Castle Super Beast - SBFC 184: Hip Hop Prime is a Snitch feat. Laura Kate Dale

Episode Date: February 14, 2017

This week is dedicated to William Adams, John Wick, and that crazy bearded old dude that forged For Honor on the kiln. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How's it going podcast podcast I got my Red Bull first this time smart and then I hey will this ever happen to you where you catch you don't have a mustache no I shaved it okay so cuz like occasionally I have like a bushy mustache and what will happen is you go this and then the fucking mustache here gets caught in between the tab in all that sucks pull it back and then polls oh wow no that hasn't happened to me that I have no experience with that hello hello how's it going Laura I'm here hooray this is a weird surreal exciting experience for me hello real why well because this is one of those things where I've listened to
Starting point is 00:00:59 you guys for a while and then I think the message I got about coming on this was just a midnight AM from woolly that was just let's do this no other context like no no context for what we were gonna do it's just a midnight thing let's do this so I say yeah sure what at whatever mysterious thing is being offered let's do this all right gotta say I want to say that I appreciate you have beaten nearly every guest at least one thing mm-hmm and that is you not only remembered the name of the email address to send your questions in before the podcast exactly you know this is how you know that I actually listen to the
Starting point is 00:01:39 thing that I'm on I know I was just like quietly hoping that this wouldn't come up until the mailbag just so I could have my my really smug moment of being like yeah I know the email address fuck you all yeah but the problem is that now you've ruined this week for yourself because you've already been on it so there's nothing to listen to after oh no I have ruined everything my my week is ruined this was all an elaborate ruse what will I do with my what will I do with my Monday night now now that I'm not live watching the podcast what will I do I can't believe there are that many people listen to the podcast on Monday
Starting point is 00:02:23 night that seems crazy yeah I will I throw it up for like any of the feeds that need it you know because I get home and I just do it I throw it up right away but I like the official releases Tuesday so that anything that goes wrong can be accounted for can be that rug and you sweep right underneath it because I always used to listen I sleep under that when I was the podcast feeding all the time it was like I was always listening to them the morning after on like whatever lonely bus ride I was on or commutes or what have you the idea that people just sit there and listen to a podcast in their house seems totally
Starting point is 00:02:56 crazy no I have this problem that I used to commute to and from work and I had that time to listen to podcasts and then I stopped having a commute when I started working from home and I'm like I either stop listening to podcasts at all or I guess I listen to them from home now and I became one of those people who just sit at home and listen to a podcast because apparently we do exist yeah it's become hard for me to actually like watch and get through things on my watch list because at home now all day I just have my playlist of like a like five or six comedy podcasts that I listen to and they're just like and and or radio
Starting point is 00:03:32 shows and they're just constantly playing so it's like it's the sound of my house is talking the sound of your house is Jim Norton talking about the yeah it's Bobby Kelly it's all those guys the good the good ones and the legion of skanks all those fun guys so no I totally like that sounds what that sounds awful the idea walk like opening up the door I'm like oh I'm home and like Jim Norton is in the lab and about his stuff yeah yeah what what did he have to clean off of his chest this week right wasted right no but but that's it so that I have gotten through a lot of like podcast type things that way and I don't
Starting point is 00:04:17 have a commute really either you know I did the opposite I kind of just stop listening to podcasts huh in general except for one very specific exception and that's when it's like a Sunday and it's like boy I gotta really grind this out and it's gonna be real boring right right eight hours of podcasts I have gone the route of any time I play like the binding of Isaac or anything like that where I'm just doing a run after run that's when I put podcasts on now I think the the the only one I stopped listening to full stop was I used to really like Welcome to Night Vale and I can't listen to it because it like I
Starting point is 00:04:52 used to listen to it either walking to work at 5 a.m. or working walking home at like 11 p.m. in the pitch black by myself alone and that kind of feels like the only way to listen to that podcast and I don't feel like I can see it in a lit living room and just be like yeah let's listen to these weird stories about bizarre nowhere town yeah I think it's I've heard a lot about that actually and I believe my girlfriend listens to it listens to it but is that the number one podcast it's pretty much the number one that rotates out there with like Rogan and cereal and a couple of those other ones this American life gets really a
Starting point is 00:05:29 lot of a lot of a lot of push I need to check out other people in the podcasting world that is not video games and yeah but comedy if you're if you're doing that then you'll have less time for making things and really what is life worth if we're not making things all of the time Wow I have a total opposition to that oh boy making things as for suckers to get by doing as little as possible mm-hmm that's that that is fair I wish I could feel that way about it if I could own myself right now and have an identical me just do all of this and I'll just go home and play for honor all
Starting point is 00:06:12 day I will just do that yeah well guess what the clone of you would just sit here and also do nothing well then I would then we have actually the clone would probably try to fight you back to your place or that yeah so speaking of making things and such I guess to introduce you you're from the pod position yeah yeah across the pond I'm from places on the internet I write articles yeah I used to write it destructoid and then they very own ceremoniously let me and my UK team go with like two days notice so we went and started let's yeah so we went and started let's play video games calm where
Starting point is 00:06:54 it's like half serious journalism and half just the shittiest shit posts exactly and then I do pod position which is gaming news podcast with Jim sterling and miracle of sound Gavin Dunn and then I just do a bunch of other shit on the internet for anywhere that will give me money to do so because that's the dream everyone cool well I'm glad that you somehow stumbled across our humble little podcast and have enjoyed it so I guess you your humility is like awkward well you found yourself in the right place it's clearly very sincere but it's also a little stilted and awkward it's adorable okay yeah like you you'll
Starting point is 00:07:46 being all sincere and with you like oh you know our little podcast and I'm like oh I listen like when I started doing pod position I was like I hope that one day we can be as big as the super fresh frame cast that I enjoy listening to and our bigger than ridiculous you know that's great yeah yeah you aspirational you you lot and now now yes that's a special crisis you have you're having right now it has no value it's fine you've stooped to the level of having me on I'm happy now it's all good hey hey all I'm trying to do is I'm just trying to find a nice way to ask you how your week went oh yeah how's my week my
Starting point is 00:08:25 week has been pretty good made all the better by I've been I've been listening to you lot talk about to Rathaus for a while and it hasn't been on UK Netflix well it's not necessarily you lot it's Matt okay but Matt talking about has been annoying me because it hasn't been on UK Netflix for the longest time and I couldn't be bothered to try and get around Netflix is new irritating we don't want you using proxies and whatnot I saw that over out in Europe they got some new European law that says that geoblocking is now off limits yeah apparently it is but the internet's worldwide so everyone just says we're
Starting point is 00:09:10 not a European company what are you gonna do to us no oh but you just just figure out of what some way some way to watch Netflix yeah well I was happy to find out that it just came to UK Netflix so I didn't have to bother and that has been a good chunk of my week is the wonderful world that is to Rathaus because I started watching Aloha State I think is the the series set in Hawaii basically my entire week has just been oh my goodness I love this dorky ukulele playing child who will he fall in love with and I like the weird contrast between the cast in the house all clearly being very very awkward
Starting point is 00:09:56 about the social scenario and the people commenting over it basically just joking about like how long is it until two of these people bang and that back and forth contrast makes me very happy like I just the thing that he always goes on about that I really need to experience is like it's all the the stupidity of like temptation island or some shit like that but just with the timidness of really really Japanese people and that's kind of what I want to see I want to know what the deal is yeah it is basically like imagine if you watched something like Big Brother or whatever American equivalent you have
Starting point is 00:10:33 that is is meant to be oh everyone gets really annoyed and angry at each other as the show goes on but instead it's just everyone gets more and more awkward and timid because they put a little bit of themselves out there and instantly regret it and they're like oh no I I showed a little too much of myself I have to be more humble and quiet down and it makes rooting for them all the sweeter because you know they're all just so shy you just want them to break out of their shells just a little bit and it's heartwarming was anyone can yell that for not considering the feelings of others
Starting point is 00:11:04 oh that is usually it's people shouting at themselves for not doing that it's people will be like oh no like ukulele kid is is my central focus point for this at the moment but yeah he keeps just being like people in the house will ask him to play his ukulele or his guitar and he'll play one song and then quickly apologize and put it away and apologize for taking up their time I'm like no it's adorable you played really well and everyone liked it don't apologize that you did it our old pal guitar bro staircase to the second floor with their hair out talking about how whatever's their fucking favorite
Starting point is 00:11:48 but overrated radiohead album dude dude like that guitar bro is usually in the dorms with his door open playing hoping that someone will wander by and be like oh man you Jen out in here is that some let me tell you about the place incubus over in here you can well ukulele kid on the first day in the house is like oh I might sit in the guy's dorm and I might play ukulele just forever and they're all like yeah that's no problem and then he just never does that he's too shy to even play when asked I'm like oh oh you're so sweet and I love you and you are my life now so yeah to rest houses pretty pretty good that's
Starting point is 00:12:28 another recommendation for trash can we get a western syndicated version of that game show where they kidnap that guy and locked him in a house I like no but I want that but I feel the spirit of your demands yet to live off of like mail-in like contest foodstakes and shit and then when he finally won enough to leave they shift them out to Korea and hit him in a bigger house I have no idea what this show is right like combine that with like Carl pink at Pilkington in it he had a broad somebody on our reddit said oh you guys should watch that shit we watched oh man of course Carl pink Pilkington is my
Starting point is 00:13:12 fucking hero can't be doing with this but anyway that was that what else what else did you have what else did I do in my week I finally got around to playing neo and as someone that loves the Dark Souls games and is abjectly terrible at actually playing them neo is amazing and I know I will never complete that game because my god I am I can see what I need to do I will there are several bosses in that game that I will never get past and it will not stop me from playing countless goddamn hours of it okay so I guess that well I don't know there was there was a thing that popped out of where a polygon was like yo this
Starting point is 00:13:53 game is hard we're just gonna we're just gonna fake it we don't have time this is really hard and we can't do it on time and it's like alright you know but I guess you don't have a single person on staff I don't know but but yeah the game has become like there's even been changes with from the last chance to beta not long ago that have made it a little bit harder even like you can't co-op blind with your friends even yeah you can only have people that have already done it watching people go crazy and over that made me feel so good inside really oh my people are so okay so in the souls community people have been trying to
Starting point is 00:14:37 figure out a way to remember Liam did this with demon souls where he beat the whole game and co-op with a friend yeah he bullshitted away around it and people always wanted that like as a as a regular like real option that you don't have to fuck with to play a two-player game every single time they get rebuffed the reason for that is because the game isn't designed for multiple player like you know well you played a bunch of them allure I'm sure you played a bunch of yeah like the bosses don't know how to track multiple targets yeah or projectiles for that matter right it's very easy to in the in the in the beta like you could
Starting point is 00:15:11 you could totally do the co-op exactly how people always wanted it in the base game not only can you not do that you can't co-op with anyone unless one of the people have is already beaten the stage yeah it's explicitly a helper function now where your pal can be like I'll help you out with this and why are they doing it they're doing it for gear drops but it's not made to be like old tiny souls fans like over it just made oh yeah I like I get entirely why it's there because that is the whole thing that with all the souls games when you play it with a second person against bosses it's just oh I'll keep the
Starting point is 00:15:52 attention and dodge back and forth in front of its face you run behind it and stab it that that's just what you do yeah and I totally get why that breaks everything there have been moments with me over I'm like you know I get why why that's not a thing but also I am stuck and my friends are stuck and we wouldn't be stuck if we could do this together and please let us do it please well one of you just has to persevere through I I'm persevering I'll get that one day I like no but just one of you if one of you man is right every time no I on it like I it looks like the kind of game that like I think I'd like to see
Starting point is 00:16:28 just like what the what the drop-off rate is and at what levels and at what point there's a way to do that and it's you check achievements you check trophies yeah I guess so right because I'm like because they have the metrics obviously internally but yeah but you can so because there's trophy rarity now PSN and you and you can just go how many other trophies for beating bosses are clearing levels and you go whichever metric it uses I'm not sure if there's one for bosses or levels but I'm sure there's one for each of the four zones and you go this this the trophy for first boss at first level oh that's 85% yeah what
Starting point is 00:17:01 about the second one about the third I mean I feel like if you if you came off of Ninja Gaiden games you're kind of prepared but if you came off of souls you're not if you came up with souls you're not and and and I think that if you came off of neither it's probably impenetrable yeah well I think I think the thing for me coming off of souls was that with souls usually both you and the boss are dealing less damage at a time to each other than in Neo so if you if you mess up for a second you can usually back away recover you've got some time with Neo if you make a mistake once and the boss hits you that's like oh two
Starting point is 00:17:37 thirds of my health has gone in one attack I probably shouldn't have messed up like that I'm genuinely shocked how much damage you drew the bosses overall yeah like it it really is much more of a game of notice those very small patterns from a distance be sure that you can get in get a get your attack done and get out without getting hurt don't just try and brute force it and for someone like me that fairly brute force their way through Dark Souls I am I do not feel like the game's unfair but I am struggling well there is one thing about it that is explicitly fair in a way that souls games are not and it's probably my
Starting point is 00:18:16 favorite thing about the entire game and that's that every enemy including bosses has the stamina bar that you can actually deplete oh god yes yes like getting like having bosses run out of stamina yeah it's the best oh it's a good it bait them into it and you're already because that's the thing is you're like you're not going to win unless you have already perfected the pattern right you have to know the pattern and perfect it and like like just because yeah like you said two mistakes in your debt then you get those moments of like okay here's your reward you've you've blown the stamina out it's
Starting point is 00:18:52 just gonna drop now and you can just lay into it with whatever you've got like that's where a lot of your major damage is gonna come from I realized though early on that like that's like I one-shotted the first ball the first boss the one in the beta and I had a little problem and then in the full game I was fucking suffering and I was like what is the difference here and I realized it was because I switched up my weapon sets and I had just used a heavy axe and went in the first time and just went for the biggest damage I could one shot and ran back out I'm taking little mini chops at the boss's life really is
Starting point is 00:19:28 not until you at least level it out or find something advanced it's not satisfying and you're not doing a ton right away so the fight lasts almost twice if not three times as long I found that the the low stance is the best for those like this smaller the faster the better it is yeah but also when I need to fucking move so yeah I will do so like that first boss for example I would often switch into low stance to dodge his spin or yeah or dodge the the throw right those cannibality and then switch back in a high stance the gate the way that all the there are all these abilities that give you bonuses on
Starting point is 00:20:04 stance switching it really makes me feel like they want you to be doing this constantly yeah yeah which I know I'm not doing nearly enough of like I got through the first boss fine without doing much of it and then the second boss just kicked my ass and I was like okay second boss is really hard it's so much harder than the third and fourth it's just it's a spike I've seen I've seen yeah shit it is just that spike near the beginning to be like no this game is not messing around you will sometimes get your ass kicked you had your nice gentle intro get ready to fucking die cave level isn't that bad
Starting point is 00:20:40 like the boss is a power compared to the stage that it's absolutely ridiculous yeah I was gonna say like there is one thing you can do which is like I mean it takes a minute to get there but the sloth talismans have you heard about those yeah sloth talismans basically it's like a what it's one of the the types of ninjutsu you can you can unlock and you can basically get a buff that when you proc it it slows down the anything that's attacking you by about 50% I like that a lot and so you're watching the bat doing super slow spins and running up to you underwater and you have complete free time I want
Starting point is 00:21:24 to it and it's a joke it's actually a joke I am very weirded out and simultaneously impressed at what they've done with the ninja and magic systems in that game because they're not in souls you always got the feeling that your path is strength or speed your path is magic or not etc etc etc and here it's like no do it all you have separate skill points for ninja and magic like you're intended to use them yeah yeah yeah you can absolutely branch in the way you want and at the same time like also well can you put some my knob yeah I think it's happening I think it I think your your volume is he's doing it again
Starting point is 00:22:03 hello oh that's he there you go there's something wrong with that position on the knob yeah knob futson we love the futs with knobs over here it's got a futs no but I think that the the way it's also set up to is that yeah thank you for the sound effects it's a penis yeah so listen every like like like like the the the fact that you have the ability to respect means that any mistakes you make in your build you can fix them later too so we're playing Dark Souls one right now and it's just like when I remember the very specific look on your face so my woolly there's no respect in this game your mistakes will live
