Castle Super Beast - SBFC 219: You Can't PogChamp a Plane Crash

Episode Date: October 17, 2017

Plague joins us in Pat's absence. Which means all the Star Trek & Dragonball talk you can handle. You can watch us record the podcast live on Outro: Cuphead - I'm Mr.Kin...g-Dice Overwatch Halloween Terror Event Skins 2017 Megabots vs Suidobashi is tomorrow SMT Synchronicity Strider...Zeku? Cuphead sales top one million Super Mario Odyssey Musical Black Panther trailer 2 Zelda producer is unsure of where Breath of the Wild fits in the timeline Defeated Marvel vs Capcom Infinite player prepares for movie-style redemption It’s Letter Time The WATCH

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's the start of a podcast. Like there's no audio or video, but no, it's going. So it's always those opening jittery moments, like when you're fumbling with with someone in the back of a car for the first time. You're not quite sure what's happening. Well, hold that thought. OK, well, we we're here. OK, I'll hold that.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah, well, it wasn't a shame. If I may. What is this, the podcast? I don't know. If I may, garbage, if I may. Yeah, excuse me. Hmm. Today's podcast is brought to you by the Walking Dead No Man's Land.
Starting point is 00:00:45 It's the official mobile game of AMC's The Walking Dead. Official. It's a turn based strategy action game where you battle hordes of walkers with all your favorite TWD heroes, including Daryl, Rick and Michonne. Daryl, stay calm and get behind Daryl. Yeah, right? Yeah, why not? There's tons to do and they even added a new hardcore game mode for experienced
Starting point is 00:01:05 players called The Distance, download the free game from the App Store on Google Play or go to slash survive now and get Negan for free. The special offer is only available right now. Thanks, The Walking Dead. Thank you, Walking Dead. Yeah. Speaking of The Walking Dead, hello. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Is that is that me or is that is that playing? Oh, shit, I can play it both ways. I think that's all of us. And you picked a good day because I'm a little hungover. Not going to lie to you. Not going to lie to you, folks. Sometimes Matt gets a little crazy. You're a little hungover.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I'm a little hungover. I'm fucking sore. I'm beat up. Yeah, last night was rough for you. Yeah, I mean, it was actually two days ago. But you're just in alleys looking for challenges. What part of you is beat up? Um, my legs and my thighs and my calves from squats
Starting point is 00:02:17 and my arms from punching shit. And I'm just I'm all really beat up. I'm pretty tired. You don't need those parts of your body. I don't not to know not right now, cast right now. I just need my mouth out and I need my throat. As long as you don't use that now, you'll be fine. Yeah, you don't want to sore throat, especially not from a workout.
Starting point is 00:02:37 This is a different kind of work. Oh, dear. Hey, how's it going, Eli? Hello. Hello. Turn my mic up. Yeah, I'm turning you up. You're up.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Turn him up. You're way up. You're now two hundred percent up. That's nice. Turn my motherfucking mic up. I feel like he's right next to me and his and his breath is on the back of my neck. It always is, Matt.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh, dear. Thank God, Pat is dead. Yeah, yeah. In Japan of all places. I mean, it's nice that the flight, unfortunately, just plunged straight into the ocean when a small man started complaining about stuff. And the captain couldn't take it anymore.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I got him. I got to end this now. Who is this hairy child that is burst into the cabin showing me his monster hunter figures? Seven more hours of this. It wasn't an accident at all. Well, this is where we're going now. Perfectly healthy play.
Starting point is 00:03:36 The pilot announces on everyone due to what everyone knows is what the disturbance is. I'm just going to dive Bob this plane to the ocean. And the crowd. And I had the rest of the plane. Everyone to play. Fair enough. You should have done it an hour ago.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Headlines ring. A curse plane gets what it deserves. Oh, plane broke. Oh, jeez. That's pretty good. Yeah, I always a pleasure to have you here, though. None of them. Oh, I'm sure it is.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It is. None of them even knew what Melee was. So it was since we have a special guest, Eli, what have you been up to? Oh, my special week. Your special week. Yeah, your special guest had a special week for special boys. Well, yeah, your special week lasted the entire time
Starting point is 00:04:29 since you've been on. So yeah, let's not do that again. Let's see what to go over. Well, we've probably going to cover this to some degree. Maybe. I don't know if you guys have been playing it. Pat probably has been playing Shadow of War door. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:04:46 That's that's what we're going with on the car. I mean, I'm very interested in his thoughts on Shadow of War door, because I just OK, you can explain this to me. And then you can use this as a kicking off point. When the fuck does this thing take place? What? And like the official lore within their own within the. Yeah, according according to the Tolkien family's
Starting point is 00:05:10 approval within the games lore. When does it take place? Oh, it doesn't at all. Ah, like the timeline is not on that. It's like view the Tolkien lore is a great tree. It's not on the tree. It's not on the branch. It's not a leaf that's falling from the tree.
Starting point is 00:05:26 It is it is a hobo in an alley that's on the other side of the planet that heard about the tree one time. But it takes place like like within Mordor. It's not like one of those games like the frozen north where it just like, ah, just throw this into some far off province in the top of the map where no one goes. And don't you kick Sauron in the balls? Yeah, a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Oh, yes, multiple times. But the the the lie of when this takes place, the grand law, you know, what's the lie then? That's what I don't is it happens almost just before the Lord of the Ring films from what I can gather. Okay, they're trying. This is the lie that they're telling. Okay, that makes more sense because though, because the
Starting point is 00:06:14 black gate has been taken back into Sauron's forces, which is the concept behind how Talion was killed in the first place. Right. But this has happened prior to the events that would lead up to the ring being rediscovered. Uh huh. But everyone has rings in this game. Like there's multiple rings being made at all times.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Every rings are exploding out of people. Okay. And in addition to rings exploding out of people, people yes. Talion slid into a spike and now there are rings just flying everywhere. Rings are exchanging hands. Sheila gets a ring that she gives the ring away and the
Starting point is 00:06:59 Nazgul's had their own rings and they're throwing rings around multiple rings on. I want to see I want to see it like a human form Sauron just doing a sonic herd animation like and then the rings go flying at it. He's got to collect them. That's great. That's like one of the final bosses.
Starting point is 00:07:18 He does super good. Four door zone act one. Yeah. Oh, that's good. So before fellowship of the ring, let's say is what you're saying. Sure. Why not?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Okay. Why not in the alternate timeline that doesn't exist. Like the game does not make this a secret. The game doesn't have a character come out on screen and say this isn't canon shut up or anything like that. Okay. But it does make it very clear. I fuck you just fuck you.
Starting point is 00:07:46 So you got something to say about it. Fuck you. What would you guys rather though? Would you rather this timeline we're currently in right or would you rather one where instead of this we got a whole new trilogy of films called the Lord of the Rings to what Lord or buggerly now that's stupid but I can actually see someone going hey right not even not even let's go back
Starting point is 00:08:14 into the similarly and not even that we did they're called the Hobbit no but no but I don't but not based has a little bit of a point I know and that's why I made the distinction Oh you mean completely made up in every way completely new trilogy where they're like no no we got this I could see in 10 so the Star Wars films yes we're doing the Lord of the Rings to the new trilogy I could I could see in 10 years some some movie executive being like you know what which world
Starting point is 00:08:41 would you rather live in I'd want to see Lord of the Rings to I because that's so stupid and the balls to call it that would be amazing no no be it'd be like it'd be like DMC where they they just made the M smaller so Lord of the Rings the T would be lowercase oh my god and what's like a Chinese knock off the ring the Lord of the Rings what's the name of the company that makes all those shitty knock off movies it'd be one of those asylum or something yes I'm starring Idris
Starting point is 00:09:15 Elba and like Michael Sarah and like whatever else is going on right now I don't think Michael Sarah is going on right now but no but he came around in the in the time frame after the original trilogy true so it might he might get a random like shout out or cameo something like you saw that thing or was like you know he has been doing a lot of stuff he has been making a lot of movies with all small yeah they are he's doing he's doing like like what's his name like what
Starting point is 00:09:46 Bill Murray ended up doing a bit wait Michael Sarah or Michael Sarah okay sorry I was it knows I was about to say his name Idris Elba Elijah Wood Elijah Wood sure that link where Elijah Woods like I want to play York in a Why the Last Man TV show yeah yeah that's cool and get that comedy show that if they had that there's a Lord of the Rings too I would want Elijah Wood to be like this fucking warlord who like he took over the Great Havens and came back from death oh my god like I
Starting point is 00:10:17 could see him being like unless you gave me one billion dollars I am not doing this I will do it for no last who do you see being such a fucking carney oh lips coming back hard I feel like lips coming back hard because Orlando would come back Orlando doesn't get you know I came back for Hobbit yeah Orlando doesn't give a fucking circus is in for all whatever other monster they'd want to give him yeah cuz he's on board for that too oh my god Orlando would be all up
Starting point is 00:10:51 in that no Orlando would be like Terence Howard in Iron Man where he signed up immediately without seeing anything sure without knowing to be like I was there day one yeah I was supporting Lord of the Rings two and three yeah they just want to hang out yeah they would just want to hang out with one another and film they don't care what it is what are your exact thoughts then on the game having played it cuz I haven't played it really hasn't played it mm-hmm okay so the exact
Starting point is 00:11:17 game it plays pretty much exactly the same as the first one a lot of ways except for for some reason like the biggest criticism I've had where I'm just like screaming at the screen is whatever I'm telling you to standing on the ledge and you're like I want you to jump on the ground over there mm-hmm and you press forward and you press jump and he'll go flying off like a rocket that has no guidance and flip like a crazy motherfucker onto something that's like behind you what
Starting point is 00:11:47 do you what are you magnetizing to you crazy honky I fucking hate that shit I just assume that there's so many anchor points in that game world that is how it works okay that is like it's just one of those things like not even maybe sometimes Assassin's Creed's would have that where there was like two things placed together but it would never happen that often so you're saying this this happens kind of frequently oh yeah so it happens quite frequently it's
Starting point is 00:12:12 lots of fun but this this this is a basic annoyance with the game the actual storyline if you can call it treated as such yes she lob decides you know I'm tired of being a spider I'm going to make up my own lore about who I am and I'm going to try to be sexy and she's just kind of there the plot points are insane um okay there's lots of times where where things are just happening and there's just disagreements for the sake of disagreements of he's talking
Starting point is 00:12:47 to his ghost pal and ghost pal Kellogg's blueberry yes what is actual name because I don't think I know his actual name I'm sorry kill him brim bore okay because I've literally I because as I haven't played the game and I've only seen these trailers and I've only heard you guys saying that so that's all I have in my brain were we wrong no yeah that's fine exactly that's fine remember but you were saying plague we know her name but we don't know her story
Starting point is 00:13:17 oh yes yes oh god so kill him brim bore blueberry gets really angry at chocolate the fact that Talion is like we need we need she lob special memory powder or whatever and Kellogg's blueberry is like no you stupid fuck she has their ring get the fucking ring back and then there's like six missions in a row of well we need to go have a golem thing where he shows up for a few missions and skolks around really it's like I what's what what golem is in golem yeah as in he's in the
Starting point is 00:13:57 first one wasn't it yeah no he was but I just didn't expect so oh my god so he's fucking like is he in Lord of the Rings to form with a scar and like a bunch of pouches no no this is before all that happened remember yeah yeah well that's this is before oh yeah he hasn't turned he hasn't turned into lava boy yet oh okay well that's what I mean I guess we because that's when you asked about the time did you think that he came back one of the like one of the orcs remember
Starting point is 00:14:22 how you toss me in that lava range he crawls out of the lava and he sees now like the lava he's got like a metal mask on he's golem the unburnt yes and now he is golem the unashamed now he can summon good fire demons fire monsters and he can summon adds that are a tad little fire demons that attack you can ride a balrog so the story is stupid yeah that's the gist of it the story is really dumb and it seems to be keenly aware of this if you actually get to act for I'm
Starting point is 00:14:55 not going to spoil any part of the game or anything but act for I put down the controller I was just like leaning at the screen does ever so often what what okay all right one of those that's how the game goes as far as the story goes that the thing that is on everyone's lips anytime this game comes up of course is the loot box situation right of course which to the game's credit throughout the entire game I didn't notice it I actually never even thought about it until the very very
Starting point is 00:15:26 end of the game which apparently is when it's supposed to happen but I will mention that I'm playing this on PC so the versions of the game might be different in subtle ways that you might have to guess this is what the difference is just might be I can say really I read you know every once in a while you you catch a catech article that's actually worth its salt and I read one that was about the just the concept of loot boxes as a whole and like it was a really it was it was
Starting point is 00:15:58 well-written it was it was a basically describing like how the Lord the shadow of mortar situation pretty much just shines a light on it but the real truth about it is that we just need to be honest and acknowledge that loot boxes are there like it's like even if it's just cosmetics which I've always been fine with it where I'm like personally if it's not affecting gameplay that's fine the idea though that it's kind of like meant to prey on like people that have addiction
Starting point is 00:16:24 issues and like love gambling and can't really stop themselves from the from like buying another one or doing the things that they used to do with like old mobile games in Japan or like current mobile games and Japan I should say the gacha system games adopting those those policies on on a whole is just a kind of shitty thing to do and we don't know anyone like that clearly but but no that's and so the whole thing is like you can you can question the morality in general
Starting point is 00:16:53 about like you know putting that in your game to begin with but regardless it's here to stay because it's just so incredibly profitable works. This is a key part of any sort of marketing like if you've ever wonder why are they doing this. This is another this is like a movie situation to where you wonder why are they making this. Yeah. If you go to see it if you if they get money for doing it they don't care what it is. Yeah. Yeah. If if a developer like if absolutely
Starting point is 00:17:23 if if I could go outside to a horse field and just like pick up shit piles and put them in boxes and send them to the people for a million dollars. I've been doing that all day long. I don't care. Dude. You're going to you're going to buy shit boxes from horses. Okay. Stupid. Give me your money. So dumbass this weekend right all every at like six in the morning on every day of Friday Saturday and yesterday. I got calls from random. What the fuck was the even what the
Starting point is 00:17:55 fuck. I got I got calls at six in the morning from area codes eight eight one. Oh yeah. It gets those and I was like what the fuck is I've never had that. I have no idea what that's about and then it turns out that that's some really obscure random area code from somewhere halfway across the world where if you call like they call you and then like just leave a hang up or whatever and when you call back it's a toll free number that ends up being like sixteen dollars a minute or
Starting point is 00:18:24 some crazy shit like that and thousands and thousands of dollars and call that number and when you call it back you just hear someone speaking either either Arabic or gibberish I couldn't I didn't know but it was just like and they're like it's cutting off and made to waste your time and it plays back a thing that's just annoying enough for you to be like what yeah and then you hear nothing and then it comes back and they go and you're like it's sorry it's like my dumb
Starting point is 00:18:50 trick and I was a camera and my parents would call me to do a chore and I'd be like okay and like and you wait long enough exactly and then they come back and you're like you're like I'm sorry I don't tell me more yeah I should I should start making art videos like that don't even draw separate your layers and then you click and then you know very very good and I fucking I called the my phone you know people and I was like can I do anything about this and they're like no they were
Starting point is 00:19:32 like yeah they're gonna get money what you can't you can you can add them to your contacts and then block the call the thing from your phone that's so much extra but you have to add everyone to your contact anyway the point is that people will do anything to get that dollar so yes play that money it doesn't matter how shitty or how dumb it doesn't matter whether it's moral or amoral it doesn't like it doesn't matter like follow the money crates though how much do those cost can I get one
Starting point is 00:20:03 of those is there a good variety right is there a mega shit crate because you don't just want you don't just want hard dumps you want to get a little bit soft in there as well oh yeah yeah you want to run you want some like nutrients you want you know that's good yeah when you open it up you want the big pile but you also want like the little sheet pellets in there too this is the good stuff all right yes there are levels of shit crates they have different kinds of doodoo inside of them
Starting point is 00:20:30 oh my god I just remembered all the goats and Grenada I hated it there's a field in front of my house that had a bunch of goats in it and it'd be like anytime you want to go play in the field or like or like when friends it's deceptive isn't it it's the hardest because when like how because you can yes you can avoid them you can spot the big pile mines yeah but fucking sheep they have the decency is a it's like being beans yeah it's it it's like being okay you have a choice do you go
Starting point is 00:20:58 into a room that has a single mine inside of it yeah or do you go into a room that's just glass broken glass exactly there's there's a certain tier of animals where I'm like these are respectful animals and they don't bother you with their shit it's like bone a dog I've owned obviously two cats birds birds so I've owned a snake and I've taken care of a rabbit like without a doubt the easiest is a snake because it's this dry nothing that's just the crumbled up bones yeah like that's all
Starting point is 00:21:29 it is and it's like once every two months yeah I'm like what an amazing little animal yeah look at this guy might as well be a robot yeah it's about we judge the quality of our pets by their ships basically cuz I am I've been highly unimpressed I own fish briefly I am not impressed sir I mean it's easy enough to deal with but it's annoying in that it's just it just floats up but the fucking sheep dude you just imagine again rip open a little box of fucking chocolates like the
Starting point is 00:22:02 chocolate clever raisins and just take that and just fling it across the room just hold the bottom two corners of the bag and just start waving it it's probably really similar to rabbits because rabbits are all hard pellet things that are fucking annoying I had to clean those up the worst longer than it is like Sauron being hit and exploding in range there you go but you don't have to you don't want to collect those I really want to speak we just run into a small
Starting point is 00:22:29 animal and he gets on the ground is like oh fuck I gotta get them all again Sauron standing on the edge of a platform going whoa to the water that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that's pretty good we own sheep right now actually so that is that is indeed all over the place and yes the sheep why that wasn't got to be like that and they're like you can't get a straight answer out of them you can't train them you can't fucking teach them to go over
Starting point is 00:23:01 there now they're not they're not like zoo animals they go off in the corner or something they're just saying this this shit wherever and then they gotta lie down to their own shit and then they gotta walk in it all day that's what I'm saying man like that's though that's what that that says something about the animal if the animal knows enough that it's like you know what this is shame this smells bad I don't want to be around it you know what I mean if they can figure
Starting point is 00:23:25 out that much that's where the tears come in exactly with the exception of like monkeys that are like not as a weapon this right then that's another level but if you're just at the point I will accept this stink debuff on my hands for the rest of the day for the chance to apply an attack absolutely right it's like pine resin like rubbing shit on your sword everyone doesn't even want to fight you now oh man and the boss is just like fucking get away from me the animations
Starting point is 00:24:02 change to just like they're slightly disgusted he's permeating the entire zone you're waving the sword around I mean it goes back to ancient times where children would get their weapon called at the end of a stick you know there's cave paintings of this fucking monkey at risk any other further shot of a war musons or are you good but you asked about the loot boxes yeah they had I think like the they they give you 500 pretty easily like it's one of those things where you can do like
Starting point is 00:24:35 dailies to get little bits of like 500 or not 500 for taking out an overlord I remember is the one that I got my 500 for there's like $500 to spend on loot boxes or you get 500 500 Mordor coins that's what they're called okay yeah the gold Mordor coins sure or orc bits door coins orc mini buys yeah yeah but there's you can also buy like the shittier crates for the basic currency that you can inexplicably get infinite amounts of on PC yeah it must be his book but you can do that
Starting point is 00:25:17 but the the drops are absolutely terrible of and it's gear for for Italian right it's like swords and shields and arrows okay here hold on here's the thing the way that the game works is really the most intensive thing that I would imagine being a big problem would be the XP grind because this is like I got to like level 27 or 37 I can't remember what it was but I hit that and I was like holy shit I'm not gaining any levels and I looked at the amount that it takes into like thousands of
Starting point is 00:25:44 XP and you only get like 5000 at most for doing like a single quest and even less than that for like taking out a captain or things like it so that's probably the main thing is the fucking XP grind but once you actually hit 60 if you can actually hit 60 on consoles I feel sorry for the console people but once you get to that point then all the loot starts being like level 59 level 60 level 63 or whatever you know like that and all the basic stuff is like it's just kind of
Starting point is 00:26:15 unimpressive looking kind of garbage you stuff it doesn't have like none of it's important you can beat the game super easy right doesn't matter and all this stuff is at late game anyways but you can the main thing is getting legendary items which are like the real shit right where it actually looks good and it has like traits and stuff on it and all this other shit so the main thing is just trying to find an or captain that has the legendary trait to try to get him
Starting point is 00:26:40 to drop that shit which if you're just looking around is they're very very rare so the whole idea with the loot boxes that you just get them. So have you or has anyone I should say done because the thing to do whenever there's loot boxes is go with the drop rate is because the Chinese version of the game has to disclose it so if you go to the Chinese website for the game officially they have they have a page on loot boxes and it
Starting point is 00:27:07 has to display what the drop rate is for good great and excellent and hyper rare items so like like and it's only on the Chinese version of the site and that's where the numbers usually come from. I have not spent any I have not spent any money on them obviously and I haven't even spent that 500 they gave me but they have given away free versions I can't remember how I got them and might have been fulfilling a quest or something
Starting point is 00:27:33 but I got free versions of those boxes and those are very liberal about giving you legendaries it's just a matter of whether or not you choose to spend it or not the is sort of the lower end ones like the ones you can buy with a silver currency will pretty much never drop a legendary ever and they will very rarely even drop in an epic level which is junk itself but I guess the one above that was probably the one that would require any amount of testing but it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:28:00 really be worth the bother I would imagine. So I guess once you do spend money they're like OK here just have it but the you might get a repeat of something that you've already gotten before I guess now a quick question here I'm still not fully aware of everything in these games but this is 100% completely single player correct yeah there's not a single multiplayer aspect of any kind to be had in any way there no there there is sort of it's still single player
Starting point is 00:28:30 base. Did you disagree with Wally that's right Wally then I disagreed like that's right. No no I went no there's not and then there is and I won't I went oh there is no you should have just said that's right Wally you're completely wrong I completely agree with what you like just said. There's two types of things. One is like an online contract that you can get whenever a captain kills another player in their world you get a instanced map that is not online is just it puts
Starting point is 00:29:08 their dude inside of this map and your mission is to go find and kill this guy or shame him or whatever you want to do with him. Okay so that's one sort of online component the other one is that you can invade and do the same thing invade someone else's fortress mother base but it doesn't actually influence anything so it's just another instance version so if they lose or something then it's not on them it's not like a phantom pain and I but and and are those the circumstances
Starting point is 00:29:34 in which you'd see someone's like good loot or their rare gear or whatever because I'm trying to but not their player yeah because not their player character that's because I'm trying to think of like the concept of loot boxes in a game that's single player just completely baffles me because look at me what is this look at me that he explained it because that first I didn't know either be explained where it's like go yeah looking for a captain that has that legendary drop
Starting point is 00:29:57 thing it's rare and you have to go through all the map to find it but you can just get a loot box and just roll your luck on that yeah just cheat that shit yeah single player like I said it's fucking it's not really that important and by the time you get to that point of the game you're probably going to be done with it one way or the other because I would say it's not really that important shadow of more war one yeah it was it was like the game on the outside was a little bit
Starting point is 00:30:25 tough but once you got past like the 50% mark you started getting so powerful that the rest of the game was like a cakewalk I've had multiple people tell me that but did you play through it do you have that experience that I would that was one of my big criticisms of the first game like usually I'm the kind of person that's that's not like okay I don't need the game to be quote unquote difficult to actually enjoy because I know a lot of this been a big talking
Starting point is 00:30:48 point recently about video games about the whole concept of do you want to have an experience or do you want the game to like just hammer nails into your balls until you can actually you know deal with it yeah yeah the first game's problem was that it kind of went overboard to the point where the only time you'll ever be challenged all it's a very start of the game and then once you got right on you had so much shit that you just were disinvincible with this one
Starting point is 00:31:12 with this one I don't feel that as much it's still true like the weakest you're ever gonna be is at the very start of the game that's probably the most challenge that you're ever going to actually have to deal with in regards to fighting anything is there any story justification sorry is there any story justification for tally and not being super powerful at the start of this one or is it just like he's he is powerful but it's just everyone else is more powerful.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Not really. It's not like tally and just jumps over a rock and trips it was a super Metroid shoot out of his fly out of his ass. Well I noticed the this another thing I've been playing recently the newer Metroid game doesn't do that either it's just like and just go find some shit yeah this one if you wanted to make up something that it starts with them showing that they have made the the bright ring now for the bright
Starting point is 00:32:02 Lord it's like so answering except this one's the good ring it's blue so it's totally different so you get this and I guess it has all your power some sort of fucking shit inside of it and then you you like she lob gets a hold of it and then you're like oh I'm stupid now I can't do it I can't beat the or so I guess that's it. It's hard. I can't I can't press my palm to their face and make him obey
Starting point is 00:32:29 anymore. Did you know the game endorses slavery is true. Yeah I know it does how. Oh by by you making or slaves. Yes. Actually that is one thing I really like about the game slavery now one thing I really like about the game is it actually makes you feel bad for the orc sometimes well because he has
Starting point is 00:32:49 so much personality and like they they do some of them that are such cute pies with their voice acting and shit so it always makes you feel like a little bad yeah I can see that I have been getting a lot of repeats on some of them but they they're pretty damn diverse are there any standouts free in your game like you're always calling all that guy there's I don't remember their names or it doesn't matter but you can say anything and it'll probably be in the game
Starting point is 00:33:15 you could say like Throck the unclean and you'll probably be right. Yeah I I imagine most of the the bulk of the game files like it's like an extra 30 or 40 gigs or something above the the previous games. Probably a good deal of it is just voice files probably probably but there's been quite a few that are like I'm I'll find it find them is like oh this guy I love this guy but there's my
Starting point is 00:33:42 favorites have always been the ones that are they seem like they they have like a hint of vulnerability or they're they're crazy in some way yeah there was there was one guy I can't remember the exact circumstances. But he pissed me off about something is probably he probably like tripped me or something I get angry very easily yeah these guys so he trips me and I'm like fuck you and I grab him and I shame him and he I can't remember what he exactly he says
Starting point is 00:34:15 but once you shame them they just scream that is this generic no and then you throw them off screen and then they come back and they they will show back up later and he's like it isn't as bad as it was in the first game like the first game is like I remember how you you chopped off my arm range. And he'll show you he'll show you the eye and point to the eye in my eyes remember this that happened two hours ago my flag is now an eye but this one is more like the guy shows up
Starting point is 00:34:49 is like I remember your dirty words that you you spoke in my ear and they resonate that about and but this guy was more like oh please don't just leave me alone and then I grabbed him and I shamed him again and he promotes bullying as well yes shaming and he reared back and it actually made me feel bad because he's like weird but you did he didn't even say anything he just ran off let out this this horrible like the voice actor did a great horrible scream and I kind of did this like this
Starting point is 00:35:28 fist pump of shame Dean that was so good I'm such a monster fucking nailed it but that's that's the story this game is Italian is actually an asshole is this a fucking asshole it seems like he deserves to be in Mordor that's the lesson that we should learn I mean so like with this whole thing of like orcs being because I remember it was being discussed for a little bit earlier this week with before Pat left but like orcs are kind of people in this right orcs are like they become
Starting point is 00:35:56 your friends and they're kind of and they have personalities and whatnot they have likes and dislikes but are they not still all birthed from the fucking evil sack again again that's well the Eurekaia birth from the evil sack pit so I think Greg that's also not sure up did elves then what then what what are the or okay how did the orcs I think originally were Eastern elves that were corrupted by a Malkior or I can't remember the exact I'm not an expert on Tolkien stuff
Starting point is 00:36:24 yeah there were they were corrupted early on and I think the second age right after the creation of the rings or during the same events they're a normal race they can they they have they they're not yeah they they reproduce normally as far as we know but Tolkien never goes into what exactly they do okay but the whole deal of them being but they have hopes and dreams and and yeah they are they're not they are people that's the whole point of the orcs is that they're they're
Starting point is 00:36:55 just elves in some cases they've been crossed with humans and like I think trolls are crossed between ends and something else really that's yeah they did a lot of genetic tampering because I know the dragon lands version of the orc lore but I don't know it for for the I don't know it for this obscure Lord of the Rings yeah whatever the there's lots of crazy shit but yeah the whole point of the orcs is they are people they're just people that have been corrupted
Starting point is 00:37:24 so that all the baser or wicked elements of what people are intrinsically are present in them and at the surface that's what they are that's the whole point of having orcs in the first place is that they're just very bad people okay but they have to be like green and have pointed ears and sharp teeth because then you'll know that they're bad just by looking at them but but also more DACA and colors make things happen. Yeah, yeah. Thoughts make things happen.
