Castle Super Beast - SBFC 189: The Pope Patched Your Stillborn's Soul Out of Existence

Episode Date: March 21, 2017

Pat and Woolie are loving Breath of the Wild, Nier Automata and Samurai Jack. Iron Fist needs work. But Talespin can't be salvaged. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That's hot now. That's hot. Oh, I was about to say I much prefer the song we were listening to before. Oh fucking turn around is the goddamn best. Super good Hey Wolves, how you doing? How you doing? I'm alright I answered and then I asked if I asked before I had so I finally came back to the podcast and Matt's disposed with a prior engagement. Yeah, you guys I pointed out that well, basically he Exactly he has some important family business to take care of but you guys have been playing hot swap potato on the podcast for a Little bit and I've been going like what? So let me let me break down the exact reasons why I haven't been here on the podcast the first week I was fucking sick to death with the flu bedridden
Starting point is 00:00:59 Which is ironic because like that happened right before uh, zelda came out and well I don't know if you remember but when e3 happened and the zelda stream Uh was on thing. I remember I was also sick to death with the flu and couldn't be on that live stream Right you were you uh, you tweeted out about some some fluids coming out of your body Zelda creates disease In my body, okay, and then the following week my poor cat Elmo had to get a bunch of teeth taken out and boy cats are fucking pathetic when they are like drugged up and kind of bleed drooling and High on anesthetic so they're extra wobbly
Starting point is 00:01:39 They look pathetic pathetic as fuck though you saw him a day or two after that after the podcast and he looked much better Seemed okay So willy have you ever owned a cat? No, but have you do you remember what I said right before we went live? No, I said we had a pre-roll. You're right. You're super right Hey, so I'm like what does that have to do with game fly? I don't know. Well, you know if I was sick I really would have appreciated people bringing games to my door without me having to leave the house Well, it's a pre-roll So it's just a straightforward to the point read that says game fly is the best way
Starting point is 00:02:09 To buy and rent all your favorite games at pick your favorite games and have the mail directly to your door As you just mentioned there's over 9 000 That's a big number titles to choose from and you can keep them as long as you want So if you head on down to slash sbfc you can start your free 30 day trial With a premium account that lets you check out two games or movies at once And that's only by signing up using slash sbfc So head on down and check that out today. Thanks game fly. Yeah nice smooth easy pre-roll Can you can you put like the beginning of my thing at the
Starting point is 00:02:45 Like at the end of that thing Do I do it over no because i'm kind of proud with how like because we're live live the power of editing didn't really Save that that you know you couldn't know we could have started on it But what not but then you know you don't get your rolling start So i'm like fucking i've been out of the game too long you forgot how podcasting i forgot how podcasting works It's okay now see i was gonna ask math this because he asked cats And the question i was going to ask is you ever had a cat that had dental surgery or a mouth surgery of any kind And i don't think sacrilelu have and i've never had a cat before this and i've never had one that had dental surgery
Starting point is 00:03:22 You haven't either so here's a fun fact that i didn't know So you probably know that a cat's mouth is like a sewer like a cat's mouth Is is the worst so it was a brief uh period like in which i was uh taking care of a cat It was a kitten so i didn't get through any of the worst so much like human mouths cat mouths are total sewers That's why if a cat bites you even a little like the scratch like that gets infected really really easily Okay, because it's poison. Well when they have open wounds in their mouth That doubles down And their breath becomes i would describe it as septic
Starting point is 00:03:59 Because it smells like an open sewer Okay, now this would normally not be that bad when you had to say a dog But cats lick and clean every part of their body. Yeah So it's over now the the that arc is over now But like from the time that you saw him willing to like two days ago That fucking special needs can't walk cat Has smelt like an open sewer from like five feet away like just the Fucking most
Starting point is 00:04:32 Disgusting like an actual pile of shit left out in the sun And you go to you go to touch him and he breathes and you go oh and then you see him just spit All over his arms and then start rubbing it on his chin imagine a human doing this It's fucking gross and you can't really fight it because they have to lick They have to they can't stop licking. Yeah, and this one will chew out all this fucking fur and then lick the flesh So that his skin stinks. Hmm. It's more like smell mo Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you. You're welcome. I made that joke a few days ago, but no one was around to hear it Well, um, which which which is the worst validated and i'm i'm glad i'm glad that you went there. Thanks, buddy
Starting point is 00:05:24 um Hey, did you play silda? A lot and I and we talked about it so much last time and I don't want to veer into any spoiler territory I feel like I don't have like this is weird because I played that game like crazy But I don't have much of detail to say no all we can really do Because when we eventually get to like some sort of spoiler cast then all we're really gonna be doing is It's like when I first met up with my friends after snake eater came out and all we did was trade war stories Yeah, it wasn't like hey how like how cool was this moment or that moment as much as it was like
Starting point is 00:05:57 What was your completely when we sat down to do the fucking fista cuffs? I was talking about hey, you know, you can just cheese every single electric puzzle by just Creating a daisy chain of your weapons, right and all and all sorts of fucking stupid shit like that And you see those videos that people bomb jump. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course it's it's This is the first game in many years that I feel is scraping up against the number 11 Like like this is a this is a 10 as hard as a 10. I've seen Probably since ocarina of time the amount of like
Starting point is 00:06:34 Hidden mechanics and things that are just Really like like deep deep in there Are blowing me away because I would expect I mentioned it last time But I would expect that Nintendo's first attempt at this type of thing would be kind of like Congratulations, you made it to where everyone else was a couple years ago, right? And that I'm used to saying that you're right, you know, but no this time around There's a lot that is just very very different and or at the very least as interesting as it's ever been and like The only problem I yeah, I don't see with those mechanics
Starting point is 00:07:10 Which all work together seamlessly and perfectly in every situation I ever use them is that there is a It's not a problem with breath of the wild. It's a problem with the game industry around it because Every solution I have ever done into any problem in that game was intuitive and perfect and and and made sense But I often couldn't figure it out Because it was not intuitive to the way that games work right so Creating flames or updrafts or using magnetism or electricity or just pushing things up like these are things There's a there's a puzzle that I couldn't figure out how to get the chest
Starting point is 00:07:50 So I just picked up a cube with magnetism and just physically push the chest over Yeah, and that took me 10 minutes to figure out because I would assume That the chest is like locked in place and isn't a physical object and can't be you know So the fact that you're displacing like the goal to begin with Things are acting how they should work not how I've learned they work in games It feels as if it's almost like Not made for but it's the type of game that Actually
Starting point is 00:08:20 bends to what Conan would try to do yes in clueless gamer Yes, when he tried to like move exactly like a chest doesn't move ever and it's like no Why wouldn't I push an object furthermore if you can smash giant metal boxes? Why can't you with a hammer? Why can't you smash open a chest? What's the difference right nothing? It's that's just a ornate box You know really why can't I use this ice power to climb up waterfalls and go deep ass into the ocean? Yeah, um, no there's there's there's there's some really great stuff in there
Starting point is 00:08:51 And I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say 10 until I hit those credits because let's not forget the uh triforce pieces Well, all right, so 11th hour surprises. Well, I can I've played you know There I was on secret vacation last week, but um, so I played a lot of zelda and let me tell you There's no 11th hour. Okay triforce pieces Okay, there is the equivalent of the triforce hunt and it's the best thing in the entire game Oh, and it's go find the story. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I have how much of that have you seen? Uh, like two it's fucking Great. Yeah, like nice and early like really really early. They basically go. Yeah, the story's around map
Starting point is 00:09:33 Go find it the twist They added it don't even don't even don't even but the twist thing is not like a plot twist It's a twist on the formula. Okay. It's this is a zelda storyline Which is just like all the others But there's one thing that's different and here's how that would change everything and that one thing makes it I'm like amazing cool voice acting is not very good. Yeah I I sell the talks by far the most and she has the weakest of all the voice actors so
Starting point is 00:10:03 but uh, no, I I like Can't put it down and I found myself like for the first time in a long time I burnt through all my backlog of podcasts And then just started going I need to go back to podcasts I haven't listened to it a long time and turned them on while I sit on my couch and just go in and Like I've I've used the screen Uh, I've used it docked. I think a total of twice. Oh really you and I've been doing it total opposite that
Starting point is 00:10:33 I've used it because I just I want my tv on with this put the podcast all that works That's that makes sense So I'm like my background noise is just whatever I'm listening to and I'm lying around in various positions on the switch including Halfway off the bed. Yeah With my head down towards the ground. Yeah classic screen facing up But joy cons in each hand behind me Like was that intentional? That's like I'm gonna fuck with this
Starting point is 00:10:59 I know I was just it was the most comfortable thing at the time I was lying on my back for too long and on my side for too long and I needed to like get some like You know, I needed to be on my front my front But uh, I have like a uh, my my bed is just made of pillows. I have like a million pillows So like I needed to kind of get a little bit of side gravity. Whatever, you know, it was comfortable. Whatever It worked The switch let you do it. It worked to let me do it. It was fine. It was weird when I had to start, uh, uh, Aiming by using the gyro to like tilt and do fine correction because I'm like it's behind my butt
Starting point is 00:11:34 But um, nah, man I'm blown away by like each little thing that that that I'm discovering and whatnot. What I'm going my game is like Out of order. It's a mess. I'm my like I am not going so according to the game plan and it's fucking great I have two pieces of advice for everybody to play zelda number one Your number you're like because the game is really overwhelming at the beginning. Oh, yeah It's really really overwhelming goal number one unlock the whole map Okay, like so you can just you can see you can just see what's there. Yeah Uh, gold number thing number two. It's not gold number. That's whatever when you hit 100 shrines
Starting point is 00:12:14 look at a map and cheat because Once you have scoured the map to find 100 shrines Getting those last 20 is going to be nightmarish Because there I there is a there is a shrine somewhere on a plateau under in a mountain canyon Underneath a metal slab in a crevice in the floor. I found it and you found that one. I found it Fuck you because the fucking shrine detector doesn't ping from that one. I found it. Yeah Well, okay, because well, there's a lot more like that and just it's it's oh, it's bad I am also similarly out of order. I played it all week and I've yet to do any of the dungeons
Starting point is 00:12:51 Um, all I did was go search get gear upgrade gear and do shrines and it's been stellar It's been the best game I played all year. No question there is a I got like no spoilers. Uh, but there is a boss fight that Is a like almost like a a retake or like a similar to phalanx sort of thing And uh, I should probably specify which phalanx. Yeah, uh shadow Of the class is phalanx. Got it. And where you're yes, you're like You're gonna spend some time doing this one way
Starting point is 00:13:30 And then you're gonna spend some time Doing this the scale of that encounter like encompasses Like like an eighth of the entire game world the second phase of this boss battle is just There's just nothing like it do it. There's nothing like it and I'm like I can't believe How this isn't a Zelda game. That's not a Zelda thing Wouldn't that isn't it like not not that type of mechanic, but isn't this type of like Hidden content and hidden depth and like a discoverability
Starting point is 00:14:07 Like something that you'd expect out of like CD Projekt or like no not even not even There their stuff is nearly always signposted so that you don't miss it whereas this it's like every time I went to Hey, what's over in this pond? I found something A value now that value would range between a corox seed and a dope weapon or shrine But all of which you are heavily incentivized to find and very happy to discover but there was always A thing yeah every time I decided to go somewhere There was always a thing and it always worth it even down to I've never seen that enemy before Oh, I can make a good elixir out of his butt. Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:49 No, I mentioned this the last week as well, but I have never been so happy to like Not give a shit about finding whatever the traditional G or not a tunic is yeah because the zelda zelda tunic eventually you're going to find it It's going to be like cool. This is the breath of the wild version But I don't give a fuck it doesn't look as good as the breath of the wild fall costume Also, eventually fine. I'm so happy just rocking the set that I got like I was mixing it up every set Like at like all of them are great and
Starting point is 00:15:22 Like some of them are highly specific like the flame one. It's like, you know a diving suit So that's not a good default look But nearly all of them like the the did you get the snow quill tunic? No, it looks fucking awesome Nice, it'd be like if you had a zelda game that was in the snow like permanently that'd be a great default costume I have zero I have zero like the hilly and outfit with the fucking hood. So that's what I was rocking And and like like whatever like I have I don't have the that weather like shit because My way of going and doing like massively weather
Starting point is 00:15:58 Like there's places the zones where it's like you're just gonna die in here unless you're protected. Did you walk in die? Yeah, well, I fucking stumbled and tripped across an amazing recipe Just dicking around and my like this plus this equals 12 minutes of fuck it Half an hour half. How do you make it? How do you make it? I fucking got a half an hour. Well, I'll tell you after all right, all right remind me I found a half an hour one and I went Okay, half an hour. No No, no, no, this is different
Starting point is 00:16:32 Half and dude think about like you're the default potion time is three minutes. Yeah, no, no, no, no You're min maxing now is like that opened up a level where I'm like, okay, stop stop We can do some crazy shit if you sit down and have you become a I have a recipe for you and are you aware that any fruit item or vegetable item that lists as giving you bonus hearts is Even one cooked by itself a de facto full recovery Anything sorry to shake anything that's listed as its effect being given bonus hearts. Yeah, it's a yeah It's a de facto full bonus stamina means a full stamina bar plus extra
Starting point is 00:17:11 Five hardy durians in there. Guess what you get a plus 20. Yeah. Okay. Okay game's not Your your your your hint I suppose because I don't want I want people to discover things But there's one ingredient to help that that duration time. Yeah You want to look for monster extract? Yeah. Okay. Well, it's monster extract. Okay. Got it. You work that in with the right other pieces You can buy that shit. Yeah. Yeah, that's the key to getting half an hour fucking potions. It's amazing. Anyway, um Best implementation of the master sword ever. Well That's all I'm gonna say. Okay. It's just the best implementation of the master. Wait. Yes. Yes. Okay. Yeah, because we did discuss that
Starting point is 00:17:54 Everything about I'm not gonna say everything about how it's acquired to how it's used to why it's used in the way it's used is stellar it's the best And and I mean not to mention just like Tripping over like really fun to use other types of weapons Uh, like I didn't realize boomerangs We're gonna be a thing in the way that they're a weapon type. Yeah, they're not an accessory. Yeah Like the fucking the the the fucking uh, las alfos arms
