Castle Super Beast - SBFC 205: Push My Grandma onto a Microsoft Update (feat. Plague of Gripes)

Episode Date: July 11, 2017

HOT, ANGRY UPDATES ARE SINGLE IN YOUR AREA. GIVE EDGE A SHOT. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, that that's and like that is very nerve-wracking. Yeah, it's all good. It's functional Hey, hi. Hello everyone. Welcome. Hello live from the trap room. Yes Live from the trap room thing now is someone just tweeting at me the trap That's it. Just and you just retweet it and I write. Ah, just no context all we need to know The trap for Pokemon is trap room That's a problem. Someone said that that's gonna be the name for my club But I'm like that's a good name the trap room the trap room. Yeah, because you can't escape. No, it's fucking great You don't know when you'll be there. I'm not sure I'm not sure if that's what that means, but all right
Starting point is 00:01:01 No, I think in the context of spider-man separation anxiety the trap room is a place you get brought to and you can't escape I think trap moon trap room means whatever you want it to mean And I think you enjoy what it means and you're gonna show up to that club and you're gonna spend money Describing it as whatever you want it to be is pretty apt. Yeah. Yeah. Hell. Yeah, it's a dream room It's it's one of those clubs of bottle service. It's the holodeck. There you go I can be your spider-man villain tonight. I can be your spider-man boss, man Okay Now I am gonna juice you up a little bit plague. Okay, you're getting juiced
Starting point is 00:01:39 Bam, you're juice not milked but juiced. Oh Yeah, yeah, you'll do yeah, you're pretty dry today. So your milking was Juicing is much more gross because you know you kind of have to grind it in there exactly you have to force it It's it's it's not willing like when milk you when you get milk It's it's willing it eventually releases and it's like all right fair fine That you've worked hard enough. You can get the milk here That's juicing it is just like pulping it Yeah, I mean the term in the context and the verb of juicing like a fruit or whatever
Starting point is 00:02:12 But that's the more inside wrestling term for for when you blade Yes, that is true. That is and it's like it's even more inside than like busted open I mean that cuz Jer would say that so and when you're really inside wrestling, you know that juice means cars Specifically Capcom cars Okay So you're going to violently grind me is what your point is little bit I already did at the sweet plague juices inside to give to give the audience what they're looking for I'm not sure what my flavor is but I'm sure people just have their mouths open and are waiting under you
Starting point is 00:02:51 Taste they should be waiting above me tastes like fur. There's a lot a lot of hair in this juice What are you insinuating? Do I have a whole foxtail in my mouth? Ah What are we somewhere? What are you implying? Okay, like a new story associated with this or we just what is this a thing now? No, it's just it's just like it's like it's pretty much just the idea that as soon as
Starting point is 00:03:20 Either Dragon Ball Super or somewhere in the world There a new type of like fuzzy sexy Animal lady is spawned. You're almost like annoyed, but your hand is already drawing it Yeah, you're rolling your eyes going like oh Jesus Christ another one of something beat unveiled for the first time on stream Or whatever and he looks down at his hand and it's automatically going and he's like oh Jesus Christ, you know. Well, I was born onto that train. I can't get off It goes where it wants to go and I simply am there along for the ride to enjoy the ride Yeah, yeah, the hand is not unlike a dr. Octopus technical that just it has to be as it's a story
Starting point is 00:04:08 It just has to be weird. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely Yeah, no, that's true. I've no I've noticed that and then in your chronicles that it's mostly always weird Mm-hmm. So that's in the library of my fetishes published for all the world to see That would be a great title for that fetish book Published for all the world to see there's a library of my fetishes published for all the world to see it's a long acronym But that's not bad. That's not bad. I thought it would have been like plague milk receive it standing up or something of that nature God damn it windows fuck off keep snoozing. I want you to update guess what it wants me to update That has gotten out of control. It's getting to Twitter sex bot levels
Starting point is 00:05:05 Into your virgin system It's real bad because I feel like Microsoft's getting more and more desperate with each passing year and like the fact that it's going from Remind me later or like set or delay this to another now It's like an alarm clock level. It's like yes news Yeah, and then and I remember like the best one was sorry to interrupt, but this is important It's you know what update ends on July 20 probably actually is important like long term This is probably in my best interest, but
Starting point is 00:05:40 Fuck you I mean you have to if there's a something a little bit genius in how shitty it is Where they give everyone a free update But the lowest level of windows update basically like cuz you cuz you know, there's no there's the other business There's the home. There's yeah enterprise And when you get the home free one, that's the one where you cannot control when it updates Oh, yeah, are you really question all rights to your home to so take the free windows here? That basically gives you zero control over this thing and and that's how that this is now a plague upon everybody
Starting point is 00:06:16 That's right. Okay, so I disabled that shit a long time no pun intended to where windows cannot tell me it's updating It if I don't want it to update it doesn't and if it does download something It just sits there for the rest of time unless I actually tell it to restart my computer But it still finds a way to fuck up my computer because things like Whenever I'm playing a game or something it'll hang for seemingly no reason Yeah, I'm trying to render something get a hang so or Whenever like whenever I'm drawing something and for some reason whenever I turn my pen upside down to a race The race are kind of just vanishes for a little bit and then comes back and it doesn't want to work at the time
Starting point is 00:06:55 He's lonely. Oh, thanks windows. You know what it should actually do that essential update did it arrive on time? It should actually the update should then after a certain while of someone saying remind me later remind me later It should actually start mimicking a Skype or discord window where it shows this the most gorgeous woman ever with headphones on And it says do you want to chat on discord? update And over like just thing that windows incorporate some form of new bonsai buddy Yeah, I know around sex. I could see it I can see the webcam where the person's trying to talk to you
Starting point is 00:07:35 But you can't hear what she's saying and then the update button is also an unmute button Yeah, yeah, so you have to have to click it. I don't think legally they can do that But for our imagination time right now I mean give me enough time and I can create a sexy bonsai buddy Well, I'm not sure where we're going could use it for a future endeavor tough angry updates in your area My god, it's tough angry single updates wanting to fight you tonight In your like insert geolocation code exactly on your internet No, come on Microsoft now
Starting point is 00:08:20 Please No, I mean, I guess you have to do one of those backdoor things because that seems to be the only way to get it To get the the the windows to just shut like fuck off No, you know and I thought you get centipedes inside of your updates what I do What I do appreciate is how like those those little like backdoors and up to end Exploits that you kind of have to download have been named over the years basically fuck off windows update dot ex You know or or like, you know, and they just get more and more angry as they persist
Starting point is 00:08:54 But now Microsoft has to double down on all of these things Going forward because they chose the strategy of invasive Marketing, yeah, and now they have to stick with it. I ride with it. So every time you accidentally boot the edge Every time you accidentally boot the internet explorer edge. It's gonna ask you hey, man We noticed you got chrome and Firefox. Are you sure you don't wanna? Okay, but okay, but hear me out though. Okay, edge. I know that yeah, exactly I know that you're you're your default setting for your window for browsing window If you know, I'm aware we know right and it's been set and you clicked don't ask me again
Starting point is 00:09:37 We know you clicked that But I just want to make sure you know about the new edge features and the window like of that like fucking cell Screen is called Give edge a chance That's not true. It's called Have you could it's either? Have you considered giving it a chance or give the Microsoft edge a chance? I The only word I don't believe is chance because chance equals desperate super desperate. It's fucking late, dude
Starting point is 00:10:09 They're at the last pixel of their health bar and they're using their desperation move It is edges that is the nice guy that's there for the rebound, but he finds out he's like two or three guys behind I started selling those T-shirts recently and I was using the Google thing where you track, you know who clicks where right and I look at the stats for That and it's like, you know, 80% are chrome users edge Nowhere to be seen on this list zero as it should Oh, excuse me, not chance Give Microsoft edge a shot. Okay a shot is not much better, but it is better than yeah
Starting point is 00:10:53 It's like hey, man. At least give me a shot. Don't just shut me down lady. Pretty lady. Where you go? As I work really hard. I'm not good-looking. I work harder. I brought you drinks You have to at least give me a shot. I don't pay for them. I brought you them from the bar Open for you. Come on. Oh I think they missed an opportunity. It should have been give Microsoft edge a swing Let's on the edge Imagery. Yeah, why not? It's it's more of an action the swing than a than a shot really is more Yeah, the way it's gonna miss it'll it'll miss by a white. Well, no, you have to have been launched to miss
Starting point is 00:11:36 Like an action has to have even taken place to even miss the thing That's amazing. I yeah, I did not believe you but I'm still shocked. It's it's even that it is sad It is sad. I haven't got any of those messages yet this that cuz I I don't know probably have enterprise then you're probably good Yeah, I'm pretty sure I must this is what happens. So whenever you have Whenever you are deploying something for users that are both tech savvy, but also like 80 years old Like yeah grandma that doesn't know what's going on. That's the reason why it's like that. Oh, I like this edge Push me on to an edge Wait at the 80 year old grandma. Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:18 Push 80 push my grandma on to Microsoft's There it is There it is You know Because it's offensive don't swing too hard intentionally, but not really. Yeah, it's amazing. We'll get there So speaking of getting there Pat couldn't get here because he's having tummy mummies. Yeah, so I Guess let's start. We'll take Pat point two over here. Yeah, basically
Starting point is 00:12:51 All right, so I mean I guess let's start with the plagues We because Matt and I both had a similar week probably So let's let's hear from our guests, sir Okay, I pushed many people Various things. Yes. Yeah, it's kind of just my life. Hey, you know Vlad the impaler pushed a lot of people onto edges. You know like you know, you can get a lot of Exposure was was Victor the poker. I I
Starting point is 00:13:22 Tried that from man. I tried to get my mom to watch that movie. Yeah, like it last week All right, I put it on a USB drive and everything like here watch this I'll watch the like the first few minutes. I came back later It's like did you finish that and she said I tapped out after a halfway through I could not watch that really For some reason, I don't know you would not think this with with my family. My family don't really like comedies My parents really my brother like shitty B movies that I detest I don't I don't understand it But I've forced them to watch airplane. You remember airplane 78 or whatever it was they hate airplane. I love airplane
Starting point is 00:14:02 my favorite joke in that is a Whenever he's talking to the old woman and I speak dive Well, now that is are you are you? What was it? First time and he nods and he says, are you nervous like yeah, no other way around are you nervous? Is it your first time and he says no, I've been nervous lots of times, right? All right, that was that was my favorite. I love comedy a lot. That's old-school comedy It is you don't get jokes like that. It's more like word play anything else and I can't remember the last movie
Starting point is 00:14:33 That was made aside from that's the reason why I kind of like that movie too is a What we do in the shadow system. Yeah, it's it's very similar to that. It's not quite the same thing But it's still silly it is it's it's a lot of word play. It's a lot of physical gags, too It's a lot of like funny faces and movements It's not you know like and it's not like even there's crass humor here and there But it's like not what they rely on at all. So so you must be a fan of soul playing then that's where we're going God I Well, just see even you describing your family there for a second like is there a like nuclear plague family?
Starting point is 00:15:12 Is that is that the image that I'm supposed to have here? Kind of Because it's two parents that are both still alive one has a pitchfork and the other one is depressed Two brothers and me and that's it. I'm the youngest that's that's a new that's fine. That's a nuclear family nearing death Every day you see a skeleton outside the window just mmm. Yeah, we didn't see before there is another one Don't talk to them You guys ever do wrestling moves and over in the in the hay
Starting point is 00:15:47 No, my my family is this may come as a surprise to you, but my family is very serious. We do not jerk around We do not you do not tell you have two brothers and you guys didn't play fight No, my brothers hated me. That's crazy. I was I was telling you for them to double team you I Was telling you before we even started that I was an accident unprovoked. I might add So I was not like a welcome addition. I was I showed up during a severe drought in my area Jesus Christ to a family of farmers. So we were destitute for most of my childhood It was it was not a bunch of fun and Adventures in out in the woods for plagues family. You were a mouth to feed
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah, Jesus Christ. That's why I am the way I am today That's what I am I think God for Dragon Ball Super Okay, are you are you going to Are you gonna give the Fighters E the honest shot that it deserves or do you think it's gonna go the way it usually goes sweet sweet Willy? Okay, so are you I will I will buy it like many people I will buy it because I recognize this is a good game Yeah, I want to support the fact that people are making good games
Starting point is 00:17:05 I will not play it. No, what I would like you to do what I would like you to do And this is all I would want. That's all I would ever ask is misery, sir. No, no, no, not at all I would I want you to unlock the model viewer and and gallery stuff so that you can check out all that In detail and rotate it and look up Bulma skirt Critique it. Okay. Yeah, it's a Bulma's gonna be in there as a fighter. Maybe if it though They're probably I'm sure they're maybe the news saying girls Even why not I like that that's gonna that's gonna happen for sure at least you think super characters are gonna show up Yeah, why not next the games come out next year Super's been out for a while
Starting point is 00:17:46 I mean it would definitely inflate that roster Massively because there's a lot of new super characters. There's all the different universes and such You know what I know about that game of that company They are going to probably release what is going to be the most marketable. So you already have Of course, they release characters that they wanted to release now because of a their move sets kind of coincide with whatever the They're different character sets and fighting games and some of those characters match those characters that so that's the reason Why things like boo or Frieza or Goku and so on are in that game right now
Starting point is 00:18:18 Yeah, so the ones that they're going to release in the future will probably be things like Not sell he's already in there, but it'll be like the major villains, of course the move gold freezes already Yeah, he definitely is and that's battle of gods, and I think they have licensing for super So I don't think that's a concern one way or the other. Yeah So after that, I would imagine it would be something like hit would probably show up Another major villain really we haven't got too much further beyond than that So they might do like one or two Dragon Ball things like them They might do a a flip where they have like Piccolo and they also have Piccolo demo or something like that
Starting point is 00:18:55 Like I think I like like yeah Beerus and his his dude are Probably a guaranteed. I bet you there'll be a DLC like unlocked like oh They could do that too. They could also go the route of like get your super DLC pack Yeah, or just one like yeah one. Arxis has has had individual characters available Yeah, you know for purchase before so I could see it happening not that I think they absolutely would but you know like be after after Calamity trigger they seem to show No real hesitation and continuing to do that, you know, so you know
Starting point is 00:19:32 It is possible because I've sat down at stations and realize I'm like, oh you don't have the whole roster here That is unfortunate, but yeah, I think that's a pretty decent possibility It's gonna be a good game and I haven't had hands-on with them I really don't know much about fighting games, but I just can look at the damn thing and know that's gonna be It's gonna sell well for one. Yeah We'll be most likely playing it this weekend possibly hopefully because right now it's gonna it sounds like it's gonna be a brutal lineup But yeah down at Evo. It looks like yeah, that's all that fast, didn't it? They're the only thing left is there because they're having a Dragon Ball Z fighters e-tournament at Evo
Starting point is 00:20:09 And there's two pools of online signups and two pools of first-come-first serve And that's like what time in the morning do you have to line up for fucking hands-on the hottest Stations like come on. It's gonna be bad. There's gonna be a free playstation for sure Well, good, but that'll also be like probably you know hour or two lineup Yeah, I mean there was a there was a two hour lineup to for people like lighting up to have Daigo signed their book Yeah, I mean it was like There's a lot of people at Evo, you know And again Dragon Ball is the most in-demand thing everyone wants hands-on everyone wants to see and feel it
Starting point is 00:20:44 There's no way I think The patience to do it, but you do after you play it could I lick your hands? With that help I mean Only only not not on the front part Wait, wait, we mean the palms not on my palms. Okay, you can do the back I'll take what I could get Those might have touched a button. Yeah You might have rested the back of your hands on the on the station or the controller or whatever
Starting point is 00:21:16 Get those Z particles from under the fingernail Look at clean. Oh, that would be so fun if they could get in like Arale and like, you know, like Dr. Slump characters for a little like little fun Yeah, I could see one coming in. I wonder how much work actually goes behind what they do I'm sure what their process is. How they have how they make the characters I think they have it down to a science and they can do it very fast, but it still takes a long time Because making a single character in any fighting game ever whether it's sprite based or whether it's model based or whatever Takes like months. Yeah. Well, they've they've talked about it when it comes to excerpt and yeah
Starting point is 00:21:56 It's a massively intense process where you know, a lot of it is a lot of it is You do the same modeling work you would with any other game But then you just spend like the same amount of time that you modeled the character then handling just texture work and just The the shaders, you know, because the way they have the the guilty-gear character set up like They're not really doing a lot of like texture trickery. Mm-hmm. Like if you see a belt buckle, that's really a belt buckle That's not you know what I mean? Like it's fucking in detail like when you when you get up close to it and You can see that like the the
Starting point is 00:22:33 They're getting a lot better with it too as they go on the characters that like like I think soul and Kai are Like amongst the weakest of the models now kind of yeah when you move forward and then like shit like that answer Yeah, is incredible. I'm not even biking like answer looks so fucking good And like and their cinematics and their intro that's what I mean by that Like they probably have it down to a science now making them like look like it's really good that excerpt came out before and then they can have other games in that model because Like persona for arena like look good, but I mean like this is a whole other level Yeah on this engine or they got to practice this this approach unreal for yeah, this is you for yeah, and the
Starting point is 00:23:17 It reminds me a bit of like when K love 13, you know came out and they had their whole insane sprite process as well Yeah, and it's like okay. They've come up with a way, you know, they're doing it. No one else is doing it like they are and Every time they do these dramatic camera cuts it just But it just it still tricks you you still think you're looking at sprites, you know something like that What fascinates me most about it is probably the animation because of the fact that a Lot of the more modern 3d ones have kind of wised up and now they're like cutting frames Yes between animations to make it look more staggered and the thing with that especially with Dragon Ball is we've all seen like the web M's of them matching up to the exact panels of the man guys
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah stuff like that So whenever you do something like that I kind of imagine do they make a full like smooth animation beforehand and then they start cutting up They start splicing out frames to give us some more jerky hand-animated look But the thing is whenever you do that You're also if you're going by like threes or something to be able to achieve that effect that like removing three frames Is what I mean then you might end up with something where you land outside of a key frame So that it looks unnatural and it doesn't really flow correctly
Starting point is 00:24:32 This may not make any sense to people, but it creates a lot of problems. No, I know I know exactly what you're talking about because if it's too Even right if something is rotating for example, and it's too even in how they've they've in what key frames they've removed You end up seeing it it ends up looking not hand-drawn It ends up having a moment of looking like completely fake and like yeah more three-dimensional than It cannot be automatic you have to do it all by hand You have to notice the imperfections in in like your eye will notice like when the timing changes from stilted stilted stilted to perfectly smooth, you know and I think what they do is likely
Starting point is 00:25:11 like they I think they draw they sketch it out the same way they did in the the old days of sprites and I Don't imagine there. They're keeping a lot of the the I don't imagine they're keeping anything. That's not a key frame when it comes to like guilty care is when you look at some of the way the attacks Come out and like the shape of like the sword swing or something along those lines It's so drastically different from frame to frame that it doesn't feel as if it's like It doesn't feel as if it's an automated like I
Starting point is 00:25:46 Feel that they picked a few a few frames from yeah, that's something I would really like to see not like a documentaries I'd really like to see like a little process breakdown. Yeah. Yeah, like a little five-minute thing Just just the video someone's workstation at least and just give you an idea Imagine they do they do go over with a basic animated primary and then whenever they have the model in there They may even have you ever seen whatever? like this is what it like a The 3ds zelda is a good example of that where everything's tilted to one side There might be a thing where if you rotate the camera the wrong way, then you'll see like Vegeta's arm is like
Starting point is 00:26:25 Yeah, yeah, they're trying to make it filled to that exact frame right yeah, no I can see that good old Jojo eyes of heaven and Those Jojo poses are meant for one camera angle only right exclusive camera angle Man, um, but yeah got off track here. We did but Did did you have? Seven days, so that wasn't my week But as far as that game goes I will buy it I won't play it because I do not play fighters. I do not have any interest in this one
Starting point is 00:26:59 We think about Dragon Ball games is Dragon Ball is a game or not game is a series about fighting So whenever you make something that's going to be a game about it wasn't going to be probably a fighting game Some kind so would you like be like mmm? Everyone's very excited about this Dragon Ball fighter I'm gonna go back to legacy of Goku on the GBA I'll Do something like I did with skull girls where I got skull girls I played it for about a week or two just trying to get behind it Mm-hmm, and then discovering the oh, this is just too much like what they don't play there
Starting point is 00:27:34 Yeah, well skull girls especially But the common process I usually go through with fighters is I will Start trying to play it. I'll look at like these are the move sets and it has like a million commands in it And like maybe I'll be able to Practice and get one of these out and then I'll go looking at videos of people doing like expert level things like a What's the thing that got canceled that I was playing? Thunder rising thunder. Yeah, and I was like well this seems like it's pretty simple So I shouldn't be that complicated and then I went and looked at what people were doing with it