Starting point is 00:37:53 40k orcs are the best. I fucking love that. I love that their technology works just because they they think it does. That's the most that's the single most interesting thing about that. I love that. Yeah, like if you have a race that has like one particular aspect that's like oh that thing is like and then like it just makes it makes your version of it stand out so much more like nothing I can think of any other lore beats that as far as orcs go. It doesn't really work
Starting point is 00:38:18 unless they're dumb also. Yeah. Because if they're smart enough to realize oh this shouldn't work but we think it does. Yeah. Yeah. They were like oh we're gods. Cool. Yeah, but they're just so dumb that they're just like taking like scotch tape and wrapping it around rocks and their own dung and they're like we have a thing now. Well, paint it red and make it go faster. It shoots faster now. Red makes things faster. It does in that world. It red makes things
Starting point is 00:38:45 faster. Three times faster. I'm putting speed holes in my car. It makes it go fast. That would work if Homer Simpson wasn't orc that would have worked. Yeah. No, no, no. Homer Simpson isn't orc. Kind of. Okay, you're right. That's the shadow of Ward or speaking of completely made up lore that has no presence within the actual series that it's taking your robotic out a little bit. Okay, he's back. That's fine. That's fine. Speaking of that, I watched the Star Trek Discovery
Starting point is 00:39:19 thing lately. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you've had some thoughts, haven't you? Pat is not here so there's not much to say about it. I'm sure that you guys haven't. I watched the first step. I watched the first episode but that's good enough, I guess. Because I didn't want to only want to because then a lot of people were like, man, it's shit. So I was like, I don't know if I want to watch it. Yeah. There's been a lot of politics behind it. Like behind the creation of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah, the production. Yeah, okay. Okay. There is a big long story to go into that I'm not going to go into. Okay. But the gist of it is that CBS wanted a show that's financially successful. The guy in charge of it famously does not like science fiction and did not know the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars. And there's like an infamous story of him getting upset and wanting to know where his money was for all these Star Wars movies that was coming out. It's like, don't
Starting point is 00:40:24 we own something in that? No, sir. Wow. So he's detached from reality as far as this goes. And there's also been politics in regards to there's probably numerous things that you guys can think of in regards to video games that are sort of like this new thing comes out has nothing to do with the original source material takes it in a completely different direction is not what people wanted in the first place is someone else's pet project that they're just kind of writing in the process.
Starting point is 00:40:53 But on one hand, you have fans that are like, I hate this, I will not support it, blah, blah, blah. And then on the other hand, you have fans that are like, you need to get over yourself, support the series. You know, just trust them and you know, it's modern days 2017. Yeah, those two sides like that happens all the time with all sorts of things. Sure. Right. And it's and it's happening with this too. So just a synopsis I'm not going to go into much into it. But this version of
Starting point is 00:41:20 Star Trek Discovery has pretty much nothing to do with Star Trek. I've I've and I got that feeling after the first episode because it it felt very unstarred, Trekkie. The only thing I can't say about it is like whether it Enterprise was the same because I never watched a single episode of Enterprise. The finals, the final season of Enterprise actually turned around a little bit. That's because Braga and Berman actually work. They were basically stripped of their ability to
Starting point is 00:41:52 write episodes for it. So new people came in, but they they weren't able to rescue it before I died. Okay, because Braga was like, just wrote so much stuff and all of the like the previous series. I'm surprised that's why they were there. Yeah. Okay. Berman and Braga were pretty Braga was the main writer for most of the later half of TNG. Yeah. And much of Voyager and Enterprise pretty much exclusively Enterprise. So most people will point to them as far as that but that's a whole
Starting point is 00:42:21 other story. But back to Discovery for a moment. With Discovery, most people are nitpicking like, oh, you know, this doesn't look right. Like the Klingons weird heads. Yeah, they redesigned Klingons again. Yeah, what are they pointing to like? It's just completely different though. Well, do you know what Klingons look like? I know what Klingons look like. Like Imagine Wharf, right? I've seen these like lots of Star Trek. I just haven't seen all of it. Yeah, this one, these
Starting point is 00:42:50 none of them have hair and their their head sort of arch backwards sort of like a xenomorph head does. Did they change the forehead design? A little. Yeah, it's a little bit smoother now and it has sort of ridges but they're really fucked up looking. So are they like the fourth version of Klingons? Our races then treated like like fucking Gundams where like little details come in and go depending on the designers. And then we get the version car and then Hajime
Starting point is 00:43:22 Katoki does his retake. Got tribal tattoos all over him. Fucking get a little bit more lines there. I'm sure Plake can back this up. The only time they ever mentioned anything about this is like when TNG starts, they say there's some sort of thing where they say, oh, yeah, Klingons went through a change. We've evolved or something. Yeah. Here's the story. Okay. Because this is half of it is actual canon half of it is politics. Okay. Okay. So in the original
Starting point is 00:43:49 series, they were just like white guys that had really awful looking paint sprayed on their faces. Yeah, they've had bad sometimes. They were black based boys basically. It's what they were. Basically. It was it was pretty bad. So whenever they turned around the TNG and yes, during the 1980s, this was a big how do you do about this shit to people were up so well, these aren't Klingon that sort of thing too. Yeah, but it happened once. They have changed one time ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:15 They it was basically just an upgrade because what we couldn't do this stuff in the original series. Now we have money. So now we can and since then they've looked pretty much exactly the same. Right. I do remember that jump. Yeah. Yeah. But that's been it. So whenever people are complaining about the Klingons getting redesigned, lots of people are saying well, they got redesigned to G with the little smug little faces that they get whenever they want to be right. Sure.
Starting point is 00:44:38 But that only happened at one time. Yeah. I mean, it happened in the movie. It happened into the second a little bit track movie, but you didn't see them enough to really. Yeah, they're slightly different. Yeah, it depends on who's making the castings. Exactly. But they more or less look almost exactly the same every single time. Do they so do they redesign like Kardashians as well or like? Yes, actually. Okay, a little bit. So they go through minor things. But usually it's
Starting point is 00:45:06 whenever the race first gets introduced, there's like one or two tries and then they finally settle on something later on. It's one. But they did. They mentioned they mentioned this in DS9. They go back in time to the Trouble with Tribbles episode of the original series. Right. And they see the blackface boys and like O'Brien points and he's like what the fuck is that? And interesting. Worf just has a throwaway line of we do not
Starting point is 00:45:37 speak of that with outsiders. And that's it. I didn't know this. That's fun. That's but then since neither one of you saw this in Enterprise, they actually do explain it. And there's a whole plot line of there was a the the augments happen like con and stuff, right? Right. And somehow the Klingons got a hold of this augment stuff and tried to integrate those genes into their genes to make super soldiers. Okay, but if it fucked them up and ended up incorporating
Starting point is 00:46:08 itself with some sort of flu that was happening at the time and ended up being this sort of widespread plague that went through their entire species and fuck all of them up until they could fix themselves genetically generations later. So that's the explanation. There is no explanation at all for these guys. The one right. But this is all beside the point. This is the whole thing. Like people are saying, well, this means it's not tricking. You know, this is not
Starting point is 00:46:32 prime, whatever. It definitely is not prime. It has nothing like there's all sorts of major continuity errors in regards to discovery. It has nothing to do with prime. It's very clearly modeled to look Kelvin but also say enough things in the prime timeline so that it's trying to cooperate both of them. It's something anyone that says otherwise is just trying to fool themselves. But the main problem I have with it is that ignoring all these dumb things, the core of
Starting point is 00:46:58 Star Trek is Gene Ronberry's original vision that we are presenting a future in which humanity has united with itself. Yeah. And like all the the ills of the world are gone. There's no disease. No one's homeless. Yeah. Class one civilization. Yes. That is generally the exception. You would think that today like in this day and age with all of our societal problems that are cropping up all over the place. Now would be the perfect time for a story like
Starting point is 00:47:26 that where we display humanity as a united as best form. Right. Yes. Like this is what we should be. You would think that's what we need right now. Yeah. But I guess the discovery the discovery writers are like yeah but that's not realistic and Gene Ronberry's a skeleton. So fucking fucking we want to write a dark story about how everyone in Star Trek actually hates one another like they've said they're jealous of each other. Yeah. Like humans would obviously have conflict. It's
Starting point is 00:47:59 not realistic that they would all be united. That's stupid. Well there's always some that's why I'm Starfleet. But yeah but there is and that's fine. There but it's never more than like a group of like 12 people. Like what I can think of is like they'll go to like some moon base or some base where something happened like there was a jealous co-worker or someone was infected by a virus. There's always it's never like outright like it wants to punch O'Brien in the face
Starting point is 00:48:25 for being so stupid like it's never out of no there's never just pure emotion. It's it's always that's not inner conflict. Yeah exactly. There's either some sort of like anger virus spreading. Something like that. It's never it's never their fault entirely. So and whatever it's a virus is usually a sex virus that just makes everyone really horny usually for robots. It's usually the sex monster episode. Whoever gets transformed into spider lords and starts laying
Starting point is 00:48:55 eggs in each other. That's true. But to me that's the reason why it's not being Star Trek. It's just because it's not it's not part of that original vision. It's not fitting the tone of the entire series. So just fuck all the Klingon shit about them being different. Fuck all the well they don't have holograms yet or you know all this other nonsense. I don't care. The main point is that it's it tonally does not fit with the rest of the series. And that's like to like to me when
Starting point is 00:49:23 when you know this argument has been had a million times but like the prequels for the Star Wars movies. I always thought tonally they don't fit at all because everyone's a weird monk. No completely and no one has emotions really. It's very clean to whereas at least you know the Force Awakens and the new stuff at least it has that sense of like sometimes we don't all get along because we are human and then we get to grow and and get used to people and now we're friends
Starting point is 00:49:50 whereas like in the prequel movies it's like no one was friends. No one had any friends like they tried to do and especially seeing the the the red letter you know the Plaket reviews. They tried to do like the complete opposite of the original series but also make them rhyme like poetry as it were and I feel as if they remember okay do you remember in I want to say the Matrix Revolutions right. Do you remember that one moment where they're docking into Zion I want to
Starting point is 00:50:20 say that's very that's like in the start and everything goes to the complete opposite of what we've been seeing with the Matrix theme where they're now looking at a white screen of code where like you're seeing instead of black with green trickling Kanji and Canon rather going down you're seeing all white screen with I think is blue code and it was like it was and everyone was like like look like sterile and clean and perfect and it was for like three seconds of the fucking
Starting point is 00:50:49 movie that's why I don't remember it okay it stood out so strongly I remember because it was like why is everything visually currently like an inverted version of the entire Matrix like movies and I feel like the Star Wars trilogies were basically like what if we took that moment and turned it into expand it expanded that's what it felt like what if we made round shiny things instead of blocky Mac things you know I can see that it's on one hand like it's fine to expand your
Starting point is 00:51:17 setting one of the dangers of writing is that if you establish this is our story and then especially if it's other writers that are handling it afterwards you end up with this problem of whether the setting becomes a parody of itself of this is the only thing we've ever seen so everything is just that and nothing else so the trick is whenever you want to expand something you have to incorporate it within the design or showcase that yes it's like this way in one area of space but
Starting point is 00:51:45 if you go over here for a brief moment you can actually see that it's completely different but with the prequel it was just that nothing else yeah it doesn't it doesn't make any sense that's where they went went wrong with that not to mention that unlike any other series I think with Star Wars when you create a shitty set of prequels you have so many alt versions of like the same story being done better by other people that exist out there that like you have nothing
Starting point is 00:52:14 but garbage comparisons to be made you know when you're like oh my god you failed according to like 12 fan authors that officially got their shit published and 8000 randos on the internet that wrote a better trilogy than you yeah you have writers that are slaving over a desk because of their childhood memories like crying bitch tears because they're like oh my Star Wars novels been so ever seen and it's just their life and then George comes along and he penned
Starting point is 00:52:46 something like a month and work all right he's probably over 66 that'll be fine yeah I'm sure those can compete with one another yeah everything will be fine well here comes one has money one doesn't here comes the last Jedi was that thing the the the sexy twi like red twi like they're friends her and Darth Maul yeah they live thousands of years apart they're friends yeah we can probably make it happen.
Starting point is 00:53:21 No George no we can't make that was probably a front no George. All right George I like your George yeah basically gets back in his golf cart. Okay but to top it off the thing that actually is Star Trek is Orville yeah I've heard that I've heard yeah because most of the Orville's writers are just people that wrote TNG that they are that so if you if you watch a Orville episode
Starting point is 00:53:51 like I had this reaction immediately well maybe not immediately the first episode does start kind of wonky because yeah the thing this is the problem this is another politics shit where I heard Seth MacFarlane's doing this nothing I'll go and Seth MacFarlane oh Christ and then he's like oh he'll be that the lead guy he's going to be the captain oh Christ not again and also also his second in command is his hot supermodel X Y who he might have to sleep
Starting point is 00:54:18 with later on oh wow surprise Seth MacFarlane great job Seth MacFarlane great. So Plague Plague's voice robot it a bit but we don't even need to know we did it was totally fine because it was like it's like oh great Seth MacFarlane. It's fantastic. The meeting totally got across. This is what this is what people were afraid of and still
Starting point is 00:54:41 are afraid of whenever they have prejudices against the series yeah but whenever you actually watch it it doesn't come up that much the MacFarlane-esque nonsense doesn't really come up that much. Whenever you actually watch it's it feels like a TNG specifically TNG if it feels like a Star Trek the next generation episode yeah and they play the same way like there's like the third episode is really strong and that it
Starting point is 00:55:09 is of course it has like comedic elements but it's not really that strong it really it just feels like a TNG episode that has like comedic elements ever so often kind of sprinkled in and there's a there's definitely some TNG episodes some more than others that were a little bit more comedic like Captain Picard is stuck in the turbo lift with a bunch of children and that hijinks ensue or that episode sucked. Data's he did but data is doing weird stuff with his cat again
Starting point is 00:55:36 like sure. What did you do for your science project? I planted some potatoes and added some crap and they grew up real weird. Wow. I hated that kid. Fuck that child. All children in TNG should die.
Starting point is 00:55:49 But they should they're horrible horrible little creatures but anyways Arville episode three is a good example where the whole thing is they're like their version of warp he's like gay warp they only have males in their species okay yeah they lay eggs so don't ask me how they're not females right or whatever but they like couple with other males and they produce an egg and this this time it hatched and it was a female because of like remnant genes or whatever
Starting point is 00:56:18 sure and they always whenever this happens it's very rare but whenever it does happen they put them through some sort of gene therapy or surgery that turns them into a male to quote-unquote fix them. So the whole premise of the episode the episode is that is is it moral like and of course the Federation gets involved or not the Federation fucking Star Trek is shit but their whole see I'm even doing it.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Yeah but their whole isn't their whole deal automatically to be like we don't get involved and shit like none they're not this this is a different thing. Yeah yeah this is completely different rules I don't think this is this is why it feels like Star Trek like he I keep making this mistake of it's not called the Federation it's the I can't remember what do they have the Prime Directive or a variant of it.
