Castle Super Beast - SBFC 209: The Burnt Shadow of HedgePreg

Episode Date: August 8, 2017

Hazama is to Terumi as Pat is to Fecal Matter. You can watch us record the podcast live on Outro: Tekken Tag Tournament 2 OST- Tekstep Fountain (Fontana di Trevi) ...Persona Q2, Persona 3: Dancing Moon Night and Persona 5: Dancing Star Night Final Fantasy XV Shows Off Its Character Customization For New “Comrades” Multiplayer Expansion Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker Reveals Boruto And A Glimpse Of Character Creation Neon Slasher RPG Phantom Trigger Will Release For PC And The Switch On August 10th Samurai Riot - Cooperative Trailer Aztez A Film On Yasuke, Japan's First Black Samurai, Is In The Works Final Fantasy 15's invincible armour now looks less like Power Rangers BEHOLD JOSH BROLIN'S CABLE It’s Letter Time The WATCH

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This week, the sponsor of the podcast is the Elder Scrolls. Really? Yeah, the whole Elder Scrolls. Introducing the Elder Scrolls legends, Heroes of Skyrim. That's the card game, right? The latest game from Bethesda, the Elder Scrolls legends is a new mobile strategy card game that immerses gamers in the dragons in the dragons.
Starting point is 00:00:22 That's we're going to immerse ourselves in some dragons, but also in the world in the lore of the award winning Elder Scrolls universe from building your deck to taking on foes in one of the game's three exciting modes, every decision you make will require strategy and careful planning. The Elder Scrolls legends is available for download globally on both Android and iOS devices today. Welcome, Travelers. Wow, let me try that again.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Welcome, Travelers. These live ad reads were a great idea to the throat of the world. It makes sense that they would get their Skyrim card expansion considering how popular Skyrim is. There you go. OK, OK, so so you want to run that by me again? OK, sir. We're going to start with a little bit of what actual news.
Starting point is 00:01:22 What what the actual what the fuck did you just say? OK, so there's this guy for I can't get his first name out of this article, but his name is Mr. Burr. OK. And he's the guy who wrote Bill Burr. Bill Burr. Seriously, Bill Burr wrote the different Bill Burr. Everybody wrote the the he's a manager at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and he wrote some eight page technical document back in the 2000s about how to make your strong password.
Starting point is 00:01:54 He's a cryptology specialist. I don't fucking know. I'm reading the article. OK. Point is, he's the guy who was like, OK, change your password every 90 days. OK. Put always put a number in there. Always have an uppercase letter, etc. Up that makes it hard to guess, you know, he has come out and been like everything I wrote in that shit is fucking dumb.
Starting point is 00:02:19 That's a that's a direct quote. Um, much of what I did now, I regret. Wow, wow. Those are big words and describes that none of that shit works and that the biggest problem is that when you tell people to change their password every day, every 90 days, what people do is say my password is is Willie M. For example, I will change it to Willie J.
Starting point is 00:02:51 90 days from now, and then I'll change it to Willie B. 90 days and that's good enough, and then you'll start to cycle back and then you'll actually try and use an old one. And then some websites will be like, you know, you can't. Yeah, yeah, and I'm very confused by this. So I read further into it, and apparently the deal is what they do is they download the password database and then they crack it offline via brute force. So none of that shit matters.
Starting point is 00:03:18 None of you like when you make a strong password, you're protecting your strong password from your mom, right? OK, from you, from whoever someone's going in. And if somebody wants your shit and you don't have two factor, it's not they're probably going to get your shit. OK, so put two factor authentication on everything. But what about like because, I mean, I'd have to get like I have a friend who does this stuff, actually, talk to them about this.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And that'll be no, no, he's he's a super like genius guy that's good. Let's come up with like like cryptography programs and things like that. And like the and I always think of the XKCD comic where the XKCD comic is is the comic version of that guy's book. OK, where it's just like stop doing this gibberish and just use a sentence because the odds of getting that sentence, if you consider like all the spaces and whatnot, or it's way harder if you're going to brute force
Starting point is 00:04:18 it in an online environment that always happened to me is that every time that I was told to create some form of unique password by that rule set or any other couldn't remember it. Right, of course, ever, ever, yeah, especially since and I use last past. Well, I was going to say this. The entire structure of last past is built around this philosophy. No, last past is not built around that philosophy. Last past one password.
Starting point is 00:04:41 All those password managers, they're built around a completely different philosophy. The idea is is that last pass is secure and one password is secure. And they put a lot of effort and time and money into that security of that master password. Right. But the idea is not that all my passwords are randomized in the safe. No, the idea is that do you remember when Sony got hacked and then the news came down, everyone changed your passwords. And I went the password on my Sony devices is the same fucking password
Starting point is 00:05:11 I use on every goddamn thing else. So that meant I went ahead to change like a hundred passwords. And then like a week after that, everyone, your Amazon passwords got hacked. Yeah. And I went, God, and like that. So now if you use one of these password services, like, oh, your Amazon account got had to change the Amazon one because it doesn't cross over. And like, that's that's the actual core of that makes sense. That makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:05:40 But but two factor authentication on all your stuff. Yeah. No, there's no reason not to. Besides the slight hassle of having to grab my parents don't know how to two factor because they're old. But I mean, but you know what they have for old people when it comes to two factor is they can have the phone ring and a voice pick on the on their line goes, your thing is blah, blah, blah. And then my mom goes, hello, who is this?
Starting point is 00:06:10 They hung up. Jesus, Richard, did you give our phone number out? Yeah, yeah, no, that's unfortunate. Like, that's a reality. Sure, sure. And I mean, you know, and perhaps one day it'll be common place to have a keyboard with a thumbprint on it, but people won't take. I don't know about biometrics because that's sketchy to a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:06:35 But you know, right now, my unlock my phone with my fucking. I also unlock my phone with my fingers. So it's also good because I set it up so that my girlfriend can also unlock my phone. So if I'm in life, I'm taking like a shit. She can like buzz the door to let people in and stuff like that. I thought you're going to go to the much more likely. Yeah, you're about to die from taking a shit. Oh, if I'm about to shit about to die, she's able to call 911, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:01 but the emergency call button is on the whole piece. So yeah, you don't need you don't need to unlock that phone. No, no, no, no. There you go. Matt's Matt's indisposed today. He couldn't make it to the podcast. He had we totally fucking forgot about. Yeah, he had a doctor's appointment.
Starting point is 00:07:14 So five minutes before starting the podcast. So that's just going on, Pat and Wally today. Hello, Wally. Really? That's your two people now? I did. Are you are you? I didn't do two. I said it's me, Pat and you, Wally today. Oh, OK, I read that. I heard that I heard that as it's me, comma, Pat, as in like your two beings.
Starting point is 00:07:36 There's you and then there's the shit within you. There's another Pat. He's over here. There's a separate being. He's that he's that being that wants to run up to the fucking microphone and grab the live news mic and scream out fucker right in the pussy. Like, you know how there's Hazama and then to Rumi inside of him? No. OK, well, there is.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And I lied. I did know that. And in that same way, there's Pat and then there's Pat's fecal matter which possesses and pilots. It's been in there for so long. It pilots me. It's got its little fecal tendrils on the on the on the steps. Uh huh. Uh huh. Yeah, that's strong. I like that a lot. It's good.
Starting point is 00:08:20 I enjoy that. Shinji is not the worst mecha pilot. That makes me happy. There's one worse. Getting the Pat. No, ah, that now it's gross. Now I don't appreciate it. No, you don't want to put the the the the plug dummy plug back.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah, I'm good. Shit, dummy plug. You're laughing so hard by yourself. I don't care. So I remember the secret to enjoying life is being able to laugh hard by yourself. I remember fucking like, I don't know, like nine years old. And some adult told me that the you know, someone's a real asshole because they laugh at their own jokes.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, and I remember being a little kid and being like, but I laugh at my own shit all the time. And they're like, and they just kind of had no answer for me at all because they realize they just called a small child an asshole. If I if I weren't able to laugh at my own shit, I could not record anything. I couldn't like woolly versus or any of the things that I do. Bad. I'm laughing at my shit constantly because you have to.
Starting point is 00:09:35 If you can't do it, then I guess you're just bored. I guess so. Or boring. Oh, that's even worse. Being boring is like the worst thing that can happen to a person. It's it's it's yeah, that that should be a fear. Would you rather be really attractive and boring or ugly as shit and interesting? I didn't even say funny. OK, interesting. Are both.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, I know people like that are both so extreme that I would like to make a career out of them. No, no, no, no, no. You're you're like you're not so interesting that I'd be like a professional interesting person you want to be or a professional pretty person. Do you want to be Gilbert Godfried? OK, or who's a pretty person that I can't remember? I guess that Megan Fox.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Sure, sure, between those two. I think I'd rather I mean, it seems goofy and silly and whatever. But I think I'd go for the interesting because I get I've already specced into the Godfried path because you have you make the career out of being interesting and there's no time limit on that. Also, the Rodney Dangerfield was hilarious forever. He's still funny and he has one joke. And that was it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:53 No, you and and and any any of the any of the like the fucking the old comedians that hung around Frank Sinatra, you know, back in the day would would be like funny until their fucking last I would rather lose my legs right now and have my face burned off than lose the ability to talk. There you go. Don't do that to me. Someone out there. But I'm just saying I like I like that it has to be disclaimed.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah, you never know. Yeah, you never know. That is true. That is true. I mean, we did discuss how much you hated being shocked. I have. The other day. So still like one of the.
Starting point is 00:11:37 That was that might be the most that was the grimmest one that was that might be the like because I've looked. I've known you for a while and I've looked at you with some some extreme confusion on a few occasions that may be the most perplexed I've ever been when you just decide to go, OK, everyone, remember, and you're like winking and shit, Pat hates getting shot. I'm like, what is the joke here? Is the joke to shoot me because I don't think that's very funny.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I don't watch because I don't like being shot. Yeah, I think you just it's you leave it up to interpretation. You know, it's like a fine art. Hey, I have a segue from that shit. Go for it. I may not like being shot, but I did do something in the past week that made me consider shooting myself. I and my wonderful girlfriend both went to the Emoji movie,
Starting point is 00:12:38 which perplexed perplexed Matt to no degree when we can when when I came back in here because he's sitting there going. Hey, alien covenant is on Netflix on Netflix. And I'm like, I'm not going to watch that. And he's like, you're going to watch this. You're going to go see a movie you paid cash money. Oh, yeah. Currency was exchanged at the shitty theater, though.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Not the not the Bank Scotia. Nice one. Sure. It wasn't playing there. But yeah, but you caught it. What time of day did you catch it at? Like 4 p.m. Good Saturday. Yeah, right when right in the middle of it, it couldn't have been on like release. So couldn't have been a more ideal. That's the true experience.
Starting point is 00:13:21 It's like, I want to see a fantasy movie with die hard. A good portion of my week and I'll skim over some of the rest of the stuff. But this is important. OK, so let's let's let's let's set the stage. Why are we going to see it? Two reasons got to know. Got to know, right? Like, this is a film that Sony Pictures was like, we might want to get out of the
Starting point is 00:13:44 movie business, but we need to see how the emoji movie will do. Can I just say I appreciate you making the conscious decision to spend money on a podcast segment. You've done it. Yeah, like, Matt's done it. We've all done it. Oh, yeah, it's it's like you just you take a look at your real life and you go, I don't have a lot this week. So I'm going to go make. Let's let's make some content, shall we?
Starting point is 00:14:05 And it's going to take like three hours of my life or whatever. OK, got to know. And and number two, which is kind of a bigger factor, mean girlfriend love trash, just like see it out of ironic enjoyment. OK, right. So in terms of ironic enjoyment, depending on how much you hate brands, there's a what the hell? There's there's a bus going over motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Revan, there's a lot of ironic brand hating enjoyment to be had here because it is bad. So we walk in mostly empty theater and we're like, oh, maybe people will fill in. No, mostly empty theater, right? It is filled exclusively with young couples, maybe a little bit younger, lots of like people that we look at them and we go, they're here for the same reason.
Starting point is 00:15:04 They have to know they got a rubber naked. They have to know. Yeah. And mom and kids. Of which there were two groups. Yeah. So that's incredibly low. Yeah. Maybe like 15, 20 people, the whole theater.
Starting point is 00:15:21 And this is at the forum. Considering how many kids went to go see the fucking thing. What's all I've been hearing about is like, you know, despite how garbage it is, children don't care. Yeah. So I'm surprised it was. Well, here's the here's here's the here's the hope for the future. Not even a cough from the audience, the whole film. Not nothing.
Starting point is 00:15:49 It was it was the most ideal movie experience. Wow. I have the kids are paying attention. The kids, I don't know if they were paying attention, but not like their eyes glaze over. I feel like I saw like a seven year old like that age. Not even a like nothing, nothing. No enjoyment. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Now, I mean, in terms of the movie's writing,
Starting point is 00:16:16 it's a it's a it's a fucking C grade, like fucking, like almost feels like a like cars rip off like it's like the generic plot and the bad writing and it's a fucking movie cash in like whatever. That's not what it's the it's the the the least creative thing you can do for a kid's movie, which is tell the message, be yourself. Yeah. And don't try to be anything else. Like it's it's another one of those. There's been a million.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Your main character has special thing is that they're themselves. And that's that's that's not what makes it bad. Right. That's the same thing that makes all those kinds of movies generally bad. You sure. But nothing. Boring, you know, right? Yeah. What makes this one just extra special is the the clear focus on what I'm going to call executive producer man
Starting point is 00:17:10 to like the story, characters, presentation, every aspect of this movie who cares. Let's talk about Spotify. Really? So the entire what the entire plot of the film is such a gene is an emoji who's supposed to be met, but he can't do the meth face real good. Yeah, he's got too many emotions because he's too busy being himself.
Starting point is 00:17:45 So he is exiled from the phone app. I'm sorry, the text app. He needs to go on a quest to reprogram himself to be met. Right. Yeah. So what does this mean? Well, what it means is that him and high five, who is a discount, Ricky Gervais. Like, I honestly thought it was Ricky Gervais until I saw the credits, but it was like too shitty to be Ricky kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:18:12 No, he wouldn't come on. You can't there's decisions you make that are hard decisions. Early on this movie. Yeah, no. And poor T.J. Miller fucking Patrick Stewart. Yeah, of course. Yeah. He's the best part of the movie. Well, sure. But but poor T.J. Miller, like, you know, you're a guy that I enjoyed him and in, you know, whatever, Deadpool and
Starting point is 00:18:36 Gravity Falls. Yeah. But some sometimes you're like, sometimes you want a million dollars. That paycheck. Yeah. Got to just got to take it, you know, we got to we got to reprogram it. So what do we do? Well, we got to go over to the piracy app. OK, and the piracy app is literally a four kids version of the Chappelle goes to the Internet skit where the spam robot comes up to him and tries to be his friend.
Starting point is 00:19:05 But instead of Dick ads, it's just spam. Sure. And there's like what look like the logo as Internet trolls. And they are just it's the cringiest possible shit possible. It's so bad. And then you meet Sombra. I mean, jailbreak, sorry. And then you then we have to go here hot topic. Yeah. And then with the stolen skull fucking thing when it's stress. And that's and so we're we're like 40 minutes in and it's like trash
Starting point is 00:19:38 and it's not funny and it's like embarrassing. Would you say endless trash? No, not yet. OK. But it's it's still like a movie at this point. And then the robots attack because they have ours and there's a sub whatever. Sure. Right. This is when the movie someone goes, OK, enough of that fucking stupid ass
Starting point is 00:19:59 movie shit, it's time to make some money for Sony. OK, OK, Sony needs money. Sony Pictures needs a money. OK. For college. OK. This fucking movie division sucks. All right. So here's what we're going to do. Well, what are we going to do?
Starting point is 00:20:22 We're going to we're going to plan out how we get to the cloud, because that's where all the problems are going to be solved. The clouds where you can it's basically reboot, like just get to the supercomputer, the cloud. We were all connected, right? Yeah. Right. That's where you can hack anything. All right. So here's how we get to the cloud. They bring out a little like, you know, movie map, they go.
