Castle Super Beast - SBFC 225: Ultra Instinct Breakneck Suplex Mamorus

Episode Date: December 5, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That was a hungry boy. I had a muffin. Just literally ate. I had one muffin. Which one of you who made that samurai shampoo noise? That was me. That was totally me. Okay. What's up? What's up? I woke up and I had a muffin, but like that's all I had. And so now I'm hungry. Okay. That's it. And now I have this podcast to do. So after this podcast, I'm gonna be really, really hungry. I podcast hungry. Remember. Oh, Matt, what's that in your hand? Nothing. Okay. Oh, he's not holding anything in his hand. Oh, no. I had a really rough night's sleep. I had so something that happens to me shadow man again. Almost something that happens to me from time to time is I mean, that's always a threat. Something that happens to me
Starting point is 00:01:08 never drop your guard from time to time is I don't know if you guys ever got this but sometimes when I'm sleeping and I have like a dream where the dream is happening exactly where I left off going to bed, like, like, there's continuity. You can't discern between the two. I've had that. Yeah. I can't say that. I've also had the wake up dream where everything's totally normal. Yes, right? Which is just as awful. So two of twice in my life that has led to me when I was younger, rolling off the top bunk, falling, hitting my head on the metal and then hitting my head on the ground and that sensation of sleep into weightlessness into extreme thud pain of metal onto floor was like horrifying. That explains a few things. That really, yeah. Those two times
Starting point is 00:02:05 specifically stuck with me because I don't know why but for some reason your bunk had no like, yeah, rail. We stopped. I was on the bottom at first and then we switched at some point because I don't know why. We just agreed to switch and my brother was on the bottom and then I was on the top but the railing broke and it wore down the screws in a way that it couldn't just be like put, replace type of thing. So everyone was just lazy and just didn't. That's terrible. And then they just didn't put the thing back up and so I just slept with an open thing and twice, I like in a startled moment like rolled off or like jerked to the side and fell the fuck off the bed. Okay. Did that happen yesterday? No. I guess. You rolled off the top bunk again? Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:02:53 There was a third time when I used to live down in my place closer to where you used to live. Yeah. If you remember like my old, old address and that was a time where like it was a much more minor but like I kind of woke up like in the middle of a fight kind of thing and like I just, I got up in like alert mode like blocking and swinging kind of thing like what's going on and like it was like a really jerky thing but like that's kind of, that's sort of it. But yesterday was fucking horrifying because I was basically, I was, in the dream it was like I was in bed exactly where I was except it wasn't night anymore. It was day and me and my girlfriend relying there and then suddenly for some reason I heard down from where I live like outside my
Starting point is 00:03:45 door I heard the elevator like ding and open. Yeah. And then I heard gunfire. Okay. And then the gunfire was shooting down the hallway and getting closer and then I heard our front door kick open. Right and fucking. This is the dream? This is the dream. Okay. Right. In the dream you grabbed the gun that's under your pillow. Your dream gun. Yeah. So that thought right exactly. I've got the fucking sword from the mailbag in arms reach but what's that gonna fucking do? You know what I mean? We have the brass knuckle combination dagger. Yeah. See, Willie at your old place that would have done plenty but in your new place the distance from your bed to the front door is too long. No, no. Unless I can fucking stinger across the
Starting point is 00:04:36 hall. You set yourself up for death here. How's your flash step? Exactly. Right. I gotta watch more bleach to find out if I can catch up to the gun user. So it's one of those moments where yeah, like you immediately panic and whatnot and freak out and I'm like, okay. And I don't even, I can't remember like, oh yeah, it gets all weird. It gets weird but what ended up happening was like somewhere between the thud of my door kicking open and my girlfriend who was like next to me there, she's like, I remember them, I remember her saying something and then it kind of gets hazy but I woke up like grabbing her and pulling her the opposite way off the bed. Okay. Right. And I remember all like again, like I was like I wasn't awake until I was like on top. Yeah. Yanking
Starting point is 00:05:31 her off and like we almost fell kind of like would have hit our head on the side and fucking like it would have been bad. Right. But like and I remember and all I remember is like being like what the fuck is going on? Why is it suddenly nighttime? And I remember like the like my heart was fucking racing and like my back like was tensed up because I was expecting to feel bullets going through them type of thing because that was facing the opening. If you remember like how my room is kind of set up and that gives you a fucking hard time going back to sleep after that. So and I imagine your girlfriend be like what the fuck what like yeah like what is happening like I was practicing wrestling like midnight like exactly midnight suplexes going going down
Starting point is 00:06:22 like what was that about but yeah I don't I don't fucking know but like that was a really really rough one and that's you've presented some evidence I'm going to say two words to you shadow men okay well they're there I mean look I don't use guns though I imagine they don't but they use like weird mind powers I imagine a scenario in which due to a poor set of circumstances a bad fall some poor luck cops are at the place going this is the weirdest murder suicide I've ever seen like apparently they just roll apparently he just suplexed her with a roll off the bed and both cracked the floor on the plus side like my unconscious reaction was to shield and cover well that's laudable right but on the minus side I almost broke our necks for no reason nothing
Starting point is 00:07:17 so yeah so that is your job you were there's your fucking balance you were a big hero in response to ghosts sometimes the evil is within happy birthday to me oh well not dissimilar uh this happened actually a few weeks ago where we both woke up and we heard tapping through the wall which is not like uh uncommon but it's the neighbors that are like they're the the wall that we share is my tv the brick wall there whenever they're putting in a whatever on the in the wall you hear it like hammering we heard tapping and it was like and tapping it fourth four a.m. and I'm like no and we're hearing it through the wall and in like our where our headboard is there's no one there okay that's the brick that's the wall that leads to our balcony
Starting point is 00:08:07 yeah and I'm like it's just tapping and she's like who is tapping and I'm like oh and I fell asleep again and then when I woke up she's like why did you just say that I was like what she's like didn't you just say wake up now I'm like no I didn't and she's like because it didn't sound like you but and I'm like it's nothing it's you're just dreaming she's like were we dreaming the tapping and I was like what's happening and I was like there was tapping and then I just went back to bed again and and we're both really angry because we don't know what it was well the problem here is like the you're you're given this weird situation and you're having to deal with it in like your least competent state yeah one thing was real that's all I know yeah which was the tapping and the jabbing
Starting point is 00:08:53 sure so I don't know all right I mean there's the thing is here's what here's the thing though it is cold and we live in Montreal and houses contract in shape during winter consistently so thuds taps cracks that type of shit my building is from 1922 it starts to happen around the time when shit gets cold and then it expands when you start to learn as to like what is actually your asshole neighbors and what is just your house yeah though in my current place there is a very specific wall or whatever I don't know which one it is but it creaks in such a way that I'm like it's somebody in my fucking house yeah yeah yeah it's it's the floor and it's it's in the morning and it makes me think people are walking around to kill me right anyway I'm tired of this bullshit
Starting point is 00:09:41 it's pretty trash um I you know I get dead grandpas coming back I'm told I'm told that like this is what ultra instinct yes actually is right so that's that's me kicking in totally right I have one for you I have a similar story that will make you feel better because it ends much worse than yours and it's from my youth I had a dream in which I woke up in the I woke up in the middle of the night like you know go to bed toss and turn then in the dream I threw up everywhere oh absolutely everywhere like all over my pajamas the bed everything and then in my dream I was terrified that like I would get in trouble or something so I just went back to bed then I woke up and went to breakfast and my parents look at me and go what the fuck I go what oh shit that was all
Starting point is 00:10:44 super real and not a dream at all and now I've slept in vomit for six hours oh yeah you had a rough year last year to be honest 20 years ago but let me tell you going to sleep in cold vomit oh man it's worse than almost killing yourself for nothing because it feels gross you ever have a dream where you're real so realistic that you get up and you go to the bathroom and then you start using the bathroom and then turns out you never woke up yep yeah me neither neither I've had two of those I've had one of those one one one when I was much younger and it ended badly and one when I was like two years ago and I went no no no no wake up wake up wake up where it kicks in fuck your brain fuck your brain like the muscles start to release
Starting point is 00:11:46 you're right things start to loosen and then you're like no no yeah yeah yeah fighting yourself you got a fucking gator roll out of bed you know like speed is the key oh man you want to talk about dangerous situations there there's nothing more horrible than okay oh man this is gonna be this is gonna be detailed but okay you know you got a piss real bad you're jumping around you're all that shit yeah right you jump you know you can hold that for a long time oh yeah what you can't very bad for the kidneys is for whatever reason you start to take a piss and then something stops you and you must stop and then you have to hold it again okay okay yeah don't use the toilet the water's out or there's someone at the door and you can't miss it right like the public bathroom
Starting point is 00:12:46 is broken yeah yeah no the once you fucking open up the gates of Mordor the the orcs are running it's a problem orcs of Mordor yeah no I remember I was watching remember the Titans and uh I had to go for a minute four and I don't know why I thought I'd just be like fuck it it's not going to be that long and I sat through my whole thing burning and I remember what burning and I remember like I held it for so long that when I went to pee in at the bathroom afterwards running out of course as soon as the crowd oh yeah oh yeah like you heard I held it for so long that I couldn't go yeah that's bad the muscle was like almost like contracting in a way that's not and you're just like what do I do now you're like wait where is it gonna come out of now the sensation hasn't gone away
Starting point is 00:13:36 so what like bodies like got question marks like you know that yeah yeah you know that meme of the dude that looks at the of the screen and just goes like yeah you got the question marks appearing like it's like that like that around my my stomach and my fucking bladder oh I thought it meant it's just like a transparent figure of a human body and there's question marks inside every part no one no where did this offshoot to I haven't had that with piss but I have had it with the other one where it's like oh my god I'm gonna shit my fucking pit oh no but now the timeline is wrong and so there isn't enough time and then it just goes away that's no good and then and then it's gone that's and you're like mmm and enough of those you have to go to the hospital exactly because
Starting point is 00:14:21 I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens I because I was gonna say you if you don't know where that goes you can look up I don't need to look up IFM I believe they call it when it's a impacted fecal matter it fucking sits in there for years and they gotta pull that out of you with doctors and like a whole yeah I know it's a bad time George cleaning yeah it is oh right so use the bathroom you know what the worst part about that shit is what it's not even the embarrassment of the shenanigans that must be going on it's not the doctor laughing at your x-ray it's the thing they make you drink the fucking chemical that they give you they bring out they bring out like super lax basically but they bring out this two liter jug death lax and it is like syrup
Starting point is 00:15:14 that tastes like poison and they go drink this and yeah and you go how much they're like this yeah yeah and like you drink it until it you you know when you you've drunk too much of something like water or anything and you you go to you go to gulp and it hits the water in your throat it's still holding up there yeah and it's like amazing oh it's a it's a bad scene it's a bad scene take care eat fiber take care of yourself go to the bathroom when you need to don't kill your your loved ones while you're asleep and if you vomit in a dream hope it's a go to the bathroom in the dream also just get it all out there fight or flight uh if you hear mysterious tapping investigate why why you don't or don't the mystery remains probably a bird
Starting point is 00:16:04 hates your wall i mean you could it's a brick wall there's nothing to do i mean it's not like it's a in theory you could just not investigate and just wait for threat and wait for death and if threat well and and this is where it's like well if you have gun then you just wait for knife you have you just wait for threat and then yeah but gun so all noises are like hey what's that about whoo see i don't trust that because if i had gun and i was in the in the in the method of you know investigating mysterious noises i i would then turn that fear from fear of getting murdered to fear of going to jail for a very stupid mistake that i made when i was tired well i'd rather swipe a baseball in the dark uh baseball bat or a knife because it's very low
Starting point is 00:16:54 likelihood if there is someone there and it's a mistake or whatever it's low a gun i kind of feel is like wait if i had gun uh if i started shooting through the air like i feel like all wait wait wait in your mind when you're investigating the threat you're just shooting into darkness swinging at the at the dark in a hole in the in the fever of weird dream fighting we just talked about how he almost killed his girlfriend that's true that's true poor zack if woolly had gun i would never shoot the door in gun dream or shoot high poor zack like home run out the front window just from blind swings he stays low i would see luckily zack is pure white and reflects all light he is very bright oh boy and i think investigating versus stabbing and hoping
Starting point is 00:17:47 for crits who will this is a different who will live slightly longer it's a different game you're playing man i'm a big fan of the bat i agree with matt just just swipe a baseball bat through the air while barking you have to commit heavily to a baseball swing it has full torque in it i'll bite on myself yeah but you know what else you can do with a baseball bat you can kind of just poke at something far away darkness you know and then when the raccoon that it obviously is attacks you you'll live and then bam i hit to rock shadow face in the face if you've got sword you can poke with sword and then feel how about how about what is the feel what's going on i just realized what is with the total lack of prepositions in this discussion i don't know how about if i
Starting point is 00:18:35 think that there's something in the darkness i call you over yeah you poke with sword and i shoot with you shoot with guns but only if you're asleep yeah okay but then but then when i come over why is sleeping woolly cooler than awake woolly what i that's a mystery i will never know you don't know how cool you are when you're asleep you'll have to knock me out one day and interview him you and you'll get you'll get the blue glow and the hair will go back to black right and everything will just go revert to how it used to be and i'll be an ultra instinct but i got no answers for you you gotta set up you gotta set night vision cameras because i bet you do some cool shit when you're asleep like you put on sunglasses and you start writing all running
Starting point is 00:19:20 you're all running all with a laptop and you're writing in different languages you couldn't possibly know here's the problem you call me over and i come running over for the assist with my sword and you're ready with the gun out and when i run into your house i get shot because you're like who the fuck is that oh no it's shadow man you're so cool your reflexes are blazy not and you'll dodge the bullet i'll spin i'll catch it in your i spin the blade and then lay down in a row so it's like click click click click click and then i flip them up and i see you desperately need more virtual cutscenes i i think we unlock all their limiters when we're asleep that's yeah for better and for worse you don't know you know i will protect you but i you're dead but i might hurt you
Starting point is 00:20:06 and by protecting you when you don't need protecting i'll protect you even if it kills you exactly no that was full mammaroo but also your your potential neck break just be glad that you don't have the the waking thrash dream reaction yeah those are bad i used i used to date somebody who could wake up out of a dream fighting like you described but like the flail is just full body and just pow right right right it's the worst that that again that happened once and like thankfully i was alone so that was like if you if that happened boy no one would believe you no man i was asleep dream suplexes yeah i mean so much coordinate takes two people to suplex dude like muscles rippling like i was fucking and then like wait
Starting point is 00:21:05 i was gonna what was i gonna say about that about yeah about no one believing you yeah like there there is that fucking video of the rich guy that got into a fight with the crazy ex who then like he left the room and he has security cameras all over and so just cut to the footage of her just dropping herself and punching herself in the face and like the only thing that kept him like a lot not alive but kept him out of the fucking jails was like here's some video guys oh holy shit oh yeah that's a rough one um yeah cool things when you're asleep all right uh what happened in your week man um played played a few things not too much uh more a battle chef brigade um let me explain this for you especially willy for the puzzle aspect of it
Starting point is 00:22:00 it's like puzzles you need a hundred star dish you need to make this many combos with your jewels pair up three and you want to get as many and within the time limit a judge that you have to impress says uh the ingredient of your dish has to uh heavily rely on the earth element so any animals you kill to prepare for your dish will give you green gems green is earth that's the ingredient you have to use but for my personal preference i enjoy the fiery hotness so you have to balance your combos to be green and red if you want to get the most points possible and they're like the limit to just pass is 100 you're also trying to beat an ai that's cooking as well sounds complex and you're not allowed to see what they what that ai is doing okay uh so i uh when i was
Starting point is 00:22:56 streaming the other night um i uh i saw some of that advanced tech and then they're like oh if you want you can purchase these earth bowls that bring out combos easier for earth gems so you only have to match two not three it speeds up the the combos you can get because you have an earth based dish so if you know that judge is going to be like like earth dishes i should probably buy this just in case and whip it out if i need it like this just the puzzle aspect of battle chef brigade can be its absolutely own game but then there's like an rpg element where you're running around talking to characters and then there's the fighting aspect there's like there's a story aspect there's the daily like grind of like get up at your in go talk to characters see what's new
Starting point is 00:23:46 then there's the monster hunter slash action game style fighting and then there's the puzzle aspect like it's it's really much more in depth than i ever thought and i was talking to lean about it and i was like i always thought this game would be cool judging on the kickstarter but i never thought it would be like this in depth and like yeah so um it's it's not too long of a game i think it's around eight ten hours but i'm going to continue playing it uh off video and so just because it's so cool um i talked about on twitter there's this game called 80s overdrive that's coming out on the 3ds in like a week or so yeah finally and uh it's just like a vapor wave like you know late 80s neon infused um racing game that looks a lot like top gear top gear one and two
Starting point is 00:24:31 and someone said hey that's cool but maybe you guys should wow that looks great maybe you guys should check this out horizon chase which is on like uh the ios store and i'm like let me check this out i wonder if it's a lot like top gear it has the composer of the original couple of top gears working on it willy do you want to take one guess what happens if you overtake someone or get bumped by someone in horizon chase let me guess perhaps the speech bubble appears saying fuck you but all covered in censored letters no it just says nineties ask like get get bent or eat dust sure there's no swearing but yes little little speech bubbles come out of your car that's like i'm overtaking you and like make way for the champ um horizon chase literally is top gear one
Starting point is 00:25:22 and two uh i read that there's there's there's already gee i wonder what kind of person is driving that car or oh it's one of them or no there's not no moments where the gear character turns their head looks over to the other car and then a speech bubble dish says figures nothing nothing that nothing that borderline no okay just checking uh but yeah it's it's a really nice game it looks it looks really interesting because kind of like a voxel art style like for the backgrounds but the cars are rendered nicely and whatever the only problem with it is that since i've been playing it i play like about an hour and a half it's crashed twice where as soon as i've finished a race it just boots back to the like the main well you did my ipad of my ipad it just goes back to the home