Starting point is 00:57:02 They haven't really mentioned it but they sort of do because the ethics are pretty clear of on based on previous like but yeah. McFarland's character even says something about you have involved us involuntarily by forcing us to take you to this place like we are politically involved like so they're they're hinting at it but they still don't like straight up say like yeah our Prime Directive is not to mess with people but anyway
Starting point is 00:57:26 it plays out like I'm not going to reveal the ending everything but it ends on a very somber sort of TNG note of we didn't get what we wanted but maybe nobody but no one ever maybe yeah but maybe civilization sort of learned something to process and maybe we'll get to a point where this doesn't matter or something like that it's very very Star Trek and this the whole point of Star Trek and the savages remain savage. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Discovery feels like Battlestar Galactica or something it's just it's a syndicated like it feels like the Kelvin films if all the comedic elements of them and all the the fun characters were stripped away it's very dry and it has like all these like Star Trek noises and shit playing constantly like there's one point where they walk into the main character walks into the captain's ready room and there's just a triple it's just sitting there making this making this making this loud as
Starting point is 00:58:26 cooing noise it's like it's overtaking the fucking audio it's so goddamn loud like the craters like hey Star Trek Star Trek yeah we get it we thank you of the fucking Star Trek world the R2 oh my god that's what it feels like it feels like people were not secure the Ewok oh god that's like a discovery like it weren't secure with it that's like there's an episode of Discovery they'll appear where like someone's walking by a large window and they just have the same green
Starting point is 00:58:58 graphic of a warbird just out in space just hanging around and no one talks about it no one points there's a fucking warboard off the fucking Port bow or whatever like they just like hey everyone that's the thing you remember that's that's a key I didn't yeah so yeah so I guess that's STD then as it's called oh fucking for real that's the strongest one not as bad as Street Fighter Alpha generation it's not it's not but it's that's a good one right fan of that you're okay
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Starting point is 01:02:44 19th you have until the 19th at 9 p.m. Pacific to subscribe and sign up and possibly getting on that mega crate mega big mythics involved in that so just get like a fucking sword in there I've never seen what's in a mega crate I mean usually a giant crazy thing yeah like one giant crazy awesome thing that represents the like the theme the theme to the to the maximum exactly might even be a Sauron ring it might even be it might be a million rings dude all the rings collect them
Starting point is 01:03:19 like Sonic do it pick them back up and then hit the bounce pad Sauron thanks loot crate more than you more door bounce pads perfect morning like when I see no night zone when when when that is shitty stupid flaming burning King asshole fell off of his cliff when he ran out like an idiot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I loved how he turned around to it's like I will burn my show all mine on fire. This is and he just runs in the camera zooms out and he falls off the thing what we didn't see was
Starting point is 01:03:54 there's a bounce pad at the bottom of that drop and he just went and he was on fire and he popped back if only Boramir could have had a bounce pad. Perfect. That you also describe one of my favorite like behind the scenes moment of Lord of the Rings where they're like you know what animal hates fire fucking horses. So when when Gandalf's on Shadowfax or whatever and does like a sick like best horse they ever onto Denethor or whatever knocked him onto the flames or whatever happened
Starting point is 01:04:25 that scene. The horse is like I'm fucking not going into that room. There's fire all over this bitch. Yeah. So they had to take mirrors and reflect images of the horse were far away. Wow because Lord of the Rings still use a lot of like practical effects cheap tricks and like like like with scale and stuff especially like they shot. They made like a giant table and a small table and fit them together on hobbits. So so they had to reflect fire onto the onto the the composite shot of the
Starting point is 01:04:59 wood around the little like way way. So what were the mirrors there with the horse. It's you know honestly it's been a long time because I watch special features of that's fine. I did not blame you for that but that sounds really stupid. It does we can't put fire near the horse will have to reflect the image of fire so that the horse is safe from the fire because it only sees fire. Yeah it's not so much safe but it like it just gets freaked out at fire. But guess what away. You know
Starting point is 01:05:30 who did that. Wait a fucking workshop. They're allowed to do whatever the fuck they want. It works special effects. We have to we have to have that looked up upon exactly what did they do. I just remember that they had to use mirrors to reflect the fire so the horse wouldn't get all freaked out and then they presented to make the most amazing marvel of special effects history ever yes in all the film. So first I thought you were going to say that they had since they couldn't
Starting point is 01:05:56 have fire in the room they chased the horse with fire. So how strong is Jiren. Oh God yeah was that your week. No that that's that's not I know that's no one sweet you know what I've decided I've decided eventually I am going to sit and do super because I started reading the manga and then I stopped and no no I'm going to I'm going to just before or after an hour or two. Well yeah that's another thing right but it's it's I mean look
Starting point is 01:06:33 at the way because at the way I see it now it's like it's just so ever present I can't escape it and it's all people where all everyone is talking about is ultra instinct this and that and I'm like I might as well just like throw it on in the background. You know what I mean and like go to bed yeah Willie yeah you're going to be on you're going to be on your death bed like no just one more hour to see Naruto I need to know what ultra instinct is I mean at the end of the day it's
Starting point is 01:07:02 like it's not my priority but it's I just I have a curiosity and I'm not going to do like Pat and just like wiki it you know so I mean you're you taking the high road on pan on that well I mean fucking how many stupid stand things where it's like oh yeah I already know about that but it's like no you don't know anything about that you know I read it no shut up exists you know anyway yeah I there's enough curiosity because I still do like what Dragon Ball is and
Starting point is 01:07:30 represents so I do want to know adventure sure what it is but but no but like it's all right man but like no I mean that it like honestly you're like so if you haven't seen it Plague's video on why power levels are stupid is really good because it just nails the thing that I think we've been talking about for a while without really actually saying it as to why something like Jojo or something like I don't know any show or even even I'm academia why these are like more entertaining
Starting point is 01:08:01 to watch is because people are fighting with different abilities and limitations to what they can and can't do yeah so they have to be smart to figure out how to break the rules or bend the rules to win over come any actual difference in power because we have unique strengths and weaknesses and it's not just my version of my blast has the shape of a blade and yours doesn't so I oh my god shape of a sheet of paper there's several times in super where a guy actually
Starting point is 01:08:31 does that where he's yeah he his special thing is that he just makes a sword from energy which we've seen a billion times before yeah and people actually compliment him oh what a creative ability like fuck you yeah and it's not creative at all and beyond that you're just like you're just kung fuing it better than the other guy right and I saw one episode when we were in New York because you know obviously like whatever is on TV and it was it was where they were
Starting point is 01:09:00 fighting like a frost or whatever and they it was like the thing where like so there's a Frieza look alike type dude that his name is Frost and yeah like yeah it was the reveal of him having a little dot of on his forearm where it was like a little pin he had a little on it was poison on his needle and that's what poisoned Goku and made him let him win the fight the fight so like wait wait okay okay sorry for a second I thought I thought it was a retcon saying that's
Starting point is 01:09:33 the fucking weird virus that killed Goku back no no no it's just it's just that Goku lost this fight that he should have won because he got poisoned by this little prick that's the thing and it's like this the needle that transform the Klingons but like but it's like you're like really this guy that can instantly trans like teleport to anywhere in the galaxy that has like ridiculous like overall power and can see and do and pretty much anything he's like no got picked by a
Starting point is 01:10:01 needle yeah it's so dumb Goku can teleport anywhere in the universe and not even the universe he can teleport to heaven or hell if he wants to and like the sharpest like blade can hit his skin and do nothing to it yes an atom bomb could explode next to him and he would not notice because he didn't in addition he can read people's minds which they forgot about he can read their fucking mind if he wants to and also he can form energy beams and blasts that can
Starting point is 01:10:30 exterminate entire solar systems and this guy shows up with a fucking syringe needle like how will you face against my fucking what's the thing that puts you to sleep that's I don't did my fucking AIDS needle go my AIDS needles for you don't forget oh shit don't forget though if Krillin throws a rock while you're in Super Saiyan it still hurts because you don't expect it I love how that clip is like the highest form of Dragon Ball analysis anyone can find and it's not even Canon
Starting point is 01:11:01 either it's what's the fun thing it really yeah it's not in the original manga is just something they made out for the anime yeah oh my god because that is like like what anyone has to bring a rip apart Dragon Ball lore spring that it's like Goku sleeping he's in Super Saiyan mode with with Gohan and Krillin throws a rock at him and it's somebody goes out what the hell Krillin yeah and then it's like but you're I thought you would die because you're so stupid I fucking rock just get
Starting point is 01:11:27 destroyed by your aura yeah so you know I know you idiots but it's not how martial arts works but if anyone gets leeway it's Dragon Ball because it's like you started it so you started bullshit people people thought of better fights after you came along so it's fine spoiler alert for super it gets stupid but it's fine because shut up because how can it be because how can it being like current strength level villain exist in a world where previous strength level was the biggest threat to
Starting point is 01:12:00 the universe did you see any of this like the past of the special the one they got the huge ratings that broke crunchy roll and etc I've seen me that one hour thing I've seen bits and pieces of random shit throughout the entirety of super I haven't seen that one hour special either I've seen Master Roshi go and all cool with his glasses off I've seen he was you know he's a good boy yeah so I know where they're like well let's give a little bit of love here I saw that
Starting point is 01:12:26 shit I saw you know I saw bits and pieces so so in the one hour special they make it very clear that Jiren has no really special powers he's just really really strong so strong his number so so big where was he during the threat of everything previous strong guy well even the prior arc like the whole Goku black thing it's sort of a throwaway line of that was that he said oh I've already gotten rid of all the Hakaish and the gods of destruction and I've already gotten rid of
Starting point is 01:13:02 all the Supreme Ties and all the other universes and I said they're thinking how how would you do that no shut up someone notice this no Zeno notice it wouldn't what Jiren be like I'll pick my booger and throw it at you right now isn't the answer because we're Rick and Morty now there's just infinite universes and realities to jump through so we're just pulling them all out or is there no oh god for fuck's sake I'm you're making me so angry at having this one is that it's so good
Starting point is 01:13:34 no you fuck you what is it specifically okay there are multiple universes but they're all independent they're like different rooms like there's not they're not Rick and Morty things they're just different universes and ever so often there will be one where there's like saying so there'll be one where there are other Namekians or there'll be one where there are Sephorians universes or realities that there are other universes there are 12 of them there used to be there used to
Starting point is 01:13:59 be four more of them they're not based on each other at all mildly and that there might be there might be other humans there there used to be another Earth in Universe 6 but it got destroyed at some point and they wished it back with with a wish at the end of one of the prior tournaments and another arc Wally you're making me so funky angry yeah so we're not going with talk about this so we're like we've decided we want different worlds but we don't want to commit to the idea
Starting point is 01:14:29 of no I don't know reality shut up you shut up sir you shut the fuck up you cling on loving okay they're multiple universes the warblade they're there are 12 universes they used to be four more they got destroyed for reasons we don't know got but in addition to all of this in addition there are different timelines future trunks it's yes make me pick my online this copy of Earth except this it went bad okay all right no no no no no no I made the TN video because you
Starting point is 01:15:10 know fuck it I thought well this would get like 10,000 views or something and so I made the one after that because it's like okay this is like an apology I can do I can make a better video like I wasn't being serious so I want to make sure I found your hot button topic no is it was because it's like well a lot of no fuck you because there's there wasn't influx of people they're like is this a dragon ball channel and no it's not motherfucker it's about to be yeah no okay so
Starting point is 01:15:45 I made I just made the second one because it's like okay this is an actual video yeah so I wasn't planning on making it I'm not making one right now for God's sakes but sure but there needs to be a third one and it's about this subject it's about these motherfucking timelines let me go down let's list some of them shall we okay first there was the original timeline then there was a timeline division that happened that created two different timelines that happened because
Starting point is 01:16:13 a time traveler from universe 12 I think that we never meet or see it is just mentioned created a time machine at one point that created a split for some reason and we don't know why but it happened at some point and then after that so timelines only exist in the world's where a time traveling machine was created shut up that's the answer shut up okay stop asking questions motherfucker that's an answer yeah okay so the second thing that happened was okay the timeline
Starting point is 01:16:47 that we know like the true timeline that as far as we're concerned is is this like whatever a timeline a split happens in any of the universes it affects all of them yeah sure so the the next thing that happens is Goku dies right like the heart virus shit yeah androids get invented they go into rampage yeah cells invented but he is not present there just yet because he hasn't grown up or whatever so trunks goes back in the time machine don't forget 21 yes yeah
Starting point is 01:17:19 I will never forget my penis will never get so trunks goes back in time and he helps them like he stops Goku from dying and he helps them with the androids but cell in that timeline never appears and then he goes back to his own timeline and the cell there kills him and then takes over his time machine and then he also goes back in time so now there's like I I don't even know there's like six branches a new one and then yeah and because there's two branches every time
Starting point is 01:17:54 this happens so then when he goes back in the second time dude does Lavos just show up immediately or well there's what are we doing because that's whenever we see the one that happens now supposedly or now whatever that is so trunks goes back in time to a period in which this all happened but cell isn't awake yet and that's where we get the cell from but that also creates a split where that didn't happen and then there's another series of timelines that happened because
Starting point is 01:18:26 he goes back in time to fix this in the first place so timelines are not subcategories of universes universes are subcategories of timelines yes and this comes up later on like in the Goku black thing the ending of the Goku black arc is none of the shit mattered we beat him but then he turned into a windows wallpaper that took over the universe so now the Zamasu heads are everywhere and it's just awful it's the worst so we'll summons in all with a button that makes him erase all
Starting point is 01:18:57 of it but then we'll go back in time to the true timeline the alternate true timeline number five or whatever the fuck it is and and then there's they sent trunks and my from that timeline this is also back to another timeline in which they are they still are there but Goku black has not been defeated because he hasn't been created yet or he has been created but he hasn't gone to that timeline yet and then we says well I'll just take care of it off screen and that's the
Starting point is 01:19:30 solution to it so now in that timeline and future trunks is timeline number four there there there are two versions of trunks and two versions of my and one version of Bulma because Bulma got fucking cremated by black at some point so that's like timeline number twelve or something I would have to write this shit out this is why he needs a video when is the last time anyone has mentioned a dragon ball very recently because Jiren wants to dragon balls for some reason and Goku would
Starting point is 01:20:05 like to have them because he he's he wants his wish to be and maybe I'll wish for something for Chichi because I'm an idiot and Frieza wants to dragon balls because he wants to wish himself to be stronger than a God or something it's not really specify but he wants them to he's back and he's a good guy now okay he's not good he's he's just very playful about being being evil so he'll just beat the shit out of Gohan and pretend to almost killing stuff yeah cuz I mean I know yeah you you
Starting point is 01:20:36 saw like you went to the movie I knew I wasn't even there so like to me seeing like Beerus the super crazy villain that would blow up a planet he was eating on seconds ago and whatnot having these weird quirky hijinks moments of like no Goku don't talk to that guy so don't disturb him he might kill you oh my god and they're they're fucking like putting each other in nookies and I'm like what the fuck did I miss well that's dragon ball while play was explain all this you
Starting point is 01:21:01 didn't look over at me I was just doing the guy yeah oh yeah no absolutely like just I was too busy doing it myself for reals that you know this sounds like it sounds like taking the most complicated aspects and the confusing parts of like the Marvel Universe with like different like Earth 616 and like everything and like all all new versions of characters whatever but trying to structure it into an anime narrative that has a conclusive start and end point in the future at
Starting point is 01:21:31 some junk it's like it's like if God got really drunk and just started narrating what the universe was but yeah wasn't forming anything coherent yeah cuz you know this other guy did this wait wait didn't he die it's fine why not just why not just go to Namek and get three wishes and then everybody gets their wish why not just wish for more dragon balls why not wish that you are made of dragon balls so you can just wish yourself the Namekian dragon balls were found they're
Starting point is 01:21:58 so much better than the originals yeah but then you have alternate realities to go why not use why not use the super dragon balls to manufacture a bright ring which you will use to control the orcs to make more dragon balls you know I do say if I had the dragon balls but if I was in the dragon ball universe I'd do the stupidest thing I'd be like I want to wish back Omega Shenron he hasn't existed yet why I'm like cuz I think he's cool I want to make Goldo Zaru form Canon
Starting point is 01:22:32 I want to make Goldo Zaru Omega and it's like in one moment all of GT has to exist has to and don't forget Super Saiyan 5 and then in the future no junior you make that dumb form that had fan art A. E. A. X. A. A. F. is supposed to stand for after future there's a whole story about that yeah yeah yeah the famous form the famous picture of the weird red skinned white furred Goku that stupid thing was actually not from Japan it was actually from it was from a single magazine
Starting point is 01:23:14 it was a magazine illustration made by a guy I think in either Italy or Spain yeah I remember hearing about how it was somewhere in Europe yeah it's not even Goku is some other guy yeah it is it really is that's amazing I want to wish for that guy now toyotaro's version of AM trenches dude come on now man this ain't nothing new oh my god all right all right all right all right all right now we need to talk about it more talk about your week in Dragon Ball really all right you open
Starting point is 01:23:46 the gates mother fuck you open the black gate look we need to get down to brass tacks mm-hmm you didn't answer my question how strong is Jiren now he's fucking strong right oh wait wait the number is big no no the episode right after that special that's what I was trying to say that was a rather special hit the guy that has time powers freezes him in time you would think this has to work right it's not based on power levels it's just time but Jiren is so strong that he just overpowers
Starting point is 01:24:17 it and breaks out of it awesome and the characters the characters around him like one of the angels I forgot what her name is but says wow he's actually stronger than time itself and I like like you can hear me rolling back in my chair well he's didn't he stare at a spirit bomb and that's how he that's how ultra instinct was created because he stared at a spirit bomb and went no and then the spirit bomb got pushed into Goku and then Goku got really constipated and then absorbed
Starting point is 01:24:47 it the spirit bomb collapsed in on itself which created a little black hole that pulled Goku and and to survive Goku had to absorb the Ginkgo from the Ginkidama and in addition to that in the process of doing it he broke the shell of himself as the angel said which unleashed his inner power of so what's the fucking Japanese names like Microsoft will know Goku or something but it's the secret of selfishness in literal Japanese bullshit and gives him the ultra instinct form that makes his
Starting point is 01:25:20 eyes over cuz he can see everything he's so strong yeah yeah yeah oh he's so handsome now so rippling and goddamn sexy the thing is is that no matter finally Dragon Balls fixed again we have power levels the series has been repaired the problem and at the end of the day the thing that I but but is still cool is that this ultra instinct thing has Goku going back to his normal hair that's actually good and that's the coolest thing about it and that's probably why everyone likes it so
Starting point is 01:25:57 much also because also because it's like it's like he's he's just it's not that it's your hair is a different color it's that you can now actually react to things or whatever so it's a functional difference and the idea of closing me about it the idea of closing off the circle by coming back to your original form is a cool idea oh is that what it is are they closing up let me I'm easing into the mic will you hear me shifting my chair okay okay all right all right this this this
Starting point is 01:26:30 is not a new form okay doesn't invalidate the other forms and when Goku used it he was at very low stamina so lots people have been speculating fun time adventures in bound that once Goku is at full power again he can not only use this but he can also stack using God key I Super Saiyan blue on top of it so back up in addition to using you know Super Saiyan in addition to also using Kyoken at the same time so he was a reset of your base stats and he's now back actually at
Starting point is 01:27:07 default and that he so go back the same so and we haven't even had Super Saiyan two or three utilizing God key yet so we can even have that so imagine a future woolly in which Goku's number is really big because he's combining ultra instinct Super Saiyan two or three whatever you want baby whatever you want in addition G s s G I no no no no no it's far more than that my friend it is like Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan blue Kyle Ken times 20 Ultra Instinct Super Saiyan
Starting point is 01:27:50 Goku yeah yeah that's cannon I really like his number is going to be so big it's going to make it's going to repair the series of woolly of anyone that that hasn't tuned in the podcast in a while and tunes into it live and just sees woolly arguing with ghosts will he's talking to invisible people about for Dragon Ball I wonder angry ghosts I wonder if when he busts that form out he's then going to do a really cocky teleport and punch the guy super hard and then that's
Starting point is 01:28:22 all it is and then everyone oh we can only hope we can only hope Dragon Ball is that it's very best whenever there's a guy that just stands there and you punch him and then nothing happens that's the height of martial arts I like it when that happens because that's when you know things have gotten really intense you know you know this thing where like even like 2025 years ago whatever you'll see literally the coolest thing that could possibly get over how powerful a new form
Starting point is 01:28:49 or a new character in Dragon Ball is and I got sucked about three days ago into just watching random Dragon Ball clips of various things and the one I was like oh yeah I want to watch that it says the go Jida versus Janemba and I'm like yeah yeah yeah and click on it and Janemba's like and then a bunch of like punches hit him and he's like yeah and then go Jida like zooms in after the punches but he's like yeah he makes a terrarium glow and I'm like you can't get you can't do
Starting point is 01:29:23 anything that looks more powerful than that you're right like that was 20 years ago that movie that's that's what the whole parallel video was about right that whatever they show these things the same shit always happens like just teleport in and punch in the guy in the head or whatever yeah whatever someone gets stronger they do the same thing they did five minutes ago except now the guy just gets wide eyed and is like what I didn't see it oh he's number so big but that's Dragon
Starting point is 01:29:53 as cool as Janemba's fuck that fight because it should have been Vegeta I like he does really kick in my ass I know I know but I like Vegeta way more than go Jida I like both I like I like Vegeta more to I think I think the yeah though the costume is just way cooler the Jido Vigito can I point out all blue on orange with gloves costumes all look the same because no good all the all the dumb like sash ones look the same yeah that's what I mean but I I don't like the sash
Starting point is 01:30:23 ones I like the inverted yeah those are stupid like I hate this stupid looking Marty McFly vest one whatever the fuck it is I think it's okay I don't like the sash I do not one of those 3DS games where everyone can fuse yeah the whole point of the game is yeah which is which is a fun done and thing but I think you use five people yeah I saw a fusion of every kid there you go like pan yeah go go go 10 and try and he's just he's just a mess of shit isn't he's the biggest strongest
Starting point is 01:30:55 looking guy ever he's so epic like yeah he's got like sashes just flowing all he's like a fucking random streaks of purple and gold like it's so crazy he looks like Jesus from like an old painting is just like they're the kick someone's ass exactly but I wanted to point out for funsies you know how you know the earrings right that fusion yes yeah the for the pottery rings yeah but you know that you know whenever he fused like he gets his clothes right but it's a combination
Starting point is 01:31:23 of what Vegeta was wearing what Goku was wearing right yeah well that's how it works like cuz he was wearing like Goku's Gi except it was blue like Vegeta's because Vegeta was wearing like a skin type thing but he had Vegeta's gloves and yeah food yes whenever they fused again and super Vegeta wasn't wearing those clothes really but he fused again and he just looks like that because that's what his design is well that's because his spirit clothes yeah that's what he