Starting point is 00:22:39 forever and you just got so intimidated for those first few levels that I feel like that's a necessary feature in a game like this the ability to respect all your points well but it's more along the lines of how likely is it that going through it stumbling into what you kind of want but you don't know what's coming how likely is that going to lead to you making a shit build I bet it's pretty likely actually with the way the systems work here like like not even not optimized but just blindly going through it going I didn't know I was gonna pick up this awesome thing or what's worse is like I didn't know I hated this
Starting point is 00:23:14 playstyle until I got too deep into it to change right right yeah like I'm glad that this in its first incarnation has that respect because like I would always rather the first entry in a series have respect because you don't really know what half of those features do if Dark Souls 3 had come out and didn't have a respect it would have been shitty but it wouldn't have been as bad as saying Neo not having one in that like I have some past experience of what the stats here mean how likely I'm gonna need to commit to something how far I can go down those trees before I have committed I'm glad that this on its first entry is
Starting point is 00:23:51 like no but it's gonna start you off you can respect that's all I pumped a dozen points before I watched a video explaining to me what the fucking how many of your secondary stats are required to unlock the bonuses on armor and then I had to explain that to woolly a few days ago and he had completely it had completely flown over your head because it's so non-obvious that every stat affects whether or not your armors have abilities or not or that spirit affects these huge passive buffs that your little little fire dog or shark give you yeah that was not explained well at all I equally did not know until
Starting point is 00:24:28 someone told me and I was I was irritated it's just that moment of could I have been having an easier time if the game had just told me this is what's going on yeah and and it's it's impenetrable in the how do I put this when Dark Souls or when Demon Souls came out it was impenetrable in a very specific way in that all of its mechanics were obscured right they the weapon upgrade system was baffling and used at 19 different materials and in order to ascend a weapon to a fancy boss soul you and had to be at a specific upgrade and upgrade path in some cases how to summon people was very weird and
Starting point is 00:25:07 obscure and human not humanity a tendency was never explained at all in game and you had to go look at a gut right and that's why it was there Neo is the complete opposite it's confusing and it's it's it's impenetrable because there's too much there's too much data every single item you pick up has ten lines of statistics on it and colors and and yeah forget the the shop itself I remember like like getting into that I remember like actually the first first demo completely ignoring the skill menu yep just never didn't know was there until like until Liam told me right and then afterwards going through it
Starting point is 00:25:46 and being like okay so I have a ton of points I can you know whatever like go all the way through one of these or whatever and then you're kind of like no anytime you're unlocking a moveset you have to really unlock it three times for each stance and each stance you're gonna need to switch into for different situations unless you just want to go all power stance which you can do but that's probably gonna fuck you over at some point now we're you know like it really is um because I remember getting that feeling where I leveled up my key and I'm like oh my god I just gained six levels and I blew it on one move across
Starting point is 00:26:18 all three yeah it's like it's your it's that feeling of like being dropped off in like an open world and like not being told where to go but it's not this the actual level it's just the character yeah it does just so much in your sport for choice that you're just like I'm just gonna sit here and I I've been in this one I've been in the situation where it's like I in my I have not played that much because the For Honor Beta stole my time absolutely but I'm sitting here and I'm looking at the fucking magic and ninjas sections and I have like four or five skill points in them and I'm just like I'm gonna do that later I'm just
Starting point is 00:26:54 gonna go look at that later I'm just gonna I'm just gonna focus on hitting things at my store learn that moveset that looks that looks confusing that looks weird exactly I keep not upgrading things not because I don't have the resources but because I'm just maybe if I keep playing I will somehow magically work out what half of these menus mean and then it'll be fine and I'll know what to do with it if I just wait a bit it's me Neo is made for a very specific time it's made for the super hardcore audience it's for the same type of person that loved the Disgaea item world yeah a little bit and they wanted this
Starting point is 00:27:29 in they wanted the genre equivalent you know like that the fact that the game has glamour the fact that you can you can glamour your items to look in as part of a unified set or look part of it like yeah they finally find someone finally did it like they got they got so close with Bloodborne where like a lot of the the stats just didn't mean much so you can team your stuff but this is like no you can actually get the stats that mean something and have it look nice and because I remember there used to be or there probably still is for Dark Souls one and all of them there's a there's a thing where you punch in your
Starting point is 00:28:08 stats and you punch in your desired weapon type and it will make an armor set that is ideal okay it will go here's the closest you're gonna get to this weight reduction yeah and all of them look like trash because that's it's always a heavy chest with like tiny little wristbands and fucking stupid boots I really I feel like a lot of this the trouble we're having to with these with the armor in the menus and such like if there was an optimized button if there was a button that at least said we suggest this that would probably help a lot but if that was in there all you would get is just everyone complaining
Starting point is 00:28:47 why you're making this this game too easy why are you taking all the challenge out of making your builds like that's all you get the shouting about there's a weird element to that where I think the reason why there's no optimized button in there is because they want you to build your set like you would build a deck of cards in something like magic or Hearthstone on a granular level where you're affecting things by three because it's like no we want we want people to really make their their Geralt's first name is he looks like Geralt it's William William we really want everybody to make their
Starting point is 00:29:19 William their own with that and there are like there there are stats on there that increase stuff like back damage or counter hit damage that can be highly successful for very specific way styles very least let me pick a sword or whatever weapon and just go look I'm gonna pick up a ton of trash just feed all of it into this thing that's way if it's shittier than what I've got yeah feed it in and give me the best ones I the game's itemization is out of control it is it is a genuine problem all the time so yeah that that was me getting buried in Neo because that that was the thing I think the the only other
Starting point is 00:30:02 thing that was like new this week that I did is I went and saw the Lego Batman movie oh how was it oh it's really good it's really good I so here's the thing before I watch the Lego Batman movie I would have had zero interest in the trailer that dropped this week for I think it's the Lego Ninjago movie oh what I didn't hear about there's a trailer it's basically Lego if they made a Lego movie style thing about their ninja brand I have I would have had no interest in in paying attention to that until I saw Lego Batman and here's the deal the Lego movie I thought was fantastic I thought it was a very very very well
Starting point is 00:30:42 made film you're right to think that yeah I went into Lego Batman similar similar level of quality it is a very very good very well-paced film very funny does not take itself too seriously really pulls itself together nicely at the end and has a satisfying ending and I'm now like oh the people making these Lego movies are really on a roll of like really good comedy films I will probably go and see the Lego Ninjago movie and they have they have won me over they are probably the master plan honestly yeah they care about Lego brands that I don't care about because they keep making good films the honestly like the Lego Batman
Starting point is 00:31:24 trailers like sold me immediately and like yeah going off of the Lego movie you kind of go like okay no they they know what they're doing this is probably gonna be yeah yeah I Ninjago sounds like a weird-ass pick to go with for your next franchise but well yeah if they if they haven't fucked up so far then I guess your reason to trust it I will give them benefit of the doubt like I'm gonna stay spoiler free on the Lego the Lego Batman movie and just say it is the most I've enjoyed a Batman film in a while and be nice it'd be nice to go see a Batman movie where you can smile yeah you can smile again like the characters
Starting point is 00:32:01 motivations are all all intact it's still the same character with the same motivations and the same end goals but they don't insist on being grim dark every second of every moment they allow him to have some to poke some fun at the fact that he is traditionally portrayed as a grim dark character and it's more net it was voice in a grim dark over the top you can't possibly actually you can't take it seriously you know it is it is a really good laugh it is paced solidly the whole way through and I saw the first trailer they put out for it didn't watch any more trailers didn't feel like anything had been spoiled for
Starting point is 00:32:36 me so it's just it's well worth watching if you like the Lego movie go see the Lego Batman movie it's another very good quality comedy yeah I actually had the choice between that and a couple of the things this week and I didn't go see that did you choose instead I'll get into that one it's my turn oh yeah well was one of those things that you chose to see John Wick to that might have been the one okay so yeah it's a good film I forgot to say that I saw that I went into like three is there anything that we can talk okay because there's no story yeah I guess I guess we're in it now so we might as well just get into it
Starting point is 00:33:21 but fucking John Wick to oh god there's there's no story they really know and they just leaned in heavy to what the what people loved about the first one just the bizarre assassin world and how this guy is just ridiculously respected and everyone shits their pants but still tries to kill him there's one thing in this film that I would I would put it was it was in the first one and it's here again and here it's so absurd that it's bordering on plot hole and it's a guy comes to John Wick and says I need you to do a job because only you can do the job right only you can murder this person because you're the greatest and
Starting point is 00:34:07 no one could ever kill you as soon as the job is completed he then attempts to murder John and fails everyone constantly makes this mistake yeah every single person in the movie is like oh no one could ever kill John except for me I'm gonna kill him and then they get killed yeah but I think like so it's weird it's it's super baffling that the people who know are still like I'm gonna try anyway you know that's that but that's everyone that's every every single person grunt he takes out knows but goes ah fuck it I'm gonna be the guy maybe today's my lucky day you know there's never been a film that I have been quite
Starting point is 00:34:47 so happy about going into and being like every plot point is transparent there are basically no plot points because there is no story you know what's gonna happen everywhere because John Wick's just going to kill everyone and I you're never sitting there going you're never sitting there going oh I wonder how John Wick's gonna get out of this he's gonna murder them that's all that he's going to do and that's great and I expected and I expected that they would take the you know in the first movie like he kills a bunch of people and he generally has I guess like good like gun discipline where it's like double tap right and all
Starting point is 00:35:22 that stuff like but the fact that like there was a couple of like extreme moments in in the first one where it's like you you take you shoot a guy in the foot or whatever dropped to the ground another guy comes up deal with him and then go back to the guy you're in front of you or whatever they took that and they took the point black chest chest head chest chest head they they just it's dribbled down on a ridiculous and no one gets sent to the afterlife in this without at least two bullets no one even when he's using the shotgun you you have the complete double tapping two feet away head leave nothing uncertain
Starting point is 00:36:00 except for the people who are cool and plot related plot related characters they get to have their faces but no one else though now Laura you wouldn't have been able to pick up on this but no it willy I know you what you did what this is the movie I have never seen a film so obviously not be set where it's supposed to be set yeah I watch this at the yeah I watch this at the Bonk Schoeschiff theater yep downtown Montreal yep where the first chase scene takes place right outside one block away to the point where you can see the theater when he goes to pick up the key card and so we assume it immediately
Starting point is 00:36:43 got distracted and and there's there's a 30 minute sequence in which he's being chased by assassins in the middle of the movie as he runs from the Eaton Center Complex stays I bathroom near the EB games to the fucking past days are Metro and he stands in front of that like the big glass and I'm like you're just inside of our Metro station it's so weird and it lasts for a long time and he's outside he fights that Chinese guy right right in front of fucking the bay in that little park yeah dude it's weird it was so weird because it's moment to moment to moment to moment and these areas are all three blocks from
Starting point is 00:37:20 one another I haven't had that since the jackal where like the entire finale of the jackal takes place in Lino grew and you know what the in Punisher war zone Punisher's secret base is just behind the tracks at the yeah yeah yeah yeah and it just and I like it's cool but I hate it because it pulls me out of because it's supposed to be New York yeah and it's like it's it's and it's and you're watching it in a in a Montreal theater and everyone's laughing every scene yes because it's it's less than 400 feet away and they threw up a city bank sign and like and they changed the science English and that's about it there are
Starting point is 00:37:59 films where that would be like a deal breaker in stopping you you know taking the film seriously I think this is the film where you can get away with that kind of stupid immersion breaking because the whole film's a bit ridiculous oh yeah it's one where it's like it doesn't matter that I'm I'm laughing while everyone's getting murdered because that's the whole point here yeah and they lean into like even the setup on the on your intro where it's like okay so we knew what the last catalyst was for the first movie with the fucking dog what are we gonna do that house and it's like well what you in it was starting it out
Starting point is 00:38:32 is the car yeah and you're just like okay what ridiculous possession did you disrespect him by like you know destroying or taking away or whatever only only one only one only one flaw in the whole movie ending is really bad I hate the ending yeah it was weird I think I think that it was mainly about setting up oh yeah it was about it's trying so hard to set up a sequel that it in so it it's but there are two words it itself is has an unsatisfying resolution exactly which it feels odd to care about an unsatisfying resolution in such a plot-like film but it still feels like it matters because it feels like they
Starting point is 00:39:13 tried and failed rather than just not caring about the ending also it's just that that ridiculous cameo vehicle for every actor that shows up that goes yo Keanu get me in there I want to talk about how big your dick is I would like to try and murder you right and like or whatever the case is they just people showing up left and right to just have their scene going oh man yeah you're you're the best I remember you you're fucking all you know and I'm just like yeah fine lean into it yeah Lawrence fishburn is back in a role that means nothing which is clearly like I want to be in this movie sure no and I do
Starting point is 00:39:53 appreciate the the Joseph Joestar s setting up of what you're gonna trick the the your enemies with but the setup is really just I'm gonna put this really big gun here and then I'm gonna come back for it yeah you're gonna fall when he starts when he there's a scene he's going down a tunnel to go do a job and he leaves guns all over the place and and your appeal I guess the audience is supposed to think why did he get those guns just to leave them there and then he ends up fighting his way back down the tunnel and picks the guns up but when he put them there I'm like oh he assumes he's gonna have a running gun
Starting point is 00:40:30 battle on the way out yeah and you know what I mean and then they also like like introduce what each each gun is for and like a gun porn kind of but the weirdest one is like he puts a shotgun up up in a hidden spot and that that makes sense but he puts the AR-15 just leaning up against a wall brightly lit and none of the goons think to like maybe I should take this AR-15 if I'm tracking this murder assassin it's fine it's probably just propped up against the wall because it's broken and needs repairs no one would sensibly leave it in a brightly lit area if it was a working loaded gun it also is a bit
Starting point is 00:41:07 ridiculous how like well I mean the moment you get to that setting where you're like let's just blaspheme and rave inside of these ancient catacombs awesome you know and then I'm like fuck but that looks like a cool party it doesn't party you know for criminals basically and then you get the reaction to like what's gonna happen when gunfire in an open crowd goes off right and you get and they ignore this kind of like yeah and then eventually in multiple moments during the movie when John Wick is just firing into a crowd so you have to assume his aim is so good that he would never do that there is he knew he
Starting point is 00:41:45 did his the most baffling two sequences in the film and it's both in the what's the guy's name the black guy with ball the bald head yeah the the the the black John Wick so basically comment comment yeah it's common okay great because he's killing it he's great in that comment he's he is believable as an equal which the first film did not have at all you know he gotta start and want but they're having a they're having a gunfight and the gunfight starts to go into more and more public areas and they have silenced weapons and they're just casually shooting at each other through really thick crowds of people yeah and
Starting point is 00:42:26 missing each other no but hitting no no no no no no no no no no no John in the crowd shots I was look John does not miss in the crowd other at bad guys miss shooting at him but when he's in the crowded rooms he yeah but I'm talking about the gunfight in the at the fountain where there's a water fountain in front of them and they're shooting through the water oh line okay that a crowd yeah yeah yeah yeah even if you argue just the other way around the problem is if they're able to if they're able to not hit the crowd but they can't hit each other yeah how is your aim simultaneously that good and that bad
Starting point is 00:43:02 I don't know and I think the absolute best thing I like I can't think of anything that has brought me more joy as far as gunfighting goes maybe equilibrium but when they're both walking that's that's the scene I'm talking at a pace that a brisk pace and they have the fucking guns and they're just like they have it they have it hidden under their coats no we're gonna take potshots at each other and not really try to dodge but just see see if I get lucky like it's it's it is it is a goddamn and then the movie builds towards a finale with an absolute absurd location that it actually set up decently and I
Starting point is 00:43:42 want to remind everyone here to let while while we're going into this stuff with this is like we're going into more detail than we would for the average movie in terms of spoilers fine it has no plot it really doesn't matter you will still enjoy this knowing everything we just told you every every one of these off and watch the guns fire everything we've hinted at you'll see a mile away anyway it's just the perfect film to be like slightly drunk and go in and just have a good time watching people get killed in big spectacles it's the best dumb movie I've seen like if you're worried about caring about the things
Starting point is 00:44:14 we're talking about like you that's the wrong attitude you're caring too much the things that matter we didn't bring up yeah so that's about it good goddamn movie yeah man I I really liked I really yeah like a common was fucking great also Ruby Rose really really great that works that worked I was I was I was a bit surprised by a bit of how they played her character yeah I was very I did not expect that at all and and and I guess I'll say the other thing is like we go from like this is pretty much a video game to we are now full-on final boss mode video game where he's on OSP rules where it's like all
