Castle Super Beast - SBFC 204: Universal Serial Boys (feat. Wipeouts)

Episode Date: July 4, 2017

The peak of white civilization, Dead Cells, and Function vs Function 3. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, well, well, I mean now you're doing that song but now I moved on you moved on Yeah, you're too slow too slow you got you got the the biscuit out of your heart Yeah Yeah, well, it's just when you started singing the lyrics to break stuff as you do is not singing them He was he was I was saying that it was a spoken word album spoken word poetry. That's true It was a bit of a spoken word. Have you got woolly? No, I don't have much. It's just I was listening I was listening to a podcast and And the basically like a couple of poops dudes are talking and they basically came to the conclusion that
Starting point is 00:01:03 White people as a race peaked Wow, we're when break stuff was performed at Woodstock 99 live on stage Right at the part where he talks about his chainsaw skinning your ass raw and then the and then it drops It goes right back in like that build-up is the exact moment in all of history Hmm when Caucasian people peaked, okay? Well, I have a follow-up factoid about that, okay? So I want to want you to piece where this fits in either with that podcast with your own mental narrative
Starting point is 00:01:37 Okay, like it was either right before or right after that song where Fred goes like this and his earpiece. It's like, oh shit Hey everyone Calm down You're all they're telling us that things are bad and you should stop ripping shit up So everyone just take all that negative energy and but no Continue not destroying the set of Woodstock. Oh Don't break stuff. Don't please Please don't break stuff
Starting point is 00:02:08 At the end of the day, you are the band that incited people to It's a badge of honor and yeah, so white people peeked but then like politeness tried to Break stuff in your heart to break stuff mentally not physically not physically don't break property Yeah, if you have a museum or a China shop inside your body Yeah, rip up that shit break it if you would they're not encouraging bad violent activity Especially to the millions of dollars of equipment lying around do it. No fuck the police was about the not the police But like the the oppressive nature of the political climate at the time over the over the years You know, it's more like the police as a right as a concept
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yeah, you know, you are right. This is the guy. I know I'm kind of groggy and Sleepy and shit, but like am I? Oh God Welcome. Hi. That's not bad. I'm glad you brought that up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I it's something about it rang true The white people it rang true. I'm like, you know, what I don't know everything and I know very little But one of the few things I do knows after I did watch that I went back and I watched it and I'm like, yeah No, I could see that I could see that like I can see you know, like every confused kid in
Starting point is 00:03:32 Like grade eight because it's very it's a very watching that moment It's a very like break stuff and you're just like and he's just like I got a chainsaw and you're like, whoa My dad has one in the garage and you're something's building up inside of you And you're just like and it's in his does the lady repeats it like a couple times, right to build up to the final like Yeah, yeah And like and I feel like I feel like you when you watch it like that crowd is like a sea of white people It's an ocean of oh, it's it's someone's dumped a bunch of box of crackers All over the fucking field. It was huge. So I feel like that was at least some kind of cultural significance. I believe a little bit
Starting point is 00:04:13 I believe it. I say it's gonna go down in history. It's like Some like great turning point. I mean again, it's like you don't really know when The turning point happens, right? It's you only can tell after the fact. That's how history proves things We're in the future, but really what about this later that same night? One bob richie aka kid rock Came out on stage on the sweltering hot summer stage in a huge ass fur pimp coat And walked out with a cane that he doesn't need And then just went like this stuck his hand a stage hand like pulled the coat off of him
Starting point is 00:04:52 And then the the bawa taba or whatever song is like amping up and he's not doing anything And then starts the song. It's not no one's ripping shit up But that's also a watershed moment for white people. I think that's pretty strong. That's pretty strong. It's good stuff. Yeah um He was he hasn't been seen since But uh, he has a million country songs. No, I know. I know. I know he's doing a but but like I said He hasn't been seen since. Oh, yeah, you know fair enough fair enough, but uh, physically I believe that can I get kid rock and on the podcast?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Willie you're on that probably not that hard and probably whatever olympisket man's name is Can we know is can we put? I don't know. Yes, you do. What's his name? Constantly say his name. Oh, it's fred durst I didn't I didn't I didn't complete those two things. That's fine. Can I get those guys to like fight or something? Well, what we gotta do at least one of them will die No, I think they're friends I think we can get a re ianami figure on the end of like a fishing line and just kind of like Lead it. Oh look for the red hat and just kind of like stream on gunry burns. Lisa simpson it down the street I think so like a trap. I think so. I think I told you the last thing that fred durst
Starting point is 00:06:04 I saw as like an article from like months ago. He's like, yeah, I'm I'm I'm mc in a jazz club I'm not singing I just mc acts I want to bring up like so what are you going to do? Olympusket songs like I don't know man. Yeah, I just want to make jazz Like leave me alone, please Very soft spoken. Hey, man. Every artist has Like they're they have their phases, but then they also have their thing where it's like when you get known Around the world for this one thing you eventually get sick of that and need to kind of like yeah
Starting point is 00:06:38 No, spread your wings. He got married like four years ago. Nice russian model Okay, that's it. Hey goat. See I know that you have a really popular career now in real estate But do the thing with your ass again. Yeah, please I think goat goat. He's fucking done. He got done in by the the the new era One man one jar got done. What do you mean? He got done in one guy one jar And over and killed him with no competition. He got he like you got the out gross Like goat. See was the taxi service and then one man one jar was the uber industry coming in and just going Cone, but I sure
Starting point is 00:07:23 I don't even you wouldn't know but the deal it will you know that we moved along you can't put a video You can't hit somebody with a video instantaneously Wait a minute. No, yeah, that's always that's always the strength of the gross out shock photo Yeah, there's no time to look away, but But the baby two girls one cup just proves that slightly that took like four minutes Yeah, but it got there and like I got it got to the zeitgeist that I needed to get to your body of mds and all that shit even spinners and shit that takes like Like half of half of two seconds. It takes it takes a half a thought
Starting point is 00:08:02 Yeah, um, I don't know because I feel like the instant like real back like bull is Is definitely uh, it's powerful. We're gonna. Are we are break stuff? It's powerful, right? It's an impact How far are you gonna go down this memory lane? Well, I mean just we can stop it. We're just dissecting the impact Okay, but our other things gonna be brought up is what I'm asking. Are we gonna stay where we are? Well, you know while we're night going on anything past We're discussing not safe for life But I'm just saying that like the video the difference is that the video though it stays with you longer Yeah, because like you you you're on the journey you experience it
Starting point is 00:08:40 You know, you there's a start point and there's an end point There's a quest there you take things away from it that you compare your own life To the journey. Oh, I thought you were gonna say like it takes things away from you. I mean it kind of does You know, you know every every not safe for life picture is in of itself a horcrux Yeah, a comedian described your soul as a a large pixelated shape and every time you see one of those images a few pixels float away That's a good visual of it. So Shipping off pieces of my soul here. I mean it it does happen. Um What was the point? Why am I so groggy this morning? I slept like six seven hour. I don't know
Starting point is 00:09:17 what was the point of like Exposing ourselves to the worst shit back then stupid macho shit of like just thinking that it makes you harder I guess There's huge soft spots all Uh, no, it was it was I can tell you exactly what the mentality was if you don't remember it It was everyone's going crazy about how horrible this thing is I can tough it out a bunch of pussies I bet my internal fortitude is so much stronger that it won't even bug me and then you click on you go
Starting point is 00:09:55 Like you pull right celery man And then eventually you hit that point where you're like, oh, yeah, it doesn't even bother me I'm a badass and then right after that point is the like This doesn't bother me and that is causing an existential Discomfort which means it's time to stop. Yep, and I think I don't know about you, but personally I definitely like stopped before hitting What I consider to be still too far
Starting point is 00:10:25 Which is just like that again that one kid we went to high school with that was like super into faces of death That was super into ogre Super into like you know what I mean high schools, but I and it's like it's like, okay It's one adamant my high school. Yeah, it will this is the other kid's name is way too recognizable, but it's like was it blessed I was gonna say But it's it's just it's one thing to like be like. Oh my god fucking goat's see ah Lemon party. Oh, oh no, but sick of high gas prices visit You know and then you kind of like you you build up that sort of resistance
Starting point is 00:11:04 But then you get to the fucking like just straight up like Get rekt There's a real and it's like right and it was there was your entire Your was your entire realm of horror And then once once your normal horror was uh, are you saying it like that? I don't know horror because I'm trying to say it correctly, but I'm ending up okay I see I see I saw a film as I recall it was Get all the way through
Starting point is 00:11:32 What your mainstream nightmare fuel? And then and then you're like like a gauntlet. I need something stronger and I need better I need more percentage in this alcohol step two of the new era is does this video's title contain nothing? But Cyrillic text. Oh god. Yeah Yeah, yeah, exactly and and then there's the whole new world of like boy these car accident videos share our rough I Mm-hmm. That's that's that's exactly it like I definitely tapped up before that point. Yeah, because it was like why? For what I never sawed out that stuff. No, we have the whole scale here
Starting point is 00:12:10 We have like we have the neophyte over there with Matt. It was like you did just tell it is out like this This is now people would would put it on me like hey check this out I'll like what is it and then I'll look over I'm like no Now there was there was a more pragmatic mentality to this that was not the one that you and I had Willie that I saw other people have and it was My friends are jackasses They're going to send me this fuck yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would rather no way preventative and watch it In the comfort of my own home where I can turn away rather than open up an email and just blow the vaccine
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah, it's the vaccination method except the vaccine in this case requires like just taking the disease full on Well, have you ever I don't know. Have you ever done this thing where I've seen a thing That I I tried to do that to myself with I've tried to do this But I it was a thumbnail and I had it at thumbnail size And then you you blur your eyes and slowly make it bigger. I don't know. Is that that's no, that's um, that's very specific It's like you you have it as a really small image, but you know what's going on and then you make it a little bigger and you go Okay, okay, that's a variation of like and then you hit plus plus plus and it's like That's a variation of like fucking immersion therapy for like phobia. That's like
Starting point is 00:13:32 You're so afraid of flying. You can't even look at a plane Right, so you just kind of look at a like a shitty drawing of a plane and then you look at a more move it up I've done that to myself before did that work. Did that keep it doesn't keep but it works short term That's the problem. It works really well short term But it does not stay like the only thing that the only thing that maintains is like the scar tissue from real psychic damage But like temporarily like oh, I can I can look at that no problem Like I there was a point in which I could look at people like shooting up needles In in fucking tv shows and stuff like that, right? There was a point because I think I was watching like fucking
Starting point is 00:14:10 I was watching some cop show with my mom like all the time and it was just constant It was all the time. So I was like, okay. Well, I kind of got used to it But that past that shit left me. Yeah, I no longer had that resistance and then you default to your original state Yeah, and and I and now I'm in that point where it's like I get mad at movies Or it's like for whatever reason they do that because there's a couple ways you can show somebody injecting something But for some reason film seems to be in love with the fucking super close up Like the needle going into the vein like a strong visual it gets it across really hard. So why would they never Why would they not go for that?
Starting point is 00:14:49 You know We're just we're way too adaptive of a creature for our own good, you know, oh, yeah, we should be less adaptive It'd be nice to be able to lock in not a lot But less it's nice to be able to like lock in a build when you're like, oh, yeah, you're like I feel pretty confident Hey, if you if you want to talk about locking in builds, there's a video floating around that is underappreciated It's uh, it's from a new youtube channel that has no views It's called tear zoo And it's talking about how
Starting point is 00:15:19 While amphibians are actually the bottom of the f-class tier There are certain amphibian builds that can like actually go top tier and talks about the cane toad And it's the very first video and like I imagine it's just gonna go like sharks have that And it's like too many people fall into the trap with specking into the toxin tree on the amphibian class But there's too many diminishing returns once you get past being able to kill a dog. Yeah There's there was there was there was that video about where it was just like life as explained as a through an mmo And it's just talking about the nine month loading screen. It's bad It's bad and shit like that like yeah, we've we've done that and then you go to log in after the loading screen and it crashes
Starting point is 00:16:03 You gotta go buy a new copy Oh god, um Yeah, no But I guess when I want to also speaking of locking in a build, uh, I got I'll start out with my week Oh, yeah Because I finished off black mirror And that is the locking in of something. Well, there's definitely there's episodes where I've discussed like Taking there's an episode that basically
Starting point is 00:16:29 Uh discusses taking save states of your memory. Yes. Yes. Yes, and and I was and I was just doing the thing that the show Wants you to do which is you you just think about where that could go What that could be and the idea of like Let's say you start going senile and you load in your old save state Like is it worth what you lose? In order to regain what you need what you actually do is you you load in the saves You save your save state and then you watch the wire and then the next day you load your save state back up Yeah, um
Starting point is 00:17:04 That's that's and so the idea is that time travel is that just your No, no, no, it's just it's just the idea of like, you know If you can take a copy of the state your mind is in at the moment Okay, an episode deals with that and does a completely different subject matter But to me that basic premise is like interesting because you're like if someone is how getting amnesia at old age You know, do you load in Your 40 year old state for for amnesia or that works at all Should you
Starting point is 00:17:33 For if you it's not how it works at all. There's much more awesome But no, but I mean like when you're going through dementia, that's kind of what's happening already Like that's the problem. Okay, but the point is wake up and every every memory past a certain point Yeah, okay, but in this case you're talking about a digitized Like, you know map if you would know, but what I mean is I don't see how that would help with people with all I think what was just saying a random I'm just well, and I'm saying it's in the sense Well, no, I mean if I'm talking about like people forgetting things and you losing memories and whatnot
Starting point is 00:18:06 Using the technology that is kind of present. But wouldn't it just happen again? Yeah, like immediately Uh, in fact in the case of that disease, I'd imagine it just happens because you're not Well, there's just so there's one episode that just takes takes like a screenshot and there's another episode That's just about your visuals. So it just records your video and you can just replay Oh, yeah, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, and and and so there's a there's a couple different ones But anyway, the point I guess is that um Having finished off The three seasons that are out so far. I
Starting point is 00:18:40 Can say this the show definitely has like it has two Uh bad episodes, I think Every other episode of the VR one that was one of them and there's another one that's like and they're both Okay, until the ending. It's that you know, there's the other one is just about It's basically a version of you know that steam app that like it's it's like the face cam Like maps your face to an avatar. Sure. It's an episode about that type of thing And there's those these two episodes are like they're like Not they're fine, but then their ending is really bad type of thing outside of those two the others range from
Starting point is 00:19:17 solid to holy fucking shit and With all its flaws and all I think putting it together just because of what it does I it's probably one of my favorite shows of all time I'm putting this up way up there on my list because it Every episode it's it's an anthology every episode as I discussed is not trying to get you to do the easier thing which Shows that we love like westworld and game of thrones and house of cards You you click back in because you're like, I gotta know what happens. Yeah, you there's a cliffhanger
Starting point is 00:19:49 There's it's the easiest way to write people It into being addicted to your show. Yeah, you know to make people addicted This is not trying to do that at all. No This is just trying to visit the topic let you think about it for a bit and then it pieces out And then present you a new scenario next time that is the hardest way to handle like In this day and age writing because people are so used to Well, remember last year you're talking to Derek about this and he was like that show sounds horrible Like everything you say it sounds like it's depressing and like I'm not into that
Starting point is 00:20:21 So that's fine. But yeah writing in that style nowadays where people are like, oh, I want to see what happens next or oh My character I like is okay And it's it's well, it's like twilight zone back in the day or outer limits or whatever where it's supposed to Invite you to watch next episode to get like, you know, because you we squeezed everything we could out of this one Subject the subject matter. So let's move on to another one. It's very hard And it's it's definitely like not to take away from like shows that do have bread crumbing I'll call it where you're just like I
Starting point is 00:20:55 But like when taken to the extremes You get the worst versions of that where like all I hear about the walking dead these days is how much people don't like it anymore How annoyed they are with the show Yeah, but how they're still watching it just to see what happens. Yeah, right? See who's gonna get it next exactly Right and then you see it and then when you distill that like that bread crumb type of like analogy to its maximum You get reality tv where there's no content at all. It's just what's gonna happen next to this drama house You know, yeah, no pants island So that yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:21:29 So that like bread that we threw in that room is starting to mold up So the maximum version of that that concept is like the worst shit ever But I think like the complete opposite end of the spectrum is what black mirror is doing Where it's like we give you no reason to necessarily want to tune in again except if this subject matter was interesting Except if woolly wants to see the next episode. That's it come back when you want But also remember waiting for you. You and I have talked about this before it's a british show So they'll do as many episodes as they fucking want. Fuck you This episode one two episodes season one two episodes
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah episode We don't know we don't know just because it's the way they do things It's just it's what it's what they're used to on their bbc formatted like seasons Do you know that I just always doing maybe three more episodes of luther next year? Maybe I think I think I think it's probably because seasons are not like traditional seasons like they are here I think it's probably just like multiple shows They just wrote in rotate rainy spring for 18 months of the year. I mean probably right no foggy foggy and rainy No, but anyway, so so all that to say that
Starting point is 00:22:41 Yeah, the final episode in particular was was a hell of a thing because Like I said, when they want to make you happy they throw it way the fuck out there and make you yeah Aesthetic ecstatic with like what can probably be considered the only good episode not good But the only positive episode of the entire series But the final episode fucking Brings it back Oh, man, and it does it in a personal way where I've tur I've I don't want to spoil it
Starting point is 00:23:11 Of course, but I've told stories about things that horrify me personally. Yeah, and it does Exactly that in the worst possible way call to break me The last episode was about breaking woolly. All right And it was an hour and a half You watch that last episode and figure out what woolly's deepest darkest existential fear is Yeah, well, it's straight up just like shit that happened to me when I was young is all you know, so um, what about a Future england where everyone is born and just given one Hulk doll
Starting point is 00:23:44 Oh No, that's the worst one purple Game Boy color dies you tire Protect your Hulk doll. Yeah, it's not a flawless show, but it's it's one of my favorites of all time I'm gonna be I realized after I hit the credits That I'm gonna be thinking about this forever You know, there's It's a it's a it's a moment. It's a thing that doesn't happen often
Starting point is 00:24:10 But you sometimes you finish watching a thing and you go, oh I'm gonna never stop thinking about this. It's like that Twilight Zone thing where they've got the monkeys on the plane Yeah, it's like what 40 years later people are still talking about like Oh, it's like that thing from the Twilight Zone with the thing on the on the wing Right. And so the discussion I had afterwards as well was about how any one of these episodes was a There's a monkey on the plane Why should I believe you sir? You're a Hitler
Starting point is 00:24:44 Um, so any one of these episodes because the Fits right into the category of like done, you know, all right Shit, you're never gonna stop thinking about last time that happened to me Probably minority report. It's time before that Uh, children of men. Y'all children of men as we have and then the matrix. You know what I mean Oh, man. Hey, dude. Really? What if we were matrix original? I'm like, yeah, that's because I knew you were into a matrix But it's talking about reloaded. I'm gonna be thinking about it. Oh, you're talking about revolution What if the highways the most dangerous place to society think so every one of these episodes could have been
Starting point is 00:25:20 Something that changes the game in those movies the ways those those movies, right, right particularly the matrix, you know more so Uh, if it was just a cinema It was a movie if it was being pushed with tons of promotion and you walked out of a film called san junipero Everyone would be talking about it. It would be a massive deal It could have been it could have been a series of short movies Like an anthology thing as in theaters. Yeah. Yeah, it could have been but they don't for really good But people don't know how to market that right? It's hard nowadays So so want to go to a movie theater and walk out feeling unsure about yourself and confused
Starting point is 00:25:58 So I feel like this is like oh watch suicide squad People are starting to talk about it a bit more and but I still feel like this is kind of like under the radar And it's sort of ground level. I expect. Yeah, it's kind of under it's under there a little bit And I expect in the next year or two That it's gonna get huge. I really think that this is gonna pick up Um, especially because it hasn't been hasn't it been on netflix for a while It's first season it's been going for a while, but three is where the like Really game changing shit in my opinion is starting to come out one
Starting point is 00:26:32 One mega huge person needs to see it and tweet about it or write about it somewhere And I mean and they're getting and they're getting like Actors they're getting like some big names as well to come in and do things Now he wants to make black mirror in 3d the couple episodes I've seen has like had like big like I saw the one with john hamlin and I was like, whoa That's random. Why are you here, sir? Exactly. So he's there and then uh stamper from casa card shows up Oh for no, guess what don't get to do that to my heart. He did that to me last week He said that and I fucking freaked out. Don't get to do that. Douglas stamper. Douglas. You fuck yourself. You fuck off
Starting point is 00:27:08 All right. Well, anyway, oh man stamper. What what if what happens if new grounds became the new tv? No, what happens if you go into your house and all your utensils are gone. Who picks up the pieces? I don't know who could even pick up the pieces with no utensils. How do we explore that subject matter for an hour? Uh, yeah, so I just can't say enough good things about it. I'm I'm super obsessed, man Um beyond that writing fan fix now Black I don't have fiction Like I don't even remotely have the to anything close to the talent. You know what I mean? Like you have the desire But if any like I feel like anyone anyone who wanted to write their own black mirror fan fiction
Starting point is 00:27:48 Would be an asshole because it's just like you're not good enough and also revisiting any of these stories Kind of ruins it. That's why I said it your fan fiction would just be the same as all other fan fiction Remember that guy with the cyborg thing. What if he fell in love with the guy at the hot dog store? Yeah, what if those two guys hit each other with rocks on the moon? That'd be some shit. That'd be some shit Yeah, exactly. Um, so so uh beyond that, uh I'm I also played a Probably maybe uh seven or so hours of dead cells. Yes. Um, I also have a similar I did not but that that quick look sticks in my brain is the first game
Starting point is 00:28:28 The way as soon as I have that moment where I'm tiring of grinding out my life in 14 I'm gonna go straight to dead cells because this is the shit. Yeah, and dead cells is now It it fits neatly into that binding and visic rising thunder slot. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Let's try a few runs click click a a a run run run run run, right? And when you know what you're doing and you're familiar with everything Uh, you can you get like a god blast through it? I got an amazing build But those bosses are fucking I haven't I haven't seen I saw boss yet two bosses That's cool. Two bosses. Does that play maybe like two ish hours? Uh, also though, you do get to start branching off of Um
Starting point is 00:29:12 Like the the opening area you start opening. Oh, yeah, because there's that locked door right at the start They're not that not so So, you know, you know the um, the the the branch climbing take the the goo. Yeah. Yeah So once you get that you start to open up a second pathway to a different Second level you can use the goo in the first and you can go to the sewers Exactly because when you get that goo, it says you now permanently have goo Yeah, so you get access to a different level and then that level branches on its own So you have multiple pathways to follow to get to is that where bosses are at?
