pretty okay, so I don't mind Oh, I mean, I'm I'm I might have Les enfants terribles Him into existence a little bit through my ignorance, but it's not really ignorance
Starting point is 00:08:36 There's a difference here and the key difference is when I was talking about it because I'm so fucking ancient at this point I was talking about the old show Yeah released when I was in college that was coming out back then okay, and he's talking about the new new wait There's a new one. There's a new one that you were both talking about the old show. I Have to wait does the character look completely different in both shows, but I was talking about all of that That's fine. That's fine, but my biggest thing was that I was watching the old show And that's what I'm informed my opinion on and that's what I was I've always been talking about over these years And so people came out to explain and say that within there's a new show that came out a couple years ago
Starting point is 00:09:19 And it's even worse base. They they it's a much better. I swear to God. I can make videos all day And of course the big thing being like you you explain that like where they got to by episode 12 of the old show You said it was like the third episode of the new somewhere around there. Yeah. Yeah, so I was like, okay so Like I don't that's it's actually funny because it's completely missed place out misplaced outrage Had I known it I might not have a YouTube channel though. Well, it's fine And I'm glad that that can actually checking will ruin this podcast and other people and other people's futures. Yes Now the what's cool though is that
Starting point is 00:10:06 After that conversation we sat and we talked about it. We went into it and you sat down and you looked me in the eye And you went, okay, look, so here's the thing. I don't necessarily I'm not telling you to go watch the show even but at the very least go watch the video yeah, and That should inform you as to why your opinions are wrong about this You know and I watched it John Okay, okay, and I see what you're talking about The way that it's set up with the character looking as he does and given the backstory that he's given is precisely so that you can
Starting point is 00:10:44 Use that stereotype to deconstruct that type of show sure and it's a little bit of the same as Seeing I guess Shimon in Giron Laganne and yeah, but he has a good design. Yeah, there's there I understand like like like there's there's a part of it that it's like will any of this Deconstructive knowledge get around the fact that every single time I see that character I want to vomit hate the design that much so I don't know about that part But I will say that just to follow up on it after watching the video I I will absolutely say that yet. Yes, I can see there's more here to it and
Starting point is 00:11:22 I feel like the new show would address a lot of what I hated Which was just the awful pacing I Don't know if it addresses things like how I felt like the the audience treats you like sorry The camera treats the audience like an idiot. I'm not a fan of that in anything But it sounded like from the way you described it that this is a smarter show Yeah, like it's
Starting point is 00:11:51 Hunter X Hunter is like a really weird show in a lot of ways because like it's you know It's playing on like a lot of the kind of tropes of that sort of storytelling You know like I've watched a ton of shounen stuff like I really love shounen stuff and like I love the traditional stuff Like I love you know Dragon Ball Z. I love Hajime no Epo. I love all that kind of stuff But it's interesting to see someone where like the author is so consciously looking at it and being like, okay These are the building blocks and now I'm gonna fuck them up hmm and With the with the oh like with the old show to new show is it kind of like
Starting point is 00:12:29 Old Jojo to new Jojo like Satoshi Kan Jojo to David production So I've only seen select clips from the old one and I know there's like some diehard to say no No, you got to watch the old one, but like I did watch like a side-by-side There's this really amazing battle like 40 episodes in and it's one guy versus three guys And it's just the kind of thing like edge your seat where you're like what is happening how like they paralyze him from the neck down and He still keeps fighting like it's insane Okay, I want you that fight side-by-side with the old one and the new one is just like you can't believe what's happening And the old one it's like oh he did this this and this there was like no sense of pacing or kind of rhythm
Starting point is 00:13:08 Okay, so I guess maybe like a full metal alchemist in a way Where it's like yeah, which we're not gonna like cuz it doesn't sound like the old one wasn't like unfaithful But it just like was poorly directed adaptation. Yeah, it's it's it just lacked a lot of impact. I thought Okay Well, I mean for what it's worth like it has me curious it has me curious at the very least but I Mean it to say like I don't know I feel like there's a lot of anime I do want to watch but I will say that the new one
Starting point is 00:13:43 With the pacing improvements. I am willing to give a shot But that old one man. Oh man. I was I'm beyond done with that idea and I Think as well that some of the some of the like sort of spoiler-ific like moments in your video and watch reminded me of what I see when I see like One piece fights later on yeah, where the people that are fighting are just like really really outlandish design pretty pretty early in one piece you get people that are just Weird and also completely broken as soon as you start running into people that like corporealized into Elements the whole fucking meta breaks. Yeah, like not every design is clearly like
Starting point is 00:14:32 based around like kind of being cool as much as it's based around being like really different and That's fine. That's fine. Yeah, that's a philosophy to take into designing your characters. It's like shadow hedgehog as a human child What What are you? Oh gone? Yeah, that's he's wearing green that has nothing to do with I'm talking about the hair man. I guess anyway, oh The other thing I'm gonna click a spoiler here and hopefully he looks better now and the other thing okay does all right Maybe I'll watch oh
Starting point is 00:15:08 Fuck did you oh man that whoa don't that's fuck. Don't go there I saw a thing and now I'm interested you click you click the spoiler picture you saw some bad things Okay, well was that a dojin? Now No, I know I know exactly what you're talking about without seeing it I don't know what you clicked on man. What the hell? Oh, hey, well, yeah, you took a little over on my phone I don't know. Don't worry about no I do this one when there's something that everyone tells me is good and I find some some you got to find out why meal element to be
Starting point is 00:15:43 Intolerable I need to go and get something and be like I'm willing to work through this to get to get to that and one piece I think I saw some clip of Luffy punching a guy and I was like, oh, that's cool. I'll watch that Luffy punches guys spring motherfucker gets so bad now That's great cuz it's not a fight it well it starts out being like a Like dumb shonen fight and then it's like no You don't have time for this shit And then I liked that a lot and then like true and then like three years later
Starting point is 00:16:24 It happens exactly So no, we're not not not to not to start our podcast here on a fucking Hunter X Hunter battle But is there the last thing I guess I wanted to know was like one of the other things I really wanted and I didn't get watching it at first was like Tell me what the fuck a hunter is because everyone's been saying it for 12 episodes and no one's actually defined Hunter X Hunter is a very popular Romantic slash fic inside the universe and so basically I was like do they get on with it in terms of explaining
Starting point is 00:17:03 What the actual job or whatever the thing is? I'm pretty sure like the pre or post credits intro for like every episode is like here's what a hunter is Okay, cuz you know what it it's just like you get the breakdown of what a Shinigami is or you know Or what an alchemist is or like all of that. Here's how you fucking link the Gundam with the toy Amaro. Yeah Right, so they do they break it down Yeah, like it's pretty simple It's just like you know like bounty hunters and treasure hunters and like all that kind of stuff all like the sort of arch typical
Starting point is 00:17:41 Like adventure kind of stuff. It's just that rolled into one hunters are cool guys. Okay, okay All right, we'll move on But I thought that was pretty interesting That was fun So, yeah with that man. Did you have a week or months? I should say since it's your first time on the podcast What you've been up to John? Yeah, I've been doing some stuff and I've actually been going to go and I went back and I started playing near And I mentioned it because Pat you named your guy Clemps recently
Starting point is 00:18:14 And I went back and I watched a bunch of his videos that yeah Dude those will be for Dragon Guard at the very least because don't go back and play those Yeah, I remember your year, but that that'll do that shit will do he does a fucking great job Are you doing your automatic homework basically? Exactly and And near is like it's an interesting game because like I'm playing it like while I'm still kind of tipping away at Final Fantasy 15 And I think in some ways those games are like the total opposite because like Final Fantasy 15 minute-to-minute is enjoyable
Starting point is 00:18:51 Near minute-to-minute kind of a train wreck in a lot of places But then like the big moments I feel like Final Fantasy 15 totally fucks up and the big moments near absolutely nails I would agree with that 100% okay the minute-to-minute and near is a slog Except when you're when you're drifting giant pigs There was a bot okay, I haven't got to that I can't wait you have to do a side quest unlock it fishing Fishing cool We're talking about fishing I
Starting point is 00:19:21 Oh, they're fishing in near that was a fucking train wreck one of the first things like like like After I had talking to Liam about the game initially and then like you know sort of get him giving all the major Recommendations on why it's good. He's like okay, but the fishing though. That's Conversation that has to happen before really weird when I talked to him. He's like man This is the best game. I like I love this game so much. No, don't do that mechanic Don't fucking touch it mechanic. It's like oh The fishing game it's like a mini game broken to the point that it's nearly Nearly you see what I sat there for like an hour trying to catch that fucking just like fish thing
Starting point is 00:20:05 You need it and it sucks because I Actually as much as I give shit to like big the fucking cat I appreciate a fun fishing mini game, and I think I've been a nice joy catching fish You should you should play the accusers series at some point Yeah, they've got they have a really fantastic fishing game that is a lot It uses the same basic ideas as FF 15's, but it's more in depth. Well Sega bass fishing is it's fucking it will it Radical it explicitly is Sega Bass Fitch absolutely because it's your cousin Every mini game in that series is some Sega arcade game or our bar collection. Yeah, but they threw that's awesome
Starting point is 00:20:45 Yep, cuz like that's that's exactly what it is It's like you can throw in fishing, but don't commit to it unless you're about to get real with your fucking fishing mechanics There's a lot of like fish in that game in near and there's side quests that are associated with it They got real But it's just any guy got to catch the Hylian Loach shit like that That I Did you guys ever barely remember that but I like I have a feeling in my like my memory is not creating an image But my chest. Yeah, it's just like oh feels bad. Why is that the super fish from Ocarina?
Starting point is 00:21:20 That's the one. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, and I that's it. Did you I hope I Hooked it once never caught it. I feel like honestly I just watching a video of someone doing it was enough for me to get it out of my system like, you know years earlier I was like, oh, yeah, okay. That's what that looks and feels like got it and then and now we're done Yeah, that's why I'll never need to catch a shiny ponytail like or like Or what you would call it getting the the was the the true jelly color that wasn't Exposed supposed to be in Wind Waker. I think it was No, there's green and red
Starting point is 00:21:56 I think it was blue is not supposed to be in there because there was no real magic meter But you can actually There is a way to get it by like mixing the two or something like that And anyway, it's in the game and it's this whole thing where you like you can you can go through the the dungeons and actually like Like get that one weird color and something that was clearly removed from Wind Waker I'm like, okay, saw the video. That's cool. Now. I don't have to go do it. Mm-hmm. I feel satisfied seeing that, you know I should have done that with zombie genocide or No, that's the Dead Rising one achievement. Oh
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah, I should have done that And I did it anyway and now I like I've now I have not played Dead Rising one since I got that achievement That's how you get the real mega buster. Yeah, yeah, so it requires like four and a half straight hours of driving a car in a circle It's the only way to get it It sucks like like no reward no matter how awesome like you don't even cuz I was like man once I get that real mega buster I'll be able to just dick around of the I don't want to play the game ever again. Yeah. Yeah, ever again That's a really really shitty one Hopefully re7's Akuma mode is more easily unlockable than that
Starting point is 00:23:04 What wait what okay? This is where I get really worried that my brain completely manufactured this Give me one second to check. Why would you start opening your mouth? Because that's how I am dude. Is that something you want or is that real? What is happening right now? Akuma mode Like we saw first-person Ryu being teased on the switch with Ultra Street Fighter 2 But what the fuck are you actually talking about? Why am I thinking there's an akuma is it akumu mode? What would it what what what is this source source it back? Where are you coming from? I'm trying
Starting point is 00:23:46 Oh, Jesus. Well, we're just gonna have to fucking assume you're out of your mind No, I'm thinking of akumu mode and evil within and that's a goddamn difficulty selector. I think just stop Anyway, maybe it will be in there though. So near you say my friend Yeah, I'm like I'm really enjoying it and I think like the localization is really good as well Like the voice acting is pretty slender. Yeah, what I've seen of that. I love that spiel that Kine gives right at the start of the game every time where she's just like screaming at vice I listen to it every time it's so that there's a problem with that intro Like the the intro to near the problem is that like everything in that intro is from like 70 to 90 percent through the game
Starting point is 00:24:34 Every single thing in that intro is a spoiler Huh, and it's it's like the most Japanese like game intro game trailer thing or or freeze a defeated shit ever but like it is Yeah, I love that there are there are lines of dialogue from the final encounter in the game in that in that introduction Yeah, okay, and it's like jeez fucking goddamn. Yeah, I I just I just remember seeing the The trailer where it starts on a black screen with Some with some really good voice acting and then some really good music kicks in and it's like
Starting point is 00:25:10 Okay, first things first the production value is like through the roof in this game like we got really good voice actors and really good music talent and Everything but the gameplay I guess yeah, well at the very least like dragon guard 3 is a good example like near is solid Near may not be the best feeling or playing game, but it's a brick like it is it moves well And nothing about it is buggy crashy Poor performance, etc. Right whereas like all the other games are just a mess technically And I did like I last night I did that you know the the boss fight where you're fighting like all the blocks. Oh, yeah, that's a good one
Starting point is 00:25:51 That's that was cool like I was like man I've never really seen the score is that the the airy although this Oh, it's like you know that weird village where every where it's like everyone has like the triangles on their heads and Okay, then no, sorry. I was confusing with a different one. Yeah, you're much earlier in the game than I expected Okay, you're that's a facade Yeah, I think so Oh, okay. No, no now. I remember it. It looks kind of like a Zelda boss Yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah going for
Starting point is 00:26:21 The multiple endings to get your complete story Oh, probably not generally with games unless it's like An abs and unless it's like one of my favorite games ever I'll be like, okay. What's the most direct path through this thing might do a few side quests and then just leave it It sounds like I'm definitely gonna I'm definitely gonna like watch them on youtube. Yeah, it sounds like there's some really good payoff um, the there is Because the it's not just the endings that change
Starting point is 00:26:53 um So, uh, this is somewhat complex, but there's playthrough one which is as you would expect Then playthrough two starts halfway through the game And starts off with what I believe is nearly an hour long text crawl Uh And yeah, then it goes it goes onwards and Uh through old scenes like large editions of dialogue are added
Starting point is 00:27:24 Uh to those scenes well As context for things that you may not have understood were happening And then you get your second ending which is expanded and then endings three and four That's just that's just pure ending But like playthrough two has significant value and change added to it Um, it's weird It's really weird Is it and is it worth the extra time is the second one worth the extra time? Yes, absolutely
Starting point is 00:27:53 Are the third and fourth No, because they require you to get every single weapon in the game which requires a fair amount of grinding side questing etc And those are just the endings Uh, they one of them includes an extra boss fight um, but like Basically what I'm saying is like the second playthrough of the game cannot be easily digested via youtube clips Right, you either would have to watch like the full lp like the one that we put up Or you would have to play through it yourself
Starting point is 00:28:22 Whereas the third and fourth endings are endings like you they are 10 to 15 minute long divergences from the after the final boss fight Okay, okay, cool Yeah, no that game is and guess what for for automata We're probably you're probably gonna have to acquire every single weapon in the game to get the the final ending Which is gonna be a fucking pleasure. So so that's that's the difference. Yeah in dragon guard one two Three in and near that's a mess in a fucking platform. Oh go get every weapon. Okay With fucking gusto. That's fine. You know, that's a
Starting point is 00:29:02 Good feeling game seeing those new environments. They showed off on that stream. You got the uh, that stream was longest shit I cut right to the good shit. Uh, I came afterwards and I was like show me this came afterwards Show me the music part. Yeah, show me the uh the amusement park. Show me the mall That looks like some really cool overgrowth. I like that. I like me some good overgrowth Hey, the city's cold. How do we show that? Oh, just put a put a tree on it put a tree on it Exactly put a tree growing out of this merry-go-round or whatever the fuck That's how you know, it's old take a thing that we we use today and then just fucking throw foliage and shit on it and like there you go
Starting point is 00:29:41 Overgrowth overgrowth. It's a cool art stuff. You ever watch that goddamn series like earth without people Uh, no, I watched like 85 episodes of that or whatever and all it is is like, let's look at Niagara Falls Say every human being in the world disappeared tomorrow How long would it take for everything around here to just fall to shit? And how would that happen in stages and watching enough of that show? I discovered The timelines that game used to games used to describe like old city old civilizations Not even dirt would be left within like 5 000 years Yeah, but how long until red 13 and his babies are jumping 500 uh 498 years? Is it I forget the number, but it's like
Starting point is 00:30:24 Whatever it cuts to and it's like Really? Is that Metallic structures like the ones in in uh, what's it called? Uh midgar wood remain Right, but anything made out of like stone or wood unless it's like built super good like the romans like that Shit's gonna just fall apart Because because overgrowth causes massive structural damage Like vines growing through every mortar and every brick and everything like that fucks it up
Starting point is 00:30:53 I believe it. I believe it I want to I want to see a time-lapse video of that. I can't wait. Uh, we need to do is kill all the humans So we can get that nice hard style. Yeah It's what millions knives wanted That is what millions knives wanted. Yep. Hey man, his people were being used as fucking power plants How would you know it doesn't have to be a jerk about it? Yeah, but it's not cool I don't know. I thought it was pretty cool He's basically the jango unchained for the plant race. Like that's all he's trying to do. He's environmentalist. Yeah, but I
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yeah, no, you know exactly no There's some anime villains out there where it's like your motivation is really just to give life back to the earth and You're not a hundred percent wrong, but it's just what do you care about more? Even even fucking x right the dragons of earth Versus the dragons of heaven and it's just like what's your deal? It's like, yeah, we just think the earth should like not have people on it and it should just grow and We think plants are more important in life and animals that are not humans Then I'm like, but I disagree with you. So I'll kill you in the anime. You're like, but
Starting point is 00:32:02 ants and plant animals can't Yeah, that's that's why animals can't make anime. So it's worthless animals Nice So like the best part about that is that because of the way the words work ants and plant animals Ants is supposed to obviously be plants But because that's a real word as well. It doesn't sound quite as horrific Is that like a shitty hatchimal that takes super long to hatch?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Hatchimals that's some kind of new tamagotcho Yeah, you got to just like wait for the toy to hatch out of its egg And it's it's like it's the new thing and I don't get it feel like a really old man. Yeah, but but no But sometimes like no, you can like it's okay to be like I don't get what these kids are up to it's old But sometimes it's okay to be like no you kids are up to some stupid shit No, it's the children who are wrong skinner is sometimes right. Yeah, like when I saw out of touch I wouldn't even if when I was young I wouldn't care about a dumb egg that hatched out of its thing Like that would be stupid no matter how old I was true, you know
Starting point is 00:33:08 I never thought tickling tickle me Elmo was cool. I never understood that You know, like there's some stuff for you're like, no, fuck you kids. The new age is bullshit That's some dumb garbage and you're into it for no reason don't play stickball. Yeah Beaty babies came and went and I'm like fuck a beanie baby It was only like it was only like uh the weird Like bored moms that were really driving the prices up on those. There's a lot of those in north america. So yeah You know and they need they need shit to spend money on and no bea babies were not for children They were they were for like weird adults. Yeah middle-aged women. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:43 Like those dolls with like the really elaborate dresses and and hats and stuff Like the baby Ashley that we got. Yeah That's for old ladies don't have babies and want to pretend they have a baby Well, I was no I was more so thinking of like the horror movie style like shelf of dolls, you know Do you ever see like the old ads for those talking dolls like the ads from the 80s? They're fucking terrible with the lips moving. I think there's one There's one and it's like four baby Ashley and like she whispers Uh, it's I don't think it's you guys. It's god. I what am I thinking of like the one with a moving mouth that like