Starting point is 00:28:09 And they were doing things like throwing people off the wall to ricochet them up in the air to a very specific pixel so that they could throw them back up and They're doing like 30 hit combos with it when I could do like five or something And I got nothing to scoff at don't feel bad Well, I get to the point five every single the thing with me is that whenever I get into a game And I actually want to be serious about it I will look at whatever the upper level is for it and I won't say you know I'm gonna go evo with this shit right. Yeah, but I'll still say I am setting my sights on this
Starting point is 00:28:40 This is what I think I should be playing towards right right trying to get into it That's the right idea with fighters. I do that and I think well if I kept playing it I could do that, but I wouldn't enjoy any of it because I just don't enjoy Specific motion input things like that. Yeah, so that's usually what causes me to drop off of any fighting game like that And that's cool, man. I think we've you know, we know you enough to know that like it's not There's no point trying to force something down your throat that you're just not interested in that's totally fine I actually respect more the decision like I'll just buy it. Just that's what I was about to get to right the idea that I Want to support? Yeah, that's something good to have inside of the industry and I have money to do that with now vote vote with it
Starting point is 00:29:25 like six years ago, I had I'd have money to buy like one or two games a year and that was it But now I can actually invest in things and actually support other people which is nice There you go But I was going to say one of the weird things about Dragon Ball is that you would think of me fighting games But a lot of their games are not fighting games necessarily. There is something there's like it's not it's not even really a genre It's like Dragon Ball fighters sort of its own weird kind of think the Budokai series like one two and three Then after that when they went to start going to Tenkaichi, then you start be able to fly all over the arena
Starting point is 00:29:56 That's when it changed. Yeah, I yeah, I'd say that the buto dead in series Budokai series and hyperdimension You know, it's like you one-on-one two and like you're kind of on the same screen And there's DBZ super on the ps2, but that was still kind of weird and then those had their limits And they had flaws of the wrong. Yeah final bout never forget. I forgot Legend never forget. I forgot. Yeah, you would you would think that Xenoverse would have clued people in to the formula by now of All you have to do is this have an accessible system and then have a credit character
Starting point is 00:30:33 And that's just about all you need to have an extremely successful Dragon Ball game Yeah, that's what people want how many people really jumping in on it Because you know versus a terrible game. It's not great Like usually a game hinges on like one or two things whenever you get down to it in Xenoverse It's probably stamina and the method for stamina management and everything in that game is just absolutely wretched Dragon Ball It's very poorly designed Dragon Ball games are almost like a sports title Like it will consistently sell almost every like like we haven't stopped since when since the Budokai series really came And I was like the most modern Dragon Ball games where it's like oh look how good it looks and everything
Starting point is 00:31:13 Like it's just been a consistent flow of games ever since then like it's never really stopped Then there's all those great ones. I mean know about like raging blast raging blast to like fusion game them The fusion game on the 3ds or whatever. Yeah, I I get they're always consistent sellers I get the feeling though that like a fighter Z is gonna be more than a blip on their radar to the point that It's a fighter. Yeah, one of the problems with it And I think that they're going to notice, you know more than any other game that like oh shit Wait people really really really are going towards this one I I could see them doing the same thing WWE tried where it was like have an arcade fun thing
Starting point is 00:31:54 In all stars then have your shitty simulation game So I could see fighters having like a sequel a third sequel maybe and then have another Xenoverse or something else in the background in the off season Yeah, I could see that I mean those those those not fighting games will continue for sure And there will eventually come to a point where like after ArcSys is done with this Then they try to I don't know get another company in to perhaps, you know Like go a similar route with a different day like they'll def jam icon it, you know as the as the as you would Know I con it
Starting point is 00:32:34 Icon is the bad one. Yeah afterwards. Oh, it happens. It happens as times when when you lose the developer, you know I feel like that's usually what goes down Or you get the Naruto version where there's two competing franchises and then they just kind of like ditch one Yeah, consolidate heavy on the other those games have no right to be as good as they are It's just games like I whenever I hear no Naruto I'm filled with like contempt in my soul But those games are actually good and that kind of makes me angry that I enjoy them Yeah, they're similar Dragon Ball that we haven't seen them stop since like the GameCube or whatever
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, the well the thing is as yeah, there's the GameCube aiding series Of great Ninja War great get to Ninja Tyson was like pretty traditional 2d fighter type things And then they ported them a couple of the later ones to the Wii the cyber Well, the cyber connect ones where the PlayStation ones exactly did those ever come out in North America They did I think at least I think at least the third one did And under the term of like ultimate hero or something and there's the Ubisoft one like it's a whole yeah But but ultimate ninja storm as like cyber connects like we're gonna Take the gameplay of our old games, but make it an arena fighter and make it, you know, just as cinematic and crazy
Starting point is 00:33:53 Yeah, like they pretty much got you know them to go like all right This is the main Naruto franchise. We're gonna push for now There's a lot to be said about the the way that Fighters are sort of binary in their marketing in that way because you have your sort of real quote-unquote fighters that will sell Pretty damn well on the first like two months And then they have a huge drop-off because people go through the population goes through the same cycle of like me Where they play it for a while then realize oh, I forgot I hate these And then they just stop playing it
Starting point is 00:34:29 That's what happens. Yeah, the same sort of thing happened to for honor For example, even though it's not a fighting game It still has that sort of stranglehold on inputs so that once you reach like very higher levels of a play it just becomes Unfeasible to the point where you're just constantly in a state of Tension and stress at all times whenever you're playing So that drives people away and then you have your sports titles Which is your more marketable ones that have like your one-piece games or your Naruto games or your DBZ sports style fighters and those are the ones that tend to be the most marketable
Starting point is 00:35:03 I have the longest lifespans despite being less DBZ I would Sega soccer slam. Oh shit I Would even go I would even say that like even for those that are interested and still have fun with those games when they pick them up You know two months later specifically two months later I think the the since fighting games just have less like Single-player content to them a lot of the time It just falls by the wayside because you just don't have a ton of reasons to pick it back up as a single player
Starting point is 00:35:36 You know, and you're not constantly thinking about it in the way that you are. It's not even just a single player It's it's what your experience is going to be for the majority of the time that you're playing that game And for a lot of people against other people where like do you have to have a high level of execution? Or do you just mean like just the gameplay itself like this is this the thing about games is a Multiplayer tends to give game most kinds of games much more longevity than they would have otherwise. Yeah, yeah because the thing about playing a game is it's like evolutionary From that sort of perspective. It's because we're trying to have fun and fun is just our bodies going on new experience new experience new Experience all right again
Starting point is 00:36:17 So getting a multiplayer experience just means that the evolution is constantly happening because that experience is always changing so in theory adding multiplayer to something just increases its lifespan, but with Something that is exclusively multiplayer like that You might come into like that same problem of oh, I'm having a new experience But it's just a new experience of getting my ass kicked all the time Right, so even though you're constantly having a new experience. It's always a bad one So that's sort of cut off with that problem. There's a you know, some of the newer systems for Matchmaking are kind of doing this radical rub not rubber banding, but I guess a seesawing where you will
Starting point is 00:37:01 They're testing you they're testing you and they're trying to pare it down But like it starts out where you get matched up with someone way above your skill level And then the second match is someone way below and then that keeps ping-ponging back and forth until it evens out somewhere That's kind of what Rising Thunder was doing I noticed that in tech end quite a bit and it feels like it's starting to become a more a more common thing So your win rate tends to stay around 50% that's what they're aiming for even overwatch does that right? Your win rate to be a 10% 50% they aim for the aim or 51% is what I don't want to win all the time They want the average player
Starting point is 00:37:40 No, no, what I mean is like I don't actually win want to win if you win all the time You don't learn anything right so I would be at 50% is 50% I'd say is the hardest percentage to even get it at they and then and the ideal the again The ideal is 51 is that you're winning more than you're losing but just ever so slightly right you know and that you end up In that line of that represents your skill and that that line of skill increased The line that you're increasing at is like the same speed that your peers are increasing as well You know for me. I never actually sort of equated my win rate to fun to me. It's always been Like especially in first-person shooters. I had this experience
Starting point is 00:38:23 I had this experience with Titanfall whenever I was trying to play yet of I could go I could like kill ten people in a row and then have one death one guy kills me I will not remember those ten kills, but I will feel really bad about dying that one time I just can't play those games because I'm kind of messed up like that. Okay. Okay, as long as you know, you're messed up Because if I if I would win like ten like Like whenever play overwatch and be like ten player kill streak or whatever. I'm like, oh shit I'll feel really good for that And if I lose the match like ten seconds later
Starting point is 00:39:00 I'll probably like I'll go on the fence of I'll probably remember that really cool fun moment I had right before actually losing. It also depends on the game. It also depends. Yeah, right, right I feel like in almost everything with me. I only either care about a really close match Where it comes down to the absolute last decision you lose And I lose and no no, and I went and I went doesn't matter right but but like what it's really really close that that that means a lot and
Starting point is 00:39:32 When I get completely blown the fuck out that means a lot and nothing else really in between That means that means much because I guess to me it's consistency just whether or not you knew the whole time We were doing well we competed at a level that I'm feel feel comfortable with So once you have that feeling to me, it's fine Getting blown the fuck out to me is is really really important and like I It's not that I love it, but it's more just like when it happens. I'm like, oh like there's so much information here, right? How many bad decisions that I make and like where were they what were they there? There's so much to analyze and think about I guess and I can and like if you really
Starting point is 00:40:09 If you lose or get the blown the fuck out in the same way a couple times in a row against a similar person Then like you learn so much from that Well, let me ask you this is it better for you to lose against someone that is obviously way like they're doing something That is amazing or it's a better to lose against someone that is just playing a normal game And it's just an example of you playing like crap Former I'd assume for me at least I mean it it sort of depends because like for right now Now right now is a great example because I feel like I'm learning the hard way in Tekken 7 And I'm learning the hard way in guilty gear and I'm and I'm seeing myself doing better from week to week against
Starting point is 00:40:48 people that are very that are familiar with these games, but it's coming down to like How much like a fraction of it is coming down to now I know how to avoid all the crazy stuff that this particular character does and I'm familiar with that and another part of it is like Every time I land a hit am I getting maximum damage off of that? You know and so as long as you understand what it is that happened It comes down exactly exactly understanding what happened Makes it feel exciting and cool and good and you're still in there If you don't get what happened then you just go off well fucking whatever completely blown it by someone
Starting point is 00:41:26 This way above your skill level and you don't even know what happened Yeah, you don't learn anything agreed. I agree totally understood because something I've been talking about the last couple of podcasts as I've been playing Friday the 13th a lot And I remember there is like a couple times where I'm walking around at the start of a match and these matches can be long They can last up to 20 minutes and then a Jason will show up within 10 seconds of me and just kill me and Remember the couple times that would happen. It doesn't happen a lot, but when it does I'm like what the fuck What was I supposed to do and then going to that you just happened to spawn at a major exactly? Danny who gave me the Thomas Savini code for Jason. I gave me a bunch of things about what Jason should be doing
Starting point is 00:42:07 So when there's a Jason this first thing that he should do is that a lot of people know now when we were in the game launch Not so but he should go to the telephone on the map or the cars And if you spawn there your first action should be run away from there Because it's a 50-50 shot whether that Jason player is going to investigate those spots first Okay, so you want to run away from there at least in the opening Then the least maybe first two minutes and then come back if you want something else to do there So that's an example of getting blown the fuck out And then I'll have to sit there for the next 20 or so minutes watching a match play out
Starting point is 00:42:43 And I can't quit out of it because then you lose your XP or whatever Right, so you have to watch and then bit because you watch you can see what the player does especially if you're in a Private match or something like that. You can actually flip around to the viewpoint of the players Person that's playing is Jason so you can see what they do and and right they pick up on what's happening and where the game is now It's been like two months out people know how to play the game now And you're never watching people run around couches. Yeah, exactly. You like I talked about if you fucking run around a couch Expert strat. Yeah, Jason's a very few options. They do but you have a few you have an anime moment Your eyes open and dilate like I'm seeing his movements
Starting point is 00:43:24 You can't see the it's interesting because like Jason code in in in fighters and in games like overwatch as well like you can really look at like every time you come into a conflict you're at an exchange with the other team or whatever and Something that happens to me is like I will learn the particular thing to like let's say shut down this person's alt or avoid this Scenario that that you would otherwise Like give up the give up the point to the whatnot, right? I learned those things a lot quicker than I learned the basics of just like and now hit the guy and aim and get those headshots Or and now you punish him and do 30% of his life And so like at the end you can kind of look at it and go like okay the person who knows what they're doing and
Starting point is 00:44:10 Me like we both Exchange to hits at the same rate, but the difference was every time he touched me I lost this much life and every time I touched him He lost like nothing because my aim was just shit or I didn't know the correct combos, you know So like your decision-making is is correct, but you just don't know what to follow it up with to optimize Fell off overwatch a long time ago I just turn it to Reinhardt the game for me It's all I played because I just don't play first-person shooters and when it comes down to it
Starting point is 00:44:40 You need to be able to aim and overwatch in order to climb absolutely. What you just get a shit So so what what what what what what what what what kind of week was my week life Yeah, yeah, yeah, where did you actually play or watch? Yeah, okay, so it did finish off that point though Whenever fighter Z comes out I will play it for a little while then stop playing it as I mentioned most people probably will because this is the nature of things Whatever you make a fighter. That's what's gonna happen. Yeah, so I'm kind of just waiting around for the next sports fighter if you want to call up that which Zeno verse was supposed to be but ooh that game is not good. So
Starting point is 00:45:20 Anyways, okay my week I Watch let's see. I watched both John wicks. Oh, I did that back to back watched Kind of like about two weeks apart, I guess. Okay. I watched Logan I Played Dead Cells and Night in the Woods and I'm a going through Dark Souls again, of course. Okay, so John wick now both of those immensely enjoyable But I'm wondering if when you watch them right after each other or pretty close to each other Yeah, if they have the same problem that the Bourne movies do where they're the same fucking movie And they're not really great when you put them one after the other
Starting point is 00:46:02 Is that true or was it fine? Well, of course, I'm not an expert on the Bourne movies by any search imagination I barely even remember them but those movies are kind of just what they are like you're just watching them just for the action scenes That's pretty much it. So you kind of clock out at that point. Yeah, but as far as the storytelling and everything goes I felt like the original John wick had more of a Had something that I attached a little bit more to because it was his dog Whereas with two is just oh my car or whatever, which he immediately wrecks So haven't seen that point on it's just him kind of just
Starting point is 00:46:35 Mucking about through the movie and being led along with a plot threads just to give him an excuse to kill things Right. Yeah, and a little bit of like why is he so invincible? You know, but yeah, we were I think I watched it I think I watched it with my mom because this is on my venture of you're gonna watch these movies. No, I'm not yes You are So I made her watch that come on mom. How did she like the double tap? I Tried to explain that and they didn't quite register with her. It's like, oh, okay She she kind of just she likes to sit there and knit is what she does
Starting point is 00:47:13 She reads and knits and doesn't talk a whole lot and then she gets really angry at things whenever you least expect it That's my mom. That's like a lot of moms actually Yeah, it kind of is your mom like that too Knits and then screams My my mom will will read and then concern herself with like stuff in front of her and she'll put on movies And she watches TV a lot like she'll she enjoys like modern chat like she still likes channels You know television channel doesn't Netflix and watch Netflix here and there whatever whatever But she'll just be quiet and watch a bunch of it
Starting point is 00:47:49 and then I mean back in the 90s she would watch like everything, you know and And she would just pipe up when she wanted or whatever, but yeah, that's it So with John Wick whenever we are sitting there watching that My family has this thing where we love to sit there and nitpick everything believe it or not and they They specifically watch a lot of crummy B movies But John Wick is actually a good movie, but it still has like B elements. Yeah, that would never happen Or why doesn't he just do this right? So that would that composed about 90% of the discussion of that movie of There's no way he bailed to survive falling off that thing or they have him tied to a chair does shooting
Starting point is 00:48:29 Right out of the room That sort of shit, right so John Wick, you know, it's not it's not high art It isn't trying to be good movie. Well, but it is is his own genre What is what is what I appreciate about John Wick and especially the first one is that the move the villains are stuck in Film world where they have to follow Evil movie tropes, but he is not and he is not doing tropes and he is not like he is I mean besides being the silent badass
Starting point is 00:49:02 He's doing things that you really wouldn't expect or shouldn't do like at the end when the villain is about to try and have His final moment and John's like no, you don't get that moment It's over now and it's like yeah, the whole just shoot him idea is like it doesn't apply to them But it applies to him Pretty good That's the thing. I like about that movie. It does subvert some tropes, but then it dives headlong into other tropes Yeah, whatever the hell it wants to There's some parts of it where it gets a little bit too irritating and it can take you out of the movie
Starting point is 00:49:34 But most of the time it does a pretty good job of making everything pretty entertaining Although it by the second one. I kind of did to get a little bit tired of him Grappling someone that runs at him at point blank range, of course. Yes, and then he rolls around to the ground Yes, the next 40 seconds shooting people as they just run up to and then he gets up and finishes off that guy that guy And then the guy he was grappling with it happens like 18 times This is favorite move and there's no police in this universe. No a single one. Oh, yeah The second one yet, but yeah, holy shit, there's no police like you can have an amazing one-on-one continued gunfight catta through the streets of
Starting point is 00:50:14 Italy, you know and like and it'll cut the cops or how many shots fired before anyone even glances over You know, it's just more of that party color from the one billion assassins fight him on the way back to his house How come every human being in this world is an assassin with a cell phone because it's cool Well, you're you an assassin. I'm probably an assassin. Well, he is super an assassin. I am not This is something an assassin would say I I loved the there was a that moment where they go to the coliseum rave and I'm like this is the most Garish ridiculous over-the-top shitty fucking party so wish you were there. Oh my god I want to be there so bad. I've never
Starting point is 00:51:06 Simultaneously hated and and wanted to be so much. Yeah, I knew you're gonna say the Coliseum party man I'm like you're desecrating all this ancient shit. There's drunk people peeing on like ancient Where people died, you know Fuck it. Oh Amazing, I want to be on that. I was really glad to see everyone in that whole place die. It's like no keep dancing though Yeah How about Logan you said you saw that too. Yeah, let's say I watched John Wick. That's what that was Logan spectacular movie It's for a comic book movie. Like that's like a godfather of yeah
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah, it's a it's a good in the band the ugly comic book style There's a great job of like weighing emotions during scenes. We have one of the Like there's I'm not gonna start spoiling things But you get to a point where it's like this huge emotional weight of oh my god I can't believe this followed immediately by this laugh out loud scene like like probably 15 seconds after and it works perfectly Yeah, yeah, that's true, which means Fox is getting it, you know now where do you go is the question But that is mysterious that Fox produced that you wouldn't I didn't expect that the only reason they did is because Deadpool Did really really wealth and our ratings so they kind of just gave them carte blanche and just said yeah
Starting point is 00:52:29 Just do whatever you want now and then you would think days of future pass was fine, you know I Mean it was better than that like like first class at days of future past were the best of that all of all of those, you know And how they're gonna build back up a a setting though. They're doing they're doing dark Phoenix again. Oh Boy That always works really well. Yeah Like you're in the cartoon version of it was awful Yeah, even the like I hate whenever I watched it as a kid like yeah
Starting point is 00:53:11 Wake up get really pumped on Saturday morning whenever the the intro came on Yeah, look yeah explode in that fucking ocean you giant goddamn X Yeah, it's like last time my next man the Phoenix. Ah fuck it I Just I was just thinking that like if I ever do have to have a gunfight with somebody I'm just on John Wick. I want it to be subtly while walking through a subway Not trying to cause too much attention not to draw too much attention to myself As you're on the scene just like yeah walking common, you know
Starting point is 00:53:52 Get shot shut up They're very bad shots whenever they need to be you think that would make it easier to hit someone Thank but no walking at a medium pace They have plot armor. It's like like key around their body. They have an energy. Yeah, this is only only important bullets can possibly Again, they're not you can get through their hip shooting blind and they're good enough at that point to not Accidentally hit anyone else. Well, it's exactly like the armor in Punisher 2099. There's a guy that's like, ah, I'm super rich I could do whatever I have this force field and no bullets can go through Function shooting him with the silly times. He's like, oh, it sucks. He's like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, how about this knife?