Starting point is 00:18:24 Act as boomerangs Yeah, and we can't get into the specifics of uh, Certain enemy types, but uh, like we'll save that for whenever we do a spoiler cast those big guys the big guys so The the dude the ai On a particular type of enemy. You talking about the uh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah The ai on that type of end do guys like this game has amazing levels of like don't fight them at range
Starting point is 00:18:56 Don't well, it's more. Well, it's more just like how do you confront the situation? And that will determine. I hope your reflexes are really good. You know, oh man. Um And then of course there was like Well, there's there's the mimic equivalents, which are mean really really mean and then there's the um Whatever said you encountered his robes and just a little yeah Yeah, those there's a little piece of shit. Um, I was gonna say I was gonna say like the other type of How do I whatever you go? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. You guys are great. Like the second tier. Nope. So anyway So anyway, all right that game's uh, uh stellar slash phenomenal
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah, uh, super great and you should be you should be paying attention to it. So you should be playing it however you can Yeah, um, I feel like an idiot A little bit because um, I Like I I told you I was in the middle of skyward sword and I never beat it, you know And like you're not gonna fucking go back now. I am I am but like It's it's the first because I'm like it's the first mainline one of I've You know skipped over. Oh really and I'm like fuck, you know, I can I need to do that. Um, I don't know that Yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:20:15 Are well, I mean Because I'm like I doubt you've played like the handhelds. Nope, right. Yeah, so no I've I've I've played It beat in zelda one ages past. I played and beat a grain of time And now I'm gonna play and beat Breath of the wild. Okay. So only the essentials for me. I have very casual zelda fan there's some I mean, I have you can forget the the essentials is a little bit bigger than that bracket But uh, I played and couldn't get through major's mask. I'm aware it's quite good, but yeah
Starting point is 00:20:50 Get pay off. Yeah, I know well the problem is is that my buddy within 64 would be like hey pat come over and he would just beat the zeldas in front of me and it's like well my Drive to go is a little Those days are behind this though I mean I watched the zelda 2 played in front of me as the younger brother You know while there's the older brother that would play and he would get my older brother would be second because our buddy Andre would be the the fucking you know video game champ And he'd do the same thing and I'd be like, okay when he's died when he dies and my brother dies
Starting point is 00:21:24 And and they're both bored of taking turns then I can grab the controller. So, you know So I last week I went into like a couple things that were uh, that I actually got to try out at packs and um One of the ones that I think you're really good. There's there's one in particular. I think you're really gonna enjoy that I would like to consider Maybe taking a look at which is it's beat cop I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you a bit more about that and I think I saw tree
Starting point is 00:21:56 It's where you just have to be of like a normal ass beat cop on one block. All right That's that's completely fascinating. That's that's so interesting. I think I think you're gonna like that a lot Um, so I talked about a bunch of that stuff and there's a couple things that I didn't get into that I got to play as well because we just we didn't have much time and satchels around and we were Getting we're getting out We were getting out pretty hard, but um One of the uh, some of the other games that I took a look at one was uh flint hook, which is The game that looks a little bit like uh, it's almost got like a cave story sort of uh
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah, it's got like a little cave story style approach to platforming but then you've got a goddamn grappling hook and you've got the ability to Constantly swing Around the stage as you shoot in all directions and take out enemies and whatnot and just it's just basically swing and shoot The swing and shoot plot um roguelike and it's it's incredible really really fun Uh visually like really charming as well. I'll see absolutely recommend uh checking out that's very nice Uh, so shocker woolly likes the game with the grappling mechanic. I know I'm a predictable fucking dud But it's a good fucking mechanic
Starting point is 00:23:12 and very few games use it well the uh I forget I believe I talked about fantasy strike, but that game's coming along really well I spent a lot of time at that booth getting into it with serlin and his crew And the visual lighting past they've done on the latest build looks a lot better Everything's shaping up. Well, you're talking to serlin. Did somebody just run by I go. Thanks for ruining street butter, too Hey, man, I said I said I spoke to him about that part and I was like dude
Starting point is 00:23:43 I was anyone that has that sneaks in to the office because they care. I respect that I respect that right that hustle that gave us the spider-man two swing. That's the kind of I love hd remix though I like it a lot better the super turbo. No, man I and you know at the end of the day like the the old game is in there. I guess I'm not real though. Well But are you real? I'm not real. Okay. I'm not real um, there was one Unfortunate like demo that I I didn't bring it up last time that unfortunate. There's this game Look at me. It was because the circumstances around
Starting point is 00:24:20 Playing were just oh, so you're like this is pretty fun and a guy takes his dick out and starts to piss on you It was just like oh, okay. So there's this game called super cloud built and everything about it seems to be all for me it's got In cool like cell shaded main character like that. Um, a little bit jet set radioe in terms of the approach wall running boosting platforming what's the problem mirrors edging Right. Yeah, there's edging is a different mirrors edge. Hey
Starting point is 00:24:50 And third person I mind you. Yeah with a rocket pack The thing you would sell black people out for uh, the human race. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, the human race. I forgot come on now Uh, it's hard to keep track. You're willing to sell out a lot. Come on now. Let's not keep it Let's let's let's let's let's have fucking high ball. This is right. No, because it was it was for it was for robots It was for rope. You would sell us all out to robots for a jet pack. That's what it was. Okay. Um But so what's the problem that sounds right up your alley? Well, there's a couple things was was there was a uh, One they're like the actual mechanics need a little bit of tightening, right? There's a little bit of looseness in terms of when you land on certain platforms. Yeah, you know, but
Starting point is 00:25:31 First played it middle of the going through the tutorial crash. I'm like, ah, it sucks, right? You mean by unfortunate So then reset and then he's like, okay, then then dad's like, okay. Well, you know, dad's like, okay I'll just skip you you pass the tutorial and uh, here you go, right? And then we go and then he goes, ah, there's a couple levels. We'll go to that one, right? And I go to this level and it's like, you know, red door and I'm like, okay And it's like a challenge super hard Tutor a mission that you that's like the like I think well one of the last ones in this demo
Starting point is 00:26:01 And the mechanics are very different and limited. You don't have any of the things you normally have Okay, but half the shit I was supposed to be introduced to at the end of the tutorial I didn't get because it crashed and it skipped. Yeah So mechanics are being required and asked of me that I'm like Yeah, and it's just yeah, that's unfortunate. That's really, you know So the a bunch of time gets wasted there and I was like, oh fuck like like I'm like, okay Sorry, I can I like try this again because I didn't get the rest of the tutorial after that happened It was like sure and then the third time in went out. Oops. Whoops. Oh third time around went back into the normal
Starting point is 00:26:36 Progression of states and I'm like, I don't know why he told me to go there But whatever and like got a bit through the first part and then it was like, hey man Yeah, thanks to be gonna get up and go and I was like, I I didn't even get to properly experience this because of bullshit circumstances Great guy. Good hair Limp handshake at the gate And I'm not saying I got I'll grab and yank him in for a power shake But I am saying that like that's not a good first impression. It's not a good first impression based on external factors You know, and it's and I was like, ah
Starting point is 00:27:09 This is that that frustrated me that sucks, dude. Ah, you know, and I was like, well, whatever keep an eye on it. Anyways Um, try just try and forget about it and then it'll come out and then I hope so and and then and I you know Mechanically, like I said, I hope they tighten up a couple a little bit of what was going on there And there's some well, how far away is it? Uh, I don't know. I might be it might be close to early access if not Okay, well early access is a really good place to do those kinds of find that out Super cloud built was what it was called though. But yeah, like for something that is firing on all woolly cylinders. I'm I'm like You know, like
Starting point is 00:27:46 Please it's your it's like, hey woolly. Here's your favorite meal Yeah, yeah, that's really good. That's really really good. It is it is my favorite meal And then you wipe the blood off from the corner of your mouth, you know, yeah So I walked my depressed ass around the corner after that happened Um, and I got I don't think I didn't bring up last time as well was um Uh, I got to play iconoclasts. Okay, which is uh, oh wait, I think I did bring mention this Anyway, it's uh, that was the game that there's from the noi 2 love 2 guy Oh, yeah, yeah, I was talking about that and he was there
Starting point is 00:28:27 So I just got to sit and talk to him about that stuff and very different very deliberate platformer You can't go anywhere and do whatever you want. No wall jumping Very very precise and really really Really solid is noi 2 love 2 because everyone we played it was quite old. Oh my god. Oh my god over 10 years Okay, so he's been working on this the whole time iconoclasts for the last seven years Okay, yeah, he's been really it's one of those. Yeah Um, it's it's exactly a life. Oh crazy dedication project for a bit, but he He he wants it to be tight
Starting point is 00:29:01 He wants it to be tight and I'm obsessed with the tightness. So, you know, he's taking his time I can't I can't fault him for it Um, what if you did though? I won't I won't Uh, I got to play y2k, which is that um, austin hipster are looking your main character Like a cross between austin and me and it With a flannel shirt. Yeah throwing vinyls at people and you're running around in like an earthbound type environment Yeah, I saw that. Yeah, I want to hate that game real bad real fucking bad every fiber. You're like just like Hold on. I want to get the proper like
Starting point is 00:29:38 Like just the wretch Holy shit, but it looked pretty cool. And you know what it was fun at the end of the day. It was fun Now here's the important question When you went to see that demo Was the person no giving that demo. No just an absolute fucking No expresso piece of shit. You couldn't smell the portland anywhere on the person. It was fine. That's Fascinated It was a normal looking dude and you sat in the couch and you just played I like the idea that the people making that game are
Starting point is 00:30:09 I'm gonna use big air quotes here normal and are looking at the hipster like some form of like like a space marine It's a fun lens to play the game through because the character the main character is also narrating and so You're getting like his flavor on everything happening, you know It's not like you're looking at the lens of the you're not you're not looking through the lens of like hipster god Narrating this world. It's like no you're playing as this guy. Therefore his impression of everything is This type of way and yes, you're totally like tossing vinyls at people and it's fucking. Yeah, but it's good It's like I am both overwrought with disgust and like Like so into it
Starting point is 00:30:52 I don't know what that is. What is this new emotion? Yeah. No, it totally was I was a fun demo That takes a couple twists and turns that I didn't expect And the other thing I wanted I didn't get to talk about last time. Oh, I played um, uh, a totter by the way That's the other dark souls one and then Um keeping an eye on the surge then instead. Yeah, uh and rhyme Which was the um, which disappeared for a while It was originally announced as piece to exclude a piece for exclusive and then disappeared and now it's back on multi platforms and Yeah, man, that is a that is a game where you play a little boy
Starting point is 00:31:32 You're on an island and you don't know what's going on And all you've got is a you got a jump button Yeah, and then you got a scream button great and it just yell at you You yell at shit It's a game made for me And it's this and you're just a little boy adventuring and you yell at shit and sometimes yelling at shit does things great And I'm like, yeah, I'll get behind that just fun childish adventures. What's the yell sound like? Okay, does it sound like?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Oh god, I keep I keep sending that kira's cry to people over Kind of see I'm so I'm so I'm so glad that you told me about that It's the fucking worst just that's the feeling of everyone watching that for the first time that cares about Gundam I'm like, wow that boy satchel that he captured The souls of every Gundam fan. That's amazing um
Starting point is 00:32:31 No, man, uh, uh, rime rime their demo was pretty fun, too um, and uh, yeah, uh, uh, uh, I knit hog was there too. We played some knit hog knit hog, too It's gonna be knit hog. Oh, oh, there we go ah You start getting the echo on it It's the best And that I want that like that's your frame of reference for every time
Starting point is 00:33:08 I talk about shit like, um Like the attack on titan live action movie. Yeah, or any horribly acted j-drama Oh, that's the scream, right? It's like build up your tears build up your tears build up your tears and then let it let it out And it doesn't sound human no one acts like that They usually follow it up with please listen to my feelings, but you just get that Can we get can we get um, can we get some japanese listeners? Uh, to fucking if we have any to fucking write in to super best friend cast to And explain the fuck is up with that. I thought you're gonna ask them to record themselves doing their best
Starting point is 00:33:50 No, no, no just What the fuck is up with that because that is not the only example by far That is all over the place watch me be super wrong about this, but if I had to guess I would assume That's a good preface. I had to I would assume that it would be because like You're so you're so used to holding it all in That when it comes out, you're not good at it. It just bursts out and you're not good exactly You haven't had a lot of practice raising your voice. It's possible. Maybe it's possible. So
Starting point is 00:34:20 It just comes out all weird and goofy like Well, did you see logan? Yeah, it's fucking great. Yeah, it's great. Yeah, that's all I have to say about that It's their best one. You see. Oh, yeah, not even close. It's so it's way Like I I would recommend it to people who don't give a shit about superhero or comic stuff Like it's it's like a proper western if the guy just had a lot of knives Instead of a gun. Yeah. Well, I guess I suppose so. I mean, it's also really refreshing to see wolverine Given the ability to hard murder dozens of people. Well, that was the last one too Like they they they asked after after they the the first origins movie. Oh, fuck that
Starting point is 00:35:01 Shut up. They the second time around when he went to japan. He was killing but okay Let me change that. It's great to see a little girl hard murder dozens of people. Oh, yeah, that was good Uh an x 23 is casting fucking Great super good Didn't know how they were gonna play it when I saw her low and under like, oh Like we're going for a way way young laura. Yeah, but um seen in the truck about 60 percent through the movie It's fucking great works out works out. Uh, let's see. I saw beauty and the beast a couple days ago How would that guess what it's a fucking it mine? It's just a live action version of the cartoon. That's that's it
Starting point is 00:35:35 It's got nearly all the same strengths and weaknesses Down to the songs like like be our guest and and fucking nobody doesn't like guest all and shit like that's all in there um With one with two one big flaw and one big plus One big flaw as they add a side a fucking side story about bell's mother that sucks DLC campaign it sucks Okay, it's terrible The big plus and this is particularly a big deal in the guest on like nobody doesn't like guest on is the best song
Starting point is 00:36:09 Is that the musical? knows it's a musical in that So lefou starts that chance. It starts the song about how great guest on is And in the background during the very you know before it kicks up and people he's just throwing money at people To get them in on it and they start getting in on it And then guest on gets into it and in the back you see lefou give people swords give people props give people this shit That's really good and and pay them. That's a nice thing about how
