Castle Super Beast - SBFC 235: Doggoplasmosis

Episode Date: February 28, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I Wagon my head and doing like that at the top, but it puts boobs booted about I don't know I'm in a good mood today. What up? Ah, not much Mac hadn't uh But it's really funny. Well, it sucks though. Like yeah, no, it's really bad, but because he he Was having a PC emergency. He lost some really important tax files and is well There is there is a distinction about that. He didn't quite lose them They were accidentally he put the tweet that I saw on the way here. It was hey
Starting point is 00:00:47 I deleted a really important thing in Windows like four days ago. Yes, how do it's um I've had some experience with with recovering files though should be Recoverable right depends on depends on how long ago you delete the thing and it depends on Whether or not like the clusters of your hard drive have been like used for other Yeah, but if you're not installing or moving stuff around all the time that should honestly And if and if it's a tiny like text file, right then it shouldn't be that big a thing Yeah, but you should probably bring it to a guy Yeah, you can do that if you if you've tried and failed, but there's some there's some there's some programs out there that like
Starting point is 00:01:25 Just look at clusters. They go like we see some file names. There's some Sizes that might be associated and you can partially recover things and do a quick par. Don't delete anything Well ever be certain about what you delete is my thing is don't don't shift delete The all recycling Bennett and then when you before you clear your recycling, but just go look at it. Yeah I Recycling then get like dangerously enormous. Yeah I feel like every time because we Let's pull back the card. We record a lot of video. Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:59 So every now and then there's the time when we go to like click a thing on the on the work PC and the fucking hard drive symbol is Burding flaming red. Yeah, and we go. Hmm. Yeah, looks like we filled up that three terabyte hard drive with fucking Elgato and shadow play videos and then we have that fun moment Or you you there's so many that you have to drag the box over things to delete and that that split second where you're like Did we is that mm-hmm is that safe to and and ultimately I mean once you you don't need to keep your raw footage What's like the thing is on one stop right unless you're insane But you do want to keep the non YouTube version of it because that's how the old flop house got lost that's correct, you know was
Starting point is 00:02:47 Assuming that the internet is forever, which it's not and hey, we've got a whole bunch of what videos for the website that have Yet to find our currently in flux. Yeah, well, here's the problem Right, just to I guess get this part out there is that we found a home for them Which was then subsequently shut down So it was and it was shut down before we could reveal the new home for them So we are finding a new we were smart to put those not on YouTube those particular videos So the ones that are full movies sure. Yep. Yep. Those were smart other things out there
Starting point is 00:03:26 But yeah, I need to do right we need to put on put them on some bootleg CDs Just start passing them out and just start passing them out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, just do it like high school You sign it bring your spools around Okay, what was what was the fucking most awful form was it the fucking asshole with just the spool or was it? Or was it hey, man, I got my binder and it's got the the CD Thousand CD binder. I had like a hundred pounds. I had a thousand CD CD. I also had that. Yeah, that was for Dreamcast games That was for Naruto. That was for Anime in general would be on that. I think me and you
Starting point is 00:04:05 Borrowed the same guys Naruto CD. I didn't borrow it. Oh, okay. I got it myself. You made yours. Yeah, of course you did Yeah, and boo anime one subs downloaded torrented every week And then categorized into correct listings. I did that for a long time for episodes per CD. Oh Maybe three. Yeah, depending. What do you mean? This is before DVDs? Yeah, this is not this and then there was a point when I remember Storage never really became popular. Well DVD storage was a thing for me because I had DVD ours Oh, yeah, because I would move right to hard drives rewritables were a thing for me for a while and after that point because The the it was interesting because like CD storage it became harder and harder to actually find a spool of them
Starting point is 00:04:49 And also they were super expensive. Yeah, they became more expensive than DVDs were and I was like, what is technology? Doing that the older format is becoming more expensive than the new well, it's because they're the exact same cost to make But they're way less popular exactly demand that you're watching it like, you know the laws of of Supply and demand like it's like when it's like when you see How do you put it? Like, you know, Sony goes we're fucking not selling the ps2 anymore You're like, oh You must sell at least a couple a year and they're like we're literally keeping a factory open to produce this old bullshit Yeah, because these parts are old and useless and you can't make it with new parts. So