Starting point is 00:29:44 That's where bosses are at that's why I can't find the boss. There's one But well, no, there's one boss that's in a straight line After the ramparts. Yeah, actually, I haven't gotten past the ramp. Yeah the ramp part. It's fucking hard The game's not hard not easy. I almost got through the ramp parts, but I fucking died and like, you know The ramparts has one boss and then the old sewers is where another one is. Okay, so Um, didn't we get to the old sewers once and we no, we didn't never did. Okay. Um Abject failure that there is so much fun stuff going on. Yeah mechanically I love the fact that certain
Starting point is 00:30:18 Um, you know how you have your two your two weapons that you can Equip right you have your y and that's your y so Certain weapons allow you to fire both simultaneously So if you have like for example the um the flame I forgot what it's called, but it's basically like you toss a little like mini grenade. Yeah Um, it was like a jar right exactly. So you have that and a melee weapon You can do both simultaneously. Nice if you have a kunai and another like sword type thing You can do both, you know, so I'm sure you got this but I got the laser bomb whenever you roll
Starting point is 00:30:52 There's that one. That one's pretty good. That one's super useful There's uh, uh, when you do your death from above you leave you leave a trail of oil That you can then let you splash the ground with oil and then you light it up Like what any fire ability? Okay. Yeah Um, and then of course there's the fun stuff like there's like like force lightning Okay, you get an ability to just you lock on to an enemy That's like pretty far across the screen and you just zap them with does it go through shit It's it like so right now the the weak version of it just hits one and then it'll go after the net
Starting point is 00:31:25 The first guy dies. I mean does it go through like level boundaries or is it have to be in a straightish line? Uh, he has to be line of sight. Okay, uh, but if you hold it for too long you take damage So if you want to keep like powering up the the the damage you do you sacrifice taking a hit, you know and stuff like that Uh, you've got some I don't know if you run into any cursed chests No, okay, so there's two kinds of chests I've found so far well three the normal ones that you open up and get a cool like our rtlt button, um, and then there's ones that are uh
Starting point is 00:32:00 Normal, but you pop it open and a bunch of enemies just fucking attack you Okay, that's No, and then the curse is of is a chest that has a skull on it Yeah, and then you take you stick your hand in and it bites you and you're you get cursed But it drops three good items Right, okay, but the curse is you have one hp And until you kill 10 things you won't get your life bar back I need
Starting point is 00:32:27 So for me it's so far Super worth it every time because play flawlessly, right? Just don't get hit and now are the they said the drops are good. The three drops are great Okay, you know, you usually you get like a like you get like an ice grenade a damage buff and Maybe like a pendant, you know And like it usually that would cost you like 8,000 or so gold to get got a really I forget what it was But I got a really good pen like the first like oh, I have some money to spare. This is a really good fucking pendant um
Starting point is 00:32:57 Because you're all like I find when you're playing there like I get obsessed with like the weapons like I want a good weapon I want a good weapon So when I first saw in a pen I'm like a pen. Oh, this would actually be really useful For the way I'm playing right now or the way I want like I want to play going forward until I die the next time So, yeah, pendants are neat too like almost like all of the loot is like interesting How's these weird quirks like what you're describing there like even on that chest like I assumed you meant a curse would be a mimic Yeah, or whatever, but no not really. So I got a pendant. That's a quadruple jump It's you get four, you know, that's too much actually
Starting point is 00:33:31 You're gonna do it four jumps. I can't even do something with one jump Too many jumps get the fuck out of here too many jumps but that there's some fun stuff like that and um The idea that it's in early access like so far. I haven't hit the wall of content right because the difficulty is just real um Wait till you get to the enemies that pop and leave Bombs behind because I I thought I read or something enemies that pop and leave oil behind
Starting point is 00:34:02 There's enemies. There's all kinds of shit, but I got to I got to a point where There's enemies that popped and left well They're not only bombs, but they leave other enemies behind And then those pop into bombs I'm not sure if you saw but on the twin motion. I believe that's the developer's name or motion twin or whatever I follow him on twitter and someone said like hey any Console plans like maybe switch and he the they said just like stayed tuned for more announcements But you can probably I imagine it's just once the game's out of early access
Starting point is 00:34:33 I'd imagine so though this but like a switch version in particular of that just because it's so fast run thing Like would love that all you need is you know the your eight buttons in a d-pad So it can it can easily on anything really. Yeah, um So and then and you know, there's still weapon types that I haven't really fully explored and tried out yet So I haven't even used yet. Like I I just get the fucking whip Any whip I got the whip. I didn't get a I got the whip. I got the whip the whip is all right It's not that great. Okay startup is slow on it. The whip is not fantastic. It's not it's not eight directional Well, it's better than eight directional. Well, fuck me. It's it lock it locks on to anything in a circle around you
Starting point is 00:35:12 Okay, right that seems pretty good. You're saying it's slow. It's slow startup But it then locks on to the thing and keeps kidding it. I think that would be fine for right I think that would use the whip the whip ain't bad the whip ain't bad the boot is better than I thought Okay, I thought it was garbage But what you have to do is work it into your combo So when you're swinging on things a lot of the time you're coping that your dps will kill it before it swings on you Right and then you can you can do your bloodborne recovery, but it's not always gonna work And some of the best weapons have things like you take two times damage modifier, but you do two times damage
Starting point is 00:35:48 Right. So like when you're using these kinds of things like Taking just getting hit is is the worst option of of course So you want to swing twice throw a boot out as your default Butter stops and you interrupt whatever the fuck is happening Some enemies you do that and you kick them off and it's like that guy has too much life But he's going off the cliff Does the kick uh Hit past the guys with the shield that had like the tiki guys that that generated shields around them
Starting point is 00:36:14 The shield the shield blocker skeleton guys The mochijins that generate a shield around enemies around them Oh, yeah, you can attack those with the shield. Yeah, it's just the straw man Yeah, no, no, but does your boot go through the regular enemies that have the shield around them Uh, no, it'll it'll move them, but they won't take damage. They won't get stung or anything I just wanted since it's like not a weapons more like a physical punch. Yeah, it'll displace them But you're still it's there's no point swinging because I haven't got I haven't seen the boot since the The video look yeah
Starting point is 00:36:49 Yeah, don't even bother just roll to that to that shield generator and kill it first, you know Dead cells is super good. Uh, it's very fun and you can play through it You can rush through that very quickly and like the feeling of increased runs increased like getting better Like now it takes me maybe 45 seconds to get through that first round That first area, you know, and then you want to get to those rooms where the locks are and the thing the time I locked stuff. So you're just you don't give a fuck. You're blitzing. You're blitzing You hit a teleporter. You use the teleporters constantly. It feels really good when it's going at at full speed
Starting point is 00:37:23 Um, cool. So that's dead cells. Uh, of course, I'm you know, slogging away on persona still going and that's that There's not much to say until it's done. So, you know, um Some crazy shits going down and I'm having a good time. Yep. Well, give me a month uh November, okay, so I I'm basically at the either the last engine of the second the last dungeon I've installed for months because I don't know why but like Kind of max I max out. Yeah, you took you told me you told me and as soon as that happened You fucking you shopped your dirty dick around. That's correct
Starting point is 00:37:58 And uh, you got it all around town But and now you're done. No, but as soon as you finished all the social links, like I I didn't understand how much of like the dungeon and plot progression was literally I just need to get through this so I can get back to doing my social links Like Like yeah, yeah, whatever this dungeon is awesome. Wow. I want to go. I want to go hang out I I want to go hang out with moon and hear about how his life is the social media nightmare That's that's ridiculous. I I love great moons. So good. I love, uh, I love the the actual dungeons
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah, no, they're great. They're a massive quantum leap over the fucking old ones Because they're actual fucking dungeons and stuff. Just What would you do it to me? What do you do? Are you told to do something? I'm bumping you up a little bit more. I'm trying to bump you um Yeah, so, you know, there's not much to say besides like I feel like getting to it Well, I feel like be lining this game if you wanted to like let's say you did nothing every day
Starting point is 00:39:00 And just try to like do dungeons only. Yeah, you're still going way over like 60 or so. Oh, absolutely It's a big boy. You can't you can't get around the big boy. All right. So that's that. Um Uh Yeah, I played arms a bit, you know, um You saw the fist of cows. We we saw it was fun. I was there and uh, yeah, um guilty gear x Rev continues to sort of be a thing. Yep. Um, I'm not confident put time into no I'm putting a ton of time into it. Yeah, it's pretty more time into it than you or I Oh, let's see. I haven't even bought it. Um, me either. Oh, yeah, I know I went out to like there's a, uh, a local
Starting point is 00:39:41 Uh, a meet-up for the tournament for like the anime games Um, it's pretty cool the group like, you know, like there's your fellows at the door There's much y'all air that uh, much y'all air dashers is what they call the that's that's pretty that's pretty good MAD. Yeah. Yeah. It's not bad. It's it's a fun. It's fun. It's fun. So, uh, those guys are cool And I'm still not at the point where I'm confident enough to sign up for an evo tournament or anything Let's do it But I'm definitely going to get as many casuals as I can in. Um, so that's going down a noble pursuit regardless. Let's do it Willie. Yeah, sign up
Starting point is 00:40:12 What's the worst that could happen? It was too late now So it's oh, yeah, mega late show up No, I can move somebody out of the way because when you also when you sign up if you're larger physically You can move someone out of a bracket If you if you sign up for an evo tournament that you're kind of just like, you know You're just throwing your name in the hat That also means Locking down like a couple hours of that for something that you're not even confident. No, just show up and give somebody a buy
Starting point is 00:40:36 That's that's always Yeah, collude Show up to the very first round and be like if you give me 20 bucks. No, we call it donating to the pot Yeah, it's just like I support this game. I'm not gonna fucking play it But I want I want the players to win a good pot. So here you go Uh, yeah, what's up? What's up matt? Um Yeah, what up? What up played a bunch of friday the 13th again I hear you like that game. It's kind of my thing
Starting point is 00:40:58 So I I'm gonna tell you why I like this game because I I died in like two different matches But I saw behavior. I can't explain player behavior player behavior. I can't explain so Flipping around to the different people that are still alive and one person gets Repairs a car which is tough to do just by yourself because you need three components Someone gets into the car Drives away jason's busy doing killing somebody else doesn't matter. He had no clue that this is happening um The person drives the car
Starting point is 00:41:32 almost to the Exit of the map gets out stands there We're flipping around to the other views watching people fight jason. Whatever jason never comes after this car And he's and he gets audio cues. He can look at his map He can see a car moving around the map. He can do whatever he wants That person stays there for a good two minutes and we're flipping around there We're like, oh, he must be communicating with another player saying hey, I have the car I have the car we finally see the other player
Starting point is 00:42:01 Start inching down the road the long road to get to where the car is parked and the person's waiting That person then sees that person coming that's near the car and then they get into the car and drive off And exit the map So that I can new grief tech. I that that behavior here. Here's the escape Why that behavior is easy to explain well aside from being a dick Yeah, well, I mean if you if you take out why stop if you take out the most likely Yeah in all scenarios it becomes very difficult to explain it is
Starting point is 00:42:40 So this happened again Where two girls I I I made a link for this this particular clip the two girls are uh starting up the boat And the boat can hold two people and then one installs the propeller the other one starts clogging in um Gas into the the boat That person then gets into the boat starts the boat and then the other person just on the dock watching And they drive off into the into the moonlight And just we're like why why would you do this? You could help me
Starting point is 00:43:18 I I you might even get x bonus xp. No, I don't want to okay Um, this is how I play the game for fun the trail tug Because if you actually hit a person in this game, they they put a thing you get docked a thousand xp And if you go past the limit, I believe you go into the minus And you have to get out of the xp hole And since the whole game is about you know unlocking shit It's like why would you ever hit people and I haven't seen anyone hit people since but since they can't hit What they will do is this yes. Oh, absolutely like give like open up the gates just a little bit and be like you can come in
Starting point is 00:43:55 It's nice and warm in here This is just the friday the 13th variant of those guys who would figure out that like I think it was the scout in tf2 Could glitch into the fucking Door at the beginning of the spawn zone and cause it to permanently stuck closed And they could just move out of the spot and open the door But they could also just not and and hold their entire team into the loading area forever There should be like an achievement or something called jason's little helper Where you just there's a lot of achievements that are very
Starting point is 00:44:27 That that one doesn't strike me as being in there, but there's lots of ones that are kind of clever like um If you're the the the shit bag like like preppy guy chad chad kensington Like there's an achievement locked with him called chad's a dick So there's stuff like that, but will you you work with jason to attack other players? I can't disagree with you more that kind of achievement is the it's the worst poison ever I remember when to rock the new to rock came out and there's an achievement in that game For killing one play one enemy player one dinosaur and one teammate in the same round
Starting point is 00:45:05 And that achievement alone just like Annihilated that fucking But not an encourager But something that acknowledges that people are doing this anyway So maybe like well if you do it you still get docked xp, though Yeah, sure, you know you you get like like are there you know how like certain games like um I remember a smash smash smash that's just not just 64 But all of them have like little points you get for things you do during the yeah, yeah a little breakdown
Starting point is 00:45:31 Yeah, you get that too But that they're all tied to xp like you'll get like oh you fought jason you barricaded a door you helped someone You blah blah blah so they have those but they're all tied to progression somehow, but um You you ran around jason while he was doing his kill animation Dancing what I really like is whenever the the two times I've streamed this game is people doing really shitty ms Pain drawings of my shitty jason and how I can't deal with a lot of shit And I get really fucking angry Like a couch
Starting point is 00:46:00 Is my greatest enemy because the jason I like the tom savini hell jason which I have to mention Danny Kopnik is a really nice fan. That's like I have an extra jason code For the savini jason. I already got one through the kickstarter, but he gave me one for steam Which I was like, oh my god. Thank you so much that jason is really slow And if there's a fast counselor Then there's a couch. Guess what I can't do for a long ass time. She's anyone I can't there's this couch and i'm like my jason's like Fucking god, isn't they don't leave the room. They do this to taunt me matt
Starting point is 00:46:40 Is it just fucking rick and morty you could run, but you can't hide bitch basically Oh, bitch Because it's a girl it's it's tiffany cox the counselor that just like it's the slutty one, right? So she's like in the the friday the 13th mold and she's just running around the thing and also she takes a break To let a stamina recharge and my jason's trudging around and I have a grab like he has a grab move and I have like a pitchfork It's decent range, but this fucking couch So I'll put a couple of people make these ms pain drawings. It's hilarious There's something about just like a shitty ms paint drawing of a stupid moment that just
Starting point is 00:47:20 It tickles my heart. There's a one of I think thomas did is me chasing trying to Shoulder block a door in and I can't I hurt my shoulder like every now and then I somebody sends us that fucking Fucking ms paint that I don't know where the fuck it comes from of me falling down the stairs It keeps happening and just oh just just a little tickle of just like no effort went into this You know, it's it all it all goes back to the toad and mario Mario mario you gotta save the prince and mario just leaves in on the toad and his eyeballs are touching him And toad just panics I think I used this in a video somewhere like in the descriptions. I think I was
Starting point is 00:48:00 Those are great So I'll continue to play that because I'm still having lots of fun with it. I play dead cells not much more to say than really saying It's awesome. Um, I also fooled around with eagle a little bit and killer ink stink. Don't Know your style Very complicated. Do you like do you like archers or keepaways? I don't I keep away is fine But like keep away is a very simple game to me Like the the the style like I get it like but
Starting point is 00:48:26 Eagle is just so complicated because he has nine arrows He has a finite amount and it's like mario where they embed into the ground He has to recollect the bird has to get them for you the bird can get them to you But the bird also does a tax you can command him some of them do stuff. You can jump off him He's really complicated. You like that type of stuff. Um, I I Don't like I just can't I just can't juggle everything at once and like all of his moves are just he has thunders like kind of low hitting Uh ankle slicer his ankle slicer, but it's more like a little slide, but it's the same range You know, it's the same sort of function. So there's stuff there. He also has a skyfall as well
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah, I saw his version of it. Yeah, so but he's not like thunder at all It's like he's like other than the remix characters. No, it's like it's like again brotherly moveset Yeah, yeah, like those are the two only real things And uh, there's something about his model like he has a really boring lame stance. It looks like a mkx stance You know a lot of mk characters have these weird open stance. They're just like They don't it doesn't look like you're in a fight stance. Yeah street fighter type cool pose They just had these kind of awkward stances. I'm just like, eh Whose animation was it that like got posted recently where they're just like, what the fuck is mk doing?
Starting point is 00:49:41 Where it's it might have been like scorpion or like there's a whole video Yeah, we're just the hands are just all over the place. It's and you're just like, okay, we get it We get it. You're fighting. Yeah. Yeah, it was uh, it was a youtube video. Uh guy goes Basically, this is what's wrong with their really frustrated with Right, right another realms animations because and he goes over a bunch of fighting games like, okay There's a couple different kinds of move sets that you can have with a standing animation Yes, and I remember it's a very similar to a conversation woolly and I had in which I was complaining that virtual fighter characters and dead or alive characters don't actually move
Starting point is 00:50:18 In place all that much and that zack is about as crazy as we're ever gonna get Mm-hmm, but he looks at the mk characters is like, okay These characters supposed to be light on their feet But their feet are fucking glued to the floor and their whole upper body is just waving around like a wavy two Like like venom in a mvc one Yeah, I I remember like, uh One of the details I loved in five was Ryu's like little like centering himself moment After his animation plays out for a little bit. Yeah, but that's Japanese games
Starting point is 00:50:50 We'll have those little flourishes after a while like a lot of them do like yeah, but mkx is they do them That's the entire animation. Yeah, it's this crazy thing sometimes Ed has a couple of really cool ones where he just kind of like flicks himself up kind of thing like really cocky When he stands up out of out of animations But I think one of my favorites is k dash Or like you have the k dash sort of like he does whatever actions And then he goes back into like his ready stance with the hands up But then if you wait about two seconds, he always puts them down
Starting point is 00:51:20 Casually leans back and just kind of like glurs at you. You know and like that's a specific k dash thing I fucking love when they do that in games. But anyway, yes animation. Yeah Um, so yeah, I'm not super into eagle. I think I'll give him another go But like I'm just kind of like yeah, it's not really a character for me Um, I talked a few weeks ago about that, um horror streaming service shudder Uh, that was on a browser only thing, but now it's been added to xbox one I think ps4, but I'm not 100% sure But uh, that was kind of I was waiting for because I was basically locked down to like my like laptop
Starting point is 00:51:55 So if I want to watch it here, watch it there. So I'm I've been watching some things on that that's shudder s h u d d e r f No one heard that that's like a horror movie only streaming service and they get exclusives like they got Kayako versus sadako Which is still amazing. I still really recommend seeing that thing because it's the dumbest They should have called it spooky roll They should have um, I also started and finished glow on netflix that's that's the uh, the uh
Starting point is 00:52:27 That's the narrative. Fuck. Yeah, that's the narrative with a bunch of characters I forgot loosely based on the real rustling league from the 80s, which I didn't even know existed Is it everything I dreamed of it's I I think you'll like it because it's not there's cringe in there. There's intentional cringe There's jokes that don't land on purpose And there's there's really real characters like these are flawed people the main character is not Not like In a good light. Okay, right, but the tone is is light though, right?
Starting point is 00:53:04 The the tone the tone is light mostly it'll do go a little serious here and there, but it'll always be light usually Uh, nothing that bad, but um, I I really found it was entertaining It it's a little slow the first couple episodes, but once they people get into like their gimmicks and it's basically about, you know, uh, the An actress that's down on her luck in hollywood in in the early 80s and then she just gets roped into Doing a all-female rustling league which is The brainchild of an 80s Business guy young kid with tons of his
Starting point is 00:53:39 Mother's money to span. He's just like it's like wwf But ladies and they're like, uh-huh, and they I don't it's weird They couldn't get the rights to the actual characters from the league. Oh It's not got their names They got the name of glow, right and they'll mention hulk hogan. They'll mention macho man randy savage. They'll mention wwf That must be probably because the individual wrestlers owned them Yeah, I think so because why would you agree to have everything else about the league?
