Castle Super Beast - SBFC 221: Employees Are Functions Too

Episode Date: October 31, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a podcast all the podcast started I was just I was just dicking around on my phone. Okay. I'm not even plugged in man Jesus oh Professional oh boy jet lags the fuck it is isn't it it is isn't it you just got off a plane I I just got off a plane went home closed my eyes for four hours and got back up for hours I feel like is I feel like when when you sent me the message you sent it to me at like 952 a Wait, did I count that wrong? Yeah, I did so that's I got I got in that's 10 11 12 One two
Starting point is 00:00:59 Two and then I got up into some prep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's I saw that my man That's a highly specific amount of time Well, he knows exactly how much he needs to sleep to be able to talk and then he came in and we're setting up microphones and shit because it was all moved around because I haven't been here lately and He's trying to tell me about asking me if I fucking watch the Paris game week and Sentences just are just tumbling out of his mouth like garbage. I'm like, this is gonna be a good pocket This is gonna be great. You ever see you ever see like a banana peel literally fall off the back of a garbage truck Yes, that's the those were the sentences that we're attempting to form
Starting point is 00:01:39 Um, oh man Oh, I'm gonna sleepy friend cast Hold that thought for a moment. I will because I want to ask if Every anyone oh, he's doing it. He's doing it now guys. You can hear it
Starting point is 00:01:59 uh I I want to ask this is Oh Man, it's never read the thing in front of you. I'm my voice is cracking Just read it. You have words in front of you. Have you ever wondered What it might be like to captain some of the greatest warships of world war two Then you should check out world of warships the free to play historical online combat game from war gaming
Starting point is 00:02:28 Download world of war world of warships for free today at command to begin your naval adventure Make sure to enter the code friend cast 17 When you download to get tons of bonus content courtesy of the super best friend cast That includes a free premium ship Uh for the famous cruiser aurora pile of in-game currency to start your epic war world war two naval experience And hopefully me me getting my voice back Um
Starting point is 00:02:59 So you want to just download world of warships today at command warships dot com using the code friend cast 17 Start playing today. Thank you world of warships. Thank you world of warships. All right Drink drink your drink man. You have two drinks here. Yeah, no, no, I finished the first one Oh, man the way in I just started going for the big ones. Um Yeah, no, no, um, oh fucking piece of shit. Oh, yeah, you seen this shit What like matt is away because of lovey-dovey reasons. Yeah, he's uh, he's on his anniversary thing He's in florida. He just put up a twitter update of him on a beach going. Fuck. I could be playing mario audacity right now It's not some bullshit, but what is this bullcrap?
Starting point is 00:03:41 But he made sure to leave a pile of marvel masterpiece cards Um Actually, no hold on These are amalgam comic cards Oh, wow including characters such as black bat and moon wing and he just so I guess amalgam continued Beyond there's something about him just there's some portal in his house that he just reaches into that 90s bullshit comes out of Well, I seen this ebay sticker on the fucking. Oh, is that the portal is the portal his front door? I'm gonna put that right back where it was
Starting point is 00:04:14 Except for the one card he took out which yes, we do know about speed demon half flash half Um ghost writer ghost writer. Yeah, that's okay. So that's that's some shit that will save that for a rainy day It's a rainy day right now. Um Hey, you want to hear about rainy days? You know what sucks a bunch of shit You plan a big old vacation to a very far foreign country and decides to fucking typhoon on you for most of your vacation What's up with that? What actually went down there because uh, I'm gonna this will be a much shorter version and uh to those asking
Starting point is 00:04:49 No, we did not record a video like last time because we honestly went to a lot of the same places It was less of a like exploratory vacation and more of like I want to be there for a week again I just I remind reminds me of what Liam talked about when I first got back the first time and he was like Don't you understand why I keep wanting to go back? It's like yes I I imagine over the course of my life. I will actually go back to Osaka relatively often. I understand Yeah, so in terms of like new stuff new shrines new castles had the best drama in Osaka As uh recommended to me by many people and guess what the best drama in Osaka is the shit It's the absolute best. Okay. Um, but in terms of typhoon weather
Starting point is 00:05:33 of course of course the day that um Was scheduled on the plan to hit uh in our in our a mountain again And climb that fucking mountain was the worst of the typhoon weather And I got to find out what it feels like to have your feet and shoes just completely soaked through for Like an entire day. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:00 Just just the worst fucking feeling just sloshing about like oh Just the worst um But the main thing that I wanted to talk about unfortunately, I thought Matt was going to be here when I told you this a few days ago So now I'm just going to tell it to you again, woolly. Hi Was that when I went to usj. I got to do most of the halloween shit That usj had to offer was too early last time last time I went was like I I got out of the country by like the 20th and
Starting point is 00:06:33 man Fucking foreign horror bullshit is the best I also encountered what was a massive disappointment. I did you yes. I was uh informed Uh, I'm doing it so I could never heard it before. Yeah, well, this is new actually I was informed By a friend of a friend that biohazard was totally going to be there this time Oh, shit only to find out upon entering into the park that biohazard is just straight up not there this year Because they I'm gonna so here's my guess
Starting point is 00:07:06 I'm gonna assume just capcom pulled the licensing on it or whatever And the reason why I think this is that because instead of biohazard I wandered over to the The exact spot that biohazard was at it's part of the back draft uh amusement A little tour instead they have dead man's forest Okay, yeah, yeah, uh, so you wander in maybe maybe they just uh And you you stand there and you're like wow those guys look exactly like umbrella countermeasure operatives But instead of stars or ubm and was it vsa a No, or there's a third one from re3 called. It's the umbrella guys. Yeah instead of that and instead of red berets
Starting point is 00:07:50 They have black berets and instead they have an anagram on their their shoulder that goes stripes Ah, wow, and then and here's the part where I'm like that's pretty suspicious But okay, and then you walk in and do the briefing which is fantastic They put you in that little auditorium and they have uh soldiers talking to you about like oh no There's some bullshit out there yada yada and then a zombie attacks them But it's like a horrible mutated like more dead space kind of thing And in the gunfire they end up firing off and hitting a barrel which sprays like zombie gas all over the audience Which then they inform you that you're infected and that you have to get to the decontamination room
Starting point is 00:08:28 Mm-hmm during the sequence the goddamn Resident Evil movie theme is playing. Okay. Hold on. Are we talking legally distinct? No, no It's it's straight up the re1 Like intro the resident evil movie like the first one that intro real Like the the piano thing the tech piano thing that plays over the all the umbrella. It's just that exact track Okay, I would recognize it anywhere And the best part about it is they give you the decamp decontamination code which is four two nine seven two nine Uh and the reason why I remember that is because once you get to the end of the maze
Starting point is 00:09:09 You have to punch that in to close the door right and if you don't you you fail. Yeah, okay, uh, then they dump you into this little Park with actors jumping out of shit to fuck with you And in some cases running straight up to your face at a full sprint Uh was really lame because biohazard the real gives you a gun. Yeah, and an ammo counter on your arm And it gives every it gives every member it gives teams of eight A handgun and an ammo counter with a health meter And you have 30 bullets each and you have to get through the raccoon police department stage and the hospital stage And i'm never gonna get to do it. I'm never gonna fucking get to do it. No, that's over. That's like it's I didn't realize it was an actual game
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah, no, and I think Maybe they didn't pull it. Maybe it's because like this dead man's forest is like a straight line with a little maze They were throwing groups of 30 at this thing like and they were making it through Whereas the biohazard game is like 15 minutes and it's eight people max. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah You ruin that with a group of 30 guns Yeah, like so i'm just thinking like maybe it's just to get more people in faster Uh got to see uh the fucking chucky thing, which I believe also exists in the u.s How long was the uh the the the the dead man's forest?
Starting point is 00:10:33 The not the not resident evil, uh The intro was about 10 minutes the maze itself was about 10 minutes You think they could have cut that down or anything they could have made that a little shorter Maybe they probably could have could have gotten to the point a little bit more Probably yeah, yeah waste a little bit of time. Don't you think I felt like I'm just lucky I didn't wait for like three hours to get in Because it's like Because like you know, you know when you get to a theme park early and you you walk through the
Starting point is 00:11:01 Absolutely absurd line setup that they have that can accommodate like a four hour wait But there isn't one you're you're there when the park opens so you're part of the first group Yeah, yeah, yeah like as I turn as as I leave and I pass by the the fucking Embarcadero or whatever the fuck it's called that to my man if I had waited four hours for that I'd be fucking pissed man Um, no and ain't nobody got time for that man. So then next was chucky Well, actually I'm going out of order because it was all over the place Like I went to the Harry Potter stuff and you know all all the little stuff, but uh Chucky is I'm very certain that this also exists in us j even saw people talking about it on twitter just
Starting point is 00:11:41 In general, but it's it's a single line may like maze, but whatever you have to go through it And it's just actors are jump scaring the fucking shit out of you by Like there's a room that's all hospital beds and bunk beds And a lot of them are really convincing fake dummies and a couple are real people That like jump or or lunge at at you With the highlight of the whole thing being at the very end you get to a point where An actor pushes you towards a door that won't open And starts screaming that you can't get out as an actor shows up behind you dressed as chucky with a chainsaw
Starting point is 00:12:19 And runs at the group only for you to get pushed through a side door and then hear that person get horribly murdered, right? Yeah, that's always that's always and Uh after you leave that and you go into like the nice like hey code check out cult of chucky like a little Like last room before the exit which is all really well let and calm and has nice music Like one of the movie billboards is fake And an actor rips it open and like goes to stab you and scares you it's fantastic um But probably the most interesting thing
Starting point is 00:12:51 There and I really really don't think this is ever going to be in the u.s uh because it's about sadako is the Terminator 2 Sadako experience Which okay matt and I have both he's been to the american one I've been to the japanese when we've gone to the very old style terminator 2 live show
Starting point is 00:13:16 Which has a lady in red talking all sorts of great shit about cyberdine and then it goes to like a 3d Like action show with 3d glasses where john connor comes out on a motorcycle and all this stupid shit and the actor who plays John connor's like 45 And all that crap This is the same and led to because we were in japan and an extreme length of confusion In which we're like did we rock into the wrong fucking show at 8 30 the park's gonna clean the fuck And everything goes totally normal including the the the the the the speaker just hey mugging for the crowd Where are you guys from? Oh, you're from fukuoka. Oh, wow. Oh, you guys smell whatever
Starting point is 00:13:55 Do people from fukuoka smell? I don't know. Okay Uh only for the video system to glitch out and show the ring And I've never actually seen the video of the original ring. It's not quite as threatening Uh, but at some point the the entire system fails and the lights go out and everyone disappears and you see this This is such a nice little detail the staff that is like like, you know helping people to their seats One by one they freak out run out of the auditorium and get killed Like solid out of view so that you're left with no staff at all Huge blast amiss sadako comes out and they use what I think was five or six different actresses and
Starting point is 00:14:43 Completely pitch black room and spotlights to imitate her teleportation So they would have the actors walking on their marks And you couldn't see shit unless a spotlight was going so they would just switch Spotlights and all of a sudden she would bamf to different areas of of the arena In some cases appearing in the crowd or directly next to people or stuff like that. Nice. Nice It's so cool. I would love to see more like Actual crossover events because those in theme parks those types of setups are the kinds that sound like they either Work perfectly or they're the worst. Yeah, because you just it's a it's a you know
Starting point is 00:15:21 It's a way better show than the Terminator one. Hmm. It's way way more effective because it uses just it uses actors Yeah, yeah, yeah instead of like really really bad 3d. It's 4d Uh, and though it's not halloween based I should say that uh, I don't know if there's one out in universal studios or lando But I took The actual scariest thing there was just a roller coaster at the Jurassic park thing Because it uses a new roller coaster trick that I've never seen before Which they drop you out and then catch you Like what almost
Starting point is 00:15:55 So it's called the flying dinosaur, which is a really lame name and it's just got a pterodactyl on the front It does two things that I've never seen One is that it's a typical leg hanger Right, you know, uh, you you strap in your whole body and your legs hang Yeah, but this one they actually strap your legs in as well So you're like in a you're in a manical like iron maiden. You're not going nowhere. Okay. The reason why is that once you sit in and uh, you're strapped all the way in By the way, you get to see people screaming their asses off at this and you see the gimmicks that you're about to encounter
Starting point is 00:16:29 I was so I was giggling nervously To the point where the like 16 year old Japanese girl next to me looks at me and goes are you scared? And I go, yeah, and her all of her friends laugh and like, okay, great. I must look really great right now that the little girl is is so Right before the ride starts it flips you horizontal so that you stare at the floor So and the entire roller coaster is done horizontal. You're not vertical at any point You're going so that the feeling is that you're going up
Starting point is 00:17:08 Okay, the whole like the top of your head is forward. Yeah. So you're staring at the ground the whole time You don't get to see the horizon at all And it also means that you can't you can't see what's coming up in front of you very well So you just fucking feel it as it happens. Yeah, and so the the the part, you know, the huge huge climb that you would experience in a roller coaster if before the the big drop you're like Almost completely inverted Man, yeah, and you can see the people behind you in the machine Okay, okay
Starting point is 00:17:43 So that's pretty great lots of loop-to-loops yada yada The there is a really really hard loop that Kits you with some G's and like your cheeks blow back like level and you're grabbing it and you just It's the one that got me to really scream because it's like it's pushing on your chest It you feel it you get that total recall going. Yeah. Yeah, but what it does and I saw warning for this Before so I'm glad I read the warning because there there's all the hey don't come on here if you have heart conditions Don't come on here of whatever and there's a specific warning Just like if you have a problem with this part of the ride do not ride the ride and I understand why they put that
Starting point is 00:18:20 So it is the biggest loop-to-loop and you're upside down and the fucking Track goes into an eight by eight foot black Hole in the ground. Oh Wow, that's a bad one. That is just Oh, you see it coming up. Yeah, you see it about one second before you go and make sure you say
Starting point is 00:18:45 Oh, that'll ruin some people and it is just pure darkness. Yeah, I know it's completely Unlit and and and it is it is just wide enough for the roller coaster And so you see it and then just black and it feels like you died. That's the top out. That's the top out. Yeah Yeah, and that's that's the last big bump right before the end. I love that that sounds I'm sewing on that but I can a million percent see A lot of people being like fuck you hole in the ground and I imagine that's actually why they gotta hear jujito that particular
Starting point is 00:19:21 Fucking uh that particular like gimmick is why they're strapping your legs in and why there's a height Uh exception on it Like this this is a ride that's like you can't be under this but you also can't be over this Yeah, because you need a full inch of clearance no matter what so that you don't get decapitated like that fucking jersey fun park Yeah, and the fun part the note the way you know the roller coaster is gonna be good is when It's the only ride the entire park that they ask you to check your shoes. Yeah before you get on nice they go your shoes tight Yeah, yeah, yeah, why? Nice the hole is made for you. Oh man. It's good getting caught in a typhoon sucks. Your studio is great
Starting point is 00:20:05 Japan's great. I love being there while you're so so uh, no no move sightings at usj What's that? No, we didn't show up at any point. No move did not show up at any point. Okay, unfortunately Yeah, I know it's a bummer. They got to work on that Uh before we get into games, I should ask woolly. Hey woolly you went on a trip and got to see the mind stone in person I did um tell me tell me about bearer. Um so Um Actually, I wanted to I wanted to preface this earlier and I completely forgot but just out of nowhere
Starting point is 00:20:44 I'm gonna be throwing up a sort of poll about the podcast Oh, this is the wrong part. But you should have started with this I know but the problem is if it's so far at the end then people are not gonna hear it No, but you should start it if it's so far Anyway, so woolly's gonna ask you some questions about what kind of underwear you like I mean you could let me know or I mean you don't have to but I just I just have some I'm curious Um poll about podcast stuff
Starting point is 00:21:09 I'm gonna I'm gonna ask because um, you know when that website went down Whoo, a lot of people went with it. So we want to figure out what's going on and we have the sound cloud So I know what I know what's going down people want to go to the Read their podcast on the website and the website was down. I went, okay And life went on Yeah, I guess they all died or something. Yeah, so, you know, um, but anyway, though, um Yeah, man this week, uh, I guess before going on my trip I played some more darkest dungeon because I don't know but every every once in a while
Starting point is 00:21:42 I just get it. Yeah, you know, that's the one that comes back I'm like, I need to go out and from the hamlet and just fucking see what's going down and see what changes they've made See what new classes have come but in the meantime, I just want to do one of those runs again You know, and uh, I was so like, oh my god, like what are my bearings? I forgot what building was what, you know, and I was like, okay, this class your deal is this But then like after like two battles, I'm like, I'm 100 back in like a totally like I'm gonna get all these little like This stats screen and your your equipment screen is really complicated. Have you ever beaten it? No, okay So, yeah, I was just thinking it's like, oh, it's like woolly's xcom and I'm like, wait
Starting point is 00:22:18 I played 94 hours of xcom 2 and have never even come close to beating. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no And and the heart one of the hardest things about the game It comes later where when you have someone that's too strong for your party, they refuse to go on safer shitty missions They only go on the fucks. You'll fuck you super hard ones That are pretty much guaranteed to kill you unless you have a team of badasses But you don't you have one one bad ass that survived because of luck And the others are all like scared and fucking almost dead anyway You know and so like it's this whole thing of like grinding it to just get that team is hard enough
Starting point is 00:22:54 Before you can approach the level six fucking darkest dungeon, you know, so anyway, um Yeah, uh that the so, you know, I love going back to that from time to time and it's it's such a fucking good game, dude Uh, and there's new voice lines coming in every time you go back to as well So there's little like bits and pieces that you know are enjoyable there Uh, but no what I did outside of that was uh went down to toronto for the canada cup 2017 Uh currently needed to see the mind stone in person currently the biggest tournament in canada and to see that in person exactly Uh, so prior to that big event, uh, there was you know, the tournament itself I I was interested in trying something. I had never tried so I entered like five fucking games
