Castle Super Beast - SBFC 206: What's your 「GOUGI」?

Episode Date: July 19, 2017

Hoo? Omoshiroi. Saa, misete... omae no G O U G I da. You can watch us record the podcast live on   DBFZ Trunks Trailer - manga comparisons Dragon Ball FighterZ adds ...Krillin and Piccolo Kingdom Hearts III launches in 2018, Toy Story world unveil trailer Kingdom Hearts III has less Disney worlds than Kingdom Hearts II; Final Fantasy VII Remake further along in some areas Windjammers for PS4, PS Vita launches August 29 Street Fighter V adds Abigail from Final Fight on July 25 Street Fighter V adds Capcom Pro Tour 2017 stage and costumes, Suzaku Castle stage, and Nostalgic costumes on July 25 Tekken 7 adds Geese Howard from Fatal Fury as DLC this winter Arika’s “Mysterious Fighting Game” launches for PS4 in 2018 BlazBlue: Central Fiction adds Jubei as DLC this summer BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle announced Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite adds Jedah from Darkstalkers Final Fantasy XV July update to add Magitek Exosuits The Disaster Artist Teaser Trailer Icons: Combat Arena - Gameplay Reveal Trailer It’s Letter Time The WATCH

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't believe them you don't think things are happening now all right you usually give us like warning that mics are hot and shit so that Pat doesn't say the things yeah you know those things that I say oh there's a lot going on in my brain right now so I forgot to say that usually you put up the webcam thing that I know he hasn't done that no no no that hasn't happened in a while ever since he switched to OBS really yeah since we've had zero crashes oh yeah that's true too oh what's this we just crashed audio quality is underwater oh no fucking it's using the wrong microphone I'm just gonna go over
Starting point is 00:00:57 here and think about those things that I say all right we'll work that out work that out and then we'll start a podcast I hate it so much yep yep yep yep so there was a power outage oh right now all kinds of shit yeah all day we can record oh here we go the HD webcam's microphone is on I can fuck off out of here and the other HD webcam is on so you can fuck off and the only thing left is the good one they're all recording us and for these nuts they're they're competing for see what happens when Windows updates do you see what happens wait is it the power outage is the window update or the power outage the
Starting point is 00:01:45 power outage triggered the Windows update triggered it so that's so it's it's better for everybody live however that doesn't give me confidence and audacity so I'm gonna stop oh no you stop that and I'm gonna start that new one I don't think audacity can style switch from one mic to another you say that I'm gonna try it again I'm gonna try it live no but you just said you're not confident in it oh my voice yeah you're right I can't style switch no it's stuck in its styles mortal comet deception will not let you style switch oh man and nerf its own damage oh you've got some sexy rasp going on there Matt I
Starting point is 00:02:30 always do no now you now you just got rid of your Vegas sick no voice to just thrown out I'll have you know that it's called the Evola virus that's a thing that's not bad that's been going that's a thing for a while now that's not bad but you're boring mad you can't you're booing the joke for that you didn't come up with cuz your magic didn't come up with it yeah that's how it works all right that's I'm Thomas Edison it Edison yeah yeah fair enough he's an American hero why can't you be stop these light bulbs kill that elephant with the light ball oh yeah that totally happens yeah Thomas Edison was Balrog before his
Starting point is 00:03:15 time he literally created a false flag operation to kill elephants and blame it on Tesla because he said he his current is not check out this AC current how fucking bad it is look at what is doing Edison would have made a great you know addition to WWF in the attitude area he definitely had amazing heal he had heal qualities capabilities I'll give him that much for sure all right that's it's like that that is a corrected microphone that is a corrected audacity here we are we're live we're back podcast today our podcast has in fact started going because we were we were on planes coming back from LAX and well
Starting point is 00:04:01 fun thing is like well it was like let's do it at 8 p.m. and I'm like on Monday and I'm like cool it sounds okay and then I see him later that day I'm like so when you met 8 p.m. you mean 8 p.m. Eastern or 8 p.m. Pacific and he was like 8 p.m. but you know that we're only gonna like get home at like 7 30 and because of the time difference and he's like huh I yeah I did the calculations that would explain the really confusing series of messages right it's okay it's okay I received it doesn't matter it doesn't matter we're here now you're here now it's perfect at a brisk 10 20 a.m. we should actually consider moving the
Starting point is 00:04:41 podcast on Tuesdays to always catch the news we fucking miss before we miss the news mostly most news was all like EVO announcements which happens on a Sunday so thank goodness well well a lot of news announcements I mean yeah I suppose so I guess really what matters is what matters is letting people know that what was that there's very loud music coming through our walls that's all weird things are happening from the sides okay there's some kind of fucking festival yeah it's been happening all week the ruin in the podcast everywhere I go traffic's blocked off I think it's because we're celebrating the fact that
Starting point is 00:05:27 Montreal is older than Canada yeah it is it is it's super older than Canada 375 is Montreal's years but Canada is like a hundred and something yeah predates the country by a lot that's longer than the country has been alive anyway so first things first disclaimers if you happen to be one of those folks that doesn't enjoy when we talk about fighting games boy that's all right okay there's no problems with that we understand that the podcast is for all kinds of people but because we like them and today's not your day so if you'd really seriously actually don't enjoy that and if it bores you I'm sorry but
Starting point is 00:06:06 I might suggest you skip this one because we have a lot of fucking podcast news to talk about and that's it's almost all fighting game related hey that shit is really really hype if you care about fighting games but if you don't that's I move on this ain't for you it's fine I like that escalation man are you kids ready to go a simple or go geese there are 200 plus more episodes behind me and more coming in the future but right now it's about motherfucking fighting games and that's what we're doing that's about the buggery fighting games are hip-hop because listen all right every year there's a nice little there's a
Starting point is 00:06:44 nice little escalation of news that happens and Evo happens and people are starting to bring their new they're bringing their announcements in and they're timing them at Evo it's been if it's been a thing but the way level but that's what I'm trying to get to you obviously so the point is that it's now getting to a point where fighting game E3 is happening yeah because Evo is more than just a tournament it's becoming fight con and fight con was one of the six your idea that they stole I would have loved it I would have loved it no his idea was the fight con right yeah it was one of the sickest things it was
Starting point is 00:07:22 like you know pretty much being there seeing all even all the shit that wasn't announced just chilling out demos for new fighting games coming out that were like on the floor there's so much stuff that like isn't really even hitting the presses right now that was there that is worth it fucking it's all going down so I get let's just get right into it and and and very quickly do we want to go through yeah well very quickly first yeah we're gonna get through it very quickly very very quickly so talk about last talk about non Evo things that you did Pat all right so I did two things this week
Starting point is 00:07:59 didn't you die I did two things this week number one is I know life the shit out of 14 but that's not really all that important because it's all just leveling up bullshit the second thing is I have a message for everybody at home this is a very important message that you should take to heart you should eat all your fruits and vegetables and get enough fiber in your diet because if you don't and you're an asshole like me you may be racked with the horrible debilitating stomach pain which is the second worst pain I ever felt in my life number one being bone transplant in my face I thought you're gonna say
Starting point is 00:08:34 virtual fighter characters yeah I was in that was that's number three no the third one isn't the virtual fighter characters in the way it's some dumb thing calling DOA the new virtual fighter okay like how I do every week so what may occur if you don't do these things is that these stomach pains may sent you to the hospital which after of like gallons and gallons of strange liquids and procedures performed you may in fact live again by a doctor that you are dying because you are literally full of shit now you're now you're saying it's not the gout I'm saying and you're saying it's not looked me in the eye and
Starting point is 00:09:20 said sir you are full of shit and you're saying it's not the scurvy I did not get scurvy okay so it's something that's not those things but how about we just fucking call it gout scurvy how about we just call it the fucking pirate disease that you got now that you're okay I didn't we can confirm you're okay yes I'm fine you got the fucking pirate disease no that's not what happened different fruits and veggies no it's different I thought that was eating oranges or something I should have just said I don't know your fiber fiber in your diet like like fucking like Martin got got got a kicking in on the leg and
Starting point is 00:10:06 shit Martin who the comedian Martin okay just Martin right bad boys Martin yes yes that would help me clarify who Martin is it's early did you guys see Spider-Man last week I saw Spider-Man whole coming talked about a bunch of your thoughts on so the homecoming it's pretty good it's very good pretty good it's not like it's not the best movie ever I give it a yeah no that's why we give it yeah I would give it a 8 I liked it it was very fun um a little dull a little long in parts I'm I'm I'm envious and not envious I I've grown to like new little Spiderman kid and I like him the most of all of them and I like him
Starting point is 00:10:55 more than some of the grown-up comic book and cartoon Peters as well he's very charming cartoon Peter you like more okay so everyone fucking this is the wrong answer I'm just gonna say it's the wrong answer it's not the wrong answer if you believe it's the right answer but I I'm I don't mind the fucking main frame Spider-Man that much I don't mind mainframe Peter Neil Patrick Harris he was Neil Patrick Harris in high school and he was alright I liked him for a series that was extremely short long yeah last long enough to make a big impression but that's fine I don't like 80s Spider-Man Spider-Man the problems
Starting point is 00:11:35 with that show were more than Neil Patrick Harris yeah I don't like 80s Spider-Man Spider-Man and his amazing friends okay I don't like that guy that much yeah it's kind of a dick I will say this the first Marvel movie that I've seen that like the formula of serious serious joke has become like super obvious like more than Guardians like the the particular rhythm they have with plot and humor to break tension is is really really like they do it over and over and over in this one like particularly when he gets stuck in the vault like I felt that's a good one that being said Michael Keaton's the best
Starting point is 00:12:17 the barb man he's actually not the best until the I guess twist of the movie twist so good this is something mean we talked about where I'm like you're watching the movie and you just kind of go keep it right so I know Spider-Man goes man I hate that green guy that flies around sure hate him and then vultures like man I can't stand that fucking guy in the red kill him one day yeah and like up until this what 75% mark of the movie that's the thing yeah I'm like this is not gonna be great and then like the plot develops and I'm like that together in a way that actually matters and feels like interesting
Starting point is 00:12:57 exactly also shockers great shockers great shockers also great shocker gets don't forget shocker shocker gets the C tier loser treatment he deserves and and it makes me happy and the what should we call it though that also is there I got what was I fucking yes the fact that it's not the Iron Man show which ever a lot of people were concerned about it ends up being okay in the end that shot of Spidey swinging Iron Man is super not in the movie at all it's not even in the movie it's just there the director had a art of thing where he's like yeah they just wanted a couple of shots of the trailer that they knew we're gonna not
Starting point is 00:13:38 gonna use to throw people off the scent Robert dining Jr. filmed all his scenes in like two days yeah I heard that before I saw the movie and I'm like he's not in it at all he made a bajillion dollars made a million dollars how about that if you want to see a good Iron Man go look at homecoming do not look at Tony Stark's face and Marvel infinite oh man I saw that saw that he's he's fucking I thought we have we have we have to get we have to get let's get through it all right all right so because we'll never stop so so let's do this the right way so that we get to the point where not stopping is all right yeah you know I
Starting point is 00:14:18 get aside from giving myself a damage over time and and watching Spoderman and playing at 14 not much for for me how about you guys did you guys do anything over the weekend so on the plane over to Evo I played a bunch of monster implosion yeah I did as well I got to the second or rather should I say implosion never give up I thought I'd never lose hope yeah well so we can see that up a little bit but it's never lose hope you're right and I'm really enjoying that and I can't believe that was a mobile game what the fuck yeah because that shit was really fun only learn that after we had done the video
Starting point is 00:15:01 for it which I think goes up to not today but it's coming up soon and the it's a mecca action game on the switch and it's yeah it's it's just kind of a little out of nowhere but very cool surprisingly it's very Chinese you very Chinese that the like you can see where it is and the skill trees and the local but you got a light and a heavy attack and when you alternate them you get different strings out of it so God bless you you know and I mean that's a that's a good time you'll see more of that soon but like if you haven't heard of it check it out it's pretty and fucking awesome where did you get to in
Starting point is 00:15:42 the end though just like past at least like the a little bit past the first major boss right I got I finished the second or third boss I got to remember it we're talking about like man I hope this game has different environments you get to a different environment like nice nice cool voice acting is a mixture of what the fuck and yeah you're pretty good yeah some actors are more confident than others that's that's what happens that's a real-life thing um it feels like main character is kind of just like I want to be in the game you know a little bit but that's okay the game is really good and I finally finished off
Starting point is 00:16:24 the comic book we stand on guard and that is really weird and fun and cool as it's the the Brian K. Vaughn's take on America versus Canada with Max with giant robots we're fighting a war for water and our water get away from our basically yeah and it's and it's it's a really fucking it's pretty brutal and it makes you it's one of those things are you finishing it's a one-take and if the book's done after it's done yeah and when you finish your six issues yeah you have a little moment of view of like fuck Americans man you have a little bit of that but then you're kind of like no it's a comic good job writing this
Starting point is 00:17:06 American man Brian K. Vaughn coming back from anything is there's definitely an over like played hand of like there is a there is a fucking broken Tim Horton sign literally Tim Horton signs sticking out of the rubble if America destroyed all the Tim Horns Canada were effectively shut down you know and what I know but it's it's really it's really important as coffee right I know I know but they do all that and then they have all those little tribute trivia bits and what not to go like look Canada look look Canada you know but that's such a place it's so thick sometimes robots have to be in the mix cuz like that's the
Starting point is 00:17:45 only way it would stand a chance just because when I was talking to Max Max like yeah yeah I'm like yeah so you know there's more people living in your state than in our entire country and he's like no I didn't know that yeah no absolutely how would we even get close to winning but no it was definitely but the thing is is that's the big American robots coming up to our fucking winters yeah and we know we know how to figure that shit out cuz you're on our terrain advantage rain advantage tested out in Nebraska or some shit those states that have like horrible biting winters yeah that's that's the thing
Starting point is 00:18:22 people don't know how to survive like they're like me they thought oh we throw enough bodies at the problem we're gonna fucking win yeah our country is really big it's a fun reef it's a fun very big country and it does a little there's a there's even a little small episode of black mirror in the middle of it oh yeah yeah yeah where they're just like we've invented new ways to torture people oh let's use that technology no all right that's cool yeah that makes sense and yeah so whatever that's that's what I did on the planet I had a good time is that did you miss out on the new mouse pad hotness yeah the greatest
Starting point is 00:18:59 greatness the greatest mouse pad that cuz I saw you poking at it was like guess what I saw him poking at last week and I was like what is that's my Zarya boob mouse without any sorry your Zarya bicep yes there's no boobs on this mouse nope she lifts you know what did you do besides Eva really quickly I want to talk about last week but we had to talk about how our system has different shading techniques so play could understand how dragon vaults he fighters made but that's fine remember we got a question a few weeks ago about someone asking man have you seen the movie a cure for wellness yes I was like no I
Starting point is 00:19:39 haven't seen that yet and that's the movie back it down yes I did that's something by Gore Verbinski who like when the Bioshock movie got canceled and just taken away from him he's like well I have all those fucking sets and some like a vague script I'm gonna I'm gonna do a fucking thing so a cure for wellness is a bad not scary Shutter Island and you love you like Shutter Island yeah but not because it's scary no no no I also extremely like Shutter Island not not because it's scary I'm just saying that this is just it's similar even I am going to a crazy retreat where there is a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:20:16 and an insane asylum but it's it's millionaires that are pulled over the world they're told you're sick come to come to the cure for wellness place or whatever and we'll just make you feel better so they quit their corporate jobs and they just stay there and all the corporations like what the fuck where'd you go there's stocks are crashing where you're not back yet from your weekend retreat so the guy that played Norman Osborne in the amazing spider-man movies he looks like guess what he looks like in the Leonardo de Caprio he's got bright blue eyes yeah he's the he's the the the fucking sharp
Starting point is 00:20:53 ass like executive that's sent to go retrieve our CEO and just it's a it's a really weird setup it's a go and get him back bring him back to the company and he tries hey where is he oh I don't know where he is right now he's in he's in the thing okay I'm gonna drive off in a huff and leave in a leave in a taxi oh it crashed all my legs broken I'm in the I'm in the insane asylum now gotta stay here drink the water drink the water okay I'll drink your water and then just man you see shit and it's just almost three hours long of like of like get to the point what's the fucking twist and it just goes on and on and on like it
Starting point is 00:21:37 wasn't scary like like shut our island has moments of tenseness like you remember he's in shut our island he's walking by like a pile of burnt bodies oh yeah oh yeah creepy as just goes on and on it has a bunch of eel iconography there's eels everywhere the eels are ancient and then they fight some stupid monster at the end it's it's it was really disappointing considering I like the trailer when I saw it and like it's by the the guy that directed the ring the ring ring remake and you just say they fight a stupid monster but that's like the dumbest I can't I don't know where that came like a monster man or something
Starting point is 00:22:13 what if at the end of Shutter Island Leonardo DiCaprio wasn't here like I was the monster all along instead he was like no I'm a monster see they they kind of they kind of they kind of do that ending two or three times and then the guy fucking like guilty gear bursts out of the monster and goes no there's a monster mash right there gold burst punches the monster mash in the graveyard yeah exactly so I was really disappointed with it and something also is unfortunate really disappointed with and I hate to say this is saw baby driver as well yeah that is I am not gonna say it's a bad movie it's a quite
Starting point is 00:22:54 well-made movie but it's it's my like bottom tier of Edgar Wright films goddamn I'm sorry to disappoint you in the middle of your disappointment but I think the audio is not still fully fixed so in order to do that now you can be fully erect I'm fully disappointed yeah so you know there's only so much you can do while you can fix while it's hot but I think this requires an OBS restart at the very let's turn off the so we were just talking about how much OBS is working until now why'd you do that all right so let's try to get this going be right back guys that's it we're back and for future reference for future