Starting point is 00:44:56 right look now he's got no gun and everything he's firing is picked up off of a body yeah luckily these guys were all killed so quickly they barely had a chance to shoot yeah there is I guess there's one part that is also video gamey is that whereas John Wick is he can get a headshot upside down while spinning around and being hit with fish no one else can get a headshot ever no that's a problem considering his clothes are bulletproof to a degree that is totally absurd yes it's fine he is the hero and he is the protagonist and don't question it he's wearing a murder everyone he's wearing a suit in the film
Starting point is 00:45:36 that is so bulletproof at one point somebody like shoots him four times in the back totally unbeknownst to him and he just gets up oh it's it's ridiculous fuck it man you see that new dog that's a good dog dog her so that's right next there little wuff pupper so we've I think we've sort of got a good our nice our nice point to transfer over to woolly what else happened during your week yeah man well before my week let's take a quick word from our sponsor yes let's do that yeah because we are under the hour and that's about the right time who's our sponsor this week this week it is loot crate a loot crate what's up
Starting point is 00:46:14 loot you got a box they got a box what's in the box the box has a different theme every month and it's this month's theme god damn it this month's theme is build build build can you build things using the box they send you can you use that as a brick to build something you can use the box to do many things if you were John Wick you could probably kill people with the ball absolutely god damn you know it's the triple town but I'll tell you what if you triple down you can get yourself a loot crates mailed straight to your door every month for less than 20 bucks you're getting the yeah the build theme in particular is
Starting point is 00:46:57 gonna feature stuff from Power Rangers Batman Lego dimensions Tetris and the usual monthly t-shirt and pen all that collectible good stuff so if you want to get in on the build box you have till the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific time to get in on this month's crate I don't want to build your hopes up but I think it might be good oh I don't have another build pun I would like to build us away to wait hold on I would like to thanks loot crate I need to build the wall out of this place to keep me out away from you and so I can hoard all my loot crates to myself there you go nailed it nice so whoa that means I need to free up
Starting point is 00:47:48 storage space on my computer oh that's bad oh you know the heart you know what you know the capture drive in that is like almost completely full oh shoot we that's a problem yeah I tell you what well I have been using like my spare loot crates to hold my wires and stuff at home oh dude that box is actually the perfect size for that they're they are the perfect size that we got a couple of them right here we have so many cables guys you don't even you can't I imagine you you have a similar problem once you take the stuff out of the box you then use the box to put your other stuff back in so alternatively you could
Starting point is 00:48:20 cut a hole in that box you want to head down to loot crate so that you can see your cool stuff yeah that's very good it's very cool it's you sometimes you want to see what you've put in the box you want to head on down to loot crate comms last night's day coming around and our promo code super and save few bucks on your new subscription thanks loot thanks look great thanks hey hey okay totally natural segways we're nailing it I had a week tell me about your week how was that was your week I mean John Wick was part of it yeah you know we've addressed I was John Wick was part of my week do you really because I don't think
Starting point is 00:48:58 you do are you think John Wick seems like a huge loser to hang out with he's not a good time no he's not a good time he all he does is watch that fucking video of his wife over and over it's the saddest shit in the world it's he's damaged yeah and I think they're very clear about that no so beyond that of course there was Neo which again we have touched on a bit of that as well and how far you getting in that honestly like yeah I all my time that I spent I did I did the the first two missions there and then I was totally interrupted by for honor isn't it nice to be able to take a nice leisurely pace with with a
Starting point is 00:49:38 game like that yes for the first time in a long time yes I'm really enjoying that alright so I I don't know about you Willie but I've been consistently hounded on Twitter stream chat everywhere I go we are not doing an LP of Neo oh the other that part of it yeah we are not doing an LP of Neo you don't want to simultaneously do that and Dark Souls I can't imagine why and the Dark Souls 3 DLC when it comes out and fucking here's what I'm gonna say is I'm never gonna say never but I'm just gonna I am never doing an LP of Neo I am not doing an LP of Neo blind I am there's no way I'm gonna do that if I ever consider it
Starting point is 00:50:20 it'll be after I've beaten it and I and I and I know it and I want to do it that way because right now this is it's rough this is a not only is it rough but it's also this is for me I want to enjoy this you get one I go on from yeah I'm allowed to have so that's about that I think that you know it could be for me I can I can possibly take a stab at it later on down but right now I just want to enjoy it on my time at my pace but that pace was interrupted by for honor it was interrupted by for honor why was it interrupted by for honor because for honor was on its final beta for the last two three days yeah it was at 5 p.m. on
Starting point is 00:50:58 Sunday and I know that cuz it kicked me off and man oh man man oh man geez oh geez those guys have figured it out that bearded motherfucker that walked up on stage that whatever his name was that guy knows a thing or two about swords let me tell you what did I did you see the clip I put on my Twitter yesterday and I thought of one before where the guy totally takes it yep that's the shit so I think for honor does a lot for not to always bring it back to fighting games but I don't do a lot of fighting games because I think this is a great tool for bringing the mentality and the the things that make fighting games good I
Starting point is 00:51:41 think it brings that to people that might not be interesting fighting it is the execution barrier we really liked Rising Thunder where the execution barrier was nil yeah no it wasn't the execution and barrier rising thunder was not nil because this execution barrier is nil but here's the thing it is impossible to play this without being confronted by the mechanics and you'll die in a second you have to learn them to the mode to at least a basic level well in fact it won't even let you play multiplayer until you're able to beat like one AI that is true that is true but the the basic exchange of volleys of
Starting point is 00:52:17 like blocking dodging and you know playing the rock-paper-scissors of swinging what your heavies do and what your lights do what's guaranteed off of what that is so key and like the spacing in the footsie is involved in like approaching and locking on and so on and so forth like all of that is so it's very simple to do and you can wrap your head around it and like again the moment you do you understand okay now I'm anticipating what he's gonna do because I can I it's not execution is not what I'm worried about I don't I might not be familiar with what is there is there is there is a waiting for something
Starting point is 00:52:51 I can read which is one of these three directions and I have multiple counters now there are three classes that do say listen if do you want a higher execution character here you go yeah and they revolve around pretty fast reflexes to do some of their stuff so I'm interested in knowing what your pick was my I played everybody the problem that I have is that while I may have a couple picks now to all all three characters that are not in this beta yeah are the ones I want to play right but I want to play the Shagoke because he's the biggest and he's the heaviest yeah I want to play the Valkyrie because
Starting point is 00:53:30 I really like the idea of shield and spear and I desperately desperately want to play the law bringer because the poleaxe is the coolest fucking medieval weapon ever you saw the footage that came out yeah I fucking did that being said the characters that I had the most success were all three available Vikings okay all three of them okay warlord got a hard nerf since the last beta but he's still fantastic he you know Willie when he does his his full block stance yes how his stamina doesn't regen for multiple seconds yeah that did not use to be the case oh it was so strong it was so strong I'm wondering why because when
Starting point is 00:54:09 I was glancing through and watching the videos and then advanced videos for each character to introduce them I was wondering how come like I looked at it and I'm like warlord looks like a character I might want to play you know just on his breakdown video yeah and then going online I saw like two well they was playing they got hard nerf but they're still fantastic he's got guaranteed counters guaranteed all time I'm really surprised by how many people on a weaker characters because his because his R2's can't be stopped like they can't be you win on every trade of you know and then you've got the vanguard
Starting point is 00:54:41 characters which I think you see I think you see those the most yeah well they're the easiest to understand and and in particular the like I feel like everyone's playing Samurai's like Samurai's took that beta oh my god it's it's kind of like the fucking green ocean 25 25 so the Vikings took the close beta okay and the samurai took the the open and I'm worried I don't know how they're gonna balance that I really don't because I wonder how the stats work for that faction conquest because if it's literally just more numbers equals bigger wins then one faction is always going to totally steamroll the other
Starting point is 00:55:19 two Mortal Kombat had this problem yeah that's like um but but so but did you in the end you kind of just stayed spread out because you didn't I played at nearly every single character equally with one exception I played a little bit more berserker than anybody else the berserkers like he's the guy with two axes that is rushed out is so strong so his rushed out is so absurd he when he's doing his heavies and his alternating attacks on blocked opponents his string doesn't stop so you can just keep doing it until it goes if I may yes yes well I didn't do that I didn't spread myself you you went hard I did
Starting point is 00:56:01 what I do with the fighting game I take a look I see what sounds you did one spread right one round or two with everybody and then I lock the fucking all right please don't tell me you pick Nabooji please don't tell me you pick Nabooji fuck oh thank goodness oh boy no I spent the entire weekend on the berserker okay oh my god I love that character so much it's it plays he plays like he's in a different game than some of the other characters so for me I'm playing as she plays like ridiculously aggressive and it's so fun because I like just the basic fact that it's like okay look how does your block
Starting point is 00:56:40 work with the berserker one it's a limited thing you have to time it you can't just hold it basically yeah you basically want to go for parries and whatnot and it's like okay so after a while I'm like this this is not working out I'm approaching this wrong and then it's just like fuck blocking I am with with the three dodging with the that's how I counter with the with the peace caper the berserker and the Erochi the three technical classes the counter attackers right analog stick is not used all that much when you're a 2v1 you yeah absolutely but outside of that you use it to pick some of your strikes like
Starting point is 00:57:16 the Erochi's up attack like hits twice guaranteed for example but berserker's best attack is dodge the side and spin attack and that's the thing is that's a guarantee off of a nice you know predictable swing or if you wait till the last second really nail it you get power you get riposte time and you get and you get a guaranteed grab and that is fucking great because that guaranteed grab also is the same time frame that you can do her her spin attack so the the crowd clear is guaranteed and then off of the cat that you can go into the infinite so if you if you really oh my god if you really adore berserker you
Starting point is 00:57:55 should definitely spend some time and check out the peacekeeper and the Erochi because they don't work exactly the same they're not quite as aggressive but they have benefits that the berserker doesn't aesthetically I kind of just want to play a Viking yeah like I'm not gonna lie like like fucking entirely I just I'm looking at this I'm like look everyone's gonna be a fucking samurai I don't want that I want to play as a Viking I that's what's interesting to me okay so we're putting it down then now that we have a consensus if you if the best friends team Viking go team Viking okay yeah all right because I
Starting point is 00:58:26 picked Viking whoever I play picking team Viking I like the snow area is the best too so lucky win also I'm like it's just it's the it's the most interesting to me because it's the thing I've done the least you know I've I know I've played nights in other games I want to say though I want to say the Vikings that often the night designs in this game are fantastic they're great they're great but I've done it you know and so I want to do something new in the same way that I like the chain and sickle in Neo because I've never used that all that character's coming to to for honor well fucking ninja to curse Ari gamma
Starting point is 00:58:57 character is gonna be one of the first DLC characters because that's that like to me it's just like what's new what's interesting and like I'm all about that fucking berserker man so good um like and it's so weird because I'm used to going with like yeah I like playing heavy characters as well too sometimes usually go like a rock a brick a hard defense or something yes something with a really good defense but like movement options man attacking off of movement you can and jivan getting behind you unblockable light starters you know sorry uninterruptible light starters um and and then the stamina reward for keeping
Starting point is 00:59:27 that going like now I can just do it yeah and and like but you get exhausted constantly and really quick so you have to really back off you have to learn your your throw breaks which is very hard for me in this game so throw breaks are very difficult for me to wrap my head around that's nuts they're so easy well here's the reason because throw breaks in for honor do not work like a tech they work a hundred percent like a tech that woolly if you both throw at the same time it does not work you and you have to you have to tech on reaction yeah but the window is massive it's insanely but my brain doesn't do that woolly
Starting point is 01:00:02 I naturally intuit techs from when people are I guess techs right I don't react to techs so having to change from guessing a throw break to actually reacting on a throw break is very different that being said you can kill people with your throw techs in this game if because they fly people if you're all if your back is to a cliff if you're almost those little bridge areas right yeah and you you're in your your heart you're like he's gonna try and throw me off yeah just sit there and wait and the instant your character gets popped and they're they're off the side the thing is that a lot of people early on at least in the
Starting point is 01:00:35 beginning levels don't even really know that you can direct your throw so it's like yeah you're standing on an open-sided like bridge or whatever and then you land a throw and just hold left and that's an instant kill and they're gone you know I did you did you kill anybody with the non-cliff based yes you fucking toss them off and then you get the lock-on drop no I mean like there's spikes on the walls in some stages as well no I haven't done it oh wait no no I did get one I got the the geyser there's a water there's the geyser
Starting point is 01:01:07 there's the falls which are everywhere there are spikes on the walls and then there is also flame if you throw people in a flame it takes huge amounts of damage yeah yeah uh no I like love the fact that all of that shit matters what I can say is after my friends kind of were telling me about this early on and then now I feel it more than ever the game to me at least is 1v1 and 2v2 at most yes anything beyond that is just fucking now here's the shenanigans the like you get projectiles at that point it's just wacky it's not balanced
Starting point is 01:01:38 you're picking up armor that can actually make you stronger even though it balances out a little bit it still is just it's wacky I people are running like to heal their partners yeah like a lot of the time you'll see like sometimes you'll face off against somebody and the first thing they do is just sprint away from you it's just goofy dumb shit there is I played a lot of 4v4 over the weekend and it's it's in a period of settling out and the biggest thing that is improving that mode that move improved
Starting point is 01:02:09 over time and it's not because of mechanical changes the reason why the it improved is because that revenge system so there's a revenge system which is a comeback mechanic if you get hit or block a lot you gain a mode in which for 10 seconds or ish you do more damage you get you double your existing life bar and your hits are uninterruptible your hits are uninterruptible and if on activation if anyone's hitting you they'll get knocked to the floor if multiple people are attacking you there is clearly a multiplicative buff
Starting point is 01:02:39 on revenge meter because you get it two people attacking you you gain it like three seconds three people attacking you you gain it instantly yeah and here's the thing and you saw it in that 1v4 video the biggest problem in that 4v4 mode is you're trying to hold a point and two guys are just running around to point to point to point being a gank squad once I had a bunch of 2v2 games and 4v4 games in which once the player base starts to get decent at countering multiple opponents you actually want to let people finish their 1v1s
Starting point is 01:03:15 because attacking them two on one will usually end up killing both players and in in 2v2 like it just I just because yeah in 2v2 is really obvious so in 2v2 it's awesome because it's like I naturally just wanted that so I would I would kill my guy run over to my partner and just wait and be like all right when you're done I'll take him if not whatever but then you realize that like oh even when the people that are coming at me like they don't wait for that you don't have to they can try it but if I know how to block off and fight two people
Starting point is 01:03:47 I'm getting my revenge instantly and like yeah now you fucked up if I kill one of you you've got to fight me with my revenge out so I I fought a bunch of 2v2s and it was me and two friends and a bot and we ran it we we got to see this balancing like hard in which I was fighting a human opponent and my pal was fighting bot right and he lost to the bot all right and me and the other guy are in a close close fight where one hit death right the bot runs in strikes at me I block it instantly proc revenge and knock both down kill the guy I was fighting
Starting point is 01:04:24 and then in the interim managed to kill the bot while I'm still powered up and that happened like six times that every single time somebody if you're if you get decent at that and anticipating people coming at you every single time somebody comes and tries to gank you you can turn it around on them and immediately kill them and that's when you learn the benefit of throwing people down yeah because I remember seeing like I know I can toss you to the floor but why do that when I can get a guaranteed like decent damage combo on you and it's like because if you're surrounded
Starting point is 01:04:54 those two three seconds are enough time to wipe somebody also if they if they hit the other player they both get on what sucks is you might not get an execution that'll heal you yeah but still like it the fact that you can't fight off the group because they they the developers have talked about it in terms of balancing and that revenge mode was added because there were gank squads running around like in 4v4 it ended up being the teams would all form into these balls of four players yeah and it was awful and you know that they could do something like Jedi
Starting point is 01:05:24 outcast where they'd be like okay you can't touch two people that are dueling or whatever but they clearly don't want to do that you know like that like that could be an option that maybe they turn on I would it'd be nice to have the option there to see if people want it or not but for me it's like I just got so like go starting a 4v4 elimination not even the elimination is terrible yeah actually dominion not it's the good one that's what I'm saying like not even talking about dominion talking about elimination
Starting point is 01:05:51 where like it's like round one and then the guy just turns around and sprints and like what okay no elimination has severe problems and it's because there since there's no points on the map there's nothing to draw players to anything and and and as a result people just run all over well they sprint to the buffs elimination is terrible and I'm like if you want to play 4v4 play dominion and I I eventually got to a point where I'm like I killed my guy and I'm gonna stand over his core over the core yeah so that he doesn't