Starting point is 00:26:13 and you have to restart i'm like okay it saved the progress so good on you but that's i've never had an like a game like app slash crash on my ipad ever so that's kind of weird but it's getting a ps4 port called a horizon chase turbo it's coming out i think next year so that was pretty cool and um winter i kind of kind of hate winter it's not quite here yet yeah it's actually four degrees outside it's quite comfortable what i don't like more than the temperature is it being dark at three yeah that's that's the one that's actually the thing so i had a weird moment there's a clinical thing about people get depressed when this happens yeah some people are more susceptible than others seasonal depression yeah i had a weird moment where i heard church bells going off but it
Starting point is 00:27:00 was dark outside yeah and i was like oh this is different oh it's the rapture yeah because those moments like i to me um i know i talked about how like like the sound of to me the sound of lawnmowers means sunday morning no work that means summer to me it means summer it means relaxing so i love waking up to the sound of long distant lawnmowers uh the second best is church bells because i've had i have happened to always live within the air like the surround like a close place where there's a catholic church with the church bells real easy in montreal and that exactly and that uh always signals sunday morning as well yeah so like when i hear the when i hear church bells i'm like oh that's cool in the distance i'm like awesome here's a day off that's what it means to me don't give a
Starting point is 00:27:46 fuck about today but when it's like six p.m and it's dark out and you're hearing them you're like are we entering the blood moon you know like is everything repopping what's going on has has did did someone kill off uh uh uh fucking god damn it it doesn't work when i forget uh the spider the vacuous spider does someone kill wrong yes yes what are we doing here here's hoping rom is hanging out in the in the sewers that's why there's always so much construction down below we're sealing off rom so we can't get through all this man rom's cool he didn't do nothing wrong he didn't do nothing he just existed that's all he did and he runs a great tight radio service station he does uh all this to say that like to be a kind of get me through winter i'm
Starting point is 00:28:29 like you know what's fun and kind of wintry harry potter movies so i just bought all the harry potters and like a really um a frugal wintry yeah i guess they are there's always a scene that's in the winter yeah they always have like a christmas dinner or something the the main theme with the little fucking bell sounds like a christmas song yeah i always think that most of them came out in like november december i think one or two well that's that's the big dynasty blockbuster spot now yeah it is uh so we watched like the first two and i'll think i've ever talked with us because we've never played like a harry potter game or whatever is that like oh we played uh we played one we played one what that's true well okay i won off where we didn't get to talk about it too much
Starting point is 00:29:11 that's right i bet at the very least yes i stand corrected uh i i always vastly prefer the actor that played dumbledore in the first two yep but then he sadly died because he has this like like very whispery old man voice and that's always what i envision in the books a dumbledore is the nicest and the most patient and it's probably not the actor's fault because the actor that plays dumbledore later i think his name is michael gambol who's been in a layer cake and you know a lot of british movies he's super fucking aggressive in every scene where he's shaking harry by the shoulders like in goblet of fire harry's like i didn't i didn't put my name in the goblet he's like what did you do and i'm like that's not what i read in the book i read in the book that's like
Starting point is 00:29:54 he calmly takes harry and he's like harry did you do this like no i believe you yeah i'm loving it i'm loving how truthful you're being right now and maybe it's just the actor was given different direction but he's kind of got this more intimidating booming voice and it always never sat with me well i feel like those movies split into their own universe because because of the actors becoming so popular as a result i mean they also split into their other universe with their spinoff movie yeah so that's a thing um but i know what you mean and it sucks because i the original actor he also played the emperor in gladiator like the one that oh yeah i love him before fucking phoenix yeah yeah exactly and he's like all sympathetic and he's kind of like this i told you like one of my one
Starting point is 00:30:42 of the things i hate the most is when actors get replaced like it's such a shame there's not much they can do the original died but yeah i know it's like and unfortunately taren's howard died and then don cheetah had to take his place there's nothing else we can do about it i like don cheetah better than taren's howard does yeah but the fact that it changed just a weird it is weird um and it's a shame taren's died one of the real it's a really a shame it's it's awesome and flow is great damn um one of the worst ones seen on a plane right and you go back it's a shame that toby maguire died and it's a real shame that andrew garfield died go watch boomerang man back in the day like dude was doing it with eddie murphy but um there was also the word to me one of the
Starting point is 00:31:22 worst ones ever and like you what you're gonna you're not gonna know this one but um um uh fucking dany uh denaris's uh cheeky poo friend the dude that hangs around that uh the the yeah the i don't remember the guy uh daryona daryona harris sure daryona harris he yes they replaced that he he shows up as a fucking super cool guy in the first couple of seasons and when he walks in he's like he's got the look he's got the strut he's got the swag and then when he opens his mouth he's very quiet and you're like that's not bad okay he's a cool guy and then they replace him with some bearded brash fucking asshole kind of generico because he's super generico because the actor that that that that was originally playing him left to do i want to say hitman
Starting point is 00:32:11 and he played the second agent 47 in the hitman's reboot movie and you and you're like really man so i i don't appreciate this but i did actually want to ask you my next question was gonna be house game of thrones because i know that mountain has been changed multiple times yes it doesn't matter that but he's so far he's so rarely uh seen that you almost don't even know and all all you need is big giant big man and he spends a lot of his time just wearing full-suited army yeah the other the other it's weird but it's very like like game of thrones has like an absolutely enormous amount of like 80 year old plus dudes yeah and like that's there's a time limit there for sure also going back to harry potters the guy that plays the custodian god the evil guy that's always
Starting point is 00:33:02 like i want to torture kids all the time and has this cat mrs norris just a crotch old guy is walter fray oh going back to harry potter it's a fucking fray of course he is it's crazy yeah so yeah that that dude is the definition of crotchety like that is is that also like that gross video game like vendor or like crotch or man long nose in a souls game or in like an rpg like a western rpg or something can't wait to stab you in the liver yeah yeah i don't even know why but i love the actor that plays malphoy so much that i'm almost always cheering malphoy on i'm like yeah come on you could do it no oh malphoy's a good rival considering how like absurdly evil he is and he's such like um a rust like a wrestling heel yeah it's like i'm the toughest and the best
Starting point is 00:33:52 right but also right right right like his he's in the evil plan with real evil but his evil is always like petty yeah it's always like he never wants to cross over to really it's always personal it's always like i hate you and that's why i'm gonna do this yeah well he's like he's like a freaks and geeks villain or like an archie villain but in magic school i completely forgot this but his first interaction harry potter ever is like hey harry potter you're pretty sick we at slithering are pretty sick how about you come over to this he extends that olive branch at first yeah they're not even sorted in houses right yeah and he's like yeah you just go over look we got bitches we got snakes we got reptiles Voldemort yeah and then harry potter doesn't want to be my friend and then
Starting point is 00:34:37 that's exactly how i have to kill harry's the cause of it all el fuerte won't be my friend no it's because he's wearing a mask idiot i know i'm trying to modify that's still my favorite description of a story ever okay but you know what at the same time oh man j jona jameson yeah that's true one of the greatest most hateable fucks for the stupidest reasons ever and every time they retcon it and update the reasons why they're always dumber or worse and it's better and the last one i saw was a cutscene from i think two where uh where he wears a costume he's wearing the costume and he's zipping around i just saw that a few days ago for the first time when the fuck did that happen because it's a cutscene because remember he gets the spider-man's costume
Starting point is 00:35:19 like a guy gives it to him out of the trash and then that's it that's all you see and like i don't know whether it's in an audio commentary but apparently the reason they cut it is because he looked too good in the suit and they're like oh it looks weird it's too good oh my god jk Simmons yeah like you can't have him rippling and upshowing fucking toby so you know i'm fucking they check the Simmons that was me every time he showed up on law and order it was the best yeah it was always because he never told them what they wanted but he just told them what he he like is this kid fit for trials he's crazy he's like he's pretty nuts but yeah you can put him on trial i guess i don't care what pay me that's all like all like all i'm thinking of is every time
Starting point is 00:36:02 they flash back to j jona's wedding where like the the bad guy's wearing a mask and then the priest is wearing a mask he grabs his wife and his wife is wearing a mask and he goes ah and he looks in the mirror he's like yeah you know like it's just stupid shit so anyway um so when we talked about that we were playing separation anxiety and you were like yeah it's like his wife gets killed because she was wearing a mask i don't know and i'm like what the fuck so i started searching for that clip and it was a clip i'd never seen oh yeah and so when i on the fox animated spiderman card did so to actually saw the clip i'm like i don't remember this at all i've never heard the explanation totally he's just got a thing you know and if and if you if you had like a more revealing
Starting point is 00:36:49 face then he'd be fine with you and he hates people with faces then i don't you have a specific face you can't trust people anyway what about you that's oh yeah well what do you put up to you you could you tell me first okay let's see uh did i i watched the ragnarok i went to the theater i was just like fuck it and i just went by myself man that movie is weird like it's a little weird like and i don't mean like the the the stuff on zacar is weird because that stuff's all great yeah but i mean it's weird because half of the movie is awesome and the other half of the movie is boring which half the zacar stuff in the planet hawk stuff is tons of fun yeah and it's like one of my favorite marvel movies everything to do with the hella and the main villain is the most boring
Starting point is 00:37:37 shit in the world and it's the most formulaic marvel thing ever well that the asgard stuff you need to see the villain and i did i did oh you're right the asgard the asgard stuff is the part of the movie that's like still thor yeah just from the old thor and like the yeah the like i would much prefer a thor the gold it's it's there's gold bloom injected into it that's all new movie and then they have asgard where it goes back to like gold bloom is so amazing i feel like he wasn't given lines they just they be yourself they just put them in a costume yeah and just filmed them you know they found the planet zacar in real life and gold bloom was there it uh did you stick around i did stick around good and i know what what that is and but even but even like not not even the
Starting point is 00:38:24 main teaser but just like the gag teaser yeah at the end is fantastic so like the what are the that infinity war trailer actually supports a lot oh yeah like you shouldn't watch it if you haven't if you haven't watched thor ragnarok especially i don't know if you haven't watched thor ragnarok it doesn't mean anything well there's one thing that it certainly means that if you haven't watched thor ragnarok you know what i mean otherwise you would just think oh well you'd know there'd be some question marks you'd be like what right but i think but i also think like one thing but that apply that the but i mean at the end of the day it's like fucking hell man it's infinity war we it's like been i'm gonna start it's in the making like i'm
Starting point is 00:39:06 gonna start at movie 22 like this you know whatever this is one of the few times where it's like look you have to understand this is this this is the conclusion of a 22 movie arc or whatever yeah like you're gonna not understand things if you didn't start somewhere else if you skipped over or two so you know with that i'm i'm by the way have you seen them all yes have you seen them all oh i'm completely up to date of maro of maro mcu yeah all okay uh is there anything i missed it don't take out what about what about what about agents of shields no no okay and also agents of shield doesn't actually count that's true they separated it yeah well agents of shield counts in the in the dumbest way possible in which agents of shield will take what the movies do seriously
Starting point is 00:39:53 but the movies will never take what agents of shield does seriously right and and and it's weird because it starts with like you know a character that you're like oh yeah of course this is related because fucking uh colton or whatever colson is hanging around and uh then the branch where they decide shield i think i think you know what i feel though i feel like when you go on long enough and like you are like it was bad at first and apparently got better but in the process of continuing to exist they kind of realized we can't keep writing freely if we're attached apparently apparently disney just keeps it it's like a abc like is like we want to end this now it's not nobody cares yeah and disney's just nope yeah doing it and they can't do anything i saw like a i saw like
Starting point is 00:40:35 a thumbnail of like going like here's the recap of what's happening on walking dead season eight yeah and i'm like what the fuck when did we get here we're one away from seinfeld you know it's really weird is that like that's what like i read a an article which is pop that says what this is the worst ratings walking dead has ever had nobody wants it anymore but it's the worst guess what it's still millions and millions of people it's just low for walking dead yeah so it'll like no probably still never everyone watch crap forever every look at our channel if you're familiar with it why you're just gonna keep going right and nobody likes it anymore everyone is just complaining actively i haven't heard anywhere so i did the only difference is at what like everyone that i've
Starting point is 00:41:19 talked to that's the watch walking dead at any point the only difference is so when'd you quit yeah right and i and i wonder i'm like they must be full on just like ignoring the the comics at this point i assume i don't know if that's sure or not but they like i feel like at this point they must have just gone off their own way completely but not only do they have that going oh no what they did was they stretched ah they narrowed they stretched yeah because like remember two years ago fucking uh chappelle came back and did this at our end of life skit with the governor yeah right that's how far they got in six years okay uh yeah the prison you just dude it's it's insane how you can pour water into your oj forever it'll all you know what i mean and call it oj
Starting point is 00:42:05 and then you have a pool with a slight yellow tint to it and call it oj like it's stupid hey that's right but not only that but they get to fucking keep it going by uh having a spin-off show called fear the walking dead which i assumed would be like one and done after the pilot because who wants a fucking stupid spin-off and then it's in three it's at its fourth season now or whatever wait what i totally missed this completely what is it a spin-off series called fear the walking dead takes place slightly during the fall or slightly before uh and uh and it's all different cast of characters you saw the cross right and it's three seasons deep now and it's a completely separate show is that actual okay so that's the time period i want to watch is it decent i don't
Starting point is 00:42:49 know i assume it's still terrible damn damn it right now they're they're introducing fear the walking dead cross walking dead event summer there's a character that's from fear the walking dead that will show up in walking dead okay i saw an ad for it i don't know that's the biggest long term spoiler conceivable i guess you're right i don't know who it is because that is the dumbest thing that could ever happen because they take place in different time frames i guess i don't i don't know what that removes all drama from fear the walking dead because you know that character's gonna be alive like a year in the future unless like he walks through a time portal yeah he walks into the light and then appears in the night the other show and then they're like oh warrior king
Starting point is 00:43:37 hi we didn't expect you to show up here i want there to be a warrior king that jumps through all amc shows like shows up in boardwalk empire right walk back walk empire for what season hanging out behind eisenberg yeah yeah the warrior king helps that needs to have all that's so good that shows up on a major network purifies the meth formula to get it up to 99.9 percent that's crazy and then jumps back through the portal away why would he do that but not before uh uh uh uh whatever his wife falls in love with him like chun li style yeah oh no but the warrior king has to within a couple of hours of meeting them we need to put it together and it just like john snow is about to stab the fucking night king and then warrior king just jumps up oh well i mean if
Starting point is 00:44:28 we're jumping to hbo now why not why can't it be cross network everything everywhere i mean quite frankly like warrior king walks up to d and just fucking knocks over the chessboard asks where his angle it is warrior king this is my corner does you this is my corner does your uncle have the orb before the warrior king uh hey warrior king how my hair looks looks good looks good man like but here's the problem though like of all that foolishness netflix actually has the power to do that they would do it they would and they can do it in such a way where they can just insert like character into shot of of existing footage just in master of none you see him in there then unbreakable kimmy schmidt like let's say they wanted to just push bojack a little harder
Starting point is 00:45:23 and then they just edited bojack into friends why not who can stop all they gotta do is have like a character and they digitally alter it so they're wearing a bojack t-shirt it'll be so easy i said the christmas armadillo ross is wearing the christmas bojack you know whatever yeah done and done hey febe who's your friend oh this is bojack i mean like nowadays they can then nowadays they have that almost smelly bojack oh man i like the bad cuts what are they feeding you oh you know that there are sites out there where they can um like 100 take uh i think it's like a sample of your voice talking for two or three minutes and then they digitize and then they digitize and go they've yep we got you the vocaloid shit and they they do tests with presidents and they do
Starting point is 00:46:10 tests with actors and they kind of play it well i don't like this it's like yep that's out there and of course the more data you feed it the more powerful and there's like 10 000 hours of us talking oh yeah we're totally we're done are we digitized now we're not only are we digitized but you've seen that rival LP channel with the fucking uh like vocaloid type girl AI thing uh what's a virtue AI yeah well don't don't give them don't give them don't give them plugs what no it's cool yeah virtue AI exactly so like if they can just take little like two snacks versions of us and then digitize our voices what the fuck are we good for not much our genes our superior genetics yeah look at these fine specimens of man yeah we got over here yeah there you go you know you can't you can't teach a
Starting point is 00:46:58 robot all of our humor you can't teach a robot you can't teach him to say dicks a robot doesn't need to go to the bathroom so we will never have a story about pissing itself in bed yeah take that robot robot would steam its own head and it'll blow up just at the thought of that but robots are super good at being racist yeah well yeah because they have no fear super good it's the natural logical i mean you've you've you've heard the stats oh yeah you heard the number i was there there's that there's that fucking like i forgot who so comedian was telling the jail quarters like if you took robo cop and programmed him to stop all crime as much as oh no oh no
Starting point is 00:47:49 all right let's move on all right so let's see what i did play was xenoblade chronicles two how is a xenoblade so i have a oh boy i have some things to say one games great uh very much a sequel to the first xenoblade that doesn't feel like chronicles x at all good um very highly characterized super anime um very i heard your favorite characters in it now so uh did you get your cosmos from your favorite french i hear what i did when i heard about that no okay so so cosmos is a rare blade uh the long story short is that there's an in-game uh rarity system where you get cores and you unlock the core and it's kind of like an in-game no money loot box and what could it be oh is it a good core and cores are your class basically yeah and if it's a generic one
Starting point is 00:48:41 it just looks like a generic armored person and if it's a rare one it looks it's its own character designed by nearly all i think guest designers yeah and one of them is cosmos right and i think i think cosmos was a guest designer no and when somebody like the night the before the game came out a friend of mine said hey pat check this out and sent me the video of unlocking cosmos and i i curled up my little baby fists and like punched my couch for like a minute like kind of like idiot yelling at how fucking bullshit and unfair it is that that fucking trash xeno saga series keep i don't even know how to describe why this upsets me but it's like if street fighter never existed say street fighter two happened and you love street fighter two right and then
Starting point is 00:49:37 street fighter the movie came out the game yeah street fighter the movie the game came out yeah and then every single capcom game afterwards would only include street fighter the movie characters and not street fighter two characters right like that personally i would love that like yeah i know and you're just so no matter what happens you're just looking at uh like a texture that says not fade not not not fey not ellie not anything and it's so fucking infuriating that being said the game is really cool the battle systems a lot more involved than the the first game there's a lot more going on there's some um art and localization problems with that game um what do you mean one everything in the game is like anime trash like the main character has like a