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah now rewritables was a thing man. Um I'm uh, yeah, I feel like shit. Yeah, I'm not the start of something's about to go down And I'm not at the I don't know if it's a cold or a flu yet, but I'm feeling something Oh, everybody get ready and it's not in that like I'm not coughing or sneezing or anything. So, you know, it's all It's all I want you to just Vomit so big live onto that laptop. I don't vomit very often. Oh, you don't and I used to but I don't anymore Hi Like I'm having a really hard time like like there's been times when you kind of like you're like
Starting point is 00:06:04 I want to do it deliberately just to feel better because I feel sick right now Yes, and because you can feel the the a source of the problem, but I yeah, but I really can't recall The last time of actually involuntarily just been like yeah for me. It must have been like 10 years Yeah, yeah, I'm on a streak. Yeah got don't eat any black and white cookies man Yeah, I think we're not well we're we're on a streak of like not introducing that much outside like What am I like our lives are kind of static and yeah safely contained as long as I don't do anything too weird Don't do anything too new and you should be okay. Don't introduce any new any new weird things So when this this is so Clems, I'm gonna blow Clems up here
Starting point is 00:06:49 he was staying he was staying here with us last week and Clems has never traveled before except he took a bus to France once, but he's in the UK So fucking what do you take the channel right whatever it's like going to Toronto? and He was like oh, you know I heard from Britain's that if I would drink the tap water here I could get horribly ill. Oh my god. So we had him drinking fucking Bottled water out the whole time. He was here until we ran into Volta and Volta's like from South America And he's like
Starting point is 00:07:24 What are you fucking stupid? That's ridiculous. That's that's what I fucking Canadian tap water. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, it's not like you're in fucking Tijuana Clems. You you privileged little bitch, baby Parapraising here. Yeah. No, that's that's there are certainly countries where you do want to be concerned about Monizuma's revenge and then so on The the the parasites and things that your stomach has not developed immunity to you think there's a place that has that cat parasite Just in the water. Uh toxoplasmosis. Absolutely. It's called South America. Cool. That's a place where it's pretty rampant I'm just saying there's a couple other countries I was hugging my cat yesterday, and I was like, man, I love this parasite. This parasite. Yeah, good for me
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah, I should help other people get the parasite anyone any countries where the The dancing is pretty aggressive very aggressive dancing. You can assume toxoplasmosis has been here Just think about that think about it that way look for the telltale signs Carnival might as well just be a big fucking ad for toxoplasmosis. Oh my god. It's that's really what we're celebrating the penetrata That's this. It's a toxoplasmosis inspired dance is what it is Yeah, no that thing is horrifying and you just try to not think about it What is horrifying the yet? Like it's like no no no like looking up the Wikipedia article for toxoplasmosis
Starting point is 00:08:49 In terms of just like not real I like you're like, how are we not all talking about this all the time because it makes you Just love your cat and your cat is pretty but it's just like the idea of a parasite Infecting such a large swath of the human population and it's being sandbagged Let let me let I guess it's kind of like HPP HPV gets I like to there are an astonishing number of active toxins poisons parasites and other Nair duels hanging out inside your guts right now. Yeah, you're good But but but but but but but your gut biome needs a lot of that. Yeah, healthy purposes Some of them have got to be foreign
Starting point is 00:09:29 Certainly, but yeah, you also build up immunity into it and the one that got me and I'm not I know that I think about it I'm about to say it live on the radio essentially. I'm now like, oh, I hope this is true because it sounds crazy But due to the nature of surface area, you have more bacteria and foreign gut biome cells Mm-hmm on the inside of you then you have cells that make up you because every single surface is covered with them Absolutely, so what you are just basically a big bacteria. You're being controlled. You're just be your playing host Yeah, and not only that but like there's all kinds of crazy shit that there's the researching including like poop Trans, but yeah, I'm damn it. I knew I thought you're gonna say something different and then I was gonna go Yeah, and also poop transplant. Yeah, like the weird gross part
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah Yeah, you put the gross part in the other person and then like they get healthier and it helps if it's your mom or dad Because you get to introduce like all kinds of crazy shit that you didn't have a good gut flora. There you go It's crazy. It's really really crazy how the body works in that way those weirdo sickies We're onto something by accident and and you know the fact that like again when I look at The whole toxo thing and you just kind of think about how that can be Something that was in the background of human development for so long It's probably the reason why cats are barely domesticated, but we still love them and keep them