Starting point is 00:54:10 But they do have like their gimmick like oh, I'm a I'm an evil russian lady Yeah, and her name was different in real life and her name in in the show is soya the destroyer Which is she's immensely good when she has that gimmick and it's america versus russia like it's it's hilarious I'll see you don't for that russian character. You really don't need like the actual real character as long as they serve the function Of the russian lady. Oh, you don't actually need the character. I just found it was weird Like why not the function because I think it's because they make up their personal lives Of the like the characters in the show like there's oh, I did this to you. I did that to you
Starting point is 00:54:46 So it that's not real. That's all made up stuff for the show I as long as I know but like how is it it 10 episodes just Really good did not go on too long Leaves itself open for more, but it could end there Just it was it was just funny was believable. It really nails the 80s Like I like I watched another movie some random horror movie that was like we're in the 80s But like you are a fucking hipster now That's what that guy looks like now like there's no
Starting point is 00:55:16 It's really inaccurate like they they wore their shit from today What do they do with the actual matches The actual matches are they like tv versions of matches or are they like are you watching it actually play out? Uh, they're they're tv versions when when when it's close-ups It's the actresses when it's far away like suplexes some bigger stuff. It's not very elaborate It's quickly but it's like a quickly cut together match basically Yeah, because the you know, they there there's a whole show like a whole pay-per-view The point is not in the ring the point is outside of the ring
Starting point is 00:55:50 But they spent a lot of time training and to the showing you how spots work And sequences so it gets into that stuff it and there's there's a couple of like actual wrestlers and Johnny Mundo Appears as like ball sack jack or something Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's there's a couple of former wwe guys in there kind of thrown in but Really really enjoyable if if you if you care about like you know wrestling even a little bit Or if you just like a decent netflix show I would say even better than decent like it's probably one of the better ones I've seen in the last year. So I want to see the part where the neon ropes are behind them
Starting point is 00:56:26 Yeah Okay, anyway, no, I know. I it's probably just the intro. I'm guessing it's it's the intro. Yeah, that's they do They do get close, but it's the intro. The intro doesn't mean you'll see that part real fast then willy. I will The thing I hate is that the intro I think it only plays on the first episode Or does the thing that when you you what you binge it It skips automatically it might do that But the intro is amazing. I want to watch it again and again But like it stopped after that, but I might have to start an episode
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yeah, they gotta figure that out because some people want it and some people don't yeah So you should have a click an option. Yeah, I think like full intro or no Yeah, because some of them like stranger things that one's not that long. I'll watch it every time I'll watch that every time black mirror has a really cool Just like it's just the sound of like a computer and then a glass breaking and then you're in and you're just in But then fucking What you gonna call it um iron fist
Starting point is 00:57:20 Just goes and goes a lot of a lot of the marvel netflix shows that rather not see them I don't I don't mind daredevil and jessica jones. I got annoyed daredevil left. Um daredevil is like it's cool Especially since westworld is the exact same intro much better But better iron fist is like it's cool the first two times in the sense that like Hey, it's like the street fighter for ink on marshal arts thing. Watch a catta But then it just has no oomph and then eight times in you're like fucking they kind of they kind of busy themselves on the cool visuals And not the actual house of cards. I have to watch it every time I kind of forget what it is now. It's just the trumpets and then shots of
Starting point is 00:58:01 Washington with with the sky in fast forward. Yeah as time is moving forward That's fine. And it's and it's just like setting the mood Yeah, because it gets me in the mood for like bullshit politics And what's particular is that the way it always has that like the last shot Um, the mintra music fades into the episode. Right, right, right. So you need that sequence So you need that transition to me But anyway, and the last thing I won't go too far into it but watch power rangers Power rangers surprisingly decent. I heard that I didn't mind it
Starting point is 00:58:34 The the the the actual cast I thought were actually pretty good because they were very cartoony They weren't all like as grimy and as like, oh, I'm I'm a teenager with problems Like the trailers kind of said Um, they do some really interesting things with zordon where the rangers don't fucking trust zordon And zordon doesn't trust them And it actually was like, whoa, that's really well. No, I mean it looks like a meth dealer He does look like a meth dealer Why would you trust a head in a jar? It's not a head in a jar
Starting point is 00:59:08 He's a he's a weird he's a weird computer guy. He's like made out of pixels. He's um, he's made out of voxels Yeah, he's small on more men. He's on more men. Okay. Yeah, so it was it was decent overall There were some weird bits of it in the middle is kind of strange It's just kind of languishes on and in the the the last The one I wouldn't say the last fighting sequence the only fighting sequence Because they basically train the entire movie Um, the the last action sequence was was fun. I don't particularly care for the megazord design the zords themselves I was like, they look fine. I think they look cool
Starting point is 00:59:42 It has to say well from what I saw the trailer is it looks like a a bay bay. It looks like a bay former It really does it does have a cool component to it that they they kind of go into but i'm like other than that I'm like, ah, I could I could do with a remodel on that but the actual zords I was like, ah, they look cool. I actually like the suits when they're actually fighting in the movie I was like they look good And is somebody know the entire there's two German suplexes that happen in this film cool and that's two more than I expect in any film And I was happy with that. I haven't gotten around to it. I'm glad I didn't see in the theater
Starting point is 01:00:16 Yeah, I remember I remember multiple people saying that like yeah, they turned out. Okay. It turned out. Okay Turned out. Okay. And I remember that feeling when seeing that first trailer of like, huh that's not That awful seeming, you know, doesn't seem like it you know, I didn't the first trailer was awful I was just like, eh, like I don't have a huge amount of love for Pirates the first place like I Enjoyed it, but I was just like, eh but yeah, it was kind of I
Starting point is 01:00:45 I Wouldn't watch it again, but it kind of made me go I'd rather watch a sequel where they all have the fucking suits from the start and there's just dumb fighting all the time Sure. Yeah, no much rather check that out than transformers Whatever's happening apparently that apparently the new movie is like bombing overseas shine. No here. It's bombing China's the only thing that's dammit china stop saving it. Yeah, but it like it's it's a good I must have read that shit backwards then It's a good sign because the the the money that the whatever the new transformers is called is the least amount of money
Starting point is 01:01:20 It's made domestically over the weekend. They'll figure it out by part nine. Don't worry. Don't worry. Oh by the bumblebee spin-off You mean don't worry about it. I don't know if this is true I seen people go. Did you know that in the last First night or whatever it's called it's implied that Harriet Tubman worked with the transformer That's fucking sick. I'll believe that. I'll believe that I don't know if this is true. I'll believe that. Oh, I love it. I love it because the Autobots are like We know what it was like to be oppressed by the decepticons on cybertron. Absolutely Right, it wasn't cotton. So the underground wasn't cotton. They were picking energy. So
Starting point is 01:01:58 Underground railroad man. That's actually like super advanced technologically. That's that's that's rumble. Yeah Rumble's making the fucking Underground railroad He's a decepticon. No, what's um, what's the good Autobot that's like rumble rumbles counterpart? The boomer sound wave in his in his yeah, but that's the evil. He's got rumble. Yes. Yes, and no, I know you're talking about it Anyway, uh, I don't know if that's true. I just see people talking about it It's well as soon as you go the transformers have been here since the ancient times Well, just you start all every dumb thing you could possibly think of it was a decepticon that shot jfk
Starting point is 01:02:37 Yeah, I know exactly. Just fuck it. You like when you John Wilkes booth Well, that's that's why they never found the second shooter. That's true because he was the gun Just megatron turning into a tiny gun. Oh god damn it I mean, you know when you get fucking anthony hopkins, excuse me sir anthony hopkins Like you're you're desperate to make your thing sound legitimate and old and and fucking you need to be inserted into it You know and he's coming out things like juice than an old tired man because he's coming off a west world And you're fucking you're throwing them into this shit man. God damn it He'll do anything for a paycheck nowadays
Starting point is 01:03:19 So, I don't know man if I was an old actor man, it's like you want to be hit a transformers movie here's a million dollars Okay, fuck it. What do you want me to do be myself? Yeah, okay Because it was like 10 years ago I remember this big report like anthony hopkins like i'm tired of this shitty movie business I'm sick of this shit And then he he doubled the fuck down and basically did what just pat said was like fuck this Yeah, pay me. Yeah, and then and then when they got fucking, you know old old marky mark Up in there. Oh marky mark. That is funky boy exactly and it's like what after you fucking tried out max pain and shit
Starting point is 01:03:54 Didn't work out they're like how do you how would you like? Like infinite infinite dollars to just stand around and go there's robot cars outside Hey, marky mark. How's it feel to There's robot cars. No. No. Oh my god. Marky mark has it feel to fucking always live the remainder of your life in shile above shadow Yeah That's amazing. Who destroyed all these buildings? Was it the transformers? No, ma'am. No, no, no Oh, no, it wasn't the trees. It was the trees ma'am. No, no, no ma'am. No, that's Oh, man, like you're you're living in the shadow of no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
Starting point is 01:04:31 Oh man of shile above Snow Rose is no his catchers every single every single film he's ever been in he has a moment where he where he flips out And starts going It's become his his his trademark thing. Yeah, that's what he says when like he got stabbed in that cannibal attack Yeah robot cast Uh, your boss accent is has a weird amount of british Aftertaste on it that is not I'm aiming I'm aiming specifically for the wall, bro. Okay with the high pitch. I see. Oh, yeah, okay
Starting point is 01:05:06 Ah, Jesus Yo telechryptokana said hi sure um the uh Week is now in your oh, it's in my it's in my court All right, so going on to uh the the ongoing trend of getting to things 25 years late Uh, finally watch kiki's delivery service. Oh, cool Uh nice
Starting point is 01:05:31 I'm not sure how much I like have you seen the others I've seen and now I've seen spirited away and I've seen totoro and I saw house moving castle That was the first one I ever saw you see mononoke. Yes. I'm on okay. So I'm getting there. I'm going through it and like These these movies his movies are plot anemic They have well mononoke has a plot but kiki's delivery service might as well have like three data points Girl leaves home girl starts delivery service girl has crippling existential crisis. It's barely what it's about, you know um, and it's it's a charming happy magical realism
Starting point is 01:06:11 Fucking thing But my takeaway is like in that like it's similar to totoro. It's just like this felt good to watch. Yeah in my chest Yeah, yeah, that's it. Um, but when I watch it, especially now and especially in contrast to what I'm going to talk about right afterwards All I I hate Miyazaki style. By the way, I can't stand the the super soft Uh, like round way that his characters are drawn and that they have like absolutely no musculature or even defined bones You don't like the the I get it. I get that it's overly charming and I I get it But I don't personally like it. I think it's it's It's it's it's Japanese Disney, right? Yeah, but for whatever reason I don't particularly care for it
Starting point is 01:06:52 but what I do care Is going back to an old film like this and being like remember when they used to draw things and seeing that like background elements are drawn and painted but yeah things are animated and they're like I may not be the biggest fan of his art style But I can sure appreciate the amount of fucking actual animation craft that goes into these things being just astonishing You have to pay attention to the food porn in the game. Oh, there was a there was a moment that I
Starting point is 01:07:25 I told my girlfriend to stop the the thing because there's a moment earlier in the movie where kiki just walks through a grocery store And they have an overhead shot of a grocery Grocery shelves and I just stop it. It's like it's the most color rich. Yeah detail rich thing I've ever fucking seen always I know spirited away's food is like. Oh, yeah. No, it's over the top the example Because because spirited away has the cooking of the bills coming to cooking other meals and when they give all the food to No, but it's every but every every ghibli movie. Like that's what they do If you want something if you feel like going for something that's again a bit more in the lines of like mononoke where it's like still Yeah, you're gonna recommend nozaka. Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:06 It's the next one it's the next nozaka nozaka is nice. Oh really nice So yeah, if you want to see some fucking wind blowing Nozaka is a little you watch the valley of the wind band to me Holy fuck animation is so good particular is a little is like almost too slow for my taste where I'm like Yeah, let's just move ahead. Like I feel like it it spends its time doing nothing for like the longest time And usually I'm I'm like all ghibli movies kind of do that And and usually I'm fine with it, but that was just the one where I was just like, I don't know this is a little slow for me I I don't know. I I was fine with it. I enjoyed it
Starting point is 01:08:44 The the whole thing is like, you know that they like the sakuga It's like that high budget moment in a show where it's like the fight scene gets fucking injected with cash Like the whole movie is that to me. Yeah. No, visually. It's still gorgeous so Kiki's delivery service couldn't contrast more with the other animated feature that I watched in the past couple of weeks Fritz the cat and I'm going to have to be really careful because I want to talk I want to talk about not specific spoilers But I want to talk about like
Starting point is 01:09:18 Spoiler in general Right like the concept of the spoiler and the narrative So I watch I I sat down and I was originally intending to watch it to the side while I grinded in 14 and then about a half an episode in I'm like, no, no, no, fuck that and Fucking binge the whole thing at once and I watched all of Attack on Titan season two Oh, no, I watch season two of Attack on Titan. How about that? And so you're caught up step one is great season fantastic
Starting point is 01:09:47 Well, I mean, I mean you you're at the car. No, I mean it season two ended Oh, shit, then I guess I'm one. Yeah, you're probably one or two off because there's there's the episode where everything is going Really really bad and then there's the next episode and that's the end. It's only 12. I think yeah Um And a great season much better like season than the first but has all the same strengths and Much look fewer of the same weaknesses season one has really Horrific pacing problems, especially about halfway through in the truss stuff and this does not have that Did you feel what I was talking about? Okay, so I saw what you were talking about about the the writing about the the
Starting point is 01:10:26 Enemy character and while I don't agree with like how strongly you felt about it like I got it, you know, like I appreciate because We're talking about a character whose motivations and actions if you did not get an internal monologue or background History for this character would be a shitty character in a show that you go. Why do they act like this? They're constantly changing their mind Fuck this character. I don't make no sense, right? But you are actually given the Proper justification at the right moments like the right pacing because they just dumped the whole thing out on you
Starting point is 01:11:01 It'd be a little much and it's so human ironically That it's like God so damn that's relatable That was really that character and that whole deal great and the introduction of a primary new antagonist Great, I appreciate that especially that kind of antagonist the speed of at which the characters Are processing what's happening? Yes Fucking excellent, but more than that more than anything and this is why I have to be careful
Starting point is 01:11:30 Because I want to dance around this that actually going into any specifics, right? It's the biggest spoiler about the season and it is the so I I Half figured out half got spoiled half spoiled myself on a bunch of major key things in tech on titan's story in the future So I've been waiting for those things to come out. How does that happen? How does that occur and attack on titan season 2 does something that I would like to call and I've never seen it before It's the anti-spoiler so
Starting point is 01:12:00 I'm going to take a game that we played on the channel that is pot heavy that everyone probably watched so I can free to talk about it In example, I'm going to talk about indigo prophecy Indigo prophecy immediately gives you the situation in which there's a big mystery. Why did my character go nuts and kill that guy for no reason? Crazy Why what is all this and the answer is eventually you go in a bunch of visions and about 60 70 through the game you find out it was a minor oracle Controlled by in a war with the ai monsters from the future bubble bubble block matrix guys too Attack on titan and I'm going to use indigo prophecy terminology here to make sure that it's clean
Starting point is 01:12:37 Has a situation in which you work even four or five six different big mysteries like big big mysteries There's a moment where erin grabs the fucking key and just straight up looks at at the key and flashes to the basement It goes gotta get to that base gotta remember that basement. I'm like, yeah, you do that feels inserted for the show I'm sure it was in in the the manga But that feels like inserted for the the benefit of the audience just in case anyone else forgot right But it has a moment in which imagine if lucas kane in indigo prophecy went to The old lady with the crows and all that and that's like the third or fourth scene that he has
Starting point is 01:13:19 And he's like what's the deal and she said? Oh, actually it was a Mayan death ritual It's to tell the future and it was this this this and this okay, and lucas goes I didn't expect you to just tell me. Yeah, all right, all right And I would can I want to call that the anti-spoiler because it is a big thing that has been built up forever And the character literally just turns to another character and just says why this is this this is this this is this I can love it and It's great because the audience is
Starting point is 01:13:56 That like I felt confused. I thought it was a joke I thought like because it's so straightforward And so do the characters in the narrative It's it's not the moment where in a big reveal everyone goes starts yelling and screaming go. Oh my god. Right. Right. It's like everyone reacts with confusion And doesn't do anything and just has a conversation of like so that's and there
Starting point is 01:14:26 and Huh to the point Where the smartest person in the room Actually says the words wait, you're doing this now We're doing this now Really? Really? We're just gonna spoil this huge mystery now Uh, I love that that is the greatest wait because think about how I
Starting point is 01:14:53 I figured out one of those things and then I I read up on the other one So the whole thing like what what cool event or what trick or what mystery Solving thing is going to bring this information or like and then somebody just looks at the camera and goes This this this version of expectations. There's no music with as you will Conversation is the best it's because it goes against everything that a high octane Action manga is supposed to do it is it's got to take place in a church There's got to be a fire City has to be burning thing and you know all your loved ones have to have their lives on the lines
Starting point is 01:15:36 Before the villain reveals his final. Here is here is a better example from um Game of thrones and I only watched the first season and it's about eight episodes into the first season So you find out that jeffrey is not The king's actual son. It's the incest baby, right? And there's an entire sequence of events for like three episodes of ned's going to go to the brothel He's going to go find the records. He's going to he's going to investigate And you have the scene of him literally going down the fucking sheaths the paper
Starting point is 01:16:03 like This hair and this hair and then this hair and then the the music kicks up and they zoom in on ned's face and he goes Right, yeah, and this is like he goes to the brothel and goes. Oh, no, he did that's not from that fucking thing I did the fuck to sister Yeah, and that is just left music lists in an empty room to go or like oh or like sir She just says it herself. Oh, yeah, no, I totally fucked my brother all time. Yeah, totally for real in episode two, right? Yeah now what I love it. I love it. It's
Starting point is 01:16:37 I I want more anti spoilers. I want more mysteries that are built up only to and it's still a big deal Yeah, yeah, like it doesn't it's not like trivialized or it's like it doesn't matter that this was the answer But just like no here I think the difference between this and not bread crumbing it Which would be give give a hint or an answer of one mystery every so often He gets you to watch the next one just dumping many major mysteries all at once all their answers That's what takes people back. I assume I mean do you like the only thing better than just talk is wait, you're just gonna talk
Starting point is 01:17:19 Someone in the story is just like You're doing wait. What? And it basically comes it comes from woolly It comes from woolly's part of place of mind of like i'm really frustrated with how the story is going I wish we could all just sit down and talk and just all solve our problem And just move on and granted that doesn't work out, but so good. It's so nuts In addition like I don't know where they got the I think it must be because it's a shorter season because way more
Starting point is 01:17:47 Encounters have way more money Oh, yeah, wait like way way way way way more No, all the all the titan fights look way better. Um, there is a particular and you didn't you obviously didn't see the final episode No, okay, there is a particular gruesome kill because tag of titan has some big wipeouts big white white Is it the fucking cool guy in episode two? No, okay? It is it is just a it is a cool lady Oh that lady And yeah, okay, she gets got
Starting point is 01:18:20 And it has it's just it's out of nowhere and it's not even particularly gruesome. No it cuts away Yeah, but it's just she gets gone And as the thing is going to crush and eat her and and swan whatnot. It's just the last words Oh, yeah, it's bad. It's really bad last words. You just get this random cut in moment of just no daddy. No, i'm sorry I won't do it again daddy. No, please crunch And it's like You're a whole body just wipe out fucking That's a big wipeout and all the other characters have similar things of like they seem a million people get eaten
Starting point is 01:18:54 All the time you should be used to it. Oh man. Yeah, there's a couple of you know, like people get killed, but like that's some But that's a bad one man, that's stuck with me It also like and this this is i'm gonna be even careful or to talk around it also ends really well like the season ends in a really good place of They also tell they they also The single biggest question is answered and it's like why is this thing about the story so important and How could they possibly get out of this situation because even when you left off like the the situation is pretty fucking dire
Starting point is 01:19:31 um and You get you hit that moment like okay, what ass pull are they gonna do? Oh, that's a pretty good ass pull Oh, that's actually that's really good. Oh, okay. Oh, all right, and how about just Like that new intro. Oh, yeah, that's pretty good And you're just like I still don't like any of them as much as the first one But you're but this one is like you're doing that thing because the moment it started playing I'm like, all right, open up your eyes peel them back. We're gonna start analyzing immediately The spoilers for the next season in here and then and then you're doing it and it's going you're like, okay
Starting point is 01:20:03 I see some interesting visuals. That's cool. That's cool And then it's almost as if they're like, hey, we know what you're trying to do here You like analyzing shit. Here you go. Last 10 seconds of the intro bam bam bam bam bam bam so the last the last and you're just like, I can't I can't the last shot of that intro I can only imagine is a visual like pop and is a massive lie it can't be real the the the image the the image what he's talking about at the end of the new attack on titan intro Is the big beast man orangutan titan and he's running and that's fine But next to him is like a thousand foot tall giraffe whale
Starting point is 01:20:42 And they are all titan no it it like if that it's a symbol it's it's got to be a metaphor If and if it's not it is the last page Yeah, the thousand foot tall giraffe titan is here to get you it is either it is either a symbol or the final chapter There is no in between But that that fucking visual is incredible. Like why why is oh You want to talk about nature conspiring? Holy fuck, man I'm also really glad that they the the writer back in the manga days realized. Okay. These characters are popular They're going to get a lot more screen time in in the most most notable one is like sasha gets her own
Starting point is 01:21:23 Complete episode and story Why because people like her Done and it has nothing to do with the plot and it has no bearing on anything But fuck it. Everyone gets their hero moment. We want to know more about these people Um, yeah, and and like and there's a third I think mystery that pops up in the early season that like gets answered like immediately Seconds later like somebody goes. Hey, what about this? You go? That's actually really and before you can even finish the thought A smarter character goes. Oh, no, that's what it's made out of and I that's that's what I just leaned back in my chair
Starting point is 01:22:03 That's not a mystery then That's an answer getting solved. I fucking I all like I I almost like my pants. I had to change my pants It was so good the season also does something really crazy Which I'm not sure why but it was it was definitely exciting So I guess that's the reason in which you're constantly given the situation in which Okay, I just learned something as the viewer like pure viewer Omnip omnipotent view of of the story, right? I learned something that makes me worried about what these characters are gonna encounter
Starting point is 01:22:36 And you see the shot of them cresting the hill and you're like, oh no What's gonna happen to them? And then the they smash cut to them reading a report on the thing you just saw From a different source and no actually they're on the same page as the viewer And in the same scene They'll go oh and you'll learn something and then they'll cut back to a continuation of the older scene and somebody's done Okay, no this is happening and this is like, okay. Fuck it. We're just gonna have everybody up to date on Everything at all times my favorite thing about what's happening with the new season is that I like it and I like
Starting point is 01:23:11 I now like attack on titan in season two for completely different reasons than the first season Right, okay, you know It's it's not just the mystery of the survival game. It's That's gone So you be it you like assume that at When the mystery of the basement was like put forward an attack on time one You're gonna like we might find out what's in there at the end of season six
Starting point is 01:23:38 May or something like that's what you would I think I think people have already like figured out Like where where would go and it would it would actually be like season five or six Yeah, but I mean like like at the time I assume everyone would be like yeah But I yeah, and I have like hard theories that I'm like you're wrong Okay, the the the explanation for what's like what is discovered in that basement is so Out there. Okay that like okay. All right. All right. We'll leave it there Um And then the the the bed. Oh man the flashbacks to that character that you like so much
Starting point is 01:24:13 Every single line of dialogue in that flashback opens up another big mystery of like wait, what? How long What yeah, where that's fun like oh, it's yeah, really really fantastic season. I'm probably gonna rewatch it Uh relatively soon and left me with some questions about the mechanics Of no character the questions of white. Oh, yeah Like how does it work for you then I can I can probably like like even because they don't get you don't get anything On that in the episodes to come So I can probably and I think it's as simple as it looks. Okay. I think it's literally a plus b
Starting point is 01:24:51 Equals a attack on white boats Big white bow wipeouts on titans Having said it's a really You're you're tolerance for excuse me. I think you mean a o 10 wipe out Your tolerance for the show is obviously gonna if you didn't like the first season You're sure it's not hell not gonna like the second because it is a melodrama to the hilt like there are so many just screaming And then you go into the animated fight sequence in which a bunch of crazy stuff happens because emotions
Starting point is 01:25:28 Indeed I have a few emotions. Tell me about your emotions One of them is a desire to take a quick word from our sponsors. Oh So This week the podcast is brought to you by The dollar shave club. Hey dollar shave club. What's up? Otherwise known as the smarter choice the smarter choice the smarter choice Gentlemen, have you felt the goodness that is dr. Carver's shave butter on your skin? I have an every week that you uh, you tell me about it and I get excited that I put it off the better It's going to be at that. It is unlike the same. I mean you go through life putting different types of things on your skin
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah, sometimes some you know oil whatever oozes and chalk whip muds You know they you know what any no matter what claims those things make they might as well be muds Because dr. Carver's shave butter is the only that makes one claim you need and it and it does it every time feels great And of course what goes better than when you have the executive razor nice Weighty handle the executive razor that big razor feels you don't deserve and of this experience that you get Yeah, that you just glide it you get that smooth shave. Yeah, you would think that'd be Big bucks for big boys. You would think so you would expect big bucks for big boys only Matthew or the four richest kings of europe could own these
Starting point is 01:26:54 executive blades But for a limited time New members are gonna get their first month with the executive raver and dr. Carver shave butter executive raver Razor no, that's better for only five bucks with free shipping his business raver That's not big bucks for big boys. That's a 15 dollar value for only five bucks That's like a 300 increase in value. It's crazy They're they're they're they're mad. It's madness out here So what you got to do is you got to head on down to dollar shave club comm slash friendcast, right?