Starting point is 00:20:43 So we're going to have to get through the Just Dance app. And then we're going to swim down the Spotify stream. And then we'll may we'll finally make it to Dropbox and Dropbox is what's going to help us get to the cloud. It's food fight. It's fucking. Oh, yeah. So then you get to you get to Just Dance and it is a 15 minute fucking sequence there. Yeah. Well, the Lady Gaga song where, oh, no,
Starting point is 00:21:10 there's a character that doesn't know how to dance and it's that fucking thing. Of course. But everything is licensed and branded every part of it. And it's like, like the logo is like screaming in your face the whole time. And it incorporates what may be the most cynical thing I've ever seen in a film. And it's because Jean is so himself, he invents a new dance called the emoji shuffle, which is given the camera treatment that makes me think that executive producer
Starting point is 00:21:47 man was like, we're going to get the kids with this. We got kids are going to do this shit because it's because all it is is you do the fucking four step Macarena. But instead of Macarena moves, it's different faces. Is it worse than the Super Bowl shuffle? I don't know about that one. I'm not personally familiar. OK. But like this is like the kids can do that.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Super Bowl shuffle is is cringe master level. All right, because well, this is pretty fucking bad. OK. And then they get past it. Then they go to Spotify and the fucking like awkward love scene happens on the literal, literal spot it by stream because it's a canal that you ride down. Oh, because it's a stream on Spotify because you stream music. And they have shots of like, oh, look at that stream. And they will look at it and a music plays. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Opinionated alt emoji has her has like a little love story. There's a little bit there. OK. And and then a fucking at some of the oh, in the chase sequence, they accidentally fall into the YouTube app where they show that cat video of the guy poking the cat and the cat throwing its arms up and the dad is sad about the son leaving. So he goes to Memories of Paris in the Instagram app and fucking.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Oh, my like. So. So. So what about the poop, though? What about Patrick Stewart? He just he's just a poop and he makes poop jokes. That's it. And then the crux of the movie is they get to Dropbox and they're like, Dropbox will finally let us get to the cloud where everything will be great on the cloud. And then yada, yada, yada. But now we have to run back to the text app because drama. Sure.
Starting point is 00:23:38 I don't know what we're going to do. So they whistle for a bird and the bird shows up to save them. And it's a big blue robin, a sparrow, whatever. And it's Twitter. But do they call it that? No, they can't, but I'm not allowed to. But what does happen is that the big blue bird literally before it settles down, flaps its wings once and goes into a side profile of that pose and tucks its wings.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, and stays suspended for like two seconds. Yeah. Oh, for sure. And is like, look, Twitter. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I know for a fact, because I saw that there was a leak of Twitter brand things and Twitter is like, don't fucking anthropomorphize our logo. It's too light. It's not a bird. What? It's not a bird. It's not a bird. Twitter's logo, they're like, this is not a bird.
Starting point is 00:24:34 This is the logo for Twitter. That's all that is. Fucking bird. They said it's not a bird. I'm fucking in a bird. You get that tweet. No, they said it's not a bird. That's fucking stupid. Don't put it in situations that make people think it's a bird. Don't put it on the Twitter to the don't add faces.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Don't add little sound effects. Don't point at it to make it sound like it's chirping. That's don't put it on a line. That's out of control. Don't imply that it's flying through the sky because it's not a fucking bird. They bring the logo for Twitter. They break every single one of those fucking rules. It's and they couldn't get that money.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And then the fucking story ends and and then the big crux. And this is why I think that this is the thing they're trying to push for the kids to push them the shit. Yeah, the big crux of the plot. There's two, one of which is Gene's super power is he's able to make an animated emoji. Oh, wow. And that's what solves the phone. Use the young boy's problem and get some of the girls that he sends her
Starting point is 00:25:41 an animated emoji, which is like like by animated emojis, you little fucks. That's all I can see there. Oh, because right, the problem to begin with was the human child was the girl. And was and it was embarrassing because the phone would be like saying and he sends her an animated emoji and she goes over to the man. I like that you're that kind of guy who can have a lot of emotions at once. Yeah, yeah. OK, and then eggplant.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Is there an eggplant? Yeah, there is an eggplant and he's in the loser bin, which makes no sense. But it's a kid's movie, so fuck it. That is not. No, it's that is not belong there. He's in the loser bin with like fucking stop sign and like fire truck and loser emojis like that. And then as a victory celebration, because Gene is the best.
Starting point is 00:26:35 They every character in the movie also does the emoji shuffle to close out. Just to send it home. That's when I'm like, they're trying to push this so hard. Just to send it home so, so hard. I and it's the fact that half, if not more of the movie is literally 10 minute ads. I heard that just brings it to the new list level. I heard that there was a sort of tone or I don't know if it was a direct line or if it was just sort of like implied, but the message or part of the message
Starting point is 00:27:10 was that emojis are the future of communication. Yes. And this is what talking will become. Yeah, because all the kids, they just talk on their Oh, the very first thing in the human segment of the human segment. It's like Transformers. You know, who cares about the humans? Sure.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Is the teacher going like, oh, man, the ancient Egyptians used a picture symbol of hieroglyphics. Oh, God. Oh, how did I not see that fucking coming? And then and he's like, of course, the first emojis were higher. Fuck. Fuck. Does this remind you kids of anything?
Starting point is 00:27:57 Is it? No. Oh, that just makes me feel bad to the core. Yeah, just fucking like that's a deep down hurt. That's a hurt that's not going away. It's that's not with it's a hurt you can't fix in your lifetime. Not no, no one's lifetime. It's too it's too big. That's that hurt from thousands of years ago.
Starting point is 00:28:17 A thousand year old. No, you can't put a bandaid on that. That's too old. It's too too far. Oh, oh, yeah, you feel good. Oh, this movie is a trash fire. And what disappoints me the most about it? Actually, now there's two, not even the ads. So it may be the first movie I've ever been able to see where I can
Starting point is 00:28:37 see the punch up writing. Oh, OK, I can see where scenes stop and a joke happens. And then the scene continues. Yeah, yeah, because somebody was like, this is the most boring fucking thing ever. And I would love to see like the assumed unpunched up version that somebody was going to edit. So so I guess, you know, like after getting depressed from handing over Spider-Man and watching
Starting point is 00:29:06 someone take it and run, they had to get back in the game with them. A huge knock it out and knock them out of the park branding. So thing here, here's the man. I got to sorry, finish your thought. No, no, no, no, it's just it's just that I would love to see the leaked emails implying that this was part of a quadrilogy. Yeah, and that they had already started production on parts three and four. So here's that here's the worst part of the movie is that the movie is going for
Starting point is 00:29:39 a sacrificial saccharine, like kind of like revelatory moment like the Lego movie would or anything like that. Because there's a really, really, really specific thread that goes through. OK, every character that is not just named their emoji has a name that fits their emoji. So Smiler is always smiling. Sure. The the parent of the main character,
Starting point is 00:30:09 their names are Mel and Mary, right? And so on and so forth over and over and over. And the whole thing is like, Jean, you're just too much yourself. You're just too real. And then the movie decides to make him animated instead of him being the genuine one. Like the whole movie feels up where it's like, Jean, you're not a man at all. You're the genuine.
Starting point is 00:30:40 The name is. And then they just go, no, fuck that. Like it feels like that was supposed to be the ending. And then they went, no, fuck that. Sell animated emojis to the kids for four dollars. The G stands for GIF. Yeah. You mean GIF. GIF. This movie would call it.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It would. It would call it GIF because the guy would force them to. Yes. Yeah. That's all right. You should watch it. I should. You should watch. I should watch it. You like cringe. I know you do. I should watch it. Yes. You were suggesting I watch this. Yes. And then you go through the cast list.
Starting point is 00:31:15 This is a film that you are. You should spend your valuable time. Oh, watching. Watch this movie. Yes, that's right. The emoji movie. I should watch it. Me. So. Like when I when I should watch this when I when I when I went to see it, I saw a lot of people, particularly on Twitter, going, oh, fuck you, Pat.
Starting point is 00:31:34 No, you're the problem because of you. You gave him 20 bucks because of people like you. This game 40 bucks is somewhat successful, right? It is it is the general opinion that the reason this movie has been successful is because of everyone wanting to see the trash fire. Yeah. But I'm cool with that because I want to go see another absolute brand infested trash fire.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I gained enjoyment from sitting there like being embarrassed to be there. Like being embarrassed to walk out. Your soul doesn't die a little bit. No, it makes it stronger. It tempers my soul with damage. OK, well, again, you you you candid them 40 bucks. You should go. No, 20 20. Was that the shitty thing? Sure.
Starting point is 00:32:21 But I I respect that you invested in a segment. I got a full afternoon's enjoyment out of the cringe. Then I got a full evening's enjoyment after of the discussion. Well, I did really one thing. The first thing I appreciated was because I didn't know when it came out. But the first thing I saw was websites are updating. Oh, man, I urge tweets. They're updating their database and their websites to basically
Starting point is 00:32:47 account for scores, scores lower than one star. Yeah, because they did not have blanks so available on their slot. If this was so, I remember like we've on this podcast, we've had a lot of discussions about like scores and what does this mean? I remember me and Liam when I had a lot to do numbers. You know, numbers, right? And I put forth the idea that I'm clearly not the only one. It's like there needs to be a special score and the score is zero.
Starting point is 00:33:15 And that is four things that aren't even the thing there be. They're supposed to be. So I would give Master Chief Collection at launch a zero because it doesn't work at all, right? The black star, you know, stuff like that, like just not a thing. Not a star, right? Yeah. This is absolutely that. This is absolutely a zero star film because it's not a movie.
Starting point is 00:33:42 It's an ad. It's an infomercial for the Internet. How's every every? It's a fine. It's totally average. How's the soundtrack? Good, actually. It's the only part of the movie that I'm like, you did it good. Voice acting, voice acting solid.
Starting point is 00:34:01 All right. All right. Elements of its production were fine. Art direction. Poor. Is how I would phrase that art direction. OK. But there's no story. Like it is. It is the most like. You remember, OK, here's here's a bad example and people are going to come
Starting point is 00:34:21 after me because I'm daring to touch their baby. You know, the Transformers movie back in the 80s, the original one. Yeah. You know how they killed all those characters so they could sell you new toys? Absolutely. Remember how that represented like four minutes of like a 90 minute film? Yeah. What if that was 45 minutes of an hour and 20 minute film? Yeah, we got we got shit to sell. Right. Like food fight. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Like that's that's what we're dealing with here. It's it's a mess. Do you then because I guess I'm trying to figure out it's like just so animated. So the first emoji. I mean, it's just how it is. So so then like there are, in fact, animated emojis you pay for. Is that on the internet? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:06 But like through Sony's various, I don't fucking know. OK, it's going to be their next push. But like it's because I know that Facebook's got those fucking ringtones and shit, think of all the money that was made there. Of course. Of course. And Spotify is the future and such. I wish there would. I would love to see like a for real ass emoji movie that wasn't like
Starting point is 00:35:29 scared of this shit. And there's just a fucking bit where they're in the Spotify fucking stream and fucking Jay-Z on a pirate ship. It's in a tidal wave. Just shoot me. I was going to say you got to have him on the tidal way. There's like there's a joke there. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Like there's jokes that you can make. A hundred percent. It's also safe and corporate and blunt. Like it is the anti Lego movie. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. It's it. Oh, man. Oh, boy. All right. So I would like everybody to take notice and enjoy the
Starting point is 00:36:06 if anyone it happens to be not listening to this, but watching it live. We have a couple of new twitch emojis available. We got Samuel L. Jackson doing the wipeout space. How do we get that? I just did it. I just did it. Oh, that's good. Now we got some new emojis and we got go and we got G.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Oh, that's smart. So you put them together. You get go get the goal. That's smart. That's real smart. You have to use two for that because the the thing is too small. Yeah, big words. And if you would like to access these emojis, sure, be sure to check out slash super best friends play
Starting point is 00:36:46 where you can subscribe and pay for some emojis. That's more 99. That's that's more 99 a month. That's a great fucking deal. And need I say I say that over at the Twitch channel, holy shit, of Matthew McMussles and the Twitch channel and the Twitch channel of Pete Sliva.
Starting point is 00:37:12 There are also very, very high quality twitch emojis that you can purchase on a monthly basis to shitpost to your heart's content. Oh, man. Yep, you can you can get you get hot off the presses. I don't even know what fucking emojis Matt's got, but I bet he's got a bunch of fucking good. I know he's got one that's really good of like his face.
Starting point is 00:37:40 So. Yeah, all that shit. That's that's good. That's some synergy right there. That's that's good. Just fucking yeah. So while that was destroying my faith for humanity, I do have good news in the world of video games overall from my personal life overall.
Starting point is 00:38:01 So we have oftentimes lamented the kids and what the kids are into because we're old now, particularly in regards to mobile shit, right? Well, fuck the kids. Kids don't. Yeah. But they're the future. Remember. OK, kids of the future. Yeah, but fuck the future.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah, well, but yeah, but yeah, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right. All right, all right, all right, all right. So we've been like, oh, man, all the kids, all they care about is angry birds and all that shit, right? Sure. Um, my nephew asked for a tablet for his birthday, right? This this this was circulated amongst the family,
Starting point is 00:38:38 along with plans to people pitch in and get him a tablet, right? I said, man, fuck that. So I got him a Nintendo switch. Me and my dad, my dad helped me find one I got. I got him a switch and Splatoon and Arms and fucking Minecraft. That's a nice setup, right? And something else. Maricart, because he likes racing.
Starting point is 00:38:58 That's a good setup. That's that's a big gift. Yeah, yeah, that's like, oh, shit, didn't expect this. That that that is the childhood creation kit. Yeah, that's good, right? Yeah, right on, right on. But so I tell my sister this, she's like, oh, my God, that's so nice, generous, right?
Starting point is 00:39:14 But we don't know if he even knows what that shit is. Right, he's six, turned seven. Maybe he doesn't know what that shit is, right? Maybe he doesn't know. He doesn't know Nintendo yet, right? Yeah, yeah, okay. So he might not. So when you give it, don't be discouraged if he's like confused or,
Starting point is 00:39:34 you know, like how kids react to honestly, sometimes. Yeah, for your feelings. So we give him the fucking thing and we open it up and we show him the switch and he said something that I'm so happy about. He didn't say, oh, thanks. He didn't say, yeah, yeah, who? He goes, oh, wow, a real video game. And I asked my sister, he plays on my phone sometimes
Starting point is 00:40:05 and he's played on his friend's tablet and that's a real video. That's really good to see where the controller is. Nice. You see what I mean? Nice, that little bit of hope. And I know that little bit of hope. I know that my brother-in-law and my sister aren't like, oh, the Xbox. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:40:28 All the time. They don't even have a console in the house, right? Protect that one. Somehow through the Children Great Vine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that trickled down and reached it. No, protect Mamoru that shit. And I'm like, OK, OK, no way. Watch it grow up healthy.
Starting point is 00:40:42 That's good. That's good. That shit is still occurring. The future for our lives is not lost. Like it's it's there, there, there is it is lost. But there will be a resistance. It's slower than I would have expected. There will be a resistance and it'll be niche. But there will be.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Yeah, those that grow up to eventually be like, I still want. Well, in the great actual in the great mobile crash of 2020, when all the mobile companies burned down so far away, I know. It's super not three years from now. Twenty twenty is not far at all. Less than that. Well, is it twenty eighteen? Oh, no, you mean because it's August.
Starting point is 00:41:24 It's August. Yeah. Oh, two in a bit. Oh, boy. Go on. That's that's embarrassing. Yeah, every once in a while, that whole what day of the week is it thing applies to the what month of the year is it. I remember and you're more than halfway through. I remember this is like two or three years ago where I paid my rent and then my fucking land lady calls me. I was like, can you come down here?
Starting point is 00:41:48 And like, why? And it's like, you signed your checks with the wrong date and year. These checks aren't any good. OK, OK, OK, OK, let in a little too much on there. And as for games, I played actually a lot of co-op of already five in Borderlands for the friend of mine, old time friend had tons of fun with it. Played some along dark.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Did you did you even see that game? No, but I did want to say about your kid. Yeah, it's not my no, no, my nephew. Well, he's you should treat him like he is your kid because he needs protection. He needs raisin. He needs to be set on the straight and narrow. Yeah, next is drugs.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Well, we'll get there. But first things first, I an equally acceptable response would have been what's this? Yes, no, right the opposite of that of like, oh, what is this? Or whatever. Yeah, right. So that's pretty dope. Um, you're you're completely right. Like, I'm not expecting Nintendo 64 kid here.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yeah, of course. Next year, VR. No. Just child who had sent two big ongoing. Actually, this is this is one of those like this is one of those like plans that actually works out pretty well for the future because my parents are retired. They don't have a lot of money to throw around, right? But now they have a built in like gift they can get on Christmas
Starting point is 00:43:16 and birthdays, right? It makes it easy. Just ban. Get them get them some fucking something that had something that has the same box shape. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, yep, yep. What else was I gonna say? Yeah, but did yeah, tell me, did you did you even look at Long Dark?
Starting point is 00:43:30 Did you even care about it? OK, we put up the machine in a video and I streamed it for about 40 minutes. And you might be thinking, why did you only stream it for 40 minutes, Pat? Because that game is hard as shit. Oh, that game, that is a survival game. And it is hard as fuck. And I don't understand it. And afterwards, people are like, do you want some tips, dude?