Starting point is 01:31:51 remembered it's the memory of gloves Goku was thinking about wearing his old thing that's it no no he wasn't doing it but he thought about it spirit wears gloves and that's what's that's pretty bad no absolutely the late in Genki that was on his clothes in his closet back home yeah like if I fused with Matt and I wasn't wearing my reboot hat one of them it would still show up okay if you would think that and we fused would we get clothes yes apparently we would get as long as
Starting point is 01:32:25 skull reboot yeah it is fusing your mental identity what do you imagine yourself wearing it would be it would be like the triangle it'd be there it'd be the PID and they don't have the teeth at the bottom of it yeah no absolutely yeah that's great that's great that's that's cannon that's cannon okay right have we beaten Dragon Ball have we beaten Eli oh you can't beat Dragon Ball Dragon Ball beats you Eli what who's your favorite Eli my favorite Eli yeah the one that fell back
Starting point is 01:32:56 in his chair because he's too fucking fat and then he broke his neck okay what did you did you not want an actual answer what did you want there well I don't know there's like Eli Roth okay I thought you meant like no I hate this Eli okay I that's what I was your favorite Matt Matthew Perry that's one that's that's the little dated but it is not many insurance celebrity Eli's I don't think
Starting point is 01:33:27 this Eli like I hate his films fucking off I heard clown was really good I ever saw it he has one or two good films and he was good as the Bear Jew hostel not even I thought it was scary but fine what's your favorite Woolly Woolly yeah exactly that that Bubs B game that's it that's that's that's inevitably where it goes and it's and it's what about the Samurai Jack Woolies Bubs B yes there's Samurai Jack Woolies there is there's Bubs E Woolies and
Starting point is 01:34:00 there's your woolly the advertiser sure yeah there's all you know there's inanimate objects certainly lots of them lots of them to choose from lots of fuzzy 1980s child well let's be fair who's your favorite Darlington yeah we still playing this game where where is there to go there's nothing there's nothing we should just give you like a fake name just like he has his fake name my friend no no like a faker name no he has a name
Starting point is 01:34:30 for when he orders food oh yeah I'm will when they go hey who's this for I just say will oh that's good well he's your favorite will then will man will I am a lot of our answers are just not even people we really even like all that much I guess nothing wrong with Smith I don't want to talk to woolly I want to talk to pizza will really that's what you say like man who's your favorite man I'm like Matt dog well anyway the will Smith that's what I said only Smith that
Starting point is 01:35:09 that's not no that's not what he said no I robot Farrell I what if what if will Farrell and will Smith fused all Smith Farrell yeah dude that'd be strong that'd be a funny motherfucker he could rap and do characters man that'd be such a stupid name for this name was will Smith no it would exactly no it wouldn't it wouldn't work there's also will Smith a giant bomb so I mean that's yeah yeah then there's the game designer anyway anyway anyway so what happened
Starting point is 01:35:49 didn't you're nonexistent yeah you started talking about like you're gonna play you're gonna watch Dragon Ball yeah I was done and you're the one that brought up Dragon Ball I did because I am I am gonna find out what's wrong me that starving dog and then getting upset that he ate it whipping it eat up stupid you ate my meat you piece of shit so I this week I beat Cuphead and I liked it I enjoy the Dragon Balls
Starting point is 01:36:22 he's good and yeah the cup heads good Cuphead is is just definitely it's just old school it's classic it's interesting because yeah I'm a call that a Canadian treasure that's a good one I'm happy with the way that came out I'm really it's interesting developed in Toronto okay didn't know is it's it's interesting because it is you're seeing old school 24 frame per second animation moving at 60 frames per second and that is it works surprisingly well you know like it like
Starting point is 01:36:58 it almost instantly was like yeah that's fine you you know your brain doesn't have to take too much time to adjust to that yeah they could have made it more accurate but it would sacrifice gameplay it would either sacrifice gameplay or if they went the other way it would sacrifice the aesthetic yeah and and and I mean in this in this case like gameplay that requires ridiculous precision it should be 60 FPS no questions so yeah I think it's you know good challenge
Starting point is 01:37:25 definitely it's the right amount of challenge to make it last it's you know a couple hours because it would be a two hour game or less if you were able to beat if you're able to beat the bosses in under five attempts right like the average game these days then yeah you'd be out and done with that thing in no time so you know good fun with that and it's interesting how currency is like coins or lower things that you like you get for free and abuse and every in other games
Starting point is 01:37:58 and in this like a single coin is so desperately needed all the difference and every coin is a challenge you know how far did you get I it's not like still starting like the second act okay like not even close to the third thing where things really get hard yeah third world sorry the second world or whatever it's interesting though because even though things get bosses get harder but they don't get harder on a like on a full it's not it's not a fully a slope there are some easy
Starting point is 01:38:31 challenges later on and some walls stairs rather than like a slope it's going but what I mean is that there's dips later and then there's and there's spikes early right like I'd say like have you fought the dragon yet for example yeah no okay because like the the the there's a dragon and it's the final phase of the dragon is like depending on what your loadout is right if you if you bought the wrong shit you're fucked kind of thing but depending on what your loadout is that to
Starting point is 01:39:03 me was way harder than some of the final world bosses okay okay so you know but no it's it's also like what you've been like like there's that meme of like you know like how are you so good how come that and it's like you just point at all these classic games Gunstar heroes Contra Icaruga look look you know it's like it's basically what you've been doing for all of your early life yeah you know run gun jump shoot Mega Man skills coming coming into play and then I will point
Starting point is 01:39:32 out that NES games were like that primarily because of limited actually this is kind of the same thing they were that way because they had to extend the life of the game because they couldn't make that much content like my cuphead exactly yeah and and exactly and and it's just we've come so far since then that you know people might have forgotten but yeah it really is just like it's a done in the exact way that those old games were done and even in games like Mega Man
Starting point is 01:39:59 where you had multiple you had a long life bar you can make a lot of mistakes in Mega Man but one drop off a pit makes your fucking day like into a spike right and that's the thing is like here it's like no no dropping into a pit means you lose a hit right so even Cuphead takes it easy on you in some regards because if they really wanted to make it authentic a pit would be death and it doesn't have like the like level like oh I lost off fuck start of the level again
Starting point is 01:40:25 you are the start of the level but you're always on the same fight like 99% yeah yeah yeah there's that you don't have to work up to the boss exactly you're you just have to defeat this one boss type thing type thing that's not always the rule but that's the rule for most of the game for sure have you played it at all Eli no I heard at first that it was going to be a boss rush game I was like no no no not for me and then they showed more of the level based things and they said
Starting point is 01:40:55 well that only occupies 25% of the game and I thought well if I get it it'll be later on because I can't really do anything with it right now okay so well if you eventually yeah if you if you appreciate old school animation yeah because some of that that's the main reason why I would get it but I saw their sales numbers like well they don't need me yeah yeah yeah there's that too but the reward for playing the game is seeing more bosses because some of the boss
Starting point is 01:41:21 designs are like fantastic like incredible right and there's some that are like you know there's like just super class like yeah the super classic like the the pirate is just like a really good example of like everything that this game represents coming together in one moment and even basic bosses like there's just that that early on there's that blue like jelly guy is just like a blue ball yeah but then when he has different forms it's like that's the most imaginative
Starting point is 01:41:47 blue ball really creative yeah and no and and like my favorite boss of the game is Sally stage play anyone who's fought Sally stage play knows exactly what that's about and it is for me like leaps and bounds of my but by far my favorite what I when you get there you'll you'll it's the actor okay when you get to the actor on stage that's fucking I love everything about that so I will yeah I don't know I just nothing but good things to say
Starting point is 01:42:20 about it I've you know I guess co-op is co-op is harder because not because there's more life or anything like that but simply because keeping track of the bullshit yeah becomes way trickier when there's two things to look at on screen and play it in copy of some people were sort of counter complaining about that like well they're one's blue and one's red how can you get it mixed up but I thought well they're primarily both whites just white blobs with little
Starting point is 01:42:45 bits of color like circles of color here and there yeah depending on which version you're looking at yeah and so in the midst of everyone flipping around and getting caught up in the other colors from other things it's very simple to see why everything could get mixed together visually yeah yeah and could you answer me one thing about co-op whenever you whenever you die six over and over again does the amount of time that you have to rescue the other player get less
Starting point is 01:43:15 yes okay okay so the ghost floats up faster and faster the more times you rescue them until eventually it just shoots out of the screen so yeah no no so that so that was really cool you know nothing but good things like I said highly recommended you're probably more on the like if you view it as a spectrum between people that appreciate the difficulty versus people that appreciate the experience if you want to do that that way you're probably
Starting point is 01:43:47 more on the side of difficulty aren't you yes I and I like I like hard things and despite what the memes and the channel will you know we'll put out there when I'm sitting at home by myself playing a game that I'm fully focused on guess what that no Mike's in front of me all of us I enjoy playing shit like I'm really good at Mark Echo and I don't have really clucking his tongue behind me whatever it but it doesn't matter because you know we're characters we're not people
Starting point is 01:44:23 I've never been a person so it's fine the was that I said no one knows anything about that as being characters that doesn't affect my life any either no anyway so yeah give them your money the other thing you should do and it's and it's in a related line actually yeah Metroid big headways on that still not done yet but I'm definitely like you know did you see how many hours you haven't says when you started up and if I've never turned it
Starting point is 01:44:58 off exactly so it's been I've been clam shelling it and opening it back up so no idea how long I've been playing it but definitely longer than the original yeah way way like yeah they've stretched that quite a bit and no I'm having lots more fun with this then I expected again it's like I'm just comparing it as a remake it's a it's a solid Metroid game you can remake literally anything on the Game Boy yeah you'll be fine as a
Starting point is 01:45:29 comparison to the old version I the only my only thing is the same complaint I made last week still stands which is that the way you get items and power ups is so random and willy-nilly there's one point where like this thing that's chasing you just drops one and then you pick it up and you get the fucking space jump and you're like why did you just drop that yeah that where did that come from it's not even a Chozo statue you just had this and it fell out of you maybe
Starting point is 01:45:59 just gobbled it up from a Chozo statue and it's like here it's super weird this is your reward from running from me but yeah I don't know what to make of that but congratulations on pissing down your leg for 30 minutes it's a reward but you do have to keep in mind that as this is Metroid 2 like you're going to be fighting multiple versions of yes the same boss yeah you know a couple times I know towards the end the bosses are more unique the last the evolutions you
Starting point is 01:46:28 start getting through the major evolution yeah and then they're quite different but yeah I flip through the Metroid returns like a guy that was on a GameStop when I went to go get my Super Nintendo classic and I was just like yeah but you're not you're not getting you're not getting like you're crazy variety like the nightmare yeah yeah you're not getting anything like the spider tank or fucking yeah yeah that sucks but I mean that's what the game was so I haven't gotten through
Starting point is 01:46:51 it that much I can't remember how far I've gotten into it it's probably just barely like not even 25% I imagine I did I was listening to you talk about like the parry mechanic yeah yeah it does has some problems and like basic enemies at the start of the game it kind of feels like basic enemies just take forever to kill unless you parry them yes so it kind of just it takes into the it becomes this kind of pattern of here's an enemy I'll wait for it to see me you
Starting point is 01:47:21 know just wait for it to do this thing yeah I parry exactly that I almost think like you're encouraged to like not fight most enemies and as you're running if they decide to attack you just parry like on the way that's almost like kind of always have a forward momentum and if you if this thing is in your way kill it or if it's where you need to go and kill it otherwise you can make more games like that is sort of you can't you can pick and choose to some degree but
Starting point is 01:47:46 there's a lot of things crawling on the walls that you need to get yeah you know and and you know for the most part it is run stop parry shoot it because if you if you try to kill it traditionally it's it's got too much life and especially when later stronger enemies come along right then it's like but there is a power up you get this fucking awesome really yeah no Liam was telling me he got this pop dude whoa that's good it's so good wanna know what you
Starting point is 01:48:12 don't want to know what it is okay there is one problem later it is a problem solver and it's so fucking cool new it's like why has no other various suit had this cool okay oh yeah that solves a lot of problems we'll get to that eventually then it's it's by it's easily my favorite one so the game yeah yeah I was gonna say of all Metro well I mean nothing beats a good ol shine spark to me but I mean god damn it that's like that's a nice second for good reason good stuff
Starting point is 01:48:50 good stuff yeah whatever playing more Marvel nothing to say there the I finished off Bojack season four it's the best season of Bojack I've heard that yeah it's easily the best season of Bojack I really dropped off I never finished the third season yeah that's that's fine just actually getting depressed yeah the writing that's what it's supposed to do yeah and the writing really really really got better in the fourth season I would I would say that the four seasons
Starting point is 01:49:17 probably the best overall but didn't it probably has one of the weaker endings to me I think the season three probably hit the best ending I get it like I get this one's ending but so my the way I feel about that is I mean I talked about it a bit when we were when I was watching Black Mirror but I think a cliffhanger ending doesn't always equal a good ending right a lot of the time though it can trick you into being like oh fuck yeah right and because you walk out with
Starting point is 01:49:47 an oh fuck you go man yeah right and the same way that we had friends that were like Berserk made me sad so it sucks yeah yeah so so it's that type type of thing and I'm like it's not to take away from a good cliffhanger but it's definitely like let's not overplay it when it happens because it's an easy way to to go man and on a bang right and sometimes you don't have to do that and when you don't do it but things are still in an all right place I think it's fine.
Starting point is 01:50:15 You know I think it's fine but so yeah but I do think though that like overall overall there's definitely strongest strongest writing of all the season so far and like the best episodes to they do a lot of they do a lot of like experimental storytelling in in the season that's a good way to vary it up when you're in the fourth season you want to start using new tricks like yeah exactly new ways to make you sad sad yeah I didn't know I could feel sad yeah oh I guarantee you sad as
Starting point is 01:50:45 technology to just do at least two of them minimum for a minimum a maximum for four or five I'd say okay yeah depending on the type of person you are yeah it's like episodes that focus on a character they go all right we're going to we're going to focus on your thing and when you see what your thing is like from your perspective yeah as they'll get in the character it gets fucking good okay that's basically what it is do you feel like some of the characters have been
Starting point is 01:51:13 flanderized over time well defined flanderized in the context of Bojack probably this character is this character they do this this is their personality trait and they don't grow beyond that 100% because I feel like like it sucks but I was just kind of the point of Bojack it is but I liked Todd so much in the beginning of the show and now I hate Todd yeah really I've always kind of hated Todd I like Todd in the beginning as like a really funny random quirk in the in the formula as it
Starting point is 01:51:46 were and also I'm pitching that's all he was and I'm picturing Jesse Pinkman the whole time yeah right like at the end of the day but I really don't I think he's the least interesting character well he doesn't have a character yeah by the end of the series and whenever they're like let's go focus on him I'm like why this is not going to be that funny professional already I remember in season two there was an episode or two that like focused on him for a bit at least
Starting point is 01:52:13 half an episode or something I was kind of like yeah I like Todd early up until I watched I liked Todd but I was like I don't know if there's enough there and now you're telling me in season four worse okay because yeah the thing that his arc in three was his character arc it is a character arc yeah his arc in three is the most interesting thing about him and then that wraps up and it doesn't even really go anywhere and it doesn't go anywhere and then we get to four where you're
Starting point is 01:52:40 like now you're just back to nothing okay yeah his arc even is more like how his arc almost and if you look at it this way is the characters asking how come you aren't having any developments of any kind and it's answered wealth well oh apparently I have this yeah and they all shrug go okay okay but it's like and what what about that okay that's nice nothing that's it you've discovered something about yourself but back to being wacky yeah hey that's what I know he's just a foil
Starting point is 01:53:11 he's just a foil character you can't concentrate episodes on a foil yeah because there's nothing for them to bounce back to and and it's funny because I finally and then whereas I started the show pretty much loathing Mr. Peanut Butter what because it was like okay I love him in how stupid he is and how things work out yeah but like I'm like but otherwise I'm like God what an annoying piece of shit right and now I'm like I like Mr. Peanut Butter in this really dumb way
Starting point is 01:53:41 that's like oh he's a fucking mess you know angry angry fucking scene really turned around and you know I like so yeah a lot a lot of changes from one season to the other but it's a fun show and I'm glad it's still going not it's literally not fun at all it's entertaining there you go that's different it's entertaining I would love you that's the least fun you can ever have but one thing one thing is is that's like solid with it is that they consistently make Bojack the most
Starting point is 01:54:16 interesting character well I mean you these the these the main character right but think about how many no I know it doesn't happen exactly no that's what I mean it's like I'm agreeing with you that like yeah because you're supposed to make your main character the most interesting character yeah and there's some shows don't do it they don't they fuck up they make someone else interesting or more like more interesting yeah and you go that should show should be about it's you
Starting point is 01:54:41 know it's easy to do too because usually with your main character there has to be a certain amount of like blandness to them a vanilla like nature template you can project yourself on like a viewer can project themselves onto them so that they can yeah sort of empathize with them so they usually they can't be too strong or else you end up with someone that you could potentially hate as I guess but I also really am tired of that I'm tired of you know I'm not I'm not saying
Starting point is 01:55:07 that's the right thing to do especially like in like you know Japanese like things like games and whatnot like but that's why it super relatable generic person is main character like we get it just makes someone interesting you know like and then they find that you find out they're interesting later on because of whatever the fuck plays it's like that's where most main character should try to start because you can end up with a you can end up with a character that does have
Starting point is 01:55:33 a strong personality but you just fucking despise them they're just the worst either positively or negatively like they're too strong yeah I suppose like if you go for a Kratos and then we go fuck Kratos or something sure yeah no you're right you're right you push extremes but I but I you know I mean what can I say in that it's like I'd rather feel that way and feel strongly about the character then just get milk toast middle you know yeah I love how you know Shimon and
Starting point is 01:56:02 Kamina are super opposite of each other that you have strong feelings about you know Shinji is a piece of shit but you're like yeah you have a strong feeling about it either way you know you're not Joe Tarot Joe Tarot is not relatable at all but he's so much tougher and stronger than yeah yeah you know like like that's the thing is like you know you're not just like what's going on what am I thrown into I'm the normal guy it's like it's just if you're gonna do that please
Starting point is 01:56:30 do that for like two seconds and then make it better yeah you know um yeah but common writing problem with Bojack specifically I would say that probably seasons one through three it kind of felt like they were just reiterating the same problem over and over and over again which is kind of the point of Bojack season four it actually does feel like he's making some sort of headway that he is sort of it's it's yeah like sort of sort of remember that but it's not a lot you
Starting point is 01:56:56 know he's still the same person the fake progress he got at the end of season one and then season two it's like even more like you're like oh that was nothing okay no dude and I mean and as a show goes like I can see that it's like this is definitely made for people that are like going through some shit to really relate to like you can feel when that comes out but like and so in that regard it's like you know not everything speaks to everybody but there's some stuff that
Starting point is 01:57:21 definitely stands out for people and I think you know like just that simple little line of like when he's running and the little goat that's jogging is like it gets easier but you have to do it every single day and it's like yeah that's a that's a nice little takeaway moment general you can package that up and sell that that on a card you know sure sure you can make a meme out of it but I'm glad that it's not like it has worth it's may mobile I'm glad that that it's like it's
Starting point is 01:57:50 not just like oh god remember Bojack horseman wow what a two train wreck it went to shit after season two it depends on yeah how long how much longer it goes it's gone long way longer than I ever thought it would which you said the sweet spot for a series is usually probably either six or seven seasons I'd say nowadays like you want to maybe even less like I'm always like five I'm always about less you know me five is for me five we talked about this in a video it's like Dexter
Starting point is 01:58:16 made it up to season eight but like breaking bad is like how about half that like that I always you know I think four is a lot of TV a lot of it was just because when it comes down to it a story is about an idea that you have to develop over time yeah is why so many ideas make better series than they do movies you just need that that you need that breath right so what the thing about long series is that if you have developed an idea completely then the idea needs to be put
Starting point is 01:58:46 the rest because you're done with it so why do you need extra time for that and that's where the rehashes come from and that's when it starts to get very tiring milking just making yeah yeah you're just starting shit for no reason yeah and and and in this case like they're just you know we're exploring a bit more about these characters whose lives are already kind of familiar with and we touched on them and sit commie ways but then it's like now we're going in a
Starting point is 01:59:08 little bit deeper and then you're like oh shit Princess Carolyn is one of the most interesting characters on the show I really like her you know I just spy Diana I can't stand I don't like I never everyone's made the but the cast is made to make you feel this way but I always I always like the princess this is a huge variety of like California types yes and you're meant to feel a ways about all of them but this is part of it is that I'm from an area in which there
Starting point is 01:59:39 are not exotic shirts right like to people around here that just come across as being freaks like what the fuck is wrong these people because that's just part of life in an area like that yeah by the people that make the series exactly what they're surrounded by and I caught up on Rick and Maria to find that what the whole session on shit was and like I predicted it was fucking nothing it was a bunch of literally it was nothing I was like I had a feeling I'm like this shit
Starting point is 02:00:09 has hit critical mass and the amount of people going losing their shit over it is striking me as like this I bet you the source material is just like a throw away I bet you yeah I felt that coming a mile away and I watched it and I'm like yeah there it is it's just fucking loving but on in some weird way as like ridiculous and as stupid and as shitty as that whole thing got it delivers cringe unto me and I'm always a fan yeah so I had so a new form of cringe of people in
Starting point is 02:00:46 McDonald's jumping up and down on countertops acting acting like pickle Rick with no concept of their surroundings you love that oh it burns so good it burns so fucking good who's the real monster here Willie you know and the time and it's the type of show that like like yeah I think like it's it's so interesting because yeah like you I think you just tweeted out plague like Rick and Morty like it's something that helps identify people that are mounts are basically on Mount
Starting point is 02:01:18 Stupid right like it's it's well it's not that people that are like I like for the most part Rick Rick and Morty I think this past fourth season has kind of whether is it third or four on the third right now third yeah third but this past season has kind of it may kind of has made me think huh it kind of seems like they don't really know where to go with this so they're just resetting everything over and over again or even like the first episode of this season was like we
Starting point is 02:01:47 didn't really know what to do with it so just fuck it just and they just throughout the whole the cliffhanger from the past yeah right and and it seems like their strength is just in the concept they want to go far beyond that well every show that is all about like like just dumb jokes from episodes episode of random adventures and hijinks eventually does the thing where they're like time to start building up a plot and then you start Futurama Futurama Steven Universe Adventure