Starting point is 00:23:42 Which is like insane. You're just like, oh, let's just let's just rush it And like yeah, the the more you enter the more you can't focus the more you autopilot everything. Yeah warm-ups are less effective It's just not a bad. It's no you need to you need to you need to wait until january 26th And then you can get the time in on the real game. You have the real shot. Oh everybody knows Everybody knows and everybody's waiting, you know, but uh monster hunter. Yeah, clearly clearly Uh, but that being said though, like man, like whatever you've been hearing me like going on about the character in general So, uh, the but like yeah, I played uh, Street Fighter 4 because they had a street fighter 4 tournament that issue fighter 5 tech end guilty gear and
Starting point is 00:24:24 um Marvel vs. Capcom so It was it was all over the place But it was really cool to see, you know, all the top players and familiar faces coming out from the states and you know Doing their thing. Um, it was like stacked with killers from every single game and Could also but like Canada Cup is also known for throwing like the crazy sick after parties and whatnot So like it was just a really cool time. We were teaching everybody the like The mind that there's like a game that we call
Starting point is 00:24:52 510 which is like it's such a good game, especially if you like fighting games where you basically hold your hands out And you have to predict like what the total number of exposed fingers is gonna be by calling out Like closed 510 15 or open and like you have to win get it right twice in a row And like you do crazy shit where you just read the other person's mind If I say if I just say like five and you open your hands and I didn't do anything I fucking set you up and then I like finish it off with like a like a combo You know what I mean? And like just all kinds of great shit. So we had fun with like everyone getting drunk doing that Um
Starting point is 00:25:27 At the actual tournament uh, it's it's Not surprising, but Marvel was the hype is shit. So It fucking blew the roof off the place. I ended up watching The finals nice, uh, I caught it later of of of marvel. Okay, and That match could not have ended better Because
Starting point is 00:25:54 Particularly the commentators curse. I don't think has ever been more. Oh, I haven't heard what they were saying So the commentators curse during this moment When uh, the guy's down one and he's just got his dormammu. Yeah The commentator says man, I don't even know what he's gonna do. He doesn't look like he has any options left I don't know. He seems he seems screwed only for like One second to pass. Yeah and just
Starting point is 00:26:22 Like so so like that moment made me doubly like Disappointed by the production of marvel because the game is is really great It's exceptionally hype when when you see shit like that and I saw that the fucking wrong Dante was in that fucking match Is a bunch of crap. No at the end of the day at the end of the day, like, you know, I'm not talking out of my I mean, I am talking out of my ass. That's what I do professionally your whole body's an ass now But but like what I'm trying what I'm telling people that I'm like, look, I'm not saying I'm not trying to convince anybody to go spend money Whatever they don't want to but the gameplay is fucking stellar like I'm not, you know
Starting point is 00:26:58 Making that up and when max is saying like this game is super fun. I can't think about anything else But playing it he like it's because it really is um So what happened at canada cup was there was like basically a top eight that consisted of um, two canadian players and then six americans um And like eventually one of the nick One of the nickham one of the canadiens like dropped out and timo was just the canadian player that was holding it down
Starting point is 00:27:26 And he's this like 20 year old kid that's been playing marvel 3 since he was like 14 or whatever You know, whatever the the time the baby age Yeah, and he came around and has been doing like really solid But like he was like it was early and he was just getting the basics and but stuck with it And now has just like put the time in to get to this point while still being super young, you know And like like took out justin wong twice, you know and like just like put on an incredible show with um nova and dormammu
Starting point is 00:27:57 It's one of those things that like we've talked about in the past that like I personally worried about It's like how like and I make fun of smash for it, right? And it's like how long can the same guys keep being Top eight like we I remember back in street fighter 4 how exciting it was to see like gamer beat come out of nowhere Yeah, that goes and that happens every year And it's in street fighter with a giant like i'm so so glad to see like this young totally new guy just
Starting point is 00:28:25 Bam come out from nowhere I mean the the the top eight of of sf 5 has been like like for the last couple years There's always been like a couple like an unknown like japanese player that just shows up and you're like Oh, where the fuck did you come from as well? So there is that going on um But like yeah, this was super sick because the he made it all the way through and then like took the tournament You know and like basically defended the canadian borders if you if the you know as people say like from the invaders And like the place exploded with hype because it was just like such a dramatic comeback, you know um
Starting point is 00:28:59 The other thing too was they revealed the mind stone. This is actually what I'm really. Yeah. Yeah, so Well, I I'm I'm really happy that like because like when I when I kind of was like paying attention to this stuff And I realized no one's talking about or knows about this battle for the stones gimmick You know what I mean people are kind of just like yeah, there's an official marvel tournament That's going on. I'm like put their handing out infinity stones that have in tournament effects This is really important. Can you be in the event? You know And so like to recap we we've talked about it in the past But let's let's go for a recap of the stone
Starting point is 00:29:34 Because it's important that we We have the context of the other stones before we get to the mind stone. Exactly. So you have you? right um So you need to understand that okay, so basically at this premiere event that's going to be happening Seven or six rather of the invited players are going to be the winners of previous official mvci events Each of those events. Oh Whoopsie daisy. Well done a moment. Turn that off. It's off god damn it
Starting point is 00:30:07 Each of the moment each of the events is going to lead to a stone that you can Uh get for winning the tournament, right? and What we what they basically did was at each of each tournament they revealed what the stone power does So the first tournament the first stone was the space stone. They revealed which lets you control space itself by Swapping position with anyone else in the bracket to face a different opponent. Hey, you're going up against jay wong in your bracket No, he beats you every time. No, I'm not somebody else's problem. I'm fighting viscant now Yeah, that's what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:30:44 Um, it's it's like a player counter pick So great. So you got that then you've got the uh, soul stone, which is Undo a loss. I died. No, I didn't I'm back It's going to be extremely strong for people in the losers bracket, right? Again, which is exactly like what the stone and even more dominant for people in the winners bracket It's and it's exactly what it does in real life. You know rather in in the game in real life in real life in the game. Yeah Yeah Time stone stops someone else's stone ability, which is probably actually the most valuable stone
Starting point is 00:31:17 Debatable, but it's incredibly it's the most honest. Yeah, it's the one that says no, I'm gonna play a regular tournament. Fuck all y'all Yeah, I don't fuck your bullshit. You know Um, there's the you didn't win stone followed by the like no no, I won I won Yeah, um Then you have the last the the the last one was the power stone So this one's really This was incredible, particularly for this game the power stone Let's you land the first hit
Starting point is 00:31:49 basically allowing you to start out the match with advantage of Doing your possibly two on one set play is what the set play is People hate that word in the community, but really the the the short version of it. It's it's a complex Japanese concept Really, it's so dumb, but but what it really just means is a sequence that leads to A really hard guess that you have to make that can reset into like no set play isn't that hard of a concept It's like it's your combo, but it not but not not your combo Your set is the combo like a combination for boxing Sort of it's like a paragraph if you and at the end of the paragraph
Starting point is 00:32:30 There's a brief moment where you have a semi-colon and then uh, oh my paragraph continues, you know, or it didn't but whatever so anyway, um You can do that in this game with the power stone by getting the first touch and just Taking it all the way as far as you possibly can if they never recover if they never guess right and can't reset out of that You possibly can take the match momentum, you know immediately Uh, so that's great Fuck all those Teemo
Starting point is 00:32:58 as The mind stone I don't know how the reality stone can be stronger than this I don't know how control your opponent's mind by choosing both of their characters and their infinity stone This is completely busted. This is the most busted thing I've ever seen is a free win almost Yeah, right There's like I can't see it anyway and Teemo the canadian champ has the best stone Like that's so it's all you have to do is look at okay. Who are the killers in this tournament?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Who do they always talk about who they hate right in the game? So so well here's the thing right cut to tweet from alioune sensei one of the best uh, french players Who just has a picture of uh, like frank west and ryu With the time stone going time to level up time to hit the lab Yeah, it's because it's like you better get your ryu frank west team ready to go Because what the fuck you gonna do with that? So with the release of the mind stone and how busted the mind stone was I saw something very interesting Which was people that clearly had not paid attention to this gimmick
Starting point is 00:34:13 All of a sudden finding out and hating it and just be like what the fuck is this gimmick bullshit? This is not a real tournament it's winners gonna be some crap. It's like it's for the spectators, man It's fun and more than anything. It's marvel Why wouldn't marvel have this stupid shit is the reality stone? Like you get to bring a knife and threaten your opponent at the match So in in the game reality is but it just makes basically the planetiers show up and assist you off-screen elements You're right. So we don't know what oh, you know what it's going to be like rain You have a coach and he's allowed to like dump water on the opponent at any time during the match and then
Starting point is 00:34:56 Hit blow with a fan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah blow dryer in the face That's fucking great. Um But no, uh, uh right now the mind stone looks like fucking incredible It's like you erased one of my losses. Yeah, one of your losses. Okay, that's fine. I'm gonna make you pick Bullshit again. So and and and one of the most enjoyable things too was with the conversation is like people like trying to guess what they think the worst characters in the game are Not having a clue, you know, or someone's like, oh, yeah, man like pick like fucking. I don't know rocket raccoon and And Arthur and it's like are you out of your mind?
Starting point is 00:35:37 You don't know you you have no idea Oh, yeah, I pick like morrigan and fucking uh a firebrand. It's like you really don't know Dude, it's it's so like I want teemo to take it because he's one of our boys for sure But at the same time I want I want his use of the mind stone at some point to just backfire on it I was like, oh, you accidentally picked my super Alternate team. Well, that's it Like we were laughing at the idea that the person who gets it Then wins the set or wins the match and like that pop off is the most deserved pop off in the history
Starting point is 00:36:15 Here's a question that hasn't been answered to my knowledge And I find I think that it's really important and that is When you beat a stone owner if you if and when you beat a stone owner in the tournament Do you get their stone in the I believe in the final event? Yes? Does that mean that you're gonna have like you're allowed to hold up to three They're gonna have a 3v3 combination of these playing against each other I think I so you have the guy with the power stone that let that picks your team for you and then erases his losses so
Starting point is 00:36:49 Like it's like basically uh, uh, yeah one the the after all of this happened These events go down and the stones are handed out They're gonna have the finalists and in the finals tournament You have the ability to bend to bend the rules with these stones. Okay, um And I believe that you acquire a stone by beating a stone holder Uh, and I believe you can hold up to three I think that's what it is. That's so It's so obviously these guys are gonna end up being different seeds and and it's gonna be yeah, and it's gonna be uh
Starting point is 00:37:24 Pretty much happening at the same time as the capcom cup So like if this is gonna be fucking wild I I can't why didn't they put this shit in that fucking infomercial tournament fucking thing they put out because that because That's fucking some someone got like drunk and just fucking Unlisted of a middle-bidder public that should have been what are you what are you gonna know what man? That's great. That's good shit. Um But yeah, man so that that was going on there with marvel and
Starting point is 00:37:54 uh The oh, yeah, that's it. We were saying the other blow-up is you pick you you force them to pick their bullshit team And then they win it and then it's like the next game. It's like Yeah, i'm keeping this team actually This team worked really well for me. Yeah, yeah, uh, anyway, so um That was really that was really sick, uh at canada cup The other thing that happened you want to talk about fucking mind stone bullshit. Got it What happened so this weekend someone
Starting point is 00:38:26 Okay, so someone fucking cheated right in a way that fucked over a lot of people I did not hear about this. Tell me tell me now basically and and and but the grander scheme is like A problem because here's here's here's what happened. Okay at some point during the tournament. There is a player named quackbot he placed Like I think third in marvel 3 at evo. That's great, right? He's a he actually is a killer someone that they know people people who have played and know this guy he Entered the fucking tournament went up on stream
Starting point is 00:39:04 lost Right and then later in a different pool went up on stream again and played someone else and Everyone was like what the fuck with a different name What what just happened here did he go up with a different name and he did in a different pool at a different time Which means somebody entered for him and they and and and and basically like you know They saw this guy go up there twice and he only got caught because He was on stream and there were so many eyes watching you go. Hey, what the fuck this guy was here a few hours ago
Starting point is 00:39:36 Right, so everyone goes what's going on and then the excuse is oh, yeah No, uh, well my girlfriend entered but then her stick broke so i'm i'm i'm no that's not how it works motherfucker. That's that's that's bullshit Okay, right, so Everyone that's the case why doesn't just as long enter 180 times so this fucking guy and play pools against himself So this fucking guy Right does that but the second time he goes through the bracket like he Creates a Fucking shift that like losing people lose to him go to losers people
Starting point is 00:40:08 Uh and the person who wins moves on and got out of his pools and like qualified for uh, uh, you know, uh top 16 and or top eight even rather and and um When but when it got discovered they had to basically run it all back Oh, yeah The brackets tainted and it was fucked because this guy basically was like are you like seriously? There's nothing we can do and like no and and um because if he beats somebody and sends that guy to losers Which he is in and then beats them again That's nonsense that person got single eliminated like he's he's lucky enough that he didn't have to find himself
Starting point is 00:40:44 At some point but like well, here's what happened right great He fucking so he lost to this guy and then that guy that player Went on to beat another guy in winners finals and got out when they ran it back They had to fucking those the winners finals players had to play each other again And this time the guy who won lost And he just got a and just got fucked over completely because this piece of shit That's nonsense this piece of shit just did what he did right and so the that's really unfortunate But you have to run the bracket back and and then and so the explosive part of this now is the idea that it's like
Starting point is 00:41:16 He only got caught because he was on stream. How many people are actually doing this What does this mean for people that are like not on stream? You know what I mean? How simple is it right? I imagine it's actually extremely simple and then like like apparently and the thought goes back to like wait hold on a minute evo Giant ass bracket dude got third And apparently has said that he's done this before yeah So then it becomes what happened here and
Starting point is 00:41:45 Like I mean, you know people are still the invest in people are investigating and figuring shit out But it seems entirely plausible that what happened was this motherfucker signed up for like Eight or so brackets with different names Waited for the pools to get seated Saw who was in which pool and then just checked in for the easiest pool. Oh, yeah, and that's how it It's even it's worse than that because let's assume It's uh, it's it's quack bot right? Let's assume he has access to even just two more people willing to run this right
Starting point is 00:42:24 Assuming they only do four you can do 12 or even 16 right different entrants You could fill up an entire seed with garbage. Yeah, and and wind trade your way to the to to like What top 64 or something to start the equivalent the equivalent of fake twitter followers and and bots You know what I mean and the thing is is that like yeah, so you're like I what what what defenses do you have and it's like Okay, well there's real name registration. Yes, but that doesn't work if a real person. That's not you decides to Create an account and do it, you know, like if you are going in with multiple of your own names I'm gonna pay 30 hobos to to fill up this bracket with garbage. Yeah, so I can get to top 64 Yeah, so, uh, my first and I okay, so I'm going in as uh, billy
Starting point is 00:43:11 Now I'm going in as will I'm going as william Now I'm going as bob Hey, robert like whatever and and like who knows but the point is that like the idea that you can Like even without getting a second life because the getting a second life here is obviously full of shit And he got lucky because he was able to go into a bracket at a different time for him But if they all happen to be at the same time You still get to option select the easiest pool And just play your play your odds there, you know, and so that then made me go like holy fuck
Starting point is 00:43:42 What how do you actually stop people from doing this step one is real name registration with id checks Of course upon showing up to the brackets that cuts down on most of the problem It doesn't cut down on the problem of you and your buddies intentionally Like colluding and and and wind fixing. No But that's way harder than just doing it by yourself. Yeah fingerprints and fucking eyeball scanners at the bracket Driver's license Obviously, but and and like you know now you're after now and now I'm just thinking about the like The time that like people are running late and they have to like fucking go like, you know
Starting point is 00:44:17 They have to hustle like tournament bracket runners and or nto's are like gods at like Just getting time Spending time efficiently and when you're calling in people and your people are checking in you just get through a crowd really fast It's a skill you have to learn by doing a couple of events, you know, and um It's it's one that like I was like, holy shit I was so garbage at it at first and by the time by the end like when I was good at it It cut you can save like 45 to an hour. Oh, yeah, it's a it's a skill not talent You learn it and so now the idea that you've got to sit there and fucking
Starting point is 00:44:50 DMV people You know what I mean? You got to stare at their license and registration To make sure that they're who they say they are on the check-in thing is just a complete on it's not it's now a necessary waste of time Because some fuck. Oh, yeah, you know just ruined everything because hey, right? It's easy. Why not? Get that money, right? So Uh, yeah, I'm like well step step one. Actually is not the idea step one is quackpot is banned forever Everything well, I mean, you know that that's a given you're a fucking like he might as well have been like Like sabotaging people's controllers to to the degree of like level of cheating it would be like