Starting point is 01:06:17 reply and then like my other the other people I was playing with started hating that so anyway um Laura Ferrar is really good yeah I it's one of those things I did not care about it until I listened to you two talking about it and suddenly I have this picture in my head and I'm like why was it not described this way to me before this actually sounds interesting Laura do you care about fighting games at all I am into fighting games and this is like oh this is fighting game mechanics in a 3d environment okay why am I not doing this this is a MOBA-ized fighting game
Starting point is 01:06:49 and like as the 4v4 mode is straight up a MOBA where you're just playing a fighting game instead of clicking and every input every button is every every uh move is one button you just have to be more on your time I think the longest combo in the game is like four inputs and it's the the viking jump attack in a headbutt into stab if you want to just do a berserker like light heavy light heavy light heavy light heavy you know I am very happy to hear this uh the the picture of it I had in my head because I'd really not been watching much on it other than that that e3 footage like I had much more of a picture of something
Starting point is 01:07:25 more akin to like a like a dynasty warriors or something where it was just a lot less a lot less complex in its fighting system I don't know why I had that mental picture of it but suddenly it's like oh oh this is actually like one-on-one fighting mechanics going on oh yeah I'm I'm on board okay the amount of like it's dueling the amount of inputs is incredibly low but the amount of mechanics per strike is extremely high yeah so you have three attack quadrants great let's take the warden for example the default night character yeah right side slashes the second you have you have you can have
Starting point is 01:08:01 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r2 and r2 r2 and the side slashes they'll convoling each other on the first hit if you if you do it however the up slash has the fucking 10 frame uh guard impact on it and also yeah also it gets something like a three times damage boost if you use that guard impact because it's stronger than a heavy if you do the guard impact version so and and you how long is that left on this beta because now I'm suddenly it's it's gone it ended it ended at 5 p.m. eastern yesterday well and me and some friends were playing like 2v2's like right up until the moment and it's unlocking on steam and you play in 10
Starting point is 01:08:39 hours and probably on ps4 as well and well yeah I guess I will give the full thing a look then I didn't realize it was that quick from beta to release yeah this was there they're sort of their last chance demo the thing was it to before before we move on to that I played the closed beta the the last one not the not the original and I played the open beta stability of the matchmaking has dramatically improved it it is a really because that's my one downside it is a it has been a very noticeable improvement over time the closed beta was rough right now and the open beta started where you couldn't do 1v1's
Starting point is 01:09:15 there's two like like there's there's there's two beefs one is the obvious like Ubisoft like set up for the where the micro is going to go it's uh have you have you played siege or known about siege is micro at all actually I'm aware of so yeah because so the way the way that it works is that you have your loot boxes for your fancies yeah and you have your characters that unlock but you can buy those characters with the game currency um and everything is technically free though the characters cost a lot of in-game currency yeah um but it's honestly a pretty and all maps are all
Starting point is 01:09:48 free as well when they come out well in this when I saw the thing that was like turn on this like mode where it's like while you're in here like whatever champion mode champion mode you get more xp this and I'm like okay it's a it's a it's a coin developer yeah exactly it's quite exactly you know um but but anyway like my main gripe was just the matchmaking was terrible for me the entire time and uh I did have stable matches but you would just it was like almost like 50 50 in some ways and uh I know that it's it's p2p because like frames matter yes and that's like for most people in most games where like
Starting point is 01:10:24 you're dealing with uh where you don't have like footsies to worry about you don't have to think about like p2p you just go no server based whatever but in games like this like I understand it's it's the way to play is to have no middleman you just want you and then the person you're connected to so that it's as quickly so there is that they the downside is if they have a shady network they did a uh they did a you suffer interview talking about this and the number one takeaway from that is there is no host advantage okay because somebody is hosting those bots
Starting point is 01:10:54 right um and you can tell who it is because occasionally they'll drop and then the whole game will go as it migrates to a different host right uh laura if you ever played gears of war or anything like that when the when the host would drop and after gears one where gears one the host dropped the game would just end yeah um but later on you got host migration and it's this really awkward feeling where the fucking game just go yeah yeah I know exactly yeah and you'll get a warning it says host migrating you know yeah um and I'm gonna assume that most of the time the host is me
Starting point is 01:11:29 because I have the fastest internet um yeah and I don't drop so that doesn't happen to other people but uh yes over over time there is a very significant increase in the reliability of that matchmaking it was originally uh in the in that closed beta like when I was playing on a ps4 like it the first day I was lucky to finish a match even 1v1s oh and the open beta the first day of the open beta started out really rough because it was something was wrong with it and 1v1s didn't work anymore so that's what sucks is that like um about those two those modes is when
Starting point is 01:12:08 you're queuing up for a 1v1 you're gonna sit there and wait for like five minutes and when you're queuing up for 4v4 you're fucking flying well did you play it on sunday I played it all the whole time okay because on sunday they finally fixed the 1v1 problem and I was getting into matches instantly but I was playing it on pc maybe that had something to do with it I don't know I was on ps4 uh it sucked man because I was like is it just and it's like everything said low population right that that's a bug that was a total bug
Starting point is 01:12:36 because I was I was worried that I was like are people just really not playing 1v1 and they're all going in 4v4 and that's why it's so hard to find a match well no what happened what the problem with that is that 1v1 was broken the day the open beta came at it did not work at all and as a result of that people when it did get fixed they didn't notice they didn't know because they weren't doing it okay and on pc on the last day it people started to go back into 1v1 so it started to work again but it may not have been the case on ps4 I see okay um and there's other modes
Starting point is 01:13:09 that are still not that weren't still not playable in the beta yeah uh which I don't know what they are but well 1v1 and 2v2 is where woolly is going to spend 99 percent of his time I'm I'm I am setting up shop but you know and it's funny how there's like items that'll be like I'm gonna take away how much time it takes for you to regen or like the strength of like one of your proc like your your items or whatever it's just kind of like so the best thing about the 1v1 and 2v2 modes
Starting point is 01:13:37 is that yeah they they don't activate doesn't matter and in uh in the 4v4 or modes they are activated but you are matched based on gear level right so you will be you won't be matched with fucking you shouldn't be anyway matched with superman but even if that mode becomes a trash fire 1v1 and 2v2 are still amazing last thing I'm gonna say on it is that we've been talking about it with lots of like terms in terms of like you know like the the technical abilities and so on and and blah
Starting point is 01:14:10 but in general as a whole like despite this word our description of this being like very technical just grab it and try to fight with it run through the tutorial and then fight a dude one on one and you will feel innately what we're talking about and it's way simpler than it sounds if you do pick it up I'm think I'm I'm listening back to our conversation and I'm like that was really complicated and it's probably like really the controls are dirt simple but it's way easier than we're making it sound yeah all of the stuff we're
Starting point is 01:14:43 thinking about is just like so when I said there's a guard impact categorizing really simple so when I say something that sounds technical like there's a guard impact on the warden's high light attack that triples its damage right that sounds complex but all it means is that when you point up and use a light attack with a warden if you time it right you'll block an attack coming in and just smash down with your own that's it and he glows yellow for the time frame
Starting point is 01:15:08 when you can do that yeah and he bursts orange if you hit it yeah that you know so that's what I'm saying is like when you feel it it's like it's way simpler than we're making it one one thing the advanced tutorial should be required that that thing is a huge point bonus for doing it so you get a mat like oh and you know what else they did I remember they gave they bumped the the microtransaction fun bucks okay from the closed beta to the open beta they bumped it by 10 okay which that's nice I hope that this game is taken seriously
Starting point is 01:15:40 and I hope it sells enough for well it had like three million players during the beta cool so and I don't did you check what the population numbers were no so the population numbers were around 200k at once on ps4 168k at once on pc and about a huh just a little under that on xbox one simultaneously okay so that's over half a million people on on all skews playing at the same time there and because this game has 1v1 and 2v2 support that's fantastic
Starting point is 01:16:14 dude this this game will last like like rainbow just get it just get it just think of uh uh fucking rainbow six siege where that's I don't know what player count that is but that's alive and well bunny won't shut the fuck up about it excellent uh I'm gonna be grabbing the ps4 version but uh I double dip because I'm an idiot no no like if it turns out that like more people I know are on pc I'll grab a pc copy too I don't mind at all like supporting like good I bought the season pass I don't care like 1v1
Starting point is 01:16:42 I want I want those new characters immediately the two new characters that they showed off in art like silhouette kind of art where the whoever who's got their six coming and the you can clearly tell who it is and it's a uh roman centurion and it is a ninja with kusarigama and it appears that the the dlc characters are not going to fit into the existing factions it's literally just going to be fucking deadliest warrior grab bag shit well I mean and there's there's the um there's the entire like story based faction of the of the yellow
Starting point is 01:17:14 weird people the evil people the evil people that oh you mean the chaos marines yeah so that's a whole group of characters that like I'm assuming you're gonna get out your hands on at some point at least one or two you know anyway um that's a lot of for honor I'm so excited we're very excited tonight this game uh it's really cool and and I feel that like yeah if there's anything that can interrupt my neotide it would be something a lot like neo but more and it's one view wanting yeah you know and I like um I guess when I want to
Starting point is 01:17:47 pve I'll drop I'll jump over to neo yeah and when I want to pvp I'm going to jump over apparently there's going to be a story mode and for honor that is so awful they're not sending out review codes huh that's always a good sign oh yeah don't you just love like oh single players well here you can you can see it at launch with the public because shared experience so here's the part that I never understood and it's I have a strong suspicion this game did not have a single player up until six months ago because every time they were asked about it they're like well
Starting point is 01:18:19 that's right that's insane but I'm well I understand the spirit of what you're trying there's videos of the single player out and it looks like repurposed multiplayer maps like titanfall one so okay I don't know but I never understood we're gonna make a single player to add value but we're not gonna make it good so we're gonna have to hide the fact that it's shit so what value are you at just a box point like a bullet point I think it really is just a box point like it probably doesn't make any difference day one but it's like three or four months down the line when timmy's mum goes into the game shop and it's
Starting point is 01:18:53 like oh this game has a single player for when I have to turn the internet off because he's lost his internet time well too too bad because it's online only even in that single player yeah but timmy's mum's not gonna know that yeah timmy's mum would not know that uh oh well when she's shopping at game is that oh yeah that's us it's just game in all the characters already around the UK right Laura yeah yeah yeah I'm in the UK yeah yeah okay is game on fire bankrupt all the time or what's up with that pretty much uh they okay so game was fine and then they burnt down to the ground and then they were like revived with with a phoenix down and they
Starting point is 01:19:35 like absorbed the other competitor they had and all of the competitor became game as well and then they very almost burnt to the ground again and had to had to close half of the stores that they assimilated into themselves and now they just kind of exist perpetually on the edge like they always seem like their stores might just fall off a cliff tomorrow because I remember when they filed for bankruptcy or whatever the fuck that was part of that was like we're no longer ordering down payments on pre-orders oh except they do again now like they that lasted for like six weeks and then they were like we'll start taking your money again sure um half the time like they'll like I think when they filed for bankruptcy there were multiple games that
Starting point is 01:20:16 they took pre-orders for and then never sent out yeah exactly yeah they because they're like well we're bankrupt we don't have to do that now yeah and then they reinstated as a company and they're like yeah we're not giving you your money back um they are a company that I'm fine to go in and purchase something from them if I want to pick up a boxed copy and it's on the shelf already I would never trust them with my money in advance of something being on the shelf ready to hand to me it's it sounds almost exact exactly like uh we had micro plays dying out over here and when uh electronic boutique was like before eb games and before game stop like well game stop existed in the states but they bought them out or whatever but we had looked at the proper electronics
Starting point is 01:20:58 boutique and god damn it well it's stupid things I don't want office I don't want office on this device Microsoft stop telling me to get office on this device don't you want office though I really don't want office on this device have you thought about if you would like office on this device I've thought about it and I don't want it I thought about it and then I decided that if I wanted to use office I'd use open office because it's fucking free and they fucking yeah and they legally got the the rights because you stole their shit yeah fucking yeah back to what you were saying about electronics boutique anyway micro play was dying out and it sounded shitty and like so game is probably a similar situation and games also a funny name yeah the thing that was most annoying
Starting point is 01:21:40 is when they got bought back back from bankruptcy the first time they bought up all of the stores of game station which used to be the slightly nicer everyone kind of preferred it to game and they turned all of them into games and then closed most of them down awesome so it's like oh the the nice high street competitor is also gone I guess we only have game and now yeah I'm excited I'm excited for 30 days from now when the switch comes out where I have three switches pre-ordered at retail locations at eb games and I better get all three of those switches or else I'm gonna have to stab a bitch well I mean I mean like one of those is mine right no you get the Amazon one oh okay the the other two are for people that are going to be with me
Starting point is 01:22:27 when I go pick them up um uh what was I going to say well actually I have a friend at the one of the eb games so he'll just like give me somebody else's if if need be wow wow straight up going right to scumbag yeah no no no you're going right to the scumbag yeah someone someone's now not getting there but the type of shit because he's called out listen listen the type of shit that we call out constantly listen are you literally saying right now that you're doing it yourself listen I'm not going straight there because fuck you it's it's on the table as a last resort you are the biggest hypocrite if that's what you're saying no I'm not it's different when it's me because I want it wow after yelling at people in line for the similar things happening and calling
Starting point is 01:23:16 out people and saying snitching is great and fuck those guys and get that guy in trouble he's helping his friends and hooking them up yeah you're literally doing oh no no no no listen listen if my friend were to do that he deserves to get fired but that's not my problem you're gonna do it anyway oh I hope he's smart enough to not get caught oh wow sit in your tower you say smart enough to not get caught as you as you start laying the seeds of oh there's someone out there is doing it you're gonna find them this oh the consistent no listen if ebgames steals my I bought that switch if they if I get there and they didn't give it to me that means they gave it to somebody else so like you're like that means I am owed one no matter how I get right and fuck your friend
Starting point is 01:24:04 who for doing this but not that good friends oh yeah he's it like like so you're like basically the fact that you're doing this for me is completely reprehensible oh it's terrible but I'm getting mines yeah it's like I would never choke out a baby for diamonds but I'll take the diamonds yeah also it's it's it's super weird that's coming out in like two and a half weeks like that's super weird that feels way too soon doesn't it like like my my brain knows it's that far away it can't really process that it's that far away I would just like to clarify one more thing woolly there was a phrase you used in it's that you're jumping straight to scumbag yeah no I'm doing it the right way and scumbag shit is reserved for fail states it's a last resort but but if you're
Starting point is 01:24:55 willing to go there why even you always have to be willing why why not break the glass immediately if it's already on the table because it's better to do it the right way if you're hiding monopoly money in your pants that wasn't on the board when everyone started wait until you start losing the cheat oh just woolly you're not supposed to cheat or do bad things unless things are not going your way and within you're totally allowed I that's how the real world works man I just if you're if you're having a knife fight and you're sure you're going to win that knife fight with the two guys the conveyor that's great no no shut up then you kill that guy with a knife but if he starts to gain the upper hand that's when you pull your gun and shoot him conviction with which you like
Starting point is 01:25:43 wrathfully wrathfully came down yeah on people doing the exact same thing no it's not the exact but you weren't in the benefiting scenario it's not you're just starting the chain now because all that you know if someone's not going to get that switch because of you and then they're going to steal someone else's switch you have you are the start of the chain pat you are where it all begins so the other version of you that's standing and watching you get that one from the friend employee is rightfully allowed to say fuck those people I hope they get hit by a bus on the way home to you absolutely and I hope they get their desire but you're still gonna do it yeah no listen it's a really really simple concept it's really really simple concept okay
Starting point is 01:26:32 oh your headphones fell out okay it's really simple okay oh the guy because there was a guy on my twitter who said that he saw uh this motherfucker uh from game stop go in with five of his friends and reserve all these of reserve all the switches you piece of hold on all right and then I advised on this guy to snitch and he snitched hard that guy lost his job and that's a heroic act right but the difference here is that that game spot guy wasn't getting those switches for me okay all right okay so that makes it bad I I like like the scum is so pure you you have to admire the purity and here's the really like it's unbelievable and here's here's the really scary part if you're gonna be a hypocrite be a hundred percent no with
Starting point is 01:27:24 don't even bother hypocrisy here it's hypocrisy I live my life for me and despite the horror I want to win and and and no matter how horrible you will decry anyone doing any action they shouldn't do that that's horrible but you will do the action not at first it's what's the difference there's there is a difference between jumping straight to a bed option you get trying easier option you get to pretend you're not scummy for a minute or you turn on this lovely if we had a big just go only if we had a big fight right there I would always try and like discuss my point right and then hopefully we can reach a reasonable agreement but if that fails you have to resort to violence I would rather you just pull