Starting point is 01:27:27 that's dollar shave club comm slash friendcast and Get in on the Monthly delivery service that gets you the razors you need to keep your face looking clean Yeah, you don't want your face to have a wipeout. You got a no wipeouts on this face Keep it keep it sharp. No hidden fees. No commitments cancel anytime. You know hidden wipeouts. No, no none The smarter choice no wipeouts Dollar shave club comm slash friendcast. Thanks dollar shave club. Thank you Um, so I have to mention something. I like uh like two nights ago
Starting point is 01:28:03 I was asleep or I know I was about to go to sleep like I saw start giggling Because it's like I just remembered that thing. I remember I forgot what I had to read it was but you were just like You know what and that's a great deal And if you're not down with that just it suck it That is the best ad read of all time. Uh, I don't remember what it was for I remember it's better that we don't remember. That's that's fine. Um, that's the best advertisement kick ever It's such effective effective marketing. I mean, I I don't want to encourage people to necessarily suck it But I mean tell you what yeah
Starting point is 01:28:45 It's a pretty Bad idea to not get in on the loot crate. It's true. It is right. I mean, I'm not saying sucking it is your only alternative But I am saying That if you head on down to slash super of this month isn't sucking it. No not at all not at all my friend Uh over at slash super at the promo code super you're saving three bucks on your new subscription subscription to what? To getting all kinds of great stuff delivered straight to your door every month for less than 20 bucks a month 20 bucks Right and you know, we're getting we're getting t-shirts. We're getting all kinds of
Starting point is 01:29:27 Collectibles good stuff and it themes change every month this month. It's not yeah It's not the thing I said. No, what is it? This this month theme is wipeouts That's not no no, this one's not wipeouts. Oh wait. Okay. Well, we'll talk about this later. No, it's not It's not that was a joke this month. It's a good one though is animation Okay, and you know who doesn't like getting some good stuff from TMNT aka the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bob's burgers Futurama And rick and morty. Yeah, of course. There's that one lucky subscriber who also wins the mega crate mega crate So you want to head on down to loot crate comm slash super enter the promo code super do it before the 19th at 9 p.m
Starting point is 01:30:13 You'll save three dollars on your new subscription if you do it before that time you get in on this month's animation crate You want to do it? Also, there's all kinds of stuff on the side like Luke. There's loot pets now if you want to get your pet loot anime Lou where? They're expanding It's good stuff. I'm gonna imagine that people like loot so head on down there again That's loot crate comm slash super promo code super. It won't wipe out your wallet Huh?
Starting point is 01:30:44 Okay, no we have to talk about wipeout crate So you open up the wipeout crate right and all that's in there is yamcha in the crater Okay But hold on though because that then you then miss out on A wipeout like game that's a mega. That's the mega crate. You gotta wipe out. Okay. What's a wipeout pin? Who's a wipeout pin? Okay. I want I want the wipeout pin to be the game wipe out Okay, right? Yeah, and then there's also the fucking stupid game show and then you got to get a t-shirt
Starting point is 01:31:16 With samuel l jackson on it. Okay with his mouth open midcon And it just says in brackets wipe out. That's it not brackets and quotation marks. So that's it, right? um Big detailed yamcha definitely big yamcha in there. Yeah, um What are some good wipeouts? We had to think about this. Yeah, this could be a woolly versus video Might need to have some things Have some thinky thoughts
Starting point is 01:31:44 I always think good wipeouts or whenever someone gets their head cut off and axe 1999 People get their heads fucking yeah, and then your best friend has to hold on to it and cry as he holds your decapitated That's a big wipeout. That's a that's a good wipeout. That's a good that's the anime folks get wiped out in this movie It's a classic wipeout. I would love I would pay for samuel jackson wipe out commentary on animes Imagine walking watching attack attack on tibing Oh Man erin's mom got wiped out. Oh shit. She sure did. Mmm That's not bad. Oh, that's not bad
Starting point is 01:32:25 When you get to the part at the end of akira where the poor girl gets caught up in canada's goo And she pops like a fucking balloon. He just goes. Oh, that's what a good wipeout That's a bad wipeout Samuel jackson doesn't know what to do when he's watching graver the fireflies. He's like, no, that's too much The slowest wipeout ever This is a glacial wipeout I don't I'm not on board With this child's wipeout. I don't want it
Starting point is 01:32:56 Can't avoid it though Ah, we got some news man. I mean we eventually I'll give you I'll give you no money for news. Okay. Well We do have some news we can discuss it Now now you can there's luckily In order to save money Matt, woolly and myself will be replaced by generic versions of ourselves that will all serve the same function That's so don't so don't worry about it You probably don't even know who we are
Starting point is 01:33:29 Hey There's some really important wipeouts Really important news. Okay, I'm gonna get to it. Okay, we'll get to it. Um That sounds like you're looking at a blank page that won't load. No, no, no, no, he's been here for hours. I want to make sure No, I just want to make sure that We actually do this in the right order. Okay, so Studio trigger announces three new anime titles. Yes. Are you familiar with the story? Uh, somewhat. Okay. Uh, somewhat as well Okay
Starting point is 01:34:01 Do you know what the titles are? I know one of them was ax. Okay Okay, hold on. Let's get there. Okay infer Uh, it's you're right. Yeah, you said a different cop Also a good cop studio trigger announces three new anime titles Right, let's just get it right out of the gate. So the first one is called darling in the frank xx What? That's very anime. Uh, it's um Yeah, not much to we don't know a ton about it But there's apparently gonna be an on all-star staff of this is like people working on it. Okay, that's about so hot dogs
Starting point is 01:34:35 Uh, we don't know it's science fiction. That's all they've said about it. So hot dogs in space There is another one called promare And promare is an original work in collaboration with x-flag It's got all the people that staffed kill la kill and gurin laghan. Okay. Okay, right? So imayashi is there And it's the new one of those probably. Yes. And like it actually like it looks like it's, you know Like par for the course with that like high like like that kind of crazy. Yeah. Okay. I saw the clip side attitude Right, so that's pretty cool. Mm-hmm. That's gonna be going down It's an anime protag with a sword or weapon and the third title
Starting point is 01:35:16 Is what? Denko choujin grid man being remade as an animation What and if you're unfamiliar with that title, I am let me give you the english version of that title. I should be knighthood Super human samurai cyber squad Grid man coming back from the dead Animated by fucking trigger my friend That is super human samurai Okay, the ultra man like line of heroes cyber squad was spelled with an s the ultra man line of heroes
Starting point is 01:35:53 included Included grid man and grid man was the original that they that they brought over and put in You know the dream that is a God was it matt the middle brother? Uh, I don't remember the names. Anyway, um They they fucking they fucking are redoing it and they're calling it Super human samurai cyber squad grid man. That's fine. They're taking the american names
Starting point is 01:36:21 So I forget what your guys were your guys opinions is but I remember at the time I loved uh cyber squad I just thought it looked cool. It's all smoky when they did the fights inside the cyber universe human Cyber squad to save the day. I always thought it was cool. I hated I hated the live action like kids talking and doing shit I was always like, yeah, I just want to see the fights because I thought the fights were like cool A digital is in the digital domain A hero will appear Yeah, I remember liking that. So I'm interested in this dude. It like the the digital domain was the coolest
Starting point is 01:37:01 Fuckin kill me It was a great way to save money too. Um, it was this coolest Indeed and and the fact that they're they're gonna acknowledge the western ass name Is such a fucking weird trigger thing to do. Yeah, I love it. I fucking love that they even they even bothered doing that um, you know after back in the day when we had the beetleborgs go like and and the uh Mystic knights and tear nano mystics and so on and so forth, right? They needed to get it was matt matthew lorenz. They needed a matthew lorenz power vehicle. Yeah. Yeah, finally Get them over and god damn it if it ever and god damn if they didn't find one they found one, right, right?
Starting point is 01:37:48 Oh, man, what's he up to? Probably being in a coffin No, no, isn't he back back for girl meets world? I don't know Everyone that you liked in the tv was dead because you're old. Yeah, he came back for girl meets world Yeah, fair enough. Then he'll go back to his coffin. Wait, is he a vampire? What am I doing? What what are you doing? No Hey, so Are you You know, you know about the lorenz family the lorenz brothers a little bit. Yeah, this is matthew lorenz He's the middle. He's a boy meets world, right? He's the the fucking he's what you call it heartthrob. Yeah, and then joey lorenz
Starting point is 01:38:28 Yeah, whoa, whoa, right? So that's awesome. He's the old brother from blossom exactly And then there's the third brother in the middle and that works at trigger. Yeah, sure Speaking of trigger, did you see that thing where um, because I haven't seen in this article yet But they're like we have very big gurren lagan news to announce on july 5th because july 5th seems to be the date that they're Oh, don't worry. That mobile game will be real right. I'm sure everyone's like there's no way I mean Every anime studio is guilty of doing this. Look, we'll announce some underwear and then like Making people think they'll know it's a soundtrack
Starting point is 01:39:08 10th anniversary remember 10th anniversary of gurren lagan so I You really await nothing sure and and even if we just find out more about this promare thing I mean It's a dude with some kind of weapon standing on a cliff side with a big So we know what we're getting. Yeah, you know Um, whatever inferno cop is season two. Oh, yeah, it's all about inferno. Fuck all this shit
Starting point is 01:39:36 Me and woolly just watching silence together a few years ago. It was great. It's great in silence. Well, because we're both like Stunned, I guess we were just we finished something and then we were just killing time. Yeah, we were waiting for something to happen I then I went back and finished it later and it was fucking great um God bless Uh, and then of course the other anime news big big big anime news Is we got to take a look at the first trailer for flcl two and three So right up until I watched this trailer. I was fully on board with the mentality of
Starting point is 01:40:15 For fuck's sake. Don't do this. This is this couldn't need this less and then They clearly knew that a lot of people watching that trailer. We're gonna have that thought Because two notes in I'm able to ascertain. Oh, they got the pillows back. Well, they said they announced that. Okay, but right away I forgot, okay They announced I fucking forgot and this Reaffirming because the the the the first like two or three notes are in such a way that it's immediately clear that it's a pillow song and I go
Starting point is 01:40:46 Oh They yeah, yeah for sure. No, it was one of the first things they announced and I you know I was tweeting about it because I was like full of trepidation full of worry, right? What if what if oh, no uh Clicked play saw the clips It melted a little bit. Yeah, it melted a little bit of it. I'm not I'm not money to pay. Uh, I don't know his fucking royalties Like from what we saw There's nothing here that seems like it's not necessarily gonna be bad
Starting point is 01:41:19 I just really hope they do a good job, right and so much of the old staff is back That like I believe it, you know Like I there's no reason so far to think that someone else is gonna come along take the reins and fuck it up There's so much of the old staff is there doing the same thing I worked for berserk. It'll work for this I mean, yeah You see that I did I did oh boy Oh boy, I'm I know I have to admit that like I was really worried and I still am
Starting point is 01:41:55 But seeing this did actually kind of Make you feel better. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know it. It made me feel something and uh I'm more I'm warming up to it. I suppose I'm watching watching willy like Try and fail to navigate the internet here because he wants to play the trailer Well, I mean, you know, I'm just trying to like find something so lucky, but you guys have seen it, right? Yeah, okay, so that's fine. That's great. Um We're now on the level of old cam footage and uh All in all, it's it's still production. I g it's still got the medical mechanic
Starting point is 01:42:31 Uh designs going on that new version of canty looks pretty cool Assuming that's what that is. Yeah, I mean that well the new robot headed thing the new daft punk design Looks pretty cool. So, uh, yeah, man. That's coming soon. Please don't screw it up guys. Please don't please don't um There's a lot of things where you can say it's uh It's hard to fuck that up flcl is not one of those things. No, it's easy to fuck that up very easy. It's really really really easy So we will see and I don't even know what the criteria for fucking it up actually even is. Yeah Which is why it's easy to fuck up. Hmm. Oh drop my phone. Oh, no
Starting point is 01:43:14 You work on that and I'll work over here I'll just get a new phone that luckily, you know, it doesn't have to be the same phone It just needs to serve the same function So this news is tangentially related. Uh, but not quite exactly anime Have you seen the new death note trailer? No, have you seen death note? I I have not seen the trailer. No, okay somebody who has literally seen zero death notes I don't know if I should even watch this trailer. You know what? I can as someone who's seen all of it read all of it and then watched all the movies
Starting point is 01:43:49 Uh, I including uh, l saved the world. Yeah, I can tell you that don't forget it It existed. It's the dude that is someone released it So l saves the world is the snake. No of the death note. Give it. Give it its fucking proper name It's l save the world. Don't put don't you dare Make it actually be a real word sentence So l save the world is the snake eater of the death note franchise And it's very important that what you just said just now makes me hate death note so, um
Starting point is 01:44:26 Oh, uh, anyway the the the new death note trailer I go down actually hold on. I found the old one. I'm looking. Yeah, because I'm like, how did this get 9 million views in like a day? No, it didn't well, that's the the new era of Of social media. Yeah, um, it's going for something completely different it's going for uh Like light yagami as not the perfect a student so far But the fucking dude that comes from like a bullied shitty Like existence. Um, I don't think we're gonna see him being the prince of tennis acing things
Starting point is 01:45:03 I think we're gonna see him being kind of a scrubby shitty kid That gets his power in his hands and I don't know what to say besides willem defoe continues to be one of the greatest casts since Patrick stewart as as professor x I feel like patrick stewart as professor x tony stark as uh as robert downey jr. And now willem defoe as as really I like how you screwed one of those up But it's fine. No, no, I did I did not screw it up
Starting point is 01:45:33 Tony Tony stark is robert daddy jr. There were there were some there were some are there any questions? There were some goddamn event or some awards ceremony I forget what the fuck it was where they called up the the lady announcer called up tony stark to the front And he walks up it was yeah, no, no, it's fine. It's fine. Yeah, he's fixing a suit I can't wait for the explanation as to why he uses kira as an english-speaking american Yeah, but we'll find out I suppose I hope I okay Here's what I hope the reasoning is and it's the stupidest reasoning ever I hope it's well back in the day. I heard that this exact thing happened in japan
Starting point is 01:46:11 And that guy's name was kira So I decided to and like and then everyone can just vomit simultaneously I really doubt that's that's it. I'm gonna guess it's something closer to gojira Right where it's like because that thing in shing god's all the way that how they describe why he has two different names Was amazing. You know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah And I feel like I feel like you're gonna see some like youtube footage That's gonna get translated in the movie and then it's gonna have a nickname before he even has a chance to like Claim anything, you know, yeah, because he doesn't create it, right? It's the public that does so you're mileage may vary on this project
Starting point is 01:46:48 But one thing I can say is that like you will at least finally like if you are clamoring for this You'll have an actual good version of ryuk in live action compared to the fucking live action movies where like Someone brought out their playstation ones to render him in the backgrounds of those live action movies because At the time they were hideous And the main reason why I don't mind much of this more the more i'm seeing of it Is the fact that like they're clearly not trying to make Uh the same story. No, it's clearly not trying to do the same thing at all. It's verma's trying to be its own thing
Starting point is 01:47:26 And we've already had to me the whole point of remakes really and we've already had Every single version of this done in every single media, right? You've got a live action movie an anime and a manga for you that are all no We have three live action movies for you. Yes, uh, and those live action movies are Not faithful to the manga, but they're way more faithful than this is, you know, yeah So you have all that it exists. It's not going anywhere. I don't mind this Hey, I got a question. If it's good, it's good I just watched that trailer and this is a generalized death note question. Yeah, sure. What's up with the apples? Uh ryuk likes him
Starting point is 01:48:04 Okay, that's that's it. I enjoy you remember remember in shadows of the dam demons love cherries and strawberries Yeah, it's like can you got me love apples? Yeah, ryuk specifically. Well, that's a simpler explanation than I expected. They also represent um Redemption they do. Yes since one since apples are since the tree on knowledge of good and evil in the garden of eden Okay, you're telling me that in the biblical story of Adam and Eve the apple symbolizes Redemption no, I'm telling you that in literary works
Starting point is 01:48:40 They use an apple in reference to that As a sign of redemption that makes no sense. Why would it have the reverse meaning it? It's the because the tree of life and the tree of the of the The tree of of excuse me. Okay They use it as a as a means of basically explaining that like the character is trying to get at What used to be of humanity and the innocence of things of your right the way the way it was before they were cast out of god's light So just so happen it's placed upon the apple because that's an an object easily attainable in fiction
Starting point is 01:49:15 That still seems totally backwards to me. Yeah, they can't use a snake Can they it's or anything else in the no, but there is no redemptive fruit in that story There's only bad fruit that means you fucked up and there's no specific fruit of of of the of the other tree as well It's just like fruit, you know, so some weird-ass angel fruit So yeah, that's easy. Just draw that probably Yeah, so The fruit of redemption
Starting point is 01:49:43 Yeah, and and you know the cumquat It's gonna be mine. It plays and it plays off because like people have also Definitely like the apple is also temptation in certain works as well because that's what satan is tempting you with never been tempted by an apple so Oh, yeah, you know, I've I've also similarly never seen an apple and be like I can't it's just so apple maybe an apple pie with ice cream The only time I can think of is when my apples get taken away from me. Yeah, and you go all my apples. So Ryuk likes them
Starting point is 01:50:16 Okay, we could have ended it. We could have definitely ended it there But it just to let you know that if you ever see a weird out-of-place apple So let me ask you a question. It might be redemption or temptation in the death notes If you have an apple every day, does that Save you from being murdered doesn't I mean, I don't know what you expected us to say It's also a cool device because you see the apple float through the air and get eaten without anyone holding. Oh, okay So visually it's a gag. Yeah, and you get to understand this funny gag monster
Starting point is 01:50:48 So someone looks into this kid's like there's a lot of ghost eating apples in your room behind you Is there any potato chip eating ghosts? No, actually light likes the I couldn't I couldn't have been given less Information on death note because the only clip I've ever seen is him eating that fucking potato chip. That's true Cool. That's it if you haven't ever seen anything else of it Then you'd probably enjoy whatever first version of it you watch Because guess what it's pretty good
Starting point is 01:51:17 It's it isn't wrong of me to think that the premise sounds like stupid as shit like the most anime stupid shit ever Even if it does Even if it does what they do with it is all right That's the main thing. Yeah, the characters and how and what the characters do with it is like Smarter than you because it sounds like a random episode gone off the rails Does it and what it actually is is the longest episode of jojo you've ever seen. Yeah It's it's more like it's it's a show based on the entire stand. There's one stand power and one person has it And one person has it no and one person just tries to beat that person
Starting point is 01:51:57 And then it and then I mean there's there's details that get complicated There might be more than one arrow But the point is that there's a stand user And a real normal human being has to win against a stand user Over the course of fucking and the stand user isn't evil. Why don't they just shoot him with a gun? Because they don't know where he is. Oh, just That's a tough one. How do you find in duel? I don't remember actually he said he's fine until blind man out in the desert. You got to jump on uh
Starting point is 01:52:26 You got to grab Iggy use the fool to surf over the sand I completely forgot that's how that they got in. Yeah, how do you know which direction to go in? I forget uh Did you see him like like when he jumped up high? Yeah, I think he used star platinum to jump up high and like yeah, I think I think he just star platinum eyed it I don't remember as I always there He jumped up high with star plan. I'm sorry. I'm just used eyesight to but yeah, but it's all right We're gonna get death note by diesel. Oh, man. I'm pretty sure that must already exist in some
Starting point is 01:53:02 Netflix is making it. Yeah, fairly all right But yeah, no the way they the way the the skirmishes play out is jojo battle out thinking each other stuff It's very it's very fun. Yeah. Yeah, it's out thinking basically not a lot of physical fights and death now really Hey, who would win kira or kira? Compared to kira kira versus kira What which might you got me versus yoshi kage? They're both pretty stealthy Lights not stealth. I mean yes, but
Starting point is 01:53:37 It doesn't do anything. I feel I feel like it's not like he has a high camo index I feel like that question is easily solved considering one of them can actively murder you without the use of their stand No problem. And then he uses he uses the eyes and it just says kosaku kawajiri. Oh Oh, no Some whitebacks That's a big whiteback Um, yeah, so that's that that joke was not for me. I know I'm sad It's okay, man. Uh, you'll get happy with this announcement
Starting point is 01:54:07 Pillars of Eternity coming to consoles What? How did I miss this? I don't know how I don't know but how this was like literally Last week But no, but I'm like that this is I mean if you've ever played a boulderskate style game Like this is the most mouse and keyboard Intensive style point-and-click game ever. Well, there's I mean diablo's on consoles. Yeah, but diablo has like To be fair, could diablo 3 was like made to be on consoles the way it was
Starting point is 01:54:36 Hey, man, starcraft is on consoles. Don't get it twisted Starcraft is on a console and I barely call it a console. Don't get it twisted It's on a console that's not that was made So, yeah, um, it's the complete edition And it's brought to us by 505 games. I certainly didn't I don't think anyone really expected it. Hell no, but here it comes And this is gonna be key features. I want can you scroll down on that? Yeah, sure. So new ui and controls I really desperately hope they retrofit those ui and control issues into a patch for the original pc release What's really cool is, uh, you know, this will get people primed for two. Yes
Starting point is 01:55:19 even though those even though like Two is is going to be pretty separate like it's a completely different new problem So and and much like all of those games In order to accompany the fact that you're transferring your character over all your shit gets wrecked and a bunch of your party members Get fucking wiped out it's why your your your base gets a big wipe out and And thus I like where this is. I like this podcast. I like where this is going to wipe out cast. I like where this is going mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:55:53 Yeah, uh, so that's happening. What was August 29th? August 29th? Okay, which is much sooner after this announcement than I would have expected From last week to like I gotta go back and finish that game. Oh, you didn't no I got so I started streaming it because I'm like this I remember that this will make me finish it And then like I go I was got like halfway through the expansion and just the same thing that happens every time But this is a really nice slow consistent game But the new hotness came out and I played the new hotness and the new hotness never stopped and then there was a new new hotness But unlike every other time that I stopped playing the game. I stopped like exactly at a natural end point Yeah, see the problem is now we're in a world where old and busted