Starting point is 00:34:23 Would bite or cut or like start swallowing children's hair. Okay. I what am I thinking? Oh, you're thinking you're thinking of Like like at some point you're just making you're thinking of a doll that came out in like 94 95 Uh, and I got recalled because it was a doll for little girls and it came with food came with spaghetti And it came with all this stuff and it's like feed the doll Uh, the spaghetti and the doll eats it. No, I'm no and the mechanism in his mouth was so strong That if it got ahold of say a little girl's hair Uh, it would just bite and bite and bite until it it cheered it out of their heads. Yes. Yes Um, and then that resulted in like five different news stories in the united states of like fathers
Starting point is 00:35:04 Like decapitating the doll to get to the motor. Yeah to turn it off and like having a very ruined christmas um, and that that getting like recalled immediately because it was like Really dangerous to children. It's like tie in the paper shredder for chill for kids. Basically. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah That's fucking ridiculous. How do you have it? It's like if if this was like a Product that was like a unisex product or whatever that would make a little more sense But this is a doll that is explicitly targeted towards little girls who have long hair. So what are you? Yeah, fuck it was bad Can you imagine that woolly if you you woke up in the morning and you run down and like oh my god
Starting point is 00:35:47 It's optimus prime and it's the big one the big one right? Yeah. Yeah, and you start to play with it And it starts to stab you and then your dad has to come over and just stomp optimus prime to death Right how fucking traumatic that would be It's basically what uh, the ki plot goes for with your riptor doll or your your riptor toy or whatever But yeah, it's like and then again, that's it like like you have it's not only like Getting your hair sheared out, but it's like watching dad rip the head off of your of a baby You know Uh, that's a good time. Okay
Starting point is 00:36:25 um Uh, yeah, man. So uh besides near anything anything else of note and so I I'm way Way behind the curve on this, but I've been watching season two of twin peach. Oh, you're not behind the curve In fact, you're just in time
Starting point is 00:36:47 Well, yeah, I guess in yeah But um, I like I watched the first season like a decade ago But then anytime I'd ask anyone about the second season they'd just be like, uh, you should talk to me I think that season's great I fucking love it. It's so good. It's so It's so weird to see sweary on twitter getting excited for a show. He never watched coming back. Well, he never watched it Well, okay So season two's problem is really simple and and it's how you can tell that the difference between the two kinds of people
Starting point is 00:37:17 Watch twin pigs Laura Palmer's murder is the crux of the first season and about a third of the second season, right? Who killed Laura Palmer yada yada, right? Uh, and all the other weird bullshit around it is tangential, right? But then once the discovery of Laura who Laura's Palmer's murder is murder is A lot of people just said, okay, I'm done. I found out who did it whereas everybody else like uh, like you Mr. I patch wolf or myself or matt went who cares about that shit. It's just an excuse
Starting point is 00:37:46 To see all these fucking weirdos all the time And see nady become big boss for example What there's character that becomes big boss. I don't care about Laura Palmer's murder I care about Leland singing in the office. Yeah, exactly idiots. Yeah Care about like this weird will they want won't they between an existing romantic character and billy zane who looks great Yeah, care about oh man david decovanie is in here pre x files and he's in drag the whole show Cool, that's the shit
Starting point is 00:38:23 And this is like it's really obvious that he went from this to x files because he was It took things also. Oh But like in a very he's an fbi agent similar role. Yeah. Yeah, okay He just happens to wear women's clothing. Shit Well, damn, that's like how many years also guess who looks great in drag David decovanie. Yeah, he looks great better than tim curry Yes, okay hmm
Starting point is 00:38:50 And I usually you'd say well better than some women on the show So ha ha except every girl on the show is like knock out 10 out of 10. Okay It's an attractive ridiculous. Why is this small town so attractive? Everybody there everybody there is so attractive except for andy Poor andy. Is he dead like the act maybe? Oh well You got to get on that and third season's coming out in a couple months. Yeah Yeah, I can't like where are you at? Hell, it's not even gonna be
Starting point is 00:39:22 So I think I know the deal. I think i'm about You know what I mean? I know I know what's I know. I mean like pure as a second season's like 21 or 23 episodes It's super long. I don't know. Um I think i'm about maybe Eight or ten. Okay, so you don't know the deal Yeah, um So you're you you have a unique
Starting point is 00:39:50 Uh perspective that you will get to like I would like to talk to you about this when the third season comes out Because I've I've described this to woolly before and I think I've talked about on the podcast season two of twin peaks Has the worst cliffhanger of all time um And the reason why it's the worst cliffhanger of all time is that it is five or six different cliffhangers for every member of the cast And then the show was never going to have a third season So perfect now there is a third season And you'll get to see like who died as a result of those things or like
Starting point is 00:40:24 But it's a time jump. So it's like 30 years later because they're all old now, obviously So weird I wonder if like I haven't seen anything lynch has done Like can you watch a razor head? No, no, no, no. I mean like like later like more recently I guess so i'm just kind of wondering if like has time Made it make more sense. No, okay. I will I will rewatch it like two years ago. No, okay No because
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah, there's there's just a lot of stuff in there and you're like, sure, okay Because my I've mentioned it many times before but my only real point of reference with him. It was uh, mahal and dr Um, which is apparently the most confusing the maximum. It is fucking la la la la la maximum level lynch um God that one with nick cage uh wild at heart is really fucking weird and out there
Starting point is 00:41:18 and I God, I I can't even tell you describe anything about it But wow is it fucking out there and then there's weird ass commercials with the duck in them for playstation. Oh, yeah um Oh my god, that's basically was that the the third space PlayStation the third space it was it was the duck walking and then like it walks by um like a crystal ball then its head kind of like morphs around itself and then
Starting point is 00:41:48 It becomes a playstation and then you see a playstation logo You know beautiful man. I'm really happy you're enjoying it. I'm like I'm Yeah, it's great because like I'd always heard how weird twin peaks was you know And like the first season has moments of like temporary I think the weirdest one in the first season the second season moment with the glass Yeah But then like the second season is just like wall-to-wall insanity like every episode. It's like okay is is um
Starting point is 00:42:22 Is there any comparison between like because when it when it starts losing the plot with like, you know It's not even about the murder anymore. It's just the murder becomes solved Yeah, and then it's just about just random wacky shit happening in this town Like is is there any aspect to it that it's like Like this like similar to lost because that's what I don't really like. I did not watch laws Okay, because that's what I don't like Uh, I watched I watched a Go ahead
Starting point is 00:42:49 I watched a fair bit of lost and like I guess what I'd say is like what always bothered me about lost was I felt like 100% the potential of that show was on like are they gonna pay off these mysteries? With Twin Peaks, I'm much happier just to sit back and like enjoy the atmosphere Enjoy like the weird performances and the music and everything about it It's just a pleasurable experience all the way through whereas it lost. It's like man I hope they can explain this because the thing is the idea of small town weird Shit is sounds sounds really cool to me because obviously if it inspired things like gravity falls, you know Also, you're the kind of person when you watch cowboy beef up you're like get this plot out of my fucking face
Starting point is 00:43:25 I just want high janks Me? Yeah, are you out of your mind? You you would have you told yeah, I know you love jupiter jazz No, no, no, no. No, no, no. No. That's not what I was gonna say I was gonna say you you've you've been wrong about a lot of things you haven't been so wrong In such in such a long time about something with me and cowboy bebop You're completely you would you would have preferred cowboy to be it is Completely the opposite my favorite episodes and the ones that I when I want to go rewatch cowboy bebop Yeah, I'm watching the ones with vicious in but but you have told I vividly remember you telling me that you
Starting point is 00:43:57 appreciate that a lot of the adventures in cowboy bebop are hygiene because they're fun Yeah, okay, they're absolutely fun and I really like shit like pierrot the clown and uh mushroom samba and so on Toys in the attic But I really when it comes down to it to me my favorite episodes are everything about the guild and and uh spiky You're right. You're right. I'm sorry I gave you far too much credit. Wow. Were you wrong on that one? No way Similarly, I'm also I'm also rewatching. Uh, can we be bop at the moments and like I I love the spike vicious episodes But I think one of the things I love about them is they're so in frequency as well
Starting point is 00:44:34 It's like most of that show is just the guys hanging out. They don't learn any lessons There's no morals. It's just like well this happened and I think that makes the actual moments that matter like like really fucking And you never know when they're gonna happen and like as a result of that you appreciate andy the cowboy and shit like that when it comes along You know, um That show's so good. It's similarly like when you're enjoying, uh, random ass Adventures on the planet gunsmoak and then oh fuck. It's a gung-ho gun Suddenly it matters a bit more and then like anything planet really called gunsmoak planet gunsmoak. Yeah We only found out through the uh, the toy line
Starting point is 00:45:14 Try guns stupid. Try guns not stupid. Try guns stupid. Try guns cool You like try gun because you were like nine when you watched it, but then I got older and I was like wait, is it stupid? I was like, no, it's no it's super dumb. No, it's not. It's super cool. Shut up. It's totally dope. I love it Millions knives is the shit Um and legato blue summers is still one of my favorite villains Like I appreciate that type of Old boy-esque dedication to the cause It's fucking great. The other thing about uh, now that I think of it when you say, uh, the lost comparison, right?
Starting point is 00:45:50 And and I've had well if you point out like how much of this is gonna ride on in loss like the payoff of these mysteries Is that by the time you're like deep in a season two of twin peaks There there are like three or four plot lines going on, right? There's the interpersonal plot lines between these couple characters and that's like a teen romance thing. There's The long-standing ongoing, uh drug dealing, uh real estate scams That are going on that are purely grounded They have no supernatural elements at all and it is literally just a bunch of rich people trying to fuck each other on land deals Okay, uh, and then you have magic
Starting point is 00:46:29 Um And the magic one is listed as the ever-present threat to the town Uh, but it gets just as much screen time as say the real estate scam And there are answers to that. They're very weird and like vague sure but like all of those plot lines go to like relatively Sound conclusions and when they go to magic it's like, okay How it works isn't really important
Starting point is 00:46:53 But like the rules become established like you have to do this then you do this then you do this and it's solved Right and it's not like what I what I've heard people talk about with lost in which it's a big Confusing fucking mess that doesn't pay off anything and they they clearly Like did it as they went along. They they've admitted that. Yeah. Yeah, and it was just about it was really about like How can we create the ultimate what the fuck so that people watch it next week? And that's pretty much the in the the MO of the show and I'm like, I hate that's weird because that's great when it's happening And it's see it loses all It like burn everything once it's wrapped
Starting point is 00:47:31 There's no point. You can never go back. There's nothing Nothing to go back to I think even as you're watching it you get this real kind of sinking feeling of like wait a minute They don't have a fucking clue what's going on And the shit I heard about like the later seasons of it with fucking Staring wheels and just I oh god. Anyway, um like like and Twin Peaks has elements of that And I wouldn't call it like they don't know what they're doing so much as they don't care And and that's a very weird distinction to me But like the primary villain of the series
Starting point is 00:48:02 is accidental In that it is a fucking key grip I think it is or like a staffer on the set that was standing in a shot and was reflected in a mirror What and they're like you look really creepy. Yep. You're the villain now What? Yeah, and he looks right and he and he's a guy on set He was doing his job and they did not frame it properly. So in the shot of the room He's not there, but in the mirror. He is there. Oh Jesus
Starting point is 00:48:34 So they go and this was the pre version like and they're like, oh, we fucked up that looks and Lynch goes Oh, that looks really cool. You're the villain And he's like what mirrors become like his and that's why he gets like no dial And that gives us not an actor. Okay Huh, uh, and it's real make it up as they go along But it works because there's no it's fine because they get to go in any direction they want uh so
Starting point is 00:48:59 on another note, uh John if I ask you about like what anime you're watching is that just like asking you about work No, um, I'll say it like real quick because I know we already talked a bunch of anime But um, I'm watching some stuff from the new season I think I mentioned earlier, but like there is a series called handshakers that is Maybe one of the most disastrous productions I've ever seen in my life I would like tune in to the first what? five minutes
Starting point is 00:49:29 five minutes of the first episode and just watch anime die I love it like me like me and a bunch of friends just put it on randomly And we were all just like looking at each other going what the fuck Because it's like I have never seen an anime fuck up like this because the problem is it has too much budget I need you to tell me in what way it's fucking up because I need that information right now It's I don't have time to watch it in during the podcast. What is it doing that is so okay here here it is So take a book on like film theory on animation theory and like composition layout and everything So if you know all those well, it's gonna work, right?
Starting point is 00:50:10 But this is like that took all those books Put them into a blender and then fired it into the sun and then blew the sun up because it's fucking everywhere And it makes it so it's a really expensive well animated shot with a terrible composition that ruins it with no talent behind it Okay, yeah, it's it's budget without direction. It's fantastic special pacific rim with bad camera Like yeah, there's something special about like no talent infinite budget. Yeah that always comes out I did not hit her That room and I don't know what's going on in it. It's just hey, why it's called handshakers It's a beautiful because if you hold hands with a pretty girl, you'll get a big weapon
Starting point is 00:50:59 Oh god That's great. That's good. I love it. I love it. But that about does it for for my week? Do they put a mosaic on the hands? Oh boy They do a lot of shit pat. They do an awful awful lot of shit pat. How's your week? Uh, I had a pretty simple week I played some 14. I played some Isaac just just holding pattern until you you couse zero basically have it How are you getting it? It's a lot of fun. Uh, there's only one I like one problem and I don't know if this is how I'm supposed to play it or whatever but now I'm playing I'm playing after birth plus which is like
Starting point is 00:51:35 uh, re-release upon expansion upon expansion Across update that's the one that's coming to the switch and there are 500 plus items, right? and You can turn on a feature that says, okay, you um, you can see stats. So when you pick up bloody when you pick up like Synth oil and it says damage plus tears up or whatever you can look at the your stats increase, right? Okay, but the vast vast majority of pickups I pick them up and by the end of my run unless I have asked somebody what they do. I do not want to know what they do
Starting point is 00:52:06 huh, and Yeah, in some cases I will I will pick up the same item multiple times and still not figure out what the fuck it does And it's a very like granular thing and I have no it's not it has a weird effect that only procs under weird circumstances Okay, that I would not otherwise understand. I see it's like this one lets you There's one that's really good and very obvious where instead of using keys to open doors use coins Okay, right that's really cool. That's good and it's very obvious because all the icons on the doors change to coin slots, right? Yeah, but then there's stuff like Uh, fuck like moldy bread and you know I pick it up and it goes yum moldy bread
Starting point is 00:52:47 And I can't figure out what it does until someone's like, oh it increased your health and did this or Uh, I picked up a glass of milk and it says don't let it spill And it appears to do nothing other than follow my character around Except next time I get hit it'll drop smash and then my tear delay will go down because I hate and it's just weird And so I mean this position where I'm either asking people what what items do or wicking them Or finding out that there's a mod that just straight up just like has text Descriptions next to every item when you pick them up, but I don't think it's been updated and it's just it's it's kind of unsatisfying because I'm I feel like I don't have the chance to learn a lot of that stuff
Starting point is 00:53:27 Are you talking items in the dozens or hundreds hundreds? So you might are five hundred and four Ish items so you just you might never hit that rotation again for some odd and there's weird synergies that Like seem to work intentionally well together, but you would don't like say uh fuck what the fuck it is Do you get the nine lives you get the guppies paw and nine lives reduces your hearts to one, right? And uh, but you get nine you can die nine times and you resurrect Yes, and the guppies paw lets you trade one heart for uh, I think three soul hearts, which can't regen um
Starting point is 00:54:03 And you can do that and that's a good synergy, but Even what even though I'd gotten those items multiple times before I thought when I used it I would just die because I would run out of zero hearts Okay, and that's a really normal one compared to other weird synergies like oh you can blow yourself up But then there's a thing that causes bombs and it's like it's it's It's really intimidating and really confusing and I find myself constantly wicking just like what every single thing does and for Woolly when you asked about that
Starting point is 00:54:38 Woolly when you asked about like the rarity of items I'd have about 150 arrows of afterbirth plus played. I never came across that the coin to key item Okay, we're talking that fucking man. Okay, and and and then the I guess and and if and if you get it once And then you lose and you didn't know what it did You may not see that again for weeks Even if you play every day and then you get it again and go well, what did it do? I don't know what it did and rarity is I guess evenly distributed It seems like that
Starting point is 00:55:10 And as you some of the items and all that stuff are not unlocked at the beginning And you seem to unlock them as well as new challenges as you Continue to do runs. Okay like in order to unlock more levels I think you have to beat the game like 10 times or go through a special fancy door or what have you but yeah No, it's it's it's there's a lot there It's there's a lot there and I can see why or like why when we took a look at it like we touched into Like when I when I uh when I fucking I beat mom once and I beat her under one second Because of a very luckiest energy. Yeah, and
Starting point is 00:55:45 Uh, if you beat her without taking damage, you can skip some of the unlock conditions And there's a big chest in the middle of the room and there's a door and I was like, oh I'll pick up the chest before I go in the door and I pick I picked the chest in the door the game ends And apparently if I had gone through the door, I would have unlocked like the entire like end game early And it's like how the fuck am I supposed to yeah? How am I even supposed to know when I did it that that was the the thing that happened? No, I like I think the the the small bit of that feeling that I got was when uh I'll we a lot of the comments were like wow
Starting point is 00:56:17 They just ignored the demon door or the satan door or whatever And I remember when you walked in there and I was like it says you have a contract with satan What what is what does that mean? So what what is that? The devil doors is floor two onwards if you take zero damage at all in the entire phase you can get a devil door Which lets you trade health for absurdly powerful items Like it lets you trade pips for super powerful items. Yeah, so but the items have no descriptions And you only know them by their icon and how many hearts they take
Starting point is 00:56:49 And some of them are amazing and some of them are terrible So the nature of this is you will never be an expert the the idea I think back when it originally came out was like You can be an expert, but there will always be something some little Thing some little loose energy to discover. Yeah if you play for a couple hundred hours But now with this level of things it's like the only way to I feel like anyway the only way to know Is to just every single thing that you get that you do not know Pause the game. Yeah, and go read the like frankly Extremely long and exhausted. So there's a character called. Um, god is it eve long and exhausting wiki?
Starting point is 00:57:29 Yeah wiki eve Is it She's the girl with the bird The girl with the bird and the deal with her Is that she starts with two items off the bat and slightly lower stats and you go, okay That's fine. What's the deal? She starts with the whore of babelon item and the dead bird And the and the razor blade in some cases, but okay, let's check out whore of babelon, right? So whore of babelon is a curse up item. What the fuck does that mean wiki?
