Castle Super Beast - SBFC 195: Memory Crearing

Episode Date: May 2, 2017

The Roomcast, followed by some good old fashioned inappropriate kneejerk rants. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Caster do we start the podcast? Well, he hasn't I can't voice this I can't Yeah Yep, yeah, did we start our voices on our voices are on oh man I want to go back to listening to the fucking last surprise Well, I have news for you Yeah, and it's news that you might want to act on immediately alongside all of our listeners What's that? Persona five vinyl soundtrack went on sale at 10 a.m. This morning. I am vinyl if
Starting point is 00:00:46 You care about having the cool artwork with the cool fold-out OS. Oh, will he will he sorry? Who are you looking at? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Well, if anyone else does care about that it went on sale at 10 a.m. This morning Receiving word that you can only play Three of those okay, so the six this you can't let other people let you play them right is vinyl a disc So, okay, so six a large large very large disc So the sixth this LP is already sold out the limited edition is gone You can only go get the regular and you got to go pre-order it now now now now now What do you actually what do you need to play such a record player? Yeah for records. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:01:27 Which is actually becoming? It's making a comeback and I believe that there were a number of tracks that there was a record where basically Vinyl outsold digital for the first time ever No, I want to say last month of the month before that where because their people are buying like vinyl is like a collector I only listen I only listen to iTunes music on my shitty Apple earbuds. That's cool Yeah, and I mean it you're you're specifically take off these good headphones Yeah, and use the shitty Apple earbuds from my iPhone from like eight years ago Yeah, in fact, you should pull the headphones out and listen through to the phones. Oh, yeah on the on the subway
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah, no you want to get the optimal listening experience Those motherfuckers need to be shot You do need to if you're hearing it if you're still getting the bass you want to dip it in water for a little bit Yeah, and then press play but Yeah, just as a PSA It's the first thing I did this morning. I buy the real soundtrack for human beings. I mean that's there too Okay, thank you, but the cool the cool part about no no I don't want to be cool. No, okay
Starting point is 00:02:31 Well the fun part about these vinyl things because I've been collecting a bunch of them is you get these amazing artwork Oh, I got that killerings in vinyl exactly right and so like the shovel knight one and Transistor one and the undertale one they have fantastic like exclusive art made for it on the inside and outside I am a bit and I am a bit Mondo are the two okay, and The not just that but the actual like LP itself. Yeah is like the are the plastic is sometimes what you're buying LPs Yeah, but that long plays not like let's plays as in like records. Oh like the arcade No, no, no, no like war gods like SP's and EP's and then there's LP's music Yeah, notations the road the record writer coffee record disc so then anyway you SP
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, yeah, okay, so then anyway, but like that's the cool thing about these things is that they have like art on them and That's always like on the on the actual inner exactly like the drift stage one I got the actual the actual record itself is a tire is a car Perfect, but I think that's been done and and that that would have been cool But it's even cooler because it's a literal car And and it just spins And the music is fit into the middle of it. Okay. Okay. Yeah, so you can listen to my own music part of Humanity when we can do that. Yeah, it's great. It's great. I have a Batman one and guess what it's shaped like
Starting point is 00:04:00 Robin's face. Well close enough a day be the Batman logo. Perhaps it's the Batman logo and it spins It's in the shape of a crowbar. Yeah, it's a and it's it's the animated series soundtrack Hmm, so you get like that super awesome intro theme and stuff So that's fun I love collecting those things and I love the fact that it's the same reason why you we go like get like art books and things Like that where you're like you're just getting a nice piece of huge art for this thing and Or like a good poster almost you can make a fun wall like a collage of The vinyl album like covers. Yeah, just make a little whole thing. That's literally what I'm doing at the new place
Starting point is 00:04:34 Oh, well, I nailed you. You did. All right. Anyway about that. Yeah, Willie. How's your sex life? Yeah Yeah, talking I just saw you Before that before that I didn't want to I didn't want to say one last thing too was that the res infinite Yeah, I remember all is a giant book about how they made it about the making of res about the art No, not just not just the way it's not just not just the record So that's the coolest thing and it's like hardcover bound It's super. I don't know record player. Well, the record is inside the book. You pull the record out
Starting point is 00:05:18 Oh, yeah, player Can't wait for that hatred. I feel very lost. I feel extremely. There's no lost to be it's really just you take a thing out You put it in a music place. Yeah, it's the same as when you used to put a CD and except it's bigger I don't remember that. Yeah, well that era is gone. Yeah, I've also for some reason got the The escape from NY laser disc in the mixed into the pile see This is why I make fun. This is why I make fun because this is how it goes Now you're gonna get into fucking laser discs, but to be fair, it's very similar because they came in big like like It's the same size
Starting point is 00:05:56 The only laser disc I actually know no, no, no, no, no I own there's only one I want to own and that's rumbling the Bronx because that's the first laser disc I ever saw and I was really impressed And that's it. It's just sentimental value to me. Hmm, but anyway, yes Yes, about about that about your sex life You know that there's a quality to eight track tapes that just can't be replicated with cassettes. Yeah, sure Did you know that the PlayStation one is one of the best audio file music players? Yes, all time and if you want to hear your music and it's really really good
Starting point is 00:06:32 I remember having a PS1 PS1 player that was also a Sony CD player and the PS1's was Way better. It's it's Chris Absolutely any of you out of there want to get on board with the phenomenon that is DVD the Sony PS2 Exemplum it like just the one of the best DVD players you can buy which is goofy. Yeah, the ps4 is not that great of a blue. It's terrible. It's quite The Xbox one's a much better blue player, which is messed up fucking stupid shit If you stick a CD into your ps4, I don't even know what happens I think it gives you the option of rhythm music. Oh, that's fine
Starting point is 00:07:13 I'd expect like a voice to come in like like one of the characters from the game and say like hey This is a dreamcast disc. You're not supposed to be listening to this You're not supposed to be playing this at all a dreamcast disc beyond a CD Yeah, like you ever if you put skies of Arcadia into into your CD player you get Ika telling you not to do that Yeah, I don't want that. I want the soundtrack There are a couple games that did that if you put the goddamn game CD into with these players Yeah proper soundtrack, and I assume it's because the dreamcast games are burnt back to dreamcast CDs They're not DVDs, and they're not CDs. They're like a different GD Roms
Starting point is 00:07:47 They based and it was essentially a similar like a they have like one point five one point five It's one point slightly more storage space Yeah, but the main difference was that they burnt from the outside in and so that's that's all it was it was just that Yeah, the laser read it backwards, you know amazing copy protection there Anyway Yeah, I mean zero copy protection. That's what hey, whatever man Anyway Yeah, so I didn't do anything else of note. That's worth talking about at all. Did you play any persona?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah, I did you like save the child's life. You're like nah man. Nothing. I'll talk about that Relevance give me a month. Give me give me a date This is purely for me. This has nothing to do with you. Listeners at home. Yeah, like like August 2nd August That's good. Yeah, you starting your summer vacation. Yeah, so it's a good point, but um And wow that was a long dungeon, but they're gonna get longer. Yeah, I can tell they don't want they know You're gunning it all in one night each each one got kicked up one full layer of complexity Yeah, and they keep doing that. They were in the middle of it. They go wow We're not even halfway there, you know when you're doing the little meetings
Starting point is 00:09:02 We have there's a thing that's stopping us and you know, so we have to definitely fucking leave But it's everyone who's playing this knows they're like, I'm not gonna waste more than one day on this fucker If I don't have to I don't blow through this entire dungeon in this one day Yeah, I will not be able to study tonight. It's over and that's bullshit So you spending all of your all of your snuff souls and SPU things and you're getting through it. Anyway, um Yes, so finally I get it. I'm in I understand why Lisa is tearing him apart. Oh god I finally fucking get it. We're all laid on this except for Matt Matt was you were there early, right? Yeah, we watched the zeitgeist is
Starting point is 00:09:47 2009 to actually be there on the ground floor of it blowing up. So when did you get in on how's like? Two years ago. Okay me was like a few weeks ago and well you just saw just run by mr. Wise though. Yeah, how many logos were there in front of their word there were two and they were the same company and Just different wanted to show you both of his renders to make sure you saw them one of them with his Is we so like productions worldwide thing you search on YouTube you can find his original advertisements for street fashions USA Oh, yeah wearing denim and wearing jeans and then suddenly dressed up like a Shakespearean actor, and he's like street fashions And that's it like that. That's that's the ad is no other information like best Best deals on denim like
Starting point is 00:10:38 It's just fucking King of Kong dudes hot sauce all over again You know like is this even a real thing does this exist? Is it real? Yes? He had to get his money from somewhere street fashion money had to come from somewhere not a lot not a lot of money No, a lot of money. Oh, yeah, you're right. He wasted all of it six million dollars Wow to pay enough to pay for that billboard constantly So he still maintained that that that's been broken down and cost really that cost for the amount of time It stood it set up it cost around three hundred thousand dollars for that one advert
Starting point is 00:11:11 For the course over the course over the course of five years. I think yeah, that's exactly he's got fucking you got he's got fuck you buddy Yeah to burn and Well now of course he's gonna he's gonna get back in there because Now it's just being called the masterpiece. Yes the movie based on the book is just called the masterpiece Which I actually I like that better than the disaster artist that I don't know. There's something about it There's a there's an elegance to it Well now that Tommy has to be in it because he refuses to let it happen without him being in it I can see them doing that to appease him
Starting point is 00:11:46 I watched I watched an interview with James Franco and they're like so is it true that Tommy was so is gonna be in your movie And he scratches the back of his head And he goes yeah, it's kind of we kind of had to I Mean I don't know how to play that but I feel like they're gonna have that you they're gonna make the right call They're gonna find the right place and the right thing to do to get it Getting him in there because that's tough when you want to really he should be you can't go full blast You know flower store owner maybe maybe and then Tommy says to himself
Starting point is 00:12:24 Hey, Johnny, you're my favorite customer. Who are you? I do not recognize you Like the thing is it the problem is that like I like I hope that they're gonna go full blast anyway But you know that weird thing where you you were here for this Pat where we saw postal We saw postal with uve ball. Yes and attendance. You didn't go with him Some shit and he was right there at any and he came out and talked to us and we asked him questions and He was a pretty fucking laid-back dude now the weird thing was wrong my fuck voice your voice is is crackly crackly And I'm trying to fix that damn it. There's something going on with my end of the thing And I'm trying to not make my my big voice is ruining everything. I'm trying to not make you stupid loud, but
Starting point is 00:13:17 Then you're gonna have to tell me to stop talking. Hey Okay, you a ball um of a ball like he we watched this with this fucking movie and at the end He's there and so because this hack terrible director is there in person and he does a Q&A You have to sort of almost act like you respect what he made or They're doing this weird thing where you're keys like always here in person so we can ask him questions like like how did you do this? Seen or what was this about or what were you're asking him legit filming questions and you're applauding? After a Q&A if you hated the movie, why would you stay you would leave? So the only people that would want to stay and ask questions are people that admired his his there was there was a lot of weird
Starting point is 00:14:02 Social conditioning going on in that scenario. It's really like interesting because we saw a postal in the most ideal Possible condition. Yes rowdy crowd rowdy crowd who came to see the train wreck and they came to see it like at the world premiere Yeah at a film festival with the director in attendance. Yep, so what do we get? We got a theater experience for postal that was probably the best theater experience for postal anyone's ever had because Brought the house down people were laughing their fucking shit off But part of that is because we know that the idiot who made it is right there Yeah, and that makes the whole thing so
Starting point is 00:14:43 Weird and meta and so he gets up and I remember one question that got me where somebody's like hey What was your idea behind the scene in which all the children get shot? Mm-hmm, and he and he starts rambling in broken English with this thick German accent going about how like well Hollywood always tells me that you can't show children getting shot. So it's like I'll shoot all the children You can't shoot dogs and pets. Yeah, and it's you can shoot all the boys The thing is and you actually can it's just that when they tell about with a shotgun. They burnt a busted children. Yeah Yeah, sick, but what I mean is you can do anything. It's actually like a loud It's just that when they test it with the audience is that people are gonna be sad
Starting point is 00:15:30 There's finger and I'll I'll I remember that scene perfectly because that's the worst children getting shot seen ever Because it's a bunch of kids standing around holding balloons and then squibs go off on their chests And then the kids are told to fall down and because they fall down like two seconds later I would love to be one of those kids. I probably would have been a fun day beginning to be shot You get to see them laughing as they fall over awesome. Yeah We're children we're getting murdered. So what are some what are some like basic thoughts on the room? Well? That but the point I was goes. Oh, yeah, I was coming off of there was Yeah, I did I did well
Starting point is 00:16:09 That's what what is it point was just that like when he's it when he's Tommy We so is gonna be in the masterpiece like They're possibly gonna have that weird thing on set. There's almost like we have to kind of like treat him with Some respect in a way Even it's like imagine if Ed Wood was around for the Ed Wood shooting, but you know be perfectly honest It's based on them. It's based on Book it's based on a treatment on that it's not It's weird. You're right. It's a weird thing because you're like this is terrible
Starting point is 00:16:45 And if we love it because of how terrible it is and then when the guy's like, hey, it's me. I'm here You know, then you have to do that then this weird Thing happens where you like you're like, oh, well, yeah, wow. I'm such a huge fan Tell us about this or like hey when we're shooting this you might give his input on certain things or whatever in a weird way You know and I'm like, but you're here because you're terrible like let's not pretend You're not a hack. Just do you think he knows? I I guess I don't know no, but he does know because at this point. He's pretty
Starting point is 00:17:18 Tommy Tommy is as backtracked numerous times. He's calling it a dark comedy dark comedy. Yeah fucking No, no, it's not pretending that he intended for it to be as weird as it was Humps the dress. Well, look when you don't have the semblance of an understanding about how movies are made or how a person That is talks tone or a character is especially behaves important Then you when people you get when you think it's famous for being like that the only thing you can do is lean into it Yeah, you have no choice You know you think Manos the hands of fate is not gonna let them re-release that as a an Mst3k thing to show it off for everybody when it's that terrible like you have to lean into it
Starting point is 00:17:58 Because it's the only fame you're gonna get what I have one question Who was supposed to show up to help Danny with the money for the drugs cuz no one showed no one No one showed up. Did they say someone was supposed cuz he's like just wait a couple minutes Someone will be here with the money. No, no, he said wait a minute. I'll give you wait a few wait five minutes. I'll get it Yeah, I assume some I thought he was gonna run and go get it never before seen friend Perhaps but that friend never showed up. Okay. Hey, Pat, you know another big plot hole. I never thought of Hey Tommy, you're going to end the movie in this fashion. Yeah I guess you don't care about your unborn baby
Starting point is 00:18:38 No, it doesn't that you you don't know anything about yeah, don't know that's not real but It's amazing. It's amazing. It's great and the entire time. I couldn't believe More than anything and what bothered me the most was how the writing like the script even though they revised it After he wrote it you it just they wouldn't he wouldn't let them a lot of the it felt so painfully like a grade-two Script like someone like a that was nine years old tops wrote this out because there's no Actual conversations that sound like real people talking. No, there's no words larger than three syllables In the entire script and and it's not that your script has to have that. Don't worry about it. It's Don't worry about it. I don't want to talk about it
Starting point is 00:19:31 It's just it's not like it's not that that matters in terms of you know, like having a script But everyone just speaks in the most basic language possible and the entire movie. I bet you it doesn't use more than a hundred words Like I bet you just the base though common a hundred different words Oh, yeah, yeah, the common the 100 most common used English words I feel like the entire movie is probably fits into that into that grouping I think a hundred is a little low, but I think it'd be it would come way under the vast majority of anything Yes, also epic sandbagging of breast cancer. Yeah Unbelievable levels of walking it off. Oh mom. Wow. Just eat better mom
Starting point is 00:20:12 Anyway, that I'm I get it and I'm glad I get it now and I wish we could see you cut with more dress Humping, I wish we yeah, that was the one scene that they got taught me to cut. I Wish we could see more of the takes of I Did not hit her I did not all 80 I did not I did not oh Hi, Mark. No, this is the one that I wanted my mark. No, this is the take where I get over it Okay, okay, where do we think he's from? Okay, Eastern Europe. He's from far away You're a block somewhere first Germany or Russia, okay?
Starting point is 00:20:53 Do you think that there's a chance that in German when he's speaking German? He's more normal. No, no 0% chance Sounds more normal is not more norm And then like it was again inferred a number of years spent in France then moving to San Francisco Okay, and watched a bunch of American movies while in Europe and then became obsessed with the glamour and the yeah, you know Okay, it paints up pretty like I could see this because I just it's it doesn't make sense how like I'm not sure if the way the script is so poor is How much of it is just bad grasp of English versus I'm just not I just don't understand how human beings work to be fair
Starting point is 00:21:42 This is this is how that the book doesn't mention this, but it's all I feel the movie is very basic like old Movies are in the 40s and whatever where you know, they're they're very basic in the script They didn't say that many words. I mean it depends on the movie But like there's two sets. Yeah, there's two sets So it was almost like like oh, I'm gonna make my movie like this because these are movies I like so it was more like constructed like that where there's not that many sets There's a number of characters. They all say their thing like sitcoms Danny would walk in and you're waiting for the audience to go. Hi, Danny
Starting point is 00:22:17 Whoo Danny's gonna ask to watch them have sex again. Oh, you creepy little perverts, Danny She showed off all me undie wearers slide whistle All three people that were in the room. Oh that guy that guy is from a 2000 like every movie. Yeah, he's from all the Tom Green movies. He's from scream He's from okay, so all that shit. Oh, you're his audition was showing off his best cross-eyed blowjob face Yeah, and then Tommy just before it even starts Tommy busted a gut laughing at it
Starting point is 00:23:02 And he's like he's hired. All right. Do you remember this part? Remember when they're in the alley and then the Mike guy with the underwear who was like just falls over He just falls over for no reason and everyone is like reads it in the script and they go Tommy Why does he fall? It just says he falls like did you get tripped on something goes? No, he falls slapstick and They're like, okay, but but when we show it in the movie there has to be a reason does he Does he say oh, I hurt my leg and then he trips or does so then when you watch it again, it's still Incredibly difficult to discern what has happened well because he just falls like it looks like Mark fucking punches him in the gut But not really it looks like he's about to punch him and then braces him as he falls and the and then later on
Starting point is 00:23:51 Now with the context of the fact that they just like it's funny Just have the slapstick moment then later on Glasses guy Peter Peter that leaves the movie just falls and he does the same thing It's like I guess Tommy's going for a pratfall, but doesn't really know So how to do that or what the point of that is or where to fit it into a water they were in tuxedos That's the number one. They never give a reason. I assume their wedding was gonna happen there All you had to do was when they're in that those tuxedos you have a guy with a measuring tape walk in say are we going to measure your suits? Yeah, that's it don't forget next time you're in a fight
Starting point is 00:24:33 And the guy is coming up to you and you're having the confrontation Call him a little cheeky and cheapy bird cheap cheap cheap cheap cheap that's gonna really get us go that shit Like reminded me of rest of development. Yes Exactly, but it's just but it's just like Serious in the middle of a fist fight. There's there's the rest development bit is like nobody does a correct chicken dance Yeah, and then Tommy is doing it for real that it's clearly how he thinks you call somebody a chicken Ah Well, it's a little little cheapy bird, you know, a little do you know why Peter the psychologist?