Starting point is 00:36:38 That's a really nice touch and it completely changes Like guest on's character who is he stills the show every time he's there because he's guest on he's the best Of course, but it's like no one likes guest on guest on's a fucking ass and He's cut nobody likes guest on but he is the biggest and the strongest season war hero and blah blah blah And you see the inner workings behind the behind the Yeah, it's a fun watch, but it you do know exactly what you're gonna get So I guess then that just you know like I mean depending on how this does you're probably gonna
Starting point is 00:37:10 Possibly see a line of live action remakes Because I would like to see live action remake of the lion king. I mean Dude the the the the moguli book The jungle book just the moguli book just happened. Yeah, they could do a live a live action lion king That'd be quote unquote live action. That'd be stupid if they wanted to but I'd be stupid Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't be the smartest. I want to see it hunchback an ultra game would be open for that The disney princess has never stopped being massively insanely popular and if anything the internet has just made them even huge or so You know who's not a very good disney princess?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Emma Watson She's not a very good singer. You can tell she's being auto-tuned But more than that this this this game. Oh, we talked too much about games on this podcast the video game podcast This movie has the worst version of this problem that I've ever seen It's a problem. I saw an assassin's creed unity and I got super mad about it. It takes place in france People's names are in french half british actors Occasionally doing french accents. Okay, half american actors trying to do british acting accents doing french accents
Starting point is 00:38:22 I it's the gaston is a gaston is american bell's english Lumière is french they're all talking in shitty. It's bad. It's weird. They weren't convincing It's some of the accents are really really bad. Okay, and just it's all over the place like you have oh, hello there, monsieur And it's uh It's like come on pick one just pick one. I don't care which one it is I don't make it consistent, but pick one and what was wrong with Emma Watson She just kind of fonts it in she's really really pretty and she sounds british She's not a very good singer and she's like
Starting point is 00:39:05 Okay, kind of there. Okay, like shock. Hey, guess what Lumière and Gaston steal the show. Yeah So it's just like beauty and the beast I'm gonna still maintain best disney princess of all time. Mm-hmm michelle pfeiffer in dangerous minds owned by disney Does that count? Yes, she had an animal sidekick Ah All right We moving on all right. All right
Starting point is 00:39:40 Is that the podcast title coolio is the best disney animal sidekick? That's not that's not it and you can't push that I can't push that you can't workshop that Hey, watch something else that i'll quickly go into other just to say it's really good. Mm-hmm konosuba You heard about this anime. Yeah so uh Coming hot off the heels of such things as the sword art and the log horizon Comes a new twist on the hey, you're in a video game, which is comedy pure comedy. It's fucking great. It's it's hilarious Okay, it's so to set up the tone of this
Starting point is 00:40:13 Neat leaves the house to go buy his favorite mmo Neat sees a pretty girl from his class. Oh, no, she's gonna get hit by a car. I should save her pushes her out of the way dies Goes to the afterlife is told. Oh, hey, man. You're fucking dead. He's like, oh man Did the did the girl I pushed out of the way survives. Yeah She was fine It's like, oh, thank goodness. I saved her and the afterlife lady goes what no It was what it was a tractor. It wasn't gonna hit nobody. It was well. How'd I die? It's like, oh, you fell into shock
Starting point is 00:40:47 And then at the hospital You pissed and shit your pants and the doctors were laughing too hard to resuscitate you And your mom and dad are standing over your dead body right now laughing at the fact that you pissed your pants to death And that's our main character and that's the the the tone it sounds like uh, some some deep seated Can you can you uh, can you relate to the struggle a little bit? Okay, it's your own personal get out So the I I can relate more to this character than I want to because this is a character dumped in your typical fantasy world
Starting point is 00:41:27 How I'm gonna go on adventures, right? It's a character who sucks. He does not go to anything. Okay Except so he goes to thief class and he just cheats. Wait, hold on. It's um Trapped in an MMO. Yes, because he gets the chance to be reincarnated into world of choosing and he picks the one based on some Fantasy MMO. How did I miss that entirely? That's kind of part of the plot. But the point is is that All right, dude cheats dude lies dude steals to scumbag piece of shit He's the dirtbag player character that you always are in these games And everybody represents the shitty archetype of whatever type that you have It's it's it's hilarious like the their tank is a fucking crazy masochist
Starting point is 00:42:13 Okay, they're they're fucking mage is a dumb ass little girl who only uses one spell because it's the best They be you're useless. No shut up though. I want to do my spell It's it's great So like very Japanese humor, but it's it's fantastic and accurate to the types of shits that you get. Oh, absolutely It it feels it. Okay. This I'll try and use an overwatch example imagine instead of fantasy. This was a shooter land It feels like you're running an anime about running with the worst pug group ever. Okay. Okay. Yeah Just the worst the the widowmaker Who's sniping and is bad and is like fuck we need a healer. It's like, you know, you could
Starting point is 00:42:55 No I will be the sniper like that see that uh that image of the Was it's like someone got a test back or something. I think a child got like sent home For calling someone a hanzo user hanzo main I don't know what that means, but it was clearly meant as an insult It's unacceptable. That's bad when your kid gets sent home for shit like that
Starting point is 00:43:20 The bad reaction is for you to look at that and just start laughing your ass off Or high fiving your kid. Yeah, fuck those hanzo mains kid Probably not a good idea lizard official account being like while we do support hanzo mains. That's it's hilarious Probably not a good idea, but also your only option What are you gonna do now now be nice to hanzo mains Man, that's the kind of that's why you want to have a kid. That's the kind of shit you want to have a kid for That's the future I want to live in. Yeah for moments like that where you're just like god damn. I'm proud of you Oh, that is great. Um
Starting point is 00:43:56 Just whispering in your four-year-olds here. Just pick a top tier Just pick a top tier. Why are you making it hard on yourself? Just pick a top tier. That's why it's a good game. You should play it only a second works a nine to five Teach your kids that nice and early. Oh man. Oh man. Yeah Video games are real good. Oh, I played near two. Guess what near is fucking great. Of course. It's fucking great He's calling it near to you No, I said I'm playing near as well Oh, you're just doing it at the same time. Uh, that that game has like little to nothing to do with me
Starting point is 00:44:29 Uh, you mentioned overwatch and I want to give a shout out to these cool people. You know, you know the visors. I rock Yeah, so they made the idea that you stole from brennan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the one that he clearly invented Yeah, so they made an actual lucio replica and Sent that over because they saw my twitter thing and they're like, hey, dude, that's really cool Wait, who said that to you the people that made this are illumination. Uh-huh. Let me see that car and they're fucking. Yeah, the car Yeah Yeah, there we go limbs. There you go. Not too bad. That's a good car That's illumination and I rocked them for the lucio cosplay anyway
Starting point is 00:45:04 And like little girl looks like well, we might as well make an official looking. That's iluma cyberware dot etsy dot com Super cool of them. Awesome. Oh and it lights up. Yeah, of course it does So I'm gonna I didn't put the batteries in yet, but I'm gonna absolutely it's part of the it's an accessory It's an accessory and if I do it if we weren't in um I like a climate outside where like No, I wouldn't wear them outside. It's getting nicer. It's getting today is a lot nicer
Starting point is 00:45:30 Yeah, but like two people died last week because of the blizzard. Yeah, and It's get good. Yeah. Well I'm just saying how they die trapped in their cars. Yeah, that's a rough way to go. No, not good. No snow packs in and blocks up the the fucking Whatever the um, yeah, you know, and then who needs tornadoes when you got snow And you don't you don't you don't get out of your car and then the carbon and then that's it. Yep Oh, you know what if it's good? No suffocating. Yeah, it's just that's it
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's like like there's bad obvious blizzards up here and what not really you live in montreal You know what you're getting but when we hit the point where it's like, oh that one had a fatality That one had multiple fatalities You know, it's okay. It was it was a little more than just nothing Can't like the whole laughing at toronto for calling in the army thing No, no, you will not take that away from me I never you never because they called in the army for a couple centimeters or whatever and i'm like, oh, I was like six inches I think yeah, I know
Starting point is 00:46:26 But i'm just saying maybe we're on the other side going. Ah, you fucking pussies and then like stepping over bodies Well, i'll tell you what I'll tell you what it's like. Maybe we're too far the other way. We're getting a little too deep in our snow prides Weather shenanigans, but i'll tell you what I would rather take the kind of snowfall We get out here from time to time Than the consistent nightmare that is the winds out in the prairies Where if you live out in edmonton and calgary The you're with windchill. You're looking at like minus
Starting point is 00:46:57 60 plus like minus 70 in some cases with windchill so cold that there's no official lowest temperature Recorded because none of the instruments can survive it. Yeah Um And and like most folks are having a hard time understanding what that temperature even means so at minus 40 ish Fahrenheit and celsius actually even out and At minus 50 celsius is lower so fahrenheit would be like one minus 60 it gets nuts you american folks it's
Starting point is 00:47:32 Sure It's funny because like even though we we obviously we have a pretty roughed in certain parts up here boston for pax was like Particularly brutal just because you're on the water. Yeah, and like it's not even about the the you know It's just the wind on its own is doing all the damage None of it is the actual snow, you know the temperature the whatever it's it's really just that wind add factor when the windchill factor That's blowing the whole thing into like taking damage. All right. I'll convert it for you yankies out there using the imperial So minus 55 celsius, which is about as cold as it'll get before all the instruments break is roughly equivalent to minus 67 degrees
Starting point is 00:48:09 Fahrenheit. Okay. Now if you have difficult Imagining that because that doesn't make any sense in terms in terms of your comprehension because I mean if fahrenheit hits zero That's fucking cold as shit Go don't move to calgary If you can't figure that out sure as fuck don't move to calgary because you will die There's nothing in the way to block up. Yeah, it's the wind travels for like 100 kilometers completely unobstructed. Yeah And then all the fucking cities are built like wind tunnels because they're all large sized scrapers in their fucking business districts
Starting point is 00:48:42 It's pretty rough. Maybe not the best idea the way to build their downtown Uh, I had a couple things that I took a look at this week, but before that let's take a quick word from a sponsor quick word from our sponsors Uh This week this podcast is sponsored by audible. Hey audible. How you doing? That is that audible That's audible Uh Yeah, you want to go to uh, I mean if you're jumping right to it if you're jumping right to the url That it's slash best friends. Damn it. I fucked up. I'm sorry audible You best I still love you guys that you best be star. Sorry. It's like you're in it
Starting point is 00:49:19 You're in it and you forget the name. It's like oh bad. Oh No, don't do that. That's bad. Don't do that. You can you can screw up the names. Don't say a different name. Listen. Listen I'm gonna blame it on on uh, the trees Because yeah, the tree, you know, they've been whispering to me, you know that yeah, exactly right and they've been making you fuck up Yeah, that's what I mean. That's that's what happened. But you know what? I still say that the the the the Cutting them down to use paper
Starting point is 00:49:46 How many times I'm gonna push this angle is it dead? No No, okay cutting them down to use them the waste paper To print a fucking book Is just the worst idea in the world It's not good. Right. It's not good I don't I don't like imagine how much better our society would have been if we invented audiobooks before books It would have been amazing. It would have been we would have been living in a future future utopia right now Yeah, uh, exactly you agree and that's why
Starting point is 00:50:20 like That's why I'm trying to make this work audiobooks are uh, uh, a great alternative to like when you're busy and you can't turn Hey, listen, will you you ran out of podcast plans all though? Yeah, maybe I should listen to a book on audiobook, right? Which I have done for trips and it's been fantastic Um, and of course now they have it set up so that it works on like every device any ipad. I've I enjoyed windows phone iPhone whatever you have a kindle mp3 players. It's got all like it that that's not even a question anymore, right? and you've got the whisper sync ability to jump from one device to another you get home you continue where you were
Starting point is 00:50:58 You know, you've got the great listen guarantee where it's just like if you didn't like it Then you can just go exchange it no time no problem Bam just walk like go back to the mom-and-pop video store and be like, yeah, I didn't like this one I look all right grab another one son. It's fine. That's what you get. Um Yeah, man, if you're tired of wasting your your commutes staring at your shoes Doing nothing Why don't you get some knowledge in your head and listen to an audiobook while you're traveling, right? I should probably do that. It'd be a get get smart while you while you my shoes are quite boring
Starting point is 00:51:31 They're very boring. My shoes are not boring, but well they get boring after after like what 30 seconds How much can you look at them? You're like, yeah, yeah, that's a that's a shoe. That's it at the end of the day You're get it. You're you're on my foot. That's a you know Um You uh slash best friends, uh head on over you get to try a free trial And uh make the most of your time you can be doing all kinds of activities while learning never stop learning and or You know hearing cool stories. Mm-hmm. And yeah Whatever. Thanks. Thanks, audible. Thanks, audible. Thank you. Oh kind of fell apart a little bit a little bit
Starting point is 00:52:09 What's up with that? It's a little bit of a folly a party day. It's a little bit of a folly a party day um We're also uh sponsored by creature quest Which is the mobile game made by the heroes of might and magic creator john van Cane game So it's out there on ios and android and Yeah, if that's your if that's what you're into if you like in-depth rpg mechanics turn based strategy Fantasy creatures over 500 you can tame and I do like those hunts do what you want
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Starting point is 00:53:17 All right, okay podcasting Well, anyway, um, it's a hard knock live Um No, so uh, uh, uh, what I did Besides the other things mentioned was uh, I checked out the first two episodes of Marvel's iron fist. I'm not hearing good things immortal iron fist Yeah, okay. All right so far, um It's interesting because I don't even mind
Starting point is 00:53:53 Like how they cast Danny, I don't like you know what I mean? He looks he doesn't look like like if he looks different Like if they got a guy that looks a bit like uh matt murdoch again or just kind of fits right into the it would have been like Yeah, okay. What's what's gonna? How do you set him apart? Right? They went the right way by making it interesting by making him this curly haired You know like fucking mess of a hobo. Um, but I kind of appreciate this. Yeah, but So far, um, I mean If the the the events occurring Suffer from so much
Starting point is 00:54:30 Just talk Oh, no That like it's woolly's kryptonite. It's I'm two episodes in and it's happened four times And I'm like I I'm like I it's hurting me. It's hurting me Every time you're going into a moment of like if you said the right thing You could have not only like you couldn't you're not necessarily going to walk away Like getting what you want, but you could have defused the escalation to negativity You know and just so much just fucking talk is happening and I'm two episodes in and it's it's like I'm like
Starting point is 00:55:08 Right, and that's not even that's not good. No, and and you know what I mean? Like there is there has to be okay Let me ask a clarification here Is it if you had only said the right thing or is it if you had only said Anything no, no if it's it's the right thing. Okay, you said the wrong thing And then you doubled down on it by acting the wrong way multiple times and it's just like Like what the fuck now?
