Castle Super Beast - SBFC 200: CEO Suicide Montage

Episode Date: June 6, 2017

In this episode, ARTISTS GET ROASTED. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and that's the deal with chemtrails oh man you totally I had a bit that I was like assuming you just went like and we're live and then hit the button I was gonna do a bit where I was like man woolly like there's some weird going on with my my fucking balls there's like a weird thing you check this out and then I was gonna be like oh we're like hey and instead instead we have the much better bit where did you see that NASA is fucking blowing out chemtrails off the fucking east coast or whatever the fuck it is NASA's just showing off its new fucking chemtrail tech it's fucking lead in that chemtrail well that's
Starting point is 00:01:02 why your balls are Rashi that's what's causing it oh no they're not Rashi yeah and the only way super fine the only to fix it is to go to the underside of the flat earth where the oxygen is has healing properties so man I gotta tell you I fucking love flat earth I'm really I'm a big fan okay I'm a big fan and my friend that got way in a flat earth thing has discovered a new new funsy new funsy tech now I I was not familiar but I was able to figure out what it was from the name so let's see if we can get there talk to me woolly have you heard of gang stalking what is a gang stalk okay because it sounds kind of
Starting point is 00:01:46 cool okay it sounds like a fun mode now listen woolly I think you are being gang stalked and that means that you are a targeted individual all right okay now gang stalking is like hey will you ever notice when you're walking around downtown there's a we were talking about this a lot last night actually there's people that you recognize you don't know them but they're people in the world that you happen to see you've seen and there's about 10 to 20 of those that you know characters around town yep yep did you know that there's a high likelihood that you're being targeted by these people and they are gang stalking you
Starting point is 00:02:24 now it's not one person that is stalking you hmm they have all come together as a group and they take shifts and they they trade off when you're not looking man so when you recognize faces it's because they're just different people on shift that's right man like that one has if that has infinite depth because there's no way to prove that's not happening it's it's the beauty of the madness that is like conspiracy in the sense that there are totally 100% real don't fuck this in with fucking flatter flatter is not no no no no no no no no no no no and I know
Starting point is 00:03:07 I look I'm looking over there it's flat in a world with fucking MK ultra and and co Intel Pro yeah and the Tuskegee Airmen yeah like there is real fucked shit out there yeah right make no mistakes about it but there's a beautiful like fallacy where the further and further you corner something with facts whatever little shadow is left you can retreat into the unknown and use the unknown as your proof of well we don't know yeah therefore there's a possibility there's always a chance because there's always things we don't know always will never be omniscient where the fuck is it and those random
Starting point is 00:03:48 strangers you can't ever 100% prove that they're not gangsta unless you start gangstalking them and then you get the whole crew gangstalking oh you need to hold that closer to the mic much closer yeah wow yo that's the gangstalk alarm all right you hear that alarm it means you're being gangstalked son or it means it's time to start gangstalking it's it's an option select you decide it depends whether or not you're a gangstalker or gangstalky make a decision and and choose whether or not it's the best to start gangstalking or look out for gangstalking wow all right starting big starting starting hard well um yeah
Starting point is 00:04:36 max out of town this week so so instead we have a tiny stuffed animal Matt riding a Godzilla at all so there we go yes I just go blue by accident you a little bit a little bit I don't know why I'm not sure what kind of that puts you but um here we are streamers ready do it 200 that's 200 shitty podcasts we're really bad at counting years so it's way easier to count episode so the fourth year would be the 204th podcast right no it would be 208th podcast but but isn't it the one after that would be the 204th no because we've remember when it was like 52 and I was like oh that's two years and someone's like no 50 it's
Starting point is 00:05:28 the one after is the anniversary 104 156 yeah 100 so it's so like we would make the mistake of saying anniversary when it's really just the year what you know what's easy number 200 but the thing and you're doing it with your voice now and it's I'm hungover that's correct that sounds about right hungover so um yeah we're doing a chewy and fuckface for up 200 and fuckface is hungover that's fine I had a big ol mug of water yeah I'm good I had a lot no so I'm hungover but I'm like bleh instead of like yeah right yep yep yep because I drank when I got home last night I drank nothing but water for all night and then I had to
Starting point is 00:06:18 piss all over the place yeah so yeah in about I wanted to do a four more years chat yeah that we can in four weeks we'll have to do that no five weeks five weeks yeah five weeks no wait in four more weeks it'll be the fifth week no yes yes I'll have to yes I was right I was right why is it so tough it's great why is it so for more weeks we get to shout for more years for more weeks till for more years there we go now man we do that fucking pod this that fucking pot I'm on the podcast right now this fucking podcast wait where it's two and it's 208 it's not 204 yeah because 52 like multiple months there we go so
Starting point is 00:07:04 it would be the 209 be the 209 for more weeks until we get to say for more weeks until we get to say for more years so we're in the first trimester I did it the fucking I did it did you I did it I'm sure you're right I'm the best man oh you did it so I guess with we're gonna be old in four years I mean I older than now yeah and and hopefully the world won't have gone and passed us by what is what's up with these fidget spinners the kids will gladly answer that question is that a Pog I mean yes in one way and well what I what I will say is that we don't want to go get ourselves done in like the old guy in
Starting point is 00:07:55 Shawshank where you get out of jail and the world done's gotten itself in a big old hurry walk into the podcast can't can't handle the speed of the cars I don't understand the fidgettron 9000 and then you go to the grocery store and then you just get on the stool yeah and you're right at home he's old as shit though in that movie's like 95 years old or some shit should have never let him leave the library man oh man so the fidget spinner is your modern-day dumb trend okay yeah and we all had the dumb trend toys we love talking about them my my cousin turned skill with devil sticks in the devil sticks career in the
Starting point is 00:08:34 circus absolutely pogs yo-yo balls I feel like devil sticks had value while the rest had no value no you're wrong they all had no value okay um the the one that you put on your leg that's like a hula hoop for your foot oh Christ I don't even know that one it's like a hula hoop but it's just for your ankle so it looks like an ankle bracelet like a fucking prison thing that's stupid and then you spin it around your leg and then you lift the other leg up while you spin it that's fucking yeah that's real that's real tamagotchis digimons monsters in my pocket ever had fucking died a horrible
Starting point is 00:09:09 death creepy crawlers every gimmick toy but there's been so much technology that we've we've moved past the years of skippets away from gimmick toys and we've gotten into just apps and iPhone things and whatnot and gimmick so the modern generation wanted their own gimmick toy uh-huh but get this the fidget spinner has been around for 20 years now yeah it just never took off so it's an old stupid toy from our stupid youth and the person who invented it who just took a skateboard ball bearing and stuck some plastic on it that's correct let the copyright expire perhaps five years ago oh okay so there's no that that oh man
Starting point is 00:09:50 huh let me let me fit let me figure out how to say this are you saying that fidget spinners are the it's a wonderful life of Pog style dumb gimmick toys but here's the fucked up thing is it never would have picked up if it weren't for the expiration while you're aware of a wonderful life right what is the exact okay it's a wonderful life with the the famous movie about Christmas yeah you know why it's popular it got shit on when it came out nobody liked it but then the fucking copyright expired so all the fucking networks would play at a Christmas okay well in this yeah I sort of like that then that's sort of like
Starting point is 00:10:30 that it never would have been a classic if not for the ability to completely circumvent yeah you can play for free on TV so yeah and and that's why we have this thing now and the the the main part about this thing is when you look at it and you go what why I don't get it that's the point okay the point is is we want our own thing but I'm old and you won't get it I don't get it you're not supposed to should I it's for the pre it's for the under like if you're a millennial if you're a millennial you're probably still too old to get it it's for the new generation but okay simply have pride how does understand it I your
Starting point is 00:11:06 misunderstanding gives them power okay but it fills the level bar up all right so where does the dabbing come in okay now the dab is is a new form of punctuation because I saw a guy do have she would spin the spinners and then he did the dab and I'm like yeah yeah the fuck is this well what you need to understand is it's a type of punctuation and it's the first part of the English language that actually has a gesture associated with it it's not it's not like sign language or anything like that I think I can think of a few parts of the English language that have gestures associated with yeah but but this
Starting point is 00:11:41 really really is like it's a nice way to just cap off a sentence you know when it's lit when you want to represent well it's like a fun period it's like a fun period okay I think our friend that does it all the time I don't think she actually understands how it works because I think she just does it for funsies maybe you can also use it as an ellipses sometimes if I do this is that cool well yes because you're doing sentai poses but because but Kamen Rider was the original inventor of the dab but I didn't lest we forget but it's all it's but it's not even about really getting your arm up to that point as much as it
Starting point is 00:12:17 is just covering your eyes I feel so your head is I mean that's not just covered my eyes no you did a Sino evil okay now a Sino evil is the monkeys but what I mean is that the getting the hands up is only part of the equation hiding the face and hiding the eyes is a bit more to it and if you do it enough in certain groups like in Toronto for example they don't even do the full motion they just kind of do a half gesture though like it'll be implied dad okay so that an implied dad is like that's right and sometimes it gets to the point where you just look and you just do a head gesture which plays great for an audio
Starting point is 00:12:49 podcast like this but and everyone gets it they go yeah you just did it that shits on the dab I feel uncomfortable in my own body like trying to figure out how I'm supposed to move with these new kids fucking toys I don't boy I feel like an old fucking man by the way sorry for delaying podcast today guys that's my bed yeah I had to go do old man things yeah and get my balls checked and every time you do old man things you feed the power you feed the power of the youth I remember listening to the giant bombcast and the fucking guys are talking about buying homes and shit and fucking adult stuff and my man you guys are old to be
Starting point is 00:13:30 doing a video game oh shit oh shit there's a really great and I found out that like Rykert and Brad Shoemaker like the same age as us there you go like how do you get it on this like ten years for us there's a great there's a great some comic that was getting tweeted around of like kid in at 16 being like when I'm an adult I'm gonna be the coolest adult that gets all the kids stuff and totally in touch and then it's like fast forward to 25 years old and he's like you're with a cane and Walker yeah so I mean I saw we all saw this happen to our parents where they'd start to drift off and you crazy kids and shit oh
Starting point is 00:14:10 yeah I feel like it happened way fast to us it like there's an accelerated rate here because and there is an accelerated rate because like all the parents had to do was just stick their head in a game pro magazine every now and then and they would have been fine are you winning son right maybe watch an episode of something popping up on YTV or ABC just like oh that's okay but for us to keep up you have to fucking like you have to be multiple man yeah browsing the internet on with with like five or six different streams of conscious that come back into one at the end of the day also like nowadays when you're like you
Starting point is 00:14:48 know a proper adult and you're trying to find out what all the kids like and you're trying to get hip with the kids and hang out in their chat rooms to find out what's hip it's it's a different it's a different context now yeah no nobody likes that they look at you weird and you're like why are you at the park and you're like I'm just trying to find out what the kids like there is you know when you you are I had no idea how to say any of that without sounding like an asshole well that's just what's up man oh man like it's like if you're trying to keep up with music even just trying to help the kids like like you never would but
Starting point is 00:15:20 let's say you were trying to keep but keep up with music and you were like I want to stay current right then the radio will do you some favors and play some bullet it'll it'll like the radio is more listened to by people that are older than us the point is is that like it'll play whatever top 40 shit whatever right but if you go to like like an internet radio station that's playing all classic hip-hop for example you will be discovering classic hip-hop that you had never listened to even back then because there was so much yeah and shit that was from the late 90s early aughts is becoming classic well the thing that
Starting point is 00:15:56 fucking freaked me out was like 96.5 FM or whatever the fuck generic radio station my dad listens to right yeah the same one he's been listening we were in the car this morning hanging out and like fucking Eminem comes yeah and I'm like why is Eminem on the fucking radio station that my dad listens to exactly right that's my point because he listens to classics yeah exclusively so music from the early aughts is being considered classic and there's no way you listen to everything from your favorite genre in the early aughts no way it's so like you'll be hearing new shit to you that is still considered classic it is
Starting point is 00:16:36 impossible to keep up with the tide of information I feel I feel like that's one of the things that that's one of my favorite feelings is this existed you didn't know about it here's a brand new thing of that type that existed from the time that you like yeah that's one of my favorite things happens relatively often with movies happens very often with music happens very little with games there aren't that many games that came out in the olden days that just completely good ones anyway that completely flew under the radar for people that followed it real tough nowadays it's gonna be like the Steam
Starting point is 00:17:13 library is gonna create a fucking yes infinite fucking discoverability mess hall well unless like things get pulled down yeah they get pulled down what what is real though is having something that didn't quite fly under the radar but it was off of your radar oh yeah and it's like me with front mission you know whereas like oh that's something I should fucking love but it was in this weird category under this weird umbrella that why would you even look over there so that's that's yeah that happens brain was going a million miles a minute but it's okay I guess let's talk about weeks
Starting point is 00:17:51 oh man because whoo 200 no no I'm fine you're good so you know what I you know hey that's the weak noise now so yeah I continue it's pretty bad I continue to pump lots of time into p5 and yeah what I'm doing give me a month I'm nine middle of nine and waiting for the results to kick in so that I hit I hit 12 and fucked everyone and completely lost my desire to play the game wow okay well I won't ask anymore about that I'm curious as fuck but I won't say anything no no it's because I realized that my goals were more s-link based than story-based interesting okay it's like once my disgusting thief filth cock had
Starting point is 00:18:45 been annihilated by every disease that could be around like I kind of just wanted to die did you choose your words carefully no no I didn't every single fucking time so the game the games like okay so you make it with a doctor right you're like oh man doctor I love you bang you bam bam done never gonna see you again unless I need to buy something for me and then the next time you're hanging out with somebody why do you have such a serious expression on your next time I'm hanging out with somebody it's like hey Becky what up she's like oh is getting as like in the game slows down it goes hey yo listen dude choose your
Starting point is 00:19:32 words carefully this is very important and then you pick the thing and it goes but I'm already in a relationship with another girl being like mashed and so this shit makes no sense and it's like nah man breaking the rules breaking the law society yeah see how does to hear the fortune teller not know that you're cheating on her with everything see the real phantom thieves would be stealing society's concept of monogamy that's the real problem so the here's here's the goofy bit the reason why I ended up going and do that is that I want to see what's gonna happen right I need to see it felt really it felt really bad in P4
Starting point is 00:20:20 it felt so that's the thing it didn't exist in original P4 they only added that in the golden golden so my memory of P4 is like I'm out of this town bitches yeah um and with P5 I feel like there might be less of that because it's you know Tokyo or what have you but I just need to see what'll happen I don't give a shit what it is I just need to know god fucking hurricane you just blew through in Hava like a tuxedo mass pregnancy situation god damn it well anyway so yeah that continues to be the major time sink and of course yeah that's a good game yeah and I believe for the first time I could have perhaps some
Starting point is 00:21:09 valid witness testimony as to why I've been unable to do anything else with my life yes okay so that's the setup okay so well they has mentioned the phrase I'm the limin out of boxes for what six weeks it's been a long time way longer than you'd expect from a normal now Matt and I I'll speak for Matt on this one because I know we've known Willie a long ass time like 12 years now right and I've known you to occasionally be like a lazy fuck particularly with unpacking and I know I have so I'm thinking like you moved into his new place and he's just literally he's got shit in the boxes and he'd come home when he's tired and he's