Starting point is 00:50:33 weird diving suit um and when he goes to dive it's like a like a kind of a big daddy looking thing he's got the diving helmet he's got a full armor but when he's not diving he takes his pants off but not the armor so he's just walking around with like metal assless chaps okay that sounds you can look at this somewhere it's easy and pyra's design is awful she's like the most anime waifu trash thing ever and like so cosmos is right at home yeah no like every there's one really amazing design that i know you would love because it's like a like a military naoto but but like almost every design is just crap anime trash it's a bummer that's kind of the problem with since they hired multiple character concept artists that was not a cohesive but i've because
Starting point is 00:51:28 i saw a numer design from the game that i thought was quite good i was like whoa that's pretty sharp and there's otherwise you're going back to soul caliber four yeah you know yeah and it says a and it's it's just like it's fucking weird and tonally dissonant with each other and like the characters don't look like they actually inhabit the world that they live in that's the worst and but also like like pyra's design is is like pyra is the main female character she's the partner character she's there the whole time and her design is awful like just the fucking the weird showing skin here but totally covered there anime waifu trash bait thing and it's to the point there's a clip on the subreddit of when i was streaming it to hide her identity
Starting point is 00:52:15 you throw a coat on her at one point and it's a generic coat and her design is like 10 times better just by putting the coat on it's because you have to explode certain franchises are like all about exploding with anime appeal yeah and like there's they're trying to get a certain and it's not that they're like that it's not that they're like oh the characters all look hot or whatever it's like the characters all look like pandering trash yeah like dead or alive has more class than this and the other fun thing and this is a plus even though it's terrible is the english localization is i heard scottish localization it is all of it so i don't know what does i don't know what they fucking told the localization company but it's the whole of the british aisles
Starting point is 00:53:04 well and the main character the scott's ruined anime so the main character wrecks a pair i've been told apparently this is his real accent but he has one of those drifting accents that switches from london to north to scottish to irish it's all over the place and then your main voice actor who has a lot of japanese hot-blooded yells has the worst english yell i have ever heard in a video game that's a really bold statement i will try and emulate it the the text for him is he is screaming and attacking the villain while you know swinging his sword around and it is a repeating i y a h right aya right mm-hmm he pronounces it like this uh and he does it again later in the cutscene and it's even worse it's so
Starting point is 00:54:13 correct me if i'm wrong about this because i don't know whether it's this game or whether it's fire emblem warriors does this not have japanese voice it does okay but uh and there's a different problem with that that i'll get to in just a second also some of you some of the characters are just american for some reason sure um uh there's a character who actually has the most intense welsh accent accent accent i've heard in anything and that's actually quite good but it's mainly like the main character and like what country are these people supposed because they're all from it's all over the place when you see a wandering british accent like because they there's so many versions i can't i i okay so i know i spoke to clems about this yeah because he would know
Starting point is 00:54:58 we can't pin down where this guy is from north because sentence to sentence yeah he changes location he sounds like an amalgamation of england right because because uh uh uh the way um um god what's this fucking name talks uh uh the way like like the way anyone in in like it's in snatch talks for example is your your like like cockney almost standing wherever right exactly yeah which is completely different from like Ozzy Osbourne yeah no i'm i'm saying this this character switches between like three or four do they go like bbc like like he he switches from like a generic like queens english to like scottish like uh fucking fat bastard level pronunciation with like from scene to scene and it's crazy and the problem with that is that okay so that's hilarious and if you
Starting point is 00:55:57 love hilariously bad anime voice acting that's good for you and i do so i'm leaving it on but say you want to switch to the japanese dub right which you totally can download the pack nothing outside of the cut scenes is subtitled so all ambient dialogue all battle dialogue all like it's all gone okay and that sucks well are you really missing anything important during that or do you like your characters have conversations outside of cut scenes little barks your characters have full conversations outside then that's a problem well you know in jrpgs sorry w rpgs and matt you probably know this as well the boulder skate style as you go to a town and every half an hour your characters will have a little three four sentence interlude yeah the characters do that in xeno blade
Starting point is 00:56:43 and it's not subtitled that's that's stupid and that's it sucks so if you can play with a objectively better voice acting but you miss out yeah or you can play with hilarious bad voice acting which is mainly the main character honestly everybody else seems fine it sounds to me like such a huge omission that they just tried to get this in there before launch and maybe it'll be patched in but who knows street fighter four got it right character specific oh yeah just rex what your main guy speaking japanese and everyone else is speaking english also everybody's names got changed from one version or the other which is super weird that happens that happens yeah but like but is it is it for logistical purposes well the characters all in many characters
Starting point is 00:57:23 in many in many cases had like super japanese names there was a character named yoshitsune that got their name changed uh and the main villain's name got changed from shin to jinn yeah what's the point of that what is the point of that they're both like cool guy names what's wrong with uh well i mean you can go yoshitsune or you can go yoshitsune but what's that's why they got changed like mallows okay like like wild changes uh the other problem with the english dub is that the english dub is a total like reinterpretation of the text so like and you can see it in the voice acting so there's a there's a scene in which a character gets stabbed and you can see on their japanese lip sync that they are screaming like crazy and going
Starting point is 00:58:11 ah ah fuck and in english they do the quiet like oh oh i got oh got owned and it's it's totally different like a bunch of scenes have had their contexts completely changed it's super weird games fun but yeah all that shit is super weird it's it's fun to watch because it's so inconsistent keep guessing yeah treehouse localization that's uh i'm not even sure if it might have been them because the last couple of games weren't even them like the big rpgs like last i thought i thought all the british stuff was based on the nintendo of europe actually all right okay but bye i i don't i don't know whether this one was treehouse or not but like the last two rpgs because you know blade the original on um on the we was definitely nintendo of europe i pretty sure last story was
Starting point is 00:59:06 done by a exceed and even then i think nintendo of europe might have so it was completely unrelated but it was just coincidence that we ended up with all these british sounding like then they're like put in now that they want to localize this maybe the treehouse or whatever because you know because you know like well i guess we have to have tons of british and it was the same but it wasn't didn't they share actors as well didn't zeno blade yeah i'm pretty sure that zeno blade and last story shared voice actors maybe to some degree but i mean that's common so um i thought it was like the idea was like almost like the ocean group shows up in canada yeah and suddenly we start hearing scott mcneill everywhere you know maybe like they i think it was that i felt it was one of those
Starting point is 00:59:48 situations where it's like okay like a a a dub gang showed up the dub gang right stopped dropped and opened up shop the british dub gang yeah have you seen um anime uh crimes division i saw the first episode yeah yeah with um prosy d yes yes yeah cool that was pretty fun dubs versus subs for life i love it it's good have you seen that by the way i have not unfortunately i didn't realize it came out i saw the previews and all that and then they kind of left my brain there's some good bits there's some good bits they're uh they're doing they're doing good work prosy d was the right person to choose was the right person to choose absolutely good job rocket jump we love you prosy d he's a good guy and more you know who we love more than prosy d the mustache that he wears yeah that's the
Starting point is 01:00:37 real mvp the real mvp is the fucking little mustache that like the the the pringles yeah mustache that he puts on and it's like that that thing gets work gets play gets use uh good times yeah that's it for me man okay uh i guess uh i um didn't do didn't have a ton of time to play things i did play a bit of um that game we talked about last week that was not unlike uh darkest dungeon in space oh the deep sky derelict i played a bit of that and um it i mean it's not that i wanted throwing your brow it's not that i wanted exactly darkest dungeon i really happened to like that game but what is there is uh it's early not done yet and i felt like um not i wasn't in having as much fun with the combat system um i didn't realize that it was uh card based oh i didn't
Starting point is 01:01:46 get that from the screen so yeah every character has a deck that you're rolling through and uh at certain points you have to like skip a turn to draw more cards type thing and you don't have a full control over what abilities you're going to be playing and and so you kind of have to like go like all right i have two buffs in my hand and two attacks and then you spend both and then it's like okay now you're just down to buffs and you need a heal here or you need to do something here a blot or whatever and you can't because you know it's yeah and it sounds like pazakh it sounds like like the i mean and that system is meant to you know it adds like sort of difficulty to it in a level of random um but i just i wasn't having a ton of fun with that the art is still really
Starting point is 01:02:32 fantastic of course uh and it um the way you move around and explore things as well unfortunately is really budget limited as well because uh you don't actually walk around any environments you have a map that's a bunch of grids and you click on one and then you like you exit your map screen and you're in a new location and whatever's in that location is either a person standing there that you have a conversation with uh an object that you pick up or a battle yeah that seems fairly limited right and that's that's what you're doing there's no actual movement or exploration or walking around or anything and you just kind of like once you finish with that screen you go back to the maps grid right click a new square or like or like uncover more and then see what happens so um
Starting point is 01:03:21 yeah i got i got a bit tired of it fairly quickly unfortunately and uh that sucks because that's unfortunate there's some really cool class types and some really uh interesting like ideas going on where you have you know you can play you can your your class types are a bit like your your um again a bit like your darkest dungeon class types and like and like you can pick like the portrait and then the name and you can customize a little bit like a bit more than you can with darkest dungeon in some ways but uh yeah unfortunately i think it's either a bit too early but also have anything cool going on like style or like story wise or is it just kind of story was at least in the early parts of the game really really like cut
Starting point is 01:04:06 and dry it was like generic weyland utani type uh mission giver is sending you out to a place and then you have a you know a star chart and you pick which one you want to go to and then an rng uh like based like uh map appears and then you do the thing and it you'll run into like some side quests and then you find a thing and then you go back to base and then you click the next one okay uh so yeah i kind of feel like it's unfortunate because there's a lot of really good ideas that are not gelling together as nicely as they should um so that's kind of what i was able to do uh and i guess i'll bring it up here is um some of what i was doing as well as planning for my trip because i'm going to be uh out in new zealand middle earth for the end of the year how
Starting point is 01:04:58 is middle earth slash beginning of the year it's actually i hear worm at this time of year that's because it's summer there it's on the wrong side of the planet exactly so like we get to fly i think we get to i get to fly into the past there you go yeah it's three no no into the future i fly into the future it's three thirty six next wednesday and uh i get and enjoy the not cold so that's gonna be fun so um probably gonna have a like you know meet up thing in one of those major cities i don't know either in either Auckland wellington or what's the other big one queen's town i think so i don't know where yet you know before you do go into our metrics and just click by country you're gonna see the one guy's house yeah one kiwi guy but he probably loves the
Starting point is 01:05:46 shit out of us hey he's got all the t-shirts prove prove me wrong yeah no i don't know much about new zealand is it lethal like australia it's no okay so here's here's our more sheep per than people okay so here's here's here's i think that's the here's what it is okay uh new zealand is the smaller but more polite nicer and generally more pleasant neighbor to australia okay it is not unlike the relationship that canada and america have except we're really big so the idea of terms of space so there was a there was a moot there was a moment where uh uh australians and americans online on like i guess read it or whatever got together and created amerastralia which i was like basically like celebrating all the things they had in common uh and in response to that new
Starting point is 01:06:39 zanada was born zanada sounds awesome because we both understand what it means to be the hat countries yeah but we're generally a nicer place overall and people like us and don't hate us as much as they hate you guys so that's cool um and i and i thought that was pretty dope sounding so like yeah uh the the idea is basically you're going over to to to it's not full on danger town the new zanada deal i mean i'll do what i can i'll do what i can i'll try to get the right people in both regions of the world destroyed by gundams but the idea is that uh it is it is there's no drop bears right far as you know just lots of really pleasant like hobbit town like vistas and such you should uh talk to some team four star guys because they just went down there a few weeks
Starting point is 01:07:29 ago so maybe they can you know help you out give some tips yeah yeah and hey flight of the concords you like those guys i have no idea what that is oh that's the people that made thor ragnarok got it they're very very funny what we do in the shadows yeah they're like tenacious d with accents funny accents and they're very very funny and i think you'd like them but anyway everybody in the commonwealth talks goofy but us whoa everybody's surrounding us talks goofy but us yeah we have the one true accent i mean we do emulate television you know i think we emulate television and television was kind of like originally originally they'd always try to have a non-accented accent right like a neutral the mid-atlantic the mid-atlantic exactly so you know where that's going like back
Starting point is 01:08:17 in the day the aha let's see here that the fake not real place accent exactly the old american spit it was a not place that you would be like pronounce casters i guess that is not too yankee but also not too southern you know and and like in amer and then i guess at some point it just became generic and blind and then that's kind of like the month our our anglophone montreal canadian accent is bizarre and unique and to hear basically so but it's because there's no there's nothing to it really i mean because you can get because you if you go slightly outside the province into ontario or the other direction you get into the either akkadian like really strong thick weirdness bush or you get into the uh the the aboots and a so i was talking
Starting point is 01:09:08 to when i was talking to oh yeah that's all when i was talking to clumps about the good game accents in fucking england right about the zeno blade shit yeah uh it came to mind that he had never heard of what a newfound lander is so if you're if you're from i'm still not even sure anywhere go find yourself examples of the new fee accent it's a trip it's gibberish it's something else what nice people but what the fuck it's like uh the closest analogy i can think of is like the fucking parkies from snatch um my uh uh or trailer park boys times a thousand there's there's someone in my girlfriend's family that like is from newfoundland and like he has a has a very light very light accent it's mostly like contained you know what i mean it's a comes up
Starting point is 01:10:01 like burps yeah but when when when she gets angry wait yeah oh then it really kicks in and then you like the english church just bleeding into i don't know what those words were yeah i want to fix this problem but i can't understand she it's not well sure irish or akkadian it's it's what happens when vikings land and then leave and then like it's what happens when you have a community of drunk fishermen that are left to their own devices for like 300 years basically there's that too it's like the efficient village from blugborn yes yeah yeah this is what happened it's and then the government comes down and says you can't keep fishing out the costs anymore it's canadian what while some say cause them but it's it's you mean the cod
Starting point is 01:10:50 we have lots of that it's canadian it's canadian insmouth yes yeah it really is when i there's no other comparable place no yeah um yeah so i guess there's that uh not i don't know not much else i think okay i was trying to remember i think i started a show but whatever next week you guys have to listen to me talk about destiny because there's an expansion tomorrow okay happy birthday what is this uh since you said i don't already have all that neo geo art i did pick this one up for you as a fellow thank you as a fellow box art critiquer this is why thank you super famicom the box art collection it's every single box art from the super fami that is awesome let's take a look wow i oh my god because i had the second volume of the neo geo
Starting point is 01:11:45 one waiting oh audio listeners why don't you take a look at this beautiful art book waiting in a shopping cart and then during the podcast when you're like well i already have a lot of neo geo box art neo geo like yeah and i'm like oh let me see if they have anything else picture of the fucking jim henson star fox brigade that we'll never see again and what's really great in the little descriptions they always throw shade on the american box art oh yeah oh that's perfect even ones that are clearly superior in in in the west they're like nah fuck that though well clearly because the name of this book is super famicom the box art collection yeah and then there's a bunch of japanese beneath it so they don't want to fucking hear nothing about your snes yeah look
Starting point is 01:12:30 at this fire pro cover over here full of glory look at it audio listeners look at it the piss and vinegar in this man okay well you can go google it it's super fire per wrestling thank you so much dude no problem and it's also kind of a smallish book so like hopefully you have room for it or whatever oh there you go because because i've been in your place i've seen that you your shelves are are are bursting so they are they are quite potent uh we're gonna get to the news i assume in uh just a second i'm assuming at least one of us has received news of something that has happened like just now right now well it's fucking it's it's a birthday time for woolly excuse me okay i didn't get this news okay i'm not even gonna say it just maybe you should look it up all
Starting point is 01:13:18 yourselves okay all right all right i'm gonna see what's happening on the news feeds what's the mega man thing what's happening on the feeds we're checking get equipped with mega man 11 coming to switch ps4 xbox one and pc there's a trailer okay pretty sick all right you did that right now it just happened right now okay well i'm the other thing every single mega man x game is coming to every console and pc throughout the year yep one to eight collection yeah uh okay okay we're we're taking a look over here oh wow that looks different that looks real real different because while we're starting this podcast the mega man 30th anniversary stream stream was going off and i saw those cool cards that like they were giving out
Starting point is 01:14:08 and i saw like Aaron got one i was like oh man it plays the trailer for 11 looks real nuts i'm look we're looking at it right now now oh man 2018 okay i'm gonna i'm gonna we're watching whoa really yeah okay man is now classic mega man will now be in 3d oh shit 2.5 yeah but it looks it looks real cartoony and nice i thought they were gonna go back to 8 bit again like mega man 9 and 10 i would rather of them not at this point yeah because they did it twice yeah you know now that mighty number nine stink is behind us we it is time to make a real game they must have started the answer way back then it looks quite good it kind of looks like not not kind of like sort of powered up mega man power a little bit but with like proper proportions proper proportions
Starting point is 01:14:54 kind of like mega man eight style i really really like the shading on it yeah uh and it's got the little classic like cute villain faces yeah um so it's definitely not like x or anything whoa there's some sort of powered up form it's got a bar on it he's got a oh my god he's got a v trigger late late next year late 2018 mega man 11 holy shit mega man's not dead anymore guys how about that it this reminds me of um trigger sure is but of metroid oh yeah he's stuck on my trade prime four and um uh samus returns just being announced simultaneously it's like it's dead huh it's dead how about this and how about this too yeah how about go fuck yourself yeah yeah that's cool now where's my dragon's dogma where's my dragon's one just came out