Starting point is 00:55:35 I'm forced to think about the rest of the tension that's occurring in this episode Factored as a contrivance that didn't need to occur because a simple human interaction didn't take place and Why are superheroes so bad at being like hey, man? Who are you? What's up? What are you and and and like you can give You can give this character the benefit of the doubt in some ways because like I don't know how much you know about iron fist, but like um He's not he's magical kung fu man. Yeah, that's all I know
Starting point is 00:56:05 But he's also like a weirdo that is not super used to like modern-day life that much Sure, but he's not really preoccupied with it So his social weirdness can be attributed to just him possibly not being like that well, you know Uh practiced but they don't really choose that angle. They don't really play that up and that's not a thing that's like You know like Thor coming down and then to you Like is like oh, this guy's a fucking weirdo god that just doesn't understand how people work Yeah, you know strong mugs all over the place and that's weird
Starting point is 00:56:41 Exactly and they they they use that to go like this is why he doesn't understand Yeah, sure And but that's not really what's happening here He gets a lot of other things about you know life and people and your character's gonna act like a weirdo shut-in I'm not saying he's a weirdo shut-in, but if your character's supposed to act like a weirdo shut-in They shouldn't just suddenly stop acting. You know by shock infinite. Yeah Elizabeth's never left her house and spoken to like four people. Why does she act like a disney princess? Yeah, that doesn't make any fucking sense Interesting. Yeah, so no, that's so that's that's it. You know, you just kind of go like, okay
Starting point is 00:57:11 So I'm I'm I'm hoping that like, you know Once when we get to our proper like big big fight scene moments and what in our proper big choreography You're gonna get some big payoffs. I'm gonna keep watching to the end of course, but right now slow starts um hoping for the pickup and at the very least May like if it does the same thing that the other Marvel shows have done then like It might have that halfway point turnaround But so far it's usually that turnaround has been for the the worst Maybe here it'll be for the better. I'm being optimistic. The intro is really cool
Starting point is 00:57:46 but It's one thing happening over and over So you kind of like you don't really want to watch it every time. You know, I loved that Daredevil intro I would watch that every time I'm the Jessica Jones one was pretty enough that I'd be like, yeah, that's a bunch of wallpapers I have no problem there I think the west world one's the only one that I watch every time every time every time But this one is like you're gonna watch it once go. That was awesome
Starting point is 00:58:09 And then never again never again like you might give it a second glance, but you really are probably not gonna go back to it Um, so yeah, I'm waiting for the magic, you know, but right now right now. It's I hope there is some it's not a good start so far um the uh Other thing on the on the complete other opposite end of the Spectrum emotional spectrum. I should say is samurai jack man. Mm-hmm See season five. What's the samurai jack? Yo episode one
Starting point is 00:58:39 Pretty good comeback pretty good start shits was strong Established what they needed to right away. Mm-hmm episode two up the escalation Mm-hmm earning that rating that earning that m. Oh, that's that clip that I saw uh yo This dude is oh, you know gotta get back to the past like fucking it's great man. It's great and Yeah, you know, I think the thing that a lot of people are saying is it's like it's never left It's like in you know, never missed a beat and it's like, yeah
Starting point is 00:59:08 It really does just capture a lot Of what was great about the original show, but like really really condensed and There's an interesting angle going on now where um Because so much time has passed like You're seeing both jack and akku like Having these weird Like issues they're dealing with Personal issues like what?
Starting point is 00:59:34 You watch it. All right, you know, well, I gotta go through one through four first But like because of the like they like it like you've got you've got jack haunted by his past, right? And then so and the man that manifestation of that is like him himself Like beating him down on him like what the fuck you doing when you know, you'd be traitor or whatever And you're like, oh, okay. Yeah, that's that's the tortured hero thing, right? Usually anyone who's too virtuous to a flaw That becomes their flaw, right? Um The re-you angle if you would but then like the superman too. Yeah, but then you mirror it in akku
Starting point is 01:00:08 And it's like oh shit. That's That's interesting because he's got his own take on that similar problem to that. That's kind of goofy, but fun and and uh Yeah, it's just fucking great so far nailing it. That's probably right And it's like two episodes into that complete opposite-out reaction tired fist form like oh my god. Yeah. Fuck. Yes. I'm right jack man um and of course the probably the one of the funnest things is Like the dude's weapon durability is like breath of the wild level. Oh, no every episode
Starting point is 01:00:43 He's fucking just tossing and grabbing new things and using them and just like Nothing lasts like whatever is around is what i'm gonna use for this fight And then like it'll probably break or not or whatever, but i'll find a rock. Yeah, but it's like oh fuck no sword All right, figure it out. We're using everything else and it's really interesting Um, can't can't recommend it enough right now Um, yeah, no, no, that's me. That's good. These these sound like good times. That's me. All right Hey jewy, what's new in the news jewy? No, I said chewy Did you yeah, I did are you okay? All right
Starting point is 01:01:30 I mean look This is like a speech impediment. That's that's rude of you That's rude of you to point that out You should probably not uh not call people jewy. Uh, yeah good thing that I didn't I'll fight you motherfucker. I'll fight you right here. I'll fight you on the moon. I said chewy. All right, uh Maybe you're projecting I mean technically people do kind of call people that are adventists like juice for jesus sometimes Really? Yeah. Yeah, because it's very similar like a lot of the they're the uh, I thought that was a whole different thing
Starting point is 01:02:06 It is a whole different thing. Oh, okay, but the seventh but it but it's it's similar in the sense that like religiously seventh day adventism It follows a lot of what? Judaism has where it's like you um, well saturday for saturday is the big one Your kosher meat and things like that doesn't oh seventh day adventist. It's not actually kosher, but it's more just like No pork, right? Um, no like you could only eat the things that you call kosher light. It's like, uh, um It's really just like it comes down to like pretty much beef Chicken and like fish and like no weird fish. No our copy bar is fish. Uh, no, okay No, that's nothing without scales is if it has scales, it's a fish if it doesn't have scales you can't eat it
Starting point is 01:02:48 Uh, the catholics say that the capy bar is a fucking fish That's crazy because the pope because the south america. I didn't have much fish. They had shit ton of capy bars And they were like, hey pope, can we can you can you retrofit this? Can you say that the capy bar is a fucking fish because they hang on water all time? And they're like, yeah, sure. It's a fucking fish. That's crazy. That's insane. Wow. Um Purgatory babies, huh? Yeah. Oh That's the fun one. Yeah You can you can catch that
Starting point is 01:03:17 Okay, so that was that was when uh Well, that's that's been forever. Yeah, but all the babies going straight to purgatory Yeah, you know, that's yeah, I didn't get baptized because you do exactly right and then Uh, some years back maybe maybe 10 years ago. Yeah, so uh popes like hey man. Um, so purgatory no longer exists and We're just removing that. Yeah the um
Starting point is 01:03:42 I forgot what the word is. I like whatever the cannon. It's it's the cannon, but there's a word for the the You know chris, um, whatever the I think it might actually be called cannon But yeah, so they remove that and they're like great. So that's gone now. So we're just we we completely upgrade Yep, heaven or hell in that to like what a hundred billion children and it's like great. It's like so What? Upgrade right? Upgrade upgrade. Ah Retconned
Starting point is 01:04:12 What's it? What's new in the news your dead baby soul is retconned out of existence Oh By the pope he said it. They're all gone now. Anyway news. Well, you're fucking marvel bias is showing again I'm just saying I'm just saying that when the pope releases a patch. Yeah on catholicism That results in every fucking purgatory, baby. What are you the beginning of time? What are you until now Seizing to exist. What are you telling me the patch wrecked my save file?