Starting point is 00:21:48 just like ah fuck it right is so me and a girlfriend went over to Willie's place last night to watch we'll get there we'll get there and we walk in are like oh yeah this does take five to six weeks with what you've done with this place you've turned it into a fucking sitcom TV show apartment you've you've you've reverse engineered the friends apartment like it was a project and it only is starting to be complete display cases bookshelves of fucking giant frame paintings the whole fucking it took a lot of shenanigans everything's perfectly placed every like everything's like you know I'm an asshole so we know
Starting point is 00:22:40 this yes and I remember you posted a photo of my hipster wall your hipster wall was it on Instagram yeah which is your hipster photo fuck on my hipster account and you said the phrase don't judge me on it and I didn't reply to it but in my mind I went fuck you want people to judge and then but then I saw the actual hipster walls oh that's class you're in more understated than I expected the joke was kind of lost unfortunately because in the original photo I had an out of all the albums the toe one in the top right is fucking Barbara Streisand and that was kind of the junk the picture doesn't seem to be
Starting point is 00:23:26 it didn't do the it didn't do it justice so people just kind of didn't see so what this means anyway is that a fucking kudos you did a great job thank you place is fantastic and I'm with you you've net be you've so now re cemented yourself as the guy who has the house that people go to kind of see I hate my apartment now I hate my apartment come on my girlfriend I came home we're like we fucking hate this place now and then I'm like come on and I'm like maybe if you fucking cleaned up your bullshit off every service you don't have to be like that about all right but for the casual viewer and or listener assuming
Starting point is 00:24:13 assuming even a modicum of maintenance this unfortunately means the end of woolly's slime floor shit house gags because they're not they now no longer make any sense they're not true that's in the past now now comes the fucking jealousy gags the new era the new era fucking hate my apartment well you start at the bottom of Tartarus and then you make it to them I believe it's whatever it's called the top the top floor is where it's just heaven you know yeah it's been it's been a while yeah hashtag drain the swamp so no it's really one of those like massive massive home homemaker projects or whatever
Starting point is 00:25:07 there's a bit of fixer-uppering to do and but our cad cabinet that works now it works it's the center it's a centerpiece it's pretty nice so all in all I I guess I just wanted a little bit of you know some just outside justification that's like oh that's why you haven't had time to play anything or do anything and no you've been you've been playing fucking Barbie house adventure in real yeah IRL so so cheers so the the counterpoint to this was wow look at this great place that we can watch this movie in what do you got lined up for us yep yep yep yep yep well we had a nice selection to choose from you know I
Starting point is 00:25:50 made sure to prepare a palette including things like the Miami connection and the death with death yeah okay so we're gonna both try this on three one two death wish fuck did you actually screw it up did you seriously death wish quadrilogy isn't it a pentology pentology but neither of those was on the slate no what was on the slate was on the slate was a mistake movie but it worked out so you're a fan of mr. Neil Breen Neil Breen yes I didn't know the name prior to yes and upon seeing the best of the worst episode featuring double down wooly went out and found what must be the newest one 2014 2014 yep fateful findings fateful
Starting point is 00:26:57 findings for those who are unaware this would be your the room version of the most DIY I birdemic style budget it's bad and film and I needed to know more would you like to know more yes you would tell me we did it we did it okay I don't even yeah I don't even know all right so I'll explain it this way I don't know what happened in the movie that's correct I don't know why most of the threads existed other than much like the room to make Neil Breen's character look like the best guy in the world there's an entire long-term subplot about the fucking new by all young fucking stepdaughter next door keeps trying to
Starting point is 00:28:00 fuck him and he's like no man get out of here it's really that's the sound of him getting hit by a car as a child oh man we did not see this trailer just about all the information I need have no idea so no more box you were given up so Neil Breen gets hit by a car and when he was a child to humanist childhood friend found the secret stone I knew black cube was eight years old which is a novelty D&E cube with appears to have the the numbers it's etched off and what happens is government and corporate
Starting point is 00:28:43 secrets he then learns about all the hacking skills that are coming from no you know that's he was a computer science major and he was the best in his best there ever was okay but when he gets hit with the car and wakes up he finds that he sees all feeling that he has to discover the secrets of should I be a corporations and governments and the evils that they've been hiding afraid and so he does that he doesn't write his books friends dialogue the way oh my god that's in the trailer enemies dial on the way corporate systems all over the oh man but you should be scared oh yeah that he knew when he was a she's
Starting point is 00:29:31 there and now Satan appears sometimes and has no outside of their relevance or you got to stare at shoes a lot of the time you got to let people know what's going on with the shoes so in a movie like this there's always that moment there's always that moment ghost fart dot gift yeah there's always that moment where it hits you and the moment where you go like so when I saw a birdemic and I saw the fucking upside down like jpeg of a bird yeah on the beach yeah and I went you know just covered my and your girlfriend found it in this one he's in the hospital and he's bandaged up real bad because he's
Starting point is 00:30:12 real hurt okay and he's got bandaged all over his fucking nose and mouth and he's got the breathing tubes on top of the bandage just flapping around and she noticed it before all of us and they even have a scene of him taking the stuff off from nothing and the tape of the IVs that he has on and they're just taped tubes with no blood in them and that's that's that moment where he's like no every conversation is a series of close-ups that are so close that the face fills the frame top to bottom and in some cases eyebrows up are gone because it's so close and you hear you hear the air in each shot change as it
Starting point is 00:31:04 goes back and forward back and forward and it's fucking ridiculous that's that's probably my of all the you know the shitty movies that I've watched particularly recently my absolute favorite aspect of a shitty production is that on the shot reverse shot room noise is blasting on one and it's completely silent on the other and it's so easy to not have that happen to you it's the most basic thing and it's shit like well now the cameras pointing towards the street so of course there's street noise we'll just remove it we can remove it we're amateurs I yeah sorry for the little clip there will you
Starting point is 00:31:49 got a band from twitch for two seconds no no no no no you took you just want to use the bathroom it's okay you needed to anyway I had it's going through me all man it's all the thread bulls all these waters okay well it's like falling out mmm I don't that's not the kind of descriptor we need here but what we do need is to let the people know that they are missing out if they don't go watch fateful findings but no that's not true they're not but they're missing out on nothing I will say that I felt jealous if not a little bit upset at the end of it when we didn't will we watch the best scenes from his previous movie double
Starting point is 00:32:34 down and realize that we didn't watch that one instead which all I will say is always more room go find the best of the worst clip of rich Evans explaining the plot of the plot of double down and that is better than the actual movie and that's almost certainly that anything you will ever need to know about Neil Breen so that was Neil Breen's the best he is he got into all the systems and no one knows anything about it CEO suicide montage is now a sentence we can use it's unironically CEO suicide montage is my favorite ending of any movie like that is a sentence that now has context and makes sense oh my god
Starting point is 00:33:24 mmm do you like Neil Breen more than what is it new yin David new yin or whatever I like Neil Breen more okay there's more charisma to that movie than Burdemic I said I do need to know but Burdemic is a trash fire that's trying to sound smart and make you feel bad whereas fateful findings is like just a guy being like okay we need to talk about something I just realized something Neil Breen he makes a movie and the movie is simple it's like I'm the fucking coolest I'm the best yeah I'm my character is great yeah okay so the script says that we're in love and we have to kiss oh fuck yeah okay no you have to
Starting point is 00:34:09 know it's part of the movie I'm the writer the director the producer we have to kiss it's and you had get the creepiest most I really don't want to do this so the room the room has like creepy Tommy we and he's trying as hard as he can to get those love scenes going yeah but then it also has his friend who's name I forget who is the pretty guy mark mark who like the ladies would love to have a scene where they're making out with him yeah he's a pretty man he's got pretty hair pretty eyes all all that good faithful findings has none of those nah it's got Neil Breen man so he's just the melting face guy and then there's
Starting point is 00:34:51 the other creepy vodka chugging friend oh yeah who's polishing his car that guy and they're both super creepy and weird and they have these scenes of like basically trying to get in get some action yeah and no girl no it's part of the movie wants anything no no no it's part of the movie fucking stepdaughter who is probably three years younger than her mom yeah like just getting topless in the pool and and throw it in like I don't want to be in this movie no I got to throw it at Neil Breen ah I can't control myself my teenage urges the way he throws his books at the laptops at the Sony vios just it gets me going so
Starting point is 00:35:39 there is something in common between the room and and this and it's the fucking bits where he throws the books or knocks the laptops over it's these fucking like why do you describe it like like a cat pushing it's a cat it's a cat pushing like the objects slowly off of a table only nudging objects off of tables and and like it is it's controlled range because he's supposed to be doing a again the room style freak out but he's picking up specific objects and aiming at specific other things and like it doesn't look random or chaotic at all it's just insane all these broken laptops that don't turn on any studies
Starting point is 00:36:20 typing on at multiple times at the same time you know what this movie has the room doesn't and birdemic doesn't and it's the first time I've encountered a film like this a garbage bag room no I've seen garbage bag rooms before a rotating skullhead I've seen rotating skull heads before Satan I have seen Satan okay what I haven't seen and you and I were losing it way more than our friends over it is the raw location-based editing in which you will you will have a character in a location in certain clothes and then you will smash cut to a different scene still on that character and these will be in some cases
Starting point is 00:37:02 in multiple rooms of a house over days and so the the effect is that the characters are teleporting everywhere it like like like the wife just changes sides of the room at one point for nothing for nothing like time yeah time passes arbitrarily conversations happen arbitrarily and like no fadeouts no establishing shots no like well there there was there was a scene where he's talking to a psychotherapist where the psychotherapist is wearing something and talking to him and then he says a line and then it cuts to the psychotherapist wearing a blue suit it cuts to his name on the door and time has passed and he's
Starting point is 00:37:41 just having another meeting with him but like there was no purpose to making that a separate scene he just dragged clips around and and got somewhere with it I yeah it's it's and it's almost like to the point of being self-aware but it's not no it's very clearly not but it there's but it's like your understanding of how a movie works is so unbelievably poor that I have to start thinking dude no like he must kind of get it my favorite part is there's more than one of these there's a gunshot about halfway through the movie and right before came out I'm like what's the odds on this being a CGI muzzle flash and
Starting point is 00:38:19 never as sure enough CGI muzzle flash right but what's shocking is that there are three gunshots in the film and two of them get nothing two of them get a sound effect and nothing not not even well it's the it's just the the gun points at the head or the gun moves and there's a sound effect and then sudden then cut to splattered blood and and and like ridiculous amounts of poured blood in some circumstances where you can see the hose pumping it from the person's shirt yeah like SNL like a barf cop style yeah you know uh anyway um so I'm glad you're able to keep doing keep doing what you're doing Neil Breen you
Starting point is 00:39:06 keep you keep on trucking keep on someone's got to do it keep on doing it someone's got to do it um yeah man and you know what hey you know what how do you know how to make something really hit and be very impactful teach them do you know how to make something hit and make it really impactful teach these people you say it twice mmm that's right you say it twice sometimes in the same manner sometimes in different manners sometimes in reverse order and other times you reverse the order sometimes if you reverse the order it's in the same manner that's right that's how you make it impactful that's right
Starting point is 00:39:40 that's how you make it impactful all right did that that sound fucked up and still did guess what almost and it's only his dialogue too it's only Neil Breen's dialogue nobody else talks like that in the movie all his dialogue is the weird double talk shit what you really can do for massive impact is have a phone conversation between two characters where one person's indoor is talking on the phone and then when you cut to the other person there's just no there's just street noise sounds of the street because there's no microphone to pick up what he's saying you couldn't ADR it either no hell no well because they
Starting point is 00:40:19 don't know how that works shut up so they just had him walking on the street talking the camera was far away so you just hear a one side of one side of a conversation like it's hard guys it's really challenging sometimes or you can edit the the hey hi nice to meet you to like it from one scene a couple seconds later when someone else walks up and they're introducing themselves again I'll just just use the dialogue use from that exact same line a couple seconds that's that's why I go it all it's almost self-aware yeah you can't cut the same line a couple seconds later into a completely different moment it's like
Starting point is 00:41:01 literally like oh we forgot to have them actually say these lines oh man it's great it's great whatever happened to Tim she broke up with him for no reason off-screen oh my god she says I left him in one scene she did like but why why she leave Tim it's because he was bald as Neil Breen has hair I feel so bad cuz like other the woman in the movie they don't want to be there and then and then there's scenes where it's like okay time for us to flash back to our childhood memories let's get naked yeah but the girl's just gonna crawl into a fetal position yeah with her head down for any plausible deniability that this
Starting point is 00:41:45 is not how that wasn't me in the movie and Neil is like around her and trying to be part of this intimate the fountain-esque moment and she wants nothing to do with it it's bad I can't tell if they're friends of him in real life that are doing this out of just like sad friendship Neil needs or this or if it's really sad like LA never got a call back there are so many of those people I need to be on film somewhere you know he's just filming in his neighborhood because he's that same fucking Mesa every time half an hour from his house every time every time I'm that's what I want to know the most is
Starting point is 00:42:23 because is it just that easy are you just grabbing people that have headshots in their pockets I remember like when I only went to LA the once back a three many years ago but I remember Matt and I walk around just being there like so many just vacant-eyed pretty girls trying to make their way just like hell I'm going nowhere just just gonna be an actress and it didn't work out last time we were down there I think I brought it up how we were just riding the train and this black lady walks on with her kid and has a conversation with a random stranger and in the middle of the conversation she's like oh what do you
Starting point is 00:43:02 do this is that whatever say yeah I sing a little bit and the other person goes oh that's cool anyway and then the lady just stands up and goes to the front part of the train and just starts belting out into song in like Whitney Houston holding one ear style like tripped like trembling of the voice yeah and you're like that was completely unprompted and like out of nowhere and a person who was talking to her was like oh wow you're very good and she's like yeah well you know I just I'm trying to get something going you know it's hard out here and like basically just goes into like an impromptu ready-to-go
Starting point is 00:43:36 concert I just that she has in her back pocket at all times my big break it's fucking crazy so yeah I you know what it is actually that sad and easy to just grab anybody and go hey you want to be in a movie I'm shooting yeah that's all you got to say I've made many movies before and they were all great head out to any restaurant and just talk to the wait staff yeah and ask the wait staff if they want to be go down to the Applebee's yeah look for look for casting choices you go if it's okay the weirdest part of the movie is not in the movie the weirdest part of the movies and the credits yeah okay okay yeah so as the
Starting point is 00:44:20 credits are rolling you're seeing this stream of names and things and people that worked on the movie a lot of production companies and the various companies that he worked with to get the movie done Neil Breen of course since he did and it wrote edited directed but and so on but like you know music by this company and that company and so on and then the last thing after like all people are right before the FBI warning is all companies listed in the above credits with an N or a B in their names are fictitious they're really just covers that I made up and I'm Neil Breen I'm Neil Breen I did that work