Starting point is 01:56:39 Is like out of sight and there's just a line of newer newer hotnesses Yeah, yeah new new baby sheep walk in all and will smith is just having a hard time doing the hand gesture To all of them because there's too much new hotness Ah, you got to finish your plate. That's that's that's the way it goes Actually now's the time there's not like releases have slowed down. I've noticed. I mean, I think final fantasy I'd like to think well zodiac whatever comes out like next week, but Oh, man, I heard something
Starting point is 01:57:08 I'd like to think they're giving us time. Yeah, I heard something crazy about that version of the game So I don't know if you guys remember that's the one with the mmo style combat, right? And the international zodiac job edition that came out way back Let you hold down l1 or whatever that I think was left trigger maybe In order to speed the battles up because some of the battles could take quite a while And you could speed up to 200 and it was just an emulator style frame skip option Where it would just it would just skip every other frame and it would just go And your characters would all act and fast forward and the sound would drop out a little bit
Starting point is 01:57:40 Apparently this version of the game changes it so that you can now zoom it up to 400 percent That's a huge battle speed by holding the trigger Which matt probably has a lot more experience with that game than than woolly does but that's fast That's that's goofy amounts of fucking fast. He's christ That's fucking hilarious. That makes that game way better remember when bravely default came out and uh, Liam and I talked quite a bit about how the they had added all these things Through the demos to make battles go way way way way faster
Starting point is 01:58:16 Because the battles took too long It's one of those Where the battles in 12 take too long, especially considering how little act of control you have over them Yeah, I never I never minded the speed of battles. I'm sure like I actually did but I don't remember Well, the main problem is that it never like you know grinding helps but like you never wanted to grind in that game because Yeah, I mean, that's why I stopped playing final fantasy 12s because I grind I ground for like two hours And I got killed by random slimes Speaking of flans
Starting point is 01:58:46 Speaking of battles that take forever and random slimes have you guys How are you going to connect this? Did you see my tweet about this company? Yes, I did Oh, is this the big oh, yeah You want to talk about random slimes and battles that take too fucking long take us through it again Okay, so for those that are new to the tale Uh, basically at some point before I moved uh this this year I moved to my last location. Uh when billy and I both moved we used a company called diplomat deminage mal
Starting point is 01:59:20 Um, aka Means moving aka diplomatic. I love that a friend of mine pointed out that like that is the worst name The most ridiculous name you can choose and uh They are a company that just they they have tons of ads everywhere They have like pretty much the lowest prices. They do moves. They do moves and so we grabbed them. We used them. Um, They were god-awful and broke your ship And the the the main thing is they yeah, they dropped my arcade cabinet, uh, my third check arcade cabinet and fucking broke it
Starting point is 01:59:50 And then pretended that they didn't and when I came to point it out to them, uh, they basically just ran away and then they took the uh bill of service and Forged my signature to say that I was happy with the move and did they even spell your name, right? It'd be hilarious if they squiggled he squiggled into the box would be muted and and ran away. Okay, uh, So that's a lot in mgs4 style. So that was years ago. That was how my arcade cabinet broke and So I basically had to go through a bunch of hoops to you know File a suit against them because I after trying to call them trying to complain And them putting me through like fake phone calls fade offices and then they eventually just started not answering the classic run around
Starting point is 02:00:35 Yeah, just the straight up. We're just gonna dodge you. Um, and you'll never ever catch us took it to the law And uh, it took a year and a half. Maybe before eventually I had to show up to court Uh, they didn't show up, of course because how you defend you can't forgery It's just embarrassing to walk in there and have to defend it. So they why even bother wasting your time going to court appearance You're going to lose 100 percent judgment in, uh, my claim in my favor. And so I Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You give the evidence in give it to the judge. Let's say Justice glasses looks at your arcade machine at the bottom of the stairs And this is a wipeout
Starting point is 02:01:18 Those arcade wiped you out And sir, sir, how would you describe the state of the arcade machine after the movers are done with it? Oh god, so I had to contact a bailiff hire him And busted in there. Yep. He went he went down to him an address turned out to be fake That's awesome. It's like a quest went that went in and they basically had like they're like, oh, no Yeah, they operated out of here, but this is actually owned by a completely separate business and a different person We don't know nothing you got to be smart about had to go to another place and kick some doors down went in
Starting point is 02:01:54 Took the money called me up paid Yeah, and you weren't there for these No, I wasn't it'd be so cool if you could stand in front of the door and then the bailiff knocks on the door And he'd be like your stand. That'd be great. That'd be you don't do anything I point at objects of value. You know what you're doing is the bailiff is is by himself And he's gonna do his thing. So you're just standing behind him and you're trying to pose before you What he's gonna do? So that it looks like you have one hand in your pocket. Yeah. Yeah, just doing my best cacoyin style
Starting point is 02:02:25 So woolly, why are you bringing up this ancient story now? Because they were back in the news um Apparently it's it gets so much deeper because I thought I was like, how do these people continue to operate? It's insane because uh when I looked online there were countless stories about them ripping people off and Apparently they got sued to shit to the point where they then had to sell all their trucks and assets But then another person who was already associated bought that and reopened the company So they just basically pulled a fucking farce and and and pretended to go out of business and just came back up
Starting point is 02:03:03 Wonderful. So um, they're back in the news because they scammed their family this moving season By agreeing to a move at 1 p.m. Because I'm sure all moving season is bad around July 1st like July 1st is moving day They then showed up at midnight Demanded I still this is this is correct. They asked it for one one p.m. And showed up midnight the midnight They so how does the move even continue exactly? There's any details about that point. They they had to move their shit. What choice do you have your no? Come back at one like when we told you No, they showed up midnight late midnight late. Oh shit. I thought it was previously. No the the
Starting point is 02:03:49 They did not show up at one. They showed up the day went by Okay, I did yeah, and they showed up at midnight Jesus They uh, the usually when you do this type of move you agree to a price based on what your Your estimates are how many rooms you got how many big furniture items you gotta see What's the distance between the two travel points everything is they haven't figured out it's down to a science They showed up demanded a thousand dollars right off the bat, which is weird above what they were agree agreed to It's also baffling movers don't do that. They don't just show up and demand
Starting point is 02:04:22 money Before the move right they move you and then they give you your bill and then you hand them their money Yeah, they loaded everything up into the truck and then uh They loaded everything up into the truck and then I think they yeah They either went to the location or didn't but once it was all there They then demanded before the move was done that you pay us an additional
Starting point is 02:04:46 1500 bucks or we're keeping your stuff and again way more than the initial price that they agreed to Well, the initial price they asked for was above the price they asked for And then more money later the initial price was below a thousand bucks And then they just fucking came in and tried to gimp this family for 2,500 um and and Strong arm tactics where they basically were like we're keeping your shit if you don't They assume there's like two or three big guys or something. So I mean, you know, it's once the truck leaves your shit's gone You don't need physical intimidation. It's need to drive the truck away
Starting point is 02:05:23 Like like we're talking about a company of actual criminals here right diplomats really Uh, god, so yeah, they're back in the news as a warning to like everyone to just fucking Steer was no there was no like well the so the story then had the reporter go down to the location Yeah, uh to the second location that my bailiff went to yeah, and like knocking on the door And there's just a voice shouting through the door go away. No comment And she's like you're not gonna open the door. You have nothing to say. No nothing to say go away Right, so a real professional Using the turtle style. Yeah of something public state like you know when you have a press conference to clear up the news
Starting point is 02:06:06 Yeah, you know like the straight up like good good public relations right there Something something diplomatic community. Yeah, I was gonna say You'll never arrest me. It's it's I have diplomatic unbelievable If you live in the greater Montreal area and you would like to move Instead of calling diplomat de manage ma all lost a move bust a fucking move We've all used them. They're the past two years. We've all used the same place or they're so goddamn good And they didn't steal my stuff. No, they in fact they protected it Some of my stuff was in better condition than I had originally it somehow got clean during the move
Starting point is 02:06:47 And they're fun to talk to yeah It's quite rare that we shine a specific spotlight on a specific business and go this business is bad You should not do business with them because they're criminals But this is a fairly uncomplicated scenario. Yeah, not much else to say. I'm just uh Again, I'm just confused by like I guess we I you know that how there's the better business bureau. Yeah, like Do we get to use that to shut them down better business bureau doesn't work like that? How do we it's a rating service? It doesn't actually shut things down. It's just a yelp
Starting point is 02:07:21 It's just a big yelp for big companies So the the best you can hope for is that there's enough people that will go there use it and like people will go No, no to this thing. Well, no, I mean if you want if you want to or class action it Well, no the real way is you find your you know, your guy that their friend That works at the club and he knows that unscrupulous jimmy And unscrupulous jimmy can help you with your problem the problem But if anything unscrupulous jimmy is like on the take already Yeah, because these people probably have the same. That's that's why you gotta. They're kicking up to the same boys
Starting point is 02:07:53 You gotta go to the other side of town and find no nonsense bimmy. Okay. Okay, no nonsense bimmy hates Unscrupulous jimmy bimmy and jimmy's punch ventures because when he's going around doing his collections, he's taking some skim Yeah, man, you got a cat for skim He should you know, what's bad for skim and sow, you know, what's bad for skim news articles Yeah, I think so I think so the best thing your illegal crime organization can have is clean profit with not reporters at the door of your faith That's why then they shouldn't like there shouldn't be news article like we we will either say You have to protect your crimes. Yeah, don't let your like make to shelter your crimes
Starting point is 02:08:35 It's it's you need to create it create a warm loving dome around your crimes Evil news reporting will not peck at your dome. I want to see my crimes grow up healthy You know, I want to see I want to bring my crime to prom. That's it. You know, you know, that's all I want So, you know, if bimmy and jimmy are like They're out there and they're they're already like I said, they're already taken they're on the take They're kicking up to Spanish Carmine and you got no one else Joey the horse might be able to help you Oh, my crime. No one can but you never know how he's gonna treat how he things are gonna go after he gets involved He might go too far
Starting point is 02:09:13 You tell him, hey, Joey go in get some money do the job clean come out pay me what I need to be paid And then you might come out with some blood on his hands and you're like, well, you said do the job clean and then you're like I think there was a minor communication error here See, I think we had a difference of intent here. Yeah, you hired me to do the job. I don't know you You want it done or you want it done And that's that's the problem with your entire purpose in life is to keep your crime off the pole. Yeah, man All right So that's what you should do a financial future. That's what you should do if you have to move and you're in Montreal
Starting point is 02:09:48 Don't use that Use the diplomat bros What a hilarious name for a company. It's great. It wouldn't nearly be as funny The no trouble movers, you know what you know what the the problem woolly if the diplomat of you, um, Whatever diplomat moving movers nonchalant moves. I'd be like, yeah, woolly you were taking for a ride or nothing You could have done I guess you were kind of fooled, but if they were called bad movers Or like or like the wipeouts or whatever and you use them like what did you fucking expect? Shit moving company. Yeah disgusting weirdo movers
Starting point is 02:10:28 You know who else has taken you for a ride. Who's that come? No combo fiend platinum Oh, yeah We are not getting out of this new segment Before going into that at some point. Well, yes switch ports for bayonetta possibly Obviously That feels the mic the most natural thing in the world so
Starting point is 02:10:52 The the the real mean of this article though is the middle part, but so uh, basically There's a platinum tweet that shows uh bayonetta from bayonetta two and a blue the blue black ground Blackground yeah background and then bayo one upside down in red bayonetta in the black ground And it kind of looks like a bunch of switch controllers it might And then a bunch of people went is this a switch controller me being chief among them and then Uh platinum started liking tweets that for people that asked those questions. Well, that's pretty so what else is there to say? That's pretty on the nose. We're probably getting Uh a fucking switch port fucking good. Yeah
Starting point is 02:11:36 Guess what port that to oblivion. That's right The oblivion like inside elder scrolls four. Yeah, why not? Okay, I'll play that. Yeah, I'll play that that sounds Other scrolls, but I'll play bayonetta inside Yeah, if you missed the last three opportunities you were given to play bayonetta one at least then here's another one incoming Yes, no four technically just bayonetta two needs to exist on something more ubiquitous Well, the initial release the switch Well, I was going to say 360 n ps3 account. Yeah, okay fine fine fine And then don't and then now reverse count the ps3 version
Starting point is 02:12:12 Like at the very least if it isn't this there's some bayonetta should happen with those three those three things Yeah, those three repeated lines or whatever that came out. There's something happening Yeah, um So we'll find out more And of course or not or it was just a piece of art and they're just trolling us like assholes next week in game You don't fucking like the comments. Yeah, you do if you're an asshole You do maybe it's jp next week and jp doesn't work there anymore, man Oh, I didn't know he went off to work for sports. I think and that's why he's commenting on like
Starting point is 02:12:48 Political things and things that are like you wouldn't do this if you're still under platinum's bub umbrella But uh, if you want to talk about pieces of art we can get into that because I'll um, so you know how they're going through all those street fighter like back characters and and fully exploring Uh, everyone's family and getting every catalog Uh, no, I don't know what you're talking about. Okay. So remember how we're like you said like hey look captain Sawada's cannon and now all that stuff. Yeah. Yeah, so that was part of the street fighter like, uh I don't know what they call it, but it's they've been doing this thing over they have on the official website artwork for every single character Yeah, no, I've seen that stuff
Starting point is 02:13:26 So they put out that has everyone has every final fight character every street fighter one character Yeah, they've been going through the entire roster and so they just put out a bunch of rejected uh costume ideas Oh, okay. Did not see that and some of them are pretty fun If you want to follow along at home you want to go over to event hubs and look up the uh Rejected street fighter five costume ideas article Um to to see what wow those are terrible. There's some pretty. I even know who that's you're in on the right So there's some pretty funny ones But like there's a ton that they cycled through and like you'd expect some of these to hit an art book eventually
Starting point is 02:14:04 So you've got what appears to be Like a a gladiator type zangief Um There's a lot of them. There's a lot of them. So i'm gonna i'm gonna kind of go through here We have another gladiator zangief. That's fine. It's like a viking. Yeah, um Again to play along at home event It's a secret rejected street fighter five costumes. You can find these There's some pretty funny things here That's fine for they eventually start going into like a xerxes style
Starting point is 02:14:36 Urion urion, which I kind of find interesting then they start going to like Superpower tatsunoko style. Oh, that looks really weird. Were you are you with a visor and like an open sort of v-shirt? Uh, like a skin tight spandex. You might as well have been being half pixelated into fucking polygons And then we get into the superheroes that's fucking sonic blast. So sonic blast man or captain choyer AKA guile in his superhero outfit with a little son We've got a bunny ears mika in her superhero outfit. I hope there's a bunny ears, right? No, they're twi-lek things. Yeah a very um, like cat mecca like iron man Iron man ish samus aran ish. Uh, karen with mechanic karen with mechanical
Starting point is 02:15:24 That uh, twists You know hair swirly evil super villain bison With all these look bad Um, and then like you've got like birdie with his stars on like I don't mind superhero costumes But like some of them don't even look like the character under the costume is that character? There's a rita repulsa looking jury. That's not too bad. That looks like jury. That's not too bad. I didn't mind that one uh And then it goes on and on and on but there's a fun tradition of a shitty ken costume pretty not good, man
Starting point is 02:15:58 Uh, there's look rejected. There's a casual laura. That's that's pretty solid in the list And then there's a bruce lee esk fang. Oh, that's terrible as if you can make fang worse um There's a cyborg ninja nash. Yeah, you missed sexy panda kami and yokoharma get in mika. So Um, yeah, I don't know if if if that's your if you want to see some fun costume designs Who's that vega dressed up as a like a dick tracy kind of costume. There's some fun stuff Oh, this the just let's bury alex further. Uh, yeah Burry me under my grave alex. Yeah
Starting point is 02:16:36 so, uh Always fun. We I like and definitely nothing this time around that is like rejected jury from the you from street fighter 4 or like, uh You know, remember when like we had like a king cobra and stuff like that Like this time around nothing nothing hitting that nothing's going on. No, why didn't you? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? One day my children's children will get to play with the nostalgia costumes one day One day and maybe their kids will see a good zarya skin
Starting point is 02:17:08 Maybe one day they will there it is one day your children Will be playing with the nostalgia costumes, but it won't really matter because they'll be Street fighter will be dead. No, it won't it'll just be function versus function. Oh, thank god. Thank god Oh, we're finally here. I've been waiting Yeah, maybe whatever we're on time as always Okay, last week you didn't have news and when I when I ran into woolly I think was tuesday of last week because I wasn't on last week's podcast because I didn't go to the con like please tell me you didn't
Starting point is 02:17:40 Talk about function versus function and he goes. No, we didn't actually have news last week at all and I go Oh, thank god So function versus function three. Oh, shit. I have the new. Oh, you haven't seen the video. I haven't seen this video Oh, it's so good. It's the new fighting game Brought to you by this is amazing Okay, what we're so basically someone made it so glad that there's a fucking pc version of marvel So people can make combo feel like a fool So look combo fiends a great guy, but there's that's one of the dumbest things. Well, you know what the problem is
Starting point is 02:18:15 The problem you need to back up because we're talking. I know Exactly. I'm trying to establish the story here So the problem is that when you get into the pr job role Like you're pretty much like on the chopping block and you're gonna say something See we have the we have the pleasure of like being able to own the dumb things we say Yeah, sort of No, no, I know you mean but if we have to represent any official product and say the right things God damn it
Starting point is 02:18:45 You're gonna say some dumb things sometimes and so unfortunately combo fiend made the mistake of basically explaining away the lack of uh, a favorite characters being of of the basically the lack of Uh fan favorites marvel fan returning. Yeah But also new characters showing up. So it's a weird thing where Returning characters are in the game, but a they're not the ones a lot of people were looking for yeah And b the ones people who wanted new characters. I'm in that camp also didn't get most didn't get what we wanted either so, uh
Starting point is 02:19:20 And so the there's an interview where combo fiend sat down and basically explained that basically these characters are functions and that uh Magneto Is liked and is popular because he has an eight-way dash and he's got triangle jumps and triangle jumps exactly But don't worry because uh captain marvel and Uh, I forgot who the uh nova also have that so so look it's like magnum never love fine, right? And it's like completely sort of sandbagging. So the the part where people that are not top players
Starting point is 02:19:55 There's a there's a there's a couple things wrong with that and there's the surface level one But there's the part that everybody forgets about because later on combo fiend goes on to talk about how a bunch of new Players probably don't even remember or know who the x-men are. Well, that's the that's the second part of the story Yeah, and it's like So the the thing the thing that's really um, I guess It what sucks is that like this is a statement that Actually specific vacuum
Starting point is 02:20:24 Actually, I get what he's trying to go for so it actually can and does apply to About the top 32 so about about 30 people in the world It applies to your definitely your competitive top players and it and it and it and it explains You know people want doom rocks people want, uh, uh, do they want the type of game player scenarios They're familiar with exactly right and it's in the same way that he's like gems replace your assist character It's that kind of thing you're looking for these these Functions and maneuverability because if you're a keep away character player you want to play those guys So Filipino champ probably gonna play keep away characters no matter what form they come in
Starting point is 02:21:05 It's not necessarily because Filipino champ grew up reading dormammu comics. No Actually extremely the case right So he did not so that's that's what he was basically referring to But the problem is that when people are looking for answers because they don't see what they are looking for from the Pre-release footage You shouldn't give the answer that applies to Just one player and and not not even that but it's like the answer that only applies to those top players And it's inherently dismissive of everyone who is not those people
Starting point is 02:21:36 So, uh, there's a lot of people that don't care about the aoe dash. They actually want to use magneto Well, that's that's the thing that the reason why I love this whole stupid comment so much Is that if this was three five or five this this was killer instinct if this was whatever That would be one thing what we're talking about a goddamn crossover game between two companies The whole genesis of before hyper fighting existed The reason why you have a versus game is because I want to see wolverine fight Ryu Period, so I I got into this like hard stop. I got into this a bit on my twitter earlier, but yeah effectively I
Starting point is 02:22:15 You know we'll say like I'm in guilt again. I'm waiting for bichen, right? Yep in injustice. I want Grundy. He's not there. Oh, that sucks right, you know But when you are an when your game is a crossover or an all-star game if you're smash brothers or marvel Like you the roster is 90 of the appeal. It's more than just the picks Yeah, like even smash like it pulls from all over so you want your characters and and and well Basically you're cashing in on the all-star ip roster That's that's what allows your game to be way more popular from the get-go than another game with the exact same gameplay No one care that crash bandicoot wasn't in all-star
Starting point is 02:22:58 Whatever the fuck that was called because all we I wanted his spin They wanted crash because he's the iconic playstation one character like years And so that's what it is is if you choose to go the route of like, you know using the pluses of A giant all-star cast you have to then respect that that it comes with what you might see as your minus is but People want representation of lots of shit and and the idea that you know We're seeing a lot of recycled cast here Might it might be explained away by the fact that they're like, hey, we have a limited budget for now and slowly
Starting point is 02:23:32 We're gonna reveal and also a lot of the marvel picks are very clearly associated with like marvel's desire to push certain things Which is understandable but the capcom ones make less sense And if the but a lot less and if it's all based on budget restrictions If it's all based on just the fact that we don't have the money to make a bunch of new characters Then you should probably look at it as a situation where if you're gonna come out get a lot of bad press Because of is it worth it? Why not wait? You know or I mean if you're gonna use the same characters again Because whatever that they already exist. Why don't you use the older better-looking huddles for a lot of those characters?