Starting point is 01:04:51 Can you roll it back at least no the save file's fucked you can't do it back Can I not just live knowing that my no No Corrupted you start a new say start a new Say All right All right. All right. All right. So Let's start out with the let's start out with
Starting point is 01:05:19 The rumors rumors flying around about the fact that in japan a um a hiring sheet went out for A psycho break too. I'll believe this So That game sold well enough Uh, yeah, so that this uh just popped up Uh, you know, I mean it's it's still it's not official, but it's like
Starting point is 01:05:45 People they they found job postings. That's you you you're it's this it's as you know as close as you're gonna get to like This is a leak with a star next to well, I think even without that I mean Bethesda's like but look how hard Bethesda worked to fucking keep the prey Name existing In some form right that game got Remade multiple times they love Making sequels to their ip's So uh psycho break of course being evil with into
Starting point is 01:06:14 Um Yeah, reason to believe it exists because they're hiring people for it. I hope it's better than psycho break one It's a highly disappointing game to me Great name in japan. That's so great It's a super great name Now did that um And now it has to compete with the new and improved resident. Did that game Have franchise potential
Starting point is 01:06:40 Did you feel that it had franchise potential it has a cliffhanger at the end that implies that you didn't really stop the guy but I guess it has as much franchise potential as any moderately good game I get it. I didn't It's not like you would want to revisit the like because they didn't close the story off and then so like And because the whole game takes place in people's minds They could even dramatically shift the art style and change it to a different kind. Oh, yeah, I didn't even know that Yeah, the whole game takes place in your head. Okay, you're the whole game
Starting point is 01:07:11 You're in a fucking tube hooked up into what is essentially an organic matrix And the what the reason why the cell yeah, yeah, it's the cell. Okay, it's the cell. Okay Huh, it's the cell exactly And that's why the main character has like magic powers because he's lucid dreaming and none of you are How cool would it be if uh The part two comes out and it's called evil within psycho break and in japan it's called psycho break the evil within I think there'd be a little on the nose, but so is evil within Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:45 Like evil evil within isn't quite the last story Yeah, but it's it's it's there And psycho break is just a mental version of a biohazard Why I wonder like What what the thought process is when it's like it doesn't sound as sophisticated But it sounds cooler. Yeah, I don't know what it is And do you choose your marketing and go like I want it to sound sophisticated instead of just just just the cool factor I don't know
Starting point is 01:08:13 Because japanese audiences I want to pull in to get the cooler name So we get the more sophisticated refined ones Well, because we want to pull in like people that are down for horror That are probably buying the adult harry potter novel covers with with one notable exception being Uh, resonance of fate becoming end of eternity or vice versa. I don't remember Yeah, no, no, no, no end of eternity became resonance of fate But that was because of end of eternity actually being a copyrighted property Like it was just it was a name that they were just taking so
Starting point is 01:08:46 Yeah, uh, yeah, that's a good that that that's a believable thing I'll play that the other thing similar with job postings Leaking news is a cd project Had uh, some more interesting details popping up because they're partially funded by the polish government So they posted a bunch of I did not know that. Yeah, they're they're they're I mean, why wouldn't they be? Of course, right? Yeah, you're a fucking national treasure. Um, so they uh posted that the Um, they're hiring like tons and tons of people for Um, the four projects they're working on they're working on four they're working on four projects
Starting point is 01:09:28 And uh, they're doing a they're doing seems like you're doing a mastering massive hiring campaign and right now, uh A fuck is the fourth one the projects are all going to be out by Uh, 2019 that you what that is That's a fucking lie unless they apply to have those deadlines extended Yeah, which they can because that's a fucking lie. That is absolute or shit So I love that company. They make great games But they are getting close to valve in terms of like fucking release date shit
Starting point is 01:10:07 2019 is really far away though So yeah, it took them a long time to wait which are three and they're saying that cyberpunk seven uh Cyberpunk 2077 is likely to be like five times or a hundred times bigger than switcher three So like but at the same time if they if they fill in all these roles and I'm I'm scrolling down a list of like Oh, that's a lot of roles. It's huge Right. Okay. Wait. It's it's gwent gwent. It's cyberpunk. Yes. It's It's Okay, so it's gwent cyberpunk and two things we don't know about or or one thing we forgot about
Starting point is 01:10:43 And isn't gwent already close to being done. It's I'm in the closed beta and it looks pretty fucking done. I think they're just balancing it Yeah, that's about that's that's about to drop. So They have other yeah of other unannounced projects. Um but I assumed that like 2019 was the cyberpunk date in my head because it's like, yeah, well that they said far away and That's the one that you're just like we've seen nothing of and so yeah, um
Starting point is 01:11:12 If you think that's the lie and they they're gonna push into the 2020s on on cyberpunk that seems like Like why even announce it at that point? Well, do you remember when they announced it like two or three years before? Which are three was Coming out. Yeah, they made that trailer. Yeah, and then when people were like, oh cool. When's this coming out? And their response was we don't know. It's not even it's years away from starting development and everyone went Why did why? Did you tell us then? I mean, it's not impossible that one of those things is which are four, but
Starting point is 01:11:49 I find that extremely unlikely Well based on everything about how those stories that game and very definitively, but what I'm wondering I guess is like if you Uh, uh, yeah, if they meet all these hires And have them like have that up they're becoming super huge. Yeah, then You know, maybe that date is maybe maybe on having if they become polish ubisoft in terms of staff Scale then maybe they can get it out by 2019. Maybe um, unless gwent is a trilogy Gwent is a cash cow. So is what it is I think so. I don't think it'll have the same draw as hearstone because
Starting point is 01:12:34 I mean, will they think you know tyrant whisper wind and jana proud more in these iconic warcraft characters. Yep. How do you feel about? the scoyotel And the skelega berserkers No, nothing There is a card in that called poor fucking infantry Which is that's pretty which is a generic soldier that looks like he's gonna fucking cry okay
Starting point is 01:13:06 So What was it? Oh, yeah, yeah, there was an announcement here for we got to take a look at the first gameplay of The new sonic game known as sonic forces. I'm gonna paraphrase for matt on this one because I spoke to him about this the other day Yep That's a sonic game You were you congrats. You were able to perfectly What the fuck? That's a stupid uh, you were able to stupid carry over. You were you were absolutely able to perfectly finish the rest of matt sentence
Starting point is 01:13:41 Yep, that looks like a sonic game So they mentioned that there's going to be lots of cameos not necessarily playable thank god, but uh It seems to be at least for the modern part of it It's uh, you know modern day. It's new sonic and it's taking place in an Environment where the world is blowing up around him like the promise of that original screenshot uh, so You know, I think It'll probably be fine until it's not
Starting point is 01:14:12 Until yeah, you know until the mechanic or the thing that is like oh, but sonic mania is so good And like it feels like you know, maybe they get what people want out of these final things and I think like that gives that's the strongest promise with christian whitehead stuff Is the strongest promise of like, you know, they're not fucking it up if sonic Mania is good like quite good. I can confirm. It's good. It can confirm. It's great Packs like that it comes out and stays good. You know what I mean? Yeah, uh that my the dream Is that it out sells
Starting point is 01:14:52 the Proper 3d the 3d one and is like Hey, hey listen listen, no listen, right? You you realize that's like Impossible and it's just never gonna happen. I know that's that's the dream I mean look man like modern sonic is What the kids grew up with now? Your sonic is what like adults grew up with so
Starting point is 01:15:25 You're like this close to be like that's not your dad sonic anymore old man Because you're that's exactly what literally is the case. It's not your grandpa's sonic at this point and You were around for all the new sonics But like yeah, there's no way that that but I you know what I'd love to be proven wrong too I'd love to be proven wrong too, but I I couldn't imagine mania. I would would outsell Just on the principle of like damn kids these days They don't know a good sonic if it would bite him in the ass
Starting point is 01:15:58 Oh Shake my stick at people, but yeah, I mean do you does the does the modern Sonic 3d formula like do you find that offensive on its own? No, I find it completely inoffensive Okay, which is much worse actually. Okay I find it I find it difficult to pay attention to I just my eyes. I look at that and my eyes kind of just glaze over Uh, were there any of them that um
Starting point is 01:16:27 Sonic adventure one that was it, huh? That's it. Okay And I got out of my system Not even no geez Yeah, but you have that you have that weird thing though I remember we've gotten into sonic discussions where it's like you have that very particular Like you don't even know what you like about sonic Oh, I know I know exactly what I like about sonic and I could fucking go for 40 minutes about it
Starting point is 01:16:52 But the short answer is that sonic 2 and sonic 3 and sonic and knuckles have really really really specific junk physics And level design that feels really good and it has a non It's more focused on platforming and big levels and less focused on the speed pads The the later the the more and more that you get to modern sonic the more of the level plays itself because you're hitting speed pads constantly Yeah, that's it. That that's the core of it. Ah, okay Um Sonic 2 is faster and that's why a lot of people like it. Sonic 3 and knuckles is slower and that's why I personally like it I I I I I prefer to
Starting point is 01:17:29 Yeah, I definitely prefer to and like sonic mania is clearly like no two is the template for that I hope they have a three knuckles kind of sonic mania afterwards That being said, they showed off flying battery zone for sonic mania and that is like the best stage from sonic and knuckles and and you know what uh What I I think I said this a while ago, but like when you have something that comes along like freedom planet where it's like You're starting to outshine you know the the
Starting point is 01:18:02 Modern attempts at the classic that are failing Your freedom planet is a better sonic a better new school old sonic than anything else um You need like someone in the someone over at sega needs to look and go guys like look at this Right. This is a better version of what we're trying to do here with sonic 4 and it didn't work out sonic rush I like but you know what I mean, but like rush is fine. Sonic rush was good, but um Yeah, you have the better examples of it and like like freedom planet's fucking Like now freedom planet 2 is going a whole other direction. It's that's like shitting on shit like sonic 4 and whatever
Starting point is 01:18:38 But no, yeah, yeah, it's real bold direction Shitting on sonic 4. I mean Well, I'm the the point I'm getting at those that basically like it's embarrassing when not embarrassing, but it's bad You know when it's if it's a dead franchise and then a some spiritual successor that a fan makes comes out and then everyone goes Oh cool. That's a cool thing. They care. Yay But then it's so much worse if It's not a dead franchise if you try active franchise
Starting point is 01:19:06 It's an active franchise and you failed at it and then someone's still doing that I'm going no actually. This is what we wanted you to do and and stuff Well stuff like that like people like me who are way into those specific jump physics Like we there's a group of people out there that picked up sonic generations Yeah, classic sonic just like the old days There's a group of people like me Who matt has told the story and I've told it before I picked up sonic generations Jumped once did one spin dash and put the controller down and said that sucks
Starting point is 01:19:35 Um the the air spin dash Is yeah, that's cool. That's great. It works. Of course. It works and it's not the full It isn't it's not a full rev. No, it just need to be but it's enough Yeah, and that that just adding that on its own. I was like, I was like, oh, okay That's one of those things that you would have expected to actually come out in the Genesis or second cd era It's a natural with sonic war. Yeah Spin dash was how do you get to moving quickly without a start up great Air spin dash of all how do you how do you increase your aerial velocity when you need to go?
Starting point is 01:20:08 No, um, you know, you you just take mega man two you give him a slide Yes, right And jump will go a little bit further give him a wall jump, you know, like whatever good. Yep. Um Oh, you see that mega man design for the fucking cartoon So well, we might as well get into it. Oh, yeah Oh No, there's nothing It's the stupid new mega man cartoon. I don't like they made it look a little bit more like mega man, but it still looks
Starting point is 01:20:36 I don't like it. It still looks bad. There's no new and improved. I don't And and like well, you know what fuck it like while we're talking about that I want to just take a moment because they show because um They there's uh, uh, nendoroids, you know nendoroids. I do. Yeah, so there's a tracer Mm-hmm looks great, right? And you did I don't know if you saw it. It looks fucking great, right? Looks pretty dope looks pretty dope And it just the moment I saw it. I just like had to immediately Fuck in just feel
Starting point is 01:21:10 From the bottom of my heart. I you know, let me pull this up so you can see take a look at it here But I'm like, yeah, it's a cute little tracer, right? It's great. Super cool How Fucking trash or funko pops. They're not great. Got it. I don't Uh There's so wow. This is a real tangent. I didn't realize that this like I thought I was waiting for you to like Like oh and look at the mega man funko pops and it sucks because so many people I know are fans and collect them and have a bunch of them and I you know, if you do then god bless
Starting point is 01:21:40 God bless. I I I'm happy that works for you. I completely agree. I don't I don't collect figures at all I don't I don't care for it like they're just trash. It's just trash. They're just bad Every one of them this same shit and I'm just like fuck. Why are these so popular? When they're so garbage and there's zero effort because they're trash They're popular because they're trash. Oh my god. Fuck funko pops and like We you know, we walked into a friend's house recently or a couple actually and just saw 35,000 funko pops and we laughed and then we went to someone else's place and saw even more and we're like, what is happening? Why?
Starting point is 01:22:26 It it fucking I don't I just I'll tell you why it's not even that there because it's like, okay. Sure. They're shit. Whatever You just be fun. Just be like ignore it. But it's the fact that they're taking off So much. I'll tell you why it's everywhere because they sell like crazy. They're commonly sold in the places people usually buy games They're so they're selling like crazy All it is the mountain of them in your in your game when you go to either games or game stop They're there and that is about as much effort as most people are willing to put in To buying figurines the funko pop is for the person who wants to have a figurine of tracer on their on their desk
Starting point is 01:23:04 Or it just needs to be tracer, but They're not willing to Even do a google search, right? They'll pick one up when they see it But if one doesn't actually physically present it to themselves, they won't get it That's the audience and guess what that audience is massive because I just fucking I saw I just saw the nendoroid for tracer today and it just it just sparked that in me because it's just Because i'm like, that's what a little cute mini tracer figure should look like absolutely the end. There's no discussion here
Starting point is 01:23:37 Like the head is not your dumb little block head that you just paint a generic face on and occasionally change the hair My problem with the funko pops actually had to make a thing that looks unique to the character My problem with funko pops isn't even the fact that they're all 3d molded in the same way My problem is the eyes are hideous. Yeah, well, there's that they're just black dots and I hate them I guess they're affordable. You know, oh, yeah, I guess I guess that's that's the deal. I guess I just the new form of beanie, baby Anyway, sorry Fucking don't apologize for your rants against trivial consumer products