Starting point is 00:58:00 Oh it increases damage by 1.5 and speed by 0.3 whenever the character is on half a red heart or less But for eve it's one heart And it also changes eve's damage multiplier from 0.75 to 1.01 active What and then you go to dead bird And so all of a sudden with this new character and these new items that you start with it's this weird thing I'm like, okay. Well with eve it's already what you do right when you start is you go through the curse stores that hurt you So that you can pop the the one heart multiplier and then you can get the The the damage upgrade immediately, but then you don't want to get hearts
Starting point is 00:58:35 You only want to get soul hearts and if you get a devil deal you make sure it's just wow It's there is so much And there is no in game resource at all. Okay at all It's it's an insane game for crazy people It is it is like an infinity game Because i'm just thinking of the last time around that they did this and it was like, oh you pick commander video He floats a little bit when he jumps. Yeah You know, and you're like, oh, okay, I get it. That's cool
Starting point is 00:59:03 Uh as for games like really nothing new of interest. I did go to see rogue one though I finally got around to seeing it with a friend of mine. Oh jeez. Wow. Yeah, that's late. What'd you think? I liked it. It was well enough, but very very like predictable Like star war story that finale though. Um, like Yep to the point where it's like I can feel the music 30 seconds ahead of time right like Yep, like somebody goes. Oh, no We'll never oh, there's the planes to help up every time every time um
Starting point is 00:59:38 Acting was fine Lawrence Whitaker, I feel maybe I could have done with more of him because he was crazy. Yeah um, I do like the portrayal of Because the a new hope is very 70s. It's very like clean And I love I love finally like no if this was a galactic million planet rebellion There would be some dirt going on there. This would be filthy and grimy And a lot of people in the rebellion would be terrible subhuman pieces of shit
Starting point is 01:00:09 There's a lot of folks that would be like anti uh empire that also don't know what the fuck they're doing. Yeah. Yeah, um Yep, I'm very surprised at how close it comes to new hope That was not the ending I expected. I did not expect it to end up like 35 seconds before the end of the beginning of a new hope um That's weird to me. So that's the kind of thing where I I see the uh, the red letter media opinions on it and I go All right, I disagree. But I see what you're saying I I love the way that that movie ends and the natural resolution to all those characters arcs
Starting point is 01:00:52 And and and like and I think it's important to show like people like forest Whitaker and to show people like, um fucking uh Well, I forgot his name, but uh, uh Main main guy that helps her out throughout the story. Oh Yeah, anyway, handsome handsome foreign guy. Yeah, so and and and so on because I seem Um, maybe I don't anyway, but like to show uh, um, uh, what a red viper of dorn. Yeah Because uh, he actually, um Uh, is like showing you at the very at the very beginning of the movie
Starting point is 01:01:29 He is talking to an informant and the informant is freaking out And they're gonna get caught and the informant is going nuts And so I oh they're gonna get it and it's like you can see in his head is like, oh, okay And then he just kills him. He just murders him right away. Diego. Diego Luna. Just boom dead Like this guy's a problem and it's like he's like, okay, you're on the good side But you're questionable in your actions immediately and and I can immediately see he's like, well, what am I gonna do? Not kill him. He's gonna tell everybody about the stuff. Yeah, okay. This is gonna be snitch. Okay kill him What was weird was how they kind of didn't go, um, um
Starting point is 01:02:07 How they didn't go More into that like weird mind fuckery thing that was with the pilot. I was like they seemed to be implying I was fine the whole thing. It was totally fine. Yeah Yeah, for no reason um No, but anyway A lot of the areas reminded me a lot of like cotor and it made me sad that cotor no longer exists Oh, yeah, some of that expanded universe, but more importantly than the film
Starting point is 01:02:33 Holy more importantly than the film mr. I patch wolf Is that I saw it in d box and this was my first d box movie. There you go There you go. Okay. So your first d box movie should have been mad max. Well, you know, no one's perfect. Yeah It turns your wonderful movie going experience into a dumb carnival ride Which is awesome Depending on what kind of movie you're going to see Now the price is absolutely Disgusting. It's so gross
Starting point is 01:03:07 It's fucking $22. I think a ticket Are you saying the english patient in d box is not ideal? I am saying that. Okay. Um She does this Just just yeah, no lot lot like the whole movie. I'm doing that stupid thing where I'm looking down my seat going Oh, this is stupid. This is so stupid the plane The plane flew by the camera and I'm tilting as if I'm on the plane that's stupid Why wouldn't it fit my perspective?
Starting point is 01:03:41 See, I feel like the best version of that was uh, The honey I struck the kids ride at disney Where they getcha with a couple of crazy ass things in that and I don't want to spoil them in case you haven't been to it But like they it's more than just tilting of the seats. It's shit interfering with your body now that being said I don't think i'm ever gonna pick another one again because my feet don't reach the ground on a d box seat Mmm That's a problem for me Not not not for others. Yeah, uh, which sucks because there is one thing about the d box ones that I really appreciate
Starting point is 01:04:15 That has nothing to do with the proprietary d box signal or whatever the fuck It's that you don't share arm rests with the people next to you The the the chairs are completely separated. Yeah, and you have your own arm, right? You don't have to do that weird cold war thing where am I gonna get the lower part and you're gonna get the upper part But I mean aside from that I've watched rogue one played a couple games Nothing really of interest next week. I'll probably be talking quite a bit about yakuza. Yeah, and probably gravity rush. Oh, I played neo Oh, well neo's uh Demo last chance is not nearly as fucked up as the old one. So before you jump into that. I just want to also say with um
Starting point is 01:04:50 Drogue one that something I wanted to mention before but I like forgot when I was first talking about it was in that scene where um Whatever motherfucker that looks like game of thrones guy is is like perched as a sniper Yeah, and and then one you got Mads Mickelson and all that like that scene is Really really well shot and reminds me a lot of like games like mission only blah game only missions from that world and and uh When they later on when I found out later on that like some of the some of the shots some of the planets and some of the actual like X-wing pilot Shots were cut footage
Starting point is 01:05:31 That was just straight up from the original from a new hope that would never got used It completely makes it make sense. You're like, okay That's why like this is actual shit that was on the cutting room floor that never made it. Okay now that you mentioned Cutting room floor. There is one thing about that film that I have not felt like this about a movie in a long time this may be number one with a bullet movie of Where is that scene that I saw in the trailer? Oh, that scene doesn't exist
Starting point is 01:06:01 That scene was recorded purely from the trailer. So the Lawrence Whitaker thing where he's like, what will you become? I'm saying Lawrence Whitaker. What's the forest with a forest? Well, correct me the first time and I'll stop making the mistake So I keep want to say Lawrence Olivier and when I keep combining all right I thought I said you're gonna say Lawrence fishburn, but anyway Yes, so the thing with what I found out about that was The entire last part of the movie was a complete reshoot And they had the whole thing done and then they changed the ending completely and Seriously, that wasn't at all originally planned
Starting point is 01:06:36 This is weird because the ending that we got feels like one that would do badly with test audiences And would have been reshot into a happier ending. Yes, exactly. So the trailer was before all the reshoots go ahead With that entire movie it was like I was kind of like Like I felt like part like a lot of it was like I'm kind of wasting my time here Like I've seen so much of this in other movies already But then there's like a point where like Things start to go not great And that's when I kind of set up and I was like, oh
Starting point is 01:07:07 Yeah, we going with this there's the point that I really really started to enjoy it in the final act that immediately changes The way you feel about the entire film. Well, I mean look they're Yeah shot of them running on on the beach like holding The important sit and you're like that isn't at all where what happens in you know, so so yeah That was all pre reshoot and then Man, that's so original apparently the original version of how events played out was the complete opposite of what we got Oh, really? Yeah, that's it was a complete flip So
Starting point is 01:07:45 It's so I'd love to see the Is the least Hollywood thing I can think of it's fucking cool And that's the thing is like the thing that was the best part of the movie to me that's the entire third act Almost wasn't there and I feel like if it wasn't I would have walked out feeling way different about like wow I watched a star wars movie that I already knew everything that was going to happen and nothing had any consequence or value and like It's it's because I thought up until that point They were like trying to do the sort of guardians of the galaxy thing with star wars and we were gonna get a bunch of stuff
Starting point is 01:08:18 But then they did not go that direction Um, you expect fan service and then you get fan service But a little bit more and a little bit more and then oh my god. Oh my god. It was that close. Yeah So, uh, yeah, I really think that's one of the first times where it's like, oh my god, the the reshoots caught it They caught it and they made it better, uh But anyway, yeah, that's really cool suicide squad. Well And I uh, I'd like to also share opinions about neo because uh, yes I too played a little bit of um, did you play that original thing that came out? Yeah, I played the original
Starting point is 01:08:49 I missed the second demo. Okay. Is that original thing I would describe as fucked up Like who like that? Who was that for level of fucked up? I thought it was great the very first one Yeah, no, I'm pure. I'm talking purely in terms of difficulty. Yeah. Yeah. It was great. Okay Wow, okay, because I had a very different experience like I I remember I I got my ass kicked I struggled like I haven't struggled in like a decade. Uh, I Same and like I've played through all the dark souls bloodborn all that that game kicked my fucking ass. I think like, um There's a there's a lot of move sets that will get you fucked on an average grunt If you don't know what the fuck to switch to
Starting point is 01:09:32 You kind of assume that you have a much quicker wind-up than you actually do You like startup is really really laggy on certain things, but um, I don't know I feel like uh, like I did I totally got my ass kicked a bunch too But I I ended up really enjoying it and making it through and uh, as I mentioned to Liam like on the first demo I was able to one-shot that first boss. Um on That's insane to me. Really destroyed me really crazy Like on on the on this new demo I I only got to play I played like about a half an hour of it. Unfortunately
Starting point is 01:10:05 I didn't have a ton of time because I was really busy on the only two days that it was up for but uh, the Like I do like the shop that the that you get to take a big look at I didn't get I don't know if that was in the last one, but you don't think it was There's so much going on with weapon forging now. Um, or in the final game It could not be more of a different way than like a souls game treats its weapons Yeah, weapons are hyper disposable and you're encouraged to break them down And build them up into what you want. The whole reason you have these complex move sets is because there are five weapons And that's it, you know, there's not there's not 108 different weapon move sets with varying thrusts and parries
Starting point is 01:10:45 It's like no, here's your five You'll learn moves for them and you can switch out what you want your combo ender to be in what stance and what and all this Shit, one of them is The thing that I think I said it might have been dark souls too, but I was like goddamn it. I want a chain and sickle Yep, there you go. So fucking happy that one of them is a chain and sickle That's that's radical. I love that probably the weirdest thing about this demo is it took me hours to find it But I played it for about four hours. I think I got to the boss But like backstab is an unlockable ability in one of your trees. I was wondering
Starting point is 01:11:21 I was wondering where that one and it only works on enemies that are unaware of your presence. It doesn't work just circling around um No, but uh, I think uh If anything like so, did you you said you had an easier time with the new demo much and the and the levels feel A lot more cleanly designed. I died more I think with the first part of this new demo than I did in the original. What is going on I have no idea what is going on. I have no idea But like I had a way easier time internalizing this demo the grunts
Starting point is 01:11:57 Fucking wrecked me way harder this time than than the first time around. I don't know I wish I could have now. I wish I played the middle one To see what the what was going on completely. It's super weird But uh, I love the um the yokai battles. I think it's really cool how like You kind of don't know what each one is going to do Like an average a grunt you kind of go like, okay, he's going to have a weapon or an arrow He's going to be a certain time the yokai do weird goofy shit. Uh-huh like I I walked into a room and there was an umbrella
Starting point is 01:12:28 Yeah, exactly exactly and then it jumped at me and shot like Needles out of the ends of its umbrella parts I don't know uh, I and and also like It seems like like blocking is not as bad as you think it is. Yeah, you could actually Stand there and block a thing. Um, not the yokai though. Yeah Don't block that. No, no, no, no, no And I and I love how Like
Starting point is 01:12:54 When you're in heavy damage stance, you get a roll but on medium and light you get a dash like well actually That there's more of a difference because in in heavy you get a big roll In light you get two quick dashes and in medium you get a quick dash and the second one is a roll Oh, I didn't even catch that. Okay. Cool. So like the the they all have various like Movement states that are are better or worse um In terms of like there's a new type of mimic Cool, they have created a new type of mimic
Starting point is 01:13:27 Okay, and it's you open the box and a mushroom jumps out and punches you and then turns into your character And you have to beat your own moveset Nice Another player but like it broke my guard and did the goddamn triangle heavy like execution attack on me and immediately killed me I was like, oh fucking fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah In terms of like, you know, like the the kind of classic dark soul structure where you're like exploring and then like you slam Against the boss a couple of times and then the new area How like that is it like is this does this still feel like really like it's gonna have missions. So
Starting point is 01:14:06 That alone is Crazy different. You're not connecting a giant map. You're you're dropping into different zones constantly Really and this because one of the zone in the demo. It's like you have a start point It's like mission start and that's where your first Temple is yeah, and then you'll go go go and there's all these little branching paths And then it'll eventually just meet up at a boss and then you fight the boss the mission's over and you go to the next mission Interesting because like one of the things kind of putting me off It was like I love souls games like I really do but I'm also kind of
Starting point is 01:14:38 Burnt out from them after three as well because it's like I feel like I've done four games in nearly as many years I'm just tired. I understand. I think though that uh, I'm Hungry for the differences, you know and and and like I completely agree the stances are fucking radical To me in this and I and I at first was like damn it. I'm so not used to not attacking on shoulder buttons That's weird But then and now I'm like no, please let me attack with the absolutely with the face buttons. Absolutely Um, so apparently that mimic when it jumps out at you it does a gesture and if you do the same gesture
Starting point is 01:15:12 It gives you an item and leaves That's amazing That is so cool Uh, anyway, no, so Jesus Christ. I know I know No, so and it just you can just take a look and see like this game is going to have crazy depth like the Unlocks for each weapon tree and the and the pickups did you find any little little frog guys? Yeah, okay. You see what they fucking do what they actually do they go back to the um, the thing and they increase your amrita Okay, no, that's not what they do
Starting point is 01:15:42 That's their product. That's their that's your little bonus you get But what they are is there a nine in a stage and each one you can pay Gold to increase drop rates of various types of things Oh So the the they all started in the demo that I was in at seven percent increase But it's like now if you turn this one on you'll get a seven percent increase to all weapons menu in general Okay, uh or our items or armor or and I imagine you can kick up more gold to have it increased substantially And because of the way that the weapon system works in which there are five types and they're just like
Starting point is 01:16:17 It's like a graze blues oranges and reds. You know, it's like a rarity system. You're intended very much so to max out weapons with familiarity Then use those max out weapons to fold them into better weapons. Yes, and then transfer skills on and it's like vagrant story or like Transformers transformers a lot of a lot of games that have like Upgrade systems in which you keep putting your upgraded weapons into other weapons And so like by the end of the game you have one sword that like you you fed 180 swords into. Yeah But it's so complex like the spear you start with has a special ability that can be transferred over
Starting point is 01:17:00 That it is a lot more likely to break people out of their combos And there's others that have critical modifier. It's it's there's a lot. There's a lot something about this game though that like I think Is just like Real it's it's probably one of the things that makes combat the most interesting to me is the fact that enemy Clear enemies clearly have a stamina as like you and they function under the same rules And they use the exact same rules and you have to exploit it as they exploit yours. I was watching my girlfriend Yeah, some enemies not having stamina is kind of like well now. It's just like a
Starting point is 01:17:36 I was watching my girlfriend fight orphan of cost last night And I was struck with the fact that orphan of cost does not play by the rules Of course not He does not have an internalized stamina bar like almost every other enemy in the souls games have He featured fucking sheets and how bullshit that is and I played the neo demo like one No, three four hours earlier. I was like god damn it. It's so nice to be able to know When the opponent can't really attack anymore giant ass yokai, you know Have they expend energy on their big moves? Yeah, and you and you see it and then they get they get winded and it's it's like
Starting point is 01:18:13 That's fucking cool It's it's a big difference and having moves that are specifically stamina breakers Having moves that are for when you've broken their stamina. Yes. Yes, like it's great um I know that you're saying that you you're pretty tired of uh, like the the souls games and such but At the very least do what i'm telling you like between that and like there's like let it die now as well and I haven't played it There's other things coming out there that are kind of
Starting point is 01:18:46 Using that type of like this is a hard ass game that wants you to play footsies with the average grunt And i'm sure there's some gonna be something that you'll you'll probably still be able to enjoy Yeah, I mean like what I want to see is like like dark souls re like dark souls remix Not just like dark souls again. Like I don't want to play lords of the fallen. I want to play let it die You know, yeah Yeah, lords of the fallen lords of the fallen. I I didn't uh, I didn't give any time to but I watched you I will you see this. Yeah, that's on the dock. Yeah, so um What was the combat that like in lords of the fallen? I guess it's exactly the same as dark souls
Starting point is 01:19:24 with the addition of one cool mechanic And a massive focus on Like you know where bloodborne went speed lords of the fallen went heavy Like it is very emphasized to go big strong heavy slow, right? Okay. The one thing that lords of the fallen did that I really liked is that Your your bloodstain heals you
Starting point is 01:19:50 Um, when your neck when your next your bloodstain fighting the enemy that you fought passively it passively buffs you Huh, it heals you and it buffs you in general the more souls you lost. I think the stronger it is But as a result of that buff the The currency inside it decreases over time. Okay So if you're so you can run for it and pick it up immediately and lose almost nothing But you lose that buff against the thing that assuredly is what killed you is what killed you And I think that's a really really cool mechanical. That's incredibly smart. It's a shame that the game is
Starting point is 01:20:25 very very euro jank and just Yeah, it's not great. It's not great. Yeah. Yeah. So that's that's that's the thing is like they They each have like something that's you know, like cool or different or interesting like that is really I wish the other games had it. That's a really good idea Yeah, and and for neo if there's one thing I could rip out and put into anything else. It's the um R1 after every strike to like perfectly time and recover. I don't know how I feel about that I love it. I love it. It's like the the focusing after you take out an enemy and just like
Starting point is 01:20:59 Recenter I take on the next thing and recover your stamina just a little bit. I started to get used to it I think I think that's so like an active reload for your stamina. It's an active reload for your swings and it feels to me like, um It's reminiscent of of uh, uh, uh using the rev on nero's sword You know, did you fight one of the larger yokai in the new demo? Yeah Okay, did were you familiar with the the the influence of their new mechanic with uh, the the Stamina draining zones. Yes, and if you perfectly time it you disperse. Yeah, that's a big fucking that's cool I really didn't like the the the the stamina recovery system because I felt like that was an excuse to really just Have your stamina immediately run out
Starting point is 01:21:44 But having it have like a mechanical like fight element of like no do this and beat them because otherwise They will fuck you open with a nice big swing and just disperse all that bullshit and make it a clean fight. It's really cool I love that the only thing I couldn't figure out is every now and then during uh one of the yokai swings I would jab them and their entire stamina meter would explode and disappear And they would immediately be staggered and repostable and I have no idea what I was doing to cause it Like I it looked like I was doing some kind of very specific counter hit But I kept trying to recreate it and do it and I tried hitting them from certain sides It must be something that I'm missing also like get supers
Starting point is 01:22:22 You know that you can change up that look great that they look gorgeous Yeah, that's really cool. You need to throw salt on the fucking yokai and open them up like this cool shit, man um, um, I like that The like the bonfire like mentality it is all usable items like there's no rechargeable thing. Yeah, but Like I was drowning in swords after about an hour of playing that game. Yeah, like I had like 35 swords in my inventory Well at a certain point when you you you hit that that little point like don't pick up anything that doesn't have An up arrow on it and the other thing is that well, you can reforge or sell them
Starting point is 01:23:02 Yeah, but like if you're full and you're like fuck this the other thing is that Disassociating uh souls from gold Whereas all the souls types games have all currency and all level up power is the same currency whereas here gold maintains be on death and Souls do not but you can go pick them up um It's interesting because you can just buy a shit load more health items. You just get them
Starting point is 01:23:30 You just buy buffs And that's fine because you have the money because you didn't lose the money on death Like that's the one thing in in in the souls games that I found really frustrating is that you would Fight a boss to a toll stance still and like oh no my weapon broke right and then I died And now I have zero souls and can't repair my weapon So I have to go fight like generic mobs for for 10 seconds or whatever it is to just get enough to repair it And to my knowledge, you know doesn't seem to have any weapon durability at all. I couldn't find any in the system I'm really curious to see like uh
Starting point is 01:24:08 I guess What proper combinations of of your weapon goes best with what super yeah Because you know that there's gonna be optimals and also the game seems really dedicated the way the skill system works It's like no pick a weapon Pick pick two weapons fine pick two weapons And you like an axe you want to swing jump over it and swing again You know and like because if you're gonna dump your skills into something like you're gonna be using it Yeah, um, and it's like that's naturally. I've been buffing the axe
Starting point is 01:24:38 That's naturally what would happen in a dark souls game as you buff a weapon But since there are so many of them and you may want to change them out so often that always felt very limiting Whereas this is like it seems very natural like I really like the mid stance on the default sword Or I really like the heavy stance on the axe and I'll I'll adjust as necessary build up That's really good to hear because I always hated like in dark souls where it's like, you know Kind of halfway through the game you probably know The weapon that you're pumping all your stats into And if you're not going to do that it kind of and like unless you're going to do like a bunch of crazy runs
Starting point is 01:25:11 It sort of becomes unoptimal then club one has that problem really bad because all the good shit is the halfway or Through the game or later pumping weapons in in neo means getting more moves For the weapon. That's really a lot more moves Yeah, not like it's it's actively like changing your ability after after about two hours in the demo I had the ability to Perry all normal human strikes and counter it I had the ability to have a kick at the end of my combo that would sap stamina by like 50 percent of anyone's meter I had I had a different follow-up in which this is a really amazing follow-up