Starting point is 02:24:07 Like daunte if time is the constraint where you like we need we need we got to make these and and and it's not just about like Uh, we got to make money off of the game first before we can afford those characters Then it makes no sense. I'll tell you why because this game has to exist before infinity where part one comes out. It does period it does That's the reason some characters and when you're doing when you're making a deal with marvel I imagine they're like so this is gonna be out in time for the movie, right? Because if not, fuck it. No, that's not inherently true. Spider-man homecoming. It's gonna be years after the fucking movie's out Yeah, but that's sony making that deal not cap home. Sure. And and also sony is the has part ownership rights of spider-man as well
Starting point is 02:24:49 also, so, you know, um I mean this was spurred on by my response to somebody but like there are multiple people that were just like What's the deal with the fuck you chris like leon comments and stuff that i'm making? And it's like well, I mean i'm surprised I have to explain this but it has nothing to do with Leon actually leon like in fact they should honestly probably have nigh identical movesets other With kicks replacing punches or something whatever you do. What you know the point is that We haven't seen leon represented in any shape and i personally care more about leon. Yeah, sure Right, but I would a lot of people do he's the most popular is evil character
Starting point is 02:25:29 But I would say the same about jill if she showed up again. I'd be like why are we getting two versions of jill? So here's the thing and not clear was it is jill on the leaked list No, no if jill showed up and she was still in her re5 blonde thing I'd fucking look i'd spit on my tv. I'd be like why why this is so outdated and lame and chris is the same way It's still the re5 version of chris. Have we not but jill's even a bit worse because she had both versions She has a million different looks too. No, but what I mean is mvc2 had old jill heads re1 jill Yeah, it could have had re3 jill. I think it could have right, but it didn't yeah because so why Why not go the right and I even saw and resident evil what I even saw you today talking about like why isn't spencer
Starting point is 02:26:19 Just super joe it makes no sense and and that's why i'm trying to say that it's bigger than my personal picks It's bigger than anyone's personal picks if you like daunte, that's cool But he doesn't he shouldn't be there or why isn't it? Why isn't nero if he shouldn't be there even though he's iconic and represents devil may cry when nero hasn't shown You got every single important devil may cry character in at some point even fucking dino is in all star Except for nero. So here's the weird and nero would be a genuinely cool dude type He could have grabbed the roster of capcom fighting evolution understood this point better than marvel versus capcom infinite
Starting point is 02:26:59 You're sadly correct. It makes no sense that this fucking forgotten bad game It's a we we we joke about it The capcom fighting evolution is a bad game. It is a not good fighting game Especially by their standards because it nailed down the rule set of how characters. It was like three per franchise It was it was four It was it was like they go street fighter two and it would have ryu and shunley They're street fighter three and then they'd have urian and and and so and so on and so forth But they understood this better because the roster choices were so much more unconventional
Starting point is 02:27:35 This was the first time since third strike that we saw uh urian come back. That's way less characters, right? They picked uh, well, they picked red earth characters out They and and got them into the mix, but you weren't just seeing the usual And they fucking somehow resisted the urge to put fucking morrigan morrigan They literally have dark stalkers four characters are in the game. None of them are morrigan Jetta isn't there. You understand it's street fighter is represented by fucking young urian alex and chunley Now, you know, I want to be third. I want to I want to give combo fiend one small I don't know props, but like
Starting point is 02:28:16 Combo fiend is in an unenviable position in which he's given a shit sandwich and told to eat it in front of everyone It sucks. Um, it's not entirely his fault. It's really It's really easy to make fun of the particular way that he decided to eat that shit sandwich Yeah, because i'm sure there must have been a better way than to tell people they don't know who the x-men are Because a lot of young audiences might have forgotten That's a fucking x-men movie every but marvel doesn't want to hear that marvel doesn't want to hear that There are super popular x-men movies that they have no part of right
Starting point is 02:28:49 Anyway, so it's just your your game like your choices of roster matter a lot to people and The idea that you're going to just play it safe and not be at all like Adventurous with your picks is going to really bump you out. So here's the thing on that roster There was one new character that i'm excited about black panther. No, it's the monster hunter. Okay, right? And I i'm fully aware that me and maybe two other guys care That monster hunter will be there. I thought I thought it was interesting to see jetta Yeah, I was about to say I thought that was pretty cool
Starting point is 02:29:25 Even like anything about dark stalkers and I for the longest time and like jett is cooler than most of the other dark stalkers character Like evil devil jesus with the blood attacks like he's cool And and and when I sum it all up in my head like the one thing That like because because marvel looks weird already it has that like issue of like, you know the visual style Yeah, the faces look often shit like that The biggest thing it had going for it was a solid roster that gets people excited even if it has a Weird graphical style and as of right now, it's like it doesn't right now As of right now it has mostly the same roster as three but with way less characters and a bunch of
Starting point is 02:30:05 weird ones Like like it sucks for anyone that likes them But it's like take out anyone from bionic commando take out anybody that's from the ghost and gob Like they had their time and you were saying like Can we not get one fucking power stone character? There's a million of them and they've been in nothing and and they weren't Has they have any of them been in any versus fighting games ever? Okay, great. Uh, uh, yeah, actually wait what? Uh s and k versus cap card fighters clash. All right, that's fine fair enough
Starting point is 02:30:37 But like I remember thinking like I remember we made the jokes for years like well the next marvel game Come on gene gene's the only clover guy that didn't get his time check and like that speculation even right before marvel infinite Now looks like ridiculous like forget gene as an outside pick. So here's what about like beautiful joe So there's a there's a very strong Dark void. There's a very strong possibility that there are interesting choices that are time locked behind season two That's a mistake. Yeah, it's shuffle them shuffle them But in the meantime, you're tying a bow Around the baton and handing it to dragon ball
Starting point is 02:31:17 Like all the hype you that that people want to have with you Ah Yeah, when he's the same and you know, he's trunks and you know, he trunks is gonna be there, but Trunks. Yeah, that's exactly right. You are handing the hype over to dragon ball You look at you look at like even our subreddit, right and there's there's a little article that's like It's just a fucking image macro set of like zoom ins on daunte's face or what, you know, it's just shit post How many twitter? avatars are just directly underneath that is check out this animatic a guy made where it shows that
Starting point is 02:31:57 They're going they're going manga panel by manga panel during for Final flash. Yeah, I love that Fuck and then in the top corner. It says 20% Yeah Yeah, the the other thing about like kamofin's statement is that like it's yeah, it appeals to the top 32 But well, there's a problem in the pr and the marketing of this game where What's the demo that goes up on the fucking playstation store and everything? It's the fucking story mode demo, which is clearly meant to get casuals
Starting point is 02:32:31 interested you can't you can't even play and the story mode is about what it's about Hey, Arthur from ghosts and goblins. I'm Like touching hitting you in your ribs going remember all these characters So it's like who do you want to appeal to now like I know you well, you know Street Fighter 5 is like a problem where you relate to the game to appeal to casual people And like people were already kind of like not into it It's evident in the strategy because the demo went up on the store to show off that they have a story mode akin to injustice Mortal Kombat and Tekken and then
Starting point is 02:33:03 Uh The tournaments the next major had a Kiosk with versus mode setup, right? You know, but they're kind of locking that down in a sense that like they want you to experience that at a tournament in a controlled environment they don't want that necessarily just out there as of yet and I guess like I I don't know Why you you think that would work better because I think people I'm not saying not you not you I'm just saying like I don't know why Capcom thought that was the right move because I feel like
Starting point is 02:33:35 People getting high for your game put out the fucking demo that has all the fucking easy to screen cap Like derp faces all the characters the most the most of that is going on and then the like we made a video out of it It was easy and the thing that people would probably have the most fun with would be like a limited versus mode Is not what you put out. It just it's just weird. I don't know I mean admittedly not everyone has a friend to go play with so, you know playing versus mode alone What's up, and then the online is for a demo. It's probably out of the question to get but yeah There's there's just there's just too many too many like I'm genuinely confused by this because
Starting point is 02:34:12 Capcom and their fighting division and all that stuff or whoever they get to make their games Like they're better than what is coming out on this Like what is the deal? Why is it gotta be like this and here's what I'll finally say is that is that even if there was no plans for an interesting roster uh surprise Right at the moment no plans for Then the backlash that's happening now will almost guarantee one is gonna hit the pipeline in the dlc But that's gonna be starting now at the soonest. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:34:46 Maybe listen we need weirdos in the cast. Okay, when will they be out in five months? Right like it's gonna be way four months after the game's release way down. So um Yeah, man, I really do I mean I was because there was there was a that that one capcom employee that they spoke to that basically Went yeah, it's kind of it's not great The quote I think the quote was basically like oh like hard to look at or something along those lines Like they kind of our roster is hard to look at they got it out of it. Well, they got it out of it
Starting point is 02:35:18 Here's the thing right you take take me for an example as a the casualist level of a marvel fan I was there right there with you in that very Uh a prophetic or fateful evening where we bought marvel 3 at in verdun, right? I remember this what happened. Uh, it was a lot. It's you know, there's video Um, but why was I there not because I like hyper fighting? I actually actively dislike Hyper fighting games. I was there because marvel 3. Holy crap Look at these characters that I've never been able to play anything Look at this version of daunte that I can fuck around. This is awesome
Starting point is 02:35:53 This is gonna be so much fun to just go hang out What will he get a thing and just see all these crazy characters and their win quotes and all that shit and I'm getting None of that from this Number one because so many of the characters overlap. I already got that out of my system I already got the the hilariousness of Fucking new bionic commando Spencer's a fighting game character and he screams out bionic arm. That's hilarious That's also like five years old Like I need
Starting point is 02:36:23 I need if I if for people that are gonna get a versus game due to novelty Which is I'm gonna assume is actually relatively similar to people that are gonna get a dragon ball z fighting game Even though they don't like fighting games because they like dragon ball That novelty is paramount and I'm feeling no novelty here. I don't give a shit about ultron He's the weakest movie villain of the ball It's kind of like It actually needs to be firing on all cylinders for the roster because it's like if they announce Uh punishers in it. I think I've stated before I don't even really care punishers should replace chris
Starting point is 02:36:59 I'd rather see punisher in the story mode and make dumb comments on how dumb everyone is rather than be in the game Because he just shoots things and I'm tired of the if punisher was in the game He should take chris's spot and share most of his movements Maybe but like Each one has to be that each one like the catcom side has to be you know re you can be in there I'm actually really sick of you. I'd rather can be there by now or some other shodokan. I don't know who sure You know Sakura the new main character of marvel 3 marvel 4 marvel
Starting point is 02:37:30 It's gotta have a power stone care asked to have gene it has to you don't have to bring frank west back You can you know, I mean like no you can go with any other protagonists from dead rising Frank west coming back is extra crazy because it goes into the it goes into the thing you're talking about Like how can we got multiple versions of jill? Well, you also still got multiple versions of jill because frank west is just mvc2 jill Three versions of frank west now by the way. I wouldn't mind chuck like it's the same thing But at least it's like clearly they like that character type where the zombie walks across the screen when you hit your move But yeah, so I guess my one thing that I that comes to mind too is because we got x now
Starting point is 02:38:06 We got x you should everyone should should uh, it's cool now. We finally put x in the game finally So we are like totally just like this is just bullshitting. This is just bullshitting. Yeah, right, but um I feel as if with enough Negative feedback after a reveal If this was a capcom game and only capcom they might even have the ability to go Okay, hold on hit the brakes. Let's let's do some shit. Let's rework some let's do some shit I think we're marvel too. It's pretty soon. It's coming out pretty soon So it's very close
Starting point is 02:38:39 But they might be able like it would have been but the fact that marvel is tied in complicates things I would assume well the fact that there's so many movie characters in it means that this is somewhat tied to the movie scheduling Which they specifically said that like they were going to avoid doing especially now that the marvel guys in charge of the Marvel games came from The same it's still going to be a year away before the movie even comes out Yeah, but then it'll be so, you know Then you can have the Thanos DLC pack or whatever the if you're if if you're if you're bottom dollar is the only one
Starting point is 02:39:08 That you're worried about as a company then like you can stop to make your thing better and whatnot But you're tied in with someone else It complicates the range like i'm sure they have a license field that ranges from here here And and what was it marvel heroes? They they took some characters out of that because the license expired Fantastic for fucking crazy, you know, can that happen with this game? Can we suddenly like now that there's ever been a fucking fantastic four carat in the game other than I guess super scroll Better than fantastic for it's all four and one. It's all four and one. That's why they did it, but still Do you think that might actually be one of the reason why the x-men are not in there just in case
Starting point is 02:39:46 Because they would get they don't want to permission from fox and then fox would pull it Uh matt dolgren said they have the the ability to use those characters if they wanted That's ridiculous that if that's true Then double what the hell not not a one x-man And I get like I get like keeping them locked behind a season two or whatever But one of them should be like wolverine But even then like if it's just functions like mr. Combo fiend says then where's wolverine's replacement move set Who who gets someone has a dive kick who the who so who has berserker barrage? No one maybe black panther
Starting point is 02:40:25 Fuck it is so gonna be black panther. You're super right Like I'll put my panther I'd be happy but and if you if you enter in codes on the sound test for some reason he uses the old berserker barrage Sound clip from like the cartoon. Yeah have morphe doing the round one fight I don't know man like a crossover game should all be all hype and no substance and that's fine Yeah, and we're getting Some substance I guess and no hype out of this and it's disappointing I didn't even want haggar in this if you and I I say that isn't some other final fight
Starting point is 02:41:02 I say that by the way as a casual fan It's like if the game came out and it was terrible That's fine because I'm not gonna I'm just gonna play it with my little action figure dolls to have the Characters fight but like We should all make our our dream rosters and come back next week with our homework done Well, the well the really I think the thing that just gets me the most is like I look at infinite coming out And if I was a completely if I had never played any versus game, right ever I would look at infinite roster
Starting point is 02:41:33 and look and feel and then I would look at The $10 copy of marvel ultimate marvel 3 on the pc or whatever And go oh, that's the sequel right? Yeah Because they don't let well, I mean it has 3 in the title bit infinite, but you know what I mean, right? It has 3 it has twice as many characters with more picks and has a what I find is a way better art style and it's and it's one Sixth of the price maybe one day some years down the line We'll end up with something that's the equivalent of mvc 2 with just the giant mutant screen But the problem with that is that was during a time where marvel was like fuck it
Starting point is 02:42:14 Just take all our characters don't give a shit and now there's too much There's too many fucking hands in the pies. There's too many licensed holders and like you'll never get that Like, you know what I would have been really happy with You know, you see that that you know the the characters faces and now this version tonally doesn't look good I would actually be fine with the version of marvel infinite that looked abjectly terrible But only if it was because of the mvc 2d it in which they just grabbed the model Like the monster hunter model is from the 3ds. Yeah, right It's clash of the most ridiculous clash of art styles
Starting point is 02:42:49 Yeah, I want the more the equivalent of the morrigan sprite but with 3d characters If you lean into it as like your entire games design choice is just the ps2 If you lean into it, I can't even fight that like yeah, you're right that would crack me up That would be hilarious But also the dark void guy is on unreal 3 so his textures always load in it would be but also be kind of cool It was wacky way. Yeah, I it would be interesting. I don't even hate that No, it's not um, but speaking of uh substance less shift gears Okay, mgs 2 substance is a good game. What about subsistence? It's also a great game. What about subsistonance?
Starting point is 02:43:29 That's not real. You made that up. Damn it. Damn it I like almost got me. Let's welcome everybody to episode zero Of detroit. Oh, yeah, this is episode zero of detroit. There may be you thought this was a podcast There may be episode 0.1 or 0.2 and you were right Well 0.0 was at was at uh too many games, but this is 0.1. Yeah, but besides being a podcast This is also episode zero Of detroit become human
Starting point is 02:43:58 This is the fact that everyone jumped on this is my favorite thing and the reason why it starts now ladies and gentlemen Why is that is because david cage has decided it starts now? He's given us material Before the game even comes out. This is long before we're going to do our sealed envelope Podcast or video in which we try and predict the entire game's events. This is long before we have our bingo cards laid out Oh, yeah, this is simply Reading What the direct quote is coming out of this guy's mouth? Yes
Starting point is 02:44:30 so let's start off with david cage doing an interview and uh polygon Writing this actually I saw this in the form of tweets before polygon caught onto this I saw someone tweet out the different quotes side by side So it's something like around e3 just gave out a bunch of interviews and the main thing sat down did the basic pressers Now I want to point out even before this
Starting point is 02:44:53 Pre episode zero. I remember we talked about it on the podcast in which david cage talked about how This may be a story about androids, you know, kind of like blade runner, but unlike blade runner It's the humans that are evil and it's about the and everyone in the world's response was did you fucking watch blade runner? Maybe he watched one of those weird cuts that frames it in a different way So that was the very first moment that wait what what? And here we are now. So let's take it from the top then basically after sitting down uh
Starting point is 02:45:28 with Well, who did he who was this first interview with polygon this first interview of an interview was with polygon He basically implied Uh, he said this we put out a lot of passion and we're honest and sincere But it's nothing compared to the real issues of real people in the real world We try to be aware of that and we want to be respectful of real things Uh, it's important to leave tired tropes of video games behind Uh cage used to argue. It's very important. There should be more people trying this
Starting point is 02:45:52 Don't write about being a rookie soldier in world war two because you don't have a clue what that's like All right now right before you even continue Medal of honor when those games became popular They brought in all the same vets and shit that they brought like captain dale Dale that they would then later use as consultants for Uh, fucking uh, what's it called saving private ryan and band of brothers and all that You know people who were in world war two and they said hey What was it like to be in world war two because we want to help people understand that
Starting point is 02:46:27 And even for the generic ps1 shooter, yeah, right? So that may be the most nonsensical view from the the premise of like all arts all works of fiction Don't write about it unless you've personally experienced it Because you could never know. Well, what if I talk to people that it happened to david never really know Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait like right before he's like On on the tail end of that when you said that he he watched blade runner and everyone asked
Starting point is 02:47:05 Did you watch actually blade runner? This is like Do you Know how games are developed like you actually know are you saying? Are you saying that every military film of all time was developed in a vacuum without any input from anyone in the military or era or conflict or Hey, man crazy things Hey, man, this is yeah david's just trying to ask you a simple question. All right. All right He just wants to ask you
Starting point is 02:47:39 To make games where you talk about your life your emotions the people around you what you like and what you This is how the industry makes a huge step forward. Right I'm fed up with space marines now. I'm gonna and this and the the article goes on to point out what just popped into my head Oh, so you have experience being an enslaved android then david perhaps you have experience being a cyborg ai vampire demon man Read the the line right after that because the article Detroit is a game about and let me check my notes here androids That's deeper than space marines, right? But the story is definitely about androids and that's it Which everyone has experience do you have experience being forced to murder somebody at random due to a mystical power?