Starting point is 00:25:09 Yeah, the glasses like just leaves the movie Yes, the actor quit because the actor quit and they replace him with another actor that just gets all his lines Yeah, that guy that guy and teahawk doing this they get that they get it They know the deal teahawk teahawk from Street Fighter the movie from the game. Oh, yeah Just get when you when the winds blow foul on the set get on a plane. It's time for you to just go Man, but no nothing hurt me more nothing hurt me more than just that like the fight like I picked up on the laugh Early on in and then after that I just couldn't stop every time is because he slides it in when you don't expect it Like like it's in the background
Starting point is 00:25:54 It's a full crowded party and then the door opens and you just hear a little He walks into a scene laughing combo starter to combo What a story will they so what can we wait can we overlap it with for a triple? I want I want will this opinion laugh record heard Matt's opinion on this because I forgot to bring it up when I watched it How do you feel but near the end of the film in the party? There's a confrontation with mark. Yeah. Yes, and then it's broken up. Yeah. Yeah, and then the next scene Yeah, is the exact same confrontation Now they're now the secret is just out in the open. Okay. No one gives a fuck anymore
Starting point is 00:26:45 Do you guys feel like that was like the literally the same scene recorded twice with two variants? And they just decided to put both scenes into the movie I think I think in the book it somewhere says or something I just picked up on that in the first Convertation when mark when he's just like, oh, sorry everyone. Sorry for big fights and then Tommy leaves the room and goes through like the kitchen or something and I think there's supposed to be a Missing scene where talk Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy has a conversation with someone in that room And that's cut out because in the next scene when the when mark and and Lisa don't give a fuck and are just dry humping in front
Starting point is 00:27:24 Of everybody Tommy walks in from the same room. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah The it actually then he's just like hey, what's going on? Why he comes out from this from the left side So he should maybe he talked to Peter that does not that no longer exists. It's just so bizarre It's so weird. I feel like I feel like look what happened Like I know it wasn't because they had a script But it feels like they shot it and then he just improved something on the go and went we need to up this the ante We need to up the stage. Also. Why would you score? He'll make love sessions where the villain yeah
Starting point is 00:27:58 Train a hero and then have love music over that's going into the evil like like oh, no The cheating is happening and then you just grab the fucking fake boys to men Men to boys, I believe we're calling it. Yeah, they just kicks in and like starts fucking you are my rose This is the bad this is the NTR scene This is the cockled tree and the fire would you score it like the first one? I can kind of be like Yeah, whatever. We don't know enough about the characters to really understand where these relationships are gonna go Maybe Tommy's there's a bad guy But by their fourth sex scene the only explanation I can think of is that someone in the crew
Starting point is 00:28:42 No, a friend that had a band. I mean that's possible But I feel like like Tommy just he's like it's our love scene It needs to have the sexuality and the sensuality No, but same thing I know I just feels like he looks at any goes yeah, no, it's it needs to be very sexy You know like then people will not come see it if my ass is not in the movie Okay, I think you're right because when they're playing creepy ass When they're playing football slash just catch yeah in the alleyway and they're throwing it around and just going yeah Good good. Yeah. Yeah. Good job. Good pass. Everyone's like Tommy this scene is awful
Starting point is 00:29:20 It doesn't mean anything you don't need it just cut it out and they go over where Tommy's watching it And he's got tears in his eyes and And then they're like what and Greg Greg Greg the mark looks at me He's like, oh, and then Tommy's just watching them and already goes. Oh, it's so good American Palin palin around So in the book this one of the books actually really good it's emotional He's like I can understand that Tommy this is the first time he's felt things like this Wow on the movie set is where I'm like
Starting point is 00:29:53 I have friends. I'm palin around with cool friends very American very like like you know growing up like walking home like No, I was thinking about it and just it was one of those I'm like, okay, there has to be an explanation for for some of that stuff and like yeah, that's it So much of it seems to be like I'm a foreigner I have this concept of my ideal culture. Yeah, right and like the great things and big hot dogs and yeah Yeah, go go you know ball catch on the park And so he wants to represent that but like there's also like the fact that when he's watched American movies and things like that
Starting point is 00:30:30 Like he doesn't actually get what is happening that is emotional He just gets like the the undercurrent of it Yeah, and then so when he decides to write his own version of it all he can write is the undercurrent Normally into a script. He doesn't actually get like that the at the end of a dynamic catch people something should happen To lead to the next scene. Oh, there's a purpose for that. So there's so many scenes that have no purpose at all But he wanted to put them in there because like all that's the feelings He edited and filmed and directed and wrote the script and everything based on feeling that that's why the room is like the great It's fantastic. It's incredible. That's why it's like a touchstone for our time compared to like
Starting point is 00:31:11 Jupiter ascending or something or like something that's just got tons of money thrown into it But they're like let's just make cool things explode or whatever. Yeah, it's different in that way where it's like some you can Feel you can ascertain this director's thought process like the mother's motivations If you know he's a weird foreigner at least yeah, no It's the only lens that makes it sort of makes sense Yeah, the mother's motivations every see love the mother making no sense like walking in hello dear blah blah blah I have to go. Why'd you walk into my house mom? I just you know, I came to check up Okay, well, I have to go. I don't want to talk about it. Don't worry about it
Starting point is 00:31:49 You know, the mother's the worst character of all, you know, why because of this line So I was talking to my friend Lauren and she wants to she wants to buy a house super right I asked Tommy would he be able to front the money for a house and he said no, it's too awkward and complicated Oh, I thought he was a generous man. Fuck you, bitch I have to pay for your friend's house Who I've never met and Not and and let's not forget worse how Tommy's the coolest and strongest And he provides and he bought you a car, but he didn't get the promotion
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah, and roses every day and you know, hey, we're not gonna like talk shit about him behind his back He's easy. He's got the biggest dick. Everybody love Tommy. That's that's the script. He's a great guy. Um, I'm gonna I'm gonna try Hold on a second, let me just do a hot fix on this mic. Oh the hottest hot fix live live live Hello, hi, how do you sound? Oh? Hi, Willie. Oh hi pot Yeah, oh god, it's getting worse. Oh, no, I think we need I Hello the bank uses me I make the money and they don't care
Starting point is 00:33:21 Oh, I think I think we might need to get a replacement amp. Uh, I think I need to clean the potentiometers, but Sorry, you just make shit up. Yeah, okay Fine honestly, yeah, that's I'll believe it This stuff works like a mechanic that way. It's the little it's the little metal knobs underneath the Level because the game it's it's on you and you didn't want to say I got to go clean some knobs No, it's actually they're called pots if you really want I need to go clean dirty That doesn't sound that you know bad. Yeah, I know it's better technology than a tape recorder that can record for 75 hours straight Like like this thing I can't record 75 hours straight. No, but that exists in 2003
Starting point is 00:34:02 No, but if it did Tommy we so would have plugged it into his phone to make sure that Everything said in the house. It's a cassette was being recorded. It's a fucking cassette tape. It's amazing So nobody replays which apparently he did in real life. Yeah You'd record everything on cassettes What conversations on phones with people? Like answering answering machine messages and shit What? So when they replay when Tommy replays what he recorded on the cassette tape to Lisa
Starting point is 00:34:31 He replays what she just said to mark on the phone like just now But it's different than what she said. Don't worry about that Yeah, there's extra lines in there, which I think I think it was the line She was saying while they cut to him in the bathroom on the door. Oh my god I can't believe you just thought of a reason why that makes I think like we cut to him trying to hear it He can't hear and I think for like five seconds and I think those are the lines that she was saying We'll just fix the movie. There you go All the plug the continuity all the plugs have been filled here reminds me
Starting point is 00:35:03 Like Tommy, we so is to America what Saddam is to Japan In street fire. So dumb. Okay. Yeah Like it feels like he's that guy. He's just I'm super part of you guys trying to fit in. Yeah Hello, fellow you can tell by my pasty vampire face But like just you know, I'm getting guns out, right? Gotta play the football only Tommy's only Tommy's arms are out When they're playing yeah, they never showed super male model best friend guy that he hires No, wait Greg's wearing a little long-sleeve baseballs tees He's wearing a little red cut off thing and he shows he just shows his arms a little bit, but uh, but you're right
Starting point is 00:35:41 You're like that's so you're saying that much like many old shitty movies that you know, you'll see it's like Oh, this this director is also the actor and the actor just happens to be the coolest man ever Who happens to be surrounded by a bunch of models with their titties out and all that shit And he's the coolest strongest ever This is like that, but like more sincere for Tommy in which he just wants a movie in which everyone tells him He's the greatest and the nicest of the kindest. It's not so much the great It's it's the nicest and the kindest like I don't think greatest and the most romantic Like again the framing it with like just obsessed with called American culture and all that stuff plus trying to actually get
Starting point is 00:36:25 Trying to actually create memories Oh, that sounds like shit God damn it. Oh, yeah Let's try to create false memories of like like you said crying looking at checking the gate Yeah, of these things of he's like living it out. Watch the dailies like that's not a movie to him That's that's him paying to live out the american experience Greg Cistero Astartanes that when they're doing all the pickup shots
Starting point is 00:36:50 Every single shot of san francisco. You see is like the movie had long been since been filmed and they're just trying to get all That those transitional shots that don't have any time passing during them. But He was like, all right, Tommy. I think we have it all. I was like, no a couple more shots over there He's like I then Understood that he never wanted this movie to be ever be done. We wanted to keep rolling ever and going and going Yeah, so he'd be like Tommy we have more than enough. It's like no a bit of shot over nearby the bay And like we have that shot. Oh, okay Another one then he's like Tommy we have it and and and and also it explains
Starting point is 00:37:29 And the the weirdness of the hey, we need to do another love making scene, you know if we can just shoot that another Okay, how about no, how about you just signed up for one with him you creep signed up for 16 with mark But yeah, well sure Okay, how about instead of that? We just splice in the outtakes and other shots of the first love scene right make sure everyone's on the set They have to watch Yeah, and like no they the idea is like you won't get paid if you don't come and watch the sex scene I think was if I don't feel your eyeballs on my body
Starting point is 00:38:06 Yeah, no one's getting paid the the idea of like him never wanting to wrap up principal filming We'll call it it's like like I like that like it's like that other story which uh, I feel like we have to look up about the the guy who was connected to Uh deniro who who's an extra in one of his movies that conned an entire town Yes, yes, it's creating a film festival and shooting this random Non-film that didn't exist and like it was just it was a small town that he just took advantage of Created so what's the verb? What's the verb? I forget no he goes that town to
Starting point is 00:38:41 Monorail it to monorail it exactly he slides in he shows them his credits from being in one deniro movie And then fucking and then eases on out and then during them during it He goes, hey, maybe instead of scamming these people we should actually make a movie Yeah, so they filmed a bunch of it And then he's like not fucking j k l o l and then he takes all the money and pieces out and fucking leaves the town high and dry It's insane, but they did actually get some shots out of it Yeah, it's it's nuts Uh anyway, so that was the roomcast
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Starting point is 00:41:03 So, yeah, you know the deal loot crate comm slash super Promo code super save three bucks on your new subscription today If you want to get in on the guardians theme for may you have until the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific to subscribe and get that crate So it's loot crate comes to your door. It's got what you want. It's got what you need It's got the good stuff loot crate comm slash super promo code super Thanks loot crate Bam just like that that was fast holy crap. Um, I guess pat, what's up with your week, bud? I played persona five It's good. It's really good. It's um
Starting point is 00:41:44 It's equivalent of it's it's transitioned to its third act is stellar Gearing up for the final act you might say no gearing up for the third out of five let's say is absolutely stellar and like like there were there were two incidences of full-body goosebumps at separate occasions of like
Starting point is 00:42:10 Of just a character flips over a piece of paper and go shit Right just just that Intense like oh man the story is gonna do it. Don't you if you don't mind don't even get that specific. Oh, all right Yeah, okay, and uh, and I can confirm that walls. You were very upset about uh, atlas is like a spoiler date thing That date is completely non-specific. Great. Uh, it's like a general thing awesome, um and uh
Starting point is 00:42:41 Only other thing I played was mario kart but mario kart's the same game that came out of the wii u Just 200 cc is busted fast Like fly off the fucking track at every single turn busted fast Um, that's pretty much it really I didn't watch anything or go anywhere I just I just sat down for a couple days and went I'm I'm gonna phantom thieves it. No, I didn't play hots I play a couple matches after hots okay
Starting point is 00:43:11 Couple boxes couple box a few box a few a few a few not many not just a couple man Just a couple You know you just get a couple more. It's fine. Hey man. You can stop at any time. No one can tell you no one's hey You stop anytime. Ah fuck the overwatch event ends tomorrow. Yeah You had all the time in the world Like I'm I'm well. Yeah, like three. I'm living in a box pile right now Like it's impossible. If you want someone to blame just walk in front of any mirror. Okay. Well Uh
Starting point is 00:43:47 That did you get to play matches of the new event? No, because again, I'm literally in seriously Well, fucking go into the other room and use the fucking Recording pc and play one match of the new event. I'll do that because it's a fun event. I'll do that when I get home. Yeah I was I was your move by the way Hopefully the worst time it's happening. I like it's multiple things and it's happening tomorrow. Oh, you're here today No, I really shouldn't it's happening tomorrow as well. I thought you were doing it over the weekend That got pushed great. That's always the best thing to happen. It's a mess. It's a mess, but it's okay So I guess man, I will be recording by ourselves tomorrow
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah, we would be Yeah, so regardless Wish you the best of luck. Well, thank you. Um I I will I will give these busted move gentlemen a try and yeah, they're great. They're great. Uh, matt You're saying What up? I I had very little week. Uh, you said mario kart I barely ever played mario kart 8 on the we use some entire game is almost new to me Especially the all new all the battle mode shit is completely new. I hate that shit. I think it's terrible
Starting point is 00:44:57 I think it's awesome. I'm like Uh, okay, what I what's new? Everything there was no there was no battle. There was no battle mode in mario kart 8 tell us about on the we you While there's isn't like the battle mode of 64 or the original it's all of them So they got rid of it in the last one. Is that what you did? Is that what yeah? Yeah, it just wasn't there. It just wasn't there Okay, so it's the same battle mode though Well, no Because it's all new maps. Okay, and it's new modes. Okay, but so so
Starting point is 00:45:25 I'm also confused about what he's actually there's balloon. Oh, okay. Hold on. So the release before this one They just didn't have eight. They didn't know battle mode. There was no battle mode. That's weird. I didn't know that Okay. Yeah, so now I I didn't know that either because I didn't play that game that much I played like a couple tracks. So now they put it back in. Yeah, and they added extra battle modes Yes, and like new tracks. So like, uh, uh, the splatoon Is a is a new track in battle mode. Okay, splatoon world or whatever Um, urchin what gameplay? It's it's got a regular balloon like balloons coming out of balloon thief and there's shine thief
Starting point is 00:46:00 Which is there's a gigantic shine from sunshine just hanging out in this the stage whoever Holds it the longest wins. Okay, then there's renegades Which is cops and robbers basically where a blue team versus a red team and the blue team has Like cop-based piranha plants and you try to chomp up the red team and throw them in jail But there's a button underneath the jail cell and if someone runs over that bun, they let loose the the team again So one one objective is to get the entire red team In jail and everyone else is to like let at least one Member of red team be still on the map and active before time runs out. It's 2v2, right? No, it's uh, it's uh,
Starting point is 00:46:39 4u4. Oh, so online. No way. Yeah. No, it was 6 it was 6v6 actually it's 12 Were you playing online? Yeah. Okay. I was only playing online. Okay, uh, because I just added everybody I just put out my my enemy code On twitter and just said everyone add me so to start off like a friend game like yeah Like friend codes are fucking annoying to type in but once you go that once you got all of them You just got your friend request and you accept them all I just went into friends And you say start lobby with friends and you go start and then you're I'm waiting on a globe And I'm going my knee, you know
Starting point is 00:47:14 He's mew mew and everyone else starts coming over the side of the globe And then you do this weird little like fist pumping dance And you have all these emotes and you can just wait for people to log in and then you're like, okay Here are the rules and then my me goes to everyone and starts saying like no items these things He starts shouting all the rules to everybody and I'm like that's fun The friend the friend matches are great But like the finding like public matches is awful Like there are no options of any kind. I didn't do that. Can you go online with a local group?
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah, you can do with two people Okay, so if you have two people locally that you can on the same system you can play online Okay, like that's not for uh, no not for uh for and is everything else, but who's that's still pretty good Yeah, um, and I I enjoyed all those battle modes a lot. Um, what I don't enjoy is the smart steering thing It's terrible. I didn't know was On and I'm like, why why is my fucking car just cleaning off to the left sometimes? It's because smart steering is a thing where it's like if you like are just I don't know controllers I don't get it. It's a thing that will kind of guide you on the track a little bit
Starting point is 00:48:22 So the the worst thing about it is that it's on by default. Why would it be on by default? I don't know. So it follows the line or does it follow the It is it inefficient. It has a big Fat line Driving line that it follows. Yeah, like that's like four carts wide But that driving line doesn't include the walls or you know pits. So it is it is inefficient Yeah, well like let's but like when I when I was playing with a friend of mine And he didn't realize it was on by default like it meant that he never hit the walls
Starting point is 00:48:53 It meant that he never fell into pits and it also meant that you can't drift really because drifting to like take a hard turn And start drifting it doesn't do that for you. So in my experience when I tried to do that the game would fight me Oh, you can't so you can't break off of it when you want to you can but you're fighting against it So it's you can turn it off. Yeah, but and it's very easy to turn off You just pause the game and you say oh you hold one button on your controller But like why why keep it on by default? It's not an option when you select your character and cart I think it is. I just it was a yeah, yeah if you press start during the Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:29 The part screen or whatever And I certainly never played all the dlc tracks that were in mario kart 8 like the hyrule track Which blew my mind with how good it was Because coins get turned into rupees and when you go over an item box instead of And then it just goes And I'm like, oh, that's cool I would love to see some feedback because considering what you're talking about there And then there's we're going to get into like um like marvel versus capcom in a bit
Starting point is 00:49:58 I'd love to see if there's actual data that like is out there where we can see like does These controller simplification things actually get casual people In does it work well feedback? I saw I saw one. No, I said there's also auto accelerate I never saw that it's it's right there. It's just uses a different icon. Okay. Do these features actually work it? So in term in term I saw one guy talking about it and how Uh, he has a young child who had a stroke and whose right side right hand is Like shit all for this and auto accelerate is game changer for that kid. I see
Starting point is 00:50:38 Um, because they can still play and steering is okay important. Okay, so for access to like pure accessibility Yeah, it's a it's a game changer. Yeah, okay as as for a casual audience When I think of when you think of casual audience when I think of casual audience I think of people who don't play games that much. I think when nintendo thinks of casual audience I think they think of like a three-year-old child Remember when your brother were you the older or younger brother younger you're the younger Your brother ever gave you a fucking controller that wasn't plugged in and tell you you were playing No, that was only your brother. Okay. Well, that's somewhat common. Well. Oh, no, wait the wrong controls the wrong
Starting point is 00:51:16 Wrong inputs with your brother. Yeah, they'll just play along kid and you're not actually playing. Yeah So that's happened, but I know that's somewhat common, right? But here you can actually turn those on and the kid is technically playing Right, right, right, right? Nothing would make me angrier than going to an arcade and see a kid with On in front of an arcade that I want to play and it says insert coins and he's just going nuts. Yeah Yeah, but you can't Well, luckily you're a big man now and you can just push that kid out of the way
Starting point is 00:51:45 I can't it's like hey kid. Did you ever wonder why it keeps looping back to the title screen asshole? Because how about you figure that shit out moron? I think I think the mario kart steering shouldn't all that I think if someone has some sort of disability, you know, that that totally works But I Casually people that play games sometimes you know how to press the a button Well, the main the main thing is that's like that's totally baffling is why is why is smart steering on by default? Right, that's crazy That says to me that they think the average person playing mario kart
Starting point is 00:52:17 Isn't good enough to steer in mario kart or they want you to notice it If it's unusually and if it would be an issue for you All I need to do is have a a pop-up when you start up the gamer or input your profile for the first time Just have a like hey try smart steering if you like this if not press this now It doesn't have that it's I only found out by gameplay where I'm like why the fuck is my card doing this? Chats yelling at me like you have a smart steering on I'm like what and that's where we get into like the That's the philosophy of certain game design elements where like in bayonetta. It was an item that lets you do the autoplay Autocomps system. I've I've always thought the the super guides. Yeah, I thought always those were good ideas
Starting point is 00:52:59 For anyone that actually is struggling and some of those platforms like donkey on country returns. They're hard Okay, hold on. What are you talking about super guy? Yeah, what is that super guys if you eat shit hard enough enough times You will there a fucking a pop-up pop up just like do you want us to just literally show you how to do this platform? Okay, it's okay. Remember donkey Kong would turn into a white shin donkey Kong And then when he's over the hard part. Yeah, you press a button and you regain control again I always thought like I would never really use that because like I love donkey Kong games
Starting point is 00:53:32 But I was like I could totally understand someone that like doesn't play platformers Well, I remember being I remember being a kid or in high school and there were friends It's like I can't beat this fucking boss or whatever And just stop playing whatever game they happen to be playing I remember a lot of friends of mine couldn't beat like I think was like the fucking There was a mission in starcraft the original campaign that they just could not beat without and then till the oh just cheat And then they beat it and then they they went on to play the rest of the campaign And I and the end of not the end of but in the new or mario games when you die enough times
Starting point is 00:54:05 I know that they have the special like mushroom that pops up. That's isn't that what it does or just makes you invincible I mean, I think it makes you invincible and Because if you fall on a pit that doesn't help. Yeah I think it might be super guide as well. Yeah, it might be I think it's both I used it in at least two games Where did the where did the term super guide come from because I'm a nintendo. That's what they called it Yeah, nintendo invented the term and that was that started in donky con There's a lot of people that like take umbridge to that. I never
Starting point is 00:54:35 Understood why like I'll I'll take umbridge to eating shit hard enough that the game goes. Hey man. Do you want to back it off? Like remember that happening devil may cry one when I first played it Where I was getting my shit kicked in and the game's like, do you want to turn it to baby mode patrick? I'm like, no, I don't want to turn. Yeah. Yeah, you so like you got a floor as well I believe you have to unlock easy mode. Yeah dying enough times, right now But but like what I what I was getting at with the bayonetta thing and stuff is that like There might be something that happens where they look at it and go if I have to select normal or easy And I know that I I feel like I need this or whatever, but I'm playing with other people
Starting point is 00:55:09 I'm gonna feel bad selecting easy. So by making it a default thing It's more like I have to choose to come off of it, but everyone is at the same level Yeah, I guess I suppose like everyone's down here and then you can go up if you want as opposed to we're all up here And you've got to go down. That's fine, but it should just have a pop of just letting you know this feature exists Yeah, I yeah, the only hint you get is that there's a little uh fucking yellow antenna on the back of your car because that is that is really Really not like it's it's very subtle Because because like so all all of the early versus games versus capcom games and and x men's shoe fighters and stuff