Starting point is 00:23:33 kind of audio you got you've experienced this before Pat yes so when Windows does its updates and it does a major update it will occasionally occasionally just decide to return everything that you turned off back on including the noise what's it's a pression feature in Windows recording devices yep so you right click on your little little sound icon in the bottom right then you go to enhancements on your fucking recording device of choice you turn on a suppression the fuck off because for some reason someone decided to screw on a fucking suppression muzzle onto our fucking microphone well
Starting point is 00:24:12 because that's so that and like using my little backup I was able to hear to test so it sounded great so it's like okay it's got to be on the fucking Windows level and yeah that's what it is it's Windows changing bullshit settings after an update happens because we need updates guys you need them give them a shot we probably do need a few of them but not all of them you can't say no you tried yeah going back to a syringe is really just an update go back to where it was what bro geez baby baby driver well I want you to see this too so I'm then not crazy I do want to go see baby because I was hyped up as shit to see
Starting point is 00:24:52 this yeah I was like oh my god it's gonna be the best movie of the summer and usually when I say that and I see a movie and it's good I'm like that totally delivered like usually when I think the movie is gonna be great because I know it's gonna be for me I'll watch it I'll be really happy with it and I'll be fine it all it doesn't really work well I'm like yeah yeah yeah yeah and then I'm like oh usually I'll go yeah this movie is probably gonna suck and then I'm surprised so I haven't I haven't watched any trailers for it so I'm still cold which I like the only thing I know about it is besides it's that it's
Starting point is 00:25:23 Edgar Edgar Wright is that it has musical synced direction so everything that happens in the movie happens to a rhythm with everything in three scenes oh it's it's like so here's my thing this movie is completely style over substance it has like really paper thin characters really like wacky motivations of characters and villains that just change for no reason baby driver baby writer or whatever baby himself is meant to be the the protagonist but he does something that makes him a villain and then the movie's kind of like cheer him on and then a guy that was previously like
Starting point is 00:26:09 whatever it was just like a sloppy script for Edgar Wright and that someone's like well this is the first movie he wrote without anyone's help they usually eat Simon Pegg or Nick Frost that are like with the cornetto trilogy or Scott Pilgrim is based on a thing you know so this is his first script where it's like not really it's all him and like it just it wasn't all that funny it wasn't all that clever it was like it was like someone trying to be guy a guy an early Guy Ritchie movie you know okay a little bit quirkier like a quirkier snatch or something and the scenes with the the musical stuff like they were
Starting point is 00:26:50 cool they last about like 15 seconds the car chases are really nicely done but in the middle between that I'm like I'm not really I'm just watching a generic kind of crime movie that it just didn't blow me away and I was really sad because I'm happy because it's literally Edgar Wright's most financially movie oh it's making a ton of money I wouldn't say a ton but like it compared to what it costs compared to what it costs actually making money yeah and I'm like that's fantastic I hope he can like get more movies green lit but like would I rather have this or rather have the Edgar Wright directed Ant-Man I'll go to
Starting point is 00:27:30 the forum I'll go to the ladder every time I'm missing that yeah and they're the reason he made this movie is because holy shit since I walked on on Ant-Man tons of my crew that I use don't get work so I need to make a movie quick and I'm like yeah you sure made a movie kind of quick but that's not to say it's all bad like if someone out there enjoys it some people on Twitter were like no I loved it I'm like good I'm fantastic that you loved it I unfortunately disappointed with you want what's best for Edgar Wright no because what's best for him is that like yeah he did the movie made money and hopefully he can make
Starting point is 00:28:08 working with Simon Pegg or Mark Frost not Mark Frost Nick Frost those are those couldn't be more different yeah and I played a bunch of arms on the plane cuz I got the Max Brass update now he's fine he's fun and all this gimmick his gimmick is it's kind of like he's kind of like springman where when he gets lower on life like all of his attacks are permanently charged up and also when he's in mid charge like when one fist is 50% ready to charge any incoming hits get blasted away by an automatic parry or something it was something like really minute that I couldn't really but the real thing I play in the update is the
Starting point is 00:28:52 headlock mode do you guys know about this mode no headlock that fucking Freakazoid super boss Terminator skull like so headlock mode how it's called headlock scramble headlocks a mask appears in the center and you got a fight for it and you become a headlock and you get six arms and if the your opponent gets you with a knockdown then the mask falls off and then you both like like a little juggernaut yeah you like you become the mega boss for a bit right it was really really fun you can play that and anything and I also like I'm not sure you saw a little snake park was patched out of ranked mode so oh
Starting point is 00:29:31 kid cobra's stage was just pulled out of ranked online spanned all right yeah funny it's in all the other modes because there's just so much I remember ego rafters saying hey dear Nintendo I love arms please patch out this stage thanks bye there's so much happening outside of the actual arms match you're trying to focus on in that stage and like the other state like I think I think it is a little more busy than it needs to be with the platforms but whatever I had a good time playing that and also the just over Eva weekend the game I'm working on the takeover kind of reached like a beta it's content complete
Starting point is 00:30:13 more or less there's a few cutscenes I have to put it's kind of on me now yep in terms of bosses and all the stages they're there so I was playing that late last night trying to beat it because now there's no more cheat codes either that the secret cheat codes and only I in the secret moves only I knew that got me through it now I'm like oh my god this is way harder than I thought because I been playing with infinite life for like the last six months and I'm like oh god so shit but yeah that was really fun that's a cool milestone and yeah I guess that's it for me cool so let's let's let's move into the next segment of our
Starting point is 00:30:47 podcast go see baby driver everybody a word from our sponsors right this week the podcast is sponsored by baby driver no no loot crate that's close enough yeah to babies drive loot crates to your door they can in the future and eventually they will and when they do what's coming in that loot crate help me out so that I'm 10 30 in the morning give me a break I know I always do this I'm trying to get some variety going help me out dollars worth of merch a month and at the very least at the very least let's try this again yes loot create oh my god really am I the only one that can I did not hurt
Starting point is 00:31:34 enough of these I know how it goes I said $20 morning give me a break guess what time it is for me to it's time for you to read the ad wait what no it's actually it's actually like 3 p.m. for us you know what guys July's loot crate is coming in with an animation theme and that animation theme means you're getting good stuff from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Bob's Burgers, Futureama, Rick and Morty and of course one lucky subscriber gets in on that mega crate I've heard about that mega crate now now what is the loot crate the loot crate is the box that comes to your door every single month full of all kinds of good
Starting point is 00:32:09 gear it's got you got your your of course your t-shirts that you're gonna be getting better switching up and collecting and I see the different loot loot crate shirts around I saw some at Evo I saw some at the cons that I went to this summer and I'm like that guy's getting his box I know what the deal is thanks to you that's it and of course if you get in on this month's crate that means you signed up before the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific because that's the cutoff point if you want to get in on that animation theme you better do so before the 19th so that is tomorrow oh my god you have a day if not then you're getting
Starting point is 00:32:44 in on who knows the mystery theme of the next month so you want to head on down to loot crate comm slash super enter the promo code super save three bucks on that new subscription guys and if you want to check out the other stuff they got going on there's loot wear and loot pets and all that fun stuff as well so loot crate comm slash super what's the code super super there you go we helped I cannot even read that that's fine even see the screen thanks loot crate thank you thank you nailed it super super solid I you know what you know how I've never missed a podcast I really
Starting point is 00:33:26 want to just to see what happens well first we wouldn't do any ad reads because we'd forget that they exist there's that all yeah hey guys I remember sometimes hey guys ever since 2017 was the shit did they finally grow legs this year that's that's not bad they evolve willy oh did they start walking on land well you know they did actually play the theme song that I was hoping to hear the evolved theme song featuring yipes rapping and my cross on guitar I'm gonna say from the video game evolve I had my cross play guitar he can play guitar and he and he does on that track go check it out let's uh he's just 100 hands side to Bonnie aka the red rapper right right right it's been a
Starting point is 00:34:18 while all right all right so so there's a lot going on um I mean personally when it comes to Evo uh you hate it I'm tired of it like the the personal experience I can give is get your life preservers on you know just so many people that you meet if you want to give your shout out there's just it's just just everyone shout it's like it's like it's crazy but um I did you know when I the first thing I did when I landed was uh I did our mtlsf tradition which is uh put 100 on black on roulette and see what happens see where the weekend at the start right as soon as you walk in how'd it go and I got 200 out of it hey right and I'm like that's a good sign that's a good sign so we took that set the pace and walked out uh you know I um one of bunch of all strongest
Starting point is 00:35:08 players is this new uh Armeca player named flux waves uh I helped him out getting here and he came in and just like did some fucking serious damage it was awesome he made an impression at the Red Bull Proving Grounds games and he uh went out to Hytani and Daigo and that's not a bad like series of gods to knock you out of the tournament so that means he's almost as good as you then one day and it's almost as if I sicked my revenge on Daigo because it but it didn't it's not complete wait did you watch him but it's not complete because the first round he played against Daigo he command grabbed him six times for a basically what was like there was no ground outside of getting command grabbed in the corner right and then he gets got stunned and then
Starting point is 00:35:51 took it out and then it went the whole set went to the final game final hit and he and like he Daigo took it you know but I'm like I feel like if I'm gonna get my revenge it's gonna be by sending by proxy by saying go that's so fucking desperate it's no but but but but for what it's worth hey Dio you look pretty weak you don't look like you could beat any of those guys at all yeah says Dio I'm gonna send assassins because I'm a weak ass bitch I can't do it myself but uh no so I it was I was pretty proud of it me did a really good showing um I got to meet up with Octopimp we did our first to five who won that that will end up on woolly versus who won that people will see the results where can they see this on woolly versus can you tell me after
Starting point is 00:36:37 the podcast is over I can okay but I won't okay you find all those Funko pops before you leave I did now he didn't it's my favorite I don't know where that that was that just I was that literally out of nowhere that was that was on it was kind of because at 1 p.m. you will see results on woolly versus as well yes for the Funko pop yeah literally literally today oh yeah all 20 literally today yeah oh wow so uh we'll see I think he bought a Funko pop and hit it in his own place and then look like I found it's over everyone I'm done no I that that that question threw me because it literally is yeah it's going down okay but besides that back to Eva um there was so that was really cool of course we got to hang out with Max and the yo video games crew we there's some hangouts
Starting point is 00:37:29 yes we got hung out some big hungouts um we crashed their panel and had a good time um but let's talk the weakest crashing ever and and of course um um just again it's just walking by and seeing Esteban and and filthy rich and all the cool people was great but let's talk about the games that were on the floor outside of the tournament yeah yeah because that we got to take a look at that really blew me away because go ahead I was I was gonna say really quickly that like I'm sure this has been happening at a couple evos but like I never seen it advertised that much were like there yeah there's some games you can play like in a little indie section or something or has that not been a thing before that's always been a thing but it's becoming a bigger and bigger
Starting point is 00:38:14 thing each year super was this time for sure this time it was pretty huge uh we and and like for the most part like you kind of enjoyed Vegas uh with your lovely wife and we kind of I did my fgc thing but we met up at moments and did things and one of those things play some games and one of those things was omen of sorrow getting in on omen of fucking sorrow bro take us through the systems as far as you know what they are all right listen have you heard of anything about this all that's amazing if you remember your fucking face is this enticing me in case you might have forgotten omen of sorrow is that horror themed monster oh wow all right with dr jackson and mr hide this stupid and the werewolf and the hey man that was a good time right dev sat us down
Starting point is 00:39:05 walked us through it we played a couple matches let me tell you what's going on what's going on you can cancel special moves into special movies oh man you know what that is that street fighter the movie that's a bold cancel oh they're called bold cancels when you cancel your specials into specials you better be sure you want to do it because it's bold why is it bold because it detracts from god damn and i forgot the name of the meter doom meter you're you're well it's your it's like a it's a curse it's an energy meter like whatever like a curse meter i think yes and when you when you detract it all the way to the bottom you become doomed doomed when you're doomed you spend the next couple of seconds basically everything hurts more you get blown up every counter hit is really hard it's like
Starting point is 00:39:51 yeah there's purple gas it's like danger time and guilty gear exerted yeah but for one character right and there's the opposite where you fill up the the doom meter going the opposite way and it becomes like a like an exaltation almost like in uh you know um the darkest dungeon so that that shit was going down what there is one other system where i don't know why it happened but sometimes he'll just regain half your life you'll start gaining health back and i i the dev did explain what it was and i don't remember what he said fully but there's mechanics that give you your health back as well so half a bar oh man a fucking sorrow so so like as much as we're making fun of it it was actually a lot more solid and kind of fun like it still needs work it needs it
Starting point is 00:40:39 needs a lot of work but it was still kind of fun it felt like a little like a jankier injustice one so not to say that it was it was bad the camera angle also very accurate and it has like a trait to the people have logos on either side yep oh you also have an icon uh that gives you a free uh timer super there's a free super in your eye when your icon is flashing and and it's it's a six button game but you have four normals one dedicated throw button one ex button yeah i'm reading meter burn which is also very injustice uh you know so so anyway it's a roster look like i mean there was there's werewolf there's dr jackal mr hunt no no no he wasn't in the building yeah in this build it's it's it's werewolf uh dracula dracula wearing angel girl wearing like
Starting point is 00:41:28 young dantes like chest revealing leather okay angel girl then there's like angel night guy like gabriel his name was like i guess he's a vampire hunter but also in the build like in and in previous builds like a psx there's like a demon girl then there was a dr jackal and mr hide so there's more characters but yeah that was in this build uh the the the the thing that needed i think the most work that i i left the dead with was the fact that the impact noises were not strong enough and when you see a big hit you want to feel it you want that crunchy impact you want to hear a whore exactly when you do a super they just use the sound of a normal multiple times and that's no good also when people get hit they tend to slide left and right
Starting point is 00:42:12 and you want to that's one of those polished things yeah you just want to polish that up which i'm sure they will and the guy was like yeah that's really good feedback like thank you like you're what you said to him ran by uh the fantasy strike boys serlan was there richard was there and that game did have new characters i didn't play new characters but they're mainly but but they're they're going over like different like visual passes adding more animations complete a bit more and it's on fig now so uh fat they're they're opting to try out the new uh thing that tim schaefer jumped on right the thing where you invest in the kickstarter sort of um so fantasy strike was coming along as well we then walked over to punch planet and sat and played a couple games of punch
Starting point is 00:42:54 planet so punch planet is basically just third strike i mean in terms of mechanically it's got a lot of that going it's very clean and it's not going above and beyond with like too many mechanics or too dare it's just being a very very competent fighter competent fighter and it looks so fucking good i mean that's its main thing like if it doesn't have a new mechanic or some like crazy gimmick just visually it's just so sharp and and all the animation is put into the recovery so everything has a really like nice impact and feel to it and then after the moment of impact that the recovering animation is where all the extra frames go and i love that because like if you're talking about the giant like amazon woman that they've added that that looks
Starting point is 00:43:45 like a mix of jam from jemma hall yeah or tiana i think and rose quartz or and wonder woman tons of tons of uh steven universe vibes get coming from her but she plays like hugo and uh on every hit you just see that extra twist okay that extra like hip thick like you know those drop kick like just the you know the the butt slam yeah so she has that move but it's it's the the exact same function but it's an elbow drop like it's a short elbow drop but she just does this and it works exactly the same way and she has yeah she has a 360 and a 720 um and then you've got like main character just like you know gunman laser gunman it's like space smuggler but for those that don't know this is like a galaxy fighting game so it's like different races so what's the what's the other character
Starting point is 00:44:36 after gunman there is dog who is a dog he is a dog it's like a space and a dog it looks like a wolf kind of a little bit of a wolf like a husky but it's with poppy yeah you control poppy and then there is a tough girl said i think with fro and army fatigues dog ready to beat your ass with a knife she throws grenades and has and has yeah military military lady so yeah there's there's no gimmick to the game it's just a really visually incredible solid feeling um one of the coolest things in the world about it is when you do cancels uh so like basically any move you can double tap the input after you do like say a hadoken you tap it twice and then you'll do it and burn and burn meter and cancel out of it right anytime you do that and anytime you do the parries which are forward
Starting point is 00:45:24 and two mediums yeah you basically time travel into the future what so the way what you see these the after image of your self doing the action like burning away as you kind of break out of it how do i describe it it's that's really hard to understand it looks like it's so interesting because it looks like you're leaving yourself behind in the past and then and breaking forward to do the next action like you know when someone says home or there's a craft service table over there and he goes and he goes ghostly trail of himself it's like but it's more than that you know and it just it looks visually awesome it feels like the characters so time stop element of the game no no just a visual it's just a visual effect but it feels like they're time traveling while they're
Starting point is 00:46:12 doing it is the best way i can describe it sounds fucking great it is super dope right now only two stages but both of them are very pastel which i love yeah no i love those colors uh punch planet is the name of the game and you need to check this shit out because they're doing it man yeah uh i did you play did you get to play guts i did not play guts but we got to walk by and check out guts you want me to talk to you about guts because i play guts play some guts talk about guts uh guts is like a 2.5d 3d fighting game where why we we need to set this up properly why why like are we gonna just get into it when we can introduce the basic premise that is someone decided one day you know what needs to come back time time killers remember fucking time