Starting point is 01:24:12 It's what we've built our empire on um We have uh I mean, there's a bunch there's a bunch of kof news that's been popping up with yamizaki Fucking good picks for dlc. Show it up Really good picks really good picks, but did you see the announcement trailer for king of fighters destiny? I didn't They're making a cg movie And
Starting point is 01:24:39 Tell you what man. Look model quality. Oh, you know, what are you gonna? What are you gonna do? I am excited to see this, but I'm like, hey, that looks better than I expected I'll take it man. That looks way better than I expected right away, but it's all right It's still clearly cg. Yeah, and like it's not uh like uh namco's efforts No, and and and we're getting some cool fights and the animation is fine You know is that geese howard that is a geese howard? Well, I'm in You know because we're and because this is the king of the fighter story It's predictable. So you're not just showing off kyo niori. You're showing off some terry bogard. You're showing off some andy bogard
Starting point is 01:25:19 and Like you're doing things that I've wanted to see happen. I like that I wanted to see this happen for a while. So I would like oh, there's terry. Yeah, and there's andy. Yeah, I saw kyo and geese Right, and I think that's the rochi and that's billy kane. Yeah Like I'm mm. Yeah. I'm fine, dude. Mm. Yeah, okay At the very least the fights are gonna be cool. Is this nightmare geese? Is this fight against nightmare geese? I don't know. It could be a flashback. It could be actually it's kof world. So it's entirely possible that it's um The that's that's the world where wolfgang krauser and geese actually like survived
Starting point is 01:25:59 Because it's you know alternate from what if geese howard was the rochi That'd be stupid. Would it be game over though? No, he'd probably just yamizaki it. Yeah, where he's like, yeah, I don't care Fuck that I'm just gonna use my work use willpower to keep it in check the erochi tries to take over his body just predictable counters it inside too easy um Yeah, man, you know what that's not bad like I my I you know the the the little anime that came with um
Starting point is 01:26:32 Uh fucking oh god the one where like terry goes out to get milk days of memories, right or another day Where yeah, it's all about the ash crimson shit and so on is like you're like, okay. Look you tried you tried, you know It's it's the one cool part where kill used fire but uh This looks like at least like I said the animation quality. I hope it's as watchable as You didn't get it out the cg reasonable movies Degeneration and um degenerations straight up bad, but watchable. What's the other one called damn nation damn nation is Bad watchable and has a fantastic action sequence at the end. Okay
Starting point is 01:27:14 okay, I am more than willing to settle for Uh cg models that are Like dated but not poor. Yeah and animation that is okay, but not amazing With great choreography. Sure. I'll take that. Yeah, I will super take that for ko f It's not a franchise that I'm expecting much out of their cinematic universe. Oh, yeah That live action video that live action movie didn't uh didn't light the fire Fuck it. We'll take it man I still think that that ko f movie was worth it for just that bit that matt
Starting point is 01:27:49 Created of the guy playing yori just kind of chuckling Where he put yori's like fucking win quote laugh over it Do you remember that shit? I do. Oh, it's the best. It's so good implying that it wasn't already worth it for ray park and hockey gear No implying it was skating rugal. Hello implying it wasn't already worth it for rugal just Flashing his fingers and a bunch of sparklies just shooting out It's cool, man darth mall just do the flips just do the flips just do the flips just do the flips Just do the flips. I really don't want much. I'm an acta. Just do the flips. Do the flips. Just do the flips You know what you really get at? Yeah
Starting point is 01:28:31 Yeah, the flips you can do the flips really do the flips just do it You didn't talk in your first role and that was there was a reason for that Well, he had like two lines. He's too busy flipping Do do a backflip with the sword pretty sure the original take on yes, my master was him doing the flip. Yeah Yep Doth mall really Can you not just answer a question? He does the fucking the wooshu sideways one man. That's the good one. I like that. That's the good one. I like it
Starting point is 01:28:59 That's the flip That you should do instead of talking I want to I want to fucking go find ray park and just hold up a sign that says Hey, do the flip Uh, and then then he just looks sad and then he does the flip I wonder like I like I don't even I wonder if that was even his voice if it was he got his uh his Um sag his sag points his voice his sag card. You know, I don't know Anyway, that's what wait if you think the flip was his voice. No the yes my master
Starting point is 01:29:30 Oh, okay Because I think I think that's like the minimum to get into the actual guild You have to have a speaking line. You have to have a speaking line And you to think it has to be at least three words. I think that's what it is Yeah, back our next that's low. That's low. Isn't it? Yeah But that's enough, you know like by that by that credit like I don't know if it's still is that way But that's how I remember a couple years could have gotten on the screen actor skill for these pretzels are making me thirsty I mean, that's really all it would take. Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:58 Uh So we got some tech in use tech in sevens adding more guest characters from other video games This game ever gonna come out. Yeah, it's coming Yeah, it's coming. All right. So who are the guest characters? We don't didn't know that we that that's not an announcement Yeah, well, that's we that's a weird announcement. It's more just along the lines of like Akuma is not the only one this could either go the smash brother's way Or it could go the cross street fighter way. What's she want? Uh, I'd prefer if they was I prefer the cross street fighter way
Starting point is 01:30:30 Because I remember I threw out the idea of like t7 just rolling in street fighter characters as dlc And just making this game the cross street fighter and like the cross and then maybe the full A big patch or a big dlc thing is like boom here. It is. This is the event for tech in seven I'd prefer that than another game see the problem that I have with that It really really scares me is that if it is street fighter characters I'd become very very worried that the two extra characters They're gonna add to tech in seven from the street fighter universe Are gonna be Ryu and Ken. Well because that yeah, that's a waste that it's not fantastic
Starting point is 01:31:08 Uh, I assume they would look at it and go well, that's a dumb thing considering Akuma's here and choose like gyle and chunlee Thank you that you picked the two that were right You picked the two that were a hundred percent on point if you need to represent your world, you know, um But no, I in the same way, but I would rather it be characters from Random smash brother shit. Yeah, I mean still caliber already does that And I liked how Yoshimitsu. I like is the guest character. Well all yeah All gagging all gags about doa aside like it was cool that there were multiple virtual fighters. Yes So I like that of like a slate. This is like a an nwo style
Starting point is 01:31:50 You know like we're taking over the boys are coming in the crews come in From this other world and we're getting a crossover more than uh, who could we sign a deal with? Let's get Sora in there. Let's get dude. Get Sora in there. Yeah, you know like Kingdom Hearts is light. I would really rather um We like just got took it from one and and even if it wasn't street fighter, I would still say that Yeah, I agree, but I still want it to be a mish-mash I want it to be a mish-mash that I like despite the fact the mish-mash results In nine out of ten situations that I don't like as much as the one that you suggested
Starting point is 01:32:25 Like is my ideal is in my mind bigger than your ideal even though the reality is probably less so It's gonna be ingrid and ingrid Just two slots. Are you excited? Are you excited for ingrid to become the most popular street fighter of all time? She's already been the most powerful. Yep Can't fight it. Can't fight it. It's magic It's just magic. Are you excited for the return of the psycho bullet festival? Is that word ring a bell? You gotta really pull for this one. It's okay if you don't remember. Give me give me something. Give me anything
Starting point is 01:33:02 Because I have stuck in the middle with you Oh the fucking no not the fucking No So back in the day There was a game called reservoir dogs. Are you serious the reservoir? And it was a video game and it wasn't very I was getting there, but and I tested it. Yeah And it had a feature in it called the psycho bullet festival. That's what you did is your special and it was terrible And now whoever owns the license is uh
Starting point is 01:33:32 He's strapped for cash. So we got another reservoir dogs game um And it it looks like a like twin stick top down all the running and gunning violence You know for reservoir dogs that's that you'd you'd uh expect from this franchise. So Yeah What's reservoir dogs the game should be a game in which you play a waitress in a diner Thank you And you have to figure out how to get these maybe criminal assholes to tip you the highest amount possible
Starting point is 01:34:05 And then that should be the whole game. Oh, well, okay. That should be the first that's that that's a level, right? What another level is you are uh, your conversation wheeling your way through The back seat while someone's bleeding out next to you trying to keep them from passing out and and while turning back to the road every once in a while and that's that Conversations dude. Yeah, there shouldn't be a single goddamn gun pull anywhere until the very end Which just happens as a result of your the consequences of the decisions you make I guess what I guess what the ending of that game inevitable
Starting point is 01:34:39 Yeah, of course the only question is Who shot nice guy eddie Out of the fucking blue I really think that uh the honest like Between this and apocalypse now. Oh, yeah, there was a third one. What was the third one? There's a third. I don't old thing Fuck it. I slipped into my mind right now. We're just like what what what what? Somebody found a license in their closet all this noise made now
Starting point is 01:35:12 About reservoir dogs What happened because somebody somebody did their taxes And their accountant said hey, you know, you got this paper It says you owe the game rights to reservoir dogs for you paid the money for it and one more year I mean the warriors had that same weird thing Yeah, but the warriors was awesome But then there was another game that came out called the warriors the beat them up That wasn't the rock star game. What really there was another warriors game where you go
Starting point is 01:35:43 Okay, wait, this is a movie licensed franchise that someone owns that one They're just doing a thing with it because what the fuck? Why is there another warriors game? And it's not the rock star game because a lawyer was driving down the street going Of course it's friday the 13th like I want to thank rock star because had that game not gone announced I would not know what the warriors was Because I that is beyond your time. I got that game got announced And I went what the fuck is in why all the all these reviews are like the cult classic warriors
Starting point is 01:36:16 The fuck and you know watch the trailer the hell is this go watch that movie is awesome Gotta get back to cony island. We'll never get a last dragon fight a game We'll never get to use the power of the glow as Bruce leroy Fuck him. Ah, you'll never get to be an awkward ass tall mixed motherfucker walking around with a rice hat In Harlem, you'll never get to be shown up in a fighting game, dude
Starting point is 01:36:48 At least not canonically. All right, that's the quote everybody You'll never get to be shown up in a fighting game canonically somebody Ding developers out there Find it. Fuck him find it. It hurts. It hurts do it Show who is the master? show enough And just all those little fucking
Starting point is 01:37:13 And all those little idiots that follow him around They're all playable. Yeah, and that And that chubby guy in the pink shirt that stands up in the theater to challenge show enough He's playable Oh, man, it would be great, dude And then you get the song in there And the song only kicks in when you're doing your you know like a fist of the north star when you land the the fatal ko Right with a bit of you get one of those for you are the last dragon as you're doing your fatal ko
Starting point is 01:37:44 With the power of the fucking glow that one's free, man It's not free. They gotta get the fucking license for it. They gotta pay for the license The last dragon fighting game Oh god Show enough is the fucking why did I why did I like plant that seed? That one's gonna bother me for a while right now the last shokun of harlem Oh All right
Starting point is 01:38:10 And I mean brennan is like the pretty close to getting pretty close to getting a playable show enough in a wrestling game But it's not cannot it's not canon. It's not can't it's not cannot brennan You can probably hear us right now. Can you can you workshop something knows? He knows I'm sure he knows can you pull some strings? He needs he's like he's dead and people he wants people to remember shown up Clearly he gets it It's just The official though, you know So, you know what my favorite part about every time we have one of these conversations is yeah, go ahead
Starting point is 01:38:48 I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna go and look up show enough clips right And it's gonna and you scroll down to the comments and it's gonna be all the podcasts Going I thought they were making this shit up. Oh no guys I can't believe this is real gather around children gather around listen if you haven't seen this movie called the last dragon Right, it's a classic and it's super duper corny black exploitation bruce lee movie But it's fucking great fucking amazing and it's full of all this awkward shit and the acting is super stilted But it's fantastic and you have to do it And you have to that's it is law
Starting point is 01:39:32 um And we got one more pretty cool story popping up Uh, this was a fun announcement. I I enjoyed this thoroughly uh Did you catch the? Disney afternoon Uh package that's a cool fucking name and concept. I like it So it's not the remake of course of duck tails. Um, it's the old it's the classics
Starting point is 01:39:58 But it's a six game pack cap from capcom called the disney afternoon collection for all consoles and uh pc It's like yeah, hey, no listen. We know and you're getting this license is running out chip and dale rescue rangers Ch Uh chip and dale chip and dale rescue rangers too The darkwing duck, of course Darkwing darkwing duck and uh duck tails and one and two and tailspin Um all right great All right, my memories of those games are good Yeah, I don't remember how well right? How accurate those memories are. Yep, but my memories of them are good
Starting point is 01:40:37 You want to play a game right now what game is that? Which one of these franchises? You could give a shit about and which ones are classics that you'll fight to the death over all right Gonna upset some people right now there's two gonna upset that I'll fight you over gonna get upset there's two That'll fight you all right now all right all right. Tell you what yeah tailspin can go fuck off Yeah, I agree. I never gave a shit about ever gave a goddamn shit Okay to spit off of the jungle book it's fucking weird where everyone's wearing clothes and flying yeah, no, that's stupid It was the dumbest okay. It wasn't a fun show didn't enjoy it skipped right past every time get out get the fuck out
Starting point is 01:41:20 All right moving on. What's what's your next cut? What's your next? No, we'll do it. No, let's do it on off What's you will you fight to death over? the rest oh the rest yeah, okay and darkwing and duck tails are The best yes Because that because that's my list I'll go I'll go darkwing and duck tails I'll stab a bitch over but I'll fight you but and the rest I don't particularly care for with tailspin getting a special honor of I actually barely remembered it existed, but like Chippendale was like one of my first TV watching
Starting point is 01:41:57 So I can never get rid of Chippendale is solid. It's deep down inside of me. It is an undelatable item Locked in the key item, you know Formative it's in there man, and my brother and I would just sit shut the fuck up lock eyes to the TV and sing that song You know and it was the best so I Yeah, I you know the tail I don't get why tailspin don't get it is fucking don't get it Shoehorned in this list, but I guess it was a game. They had so fuck it But I don't I don't care what anyone says I will absolutely like it can tailspin can fuck right off now