Starting point is 00:45:00 myself and then you scroll back to it and you just see like 80 companies like NNN are all productions B and Q like what is it and pizza yeah just NNN fashions yeah and whatever the fuck and it's it's just it's clearly like someone with major issues oh man hey let's do a camera think about editing software you saw that and then you went back and went wow Neil did all that I didn't I just thought he'd write I just thought he'd directed and wrote it was the star yeah it was supposed to be the final stinger oh man to the credits is the discovery that he did it all I can't believe it genius it is the same genius
Starting point is 00:45:46 and he's probably working on one right now yeah so you don't have to tell him right now there's probably a thing is like no no no we have to be naked we have to kiss you don't have to tell him to keep at it because guy you know God knows he won't stop can't be stopped won't be stopped so yeah that was that was my week yeah to add to that interesting things I did I played Tekken yeah how you find it it's good yeah it's real good how do you find yourself in relation to Tekken not good oh not good what happened I haven't played Tekken seriously since Tekken 5 and Tekken 5 came out a year after I
Starting point is 00:46:32 met you guess what I suck shit now I suck a bunch of shit oh yeah you do it fucking hurts I was so excited for Tekken I started to play it I'm like I fucking suck I'm not even like oh I'm rusty no I suck so unless it's a brand new fighting game that has never been established before such as perhaps something like for honor mm-hmm expect massive diminishing returns on any long-term series I built up all those skills over that time I wouldn't say it was good I'd say was average you know in a bunch of different fighters and now I'm it's bunch of wet farts yeah it's alert and there's so much there to
Starting point is 00:47:20 like yeah Akuma's nuts yeah I'm so glad to finally play it's him and all I can think of when I play Akuma is like wow you guys did a way better job of putting a Street Fighter character in your system than Capcom did of putting Tekken characters in theirs Akuma feels like he is from Street Fighter he doesn't he like he's flavored yeah Tekken but he is clear he is he is similar to like the fantasy you always had of like MK versus Street Fighter where the MK characters keep their block and and stuff like that right I never am at like when I first touched it I never imagined he would be as faithful you hit up to
Starting point is 00:47:57 jump you're doing his regular jump ends you're hitting low forward into the fucking fireball you're doing all the shit that you usually do I always thought they would have like they drop him into the Tekken system to make him work no they just make as any Street Fighter character they just gave him his Marvel buttons and they he keeps his fucking focus attack yeah he keeps FADC's dude just shuts down anything it's there he has all the same strengths and weakness well actually doesn't have the health weakness it doesn't seem like it no but you know like you made your commitments to heavy moves that get
Starting point is 00:48:35 blocked is a massive full to full punish it's it's nuts it's impressive it makes me very excited for either more characters got data mind out that there's one there's a character coming that has another meter oh it could be unique it could be another Street Fighter character but it makes me very excited like Tekken Cross Street Fighter they have the rights to make that forever whenever they so choose yeah I'm very excited for that that Akuma in Tekken 7 fully washed the taste of cross Tekken out of my mouth I'm glad it's that easy because that was a couple years of shit talking yeah that like I kept trying to be like
Starting point is 00:49:18 that and that got to screaming match levels if you remember well with who with me and with Liam and with Matt all four of us where it would be like dude it doesn't have to come now but they're working on the thing and you're like that's not real it doesn't exist oh I still don't think it exists okay okay but but it still doesn't exist sure but but what I'm saying is but it makes me happy that it would be good when it does exist you have you have your mechanics demonstration yeah and it's like clearly they thought this through and there's a there's a way to do it now there's characters that I still think would work
Starting point is 00:49:53 a little more bizarrely I think guy would be goofy I'd say so yeah that'd be a problem and characters like that but anyone who's keep away designed would be a problem to be perfectly honest so my first online match of Tekken but some would be incredible I went online and Steve Fox blew my fucking shit up with a perfect as he does and I went yeah back forward one to one yep I like rage moves a lot as a newfound Tekken scrub specifically rage arts or rage drive which is which I like them both all right yeah I just like the ability of like I'm fucked up can I get an armor move so I get something going on and I
Starting point is 00:50:38 adore that the armor you get on it does not diminish what's hitting you at all like you will still have to live through that kick in order to hit with your your super is my when my brain calls it so rage arts yeah right yeah yeah you're still and more games need this I don't I guess it makes more sense in 3d but Tekken 7 slow motion on important hit is probably the greatest thing that ever happened to fighting games it's it is the single most it's dramatic yeah it's the current leader in like style and flavor innovation and I think like the last time some things made this much of an impact was the invention of the
Starting point is 00:51:22 combo mm-hmm the fuck's going on at our door what's going on you know what hold on let's find out shall we yeah let's do that be right back you guys Tekken's great Tekken's great Tekken's fucking great Tekken's great uh yeah I'm not great well no but but so here's the thing that's gonna happen every once in a while in your life and it's gonna be increased frequency because man a lot of new fighting games came out at the same time between this injustice you know rev 2 and such but what's gonna start happening is I mean look there's the truth of the matter is is that as you get older yeah those reflexes are
Starting point is 00:52:07 gonna become shit and you can't fight that and the way you fight that is like drugs I mean that'll do one that'll do one thing for you but old man by a style it's just you just keep playing right you just keep up at it and you know being part of like going to FGC meetups and things like that is this is the part where it's like that starts to pay off a bit because those skills stay sharp a little bit a little bit a little bit you know it's not that you're not fighting it at forever but it keeps you somewhat able to be able to keep up and compete and the trade-off is all the time that I would spend going to a meetup and
Starting point is 00:52:46 playing with all these guys means I'm not gonna be playing something cool like the Witcher yeah or I'm not gonna get to experience an awesome fallout adventure I kind of I'm gonna miss out on certain massive single-player experiences kind of made that decision about four or five years ago yeah I get that yeah and and it's that I made the dumber decision I played an MMO yeah but but the decision to you know invest your time into massive single-player experiences which are massively rewarding oh yeah um you know sometimes you can't like you have to choose between that or a multiplayer experience
Starting point is 00:53:22 that is like more limited but to me it means more now let me ask you a question but I do I do like kind I do feel bad about like you know every time we're the rest of the calendar is going by and it's not fighting game season you go back to fighting games and then you're like oh I didn't can't keep up no no what I know that happens to me okay that's not what I mean no what I mean is while I'm playing regularly throughout the year and everything else is coming out right I feel like ah fuck like I you know like I mean you guys were talking about like I don't like Call of Duty which one if you infinite warfare or was it the one
Starting point is 00:54:02 that like was actually not bad with the future advanced right which is really good yeah exactly and stuff like that where I'm just like that's just not anywhere near my wheelhouse because I've chosen to put my time into this other type of game and you know I feel in those situations I feel like you do now where you're like oh I just don't have this I'm gonna I'm in a particularly odd situation because the MMO has like a weird side effect that's kind of uncommon storm blood comes out in 10 days right after the after day one which I'll probably hit the new level cap at you know day one or two right if I really
Starting point is 00:54:39 go hard yeah the progress that I've made over the past two years will then evaporate right it will it will turn into nothing and I'm starting completely over yeah and it's that's weird man you have not you have like knowledge advantage yes sure but the entire MMO cycle is the quest for huge is to get bigger yeah and then you start all the way back down to the bottom yeah and it's it's it is weird and and like you know it's interesting because like the the people that check our stuff out are a very diverse group some people come from the fighting game scene some people come from the anti-fighting game
Starting point is 00:55:25 scene some people come from everywhere else right and as a result like whenever certain types of games hit some groups get way more passionate about them than others yeah oh yeah and you know like we and you just have to kind of imagine if you would that like because like you know it's like hey like are you guys keeping up with this are you keeping up with that and such and so there's always just you have to be selective because there's too much to keep up with like I saw I saw one of the things like Pat how do you not know about player unknown battlegrounds right right like yeah yeah it's like man I'm not even up to date on
Starting point is 00:56:02 the games I fucking own right exactly right and so like and so like there's a lot of people that were like how the fuck do these chuckle fucks not know us not know what the game is had you not here I knew the biggest the most crazy thing the new hot thing for the kids yeah and it's like how they're not known it's like well that's just not what we pay attention to usually with games right and the thing is is that the like someone that spends a ton of time on that yeah they're missing it hasn't hasn't touched for honor nope and completely like didn't like even look at like I don't know um poke in or yeah um whatever
Starting point is 00:56:39 persona for arena or you know what I mean like there's massive parts about things where we went like oh I went hard on that game for a while that just didn't exist like I want I want your timeline so the the best example is that woolly and I went really hard on persona for arena yeah and despite being crazy excited for ultimax for like more than a year yeah barely touched it yeah that's great because the time that it came out in was just bad for it that is the heart and supported it yep but and and that games awesome that's one of my favorite fighting games of all time and I barely touched it and and and I think
Starting point is 00:57:17 p4a and p4u collectively both represent like oh no p4a specifically represents the hardest I've ever gone on a dead on arrival fighting game you know yeah that like just had no chance whatsoever and there's a whole massive in-depth awesome meta game there and like like just really fun basic systems that play that millions of people that play games hardcore never looked at once and those hours that I spent learning that as opposed to something like say player unknowns battlegrounds I don't regret at all because I fucking love that game but it's just that like you know everyone has their own their
Starting point is 00:58:02 own time line everyone's timelines are different so this is rare for you but I play these kinds of games more often I play the the big ones so persona is a really good example for you right you the the hundred plus hour fucking life destroyer you know the one that absorbs it your time and your attention when you beat those you get this huge rush of like I did it right yep and it's immediately followed by emptiness yeah right am I the only person who gets that I feel like different I feel that but I don't feel the debt like sadness of that I wouldn't call it sadness I feel like I've just freed up a whole lot of time
Starting point is 00:58:48 mm-hmm and I feel like I need to fill that yeah and I and occasionally I'll be like lost yeah as to what how to fill a void yeah because it's like well that was that I made the decision and then I didn't have to think about that for you know two months because oh I'm bored well I'll do I'll play this yeah and then you're like oh I guess I don't know and then you cut for a day or two you just kind of do bullshit and watch like movies and and and old TV show or whatever nothing's filling that gap like that that fucking insane sinkhole is just there now that it used to be land and it's empty and you're throwing things down
Starting point is 00:59:27 the pit and it's a whole season of always sunny yeah the biggest one that recently that I felt that on was Breath of the Wild mm-hmm yeah absolutely like oh my god what a fucking yeah cuz it was it was fucking wake up go to work awesome work was fun come home Breath of the Wild until you fall asleep yeah for like three weeks it was just life yeah it was all life yeah it's oh we I have to go my friends okay fine we'll talk about Breath of the Wild you know it was really really big and yeah I think that happens to everybody to be honest but it's it's weird cuz it's yeah it's not necessarily like a sadness you
Starting point is 01:00:12 know it's kind of a bittersweetness but if something else comes along that does fill that void then cool mm-hmm I know for a fact that once I'm done p5 there's a injure there's a giant-ass gamer near waiting for me so that's there like games big oh yeah that's fine but um you know that's all it is I guess is just I every time you know so another fighting game is gonna come out that you care about and you know what dude like this might make you a little bit sad but when Virtua Fighter does come back no that's not true whatever you're gonna say it's shot of it dude no when it does come back you're gonna go online uh-huh
Starting point is 01:00:55 and you're gonna feel it oh no I'm gonna feel it but and you're gonna go oh no but I because Virtua Fighter is another one of those long-standing franchises yeah that you just there's no way you could have kept up with even if you want it if you want it to keep up with Tekken you could have yeah but Virtua Fighter it's like on no planet in Virtua Fighter it's not available you don't even have the chance yeah no so that consider those skills already gone um and the only the only difference about that is that I was legendarily bad at Virtua Fighter up until final showdown came out oh really I don't
Starting point is 01:01:35 remember if you remember but like when vf5 came out of 360 you came over my place and we played I got fucking salt because you didn't really care much about Virtua Fighter yeah but you blew me out super hard and I was pissed because I've been playing vf for years but I've been playing against the CPU only for years I don't remember so I had learned every bad habit every single fucking bad habit that you can do and you blew me up and it was humiliating barely remember and then when final showdown came out I put the time in and I you know watched the fucking two and a half hour fucking dandy DLC like here's how
Starting point is 01:02:11 you play final showdown fucking went and did my wolf shit and like for the first time in my life of playing vf like I hit a level of competency that I could be happy with so like I don't have as much to lose on vf whereas Tekken 3 everybody and their friends played Tekken 3 like fiends like all the time yeah and I'm not even as good as I was with Tekken 3 I was like 12 like damn I I didn't like like Tekken's always sort of been there in the background as a fun thing but like I didn't actually start to even consider taking it seriously until hanging out with the community at like mutual FGC events and then like
Starting point is 01:02:55 making good friends with a couple of the top players there that were trying to learn for and so the guys that were trying to learn for were top players in Tekken and then I'd be like hey well why don't you show me a few things in DR yeah you know and then I start to go to those meetups and just started figuring out like okay no this game is fucking great well Tekken changes once you realize that I mean I saw it in a couple threads just talking about it it's like most your moves are shit ignore that everybody has like 25 good moves then use those and 80 bad ones yeah use those moves those are the good ones right
Starting point is 01:03:27 right and once you once you mentally checklist like what's actually usable the complexity goes way down and it becomes a lot simpler to realize like okay do you have enough advantage to do Kings jumping knee for a pop-up if is the answer yes then it is the best thing you can do in that situation every time because it leads to juggle shit and carry combos and wall shit if it's it like if there's a if it opens you up for a counter hit yeah juggle exactly but that's mid game yeah right and then high level is like okay remember those 80 shit moves yeah okay that's you still have to know what they do that's combo filler for gai
Starting point is 01:04:06 guess on this stage when you're eight feet away and you and you have to be aware of it lest he decides to fuck it up fuck you over and pull one out yeah we're expecting it yeah it's it's insanely ridiculous of a mountain to climb and and you know to some degree like what you what you're describing here with Tekken is definitely part of something I feel with King of Fighters because the closest I've ever gotten to taking that seriously was 11 right 11 was the hardest I went on on any K went hard and you had you you were you were good friends and at one point you lived with a guy who would beat your ass in
Starting point is 01:04:50 KOF 11 yeah we went hard so you had a very good reason to get better and you know and then when I tried to play like 13 it like at a semi-competent level it just fell 13 fucking mean it fucking fell apart that juggleshits goofy oh god anyway that was a long way to go to really just explain your second good that was a long way to go I'm not going to your sadness and to let you know that that sadness isn't going away well you know what luckily I play a game now and ff 14 the fastest I can hit a button is once every two and a half seconds so that's nice and slow for old guy like me there's one future there's one future
Starting point is 01:05:35 that might be to your benefit oh what's futures that the future where games like fantasy strike and rising thunder become the norm in which the only thing that I need to retain is my matchup knowledge decision-making and like you know 20 years of playing mind games by doing supers twice in a row footsies and do the super twice in a row it always works who would ever do a super twice in a row idiots that's so that's that's your only hope is execution goes thrown out that gets thrown out the window in favor oh I thought you were gonna say like mind control well I mean we don't need to talk about the harp