Starting point is 00:47:02 killers dude how the fuck could i ever forget fucking time killers so so what it is is that fucking time killers is back on this podcast this game and better than ever guts has no health bar and no timer the things that usually keep fighting games back from achieving their true potential so what it is is that your face buttons are different guts moves which are things that dismember your opponent your arms legs and like they're all just dismembered but you need to get meter to get them okay so when you get one it'll say guts move at the top guts and each one has a different trajectory one is straight ahead one's an anti air one's a low and you have to basically do a rock paper scissors about what you should do and which which guts move what does this game not have
Starting point is 00:47:50 matt health bars and timers and why is that okay because guts moves because you fight until your limbs fall off and then you flail around is a bloody torso that's great uh if you have enough meter you can go over to your legs and sew them back on that's pretty sick so you press down in both lights because you have normals as well um and there's also stage environmental hazards like giant saw blades and we didn't really get a good look at it when we walk by and when i played at the characters are actually the craziest character so it's like this super obese woman opera singer who's like dressed like a peresian like uh cortis on and then there's like a Scottish lumberjack with the golden chainsaw like they're actually really really crazy like so the crazed
Starting point is 00:48:41 characters like moving over and sewing your legs back on honestly sounds a lot like cyborg justice it's kind of does walking over and hitting down in two lights yeah but you need like i said you need meter to do it but if you spend your meter there then you won't get a guts move for next while and the only way you finish a match is someone has to be just a torso and you have to hit them with one more guts move man and you can still some special still work while you're a torso okay so it was really really fun there was like you know in short bursts i could say there's only four characters in the build but i'm like i'll play this i'll play guts guts was there um this presents nicolodian guts do you have it do you have it uh there was of course
Starting point is 00:49:23 what um desidia yeah i didn't play that didn't play it either but i hear good things there was titus is in it yeah uh i played did you actually hear good things yes i did because the two original desidias were a lot of fun but as fighting games they were like okay well i got a beta code because they were handing those out on sunday so yeah i got an email about beta we will find out soon i suppose um marvel versus capcom infinite was there and uh i went over on the saturday because yo video games was doing a little like challenge session where it was like hey challenge remember yo video games and so i got to get some rounds in with them challenge someone to look at daunte's face and uh so playing that it was pretty much the same build i played uh the week prior
Starting point is 00:50:14 and you know the sentiments the sentiments remain uh i had the same things i had to say about it before are echoed in that uh it you know when you're playing with somebody it feels fine a lot about how you'd get in in the last game is uh it's trickier now because you don't just have that assist button to be like here's a free uh arrow shot to like cover your entry so you gotta figure out a lot of how to approach in the way that marvel versus capcom one was like without assists everywhere um and assists are now more just like safe tags so you know all that mechanical stuff is there all that mechanical stuff is fine the way that the the infinite gems infinity stones are are working are interesting and i and i want to see what that soul gem is about where it's like
Starting point is 00:50:59 you can possibly revive a dead teammate and stuff like that i don't know yeah there's it's like it's like you steal a little bit of life from your opponent and then the big uh the big usage of it is bring back a sacrifice like almost kind of exactly you know uh so yeah there's like at the end of the day no matter what it comes down to like when we talk about marvel versus capcom infinite like mechanically it's all there you know see the problem with it is that it's supposed to be the best most typist most greatest crossover but that roster though so just when there's rivers swirling that marvel that marvel but that roster shitty characters they show iron man's face iron man has a face and it looks weird oh put him back in he's not done yet get back to wcw mr bagwell well i
Starting point is 00:51:51 never have your mom call me again to get you into marvel well i've never heard the noise i heard like when that popped up and you got to see excitement immediately followed by confusion hey he's got a new face his face whoa whoa the crowd reaction videos for marvel are weird to watch because they're a combination of awkwardness and sandbagging over what should be like yeah like marvel well guess what jedna is fucking awesome yeah jedna was revealed and jedna uh that was a super slow jedna was unceremoniously dumped on stage while f champ was sitting there with with peter and they went back to the character select screen and was like there he is it's jedna and when you came in pat you were saying like you were looking for because there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:52:45 character reveal trailers that happened over the weekend quite a few and i saw jedna got announced and i went jedna's really cool i'm not personally that familiar with him but i know him and i know his moves are super cool oh where's the jedna reveal trailer um and well he says to me not only was there no jedna reveal trailer but they skipped his intro and whipped his supers and then i threw my phone down at the table like so i didn't know that so you know we kind of got not the best way to check the character out for the last time my favorite jedna thing that came over in the weekend is capcom going you know no one really knows who the x-men are so they're not going to be in it here's jedna here's exactly here's jedna the guy from darkstalkers 3 the series that we couldn't
Starting point is 00:53:28 bring back to life yeah now now this is and so you see like and the difference here is that everyone including like like all those memes and what you just said is like capcom says no one remembers that and it's like combo fiend said you know but now but yep that's what that means and that's the shit part of being in that hot seat because that really was like because they definitely tell him hey say this don't say that and that's it you know the rest is like obviously we hired you because you can figure it out and like that type of statement not the best but now that's part of the messaging so you know when we see something obscure the most is going to go back to no one remembers the x-men and then that gets compared but it's like less popular worldwide than
Starting point is 00:54:11 jedna god bless you tried but that was that was a that was a doozy the function quote and that one are the two ones it's just gonna hold that game forever yeah every time they announce such a disappointing thing obscure character people are gonna go oh and think think of all the people in the west yeah think of all the american fans that go oh you're right i have no idea who gene gray is sure glad i can see the nameless monster hunter right yeah so jetta south killian never said anything's like this did he he says he said he would just adjust his glasses and chuckle cooly uh roux anybody yeah he says roux and oh oh for you yeah okay yeah south killian has had a couple of funny funny little quips that man and he must have and that's the thing is it's mainly that it's mainly
Starting point is 00:55:08 that like function versus function and no one remembers the x-men that lives on because of the hilarity of it as much as opposed to like what he was trying to get at the content you know that people go hey is wolverines function in the game and anytime that word comes up it's like but jetta was also um i love jenna's designs because he looks he looks like a kineko demon oh he's great he's great um but uh he was shown off alongside gamora who looks pretty boring to me um i'm she well from guardians of the galaxy no but i mean in the game she's got function i i'm actually asking she's she's got some sword swipes and some gunshots is she oh she's dead bull so there's this function you know that's her and i guess i just sort of like yeah i just kind
Starting point is 00:55:56 of look at it like well i mean it's a guardians character so i know why that's showing up but it's not the most interesting choice the problem with guardians is that aside like rocket shoots guns drax hits things with his fists and swords gamora hits things with swords and guns star lord star lord shoots guns guns and has a jet pack and is smarmy not that much function for a fighting game though being smart man who doesn't have guns marm function or who doesn't have who has things who which guardians of the galaxy member has things besides punches and guns there you go it's got tree stuff but what happened he's a assist he's a super animation exactly so that's what sucks i think root should have been the playable full character i agree because oh god
Starting point is 00:56:43 damn treeman has a god damn and he should have had rocket as his assist think about how many interesting moves you get out of the fucking treeman i have a solution for you they should have taken nemesis's function and given it to groot with some variation sure and given nemesis's capcom slot somebody else and and they got rid of uh of uh rockets log trap so really so they could have put in groot trap yeah why not you know log trap is now replaced with groove jumping in that's super lame yeah well so anyway uh that's how that went wow i'm excited um um were there any new systems that were revealed at e3 at at at e3 i don't think so at evo there's no new systems for marvel no no no in general for fighting games is anything that will revolutionize
Starting point is 00:57:34 fighting games in terms of systems that you and i maybe discovered during okay okay well to get us there is this motherfucker making jokes i'm a joke i'm trying to describe did you did it get posted the video yes okay i'm trying to describe the phenomenon that we refer to as the goggy system goggy the year is 2017 narrow the world has returned to goggy gouji that's how you spell it right bitch that's the future of fighting games right there gouji why with Japanese brackets around it because fighting layer ex is not the full final name but it's what we're calling it for now a rica fighter a rica is making a new fighting game and it's got everybody in it including scullo fucking mania including darin mister they knew and so bad well how to announce
Starting point is 00:58:39 and we guess who guess who like literally all weekend before scullo mania was revealed is like well he's like i'm just saying if they reveal scullomania evo is done it's over scullomania coming back triumphantly to fighting games it's like that's the all i would say while we were playing it but uh the game plays like is the name of this game i think it's fighting layer ex okay so fighting layer ex has what may be my favorite marketing style of anything i've ever seen that was in full force in that trailer because the trailer says uh beta online or whatever coming april fools 2018 question mark question mark question mark this games at like trailer advertising run so far has been is this game fake i think i think i think that it's because akira i forget
Starting point is 00:59:37 his last name tanny and believe is trying his hardest rica is that well akira is the joke with his name rica it's the i get it now um i think the whole thing is that he's trying to not over commit to the possibility of there not being a game coming out you know so many characters now i know but he's still trying to possibly be like okay but no way though maybe it won't but we played it and it has we had a little while before we had to play so we were investigating the printouts that they had well it has a basic list setup that is exactly the same as street fighter ex so what that means is you have uh you know lights on throws and you have two mediums to do your like the knock that the knockback or knock blow heavy blow yeah it's kind of like a fadc
Starting point is 01:00:24 well what it turned into in this game was um it's an overhead right that takes a meter and it like gives you a little stun state and it's really fast everyone runs instead of dashing forward and you have a combo off your dash you if you just tap lights you get like an automatic there's an auto combo there's also dial a combos you know a little gatling system in there for you but the gogi system is where you select one of multiple decks don't fucking up don't get it i'm sorry you select your deck and what is your deck consists of it consists do you remember all them of five different orbs of power that contribute to your gogi okay what is your gogi do you remember all the names of the your gogi takes you into the fight
Starting point is 01:01:13 equipped with things such as guts and the uh uh uh um um are we just doing the bobsleigh you're doing the names of the of the decks okay juggernaut juggernaut miracle miracle shinobi okay agro uh and i forget the last one right and within each one of these carry categories there were subcategories of things that were like uh angel heat attack up defense up super armor good old japan right power and such and so forth and what you get is what is what essentially is is that you've got uh um little mini achievements that you accomplish in the middle of a fight such as block four power attacks and unlock this orb of gogi right land a counter hit and unlock this orb of gogi like that every time now what this amounts to is by the end of like the second
Starting point is 01:02:16 or third round because it was best out of five what starts happening you start glowing with fucking gogi power and your character is way more intense and strong and you have things on like super armor and like uh me and really we're both karai and we were kairi kairi sorry and we're both hitting each other hades hades gold deck and both we're both doing full combos and we both had so much and you're just layers and layers of super armor on that you're just punching each other and sure you can each other and nothing else is happening okay and the whole awesome and what that amounts to really if you think about it if i think about is the gem system from cross-tech but done in a fun way well in a over the top way in a fun way because by the end yeah you're just like
Starting point is 01:03:07 okay well you have the gem that doesn't allow me to knock you down anymore and i have the gem that doesn't allow me to get thrown so we're just gonna fucking do what we can and burn our meter and you should you throw a shinku hadoken at me and i'm gonna walk through it and it does damage but i'm still walking through it because cool because cool there's a real like there's a real that this evo feels like muken is affecting fighting games again it was really i don't know what it is but it was just there's just something about it that i really like because it wasn't a triple a fighting game it wasn't a shitty fighting game it was like right in the middle which is like where i love it like almost the most where it's just kind of jank it's just a
Starting point is 01:03:53 little bit of jank just a dash a dollop of jank but it looked amazing like i think it looks as good as street fighter five does when it comes time to fucking market this game hire me because i will film commercials do that voice when you say gogi where it's like it's just people in everyday life and the question is asked what's your gogi and it's like your phone rings and you pick up the phone and you go i don't want to take that call you hung it up and it's like that is the 50th call you've turned down you've unlocked the 80s gogi you have now remember you've now gained super armor remember on the podcast he talked about like that uh genesis beat him up and it had this really over the top commercial it was like a book Japanese guys they need to hire you to be that guy well
Starting point is 01:04:41 what uh that that game had a that game had a silly name or something pancreatium or whatever oh my god i fucking love that i so after you and i played i played with our friend maguma then i played another match where i took uh hokudo and i'm just doing all her like her dash back yeah her sliding attack she was really fun i'm just i'm actually really sad they didn't get darun and skull mania into this build and like yeah i would have loved to get a few extra characters scullo dives man i don't love as many moves as i love the scullo dive yeah i know it's your big favorite so what was your like what when you saw the trailer what was because we weren't around together when like a lot of these trailers drop but when you saw skull mania you heard about
Starting point is 01:05:22 yeah well i was in i was in the middle of the cheesecake factory oh that's right there with my mouth half stuffed going i i i know exactly what your face your eyes are kind of like you know and you're trying to wipe your mouth off and like get my phone going you know and i'm trying to tilt it but i'm like i'm tilting my phone but it's not rotating and i'm spinning it around going fuck you need you spun around your phone five times you've unlocked the girl here oh man so so that that well fuck it oh i mean we'll we'll talk about it while we wait for pat to come back but uh the darun also has always been super fun because of his body launches i always loved his fucking trampoline effect of super shooting you super high up into the air and then his follow-up
Starting point is 01:06:19 throws are catching you out of here so many power bombs this darun it's different from a normal grapple in that like it's more about the catch you know that's really fun um what he like in the trailer he just he just yelled some gibberish then went DDT yeah yeah uh gamble of darun that's your favorite but the issue i guess is that like i feel like street fighter has moved on by introducing because he almost replaces him yeah um and the and then immediately after that while sitting in the middle of the cheesecake factory excuse me someone said the word geese howard that's where you were at the time because they were like yeah dude and fucking geese howard and i'm like wait what where and they're like you didn't see the news and i'm like what and they're like there's a trailer
Starting point is 01:07:07 and i was like and i actually like had conniption fits like it was one of those like i i couldn't like it's i can't believe i still can't believe how perfect of a pick so it's not terry bogard it's not kiyokusanagi during max's panel someone asked us asked the the the group at large said what who do you want to be as the next character in uh tech in seven and i just said the answer that we've all said for a while like kasmik here you and someone's like boom majima i'm like yes majima too and then everyone else gives an answer and someone in the crowd goes what about geese howard yeah i think everyone kind of went like yeah i almost would like mentally disqualify yeah because like that's never gonna happen man oh my god but max did say yeah i would love him as a
Starting point is 01:08:01 second pick he looks like two days so fucking good he looks like he's got the hair and the trailer like all his other reveal trailers and all his other games just does the predictabo montage predictabo predictabo go watch the audience watching it with their audio of the audience yelling predictabo predictabo after each one in such fighting game community fodder your reveal trailer is stomping on heihachi's dick say die man yeah stay down oh my god it's no whining losers here dumb english voice motherfucking geese no there's like they could have like made him sound like more co-coherent but they did not oh no i don't want that it's the same because it's the same world as terry bogart we don't want proper english speaking terry bogart okay i don't
Starting point is 01:09:00 know about you guys what's up with the education in south town it by that there it doesn't exist south town as the vision of america specifically new york by japan now it's my is the best but it now exists in the teching universe yes alongside everyone else who's super normal absolutely so what's the deal with south town i just i there is no education i want i want i want to find out that south town actually exists in fucking aichi prefecture in japan is there and it's just an isolated world that thinks it's in america but it's actually in japan there's something in the water that makes people talk like that makes them i don't know i don't know i don't think andy would talk like that another andy gets a chance to say much but like i think but blue mary terry bogart
Starting point is 01:09:52 and that's like all sound ridiculous and it's the best anyway you guys would like geese being in there i'm like geese is the most evil of all like hey hachi's nothing like the devil the devil gene is nothing geese howard is literally pure evil well here's the thing um the fact that ogre is like oh shit well that's why and so that's why when everyone's trying to speculate like oh what comes next it's like don't bring your your protagonist guesses no into this because clearly that's not what they're going for formula has been established yeah so someone was saying like oh man maybe soul bad guy and it's like but they're not doing that they're going for the villain and or the anti hero okay is it my crazy did i miss it how come it said dlc2 on geese howard was there
Starting point is 01:10:37 dlc1 akuma i didn't know it but he's he's in the game he's in the game as he starts off in the game i don't know because it says dlc2 on geese howard winter yeah i guess so so was there dlc we messed or it was announced so we eliza eliza was the dlc1 eliza was dlc1 yes she was and he didn't need to pre-order the game she was she yeah she was the tecan revolution character and she came she was not she invented the rapook and then the tecan heroes yeah so um he's two and then who knows where we go with three but i don't care because quite frankly i don't care this roster is just that's powerful that's and the sad part is tecan no other tecan game will have geese howard and akuma in it so like this is special now and it'll