Starting point is 00:55:47 They always had like an easy Mode where it was like double tap or auto guard for example Auto guard's like an example of that. Yeah, but but like they but they had like a mode That was basically like tapped punch twice to do a head oaken. Yep, you know street fire versus cat calm uh fucking uh the nearly operation arc system works has been cb s eo Yeah, arc system works has been pushing the auto combo system for quite a while with starting with arena
Starting point is 00:56:12 I think it was in which it's like no listen And they're like tap your lights and it's gonna do a combo that ends in a super And if you can want to cancel out of that into your own thing at whatever branch Of that you're comfortable with go for it and that helped get me way into those games However, has that it does. Yeah, however, tap lights and then it'll go into a super when you do the auto combo That's how I was able to get a couple of victories in the physical scale down Like the combo you do off of your your jabs and in personas particularly is way weaker But it's way stronger than
Starting point is 00:56:47 Nothing than nothing. Yes So it's an interesting thing to have it like yeah I think the mentality of like choosing to to make your choosing to go up versus like Forcing someone who feels bad to go down is probably why you're going to see these things kind of feel more accessible at that That way and like when it comes to something like like you said like the the father who had the the son that that's a game changer for him Yeah, like that makes sense because like that alongside like colorblind options and things like that Like existing art, you know, that's really dope. That's super cool. That's like that's what's being thought about but um, I still would love to know if like
Starting point is 00:57:21 Not for accessibility purposes, but just for sheer difficulties like does this actually work Do people find that this is helping it doesn't get people in that otherwise wouldn't have was this able to track that data To get your dad to play Mario Exactly because I feel like what about your grandma. I feel like my mom would have a hard time But I think after she doesn't know what she's messing with of course not Right and I saw I remember watching her struggle on the Daytona. Oh this blue shell She's child this blue shell coming for me She was playing Daytona and the speed of the car moving was freaking her out because she's used to just driving normally
Starting point is 00:57:54 So at the end she was just like pace carring around the the thing at the slowest speed like simulating driving in real life Right because it was just like, okay. No, no forget this forget this. No, no, no So I wonder if like, you know Like can we get data on that because I feel like after maybe an hour or two of playing Mario Kart or something She would eventually get how to play normally Like anyone would any parent would and anyone that's not used to video games if you put it on 50 ccs It's like it's a leisurely glacial pretty plain dad Yeah, so like a lot of people that would have that initial difficulty would probably drop off
Starting point is 00:58:30 You know of needing that easy mode very quickly. So I don't know I I more research is needed more research is needed and or more data because we've been doing this for Three or four. We need old people and children to play these video games. We've been doing it We've been seeing it for three or four generations. We should kidnap a bunch of people Yeah, it gets ramped up every time but we don't actually know if it Is doing what the design intent? Well, I mean I assume in some shape or form it is but like Someone to buy bayonetta 2 would be like, oh, but I'm not good at these games Then they have to be informed
Starting point is 00:59:02 By either a review or at the back of the box at bayonetta set I don't know if it did whether like if you're new to action games try the all new like easy input Oh, no, no when you start the game it's it's no but like to make the purchase off hand Because then the money oh to even buy the game. Yeah. Yeah, that's the whole point. Right, right, right, you know So I said from Mario Kart also played out last two Not much to say it's great. I'm enjoying it There's some one hit kill things where you open up a door and some guy just acts as you in the face And I'm like, ah, but I like those things because I'm like, well, then I know not to go in that door anymore
Starting point is 00:59:38 And and its checkpoint system is very generous, but I was telling Pat about this but well, it's like How many how many notes can you find in a game? And let's say you find a note every five minutes like that's that's on a table and whatever that it keeps It keeps having this type of dialogue The gaping vagina birth the black void And I was dripping I began to fuck the earth and I'm like, okay Marine it marine it next note same thing next note same thing Over and over and over again all the notes are written like this because you're in a risk like this religious cult
Starting point is 01:00:15 So this is all their doctrine just laying around and after the fifth note of this like Your two towns over from the riots. How long is each note? They can be very long They could be a page or two, which is a lot because it's like blah blah blah blah But then you'll occasionally find out it's like, oh, I'm scared. I'm running for whatever and I'm like, yeah, okay That's what I want to read. I can only read so many like album album fucking lyrics from like
Starting point is 01:00:44 Lamb of God or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Sure. Uh, uh, the other thing about that There's a feature that I had no idea until I played it when we played the demo and when I played that The same demo live this feature is not a thing, but you're a cameraman You're there to investigate a report with your wife and she gets um She gets separated from you. So you're a cameraman the game expects you to document everything And all of that gets put made into a movie in your menus So if you see like a burning body and like up on a pike You should take out your camera and if it starts having a red ring going around it to fill up
Starting point is 01:01:22 This is something you should record and it pieces together the story get some sexy points But you don't know this until you take out your camera and then When you go into your menus, you'll see like he will automatically record any notes that he finds So that's a that's a given but anything else you'll miss shit And then it'll skip those folders and so you'll know you've missed a bit And it'll actually take the gameplay you recorded with your camera So if you're doing goofy shit like zooming into to crotches or eyes or looking at squirrels Uh, it'll use that still but then they'll input a voice over as long as you have the camera more or less on the thing
Starting point is 01:02:02 Right And I was like, well, that's a neat little feature because you uncover more story that way And you can miss it But if you really want to because there's no time constraints Anytime where you're being chased or whatever you're being herded to an area. It doesn't expect you to take it out then It's only the the slower paced sections where you're walking around looking for things and batteries and whatever So I really enjoyed it. I was like, ah, that's fun. That's a that's a fun feature other than that there's nothing much new in the game you're just hiding and
Starting point is 01:02:31 A lot of people were telling me where I where I stopped streaming it like oh shit gets Way, way crazier. It's a you need to see some of this and there's there's like unlike the first outlast which was all psychopaths and whatever Just, you know and and mutant experiments. There's actual supernatural shit going on. There's some type of monster And I'm like, oh, I want to see more of that stuff because I hope it goes into some fun places But when you take a picture of a body burning on a pike, is there a high prompt that pops up and says cool shot erotic? No, nice. No, it's it's just the red thing that that that just lets you know like this is important Then you just go into your menu, but um, I enjoy that a bunch. I mean because not even just not even fucking um
Starting point is 01:03:10 stupid, uh Whatever the better I thought dead rising because because there's dead rising again and there's dead rising and then there's then There's the other guy got a fucking ghost game. Um, um, uh fucking fail frame fatal for a fatal for a zero shot Yeah combo But like the fucking dead rising was always like that's worse to me because as as as immersion breakers It's a drama Yeah, because as immersion breaking as the fatal frame stuff was the dead rising stuff is like frank You're staring at something horrible
Starting point is 01:03:39 Like you gotta make money fucking asshole gotta make Bank like you're why uh God and they're like, no, that's you rising its tongue in cheek. I know everything's goofy there It's other games like I think it bothers me more in but early fatal frame But that was one of the first first reactions I had to dead rising was when it was like nice some guys getting pulled apart and you're just like What the fuck there's zombie mom is ripping off her baby's face erotic I never thought about that about that part of it. We're like like well, you're completely right
Starting point is 01:04:11 But I think that is like because fatal frame you're supposed to be scared And then you shoot this fucking ghost that's making you shit your pants in fear and it goes zero shot bonus kill It's the worst Like it's so toned out at the very least you can have all those mechanics like in Fatal frame five on the Wii U like have all those mechanics, but just let me turn those notifications off That's that's all i'm asking because I don't need a lot It's just usually in the games when you're you have a party of people and there you come across like something fucked up and like You know some people are going to go like oh, shit. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:04:44 They see a body or something But the one guy in the party that goes oh man that guy got totally fucking murked Yeah, that's usually the piece of shit that gets wiped out. It's the animated get from a survivor where the two girls put their Yeah, yeah If if you're not crazy familiar with what we're talking about and or like Know these examples, but it's not setting in for you Just think about putting the unreal tournament 2k4 announcer on shit like journey and the walking dead Yeah, exactly right. It's that's a good way to describe it. Uh, I also started rewatching rome
Starting point is 01:05:25 Why not why not because I never watched it with leanna. So we're like, let's rewatch it now I'm like, yeah, that intro theme is catchy. It's catchy. Uh, I'm realized we finished the first season I'm realizing first season definitely the weaker part of it. Okay, when they go when everything's in egypt happening That's where I'm like, ah, there's so many good parts like the caesar season. That's like it is He's the highlight for sure. But uh, and aside from that, I also start black sales. Are you familiar with that? No It's a pirate show. It's a pirate show and I always thought it was I always thought it was pirates of the caribbean where it's kind of like oh being a pirate. Oh, jeez Adventures and shit adventures. No, it's actually pretty dark and pretty grimy like a pretty real like it's more like game of thrones
Starting point is 01:06:09 But with pirates my fucking peg leg is fucking Stolen but not that over the top not that piratey. It's just like grungy guys with bad teeth and whatever And uh, is there an episode dedicated to scurvy? I only watched the first episode so far But I episode number three scurvy. I think that might be the one you're looking for But then there's just prostitutes everywhere. There's everyone gets naked. They can't be on the boats. That's bad luck They there there's an island in nasol they go to woman on boats is bad luck back then Then why do they put a lady on the front of the boat because she's a good luck. That's that's that's the goddess That's your that's your siren or whatever. Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:48 And I was surprised because when black sales like the the the intro came up it said produced by michael bay And I'm like, okay. Okay. I'm sure and then it was just a good show and I'm gonna continue it because produced Well, yeah produced, you know, but uh written or directed I uh, I'm gonna I'm gonna probably continue that because I like the first episode quite a bit. So yeah, that's man Let me know how it compares to pirates It can't The story The characters this guy. That's why this guy gets it
Starting point is 01:07:24 It can't compare to pirates. You know what but it's probably better than pirates too. Are you familiar with pirates? I haven't seen pirates too. Uh, there's some great action scenes. I haven't seen it. They go on a little long though Yeah No, good action from davie jones locker. I stabbed it deep from within his locker All right, let's get into the news You have any room news I wish I did but unfortunately there's still no there's still no release day for that movie. That's all we know Working on it. I believe in franco
Starting point is 01:08:01 In franco which in fact remember last week when we were talking about Hollywood bad boys and all that stuff We miss there michael then can you make good boys? We we we should have said james franco. Why is when why is franco on my college campus? Like uh, uh, who you know why we're who are we who are we comparing them to we're saying like the modern day blank What james franco and all those knows last week we're having a conversation about like forget like the like the bad boy that You expect me to remember what happened last week? Yeah, maybe I don't know. I don't know how I got here
Starting point is 01:08:34 Anyway, oh well before we get into it. I told you that this is the other day But I'll talk back because you'll probably find it funny is that like there's this interviewer that does the movie Junk it. Hey, how press press what's the what's the what was the hardest part of filming? Whatever, you know those things so he's interviewing james franco about the movie why him The rock star movie where yeah, brian cranson like who gives a fuck and he's talking to him He's like so listen. I don't want to talk about why him tell me more about your room movie Are you gonna have this scene and brian cranson's like? I love this guy
Starting point is 01:09:09 Yeah, he's gated all into it. They're like, yeah, yeah, fuck this movie. All right, so the room, right? They're talking about I'm like, oh, that's fun Then I just clicked on a random youtube video and it's like They're talking to dav franco james's brother. That's playing mark in the movie So the junk it is for now you see me to whatever a stupid magic movie Um, and then the guy the interview starts up the guy's like, I don't want to talk about it It's the same interviewer. He goes, let's talk more about the room. I heard that you're playing mark and the guy's like Yeah, yeah, he's like, yeah, give me some of your mark. Give me. I need it. I need it
Starting point is 01:09:44 And I'm like, how does this guy keep getting on the circuit? He's not talking about the movies. He's supposed to be just like He's just a room. These are his these are his only shots and he's taking it. That's true. I take them too I'm assuming he does talk about the movie. It's just not there. It's not in the interview bit. I saw but I thought it was hilarious What a fucking mark. Well, dude, like I love just when they because after a while like, you know You know, I'm sure they just you get sick of doing the same press. Oh god. I always think that that must be the most It's the probably the worst part. It's probably the worst part. Hey, mr. Neeson tell me about how they stole your wife and daughter in this movie
Starting point is 01:10:20 So whenever uh, you have to assume he's just a bad parent So whenever they do the thing where uh, like something different happens or something interesting or you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, like uh, well didn't uh, who is it? Um Whatever the jackie from that 70s show like uh Mila could have like like got asked out by like the guy that was interviewing her that one time Because because she's like she's got a glassy hide stare because this is like the 17th interview And if a guy's just like, yo, hey want to go out and imagine she's so distracted. She's like, yeah, no, I'd love to Yeah, and he's like, ah
Starting point is 01:10:55 She's damn it. You got me Uh, oh, what's what's this? Some people are sending some breaking breaking news about about Kiddio Kojima and Robert De Niro What? Well, they took a photo together at the Tribeca film festival, but that's all I saw I know that Kojima like thing. Hold on. I need to invest. I know that Kojima like stood up and talked a bunch of fucking weird Nonsense about Death Stranding that made no sense at all. What's what's what's the story? He's at the Tribeca film festival
Starting point is 01:11:27 Just marking out because I don't think he's ever been to new york to come in with photos And Tribeca film vessel of course has run or you know spearheaded whatever but Robert De Niro Yeah, of course photo with them, but other than that that was yesterday. I don't know if there's been any Anything new. Okay, so it's just people are seeing the photo and running it with this saying that De Niro is a Death Stranding Well, yeah, no every celebrity takes a picture with is will be involved Stephanie Houston just today was like I can't confirm or deny whether or not I'll be in Death Stranding. Yeah, which is like Oh, so you're in Death Stranding So the person that took this photo one of Hideo's like friends or assistant said I've never seen him smile like this ever
Starting point is 01:12:05 Yeah, man. It's fucking Kojima looks great. He's not a 40 or what five The thing about though, I mean Robert De Niro, not so much like Kojima is I was in he Kojima has a fraction of Araki's blood He has like a single drop inside of like the glasses are more than that would kill him Um De Niro hates taking photos notoriously. Oh really? Yeah, he does not like doing it at all Okay, so this does have something extra special because If you tell them like you should take a photo with this guy But if you get one like that's a big deal because like like even like famous like people that were like
Starting point is 01:12:43 He's like he could be like he doesn't do I work with Guillermo del Toro with a Norman Rita. It's like he's De Niro there's definitely ends if you've gotten if you're in with his people But like he doesn't like doing um like him and Pacino. They don't like doing late night Like interview. Yeah, they gotta go to pass. They don't like doing photos Yeah, any of this shit like anything that's like external, you know to put the whatever they hate that stuff So De Niro's probably saying a little bit and that De Niro looks like he is trying to figure out What the camera is yeah Or he's either he's either saying a little bit or he's over here or he's exhaling him. He's
Starting point is 01:13:22 You know through the nose it's always through the nose Little bit I'll be right back folks. All right. Do your thing. Yeah, do your thing. I'll use that time All right, so that that's breaking in that. It's fun But that's not new news No, you know what is new news what's new news? Is it new new or new new? It's new new and this is the most exciting news for me better be about 50 All week not even what not even bro new game announcements. Oh hot fresh
Starting point is 01:13:57 Straight up coming straight out of the developers ovens. I'm wearing the mitts and my fingers are still burning. I just I'm just waiting Waiting for you to show me brand new announcement coming soon. It's a sequel. It's a sequel part two Senkoto rendezvous back I I knew I heard the or to you philistines war war tech When I heard this I could swear I heard you yell From across the city Actually more than anything it would be billy. It would be billy too. Yeah Because as much as I like the schmup fighting game
Starting point is 01:14:39 Senko no ronde which where you play as a schmup shooter But you fight against other people and then your supers let you turn into schmup bosses I remember I saw you playing billy at this like years and years ago in your old old old place And I was just like, whoa, this is intense Yeah As much as I like that I will never be at billy's level Oh, yeah, he had to get every achievement and to get that thousand He kept the game on for weeks
Starting point is 01:15:08 He left his console on and left because he got one of the achievements is playing a certain number of online matches Right, okay, winning a certain number of online matches So why why did it have to be on the entire because there were so few people playing online? So every time someone jumped in and he had he had a chance had a chance to matchmake with them He would play immediately take it. Yeah Yeah, so he left his key left the console on and he left himself in matchmaking mode for weeks To eventually get it and he did get it because that's rough nowadays. We're like games I have online achievements and you're fucked because no one's playing them
Starting point is 01:15:43 So I go to the bathroom. I come back and now you're making up fake news stories. Dude. I'm creating logos and everything Yeah, that's pretty impressive fake websites, too War tech 2 that is probably Yeah, I mean there are some sequels out there. I didn't expect to see but that's up there g rev man It's really it's I'm I'm it took 10 years series. It took 10 years, but fuck it like I'm telling you I'm waiting for inversion 2 Yeah, so um and and for those of you unfamiliar with g rev You know, they helped make a little game known as um ikoruga. So I thought treasurer made ikoruga. Yeah, they did
Starting point is 01:16:26 So what do you have as a part of it as well? Okay? Okay What if what if g rev made the bad parts? No, which ones were those? Yeah, the the Level four the part where it's hard level five Because level five is really just kind of a cruise level four is the real final level five is just kind of I didn't see any metem. You're talking about metempsychosis, aren't you? I I'm not good at ikoruga. No no the sort of a kala You could just be making stuff up and I wouldn't know I'm not I am that's fine. I'm making it. Okay. That's okay. You made up this website. Anyway
Starting point is 01:17:03 Ikoruga is great g rev is great synch in a run. He's great. They're making a new one and it's gonna be out They didn't they throw that in at the end of the thriller 2017. Yeah No, I know we didn't get a date. We didn't get a date, but 2017 confirmed Super cool. What other new game gaming gaming game announces are there? Uh, there were a couple actually You know what may You know had a thing or two, but then a lot of stuff got announced to like be coming out in may as well, which is neat Uh, yeah, we can talk about
Starting point is 01:17:40 Something like shakfu It's a be why it's not a fighter Why are you keep saying that because it validates it just I want to because no That's just because everyone thinks it's a fighter because shakfu was a fighter That's what they want. Yeah, and like I'm they want to get all the goodwill of all the shakfu fans And exactly the message is coming in go. Are you guys going to fix the customs? Like it's not a fighting game They might have a versus component. Who knows they might they might I'll play that. Uh, so something that we've been tracking here on the grand cast
Starting point is 01:18:07 Yeah, it's been on our radars. We've got some gameplay footage. We've got to keep the people updated Drive girls. Thank god. I was getting parched Drive girls is coming out for the vita on may 26th And we've got a trailer and we've got the girls and they're turning into cars Yep, and those cars are turning back into girls and they're doing combos Finally, they can combine my two loves cars and transformations. Absolutely. Now, don't you don't don't don't get it twisted No, there's like you'll see some drive in here and the girls will talk to you as they're driving Crush the invasion, but then there's waves of enemies to defeat and then you do your combos as you switch
Starting point is 01:18:46 It switches it back into an action game This would be terrible if you can't do what you can do and transform his devastation Which is turn into a car mid combo and right now it doesn't seem like that's part of it Well, wait wait for them to transform from super car into super girl. Okay, but just can you combat? Yes You can do a little combat. Okay, of course you can there you go That's what seamlessly combo that's what I needed from car into girl back into car if I could find my vita I would certainly consider
Starting point is 01:19:16 possibly pre-ordering this so just keep your eyes for um Keep your eyes revved up for drive girls because they're coming Really fast
Starting point is 01:19:33 Coming to the only you know what that would would have so you know what actually I didn't I didn't actually expect it to be an Action game like that. I was I was a bit surprised by expected to be a driving game In the girl game. Yeah Might be might be something might be something I don't know um It might not be a thing Might not be a thing might not be a thing. Okay, so a lot of marvel versus cap come infinite news dropped and um
Starting point is 01:20:03 Let me go over the important bits because there was a lot of there's the trailer that came out, of course And there was a lot of details, uh that popped that were easily missable that were like Um, oh shit. Uh-oh Oh, no, uh-oh X split has crashed Oh, uh-oh against the the screen. Oh, I was I was bathing in ignorance there. Oh guys more so than I usually do quick Don't say anything that matters I mean, that's easy considering this podcast
Starting point is 01:20:40 So you're telling me drive kills drive kills. Fuck it drive kills. That's not a bad name drive kills Drive girls just killed our stream No, well to be fair. We were finished with the story. Yeah. Yeah, but it wasn't finished with us No So if you see fucking comic book girl 19 is like I hate mortal comma annihilation. It's terrible. I'm like I saw your tweet Yeah, I did too. Well, I guess now I'll have to edit this part I was gonna just keep us talking. No, you can keep that. I don't mind I don't care that no one knows that she that she doesn't understand some films. Okay. All right
Starting point is 01:21:18 See someone looped in jim sterling in that conversation because he's like mortal comma annihilation fucking rules is the best movie It's great So some movies are too high brow, you know, yeah, yeah, that's the that's the yeah You just you didn't understand the art. It's just too high. Sorry. Sorry. We were a half hour ago talking about the subtleties and nuance of the room You might sometimes you just miss the artist's vision. Yeah, sometimes you can it's easily missable, you know and comic book girl She's she's made some really great analysis videos. I think she needs to take a second look I will I will fucking She has a picture. I think I will fucking do whatever I want to see your video review mark of annihilation
Starting point is 01:22:03 You'll do what? Oh, you're oh, you're saying you'll you'll I'll drop whatever you'll drop whatever it takes Whatever gets a review of something I'll drop that mortal combat annihilation epic history You can do that you can do there's no more to combat lore It's not oh, there's so much Chinook is just a guy in a rope and then the the water man and fire girl came out It's fine. God. All right. I think we should be back Liu Kang turns into a dragon, but like a mythological English-looking dragon that king Arthur would fight don't worry about that shit Yep, I don't want to talk about that. We're just turning to a chinese myth dragon. Yeah Yeah, that was coming. All right. Here we are back for everybody alive
Starting point is 01:22:47 So if you're in audio talking about marvel versus capcom drive girls infinite, I feel like I'm gonna fucking die. Oh Why oh, I don't know I'm having one of those days No, that's not it's just having a lot of those days. So I'm like, do you want me to skip the story? No, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no We're not gonna do a fucking drive girl story and then fucking skip the marvel story I'm fucking to find that gun and put it No, I'm just having that day, you know when you yawn and tears goes down your thing Yeah, I was crying all last podcast you look why you crying bitch and I'm like, I that was not a sentence
Starting point is 01:23:26 That was uttered. It was inferred heavily And I was just like I'm yawning a bunch. You put that on me. You put that on me You put that bad fucking mojo on me. Why you crying bitch? No, are you now like are you revenging on me? Revenging and being like why you crying bitch? No, no, okay, because you explained right away why you were because I'm sad about drive girls They're not coming to a home console and that makes me very upset. No Yeah, give me a rundown walls. I'll give you a rundown. I just want to get the uh, I just want to get the trailer up Well, that's seen it. Why?