Starting point is 00:45:29 He is like you could almost make an argument to say like how many years should this be if he got caught at the check-in But the fact that the bracket ran through and then different results occurred because of you It's like oh good good thing good thing for giving us the test case of exactly how hard we need to come down on this You need you can go fuck yourself. Yeah, and and the guy who it happened to Unfortunately, you know, he put out a tweet basically just going. This is how it happened you know, this is like he felt like obviously fucked over and he was just Mentally so drained by the situation and so upset with like, you know the ruling that they made because there's arguments To go the other way like like for example
Starting point is 00:46:10 It's because him having to replay that match in in it's like let's assume that he was going to get back up to that match No matter what right The other guy has a concrete advantage against him because he lost the first time And and the guy who lost the first time was like he's like he felt really shitty about it, right? Oh, yeah, you know, but like the guy but the you know, the dude who made it out was basically just like, yeah, like, uh, You know like James Shannon like outchamp and some of the other players were arguing they're saying like well in theory If he beat the guy above the guy who cheated Then he still made it out because he's still won. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:46:44 And they're like and but whatever it just wouldn't the simplest and easiest to understand is like the bracket is tainted We have to do it over and and so anyway like Um, he basically has a massive fuck up. Jesus. And as a result of that he that that player was just like i'm done with these events I'm I can't like the mental like the fact that he's like because his next match after getting after getting out of his pools Was jay wong and he's like I I was preparing for to fight jesson wong and like after this I'm just like I and I got eliminated via bureaucracy. So he's done reminds me of uh in high school Uh, I remember I failed an exam Because I got a 63 on it and then the curve graded it down to 59 and a half
Starting point is 00:47:28 And I felt like I felt absolutely fucking robbed like it's just like That's because I got the result back was like I passed fucker. I did it This test was hard as shit And it's like no Because of the teaching disparities and yeah, I understand why the grade works the curve works now but at the time I was like Oh, like I couldn't like I felt like it had been stolen from me, of course, of course And and and I guarantee you that you uh the person who
Starting point is 00:47:58 That in somewhere else that was out of 59 that got up to a 63 felt nowhere near as bad Like none is like the equivalent nowhere near as good in equivalence. Yeah, you know what I mean like they've relieved sure You went you went minus 80 and they were like probably like plus 10 You know because as we discussed before You know taking things away from people feels way worse than twice as bad than giving them things. Yeah Yeah Do you want to win 10 bucks or lose 20 dollars? I'd rather win 10 bucks. Yeah Um, that's why you should buff instead of nerfing characters
Starting point is 00:48:32 Just buff them all just keep buffing Uh, you play anything else on that? Uh, I mean, I'm still working on metroid and other stuff But uh, yeah, okay. Well, then I do have some more to talk about I thought we were gonna talk I thought we were gonna talk about mario odyssey I couldn't I didn't have Before we do that. Yeah, fuck mario odyssey is a real short one. Guess what it's mario 64 2. It's amazing. It's astonishing It's the best mario game since mario 64. It's the best It's the absolute fucking shit. There's only one minor quibble. I have boy
Starting point is 00:49:05 There's a lot of power moons like there's an astonishingly high I think there are more in take mario game and in certain new item type and go like collectibles There is going to be a bunch of I I think there I think there are more power moons in the first four stages of odyssey Then there are stars in the entirety of mario 64. That's fucking insane There are there are 47 Wow in the god damn, uh, uh, mexico area It's it's and you and by the way the stage does not end when you get most of them So like you're going back to the odyssey and dumping like 25
Starting point is 00:49:42 Into your ship at once. Wow, okay Like there are a billion and you don't need very many to go on. Oh, there's a ship to return to the ship the odyssey I see. Okay. Um It's so good. I hear it's just that clip of matt turning into a t-rex and just running off a cliff was really really enjoyable Um, I also played a bunch of Assassin's Creed origins and I have good news for everybody the pc version is actually pretty good It has really high cpu requirements, but it also has a In-game option to manually limit the frame rate to 30 just like the consoles and it has good frame pacing So it feels good
Starting point is 00:50:15 Looks real nice This is closer to witcher than it is to Assassin's Creed By far like it is it is less like an Assassin's Creed game and more like an open world rpg than ever Um, it has dark souls combat. I don't know if you knew that R1 and r2 are light and heavy attack l1 is block I said, I know they revamped it, but I didn't catch that part. Wow. Yeah, and it's all hitboxes and shit Um Assassin's Creed is good again Very little vertical progression because it's egypt and not that much stuff is all that tall a lot more riding around on your horse
Starting point is 00:50:49 Stealth is actually a big deal like there's a lot of stealth mechanics and the the total loss of the mini You know the the ubisoft like mini matt vomitorium of like I climbed the tower now my map exploded It's completely gone when you when you climb that tower you get a view of the area and it fills in the map map And it increases your falcons uh perception And that's it. Oh, that's great. I I uh, I was talking to someone else that played it this weekend Yeah, they also basically just said, oh, yeah, it's like the witcher. It's fantastic. Yeah, it's it's absolutely great Uh with one notable caveat, which is uh, the first hour of the game is complete nonsense It makes no sense at all like it is the most jarring in media res thing I've ever seen ever in which it's um
Starting point is 00:51:39 Oh, look your guy looked at the pharaoh and then it flash cuts to him being tortured like crazy And then flash cuts to him with a huge beard murdering some guy yelling about some bullshit And you don't know why and then it takes like an hour and a half two hours for like The flashback that includes the thing To actually occur and once that does all it totally makes sense. He's on a revenge quest like every other assassin's creed character but uh Yeah, no, it's it's super good. It's it's really really really good awesome good good good because I I you know I mean, it's obvious
Starting point is 00:52:15 But like the the the biggest bummer when like something like three happens, right? Is that like, you know as much as like people like really didn't enjoy it outside of the sailing It taints a really cool setting because I still feel that like the the native Is setting with the american wilderness stuff like that is really awesome. Oh, it's super cool And then it sucks that that got ruined So, um, I like that that's not happening here And also it also has like a a structure that's really baffling because like there's no there's almost there's no collectibles anymore, by the way Whoa
Starting point is 00:52:47 That's gone Have that has that been gone since no, this is this is the new one. There are no collectibles anymore Wow, okay, like you you will loot guys and you'll loot chests for weapons And you'll hunt you'll hunt enemies like you would in a far cry game to upgrade your like range damage or something like that but They've all been replaced by side quests or like the hippo watering hole where you kill the super hippo and then that area is just done That's that's so surprising. Uh, and the map is clean Like you look at it and it's like you have the you have the skyrim style compass with the question marks
Starting point is 00:53:21 And you go to them and oh, it's a it's a little base. I'm gonna kill the captain. I'm gonna loot the place and then you're done and In addition to that, you know how you level up. Yeah on the map There's like 14 to 20 zones And they have level indicators on them Like this this area has one to five enemies. This area has 36 to 40 enemies And if you go up again, there's a there's an area of bandits in the very first area in the game That when you go up to them, they all have red skulls above their heads
Starting point is 00:53:53 And you go to do an assassinate on them and it it shows that it will only take off one percent of their health bar Wow, okay, and you go. Yep. Got it later. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep Uh, and and what is it is it something where like, uh, That just comes down to better weapons Yes, it comes down to your level and your like the numerical damage on your weapon So it's both then. Yeah, because I was gonna say is it one the other or well? Yeah, when when every level you get your base stats increased And in fact the way they do it with your health bar is actually pretty good
Starting point is 00:54:25 Because you start with three big pips of your health bar in every single level An extra pip that that same length gets divided into one extra pip So it goes from three pips to four to five and now I'm up to like 15 or whatever And same thing with your damage. It goes up. But like, yeah, no, there's there's absolutely Like there's an area in the main city of alexandra I did everything in that city except for that one armory because everyone in there is a red skull And can't even touch them can't do nothing. Can you stealth it? Yes, and I did I stole the shit in there Well, I still think it but if I had to kill anyone I wouldn't have been able to
Starting point is 00:54:59 But yeah, but I like that but the option it might like it might as well be game over if you get Stealth actually works in this game too Like there's a really clear distinction between totally hidden and not hidden at all And the reason that works is because enemy sight lines appear to be like a hundred feet And like a like a a cone like a hundred and twenty degree cone like it there They can see you really easily So actually hiding whistling stabbing guys caring. It's it's it's great. It's just great. Does light finally matter No, damn. No, you're hidden or you're not. Okay
Starting point is 00:55:30 All right, you're hidden or you're not I mean, it might make the game too hard So I do understand that part but like well it's something that it's like believe it or not the fucking theaft game Like like light play was was see I think that works really well on a game like theaft But I think in most games that have a day night cycle It works terribly because it just encourages you to do every single mission at night Which like hey, guess what it's Egypt. This place looks great during the day Yeah, I know it looks fantastic
Starting point is 00:55:59 But I mean like it doesn't it like if it was just like moonlight daylight and then like Under the underneath this tree is always a good place to be then that's fine Now this this one stealth and invisibility is determined by being in waist high tall grass Okay, which there is which it's always been or behind or behind an object. Yeah, which is everywhere It's all over the place. Can't hide in hands. I am very can't fucking dig your ass and ostrich it up Or or or camel dude camel not ostrich. No, but you know the stupid stick in the dirt You know what I actually really love about the animation It's such a weird little thing
Starting point is 00:56:36 But when you go to run as fast as you can with your camel Your camel looks like a fucking idiot like they they they flop around like they're gonna die And I'm like that's good. That's a good detail to get in there. Yeah camels can run really fast But they're bad at it like they they're Horribly built because their joints are not like a horses which has like two opposing like sets of legs For on each side the camels legs move together So it's fucking bad at it for sure. And this game also has the loot boxes just like shadow of mordor shadow war does This game they are safely ignorable and they don't screw up the game
Starting point is 00:57:15 Whereas I played a lot of shadow of war on the trip over and trip back And the loot boxes in that game have like straight up damaged every part of the game's design Like every single part of every system would be leveling shadow of war. I'm talking about. Yeah Be leveling the orc system the way you get gear like all of it Is designed to feed into a currency system And the only reason the currency system is there is so that you have to buy currency like It is it is blatant and and everything feels like Categorized according to that game is damaged that game is like two points worse
Starting point is 00:57:53 Like say I'd give the the original shadow of mordor like a good eight This game is like if it was the same quality it would kick it down to a six. It's like it's that Ever-present it's that pervasive So like there's that there are there like How like how are you dealing with tons of mini buys on a regular basis in shadow of mordor? Shadow of war rather it's it's that everything leads back to to it to the shop every so on the main menu There's always the like hey, here's the hot new on no on the you hit start There's the little thing is like hey, there's a hot new deal in the thing
Starting point is 00:58:28 It's like the the idea of ignoring it is nonsense also in the original shadow of mordor You didn't have weapon or or fucking upgrades You just upgraded your character and you had his sword and his dagger right here There's this massive gear system That serves no purpose because you just upgrade to the highest level item that you have period And then you have to dismantle them why so you can get currency why so you can upgrade your base? Why do you upgrade your base so you can do the defense missions? But oh no, but then I won't have enough for that like so the I mean the interesting thing about this is that like
Starting point is 00:58:59 We had play gone. Uh while you were gone and he was talking about how Uh, you can completely ignore them and just play the game and never look at it once Yes, so until you get to like that final act where it gets really grindy But the idea like the thing is you can't how to open this You can't ignore its influence Like you can't ignore that the weapon system has changed to facilitate this So dead space three is a good example where dead space three went from having Core regular weapons in the existing dead space series like a plasma cutter or a line cutter and then dead space three had the mix and match
Starting point is 00:59:35 Uh weapon part things then used resources Like even if you ignored all the microtransactions You can't ignore that the entire weapon system was changed to suit the microtransactions And it's the same here like the way recruiting orcs works is really slow and tedious. Why oh so that you can Get the box the way that upgrading your fork takes a billion Coins basically why so oh and and just everything so even if you ignore all of it The the damage from that it's still felt in like almost every system Yeah, I like I
Starting point is 01:00:09 They definitely something like uh, you know because rare things are worth this then like you get lots of junk is like a very basic And well, what do you use the junk for well you you melt it down into component? Coins basically and then it's it's just whereas uh ascrito Oh, it's easy. It's actually totally easy to completely ignore it and you constantly get new decent stuff And I and it doesn't like you hit start and it's not there There's like you know you hit your select menu and there's math inventory yada yada yada The last one at the right is store. Yeah But after that you don't like I only looked at it out of curiosity. It never sends you there. I feel like
Starting point is 01:00:49 People like because you know the you know the basic like Psychology that goes into When you make someone convert real money into a fake currency, that's right They feel less bad about spending it. Yes Because the fake currency isn't real so they they when they spend it later They have less of the Thrifty your thriftiness is not there. You know what I mean and what not like you'll be you'll easily be like An uncle cares you will be whereas it's really like a hundred fun bucks. You're taught to be frugal. Yeah, exactly. So
Starting point is 01:01:16 Um, I feel as if as time goes on and we get exposed to fake currency more there's a Like brain thing that's happening for fake currency numbers that is making people Not as like not get tricked by it. It's wearing off a little It's wearing off is kind of what I'm trying to say. Yeah, and I think like you can like like we're starting to see like Um currency switches that are like three steps obfuscated Where you'd be like you don't just go buy that item And you don't just buy the currency to buy that item
Starting point is 01:01:46 You buy the type of currency that helps with this particular type of orb the worst one Or there's a freedom or there's a free currency and you know what I mean And then you have different prices on an item and whatnot. Yeah the the worst one is that four is a thing where It's the next four is a game. I forget the name. What was the situation where it's like you you buy You you you fucking spend money To buy currency to buy boxes that open up Like challenges that unlock things. Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah, and and um, oh fuck I think it was jim that said they're they're termed the phrase I buy to earn
Starting point is 01:02:28 The and it's just like it's it's the worst of all that's that's that's super gross But like but in particular the bit of uh the bit of it where it's focusing Where I'm gonna talk about is like how You just you put it so many steps separated that you feel like by that point the person might not You know realize or they'll perhaps forget or whatever and it's like no man Everyone can straight up see where money dollars lead to this thing And it's get and as the more we get exposed to different versions of it the less people are it's the less it's working So yeah, I I feel like you know to some degree
Starting point is 01:03:05 We're kind of we're hitting this thing where every once in a while a triple a game We'll just push it a bit too far a bit too far and then fly away the fuck past Yeah, it was really eye-opening for me to play and then the blowback happens and then assassin's creed origins One after the other yeah because in pre-release in the lead-up They both had the same problem They both both of their loot boxes unlock the same things weapons and and extra skins and shit like that But to see one so like So like nakedly integrated with the design as to like damage the gameplay with shadow of war
Starting point is 01:03:43 And the other just like actually Tucked off to the side for the people that want to blow like five bucks on the extra fancy coat or whatever like it was Like if you're gonna do it do it like origins. It's fine. I can live with that But shadow I I got I got to the I beat the first like Fortress in shadow war and then just stopped because I was like, okay I've actually seen everything this game has to offer because it's just gonna be four more of these To trick me into think I'm getting value when they're all actually the same all the areas are actually the same There's no actual difference. They don't have any enemy type variety at all
Starting point is 01:04:19 And it's just You know, I got a really good segue for you, but first I got to see a man about a horse All right, so you if can you hold it down? I can hold it down. All right hold it down. Well, uh, oh You're gonna go see a horse The the correct answer to that was nay Yeah, that's yeah, that is stupid Hey, everybody, woolly's gone. So, uh, I want everyone to tune in to the channel the week of december 9th Um, I'm gonna say that uh, december 10th 11th or 12th. We're gonna be putting up
Starting point is 01:04:56 Uh, some monster hunter, uh, beta videos assuming the beta goes well um And uh, I will be uh tricking slash, uh Uh, screaming a woolly, uh to get his feet wet with that. Hopefully the marvel thing will have helped Uh, like ease him up on monster hunter Uh, so far, but uh, yeah that online beta got announced at the Paris Show a few hours ago. It's gonna be december 9th for ps plus people. So I'm really really really excited for that It's kind of a shame. There's no, uh, online beta for the pc
Starting point is 01:05:31 but I mean Yeah, it'll come out eventually. Hey, willy. What's up? How was your horse? Uh, it was good. What uh, what was going on with the uh, What'd you, what'd you, what'd you, what'd you wait? I was talking about the monster on our online beta. Oh, yeah yeah Yeah, that's december 9th Hmm, you're gonna have a well, but she's already out though. Yeah Now for ps plus people, you'll be able to play a beta for probably is that like a sunday or something like december 9th
Starting point is 01:06:01 Well, you'll be able to play it for a couple days Uh, which I think that game so monster hunter games desperately need demos And some of the demos have been good and some of the demos have been really bad And is it so that you see the new monsters? Is this that you fight? No, it's the old monster and you compare it It's so that everyone who doesn't know what the fuck monster hunter is Can go oh wait, that's actually cool kind of and I think it's actually real important that this one Gets an online beta so that people can Is specifically online so that people can play with their friends and like
Starting point is 01:06:34 Be like oh wait This is a fun thing Especially since the demos cut out all the tedium all the gathering and all the all the resource management And they just have you pick a weapon and go Hmm, so for humans in nature Is that a thing? No, that's what she says in the game. I don't know she yells it out when you do your super Who who what monster hunter? Oh She yells for humans in nature. What whatever man. She they shouldn't be speaking. You know what?