Starting point is 00:54:38 I can push it into things real slowly and he's like wait what who uses it. What's a knife? Oh That could be the most like John Wick those suits that they wear they all that has the the seam the seam has magic plot armor Yeah, like any bullet yet. Someone can stab them through like they just have a knife It's just a fucking kitchen knife and they're just stabbing the shit. I mean, they're this suit Amazing it can deflect a bullet that's going the speed of light But it can't deflect some angry like sweaty man that fell on you Don't you know you can stab Kevlar Kevlar. You can stab anyone in armor, dude. No problem. Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:22 They don't even try to go for his face It's the whole Robo cop thing shoot him in the mouth if I throw my kunai hard enough. It'll go right through your Kevlar Just surround it with key Damn it plague, you know that the mouth means nothing. It was just a tribute to him Some people do say that that's actually not armor that his mouth also in skin is artificially made Yeah Come on. Yeah. Yeah, this is just you can at least you could I guess the criminals knew that before Yeah, but they had the big explosive guns. They didn't think that they needed to shoot his mouth little mouth
Starting point is 00:55:59 What well after after sorry, yeah, yeah, I played dead cell a dead cell Yeah, I want to know you think I want to know how I don't care what you thought of it I want to know how far you got so I can ignore it. I want to know how fucking far you got oh Kind of depends because dead cells like I never really cared too much for rogue legacy Those are not kind of my games The cutoff point for me is usually the feeling of you died We remove all of your progress except for you know, like an upgrade here and there or something like that, right? Yeah, that's all those games work drug likes it to me that that's too strong
Starting point is 00:56:38 And it makes me feel like I'm just wasting my time usually because the experience like one of the ways that I love to play because it's very much so is referencing Dark Souls all things and Dead cells makes no excuses for itself in that realm So one of the ways that I like to play whenever I first started it was to just take things very slowly Like lay down like traps and try to beat people into it and things like that and I really enjoyed doing that That's not how you're supposed to play that. No, you're supposed to go break Nick's speed But much more lying through that shit much more than a souls game because I think when you die in a souls game It is like, you know depending on the shortcuts you've
Starting point is 00:57:20 Acquired or whatever it's still very slow pace to get back to where you are like most of the time But yeah, dead souls is more like literally like edge of tomorrow Where you die very quickly and you move really fast to get back to where you were or rather Editing of edge of tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah. You know, that's what I that's go go go. You know, what's coming go? Go go. Yeah, exactly. Did you make it to the black bridge? In my experience with it whenever I was playing it I kind of reached that point where I realized this is like, oh, this is not a game I'm going to be playing very much. Okay, so I decided, okay
Starting point is 00:57:56 I'm gonna try to get as much of experience with this as I possibly can. I did two or three other runs with it I kind of got to I Think the the sewers I think yep. Yep. Yeah, the old sewers third before Before I actually went at the cheat engine and decided, you know, I'm gonna freeze things just so I can see what the content is after this Interesting and then Well, that's why usually if I have something that I don't want to actually play at that point But you just want to know about it. I just want to see yeah, okay I'm just kind of interested to see what's interesting. Okay. Okay. It's yeah, so single player
Starting point is 00:58:30 Funny thing about that is even if you freeze your health at some outlandishly high number You can still get one shot killed like it's one of those games like you can still get your ass blown out So I kind of just went through just to see okay What's kind of drop like what kind of new items this game actually have? Oh, it's got a blood-borne system too of like healing saw Yeah, it does have some regain to it. I'm sure you enjoyed that. It's not incredibly gross I actually don't mind the idea of a regain system. It's just that it's placed in games where you're meant to be Naturally aggressive and I don't really like games like that because I find that they kind of punish thinking things through and
Starting point is 00:59:10 I just don't like playing that way, but the idea of a regain system is fine. I don't mind that at all But at that point I kind of got a whole bunch of like items and I actually went there and beat the whole thing just doing that just to see What it was like and of course you get to the end and it's obvious that it's a beta like they're still working out the game Yeah, it's still an early access. So you get to a reset point. Okay. Okay. That's interesting but after that I turned it back off and Did some more runs with it and got a little bit further than I did the last time Those bosses are a problem, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:59:47 They're really rough. You're describing that one the other day and and the like the first one And about how when you they're almost Stunlock mini games in a way like you have to find a way to actually disable them I can't just DPS them and like and it feels like you know like those little things where it's like you feel like you're exploiting it by like Yeah, doing like a stun lock thing or like roll hit roll hit roll hit roll hit and you can't deal with it It feels like that's the only actual way to do it sometimes great The final thing that has been said about modern like Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 Especially is that they have kind of turned into rhythm mini games of pressing the dodge button
Starting point is 01:00:26 Because they're just they perform this animation. Yeah swing swing swing swing swing swing So you just have to get into this rhythm of Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh and it just becomes that like that becomes the game And to a lot of people that makes it to where it kind of ruins the experience because it becomes so transparent What you are expected to do and it ends up making it feel less like a combat system and more like you're exploiting something The and that like even and the second boss as well. They both have this thing where again when they get down to that final phase It's not that they're doing harder versions of the moves. They've been doing it's that they're doing them all at the same time You know, so you're dealing with two or three things all at once and it's kind of just like I
Starting point is 01:01:12 Like I can't even you know like I can't even approach that in an intelligent way with the equipment. I have um I also have a really tough time with those elites Those elites are fucking little god when you get the game again now that you when you get down to the last half of the elite Life bar on like let's say the white guys that teleport up to you and like do yeah, they get crazy They you can't run you can't hide Only safe place is holding on to a ladder because the moment Wow, whatever they whatever they spawn in like a tiny room and No large areas to operate in and every elite causes like
Starting point is 01:01:52 Ads to spawn in the area as well. Like I feel like besides like I cheese out the elites whenever I can And when I can't it's probably like I don't fuck with them situation Some people really they can't get enough of games that are designed to be difficult and that's their main draw I just personally am not one of them. Mmm. That's I'm enjoying. We've been mine tip. I'm enjoying slamming my head against it I really am but I just I can't believe you enjoyed rogue legacy. Didn't you yeah, exactly So I do like that little bit of increase and when you when you eventually like go like all right now I got a random starter sword and not just the shitty one, you know now I get Whatever like, you know, look a better a different pickup or something like that
Starting point is 01:02:33 And like I did have I did have the urge whenever I was playing it I was thinking I would love to be able to mod this to where it was slower less obsessed with speed and DPS and huge health bars and so forth and so on because there's a lot of things where I love like like throwing down a turret or something or using the The chain that pulls enemies to you and things like that Chain that's awesome. Yeah. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. I really enjoyed doing things like that And it's just I kept thinking I love doing this, but the game doesn't really support it It's not the right the best way to play
Starting point is 01:03:08 There's an item you unlock that is like quite literally The teleport behind you nothing personal kids slit the throat You teleport behind the enemy in your line of sight and then the next melee attack is 150 percent Yeah, but Let's my experience with dead cells. That's a good experience. I Yeah, I'm curious to know what What lies beyond the shit that I'm stuck at but I won't ask you because I don't want I don't want you to spoil it but
Starting point is 01:03:44 What I do want to do is take a quick word from our sponsor Which we always do in a timely manner in a timely manner So this week our show is sponsored by Oh Casper Mattress Down on a nice mattress is getting tense. Oh, it's a little tense Very tiring it was and if any and you know like if I did get exhausted then I would have a Casper Mattress What you do to lay down and sleep
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Starting point is 01:06:36 And Yeah, so back to plague back to the owner sponsor we have back to play go. Hey, okay Okay, so the last point that I had at my little bulletin was night in the woods Which since you guys completed your playthrough, I guess we can talk about that openly. Yeah. Yeah, I say so So if you're planning to play night in the woods, maybe Like yeah, hopefully we're gonna talk here. I mean because some people I guess who would that's really It'd be listening to the cast without watching the playthrough. It's possible Yeah, but it's like people say I I want to I stop watching the LP because we're gonna buy the game
Starting point is 01:07:12 You know that that type of stuff I get that I get that but I feel like you know Past the point of completing the LP on the channel. I think it's fair discussion. Yeah So we're going to discuss night in the woods and One way or the other Because it's not like it's a mechanic heavy game, right? It's really just a visual. I just I just mean like plot-wise That's all it is a visual novel like I really had a I had a very different impression with the game It's going to be whatever I started playing and I think I described most of this to you Mm-hmm, but whatever I first started I thought because you have a lot of things early on they're like may
Starting point is 01:07:49 You know, do you make her steel? Like do you have her lie to someone? So I thought oh, it's some sort of like morality system game Where you are playing as this young person that doesn't know where they are in the world Very much at crossroads not even that crossroads. She doesn't know where the crossroads fucking are No, she thought she was at the crossroads. Yeah, and she discovered she wasn't she was actually at the anti crossroads Where it was a straight Pretty good Okay
Starting point is 01:08:22 But I thought it was like one of those things where it would just be you're presented with a typical young person problem That most people go through these days where they're like at college They think well, I'm supposed to go to college, but they don't really understand why yeah, you know what they're going to do afterwards Like nothing makes sense to them. They haven't been prepared properly. Yeah, I so I thought well It's gonna be think where you need to cultivate a good life experience for her and have her do things like go look at the stars And things and get her interested in something to where she can actually establish herself as an adult I thought that's what the game is going to be. It was not that at all mm-hmm, I
Starting point is 01:08:58 Think that the like the crossroads that would have been presented what she turned down the wrong path and now she's you're good dealing with the character in the middle of Like handling that decision Well, which in which in turn, you know, it's possibly not the wrong path. She is already who she is Yeah, I'm gonna change that. You know, but I think there's also a bit to say that if the person that's playing Doesn't care about looking at the stars when someone says go meet go to see mr. Chesokov He wants to see you and he's like look at the stars
Starting point is 01:09:30 You might do that once and a person doesn't want it like has no interest in that or didn't find that in particular segment entertaining They won't come back like but I beat the game on stream And you know when you're streaming it you kind of feel a little bit pressure to you know Get on with it and move ahead if something's a little bit slow So I did way way less than than woolly did because in an LP format I think there's a little more leeway into you know maxing out the content checking things out So I didn't do every single like a Star in the sky and I didn't meet every single character. I'm shocked. I didn't meet every single character
Starting point is 01:10:05 I thought I kind of did we met like well That's where I was gonna say that it feels like there isn't a ton outside of doing those things, right? It's really yeah, it's hanging out with your friends to get the day moving forward or Speaking to these other people for the flavor I'm just shocked with the amount of stuff that I didn't do Like I kind of thought like yeah, I probably didn't max out that conversation But when we played I was like we played for a lot longer than I did and I fucking completed the game so I'm always still weirded out that you can like have specific hangouts with a few people a germ and
Starting point is 01:10:41 I always forget the other mouse girl's name. Yeah, apparently she has a really great story. We missed out, but yeah We missed something as well, but anyway, no, but I do quite a few things too. Yeah It's I think that's normal if you're going through it like the first time not really going on You know like I'm using a guide or whatever. It makes me feel like I'm always whenever I'm playing through the game But there's lots of different ways that you can handle it I think undertale did a good job of it as far as that sort of format where you kind of make a decision early on It's not the perfect sort of way to handle it, but it's better than Playing through the game and oh you didn't click on this door on day five. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no from undertale
Starting point is 01:11:19 You pretty much know right away actually what you're Attempting And and that's that that's pretty cool at the very least because you you you get slotted into quite a cute quite a few Variants of the neutral path Depending on what your actions are You know, those are hard games to make in that way because you have to question whether or not you're going to like this is my game like if you're gonna handle as a visual novel and
Starting point is 01:11:45 Do you at that point say well you can miss content? And if you do then why are you making it so that you can miss content? Is it are you making it clear to the player? You can avoid this if you just don't want to participate in it Or are you concealing it so that people are forced to go back through a second playthrough in order to experience the whole thing? I think Yeah, like that's kind of how the game presents itself is this path a or path b in the form of this is friend a and this is friend b Yeah, and I and I definitely you know, I like I mentioned it during the playthrough, but I'm not a fan of the idea that
Starting point is 01:12:22 There are only enough to see one of them through to the end Yeah, I've never enjoyed that I understand why that happens, but I've never enjoyed and I can't say that like you know Three persona games later there is Definitely like enough time by the end for you to get all your hangouts in there if you really want them You know so and and like if you care about these of these quest lines and stuff Not just for the power-ups, but you're curious about them Then you should have the ability to you know like fit that into your daily calendar without a ton of punishment for not seeing story quests lines on
Starting point is 01:12:59 For not making you choose like one or the other and unless that's part of what your game is about any different than a tell-tale game Well, you can make two or three big decisions and lead to two different paths So which forces you then you have to go back I was just about to say I was just about to say unless it's designed where They're meant to be opposites of each other where they're meant to be mutually exclusive Shin Megami Tensei 4 is a great example of that where The people that you choose to align yourself with are against each other therefore following one Exclusively removes the other and that's the way the world is laid out that I'm totally fine with you know
Starting point is 01:13:39 And that's what tell-tale does is they make you choose between two people since Since I've I kind of get labeled sometimes is like a storyteller or like characterization blah blah blah that sort of stuff People do tend to ask me what are your opinions on things like a like a Jedi game is a good example of that where you go down a light path or you go down the dark path and You know like what is your opinion of that and my opinion usually is if you have a story to tell just tell your story Because one of the problems with those kinds of games is that you eventually once you go down path A or path B You absolutely must
Starting point is 01:14:14 Rediverged into a uniform path in which your decision didn't really do anything Because there's only so much content that you can actually make it's not like real life or you can Get to the tutorial guide to start of the game and instead of listening to him you to shoot him in the head And then the game just completely changes into a completely different game. You can't do that Yeah, there's there's always gonna be a Concentric circle or like almost like a helix or double helix where like you have you know a branch that goes two ways And it has to come back together and then branch again and back together and branch again And like it you're never really gonna follow through on seeing a full tree
Starting point is 01:14:50 That leads you somewhere completely different from that other First path unless you're playing Shadow the Hedgehog. It's That's a full tree of endings buddy It's weird though because I thought it was pretty clear that the game or like that that Establishes that the main to pass or hang out with be hang out with Greg and then everything else can be experienced Like I thought when I was a clear divide that if you want to hang out with this character Hang out with this character and you will experience their storyline But don't ever miss them is is what that means
Starting point is 01:15:26 So were you saying would you rather the game have clearly sort of indicated that in some way that like I think the only way that you can really handle of that way is if it's some form of open world sort of thing where there's no real ending exactly But you can like at any time go. Oh, I want to hang out with this guy even after the game has been completed So that you always have that's interesting. So that's not bad So there's two things here one p5 has a little thing telling you in the beginning of the game Hey, certain activities take certain take up times of your day and you have two activities You can generally do per day. So, you know, you'll be you'll know when it's about to take up time It'll it'll ask you, right?
Starting point is 01:16:06 So just be aware of that and then there's dengan rampa Where if you beat the game and you don't finish off the max s links as it were with everybody There's absolutely a mode where you can go and continue to hang out with them In a free roaming scenario where there's no pressure to just follow through on those story lives experiences are ultimately like carnival rides It's what they are like we have prepared this event for you You want to see this event? Yeah, and if you're if you get to the end of the game and it reaches a hard end point and it's like no no no no Go restart everything up to that point
Starting point is 01:16:39 Then it's like being told through Like you're standing in line for a ride and then they just kick you out and say no Don't go to the back of the line go back home and drive back down here to disney That's that's a good way to visualize it the other guys watch a bunny hops review of the game I haven't because He kind of makes a point about how like The game certainly could like, you know
Starting point is 01:17:04 Have more video gaminess to it where a thing will say hey You need to like do your schedule and and fill this out and hang out with this character and blah blah blah And this will lock you into your thing But he's let but he made the point that like that's fine if you want to play games like that But it's nice to have a game that kind of just It starts and just leaves you basically to it like the only prompt I can even think of is hold triangle to save And otherwise the game doesn't really tell you anything so it's like
Starting point is 01:17:38 It is very much still a visual novel It's it's it's weird because it's a visual novel that could have just been a visual novel But no it lets you walk from left to right for whatever reason It could have just been a video No reason why you should even it could have been an There's no interaction what you're saying. Yeah, it could have But then like, you know, they did at least give you two paths to kind of walk down What I'm just saying is that like a lot of games lock you in and tell you this is the way it's going to go
Starting point is 01:18:04 Choose your path and like I like that. I'm fine with that But I also like a game that just kind of you can talk to people and say Oh, did you know that you can hang out with like so-and-so and you're like no I didn't like it doesn't it doesn't absolutely Spell out everything that you can do and I I don't mind a game like that doing it occasionally Wouldn't like all games doing that either visual novel with an overworld visual novel with an overworld I think something interesting about may's character is that
Starting point is 01:18:34 that I the person who is Like swerving off of what they thought their life path was going to be I've Known people to be in that place a couple times in my life. I know me And that's always yeah, I was gonna be a great artist. Well a exactly right you were too. Yeah That's why I liked her starting off and as time went on it's like no, she's kind of insufferable It's always that's a really delicate time, you know, and and uh, it's a time when you're going to be Not the best version of you. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 01:19:11 So I give her some benefit of the doubt in that regard But there's definitely 20 20 is where you'll definitely not be the best version of you. Yeah, yeah But there's but there's but that doesn't justify all of her decisions Game itself like the game is not the best version of what it could have been Yeah, I'll agree with that I I you know That there's there's improvements to the thing I approached whenever like I said whenever I approached the game I thought it was going to be this thing where you're
Starting point is 01:19:38 Trying to help Like a young person back onto the path where they'll actually be the person that they were meant to be I thought oh, that's a good game. I really like to play that game and it wasn't that game I think your direct input like to do certain things like the like the little bits of morality you thought like Those didn't help but Here's the thing is that the main plot like the main outcome seems to have done that But you felt like you didn't really Contribute, you know what I mean like yeah, that's also a novel problem
Starting point is 01:20:06 Yeah, it's it's also kind of a novel problem. So that's what you mean by like it could also have just been an animation Like a that also this game like the rat thing where you click food for the rats I never saw that because I never stole because I thought why would I steal I'm trying to make I'm trying to feed rats plague I didn't know that. What do you mean? I was I supposed to know like She can't she not get did you never find the other way you never find the rats? Yeah, I found the rats but doesn't she doesn't she have the line of I should feed these rats? Yeah, I thought well whenever I get home. I'll just get some food And so they're stealing it from the pretzel at home. Yeah, no because that's the only way to play
Starting point is 01:20:44 It was very clear Very clear Plus, you know why it's okay to steal because that guy at the pierogi stand hates you That's right. If someone's mean to you, it's okay to take their shit. That's right Absolutely The end of the game should have just been made standing over his body with a knife Stabbing him over and over give me the pretzels. Let's go go go and the rats join in And his eyes are still doing that big eye like staring at you think from the side
Starting point is 01:21:12 I think uh a part of it though is also that like the um The in in certain movies as well when a character comes home or like is is like coming from a shitty past or Something something didn't work out something didn't work out There's often that like, you know that point of reconciliation and they're trying to find themselves and figure themselves out But then the movie things start to happen And through the more important threats that arise in the in the you know in the third act They solve their personal problems because you kind of see things in perspective or if your life is in danger Then fuck your little
Starting point is 01:21:50 You know issues that you had a little bit and that sort of brings me to my main problem with the game Okay, it's ending. Okay is the fact that so much of her problems Were just swept away like the thing she has Dissociative disorder that's a real thing like people go through people I've seen comments from people that play the game and say oh, that's me like I actually went through that I had a disassociated problem where nothing in reality Uh, I ascribed as being reality. It was just you know shapes It was just things that were happening and nothing meant anything
Starting point is 01:22:25 And of course people solve that problem through other ways Whereas the game solves the problem by saying oh, it was actually an elder god. Don't worry about it. Everything solved And nothing happened like may didn't do anything to correct the problem There was no actual killed a bunch of people the problem. Oh, yeah, they they did commit murder That's how you solve that's how you solve psychotic disorders. You go on brutal murderous rampages But the characters at least say hey, did we just kill a whole bunch of people? Yeah, they're like Don't worry about that. Yeah I mean if they were hidden evil if they were secret cave people were they really people? Yeah
Starting point is 01:23:03 But no, they were actually problem Didn't they have that line towards the end where it was like did you notice anyone missing from town? More important. They're like I haven't thought about it. I'm more important. I didn't like that I like that some people had just kind of vanished and didn't didn't germ warfare. Wasn't he the one that tossed the dynamite stick? So that he's one that promised to blow it up. Yeah. Yeah, so technically he said I need to like someone asked him for dynamite Yeah, no asked him. Can you give me something? He was like, I've got dynamite and they're like, okay, sure So take isn't that technically on him? Yeah, but he's healing over the germ warfare is above morality