Starting point is 01:24:06 Yeah, I've seen you've seen it. Okay. Yeah, of course. Of course because uh, christ redfield was there Which is another missed opportunity for me and you had the exact same reaction of the trailer matt It's just like oh good trailer. Why that's the wrong reasonable character again leon Why isn't that leon because it can't be a no more updated chris because we didn't talk about last week That dlc has been indefinitely cancelled. Yeah, that That's weird. That's a new type of cancellation. It's been cancelled indefinitely But uh, yeah, no, it has to be leon that's someone's finger hovering over the cancel button It's very oh i'm gonna cancel. No, i'm not gonna cancel it. Oh, i'm gonna cancel it. It is it is
Starting point is 01:24:50 It is exceedingly strange. I just like some some some japanese employee. I've got going. Oh, i'm gonna cancel it Oh, i'm gonna cancel it It is exceedingly strange that Um, leon is there it's not there christ is back with the same moveset Well, they're they're going real hard on having the same cast with the same look as marvel 3 I mean the look is different. Well, yeah, what I mean is the could they're the designs are really the same Like thorns thorns almost like thorns design is the same Yeah, yeah, you can't do much with them. Like yeah, I was gonna say like you can't what are you gonna do with the capcom characters?
Starting point is 01:25:24 No, no, like sir, but but chris a character that gets a new Hawkeye is the movie The jerry that rat face jeremy redder and and hawk is made to look a bit more like movie hawk as well As opposed to just mcu versus capcom and honestly, that's fine. Yeah That's the only way marvel's gonna green light it of course So, I mean if chris like had some leon costume. That's not enough I'm you know what you know what maybe leon will be in it too. You know what maybe I think said virginal showed up Uh, the only the only thing I would say that was disappointing about that trailer is like the
Starting point is 01:26:00 like ultron's new Obviously because he's the boss also, but Other than that no new characters at all. Yeah, they're waiting In the trailer or announced In both there's gonna be a sigma sigma was not shown but he's his own separate character Also captain marvel was in the last trailer. Yeah, well, I don't know who that is. It doesn't count carol denvers Okay, I know who x is that's true. Yeah, I know, but I just want I want I want the big trailer that has like Six new characters. You know the fourth one. Yeah, that'll probably be san diego comma con probably that's always when they
Starting point is 01:26:35 They blow out shit for this because before that it's it's tough for me to get like super Of course, but but make me make a mistake. It's a new marvel. There's gonna be a ton of new cast Well, it's called infinite and it's weird. There's captain marvel I want all those by the way. Of course. I want them bad. So, um, I'll get some rocks Yeah, so here's what so we got rock man on your rocks so, uh, we've got the, um Details coming in and like some things that you might have missed about the gameplay. Are you sure you didn't mean to click on injustice too? Are you sure?
Starting point is 01:27:11 I just didn't want to autoplay but whatever. Anyway, um, the The first there's the first thing of course is that it's a six button game There is no longer a light medium hard launch. Yeah, now it's light light heavy Tag and stone. No, no, no now. It's a light punch light kick heavy punch heavy kick. Oh, okay tag and stone So it's back to mvc2 kind of but with a stone button closest to mvc2 Yeah, and since you only need you only have one partner. You only need one tag button. Uh, exactly. Um, the stones also got detailed Yeah, so right now the current current, uh playable roster is cap Uh, carol hawkeye hulk iron man thor ultron and rocket raccoon
Starting point is 01:28:00 And on capcom's side, uh, chunlee chris x morrigan ryu sigma Strider who you man morgan just gets in there every time. I love a ryu ryu's thereto I feel like I feel like a lot of people at capcom japan really love morrigan Also dark stalker's representation. You can't say it's not there if she shows up. Yeah, but I'd like someone to yeah I know everyone would I'd love to meet you but but I think it's also a fan thing too I think like they feel like if the fans want her in the most look look at the shame cage Dude the space infinity stone slash shame cage is
Starting point is 01:28:34 So, uh, yeah bright learned some lessons from tree fighter 5's release They're gonna have story mission collection training and our a lot of stuff Uh, adventure's tower is the hero's home base um So the the map you're seeing in this trailer is uh x guard. It's awesome as guard and um And able city from mega man x it's a lot like um the uh the playstation all-star stages how there are a fusion of Yeah of different worlds. All right. Did they save all the stages will be fusions like that? They just they just told you I imagine it couldn't be all they just told you what this one was
Starting point is 01:29:11 Yeah, okay, uh, so and I'm sure there's gonna be movie related Uh Ones could be working in their way in there as well. So I doubt they're all gonna be like that. But anyway, um I don't know for I don't know why but like I don't really care about the capcom side in the sense that whoever you put in Like i'm either gonna be disappointed with or just be neutral on Like i'm more interested to see the marvel side because I want to know who owns what and what are you scared of putting in Like the fact that there's still not a single x-man character Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:45 Like after this there's going to be Wolverine's a dlc character and for some reason he costs Twice as much as all the other characters. How do you know this? I just made that up Oh, that's okay. There was a joke about how he'll cost twice as much. You said it in a very matter of fact Yeah, it's the joke that's I I just like I think there's more there's so many like Uh marvel characters that i'm like that haven't been in games Yeah, but the the legacy of the marvel characters from x-men in particular and capcom
Starting point is 01:30:18 Is strong What do you think they've been in each one and I and I doubt they'd go into another game With all these other throwbacks to all the characters you're recognizing and just go like oh, yeah But forget the x i knew that marvel heroes game the the diablo. I think everyone's in that so like why can't everyone be in this But then again, why are they no one said they won't be I know no one said they wouldn't be but there's Didn't say that they would be what do you think the likelihood you can't really talk about the roster yet What do you think the likelihood of like four or five guardians of the galaxy making it into this game? I'd say one more. No, I think starloan's gonna show up. I I think that would yeah, I believe it
Starting point is 01:30:57 I hope he goes or or rocket raccoon and group You know that's fine, too. Or one of rocket raccoon supers has Grewed in it. Well. I mean, yeah, because we we know he's there so um the Yeah, there's a A lot of the the extras modes and and things like that in story whatnot are gonna be curated by dr. Lighton tony stark That's awesome That's the best cinematic story mode is about two hours
Starting point is 01:31:25 That's a little little light, but that's fine great Yeah, it's it's you know as opposed to no story mode. I guess right but now but now we've got they're comparing this to I guess um You know, of course mortal combat and the street fighter five story. Mm-hmm um Characters will have contextual lines On the character select screen depending on who they're partnered with and before and after matches. Oh, yeah, man. Yeah, that's awesome That's like my favorite thing control scheme talked about it
Starting point is 01:31:55 Universal launchers down heavy punch. There's an auto combo system. It's a little what we talked about Jab jab jab jab jab will do a full launcher into an air combo and then to a ground spike and a ground bounce It doesn't scale to be weaker than you it would if you did that manually Oh, I see alternative time for me to become one of the four kings of marvel. There you go Alternatively, uh, if you do every character can also do Light punch like kick heavy kick launcher and then same thing in this in the air um So, yeah, the the stones basically act as third
Starting point is 01:32:31 Characters they replace your third assists in that way um But pure assist. Yeah, it's it's it's Uh Shit hold on that one does i'm pure assists. No, man Okay, hold on. I'm sorry. Let me go back for a second controls the down down heavy punch thing to for uppercuts. Yeah Is in the game so far. Uh, uh, sure you can is still sure you can motion But some characters have down down punch for uppercuts. Oh, okay, so it's character specific
Starting point is 01:33:01 That's how that go. Okay. That's just their particular shitty. Yeah, they didn't it didn't take Ryu and replace his sure You can with down down punch. I hate down down inputs. I can't stand them I I what sucks is like as much as like I don't mind it But the problem is that it's going to interfere with your inputs and just moving Yeah, right if you're trying to wave dash for example, you're pressing down a lot and you're buffering it and like if you're doing Um, like quick dash, which is like, you know, both punches or things like that You're you're putting in the motion for an uppercut. So that's going to interfere with normal play Um, I don't otherwise if it doesn't interfere with normal play, then I don't mind it. But that's what it is. Um
Starting point is 01:33:40 The uh, yeah auto combos do the same damage as manuals. Uh, you can tag at any point now Yeah, that's the crazy including when you're getting hit Uh for a for like a combo breaker. Okay cost two bars. You have up to four bars. That's fair And it's like well, my character's not going to die, but I had to spend all my meter exactly exactly Uh, yeah advancing guards, but uh, yeah, okay. No, so for the gems so far They're showing off and they're showing off power time and space power gives you the ability to uh, do a wall bounce attack Um, and during when you do a super with the power stone. It It gives you um higher bounces lets you do new combos and it actually increases your
Starting point is 01:34:24 Stun and damage on certain moves to sure again extend combos in certain ways time Uh, lets you dash Behind opponents and it speeds up your attack recovery time. Yep. So again changes changes combos up But fuck all that shit space space Locks you in a box a tiny tiny fucking box normally it pulls the character towards you Yeah, and that's and that's great for a bunch of characters But this this fucking space restriction seems pretty ridiculous It's the fucking shame cube and uh, they're saying like like chris works really well with it because you can set up his
Starting point is 01:34:56 His uh, his mines you can set up command it's one character and a half wide It's so small Yeah, and you can't get out of it. It's the fucking it's cross-up pornography. It's so good The tech is gonna get grimy with the space stone. It's cause they took agus reflector to marvel. Yeah. Yeah That's what agus reflector is in marvel It's not that this character's would get their moves put into a versus game. They'd be crazy Right like it's agus reflector came into the it would just be exactly on all sides. Yeah, you're not going anywhere Yeah, that's fucked. Uh, that's a really ridiculous thing. I can't wait to see what they do with it
Starting point is 01:35:37 um I think of what happened think of the mix up a grab character is doing to somebody who can't run away Who can't move if they can only be shaking they can only jump crouch or attack and that's it Now it's gonna be I think it's I think like you're gonna see like baked pairings And like grapplers with this stone is gonna be a fucking. Yeah serious thing. That's dope. That's right. I like that And I and I and I I always thought about what hyper Urian would be like You know, like how do you take a character like that and make him work in one of these games?
Starting point is 01:36:15 And like you turn his regular projectile into the super version. Yeah, that's easy You know air tackles and all kinds of stuff. But yes, I never thought of the caged on all sides. They just reflect it. Yeah That's fun Um, yeah, so, you know, like that that's that's what they're showing off for now and Yadda yadda yadda. Where's gene? I'm gonna prove Oh, no, not that gene. Sorry. That's the gene I want. Oh, no gene. No, it's a good gene. Yeah, the good gene should be coming soon Yeah, she's great. Oh
Starting point is 01:36:51 You get one clover character and you got amiterasu and that's all capcom will let you all trade amiterasu for gene right now tactically joe Oh, fuck you're right. I'll trade Fucking but they started it when they weren't team clover dude in the in the ultimate intro Joe is riding on abby. It's true. It's the sickest fucking most awesome thing. It's so cool. He's got a point But I but I want gene Let's talk about There you go
Starting point is 01:37:24 Hey, do you like burnout? I do. Do you like burnout crash mode? I do. Well, then I got something for you What's it called? It's called danger zone. It's called danger zone. It's burnout crash mode for 10 bucks For 12 bucks for 13 bucks. Yeah, 13 dollars. How smart of them to read everyone's minds Because when it comes to burnout the one thing that matters most Is fucking crash mode. I would have preferred a fuller game, but I'll take this I'd rather have this than just a racer and no crash. Exactly It's the oh, it's the part I spent the most time in Really the part and it's the part that like I care about the most and I feel like I'm not alone when I say that
Starting point is 01:38:03 Like it's the exact same thing trailers to shed to shed their payloads and use the explosives smash breaker What was it called in the other games? It was called the crash breaker. Yeah Yeah, so so yeah, it's just coming out this month Now to be fair, I never really gave the prioritize games a shake They're great. Um Burnout paradise is fucking great. I know I'm not a super fan of it, but that's all right I still like and I know I'm gonna be popular. I think burnout revenge is my favorite. Yeah, but I I had three three with the crash mode because I just like hitting
Starting point is 01:38:40 I just like we hit the back of cars going your way in traffic to hit other people I think that's but as but as someone who I know I know a lot of I know paradise is really getting and as a game I haven't played I'm not gonna say that like All burnout is this crash if there's paradise, which is a whole bunch of paradise is way more than you know It's a whole bunch of other cool shit. Yeah Uh, but yeah, the the the most of this team is from criteria on and they made dangerous golf the other year Which didn't do all that well Uh, and but and around that time that came out they announced like we're gonna be making a burnout style thing
Starting point is 01:39:12 so if you're a fan of burnout, but I didn't expect like Well a year less That that it's coming out. That's awesome. So I I hope this is good because that fucking EA burnout crash game that they came out with it was an overhead Like top-down thing. It was awful. It was like which one was that? Yeah. Yeah It was called burnout crash town. Hmm crash shit. I like how the dangerous own logo looks like NASCAR. Yeah. Yeah Oh, yeah, I see that
Starting point is 01:39:45 Wait, it has a single player go back up. It's a back down a little bit. It was right in the middle Single player game mode featuring 20 for any you need crash justice service. Okay. So it's yeah, it's just all crash But yeah, whatever it's fine As long as it's good Look at that Describe what we're looking at. We're looking at one two three four five six buses All crashed upon there's a cop car. They're burning children on those buses Hopefully and it's just like the aftermath of like a giganto crash. Oh, man. I forgot about that fucking bitten
Starting point is 01:40:19 Hope it was shotgun until you remember. It's been sticking with me the whole fucking time Are you there when we watched the tom young gun spinoff movie? Okay, so tony josh tom young gun, right? Yeah, remember his buddy the bodyguard the super. Yes Yeah, I didn't see the bodyguard the bodyguard were the stupid goofy cop Who's friend got his own movie and it's awful and at one point during the movie Four cars chasing them all collide in midair Bumper not bumper to bumper Fuck it like like all go all go all going at each other front to front front to front. It's insane
Starting point is 01:40:59 It's stupid and this this screenshot reminds me of that. There you go Anyway, um, that's quite a fucking pull if you're going to the bodyguard But that's the only place my brain goes when I see cars facing each other like this Yeah, so yay burnout kind of danger zone It's dangerous. I'm flying to it Yeah, it was called. Yeah, the fucking burnout crash mode. They don't like I hope they spend half of their budget licensing that song That'd be great. No, it's the only song
Starting point is 01:41:31 Yeah, and the entire song and you can't turn it down track. Yeah, it's like comp you go to the options And the old the old every time you turn the sound down dangerous on plays louder. Yeah louder every time breaks your speakers And then there's a lana button There's an actual sound. There's an actual like soundtrack listing that lets you choose your order, but it's all just the one song Yeah, just one song. Maybe there's slight variations Japanese mix Lana mix music box mix Yeah
Starting point is 01:42:01 DJ Khaled mix. Yep featuring drake another one Danger zone. All right, so Let's talk about this green weird blob DNA man. You mean helix. I prefer DNA man to to fucking helix. Oh, yeah I feel like there's already a man. There's already spring man. I don't know So the trailer for this new arms character who's just a um, he's basically he's flubber osmosis jones Yeah, no, he's way more osmosis jones I feel like he's just gonna be one of the generic enemies that because he doesn't talk and he's like 12
Starting point is 01:42:37 From fucking and you see them in a lab with all these different versions of him in these But he's the penultimate version So I feel as if he's gonna be one of the the story mode like um Well, no, he's his own character. He's his own But but yeah, but like I feel like you can find a bunch of them and they'll be like putties, you know Right, but I don't none of that's like a thing
Starting point is 01:42:59 No, but seeing the bunch of the seeing them in test tubes in the in the stage makes me think you're gonna see I don't know. I just think that's stage decorations. That's all perhaps you might be right, but I don't care for wavy wavy tube man the fighter I don't like him his design. I think he's fun. I like his arms Their arms are yeah, they're helix's and he's a lot different than the other people because a lot of them We're getting kind of saint not samey, but like they're just People so it's like it's fun having a weird monster. He's also a bit of flubber and he's a bit of um those aliens from space channel five Yeah, that's it. Yeah the mole Mola, I forget the name. Anyway, I'm just holding out hope for human
Starting point is 01:43:45 Little mac little no, but like specifically little yeah, it's like no arms dashes in well He said this perfectly. He's like they announced little mac the day before the game releases They show one trailer where a door opens up and max just standing there Like you need people to go into a frenzy on the night. No, no, it's it's not it's not him standing there It's you see the door opens and it cuts to the door frame and you just see mac with the green glove and the regular arm come out Yeah, and that's it. Yeah But either way you do that the night before the game comes out And everyone goes nuts and then you shoot your sails up
Starting point is 01:44:22 That's how you do or we'd be like it or they never really announced it and it's more like Donkey Kong and punch out we where he's just buried in the game And you have to do some ridiculous thing to get to him That'd also be acceptable. It'd be fun. It'd be fun. Uh, although there the you're really good point though was that um like Donkey Kong was made by um Fans next level next level who were like they they they're fans of the franchise
Starting point is 01:44:49 Whereas this is being made by Nintendo. So they they might not see the the same Sort of like they might not see the same appeal and like throwing in a guest character as like next level would where they're like Fucking I mean, I mean, we're we have a mario kart that has every nintendo character in it almost that and so I think Ross and I feel like character shit, but I feel like that's the only place nintendo had to go with mario kart You know like there's very little else to do. Maybe I hope I hope so man. I just think uh, uh It'd be a huge mistake. Little mac in in smash is like is the thing that makes me go. Well, why not here? Okay, what would you what would you prefer though? Okay? Okay? Would you prefer pat pat hi?
Starting point is 01:45:32 Hello, what's up? How you doing? What okay? Would you prefer? No little mac or little mac with stretchy arms no little mac Um, no little mac. There's no contest. There's absolutely a little mac with stretchy arms or none I would prefer little mac Normally, but I would take out the little arms a stretchy arms thing and I'd say like he has Some type of mac or no just his hands. Okay. That's not it. Okay. It's little mac But they made him look all goofy with the stretchy arms on him Would you take that over nothing the problem is that me having played this?