Starting point is 00:43:52 Serious. Yes. Because I drank a bunch of unclean water and shit myself to death. OK, so first, which is ironic. So first of all, what kind of game is it? It is so Long Dark is a extra aggressively Canadian game. First of all, it was like it built on like a Canadians research and art grant and takes place entirely within Canada up in north.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And the general shit, we paid for that shit. Yeah, absolutely. All right. Our tax money is paid for that and it's good. And some geomagnetic shenanigans have basically removed power and technology from the world and you're up north and you're just trying to make do with what you got. And there are no zombies or monsters of any kind. What's the problem?
Starting point is 00:44:33 The problem is the cold and also bears. OK. And when you play this game and you're constantly freezing to death and desperate to eat a can of beans and then you see a bear. I'm I'm brought to my like there is there is there's a lot of value in not over doing it. So hold on. It's not just a Canadian game. It's a Canadian. Oh, yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:45:00 You're up. Oh, you're up north. You're up in not not maybe not Northwest Territories, but like a couple parallels up in Longitude, maybe Northern Quebec, Northern Ontario. Rockies. Yes. Rockies, most likely. Actually, there's a lot of mountains. Cool. And like there's there's a lot of value in not overstating everything in your game, right?
Starting point is 00:45:21 Threats. How do I put this? You know, you know, in Plankett's review of Star Wars Episode One. No, Episode Two, where he describes the fucking chase scene as fantastical Looney Tunes dumb shit and they're jumping thousands of feet off these fucking cars and catching their shit and it becomes a fucking nonsense. Yep. You don't need a big scary zombie monster to threaten the player.
Starting point is 00:45:47 You know what's plenty threatening? A bear. A bear is fine. A bear can kill you. No problem. Yeah. What was that game? Condemned. Condemned has the scariest bear ever. Condemned, man. Come on. That bear is rabid and will kill you and is a slasher villain in a big house.
Starting point is 00:46:03 All you need to know. So the best thing about Long Dark is that it made it out of early access and it's done. And it and this is going to be a weird sentence. So follow me on this. It has retained the positive early access traits into its full release, right? That game has been out for one week now.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Within the first day, I think they put up two patches for the story chapters they added, and now they're up to five patches on the story stuff they added. Fixing minor bugs here, their progression, like stuff like that. Like it is being aggressively updated and it feels like a complete game. Like it does not feel like something that came out of early access.
Starting point is 00:46:42 It feels like it's on consoles. Did you touch it at all in early access? No, I don't touch games in early access with a few few exceptions like dead cells and stuff like that, especially survival games, because if you look at something like I think rust is probably my favorite example because that game is never going to get finished ever. Rust like kind of look janky and shitty,
Starting point is 00:47:02 but I had cool stuff in it so people play it, right? And then developers moved on to a different project and still looks janky and shitty, but it's got cool stuff in it, but people play it, right? Yeah, this game does not look janky or shitty. I think it looks fantastic. Actually, its art style is really, really strong. But once you're done with this, you're done with this.
Starting point is 00:47:21 So playing it in early access might rob you of some of the enjoyment. Something like that. OK. And in the early access period, they just kept adding more maps and now that it's like 30 kilometers of just fucking fuck you wilderness. It's great. It's fucking great. And the last thing that I did with my week and I will need you to demonstrate this, Willie,
Starting point is 00:47:45 I want you to hold this 3DS. This is a 3DS. He's handing me and it's a red 3DS Excel. That's my old 3DS. It's a new 3DS Excel. It's my old, new 3DS Excel. Yeah. All right. Now, I want to keep you out, keep that held in your left hand. And I want you to hold on to this 2DS Excel.
Starting point is 00:48:03 This is the 2DS Excel. It is. Yeah, this is way lighter. Oh, not way. Not not way like it's half the way. No, no. It's it's like it's definitely like close to 80 70 percent, maybe. OK, but it's it is. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:22 And the bigger thing about it. Is is the weight is all in the bottom half. So when you flip it up, like the top bit is a dozen way for shit. And it's all in the bottom bit. Yeah. And as somebody who played like hundreds of hours of Monster Hunter on the new 3DS, it takes a toll that the top part is the heavy part. Well, if you think about it, because it's if it's not 3D anymore
Starting point is 00:48:49 than like, what do you what are you putting in there? What are you putting in? Yeah, you're putting what is fucking clearly an old phone screen. Yeah, yeah. It just looks like somebody's phone got stable to it. If you don't give a shit about 3D, this is by far the best of these to ever happen, especially since it's like this is I don't know what you would call this texture, but it's not even that anymore. It's the top rubbery.
Starting point is 00:49:10 It's it's rubbery ish. Yeah. It's super durable. The screens are slightly better. They're slightly brighter kind of stuff. It's it's it's just it feels better in my hands. And it makes me hate the 3DS a little less. And I think that's probably that's the non folding closed 2DS. I got that for my girlfriend and like that thing.
Starting point is 00:49:31 If you have the ability to carry it around, I like that is good. There's only one problem. You can't protect its screen as one of the problem. The problem is that the L and R buttons function quite poorly for certain kinds of games. Games where you have to hold them down quite a bit like Monster Hunter. Yeah, function quite poorly with that because it's it's got the it feels like a kind of GameCube kind of L and R almost like with stuff
Starting point is 00:49:56 like that, you actually want the tiny little button ones that you have here. The other thing too, I like about that is that it showed something I hoped we'd get more of, which is hardware redesigns in these different models. Yes, because at some point, besides just the minor upgrades, you also would like to offer like a variety of like what type of, you know, handheld DS do you want to use? And if you have the choice between like, yeah, the folding one or the it's almost like different types of phones in a way.
Starting point is 00:50:24 And I thought Nintendo would be smart to continue doing that. But I guess they didn't know. Instead, they they went back to the same old design. Well, it's I mean, it's a good design. It's not a bad design at all. But I think it's cool. Like I look at this and I feel the same way every single fucking time. You're going to listen to this a lot when I talk about
Starting point is 00:50:40 Nintendo consoles and handhelds. I look at this and I go, this is what the 2DS should have been. OK. And these kinds of ergonomics is what like the original 3DS should have had, right? Like every single time they improve it, they improve it just enough that it's worth it, but not enough that you're like, why didn't you do it last time? Why, you know, like there's no big leap here.
Starting point is 00:51:03 No, just a slight improvement on the on its aesthetics and design. One day, it'll finally get to the level of PSP finally. And the other thing about it is that the stylus is like laughably small. Oh, God, I haven't used a stylus in probably two years. Would you compare these two styluses, Willie? All right, I'm doing a stylus comparison now. Yeah, that the it's especially for people with big hands. Again, it's about 80 percent.
Starting point is 00:51:36 They're there. Nobody likes the feel of a smaller stylus in there. No, I like the bigger one. But best better than that is the short one that extends. Yeah, I hate that. You don't like the extended style. I want the big thick one. OK, but can I just be honest for a second?
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah, I do not have strong opinions of styluses or style. That's fine. I obsess over hardware details. OK. I like at the end of the day around and I'm one on that guy at the end of the day. I accidentally bought two of these. OK, like you just click the button twice. No, I click the button and then forgot that that happened. Oh, good job. And then went to the store and got one.
Starting point is 00:52:12 And then the fucking Amazon guy shows up as like, here's your thing and I'm like, oh, I guess I have a backup now for the future to play Phoenix right on. Got that second art book in it. Oh, yeah, no, I have that. You want it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't where the fuck it is. Clicking, clicking on that. I did that twice, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I did that just like just look at your order list. Just literally my order list is massive. OK, on Amazon. It is gigantic, dude. Now that's not a viable solution. But fuck my week, whatever. What do you do? What are you up to? It really wasn't much.
Starting point is 00:52:45 But did you see the emoji movie? I didn't see the movie. It's a high quality film for all ages because I'm trying to protect what's left of my soul. That's fucking bullshit. I have a fucking whole extra channel devoted to not that. I don't know. Some would argue that that is the true me
Starting point is 00:53:05 leaking out that that is, in fact, that is, in fact, me acknowledging something about myself, which I suppose you can't can't run from it forever. But what I did do this week was, you know, the usual, like I'm just I'm still bunkering and hunkering down on persona. And that's fine. And I'm I'm you know, I'm in late December. So OK, then you're then now that you've actually caught up to where I'm at.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I actually have to finish the game. Oh, OK. Right. Because for whatever reason, I don't know. I just fell off. I do that a lot. Yeah, no, I remember. But now that somebody I know, particularly in my workplace, is also about to finish it like, no, no, I, no, I have to.
Starting point is 00:53:56 I have to so that we can talk about it on the pod. Sure. So, yeah, there was definitely a and there was a moment where I wasn't able to touch it because of like, you know, cons and stuff. So I wasn't able to touch it for about like two weeks or so. And then I put it back up and continue. And I was like, yeah. And then there was just that one really complex plot detail. Yes. That I had to stop.
Starting point is 00:54:20 And I had to remember like, wait, OK, can I get that conversation explaining exactly? Yes. How that went down again. Well, you can't look it up on YouTube because no, I won't. I will not. But you can't. But I definitely, yeah, I was like, I'm fine. I remember, I remember what matters. But that was incredible.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So we can talk about that in really vague details because it's something that Willie adores. And it's the same thing that he talked about when he played Attack on Titan, when he played, when he watched Attack on Titan, in which you're like, no stupid idiot characters, be not stupid. And then they turn around and they are way smarter than you. Infinitely. And they have to.
Starting point is 00:55:02 And you have to, there is a point in that game where the player is sat down with a surrogate. There's a player surrogate. Yeah. Yeah. And they sit that person down and explain the plot to them for like half an hour. And it's not they're not just smarter than you in the way that I like. They're so much smarter than you that the things they do, you go, that's not real. That's a lie.
Starting point is 00:55:25 You couldn't have done that. And they're like, no, every single part of this checks out. Yeah. And you're like, it doesn't. That's bullshit. And there's one. I'm calling you on your shit. And they're like, let's go over the parts that you think don't check out. Flashback to the parts that you would question. And every single part that I question checked out.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And the part that gets me is that, like, I. Mentally attached myself to one of those, right? There's one of the little details that I went, hey, yeah, that's going to be important. I know what's going to happen. And they go, yeah. And then this. And you're like, oh, man, that's so good.
Starting point is 00:56:01 The only the closest thing to like, you know, calling out, calling it out on a shit that I could have expected was it was was more just like the OK, that all happened. And now what? Right. And then the now what handily takes care of itself. And you go, OK, all right. Well, I have nothing then. Continue telling me the story very, very solidly.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Continue telling me the story because I have I think I put my finger up and then no, I have nothing actually. But what about? Oh, yeah. No, no, no, no, it it it's so so far so fucking good. But if Ryuji's so smart, how come he's so stupid? For real? Yeah. I'm I expected in Japanese. He's just going maji.
Starting point is 00:56:49 But like, I don't know. I want I want to hear some of the weird Japanese voices that they're not weird, but they're going to be weird. Well, luckily, you'll have that chance. We'll get there, but we're not there yet. So what I did do besides, you know, that's that's besides that shit was. Yeah, I'm just trying to, you know, play my fighting games, play my fight games and get better at them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:12 And I'm appreciating the walk. Did you get better at them? Yes. OK. I'm appreciating the welcoming anime community that is is like legit. Like, oh, shit, you're serious. You want to play this game for real? All right. Here, have some Pocky. Well, what? No, I do that. That's absolutely hot spot.
Starting point is 00:57:33 But yeah, like like one of the one of the like fucking champs that like crushes it at Evo every year, just like sat me down one night and was just like, all right, we're going to do some casuals till four in the morning. Here's what you need to know. We're doing it till four. And I was like, teach you by beating your ass in. It was and then he took me to training mode. And then he's like, let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And it was incredible. And I really, really like that. That was really I'm glad you were able to find a welcoming home in the anime community, whereas the genuine general fighting game community is more like a viper's pit with knives. I mean, like it's where people are starting to band together, because it's it's it's getting a little cold and treacherous out there. It's not how it's never going to be how it was.
Starting point is 00:58:17 But I still feel from the generalized FGC, there's still that feeling of like, no, how'd you take shut up? No, that don't show those those are those dates are long gone. Fucking doesn't work. No, like that's and that's the biggest premise against it. Is the Japanese players always shared all their stuff and the American players always hit it. And then Japan won anyway, because they fostered better.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Yeah, because you need the counter to that system. Yeah. And like, oh, wait, that doesn't work. It only works against everybody in in my spot. It's never legit. It's it's never legit in the sense that you can abuse something they didn't know. It's only legit if it's an option that they know how to counter, but you predict that, you know? So you you.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Yeah, so that was really cool. And yeah, it was it's basically the process of like taking all of your bad street fighter habits and flushing them the fuck out of you and like starting from scratch. And like, you know, I'm in a tour. I'm just like, I'm making my little bike in sandcastle. And dudes are coming over and just kicking it the fuck over and going. Do it again.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Stop playing this street. I make it good this time, you know? And then and then it washes over and I'm like, OK, and I start again. And you're like, no, use a ruler, you know, here's some tools. And you're like, OK, and you are you are you in a situation in which somebody tells you to care about something that you didn't even realize was a factor, infinitely so, right? And it's like, why aren't you doing this?
Starting point is 00:59:45 And you're like, what? So they go, no, that's important. Well, I mean, I want to, you know, discuss this further in detail with some dudes over on my channel. But what what there's all kinds of things going on in anime, particularly in Guilty Gear, where like you see people air dashing all over the place. They're called we refer to those as air dasher games. Right. And you're like, OK, so that's just good for the audience.
Starting point is 01:00:06 That's what we're going to be. That's the currency. That's the exchange. Right. We're going to be fighting all over the place. And and, you know, aerial footsies, if you would, is going to be the norm here. If I mean, I'm definitely not an expert. But I mean, in your anime games, you have a hell of a lot more air control. So the the the the the controllable space is larger. The playing field is, yeah, it's it's it's it's it's not just wider.
Starting point is 01:00:31 In many cases, it's a lot wider. Your approach is also a lot higher. The vector of your approach is really complicated and there's a lot you can do. So I'm like, OK, let me just do that a lot, because that seems to be what people are doing. And it's like, no, there's still footsies. They're still sit on the ground and press the right button at the right time stuff. And if you just ignore that shit, you're going to die. You know, forget about complex combos and shit for now.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Look at this guy's godlike anti air. Why are you jumping in on that? Don't press the exactly. Don't try to get in. You just press that button, you know. And similarly, I'm playing Tekken a lot and I'm learning the same like types of lessons in completely different ways where it's 3D and exactly where it's just like you keep eating this.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Why are you eating this? And I'm like, I I don't know because I'm not fast enough. And he's like, no, because you're not side stepping. I'm like, yeah, you're like the z-axis. Yeah. And then it's like, you keep eating this. Why do you keep eating this? I'm like, because I'm trying to block while crouching and they're like, there's mids in this game that are made to stop that.
Starting point is 01:01:33 You know, like Tekken and VF and D.O.A. have a lot of mids. So you know how like so that's the weird thing is so I guess to break this down a little bit, you have high attacks, low attacks in general and most fighting games and overheads are usually a rare, slow, starting, special thing. I got you. I got you with the overhead. Ah, you didn't see it coming. And then but the in Tekken, it's like, then you get to all the 3D fighters
Starting point is 01:01:55 and it's like, no, it's 33 percent of the move list. You hit forward and punch and oftentimes you're going to get a mid and the mid is super fast. It's a normal button, but it's blow your crouched block up. So stop crouching, you know, and you go, holy fuck, man. It's a it's a big change from from 2D to 3D is that in 2D, you're the safest place to be as you crouch, you crouch block. Yeah. And then you stand.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Exactly. Occasionally to to block high attacks, wearing your 3D fighters is like, you stand. Yeah, you stand the fuck up. And then you crouch to block lows instead. And it's just and it's gender. It's the basic difference between, you know, like rock paper being an option in a 2D game, because if you crouch, you're blocking high and you're blocking low. And a lot of highs will whiff entirely.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Yeah. So it's just a smarter place to be, but not in this case. So anyway, it's it's a ton of fun and and and and yeah, I'm just, you know, spending the hours and toiling away on that. And they have discords dedicated to the characters and cool stuff. There's also like, we give another big shout out to how discord is the best thing to happen in video games. It's a very good thing. It's not the best thing, but it's a very good thing. It's strong.
Starting point is 01:03:09 It's way up there. They're adding way up there. They're stealing Skype's launch even more with like video sharing and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They have the big buff discord icon now that they're that they're the point of Skype now. Inferior calls, Microsoft money. Great. People who don't play way. Here's what it is.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Here's what it is. People who don't play video games, not knowing about discord. OK, because like, yeah, yeah, that's it. But it's like, dude, like every time I accidentally log into Skype, which is the only time you log into Skype now, I get hit with about 30 messages of like, you want to put your dick in this? It's like, no, no fake account. I mean, Twitch is now what people think of when they go to streaming.