Starting point is 01:28:08 the behel it out oh well that's you I'm trying to be nice here well also receiving all of my perfect desires because I am the hero of my own life oh oh man this is fucking great and and you know like look out for number one who is me if nothing it's consistent if nothing it's consistent it's consistent and it's inconsistency it all makes perfect sense did you have anything else we'll be still on woolly's week did woolly have anything else so what fucking trash scumbag week did you have me I already even talked about it really neo for i saw john wick I played the first two levels of neo and I played uh for honor all weekend sounds good we had the exact same week let's get into the news all right I'll be back in one second
Starting point is 01:28:55 oh okay these red balls man okay I guess we'll take in a little break that's all right by me gives me a second to have a bit of my drink yep yep absolutely oh my god I just like it's versions of this over the years that you get used fucking I guess I'm leaving the sin then I over this version of this over the years of knowing this guy that you get used to from seeing it and like you know it's coming every time well you know it's coming every time but it's just like you can't believe it when it happens it's kind of wonderful in that I've heard this from a distance before and there's something remember the rent I'm talking yeah I'm aware there is something magically different about being here and being able to respond
Starting point is 01:29:50 that makes it all suddenly all the more real that it's like oh this is a real human being oh Pat like I just if we can find like I'm back the exact hey how's it going we can find the exact moment of like like when you're going off on them and like you can almost like feel the light radiating from behind him with just how righteous his anger is at these people for being shitty and scummy I am just waiting for the inevitable video that happens where someone finds the audio from both and just puts them back to back and it'll be a glorious man right now I assume it's already happening it'll be glorious Pat over here I just want to live a quiet life I empathize with Kira far too much he's a really good he's a really good he's a really good let's let's get into the news
Starting point is 01:30:40 then I guess we're gonna start out with the oh one last thing one one final thing please this is why snitching is so important this is why you need to snitch on everyone especially me especially me to stop you I feel no anger towards people who would snitch on me people snitch on me all the time every time I eat candy somebody's telling my girlfriend that I ate candy and that keeps me honest yeah no I hear that I hear that I get it it's like you know I was listening to a stand-up the other day Bill Burr was going off about how like if you are like aggressively driving in traffic and you like fucking you swerve over the grass to get past him it's like you know what I wanted to do it too and you got me I can't even get mad at that
Starting point is 01:31:27 you know if you're like taking your time going I don't know which way to go that's the annoying shit you get mad at yeah but if you do a crazy ass drift danger cutting move I think fuck it you deserve the spot I wanted it you took it I think you could be critical of the act while still being like respectful of the of the motivations it's like yeah you're not doing the right thing but I respect the hustle and what's important is that these scumbag things are so that I can get friends of mine switches because I'm such a good guy exactly you're obviously doing the wrong thing for the right reasons and everything is good Pat like I would 180 immediately if you told me that right upon receiving it from the friend you would snitch him out right on the spot
Starting point is 01:32:14 if you took the thing and then went thanks pal and then walked up to his manager and told him what happened and went home I would completely 180 on the spot I'm thinking about it because that seems awesome that seems super awesome fucking get this guy that's the best oh god damn all right uh so I was gonna start out with um the uh new announced title from konami which is shut up what you don't want to hear about you don't want to hear about bomber girl so here's the biggest bummer about this bomber girl great idea that's awesome like miss pacman sure yeah what they're doing though so the so basically bomber man's getting updated into or at least for one game they're trying this
Starting point is 01:33:15 out which I know the direct comparison immediately becomes a bomber man acts zero this is the a million miles in the other direction from xero now here's the thing right is when it comes to a franchise like this that's been like pretty not I'm gonna say stagnant but it hasn't really changed over the years and it hasn't really been selling particularly like well over the last couple releases why not switch it up I see no problem with going a completely different direction like this and even if it's with like super moe blob girls and stuff like that it's like yeah sure man they're trying something new I and and I would rather this than super bomber man are I suppose this is at least something new and interesting so well that's what what I
Starting point is 01:34:04 was gonna say was that like um you know Liam rightfully I think tweeted out he's like look like if you are one of the folks that is like not happy about this news and are complaining about it then I hope you support bomber man are when it comes out to show them that that's the bomber man you want where is bomber man are bomber man are is the new one that's about to get released and about a month or two does that have the fucking awful micro transactions in it I don't know I don't think so I think it's a $50 game and it's just super bomber man redone with new graphics yeah for $50 it's a $50 yeah it's $50 no yeah no way see this is the problem with it is it's that those are both awful choices yeah and and and the idea being that like you know because barman
Starting point is 01:34:48 has not been like as the traditional bomber man games not been selling particularly well like if the solution to hey you don't want this food isn't we'll eat the old food with piss on it at the same time they're worthy old they're worthy the releases from before bomber man are which were full $50 but here's the other thing Willie I also have no problem with bomber man never coming back ever again because bomber man existed and it's fine and I can just go back and play those old ones and and and that's no no and and in particular like a part of this like qualifies there's a required qualifier that you care about bomber man to I love bomber man but there doesn't need to be new bomber man it's funny because like I feel like if even though
Starting point is 01:35:31 act zero was as dumb as it was boy was it if it just kind of still had the camera in the right place would have been fine and played like a normal multiplayer game it would have been fine it would have been stupid the fact that they locked it into that weird like single player only or multiplayer uh no local multiplayer excuse me was probably what killed it more than the actual real oh absolutely um but yeah no I I like I'm like fuck it it's an like this is one of those things where bomber man's an old-ass franchise in the same way that if you saw a drastic change to sonic or mario you'd be like yeah sure that should let's let's see what's like experimental I disagree I think sonics had enough drastic changes well what I'm getting at is when it's
Starting point is 01:36:15 something that has been the same for as long as you can remember well actually the problem with sonic is that it hasn't been the same since like 95 perhaps sonic wasn't the best analogy perhaps a more stable franchise you know with a mascot that tends to be the same over the course of 30 years you know it's like when when something like this comes out it's like yeah it'll be a one off or it won't like Castlevania I guess you know we'll see what happens but they're trying something because they they gotta figure out how to make some money off of no don't stop just stop yeah just quit on the IP sure even though just re-release virtual console versions of the old games even though like Hudson was was purchased for money that they need to recoup or and or intend to use
Starting point is 01:37:00 I'm gonna fuck but they're fucking business yeah you can recoup that money by just re-releasing Bomberman on every system that comes out and people who recognize the name will buy it again and you'll make your money and I don't think they're they're gonna stop making Bomberman but in general I hope they do yeah I don't I think it's I'm now actively petitioning that people kill Bomberman awesome well he killed that's what happens every time he plays that's the whole point yeah so it's happening great so yeah is there a place for Bomberman in today's world there is a place for him it's that boss that's basically Bomberman in um in Binding of Isaac that yeah there's only bosses exactly what's it is it greed no it's who would know who is it that's
Starting point is 01:37:45 basically Bomberman it might be pride the one that's basically Bomberman that's that's Bomberman's place in society now they're all I honestly like look the the formula no matter what it looks like or what it cosmetically is like the four players or even eight players going to walking around this giant thing blowing each other up using that basic gameplay mechanic is always gonna be fun man doesn't matter I think I think it'll be fine um this is an arcade release uh but the article also mentions uh yeah it's got 4v4 co-op so you can do like uh co-op yeah so you're doing like up to eight player battles as well in the arcade and I don't know I'm assuming this is eventually gonna get dropped on a console or on steam or on something but hopefully not Bombergirl
Starting point is 01:38:33 you'd rather have nothing I very much rather have nothing and I'm I'm full blown not only would I rather have nothing I also want other people to have nothing okay well that's a story let's go to the next one no one's here to stop me today I can't beat Christopher Robin all right so I can't do it um the switch sparks phone app can we please can someone explain this to me yeah so they they try to Nintendo try to explain it to you I still don't understand right here with uh the the announcement of like the Splatoon 2 demo and some of the the way it's gonna work with Splatoon 2 uh Splatoon 2 Splatoon 2 I still think there's a huge missed opportunity for Splatoon my question with that is like does that pun maybe
Starting point is 01:39:22 not work in other languages in a way that it doesn't problems it's knee it'd be knee splatoon knee splut me splut me yeah like that's my only guess is that to do my only guess is that that pun somehow doesn't work in other languages and they didn't want to confuse it that way but it was it will always be splatoon it was good enough for a drive thrower and for three years for three for three years the worst and for for for what is that one a thief a thief ah before it was just three it was the fourth four or the app it's terrible anyway it's terrible uh stop doing this yeah the split the switch phone app is still pretty confusing and we don't know a lot about it but we do know that um part of the way it's gonna work and what from what from their description is that
Starting point is 01:40:16 the app will um when you have your friends list up and you're chatting with people um once you go into game it will there will basically it sounds like they're not going to have um voice chat except for with friends through the app all right that's but where does the voice come out of does it come out of your phone or the switch that's because if it comes out of the phone there will be the most vicious feedback ever the Wii U had that same problem and discord on the phone has the same problem we still don't know if you're gonna put your headset on and still hear the game audio at the same time or a pass through or like we don't know because the switch is the best obvious place for monster hunter makes it really exciting because you can take it on the go and you can play
Starting point is 01:41:00 online home but this is ruinous this could like fuck that up to a degree where i want somewhere else i'm wondering if it's just as simple as a pass through i hope for the audio i hope it's literally just it there's an existing thing in game for random matchmaking or whatever but when you want to do it with your friends or whatever you use your smartphone with the complicated app and send messages shit that's still trash and there's no reason that the switch should be able to do it but at least it's better than what this appears yeah because if if your friends voices come out of your phone that multiplayer is trash well that's that is garbage initially when i heard about the smartphone app what i was picturing was like oh i put on my my
Starting point is 01:41:38 bluetooth headset connected to my phone or whatever and i'll get my you know i'll talk into the headset and i'll hear in the headset and then i remembered oh shit where does the game audio come from like the only acceptable use of that that i can think of and i don't think nintendo would do this is i talk into my phone and i hear my friends through the switch and i can wear my headphones with the switch i talk into the phone that's a weird setup i don't know why it exists backwards and pointless right why would you do that but it would not cause problems i don't see nintendo not causing problems no i like i can't see a version of this without like a full headset separate where you're talking into the phone receiver like that just sounds ridiculous to me
Starting point is 01:42:21 um what is another thing though about the app that they did announce is the ability to schedule multiplayer that's cool and i think that's dope like you can actually like on your friends let's go all right look now this time this place and you know in theory you'd get a reminder that like hey you're supposed to go play but i think that's that's something we could have used earlier on all of that stuff about it i love the fact that you can like you can get push notifications on your phone to say like oh your friend has just jumped into this game do you want to jump in and play with them and that's a great idea that stuff is great i just wish there was the ability to talk into my switch and to hear my people through the switch and to not have to use the phone to talk
Starting point is 01:42:59 there's no reason why that should not be the case i think the fact that we haven't heard about the exact details of how that's going to work yet is probably because we're probably not going to like it or they're still working on it or the version sounds ridiculous or the version that keeps getting back out to us is like confusingly worded and like not the case like because it's a very simple issue in that there's your friends and there's game audio in two separate sources here's an example when the f of 14 expansion was coming out the last one they they put out a list of every single ability in the game that was going to be added right and what it was going to do it and they put that out like a month beforehand no one could understand
Starting point is 01:43:43 what about half of them did and some of them only were people figured out the day the game came out and they got to read the in-game text because the translation for those abilities was terrible and they were properly translated but by people who clearly didn't know what the fucking abilities actually did or internally right right this feels like nobody who actually gets it is explaining to us this feels like who someone who does understand how it's gonna work is have hardly explaining to some guy who then goes to a translator and then we get it these are so baffling and so unclear it might be a I hope it's as simple as sorry no go go yeah yeah I hope it's as simple as like you know what actually we're overthinking it and you plug your headphones in
Starting point is 01:44:28 and there is a mic on the switch and you still just talk to it and you do the same thing you would but there's also those functions in the smartphone app if you desire not even that it just uses your phone as like the the method to connect to your friends list and like and you know like sort all that information sure but the phone just sits on your side and does nothing it would be while you're playing it would be nice if the phone was just a second screen for organization of matchmaking i'm hoping so i i nintendo have done nintendo-y things one too many times it's just i could if there's any company i could see making it weird and confusing to talk to people it's a nintendo yeah and you and like and like here's a thing where it's like after the we and after the
Starting point is 01:45:08 we you and such and and 3ds and we you know they're doing the thing that like we said was probably the best place for them to go which is bring your handheld and and console markets together and like they need an honest new shot at the video game industry and i think that like this is one way where like if you have these dumb little things that you can fix two or three iterations down like if you just iron that out now yeah fine like i don't be so fine what i don't make these dumb little mistakes like what i don't get is when they acquire dna why did they not just be like right okay start making the the app that's going to be the switch making at matchmaking app now put it out there in the wild be like hey you can add your friends and talk to them about what you're
Starting point is 01:45:52 doing on your network and add your friends so when the switch comes out everyone already knows what the app does and what it can do and you just connect your switch and we all understand it like why i think liam invented this phrase but i've been using it a lot because it's dead on and he's 100 right with the nintendo it's always something when it should be nothing yeah don't give us anything to complain about if it's just the console and you put the game in and then we see how the buttons work and then you got the features and so much of this thing looks so cool and so smart and even though they're going through an outside company to help with their online infrastructure it is still baffling confusing and probably unintuitive and shit yeah well it's
Starting point is 01:46:36 what worries me is their lack of consistency because there's things like uh you know how me tomo and mario run you could add your friends on those games by linking your twitter or your facebook or your gmail or whatever and adding friends from those you can't do that in fire emblem heroes you have to go back to using friend codes and you can't you can't share your friends list from your nintendo account from those last two nintendo games yeah like the lack of consistency is what's really worrying me about this phone app listen it's going to have a unified account system except for this and this and this so just last night actually because uh i was checking it out like yeah you link your friend code your your nintendo account to mario run yeah but uh a fire
Starting point is 01:47:21 emblem does it out because i haven't actually like downloaded it it does not let you know like your mario your nintendo it lets you link your nintendo account but it does not add friends from there you are given a code a friend code for that game that you have to share with people to add them in that game i will fully eat my crow then when i remember saying very happily that friend codes are dead i i i remember i remember telling you they're gonna find a way and i like they're done they're over with we're the thing of the past now i want to point out you were not wrong to say that and i was crazy to say that but with nintendo yeah there's always more here's the thing with the nintendo account system for fire emblem heroes all it will do is it will save your user data so if you delete
Starting point is 01:48:05 the app and redownload the app and reconnect to the same account you'll get your your play data back but it just yeah that's all right but it just ignores the friend list that you built up on their last two games and makes you use a new system and i don't know why and i'm scared for the smartphone app it just doesn't make sense it's been figured out and if the problem and admittedly we're speculating over a thing that we don't have the details on sure so this can all be completely mitigated when it comes out and it's like oh it's actually normal right gotta gotta put that out there but it is just always so strange because a lot of these problems are not new problems that like no one has ever faced before there have been tons of versions of this through four or five six consoles
Starting point is 01:48:47 now a million lessons to learn from other companies and if you look and you go okay we can't afford an xbox live or like playstation psn infrastructure there are still other examples to look at and see what you can actually do it just seems strange that you would go with this new weird one here's a here's a problem that won't be solved period hey woolly you like splatoon sure i imagine you're gonna play a bunch of the second splatoon i hope so right so you're gonna be sitting there you're gonna be playing splatoon and the switch is going to be plugged in right on the dock playing with your controller oh man oh hey uh uh the billy's hopping on i'll play with the all my phone's dead oh yeah i can oh yeah so like switch being plugged handheld console being plugged in at home