Starting point is 01:07:01 You know what she should be saying now Like that's what she should sound like she says what a good hunt now. Let's return to camp And that's that's that's one of those like That's one of those like stupid asshole purist things That I can't believe they actually included in world Is that it's going to have full localized voice acting for whatever your region it is But you can also turn it back to the garbage non-language that they used to speak Oh, there was everybody that like it's not simlish, but it's monster hunter equivalent of simlish everybody
Starting point is 01:07:37 I know that plays monster hunter. It's going to turn it back To the garbage language Because hearing them actually speak a real thing that you have to pay attention to Like no, I don't care what you have to say guild marm. I want I want to read your text And imagine your your cadence. Okay, that's cool But but what you're saying is like when I do the big cool dagger super She doesn't actually yell the demon is out the monster the monster hunter is totally silent aside from The grunt noise when they get rocked by something
Starting point is 01:08:09 Hmm. I don't know how I feel about that The only in monster hunter for ultimate and stuff like that to my knowledge the only english voice in that entire game Is Tasty when you yeah, yeah, she does it when you do a uh a properly grilled steak But that's that's that's the uh, that's the steak lady She puts the she puts the the barrel down and then it blows up and she goes Tasty as she jumps away
Starting point is 01:08:37 And then she does her little like punch combo and goes like you sure this isn't g rank Are you serious? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's cool. She does. She does. Wait, you're even doing it right. She does the Yeah, that's a terrible shitty emotes in in the in the game And the punches hit you if they touch you really? Yeah, that's just great. I'm a fan G rank's gonna be dlc for sure instead of an expansion. Um So uh, but but but where I was going is that if you want to talk about like fucking, you know, world of loot boxes and You know shit like that mini buys and dlc's and all that um
Starting point is 01:09:14 We can go to the source or one of the main reasons pushing that shit forward because uh You know for all the greed and all the bullshit that paul marketing does Uh, sometimes there's uh, uh a force behind him a wind if you would yes at his back And this week that wind is game stop. Mm-hmm. You heard about this shit I've heard about like four different four or five different game stop things this week
Starting point is 01:09:43 So you're gonna have to be more specific. We'll get into it Is this their rental shit? This is the power pass the power pass Uh, but first we should take a quicker for my sponsors. How about that tease? We should um What a what a pro This pro guy let's see if he can get through without his voice falling apart this time. Oh, you fuck damn it. Shit What it's true. My voice is falling apart Um, I saw the footage of you like jumping up and down of that marvel flight
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah, you clearly damaged your voice, but it's also like dude I can toss a coin up and like fucking see if sleeping in a hotel room would lead to me having a sore throat Because it's you know, how they're just fucking freezing all the time. Oh, yeah, and I'm like I like it cold But then it means I'm waking up with a sore throat and I can't I can't do anything about I've taken I I have taken to Uh, I have taken to like on flights in particular Uh Like I went with uh, I went to japan with my girlfriend and my friend fuggins, right? Yeah Girlfriend and I did something friend fuggins did not and it's the instant you sit down in that airplane seat
Starting point is 01:10:51 Get your hand sanitizer out Everything Everything in your vicinity Wipe it down sure every single and guess what guess who didn't get sick and who did Really? Yeah. Wow Are you serious? Yeah, my friend got sick. He got horribly ill Uh, upon landing or on the way back like the day that the first day after waking up back here Sick
Starting point is 01:11:18 That's some good tech. It's like think of it as a as a as a bus seat. You're gonna sit in for 13 hours That's that you're gonna eat off of Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's some good fucking tech. Holy shit. Uh half a day Well, anyway, um what you do want to do While you're on a long flight is look your best look sharp and You've already heard me talk about The tech
Starting point is 01:11:45 That is dr. Carver shave butter. I have do you remember the source that provides dr. Carver shave butter? That's dollar shave club. I believe damn straight When you're in on the membership, you're in on the cool club that hooks you up With all the shaving tools you need on a regular basis You don't gotta fucking deal with the crooks and criminals down At the pharmacy that treat you like a crook and a criminal too And you know, I've I've been using like shards of smashed onyx I mean to cut to cut my beard and it's not been working lately
Starting point is 01:12:17 I mean that sounds pretty badass But at the end of the day everyone kind of looks at it and goes dude, you're a mess Yeah, right and and that that that nice little pharmacy lady that goes like thank you. Have a nice day She's actually treating you like a piece of shit when you go in to try and buy your razors. Yeah, that's right You don't want that garbage. Forget that lady Dollar shave club. That's what's up So basically dollar shave club you join and you get You they hook you up with what you need. They got razors. They got body cleanser. They got hair gel now
Starting point is 01:12:47 They've even got butt wipes, dude They got you covered So if you want to head on over to dollar shave slash friendcast you can get Uh your starter set for just five bucks at dollar shave slash friendcast Including You're the you're getting your your great travel you have travel sized versions of your shape dr. Carver shave butter body cleanser Even the butt wipes and so on for travel butt wipes travel butt wipes, dude What are you what are you doing back there?
Starting point is 01:13:19 Nothing. Nothing. It's it. Nope. Nope Can't be doing that. Yeah, you're gonna stop me. You're gonna stop me some kind of animal, dude. Yeah, man, dude If you're just if you're just fucking You're just smearing peanut butter around. Is that what you're doing? You can't be doing that You really lost me on that one, man. You gotta get you gotta get clean I'll be real honest that that one flew right over my head. You gotta be clean You gotta be clean with it All I'm trying to say is
Starting point is 01:13:46 Look sharp Look good. Look your best and do that by signing up to the dollar shave club at dollar shave slash friendcast That's dollar shave slash friendcast. Thank you. Thank you dollar shave club The friendcast is also graciously sponsored By the good old boys down at blue host They know I they know a thing or two about hosting a website. Tell you what That's what I heard. That's what I use still used to this day It was pretty cool. Actually when it was like, oh cool. These guys. Yeah
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Starting point is 01:15:28 bluehost. Thanks bluehost so The game stop power pass. Let me hear The game stop power pass is to me when I look at this type of thing I feel as if like I can see the you know the winds of destruction pushing the inflating the sales of loot boxes Directly tell me about the power pass. I'll tell you about the power pass the game stop power pass has been uh is a new Uh service that game stop is announcing and you know because we if you look at game stops, uh, um
Starting point is 01:16:07 You know Quarterlies and whatnot like on how much money they make on there and so on Is the number still like above 90 percent? Is it like 90 oh, it's always been yeah 90 percent of their or plus night over 90 percent It's why digital sales hurt them so particularly badly because it cuts out on their supply and demand over 90 percent of game stops Money comes from uh pre owned game sales Well, I mean the the fucking margin on used games is like 80 percent or something like it's it's enormous It's ridiculously huge especially. Yeah, you think about what they buy them for
Starting point is 01:16:40 And then you think about the fact that because they're the main place that people are returning to They will sell the same game over and over and over and over again Because it's free money because people who buy it and then return it then bring it back and sell it to the same shop So essentially you get to resell the same and the reason part of the reason why that's so successful is because honestly margins on new games Are not that great so What we're looking at now is pretty much almost like Uh, uh, uh, it's like almost like a way because like because you know some friends
Starting point is 01:17:11 I had like how to wait like you join the the I think they had their their their service where it was like You buy a game and then like you had a week. I think to Switch it up or like there's there's some sort of thing where you could basically just like almost almost exploit the system by trading in bullshit and like uh Getting everything new free You know, if you as long as you state on top of it by spending very little money by just playing the trade Game let me let me explain how this system works. Sure. I am one of those
Starting point is 01:17:42 Okay, so you understand this so what it used to be is that game stop at some point Actually, it was eb games because we didn't have game stop here, but it was pretty much everybody They had a rather a generous return policy, which was Don't like it didn't work return it for credit Um within 14 days
Starting point is 01:18:05 And that was it. That was the entire policy So you would say by I don't know zone of the interest too Which would cost 92 dollars canadian with tax at the time of its release You would blow through that fucker in a day Bring it back Maybe buy a legacy of cane defiance Blow through that fucker in a day And you could make that 100 bucks go and go and go and go
Starting point is 01:18:29 So then they got wise because they saw this and they were like, oh The reason why I guess it was okay for them is because they were still able to sell the used games For most of the same cost And not that big of a loss. So then it became oh, you can only you can only use that credit on used games right Well, all you do is wait a week after release and just stagger it a little and the same thing work And then they said, oh, it's got to be you can you can you can you can only return used games for credit And you okay, so then you only and and they just kept downgrading it and people just kept finding the most obvious way around it possible
Starting point is 01:19:04 Until their return policy got like nuked into bullshit Um, and this looks like To bring back that experience but with like a pass In that you pay a certain amount of money for six months And you just rent games basically that's what well, that's the thing is here What you're doing is you're turning it into a blockbuster. Well, because that's all I was actually doing The way you thought about it But but what changes here is that you at the end of that six months have to keep the game
Starting point is 01:19:35 So you're basically purchasing something and then getting all the free time from the other stuff And then you choose which one to keep that seems fine I mean, it's it's it's clearly like a deal that's going to work for people like going through games and whatnot Obviously, but it's just you know, you have to think about like It's gonna work great for us. Who needs to buy games for videos anymore. Just right The the the the whole the rental rentals are back essentially But the thing is that obviously when you look at it you just go like man, I can see Some like this type of story going straight to the dev's desk where it's like and fuck right
Starting point is 01:20:11 Because now So you can't even you can't even Well, here's the thing used game sales never went to devs in the first place. No, that was their big That was a big kerfuffle from the publishers Of course and it's been that way forever and and in some ways it kind of just goes like, okay Well here it just kind of makes it even easier, you know in that way. Um, yeah I mean, it's it's it's you know, I'm gonna give this a thumbs up Honestly, I I count this as a win. Hmm because this is gonna be cheaper for more games for the vast majority of people
Starting point is 01:20:42 That want to use it. Hmm, especially those who are like us And will blow through seasonal releases it uh to get into the actual Details of it you spend 60 bucks for six months and then uh, you pick up a game Um to keep at the end. Yeah, you have to keep what you have to keep on at the end. So you're paying basically um Basically full price for a used game But like in the interim you get to trade it up and get to play pretty much anything that comes out that's used
Starting point is 01:21:18 Yeah, um, and yeah, you have to be a part of their power up like rewards program to sign up Yeah, but it says you can be a free or paid member. So it just they just want you on the mailing list So, yeah, that's what that's what they're doing. I just I just I gotta say the price on that is right I 60 bucks for six months of rentals Like I was looking at a bunny hop breaking it down Like it actually comes out to like cheaper than used to spend a blockbuster by significant margin in a lot of cases Depending on how much you play it. Yes. It depends greatly. This is for this is of high value To I'm gonna say the people listening to this video game podcast. Perhaps
Starting point is 01:21:56 All right, like I uh The place where my my my concern comes from I guess is just that I'm mainly concerned about the response of a paul marketing You know to like this type of thing and going like well time to double down Ah, no, see there's your mistake. The good paul marketing was already doubling down So that you could make more money for the shareholders all external circumstances notwithstanding Like the idea that like the idea that say an ea or an activision or an ubisoft look at the market go Oh, the market changed now. We have to get more money to break even no, no, no
Starting point is 01:22:35 They changed the market by going we need to get as much money as we possibly can every single second of every single day Um, because like there's I can I see the direct like correlation here Not even correlation, but like I feel like I can see the line from this to the return Of online passes. Yes that I can see because that was something that came and fucking died Yeah, a deserved fucking death And I feel like scared devs and or publishers I should say publishers Would be like
Starting point is 01:23:14 I don't think scared. I don't think publishers would be scared. I think publishers look at this and go Oh, here's a good excuse to put it back in sure with no one getting on our balls about it. Sure You know what? Yeah, we can use it as a scapegoat. Yeah, we can you can play we can play it that way too We can play it that way too. That's that's but If that fucking happens That sucks And that's shitty and in the end like I hate that So the stimulus towards that to me makes me go
Starting point is 01:23:44 I don't know. I really hope they don't respond in this way Yeah, I know but say this is this weird catch 22. It's like You almost you're you're almost worried about a good thing happening for the consumer because that you you're afraid The blowback from the publisher will be so anti-consumer that it'll more than cancel it out It won't just it won't just equalize. It'll overcompensate. It'll be worse than it was before I feel like overcompensation is is the name of the game when it comes to fucking, you know, the state of Honestly, the filling an otherwise fine normal gameplay experience Honestly, the ideal situation would be game rentals digitally through the official stores
Starting point is 01:24:25 Under reasonable prices because then a cut could go to the developer and the publisher and and the content creator and Not the content of the fucking store owner and stuff like that, right? But that's not gonna happen For reasons Yeah, I'm gonna I'm gonna be eyeballing this one with like a squint. You know, just fucking But hey, good on game stuff for getting the price right 60 bucks for six months and one game is totally fine Because all it is is you bought a game and you got six months of rentals with it with your game I can do a lot with that fucking 60 bucks. Although granted probably be like 87 or 92 here, but
Starting point is 01:25:05 Mmm 15 sales tax is a motherfucker guys. I hear you you guys in the u.s With some states have zero sales tax. Can you fucking believe that? Living in a place with zero sales tax. I can't it's ridiculous. I don't know what that's like uh Yeah, I anyway It's it's it's it's what it's interesting because I mean one thing is certain is that like yeah the the death of blockbuster Is or I mean the like the supposed death because apparently there's a couple of them still floating around
Starting point is 01:25:40 uh Opens up game stops ability to like fucking bunker down on that market too Um, well game stops got to do with a can to stay alive as the digital like they they've they uh put out some statements in their Their quarterlies over the past couple years and be like wow digital is really It's really taken off. How's our digital store? Not great. Okay. Hmm At and you have to impulse, huh? Of course and and you know, I'm when you look at the numbers. I've been per I'm sure they just said okay So to someone who hasn't been inside a brick-and-mortar store to buy a game in the last fucking five years
Starting point is 01:26:17 We can we can potentially I don't know about you, but it's it's a minute for me It's been a fucking minute. We could potentially be grabbing. Uh, yeah 120 bucks a year. Um, if someone is just like You know down for that. So let me fucking think And if you if you do pitch it that way 120 bucks a year is a pretty steep membership cost But if it's as many games as you can eat That's not that bad because I definitely spend more than 120 bucks a year on on games Let me that hey does it count Does it count if I bought uh the game game fly for retail for somebody else because about my nephew like retail games
Starting point is 01:26:58 For his switch because I don't trust him or my sister to figure that out I mean, I wouldn't I'd say no I'd say for your because what I want to know about this is based on your your purchasing habits Okay, I have never bought a physical game for the playstation 4 I have not bought a physical pc released since new vegas in 2009 And the it would be a 3ds game
Starting point is 01:27:24 And it would the last one was god, I think it was smt4 There you go. Yeah, sure. And then I later re-bought that digitally So because I'm just it's like even for the ones where you don't go. Oh, no, I bought that off amazon That's what I'm saying That's what I'm saying is even if even if you're not going digital on it. You're fucking you're grabbing google amazon on it I I literally cannot remember the last game. I I physically purchased for myself I remember like walking in there and looking around at like shit and seeing stuff, but I don't yeah, I can't remember the last time I actually
Starting point is 01:27:58 Truly purchased, you know physical and the funny thing is the rate that I buy physical games at like A bunch of the more recent ones have been like at a con from video games new york You know what I mean? Like it's like a weird thing. Yeah, yoink. Take that. You know, I think it might be dark souls, too the ps3 Can you remember the last game you pre-ordered at uh at the brick and mortar They would then it would then also be dark souls, too on the ps3 for me. That is 100 percent. I believe No, why would I say 100 if I believe it, but whatever kof 11? I think it was kof 11. That's farther back. Yeah
Starting point is 01:28:38 And I remember why you did it because the otherwise you weren't gonna get it There was no way to get it extremely limited came with a soundtrack Uh, anyway, um and that's hilarious I remember when I bought uh my switch in game stop the whole time or got a controller recent I go in there for controllers every now and then and it's just like I'm just blown away at how archaic and slow and like they've started the upsell in canada now and just like I don't know if it's if i'm being an asshole or something But you know how they have to ask you the eight to ten questions of like, hey, do you want that you want?