Starting point is 02:02:13 Time Invader Zim fucking what's it called that ends nicely reboot it's like you just had the skeleton next to you had it ready it's me again jiggle jiggle jiggle no I was I was trying to say I was trying to say Gravity Falls is what I was trying to oh yes gravity fall that's oh yeah but that's a short written like really tight one you know but yeah a lot of these shows like basically do that thing and it's cool
Starting point is 02:02:52 because their premise yeah and then and then eventually you can go all you can put together just these episodes to see the plot unfold and and fucking cowboy bebop right the vicious episodes right like oh there's always like fun stuff like that you you do those see that in Rick and Marty it's kind of like okay they start to do that and it's a little interesting and then it's almost like they went you know what never mind we want we want to have this don't want to do that yeah
Starting point is 02:03:17 strength of the series is always the this individual episodes that are just in a package they are what they are and then that's it and then ever so often you might get I forget what the name of the episode was the the one that was about the tales from the Citadel yes yes yeah even what I was going to say yeah of course of course because that was that was the standout as far as the yeah that the the core whatever the main time whatever the fuck you want to call it the the
Starting point is 02:03:44 vicious episodes exactly and what we're gonna and what we have now is like alternate reality ricks and morties as like things that kind of relate to the you know the the central plot if you would but for the most part it's kind of just like whatever yeah you can tell that they don't they're not too serious about that in the first place but but because the whole thing is but because the tone is like nothing matters I'm you're all like stupid sheep and that's more
Starting point is 02:04:14 what my tweet you're all stupid sheep nothing matters but also I'm the smartest thing in the world I'm the smartest thing in the universe I'm the smartest thing that has ever existed heavily appealing to kids like that I get to tell you all about how useless everything is because I'm already proven better than you it really does it it's it's broadcasts to Mount stupid that's sorry that's the term I've always known it as you refer to it as done in Kruger candidates is
Starting point is 02:04:43 what I was done in Kruger okay which I which I then went to look up and I was like what is that and it's like oh it's another term for Mount stupid and it's like whatever it's not really that you're stupid is that you can't identify problems that you are creating for yourself because you don't have the necessary intelligence and value it yes low ability individuals unable to assess that their low ability means that they think they're actually high ability yeah right
Starting point is 02:05:11 blame everyone around them like I've had many managers like this and shitty jobs everything around them is everyone else's fault even though they're probably the one that's creating most of it I have high competence because I don't know what incompetence looks like because I recognize incompetence yeah and it's and inversely you have people who are extremely competent that underestimate everyone else everyone else in terms of like how either they think that the things they're
Starting point is 02:05:43 doing easily are things that everyone can do easily and they make that made that fatal mistake you know that's always fascinating me the idea that people of actual high intelligence are very they have very low self-esteem and they're what they're capable of and you know they self evaluate to the point that it actually is detrimental yeah they so it kind of makes me wonder what if everyone was like that what if everyone had an IQ walking around of 500
Starting point is 02:06:09 or something but that fuck up our entire species imagine it would it probably like we would arrive in a sweet spot of stupidity I don't know I mean we would we'd probably solve a lot of problems but create new ones you know yeah I think we'd I think we'd be better off in terms of how IQ works yeah we'd be better off in terms of like how what or what our current major issues are in the world today but then we'd have new issues we never saw coming yeah the key the issues
Starting point is 02:06:43 you couldn't even imagine right now I think that that that is likely but I can't comprehend of how smart I would be so that so you know cut to random stupid kid in a McDonald's going on pickle Rick with his hands in a shirt on the floor because he's like other people here are here for the sauce they think this is funny yeah I'm being accepted they'll really love this talk about this type of behavior with they love this moment oh man I'm gonna kill right now this is gonna do you
Starting point is 02:07:14 imagine if you had if you had a button that remember that the switch that you can install on your balls to switch switch your fucking sperm all yeah I love that what if what if you could do that with intelligence so that whenever the guy is up there on the counter yeah sweet you whatever the fuck he's doing you flip the switch in mid-sentence and he just oh shit okay what am I doing no I need to go back to I need to go back to community college right away well what so what
Starting point is 02:07:43 you're describing is it's my favorite item from any fictional anything of all time it is my number one favorite item this exists it was made only in the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy I knew it's gonna be hitchhiker's guide like the books or I mean the books fine the replay radio drama was fine they're all good they all had different things strengths and minuses but the film stood out for one reason fuck the rest of it they had the point of view gun yeah the point of
Starting point is 02:08:09 view and the point of view gun is the single most powerful thing ever because you shoot somebody and they get to see your POV they understand they empathize with the person who shot with them with like a whole long scene revolving just around it it's incredible and you fucking get shot with it and you shoot that guy on the counter and if he looks around and goes oh if you put the point of point of view gun into Bojack Horseman and wouldn't even gotten a couple of episodes
Starting point is 02:08:43 into it everyone would just been like oh sure and it would have ended the series but like that probably wouldn't fix them no maybe not but just like what is like to Kim Jong Un and just shoot him with the point of view gun and he goes fuck serious oh man right if what if someone's using the gun but they're they're like him like they're crazy and they're like a death spot they think the world revolves around they even believe that they're a God or something what if they shoot
Starting point is 02:09:13 you what if they you I think you get to you get the sensation of like the highs that they feel from these things but like how how but I said because no one said that the POV is actually right no it doesn't because remember when Marvin get uses it everyone feels depressed yeah right so I don't know I feel like I feel like yeah that could be detrimental in the wrong hands but it would only be temporary did you imagine this like the orc shit again like someone that's so
Starting point is 02:09:47 batshit crazy that the POV gun in their hands is the most powerful weapon that has ever existed but I wonder though I wonder if like it's something that pontificating and here's what I'm here's my theory and here's why I like it so much because my my whole thing whenever like any sort of debate I you I have habits right and you've seen this anytime I get into some sort of debate or argument about something right I'm like even if I'm super wrong it's really important to me
Starting point is 02:10:16 that you at least understand why I thought what I thought yeah I wasn't just coming out of nowhere like an asshole I wasn't just crazy I had a reason for getting from point A to B to see if you can follow that then I'm like cool I'm wrong that's fine but you understood why I thought it's important that you see where my journey started yeah so I would like to think that with that type of gun if I shot you with it and you were delusional you would see the moment right you
Starting point is 02:10:45 would and then perhaps that might convince you of something on a personal level to permanently change you because more specifications on how a gun works like is it what you're currently feeling at that minute is it just your mode like you know what I mean like I mean it's a narrative but yeah and I think it's it's like you know like when when the girl uses it on Zafron beetle blocks or whatever the fuck Zafron but like any go and and he's like oh I'm an asshole that treated
Starting point is 02:11:20 you like shit because I don't respect you and I and oh what and he's like so confused by it and it's like okay so you had that moment of feeling that and then it goes away but because you had that feeling for a second hopefully you'll think about it lingers that's it that's all I want out of it you know but what if you shoot someone but nothing changes and you realize oh they understood my point perfectly and I'm just stupid devastated that would be that would be interesting
Starting point is 02:11:49 to yeah that'd be really interesting to want an interesting gun because so much dumb conflict based on like you don't realize what it would be like in someone else's shoes it would avoid a lot of unnecessary bloodshed like you just you just don't have any concept of what it's like to be in this person's shoes and everything about the way you were brought up like reinforces your beliefs why the comic book where the Punisher becomes black for a week is extremely progress yes I was
Starting point is 02:12:22 about to say unfortunately we don't have black or fat it's so important that we understand each other's points of view really being black is just a happier feeling remember man yeah that doesn't know what I'm saying there's a more episode about some chick who's from like I want to say somewhere and and and I think she's Dutch or something it is hard to tell she's got a huge accent and she's a very very like a blonde blue hair blonde hair blue eyed like you know lady that just
Starting point is 02:13:00 basically turned herself black okay and got these giant enormous like unhealthy vain popping titties well she got before she turned black and then like started throwing up her hair and just hand and hand and had injections and then went on to talk about how like being black just feels better and yeah yeah you get more he was the voice of reason for black people too he's like you do realize this doesn't make you black right and she just don't understand what it means she
Starting point is 02:13:32 went Rachel Dolezal 300% basically and you just cut to people's reaction in the audience crowd of the just cut cut to like at least 18 gifts of black people just going oh and what and the one the plague sent me of this guy just laughing with his tongue out like I love that cuz I'm like my cousin Marlon laughs like that that was Marlon with tongue like this this crazy bitch you know it was so good it was so good and like yeah had the POV gun you wouldn't need that you might
Starting point is 02:14:12 not need it you might not need it but yeah that that's that's what I liked about catching up to Rick and Marty that was your week what was your week like Matt I hear an hour 3 this I'm gonna try to blast everything so I do a thing where if I watch a movie especially if I I've never ever walked out of a movie theater ever cuz I paid money I know that feeling right I don't know this is not a movie theater but I was like oh it's on Netflix let me let me do Assassin's Creed the movie
Starting point is 02:14:52 hey interesting forgot about that one so 35 minutes in nope quitting just I don't want I don't care it was that bad hmm I used to be that with games now you didn't pay for that I mean you did but technically I did but you didn't pay for the exclusive experience yeah so 35 minutes in I just turn on the end I'm like I don't think so I think this is over now and she's like yeah I really didn't want to watch this to begin with anyway I'm like okay fine we'll we'll quit so I'm gonna
Starting point is 02:15:27 talk about two things very very very quickly one is just the most passionless unlike entertaining dry boring nothing well Michael fastbender says Assassin's Creed took itself too seriously I think we took it he was a producer on this yeah so he said that we took it too seriously no fucking yeah you know so when I actually think about Assassin's Creed I don't know about you will even when you have an amalgamation of emotions I think there's a bit of levity that's always
Starting point is 02:15:56 kind of there either with etio making jokes Paul it's either Edward in Assassin's Creed 4B I'm a pirate huh it's fun there's always a bit of that there's there's etio with all with the girl haha this is like the op it's it's the most boring parts of this in Assassin's Creed all there's no dry wooded guy working the animus there's nothing there's no ghost movie Hollywood American man no no so I'm no shitty shopkeeper say no to everything you'll say because there's not because
Starting point is 02:16:31 there's lots of that in every one of the game even in the first game even in the first one there's Altair's God what's the name Desmond had a dry wit about Desmond had one and then the guy in British guy no not even that like in part one the dude who Altair kill kills his brother in that first mission and he's the guy that gives you your missions and he fucking hates you and he has lots of fucking he's great yeah none of that you remember this a lot better than I do so by the by
Starting point is 02:17:00 the second battle scene because literally I'd say 75% of the movie is in the animus and sorry it's outside the animus then they simply go back they just go into the animus for battles and that's it so I know you like the future stuff I despise I despise this future stuff so just on a base level promise it was the promise of the future stuff on a base level it's just boring and just like actually like I am bored I want to stop watching this now go to the second point remember
Starting point is 02:17:30 what do we say when you first saw the trailer there's one part that stuck out of it's like I don't know why they're doing I mean I know why they're doing that new shape of the animus it is so much worse and so much more elaborate than you could ever make really him hooked up to the giant cream and tell you what happens or are there big holographic interfaces they stand up to interact with
Starting point is 02:17:56 so like they give him a giant room because when he's in the animus he his body does all the fighting moves to nothing yeah that's what I assumed was happening I is not the giant crane that goes into like his spine and just it's built in such a way that he's jumping around moving any direction yeah yeah that's what I assumed was happening I never why would I assume that because that's so much more dumb I thought it was in his brain but his body was doing all the stuff
Starting point is 02:18:27 and then you see it in the trailer where it's moving and he's doing a flip I just remember going into his head and that was it or whatever okay but dude like it when you're running where are you running to are you in a wall are you running up against the wall of the gymnasium you're in got to get those don't show that to you those pieces of Eden bro they don't show it to you in the movie because they're like oh god this is stupid it makes no sense why would they need
Starting point is 02:18:53 to do that like if he jumps onto a wall there's no wall there so does he just fall if you're making a movie it's boring to have a man just laying down on a make it boring yeah the rest of the movies fucking boring so they were like oh god gotta make this exciting look at Michael fastbender jumping around like a fucking idiot what no also in the movie I just I mean I'm just wondering like by the point that you tapped like this is it was it was in the animus he was fighting a
Starting point is 02:19:24 bunch of guys there are people are getting hung for some reason I couldn't follow what was happening the one thing I'll give the movie credit for him like this is ballsy but it's actually the incorrect moves if you want to make something a little more like audience poppable is a when they go back into ancient Spain everyone speaks Spanish and it's all subtitled cool what an amazing needless thing because it makes it more dry and sterile like I'd rather a movie be
Starting point is 02:19:54 completely subtitled than partially because it's just I don't know you just so wait wait so who it sounds like a modern sort of brownie points this yeah exactly is he at CEO no he's his own he's a new guy old new guy okay takes place in Spain and he just says you're you're descended from the sky okay and but if the plot's the same gotta get the pieces of yeah but it's not like he's Desmond or that's all tired at your anyone we know okay fine because they are probably they
Starting point is 02:20:22 don't want to go with the whole like into the world plot because it's that they can't do that again or whatever well they never did it to begin with but who cares anyway it was bad I I will never finish it I was just really disappointed because when I first saw the trailers I was like that could be a thing Michael fastband and the director had made like a Shakespearean movie right before this and it got like huge positive reviews and was like you know this epic drama and
Starting point is 02:20:49 was done really well and I was like well they're all be teaming on this project maybe this will be fine but holy shit I mean like I'd rather watch like Double Dragon or Super Mario or any other video game movies because at least there's an in eight would you rather watch Alien Covenant again I actually don't yes I will I saw recently just to say that would you rather talk about about that with you some sometime would you rather watch Dragon Ball Evolution I would
Starting point is 02:21:16 did you know you can actually think Dragon Ball Evolution for super how the whole reason why Dragon Ball Battle of Gods happened was the reception was so bad and Toriyama was so upset by it that he felt like he needed to make something new to come back that's awesome that's amazing you pulled him out of retirement yeah make something so bad that it forces him to want to correct the mistake that's incredible dude that's interesting so you can thank Evolution for that
Starting point is 02:21:43 garbage have a plague have you seen Blade Runner other in the new one now okay again modern whenever movie comes out no theaters around here so don't expect me to see anything really wait till it comes out on DVD really quickly for games I finally beat a run of fight and rage being up I've mentioned a couple times finally cuz I just couldn't before I just they just threw so much because I found a good route well you're gonna like this yeah it introduces a boss or a type
Starting point is 02:22:16 of enemy where it's two Dobermans that wear tuxes and they're standing outside of a club like you can't get in and then you're just you have to fight them and it's the first really really tough fight where I'm like these guys and they just do like the type of punch you like yeah they wind up and you're like whoa and you have to fight two of them and you're like sure man I want to fight those guys again you go through into the level and you fight and then there's a route
Starting point is 02:22:41 decision where it says go up here into this like doorway or we go over here and it's guarded by two more Dobermans and I was like fuck that and I go into the upper route and that leads you to a harder place so those two guys were there to dissuade you from going to the easier route got you so and I'm like this time I took the big bruiser character of the group Ricardo is a big bull man and I wreck the two Dobermans I'm like okay I got a handle on this and I just kind of just
Starting point is 02:23:11 have a good time doing an adequately difficult level and I'm like and I beat the game in a run what do you mean you don't want to fight gracious and glorious again exactly so but there's still like 50 endings there's an ending chart for the game to because it's all just variants on on text and what you've done on the side quest you've done so I want to I want to play through that again at least and that's and that's an unclear name when spoken but it's fight in range in range
Starting point is 02:23:41 yeah and apostrophe yeah so we you and I really need to take a look at that when we can because we can we can do it in an hour and co-op I've been told by everyone co-ops just way way easier obviously cool I also played a bit more of golf story if you have a switch if you have a switch and you like RPGs and you like just charming like writing just like good writing like highly recommend still you pick up golf story it's again it's the RPG that Steven Universe showed where
Starting point is 02:24:11 it's a it's a Japanese RPG that takes place yeah remember early on in Steven Universe Stevens playing a video game that's just an RPG within a golf world it was like oh this putter my dad gave it to me oh my god that's what it is that's this game is that what inspired it I don't know if it inspired it oh my god I just remember that joke I wonder if this has anything to do with it or if it's completely separate maybe well it has nothing to officially do it
Starting point is 02:24:39 maybe but yeah I remember like like like you wake up and it's you're like oh I gotta finish what I my dad taught me 22 years ago of course so they do do lots of little homages like that in Steven Universe so yeah it's possible so yeah you have selected no back whatever Steven episodes of universe actually aired episodes yeah it's been a while but yeah shit has got to stop I played a bunch more of that and still I don't even really want to talk about it too much
Starting point is 02:25:07 just because it's like this is an indie game and it has been doing well I think on that's like on the top five of the most downloaded switch games and it seems to be doing well but like if you have a switch like I highly recommend you you give this a go if you like RPGs and the last thing I want to talk about it's kind of going to the Metroid stuff is that I was turned on to this channel by a new gaff post that said Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze the game that should have
Starting point is 02:25:33 been Metroid and I'm like so I click it and I'm like oh is this a thing where it's someone complaining about Tropical Freeze again it's actually the inverse it's it's a channel on YouTube called the geek critique not the greatest name it sounds like one of those I saw you step to that yeah and I was like what are these so it's just a guy that makes like critiques on various games and did the entire Metroid series like this is why this Metroid is good this is why it has some
Starting point is 02:25:59 flaws in my opinion and does a very very good like you know research and presents a lot of theories that I'm like that totally makes sense to me is like so King K or something like that yeah definitely and like I did like a bunch of the Sonic games a bunch of the Metroid games and all the Donkey Kong Country games so it's definitely in my wheelhouse of like yes I have these opinions too and I'll just talk a little bit about the Tropical Freeze thing because it was very very interesting
Starting point is 02:26:26 it was like Tropical Freeze is one of the best platformers like of the last 10 years but it's not it was definitely not regarded as so and these are the reasons why a was on the Wii you there's already like it was a dismal failure compared to the Wii but Donkey Kong Country Return sold like 10 million copies or something insane on the Wii so it already like has less people going for it and like this was at a time where like people are so starved for Metroid that just because this
Starting point is 02:26:57 wasn't Metroid like there was this online backlash and because there's this perception of failure to give us a new Metroid we will be angry at this really good Donkey Kong game and he also made a really good point that Donkey Kong has brand recognition but no identity for the last 10 or 15 years since Rare made a Donkey Kong game most people might think that Donkey Kong is just a Mario universe character because for the longest time he was just in Mario Parties and
Starting point is 02:27:27 Kart games right and I'm like yeah that makes sense it's like what like there would be a whole generation of people that might be like this weird Mario character gets to games like being kind of ignorant of like the history of the character but I don't begrudge anyone that if they weren't born yet or like playing video games and I'm like these are perfect reasons why like that game kind of failed to like reach the sales that it did or the recognition and the only positive takeaway is
Starting point is 02:27:56 that he said like nowadays you you'll see some posts to see some people saying actually when I actually like step aside and it's been a couple of years since that game came out it's a really really good platform it like improves on every single thing that the first Donkey Kong Returns did and just it was just a really good video and I started diving into his Metroid stuff and this was a guy that had played no classic Metroids not play Metroid Prime one did not play Metroid Prime
Starting point is 02:28:23 two but got that wanted to we really bad and then he got hyped on Metroid Prime three and that's where he started and he's like this is probably one of the most unique places to start the Metroid series because what's the first thing that happens you have tons of voice acting story that takes a long time to like let you start playing and a lot of tutorials and motion controls and he's like I hated Metroid for a while like this is it this is the game that people are
Starting point is 02:28:50 blah blah blah blah blah and then it's only when he got the Metroid Prime trilogy or the you know the download of it I didn't go too far into see the explanations but he's like now I'm a Metroid fan because I've played them all now and being them all now and like now I think prime three is actually it does some really cool things it's just it's a little misguided and that it was trying to be Halo with a little bit of the story and and some of the things that we're doing. What's
Starting point is 02:29:15 the name of this guy? The name of the guy I kind of don't remember because the the the YouTube channel is called the geek critique. Oh, okay. That's the name of the channel. I was about to say because this does sound a lot like the stuff that King K makes since he's a big Metroid guy. Yeah, he has a similar kind of history. There's a lot of Metroid fans that like making these types of videos too so I was just really he's got a lot of you know there's a decent amount of
Starting point is 02:29:40 videos so I was I was blasting through them over the weekend and it's really good stuff so I recommend it. Cool. I'm going to tag on to that because I saw a really good video this weekend as well that deserves a shout out. The Gaming Brits show. Yes. Yeah. Made a video called challenges the core of video games. Yeah. Yeah. And it's fucking excellent. It's basically in the light of a lot of the Cuphead difficulty controversy that's being discussed these days. This is
Starting point is 02:30:08 basically a video that like you know describes that the reason or describes a lot of the reasons that video games should be hard and basically the core thesis comes down to the difficulty of the struggle adds to your feeling of accomplishment. Yeah. When you get further into the game and when certain scenes play out and like make you feel when you feel a sense of like fuck I really battled my ass off to get here. I struggled through everything to get to the final
Starting point is 02:30:46 plateau and the opening example he uses is you're standing across from Virgil and at the waterfall those double may cry gaming right and you're and you're like this is the combination of everything you've done and bled for up to this point and you now have to earn it in this extremely challenging fight. It just feels incredible right and it's gives you a feeling that you can't get if you just watched it on your way there. It gives you a feeling you can't get if
Starting point is 02:31:13 you just browsed or skipped or didn't you know didn't actually struggle. You have to play you have to play it put in the work. You have to feel the challenge and that's something that only video games can do that no other medium can't so trying to make it become like other mediums is something that kind of spits in the face of what a game that's trying to challenge you is also trying to deliver with it's like narrative or message or story or whatever if they tie those
Starting point is 02:31:39 things together. Not every game does tie them together but when they do it's like it's a really unique thing that we should probably embrace and explore more instead of try to shy away from in order to make it more like movies or more like other mediums. We should embrace what video games do uniquely that other mediums can't mean I'd lobby to say that you know the souls games did like put a peg up there like they know you know like before souls games came out.