Starting point is 01:25:51 And I might have changed it with a kick where it's you do your square attacks And then your triangle heavy is a back step slash that puts you nearly back to where you started How cool, um And I also learned a move where I put the sword up in the air and for free doesn't even cost stamina And you do a pulse which staggers every enemy with the 10 feet of you. Yeah, it's like Fuck that's amazing and that's stuff that in a source game would be locked behind like an intelligence path, right? Um and would not be just a move that require charges or MP or something With with the axe, uh, you get that big asteroth like spin. Yeah, that thing's great
Starting point is 01:26:29 And you're just like fuck the crowd up, you know, take control of the situation. Yeah, really cool Um, I'm really excited for this game. Absolutely. I you know playing this game now feels like how I played Feels like me playing demon souls Way back because I'm constantly going how what how does that work? This is weird Oh, it's so tough. Oh, I figured this cool thing out. Oh, that's the best and other people tell me no, that's shit Yeah, do this instead and also on the options when you put when you start the game You have oh, yeah, so many granular fine tuning options list them off Oh god, I I don't have a couple list off a couple because the number one the first one is do you want like
Starting point is 01:27:13 a solid solid solid frame rate or variable frame rate or Resolution prioritized Right. Yeah, and the and it's do you want lock 60 or lock 30 or variable and what level of like resolution or effects Do you want the first thing they ask you? And then you hey pick the frame rate. Yeah, and then you go in and it's like down to the point where it's like Upon killing a locked on enemy. Do you want to switch to another enemy or unlock? That's insane. I've never seen a game give you those options great man It seems like the feedback they got from everyone that they took in those those polls
Starting point is 01:27:48 Like they took it all to heart. This really feels like the god eater to monster hunter whereas Dark souls is gonna dark souls and whatever from soft makes is gonna continue to be like The man kind of because it was first and that's where the formula comes from And there's a lot of things about that series that I just love to death But like the new one came out and maybe it's a little rougher in a couple areas But all the cool new modern shit that it does Like it's that I think the monster hunter analogy works pretty well because monster hunter had so many things for so long
Starting point is 01:28:22 Why does it why does this? Stupid game have to still act like a ps2 game. Why can't you just clean up this interface? Yeah, why can't you just let me hold this button though? Also, some of that isn't like I is is I'd say just giving you the options that pc games have yes on a console Yeah, neo absolutely like goes way above and beyond and and like seems to recognize every granular level of controller and performance foible that people would would care about It's and it's crazy because like it's an area so unexplored with like it's really weird Like it's always just like here's your defaults go. Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:00 Um, it's really weird to me that like more people didn't comment to this genre Like that neo's the first like challenger Well, it's it's it's not the first challenger, but I think like well from soft Van Namco made lords of the fallen. Yeah, so and that's the same company that publishes dark souls That's not a challenger. That's a that's a in-between release game We want another one. I would consider let it die I would not consider that to the souls at all
Starting point is 01:29:31 I would consider that kind of its own thing really it is it is mostly its own thing, but I feel like the the way again like I hate the making everything is a souls comparison like obviously that's a tired thing that everyone's sick of hearing um, but there's times when I feel it's apt and and I feel like when uh When a game like like let it die, I wouldn't when the when the average grunt can just fuck you up You have to pay attention to it and space it. Okay. That's that's the the I don't know what to call that then Yeah, but I didn't do that in any game until I played souls So and then I kind of just started to happen right and the mo and and and I feel like the moment you see that is when
Starting point is 01:30:09 Again that first time that matt and I are playing it and we run up to an enemy and just start mashing the attack button Because that's what you do in action games That's right, and this is the first game We're like no no no no no he's gonna fuck you up and you're gonna take a lot of damage Back up and wait for him to swing and then punish that That's a thing that all these games we're talking about wait for him to swing and punish him because you're faster And you can beat his beat his uh beat his swing. Yeah, so that's a thing that um That's a thing that all the games i'm talking about do and prior to me experiencing it in souls
Starting point is 01:30:36 I don't know any other time I had to do that. So that's why I would compare it Okay, yeah, maybe it's just my lack of me. Oh Uh, uh, that's a team ninja team ninja. Really? Yeah. Yeah, it's team ninja, isn't it? No. No, am I super wrong on that? Neo I thought it was I uh, hold on. I thought it was uh, like technocoa Is that is that team? That's let's work in Team ninja developer. Yes. What? Yeah. Well, good job guys. Yeah, they're do I had no idea. That's crazy It's it's them adapting all this this Neo is a brutal return to form for ninja guide developer. Yeah, well
Starting point is 01:31:16 That doesn't play at all like ninja guiding for example where it could not play less That's that but you know what I mean So that's the thing is like oh third person swords cool run up to the guy and start swinging do a combo. No So that you know, I feel like uh that whatever you compare that whatever genre you want to call that type of game Where footsies matters footsie games footsie games we can call we can try to start a thing We can try to call them footsie games, but I'm fine with that But like that's what I'm talking to you know blade is the original And that's the yeah, and that's what's coming out now. You know, yeah, I guess so
Starting point is 01:31:48 Um, so before I I uh go into my week. Let's take a quick word for my sponsors Because we're a little overdue Uh, so this week on the friendcast we are sponsored by Uh Soylent. Oh, yeah I appreciate the lack of Trash food on the table as we record the podcast today before we uh start the podcast That's fine
Starting point is 01:32:12 But I do know that I am someone that on podcast days, especially I wake up. I'm like I gotta get breakfast What time do you wake up to on mondays? Oh, man Be honest be honest It varies depends if I got the if the docket needs Refining then I'll get up early to do it that sucks and if it doesn't then I don't know maybe you should get up at like 12 30 Yeah, so like 10 a.m. I'd say 10 a.m. And then I'm like stumbling about and whatnot and you know Uh I don't usually pay attention to breakfast because I'm terrible at that
Starting point is 01:32:43 I am so if I have to wake up early I am so genuinely disoriented that yeah making breakfast is is like a difficult ordeal Well pat we can make it a simple ordeal. I would well Oh with soylent drink which fulfills more than 20 percent of your daily nutritional requirements I should just drink five. You need nutrients. I do Candy doesn't have a lot of nutrients you're desperate for nutrients right now I don't know your face is screaming nutrients required Requires more nutrients
Starting point is 01:33:18 So if you're on the go and busy and you don't have a chance to like, you know Plan your meals out to be healthy some kind of freak zombo in the morning Then maybe you should try you should go get some soylent drink and and deal with that so that you can simplify your life Don't know you don't have to work work and you can get great flavors like cow cow fruity nectar or subtly sweet original I This is gonna sound really stupid. Okay, but I somehow Didn't think soylent had a flavor Well, I thought I thought that it was like and this is a that's really stupid
Starting point is 01:33:53 I thought it was like explicitly flavorless. No, it has there are flavors to make the future food taste good. Yeah, okay like why wouldn't Yeah, why would I think of course because you need it why wouldn't you want to enjoy the flavor of your I think that was my own pill fantasy. I think so. I think so and maybe one day we'll get there But for now we start with soylent drink So if you head on down to and use promo code super you get 15 off That's promo code super. They're gonna mail you future food to your house and then give you Specifically the nutrition you require get some color back in that face. There is never going to be color in my face
Starting point is 01:34:32 You're turning blue. That's color That's what you just asked me to do I'm not bad. You're kind of right. Thanks. Soylent. Thank you so much We're also sponsored Again keeping the the the healthy food thing going because you get getting healthy is good Hello fresh. Hello fresh. Hello fresh. Are they new so hello fresh is a new sponsor and what they do is they deal with healthy delicious natural food And they basically want to get you healthy ingredients shipped to you. Okay, because again sometimes like us
Starting point is 01:35:11 Getting out of the house and actually getting nutritional good food I recently went out to dinner and the dinner came with a salad and I picked up my salad And the guy came over and said you don't like your salad. I'm like No, I don't I'm a piece of shit and he was like what? Yeah, I'm like I'm a piece of human garbage Please take the salad away. Yeah, and he was like he was very confused right and and then so now your waiter is basically giving you Nutritional guidance. Yeah, because you can't take care of yourself. It's hard. Well, hello fresh Offers a box a classic box or a veggie box Which is sent again regularly to you that contains three four or five different meals
Starting point is 01:35:53 Oh different meals per week even Okay, wow that's a lot more than I was expecting you can absolutely get yourself covered Under their plans for you can have for two people or four people new recipes every week There's you customize you get box options What if I just get the five meals a week for four people and just eat all of them? Well, well that's still be healthy I'm yes, but it'll be healthy in overdoses. Okay, so I'll be super healthy. I'll be like a superman Hello fresh. It's a meal kit delivery service It sends you food that makes cooking healthy fun easy convenient and don't overdo it. Okay
Starting point is 01:36:31 Don't overdo it. All right, and look I even I don't understand how food works. Yeah Well, it's it's simple really because I I had a um our buddy Austin sent him a box and He let us and you know, I had him had him receive it. I'm like, I enjoy the little gift And he was like, yeah, he got a good burger out of that. He enjoyed it. It was tasty He's exactly so so it fit right in with his regular healthy lifestyle and he enjoyed it. He said it was pretty good I guess that means so that's dope what you can do if you want to get in on the healthy meal kit delivery service Is head on down to hello fresh calm and use friendcast when you subscribe for 35 bucks off your first week of deliveries
Starting point is 01:37:12 So 35 bucks you'd buy like a lot of candy with that. I mean you could Or you could get healthy. Well because you're eating so much healthier now That allows you to just Fuck yourself up on your cheat days. Pat our our sponsorships are trying to help us not die. Okay. Let's let's help them That's a good plan. Honestly. Let's help them. We're gonna make we're gonna make products that let our customers live longer They're we kind of need them. Oh, that's a good idea. All right Thank you. Hello fresh. Thanks. Hello fresh And with that
Starting point is 01:37:49 I'll go into my week Because yeah, I mean Hey, hey, um So, yeah, neo was part of that of course Cool game And I mean, you know outside of talking about that I also played some let it die uh, so that was a a stream that I
Starting point is 01:38:08 did on saturday and um Um For those I peaked in there for like 10 seconds and saw you just kicking some dude's ass like Mulching them you peaked in at the right moment because Most of that stream was the other way around. Oh, really? Oh, yeah I was about to be like, oh, it sounds like you did a good job and I was gonna give you a big thumbs up Oh, no, no, no, no, I I managed to make it through bosses and uh, I had a couple moments that were cool
Starting point is 01:38:38 But for the most part I got absolutely trounced because Stepping away from that for a little bit and coming back. I was like, oh Man, I forget how to footsie these guys. So good at neo That first couple of errors is is rough and let it die. Yeah, um Like difficulty wise it's like the enemies, you know, you get into a few situations You're not really sure what enemies are dangerous and what or not and you just get well the problem is that like Knowing it's it's that uh middle of the road fighting game problem even where when you're in the beginning You're just doing anything. You're going nuts. You'll you might even wing it easy sometimes
Starting point is 01:39:15 But when you kind of know that you're supposed to wait a little bit and But you don't have it long lock Yeah, so the enemy runs sprints up to you at full speed and then stops right and you're like, okay I should have either swung while they were coming in or now I have to wait for the counter swing But then a second goes by and you're like, well, shit now the more I wait the more my opportunity is going Just swing idiot and then you go for it and a frame one of your swing fucking counter And that's the struggle every time so you know, you it's crazy because you're nearly you're nearly worse than when you don't know It's it's really funny
Starting point is 01:39:52 How that works out and then knowing that there's a parry in there that I just couldn't get the timing on You know, I was like god damn it like this is making me worse. I'm doing badly here Not to mention that I had motherfuckers on on on on On the assist on the back that weren't really out to help me. Oh, they were out to make me do worse good So You chose very well. Yeah, I know right exactly But it's but funny enough like even even with the extra time I spent Trying to figure out a bit more of the game mechanics after we took the one off look at it
Starting point is 01:40:27 There was still so Much That was unknown Um And like the amount of shit they drop on you in the first hour like just it's tutorial after tutorial and the medias for those tutorials are kind of clunky There's tons of text tutorials and uh most most in fact, they're almost all text They're all two text tutorials like it's only one or two things that you actually do Before you internalize it like when you're doing the other the online mechanics and rating and stuff
Starting point is 01:40:55 Uh Most of the time it's just like here's a message read this thing and that's that's what that's what it is. Um but I I Yeah, I feel like You you kind of get past that and then there's eventually going to be like a menu that you just never looked at or a mechanics somewhere that you just ignored Oh, here's the gun that kills all the enemies and then you have to just go in and look at this box over here Yeah, you know and and there was like constant moments I feel like every hour of me streaming it there was like at least two of those like
Starting point is 01:41:23 Wait, what is this thing that I never even thought about or looked at this sounds like a mechanical version of what I was encountering in Isaac This is really important thing. Yeah And like there's all these mechanics hidden in ways that you just like, you know the guy in the arcade He told me about stuff like you can frankensteiner people From like high platforms if you stand above them And it does a shit ton of damage and it looks awesome, but it's like 20 tips. Yeah, okay, okay You know like finding out about the suplex was was like what you can crawl up behind somebody not alert them and get a nice big old Suda suplex. Yes, right? Um, it's it's the stealth kill
Starting point is 01:42:06 I thought that irons were completely pointless and shitty and stupid because I hated the fact it's like, okay It's multiple hits, but I didn't like it's moveset at all. It's like that's not why you keep an iron in your right hand Okay, you keep an iron in your right or your right or your left hand so that you are one hold it out for a fucking parry That deflects. Whatever's coming in. It's a parry window It's not a manual parry like you see iron. What do you describe an iron to iron your clothes like a close iron Close iron you hold it in your hand and it has an attack that holds out and does multiple hits because it's hot But you can press r1 and just hold it and you know, it's not you hold it You tap it and it creates a window like like a street fighter five style parry
Starting point is 01:42:48 Right And if anything hits you and it uses a ton of your stamina Uses about maybe like almost 40 of it and if anything hits you they get Completely deflected and then you rush in on them And that's what that item does in your in your offhand, right? Plus if you use the gory kill you bend someone over your iron their face off Yeah, and i'm like this went from being a completely worthless thing to being the thing i'm never going to not have Right fireworks, which i completely had no i hated. Yeah, they suck. They just do no damage from far
Starting point is 01:43:20 You use them to cook food Cooking food is a mechanic So you cook things and they do different things usually better things And so you need to cook everything you eat cook the mushrooms cook the food you pick up I'm going to take a piss. Yeah exactly use the fireworks How do you use the fireworks by pointing at it and shooting it? So if you see a frog or a scorpion? That's great roman candle at the at the food on the ground and you cook it And then you eat it with the buffed properties because of that
Starting point is 01:43:54 So you want an iron and the firework in your hands or in your inventory at all times It's crazy I i'm very fond of that game like i think it has problems. I'm on like floor 14 Um and like it has issues, you know like it's not the smoothest or best playing game But like and i know suited and directed but i do feel like you feel his touch on it And like i love the soundtrack and i love the weird ass characters and It's so good. It's one of the strongest of of uh last year. Absolutely And like that moments when the jackets show up that dude that was what i needed
Starting point is 01:44:36 I need to see like cool or competent full character designs because i felt like everything Including the trailers that i that they first showed me was just like just a very Like create a character going through random items kind of looks and i'm like i'm not a fan of that aesthetic, you know I like things that are more like detail oriented um And even like the characters in the arcade like i like them all individually But there's not really a cohesion to them. But then with the jackals, you're just like, okay, like it's psychotic jack punk Yes, there are group you they have you know, you see what they're going for and like
Starting point is 01:45:13 uh, that's exactly it and so i kind of think of uh, what was that game smash and grab the um The uh united front game that came and went and like i kind of remember seeing like characters in that and thinking very similar Mom like yeah, this is just that kind of like random ass put shit on you aesthetic that isn't really cool But then the jackals were totally be seeing okay, there's going to be more here and then um Like higher towers you get different types of equipment that looks a lot cooler on your body and like you and it's totally just an aesthetic thing But it does matter to me, you know, it should cool There's like little touches to it I like as well like i like that the the uncle death at one point is like
Starting point is 01:45:52 You know that girl and the jackals pretty cute and it's like he has a crush on her and it's like What you're you're fucking dead. What are you talking about? He's a weirdo. It's just it's it's a fun dumb time Yeah, so no, I I feel like uh That's something that and the fact that they give you so much game for free is crazy like it's really nuts How much you don't need to spend money to get through this game? um I was about nine hours in and then I decided to put in money But part of me just felt like I like this game. I really want grasshopper to do well
Starting point is 01:46:26 So you're treating it as a temp jar Absolutely, because the thing is is it it almost always makes sense to just let your character die And spend the money to build the backup because you're getting that money anyway um And you're then you spend your death medals on like expanding your inventory instead You know and like it it just your long-term buffs that persist. It really is It lets you play the game like without so there's the like There was this period a couple years ago where I felt like nearly every single game that came out that was big
Starting point is 01:46:58 was like kind of depthless like it felt like I don't know what to call it like triple afication or whatever and just like everything became It's the kind it's the kind of thing where like you can see some executive being like Well if 80 percent of players aren't going to ever see your notices It's yeah, and as a result like all like all these shooters had all their control schemes become the same control scheme For example
Starting point is 01:47:21 And just like all these little and over the past I want to say month Me and you will have just encountered like Six or seven games that are just like oh no these games all have infinite depth. There's tons going on here like Binding up with Isaac. Oh, what's this little game with the baby you cry? Oh, this is a fucking infinity game Like let it die. Oh, this is free to play dark souls matter. Oh cares. Oh, no wait You shoot the fireworks at the food to cook it. That's ridiculous also climb tartarous. It looks different when you go up 10 floors Yeah, good. Yeah, it gets to my like I so much prefer the later floors and the early floors
Starting point is 01:48:02 Yeah, like and I like the kind I feel like uh They probably should have a little more you should get some hints As to kind of not not not how do I say this without spoiling things like Seeing a taste get a taste of what's to come To really like pull you in because you're right when you start that when you start it out and you go through that menu On slot and you're like kind of lost in the mechanics And and like at a certain point when you you beat 10 floors and it's like okay You now have tier two characters the character you're using is obsolete
Starting point is 01:48:37 They're capped out at five on their stats because you've maxed them all out That character is now worthless Shove them back in the freezer go create a new character from scratch who has a max of 10 on all their stats You know and so like there's a rotation of like you don't even get to get a like you don't get uh, uh, what should we call it? um You don't you don't get attached to your character because you're gonna ditch that fucker Throw them back in the freezer and create a new slot and use that for a higher tier That is uh dedicated towards striking or luck or whatever or or guns or whatever you want to focus on
Starting point is 01:49:13 And even that idea is so like weirdly counter-intuitive to like Most games where it's like take this one guy and level him from one to one Monster of this one thing. Yeah. No, you can You can absolutely spend slots to try them all out and the game encourages you to use multiple slots You know and every well every 10 floors or whatever the the count is for as you go up and unlock new tiers You're going to go back and create a new character. So you're not going to beat this game Unlike like you are rather you can but most people are expected to beat this game with at least five of them, I guess you know
Starting point is 01:49:52 What what floor 12? 12 okay, because one thing like i'm really enjoying the game But one thing i'm finding is like i'm on i think i'm i'm on floor 14 And I cannot for the life of me find out how to get up to the next floor And it's like i'm going and i'm exploring all the side routes all those weird side rooms And i've been stuck there for like two weeks. Okay, uh, I mean looking at the map I can see there's pathways that lead back down You know and shit like that, but yeah, I I wouldn't know um
Starting point is 01:50:26 Yeah, I got it. I just got it. Yeah, you know as this somebody helped super ipad 12 get to floor 15 Climb the fucking tower is what people say. Just climb the fucking tower. So I mean if I could get outside I'll do my best Yeah, um, no, it's it's it's don't totally worth your time. It just You might it takes a minute to catch to realize that it is, you know Boss fights are wacky and fun too and totally gross uh full on disgusting suda type characters and
Starting point is 01:50:57 Just you you're like what the fuck am I even killing? I don't know what that is, but okay kill it faster It's dead. There it is. You know And like super fun like first time you fight it. It's you know, it's kind of tough and it's kind of tactical Come back like three hours later and just stomp it into the ground. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, although, um, that's second Mid boss the sniper girl like even coming around more than once like three times I've gone through and I'm like it all like I still don't have it completely down You know, um, I think I think I've been stuck for so long that I'm just over leveled and I just stomper like instantly Uh, yeah, so that's pretty much it. I guess I also um very quickly
Starting point is 01:51:36 I watched that Godzilla final wars finally and got to find out how stupid and amazing. Oh, yeah Um, yeah, good. Good job. Kitamura. You made that I'm like, why are they showing me all this hand-to-hand combat in a Godzilla movie? And then it's like because that's going to be the rest of the movie. Yes alongside kaiju battles. Yes And it was it didn't disappoint It was as dumb and as over-the-top as I wanted it to be it was totally twin snakes Godzilla and Fuckin yeah, um all that sum 41 goodness I love how you like American Godzilla in that. Yeah, that was great. Nice little nice little shot there. I feel like the, um
Starting point is 01:52:17 The what I guess what I'll call like the final demsy roll equivalent of That Godzilla's level three ultra was pretty ridiculous and awesome, too Uh, but my coolest thing about it was monster x Even before like the you know, like the reveal villain that or the reveal kaiju that has to be fought I love that monster x design. I think that's probably one of my favorite. Um monster designs So I remember that uh, it was basically the thing that actually stands a chance against Godzilla for most of the movie I don't look that up because I completely forgot that so that's I've only seen bits and pieces of the movie I may never have seen okay
Starting point is 01:52:53 Well, it it's there and it's like it's one-on-one and and laxly holding its ground against fall final words Godzilla And then it it goes super saying god super saying I see you know then the final battle I mean Godzilla blue. Well, you know, we I think it's rouge at this point. Anyway, are you serious? Yeah, they because they they made a joke about how that thing was fucking cool. Yeah Oh boy, they made a joke about how like super saying god super saying is a mouthful So they just translate just short. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, all right Uh, let's get into the news shall we? Hey, will a what that was the news?