Starting point is 00:10:50 Like dogs became highly domesticated and have different behavior for humans as opposed to dogs. Yeah cats don't yeah But like dog oplasmosis is awesome dog. There's no dog oplasmosis. We're all up. We all love that Oplasmosis is hey, hey, hey Fido You want to kill that cow together and get to live and dog goes like yeah, that sounds like a cool deal That's a good deal, but that doesn't explain the other thing where we look at a kitten or a puppy And then it makes you think of a human baby well No, there is totally reasons for that and it's that there are mammalian traits that like are broad
Starting point is 00:11:30 Right and we and everything every all mammals like got these like big eyes is cute Yeah, certain dimensions are cute and they got them cuz oh you want to take care of your own kids Yeah, then it turns out they're like hopelessly broad right and apply to nearly all mammals and even some non-mammals like that That's spider. That's cute. You know the one cute spider with the big eyes. Yeah, I know the one Yeah, but but the thing is that when you when you um when you have these like you know kittens and puppies like they're triggering Baby response. Oh hell. Yeah, they are but other animals are not and other young or not Yeah, you know baby pigs are really cute big pigs are really cute. Yeah, baby pig wearing little boots, babe the babes cute babes of this cute pig you get you know the
Starting point is 00:12:17 Orton I don't you know, that's a little cute pig called Randy Orton Orson rather Orson Orson's farm You got Charlotte's web and I'll think about it this way, right? Think of like the ugliest bulldog you've ever seen Got it. Yeah, like all jolly. Yeah That is from every aesthetic perspective a hideous monstrosity created by man, not nature Sure, and yet when you see a little bulldog puppy Because it's got big eyes. It's furry. It's got it's it's playing on all those inside, you know, like Protection oh yeah needs and such and and and hey like you know like more power to him like again
Starting point is 00:13:00 Like I feel that the the the fact that dogs can are born Recognizing human figures as different The world as different but what I mean is that like there's been so they've been so domesticated for so long that like Human recognition is part of the dogs. Well, I mean not not even that I mean like you can go a step further. There's something that babies have called the triadic gays Which sounds like a fucking like DBZ move, but what it is all it is is woolly mean you we're gonna look over at that Camera, right? Okay. We're looking at the camera. Say I'm the baby I see you looking at the camera
Starting point is 00:13:41 Therefore I look at the camera and then I look back at you forming a triangle. Yeah, right? That is a form of understanding intent and recognition. Yeah dogs have that with people not just other dogs Like you can point at an object and a dog can often intuit that pointing is look at this cats don't have that Yeah, yeah, this cats are wild fucking animals still but dogs are like all the person is pointing and that's innate Because they've been around us so long and they're good dog. Oh's and that's why Palico's can go fuck themselves What is dude they are your pal? And they are fine. They're fine. They're fine. You know, I just I just I thought I I love The idea of like, you know, but you're like a hunting doggo buddy that you could put these little all these little costumes and things on
Starting point is 00:14:29 Oh, yeah, they'd be so much more effective and awesome well on a little hunting dog buddy I have two things for that one. It's just a matter of the world. We don't have as opposed to the one we do All right, it's not a problem with the present. It's a strong preference for the alternative. I have a complete Answer to the why that is the case In Japan with small living space. Oh, I know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah are under wildly super understood and also Worldwide super understood are more popular like every time you see a video of like hey man That palico just saved your life imagine your dog doing that and yanking you out of the way There's also there's also a design problem with that which is cat
Starting point is 00:15:09 Change the color of the cat make the cat a little furrier make the cat a cat cat looks like a fucking cat cat's cat dog What what dog what what dog? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? You want a new fee? You want a great day? And here's you want a shitsu? No, I know like the Crazy crack cat people are gonna be coming at you because they're gonna be like no tabby's are distinctly different from Siamese Siamese cats and fucking those weird hairless abominations those Egyptian things so on Elmo's half Maine Coon which is it means he's really big as me. He's it Maine Coon
Starting point is 00:15:47 right, he's half Maine Coon and That means he's really big and has fluffy paws like the fur comes out of the paw pads All sorts of different cats. There's that awesome one that looks like it's part tiger I think that was red, but cat shape is defined is cat shape and it is 10 to 20 pound, you know dog shape runs wild extremes from Megalodon Stegosaurus pit bull