Starting point is 01:15:43 one just came out wow no it didn't where's my new dragon's dogma that's your dragon's dogma oh sorry you get devil may cry five instead which actually i have a strong suspicion we'll actually play more like that we read that in the rumors last week what's the what's one of the odds that the new villain is dragon's dogma it was now that like a game box wiley's god forever and the new villain is uh funa in a evil businessman how about it right wants to wants to uh uh i would love for it to be wants to mobilize and and cash out on the robot craze i want it to be direct and hilarious i want it to be hey i'm gonna make a new mega man that's even better than dr lights mega man but i need your donations yeah and then he makes and then he makes a maverick
Starting point is 01:16:38 then he makes then he makes mega man yeah and then mega man is the hero for a minute and then you go to you go to fight mega man and he just falls apart but but he actually is sad because he never had the love that dr light gave and then the anime is sorry then the ending is the mega man anime that somehow got funded uh and the creator vanishes into the shadows with all that money yeah for what a concept 3ds version still isn't out that's incredible what a concept man we've come a long way since that first podcast we're talking about my number like i didn't know that you could go full circle and then beyond and i think like we've we've completed full circle and we're on lap yeah we know we started going up like we're just we're
Starting point is 01:17:27 creating a line now off of the dot point like a tangent and who knows where that tangent's going but mega man 11 is real and it's happening and that's crazy to me golf clap yeah yeah yeah capcom can we get back to cap god dmc five is a good start actually no this is a good start dmc five is a good follow-up it is i haven't heard the word cap god in since the 360 well i mean holy well let me let me put it to you this way right wow we have mega man 11 if that if that's good then thumbs up we have arie's back res evil's back and it's good to its roots yeah we got devil may cry being the game we want monster hunter is finally on a console which people have been asking for forever and it's also getting day and date localized it was a messy start but if season three of street
Starting point is 01:18:16 fighter five fixes things there might be some some marvel's fun to play i mean that that needs the rehaul to potential there's potential marvel's still a marvel's still in a rough place and dragon ball is going to eat its ass for dinner but like at the very least who even cares about dragon ball it's coming out the same day as monster hunter who even has time but at the very least i was going to say all of those things that's what i wanted all of those games that are on the capcom like like franchise top list you know like top selling list um are back in or can get back to respectable standing that's right uh it only took them a decade and a half to do only two questions remain in my mind what the buy on a commando i know right no what what the fuck is dark void i know right
Starting point is 01:19:03 no one's asking that you know that flock we got to get back to flock got to get back to commando wolves of the battlefield no maybe martian men real real question though is 1942 what the fuck is up with the phantare engine does that even exist i don't think so because they i like if you look at monster hunter world and even like monster hunter worlds on empty framework again because that engine's awesome yeah japan loves empty framework and where it would deep down huh yeah where wow also they announced that the both megaman legacy collections that were not on the switch will now be on the switch matt can i just say as an aside i'm disappointed that none of us got spyborgs out in that little exchange yeah i think we should be more disappointed in matt
Starting point is 01:19:46 because he's the spyborgs go to i'm actually forgetting all about it like it's not even in my wheelhouse well you know why you know why you're it used to be it used to be on the quick draw it used to be on your l1 l1 button it used to be in my make everyone's eyes roll roll a damn well here's the thing i know exactly why like matt matt had spyborgs set to his quick button on his on his d-pad the reason why you forgot about spyborgs is christian svenson no longer works at capcom so why bring it on so there's no one to like bug far away by the mention of spyborgs sven's gone dalgren's gone i think there was a time where i was like man i'm gonna make woolly play spyborgs with me it's gonna be great and then i never asked him and then i was like
Starting point is 01:20:27 yeah spyborgs and then i was like spy now i say nothing like i'd even have the drive the passion to bring it up again fucking kenny sends a message did you guys hear about the new mighty number nine fucking kenny kenny it's gonna be a long time before something this topsy-turvy happens where it's like hey this thing's dead we're bringing it back oh he did maybe not a great job if this even turns out to be like good don't worry about it beyond good and evil too has got your back on that par you don't need boat no bogey no eagle i think it has to be better than mega man 10 it's all like honestly yeah be as good as nine be as good as nine don't be a weird awkward cheap 3d feeling it actually looks pretty solid looks fine yeah yeah it might be a mega man eight which is
Starting point is 01:21:25 not yeah yeah that's whatever visually it did visually yeah well that's a good way to start the news and look at that yeah you can talk about mega man and base thanks cap god aka rockin base but you know no we're garbage so i want to we can't appreciate i don't think i've ever had the chance to say this but i can't stand that mega man's name was the only one they changed and everyone and mega man and proto man right roll and rush and fucking uh base and treble yeah got to keep their musical names but we got we got rockin and and blues and blues didn't no like why didn't you change them all to a new theme why yeah mega up and whatever the fuck because somebody work probably looked at it and said but the children will be confused why this red helmet character
Starting point is 01:22:23 is named blues and then that was the end because he's fucking how come this name is rock man but he's not a rock that's all right yeah all right what happens if he fights stone man do they kiss yes so it's a lot of work to figure out all this shit out if they did i would hope that they would be smooth shaved so that there's no gruff and rough um cheek rubbing can you shave rock you i mean unfortunately there's no you would need an incredible razor you need a pretty good razor to shave a rock you would need mega man mega man demands the best of the best to shave something that's basically not alive and also has no hair well i mean fun fact mega man actually huge beard he just shaves every day every day using using what kind of razor perhaps
Starting point is 01:23:17 i don't know we can't really say what cap maybe not by maybe not but i know what i'd suggest maybe not dr light but maybe another doctor maybe there's a doctor who can step in but is there is there is there some sort of Cadillac of men maybe dr cossack no no no dr doppler wiley no there's only why are we dr why are we dr cabba oh no dr carver there you go the only doctors that you should care about right now the only doctor that matters whoa whoa hey whoa right now that may not be appropriate they're right right now there are people listening to this podcast in the hospital for the next possibly for the next three minutes okay the only doctor that matters is dr carver i think the reason why is because when i say shave you say butter shave butter
Starting point is 01:24:18 listen what are we talking about we're talking about dollar shave club what you want to do is get an excellent quality razor you want to get travel size shave butter you want to get body cleanser butt wipes everything that you need delivered straight to your door i'm getting low on butt wipes right even replacement cartridges for just as low as five bucks that's the dsc starter set that's what damn it's crazy how much value you're getting out of that that's that's a good doctor doing what what a good doctor should do yeah what good doctor do absolutely dr carver md yeah the man himself right you licensed and accredited absolutely you walk up to one of those like teleport like vision chambers yeah and then like and like a blue light appears and then who is it is a doctor
Starting point is 01:25:08 fucking light no it's carver and what does he do butter on your face meathers you up and then goes back to the future yeah because that's where he belongs you got you got smooth skin there you go upgrade you need so hey and wait if you want to get in on that amazing shaving experience and not be treated like a piece of shit because that's what the the big razor does when you go to the pharmacy to try and buy a razor you just want to get what you need treats you ever go to the barber you ever go to the barber it's terrible it's you know why because they're they're gonna cut your hair they're gonna shave you but guess what when you're looking the other way they could spit on you you don't know yeah and when you leave they're gonna talk shit about you and your whole family
Starting point is 01:25:49 and gossip all over the place i mean that's what everyone knows most barbers work for big razor yeah so you know and you kind of you you're like oh maybe they're kind of cool because we can learn how to like sing yeah and do a cool like be sharps thing but not not even those days are gone now man these days it's all about dollar shave club com slash friendcast uh you want to head on over to there and uh get in on your dsc starter set as mentioned you get the replacement cartridges as well as the shave butter the body cleanser and yes even butt wipes that's dollar shave club dot com slash friendcast thank you thanks dollar shave well thank you dr carver thank you doctor cabal dr kawah oh man uh wowie yeah wowie indeed i i hope to god like there's probably no in a
Starting point is 01:26:40 calcom that would be willing to do this but if i have to hope for anything i recommend eight that it has cut scenes with like horrible dialogue oh yeah like horribly acted that'd be cool before that before that uh the podcast is also sponsored by the good boys down at loot crate uh what is what is elucrate elucrate is uh not the kind of unfortunate terminology going on in the news these days that's very different it's all about like bilkinia yes for things you don't know or understand that you don't even need we're not talking about loot boxes we're talking about no i don't know that i don't understand this you know there's a lot of bad there's a lot of bad going around with the word loot these days but the good
Starting point is 01:27:32 is coming from loot crate you're getting for less than 20 bucks a month a crate that contains basically a con experience in a box you're getting 100 exclusive uh items heading uh straight to your door with a different theme every month december's theme what's we got what we got what we got oh that's something that i'm going to be doing soon explore oh hey there you go so december's theme is all about broadening your horizons with things from i don't know destiny to hey i don't know guardians of the galaxy they explore one that's the broadest possible horizon maybe a few mystery franchises who knows you've got to explore your options uh by heading on over to loot crate dot com he's doing i hope you put like a fucking rainbow
Starting point is 01:28:24 filter sorry i spoke over that where do you go loot crate dot com slash friendcast enter the code friendcast save three bucks on that new subscription you have until the 19th at nine p.m pacific to subscribe and explore your new loot crate yeah um yeah that's a good theme back that's that that'll go places it's it's it's good and good and broad explore the great beyond that you're telling people to die that's not a good thing don't do no i said explore the crate yeah oh the i think you said explore the great no i don't know i don't explore the great okay no great no no no stay alive so that you can enjoy get that mega crate you can enjoy that mega crate exactly yeah man you need to get lost in that thing please don't die hang on no please
Starting point is 01:29:11 don't tell anyone it was us stay alive and head on over to loot crate dot com slash friendcast enter code friendcast thank you look great thanks look great thank you uh so in the news man so i have to wait what's mega man 11 canceled oh sorry buddy i have to admit that was fun though for about 20 minutes the lightest so that trailer was delivered with the lightest sprinkling of sodium like lightest like you know like the the waiter came over and just kind of twisted a little you know over the trailer for just a second but why sodium uh because right i think i talked about it maybe once or twice before but i want to live in the world where mega man nine and i guess possibly 10 link to oh i don't want to hear this not again the world
Starting point is 01:30:06 where x is shut up the world where x is a roman numeral x is not 10 you know that would have been so cool but then we would have had to get 9.1 9.2 and 9.3 and then when you get to 9.9 then you go to 9.91 hey if kingdom hearts can do that shit kingdom hearts can do anything it's want don't you dare use kingdom hearts if they can have fractions and incomplete numbers no that's not i can't a mega man well that is not why that game is numbered a fraction it's not because it's a sequel it's a dumb thematic thing it's because there's two characters and it's over the year i know fuck that game is stupid i wish kingdom hearts is so stupid i wish we got to see making regular mega man games i know after mega man x games were out i know that's why made it so confusing well
Starting point is 01:30:55 we were end up we were at a point where nine came out and i was like oh here it is i could barely count back we can do it now right yeah because i mean come on of two separate franchises going their own way how fun would it be to be like clink isn't that what we all love crossovers and oh shit that all along the cartoon already does that i know right there yeah but that's bullshit stupid cartoon yeah vile's there it's true yeah and that also that's the same world of cody screaming about is jessica yeah and the lines and that's where all in my carlos blanca comes from yeah you want to what the best version of all the capcom characters you know it it would have been really fun to do that i love how he turns away for me to have a real conversation
Starting point is 01:31:39 and mega man x showed up in the mega man comic yeah archie comics and the sonic crossover and stuff thing you know along with there's some stuff and then sonic and slippy doing it um well slippy's off on his own plan i thought slippy's not part of it slippy's on his own planet with his wife having infinite babies yeah and then what the stud muffin that he is but what you see and that's a happier it's considered a happy ending but what we don't see is how that turns into crasters keep real quick one generation later what the fuck is slippy gonna do you tell me matt it's so probably it's gonna solve itself eventually how many wives do you have men of the night swatch i have many i think of all combinations like star fox and game of thrones just really
Starting point is 01:32:33 reaching what's nintendo gonna make that game i mean we got messed out on the star fox Metroid hey guess who the lord of light is he fucking flips around at the last second you brought me back no yeah um was there actual news i mean there's probably a news do you believe in news because if you believe because this is this is uh i don't know where there's definitely no sony news this week because PlayStation experience is on thursday and there's also nothing going to be happening during it like sony has been quick to tell everybody there's gonna be i've never heard of such a thing there's gonna be an announcement to get less hyped one thing what if what yeah sure
Starting point is 01:33:19 there'll be one yeah okay maybe i was like i'm like i'm watching i'm watching matt like like struggle to play with the toy i'm like what if there was no news matt what if the teleprompter was broken um i think we should get some guns and go clean out just oh no the podcast is fine it's fine i'm holding willy's head in the next section the black man is dead it's like no the once and once the words come back and once the news comes back oh god why won't the words come back i didn't know what to say we'll tell you how to make a christmas butt cake there's like little fires everywhere i am the devil and i will be reborn to all the sinners
Starting point is 01:34:15 here's that special capsule of saturday night live where it was like it wasn't just when will fair and all those people came in but it was slightly after where it was like absolute gold what was the name of that show uh like morning latte or something like that wasn't it wake up america wake up morning uh anyway yeah i gotta look it up i got into a bender last night of actually watching norm mcdonald clips on conan yes you forget how much yes you want to talk about a god what do you mean norm mcdonald norm mcdonald as a guest on conan chairman throughout the years yeah just all of his his best moments as a guest just ruining every other guest spot up till this year like wow fucking unbelievable what a champ because because no my girlfriend had
Starting point is 01:35:03 no idea who norm mcdonald was and i'm like all right that's a fun moment well because that's i'm like it was one of those at it first you get that wait what and then you go oh fuck the plans for the rest of the night that's right fuck everything else i think the best way you could introduce him for anyone that's like had didn't watch that era of of uh s and l and like didn't watch all the obscure norm mcdonald music came out it's like he plays the pigeon on mike tyson's yeah that's what he is no now that is true that is true uh all right no actual news i basically i did i did want to say one more thing about playstation experience sure sure uh there is the slightest chance that from software will actually announce a thing there because
Starting point is 01:35:46 all of a sudden they're doing interviews like yesterday or today can we can we get to the docket oh that well hey i didn't know that was on the docket i thought we were just talking about docket yeah eat shit you need to let the let the docket breathe i don't know what's on the docket man the first thing on the docket is batman ninja okay that's a good pick here's the problem yeah he's kind of more of a samurai he's dressed like a samurai but batman in himself is supposed to be kind of like a ninja yeah batman's a ninja yes and that's why they would name it batman ninja i understand because you think about the cloaked dark man in the night doing all the deeds and so you go sure he's a ninja but like heroically he plays more he plays out more like a samurai does yeah
Starting point is 01:36:37 that's correct and he looks more like a samurai in this actual series but well what it is is a movie and it seems to be batman just teleports 3d yeah well is that what it is or is this an alternate world no he's straight up every character and batman just teleports into medieval yeah oh this is really them the teleported the start of the trailer is batman just said i can't believe i'm stuck in middle ages oh that okay how do you feel about it now that makes it a little bit less cool because i thought this was going to be like uh boot i can't come up with the name but why you know bruce wagyu you know what i mean like i thought we were gonna get like a completely reimagined character that happens to be no japanese no this is bruce wane in japan
Starting point is 01:37:27 oh with all with all his with all his guys including what i think is gorilla grot yeah yeah that's what it seems to be yeah but why i saw some of this trailer and action figures way back in new york comic con and they had pictures uh sorry a sign to say do not take pictures of this trailer do not record you are on camera like do not let this be seen so fuck you up i was wondering when this would like show up but it seems kind of neat some of the designs i'm like harley actually looks kind of fun jokers kind of and i really like that's kind of cool yeah well that stroke looks awesome so um but yeah i guess sure why not it kind of reminds me of the marvel animes that were so bad yeah but in those those were set worlds you know um they were they were this this is i want my
Starting point is 01:38:15 my buruzu way what uh stop it okay i think about it and come back to us later all right that's fine um but this is the 3d company that does the jojo intros right that's what very clear this is a higher quality cg animated film than we are used to yeah and higher quality than than like because you know what it's not doing the shitty thing that like berserk is doing where you see like anime 3d where it's got like a really low frame rate and that it's a 3d models why would it ever have a low frame rate but then it does right that's the thing is i never i i'm like i i just don't know enough about the the sky behind alfred there looks very jojo intro but anyway um i don't know why that is such a thing and i don't know enough about like the cost of how it is for them
Starting point is 01:39:07 to render frames and display them but that's always bugged me so hard is that like you have the one thing you can do with these models is have the smoothest you can have an animation frame rate you want because you just need to render more yeah and then you end up with choppy shit i imagine the actual answers they they are contracting out to render farms and the render farms have a charge limit by the frame perhaps you know perhaps it's that simple but then why why would you wait everything evenly i don't know to make it look uninteresting because like you see you see the pixar behind the scenes things where they show off like the pixar render farm and they're like one frame from incredibles whatever takes 19 hours sure you know and and but and but the
Starting point is 01:39:48 the other problem is that when the frames display in like an equidistant manner it looks more dead sorry this is on what destructo it i just like the line in this article it says this story of the rich guy with issues that dresses up like a bat has him transported in the distant past of the warring states era of japan it is just a very he then dawns a mask and becomes spider man yes that's correct i think that's just one of the odds that we that this the this leads into uh uh fucking the jokugawa shogunate jokugawa what are the odds that we lead up to that depends how it does no it does do they start affecting history with their bullshit well i mean oh man i didn't yeah yeah doesn't history is fucked now i assume i assume there'll be a big
Starting point is 01:40:44 swirling portal and everyone get their ass kicked into the portal that's correct so i uh would that be it get in the portal yeah joker and i'd love it fine like if the first this is the first bunch of even like it here the first bunch of scrubby thugs he beats up or the like the falcona like uh the falcona of auctions and groobies you know that'd be fantastic that'd be pretty good all right they're their jobbers throughout i i foresee a lot of moments of what you're here also of course yeah like there's a there's a fucking there's a fucking teaser shot of what appears to be clay face i saw robin somewhere yeah he was flipping around there too so it's like when did you get in man clay face would be super strong in that time yeah because clay is a strong ass element