Starting point is 01:11:26 only be special now you want to get stupid crazy it makes no sense like just in the next trailer for the next character like whatever spring 2018 you see geese just like sitting down where where he used to be and you're like oh you think you're the best geese howard and then like a dimensional portal rippets up and like gargles and geese is like all the devils were speculating for like old shang sung as the or shao khan is the next one if a mortal combat character no as cool as geese howard is i can it's japanese company a japanese company yeah they they've never talked to america steps out yeah i'll fucking lose my shit so so onaga like the thing is like with guilty gear it's like you wouldn't pull justice out of there uh you wouldn't pull like felt or or not not not
Starting point is 01:12:17 i felt but uh ramlethal um so if you were gonna pull like i guess a soul at least make it like holy order soul or something different like that that'd be interesting maybe but uh they can go anywhere man they can do anything like after seeing this i'm like is deraille actually possible yeah fighting games coming together in the form of tech n seven that we haven't seen since brawl i think i mean what do you think about all these like little rumors and and stuff that uh people on the arc system side and a twitter picture of like literally the main guys some arksis and the main guys at s and k just having a dinner together over evo yeah like could we dare to dream i think we can yeah i believe it i believe it too i mean what's up i don't want it to be guilty gear
Starting point is 01:13:08 versus king fighters i want to be arc system work look what's what's upon a time sammy versus capcom was a project that never came to fruition but it did exist but like i would i would actually like at this point like capcom's just committed to capcom it's kind of well in terms of like i don't see them going the guest the guest route is what techin is doing can we do i just i just want i want a king of fighters game made by arksis i want a game i want a game that's called fighting game and it is everything yeah uh i think we all kind of do brawl was that for a time brawl was the closest thing to that and that's still the number one oh well now blaze blue tag battle that's close so blaze blue tag battle was pretty exciting cross tag battle that is
Starting point is 01:13:55 because uh the way they reveal that oh man so strong that is the made for pop that is so i i've lamented in the past over how ono screwed up his own street fighter cross tech and trailer reveal because the camera's supposed to pan down to re you and you're supposed to be shocked right this cross tag battle reveal is perfect it is that exactly because without it without an ono to boil it for you 12 frames to understand what's going on and so watching again if you can watching the evil reaction to the cross tag battle trailer is you see ragnar the blood edge and ice car boy and jinn staring at each other doing the usual talking some trash and then fucking hide and you narrow cammy just clash in the middle of the screen and slide to each side
Starting point is 01:14:50 and you go and like in yeah in like 10 frames you have to process all of that and then and then by the time when you're starting to process it goes krono sorry uh fucking blaze blue blaze blue and under night and birth and persona for and it's all they're all sprites so it works right it's there and they're all sprites of similar quality similar quality in game they can't use all guilty gear sprites because they'd look a little like and they can't use new guilty gear sprites three days they don't exist no so you gotta see all your sprite based games you got it here and then fucking ruby rose shows up and then everyone loses their shit again and it's like this is going to be a whatever all together fighting game it happens to be under the label blaze blue
Starting point is 01:15:35 but quite frankly like it like it could have been anything else yeah it could be an animal fighter cross tag battle and now and then your and then your brain starts racing for like okay so they've been so arksis has been kind of getting nice and friendly with french bread and examu because they've been doing some of their uh uh publishing so you know you can you can stretch stretching out and then going back into the past and go like can we get some fucking hokutono ken sprites brought back from the dead is pushing out and making friends and making deals and doing great and i feel happy for them well here's what the here's now there's a slight bit of concern what's the concern the concern is is that they've announced a rather we it's it's public that
Starting point is 01:16:20 they're a company of about 250 people um right now they're a a four franchise studio because there's the guilty gear series there's the plays blue series which they announced jube for yeah which is pretty i have took a while that is fucking cool because one thing i always remembered from the beginning was that cat guy that that was uh ragnis teacher in the story mode never showing up in any of those games until now holy every single game people like when are we gonna get to play when jube when's the cat guy is from juby calamity trigger like ten years ago charlie walking around but you never get to play as charlie he's talking he's there he's got lines for you you know it's super weird like herman kokanoe right so um yeah that's a really cool thing for them
Starting point is 01:17:09 and so they've there's that's active right blaze moves active guilty gear is active we've now got cross tag battle we've now got dragon ball z fighters uh dragon ball fighters um that's four things like maximum effort being put into right away the idea that a p5 arena would happen would be nuts because it'd be like a fifth thing for them to split themselves into i think i think it's more that would be after it's i think it's much more likely that i think in fact we're going to see p5 characters in the tag battle i don't know if we're going to get an arena game i think we might just get joker and a couple friends hanging out in the cross tag battle um and other companies coming to arcs just going hey we want you hey to make our thing into a fighting game because
Starting point is 01:17:54 you're the go-to guys now you're cool get it you've proven it yeah and you know you don't want them spreading themselves too thin in a platinum-esque way because even platinum had some poorer games when they had to hit those deadlines with our cancelled games right so at the end of the day you still get a platinum quality like awesome game where the characters in a room feel great to control but ninja turtles and transformers and uh kora all fall into that like yeah but they didn't have the time to give it the fight the full touch so uh you just don't want to see this clearly getting a full it's getting full exhaustive effort exhaustive krillin and piccolo are just announced as yes they were uh so we and we know a nine character build is because this is the most like
Starting point is 01:18:41 no shit roster ever dude uh so i spent zarb on some time with dragon ball i heard some stuff about you playing dragon balls did you i did oh that's that's funny i heard a thing from you oh directly directly on your twitter oh that's which was surprising to say the least well i heard that you drowned in pools in sf five that i did but made top 16 in dbz super that i did whatever wait is that what it's called no dragon ball fighters dragon ball fighters yeah so um it'd be funny if he actually did in dbz super on the ps2 he was playing the wrong game um yeah so there's uh uh there's a basically this beast of a gal player named eshita that was in my pool and uh he really dismantled me but uh but you took to it clearly i got some games in on dragon ball and more importantly
Starting point is 01:19:39 i got some eyeball time on other people playing dragon ball and just went i'ma do what that guy just did yeah because people don't seem to know how that works yet that's day one day zero day well day minus 90 or whatever the fucking day minus 365 i didn't get to play it um and i went the line was too big oh and i kind of wanted to like pretend to like have a problem yeah so that somebody would let me in so it was super cool because on day one i was dying or something on day one it was too late because like you know like everything was all tied up and whatnot but max was in the in the bracket and um zavier was in the bracket save your woods and so yeah they were they were walking around and uh like all i see is like because i was watching max play and we're talking about it and
Starting point is 01:20:25 stuff and all i see is zavier like run by me and he's like dude dude dude i'm getting like i want my first match i want my first match and i was like oh nice you know i like we were talking about it and stuff and um like we were i was watching him play and stuff and like this game dude like it's you said something very bold what did i say you said something when i think we're hanging out with max i was in a blur of hype so you just said something like it is the best video game it is okay you said something along those lines i said is it the best video game i i said this is the best thing i've played all weekend mm is what i said if i was more grander but because it just fucking rules considering that weekend it's pretty strong statement regardless because here's what's happening
Starting point is 01:21:10 just on a control level that this is not this is not just on the basic like dragon ball hype and it's super pretty level it's on a bit of a more mechanical thing but you have so much control and it's really interesting to see a game where the characters moving on their feet are slow you're moving at a slow deliberate pace right the pace the game itself is fucking fast it's going crazy but you can move at that level then you can dash around right in the way you do in air dashers and jump and dash forward and back and whatnot so you get that anime speed going on at the same time as a slow deliberate speed and then you get an even faster speed which is the dragon rush where you uh you target the person you're flying at right but i've seen some footage
Starting point is 01:21:56 and i haven't played with it myself but there's footage of people not flying in a straight line at their at the guy but curving their arc or flying at the enemy and then dashing away so like when you do that dragon ball so when you do the whole lock on fly at the guy dragon rush thing you get to control the arc a little bit in a way that yeah i guess is a um the only way i can compare it is you know when you do lucario's up b i think it's like that okay i think it's like that where you just control the arc a little bit which is like insane amounts of control added on top of the usual speed right and if that's not enough at any point when you want to burn that bar you just do the fucking teleport and you just teleport behind the guy and like that's pretty much a universal
Starting point is 01:22:42 system and you're seeing it happen where like in my first match on the game a dude did it to me and i went oh fuck and i did it back to him and you got the like little moment of us burning bars to not get to not get blown up and you're like this is the fucking show yeah i'm playing the show they've successfully gamified the fun parts because of the fight scene all those all those 3d dragon ball games where we dropped out playing it's because they got really complicated with like ground combat air combat like far away you're three miles away projectile combat and this is actually condensing all those cool dragon ball things you see a bit locked in a 2d playing somehow in the crack the code well quite simply in the same way that arcsus decided to make persona
Starting point is 01:23:29 a really good feeling version of their guilty gear games with like accessible even more accessible controls it's like they they just took the same thing and they did it to dragon ball and they made it about uh like in persona a lot of it was like um character specific systems and combos and in this they just went like movement yeah movement movement movement you have more mobility options and dragon ball fighters than you do in any other thing i like i can imagine you know outside of like maybe smash brothers levels of like you know di and like your aerial control you know and then you fill the screen with amounts crazy amounts of shit like all your assists jumping in and blowing shit up and making it hard to see but like you still can keep track of what you're
Starting point is 01:24:12 attacking and what you're fighting and if you ever can't that dragon rush button is there for you so uh yeah i was playing a team of um who's your team i was playing a team of cell vegeta and boo and i really just i love boo in particular he's got some really fun stuff his super is like that like i'm like you know what i hate you but like like moment that he has where he just goes like yeah he screams and blows you up and um it has like a startup that's ambiguous because he starts glowing and then the hitbox of like uh like right before he yells yeah goes off and you can't quite tell that moment so that tricks people into thinking oh i can get away right now and they start and they try to move and say nah dude that's not you cannot um but the biggest most
Starting point is 01:25:00 ridiculous thing i've i saw the whole weekend was goku's level three where he fucking uh goes he goes super sane level three and then teleports behind you and does a cross-up and it's instant startup instant attack so if you're not walking forward while he the animation flashes you're getting hit by it right huh that's crazy it's insane man the fact that they gave him that but then you think back to their interviews or they're like we don't want goku to be losing to weird weak characters that would look bad for goku so you're like yeah they're giving him yeah and more people need to buy delete need to like goku um goku genocide of the universe lots of little horrible dad lots of moves that are like this is unblockable where it's like don't be there when
Starting point is 01:25:53 this move happens right i imagine special beam cannon would be one of those uh i imagine you perhaps the the distractor disc although um the frieza one hits him on the way back you know this fun stuff like that frieza has a move that is like a ground only super where he does that final shot right while he's on the floor dying type of thing um you just get all those little moments coming together in a fucking perfect way the assist level now is definitely at a marvel two level because like frieza is always on every team i fought because frieza jumping in is captain corridor right it's captain commando's giant explosion that he does yeah that's just the best get the fuck off me assist you can get he has that that tracks anywhere to you on screen and gohan
Starting point is 01:26:37 does silox which is equally like amazing because she comes in and just and he comes in and basically does a shoryuken that knocks you up and down to the ground and you're not taking out until you hit the ground right so it's a free combo you know uh the uh the one thing i didn't get a chance to play with too much that is probably going to keep all of the insanity at bay is your deflect button where you deflect projectiles coming at you and characters so that's the important part if someone dragon rushes you if someone dragon rushes you you fucking knock them back i didn't know about that and it's enough of a it's not a wall bounce but it's enough of a stun that you can get a full punish off of it nice so that's the whole risk is all these little things that are like yeah
Starting point is 01:27:20 that's unblockable yeah that'll fucking blow you up that thing is coming at you right now real fast deflect that shit or teleport out you know um dragon ball fighters is my most anticipated fighting game of all the things we played this weekend it just i can't i don't know i don't know i have you know what i mean like i just like and and this is the like it's the difficulty of of it's the difficulty of conveying how excited i was to play this how much fun i had playing it without making it like someone that grabs this and goes well this just feels like a normal fighter what the fuck is we talking about i i don't want to you know that there's always that that thing going but personally get your hands on the free nine character demo that's gonna come out
Starting point is 01:28:04 soon and let that make you decide i'm excited personally i fucking love it if someone else doesn't for any reason like i mean if you don't if you don't like a hyper fighting game or like or like a tag game it's like you're not i don't think this you would yeah that's what i'm saying i'm not gonna say this is for everybody but i'm gonna say i'm gonna say that i'm fucking loving it and i'm gonna spend a fuck ton of time getting in on this game and playing it and and and and like absolutely competing in it because it just has so much shit that no other game has right and that's the genius of arxis you know arxis is like they're old capcom now they're the currently like i don't think it's like oh arxis can take over or they're it's their time to shine it's like
Starting point is 01:28:47 no they have taken over with this i think it's done and like very very gradually too like like it's not like they tried to out capcom capcom in like two or three years and they are currently number one and then you look back don't think there's like oh everything they've put out in the past like five years yeah it's been rock solid yeah no worries what everything from persona forina onwards basically has been amazing and you're like how long are we gonna go oh those guys they're coming up they're pretty no they've been coming up for like no ten years it's fucking incredible they came up now they're done um and and and like yeah like if we if we can just sneak it in there the what we were making reference to with with hokutono ken with their older fighting
Starting point is 01:29:35 game someone told us walrite evo like there was a hokutono ken tournament at evo and will he say what what i missed the side turning that happened but what you can do is catch the highlights or during the combo the infinite combos the people is it toky or something people are doing infinite combos and you're just sitting watching the other players stare at your your body bopping off the ground and it takes a while for it to complete so you see like the top japanese player will pull out his wallet and offer money to the guy to stop the combo and he doesn't take it he goes all right puts it away i try and then you get other matches where like in the combo starts and he just leads back and goes uh great and then you saw a tweet that was like list of popular things to do while
Starting point is 01:30:18 you're getting comboed and fist of the north star it's like check your check your phone make a call order pizza perhaps use the bathroom and you on this list is take a selfie and while he was getting comboed he pulls his camera out and takes a selfie of himself and then everyone sees it and then all the players behind him they get together like and they do it and the combo never drops his other his opponent is still doing it you know and you have that much time fucking fist of the north star arcs is is the best it's the best fighting game in the world and and if we're going to bring it up then you're going to bring up the fact that people are now going to get exposed to the greatest fighting game match of all time where just go you still can't get it a decent resolution though
Starting point is 01:31:05 but it's out there and it's easier to find than ever if you type in greatest hnk match ever into youtube or best hnk match ever into youtube the first result you're going to see it it's ray versus ken shiro and it's it's better than anything that's ever happened i think it's the best match of anything i think if you you pay attention you can understand what's going on especially yeah you have a chris rary knowledge of hokudo you just have to know about the basic level of like when the stars break you have you have seven stars and when they get bursted away you can get instant killed right or if ken chin does uh ken shiro does hit the the mover he lands on your shoulders he does uh you basically have i think 20 seconds uh to it's 10 seconds but it's actually
Starting point is 01:31:53 20 seconds it's actually slower than that exactly yeah but there's a timer that appears and it's like if you don't lose if you don't win in this timer your head blows up and you die so that's all you need to know and then go in and watch those that match uh really quickly well i have two things that you weren't there for but i need i need to get up because i was going to tell you like earlier like when we were traveling stuff but um so there's money matches at evo it occurs oh yeah so i was talking with our friend magumon we're walking around the artist alley which is actually quite nice i was like oh there's lots of good stuff and they're very either fighting game or overwatch themed competitive game themed so we're saying you know he's like there there could be a thing
Starting point is 01:32:30 i don't know about it i'm like what i'm like well you know there's money matches and i'm like yeah he's like did you know that there's also money commissions where someone tries to be like and drawing things two artists try to out draw each other oh and then i'm like what are you seriously and the winner gets paid and i'm like what are you really and he's like yeah there might be something like that so i'm like what is that like oh oh i got a pocket i got a pocket sketch of tracer you've never seen and he just pulls out this sexy tracer and was like oh i'm like that needs to be a culture in and of itself money match commissions and money money art battles and the other thing is that you you went in there eventually but before you came in they had the big
Starting point is 01:33:21 evo after party in this club of like of introverted fighting game nerds that were watching ladies in sexy lingerie offer drinks and they're all like no i don't i don't know about this place all right so there's the cool guys obviously as cute as that image is painted you need to understand something that that is a lot of folks that are showing up at evo just to just spectate and have fun and yeah it is go and you know go i mean i want it to in a bracket right one of them this girl in like lingerie comes up and she's like you want a drink and i'm like no but let's not pretend that thuggery is not a bound kenny was amongst the top players right in the middle of this thuggery on the dance let's not fucking pretend but what you missed is before you came in there is like this dj and they're