Starting point is 01:42:32 If you're upset at our treatment of tailspin We're gonna have Austin help us out with this So he's gonna he's gonna sort through your comments So if you want just send all your tailspin based hate mail to Austin eruption, okay, and he's gonna forward that to us Okay, once he goes through the good stuff he'll filter through Your thoughts yeah, and let us know What we got wrong. Yeah sounds good sounds good not to us No
Starting point is 01:42:58 Austin I really don't think going on on a limb so with that though. I think I think it just been trash I don't I think there's gonna be the defenders. I'd rather always there's always those people But I don't think that I don't think there's gonna be a ground swell of tailspin was the shit Well, it lasted longer than like yeah, that's mean to moan and poomba That doesn't mean anything the lion king fucking tv show it lasted longer than other disney shows Man, you would suck the Aladdin tv show it was not good I did not like it Or when are you gonna make the face that goes on? No, I'm not. Oh, fuck you mechanically sucks. Oh
Starting point is 01:43:36 Fuck you dude. Are you gonna do this? I enjoyed Aladdin a lot. I watched it. Yeah, I'm sure you did I had it says a lot Fuck you. Fuck you. That was fine. It's a typical super nintendo 11 like her. Kate. Kate. No video games I'm talking about the cartoon. Yeah, no, no, I'm just saying it makes sense You have all sorts of bad tastes in the lad movies Next you're gonna tell me return to jafar is the best Aladdin movie You hate you didn't enjoy arabian nights. You didn't enjoy watching arabian nights. Pardon Like the Aladdin tv show where you got the fucking irisong arabian
Starting point is 01:44:08 I don't remember shit about it other than not liking it So maybe I'm fucking wrong. Oh, you god Yeah, you're super wrong. You're super wrong. You've you've never been more wrong That is that is not true. That's not true. That is so not true I have always been more but I have to escalate your shit to your shit level To make the point. All right, you've never been more wrong god It could anything be more wrong than that statement. Uh, I never got to watch the mighty ducks cartoon Unfortunately, was that something? I don't know. It was a saturday morning one season
Starting point is 01:44:44 It was saturday morning once like I couldn't get in on that and it was part of the afternoon So I missed it. Um, that sucks. It's like aliens. What was it? What? Oh god, I fucking forget I mean, we like we don't have to talk about gargoyles because that's a fucking but oh gargoyles is trash See I can't fool them on that one No gargoyles gargoyles is uh, it's it's here here to stay. You want to talk knife fights But I'm like but I'm like disney afternoon rotations where they tried shit out. Do you remember? Uh, the oh god the flashback episode with mcbeth
Starting point is 01:45:20 In which which one of those there were many but well, there's a specific in which one of the first times he ever dies Somebody throws like some kind of fire object at him and he's wearing a helmet And his whole body becomes emulated and he falls off the cliff like flames shooting out of his helmet And the reason why I say that is because my sister had walked into the room My older sister walked into the room and I'm quite young whenever gargoyles area and she was Whoa Like she walked in just to see that I was like, whoa That's more violent than what you're supposed to be watching
Starting point is 01:45:53 I was like, no, it's gargoyles though And then like that started a whole fucking thing and then my parents watched some episodes and it was fine Because that level of violence was never reached ever again but but like I always loved it in kids cartoons when Once just once for some reason
Starting point is 01:46:12 It would just escalate for no reason to shocking level of violence. Oh, yeah, not blood but implicated like Hard murder. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah And the way that the show got around it was like, well, he comes back to life Anyway, he's like, I don't think that's how that works for your ratings Or do the implication of like the gargoyles turning into statues and then smashing them Fucking dark because then what you like do do you get that return to meet one more time? Yeah, and how fucking gross is that right? I couldn't stop thinking about that That one stuck with me. I couldn't stop thinking about that man. The night hits it and it just turns back into shattered meat
Starting point is 01:46:51 It's like it's like whenever you see somebody get a frozen in anything and then they get shattered liquid night and you go Oh, that's More gruesome than it looks actually And when it did when they defrost is when the fun starts You're not dead until you're warm and dead unless you're shattered into a million pieces Then it doesn't really matter what color what temperature you are demolition man Yeah Fucking no that that one the taco bell lines different per release of the movie
Starting point is 01:47:21 Uh, wasn't it pizza hut it per different regional release of the film. I did. I did all sorts of different. Yes I saw the video. I saw the video on that. They recorded multiple Well, whatever fuck it. Anyway, um, fuck tailspin should have been goof troop the end Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah Let's take some letters It's letter time it's letter time. All right Can we get nick of the specialist in here to record like a letter time thing? He's not busy. Is he dead? He's not busy
Starting point is 01:47:57 He's not dead, but he's why you know, he's not dead I mean, I don't know for a fact, but but he shouldn't be old enough to be dead. No, he's just And wait, wait, no, no, no, no, we got an update on him the other day. Seriously. Yeah, we did we did we did someone wrote in and told us what he's up to and you're like, he's uh He's they're teaching broadcasting or that's cool doing some sort of thing. That's awesome. Good for nick of the specialist Somehow I don't think that's his real name. Somehow. Um, all right. What do we got for emails this week? Wolves? Okay. Let's let's let's grab some stuff right here um
Starting point is 01:48:29 This white cannot continue We got one coming in from c saggots and he says Hey, two best friends in a pal. Are you uh familiar with The scene they use in trailers that is shows up so much that it loses its intended effect familiar, uh, for example In most of the trailers for batman v. Superman They always use the I thought she was with you bit in the trailer so much that even if it was funny
Starting point is 01:48:54 Your reaction in the movie is oh, yeah, that was the thing from the trailers I hate this pretty much wasting the only joke in the movie um other examples I think of our spider pig and afro circus from madagascar So I can't it's the worst and this phenomenon and I don't mind showing Things in trailers. I don't even mind maybe showing more than most people would enjoy in trailers What I do mind is if you're gonna have six trailers and the same bit is gonna be in every single fucking one of them That drives me so crazy Because it complete because you you you learn it
Starting point is 01:49:31 You actually you just learn it and you can see it coming It's like the the thing that probably annoys me Like even more was when I learned not just like how because these are these annoying stupid trailers would be cut You'd see this. Yeah, you'd see all the funny parts in the in the commercial And or in the trailer and usually it'd be all the movie has yeah And they have to do the the 32nd version where they jump the joke even further ahead to just be the a single line or whatever In in the states They they've started doing a thing where they have the borders because the trailer is now in like 69 and then the top
Starting point is 01:50:07 This top half of the screen is the title of the movie and the date and then the bottom is like a hashtag And it's like every movie trailer You're seeing on tv in the states is like just doing that. I'm like what the fuck is going on It's so weird. You know what's even worse and and when you go the john wick two trailers the first one I've seen doing this and then there were others afterwards where you click on john wick two trailer I would like to see that and it gives you a 10 second Like you're about to watch the john wick two trailer including cuts from the trailer And then and then the trailer starts or like the those like press interview done with not press but done with
Starting point is 01:50:44 Like the people that made the movie where you get the actor sitting down talking about it It's the weirdest type of like Anyway, don't like it But all of this is done by trailer companies And it's not At all the production company making the movie. It's not at all the director or any of that shit It's the people who made suicide squad doing this. It's the fucking you take your film Bring it to the trailer company and then they put it together because they're like we're gonna cut this based on our marketing data
Starting point is 01:51:12 I will always terrible. I will say However, there is one thing that I do like about this form of trailer manipulation You can see it in One of the recent guardians of the galaxy Trailers in which rocket is talking to some gold lady And then it cuts to star wolf A star wolf Yeah
Starting point is 01:51:34 It's okay. It cuts to star lord being like, oh no right shut up And while they do appear to take place In the same room Those are clearly two different lines that have been cut together for a new joke that doesn't exist in the film Yeah Yeah, when they cut a response To a punch line From something completely different scene and someone goes someone says something stupid and then the cut to a person going
Starting point is 01:52:04 It's like you're using existing you're using existing footage To create something new That isn't actually in the movie And i'll appreciate that because like I got the I got what you're going for And oh, I enjoyed this little gag The the gag this is actually two different gags that are now Fine they're they're separate and and and it's rough when it's like sometimes it can be sloppy Sometimes it can be real sloppy
Starting point is 01:52:32 Well, when they're trying to choose different tones for the trailer where they're like, okay We're gonna do like the romantic comedy tone trailer and then we're gonna do the action tone trailer or whatever It took a long time for people to learn about princess bride Eh, right and and like there's all these different takes on it and it's like the the the trailer company's job is to You know, obviously sell the movie, but like I can't help but feel that it's like At some point they must have looked and said, you know what by the time anyone gets to the theaters They're gonna have seen these things and They're going to it'll be spoiled, but at least they got in the theater. So who gives a fuck right is the bottom line and and um
Starting point is 01:53:08 Uh god, what was Fuck I had one other Shit, I just lost it. I had a really good point on that which is the ones that just abjectly spoil the entire film Oh, no, that was that. Yeah, that was another conversation entirely. Yeah, I Japanese the return of the king Champion of all time Champion of all time to show him getting like coronated at the end. All right Spoilers for lord of the rings if you haven't all right You click play and the first thing is a photo standing at mount doom looking at you going the ring is mine
Starting point is 01:53:43 And it just proceeds to show you nothing but cuts from the end of the movie when everything's on fire Awesome, you're just like what hey Japanese listeners who uh Are writing in to tell us about how you cry and uh, what's up with that? Could someone please tell me what's up with japan's spoilers? Like I can I can understand that we're gonna be a little sensitive out here to spoiler culture But frieza defeated And all that shit Is out of control. You know what somebody told me right before I started playing near and thank god they did
Starting point is 01:54:21 Hit start as soon as you can do not watch that b-roll. Oh, thank god. Thank you. That's good. Thank you Do not watch it. It's the worst. Okay. It's it. It's everything in the game. Oh, fuck. Okay. Good to know. Why? Yeah, that's annoying what you bought it. That's annoying. You bought the game already I don't get it. I don't get it um yeah I think uh, uh, uh, uh, what was it the the The ones where like you get like it's like a movie like for the new alien that's coming out
Starting point is 01:54:55 Oh excited and you're just like What is the point of the first 45 minutes of this movie after that trailer? Oh, yeah What's the point? We're gonna just when the when the money shot is an alien bashing its face against a ship in broad daylight in a big fight in broad daylight You're just like great. So let's just we're gonna hair. Yes slow build Danny Mcbride's gonna make it to the third act of the movie. I fight it It's yeah, no uh infuriating infuriating, um That's what I was just sorry. Sorry. I got I remembered my point my point was that
Starting point is 01:55:27 like That you can do it in a non offensive way Which is just cutting a traditional trailer that shows good parts and doesn't spoil things but I don't understand why the only example I can think of of the perfect solution is star wars Where you release tone trailers not every movie is appropriate for a comedy doesn't need a tone trailer No, but shots of things that have no context That are not matched to the dialogue you're watching
Starting point is 01:55:59 Right important lines are not being spoiled here But just thematically appropriate lines with completely disjointed visuals. Yes as you see the setup for both the force awakens and um Rogue one rogue one well rogue one gets an extra benefit because like a third of the Shit in those trailers isn't in the film Sure, there's that part of it too, but uh in both of those cases the early looks we had were just Visuals and sounds and you're just like I don't know what I I get what I get how the movie's gonna feel and I want to See that but I think but the sequence of events is lost is obfuscated right and it's fucking great
Starting point is 01:56:40 It's fucking great, especially that force awakens first two or three actually Where you're like i'm going in still knowing nothing and I watched everything that came out Right like isn't that great why why not do that more often because that is allowed to do that because it's star wars Of course, and that's the end of that conversation But is it really just so much so that Average person will see that and go Yeah, but what's happening. I don't care. I don't think it's that I think it's that's tougher to get people to go see movies Well, there is that I think that has more to do with it. I think you're seeing movie sales go down
Starting point is 01:57:15 So sale tactics are going up. Yeah No, I mean, you know what max lined is talking about the the ghost in the shell thing and how 95% of shit is remakes now And you just you can't make an original idea or you can't sell an original idea You know and if you do like that's the standout exception for that year um comic book girl went had that big like chart where you're just looking at like the last 20 years of films And it's just like here's all the original films that had no previous. Yeah I rather than media did something about that for like the upcoming release list. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they're like everything's fucking
Starting point is 01:57:51 endless trash endless trash Yeah, exactly. No, fuck you. It's january becomes fuck you. It's forever Do go check out rather than me. They're funny. Yeah, and and that's exactly and even though some movies I liked and cared about were on that list It's very true. Well, when you see like I like superhero movies They're they're fun When you see it in that fucking list, you're like, oh
Starting point is 01:58:18 Man, that's a problem And you know not every movie can be like a tarantino or a kojima situation where the director is like I'm gonna make my own trailer for this thing Because those are always fine. They're always great, right? I totally like that when I know exactly what's important I know exactly what to tease. I know exactly what matters who better Right and not everyone not every director has time to do that or whatever Or is even good at that trailer making is not the same as directing But I would love if the responsibility were left up to the people that made the damn thing. Yeah and not
Starting point is 01:58:50 Fucking whatever. It's I'll be we're doing the anti-marketing. I'll be I'll be blunt a lot of things would sell much more poorly But you'd be happy Uh integrity artistic money. It's marketing. It's the same fight we have every time It's the it's the bioshock infinite cover. It's it's everything. It's all it it always comes back to the same shit All right, uh, let's pick one from Uh, okay, callin. He says they're big and small Sure
Starting point is 01:59:29 Uh, have you ever looked forward to an event in a sequel to a game that should have been an easy win? Uh, but fell flat on his face recent one for me would have been dishonored too Felt like they just tried to repackage the same game, but somehow made it run and play worse keep it up Oh, yeah. Well, I mean Is the ultimate is devil may cry too. We'll say that forever devil may cry too Oh I don't know I have a weird one where Like effect three. Yeah, well, there's that too. Yeah
Starting point is 02:00:06 I can't stretch my facial muscles enough to start going down that route um No one can't no There aren't enough vertices Or surfaces on my facial model to get the facial expressions Oh, so you you finally Good, you finally dove in, huh?