Starting point is 01:29:14 Hey, anything you're looking for and I just answer just nope just the thing in the same exact tone of voice every time Yeah, man, and like they seem annoyed But but it's like am I supposed to sit here and make small talk with you? Yeah No, they know and you know, they're doing their job You know, it's the same as like Hey Do you have the optimum card? I don't you know what I don't I got i'm not interested in the
Starting point is 01:29:41 Optimum card really I know you have to ask me. It's not your fault. I got a really bizarre version of that the other day Got a phone call from bell canada my internet service provider Asking me If I was happy with my internet service and if there was anything else that I would want right the typical upsell call, right? I already buy the most expensive internet package from bell canada And during the call i'm like the whole time was
Starting point is 01:30:10 What are you expecting? Me to where do you want me to go from here? What do you want? Yeah? Yeah? I already got it all I have the unlimited plan. I have the the modem. I have the Yeah, might as well pull me off this list because there's nowhere to go because I go no, I'm really happy I already have the most expensive fiber you offer Do you have a second address that you need all of this placed at? No Not that you would actually route it to assholes
Starting point is 01:30:37 No cabins out there that you're trying to get some oh, I'd love fiber for my office. Do you do that? No? Okay, thanks Uh, anyway, so there's that and I mean before we get into the obvious explosion of paris games week news I'd say the the other notable piece that happened this week unless you've got some other things Is that um old peter decided to hang up his hat at capcom? And hit the dusty trail. It's um There's a couple of words we can use that's peter, uh, roses roses aka combo fiend and um, I can say
Starting point is 01:31:19 Like you know a bit sad a bit unsurprising You know, he's a he's a really cool guy and I we can only speculate because we're just some bullshit are sitting out here But like Matt Dahlgren left not too long ago And then very shortly after he did now combo fiend is leaving and they were both definitely the like, you know FGC guys like they knew and ran and were involved with all these things And yeah, man, you know all I can say is looking back on it
Starting point is 01:31:54 Like I can I can feel that like if you're in a seat where people are like you're taking the heat You're taking the heat for like, you know, sort of the current state of affairs and the current state of unhappiness People are have and and the current state of like You know dumb weird things like if you're looking at wonky daunte and then going like a combo fiend You know what I mean, then it's like that's not a fun place to be No That and you're like what can you do right your job is you're there and and that's why I'm like the whole function thing Was just like so so shitty place to be in there's there's been a gag that's been going around since I saw this news
Starting point is 01:32:30 Which is both like shockingly cold But also really hilarious and it's just employees are really just functions after all Right and if you if you can replace one that has the same function, that's just and I I feel like that gag and why it's funny Like that's so real Speaks to the exact reason why I'm completely unsurprised that he left Community manager is the job to eat the big bowl of shit
Starting point is 01:33:08 For the community, but you are the person they put out there to just get dumped on all day combo fiend Amongst all their recent community managers was given an especially gigantic shit sandwich to eat for the crowd with Why aren't the x-men in this marvel game and why does daunte look like a pile of dog boners etc And after the game shipped and it's out in the first major trip. I am not shocked that he is tired Uh or that he rather he would be I don't know personally, but I'm not shocked that he would be tired of Eating that big bowl of shit important distinction too is uh that you know despite being sort of like the s-kill replacement
Starting point is 01:33:54 s-kill justice community managing and uh combo fiend definitely got into more than that you know and got into like Production side and you know to dev side as well so like he was getting more involved to at the at sort of the the Base level and at the same time. I mean if if what we have heard about that game's budget and production issues are accurate I would also not blame him for being very frustrated On that side as well. It's it's a it's a yeah
Starting point is 01:34:23 And here's the thing too is that what you What's very easy to not see Is you know is the part where? um that gameplay Is as solid as it is. Oh, yeah likely Because of him and but that but that's like a couple steps removed from the surface It is right it is and it's not obvious and not clear, but like I feel like I feel like that is part of like
Starting point is 01:34:50 you know Like that's the sum of the strength of like having a player that knows what the fuck he's doing involved in that in that way um and you know, I mean Shoot fighter five for for all its hits and misses like When it came like I spent when it came out it came out in a state that was like particularly unbusted compared to other fighting game releases on day one
Starting point is 01:35:14 Right, it came out in a state that was like no. No. This has been played for a while. Yeah and That's actually why you're getting such a bare bones package because most of the time was spent just playing this thing You know and then doing very little else so you're getting like the gameplay first and then The the the rest of it the aesthetics and the package and the stuff that is looks cool. You're getting that second, you know um And I would you know
Starting point is 01:35:42 I would hazard a guess that you could attribute that to him as well Because you know that like he's likely the guy that's down there barking Yeah for gameplay, you know more than anything else. You don't get it Monsignor has to be able to do full screen touch at that. You don't get it. Don't you understand? So, uh, yeah, man, I feel that uh That's you know It's again, it's a little bit like you said function. That's a really yeah functions because it's cold man. It's cold It's cold. It's a cold cold world and you know it
Starting point is 01:36:14 You know, it's really funny What what can you say, you know Um, I I the cap cop has handed it his badge And haunts has gone as well. I am extremely excited to see what new lamb they offer us So to devour so I mean someone in the fgc is gonna get offered something or the opening will happen And then they will like see who applies and I get I mean and then they're like, ah and they'll fill it internally Yeah, and and you know as camber fiend said it's like, you know, like there's a lot of New there's a new generation out there with new ideas is what he said
Starting point is 01:36:53 You know, which you know, basically translates to like y'all deal with this bullshit. I'm fucking out of this Too old for this too old for this shit. Yeah. And so like we're gonna see like there's all there's definitely a new generation of players out there That probably still have the dream of like, you know getting in working on their favorite friend fighting in franchise and here Possibly even thinking I can fix this. Uh, just get my cross in there, man Oh, he's he's off doing his own No, man, it's just no one you know why because no one can be mad at my cross Like he popped up on stream like after some after being gone for a while and he started playing some guilty gear And I was just like fuck. Yeah, man. You play some guilty gear
Starting point is 01:37:28 You get that arc system. All right. So we got we got my cross playing Honda what? Mike Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's higher quack bot Get him in on cap on get quackpot in there. Yeah. Hey listen. I got some good ideas. I got some radical new ideas Or how you strut your brackets? Oh dear Farewell, peter
Starting point is 01:37:58 We're a good guy. You made the bionic arm hype. I don't never forget it All right all right Paris games. So a few a few hours ago. Uh, sony did a little Paris games week Conference, I mean, it's called Paris games week, but it really is it's it's the fucking PlayStation show. Yeah Um, there's a bunch of VR stuff. There's a little roundup here of the trailer So I haven't had a chance to take check out it much of this but all right So I watched the whole thing so I can break it down for you. Okay. We got we got megalith
Starting point is 01:38:28 Which is uh decent looking a VR game. Apparently it's a hero shooter slash MOBA Which is not Like indicative of the of its trailer at all And I only knew that because of the the like the you know, the the little panel they have talking about these kinds of games Uh, it's it's a cg reveal trailer that shows the design of the monster and that's it Like I I the art style looks cool. But aside from that, there's not a whole lot to talk about Yeah, it looks a bit like uh, well, I'm seeing that the shots of the environments remind me of um um, um the job over
Starting point is 01:39:04 the absolver and uh rime and the jonathan blow game. Yeah, uh journey. No, uh, uh witness witness. Thank you Why does that fucking journey? I don't know. But yeah, but it's a little of that too. You're not wrong. It's a little of that too um There's a I don't know what to call it But there's a particular style to like the way those pillars are being shaded that is like yeah Yeah, you're one of these flat flat shading. I think interesting. So it's a hero shooter supposedly Okay, megalith, which is weird because there's a first person shot at the end of the trailer That is like the guy's hands, but not a gun or whatever. So
Starting point is 01:39:38 Yeah, still kind of unsure as to what that is. Oh my god. That's 2018 you the beast Okay, but out of blood's really easy to explain Uh guns of icarus in vr on the playstation You pilot a ship and you uh move around in vr to pot to flip and turn various knobs of that ship Okay, uh like a like a one-man star trek bridge crew and you're working with a crew of of one. Oh, okay. I believe Uh, and if you if you watch the trailer for bow to blood, it's yeah, it's it's guns of icarus on psvr Okay, uh, that seems like you're missing out by not having a crew Yes, it does because big part of what made guns of icarus. Uh actually pretty fun was having
Starting point is 01:40:23 Like people doing different tasks. Yeah, no the the the delineated like ship experience So that like star trek bridge crew does is More compelling. Gotcha ultra wings ultra wings is a vr flying game where you fly around and do checkpoints. Yep Yep, it's it already exists in not vr. I believe Um, and it's it's pilot wings, but it's called ultra wings And you can shoot the gun while you shoot the gun and you fly Oof, all right. Well, that's that's pretty much it. Gotcha. Sprint vector seems way more up your alley woolly though I don't I this this game
Starting point is 01:40:57 After they should talk to me after they showed the trailer the the person and talking about it was like the developers have confirmed That you will be able to comfortably run jump and shoot Oh, because oh boy because the trailer shows off. Oh my god a really aggressively fast and speed line filled VR experience, okay, so I cannot possibly imagine being comfortable. Okay, okay, okay Well, there's a lot of things happening looking at this trailer for sprint vector. One thing is the camera is moving forward through a course at A slightly faster than comfortable movement speed
Starting point is 01:41:38 For vr games. It's not a sprint, but it's a run. However There's a huge uh like overlap of speed lines. There's an explosion of speed lines that make it seem a lot faster than it actually is Yeah, which I think is the trick really and uh At a glance, I think that that's about the limit But that was about as fast as eagle flight Right when you're going you get low because eagle flight seems slow because you're high above the city But then when you get low to the ground you start to feel the speed Yeah, um, but like that seems to be like about the limit of like how you can get before people start to be like
Starting point is 01:42:14 So that's interesting. I'd be curious to I'd be I'd be curious to know if they actually like Had a version of it that was like full of comfort settings because the that slowed it down at the at the highest running speed You can see in the trailer like the like I want to say like a full 50 percent of the screen is just speed lines Yeah, and it's it's totally ridiculous how much faster throwing speed lines something Makes you are you are right to assume that like I love the idea because I'm I'm fucking all about that but What I hate is the idea of like crashing into walls and the ground and ramps and objects
Starting point is 01:42:51 Yeah, uh in vr. So Those two things might create a problem That means I can't play the game, but I don't know we'll find out shortly won't we What's that coming out? Okay, well, I have no idea Um, I'm I'm clicking on it just to find out real quick to see what it says Uh Doesn't appear hit the show more button. Maybe
Starting point is 01:43:16 No, it has no release date that I can find on that page Well, it's nice to see that you know vr getting some attention here. All right final fantasy 15 fishing. It's the vr fishing game That's it. That's it. You get to camp with your boys And new lines of new lines of vigness. That's correct. Yay Iggy, that's it Cool, it's a fish it's a fishing game and there's some outfits you're eating by. I don't know what that's for There's a chocobar outfit. That's weird. Noctis. It looks like a fucking idiot. Yeah Cindy's there at vr. What's Cindy doing? She's getting covered up by that billboard
Starting point is 01:43:50 Cindy doesn't want get that shit out of the way about fish. What the fuck anyway, where's the rest of the videos? Then there's dead hungry. Oh dead hungry actually looks pretty interesting. It looks like, um There's more games that I can think of that would do this, but it's tapper In vr. Basically. Oh, okay. Or like or like, uh, what the fuck's it called cook serve delicious feed the zombies in which you are Hurriedly making burgers and shit and fries And you are feeding zombies that come up to your uh burger stand and that cures them. Yeah, okay. Sure. All right But it's vr tapper with burgers pretty much All right, and then not vr games we can get into
Starting point is 01:44:30 I guess we'll start off with this I was honestly pretty unimpressed with the not vr with the vr games So there was nothing in there that I was like, yeah There's a new re7 not a hero trailer um I'm glad that they show a completely non-humanoid type enemy in that trailer But I'm kind of worried because it appears that the entire dlc takes place in the mines Which is the shittiest area from re7
Starting point is 01:44:56 Hmm, uh, but getting to play as chris and punching dudes again seems awesome Because ethans sucks at punching things and chris is good at it Cool, you remember chris punching. Yeah. Well, he gets to do that against the molded and they basically fly apart I'm a huge fan of chris. Don't you know with the new umbrella Which is good now What the fuck? Okay. All right, never mind um Yeah, I guess I should find out what's going on. Yeah at some point r7 is a really good game. I know
Starting point is 01:45:35 um, yeah I'm just gonna go straight from this To the link right over here that just says The hong kong massacre Oh Yeah, well, hold on. Didn't we talk about this before? It was announced today
Starting point is 01:45:55 No No No, we definitely talked about this game before on the podcast at the very least in terms of just the name because matt and i went Oh my god, it's called what? Okay. Yeah. Well, hey, it's a trailer. It is a it is a john woo hotline miami Okay, uh and looks awesome Uh, yeah, we we definitely has a great title. Great style We free and we definitely went in on this name looks visually. Yes. Yes hotline miami. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Uh, this looks very pretty Um, and slow mo is the name of the game. Uh, that might just be the trailer though
Starting point is 01:46:35 Could be Uh, i'm down for a top-down stranglehold. Yeah works for me. That's exactly what I thought when I saw it Like the visual inspiration is so similar Yeah Lots of lots of diving over tables. Yeah, lots of lots of parts lots of smoke off of everything. Yeah Lots of tracer bullets. Yeah Very pretty very jump in between buildings and shit. That looks fucking cool. Looks great. That's fucking cool. Um Okay, we got the hong kong massacre
Starting point is 01:47:06 Uh, next up lute lute lute What now? Oh to lout this this trailer. This is the last of us two thing Yeah, i want to watch this properly. So it's a five minute trailer. So i'm not gonna start this out That is not a true. That's a cutscene it is It couldn't have less gameplay like it literally cuts as soon as the gameplay would start. Um, it is Astonishingly dark
Starting point is 01:47:39 Okay, it is like uncomfortably Cool. Yeah, i'm gonna have to go out and like properly watch this right after we're done here But i've seen people talk about how like this trailer is like probably like it's a symptom of that weird problem Of like the weird hyper glorification of ultra violence in these press conferences Where you see kratos pull out a guy pull off a guy's head and a crowd cheers or something whereas this one was it was it's so Me it's mean it's so mean that like you didn't even get any of that the crowd's just kind of silent and like But the crowd loves wipeouts There's some wipeouts the crowd's here for some big wipeouts you guys also of note. Um, they're joel and ellie are not in this trailer
Starting point is 01:48:24 Okay, so that's good. That's fucking good. That's great. I love that. I really really really like that. Um, because because because because like like dream scenario for me is that This if like the little the little trailer we saw with them is like Perhaps just them the beginning of the game And then you lead back to them at the end in some way The the but the game is actually about completely different the current speculation that i'm seeing is that might because she does the The female character shown here does look quite a bit like ellie
Starting point is 01:49:06 Okay, and then it might be her mom in a like long term gameplay flashback. Okay, uh because this this lady You'll watch it and there's a bit near the end where she stands up and you know pick some stuff up and in front of the camera She is jacked man. She is ripped. Okay, like she is prepared for the apocalypse for sure Like super detailed tries and biceps man. Would you call her a punch girl? No, I don't think there's a single punch thrown in this entire trailer. Cool. All right. Well, uh at what it says here based on the uh, the words from neil druckman Is uh, no no dog creative director. He says at the core last of this is still very much about ellie and joel But for this reveal we wanted to showcase several new characters that are integral to their next journey
Starting point is 01:49:54 Ah, okay. Well, there goes what I was just saying Instantly actually but hey at least we know now We're sure you have many questions after watching the scene We're also pretty sure you're gonna see all sorts of theories from about who these characters are And when the scene takes place and so on and how this fits into ellie and joel's next story for now We're keeping mum But we're excited to see what y'all make of this piece. Uh, the the most interesting thing in the in the trailer by far Is that there is a villainous, you know gang of people
Starting point is 01:50:22 That refer to people as apostates and use like religious Religious like speech. Yeah, and it's like yeah, I can see some cults springing up in that universe Yeah, hey man brainwashed is a pretty good excuse to fucking Be mean Yeah to some people As you as you put it Um, it's like yeah, you had to kill that guy, but that was woolly. There's there's there's that was woolly And to those of you who have not seen the trailer to uh hit the level of meanness that's in this trailer
Starting point is 01:50:54 Uh a command uttered by a character is to clip someone's wings. Oh boy. All right and everything that that would entail Oh boy Uh It was it was generally weird to have this at the end of the press conference because it was so violent and uncomfortable And then the jim ryan comes out and goes hey, what's that gray everybody and everyone's like, uh Um Punch lasers are actually like like fucking death murder lasers
Starting point is 01:51:27 I guess something like that Uh, all right, and then we got more there's more in here. Hey, all right talk about some talk about some what? Oh, I got some things to say about this Detroit become human trailer Okay, talk about some camera step one. All right. Let's let's pretend David cage is totally unknown to us Okay, first time i'm hearing about this. Hey, this trailer looks fantastic. Okay Step two david cage is not unknown to us There are some weird things in this trailer one It straight up takes place in ethan mars's house from heavy rain
Starting point is 01:52:04 like I i'm gonna i'm gonna ask you to hold on hold on stop literally or They drive into future detroit and they drive down what appears to be Suburb to ethan mars's neighborhood in heavy rain They go into a shittier dilapidated version of the same kind of two-story apartment suburban thing You know that okay, they're it's okay. They're going for the same thing again Then they go into the house and you can see that the room layout of the entire first floor is almost identical And it's like what?