Starting point is 01:06:12 system we already started with chemtrails what we do need to talk about is the news because there's quite a bit of it mm-hmm that was your week right that was my week okay all right so let's talk about the news no uh yeah yeah yeah before the news hey oh thanks for that I was worried that he wouldn't understand the hand gesture that I did mm-hmm I'm glad it came across you did one of those referee yeah you know personal foul mm-hmm offense first down let's take a word from our sponsors this week who's our sponsor this week Willie our sponsor this week is the smarter choice the smarter choice our sponsor this
Starting point is 01:07:07 week is dollar shave club dollar shave club you know dollar shave club I've heard about them I've heard that they can help me trim my disgusting disgusting neck beard if you need to get that fucking face rodent under control I do then you want to sign up to dollar shave club because dollar shave club is gonna be sending you a package every month and you're not gonna be putting up with the crazy bullshit expenses of going down to your pharmacy you're not gonna be be putting up with cheap lame razors I'm not gonna have to you know sign up for an identifying account to buy my razors no eyeball
Starting point is 01:07:48 retina scans required all you sick of that shit all you do is head on down to slash friendcast and you will get the package I got and thoroughly enjoyed including the executive razor is that how you got your forehead so smooth I mean really that was kind of what my mama gave me but it helps keep it smooth mm-hmm with the soap packages the body wash the razor and replacement blades which I still use and enjoy thoroughly mm-hmm and of course of course without any assumption towards you know what you would use to take care of the mess going on on your face butter just raw butter yeah just stick butter
Starting point is 01:08:35 motherfucker when I told you to use butter to help you shave I didn't mean just any butter I won't I mean I met Dr. Carver shave butter I bought it from a guy who said he was a doctor that's you fucked up was that in the alley behind the pharma pre because that's the bad place that's just the same guy that's trying to lock you up and help you and make you buy expensive razors and after you buy expensive razors that's a nice alley it's on the west end of west yeah he's expensive razors and then he walks into the back alley and then he sells you butter and says use this to help shave your face and he's a fucking
Starting point is 01:09:13 fraud you know what I shouldn't I should not set a stick of butter I should have said it's those butter packets you get from the breakfast crack those open and rub them on your beard yeah no no don't fall for the frauds don't fall for the charlatans and the mount of banks and the crooks and the roust abouts what about the ragamuffins the ragamuffins I'm not too bad with them because I kind of look like a ragamuffin all right what you should worry about is whether or not fixing this shit and and the place you need to go to fix that shit is at slash friendcast that's
Starting point is 01:09:50 slash friendcast Dr. Carver shave butter it's the only place you're gonna go get it and of course we're talking a package shipped to your door for five bucks a month with a $15 value or more in each box this can of red bull I drank cost $5 and I sure have more than one of these a month get out of here this is ridiculous insane I could have just not drank that and then gotten this insane you should feel the weight of these razors they're heavy the good heavy razors what you want thanks dollarshaveclub thank you dollarshaveclub the podcast is also sponsored by get out of town we're also sponsored what are the
Starting point is 01:10:27 odds that shipping something to your door would be considered a good idea well considering we run an audio podcast that goes out over the internet it would make sense that our audience would like things that you could they could get in the mail I you mean it wouldn't have worked if we told the audience to come show up while we talked out for hey hey we're we're we're giving out stuff right here come get it no oh we're broke okay no let's ship things that makes much more sense so if the things you want to ship are fun things that include a different theme every month almost like a concomit con in a box then the place you
Starting point is 01:11:02 want to go is slash super and you're talking a variety of items that you get usually including a fun t-shirt pop culture things less than 20 bucks a month I've gotten I've gotten all kinds of fun gear that I'm still using including my Los Poyos chicken apron so the barbecue apron I have a I have a fucking I don't know what it is I think it's a Space Invaders Christmas shirt hell yeah that we got way back that I still wear from time to time absolutely that thing I need to show everyone that you know while I'm behind the grill I might also be a massive meth underground CEO it's possible but but
Starting point is 01:11:46 what you need to do is is check it out because every month is a different theme this month's theme is alter ego uh-huh so you're gonna get items from Spider-Man Transformers Hulk DC and of course there's the mega crate you have a chance at winning which has a massive insane huge expensive isn't it much larger great so you have until the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific to get in and check out this month after that that's the cutoff it's over you're too late you're too late but you still get to sign up for next month so that's super promo code super save three bucks on your new subscription sounds good thanks look
Starting point is 01:12:25 right thanks look great now let's talk about the news all right yep there you go you get you did it that's news you got us there yeah so it's up man did all the video games burned out oh fuck this okay did you see the fucking confirmation of how much the Witcher author sold his shit for yeah yeah 4,000 bucks no there was a mistake it was actually 9,500 bucks okay well how about that what a dumbass I guess he's not a fool after all wait anyway the correction he did make however it was basically was funny because he came out and went all right look maybe I sounded a little bit grumbly when I bitch the
Starting point is 01:13:16 whole world came out grumbly asshole when woolly called me a fool I realized that crazy Negro needs to shut his mouth but wait what he also has a point I mean I kind of do need to shut my mouth from time to time well not I mean not right now let's shut it later this is what the podcast happened around I don't know but either way he did sort of kind of apologize and say you know whatever good for them I guess watch my netflix show was the gist of it oh man watch it come out that he also took a lump sum for that but it was just a higher lump sum like a million bucks or something can't can't fucking can't make a
Starting point is 01:14:02 deal anyway so no that's not what I wanted to talk about damn I wanted to talk about your personal experience with the most convoluted net chat setup you've ever had to deal with okay what's what's my most convoluted that I ever had to go through up until this point up until this point in time it was monster hunter for you trying to get a fucking solution to playing online because that game didn't have voice chat on 3ds and that game can get pretty hard to a point where voice chat becomes important and I was playing with a bunch of guys from the best friends neo-gap topic and it's just like typing
Starting point is 01:15:02 shit out in steam chat was not cutting it you know what else wasn't cutting it steam chat you know what else didn't exist discord so it ended up being Skype while because I didn't want to rent event server or a mumble server for this fucking bullshit that I was gonna drop in two weeks and Skype conference calls are the fucking worst they are so bad they're so unreliable and I hate it I don't know about convoluted because part of the reason was like how to make a fake Skype account because my real super personal email is associated with the other Skype account of course so we got to make this bullshit and then I
Starting point is 01:15:46 accidentally locked myself out of my real Skype account because you forgot my password the password recovery on that shit sucks hell yeah Microsoft absolutely so what you're saying is that was with a Nintendo game it sure was all right it sure was Willie so Nintendo announces their new setup for how you're expected to do online chatting and let's be real it's basically the thing that we were kind of talking about it's it's pretty much exactly the stupid version of what we were expecting and I remember the problem was like wait a voice chat handle is handled through the phone are you just supposed
Starting point is 01:16:28 to have your fucking phone next to you and have the chat come through in the bullshit and so what I looked at the arrow device that they showed off with the headset that like well that's that's the timeline where link died right right that's where Tony never meets bam and then if you follow the arrow the hero of time survives yes that's correct and then it plugs into the hori headset perfect so when I look at this the first thing my brain does is notice that that's an arrow and I'm like oh that's a fun little arrow shape but more importantly what happens if you want to do this while the switch is docked you
Starting point is 01:17:13 shut your fucking mouth you shut the fuck up literally what about if I don't feel like playing it I went with the handheld switch and I want it in docked mode here's what you do you ready what you have your phone on speaker okay battery drains super fast on your phone and then you have and then you have it just next to you on the couch so that you you're moving your head to the side to fucking talk or whatever and then you and then you fucking the TV sound comes out or or you can do how we used to do it ghetto in the fucking best friends land you just have the earbud from your phone and goes in your left ear and you
Starting point is 01:17:56 listen to that and then you have your phone on your lap and then you just you hear the game audio from the TV through your right ear that's open or vice versa or it's stupid what a solution it's it solves nothing for most situations I will deal with this I just like and this is the this is the point I think I said before this is the point where discord should just go or use discord like the tweet that I the hot take that I threw out there was this fucking chat thing might as well just be Nintendo telling you to use discord instead and I I put money into making a discord setup for my house by the way wow so what I have
Starting point is 01:18:43 okay is I have a TV connected to my PC connected to a soundbar right yeah everything comes out of the soundbar problem is when you switch inputs because it's a PC program the PC is hooked up to the soundbar but since it's a lot of different input the audio from discord will no longer play through the soundbar because a different input it's turned off right so no soundbar pardon soundbar is in sonos and bar no it's it's like a it's like a mini stereo yeah okay okay so because the PC isn't the primary input nothing comes out of the soundbar from the PC instead stuff comes out of the ps4 or the switch or whatever right so I
Starting point is 01:19:19 went and got some like logitech speakers and I hooked them up into the back of my computer and my logitech speakers sitting over to the left of my setup and discord puts all voice audio through that so whenever I switch devices or switch inputs my sat my my friends are always coming through this thing yes which means I am done already okay for this one with discord you have everything piping through I it's not even a headset it's it's it's it's not using a headset it's it's I don't play with headsets nearly ever unless I'm in public okay I I don't like to wear a headset in the house I like to hear the speakers okay
Starting point is 01:19:58 so I have the speakers with you know my discord buddies coming through this and to the right of that is the soundbar where the monster hunter audio will come out and they'll mix together and my mic is way out and I have it set up so that the gate threshold is and I did that because I wanted to play breath of the wild while talking to people who are also playing breath of the wild right right right which I was doing all the time but guess what that's that requires money to make that cost me 150 bucks with the bar and the fucking shit and all these cables and shit right say your your your jimmy paluka or whatever your fucking name is and use discord on a laptop like nearly everybody does
Starting point is 01:20:43 you're gonna have your laptop off to the right side of you and have that blast out to you like it's this sucks it's why can't I just plug in a fucking regular headset into the fucking switch it's insane it's kind of insane because it's because the hardware just doesn't support why doesn't the switch just support bluetooth it I do I have nothing I have nothing a bluetooth headset would just fix this fucking problem like it would have bumped the cost up maybe a dollar maybe 20 bucks no not even a bluetooth chip not real cost oh market cost but I don't understand how you're gonna seriously expect people to look at this diagram and actually know what so what they're seriously gonna expect people to do is not use voice chat
Starting point is 01:21:31 I guess which I'm fine with yeah you know what in personally in 99% of games I'm fine with monster hunter we finally get on a real console again and we go yeah woo all the pro off for fuck sake we still gotta use a fucking third oh on the Wii U it had in-game voice chat you know what the problem was yeah the fucking Wii U speaker and the fucking mic were right next to each other so if you had non-push to talk shit on every sound that came out of the Wii U which is blast into your own microphone and reverb and cause like that death rattle that infinite reverb death rattle dude the funniest thing for me looking at this is that you can build this with fucking radio shack parts oh yeah because it's literally just it's it's it's the setup we it's
Starting point is 01:22:20 yeah it's two male connectors and then and then a female on the top to plug your headphones into and then you make sure that the fucking setup I'm using right now it's and the yeah you just make sure you just make sure that the the plug for the heads for the um the headphones also has the extra notch so that it can support your voice channel that's it and then you have a four notch headset um this is an easier solution and people who aren't as familiar with cables as we are but holy shit guys wow um and and and let's let's even move beyond that because the the thing about the phone thing is that I'm becoming worried as to how like required this is going to be for certain online interactions matchmaking well or not um I can't see it being vital but like
Starting point is 01:23:06 the the biggest problem with the switch I fucking love the switch I did not like the Wii U I think this is clear everyone knows that yep um and I was cold on the Wii but it had cool shit right but the biggest problem with the switch by far is the cost of peripherals right it's crazy the dock costs 130 man yeah the which that's crazy that's not Matt and I got one I got one for the office Matt got a second one for home we already have two in the house for me they expect zero percent of people it's nuts to go get a second it's nuts the controllers cost a billion dollars the fucking screen protectors are expensive and now by the way I'm holding up my phone yep this is the most expensive peripheral ever yeah this is by far the most expensive peripheral ever
Starting point is 01:23:51 this costs more than the fucking console yes and it's expected that I have this yeah that's ridiculous I mean I have it I'm sure a lot of kids have it but the expectation that you would have it well here's absurd so the fun part uh is if the person happens to have one of those new fendangled iPhones where well you gotta add a lightning adapter because you don't have the actual fucking headset to stick directly guess what that means can't charge your phone while you play your switch games why because they use the same connector why would you need to charge your phone while you're playing your switch because I'm gonna play multiplayer switch games for extremely long periods of time well maybe you should take a break pack fuck how smart of them granted I have
Starting point is 01:24:41 an iPhone uh sorry I have an android phone that has a headphone jack so it's not a problem with me you have an iPhone right yeah yeah absurd did they have iPhones are super popular I don't know if you heard but iPhones are very common smartphones doesn't doesn't the way you have um a weird thing where because of the the nature of like usb c cables uh the we sorry not that we use sorry the switch if plugged into like a laptop for example we'll end up charging the laptop I don't fucking know I've I heard that when you put in ab because ab cables have a have a source point and then okay like the a point and b point distinguish where the power charge should come from and where it should be going I did not know that that's the main thing when you use usb b with the mini and
Starting point is 01:25:26 micro usb the smaller end is always going to be the receiver of power the larger end is going to be right server of power and um the server of power sounds really cool the switch uses a c cable which is the circular one yeah which you can switch and flop around and not have any troubles thank you usb c however there will sometimes be prioritization issues where yeah if you plug it into a computer it'll be like oh the switch is feeding the computer power got it that's what you wanted me to do right yep okay i'm doing it so maybe with your phone you'll you'll see similar issues occurring uh did you hear that um sam song's putting it so the k k s 8000 so exceedingly popular brand of television particularly now because it does 4k does this
Starting point is 01:26:14 year and it has a problem with the switch what's that it's had this problem since day one and I had it quite bad it's the switch will intermittently send out an hdmi signal while docked we're talking sub one second okay i just a little burst i haven't heard about that it's some kind of fucking like am i still asleep yeah i'm so you know whatever right okay the problem is the k s 8000 by samsung auto switches to new hdmi inputs which means if you have your switch hooked up to this fucking thing which is the my tv by the way not going through anything extra your your fucking screen will just go black at random i guarantee you there's a setting to turn it off there is not that is the problem are you fucking serious 100 automatic so it's doing hdm what's the i forgot
Starting point is 01:27:05 the name of the hdmi cec yes cec it's doing automatically without any off switch wow that's stupid so that wasn't a problem until this and samsung just came out and said okay we are and it's it is a very minor problem with ps4 in which when it kicks on to download something it'll do that yeah but then it'll switch back um but switch does it all the time and it's a problem okay well that's that's a firmware update for the tv yes and guess what they're putting one out and i'm not sure but it may have already come out because now when i switch to a new input it takes like 10 seconds for the new input to kick in and i think why is because it's searching for a consistent hdmi input okay it's not so it's it's not switching based on like ping or ping yeah it's you know i'll