Starting point is 02:00:32 You finally dove into the the fucking state of train You don't dive in you just walk on your daily stroll and it's happening around you on the internet It's so bad It's like the power I think Like I had a weird one with bioshock 2 where a lot of people didn't like it But I loved I didn't I'd say bioshock infinite I loved my experience with bioshock 2 because I it did the one thing I wanted from the first game was Let me let me become a big daddy for real reels
Starting point is 02:01:03 And other I didn't have I didn't get to experience the rest of the game Like everyone else did because I was so busy happy being a big daddy Yeah, um So that one's a weird one for me, you know, but dark souls too Yeah, I know people get frustrated that shit on it a lot, but that should have been the slam dunk and it was It was a layup They got points still got points still got points still won the game. Oh, yeah, you know made baskets But wasn't the three-pointer that everybody wanted
Starting point is 02:01:32 No, we're talking uh, I remarked recently on twitter about how um, You know the orange scene and smoke Uh Was I can see how that's a difficult fight, especially like within the context back in the day. Oh, yeah, but In terms of personal difficulty because of my weird Isms ruin sentinels is hard. Um Yeah, but not but nothing but no way beyond ruin sentinels because that was tough, but no Alon and rame and uh, ramey, excuse me and um, um, alana
Starting point is 02:02:03 And um burnt ivory. Yeah our fucking This is a wall, you know, and that hasn't happened. So, um Yeah, oh and s You know for whatever reasons well a lot of people couldn't like that's the first big multi Character boss fight in the game. Yeah. Yeah, and it's context. I understand. It's one of the only ones I understand like that's why capra is so tough Because the dogs in the in the arena or or even um, um, um God uh
Starting point is 02:02:38 The ds2 fire fire body smelter smelter, right and it's variations where it's like get can't get too close That boss is bad It's it's it's because it's like it's following the thing that you do all the time But you get punished for not for being too too close in So you're almost like fighting with grappler rules at that point, but then it gets a little annoying and yeah Yeah, anyway, um All right Just a low quality question coming in from Caleb. Nice
Starting point is 02:03:09 I like it. How do you late cast my universe has been completely shattered by the 4d resident evil candle I can no longer enjoy games without this constantly asking myself What does this place smell like it's crippling and I wouldn't wish it on anyone If you could have smell a vision for any game, what would it be? I can't smell If you could have smell a vision for any game, no, but I barely have a sense of smell it would mean nothing to me if you could I How am I supposed to answer that fucking question your smell wasn't shit Well, but I want to smell with my very little context of what smell is okay, but hold on like when you say your smell is shit
Starting point is 02:03:49 It's it's atrocious. My sense of smell sense of smell is bordering on handicapped But you know what things smell like yeah, if I if I jam them into my face If I eat them you've smelled delicious bacon. Yes, I have a cinnamon bun. Yeah But like areas don't smell like things Cooking mama. That's my answer. Yeah, sure cooking thing cooking mama No adventure games Oh god, no Because there's poop in those. Oh, you have the binding of Isaac
Starting point is 02:04:29 Excuse me, no thanks um One last one. All right Let's see here. Let's make you're the winner last question. Let's make it a good one. Let's make it a good one I'll make it shitty. No, no not stuff of we've already read Oh, the bags in my eyes are crazy. Holy crap Are you turning into gara a little bit there? I always was Dear covenant of the zaibatsu, but I would like to know what are your three favorite words
Starting point is 02:05:02 I'm personally fond of tenuous Brab dig nag Brab denaginian my brab ding nagian and quixotic um Yeah, I haven't thought about that. My number one favorite word is fuck uh I like I like how you know, you know, what's the tulkins like cellar door because of the sound effects and stuff like that
Starting point is 02:05:34 Ah, jeez. That's a that's a second. I don't know. I don't really think all that often about my favorite words Yeah, I'm not a writer I'm also very much not, but there are some words that sound cool Like paradoxical Yeah, oh, you know what I really like xanthic. I like nonsensical nonsensical xanthic is a type of yellow I'm uh, I like oh like the xanthus crown. Oh cool. Yeah xanthic. There it is. Uh Covetches Gas quang
Starting point is 02:06:11 Keep it going. There it is mario and orlando killer instinct instinct Library Oh, yeah Yeah, a rustling would be matt's pick. Unfortunately. He's not here. Mm-hmm. Good words rustle mania broke. Good words He literally cannot say the word wrestling anymore. It's gone from his life Hmm No, you know what my favorite word is pat because it's the best That's terrible. Yeah head is
Starting point is 02:06:46 You actually like yeah, I would no no no don't don't engage it Just let it Hey, will it what's coming up? I wasn't a fan of the name woolly for a long time and now i'm happy that it's original But it's very original it always but it always made my Like life context sound goofy because first of all it sounds like a nickname. Yep Secondly, if it's not a nickname, then why is it why does it end so like weirdly open? Do you like elephants I'm indifferent
Starting point is 02:07:21 You hear what happened to the woolly mammoths Yeah, like I can died. No, but like why they died The big fiery No, no, they actually they well because they lived through all that shit. Okay, and that's why it was odd that they died off Okay, um turns out when a group of animals hits a certain low enough population genetic failures start to compound upon themselves and they literally just Failed genetically, huh? Like their fur started to turn bright colors
Starting point is 02:07:52 They started to become terrified of all contact with other animals including each other They just outlived their motor functions. They they became they every every generation became more inbred and more mutant Wow until interesting until all of a sudden like they couldn't reproduce and survive anymore Because because due to climate Changes and whatnot they they the the the population got underneath like a thousand Okay, and apparently once you get underneath that number, there's no coming back for genetic viability. Yeah Yeah, it just gets just become it's just all errors start to compound because no genetic errors ever leave the gene pool hmm
Starting point is 02:08:32 a Russian royal family up in this little bit Hemophilia is a helva helva disease helva disease. Yeah quite rare nowadays Uh What was yeah, there's something I remember is reading about how um Because you know, that's like the the whole thing was like lobsters are like not actually immortal But like they don't go through the same cellular Breakdown that people do there. There are some jellyfish that are actually mortal though But it's like and so it's like it's not like like when they eventually do die
Starting point is 02:09:06 It's not due to like the same like type of Decay as old age and cell decay that you have with most living creatures But it's more just like like body functions like What there was an explanation for how it's just like things stop working for completely different reasons and it's basically dying healthy That's odd. Uh, it's it's because it's kind of like it's like Not I think it's like eventually like they don't consume enough energy to like so what that is That's that's actually very similar. Do you know what I'm referring to? I I'm not familiar with it It's a shitty approximate knowledge, and I'm I'm selling up really poorly
Starting point is 02:09:40 I remember hearing lobsters die for very different very similarly to alligators and crocodiles Which the last I checked to my knowledge Do not have an upper limit on their lifespan Because they all starve Because they grow forever And they eventually become too large to feed themselves the calories they need to survive. Okay that Yeah, okay that and that actually sounds a bit similar to the lobster thing actually
Starting point is 02:10:07 Yeah, and and my favorite is there's this fucking tortoise that Darwin talks about in his novel Origin of Species on Galapagos island. So yeah, there's a tortoise here named this and you go down to the Galapagos islands now And there's a tortoise there named that name and no one living can remember it not being there And people think that it may actually be the tortoise from the origin of species Which would put it at like 150 plus Reptiles are cool. That's crazy. That's and they are not birds
Starting point is 02:10:47 Reptiles and dinosaurs are cool and scaly like Godzilla They are not big like that weird Russian chicken, you know the more you fight it the more they fight back Also that big Russian chicken is scary. I want to write it I want to write it and I want to fight an ostrich. I have a feeling that thing is probably really aggressive Yes, birds or dicks. I if you told me it had a kill count. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised Um, yeah, if you don't know what we're talking about just I was it Big Russian chicken. I think just look that up. I bet if I type that in the google right now, I'll get it You probably get it. Uh, okay
Starting point is 02:11:31 So as far as what's coming up and what's coming out big Russian God, yeah, are you all right chest? Yeah, big chicken in russia Yeah, there it is Uh, we got dark souls coming out. We got more re7 dlc coming out. We got thug coming out Should probably correct. We misspoke last week and said that uh, yeah, because a zero is going to start soon It's not starting soon. It's starting in the future. Yeah, it's starting in the the nearest future um so
Starting point is 02:12:01 Yeah, we've got those three, uh, we finished off thug actually. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, fucking super So there'll be something replacing. We'll have to replace that someone. Officers are going to be in the mix as well What's coming up on uh on fucking woolly versus more table lords? Uh, well, we just had two episodes of table lords. Okay, so it'll be Naruto then I'm gonna rotate back that way and some other fun stuff um Yeah, I'm kind of
Starting point is 02:12:29 Like I have I have the schedule in mind But I'm kind of like I've made a couple of last-minute decisions on what what comes out sometimes I just switched it up a little bit So because you're looking at a pile of stuff and you're just like yeah, yeah this or that okay You know, I'm probably going to be streaming near this weekend. Cool because that game is fucking good That's over at angriest pat woolly your sister channels over at woolly versus that's where it is. Are you going to um Are you are you going to be Doing a mixture of like playing for yourself and then occasionally jumping online
Starting point is 02:12:59 Are you going through the whole thing? I'm going through the whole thing. Okay. Uh, that game side quests are extremely good They're really really good like near side quests Like five of them were good and the rest were trash This one really good really really good And so I have done almost nothing in that fucking game Like I played it all weekend and got almost nowhere and then occasionally you're mixing it up with the old one Yeah, guess what that game is fucking weird
Starting point is 02:13:27 Because you were would you believe it leon played it you just watched no no I played it Liam Liam guided my hips on on the near LP. Okay, and now you're doing it again I'm doing it again. Talk about near automata. Yeah Okay, I got confused earlier. Never mind. We did a near one LP. Yes. No, I know that I thought you were saying you I thought you mentioned earlier I'm playing near to as in near as well as near automata as well. Yes. Okay, got it But I guess it's also near to Me but not really me. Yeah
Starting point is 02:14:01 Uh, cool. We done then. Yeah, we finished our podcast today. Certainly. Um, oh, I mean, you know where these american nickels came from Uh, I don't I've been playing them with it. Um, uh, yeah, well matt was playing to rock as well. Um over on matt mc mussels Yes, that's math. Actually. No, it's not matt mc mussels. It's matt view mc mussels a mistake. I've made many times Did he try and get you to do a to rock to LP with him? Uh, not honest earnestly It's more than was he like eh, and you were like, uh, it was like, uh, you know, but not real like Whatever the gag is more just like woolly refuses and I think the lore is funny. Well, will he refused? The lore is how it is reality. But yeah, no, it's it's like we we see eye to eye and a lot of n64
Starting point is 02:14:50 Franchises and old goodness, but every once in a while we don't and there's a divergence Yeah, well to rock was the first person gay shooter and guess what I Didn't play a ton of those. Nope because of reasons because of the barfing because of the barfing Which you seem to have gotten better at Or did games get better at both. Yeah, it's a combination of both I got more used to it while games got better at they toned it down field of view is okay But I was fine with golden eye. Yeah, that's weird. I was fine with a lot of specific examples Not everything does it just certain things do
Starting point is 02:15:19 Um texture quality makes a difference a lot of things make a difference. Huh really? Yeah Getting up close to a wall How fucking weird parallax with that how weird does it look when you run up and put your eyeballs? Touch your eyeballs to the wall so The people who played soul weaver one Uh early in the game There's a staircase that you go down and it's a spiral staircase and the way the camera interacts with that spiral staircase
Starting point is 02:15:45 I vividly remember made me extremely nauseous because it just spins too fast And your characters like perspective with the the stairs and the walls next to stairs start to spin out of alignment It's really bizarre and I can imagine that you would have just like died Had you played soul weaver one Like I go you ask you like oh the games get better. Did you get better? I'm just like no I I kept barfing, but I just got I got used to it. Look I used to it. You gotta you got a plan You got to get one of those uh horse oat feeders But in reverse and you just put no you strap the horse oat feeder right on and then you just have it catch
Starting point is 02:16:21 Everything as you play for hours on end makes you stronger eventually it builds up and uh when you can't breathe anymore You know, it's time to change it. Yep Well, that's horrible It's a good it's a barf catch. Yeah Get barf catcher barf catch. Should I have the sequel to fox catcher? A way funner movie. Yeah All right. See you guys. That's a party. Y'all have a good uh, good monday. Good rest of your week. Goodbye. Watch the videos This is a mission out of small time thing got me on the case like I'm sure like
Starting point is 02:17:09 My own kind of messed up for what I've been saying and what I've been hearing Got me not knowing what to believe in I was freezing battling bosses to wrecking this flawless zero losses So I came across this this fun and young piece who resided at the bottom of the sea She told me your name was flash woman beautiful, but deadly she was mad cutting had a voice that could sue the savage Your piece of a sequence with your buff average Magic the way she got me in the cell got me on lockdown sort of like a cell But I gotta mention that I can't have all the film but girl. I gotta see where to tell
Starting point is 02:17:41 Now I know how to say this so I'ma just say it that you're my favorite Even underwater I'm enchanted by your fragrance and I end up playing with you. Be my baby Or maybe we can get up out of this land and maybe get up by somewhere in my gear Even though she knew the truth about ran, I had a flesh to understand. Yo, I got a chance I thought I was in love before but I love your mom. So baby come aboard and go away with me So I can make you see what you mean to me and baby we can be free I'm bored I'm gonna see
Starting point is 02:18:13 I'm bored Just using my every couple years. I get that feeling feeling like I'm about to hit that ceiling But I came because this time was spicy, but I reached the layer and there was time to fight I couldn't do it punked out like Ashton's victim He started singing and I had to listen. It was lovely what she sang the first came all of a sudden and it's changed insane She told me about a true purpose. She used to say victims that fell through the surface A few days ago the contract was fired and she was scheduled to be thrown into the fire And while they gave her a reason to live the left she got to do what he says
Starting point is 02:18:47 She said it's here to send you don't understand. I gotta stick to the plan. I owe everything to this man So please make a friend and don't take it personal because it hurts. I know I'll make it version No, but he saved me, baby to turn my back on while they could be just plain crazy She said it's the only way it can end but the battle began and we can't be friends So my heart sunk slow as the layer door closed through the mega bus because it's time to roll. Here we go I thought I was in love before but I love you most so baby come aboard and go away with me So I can be you see that what you mean to me and baby we can be free Oh, I'm down to sea
Starting point is 02:19:25 Oh, I'm slow, just you and me So the battle was on and there was fierce. She hit me in the side and left the armor pierced On her command the fish attacked me. I copped the mega buster and hit him exactly But the battle took a turn that was odd. Every time I fired a shot she didn't dodge She took each glass from the arm cannon, smiled at me and so we shot was landing At first I didn't know what she was planning and suddenly I started understanding Now I thought she'd let me win. You're giving me what I need so I can get to the end By the 17th she began the stagger fell to the ground so I ran and grabbed her
Starting point is 02:19:59 Looked up in the eyes. She tried to laugh pulled me close and handed me her stack I said I wish I didn't have to be like this. I'm thinking he might miss her if she be my miss She said don't be foolish. You gotta do this at the whole city. You know what the truth is Boy, you got stuff to do. I said girl, I would have gave it all up for you I feel invincible when I'm holding you but as far as love goes I'm open I thought I was in love with you all but I love you more so baby come aboard and go away with me So I can meet you see what you mean to me and baby we can be free Oh
Starting point is 02:20:34 Under the sea Oh Oh Oh Oh

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