Starting point is 01:03:50 But Skype is still. But but but I just I was going to say, like that was still a video game specific thing that then got as big, you know, and it came from a a general streaming thing where just in TV and you stream were not dedicated. So I would like discord to make like a fucking business version of the application. And it does one thing different. And that's it. And as it changes the color scheme and it takes out the meme shit when you look.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Because if I'm in a state, say you're you're like because I this came to mind when I was using Skype to talk to an accountant at an office, right? And I'm like, what if we had discord? This call would sound a lot better. But that means when my accountant loads it up, it says fucking Leroy Jenkins on his screen and he's like, what is this stupid? Exactly, exactly. And it's kind of funny how, you know, the we went backwards from streaming
Starting point is 01:04:43 all for all purposes for all audiences and ages to OK, Twitch is huge. This is what people want to use. It's a bit there's a business here. A lot of people aren't really setting up the streams at their house for no reason. And then over back to my phone can do it if I hit a button. So Periscope and Facebook Live away we go. Yeah, you know, where it just kind of like. It like when it when you had streaming, but not for like video game purposes,
Starting point is 01:05:10 it just how many people even bother. Justin TV was cool. It was cool. But for anyone, did you know anybody that wasn't really gaming? Yeah, you know, so it was how to watch the cooking show. Or there was the weird, like 24 hours, like whatever Truman show style. Yeah, like houses and one of my life. That's all it was.
Starting point is 01:05:35 So there's that. I'm glad you're having fun with the anime community. Yeah, yeah, that's fun. And how many tech and community as well. When you walk into the anime community fight zone, how many how many stations are manned by Daki Makaraz? So here's the real problem is is I knew that joke would fail, but I knew it would bring up something.
Starting point is 01:05:56 I mean, they have the most creative sticks. I fucking bet they have the most creative sticks. There's no question. Get that stick off off ESPN. You know, these motherfucker, these these dudes that live that life, that like melty blood on top, the trash can life, you know, they run that. Yeah, you kneel in the back seat of the trunk.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Fucking like they they are all about it. And I love that fucking ghetto shit. Oh, man. No, it is it is absolutely a movement. And and fucking CRT games in someone's actual backyard. That's my favorite one outside fighting games. That's stupid. I can't keep Blitzkamp in the shower, man. Oh, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:06:47 All right, so what is the actual deal? No, the actual deal is that like so there's tournaments for Street Fighter, right, a weeklies. There's tournaments for Tekken weeklies. There's no real tournaments for anime weeklies because there's one or two guilty gear stations, and then half an hour later, they're going to be BlazBlue stations. Is it that there's two and then someone over there is playing
Starting point is 01:07:10 whatever they're playing. Uniest, you know, the problem is, is the anime fighter community is not the guilty gear community. It's not the BlazBlue community. It's not the Arkana heart community. You it's all of it. Yeah, that is a problem. And everybody likes has their main thing,
Starting point is 01:07:30 but has like a handful of secondary everybody plays that popular thing. But it's usually not anyone's first choice. That's what it's, you know, so you got that that one guy that's going to he's like he's going to be like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm throwing on Dengeki Bunko fighters, climax right now, all of you. Yeah, let's get some DFC going and like other people are just like, oh,
Starting point is 01:07:51 shit, yo, DFC, let's get on that. And then, you know what I mean? And so it's like, it's this kind of like a little bit of an ADD thing, you know, and you're like, oh, man, like personally, I just want to play guilty gear, but that's just because I'm less fun because I just want to stick with what I'm learning. But because you're super weird because you're not even just sticking to one game. Like you're just sticking a bike.
Starting point is 01:08:10 I'm sticking them because I've explained this like whatever I've heard because I'm there, whatever I've heard, like the advice that's like, maybe you should start with an easier character. Like you know, Fox and Fox is a hard character or Vikings are character. Maybe you should learn a bit more basics about the game and play someone easier. And I'm like, no, because I like these characters more than the games. Yeah. If that makes any sense. You're one of those people like you did not play a guilty gear
Starting point is 01:08:36 excerpt or a revelator regularly because despite your appreciation for it, because there was not there was not a singular shining draw for you. Yeah. You were like, this is a great game and you appreciated it. But there was no I need to do it. I felt and I enjoyed sins existence. But you know, and then Mike and shows up and you go like there. That's my reason to play other people. It's the system. It's not it's not even in a lot of cases. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Infiltration like who he doesn't give a shit in the game. No, we tell you. Yeah. And like we call these people like, like, oh, that guy right there. Like, like, like that's a fan of like Street Fighter. Yeah. He just plays Street Fighter. And then there's people that are fan of Guile. And so when you talk about Third Strike, they're like, shut up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Get out of my face. So so that's what that's what it is for me. And it's it's it's fun. It's fun starting from scratch and kind of picking things up in that way. I was really scratch like scratch would be like never played a guilty gear ever. It's scratch as far as like not getting utterly destroyed because that's scratch. Yeah, I'm in that. I mean, I live there now to get to the point where you might get around every
Starting point is 01:09:48 once in a while is like that to me, everything before that is scratch. You know, OK, so when characters are still doing things where you go, what was that? Because remember you can't play chess. I'll say you're not really playing chess. If you don't know what that horse does and like you've never seen the horse do that before, you know, I love Virtua Fighter. I love, love, love Virtua Fighter, but VF's ease of inputs is combined with the worst problem of that type of any fighting game I can think of.
Starting point is 01:10:27 The like Tekken has it almost as bad because there's a lot of characters and a lot of moves, yeah, but the move list on a Virtua Fighter character is expansive to the nth degree. So I'm going to let you in on a secret that I learned about three fighters. Fifteen to twenty of those moves are good to twenty. Yeah, except for the one in one hundred situation in which that bad move is good. Of course. But guess what? You know who knows those moves?
Starting point is 01:10:53 The fucking people winning Evo. Yeah. Right. The people that you're going to fight on the way up there don't know that 80th move that Zafina has. Yeah. No, in 3D fighters, like you see a move list of three hundred moves, one tenth of those are viable. Ten of them are great. And all I'm really doing on a day to day basis is just going.
Starting point is 01:11:15 I'm getting blown up by something. I get hit by something. I go, was that safe? And they go, yeah, or no. And I go, cool. Yeah. House, how unsafe? That's all the very unsafe or slightly. Is it my turn? Yeah. And occasionally, occasionally you'll get a mark here. Your answer is like, it was safe against you.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Yeah. And not you, but like Steve, it's safe against Steve. God bless against Wolf. God bless that photo of like the couple sleeping where the girl's like, I bet he's thinking about other woman. And he's like, was that move safe on block? He's staying up at night like, I don't know. I can't believe he said Alex is just a different version of Zangief. Who said that? Who said that?
Starting point is 01:11:58 That's stupid. Exactly. Laying awake at night. I would stay up at night. I can't believe he said that. Is Eurion's aegis reflector shenanigans really unblockable on Japanese cabinets? We were talking about that before we started.
Starting point is 01:12:15 Stupid shit. How long? I don't know if Skrull's been going on now. OK. Well, when you went back when the clicky mouse clicks, what game do you what game do you say it starts at? Because a lot of people are going to say Morrowind, right? Even though that's number three.
Starting point is 01:12:30 So because Elder Scrolls one and Daggerfall are prehistoric. They are they are ancient. Yeah, because it feels like that would have had to have been my parents playing those. Well, Daggerfall, you just sprites, man. OK. OK. Yeah, that's that's that's where we're going back to. Got it. Got it. Got it. But a long ass time.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Cool. And it was it was niche to my knowledge prior to Morrowind and then Morrowind blew it up because everybody was like, well, did it start or did it just do well? That big ass that because I think the Gothic series predates it. But Morrowind is actually a good game instead of the Gothic series. It spawned a lot of imitators. So I would say that's your genre creator. So you know what's not going to get a goddamn card game to worlds?
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yeah, no. Yeah, exactly. That game is terrible. Two worlds is terrible. And you know what's even worse? The poorly named two worlds, too. Really? Yeah. Yeah, it's bad. That's unfortunate.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I kind of think I feel like somewhere there was a team of people on the Splatoon team that really, really aggressively wanted it to be Splatoon. Yes. But I also think this. But I've met you that at the end, marketing went, but then no one will. There's no way to actually tell in speech. Yeah, no one will be able to audibly tell what you're talking about. And you're like, oh, unless people said Splatoon, then you heard the weird cadence and then you go, they're talking about the sequel.
Starting point is 01:13:59 But that's a bad thing to do. That's weird. Xbox one, Xbox one, Xbox. What's the name of that MOBA? You said it, you said it like 40 minutes ago. What's the name? Don Gate, Don Gate, Don Gate, Don Gate. Don, it is done. Wardon, it is. No, it is Don Gate.
Starting point is 01:14:20 And now it's being auto-deleted from my mind and it's gone. Shall we get into the news? Let's get into the news. Hey, you really have to finish Persona Five. I'm not watching any trailers. I'm not. The trailers are safe. I. But the world will not be. Atlas has now engaged in what may be the most bizarre decision ever.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Is it bizarre? Because to me, it makes perfect sense. No, I mean, for game development. Well, it's secretly genius. It's no, you have to buy and beat our games by a certain date. You have. So I didn't hear whether or not they announced it, but I'm going to assume that they also said, by the way, these are all canon
Starting point is 01:15:05 because that's the way they do things. Oh, for all of this, right? Dancing Moon Night and Dancing Star Night. Well, let's start with the beginning. Let's start with it. The beginning is the announcement that Persona Q2 is going to be coming out for the 3DS. It's.
Starting point is 01:15:24 They should rename that to Persona. P2 so that I can more accurately make a P2, more like P. You. Joe. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, you know what? I don't like the. A lot of people. A lot of people don't. But a lot of people do and enough that they clearly want to make more of it.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Let me let me. I didn't know what they were as when I was going in. I knew that it was an Etrian Odyssey crossover. They're fan service games with Etrian Odyssey game. But I didn't realize that Etrian Odyssey gameplay meant it doesn't stop. Yeah. Etrian Odyssey gameplay is like closer to something like Eye of the Beholder
Starting point is 01:16:02 than it is to a Persona game. Like that, that grid based map exploration kind of stuff. And it just takes forever for anything to happen. And it's also it's not random, but they added a feature in one of the Etrian Odyssey. I want to say for where it auto maps it for you. OK. And there was like a big kerfuffle over it
Starting point is 01:16:22 because it's like, no, this is the fun is making the map. That's the fucking game, guys. And they're like, we know that, but that's highly limiting. Yeah, the map doesn't fill in. I probably I probably would have been able to tolerate more of Q if it were just a bit shorter. Yeah, I know. I can't stand the way that it treats the characters.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Oh, it just simplifies them into their single character trait. And there's so many to get through. And whereas the normal Persona game would have all the time in the world to introduce this mysterious person who then has one line or two, who's then in your class. And now we're hanging out. But here they're like all of them. It's a full party.
Starting point is 01:17:04 You know all these characters, right? And Liam said it best when he described the Persona Q storyline as the biggest nothing. I think that's what he said. But the Persona Q storylines are the biggest nothing ever because it's literally they take place in between the two games. And you all the memories are wiped. Memories are wiped at the end.
Starting point is 01:17:26 And it's like, well, then fuck you. Yeah, it's fanfiction. I mean, obviously, when we talk about the personalities being simplified, she is the shining example. But like, you know, Akihiko is just big muscle man, strong, strong. And everyone's down to their their. He's all like get bent all over. Yeah. And you know, it's it's fanservice.
Starting point is 01:17:47 It is what it is. But it exists and it makes them some money. Now, you want to talk about some some real fanservice. You want to scroll down a little bit because they also announced P3 Dancing Moon Knight and P5 Dancing Star Knight. Now, these separate titles, these titles obviously make more sense in Japanese, right?
Starting point is 01:18:07 Well, I guess they're stupid sounding. Well, Dancing All Night, Star Night Moon Knight, you know. Yeah, looks fucking pretty and gorgeous as it should. And but I also share Liam's problems is like that, the Dancing All Night has a bad rhythm game system. And it looks gorgeous and the soundtrack's amazing. But they need to fix the way that the notes move on the screen because they're bad rhythm games.
Starting point is 01:18:36 They're not good. Yeah, I hope that happens. At the same time, there's just that happy enjoyment of seeing high P5 quality models of stop it, stop it. There's there's just that really nice thing of seeing the old characters in an updated setting that just feels really good. So that's super fun. The time for Persona 3 Definitive Edition is now now.
Starting point is 01:19:05 I yeah, sure. Now, with that, I suppose we can also address the total dissonance. Total dissonance is the exact word I was going to use. And I'm glad that you brought it up. Five, no problem. Four, no problem. Three, a little bit of a problem. Not the same kind of happy go lucky characters.
Starting point is 01:19:26 So I mean, they are. They're still high school kids having fun. Three is dark and sad and moody. It's much moodier. It's much broody and moodier than four or five. Everything sucks and everyone is miserable. Yeah, four and five are much more celebratory. And three is definitely like you're going to deal
Starting point is 01:19:47 with the jazz of the situation. Like seeing I guess like dancing around and doing the robot and shit. It's just like, yeah, you know, we got the blues, right? That's what it is. So they're they're obviously and then there's there's reason. If you've beaten P three there, there are some. There are some big laughs. There's some to be had big, weird laughs to be had over that trailer.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Yeah. That is that's some special. I had I had a moment where I woke up and I saw that. I thought that they were photoshopped. Right. I was like, right. Well, some L. A. F. F's to be had weird. And that's all we'll say about that are, you know, what we're talking about. There's only one.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Yeah. You know, and then they announced the anime. True for P five. True, true, true, which that trailer is safe, by the way. And it is gorgeous. I heard it wasn't. But I mean, I think I guess we're far enough in that it would be fine. But yes, there was absolutely the P five anime announcement as well. It looks real good.
Starting point is 01:20:59 And and it puts a hard ass limit on you must defeat this game by such and such date because the internet is going to ruin it for you. Yeah, you better hurry up. You better hurry up. I really hope that we get the third answer, MC, you know, again. We talk about an answer and see what we get. The we get the Akira that answers the third Oh, that's what you mean.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Weirdo criminal ass Akira. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I hope we end up getting. That'll be. Oh, oh, I want to see temperance with that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Oh, the Kawakami fucking I feel nothing. The Kawakami link with the third answer is going to be clean. My fucking clean my fucking bed.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Oh, they won't have the balls. They will. They will. But it's it's the best ass link in all of them, man. Oh, fucking delinquent ass criminal. Well, at least in three, four, five, I can't speak for earlier. Yeah. And again, you'll get used to them. Japanese voices. I suppose so. I think we're I think out of all the ones that I've heard so far,
Starting point is 01:22:18 the only one that irks me is I think we're gonna is a lot better in English than Morgana is in Japanese. That's because I guess I'm tired of that highly specific Japanese high pitched character, the little sidekick. I know what you mean, but yeah. And and you get you get this and that's what it is in English, too. But you there's little subtleties that you you can, you know, kind of appreciate. Yeah, because I can speak language and I can see like, oh,
Starting point is 01:22:44 Morgana is a really, really good one of those. Did you is your name Akira Kurosu? Ass absolutely. OK, just checking one. OK, I OK, so you're you're a little bit newer than SMT and even I am not an old hand at it, right? I only started with like persona and devil's double summoner, right? Yeah, I resent that series.
Starting point is 01:23:05 This is refusal to give your character an actual name. I resent it. But what about what about the part where the autofill when you first started is there? Most of them don't have that. Like but like it would that be a solution? Yes, absolutely. OK, like I'm thinking back to like Shining Force where it's blank and it's like name your character.
Starting point is 01:23:25 But then you hit and and it fills it in with cloud real name. Right. I like that. Yeah, SMT four is weird because SMT four just says no. Yeah, that dude is Flynn. That is that is what you are your friend. And when you play SMT Apocalypse, it's voice acted as Flynn. Hey, Flynn's over there. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:23:44 And I found it weird. They backtracked on that, though. It became super apparent right away that Akira Karusu is the guy's name. Well, it was because I think in P3 was where the problem that I know about popular version of that problem, right? Because Minato Arisato was the manganame manganame. But then it changed for the animation. It changed.
Starting point is 01:24:07 It changed somewhere. It changed. OK, so here's the here's the. And then it was like, oh, shit, there's two MC names. Minato Arisato was the manganame. Yeah, and then Persona 4 came out and then the Persona 4 manganame came out in which in Persona 4, the character's name is Soji Seta. Yes, Soji Seta. Yeah, Soji Seta. Then the Persona 4 anime.