Starting point is 01:27:53 switch it back over my ps4 i turn it on turn it on on on on switch okay and then it'll get on when i'm on the you know the choose your um yeah longer your fucking login thing um and i think that's fixed it but i haven't hooked my because i have my my switch hooked up into my capture card and that is a permanent input so it doesn't cause it but uh what a mess i i feel like i need to get like an iphone with d with the converter for the headset get this whole thing set up get my extenders going for my headphones and my headset dock the fucking switch and just record what that looks like in my lap oh it's it's just record the fucking nightmare it's oh man the the best part about the switch is the portability but the simplicity of that portability right this
Starting point is 01:28:46 super fucks that up if you want to play a game online it goes from being the simplest easiest console to use to being by far the most complex and all i can think of is that it really looks like when nintendo said don't worry we got this online thing what they actually meant is we are literally just giving up and giving it to this phone company and the phone company is just going to do their phone company shit which dina slash guys don't chat online yeah but they wouldn't make the fucking accessory if they didn't well that's a horry accessory yeah like no officially branded no no it's it's really like they do expect that to get used i don't know but i think the takeaway for the average person will be or not i'll just not chat online slash use discord and that'll be the end of just
Starting point is 01:29:33 use discord wow see discord is like stealing skype's business customers oh i believe it because accountants and lawyers and shit are like yeah it's a dumb gamer thing but the voice call quality and connection strength is way better than skype done totally eat in skype's lunch done by the way ps fuck skype yeah sure i had the fucking meeting this morning with like financial people and they one of them was over skype and every fucking two minutes and hello hello are you are you there what did you say not to sell well before you head to the next topic i got a fucking god dammit dude my dick is broken because of alcohol go go i can throw up if you want to but instead i'll just piss go ahead that's fine
Starting point is 01:30:33 i'm not gonna play with my dick hey guys how's it going what's you up to talk to me we'll just uh we'll just do this part we'll just do this part um do i even know i don't even have a single shot for ob s set up how about that uh we'll just do this okay how you guys doing guys having fun enjoying yeah i don't know pats bladder is really um it's not what it used to be he used to tank him he used to tank him pretty hard and heavy and uh and uh what's that oh oh i don't know plague is sending me weird messages i'll have to figure that out later so why do i hate you i don't hate you isn't this are you guys enjoying episode 200 is this a good fun episode 200 i'd say so what a great celebration so i just thought about something what happened to
Starting point is 01:31:40 your bladder me back in the day you used to be able to tank him like booze yeah now i just didn't do you just didn't piss do live broadcast okay fair enough you didn't notice the one i'd sneak away to take a piss no because you were the one that always used to talk about um drop breaking the seal and like no that was you no you talked about vented you talked about breaking the seal all the time what are you talking about that was all i well the problem is i broke the seal like last night you did and i'm still like i'm drinking all these liquids okay so i was in the bathroom right yeah i was pissing i was thinking you know i'm gonna wash my hands anyway you're gonna like what if it'd be fun if i just pissed all over my hands just to see what it was like i didn't do it
Starting point is 01:32:26 but it was thought i mean no one could stop you no one could stop me it what what what do you think it actually feels like to throw your own feces at someone something primal inside from your ancestors just just would be proud would be proud of it but i think so but then i'll then i'll get kicked out of the pokemon championships and you know you will be pulled out but like will you really regret it like you know would you in the end wouldn't you be thinking hey worth it and like my my ancient monkey ancestors are smiling down did you see any of this stuff about uh speaking of speaking of throwing poo uh did you did you see any of that stuff with the smash commentators union i didn't what's that about they're they're secretly going
Starting point is 01:33:14 around and trying to start a smash commentators union and uh trying to make it so that if you don't have union smash commentators that they'll boycott the events and they want to have a better deal in which it's minimum but no maximum for commentary let everybody know how you feel about that why i break the seal well the before you do that like jubilee fucking was was like talking mess about it on twitter and saying good fucking luck with that when every event bans you okay does this include people like d1 i don't know who that is a cool smash commentator guy he's a hype man he's night man hype hype man but he's also a night man night man oh god all right i'll be right back all right here's my thoughts um smash is a bad game no no no oh well he's left the room
Starting point is 01:34:13 no uh the main problem i have with this is that i think everyone can agree that like unions are have problems and that everybody's union is corrupt but when your company tries to fuck you you appreciate that your union is at least going to be corrupt for you but this seems weird because there's no money in smash commentary there's no money in competitive smash it's all fan run there's no good there's never gonna be any sponsors for non official like barely allowed fucking set of competitions between a group of players that are basically just getting older and to my knowledge very little new blood is coming in it's weird this feels like a good way to kill smash commentary by trying to force the issue and just snuffing it out instead of
Starting point is 01:35:03 uh building the fire you know like somebody trying to blow on a a spark trying to cause a fire it seems ridiculous and i think jubilee being like ha ha fuck you is probably like a pretty good expectation of what to expect if this deal were to go through so like this is somewhat similar to hollywood uh teamsters and stuff like that guys would build stuff set guys gaffers uh fucking key grips all that shit but hey wolves so i was saying like the this kind of reminds me of like hollywood in that it's not a union for a centralized company it's a union for a working guild right a specific task so you have your screenwriters you have your your key grip guild or you know all these people involved in the production of a film right
Starting point is 01:35:57 sure but the difference is like how much fucking money do you think there's in smash commentary to actually go around like this feels like the kind of situation where all people got gotta do is like i know there are people who will do this for free and how much money do these events even fucking put out it feels like a way to kill the scene rather than like improve improve this kind and this is on the the heels of that fucking nonsense where the smash players were complaining that there's no off season and they have to travel all over the place to make their living playing smash and how they need private fucking rooms to practice that other other games don't need because well it smashes but it's just it's weird man so you know anybody that um actually
Starting point is 01:36:41 knows how these commentary things work with any general fgc game knows that players that are hanging around waiting for their matches are always down to do commentary they will just do it it doesn't matter if if everybody on the street fighter commentary circuit quit right now justin wong and marne will literally just step up and just run that show for hours now for fun yeah and it would be amazing um and then the event would get fucking shut down now i mean like at the same time you know uh ultracan and and um uh uh the the the the tasty steve and uh and um um i'm not familiar oh no god damn it i'm fucking this is embarrassing but the uh the the other guy sejam that that works with them there the four of those guys are fantastic street fighter
Starting point is 01:37:35 commentators that do their research and if you have them around the sound of your event the quality of the sound of your event will go up will go way up absolutely but um we i don't think are not we're not yet at a place where um not having that sound quality detracts from how much people are going to enjoy watching and spectating the event anyways and i imagine that like comparisons would be made uh from the people pushing for this to the deals that i'm sure people out in korea have for stuff like uh you know league and and starcraft and stuff like that where i imagine the commentators there are a bigger deal but like just i feel like it's weird it's it like it's an absurd request considering the relative value of a of a smash tournament in just dollar value
Starting point is 01:38:28 right i like i don't i'm unfamiliar with the story so like i feel like there's gotta be a reasonable point of view from their side that i don't know about here but it sounds well the reasonable the reasonable point of view is that like they're busting their ass and making no money i mean that's that's how that's how it is right that sucks yeah and it's like well we we should make a collective union so that we could get a better deal from from our employers which would be all the tournament scenes right but considering how the tournament scenes are complete or mostly especially with smash they're they're you know separate right they're they're all each tourney is its own tourney with its own to this feels like an a boycott or a strike feels
Starting point is 01:39:18 like an easy way to go okay never come back or we'll just cancel your event well it's because they're they're not competing with other smash announcers they're competing with every other fucking game on on the on a docket right well uh i i don't know how how bad the situation is for people like that but i do know that um individual non-smash events sort of again they they ever handle on a case by case basis and things like capcom cup will come along and have like a series of major events that are they lock down the same commentators for but the average like event that goes by for any other game they will just like the streamer will probably either talk to their commentators in advance they'll work out their own deal yeah or it'll just be winging it
Starting point is 01:40:01 you know so um i've done fucking fighting game commentary matches while yeah but i mean anybody can do it yep that's not true nope no nope yeah that was uh that was uh that was some good commentary was it no wasn't hey you know what sucks this episode of the podcast hey hey guys hey did you know that this episode of the podcast fucking sucks thank you for tuning in everybody oh my god i i was trying to get around to talking about nintendo's online switch online well then let's do it switch online switch 20 bucks nobody knows you've hacked into all of their accounts episode 200 get high too late too late too late it's not too late hold on let me do i can do it i can't find it where'd it go king of dragon past here we go
Starting point is 01:41:09 it wasn't too late 20 bucks a year that's good get access to the online nintendo classic library that's also so very good and like dirt obvious for forever do you prefer this version where subscriptions give you access to the library as opposed to repurchasing the uh the individual games well how many games are in the library uh there's not a number okay because the basic math on it is if there's more than four games in that library it ends up it ends up being completely worth it the the virtual console prices have always been terrible yeah um and of course and the the 12 month thing for 20 bucks that's low
Starting point is 01:42:01 now granted it's for a service in which we can enjoy robust voice features and uh the if i'm trying if i remember correctly 50 bucks a year was uh uh xbox gold i think it's well that's in it in the states you know pure it's closer to 60 i think and ps is the same price yeah okay um i'd pay 20 bucks a year just for the cloud saves which we know already exists on the console and uh yeah the big thing uh with this too is that uh it's going to be free until 2018 so there's actually a launch um for it for the nintendo switch online service but uh there will be online play prior to that and it'll just it'll be free so um it grants you access to the near the the online lobby and voice chat smartphone app the for me like the value is worth it for the
Starting point is 01:43:00 classic game library but they need to confirm the super nes library they also need to confirm what the hell it actually means when they say the online lobby and voice chat app will be accessible are you saying that online functionality is going to be moved to the smartphone app or it will also be additionally able to be synced what about games that are out now that have online support they're not going to use the smartphone app yeah there is no smartphone app yeah so games after a certain date will use the smartphone app or will they have their own in-game browser and then the smartphone app will just be extra i don't know this is what you're paying for and that's why it's only worth a third of the uh what well arms had online yeah that was just
Starting point is 01:43:45 random matchmaking yeah and but you know if you want to play with your friends you gotta pull up the smartphone app but only two years from now but arms is going to come out before that's ready yeah so there will be a version of online play that you can so are they going to move it over or is it only going to be going forward after the certain date i bet you you're still going to be able to look at your friends list and send out an invite i fucking hope so and then it'll get more convoluted when they move it over but then what are you playing for what are you paying for you're paying for online so you need to have the if or in order to play online you need to have the access to this app because it comes with the online subscription so does that mean
Starting point is 01:44:26 that that's an excuse to offload all online infrastructure and matchmaking of all new games onto the smartphone app if so what happens if you don't have a smart like answer the questions you guys tell us yeah that you need an actual these are stupid questions you need an FAQ or a Q&A and the last time that i asked a stupid question about this it took until now and we got the fucking headphone kerfuffle and it's stupid this podcast sucks it really is bad oh my god it's a bad one we usually talk about how bad these are but this is a real bad one real bad one it's a big stinky fart of a podcast not entertaining at all it's terrible no don't do that um okay let's talk about how uh there is some good switch news well i'm sure there is there's a bunch of good
Starting point is 01:45:18 switch news but there's a fucking pokemon direct tomorrow by the way oh how about that yeah i'm excited guess what they're gonna announce let's just guess not the amazing perfect next gen pokemon not handheld game that i want but well i mean that's that's what they're gonna announce now that's pokemon sun moon stars no did you not remember that shit where the like stars just got super leaked like six months ago but it's not gonna be like it's gonna be the same fucking game in 1080 yeah no you want you want hey i want yeah console pokemon well i mean it's not a pokemon on a pokemon console pokemon pokemon console well you know what else is hitting consoles for the first time what's that console pokemon uh emblem what fire emblem yeah it's but it's not for the
Starting point is 01:46:10 first time it's been a long time you're fucking full of shit i remember there being game cube and we games it's been a long time since a fire emblem that wasn't just a ds game or a 3ds game this is a we game we original we yeah that's a long time ago fire emblem warriors is that's not a fire emblem game you liar i mean that's one of them god damn moosos yeah so it's not people disappointed because the roster only goes back relatively recently hmm and no marth no roi no ike uh so far they've only announced four characters including she on lian uh crumb and marth okay well damn so i don't know what you heard i heard that it only went back so far okay well are you looking do you have viable no that's just
Starting point is 01:47:10 lucina and drag got it got it so um yeah fire emblem warriors it's not exactly our fire emblem i feel like fire emblem maybe i'm an asshole and i'm wrong so i don't know shit about fire emblem but i feel like there's gonna be a lot of fucking characters in that game that are a guy with sword hey like a lot what about the characters that are guy with sword and horses shit damn yeah um um i think that it's gonna be cool i want to see if um roi has the fire i want to see if they add an equivalent version of nintendo's zelda um like classic mode yeah that thing was dope i want to see if they do a fucking strategy style mode you know what that would be super cool craziest longest games on a map ever it would be nuts like the mode would be one battle right
Starting point is 01:48:05 yes absolutely but it would be super fun and interesting if they did try to like you know do that that feels like a no-brainer um that game's probably gonna be one of those very good mousseau games yeah one of those and um it'll be a fire emblem that i probably can like actually well you skipped it you skipped all the old ones and now you're ready to get in with the real story get in hey fire emblem starts at warriors man oh boy dudes i bought and tried i tried blank starts at blank is like the most consistently infuriating thing that you say it's the best i love it it's the fucking worst everyone it's built to piss people off it's so good it's so effective oh what a perfect statement perfectly street fighter starts at alpha one no no here's the part if you looked
Starting point is 01:48:55 at me straight in the face and said street fighter starts at street fighter one i'd probably still get pissed yeah that's ridiculous because that's still a ridiculous statement to me that's a stupid thing there's no version of that said statement that is actually not infuriating no because it's technically true but it's a lie oh man it's great fucking it's baked to win it's baked to win um so no that's not the there's i mean that's coming out on the switch and that's obviously yeah but um i'll still be a fucking 3ds version indivisible is coming to the switch hey that's a good place for that game that's a good place for that game and i want more games to come out on the switch yeah and like i was just really happy to just watch and go like oh yeah indivisible man
Starting point is 01:49:44 fucking look at them working on that look at that progress they're making there's stuff going on and happening and they've been announcing like all kinds of cool characters and stuff but like i haven't seen a lot of the animation because i'm waiting for it to just drop in i'm basically ignoring this game absolutely yeah no and that's gonna be your the best way to um experience it into some degree is like to just get hype because there's yeah Kickstarter is my favorite thing for that it's like well doesn't matter if it's good or not like i'm just gonna fucking find out you're gonna be overwhelmed with how many playable characters you're gonna have good and yeah i'd it some of them are like you know what let that be a secret let that be a secret um yeah man this