Starting point is 01:41:33 there or like building material haha you cut me or just like dead shot because guns yeah but he's got the shitty he has to have a really narrow specific guns he's got like well maybe his guns disappear when he goes through is it like terminator yeah the the the shot of dead shot firing a gun using like a modified like tana okay so so there's a time god that watches everybody yeah and then when you go through he goes uh uh take that off except except bruce's naked you gotta go through naked except bruce's robo suit clearly works yeah but no you only get through naked but if you're a robot wearing skin and i'm like are you a human no i got it i got it sometimes the rules can just change okay you're fine you ready for this uh dead shot uses up all his bullets in a fight
Starting point is 01:42:23 and then has to make do with like because he has no reloading yeah sure sure because you can't just manufacture a modern bullet sure 1400s japan right nailed it did i say dead shot i meant dead stroke you said dead whatever they're the same person right long shot came the long shot dead shot blood strike blood stroke uh stop it there's no blood dead shot there's no blood stroke no blood stroke there's no blood stroke no unless that's a a powered up form of death stroke are you are you are you are you standing by this i'm gonna say that there's no blood stroke but i'd be happy to be wrong now are you just looking for just a rando blood stroke okay comic that is totally not a real comic book character not blood strike blood stroke okay let's find the first response is
Starting point is 01:43:17 death stroke then brother blood then uh arrow it's all blood yes no blood stroke i thought you knew shit like hold on hold on it auto corrected it auto corrected this is a game this is a video game woolly blood stroke is not a comic book it's a john woo game really interesting damn woolly your time is now time to write and draw blood stroke but then i'd be crying i'd be uh jumping in on john woo's territory that's fine i didn't know about blood stroke the game what's john woo gonna do fight you with doves and guns yeah in slow motion you know what that's fair you don't want a piece of that i do want a piece of that like if every director could just use their special abilities as their thing oh man john woo and del Toro are like at the top yeah it's kajima not at the top well movie
Starting point is 01:44:11 directors okay well is kajima not at the top yeah no because again del Toro gets to summon beasts of all kinds oh man rich and unknowable i saw a fucking quote going around from mads mickelson that is like i hope it's real but it's like oh yeah i've read the whole script for death stranding i don't get it nice yeah exactly yeah no that was an interview that was an interview where he was just like i i don't really understand but i i'm i'm i believe in the project you know i've i've totally understood scripts that made shit movies so that doesn't mean anything yeah if i don't understand it it must be good and i was in dr strange from software reassures that armored core is not over it's not over yet so they've been given out
Starting point is 01:45:01 at little bits of interviews with various people saying oh don't worry armored core is still alive and well don't you worry we love armored core also tomorrow there will be an official armored core theme out on the playstation 4 yeah which huh the armored core 20th live anniversary steam stream uh called armored core sweet o2 popped up where they announced that and uh they're basically just trying to like get the dead engine like they're pulling it the first time this is clearly the setup for a big reveal at some point that's it it's the first pull on that engine and that this is too cold right timing on the theme either means it'll be shown off on thursday or the theme is to tide people over till e3 yep there's going to be a second pull right
Starting point is 01:45:55 i am becoming more and more and then a full convinced that the the sci-fi souls game is just going to be you think you think so i wouldn't the systems are the same the controls are the same i i wonder if they would just make it like just a proper sequel like fully awful on in and as a break from all of that in a way and then maybe consider a whole new thing afterwards maybe armored course too fast but blowborn was pretty fast i like again like i could see them eventually revisiting that formula but i i feel like they probably just make a normal armored core game that people are waiting for well i remember core game generation to generation has actually changed pretty significantly but ps1 ps2 and then 360 i could see i could see there being a lot of uh
Starting point is 01:46:38 like fans being unhappy with like a complete shift towards a yeah i would i would agree with that with that name you know and it's like i would like them to put out a trailer for this and be like look you don't have to play with the controller upside down anymore god damn this podcast room smells delicious oh it does why yeah it certainly smells food too yeah i don't know uh so that's cool and i mean from soft has been up to some other shit right they're building a bunch of games in secret what are they doing over there well what you what you what you what you got going well there was the rumor away weighs back about the aztec game remember the aztec souls game but that never materialized uh and they said they're working on three projects i think it was yeah and what and
Starting point is 01:47:22 the only one they were specific on was one is definitely armored core um where was it there's an exact quote on what they were one they literally said it there we are making another dark fantasy yes we are making a game similar in style to the soul series but it will be somewhat different yes yes yes is is like a paraphrase of that quote is which is basically what i hear like we're making the next jump from like so it went demons to dark and then it went dark to blood born and then this one will be a whole other thing which is like hopefully refreshing for them as a team and then there's armored core probably as well i don't think they're the same and there's another one yeah a third thing which from software man they man what a fucking niche
Starting point is 01:48:12 company to blow up like this i still have trouble getting over it because armored core was very niche somewhat popular in its niche but like and kingsfield sucks and then all of a sudden wow this podcast room does smell good yeah they put out metal wolf and i like and i remember when leon refused to believe that they made a super robot wars game oh christ i super forgot they made a few 10 true games to another century episode another century episode yeah or they published them or something and they made a togi which rocks shit but no one played we told the truth about that and the echo night games did we tell that we told the truth about the togi right yeah yeah one of the best fucking it's so good one
Starting point is 01:48:58 offs we've ever done lost to the ages wait a couple years more and do it again no i could yeah okay just do it um what else is going on this week we've got us this weird thing that i thought you want to talk about dreams yeah i thought this was a dream when we first announced it yeah and apparently he first announced yeah when we first talked about it on the podcast and apparently it's still happening gungrave vr is actually really a thing and it's not a small mini experiment apparently it's built off the ps2 game it's the whole first game as a vr experience so weird with uh and it sounds like the action game here the description that trailer uh japanese screaming in pain shooting uh fucking yeah fingers uh uh the gungrave vr is a psvr optimized
Starting point is 01:49:55 version of gungrave that keeps the world intact and goes beyond the story of gungrave overdose the game is the weirdest third person full break action what the fuck the third break action and its first person dynamic shooting dynamic shooting fine but full break action i that means that you're constantly breaking and go rock and billy red Cadillac matt don't question it i'm i'm questioning action beyond those are grave let it be let them use english however they want to yashiro nightow has a pass to do whatever the fuck he wants they're also involved in the development they're making a basically it's gungrave one and two in a vr game and it's a full action game it comes out in like a week and i have in japan yeah i don't know how this happened why why all this
Starting point is 01:50:50 noise about gungrave now there's no reason for it there's not a new animation a new manga as far as i know this is crazy but i fucking love it i guess i could do with more brandon heat in my life and and uh god oh harry mcdougal oh i love gungrave i'm so like weirded out by this it's it's a thing that i love but i would have happily lived the rest of my life without ever hearing exactly exactly because i'm like yeah that was fine that type of news it was so dumb but then it ended so strong oh anyway yeah gungrave vr vr game for is there even even a an anime that's in that tier that's gungrave like not like not try gun try guns too important but gungrave is just just unimportant
Starting point is 01:51:42 enough battle block brigade the other yashiro nightow series or uh gangsta not gangsta is cool but it's too obscure anyway whatever yeah gants gants yeah there is a gants ps2 game that's sure so there's yeah there's a vr psvr trailer and then there's like two seconds of footage right towards the end where they go past uh the zone of the enders for god about that zone in the enders and then you get to see a half second of it i don't know what it's gonna be but i'm a weird that's what's gonna be yeah here they're like oh i thought so fast like guns shooting big explosive great markers going off yeah so you get to be you get to live the eyes of beyond the grave that's what you get to do uh woolly is the uh hero academia stuff on the
Starting point is 01:52:41 literally next all right i was i was wondering my hero academia oj stands for one's justice and we get to see some screenshots looks looks high quality still not really sure what it is still haven't said what it is some type of fighting but looking at how close the there they've zoomed in on these models it makes me think it's a fighting it is a 3d action battler yes battler is the specific uh title i thought there was a thing about how there's a lot of environmental action there is for it to me that means so as of as of about eight o'clock this morning a new piece of news came out for this which explains exactly what the genre is is it third person behind the shoulder uh no it was the developer the developer of this game is not uh arxis as you
Starting point is 01:53:29 know uh it's biking the makers of gunslinger stratos wow oh i see so my excitement was dashed only to go oh that's awesome yeah that's fucking cool that's what i thought you were gonna be talking about hell yeah okay let's go time to get excited okay yeah so so so so it's an arena fight so this is an arena battler yeah yeah yeah absolutely so third person yeah action thing and that that combat system or style works perfectly for characters that move like the characters in haraqa now there's no gun con arcade no it's not gonna be with the control yeah but because this
Starting point is 01:54:29 is coming to switch in ps4 okay okay yeah no that could be really good that could be really good yes it could um it could also not be but that's promising let's hold out hope so yeah but but looking at the way these screenshots are like placed and zooming in on these pops and moments i would think of a fighting game you know because you're not seeing like a bunch of grunts getting hit or whatever you're seeing close-ups on midoriya and then there's uh shiguraki as well being the only two characters they're showing off there is there is one character else that's confirmed uh the the fucking teaser website the microphone the sorry the microwave a pair of glasses fell out of it yesterday and it's like these are two these are going to be really easy
Starting point is 01:55:21 to guess oh and a brain fell out the other day well it's like of course of course ida and nomu why the fuck wouldn't they the entire cast of of 1a is gonna be there it'd be silly if they weren't like the real the real excitement comes from like are they gonna put some season three stuff well i was gonna say the class b and like the some of the extended um uh uh uh exam people you know so it says it's gonna be a trailer on december 16th yeah man get excited for that okay there's potential there's big potential potential plus ultra yeah oh it's so good to care about Naruto again feels good it's been a while yeah feels good to be home oh man feels good to be home i never i never left oh yeah green Naruto tadaima there's uh
Starting point is 01:56:22 this is some weird shit and and pat you and i were talking about this earlier yeah um on a previous day what the fuck is actually happening with with final fantasy 15 okay this game so i loaded it up after that conversation and i'm gonna stream the dlcs next week because they're all gonna be out so yeah i was i was looking at my phone what the while you were fighting video settings i'm like woolly did you see what they've added to 15 and you went no i'm like okay so they added a chapter select and a side story for gladio and igneous during chapter 13 and they changed chapter 13 and they added the three dlcs and then this year or next year there's the online mode there's comrades which is getting a big quality of life patch like next
Starting point is 01:57:08 week and then they're going to change the whole game so that you can play as all four characters in the main game like they play in their dlcs and then they're going to come out with episode ardent and they're teasing episode luna as well this is madness and i don't know if you did this afterwards but i went down the the the changelog i because i updated the game and i just looked okay what are all the whoa there's a lot of changes that got added they added the pro support then they added the stable pro support then they added this then they added time quests then they added the chapter select is actually pick a chapter new game plus now for every one of these though i always have that like that's awesome good job guys wait they have no choice they have to it's final fantasy
Starting point is 01:57:55 it's 15 it has it has been this is 13 versus it has been they they have to recoup instead of you know releasing a bunch of standalone titles over the course of a bunch of years yeah it's like hey good job everyone kind of likes this game that plays it or you know mostly people it's not like 13 where it's kind of keep it fucking going fucking going instead of releasing standalone time you know you don't have to wrap it up sign like it's it's the keep it fucking more go go seeing the two complete ass end opposite approaches of this we saw 13 which they made too much and it was and then they decided oh we're gonna save money by using all that shit over and over and then they kind of i guess you gotta kind of drag 13's name through the dirt a little bit yep and then
Starting point is 01:58:37 you saw 14 and now this game where it's like oh it was a disaster or there were problems with it fix it yeah yeah doesn't matter how much it costs this is the the name is more important i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna dub this the neo development pipeline yes okay that's what this from now on this is what this is called it's the neo pipeline yeah because yeah neos is also just astonishing you just you go work it like uh never be game over never be yeah yeah we're just gonna keep it which ironically is from the game that needed this the most you know like whenever you step away and come back it is infinitely more polished and there's more content it's not just new content it's polishing the by the way i don't know i the idea of making the playable characters
Starting point is 01:59:31 in their own separate thing is like yeah of course sure that's cool but then unnecessarily going back and letting you play the original which completely changes the whole fucking game fucking nut like holy shit and you know and uh there's another thing is that uh that i had not mentioned when i was telling you about all these little things um i loaded up the other day and i walked over to Cindy and Cindy's like wow hey you you got it why i don't know what the accent is i don't know hey y'all i can fix the regalia and i went oh did i actually upgrade the the regalia f because i never actually got those parts and i went sure give me the regalia d and the regalia d turns the regalia into a monster truck and lets you drive off road let's you drive everywhere yeah
Starting point is 02:00:11 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's and the characters have a bunch of dialogue for driving off road in which Ignis says boy never thought we do this with the regalia and it's like oh Jesus Christ yeah that's nuts what happens if you drive into a fucking catobla pass i don't know uh enemies do take damage and i think it scales with your stats because i was running around those saber tusks and they were just popping you should be able to do a summon where you just make the fucking regalia just hit the thing yeah that's good just back over and rev the wheels it's that game so i'm gonna end up replaying that game on its inevitable pc release like far into the future right and when i do because i'm just i'm gonna dig around with side stuff and i'm gonna do the dlc's and then
Starting point is 02:00:54 but when i do eventually go through that full replay it's gonna be a completely fucking different game i'm gonna finish it because i haven't i haven't done so but like that finishing line it gets further and further away which is fine it's it's that's really cool uh i respect that heavily also i don't know if you know this but part of the thing was like the characters will play as they do in their dlc's you know they have like totally different battle systems right like ladio uses like a devil may christ style multiplier oh wow okay and prompto just has his gun so he plays different uh yeah no i didn't know that um what i'm wondering is though like they're announcing these things as mixtures of updates and yeah and and dlc yeah so like what are you paying for and what are you
Starting point is 02:01:36 doing by the season pass i don't think i did because if you did everything is free okay i don't think i did if you didn't everything is free except for the episodes and comrades okay like that's how they're that i don't think anyone expected their season pass was going to give them all that but well comrades wasn't even included in the fucking season pass originally it was just the three dlc episodes oh and then it got and then they said oh we're going to do the multiplayer thing it's part of the season pass wow okay also the season pass is like retroactively a great deal because i think it was 40 bucks and a fucking comrades is 27 and all the other dlc's are like 10 or 15 um and if they do do when they do how long how long how long are the episodes the episodes are
Starting point is 02:02:21 two to three but they also have alternate endings and score attack so that's basically another game yeah all together yeah all three together is another game is a eight to ten hour with multiple endings and i know about ignis's but i don't know about the others but ignis has a super boss in it and it's noctis and i think they might all have that actually wow wow fascinating it's not it's fascinating i love it good and if they do do episode ardent and um luna they're saying that they'll have a second season pass which would assume like you would imagine would also be alongside a second round of updates which get on square you know this i feel bad for anyone that just doesn't like 15 as a thing oh yeah because it's scutting because you're like you know like
Starting point is 02:03:14 there's just nothing there for you and that's unfortunate it's a deeply flawed game you know but those flaws are getting buffed out over time yeah but but like i i like the characters so i don't mind seeing more of them and experiencing more of like you know gameplay with them especially in your favorite fighting games sure you know sure and and and and and speaking of that let's get right into capcom versus s and k3 shall we yes let's do that that's a weird screenshot yeah i mean it's not so much a weird but i had that but it's a weird thing when you say what game it's from i had that moment in my head already just looking at geese showing up in tecan and fighting akuma like i looked at it and i was like yeah no this is incredibly weird that we live in a world where
Starting point is 02:04:00 this is called uh second second seven but geese is out now and geese is rad i i downloaded him but i didn't i didn't yet uh booted up to play with him but for whatever reason this weekend i just went around like doing normal things just going rip who can stand up to like nothing it's really into geese cowards be gone um you will wash your hands with my blood stain no wash my hands with my blood i'm referring to the one i screwed up like eight years ago okay okay matt remembers i will wash your blood with my hands that's correct uh the so did you you said you didn't you didn't boot it up right i just said it to download and then i didn't have time to actually play okay because fucking geese tower is the wackiest craziest
Starting point is 02:04:57 stage we've seen you do some dumb shit because besides the fact that it's fucking gorgeous yeah and and incredible you've got all the um uh fusuma the partitions right that open up and you can 100 combo off of them and get a wall splat and keep it going yes one wall to the next next audio combo until you eventually kick them the fuck off geese style but instead of dying to their death they just get ground bounced for you to combo them again i wish there was an area where it could you get a ring out the only ring out in the game one wall there's just one wall that does it but then you'd have to you'd have to be like a story mode only kind of like mission and also seeing how fucking awesome geese looks just on his model it does kind of make me want
Starting point is 02:05:43 like a tech like a tech and team made uh fatal furrier king of fighters well they pulled up the fucking video of a one wall two walls three walls to the end bounce off the tower and then he just does his right round and then it's yeah okay the the yeah if you have your rage art stock then it's you can do whatever you can do whatever you want but that means that the his stage changes balance more than his character it's it's dude and and like again like it like there's stages that have multiple ground breaks and stuff but the ability to do that with certain characters is nuts so here's here's the thing if let's say m bison showed up in this game and if there was a screenshot or like bison's victory pose well you think they're gonna you do you think they're gonna loop back to capital
Starting point is 02:06:27 no no no i'm just saying let's just say it was bison that was dlc2 or whatever right and there's a his victory screen of where he has his uh foot on heihachi's neck and he goes stay down maggot i'd be like yes i don't know bison you're evil i suppose but if geese has his foot on your neck and his my thing is stay down make i'm like yeah you're more evil than heihachi like i find that bison's like the same level as heihachi in terms of evil well what makes me so fucking cool is that he's just normal guy he's just badass normal guy transfer he doesn't have weird blood lines he's just a better fighter than everyone there's nothing going on with him he's a really good businessman he runs some good crime businesses yeah yeah those hunger hunger factor those hunger
