Castle Super Beast - SBFC 227: Christmascast 2017: It Wasn't About Arby's, It Was About Abortion

Episode Date: December 19, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, that's a hot mic. It's a hot mic, but a cold Christmas. It's actually pretty comfy. It's doing that warm snow that I don't mind where it's not windy, it's coming down softly and the wind is not cutting, so it kind of almost like the snow almost packs the heat a little bit. Well, you know why that is, it's actually really counterintuitive and nonsensical. You know when it snows, it's often like, okay, so you have your cold ass shitty day,
Starting point is 00:01:00 like the fuck you out my fucking face day, and then there's a massive snowfall. You ever notice it's way hotter outside despite all the snow? Yeah. That's because when the liquid turns to solid, it releases heat. Science. Yes. Yeah, there you go. But that makes no sense because you think snow is cold and you touch it and it's cold,
Starting point is 00:01:24 so why is it hot? Well, don't forget that when you're in a plane crash and it goes bad and you have to eat the people that die to survive, you can pack them under the snow to keep them warm. That's correct. The bodies under the snow keep them warm. Yeah, snow is a great conductor. Fuck me. It's a great insulator.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Insulator. That's how igloo work. Welcome to the Christmas Cast 2018. Matt couldn't join us because Matt is Santa Claus. Unfortunately. Matt is out on doing the rounds. At the doctor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I think the real answer is way better. Yeah, Matt Santa Claus, but his gift this year was that he broke his ass. He broke his ass. Well, here's hoping he didn't actually break his ass. Here's hoping he just bruised it a little. Yeah. But the ice beat him. The dangers are real up here.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Anywhere, actually. It's a friend of mine who sprained either ankle in one winter. He sprained the first one and was like, oh, fuck. And was hobbling around for two months. And then when it finally got better, he slipped on the last step on a staircase and sprained the other one. I've told the story before, but my friend running for the bus slipped and busted himself up.
Starting point is 00:02:47 And he was like, no, that's actually more serious than just a slip and bump. That was, I can't walk for a while. That was a recovery. That was, I need to cane from now on. For real? For real. Cane forever? Cane forever, which became part of his identity, which is really cool.
Starting point is 00:03:05 That was rad. But it was a serious thing. And it was the worst because he was running to the library. He was running to catch the bus to go to the library to show off his new jeans. And so they had to cut those jeans off of him when he slipped and fell. That's the worst. Yeah. I think back, and I'm pretty sure I told this one, but I once had a slip and fall that
Starting point is 00:03:24 was to the extent that I'm shocked I'm not blind. You know, one of those, and it was step off. I remember the corner. It was like fucking St. Francis or whatever, but I step off the bus. First foot is good. The instant my second foot leaves the bus, first foot just decides to like zero friction just absolutely nothing. So I do a full horizontal like tumble and the midbrain top of my cervical spine hits
Starting point is 00:03:57 like the edge of the step of the bus with all of my body weight plus. And like I got up and I'm like that kind of hurt and I'm completely fine. But that's kind of miraculous because that's how you go blind. Yeah. That's the kind of head injury that actually just fell off. No, that's where you walk away going. I'm fine, but what you didn't see is something on your stat sheet changed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Some numbers just immediately went red and you don't know which numbers they were. That predates my entry onto the public scene. So it's quite possible that I did lose points, but now when no one will ever know. You don't know what happened. You don't know what went away. That's scarier. My eyesight didn't change. My eyesight's bad.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Because maybe the thing that you need to save your life is the thing that you thought you still had. And then in that moment you go, uh, and it's like it was lost on that day. You know, I didn't usually word salad as much before then now that I think of it. Fuck. That's a real thing too. That's a good one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Who loves a good word salad? Oh, God. Get some dressing in there. I have a buddy. I have a buddy that, in fact, you might have met back in our college days. And he was, I don't know if you remember, but he was like the cool like sports guy. You do a lot of like snow extreme sports and snowboarding and like a lot of slopes. Oh, that's not what I want to hear.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Thank you, windows. That's not what I want to hear. Well, they keep bothering me. I want to hear just update the computer. By the way, when you're not, when you're not here and like, yeah, you're not around. Yeah. I update the computer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:32 No. And I've said it, but it keeps requesting. It's every day. I've updated every day. I have. I have. Yeah. But he's sports, sports bro.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yes. Sports bro. He does. He did like, like, um, um, half pipe and like, and like downhill snowboard stuff. And he's super good at it. And he's all, you know, but all it takes is one. And there was one bad one where he went up for it was like, oh, not a 1080, but it was like, you know, a move like that upside down.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And he did the whole thing, but didn't stick the landing. And it's so weird because he just landed. It was a really, really high jump. And then he landed on his back in the snow and it looked like, oh, fuck, wipe out. Right. That doesn't seem like it would be that bad considering snow is usually pretty soft. You wouldn't think, but the impact was so much harder than it looked on camera. And he was in recovery for a while and had to go through like, you know, a lot.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And basically, you know, when he like rejoined and whatnot, and it was back with us, like definitely a little bit of like word salad here and there, you know, a little bit of jumble and a little bit of like a little bit harder, like to get to the end of a thought sometimes, you know, and you'd be like, damn, man, it's that so that's really the advice here to all our faithful listeners, hey, hey, you out there, never do a sport. Don't sport. Don't sport. Unless it's e-sport, e-sport is safe.
Starting point is 00:07:00 If you e-sport and you get that mamamama max CPM, you're good. Otherwise. Yeah. I mean, you know what happened, right? I sported. Uh-huh. I sported one time. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Do you know why I stopped sporting? Why is that? Because a fucker that was cheating on the other team that was too big, twice my size, twice your size, he was playing in the league for 13, 14 year olds and he was 16. Oh, that's crap. And he was taller than everyone on the team and above the weight limit and he was up against me on the line. That might as well be an adult.
Starting point is 00:07:37 And he, and not only was he bigger and cheating and crazy, but he dove and clipped my fucking knee. Yeah, okay. Right? It's the same injury that knocked everybody out of sports. Done and done. Is your knee? The knee.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Right in the knee. Fucking amabey. Fuck amabey. That's cheating team bitches. Fuck me up. And I'll have you know that the funny part about that whole thing, and I think again, this is, I'm sure I must have repeated it, but that was on a Labor Day game on a Monday against fucking amabey.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And two years before that, my brother, who also played for the same team that I played for on Labor Day on Monday against amabey, got fucking clipped in the knee and it destroyed him way worse than it destroyed me. Oh yeah. I was out for like a month and then I pretty much had to stop after that because I kept feeling it. Yeah. And him, he like, he, he had something called Oshkin's Slater, which means the top of,
Starting point is 00:08:39 it means the top of your knee joint is a Y shape. Okay. Oh, that's a congenital thing. He was just born. He has that already. So the hit you take, he's fine, but the hit you take to that is infinitely more damaging. Yeah. Cause it's like a wishbone.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Yeah. So like he got hit and he got clipped and then the rest of the body was like, you know, minus 14, minus 14, minus 14. And then the knee was like minus nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine. And then he was out. But his patella just like exploded. He was, he like, for, he had years of recovery of that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:08 So that's what happens when you sport. Never do a fucking sport. Especially against cheating fucks like amabey. All right. I was actually going to wait longer to, to talk about this. Let's do a quick, uh, couple weeks, uh, after this, but I have a, I have a, something that I've been wanting to announce for quite some time that actually fits into the story. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So, uh, long time ago, Matt mentioned that he went on to a journey of self-improvement and woolly, you have been, uh, going to the boxing and when you showed up on my stream like, uh, what was it a week ago or something? Maybe, uh, everyone was like, bro, bro, you're so fucking jacked. Okay. So little bit today is the end of my first month with the personal trainer. Hey, and go into the gym. Hey, and I'm down 10 pounds.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Whoa. Hey, change anything else or just that? Uh, I cut back on sweets. There you go. The killer for me because I have a problem and I also stopped being so much trash. There you go. Fuck off. Don't be consenting.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No, no, it's not about that, but it, it is about like, if you want to actually attain immortality, yeah, it's not going to work, but it starts there. Well, you hit that moment where you're like looking in the mirror and you're like, man, fuck this. There's that. This just got to go. Well, here's the thing, right? The funny thing about this time, there's a lot of people actually doing the same thing
Starting point is 00:10:34 right now. Yeah. One big one is because of that recent study that came out that went, oh fuck, sugar is actually cancer. Sugar is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. And it's, and it's, what it is, is it's not, but it basically, there's a study that came out and it goes, yeah, by the way, it's not that it gives you cancer. It's more that if you have it, it feeds on sugar like so, so efficiently.
Starting point is 00:11:00 It loves it. And furthermore, back in the day, there was a study that was put out that was being done by, it was being paid for by the sugar industry to talk about the damages of what sugar can do. And when they started seeing this same link that I just said, they fucking cut the funding to it and paid off a bunch of dudes that were researchers, paid off a bunch of dudes that are researchers, the equivalent of $50,000 at the time to redirect the attention and blame towards cholesterol and to make cholesterol like actually more under attack than sugar
Starting point is 00:11:33 was. I mean, there's good cholesterol, there's the bad cholesterol and bad cholesterol is really bad for you because you die, it doesn't cause cancer, cause your heart to explode. It's nuts. Big sugar is crazy, dude. And like, so we've had years of that and then like, they're just coming out with these articles now going, wait, buh, and people are getting scared. So yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:54 But hey, of the good news is, is, um, after like three weeks of like avoiding sugar, you're going to stop craving it. I still have one sugar a week because if not, I will literally go crazy, but it has become slightly easier. Yeah. It gets, once your body like goes, find it and you're like, no, you don't, it eventually drops. And I should mention something that I don't remember you or Matt ever actually talking
Starting point is 00:12:21 about, about like going to the gym and working out. And I think I'm a good poster child for it because you couldn't get more sedentary than I was a month ago. What do I do? So I'm talking to the trainer. She's like, okay, what do you do for work? Cause like, I play games. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:36 What do you do for fun? I play games. Do you do any of the hobbies? Oh, I stream. Yeah. Games. Yeah. Well, you like, what else do you like?
Starting point is 00:12:43 The movies. Yeah. And she's like, okay, I'm going to put you down as sedentary. Yes. That's, that's, that's, yeah. That's right. Yeah. And so to anybody, cause there's going to be a shit ton of people, cause this is our
Starting point is 00:12:53 last podcast until after the new year. It is. So people are going to be listening to this during their new year's resolutions. Right. That first week is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. Easily. It is the most painful. Easily.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Tiring. Yes. I was in and it's agony. Once you leave. Yes. For days. Yes. 100%.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Your entire body is screaming. Why did you do that? I could like, and I was in the things that I remember being in Seijep and like, you had to take fitness class and there'd be the guys there that are already really fit. Yep. And they're like, Oh yeah, I got that soreness from yesterday, man. That's the shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I'm like, like the soreness that, hold on. Let me, the soreness that I'm experiencing is agony. Are you actually walking around every single day with that? The answer is no. No, no, no, no. It is not the same. See, see, here's what's, here's, here's how you think about it. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Like these dudes and like these athletes in general train and work out and whatnot for a lot of the times that big event that they're going to need to push themselves to a hundred percent for you've been training all your life to sit down, that's correct. And play the game. I'm good at it. I can sit like a pro body has been like condition, condition through the maximum, the machine of sitting down and playing the game.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So the moment you break the enclosure of your understanding, right? The moment you shatter that, you feel nothing but agony because your body's like, what the fuck did you set me up for? Why, what are you, what are you doing? Are we being chased by a bear? This isn't what we're supposed to be doing. And it's like, so to any of those who are like similar to me, like a big piece of shit and are going to do the New Year's thing, that first one, that first day is
Starting point is 00:14:40 going to hurt, suck, hurt afterwards. And also the one that I wasn't ready for is really embarrassing because you get on the elliptical and you die at four minutes and you're like, oh, I thought, I was like, at least within the realm of normal, four minutes is bad, right? And then you look over and this obviously depends on your gym. And there is what appears to be a 90 year old man. That's correct. Crushing it on the elliptical.
Starting point is 00:15:11 A hundred percent. And you're like, it's up with that. Okay. Yep. Yep. Yep. And then there's, and there's always like a moment too, where it depends on what like variety of exercises you're doing.
Starting point is 00:15:25 But like there's that moment where you're in so much pain and you're not moving and you're trying to catch your breath and you basically go like, you go, I can't do this on a regular basis. This is suffering. Yeah. And the thing is, it's like, if it was all that first week, yeah, no one could do that. That's too hard.
Starting point is 00:15:45 And then the second time you come back, it is half as bad. Half as bad. And the third time you come back, it is negligible. Like it's fine. Yes. And ideally, like I'm, because I'm using a trainer, like every single fucking Tuesday, I'm pushed to the fucking breaking point and it sucks shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 But then Thursday's fine. Yeah. So are you doing it twice? I'm doing it four times a week. Okay. Okay. Nice. Twice with a trainer and twice without.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Okay. Um, and like you, I'm discovering all these different types of emotions that I didn't know I had such as I'm so out of breath and, but my trainer is there and there are people around, but if there wasn't, I'm pretty sure I would cry. Yeah. Okay. So that's the, like I'm going to, I, I'm at the point where I feel like I'm going to burst into tears, like I'm a kid because it's like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I, uh, for me, it was interesting because the, like showing up and doing just, just just working out in general is like, once I'm there, I'm fine, but like the willpower to go was just, I'm like, I thought I had it. And then it turns out that I didn't. And I also like would just on my own, I'd get really frustrated at a shit and just like, you know, the benefits of having a class are huge. The benefits of having someone right there, just to be like, the fuck you doing. Fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah. It are massive. And that came along side boxing. Um, and so like what happens now is in general, like, those first, like the first couple of minutes of boxing are just basically doing a ton of like, uh, ex, like, uh, explosive plyometrics, jumps, setups, great, you know, crunches, whatever, uh, um, things that tire you out so that you don't even begin throwing punches until you're exhausted.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Right. Right. And then you have to carry on the rest of the class more or less exhausted and last and then do a final, uh, like, like sprint, if you would. And, um, it is like easily actually impossible at the, like, in that first class, if you're enough, if you're like not in shape enough to be, you said to not be able to go to the entire class, it's not cross fit, but it's just like you can't possibly keep up the pace that you go to throw the punch and you're
Starting point is 00:18:01 fucking, uh, your deltoid just doesn't fire and your arm doesn't come up. I mean, the best you can do is touch the bag, you know, and then it's like, no, that had to be a punch, right? So, but what I'm saying is like, you're face down in your own sweat and just going like, fuck everything. Um, but then again, when you decide the next time around, you know what? Fuck it. I'm just going to go, right?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Or you do a, like, uh, like a mental trick that I've been using recently has been like, there's always going to be a moment where it's like the time is creeping up on you to get down there and you're like, there's a really good excuse why I can like do something else right now and avoid it or whatever. And like your mind will fucking work insane loops to get you to, to go like, fuck it, I'm not going to go today. And basically the moment that first thought happens, I go, well, the rule is as soon as I have that first thought, I have to get up and walk out the door
Starting point is 00:18:53 immediately, you know? So like, I've kind of like, I've had the moment and then the thought occurs and it's like, nope, I'm on my feet walking before I have a chance to second think it to double guess it. And like, you get down there and like when you're there for the third, fourth time or whatever, you get to the point where you were face down in the sweat, but then you're not right. And you're like, oh, shit, okay, this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And you're looking around the class and everyone else is like, yeah, like you're, there you go. And then you're like, all right, now you just need to keep that combo going. Monday is my favorite day because Monday is the last day of the week that I get to do with no alterations. Tuesday is the day where it always gets kicked up. And by, by the following Monday, I'm, yeah, I can do this. I can actually do it.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And then I'm like, I'm going to show off to the trainer and be like, look, I can do the 15, nope off. You want me to hold what? Yeah, kettlebell it like the fucking one that I did on fucking Saturday. The new one was fucking, I've never even heard of this, which is you fucking take the medicine ball and then do the fucking squat and then you crab walk to the side. Okay. I know that one.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yeah. Like it gets to the fan. Like it got to the point where it's like, I'm all, you're on your third set. And the 15 that I had to do resulted in me nearly falling down between every single rep and it's like, if there was no one there to be like, nah, just do it. Yeah. I would have super quit. That would have been so easy to quit.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah. It would have been the easiest thing in the world. Um, the, like, there's, there's an exercise that like from back in the football days to this day, I won't, I just, I don't think I'll ever be able to do it, but it's the crawling with no knees. It's like basically like on your palms and on the tip of your toes and like shuffle like a dog, right? No knees, just and crawl as fast as possible.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Yeah. And then crawl, hit the wall, crawl back. Oh, right. And just do reps of that. That's really funny because like, I remember like my brother and I like just doing that for funsies. Oh man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Our, our, no, but like my body type, it makes that trivial. Huh. The, the leverage, the leverage that I have available. Means that the force acted upon me is like one third of what you're talking about. Dude, it's so crazy hard for me.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I don't know. And like, so you're tall, you have arms and legs, you're leverage of shit. Sometimes when we do that, I'm just like, look, I'm, I'm going to do it at the pace that I can do it at to not fall over. Cause I'd rather like, it's hard enough for me to not leave, to not have my knees hit. So if I'm going slower than everybody, just please understand. I'm, it's not like, it's not cause I'm catching rest here.