Starting point is 01:23:36 Anything germ warfare my character. I'm not convinced that he's actually a human Like he's he's obviously some form of like d. It was actually descended upon the earth How do you feel about the theories that that um the janitor and him How do you feel about the theories that may is just seeing everyone as animals and that they're actually just people really people And that explains why there's pets and animals in the world while also like animal people I guess she could also be replacing like references to like cat or fox or whatever whenever it It doesn't really come up that often No one talks about how they are an animal like even the type of animal they are
Starting point is 01:24:12 Well, we barely ever discuss how we're animals exactly, but like may doesn't say hey mom What about the neighbor across the street? Oh that bird that moved in no they say oh that guy that moved in Like they never even give you that So the weird animal settings are always weird. It's like do Cats always marry other cats Yeah, they don't acknowledge it Are these species or are they races and we're just kind of not addressing it wait? Yeah, hold on maze x was not a cat No, he was a raccoon. I believe he was a bandito. So there you go
Starting point is 01:24:45 Well, that doesn't prove anything woolly, but then They could just be interracial mixing. Oh, I see but they're not supposed to No one's supposed to end up with it is forbidden A cat coon and all you can do is stare lovingly at each other from a distance and say go smelters Usually smelters go smelters Usually whenever they do that. It's like if it's like a Like gumball does that blue cats pink rabbit, right whenever they combine you end up with possibly like a
Starting point is 01:25:19 Pink cat a monk. Yeah An abomination unto the lord is what you end up with So I would say that like I can I can totally see someone like, you know Just being like nine words again or whatever. I'm super glad it exists You know what I mean? It's like I've never played a game quite like it before So I kind of it did have its own voice. I just wish that its voice was a little bit louder. Sure You know, I'd agree with that too. I'm and I'm always going to be a fan of its visual style
Starting point is 01:25:49 Like I wish more games would take a more approach or like that That was my only main issue with the game was just the fact that it sort of lost its own voice at the end because the the characters didn't have enough Agency to resolve their own problems with them. I think you're right. I think I'd agree with that too How did you feel about the fact that uh, the writing was clearly like Handled by you know, like someone who's been on the internet and like, uh And sort of like it comes there's lots of things like that these days
Starting point is 01:26:19 There is and I think it's I think I like I definitely like I don't mind it But I do think that in about a decade or two people would hate it In I can see why people would hate it and I think in a decade or two. It's going to be Very dated decade. I'd say persona has a problem in spades Yeah, anytime that you're like not just meme references, but just basic like, uh, No punctuation speech. Do you mean persona in general or just like five? I persona no plague. He said persona persona. They have little references here and there to memes that were popular They do they do have a couple of references in four or in five in five. They do but but they but they're not
Starting point is 01:26:58 There's one for gone for a guy made like nine years ago But no one's talking in memes in persona. They're just literally referencing them in like for example There'll be like a like a yeah, you know, I know you mean I know you mean exactly like a question that a teacher asks you and then one of the answers is a joke answer Yeah, but you don't mean people speak like speaking in an internet. Yeah I don't mean like memes literally in the context of modern quote-unquote meme But like if you go further back in time, you can find things that were sort of Quote-unquote memes that people didn't refer to as being
Starting point is 01:27:27 Yeah, I almost there's a character the persona way to be more dated Well, the decade like because people did speak like that for years rather than Putting a meme in as an answer and there's a there's a character in the game. That is like a geek That's a hikoku more hikoku hikoku mori. Excuse me Yeah, you'd get fucking roast and she Speaks like internet speak and says things like kek and and that's the character and and but that's the character exactly, right? Um
Starting point is 01:28:02 And I feel that like with where with night in the woods for example, it's it's part of it is a little it's a it's a glaze over the whole Like tone not just one or two characters all the characters like that I wouldn't say all the characters but all the characters of a certain age bracket like ghost melters We'll never say anything like that the characters that would speak like that do speak like that. You're right something I've In some videos Uh, there's a show there's a cartoon called Star butterfly versus the forces of evil. I think it is this is disney show
Starting point is 01:28:32 Really almost all the characters are like that where you can tell that the writers are all Kids of that age They all talk like that in the writing room And so even if they come across a character that is You know thousands of years old and they lived in the southern dimension all this time Then they'll still do like the the dumb cool kid hand motion and say stupid like me me sort of things, right? At the don't do that But there's a there's a cat and it says get smoked on it and that will be timeless
Starting point is 01:29:04 um Now once I get smoked in yours, it's awesome. It's fucking great Okay, we should we should move on that's my week cool Um big boy at a big week. Yeah, so we can we can take this one way This time you should like I don't know it worked. Okay, so I guess before I get we get into the uh con that we checked out Um, I'm gonna say like I'm just gonna put it out there and you know, you tell me as well I'll tell you as well. Uh, I'm looking at you. Yeah, so I sat down Uh after having a pretty packed week and went like all right
Starting point is 01:29:37 I'm gonna see if I can marathon all of castlevania last night. Well, that's easy and then four episodes Yeah, but it was three in the morning. That's harder and I was like I'm not gonna make it If I do this now, so I didn't watch castlevania yet. I watched the first episode. Okay What a story What a story mark. So there's that. Um, I'm probably I'm probably pretty close to the end of p5. So that's gonna be wrapping up for me soon. Holy fuck those games Are you sort of jumping in and out of it? Or do you have like no, no, he's putting in the time I'm putting in the time and I really is that long
Starting point is 01:30:16 It's just that long the job and I'm I'm well over 100 hours at this point And I'm like not even doing as I'm not playing as as like obsessively as I did the previous games You're playing like garbage this time I like before I used to go talk to people to find out like all their like dialogue changes and stuff like that Over the course of weeks. I'm not even doing that this time I'm just doing two things a day and moving on doing the dungeon moving on and it's still just it's it's fucking long There's nothing else to say about it. So anyway, um Yeah, so uh, what I did do though was watch all of glow
Starting point is 01:30:50 Um, because that I started before Castlevania dropped and finished that off And yeah, man glow is really fun. It's really fun. Uh, it is like It's not perfect No, but the only but the reasons why it's not perfect are mainly just because like The well like the the jokes hit and miss, you know, I think the jokes that miss were meant to Maybe maybe this joke to fail But but I it's a joke Yeah, I feel I feel like like some of this some of the comedy like it just I was like, uh, yeah
Starting point is 01:31:26 And some of it I was like, oh, that's that's that's that's hilarious genuinely Because I don't I remember laughing out loud Maybe once three times, but a lot of times I went that's really good But I didn't laugh, you know, it's like yeah to To qualify this the glow is the thing about female wrestlers in the 80s glow is gorgeous ladies of wrestling It's a fictional take on the real wrestling league from the 80s. So just to establish that for our listeners. Yes. Thank you Yeah, well, thank you. Uh, yeah, that was gonna be the next step was explaining what that was 10 episodes It's on Netflix and it's got allison brie in it
Starting point is 01:32:00 and mark barry It does not have allison brie. No No, sorry, it does. I thought you meant brie larson Jesus I'm looking at us a knob The first thing it says is allison brie stars. Yeah, I'm like staring at me like is this a bit I don't know where this is. I thought you were saying brie larson But you can understand why I'd be mixed up with those two very similar names. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's fine
Starting point is 01:32:26 Tom cruise is not like like last week when it when it was when I said uh, I apologize when I said l saves the world and Like you corrected it. Yeah, was I wrong and then someone else corrected it But then I was like no l saved the world That's that's what it is and like my brain just didn't register that the word save and change Were being corrected. It's called l change the world. Oh, so we're both wrong So that's what it was exactly and I just I thought so I just didn't even know so you said l Saves the world. I'm like that's too correct
Starting point is 01:32:58 No, no, no, I said l save the world save the world. Yes. And what did I say? You said you've heard me say saves And then and then okay This is a really stupid conversation really dumb, but the point is that allison brie is in it with mark maren and um Yeah, it's a fun watch. It's fun time what I besides the fact that like some of the comedy doesn't hit um The wrestling is non-existent When I was like the last I would when I was asking about like yeah, like how do they handle this? They don't wrestle a little just because this is all it's all a work
Starting point is 01:33:35 It's all it all works up to the first and only wrestling show of the series. So this is uh This is one of those situations where um You're watching basically character drama behind the scenes And their versions of like learning how to wrestle and like what wrestling is is pretty much just cutting promos and like A k-fabe exchange Is kind of how they're wrestling. Yeah, but but the ring work is is really really understated. I guess
Starting point is 01:34:10 You know wrestling He's he has you dead to rights here. I have you pinned will you're not gonna get up unless I kick out 2.5. No, no, you're not going to because that's not in the script So no the um the the that's one thing that I kind of you know Hoped for more of and they have like they have like the Johnny Mundo Cameo and captain salty sack or what? Yeah Yeah, and they have like the actual ww They have a rotus brotus clay is one of the brothers of a female wrestler. So he's in there. Yeah, they have actual w
Starting point is 01:34:46 Wwf footage, you know and Like it shows you like no they got the rights. They got the okay. They're making references here But You know at the end of the day, you're just you're not seeing them doing a ton of it I suppose so but that it's still an enjoyable show and it's still worth it and I don't Imagine I don't know what about the intro did it play for you the the the other episodes? Or was it just the first one like me? Uh, there was no intro outside of the the opening one The first episode. Yeah. Yeah, which the intro's hype is fucked. Yeah, and then it never comes back
Starting point is 01:35:17 All they do is they have that little like it's glow and then it's gone Which I don't mind but I'd rather see the full one and I and I'm now And I'm really bummed that I didn't get to see wherever that clip was Where the camera's circling the ring and the neon glowing ropes are behind them I'm so upset that we never saw that must be just an effect. It was a Some promotional thing that never showed up anywhere And it's the coolest shot in the entire thing is like again like everyone in the ring Doing that 360 and the ropes are neon tron colors
Starting point is 01:35:48 So fucking cool So if if you're a little disappointed in the lack of wrestling like glow the actual league ran for a couple years So so there can be a sequel there. They're deli can be a sequel and then be wrestling all the fucking time Yeah, I guess so I guess so I really liked, uh, maybe that's why yours and why I got cancelled in the first place Historically, they just didn't wrestle. No, apparently After you want to watch willy on netflix. They have the documentary about glow where they talk to the real like You should watch that as because I yeah, I never even looked up the real thing at all I never even knew it existed if this ended and they're like we did that one episode and we're done
Starting point is 01:36:21 Like I wouldn't be surprised. I'd be like, okay, cool No, it was for a few years But why it folded in the documentary that they talked to some of the the actual wrestlers are like Don't know why They just closed it up like we were doing fine. We're not sure Well, the show tells us why Well, wasn't it started by a guy that had way too much money and not enough sense I mean, that's basically what the story is about. Yeah
Starting point is 01:36:46 It's one of those situations where like people want to make this thing But no one knows what they're doing or how they're how to do it how to do Um, but it's yeah, it's fun. It's dumb fun. And I think it's worth checking out most ideas Um Did you watch gasoline you play? No, I've seen the trailers and everything for it. Okay. So I for some reason whatever it was announced initially I thought it was going to be live action and then it showed up and it's like, oh, it's like Voltron defenders. It's like that type of thing. It's like American anime-ish kind of it's hard to describe
Starting point is 01:37:19 Yeah, so I guess we'll talk about that next time. Yeah, I'll watch the rest of it I'll tell you guys will I watched the out. Yeah, I watched the first episode But I watched the rest of it over my shoulder because I was working at the time And a friend and Liana were watching so they were watching so I'd look over every now and I'd see like a hype thing They'd be like, uh-huh One thing I do have to say is that like while everyone's like, oh my god Trevor Belmont's the best Trevor Belmont is played by the actor that played uh, thorn oakenshield In uh, the hobbit movies and also played red dragon in the Hannibal show, uh, Richard Armitage
Starting point is 01:37:52 Uh, this voice acting is really good. One thing I'm I wasn't really like into was how much he fucking swears Like fucking this fucking that fuck fuck fuck like it's I don't mind Like in extreme circumstances, but like when I think of Castlevania, I'm fine with blood And and there's a lot of it in the show like it's just as bloody as Fucking like a vampire hunter or whatever deep. I'm fine with these heads being impaled on pikes But this potty mouth is gone. Yeah, it's just like Like Japanese things like I like like violence always makes sense to me But when people are speaking very American style like fucking fuck you you fucking bastard. Who the fuck are you?
Starting point is 01:38:29 It's very yeah, it's very like western Yeah, I whenever you're if you have a dialogue and you have a story Don't kind of muddle it with like if the character is someone that just can't stop swearing for whatever reason There ought to be a good reason for it It does present that trevor is like really fed up with his lineage and he like and he's a drunken stuff But even when he's fighting and there are some gore like in the later episodes There's some gorgeous animation like you know complicated shots of two people fighting with knives Swords like really nice stuff like it like the fact that this is a thing
Starting point is 01:39:03 And berserk is playing next to it at the same time is just embarrassing Like it makes it look way worse The in comparison does it feel accurate or does it feel like it's doing it something it's it's a mix It's it's more or less like a remake of dry of castlevania 3 Dracula's curse so it has a la carte has see a sypha And it has trevor But a lot of people feel very weird like I haven't watched the the the remaining three episodes But a lot of people feel weird that it's only four episodes and that's weird
Starting point is 01:39:33 Because that's it. It yeah, but that's just the whole thing No, they're they already got renewed for a second season But the the general idea is we're not confident in this He's having a rough time folks They were very feeling very unconfident like this is this people are gonna like this So they only ordered like four episodes to be made to see how it goes And so people are like this story feels weird because it's just enough To be something but there's not enough to like four episodes. It's a British. Yeah
Starting point is 01:40:04 Yeah, but it's not made in Britain. I don't think so. They don't know how to handle it What is the story to it? It just really think about the story for these games Dracula's attacking this time Dracula's attacking this town people are fucking fed up. Trevor Belmont comes into the scene. They're like, no, you're Trevor Belmont You're like Belmont's you're a cursed family get the fuck out of here He scuffles with the the priesthood the church and then he just gets kind of wrapped up and fighting Dracula I I don't know much of the plot outside of that because I didn't watch the last three episodes That's the first thing that I thought about whenever I heard like keselvania adaptation
Starting point is 01:40:39 I think well, don't you just go to a place and then there's Dracula and you kill him and that's it and like The alucard is like fighting against Dracula as well. And then there's like a whole magic Clan four episodes four episodes is one two-hour movie Yeah, yes, but it's cut like a it's cut like a like a show a show Or like a four-episode anime, but you know, I need to see the rest but Yeah, I was impressed with what I did. I like I've all I say it very often, but I love me some OVA style you do you do it's been a while reader fucking die. We don't need too many episodes
Starting point is 01:41:16 Just give me give me the good shit. Keep it short FLCL, you know Yeah, just keep it short and two and three is not one thing. It's two of them, of course um but yeah, so so there was glow uh, and Fuck the spider man Fucking spider man homecoming. Oh, I thought you said you fuck spider man. Uh, that's a week. I'm down
Starting point is 01:41:44 Although this current Problem so let's let's let's end that bit spider man homecoming was really really good A spider man homecoming was fantastic And you know what it's about as great as you expected it would be because it follows the formula to a t so You know the The basic idea of the marvel movie that's got that 50 percent jokes 25 percent action 25 percent sad and uh It was really like
Starting point is 01:42:21 It takes you all over the place. It's it's fucking a great way to reestablish the character I like some of the changes they make that separates it from the previous franchise Uh franchises, I'll say I like how um It's not the tony stark show that everyone was afraid it was going to be it was he's in like two shots Everyone was afraid it was going to be the tony hark though. It was going to be iron man four and it wasn't um Fucking vulture is fantastic
Starting point is 01:42:48 Vulture is is not fantastic until a point happens where i'm like vulture is fantastic vulture is great and uh Things you would not expect yourself to say like What a great villain a mike like I hate vulture generally he's like but my michael keaton though Yeah, he's he's one of my least favorite whenever you show up. He's playing every time. He's playing every time. Oh, I'm young. I'm old I'm young. What are you? I'm young and old. What am I? Just a baby in a vulture. It sucks. It's garbage. I'll stop you from being young and old vulture
Starting point is 01:43:25 Take this i'm spider man But uh, but michael keaton is fucking great and it's also apt because not only is he the batman, but he's the bird man And the design of that villain is not like it's pretty slick Like they've tried to armor up vulture before and it's ever been a great And this time and like every time you bring out a villain nowadays in a major mcu movie, especially Uh, and or in anything for that matter like I complained about this with uh, ultron You're don't try too hard if you try too hard with the way the villain's mannerisms And and the way the villain has a link to the heroes, you know
Starting point is 01:44:05 Yeah, there's that you can go that route too But I don't mean don't try too hard with that as well But I feel like the just the personality that the you you insert if you're trying too hard to get a quirky interesting villain You want to get that low key factor a second time? Yeah, you're not gonna get it. Okay. That's that's the thing about writing a It doesn't have to be a villain but writing a character is A quirk or you know mannerisms are good for like putting on top of an existing character to make them even more of a person Yeah, but they don't replace being someone and that was ultron's biggest flaw Was they all they had was we're trying to turn the quirk into a villain and it was not working at all
Starting point is 01:44:46 Uh, sorry. I hate fucking movie of ultron. I think vulture on common ultron. Sorry. Voltron Yeah Defender of marvel No, but I was combining vulture and ultron. I didn't I didn't mean to say vulture on defender of her It's fucking the worst villain ever Ultron would be like what advantage do I have merging with fucking vulture? So in in you know, why did I do this? Yeah, this is a terrible plan But like the whole thing with it to me is kind of just like
Starting point is 01:45:18 You know either don't even try like rodent the accuser is just rodent the accuser I'm just angry villain every couple of you have months. I forget who the villain of fucking gardens of the galaxy right, but then uh Kurt russell is gonna be kurt russell. I'm gonna. Yeah, so that's fine. You're like, yeah I know what you're getting when you put that guy there and call him ego I'll remember ego you're fighting kurt russell, you know, you find a giant kurt russell face in the sky So so, uh, you know, like all of this is it's a delicate balance and in this case with vulture They got an and they picked an angle that worked that we hadn't seen before that wasn't trying too hard
Starting point is 01:45:55 But I'm not old. I'm not you don't you know what I mean? It's not any of this like mega mega blah like uh Moniacal exactly like not not just full of like the the bullshit that we got from doctor octopus into Where suddenly I want to blow up the city. I'll talk about that in a little bit. But yeah, that's my go-to example of like You know, everyone's like spider-man 2 is the greatest It's it's like I look back on it at the time was like, yeah, but I don't think about it really hard Like fucking everything about doctor octopus is like kind of terrible The key to spider-man villains is none of the spider-man villains are like world enders
Starting point is 01:46:32 They're not trying to destroy the planet. They're not trying to establish any world order. They're just they want money They want to steal something or they want to just kill spider-man Yeah, they're crooks. They're their most basic human element as a character is just So so vulture, you know, the the angle they go for wants to get paid. He's just fucking blue collar But he's not like like like, um falconi like, you know, blue like he's not like, oh, i'm a mobster or whatever He's just no he's fucking kind of a good guy construction worker, you know, like it's fucking great so I really like the idea that um that that they followed through on
Starting point is 01:47:14 and and then of course all the way of the the new peter right is young and kind of a fuck up Really really big fuck up like which I like super young Um And it works man. It just works the cop every the jokes land A really hard. I think I laughed harder in this than any marvel movie Like I'd say it was like 75 laughs like I some things hit really hard some things. They knew were coming
Starting point is 01:47:40 Yeah, like, you know his uh friend ned remember gets caught in a computer lab and a teacher asks him I was like, he's gonna say this and I'm watching the screen and he says it's so slowly and I still fucking laugh you know that that like all those bits worked out and uh, it was Generally touching at points, you know, and I felt like um No, no origins at all. Thank god not even a flashback of origins. No not even a couple of been by spider He's like, yeah, did it hurt? Yeah, I guess that's it. We're moving on um And they do the thing I love which is like to really really separate it up and kind of make it
Starting point is 01:48:21 Make this guy his own make this his own spider-man He fucking not only does he fuck up and have the usual I have a question for you. God damn it. Oh shit. I can't explain it because that's what spider-man's life is I can't ever explain He looks So pathetic at times in this movie like fighting or peter parker Uh both and I and and there's a there's a zoomed in target moment that I don't want to elaborate on That is towards the end of the movie where he looks fucking
Starting point is 01:48:55 like he's so pathetic and sad and Defeated and down. Oh, yes, and it's so visceral and like, oh my god. You're fucking getting abused Yeah, yeah, I know in a moment and you've made an impression on it And it hits you in this way that it hasn't with any other Marvel hero I can anyone in the MCU Maybe iron man 3 when he his entire thing came down on him, right? Yeah, the whole fun of like, you know, like this is a young and that's a young cool kid nerd spider-man
Starting point is 01:49:30 That's like figuring out the ropes. There's a moment of like this is a child This is really bad in the movie. He's he says someone says you're you know, you're a 14 year old kid and he goes no I'm 15. Yeah. So he's yeah, he's a child It's and it they really play that to its strengths and that made me love it more than anything I think yeah comic book Peter Parker doesn't get any better as he gets older like that's his thread Yeah, he's he's just not he's capable, but he has very Big problems with things like self-esteem and guilt over things that he didn't do correctly and so forth and so on That's about it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:50:11 You didn't you do not see the film plague I had have not okay because movie theater sure very far away Uh, one thing I have to give a shout out for is that I was always confused about the casting of this film in terms of of girls I was like Zendaya Zedaya I don't know. Oh, she plays the love interest that that must be what it is and I'm watching the movie Don't worry. I'm watching the movie and I'm like, oh, okay. No, I must be mixed up And then they have like a little surprise towards you and I'm like, oh, okay I like that a lot better, right? That's all I'm gonna say about that. But the other thing
Starting point is 01:50:49 I forgot Hannibal was in this film As a gym teacher not only has one of the best scenes not only is Hannibal Bress in this movie He sent a look alike to the red carpet That basically put some shades on and pretended to be him And a ton of news outlets fucking had no idea and got caught interviewing some rando That pretended to be Hannibal Bress and he's not even a real look alike Like he vaguely looks like him sunglasses. He's just a black guy with a shaved head and sunglasses Hollywood presses is racist. It was great