Starting point is 01:52:36 It's weird. It's so weird Oh, fuck it was it ripped me out of it right away It was so confusing but Something we've never had to do With all of these games in this in the trilogy or quintology or whatever the fuck Is connect them together. Okay. It's not it's not actually it's it's it's not actually ethan mars Okay, that's what i'm trying to ask you. No, no, no, it's not actually fucking a dude. I'm trying. I need to like fuck
Starting point is 01:53:08 No, but it it's it's like legitimate because we we literally like like like that's the one thing is we can at the very least separate these turns And put them into different banks It's it's not hold them up. It's not weird because ethan mars sold his house and now these people live in it Okay, it's weird because it's like do they literally have a fucking blueprint up on the wall that says america house? Sure It's confusing. I mean if it's also, um um fucking
Starting point is 01:53:39 The girl's apartment like you you want to pull that that trailer up while we talk about this You can watch and you'll see the fuck i'm talking about because because i'm saying like giant apartment that uh heavy rain girl has that beyond two souls has that uh Fucking thing girl has too. Yeah, um Yeah, whatever who can hit the trailer and and i'll keep talking about it So in this to full screen it for your own personal benefit camera like
Starting point is 01:54:07 um See that's the living room kind of thing. You see what i'm talking about. Anyway, uh, the general Premise is pretty interesting. It's about an abusive. Oh my god. Yeah, that's their way. Yeah. No. Yeah, you see it, right? It's an it's an abusive father. Yeah who uh in a fit of Abuse towards his daughter like literally like tore up the old model and she had to get rebuilt And uh, it appears that like family abuse is reaching a point of like murder is going to happen And then it it shows off like here's
Starting point is 01:54:38 10 different ways that it go and they show endings to these scenarios like escape He gets killed you get killed they did last time and it's and it's genuinely It's genuinely like on completely by itself in in a vacuum. Yep. It's pretty cool pretty interesting And it reminds me a lot of like the first kind of moments of heavy rain or like the first scene in indigo prophecy, right? Here's where this trailer for this game is starting to make me really really really really worried I think we have seen a different character And different demo for literally every time this game has ever been shown. Yeah So that means we're going to jump around in that heavy rain type way. Yeah, but we're like we're jumping around to
Starting point is 01:55:15 The huns of different times different chapters like how much of a cohesive story could this game possibly have think about beyond two souls Think about how many different chapters were there and like give Give give those away to multiple to multiple androids And then have that one main one where you have the revolution at the end because because I'm I'm I'm afraid that the the the plot of this Before the revolution or whatever is going to be 15 different little Side stories that were like look how humans are the real evils Yeah, and not the cyborgs and it's just going to be over and over and over and heavy-handed and so embarrassing
Starting point is 01:55:57 Okay, well, I mean for starters like I don't know if you saw it, but like I almost Borpped in my mouth. Yeah when I saw the the the fucking like they had the diorama of like real people on the game on the show floor Inside the little boxes. Yeah, like the androids. Yeah, excuse me. So whatever and um they uh, the signs were on the front were all like Uh, they work hard. So you don't have to yeah, but uh, but like the like the lines were all so heavy-handed in terms of just like You can beat and fucking abuse these things because they don't fucking care. It doesn't matter Be your worst version of yourself human. Yeah, you know, and and and it really is like going super heavy and hard Uh on on the the whole like human bad
Starting point is 01:56:43 Thing and it's just like, okay. David the probably so better way to tell the story There's there's there's a there's a little thing called subtlety But what the fuck there's there's a change that they made to make something more subtle In one of the earlier. Yeah, great. So wait So there's there's the original trailer and then there was a trailer a little while later a couple months later Maybe a year later, right? And it included some of the same scenes and the the core scene that's important I'm going to talk about is the one where they walk past the diorama and there's the ad
Starting point is 01:57:11 And in the very very first trailer It said she works hard. So you don't have that's that's yeah, right? Yeah In the second trailer and everything that passed them It has been changed to they work hard. So you don't have to so they realize that okay It's a little too on the nose with because they're acknowledging that it's a slave person. Yeah, and it's not a robot Right, but the fact that that that to me screams someone saw that and pointed it out to them and then they changed it How much of this? Lack of subtlety is in there, but no one saw it so no one could point it out
Starting point is 01:57:48 And so it doesn't get changed. Um And like I want to say that the wording of that is actually uh fucking fucking uh The wording of that is actually even more obvious because there's something about it I don't even think is so that that uh, they work hard. So you don't have to it's kind of like Like they work hard You don't or I feel like the wording was such an obvious thing that uh I want to remember exactly what it was, but it was it's it's you know, what you know What it makes me feel like you know what it makes me feel like the original idea was they had a white board
Starting point is 01:58:24 And it was alternate names for robo slaves And okay, okay guys throw it up there. What do we got? What do we got? And it like just you're not gonna find this fucking no, it's not gonna. It's gone. But yeah, um, anyway Uh Yeah That happened Then there was um It's it's man. I'm so excited to play that game on the complete. I'm so excited. You know what else you're excited to play
Starting point is 01:58:51 What's that complete opposite of the spectrum shout out the colossus. Hey subtlety in in liquid form so They they chose the phalanx to show off for this trailer, okay, which is a good trailer monster a good place to fucking go Uh game looks great Very little fog very little bloom. So a lot of people are like it has a different look in the original It does looks a little it looks a little more stark actually, which I think works for it
Starting point is 01:59:20 But you know different tastes. Yeah um I need Someone to come out and show that they're using the north american or japanese style like controls and Like movement and stuff like that because that ps3 remaster was As you all know completely fucked up by using the european master copy, which has like busted mechanics on some of the climbing stuff Uh, so like if this came out and uses like that shit again, like i'm just a fucking done like it's I would it would be very surprising if they spent all this time doing the wrong thing again
Starting point is 01:59:59 You know But uh, I don't blame blue point either in the first case because they're european development studio And they probably all played that version and that's the version. They know that's the version. They know right right right Yeah, no, that's a pretty solid like explanation. I brought up before and it's like it's like I'm sure billy would actually agree with me on this So, you know when you play a game so like I beat everything in that game I did every hard time attack I beat it all about everything right?
Starting point is 02:00:28 And it's the kind of thing you pick it up You you climb one foot on the cloths and you go this is to crash This is crap fuck Right you grab the first hair tough you climb up one hand hold you don't know this is fucking This Oh, like yeah, okay, I hear you I hear right and everybody has a game that they're like that but they get a board or something Yeah, totally totally you jump in sonic 4. I yeah, you jump in sonic 4 You do hard punch in hyper fighting for the xbox before got patched, you know stuff like that
Starting point is 02:01:06 I love that so much. I really do because yeah, no that shows like it's like there's a It's I don't want to use the term mastery, but it's just like I know this certain level of expertise I know this like I know my fucking family. Yeah, and and you screwed it up this You are not I I can tell from the the most minor of details immediately. You're not my mom Who are you? Why are you wearing my mom's face? Oh jeez Yeah, okay, but this looks gorgeous. It does okay um
Starting point is 02:01:39 Just keep re-releasing this game over and over. That's fine. I mean look If if a generation goes by that doesn't know what it is Put the goddamn diagonal jump glitch back in so you can get to the top of the citadel in the first playthrough No, just put in a fucking like bird mode where you just fly over and oh, that's not gonna happen Just look at the map anyway. That's so not gonna happen ever You you read that fucking movie script that Apparently was going down. I did not but I did hear about it Woof woof bark bark. Yeah
Starting point is 02:02:15 Yap yap mcwow bow wow Holy shit, that's just terrible and you can go find the twitter thread if you're interested in hurting yourself Um, I won't do it to you You know, I had to do it to him Uh the the uh, uh, yeah, this looks fucking great and I guess like yeah, no that it was the whole thing Okay, yeah, I was I was yeah, that was like, oh we're gonna only showed off a different trailer that was the the writing against the phalanx But uh, yeah, this was just just just right like you people know what that is Yeah, no, I'm happy to watch aggro and and wander just fucking trot around I was watching the phalanx
Starting point is 02:02:53 In the demo and all I could think of was like man Me and woolly are so cut from the same fucking cloth on shadow the colossus Where everyone's arguing about like which colossus is the best and me and woolly go the flying one And then someone goes which one and he goes avion. I go phalanx and we get in the argument No, no that flying one is better than this flying one idiot It's like no the flying ones are the like avion's number two for me and well, no, my well what I loved was uh Like early on I forgot who the third person around as wise But when it was like the description of like so then you pull up and then this thing is fucking just going overhead
Starting point is 02:03:37 And you just look up at it like How the fuck am I supposed to do that and it's like yeah That applies to mine as well and it's like oh well that applies to malice as well That applies to that's the whole thing That's the game But like the point where I'm like this is not there's like you're just in the sky And the game is like solve for x. I'm like that's a moment that you can't fucking Oh, yeah, you have to experience it. You know, I'm so good. Um
Starting point is 02:04:05 You do the fucking wing transfer on the side on the on the transfer like on the on the turn Get aggro up on those wings if you can The one week that spider man Matt's not here the one week that spider man's not the one week that spider man's not here We get a mat mats on the trailer. That's weird. You never see him at the same place at the same time It's like like seriously, bro, dude, like what what do you got? What do you have a spider man trailer? How no no way hold on. We're not done. No, how long has matt been screaming
Starting point is 02:04:38 angrily for more photo footage of the spider man game since I met him Like it's been so long And you fucked up. Why? Because you love your wife. What a stupid reason to miss out on spider man Boo trailer looks great. Uh, there appears to be a playable mary jane Uh, moz Morales is instant introduced in the story. Yay, which Okay, I don't know where that's gonna go. Probably not anywhere big just like hey, this is moz morales. You like him, right? I mean, look, I guarantee. Oh, yeah, there he is. There he is right there. I guarantee another friend's just hanging out. That's so weird
Starting point is 02:05:16 That's so weird. Yeah, whoa Because I was gonna say that I bet you that if we fast forward a few years from now There will be a marvel storyline where peter and myles are best friends being spider buddies hanging out Yeah, I bet you spider bros so at the end of this game spider man's gonna pass the spider torch to black spider man Sure, he's gonna give him the spider torch But like that's how it works But if someone decides to just go let's go somewhere completely different with it and literally go now too We got spider bros. Yeah, right you play as this spider man or this spider man
Starting point is 02:05:49 You got you got spider man and black spider man and and just for the funsies Peter is the symbiote spider man in that one. Yeah, he is make everyone confused. Like she talking about black spider man No, man. I'm talking about black spider man. Okay, cool. Just checking Yeah, yeah, yeah, so, uh, it would be it'd be that'd be a really fun thing to see But in the meantime the idea that they're just friends hanging out is Weird and yeah, that's goofy. What's gonna happen there because yeah I mean, I guess it's a little bit kind of like with homecoming where are there shocker interesting? um
Starting point is 02:06:22 I guess because in homecoming, you know, he's got like the chubby friend And then the idea that like well, this guy is not the chubby friend so he could do it too. Yeah We both got bit at the same time. That's crazy, man I got bit by the spider man by the sorry by the spider And then I was like, oh man take a hit of this And I passed the spider to my buddy Miles and then we fuck and then there you go. Yeah, man one night hanging out Uh That trailer looked like a spider man game. It sure did
Starting point is 02:06:56 I hope that game swinging is good. I don't care about the rest Speaking about swinging being good. That's right You can take this one. All right monster hunter world the ps4. Wait, what's swinging you have to do with monster hunter world? Oh, it does have swinging now, right? Fuck ps4 only beta begins december 9th. Seriously, bro Do you think Really, I spent like an hour watching fucking gaijin hunters fucking weapon breakdowns the the the swinging thing is Is the trivial concern? Regardless, uh ps4 only beta. How dare you is dead. You don't do that with this series to me
Starting point is 02:07:34 You back off. How dare you Fucking you're not even you're not fucking you played a one in a goddamn fighting game. You think you anyway tasty So, uh, yeah december 9th to 12th. You're gonna be able to play this game online Uh on the ps4 The wording on this is a little weird Because in the past they put out demos, but this looks like it'll be like a slightly more substantial like Open amount of the game like maybe
Starting point is 02:08:07 Three or four monsters and like the ability to wander around town and stuff like that They also announced that aloi will uh Oh be in the game on ps4. Oh, that's fun. Yep. That's interesting. Um, do you think that opens up unlike the costumes They've shown off prior like in the 3ds games. It's it's actually a loy's character model In game That's that's an interesting. Uh, yeah, why why not? She's a bow user Do you think that leaves three fearsome quests? To an answer by not hold on
Starting point is 02:08:42 Yeah, you're gonna okay. It is it is the standard type of demo. You're gonna fight the great jagras the anginaath and the barath Okay, cool. So that's two new monsters one old guy Do you think this will lead to a macrosoft answer? No Why not because Oh
Starting point is 02:09:04 I like I don't I I feel like it would have been Announced by now, you don't think and like even though this game is coming out on all three platforms Like the playstation one's getting the push because that's where the audience actually is You don't think cop head would make a great addition to the monster hunter roster No I think marcus phoenix would actually actually make a better addition to the monster hunter roster because he has a
Starting point is 02:09:31 Who's got a melee weapon in in microsoft guy the guy from rise son of rome All right that guy that guy the guy from rise son of rome Yeah, I'd like to see a crowbar weapon on the pc Like a sword and shield where it's like a crowbar and like the lamb symbol. No Actually, I wouldn't I don't care for this crossover. Shit. It's always terrible. How about mr. Scalebound? Yeah What kind of fit would he have been for this kind of game? Be a longsword user. Yeah. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 02:10:02 He would have fit fine You think with the with the whole big monsters and him on the ground doing his whole thing being able to fight off I think that's a bit too raw That wound is still bleeding out that game never came out, man. Ah, dude And it's a fucking capcom game that the character's getting put into Uh, the the trailer the trailer also showed off A bunch of new monsters and environments and it looks really fantastic. Okay, they've they've shown off the They've shown off the flagship monster before but not in a trailer weirdly
Starting point is 02:10:35 And do they show off the flagship armor alongside its armor when they do these things? No, no, no, no, okay The flagship monster is this weird barbed monster that uh, when you break the barbs off They grow back within like a minute and they go from white which is easily breakable to black Which is tough to break and it spits the shards at you all sorts of crazy shit So when i'm seeing smaller little ad type beasts like I I was under the impression that that didn't exist in this game Oh, they totally do you kill like small things before you oh well, there's there's a state There's a stage that you are well in the in the prior games There's the zone which is like made up of little stages, but this one it's one big zone
Starting point is 02:11:14 And there's like there's the volcano one the forest one the water, you know stuff like that And you have your big ass monsters Which you're seeing a lot of in this trailer or any trailer really and then you have the uh children slash Small versions of those That are around and there appears to be copious amounts of monster on monster action. Yeah, that's new Okay, that's really really new so Monsters could hit each other In prior games and they would like