Starting point is 00:21:29 It's literally, it's, this is, this is, I'm sweating this out. This is the, this is the speed that it go. Um, but then there's shit, like, uh, yeah, like use the medicine ball. You can do fun stuff, like slamming it on the ground, even like, like above your head and then down, carrying and tossing. And like sometimes there's the grab the hammer and just swing against the, the tire and just work out. It's like, you get a crunch, you get muscles, you get everything out of that
Starting point is 00:21:49 type of shit and then, and then some of them are legitimately fun. Um, but that's good. There you go. Right on. So those of you who are thinking of doing this for fuck's sake, goddamn, no matter what you do, do it for a month, do it for two weeks, do it for longer than the first shitty week. Get past that point because it, because I worry now, because I'm like, what
Starting point is 00:22:07 if I had quit after that first week? I would never have tried again. Yeah. That's, that's where, that's where a lot of people end up. And then they wait until they got to feel shitty again. And then all that would have hit my head is like, oh man, that was the worst thing in the world. I can't do that every day.
Starting point is 00:22:19 You know, that kind of thing. And then here's the other bit too, is that like the sleep that night is abysmal because you're, you can barely lie down, but on the nights when you're not sore in pain, the sleep is heavy and good. My sleep has dramatically improved, which is a big deal for me. Cause my sleep is shit. You tire yourself out so that you sleep better. Well, Willie, you also have like considerable sleeping difficulties, or at
Starting point is 00:22:40 least you used to, like I imagine this shit has improved it as well. I'm, I'm, I'm getting tired at the right times, you know, at the very least. And like now, right now, if I'm trying to force past that, it takes more effort. Yeah. So I'll call that an improvement. I've still like slid later than I'd like, like, exactly. But like, I've gone, I have actually been able to go to bed at one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:02 The first time I've done that in like years. So I've noticed that like around the time it hits two, I'm like, oh, I get a yawn in there and I'm starting to actually get tired. And like that has been going on for a while. It's definitely better than me and you usual like, Hey, it's six a.m. and I'm fucking away. Not even remotely tired, right? So yeah, you sleep heavy and better.
Starting point is 00:23:20 And then like, you know, you're, and you actually, because of that, then. It's weird in that way, but it's like, you do actually feel better throughout the day, like the level of energy you have in such as that default like for about a half an hour after you stop, no, you'll feel like shit. But after that, you'll feel great the rest of the day. Yeah. And I mean, the other side effect of it being feeling good about yourself in a way, because you're like, I did it.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Is a nice thing. You know what the way that I've rationalized it in my head is? Is like, I would like, there would be the moment where I'd get up on a Sunday and I would go play like 14 or fucking whatever. And I would like not move and then I would go to bed. And like, even though I didn't give a shit, there's that part of you in your chest that's like, that's not good. Yeah, I should.
Starting point is 00:24:13 That's bad. Yeah, yeah, but as long as I keep doing this, I can do that without fucking like feeling like the absolute biggest piece of shit, at least on the days that I go and work out. We talked about eSports. Those eSports people are all they're all fit. You know, they're running in the morning because they're fucking reflexes and shit. They need to be up there exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:35 And you know what the key to this is that you have somebody on your ass, right? Yeah. So there's a lot of folks who can't afford a personal trainer. Do you have anybody that you know that is fitter than you? Right? Go go with them. Have a buddy then. Yeah, that'll work too. One of the funnier things that I read is like they finally like the science
Starting point is 00:24:54 of like having the buddy has been broken down. And it's like, how much better than you should your buddy be? And the answer is about 40 percent because that's not so far ahead of you that it looks like discouraging. Yeah, but it is like it looks like it's within the realm of your grasp. Yeah. Yeah. One thing that does like it's not even suck, but it's just kind of like if you're trying to like visually confirm the changes.
Starting point is 00:25:23 OK, so let's like I lost 10 pounds, which is a good deal. Yeah. And according to Page, my wonderful girlfriend, I look like I've lost more because I probably gained a little bit with beginner gains like muscle mass, right? I look in a mirror, I see nothing. Exactly. I see fucking nothing. I look exactly. And that's where that's exactly where I was about to go. Dude, listen, it is the most frustrating thing.
Starting point is 00:25:49 OK, Pat, I lost twenty five and you see nothing. Nothing. It's it's bullshit, right? You you do not see it. You do not see it. And for a long time, you're not going to see it. And the only time you will is if you actually like take photos and compare them almost because you your brain just goes, no, that's me. Well, because it's too gradual, right?
Starting point is 00:26:12 It's too exactly too incremental. There's so many things happening. There's all kind of there's layers of other shit. Did you know there was a study that shows that people who see themselves as like like like overweight or like people that have bad body image, the bad not bad confidence. Yeah, people with bad body confidence like have been proven that like in if you take them and you put and you give them like Photoshop
Starting point is 00:26:38 and you squish a picture of them and go put it back to normal, right? They're going to like crazy, always overshoot it. And this can be done with a mirror, without a mirror. Yeah, they will have a reference point and still always overshoot it because your brain actually sees themselves as larger than they are. I had a I had a day like four or five days ago where I got like really upset, like depressed, upset because like I'm like I hit the scale. And I went, bam, 10.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Yeah, awesome. And then I looked in the mirror and I'm like, this has done nothing. Yeah, and I got like I got like this mixture between like depressed and like furious. And because and because I felt that before I basically was like, OK, now I know that I'm not I'm not expecting it anymore because the first time I started to get those drops and saw no difference. I was like, what what the fuck is happening? Yeah, and you just have to and then and then people tell you
Starting point is 00:27:31 yeah, like your girlfriend or your parents or whatever, because you don't see your parents every every single week. You see every two, right? And they go, oh, wow. And you go and in your fucking head, you go, what? Why are you why are you fucking with me? Exactly. Are you trying to are you are you being nice? Yeah. So even like that stream you mentioned, right?
Starting point is 00:27:48 Yeah, where those are coming. Everyone's like, man, well, he's so fucking jacked and so fit. And it's like, no. But there's so many people that I guess there's something. Yeah. But in my head, I'm like, not at all. It's the same shit, you know, and I and I expect I basically have put the expectation of seeing a difference. Yeah. Away.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And like you want to look at you don't get that. Motivator on the dark side of this. It's like, oh, this is the feeling that leads to anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, body dysmorphia, because it would be it would be such a strong motivator if you could see the changes. But you can't. That's like, I always thought, you know, the fucking what are they called a fucking body dysmorphia or big Aurexia guys,
Starting point is 00:28:31 the ones that are like, I'm so fucking small, bro. I'm like, you guys are. Oh, wait a second. Of course. Oh, wait a second. Of course, of course. You actually literally are seeing yourself as tiny as the scrawny version that used to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah. Um, and, you know, nuts. And I mean, and, and, and again, like even on that level, like there's, there's, you have to, you have to take the other signs where you can get them because that big one is not going to be there. Yeah. You know, like the, um, no, instead you take the sign of like, hey, I can walk up the McGill Metro stairs and not feel like a shit dude.
Starting point is 00:29:04 That's literally what I was about to say is getting out at the Metro, going up the escalator and being like, I'm one. And you're like, no, no escalator. You stare it up. And you're like, oh, that's fine. Yeah. Instead, like as of one month ago, if I went up the McGill steps, which aren't even that many, man, be like, yeah, not, not like the full
Starting point is 00:29:23 out of breath, but enough that people like looking at you and like, are you out of breath? Yeah. Like, no, no, and you lie and you know, yeah. So no, you know what you do? You know what you do there? You pull out your phone and then you just walk while you walk up the stairs while you're on your phone.
Starting point is 00:29:39 You're like, no, no, preoccupied preoccupied. Oh, hold on. Got to take a call halfway through. Yep. Yeah. There's no reception down here. Got to take a call. The best ultimate is always going to be grabbing your headphones, your
Starting point is 00:29:51 big ass headphones and wearing them with no music. There you go. There you go. Yeah. Um, or yeah, the building elevator went down, you know, and it's like, fuck, that's annoying. Well, I mean, it'll, but it's not going to ruin my night.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I have told the story of back when I used to live in my old building and I was on the 10th floor and the fire alarm would go off relatively often with no fire and I went on my fucking anti-fire alarm rant in which I described how when the fire alarm goes off, I wait until I see flames shooting out of the building to go down because fuck going up those 10 flights of stairs, which in hindsight, man, that's, that, that's crazy. That's not, it's not great. No.
Starting point is 00:30:31 But I, I've been there. Um, now here's the second thing too. The other layer of this that it's, it's, it's like, it's easy to just be like, oh, fuck that. That's too much. Right. But, um, using something like my fitness pal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Right. And just writing down what you're taking in on, on a regular basis. It's annoying. It's, it's, it's an extra step that you don't want to think about throughout the day, but here's the thing, right? Fitness pal had more like things in it. I would use it more, but the most common thing for me is like, there is no entry for this.
Starting point is 00:31:07 So I'm going to have to ballpark it. Yeah. And well, and so I like even, but the thing is that even ballparking and, or doing it one time and then relying on your own recipe. Like the point is that you get used to like what that looks like and then you know what that number should be. Because here's the thing, uh, for a while, if you're doing all that effort and then just eating past it, right?
Starting point is 00:31:27 Yeah. Then suddenly nothing's happening and you're like, what the fuck am I suffering for? Yeah. And that sucks. Yeah. That is bullshit. It sucks.
Starting point is 00:31:34 So if you at least get used to what the numbers look like for a little bit and then know how to keep it below where your caloric intake should be, you avoid working out for nothing. And then you go, all right, at least there's a benefit here. So like it's, it's like, it's, it's like, it's not a thing that, you know, it gets less annoying over time, but the main reason to do it is to not waste your fucking time working out and then eating past it. So it's like, consider, consider just getting used to popping in what you take
Starting point is 00:32:03 in on a regular basis and things like a sugar-free Red Bull are like, you know, it's got nothing in it. Right? It's got nothing. It's not great for you. It's got 15 calories. It's not great. Like it's objectively bad for my overall health, but not necessarily my
Starting point is 00:32:17 health, but as far as intake, outtake goes, intake, input, output goes, like your, your, your numbers are going to be fine on that. So consider that as well. Because for me, like what the three that like kickstarted everything into happening was logging those numbers so that I never go above, um, we're doing the workouts, starting doing boxing and eating ketogenically. Currently, uh, uh, the fitness pal isn't that required because like, uh, any, like who, it is difficult to overstate how poor my eating habits were.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah. So the, the main, here's the, here's the main shocker. I need to eat more. Yeah. Because the way that I used to eat is that I would have one and a half meals a day, but they were spiced, but they were, uh, fucking 1,500 2,000 calorie meals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Okay. It's starting to eat breakfast, no matter how shitty that breakfast is. And when I mean shitty, I don't mean like, I mean like a protein, but or some shit. Yeah. Right. Like, Oh, I'm not fucking starving at fucking four. There's that.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Um, but I guess it's just like the, the easy part now is like, even without, like, like I can basically do my fitness pal stuff in like 30, 40 seconds because I know, well, cause I go to Costco, I'm buying a bunch of chicken breasts, right? And then I grabbing a handful of like salad. And I know exactly how much a handful is worth value wise. So you just, you know, if you're eating kids, if you're eating consistent meals, then like as soon as you, as long as you punched those in, you can just, and I know how to eyeball a cup of anything.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Even if I'm out at a restaurant somewhere or whatever, I can eyeball a cup and be like, yeah, that's about that, or that's about eight ounces or whatever the fuck. You know, and so it's a, it's a benefit as well. But yeah, um, see where that takes, you know what results in a dramatic calorie decrease week over week, getting rid of soda. Yeah. Uh, soda is the single easiest way to remove fucking, what, 400 calories a day? For a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Yeah, I, I haven't, I like, nor, I can't, I like, I at first I was like, yeah, I'm going to stop that. I stopped that a couple of years back just because I heard about those things. And then I read that thing about, this is what happens to your body when you drink a Coke. Cause, cause it happened that like I was drinking a Red Bull right after I went to the gym and, and Paige. Whoa, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Whoa, why not? Don't do that. Uh, dehydration. I know. I also drink water. Okay. I just want it to wake up to come here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:45 It's all, but it's also like, anyway, regardless, you don't get a stimulant after a stimulant. The point, the point of the thing. Yes, I do. I want more stimulants. All right. Um, if like the, the discussion happens, it's like, Hey, don't, there's so many fucking calories in there.