Starting point is 01:49:34 power concerns gone but now we have to worry about our phone dying the phone that we used all day and then came home when it was at 22 battery and we want to play like seems like a lot of hoops that they're jumping through to specifically let you play like online on the go yeah you know well there's all there's a there's another problem with that and there's no there's no plan for the uh switch to have an internet browser at all which is a problem because airport wi-fi hotspots require a landing page and so the hotels yeah i i i'm wondering do they maybe have an internet browser that that's the only times that it works uh my other thinking of why they maybe don't have an internet browser always accessible is for their last few consoles the way that piracy has happened is through the
Starting point is 01:50:18 web browser and i'm i think they're just hoping like if we don't give you an easily accessible web browser you can't go to that page that lets you side load in all the content i'm sure someone will find a way yeah they'll just go to the hotel log into the hotel wi-fi get the the web browser that exists for that purpose and do it that way um at the or at the or like you know like tethering like oh well anyway whatever thanks nintendo but uh it's all the looks good it does and you know i mean look i guess i don't know at the end of the day the only thing that makes me feel a little bit better here is that like i've never played a ton of online nintendo anyway you know like smash online i didn't really bother with that much i most of the time was playing local
Starting point is 01:51:06 so the bummer here is the biggest loss the only reason why i care is because assumedly monster hunter will be on the system yeah and that game it was a damn shame that there was no way to talk to people on the 3ds version and the the wii version had the problem of the wii game pad was the speaker and the mic yeah and it would just echo and reverb into itself into shit and the idea that it's like oh finally got an hd monster hunter but we're we're gonna go back to this problem really in fucking 2017 18 we're still gonna have to use discord or skype to play monster hunter like fuck that's terrible yeah i think i think uh like prior to splatoon existing like i could have been like whatever i just won't even bother with the online really and
Starting point is 01:51:57 i think that's the only game they have that it matters that much to me um anyway nintendo stupid news 11 oh look more like more like they're just not being as clear as they should be nintendo's incompetent well they they really can't afford to be being that unclear at this point because it's two and a half weeks away like you would hope two and a half weeks out from launch they could tell you it's more than that it's it's 30 days it's four weeks what yeah it's it's what it we're halfway into february and it's it's it's three days into march i think it's 30 days why saying that no it's it's literally like what day are we on today monday it's two weeks and four days it's half a month it's 18 days i forgot what day was yeah it's a lot by a lot yeah it's like 18
Starting point is 01:52:42 days away and we still don't understand basic stuff about that system and whether it's gonna make weird nintendo mistakes but we'll i bet we won't know until a few hours after it comes out quite possibly uh yeah but yes i agree pat it's the current year and they still haven't figured it out um i try the uh there there's a piece of interesting news oh this is great this is awesome i i'm not i don't know i i i think it is it is it is um it is goodness so here's here's what's cool right valve is ditching steam green light to introduce steam direct and the tldr of this is uh because steam green light uh led to a lot of bullshit that infinite as what how's it how does mike say it endless trash and uh a lot of good games like not having the ability
Starting point is 01:53:36 to drum up shovel might had to get fucking voted on a green light that's fucking when it doesn't seem like that that kind of people pillars pillars of attorney had to get voted on green light they're replacing it with steam direct which is you go straight up and you your game pops up immediately but you pay a fee a fee and the fee is much higher the fee is five grand uh well they're deciding well okay that's that's the big number i was floating around yeah instead of a hundred bucks they're gonna make it somewhere between two hundred and five thousand um the idea being that you can stop all the shovelware and troll games from showing up by making it um cost efficient so that they wouldn't like if you were too cheap to spend money on your game by asset flipping
Starting point is 01:54:19 maybe you're too cheap to actually yeah so the idea is is that people would make their garbage asset flips for like thirty dollars or whatever or you'd have these mobile developers that some some guy they paid 12 bucks to shit out a steam emulator or whatever in theory would and they throw those all up there and then they would go we'll make back five bucks a game that's a worthwhile investment but if the cost is a thousand dollars per submission those games disappear because the cost becomes prohibitive also jim sterling gets put out of a job there's always trash go look at the shit that's on itchio instead he'll go look at fucking um uh what's it called disora oh the fuck that i remember the days of disora review code i keep having to fucking use
Starting point is 01:55:07 disora every year i have to use disora because matt always finds some fucking uh horror game that is only on disora i keep having to use it for weird dating sims that only ever turned up on disora but i guess now i guess now it's like you find the trash and you get to laugh at it for having them spend that much more oh yeah i can't believe they paid x dollars to get this trash up here it's it's good on paper because it does like this should in theory stop the flood of like low end shovelware getting up there you don't know what it does like the more that you disincentivize that shovelware getting on there it does kind of suck that it it takes away the ability for people making really small cheap games to even think about steam which kind of sucks um like
Starting point is 01:55:51 i've done little bits of game development stuff before where i've just put games up for like he is a game for like a dollar that is like visual novel that takes like 10 minutes to get through or whatever and like at a hundred dollars i might have been like oh yeah maybe i'll one day submit one of these on steam and see what happens but at five thousand it's like well my little tiny game is staying on forever and yeah that's the cost you're paying by disincentivizing shovel where the problem with that though is that if you have that tiny game unless you got like good marketing or groundswell or social media presence on that right like that's going to get buried in the trash in maybe 10 seconds because that fast that release window and here and here is
Starting point is 01:56:33 where i'm wondering if this is potentially bad is that like is there going to be that amazing like game that just doesn't have a platform on steam anymore because the guy can't afford it yeah or is this gonna just make it so that the green light process still has to happen but it happens before they even get to steam no here's here do you have to basically have like the person who makes this amazing small indie game go all right now i need to make the money to even send it well here no here's what happens here's what happens i have a solution you ready indie game developer makes small indie game two thousand bucks is too much to pay out of pocket you're gonna see a flood of what say say two thousand dollars is the amount they go two thousand
Starting point is 01:57:15 dollar kickstarter two thousand dollar kicks that's that's what i was getting yeah that that that seems like the most obvious that's that's what i was getting i was i was basically saying like yeah you'll see a flood of that you do your your your um your same sort of like song and dance to get the word out there you do your you know but you do it yourself enough but it's not for part of green light exactly you know maybe and garbage mobile ports are not going to be able to get that no but i think like the people who are not willing to pay that two thousand dollars or whatever to get their game up because it's probably going to be i don't think my game is going to make back two thousand dollars which probably means it wouldn't make two thousand dollars on kickstarter which
Starting point is 01:57:51 probably means you don't bother with that hullabaloo i don't know which is like they're therefore if it's not going to make back to k doesn't mean that it's not worth existing and that yeah that's that's where it gets weird because i think people should make good games but at the same time because of the realities of the economic systems that we live in it's like i i feel uh torn telling somebody if you're gonna make something that will literally not benefit you in any way other than its existence maybe you shouldn't make it maybe you should make something that people would want it's tough right i wouldn't i wouldn't say that but i would say no but i feel torn it's the same thing you like people go i could be a doctor but i really want to be an artist
Starting point is 01:58:34 it's like whoa whoa hey think about that for a second again i i'm not gonna go start calling people's dreams but i don't call their dreams unclear you just call their dreams roads to misery what i will say is that maybe it just means that the uh the thing that doesn't sell 2000 copies is destined for good good old games galaxy sure yeah you know games has done a much better job with their curation maybe it's just like it just won't be on steam yeah that will be the end of either that or you just see some publishers that are like oh this is a good thing that isn't gonna sell x amount like hey we'll publish it for you because then you don't have to go through this system because we can just publish that we own your ip oh no ea owns undertale look i feel
Starting point is 01:59:23 oh boy oh you could have said activision they made it worse but i have it i went for the realistic i just don't think that um i don't know i don't i don't think that you can ever really staunch the flow you know i feel garbage gonna garbage garbage gonna garbage shovel gonna shovel you know like your think think of how many pieces of shit hit the we in its life cycle and the ps1 and the ps2 yeah and and you know that's the difference between um uh like what it will um like quality curation versus just basic compliance and i'm always in in favor of quality curation and like it it's i know it's a more expensive process i know it's like it also can technically kneecap you if you're trying to build a large library and if the playstation one
Starting point is 02:00:12 had that then there are a lot you know what i mean like how many games would we have never have gotten as a result of it but i i don't know i just i feel like it's for the best i prefer that system i feel like it's it's ultimately what had to happen for steam to regain you know the status it had before it's a shame of the negatives it's gonna have but you know steam always was gonna have to do this they had to get rid of the shovel where from a consumer experience point the new release list has become without value the new release list is trash yeah yeah it can't be used which is why they've had to re redo and rejigger their um the the suggestions system so much don't like because like it has to basically go on it's like okay we have a new
Starting point is 02:01:00 release list of complete nothing there are more but good real games that come out that you can keep track of in a day and that's before the trash hits it yeah basically you know so we need to have these systems basically work on getting you the real releases as opposed to just the the track yeah well i think the question is now is just to see where in that 200 to 5000 does it lie like what what does valve think the line is of shovel where won't bother but small stuff will still get well here's what you do right here's what you do you make it 200 bucks and then you wait a week and you see how much trash is still hitting the store is it too much then you make it 500 bucks then you see how much trash is still hitting the store and you just you just go until the slider
Starting point is 02:01:41 you just go until the trash stops but then everything stops yeah yeah no more video games on steam and then steam was finished it was done the irony of course is that the old terrible system where you had to go through an existing publisher worked better like it sucked for everyone involved on the on the development side but for us it was much better it made it much easier to see what a value was coming out because the publishers were doing uh the green lighting yeah they were doing the the like listen i don't care and ubi soft and majesco you know some of those yeah would help put some garbage out there but like you know but but like right now for example when you see like devolver's name on something you probably pretty good hey those guys curated that yeah they picked
Starting point is 02:02:33 it because they knew and that's something that i feel is worth the fact that we will miss out on a couple things yeah you know in the end and i just wish that um most platforms would have that now i i i will say a message because now we're getting fucking life of black tiger there's at least one person out there whose game will be murdered by this change yeah and i will say to you that your game died so that my temporary inconvenience could go away and i'm sorry yeah what are you your life no i don't actually care but it's important that you pretend on on the converse there will be there will be that real sociopath this episode then we all know as well there's going to be that first game after steam direct happens where we still see the really shit
Starting point is 02:03:20 cheaply made game make it through and we all stop and ask how on earth did you make it onto steam why are you here now here's the thing that's where you get to feel good about that game instead of bad because before you could look at that and go that's a cheaply made asset flip just to throw garbage out there right but now you can look at that and go that's somebody's vision that piece of shit that somebody's heart and soul went into that piece of shit like i like it like whatever gets whatever gets thrown out that's of quality should just automatically get uploaded to unseen 64 just straight away you know anyway um we had uh some new announcements from capcom yay colin is the new street fighter five dlc character and i mean cool uh
Starting point is 02:04:13 calling calling get out of here calling a stupid announcer so it's interesting because like um she's obviously if you've played through the story mode and if you are familiar with third strike she's the the gal that's hanging out next to gil and uh she like holds the clipboard and walks away in his intro and uh you know i always looked at a while i'm like she's a cool character i never thought she'd be a fighter or whatever but sure they're grabbing who they can she's got ice powers yep and she's got half of gil's power sets i don't remember that ever coming up in the story that she had ice powers well it just came up just now like is the implication here that a she's got the same like abilities or the same um what was it the treasures of egypt that activated
Starting point is 02:05:03 from the illuminati or whatever like what's the deal with that you know okay okay so let's back it up okay so urion has steel and lightning and um uh gil has uh wind sorry gil has fire and fire and ice it's supposed to be like like you know like the elements and the five chinese elements though yeah which and there's nobody who has wind which is interesting but so colin colin colin she has ice and it's like does that mean that there are characters out there that have fire steel and lightning no i don't know i maybe again i i'm i'm suspecting that this was she gained his powers from the fucking egyptian treasure oh shit is that the tech is he the wind guy maybe i don't know that'd be many uh so like the lore implications based on third strike are kind
Starting point is 02:05:49 of fun to think about but uh beyond that gameplay wise she looks very decaparate ish yep she's got double jumps she's got a weird freezing system that is uh pretty interesting in the way they describe it where yeah if she freezes you your stun gauge now becomes the thing that determines what or rather if your stun is too high if she gets you just to into a stun state you become frozen okay and um she's also got a counter and she's got like a sort of a variable v skill and stuff so it's it looks like she has a very predictable counter like seeing people jump in on her and heard like basically doing predictable into throws like that looks really good that looks real good g-style exactly um i i think it looks dope man i i like the the very like there's only one thing
Starting point is 02:06:42 i don't like about her she's not a completely new character i was disappointed that i saw i knew who this was well i wanted it to be somebody completely while i get that like i would never have asked for her and i'm like oh okay you seem like you've got an interesting back and forth flow to combat and you know i wasn't expecting you that's good enough for me the mix-ups that you see with her throwing that ice ball into the sky that's what i was gonna cross people up is really goofy well that's what i was going to talk about gameplay wise when you see a slow fireball that means you can like do mix-ups on like how you're going to get in and you because they've got to worry about that shit i had this goofy upwards arc yoga catastrophe style shit happening
Starting point is 02:07:22 again i love that that creates shenanigans um but we don't want we don't want like obviously full on sf4 boogie style shenanigans but it's fun to see that that's there the um but i know what you mean when it comes to like new characters i don't mind because it's still new you like right you recognize the person this is not an existing street fighter character yeah and i don't know there's always a hype fun thing to like a complete stranger showing up but i don't know i would really be as long as it's not rufus man i'd be disappointed if we didn't see edd for example oh man show up as one of the potentials oh i would way rather have edd than colin calling colon colon and i and i colon i'm gonna call her colon good colon and i and i yeah and i and i feel like it adds pretty
Starting point is 02:08:06 much uh set oh yeah like like his model looked like it was ready to go a little bit he's got a cool design he's just got a little blonde kid in a hoodie with a hand thing that actually works really well by rock and he's got fucking power anyway i mean if he dies he has like a sarcastic like my point money yeah um and uh like they actually they improved her model a little bit too from the start i figured like they changed the face up a little bit so yeah they're doing it true fighter five is still here i like her hat she's there's one of her she's she's yeah i just get she's got a cool hat i like fluffy hats yeah i added a lot of the conversation there there's one of her costumes that makes her look like almost exactly like cammy's tactical uh outfit as well
Starting point is 02:08:53 where uh yeah i see her battle costume like it's different colors and she has a different face but it's like her and cammy are gonna look like they're from the same fucking like it's like a different colored version almost yeah i see it dangerously similar strange but anyway um speaking of strange things oh i i i fucking don't even know how to parse this i told you this and you went shut up i i'm torn between like usually video game adaptations are terrible but also netflix are usually really spot on with their adaptations i don't know how to feel about this i thought zelda would be the first one after hearing all the rumors but it seems like castlevania has beaten everyone to the punch we're getting a netflix castlevania series am i right that this is an
Starting point is 02:09:43 animated series we have no i i okay i must have just seen that out of nowhere i thought i saw somewhere say animated the article says that adventure times production company generator networks is also involved suggesting that the series may be animated okay that's where that came from okay so this that if this is animated this completely changes my expectations me too because i kind of in my brain expected was thinking about this as a live action which would be dumb because castlevania is fucking stupid it would work way way better as an animation absolutely um i think so well first off like as we all know from simon bellmont and captain n the the fact that like with this announcement they dropped two names and one of the names was um
Starting point is 02:10:31 adi shankar who was the guy that was behind the power slash rangers uh gritty uh video that popped up yeah yeah um and uh you know he's producing it he also worked on dread uh and yes and machine gun preacher and the gray so like yeah okay dread dreads vine you know that's cool but it is a production role but like whatever it doesn't matter as much what helps the name that matters here is warren ellis that's that's a good name to see attached yeah what oh warren ellis of uh of um uh trans metropolitan of the authority uh mother fucker wrote dead space one you know like i'm really surprised to hear ellis attached to this but that is kind of enough for me to go all right let's see what you're doing i i was on board posh i was on
Starting point is 02:11:27 board when i heard that it was them as opposed to pessimism i was on board when i heard it was netflix just because so far netflix haven't done an adaptation of something i like that i haven't enjoyed the adaptation um ellis was just the like the the icing on the cake where i was like oh yeah this is probably gonna be at the very least interesting and well written hopefully let's cross our fingers it also makes me think the tone is gonna be way more sarcastic and possibly goofy than outright serious which seems odd when you've also got adi shankar on it because it seems like he would go the route of like if he had any say it would be dark and gritty and grumble grumble right they seem like a very odd pair to put together especially good considering dread and