Starting point is 01:46:11 I don't see how they could Act like I know we talked about like he has instant dashes and gets across the thing It's not if he's in the game. It's there's no way that's gonna happen He's gonna show him with his arms chopped off And stretching out like robot arms. I'd rather have him in the game with stretchy arms than him not being in it at all Okay I I feel like I'd almost rather him not be No, no, no, it's too it'd be too fucking weird like you just aren't cyber
Starting point is 01:46:39 Yeah, you could put a big robot arm on him and go he shoots that out instead. I suppose. Yeah, yeah, that's it That's it. I don't know. I don't mean his arm stretch. I just mean his boxing glove stretch or robo mac where it's not even little mac Oh, if it's just if it's just a robot version robot. I'll be fine with that robo mac. Yeah. Yeah, mecha mac mecha mac I think we said this a few weeks ago. I don't think we did. I think we say it every day I think I we said I distinctly remember mecha mac coming up anyway So there's like three other characters left to go. So I'm looking forward to that lucha dora
Starting point is 01:47:12 Yes Yeah, I'm just thinking about mecha mac. I know you are just thinking about the new new Nintendo 2ds designed by yoji shinkawa fucking Hanging out with j. Hootie Anyway, you want to just go into that since patches mentioned it What are you sorry? I was thinking about you The stupid pointless new ds Ah, I love it
Starting point is 01:47:36 Oh, that was what's going on. I don't I don't know. I was just thinking about joey What No, it's the fucking new 2ds Well, I didn't throw it up there because like we said it last time and you were like, yeah, that's stupid And then we just kind of moved on. Huh? What? Are you talking about a new 2ds x that was definitely not announced last week. That was just announced on thursday Did we have enough podcast conversation about it possibly I screamed at it on twitter No, because there was definitely something where we didn't do on the podcast
Starting point is 01:48:13 Okay, regardless. I fuck because you got upset about it. It's it's its existence and I went out I hate it and then we just I just moved on. I hate it. The problem with it is that it looks so good The problem is that it's it's it's the it's finally the ds light for the 3ds. It looks awesome, but like oh, so it has no No specifications that are any different the screens are the same And also the games are coming out with the 3ds. I don't care about the screen is eye-seeing But but more so than that. I'm like, I don't care about these games are coming on the 3ds I'm not going to buy them for the 3ds. I do have some of them seem neat But I'm like well when I look at this. I'm like, please don't let this be an excuse to put more
Starting point is 01:48:55 If I fucking go on the plane, you know what I'm not taking on it. What's that 3ds? Yeah, why you know what? I am taking I'm taking my switch Why would I? Yeah, my 3ds. Yeah Well, because because the switch is selling out so fast you can't get one They're selling planes over with switches in them now to help. Yeah switches switches gangbusters What's bigger than gangbusters motherfucker? What?
Starting point is 01:49:26 It's but just crashed Oh, no You just switched to obs Yeah, obs never crashes on me never Yeah, that's a mad you've been streaming for quite a while. Does obs ever crashed on you twice? Does it it doesn't do it when it when you're closing obs? Because the only time it's ever crashed on me is when I go to close obs and goes obs is crashed. Am I okay? No, honestly, I think it just it's just that it needs a restart
Starting point is 01:49:50 But we'll have to do that exploit needs a restart because we're still into obs Fair enough That was pretty good. Yeah obs fanboys represent. Yeah. Whoa. Whoa You never had a single problem with it, huh? Me? Yeah obs. Yeah, no, not really I didn't have two crashes in the span of 30 minutes. Oh, you didn't no Yeah, again, I I'm a blame that on the computer needing a restart. You know to be fair. You're right We we have we are bad at wait. Are you not recording then at all? We are. Oh, no I thought you meant the the pc just crashed max has has definitely given the tip that says
Starting point is 01:50:30 What is restart before every stream and I just didn't do that because I'm not that smart Yeah, so I should totally listen to max's advice Well, honestly max's advice is pretty solid for any anything. Yeah, like don't buy No, I don't I don't I don't mean I don't mean max is always right though He usually is I mean like that advice of restart before you have to you want your your your setup to be clean Yeah, yeah, absolutely because shit's taxing Any any what was our next lead-in story? Can we get started on that early or no? Do you remember what was next in the docket is what I mean? Oh, well, I was trying to I was trying to go grab the new 2ds
Starting point is 01:51:09 Stuff. Oh, well, I think we were done. I didn't keep it on there because I again I thought we had already talked about it. You definitely did not on the podcast at the very least But yeah, aside from it looking fucking sick On the outside dark black and nice cool blue and the monster hunter version. There's a monster hunter version I thought there was a dragon. Sorry. That's hunter. Uh, sorry. Um, dragon dragon quest. Oh, don't don't even It's nice too. You stabbed my fucking nuts with that shit. I misspoke Misspoke a knife into my testicles. Yeah, I did right in there
Starting point is 01:51:46 Like and I right in there and I was always fine with the last 3ds that came out and plus I don't want to transfer Shit anymore. I'm just like I'm done I I would hope That the transfer process on the new one is fine. I would like to think so too Considering the switches is fine. Yeah, but at the end of the day, there's just like in all that that mini games I'm excited for and I'm like this looks cool, but it's not enough plus the battery life is not Changed and like I said the screens are the same. It's not For us. It's not. I guess it's not. It's not for us. All right fair enough
Starting point is 01:52:21 It's uh It's an internal process for babies You got a 2ds. Is that just and that was literally the most baby-looking thing ever I'm actually protruding or is that just the art? It's just the art. It's just the art Okay, because it looks like the slime is really nice. Yeah, that's good. Yeah Looks like the t1000's infecting my 2ds excel, which is cool But it looks but it looks like the cutest t1000 ever I want to point out that t1 million that somebody on our subreddit made an image
Starting point is 01:52:51 making fun of this and that the Like line of nintendo handhelds If you read their titles out fuck that's thank you. That's what I was literally looking to pull up and I Has has it remember where I should probably get that and read it out. It's become fucking nonsense That's the literal. That's the image. It has become absolute fucking nonsense And and it's it's just fucking gba is fine Okay, let's say let's say you had to come out with this amount of configurations If you had to call it something is there anything better? They could have called it. Yes, one three
Starting point is 01:53:29 Like here's the solution. I don't it's not a solution So I don't know what you would call it, but I know what you wouldn't call it What would you not you would not add the word new in front of the fucking title? I think that solves a lot That's that's the poison pill of the whole problem But you know what I disagree in that it's the stupidest shit ever But you're stuck because now those words mean specific things and saying new 2ds excel We know exactly what we're getting well new implies It's running on the new the new hardware that certain things run exactly right excel implies the size
Starting point is 01:54:05 2ds tells you that it doesn't have the 3d capability. It tells you exactly what you're getting the moment we heard the name You knew exactly what it was so nintendo. You're stuck with your stupid convention nintendo has succeeded where microsoft failed and that microsoft wanted to call their thing the one so that everybody would be like Oh, that's the one that's the one and that totally failed right tendo, but but Nintendo fucking succeeded with their bullshit new brand nintendo. Yes Oh, hold on. I'm gonna say that i'm gonna pardon myself out from this this part the ds part doesn't count Those are two different systems. No, but it uses it uses the same branding still though It uses the same naming convention as if they were going from wee wee you it was like saying because matt the ds
Starting point is 01:54:53 is secretly the nintendo one ds Nintendo ds the ds light it was it's the family. It's the part of the family. That's what they're going for here Because they're they're not discussing generations. They're discussing the naming Okay, all right, you know only the we're only discussing terminology here. Not the action. All right. Well, they hit it Let's say nintendo ds nintendo ds light nintendo dsi nintendo dsi xl nintendo 3ds nintendo 3ds xl nintendo 2ds new nintendo 3ds new nintendo 3ds xl new nintendo 2 3ds light i
Starting point is 01:55:32 New nintendo 2 3ds light ixl's featuring deltay from the devil may cry series and knuckles super new mini power nintendo 2 3ds light light micro xl gd l l e u virtual advanced sp game player and knuckles color cube and watch also playable on On uh 2ds featuring entertainment system featuring deltay from the devil may cry series It's good that It's good stuff. I don't remember the I don't remember the 2d The ds god arrange ds light xl dsi xl. I don't remember that
Starting point is 01:56:19 I'm so glad that that featuring don de from the devil may cry series It becomes a staple of this stupid bullshit anything for anything to get tacked on it's one of that box That shit on the front of nocturne's box is so fucking bad Oh Didn't beautiful joe and the ps2 have a thing that said don de was in it Might have I only played the game cube one. I know but uh, I I Think I remember a sticker, but I might be wrong. I mean It's possible
Starting point is 01:56:52 Okay, you know what so I didn't see all these bullshit ones So I thought it was just like a straight one. So that that actually turned out to be way better. It was great. It was great the color cube I like the u-boy Yeah, the u-boy. Yeah u-boy It's over there. It's over you there u-boy All right, so capcrab is teasing a major title release. Yeah, you better march 31st 2018. Wow. What a fucking
Starting point is 01:57:24 Like what else? Hey, we're gonna have money by next year's Because you saw that report cac on put out where it's like everything we put out was a huge disappointment Except maybe re7, but it's still underperform. I am hard guessing Big hard big hard big guess A resident evil 8 really I think they're just gonna go back to because it's fresh. It's here. It's it's in the no that that It's in the zeitgeist I think I think it would be much more likely to be re2. I was gonna say because it doesn't say unannounced title
Starting point is 01:57:57 It just says title I think it would be that So we're both you're you're both right you're saying it's a resident evil thing But I think it's more likely that yeah, it's sorry you could be re2 make Or it says right there Yeah, okay, there's speculation there as well. I feel like it could be deep town The reason why I feel like it would be re the reason why I feel like it'd be a new re's because like again Like they they have the new engine. They just made it. What about an old re?
Starting point is 01:58:24 I feel like they would have committed to a sequel immediately after finishing this one But they are it makes more sense for that. It's something that they already started work on that maybe uses the engine like you're saying But it's it's already too. And you know how that you know how like When the game takes a hiatus and then comes back in a completely new form after a while You mean like deep down and then deep down and then deep down No, no, oh, I'm like street. I like street fire. He means like spyborgs He means like spyborgs like and with capcom in particular when it comes back in its new form You then get a whole bunch of them or at least two or so
Starting point is 01:58:59 Comes back out of nowhere. I know what you mean and then 10 comes out Street fighter comes back out of nowhere and then five come personal three and four are good examples as well You know exactly. You know marvel like oh god. I hope they do that again I hope they just reuse everything in p5 and just make a fuck of p6 right away. That's great Once they I mean that'd be fantastic But but once they bring back a franchise once capcom brings back a franchise It feels like they then milk it they then you will they make it current they use it again It's a regular thing. We're not going to wait another day jerk that milk out as hard as they can as fast as they can all over
Starting point is 01:59:27 I mean everywhere. That's what it's for re2 milk. Why are you? That's why they bought the cow Fuck for the re2. Unfortunately, this project will probably indefinitely cancelled As opposed to temporarily cancelled That's good Whoa I don't know if I can push the cancel button. No the this this employee. Let's just call him rick He has to have his hand above the button, but he can't move it. Yeah, so he has to keep it above that's your job button
Starting point is 02:00:02 You need to be eventually the hand will get weak So in spirit of the new nintendo 2 no, no, no, no, sorry. I'm sorry to cut you off. I have a better version of that It's the cancel button and it's rick. You have to hold down the cancel to keep it And if you let go No, as soon as you let go as soon as you let go everyone's piece work stations around them become unlocked and they can work again It just gets released You have to keep it cancelled
Starting point is 02:00:37 Don't let go definitely like like right now deep down has the cancelled button But on negative edge that pitch gets released Can't stop it. Just get straight to the servers Gotta hold the cancel button Um Oh, that's good. It's good. Not bad So my favorite in the spirit I can see a bit of the name already in the spirit of the new nintendo 2 3 ds xl featuring dante. All right
Starting point is 02:01:10 Under knight in birth e late Is now a thing this has to stop. It's not this cannot continue Go find french bread and force them to stop. Yes Because under knight in birth was already bad. There's a new character. He looks pretty good He does look cool. His name is in kitu. Thank you. He reminds me of the water guy from uh samurai showdown Yeah, you reminds me of that guy too. He just needs blue long hair and that's a he actually I know what you mean, but he looks more like the brother the fire
Starting point is 02:01:43 You're like like between because I think he's both had shackles though. Yeah Yeah, like he looks like the water palette version on On uh, the fire, yeah, I know what you mean. Um Um But yeah, I just wanted to bring that up because of the title. That's fair enough Yeah, no because uh, whatever they're making an expansion to um under knight in birth And it's a good fighter and we played it and you guys saw for yourself. Good fighter great art Probably the worst title
Starting point is 02:02:17 No, yeah, you're right. He looks more like the fire guy the fire guy has the shackles and it's got characters like mercaba It's fun stuff Seeing mercaba like screwed up in multiple different games Oh, just uh It's macabre. Yeah. Well, you know, like this is supposed to probably be like enki bilau One of the with the enki do and then and of course, you know, um Grin leg ends enki do do do and whatnot. So they they try anyway, uh, they're doing their best Doing it and doing it. Don't forget valgus
Starting point is 02:02:55 The the don't forget silver the knight Silver's my favorite nothing can be my favorite part about silver is every time we play kof 11 will he be like pat pat It's a fucking mistake. The character's name is silver and I would always go to the character select screen. It's like really is it Is it because this is silver right there? I Don't understand how things happen sometimes. I'll tell you how I was literally I don't remember what it was No, we were talking about fmv games because you played night night late because he played memory clearing
Starting point is 02:03:31 Memory clearing excel and I didn't do it But I was going to bring up night trap while we were joking around about it Yeah, you would have been a problem But I didn't say it but then I walked home thinking about night trap Of course you did and then it just turns out that night trap 25th This this this rerelease had a kickstarter that failed but God said no
Starting point is 02:03:53 Has to happen when kick starters that button was Unpressed when kick starters fail. Sometimes they don't really fail Probably because they could have done it without kick starter and then like let's see if we can save some money I think you're right. I think what needs to happen. I think I might have said this the last time this happened There needs to be a list of of kick starters that Had a kick starter the kick starter failed and then the thing came out Anyway, yeah, because those are people to never ever ever give money to in a kick starter So the story here is check food fields. I think it may have
Starting point is 02:04:25 So the story here is night trap 25th anniversary edition announced for ps4 and xbox one So one thing I like about this is that I do love that they have the spine of 32 x games. Yeah, that's pretty nuts Other than that. Yeah, sure. That's what that is. Yeah. Yeah. Oh Fuck. Yeah, you're super right. Nostalgia for no one Well for anyone that owned a fucking 32 actually you heard me. Yeah, it's like a CD. Okay. Yeah My blade my my blade my blade was preying a trick on a flick on me We're all a little bit of a mood
Starting point is 02:05:05 Well, he's all messed up because he's still he's still in the world of dark soils my memories He said that once and people ran with that shit. Yeah, that's what spheromones does Uh night trap Shane bed and housing has a really good score on this game. Well, it is it He said he said he was able to get a really good score Oh, I misunderstood that. Okay. Yeah. I thought you meant like review score. Yeah. Oh, no, sorry. Yeah He's like I practice this forever because I was a huge second mark and I had a fucking Sega CD All I remember is how do you clean up this video to look better? Like it's so old the masters were higher quality than the
Starting point is 02:05:45 They went back to the original film. I imagine it was fought on fought fucking shit What is with me talking today? We're gonna fucking this scene from full house. Look at porkies I imagine that it was filmed on like tv film, you know, like a proper set. Yeah, it was not digital That's for sure. Oh, no So Yeah, I don't know anyone that's actually played this No, I knew that or it's gotten anywhere in it, but I do remember the commercials for it I remember the ad in game pro magazine or so and I remember seeing it and wondering what the fuck was actually happening
Starting point is 02:06:21 um American laser games is what was happening This spring night trap so between this and memory Can't load the theme song. Are we entering a new world of of fmv games? No Absolutely not. All right And I that I don't want that to be true. You feel very definitive about this. No because this is Some british company got money together and made a thing and it just so happens That some scumbags that didn't need kickstarter money
Starting point is 02:06:55 At all just release this and it just happens to be a coincidence. You're saying this is a coincidence. Yes, I am You say that but I do feel like telltale's gonna soon decide that their engine's no longer up to snuff You know what has a better frame rate than telltale engines? Fair enough. I'd be so happy If that's the way you gotta film batman. Yeah, film them Then you just get to shoot your own batman fan film And have some idiot running around in a ruffle telltale by metal gear and we have guest director woolly madden I said telltale by metal gear
Starting point is 02:07:36 Yeah, you did it's one of those the worst podcast you've ever done you boy You boy so, um What's nice to know and cool and Um, it's nice to know and cool appreciated. Yes his knuckles. Well, I like to know knuckles suck fuckles, you know sometimes um Frazer answered and A really good japanese game gets brought over to yeah gondom verse about sanke no rondo
Starting point is 02:08:08 Sanke no rondo. Yeah, that's the one whatever. Mm-hmm war attack. That's the one gondom. No verses is coming over They're porting it. Yay It's really cool that we're gonna get the really good gondom game over here in the west and you don't have to go through Eight billion hoops many hoodems and networking bullshit to get your shit set up You can just play it and it's a super good somebody let off on the cancel button and here it comes. Yep um So Yeah, they they did
Starting point is 02:08:39 They did bring the video game over okay They started with the video game and I remember when we were talking to Liam about um extreme versus force Um, which you know was not as good as the the one that we did play western critics who are apparently not kind to that Full boost as well. It was was was a better game, but uh, we're getting this new one and it's coming and it's coming. So yay Yay, it's a pretty simple story, but it's feel good. That's it. That's all there is That's a game that I never expected was like that that seemed like oh, yeah This is doomed to be over there forever kind of thing Exactly
Starting point is 02:09:11 So what's fun as well? is The There's so much going on with tech in seven and there's so much going on I so when there's I hope max will finally make a video about tech in seven. So for starters Uh, we've got a lot of gameplay shown up in a lot of story mode and customization shit showing up like and uh Make it you guys you guys saw the prompt you can do that I saw it. Okay. I saw it the story mode is going to have you playing through the full
Starting point is 02:09:41 timeline of The Mishimas and one of the prompts is toss Kizuya off the cliff and you get to play as hey and press press press, uh, um Press both punches. Yeah, press both punches because it's your throw button to toss them off and that's fucking great Uh, the fact that it's like it goes back through tech in four and people have tech in four costumes on is crazy There's a cinematic mode and story. I can't wait. Tech in seven. You gotta play that Is taking like
Starting point is 02:10:12 The tech in teams obsession with like features to a ludicrous extreme, but now we're talking like story mode Oh, yeah Is why this which is yeah, but like that's something that the tech in series is always needed And did you see that the fucking you go into a gallery and you can look at every single one of the cg cuts Scenes from all the games. That's awesome. I didn't know that. Yeah, so, you know, like that's that's what it is It's like why is it taking so long because they're putting in shit like and also also the fucking slow-mo Fucking win thing is the shit. It's the best. It's it's so woolly. Would you like to explain how that works? This happened to be a pack cease and I didn't know what it was quite simply
Starting point is 02:10:49 Uh trades happen pretty frequently in tech in games. Yeah, and there's now a system that detects when something close to a trade or a trade is about to happen And if it's the last hit of the round the game goes into a dramatic slowdown And makes it so that there's a pause of tension before the final hit occurs And you don't know if it's going to be the one that you don't know It's going to be a trade in your favor or not or if it's going to whiff And there's this there's a bunch of great gifts of like steve fox like getting missed by like Millimeters like like way to just add a thing that makes one character shine
Starting point is 02:11:25 Yeah, so every everybody benefits from it, but steve's jukes are a little It's a great god damn system comes back with the hook every single one that i've seen was exciting because I didn't know Who it was going to favor it's great and every time it happens in game like you both go Like it's a fantastic thing um more of that more of that please in our fighting games, uh also If we follow the trend here, right if we follow the trend of the stories we can see that Harada has completely stopped giving a fuck when it comes to American censorship and ideals being um not
Starting point is 02:12:08 The japanese his japanese content being not suitable for western audiences He's taking a stance where he's like i'm not even gonna fight it I'm not gonna try and explain it. I'm not gonna do anything I'm just gonna simply edit and or take out whatever needs to be taken out of the American version. So this started with the What was the girl the girl's name? um There's that girl character the girl and then they're like they're like, okay
Starting point is 02:12:37 Well, let's just replace that with a buff strong man. Yeah naked man. That's been prepared for you type of thing, right? And he's come out and he's spoken about other things that people have like uh taken issue with And the most recent one Well, here's yeah Is this is roger jr. Right where uh, as we've known for a long time roger has been Uh, the staple kangaroo boxer in the franchise And yeah, the one that all fighting games need. Yeah roger's a dirt bag roger jr. Is great So yeah, because roger's like doesn't help his kid. Yeah roger's a fucking deadbeat. Yeah, it was
Starting point is 02:13:18 And a drunk too, right? Like you see like a really fucked up cutscene of Sitting on a couch in a burnt-out apartment being a scumbag So, oh i was having a good day three times the charm. Oh boy every time we change stories. That's what happens. So so great So, um, so I'll pause that thought. Yeah. Oh, yeah, back to it. Really? Oh, yeah, okay Just start, you know, what's good, uh We'll kind of fill our conversations you got on your brain. I'm just jerking over here, man. That's cool Roger roger gets you to where you need to go. Yeah, how's that captain morgan cola? I never tried it. It's very good. Cool. Okay. I'm done. I didn't know that they sold them together. There's this one
Starting point is 02:14:03 There's a root beer one. Okay It's just normal Cool I have to bring some of those, uh Mad jacks and put them in the fridge here. Yeah, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't mind those are pretty good um, okay, so so third time's a charm And yeah, I'll have to look into a lot of this bullshit next time around
Starting point is 02:14:29 Some investigation shit Some dumb shit, but we're back Oh, did we come all back? Oh, and we're back and it seems what it seems to be is pretty much every time I change the story Every time I try to change the news story. Mm-hmm. Uh, it can't handle it. It can do like the first one. Okay. Well, I can't handle it Like it just did it again. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No more. No more news story. No more news No more news. Yeah Gotta cancel these news stories. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've done way too much news story. Yeah And uh, that's yeah, quite frankly, I think it's time to get back to the basics. Yeah
Starting point is 02:15:07 Let's just make up our own news. Yeah, okay Um, I I don't want I don't want thought on that roger story is that guess what kangaroos are huge dicks So you have to hold that thought you have to hold it because we're not we're not live anymore Sorry, I think you said no. No, you need to hold that thought. Okay. I have my Have finger held on the button. You have your finger held on the button. Yeah, that's good. I'll cancel the fight if you want me to Okay, no, you got to hold the indefinite. Oh fuck. This is where we make up stories. Can I take a nap? You you can try I hope I mean it's not gonna work, but You know
Starting point is 02:15:45 We can we can make up our own stories and do our own news and no one can stop us I can't be stopped The phantom console back from the dead. Hey, you want to talk about that fucking asshole melee player Didn't go to a tournament because his controller wasn't broken. That was that's coming up. Oh, yeah Oh, fucking great. All right. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. So thank you woolly here. Here's. Oh my god Yep, it's unavoidably Now gonna have to be stopped and restarted. Oh, no, really? What happened held on for a long time what happened why it break now now any attempt to stream just goes right back down