Starting point is 02:32:05 I mean there were hard games before but like before souls games came out it was like we were in the dregs of point A to point B. Everything has to be accessible. Everything has to be accessible exactly like but it's so interesting that this whole thing is the cupheads doing it again. It is but the most interesting thing about soul souls games and like Cuphead and all these discussions every time they happen is that they're just doing what video games used to do all the
Starting point is 02:32:31 time. We started there and then as things got bigger they changed but then like to some and here's the thing is back in the day there are some arcade games that are poor shit because they meant to. Right big profits but again but again when we go back to console games were like no the difficulty meant the challenge lasted longer and whatnot. It's like yeah we started in this place and we moved away from it because more people got involved. Yeah and that's fine.
Starting point is 02:32:58 Plus it wasn't particularly fun sometimes. Understandably not it's not for everybody and like we talked about you know tourism versus challenge. This is the kind of the problem I've had with this debate recently too is that it's become because it's the Internet has become extremely binary. Yeah this idea that every video games need to be difficult because of what you just said but for some people they don't get that feeling like yeah like me I don't get that feeling like the other
Starting point is 02:33:24 night I was streaming and I did this on stream I was doing some challenge where you had to kill a certain number of orcs before some drakes did and you had the there's an optional challenge where you had to kill 10 of them I think with explosive barrels or something. So it became this game of just restarting the mission over and over and over again for like 30 or 40 minutes in a row because there was apparently some extremely specific sequence of events you had to do and to ensure 100%
Starting point is 02:33:54 that you would get those 10 in addition to actually beating the challenge. Right. And by the time I actually did complete it I just collapsed in my chair and I didn't feel any joy whatsoever. Yeah. Yeah. I just thought fuck that. Of course. Fuck this. That is awful. And yeah and the whole time my girlfriend is watching me play Cuphead she'd be like I don't understand how you're having fun. Yeah to a lot of people that just just incredibly annoying to me and like I don't know
Starting point is 02:34:22 she's like are you like I don't know I and you know yeah and she's like are you enjoying this and I'm like yeah no I am you know and she's like I didn't get it. So it's a personality thing for sure. This is a binary problem is people have turned it into a black and white thing of well you don't like difficulty therefore you are a casual player or you know you can handle it baby or something like that or you know on the other hand people all the time. Get good and so on. I said it
Starting point is 02:34:51 to you before we started. Yeah. But the flip side also is like people that enjoy that think they it's the point of view gun thing again. Yeah. People that think well I enjoy games as they are they don't need to be incredibly challenging me just enough and they'll look at other people and say well you need to have nails hammered their your balls for you to get any experience whatsoever out of and like everything else in life the answer is on neither extreme. Yeah it's somewhere in
Starting point is 02:35:17 the middle. Of course it's not. That's what Dark Souls was like darks the original Dark Souls and it kind of got away from this like two and three three especially got to where it's like difficulty and to fetishized it but it wasn't that hard. But one was not a very difficult game. I mean you played it like it's not incredibly I was shocked how well will he did on one because I always heard it was the hardest not that big a deal. It's it's not that it was a
Starting point is 02:35:41 hard game. It was just a game that respected the time that you're putting into it. It was just an ordinary game and an era in which there were no ordinary games. Certainly but but but there also was some there's a moment that happened at the beginning of me and well Matt and I both playing DS to the first time in those videos where if you don't know that you can't just run up to an enemy and wail on it then the last 10 and that the last 10 years have been training
Starting point is 02:36:07 you wrong. You will you will have a hard time adjusting until you figure that part out right. The idea of swinging at something and backing off is not natural to every other video game you just played including the fucking super hard ones like even Ninja Gaiden when you start playing Ninja Gaiden you know what I mean. It's super hard but you're wailing on shit and then like the next thing that comes is the problem. The idea that you'd have to swing at something
Starting point is 02:36:33 and then back off and then go back in is something you have to figure out before you can get any further into the soul. It's a puzzle. It's just a puzzle. It reminds me of a you know Mario maker. Sure. Have you ever seen one of those this is the hardest Mario maker level ever made. It's one of those things where you're having to do Mario has to do something like grab a turtle shell in midair. Kick it in midair. Yeah. Kick it land back onto to it. Jump back off of it and
Starting point is 02:36:59 do it like it is an extremely framed specific thing that you have to do. Yeah. The whole level is like it's like two minutes long but you have to do everything frame perfect. Yeah. No other solutions. Yeah. And then you have like ordinary Mario levels like one is fun. The other one can be fun but for a very specific group of players and I enjoy like I enjoy looking at the videos like some Japanese guy completing this level and just like freaking out and losing his
Starting point is 02:37:30 mind like I can see the value now and I would never play that. Yeah. And that's it like but like you know like we fall you fall you tend to fall one way or the other but I think I think both extremes are bad and both extremes are poisonous to to the medium. Yeah. That's what the Cuphead like the Cuphead thing of oh I can't get over the thing because the guy was an idiot that thing. Sure like he can't complete the tutorial like people were using that as a crutch to try to
Starting point is 02:37:58 avoid the discussion in the first place. You know some modern video games do fetishize difficulty. That's true. That's true. And and here's the thing is is that as somebody who the best feelings I've gotten from video games as a whole have been the moments where you beat Virgil where you beat Armstrong where you beat Jean where you beat the character that is a fucking wall you know and that you slammed your head against until you finally figured it out. Are those have been the
Starting point is 02:38:27 best feelings and that's your personality. You value things like you're not on the binary spectrum like you're not over there to the point of being insane. No but it's but it's like it's it's it's comparable to the challenge of beating someone who's really good at a fighting game you know except that now there's like like story significance plot whatever else going with it where you're like fuck yeah you're in the moment you're feeling really good like nothing that happens
Starting point is 02:38:52 in a game that's more and more so about the tourism has ever felt as good to me so that's why I tend to fall on the side that has no problem when a game is like definitely challenging or requires tons of restarts until you figure out the solution. The trial and error if I'm playing something like that I find no value in it whatsoever because I get to this point where like well I'm just doing the same thing over and over again just trying to time the frames just so so that
Starting point is 02:39:21 baby can have his fucking challenge complete and I finally get to that point and I like finally thank God I'm done I don't have there's no value to it for me yeah because to me my golden role is it's fine for me to lose like I'm not the tourism guy like I'm not just there just to see things and put the controller down all this nice one of those people like to me the golden rule is you need to be able you should repeat that sequence for as long as there is valuable content
Starting point is 02:39:52 to be learned from it. Well that's and that's puzzle solving which you enjoy puzzle solving. I enjoy pattern recognition and that's the thing is pattern recognition versus puzzle solving or what the two core breakdowns are because really gradient like there's no clean yes or no with this yeah yeah yeah but the point is that it Cuphead does something interesting where it's that you can play every boss on simple no one says you have to do this hard right that is there for
Starting point is 02:40:21 you when you do do it on simple you don't get the contract but you can progress through the world but when you get to the end the devil is like you don't have the contract right so you don't get your so you can still see all the bosses you can see everything up until the devil yeah without by playing through on simple and once you have the contracts then you talk to the devil and that begins the final fight of the game or doesn't or whatever right so like you can do most
Starting point is 02:40:49 if not everything without you know having to without playing having to play on regular but that like that's not the most optimal way to play because it's like you'd have to basically play the game twice the idea it is and the idea is that like playing on simple kind of like will like you don't see certain a you don't see certain attacks and phases when you play in some I haven't I haven't played it I haven't played a single fate gigging stage on simple so I don't even know what the
Starting point is 02:41:14 differences are they do you get they're simple there but but is it less life or no no they don't do certain attacks okay and they just don't have phases are just gone I see okay it's a it's a balsam counter that is missing content I say I would say that that's not the right way to handle it and I because it's not really what it's actually better than a lot of games do handle it's true too at the very least it will allow someone that wants to be a tourist to be a tourist to
Starting point is 02:41:43 some degree and like and the idea is perhaps that they would like if you felt like okay that that practice on simple allowed me to like step it up a little bit and I know a bit more about how to beat this boss and how to move and stuff yeah then it wouldn't have be such a hard time when you step up the difficulty but if you do want to just move on and see the next cool boss I think the simple the problem with that is that if you're not seeing specific animations that defeats
Starting point is 02:42:05 the whole point of appealing to a tourist tourist because they're not seeing but you're still seeing like a lot of fun stuff it's not like it's some of it yeah some of it it's not like you know the bosses just stand there and just shoot you once or twice or whatever you they do do their elaborate shades they don't do all but it's up to but it's up to each game to determine what what the point of their game is right and if Cuphead determines that like the challenge is the core
Starting point is 02:42:28 of this game then they then you know that that means that they're like we don't have much of a story for you here we've got some cool animation that you want to see yeah and it's really it's dope but I mean it is placed anyone that loves this aesthetic because you're going to get it in spades but but you know what I mean but it's like that that's kind of like it's up to each game to sort of determine that and play it out as they would and I don't have a problem with
Starting point is 02:42:49 Cuphead doing it the way it did this is why I haven't bought it yet just it's not something that directly appeals to me but eventually I might pick it up but that that all that to say I want to shout out the the Gaming Brit channel and Charlie Cade who put this video out recently because it's it's a fantastic summary I kind of miss when he just like remember he was starting to play just random things and that's where we got turned on battle construction vehicles right he
Starting point is 02:43:17 was a minute video but now like all these videos like are like that like pretty harsh but fair critiques and I'm like oh I wanted you to play weird British games that I didn't know existed I wish he'd kind of do those occasionally but yeah that that's a good channel too. So was that our weeks? Yeah. Yeah. Do we have any news? We do. Fuck no. Okay. Hey man I'm always glad for a podcast with too much than a podcast was not enough. Yeah. Right. Did you complain that
Starting point is 02:43:49 that has like hosting issues or something that you don't want it to be too long because of some. Oh okay well no that a long time ago when I wasn't compressing the podcast to the maximum and when we were on a smaller hosting plan yeah it became something where yeah uploading a long podcast took up more space and it meant we just didn't have enough for the next week. So you don't have to worry about that anymore. No no because I fuck it. Let's just hang out here for a while
Starting point is 02:44:18 then. I'll just set up shop. We'll just talk all. No but no but Matt melts after after the fourth hour I start to get I like how you put it off on Matt like well Matt over here he's the he's the bitch. Yeah I'm literally literally like Matt does shut down after like two and a half. So yeah we do need to shut down usually at the normal podcast time that's so that's that's fine. So I mean that's when the sleepy time hat comes out. Yeah I wish I had one. No and I know that yeah
Starting point is 02:44:53 I played your regular for the fucking four and a half hour videos that you upload on and what not. Yeah that doesn't I can like if I hold I'm not during I just meditate then when I come out ready the fight that I can go for a few hours then I have to shut back down for a while because I'm so strong shoutouts to whoever gave you these challenge coins by the way they're cool. I really like the New York meetup. I can catch his name ones NYPD and the other one's something else.
Starting point is 02:45:18 Anyway I showed you the camera will play as well. Yeah the audio camera there. Enjoy these audio camera. They got two challenge coins that are very nice. These audio visuals are amazing. So it's so rich. Okay well I have some amazing audio visuals for you tomorrow. Don't forget megabots versus Sweetobashi. Oh God. The giant robot battle for real reels Oh happening tomorrow. This time it's for money. The most disappointing thing you will ever see. It's going to be super
Starting point is 02:45:56 well. Do you think you think it's going to be a bus too cool of a thing. It's going to disappoint. What if it's not a bust then that would then everyone wins because because we've seen we've seen robot battles for years with the dumb little lawnmower box. Yeah and those are those are dumb ones. Yeah but that's like cool. That's like like you know art through adversity. It's like we can't build cool awesome things. So let's just focus on tiny little dumb
Starting point is 02:46:22 things but they work well in their own universe but when you try to get bigger than your britches make actual cool Mecca like it's going to take a few tries. Well here's my here's my thought. I think that if they're smart and they know what they're doing. Yeah they'll learn from robot wars and this will be not live but pre-recorded that's smart and allow them to edit it into something awesome. Put special effects in it. Yes. So fucking Gundam laser noise and big
Starting point is 02:46:52 ass. I want the sound of like face shifting just cut coming off a bushy. I want cut the fight so that like another robot somewhere else and just put like an instant transmission like special dude. I want fucking anime sound effects for real real and put them in the clouds so that it looked like they're fighting on a galactic level but only for sweet obashi and when megabots fights I want mech warrior and robot jox noises. I was about to say robot. Yeah. Name me a
Starting point is 02:47:20 robot jox noise. That's what we need. That's what we need. That's what we need. We don't we don't ask for this. Okay so if the if the twitch stream shows up and it has a big red live at the top. You're like oh they're stupid. You're stupid. Well if it might be live but then not really live like they're just playing a pre-recorded thing and some people some people like a pretty book. Yeah. Like like and like this is pre live. That's exactly what you can because you can you can do
Starting point is 02:47:45 that and I think that's the right move. That's the right these scientists that built a robot are the stupidest people alive. That being said how do you where do you what do you where do you put your money. Plague. Oh me. Shit. I don't know. I saw a picture of them. I have to find a picture of the damn things because that you can tell just from looking at the design of things. It's been a while since I've seen them but I remember seeing it and my impression was maybe
Starting point is 02:48:14 it can move. It might be able to. They've been uploading megabots has been uploading like progress videos and pseudo Bosch. I don't think they have been. I'm under the impression that the big dumb American junk bot is going to absolutely destroy. I think American elegance. The elegance cool Japanese. Let's let's make it so that it has throws a punch right and if anything gets hit by this it will get destroyed but it can only throw one. Yes. Like
Starting point is 02:48:49 away. Epo. Exactly. You will die if you try to do this punch again. Don't do that punch anymore idiot. You're going to die. Fuck. I want this thing to have a big old punch is what I want. Yes. It needs. I want the pump to come down and to see this half of the Japanese robots body just blow apart. Oh my god. I need I need a big shot gun fist in my life where fucking Roger swings it into the into the pseudo Bosch robot and then the arm cocks and if the match starts
Starting point is 02:49:23 and that's the first thing that happens and it's over in eight seconds. Is that a bust or is that sick and you love it? I'm quitting my job. Okay. Moving to wherever that is and then being part of I'm just here. You'll do anything. I'm here to spritz water. Are you sure? We're making these to kill people like we're going to take these to war. Whatever you need. I'm here for you. This is where my life needs to go right. So I would be like I'm happy because he could not be
Starting point is 02:49:52 happier. Oh my god. Okay. So it's time to reevaluate life. Yeah. Tell me if this is right but the the American robot looks like a power loader had a baby with Wally. Right. Yeah. Sure. And the Japanese robot is like a tripod with wheels that has red plastic armor on it. The Kura task looks like it's gonna fall over and have a hard time getting back up. It really really does. Neither one of these appears to have weapons exactly. The the megabots design definitely is more Ed 209.
Starting point is 02:50:28 It does have tons of weapons. It has it has looks like it might have a flamethrower. It's been outfitted with like the latest technology crunch crunches crunches crunches it's got how many soren rings were embedded into a screen. Well well now now that we're getting into Arcane Mecca. You're the robot that crushed my arm. There's a third how you took my servos robots. A third company from Outworld shows up with their own arcane all day. Can you imagine if cane multiple robots up
Starting point is 02:51:08 and like the entire sky turns into like a yes you read green piloted by a necromancer because it's a bio engine. Our runs on soul. It runs on blood dude. Blood and soul. Oh my god. If one of them like like the American one has its arm like a big chainsaw extends out and it just starts ripping through the other one. I mean it blood starts spraying out of the cockpit. It's like it's gonna all be worth it. It's not going to be a Jaeger fight. But if it becomes five percent of
Starting point is 02:51:40 times a thousand. Yeah. If I need to MSA team fight is what I need. I'll take I need the the pilot to be pulled screaming from the cockpit dummy plugs getting crushed like the acid burnt my face like or just like yeah they are the little like like nodes that hook up to the pilot so that they feel the impact fight harder fight better. Oh my god. You should never own our own robot. Oh my god. It gets shut down before it ever starts. So this is a pivotal
Starting point is 02:52:16 moment here. This is either the biggest fumble or the greatest step like victory. There's no okay between so we've outfitted the cockpit right. So if you get punched around this these areas of the cockpit acid bursts will spray you. Why because why fucking better. And if the rules state that the pilots can get out and punch each other on. Oh please. I need a twin snake. Oh man. God there's so much. There's so much here. We can do the winner will the winner will move on to become
Starting point is 02:52:57 the design for the next middle gear. Please get the contract from the military like picture if you will like a giant stadiums full of people. Yeah. And God and fucking Kojima in the front row just gleefully like Jack Nicholson like always had a Lakers game. Come on man. We need this world. It's me. It's me. How are they making money off this. That's black. Is it a pay per view. That is the magical question on Twitch. I think it's on Twitch. We don't know but we do know that they
Starting point is 02:53:34 had a Kickstarter so they made money from that to make the thing happen. But as far as sponsorships and such go we don't have any idea surge. We don't know if this is being run off of both companies fused together for a stream or what. But if they had a bunch of corporate stickers on it. Well if I mean it's just divas mech when they unveil it and it's like if it ends up being like a Twitch channel that's like mech a combat league you know then like we've got a good start we
Starting point is 02:54:04 got something going but I think it's just going to be on their personal Twitch though. I'm I think that's because the brand so far where these things had better be destroyed if they come out like nudging each other was there too expensive. We don't want to do a pile. No dude it's it's a two hundred thousand dollar robot and like they're anticipating like still not a lot. No but they're anticipating it to be like wrecked though they're building it two hundred thousand
Starting point is 02:54:28 dollars of pain. I need it. If I want if Carnasaur can fight Bigfoot. Yeah. In the fucking truck truck the monster truck rally bullshit. We can do this. Yeah. The spectacle has been done. Call in those guys. Yeah. With the flamethrowers and the and the stupid fucking hats that the kids wear. I think I think that when Japan is never there at the opposite ends of like a fun obstacle course and then they fight when they get to the center to make sure they get busted. But that this is
Starting point is 02:55:06 also why I think Japan loses is they don't have the great pastime of monster truck rallies. I guess we have had that while Canadians maybe and not as much but the point is North America's had that as a part of our culture like bullfighting grained. If you guys ever come down here I really need to take you to a tractor pool. Yeah because it's that exactly what it sounds like. Yeah. I think it is. You don't know what a tractor pull is. Is that a bunch of strong men pulling
Starting point is 02:55:33 tractors. No. No. It is a cord. It is track. We used to do this. We used to take our tractors right out of the field and take them to these events. Okay. But you take your tractor you hook it up to a giant ass trailer that has a bunch of fucking weights on it. Yeah. And you fire it up. You gun it and you just try to pull this giant fucking thing. Also it's not a certain amount of feet. It's not you two tractors connected. It's not like a tug of war. It can be. You can not
Starting point is 02:56:04 the trackers together. You want to make this whole baby tractor better tractor. Yeah. Yeah. Who has the more powerful tractor. There is a driver out. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Wally. Wally there's a whole world that you do not know. Believe I'm ready to better believe because I I got I love those Japanese truckers that do the crazy shit with their trucks to trick them out. I love that shit. So there's lawnmower pools. There's fucking like I need to show you videos. Wow. You're
Starting point is 02:56:36 not ready for the blue flames spitting out of these fucking tractors. Oh my god. Okay. If you are actually at the event you must cover your ears like you will go deaf. You get to eat a big fucking chili dog and there's a sweaty red net next to you. It's amazing. I would go watch a mecca battle where the audience was in danger. Like are you in danger like you know don't break the seal. Sorry. You know you know the tractor pull. Yes. You know the you know the Dragon Ball fights
Starting point is 02:57:07 where the that go watch these things are just standing in the front row seats to get to die. Yeah. But are you watching it or are you in the stands. I'm in the stands. Okay. And you want to be there. I'm I it's worth it. Okay. Worth it. I remember that George Carlin bit about that. I'm willing to dedicate at least 20% of our city space towards the mayhem and carnage. Anyway what was the carlin bit. Oh the carlin bit is him talking specifically about that. That's why I go
Starting point is 02:57:41 to watch a NASCAR races. I don't want to see rednecks drive 300 miles in a circle. I'm there for the accidents. Yes. Right. If you pay to get in there you deserve what you get. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. So no that that was the first item of news was the event is tomorrow. I thought you were just regularly hyped about and just brought it. No no I'm saying like tomorrow on the 17th make about the sweet of Bashi tune into mega box. To watch the big battle. Hold
Starting point is 02:58:13 on. I'll give you two choices. Either you get a fight in which it lasts like 30 minutes but one of them they both kind of just pitter down and they just break. They run out of batteries. Yeah. Or or the other one is it comes right out of the gate and one of them just gets knocked down first thing and they just push us over and just collapse and explodes everywhere. But it does. It trips over on its own or gets hit. It has. Yeah. Either one does one of those.
Starting point is 02:58:37 I would take the single instant blowout providing it was a sick attack. It had to be offensive. Like it can't be yeah. They swung and one kind of just fell down. It was unclear. No. I want I want like a ridiculous like the equivalent of a spear. I want one to just ram into the other and down below. You know. Okay. Or do a galactica phantom from right out of the best outcome. Okay. What what if it's a what if it's a really good fight back and forth.
Starting point is 02:59:08 It did lots of big attacks and yeah once we never expected. Yeah. Is it a big big O attack where he rears back. They show some new tech that they never think that they had invented. Oh he's coming out. Yeah. Yeah. The other pilot dies. Is it worth it now. Did did did the pilot did they sign a waiver saying there is a thing or is this completely no and no and their children are crying. Produce a piece of paper that has that pilot saying you know what I take this
Starting point is 02:59:42 risk for the future. That's okay. Then I'm fine with it. But if there was no waiver like let it rock completely unexpected there was there were told there was like zero chance of them dying then that's not cool. What fucking happens plague that child with the tears in his eyes. You've ever seen in real life plague like he'll come back and when he's older like in 15 years he'll go against the guy that killed his dad. What but it was an accident not in fiction
Starting point is 03:00:13 in real life will become happening right now pilot. Yeah. My father died in mecha combat. I'm telling you tell us tragic backstory to someone like 70 years from now. You're asking me if this is the world I want to live in. Are you sure you want to ask me that question right now. Dude he's quite right on the fuck on like you're not in the room but he's quite riled up. Yo you have his blood. I'm concerned Wally might kill the pilot himself. Hmm.