Starting point is 00:16:16 To fucking What's like a Benny or Benny small sure to you know the ones that like got the fucking alcohol under on there, you know under Number the next that save you look in the cold. Oh Bernice. Yeah. Yeah, and then all that, you know So but think about how much fun that would that character creator would be Well, I mean Okay, so say in Monster Hunter everything everything development wise and if you continue to follow the series you will get to learn this everything's
Starting point is 00:16:51 Likelihood of existing in that game depends if they don't have to make a unique skeleton for it. Oh God damn it. It's a matter of ease. It's a matter of well. Well, you look you look at you So there's an in-game taxonomy, right? There's the brute wyvern the bird wyvern, etc. Right those are defined by shared skeletons and okay, if you share a skeleton that is Infinity less work to make a different type of that monster. I've seen that footage of the of the mocap for the monsters Yes, they all appear to share a human skeleton of a human being acting like a jackass Rolling around on the floor. So there's that but like for example when people are talking about Fucking DLC monsters that they want to see right? Yeah, so you fought in air gigante at some point at least in the demo
Starting point is 00:17:38 Sure, he has the same structure he has a dive attack that shares animations with an old flagship monster called Goramagala and He has that because he has this all the same moving parts and his wings have the same skeleton, etc So you look at that and you go and then you go what monsters aren't in the game Mm-hmm and are very unlikely to show up and the answer is the bugs The bug monsters they've even talked about it in development diary Say we are never bringing the bugs back Because the bugs require a completely unique skeleton for every monster because they're live so many moving hearts
Starting point is 00:18:13 There's no way for sure. So they're like machines So the amazing super cool monster that you is probably the only one you ever knew before you started playing Which was the Queen Seltas? Yeah, not gonna never gonna come back or maybe like Five years from now ten years, you know kind of thing one when they've run out of making Think you think it'd be such a you know gangbusters money-making franchise that they could afford whatever the fuck they want You would think but but part of the reason is that because they develop like I wouldn't say frugally But smart so like that so with the with the thing like with the skeleton set that's in the game right now Yeah, I could give you fucking 50 monsters that could come back and 49 of them are dragons. No, they're wyverns
Starting point is 00:18:58 Right Yeah, there's a couple that are dragons sure the fatales is I believe Have a final has share some of the stuff with the the final boss Wyverns and t-rexes and variants there. Yes. Yeah, exactly just dude. All you got to do is you take your existing Okay, there's yours your two types you take your existing monster your Barath, right? You're you're you're weird accordion head rock monster. All right What do we do we need a new monster Make him green. He's green now. He's the Jade Barath. He hangs out in ice areas
Starting point is 00:19:36 and Mm-hmm. He has a couple new behaviors and attacks bam new monster So this is where something like Pokemon has an advantage where it doesn't actually do that much animation with each Oh, yeah, no, I mean they could be sprites Yeah, like Pokemon data like especially in the earlier games was limited to like Weird fucking noise 30 to 50 unique little sprite things, you know, like it was a it was a minimal effort So, yeah, there's that and you can make weirdos like Missing no and and and you did they never made Missing no That was never no
Starting point is 00:20:11 Unknown I meant to say you can make weird things like unknowns and you could have them be in the same world as Fucking the way lords. I would actually want to make clarification here because every time it comes up people like get super confused This I think this might be a Montreal or Canadian pronunciation. I don't know but Missigno is The missing number Pokemon missing number. I have seen people call it or pronounce that very differently. Really? Yeah Well cuz think about it Missigno is just what people in our area just called it I I vividly remember saying Missigno to somebody it just being met with the blankest fucking stare possible No, I buy always it's not like Irmac where everybody knows how to Irmac Hmm. No, I never encountered anything weird with that. Everyone just said yeah, Missing no
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah, so you you only got to see smart people then Missigno was cool broken game though letters are there, but yes, you did but then you got infinite rare candies So it's worth it But anyway that that that that's oh, yeah, that was a long way to say that's why you're very unlikely they ever get dog Certainly dog but then but then when you run down that list, right? I'm like, but you know cats are not even silver on that on that like who I'd want as the buddy hunter Because you go right after dogs you go straight to hunting birds. Oh, yeah hunting hawks. You want a bird falconers, man Yeah, but Burmaha. Well, okay. Well, what it's gonna have to poppy. It's then mama, huh?