Starting point is 02:16:25 So, oh, yeah, there's no we oh, yeah We got to pull it down and start all pull it all down Hello Yes, yes That nice break allowed me to catch up on my persona memes. Hi there everybody Welcome to uh baking Oh, you're baked Jesus christ man
Starting point is 02:17:00 Did you brain shard? I forgot what its name was too. I knew you did because you would have jumped in to save me I know jokes, but I don't know the name of the show. You would have jumped in to save me if you'd remembered Tell me about roger jr. Afternoon delight Yeah, it doesn't matter So Um, yeah now we have to uh, basically Pull up stories in a weird way, but it's okay. We'll just have to use our desktop because every time I load up with
Starting point is 02:17:29 Don't worry. I'm sure that won't cause it to crash It does though. Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be come on. It'll be fine Just tell me about roger jr. Yeah About how his dad's a fucking scumbag um Well, I I would but for some reason
Starting point is 02:17:52 And npr's delicious dish This delicious dish Are we not swimming still? It says that we are If there's a possibility that we're not This is one of those moments where you kind of just want to fall onto the floor and just kind of lay there until you're told that things are better I really do Oh, I really do. I wish you could do that
Starting point is 02:18:16 Because you're the you're the captain. I want to kind of just give up. I fucking laugh because it sucks I want to give up. Oh Oh, just give up man. Just give up This is fucking this is the fun part at least no one will know that joke. You don't know just yeah, that's true Oh, no, wait, I'm leaving this part. Yeah, you're this part's in Yeah, you got to leave in context. Yeah, man. You got to leave in ball exposure People like it when trying to cover up your people like the scrotum part they've been exposed your sweaty balls Yeah, if you try to expose them then everybody's gonna. Well, I can't wait to get my mouth around this ball
Starting point is 02:18:55 What kind of balls are they? They're sweaty. Good. That sounds delicious So, um, just this is the ball the only you want to do one I've tried Anyway, if you order now you can get this commemorative sack I'll commemorate this well, you know, so look sometimes when you try and it fails You just need to acknowledge that it failed See a thing a good thing is that if you try and you fail and it's okay to cheat like crazy next time Yeah, see you try it honestly. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 02:19:33 Well, so next time you should cheat we are back. I don't think the cheating's an option on this one I don't know. You got someone else to do it. I mean the equivalent of cheating is so we've got to just I've got to just drag Stories onto the desktop and that's how well why don't you can't you can't we just can't we yeah Can't we just read it? You don't need to do the visual part. Yeah. Yeah, you're just do it old-fashioned style And it's not even that old-fashioned. Oh, no, you're doing it. You're gonna ruin that It's okay. It's still an audio podcast you guys. Hey, man So roger jr. Was cut from tech in are you serious and the reason why well, he's cut from the us version for real Because payda reached out and were angry pita pita the people for the ethical treatment of animals and their insanity
Starting point is 02:20:18 reached out and complained about the fact that boxing Because of the the viral video. Mm-hmm boxing kangaroos that came out recently It's in the air everyone's thinking about it. And so animal abuse is roger jr being included But he's actually cut or is this a joke like last time this is a dead serious Harada is cutting him from the us version of the game because he doesn't have time for the shit Has he been replaced by rod by uh fucking uh, alex the us version of the game does not feature roger jr Because he harada and and alex is not in the game at all
Starting point is 02:20:50 Well, that sucks So again starting with that whatever that girl was I forgot and then all the others the other bits that happened we've seen a timeline of Harada just being so fed up With all the bullshit he has to go through that he's like, you know what the us version of the game can be Whatever they want it to be I don't care if they have a problem just remove it if they don't like a character just remove it
Starting point is 02:21:18 I don't care he just doesn't care but that implies you care No, it's the opposite is released. He's like i'm gonna make the game. I want in japan And the us branch of namco bandai can do whatever the fuck they need to do to solve the problem So that people don't so don't want further down it says well you can have kuma because that's fine It's hard for people to beat up bears because it's so big and tough But bangaroos are badasses But it doesn't matter. Let's ignore the fact. They're monsters. They terrorize australian australian hates them Yeah, now the last thing we'd want to do is
Starting point is 02:21:55 Encourage people to go out to box and fight kangaroos. Well, I need to do Is remove the depiction of because again viral videos come out and that means that we care now, right? Because a viral video came out suddenly we care So we need to we need to make sure that we don't have depictions of you know Headlocking a kangaroo like that guy that did to save his dog and stuff like that Yeah, yeah, we need to just get that out there so that the normal depictions of violence are encouraged regularly and not the video game And no no no no no it's that it's that We we see people fighting punching kicking and doing crazy laser eye beams to each other in the game
Starting point is 02:22:33 Yes, and that's cool. We want to encourage that type of behavior But don't include the kangaroo Yeah, because that might encourage people to attack kangaroos. There's two kids And if they don't have a kangaroo that sucks, but what you can do is beat your friend to death Yeah, and that's cool. That's fine. Right. That's what we want to encourage So like hey hashi tossing tossing kazoo off the cliff We need to encourage that. So let's not let's leave that alone. So so it's the kangaroo Tekken has a problem has a
Starting point is 02:23:01 Aza has an age rating on it and it's not a mature game I don't believe maybe maybe it is do you do we know because there's no gory Pictures of blood or whatever and it's probably I shouldn't trade a teen. It's probably tea for teen I mean you do throw a child in a volcano, but I guess that's okay. That's reasonable But but I okay, so if it's right teen then maybe maybe like if a parent doesn't want a child to Punch kangaroo Maybe they should watch the game that they're playing and be like is this one of your games where you have violence on kangaroos or
Starting point is 02:23:33 Pat still thinks this is a made-up article. No, it's I don't get it Like because to her I go so what put the character in what is the problem? The problem is it takes more work to take the character out the problem is I think the why so much noise about Like but like you what you're afraid of a fucking weird Group out in the states who never affects you gonna complain about I don't get it. Yeah. No it's baffling to me that like that he would take this so hard Well calcom canceled that thailand stage because of some religious imagery in it. Yeah So is that the same to you?
Starting point is 02:24:14 Should they not care? I'm with you either way see The thing with it is how different is that the thing that's somewhat different Is somewhat different the thing with it in a lot because that's like a minor change to the bgm And that stage is coming back out No, I think it's count. No, it's coming indefinitely. Yeah. No, it's coming back out there Just change there's somebody sample like a religious prayer. They probably shouldn't never ever have Stages based on anything
Starting point is 02:24:41 They should always be fantasy stages because but but this is like you're making the this version of the game worse out of spite it appears so the correct move in most cases not all of them, but in most cases Is to just fucking do the thing and then the news cycle will continue and no one will give a fuck, right? however um Because the multiple things have happened over the course of tech ends development Again, it seems like he's just like because he's spoken about out about like other issues and whatnot It seems like he's just fed up. Yeah, this is spite. Yeah these fucking consumers over because of nothing
Starting point is 02:25:20 I Mean it's not nothing, but it's It's kind of he's saying hey people in your country complained about a thing Not the people who are going to buy tech in but other people So i'm going to punish the people who live in these countries So well then why didn't he cancel the girl that people didn't like then? Well, I don't know if Why is he cancelled? I don't know if that's if it's a joke or not, but the thing with her being re-skinned with a guy No, that was a joke. That was a joke. Why why is he scared of
Starting point is 02:25:56 pita, but he's not scared of the fans of the game or some fans of tech and that were like fuck this girl We don't want her this is absolutely ridiculous. Yeah, I think I think it's almost a bit of a I think it's almost a bit of a like Hey, you guys should take it up with them Maybe You know, maybe you guys should like maybe he's hoping that people will get mad at pita as a result Like this is this is from an interview. This hasn't been officially confirmed via a band i namco that the character has been cut Where does it say that it's he's in the japanese version because it says it nowhere in this article Uh
Starting point is 02:26:29 This is the it says that the it says that the fucking kick the the the the character has been cut from the roster Not that it's been cut from the us roster. Oh, mate. Did I misread that? I might it might be me because that's very different Hey, you know, it's also very different not having a trailer for roger Then cutting him You know what I mean? If you never got a trailer and these cut then you miss nothing Well, but that pita wouldn't have yeah every every single verse
Starting point is 02:27:01 Oh, wait, no like pita had to see him for every single version of this that I find is that he was cut from tech In second second overall, right? How else would they okay my mistake then? um I I I think the tweet that led me to the article Mentioned it. Yeah, there are a couple people there are a couple articles that I found from very niche places That seemed like oh you got cut from the western version, but yeah, I don't think he's in the game at all. Okay Yeah, I mean that's so the source here. Let's let's let's just do the research on it Ah
Starting point is 02:27:34 This is this is an important distinction to make it is yes the source here Despite whatever I people are telling me on twitter that he's not in any version of okay Okay, so whatever I originally read mentioned the western version. Yeah, it was incorrect It seems like he's being removed from the game period. Okay. That makes sense That's like spiteful and shitty, but I get it. They put a different character in instead or whatever, right? Perhaps because if they if they cut it from the western version if that character exists in the japanese version and that character got cut from the the western one because of Outcry or whatever like go pirate that game immediately
Starting point is 02:28:13 That gun doesn't deserve your money if they're gonna remove shit from you out of spite for your region Well, I mean, I don't think that really works on current consoles, but it does because there's a pc release um What was my point my point was Yes, my point was very what was that What I don't Like okay, I was I was trying to set up a stupid sarcastic thing, but like I lost that so what I'm trying to say is this If your complaint is that fighting a kangaroo in a game is bad and encourages people to fight kangaroos
Starting point is 02:28:46 Which you only care about because of a recent, but you shouldn't because they'll kick your ass Well, regardless that doesn't even matter. You're a stupid asshole, right? Yeah, and You're not just because of the fact that you you're only giving a shit about this because of current meme discussion But also because the entire game Which is a video game has people fighting Which is not something that you encourage anyway Well, no, but kangaroo and if you go and you have a kangaroo as a playable character in a game where you're shooting people Yeah, and then first person shooter or something along those lines
Starting point is 02:29:20 Well, willy are you just are you just making a big point to say that like pete is a bunch of dumb assholes? Of course, they're a bunch of dumb assholes everyone knows that But this particular thing is dumb for multiple reasons The the obvious that this is the only reason why i'm going off like this because the obvious reason why it's dumb is clear Is because what they're complaining about a stupid thing whatever the But the second part of it that makes less sense is the part where Like you're picking out a particular thing you're bothered by when the whole context for this entire game Is things that should not be encouraged at all
Starting point is 02:29:51 So you're upset because they're dumb assholes and they're i'm not upset because they're you want to specify They're being stupid bullshit hypocritical picking on Well, whatever. Yeah, they care about the animal thing. That's their issue, right? So you're picking out the one issue. Yeah when if that's your problem, you should have a problem with everything Bad that really that's some other organization the organization against fighting. Okay, so you're that's their job for the ethical treatment of Of yeah, like you understand like there should be so you're saying that You'd be calling out every part of the game But that's not pita's job. That's not pita's job. So you're saying they're just calling out the kangaroo because of the meat
Starting point is 02:30:27 So you're saying that the dumb assholes are acting like dumb assholes? Yeah, first for more than just the obvious reasons Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't have this conversation. I don't know like yeah pita's gonna pita It's dumb for obvious reason number one. Mm-hmm, but then beneath that it's even dumber. I else Like I I I have no faith and or expectation of not being dumb assholes From dumb assholes. I would expect better from herata to be like fucking Alternatively should have put roger in the not roger Sorry, you should have put alex and alex jr. In the game so that
Starting point is 02:31:03 Treatment of dinosaur so that it could be extra ridiculous because dinosaurs aren't real or gone For a good time. Go check out the bullshit episode about pita. Yeah, watch what? Oh, yeah, that's good. I I don't know you're getting your coffee. What the fuck? Why is the panda okay? Because pandas are bad asses. No, they are not. I've seen videos of them being incredibly not bad ass It's true. The human cannot beat up a panda. I mean a panda cannot beat up a human. I don't think there's documented cases Of of pandas killing children. Then let me know about I think I think woolly is getting bonus rage because that the outrage In this scenario is is meme based It only matters because some guy in the video with his dog
Starting point is 02:31:50 But remember is in the zeitgeist remember the tanooki suit. Yeah Yeah, remember that mama Where's where's fucking the balls on the tanooki suit murderous? Well, they know there were because they never got rid of it Oh, yeah, see there you go. He's in he's in mario kart. Yeah, get the balls out there Tanookis have creepy balls maybe to you What a confusing series of events It's not that confusing
Starting point is 02:32:17 How come pita's not like the only thing that was confusing is that the original place that brought you to kind of lied to you And thus made it confusing but i'm trying i'm trying and i'm quickly trying to scan for more details here because You know the quote here is there's a video of a man's dog being headlocked by a kangaroo and he punched it in the face It turned into a big problem says harata executive producer on tecans watch watch in one month He's like that was a joke I'm i'm trying he was always going to be in it. This almost seems like a troll This is hype for the dlc. Yeah, roger jr. Yeah when he says all the rogers. Fuck everybody. We're doing it anyway Fuck the code
Starting point is 02:32:54 um Because i'm trying to i'm trying to track down the exact like part where they're discussing Uh This issue and where and where the i read five articles in the course of this conversation They all could just go to the same like three sentences from harata like cut lars out of like it's a guy ha ha ha ha Do me a solid i mean you're not incorrect, but he's got fancy anime hair though he's
Starting point is 02:33:21 yeah Anyway, all right. We gotta move on. We gotta move on. I guess I just so i'm gonna go punch a kangaroo right now I got a fine one and but i want to import a roo that i can fight I Mean i'm sure there's people in australia that are willing to take you up on that if you're willing to yeah We'll send you a kangaroo so you can beat it. I don't think I would be able to beat up a kangaroo Well, I love kangaroos because they're an animal that will will fight a human being like a human being wants to be fought
Starting point is 02:33:55 And that's with their arms. Okay. Um, they'll punch you Now hold on a minute because um, yeah, this exact section here doesn't actually mention pita by name Yeah, so I want to know why we know nothing No, because because again the linked stories did and that and so i'm like, but if this is the source article If this is the source article, then it doesn't then that is bullshit. Yeah, that was completely Complained about that video in general and harata just saw it. You know what you know what if if that is the case This just in roger is back in now That was if I just knee jerked because I read you may have knee jerked slightly woolly if I read the summary
Starting point is 02:34:32 That mentioned the us and mentioned pita And then the source material actually doesn't mention that at all I'm sorry hard apparently if you look this isn't of even about tekin Yeah, it's about guilty here woolly It appears that you read an article that was a bad summary of the original article that added details that were not there Further research indicates that that Research indicates great lp great lp great lp indicates that Those those elements of the story which were the most infuriating to me
Starting point is 02:35:04 Actually are not a part of the story at all. That is you are at the very least have not been said you are you are Specified you are probably having a feeling that I've had in the past and it sucks And it's I was very mad and I felt really good about being mad and now the thing that I was mad at Didn't happen or no, it's all those things. I'm saving. I'm saving every save it I'm saving everybody in the comments the time to go look this up. Oh, yeah calling myself out It's way too late for that. Yeah, so what was the point of this nothing really it's still really stupid that you have to cut Due to whatever internal problems, but then if we never saw roger There's no trailer and no screenshots or nothing
Starting point is 02:35:41 Then then I don't like it if then of course if pita is not in it Your theory was maybe they must have seen something to know rogers in it But roger existed in previous games and Was he even in tech in well, we know roger is because he's an existing character. No, of course But um, but what i'm getting at is that this is my favorite podcast Yeah, looking at looking at this part of the conversation in the from the article It seems like we don't know who the complaints were coming from it could have been It could have been internal. Yeah, that's what I think right now making reference to internal
Starting point is 02:36:13 You know in which case these complaints were all internals in which place it's still incredibly stupid um But like pita has nothing to do with that So yeah, I'm sure you'll find something to be manned at them about later Oh, sure. Yeah, and I still think they're incredibly dumb and I still think that so someone let go the button on roger Yeah, mm-hmm. All right. Well roger coming for dlc. I caught it. I confirmed. Yeah All right. All right. That was a little bit. Yeah, that was a whirlwind Well, you don't always catch it though. Sometimes you go home and then you only see it later on
Starting point is 02:36:51 That's a good thing about doing a live podcast is that you can feel being an idiot right there Like oh, no, and I would have done the same as you. Oh, well, I hope someone was entertained by that I I think that was entertaining. I was entertained I got to tell people to go pirate a game that doesn't technically exist. Yeah You also got to sat there you got to sit I got to sat there don't sat there and you got to stew Yeah in that rage that I saw you stewing in about the situation and somewhere you like where the actual yeah, I'll turn it around And fuck her out a recording broadcast the recording process
Starting point is 02:37:25 No broadcast the important the entire thing we're doing now disappears as you stew in your head over the scenario And someone linked to me a story of a panda sitting on a child. Oh, wow, and it died. It's fucking sick Good on you. All right now. Let's get to something that I can be fucking mad about That matters. So here's the problem with this story though. Yeah As hilarious and as mad at don't Do you let him finish let him finish I can tell by his Fucking face I can tell by his
Starting point is 02:37:59 Fucking face that he's gonna be like but there's like a good reason though So let's let's let's Let's fucking hear it. Let's fucking hear what you take it. You take it away. So this fucking little piss, baby It goes to a smash tournament and his little baby controller doesn't work the way that he wants it because it has to be broken in a special way That only one out of 50 controllers Can be broken in and he's like, oh my piss, baby controller doesn't work for my piss, baby game I'm gonna go piss all over myself. I'm quitting this tournament. Did I miss anything? I think it's for melee. I think you subbed it up for melee
Starting point is 02:38:39 Oh, you missed you missed how much melee sucks and how much you hate it fucking sucks and I hate it and this When I saw this when I saw this I fucking got so mad. I got so fucking mad Why was little kim so salty about our controller? And you forgot about uh, how much you wish that the game will never be ported to anything Oh, fuck. Yeah So I'd like to hear the defense on how fucking busted controllers, you know what woolly I also really want to hear this Yeah, I want to hear the defense on how piss, baby can't play with his fucking busted shit Like, oh no
Starting point is 02:39:20 Because when you say not a fucking when you say here's the thing that this means that there's some precedent There's only there's some techniques that you can't Perform unless your controller is busted in a really specific way now granted in any other competition Or anything for any game that would be known as cheating, but fuck it. It's melee, right? So Go go go when I read the story I very much like
Starting point is 02:39:49 Rolled my eyes as hard as I could at how ridiculous. So I I generally Yes came from the same place and agree read through it And basically this guy cadeno on twitter tried to explain what was going on and it made me tilt my head and go Okay, hold on And i'm still not sure yet. I can be convinced either way. Oh really? Yeah I can be i'm still on because I don't know enough about it. But what he's describing is that there is essentially, uh There's there are yes, there's things like back dashing. Let me read it verbatim. Yeah, it's really confusing actually
Starting point is 02:40:28 There's a bug in melee that only technically malfunctioning controllers can avoid the malfunctioning is rare volatile and causes other issues Due to this malfunctioning being a necessary criterion as long as we don't employ magus's smash turn fix code Only 1 to 3 percent of gamecube controllers are viable for players like armada and mutu king since that's how few have said malfunctioning po de To a sufficient degree the amount and type of po de Can change at any time so at the moment the competitively best gamecube controllers are inherently unreliable The only way around this is either employing magus's smash turn fix code or using controllers with digital buttons to dash So I remember a little while ago when I was like
Starting point is 02:41:14 I I said something that sounded stupid on its face Which is what our melee players going to do when they run out of crts and they run out of fucking gear to play melee on And I remember being like laughed at because like oh, that's ridiculous. They'll just get new stuff But now we're in a position and it's like one out of 50 controllers that are no longer manufactured are good enough for melee Well as good as they are a very few and so apparently players won't employ some fucking turn fix code or can't use a digital controller to fucking Yeah, so basically it would imply not playing off the disc. You'd imply like loading in Rom loading in a hack. Yeah, that fixes the bug. Uh, but
Starting point is 02:41:56 The the idea here is that like while 99.9 percent of melee players can play on a controller and have no issue the very highly technical Thing that they're doing here is something that that that generally they can only only these guys are performing consistently And once you get to a high enough level the game forces you to be piss, baby And so and so the example he gave they gave here is they can they say basically Uh, it limits certain certain inputs like players like lingering That that amrata can use are only possible through the use of this technically malfunctioning controller For example a dash back or a back dash depending on your jargon occurs when a player
Starting point is 02:42:33 Inputs a dash backwards from a standing animation. It's a very useful move in competitive smash But executing that input consistently can be difficult if your controller has excessive snapback So when you hit the analog stick, it vibrates on the way back Uh, basically moving from neutral And and that vibration because of the sticks, you know, you know what I mean? Yeah, and we felt that On on on on hap sticks you could do sonic booms by letting go of the the of the stick exactly And I have a playstation 2 street fighter like official the big heavy one You let go of the hap stick and it vibrates the other way
Starting point is 02:43:07 Forcing a minor in for forward input, right? Yeah So that's an actual problem if there's if you have a stick like that or something like that That's causing that issue and here they're saying like, yeah, they'll run through controller chest trying to find that type of thing I admit that if I Like I had a problem when I want I got used to octo gates on my sticks And I and when I got fucked because my stick broke and octo gates are unpopular Yeah, I realized that that was a stupid decision and I had to go get used to normal sticks, right? I don't know enough about high level melee. All right. I know tons. You want to hear it. What okay
Starting point is 02:43:43 This is a series in which the way that the way that high level melee is played The creator of the series goes stop playing it that way. That's not how you're supposed to play it A community that is obsessed with ideal reproduction of crts and and official Gear and and whatnot in all situations, right? Yeah, okay and has now taken it beyond perfect authentic reproduction to authentic perfect reproduction of a subset of official gear that has specific manufacturing
Starting point is 02:44:20 Specificities that enable certain things to absurd specific degree, right? This is way beyond playing the game as the creator Didn't intend. This is you Forming a fucking little cult around the way that you can play it the idea that the official Perfect setup that the game was meant to be played with is no longer considered good enough Is fucking nonsense That's like going to a street fighter tournament and saying I won't play unless I can use my hitbox I won't play unless I can use my hitbox. I don't care that you have the street fighter for