Starting point is 01:51:26 um, and the other thing is woolly, uh, there are one There are four spider-man villains in this movie Yeah, and one of them is not even said by name One of them just has his dossier like his police record show up. Do you know what I'm talking about? He's another famous famous actor. Okay No, yeah, yeah, I do. Okay. I couldn't believe I like that four villains all kind of what plague and what we've been saying They're kind of just job or criminals that want money And they're all just kind of there and they're all just kind of hanging out in the movie like very low-key, and I'm like, that's awesome
Starting point is 01:52:08 Uh plague the reason why I asked if you've seen this because there's something I think you would appreciate There's this this running joke where since it takes place in a very like high school environment I always felt the high school shit and spider-man one was awful like it was very high school So you think of me? Well here. I'll tell you in a second, but like that was very 1950s spider-man Sorry 1960s and 70s where it was just very I'm a tough tough Jock and I'll punch you because I'm bigger and that was basically all it is because that's what Sam Raimi liked Like that's what the spider-man he Grew up with but
Starting point is 01:52:42 In this movie motion punches. Yeah in this movie. They spent a long time on like kind of maybe like 90s High school stuff or there's this the show that plays It's like the the the the the nerds or like the prom queen whatever They're on this show that plays in the high school on the monitors that they have and the high It's it's the tiger high school minute And I'm I'm betty brand and I'm so-and-so And then they have they they give you the updates on the school like oh, no We we we failed at the the fucking football game or we won the uh the spelling bee
Starting point is 01:53:19 They'll have these two kids and they'll have awkward zoom ins on their faces. It's edited like awesome town Basically, they have awkward zoom ins titles that appear too late. Yeah, they have comic sans fonts all over They'll not they'll miss their cue constantly Like hey, I've just seen this Homecoming is coming up. Do you have anyone to go with? Yes, I do That type of moment, you know, so whenever you see poorly put together edited content you think of me um
Starting point is 01:53:57 Wow, this looks like trash. I I thought of you that you would laugh at that because it's such a They're like five second jokes. What what that entire concept. Yeah is apparently a real thing because uh Like you know girlfriend works like with schools and things like that Modern day that entire concept of doing it like no, no, no, that's how they come out our TVs Yeah, school in schools or people or they put it together Announcements for schools. They don't that didn't that didn't exist in my day. You know, it didn't exist my day either I thought you were saying to me that they put it together Right, right, right. No, it's no way. Yeah, I want to go back to school now. High schools now have smart boards
Starting point is 01:54:41 Yeah, yeah, what the fuck that's crazy You shouldn't be allowed to have things I didn't have bullshit. Exactly take that away from them um But yeah Other than that, so and like yeah like besides those those secret really you mean well not secret but you mentioned like Yeah, there's little like knots to villains here and there and whatnot. Um, and there is a a Like tangential character as well that is a really good nod. Um that I guess
Starting point is 01:55:08 is bittersweet You know, there's a bittersweet there's I guess a bittersweet cameo in the in the movie. Um, I mean The the fact that they it was announced well long enough early on that donald glover was making an appearance. Yes. Yes And uh, how they handle that was i'm happy with it. Okay. I like what they did. Okay. I like what they did so um, I also have to say like the credits the the post Not post credits the actual credits that they're all fun and animated. That's probably one of my favorite marvel
Starting point is 01:55:41 Like like credit scenes ever. I know that's that's weird, but it's like it's all cut out It's all really fun credits. It's fun like spider-man animation of him different styles Like it was just so fun post credit stinger is probably my favorite one We're waiting and and and someone asked me, uh Uh, our friend chris ricks don't say what it is. No, i'm not gonna say what it is She's like is there another scene? I'm like, I don't know. I there's always one There's always usually one after let me check and I found an article that says the the the post credit scene The one that happens when all the credits are done. It is the the best marvel one ever
Starting point is 01:56:18 And I was like, okay, I'll watch it and like it isn't to me, but it was still really good I didn't read that article. So I was sitting there going they're probably gonna do something Yeah, I should and then got the surprise of that and that was great No, I didn't get a surprise of what it was. I just shouldn't have read the thing and said Oh, it's the best what I will say is I'm happy that like this has become a thing now because Before the mcu even started I used to sit and watch credits in case anything came because all movies did do it Every once in a while, but also sometimes I want to check out the soundtrack. I want to see who played what I want to check out That's important. You know was way to involved. I enjoyed finding that stuff out. So
Starting point is 01:56:57 Um, it was a really good one in this case and then I guess there's that news thing that came up and basically said that Spider-man 2 is gonna mark the start of a new saga and that Avengers 4 aka infinity war Is gonna mark the end of a 22 movie saga Avengers 4 not Avengers 3 Avengers 4 infinity war part 2 Okay, yes, that's Avengers 4. Yeah, it's going to mark the end of a 22 movie saga That's insane when you think about it Can you okay? That is I don't care how good the movie will end up being that will be the most
Starting point is 01:57:38 impotent lip dick thing to ever be on screen just because of that There's no way that you can jerk off someone for 22 movies and expect Explosion that covers the ceiling the payoff of two decades. Yes. I I know how this is the first time it's ever happened So I know how everything just dies And we go to ultimate universe and then it just you know what I mean If it goes the same way the actual infinity gauntlet thing went then maybe maybe maybe But yeah, I also just like will they like I like like I want to go watch spider-man again this week
Starting point is 01:58:20 I feel like it's a good rewatchable. It is it is I think so too Um, I will point out that you guys were talking about you were mentioning like little nods and things nods and movies and references are sort of like the quirks and mannerisms Of making a movie In the terms of like you can't you can have a character and then put mannerisms on top of them Yeah to make them even more memorable The same thing goes with a movie the movie has to be good or else all those nods don't mean anything Yeah, plenty of shit comic book movies. They have plenty of nods. They just are just trash anyway
Starting point is 01:58:50 Yeah, no these nods are more like it's they very very lightly set up a character But don't go overboard with that character. They're just like hinting like yeah, this might be a thing in the future Like I know what you mean like A bunch of cameos or just I'm trying to think of a game that or a movie that does it The spirit is overflowing with nods to eisner and all of his work And it's a bad movie. So none of those nods. I haven't ever watched the spirit It's it's it's visually interesting. Yeah, I know but that's all we can say about it um
Starting point is 01:59:29 Like I'd say gardens of the galaxy has more nods and references that that are Meaningless and just there for a laugh Whereas the ones that kind of me inspire me with dancing around it a more like Substantial and that that this might be important later on Whereas like hey gardens of galaxy has like the fucking space dog in a suit just like hovering there or something in a glass container I guess you know So those are the things that are just there for fun and that's it Whereas like things inspire men actually set up like potential plot threads in the future and like any one of them that this movie sets up
Starting point is 02:00:01 I'm like i'm down for that. I I wouldn't mind that so the ones that are really rough or whenever You see like a documentary or something on the disc and they say Oh, we had this thing that was in a jar in the far background and you can just see it for like one frame Yeah, and then they they actually show you the thing and it's this perfectly handcrafted beautiful thing like no So much effort complete not wasted but still There's no way anyone would have appreciated. I do. I definitely do appreciate though that a lot of the movie is um
Starting point is 02:00:30 presented with the lens of we know you're exhausted of this character and We're trying Like I feel there's so much of it. That's just kind of like we know we know you've seen it five times Spiderman has so much new shit like we're trying to do it. We're trying to do it different Toby McGuire's face would explode if he's using this crap, you know, and and they and they even um Like give more Play to the wrestling outfit Spiderman of like almost hoodie and pajamas. Yeah, he gets a bunch of play as well
Starting point is 02:01:02 I actually like by the end of his scene where he's wearing that that shitty like version I was like, I I actually like this cut like his little goggles. It's not bad. I was like, they're super cute Yeah, I like those. Uh, I always enjoyed alternate costumes where it's just like they're wearing a hoodie and it has like It's just very lightly altered the diy version those sort of things. Yeah Uh, I'll finish off attack on Titan season two ends incredibly strong. So did I I forgot about that. Um Very that so it's funny because that actually has a similar moment to what I was describing with spider-man where um, you just get raw emotion in a way that is like
Starting point is 02:01:43 Not I I guess it's like the strength comes from the voice acting, right? And the strength of the scene I was describing in spider-man comes from the acting and the strength of uh, One of the conclusion of attack on titan season two comes from the voice acting It there's a really really great moment that very end right the very end. It doesn't sound Like that those typical stressful scenes should sound You know when someone gets upset and angry in anime there's a very predictable expected way that it's going to go and In attack on titan season two as with the rest of the season they go for something a little bit more believable, you know
Starting point is 02:02:24 Because people are not Fucking two dimensional, you know and these characters most anime they tend to be they tend to be exactly You know, but they're really trying to make the characters. I feel in attack on titan do things that um You don't see a lot of anime characters doing, you know, I I've gotten this The amount of times he talks about attack on titan seems that it's really And it that's like doing it's hardest to make these fleshy characters out more That's why and that's why I'm loving this particular, you know take take on it so much is just that
Starting point is 02:02:57 Whenever I see something going like oh, wow, I can't remember the last time I've ever seen a fictional character do that That's really cool And when you have multiple people doing these subtle things that are like people don't behave this way You know or rather Characters don't behave this way, but human beings do do yeah, and you're unused to watching it. You're like, oh, what am I watching? Yeah, yeah, and it and it hits hard when it's a when it's a dramatic moment. So um There's definitely, you know, uh, there's some some wipeouts
Starting point is 02:03:29 Action in this anime Woo, sometimes I'm getting wiped out. Yeah, man. Some soldiers getting wiped out and uh You know, I I once again, I'll say finish off that finish that off man get into it. It's a really good Um, it's a really good anime waiting for you. I need to I need to watch berserk first Yeah, I had gone into let's just ignore them Let uh, I went into the season two already knowing everything because I wiki dived at some point I also had a red I'm not entirely up to date with the manga, but I did read quite a bit of it ahead of that point
Starting point is 02:04:05 So I did have quite a few moments where like there's a big reveal supposedly at the very end They're like, oh this And I remember whenever I first read it, which is how I first got that information Years ago, whatever how long it was. I remember thinking wait, they don't know that shouldn't that be obvious? And this time as I had the same thing where it's like, oh, that's oh, okay You didn't know that. Oh, yeah, that's right. I guess they are not supposed to know that But is that really that big of surprise?
Starting point is 02:04:36 And with no context, I guess that's not going to be much of a payoff as far as discussion goes, but it is what it is Yeah, I know what you're talking about and they're usually pretty good with that stuff There was that one slight one of like you figured out every other weird little that you didn't figure this out Yeah, yeah everything in the series whatever like the show gives you a hint of something as as to like the truth or whatever Your brain goes a mile a million miles a minute because that's what is pulled you into the big That's what pulled you into begin with right and then the car You can tell how the the thing was written in the first place like he had an idea And then afterwards, I need to make sense of this you can tell always like with it is so hard
Starting point is 02:05:16 Like with any death game like with gants like with Battle royale death game whatever that fucking one where the twitter will kill you one is Yeah, that's what you know like I'll push you on to a spike There is always a cool interesting death game premise And you don't know why it's happening or who's doing it But then when the truth comes out, it's really poorly thought And uh, you know because of the because of me reading ahead and wiki diving I kind of know everything about the setting that I could conceive of being a big revelation
Starting point is 02:05:51 So attack on titan is one of those things where I'm waiting for it to be over Just so that we can have a spoiler cast where I go What if that doesn't make any fucking sense and just have a big longer discussion about that? Yeah, I tell you and it's gonna be super frustrating um Because even the motivation for why the whole series is happening Doesn't really make any sense. Oh, I don't see that damn it I was hoping it'd be a good one to me. I was hoping there is you can sort of
Starting point is 02:06:18 All right, all right The main point with attack on titan is the characters. It's not the big overarching thing Yeah, okay, which I think they're really trying to drive home with season two because they're really focusing more on that Then you know revelation because that's one of the problems with I think Especially amateur writers. I guess is this focus on there needs to be a big thing where everyone gets what like shambalama ding dong Is bad about that where it's that like you you're just waiting for that and then whenever you figure it out It turns out either it doesn't make any sense or it wasn't that interesting in the first place or even if it's good
Starting point is 02:06:57 And you rewatch the thing and you get you get like one more viewing out of it We're like you notice. Oh that thing and this thing it was alluding to it the whole time But then there's no third watching because there's no content. Is that is that your cute name for conqueror of shambala? No, it's Shambalan shambalan. Okay. Yes. Yes, right. Okay. I was like my brain was racing Yeah It's closer what your thing is but uh, okay, not close enough Push me on to a shambalama ding dong. Don't do it
Starting point is 02:07:31 So, uh much real comic con. It was a comic con Uh, it was all right. It was the biggest one. I've they've had ever walked around saw people saw did stuff Um of significant note was the playstation booth that had some demos e3 demos Yes, uh, I did not get to play the inpatience, but I watched it for a bit Oh, no because you have to be worthy to play vr games at fucking cons every time. Hey, let me let me fucking gripe This fucking sucks. Stop doing this. Your vr games aren't special They're video games. Have everyone do a lineup. They come in they fucking play them I don't want to take your fucking tickets and come back tomorrow and wait for the appointed time
Starting point is 02:08:14 You can have someone hands. It's just the same as any other demo So when I went next year 30 seconds to strap on the fucking helmet when I went last year and I got hands on with, uh rigs I did you have to do this shit? Did you have to get tickets? No? I had to stand in line for three hours Okay, well, no one's doing that for vr games anymore. Yeah, you should make a statement mad Get in line wait to your turn and then don't put it on just stand there with your arms crossed. Yeah Well, like what have everyone look at me? Well, I don't play it Because I'm not having fun and you won't either because the same thing happened at pax east
Starting point is 02:08:49 There's no one at this fucking booth and I wasn't allowed to play far point because oh we have to make it seem exclusive You can't get in you need to fucking come by appointment. Fuck you. Well, I I I mean again I feel like if The last year montreal comic con was at the point of that many hours wait for a couple minutes on a vr game It's very plausible that anything bigger is going to just be like it's capped At 8 a.m. But I think after now that all vr vr devices are out and no one's really that crazy about them anymore Like it's not that fervor of it's not out yet. I need to try to see if this will change my life A lot of people haven't bought them
Starting point is 02:09:28 Yeah, I know So that's why they're like in a convention setting people walking by going Oh, I never got to try that thing if someone can say to me definitively that they oh, I've run No, I've run a booth at a con like yeah, the the lines are crazy and they're still doing that But I don't think that's the case anymore. I think it's to give you the illusion I think it's to give the illusion that it's this hot ticket item Ah As someone who stood in line for half a fucking day. I I yeah last year and and these machines weren't out yet
Starting point is 02:09:56 Play a psvr. I know I know but like being at that booth as long as I was because I like this time around because uh Of the other games that you could play that worked that had no line Well marvel had a decent line when I went the the um, what should we call it? You know the vr machine was never Empty it was never idle. There was always someone there. Yeah, because they forced you to come by appointment at a certain time of the day You're gonna make me stand in line to get married in my vr machine I just think I just think the Occam's razor of the situation is that it's way more likely to believe that It really is just that crowded then it's an artificial shortage to make it seem like a bigger deal
Starting point is 02:10:37 I'd like to be wrong, but that's what my takeaway was. Okay. They're pulling a Nintendo What we did get inflated was there were um Three games that I took a look at uh, because they're they had Bravo team and that seems cool. Um, there wasn't Seems yeah, it's just a fucking swat shooting game But we okay, but like when you when you I would never see you ever playing that Why would you even be interested because the immersive version of that when you're in the in doing it like With vr with an actual gun like far point types that like control Is more interesting because it's a new experience because you want to you want to be you want to be in heat
Starting point is 02:11:16 Guess what is what you wanted? I keep going on about x-wing wait what because uh, no heat the movie heat the movie Oh god I I keep going on about x-wing because because of the experience that's the one thing that would give me Okay, I want a full game of being in an x-wing There's been tons of them and I loved the the original, you know shooters But I'm not like a fucking mark out for you know the current Like games that like that, but the experience of doing it in vr is interesting enough that I'm way in and and uh, Yeah, then so the and plus it's the until dawn guys, right?
Starting point is 02:11:55 Yeah, like they have two other projects. So I'm like, okay, whatever the point is that just taste them Yes, but taste aside. They know how to make it good So I'm interested in the good people doing a thing as opposed to just the theme being whatever And in this case so they do that and then they have the inpatient the inpatient is not much to look at from an observation Uh from the observation deck if you would like you can't really make heads or tails of it from standing in line Are standing around looking at a screen of someone else playing it? It's very clear clearly It's an audio it's audio visual Especially audio because a lot of it is just people talking to you sitting in a room, you know
Starting point is 02:12:32 Uh, so I could they need to change the fucking title. I was struggling to even remember what it was called I would why can't they just call it until dawn the inpatient or whatever because I don't think it's been necessarily related to until dawn The way the developer struggled. It's directly related. It is a prequel to until dawn. Oh, it announced that exactly That's why the name is so bad Weird, okay, because remember the how the until dawn they mentioned there was an institute Where uh, someone grew up or something. Yeah, the guy. This is the institute. Okay. Okay, cool That's why the name fails doesn't get across that it is
Starting point is 02:13:05 Yeah, then they should prompt then they probably would benefit from calling it until dawn the inpatient Um, like they did with the other until dawn thing rush of blood Yeah, like would theory establish that you'd do that. Why can't you do it again? Are you embarrassed? Okay, well, anyway, um, did you play marvel? Yeah, I I yeah Well, I was gonna talk I wasn't gonna talk about that right away because there's I'm gonna say that The way that developers are struggling to come up with ways of implementing vr An interesting way sort of reminds me how video games got started in the first place
Starting point is 02:13:34 Of the reason why they were called video games is because they were basically trying to make Board games except you had a video monitor to play them with so a lot of games at the time had like Huge instruction manuals and they were extremely complicated complicated to interact with and it wasn't until years later that they finally Kind of connected and like oh video games should be Natural and you know, you should learn as you play and that sort of thing So it's gonna be a while the game That I I tried out first was matterfall. Um, yeah, how was that? Matterfall was matterfalls. All right. It's it's you know It very much reminds me of a faster paced
Starting point is 02:14:12 um Faster paced version of a shadow complex You know, you're twin sticking your way through the levels shooting things And you know, just boost jumping and switching guns grenades It's it's very much straightforward in that in that sense, but it's it's fun. It's fun. It's definitely gonna be something I I'd uh grab and play for a little bit. Um the uh The basic premise with like the ability to boost in any direction
Starting point is 02:14:41 And it also creates like a little explosion around you that freezes enemies and and and turns walls from like Solid to liquid and back and forth and stuff is a fun one like that thing becomes pretty cool when you're platforming Um, I only watch someone play it for like 10 seconds. Yeah, it's it's all right. It's all right Uh, I tried out Uh, well, actually I played there's this like very difficult indie game the indie game section was was way bigger Yeah, this time around like a fucking couch where they're they're streaming on twitch Like it was an act felt like an actual indie game section and sundered was there doing a lot Not sundered. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and uh, there's a game a cool game called the after grinder
Starting point is 02:15:20 Which is just a like fucking Like you can grow you're just you're 2d moving on rails grinding on rails There's and there some of them are on the ceiling some of them are in the middle And there's obstacles that kill you everywhere and you die within seconds constantly And it was one of these situations of like past the controller off after each death into like a meat boy kind of way Yeah, and whoever makes it to the end of the level wins a copy of the game. So I want my copy. That was cool Sounds like your kind of game The uh, of course and there was more versus capcom infinite
Starting point is 02:15:48 Which I got a bunch of games on and I have some thoughts That I now like because we played the the story thing before so you never got any versus matches This is yeah, these are the verses. This is the versus matches Uh, and I put most of my thoughts into a video that I'm gonna put out tomorrow on woolly versus um because I Why give away that content for When you can give it away for free a little bit later
Starting point is 02:16:16 No, so that's going up as armchair ceo Marvel versus capcom so I have a shocking revelation I saw someone win a match of marvel infinite And dante's face looks awful In the game. I thought that was joke art I Didn't know that. Oh you missed the game. Oh, okay. The weird dante face or he's like, uh
Starting point is 02:16:43 I didn't know that's his versus screen win pose. Yeah, the dream was real match The models in the story mode are the same as the ones in the game Yeah, but even watching the story mode and whatever like I watched a couple of matches of marvel infinite I never saw one where dante won you thought it was a joke I thought it was like a joke or like model data pulled out of an awkward animation I didn't know this was the shot. They're like that looks good Well put it in I'm shocked. They love it They they interviewed one of the dudes that was forced to admit that it was garish
Starting point is 02:17:16 And he did so that's the word. I believe he said he said something along the lines of it's hard to look at um They court they coerced it out So it's hard to take him in the tummy. Say it's aggressive. It demands quite a lot of your eyeballs Yeah, I mean but the but the short of it. I will say is that you know, um While I was in line most of the conversation being had was about dragon ball Really and I didn't know all the people in line I didn't know it was that
Starting point is 02:17:46 Like invasive that the conversation was like random congoers now Well, it just it came up, you know when with people standing around like without watching this And uh, I will say that this bill definitely looks a lot better than the one that we played Uh in the story mode the story mode demo did more harm than good I think the story mode demo Really didn't help that house all they just visually. Yeah Well, because it was outdated things looked worse than they do in this one and the darker stages Don't really show the characters off that well. So, um, they made a bad move doing that
Starting point is 02:18:22 They made the bad thing and there are some good moves they could make Which I'll tell you about tomorrow Mine for you So Guess what my thoughts are really predictable you guys. I don't have anything unique to say This is a great plug for your horrible channel It's awful Uh, that's my favorite part about the channel. Hey
Starting point is 02:18:51 Uh, there was of course. Yeah, well the very busy kiosks Very busy of david cage's detroit become human. Oh boy episode 0.1 That's over. That was last week. No, no I guess 0.2 then. Yes 0.2. All right I didn't get to play detroit become human amazing because I didn't want to But I sure did stand by and watch some kid play for two minutes And that was the demo. It was the demo Of what are your thoughts? What are your thoughts?