Starting point is 01:24:28 No, then fucking Persona 4 arena got out, I think, before the anime. And it's like you never come in. And people went, what? And then the Persona 3 movie got made. And I don't even know what that character's fucking name is. But you was pretty, you know, like that was like set, you know? You're like, got it, OK, done. But P3 hasn't had like a defined thing.
Starting point is 01:24:48 And I guess dancing Moon Knight will put the fight on nail on that. I appreciate the fact that the name gets out there before the game just so that you know, OK, I'm going to run it cannon. So here's the question about the Persona 5 anime, which was a question they avoided in the Persona 4 anime and did not avoid in the Persona 5 manga, which is what S-Link is Akira actually going to focus on romantically. Right. And in the Persona, maybe the Golden Redo version
Starting point is 01:25:16 will have that content. Well, OK, in Persona 4 animation, they straight up say it like, are you fucking around? Are you? You are you? Oh, yeah. And then there's like a collar pole. Right, right, right. In Golden, it's like, oh, he's hanging out with Marie, but that's just because she's new, literally. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:38 And plus in the manga version of P5, it's no, it's Makoto. It's Makoto, Makoto, Makoto. Awesome. Like it's just that's cool. It would be fun to see a like here is an extra set of like episodes that are like four or five minutes long to watch if you want to go with this path. No, here's here's here's how you choose your own adventure. Here's how you really make the money. OK, you put out. OK, how many romance options are in that game?
Starting point is 01:26:05 Like like nine in five. I think there's eleven, like there's a lot. There's a ton, right? There's a ton. So what you do is you go, hey, the Blu-ray is coming out. What edition of the Blu-ray do you want? And all it does is it's slightly all. It has one scene extra, perhaps. And it slightly alters the ending.
Starting point is 01:26:27 And it goes like, yeah, choose to choose your ship. There you go. And then you sell like ten times as many Blu-rays. Yeah. Or you can just go you can go chaotic evil on it and just put a poll up and make people vote to go the path. And the one that gets the least amount of votes will die. Oh, shit, that's great.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Yeah, no, you get like it's like if there's like 11 that you can choose from or whatever, you get 10 votes. Yeah. Anyway, and devil is removed from the game. Fantastic. OK, so, yeah, that's that's the persona big announcements. And, of course, we know that, you know, like they did. They did like a register the name P5 arena.
Starting point is 01:27:16 But I have a feeling I have feelings far away. I have a feeling it's not going to be P5 arena. I have a feeling it's just going to be a couple of characters in tag battle. Can we compromise on it'll be a couple of characters in tag battle? And then later, you'll see P5 arena. I it's a pie because they'll get the head start, maybe. Because the reason I feel like we can agree that the reason why P5 arena is not going to happen is our system
Starting point is 01:27:41 works is making too many games. We even talked about it a little while ago, how they are pushing like DBZ fighters is pushing them to the limit. They cannot. They can't become a five fighting game company. Well, they're literally just aren't people to work on it. There's like 250 employees, I believe. And they're all spoken for all time.
Starting point is 01:27:59 It's crazy. So one more and more new licensees are coming at them in the way that they came at Telltale or Platinum. Like it's going to be a thing being said. I didn't give Ultimax the time that it deserved. But I will say right now, I will give P5 arena the time that it deserves because I need to see what that cast looks like two years later. If we got if we went from it's through to fucking
Starting point is 01:28:27 like fucking bodysuit cat queen in a limo and Akihiko from cool guy to a bear fighting man. Yeah, I need to see what happened to like you. The cast of four and Kanji and that stuff. Like, yeah, she just wearing the Bruce Lee outfit. Yeah, basically. And like, I want to see I want to see Kanji with black hair, for example. Sure. Like that's weird.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Like proper, like detective with like trench coat. Just put a trench coat on now to just put just take the design a little bit taller and put a trench coat on. Well, did you see the manga version of her design? I haven't. It's it's it's classier, but it's also way more feminine. So a lot of people were disappointed with it.
Starting point is 01:29:16 But that's unfortunate like suit. Like it's it's like lady suits with like a tie. Yeah. And that's it's crazy ass non-Canada. No, you got to keep it ambiguous. You got to keep it ambiguous. That's the character. Yeah, man, that's a good reason. That's a good reason. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:29:34 What's Teddy look like? Oh, God, couple years. Oh, God, probably the same more than anything or. Exactly the same. Just, oh, man. And what kind of dumb fucking asshole gear is Yosuke going to be rocking? Like, you know, it's going to be some stupid.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Yosuke is going to be. I'll tell you what, the worst hair or the worst outfit. Goofy motherfucker. Yosuke is going to be wearing brown khaki pants and a white shirt with a tie and a name tag because he's going to be middle management at Junes. And he's going to have sandals with socks on.
Starting point is 01:30:18 Yeah. And he's going to be in. He's going to be a fucking tired ass salary, man. I believe it. He's going to be going bald. I believe it. No, that's. Two years from now. That's crazy. That's too much. He's going to be 19.
Starting point is 01:30:29 He's going to be going bald. Way too much. But I like it. I like the idea. Someone has to be the one who kind of their life went astray. Some it has to be someone. And why not? Yosuke. And there's those news.
Starting point is 01:30:45 There's those little news reports that you get from the TV and P5 talking about what's going on in, you know, Inaba and they're like, oh, the heiress to the whatever textile fucking places. What a beauty in whatever. It's like, yeah, OK, sure. But what you're going to put her in a kimono, that'll be her upgrade, you know.
Starting point is 01:31:04 It's going to look a little older. And that's about it. It's going to it's going to finally run the end. Cops. Yeah. Yeah. Cops. Yeah. Like beat cop. Yep. And maybe just maybe. It's maybe.
Starting point is 01:31:22 God damn it. You're good at this. It's been it's been a minute. Name it. Nanaco in a fucking middle school uniform, OK, with a gun. And they they finally got their way. They want it.
Starting point is 01:31:39 You know they want it. So they want they want playable. You get it. You get middle school. Nanaco with a fucking and he's just more washed up. Basically. Yeah. Greyer, shittier.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Guneco two cigarettes. Guneco, that's what they call her. Yep. That's stupid. Yep. Fuck it. All right, there's probably some non percenter related news. Probably any Marvel news. No. Yeah, it's a joke.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Oh, OK. So a man who in fire brand. And now gives a shit. I mean, when it when it comes, we'll talk about it. But until then, there's a new multiplayer mode in 15. FF 15. Apparently, it's super good. So comrades is coming out. And I'll tell you what's super good so far.
Starting point is 01:32:41 That fucking character creator dough, right? You know, they're the they showing off like the just the options for basically. And I look at it and I go, they took the dev tool and made a user friend. They made a you. Exactly. They made a front end for their dev tool. And God bless, because it looks like it's going to be fun for people like me. So, I mean, FF 15 is getting weirder and weirder because they're they're adding. Like I get the feeling that development just didn't stop.
Starting point is 01:33:18 Oh, they're still going with it. They're not done. No, but I don't mean like DLC development. It just feels like it feels like an early access game. Well, I feel maybe because people have spent 15 years of their lives working on it. So it's just the norm now. And they put out that list of like, OK, well, here's what's going to happen. We're going to add story missions explaining this, this, this, this, this, this and this.
Starting point is 01:33:46 We're going to add playable sequences with this character and this character. We're going to have the multiplayer thing that takes place here and here. Like this game is going to get a re-release in four or five years, right? Not a remaster, right? Just a real release. And it's going to be a substantially different game than the one that you and I played. Yeah, so like very different when they make their their job international version type equivalent.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Yeah, sure, whatever. Sure. And probably the weirdest thing is I saw people talking about the multiplayer and it controls differently and it controls much more responsibly. Like like people are like, I wish Noctis could control like this. Um, yeah, I think that the machine that is the development of this game is so large that slowing it down takes years until those gears finally stop turning because you need other projects to put them on. And in the meantime, we'll just keep working on this this piece of content.
Starting point is 01:34:45 It's weird. Yeah. And I mean, like the the the structure of this game is going to continue to exist in the form of the FF seven remake and probably whatever else comes out for the next two entries, 15 years, you know, probably, yeah, whatever the next two numbers are going to be, I'd say, before we switch it up again. But yeah, this character creator looks fun. This multiplayer mode might be interesting and I'm on board with people trying to challenge
Starting point is 01:35:16 Black Desert's character creation reign of supremacy. Well, the goofiest thing about Black Desert's character customization isn't that like because it's so detailed, but it's also incredibly strict. Like you have one like yeah, you can make tons of little details, but they all have they all have to fit this rig and they all have to fit this this gender. And you are going to make a 10 on 10. I don't care what the fuck you think you're trying to make. It's going to be a 10.
Starting point is 01:35:47 You hit all the sliders to Max and your dick explodes. There you go. No, it's not supposed to work like that. It's not like Demon's Souls back in the day where you hit random. You created the Gorgon. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Exactly. And so also hot off the presses, I guess, is that the comrades closed online test is going to be coming out next week. Is that right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:12 There you go. The thing that they're showing off in that gift is a truck that has a noctis, a teleport point and you can ride it. OK, and you're chocobo teleports in there with you. We are going to see something really goofy happen. You know, we're going to see happen when this comes out and starts getting play. You're going to see people going, but oh, so yeah, I'm playing FF 15. And you go, oh, what do you think of the story? And they go, what? No, the multiplayer idiot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:41 This is the MGS five situation for Square. Yeah, I see it. We're going to get we're going to get FF 15 survive any minute now. Cool. So there's that. But that's not the only character creator on the market, though. We don't have enough people here to stop Willie this week. He that's not the only one, though. Overpower.
Starting point is 01:37:13 You have your own channel for it. Bring this to this. Here we go. Are you with me? Japan is learning. Japan is learning. First Sonic. Now, this is dot com. Are you with me? This is terrible.
Starting point is 01:37:29 I don't like this. Here we go. All of y'all come come. Welcome. Welcome to the world that I've created with these two hands, my friends. Naruto to Boruto. Shinobi Striker reveals Boruto and a glimpse at the character creator. We in there, motherfuckers, is terrible. Open those eyes up.
Starting point is 01:37:58 You thought creating your own Sonic OC was going to be the end of it. That was the start, son. That was the beginning. Creating your own hedgehog was just laying. It was placing the fucking knife and fork on the table. And then the first dish comes out and we pull it open and the steam lifts. And it's a fucking headband. Put it on.
Starting point is 01:38:23 I don't want to put it on. I don't want to. I never wore that thing. Guess what? You will now. I don't have to. Yeah, you will. I won't have to guess who's getting made in this game. Oh, you're just going to make me. You're in there, motherfucker. You're going to make and play as me.
Starting point is 01:38:39 You think you have a choice? I think I have a choice. You have no choice. Oh, shit. Naruto character creator cursing me with that fucking chakra. Here it comes. Official make your own ninja. So, I mean, the game looks pretty
Starting point is 01:38:56 and the combat system is doing the third person action crazy over the top thing. Characters look pretty fun and whatnot for, you know, whatever. And for all that all shit all over Naruto's because it's fun, like those games look cool as shit. Yeah, this and this. Well, this is the new line, right? So it's the not to bolt. And this is the one that's got the fucking team ninja shit going on.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Oh, is it? Or is it like I remember there being a like either team or it a Gaki's name attached to this in some way, shape or form. I forget the exact details on how, however. You will 100 percent have your I tried to stop this news video. The Ninja World League Martial Arts Tournament to decide the ultimate ninja. It's story takes place in an era. The ultimate ninja. It takes place in an era ruled by the seventh Hokage
Starting point is 01:39:46 and you get to create your own character. So there you go. If like because here's the thing, right? It's like every village symbol means you've got a list of powers you can just fucking pick from now. Yeah, right. And if they decide to go all in on this and if it's not just a cosmetic thing, yeah, if it's actually
Starting point is 01:40:08 a like picking your clan is like picking your race or class or something. That would be pretty fucking cool. It would be cool. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. So I hope they do it right. I hope they do it right. That's all I got. I hope that this property is treated with the respect it deserves. Just just let it be that it's like, you know, if you pick this this thing
Starting point is 01:40:34 and it doesn't mean that you're going to have a heterochromia Sharon can in one eye, a black again in another eye character. It's not a character that exists. No, maybe I don't think so. Oh, that was a plot line that existed. Oh, fuck. Well, anyway, like, oh, did you not finish reading it? No. OK, because there's a whole plot line about those two lines, like coat, like mingling and how they needed to stop.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Someone had one of each eye. No, but that was going to happen. That was the plan. Oh, like that can happen. That's too. That's scary. Yeah. So like that type of shit is like ridiculous and probably shouldn't exist. That's why itachi was right. But I imagine that you'll be able to like get some shitty version of it if you want specialized or some,
Starting point is 01:41:22 you know what I mean, some garbage like that. Your eyes look like that. Are you one of those people? No. Yeah. Context. Exactly. Oh, are you a saying? How come you can? Why are you able to shut your fucking mouth? OK. Are you a Jedi? Because anyone can be a Jedi. I am a Jedi.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Did you go on the mission that had you have to get your crystals? Yeah, you did it. I did all that Jedi shit. Oh, OK. All right. All right. Just check it. Because that's what happens. Naruto, the Jedi, right? Oh, you every world. Everyone wants to be the cool thing.
Starting point is 01:41:53 And no one did I ever talk to you at length about like how that problem absolutely destroyed Star Wars. Star Wars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's that's what a great test case. Well, you know, for those who don't know, Star Wars Galaxy is the MMO when it came time to have Jedi's. Well, go go. Well, the original thing is that nobody could figure out how to become a Jedi. It wasn't a class that you could actually choose. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:16 And it eventually became discovered that if you ever want at character. Well, they rightfully wanted to not have a world of lightsabers. They wanted it to be rare and they wanted Jedi's to be super powerful. But the problem is, it's an MMO of players, right? So it eventually, if I remember right, it got found out that at character creation, a random and hidden amount of your own skills would get locked and they would get chosen as the Jedi skills.
Starting point is 01:42:42 And once you hit certain thresholds with those, which you don't know what they are and they're randomly chosen, you unlock like hidden conditions that you can then perform to start the Jedi quest like it's super obscure. It took like I think it took like over a year for even the first one to show up. And then the rampant insane jealousy happened, right? Because I want to be a Jedi, of course. And then they announced then they made one of the I think the trials at Kenobi
Starting point is 01:43:09 or some shit and they had an expansion where Jedi was a class. And to my knowledge, the changes made in that expansion and the changes to the Jedi popularity or whatever basically killed that game. Because it took everything that was unique about it away because people just wanted to be Jedi's. And it was, and this is not the problems that like Tor has. Because in Tor, you're like, no, I want to be a Jedi, fuck you. That's fine, right?
Starting point is 01:43:35 This was, it was supposed to be a rare thing and it was supposed to be like more, it was all those, they wanted Sandbox MMOs. Exactly. And so they wanted to create an environment that was like the actual films where you wouldn't see a fucking town full of dudes rockin' lightsabers. Because that's weird. It'd be ridiculous. Force manipulation was an obscure old religion and people that have it are like a big deal. Now, but there's no way.
Starting point is 01:43:58 But it's people, it's players. You can't do that. There's no way you can deliver that to an audience that goes, I'm alright just being a bartender. You know? I'm alright having my dancing class or my merchant class or whatever. Some people are, but the majority of people want to be the coolest part of the movies. Yes.
Starting point is 01:44:16 So how do you then go, how do you make a game where you go, it's here but it's not you? Well, I mean, I'm not, I actually don't know, but I can only assume that account buying and selling was a massive problem once that became a thing. Well, like we saw the reaction to Rust, which is the ultimate version of this, of people aren't playing these video games to not be what they don't want, what they want to be, you know? So a game like Rust where you create a character, you create a character, but it's already predetermined.
Starting point is 01:44:48 Yeah, and your race, gender, and genitalia size are all randomly determined by your Steam ID. You cannot control any of that shit. People fucking hate that. Guess what? Guess what? People don't like being given what they don't want to be. Or what they are. Or what they are.
Starting point is 01:45:06 Oh, I'm going to play a video game to be myself. Great. Awesome. Or the other version of that or where it's, oh, I'm going to play a video game version of not me. What the fuck? Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 01:45:20 I want to play an idealized version of myself. Yeah. So everyone who looks like, you know, fucking male shepherd, slash like any other generic main character from a generic action game, that gets used to that, gets immensely upset when that is not available, in the same way that people who play games to not be themselves, What do you mean I'm playing a three foot tall black little person with no face? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:50 What are you, what? Yeah. That's too true to life. No one wants, you know, fuck your escapism. You know, fuck your, fuck your, your, your, your. I think that's a bad path. Your plans. Fuck your plans of using this to escape your real life.