Starting point is 01:53:32 Uh, well It seems like we just got an announcement That for like an hour or two ago hot off the presses the final dlc for dark souls Is called the ringed city. Yeah, and we're getting it march 28th And it seems like what the trailer hints at is you are going to travel to The actual end of the age of fire. Yeah, so before the before the age of there There's a location at the very end of dark souls three interesting. That's cool. Clearly the end of the world like and uh, it is a
Starting point is 01:54:08 super cool skybox And an incredibly small area And it looks like you'll be traveling through that to get to the ring city, which is probably londor Or the church the sable church I I can't I'm not part of the speculation boys, but I love I will respect boys I will say that visually it's it's really really pretty Uh, the the boss looks a little rough though the boss in that trailer looks a little generic Um, what is it demon? It's just like a fire demon. Huh?
Starting point is 01:54:46 Yeah, um does uh Like I'm trying to like was there any like equipment or anything that was like Brand new that popped up there that oh, yeah, totally. Um There's a really crazy shield that is like more like Physically twice or three times as wise your character. There's a big dragon headed shield. There's a bunch of weapons that are like uh, like energy weapons like made out of light Uh, that are probably uh soul weapons. Um
Starting point is 01:55:18 but uh, the most interesting thing is that like Dark souls three's final area is this really fantastic To me anyway representation of what the end of the world looks like in dark souls It when you get to that edge and you look out into nothing. Yeah, really cool It's like this this is what the complete end of the age of fire looks like right, it's just everything Is just turning into nothing and it's just mashing into a big crunch, right?
Starting point is 01:55:48 Um, I'm seeing some pilgrim butterflies I'm seeing that lady's alive in the trailer the big lady Um And that looks like a dragon egg, but yeah, that boss looks like a big Fire devil satan. I honestly I mean like I've seen a couple takes on big fire ball rock fights And like this looks like a fucking good one. Um, uh, you know Hopefully that the dlc is more substantial than the last one, but I doubt it Um
Starting point is 01:56:18 What what's my hope like for this my hope is that since it's a Final send-off a final send-off to the series as a whole And it's like if it is in fact long door Then it's like the most important place in the world and it's about the end of the world I would like to see It and the the the nature of that area being like all these kingdoms and all these locations mashed into each other Yeah, I would like it to be a physical mash-up
Starting point is 01:56:46 of areas from all three games Uh, there's a there's a there's a um Windmill that you can see in the trailer that like some of the spokes look really suspiciously like the one from earthen peak Okay, I would really really like it for it to be just a raw like jam together of like all three Here's two rooms from the undead bird connecting to undead to the earthen peak Connecting to a piece of law through it connecting to The blood like black you know just like a raw just homage piece to all these cool places I feel like more than anything. I just hope that it's nice and long
Starting point is 01:57:23 Yeah, I want to I want to I worry that it is not I worry that it is in fact only going to have two bosses Yeah, and that it will be which we've seen a couple times. Yeah, right so Um This is it right this is this is this is all all it's gonna ever be and I hope that the the final boss of this dlc So in dark souls one the final boss of its dlc is the most important person in the entire world Right and that dlc is right. It's it's like the dark souls one dlc final boss is more important than the final boss of the base game and in dark souls two Uh
Starting point is 01:57:58 Not really but the kings and the crowns and the curse and now that stuff's really important now I gotta use the bathroom. Yeah, keep talking dark and uh for ds3 like all the people and lighting the flame and all that And uh the the the cinder and all that stuff, right? Like that's all really important, but there is setup and there's precedence with the way dark souls three talks about There are a couple of people That would matter more right that could like
Starting point is 01:58:24 have the I don't know the importance to just like draw everything to a close right Like if you happen to find like gwynevere or gertrude, right? or yep, or um the pygmy or Uh anybody still alive from gwyne's kingdom Right or vendra even vendrick for fuck's sake, right?
Starting point is 01:58:49 like just so like This is gonna be the last one and the idea that the last boss of this could be that big dumb fire team in That is was really it looks like originally like it was the great bat that was cut content from the base game Like that'd be a big bummer that being said the final boss of uh the ashes of ariana del Was not like shown off before in that trailer Like everyone believed that it was the person with the um The cauldron that was going to be the final boss of ashes of ariana del and that turns out no it is not it is something very different Uh, I mean like I hope it's good. They have like
Starting point is 01:59:28 They're kind of track record with dlc is kind of interesting because it was really good up until like relatively recently like it From software had some of the best pieces dlc or expansions in the business totally um Like the boss fight with artorias like that might be my favorite I keep hearing about that, but no the the um Fucking uh ivory king. Yeah ivory king is great. Oh my god that fucking fight was so radical The dlc in in all of from software's games has shown off to be usually more inventive
Starting point is 02:00:04 Weirder and having better bosses than the base game And dark souls 3 did not continue that tradition You gotta wonder you gotta wonder if the team is like almost like they create a really cool boss and they're like no No, no, no, save that save save that shit Hold that hold that hold that hold that hold that Back into folder Um dope, uh, so yeah march 28th. That's pretty that's that's gonna be honest before you know it It's right before the end of the fiscal quarter
Starting point is 02:00:30 um And there's a game of the year edition coming out on the 21st in some regions which will include everything Oh like the full yeah right, all right, um We also have in terms of uh Well, this is actually more of a of a like another like unseen kind of unseen 64 style story but there was An article that popped up about the sin city game
Starting point is 02:01:00 Huh, apparently there was supposed to be a sin city game. Have you heard about this? um footage has popped up of A game that was being worked on by an australian dev team called transmission games and it's kind of ridiculous how uh This story plays out because the article that is up on euro gamer is is uh, basically showing off like some footage of this this demo that never made it and
Starting point is 02:01:33 It looks really cool. It's very pretty visually like it looks like it's obviously faithful and such But the story about like how this fell apart is just like One of those what the fuck is wrong with people or almost like what the fuck is wrong with frank miller type of things Which sucks because frank miller is a genius sometimes and other times. He's out of his goddamn mind um and The uh, I think the perfect example is if you've seen the spirit
Starting point is 02:02:03 You kind of go okay like Stop frank. Someone needs to rein him in or if you read like all star batman and robin. It's like what what is wrong with you But basically the goddamn batman. Yeah So what what was happening is because frank miller was busy making the spirit while these games were being pitched and worked on um He gave it to or he gave like uh, responsibility for it to his friend
Starting point is 02:02:32 uh Who wrote his friend who was the who's the person who wrote um dead to rights Flint deal dealie or dial. I think I forget the I don't I don't know how to pronounce that but anyway Uh, this guy the the original pitch for this sensitivity game was one where you play as marv meho or dwight Perfect. Are though right? brawling Yep, uh stealth and s and detective work. Absolutely, right and uh, you pretty much like
Starting point is 02:03:03 It's it was gonna be it was gonna be like an action game Going through the three stories with sure and That's pretty much all you need a lot of potential, right? And uh, so this guy came on and basically he's like he completely Did not he was like despite being like one of frank's close friends He was completely unfamiliar with the work. He was changing everything about the way the stories would play out and what they would be about um, oh, that's great and that's great To the point fans love it. Yeah, and to the point where like the characters that he in the end he's like keep marv replace meho with
Starting point is 02:03:37 uh, uh some random, uh prostitute named wendy and uh replace dwight with an assassin priest Who was just really violent and randomly like that's good And it's just like let's just create new characters in here and it's just kind of like Why would like if you know these characters in these books, you know how perfect that is right away So this guy was just in charge of everything. It didn't know what the fuck that's great Um, and by the time they had meeting meetings about what the game was supposed to be Like they were making an action game that was like playing like an action game and what this guy and what the people in charge of the brand
Starting point is 02:04:11 Thought they were making was a panel to panel Game that was like half story half narrative half action And Yeah, like they thought you would play out each panel And then the camera would move over to a page and like you play out You play the panel and then it would move to the next one almost like comic zone, I guess Oh, so it's another game that's ruined by producers that don't know what game completely don't know what they're making and what's happening And so it's almost one of those things where it's like, you know what in the end
Starting point is 02:04:41 Like the guys that were all working on it were like, yeah, it went under but it's for the best It we don't actually want our names on the product that they were forcing us to make and it's it's sad because I love hearing the breakdowns of that stuff like to me. That's just like so fascinating Like I think it was polygon who had that full breakdown of starcraft ghost a couple of months back Oh, did they take a look at it? I haven't I haven't read into that, but I know that's a man That's an ever an ongoing story forever Um Starcraft ghost so weird to me because there are two complete failure games underneath that name
Starting point is 02:05:14 I mean, there's a lot of nova content now that you can just go and you know But there were two full games created that were both starcraft ghost and they were both like awful and blizzard shelved them like fuck And that concept's rock solid. So I don't know get what the problem is. It's it's a shame I don't know like I think I think in blizzard's case Like I didn't see that story, but if I had to guess it was just they're extremely high bar for what they consider releasable It also seemed like a lot of super talented people Not working together very
Starting point is 02:05:47 Okay, because like there was even like concept art with like and like I know this is probably fairly typical but like really aggressively red pens no do it like this and this stuff and it was It seemed like a pretty tough project to be working on blizzard takes their Like design stuff overly seriously. Well like metzen is kind of nuts about the look And that kind of sucks because I think his look has kind of run its course. Well look infinite infinite budget um And infinite polish time
Starting point is 02:06:21 Blizzard strikes means a company that They don't want to put games out unless like it's going to be on a game of the year contender list Yeah, um And like I kind of like that about them and I kind of hate it a bit, but they make Boat loads every time but at the same time occasionally they make like starcraft ghosts gets cancelled But like diablo 3 got released at that auction house and the the server stuff That like broke that game for a long time Right, right totally and on the pc
Starting point is 02:06:51 Like net never forget how fucking broken diablo 3 is on pc. I live in canada I cannot play that game without lag because there are not canadian servers The closest server is in new york and Like it's not very much lag, but I can tell That like because diablo so fast Like i'm playing with slight delay and like that's stupid It's fucking dumb the console version of that game came out and it was better right away
Starting point is 02:07:20 Because they had offline playing It's weird I again I like I Then overwatch came out and all's forgiven. Oh, yeah, so yeah I Kind of hard to criticize that's exactly it is that like i'm like for the most part those fuck ups happen But the track record is pretty solid still pretty good, you know overall like you hand them a few and it's it's still pretty fucking good um
Starting point is 02:07:47 So yeah, like a bunch of shit actually happened just this morning So that I was kind of like scrambling to to make sure to get in here I guess the big one as well was the reveal of The next star wars movie title. It is called star wars the last jedi so um, yeah episode eight is called the last jedi and it's um princess leis that's a little awkward
Starting point is 02:08:17 Because she's dead that's the joke i'm going for i completely Okay, all right I enjoyed it. Thank you someone did Uh, the star wars is in red The star wars is written in red. It's not in yellow. So guess what that means It's the dark second movie. Yeah Well, here's the but that's the third dark second movie. So, um it's
Starting point is 02:08:42 It's a it's it's a pretty safe kind of choice I don't want to see i'm not going to sit here and be like let's analyze the title like whatever But I just sit here and analyze. Yeah, no, but I guess I like all we have to go on is the words And I think like when I when I hear you hear things like the phantom menace and you hear things like Return of the jedi and attack of the clones and such. Um, this one is like not awkward. It's fine It's just a little plain. Um, the only thing I uh, the only thing that I I don't know if I like it about it But as I finished you're saying is that This title
Starting point is 02:09:13 Just sucker punches the balls off of return of the jedi Yeah, because it's like yeah the jedi returned but there's so but it was a massive failure Oh, no didn't go great didn't go great and it's like and like this is within one person's lifetime You know, this isn't like fast-forwarding through successful generations actually the fall the jedi Sorry, the revenge of the sith and the return of the jedi and then the last jedi are all within one person's life That's what I mean. So like Yeah, no, you fucking like you you brought it back. No, you didn't. Oh, luke you failure It's all your fault
Starting point is 02:09:53 No wonder he's sitting on a rock. So this is this is about mark hamill. I assume one has to assume because it's gonna be all like Hey, look, I'm a jedi. I'm tired. Yeah The others the others like so what are you most excited about for this film? Uh I know exactly what I want out of this. I I uh you a luke skywalker death scene don't even give a fuck That that's probably that's training. That's gonna happen. That's gonna happen. I don't it's I want to I want to put odds On that approaching a hundred percent. Yeah, probably um The the training of uh, fuck that I want more snow
Starting point is 02:10:33 Oh, okay to find out what the deal is like that dude is so he that is a character from dark souls In star wars, but he but now that you know, he's not big. I don't care. He's still fucking weird. You look at his face I saw weird. I it is weird, but I was so evil. I was way more interested when I thought he was a giant Same I was like what the fuck is this and I was like it's so weird and so I was like I want to I want like I found him to be the most intriguing character in force awakens And it's just like who the where the fuck were you where the fuck was this character at? In the last couple films because this guy seems important Uh, I I'm excited to see more fin po bro fin po bro. Yeah. Well, hopefully fin wakes up out of that calm
Starting point is 02:11:24 Well, yeah, he's gonna be fine. He'll be fine. Well, you see though. Oh, what's the name of the guy most uh, not moses That's the fucking character's name from back in the block What's uh, what's fin's actor's name a boy boyega? Yeah, right? Uh, you see him like posting on like instagram and stuff being like getting super ripped again for episode eight And he's like in the gym. You're like Okay, I think fin's gonna be coming back on a speaking roll probably Yeah, probably it's like man this guy in the coma sure. Yeah Exactly, right like when he was in the coma. We just started to pump him full the steroids
Starting point is 02:12:00 But I like I'm I I don't want like only ready to get training and him to wake up and be like I'm so behind like they've set it up in a way where they could both Theoretically be like lightsaber wielders So I kind of want to see that like she's clearly got the force of death power, but he can do it Not gonna know he beat traitor Remember or traitor or whatever people called him. Anyway, he beat the no, he didn't Oh, he got saved on shoot. Yeah, he got super saved. You're right. He loses hard. He ate it. He ate it Uh, fuck that would have been a bloodstain. I wonder would they find a find a way
Starting point is 02:12:37 To bring that traitor character back in some form or is he just? Because there was such a strong reaction. Yeah, I think an unexpected strong reaction Everything everything. Oh man. In the way. There was an unexpected reaction to bubba fed originally, you know I want to talk about that traitor for a second that fight because it does something in stories that I'm madly in love with I don't know if we talked about it before So the thing the problem with lightsabers they they cut through everything. That's awesome, right? Yep And also in the original series, they were really heavy But then they got changed to being like super light because why the fuck would they weigh anything?