Starting point is 00:35:01 I was like, no, it's only got 15. And then I went on a whim. I was like, I'm going to go check the seven up. See how much that has and show. Oh my God. It's got 160, 200 for a seven up. It's out of control. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:14 That's like five bites of a meal. Yeah. So that's the worst. So like, uh, there's, there's been like, uh, a time I remember like where, um, uh, someone like, like, yeah, like a girlfriend was like, had a, a Sprite or whatever. And I was just like, I'm super thirsty. Just give me a sip of that.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And like, I remember when you went on your sugar, like detox. Oh my God. I remember seeing you have sips of, of, of that shit. And you look like you were going to trip. Dude, it's like a full, it's like a full energy drink and a half. It's a, it's, it's insane. And I remember one time, like, uh, having, um, like, uh, just a bit of like a, uh, uh, uh, an ice cap, you know, look, it's important as ice cap.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And you're like, your heart's going to burst out of your chest. Can't you just punched me? Yeah. And you're like, wow. So avoiding sugar is not now even about like desire. It's about, if I eat sugar right now, my body will not know what to do with it. And I'll have a fucking insulin spike from here like to fuck it. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:13 So no, it generally becomes something that like you can't even handle after a bit to, um, but yeah, soda, soda's a good cut. Yeah. You know, and, and again, there's, there's tons of alternatives and whatnot. And like, you know, I, I like, whenever I have like water, sure. You can just see, that's the easiest way I've been handling. Yeah. But when you're, when, when you're craving hits that like, fuck it, I need it.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You can have a diet thing. If you need, you know, you can get a sugar-free thing or get some Mio squirted in your fucking, that's weird. That's fine. You, there's other, there's crystal light. There's different versions of it. But the point is, is it's like, when you hit your point of like, fuck, I don't want water right now.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah. You know, then you can just, you get one of those. Oh, and last, but not least, definitely stop drinking. Just stop drinking. Uh, well, yeah. Yeah, that's, that's, booze is like the single most calorie dense fucking thing you could eat. I don't drink that much anyway in the beginning, so it wasn't a big deal.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Well, I had to stop because of my fucking uric acid crystals in my joints. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which should have been a bigger sign than it was. Yeah. Uh, but, but, uh, what you can do, well, it depends on what you're looking out for, but like I mentioned for me, like, like my, my go-to of fucking Guinness and cider, right, get out the thickest, densest, craziest, like sugar, spiking, carb, carb, carb drink is gone.
Starting point is 00:37:39 That's gone now. And yeah, cause you think of, cause you've hit that point where you're like, well, just put it on my thighs, man, just throw it right on there. So yeah, you cut it all out. And then if you, if you, if you're out with your friends, you can sip on a glass of straight, whatever, like, you know, I'm somewhat lucky in that my drink of choice is a bloody Caesar, which isn't that disastrous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:02 But like, yeah, get a cider thing, fucking. It's, it's, no, exactly. You just cut that, just eat a whole loaf of red. Yeah. You know, or like, again, like whiskey on the rocks is, you know, you just, you could be, keep it, and honestly, it's not even cut out booze. It's cut out beer. Cut out beer.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Beer is, beer is the point. Yes. And for me, cider, switch to hard liquor. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. No. And cider is the, you know, same thing for ciders, right? It's like, no, you have to cut all that shit out and that's annoying.
Starting point is 00:38:28 But oh well. All right. So yeah, if, if I, the laziest, shittiest person can attempt this, you can too. And there's our public service. All right. The only other thing I did with my week is saw Star Wars. We're not going to talk too much about that. I'd rather not give people a chance to see it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 I liked it. I liked it too. Wasn't, didn't smash my dick off, but I had fun. Uh, parts smashed my dick off. Uh, there's that one part. Yep. And there's, uh, it's a good movie. Yeah, that one thing.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yeah, it's a good movie. Um, yeah, there's a, there's a little bit of just talk, but ultimately good movie, the only, only big ass, the only big ass problem I have is I think everyone who saw that movie can agree, man, that is too long. I didn't think so. I think, I think you can cut like half an hour of that movie. I didn't think so. Effortlessly.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Um, but yeah, not, not, not, not this, now's not the time for the details. All right. What about you walls? What do you do? Oh, well, I saw, I saw, I saw Star Wars. Yeah, what? That's crazy. Uh, smashed expectations in a lot of ways, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Go see it. Um, and, uh, honestly, I, because this is all like prep for trip time, it's just a lot of insane man at like dealing with that stuff. Um, and, and in the times that I'm not doing that stuff, I'm cramming in some darkest dungeon. Yeah. So you always go back to that now. I love it.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I know it like it's crazy to me. Like I can, I play it like I play the, the, the, the filler game, like Rising Thunder, like a quick match of a fighting game, fucking I love it. It's super great. And I can play it one session. I can do a short one. I can do a long one fits the timeframe that I want. Never get bored of the narrator.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Always liked the new things going on. So in love with that. I'm super in love with the Mary that I fucking wish. Um, yeah, no, that's my go to. That's my go to fantastic. And, uh, and it's, and it's amazing. They just put out a fucking DLC for that. Right?
Starting point is 00:40:26 Yeah, exactly on my birthday. Oh, they put out a new DLC. Yeah. And I'm not, I'm not even at it yet. So I don't know what's one of those that just adds. I don't even know. I haven't fully investigated, but it's crazy because there's so much game to play before you even attempt the darkest dungeon.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah. And I'm like, I've been playing for so long and there's still so much shit. Well, it's like you're in that, you're in that place where I am with XCOM two, which is like very similar in a lot of ways. Steam says I've played 86 hours of XCOM two. I've never even hit the 70% mark in that game. Yeah. And not because I fail.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah. Because I play it for 30, 40 fucking hours and like, I just fall off of it. And then when I go back a month and a half later, I'm like, well, I don't even, I don't remember it. I'm going to start over. I'm going to. So like when you, when you, uh, what, like for you to have characters that don't just freak the fuck out and run away when you click on the darkest
Starting point is 00:41:25 dungeon, they need to be at least level five. Well, right. Anything below five is fuck you. Don't put me there. I'm running like I'm gone. I can't do this. Um, and if you have, and then five is like, you're going to die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Right. Don't eat. What do you walk in and get killed instantly? Immediately. So like, so you're like, okay, I need to like work on them before even looking at this place, but, but working on them in what is otherwise the hardest bosses and enemies in the game is a challenge on its own. So I'm like, you're just trying to get the right party to even attempt.
Starting point is 00:42:01 The entire game is struggling to build a party that can attempt the final challenge, not even beat it. No. And when you guess what happens, right? Unlike, uh, earlier in the game, when you're like, fuck, this is going rough. Let's get out of here. When you, when shit goes rough at that, at those four to five levels, your party's gone.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yeah. Those characters are now gone and you got to find a new set, which means you're starting with newbies. Yeah. But you do get the ability to have newbies started higher levels at random because it's people coming into the, the, the, the coach and you don't know who they're going to be. So you don't know, you know, you might get zero one, two or three, right?
Starting point is 00:42:39 Say, say you get like multiple full party wipes in a row, like disastrous, right? Yeah. Are you able to grab new recruits and run them through the starter ones to bring them up to speed? I've had moments where the, where the game has an ounce of mercy on you, where you've, where you have multiple wipes and then it goes, all right, uh, some, something happened and a lot of people are showing up in town right now.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Okay. So they're like, here you go. What I mean is like, you, you are able to crawl back from like oblivion. Yes. Just start over with a new batch of people. You are able to crawl back and you would keep your, your town upgrades and you keep your town upgrades. Uh, you lose your trinkets, which is like valuable, super important.
Starting point is 00:43:26 You'll have to go and reacquire those shits. Exactly. And you know, you, but the crawl is there. Okay. Yeah, yeah. But fucking cause an excom, that crawl does not exist. Like an excom, you fucking, you have, you have your dream team. Get wiped off the map.
Starting point is 00:43:41 You might as well just break the disc in half. Yeah. It's time to start over. Um, but no, I, like I said, I can see me, I can see me fucking just pumping that on whenever I'm like, Oh, I got, I got some time to kill. I got half an hour. I want to break. It's, it's a, it's an awesome, um, stress reliever.
Starting point is 00:44:00 And I feel like I don't think there's another, uh, like, like I told you about that other game that I was playing like deep sky derelicts. That's like, it doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't have the same itch. It doesn't have the same thing. You know, I talked about like when you're on your, uh, tested and then, you know, you either come out with your quirks, you either come out like, Oh, the positive quicker and I go to work at all those moments of like, they're still just as awesome as they were on day one.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah. You know, when you're like, oh, powerful versus like paranoid or whatever. Anyway, uh, so it being a Christmas cast, is there any news of any kind? I mean, we almost nothing. Yeah. I mean, we can talk about like, um, Kimia getting really mad that, uh, Capcom is releasing the American, uh, street fighter collection to Japan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Yeah. Uh, I'll, I'll sum up that news, uh, with the, uh, title of that thread on our subreddit, Japan gets angry at having to eat its own medicine. Yeah. Uh, we can talk about the part where, uh, dead or alive is dead. But no, it's not dead. Don't worry. It's, it's on life support.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Um, that, okay. So at some event, the dead or alive people, uh, over at Tecmo fucking announced, I, it appeared that after the dead or alive tournament, they announced that the series was dead only to later walk that back and be like, no, no, that's not what we meant. We meant it's on hiatus and DOA five is dead and everyone's like, so DOA six. And they're like, no comment is like, what the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:45:34 It's very confusing, but, uh, it sounded like the team was trying to say that like they're, they're taking a break from that or whatever. More bikinis will not be coming to DOA five forthcoming. There you go. Uh, I mean, we could talk about the, uh, the final boss of the internet that has emerged in the form of a JIT PI, uh, there's the upgraded version of the Steve Buscemi, how do you do fellow kids? Uh, yeah, there's that.
Starting point is 00:46:05 There's the, what was, there was another thing too. Wasn't there? There was, um, uh, yeah, like Beerus and, and hit and, and, and so on. The super is now fully in on DB showing in on the fighters. Yeah. Great. Uh, you know, so there's, there's a couple little things that here, here and there, but nothing crazy big.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Nothing massive. Instead, let's get to these, these holiday emails. All right. So let's set the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the first one coming in from the FCC. What? Get out. Uh, you can't say that on podcasts.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Bro, we, we, uh, that'd be rough. Yeah. Let's never go on radio, satellite radio. Okay. But like regular S radio, we're doomed. We can go on CBC because that's Canadian to shit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:51 See that? Oh man. You want to talk about some goofy regulatory shit? I fucking, uh, the French, uh, Quebec broadcasting shit for French radio says that fuck is cool to say on the radio because it's too commonly used. There you go. Yeah. Like they, they, they absolutely don't care about the English swear words and the
Starting point is 00:47:09 way that like English people don't care about French swear words. It makes sense. Um, there's also the, the, the new app goalie up that I was told that I tweeted about that's a real problem. We gotta, gotta get ourselves a goalie. And we only got half an hour. You are being the most smug asshole I have seen in a long time. I didn't, I literally did not know you had it in you.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I'm so fucking like that just makes me happy and brings me joy that we have an app that lets you find a goal. Goaltenders are hard to find. Yeah. For 40 bucks. Hey, also to the people who are looking at Willie's tweet and going, what the fuck is a netminder? A netminder is a goalie.
Starting point is 00:47:47 It's someone who minds the net. Oh, fantastic. All right. It's not some kind of fucking weird internet term. All right. So we got one coming in from James. Hey, James, what up? They're super best Christmas boys.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Do you listen to certain soundtracks while working or studying? Bunny hop once mentioned listening to Metroid Prime. I enjoy Deus Ex and Shadow Run. Curious about you guys. So working and studying. Okay. Studying. I always used to listen to Metallica.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Hmm. Working. I don't listen to shit because the nature of our work means if you're listening to shit, you're fucking up your work. There you go. Like the sitting, you must have this experience. If you're not using headphones, like sitting and listen and working, like finding that perfect sync point or edit cut.
Starting point is 00:48:33 And you just hear yourself say a phrase like 20 times in a row. Yeah. And then they kind of look over at you and like, are you crazy? It's like a little, this is tedious as shit. Uh, you know, I'm hitting the buttons to go to get the exact sync, you know, yeah, you have to hear it. So unfortunately, like for editing purposes, it's a bad idea. But for, um, yeah, for studying purposes, anything instrumental that was like, I
Starting point is 00:49:01 mentioned, you know, um, um, Nujibes or Kenishi or Onishi Hara, like any of that. Like I like old school, uh, old school instrumental hip hop for studying in particular works really well. But soundtrack wise. I mean, if you want to specifically keep it on the like OST thing. I mean, I don't know. Uh, not really. No, I'd throw it on Champloo is what I would do.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah. You know, I haven't studied for many years, like seriously, because I'm not in school anymore, ha, but the actual out the Metallica album that I would almost go always go to was a SNM symphony Metallica, because it's the best one. Oh, here's the thing. Have you experienced the fun of like workout music? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:42 What is that? It's Mad World. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, that works, because if I, because let's go now, let's go, let's go, let's go now, because if I, if I listen to the Mad World and Anarchy Rain soundtrack completely nonstop, that is when I should be done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Okay. Uh, that works really well. Um, there's like, obviously like shit, like, uh, uh, Revengeance will get you go in, you know, that's not long enough. It's not long. It is not long enough. It's like half an hour. Um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:12 It's not long. It is not long enough. It's like half an hour. Um, but like when, but I like, when you're working out for like, this is, this is speaking to no one right now in the room. Like this is just, but straight up, like anything that's almost like, like militaristic hip hop, like chameleon air and chameleon airy shit with that like left, right, left kind of drum beat, you fucking feel it.
Starting point is 00:50:36 And of course, killer instinct. Yeah. You know, uh, it gets you in there. Absolutely. But like, it's like, those are the most, the most like, you wouldn't necessarily want to hear it while you're just walking on the street or chilling at home. But when you're trying to give 110, that shit will put you, put it in you. Um, get that grimy shit.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah. Death grips, whatever. Uh, thanks, James. Yeah. Oh, you know what? Actually, we should do is, uh, take a quick word from our sponsors. We should probably do that. Let's do that.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Um, we're a wonderful sponsors on this holiday cast. This holiday cast is brought to you by the sleep brand that comes in a box. It's the Casper. I was going to make a joke at Billy's expense, but I'm not going to do that. Oh, I was like, yeah, that's easy pickings, but he should probably, maybe, maybe, you know, maybe Billy wouldn't be suffering from such crippling insomnia if he actually took a look at this sponsor. I think that might be a good idea.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I mean, uh, Casper mattresses. We're talking about the mattress that comes straight to your door in a box. You cut it open on the spot. Well, you, you got the box. How big is the box actually? The box is about the size of like you. I'm no, I'm short. It is, it is, it is, uh, like half the your size.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Okay. So that's like, that's kind of weird that a whole mattress would fit in there. And you just, yeah, you, well, you cut it open and you see the whole thing unfolded. It's like, so don't do it right next to your China. Don't do it next to the China. Put it where you want to sleep. Um, and if you want to freak out your dog and be like, what is that? But no, the, the, the, uh, you got, you got different models too.
Starting point is 00:52:24 They've got the original Casper, the wave, the essential. There's different design mattresses, but they all, they've got that memory foam, breathable designs, you sleep comfy throughout the night. If I was not, if I was getting exhausting myself with all those workouts and then going to sleep on a bullshit hard mattress, it's not even good for you. You wouldn't even get the benefits I was describing. I'm not grandpa. I'm not going to sleep on the floor.