Starting point is 01:50:25 is gonna be the perfect i think this is a great switch choice absolutely a great thing to have because it's it's very much uh uh the type of game that i'd love to be playing on the go um yeah so check you can check out the indivisible switch trailer which is just an individual trailer on an overlay of a switch really and just remember that indivisible exists yep we have it's always lucky for them when you do like console announcement trailers because it's like nothing new but here's another part of the pr cycle yep because hey new audience check it out and everyone goes oh fuck yeah um now of course not every announcement is to be met with cheers uh-huh general goodwill is that true because attack on titan future coordinates the fuck is this is
Starting point is 01:51:14 fucking 3ds this is the sequel to the 3ds game spike chun soft somehow garnt like has enough moxie man shut up to make a part two to the 3ds game and when i first saw it i went part two to the fucking ps4 no no anyway i didn't watch that trailer because it might have spoilers in it but they're making assuredly does they're making a sequel and it's coming out for 3ds in this year so yeah man fuck that i don't anyway i don't like that if you want attack on titan and you didn't get the ps4 game get to get the ps4 xbox one what are you doing what are you doing i i genuinely think that's the best muso game that game's fucking great i did my brain doesn't even register it is one but it is super it is it is uh because it just fits the world so
Starting point is 01:52:14 perfectly like zelda barely fits into the framework and it's it's a wagon quest barely fits into the framework this is like fucking made for it um oh man you know you know what's happening to mankind in the world fuck this podcast sucks what's happening to the mankind in the world of attack on titan the bunch of bullshit i know but like if if they continue to lose then what's going to happen to them they'll loot they'll all die that's correct pat they'll go extinct oh speaking of attack on titan speaking of attack on titan okay so so okay let's talk about extinction i would like you to what no you can start talking about extinction well first of all i'll start talking about what we have is a cg trailer yes a cg trailer for a game called extinction what we do know right now is that
Starting point is 01:53:24 it will be coming to playstation 4 xbox one and pc in early 2018 we know that it's being made by maximum games and iron galaxy studios good old boys down at iron galaxy yeah do good work so extinction shows a cg trailer and uh it's about a it's about a little guy and normal guy really yeah a hero looking man yeah he's got a little uh undercut thing going a bit of a road dog jesse james haircut um and a sword and then there is orcs that look like um your general generic orc looking design i'm gonna say they look like games workshop orcs i'm gonna no they don't they look like warcraft one peons that got slightly muskily yeah okay i'll take that too um it's a green orc
Starting point is 01:54:22 yep and it's uh it's a green orc it's it's colossus sized sure is uh it's uh titan sized and when you cut its shit off it grows back just like a titan and so the it seems to be this is going to be an action game in which you fight these titan orcs um colossi and um there's going to be different types of them that's correct uh as you fight to stop the world from going extinct and yep so um i'd love to see some gameplay i would also like to see that there was a there's a little tiny gameplay video that i caught a snippet of of like the guy running around yeah but it's not actually out yet it's from last year from like internal stuff but like at the end of this trailer
Starting point is 01:55:08 specifically that they just put out with the cg they show you a little like thumbnail for the yeah and it's like it's like click on this and it's like that fucking thing doesn't there yet guys come on don't talk to us um that let me um waiting for gameplay all right so waiting for gameplay faith and iron galaxy high boys make good things but um i gotta be honest the art style on the enemies is just killed this for me um it looks like you're fighting shrek and that's not cool okay and they're going for super dope cool and here's the thing
Starting point is 01:56:03 here this thing all right if i can use the term if i can borrow the term yeah cg trailers yeah are a non-starter yeah and like especially now after microsoft did a bunch of cg trailers for games they had already canceled there that's like that way to kill my faith in that shit forever um so you can judge some of the character designs based on that really but um there's an entirely possible version of this where the gameplay is awesome and i hope that's where we're heading uh i think the orcs look pretty generic and i think uh the hero is they look like old warcraft orcs a little bit and i also didn't understand how the sword which was normal length don't shut you it's the match it's the hero slash
Starting point is 01:56:53 but because it's the hero the whole arm was like it's five times the holy you know when you okay and then the head it's the next did you hold the circumference of the neck alone willy have you ever held a sword in your life i have held many swords you know when you slash it there's this giant cutting arc only with your son of sparta you'll all see there you go devil may cry six yeah sure confirmed yeah shrek's revenge if you're not a son of sparta or the black swordsman then no the length of your sword not man he's a big hero slash they should have put a gameplay trailer out first yeah probably that is a that that is a bad cg trailer i that makes me anti excited for the game i'm like i'm like it's this weird thing it's like i
Starting point is 01:57:44 really like iron galaxy i do too and i'm a little very excited that they're getting their own new project and maximum games as well yep but like this i couldn't be less interested a little worried and that's fucked because we i was just talking about how the attack on titan game is the best musou came yeah and and it's all down to the art it's all down to the gameplay no no i mean my feeling right now yeah is 100% due to the art yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure the even the orc that's shown on the cover um art at the end of the trailer looks uh more interesting than the one that they show in the actual and this is going to come off really nitpicky but i hope a lot of people can identify with what i'm saying here well can you scroll the video back so i can
Starting point is 01:58:34 get a better look at the the orc yeah the the primary orc yep this is going to sound really stupid and nitpicky but having the big massive primary enemy orc that the character fights in those big cg reveal trailer be fucking pixar cartoon green uh like it doesn't help no there are other orcs that you see in the back yeah when they show up that are brown yeah black green darker colors look way more threatening just by the skin tone but this bright cartoon shrek colored monster it's what's your brain thinks of when you think of the word orc yeah um yeah it's it's wow it's the it's that orc emoji that the people drop on twitch yeah i i um like even with the same character design in general level of cg and whatnot i yeah i think if the
Starting point is 01:59:35 i think if the orcs that they showed off the giants that they're you're fighting if they had a very particular distinct like threatening appearance to them this the basic premise of small god david and goliath combat yeah we're not tired of that yet we can still get some good some good mileage out of that they're so there's a lot of human looking um but they're not human there or like and and and you know the colossi we've done that and they've had their whole thing but that that's an example obviously of a game that like the less said the better so all you really have is the art right and the art's stellar you know that's that's your heart's sell and right now um you have no sell with the art so even the only thing you can ever get off the cg trailer is the art style and what
Starting point is 02:00:26 they they want you to think the the thrust of the game is and the art style for the main character for the general area it looks fine but i mean even the smaller enemies suffer from this problem in which they're like brightly colored and kind of it but the tone is not going for anything light or goofy i don't know it's weird it's going for a very serious tone in fact we see humans get bitten and devoured and like titans yeah like it's i don't know if it's an homage or not but like the the way that he eats the guy and that reminds me a lot of the attack on titan like first big person that gets eaten yeah so that's what it is it's a problem with generic appearance and you know keep working god bless hope we uh hope we get somewhere good i hope this game shines
Starting point is 02:01:12 because finds a way to shine yeah because i like iron galaxy i do but so that's maximum games as well by the way maximum i've never heard of them do you know what they've done before this we can find out if you stall for time i i well why don't you stall for time and all find out okay well there's another new story and that new story is also about a game that is questionably fantasy with also a little bit of sci-fi going on in it questionably fantasy mm-hmm maybe you've heard of elix okay this is a weird this is a very weird what are you getting are you finding out games what's up um maximum games is listed as the they're a publisher no wait hold their developer boutique publisher and distributor so they're the publisher
Starting point is 02:02:07 okay so they're not going to be working like so they're the publisher they're the publisher yeah okay okay yeah okay because i'm looking down and before i saw they were publisher i'm like they made the farming simulator games okay all right and hello kitty online hey yeah how do you feel about shaved head man depends what shaved head man haven't seen him in a while talking about that shepherd star killer um hair is hard what's the what's that what's that other guy's name um resistance follow man i didn't even think you were gonna go there i thought you were gonna go for a fucking coal from infamous i mean that's another one he's doing yeah shaved head man yeah haven't seen him in a while yeah he's back mm-hmm and uh he's an elix the sci-fi open world fantasy rpg
Starting point is 02:02:55 from piranha bites now the trailer for this this is from thq nordic i've not seen this at all this completely new to me okay so it's an open world game and uh again it's a cg trailer well that's fucking shaved head man all right that's shaved head man doing shaved head man things so teach you Nordic they have this trailer that they bought those dark stalkers people uh dark stalkers dark ciders dark ciders yeah um man look at the star killer there and so uh the thing about the trailer is that we see sort of large open world that shaved head man starts walking through but then a wipe shows us that he goes to lava tech version of open world with with robots shooting and he's wearing like fantasy style armor but it's futuristic fantasy yeah it's
Starting point is 02:03:42 got a sci-fi tense to it exactly and then as he keeps walking oh my god got another wipe and then it's more recognizable fan of future with very little fantasy going on here yeah it's pretty pretty much all tech yeah so guns and it seems like you can have different versions of the world and then you have a now almost entirely fantasy looking like magic and shit old school dovahkin helmets and monsters and magic and warlock armor so yeah i don't know exactly that's intriguing what the deal is but now we see a little bit of every reality i think it's implying that the game world will have three states or three time periods that you jump in between and that'd be fucking dope you're shaved head man going from that'd be super cool but it doesn't seem like you're actually
Starting point is 02:04:31 jumping between times you're it's actually one sci-fi fantasy world and we do have space wizards look at space wizards doing space things he does space wizard things and here's another space wizard i see a space wizard right so and that's the guy next to the space wizard has a space gun yeah yeah so that so elux is is totally confirmed for future space wizards yeah but i don't really know what else to make of space wizards are confirmed that logo looks so much like the halo logo shut your mouth shut your dirty mouth everything about how dare you dude how dare that is fucking how not dare you elux is a unique brand owned by thq nordic so dude i was on board and then the fucking logo comes up and the fucking like text fades in just like a halo game that's
Starting point is 02:05:21 weird cat's opinions are not representative of every organization watch the fucking elux trailer look at the end and look at his halo logo come up that no what's up with that that's weird i'm not drawing any connections to anything sir that's super bizarre you are on your own 10 17 the way the fucking logos pop everything that's super weird what was that it sounded like a dying cat i think it was your chair oh or maybe it was the sound of me tapping out because fucking halo logo came over here that's crazy did you see that before yes i did oh man and i don't know why because to me it feels like someone would stop you before you got to this point but unless they wanted it to be that way i don't know i don't know but
Starting point is 02:06:18 it's okay that's all right elux is gonna be fine what we do know about it like i said is mainly that it's open world you have a jetpack to get anywhere you want to and yeah player choices will change the world and that's all pretty boilerplate except for the jetpack so pretty much it's like it's like i don't know what kind of game this is just need to kind of see if it looks good or not deep moral choices will show oh fuck that yeah so they're the guys that made gothic oh oh no that game's gonna be a fucking mess what happened you ever played a gothic i never played gothic they're a fucking mess oh they are a mess they are jank they are the open world rpg jank makers mmm euro jank yeah like fucked up like risen's pretty jank oh boy but gothic is just straight
Starting point is 02:07:23 up fucked up see i assumed with thq nordic that um i don't know dark sider stuff but all right anyway that's halo i mean elux and uh gothic's fucked up cool games but fucked up i mean jank can be endearing sometimes we've been over this we've done it before yeah well the gothic games fly past my skyrims jank and skyrims like the most polished fucking thing ever compared to gothic yeah this podcast this podcast sucks this is the worst fucking podcast i need to find a topic that we can you want to compare our balls yes see what weird stuff's on them quickly before that let's get before that maybe if we get into a topic that we can really sink our teeth into oh boy it's are you gonna just pull up garbage and it's gonna be a meta joke
Starting point is 02:08:19 yeah i want to see the garbage oh yeah he's pulling up garbage see a garbage yeah yeah that's the garbage i know i'm looking at a picture of garbage he's looking at a picture of garbage all right i'm looking at a residential garbage can throwing a garbage into himself let's talk about marvel versus capcom infinite and roster leaks i saw a much larger roster leak because that's this one that's what that's what people so we are talking about garbage oh no no no no so the reason i the first time i saw this leak i um i saw you on twitter going why is this leak believable i don't know what the deal is with why it's getting pushed and the reason why is because rice who leaked previous things that were confirmed and the and the announcement itself is the source
Starting point is 02:09:10 and so it's like okay well this is real there's supposed there's credibility behind the person there's significant amounts of credibility so who do we got taking it from the top we have the capcom side arthur chris chenley dante firebrand jedda monster hunter more jedda and monster hunter both are awesome nemesis ryu spencer strider ryu x unknown character possibly frank west uh marvel side ant man cap cap marvel doctor strange gemora hawkeye hulk iron man nova rocket groot which is probably rocket but groots in his super in his moves and stuff spider man thanos thor ultron what about dlc sigma venom and four other characters um other characters yes uh so so kind of a bit of a flaccid starting lineup well it's really small jedda's a good jedda monster
Starting point is 02:10:15 hunter are oh that's a good one too um monster hunter it could be as like complex as dante he's got like 14 different weapons uh yeah but it's it's it's just it's not that it's a i'm not gonna i don't feel it's the worst list but it's not a very creative list no and the m the marvel side in particular is like i know everywhere no miss marvel i know every one of those characters no kamala con no um i wait no i don't know nova nova's nova is weird i don't know how power the nova force yeah i don't fucking know human rocket punch it's fucking i'm like a whole nova core into myself fucking comics man uh member member the those ships at the end of guardians one yeah that lined up yeah like that's the nova core that's the nova core and i remember there were guys in the background
Starting point is 02:11:07 that had the marvel 3 helmet on so i was like oh that's nova that's the marvel 3 helmet yeah all right anyway so um anyway i look at this list and i go hey at the very least we know this is going to be a dlc heavy game hell yeah there's nothing to stop all the good picks from coming later but this starting lineup very safe little bit flaccid for my jetta and monster hunter our big thumbs up uh i i actually feel like jetta will got stiffed more a little further longer super surprised that spencer has a slot yeah i would not to me that's like hey hey we're gonna give it another go i would maybe i would not have fucking put that there uh given all the other capcom characters maybe some other capcoms just watching that bionic arm video over and over but there's
Starting point is 02:11:58 some real deep cuts that you could have gone with that you chose not to and i hope that we get those in dlc i think probably the goofiest thing that i saw pointed out about this league rosters there's four girls in a 28 character roster there's four girls and i know that ono like has been accused like you just you filled the roster up with women just to fill it up with women because you like women characters and as a result we missed out on some characters that people want to see but this is really low this is chunley morrigan gamora and captain marvel that's it so far that's low and and like maybe one of thor's alt costumes too yeah maybe but like and morrigan and chunley as far as i'm concerned cannot be removed so they don't even count yeah right where you
Starting point is 02:12:51 you may you make him a fucking marvel get you're gonna make a street fighter game of any kind without chunley so this is not new generation again i can only guess this is starting lineup because i saw a second batch that was going around i'm not sure about the the legitimacy of it but it basically implied it had a a shit ton more and it's like no there's gonna be a shit ton of dlc for this well it's going to be tons marvel obviously is wants to push the mcu and that's fine and dandy but a list of a new fighting game like this coming out without spider gwen on it is beyond maybe spider man will have maybe spider man will have an alternate costume no to the point of i don't believe it except for the fact that it's rice like there is no way they're not gonna make spider