Starting point is 02:19:25 That was the demo of the beginning Cut scene that we saw on stage where the david type character. Yeah Was basically walking through like a murder scene a hostage situation Well a murder scene that then turned into a hostage situation And the casualness with which he's analyzing the the crime scene Is so weird because when you walk up to it, I'm like, oh, you're doing like you did in heavy rain Where you're investigating a crime like when you're norman jaden
Starting point is 02:19:56 Exactly and i'm looking and he's doing all the analysis and getting all the details of like, okay This is what happened with this blood stain and oh the pot was on so they were cooking dinner and but it did not He's putting together what happened Yeah, and then you walk outside and the crime is still happening And the whole time you're casually just browsing around Collecting evidence for a crime that's still in progress like it's happening It's continuing to happen outside the crime is still right there. It's it's happening and I was like what I wait Why was he there then?
Starting point is 02:20:31 So that's the thing right and I gather it maybe you know Was he investigating a crime that he heard about on the street? So that's the problem is that I feel like he was I know he was sent in and like I and perhaps maybe I missed the explanation here And I'm hoping so because from me observing when I walked in it seemed like his job was was a crime scene investigator And then he walks outside Sees the crime in progress and then becomes a negotiator So Why was he breaking in the people's houses?
Starting point is 02:21:01 Well, other the the swat team was there standing around Basically trying to get you know to negotiate this android from off a cliff holding the holding a little girl So he's holding a little girl with a gun to her head at the edge of a cliff Which this was wait on the wait a cliff on the edge of a building edge of a building. Okay. Okay. So he's not wait He's on top of a building. He shouldn't someone have seen him. He's standing on Remember we're playing a slice of a demo. We don't have all the answers Standing and with his feet halfway off a building edge of a cliff holding on to a girl With a gun pointed at her might have been a dog want something
Starting point is 02:21:37 It doesn't matter because you're at the edge. So the gun doesn't do much I guess but you blow her brains out before you jump. I don't know um That's the point of what's the point of having two threats Where the android could probably jump off the building and maybe be fine depending on how how like tough the androids are built in this game Or shoot the child then throw her body. Okay, you jump off then shoot the child on the way down Then shoot her. Okay. No take the child jump off with your mighty android body and do a swinging dbt into a car Then juggle the body with your bullets a la dante. No, no for smoking sick style
Starting point is 02:22:20 Okay, no throw the girl up in the air like at least 20 feet jump down really fast get down to the ground And then juggle her on the way down. I like that juggling her off the the boundaries of the map Yeah into an infinite so launcher death from above to the ground and then shoot her on the way down There's already so many problems with that's great. Now now it is a it is a game about androids It's not no it's a game about humanity. So that's also true mad No, it's about none of those things. This is a great podcast I don't want to tell you what my game is about um
Starting point is 02:22:55 That's good. Look look what what I did then see was the negotiation scene where he's trying to talk the guy down talk to hostage down and um visually this game is gorgeous it is and All the little details, you know like are cool while you're walking towards the guy you see there's a soldier That's down over there and it I didn't I wasn't I couldn't tell but it almost seemed like you could spend a little bit of time Trying to help him out The kid that was playing was a shit and he was not very good at it. So it seemed like he was kind of just going Of course not so what I I can tell that what I saw very clearly was a fail state and um
Starting point is 02:23:31 What was interesting was You know while you're just saying the right thing or the wrong thing You're basically taking a guess in the middle of like this kind of a mass effect conversation moment Uh to what the person wants to hear and then it puts up, you know his his um rage meter If you would you know the the android Android rage meter is going high or low and you want to keep it low to talk him down But if you don't then ah, right rage burst. Yeah, why would they program the fucking androids to have a rage burst? So it's a virus or some sort of
Starting point is 02:24:05 He's really angry of not being programmed with emotions. It's an unintended bug and and he literally says the emotions you're feeling Are an unintended Bug or emotions. Yes. He that's whatever So that's one of the lines and he's like, you know They treated me like a person, but I wasn't and I didn't know and so on right so it's all that stuff and then the kid failed but like the fail state resulted in Your main character sprinting towards the edge uh
Starting point is 02:24:35 and very quickly Um right by the guy the guy decides to jump off. So the gun is for nothing. He goes. It's too late now I'm gonna make a decision and he jumps off So look he's only has the gun in his hand as he jumps off with the girl But the gun doesn't have enough drama Goodbye insert a gun because when but the point is is that whatever an android could just break her neck If you needed some type of additional threat on the edge of the fucking cliff building He could have just like hold her neck
Starting point is 02:25:01 And you didn't need to even need a gun if they wanted to what plague said have an additional drama He could have had syringes He could have had Yeah, he could have baraka skin A little a little a little gas thing to shoot out toxic gas Why why does he carry on a gun? Why is it? He could have just had like ants in his fingers that he launches a chain, right? You know How come he doesn't do a threat and then his chest cavity opens up to reveal a thermonuclear device?
Starting point is 02:25:34 Right. So so what it's what I what I'm suspecting So what I suspect is because when you're walking through that scene You're seeing people that are shot around the apartment. So I think he shot a bunch of people And then backed up into that corner. I I wasn't there for it, right? But it seems to be that he shot a bunch of people and then backed off to the edge And then had the child and then gotten to this to the situation Yeah, he only needed one hostage to not use so What happens is he then drops backwards
Starting point is 02:26:05 With the girl to to you know commit double suicide Whatever murder murder. He's a robot. It wouldn't do murder homicide suicide and um plague shut up and and as they're dropping backwards your david type character sprints and Like very smoothly grabs her Yanks her and uses the momentum to throw himself off basically So like he kind of like by pulling her forward. He has to pull himself off the edge, you know, it's amazing I think that your main character being an android, you know, I'll believe that I'll believe you can do that And that's what section reaction, but I'm sure
Starting point is 02:26:46 David cage meant for that character to be human. They're like david that would never work It would be impossible. Why don't we make him into an android then he could do it? He's like, oh Okay, well Your whole story hinges on him being human david. Uh-uh. Well, I'm going I'm going somewhere unexpected here I'm going somewhere unexpected here because I'll blow my mind. Well, please because when he grabs the kid and he pulls him off He pulls the kid off the girl off and then falls and As he falls and like he's the ground is approaching
Starting point is 02:27:20 You see his eyes look up see the girl make it over the edge analyze the situation and then the little hud Next to him goes mission successful as he's about to drop and die That was fucking cool That moment cooler if you grab the dude like powerbombing Sure powerbomb completed that little moment that they do of like he's pulling a ripply Right and then the thing pops out and then you go, oh there it is. Okay. She's gone Right. It's one of those moments of like nice. I did it and he's about to hit the ground It really worked and it would that was very cool
Starting point is 02:27:54 That is unexpected So that leads me down the same path as usual where you're like god fucking damn it Now we're gonna be in this mess this worst mess where it's not the complete train wreck It's the one that leaves you with well done Occasional moments that you have nowhere to go like like beyond Like that moment in beyond to soul like that moment in beyond two souls or that intro to indigo prophecy Right and help let's even say perhaps one of those scenes in um in heavy rain Right where you're like one of this is a well done moment
Starting point is 02:28:34 Now what? Right now what? Here's what I think you're hinging a lot of this just on the fact that it says mission complete on his hood Like that's the thing that I'm hearing other than that nothing cool really happened In that scene. It's just that thing was enough to set you off me like yeah cool. That's cool That was it was it was a nice it was a nicely done moment the way it zooms in on it and it's like He's dying. He's about to die and the last thing he sees before he dies is like I did it I nailed it mission six mission complete and it's like it's he doesn't have a smile
Starting point is 02:29:06 But like his facial expression is pretty much like awesome like I did the job and then I think you're reading too much into it I think you're projecting your ideas. Maybe but you know what is that not you liking cool things Doesn't mean anything you saw was cool Does because the whole the whole like 15 minutes before then when you were explaining why this was happening Sounded like the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Oh, believe me again I can't say that I have the full context of the beginning of it So I'm guessing at what I saw and it makes no sense in that context with the lack of information I'm very willing to believe that something before the moment. I walked up to the kiosk might explain everything
Starting point is 02:29:47 Right. That's the stance. I always take I'm not gonna shit on you just because I want to shit on you I'm gonna hold back my turd in case you have a good reason You're gonna what you're holding back. I'm holding back my turd. Well, these muscles will clench Wait, is the game the turd or did you bring a turd? No, it's a shit on it. He said to shit on it No, the turds from me shit from a butt. Yeah, you're gonna put your turd on the other turd But but that they cannot be lonely. You understand like I know that it's not always the most entertaining route to go But if you have an explanation for your thing And I'm going off and getting mad at a thing because I just missed a piece of crucial information
Starting point is 02:30:24 That's on me for missing it. So I want to be very giving the benefit of the I don't know why he's doing this with the David Cage thing because I need to pay you money before Because I'm because I don't want I like I want to be honest about this and basically something an assassin would say, right? Because I'd want to be very clear here and state that Just like when we had those moments in the previous David Cage games where you're like, holy fuck In the midst of this train wreck. There was a single element here that worked There was a piece of quality and this makes it worse because it shows that like it'll be one of those things again It'll be one of those things. That's what I'm trying to get at. I'm trying to get at this is gonna be
Starting point is 02:31:05 And because we're looking at a movie where a movie. Fuck it. It's a movie where there's more protection now He's even more insulated Just fire his fucking stupid ass. No Put more protection around him hire him again hire more writers I could have said hire him more Put a he's already working sir do it again of people to check and balance his bullshit So that the product becomes more and more Not stupid bring like what why even keep him then for like for us for for like hatred of him
Starting point is 02:31:43 Then what what's keeping him there? What does that actually provide the game? Like what's the thing that he actually at this point? He's a brand. Yeah, that's true. I think that's the only thing I my mind jumps to at this point It's a name. It's a recognizable icon. He's calling a villain. You're it's giving you something to hate Yeah, you know, so that's what it is. That's exactly what it is And I feel that when we get into this game, it's not gonna be the cut and dry That's my experience and that's my takeaway from seeing this up close is that it's not gonna be a cut and dry holy fuck Roller coaster ride to shit town from day one. I think it's gonna fucking do the same slow shit burn that
Starting point is 02:32:23 That uh beyond two souls did with us Yes, where you give it that initial benefit of the doubt and then it just takes and then it slowly gets To the place where it stops making sense and then by the end it's just gonna lose it Okay, so you're you're saying that this david cage game might end up being a david cage game Yes, that's exactly what i'm saying and now hot takes and now with prettier graphics than ever and more blockers To hold him back sounds like you're excited woolly Oh boy, woolly's in heat right
Starting point is 02:32:57 Push him onto the microsoft update right now With more blockers than ever in place to keep him from being himself It will fool more people than ever before If you got you if you got angry Yell at people who are like I liked uh indigo prophecy And if you got angry at people that said heavy rain was a good game And if you got angry at people that went yo beyond two souls is the shit you should check it out Detroit is gonna fucking be the worst. I've actually heard no one ever recommend beyond two souls heavy rain
Starting point is 02:33:31 Yes indigo prophecy. Yes. I've never heard anyone say anything like positive. I I have Well, isn't that the most frustrated. It's not the stop locking things. I don't like it's the I know This is beyond just me. This is just bad Stop liking something that is like cancer So like stop eating literal shit that that's that's it So i'm just all i'm trying to say is like if I walked over there and got a shit show and it was hilarious And I'd report that back to you guys right now that'd be great It'd be simple and we'd be done, but it wasn't that simple
Starting point is 02:34:08 It was more complex and I think that's gonna make it harder For people who don't know it's gonna there was subtle suck and texture to the dump Yeah, and you know what plague maybe you're right Maybe i'm reading too much into things and maybe a lot of what I like is me reading further into it than The actual design intended. Well, you do do that, but that is a positive thing Like I do think that's a positive character trait to actually have To be able to recognize things and actually find value on them. That's good. I I you know But it does make you vulnerable
Starting point is 02:34:43 Perhaps weak even I'm willing to I'm willing to Friends are your weakness willy. I'm willing to concede that I'm that that might have been me And I will wait for it to land in other people's hands, but It's not going to be a cut and dry shit show Okay, so remember how you said I'm gonna hold back the turd Guess who's opening up the floodgates right now go ahead Because you know your experience with a game called cloud built at pax east Guess what type of experience I had playing beyond Tuesday. Did it crash on you and it's Detroit become
Starting point is 02:35:20 Whatever it honestly doesn't matter at this point what it's called fucking cares what the game tells what shit So I'm waiting and in a line there's about two people ahead of me And I'm just like no I gotta get hands on gotta get hands on And it's like the the con closes at eight So I don't get the explanation and this is a lot of stuff that's not the game's fault per se One of them is one of them is not but I finally get up to the thing after about 30 minutes of waiting And I didn't want to wait 30 minutes of waiting, but fortunately there's another thing going on So whatever I had time to kill
Starting point is 02:35:54 So actually after 30 minutes of wait I get on and the fucking You know, this is where some of my hatred to the psvr booth just because it was all sony booth Shit except from marvel because marvel is fine. Nothing that wrong happened there But the guy tells me he's like, yeah, maybe I can give you like five minutes, but we're closing up and I'm like, you know, you're not It the fucking everything closes at eight. He's like, yeah, but we're closing down this demo kiosk And I'm like, well, I've been waiting here for 30 minutes because you're not told me that earlier and he's like, uh, sorry It's you know busy. I'm like fine fine. And you know, I didn't go, you know what? I don't need I don't need 10 minutes to judge I need five
Starting point is 02:36:31 So the first thing is when you control this game controls like dog shit controls like every other david cage game Has to have this stupid fucking button prompts where you're wriggling around the stick and I saw that when people were playing But I still like let me get hands on with it And they still like you would agree. They all control not optim optimally Yeah, I wasn't hands on this time around but no, it's that same thing. It's the same thing, right? Like heavy rain beyond too slow So I'm like that they get it wrong every time when there's that's the only thing you have to worry about when I don't do Because it's like, you know, let's be slightly different. Let's be european. I guess. I don't know. So so
Starting point is 02:37:07 Off the bat like I'm controlling. I'm like Whatever And I'm playing it now when you're described, uh, you're your david character He's picking up things and he has no emotional Attachment to them. He's picking up things that a heavy rain character will go. Oh god This is horrible or like ellen page giving a really good performance of something traumatic that happens So I have a problem with the android by himself Something I think that does work is if data or someone in a room with an android is investigating shit
Starting point is 02:37:42 Yeah, you can get that do out. There was a soldier when when he walked in the room doing a fucking android I remember that moment. He's one half of a duo that doesn't have a half Yeah, right. There's a straight man and there's a human touch. So maybe there's something element that'll happen there Maybe he'll be partnered up with I I hope that's what's gonna happen and that happens Then that's fine But for this scene for this demo having your fucking david guy pick up like a An object that was potentially using a murder or an assault It's like he's like, oh, he analyzes and puts it down. I'm like, great. Awesome
Starting point is 02:38:16 Really feel the drama here, right But again, I don't know if that'll come up later, but who knows I think there there is a great value in that and establishing like a comedic tone though Because I really want to see him comforting like a little girl. They're there. Have yeah, they're there Your tears are unnecessary Disengage your tears, please. Yes, but in the trailer that we saw at e3 There are some androids that seem to be like really Annunciating and at least speaking like I could feel it there
Starting point is 02:38:45 But like for this particular guy that we are there was not that much going on. You just felt kind of distant I'm like, okay Well, he is his line to the emotional android was that your emotions are a Misfunction, okay a malfunction Okay, so everyone that all the androids that are rebelling are feeling emotions emotion. I suspect that's where this is going Okay, uh, the plot will lead to him having tears in the rain. I'm sure It's stupid What will he said about the game being gorgeous is very true one thing I really did like is when now
Starting point is 02:39:15 I'm of two minds about this because gameplay wise I've seen Hologram recreations of Shit that's already happened lots of times now. Have you rain had it for one Uh, lots of batman games have fucking had it where you fucking Played a batman whatever telltale that have it. I'm kind of actually tired of it Uh, like let's look at like let's piece together everything like I've done it enough now One thing I will say about this game is that the way that they visualize the holograms is really cool
Starting point is 02:39:48 It's the sketchy sort of almost aha music video style. Okay, or or um James Bond casino royale opening. Okay. It's like that. I'm like that But it's more of like with outlines like chalky outlines of the characters doing motions and and grappling over objects And I'm like that looks cool visually um So that part I was like really into so then Unfortunately, my five minutes was up So all that hostage negotiation thing you said I didn't I was not
Starting point is 02:40:22 privy to that right so A lot of this has to do with like so the game like controlling your character bad already I saw one cool visual thing What you described further Like made me go. Oh, it's even dumber past the point that I got and maybe I need to see the moment You're talking about but the whole like mission complete thing that doesn't sound like it would wow me But maybe I need to see it. Maybe I'm just not well quite frankly now that I've put it out there I it's it's out there. So it's like it's something that I was I saw it. I was like, oh that was pretty cool, right and um
Starting point is 02:40:58 No matter what now seeing that waiting to see it happen Maybe you're gonna be like well like yeah, he's like he said and it's not going to be anything Exceptional yeah, because I've already had it described to me But I thought it was an interesting way to end that off and to basically You know show like the non emotion of the side of the android in that moment, right? So that's that's all it is. I guess is that like I want to make sure that when we're calling out the bullshit It's it is accurate
Starting point is 02:41:28 I want to be accurate with this as we play it. I don't want like The bullshit to be based on misunderstanding that is actually explained because it You're like, yeah, I don't know it can be funnier if we just make it up. No, no, no, I mean that like listen When I've been burnt on every game and every game is a huge disappointment and like I hate them all in different ways like I stop trying to look for the positives
Starting point is 02:41:57 if Like let's take for example The the death note netflix show. Yeah, that is made by an individual whose previous works. I have all liked So when people are all shitting on that I'll be like well for myself I'm personally going into that pretty positive because I've enjoyed this person's work So I'll always look on the positive side of that whereas people like that might not have any previous association with that person's work and Projects have done in the past then they have no point of context and they're free to shit on it
Starting point is 02:42:30 But that's where I'm coming from for David Cage when every single game has been a huge massive disappointment a waste of my life I'm going to go in extremely negative until proven otherwise And nothing in the demo except for a cool little visual thing was and and the fact that the game just Generally looks really gorgeous But it should always because at least his games do look good from the they have money at least they've got money The impression i'm getting For woolly is he knows that this one's probably going to be the most polished in terms of You have to spot the shit versus it just being thrown in your face. Exactly. So he doesn't want to go into the lp
Starting point is 02:43:10 Being accused of uh pulling a kenny where you've developed such a hatred for something that you're just accused of oh You just hate it already But even beyond two souls when we're playing that i'm like that game looks gorgeous That game has really good performances That go nowhere because the some idiot decided let's chop the fucking game up like a fucking moron You know who did that who decided that cage is what do you think cage is like that because that's the system I gotta make it interesting Well, there's like one or two like this is a good idea
Starting point is 02:43:41 It was executed in the worst way that a husband could ever execute it. Yeah Why why like what is it about his personality or is it because of Like are people surrounding him? Is it sort of a george luke's thing where they're actually talented people around him? That's exactly what he's doing. There's an interview with the co-founder of chronic dreams Talking exactly about the fact that they need people to reign him in fucking fire him And you say that oh, we need to reign woolly in fucking fire woolly, but we don't need to do that with woolly so co-founder co-founder co-founder, okay
Starting point is 02:44:16 So That's that's that's the train. It's on and it's it's it's definitely coming from the same. It's the same space that uh uve ball and uh, tomie we so and Neil brine live in it's the same place green again, right where you have a dream and you have a vision that Is the same quality as every amazing movie you watched or every amazing game yet?