Starting point is 01:46:07 Because that's goofy. Because that's the opposite of what you were just talking about, like the hyper idealized character creation. It's really, yeah, it's really funny to watch the reaction to that. And it's completely, it's, and it's, it's more than understandable. It's hilarious because it's like, what the fuck did you think was going to happen developer? Well, cause the funniest part, you can't change human nature in that way.
Starting point is 01:46:29 The funniest part of that is I remember that the, the fucking dick size one was the first one to go through over your character's dick size determined by your team ID. And I think that was implemented because they couldn't figure out a way to incentivize clothes for the player popular. So everyone was naked. And as soon as that dick size update went through, everyone starts wearing clothes because they instituted genital shame.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Oh man. You got to hide your tiny penis on the internet. Dude, it's, it's, there's social constructs that are worth studying, that are really fun about this type of thing. But I just, I just don't think you can really properly tell people. You can't fight human nature in their video. You can't. That's what I'm trying to say is you can't,
Starting point is 01:47:09 your message is never going to just upset or are never going to make have people have that aha moment you're hoping they're going to have, where they click and they get something they didn't want. And they go, oh, this is what it's like. You know, that's not going to fucking happen. I mean, I, I'm about as close to the edge. They're going to get mad because they're like, I paid for this game or everyone else is playing it and I want to play it too.
Starting point is 01:47:33 I, I, I, that's going to be the end of it. I'm probably as close to the edge of like appreciating that as like a dick move as possible. Like that's a really cool thing to do. But if I hit that button and got something I didn't like, fuck you, man. Right? Like I said, I, I mind it in fucking, oh man, I like that idea. That's cool as I want to be.
Starting point is 01:47:54 It doesn't matter when I don't get the thing that I want. Yeah. Yeah. That's stupid. So Naruto's character creator, random generator only. Only. You can't choose what you're going to be too bad. You're a sand ninja.
Starting point is 01:48:06 Oh, fuck that. Deal with it. You'd be happy. You love the sand ninjas. You want to be a fucking hidden leaf guy. No. You come from the sound village. Sound village is okay.
Starting point is 01:48:18 Everyone from the sound though is just super strong and it's apparently like, what, six people? Yeah, bears are, or whatever the fuck. I don't know. Do they even have a house? I don't know. Is it just Orochimaru's house? Is it Game of Thrones?
Starting point is 01:48:32 Maybe. I don't know. Um, but yeah. Call this number. Uh, so that's happening and God bless because I think, I feel like with, you know, with Sonic and with Naruto and with, with Dragon Ball, there's a point where you look at the, you can't do that like two or three games in, it takes a decade of constant releases on every platform.
Starting point is 01:49:01 You need to go through every possible character. And then after you've pulled all the obscurity out of your franchise, you need to go for the horror character, the all person. You then go, you know what the new thing is here. Make your own. People have been doing it on the online for years. Here it is guys. Make it yourself.
Starting point is 01:49:22 I genuinely like as much as I'm going to make fun of Sonic, uh, Sonic forces and boy am I. I really appreciate this idea because I'm sure some people will make cool and interesting character. Oh, no question. But more importantly, it's a new avenue for more cringe. There's going to be so much. I heard that.
Starting point is 01:49:49 Okay. When it, when Sonic forces comes out, I want all of you to send me your best 420 to hedgehog. There you go. That's not bad. It's funny because I think about how, well, I don't know the details on this. I've just been told by somebody that one of the main reasons why the Sonic comic had to go away was because the guy who was writing them for the longest while
Starting point is 01:50:11 created a bunch of like echidnas and in the end when they were like, okay, thank you. They started using the echidnas elsewhere and he's like, I didn't give you permission to use my characters. And they're like, but, but those are Sonic characters. You made them and he's like, no, no, no, no, no, I was not. I was hired on contract and I created characters myself to use in these stories, but those are my characters.
Starting point is 01:50:32 You have to ask me. And they just went, I'm sure it would have been fine if they had asked him kind of thing, but they just went, well, fuck this. We're not, we're done. This shit's over. This world is done. This world is destroyed. So the end of the Archie Sonic comic, I don't know if you guys know,
Starting point is 01:50:46 but there's a global thermonuclear event that just atomizes all of them. You get to see the skeletons melt. Anyway, what else is going on? Which is more brutal to you. The melting skeleton or like the black and white drawn fade out to oblivion. The black and white drawn fade out to oblivion is worse because that usually implies a burnt shadow on the ground. Like it's just like the person, it's like they never even existed.
Starting point is 01:51:12 Yeah. Well, except for that shadow. Yeah. And that, that, that sticks with you. That sticks with you because usually those shadows are like, they're, they were, they weren't in a, in a moment of, oh fuck. It was like, no, I'm just sitting here. So, so when I was just doing my thing.
Starting point is 01:51:31 So, so when the Archie comic universe ended and you look at the burnt out shadow of like Sonic inflating, with a bicycle pump, they were doing what they loved. They went out the way they lived. And it's just an outline of like Sonic with a bike pump, with a line to like a balloon with roosh ears on it. Yep. The burnt shadow of Hedgeprag. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:52:08 And the only one who remains is Shinokai. The, the, the prego king, the rebel king. The rebel king Hedgehog. It was his mind at all. Stands above the rest. So, one game that I was at Evo that looked interesting, that's now getting some trailers and proper press is Sinner Sacrifice for Redemption. And yes, yes, we get the word Dark Souls out there out of the way because, you know, everybody
Starting point is 01:52:38 deserves it. But this one actually does because this is very much Colossus souls. If we have to keep that. I would call this China souls. Yeah, I, I, it's, it's definitely like the blank, like blank souls getting used, especially by like reviews and whatnot. I forgot what fucking game it was where they were like, yeah, yeah, yeah, where you're like, did you, what?
Starting point is 01:53:03 You look at that and you go, wow. Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. You didn't even, he didn't even do it. He didn't even do it. It is him. But it started, but it grew beyond Tony. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:18 It started with him and then it got simplified and then it got purified, distilled. But that's the dumbest one in a while that I laugh every time I see it. Cause, cause, cause, you know why it's because, so we're talking about that Crash Bandicoot like fucking name. And the thing is, is that we know that we love bad fucking early PS one and 64 3d, but no one really touches on that enough. There's not enough of that jank happening where we're like that awkward ass weird polygon 3d.
Starting point is 01:53:51 Even without any of this, just the picture of that particular bad model makes me laugh. Of course. It's so bad. But like when you see like, uh, like funny like source filmmaker stuff, you know, or Gary's mod, it always still looks like pretty good cause it's new. No one's going back to that weird era where the model itself was a joke to begin with. We need that. We need that.
Starting point is 01:54:14 So back to back to Chinese bootleg souls. I mean, well, there's, there's more than one of these games coming out cause there's that other game, but the one that's being made by one guy, but this game was sitting up at, um, at Evo and when we walked by and I remember Matt and I kind of stopped and went, wait, wait, boom, boom. And, uh, yeah. I handed some business cards over because sinner looks pretty pretty. Um, so as much as I make fun of it and as much as derivative as it seems, it looks all better
Starting point is 01:54:42 than you would have expected from its description. Like it looks like a game. Like it looks like it could be something real. Certainly. And like it's got a starker art style. Is it because China you'd assume though? It's cause it's so derivative that I would assume though. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:00 I'm trying to get to the pair of a pair down what you're saying. Like I watched a, you know, half hour footage and it's just like every single thing. Like it's, it's lords of the fallen. Yeah. It's, it's them going, Hey, we can do this better. And much like lords of the fallen was okay. Yeah. But had problems because it was so derivative.
Starting point is 01:55:19 I feel like similar to this. That is fucking that shield is just have all shield right there. Yeah. Uh, them, them just going like, we want to do it better. So I look at this and all I think of is like much like the surge was way, way better and more interesting than lords of the fallen. I look at this and go, boy, can't wait for the game they make after this one when they feel more confident in their own personal like thing.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Yeah. It definitely would have been nice to see this effort being put towards a setting we haven't already visited. Yeah. That's the only thought I have. Pretty much. Yeah. That was a lightning spear.
Starting point is 01:55:56 It is nearly the same animation to it. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's wrong. Like you saw, you saw the, the, the knockback. Yeah. Yeah. It's yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Yeah. So we're checking out the trailer. So again, if you want to see this, check out the link in the description for sinner, sacrifice for redemption. There's only the main difference. I'll say is that there's moments where the camera pulls way the fuck out and is out of your control. And it looks like it goes cinematic for it looks kind of like God of war.
Starting point is 01:56:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there's moments where they're like, this is a set piece and you're going to control your character from a distance with the set piece, which probably might be a bad idea if you still have to make precision roles. Yeah. So there's a vision running down the bridge, any of the bridges really, where there's a
Starting point is 01:56:48 big fucking kill, like dragon at the end of it or Drake, and there's enemies you have to roll by, but your camera zoomed out in a way where you can't really see what's going on. I don't know if that's going to work all the time, but that being said, this game has one path for like great success and like a huge thing. So those, man, those life bars are stolen. The camera thing, there are a lot of moments in all of those games and all of their derivatives and all of their like, you know, like thens that have horrible camera problems.
Starting point is 01:57:23 There is not one of those games that does not have at least one boss that is seriously damaged by the choice of camera control. This game is the first one that I'm aware of that even flirts with the idea of different camera situations. Yeah. Like there are bosses in Dark Souls that you could just put the camera vertical, like straight top down and that fight would play a lot better. Fixed camera bed of chaos.
Starting point is 01:57:48 Yeah. It'd be a lot better. Right. I would like to see them succeed on that camera work and at the very least show everybody like, no, guys, for this kind of fight, for this kind of arena, for this kind of situation, your existing camera does not work. Pull it back, take control out, move it around, have it be dynamic, whatever. But don't require precision rolling from like enemies up close to you at those points because
Starting point is 01:58:14 you can't even see where their sword is, you know, like if you're fighting off a bunch of grunts that can still like one and two shot you and like you, but you put them down to like fucking hyper light drifter size sprites on the screen, that's a, that's a ridiculous move to make. Did you ever get anywhere hyper light? I mean, besides the first couple of hours, it's so hard. Yeah. It's crazy how hard it is.
Starting point is 01:58:38 It's not that easy. It ain't easy, but that's how you, that's how you can make it last. Uh, anyway, so yeah, that's center and hopefully get our hands on it a little bit. Hopefully touch it a little bit. Just touch, touch, graze it. Okay. Well, don't, don't fucking spill. It's completely empty.
Starting point is 01:59:02 I know. You know, I drain these, drain these like a, like a, you drain it real good. Yeah. See, I got to the dick joke before you. So now I'm safe. Are you? That's how it is. If you get to the dick before the other person, you're safe.
Starting point is 01:59:17 It's like baseball. He's got to drain it. Yeah. You got to be good. You got to drain it quick. I drained it before you could put something bad in it before, uh, before he caught the ball. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:28 And then you're out. Oh boy. Uh, neon slasher is another one of these really pretty full title neon slasher RPG phantom trigger. Oh, excuse me. Phantom triggers the name of the RP of the game. I got neon slasher is the name of the people making it and the RPG is the genre of the game.
Starting point is 01:59:50 Honestly, you could totally like switch those that's what I'm saying phantom trigger could have easily been the developer because neon slasher sounds like and the action you would be doing. So it's a game called phantom trigger by neon slasher. That's correct. So this is another one of those really pretty pixel based games where you you run around and you slash it, but this is more that looks like good pixel R. This is more rogue like style.
Starting point is 02:00:20 And yeah, of course it's, can we talk about tiny builds and the fact that their logo they're stuck with it because the the fucking game they made there, there's no time to explain I think with that little guy is just now it's just their icon. They're just stuck with it. That's fine. All right. Well, anyway, there's been worse logos. There.
Starting point is 02:00:43 Yeah. I know it's just funny because you can see this looks a lot like hyper light. Yeah. And everything else we were just talking about looks pretty looks pretty like hyper light Yeah, looks pretty like the other one that we're playing in early dead cells for like just like all those games. Just like all those games looks real pretty looks real good. Probably going to be a lot of fun.
Starting point is 02:01:07 I saw two. I don't think it was actual co-op, but I then again, there's two people moving around. So maybe knows now. The problem is I don't see two life bars because I was trying to make sense of that and I stared and I looked for the word multiplayer to life bars. Maybe they share the life. Maybe I was looking for the word multiplayer. I didn't see it, but there's two people running around slashing a decoy kind of option.
Starting point is 02:01:26 Maybe maybe that looks astonishing like hyper light drifter. And that makes me happy because that's that particular pixel style hyper neon vibrant color is rare and I want more of it. It's not rare anymore. Good. Good. But here I want to get tired of it. So we're just here's my only question is looks incredible, right?
Starting point is 02:01:50 They all look great. They all look great. Where do you put them on the list? Well, I beat hyper light. So I'm going to put that at the top. No, no, no, no, not even on the list. Just looks. No, no, no, no, no, not ranking them.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Just like, all right, what's next? Oh, to play. What do you play next? Which one? I, I, the one that's out, I got or the one that's been out, dude. I had, I had a co-op feeding and played like a full night of Borderlands two with a friend of mine. He came out in many years ago and every, every second that I'm playing that, I'm not playing
Starting point is 02:02:28 something more current like, I don't know, Persona 5. You know, this game like gets a little bit of a push because it's going to be on the switch as well. That's good. So you get to go like, oh, hey, if I have my switch on me, I have an excuse to play it because of the currently small library or whatever, you know, but if you're just throwing it on the steam list of all these amazing looking pixel slashers, embarrassment of riches, buyer's market.
Starting point is 02:02:55 Yep, it is. It is. And I won't dare complain. I will just sit confused and deal with this. Hey, trust me, we need, we, the idea of like complaining like, oh man, there's too many of these good types of games on steam is hilarious. Yeah. Oh, no, no, no, no, you won't, you, you won't hear me complain.
Starting point is 02:03:15 I'll just be like, I don't know what to do. No, the complaint is on you. The complaint is on me. It's, I don't have the time resource to devote to this thing, which deserves it. Yeah. I can't Dr. Manhattan this, this problem away. So one of the games I played it at PAX Samurai Riot put out some new trailers and, you know, it's a beat them up, but what's cool about it in particular and what I really enjoyed
Starting point is 02:03:43 is that the thing it's pushing is something I want more of, which is co-op is a major part of the beat them up experience. You have co-op specials, you have like co-op combos, you have the ability to juggle back and forth with each other. I saw a God, there's a fucking thing at the top of the screen says co-op time. Yeah, exactly. And that was something you would unintentionally get out of. I mean, goofy ass trailer aside with live action people going, yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:12 There is something you'd get out of a Sengoku three, which was like probably my favorite beat them up was just the ability to do a lot of co-op shit unintentionally, just juggling back and forth with characters and doing, you know, I launched the guy up, you take it to the air slamming back down to me, fancy, fancy stuff you could do with a liberal system. And here they emphasize it. So it was, it was, you know, it was pretty fun. The what's the state it's at? I don't know, but a vote for it on steam green light is the current state.
Starting point is 02:04:50 Well, no, that was, that was the really early trailer. Oh, okay. Yeah. September 2017. Okay. That's pretty close. So good stuff. Samurai Riot is the name of that beat them up with the co-op stuff.
Starting point is 02:05:01 There was, we talked about it a while ago, but Aztez obviously came out this week as well. Aztez is super pretty. It is. Boy, it is it. Yeah. It's the first time I can think of seeing. Oh, you haven't seen anything.
Starting point is 02:05:17 Okay. Aztez is cool. What is this fucking grid screen? What is this game? We'll probably find out in a one off. Holy shit. That looks cool. Aztez is not going to make you, it's not going to fill your cup head space, but it'll
Starting point is 02:05:33 certainly fill us a need you have for really nice animation. My cup head won't run us over. It will not. I appreciate that reference. Thank you. Is that a Jesus? Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 02:05:45 That's a Bible. That's a Bible. That's a Bible. You just Bible did the Aztez. The Aztez game is out and it's got a really cool style that I it looks better to me than there was another game that came out not too long ago that was like based in Greece. It was a beat them up. I forgot what it's called, but it was very much like a Greek art style.
Starting point is 02:06:13 Think about Pothion. I bought the on. That's what I was thinking of. And I think despite the fact that it's a very different art style here, I like what's going on here better. So let's take a look at that soon. Okay. Works for me.
Starting point is 02:06:27 Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. I should have brought this up. I keep bringing it up, but so I, you know, I was like, well, hey. Remember that Final Fantasy Power Ranger armor stuff? I do.
Starting point is 02:06:40 They sorted that out. Yeah, it did. They worked it out. Yeah, it's going to be. How did they do that? Well, they said it was coming out and they didn't show how they worked it out until now. Have you seen how they worked it out? I have not.