Starting point is 01:34:06 playing they had like giant matches a street fighter five unlike this like 100 foot screen and then they had on the other side killer queen of course the video game being played but there the dj starts going like all right evo 2017 okay do we have any street fighter five fans here nice nice where's all my king of fighters fans cool cool do we hear any anime fighters okay where's my tech in seven i couldn't believe it was silence i don't know like there's yikes there's games happening i don't know why they weren't represented they were just too embarrassed to speak i i guess so i guess so and draw attention to themselves um yeah that was pretty special the there was the bar fights
Starting point is 01:35:11 happened the night before that was a fun time too i was hanging out and i happened like some money matches were happening there and i just i wandered in and i was checking out some of the fights saying hi to people and then just like suddenly they just put a wall up and just started bouncing people out and it got pretty intense because like top players were walking up and the guy at the gate was like i don't play these games i don't know who you are i don't know what's going i don't know anything about you and it's like it's noel brown and he's standing there and he's like i i and then justin comes up and is like he's okay he's okay he's okay and he's like and he's like what the fuck you know um but i got to enjoy that uh and watch the fun matches while uh a certain
Starting point is 01:35:51 low tier god was not two or three steps i saw you i saw you make a treat about this god of a low tier it was real that's all i can say is it was real and that's not there's no there is no gimmick sir that man is 100% what he presents himself to be um god bless the uh uh the the alley to the artist alley you're just describing right near there the other part of this is like you're fighting game con they have a lots of cool shit for sale and some exclusive stuff where i grabbed my sagat skateboard which uh long vo got to sign long vo excuse me and that was really cool i really wanted a commission and it would on artists to like do like poison or something for me by the time i got there they're like all commissions closed until 3 p.m. we're yeah and i was like damn but like
Starting point is 01:36:42 all all the warriors of udon are sitting there alvin lee was there too and i was like oh yeah he usually shows up and has his own little section to um chamba and fucking uh everybody so that's a good time the uh stick section back in the back too was was there that was expansive so i walked by that and i did it i bought the dragon the canba dragon is basically like it's the stick and it when you see it it is just i specifically i got uh what the fuck's the one below the dragon yeah the right the other the one that that people buy pick up or i got that things very nice the name is fucking nice but i remember looking at the at the page for the dragon and be like uh huh that's that is physically too much stick so the dragon i can't handle that that things like 90 pounds
Starting point is 01:37:35 it's weighty it's weighty it has metal kickstands yeah put your feet a veiny you might say but uh it's legit it's real and they had it at a they had it at a lower price because the thing is actually out of production and there's too much for everyone i don't know but for whatever it is they're like here we got this so i grabbed that and what was really important is it there's a split frame they make stick bags they had a bag and the bag i don't know what it is and it's weird i know i'm talking about this but it's a bag where the stick you put it in and you goes on your back and the weight is cut in half something about the way the bag is made means you don't feel yeah it's weight on your back i called bullshit on that and then liana put it on she's like wait what i don't understand
Starting point is 01:38:21 you're right it makes things lighter balanced or engineered yeah and i think that's what it is is like the way the placement of like the actual straps contrary to where the weight of the thing in the bag is are just balanced so that your upper back is where that all goes i guess and not your lower back and there's no sag on your shoulders so you feel fine it's weird it's super cool um distribution man weight distribution doesn't make any sense you have to try it to find out i can't describe it but you hold it in your hands you're like this is heavy put it on your back i don't feel anything no everyone pointed at woolly and said he was a liar but then we tested it and he was right so and now you're all liars there you go um yeah and i guess uh uh uh uh any i'm
Starting point is 01:39:07 trying to think of a little bit very quickly any if there's anything else uh that was notable on the show floor uh nothing else comes to mind so all i gotta say is uh uh oh yeah wait any other character oh yeah yeah wait no hold on a minute there was abigail there was abigail so look abigail all right guys guys guys guys guys guys yeah no woolly what's your hot take woolly woolly likes to douse this fire a little i want to hear your fucking hot take it's not even about dousing the fire it's about the simple fact that the fact that they went back to a final fight boss yeah that's cool and pulled him out i think they went back to the wrong one is i think that's awesome and i'm glad they went to an obscure capital i'm glad i'm glad that because it's because it's it's
Starting point is 01:39:55 the type of choice we joke about we joke about these things becoming a reality like we go the fucking abigail might have been a joke somewhere in the last two three years you know we saw artwork of what he looked like in the street fighter five blog and and he looked fine yeah a little plain even a little hugo ask and i guess you got to make some distinctions now do you remember when they talked to ono about why seth from street fighter four looked the way he looked i don't recall the specific i don't remember actually they and they they asked him about it and um like why is a naked muscly man or why is what like what went into the design and his whole thing was we wanted him to look like a big strong muscly man that represents the apex
Starting point is 01:40:44 of fighting ability we wanted him to be intimidating to you and to show you that like this is no ordinary fighter that you're fighting or whatever and so and then that interview went on and like and i forget like the the second and follow up questions but i remember that it basically led to the idea of like this is why urian and gill are the same designs and the way they look like where you that's their that's their vision right ideal and then uh you know you kind of look at ono's things as well with like um uh saturday night slam masters and the pretty much the color the already existing rufus and forate that were in that game and he really likes big muscles is a thing so i think there's some of this taste you know it has big muscles alex alex that's a
Starting point is 01:41:31 perfectly nice handsome boy bigger muscles hugo hugo and or and that was that was the the pure limit that we thought on muscles and hugeness but then at some point we got into meme level territory or just like fetish territory of like fetish territory turn that juice up a little bit more okay keep it going does the slider have another slider no there no there's another knob underneath that says scott steiner and then you go past scott steiner and you get to ripping friends ripping and then you go past ripping friends and you get to stunt dogs and now we're at stunt dogs level is and they really really didn't need to put huge quest uh in street fighters arm is bigger than most of the cast yeah more importantly it's bigger than four of his heads
Starting point is 01:42:29 yes see the issue isn't his design looks deformed with the the tires on his bicep so i like the canadian maple flat maple leaf hair like those those are fun here's the thing i'm working on a video why i like the thing on final fight and i go man sure it would be nice if we could get another final fight character throw that video in the garbage no i'll just go like look what they did anyway um so i i like that it's obscure final fight boss like you said and i like that like abigail is just a fucking recolor of of on door that thank you that's like i'm not trying to douse the fire i'm just trying to make sure that we recognize the part that that's abigail is a cool choice here don't like let's not get lost and how dummy looks to go like cool choice and
Starting point is 01:43:13 that they picked a guy that was simply like they could have taken damned slash thrasher or belgar something at least a little you know people more remember i think the size was the most appealing reason as to why they went to abigail was he was listed as eight feet tall and they wanted they go oh we can mechanically design something interesting kind of like agonist where as thrasher is a dreadblock black guy yeah and he does blank balls for sure for sure both of which we got rid of and or already have taken care of but but uh you were saying before there's like a rumor that maybe you can't jump over abigail which is not which has been dis disproven okay why you jumped through him like his well he can't jump over the fact that his standing size was so high that your
Starting point is 01:43:56 character height wouldn't be able to make over it was a rumor flying around or that he couldn't be thrown uh or that cross ups would hit so early that he could punish them but either way no so so that's not a thing but like i do like like oh let's make a character it's so massive like yeah it lends itself to being different but like the the model itself is hideous like it it it's people nailed it i was like what is this remind me of they look like it looks like a bobo or a bobo in the snk uh double dragon fighter it looks like that's who he looks like it looks like fucking the heavy rip off that's in god damn uh what's that game randy pitchford made a battle boy battle sure or like or like a weird bane where your your lats are bigger he looks like an image
Starting point is 01:44:47 bad rock exactly yeah so the way it failed the in nightmare the image image bruisers always had the same thing going for them where they had a tiny head in the middle of a body that was like a circle around their neck yeah mall from right shoulders up by their sides but like and you think about like the way like marvel has like juggernaut for example and juggernaut's got this big ridiculous helmet but that balances out his his body structure but but you didn't really get that like super shrunken head and super tiny legs and then again stunt dogs bodies you know um simon dolmont that's i think the issue and then so we already got some people shrinking the design down the guy who did hyper dbz the um yeah hyper dbz and one of the one of the artists of owl boy
Starting point is 01:45:30 did you retweeted that one exactly like he's like well let's use the tire thing because i like the tires i like they say matt his intro where he comes in and he goes like like he hits the brakes that's fun i like his stage the music is good too it's a nice play long enough in the sunrises it's cool that's really cool and um you know again like i i fully wouldn't have expected them to necessarily go back to final fight in that way i really wouldn't have and if the rumors are true we're gonna get rosa student a rosa student who showed up in um edd story mode yeah along with abigail a few weeks ago a few like a month or two ago there was like people were like yeah it's gonna be abigail from street far five it's gonna be rosa student and i think i think one more yeah
Starting point is 01:46:11 the last one's zeku zeku yeah the teacher that guy guy has uh that shows up in his alpha ending where he wears green and he's got big white hair it's pretty cool and with abigail like i'm i did that's the list then that's it uh kakom's great at conforming leaks so i mean he's another pick that like i don't imagine people are going to be super excited for who's zeku but i think zeku's a fucking awesome choice yeah zeku's a really cool character that i remember showing up and like oh man that guy i've wanted a canadian street fighter for so long that's why i want maple storm for so long why can't maple storm be in the game and i finally get it and it's the only one i'm ever gonna get for sure what and it's abigail like what do you mean canadian
Starting point is 01:46:59 street fighter he's not canadian he's got a maple leaf mohawk but says he does it yes it is in his bio wait is this a bit canada no abigail's hyper canadian does it say in a bio his move is called the ontario drop i didn't see any of his details i did not know about that at all abigail is super canadian holy shit so that's why he's always been that's why i'm like why are you saying this we could have no storm from the rest no no no no his his mohawk is a maple leaf because you said that before and i was like oh yeah it probably looks like a maple leaf i guess no no the whole bit the whole bit is that he's like he's a canadian giant man i did not know yeah yeah i didn't look at the the name of his moves or anything i just watched a trailer one of his moves is called the ontario
Starting point is 01:47:45 drop this that's cool this is a bummer um okay so um yeah you actually you haven't said anything so about abigail well you said i said what i need to say all right he looks like a fucking his i like big characters i like hugo right i think aghanos is cool but his body structure and like his the art like his his his gameplay design cool the way he works cool the art horrible yeah especially his wind pose where you see everything wrong with his head's model as he's got that super weird gummy smile yeah like absolute dog shit yeah and the alternate costumes look all right the alternate costumes help out they do look a bit cool yes uh but okay rufus or abigail rufus okay what in chinese i'd rather have rufus okay abigail or fong
Starting point is 01:48:42 fong over every but fong's fine okay i never had a problem with fong okay because i remember like i did warm up to fong with uh a lot of his alternate costumes as well um i did i eventually did it's a weirdo but and i warmed up to rufus enough to be like yep well i'm just i'm just used to it you know maybe i'm just used to it but i do imagine in the end we'll get used to abigail because he's here and they really really wanted those biceps to be genetic freak biceps so and it's one of those things where it's like it's not like they showed him early and he's coming out in like three months he's like he's coming out like a week and a half so it's like they can't even try to fix him if they wanted um so yeah i guess that makes me sad
Starting point is 01:49:27 nostalgic costumes back after almost a year and a half of just not being talked about i wanted to discuss his mechanics but does anyone care i mean he punches and he does cool flips he's got a parry equivalent right yeah they broke down his systems there's some interesting stuff there but if no one wants to talk about that that's fine well when we talk about when he's out they can actually play around with him he's got a mechanic where you pick him and the other player leaves so he's got it like off of his command run he has like and then you leave what's interesting is that off of his armored command run he has big band esque options where he's got the big hit he's got the overhead he's got the command grab and he's got his
Starting point is 01:50:09 parry so when he's running at you your options are very limited and that's of that's interesting i do like his super his super is really fun he juggles you like a speed back i like that he's got a variation of hugo's wall throw yep but it's a slap instead of an actual throw and then he's got the move that he that came straight out of his final fight where he just throws you up and you just fall yeah yeah but uh no again so that that whole the idea of like the armor run and then the ex armor run taking two hits and then it's like okay fuck do i jump well you're getting punched do i block it you're getting thrown do i hit it you're getting parried like that's a cool little it's like a weird gigantic hugo fourth day uh also i can't wait to see what kind of ridiculous
Starting point is 01:50:57 combos are only possible on abigail oh my god it's good he's probably gonna be trash well the problem with giant characters in every game is that you get they get instant overheaded you know and if you have the ability to confirm that into anything then it's free right sentinel in marvel was a disgusting beast but he loses to people who just jump and hit a button now a lot of the time now i don't know a lot but what i'd like to think is that when a game is very very structured around the competitive scene like street fighter five is they would test that type of thing they would have some type of dude thought behind it desk desk has a motor right now thinking about the biggest combo dummy ever the biggest training dummy of all time this wall it's gonna be good it's gonna
Starting point is 01:51:44 be good all right well anyway um that got excited that got announced uh the actual tournament itself of course i have to say as much as street fighter five was uh going through a little down in the dumps period i'm not gonna say that this did it for everybody but if you were there watching the finals feeling that excitement this brought it back a little bit man tokyo beating punk was fucking incredible dude and like uh the story in particular if you weren't following it was that you know after years of never having like an american really making it much further than like a couple placements into top eight we get one in grand finals and not only is he in grand finals he's in grand finals with a perfect record huh he didn't lose a single match throughout the
Starting point is 01:52:39 entire round match okay so you watch the whole record like from him from the beginning of the tournament to grand finals two oh two oh two oh three oh three oh three oh like and it was like he just won everything destroyed everybody and i remember we're at the we're at the point where like we're watching it and going like okay look he's about to make evil history if he three oh's tokyo if he's about to do that and he wins with a three oh i want him to get that i want him to win he gets the the the the the but if he loses one game i want tokyo to take it and mainly because tokyo is what we call always a bridesmaid never a ride he has been in that second player seat it's like a double my oh fucking war like a double my cross it's incredible he's for my cross he's
Starting point is 01:53:31 had so many top eight placements i think he's had the most consistent top eight placement of like the tournaments go the tournament circuit for the last god knows how many years and he never ever fucking makes it past that second player seat that second spot you know and finally he had his year and it's like dude you've worked so hard for this i'm i'm super happy he made it and it was incredibly exciting just watch him do like to dismantle some some stuff that like punk was abusing where he would like do his v trigger to escape and then like he was parrying the v trigger into a full a full plop punish and it was like he was just he was it was whatever the technical things that he was doing was incredibly impressive and everyone watching
Starting point is 01:54:12 it was like freaking out and losing our minds um and of course you know you're in an arena with 12 000 people it's on espn it was just it was so exciting that you walked out of that going like god fucking damn and i want to play some street fighter right now the great thing about about evos now is that i don't know for how many probably forever the tradition of looking at angry tweets of people yelling at espn saying get this garbage baby shit off my fucking sports dumb nerds playing video games is not sports that's always the best i'm always happy with that the other tradition i'm fond of is someone picking a character with someone picking a character that's too sexy for tv so they have to switch to the alternate costume that's a tradition
Starting point is 01:54:56 can't show that girl's butthole on tv guys what if a character on that's what if there is no default costume then well well they forced them to change the character cammy's default was there for the first game but it was after the second game they had they he changed it that someone in a headset walked up on stage it was the same thing with mika yeah no i remember but what if there's a character that has no that they play it out it's like if the option is there they do it you're basically saying what if someone picked laura they're not shutting it down it's just can you do that that would help us okay not be a problem can you stop using that fucking blanket costume it's blinding the children because the or nekali's hair for that matter
Starting point is 01:55:37 but because the real issue isn't even like oh it's not the too hot for tv-ness it's the if we don't have it up there it's less likely that we're gonna get complaints about it it's that preemptive thing you know so uh but anyway that was that was fucking really hype and i think yeah for a lot of people that were there now that bayonetta is a disney princess like anything can happen why did people keep saying that what is going on with on the disney channel there is there is showing the smash fucking they weren't showing like bayonetta cutscenes yes they did it's the dumbest it's the dumbest stupid thing but it's just that disney xd aired smash and bayonetta want smash okay that's it that's that's the end of the joke yeah okay so they weren't okay i know
Starting point is 01:56:25 it's enough for me though all right like disney princess see i i as personally as someone who like i i i think it deserves more effort like saying a fucking michelle pfeiffer in dangerous minds as a disney princess because disney made that movie uh huh so therefore disney owned the company that made it right and so they acquired it and then and then that makes her retroactively a disney prince disney princess and cool yo is like the the the the fucking buddy monster character so like that to me you had to work a little bit to get there it's more than just showing up on the channel lizard or you know Sebastian that's it if you watch my reboot lp i go into full detail i did not watch that that's fine you don't have to but i discussed her as leo i discuss is the buddy