Starting point is 02:44:48 Okay, i'm on board with this you understand And you you know how to pull that off because it's in your head Yeah, and in your head. It's the best it should be simple to then put it out into reality But that's the most dangerous place to come from riding like you don't do that And you looked at those movies that are good and you went okay. What do we need? We need the people We need the camera and the place that's that's it And then we tell them what to say and then we get the good story movie just gets birthing We get a good game from my head into reality
Starting point is 02:45:21 Yeah, and and the mark and execute and every time someone steps in to go Do you even frame your shots? Do you understand? What an establishing shot is do you understand editing do you understand conversation? Like and it's like it's all these granular details and the person that is in question that that is goes Don't worry about that. That doesn't matter I have it in my head Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what it is. You know in my head. There's this cake and it's perfect Yep, and it's just sugary and it's frosted and flavor does it that's cool, sir
Starting point is 02:45:57 What do we what do we put into the cake to make it like you want? I don't know We we make a cake So many people that have that happens all the time And then we get everyone in the room and you go you were making a fucking cake And it's like what kind of cake are we making we're making the cake i'm thinking about it's a really good one What kind of cake is the cake from my childhood memories you idiot. Don't you know it? No I don't do you. Yeah, we're making it Okay, should we start with eggs? Maybe some flour? What the details don't matter
Starting point is 02:46:30 You know and then in the end You can't you fucking you you just you brute force it with enough people around That's completed that can ship the fucking thing. Yeah ship the cake I have done enough commissions that I'm very experienced with these kinds of people That I have something in my head my oc you make it. Yes. Yes And then you say, okay What does he look like and the answer is uh sort of like this and that and they might give you some reference images And then you say oh you mean this this exact thing that you described. No, that's nothing like what I wanted
Starting point is 02:47:02 Then what did you want? I I already told you Because they don't know they don't internalize. They just feel and that's it the details don't matter It's this feeling in my head and me telling you about it Is it should be enough should be enough for you to see it right? That's all And it's money behind that and yeah It makes me think of superman returns. Remember that? Yeah How there's so many shots of him like slowly descending and oh It's just beautiful and it makes me feel so many things said the director and the writer
Starting point is 02:47:37 But you the viewer don't feel any of this you don't have that inside of you So it doesn't mean anything because the movie isn't there to create that feeling And that's where the disconnect happens with so many writers Is I'm trying to recreate a feeling that I used to have but I don't know how to make other people feel that That's david cage This is very enlightening because I never I never actually synced up david cage that tommy was so uh neil breen sort of Level that it told like he's he's better spoken
Starting point is 02:48:11 And it's more of like a salesman that way like so there's that difference there But actually internally it's exactly the same thought process 100 percent from the same planet Of commies planet. Yes Of just I have a thought and that's good enough to make it. I don't need to know the steps I don't need to understand the craft I don't need to even worry myself over how the things I liked were made I can simply surround myself with enough people to make my vision come true And I was thinking about omicron a bunch when I was trying to sleep a few days ago
Starting point is 02:48:47 We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. He says on the bridge planet. Yeah, exactly a world of nothing But bridges when all these games have so many cake on bridge world And all these games have so many things like the indigo prophecy has the fucking You know Aztec gods and the matrix people all the bullshit and the chinese ghost army and all the bullshit from uh beyond two souls That now totally smacks of someone going and we need to put this thing in that I like that I think is interesting too exactly And that's the only reason why I was able to pin it to the rest of those guys
Starting point is 02:49:21 Is because if you go early enough before the blockers were in You right you're looking at indigo prophecy the weighted clothing that they're forced to wear indigo prophecy was his Unfiltered brain. Yeah, so when you get to the point of like, okay, how do you get? To this bad of a plot Of of a finale you go you have to think about someone who says what is evil to me What do I think bad things are? A cult right a man in a in a cloak and a bloody pentagram is evil But as we uncovered the mystery, what else is evil witches I've always felt nervous about them
Starting point is 02:50:03 Yeah, I don't understand AI. I I don't like those weird energy people made out of code aliens might get us Is that a normal pentagram is destroying the environment hate that that's really mean of weather And this weather is evil the secret cults are always a problem. The illuminati is real I Don't know about those native american shamans. No. Yeah, they got some weird shit buried in there And tigers are gonna kill you if they get the chance. Yeah, you'll love those true these things are evil I'm afraid of my ex-wife. We should put that in there, too Demons and angels fighting over my soul. Well the damn did demons are evil and ghosts
Starting point is 02:50:55 You must be ravens These things make me feel bad. Hold on. Think of think of wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. This also works for positives Kissing is good men and women kiss There's love men sex friendship sex is only good playing basketball with your friends or football Short hair underage girls having a big apartment means you're happy Gotta have a big apartment pregnancy babies being born
Starting point is 02:51:31 That's good. These are happy things in life. You know what? A pizza being delivered to your big apartment that only means success playing the guitar That's what a happy person does that people love. I enjoy that That makes me feel good. Wait. No, there's a bug People hate bugs bugs are evil Can't have those old foreign chinese men Evil I don't trust that I don't like it
Starting point is 02:52:10 It is different. It is not what I'm used to It's that Simple it is it's fucking bare bone elementary simple This is good to me. This is bad It's like someone put a bunch of different stickers of different objects and things and they said there's a good sign There's a bad side. Where did the they go David? It's it's a it's a it's a fucking chalkboard with a line in the middle And he's putting yeah, he's putting little uh pin things or things up or whatever and and and at the end you're like Wait, so every evil force is working together
Starting point is 02:52:45 And he's like yes firing against my love for cake. They need to be stopped Just just general pool of evil like, you know, there's like the pool and you go in it's only evil people in that pool That's bad pool But the good side is good sides nice children are nice indigo child That's that's important, but mr. Cage Innocence, how does this fit together? Like how do these things work together? Is it cohesive evil? Evil don't worry about that, babe Hmm
Starting point is 02:53:13 They're evil So obviously if we put them in the story and oppose them against the main character Then it will work because there's people benevolent and kind secret society They're not evil because if I say they're evil people will be like, hmm, but the mentally ill though They're crazy They take cloth swipes Everything everything. Oh, you know, and no one that's homeless is mentally ill Priests priests are nice. It's good if you have a brother. That's a priest
Starting point is 02:53:45 And I'll help you through the the hard times when the angels attack. Yeah, you need a priest on your side Angels those are evil Well, no, there are demons, but they look like angels Condoms those are evil Like everything it is everything is an extreme Pre-k my brother can't be a nice guy My brother has to be a priest because priests are super nice and help people and and you just you take that mentality and extrapolate it into all of the games
Starting point is 02:54:18 And then find out about the parts that get removed like the science fiction plot of being removed from heavy rain Yeah, and that was someone actually saying no we're cutting this shit out. It's ridiculous and god knows what was pulled out of Balloons are nice kids love balloons sure My favorite part about that is that the gray area of morality for him Is someone appearing to be on the good side and then they jump the fence into bad town all of a sudden Yeah, that's gray Gray is whatever white is actually black and you just didn't know the white just tears off its white stickers Ah evil. I was black all along
Starting point is 02:54:58 Oh, no not again This is this this was an amazing episode the third episode of our lp second I I still count the the con. Yeah, but that wasn't filmed. So that was the second rare enough Jesus christ, we're running long on this one. We are yeah, so what's the news? How about that? Um I mean we can yeah, let's let we can yeah, I talked about nothing, but fuck it. I'll let's just move on to news. Okay um so
Starting point is 02:55:31 First off we should acknowledge Acknowledge the genius work of ban presto Okay, so these were at Um, Montreal comic con you could purchase one of these god damn it. I didn't know this is the dragon ball z master stars piece manga dimensions There was a booth where you saw these. Yep random middle. Yeah, he put up photos on them on twitter didn't you? Yeah, but I thought those were for ban presto. I didn't realize you saw them. Okay, so they're out
Starting point is 02:56:00 I believe so. So what we're describing is dragon ball figures that are Their statues that are lit exactly Like the fucking show like the show or the manga if it were colored Yeah, manga fair color. Yeah, it looks incredible. You're looking at a cell shaded statue effectively similar to those 3d prints I may I got of um, yeah, those are close of like my solid snake and my You know cloud and stuff like that
Starting point is 02:56:29 It's almost like an optical illusion. I had the look from different angles to I was Disconvinced it was like paper. Yeah or something So I'm throwing a link up in the in the podcast notes But this line of dragon ball figures is fucking I want I wanted one I bit the thing about dragon ball figures is that Some of them look really awesome and I want them. I'm like, I actually I don't watch super I don't do anything this is just based on my good memories of dragon ball and I'm just like I don't know
Starting point is 02:56:57 But they look awesome. Uh, and um, you said again, these are already out They're out of booth I don't know if you could buy them, but they had the boxes and had them the figures outside of the boxes How much were they? I didn't even see a price. I just Ogled at them and like, yeah, there's so much shit at the con that like I Was always drawn to other places sick. It reminds me of those predator figures that were like, you know, the special um Yeah, I know the video game figures in general from video game figures and they
Starting point is 02:57:28 Watch have splotchy paint jobs to make it look like pixels and stuff. But this is like another level. Yeah, that's a nice But Indeed does Um presto figures. That's good Put that in the good category that Um, that's good and of course, uh anything else to talk about in terms of characters showing up I don't know Do we start with woolly or do we start with woolly? Let's start with woolly. All right. I don't know
Starting point is 02:57:57 I was thinking we could start with woolly. Uh, I don't know. You should start with woolly instead Okay, two great characters woolly and woolly Uh Why not both I say how you're gonna do this watch watch as I do. Fuck you. I'm gonna pull up. Oh, yeah I think I know what you're doing. I'm gonna pull up something that represents you as a post that should bam Here we go. Really cool. It's not you. No, that's my brother. Doomfist is not you No, it's not me at all. It's my brother's character. Yeah, uh, so doom fist announced for overwatch
Starting point is 02:58:27 He's finally here performing for you and he's exactly the last He's exactly what was promised. Um He is A Angry not even angry. No not angry. I come He's a calm Black man with a large fist and he punches straight. He does a shoryuken and he does a ground pound That's that's what was promised
Starting point is 02:58:54 If you thought he was going to be anything else or if they made him anything else They would have fucked up But they didn't I'm really glad because every overwatch character that uh after launch I've like, you know I like but I'm never like play wise. I'm like, uh, it's just it's too complicated Has too many things so I'm happy for like just a straight shooter to punch things like that's I'll I'll play doomfist for sure Pretty yeah, there's there's I feel like the the the basic idea of him is going to be easy to learn And he's probably going to be hard to master right happy to have characters that do not have guns Yes
Starting point is 02:59:28 Yeah, yeah, and these characters without guns are really all about your decision-making ability, you know the last three The last three dlc characters all have guns So there you go. Um And he had only criticism I have my characters like that is they tend to be pretty bland Because they're so focused on them being cool Yeah, it's like that I'm actually though But I'm thankful that there's one that's like that where it's because no, no, I'm not all of them You know, I want to mix it slowly
Starting point is 02:59:58 It's just like yeah Give me just a simple character if I just don't want to think that hard Which I tend to do often or if you're not someone that's great at aim Then you can work or you can use melee Literally talking to people last night. They're like, yeah, I saw playing Overwatch because my aim is shitty. Yeah It's it's you know, that's real. That's real. Does it count as a gun if his fist is a gun? No, it's a fist. No, it's it's a short range shotgun fist Short it's fucking fist shotgun fist. I'll I'll take yeah, it's sort of a gun
Starting point is 03:00:29 Sort of a gun is a shot fist if you will, you know Uh, but but but you know, I if I was to say anything I think like his default design is maybe a bit more bland than some of the other characters But I think there's just something a little but I think but I think they weren't trying to overdo it I guess no, no, I think that is like it's not even a criticism. Really. I'm just like, I think orisa is really busy And I think um, I think she's busy and bland Huh I think I know what you mean. Yeah. Yeah, that's a weird one, but I think I know what you mean. Okay, but anyway
Starting point is 03:01:05 Doomfist is very cool and I can't wait to give him a shot. Yeah, um Sorry, uh, terry cruise Yeah, maybe next time top 10 anime betrayals I mean, I can't bring you in every time that we need an expansion Well, I think they just clearly were just like luck. We're not going for that type of character The ad is like any's like maybe you should yeah, or do you want me to bring you want to bring me in and I can be calm I could be calm. No, you can't really back. No, you can't Exactly. Yeah. Doomfist. Ah, god damn it. I'm sorry
Starting point is 03:01:38 I didn't mean that I can do it better. I can do it better. Doomfist. Yeah um, so, uh, that was cool and then of course, uh, all the craze all the rage all the raving over Pearl Yeah, pearl. What a character Splatoon 2 introduces pearl
Starting point is 03:02:03 And some other chick. Yeah, it doesn't even matter. Look at pearl. What a waifu Now that's a forehead I could take off from I mean And that's the story talk about your design like wins Right done and done and done. I like the fusion of denis the menace and a gross clam I like that about pearl Moving on anyway, so anyway and an M and and a rice cake had a baby together And then there's this other one and yeah, this is the one I yeah
Starting point is 03:02:41 All right, we done. Are we done? Are we done? All right It's over marina. It's done. Did you see that little video of, uh, marina and pearl on stage? And then like the cam handheld walks over to the shelf and just scoops the amoebos For callie and mary into the trash It's really good. Yeah. No, I did. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty funny. Yeah. No And I saw and I saw like some are some like counter Resistance artwork of like, you know, callie and mary like bumping them off our frame going like no Nothing beats the originals and it's like this has like two retweets you ask
Starting point is 03:03:19 You know what agrees with you. I'm sorry Read the mood. I like callie mary, but like no new hotness now. You're done. Hang it up. It's over The darkness is coming Um Yeah, a really good character designs. I like that stuff. There might be content coming from me in the future And you're like and by the future, I mean right now right now. Well, you I mean mr. Stake beats you to it pretty sure norisuko's on that shit I think star was maybe the first out of the gate almost like someone when she retweeted a drawing
Starting point is 03:03:53 I was she tweeted a drawing of that she did of pearl marina Like I saw comments like how did you do this so fast? It was it was waiting it was already I can only work so fast. Okay. No, I know I'm not saying star just had to edit The already designed character she had Yeah, yeah, exactly. I actually actually I did make that comic didn't I forgot about that Uh, but really quickly some game announcements. Um one There's a game called arbiter. It is on Kickstarter. This is from the guy who made the ruby grim eclipse game
Starting point is 03:04:28 So I think it's starting. I think it's yeah, I think it's I think so I believe it started as a fan game and then got picked up officially and Yeah, so jordan scott has a Kickstarter here for this new game Arbiter and what it's the main thing seems to the blog the main thing seems to be that you are Playing as a main character that's going through like action combat, you know sort of fast-paced fighting But you have a dove and a raven That's me and you switch back and forth between white and black
Starting point is 03:05:00 as Icaruga ish Icaruga like an Icaruga like way and uh, you know like being the opposite color of what you're fighting Is the optimal stands to be there I think there's an action game or two that do do that mechanic that you have to be a certain Affinity to hurt another thing. Yeah, but not the entire game has been maybe designed like that That sounds like it could be either a very interesting or very tiring Yeah, depending on coming across
Starting point is 03:05:29 Gotta switch again No idea. It seems to be pretty seamless. It's just pressing one button. Yeah. Uh, that being said, uh, you know I don't think this is a big ruby household. So I don't know if any of us have tried it. No Uh, but yeah, that got announced earlier today Or this week rather Um, sorry, I have to jump ahead a bit. But do you have a game in there called a city of brass? No Okay, you might want to pull that out. Let's do it. What is it? City of brass is what will we pull that up is a game? I just saw announced. Um, I think destructoid had an article for it
Starting point is 03:06:02 It's from a former bioshock like like so many games It's from former bioshock people that got laid off and it's a first person game Uh, where uh, you have a whip A sword and a shield. Okay, and you're basically fighting through, uh A castle or an environment of monsters and it takes like a like a Not arabian not quite. No, no, it is arabian. Yeah, definitely the prince of prism ask So, yeah, you have a whip on one side Uh, and a shield on the other and the shield can turn into a sword sometimes and you're basically
Starting point is 03:06:39 Uh, find ways of of monsters in first person not vr game. Um, there's blocks. There's parries. There's traps Okay, and this is coming out later this year and this is uh, former, uh bioshock devs So people that left and there's like a little old many I don't know how many games, uh, that are announced especially like on kickstart. This is not a kickstarter game Uh, but it's kind of a rogue like thing where you you die come back Your skills improve find new ways to uh, I like the whip. Yeah, like that's kind of what made me go Oh, oh, well, you don't see that often. Yeah, so you're pulling, um things from characters Enemies hands and stuff. So I thought that was pretty cool. That's fun. It's uh, woolly. What's the name of the company?
Starting point is 03:07:22 uppercut games That's good. I named woolly knows is actually lame. Well, but he can't help Well done folks. Yeah um Cool, uh, it even looks like bioshock a little bit the way the characters are running around there a little bit I don't really care too much for the bioshock games, but that does look kind of interesting That's fine. But I I think the I think uh, the first one is the strongest one I thought you like the second one actually a bit more
Starting point is 03:07:51 I like the second one a lot because of the ability to really feel like a big daddy But I I just always remember thinking thinking you prefer the second one Uh, I think story-wise this the first one is the strongest. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's kind of what I mean I think the gameplay in the second one for me was better. But this the story in in bioshock one was was strongest All right, um, there is a game called a garrison archangel and It'll take two seconds to establish why I think is a 3d fighting game You should check this game out. Oh
Starting point is 03:08:24 Because quite simply it is a 3d fighting game where you customize your fucking mechas and you go at it In a zone of the under style environment So that's where the garrison's coming into play. I guess so I think it's not uh, it's not like aside It's not like a 2d plane thing. It's no 3d actually like zoe versus mode slash virtual And if you have any love for virtual on or zoe versus mode and you like customizing your fucking robots It's time to take a look at garrison archangel. Good name. What's the name of that? The gundam game where it's open and includes everything from every series
Starting point is 03:09:06 the the versus gundam versus Whatever you've you showed it once or twice. Yeah, we did we did uh, okay? Well, there's gundam breaker, but then there's also the versus boost EX boost and and and The one I'm thinking of where you can customize custom like a breaker gundam breaker 3. Yeah, gundam breaker 3 um but this is a dedicated like arena combat and There's not much to say besides watch the trailer and get sold
Starting point is 03:09:33 There's a demo available watch trailer get sold. There's a demo available to the public and You can check that out um It does not look input base. That's for sure. Yeah, you can get that on steam neat uh Yeah, so there's that of course always always, uh dope to see some more mech-a-shit popping up
Starting point is 03:09:58 I uh, also caught that eBay is implementing some anti snes scalping Uh tech early on So in particular, uh, basically you're not allowed any pre-orders that go up for snes classics Are being shut the fuck down and basically any pre-order items that go up on ebay now have to be Uh, like a vetted within they have to be within 30 days of release Okay, so anyone that's doing the scams they did last time of putting letting people pre-order Uh things months in advance or as soon as they get announced
Starting point is 03:10:34 Are getting shut down so that people, uh, can't get fucking scalped. I wonder if that's like eBay doing it themselves or like nintendo actually like contacting them and saying yeah, you need to crack down It looks like it's them. It's that it's their own initiative I can't imagine nintendo con because they're not exactly Attached to anything that's going on over here. No, there's nothing that aware. Especially this is a this is an ebay uk story. So like That's a pretty good move. Uh, I respect that and I'd like to see Amazon and such start doing this kind of thing as well. That'd be fantastic Uh, but I mean ebay is kind of unique because you're making auctions and shit, right? So, um
Starting point is 03:11:13 I wanted to briefly uh talk about the fact that if anyone did like the castlevania series They should get ready. Yes, because adi shankar The same guy behind castlevania was also working on an animated series for assassin's creed I'll watch that. I kind of think maybe assassin's creed should have always stayed in it It probably should have stuck to that medium Seems like the right I always I always enjoyed I we I think we liked embers one of that tl You watched that. Did you know I didn't watch embers and this is good But that's where they talk about the um, the rope darts, right?