Starting point is 02:06:52 Okay. So I assumed maybe they came to some sort of agreement. I'm excited with the evil man that is Mr. Shabbat. Oh, yeah. So the headline here is the Power Ranger armor looks a lot less like Power Rangers. So we remember this is the Magitech Exosuit from Final Fantasy 15 looked cool, like a cool set of Sentai armor on your dudes. And the way they got around it was the way that saves the most money by just changing
Starting point is 02:07:23 it until it's legally distinct. Legally distinct. And would you like to see what legally I would like to see what that looks like. By the way, if you are not play along at home, I want to go to Eurogamer article. Yep. Yep. Eurogamer Final Fantasy 15's invincible armor now looks less like Power Rangers. Play at home.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Here we go. Oh, that's awful. It's the worst. I don't even care anymore. It's literally like not it could look less like it, obviously, because sure, the fact that they have to not be the same different colors is already playing off. It's just horrible. It looks like weirdo alien.
Starting point is 02:08:03 It's so ugly. It's hideous. It's like why even bother? Yeah. No, seriously, like it has no value now. I would. And the fact that they have to put it out because they're they're like cheat items. They should have just been the normal outfits, but like colored with different colors glowing.
Starting point is 02:08:25 So it's just normal Noctis, but now he's glowing red. Yeah, I don't even know what to say. It's just so so ugly if they're they look like the article points out actually like what they actually look like. They look like the collectors from Mass Effect. Sure. That's what they look like aliens. I'm getting reminded of like bad teletune CG.
Starting point is 02:08:51 If that speaks to any Canadians out there, you know, perhaps bad guys from the old Max Steel TV show. That's enough. That's enough. You know, that's plenty. That's where I'm going here. What a Final Fantasy 15 giveth and it take it the way with with its characters. No, no, Saban take it the way Saban take it the way.
Starting point is 02:09:19 You think his estate after he passes on is going to be as aggressive. He will leave them commandments and I think it'll be up to Gene Simmons to defeat them. Bit of a stretch. But I'll take it. You're familiar with. Yes. So I told you that story. Of course.
Starting point is 02:09:38 Of course. So then why wouldn't kiss be the ones because then because then they're just going to use that and be like Super Sentai infringes on kiss. Yes. And here's the thing. Gene Simmons is a piece of shit. Hell yeah. He's an asshole, but it takes an asshole to defeat an asshole.
Starting point is 02:10:02 And I would love to see the war that is sent I kiss. You remember EA took Tim Langdell out. Sure. Sure. They took him to the edge. They pushed him right the fuck off. Oh boy. Hey, Tim.
Starting point is 02:10:16 Hey, Tim. What? This edge. That's really unfortunate. That's really unfortunate that those those power magitek exosuits had to look as bad as they turned out. And I really it's like they could have just made fucking Dural fighting Polygon team. And it would have been a better look than poor like Xbox 360 got a kill all guy got
Starting point is 02:10:46 to kill it enemies. I love it. You can't remember that game. You mentioned it pretty consistently and you have no idea what the name of the game is. It's not binary domain. Remember the marketing tagline. It's some God damn it.
Starting point is 02:11:00 It is a Namco shooter. Yes. Okay. Gears of War ripoff. Yes. A big burly man all in black and a blonde magic lady. The I can remember names like inversion. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:15 Max's inversion all the time. Tagline is got to kill it. And you're right. It's not binary domain. It's very close to binary. It is but it's not. Let me I'll give you I'll give you a quantum theory. There it is.
Starting point is 02:11:31 So fucking what an appropriate name for that game. Okay. Now I'm broken because remembering the name quantum theory. I was going to make a joke about the new remedy game. It has removed the new remedy games name out of my head. Good luck. Alan Wake. I want to say just cause that's super wrong.
Starting point is 02:11:59 No. No. No. No. Quantum. Quantum break break. Break quantum break. I would never would have gotten it if you hadn't started me off.
Starting point is 02:12:10 That's terrible. Quantum gate. Quantum dawn. Quantum war. Horizon zero gate. Zero quantum dawn zero. Horizon zero dawn is weird because that should be one of those but for some reason it isn't. No.
Starting point is 02:12:27 Quantum is not used often enough to become one of those like slot machine words. But I feel like if we wait long enough maybe that'll correct itself like horizon used to be a slot machine word and then it just kind of fell out of favor. It's not. Just not creative enough. You know it's not that it's used as often it's just that you're like oh yeah that's just a word that's a cool word you know. And then if you want to mix it up for your sequel you can get creative and throw it in.
Starting point is 02:13:03 Are you going to die? Okay but is it going to happen right now? As long as you go through emails fast. Alright. It won't die. Well I was trying to say that you can get your sequels with an of the if you really want to get them going. No I'm good.
Starting point is 02:13:21 With a rise of the. I'm good. Okay. Or a shadow of the. Or a dawn of the. Oh man. So the worst part about that. Of the blood of the wolf.
Starting point is 02:13:32 Is that I wasn't drinking or eating anything. No no that was just you trying to breathe air. That was all spit. Choking on your own spit. You go to swallow some of your spit. Fuck it up. Enjoy life Pat. Choose life.
Starting point is 02:13:51 Fuck that. That's lame. Being dead is the shit. Air guitar. I want to talk a bit before we go into the emails about just very briefly but it's cool to know that they're making a movie about yasuke the guy with the fucking bear that's the guy with the bear awesome but before he had the bear he was just the first black samurai in history and it was cool because he worked for a guy that worked for nobunaga and the
Starting point is 02:14:23 way he got to Japan Hideyoshi wasn't under Hideyoshi I forget but I do know that he eventually got left in Japan due to a very complex series of events but he ended up hanging around and being like a dude who like was photographed with or not photographed rather but was painted and was seen as like the black man that has like that has a bond with. Oh wow that's nuts nobunaga was so isolated that he was like you're fucking with me. You painted yourself with ink. Right right right. You crazy guy.
Starting point is 02:15:03 So here's what happened one of the so because I was trying to say like blah I forgot what the word is called you became a retainer a retainer that's what it is yeah it's become a retainer and when he first showed up the word about this dark skinned man was spread so quickly that people came from all over the countryside into town to see him and people died in the crush awesome of the crowd to see the black man. He's fucking crazy so what I tried. No. It's your boy.
Starting point is 02:15:48 It's like a concert thing. Dime is in the sky for Yaskai. No. Not really. But anyway. I'm so gone. Anyways, he's going to get his neo DLC. Well the real question is just are they going to make this a fucking weird one or are they
Starting point is 02:16:15 going to make it good because I feel like everyone I know like everyone that's like black weeaboo everyone is like you know a black taku. Yeah. At some point heard about Yaskai is a Brennan Williams want to be when what. No that's some bullshit fits in too much with my fanfic right get get out of here with this Afro samurai shit and they're like no no no no no this was real and you're like and then you go history sometimes you're cooler than fiction and it remains to be seen whether or not he was actually a any good with the sword or be like lived a life that was worth
Starting point is 02:16:54 telling because there's a lot of mystery surrounding it doesn't matter but we're going to get our own version and Riz is going to fucking do the the OST for it and it might be all right it might be cringy we'll see where it goes but I like the fact that it's getting made in the sense that it's not going to be as obscure of a factoid anymore. Yeah that's cool because I kind of feel like it's still pretty under the radar and people will the only reason I ever heard about it because a neo right yeah because you mentioned it because of me okay right like I didn't even know about it. I was happy to see him in neo but long he's in neo yeah where I didn't get that far he's
Starting point is 02:17:33 the guy with the bear I didn't get that far you why'd you bring up the bear because you told me about the bear oh yeah well he's there he's a character in the game oh he's awesome I made that neo doc joke as a joke you weren't I thought you were being completely serious no okay well that's cool hold on a minute dude wait wait turn it back dude like the artwork for him in neo is fucking awesome let me find you a picture of this guy he's one of the best parts of that game look at this fucker oh that dude's cool he's radical okay well fine wow guess he got his neo spot you fucking you silly silly man okay yeah I did it he's a really cool guy and he's he's the black guy that that shows up in neo so it's fun and so they they did their
Starting point is 02:18:28 own cool fictional version of him and I'm just all I'm saying is like yeah so we're gonna see man I should get in the game development I have great ideas how about that um they we already saw that so I'm just wondering if the movie's gonna go for you know some like over the top thing or if we're gonna get an actual uh I want the movie story to be like uh it's it's like trailers portray it it's like a cool samurai epic and then you go there and it's like morally mean with a bear no all right all right you can get a glass of water if you want no I'm good like this this is what I want to portray let her let the record show that I I you know I said he can go get a glass of water and he turned it down that's right um let the record show that uh attempts are made the gogi
Starting point is 02:19:26 emoji is now just being used to to write go you and then they're throwing a big t at the end of it so yeah anyway uh let's get in to oh wait wait no hold on we're not done yet we're not done yet what do we got uh so Deadpool 2 is coming oh I saw cable yeah you saw cable looks good cable they showed josh brolin his cable yeah guess what guess what yeah josh brolin is now fucking everybody he's doing he's pulling uh uh what's his name from a titus pullo in the sense that I forgot that guy's the actor's name the guy to play punisher and that thing he's also in Thor here it's like your cable and your Thanos and it makes me wonder if marl there will be a joke about that in that movie of course no question but it makes me wonder if uh
Starting point is 02:20:20 uh fox is a little bit trying to like go like put a finger in there like little fuck you because we can you know it's not for sure it's a good cast like it's a good casting choice there's nothing about it that is you know I'm gonna be like haha josh brolin's gonna talk more about being cable than he is gonna talk about being Thanos on the late night circuit or fucking whatever who knows but yeah they actually got him uh going uh in his uh obviously not his buff body but still old man face giant gun and rubber arm if he doesn't do an air hyper viper beam I'm gonna be upset well get just be upset right now because that's not gonna happen fuck you it might happen this what do you think he's gonna say viper beam no but when I went to
Starting point is 02:21:12 Dr. Strange I was like I better see the fucking Eye of Agamotto all right that's fair and guess what it showed up and it was really cool yeah marvel imitates life so just show me what I need to see oh my chest hurts it should well that's a big cause uh did you almost get wiped out almost almost got wiped out did you almost got sbfp wipeouts wiped out is that yeah this is terrible let's get out of here that's an emoji that you can person we need to stop oh I have one piece of information uh that was part of my week but it's a minor technical detail because I mentioned that I was crazy about hardware if you are like me and tried to get the Microsoft wireless adapter for PC working properly for 360 and Xbox controllers and were consistently
Starting point is 02:22:04 infuriated by how shitty it was I had one of those yeah well I have the I have the new one and it had a really really awful problem is that when you turn the pc on with it plugged in it would nullify that fucking usb driver and say it can't work with this usb driver anymore you'd have to switch it to a different usb port and all sorts of weird desync issues I recently got a new xbox controller and loaded it up it actually finally I think it's probably the anniversary update but it actually works how it's fucking supposed to it now just works like a regular fucking controller you can sync multiple controllers to it that's cool it is and I also tried out the PlayStation version of it not as good hmm it also has a weird bug in which it because it's bluetooth and Sony
Starting point is 02:22:45 says you're only going to connect one controller to it even if the controller is not on the PlayStation controller will be input one in everything if that thing is plugged in weird so if I go and load up lethal league with the mouse and keyboard you automatically xbox controller on only it's only player two very straight it's super goofy I had a weird discovery that I made that I just I didn't know that the ps4 controller I guess at some point over the years between launch and now actually like had a couple of chains like design changes yes they added the light that comes through the well but not just that not just the ps4 pro stuff like the actual d-pad and r2l2 and the shallowness of the d-pad changed drastically from launch and I only discovered
Starting point is 02:23:37 this this weekend yeah the new controller and you're like wait exactly because I went to a tournament and for weird reasons I play tech in and and guilty gear on pad I don't think there's a weird reason there I think it's it works for me just didn't learn stick on those it works for me and I was having a lot of trouble with like a really complicated bike and input and I still to this day was having it then I bought a new controller and realized that the depth of the of the d-pad was much shallower making those inputs easier yep and I don't know when that happened over the last couple years but they changed the controller tweaking it the whole time it's crazy I didn't yeah multiple revisions the very first revision was the one that had the sticks that would
Starting point is 02:24:19 melt you remember that one there was a yeah with the with the goop I remember the sticks would just flake away I do remember the version that had the little light bar and that accompanied various like controller depth and and trigger shit yep yep yep uh they don't announce it they just make they just fades and replace the skews whereas when like xbox does a revision they don't do any of them they save them all up and like you look at the xbox controller ass like the white ones they are much better than the original black ones they feel much better they're closer to the elite than they are the older ones I think they realized at some point that like the the more smooth the buttons and controller are the worse off it is in the long run I I can't I prefer the ass now to the
Starting point is 02:25:07 elite because it is you you have a grip on it it's rough you can hold it like a it feels like a steering wheel and it's not and it's not because rubbery is bad because my hands get sweaty and it becomes like a sewer yeah and but like the rough like hard plastic like it I'm not going to grind that down with my palms or at least not anytime soon and if you go back to your ps2 sticks like the fucking honey dripping off of the the analog sticks at this point is just a problem so anyway um let's take some emails hey if you have an email you can send that into super best friendcast at and we might read it on the air that's super best friendcast at please tell us how much you enjoyed the purchase of your new emojis
Starting point is 02:25:57 that's true some wipeouts in these emails yeah you touch Abigail at all or no no okay that's fine I'm wasting my time with all this shit that's okay uh let's take one that trailer it's crazy I still can't believe because I look at Abigail now being played and like oh that character looks fine yeah yeah I secretly it's so stupid I'm gonna you know blame ono he likes buff men he wanted it's now a problem ono um you've let it get out of control at the very least check out his story mode okay it's some goofy fucking shit I bet it's it's some fucking goo they they just released the bangest chains again and uh oh boy all right uh let's take one from we're taking one from uh jm cool friendly guy and he says dare super best zodiac cast excuse me
Starting point is 02:27:01 jason here um this has been bugging me for a while I wanted to ask on hot mics what level of interaction have you guys had with homestuck I know from references that this that you guys are at least peripherally aware of it um and then follow up any whatever stuff to get involved um I would that's an easy question I would very yeah I would very much say sir you are inserting your own meaning into things you enjoy and associating them with us because I can very I can answer for Matt and I think all of us in saying that no actually we don't know really anything about homestuck I uh outside of the fact that people have animated you guys I can have a hyper specific answer to that question there is a funny quote from some machinima video that we've gone through where I
Starting point is 02:27:52 go what the fuck is homestuck and that is a 100 genuine question that I did take steps to understand but by steps I mean two steps I went to the website and it was apparently uh uh text prompt or something no no no it was a webcomic and I saw a picture of the character stuck in the room and I was like oh cool it's like a webcomic okay and I started to read it and I was like wait it's a webcomic but it's also like an interactable thing well I got I I all I remember is I got stuck at a text prompt or like that whatever and I was like this ain't no webcomic and a friend of mine told me that like uh homestuck cosplayers are like banned from hotels because they're fucking body paint screws up the bathtubs oh yeah sure that's my involvement from homestuck if reboot got more
Starting point is 02:28:41 popular oh and before undertale became popular yep I would uh if I was at somewhere and with a certain group of friends and I go what the fuck is that and they go that's a homestuck yeah and I go I what is it holding armor uh big weapon in armor is it a gray person with little orange horns it's a homestuck if it's not it's a mober it's a mober that's all you need to know yeah what who's that girl with the blue hair and the the the shit oh that's a mober that's a mober yeah yeah the with the big giant oversized weapon yeah that's a mober so like it's it's funny because like it became a really hard and fast rules like is the person does the person have gray on them like skin gray skin yeah that's a homestuck yeah do you also not know what that character is
Starting point is 02:29:26 but it's not that it's a mober if there's horns or shades 100% yeah like like 100% success rate on that it's crazy um and again there was is homestuck a mober I bet if we look hard enough I bet uh the other thing is that uh much like two best sisters play there's a an animated like homestuck the characters with your quotes that's that's that's like year one yeah and that got super funny and and and got a people that uh know that thing to come on into this thing and and so that stuck around for a bit too but uh yeah that's that's what we got there's a man named Dave I couldn't be less equipped to know about this what's Dave a guy I think he's the guy in red oh I thought you meant the guy who made it no I don't it's Undertale man right okay well I think
Starting point is 02:30:22 we've answered the question demonstrably is it a sports ball uh it is a question that we moved on from next question skewer star says their super best bible black club absorber is coming out at the end of the month oh shit really yep good time to pop the question parry focus attacker dodge dodge parry that's easy all right parry's the hardest yeah dodge is more reliable reaps the greatest rewards absolutely you can punish a focus attack dodge is more reliable you're right dodge has less reward but it's more reliable yeah low risk low reward high risk high reward mid risk mid reward yeah you you prefer you prefer uh something that I learned the term from plague which drives him absolutely insane in the soul series calls them feast or famine
Starting point is 02:31:16 yeah it's like you're either gonna hit this you can oh it's gonna be so great or not which I think I would expect you to like since you like grapplers because grapplers are feast or famine characters that's different it's all feast when I play grapple all things not if they're hitting button shut the fuck up I'm doing the feasting here command throw hitting buttons can't grab a button touching my nose all right that's why street fighter five sucks it doesn't suck because the grabs aren't as powerful you're silly clay fighter sucks street fighter five doesn't I saw somebody going like I think I found something that even the guys won't know about and it was fucking balls like we don't know about balls crazy get out of here balls is terrible like like