Starting point is 02:13:09 They're made out of light, right? Yeah, and that's when you went all the hyper hyper acrobatic stuff But then we look and we go, okay, say you make you something out of what's it called the fucking uh vibrate now Whatever, there's a there's a Cortosis you can't cut through and also if you electrify things in a certain way you can't cut through them, right? Yep, this presents a very weird problem for uh lightsaber sword fights because when you go to clash the lightsaber has no mass Yeah, which means Anything will just bat that shit away like no problem and that's what you see in the traitor fight So you see that he's got this big heavy thing which has the which doesn't break and he's just knocking fit around with it
Starting point is 02:13:49 Like he's a bitch So they give I mean they give the instructions to like swing lightsabers like they're super heavy But it's like no, yeah If you have something way behind it probably will not at all stand a chance what I don't get of not it's not what I don't get But what it selects is when you think too much about it and you're like we've seen multiple examples of Insane levels of anti-jet eye technology. Yes, you could take everything you learned from Uh grievous those rolling droly polis and traitors like fucking baton and combine them into a robot That cannot be stopped by anything remotely
Starting point is 02:14:23 There's there's something there's something more than that and it's something from the eu But it's there's so it may not exist anymore But uh prior to blaster weapons in the star wars universe. There's something called a slug thrower and what slug thrower is Is a gun it's a ballistic weapon Yes, I yeah with it and it fires real bullets it fires bullets, which is crazy. It doesn't exist in this world Yeah, they were the only reason you would use a slug thrower is in the eu Is if you were going to fight jet eyes because jet eyes can't block ballistic projectiles at lightsabers
Starting point is 02:14:58 Because they pass through the lightsaber and become super heated and explode right it just becomes a Exploding mist of lead Right in your face. I would give anything to see that Hey, you know what would kill a jedi in about one second a shotgun a normal gun. Yeah Uh, that's great. That's that's like so many things with like magic systems though It's like man, you know, it'd be really strong in this universe a fucking gun unless they unless they know I like super ipads. Well, if he's coming around to my just use a gun
Starting point is 02:15:26 Technology unless they know and they uh, they force they force stop the bullets. That's fine before it's the other thing the other thing about star wars Is that's baffling is like the lasers that they're shooting it's like it's super heated gas whatever that's a laser but like Why is that moving so slow? Why is that? Yeah, why is that moving so slow that i'm able to see the gun fire? And then move my head out of the out of the way Why how it because it would just be like, oh, there's a hole in my face
Starting point is 02:15:56 And now we're just straight up in grito shot first territory. Yeah, so there's no winning There's no getting out of that and apparently the comics touched on something of what I was just describing with the ridiculous like tech Anti- Jedi tech so yeah, I'm sure people have covered that in different places But I'm just like based on what we've seen in that last movie with the fucking random stormtrooper type that is ready for a Jedi And waiting in fact hoping that oh today's gonna be the day I'll get to fight those laser boys, you know Um, but anyway, yeah, uh last night. I don't know. We'll see red logo Uh, what they throw a date on that. I think they throw a date at the end of this. Yeah, december 15
Starting point is 02:16:38 I'm looking forward to more temper tantrums from our resident edge lord Of course, of course. Yeah, and I want to find out what the deal with those mando helmets was about They have those mandalorian helmets and that one flashback. Yeah, like you're like, what were those people? What's your deal? They were cool. I believe that I believe those guys like the knights of ren That that's the guys thing. Yeah, I believe that's like, uh, like 90 of the stunt team from the raid and the raid too God it's uh, and they were credited. I remember before the movie They weren't getting credited as like they were going to be in in the in the force awakens
Starting point is 02:17:15 I was like, oh, it's like, oh, they're only in a two second flashback. Well, what's his name? Along here guy. Yeah, uh, fucking I forgot his name in mad dog mad dog mad dog. He he shows up As a character, but like at the same time it's like, oh, no wait, they're gonna be They'll kick them out of the next time and you're not gonna hire Pete you're not gonna hire action actors from the raid to be faceless voiceless guys who stand around. No, you don't clearly I certainly hope that um
Starting point is 02:17:46 I hope that they lean into kylo ren a little bit, but not too much. Yeah, you know Because I liked him in the last film. I thought he was like interesting That's what I but what that's what I mean is that it's the perfect balance of like This character is a fucking shitty little brat and I'm a fucking bird And that's exactly why it works and like if I want someone to walk into his room and crawling It like if he if they tried if like he takes himself seriously But the camera does not and if the camera were to start taking him seriously The whole bit would fall apart. So that's what I want
Starting point is 02:18:22 I want the camera to stay in the right place to make sure that kylo is represented as childish as he needs to be Like I loved the best part about him from the last one was his Yeah, man, exactly the camera cuts through scouts like stormtroopers like now fuck that like that's perfect, dude It's like a nice little villainous thing of like it's a villain type that stars hasn't seen which is the the Slimy pathetic Desperate villain that has power. Yeah, like that is not a joke. They're not like, you know They're not like some bounty hunter guys. I oh, I'm gonna shoot you know like he's formidable but he's also
Starting point is 02:19:01 Like desperate and pathetic And like those kinds of villains are the ones that are like kind of scary because they do weird or horrible things For no reason or for really really petty reasons. Yeah. Yeah And I think like, you know, a lot of people want to like, oh, you know, he's not Darth Vader or whatever and like I do get that because obviously Darth Vader's cool, but it's like We already got Darth Vader. Like I like a new angle on the villain. Oh, yeah Also in rogue one the Darth Vader bits are like fucking jerk off. They're there. Oh They're so good. No, I'm not that I'm saying the opposite. They're like people at luke starts like going jerk it off
Starting point is 02:19:39 Oh, yeah, sure. Darth Vader They actually they actually got me out when that happened and like, I don't even care about star wars But I guess I just appreciated the immediacy And just suddenness of he's there and then just shit gets bad for people. Those two were last-minute editions. Yeah Uh, his his those cat. Yeah, they know what I wanted the ending to be right I wanted I wanted the ending of that movie to be everybody like is struggling to to
Starting point is 02:20:05 Do the plan and then the ending is okay. You run off Darth faders here. It's the whole cast versus Darth Vader and they all just get fucking murdered Like I would I would have loved that next best thing. Yeah, that would have been really good. Yeah, I got silver Yeah, um So like look at our heroes. Can they know they can't what are you stupid? Of course they can't No, and they don't and you know that they don't yeah close enough. Yeah close enough uh so
Starting point is 02:20:37 The other announcement from earlier this week was that the official May apology event in overwatch Year of the rooster Is year that cock is gonna be happening And uh, we got a peek at some of what they're doing with the skins and stuff. It seems like for, um Zenyatta Roadhog, uh, Winston and Reinhardt. They're doing a full-on a journey to the west style thing Sure, which is pretty cool. Um, that's a fun thing the
Starting point is 02:21:11 Uh, yeah, they showed off a diva with like a full-on like korean traditional Uh uniform and and her mecca is also like decked out with traditional mecca looks fantastic It's a cool. It's cool. I like I like the two colors going on like that like I think it's it's really well done um, and then the may the actual may uniform itself, uh is Really really strong. It is probably like I actually haven't seen it. Well, let me look. Okay. Yeah Let me see if I can pull that up for you It is like the most like we are so sorry for what for what we did with Christmas
Starting point is 02:21:47 Like it's it's kind of nuts because Christmas one was offensive. It was a waste of money It that's the I think if the price wasn't as high as it was to be considered a legendary people wouldn't have gotten as upset at it Like all they did was throw the hat on right and then they made it like with the the white trimmings like santa clausie type of thing I don't know if you've seen any of these. Uh, that looks cool john Um, I'm just checking out now. So yeah maze. Uh, you're the rooster thing is way more elaborate And there's also that looks cool. That it's a very clear. We're sorry We're so so sorry Um, it's good and then there's a mercy skin as well. So
Starting point is 02:22:27 Like good good job guys. Good job. You uh, you know, I didn't know there's a mercy one. Hold on Yeah, I think the mercy one comes in on one of the teasers that uh, got um Got leaked because there's a leak to this footage and then you get a quick look at it. You don't really see it That well because it's kind of blurry footage, but it's a wonderful blurry footage But yeah, that's dope. I think that's dope. Um, also like Yeah, they're keeping that game going in a way that's like kind of it's interesting and it's satisfying to keep playing that game I was surprised that they were going so quickly into another event
Starting point is 02:23:03 You know, it feels like like time to ramp it up Yeah, like I mean Christmas literally did just happen and like halloween was before that so If what about chinese doing your man? Do they well, are they gonna keep this like Constant pace of events or is it? No, what I what I bet what this is is that I is the game quite large in korea and china Of course, okay. Well, I I don't think those countries give quite as much of a fuck about christmas as we do Yeah, and they need their big massive super event for the lunar for the for the lunar new year Yeah, no fair enough. Yeah, I'd say so and anytime they fuck up on a costume
Starting point is 02:23:39 They can just like make a new and make one for the next event to make up for it. Absolutely So that's uh, get good on you guys Yeah, and with it comes some um some gameplay balances and changes that are as always ptr. So yeah And anything they're mainly like apparently right now the I've been I've been the reports of coming in because I haven't touched it in a bit that uh That the tank meta is really really strong because ana is really really strong and They're pro and they're it sounds like they're gonna be nerfing ana so that tanks aren't as devastating in the meta right now boo
Starting point is 02:24:13 Overwatch continues tanks are great Um, and I like right now. We have yes. He's music to Reinhardt's area for life Uh, the my boy roadhog, man The news is coming in about uh Tekken 7, which Yeah, well, yeah, we're talking about Tekken 7 Feels like Tekken 7 has the closest thing to a traditional arcade fighting game release because of The ridiculous delay between the arcade and uh console port. It's gonna be like a year It's gonna be about about that. That's that's a long Tekken 7 has been delayed to june
Starting point is 02:24:47 and you know What like why shut up? Do you think do you think? No, don't actually shut up. I mean okay Because like are they adding in like a wealth of single player options or what like because that game has been like out and looking Good for so long. Yeah um, I it's hard to really say I know they're adding a lot of uh console exclusive content
Starting point is 02:25:15 and they're spending some time there but I I think that like the version of it that I played which was uh both the pre latest patch version so second the pen ultimate uh patch was Still, uh, it had some major issues like uh, I mentioned whenever you get a throw on the dual and you're playing in dual screen mode There is a noticeable pause in gameplay. That's more than a couple frames. It is like About a quarter to half a second And
Starting point is 02:25:45 It's bad. Um, you can't play that competitively with that type of lag in it You know, so I think like dealing with random issues like that probably But you know, like as Tekken usual As Tekken releases tend to go though like they pack in like yeah like console exclusive stuff Also, you know what time it's been a long damn time since I got into Tekken because I kind of didn't I wasn't feeling six. I don't know why I could really go for some Tekken. Okay. I could really really get you're probably gonna like the supers You're gonna the new the rage arts and rage drive. Um, that stuff's really interesting. I I
Starting point is 02:26:21 Frankly like it's not gonna be it's never gonna be like Tekken 2 to 3 in terms of roster change But I do like everybody's default costume is now different Yeah, well that's a bigger deal than I thought it would be for me. That's It's really cool. Like some of those new costumes default is him with the blue shirt the suspenders the tie and the and the fucking mask Okay, so so is brian's the balaclava. Yeah, I think it is actually Oh, man, that's it's so dumb. That's so mother fucking Okada Yeah, the rain maker
Starting point is 02:26:52 Okay Is dressed up as king and king is dressed up as the rain maker And they're just cross promoting and he actually gets the goddamn larry it and I'm just so happy I've never been happier about that and I look like my upon seeing that it was just straight up instantly Well time to learn king King's great. You'll like him. Yeah, I I I enjoy this right up your alley. I mean, I'm I like my boxing I like my ogre. I like my yoshi mitzu, but If if okada's there then I need that and that's the king's chain grabs are a blast to do. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 02:27:29 Yeah, there's tons of fun. I'm watching watching the The the look on like I remember my friends my friends face I was just like playing playing playing it back in the day and one of my friends would do like the chain grab combo And it's one of those matt looking back like what do I do? How do I get out to get you get fucked? You got to know you either break it properly because you know, you know the brakes. Yeah, or you get fucked Oh man, it's it's it's great and every every throw accompanied with a weird stock jaguar noise And uh, you know the the second coolest thing about that pack is The fucking bullet club shirts that you get to throw on everybody
Starting point is 02:28:04 Just like yo, you want paul in the bullet club? Here he is. Here he is Oh my god, I know that that that's Yeah, that's amazing. So that's a fun crossover. I'm really really happy with that Tech and please come please come I'm interested to see what the what the um feeling about this game is going to be on release because It's that the way this thing's coming out could not be more opposite of the way street fighter 5 came out Whereas street fighter 5 was like does the game play? Yes. Does the online work?
Starting point is 02:28:38 Yes, you already have it. Is it fun? Yes here Yeah, and a lot of people are miserable as fuck, right? Yeah, whereas tech and it's like Did you put in tech in a ball? No delay it by two years All right Scrap everything we're starting again and feel like the bit We're going to get to see the opposite in which casual players that go Oh, there's a new Tekken out and pick it up or are going to be really thrilled with it But people who care about Tekken I have been miserable for a while
Starting point is 02:29:08 Because why can't they play the new Tekken other people can play the new Tekken Well, anyone who's anyone who wants to beat Japanese players is having a hard time I'll tell you that bring a gun. Yeah, that's that's going to be real rough. Hopefully that code's good Hopefully they've been on and off with their net codes, but uh soul caliber 5 and Tekken 6 are solid though I really do I really do love the idea that when you pick your character you didn't pick what side of the screen you want to fight on And I would love to see that in other things It in 2d games. It's not as
Starting point is 02:29:40 Viable um Because visually the information would change but I I still For at least 3d games where you can read a move from both sides and you more or less have to I want to see that from now on Yeah, totally Uh, excuse me. We got I don't know. You're excused. We have um the good old boys over at uh play dead Teasing their new game Well, have you noticed what's going on with the ads when you go to these websites? Yeah, they are nearly all Casper matches
Starting point is 02:30:12 I think they're targeted. Oh, man. That's great. That's fucking great. So um get extra value for your ads here at the The super best friend cast. How about that? So um much in much like the um, Oh, they're they're doing the set of the colossus eco thing doing the ueda thing They're doing ueda's thing where they're like here's the image That represents the game and you go that's a really cool image. It's a it's a young person Or it's a person in a space. You don't know what they are. That's a person That's a human-ish figure with a space suit. It's got a helmet on and there's a there was what what appears to be a parachute dragging behind them Yeah, and they're on a snowy ridge looking out onto a gray horizon with what looks like a massive meteor
Starting point is 02:30:57 crashing down to the earth Or something that has already crashed letting off smoke. Yeah, the perspective makes it a little weird Um, that's really striking. Yep. That's really striking And awesome looking and when I look at that piece of concept art, you know what I think? I think I hope that that character is moving from left to right through that stage And that that is just a background element just like it was used to Excellent effect and inside. I really do hope it's uh, it's 2d as well. Yes. It's a weird thing for me to hope man I I kind of I kind of hope it's not because like I feel like they made inside and then they made like
Starting point is 02:31:34 a totally different but like still quite similar um Game with like or they'd made limbo and then they kind of reiterated upon that a lot with inside I'd be really curious to see what they do while I agree with that like in my heart like i'm paranoid because I I absolutely adore Uh, who makes this who's played it played it. I love played ads like I feel like they have a total mastery of that's exactly
Starting point is 02:32:01 They've mastered it exactly that's background elements. That's what I was going to say And Absolutely like they totally does it like that and like I'm scared that I might get a pretty good game That's in 3d instead of like a fucking 11 out of 10 like inside is because the way you do background elements in 3d is Very weird and different you have to be able to kind of walk up to those elements like that the shot composition You know unless it's like behind a fence or something the shot composition a perspective in inside is my favorite part about that game and you don't have shot composition and Uh
Starting point is 02:32:38 And what not you can't guide the camera in the same way unless Yeah, like there's definitely a lot of their strengths that maybe would not get used as well But man, I'm just I'm just super curious what that team could do And and and I mean it they could do something incredible because look, uh, we've all seen and played A very different version of journey from each other But at the same time we all had more or less the same experience with it And I think uh, that's the version of like A similar thing where you kind of go through a 3d game
Starting point is 02:33:12 Getting a really awesome visual narrative. It can be done. It's just that I really really like what played it is done and I kind of like oh, I'd love to see them tell more stories like this That's that he said this is probably very far away. Oh, yeah Inside took like what five years whatever man take your time boys. It's gonna be good. I was surprised that they showed off this now It's a seven later I don't know. Uh, I guess it's just to let people know that something's coming You know, um Yeah, I guess with the image. Uh, he said thanks for your warm reception of inside since release played ed
Starting point is 02:33:47 Founder aren't jensen and the team have been working on our next adventure And yeah one one inspiration picture. I wish more studios did the oh, yeah, I love it I wish we could just have like a nice like gallery of like what is 2018 gonna look like and we just have a bunch of pictures Yeah And no details about the games and that's it that'd be cyberpunk is close to that Uh, we got some FM. You got the one trailer, but the trailer has like nearly nothing in it. It's just an art style No gameplay indication. No gameplay. But the way they've cda prox been talking about that game is like Wait, it's gonna be 10 times as big as what you're three. What?