Starting point is 03:11:48 But I think what era does that take place? It does not say I don't think doesn't say the screenshot is implying egypt artwork But I don't think that's what we're necessarily. Yeah, I think that's just the only thing they have Uh, we don't know when when it will air when it will appear if they're in any other characters Designs whoever shankar revealed that it will be an entirely original story. Ubisoft just hooked up with him and that's all they're announcing right now and um Yeah, fine. Sure. I'll watch them, you know I I I I've come to terms with the fact that Ubisoft is not going to suddenly stop caring about assassin's creed. Yeah, they will not give it a rest
Starting point is 03:12:25 Like I think they're like, you know, what's better despite the fact that they said they're going to give it a rest You know, what's better than spending a lot of money on a movie Not spending a lot of money on a movie. How about it making a cheap animated thing on netflix? How about that? uh We got the I mean the fact I I mean at this point, it's just like uh I feel like the spread of zubas into as much bullshit as possible Has affected our friends
Starting point is 03:12:57 Shovel Knight and shantae Because they're definitely getting their cameos in as much as possible. Oh, okay So shantae and shovel knight are showing up in blaster master zero. Where the fuck is zubas? How are we not on this? I don't know, but that's pretty cool. It is. Um, that's neat because blaster master that game On the switch is is very is good. It's fun But it is like a little repetitive so characters with different play styles would greatly introduce it Improve it. Yeah, so Uh, it just feel I feel like uh, the the yacht club crew are like
Starting point is 03:13:33 All aboard the cameo train. You know, they're all about cameos you cameo for us. We cameo for you You know, it's a kpop, right? Yeah, I'm in your video. Featuring feature you feature in my video We lean up in each other's videos Right, then the album comes out. We cross drop that shit promote And we party like rock stars and have sex like porn stars Yeah, that's what inti creates Who's probably saying that's what they said over on their yacht Shantae is hip hop. That is true. She is proven fact dances
Starting point is 03:14:06 um, and last but not least Shin Megami tense a strange journey redux Is coming out and uh, in case you happen to miss it. This is basically they're re-releasing it. Um Is it a remake or It's a 3ds. Yeah, it's a 3ds Re-release I think I'm not sure if it's the original I'll come on No, I did but but I but this is just a again a 3ds re-release of it Um, and I believe it is more than just a port
Starting point is 03:14:38 Okay, but I'm not 100 on the details, but uh, that's cool. So that's dropping and uh, October 26 is the japanese release date And seems to be coming out early 2018 for north america For that place Uh, let's take some emails and get the fuck out. Can I ask you real fast? Sure I'm surprised at all that the nintendo 3ds does not seem to be directly competing whatsoever with the switch They have not really impacted one another at all. Uh, does it surprise us in that nintendo is not trying to make it? Do you spray it like what do you mean? Well, I noticed that they're as far as their sales and everything goes
Starting point is 03:15:16 3ds is still leading quite heavily Well, I mean overall Yeah, yeah, well the established console that has its bigger base that's been around longer is gonna Sort of continue because it's also cheaper This is also true And then they have that new model out which I still don't know if that actually came out Price is the largest determining factor of at all at all times in any sort of console market situation
Starting point is 03:15:43 In I don't know how much you guys even use your switch at this point, but have you found that you even use it in its Uh, like mobile functionality. I almost exclusively use it in its mobile version I do use it as a console from time to time But I'll usually like pick it up and like I'd go to the bathroom or whenever I'm making something in the kitchen or something I'll use it in that context. Yeah, I mean, I don't use it that that too But like if I know I'm gonna be out all day I'll bring it when I go on like contracts. I hope like it's it's almost you have to bring it I've used it. You guys would have a lot more useful. I've used it docked less than 10 times
Starting point is 03:16:21 I mean when I do dock it and like if I'm recording like if I'm doing a stream of it Then it's gonna stay in its dock for a while Uh, because I don't want to take it out and you know for lose battery or whatever But um, yeah, yeah, like I'd say I've I've it's been docked like 10 times or less But when it is docked, I'll play it like for hours, you know So you see playing uh Mario Kart 8 Like mobile and if I want to play breath of the wild I started playing hard mode recently And uh, I'll play that through obs
Starting point is 03:16:51 Um All right, so let's take some emails mad. I see you eyeballing my mouse pad. Do you have some issues? Uh, because at first I was like, no And then I was like, ah, sorry Uh, it's I got my first booby mouse pad guys. Yeah, it's a very big booby mouse pad That's good. It's it's it's zaria with the boobies being her muscles and she's saying do you even lift? It's soft It's so soft. You saw that one of animal crossing where it's the little puppy from the little puppy girl from animal crossing and the boobies
Starting point is 03:17:27 The boobies are just two apples that she's like, please take these apples. Oh, I didn't see that. That's really great She doesn't even have any boob. Exactly. I retweeted earlier today. That was funny. That's great. Something thomas posted. So Oh, man, I love it. Uh Let's take some emails first one coming in from Cougar bar Cougar bar Play do you know this? What are they still there a cougar bar? Uh, they're willy and matt Wanted to fully explain. I remember I told you remember I told you about cast jackson
Starting point is 03:18:03 Vaguely, yeah, I brought up to name cast jackson and I asked, uh, right So I wanted to fully explain that cast jackson a name that I loved was, uh An omission from the chasing dead lp um It was the name of the actor who played shawn in chasing dead Oh, he has a black dude who you may recall was interreviewed by a bunch of Uh interviewed was reviewed a game that was reviewed by a bunch of bots on steam that praised it for having very very hot Yes, very hot very very attractive
Starting point is 03:18:33 His co-stars included i'm not joking a woman named dusky scott dusky skies These are porn and a woman known only as natalie The natalie the cast you can see you can see yourself the cast is listed under chasing dead dot I recognize nothing about this this until you said very hot Uh Pass jackson is the best. I love everything about I checked the steam uh page for chasing dead to see if episode two has dropped yet Does any information whatsoever?
Starting point is 03:19:10 Uh, we got one coming in from charlie. He says hey guys two. Thanks for you today. First of all cast jackson Uh, I hate to kill your hopes and dreams, but king of prussia is just a mall Second largest mall in the u.s. Admittedly, but it's just a mall But it's an entire area because that mall goes on for blocks It's called king of prussia mall But when I was like on gps and phones, I would just see king of prussia the big green signs on the highway Say king of prussia is it is that all for the mall though? It could could very well be it is a mall and an area
Starting point is 03:19:40 We just assume it's an area But what if those signs are actually like no all you care about is this mall So we're just going to advertise king of prussia because we assume you know it's the mall But the king of prussia does live in that mall. Yeah, no, he does He sits in his king of prussia chair make sure that the malls functioning normally and on optimal levels down by the bulk bar Uh Second my question i've been meaning to ask for a while Um, well, I know you've talked to many times about the ultimate line of comics
Starting point is 03:20:08 My question is why how much how much you like the ultimate line of comics because there's why uh, someone who grew up reading the Mainline comics. Oh, yeah, because you mentioned how much you love ultimate hawkeye and different You love ultimate, uh, galactus too. Uh, the idea, uh, everything i've seen of the ultimate Flicking your fingernails that's stupid everything i've seen of the ultimate comics has been the worst There's something is there something i'm missing or is it just a matter of taste? I love to Have my mind changed so if you can recommend the place to start i really appreciate it Things actually happen in ultimate line. Well, quite frankly, I I think it was um You know every once in a while that you have your your your comic book reboots and such and in this case
Starting point is 03:20:48 This is one is it was one of the like this was a really successful one because this was lasted a long time Because it was an attempt to not reboot the mainline thing again for the end of time But to literally just create another one where we can do what we think is interesting not have all the baggage from previous stuff Right, I like what ifs for universes and I and I thought that was a really cool way to handle that I thought I was totally fine with it and and I enjoy that exactly. It's the same way how Oh, what to me or and to you is the best version of punisher Punisher max Right. Yeah, but that's not his own spin-off that actually was that that's still but just punisher. It's just six six punisher
Starting point is 03:21:28 Is it? Yeah, punisher max is not is not uh its own No, really. Yeah. Yeah Wow, okay that much of an impact revelations that I I was completely wrong. Why is because in punisher max they're like He's fucking 60. Okay. He's been doing this for years. It's not like a younger punisher. His origin is exactly the same Right. I don't even know if there's a fucking ultimate punisher. I don't think there even is all right probably wrong Okay, well, I'll throw that point out entirely But no your point remains like what is your it's fun to go What is your favorite version of of this thing and then and to see to see a different take on something familiar
Starting point is 03:22:05 That again, if someone was not around for that origin point They do have this new one and it's not getting rid of the old one. Yeah, you know, so it was So when the ultimates came about I'm like, let's see what mark malar is doing here And I was like, oh, I really enjoyed this take on all these of individual characters In fact, I'm liking a lot of the camaraderie In ways that I didn't like about the initial like I didn't really like this. Yeah, okay, and um There was a particular thing with uh, ultimate avengers in particular that was uh They were being much more cinematic with the panels
Starting point is 03:22:47 I found the intro to the first book where you're seeing cap in the past is is like it's presented almost like a storyboard More than comic book paddling and it was being treated a lot differently from like a you know The an average book I was reading at the time. So I liked I was pulled in from that first story I felt the conversations they were having with like, you know characters that you know like Thor. Here's Thor Is he the god of thunder or a crazy hobo? Yeah, that's really good. I forgot convincing people That he's a mythical being and they're like crazy hobo god And they're like we have no idea But a bunch of people are hanging out with him and they're all hobos too
Starting point is 03:23:30 And they're in their little fucking like hobo town shanty town and but he's got a hammer So let's go talk to him. There's some interesting ideas over that that camp. Let's go check it out So I am like that was the on of hobos. Yeah, and he talks about my fucking brother Loki You know the trickster and like and the and he's seeing invisible beings and they're like what the fuck So no one else can see them. So they can't see that they can't say that he's wrong I thought that was really fun. Yeah, you know, that was a much more fun thing to do with Thor than I had seen in a long time Uh, I meant to mention this to you They do similar things with bruce batter and they do similar things almost with giant man and most of the cast
Starting point is 03:24:08 I think the spider-man is almost the most conventional one Where it's just like no make him younger just start off fresh and that was it like there wasn't anything drastically different With spider-man himself. There was things drastically different like venom green goblin stuff like that There's an amazing article that says top 10 marvel. What if comics that turned out to be true later They did the what ifs in the actual continuities And I forget most of them unfortunately, but I I need to send it to you because it's an amazing You wait around long enough and they're gonna do it. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 03:24:42 They're gonna fucking do it So that's what it was and the thing is I I've heard what if wolverine Became an agent of shield right fucking super dead So I and I remember uh like hearing my friend that was reading through x-men complaining about it a lot I remember him going like oh my god ultimate x-men is going down the shitter I never heard any Anything really I I don't know if it's right away or if it's later on but I heard bad things about that and of course Ultimate's volume three which I managed to steer clear of because I heard really bad things about that
Starting point is 03:25:12 But that's kind of the problem of those sorts of things I I'm also in your camp. I love what ifs especially for something like comics where it's been established and the characters are x-men of Years old These are the things that happened to them in the 1960s 1970s 1980s 90s And you can't really if you're you are a writer and you have an idea I want this thing you can't have that thing. No because it's stupid. There's too much there Your idea is the same stuff For it's an entirely new universe and you don't have to worry about it. You can do anything
Starting point is 03:25:40 So your great idea actually hit now has a chance to live and it can be its own thing and then whatever it's over It's over. Yeah, the thing is just wolverine lived in the time of conan the barbarian. Yeah, that would be awesome Well, it's it's such a thing. I think this year. That's amazing. I think I think the strength Is also the weakness in that. Yeah, that's how it's about to say the weakness is that it keeps going when it doesn't need It doesn't need to keep going it can just end and that brief new look into a completely Unique universe should be over, you know, and that and so I know that's what ended up being the problem with ultimates so when when malar wasn't even doing it anymore and This is the problem with the main main line
Starting point is 03:26:20 With ultimate spidey with ultimate x-men, you know, it seemed like yeah over time They just kept it going and now you have a second universe that has its own set of problems and like entanglements and you know the complexity of 616 in itself is One where you your brain just gives up on what do you mean like like 616 has been going on for so long Yeah, that you can't actually like Like if you're trying to follow a um The continuity of a given character. Yeah, there's things that you have that writers come along in that do that you kind of just have to go
Starting point is 03:26:52 Okay, well, I don't follow you Everything's perfect, right? Everything. No, it's very very very tight very easy very concise Problems are occurring right now. What is the state of of uh at may right now? I don't know. Is she is she schrodinger's may? When we open the box, will she be alive and dead at the same time? I actually know about I mean this is super old now, but like peter parker's Sold mary jane into devil slavery to keep handmade alive. So, you know He sold it. He sold it in the fista or some shit that and that's the last thing
Starting point is 03:27:30 I know about at man. That was like more than 10 years But that's but that's besides the point. I guess it's just that like, you know good writers come along and do good jobs Bad writers do bad jobs. I thought ultimates was a cool Enclosed take that like I wish it stayed enclosed But I still think if you go back to answer your questions, sir charlie And read uh those first two volumes. I think you'll enjoy them Yeah, and the other thing with when you say what I read of the ultimates I didn't really like well, guess what?
Starting point is 03:27:58 There's so much of it that you might have like I don't know But you might have just missed the stuff that a good writer got a handle of and you might have just read stuff That a bad writer this usually would actual people that state within comics do yeah trek writers They don't trek story. Exactly. That's what I do. That's what I do That's the only way thing about comics is that oh, we're going to hire you on as our new batman main writer Okay, but the guy before you was an idiot And now batman is a magic demon that is 1000 years old and the joker is So Beelzebub or so fix it that you're right that is a problem
Starting point is 03:28:37 But sometimes just depending on circumstances They literally will tell someone fuck whatever that guy did right? So it happens all the time when when garth ennis started writing the punisher and then turn into punisher max The last when the last things frank castle was doing in the late 90s Was that he died and became like a heaven avenger and had two magic oozy's That glowed bright white and had wings And in garth ennis's punisher. He's like oh like yeah, like I did a couple of uh, I had some bad dreams Heaven wanted me to kill and I said fuck that so he basically waves it off as that was a fucked up stupid dream
Starting point is 03:29:20 It's fine The cat and batman is now the batman of zur and ah I was barely I was keeping track of batman and the last it's been a while It's probably been like five years since this happened. But the last thing I remember reading was An issue where the joker is implied to be A many centuries old like almost sort of demon guy That's been haunting Gotham for centuries with the help of Lazarus pits
Starting point is 03:29:52 And I you know that doesn't sound too bad It's fine. It's still kind of stupid and you can imagine someone coming in later and be like no, don't don't do that He's supposed to be ordinary person. That's the whole appeal. It's just a god. Well. I didn't actually know what you're talking about Oh, okay for those who are unfamiliar look up. This is uh alternate. Yeah, batman of zur and ah It's a batman with a really Let's see if I can find some some good looks for whatever his mind gets broken. He automatically goes into Okay, wow, he was in brave in the bull. He's got a big bright red shirt and yellow sleeves with purple cows Yeah, he looks Batman with an attitude. That one. Click those are in rock. Look at that
Starting point is 03:30:37 cool That looks amazing. He's all tough cool and then the garish costume that will that's the planet that he's from Yeah Sometimes comics have strange ideas That's not sure All right, what's uh coming up? What's coming out? Uh for for channel stuff. Um the cat lady has started it has and uh Walking dead has started everyone's loving it and la nor continues. So not at all hating on it
Starting point is 03:31:10 I hope you guys enjoy walking and talking games. We we we do you do everyone does and sadness. Yep. Yeah Uh We're gonna we're gonna be we're gonna be recording something probably not this week, but soon Yeah, we'll talk about that useless. Well, yeah, it is but I like I think we'll wait a bit until we've actually recorded it to say what it is but um Uh Yeah, we probably have more one-offs coming this week It's the part of the cycle now
Starting point is 03:31:38 It's part of the cycle now The the quote-unquote meme filler age is actually just the normal schedule. So yeah, enjoy And uh, yeah, what's coming up that is exciting is evolution 2017 So i'ma be there you be there Uh, we're gonna be there you be gonna be there night at 5 p.m With the yo video games cross the super vest scrub lords, maybe Panel that'll be happening at evo. Well, I'm glad I'm filing out about it here. I'm glad I found out about it about 10 minutes ago No, actually like to prove real
Starting point is 03:32:20 Panel organization has been like a kind of a mess and max only learned that there will be one Like a week ago and we only got the time and day just that's cool. I I I I'm Super grateful that they would do that for us because because we're the most Unlegit fighting game people and max's max's evil royalty. Yeah Yo video games man, they gotta go every time you gotta have a you gotta hit up the panel, you know, so If you're free and you're at evo at friday night at 5 p.m. Please come and point at us there we go One thing there that I'm concerned about
Starting point is 03:32:58 What's that hookers thuggery Dragonball z fighters, I don't know hooker thuggery Hookers from dragonball z fighters Money matches. I don't you're not you're not correcting us so Evil is what I'm concerned with Ah Which side does it get placed on on the corkboard? What who knows? It's too gray. It's too morally ambiguous. What goes
Starting point is 03:33:27 It could be either one these prostitutes could be good or evil. You never know No, no, it's like what are you actually and to say what are you interested in that evo? Okay, thank you Because I said that and then you didn't reply. All right very confusing Uh Now what we got what do you got? I stopped myself mid in middle of the words of saying hookery No
Starting point is 03:33:57 Thuggery, oh, I hope hookery never gets banned from capcom tournaments. Hey digos getting his manga translated He'll be able to go catch that. Um, but yeah, we're we're gonna we're rocking around evo. That's gonna be a fun time Hey, guess what if I'm at pools and I'm at my station and I'm waiting to play and or I'm sitting down to play Give me a minute Once I'm done and it's all good. This has happened before and it was like I'm I'm literally playing my tournament match right now man You know and like he the guy was cool, but I was just like Come on. I got the stick. I'm here. I'm playing
Starting point is 03:34:29 You know if you see me you can poke me anytime because I'm not I'm participating in less than zero tournaments I'm actually I withdraw my name from several there you go So I won't be doing any of that stuff. I'm just there to play do not include me in your tournaments We weren't going to don't don't do it. And I want to play journalism fighters in arica's Fighting game and punch planet finally punch plan. It's gonna be around. Yep. And uh, I got a date with octopimp We got to play some excerpts. So Uh, I hope like one of you just steam rolls the other and that is going to Annihilate me. You never know. His potemkin is gonna
Starting point is 03:35:08 Disgroin me. Don't act like that. I'm there. You almost almost beat daigo I'm you've already lost the match in your mind video game, sir. Yeah, you've lost the man that plays right You've lost the match in your mind already. You're definitely gonna lose. I'm coming prepared, but I want to learn Dude, it's a new game. It's a new game, but we'll see. We'll have some fun. And uh What is that it? Yeah, oh fantasia starting and guess what is airing on the day that we leave? Yeah, I know So There's a second screening. There is not there is literally a second screen
Starting point is 03:35:42 I fucking already lost the tickets for that because I didn't know it was on the book jojo's bizarre adventure diamond is unbreakable The second world premiere is happening here in montreal at fantasia film fest And as usual every year the day that evo starts is there's an amazing movie that I miss every time Yeah, and now this time you're gonna feel it and it sucks But there was a second screening on the 23rd because the last time I checked there was none There was just the one but I guess they must have added it. It was it was on the it was on the uh, the full dot, uh, Okay, thank Uh, there's jojo art style. It's kind of rough
Starting point is 03:36:16 And uh, there's some other Just just blast past it. Well, no, I mean what am I gonna say? Well, well, I'll judge when I see it, right? Uh, and then there's a couple other movies that look kind of interesting, but yeah, it wasn't that much I was really excited for except for jojo. You weren't excited for another cover with the fucking horse with the wings on it Okay, and now it's just like no fuck it. We're doing a box art critique of that I don't care if it's a local montreal joke local. No, it's everyone put it on woolly versus How about that because no one on our channel is gonna give up. They'll but by the end of the video They'll get it. Maybe don't worry about it. I'm still waiting for the pitch that you gave me, man
Starting point is 03:36:56 Yeah, no, that'll that'll happen. That'll happen All right, I'm doing the pp dance. So Thanks for asking what's coming up on my channel. What's coming up on your horrible channel. It's horrible Oh Okay, I'll I will be continuing with my playthrough of dark souls yet again. Yes B run This is random random items, right? Yeah, it's random item permanent aggression. Everything is a Gravelord. It's it's not good for me. It's good for you though It's it is funner to see random things getting popped picked up like fucking um
Starting point is 03:37:34 Whatever that glowing saxophone the glowing helmet that with some light maggot like right away first things I picked up That was crazy But uh, but it's but nothing that blocks you from critical path Maybe it just depends. We're gonna find out. It's it's an adventure in shit town That's what it is. I read about that patch and it said that they specifically made it so that you cannot get blocked Yeah, there's several different variations of the mod one of them is key items randomized one of them Key items aren't randomized at all. There's another one where everything is random So you can actually block yourself off, but he might have fixed that in version b. I don't know
Starting point is 03:38:12 But other than that I started on a new animation. I'm not sure when that's gonna come out Let's see and the the t-shirts that came out have been doing well. Everyone's if you haven't gotten it yet I guess Send me a message on twitter or something because everyone that ordered one should have gotten it by now. I think Which one's doing better plague? Yeah, which one's doing better? Oh, which one do you think? I would imagine saying I actually don't know but I can guess saying ladies. I would assume saying girls You assume wrong sir, but you don't even know. Wow. Do not underestimate the power of uh,
Starting point is 03:38:51 I see okay, okay Uh, yeah, do you have any thoughts and or feelings mr. Matt about? One two snacks Other than he's some type of god lord and made an amazing animation on his channel. Okay. It was just something Did you see it? Yes? No, I did. I just sat us the crack open Uh, your favorite drink or a snack and then watch 20 minutes of of something that's That again is always better than the original work that it's based on. Yeah, which is how long was he working on it? Because that's like two years. I think two best sisters play fallout for yeah
Starting point is 03:39:34 When another animator actually does that genius masterpiece They take two years and release something. I'm like good for you. Are you an idiot? You killed yourself. I I think it was he had scrapped work that he had started He started over multiple times. It's kind of crazy. Um, two snacks is the perfectionist's perfectionist. Yeah um, it was a pretty insane amazing thing that shows Archer quality and above animation. Yeah, it's a And uh, especially the good watch
Starting point is 03:40:06 Especially that collard duty dog and maybe one of these days two snacks won't hate me I'm glad that it exists You'll get an email from one day, I'm sure that's not gonna happen. No, I barely get them yourself two snacks I think he should go easy on himself. It's okay He doesn't have to like me. I like him a lot. I'm sure he likes you. He's amazing. I'm sure he likes me All right guys, I'd say it called out a podcast. Thank you plague for jumping in. Thank you, mr. Creepy Hmm, you're welcome guys. Let's all go have a nice pee Sounds good together
Starting point is 03:40:50 You ever hear this you ever hear the sound of like a heavy pee when you really want to go frothy me, right? Now imagine tripling that up so that you get three streams going up all at once. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, man This is gonna be a three flusher. Oh This pee I ever took was 84 seconds. I remember because it wasn't a theater and it hurt a whole bunch Oh, man, any get any given sunday was bad for me. I was burning I was burning during that movie. It's bad when there's so much pressure that you feel like if it all came out at the same time Your dick would just turn into a cartoon gun Yeah, and because you're a cherry gun because your stupid fucking body that knows that you're getting close to a bathroom
Starting point is 03:41:28 It makes you oh, yeah Yeah, you're fine when there's none in sight But as soon as you get near a building that might have a level we're continuing the conversation talking more about peeing Because I want to know what that phenomenon is called Well, look it up has no patience. I don't know what it is. What is the fucking thing up spend where your bladder is just like Is that my house? Let's go spend another 30 seconds. No Searching let's just go. All right. Let's go. Let's go. Goodbye. Goodbye plague. Bye. Bye pee time. Farewell. I'm off to pee

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