Starting point is 02:31:58 that's not on the list like that's not next week it's it's it's I I legit find it cute but people do surprise me I'm not going to sit here in my game oh arm joes not everyone but I mean arm joe is not everyone no no no I'm not I'm trying I'm in the middle of trying to not be that by saying I'm not going to sit in my tower and be like oh yeah fucking dong dong what an open what a knot in each fight you know like I'm not but it's like obviously giant bomb put that on the radar so a lot of people were a firefight spooky blew that up you know and there's shit out there where like like believe it or not if you actually kind of pay attention to like some streams and jokes you're gonna actually see these things and they're not going to be out of nowhere right on holy night
Starting point is 02:32:44 traveled around because they hit the kickstarter thing and whatever but I'm just trying to say that it we're never gonna get death cargo I don't think that game that because it's not real it's not real it's a fake but I'm but I'm still amused yeah and the bounty's still out there if you've got death cargo we'll pay you cash money absolutely but that's not a joke the the the thing with with with obscure titles like this is that like it's just cute when people think they think it's obscure but like there's there's levels of obscurity and I know that sounds really douchey there's levels of obscurity right street fighter is not obscure alpha is not obscure ex is not obscure but it's definitely more obscure than alpha street fighter the movie getting there getting there street
Starting point is 02:33:26 fighter the movie the arcade version getting there a little bit more but it's still a street fighter game yeah there's only so much obscure can get and then you apply that logic to other stuff like biofreaks that's obscure but that was also in every bargain bin in the playstation area and every rental shelf on every video store it was seen as opposed to time killers which is obscure but popular in its obscurity right and then you want to go more obscure on on biofreaks you go with dual heroes which was a launch n64 title that then disappeared from shelves so that's where you're gonna say something like throw kills obscure because it never came out but it's not because no no exactly and then all same thing for Wu Tang because it was fucking Wu Tang you
Starting point is 02:34:15 know so that's what it is it says you got to really really dig deep to find that shit that is properly obscure and and you know what you know what still does get me is new shit on steam that is all i will always well because you'll do you have no way of there was no time for it to be it's maximum like nothing nothing okay there's two types of obscurity there's the level of obscurity that you start with game comes out with no fanfare it is now at maximum obscure right because it's never been played by a human being right and it can only decrease with time and then there's the other obscurity which can only come with time and that's no one played it and that was 20 years ago yes yes yes exactly you know uh so that's all it's just as someone who
Starting point is 02:35:01 lives in this world you live in that barrel i fucking my head is popping out every now and then for air hey guys what's up you know take it to take it to heart that i probably know it probably know it and it's probably on the list but if you do get him with one he'll appreciate that is true that is true and and i still have i'm still trying to decide how i feel about um how i feel about like you know it's like okay do we have to play every number in the tech in series or do we just play yes you know what i mean do like well we're gonna play every fighting game of all time on fiscous eventually eventually of course eventually hey uh we're making videos about fighting games faster than they're coming out therefore as long as we do this show forever
Starting point is 02:35:47 yeah we'll we'll run out that that sounds logic um a feature i please please everyone needs to copy skull girls and put in the feature that lets you play versus mode pause it turn training on instantly turn the match into training mode and then turn it back off and continue the match you were in you were in dev at some point like how much work is that is that a lot nothing yeah it isn't it's fucking nothing okay turn life bars to infinite time off and supers up okay so in that case do it it's just anyway but it's not pure like the arcade man even if you can't go back to the match even if you have to restart just let us go straight into it uh yeah because especially for you because i remember a lot of soft resets because you'd see something goofy
Starting point is 02:36:32 and you'd be like i need to reproduce that because i don't understand what just happened okay so we got one coming in from uh but butter ghost butter ghost says dear super best best best best male best i like that i like writing to let you know that the niche fetish board on 4chan full of food and vor yeah has a general for pet play okay it's been using podcast titles for as long as i can remember the current one is did the pet thread die in cuba just thought you guys might want to know about this one fact butter ghost oh man i feel honored truly the podcast has arrived like when our podcast titles become the name of eve space stations that's the real no whoa whoa whoa whoa let's humble beginnings
Starting point is 02:37:27 but i'm definitely happy yeah with the the pet play threads oh yeah so that's that's good that's good makes me proud we're doing doing good don't keep me updated on that uh i appreciate the one update uh all right we got one coming in um yeah from shawn shawn says they're super best friends recently at work i was presented with a hypothetical scenario by a co-worker okay we're in a duffle bag containing 50 million us was left unattended in a restroom 50 million and that's a lot and i asked what would and asked what would be my immediate actions being the paranoid nearsighted narc i am i would immediately resort report it to the authorities my reason being uh i would rather not have the fear of people
Starting point is 02:38:10 hounding me for missing most assuredly dirty 50 million dollars the possibility of it being marked and having to figure out a way to launder it uh and not get caught and the fact that i'd have i'd not have a place i frequent become a casual spot for high-level black market deals um this was seen as irrational by my co-workers who were that was seen as irrational who were more likely to run out of town or as the person who presented the question detailed i got family with a boat i'd ride that to an island that no one knows so simple question am i missing out by not taking the hypothetical 50 mil or are people in florida really that crazy idiotic no country for old men is literally about this exact scenario yeah and it plays out just about as you would expect
Starting point is 02:38:55 a 50 million a duffle bag in a bathroom with 50 million in it that is a trap that is a all right are you willing to forfeit your life right now no one is no one is going to let 50 million walk away from them do you that's that's a decision you make you look at it and you go do i am i willing to forfeit my life on this right now because that's a life risk yeah one way or the other either that's like part of that's a police trap right that's a drug that's drug money that they're using for a fake bot you know whatever right or it's a dead drop for characters that we will call having less than a few scruples they're unscrupulous near duels roust about and the idea of all all all fucking boat to an island that nobody knows there are no islands that no one knows
Starting point is 02:39:47 yeah if it has people on it someone knows you can take it to sea land and that's about it um your co-workers are ridiculous yeah i don't i don't think it is i don't think it's paranoid to view that because that as soon as i heard 50 million i'm like well i know what this question is gonna be because it's ridiculous if it was 10 000 that's a question right but 50 million in a bag someone's gonna come and get that money from you do you how is like a dig at do you cherish your quiet life or not what a wit you want to go big for the dream right rich um and even if and like if you can't fucking help yourself and you grab a handful just take a pocket full and go
Starting point is 02:40:36 i that's better it's better but it's still not good yeah taking a pocket taking a thousand out of the 10 000 bag that's reasonable taking a million out of the 50 million bag that's crazy you're still like you might as well take the 50 million you might at that point and use half of it to blockade yourself like is what do you fit in your pocket you fit a stack in your pocket yeah stack of hundreds depends if it's thousands if it's 50 million has to be thousand you can probably you could probably fit like 200k in your pocket yeah but you have to make sure that you don't look like you have big old money pockets walking out and some guys watching the drop was like why does that guy have big old money pockets yeah yeah if you have a coat on i think you could
Starting point is 02:41:17 pull it off but either way no your co-workers got themselves and their families horribly murdered murdered super dead forever um and i don't know where you wrote this question in front but if you were anywhere near a mexican cartel uh you which is anywhere you might have gotten people be headed to so um let's take it from let's skip this one this reminds me i remember walking i was in verdun which is not a great neighborhood but it's getting better guys walking ahead of me with a backpack right yep zippers kind of open yep right just you know we're walking more or less the same speed kind of thing but he's like 10 feet in front
Starting point is 02:42:06 of me like a pound of weed falls out oh i remember this story right yeah and i i freeze a little bit and i go okay wait what are my options here hey buddy you dropped your pound of weed yeah pick it up yeah and try and give it to him or just say fuck it and turn left at the next corner and take a different way and that's the one i chose too many variables like who someone's watching it and then i pick it up now i possess a pound of weed on my first many variables like fuck that right like for well i mean that and i bet he was pissed when he got home well that guy or that was the transaction and someone was just gonna yes come out of a like he was done for doing that while you were behind him if he knew or it was like three o'clock in the afternoon or he made a mistake
Starting point is 02:42:59 who knows but you don't have enough information to make an informed decision and the only informed decision you can make is turning left i'm not gonna deal with because you know what is going on left i'm not gonna i i'm not even gonna make eye contact with the drugs you know what's happening down the street and that's that's that's what that's the decision you make this is not an afternoon i signed up for uh hannery wants to know how you like your steaks medium rare uh i'll go for between medium rare and rare blood he's cool yeah blood tastes good um we got one from my dad cooks steaks well done i don't have the heart to tell him to not that's unfortunate i because my yeah my dad when i was young used to always do our steaks well done because i what is up with that i don't
Starting point is 02:43:49 know like every every man you know what i think parents generation cooks their steaks well i think it's because of probably like like like bullshit milk information in that way where there's probably something around about like rare steaks being bad for you and so they felt like this is the healthier thing to do um remember our parents grew up in smallpox and fucking polio still existed and granted those are not food transmitted but like the fear of disease is severe i don't know if it's just laziness or if it's based on some stupid fear but yeah my dad and when we were out with him he would answer for us and say there's well done as well that's that's over the line i was not happy that's too far and i was too young to really have any say in it but i was not happy so when i finally
Starting point is 02:44:34 got my say and i tried it bloody i was like fuck you dad did you do like when you were eating it you're like yeah fuck you i got blood in my mouth it was it was so weird it was so weird i don't know like we are creatures that um we benefit a lot from cooking food yeah but uh sometimes that something about the primalness just uh tastes better maybe that's what it is oh man i don't i can't i just i so i okay i'll have my steak rare right my girlfriend she is such an asshole she we went to fucking five guys and she she looks at the guy and goes can you cook my burger blue get the fuck out of here and the person goes it's mince meat go what no it's mince meat stop it what the fuck is that's how she wants her burgers that's silly yeah yeah how about you
Starting point is 02:45:35 just go dig up some fucking parasites and worms and just hand or a handful of that and just go eat up yum oh it's it's that's that's mince burgers are like the most prone to toxic shit ever and hawk dogs and you need to cook that you the the fire cleanses it it's not just kills all the stuff that is inside it not maybe it is in there that's a weird one that's a fucking weird one but anyway um i've had tartar and it's all right but it's not my it's not my my deal i need a little bit of fire i like my flame to be fired a little even if i ate a mostly raw steak like i had a blue steak i'd still want it seared do you know it's cool you know why cooking is so beneficial to us i found out uh because the process of starting of starting to burn the meat is the same as partially digesting
Starting point is 02:46:31 it and so the effort you spend digesting raw something raw versus something that is partially digested means you still get all the benefits without using as much energy well there's the other thing is that we've been cooking meat for so long every possible innate defense against those things that kill us is now completely gone there's that um and apparently since when once we started save conserving energy on uh by using cooking that's when that's a big part of like what allowed humans to like fucking start the momentum yeah we got so that we now have uh pet play vor forums that's right that's that's the trajectory that's the path start to cook food have the energy for your your your vor perfect takes a lot of takes a lot of energy to pump that
Starting point is 02:47:18 that that air pro air plug i don't know that bicycle pump that whatever i hear about that stupid inflation shit that's all i think of a bike pump yep yep yep yep yep like the little hand cranked bike pump take a lot of time to fill up this bat that's evolution that's that's that's that's how we got there last one from matt he says uh dear insert we group name here here quick question what is your favorite highlight intro and overwatch i think diva's default is actually the one where she the the mech explodes she does the point it's a good one i think it's fantastic i have two that are uh unquestionably my favorites drop the beat lucio drops the beat yeah and transcendence which uh that is uh zenyatta yeah i know it's
Starting point is 02:48:09 it's the one where he goes full god mode okay and the arms come out and he just goes into the most zen perfect buddha state uh and it's fucking amazing i have two more the uh roadhogs grab the camera with the with the chain and zenyatta not that one all three of zenyattas are right there way up there way up there but it's the one where he spins the balls and does the point and it's just like an angle and he's on a diagonal with the ball yeah really nice yeah yeah um they gave um they gave a genji a bunch of cool ones too he's got a ninja yeah yeah but uh no drop the beat is the perfect hanzo's are all terrible yeah there's nothing much going on i like to kick off the camera that one's the only good one but it's not great like the other the kick off the camera is
Starting point is 02:48:56 pretty good but anyway i i think i think zenyatta takes it by far um all right so where are we going where are we going what are we doing over here uh like like on the channel yeah where where where is this channel going pat where is this relationship going wait our relate our relationship more like um we have you know uh so here's what's up the answer is like a toilet and then the other answer is a bigger toilet hmm that is it's always been the case i don't think that's ever gonna change but that's why people tune in i suppose uh here's what's going on la noir's finished we finished it cat lady's finished so um please direct your complaints about my gunplay and driving to the toilet because game beat doesn't matter what is that at woolly versus or yeah that's where
Starting point is 02:49:49 what's the toilet yeah yeah that's at woolly versus that's what is no that's not your twitter handle nope it's uh but you it's on my channel actually if you leave a comment on my channel somewhere i'll i'll read it and uh there you can let me know see i so i almost just did the worst thing in the world what okay so you know how we're assholes yeah i almost did so like okay the joke of send your complaints about woolly's gunplay of whatever to woolly's twitter account that failed so i pulled my phone out and was gonna read off the twitter handle of the first person i saw oh jesus christ dude uh well anyway right and it was like yeah and it was gonna be like hey send it to you know whoever friend of the channel with the exception of that one hilarious
Starting point is 02:50:35 moment where my hat gets blown off yeah we fucking shoot banged it and we got to the place you sure did buddy and then you sure the car went from point a to point b it's and then the cutscene started i think the game beat doesn't matter it's still the best one is like matt losing his mind over you pushing those people into the bushes outside the club that was good that was good why'd you push them so hard they deserved it elinor's finished cat ladies cat lady done good ending i liked it ended strong direct your complaints about sadness and depression to uh your local mental facility or because i just yep there there's people that can help you um i have a detail that will uh that i can talk about in a non-spoiler way that will help you out anybody that watches the
Starting point is 02:51:24 end of that there is a loose end at the end of that uh play through that is a character from uh the game creators former game so that was answered that is that is a little easter egg that was that game's getting remake that's gonna be the next game that he comes out with gotcha okay that's one of those weird um i guess like almost like lisa sort of situations where lisa the painful and lisa the joyful are games that you can play yes um yeah so there's that all right so we're gonna be coming up with some new stuff obviously there's gonna be one-offs i think you mentioned one of the ones that we're gonna be doing in the near future uh lps will continue you and matt are cooking something up in the near future you're gonna do a little hopefully you don't do too many
Starting point is 02:52:13 crimes i don't know we're gonna do a little subway surfing it's gonna be fun that's gonna be fun um woolly and i have uh some competing ideas over what the next thing we're gonna do is which one's gonna be first we'll figure it out i don't i'm not i'm not fighting too hard on that um but uh and matt and i are continuing down the walking dead and episode four might be the single worst telltale thing thing yes thing yeah for real based on it's the height of expectations yeah it's bad we've played minecraft yeah i know i know i know i know okay you know what minecraft was internally consistent there it is got you okay okay yeah so it's gonna be a new cycle soon enough um you can you can all make up your your uh what was this called this is the depression
Starting point is 02:53:18 age it's a depression arc okay so what's what would the next one i don't know but the people figure feel i'll figure something out and then you can um start um looking for your angry dailies and this is not the thing that i don't know yet this is not incertain you lp here yeah you can start getting those going oh yeah i love those no but i live what i mean is legitimately writing insert lp here like i don't you know just putting the blank space for it yeah this is the one that everyone will like yeah and then the other one yeah um i want to talk some more about l a nor but i guess we'll get there when it's done well what do you want to talk about how the ending that i don't know that can wait till next week it'll it'll have to wait just man and that's not here
Starting point is 02:54:02 yeah um i feel that game ends extremely well okay um all right let's make a suicide pact okay the suicide pact is if there's an emoji game coming out we have to play it that's not a suicide pack that's our job that's an estate is there a difference yeah what i mean i'm not gonna kill myself for these people that's for me goodbye everybody goodbye wow you you

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