Starting point is 00:21:41 I and then we figure out the rest you're gonna have to it'll have to be an anthro bird Why can't it just because you have to be able to put armor on it? Yeah, but then you can put armor on a normal bird and then it could be like a peregrine falcon or something like that And then you can make no that's not big enough to see Because he's not big enough. It rides on your shoulder No, and it's it's a cool unique thing And you could do all this like awesome badass stuff with different types of birds and feathers feather colors Well feathers is probably a big reason why they didn't do it in the past because like performance budget
Starting point is 00:22:11 I mean, you know, it's obvious that like anyone wants a pet shop on the hunt. It's cats. God damn it Okay, you don't know how bad it used to be back in 3u when we had those two little fucking weirdos with the masks Do I fuck you guys man instead of the cat I give bronze Bronze I'd give it to what's his name? What's Piggy Piggo? What's a little pig called in? The pig and monster hunter world. Oh poogie poogie poogie poogie can come Give it to fucking poogie poogies can't fight dude. I want poogie coming along poogies are too sweet My poogie has been color coordinated. Did you get did you get a new outfit for the poogie?
Starting point is 00:22:54 I haven't I haven't gotten it yet. Okay, so it's somewhat complex. Okay. I thought it would just be progress No, in order to get poogie outfits. You have to play with him all the time. You must pet him every day Oh my god. No, you have to pet him after every hunt for like 10 hunts or 15 hunts And then once you've done that poogie will love you and poogie will run up to you after you finish quests Ah, so having to find him and then you pick poogie up and then when you move around the environment Poogie will shake and freak out near certain parts of the hub and you put him down and he will get an item for you And sometimes that item will be a outfit. You can dress him up like a little mountain climber or a sheep or Give him a little hat. I'm already so much more invested in poogie
Starting point is 00:23:39 Then then then the fucker that you know anyway, would you ever get a pet pig? That's not practical in real life Not where we live, but they're cute now or where we live, but that becomes a problem in a couple years But they're cute very quickly becomes a problem But what if you got a small one if I had a farm to live on slash go visit then yes But what if you got a tiny one? It would stop being tiny in a short matter of time So they there are breeds of pig that only grow up to like dog size But the problem is is that unlike dog breeding where there's all this
Starting point is 00:24:13 Documentation and history behind it pig pig stuff is like. Oh, yeah, it's a tiny one Yeah, here's a tiny pig for you and you're like this is not a tiny pig. This is a regular pig Big pig yeah, no, no, no, I mean it again, even if there are many pigs It's like that's a that's a whole other world of like feeding and cleaning and what about a skunk Could you disable it's all totally absolutely yeah all pet skunks are have have their primary abilities disabled I've never heard of a pet skunk. So that's crazy. They're they're just weird-looking cats. They act just like cats Wow, they don't like scratch out and go no They're very docile and friendly no kid. Yeah, I didn't even know that was possible
Starting point is 00:24:56 but again Their primary ability must be disabled or else you will have trouble. Yeah, I mean, I maybe I'd go I think I'd lean towards like a guana. Oh, you're one of those. I think they're cool Want us don't have the capacity for emotion. They cannot love you There was a super rad girl that would walk around with her guana Of course there was and I was like man at my school that girl's name was Christina She's like she has a pedigree and I think it's awesome and I was super like hmm. You know what's interesting like you everybody Like wary of horse girl extra wary of dolphin girl sure lizard girl. Hey, man. You're cool
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yeah, every time lizard girl has the best mixtapes you go hang out at her place Absolutely, there's no question What's up with that? Why is it horse girl weirdo dolphin girl weirdo? Lizard girl cool cuz lizard girl girl cool. Yeah, cuz they're cuz they're going off the beaten path They're going off the predictable and they're appreciating not probably because of a weird furry sex urge. No, exactly They're just appreciating the awesomeness of something that gets otherwise underappreciated and I think that is worth recognizing I think that's like commendable. I'm like, yeah, you're cool. I like that. Yeah, I'm a fan of that With the lizard girl at my high school because she was cool
Starting point is 00:26:16 You can put them on your shoulder. They can walk next to you Don't pet them that way or their body parts might fall off. That's well, you know be be smart Obviously know what you're dealing with. Yeah, but yeah, man That was totally a thing and there was there was a snake girl that used to walk around our mild neighborhood To and that was pretty cool, but it was like, you know It was like a big one But it was obviously like like not venomous or anything like that Like big fucking snake, yeah, you just and she just wrap it around and take it out for you know