Starting point is 02:13:38 gwen a playable character in this game so she's got to be a part of the dlc eventually uh no gene yeah no gene no wait hold on go go and you know um yeah well fuck no gene no x-men period you well we know that yeah because why would you but still man but i don't like i don't know about the exterior world but for the marvel games the x-men are kind of vital well until fox makes a deal guess what no x-men wolverine and magneto will be fucking missed man uh yeah so you know i i can't really make sense of it because it's not really doing anything interesting it's the i am excited because monster hunter is there but that's it and also those those like you know the uh rathalos rumors or whatever yeah because the rathalos would be a giant character
Starting point is 02:14:40 like uh like ptx or something like admittedly rocket plus a group is a more interesting character yeah sure uh rocket on his own was fine but like tagging off totally will be fun um yeah man i don't know just capcom's side especially to me is safe safe safe it's so weirdly safe uh dlc is is is my only help can you scroll up so i can see capcom thinking yeah it's like i have very little to say arthur and firebrand and firebrand eat daunte even i would have went put nero throw nero in there put no it was because they put virtual but no virtual and late uh and fucking um uh trish roll so they were there yeah put nero in put nero in well nero's never coming back so that's why i disagree but i know i i'm not saying that because i want that okay okay
Starting point is 02:15:34 why nemesis instead of any thing other resident evil anything as somebody who knows those games pretty well you know who'd be a fucking rad pic leon kennedy no fuck that jack baker okay jack baker'd be the shit sure he'd replace frank west why like with random utilities and weapons and things yeah okay and he spawns the molded instead of zombies like frank does i like why chris again for what purpose well chris is going to be the star of the new upcoming dlc that's been delayed forever apparently um okay that's why chris sure dude we that that shit is getting weirdly like they delayed it and nothing ate a wall it'd be great it's great you know her costume is striking it's bright it's easily read in a fighting game it's just very strange it's just very very strange
Starting point is 02:16:30 so yeah and it's not even the current chris right it's old chris from five not even chris from six or classic chris i'm guessing we're gonna get amadeus cho at some point on the marvel side maybe he'll be a costume who knows i don't know this this list is disappointing if it's the case and not just because it's much smaller and i think everyone knew that it would was gonna be small oh size i was not expecting a giant thing no i was expecting about this size no no for sure but but less safe well not just less safe just like so many of these characters were already in marvel two or three marvel two or three i was expecting so many i was expecting safety on marvel's side because of the because marvel because marvel but i was expecting capcom to go a little bit balls out
Starting point is 02:17:19 and they didn't and that's a bit of a shame like hey i got monster hunter and that makes me happy but you know it doesn't there was somebody that i wanted more than monster hunter and it was gene yeah yeah gene's the only one that's missing from that whole group beautiful joe and okami got in they they they got yeah no so where's gene at clover needs to get the full big ups um and they won't be complete until gene uh sad yeah there was another crazy reach that i forgot that was in there as well from a long time ago when people said hey who do you want in there but um it's a black thorn that's not capcom fuck off uh you know what is capcom what is capcom azura yeah also and you know what how the fuck did they not force him down because i bet cyber connect
Starting point is 02:18:13 kind of owns part of him i feel like with the posts of like would you like to see azura in marvel versus cat also the fucking dlc that has him fighting street fighter characters how did he not get pushed down her throat sir is a i don't like sir but he's an obvious very obvious choice super interesting from a gameplay perspective you have a he builds up stacks of arms and he powers and you know whatever it's like yeah falcon yeah sure power stone yeah all right um yeah let's cheer up let's cheer up you're gonna be like hey let's cheer up and you're gonna show me some crap let's cheer up i don't believe you with seven days in the garden uh are you familiar with allison snow no you will be oh it's time to meet the american waifu oh no oh yeah
Starting point is 02:19:22 yes ladies and gentlemen we have the announcement for summer lesson allison snow seven days garden which you can now leave your japanese student behind to you're done with her to spend time with blond uh america jinn playing a guitar and being super white couldn't be wider straight up arian super princess here you're on board i'm on board wait and i know there's a harata model hidden somewhere around that corner because we've seen it you see tecans data mining shows off they're getting idol master costumes oh fucking harata harata finally made it happen what a champ what a champ the best uh uh yep yep that's all you need to know coming out i eagerly await its localization 622 eagerly i'm in i'm in i want to see this fucking shit on the news
Starting point is 02:20:26 mm-hmm like is this game corrupting children and they can have us on and we can just go yeah no it's yeah no it's corrupting your children can't wait i want harata to be the dad or some shit liam brought that idea up way back and he's super right it's the best what's the over under we get a black girl on one of these things zero negative a hundred million percent well why why is that well you are more likely to have a scene in this game in which you teach her how to put blackface on then getting a goddamn black girl in summer lesson oh man yep so you gotta make the lips real funny well it's just uh we don't have that market currency
Starting point is 02:21:26 you know unfortunately so i've heard yeah what you're gonna do that's fine you're the closest you're gonna get is like the delinquent ganguro girl hey that's straight up the closest you're gonna get the people making this are not making it for me no i don't need my needs tailored to you're fucking full of shit i don't know what fucking narrative you're trying to push here oh thank you fucking trying to look good for your people what huh what what's that podcast news huh life is strange let's talk about it
Starting point is 02:22:33 uh life is strange prequel that's happening i didn't play that game that's okay here's what i've heard it's quite good yeah so here's what i'll tell you um was that game a massive success like way beyond what was expected don't not made out like bandits yeah um so here's what i'll say it's apparently separate from the announcement they recently made that there's a sequel is the fact that deck nine is apparently working on a prequel as well and um this was leaked in an imager album which showed off fucking whoops a bunch of models okay straight up and it's kind of hard to oh there's hot dog man
Starting point is 02:23:19 let's see there's hot dog man it's kind of hard to say that this isn't happening when you can look at these art this this fucking portfolio with like placeholder names and everything of characters hanging out oh that's yeah there's no and it's even they're even tagged like the way fucking development documents are tagged with the fucking weird e1 zero bullshit so like map names that's that's blackwell school yeah so uh what we can infer from these screenshots is this is going to be the backstory of one of your supporting characters chloe wasn't she like the piece of shit i mean the annoying one that wouldn't let you talk on the phone what do you what do you know if if if if you're saying that chloe's life is not worth the entire
Starting point is 02:24:13 lives of the collective town then you're crazy man i'm saying that you're making bad choices what did i walk into a thing you should be making the right choices guess what are you telling me i shouldn't have come to the podcast i'm telling you that there's a moment where the game literally goes do you choose your best friend chloe or the lives of everyone else but i don't like chloe in an entire time i don't like chloe already so i made the right choice well you didn't make a choice life is strange is going to be about um rachel meeting chloe and it seems it's going to be about like the character who's not in that game hanging out with your supporting character okay
Starting point is 02:25:03 and it's going to be a bit odd i guess because there's like superpowers and shit going on in the main game so how come but they didn't come up and they're probably not going to be here because the character that has those powers is not here yeah so this is just going to be why are they going to have different superpowers i really doubt it but max the main girl from the first game yeah is not going to be here maybe maybe she will but i doubt it so here we're going to max teenage girl with the most busted shit that ever was so now we're just going to have hella normal stories and i don't know what to tell aliens i don't know what to make of it uh i also don't like the idea of revisiting the story because i think it's better off left alone okay and i think
Starting point is 02:25:44 it's better off telling new stories with different characters it's one of those ones you're you're disappointed that it's stranger thinking it keep the same mechanics yeah and go somewhere else yeah and then maybe you can bring in a few i tend to agree because the worry is that they're gonna stranger things they're just gonna touch something in a way and you're like ah this is mucking it up it feels so much better when your some are completely unrelated in you and then you see a little bit of a string to something you know in this piece and you go it feels so much better detective munch what are you doing in life is strange you know so that's what they should do but this is what they're doing you're here about the body's detective munch
Starting point is 02:26:31 oh boy this is a really bad one um hey but there's good things coming there's more good things coming this is a gun in my mouth ah well that's up to you you're that's your timeline and and guess what what i don't have time or wind powers damn pyre has a date and it's soon it's super soon it's super soon that's in fucking six weeks no uh there's there's not much to say besides super giant games fucking kills it every time so if you know what's good for you take your medicine and think about looking about pyre because it's like basketball magic i fucking i played this game oh yeah it's really really really good how's the music it's amazing great i don't even care how good the game is honestly
Starting point is 02:27:25 i just want the soundtrack the art is just fucking super giant how are you so good uh you know what else has good fucking bastion credits theme is the first song that i played on my new sound system when i got it like a year and a half ago just i need i need to know what this sounds like that's a good one too i need that's a fucking good one too i desperately need to hear this at the loudest possible volume i can handle like i can't have enough transistor in my life um that much is clear if i even bought the shitty ball bobblehead fucking statue thing damn because i wanted day transistor in my life you got a problem son yeah a little bit was that transistor bobblehead lit fam uh hella almost almost keep going keep going
Starting point is 02:28:17 oh god he blew his back out oh no pat hurt his back doing the dab he shouldn't have done it yeah you can actually see in the corner of the screen there the little transistor thing yeah that piece of shit it's not very great looks like crap but i don't care i'm i fucking i shielded um i've talked into no less than four cosplaying friends yeah about cosplaying as red yeah because yeah sometimes that's what you need to do um oh boy did you just break the mouse no the mouse just died and ran out of batteries oh can you use the touchpad i mean i guess i can i guess i have to because otherwise we have no way out of this podcast oh shit you better pray and hope oh shit yeah that's a dead mouse
Starting point is 02:29:05 use the touchpad uh yeah we can touch okay fucking i mean the touchpad sucks but it's better than having no way out sonic mania is launching august 15th please oh god oh god please be good have you seen the trailer the new one yeah i have not so i'm afraid i'm genuinely like freaked out it's okay you shouldn't be just let christian whitehead coddle you and swaddle you like a child his arms are large are they and they're very accurate to the genesis era he knows what he's doing um i need i need i need sonic mania to wash the the taste of sonico sees out of my fucking mouth uh why are sonico sees in my mouth that's for you to decide i mean look who put them there who put all these sonico see you jenaka well then why didn't why
Starting point is 02:29:58 this trailer and you took it fantastic you took it with your whole mouth and that's your problem but um did you have to go that hard i mean is what i said so this game looks fucking incredible there's not much else to say wait did you see that yeah i did see so there's a moment where the characters just switched between knuckles and and tails and sonic as he was going around a single loop d loop yeah and that's because there's a mechanic in this game that just makes you switch characters instantly okay so here's the deal i'm seeing a lot of good stuff but the thing about sonic mania that made me go from excited from cautiously excited to genuinely like hopeful is when they announced okay so we're gonna bring back a couple of stages
Starting point is 02:30:48 right and we're gonna remix them we're gonna bring back green hell zone of course you're gonna bring back greens and hell zone and i think the second one that they showed off and i saw in the trailer was flying battery and flyer battery is the fucking best it's so good the track is so good the stage is so good it's one of the best sonic stages and it's the kind of thing that i saw i'm like i think they might actually know which stages are good you know like they might actually actually know which parts of these games are good instead of pretending to know so all evidence points towards once again christian whitehead knowing exactly which parts of which games are good yeah and knowing exactly how to emulate them
Starting point is 02:31:40 yeah and make it feel exactly like it because like you can go down a list of sonic levels and just go like check marks and x's as to which succeeded and which failed it's really obvious because there's a bunch of winners and there's a bunch of fucking losers and i'm only seeing winners the idea that a sonic game coming out might catch up to freedom planet i think about that think about that that's the timeline i think the biggest bummer about this is they blew the sonic four name on that piece of shit yeah and you know i mean at the end of the day it's just a name though i know if it was just called sonic fuck then yeah like no that's that's what i'm working on in my spare time well then don't kick new yujinak out of the room next time oh man he brings what
Starting point is 02:32:31 you need no i don't need it i work i want no dude freedom planet's really good yeah i know but i'm not a big fan of gunstar heroes so it doesn't really then don't play that character okay play the character that makes you feel like sonic uh there's some kind of weird crossover between let it die and gravity rush to you what and we don't know what it is exactly what we don't know why it's happening that's the weirdest it's unclear exactly what it entails and is this a leftover deal from lily bergamot it doesn't i have no idea what or why but let it die let it die let it die i had to delete that to make space for tecan that's fine uh yeah no we'll find out soon enough but they just said we're teaming up for a collaboration
Starting point is 02:33:34 i'm guessing costumes yeah i'm guessing costumes yeah that's that because there's there's literally what what else oh you're gonna give gravity powers and let it die there's just nowhere else to go with that right um i feel like let it die is getting the better end of the deal on this collab i think they are i think they are but then again like it's free it's free it's free gravity days no that doesn't work you don't we don't work deal is the fucking oh yeah that killed it oh it's free lc this podcast sucks this podcast is the fucking worst podcast ever i don't know we've had some bad podcasts i know but this is our 200th celebration it's supposed to be i think the pressure is killing us um i can't i feel like i'm underwater and a shark's gonna eat me like
Starting point is 02:34:26 sam jackson this is really bad are they still are people still listening no are you still listening i can check oh man and they're probably gonna say we're not listening anymore which is a trick they didn't click stop yet if they're hearing me say this so that means they're still listening why are you still listening let's talk about what what if they're waiting for the good part um like you know the good part oh no i don't know speaking of the good part hunt showdown uh cry tech mm have you seen this no oh really no i haven't okay cool and that's back in 2014 how long is that okay so cry tech has been working on a game called hunt showdown and uh yeah it was announced a long time ago and it is being described as pvp monster hunter
Starting point is 02:35:21 isn't that just fucking monster hunter uh yeah isn't that just evolve i don't know but no because evolve is first is um first person shooter you know but um cry tech's working on a pvp monster what does that mean i don't know what does that actually mean because what i hear is someone plays the monster and fights the people but in the trailer it shows the people shooting the people while they're trying to hunt the monster it means you'll find out at e3 2017 i'm gonna be honest that concept sounds awful like the idea of like i'm gonna fight this boss and then a player is going to just shoot me in the back sounds like the least fun thing in the world well i'll direct you to not my quote but their
Starting point is 02:36:13 quote describes as a pvp monster hunter could they perhaps actually mean just the words monster hunter i believe and not mon hunt yeah that makes more sense i don't know what to make of it but because did they monster hunter as a genre did they capitalize the words when they said them it couldn't be more specific article doesn't and have like so like the controls the law like everything about it the hunting genre is a fucking hyper specific very japanese genre that like right i don't even think they know what monster hunter is well the funny part about this is when i read this article originally on a different website monster hunter was capitalized yeah but that changes the fucking and you can't tell if it's capitalized when they say it no you
Starting point is 02:37:09 can't tell but that changes the context of the whole story so it really did confuse me but all but i mean it's got old guys and bloodborne hats yeah that's fine and everybody likes those guys again e3 2017 we'll find out that's right around the corner in a couple days really that's crazy man um what's well i mean what else crytech been up to go on bankrupt hey fucking yeah that's what yeah you just find in the same similar kinds of articles no no information really yeah but uh yeah i like i like the art all right um and last but not least uh let's let's fucking try to wrap our heads around uh a vietnamese skincare company all right what you know about that