Starting point is 01:57:15 gross is the is the is the buddy animal side i discuss dangerous minds as a disney property at length in my reboot lp so that's where i think you need to work a little bit to get there not just show up on the tv station but that's you gotta no you just show up um yeah so anyway that that was really cool and i think uh people hopefully are a little bit more excited because i know i am now let's get into some real news shall we real news not this fake fighting game shit it's not not stupid nerds but then you know it's even better what is the other tweets that go fuck it's been an hour and i'm still watching this is actually pretty exciting yeah there's a couple of turns like even right here there are a couple and there was that old guy that just he kept
Starting point is 01:58:03 hashtagging yeah made for tv game where he's like he's just like i don't know what it is but this is really exciting to watch it's like it was made perfectly for tv hashtag made for tv game yeah i know i i think we remember that that dude was the best and then like a bunch of people started like top players and the stuff started tweeting and we were like yeah get in there you know anyway um stay here with us all right so in the news uh we covered the trunks appearance and we covered the krillin and piccolo uh i'll put a link to it but there is a trunks trailer manga comparison video that is really good so you can watch how not just the intro and the specials but everything everything he does and therefore everything every character does in
Starting point is 01:58:48 this game is probably sourced to a manga panel um i saw i saw a couple of them when he was doing his slices followed by the palm blast exactly that's the one that i was like that's exactly the same annihilating your fucking like your your debris uh that was super good the kingdom hearts three news podge la dropped and they revealed toy story world which looks great well it looks more than great it looks like toy story it looks like it like without any degree of variation yeah is just toy story and finally that claim that the ps2 would be able to render full toy story graphics has by far the weirdest part of that trailer is watching saura and gang and the kingdom hearts whatever battle system like fighting on this super photorealistic lawn and it's it wasn't
Starting point is 01:59:43 listening to japanese woody and uh japanese been there done that okay i've been there ages ago donald duck is by far the weirdest to hear in japanese yeah i heard that back when the king hearts came out so what do you think happens when this gets translated what do you mean to japanese to english well they'll get tim ellen but will they tom hanks like will they actually they'll get tim ellen but they won't get to him i there has been toy story games like on later systems that would have voice work i don't get they'll get they'll get cliff from it could get sound alive if you're still alive i wonder if they will i wonder if they will yeah he's dead because that's tom hanks will not be voicing a fucking square he's like like okay tom all right you're gonna
Starting point is 02:00:32 have to say the word heartless a lot as a creature maybe maybe if his hip hop son convinces everybody wait tom hanks is a hip hop son he has a hip hop son chet hanks chet haze he calls himself chet haze because chet hanks is he doesn't want to establish himself he doesn't want to establish himself on his dad's name so i saw some people saying like this is a huge missed opportunity toy story world because saura should just be his play arts chi figure that would be good that would be perfect marketing synergy there that would that would be good but yeah we'd always topple over because fucking play arts chi's are balanced shit uh so uh they showed that and then they also um in the middle of that there was a little bit of an interview where they said hey it sounds like why
Starting point is 02:01:18 did it take so long final fantasy seven's remake is a little bit further along than you think wait really yeah um a lot of the cutscenes and stuff are already done um that's okay weird because i don't believe that well that's the weird part also a lot of people don't know what you don't have to believe anything also a lot of people put their words kingdom hearts three is even going to release next year but i mean like that dates a lot in 2018 is the launch square annexes development cycles tend to be a little fucky so you don't have to believe anything i'm just saying what what the dude said you know you saw that too where a guy was like if kingdom hearts three actually releases in 2018 i'll buy everyone a copy and it has like 15 000 like that's yeah that guy's an idiot
Starting point is 02:02:01 but he's gotten lots of retweets so he's we're idiots oh 18 million mcnuggets was that what we're going for again yeah it's the same um not mcnuggets whatever fucking whatever Wendy's um windjammers august 29th can't believe it's happening but it's actually happening on august 29th but they did say summer 2018 last year so they did it and yes we can talk about the fact that besides abigail there is the protor capcom stage in street fighter five alongside the nostalgic costumes and uh there the ken looks pretty classy i love that i like that he's basically like edge worthing it a little bit yeah a little bit um like apollo there is the guile that is the capcom pro guile champions choice i don't know well here's it so here's the thing so the screenshot
Starting point is 02:02:54 well he's looking as a little weird because i thought for a second they added this black van oh no that drives a lot of street fighter five stages advertising internet deals imagine you're playing shoot fighter and it starts doing that fox thing where you see like like someone from guilty year like you see like soul bad guy walking along the bottom of the frame going up next guilty year you want to play exerd uh i want to play started with all fighters click this link right here to play exerd i'm right here i'll make your dick bigger too all right i'm fading away now arxist programs ads into street fighter games yeah oh my god i don't think anything will ever beat when family guy knew the exact moment of the show that that was scheduled to happen
Starting point is 02:03:42 and actually fucking reacted to it there's an episode where it happens and someone walks into advertise something and they all go oh yeah oh yeah okay no let's just well let's just have this right here in the middle of our thing and they just fucking call it out right there in the show because they knew it was gonna happen it was great that's genuinely pretty good um but anyway but the guile costume it's worth noting is that that's the one designed by knuckle do because knuckle do won the capcom cup last year in the same way that kazanoko won the first year and designed the kali a tactical army vest fatigues so uh and the parachute thing yeah so the kali super samurai outfit was uh cyber squad was was the first year this is this
Starting point is 02:04:26 is knuckle do's design um could have been more exciting but whatever sure sure uh kanzuki stamp family stadium and then there's the old school suzaku castle um uh it's cool looks pretty good i like it a lot more than i like the smash version i think it looks a lot cooler well i think it requires like the platform should crumble i think in this version platform should crumble while you're fighting yeah um there's a camera that zooms out and shows you like the full full thing and it's glorious it's what look look how a thousand times better alex looks so i wanted to ask you about this personally matt because i know the most you're invested in this is based on the alex nostalgic costume right now to me at a glance it's extremely similar to what we got
Starting point is 02:05:14 minus suspenders in the shirt and the hair uh doing the fries thing right so is that i guess like i i would have been really happy with that if that okay default looks because it's just it's not as big a deal to me because i like i think the t-shirt looked all right and the suspenders looked all right here's the difference i know it's so because it's so subtle you know difference i know it's minor but if the his street fighter five default they came with was an alternate costume i'm fine with that but the fact that they already had a really good design and that they modeled it perfectly here is like i i i know it's like have characters have new bits of costumes they wanted to change it up for the future that's that's fine but like so many characters have not had
Starting point is 02:05:59 updates to their right but i think we all universally love the fact that urian's wearing a suit yeah yeah right because we've seen that before yeah so and we always thought it was cool because you can never fight as it but like i think it's like just generally like alex's default street fighter five will always look worse than this just based on hair alone and that it's shittily modeled the hair the hair is the weak part i would like i can't pretend it's not this classic hair looks that looks better um but everything else about him i thought just looked way cooler in the newer model because it also showed like time you know and i i'm always a fan of that in the same way i'm a fan of uh ibuki looking like the schoolgirl hybrid because we know she
Starting point is 02:06:41 has the schoolgirl outfit we know she's got the ninja thing and then they brought them together and uh i like bringing i like that fusion of the two i thought it was good to have jury back in that costume minus her weird face though street fighter five costumes i agree i i love jury's new costume but i love the old one too i like them both i i it's cool to have they should do right they should have her original design as a costume um yes they should i i thought that was a percent support that that being said the new motorcycle outfit is fucking dope i i don't know what you're talking about i love it i think i've seen that one if though it's her default in in in five it's the oh that one's terrible she's wearing motorcycle tights awful it's
Starting point is 02:07:19 terrible it's tacky super village that's fine as again an alternate costume that you could take but as a default i think it's it's it's a step back from it it's fucking trash nah you're crazy it's awesome um i guess i am the uh crazy so there's all that fighting game stuff oh it's a mini it's a mini little thing i hate that costume but it's nice to know i'm so crazy eat some fruits let me know how crazy go eat some fucking fruits oh someone's upset the magitek exosuits are finally coming up it's not power rangers they it's not power rangers they figured something out and i don't know what it is but uh i think so i think somebody gave sabana a chop under the table and now we're finally that's all it takes for sabana to be like yeah it's the only reason i keep these stupid
Starting point is 02:08:13 licensing rights around um for for pocket hand jobs so you can jump back in to get your super power ranger uh noctis i'm okay i'm fine cool well it's there though sure is because that thing was announced like six months ago yeah they're just costumes the actually they're actually the well i know there's there's things associated with their they're the complete opposite of just costumes no i know i know but i'm just mean like why like they announced like six months ago do you know what they do for to come out not exactly but they do stuff they make you invincible for half an hour and they boost your fishing skills you can only use them mix once every 24 hours that's fine they boost my fishing they boost your
Starting point is 02:09:07 fishing wow wow hey did you guys see that the guys making project m had a game that they announced i heard about it um that does it so when animations are just stolen from a smash well it's important that they get the feel right so that was a story that came out was like they stole some animations from smash i heard and i heard that that was basically you watch a track i did watch the trailer and yeah it's icons combat arena that's probably in my top 10 of worst names ever um so it sounds like yeah so basically the fact that everything that these guys work on is like oh my god that oh so their whole thing is we want things to be frame perfect and feel perfectly good because they were always really really like anal about project m stuff you
Starting point is 02:09:55 know i'm making sure that it feels good for like people that are at a top level of smash so they're working on this game um but oh my god i guess since we're not top smash players i can see the stolenness i don't need to be a top smash player to see the see the stolen well because i remember i was asking i asked um i asked uh uh someone who plays smash quite well about like what do you think of rivals of aether he's like yeah it's okay in the sense that it's better than the really terrible smash clones right but i'm not super crazy about it and i was like oh that sucks because i thought rivals of aether was really really cool but uh this now is definitely going to have all the things that mechanically really good smash players want but since we're
Starting point is 02:10:39 not those people we can just look at it and go well okay what do we have to go on let's talk about what we see the art style look at this logo that's not overwatch the art style is definitely uh awful moba yeah and that's kind of the thing aside from like maybe animations being taken as out that it looks just so generic that's probably the biggest mistake uh going in is i think the biggest mistake was named their company wave dash uh you're i think that's awesome i i just i love that idea because it associates their name with mailer oh right so i'm sorry i forgot i was talking yeah thank you i forgot to a crazy to a crazy person i thought i was talking to i thought i was talking to a person i forgot i guess i'm crazy but anyway not a crazy so and
Starting point is 02:11:22 some of the some of the levels definitely they got that little fusion frenzy kind of like untrashy look to them it just sort of vaguely sci-fi vaguely fantasy that hit effects are super weird and that's a bit unfortunate i guess because early and it's also free to play uh is it yeah okay so there you go you can can find out more like i i think that there's a lot of work put into this and that it's like yeah it's complete like you know different characters or whatever it's rough a lot of work put in but i'm just like a lot of work put into something that like still kind of looks like generic well it's rough because like you need i think a bold art style something choice whatever you know and it's even it's not necessarily that it's pixels
Starting point is 02:12:05 are not pixels because i mean like that is not why uh Rivals of Aether is really good i think Rivals of Aether's characters are really awesome designs really unique yeah crag is one of my favorites like yes super good and fucking who's in it i told you ory is ory from worry in the blind forest is in there now yeah but like forest burn and all those little like fucking flame lions and stuff like they have some really interesting shit going on in um in that and you know there's other smash clones that don't and i think this is just kind of falling into that category and that's unfortunate so i'm really glad the wave dash has put some work in to show everyone that when you take away um all the you know nostalgia and all the the you know all the you know crossover
Starting point is 02:12:48 stuff that smash is associated with you can show everyone just how unenjoyable and toxic melee is without any of that stuff as a video game yes cool um and of course uh hot hot off the presses hottest is the disaster artist trailer oh boy so let's watch it again well i know what we want to watch it around the phone to watch it earlier today yeah the disaster artist trailer is really really great so for those that don't know this is this is seth rogan and um and uh franko's movie about the making of the room and the first trailer is pretty strong well i think it does a really great job setting up and establishing why and how this movie got to be made does because like the trailer just it's like you you anyway there's a moment of understanding that comes with
Starting point is 02:13:43 just the trailer of like oh so that's how some of that shit makes sense that's in terms of production exactly um and his costume looks fantastic he looks he fucking looks like tommy we so so the guy that's playing gregg looks like he had makeup to make himself look like gregg slash mark he looks like the porn version of porn porn gregg cistero oh hi mark yeah yeah for sure for sure uh it's it's really funny can't wait can't wait i think uh seth rogan made it to the other day like this is my favorite thing we've ever done yes yes can't wait to see what role actual tommy plays yeah yeah since we know he's there it's it's it's pretty yeah what's uh he's in the movie man yeah i did not he has a cameo role so that's coming out in december prime oscar
Starting point is 02:14:42 i hope he's like street weirdo save the date um and last but not least there was a console announcement over the weekend i guess well see a sorry box okay it's not with paneling it does i i don't know about you guys i don't know where you stand i had a tarot 2600 i have no desire to replay any games on the no there's nothing on it i particularly want to play and uh i have them on my arcade cabinet yeah i mean i have good memories but even then but i mean even like that's not like it's a great excuse are those uh in heavy rotation not really no it's not a good excuse either it's like oh yeah you have the motherfucking meme thing but what a hero you know i i just yeah i'm good yeah i'm good but it's cool that it's out there for people that really do want this
Starting point is 02:15:35 because guess what if i was born a decade before i probably would have been like yeah um i really do think it's just an age thing they do not have a list of games but they even they said it would actually support new games oh it's one of those huh i think i think it's i think it's an age thing um but it's also an infogrames thing is it fuck infogrames are they old people are out of touch and don't know what did you miss that episode when we talked about this this news you might have missed it no i know i know but like do they have something to do with this release of this console like specifically same company okay so sorry i just mean like did they hire some like manufacturer to like make all this them for them and they just licensed out the Atari name like or is it actually
Starting point is 02:16:23 like the program slash Atari's and putting the entity currently known as Atari that's been known as Atari for perhaps the last 10 years infogrames his infogrames yeah okay the Atari ouya for a second i forgot what that was the the the second word you said the ouya i actually forgot what it was for a little bit it's a console that has to get exercised by ghosts you need a priest to get rid of it yeah that's right any priest like a big heavy cube that you kid tries to kill you do you need a special priest yeah you need like a catholic priest only catholic priests are strong enough to defeat the ouya now you gotta throw a bunch of rosaries at it and smash them on the top with a hammer that's not bad i don't mind that say three or four hail mary's over your ouya do you want to send
Starting point is 02:17:19 in some prayers for today for the funeral of your ouya oh i can i can fucking see the morning catching up with you right now really it's bad no i think he's just like hey we're almost done super best friendcast at if you want to send in pro tips about exercising your consoles via a hammer and some whole water and maybe a couple of rosemary what's it called rosaries rosaries and you send it to super best friendcast at might stand on your prayers might say well you you know stuff but i don't know this stuff what is the what's the incense called that the priests like swing around at that frankincense frankincense why is it called frankincense well myrrh is it very
Starting point is 02:18:10 is it very straightforward with you um well first of all i'm not frank i'm uh um it's terrible i'm not catholic so we didn't practice those things i know but you tend to know a bunch of bullshit about this kind of stuff yeah i mean i think it just comes from the three wise men and the shit they brought with them yeah they're like hey check this out check out this ouya just blow a cloud of smoke into this baby's face and then smash it with an ouya i guess basically all the baby's totally fine the fourth wise man shows up he's like you want this android box yeah and jesus is like no thanks man sent a future away from him yeah baby jesus opened up a portal to blight the world with the ouya now i just have a weird now i just have a weird image of snoop dog
Starting point is 02:18:59 as one of the three wise men with an ouya in one hand and a blunt the other and he's just blowing weed smoke into baby jesus's manger yeah well baby jesus has his buddy monster partner gulio he saw he saw traded away his ouya for a blessing for his first born blessing that's what it was about the three gifts we gave to baby jesus is the wise man it was weed an ouya and a monster cable did you guys did you know about did you know about that shit by the way while we're on this though we're on this did you know that that um um uh uh jacob and isau who were brothers isau was the tough first born tough guy and jacob and like he's a tough angry single and uh uh he had the first born blessing but but uh his mother and jacob conspired that they would get
Starting point is 02:20:07 the blessing for jacob because they didn't want isau to get it that's right and so what they did was they just they spent basically their entire lives running a whole a fucking hustle so that they wouldn't be able to get him to get the blessing by like he won he went out to hunt one day and he came back and he was super tired and then jacob started making this pot of lentil soup and he made it smell super delicious yeah and he's like oh dude i'm super thirsty and hungry bro you gotta feed me some soup and he's like i don't know what you got from me and he's like just give me some soup man and he's like well you got that first fun blessing and he's like yeah fucking away no he's like yeah you can have it you can have my fucking blessing i just want some soup