Starting point is 02:11:47 But they they rarely interacted usually usually they would zoom in on you Or one would just leave I like jumping off with a surface and hitting a thing now I'm seeing a lot of footage of like Enemies that are like just like this monster is tougher than this other monster So it will kill it if it encounters it or you or you get that that like rick and morty moment of like There's that beast and then the bigger thing just goes Yeah, the the way that a lot of monsters have been slashed the under the sea fucking, you know, like Giant fish eating the bigger fish eating the bigger fish thing
Starting point is 02:12:21 Yeah, so the way that a lot of monsters get introduced in the series They're certain So there's your flagship, which is the mid game slash end game one. That's the on the box Right. Yeah, then there's the final boss, which you see a tiny little teaser of it in this trailer It's coming out of a giant pile of corpses But you don't actually get to see it. Okay, and then there's your I don't know what the fuck you would call them Your specials or your end game like so there's stuff like raging and devil joe, which is like they're not the final boss But they're pretty much tougher than everything else around
Starting point is 02:12:51 And they are always going to show up as you go You get a quest to fight some bullshit like some regular thing And then in the middle of your quest the fucking devil joe shows up and Your character gets explicit messages get the fuck out of there That thing will kick your ass in two seconds. Do not fight that and then you will build up to to fighting it later At which point, I guess the the thing opens up to like make it a selectable like where you can go Often not for quite some time or do you have to just get lucky again? Yeah, usually what ends up no
Starting point is 02:13:26 Well, what ends up happening is eventually you'll get the quest to select them But usually is from then on in certain areas. They'll just be part of the zone Okay, so you're gonna go fight your monster. Oh devil joe showed up throw throw a literal shit bomb on him So that he gets stinky and runs away so that you can keep fighting your monster So it's not quite like hunting down the groom reaper, but no it's Think of like a think of like death and persona three Okay, stay too long. Well, that's that's what I meant. Yes. You meant I meant the reaper. Okay. Yeah Okay, but but killable and huntable later
Starting point is 02:14:07 um The uh, uh, uh, uh, what was I gonna say? Yeah, uh, you did manage to convince me that the Kieran armor despite being the obvious choice is not the best choice. Oh, yeah, you you looked up a few others No, I'm just I'm just going off those fucking like image searches just fucking pulled up in like four seconds and I went There's a million. There's tons. Yeah, there's some good armor. There is one really really bizarre thing that old standbys Uh, would notice in this trailer. There's a the monster that had all the spikes on it Um, it's using all the moves of an existing monster Like it does this chin pound
Starting point is 02:14:47 In the trailer that is like a straight animation rip from something called ergon and it's like are they just Recycling old monsters into tune into new looks so that They get the monster count up and if that's so that's fine because ergon's genuinely great to fight That's fun Ben would save time a lot of time actually because the animation it feels like is where most of the work goes Here's a question, right? So
Starting point is 02:15:18 I have a feeling the answer is clearly no, but When you look at something like, you know, the uh, the set that you see the character wearing and it's like, okay My sword is made of the fucking teeth Of the mouth of this beast and the top of my hat is basically like one of the scales off the top of it. That's right Does the size of the teeth on my sword make any relative sense to the thing I killed? Not only Does that does it it is themed it is not accurate But like so it's like you can tell this is you you can tell your your guy's cause playing with the monster's guts
Starting point is 02:15:56 Right, okay, right, but not only is it not accurate Um The parts that you need to make them don't correspond to the look of anything whatsoever Like it's like, oh you need five teeth and three scales It's like the thing you made doesn't look like it needed five teeth and three scales But on top of that certain weapons will change how big they are depending on whether or not they're on your back or not That's what I thought the great sword is like 60 percent of its actual size when it's on your back So that the blade doesn't drag through the ground
Starting point is 02:16:27 And I imagine if you fight a giant rooster That when you make a hat and you get a rooster hat suddenly it's stupid little fucking things It's not the size of a human and yes, right a giant rooster got it. Yeah, okay It's themed. It's not accurate. Yeah, if it was accurate then it would look like shit because you would have all just scale right The teeth are the size of your character in a lot of cases Um Speaking of themes here's a theme I love
Starting point is 02:16:57 What's that guacamole two and now Yes for four player co-op game looks great four player co-op They showed off a very very intense looking new mechanic in which the the um They have blue and red bars going across the screen that subdivide the screen evenly and in blue areas There's no obstacles and in red areas. They're all dangerous so like the floor is on fire with the red bar over it and
Starting point is 02:17:28 The the grab point is there with the blue bar over it And it's constantly rotating so you're having to platform through like a Very quickly changing environment. I like how his chip broke in the guacamole because That happens in real life. It does and you're like, fuck me the integrity of this chip is not as strong as I thought it was Yeah It also showed off new chicken powers Including like the ability to get chicken abilities and like combo with chickens. Yay So you can see the blue and red stuff. I can see. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can see it. I can see it
Starting point is 02:18:05 And also enemies don't appear in one or the other Okay Like yeah a little Icaruga. Yeah death zone switching. Well to be fair that existed in the last game But like but it was always in your control. Yeah, whereas here there are parts of it that are just automated Looks great fun. Didn't expect to see that coming hell. No, I did But at the same time if you think about it drink box, they did what severed before this They did and I don't I haven't heard many people talking about severed because it was a vita slash mobile game That's right. So the fact that they would return to form on a console
Starting point is 02:18:42 Sounds like they wanted to get people talking about their games again. That's possible I don't know maybe and let's make a game people will play. Hmm Which sucks because severed look good. It did But I never played it. Nope Lastly but not leastly there was some trailers for Um, well, this actually is not super super duper new but uh hellboy was announced and now he's got a trailer out for injustice too and that's fun because
Starting point is 02:19:14 Uh, I wouldn't have called that. You know um It's not voiced by Ron Perlman. Well, what the fuck? I mean I don't know if Ron Perlman is in the dlc budget For injustice too. What's he up to? Um Nothing, that's right. Oh, I mean grub probably like Drinking sand. I want I want the hellboy to come out and tell me that war never changes. Okay
Starting point is 02:19:43 Is that so much to ask? Well for one thing This injustice to trailer does look like that's hellboy doing the hellboy things. Yes Does he punch the ground and make fire come out? I'm not sure Okay, well he's using his fist. He appears to have one big weird fist. Yeah. Well, he always did. Okay. Oh, he's got armor. Interesting. Um I'm someone who uh had the pleasure of working on the hellboy uh video games prior to this back in the day and uh boy, oh boy I sure got tired of seeing Seeing hellboy
Starting point is 02:20:19 But I liked the character It was just very unfortunate that he was in an incarnation that was soul crushing But you sound really happy about that. Um, it's well, I don't know how to put it But it's just a weird thing where you know when I talked about how it's like you you you make the mistake of using a song You like as an alarm clock. Yeah, and then you ruin that song forever. That's right That's kind of like this where I'm like, I do like hellboy and I thought the cool Guillermo shit that we saw Uh, even like in the movies and then in the comic and the art style and what that has always been fun
Starting point is 02:20:52 but I um just like man the job Broke me a little bit on that one It wasn't the worst thing we ever had to deal with but it certainly was one of the poorer ones But hellboy is a cool character. So he's a boy from hell. Yeah, and he's got a big big dumb fist That's his deal that's his deal. Yep works for me. Shaves his horns down. Yeah. Yeah. Why? Because Otherwise he gets horny Come on
Starting point is 02:21:22 Come on. You're telling me. Come on. What did you expect? I expected a real answer because it freaks people out or something or nay No, that's too late. You can't No Fuck that Let's talk about fucking captain ginyu in the fucking ginyu squad because we got a trailer for captain ginyu in the fucking ginyu squad Holy shit, this is so much better than I was expecting dragon ball fighters. It's exactly what I expected
Starting point is 02:21:48 I expected his team to do all the work for him. You're not picking captain ginyu You're picking the ginyu force and in fact, I'm a bit like I feel like his name should be ginyu force Yeah, you know, I think the character select screen should be all of them Because holy fuck are they doing it? You're picking the whole force. It's so good. That's amazing The body switch is real that is this like the carl clover Of of this game, but I know because they don't think they stay out. Okay. Also android 18 calls out 17. So yeah, you're right Uh, I here's one thing is from talking to people this weekend about ginyu Like I feel like everyone as a result of this character existing is gonna have to do a weird thing
Starting point is 02:22:35 We've never had to do in fighting games Everyone is gonna have to have a pocket ginyu. Oh, yeah, because it's a it's a reverse Uh, shang shang shang sung. Oh, yeah Where everyone's gonna get turned into this character at some point And you have to know what the fuck's going on when you get stuck. I have to know So you might as well start practicing just in case it's so they're gonna get weird data out of this I mean like wait, what ginyu has a hundred percent knowledge rate with the with the players. What? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Why is he so popular? You gotta have a pocket ginyu and if you do a ginyu mirror match
Starting point is 02:23:09 That's a good one. You know what's even better if he's really bad I mean, yeah Because then if you get switched you're fucked. I'm well, you would assume that's the point a little bit Yeah, you I like here's what there's two ways they can play this they can make it so that the switching does Something worse than just switching and he's a and he's a pretty solid character Or they can make him absolutely terrible and make the switch a fucking problem that you have to deal with for a very long time You know Um, how did you defeat it when it happened to you in the show?
Starting point is 02:23:43 Slash manga. Oh go could kick his ass With his own body. You just yeah, because he's like just because your body is stronger It doesn't mean you know actually know how to fight and then he gets panicked and then he switches it back Yeah, and there's no real gimmick to it. So yeah, okay. Yeah. No, I could totally see Um Which is how it will work in the game Like for example, I could see it being like no Guineas are normal to not do something completely nuts Guineas a normal character and the whole force is strong, but like
Starting point is 02:24:10 When he switches bodies, you only have normal attacks You know Like something exactly like like because I mean think about it like valentine can poison you with the lag needle You know certain characters like injustice. You can have someone that like fucking switches your stick with your button inputs For a brief period of time, you know, like there's all kinds of shenanigans with controller fuckery going on in some of these games So, uh, yeah, I could totally see that being a thing Very cool Let's uh, take some emails. I just hope you don't have the ability to combo into the body switch
Starting point is 02:24:45 Absolutely going hundred percent going to be able to combo into the body switch. Oh man. Come on You can combo into a level three grab with trunks, dude. Uh, Absolutely get the fuck out of here If you've got some emails about, um Switching body. Oh, I forgot to forgot to talk about something. I'll talk about it very briefly. I watched your name on the plane Oh, yeah, you did a plus super fantastic. I'll watch it immediately. It's the best. That's what you said the uh, the The core premise belies a much more complex and interesting story That's it
Starting point is 02:25:22 Uh Let's see here We can get into some emails Uh, were there any other announcements that uh, you caught that were of note They showed off like 90 seconds. I got a war and it looked good Was he fighting another god from a different thing? No, it was fighting Zombo things Sucker punch announces. Oh fuck. I totally forgot about ghost of susheema
Starting point is 02:25:48 Okay, so it's going to be an infamous game, but with samurai's and shit. What the fuck is this? Uh, they showed off like a trailer that what the fuck is this? Uh looked good, but I'm not sure how much of it was real. Okay And they showed off concrete genie too, which kind of looked like shit, but that's because I hate art What the what the what the what the what the what? What you got what you got what you got? Uh, yeah, uh, it's got it's a voiceover trailer with uh, some cg elements and some maybe in game elements. Okay um
Starting point is 02:26:20 Kind of difficult to tell the difference between the two. Okay Um, so like I think that's gameplay. I think this area with the forest is gameplay for example I mean, I can assume that's an engine. Uh, and it's a samurai game made by sucker punch and that's pretty much all the stone about it Sucker punch being the folks who make infinite infamous. Yeah Yeah Okay, so I'm looking at some very uh, kurosawa style imagery of villagers and rice patties and samurai and shit. Yeah and uh
Starting point is 02:26:56 I'm very interested. They haven't made a melee game yet like they they they've been limited melee options in uh In the infamous games, but I would very very very much like an open world like is this red dead rodent Maybe it might be Because if this is red dead rodent, that's the fucking coolest thing and if the sucker punch guys make good video games You ever play any infamous games? I I I I did not they're good the infamous games. They're all good for a long time But I did touch them um
Starting point is 02:27:29 I touched the second one for a bit the second one's the best one probably But yeah, no it looks dope. Wow Okay Yeah, glad I didn't miss that Uh Did did did we get any dates did we get any information did we get anything besides just a name and a trailer? I don't remember Ooh, that guy's in the fire. Yeah, he's burning up. So he may or may not be a literal actual ghost I'm not certain probably a live guy
Starting point is 02:28:04 I see I'm getting a little uh Um, what's her name? Oh Excuse me a little little cooler instinct with it there Little zacko zacko. Yeah This looks very cool. This looks very pretty and uh good job sucker punch I hope the gameplay is good because yeah, there's that that looks like a dream game That looks like a dream game and there's no gameplay to be seen there But I think the last like two seconds of that trailer or gameplay
Starting point is 02:28:31 If this is red dead rodent then Go fuck yourself. This shit looks get out of here west. We're going east. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah um No, really we're not gonna wait for assassin's creed to do it We're gonna do it. Shut up Basically because you had your chance. In fact, you had like Eight of them over at sucker punch over at sucker punch assassin's creed origin gets leaked three years ago And they're like god. All right guys tired of this shit. No
Starting point is 02:29:01 We're doing it ourselves. Whatever they're working on gets scrapped and they're just like fuck this We're doing it. Yeah. Okay. Sounds good. Sounds good. Um, if you've got an email and you want to send it in You should send it to super best friend cast at That's super best friend cast at And your email might email might sound something like woolly reading this email Uh like this bozo sound says yo, how many more podcasts until the dicks are actually on stream? Uh I did I what did I say? Did I say like? Two million subs or followers? I think or something something 10 million. I don't know something in the million jokes on you
Starting point is 02:29:45 My mental name is richard. So there's always been a dick on spam Um 18 million I'll take the wendy's route Was it was it wendy's? Yeah. Yeah, okay 18 million Oh man, you can here you go. You can hold me to that. I fucking love that stupid tweet Uh We got one coming in from Uh yen quiver and he says, uh
Starting point is 02:30:14 Pat thatic If you're reading this email, it means that my new email clickbait worked Uh, hello big fan from the line of the mexico. I've been watching and hearing your content for a few years now Hey, man, what up? But I've realized I don't really watch your videos outside of f&f and scrub lords Mostly just hear your podcast every day and reset it to episode one whenever I get up to date Uh, I hear the new ones as they come out. My question is what brand or group do you enjoy more? Than a certain media. That's its regular format
Starting point is 02:30:44 Giant bomb you like giant bomb more than giant bomb. Yes. I I can agree with that Yeah, giant bomb part giant bomb cast is uh is much better than their video content I will I just I just generally don't check it out that much really the video content I'm always struck with like I could do it better Which is like a really shitty thing to say about people that have been doing it for so much longer But it's like I like the style of video that I make more than the style of video than other people understandable Understandable. Yeah, uh, that's a pretty good one because I'm a humorous individual. That's a pretty good one. Oh, I'm sure I could like Pick something else out of there, but you sound like you're gonna fucking die