Starting point is 03:00:46 If I see you on stream and you're like in the shadows. Yeah you're doing like you're describing backstory to you right now because of what he's only if I see you doing the gindo pose. Just hands up. Wally's on the mecha team either or I'm afraid he might actually put a failsafe to make sure a pilot might die to spur a child to become that sick God mecha pilot because we all know in that moment when the fire and the screams are horrifying everybody. Oh my God. Wally
Starting point is 03:01:21 Mandias is on the prowl. We know that we sitting there watching it are going to be horrified but that 20 years from now that fades out into a grown up kid. Yeah who's like and then I took up the mantle. I decided to finish my father's work and we see them in class stop of the class and then leaving and going home and opening the right be like don't do this and then goes downstairs into the garage and then the fucking lab is is pristine and he's got his crew and they're working
Starting point is 03:01:54 on J. U. T. or before that like let's say when the initial thing happens what will he wants like if this is going to be like a movie over the roar of the flames the camera goes through the flames and it shows the child and he has one tear yeah and his fist is it zooms in on the idea that he's holding like the bloody Bardock bandana that his father was wearing bloody come the fuck on quit playing with me. Yeah okay what if fucking play in brah what if the other pilot
Starting point is 03:02:28 either also dies or later like you're so distraught that he commits suicide or something horrible and then he also has a kid not at all the other kid also not at all the other pilot so that's less the other pilot who was losing the fight and got scarred in the battle right what goes on to happen with him he lost an eye but then as but then and he used this final secret ogie that they didn't approve right this and this is restricted absolutely smooth and they and they
Starting point is 03:02:57 fucking engage the unlimited drive he till he turned it off and it's like no dude there's humans in there this is made for like nonhuman combat only and he fucking wrecked it and then as the fire right again over the roar of the flames like he he he's like quickly quickly go help him but then turns the comms off and fucking smile yeah why did you why did why he turned his comms off why is it why has he gone dark and then he's looking and then they the two pilots the dad
Starting point is 03:03:22 and the dad and the old other pilot can see each other looking through the glass and the dad's like you fuck okay you he does does the little kid grow up and he's like fighting the end he's he's fighting he's fighting that pilot in 20 years older he's still the best he's got he's got one eye but his skills make him incredible because he's been doing it from day one he's the first combat fighter and he's still in the game that's what I think I think that it's like the American
Starting point is 03:03:52 team you could probably spot the guy if he's got like an eye patch and he always looks evil and he has like a beard and he's like six foot five and rippling with muscles and it's always talking about claiming his ancient heritage or something absolutely and maybe there's something up with him you know what I need to have a talk with Sam you have all this dramatic flair and this like revenge sort of thing and a lot of high emotions but when you frame this back over
Starting point is 03:04:20 the fact that it's on twitch. These guys are fighting for what? Bits? You're fighting? They're just emotes. Everyone's just like oh shit. Like the kid's father is dying and everyone's like LOL Kappa. PogChamp. Shine on. Shine. There's like oh get some tacos for that guy that died. Fucking you text face. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:04:48 Gonna need some dog faces. He's dying. Bible Thump. Please donate. Donate. Oh poor child. Donate to that pilot's family. Binding advice a tear crying face you know. Oh dude come on.
Starting point is 03:05:06 Come the fuck on. That would be a show like a show about a twitch account or like a streaming it like thing and and there's like real desk going on and people are framing it with like bits real wipeouts. I want the stream I want like as like the saw starts cleaving into the Japanese man's skull and viscera is spraying just like bits erupt on the screen. Vegeta fan 248 has donated 50 bits.
Starting point is 03:05:43 Big cheer big cheer from Robo fan. It's like the top cheer the flames is melting the guys flesh away like Shadow King is now hosting like just the notification just pops. Oh man yeah yeah fuck I think we might have ruined tomorrow's event. Yeah you know it's just going to come out and one's going to like shove the other one a little bit and he's going to kind
Starting point is 03:06:17 of topple over like the controls won't work. Yeah and it's just that'll be the worst that they come out one of them just doesn't work exactly. I mean I assume there's a million test runs but we've seen like we've seen those robot runs of like the like the rock walk down the stairs open the door like emergency robots basically and those tests are all shitty so yeah but I but again this is you have one job and you've had years to prepare
Starting point is 03:06:43 for it. I think they have scheduled the event and the event is oh I don't know say tomorrow I'd imagine both robots function. If we find out that this is all kayfabe and they already planned out this awesome thing I will still take that I'll take that to as a lucha underground. I might actually prefer it. Yeah what if there's another Mecca that's chained in the
Starting point is 03:07:07 basement. All right look. Listen they can't use it yet listen like like sexy star. Okay listen because Lavras is not a Lavras is persona shadow Lavras is persona is this giant like beast monster robot type thing chained down in the depths that crawls its way out and you're saying this is a Mecca they can't turn off all they can do is restrain it.
Starting point is 03:07:39 Where's its power coming from it's not plugged in is there a pilot. No. We should put that soren ring into its pilots. Okay I think it'd be cool the machine is completely motionless but it is on like lights are on but like it doesn't move. And you walk in and you go what's this aura. What's the mood.
Starting point is 03:08:04 It's simply emitting a killing intent. The gogy man gogy that was all quality stuff. All right look you should chop Jojo characters popping off of that's why I'm that's why I'm bookending it right here. Let's get into overwatch his skins shall we. Yeah yeah yeah. Speaking of one overwatch skin will die. Yeah so fuck loot boxes one gets deleted.
Starting point is 03:08:30 Anyway here's the here's the Halloween terror event. Yeah I haven't started yet. Yeah I went in just to just to you know dick around a little bit. New Anna looks cool. She's like a pirate. She's got a little birdie. It's cool.
Starting point is 03:08:47 New McCree is McCree just McCree. Yeah he looks like he's from Darkwatch. Yeah fancy Darkwatch McCree. I agree. I mean the Capcom game. Jiangxi May which is like a Lele ghost. Yeah exactly. Or Hisenko depending on your depending if you're nasty or
Starting point is 03:09:07 not depending on your region. She's good though. More Reaper Reaper I mean it's like because he's the skull what else are you going to do with Reaper. Well I don't think he should have gotten a costume because he got the one of the best ones last Halloween event but he's a spooky skull man so he gets a Dracula thing not much else to do now just make Ghost Rider I guess.
Starting point is 03:09:31 Yeah well I mean kind of was last time but not really. And then there's of course the fantastic Dragon Symmetra which is the most blizzard thing I've ever seen in Overwatch. She's supposed to be Deathwing someone told me she's supposed to be Deathwing from a World of Warcraft. Okay because I'm like that design looks so aggressively like a blizzard character from something. Yeah she looks like a race from Wow that you've never seen.
Starting point is 03:09:58 Well it's the type of the type of demon right that those types of horns going back. It's like a Starcraft 3 character very yeah very Starcraft very Wow you know so that's that's super dope. I like her gun to her guns really nice. Yeah. Torbjörn is a Viking he's more Viking than ever cool. That's you're nailing it you're doing what he does.
Starting point is 03:10:22 And then we have the reason for the event itself. Finally the least Halloween costume of them all now I forgot that she got a decent one last time at the at the Overwatch anniversary. You don't mean the red the mecha type one the armor type one was all right. It was all right. It was way better than the defaults.
Starting point is 03:10:46 Yeah but it also wasn't very sorry like she's completely covered up like no no it could be better but it was better than the defaults and it was better than the stupid snow sleeve version that she got at Christmas which is nothing. So thank you for this 80s. Thank you for literally looking into Leanna soul basically and creating the right thing out of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:11:07 Thank you for trying more than none. This yeah yeah that's what it is that's you give a core component of a lot of her design problems was her hair because they were so married to know it has yeah kind of because the person that she's based on has this hair. Yes. Oh really just just change. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:11:24 Is she's based on a real person. Of course. Yes some I've seen them before. I didn't know that one of one of their employees. Oh really. Oh wait I did think I saw this before. Let me see. Let me see what it says here.
Starting point is 03:11:40 Well he's quick to look this up. I think I yes I am. I think I remember hearing about this actually. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I've seen this before. That's cool. Sorry it makes you guys that's cool. Auto fill mark stretch result.
Starting point is 03:11:57 That's pretty dope. Anyway. So yeah I haven't played the event yet but it's the same as last year right it's the junk and Steins yes of course and then last we forget I got my costume Matt's got to get his well I mean I do not play a Zenyatta no but Colt is but I'm glad that Zenyatta now has an 82nd costume. That's also amazing.
Starting point is 03:12:22 He was he was due for one. It was a good one. It is very good. I may like like Zenyatta I may have joined the cult cut to this I may be the leader of said cult embrace insanity. Yeah so that's good stuff. Have not played Overwatch and since the Olympic first Olympic game thing.
Starting point is 03:12:48 Yeah it's been a while and like I remember I remember I like popped it open and only the free crate you get like I opened it and I got a Doomfist skin and I was like oh my God yeah right yeah the last time I played Doomfist has skins the last time I played is when Doomfist came out I played on PTR Doomfist but I like when he can't I didn't see his skins when it came out so I want to go check this out they're okay there's there's there's a there's a fucking winner in that
Starting point is 03:13:10 set though. Iron with iron fist basically he's like all steel and fucking like mechanical it's really cool with first person shooters always go this thing of like on launch it's actually fairly easy because there's a lot of people that have no idea what they're doing you're getting a lot of people that are kind of similar to you first person choose one of those things where if you the people that play them are people that
Starting point is 03:13:33 play them religiously yeah so you just get the shit kicked out of you yeah so we got to play with a crew. Yeah you you absolutely like it's one of those things just muscle memory you just have to have it and it takes quite a while to build a leg has it yeah definitely do but Overwatch just turned into Reinhardt the game for me because I was actually pretty decent with Reinhardt but that was it because yeah the same here decision making yeah because
Starting point is 03:13:59 that's what he is he's just are you good decisions or not yeah as opposed to you know like can I land that headshot can I there's not really any other characters that are exactly like that sort of similar ones but I like Zarya for similar reasons because like I can aim well enough to land the beam on you I'm not getting the headshot but I'm not yeah but I'm better at that than I am at landing a headshot right and it's like you know a lot of people be like if you're
Starting point is 03:14:26 playing DPS and you're not getting headshots most of the time why are you on my team type of thing like I'd rather like you know spray the and keep the cursor on you with Zarya where it's like it doesn't matter it's just it's doing the damage and then beyond that my decisions are based on when to bubble you know so I had to stop playing battle grounds for that reason there's a lot of guns in that game that you have to practice with them you just have to because
Starting point is 03:14:53 there's things like variable ranges where you have to choose like whether you're at 100 meters or 300 meters or whatever it is and that has specific drop-offs and you don't see the projectile you just kind of have to look for where it kind of pops so I'm getting to the situation of our alright I'm making a good decision I'm waiting for this guy I know he's coming I set up an ambush just right and I pull out a shotgun and I shoot him in the back and then nothing here yeah yeah
Starting point is 03:15:19 because I'm a hero and then I shoot him in the back again because I'm extra heroic and then again nothing happens and I shoot him a third time in each one of these I'm thinking well it's I'm hitting his head and then he finally turns around and sees me and pops me once and I die like well I just I have no idea what I'm doing I'm not any good this so I just have to stop because even with my good decision making it's not benefiting me at all I should I should tune in I should go
Starting point is 03:15:43 check in with Black Gift and see if see if that's still going strong because that was that was fun back in the day when we were doing our our online ranked shit if I can find the time for that but also a more like a pretty successful week for character designs yeah let's put it that way because Zeku looks like fucking awesome awesome work was done and they're and he's closing out Street Fighter 5 season 2 in style honestly I think really happy to have the V trigger thing he'd actually
Starting point is 03:16:20 be kind of boring but because he has it I think it does make him a lot more dynamic and his personality does seem a bit more interesting than the one or two screens that he got in Street Fighter Alpha he was he just seemed like he would be just he was just a serious guy master serious kick man yeah that's all he was at the time he was just screenshot dude I'm happy they made a character out of him for sure yes it's nice that he's got that that Strider switch mode yeah that's a
Starting point is 03:16:48 really fun thing about him young for my V trigger but without that I still think he looks fucking fantastic I like old man fighter you have to admit though you look at his moves just kicks you and just flips around well the nothing we haven't seen well he's literally doing two moves that Charlie has like he's doing the somersault slash and he's doing the this you know the the basically the flip kick and the grounded version of the kick as well as a jury style
Starting point is 03:17:17 kicks yes and he's not like he's not like guy in this mode as much as his younger no he's not when he switched into because he's trying to invent a new style right that's a story I'd imagine so because like yeah he's not the Bushin Ryu master and no guy exactly have to practice so I always assume you kill yourself when you're not the Bushin Ryu well the when you get usurped yes actually oh what that's the story I did not well so why is he not dead because he's the first person I
Starting point is 03:17:48 didn't look at the story about okay the masters of Bushin Ryu and Street Fighter here we go in Street Fighter when you when you learn Russian Ryu you have to kill your master to become the new master okay right I actually knew that there can only be two practitioners at one time I knew a thing one you mean out to a master students okay okay yeah sorry it's like the rule of two yeah right and the Zeku was the first person to choose not to kill his master and guy was the second okay right
Starting point is 03:18:18 and we assume Zeku's master was like just old or whatever and I but when he took on guy guy became the new master but he chose not to kill Zeku and so Zeku's like all right well we're gonna do things our way so they respect it's like it's almost like the end set skin hold the whole killing you know things like you could there's killing moves but we're not doing it that way and so Zeku's like all right well I'm done now bits for me to kill him and you out there and Mackie is
Starting point is 03:18:46 now there as well so she's learning still the students so so so so exactly so Zeku is like fuck it I'm doing my own shit but when you switch it back to young mode where he looks like Strider yeah then he like actually looks like and then he gets the run commands that we're all familiar with and know from guy but he does the flips as as as old men's ecu either way to use like this stupidest thing to have if you're like what does something happens to them like they get
Starting point is 03:19:13 in a car wreck or something and you're like 70 years old well there goes your entire life well every person that's ever known it you have to imagine that it's a martial art invented by a selfish asshole and I know a selfish asshole that wants to be the best and wants to never ever lose and the best way you could never ever loses by no one knowing your shit so you know what by being super secret this is probably happened it and it doesn't exist because they
Starting point is 03:19:41 fucking died well sure and then of course MMA came along and proved that like you know when people none of it works none of it works none of it works dude the best the best martial art is science really is how many times you are there's clips of dudes like oh god I don't remember any of the names but I was there was a clip was on a Rogan podcast or they're like this one dude went and you fought a martial arts master in China and there's there's video of this on YouTube where
Starting point is 03:20:10 he just feels like we're going to fight you're going to use your ancient martial arts you're going to use kung fu and I'm going to do MMA and I'm going to show you that this is practical it's based on real life not just drills and fake things right there's also a lot of annihilates him embarrassingly and he beat him so bad that he had to like flee because people were so upset they're like death threats and like coming after this guy because he disrespected like the mysticism of this
Starting point is 03:20:39 old martial art and it was like oh god damn like no dude for practical purposes you actually like this is actually I will defend Asian martial arts I took Wing Chun dude were they were they have comparable power levels though well you see that's the thing is we didn't get the numbers we get the number if he had a hard if he had a higher power level coming into it there's no way he could have won one way or the other the MMA guy 100% decimated the kung fu guy and that is a rule that
Starting point is 03:21:10 generally is providing that they've both done their research like will hold fast because the MMA guy is basically like if it works I will use it if it doesn't I will not because he's using something that was designed for fighting and most martial arts from agent were not designed for fighting they're more about carrying on historical traditions or you know a form of meditation in some cases like there's lots of different kinds and usually they don't really have anything to do with
Starting point is 03:21:44 fighting necessarily some of them do like some of them actually do have good applications I think kung fu is one of them I can I can I can only really speak for Wing Chun because you know that's that's what I'm familiar with but like I know that like you know lessons were based on you know dealing with real-life shitty situations that can happen to you and basically like if you're forced into a to fight or whatever like how to deal with that in the proper way
Starting point is 03:22:08 so it it's like it's not like get into a ring and spar with a guy as much as it was like handle this situation quickly and get the fuck out you know and quote unquote real fighting whatever you want to call it like MMA sort of stuff yeah usually like there's a lot of politics behind it too because there's Asian Asian martial arts here in like the Americas you know North South America or even Europe are usually taught by like bargain bin basement guys that don't really know that
Starting point is 03:22:36 much about it and that's where a lot of pervasiveness about how awful some of them are like if you go over right to eight like very specific locations in like their native homeland sometimes you'll find a guy that's like he knows his fucking shit is actually pretty good at it but it's usually not the case but it and plus there's like a this politic of unless you have people that have active resistance during training we won't consider it to be a real martial art because if you
Starting point is 03:23:05 don't have that if you don't have people that are actually resisting your training then you just have people that are just doing rituals and they're just falling down because they know they have to pull down exactly exactly no the point is is that if you're building up a style based on experience then well I mean there's strict rule sets in both in either in either sense or it's like you can and can't do these things but if you're building up your move your move list
Starting point is 03:23:28 based on this worked and this didn't then it just makes sense that you have a better shot than someone who's just doing a movement because he was taught to do it for a thousand years you know what I mean like at the end of the day jit kundo worked for Bruce Lee because he realized as well just take what works and throw away that what that's what's you know so not every single martial art can be Brazilian jujitsu yeah right which is also fucking like goddamn that
Starting point is 03:23:56 shit's real yeah it's devastating okay moving along we've got a news we have a news we have a news it's some news it's a news that you told me about actually we can we can talk about jumps jump up super star right beer one up girl yeah this is the live action of probably the most elaborate live action like video game commercial I can remember seeing the last long while or whatever is it as impactful as Mad World Gears of War remains to be seen but I certainly a lot
Starting point is 03:24:36 more catchy just Mario just jumping around and like this sort of was the style at the time is Mario jumping around live action people possessing random children in your homes oh yeah you're never safe stealing people's lives making them as slaves yeah all the things Mario loves to do like Mario didn't have time to jump up and see that guy playing his switch yeah through it without knowing so I think here so what if that guy dog what does he do what if that guy
Starting point is 03:25:03 what if that's is this dog makes him his mind slave what if that college that college kid was having sex with his girlfriend and Mario threw the hat on him Mario is like fucking nice right and then the girls like a surprise for a bit that she's like hmm yeah no so really good commercial well done when they when they show me the footage again and it starts showing like all the shit you're possessed like this you possess the bullet bill then the fish then a fire a fire like bro then
Starting point is 03:25:37 when you're the t-rex I'm like oh yeah for this fucking game because controlling that t-rex is the Jurassic Park game that we didn't get because we're getting that sim building game and I think the game knows that everyone wants to be because that big zoom out roar is clearly a moment of triumph because the guy in the trailer is absolutely so yeah super catchy song good commercial reminds of the old Zelda commercials where they made the big Japanese but yeah
Starting point is 03:26:11 yeah they were real so so I'll be playing Odyssey when it comes out you will yeah yeah yeah yeah like Mario games once that weren't on the weas anyways well those were all mostly well I mean the galaxy one galaxy was you're not you're not missing anything much on the Wii U though I mean I didn't have a Wii so I couldn't play it so you're right okay just getting rid of some useless news garbage yeah cuphead sold a million we talked about that yeah I mean plague basically said the
Starting point is 03:26:44 story is like oh they're doing great Shin Megami Tensei Synchronicity is a prologue 2D action game for free that was just put out was the Jack brothers game yeah jeez so this just popped up out of nowhere just it's here featuring Jack Frost and pyrojack exploring the Schwartzfeld so while it might not have a direct connection to strange journey redux it is available for free from today until Christmas yay random side scroller SMT game fun time as that Jack
Starting point is 03:27:22 Bros. game on the virtual boy yeah Jesus I didn't there was a Jack brothers game on the virtual boy you control like a bunch of them Jack Frost virtual boy yes oh wait I know what you're talking yeah yeah I think it's just called Jack brothers like bros or whatever I only know because it's the last game they ever released for it it's rare but they came out interesting from now until February if you need me I'll be in fucking Wakanda I'll be in Wakanda fuck this fuck this
Starting point is 03:28:04 nation is Wakanda the most advanced nation ever oh man it's so good because vibranium vibranium they found a rock with vibranium in it therefore super technology more importantly they found the the rock with technology in it that that they mined before the white people got to it yeah oh my goodness slash kicked out the white people yeah before they took it and then they're like now we got spaceships what so yeah the new Black Panther trailer drop Black Panther season trailer
Starting point is 03:28:38 the first trailer I was kind of like I'm sure it's going to be good but didn't really show really much so this is good it's a great trailer because it's just showing the hints of the plot like there's this like his brother or whatever is just usurping and working with Andy circuses character and that's it I feel the opposite I like the trade the first trailer much more because it was just tone and music and that's what I want out of a trailer and that's what I
Starting point is 03:29:01 loved about it this one's getting too precise for me and it's showing me things I don't want to see until I see the movie yeah I don't want to know that Black Panther jumps on a car and rips the wheels off in a really cool way you can assume he would I know but let me see it let me get that Black Panther he's always ripping up tires yeah I mean eventually you got to stop running from the cops and just pull the tires off the police car am I right yeah so you
Starting point is 03:29:26 know I just mean like this isn't as bad as like that one Spider-Man homecoming trailer that just it was the entire movie it was yeah yeah yeah so I just think this is a happy meeting it's showing it's showing too much though it's showing too much so it's cool I cannot wait to live in a world to fictional like I cannot wait to live in a world where Black people are walking out of Black Panther like Avatar feeling like a post Pandora where everyone's like
Starting point is 03:30:02 post what get ready for post Wakanda sadness that's right what because people Black people are going to walk out of this movie going fuck did you just go back to this shit did you just make this up on the spot where you were shopping this no post Wakanda no I like I'm just saying right now that's really off the fucking cuff you're going to walk out depressed to return to the real world because fictional super cyber Africa is way cooler really I'm going to walk out