Starting point is 02:12:17 power slash rangers yeah um no and and yeah shankar says he mentioned last year a super violent castlevania mini series uh it's going to be dark satirical and after a decade of propaganda it will flip the vampire subgenre on its head so that's what he has to say about it you know okay i just my brain just made a tone that would be perfect for this and it's metalocalypse oh yeah for why do i call it castlevania no no it is castlevania and it's sign bellmont and dracula and all that shit but it's in the tone of metalocalypse where everything is just the most vicious violent mean shit ever to the point of parody and to the point of parody just being very sarcastic in response to it's already done more of this shit going on like that and dracula is
Starting point is 02:13:12 like a foppish bitch like a fox in space almost yeah a little bit okay i i'd be on board for that yeah it would be it would be the script was tight okay woolly remember remember in the very i remember you telling me about metalocalypse and it's a really good sign when somebody's trying to sell you on a show and the thing they start to tell you about is the first thing that happens and the first thing that it happens is they drop the stage directly on the crowd and like you were you were losing it in telling me about that and imagine just that kind of really gallows humor with just vampires and and whips again if the right if the script is tight are you are saying yeah no just i i died very much
Starting point is 02:13:59 like the sound of that sort of tone like i i simultaneously i want it to not take itself too seriously but the thing that keeps ringing alarm bells in my head is like oh animated like nes era game getting made into an animated show oh god don't be too goofy don't don't be don't be the super mario brother super show goofy please let's let's get some good balance i totally agree but like there's only so seriously you can take it when you're killing vampires with a whip called the vampire killer yeah sure i guess it's just you know um we already had like van helsing as a movie come out yeah you know what i mean we've seen what the versions of this taken seriously i seen it and we've had games where it's like a fucking any of the lords of
Starting point is 02:14:47 shadow games are like cinematic enough that you could just imagine they're not being gameplay there and that's not a very good time either no so you know maybe this is this is the right way to take it and like again ellis is not going to write something that's going to take itself too seriously whereas you said like yeah shankar probably would so maybe the combo works uh i trust him i trust that name and that's gonna like i said that's enough for me to stay cautiously optimistic as a pessimistic i get the feeling that like this would not be announced by netflix if this was not already like being being work like being shot right if they hadn't like already seen a script and were like yes this is solid we want it feels like netflix announces things
Starting point is 02:15:29 and then two months later you watched the whole thing by the way it's here yeah um i love how netflix does their shit yeah i i was a big fan of like i've yet to hate one of their adaptations they're a series unfortunate event series they recently did i was a big fan so i'm i'm on board with trusting netflix on this one god i remember just like years ago in the early aughts like uh it's like whoever got stuck in video game testing on the playstation 2 netflix disc qa day had the worst day ever where you just had to go through and i'm like who's using this service who's this for everyone you know and like who's actually having discs sent to their house and dvds sent back everyone and well at the time no one but then the switch to digital is what
Starting point is 02:16:21 the world needed exactly at that time you know on demand right you know blockbuster could have bought netflix but chose not to back then when they were just a disc service exchange service yeah that's a white two years one or two years in netflix's thing they there was a deal on the table that blockbuster would buy netflix and own them entirely because they were a competitor yeah but blockbuster you know the way that deal would have panned out is it wouldn't have been suddenly blockbuster owns the amazing streaming service no it would have been blockbuster destroys the digital future yeah and it creates an alternate timeline but also you but that gives me like a warm feeling in my heart because you know there's the one person who was directly responsible for
Starting point is 02:17:01 that yeah who and how doesn't work for blockbuster anymore because that company no longer exists except there still are working ones out there actually what shut up yeah you're crazy yeah like there's that video that went up of like this guy that sneaks into an abandoned blockbuster and he's walking around going oh my god they're still shelved stocked in with new movies and he's like oh my god it was me i worked here i'm still working here this is my job i'm the employee at blockbuster it's me hello that's great anyway um we have uh so so basically it's been a minute but you know you got to get some overwatch news in there what is going on um with your video well bastion is getting updated oh and oh no you know it seems like after a long uh time of just
Starting point is 02:17:55 he has pretty much he has a one use and it's when people get really salty and they just go fuck it i'm throwing the game and everyone's like no don't do it and he's like i don't care man fuck our comp i'm grabbing bastion and i'm sitting on the payload and everyone's like god fucking damn it like they're basically decided to finally uh give him a buff and that's a huge buff and what it seems like the bit the gist of what they're going for is they want him to be more durable in general all around while nerfing his um dps nerfing his uh focused fire when he's in uh tank mode so when he goes into turret uh now like yeah the i think you actually no longer have the ability to like headshot with it or something along those lines like is what i was what i was uh
Starting point is 02:18:45 supposed to understand but in general while running around okay um while running around he has a 35 percent um damage reduction in general in in recon mode or or in a century mode uh so that he can actually like withstand more damage in general um they basically and uh i believe someone was telling me last night as well as we were playing that the ability to heal can now also be done while moving around or something along those lines so it seems like basically uh he's going to have sustainability oh i'm gonna play like a normal character he's gonna have some a little bit more sustainability to actually like you know fight back out in century mode and whatnot and you're just not gonna he's not gonna be like as amazing
Starting point is 02:19:36 in the mode that everyone used to abuse you know okay so uh it's i get it i get it they're like let's make him better but not for the reasons that everyone is is like reliant on yeah so he which is what they did with symmetric as well right he's no longer what he at one point was where you just park him down like don't move him and let him murder everything it's now like oh he can actually run from place to place without just being destroyed along the way a little bit but he's gonna hurt he's gonna hit he's gonna hit a little less hard when he stops and when you combine it with ana um that's for the problem then it gets then it gets scary yeah because ana is part of the the as part of the equation now you have to consider an ana buff uh at any point
Starting point is 02:20:19 and like that's where it's like okay his damage reduction goes way up his damage reduction gets hit by 50 percent to 85 percent damage reduction yeah so we have as big we have videos of like him just kind of like taking the the boost and then just tanking alts you know so yeah no i got this guys i got this you know it's it's interesting i actually i understand the the chain but that's that's like that's using your alt on a stationary character like i don't know ana's alt is weird ana's alt is really weird because it screws up the balance in a lot of ways where it just turns one character into an unstoppable character and they keep their alts and they get but they get better at whatever it is they do yeah i'm glad to see this because i feel like for the longest time
Starting point is 02:21:06 like bastion wasn't overpowered at first but there was a period where everyone felt like bastion was overpowered and i think because of that they've held back on this for the longest time is they're like oh we can't make bastion better in any way because in in shit pub games yeah it's just dominant yeah because early on it early on like no one can figure it out and it was just like okay just go pick enchi just to fuck the bullets on at least that yeah go pick hog go like there's a lot you can do but like and and and there's and there still is limited application that works even today but like xaria eats him up but that's not what but that's not what they want him to be yeah i think just the stigma of that has kept them from doing this update for a while so i'm glad to see they're
Starting point is 02:21:44 finally like giving him that bit of a tweak to how he how he works um i'll of course anyone that gains more sustainability uh allows ana to feed her alts faster and that's part of the big thing is you can take damage on purpose to let her heal you back up and get hers where it needs to be so it's gonna be interesting but i actually understand the change in like it's to me it sounds like you know assuming things hit the ptr and are not completely like ridiculously busted um i like the idea of the direction they're going for maybe they need to dial it back a bit but like that type of change to the character seems like it the one that makes sense and you you know anytime like i if this is the way they're gonna balance things it's it's interesting because you can just see like
Starting point is 02:22:32 okay x characters being abused in x way let's like nerf that nerf that play style and buff y and z you know so the character's business is just it's balanced out but this busted way of playing them is no longer viable yeah um i like a character in overwatch called pat and it's me and it has auto aim and i just shoot a gun and kill everyone on the team in one shot all right well why don't you just just just buy a trader in a hack well i can't do that what's stopping you do you want to feel like a winner i i do want to feel like a winner then just do it but i'll only be able to feel like a winner for like five minutes yeah and then you get banned but whatever you felt like a winner you want yeah you don't you know you're never lost you're the greatest of all time you're not a winner
Starting point is 02:23:15 if you get banned you were so good that they had to stop you from playing the game come on that's not how that works oh it's fine as long as you argue that like no no i wasn't using the i was just too good then you can be the winner you can only win as long as you're also able to win more later so if you could keep cheating yeah that'd be different i see got it okay but no one else should cheat cheating is reprehensible it's terrible it's egregious that's it's a moral feeling of society have you been avoiding that word yeah ever since ever since it came out absolutely ever since i've had a called your shit i have not said it once you haven't said it was ever in the like year plus that that's happened attack i don't want to like call this
Starting point is 02:24:00 shit out and so like that shit's egregious what's always it's always weird because whenever that happens i always go what are you talking about and then someone tells me pat you're saying this all the time like during evil within i i did not realize that at the time excuse me but i was saying excuse me to every single enemy i killed in that entire game and then matt pointed it out and i'm like oh i guess i do and then i did it immediately again and then i stopped uh anyway um and then the other bit is that um there is a model it's not in game yet but people have um extracted a 3d model of the doom fist case being broken on the payload i see so there's gonna be terry cruise is pushing very hard he is doom fist and and the world is also pushing terry cruise to be
Starting point is 02:24:52 doom fist however what if doom fist doom fist comes out it's just like that little white kid desperately desperately need doom fist have him to voice it anyway just literally be terry crux just he's wearing a mask so you don't have the likeness rights but it's just a huge super ripped black guy with a mask and one fist he's basically rage i just realized i made rage again yep just make rage a character in overwatch now here's the fun part for me it could be a moe blob that does a nico nico knee dance for all i give a shit a dinner dance on her taunts dinner but if there's a giant ass fist and you use it to punch it and blow it up yeah i'm all on board i don't even care who's attached to i just care about the fist i don't care about the person
Starting point is 02:25:42 attached to it who they are what they sound like i just want the fist isolated everyone got that yeah yeah i think laura chuckled during the last part of it but that works excellent so he just wants the fist everyone let's let's let's take some emails do do do do do do do do do time this emails i got nice i so every time i go to do like an email jingle i get the first two notes in and then go i'm doing the giant yeah no i need to not do that that's not how i i try and do like email jingles and they always turn into uh the old playstation podcast beyond news jingle is what i end up going into christ yeah time for some news that's what i end up doing oh hey somebody send us some emails if you want to send us some emails where should you send them
Starting point is 02:26:31 laura you should be sending them to super best friendcast at where is that again oh where is it super best friendcast at see i listen to the show i know how this works this is a real listener i like all those other guys yeah and it might sound something like this oh wow see i get the fuck out you're done i am on this you know what that is that's a retroactive shade throw on every guest we've ever had yeah previous previous guests you're all shit i'm calling it now i'm the best the call out bam oh take that guy see i'm saying my brain i'm scrambling who is the most awkward to guest to pick for this he's like max and simmonds and can you see those guys living in japan going what
Starting point is 02:27:25 oh the fucking console versions of that game the game he's working on about can't that's a sucks man that's a sucks yeah matt and i played that game for shit storm it's good it's really good uh if you have an ios device yeah what was it called yeah forgotten memories forgotten memories uh we got one coming in from brandon and he says uh dear critical art best friends uh would you eat at the italian restaurant from diamond is unbreakable would you eat at tonio's restaurant the food is delicious but you do not get to choose what the chef will serve you and the effects of pearl jam are possibly worse than they are in the show if your health is shit uh are you familiar at all yeah i'm familiar uh because pearl jams effects are horrific right
Starting point is 02:28:15 before your heels so i would i'm gonna say 100 yes i don't care how bad it is if the end result is amazing um i might be able to get my hair back i would deal unless it's like prolonged if it's like if it's like a week of suffering for you to feel no no no they last like seconds 30 seconds yeah i can 30 seconds of torture i can do that for an amazing feeling if it's less than a few minutes of torture yes sure i will take it i i think my limit is like two to three minutes of horrific torture and then i can just be like oh that that that was unending terror but i'm fine the worst the worst one that you see is okos is like entire intestinal tract just firing out of his body through his stomach and that's pretty horrific
Starting point is 02:29:06 that's really i i don't think that 30 seconds of that horror versus like two to three minutes of that horror is really that much of a difference i think if you've survived 30 seconds you can survive another two and a half minutes of how this is this is unbearable here and the buff afterwards is so good yeah you feel so here's the thing though and i'm gonna assume this is a hidden ability of pearl jam is that it also heals the mental trauma of maybe of the thing you go through because okiasu seems really laid back considering the shit that just happened to him even that little dog you know yeah like way happy bark bark yeah if it maybe if that's not part of the deal then i'm not taking the deal full stop if i have to remember that pain i'm probably not dealing with it but
Starting point is 02:29:54 if i go through it for three minutes and i'm just like oh that was well i'm a foot taller yeah that was terrible but i feel fantastic then it's totally worth it it's yeah i would i would i would eat that yeah veins rip out of your body and then like empty themselves and then go back in and you're like you they're like dude how do you feel you're like i feel great but you're still cuddled up in a ball like you're stuck in that field position forever i feel like so long as it completely mentally heals you afterwards it's like pat with the the i'll do anything to live forever it's like oh if i don't have to deal with the if i don't have to deal with the mental trauma afterwards i'll i'll take whatever you've got seems fair i i i don't i think most people you know there's
Starting point is 02:30:34 new tech out there for living forever and it's absorbing the blood of young people the blood of young people yeah did you ever look at that research they found out that if you literally give old people transfusions of young blood it rejuvenates them yeah the whole deal seems to be like tell the teenagers like the the millennials hey sell us your blood so you can afford college books then we'll pump it into the old people so they can live forever like it is a significant rejuvenating effect so that the old people can get up with their new blood and then type articles about how shitty millennials are that's correct yeah why didn't they get a real job rather than selling that blood too now listen now listen fucking useless millennial blood now listen
Starting point is 02:31:12 only heals me a little bit instead of forever now listen i would never kill someone to drain their blood so i could live forever because that's wrong yeah but if so talk to the fucking bloody mary but now if somebody would just happen to have a bunch of blood they'd give me for money i mean who am i gonna not live forever what do you know what i'm talking about you got a friend with a hookup yeah multiple hookups on hooks up yeah all right all right i'm not saying i'm a bad person i'm saying i'm willing to let other people be bad people for me midnight meet train we got it stop that's the second time you brought up that shitty movie you're turning into that with that that movie sucks you suck it's lizards at the end it's lizards at the end of that fucking piece of
Starting point is 02:32:05 shit we gotta be speeding lizards coming in from justin he says uh hey good morning super legit leak pals uh since you have underground journalism sensation lowercate dale on the show today let's talk about leaks what are your favorites my my favorite leaks are the ones that are obviously fake the ones that are just like you look at it and you go that's not true and then it turned out to be true no oh the ones that you're like are you really you expect me to believe this i like the ones where it's like that but the person has clearly like put the time into the photoshop job they do along with it where it's like like that that doesn't make sense and is unbelievable and cannot work but that's a nice photoshop like i'll put those are 3d i'll take
Starting point is 02:32:55 that photoshop and make it my desktop background that's a nice photoshop job 3d printing leaks i like that i'm a fan of we put it all on the website and someone just fucking went into the source code looked for links to images and oh look it's vergeal he's in the game look at that and 12 other characters all we had to do was just type in the name dot jpeg and they're all right so i got i'm a huge i have another i have another leak type that i really like but it's not any specific one or even specific game it's the leak type that is so prolific that at the e3 press conference sony and it's always sony have to acknowledge it gets out there and go so we do have some stuff you didn't see yeah yeah yeah yeah that's always fun i i prefer the
Starting point is 02:33:47 one where it leaks and they don't acknowledge it and it's the weird elephant in the room of like how are you saying this like it's an announcement when we all clearly know it like my favorite there being the ps4 slim we're like oh that one was so stupid i like i i had my moment of like if i could have made flights out there for that for that reveal event i wanted to throw the ps4 slim that i had in my possession on the stage like that's what i wanted to be doing you have to respect what is that what is that i don't know what that is you have to respect whenever they go like all right but uh what we're gonna do is grab another trailer that we weren't gonna show a footage that was not going to be seen for some game if like that the announcement or the the trailer already