Starting point is 00:52:47 It's not good for my back. Exactly. And again, free shipping in returns in us and Canada, a hundred nights risk free to try one of these mattresses. I love mine. That's ridiculous. I'm holding that thing for as long as it'll have me. Until it says no, which is quite a while.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Cause mattresses last like years. Damn straight it does. So if you want to get in, uh, and start sleeping ahead of the curve, you can head on down to slash friendcast and use the promo code friendcast to check out and you get 50 bucks off. That's slash friendcast with the offer code friendcast. And that's 50 bucks off your mattress purchase. Get to get yourself a good mattress.
Starting point is 00:53:26 You deserve it. You deserve it. You deserve it. It's a third of your life. Get yourself something nice. You know, like you slip, slip a grandma slips a dollar in your pocket. Tap you on the cheek, buy yourself a little, a little mattress. Thanks, Casper.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Thanks, Casper. Uh, right. So, uh, let's see here. Who do we got? We've got Katie asking, uh, super best friends. When I was a baby, I remember getting a DS for Christmas. That's radical with FFTA. That's by far the best gift I've ever gotten.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I'd kill for the joy of opening it again. If you could reopen a gift from your childhood and get the same feeling, what would it be? All right. You go first because I have mine locked in immediately. Yeah. Uh, I mean, there's the, the, like the only, like the, the peak of high pitting of 14 on 10 was when we got our super Nintendo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:19 So it was me and my brother ripping open the SNES. And, and you got to have a suit. You had a wooly super Nintendo kid moment. Nintendo 64. Yeah. Yeah. We got one of those. That's, there's nothing that'll ever beat that.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Now I've told this story before, but I'm going to tell it pretty much every single fucking year on this Christmas cast because my dad's stupid mistake and not knowledge about video games gave me and my brother and sister the best Christmas ever. Yeah. It goes to get Sonic 3D blast for the Genesis, a game that I wanted. And boy, was that the dumbest fucking ask ever because that game sucks. Gets the Saturn version. Wrapping the presents two nights before mom goes, that's the wrong game.
Starting point is 00:54:59 That's wrong. You need to go change that goes back. Guess what sold out, but you know what's not sold out the Saturn fucking bundle for like 300 that has virtual cop, virtual fighter two and Daytona USA. He goes, well, it's going to cost a little more and I'll have to work a weekend or two. But fuck it. I'm going to have the best Christmas ever. So he gives us the Saturn version of Sonic 3D blast that morning.
Starting point is 00:55:23 We go, dad, dad, you screwed up. Yeah. And he goes, did I pulls out this big box? Oh man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then you just, you get to do the young Midoriya.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yeah. And then I played Sonic 3D blast once and then never again, straight up, never again. That game is so bad. But that's where my love affair with virtual fighters started. Dad knew best. Pat was dumb. It's good. It's a good mistake.
Starting point is 00:56:00 It's a good mistake to make. We've got one coming in from George. He says, jolly yuletide friends. Yo, and what in your opinion, what spots in Montreal do the best job of going all out for Christmas? The old fucking port. Yeah. The old port is is even way before Christmas because it's the old
Starting point is 00:56:21 port. It's already. Exactly. All right. So it's already a brick brick laid streets, waterfront. Well, it's the second oldest spot in the continent. Exactly. The only one that's older is like the garrison over at Quebec City.
Starting point is 00:56:36 So all the buildings look like fucking exactly a Christmas card. And you just, you lightly tap and cover all of them with some snow and then put a whole bunch of lights up and you get a magical wonderland. You get like Hogwarts. Yeah. But Frencher. It's really, really nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:52 There's no comparison because it doesn't have to do anything. No, there's definitely if you go up to they don't lay not Westmount because there's not a whole lot of Christian people up there. No, no, it's all Jewish folks. So Christmas ain't that big and Hanukkah doesn't have that many cool decorations to my knowledge. But if you go out to the West Island, right, the West Island in Montreal is basically the sequestered land that the English took for themselves. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:19 And they built all their houses out there and you can drive out to like the suburbs. Yeah. But it's like, yeah, like upper middle class suburbs. Yeah. You can drive around and see like people that go all out. You get to see the fucking people sink their house up to like Christmas orchestra. Exactly. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Rudolph like made out of lights crossing the roof and shit like that. If you want to go just because they have contests and they have so like if you want to go see all the entrance for the Christmas decorations contest, you can head out to the West Island. But for just good old classic warm Christmas feelings. Just go down to the old port. Old fucking port man. Easy.
Starting point is 00:58:00 And they've even got the old style lamps out on the streets too. So you can really appreciate those. Let's take just be careful because those streets are hard as shit. And if you take a tumble like Matt did, you'll probably do more than bust your ass. Yeah. I mean, the horses can do it. So. Horses have more legs than us, Willie.
Starting point is 00:58:20 They've also got like hooves that suck because if they crack, then the horse is like fucked. That's why you put horseshoes on them. Yeah. Let's see. All right. We got one coming in from is just like a big nail. It is. It is.
Starting point is 00:58:40 And that's really that's what I'm like. I mean, if I only had one nail, one finger, like that'd be so fun. And that's why you can pound nails into it. And they don't give a shit because there's no nerve endings in it. We got one from Niera. Niera says, Hey, yo, what up? There are Canadian trifecta. It's December.
Starting point is 00:59:00 So that means now Christmas presents family bitch laps. What? I was rewatching the cut scenes from FF 15. And holy shit that I forget that Arden slapped Luna so hard. He knocked the braid out of her hair. I have to. Oh man, I never caught that. He does.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I had to endure the threat of my mama telling me she'll slap the black off multiple times and watching that scene had me rolling and horrified. What are some of the best slaps you've seen in media? And I said some of the best, not just the best. Okay, some of the best. Throw, throw out what you can. Oh boy. In media, nothing, nothing's going to be like the best is.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Hey, Rick, come here. I've gotten something to tell you. And the full on Charlie Murphy fucking down powers pal on James in the in the Chappelle show bit. That's number one for me. That's a big one. Fuck. Oh, slaps.
Starting point is 01:00:00 I feel like any slap that knocks something out of someone's mouth. Yeah. Like a cigarette or whatever. I like it. Absolutely. Absolutely. There's definitely, it's either hard to say though. I mean, there's there's world star shit.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Yeah. Right. There's the famous eight ball jacket. Have you seen that clip? I'm not sure I've seen that one. Eight ball jacket. Just just like big like dude on on the subway and like for some reason girl starts picking a fight with him.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yeah. And like in his but I don't even remember what was happening. But all I know is was like, like he was getting like pushed and put and attacked by this girl and whatever and eventually just has enough and turns around and it's the crack where You see a hit spark. You know what I mean? Do you see the sonic boom coming off the wave? It's nuts.
Starting point is 01:00:47 You see like the guy alarm a little bit. It is fucking brutal. Okay. Let's think. Let's think. There's always there's always definitely that I mean the one they describe it like there's always that anime one where villain hits princess and princess's entire body goes sideways.
Starting point is 01:01:06 The backhand. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Like the body goes vertical kind of thing. That's always like ridiculous too. But I don't but I think like that's not as good as the art though.
Starting point is 01:01:17 The one he's talking about at 15 is like astonishing. And I like it's a character that looks invincible and okay. Okay. Oh god. Let me let me think who's got you know what I actually really like. It's not as visceral but it's it's the slap and it's usually a woman against a man. And the slap doesn't hurt but it's about like the disgust. It's it's just a physical representation of like shame.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um I will always say though that like because you brought it up though you brought up Chappelle like a good old face smush is more embarrassing than a slap. Like when he smashes by finger the girl and as he's walking through the club like the good old smush I'll take over a slap any day. Oh because that involves the no look.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Yeah. But yeah slap the black out your mouth is is absolutely a thing. Yeah really I never encountered that in my childhood. Really? Yeah. That's a weird one. I don't think there's much to slap out. Send us cool slaps on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Oh boy. From media. There's a lot of. Not from video sites. Okay so dear anime slaps. Dear overlooked mini bosses. Brent asks. Hey Brent what up?
Starting point is 01:02:43 Um to wish a Merry Christmas to you guys. And thank you Conley. Um Merry birth miss to Woolly since we share it. Oh cool. Oh that's nice. Being a December baby can be hard with cheap relatives who like to roll a crappy gift off as a Christmas birthday gift. Has it been a problem for me?
Starting point is 01:02:58 Absolutely. I think I talked about that. Every single kid I knew that had a December birthday complained like fucking crazy around the 15th. Yeah yeah yeah. It's just like we're gonna fucking. Yeah it's it's it I mean it's better like it's nice that it wasn't nothing so I appreciate the thought but it's just like you get so shafted man.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Anyway the one that the one that uh was the the one that made me like the most feel sorry for somebody. I knew a kid in high school who had three brothers and he's the only one who had the December holiday and as a result he was the only one who got that bullshit. Like the parents didn't even think to oh god damn it. What was that? Get office on this device. Oh fuck off. No but like all the other kids had the split birthdays and got the things that they like as
Starting point is 01:03:45 it should yeah because this one brother had the December one he got the roll in and like I don't know what the fuck the parents were thinking like he's too stupid to realize that shit's getting rolled over yeah that his gifts end up being like a 1.4 equivalent or fucking whatever but like sucks. I don't want a gift and then a patch. Give me two in the span of a short period of time. Like it's like oh it's not much for your birthday but don't worry Christmas is right around the corner and like the but with brothers and sisters that doesn't work because they're gonna be shit.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Exactly they're gonna be bastards. If you're an only child and you're in a December's baby situation then you're not you might not notice it because that's all you know but if you have comparisons that you can make to your cousins and brothers and sisters it's nonsense you see how horseshit it is uh yeah and if and for not wooly uh what is the cheapest gift you can remember that I receive yeah well don't maybe don't call out the person you know because that's kind of yeah. If the people that I had in my life that would get me chief gifts like the type would in fact just get me nothing so that's not the kind of thing like there were a lot of like oh nothing.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Thanks right uh like but the the cheapest like is like probably like a $20 gift card to the SAQ or something like that. Sure yeah gift cards said to come to you why don't I end up getting into a weird stalemate with my brother for like many years in which we didn't know what to get each other and we ended up getting each other identical gift cards it's like why don't we just keep them yeah like whoops uh let's see jesse says dear best friendos my brother and I pooled our Christmas money together and bought a 360 the year it came out fucking sick we didn't shut it off for six days hell yeah you did and it red-ringed
Starting point is 01:05:54 barring out barring the not working out of the box what is the fastest console kill time you've ever had uh does uh instruments count instruments yep fucking my remember we got back from fucking buffalo and my fucking guitar rock band guitar was busted out of the box okay so he said barring busted out the box okay barring busted out the shit okay yeah like like it worked and then it did not that sucks though that's a bummer dude sorry jesse yeah uh I've had a video card fail within oh god computer parts for sure in two days of purchase yeah yeah yeah no computer parts you don't you don't like you you don't always catch right well turn on yeah but it's a bad batch it's a lemon it's gonna go mm-hmm and if and if like the longer things are going like let's say you're
Starting point is 01:06:48 fucking uh like if your power supply doesn't work your computer's not turning on yeah that's right but if your fan doesn't work you know I noticed for a little bit it's gonna take a little minute and then you might start doing damage to your shit so yeah that's yeah I play I be lying through witcher 2 like you know it's a 40 50 hour game and I like got yeah and I burned through it in a couple days with the with a brand new video card that I bought for witcher 2 yeah and then I get to the third act which is much shorter it's like basically the end of the game and all of a sudden just catastrophic visual corruption and fucking video errors and just the kinds of like visual glitches that you're like no this thing's dying this isn't a driver this isn't a like that
Starting point is 01:07:26 that specific white crackle with video lines yeah it's like no I I guess I'd have to say Dreamcast because oh yeah at some point in the process of owning six of them uh there was must that there definitely was at least one or two that were good for not even like the time frame but it was like probably five uses before it was like oh no this one's on its last legs are ready to for as bad as uh the 360 is in that the 360 the original versions of the 360 they will die within a year or two like 100 percent yeah the dreamcast was worse yes you're like again I have bodies I have a dreamcast graveyard you know uh and I and that was when I learned how to like start that was my first real tweaking with like uh electronics and learning how to fix them stuff
Starting point is 01:08:18 was fixing dreamcast yeah the dreamcast and the 360 are the of all-time winners because failure rate is judged on a five-year cycle yeah and both of them have failure rates of a hundred percent um and the the dream it's it's not it's nuts and the thing with the dreamcast too is that like you can have uh different there's different failure states too because you can have the dreamcast that doesn't work or you can have the dreamcast that turns on but just won't spin yeah right and the dream that would happen to playstation ones too and and that you can accelerate by like popping in burnt discs is you're gonna fucking you know it's gonna it's itself into not working anymore um but those you can kind of force by fucking with the potential and then you
Starting point is 01:08:57 get to that nightmare scenario that you would do with a ps1 in particular but I think it worked for the dreamcast too where the track would wear out so you're flipping here you're putting it in turning it on and turning it upside down yeah or oh the ps1 works better on its side yeah I remember that weird away like come on but no with you with your dreamcast if you all if you used it in an official capacity and and and maximized its life you still had a shot of it just not turning on uh it yeah that that was definitely like that was about a couple months but yeah it's goofy because because the dreamcast like died early that that like despite it being objectively more easy to die than the 360 the 360 is the one people think of and like oh that's the the one that just dies 100
Starting point is 01:09:44 percent no problem right yeah but the dreamcast was worse but they discontinued it pretty early so that like that that skewed never kind of solidified they come they replaced the skew early on and they had that like that really aggressive and like a functional replacement program yeah that they rolled out immediately which is just like yeah please just send them all in get a new skew you know um the yeah I did that one time with uh my my old game boy and I remember like I spilled I spilled a bottle of 7 up on it and it was just done yeah I sent it to Nintendo and like they sent it back and it was like it was still a little squishy but it turned on anyway um we got one coming in from Jeffrey he says Jeff um I was listening to the old
Starting point is 01:10:32 cast so when I hit the Christmas one and Matt brought up Santa's compound after hearing this the image of big boss in a Santa outfit came to me what is your favorite holiday themed level of a game hit man blood money Christmas party really strong really strong one up in the fucking mountains yeah that's a great one shoot the pool shoot the pool yeah shoot the pool because there aren't that many holiday themed levels no because I because if I were to just say like in like a Mario snow level where the music sounds Christmassy does that really count not really um there is a really fun Christmas stage in dark stalkers there is there's a winter wonderland kind of stage that is like uh yeah and it's kind it's kind of Christmassy I feel like
Starting point is 01:11:37 aren't there David Cage games to take place on Christmas doesn't even go probably take place on Christmas uh yeah that's your favorite then what about Hugo Hugo stage is that isn't Hugo stage I thought it was just weird it wasn't their presents that but that are bouncing around I thought those were for Hugo I think I think yeah but isn't it isn't it is it not because it's like Christmas and Hugo's getting all those presents no am I wrong I don't circus I feel like uh I feel like it's Christmas in that stage I don't maybe it's not I always felt like it was just a weird creepy yeah it is no it's totally Christmas there's a Christmas tree and everything it's totally Christmas third strike uh Hugo stage for sure there we go
Starting point is 01:12:22 so you've got a vibe has a Christmas stage but it's pretty boilerplate yeah it's pretty normal it's not there's nothing too too special about that so okay I'll take that I'll take oh shit um um fuck the the fucking um uh the top of the millennium tower in yakuza okay because yakuza is nearly exclusively a Christmas series it's like die hard oh it always takes place it doesn't doesn't always but it quite often does a lot of it relies on that yeah yeah okay yeah there's a fun one in tag two as well in tag in tag two there's a fun Christmas stage but it's it's the light the lighting is nice but otherwise it's kind of typical um but yeah anything that's like you know out in a pine field or a christmas tree yard or whatever um yeah let's take one from