Starting point is 03:30:35 depressed I want that I can't wait can't wait to feel it or feel it's so good yeah it's a weird feeling like if you're white it's in the excited for something like this is kind of a weird feeling was kind of mixed I don't know it's like it's the the whole like the whole thing of it being like all it's not all Black people obviously but it being focused on your alright Black superhero let's go that sort of thing is it's this weird mixture of like pride of like yes finally
Starting point is 03:31:11 but at the same time I shouldn't be excited I'm white what am I doing this is not for you yeah exactly because it's like I'm excited for this but then someone reaches out and takes it from me but no no what are you doing like for me I mean I always knew Black Panther was like always a pretty cool character but I never like had any of his comics or whatever but then like you know around the the odds like he started getting really good writers and they started doing some really
Starting point is 03:31:37 fun things and I heard like oh yeah like that's I'm going to really get into that and then when he showed up in the movies like they did a really good job highlighting him just enough and not like taking focus away from other care more important characters in Civil War they did a really good job setting this up and let's making him seem really cool it's kind of effortlessly well I mean I'm being told it's based on a really good run yes and yeah I saw that too I do hope that they
Starting point is 03:32:05 translate his personality well and he just doesn't he doesn't come across as you know boring oh no I think they I think they've already done that honestly in Civil War like I think the stubbornness yeah and the assholeishness because that's that's because of his character because he didn't have the point of view guns so you couldn't see well I we've we've talked about this on the podcast before but it's like the thing with Black Panther is that he's a perfect like flawless
Starting point is 03:32:31 specimen yeah in that like he's athletically perfect like brilliant he's a genius he's a great king he's compassionate but the problems therefore arise from his hubris and and too good exactly and then the problems arise from his like sometimes short-sighted decisions where his ego gets in the way type of things so also the fact that he behaved a bit like that already is like setting that up and the brighter you shine the darker the shadow you cast is that there's the
Starting point is 03:33:00 people that are like trying to get like step up yeah yeah trying to step up and take you down a few notches so gotta peg you so yeah fucking yeah we spear yeah we chuck spears but those spears like with fucking phase on oozing through them that's just being that's being selfish at that point making fucking spear out of super technology this is a big middle finger come on I suppose if they have so much of it like they had they built spaceships or like hovercrafts and shit or
Starting point is 03:33:35 whatever they got in the trailer but then it's like well let's make more small scale stuff like I don't know like a toaster made out of vibranium it's amazing that they haven't run sure sure we got so much on in destructible that was fun and speaking of Marvel I just want to give a nice big shout out to one of the greatest now I won't even call it hate mail because okay I've been playing Marvel I've been getting messages from shitty salty people I was going to talk
Starting point is 03:34:06 about it but I was like why it happens to everybody right exactly and it's a letter now you thought differently it's hilarious every time because you beat some idiot and then they're like you know fucking they salty and they they message you and go like I only lost because my girl was sucking my dick and my baby was crying at the time so whatever yeah I didn't I didn't I saw this headline but I didn't click into it but there's a great is a really fun story where this guy
Starting point is 03:34:33 called for a no I do know this for a to master Steph played this guy online and he beat him and he got sent a message as you do right yeah but the message he got was super different it's the guy replies yeah something about that loss really really really pissed me off you're an extremely good player now I'm going to say this I don't care what it takes I'm going to practice for a month straight when I get back online I'm going to invite you and when I do I will make you pay for each
Starting point is 03:35:10 and every combo you landed after that retarded doors thorn garden and after having said that reply in any positive or extremely heartless manner you like either way I hope you have a blessed day and I won't block your message just remember this today you're going to pay nice team and one month I'll be inviting you believe the tweet of the person that got this message said I think I just got my anime rival yeah yeah yeah what anime is this avatar from I have no idea
Starting point is 03:35:43 it looks like a tales game maybe it doesn't doesn't look like one to me that I don't know who that is that I don't know who that is anything could be god damn this is the most pure it's not salt though it's it's this is like this is refined you know what I mean fancy like diluted so this is this is like what no it's like a crystal you know it's like a salt it's like it takes on it took a beautiful form has a sheen now the sodium has turned into like after after millions of
Starting point is 03:36:13 years we've turned it into determination yeah okay it's those grow your own crystal farm things that you buy whenever your kids sure sure you know that shit will still like you would love to get a message like oh my god I would die but this actually it seems more like he's not even angry is like he's he's trying so hard to craft this experience because there's this dragging the other guy along for the yeah yeah it's right no because it's it's it's it's the acceptance of
Starting point is 03:36:47 the fact that he's like yeah you beat me but just you wait this is literally the epitome of my mom motivated yeah right punching the tree and catching the leaves and in this article it has a picture of fucking rocky fucking punching the meat of course he's getting motivated so yeah man like huge huge props to that fantastic tiger cinematic history of the fighting game community and last but not least nobody knows where the fuck Breath of Wild fits into the timeline when asked
Starting point is 03:37:20 breaking news when asked about where the fuck Breath of the Wild fits by a Quebec gaming site actually care uh, I think it's France. Most theories are anyway I love how most theories completely ignore details like well it can't be this because of this and they're like yeah shut up when they made the timeline the official one that was in Hyrule Historia Breath of Wild is not really happening yet I don't think basically the last thing they do is go oh yeah that
Starting point is 03:37:52 works in that spot of the timeline to me this is they do everything else first and go wouldn't it be cool if and then make the game and add the bosses and then they go all right does this work here and I know that's like it's what a Zelda fan hates the most we don't want to hear that because we want to hear that you know these games are sequential because we've been playing them for a while and it's cool to think that they're all linked but to me this is like a completely
Starting point is 03:38:18 different dimension I could see them blessings I could see them just being like here's an updated Hyrule Historia and there's like there's another timeline and a single dot on it right here that says Breath of the Wild you know they're like fuck it or it's like it's so unimportant to them but this is a destroyed buildings and just in collapsing things it's like it could be like hundreds of years and if you like you know I I long stop caring the developers
Starting point is 03:38:43 transparently do not care or think about this stuff they're just making the game they want to make yeah they make the references they want to make and if you want to get upset well this lake is named this at this curtain they don't care it doesn't matter if you call them up and ask them they're going to be like it's the least important thing and you'll get charged $17 a minute they win to hear a Nintendo employee called the end you know let's get some questions and get
Starting point is 03:39:15 out of here don't worry froggy the pain will end soon soon it puts the lotion on its skin we're using you see who's a key like me a moto are you talking like that if you have a letter where do you send it you send it to a super best friend cast at that's super best friend I was going to say that's at first one coming in from Jack has he says what's up ultra tragic flesh beasts few weeks ago you guys talked about that was
Starting point is 03:39:56 trying to reduce toxic player activity and I was wondering if you'd ever heard of dev talking about implementing a system that would derank or distribute a random that would derank them or distribute a random event item to other players as punishment for being reported for toxic behavior multiple times do you think this could reduce communities toxicity I know it's not a perfect solution but I'd like to hear your thoughts I mean anything's worth trying like I
Starting point is 03:40:22 can't say that you can do ranking I mean depends on what type of game I guess because it's like it's interesting because it's like you can do rank a person or you can just like ban them you know but like but it seems like overwatch for example is like we're not going to ban you we're going to like like banning is for cheaters right yeah so it's hard to say I mean it depends on the type of account it depends on the type of game it depends you know what I mean
Starting point is 03:40:50 there's so much to it like there's some games where like like I think overwatch is like the current discussion on this so deranking somebody is that's not going to create more of a problem it's it's hard to say it's hard to say like I don't feel like that's related you know what I mean yeah like that doesn't necessarily especially since people can it's a weapon it punishes you in an unrelated way for this thing you know what I mean like I
Starting point is 03:41:18 feel like like if someone had like lost the ability to talk and then you have to play muted dude dude yeah after multiple instances of you being reported they relock the legendary skin of your main oh wow yeah there you go there you go I'd say furious we figured we figured all of this out last time we came up with a really good one and I didn't talk about so you know but the answer is I think the answer is directly
Starting point is 03:41:47 I don't think that's a good one now you go back to the old they'll talk for better ideas really the the trick to toxicity is not punishing people for it so much is rewarding good behavior right so the things like League or don't know whatever do where they send out reports on you know for the past two weeks you've been like this and players actually respect you a lot and you have been shown to be good teammates and things like that but like I remember actually that helps a lot because
Starting point is 03:42:13 it establishes that players identity of oh yeah I'm good like I'm one of the best players but if you're just middle of the road and you're never bad you're just completely unremarkable like you don't want to lose a little bit of a dick you don't want to lose out because you're just unremarkable like you should still be you know whatever playing the game yeah so anyway I think no but that's it I was like not not cheating or bad behavior but I it's a maybe something similar can
Starting point is 03:42:42 happen but when you pirate certain games they send like a mega beast into the game world to just yeah that was my favorite that's really good that be somehow done that's really good yeah well like every game has a nemesis system that works only yeah I would want to pirate games then I want to see the pirate you can play online but you have one HP it would be amazing we got one coming in from jahid and he says have you ever played dot hack and would you consider doing the let's
Starting point is 03:43:16 play of the main series no no no I watched the show I hated it but I thought the intro song was cool next that's oh my God yes that's the only thing people will say yeah my impression watch the intro then shut it all okay one coming in from Tyler he says they're super best friend cast Tyler from the UK a while now I finally convinced an old friend of mine to try Dark Souls for himself after watching me play for about 10 minutes I gave him an explanation on mechanics and
Starting point is 03:43:46 menu stuff and I set him up and left him to his own devices went to visit for the first time in like two months and I asked how's dark souls going turns out he had the game on he had a game time of 28 hours and had made it to blight town apparently got lost and hasn't touched the game in several weeks so I told him to stick it on and show it to me and then proceeded to watch him bumble around for the next one must have been two hours and make zero progress I offered to help show him but
Starting point is 03:44:13 he refused and told me he'd rather have he would he would rather have me do it for him he gave up on the game and would only play again once he was out of blight town so I took the controller got him most of the notable loot and beat quillag a few days later he made it to Anor Londo do you think this is the wrong thing to do or would it be better if you just didn't play the game then if then for me to do the hard bit for him I don't know that's a weird case all these specific
Starting point is 03:44:38 is it wrong eight hours like Jesus well the guy's not going to play one way or the other then yeah wrong says whether or not he wants to waste his time or not if you play like 28 hours is a lot of time to put into it like I can't even tell by that email if even likes the game and you know as we all know it's like with these these hills you climb are so that the bigger steeper hills are actually yeah later on so you know you want to treat that as a difficulty in achievement
Starting point is 03:45:10 thing because Dark Souls sure he didn't earn it or whatever but it's just a fucking video game and it's his time so if he is investing time into something because he wants a good experience with it and he's finding well I'm bored or I'm not really enjoying any part of it and he can quit if he wants to so that's yeah he says right just give me out of this zone and I'll I might go back to it and fine just go ahead yeah there's no clear answer unless you ask him did
Starting point is 03:45:36 you enjoy those 28 hours or not if you enjoyed those 28 hours then no but if he didn't and he and I think he didn't based on the fact that he stopped then you know sure why not it just everyone's different some some of the design of the souls games are also like that there are parts where a lot of people just stop playing and it's usually the fucking swamp areas because that's what they're designed to do they're just designed to be fucking annoying designed to break you
Starting point is 03:46:07 I hate the three one care super best Vayner that's dear super best friends in Danish nice I was always wondering please try to read it out loud on the podcast willy having bought Bioshock the collection on steam some time ago and with which both the original and remastered editions are and the sequel are included I'm now up to the decision of whether to play the originals or go on to the remasters or skipping the originals all together my question is do you are would you
Starting point is 03:46:33 in a situation where a game has been remastered go to the original first and or skip it if so what justifies the original version depends on the remaster if the remaster doesn't feature a cool codec call voice girl and features back flipping off of missiles then you might want to consider playing both versions yeah I guess cool now means just really bad thick Asian accent that's like borderline racist I don't fuck I like old mailing
Starting point is 03:47:08 and I will I'm fine I'm not apologizing for that I just wouldn't say cool is the best I would I like I enjoy mailing's original voice actor fine like in the case of let's say Odin Sphere I never actually played original Odin Sphere like everyone else had a copy that you always had one lying around or something you talked about it and then I never actually played it and then like Odin Sphere love whatever life and sheer the remastered there is absolutely no reason to go back and play
Starting point is 03:47:39 the PS2 version it's a complete like improvement in every regard yeah but then there's some other ones like you might actually want to just play the PS2 original Shadow of the Colossus rather than the PS3 HD version because that has extra fucked up things in it like you might actually be better served to play the original or obviously play the actual full on PS4 remake when it comes out I think you can play zero mission instead of playing the original Metroid game.
Starting point is 03:48:10 I think the little thumb is if something gets a remake or HD or whatever if it was that good and it got that higher reviews whatever then you can go back as long as you're the type of person that can go back in terms of graphics and also what consoles you own it on or whatever or like what you have available to you like is the HD thing is mainly for fans that already were there if you enjoyed it that much you can always just get the HD version.
Starting point is 03:48:41 Yeah, yeah, it really depends on the game because it's like do you want to go back and play the PS3 version of a Bethesda game like Skyrim probably not. Yeah, well, that's it right or it's like again like are you a child that hasn't experienced Zoe to yet then fucking here. Yeah, like so unfortunately this requires a lot of research. Yeah, it does but certain games the answer is yes certain games the answer is no there's no hard fast rule but almost
Starting point is 03:49:06 always opt first for the better newer version of it then do the research and then I'm like if it says otherwise like yeah you might not want to. If you go back and play Persona 3 instead of Fess or if you play P4 instead of the Golden you're a fucking fool. Three Fess is not as big a deal but Golden to fucking original you're a fool. There's no other way to put it.
Starting point is 03:49:35 There's no other descriptor for you. It's that's it. You're a fucking fool. Um well he's standing over your body limp his finger pointing down at your face fool. You will never know the glory of gold. Kudobar says I on the topic of Montreal being ugly and under construction.
Starting point is 03:50:00 They're super best friends when I visited Montreal a few months ago I noticed how many crazy ugly and under constructed. I noticed how many crazy murals there are all over the city. I wanted to know if you had any like in particular I like the one of the minotaur holding up an overpass and all the art on sale and wrong. I live in DC.
Starting point is 03:50:18 We don't have as many and I'm jealous. I noticed I hardly notice the construction of Montreal because I was always looking up. Thank you for a great podcast to Kudobar. Thank you. Yes, I have two standout favorites that you can probably Google probably the best the best one I would say is our Lady of Grace mural which is I think if you just if you just
Starting point is 03:50:42 go like Montreal mural Sherbrook it's that that really cool like ain't like you know like Mary I know the one really really nice. It's done in like Art Nouveau style and it's fucking fantastic. It's a really cool piece that's been there and I'd say my second favorite is the cool giant Leonard Cohen on on Crescent Street.
Starting point is 03:51:04 Yeah, worry because he's from Montreal too. So that's a fun one. He mentioned on sale around since I live around near about there. Yeah, though that that specifically has like a festival based around it and those murals get changed every couple of months and it's always something like new every couple of months and there's been some fantastic ones.
Starting point is 03:51:23 One's not that great right now. I think on one of the buildings there. I honestly forget what it's called. Yeah, that's the one and now. Yeah, that's okay. Really that one in the far right on the bottom. We're just looking at some of the murals here that they were talking about, but you can look up again.
Starting point is 03:51:41 There's Montreal mural sure book. That's our Lady of Grace mural and the Leonard Cohen one is Montreal mural Crescent and you can see a giant Leonard Cohen face that looks like the weird one in the skeletal bird. That's the one I was going to say that's that's not that's actually gone now now it's different, but it's a katana and of Eagle and a skeleton of a snake just right. It's you know, it's just radical, whatever.
Starting point is 03:52:11 Where was that this this was this is on sailor this was on sailor on is this where that is this where that golf club is or was the golf club on the corner of I want to say Ontario. No, it's it's much higher up than Ontario. This. Okay. Yeah, but it's weird.
Starting point is 03:52:31 That's what I like. Yeah, but that's the actual one I was going to mention. But right now there's one that's like a cow skull and like it's very sketchy. It's done in like a very like a sketchbook style looking at yeah, there's a lot of we've got a lot of them. We've got a lot of them. We definitely have a bunch.
Starting point is 03:52:46 Yeah, specifically if you want to see some of these like search Montreal like murals like not just graffiti or whatever because you'll just a lot of buildings that have like full building. Oh wait, I forgot have any near near the catacomb. That's the fucking Ontario golf club. That's what you're catacomb. Yeah, there's a AVP mural where there's a shitload of aliens.
Starting point is 03:53:08 I actually don't think there's any predators. There's a shitload of aliens finding each other that I took a picture of and put on my Twitter a few months back that I thought was just fun. That's because that you know, oddly speaks to me. I'm not sure if you're going to get it by putting Montreal was a city of culture. Check out our six.
Starting point is 03:53:26 I don't right. Don't think I've tried putting aliens trying putting aliens. Yeah. Well, it's here in Kentucky. We have no murals and there's 50 miles from here that has some bricks and that's our thing. And also it loads of different xenomorphs and shit. Bricks can be fun, but they're more fun with xenomorphs on
Starting point is 03:53:46 them. Yeah, it's true. It's true. Damn. That's a really sick one. Yeah. We have a stinky river. No, man.
Starting point is 03:53:52 Smells. No, man. I tag it all the time. The stinky river. I was here. I said all the time, like I know I know a lot of people that washes away that have moved in from out of town and like really like this look like the city, but as someone who's
Starting point is 03:54:10 been here my entire life and has lived all over it, I still think Montreal's rad and I'm really happy to be here. It's a very cool city to live in. Our cities suck. And I've always thought that and always will. City singular. And yeah, it's not even a city actually. It's a big city of Paducah that no one's heard of.
Starting point is 03:54:35 Oh, let's take one. Okay. Jamal says Der Super best friend. Heist. Okay. Good opening. First time around a long time watching listener and most RPGs you have HP and MP and in some games when your HP is
Starting point is 03:54:49 low, your character hunches over and looks tired. I'm wondering what it would look like or feel like on low MP. Is it a headache, a hangover and empty feeling? Do you know anyone that has addressed this? Low MP. Depression, crippling. Low MP or low HP? Low MP.
Starting point is 03:55:05 Because low HP makes you tired. Yeah. But what is low MP? Looker. It depends on what it's connected to. I feel like you'd have less confidence. You know what I say? No, I say zero.
Starting point is 03:55:14 I say that when you're empty, you're just normal, but having any MP makes you feel good. Okay. I think if you have a lot of MP, if you're full, you feel fucking great. You feel like you have magic inside of you. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 03:55:28 It's good bursting to come out. You have this extra thing. That's kind of why I went with confidence. Sure. But like it's like, it's a feeling of warmth and goodness inside of you that you can use to cast spells and do crazy shit. And if it's gone and you just, you're just back to normal. You're just back to normal.
Starting point is 03:55:41 Okay. So it's like the futility and foolishness of youth. Yeah. Run out, you die. I mean, slightly more depressing, but we could go there. Yeah. Like I said, whenever you run out, you just feel depressed. Um, this is the part when you don't die.
Starting point is 03:56:00 You just want to kill yourself. Who would you resurrect with seven dragon balls? Asks, Ro, Ro, fight the pumpkin. Omega, Shenron. You're just hanging on to that. He says, one day someone will ask. I would resurrect Patrice O'Neill. I resurrect David Bowie.
Starting point is 03:56:21 I wouldn't resurrect. He listened to his music that much. You know, here and there, but it's more like, you know, his overall contributions to like, you know, just music in general and just being a, I would resurrect Jesus and be like, what now? What, what you got? What does this do to the state of heaven? What you got also would be better if he was alive because, uh,
Starting point is 03:56:45 David Bowie's is because like, I kind of think Omicron killed him. So it's sad. It's like, but you'd resurrect a bit only, but now he has to become Dio for real. Yeah. Also, he was actually supposed to be like, we talked about this, he was supposed to be Jared Leto's character in Blade
Starting point is 03:57:02 Runner, but like, you couldn't do it because he's dead. Yep. That's a shame. I would resurrect Pat. Yeah. Well, because he's stuck out there on the ocean. Now he has to die twice. Fuck him.
Starting point is 03:57:15 Actually, daddy's just trapped forever. Well, that would be best. He'd be like Wolverine. He'd just get stuck inside of a bag. Listen, that pilot did what was best for the people at the cabinet. He knew what he had to do. All right.
Starting point is 03:57:28 He was trained for that moment. Literally, if we listen to the black box, there'll be people applauding. That pilot was a hero. He's going to get every. If you like that Philadelphia applause, he's going to get the iron cross. It's like the iron cross.
Starting point is 03:57:44 All right, let's go there, buddy. I'm going to say the purple heart. Sure. That very different thing. Very different award. He's going to go when you think about it. Yeah, he's going to go Tom Hanks is going to make a movie where he plays as him.
Starting point is 03:57:57 But instead of a miracle on the Hudson, it was, you know, a bittersweet tragedy over the over the Atlantic. So many heroes died. He had to be stopped. It's a good thing that the plane going down wasn't shown on Twitch. That wouldn't get any bit. You can't.
Starting point is 03:58:28 You don't want to Pogchamp a plane crash. Don't Pogchamp a plane crash. That's a that's a no. That's a no. No, don't do it. All right. I think we did it. I think we did it too.
Starting point is 03:58:42 Later, guys. Thanks, Blake. Thanks, I guess. Thanks, Blake. Thank you. Those contracts come on. Bring them to the king. If you haven't finished your class having worked a seduces
Starting point is 03:59:25 need. No, I cannot let you pass. Don't you mess with me. Don't mess with King. Don't mess with me. Don't mess with King. Don't mess with me. He just.
Starting point is 03:59:45 He just what I say. The devil has his price and I'll make sure you pay. Don't have time to mess round and I hope you'll agree. Bring me those contracts product Sounds Don't you Looks with me? Don't mess with King. Don't mess with King. Don't mess with King. Don't mess with me.
Starting point is 04:00:16 Don't mess with King. Don't mess with King. Don't mess with me. Don't mess with me.

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