Starting point is 02:45:01 Cabinet here the fucking view licks cab I don't give a shit. That's not good enough. I need to hook my bullshit hitbox into the fucking thing That lets me block from two sides I can do you in every other scenario. This would be cheating. I can do you one better I can do you one better an actor and actually oh, sorry. Whoa. Hey microphones. You should not talk while you do that It's how I test Um Let me back up a bit. No, I can do you one better and say that like there there were instances of like yeah
Starting point is 02:45:35 Marvel where there were modded sticks that had like blocking both ways being held down or um Stick configurations where plinking was okay because you had the back button Mapped and the back button was the lowest priority on a an honor. It was lower than light punch Yeah, therefore you could blink with a light punch and things like that right and that was bullshit when that existed So I that's why I'm like, I don't know enough like because I feel like if it's as simple as My stick goes when I let it go it wiggles too far forward and I don't like the sticks that do that Then I'm like, that's fine. Yeah, right and like and and like and well first of all on the bottom line
Starting point is 02:46:16 He can join and quit whatever tournaments he wants block. Yeah, right It's the armada can do anything. It's it's his game. The only thing you do is play a real fighting game But if it's if it's as simple as that stick wiggling thing Then I'm like I can understand that a bit more If it's closer to the mapping back and mapping both left and right to block both directions thing Then I'm like that's bullshit. It's so that's why I'm like, so I don't know what it's in between those things It's I'm not going to modify it, but I'm going to find the one that's That's already modified by manufacturing defect to do the thing that I want
Starting point is 02:46:52 It smells like bullshit, but it does. I don't know if it looks like well and I need someone to explain it to me a bit Well, it makes me feel really happy because it means that like there are very quickly going to run out of gamecube controllers Because they're no longer manufactured and then this These people will stop playing smash at the half time How could I play smash with a normal controller just like everybody else uses at the same time? What am I some kind of fucking peasant using a non busted controller? Oh my god But I also know like there's the part of me that like if there is something that happens to be legit here Like if that's the difference between winning evo and not winning evo, which literally then you didn't deserve to win evo
Starting point is 02:47:33 If you have to if you have to rely On your tools being non standard to everybody else's in a way that gives you an advantage that is cheating If you showed up to the Olympics and they handed you the fucking biathlon gun and you said I can't use this one I need the one with my special sight. They'd kick you the fuck out If you have a stick or a controller where if you tap the button once it actually does it twice That is cheating Right. Mm-hmm But if everyone else has that stick, but you get the one in which it doesn't and you brought that one in that's also cheating
Starting point is 02:48:17 That's not where I was gonna. Okay. Sorry. I was gonna say but if I have an octal gate on my stick That's not cheating. No, so here's here's the solution. You ready for the solution You shouldn't be able to bring your own fucking gear ever You have to be supplied the fucking generic thing. That's why that would be that's why cab tournaments are great. That would be Absolutely ideal if it were practical. Yeah That would be super ideal. So I actually Totally agree with you If you could have standardized
Starting point is 02:48:48 That's why I like cab Tournaments, I think because there's no way to fucking fuss with that unless you sneak in and buck with that, you know and like and I know that like Because some people definitely have like there's this guy that used to lug her on his giant heavy stick because he likes the weight Yeah, and it was off the ground a certain height and he sat on the floor and i'm like Yeah, man, you know you built it you went through the trouble Why the fuck not as long as you're not holding up the tournament at any point to get this thing set up, right? And then there became issues with like, okay, now we have to get to 360 to ps4 conversion. Oh, that'll
Starting point is 02:49:21 It became a nightmare, you know, um, so I just I I understand when someone wants to have their particular feeling Oh, of course. I like certain buttons. I like certain types of things There's a gulf. There's just a small gulf in between the like my custom button layout Into my cut my custom controller feeling. Yep And into additional function until the like this custom controller or actually the special controller or rare controller Whatever, you know what I would I would denote these as rare gamecube controllers. Perhaps, right? They just they're functionally rare, right There's things that I can do with this rare one that I couldn't do with that other one
Starting point is 02:49:58 Well, doesn't that mean there are people playing this tournament that don't have access to that shit because they're so rare Doesn't that give you an unfair advantage over those people? Even if they would not be able to do the moves that you're talking about because you have the potential to do them and they don't Yeah, possibly so it's cheating So it's piss baby cries because he can't cheat Trust me. I think a lot about the fucking mentality of cheating because I love it. You might be right So like he's like, I can't have an unfair advantage over the rest of the field. I'm out Hmm
Starting point is 02:50:32 Or more specifically. Yeah, I'm gonna go up against somebody who also has this unfair advantage because they have their good controller And I don't and thus that's unfair. But yeah, it is. Why didn't he bring his own controller? Oh, he doesn't have backups. That's that's there because that's so hard to find that's part two of the story He didn't have his back as that he had his one good one He did he did he does but he didn't have them and they're hard to find So what do you expect? So he's he was gonna spend the rest of the time like trying to find the the rate is about One in 50 and GameCube controllers bring one to your tournament. Yeah
Starting point is 02:51:03 Game controllers are not common anymore. Apparently they're hard to acquire and I mean they they're not manufacturing Nobody, but you know regardless of whatever external factors that you should have a backup. Yeah, absolutely If you're gonna complain, why would you not show up with a backup? Every part of this is fucking gross, but uh Yeah, I I know enjoy leaving your fucking little cult tournament Fucking asshole. You sound right. You sound about right. I will and yes I'm too hard on the sky and if I met him I would apologize for being so rough But in the breakdown in the breakdown here because I like I'm saying I can go either way on this But what I still need to be fully fully convinced is I need to actually see
Starting point is 02:51:40 Like what the advantage slash what the like I need I need someone to actually break down the exact movements Yeah, exact like what do you get? What do you get out of this? You know, and I is it a roll cancel actually to Is it a roll cancel or is it like You know again like a um, um a negative ad sure you are like I wake up You know what I mean? Like is it just a a tactic that can be done But you're otherwise option selecting to make it easier. Yeah, or are you doing something that is otherwise not the the description The description that I've I've gotten from every place that's talked about this is that the lack of this vibration allows For certain very minor but gameplay techniques that are otherwise impossible on a standard controller
Starting point is 02:52:28 It's it's it's minor. It's not game changing But it is a new thing and so far because it's so complicated. It seems like no one's there like three guys No one's able to really explain it further beyond that because it's weird, right? You know what this reminds me of this reminds me of when, uh, momochi uh taught everybody about this like this infallible perfect sure you can that
Starting point is 02:52:53 You it was a perfect wake-up option select deal where if you if you woke up If you you do the sure you can to someone and if they press a button they get sure you'd if they don't and they're blocking Uh, he doesn't do the sure you and if you do anything to move yourself out of the way He doesn't do the sure you and it's it's a it's a kind of ridiculous game breaking insane os and he showed it to everyone on stream a year Before it came became relevant and popular and people just thought when that's insane He's lying. It doesn't make sense and then later on he did it in tournament And then he did it at evo and everyone like what the fuck just happened. How's that possible?
Starting point is 02:53:26 You know, and it was like, yeah, this is a ridiculous thing and it's like 0.00001 percent of players Even understand this concept much less. We'll be able to execute and i'm aware like i'm i'm coming out of disadvantage here Because like i i hate me like uh, so i'm i'm extra heated, right? And i've also taken like uh, frankly, even i'll say it's like a super fringe hard line stance I think option selects are cheating. Yeah, i don't i disagree there, right? And that's why because the mobile cheese thing was an os well that's that's an argument I can have with you and i get it Yeah, right and i just happen to fall but this this is fucking
Starting point is 02:54:01 It's a combination of just fucking take my ball and go home shit with this crap And with melee. Oh my god. It's the it's the worst If it falls closer, i guess to the final thing i'll say is if it falls closer to an option select Then i'll be more i can understand it a bit more and i can i'll be more willing to say like yeah, okay That's fair enough versus if it's closer to a roll cancel where as much as that made the game legit and competitive and fun It's like that's like that is a I think i think that if you should i think that if you show up to a tournament like this and you sign up and You know do all that stuff you should be allowed to leave for any reason
Starting point is 02:54:39 But if you leave for a reason like this you they have to break your legs when you leave anyway All right, no for real though. I think i think like and yes matt they he should have had a backup Absolutely that that's a whole different part, but it's like if you're this specific if you're this particular, right? Why would why would you go to this thing without a backup? And if you're unable to acquire a backup doesn't that say something about the state that you're in in the first place? Let's go watch hungry box fight the pizza man again. Yeah. Yeah, that's fun that's fun
Starting point is 02:55:13 That was a feel-good story. I feel great Fucking oh, man. Just god just came down and gave me a fucking shit on melee for a day Fucking story and the one that I got with roger got taken away. Yeah You got one you like oh, I get to be right. I could be mad But but because I because I self-correct and try to see if that's an issue then that's where I get Well, melee's never gonna stop being trashed. So that's okay. I'm safe Yeah No, but melee is a good game. It's just the people that make it trash
Starting point is 02:55:46 But like I said, no, I'm I'm when I read a story like that and then I go What this what the fuck is this trash and then I read a bit further and then he starts to breaking it down I'm willing to say I am uninformed enough to really understand the situation It feels like this to me, but I need more information And I can be and I'm there's a lot of things where I like I can be convinced I don't know if you ever have do you ever have that? Absolutely where you're like I'm I can be convinced either way right now I I I sound I sound like a constant massive fucking shitty asshole. He's always yeah Who's always
Starting point is 02:56:18 Feel super right about things, but I would rather be right than be I would rather be correct than right Right. Yes. So if you if you show me like no pet, here's here's a photo of why you're wrong I'll be like oh And then I'll be fucking sad and I'll hate it right but on this one like holy shit, man but but All the all the the the the the fucking
Starting point is 02:56:45 Ethics or or you know mechanics of this like the reason why I get so fucking like hot about it It's it's the fucking. Oh, I don't have my I'm gonna go home like that that shit Oh my fucking god. Could you imagine if fucking? Uh, what was it? What was the guy? Um, who's fucking razor stick just melted on him? Uh, zian zian mad james zian said well if I can't play with my razor stick. I'm fucking going home and just left Like how fucking shitty that would be ridiculous Um, right and how how much he deserved to be like mocked for that
Starting point is 02:57:22 Right. Yeah. I mean people have dropped out for dumber reasons. Yeah, and they all fucking Oh, I don't like the table mom says I have to come Ah Fucking or you or you punched a guy or whatever the fuck happened I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna watch that fucking compilation of fucking melee players crying and fucking punching holes and walls Is that a thing? Yeah. Yeah, it is. There's there's plenty of footage. There's fucking plenty There's a long play of it You're ridiculous anger at the situation at the situation that is melee is funnier than the actual maybe melee world
Starting point is 02:58:02 Oh, I know So that's great. Just fucking keep it up Stop throw my perfect controller against the wall punch a hole through a wall. Oh, no, fox did a wave shine Fucking you got a problem with space animals, buddy No, I got a problem with people who got a problem with space animals Chain grab them all day. Matt if people want to send an email, where should they send it? They can send it to complain about melee at That's super best plane about melee at Okay, the real email is super best friendcast at that's super best friendcast at
Starting point is 02:58:37 It forwards all your emails to complain about melee at You know the product of pop filter. So I I try and send a mail to complain about melee and it looks like their inbox is full Used up all their daemon daemon tool daemon mail just like hey, you fucking this shit's been full since fucking 2005 Let's see who's fast enough. Who's fast enough should I not fucking? I don't care enough. It'll be gone by next week. It'll never be referenced again If you have an email it might sound a little something like this Dear willy, I'm a melee player and
Starting point is 02:59:15 And let me tell you I hate Roger jr. I am a I am a vampire and we didn't talk about 50 cent sun designing games Fuck next time next time save it save it get a portfolio about it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm running a melee tournament at payda headquarters right now It's awkward because 50 cent sun is designed. It's awkward because all the fox players keep winning and a giant gong goes off every time Okay, so the to okay, so blood in the sand was a really It was it was the good 50 cent game And it turned out that a lot of the ridiculous development stories that are coming out now
Starting point is 02:59:59 What the one of the best ones is the fact that they had to review builds and run them by 50 cents seven-year-old sun Yeah, Curtis Jackson jr. Well, I don't think it's this actual name. I think it is. Okay. Well, I just threw that It's 25. I threw that out there as a joke. What about nickel? What about nickel? Anyway So he came in and basically was like why isn't there no helicopter level? And then they're like, oh, well, we didn't really build the infrastructure for that and that's not tools to build And then he said why is there no helicopter level and then 50 cent said, you know, the man said he wants a helicopter level Put it in and then like door closed and that was the end of that and that was the development
Starting point is 03:00:39 um That's the how many how many rockets launcher? How many rockets can your father take to the chest minimum three minimum? So the other main thing is that we never would have gotten 50 cent Jump over that big ass ramp because vehicular sections were also not in the game at all And we're not planned until the kid also said like put in Vehicles fit it hit that big ass ramp. So maybe 50 cent son
Starting point is 03:01:07 Genius game designer genius. Maybe we should get them on board Maybe he can save nintendo. Maybe he can save nintendo is doing fine. That that joke is dead as shit now Fucking switch is the best-selling fucking anything ever right now. All right. All right. You're at the office You're you're working on the game and it's not your game. It's a game. You've been contracted to work on. Okay. This is a very important station Would you rather? And you're you're you kind of care about the property, but you can get you can live with that It's not that cool of an IP. It's kind of cool, but not it's darksiders Yeah, would you rather screaming shiggy behind you? Okay, or screaming 50 cent and 50 cent and child. Okay
Starting point is 03:01:50 I'd rather shiggy because it's funnier. I would rather 50 cent and child Why 50 cent has guns so not being able so here's the deal. Here's here's my logic When somebody's screaming at me like with fury like, you know bug-eyed fury And I have no idea what they're saying I find that much more threatening because there is there is no way for me to get out of that situation Now 50 cent and his kid are screaming at me. Well, you know what they're saying. You know that he's very upset Yeah, he's very upset right, but 50 cent and the kid they're screaming at me I can fucking talk to them. They speak english. I speak we can fucking doubt you'll convince them other
Starting point is 03:02:32 Yeah, but I can I can I can be I can be like my bad. I'm sorry And there's the possibility that they'll calm down You know how to say kome no sai Go go man. Go man. No sigh. Go man. No sigh. Yeah, exactly lots of bows Lots of groveling, you know, that's got a point. He's got a point Sumimasen all that shit Close enough. Sorry. I didn't go to japan every year. You're right. You didn't how is bunny He's probably screaming with bug-eyed fury at this podcast right now
Starting point is 03:03:10 I'ma say screaming shiggy with child Um, all right screaming 50 cent with back in time child shiggy The one that that that went into his backyard and found zelda one. Yeah, the one who found those corpse caves and shit Found zelda's corpse in a cave And you have you have a Angry 50 cent yelling at you and his kid and translator going he's very upset. He's very upset. I know that
Starting point is 03:03:43 Because he says like I want you to put on different heads for salmon change the heads motherfucker You know different heads what the fuck don't they get Take these niggas in a candy shop represents change make you lick the lollipop Wait, you're upset now. Why are you singing? Oh, no, you like it inspires him for new songs Oh, that's how that's how that song came about. He was very upset at the metroid prime team Go go go go go go go pack up your things. You're fired. Oh That's good. That's a good fucking setup because everyone's getting excited
Starting point is 03:04:30 Fucking fired i'm gonna i'm dead. I'm gonna go home. My wife's gonna kill me shit All right We never got to the question. We did good question. Shane. Uh, next one coming in Uh, dare official podcast proof you had to pick a modern concept to be the god of what would it be? Oh, man to be the god. Yeah, you get to be the god of a modern concept a concept Oh, that's a hard one cheating Frame data frame data the god of frame data. Yeah Your vision will be confusing
Starting point is 03:05:07 But I will have life frame data. Yeah I'll you can't yeah, you know what that means. I can't lose. You know what that fucking means You get a ticker in the upper right. You have this many frames until death But I see everything else. Yeah, but that ticker's moving really fast I'll get the numbers on everything startup. Yeah, and how will how slow to cool down See that you know what that reminds me It reminds me of what if it's basically a share. What if peter parker had spider sense, but he didn't have spider agility. Yeah Oh
Starting point is 03:05:38 Fuck that sucks in which you can see the startup on a guy's punch But you can't move out of the way But you are aware that your startup for the block is too slow All you have is a sense to let you know when you're gonna get hurt. Yeah Like no, basically like that. No, you've got you will get you've got a sharing Gann and all you can do is stare at the thing about to hit you and you can't move because you're in slow time too Or like bullet time You know, but you don't actually move faster
Starting point is 03:06:06 You just experience time slower and you're able to recognize you're about to get shot. It's oh that bullet's coming at me There it is. Oh, it's going in real. Oh I'm about oh boy. They both have to work in conjunction for this to get you out of harm met I don't know like where I was trying to think of modern concepts and like and cheating not that modern Yeah, okay. Uh, okay. Oh, it has to be a modern concept. Oh, yeah, I'm taking cheating out Um, I'll I'll do mine after yours. Okay. Damn it. I thought I'd kill some time Like modern concept is something that that I don't
Starting point is 03:06:47 Literally anything that is written modern you and current trend Or like a current part of the the world's mind share time travel nail it it's not even a Present concept. Yeah, no it is. I guess you're right. I guess you're right time travel doesn't just know a lot about it But you can't do anything Well, you know like what are people I'll be the going on these days and oh, I know what it'll be I'll be the god of memes Strong that means I'll be infinitely powerful forever, but have no control over what so ever
Starting point is 03:07:24 Basically, you're a chaos god. Yeah, sure works for me. Yeah, okay. That's good. Yeah memes jack. God of memes can't stop it That's a good one I don't know. I'm just trying to blank. I got got a serial. It's got a serial. Serials new Serials new serials new not a lot of people eating cereal anymore though now that they found out about like the the the cancer and the evil sugars Yeah, well, they they they wait. Are you telling me cereal gives you cancer and everything that oh, yeah, okay fine Oh eggs are bad now again. You see that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, all right. It's milk still bad You're always There was a no there was a time when it was when milk does a body good. Yeah
Starting point is 03:08:04 Hmm. Oh man cereal Yeah, stop eating everything Or drinking anything god of gluten-free Oh, yeah some gluten-free things Okay God of the kettle diet. No Okay, well All right, we tried next gotta beat them ups. I don't
Starting point is 03:08:29 That has no mind share Okay, uh one coming up Phillip. He says Hey guy. Oh, excuse me Oz We all know that your line of work Uh says, you know, we all know that in your line of work What you say is as important as how you say it. That's correct as such consider the phrase. I'm gonna shove you up his ass In your opinion. Hmm. What would be worse? Hmm being the one shoved up the other guy's ass Or the one whose ass something is shoved up. It depends to be clear
Starting point is 03:08:55 This is not pertaining to you guys and I know both situations aren't pleasant I was just debating which one would be worse. Okay. Well, I think that's a sure shot. Here's the question. That's an easy winner Here's the question That that phrase is somewhat ambiguous It can mean part of you in the person's rectum. Is it worse for or is it your entire body? Be the giver or receiver of being shoved up another person's ass Well, because here's the thing are you because if if it's either or It's worse to be the receiver that being said because the question I'm having is it your whole body because if somebody shoved
Starting point is 03:09:27 My entire body inside your ass You would burst horribly if I call you you if I say I'm gonna shove you I didn't say your finger your hand your head your head if I said you I would have to assume It's your entire body. So we have the person being shoved up the ass and we have What some would call a lucky boy. Yeah, and now The question is which is worse the lucky boy kind of bursts into a cloud of mist The other guy is uncomfortable for a little bit. Oh, you'd probably still die Super hard, but the shove the shovi. Oh, yeah, you're all all crushed and shit. Yeah
Starting point is 03:10:00 Soldiers, would he give away? No, I don't think you'd give away before the other guy ripped. It's one or the other You know, we'll have to test it More data needed. So would you okay have it? Here's another question. Would you rather get fucked by Dante? Would you rather fuck him? Oh, man, I'd rather get fucked by The greatest thing about this question is that either answer makes me laugh you can't lose Thanks, stampy. Both both get to be a lucky boy. Yeah Uh I'll get fucked by him
Starting point is 03:10:34 Can't complain either way. There's no complaining here Which Dante three Yeah, yeah, he's he's young. It's got the bra thing. Yeah, yeah, that helps like like pock Yeah, yeah All right, uh, we got one coming in from Oh, it's quite simply Ethan has a story. That says, um Someone in her. Okay. So my fiance dear super barf barf barf at barf male barf. Oh, wow. It's been a while My fiance just told me a story uh that happened when she was in third grade
Starting point is 03:11:10 And I thought I'd you guys would like it someone in her class was having a birthday party at lunch And uh, he brought peanut butter cookies for the class. Okay a kid whose name she doesn't remember Had a horrible peanut allergy But wanted his goddamn cookie So he took a solitary breath took out his epi pen Took a bite of the cookie and immediately stabbed the pen into his leg This motherfucker risked his entire life for a peanut butter. That kid's awesome That kid's just that you'd like that
Starting point is 03:11:43 That is metal as fuck passion. Yeah, you know, that is an og big dick motherfucker These cannot be stopped. This is this is the the the lot I've been given time to make do and get the cookie that child is my spirit animal because here's the thing Like if you tell me there's a slight risk that you'll die or whatever get you know injured somehow But it's a peanut butter based product And I have a very very good chance of like just like have the epi pen ready. Then I'll be fine I'll take that chance if it's a peanut butter based product because I love them so much that kid is fucking It's a pirate cookie. He is gangster. I don't care what I love that kid. That kid's a hero. He's probably dead now
Starting point is 03:12:23 Oh, yeah for sure. He's probably that kind of shaking off this mortal coil that kind of Lack of risk aversion does not lead to a long life. So I don't know but you gotta respect make them tougher You gotta respect his hustle Say no more to end the rubble people who take risks all the time that threaten their lives will eventually lose Yeah, but while they're winning. Oh, it's great to be on their side. Yeah Uh, yo, I patch bunny gripes You made You are made to display one of the two following items in your home. Got it. It must be displayed
Starting point is 03:12:58 Prominently prominent. You may not hide it. Got it. What do you choose? All right a high quality Boruto figure. Mm-hmm or a funko pop of your favorite judge. Okay, Boruto figure boruto figure. No question. Yep Funko pop. Yeah, because that means jojo is here. Yeah Yeah, because yeah, it has arrived because you're you're creating more jojo popularity with you. Yeah Okay, I wouldn't like it but Yeah That's yeah, yeah
Starting point is 03:13:31 No one's changing their answer, but well it already has that yeah, he's created his own funko pops Hey, you know, I'm moving all my man. I got to the new place. Yeah, guess what I didn't take. Oh, really? Yeah, jojo Yeah, yeah Leave that god jojo neums gotta gotta have more room for the boruto shelf just burn them Those those high quality hardcover jojo nea bookcases Sure make for good kindling in 10 years. You release a video. It says jojo back in I left Dear master madden and two jive turkeys really?