Starting point is 01:13:19 can I just say the nakatomi plaza it was in a game once I guess was it yeah which I hard trilogy fine uh that's game this dog shit okay so we got it we got one coming in from Ronnie he says hey guys um I know you haven't followed the latest cabin writer uh something happened that recently reminded me of one of those stories Pat told me about when he was so devastated when the green ranger won and it was one of the last episodes of the air was the christmas episode they straight up okay well did he just spoil the thing uh yeah I'm gonna move past this credit question because the question involves like spoiling the end of a common writer series so I won't do that not that like it's like
Starting point is 01:14:03 big deal because it's fucking cabin writer who but at the same time good guys are gonna win yeah let's not do that so sorry buddy um hey don't do that don't write questions like that how'd you feel when wolverines showed up in star wars well come on oh there's that news there's disney buying everything forever oh bow down to our fucking corporate entertainment overlords huh well hey on the one hand now we now marvel mcu act two can actually be the x-men and all that stuff get bobby hill and marvel yay wolverines back in the right hands on the other hand the fucking monopoly on the other hand the most egregious abuser of copyright law ever is now what do you mean mickey mouse is uh is out of like his public domain no he's not
Starting point is 01:14:56 should have been public domain like 40 years ago no he's not push that shit back push it back good for marvel video games bad for marvel fan works okay um do you have any traditional video games for christmas like diehard is a traditional christmas movie quote unquote all games you traditionally play around christmas from henry uh i guess the only one i could say oh from the hen from the scrub core collection producers the uh the only one we hallucinate the only one i could think of is uh if it's a christmas where like uh me and my brother gonna be hanging out for quite some time depending on what extended family arrives the answer is fighting games yeah right pass that shit around i mean mario party also does fine that's too no
Starting point is 01:15:45 it's too real for christmas mario party can can do fine if you do it on fast mode depends who's there but a lot of the time too it would just be going over and watching like the the new kids just playing halo and or like the no it'd be halo it'd always be halo it's yeah your family it's the halo and yeah i was like for saying i was like no there's well yeah there's one time it was like gta but when it comes to multiplayer stuff they're all just sitting around playing split screen halo i gotta pick up a a gift for uh my nephew who i got the switch he's got a bunch of them but i'm pretty damn sure he doesn't have mario so yeah there's an easy christmas decision for pet uh and since we have a lot of new listeners it'd be nice to just get this one out of the way
Starting point is 01:16:30 their super festive christmas cast since it's coming up soon do you guys have any great christmas stories to share we do and we've shared them all the old the old christmas podcasts are like completely non-topical yeah so they actually maintain their relevance a lot longer than the average podcast so by all means go back and listen they fit into a they fit in they work in a vacuum so um we've told just about i've told that one with my dad in the saturday the third time now yeah we've told all of them for people for a while so go back and check out previous years we've gotten those out of our systems i'd say um dear best friends minus matt uh was that predicted yes holy shit well because that was not what's the date on that that was not said today yeah uh well matt did talk about
Starting point is 01:17:19 breaking his ass yesterday so did he okay yeah he put out a tweet saying i fucking fell in the ice fuck oh but what was that sent before yesterday yeah so yeah all right good job telling the future buddy sprankton wants to know what fictional frankton yeah okay wants to know what fictional food you do you wish was on your holiday table porg it looks pretty delicious uh you know i mean for a while like i'd say butter beer but now they have butter beer it's overrated okay i want i still want to try it's not beer it's like a root beer i still want to try it that's fine the alcoholic version maybe even the slush there i don't think they're well they don't give you an alcoholic version of fucking harry potter world no you got to make it yourself which people
Starting point is 01:18:12 figured out slurm koopy i could go for a slurm koopy sandwich with a side of virility i want to try out all those fucking fantasy energy drinks man like they look poisonous oh i got one i want a senzu bean i want to know if i there you go a senzu bean salad a three senzu beans a salad a three senzu bean salad what are you expecting to encounter at your christmas power oh yeah yeah oh man oh or like any of that vanilla wear shit you know but the vanilla wear stuff is all based on real life so there's nothing fictional about that it's delicious looking but it's all real so uh yeah there you go i can't think of a fictional food like you know oh delicious looking that's not based on a real animal right that
Starting point is 01:19:09 jumps out at me because why would it then be delicious to you yeah you know yeah i think that's kind of the the the king yeah that's that's the that's the issue because i've like oh i want that special type of weird alien thing that looks identical to a chicken in this thing you know uh alligator meat there's a fictional food i suppose so um you can get that no wait for beer fest okay they bring it what about roux meat can i eat a can i eat a what dollar can i eat a root what the fuck they're getting worse yeah uh they're holly jolly matt little drummer liam jolly old st willie and pat the crampus okay this is asking for christmas memories again i'm a crampus your crampus um crampus is actually crazy cool looking what is the crampus
Starting point is 01:20:02 crampus is a fucking form of christmas demon it's got like giant like stag antlers what there was a movie about it but it is an existing old-fashioned thing huh okay i will say in like it's like an anti santa claus okay can we say uh uh uh fucking like some of those meals that iggy was putting together because like when you hunt those wild weird beasts and then he makes an amazing dish out of it and it looks super tasty some of them looked really good yeah i can't remember like in particular yo woolly here's what crampus looks like oh that's horrifying isn't cool though that's a really scary it's the devil okay well i mean there was the whole like anti santa thing in in like i want to say Scandinavian countries where like if you were bad you didn't
Starting point is 01:20:57 get a lump of cold you got taken away no yeah well not cold cold yeah yeah you'd show up it just like if bad children get kidnapped and killed don't be bad wow that's yeah that is pretty Scandinavian um so there's that we got one coming in from aron he says yo yo super best ho ho love podcast and lp's soul series being my favorites we all know frosty the snowman and the snowman by raymond briggs is a christmas classic playing every year here in the uk but if there could only be one who would want to fight between frosty the snowman and the snowman by raymond briggs i don't know what that is neither do i so we're gonna have to move on well done good job good job bobbing or waffles i'll save it by by swerving into it's possible i'm gonna ask
Starting point is 01:21:49 let's see if clumps is on discord right now so i can just ask him what the fuck he's what raymond briggs uh the snowman by by raymond briggs yes uh but again i can save it by swerving into a semi-related thing that a study came out last month basically that confirms that if you are an employee working in a place that plays christmas music over and over for the entire holiday season it is bad for your mental health shocker it makes you irritable and it makes you actually like you're generally at a higher stress level um i guess what i used to work in a grocery store that played non-stop christmas music yeah it it uh uh people like you like you have to tune out basically to to function and the all of your effort is spent tuning it out so you have no energy
Starting point is 01:22:51 to do anything else i want to i want to break down a really specific probably unique to montreal issue of working in a location that plays christmas music 24 seven montreal is a bilingual town this means that the christmas music track list at your local whatever is actually half as long because it is it's winter wonderland with the french version of winter wonderland on the same list root off the red nose reindeer with the french version of root off the red nose reindeer so there's only actually five fucking six fucking songs on that list and they just play ad nauseam all the fucking time yeah and uh there is one in particular that i fucking despise but uh you know what i'm not gonna say it uh but i will say that like yeah
Starting point is 01:23:43 there's a whole paper you can look up here on um the effect of playing christmas music early on employees and it's pretty much devastating so everyone that that's like working and asking you if you need a hand even if they're just temporary workers for that rush be nice yeah because they're fucking already at seven it's the worst and and spending all of their power holding back that they're you know from breaking because of that music all right i have some clamps uh fucking pulled together with a fucking immediate summary and video for our what the shit all right i'm gonna just could directly quote our buddy clamps here okay so the snowman is this cartoon they used to play every christmas in the uk and it was about this kid who built a
Starting point is 01:24:29 snowman then it was real but they go flying around everywhere while some choir boy sings about how they're walking in the air then at the end he wakes up and see the snowman has fucking melted and died the end Jesus all right so and you know he also put a fucking here's the video but you can see the fucking snow so there's a snowman superman flying around with the kid i see like the kid's lowest lane all right so frosty can't fucking fly no but frosty is straight up magical and frosty's fucking body transfers if you take the fucking carrot and all that shit and put it onto a new snowman so he is immortal it is so he is it like the snowman in england might be stronger because flight implies some shit right but as long as you have new snow frosty will never die
Starting point is 01:25:21 so frosty will eventually win the fight i mean the fight could last four months and then frosty will come back the next year as long as you keep that shit around i gotta press i gotta i gotta sorry to swerve i got a fucking christmas present and a half to announce right here right now what's that what's that what's that right now what's that if you love something set it free uh-huh in january the final game build of rising thunder will be released with local play to play for free forever and it'll be open source are you fucking serious happy holidays who put seth put that out that's just the rising thunder twitter account yeah that's super good now that's a lot that's a later build than the latest version we ever played
Starting point is 01:26:09 yeah so whatever they've been working on is like their new project so they're gonna take rising thunder make a free open source local player version and then throw it out there so who knows where this goes but that's fucking cool if it's open source that system is ideal for jamming shit in there exactly it is it is better than mugen and like and now we have a platform to fuck with yeah people take that ball and run with it holy shit yep yep absolutely absolutely fuck yeah rising thunder rate man their next game must be the shit if they're like worried if they're just like yeah there you go it's behind us whatever they're doing i am so ready for that league of legends fighting game
Starting point is 01:27:07 oh man they are obviously working on i are they it has to be are they i like it's like i don't know man rumors are are are flying around and nobody can confirm we don't know what's happening but if this is the new mugen it might not be because it's gonna it's not the same it's harder and it's it's 3d models but not right exactly and it's like i don't know if you've been paying attention but street fighter 5 modding and model manipulation has gone places the smash brothers so like it's where you're there's gonna be shit put peek a man in rising thunder this is it's gonna be a platform for shenanigans but it's gonna take considerably more effort than uh like something like yeah i know but like the the the just the way the inputs are already staggered
Starting point is 01:27:50 inside the build like makes it so much you don't have to do motions just it's a button yeah this is this is uh this is a really really really good present also rising thunder on its own is fucking awesome holy shit all right what's there be a new character in there just fucking bam who knows i mean they're saying they're saying uh basically the the actual article says inspired by your efforts to bring back the game uh we'd like to pitch in with a little help so here's what we're doing this that year this january rising thunder community edition we're giving the game back to you guys the community and letting you run with it so final game build we've tinkered with the old build adding offline local play quality of life improvements
Starting point is 01:28:40 local play will support keyboard versus controller only oh but it should be straightforward to hack with one player controller support through external scripting someone will fix this okay just to be clear this release is basically the same one you had in your hands when we turned off the servers please don't expect new character systems etc okay source code is for an open source version of rising thunder uh for the rising thunder thunder server so you can play match make match made games online um the original art let me read that again source code for an open source version of the rising thunder server so that you can play match made games online the original rt server is somewhat of a beast segmented into different services that aren't particularly
Starting point is 01:29:23 easy to deploy or maintain so instead of we we've whipped up a first pass and bare bones server that'll allow you to play online with rudimentary match making limited features we're making an open source so that if you're inclined you can tinker and improve it uh all of this is free and we'll stay that way forever um in the meantime our team has moved on to develop something new and we'll share that with you when the time is right but until then happy holidays from all right so somebody some team is going to pick this up and release rising thunder 1.2 or some shit well look exactly the the the community will form their their smashboards back room well guess what the answer the the answer is now solved forever hey i don't know how to play fighting games what do i
Starting point is 01:30:01 start with rising thunder because it's going to be free forever that's that's a good one that's a good that's the good job fucking awesome and i'm glad that like they listen to people to the community that was like what's up because that game is awesome and it was gone forever yeah no and i'm like i'm like i'm just looking in here and i'm like okay so this uh this reddit board is just handfuls of people going like oh man oh geez for months you know like that's all the the forum just turned into oh i remember when you could do dauntless and you do the the the ground power any news for private server project uh any any how can i play anyone remember remember this part ask riot you know like there's always just like all remember that there was a character that could
Starting point is 01:30:54 have a decent fireball game even though there were fucking cooldowns and how crazy that was yeah um anyway so this just coming in also uh there is a crampus funko pop figure so that sounds like it could actually be pretty accurate if you want to uh see the the crampus it's this weird it's the devil man it's the satan yeah it's the christmas satan wow this 20 january of 2018 is hey everybody fighting games seems like it you got the dbz beta you got a e coming out then you got dbz coming out it's rising thunder will be out that's good stuff that's good stuff i i i hope people do uh cut their teeth on on our rising thunder because uh yeah those training wheels need to exist and the fighting game with cooldown
Starting point is 01:31:51 is again a concept that that deserves to go a little bit further i agree all right um that's a good surprise just get back to some christmas mail we got one coming in from bevy and super best friends after hearing i have a bevy of questions after hearing in the podcast that you've told all the christmas stories what would be your favorite christmas special that has a show or series that that a show or series is done what's my favorite special it's star wars yeah is there anything better than that i i don't think you can really beat that that's a
Starting point is 01:32:36 fucking nuts it's locked in it's crazy yeah like there's a power gap between star wars and then second place whatever the fuck that may be probably muppets something sure um yeah boy i sure love the muppets and their continued life and use in this world jim henson was a pretty talented motherfucker he's a good guy he will live forever as long as somebody can prop him up with sticks on his limbs well don't worry disney's got that he certainly do uh uh go back and watch the fucking jim henson versus stanley epic rap battle for more context about the horror of this world well we should just buy all the other lp channels and just fucking just do that is that a solution
Starting point is 01:33:47 available to us to buy uh i mean are they for sale no well everyone has a price and we can't afford them that's the main thing everyone has a price if you go high enough but then does that mean they then continue making lps yeah under us or does that mean that all those channels just become videos with us well we know we get the rights to their characters but then who's actually recording the lp are we putting our videos there huge acme okay that completely broke down i didn't think that through at all no no no i can't say that you did all right they're super best santa pals i'm the manager for an escape room company in oregon fucking sick um the obvious break room talk here is if you could make anything to escape room with
Starting point is 01:34:44 an infinite budget what would it be so today i extend the question to you guys what kind of escape room would you make with an infinite budget uh what would the ultimate room of goal of the room be and what would be the big cool reveal i personally like to have a groundhog's day room where one room uh one where one big room has a wall in the middle splitting into two smaller ones and um it goes into detail so yeah there's some there's some stuff but it would be a groundhog's day bill marie nightmare i i've talked about this a bit with friends coming out of escape rooms and stuff and like we've we've like talked about how cool it would be if there was like a couple of scenarios right i think you could actually do a really awesome nonary game yes right i think you