Starting point is 02:20:46 just make yourself some fucking food jay and he fucking traded up his blessing for some soup that's like bark trading away his fucking soul for like what no it was like water sponges a bunch of bullshit like five dollars that he bought t-rex sponges with it no it's inverting funny smelling water on and then and then is the and then um um uh isaac who was like super blind and old and whatever was like okay well i like like i want to also give you your your whatever your your prayer or your special thing wow it was another type of blessing it was another type of blessing it was a gogi and he was like you got to come in and i got to touch you to give it to you you know and then they're like okay cool so what's the what is he gonna do that he's like okay i'm gonna give it to
Starting point is 02:21:31 him tomorrow so he's like cool so tomorrow so then jakey his wife aka uh jakey's mom goes and he goes yo yo yo your brother's about to get his super it's super sick blessing his miracle go his miracle blessing where like he touches you and he fucking puts the magic in you right he's about to get that tomorrow so what you need to do is fucking you need to like get that you need to go send him away to be like you'll go fucking go chill go do your thing or whatever and while he's out you need to dress up as isao and go in and get that blessing because they can't put groucho marks so because isao is the big like harry hunter strong guy and isaac fucking loved him because of that he was and jakey wasn't that guy that he's like okay get some fucking lamb fur and put it on
Starting point is 02:22:21 your body and he puts lamb fur on his body and he's been fakes a beard and he walks in and then isaac's like yo yo isao is that yeah so he heard him he's like is that you my son and he's like yeah it's me he's like that don't sound like you come over here you know let me rub your fur and then he touches him and he said he feels the fur and then he touches him and he feels the beard and he goes i don't know but i guess it's you though here's that blessing and he fucking gets it and and jakey was like yeah what a hustle he fucking stole it twice he'll have gotten blessings and then isao was like i'ma kill you and he's like yeah i know that's true that's that's true i don't any fucking and his brother and then any piece the fuck and his mom was like all right i'm
Starting point is 02:23:08 gonna hide you in the trunk and we're driving out play what well she sent him out of town wagon to peace out because she was just like i can't stop your brother from trying to kill you because you know what you deserve that shit but i can't help me but you help but i can just say like go wait till the heat's down the heat dies down and he doesn't want to kill you anymore and then it's gonna be great it'll be fine no problem so this collusion so what are you saying is like early bible stories are basically the fgc basically because you know as we all know everyone's just trying to get over because this is the same jakey back pot he went on to he went on to form the fucking like the entire israelite nation you know and like uh who did um it was part of jakey
Starting point is 02:23:52 jakey up the hustler and fuck it's same guy that like you know he like as we know later on hustled with an angel that he wouldn't let go because he's so obsessed with blessing because he fucking needs it bro you need so many blessings when he smells a blessing he's going to get it and if any of he's dreaming and a ladder is there and an angel's like going up he's like i know you got that blessing though jakey you have so many blessings can everyone else just have a blessing maybe no one can have a blessing you have all the jakey he fucking he will he will lie cheat and steal as much as possible to get that fucking blessing though you need to make a chart of all the the biblical heroes and say what went fighting game like companies would sponsor who like fucking jakey was sponsored by
Starting point is 02:24:40 redbull yeah echo fox iizak eg dude it is it is real he fucking went hard he went hand for it but anyway it's been a long time since we've had these stories so thank you yeah and and and if you're wondering how it turns out jakey eventually becomes like super successful and prosperous and rich as does isau and then he kind of goes lessons yeah and he's the you know leader of his land and isau makes his own his own like uh the ammonites or whatever like his own tribe of people later starts playing anime fighters but later on he's just like hey brah like why don't we remember how like i fucking stole your shit i'm sorry about that how about we make up and stuff and isau's like go fuck yourself but i'm not gonna keep trying to kill you how about that wall all right
Starting point is 02:25:26 all's well that ends well not really i still hate your guts and you're still full of shit fuck you but i'm not trying to take your life okay yeah so the beef was kind of that's that's real less intense uh our first question comes from one elie uh oh a plague he says i got a question i'm sure you asked wads like out of all the fighting game settings which one has the most coherent and not stupid story because fuck they're all really stupid this was prompted by me having guilty gear's name explained to me by the way oh that is not not well we were giving props to our system before not any of their games not any of their games i'm gonna go with something easy like samurai showdown or last play the troubles are a pretty good reason to have a story i think mortal
Starting point is 02:26:15 combat's actually strangely pretty straightforward mortal combat nine throw is a thing in the mix because it's like a canon dream match but overall it's easy to follow virtual fighter has a story i guess but it's hard to p k o f 95 through 97 yeah okay throughout a certain amount of years but after that but even they get complicated by the grugal wanting to turn you into a statue so calibur so calibur okay but the fighting standard how far you go in fine uh final rage like earth is now earth i i think you'd need multiple games to say no no skull girls is uh pretty complicated but it's pretty involved it's not a bad one but it's all over the place a little bit i don't know mace the dark age i don't know if there's any that are actually really just good
Starting point is 02:27:06 that's why one day i'd hopefully like to make one and it wouldn't you know how you know how you make a good one you just make it a televised fighting event yeah that's it cvs too there's nothing else going on technique you fight for money and fame and glory and it's on tv and that's all these fighters showed up in their badasses and that's it the end yeah yeah it sucks because i thought there'd be something maybe buriki one because that's what that is and then at the end the big it's basically it's basically grappler backy yeah so the big final like tournament leader guy it's like that's actually your dad oh fuck a little bit but i'd say killer angsten would be a decent like thing but with the modern one kind of being a weird reboot it fucks it all up
Starting point is 02:27:52 but one and two are easy enough to parse yeah uh anyway um so there you go not really is the answer the answer is not amazing let's take one from matthew matthew hi matthew he says i have a quest for pat has he ever heard of the comic biohazard the tune the tune it's a four coma take on the resident evil series it's a webcomic and i think you'd like it because i have not series it pokes fun in a weird way at players who played that game it might be official from capcom because it's actually on their official website and capcom codot jp do you spell the tune like to on yeah and uh if you want to find the comic you may have to use google image searches but uh it i have never heard of that no and he sets a little link biohazard the tune so you can check
Starting point is 02:28:47 that out and it seems to be some sort of little let me let me see a photo of this uh i've super never seen that yeah it's an official biohazard four coma series we and it's done in english with translations on the side because it's resident evil of course that's interesting so yeah check it out wait is that english or english english probably awesome uh thank you matthew thanks man we got one coming in from adam and he says uh just thought i'd give you an update on that novelty snes fighting game that they released an action card for this month called on holy night did you play it i didn't play it but i looked at a lot of videos and reviews and all of them were more like it's terrible as you might expect it's terrible it doesn't actually say that yeah it super
Starting point is 02:29:38 says that first of all this nest can barely run the game so it runs at something like 20 fps or less yeah that's the main thing super inconsistent they're also times the flashing of projectiles for 60 fps or something so it means you can't actually see the projectiles coming at you sometimes oh they'll flicker out and then on for a single frame the translation is bad but not in the charming ha ha old retro games have bad translations way just fuck it we're throwing it through google but i can still be funny it came with the manual that would be absolute gibberish if there weren't characters pages and inputs on them there's probably a more a larger fighting game enthusiast that can find more bad things about it but i'm not the biggest fg guy why the hell did i buy it
Starting point is 02:30:22 because it was a novelty uh well he does that thing that i hate that we played on a couple fist of cuffs like a few months ago where the backgrounds are just photos of real places just recolored and like rejiggered save some money save some money he hates that shit hustle where you can hustle it get that or not that blessing their super cross evo cast so many what the fuck surprises an evo but blaze blue cross tag battle the battle uh i like that i write the first well here's the funny part is did you hear the announcer at the end of that trailer she says blablu so it's a reminder that everyone is just deliberately saying it wrong because the official way to say it is dumber no it's no one says it the right way no one says
Starting point is 02:31:08 blablu it's it's a reminder that the person who knows the title it's not it's spelled blast blue it's a reminder i say blaze blue because that's the word we expect it to be as english speakers a reminder that whoever created the title for that is an asshole yeah sure samurai showdown is still samurai showdown it's not so samurai shut down oh really quickly i forgot to talk about that samurai showdown four or five whatever special was announced to come out on ps4 yeah with online play that won't work yeah it's it's been ported a couple times they're porting it again um that's cool but uh it's blablu is the correct way to say it that's worse than i thought and anytime anyone wants to get on cases about anything if you say the word blaze blue and you
Starting point is 02:31:54 don't pronounce it blay you're just fuck you're just in denial remember that or you have a functioning brain oh you oh i want that e to be there i want it to be there very badly but it's not and not only is it not there but that announcer says what she's gonna say you can say whatever the fuck she wants can so um won my ass how about that fuck y'all cross tag battle uh was the biggest deal to me it had such a ridiculous roster potential since their mvc twoing it and dumping sprites from each game that did they did and uh it'd be really cool if you saw someone like joker ruby being proud of the roster is really exciting assuming it's not just ruby rose is this the smartest crossover fighting game to ever exist um i guess i still think brawl is the biggest deal i i guess
Starting point is 02:32:43 it's the smartest and that we're they're doing what we said which is like just take all these old sprites and you're basically maximizing the fucking profits on this because it's not gonna cost a lot except for ruby being you know new sprites but yeah uh there's and there's gonna be other new stuff in there for sure yeah i mean like it would never happen because of like licensing and legal things but it'd be fun if dengeki bunko characters could get in as well oh i think it's just under night in berth yeah yeah but but like or like even like if they wanted to pull some melty blood the sprites are not the same style but you know they could go they could go all in with the whole french bread examu soft circle stuff so i think it's the smartest in that it's frugal and then
Starting point is 02:33:21 like it's a good usage of all the work that they've done previously but like the smartest like in terms of like i don't think there's be outside of anime fan fighters i don't see a lot of people more clamoring to get in on this some natural plus blasters maybe yeah maybe um yeah i still say brawl is this is the big one because at the end of the day mario sonic mega man snake like that's that's the fucking funny you get that we're missing from that into smash 4 then you'd have rio versus snake and shit like that and i mean and yeah and like if not snake then a belmont you know but yeah um we got one coming in did you watch castlevania pet i did not know okay are you do you plan to i am okay oh yeah yeah i think i think the oh shit moment that brawl was is going
Starting point is 02:34:19 to be my highlight because it's it's also the first time that ever happened to that level yeah yeah and that's special too like you can't really take that away kind of like the first time we saw twilight princess or the first time we saw you know like any of those like crowd reaction nintendo trailers basically right um we got one coming in uh actually no we'll just pass over that because we talked about icons already uh basically just like hey how do you think about the way icons looks and it's like well yeah it looks kind of like not great uh in the visual sense uh hey bad friend simple questions have you ever not wanted to see something this is coming from uh zei have you ever wanted to not see something um yes because it's popularity apexed to a point where
Starting point is 02:35:01 you could only be disappointed um yeah we talk about this all the time in fact i did it earlier this podcast everyone keeps talking as a guerrilla god is the second coming of christ itself to the point where it's literally killed my desire to watch it and now i could never live up to my expectations can a fan base ruin a series for you oh yeah um yeah i think guerrilla god is one of those things where i'm like it could certainly not still do that could certainly exceed your expectations perhaps but uh well look man like especially the longer you the longer you wait in some of these situations the worse it gets right and like and like i know because i've gotten used to coming in late to the party on a lot of things what i have to mentally prepare myself
Starting point is 02:35:40 to do is just like cut it all out and ignore it yeah so because because we have relatively like like we're somewhat popular on social media people talk to us right we i don't know we encounter this at a hyper accelerated rate compared to the average person yes um i had this happen to me with undertale undertale is the most notable example and um i saw that i saw that happen to matt and leon with undertale during the lp where people like went nuts like you have to play you have to play i remember cranky was like you have to play right slow beef was was pushing it to you burn down all your other and it's i remember i was playing games and just every fucking angle it's like oh my god it's the most amazing that ever and it's like i'm like if you're if you're disposition in life
Starting point is 02:36:29 tends to be cynical there's before you get to the before you get to the product you're gonna have that disposition there's two ways i can go about that right and there's the way i was like oh i'd better check this out or man fuck that thing right and luckily with undertale i was about in the in the middle but like i resented the people who recommended it to me because they damaged it for me because i went in expecting yeah something right and you know and this was like it happened like i think it's like like a podcast to go podcasts to go uh where i was like oh try not to overhype things hyperbole is bad and i was like oh my god uh whatever and it's like yeah because we get excited by things we like and here's what it is welcome to the difficulty of conveying
Starting point is 02:37:17 immense excitement in something without robbing others by telling them what to feel in advance yeah you know what i mean like this is a difficult thing to do i don't know how to say i'm really excited about dragon ball fighters and i've i personally had so much fun with it without also telling you like therefore you must go and have fun with it on the level that i know like why are you trying to hype plague up only to get him disappointed you know he doesn't like fighting games right or whatever the case may be or like me loving those moments in attack on titan and then like you know someone's like dude attack on titan season two was fucking nothing and i was just like okay like i don't you know what i mean like i don't know what to do why do you
Starting point is 02:37:56 suck in those examples because it's tough it's hard to really like so bad be honest about like i really loved this thing so much but i know that part of why i loved it was because i didn't expect to so for me to put that out there for you now where you're coming and expecting to like it you can't possibly hit that same angle when i think it was like i don't know a couple months ago we were talking about the latest volume of saga to come out and we're just like i was like saga is one of the best fictions i've ever read it is and then like you know for me or whatever and then like so here we're like are you serious i'm like yeah for me i am serious actually yeah like i know that is a big statement but like it's true and you know like like look we live in we're like you too
Starting point is 02:38:41 i think we live and are surrounded by it is and we live in our surrounded by like yeah plebian tastes an opinion blooded and uh you guys are scrubs you haven't watched it of things you don't know if the but this or that and that's fine that's fine that's why we always correct so it gets annoying to do it but you can only disclaim your statements as this is how i feel so often you know what i mean like you're gonna sometimes say oh my god this is the best as a way of speaking um yeah and you know and like personally i do try to like regulate to some degree so that it's you're very clear that what i say is my opinion and it's not an empirical but there's some there's certain things if certain things hit you the right way you'll be like nah fuck that limiters are off let me tell you how let me
Starting point is 02:39:21 tell you why you're wrong right it was the statement i loved so that's what it is and you know and sometimes and it's the same thing with negative things where personally i like to go look i don't have enough information about this i need to know more and if i do know enough then i can go yeah that sucks that's garbage you know when i when i said earlier i'm like i was really disappointed by baby driver but it's still a well-made movie that if people like or like i liked it i'm like i can't tell you that you didn't yeah i was just i was just personally just like let down so i guess i guess i just ought to say that like if that can happen and gurren laganne is a fantastic anime that like if you like any of the like elements it's made up of which is like mecca and like gar hypeness and
Starting point is 02:40:00 you know just like motivation then you will enjoy those things you were the one that hyped me up you said i you said you said like two things you're like dude just watch this trust me just watch it and then either before or after that when i was still either watching it hadn't completed yet you're like you he says i'm like it's the greatest okay yeah no i'm gonna stop right there like you kind of like caught myself i reeled it in i reeled it but you did start off by saying just watch this i remember watching like the first two episodes i'm like but it's you know it's a succinct anime and when i finished it i was like it's one of the greatest things i've ever seen so and and that's all there is to say is that like if you ever catch a sounding hypocritical by trying to go like
Starting point is 02:40:45 try not to spoil this for people or don't over hype it or don't go on to hyperbole because people then expect too much but then we get excited about something else that this is just this this is the struggle it is difficult and i don't know what the right approach is but i'm gonna do that sometimes the right approach is to fuck it just say who cares yeah yeah oh i thought that is the simple way that is the simple way but here's the simple way to believe here's here's my way of dealing with you ready i'm right if i thought it was the best then it is the best and if you don't think that i'm sorry that you have such bad taste i mean done that's hilarious but that's one way to live life any other questions you're right until you're that jury costume is awful you're
Starting point is 02:41:41 right until you run out of fruits and vegetables uh i'm gonna have a little fun oh i know okay good because you would have fun with me oh yeah insect bites etc i was about to say remember when will you're not allowed to get salty here's the part you're not allowed to get so here i'm not salty i'm confused because the part that i don't get is that here's here's the deal i thought it would be way more embarrassing that like i was so full of shit that my body started to like damage itself but you have instead decided to focus on the scurvy aspect which isn't actually not that's not a part of it like that's the part you wanted to go for what's the funny part because it's an ancient disease that no one is so i i enjoy that part i enjoy that i was like legit i like i pumped myself
Starting point is 02:42:33 up for like we've been knowing that your body has been killing you slowly and in a nondescript way for a long time but there's no there's no umbrella that you know you put that under a fun word there's no fun word for that i was i was building up for a bunch of like like fucking shit jokes yeah i know you're a fucking shit child and you're full of feces but there's no fun word for that i wasn't well you kind of said it is shit baby i guess whatever but but so like now that i'm like dealing with like pirate shit i'm like i don't know it's it's weird it's weird the scurvy gout um all right um hey did you see yeah there you go yeah uh did you see the insane announcement said evo yes we did um this podcast super big fighting cast uh