Starting point is 02:34:33 popped up you know like um like fucking beast souls over a year beast souls was a pretty bad one or a lot of the capcom ones as well there's at least one or two of those words like okay we're looking at the goddamn thing like it's here um but yeah i'm in general i'm gonna go with the website leaks website leaks that are unintentional because the company themselves put it out and all you had to do was just fucking right click save as and trawl through it you know what i like voice actor leaks oh just because voice actors especially hollywood ones don't give a fuck i my my my favorite one that i was personally around for was um i went to a press event for the borderlands 2 dlc uh tiny tenors assault on dragons keep and we signed n da's for that and
Starting point is 02:35:24 you know it's like okay we can't talk about it and later that day um what's what's the and anthony birch anthony birch and ashley birch anthony birch tweeted a selfie of himself from a sofa at that event and accidentally had a banner that had the name of the game in it in his selfie and it's that moment of like i'm sat here i can't write about this because i signed the fucking n da and everyone's like oh i wonder if this is a real thing tiny tenors assault on dragons keep i'm like it's it's in the fucking photo yeah yeah um the the the greatest voice actor leak of all time i'd say my favorite is uh christin bell getting interviewed for assassin's creed before it's ever a thing the day that was announced it was the day at e3 it got announced and they were like so yeah like what's
Starting point is 02:36:10 your role in this what's it about and stuff and she's like immediately she's like yeah it's kind of like um these like an ancient like visual like what is it like you journey to the past and like you're in the crusades and it's like old old world assassins but it also meets the matrix with this cool sort of futuristic plot to it and they had not touched on that at all they they didn't announce that until like it felt like right before the game came out the the animus and she blew it day one and i was like wait are we supposed to know that no oh man that was great i think she also spoiled her own character's death in the lead up to one of the games it wouldn't surprise me um possibly but i mean i think they kind of like wanted to get rid of her so they did i forgot about
Starting point is 02:36:59 another leak type that i love which is the the conference you know isn't is going to be held in japan by japanese speakers and is being organized by japanese people and the fake leaked running order that's entirely in english like where it's like oh this was by the side of the stage entirely in english for this japanese event why would it be in english exactly why would it be in english why uh we've got one coming in which is pretty appropriate actually uh considering the the discussions had on this episode says uh hey guys i'm sad that this question missed the last uh poor little white boy cast but since you guys are the foremost authority on what is and what is not hip hop i think you're still the best to answer this question is snitching hip hop snitching is super
Starting point is 02:37:49 hip snitching is the most hip hop thing you can do now now now hold on a minute because if you see every day that you snitch you're becoming more hip hop hip hop is in general the you know the thing the thing you can do to upset everybody is snitching yeah stop snitching is is one of the monster stop snitching is also very hip hop at the same time one might say that like rebelling in general is also hip hop is very hip hop fuck the police counterculture straight from the underground yeah doing what you want to do not letting anyone tell you how to do it that's right so if hip hop itself tells you to stop snitching and you go fuck you hip hop i'm a snitch that's hip hop fuck what's purer than that at being hip hop fuck you for telling me to fuck the police
Starting point is 02:38:39 i will not fuck the police fuck you right yeah but snitching doesn't have to be for the police you can snitch to the world you can snitch about anything you can snitch to anyone but snitching on hip hop while it's telling you not to snitch can't be anything but hip hop hip hop like prime even i should know if prime is a massive snitch yes yes it is no because you know why drug addict informants are fucking hip hop that they are pretty hip up yeah but then but then you're right in a doubt right now of course i am but of course you know but like dude but they get it the worst they do they always get and that's hip hop you know yeah i don't know bubbles is hip hop more than anyone else not more than but he is because like mmm yeah see i i fucking marlowe's hip
Starting point is 02:39:42 marlowe's hip hop i feel like i feel like avon's hip hop i feel like prison snitches that snitch and then get to live the high life within prison while they're living that high life they are they are pretty hip hop top of the game exactly well well they're at the top of the game they're hip hop as soon as they have their fall from grace maybe they're not so hip hop them son yeah sun zu wrote in the art of war snitch snitch on those bitches yeah i'm yeah i think i think it's safe it's really safe to say that just the relationship that snitching has to hip hop de facto see another part of hip hop is acquisition of your goals through low effort acquire currency and disregard females acquire currency smoke trees disregard
Starting point is 02:40:25 a few yeah um but if you can acquire your goals or achieve those goals via just snitching which is just talking that's powerful yeah snitching has power and power also hip hop powerful powerful uh i'm i'm the most powerful snitch in the world i know everything i'll tell everyone and uh let's take that's we had power stance and dark souls too yeah can we get like power snitching in a chase attorney game like you're talking to a witness and you hit the power snitch all right we got one last one coming in from lane and lane says uh what is the best mystery resolution you've seen or are experienced what's what's the i just finished channel zero on sci-fi a horror mr mystery anthology it stuck its landing really well and it wrapped up very strong
Starting point is 02:41:25 where it all comes together i think 999 yeah i think two example 999 is really strong um i think the the uh lane also gives two examples that are pretty good ones which are uh westworld's maze and true detective season one yeah i think true detective season one is a really really good wrap up to the mystery um you're very satisfied with the ending yes it made sense it made sense that the characters got there the way they did and it even like left you with a little bit of like weird surrealism in a way there's just a little bit extra there a little bit extra a little bit more than you bargained for that makes the characters better uh i think true detective season one is probably my favorite i'm gonna go with 999 that ending is i'm stuck in that position
Starting point is 02:42:13 where i know i've had the moment where i've gotten to the reveal in a show and had to wind back three or four episodes and go fuck it let's look for the clues oh my god they were there all the time i can't think of the examples of the top of my head uh like this feels like a really terrible example it's not the one i'm looking for but the only one that comes to mind is uh the end of season one of of steven universe the the very like it seems so obvious in retrospect like oh that character this is the deal with that main cast character oh they signaled that the whole way through the show and i never saw it coming i liked that and that's the only one i can think of right now yeah like i can think of them for like i mean there's there's cool reveals for things that are
Starting point is 02:42:54 not like predominantly mysteries like i think um there's a couple of really interesting ones in game of thrones as you go through them that get dropped on you starting like even with season one about like what happened and what the truth is behind you know um the whatever like the the maids the main cast and uh and when king's landing and john aron and all that stuff i think there's some really cool um stuff in that but it's not predominantly a mystery show so i guess i was kind of thinking of like some like something where you know the main thing that pulls you through it is the fact that it is it is about oh oh i got one it's lost obviously well that amazing oh sorry oh no i was right i'm at battlestar galactica okay yeah lost had lost had moments where
Starting point is 02:43:42 like some some of its reveals felt impressive at the time if you don't think about where the show ended isolated reveals were good so woolly you said you heard battlestar galactica is good i heard lots of good things i will tell you that that is correct it is a fantastic show and i think you will enjoy it but i've never seen a landing non-stuck so utterly it is strong strong strong right up until like four episodes from the end and then it just and it's a five it's five seasons and then it just starts to shit all over do you really do you reckon it flubs its handing its landing worse than lost because lost i didn't watch oh no no okay if you want to see something that was like the best show that had the worst landing that just completely fucked itself over
Starting point is 02:44:33 that's lost lost is amazing until you get the final reveal it's like oh that was the least satisfying thing in the world battlestar galactica's ending is so bad that i started to yell fuck you at the television i retroactively dislike seven seasons of tv that i loved because of the ending of lost i retroactively can't enjoy lost anymore i i like had i totally enjoyed people finding out about lost and hating it because i hated the premise and everything about it on the way well i that was the show that started me on the don't watch it till it's over yeah because i saw that it was a mystery and i had a very strong suspicion that the mystery was nothing and that no and that they were figuring it out as they went along yeah yeah oh i just the way just the way people talked
Starting point is 02:45:22 about it the way people discussed the mysteries i was like there's gonna be nothing here you know what does tickets landing amazingly that was a recent thing uh net it's a netflix original called dirk gently and it is oh yeah i was convinced that it's okay it's it's core concept i was convinced it wouldn't stick its landing because the whole idea is this detective solves mysteries through pure coincidence he just happens to be in the right place at the right time and that's his deal he just goes places and the solutions happen and that seems like the setup for the least satisfying conclusion ever because how do you get a good satisfying conclusion out of he just happened to be in the right place at the right time they fucking stick that landing
Starting point is 02:46:06 and give the most incredibly satisfying conclusion to its first season i'm like it did good you had a premise that was working against you and you did good you stuck the impossible landing yeah i i've i've been hearing some good stuff about that too actually um that uh god what was that and something else on netflix that uh that were just like being pimped is like awesome yeah i anyway oh um um um sorry it wasn't netflix but mr robot oh something that's worth getting mr robot's the fucking thing i was trying to remember where i had to wind back and look for the clues that's what i was trying to remember thank you okay okay yeah and then mr robot's all let's party like porn stars and hacker man or whatever i don't know i don't i don't
Starting point is 02:46:50 get the references but hopefully i will when apparently josh from until dawn isn't that oh yeah he is the main character yeah all right huh uh yeah okay uh got any more emails uh i do but i think that's enough for now all right the rest of your emails are terrible that's what we said oh burn now they know they know i bet a full 70 percent of people who write in the email go this is a terrible email this will not get read and then don't send it yeah but they send it but they see the other side no no i'm not saying that they're all terrible no i am i'm just saying i calculated in mathematically 97 percent of them are terrible the math bears it out i mean what are you gonna do you put it into the calculator and the calculator just spells back shit now now um
Starting point is 02:47:44 tell us about where we can find you and what you're looking forward to and what's coming up and come oh time for the watch and whatnot uh i you can find me at laura k buzz pretty much everywhere laura k buzz on twitter laura k buzz on youtube laura k buzz dot com and then all of the like video game stuff i do is usually on let's play video games uh what have i got going at the moment i just put up a review of tales of besiria where they sent me a weird press kit that involved baking a quiche so i got someone from the great british bakeoff to bake a quiche for me and we reviewed the quiche was it a good quiche uh the recipe for the quiche was shit because it missed out several key steps of baking a quiche and this man whose job is to cook basically just
Starting point is 02:48:23 laughed at this press kit recipe while i did a jrpg review so go check that out um i i like a good quiche yeah you know you can read about a jrpg and a quiche there are pictures it's great uh other than that i i've just wrapped up doing a full playthrough of the story for final fantasy 15 and uh i have i have some some probably going to be doing some last guardian soon so if you want to see me shout at the last guardian and how i hate that fucking game even though i love it that will be happening on youtube soon so have fun with that okay that's probably my week i don't know what i'm doing i'm i'm winging this week we'll see uh meanwhile on our end uh you know of course dark souls continues dark souls parasite re7
Starting point is 02:49:13 will continue yep should be wrapping up on even re7 soon re7's quite a while actually uh way ahead on it oh yeah um and uh yeah just gonna take a look at some more one-offs um i'm going to be starting a new lp with matt shortly as soon as the next one as soon as we have a slot for it um so that's going to be going i am excited to see what the fuck that game actually is it's going to be if it's because i kind of know what it is but i don't know what you guys are going to do with it well ah no i won't hit that it let it let it be a surprise let it be a surprise i was going to give it away practically oh no don't give it away this week give it away next week yeah that's fine create the anticipation yeah um so that's going down uh there's um what else is there no we're
Starting point is 02:50:06 doing videos we do a podcast yeah no i was gonna say like no no no i'm just trying to think of like shit that's coming out for honor uh yeah for on it's for honor week yeah neo and stuff but um um river city underground is about to drop oh is that this week um that's a thing um also uh the guys that made drift stage have a sky rogue which is going to be uh popping out the beta soon so um that thing looks like the sky version of drift states really nice fucking great can't wait for that shit um and oh yeah and personally i am working on a lot of background things but one of the things i've been working on in the background announcement uh i'm i i guess i'll just let everyone know that uh i'm basically planning to uh start up a side channel where i'm gonna put
Starting point is 02:50:59 like skits and edited things do you have a name for this i do okay i do you want to say the name it's pretty obvious i don't know what the name it'll it'll okay and that's oh that's good that's a good name it's pretty obvious and when it and then it's gonna be happening uh and what i'm gonna be putting on it is uh yeah just uh you know stuff that stuff do good for the record stuff that like i find uh is more so like for personal projects that i want to work on stuff that makes a bit more sense to not be like in the mix of what we usually do um and you know like even just dumb shit like fucking like patchy fan and trash like that there's a place for that no yeah it's away from me yeah so um yeah so basically that's gonna be like a side thing that i'm gonna be working on like of
Starting point is 02:51:52 course it's you know uh something i'm gonna be pushing dark souls is really burning you out huh you know like it's more just and more along the lines of like um i'm i'm gonna be like i have i have i always have like free time in my life for like um a set number of projects well it's it's it's i imagine it's the same kind of impetus that leads like matt and i to stream like you want your baby i want that is yours i want yeah and i have and i i have lots of ideas for things that happen constantly and i don't always have the ability to execute those or put them anywhere or like do anything with it so now i have a place that i'm going to be doing that and uh when uh and that's gonna be happening simultaneously with the lp's doing on best on
Starting point is 02:52:39 super best friends so like i'm just gonna be putting out shit on my own thing and um so that coming out tomorrow or what no no but i'm i'm i'm soon soon shortly i want to make sure everything's nice and ready well now you've now you set the fire under your underneath your own ass because people are gonna hassle the fuck that's kind of the point of oh that's that's you know what i don't know if you know this but that's why i'm streaming pillars because i've gotten to a third way through that game eight times now and i can't i just something comes out and i just don't do it but now people are hassling me to do it so now it's getting done now i'm getting now i'm playing it it's a good idea have other people be constant alarm clocks for your bullshit and when you set the
Starting point is 02:53:20 fire yourself by announcing it and making it real now that it's out there you have to do it if you had a name if you announced the name for it then you'd be then you'd be you'd have like four days to do it for someone came and stabbed you yeah well i was debating whether or not don't do it don't do it save it save it save leave the anticipation i'll save it but it's coming so uh yeah that's that's what i've been working on but what i what i was kind of just getting at was that like there's like you know slots of free time in your life and like when one thing opens up i am such as editing i crammed something else in there so all of a sudden instead of taking a break i just fucking shove something else in it hey look at that we got an editor now i'm streaming
Starting point is 02:54:06 all the time you're making a side channel how about that it's almost like editing takes up a shit load of time it almost like it yeah it almost oh i love billy so much yeah i love him to the point where you're like telling me to sabotage him if he say that mother fucker i didn't tell you to do nothing i shouldn't tell you to sabotage job offers he might get so that's the podcast for this week i guess it is big thanks to laura for coming out thank you for inviting me on i hope that was all right this it was terrible well that's fine at least you know next guest you have can't be worse than me so at least i at least i achieved that this week well i know i know we could get play gone here yeah i i think uh
Starting point is 02:55:06 you know like there was only one moment of head turning at your accent i think which was the very first moment of oh god what voice is coming out of you word bastion bastion bastion anyway i shall put on my proper british posh voice and i shall enunciate all of my words oh yes the crown available on netflix so you like the dream cast huh i think the dream cast is fantastic the dream cast the dream cast the dream cast uh thanks for coming on thanks thank you take care and hold on we're still live i hate podcasting oh no podcasting is the last oh i hate the podcast one by one we fucking just get your first ball out oh now there's a second one by one implies that you get the first ball out than the second ball and then the third ball outro time by
Starting point is 02:56:09 well now the streaming program is frozen so we're just all deaf for the pc that'll start it off oh boy hey all right hey how about you unfreeze for a second you're talking to me talking to explode oh you're talking to sub zero you know what how about this how about when when when the goddamn streaming program feels like unfreezing is when we'll end the party oh that's great okay so the podcast will continue until it suddenly cuts out that's that's fine i'll just you know sit here and be like oh well i thought the podcast was over i'm just gonna chill back with my beer and start taking all my clothes off get ready for bed why not sure no uh yeah oh yeah it's nine p.m. out there yeah super late exactly it's it's nine p.m. which is british bedtime we must all go and have our cup
Starting point is 02:56:57 of tea and go to bed i thought you all had beers all the time or don't blow out the generators that because everyone's cooking up their teeth oh that's after coronation straight man oh yeah no the problem is the toilet's not flushing because all the water's run out because they all made the cup of tea and then went to the bathroom so you still can't turn this fucking thing off can you won't go it won't stop i can't stop it this isn't it won't fucking stop this is my stand my stand stops you from turning off podcasts so that i will forever be on the super best friend car you hit stop on the stream and it's just like nah it just won't outro oh my god i just we're then we're just gonna have to abruptly end it no i will be your guest forever you can't get rid of me now but the
Starting point is 02:57:38 people will ride if i can't get uno out you know what you need to do right you need to you need to close the program stop the stream load the stream back up and just play the outro this is terrible this is the worst oh my god this is beautiful you need to fuck it and you need to keep this shit show in the audio version because this whole area is your your task ending it okay did that work you

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