Starting point is 03:14:09 Yeah, why not? I got no problem with that. What bodily position And pain implementation. Yeah, not being okay. Excuse me. Excuse me sure With bodily position and pain implementation not being a factor Come up with two tattoos for each of your compatriots one that they'd love and one that they'd hate Oh Okay, that having that caveat of no pain and whatever that's great So automatically i'm gonna say for pat
Starting point is 03:14:40 Yeah, the one that you love you could say would be literally no tattoo nailed it The one that you would hate is literally any tattoo I would give you a tattoo of The full on hairline with the complete facial detailing and goatee That's always there underneath that you can never get rid of. Yeah, but it outlines the hairline. Yeah, that's good Uh, uh tattoo that you would like
Starting point is 03:15:15 I'm a little tougher on that tattoo that you would hate this I know It would be a full back tattoo like the yakuza have and it would be A one-to-one replica of the framed poster that matt got you for your birthday for bionic commando Of his wife is his fucking arm. Does the text have to be there? Yes, it does It can't just be the full It's just there forever it hurts more that way as for what tattoo that you would like I don't know Not even gonna try I also don't know what tattoos matt would like. I'm bad at tattoos
Starting point is 03:15:55 Matt would take a simple skull, but it wouldn't it can't be too big. Yeah, what if we're liking. Yeah, it would have to be No, no, no Wow, okay, excuse me. Um like for something that's without they remember without pain Like you can get anything. Yeah, like I have something in mind that I would really like like your skull is not far away from it how about how about how about uh Uh, goji's fins on your back. That's pretty cool. That's even what I was thinking Oh, yeah, it'd be hard to do that like but visually realistic looking good fins. That'd be kind of cool There you go
Starting point is 03:16:29 I thought of one that I might like if I if I had to get it if Getting the tattoo is a non-option like gun to my head. Mm-hmm. I would like to become the sequel to mr. Cool Ice. Okay. Okay. There is a sequel in there Uh, I'd say I'd say for pat if I can get something he would like I'd give him like a face of like it would just be a drawn face of someone that he doesn't recognize Okay, this all right, but there's a there's a speech bubble and he's saying my name is not penis assault. Okay. Okay That's pretty yeah, there it is. There it is inside, but it worked um
Starting point is 03:17:09 In terms of hate uh on his chest. It's the male the melee box art. Oh Oh, no, it's the full wrap. It's gotta go Mario throwing the I thought you're gonna save proclasers sword tattoo. No, because that looks cool. Oh, no You could get used to that you could go hair around that. Yeah. No, you can't avoid the melee box. I can't stop melee box art Yeah Uh, I think for willy for something his hate is two people not speaking Two people about to fight how would you people? I don't know how you'd convey that I it'd be hard too, but you could do a mural. Okay. You could do like a big mural thing. Okay
Starting point is 03:17:53 Uh, something he would like Uh, like a full body thing that was his close approximation to x's armor Like full body Like again, no pain, right? Like mega man x mega man x. Sorry. Yeah, I should have said Wouldn't that make your whole body white? No, I wouldn't do that wouldn't that'd be creepy And for what you'd hate. Oh on your back. It's just storm eagle of storm eagle wings. Yeah Uh, there's a button that you press that plays his theme. That'd be it's inside my traps. I've got to just go As for what you'd hate
Starting point is 03:18:34 Yeah, uh on your knuckles On your knuckles shit. Yeah, and on the other hand king. I was gonna say it would say bless rules rulz Yeah, that's a blss rulz. It's pretty good too. Not bad Not bad For what I was actually thinking of for myself. It was just be like a cool, uh, cthulhu mural Oh, yeah Well, it's easy to go with a picture on your back because your backs is big fucking flat part you can totally omega
Starting point is 03:19:06 No, I think like a cthulhu head goes best on like the shoulder because it's round and then you can have the tentacles coming down the bicep Yeah, you know, that's awesome. Yeah, you're right. Yeah There you go, but still I can't think of anything. I'd love so much that I'd actually get a tattoo I always thought of like, you know, like little flame sleeves, but I was like no It's like every time you look in the mirror every time you put a shirt on just melee peeking through That's pretty good. Oh, that's not bad. Okay, it's with me forever
Starting point is 03:19:42 That's like the start of a superhero origin like they branded me now. I have to get them Now I'm gonna go murdering melee players. Yeah. Why no, why not? Well, why not murder the person that like the tattoo artist? It was the melee Fucking community. They all they all Put one pixel you should team up with penis assault and you can get your revenge together Or just just just try just do your hardest to suicide by cop Yeah, just run up to a cop and open your shirt and he'll see it go dear god
Starting point is 03:20:13 And then as I as I waste away, I'll be like, oh, I finally succeeded in killing melee if once What would you want actually like because I know what I want. Yeah, like like no pain Unrealistic well considering my plan. I'm hoping yeah. Yeah, I know you get a lot of them. I don't really care about the pain level Um, I want a lot of well. Have you have you gotten any tattoos? You're at zero right now Okay, so you don't care about the pain level is fine to say After you got one. Yeah Fair enough. What once you have one. I will totally believe that 100% the budget My both I'm already kind of on the fuck the budget train. Fuck me. Yeah
Starting point is 03:20:57 No, the plan is a lot of a lot of different things. I want to like including things I like and don't like and do you want to get any of that weird raised? Stuff where there's that ink that that creates like a like your skin. That's right No, black people tattoos look terrible very easily. So I'm being very particular about what I like, but um, I don't know I maybe I like I have a lot of ideas and I don't want to jinx it slash put it out there Why don't you get your own fucking face on your back? Yeah, it's your own face giving a thumbs up like steve. I'm planning. I'm planning neck neck to chest Both sleeves back. Okay, and so you're locked into this youtube thing. You never plan on getting a real job ever again
Starting point is 03:21:33 Uh, no, I'm not a job that I that would care about that kind of stuff. Okay, so that much is clear What you know if you're gonna go that far, why don't you just get the full face? The whole thing I mean because that doesn't look cool. Oh, yeah, I bet it would look really cool Super cool Okay, I'd like to see art of woolly as the test template for giant face tattoo Um Two of them. I guess I'll give very cool what I'm what I'm having It's it's what's what's on the dock an artist. Yeah is is I'm talking to to try and convert a
Starting point is 03:22:09 a cps3 circuit board and a Neogeo a Aes circuit board into like a cool design that I want on both forearms That's so fucking obscure. Oh good. I like it. I know I understand but like He's gotta guess it's always an a conversation starter. He's gotta be boy. Hey, what the fuck is that on? Oh, it's a cps3 board. Yeah, it's what I it's what I like
Starting point is 03:22:36 And uh, there's a lot of other shit that I'm I'm trying to well Yeah, I mean you could never could get that tattoo tattoo before before the fucking You know lockout chip was bypassed and now we can finally emulate cps3 So you get the real nitty gritty on there. There you go Why don't you actually just skip that and just put a cps3 board in your arm? I wish I really really it's too large Isn't that it wouldn't fit? Yeah Anyway Okay, woolly we're getting the diodes out. We need to play a match third strike
Starting point is 03:23:04 Just hook you up to the car battery and a screen On your forehead. It says slowborn snailborn. Yeah, you'd love that. I would I would enjoy that every day. Yeah No, man, I don't know something about I guess like like putting out like oh I want to do this tattoo. I want to do that tattoo and stuff either a like almost solidifies It's not gonna happen or be just opens up like people going wow really you fucking moron Wow, that's terrible. What a stupid. Well the problem with tattoos The problem with tattoos is that there are many people out there like me who will laugh at no matter what they are The only the only tattoos that I think are cool are yakuza style like full-on back paintings
Starting point is 03:23:42 Those are radical because they're just paintings on your back. Yeah, those are and whatever happened Like it's not the yakuza style the Japanese style. It's Your back is the one part that is a painting right up until you get all old and gross and I wish that My skin wasn't so dark that those would look terrible I bet but they do You know, you can't get you tried What you tried you tried every day and it didn't take Oh, Jesus. No, no, no, that's not what I was going for
Starting point is 03:24:12 I just mean I just mean that like again like, you know, pasty white skin is a canvas Yep, and uh, when you want to get a if you're black you have a dark skin My my not every color works. My skin is actually probably too light because you can see through it Like you can see capillaries and veins and stuff. So it might actually be too light Uh, I'm untenable also tattoo artist friend of mine just telling me about a lady that came in that wanted a red rose And it and she was a really dark black lady And she wanted a red rose and she's like, it's not gonna come out red. She's like, I don't care I want it. What would it come out like it'd come out purple. Really? Yeah
Starting point is 03:24:51 Like that much of a difference it would come out not red And there's no there's no like extra version of that color that you can make to make it come out red It's like, you know, how are you know rgb and cmyk? Yeah, the main difference being like one is additive and one is subtractive Your life is subtractive with light when you put something that looks red Yeah, add a darker color does not work like that It doesn't and she's like, I don't care and she's like, are you sure and she's like, yes Okay, and she did it and it came out purple and the lady was like, I love it
Starting point is 03:25:20 Problem solved here's your receipt. Thank you very much. Have a good day. You know, I didn't think that started it up like that Yep So is it possible to look at somebody's skin tone and tell like this color this like add it as like a modifier and be like These color palettes will become this. Yes. Therefore do not do them if you want that. Okay And similarly, so you can there's a there's a certain element you can plan around that Right, so if you know this shade of red is going to turn into this shade of purple You can plan for if you want a purple one you can plan for well as the unfortunate reality in my opinion at least is The colors in general don't look good on dark skin. I think you have to go with large
Starting point is 03:26:01 Visible shapes and iconic things. Yeah, because just colors just turn into a gray muddy mess If you ever take a look at like a basketball player's sleeve from a far distance You just see gray and you're like what is happening on that aren't I don't know what that is It just doesn't work and it's unfortunate, but that's that's the way it is man You know, but sometimes it does look cool Um, like there's that there's a this baseball player. I think price who has like these really Bold things that look cool and I kind of want to get those and there's some and some people go Why don't you just get like white tattoos that are like cool white things that contrast with your dark skin?
Starting point is 03:26:36 It's because that doesn't exist. There's no such thing as white Yeah, like tattooing pigment. It doesn't work that way. It's just You know, is it gonna glow? Am I putting fireflies in my skin? Have you thought about having a glow in the dark tattoo like I guess if I could look like an anime character With you know what I mean like like anyone that has the glowing white tattoos complete the transformation I'm sure that'd be great, but that doesn't exist. You ever thought about eye tattoos. Yeah on the inside. Oh my god Oh my god
Starting point is 03:27:06 When you close your eyes, you always see it. There was a really funny cracked article from ages back done by michael swain called eye tattoos understanding the horrible decision Oh And you know why you know why those guys invented eye tattoos? Because they were in prison and they wanted to look scary and guess what it works It fucking worked like a charm sure did I'd have like eyes printed on my eyelids so that I can sleep in front of well. That's a classic That's that's an absolute classic. Oh, yeah, then jeff hardy does that would make jeff hardy. Yeah
Starting point is 03:27:41 Of course, and then the step after that is the the donut heads. Yeah, I'm awake in this match. I'm not asleep Japanese donut heads fancy I imagine that the people who went for that like then went for the removal once it became not trendy anymore That's correct because that was extra hot trend. Fortunately. It is temporary You can't get it removed great injecting saline into your body is great. Great All right, let's get wrap it up. Let's wrap it up. All right. So speaking of wrapping it up Souls ends now now today today. Congrats. Congratulations on beating dark souls. Thank you Thank you. That was a long journey. It was a very good game. Um, I think
Starting point is 03:28:25 Its highest highs are super high and it's lowest lows are super low I would call them bizarrely low and it's great. It's kind of nuts because they're right next week demon souls Like was much closer. Yeah where the lows and the highs were not as far apart from each other So take that as you will. Yeah, there's there's an order You can go through that game and which you go to the highest high and then you go immediately to the lowest low And it's really bizarre and the lowest lows lasts like a couple hours because it's an entire zone or thing You know, uh, yeah, what's coming up? Okay, girl. What are we doing? What are we doing? Batman also I think finished as well. Yeah, that's right. Batman's done
Starting point is 03:29:00 If only bruce can continue the legacy of his father by imprisoning everyone into our if only if only Do it for you dad. So we so we got uh yakuza is going to be taking the daily spot from dark souls If you like yakuza, it will be daily. You will you will enjoy more shakedowns. Oh, dude. We fought so many. Mr. Shakedowns There are many you'll be shook which one is the real strongest organism So far the first one probably yeah, okay. Yeah, um Let's see. Uh, there's a new uh LP starting up with you two Do you want to do you want to announce it or sure? Well, I mean we can but we're gonna have to spend We have to think about it first and to do that. We're gonna spend a night in the woods to think about it
Starting point is 03:29:43 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I just gonna have to spend a night that night now if there's barely an LP More of a let's watch more of a no more of a Let's story time. Well, I when I came in here and I sat because we you guys were finishing up the first Recording session. I came in a little early. I would call it more of like a fucking performance from what I From what I overheard and saw that's true It's yeah, I would call it net and woolly perform night in the woods because that's pretty much what it is isn't it? You're not wrong. Is our three-man thing gonna be ready this week. I hope so it should be
Starting point is 03:30:23 We have to record it which we haven't done We're not gonna record until we have an intro is what I yeah, that's right should be Artists you're listening to this. I'm looking at you. Let me know how that's coming along That's the LP last week that I referred to as the black one That's the one if you're really smart, you can figure it out from just that Yep, the black one should be coming soon Uh I think that's it and we we have a super best stream to announce
Starting point is 03:30:54 Oh, yes on saturday and we're tentatively thinking about three o'clock, right? three p.m. Three ish seems like a good time to start eastern daylight time. We'll take it from there. Yeah We're gonna be hitting that dark souls three dlc the ring in city ring ring ed ring the ring ed city Hopefully hopefully we'll beat it in the one day, but I doubt it Probably have to do it again. Yep. We're gonna stream DS3. That's how we're gonna. Yeah, we're gonna do it And matt you also have a different stream on tuesday Yeah, and matty mcmuscles. It's all be doing little nightmares
Starting point is 03:31:29 Which I've been wanting to play for a while and finishing the hilarity that is late shift So you're gonna start with late shift for that if I can clear it first I'll do that, but if I can't I'll I'll stream it next time after that if I don't clear it right away Okay Stop it you fucking with my brain on that Uh, and that's over at matty mcmuscles. Yes, and uh, I'll be over at angriest pat streaming on loot boxes Open it up. No, I open them all up. I open them all up, man. You sure about that. Yeah, I'm fucking pretty sure I went through it and I got all of it. Okay. Uh, no, I'll probably be streaming DS2
Starting point is 03:32:04 Uh, a few days here or there Okay, which scott, dude scholar of the first sin There are areas that are very much improved There's a couple areas that have been abjectly ruined. All right. Are those the ones where I watched you get your shit pushed in? Uh depends because I saw you got your shit pushed. Which was that was that iron keep iron keep iron keep has been fucked up It sucks the aggro range on enemies is now a thousand feet. It's really Fucking shitty. I saw I saw that. Uh, I got my shit pushed in harder at earthen peak though. Earthen peak is crazy tough now
Starting point is 03:32:36 Uh, yeah, I saw those dudes, uh, rush you down and chop the balls off choppy choppy my pee pee Yeah, yeah, I thought I'm shocked that you were the one to laugh and matt was not the one that laughed because I know He loves that velvina sketch Waiting on me now. Yeah, all right. It's all about curing. It's all about I can't even oh Boy, is that character still in the fucking parts you have yet to go through? I don't know. All right Hopefully. All right. All right. So that's coming up. All right. So do we finally beat the podcast because the podcast tried to beat us The podcast is never it's never truly defeated. Um
Starting point is 03:33:15 It's like yannin every every every week. It was a rough battle this week. We did our best But uh, we have to come back to do more damage next week. Yeah, it's like one of those mml bosses that's never meant to actually be beaten Yeah, that that eventually you have to go to the developer and play you're killing people You need to turn this thing off that life bar did move. I saw it move No, no, it didn't. No, it was a trick of the ass. How did anyone think that'd be fun? Why would anyone I thought they didn't think that it would be fun They thought it would be unbeatable and then when people beat it in the server crash and they reset it
Starting point is 03:33:47 and beefed its stats after like a bunch of players got fucking sick the fucking japanese government was like, no Stop that dumbasses Ah boy, all right. I'd say let's let's let's let's let's just fade out Into the music that you chose on this way before that horrible mr. Burns Okay, there it is. All right. Love to be the way you used to know You You
Starting point is 03:35:03 You You You You You You You You
Starting point is 03:39:03 You You You You You You

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