Starting point is 02:43:24 brig uh but yeah the hey every fuck it where is everybody every should there be a fighting game with everybody in it yes there should um there should be a new um uh fucking virtual fighter versus god the fighters megamix should be a new fighters megamix oh dude thank you uh canna says there's a lot of games that are sent out too early being undercooked have you ever seen a game that's overcooked over other than do cook them forever that that doesn't make sense well that makes sense and that it was bloated long over like too many features i don't know i mean i think there's something brawl was like uh insanely overcooked and uh but it was perfect and same for kinect or reciprocating more features than you need and it's it makes it a great game
Starting point is 02:44:13 i don't think it's ever resulted in bad things that i can think of a feature creep is bad though feature creep is really bad i remember i think it's either mk9 or i got it okay mk9 or mkx where i was like there's so much i'm never going to get through it all i got it uh guilty gear to overture is overcooked overcooked it's very overcooked that game is trying to do too many things and thus it fails a little bit at all spectacularly at all of them would you say the Jurassic Park trespasser was overcooked Jurassic Park trespasser was it was all show it was also undercut yeah dress trespasser was burnt out of the out of the oven there's more than overcooked um okay blake says they're pretty okay buddies it's come to my attention that the ever-consuming
Starting point is 02:45:02 quest to find the perfect give-up machine has led another uh quantum leap there's a virtual youtuber named kazuna i yes that's i is an ai and uh that does live casts and lets plays featuring a cute anime girl doing poses and and providing the brown hair with the little that's the one we've known about it for quite a while now um channel can be found here i understand that you'll need some time to cope with the fact that your career has now been rendered completely obsolete i'm honestly more impressed to be taken over by robots leaving having the foresight to get out when the game was good love you guys blake uh this is something we've known about for a while and i look at that and i go yeah there's a market for that
Starting point is 02:45:38 that's cute there's a place but how can how can a robot compete with this a robot can't fill itself with fecal matter as i point to myself see that you know what that's super not true at all yeah that's true a robot it can do that can't unwillingly fill itself with fecal matter yeah you can there's videos unwillingly dumping a pile of shit yeah well plus you just need like an arm that could put what object a into receptacle b it's not that hard just put a toilet on top of an asimov yeah fucking yeah there it is there's an asimov that's the new robot you dump on yeah yeah you see you see a robot can't have existential crises but there's that mall cop robot that killed itself see that i didn't in some city there's a state institute this mall cop robot and it
Starting point is 02:46:32 flung itself into the fucking found like 50 feet down and killed itself great so someone photoshop this so that there's a near-automata robot it's like we are to become gods oh man wow all right um that's uh they're fuperscessed breads what's the worst dinner experience you've ever had uh could be experience at home restaurant as long as that's two-thirds third middle of the day from a dude named evan i went to a wedding and the rice was poisoned i think i'm gonna say the rice was overcooked and i came ill with uh food poisoning and it was the kind that like even after it was passed from your body the remnants continued and food poisoning is the least fun thing um you could experience based on food and yeah that was the worst what's the worst dinner ever
Starting point is 02:47:32 i'm trying to think like nothing bad enough that i'd even mention it but like when i was like 10 or whatever my parents took me to a burger king for the first time and you know when like you eat something and it's like it's fine and then you'll throw up or be sick later you're like ah maybe that was what i ate there but it could be anything when i ate at the burger king like after like maybe two minutes of eating a burger i started throwing up all over the fucking place and that like stayed me off burger king for like until i was an adult or whatever and then i'm like nah man just fucking eat this like whatever dessert whatever they got or fries and i was fine but like i just remember being traumatized for a long long time but yeah well taste and smell
Starting point is 02:48:14 and bad food experiences are the most scarring things that it only takes one for you as a human to be aversive to that thing the way your brain works is it'll it'll basically go that's poison to you never touch it again yeah and that helps you in the bush when you're surviving hunting and gathering and that's actually like a really interesting part where like anyone who's like picky about about their food and what they're eating and stuff like that oftentimes it takes one bad experience and then you'll never forget it uh we were hanging with little females last night and he was like i love rum i had rum a few months ago got really sick i haven't touched it again that's poison to me like i'm not going to drink that again and uh when liana was in vegas
Starting point is 02:48:56 last year with some girlfriends she just had a a drink at one place she was sick for like three days like constantly throwing up and she's like i can't drink that would like that was a type of vodka specific type of vodka never gonna drink again because i'm so scared it was probably just a bad batch or they did something but i'm never gonna get near that shit the average teenager that fucking drinks until they get too sick to learn and learn their limits or whatever will have a really bad night on tequila and then just how many people are like oh my god fuck tequila the taste of it the smell of it just makes me feel sick get tequila away from me yeah it's tons of and i never did that i just i just had a couple drinks tequila and got kind of hung
Starting point is 02:49:33 over tons of people couldn't do it tequila ever again it's also because we get the cheap shit because it's it's literally literally the bottom of the barrel for us so um mine's slightly different it didn't get ill but i think the worst dinner time experience with food that i can remember is the very first time i got my my braces tightened as a young person when i was like 13 or 14 um and yeah braces too do you have braces as well yeah so we had not they said well you're gonna have a hard time eating so we decided we're gonna have something easy like hot dogs right i took a bite into my hot dog and recoiled with such pain and had not managed to break the skin of the hot dog like that's how sensitive everything in your mouth is as like when soft foods
Starting point is 02:50:25 they don't mean soft foods bread's too much they mean like liquids they mean yogurt pouring it into your eat your yogurt pour it into your throat it's mind blowing how bad it hurts it's crazy it feels like your teeth are gonna fall out too like the way they're being pulled the worst just just uh knock that shit out and get get all fakes well that's extreme don't got to worry about enough enough to that you have all fake teeth no okay no i don't as someone who's had some of their teeth knocked out nah man that's not good don't got to worry about shit just denture up yeah then you gotta worry about your dentures yeah drop that in the water
Starting point is 02:51:12 pop it in your mouth get that goose face going yeah if you feel like wearing a fucking blinked out you know you want to spell out pat on your on your teeth you can you can do that and i have a terrible name for doing that because it's like asymmetric yeah you need you need four letters mm f u c c b o i v uh yeah maybe maybe barracuda do it uh and yeah last but not least um skipping this one it's like the second one we already done okay here's a basic one that you guys can answer um super best cheeky boys i have one cheek we've been playing a bunch of Fallout 4 recently and until i rekindled my deep passion for Fallout New Vegas yeah four isn't a bad game in general but i think most people can agree it isn't a good
Starting point is 02:52:06 Fallout game that's correct Fallout is about role-playing and Fallout 4 has removed almost every aspect to do that that is also correct uh from the voice protagonist to the pre-made background to the playable character but that seems to have forgotten what makes RPG so amazing my question is can you think of any other franchise that was brought bought by a separate company which then created it and had its qualities eroded away ever since i've heard there's probably actually too many to count too many i was getting uh debt well no not that space doesn't really count in the sense that EA always owned it but its quality degraded over time well very similarly well no i mean one two is better than one all the time it was just development that moved around
Starting point is 02:52:45 yeah um i'm having trouble thinking of any of like hey we bought this now we're gonna make a new one and then you're like hey oh and i know this has happened yeah over and over and over but i can't like usually the disappointment is they move development teams like oh so and so i was working on this and you go oh great well it it happened to burn out in the sense we bought this we made a couple games and then we bought it to not make them anymore and have that developer make need for speeds um the old SNK before SNK Playmore was eroded away when they sold out to a bunch of pachinko fucking herders and pachinko herders it's like a nerf herder yeah and they uh you know they were like yeah fuck it we'll just shit on all these characters you love
Starting point is 02:53:41 to make a bunch of pachinko characters for a hot goof and then eventually uh it got back when the you know the SNK Playmore guy had to come back run the board of directors and then slowly create an uprising of moving in and replacing the pachinko fucks with legit fucks and uh i've got one that and then one Playmore established itself then they went all right we're back to being a snk i've got one that willy will appreciate guitar hero yep that's a good one but that's not the company though because that's the brand you know harmonics did stay as harmonics but yeah but they bought the game they bought the game right they bought the series right right the company didn't yeah that's a good one i didn't like EA like buy westward or buy bullfrog and then yeah well
Starting point is 02:54:32 that's that's that's the one to shut them down yeah bullfrog everything everything that that the syndicate days that you know all my god syndicate i know that new syndicate's okay but it's not syndicate yeah yeah those days are gone they got the shadow run oh yeah the fucking microsoft one remember that the fucking first person shooter remember that happened in required games for windows live paid oh yeah that fucking thing the one that you could play a console to pc yeah yeah yeah i i did holy shit i did a little bit of not even testing but it's just like little compliance filling out on that i remember chat around that one yeah that box oh god all right got the on there you go i think there's a lot of that going on but i think we're good what's coming out what's
Starting point is 02:55:18 coming out what are we looking forward to i'm looking forward to um no i was gonna i i i could have said like my new gambling addiction but it's like no it's not sure but i gambling addiction not at all but no none quite the only time i ever do it and i've ever done it has been at uvo in vegas uh and this time around after i got that double i got those two black ships i played the rest of the weekend got 450 up popped a 50 on that turned it into a light blue chip just dropped it on red walked away with a thousand not doing bad i got for the first time i think i'm like pretty decently up you should do right double that double that yeah at the montreal casino yeah you should stop yeah and then and then when you win that you know what you should do yeah it all
Starting point is 02:56:08 in the slots see i i've honestly like the first year i came i i like i think i was i was like i lost i was like down 200 when i left every other year i've been like i haven't left down i've been gotta come in willing to spend exactly that's what it is and then you and furthermore you need to then create that stop stopping point of like well that's the end of that no no you no you just need to know what's the farthest you can go to be a millionaire yeah well that's that's that's how far i told the story multiple times but we got that friend that like went down i think he lost 800 in an hour never gambled before and basically caught and realized what was happening by staring at his hands and shaking went back to the room pulled his ds out and went
Starting point is 02:56:53 i have a problem i didn't know this about myself and i will be away from that forever i will be here in the room if you need me for the rest of the weekend yeah because vegas is a problem it is you have a gambling problem vegas is is dude you want to get on the airplane to go back home walk past those slot machines yeah the other big problem i want to talk about just because you said something about what's our thing in january it's cold out here what what do you start doing taking damage taking to why because where are you located surrounded by an environmental hazard that is known as uh fendrona fendrona drifts so when you're in vegas what's the opposite you're in magmore caverns and you don't have your various suit so you're taking damage i i didn't i didn't
Starting point is 02:57:37 tell you this but we went out for like maybe 15 minutes to go from point a to point b and liana goes i actually think i might be dying and i'm like what i'm gonna say i can't breathe out here because and i was like oh you're crazy and then i walked maybe two more minutes and then i started feeling it where i'm like i i i need to get indoors now you're in the fucking desert it's trying because it's it's it's literal waves like the air is attacking you yeah but then as soon as you walk inside your life bar just goes and you're back to find you like some chips you're back to find that's amazing uh what's coming up uh everything now that we're we're back unfortunately billy is not available to edit so we're gonna have to be editing a few videos for the next week
Starting point is 02:58:23 i think well the combo was basically uh pat was full of shit and then uh we were gone and you can we can account for one or two of those things but then billy also had to go see the fam for a while so yeah we're fine we'll figure it out uh it's gonna continue for a little bit but we've got because we haven't had an episode walking down our cat lady in like a while i think as we can only now record those things so yeah that that stuff continues um is there anything coming out that is of note uh splatoon 2 comes out this week so there you go and on that the splatoon anime is happening that's pretty cool it's an online thing though yeah i think it's just a little many things so that's that's fun but that's neat um and yeah i guess uh i'm gonna be popping that
Starting point is 02:59:09 that first to five up on the channel on willy versus uh you said it would go up at one right the first to five no oh he said something about one p.m something went up at one today he doesn't know what though i know what it is it's him not finding all the funko pause is that what it is i believe that's what you implied that it was yeah it's sort of that but it isn't what you said okay uh what else is up that's a cool you guys um i'm looking forward to patch 4.05 for file fancies the raid stuff so i've now no life debt to the point where i can now just settle into my weekly leg runs with my guys and play other games uh oh i'm also going to be streaming the ff12 this weekend zodiac over at angriest pad on friday and sunday uh that four time speed option
Starting point is 03:00:04 is hilarious it feels like you're playing a fucking emulator it's it's really really goofy how fucking fast it goes like it looks broken it's hilarious matt um i will be streaming gang grumps his dream daddies on this wednesday are you gonna make out what the one that looks like me uh well that guy's huge unlike a football player so it looks like me though uh there's a guy that looks more like woolly who's your dad sonna your dad sonna uh i like the bad boy guy like the dark skin dude it's kind of like a cool dude kind of like him uh so let me play in that i was talking to vernon from gang grumps because he's actually in the house of blues in the mandalay bay while we're there i didn't know that i was talking about q and a which makes sense because the grumps were there
Starting point is 03:00:53 doing their thing exactly yeah so i was talking about like being a qa tester i'm like yo my heart goes out for finding late game crashes in your game and having to make that decision to fucking delay the game but it's coming out one day so i'm gonna be streaming that on met methe mc muscles i remember like like i ran into someone who was like hey man can't take a picture i was like yeah cool it was like uh hey how was it opening for the grumps this weekend and i was like what no well it was it was just so confusing to me because i was like not only do we not do that but like it sounded like a band opening for another band or like a comedian opening for another comedian i did it oh because during grand finals after i talked with vernon he like sent me a text it's
Starting point is 03:01:40 like hey do you want to spend 10 minutes doing this oh something did happen yeah i just didn't know about it that was me playing one-one super mario brothers blindfolded and the crowd yells at you to jump when you're supposed to jump okay well never mind then that person wasn't crazy no they weren't crazy i just didn't know what was happening good job holy i guess we're crazy though well i can't know things that i don't know yeah you don't know how bad that jury costume is um how was that was that cool it went terribly okay how are they they're cool uh because what they do is they play mario party uh 10 and then every time there's a mini game coming up they have a different fan come up on the stage and play the mini game okay then they they recycle fans
Starting point is 03:02:32 like to come in every time so very very crowd interactive crowd loved it house of blues is a cool place to cool right on i'm doing all right i'm i'm seeing you failing to get the last funko pop unfortunately did they stab you with a i'm just trying to ask stab you with a i'm just trying to ask how any erin and denny are doing they're doing well okay that's good do they know that woolly didn't find the last funko pop oh you mean the lies that don't exist because there's not 20 of them yeah really yeah all right all right yeah really look we have to settle this right now full disclosure we told what i knew i'm like looking at that like we told woolly it's impossible that that number is real we told woolly 20 and that i believe is liam's idea is like super hard big
Starting point is 03:03:22 lies tell him four more extra than there actually are for fun mm-hmm and and woolly has found a funko pop in this video unfortunately he still has one missing i see i see great and that's the truth that's the truth okay i didn't the one that you found in this video i don't know about that one okay so there's still one so it's and you've double checked the uh the previous findings yes yes so you're certain yes oh i know what's one he hasn't found it's that one oh you do you know about there was one matt was particularly proud of i see got you okay all right he's very proud of it is that the that and if you and if you had found it you would have called it out so specific so this wasn't one of your placements that one in that video no got
Starting point is 03:04:11 you okay good job not finding them all well you know it sucks oh pat because you have many long times or a whole victory animation and an end title card saying i did it oh is that what you're doing there because i'm like you're like you're you're furiously flipping through that phone so yeah wow you see what's going on it's like wow this video has been invalidated within what fucking guess what 26 guess what if i never find it i did it that's not that's exactly how it works fuck you nope you didn't win nope you didn't i won so what if i and until another one exists i found them all i won so that means if say in a year or two or three when you're moving right you fucking find it do you have do you retroactively lose for that length of time and
Starting point is 03:04:58 then re-win no no no wait no what happens then pat logic yeah it's just it's another win it's a bonus win it's a bonus win bonus win it's a win on top of win bonus win you fucking dipshit that's wins already won all the time for you all right all i do is win win win no matter what you're just mad that you made a victory animation like too early i won that shit it's done you won nothing i won hard i won hard i found the lies i found the truths you got the win gorgie it's over what actually is the reason he's saying he won is because he doesn't believe you or i that there's another one i wouldn't go i wouldn't go to these lengths if it was if it was like he's certain that we're trying to fuck with him but there is another one and if then and then until that another one makes itself
Starting point is 03:05:47 certain until it makes itself no okay let's let's no no it's no no no if you if you're saying dead serious right now there's another one then perhaps but it doesn't mean i didn't win i still won no no no shut up look at me look at me you might have won the main campaign but there's still a dlc campaign you haven't finished yet i i found all the ones that i found and out of the ones that i found i found them all so i won 60 percent of the time he won every time the champion the fucking champion victory lap so that's all right all right see you next time all right bye i guess whatever so you
Starting point is 03:07:39 you

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