Starting point is 02:38:04 i'm gonna say nothing you sure you don't know anything about vietnamese skincare wait i'm waiting did they fuck up did they fuck up with their logo yeah they fucked up with their logo yeah okay i mean from time to time it's just i saw this about an hour ago but didn't but all i saw was the photo it's sometimes it's just like this is a funny thing like haha there's like a one-up mushroom or some shit like that or no the vietnamese skincare company just fucking stole the re logo for umbrella there's a bionic commando like thing where like the the the hex uh the dna hexes are like a part of another company's yeah sure you know whatever but little little pieces yeah so uh someone on neo gaff notice that uh ho chi man city uh has a company that uses the umbrella
Starting point is 02:39:02 umbrella corporation symbol and the classic one the fucking super evil one and it's funny because in my brain i just haven't played enough re's for it to equal evil to me but it does definitely mean umbrella corp i don't know man it's not a fucking friendly logo um like and it's an exact replica the coloring is exactly the identical and uh when people blew it up online like we are very surprised because they hired a third party and that third party made the logo for them so right under the bus healthy skin healthy skin i don't know man i don't believe that explanation because it's like no one that not a single person that was in the vicinity of use that company like was like hey why is your company the umbrella corporation what's up with that
Starting point is 02:40:00 that's like having the weyland utani logo on your fucking tractors and and like what if they've got really good tractors also this is like the photos that come out of this are super hilarious because the umbrella has a bunch of fake ads exactly so you just like this so people in lab coats with red binders and the logo on the chest of the lab i was like this is a real enthusiastically talking to each other in front of this logo which i mind you i'll point out if you look at the article the logo behind the people talking is the degraded one yep that has the like uh um the the film of like dirt i believe that's the one from like the movies because the clean ass graphic designing one is still there but they're specifically standing in front of one that's
Starting point is 02:40:49 made to look more menacing that's good job i don't good job i don't that's the that's that's the good what are you guys making over there what kind of skincare products are you working on are they injectable skincare products unstoppable bio skincare products the ultimate hand lotion there we go you did it fucking save the podcast with that zinger was that the good part that was the good part oh boy no we're at the real good part the emails emails emails come check your emails what the fuck is this stop sending emails to the wrong addresses that are similar to but not exactly super best friend and then people send us emails that's like i got a bunch of emails from this still still going to the wrong ones super
Starting point is 02:41:46 best friend cast that's the the name of the podcast you're looking at right now on your phone at it's not any other version of what we call ourselves now this is going to sound condescending and like we're shitting on our audience and that's not true because our audience 99% of them are able to spell super best friend cast at but for some reason a ton of people aren't able to yeah and i don't want to blow up some other folks emails anymore well the easiest you know the some of them are nice enough to go hey guys let me forward you some emails because the best part these are for you the best part is the people mad at me for calling them out for not knowing how to spell the email address i want you to email us and tell me how upset you
Starting point is 02:42:31 are and i'm sure we'll get it yeah okay stop sending it to the other places send it to the right place unless it's super barf barf barf at barfmail.barf that's correct to steal a gimmick dear super best friend cast Paul wants to know hey Paul if you were to steal a gimmick from someone be it on youtube or anywhere else like Paul Rudd's mac and me gimmick take it as your own and get away with it what would you pick with deep moist simmering unrequited love Paul from the Philippines well i mean we steal people's gimmicks all the time because we're bastards that's correct um i steal i steal jokes from people in my discord and they get fucking pissed and suck it um let's see what's what's what gimmick should i what i want to steal right now
Starting point is 02:43:29 i don't know if i if i if i could think of a gimmick that i wanted to steal but i can't think of one right now that's because i didn't steal it yet because i would have stolen it because a piece of shit um i don't know well you got one what gimmick do you want to steal uh maybe i'd steal a gimmick like calling someone a rising superstar maybe i'd steal that from a popular radio show with fun comedy of bits on it from time to time wait what did we steal that did we really steal that are you saying you want to steal it back from it's a tough question i'm confused you should be it's a tough question i don't know um the best kind of stealing is the stealing that's subconscious so you don't understand you're stealing the gimmick
Starting point is 02:44:22 i kind of want to steal um god what's his name mr first person videos fucking making sandwiches how to basic not how to basic not how to basic black guy oh mr try city mr try city i kind of want to steal mr try city no chai city chai city chicago chai city shy shy whatever shy town yeah i kind of want to steal his i remember when i used to call mr chissity uh black guy with a fridge gimmick yep because that's good woolly versus material yeah but i can't do it because you already know it i don't know man let me know about gimmicks i should steal and then i may or not steal who got super duper rich off of very little effort everyone on youtube with their gimmick yeah well yeah
Starting point is 02:45:23 but you know oh that's gonna come back on me so hard as it should oh wow that but like who you know i mean like just throw it out like you're done or hamburger and that's all you got to say and like millions of people i would like to steal ipatch's gimmick of having a fucking dope ass sexy irish accent accents are good yeah that's a good gimmick everyone has a boring canadian angle everyone thinks you're more important when you have an accent that's true some foreign accent that's true well how come you don't do your canadian accent for for for for for money fuck off what that's cool that's cultured and shit uh makes you stand out yeah oh plague is loving the quality of the podcast today yeah he's been he's been fucking bugging me about star trek the
Starting point is 02:46:10 whole fucking podcast yeah okay you know who's gimmick i want to steal yeah plague's gimmick of pretending he's not a furry yeah the one where you're like i'm gonna post furry shit all day and be like i'm jerking off to this right now and then when someone's like hey are you a furry you're like no fuck you i just draw that shit because drawing porn is how i make my living it's not porn also uh i take that gimmick yeah that's a good gimmick good gimmick yeah endearing mm-hmm a lot of people have that gimmick or variations there shut up i don't like what's the one um uh the mat loves uh the fucking jury guy um dipod dipod i don't like jury and kody shut up no honestly i like there are a shit ton of artists out there
Starting point is 02:47:01 that just draw the same like the same kind of shit all day and then we're like hey why are you so into this i'm not into this at all like dude he draws them super good your your your he just drew a jury and tweeted it out and it was amazing your feed is nothing but i could categorize your feed as a type and it's awesome but admit it admit it love you plague uh and dipod you see that picture of plague with the hair i did it's fucking weird it was weird it was a little bit i prefer current plague maybe that's because i know them better than old hair plague yeah hair plague oh see i don't think cranky hides anything i think cranky's just he's he wear dude he went so far out of my way to not say the word cranky and you're just fucking bringing it in hey man he wears the the the the
Starting point is 02:47:58 the kigurumi yeah he wears it yeah so if anyone says anything that man lives by his his ways and he bats it up and that character i drew that just happens to be a anthropomorphized kigurumi in between the titties that's coincidence what you talking about i don't know what i'm talking about get out of here you know like you know what that's two snacks hey do you like my little pony no like no that's not come on guys let's all be fucking honest here the fucking artist blowout cast oh we love all of you guys you're the best oh you do good fucking work infinitely more talented than us fucks but we sit in front of we sit in front of mics and we talk gives us power oh man if i'm in front of a microphone i must be right that's a good gimmick
Starting point is 02:48:52 pretend to not like something that you're clearly way way into ah fuck and another thing phil dragash i don't know he's good i don't know we got a moth man he's like a big warhammer nerd he fucking can't get enough he i fucking love warhammer it's like i like that you look at his fucking feet it's kind of weird you look at never stop thinking about warhammer if you look at his fucking twitter feed it's like oh i guess it's back to egg sandwiches for two months because i bought a little figure like oh my name is mr steak my name is norasuko what we draw we draw the titties and woolly clicks favorite because he likes them you're just doing everybody fucking there's a lot of room under this bus join us join us under this bus shall we
Starting point is 02:49:50 it's a lot of good art in this bus under this bus oh man huh we got anything on volta yet or is he too new oh volt uh volt is a super cool nice guy i self taught myself to animate for funsies he's got a funny accent we can make fun of that oh really i've never heard of yeah south american oh really yeah i believe so is that funny or is it charming no it's kind of charming okay so he can kind of like yeah put it on if he wants to but you know i wish i could draw arts dash zero that's a good gimmick yeah i throw dash here under the bus if we want it maybe i don't know i kind of ran out of steam oh i'm star exorcist i'm going to draw female versions of everyone's super hot and make them mad because and then get a deal with feku they're way hotter than
Starting point is 02:50:43 everybody in real life because oh like female versions of us that are accurate would not be anywhere near as attractive as stars versions of us yeah let's not let's not think about except for that have you not seen the app photos of the fucking flip faces turned out all right mine was not bad and i don't like that that was the worst i was able to flip it nice and that was the worst oh yeah black don't crack baby hell yeah i hope you crack super bad i hope you crack like the word like no no black has ever cracked before dude dude all i'm saying is i can work it if i wanted to that app proves it no it doesn't it changes your fucking features and it grabs other features of real people yeah it's a fucking mad libs the face yeah no it's not any proof whatsoever
Starting point is 02:51:42 but um that's fine you're full of shit you're full of shit today on this podcast this worst worst podcast this is the worst podcast well the good part is the artist blowout yes i will everybody did everybody wait turn that around if you want you got here everybody who knows us is fair game for for more or less reasons yep we can start digging way back and hit like married if we want oh yeah fucking too good fuck you you have nothing bad to say too good too good to keep working just to hang around the one that got away too talented way too talented fucking left us in the dust oh i'm too good for you guys well yes actually i have a career and money to make that is somewhat shocking that we trick you into making art for us i don't even
Starting point is 02:52:35 know why you showed up to begin with all right you feel comfortable telling all your artists they were just shit and the only reason they're staying around is because they're shit what are you talking about dude soul carl is the hero and he i love him he's dear to me he's the guy that did the woolly versus stuff okay i i've never worked them or spoken to him yeah he did good stuff he's the best oh so you're saying everybody else is not the best oh listen to woolly here throwing you all under the deeper okay no no no he's still under the bus because uh his his name is dan and that's a boring name that's fucking hor that's garbage that's what a wow you don't get to talk fucking names darlington will eat everyone needs a reason to be under the bus
Starting point is 02:53:20 fuck you i'm sure well the people that the people that um aren't other bus yet i'm just gonna assume that there's something that you don't know about that's super fucked hmm like uh fuck you tell me this fucking story last night about a family that lived on your fucking block or some shit that was the brady bunch oh fucking super happy nuclear family weirdo nuclear family like yay let's all hang out and play fun on the lawn they had a pet rooster and never made any sense and how like and i was thinking about that i was like i don't trust openly normal people anymore i don't in this day and age i don't believe in this day and age it's hard to get there without like major abuse oh you guys you guys are eating kids in the back huh yeah all right yeah that's
Starting point is 02:54:09 cool that's cool everybody's gotta do something i don't know man but you see just now is the part where any any any uh artists we left out now they're it's even worse how come you didn't get me you don't even remember why you didn't insult me exactly yeah it's even worse damn that sucks damn i love you guys too you started this so this is all on you so i just had funsies with it okay well yeah yeah yeah this podcast fucking sucks man should i just go hold i hate art i mean there's zones making money zones making money is that the money that you want is that the gimmick you want to steal zones gimmick porn money yeah good old sticky dollars hey you know that shit from your childhood
Starting point is 02:55:04 i made it fuck can sticky dollars pay the rent yeah then i'll fucking take it look forward to the elie and woolly show hey man way more art people were friends with secretly draw porn than you'll then well if you have the ability why wouldn't you it's crazy i knew someone in real life and we'd be like and everyone would like it'd be a game to try and figure out if they can find their online thing and like it is like how much can i change my my clean style from my dirty style to make sure no one ever draws oh i know that it was i know that face it was really funny it's like i've seen i've seen that type of nose before you've seen it you slipped up you can't hide that you i caught you and now i'm undoing my pants i caught you
Starting point is 02:55:56 just you wait i got you no no yeah well this has been the worst podcast ever done i don't know ever done by a human um do we even take another question or do we just just cut our losses all the time is it okay we did a podcast we did a long podcast let's cut our losses let's just give up let's this has been podcast up so 200 200 this is the what you can expect for the next 200 it's more of this more of this what are you doing i don't know i don't know what this is it looks like i'm jerking two giant dicks it while that or like demonstrating your arm flab and oh dude come on dude come on you fucking you got uh you do box stuff you got done dude we all have spider-man wing flaps a little bit let's let's let's not pretend let's just get real
Starting point is 02:56:55 all right all right stuff's coming up all right what's going on man um we're you know that's more of more of it we got we got oh shit we got um LA blacks yeah the blacks lenoirs we've got uh knights in the woods knights in the woods we got uh yakuza yep and we're gonna be watching some E3 stuff a lot of it how much we decided which ones we're gonna be watching uh it's not all of them it's definitely not all i think we said the big three plus ubi plus ubi are we gonna do devolver or we have not decided on that because they just announced their time it's sunday night i don't care okay so it'll be ubi and the big three yeah uh those will be live from this podcast location right here uh and we're gonna watch about that and bitch that prince of
Starting point is 02:57:50 persia didn't come back again and or sound like huge assholes as things were complaining about our announced in front of our eyes yeah impatience yeah is the key i can't believe they didn't show this and then they show it and uh what else what's uh what's so what the fuck was that that was a reminder to get office on this device oh i fucking hate that thing yeah what are you gonna do not get office that's what i'm gonna do that's fine too um uh i mean we're speaking to the air at this point but i did put out a poll asking folks if they wanted to see the rest of dark souls yeah what was the result of the result was more people want to see it sooner on a weekday okay later on a week let's let's blow that out some fucking day so we'll do that on apparently right at the end too yeah
Starting point is 02:58:35 so sooner on a weekday it is and i may have gotten a little huge should we announce uh should we announce what did you hear that yeah i tried not to all right should we announce what uh what we're gonna play next or wait is that even confirmed uh yeah let's wait yeah let's wait i don't even know when the fuck that's gonna slot in oh boy nine the woods has been going on for a lot longer than it was intended yeah because i guess matt didn't expect me to talk to everybody bring out the value but i talked to everybody and i'm playing the game inside the game yeah there's a there's a an action game inside it and i've been playing it for that's okay so all right get that get that LP value oh boy uh you got anything cool coming up on woolly versus is it a table lords week
Starting point is 02:59:26 i'll see i do oh does that just not exist yet no it's more like i'm working on a couple other things that are bigger projects but it's gonna take some time to figure it out um so you know we'll have to sort it out i guess and uh yeah of course you know fucking tech n sevens out so why not play that this friday that's a good game and uh you uh am i gonna be streaming any bullshit yeah i'm gonna stream bullshit at some point there you go that's that's over to angriest pat you can count on it that's what i'm gonna do oh man um let's just i'm in a holding pattern now because i don't want to start anything big because i'm gonna do the ff 14 thing but so i'm like i don't know i'll play a bullshit i guess i'll play a bullshit
Starting point is 03:00:18 pat looks at a bullshit yeah i'm looking at one right now hey oh that's your fucking needs you know my need a fucking liar god why you gotta blow me up like that you blew yourself up you gotta blow me up you blew yourself up with your choices with your fucking choices i can't believe you've done oh fuck let's fucking quit all right time to quit let's just give up everybody bye bye buh-bye so so you

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