Starting point is 01:35:35 could actually pull that off the no budget is nine persons nine doors nine rooms exactly like and and nine hours sorry whatever and of course there's the there is trust on trial which isn't a zero escape themed uh escape room but like a whole boat yeah you know of that shit would be fantastic i'm thinking the other the the the idea i was thinking of was uh almost it's less of an escape room and more of an immersion thing but if you can do one of those like where we rent it out and abandon town yeah things then you can create like limits and basically go all right so you're here for let's say three days and like you're in it the whole time and you have you have the equivalent like it doesn't have to necessarily be zombies but there can definitely be like a an encroaching
Starting point is 01:36:25 threat in the form of like people that work for the company um i can't find you and there was a business venture that never went through but there were a couple guys who ran a paypal company yeah and what they wanted to do was buy up something like 10 square miles of detroit oh that was totally uninhabited and abandoned pay war and turned it no they wanted to turn it into a fucking zombie apocalypse okay yeah yeah all right yeah and detroit was like no we're not selling off parts of the city for paint what no um oh shit something a little more reasonable i would like a reverse escape room okay i would like a scenario in which uh it requires an actor to be in there with you but it is basically you are trying to escape from let's say a prison cell
Starting point is 01:37:18 or what a you know a large prison environment and the actor is a murderer monster anything yeah and they are trying to get through their sequence of the escape room yeah to you yeah and the escape room is less about escaping but it's more about creating escape room puzzle like solving the escape room puzzle that seals the door and slows them down right right right okay that could be interesting like as long as you can see their progress like instead of you have 50 minutes to escape it's like this door will open and let you out in half an hour yeah but and all the puzzles do is put increasing locks and barriers in between you and the the actor knows how long to spend on them okay and like as a result the actor also gets physically closer to you in the room as you are
Starting point is 01:38:14 solving these competitive competitive escaping well it's it's a fake competition because they're they're actually on a timer they're actually like looking at their watch and be like okay that'd be fun that'd be fun um because a lot of people just would not be able to complete any part of that at all or you can go for the and there's a version of this that i did uh in montreal here but like definitely a more full-blown uh almost time crisis like co-op experience where you can go out you're on separate paths that converge and then you have to separate again uh would be a really nice thing but i think if you have a big abandoned place to play with you can do everyone has the idea that you can do a big immersive experience the groundhog day version like i can imagine there are elements of
Starting point is 01:38:53 this because it's the most budgety one at all and it is literally like it is a fucking quantum mechanics thing of like there are two identical rooms yeah and one is in the past and one is in the future and what it takes let's say several minutes to go through the wall like and that gives people on the other side time to modify the room in accordance to things you have changed in the past well dude i mean like look what what's to stop you with enough space from making a pt hallway that connects to a pt hallway that connects to either need a ton of space or some severe mechanization that will actually like raise and lower you to different platforms or or uh yeah either yeah either there's mechanization involved to make it repeat yeah or but you'd feel the
Starting point is 01:39:43 rumble of that and it kind of kill it well no you know what you would do you your pt hallway is nine stories because at the end of pt you go down one you'd go down one floor to the basement so then it just keep yes it's it's it's like nine stories and then each story is identical but increasingly that would do it that would definitely do it but you need nine stories so the hallway to do that well dude let's sleep no more in new york is like an abandoned fucking warehouse hotel yeah that that has like six floors of bullshit going on so it is possible but not everyone is willing to be trapped in that kind of scenario to like like you need enough people that are willing to to pay to be put into that kind of fucked up thing um and i and i and i think i described it
Starting point is 01:40:27 before like there's a thing out in the in the woods here in near montreal where uh you go and have the zombie escape escape experience but like there's different levels of like what are you in for and like if you wear a green shirt it means like i just want to watch and run and if you wear a yellow shirt it means i'll down for some scary stuff but not too too much and then the red shirt is the the fucking people can accost you i can be grabbed thrown into a van and forced to eat worms yeah like they straight up tell you like you can get put into some fucked up boxes you want to wear the red shirt okay sign this yeah exactly exactly so um i am not responsible for your ass getting kicked yeah but that exists you know when i went to universal studios japan and we did like the
Starting point is 01:41:12 zombie forest walk that was the one thing that it's like the bigger suspension of disbelief is not zombies attacking you it's actors running right up until you to your face but in your heart it's like i know they can't touch me of course and it's like yeah that kind you know like and and that's like being a kid yeah you don't have that well that's why you'd have to have a like a protect my flag or don't get you know what i mean like a game for a part of it because let's say you did like the spencer estate yeah right that could be a cool scenario to be in but then what happens when you get touched you know costed or or cornered or whatever if you know that like well these actors aren't allowed to actually physically touch me yeah there's not a whole lot of threat you can have
Starting point is 01:41:59 unless there's an object on your person that they can grab and you lose yeah although it would be fun to see like a dog running up to you with like fake like a sweater of its meat hanging off and it just kind of like runs up to you and licks you you know and you're trying to get like the yeah you know just stay and pet the dog yeah exactly like one of its it has like a fake like leak of its its brain sticking out but it's just made of clear like reminds me of that fucking nonsense kennel in a cell match uh what boss man and fucking um i'll snow had the fucking hell in a cell with dogs ringing the arena and all the dogs were like really nice and like a bunch of them took shits on the floor and it's like awesome like they go they go to the edge and the dog jumps up and
Starting point is 01:42:47 like starts licking al's back right right okay that's you can always put you could put the dog in a one of those giant spider outfits it's horrifying you saw that video oh that's it's scary that'll get you that'll get you no matter how cute the dog is uh there's a certain part of your brain that sees certain shapes at certain distances and goes yeah exactly fuck that okay so we got one coming in from the dire dough like do u gh do e oh like a like a fucking deer's i was getting into the holiday season by listening to some past christmas casts and i got me thinking my own past christmas experiences especially especially the whole santa thing one of the things i thought about was how carefully my parents crafted the whole santa lie
Starting point is 01:43:38 you see i grew up pretty poor and my parents didn't want me wondering why santa would be bringing me a simple doll but he'd be giving my friends playstations or xboxes right so they told me that santa and his elves would make toys at his workshop um but the parents had to pay for the raw materials that made sense to me at least until i tried to explain it to one of my younger cousins and that led to me realizing santa wasn't real my question is did your parents do the whole santa claus lie thing and how when did you start doubting them um that's a pretty elaborate situation to so my not only put on a kid did my parents lie super good uh they lied too good which led to me finding out santa wasn't real after i got in trouble at school for fighting a kid for telling
Starting point is 01:44:23 me that santa wasn't real because like i'm one of those kids that was like extraordinarily close to his parents like probably too close like clingy uh so it's like how dare you call my mom and dad liars right fists get thrown right and then they the the the principal's like okay i'm not i was a grade three it was like eight or nine and he's like all right go go ask your mom and she'll he didn't break it they have to wait for it yeah okay well they're the only ones who can't at that point yeah and i was super pissed it's so real to me and no i was pissed because like mom i just fought a kid oh yeah yeah i i kicked his ass and that's bad and now i'm right um but the reason why i was so adamant is because my brother sister and i totally fucking got my parents one
Starting point is 01:45:21 year we fucking like so i'm for my brother's eight my sister's 12 and so sister stays out of it because she knows right me and the brother brother's just about on the cusp but i'm still full in right and uh my dad had gotten a video camera for uh videotaping fucking you know hallways and shit right so i'm asking a million questions like hey how's and do that right and he goes oh it's magic and so he puts the fucking you know because we we had like a chimney a human being couldn't get down it's like how oh it's magic oh this is magic and it's like i don't know man that seems you know really convenient or whatever and they're kind of losing us and then just like you'll just have to trust us kids you know that kind of thing mm-hmm and then my brother and i come up with it
Starting point is 01:46:14 he's like hey wait a sec hey dad he's like yeah what like let's just catch santa and he like goes what do you mean it's like just put your video camera in front of the tree all night yeah and record santa put in the presents like and at the time i was like yeah yeah everyone's excited but in hindsight when i look back the memory i see my mom and dad like juggling and being like right so what they ended up doing was pointing a camera at the fucking tree all night and then they stopped and started it in such a way that presents just appeared interview right one after another yeah and at one point there's like oh santa must have thought sandy our little dog was a present so sandy appears in front of the tree and sandy disappears and
Starting point is 01:47:05 like as me and my oh my god it's you oh it's so crazy it's magic and because of that and my parents would never lie i mean that that's how that belief became so strong i can't believe they got around it and they like good job the fucking good job that's impressive but like so in the conversation with my eight or nine like then what the hell was that video yeah yeah it's like well we just stopped the camera and we turned it on again went editing that's impressive that adults will lie to you never trust them huh um it was tongue i think like i said uh like when i think back on it like i said we must have covered it in the stories but like i feel like it was tongue in cheek from day one because of the jesus and the the what not and i remember watching the the videos at church
Starting point is 01:47:58 about how like the origins of the cults and and old nick and the children getting kidnapped and sacrificed and wait what i think it ties into the whole what i just said i missed that part kind of thing but like there's like no no there's these people that use it's the same the same video series that was teaching that was like scaring everybody about halloween right and teaching about what you're messing with like it's the same people putting out their christmas video about old nick you know the the not not not um not jolly saint nick you know and and and how it was like santa and satan or the saint whatever it was a crazy fucking stupid thing the nicholas is a god damn saint though like he's an actual saint though yeah and then it's and uh yeah and oh but that's
Starting point is 01:48:42 for the catholics and you guys just have a dad that doesn't count again at some point i'll like at some point child sacrifice was brought up and i fucking rolled my eyes and just went like all right you're telling me but uh my buddy jimmy is worried about shut but he just got a xbox or a super nintendo ur yeah so it was with the same the same vein of like although it's weird because they like it was all too tongue-in-cheek in a way uh but the tooth fairy was one that was taken pretty seriously for some reason like that's stupid that was a weird that was one where i because it was just there was just no the discussion never happened and it's such a minor thing when i when your teeth fall out that you're like oh yeah and then i get my loony or i get my
Starting point is 01:49:29 my dollar or whatever my five bucks but yeah that was one that was like it was such a minor interaction with no fanfare that i ended up i think believing that one the longest yeah yeah i think so and let me ask you because my and because i sleep so fucking heavy my it's not hard to stick a fucking part of my parents my parents fucking told me about the fucking tooth fair being fake as shit real early um because like like i i'm a fucking i was a greedy ass child and like oh i get two bucks or a dollar it changes over your right for for a tooth like this one kind of feels loose exactly yeah we we all do and then like you come out and you just blood all over your fucking face you've been digging at it for an hour yeah like look my tooth yeah yeah like oh
Starting point is 01:50:17 all right that's this is backfired horribly how much money did you get i got a dollar to start and then like when i was little little little and then when i from from like four to like six or seven i got two bucks i got a two dollar bill okay yeah i feel like i feel like i went from a loony to uh to at least five bucks at some point and that was like holy shit i might have gone to five bucks if i hadn't a fucking ruined it for myself right oh man yeah five dollars because i because there's that moment that's a job full that's a full time job is that moment when you walk in and it's a kid with blood all over and your parent go what the hell are you okay no it's a tooth uh let's see here that's uh it's totally worth it yeah this hurts you gotta yeah you gotta you
Starting point is 01:51:12 gotta get the truth out there at some point before people get punched and or start punching themselves which are both of you'll have to judge that for your own kid right some kids won't fight another kid over lies they'll just come home sad and be like why and other kids like me will just bust that kid's ass because he's calling my parents liars i never apologized to him fuck him okay let's see here um yeah uh no this one is just asking about workout music again uh huh oh that must be new as shit yeah hey megalovania that's a pretty good that's a pretty good suggestion actually megalovania would be good listening what is it telling you that you're
Starting point is 01:51:55 going to have a bad time i mean i can see that getting you into it all right uh hunter wants to know um there are three wise friends the tim allen movie the santa clause tim allen accidentally kills santa and is magically forced to take his place because that universe uh has whoever kill the current santa become the next santa yeah that is the rule uh so santa has to be a killer that's you uh however it's accidental however in the third movie jack frost jealous of tim allen's position to santa travels back in time kills the previous santa himself and becomes the next santa instead of tim allen in doing so he creates the dark timeline of the santa clause universe where the north pole is an ultra capitalistic dictatorship parents have to bribe santa in
Starting point is 01:52:38 order to get their children on the nice list and christmas has been renamed to frost miss that was fucking uh oh it was uh dana carvey yeah i think with dana carvey virginal yeah so my question is yes yeah okay if if if you killed santa by accident and had to take his place would you become a good santa like tim allen or an evil santa like jack frost and how would you reinvent christmas in order to fit your own personal style and sense of aesthetic i would yeah okay i would use my position okay so i'd be a little bit of both right i would use the evil capitalistic methods in order to do good for the kids what i would do as santa is use my position as the world's largest uh source of free labor and economic like influence to affect the world
Starting point is 01:53:31 economy as i see fit it's like hey apple put the headphone jack in yeah oh you're not going to put the headphone jack back in okay i guess everyone in the world got a free ipod that you didn't get money for eat it eat it fuckers uh my my christmas style my death style would be christmas is now a tournament for what everyone everyone gets to sign up and fucking everyone has rounds to get through so the naughty kids are the fucking brutalizers of the turn like what is this a fighting tournament what is it is a tournament uh it can't just be fighting games because that's not no i said fighting oh god well it would it would have to be a random skill based tournament and or random activity tournament and and the winner and the higher up in the brackets you get the better your
Starting point is 01:54:31 presence are that's fucking nothing yeah that's you get you get double a limb you're fucking doing hunger games with you get double a limb so you can make your way back up from the loser's bracket but uh the higher you go the better your the better your shit how are you gonna do seating on fucking two billion entrance well you uh you just make sure that you're not fighting anyone from your same neighborhood is all you have to fight someone from another country at least for the first couple rounds and eventually we uh you know you make your way out and then you wait it and then you have your top eight this feels like the secret plan to eugenics hey it looks like people from this country just win every year and then you get maybe that's the way forward the winner gets to be
Starting point is 01:55:13 the king of iron christmas okay and that entails what what does that entail getting the best presence and uh yeah and then you have to they rule over the other children well no then you have to defeat me okay the adult the the or the organizer of the tournament who therefore must be the last boss is this you it's this like you being like i have defeated the strongest child in the world i am woolly i'm i am if you if you make your way up to me and then you can challenge and defeat me that's like working up the tournament to fight coro that's bullshit then you uh you win the ability to uh to change the rules next time and do what you want you get to oh it's that it's that rule set it's like you weren't you be become the santa there you go that's what it is so it would be one year
Starting point is 01:56:03 but it would be fucking rad and then who knows maybe that kid that one would be like yeah i like that shit let's do it again let's run it back and then we get a new a new lore i'm down it's you're just all right yeah i was gonna wreck the world economy but somehow you went darker just remove the word economy from that sentence uh let's what happens to the people who lose in the first bracket of losers they get fed to the reindeer i mean a lump of coal is fine all right you can do it like that that's simple enough santa's going green you get a solar panel a lot of lump of coal or like i what like where would you have it though like do you have do you teleport all the