Starting point is 02:34:23 You're a liar Even with the yeah, like there's a logistical point where you're like, but I know I know in reality. Poland wages are not the same as Uh, american wages because of the currency exchange, but like what? Oh, also, unless it's not a guided experience speaking of poland Uh, oh, yeah, how do we dodge that? I have been, um, informed That uh, that was not a polish flag So in the in the intrusion to That video that we that we put up
Starting point is 02:34:58 Is that the ukrainian flag? Um, that was a russian game. Okay russian game and uh, so why does the language setting underneath it say pln? Oh, I that's what threw me the just what looked like gibberish to you. Yeah Um, it's at eng for english and then said pln For I don't know but where's the fun the best part about that was so we played a game, uh, and we uh, very early That made a joke about it being polish jank and I was like, yeah, sure because I didn't recognize the language and uh, Neither of us were all dumb and we don't know what the flag was So, uh, we then committed to continuously make
Starting point is 02:35:41 Jokes about it being polish jank Which for the rest of the video and it was like all mistakes Yeah, it's like if you just throw that one out and then you go and play the game and that's that then whatever But the fact that we then committed to the bit for the whole video just makes the whole thing better So listen, I'm gonna say something that may offend some of our international viewers. Uh-oh If you want your flag to be more memorable May haps you update it to not being three strips of color on a rectangle It is genuinely difficult for canadians, and I very much assume americans make it three strips of color and the shape
Starting point is 02:36:20 Yeah, any anything I remember uh, I remember brazils flag. No problem. Yeah, I remember, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh chinese and japan's And england's hey don't tread on me and the u.s Well, that's not the real one. That's the old one. I know okay, but I'm saying you remember it. Yeah Because it's a thing Like every single country in western europe and all going all the way to russia flag shaman now It's just three strips of color
Starting point is 02:36:49 And some of them have the same colors. They're just arranged differently The french flag and the russian flag are the same colors and uh Is idli in there as well going italy is uh orange and green and white. Yeah, so there's orange And so is ireland so is ireland right wait what the fuck is the difference and they're like orange green I don't know. I live here, and I don't know. I have confused the flags like orange green and white In the past like I think of like one or two other countries as well might have it wait What isn't that the fucking italian flag? I just looked up flag of ireland, and i'm looking at the italian flag
Starting point is 02:37:25 Flag of italy. Yeah. Yeah flag shaman. Here we go What's up? That is stupid. That is so stupid Okay, okay, so flag of ireland is dark green white and then orange going left to right Okay, okay the flag of italy is dark green white and light red Going left to right here. We go see see that's the thing now because You know good old granada. You got a nutmeg on the goddamn. Oh, where's the granadian flag? So you can't mix that up
Starting point is 02:38:02 Um, I it's it's somewhere in the giant mess. We're looking at a bunch of flags granada is right over here Uh, let me see if I can put that that's right over here Right see that's so you got a big old nutmeg on that shit. Oh, what the fuck is that in the is that trinidad and tobago? That with the red with the black stripe down the trinidad and tobago is that's a big big old black stripe down a red down a red thing You know, uh, jamaica, you've got of course the the the green and the black with the yellow cross Australia's flag can get fucking fucked Got a union jack in the upper corner go fuck yourselves like and they're changing it
Starting point is 02:38:36 They're changing it because they know their flag sucks Uh, there's always good old libya, which is just big old green block. That's always a fun time I remember when I used to like roll through the Flags of the world at the back of the uh the dictionary or rather the encyclopedia for fun I always loved brazil brazil's got a good brazil's got a strong ass And it's weird because brazil's flag breaks rules Yeah, because it's there are parts of it that are too detailed For a casual person to draw, but it's still very striking. I hope you guys listening to this know your flags
Starting point is 02:39:09 And if not, then you're like go go pull up a google image of flags of the world Hey, you know who gets a big fucking big thumbs up for flag switzerland switzerland. That's a good fucking flag swiss is a good flag That's not a bad flag woolly and I are looking at it. I'm pretty i'm pretty partial to japan's. That's a really nice one It's pretty simple. Uh, I and by that It's all you need by that token south korea as well, right? Uh, which one south south korea is liinyang version of the japan flag Okay, like by the way for context me and woolly are looking at a massive list of yeah, that's what i'm saying Like I hope you know your flags. I hope you know your flags. Well, you see we talking flags right in the middle there where Greece and norway start you see that and sweden right in the middle of the flag chart which which flag
Starting point is 02:39:49 What's the country sweden go to sweden it's dead center in the middle of the graph. Yeah, okay Oh, you see sweden. Yeah, okay next to it to the left is norway. Yeah on the right. I think what is the one is poland, right? No, that's not the blue and white is poland and the what's the red and blue You're talking about it's like the like who's that that you're on right now Uh, oh, uh, jonathan. Oh, you're still there. We got you. Did we lose sorry? Sorry, that's his phone That's wi-fi interference interference. Um, but in federations, but near the mirror near the center That's iceland. I see four or five countries that are right next to each other That all have the exact iceland norway sweden and finland are all the same cross with different colors like stop that
Starting point is 02:40:32 Come on man. Yeah, you don't like how liberia looks like america, but it's one star. That's the weirdest one That's super weird. Yeah But yeah, there's some good ones out there though, you know, again, I I I give shout outs to the people who do it different Listen, I get it. Macedonia big old shining sun. That's good. It's good. Shit And I get that like if if your flag's been around for like centuries, right particularly for the old european nations, right? Yeah, those are ancient. Yeah, those are hundreds hundreds years in some cases. Maybe a thousand years old I get you don't want to change that. It's part of your culture But it sucks. You need to change it. Well, get good
Starting point is 02:41:11 Well, here's what's fucking radical is when you go over to people like napal where they're like, we don't even adhere to your It's not even a rectangle. No, we don't care about your stupid shapes. We have our own compliance. Fuck your flag We don't even have that. It's it's completely entirely different Yeah, apparently to the world flag association or whether a fuck governing body looks at flags The best flag someone walks. Oh really? Yeah, because it's it's it's simple visually striking uses two colors And uh, it has a unique symbol, but children can draw it. Yeah, like anyone can draw it from memory. We're leaf now Yeah, hey, we're the hidden village of the leaf. How about that? Yeah, cool. Whoa, you pushing it Full circle. No, uh, I actually that's not true because when I was a kid
Starting point is 02:41:52 I had a real hard time drawing that canadian flag because you don't know how many spikes Yeah, but you can yeah, but you can draw a shitty version of it. No problem. Yeah, you can It just ends up looking like a star with a stick on the bottom. Yeah, but whereas the american flag is like super complex Well, right? No, but you can make an approximation of that too, but even even even with its super complexity You could you could give a shitty version of it and still note that's an american flag. John, you're across the world You're not part of this. What what? I don't know like what do you feel about europe's flags? Or rather like between our like what's what's memorable to you?
Starting point is 02:42:26 Well, man, I don't have a whole lot of strong opinions That's all I really gotta say now. I respect the passion. I'm hearing in this conversation I feel like, you know, there's a lot of There's a there's there's a lot of passion here. I do I do enjoy that, but man, dude The flags Fuck I don't know see see woolly. See that's why they still suck Because nobody cares dude if there was a it's that attitude among all europeans that has got us to the situation You're just salty. There's no flag with a wolf with an eyepatch on it
Starting point is 02:43:04 Dude, not yet. He can make one. Well, you can make a flag anything you want his outer heaven That's true. And then if I see outside doubly and if I see somebody with that with that eyepatch wool flag I will stomp on it and burn it as protests No, that's illegal. No, it's not. That's an eyepatch wolfian. Oh, I guess I guess it is Yeah, it's out here and I the new island nation out here in the eyepatch wolf nation One of the greatest nations in all of anime Take a knee take a while it's playing. We all sit around and watch hunter x hunter and talk about it I got a national anthem the hunter x hunter theme song. I gotta say this. I gotta say this
Starting point is 02:43:43 Mr. Wolf I've thrown this joke out there twice and it hasn't hit because I feel like you may be unaware But I watched a bunch of your videos in a row last night And boy, do you love the phrase one of the greatest blanks in all of anime I recently fucking picked up on that and I have been actively trying to write it in every script It's your go-to on everything that you like. Yeah, it's it's almost how blank is the best blank in the soul series It's true pat. Yeah Until you know how I said blank was the best. Okay. No blank is the best. What do you what do you mean? What are you referring to nothing? Are you saying that I?
Starting point is 02:44:26 I may be using a verbal crutch me Please elaborate, uh, john But yeah, it's like so the way I used to make videos was like pretty much a month in between writing one video Okay, but now that I'm making them week to week. It's like, oh shit. I use this phrase a lot Like and it's it's kind of horrible because you're being faced with like all the bullshit you do and trying to unlearn that stuff But yeah, that is that is the absolute reason for that and like man I'm so glad this is being brought up on an internationally Hey, listen, uh here the problem with this is that be
Starting point is 02:45:07 Whether or not you do that is what kind of person you are and it's like I'm the kind of I'm the same way I I find a phrase that I like that suits my purposes And then I use it and then I go onto a podcast and Takahata is calling me egregious every tense that shits egregious and I'm like Oh shit So then then you make this really Concerned mental. Oh, yeah of like I'm not going to do that anymore and then just immediately replace it with something Yeah, it's just going to be more Dude, what you have to every one of us we all go through the jinkizama phase of unlearning
Starting point is 02:45:44 our fucking habits Okay, and then you build back up new ones. I need to buy a sick hoodie and then eventually When people catch on to those you keep switching it up and you keep moving Hopefully you can start to do it faster and faster so that like Yeah, just just by the time it catches on you ditch it. The idea is that you America the idea is that you're able to change it fast enough that some that arch doesn't get made If art is made of the thing that you say you may be saying it too often or not often excuse me I say that a lot all the time though
Starting point is 02:46:22 That was the weirdest one that was the absolute weirdest one where matt brings up the excuse me thing And I'm like what are you talking about and it's like near the end final episode of evil within Yeah, and he's like what are you talking about and like what do you keep saying excuse me? He's like pat do you not realize that you have said excuse me to every enemy you have killed in this entire game Yeah, I go. Oh, no, I didn't and then I killed the next Scott and go excuse me Oh, and that was when it was your facebook fucking avatar was your picture saying excuse and I didn't get it I thought that was just a nice thing that someone made. No, that's the thing that comes out of your mouth constantly No, they were making fun of you
Starting point is 02:47:00 Hey, look, you know what it is man. John the thing that it what it is is that it's here's what you realize At that point when all this shit comes in That you're a character your Homer Simpson saying dough And it's weird because you didn't realize that that was what you were you didn't realize that you were not in fact a Fully formed human being you are in fact a two-dimensional representation of a human being because man
Starting point is 02:47:30 This really has been like the greatest lesson in all of anime See now, it's great. Now. It's good. Truly. We are the super ipad. This kind of reminds me. I remember one time I was playing I was playing Dead or alive with my cousin and he figured out this Tick that I had in the game that he could get a throw in at this one specific point whenever there was like a knockdown recovery And I could not unlearn it and he kept getting it and getting it and getting it and I nearly went insane This is like that played for hundreds and thousands of people. It's great
Starting point is 02:48:04 So like what I mean in fighting games like it's fighting games are a fucking habit uh, um Intervention they're a habit forming activity and they're also an intervention for habit intervention because you immediately Learn that you go. I'm just gonna rely on dragon punches and your friends like no It's it's the equivalent of somebody slapping a cigarette out of your mouth every time you try and light up so What uh, and like what was done to me early on in the arcades and what I would do to people that I was like Teaching a certain game sometimes like and it or just a fighting game in general would be like
Starting point is 02:48:42 The thing that you're not like. No, just keep doing the thing like. Oh, yeah, uh, sweep sweep Sweep low block low now. Are you blocking low? Okay now? I'm gonna do an overhead so now you understand that there's a guessing game here that you weren't aware of I've I've tried to do that educational matches I have I have a friend of mine that I play casual fighting games with but he's not that good And I've tried for years and years to get it get over it and I'll be like You're really not I'll tell him like you're not blocking low ever. You know that right? He goes, yeah, I know so I will sweep and I will sweep and I will sweep and I will sweep and I will win the round
Starting point is 02:49:14 There you go And then he doesn't want to play the game anymore. Well and and yeah, that's that's been my experience of that approach And it's like I'm and I'm telling him like all you have to do is block low. That's all you have to do Okay, so land that throw. All right now touch your nose. Okay. Good. Good. You got it. Yeah now you're playing So upon more data of nose touching coming in It is not throws It's success Success with a moments pause success with any pause whatsoever is the nose touch
Starting point is 02:49:45 The reason why it was so visible with command grabs is because that's an idealized scenario in which I've done something good And I've won and I have plenty of time to to chill about it But I've noticed it it's happening in other things as well It happens when I beat bosses. It happens when I get drops it like I've I haven't seen it as much of a habit as I have as a direct trigger response to landing A 360 but like I'll take your word for it. Um, yeah, you know what the word And then there's stuff that's just like stuff. That's not me. There's something just like fgc isms
Starting point is 02:50:22 Like whenever like every time I sometimes like unconsciously go like a After something. Yeah, it's like because that's the thing where you see the hits you go. Hey, hey, hey, hey, you know And it's it's just almost like a learned thing like watching sports and then having a certain chance with it, you know Anyway Yeah, totally. Um need some soccer hooligans over at the next fgc meeting. So that was the uh, best friends Uh flag review. Um I'll do flag reviews. Uh, so I mentioned Wolf you said like, oh, sorry. I don't really care all that much. I don't have any strong opinions on flags
Starting point is 02:50:56 And I just thought like why do I have strong opinions on flags? Is it because I can't not have strong opinions on anything that interests me and even the slightest Yes Yes, it is Is that have to do with you distracting yourself from the inevitable heat death of the universe? Okay, so I have a friend of mine. He is such an asshole and he does this to me every time I do anything on stream We're doing a raid. He just says the phrase don't let it set in And yeah, yeah, yeah every time he has done so
Starting point is 02:51:31 Like something in my chest Just goes crunch and it starts to set in Oh Fuck critical And it's and it's that the fact that nothing matters and we're all gonna die And like the heat death of the universe is inevitable. Just every now and then just going about your day in a fatal counter Oh god, oh god. No, no, no, and we're back. We're I'm a huge nihilist and I'm big into that
Starting point is 02:52:07 But the problem with nihilism is that you have to constantly face the existential crisis that nothing means anything But Yeah, you're way on board that as well, right? You're just like nah, nothing. We're all gonna die. Fuck it. Why would it? But I remember in college I got like a serious dose of that and I countered and I countered it with but you know what? No more heroes two is coming out. That'll be okay. That's also nihilism That's the end goal of nihilism. It's the best I could do nothing matters And if nothing matters, I'm just gonna go play video games
Starting point is 02:52:42 well And that's that's why it is and you know the thing that like me the for me the philosophy is If I die before something cool comes out, I'll be really pissed. Yeah Yeah, I know Like I'll get I'll get like the main reason to stay alive. You and I have to see cool Shit, well, the you and I have both had situations in which we thought we were having heart attacks And I've gone to the hospital at what point during that process. Did you think about an upcoming game release? I was like, oh dude, dude, I'm gonna die and I'm not gonna be
Starting point is 02:53:16 You're Or I'm not gonna be able to play re7 dude. No, okay So a little bit of that when it's when it's the mystery because I kind of know like where fighting games are going right now And whatnot if this was like pre street fighter four eras, it would have been bad But like now it's shit like What the fuck is death stranding? Yeah, if I die before I find out what that is. I'm gonna be so mad You can be very mad. It's so unfair. You know what that is? I know the exact moment that hits you that hits you after you're through the waiting room
Starting point is 02:53:48 And you're sitting there and they hooked you up to the thing and you're just waiting for somebody to come tell you Whether or not you go home because you're finding you in a panic attack or you're gonna die right God when street fighter four came out like vanilla four I cycled to a game shop to pick it up And then I was cycling home and some fucking idiot Slammed into me with this car because he pulled out and he wouldn't know where he was going And he got out of the car and he was being real nice and like the only thing I like I nearly said to him
Starting point is 02:54:15 You fucking idiot street fighter four Yeah, oh, all right. I'm that you you get it. You're there. You're there. He's here. He's right here with us God damn it. He gets it. Why would you pick today? Fuck I need to know what abel plays like right before biking you're gonna take me away before biking Who's gonna be adorable and you get you get up to heaven and it's like there's no arcade cabs here because there's no outlets Yeah, yeah, it's like sorry, man Would you like to play go with with uh, einstein? No
Starting point is 02:54:55 No, I would not if I okay, so if it's if it's like Four in the morning and you get a call and I know you're up right Because you always reply and I always reply. Yeah, I know what well I said stupid I will send us like each other messages at 3 39 a.m. Like did you just log into the twitter? Yeah, that was me within like one minute so If you get a call and you just hear gurgling. Yeah, and spurts and coughs. Yeah, and I'm just like
Starting point is 02:55:27 Your job Is to tell me what's in the basement In in in fucking attack on titan Just tell me what's in the basement And then let me go. All right. All right. So you're like, no, I'm not gonna live the trip to the hospital This is why that's all I need. Yeah, good. All right. I can do that. I can do that. No problem Promised all right done. What if I lied though? Well I I I did good enough. Yeah, it's better. It's better than nothing. Yeah
Starting point is 02:55:59 Uh Lastly, let's take a look at the news that it's not really news, but it's just Gabe Newell did an AMA and he basically said that Through no fewer than one word He said Yes, we're working on AAA full games like in answering a question He's like are you guys working on anything that's big full-fledged single-player games? Yep And any chance of it taking place in the half-life portal universe? Yep. So
Starting point is 02:56:30 Not necessarily And then he went home and canceled it. Yeah, not necessarily direct sequels, but there are there are there working I know he's like 134th rich got rich sky in the world right now. Yeah, he's way up there Good for him one of the richest in the world. Yeah, can I have some of that? I mean like at first at first you're like what and then you think about it for a second and you're like, well You know, it's an entire market like steam and steam is privately owned valve is a private company and Did pretty much owns the entire pc market. Well, he tamed the wild wild west
Starting point is 02:57:01 Which is like I never thought all this oil is mine bitches. Yeah, I never thought that would be possible. You know Yeah How are you gonna say uh, wolf well I was just gonna say like, you know even When you think about like what pc gaming even was before steam It's like nearly unimaginable now because what it did and so like I guess it makes total sense that he profited that much from it
Starting point is 02:57:29 I remember going to the store and getting like a blizzard game and going home and be like wow battle net This is like I can't believe right. I can't believe this game actually has like a real Online thing that works and I can play with my friends Because like at that era that was the ink the beginnings of like game spy becoming like the dominant matchmaking Fucking nonsense and it was trash, you know and and steam's not without its flaws But like as far as just wrangling up like These these settlers and this this dust town the number one thing that steam did that is goes
Starting point is 02:58:05 Nearly unappreciated now because it's so obvious, right? It's that I remember bringing retail games home And installing them and they didn't work. Why didn't they work because I didn't have microsoft c++ redistributable 2003 yeah, why the fuck would I have that they were dark? Is that information going to be in the manual? No, yeah, is there even a centralized forum that I can go to yeah to ask this question No, did I rpc games returnable? No, did I just buy 60 coaster? Yes Right and when you install a game on steam occasionally it'll fuck up, but it goes downloading all these weird