Starting point is 02:07:22 factories are way way up in the red i mean in the green rather he's also very very good at martial arts in the black actually but anyway and then he's just there and he's a shitty father and he'd rather die than be dishonored yeah he's not a good that feeling where geese howard clutches a bowling ball more closely to himself than he ever did with you know but that's it right like he has like and all that like like like akuma is like a guy too and you know he solves fruits the kids and all that shit that's fun but he's still like brah i'm a demon yeah you know and bison's like i'm a fucking whatever i am you know he's a he's a he's a uh soul monster yeah whatever and like geese is yo like i fucking know martial arts jinn and all those guys the
Starting point is 02:08:12 double gene and all that shit are you a better fighter than me no be gone you know i'm the new king of fear and you like and that's it if that's the okay and he's there's no other worldly support behind him there and he calls himself the king of fear there technically is but i it's confusing it's like nightmare geese is a thing it's in two games yeah i don't know what yeah that's i don't think it's that's just we want geese playable for this game but he's already dead but he's in he's in k-14 i know i know i know geese is terry's perception of geese it's so stupid because regular geese is right there yeah don't worry it's fucking he's just the guy man i like if geese is standing next to regular geese does terry go i don't know which one to power geyser
Starting point is 02:09:05 maybe what luckily power geyser is really wide yeah yeah especially triple triple guys and that honestly applies to i'd say like all like fatal fury villains is they're just people you know what about god i'm a browser corn kraut video game krauzer is just a dude krauzer's just a dude k-dark highland's just a dude you know and i like that yes roogle is cool too i think k-o-f is where the but he kind of got it exactly but he's he groogle was cool gonitz was getting a little bit more you know and roogle's deity day epic and then you get into the orochi and from the orochi it's just all roogle's like comparable science and god geese is just more over yeah yeah absolutely i love roogle's style man yeah yeah well which omega or original no original original
Starting point is 02:09:54 yeah the red suit and the and the the black scarf scarf yeah absolutely so good sharp k-o-f character's not a fucking dress man tell you what um hey ryu shouldn't you wash that no never okay he's got a beard now so we can see all the fucking natto juice dried up in his his caked in his in his mustache i would love durian i would love if we got a costume that was like so stinky torn dirty gi hobo ryu again because like i thought beans like now like dried natto beans caking the bottom what oh yeah sakura everything you dreamed of and then some um all right um so yeah the other the other bit was uh we might as well talk about fighting games because we're doing that i like fighting games um okay do you like fighting herds
Starting point is 02:11:03 fighting herds oh is that there's that continuing on them's fight herds announced for February 2018 i saw i saw the words mike z in there somewhere uh well he'd loaned them the skull girl's engine that's true yeah right and so means it's probably gonna play solid yeah well the the once they got it and you saw like this shift and you could you 100 see like the and the skull girl sparks and attacks and like feelings all right let's see it let's uh kick over to a punch yeah let's let's try to get in there uh this isn't trailer it's just like gameplay yeah breaking it down a little bit oh yeah that looks like skull girls there's there's like there's an earlier but with cows there's earlier footage we're like the some of the sound effects are still like skull girl
Starting point is 02:11:50 sound effects yeah and some of the animation is still not done but yeah but no man it's coming along um but yeah February 2018 is what was what we're hearing when's this gonna be at evo 2018 i want to see the clash of those communities i mean here's the thing is there's not much clash there are you right yeah it's the same yeah and you know i don't know if you can talk about like getting on the main stage yet because we got you got seven games right so if this comes in it's got to kick something else that's good you got to kick that's a good fun equestrian style fighters is very getting getting on the main stage because horses main six yeah it's the name of the developer uh i'm fucking killing it you're doing it bovine thuggery see that's good well bison okay hey hey
Starting point is 02:12:39 you have a story showing up about the kid boo trailer that's right um why do they put out these eight second trailers i don't know i'm actually like you might as well not to show they're so weird it's it's a bunch of screenshots yeah it goes by really really quickly and i think like yeah the initial trailers for when new characters would be announced they're fine but like in the last couple the last three have been just ridiculous i think it's just to get a little like tweetable you know a little like bap bap bap bap boom hey uh good thing going on and so like the currently the story is yeah there's the kid boo character trailer um but yeah they're they're they're less than a minute long and they go by so quickly but you get you get to see like a couple seconds and
Starting point is 02:13:22 then uh hell pockets max and and uh uh like so those guys just get on the analysis mode and then like break down like okay what is this four seconds of attacks what are you gonna be yeah um so yeah no uh this all of boo's different types are all unique enough to be their own character yeah that's sure that they picked like super boo is the only one that's missing here and yes and super boo would also be a totally different character from fat boo or kid boo like uh like while i don't care for fucking saying it's taking up extra i also don't care for imperfect cell yeah that's fine yeah that's fine but boo's boo's are all very different i completely yeah 100 for fuck's sake he talks like an idiot in one he's totally normal in another and he's a wild beast in the third right right
Starting point is 02:14:11 right like maybe we'll start getting like lower s-cell count goku oh man i was on i was on voice chat with plague when that dropped have you i i envy you i wish i was there for that he didn't make a big deal of it he just sounded more and more tired as he reads about the s-cells did you hear about s-cells uh no i did not midichlorians have come to dragon ball literally if that could only make it better in some sort of interview uh toriyama apparently explained him yes apparently explained that uh you don't just turn super sane because you're super sane it comes down to the number of s-cells in your body and when they get saturated with energy and anger then the s-cells can infinitely produce energy and children of people with the lots of
Starting point is 02:15:06 s-cells have even more s-cells they double up which is the explanation for why goten can have fucking super saiyan is like six because he's full of them so you know what they should do right talk to bursting you know what they should do they should get on that sand bandwagon and have a whole bunch of kids and stop hyperbolic time chambering and slowing their ages down and yeah hyperbolic time sacks do that yeah i'm or just really they get to a point where they just create artificial s-cells and inject them into their bodies well that's actually literally how saiyans used to be born right so out of pods and shit i'm i see like superman yeah we can go into an alternate reality pull um um bulma's dad out yeah right and just go like all right science it up you and giro hang
Starting point is 02:15:48 out science it up and then we get these these these epi pens that you just jam and fucking syringe yourself with s-cells all right pop your super saiyan here's here's an obvious obvious problem congratulations you're as weak as like a baby fart like nothing in this universe of of g ren's and and god's here's an obvious question that is stupid um wouldn't gro have known this and thus made the androids a billion times stronger than he did no because he couldn't anticipate this i don't i guess he didn't have the ability to study any saiyans are you serious cell has saiyan dna in him that's why his name is sell but then did he actually understand it or did he just yes okay the the androids were also built with saiyan genetic technology you're
Starting point is 02:16:41 yelling at a cloud old man an old man shaped like a cloud that only flies with a pair of heart all right like you're yelling at a retcon for being an awful shitty terrible example so bad of how bad tori amma is at writing his own story but it's incredible i want to make i want to admire this genius creator is this history is this historic he's a good drovesman and he's good at page layout he's incredible he is someone whose name should be like put on the wall but he's the worst writer of mega history forever he's a hack oh man it's incredible i guess he was like i have to make the man away from his own work i got a makeup for all the mistakes gt did and i'm doing a good job man hey i want to talk about metachlorians for a second because i just rewatched the
Starting point is 02:17:39 fucking plankit reviews go back to dr slump you know you know the metachlorians money spinner are mentioned once hey don't you knock a rally man they're mentioned once ever in that conversation with the mom that's it ever you could and they'd never come back there's no reason for it to be there well i think they mentioned it like two or three times in episode one but then after that no movies talk about those all the magic i can't wait to all the mystery we find out about the k cells in kryptonians and how strong you are as a kryptonian depends on your k cells yeah it's always fun when you take away the mystery of like the superhero that or or even like the martial artist or whatever that can just power their way with effort and with skill to getting that thing
Starting point is 02:18:32 that's because when you say it's in your cells and like oh you're predestined to have it because you have these cells then it makes everyone feel like they're less special because they literally are yes the makeup of their body does not contain so i can never be your juice well it's and furthermore and like plot armor is now it plots out it's you don't have them sorry story cells it's always been a fucking stupid joke that like goku and vegeta will lead the way and you know everybody trails behind right yeah but now it's like they're the only ones who can and like you don't have you don't have enough plot cells in your body to be a main character we did the count we did yeah we did the math think about it this way think about how stupid and bad this is remember
Starting point is 02:19:23 how amazing it was in real life we call those plot cells melanin but they work the reverse uh remember how it was a big deal in the cell saga yeah how goku looks at gohan and it goes gohan you have something deep inside you you have this anger that you've never let go yeah and that's gonna be what lets you defeat cell yeah but what he's actually saying is gohan you're genetically superior to your dad because you have more s cells yet only you can defeat cell with your cells yeah because you're a human half child human you currently have more s cells as a child than me and vegeta do stupid he should have less also we don't have human no the the explanation that's always but now that it's cells that it's always been consistent that like the kids like something
Starting point is 02:20:21 because humans have an easier time unlocking their potential but they have the the sayings so that's why the kids can rock it up to greater heights way faster because they don't have to get beat up all the time but they'll learn to fly the human cells you have a flying is totally separate from strength right flying's about pureness of thought or some shit look we still haven't addressed the fact that no other person sits down and gets the dance done around them to make them super powerful in a way that nobody understands yeah it only happened once and it took a while and that was the joke but it literally could apply to everyone and that power was lost so meh anyway so what's jiren's deal does he have j cells
Starting point is 02:21:07 what a fucking hat he's just an alien weirdo is ultra instinct different do you have ui cells now yeah um go watch plagues dragon ball videos they're really good and they're like an hour of this yeah but dry and tennessee and kind of kentucky whatever well you don't want to think that like a creator accidentally into being a successful manga artist right like you don't want to imagine god forbid they don't know what popular by accident would be so horrible or they just or they get to a point where they back off and let their team run the show like are you only a good mangaka if you have m cells yes well it's like it's like look at Naruto like Boruto is written by the protege right yeah and who was probably writing the last part of the ninja war because the art style changed all
Starting point is 02:22:01 that shit it's like wouldn't Toriyama couldn't you back off and give it to somebody who knows how to write a story no okay fine i mean i tried that with gt there was a definitely like there's definitely a part where like you can see like okay the the freehand drawing went to like reference material and he became a better artist while drawing but then there's a part where you're like nope that's a 3d model yeah yep that's a 3d model being traced right there um anyway speaking of 3d models being traced check out these unused bloodborne i saw this video there's some of them are real trash looking well i don't know if you've ever seen the the because i've i've tried to keep up with like the the cut bullshit in these games okay the ones that get cut get cut pretty early
Starting point is 02:22:44 yeah and they all look like trash the dark souls one ones look real bad too um so you've been you've been following these yeah more or less because yeah they they part two came out today they dug some models out of the the data in bloodborne and one of the unknown things was a golden beast was an unused boss that basically looks like an amelia type yeah if amelia kept going with gold fur yeah it kind of looks like a pikachu kind of there's also like a weird skeleton demon yeah so so like when you pull all the fur off you get this weird mine wolf dragon well that looks like a dragon model from like a dark souls game that had all the fur put on it pathetic like sad dragon um yeah there's a black fur variant uh that they had probably chalice dungeon and next they had
Starting point is 02:23:32 a two-headed ball rod or it's one-headed yeah basically this it's a winged fiery thing holding a staff that would look pretty much like this in dark souls three uh isn't there a big fire dragon thing that we fought yes near the end yeah there's an old king demon i called it and i called it the ball rock yeah yeah yeah absolutely um but this had like one of those weird skulls where like it's like that doesn't even make sense that looks like something that you'd actually fight in the nightmare because then the nightmare overalls got the window and then there was an npc which looks real trashy yeah he looks pretty dumb but uh he looks like if he was in the bergenwerth area if an american team in 2002 made like a weird scary priest you know you know what he actually looks he looks like
Starting point is 02:24:23 he was gonna be a mausgoal type because like his proportions on his face and the book and all that stuff like mausgoal from berserk the evil okay uh yeah i feel like i feel like that's a character from the the the dragon uh game we played with the redhead girl um where she has a sword and it's oh wow heavenly sword no dragon heart you and i played enslaved we did a one-off it's the one the time you guys tricked me and we're playing that fucking thing now remember we were in a con you tricked me into playing a one-off with liam of it was was that a con it was in hamilton of two years ago yeah i i still don't know the game because it was a game i recognized and then you made and then you made him you made me go buy it and then i came back and you're like haha i knew i told them to go
Starting point is 02:25:09 buy it no i i realized it's a mystery but i just can't picture what the game is redheaded girl the dragon with with this redhead girl with a sword yes okay i remember by the way there's a fucking dark souls 3 skeleton in this data mine yeah straight up just they just pulled it over made it into the dark souls 3 yes yes yes so um this is all always interesting but the way from soft does their stuff it's not like you're gonna find out like oh it's the bloodborne 2 t's no it's like they don't do it like that though the pig monster looks cool yeah it's kind of different is it a pig or a fat rat man it is a boar yeah it's kind of okay i couldn't tell the nose because the nose looks a little like goblin right the the the head parts look like that this design dracon actually got
Starting point is 02:25:52 turned into yeah into the grue enemies in dark souls 3 oh okay so the timing was such that they'd be like eh fuck it cut it out of this put it in that modify it make it look cool for this other game so yeah there's there's tons of shit that they're digging out and i can't believe this is just coming out now too well it's a ps4 game so it's harder to dig out it's not like the dark souls games where it's on pc and it all gets found immediately um i like i like when you see the uh uh uh they do that stuff but they have the models they pull up but then they do like the maps as well they explore them like the maps and go outside and they show you that like yeah the geometry extends way beyond where the camera can go like that stuff's really cool why does it bother
Starting point is 02:26:34 oh because it looks realistic or whatever the uh the whole room that you walk into at the end of ds1 where like all the uh primordial serpents are yeah is like a fully modeled crazy detailed room even though it doesn't have to be extra shit for single cuts for nothing uh pretty incredible and last but not least uh i don't know if it's at least though it is least to you guys it will be for sure hell yeah but like it already don't care did you see the breakdown on how uh they brought back venom winter soldier and black widow for marvel the breakdown on how they on how they play and like what what they do i watched i watched a max video for venom yeah venom is i saw that there's a hidden super yeah that's shit sick yeah yeah and that was basically what oh we're hoping
Starting point is 02:27:20 to it'd be nice if they did that for the other teams in the game because i don't like any any pairs that might do something exactly because like that yeah winter soldier is actually a lot like they're all just like winter soldier and and uh black widow or just gunman gun girl right yeah that's black widow is quite good she's incredible she's super fast and she has amazing like tools she can do anything but uh winter soldier has the one cool thing where he puts his hand up and takes no damage yeah because the arm just blocks whatever you're doing and you can walk forward and shoot with his hand up and do the exact same thing he does in uh civil war so that's super dope um but yeah i'm trying to find the i'm shocked they made venom the way his ninja
Starting point is 02:28:05 turtle smash up on on s r k this is event hubs and it's because because the ninja turtles have been in previous fighting games did you know no i didn't yeah it did they were in their own fighting games tmnt and smat and um um um turtle tournament fighters yeah anyway yeah so uh when you specifically team up with cap and winter soldier uh and you do his level three um enduring justice i think it's called or something along those lines and it's like isn't it they do the moment where you have to be bucky to start it if your cap it doesn't exactly exactly so they do the moment where they do the double beat down on on iron man and toss the shield between each other they toss and catch the shield back and forth and like do the yeah the double crush his skull in between the shield and bucky's
Starting point is 02:28:55 arm yeah yeah and then and then cap does the the good work soldier thumbs up and bucky's like all right get the fuck out of here do yeah he's like i don't need you anymore yeah there should absolutely if anyone that there's a yielding justice like this they should be able to have a secret super why not yeah man because now that you have a spider man and venom in the game why not why not you can do that you have mega man in zero yeah right there's tons of teams uh what's cool too is like finding out what people call each other is always fun because when you have um uh because like hulk calling people things he always did that big robot right you know uh but when you have um spider man and venom on the same time spider man goes eddie
Starting point is 02:29:35 and then and then venom goes parker that's great it's the new jonathan charlotte jonathan eddie charlotte parker jonathan charlotte jonathan charlotte parker tetsuo let's take some emails anime hey if you want to send an email send that to super best friend cast to tetsuo tetsuo cadeta at cadeta dot tetsuo slash akira no one yells akira i'm sure someone does in the manga at some point yeah yeah because the man is like a billion years long and then they get blown into fucking dust what what fucking time i'm talking about a manga it can't be time long what the well it's it's long to read it's a lot of volumes like you you know it's
Starting point is 02:30:25 so long i hope that like i bet you're saying the sandwich is a 10 hours long someone's 10 hours to eat it someone's yelling akira and they're yelling at a jar with eyeballs in it and the jar blinks and then that person's head blows up oh man don't do it not do it man we got one coming in from uh where should we start wherever you think yeah man you got a you got a sea of good emails in front of you all right let's start with philip hey phil greetings oh lords of dark matter scum uh when i was younger i used to watch lots of cartoons based on video game franchises well it's in my wheelhouse uh what game series do you
Starting point is 02:31:13 think of today deserves an old school cartoon oh man i'm gonna stand by the star fox one star fox who made a i would love a like a saturday morning a fox in space a fox in space yeah i would love like a saturday morning double may cry that's like done like the old uh fucking zelda cartoon you basically i mean the anime is not that far off no no it's far off i want some goofball stupid bad animation shit like the mario or zelda show but i want yeah like the sword going through dante is just like it's like sliding the same art through his body yeah and then it just comes out the other end yeah the zelda show isn't even that much different tonally from double may cry exactly that's what i thought of it um i think i think like uh i think like a rare property or like even