Starting point is 02:48:24 All right gear two. We're moving up a little faster. All right. Let's go the story I'm telling is really about androids cage told kotaku at this year's e3 They're discovering emotions and wanting to be free if people want to see the parallels with this or that that's fine with me But my story is about androids who want to be now free That's a really good when we saw I think it might have been in the podcaster It might have been one of the fucking game got announced. I remember going Uh, and the point that I said it's like android Fiction all android fiction is a slavery metaphor
Starting point is 02:48:59 It is a one to one theme because it's the only thing it could be It is what it is and it is supposed to be slavery with a completely non-human form of life But it looks human so it makes you feel confused, right? And I remember thinking I don't think david cage has the The writing chops to tackle a fucking Thing like non-human slavery. I don't I don't think that's a fucking topic He's That's an answer to a question that I'm like fine
Starting point is 02:49:37 That that's if when he says if you want to create your own parallels you can There's something to be said about just putting that out there and letting people do it Right and if that was the end of the story, there'd be not that much to say there'd be not that much to say There's much big more so let's gear up to the next one gear three shall we? But it's an interesting question we wanted to ask the player in this scene What do you think is right to do when you fight for your when you fight for your rights? I didn't want to provide an answer. This is something that's so important to me I didn't want to deliver a message to mankind with this game. I just want to ask questions. That's fine
Starting point is 02:50:14 Just I disagree entirely I think the idea that a creative force behind a writing project saying I have no message with my work Is the saddest thing in the world I think I think that is depressing the idea that you would write an album or write a fucking comedy bit Or you'd write a fucking tv show or a story and go my work has no value My work has no message to a part in the world Have you not seen Transformers films? If you decide to tackle a topic where you say I don't have the answers
Starting point is 02:50:48 That's fine. I I respect that. I just want to poke at you in certain ways that makes you think and makes you But that's a message David that Okay Story i'm really telling is about androids I want I didn't want to just deliver the message to mankind with this game. I just want to ask questions great All right, that's still consistent with his previous now. Let's gear up to gear 4 People will see it as oh, this is about androids and the revolution and I honestly don't think this is the story
Starting point is 02:51:20 I wrote cage told the verge. This is a game about us humans. It's about what it means to be human It's about identity. It's about civil rights. I thought you weren't saying anything with your message And I thought it wasn't you were just asking Gear 5 there's no big message to humanity in this game cage also told the verge the same come the same people He was interviewed just where he said he is It's just interesting questions that may resonate with your own personal values and just confront you with the consequences of your actions What the fuck is this game about? I don't particularly care for polygon
Starting point is 02:51:56 But the giant bullet point underneath that summary Is exactly how I feel. There's no such thing as neutrality You can't tell people that your game has a big message about something like civil rights or slavery or revolution or sentience or Freedom and then go Just uh, it's not important. It's like blade runner, but the people are evil. Listen now that we're in top gear Okay
Starting point is 02:52:25 Don't drive that car too fast does this remind you of anything in your past because it should about my past Because we both have this shared experience And that's this when someone sits down and describes their art in contradictory statements Right behind each other. Yeah Where literally within the same breath You say something that mean that goes against what you just defined your thing as that's sitting in your fucking fine arts class Bullshitting away the explanation for what you made when you have no answers
Starting point is 02:53:01 And that's where the fine arts teachers different from the illustration ones very different rate you based on your bullshit As opposed to the work you've actually done. Can you convince me that the shit that you slap together means anything? It is the can you fool me It's the equivalent of wine tasting snobs even though wine tasting has been shown to be absolute nonsense It's the equivalent of that guy that art critic who had a meltdown and wrote this massive article about how all art criticism Is completely made up smelling your own farts nonsense It is he is literally just sitting down and changing what he wants to say based on what he thinks the interviewer He's talking to wants to will like if you've ever seen ghost world, right?
Starting point is 02:53:40 The there's exactly that there's the girl that puts bullshit up explains it away and gets top marks No, that's not to say like there's certainly game projects like that dragon cancer or even the game We looked at emporium that someone definitely made because they had something to say and it's based on like a personal very thing I think david cage has had no things like this and certainly If he's trying to say anything about them, this is the roof video games It's not the avenue you should be choosing to do them not in the way that he makes them So I have wait hold on pat the first message He said very it was like consistent with what he was starting to say right the second one very confusing and the third one
Starting point is 02:54:20 in direct Comparison to the others like he's getting farther away and less consistent every time he doesn't interview like he doesn't know What the last time he said it's like it doesn't make any sense. It's a godlike combo of wrongness I have never seen anything like David cage has given a different reason. They're all androids No, but it's it's like the combination and and the weirdest part is like cage has not flinched away from like saying my games mean so And he has shit on other people in the industry for saying that their games mean nothing And that he's so tired saying spade job I'm so tired of fucking said that said you cannot tell and then he'll turn around saying i'm not saying
Starting point is 02:55:06 Anything important With and I would call his game or I would call uh Detroit like a drama if it was a television show It'd be a drama right like mr. Robot my drama means nothing Yeah, but like we are looking at we're looking at crouching like kick into Down circle full quarter circle forward androids Yeah, and that's his opener and then his linker is canceling into it's not androids. It's about humans And then his ender where he catches it out. It's not about humans. There's no message to humanity at all It's it is unbelievable
Starting point is 02:55:43 How fucking like from the game is not even being out yet. We are in day minus what? 50 60 We're months away. It doesn't have a day. It's true. And this like the train wreck implies that it was on the rails at some point You know, it's also what do you what do you call it if the train starts my favorite part on the ground My favorite part about this Sideways is uh, I saw people Arcing these quotes with footage from the trailer and it's like it's not about Androids or civil rights and you see footage from the first trailer where people are walking by the android slave auction
Starting point is 02:56:21 And the text is hard work for her Easy day for you and it's and then the trailer that came out alongside this is the violent android revolution Which in the interviews last year he said was just gonna straight up not be in the game at all um So remember watching the e3 stuff uh for sony's thing and they showed the trailer for this and I think I said How come this is the opposite of what I thought this game was? Last year there was a trailer about a human Detective and he had to make a choice and there was a hostage. That was an android actually whatever
Starting point is 02:56:56 I I don't fucking know anymore So and then the one before that the the first one was like the weird jennifer laurence girl Where it seemed like it was about protecting this one plot critical Fucking android and I thought it was all about that and we and we all thought oh This is another all fucking jerk off on this actress that I hired like like ellen page was In uh beyond whatever the fuck now. I don't was it called. What's it called beyond two souls? Whatever Um, I don't know why I asked for an answer and they got dismissive with it uh
Starting point is 02:57:32 This game has make no mistake has changed tact at least twice So since it's been announced I feel um and every tell go ahead go ahead So in This is a complaint we've had with david for ages. That's what I was about to say. It's the same problem Nothing about this is different. All we've heard is he's got more people reigning him in he's got more money So there's bigger people to stop him from going all over the future. I want to I want to go through this because in indigo prophecy Everything leading up to the game was ace
Starting point is 02:58:07 And that demo was yeah Demo sold us on it and the first like third of that game is great Like great like before you understand that the weird bug aliens that attack you in your office are nonsense And you think that it's actually going to go somewhere. It's great before business bug asks you to work late And then at the 51 percent mark in indigo prophecy and I remember because me and willie hit it about the same point And the save game in that game actually just straight up tells you the percentage completion That game just it just falls apart and becomes it becomes about nothing Right it becomes about Seinfeld it becomes it becomes a mess of topics that he he wants to do it all
Starting point is 02:58:47 It becomes every foreign evil entity that I'm not familiar with Is scary and needs to be in my game And so that was that and then heavy rain comes out and immediately it's really really clear that heavy rain is more focused It has writing problems Obviously, yeah But it is a focused thing and it is about a thing and it is about How much your parents love you that is what that game is about Right and what you're willing to do for your children, right?
Starting point is 02:59:21 And now it turns out that one of the reasons why it is so focused is that large parts of the game were removed Right before release, right because they were confusing nonsense, right? So for heavy and then it was after the game came out that him talking about heavy rain was confusing Right, it wasn't beforehand beforehand. It actually all kind of made sense But afterwards and he talks about how they cut the fucking Supernatural shit and he talks about themes that you're like that wasn't there. What are you talking about? Right and then we get to beyond two souls and beyond two souls even from the trailers look like a bunch of nonsense That you saw footage from the fucking African warlord mission you saw footage in the chinese underwater base the native desert
Starting point is 03:00:06 You saw this shit and you and you and you were and you were confused Right, you were confused and he talked about how it's about and all this metaphysical shit And you were weird and then you played it and the game is out of order and it's even more confusing But it was yes from the trailer to Um Fuck in the trailer, but mostly when you started to play it that you were confused. We are now months out We are now months out and I am already as confused about this game as we were when we did the Mexico sequence The underwater chinese ghost, right? I am like yeah
Starting point is 03:00:45 I can't I can't I can't even pin down What the basic thrust of the game is about Anymore Fucking Detroit. Well, that's because whatever you are about to say you think it might be he just said it's not Every he just said every time the game has been shown off. It couldn't have been a different game when I think about Omicron, it's a time soul traveling guy who's trying to solve mystery against me when I think about heavy rain I think of this and this I'm Lost well, I don't know who I don't know
Starting point is 03:01:21 Who do you control sounds to me like you're gonna have to face dilemmas. Oh, yeah Yeah It is like His confusion matrix grows stronger by the date This happens not very very briefly very briefly. It's not where you were this happened really quickly Around the exact same time Twitter Um They fucking on the official Detroit become human Twitter
Starting point is 03:01:51 for some reason Thought it would be a good idea to just dick wave and taunt xbox owners And they put out a tweet that said when you when you wake up and hashtag Detroit become human is still a ps4 exclusive And you're still an uh at xbox owner thursday thoughts the fact that they tweeted at xbox to say hey, fuck you And then they put a gif that says from the screenshot from the trailer face dilemmas All right, I saw that and thought like that makes me want to buy an xbox
Starting point is 03:02:25 I don't think that's because then I'll have a console that can't play this game Have you ever seen an official twitter not a character or a mascot just being like hey console Fuck you man. This tweet deleted like minutes after it went up I usually Love that shit. I love the fucking shirt thumb in the eye. That's what nintendo I love that shit, but the like it coming from like a like it's like It's your standing at the club and a girl passes you by And you turn around and you oh you're gonna get with that guy not me mr. Shit in his pants
Starting point is 03:03:08 Yeah The problem with this is that if it was things were swapped out and it was horizon It would still be shitty because it's not like a funny sony thing leading up to an e3 They did here game sharing bubble. It's not even funny. It's not even clever. It's like it's just like Fucking school ground. It's also not even that it's not also not effective telling a kid that they can't play something Is that they suck because of it makes them dislike you it doesn't make them go Oh, I want to get the thing it makes them go But also think about it this kind of mentality this kind of like
Starting point is 03:03:44 Like that's schoolyard shit, right? And I like it because it's schoolyard shit console wars with a z But your game is not schoolyard shit your game is supposed to be an adult interactive fictional drama for smart people That's what like that's no it is but that's what it's supposed to be. That's the demo It it just it it's amazing Why do you keep just blowing up his face large and large on it? Why not? Oh, right? Yeah So I felt really so here's here's here's the real tragedy We announced that we would do a sealed envelope style thing for uh and get the bingo cards ready for For detroit become human ages ago like right when the game got announced
Starting point is 03:04:25 Yeah, because it's right when they announced new best friends lp live on stage and I remember and I remember thinking in my heart like Okay, indigo prophecy that was impossible uh heavy rain Felt strongly could have done it Like detroit become uh, sorry. I'd be on two souls like we threw out some stupid guesses in that lp that came true Yep, right. Yeah, I remember the one that gets me is like what if a giant evil of loss raptor attacked you and then the god Demon of mexico looks like a giant evil of loss. Oh, yeah, right. That's the one that's the The dumbest. Yeah, right ripped or and I was like I feel confident that we can
Starting point is 03:05:04 Crush this I feel very Unconfident now because you don't even because if if he doesn't even know what his game is How are we supposed to guess what is because we know the mind of the shit to your director? We know him better than he knows. We know him so much better than he knows himself I believe we can vanquish it. I think we can I think we can absolutely predict Well, the ultimate is that if we can't if we get like 30 percent Or more of the game on point like we can and yes, I am lowballing at 30 percent or more That's the ultimate proof like this is you are such a hack that even when you say nothing
Starting point is 03:05:41 People can see through you and see what you're what you're actually going to do. I believe it. I have faith. I have faith uh Oh beyond two souls. I mean We might have almost spent like at least 20 minutes that's that's a full episode that's episode zero Episode zero take you cut this out and just put it on the absolutely. How about that for a slice of fried gold? Depending on when or what happens between now and then there might be a 0.1. There might be oh boy. All right Like I never thought that I would have as much to talk about Based on like a couple interview snippets like it's great. It's absolutely welcome in Detroit. Thank you for the cage zone
Starting point is 03:06:25 I hope the uh, I hope the uh, god setx I hope the fucking currency and in Detroit is set when we get can we get dave lang drunk again and plop him down next to david cage and just Have that uncomfortable interview, but he died in 2015. Yeah, so he can't come back So apparently, uh, I spoke to some friends because they've been trying to find the archive of that pre-show And apparently liam has the most complete stream of it on the internet because he watched it for like six hours But like I can't find it if anybody knows where I can watch The remainder of that pre-show because I only watched about the first five hours
Starting point is 03:07:07 Please send it to me on my twitter. I want to watch the rest of it. Oh my goodness Okay, let's wrap up. But let's let's go over the where he's left real quickly. What do we got? Uh, we got a weird one Um, the hound solo movie is now being directed by ron howard. That's a good director Yeah, he's an inconsistent director. It's a weird one because hey apollo 13 and willow. Sure Yeah, but then that whale movie no one saw Right well doesn't count if no one saw it and and to me the more notable part of the story is that Fucking lord miller's moustache has got fired Which is the weirdest thing because um, phil lord and chris miller
Starting point is 03:07:46 Aka the guys who wrote and created clone high and like the lego movie and just attached to a lot of fun They fucking ramped up. Yeah, it's pretty cool how they ramped up and their old their old their old company was lord miller's moustaches Their logo was great Uh got fired Again, it seems like they get fired all the time from shit. I guess so Apparently the movie was being too wacky this origin story of a roguish Fucking uh, what it was hunts all gun runner dashing rogue dashing rogue. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 03:08:20 Indiana jones in space basically and and so yeah now. Uh, they're handing it to uh, arrested development man And which is appropriate considering this thing's arrested development No, seriously, this thing's been a mess, but it's never changed dates to be fair Yeah, but that's how movies are Yeah Movies take long enough to make and there's enough time between it being finished and it coming out that if you just throw Enough money at it. It will come out on the day. It's supposed to come out
Starting point is 03:08:47 To be fair a lot of people are like, oh my god, there's weird reshoots happening for rogue one It's gonna be a complete fucking disaster. What a terrible movie and it wound up being fine You know, same thing for even force awakens all there's weird reshoots It's gonna be awful and that turned out fine. Like yeah. Yeah, the reshoots were for the better Um, there's meanwhile suicide squad. There's this one's a is a minor ass story, but it's pretty awesome. Uh It's pretty goofy nonetheless Anthem footage showed up. Oh, they pulled it It's fucking fucking they pulled it. I saw it just earlier. I saw it too. God damn you fucks
Starting point is 03:09:25 So what this was was they took anthem for uh, uh from the xbox one x trailer At e3 and they put it up on the official sony, uh, playstation channel and they basically I mean they say photoshop. That's the wrong word because it's video, but they they basically a video edited in Uh r1 and l1 buttons over rt and lt. Oh man, but it's the exact same footage Oh, so it's like that's goofy, but more importantly, this is clearly not the hardware guys. What are you doing? Like that footage will not look like anything like that. Yeah All the ps4 pro will not look that good. I assume that's that's the bigger issues. You just fucking You grabbed the same footage just to go
Starting point is 03:10:10 We got it too. That's igm's logo on the kami style man And like of all the people to pull this kind of goofy stuff like I didn't expect bioware in a fucking that's weird I I wonder who is you know, it could always be something as just as generic as laziness It could have just been some fucking intern for all we know. That's like, ah, fucking i'm not Capturing that i'm not i'm not gonna send an email to that guy and get ps4 footage Well, it's because it's because anthem is maybe it was just a sony guy and sony's Maybe the maybe the ps4 build currently isn't stable. I don't know. Well, it's a weird thing because anthem is is uh Uh
Starting point is 03:10:49 Being destiny for uh xbox the way that uh destiny was not destiny for ps4 In which they're marketing it so heavily in one direction that it appears to be an exclusive It's not actually an exclusive. It's not but it it looks like it like the the average person would probably think that destiny was a PlayStation exclusive because every single goddamn destiny trailer and ad said playstation on when the reveal is on the main console Stage right and anthems the reverse It's it's being it's being marketed as if it were an xbox exclusive even though it is coming to both But like it's weird because like apparently like if they put the footage up at all I guess there's no like
Starting point is 03:11:30 Marketing deal that forces it but there's no playstation footage of anthem that exists It's it's not it doesn't exist. Yep, and I guess they want to put some up to try and blunt that but I mean it's not And it's not even that's a shitty fucking edit. Holy crap. So uh, yeah, uh, you're a gamer Uh, uh, basically has a clip a screenshot of what what it was but that looks terrible They just dropped the fucking l1 and r1 buttons over the lb's and rb's and it's goofy shit It looks super obvious. Um, what you know, I thought it was less transparent in the actual video But either way the footage is the same and you're watching the same shots and camera movements So there's no way it's it's fucking, you know the same demo. So anyway, um
Starting point is 03:12:14 There's that and then lastly there is Uh, maybe I don't know this is a weird one to me, but It's kind of cool. There is a new virtual on game coming. Whoa, what but It's a crossover between virtual on and a certain magical index, which is a light novel So back to my phone, but it's an action. It's a high speed battle action game with online support This is a this is a virtual on game that is being made in his coming I'm assuming it's old virtual on assets like but it's tied in with this, uh, again this light novel That's very strange. You're right treats virtual on as a sport in the world
Starting point is 03:12:54 Magical virtual on is the name of the game. That's a bizarre title very much so and I and I think that, um, This is probably gonna be like the equivalent of Gundam build fighters for virtual on maybe maybe But this is the form that we're getting it in it's so weird That's coming to play station four and something called the passivata Which I'm not familiar with Sivata, Sivata It's one of the types of it's a silent. Yeah, it's soft pee that it's one of the highs you get from certain strains of weed
Starting point is 03:13:27 That's Pat's looking forward to when the Vita versions cancelled So what game was that? the shadow Matt and I were not talking about that on the podcast or on camera But we were laughing ourselves city silly about that game shadow over new despair Getting the fucking like they're like it's coming to the oh look. It's got new stuff. Also the Vita version It's cancelled and like everyone on earth is going. Yeah the beta version
Starting point is 03:13:56 like it's Because those Vita versions like inevitably especially now like the handicap the The base version like how you yeah, because it's kind of handicapped by ps3 versions Yeah, and it's it's like the 14th thing where as soon as the ps3 support got dropped all of a sudden everybody's inventory space Double because we the fucking thing won't crash anymore But just just you're at you're at fucking baskin robins and they're like, sorry kid. We're all out of strawberry Yeah second kid or server forever
Starting point is 03:14:26 No, that only works if they added more of our favorite ice cream Oh, yeah, we we got a new a new chocolate crumble, you know, like new like they put the barrel down Yeah, yeah, yeah Fucking there's new cookie dough with Oreo bits cookie dough for everybody. No, no, no strawberry. No kid. No strawberry But why did you put what in fact we had a shipment of strawberry coming in but I told them to send it back Then why is the sticker still there? Yeah, how about that? Oh, that kid that kid got some wipeouts. Can I just get the pink part of the rocky road? No Absolutely not
Starting point is 03:15:10 Uh, I that kid got wiped out man Uh, if you want to tell us about your your wipeouts, you can send the letter too Uh, super best friendcast at that's super best friend cast at If you don't send your wipeout might if you don't send your wipeout to that address We won't get it someone else will and they will not read it on this podcast. How about that? So, uh With that Let's take one coming in from the spy guy. He says
Starting point is 03:15:42 Uh, hello dare super micro usb cable hoarders Is there anything we can do as gamers to get better usb cables that don't bend under their own weight? No drives me crazy We we know we know intimately that this is not so I hear word on the street that anchor Is a decent those are the ones that I use they last Slightly longer. Yeah, that's the best. Yeah, you can get yeah Those are those that's what I hear about the one that I have have the best experience with is the one that came with my psvr Yeah, but oh that makes sense. Why that one's wrong. I'm gonna buy some right now, but Uh, you know what I what else I found out is the reason why micro usb's are so shit and why they break so often
Starting point is 03:16:26 Yeah, is because they're built to actually take the brunt of the load So that the port doesn't take damage The wire does slightly more important And so they want you to have to replace the wire instead of having to replace the port I but the problem is I'm gonna buy a second pack of anchor usb. Give me in there. I'll get one for you It's just such bullshit though Yeah, sure because they say something along the lines of oh, um If you up to 10,000 plugs and unplugs and it's fucking more like four
Starting point is 03:16:55 I have a I have a better theory big usb Doesn't want you to have long lasting usb's So it's up to like a kickstarter or an indiegogo for those people make you want big usb Doesn't want you to get your fucking devices So what I have I have a I have some friends that play 14 with me and they have that they have this problem in spades They go through usb cables like crazy. So go pat use these things all the time Which one's using I send them the link that I'm buying from right now, right? They buy them. Oh man. Thanks, man