Starting point is 02:31:24 I'm doing my best I know I'm just like you sound like you're gonna fall asleep and then die because the canada cup happened And then it ended and then there was an after party and then there was an after after party And then after that I got back to my room and then I had to pack my bags And then I got on a plane and then the plane flew and then I landed and then I got here How'd you took a nap though? I did you did took take take that that that put up at the you got it Nailed it. You got there Uh, yeah, my brain's racing right now to find another example because I know I know I have
Starting point is 02:31:55 Oh, yeah, but you got that fog in your brain right now. I know that feel him. So We got one coming in from the drake. He says dear bagel bite spook lords How it up is not only a time of candy, but also a time of hard spooks If you had the opportunity to how would you spook each other as a surprise prank or whatever at castle super beast? Okay, so here's let me take the Let me take the the reins on this one and say that We wouldn't because the problem is the drake that we know each other way too well And whatever we would do could potentially scar each other. It's too horribly. I I
Starting point is 02:32:29 I'm thinking it's light enough on a general spooky way is to it wouldn't work. I know the things that would work would be horrible I know I could plaster the walls with something in here that would like damage woolly just by entering the building And I'm not gonna do that because that's too awful And I can and I could I could set up a series a chain of events Yeah, that could occur in a very short period of time that would just make my my crazy meter Just go off the fuck that would lead to pat disappearing for a while
Starting point is 02:33:01 And maybe returning some at some point, but we don't know when that would be so there's no in between There's no there's there's either. Ah, that's funny. You got me or like. Oh wow. Where's woolly? Grenada he went back Wow That's wow. That's extreme. Yeah, so Um for what it's worth the uh the answer is no it's no man. That's not gonna happen Uh They're screwed two scrubs in a baby. Uh woolly considering hot pepper gaming is gone now
Starting point is 02:33:32 You're gonna get your revenge by creating spice lords and getting pat to eat his hot pepper Uh, hey, I still got nine boot Jalokia Fucking uh, um, I'm not eating that ghost peppers hanging out. So I'm not eating that well I'll eat a lot, but I'm not eating the fucking ghost pepper I mean to be fair not after I got full on eyeball confirmation of what it does to somebody who handles Uh Fucking spicy stuff better than I do
Starting point is 02:34:04 Well, I mean I ain't signing a waiver. All right making you sign a waiver rather So that's your that's your deal. Don't put it in my red ball I'll notice We got one coming in from Um, uh, jason he says they're super best blurb to blurbs jason here. What's the deal with messing up the podcast title? Um, what you broke the podcast. I don't know what he's No, no, yeah, I know he's talking saying I just do it because everyone else does and I want to look cool Is it from the I think he's saying what's the deal with messing with go saying super best pork the barks
Starting point is 02:34:39 Is it from the barf mill dot barf barf barf? I believe it is in fact Is it something else? Do you not know and I think yeah, it's just something or it's just some witty Something some things just organically grow jason. That's all it is people just latched on to it because it was funny Yeah, like that thing on your back just organically grows That's not good. You should get that checked out. Ah, whatever. I've had it for like 20 years Correct me if I'm wrong. So you want to see it? Hey, you can you can you've got a camera pointed at you. No, I'm not showing people that that's private
Starting point is 02:35:09 That's your camera. That's just for you. You can do whatever you want with your camera. Just just leave mine alone My cameras are far My cameras are far away. I can't reach them You'd reach your camera That's a flattering angle. Don't worry about it Any angle that shows me and not where the floor is at Is a flattering angle What are you fucking laughing at that you you your spite tweet of you standing next to the too tall for this ride
Starting point is 02:35:38 Okay, dude. Okay. Okay. So is that the minions ride in usj? And I'm like, oh time for death Right and fucking page fucking goes. Oh, it's because he's not tall enough And like I kind of knew she was gonna do that So I took the spite photo of me standing next to the I'm tall enough to ride thing I knew it. I knew that was gonna happen I was ready with the most pained like Unexpressive face you could muster up at the time. Yeah. Yeah, listen. I'm tall enough to ride all the children's rides
Starting point is 02:36:09 It's not gonna stop. There was not one ride I was not tall enough to ride at that roller coaster place pat It's not gonna stop people from vectoring chocolate bunnies On an angle to create a perspective Mark mock-up to figure out how tall you are according to this light switch Next to your head they were like because all of the the chocolate bunny one was like based on four foot three The average height of a light switch, but like that is clearly wrong. I'm five two guys I'm I'm really short. You don't have to exaggerate it. I'm really short. Guess what?
Starting point is 02:36:41 Willy's not that tall. That's true. You just often see him next to me and matt Who's only a few inches taller. Yeah, people really really are confused by that one. I don't know what that's about Yeah, when people meet you and they're like what? How small is pat? Real small guys. Brennan's a giant. I'm pretty normal Uh like six two. Um, well pretty much six one. Um, that's pretty close. It's close enough. Yeah Uh There is one over here and yeah, alana wants to know correct me from wrong
Starting point is 02:37:12 But the ceo of quantum quantum dreams Said they were gonna give him more writers to reel him back from what I hear at paris games week Sounds like it's not working out. Yeah That's an observation I suppose yeah, yeah, what can I say? Um Um Okay, uh craig says uh derren humans presents super best friend cast Given your love of oldish old occasionally jank graphics I was wondering what kind of graphics graphic style you would switch your current body to
Starting point is 02:37:45 If you could ah none if you could the answer is none Let's change this question and say like oh, yeah, I'm gonna walk around as a ps1 cube man and be studied by scientists That's silly. Let's change this question for you I'll I'll fix it for you and say if you had to and you had no choice in the matter Would you become a horrible ps1 polygon monster? Would will it become uh expert expertly crafted pixel sprites? I don't know you tell me Um, I'm gonna go with uh 3d cel-shaded anime look I'm gonna be an anime person
Starting point is 02:38:26 That's pretty good. I'm sure there's there's like a niche that I could fill my life as an anime person Yeah, I'm gonna go 16 bit charm um Like on a level that is like just good enough to show up on a sega saturn and still look pretty fucking tight Uh, and that's that's because I feel like uh The charm will always be there forever. Yeah, it'll it'll never hit a point where it's like If you look at your edge on do you are you like flat? Yeah, well, I'd have to be okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm I'm a floating cardboard. How how thick is your floating cardboard?
Starting point is 02:39:03 Like well, I mean like are you razor thin? I am one, uh Reality pixel wide So you're just walking through people and cutting them in half I'm a voxel, you know, like I'm a one voxel wide and however many across, you know Flatlander, but I can squeeze through fucking doors, bro I can jump on the walls like link and I can just like That'd be really creepy because imagine if I was like halfway around the door and then like
Starting point is 02:39:36 And then like you were looking at the door from like the frame So like the texture stretches, you know what I mean like right in the middle part, you know what I'm talking about Like if you ever do if you if you ever do 3d modeling and your job is to uh To map textures onto something and bake it. There's times when you put the settings on and they're all wrong Yeah, and so you see that you see like the facial features in the wrong places on the face and it's like all that weird shit Yeah, that's some that's some bad. Yeah I'm surprised that if the uh shitstorm games do shit like that because that stuff's rough anyway, um
Starting point is 02:40:14 And lastly we'll take one from jacob and he says Uh, dear strong bad Sure That's simple but good Um, well, he's talked about it on a few occasions and I'd be interested to know what music you've been listening to lately Uh, are there releases you're looking forward to and so on and so forth What's up music stuff? Okay. All right, you're best bud Jacob from maryland Um, I've gotten a good one as far as lately is concerned. Uh, so I was recently turned on to
Starting point is 02:40:44 uh, this super awesome fucking japanese dj that is pretty much Continuing the legacy of new jebes and I say that with like that's high praise because new jebes is a fucking god Um rip But this guy's name is kenny chiro nishi hara check out his music It's all over youtube and it's on itunes and it's in all these different places And it's just mellow new jebes samurai shampoos style vibes. There's playlists and playlists of it. It's some of the smoothest easy listening like just japanese style hip hop instrumentals
Starting point is 02:41:20 And they're fucking incredible kenny chiro nishi hara. He's he's amazing. That's me You're asking me a music question. Yeah, exactly. I don't know Whatever what's on if I st if I if I plug my if I plug my headphone into my phone right now. Let's see what happens sure also, uh, the um The cerebral soundtrack which is uh, actually out and available is really cool Yeah, okay, the mad world soundtrack kicked in there you go. That's a good. That's my go-to I remember now. I listened to that on the plane
Starting point is 02:41:58 I listened to that on every plane trip to and from Because I can easily listen to that whole soundtrack just Anarchy rain soundtracks is not as good. It's just yeah, I was half good half expecting Sinatra Yeah Were you Mmm All right, what is going on? What is coming up? What is coming out? Okay, let's see. Uh, shit storms can end tomorrow. You have to start a new LP. Yep
Starting point is 02:42:28 Eagle eyed and eared viewers already know what that is because it's a game that we haven't played so far in the Storm that we should have Uh, me and woolly are going to be starting a new LP relatively shortly, but not quite Tomorrow or the day after there's some there's some adventures to go on first an art has to be made first is the actual Yeah, there's that and setups have to occur plan. Uh, so we're going to be doing some one-offs. Uh You and Matt are doing a thing I mean I'm going to assume as much, but I don't actually know what it is
Starting point is 02:43:03 Yeah, when uh when he gets back. Um, so it's new LP season It's new LP season So look forward to new LPs that we haven't announced just yet because we need to make sure they work Uh, there is going to be a it's not bubsy guys. No, uh, matt and I are going to get everything wrong again. Um And on a more I guess as far as releases go, uh Oh, well, there's a lot. Yeah, there is so hold a little that thought. Um Uh, I'm on next weekend. I'll I'll be tweeting this out and stuff, but next weekend. I'm going to be officially screen-learning Officially screen-learning
Starting point is 02:43:42 uh at the uh Montreal e-sports Invitational which is basically Uh, the new team that opened up here, uh, the grizzlies are the George st. Pierre owned e-sports team. Oh, cool. And they're going to be doing an invitational Try-out for street fighter 5 players And people are coming out to represent and to try and get a Shot at being sponsored. Mm-hmm. And I'm going to be part of the scream lord team So, uh, it looks like it's going to be a pretty
Starting point is 02:44:17 official biz And a good time. So check that out and catch me on that. Uh, again, I'll pop links on my twitter When when when that comes out? Oh, man, I just L.A. Noir is coming out all remastered in like two weeks. Well, we fucked up We gotta redo it now. What a fuck up. What a fuck up There's actually a There's a lot of games. Yes coming out. Yes such as
Starting point is 02:44:49 Well, you you haven't touched mario. Honestly, your assassin's creed. Nope. So pick one. You'll be happy Uh, we got ore which was announced today at the Paris thing that we've missed That's like journey but and shadow the colossus combined in one game with a kid that turns into a dragon That's out now Let's see. We got bubsie the woolly strike back who makes ore I don't know. Okay We got, uh Fucking multiplayer expansion for 15. It's coming out
Starting point is 02:45:19 You got the call of duty Which one's that two Oh Okay, world war two. Okay, you got sonic forces. Yeah, that's true the zero dawn expansion Got some bio shock crap You got some star wars. I'm gonna have to gonna have to investigate the the creator hedgehog Yeah, you are how prego. Can you make it very sick?
Starting point is 02:45:48 God dumb Yeah, there's a lot in here Okay video games That means that the two bit like two of the biggest of the year are our assassins creed and and mario. Yeah Like for sure like i'm probably actually just gonna be playing those two for the next like two months and I assume the idea I mean based on a fucking mario game dropping is that like there's enough content and that to tide you That game is enormous next year that game is like breath of the wild enormous
Starting point is 02:46:14 Yeah, no it like a proper mario game release means Months of content Plus in a world with literal dlc in different nintendo games, which is a first. It was just new This is trying to help brand new world. We gave you 3500 new power moves Like that's this is gonna get crazy because mario games are already these insane all-encompassing adventures and yeah This is gonna be one where you're gonna download more worlds. So maybe Likely, yeah, they haven't announced it. They did announce it for a breath of wild before that came out. Yeah. Yeah I but I would I wouldn't be surprised
Starting point is 02:46:48 Um, it seems to be the route but yeah, uh That's that is true. So, um I guess outside of that Yeah, again, just a I guess I'll bump it a second time. But uh, if you can and you're interested like one there's um So the website's officially down now. Yeah, we killed it. The website is officially killed and uh You know, a lot of folks are creatures of habit that uh, we're still heading over there to to listen But what I've uh, but it's dead now. So you can't you can't what is there of course is uh, the
Starting point is 02:47:23 Liberated syndication page which has been around from the beginning as a an alternate link To check out this podcast and I'm going over this in the audio file now Just because I kind of realized too that like a lot of some folks kind of Like hear this thing, but don't actually necessarily check out like the the feeds and social media announcements, right? So I figure if it's if it's part of the actual show that might help. That's right So, um, yeah, we are now, uh without that website, but we still have our you might want to make a small like one minute 90 second like youtube video and put on our channel. Hey, we can clip this right here in fact. Oh, shit What is this tech?
Starting point is 02:48:01 So, uh, yeah, that's it. No, basically, so there's a sound cloud page now Where you can check it out and like hopefully that helps with if anyone's having trouble with what's sound? It's it's a place where you upload music Okay, and then you can uh pay and then start uploading uh podcasts too. Oh, all right, and that's it I guess um and and it plays on a lot of people's devices So it keeps it makes it easier for them and such and like there were there were like specific technical reasons why It was not possible until now, but now it is and so that's what we're doing We're doing that now. Uh, of course the podcast is also still available on um, it's available on a google play store
Starting point is 02:48:39 It's available on stitcher. So you can grab the rss feed the rss feed directly from that's usually the simplest Our lips and page i'm including download links for mobile as well on that lips and page So I know some people we're heading there unable to to download it. Uh, I should that should be fixed from now on So you should be able to just go there click the thing get it as usual Try to make it as easy as possible to grab it in any format wherever you want Um, the only other thing is I'm gonna try I'm gonna see if I can find out more again and try again But the only place that it isn't that it should be perhaps a spotify But that was entirely not up to me. That was based on spotify. Simply just being like mirror. We don't call us. We'll call you
Starting point is 02:49:17 Yeah, that's one of those so I have spotify. They're like Wow And and and i'm trying to yell out at jz on his title over a title, but yeah, are you he's out on the water? So he can't hear me He's uh, he needs food titles a great name for that service He needs food tide goes in tide goes out I like it Uh, yeah, everyone lists and of course there's also there's like all the little um third party smaller
Starting point is 02:49:47 Like the things people use on their phones to get it working. Some people say podcast addicts and people say Uh pocket casts some people say I don't know whatever else but um I'm going to see if we can get it up on spotify too. But the point is is that uh, it should be everywhere easily available and More than ever So yay, I want to get an email from spotify. That's like so we looked at your podcasts and uh, we can't in good conscience Put these on our service
Starting point is 02:50:18 Yeah, it's titled like judging that book by its cover and you're like, hey man, don't judge a book by its cover and you're like, oh no No, we we listen Oh, no, we we listen to one and realize that all of those titles are from a discussion and we're like Nah, man Like we thought you were just like click baiting or ear baiting and then it turns out that they all had context Uh, so we typed in the prego shino rebel king hedgehog and found that it was a real thing So you're banned. Yeah, please please please leave And never speak to us again. Never speak to me or my son again. Um
Starting point is 02:50:56 Can we cut the clip here? Yeah, that's okay. We did it. Hey, all right. All right Done now. Okay. Oh, yeah, I guess we can end the podcast Well, you defeated that your podcast that you did on very little sleep and my reward is more sleep It's a good reward Oh Oh Oh Oh
Starting point is 02:53:34 Oh Oh

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