Starting point is 02:32:03 ukulele like a banjo kazooie cartoon would have been awesome yeah even a conquer even like an adult swim conquer cartoon so i like there's an there's an obvious answer but i kind of feel like it's not the right era for it but overwatch i was i i looked up at the ferre thing before you a perler before you said i was like a cg doesn't have to be as gorgeous yeah a cheap and overwatch yeah you're super right cartoon i'd love that right with a fucking stunt dog style intro yeah overwatch man you're completely right that'd be perfect that soldier 76 is the leader oh you know what it could be it could be uh old reboot style animation yeah make it look real as shit that'd be unnecessary you're right it isn't unnecessary because the guardian code is coming
Starting point is 02:32:55 don't mark your calendars is pretty good yeah we'll have more on that or not no you won't be able to here's a serious one sorry just one more an undertale cartoon where it's just makes no sense like there's no storylines at all it's just a series of gags and vignettes and then once you're done the director comes out and tells you that you watched it wrong you watched it wrong i i don't even want it i think it should almost be like the flcl manga like incomprehensible mess of like four comas yeah yeah sure and then you're done it's kind of what i meant uh okay so here's here's one that goes in all right let's hear it no meme here for the entire email i promise that's a meme to the sbf crew i heard you guys discussing devil may cry v and you seem to be uh this is from this is from
Starting point is 02:33:49 pierce pierce so i heard you guys describe discussing devil may cry v and you seem generally interested in a new game coming out and seem generally to love the series the whole thing makes me confused as you and others excitement is so alien to my experience with the game it's difficult to understand the appeal of the series and i was wondering if you could perhaps read my experience and tell me what the appeal is to you got it i bought the hd collection of devil may cry after finishing bao i loved quote unquote bao i had such a good time with bao finishing three plus times i wanted more heard lots of good things about devil may cry and that it was it's what made it's the game that was made by the same people i heard them prizing the stylish
Starting point is 02:34:30 fun combat interesting enemies well done gameplay lighthearted and jokey tone good music and more boy was i in for a shock i spent 70 or so on the collection and i considered to be one of the worst game purchases decisions i've ever made my experience with the game was pretty much the opposite of what was advertised instead of stylish fun combat it turned out the only real strategy was mashing attack button i remember an uppercut but there was no use for it to be fair i also found the shotgun and a dresser to replace the useless pistols but it turned the game into repeatedly shoot them the game didn't seem lighthearted or jokey at all instead it all seemed rather dour with complete moments of failing to be cool in there instead of interesting enemies
Starting point is 02:35:06 i got dumb boring puppets for the most of the time i played the person's clearly just talking about one yes instead of well done gameplay i got awful camera work and jumping way worse than it should have been the real worst thing however was the music the awful pipe organ massacre on eternal loop the kind of physical punishment for playing the game at all i got a literal headache from listening as i wandered around the castle compare that to bao and it's which has such a fun intro sequence and immediately in the graveyard you have access to a full move set i'm immediate i got to do a whole bunch of moves with each variation i got to do cool useful things which time and bullet climax and the music is good in the game quote-unquote keeps being fun continuously onwards
Starting point is 02:35:42 to hd collection driven by the talk about good the series is seventy dollars and i paid for the three games eventually i reached the spider that was on fire i fought it for a bit and decided that it wasn't making the game better and then that it would never get better so i pretty much uh yeah i eventually passed the game on to someone else through ebay monkey paw style so what exactly do you guys like about devil may cry both the first game in particular and the series as a whole all right well what got this game three sequels in a remake i'm gonna say right off the bat before you guys probably go more depth than me it's like it's not great compared to bao because bao's much like newer has more systems and it's a very and is more fun generally this is a very
Starting point is 02:36:24 understandable situation you go from bao but this this person has to understand that we grew up i can follow i can follow the timeline that leads to this so i understand i want to point out that this is a very similar complaint that you see a lot of the time when you go from the spinoff whatever the spiritual successor game that's far into the future and then you go back to pretty much where it started and it's like you're you're there is a specific character personality trait of your tolerance for shit being old and devil may cry one is positively fucking ancient at this point it came out in 2001 yeah it is old as shit bayonetta is now old as shit but that genre hasn't really advanced all that far past bayonetta a lot of the design decisions made during bayonetta
Starting point is 02:37:12 were specifically to combat the issues that you describe jumping in dmc one in particular is really bad it's now the way that you dodge we're holding the trick the way that you dodge in that game was even called out in the leak for v as something that's awkward and needed to change yeah it needed to be more dmc one dmc one is now old enough to drink um it's it i think that in particular when you think of well yeah 20 yeah it's fucking 21 shit what anyway uh the um oh it's only 16 so you'd have to go to dmc one i in particular the y'all like besides remembering that that it's like the time and such in the context yeah this was a game that when you first played it you're coming off of it being like it's a capcom game and it's like oh it's like
Starting point is 02:38:02 resident evil so your expectations were resident evil there and it used to be a little bit faster right because that's originally what it was so with that in mind and kind of like setting your expectations there what you got was something way faster and more exciting than resident evil and the tone is definitely dour compared to bao now or dmc three later but dmc one compared to r e is lively and fun and because you've got you've got a jumping around character going flock off feather face or you can stick around and find out the hard way was a something that you wouldn't get from uh chris redfield or jill valentine not intentionally you also have to compare it to the state of the three action game at the time god of war was quality but that came later that came
Starting point is 02:38:48 out like right years like compare that to like laminate of innocence which was the devil may cry knockoff you can army made which is a castlevania game and every 3d action game in the ps1 era like it was a quantum leap forward in like control in move list in uh style so for example uh you found an uppercut but you didn't find a reason to use it that's because the primary reason to use it in devil may cry one is to pop up an enemy so it can't hurt you shoot it so that it looks cool like that's the number one reason to use the uppercut is because it looks dope here's the other thing this is a game that came out on the ps2 but let's not forget that the ps2 was a fucking long generation this was early ps2 not launch of the earliest but almost launch season
Starting point is 02:39:37 ps2 is still getting notable releases like in 2006 when it came because i played it as one of the games that like first time i touched the ps2 was at micro play when you'd rent and i remember like picking out dmc because it was like oh yeah it's one of those new games for this new console dmc one was the first game i ever like rented as soon as i got my ps2 like i spent all my money so i couldn't buy a game so i went to the store and i rented dmc one so what so what dmc one effectively represents is the break off of a different franchise that was its holder in the same way that dota broke off from warcraft yeah right in the same way that counter strike uh uh broke off from half life like you're seeing the first step of basically a mod dmc one was effectively an re mod uh yeah an
Starting point is 02:40:22 re4 mod right like a repurposed resident evil game and the expectations going in were not for this new thing that you now know as a song as a solid type of genre but it was a genre that didn't exist at the time so like i mean we all came to it from different places like the place that matt and i came at that series is wildly different from the one that woolly came from it me and matt are big old school resident evil fans so you look at dev may cry and you look oh it's got dino christ style 3d dino christ style 3d environments but it's still fixed camera and there's a lot of interactables that you can read like in resident evil yeah and it's a really gothic like oppressive like environment but it's it's a lot it it's turning into the goofy stuff that
Starting point is 02:41:03 resident evil does but it also has really solid action combat and it starts the stylish action category of of presentation and cut scenes but they were all that but they were fixing the car as it was rolling because they didn't know what they invented right and this is and to pierce to like actually address what you're talking about the fact that dmc2 is such a train wreck it's the worst shows you how much they didn't know what they had right they really didn't know like people were upset because guns usually do damage but these guns don't why in this game guns are combo filler it doesn't make sense why my guns are not hurting things because bang bang gun yeah and the idea of thinking outside the box of them being like no the exactly these are combo filler they're meant
Starting point is 02:41:45 to stall you while in the air while i do other things and keep and keep your calm there was no precedent for that there's no reason to think that way and it was not explicitly explained in any menu it was just something that was emergent with the with how the game worked out so all this to say is that in your hd collection if you happened to make it over to three three is a lot closer to what you are used to but you would see the actual first steps of we know what we're making now yeah right we fully understand and embrace like the wackiness the craziness the combo the style the fun and it's it's all iterative iterative right so three has uh what's his name uh shimimura doing the cutscenes yeah so the cutscenes are over the top shimimura did bao once cutscenes
Starting point is 02:42:29 he did dmc four's cutscenes and he's probably gonna do dmc five's cutscenes right that tone becomes established right in addition dmc one's dodging is terrible dmc two's dodging is even worse dmc three has a style which introduces bayonetta style invincible dodges in trickster right but it's a it's a specific style but bayonetta looks at that and then goes no let's make that universal and put it on a trigger and then let's give you a bonus for using it for using it perfectly you know exactly it's it's a very iterative process i would still say that maybe even still like judging from that email it was pretty harsh on about everything um probably better if you ever want to try it against actually just start a dmc four if you're so into bayonetta like even three one
Starting point is 02:43:18 not three a little because i think the generation gap might be a problem with this with uh what phil was it uh anyway pierce i pierce i think the generation gap might be a little bit like it might be better to go dmc four than if you like that maybe then dip back into dmc three just a bit there is also uh he's talking a lot about bao and it's a really good easy comparison point uh bayonetta is not made by the same people who made the dev made cry series bayonetta is made by the people who made dmc one and three and four are made by itsunosan and those folks and i'm not even gonna talk about two fuck that game but there was a collective there is a split there's a split but and and you see that whenever you know poor kimia has to answer questions about modern dante
Starting point is 02:44:06 yeah but uh alongside that split was a collective understanding of what a character action game was and and bao and dmc do aim towards different directions bayonetta is a lot more free form i would say and it's a lot more like flow based because of the way dodging works whereas they'll make cry when it hit three and four like the specific draw to many people it becomes a combo machine it becomes a training mode simulator on helpless enemies that you can do a billion that you can do a lot more in four than you could ever do in bao and that's not a knock against bao it's just the focuses of those games are different plus you also have multiple like the the nonsense that virgil can get up to in the special edition is totally ridiculous so i was gonna say three
Starting point is 02:44:51 special edition i don't know if it's so old but it's like it's i can't go back to it no no i i can and some people can but i'm like i just from that harsh that that email was on dmc one one is now like unrecognizable as the start of that genre sure it's gone so far but but the point is i guess it comes from like what yeah who it depends on who you are and what you're looking for and how much you you're willing to put up with i suppose because i know some people that like would want to get into without be like fuck you i'll start with one i don't know what this wonky shit is but i'll and they'll enjoy that wonky ride for what it was and go like oh man that's how it used to be now i understand you know so some people have more patience with that than others but if you
Starting point is 02:45:29 didn't know what you were in for then yeah you wouldn't have known that the third game is kind of where you start to see a lot more of your bao influence it reminds me a lot of people who and this is slightly different but it's like people who go back they hear ff7 is the greatest rpg right right right right and they go back like and they go that's it now yeah and they go what's the big deal these cutscenes look terrible i'm like no no the context of the time thankfully i haven't ran into many of that those people but i can imagine that because yeah a lot of things get overrated based on inflation over time of hype you know uh but no so i mean so this person like and i can imagine them also being excited for games like revengeance you know what i mean yeah
Starting point is 02:46:09 and those things because you're seeing the realized full version of the idea yeah um so v if it's real it's real and it when it comes out it will is probably going to be way more up your alley than these older ones because they're going to be building off the lessons that they saw in bayonetta and bayonetta too and effectively to answer your question the reason why we're excited and into the series is because of all the shit that you didn't do which is the third game and beyond yeah the third and fourth game like i i personally and also because it's been so long i personally would love like there's an alternate version of history in which dmc one became the long-running template of that series and i'd be perfectly happy because i really like that mixture
Starting point is 02:46:55 but i'm but i'm happier with this one where it became a so a single player fighting game if if kimia gets his wish he's going to go back to dmc one don't take because that's what he's got in his head but i mean at the end of the day like uh we're looking at dmc five probably being all the things you love about bayo and all the things you love about revengeance and all the things you love about dmc four and so on getting incorporated into this new version because now we know more about the genre than ever right to the point where even dragon's dogma had lessons to teach and that's not and that's barely touching it and the pretenders to the throne are now pretty decent games yeah right the knockoffs and reboots are coming along quite well decent so at worst you
Starting point is 02:47:43 know like everything stands to reason that this is going to be phenomenal but it had it all that all that quality was in the games that you didn't and also their stuff in dmc one that never came back that i miss like perfect shots that kill enemies in a single hit fucking thank you when you get the scissor fucks and they're coming at you and you wait and line up the shotgun and get a head shot and they die in one you know you can do it with a pistol right it's it's it does it's not a damaged thing it's it's one of the coolest things in the entire franchise and it never came back yeah and it's only for that one enemy holy fuck i loved it so much yeah it's harder to do with the pistol because yeah aiming but it's it's it's you you get the clash and it has to be to the right
Starting point is 02:48:27 side and you walk two feet to the left and you put the gun on their forehead and you pop and these when the shots lined up they fucking and there's such an uh an annoying enemy to fight so a really pain-free way of dealing with them with style was so welcome that was great really good example yeah absolutely oh also i have one last thing he mentions fighting phantom the lava spider yeah one of the things about phantom that i remember blew people's fucking minds was that you can hit his reflect it back into his open mouth yep absolutely and that's not a big deal anymore obviously but if you were frame perfect or let's say like three or four frame right you could do it and it felt awesome yeah like the camera and it's not the best and you know he's not you know
Starting point is 02:49:10 but like that hidden bits cool stuff there little hidden bits uh like later dmc four made it so that's like no i'm gonna grab this fucking spear out of the air and throw it back even cooler with nero running i'm biking down the fucking tower and then yeah um so yeah that that's pretty much it man uh i think that was answered i'd say so the context of the period is vital but it's but again it's very understandable that someone with zero information walks in and goes what is this but also i'm not gonna stand here and go like oh we're perfect and we can do that like i can't go back to things past a certain date i can't go back to things before i started playing games well that's what i can't go back to the atari and appreciate any of that shit well pat you were able to watch
Starting point is 02:49:53 0079 and not have a problem with it that's right but not everyone can do that many which is why i have a hard time saying oh yeah start at 79 because i'm like i understand that some people don't and i don't know what you know i have to know there are people that are gonna this animation sucks this i have to know if you're the type of person that can that is willing to sit through date dated shit to and appreciate and you're able to go like i i can put my mind in a place where i know what this was at the time therefore this is like good for its place at this way like there are people out there that uh like younger folks or people that didn't get into animated movies until later who are used to the modern state of animation and if you were to go show them like a miizaki
Starting point is 02:50:33 film or like an older disney film go why is this animation looks so old why does it look so bad no no here's the worst one i know i have the the i think they're like i don't know 16 17 whatever the the son of a friend of a friend or whatever was talking about i think force awakens they're like man i hate those fake looking costumes that the aliens wear they don't like like people that don't like going back to practical effects don't like puppets don't like miniatures that's where i'm like punch them uh don't get me wrong cg is cg and he needs to be here yeah someone makes that choice to go i want a monster that looks real and we don't we can we do we have a cool thing like those little frost foxes that are in the last jedi in most shots they're cg but they made a
Starting point is 02:51:26 practical model that looks amazing and they use that for close-ups or whatever and i'm like someone that's like can't go back to fucking practical effects i've got it's but bad cg though i don't know it's so much worse than bad practical effects cg is absolutely i don't know if you guys actually know this map might but you know the thing uh sequel the one that takes place on the norwegian base yeah a few years ago that was all cg effects much to the disappointment of fans of the original right are you aware that the entire movie was shot and filmed using practical effects and then the producers or executives in charge of the project said the testing says that young people like the cg look and it'll do better with the cg look and they replaced the entire
Starting point is 02:52:13 film's practical effects with cg i would the testing was so bad that they spent that much money on completely re-releasing it like and there's behind the scenes things if you can see like the double combined man it's fucked it's where it's a it's a practical rig and it looks so good that's that's dude that's a shame because that movie in its finished day is actually fine it's a decent like thing thing you know is it as good as no of course not but like i was actually surprised like well this wasn't that bad i enjoyed it i guess the point that the fact that i missed out on that yeah the fact and the fact that that was an economical decision that was like no the kids like the cg yeah and they and they're like and it's worth it for us to actually go back and
Starting point is 02:52:53 spend on it like it's fucked that's crazy there's no winning this you know go look that stuff up the practical effects they made i can't and there's interviews with guys who like made the rig and they're like about to cry because they're like yeah it all got taken out that's be that's super depressing and the fact that like the people involved in making it like even the production level are like you know you've told me that the producers were telling we're saying yeah we know it's not busted six months of my life to make this fucking rig and the test shoots were great okay that's why i'm glad in predator movies they always have some asshole running around in this cool suit yeah because it's a human shaped but you know what matt if someone told me they were
Starting point is 02:53:30 going to put in a practical effects cathoga into the relic i would say fuck you get out of my house dang bad cg get the fuck out of my house darkness but they haven't quite been able to light cg monsters that well so it always stands out it's gray his gray his shadows are gray it's all terrible i would not accept it there's certain exceptions to the role yeah don't you dare don't you dare take away my bad cg cathoga for me oh there was one last thing that i forgot to mention about devil may cry that adds into it that would hurt a person's enjoyment of it now when it came out it wasn't just a great action game it was a great action game that was hard as shit and had tons of variable difficulty modes that you would unlock later so a lot of the depth in that game dmd got discovered