Starting point is 01:56:54 kids to christmas island wait what christmas island where then they know north pole north pole is like an endless field man yeah yeah you just you'd have to do it up there yeah yeah you know there's no law there right no no no it's it's uh it's a weird international polar yeah it's polar law yeah absolutely anything goes all right um our friend rocky took a picture at the north pole guess what there's fucking nothing my throne would be there oh that's the shittiest place for a fucking throne that's like minus 50 on a good day oh man that'd be so sick all right are you do you just want to be the litch king is that what you want like if i i'm just saying if i was a kid and i was in that world i'd get hype as fuck if you had to like pub g in a bunch of kids over the north pole or they
Starting point is 01:57:48 drop in oh man survive 30 of them just didn't open their parachutes just every child gets a shot that'd be rad i'd be so into it as a kid i'd love it i'm just saying pub g is your favorite christmas level i'm saying i'm creating the christmas i would have wanted in my world that's what i'm creating find in fucking items and shit and see that fantasy only works under the assumption that's like yeah i'm not i may not win but i'm gonna get pretty far you never like get the assumption like no i'm gonna get knocked out round one yeah set one i earned my xbox we got uh got one from um kublai gengis he says what up booper set fat booper fest trends got it uh i can't handle the same old christmas songs being played every year it's
Starting point is 01:58:45 traditional but i personally like the covers of those classics um what do you think are some good alternative christmas songs uh are kelly's 12 nights of christmas album that i recently discovered is a classic that i love i disagree i actually like the classic versions bingkrosby may be a monstrous piece of shit but his pipes are solid no i like a lot of the time i think i'd go for a remix over the classics uh depends but there's so there's a lot so it's hard to say you know but yeah and it depends too because like what we would consider a classic other people might not in the sense that like if you live in kebek i feel like salindi on fucking singing uh fall on your knees no you know like i feel like like that that's
Starting point is 01:59:41 considered a classic to us but other people would consider that alternative so i don't consider that a classic no salindi on it's not a national treasure yeah whatever i feel like i got over her real fast like faster than anybody around like titanic i was over all right all right brett wants to talk about shania twain now there's a national treasure what's your favorite holiday tradition from brett i don't have any traditions i don't got a very traditional family like we don't like we just say like christmas christmas this year is i'm gonna hang i'm gonna see my immediate relatives and we're gonna have dinner like that's i had a i had a buddy who organized festivist parties and those were for the rest of us yeah
Starting point is 02:00:26 yeah and uh you got the feats of strength the feats of strength were notably absent from the celebrations but we did we did celebrate festivist and there was in fact the festivist poll fuck off really yeah so i appreciate that that's so bad okay um draig asks their non-specific winter holiday cast now that the year's coming to a close we can safely look back at the year and see that a lot of successes and a ton of failures happened uh among those failures some games were pretty much born to die within the air like for honor yeah what games do you think collapse and died super hard this year well you for honors the winner you said it so the fact that they had that tournament um uh the the player who won it like
Starting point is 02:01:13 used the unlock bug and he used the unlock bug the whole way through and no one could touch him now they the the season three push was huge they had a lot of new content and a lot and they kept that going for a bit so that is definitely they didn't fix any of the game structural problems um they they did they fixed the the uh money thing problem they fixed the bug and they added a bunch of new stages and characters that that problem has a fundamental issue with defense being too strong and they never touched it and it's a bummer because i really like that game a lot yeah well it's definitely you might you might not think like if you if you think you might not remember that it was like oh yeah that was a 2017 game
Starting point is 02:01:55 because that could have been feels very long ago yeah but a lot has happened this year too a lot so it's unfair as well that it's not it's stacked up against such invincible odds you know but i feel bad for everybody who went up against zelda and i feel like kind of like laughing at the idea that like zelda wasn't gonna win every single game of the year whether or not it deserved it or not it's beyond the point it was gonna win everybody's game of the year yeah done like do i think nier deserved it probably uh i would but i would have given it to p5 you didn't play near yet you're right oh let's see here but if i hadn't played near i probably also would have given it to p5 instead of breath of the wild breath of the wild would be my number
Starting point is 02:02:45 three because it's just so fucking perfect it's it's not fair that's fair that's fair all right let's see what we can grab here um a lot of bullshit spam christmas shit nice that uh we've been signed up for so that's always you're going to see your relatives so wait i'm bailing on this joke i'm done okay it was i was gonna be i was supposed to be like a dick enlargement thing oh it was gonna be you're gonna go see your relatives so why don't you show off your your newly enlarged dick and then i realized like how fucking weird and creepy that was halfway through um yeah yeah no luckily i didn't actually do the joke so now i'm safe from how weird that is that's fine um i guess we can just get into like normal questions okay since
Starting point is 02:03:55 uh there's just a lot of those you run out of holiday shit there yeah um yeah well the main issue is that like we get these things like tell a story it's like i've told you all my christmas stories all of them once you become old enough as an adult you don't get christmas stories anymore they're they become other people's stories yeah it's like your nieces and nephews or kids or whatever or my realization of of how my past was different from what i thought in the telling of the story i think that was like two or three years ago uh okay we got one coming in from night heart says hey what a super bastard vener got holidays from greetings from sweden pat you mentioned you quit rating in ff 14 just wondering if it was
Starting point is 02:04:39 because you cleared the tier or for other reasons also what's your opinion on the first tier of omega all right so i quit the tier sorry i quit rating because i uh my my me and my guys the the the long and short of it is that uh we got through the first two and then during the o3s progression um i have a friend who lived one of my raid buddies lives in texas and one of my raid buddies lives in georgia which meant that for a good two month period it's like oh buddy's getting hurricane to no raid tonight right buddy's neighborhood's on fire no right like just non-stop natural disasters and other life things ended up like not a single week would go by with like a proper learning experience and then a lot of frustration builds up where you're like
Starting point is 02:05:33 man i'm blowing three hours a night three nights a week and i still haven't cleared the thing and i just i don't have time to do that anymore especially when i had other options like i could stream instead or just play fighting games or whatever so it's it's a combination of burnout incredibly poor timing and frustration what do i think of the first tier of omega i think it's really good but i think that it's really slapdash i i dislike how greatest hits it feels like there's a it's very little there's very little cohesive theme like alexander you are going deeper in alexander and bahamut you're going deeper into the coil and in this one it's like you're literally teleporting around to various arenas to fight old bosses from older final fantasy games hopefully
Starting point is 02:06:25 something is a little better but i'm not going to go into savage i'm only going to do the the normal to see the stuff and get the generic gear okay all right uh let's okay well this is a good one but we have to be a bit delicate about it i suppose uh figure out how to approach this all right i'm ready for delicate uh we might have to just you know make a show your dick to your relatives uh so yeah zay ivory says hey super best friends how's it going now with the p5 spoiler cast uh done and everything it was fine but you guys didn't do the zyodyne round zyodyne round like you did last time with p4 so there's a couple questions lightning round yeah okay so there's a couple of briefs direct questions that i had that
Starting point is 02:07:15 work okay p4 is like 10 years old but we're still gonna dance uh so yeah should i should we should or should we just wait let's leave it to the end okay let's we'll do it at the end we'll do it at the end remember this one keep that in a tab and although some people probably have already gone but it's fine we'll we'll yeah we'll do it at the end we'll do it at the end you're you're right you're right you're right okay so i'll keep that open it's a bunch of p5 things that we can get around to that is fine um you said about delicate i thought it was going to be like sensitive sensitive no just more like spoilers in the middle of the thing i've gotten really good about okay not talking of spoilers i think okay okay and then other times i'm like
Starting point is 02:07:59 fuck suicide squad here's the thing yeah and that but then the problem is you never know who cares yeah if you care you're wrong that's that's my logic no one came at me for that not a single person was mad about that because suicide squad sucks you know what i think i'll yeah i think that's a brave opinion i think the right i think pulling up a um like you know how punco has i don't know if you've ever seen punco stream but he has angry mode now pops up in big text on the screen when he's in angry mode uh i think spoiler mode now popping up on the screen for visuals yeah you can do that you can hit put a button on that turn that on for and then when it ends we turn it off that's great that's a good idea yeah and we
Starting point is 02:08:48 have much time to do that yep so we'll do that for sure all right um dare ovo fan club rob rob canvass wants to know as a child despite being uh a few years since santa had uh since saga had exited this console market i was like what the fuck was that said despite being a few years since saga exited the console market sonic had sonic the hedgehog remained one of my favorite game series much of that i had to just get the latest sonic game for my birthday uh that game being sonic heroes however when the big day came my mom got mixed up and got me sonic adventure two battle instead slightly disappointed i remain grateful gave the game a chance to end up becoming one of my favorite games of my childhood that's a much better game than sonic
Starting point is 02:09:31 heroes um all this i say to ask what if any is your favorite lee caravello gift oh i know what that means what does that mean uh it's it's a reference to the simpsons when bart wants bone storm and marge gets him lee caravello's putting challenge pilot putting i asked the guy at the store what all the all the all the boys wanted uh i literally already told this story earlier on the podcast so i'm gonna leave it to you then wills the accidental wrong gift that you actually ended up liking um i one time got a red winter coat i was like oh it's just a red winter coat i wanted something cool but then i really ended up liking that so there's that that's fantastic
Starting point is 02:10:30 uh you hit that point yet where somebody got you socks and you were like sick yes yes fucking yeah man always use a good pair of socks my grandmother used to buy them all the time for everybody and i was like god damn it and then and then we eventually hit a year rose like fuck yes i need so many socks right now these are super useful absolutely did i hit that that that's the moment your childhood has died it is over yeah the exact fucking millisecond yeah yeah yeah absolutely no pretending there uh johnny was watching uh commercial for weather tech the company that makes floor mats for cars and they claim to have a christmas tree mat googled it because it sounded like bullshit but it's actually true but i also noticed that they make belts like
Starting point is 02:11:16 for your waste do you have any favorite products uh that companies shouldn't have any right to produce i don't even understand what we what is a christmas tree mat i think it's a mat made out of christmas like pine needles i think it's a mat that goes under your christmas tree well it's a car pro oh oh yeah like the little fucking yeah the little thing that stops the pine needles from going everywhere even though they're going to go everywhere i think it's weird the konami runs health clubs considering they seem to be intent on killing their employees uh yeah i i mean sony making health equipment and hospital equipment and life insurance and that being a substantial part of their income is weird hey here's one video game companies shouldn't make food items you really got to mute
Starting point is 02:12:07 that i mean it's without destroying obs that'd be a problem all right um should we just get office is that the solution to the problem well yeah boy that was actually just obs studio disconnected and i don't even know what that means so it's okay oh wait did the podcast actually just die i think it's still okay i'm just verifying it seems to be okay all right oh it died for a second that's hilarious oh my god yeah merry christmas from windows that's just the pop-up every time it says obs studio reconnected which i i all right here here's what i do yeah here's what i do now what are you doing now i open the volume mixer and i fucking you fucking system sounds can manually push it
Starting point is 02:13:11 yeah they all go away that's fucking good jesus christ okay uh we can start winding it down all right yeah because we've been in a real wind-up mood today yeah well christmas cast is never high energy no it's supposed to be low energy you guys yeah man you're supposed to listen to this in a fire while you burn your family photos so speaking of photos we can definitely wind it down with with uh some photos people have tweeted of some hard-ass slaps okay this is gonna play real great for the audio ah geez you didn't think of that did you yeah i guess i didn't yeah people will tweet me some well i'll talk i'll talk about which slaps we're talking about so we can start off with uh that zootopia fan comic that became a huge i don't know why this zootopia
Starting point is 02:14:05 fan comic is such a meme that goes everywhere but there's a hard-ass slap in that the reason the zootopia thing isn't such a meme is because it's it's the fucking cross section of like furries and like serious relationship problems arguing about fucking shitty restaurants what's what is the comic about the comic is about uh i never saw zootopia so i don't know the names of these characters but the fox guy who's dating the bunny girl he starts to have a nervous breakdown because the arby's near their house closed and she's like dude arby's isn't even that good and then that starts the fucking fight to end all fights probably leading to a breakup are you sure that's not the meme version there is only the meme version oh okay there is no there is no real
Starting point is 02:14:56 variant of this comic oh my god dude no like there's been so many parodies and edits of this that there must be no no the original is them fighting about arby's no you're that can't be right that like like the effort put into this art makes me think there must be a real version that is a bench that that got edited all over to the point where we can't recognize it anymore and the only people that would know would be probably oh my god no way oh it's about abortion nevermind oh jeez well then fine then fine i thought it was about something serious like arby's i'm like no one spends that amount of time and effort on the art like being that solid to be fucking a joke from day one well the version i saw at first was arby's and it made perfect
Starting point is 02:15:49 sense to me and the version i saw was what what uh fucking it was i don't even remember what it was it was like just whatever the meme of the day was whatever people were arguing about at the time um no yeah okay so whatever there's that there's the slap from the zootopia fan comic then we've got frieza getting frieza getting his shit slapped by goku back in uh frieza defeated yep that's a pretty hard one which is fantastic it's almost like his neck would be cracking if that were not but he doesn't have bones right no who knows i honestly have no idea what frieza's made of i don't think we any of us know what his seems like he's made like his whole body is made out of lizard tail i mean if he had bones it wouldn't make sense for in the way he shrinks
Starting point is 02:16:31 and grows like that all the time yeah so i would have to assume that he's made of whatever that white shit is is just like his entire consistency yeah but it's hard to say who knows and then we've got the greatest slapper of all time i forgot i forgot so many people get their shit slapped in gondome did some good slaps oh jared gets slapped and thrown off a cliff because he's a stupid bitch with a broken leg no a fucking bright one of the greatest slappers of all time and he gets his shit slapped all over and he does he does big slap boys never forget uh there's a guilty pleasure of mine is the how can she how can she slap we've seen is is like is a really rough one how can she slap yeah yeah i remember like that's that's a darkly humorous thing and it depends
Starting point is 02:17:23 what part of you finds that funny but for me it's like the escalation of i didn't do anything wrong oh shit the world's coming at me yeah yeah yeah there's that and it's a really bad one and then followed by that is a really sick moment from common writer where somebody gets backhanded till they disintegrate so there's that i forgot that should have been my answer my answer is in yakuza one slash yakuza kawami when kiryu just fucking full-blown rocks harika the seven-year-old girl in the face oh yeah she asks him a bunch of dumb questions look at this shit is a bad one yeah she's asking him some stupid bullshit nobody cares about i was crying about being an adult and why you it's almost like a push and there's a bunch of people around
Starting point is 02:18:22 and they don't say nothing and she apologizes and he says nothing wow all i know is i've seen um people use that image from kawami back when the yakuza games weren't certain to get localized and they just slapped sega's face onto kiryu and just said like this is what happens when you ask for yakuza well i just remember seeing that clip where it was like uh kiryu never killed nobody and it's just him grabbing some red waiter and just he's getting shot up by another waiter and they just tosses him yeah and i was like oh okay i didn't realize so kiryu technically didn't kill that guy the other car waiter yeah that's right yep so that's because it's walker texas ranger logic it's thematically inconsistent because kiryu is one of those japanese heroes that will beat