Starting point is 03:17:27 These work way better. They've been more durable. I talked to them yesterday like these fucking things The fucking I need electrical tape because the fucking plastics coming off the fucking things They only lasted like three months. I'm like, yeah, that's way longer than usual Like the standards for these things are so poor. No, you need dr. Carver's usb plugs No, it's the you see the universal cereal boys Are all about scamming you out of your hard earned dollar I think universal cereal boys is a new fucking villain we can push those fucks want to get every penny you've ever earned And they want you to spend it on new wires. Sure. There's a new usb c cable
Starting point is 03:18:10 That's rounded on the edges that goes in both ways and it won't break But we're not using that shit Do these nefarious criminals drive around the usb bus? It's just the us bus The universal cereal bus. That's correct. That's how they get around Okay, and they have meetings in their universal cereal board room I think the one that got me I think them what the the and it was the moment that woolly hit the tipping point was when we all bought xbox elite controllers and the xbox elite controller micro usb is a thick ass braided
Starting point is 03:18:45 Micro usb right with cloth on it. Yeah, and it broke immediately It looked sturdier than the others It was part of the expensive set and that that was the worst that was the moment that woolly just started digging And I was like, no, it's the design. It's the design. It's not the actual no matter how high quality you make the parts Or the the components the design and then the metal pit will always fail The bus pulls up on the corner of the street and they're getting into into gang fights with the fire wire boys It's like hey, what's that kid? Oh, man, shut over there. Is that an s-kart cable? I fucking cut you and then over there. It's the thunderbolt crew and they're just shitting their pants
Starting point is 03:19:26 Um They crushed the game port association Long ago they fucking murdered them and shit on their corpses And uh, now the whole crew's good and now that's all we got That's not bad. I fucking hate the thunderbolt crew They all wear those stupid hats so that they can go into places that they used to be able to go I really stretched it on that one. I really did but hey almost almost anyway And you know who uh, who else the thunderbolt crew they hate the headphone boys. Oh, man. They hate those motherfuckers. They're almost not compatible 16 millimeters
Starting point is 03:20:03 what Yeah, I don't think there's a tech cable discussion that is more easy to get pissed off about over then you don't need a headphone jack They're always the the 16 millimeters are always jealous of the the 32s though Those 32s come in 32s don't fit in anything man. Yeah, they're too big too big way too big. Wait, you gotta get that adapter You gotta get that extra accessory to make it fit. It's the only way man. It's the only way Man, I saw this accessory that it was a fucking 32 two two-way prong y cable You got two 32s going in to one 16 millimeter hole. That's crazy. It's fucked up That's there's some dark shit on the internet, bro. It's disgusting. Is it gold plated. It's fucking gold. All right
Starting point is 03:21:00 At least it's gold plated. Then you know, it's got clean energy connectivity strong She don't want that dirty power That one gross back corner of the source or or radio shack where they sell all that shit And that fucking section gets smaller by the hour every single time I've ever had to use a y cable It's been a disaster when it's gold plated. You can leave it in. All right We got one coming in from Kenneth and he says hey Kenny, what up? Hey best friends a lot of us on the subreddit are a little confused I'm a little confused
Starting point is 03:21:36 Why do you guys hate laurs lisa and lucky chloe because they suck Can you can can you take the opportunity to clear up why they look like a bunch of dumb anime bullshit? Uh, probably mainly design. I'd say We so we each have a particular thing that we because I went off on I mentioned lucky chloe by name Uh, you mentioned, I think a lars by name and pat you went out. You said I've gone on more on alisa But I also fucking hate. Um, yeah, I yeah, it's just I think it's just character design Um, I so alisa is the the ultimate character that I hate I hate pretty waifu android girl. I hate it
Starting point is 03:22:12 And lars upsets me because he should be cool and all his moves are cool and his character's cool And his hair makes him look like his ass. His body is cool. Yeah It's as soon as you get to the head. I mean, I don't I don't like him because he was just inserted into tech and sex is like all look mysterious Total, uh, son of hey, hot she's out of nowhere Josuke max of you know But He's not cool and his hair is weird in the bad way
Starting point is 03:22:42 His hair is weird the bad way because his character doesn't match his hair It's like it's like they look at they look at jen they look at, uh, kazia They look at he actually look at jen passion like well Let's have a guy whose hair does all those directions at the same fucking time Won't that look cool and and and I and like uh as far as alisa goes I feel like like aegis from p3 is how you do that character, correct Is how you do a good. Yeah, where it's like she looks still like a robot and is kind of functional and has the bits Whatever, but that's not even the biggest thing with with me when I just look at like
Starting point is 03:23:15 My my thing is like lucky chloe is like, okay You took a model from what would be a lucky chloe is the least hated of them all by far But it's just it's just like that's a character that would be in a dancing game or something And you just put her in a fighting game and said here. Look. She's a fighter Yeah, and there's nothing about the model that implies that she would be a fighting fighting game character or a martial artist or You don't have to be a martial artist, but especially you're just I am not convinced the way that it's the same problem I have with in grid and with a ton of other designs where it's like at least make the character look as if this is the Act like you know what the good version of that character is is sakura and karen
Starting point is 03:23:48 Because sakuran karen are wearing school outfits or they they look like young girls But they're like clearly they showed up to fight a bitch and they love and they love to fight and train all the time To be the best even if it's as simple as as like fighting gloves Headband and an attitude give me something. You know that says I want to fight the other thing It makes a difference aside from lars like I find lucky chloe and alissa or any of that ilk to be silly characters Like they're kind of like hey lighthearted whatever Tekken has tons of those fucking characters by now. There's a lot. There's fucking bears. There's yeah, it's goofy shit I always kind of feel like you have your quota. There's a lot of serious fight man's and fight girls in there
Starting point is 03:24:30 That's cool, but I'm like some of the serious fight man's are fucking goofy like brian fury Paul you know, but guess what though? Is there a single fighting game roster where you like every single character on the cast? Yeah Which one? Yeah, what's your father one? No, oh, yeah, and every you are pretty cool. You dig Lee. I said I you said the cast The cast includes the other non-political let me actually think I I'm gonna actually go with the virtual fighter Everybody everybody's cool. I like them. Yeah, I like them all Even the weird edge lord character Jean is only as edge lord as a virtual fighter will allow I don't like lion. I think Doral is stupid
Starting point is 03:25:14 I Draws pretty bad, but I don't know she can't really care for lying But but but to be honest lying you mean Leo Leo. Yeah, but but either way. I think that it's normal It's a hard question. Yeah, well most fighting games you have a giant cast and you like some you don't like others and In Techhead these are the ones that I particularly I'm like, you know, can we just cheat and say ultimax? Oh, but Ken's in there. Ah crap I mean even like even um, like, you know, like julia chang
Starting point is 03:25:45 And and and such it's like, you know, she kind of looked pretty much the park. She's fine She was normal in the early games and then she goes the luchador route as jc. Yeah, and it's like that's but I'm like that's cool That's fine. And then she just disappeared But like you're in that you're in the realm of like people who fight You know that should be your prerequisite to get here's the thing that always bugged me though But if I said you saw a screenshot of lucky of lucky chloe or alisa, I would think she was from another game You would assume another the reason why lucky chloe bugs me and alisa bugs me as well This is a different tangent, but I think was herata, but I might have been the soul caliber guy
Starting point is 03:26:21 But they talked about what what how do you design characters in this thing and they go? Okay, we either pick the weapon or the fighting style first And then we go what is a cool but kind of stereotypical Character that we could meld around that weapon or fighting style. That's why seek freed it has a big sword What is he's like a like an arian like german soldier? What why is why is uh, why is bruce like a big ripped uh black guy? Like because he does muay thai and that that fits I can think of the stereotype of a muay thai guy Why does whorang look like the way he does he's a korean guy what he dyes his hair anywhere as goggles
Starting point is 03:26:58 Yeah, but aside from that etc. Etc etc etc etc because because I really what fucking fighting style did they pick that they went? Oh, yeah, lucky chloe. Well, okay, capoeira, right? So that's the thing is like like and I really I do also want to like while we're on the point Because it's very easy to go. Okay. Yeah, well you like the badasses and the tough cool girls like rage And it's like no it really isn't all about that because you're talking about like uh, uh, soul caliber and I think x Like zanghua is a great example of she uses a uh, um, I forgot the name of it But the thin chinese sword and she does that. Yeah, and say shu style same thing was yiu
Starting point is 03:27:36 And it's and it's and it's and I use a tiny little adorable girl I'm one of her uh fucking costumes is a school girl of it, but it's fine And that's her design fits her style and it's what you expect of someone using that weapon And she's a little girl doing the little girl saying they would tell him, you know, it has nothing to do with like I fucking hate That's that's this it's just it's just design That's why your design is meant to be um, you know, like a softer like more like More like girly or feminine thing. That's totally great But make sure that it works in the context of this is still a fighting game
Starting point is 03:28:10 It's like lucky chloe in soul caliber with the soul edge Right why what are you swinging that around? Yeah, you know, it's it's super weird. Yeah, anyway And I mean that and and like shit like gone I think fits the game better than fucking lucky because they already had goofy like animal shit happening So there's a precedent Yeah, it says a lot when I can look at a fucking velociraptor with boxing gloves and think that that's a more natural fighting game character than This human so yeah, like and hurray. I said like oh american is just like the big tough bald man in response to the negativity of I think I always he's right. He's right, but that's but I also I thought that was hilarious
Starting point is 03:28:50 It was tacky is like the most popular fucking character and junghwa has all a big fan base And so does sungmina it it's not just about the That at the end of the time. It is great. Fuck kill it. Get out of here. No, it's not about what she's not It's about what she is I like both and you know what at the end of the day It's actually again It's fine that a character or three on a giant roster is not our fans Well, I can see a lot of people hating those characters more because like we brought up before but julia chang's moveset is gone
Starting point is 03:29:21 It doesn't it no longer She was like But like her her her her circle circle circle kicks, you know the the high low high Like that shit's gone and it will come back eventually But when you look at elisa buskanovich and go she's taking julia's fucking spot That sucks It's kind of like if there was a cat girl raver dancer fighting game They're a bunch of lucky clois and they threw in shaheen
Starting point is 03:29:49 I'd be like, you know what for that fan base of that game. I'm sure that would maybe be weird for them And they might not like that character being in that game. Yes character shaheen and nightmare. Yeah What do you got big band and baol? Yeah, but that's that yeah that they're way more internally consistent there Which is easy in skull girls because skull girls has a very Inconsistent world in its design all the difference. It's very anything goes Well, the difference is that like the out of the fish out of water character in skull girls That is big band is one of the greatest fighting game designs of all time
Starting point is 03:30:29 So He's okay, I guess. Uh, okay, uh, let's let's take one from Squinty pete he says They're a super best friend cast at Uh, what's cooler shooting a guy through a wall Shooting a guy through the ceiling or shooting a guy through the floor ceiling
Starting point is 03:30:50 floor Shooting a guy like like a guy is either a part below you or underneath busting him through a surface. No wait, whoa I I thought it was shooting a gun. I thought I thought you're talking like billy's in that room and I pointed gun at the wall He didn't specify. I thought of it as breaking a guy. Okay. Well, we can answer both of these questions Uh, if it's if I'm breaking a guy through it's definitely the floor Yes, because gravity adds to the hit it does if I'm shooting someone with a gun It's it's through the ceiling upwards. Yeah, because that's the most skill. Yes. Yeah, I'd like to think so that which is above Is probably about the same bit. Yeah, it doesn't seem as cool
Starting point is 03:31:25 But it's hard to gauge what's above you takes the most skill. I don't know I like blasting a guy just straight through a wall Yeah, like you ever see the video for uh turned down for what we're like, they're just falling through the ceiling and then Yeah, yeah, crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah shit like that is dope. I love it I mean, I like any of those directions is a winner. Yeah, really But I'll take a ground bounce before anything else Uh, we got one coming in from uh, vince. He says howdy best chums Uh, I recently got into an argument with over the semantics of what a whip is
Starting point is 03:31:59 I say whip is anything you can swing in a whipping motion and do damage effectively Uh, with no other people seem to think a bull whip is the only thing that constitutes a whip And a cat and nine tails is an outlier. I think a sickle or a chain or a ball and chain Hell even a chain on its own constitutes a whip. Absolutely. No if you can whip it and luck and fuck shit up It's a whip. Am I the crazy one? You are you are you think so similar you have a similar definition You can whip anything. Yeah, otherwise. Yeah, I could whip this can. Yes, right? Or if you have a chain You said i'm whipping i'm whipping a chain You're like yeah, if you have a car you can ghost ride the whip. Yes
Starting point is 03:32:40 So a whip is made out of leather or some other similar material But a bull whip is a whip and that's a fucking whip and that's what we define and a cat and nine tails is actually closer to a flail Then it is to a whip. There you go Yes, we have terminology a chain Is way is a way closer to a flail than it is to a whip But even then the same motion even then it's still a chain, but don't confuse the uh, the verb for the noun Yeah, you know sure. Sorry buddy. I imagine that's not the answer you wanted I'm sure you wanted someone to agree with you, especially to have it not be unanimous
Starting point is 03:33:20 Whips whip whips that's correct. Hmm. Hmm strong who the fuck is whipping their car Whip it into shape uh people that are shaking them dreads It's the other line in the song. Okay. Yeah, I'm not it's The hyphies the hyphies It's called the hyphies. You should stop now. Okay. Well, don't ask a question. You don't want an answer. I'm gonna self-destruct Don't ask a question. You don't want an answer to you didn't know the answer though All right. No, the answer was gonna be a real answer Who ghost rides the whip the hyphies do that's what they be doing. That's what they do. All right
Starting point is 03:33:55 all right um Have you ever hated a character that everyone else loved? Yeah, my example would be Mae Borowski from night in the woods says Mike The lowly king I've hated many characters. I don't I don't believe everyone loves may That's incorrect I think it's more the other way around. Yeah, a lot of people think she's but eggy relate
Starting point is 03:34:18 Yeah, I think it's a better a better character a better question going backwards And I'd say have you ever liked a character that everyone else hated? I have also done. Yeah, that's better. Yeah Uh, I think I often like terrible characters because they're terrible and because other people don't like them. I think uh Like before Joffrey We had Delandao from escaflone as the shittiest little brat. Oh, fuck Delando's great, and I love Delando's great. I love how much of a shit he is. He's just screaming into the floor Perfect little shit, bro. What happens if you give Joffrey a mech is what Delandao is. It's great Oh, man, um
Starting point is 03:35:06 Uh Everyone hates the second time he brought up tales everyone hates luke von phabda from um tells the abyss because guess what? He's a spoiled prince that has knows nothing of the outside world When he goes outside he grabs people's food and just eats in front of them and they're like, oh Give me money and he's like what's that? And they're in there like oh and he has his character arc and then people will go Okay, well he changed it became like you know grew whatever but even before they'd be still a shit I'm like I like being a shit
Starting point is 03:35:40 Asshole anime protagonist in my rpg as my main character I was like i'm down for that still a dick and annoying But I was like i'll take anything that's different at this point in time. So I I he's a standout like tales of You know, I know I'm gonna upset a lot of star ocean fans with this because I know everybody loves this character, but I can't stand limel You know exactly who limel is oh Fuck Happy time that's correct. I know the star ocean fan base has rallied around this character as their favorite character
Starting point is 03:36:17 But me personally Can't stand nappy time. I can understand why someone wouldn't stand them. It's a bit. I don't know why they defend it It's pretty it's it's you know and those stupid fucks that do the dinner dance They're great. I guess fuck it now that now that now that the dinner dance is taking off in real life That was the worst era of the jrpg ever Is there is there characters from stuff that we talk about a lot that you actually secretly don't like like Is there a devil made cry character street fighter? Oh, yeah, I I don't think anyone likes him, but I really don't like um
Starting point is 03:36:51 What's his name in in four, uh with the fuck hero no with the uh, uh the monocle Fuck that guy credo. It's not credo Credo. Is it credo? No credo is the rival, but he has a monocle credo. I thought no I forget angeles. Fuck it. I forget his name. Whatever. We can't even remember the guy's name. Everyone hates that guy Agnes Fuck him. Is anybody like jester? Jester's annoying. Yeah, I thought so jester's I remember when DMC three special edition came out and they're like we're adding jester boss fights And you saw like one screenshot of it. You're like, oh that looks bad
Starting point is 03:37:28 That looks not great Uh eater says hey, uh other guys and will you the other guys greetings from mexico? Hey, man. What up? I have a question regarding hideo kojima Even though he's never made an outright bad game It's safe to say that for the most people for most people every game He's made since mgs3 has ranged from good But disappointing like four and five to pretty mediocre like pops and peace walker Even with these disappointments on record
Starting point is 03:37:56 What do you think keeps the hype train rolling for every single thing he announces to the point where he's pretty much become a celebrity? He's a trailer smith He makes the best trailers ever and also, you know four and five and you know peace walker and pops like They're still good games. Do you think his shit stains on his underwear like sevens at worst? Yeah, so and do you think that if the disappointments keep acting adding up people will eventually get tired of him like mollinue? No, because none of the disappointments are that bad and they're also not lies and they're also games also Uh, the gameplay is usually quite fine It's the fact that metal gear's story didn't need adding to that people are generally upset with and that's what they have
Starting point is 03:38:40 The most feelings about because it's the most delicate part. It's kind of just kajima's potential One thing you'll say is that you'll you'll you'll see things in his games that you'll never see in anything else Because why would anyone do this any narrative like in any media? Yeah, you'll see weird shit You'll see imagination on display that you'll do when you don't why did you do this mechanic? I think that no one will ever see or use or appreciate and it kind of sucks and you spent so much time making it I think he's the nobility. I think he's the kind of creator that like will shine when he doesn't have to make sequels to things But actually just makes like original one-off ideas because he has like he has the balls to do crazy shit with his characters Like one day. I believe we're gonna get that goddamn handheld game that you have to buy a new copy when you're done one day
Starting point is 03:39:25 One day you made a game that you can only play in the sun Okay, yeah, you know what that's why because we're talking about somebody who's so insane He actually made a game that you can only play outside in the daylight on a fucking game boy Skewer star says dare your video game corporation real quick. That's not what series. Do you see? exploring the origins of Uh, or what would you like to see exploring the origins of in the way that snake eater did? Uh, with big with big boss and you mean a character bit of lore that died. Yeah, like the prequel sparta. Yep sparta. Absolutely Let's go into uh, I would also take uh, jeff bow guard fighting tournament. Oh, that'd be great
Starting point is 03:40:08 I'd be down. Oh, man. That'd be awesome. I'd be down for that. Well, he gets an hour off That's what I like So at any lp you can be like no taking an hour off. What's coming up? What's coming out? I don't know actually Uh A couple one offs. I'm pretty sure I've not gone up yet. We took a look at a game called canarium. I don't No, in in poor in porium. It went up. That went up. I'm sorry. It did as did Emporium went up. Okay. Okay. A game called possessed Is not yet up. Okay that pat and I took a look at it's a horror based. Oh
Starting point is 03:40:47 Yeah, that game's great. Yeah, we took a look at that. I Something new is starting up this week for sure. Yeah, I think it would be smart to also Just I guess mention and clarify because there's a point There's a point where we Had no one offs going because we replaced the persona fiasco with dailies. Yeah, but that's not the regular No, that's a very exceptional case that happened because of persona and regular and one of the games we replaced But persona is was also crazy long. Well, then it was dark souls and then after that It was because those games were able to have no, that's not the regular we're going back to the regular
Starting point is 03:41:24 Is three things and some one offs. Yeah, that's great So because otherwise we don't have any place to put those one offs just to make it perfectly clear that That was an exceptional thing based on persona Please don't set so you're gonna hear first. We'll confirm that we will never do daily videos for anything ever again Well, that's what we'll just confirm spread that information Write your letters to super best friendcasts if you don't like that. Wally said that This has no zero traction. I don't even know how it's like he expects this to pick up You'll get ironic ones due to this conversation right now. I don't read the email. So like
Starting point is 03:42:04 But no, it's mainly because like when some one offs went up and people went what the fuck? Where's the thing? I know people are like, why isn't l.a. and war daily? Yeah, and it's like because dailies are not that that like and plus l.a. and war doesn't have Also, also l.a. and war may be killing woolly soul I mean, I I do enjoy the the space between sessions. I kind of need it That shit gets dark. Oh, it's gonna get a lot darker pretty soon Plus like we wanted to play lots of cool games for one off like possessed Well, I was gonna say dead cells was a long time coming. We wanted to do b cop for a while
Starting point is 03:42:40 There and we weren't having an avenue in which to do it anymore So it was getting a little dry and it's and one officer refreshing and fun sometimes and we get to enjoy those little things like possessed Yeah Well, you need to okay. I don't need to do anything. No one. Okay. You should okay You should for your own personal gratification when we're done Um, when we're done this shit You need to hop into the other room and go on to the the the fucking scheduling and just take 10 seconds of a look at possessed Okay, that's all you need. Yeah
Starting point is 03:43:09 Um, yeah, that's it. Oh, oh and before I forget um Tom and Zeke the guys behind fight night have a kickstarter It fucking that you don't need to put any money towards it doubled its funding Lee and they have no plans for any stretch goals They took away the highest tier They had an $80 tier and they just got rid of it because why and and his and his their whole thing was We know exactly what we want to make. Yeah, like we don't this is what we're making
Starting point is 03:43:41 We're not they're not going we might have something but not really for now It's just like we know exactly exactly the game and you got to respect it It's like it's like it's because it's like we know what we can do with the time and skill we have and we're not Reaching for the stars to disappoint you if something happens So they destroyed that in like two days god bless but god bless what you can do is over there still support it And you can also check out a demo for yourself, which is now Uh available on the kickstarter page. Um, that's fight night and k and i t Wow
Starting point is 03:44:14 Like nightmare from soul caliber k and i g h t. No, he's not he's with an n Nightmare from soul calibers with an n. Yeah, I'm stupid. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, um excited for Spider-man homecoming spider-man home. Oh, is that this week? Yeah, and baby driver didn't get to see baby driver. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's uh, That's mr. Right. Yeah, mr. Right. He's always right. You gotta figure out some gotta figure that out. Yeah. Yeah, I want to see that Yeah, and that's it. Yeah pretty much. Okay All right. Well, let's unceremoniously get the fuck out of here then. All right works for me. All right. Bye everybody. Goodbye. Bye. Bye

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