Starting point is 02:54:18 as a result of super suit i remember me and you had an argument over whether uh you preferred like kick 13 or the meteor on ifrit for like nightmare's core right right right right right it's like well kick 13's faster and and and it kicks away the fucking uh it kicks away the project the the the triangle projectiles that go towards you but the meteor actually does do more damage over time it's like all that stuff isn't visible on a casual play and the game's difficulty with it's like more of two mechanics as of now make it worse overall and people put the level same level of scrutiny into this that they do into like uh really competitive uh fps's or really competitive fighting games or really competitive other types of multiplayer games and you end up finding really
Starting point is 02:55:03 obscure things you know um and there's like secrets like things that go from uh one shot kills on certain enemies and uh you know knocking back uh phantom's fireball turn into plug-in controller two during uh uh um during uh what should we call it uh not arcom and you get a second player controlling virgil on on on that boss fight and then you have the people who go on the real deep dive and they find out hey how many times can you jump cancel killer b oh infinite times okay let's see if we can defeat beowulf with just killer b you totally can and like that and also if you if you uh stay on doppelganger that your doppelganger can also be controlled by player two the entire time so you know what i mean like like like little things
Starting point is 02:55:55 like that we're like what the fuck that's in the game like they're super super like you just get a co-op mode and only if you don't split the screen you got a co-op mode and bayonetta too only if you don't split this for maybe and it functions better than you think it does yeah you're always been on about that i really expected it to be shit and it wasn't uh okay let's take one last one from uh bailey he says they're king loot box patent others recently with the official release of battlefront 2 ea edition and thanksgiving in the u.s happening i was surrounded by family members talking about all sorts of debates and politics and such and eventually the hot button was ea for the entire day wow really huh i had to go on explaining uh progression systems and how
Starting point is 02:56:39 they were introduced that that yeah that can take a while micro transactions and their origins what loot boxes are and so much more by the end they were all disgusted with ea and the parents who were all pulled their shares out of the company who are all participating in black friday agreed to not buy their kids battlefront 2 and tell other parents essentially making a boycott this holiday at all uh i found myself dumbfounded that that ea fucked up so bad to the point where i was having to explain to them what the system was and clear up any wrongful reasonings however for example one of the parents thought ea was stealing money with loot boxes and selling the credit card selling them to credit card scammers they might be uh we don't know for sure that's incredible uh has there ever
Starting point is 02:57:22 been something where you had to be the negotiator on something to family members or a non-game playing group um such as this one i actually very recently like explain this to my parents because my all my dad knew was that ea was in the news for fucking up star wars yeah and i explained to him very he is slightly more knowledgeable than the people in this story sound yeah and he was like uh yeah yeah hey just immediately for me uh most recently it's been a bunch of calls and random things and you know uh uh sitting down together and going so uh what what what what's a bitcoin what do you know about this bitcoin woolly and i'm like ah fucking actually that's mine i was asked by my i think my sister is a bit older than me and she asked like what what are bit cuz now the
Starting point is 02:58:16 word's getting out because it's spiking yeah and what are bitcoins and i gave her my explanation which is i don't know that's a good explanation yeah no one really knows it's a fake currency made by computers that you use to buy drugs with i mean effectively but it's also going to be uh likely replacing some currencies in the future because it's an unstoppable wild west internet situation it's pretty and yeah and it's it's totally unregulated and people just keep taking their bitcoins and robbing the bank it's unregulated which is why it's just like the internet was at the beginning which is why it's gonna be around forever we want to see the image of a robber with like a black ski mask and he's holding two money sacks that just say bit bit on it yeah and he's
Starting point is 02:58:57 just like yeah did you know that the bag with the money dollar sign on it is copyright gene Simmons of kiss shut up how because he's a litigious fuck okay that's yeah that makes sense you know about battlefront i should mention battlefront two literally just got updated to change the loot box shit like just now do you know what the changes are what is it end of round payout has been increased earn three times as many credits per day in the arcade mode daily login crates now provide more hey guys where are you going and of course guys you'll be able to get free and it's got an asterix next to it heroes vehicles and things in the last jedi season coming soon guys come back it's nothing it's they're just increasing the rewards
Starting point is 02:59:50 it's absolutely no change to the problem so can oh they're also putting out free single player dlc so that's nice i want to go see looper but yeah you guys got a yeah actually in a while looper looper fucking nothing yeah man no um it's it's you know all i all i really can tell people is like um yeah if you bought it early and you held it now you're fucking laughing oh but it's gonna pop and crash and um if you're telling if you're finding out about like hey mom if you're finding out about bitcoin from fucking buzzfeed guess what hey guess what i've got one for you i dealt with with like multiple like it wasn't me but multiple people i knew their parents asked them the same question what's a pokemon go should i invest in nintendo yeah and the answer always
Starting point is 03:00:46 comes back that was a big one no it's too late yeah you it blew up yeah now it's blown up that's that's what i had to it's a rich and it can't blow up further pokemon go i can't remember what it was before that but there's definitely something before that as well where you maybe yeah where it's like it's like by the moment the time you are asking me about it it's too late because you're not paying attention to this world so you catching it means it's out there and you missed the boat it's like people who pay too much attention to the games business like us and the people listening to this podcast could theoretically make decent investment decisions based off of your knowledge of what's gonna happen of that industry or if it's gonna be hot or if it's
Starting point is 03:01:30 gonna be not sure right so like for example if you any of us here was really like for sure that the switch is gonna be a smash success you could have seen the switch trailer originally and gone bam and invested that day yeah but like months before the release and the financial stuff and maybe you could have got it in return but like your dad yeah luci's on the news oh it's the biggest thing ever it's like well it's too late yeah i'll i mean i'll never forget when the wachowskis were talking about the matrix and they were basically describing how for the entire last half well pretty much from the late like from 1960 onwards uh nerds behind the curve set the tone for the rest of the world right whatever is a geeky thing now becomes mainstream 10 to 15 years
Starting point is 03:02:24 later because convenience and technology is what everybody wants and so the idea of something like that's an interesting new way of living or doing something in life gets invented and is an obscure thing at first the weirdos do that only weirdos do yeah and then it becomes and then someone comes along makes it easy to interface with on a public level say an ipod or or a google or google right the dot com boom blows the fuck up and goes away a year later google adwords comes in yeah and just takes it from there like that whole thing is just like they whatever they do now just just you're gonna you laugh at it now but in about a decade you're gonna be doing it too yeah those people google glass implanted into their brains well yeah you know they're not all gonna be gold
Starting point is 03:03:13 but in general right and and so they kind of looked at like they took the matrix as a bit of that where it's like you know like this was it changed that changed a lot of action movies forever oh yeah but like you know a lot of what they were doing at the time was like like hacker punk and all that was just like that's like who the fuck is anime what the fuck is this who's gonna give a fuck about that you're making a pseudo like cartoon sequel why you know like all of that was super weird but like yeah it's like if you're paying attention then you know it's gonna become the norm you know it's it's just wait for it um yeah that's uh that's why i want to be famous you want your product be famous you want your franchise to be famous either be really good or be really
Starting point is 03:03:53 shitty right now and then people in the future will love you what i'm trying to say is buy a beanie baby yeah if you saw be a baby and went like this looks like shit but i bet i bet a bunch of dumb idiots will go crazy over them you could have made a lot of money should i invest in furby the fact that you know what a furby is means it's too late yeah all right can i invest in netflix i don't know i don't think because i remember when netflix was a bunch of cds coming to my playstation 2 yeah and i did qa for them on their ps2 build and you had to then wrench it and it was fucking ridiculous thank woolly for helping build the future of streaming services yeah single-handedly even and then somebody at netflix went hey guys
Starting point is 03:04:47 the internet what's coming up what's coming out okay we got cotor coming out cotor pockets the jedi haven't heard venture yeah jump man in his hellish hats this fucking mind-possessing hat oh mcron two is also mcron two super mario oh my god oh i feel like evil within two is gonna finish tomorrow welcome in mario odyssey i have one at so i saw the thread people talking about how excited they were to see the ending and one of them was just all caps amazing transitions yeah that person's right they are evil within two's final part is defined by amazing transition it's like mgs4 ask a bit better yeah no it's it's it's something you you might want to check it out woolly like there's some cool stuff in there it's
Starting point is 03:05:39 been a while a minute since i've let the waves wash over of lots of excitement for a new franchise that people like fucking love yeah followed by okay well here's how you gotta play the game though and like maybe like but no welcome to western rpg no i'm welcome to western rpg i'm not gonna play it the way you want to try to help you pick a scout i tried because i want to play it the way i want to well you're gonna need a skill monkey and that's gonna be in the past so you're gonna need one yell at the past that's in 15 years people will be looking at that lp and be like that's where it now that's where it all went downhill or uphill oh okay man how you play it well see well i've tried a different i've tried a different path for this one in which i'm trying to preemptively
Starting point is 03:06:20 be those people oh so that so that when you say no like no you've already said no to them also so there's nothing to do yeah but it's not working well here's what i know here's what i know that i know that the age of the game means my choices are way more committed and hard locked and especially since it's a dnd 3.5 campaign you're fucking stuck on it yeah did you level that stat hope you like it i get i get it i do i do but at the end of the day i live a stress-free life that'll get me to the credits on this game you don't live a stress-free life on the on the on camera with the pockets lives that's what i mean that's what i mean you have a high stress-free stat you know so i look by the way i looked it up and if i anything that i was the most worried about you missing will
Starting point is 03:07:03 eventually automatically be given to you okay even if you don't have the stats for it okay so okay yeah and and the the inevitable unintentional like panicked spoilers that are like i don't mean to spoil but i'm just so nervous that you might not know that you have to repair a cool character or otherwise you don't get them i i say that you know what i mean yeah yeah like when you're looking at repair exactly right that's exactly that's exactly what i'm talking about eventually the story elements associated with that if you can't do it will be given to you great great you won't get the stat bonuses sure but yeah that's fine you know that's fine ultimately and and you know like you know what let's let's preemptively say that cool things will be missed
Starting point is 03:07:43 no no it's not that it's we're gonna get them all no matter what there's not that much easily missable side content in that game like almost everything stays open till the last till the end okay kind of thing right it's that because we've we played a million games on this channel now right a whole million a million and one of the things that is the most infuriating even within two does this but we didn't have a problem with it which is like hey did did you advance past this fuck you you're never going back you're never because it's like almost a semi open world game right to a point and rpg's are particularly bad about it this game is not the difference between this and everything else though especially like souls games for examples is you get a lot of people
Starting point is 03:08:22 like uh just really concerned because they're you know in the souls community and they know about like everything uh in this game i've never seen so many this is my favorite video game i've seen so many people literally just going no no qualifying statement it's one of those watershed star wars games that just like blew everyone away oh yeah it didn't really have like a dedicated rpg i don't think up until that point no it didn't so and it's the first one that actually like puts you in a star wars universe it's the bioware breakout title and people yes it absolutely is peltersgate main is the breakout title you're right you're right you're right you're right mainstream though yes ballersgate ballersgate extremely ballersgate for sure that was very
Starting point is 03:09:02 popular yeah that that that makes sense like extreme but what because there's breakout and then there's mainstream like ballersgate is breakout and it's the first one but like star wars brought bioware to a much bigger scale i i i've never but yeah i'm really experiencing something i've never seen before which is like concerned spoilers you know people that are like i don't want to but i'm just oh you know and and like recently the same thing has been happening with ipo yeah where it's like oh man you're like so many like like pages are being sent where they're like okay i i don't know if you've read but but you know so i like i actually want to talk about well it's like now you of course it's spoiled i actually want to talk about the ipo thing for a
Starting point is 03:09:48 bit because i'm not going to say anything about it but but the tone that everyone has makes it clear that you can't people who have no what's going up with ipo yeah are suddenly panicking losing their minds and i will call it absolutely losing their mind and and it and it is like this weird warning of like you may want to stop caring about ipo type thing and it's it's extreme i've never seen anything yeah and i read it i read the spoiler i read it off i eventually it just came at me a page was posted i came away with my face that is the most interesting thing i've ever seen i'm now so much more excited for more ipo interesting it's curious it's a curious choice but one way or another the fucking like the shock waves of that chapter getting released
Starting point is 03:10:38 exploded to the point where people can't contain themselves i have never seen and even if they know don't know or don't know where you're at on it they're like i but you gotta i have never ever seen a fictional thing come out that the event couldn't be contained right you read red wedding yeah was bad because i don't follow game and i was unable to dodge all of it right ipo like people are so upset and so freaked out about the future of that manga which is one of the longest running manga ever that they're just going to you and like pleading for your like i don't know what the fuck i'm like like they just they need an outlet you know and they're like you know what this is you left it back there but when i read what it was i don't even blame them because i would be the
Starting point is 03:11:28 same way it's crazy so what we're saying is invest in ipo invest in ipo now if you get it now before the curve yeah get me some of them eco ipo bucks uh they'll probably be another lp starting up that we haven't mentioned but matt and i have not decided on it today not yet we will have probably decided on it tomorrow a dark ritual commenced in the game we have a list and the list sucks but that's kind of the point no no no new good games come out till next year so oh boy there's a lot of good old games yeah well none of those are on that well a couple are a couple a couple we'll see we'll see yeah we'll see yeah no no that's it oh disaster artist this weekend oh yeah that's gonna happen oh yeah oh that's gonna be bad yeah good bad the movie no i know but what was um it was a double feature
Starting point is 03:12:23 they're double featuring it somewhere somewhere in in montreal they're doing back to back room then disaster artist immediately which is a fucking meditation if you want to go into it that's rough that's insane that's a little intense but i did do i did do uh we well we did grind house yeah we did and we came we came back from grind house to your old apartment like screaming on the street drunk because of walking through mcdonald's parking lot just going over and over oh man the part with the girl in the car yeah whoa yeah yeah uh the james franco has asked how much of of of the room did you we filmed about 30 of the movie i've seen some comparison that's that's a lot of that's a lot of movie we remade 30 of the whole movie is there is like is there enough like unused
Starting point is 03:13:14 footage to just be a re-release i don't know because that would be because that was that was someone's definitely going to take the footage and then put it back into the old one james franco brought tony was so on to jimmy kimmel and and he sits down he's like oh hi and then he goes how old are you where are you from that's the that's the first question yes yes i love it i love it amazing woolly what's anything coming up on your woolly verses yeah yeah there's a really cool uh uh new uh concept that i'm very excited to start concept you might a new concept that i'm very excited to start to start shooting they poison that word um that wasn't a word communication concept is that gonna be this week your cool new
Starting point is 03:14:03 thing your concept no because like you know okay well that's not we're talking about it on this podcast yeah because it'll be next week no because i'm gonna be a kiwi you're gonna turn into a kiwi this week i'd be the kiwi woolly the kiwi not this week no well that's an easy drawing to make let's soon yeah so it's a kiwi with treads yeah i'll be down and i'll be is it still down under yeah yeah yeah it's under the equator it's down under into the side i guess i'll be done well australia is just as far to the side as new zealand isn't it um not just as but it's near enough okay hey matt you doing any streams this week uh none currently planned kind of yeah so nothing nothing solid okay i decided to do a bunch of streams this week i'm gonna do one on tuesday
Starting point is 03:14:56 and thursday and saturday all that monhorn well saturday is monster hunter thursday zeno blade and uh tuesday is going to be the new destiny dlc you see i thought monhorn's done just for money honey hey woolly oh you still woolly i have a legitimate happen i have a nerds took it away i have a list oh and those are an angry span of twitch but i have a legitimate uh request for you i wonder over the weekend i wonder what this one's gonna be i would like you to kill a monster at some point over the weekend kill a monster one monster the shadow guys either either a bereth an angina or a gray jagras can i start with you no i my head also immediately went to that but then i just like pushing shadow real though i need someone to talk to about the beta
Starting point is 03:15:46 how do i get in you have playstation plus that's it that's it i might try it and there's there's it would mat it would make me extremely i think if there's any of them that i might ever try it's this one if you guys gave it a shot because i originally wanted to try that 3ds one where you look like it was good can i just which one it was can i just pretend that i'm playing a game based on the character from marvel vs capcom infinite yes how long does it take to get to dress up like that uh they might give it to you off the bat the way that the demos work is different the the demos give you uh every weapon to choose from and the weapons are they give you a full set there's no customization they're just like remember the dark souls demos how those worked
Starting point is 03:16:30 they would just give you a build that's how monster hunter demos work they say uh pick your weapon and it'll come with a cool looking set and then they ask you do you want to go train which is just literally fuck around with the weapon and train and do whatever or which one do you want to go fight in there roughly uh assigned difficulties if i don't hear tasty in the first 10 minutes that shit's getting deleted well it depends whether or not you actually know how to cook a god damn braw steak will they all tell you okay no you want tasty you say you do it you get your spit and you get your steak you can get a steak from any one of those big dinosaur looking fucks you get the raw meat right you start cooking it right it's gonna have a little jingle
Starting point is 03:17:15 did like like a carnival thing yep when the jingle ends and the meat turns one shade darker than what it is from light pink to kind of dark brown that's when you hit the button and the character will pull the steak out and go tasty are you sure that it's the same in this new game it's always the same okay you guys just heard crazy talk activate after the jingle and it turns one shade darker okay okay so that's your homework that would very much appreciate it i'll even call it a favor if you guys kill a monster or two a monster okay i need content especially i need context from people who are completely new right who are looking at world with totally fresh eyes because that's kind of what they're banking on like it looks good
Starting point is 03:18:09 you mean you even looked at the character creator and went oh yeah yeah and i know and now i'm just going to be making comparisons to you know to fighting game so it's going to be interesting to see that that's fine no no no i'm i'm i'm saying i'm excited to see like those moves are there whatever lube you need yeah make it easier for me like and in some cases you'll be using them in the same big staple rub eat this i wasn't expecting this would work ah all right we're out that's that's that's a done ski see it ah you

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