Starting point is 02:19:09 the villain the horribly murderous villain that killed everyone and they'd be like now you've learned your lesson yes yeah and it's like you're on a tall building you could just throw him off in like a second it'd be super easy but no i'm a good hero so i won't kill him but that moment which is in the first game everybody forgets about that guy gets iced and kiryu thinks nothing of it he never even mentions a single word like he like he specifically moves him into the bullets yeah but again if kiryu did nothing that person would have lived yep yep so uh but no if you don't pull the trigger then you're still the hero right doesn't matter uh i didn't help you up but i didn't push you down either okay leon nison all right that fucking ending to batman begins
Starting point is 02:19:59 is so stupid i'm not saving you that means it's not murder it's like you're literally looking him on a train he's gonna die you're not you're not helping it like yeah but that's you're an asshole batman you but i mean we can go back to batman just have it holding a gun and just running through a warehouse shooting people so yeah original batman or or or other original or other batman batman would take your pick of gun batman bat gun just fucking wasting people i blew you up they all the ultimate is the car hitting the wheel of the car hitting the guy in the back of the truck and just like vaporizing his head in in fucking batman v superman or in the arkham fucking game where your your your tumblr has a taser field on it so the people that go flying
Starting point is 02:20:48 for yards are fine yeah because they got horribly electrocuted as they got hit by a tank going 90 miles an hour uh jesus uh all right all right that seems that seems christmas all right i think we've defeated christmas this year again we haven't defeated christmas until we come back and we all have all of our pieces i suppose but yeah on that note so uh the 25th and the first being the next two monday slash podcast days will be podcast less so uh we will catch you guys in 2018 get excited for the biggest news to ever happen to games to drop in the next two weeks i mean like yeah but like fuck you game news for doing that during the holidays microsoft pulls out of the console market when people are off you know but either way christmas has been slain and uh we can now
Starting point is 02:21:52 so you're slaying christmas by like dodging all of its attacks by fucking off to new zealand yes 100 percent by getting in a plane and just flying the fuck out of town you can't hit me from the other side of the planet uh and then well with more it's a it's the craziest longest combo trip ever because it's over to toronto to visit uh the the uh the fam of the girlfriend's family and then it's from there over to new zealand and then it's from the southern island bottom to the top of the north island and then it's straight from there to magfest and then it's from magfest so what you're saying is that it's not the biggest party ever you're gonna walk in and go i'm gonna die step one yeah that's good that's strong uh but hopefully i'm and i might even have a kiwi accent when i do it
Starting point is 02:22:45 i'll fuck off um just have a shitty fake kiwi accent someone offered to teach me a haka so that's cool i'm looking forward to that i'm looking forward to learning a haka from the maori people what about some jackass that'll just teach you i mean i i really hope it's not some random jackass that just makes me do some bullshit you're a tourist you'll fall for anything because that sucks but i i i want to yeah that's that's me that's what i'm doing all right uh i'm probably gonna do streams over the holidays on any day that i'm not doing much with woolly gone uh and a bunch of videos to pre-recorded matt and i are obviously gonna record some stuff to fill out the schedule but there's gonna be a lot of time off uh so on days in which i'm totally bored i'll i'll throw up on
Starting point is 02:23:32 twitter or stream cool like hey uh we got a christmas fisticuffs coming yes we do and uh i don't know what about it is christmas themed at all but sure whatever you say it's uh yeah it's a thing you and matt were adamants that this christmas video like i don't get it and then we got a special month coming in january yeah well sort of but yeah yeah mosser hunter oh boy that bait is coming back it is i'm gonna miss it i can that's that's fine it's the exact same better you know i don't want to say this oh fuck i don't want to say this oh shit i've been thinking about it a lot yeah i've been like i it it has elements of things that you like i've definitely it's been on the brain and the the desire to kind of like see what would happen if i did this and tried that
Starting point is 02:24:25 is is there and well it's it's like there's a lot there to fuck with and uh there's a leak monster list that uh it's very much like all other capcom like leaks leaks you see the listing like that's reasonable and then the next like like the next preview event like in france it's like oh well there's three monsters off the leak list and they're weird picks too they're picks you wouldn't expect so that that monster list is is pretty legit it's 32 large monsters with more coming later so i i mean it's weird but like i don't even care you will because it's like right now the monsters and the the way you dodge them and they they are they are they are subverted by your move set right now exactly right right now i'm just like yeah they're monsters they come charging at me
Starting point is 02:25:16 and then you roll whatever right now i'm i'm what my brain is doing is going amped elemental overcharge discharge so that's the beginning and like walking it into the shield spin switch to axe as switch back control mastery increases you'll notice that the the chasm is your control mastery is first but then it's opponent mastery it's rathalos shook his tail this way for five frames that means move right right yeah well i was asking you about it it's like does like you don't get life bars but like if you see limping you know you're getting close that capture will work and then if you see like sleep then you know that it's like really your problem there's the sleep heal it uh heals its stamina okay not its life okay but stamina is also important because
Starting point is 02:26:02 tired monsters are easy to beat on and it's like we were talking about this right a few days ago it's like me and him we're talking about on the podcast of like oh man can you even beat diablo's in the time limit and then like solo players are coming out it's like i beat diablo's i beat here's my video of nine of nineteen minutes of i beat all three of them yeah it's like although i'm happy to see that the person doing that is considered like the video because that that is it's not like oh yeah anyone can do that like that is a special thing that people are going that guy's fucking well there there's also the thing is like coordinated teams of four will find the sleeping monster and all four of them will do like the zero element discharge simultaneously on the
Starting point is 02:26:41 face and just uh instant pop the things and i'm assuming that there's more than enough perfect play like videos out there because it's a pve game oh you can find all sorts of goofy shit yeah you can find a video for a fucking for you of people like using barrels and certain sleep weapons to perma sleep lock certain bosses exactly no i like again anytime it's like a pve thing and there's multiplayer involved like i can just i'm just waiting for videos of seeing the like e get erased from existence in seconds so uh yeah let's see that um i guess we can do the zyadon round now all right everybody does want to hear person five or person four spoilers get the fuck out of here later happy holidays merry christmas a whole new year you filthy animal that's a
Starting point is 02:27:36 home alone thing that's a home alone thing yeah all right p5 spoiler time all right get out are you out good are you gone good all right all right ask your questions number one favorite dungeon music uh size rivers in the desert is that dungeon track gonna fucking that's great don't worry you have uh you have multiple weeks of uh not being at this laptop to fix this laptop uh i first yeah okay uh anyway rivers in the desert because but is that a dungeon track does that play during a dungeon uh you know it plays when you're fighting uh yeah is easy are they not mentioning like the the background track of dungeon exploring i because because if it's background track of dungeon exploring it's a fucking life will
Starting point is 02:28:34 change vocal version in size dungeon yeah if it's yeah okay fine if we can't if we if we're not allowed that's the reconnection that's hilarious if we're not allowed to use um the boss music i was just thinking of the whole thing if you if we're limited to running around in the dungeon then yes it has to be vocal version of life will change there's no question if it is if it is all it's probably rivers in the desert because i just like even like and even though like i remember being more hyped and catch and finally finding it more catchy at the time the song that always comes back in my brain is rivers in the desert i wasn't crazy about rivers in the desert at first but then it doesn't go away but then it's it's got such a good strong hook it doesn't go away
Starting point is 02:29:12 right the other thing that stays in my brain as far as the dungeon goes is the theme of running around on uh shido's boat yeah it's pretty good right especially with his his like stupid political bullshit in the background next to the speakers society must find a way to unite and yeah it's all dramatic and really really building up like that whole like presidential theme that plays while you're running around the boat is fantastic um so there's that favorite dungeon design and theme it's uh moderamis moderamis is like it's okay for me it's either moderamis or the streets or the sky above shibuya as the final dungeon i'm a sucker for the the like taking it out to the real world uh i'm gonna have to say fuck let me let me just
Starting point is 02:30:18 make sure yeah i want to make sure i'm not fucking this up i'm gonna have to say probably the the casino oh yeah i'm gonna say the casino the casinos was solid like it was too fucking good and getting back to it especially after that you know the in media res the media res of the build-up of the beginning felt incredible because that full circle feeling but you're not even remotely close to full circle but you're like it feels like it yeah and then it's immediately uh uh followed by the the biggest what the fuck in the entire game yeah uh is is super strong so i'm gonna say that uh everyone has a waifu but which girl made you hesitate and or was your runner up uh hesitate oh who is your who's your not not your obvious wife of people who is your second
Starting point is 02:31:12 well becky was starter waifu and then she got old becky becky and then futaba becomes for real waifu but the actual like possible runner up would have been the doc the doc thank you yes absolutely uh and i think that's almost the case for almost everyone who didn't actually pick the doc tekemi was 100 second place on that she was supposed to be like way darker and meaner in the original but yeah um futaba's a good pick too though yeah futaba's a really good pick uh favorite mc minato you or akira i'm gonna give it a toss up between the fem see and akira interesting amina or why why fem see specifically she is a did you ever play as her no she is very
Starting point is 02:32:13 different she is a lot more proactive and like a normal human person than minato is oh yeah how do they handle the the the beach scene with uh stupid face don't know i didn't get that far okay but like the the main thing in the early game is like junpei is like like junpei is like issues with you of like oh why is he the leader turn into how come a girl's our leader and she like fucking like throws down with him and calls him a bitch and all sorts of stupid shit and it's great okay uh i think i've already answered this but she has better taste in men than minato has in girls well i had better choices too yeah uh i feel like i've already answered this but for me it's 100 percent uh minato arasato because of this yeah and for those doing a jesus the hands on the
Starting point is 02:33:02 fucking door man nothing nothing beats that to me i like uh i like akira more than uh than you yeah uh you's fantastic and i really like him but i prefer akira's dart bag criminal scumbag actual horrible person dialogue more than use weirdo dialogue but also also akira uh has like before you take control of him like a display for being the fact that he's a good person yes and you don't really get that yeah you was more of a blank slate so that's what i you see that's why you become his third place to me because um there's nothing wrong with him he's fine but like the beginning of uh the beginning of p5 establishes akira as like a good fucking dude yeah and the end of p3 establishes minato as a good fucking dude right the best fucking dude yeah and p4
Starting point is 02:33:57 i can't really think of any moment that you know goes hard for like setting up this character well he's a blank slate outside of what you make him do exactly so that's what i that's where i go on that uh favorite p5 s link power up shut up their s links um there's a lot of really good one yeah i'm gonna get i'm gonna say the biggest the most hype i got uh was definitely the um recuperation not no recuperation uh the the swapping you get from hifumi togo so the moment you you that changes the game the moment you do the the the shogi shogi link and then it's like you can now swap team members out that is a complete situation so a changer i can't pick a winner right but there there are some obvious like like top tiers hifumi is probably the best one because she gives you more gameplay
Starting point is 02:35:01 options when you're fighting yeah um on the social link side it's uh jahia with the the fortune teller where she lets you power up an s link if they're not available yeah which is really really really really strong becky's fucking go out at night after after in the dungeon is really good too top tier yeah uh and the docs the sp recovery accessories are astonishingly good they're so strong they carry you through the whole mid game i think the uh i think the fact that like those but a lot of those s a lot of those power ups are forgiving you more s link time and that feels really good i like that but the team swap in battle is the most drastic gameplay change yeah you know so i'm going to give it all the other s links focus on like our do you hate this mechanic this
Starting point is 02:35:54 character will make this mechanic easier like uh like no good torah helps you succeed all the time what's the what's the worst p5 s link uh fucking oh yes without a doubt she decreases the rate at which the caught percentage goes up in a dungeon yeah something that you will yeah yeah yeah that's true that's true it is completely abjectly useless pretty much pointless um and the story with her was all right i liked hanging out at the bar with adults but um i'm trying to think if there's anyone like plot wise that i cared about like less i mean i maybe fucking get smoked video game kid yeah but he's got that gets but he's got that hat though yeah and his idea i forgot about this but somebody mentioned that his jacket says kill noobs um also like as much as i like the guy uh i really
Starting point is 02:36:46 didn't care about ryuji's convoluted track problems you know the there's a moment near the end of the game that doesn't make any sense if you haven't done his s link at all okay like where he runs yeah and you're like why is he running like a big pro where did that come from similarly um and modeling bullshit was just like but he gets a really good like there is a moment out of really clear thing that gets lost in translation on an's thing like there's a really obvious hafu versus full japanese thing going on there right that we just don't care about and she's at all and she's she's half uh not half but she's uh effortlessly destroying you know not like full japanese models because the the rival model is so classically japanese yeah yeah and that like and like you're supposed to be like
Starting point is 02:37:41 oh no poor hafu and we're like what okay that's not weird to us okay best boy throughout the series akahiko that's so broad akahiko kanji and i'll i'll give number two to akahiko damn and that and like akahiko edges that out because he punches um but kanji chairs he chair i know i know i know um but i also i also um like it's a but it's a it's a fucking oh my god it's it's a it's a oh yeah look at that we picked our names in the fighting game it's a triple threat because he punches he's dressed like sharp and when he's not he's got a fucking cape and a and bear scars and and and he's in his voice by madude so i'll say that um the male cast in p5 i felt was pretty weak compared to the female cast like in in the other games it felt a little more even but like i
Starting point is 02:38:46 don't think yusuke is that yeah no no no yusuke yusuke and ryuji have no fucking chance up against kanji and and it's not it's not fair it's i think i think i think makoto and haru and futaba do a lot better against the other characters in the older games but like the yeah i don't think the guys aren't that great although although light yagami comes pretty close you know i like like spinning and he's got the fucking oh like like like uh all out of tax screen i catch he's pretty good i catch he's pretty fucking good though pretty good he's way up there um who's your waifu persona so not not an actual human being um for waifu reasons or for persona reasons uh i don't know i guess just take your pick uh yeah he says mine's linan seed linenshida linenshida it's irish so that's
Starting point is 02:39:47 why it's pronounced was like yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna say it awfully um the fucking bike yeah what is that uh the uh june uh uh june uh ja jean whatever yeah battle battle motorcycle the motorcycle the fucking motorcycle bra that's yeah you can't go wrong with with that or succubus succubus is pretty good see okay angel's pretty cool too hell rider hell writers wait no he's hell right hell biker he's not in the game hell biker but hell rider i think is there's some good there's some good ones uh and um who's your favorite who's your favorite whatever it's like the waifu thing again yeah favorite romantic pickets i'm a cutter i like my cutter the worst um uh yeah oh oh i guess like they're asking for all three i mean we've
Starting point is 02:40:50 covered it but we've covered it yeah been been there and done that on that it go it go uh fucking mitzuru rese fatavo it go do you see the pattern yeah yuko um chia macota do you see the pattern there you go that's really telling i never put both of those together at the same time uh yeah here you go all right that's that's the ziozide on round zio nine round i don't know how you fucking say that but there you go we did it we did it zionga shut up this fucking shell tron bro oh i guess i'll throw it on there and say like um well no i guess we did address the whole villains versus villains thing we sure did we talked about it for like 40 minutes at length yeah that's true so that's fine all right all right
Starting point is 02:41:50 defeated thank you now go beat up kimia in the video game it's he looks just like kimia it's so weird they have the same glasses i mean like if he was underneath that leather suit with the british glove he has these crazy muscle stretching things on i told you 10 000 times i'm gonna put glasses on every character you can't stop it ah i'm happy holidays everybody later um oh so you

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