Starting point is 02:58:46 Weird windows things that you need apparently you didn't flip over the box and read the requirements Oh the oh the requirements that were always lies Why that it always I I never hit that problem There were I got every game that I played those requirements were massive lies and they never included bizarre software requirements Also as you probably know about me. I don't mind sitting and tinkering until I get it working Yeah, so I've I've done that see that that drives me insane Like I need to get a new game home and I need to play it and I need for everything I don't mind tinkering to make something better and I'll do that for days
Starting point is 02:59:22 But getting it to work makes me want to kill someone because the expectation of the product working at all man, I Not today. Sorry like two days ago or so I popped open steam and I said like oh steeps on sale. Yeah, I always forgot to try that out. I remember this like hearing that You play They almost got me They almost got me again after the fucking Assassin's Creed Chronicles. Shit. I was like, yeah Let me just grab the no wait because thankfully the the like requires third party software
Starting point is 02:59:53 You play thing is the big golden Prompt on the steam page now And like now you can't not notice that and then what I reminded me and I'm like fuck this and back down immediately But it almost got me a second time dude. God almost got you Anyway, um Let's let's like a fucking poison label on the game If you have stories about how they almost got you you can send them in On an email. It's a super best friendcast at on an email
Starting point is 03:00:26 The super best friend cat that's super best friends cast at Thank you. I didn't see. I know it cheers Hey, which flags do you not wait that's open up a can of worms Hey, man, don't look hey if there used to mean good luck Let me try this one if there's a secret reason why your lame-ass flag is actually cool Send it in and maybe if that story is interesting enough Yeah, we'll read it. There you go It's three stripes brother. Yeah, but that symbolizes the old fritz or whatever. That's not a leaf That's a blood splat. You're literally talking about the irish flag
Starting point is 03:01:05 Oh It's like there's two sides and there's white in the middle because they don't they don't get along Shut up. Is that the real reason? It is yeah now like in reality, it's all cool and everyone's friends, but historically So historically there's a force There were there were there were plenty of troubles Ah For a really long time. I bet well, if you ever heard me talk about how madly in love I am with the historical era known as the troubles
Starting point is 03:01:35 It's such a polite description. It's so yeah, it's when your parents It's elegant. Yes, but beautiful elegant. Yeah. Yeah It's like, oh, what are you guys talking about? Oh, it's the troubles. Don't worry about that was back, you know During the troubles. Yeah, let's just let's just here's your potato I pass a gloss over horrible unforgivable behavior. Let's just gloss right over it Fantastic, um Yeah, no, if you have a cool story about why a flags is actually cooler than it seems to be It has to be a real flag. I want don't send us in your butthole flags. That no no
Starting point is 03:02:16 Stop send those to all these twitter flags. Fuck you You know the route to retweet every one of them at you Like you retweet things at people. Yeah, you can't you can't okay. I'll find a way. No, you just include my name in the reply Yeah, exactly. Just at you. Yeah, uh, why did I help you learn that? Why? Yeah, what plan is this? No, well, anyway, we got one coming in from bucket A bucket a bucket a bucket says there's nothing good comes in you dear super duper pooper scooper There we go. Recently I watched super ipatch wolf's video on the cancellation of bleach manga. That's fantastic The fall of bleach how it happened
Starting point is 03:02:55 Huh, it got me thinking you guys always complain about berserk being on hiatus So would you rather have each chapter be rushed out the door with bad art like the last few volumes of bleach? Or you lose the weight But you lose the weight or would you rather keep it the way it is and wait and wait for a great artist at a snail's pace? Um, obviously you would want something closer to jojo But I figured that so to make the question interesting leave that option out. I don't know. That's a really good question My primary worry is that there will be no resolution to that story period Uh, I think I have a hard answer to that which is yeah, take it take what you got right now over rushing it out and making it worse
Starting point is 03:03:36 Like I wanting to know doesn't trump. I like like I 100% agree. I want more to take his sweet time with those pages and get like here And like as long as here here's here's all I need all I need for mirror to do is Right in the little envelope and put it in his study and say This is what and if you're about to have a heart attack. No, it's this is what happens to Griffith, right? Right? Yeah, and If he happens to pass uh before the story finishes
Starting point is 03:04:08 You can walk you can walk over and read that and it's like and you open it up and it reads This is what happens to Griffith Guts fucking murders him super hard and costa gets better. They realize they realize their best friends. You shut your fucking mouth That is not funny. He forgets him. That is not even close to funny. He brings him back home And we begin the road to boruto That's what happens. Sorry, dude. Uh, it's cool So, yeah And but yeah, like I think
Starting point is 03:04:40 I think that's not funny You know the the time he puts into those chapters is a big part of like his process and what makes them what they are And if you speed And if you speed that up, you're getting a different series, you know, like that's just kind of what berserk is now Yeah I feel so I see no I feel like um, you know like much like with the game my attitude towards game delays at this point like Whatever he's doing his thing and I guess if I'm gonna be 50 and I close that final volume And then just lean back in my rocking chair
Starting point is 03:05:11 Then that's that'll be what happens in Mexico. You're showing me flags That's I'm okay with reading the final chapter of berserk and sinking into my coffin and being like, okay That'll do. Yeah, I think so So, um that those are identical set for uh, uh, uh enough with the flags enough with the flags. Look, uh, I I think that that's exactly it I want quality and uh, I can wait for it because when it happens You will still love it and if it comes out and it goes it turns poor It's like well, fuck. We've been you haven't dropped the combo For years now
Starting point is 03:05:47 You've been in the middle of this amazing swag-tastic combo And to just have you drop it at the end to not cash out your damage would be the ultimate travesty. So now Uh, don't rush it. I don't want to know that bad. Just just just do like Robert Jordan did seriously Robert Jordan had drafts of the entirety of where it was going to go and they weren't final and they were rough And all the details weren't there, but it's like if something were to happen someone could At least tell people also what here is not in like our our martin state. So who knows, you know, who knows? Maybe he's a mad heroine fiend. You don't know
Starting point is 03:06:26 He's getting up there like he's idle master isn't good for your health He needs to get some of that hero ackee juice Um, so anyway, I think uh What was what was that? Oh, yeah, yeah the next next question next question if that answer we're doing even if that answers your question Yeah, I would rather I would rather him continue at the current pace with just just like a two sentence answer just in case Uh one coming in from Um
Starting point is 03:07:02 Thiz ex wiz Uh, dear super best guest cast can you guys tell whether or not a character is for you in fighting games based on their voice lines Characters with the classic so cu da and co co ca Coco da or whatever. Uh, they're usually fun to me. Um, maybe Yeah, to maybe stretch it. It's always important to me that the character has a good laugh or a nice. Whoo. Um, I appreciate that Yes, and no a good villainous laugh will do a lot for me. Uh, it's not usually how you I'd I'd pick But I mean the strongest ones are like out there with a bullet like uh, obviously brian fury Um, I am madly in love with cu dudley and urian's
Starting point is 03:07:45 voice lines Oh, cu's just like Brett who's just that's so cool. He's that weird metallic grunt. He does also it's weird But the danger like I actually kind of really like that Um, so it's not really a fighting game But the thing that comes to mind for me with this is if you ever play ibarra um The schmup uh related to the pink sweet stuff
Starting point is 03:08:10 There the main character of that game has such a bad ass voice where you're like I don't even care what you look like inside that dumb ship. I don't even care what's happening Your voice alone sells me on your character and like just me and the schmup godpat used to like play back his voice lines Regularly on and just like imitate them and whatnot because the voice actor does such a great job Selling a character that isn't a schmup. So who cares what he's saying, you know Um, I think that's one of those examples where i'm like, okay, no a good voice actor pulled me in Usually not though
Starting point is 03:08:46 I like jury's voice sir. English dub voice quite a lot. I think she sounds awesome. Jury does a really good job and uh Jolene in all star battle sounds fantastic Yeah, she's on point. She's what I expected her to be like. Um, you want to you want a tough girl? You know sounding sounding. Yeah, because she's got a kind of roughness to her. That's pretty fun but um To but to be like the thing that determines or like sells you on entirely usually not Usually, I just take that after the fact and I grow to like it you know, uh, um
Starting point is 03:09:19 Later on I suppose Yeah, you know fucking Greek geese howard come on. Oh Too easy, uh, we're gonna take one from Who's gonna be who's gonna be why are we so in love with geese howard? What is it about that guy because because he's the best and he's the strongest and he'll fix everything Terry bogart is the perfect English hero geese howard is the perfect English villain. Okay. Well, yeah, okay That was a really good concise. Thank you
Starting point is 03:09:52 The red and the white and the blonde hair. I like that clip of someone I like that clip of the swan goose howard attacking someone in real life And it's just it's the best that goose is so fucking tough Jesus. Well, dude goose geese docks All all those and like those birds that are large You have to pick them up by their neck and you have to start punching the shit out of them It's the only way they'll learn the only way they'll learn they won't listen otherwise No, because a lot of people think to like throw them by their necks. That does not hurt them at all. Yep Uh, you have to you have to hit their body
Starting point is 03:10:26 And uh, they bite super hard Uh, they bite way harder than you would think Uh, so you have to pick them up by their head. I tried to pet one when I put the head away And then you just need to fuck kick the shit out of it Don't bring your dog around because you're gonna start a battle if your dog's not there Then the aggro doesn't proc but all else is a canadian goose at which point the aggro procs from the parking lot Fucking boss boss battle bar music fights and the bar fills up at the bottom of the screen It's like and you and you try to set one when I was a kid and you can't even see it aggro me from this far away
Starting point is 03:11:01 Where is he? He's coming in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely Either that or just like full-on like penetrator like comes through the fucking gate or whatever behind you No, we we made this joke a few times But to to those of you who do not live in the continental united states or canada Who don't know what's the deal with canadian geese? Go look it up. They are vicious Super tough angry pissed off birds that you may have to kick the fucking shit out of once in your life
Starting point is 03:11:31 If you didn't think that life had mid bosses, you were sorely mistaken. They're so aggressive. They're so aggressive Why are they so aggressive? Why the birds out of all animals birds don't give a fuck that we won We won humans won. We own the planet geese. Yeah, they're the only ones still we kill everything It's fucking awesome, but birds will constantly attack us. They got something to prove man We have a barrel full of duck vaginas and a ladle you can serve up. Yeah, that means we've dominated your race And they're still coming though. They got shit to prove. I can respect that. What do you want me to tell you? Seriously, stop attacking me. Maybe maybe they know something we don't like maybe maybe we're actually on the way back when I lived on the south shore I had to go to the angry bus terminal a lot and there that's right next to that large park
Starting point is 03:12:21 And there were geese around there all the time and like every week I saw some guy fighting with them in the park Uh, it could be that it's the last trace lose your mic. Yeah, I think hold on. I might have I don't know what's wrong because that just cut out for some reason What is going on? Wow, can you hear me? Not not through the mic and not to my headset. John, can you hear me? I can hear you. Okay. Yeah, I can hear you What is going on there? We're going back. Okay. Something's going. Okay. So this is the same problem I was having. Yeah, something's happening. I'm gonna have to oh by the way I want to apologize to everybody for moving away from the mic. We were I was having the problem on my mic
Starting point is 03:12:58 What just happened to woolly and we couldn't figure it out. And so I would not be able to be aware That I was talking like this and no one could hear me. Yeah So I'm I'm gonna take a look at that as soon as we're done here next one. We might have fucked the mixer up Maybe you just need to get a new one. Maybe it's possible. Hopefully not. Hopefully not Tell you what though, but you're what you're probably looking at is the last aggression of the the dinosaur blood within the birds It's possible coming out. So, you know Uh that being said dinosaurs aren't birds. They're cool lizard creatures But what's upon a time man
Starting point is 03:13:30 You know, Matt's gonna be back here next week. So he can back me up He can on how fucking feathered dinosaurs are fucking lame And I really wish that they weren't the truth, but what are you gonna do fight the truth? Okay You can punch a scientist. I can do that. It's a solid strategy. They're probably weak Of course they're weak. They've been training their brains. They're maxed out their scores on int Uh, yeah, make him regret it. Uh, we got one coming in from uh, unlike me who is very fit and powerful There we go Oh, we got one coming in from ink monkey woods and he says, uh
Starting point is 03:14:07 So chris brown and soldier boy Are organizing a real ass boxing match between the two of them and they're being trained by mike tyson and fittysent respectively tyson has released this track against soldier boy and soldier boy responded with his own How does it feel knowing that deaf jam? Is happening for real And it's coming to life in possibly the dumbest way not a big fan of the roster Unfortunately, that's not the best roster. Wait, that is true Fitty fitty and mike tyson is training someone deserved to be on that roster
Starting point is 03:14:42 But soldier boy and chris brown are the characters and yeah, whoever loses we win Like if we can get a demob like side Entrance in there where like he steps in and he's got something to do now and he's real then i'm down with that Um, otherwise I like I feel like it's deaf jam icon and not vendetta, you know fitty versus tyson would be deaf jam vendetta Yeah, but this but but but soldier boy chris brown is deaf jam icon. That's unfortunate. It's the thing I don't get and Like soldier boy is He's gonna fight it. He's gonna fight chris brown. He's gonna be like i'm a big man. I'm gonna I'm gonna beat him up
Starting point is 03:15:20 But like you're still calling yourself a boy Like I don't maybe that's a hip hop thing that I don't get but like hey, man Eventually, right Little bow wow becomes bow wow because he wants to be taken seriously soldier boy like 35 now No, he's still whatever. He's still fucking so he's a child fighting an adult man Look the man can't wrap his head around braid. You think he's gonna wrap his head around You were gonna say listen the man can't wrap You can't just end it there. No, he can't figure out he made jonathan blows so sad
Starting point is 03:15:53 He can't figure out video games. Do you think he's gonna figure out boxing? I would much rather have seen iced tea versus soldier boy during that beef That would have been like cranky cranky old man. Who's for real against small child I'd like to see I'd like to see iced tea doing his his sendo smash along the ground To fucking annihilate Please
Starting point is 03:16:22 Please Start drawing specifically rapper beef Specifically version two Where ipo can't see him anymore and he's like, where did he go and then iced tea's sliding around the on the ground like that with the screeching tires Are the heartbreak stops, you know the fucking datte targeted punch or the Oh, please guys All right
Starting point is 03:16:48 That's hip-hop. That's hip-hop I like it What's coming up on on our and our lives? Uh, well, this is the week that re7 should be starting. Yes, it should be Hopefully as early as wednesday and that will be uh the end of the matt retrieval arc. We retrieved him He's you you got you went and got him last night. Yeah Exactly and Went over to his house and said hey matt. Uh, can I get you and he's like, yeah, no
Starting point is 03:17:19 I I actually I walked up to him and I crouched and I said kept you waiting, huh Wait, you walked up to him then crouched and he went and then said kept you waiting, huh to his dick And he said what took you so long? And then I threw him over the shoulder and then I ran out and I alerted everybody on the way How many arms and legs has he lost? You know, I'll leave that up to him to reveal on the way back. Okay. Um I did strongly encourage that he rock an eyepatch for at least a year a year
Starting point is 03:17:49 Because you know as you understand, I'm sure eyepatches are cool And if that motherfucker on lucha underground can do it then I don't see why he can't commit to the bit. So do it Come back with your eyepatch So r.a.7 is going to kick on Matt's gonna be back. What are we talking about? Yeah, that's schedule. Yeah. Parasite even Dark Souls will continue as well A bit a smattering of one offs during the week Uh, should have absolutely no problem hitting our 14 Video a week schedule. And you know what? Uh, I realized that a lot of the one offs we took a look at recently
Starting point is 03:18:26 We should probably go back and do a second off We could take a look at a couple of them a second off a two off Yeah, and we'll see where that goes. So we're gonna we're gonna play a bit more of some of those and uh, some other new things So that continues That's us. Um, super eyepatch wolf what you got going on man So i'm kind of in a race to get near finished before like Zelda and then persona comes out because I know I only have room in my life for like one big one of those But um, so i'm gonna keep going with that
Starting point is 03:19:00 Um, as for channel stuff, I just dropped a video called what makes a fight scene interesting So you can go watch that if you like that video I uh My personal I forget what is the uh, you have a uh an anime in there that you use an example of lots of budget, but no Substance in which is a guy with a skateboard finding a guy with a sword. What is that? So that's called k project And funnily enough, that's the same studio that made handshakes Uh, boy, is that like the wizard wizard barristers of the current season? Is that what's going on basically?
Starting point is 03:19:36 Yeah, they're kind of good at making things look super cool, but maybe not a whole lot else Um, yeah, that what makes a fight seem great. Uh video is fantastic. I I appreciate the use of template music I I I yeah, uh That has my favorite that video has my favorite bit in it of all of your videos In which you when you start to talk about that thing and you cut to footage of people unsubscribing from your channel Yep Recorded in a real time So, um, yeah, and where can people find that?
Starting point is 03:20:12 And people can find that on my youtube channel super ipatch wolf just search super ipatch wolf and I'll be right there And if you see the video and you enjoy it, I also recently started a patreon And you can find that over at slash super ipatch wolf And you know if you want to kick in a book to yeah that converts over to uh, double in dollars It sure does it's like a hundred right and then one double in dollars one drink, isn't it? There you go No, dude, uh first and for some reason i'm not too sure but uh when Um looking up when finding you on twitter like it's searching super ipatch wolf doesn't like shoot google results up
Starting point is 03:20:50 So you need to look up just ipatch wolf. I did super ipatch wolf and the first result I got was the fall of bleach Um, I mean no for for twitter. I mean for twitter the first really that's weird. Yeah, yeah, so Yeah, I think yeah, I think I fucked up there and wrote at ipatch wolf because I wanted to make the hilarious joke That i'm just regular ipatch wolf on twitter and uh, that sure was a disaster branding Yeah Oh, trust me. We know I might look at this first hand. All right. Yeah. Well, no, dude Honestly, thank you so much for coming on like if you guys haven't are unfamiliar do check out his videos like they're very informative very um fun
Starting point is 03:21:29 listens and They range through lots of topics all of which are relevant to your interests likely. Yes Like just scroll through them and you'll be like, oh, I care about pretty much all of these So but also the other benefit is that even if you don't care about the thing you get to listen to this like wonderful Like low irish voice just serenade you. Oh, there you go Pat you're being too nice and it's really freaking very nice to freak people out Uh, dude, it's been a blast. Uh, it's a pleasure to finally like make contact. That's been a lot of fun. You know, um Yeah, thanks so much. I know what was what was the breakdown? I'm like, oh, woolly. Who's next week on the on the podcast is
Starting point is 03:22:12 Oh, I got super ipad 12. I'm like Yeah, okay That's a good. I like that guy. That's a good one. How do you know him? You like I met him at magfasm Cheers So, uh, yeah, give him a give him a peep and uh I guess that's that's a podcast if we do we do our plug good. I think that's a podcast. Okay, so, uh, uh, john You're just gonna have to send us The money through PayPal for the plug. Okay. Yeah, no problem. We really appreciate it. Mm-hmm. Yep
Starting point is 03:22:40 That's what I started the page. Yeah, uh stop with the we can't write the giant checks anymore because people have caught on to that Also, the it's really a pain. Oh, fuck really massive pain to cash those. Yeah, it's pretty obvious We can't hide them and people will know it when matt went to go cash that killer instinct one He told me he was like he looked really afraid that he's gonna get mugged. Fuck. We're still alive. Oh boy. Oh My god later Get get get you out of the way Come on Hey
Starting point is 03:24:27 You can never hold me down now get ready to fight All my rounds no way for you to keep the car I bring you down come on Derek Every time you're screaming right now come on everybody's going to be to the end Come on Every time you come back to the final come on Run away Oh
Starting point is 03:26:01 What's that?

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