Starting point is 00:26:42 A little walks and see that might be a creepy sex thing. Yeah Snakes, you never know Anyway, jump-jumps fine. Oh Jump-jumps fucking dead man, you have to assume it's jump-jump. It's always jump-jump. Oh man. That's a long time ago jump-jump I don't like that man. This is really topical, but oh my god. I'm so happy that the weather's nicer today Today's the first day that I was able to wear shoes. Yeah, sure like three months Sure, I got to wear my jacket for real not the like not the big dumb fuck
Starting point is 00:27:16 Thug jacket, yeah You know, I love winter and all but the one thing that I always forget that I appreciate about all the other months is the ability to walk outside and not feel physically heavy because of The shoes and the coats and the because I you know if you live out in Chicago or you live out in Nebraska or some shit You know exactly what you're talking about, but all you stupid fucks living in California. You fucking sons of bitches with your son You don't know what it's like to go outside and be heavy because you got to wear 35 pounds of fucking environmental gear Yeah, and then then there's the theory that because there's no Weather woes living out in such perfect areas that like all the smaller more minor things that you would ignore
Starting point is 00:27:59 Become bigger and you become more neurotic. Oh, no, right? Oh, it's like 84 degrees Oh, it's raining. Oh God. Oh, I can't ride my bicycle to work It's it's the theory that the people out in California They they don't have to think about whether bad being a problem and thus like smaller Insignificant issues become bigger deals and make you more anxious like dying of thirst Yeah, or rolling fires that Stopped hey, I'm floating away into the ocean because my entire state just broke off from the Union physically with a earthquake I mean that hasn't happened yet, but they're all here's hoping they're waiting on it
Starting point is 00:28:38 Do you want? Hey, let's say one of the cows just breaks off Do you want it to be nor cow or so cow? I would better be no yeah, you want to get rid of nor cow? Yeah, let's get all those good players Ocean they suck a third strike Make your own island all right That's a request from woolly if you're gonna send one of the Californians into the ocean make it nor cow but
Starting point is 00:29:07 The the I think the important thing to note is that if you do if you are that that cat person You're not starting at minus points You're just at zero and every other version of a pet gives you bonus points after that that's all it Oh cat is cat is has cats the one that I thought you the least so I lived in the birds And it's the first to pick at your body when you die listen listen they do that out of love They don't give they want they want about you they want you to be with them forever They don't give a fuck about all right. So you can't pretend you don't know that so I I was bothered by this I did look it up and that is
Starting point is 00:29:42 Not the case like cats react and are a lot calmer and happier and less They're just more independent with their with their owners in the room. They recognize their owners They come to their owners. They cry without their owners. It's just way More less pronounced than a dog a dog is a human child forever a cat can coexist and and See part of the problem is that cats don't see humans as their owner slash master slash God figure. Yeah. They see them as Extremely large cats. Okay. Okay, therefore that you have to adjust that behavior appropriately though they above the cats also do those sophisticated like things of
Starting point is 00:30:29 Like I want your attention, but I don't really want it look at layers What does page say was pet me with your eyes? Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly exactly get the fuck out of here But you know you want some of this like all those multi-layered things and you're just like that's just sass Well, though the one that got me is that I was like, okay, why don't cats come what they're called and you did dive into it It's like cats absolutely in most cases know their name. They absolutely know that you are trying to get their attention and They don't care. They're soon. They have they will they will decide whether or not they want to go It's fine, it's fine. It's just there's just there's there's deeper. I miss my cat There's deeper brotherhoods to be formed. You know
Starting point is 00:31:18 There's deeper bond I woke up before I woke up with this morning this morning with Elmo Like cradled in my arms like a child Do not tell me that there will never know you'll never know what it is To go like running in the morning with your dog next to you Yeah, I'm doing the thing where you're like you're both Okay, well then you know what I'm talking about exactly that and you do you're both doing you're both on the track And you're doing it and you're like yeah, and it's not like you know that the cats it's like all right Fuck you go off do your thing and come back. I'll be here or not. Yeah, you'll see me or you won't that's fine
Starting point is 00:31:54 Here's a fish. No, you're not what where am I? I'm behind the fridge. I'm on your head. I'm in the couch Yeah, those are all fun things Yeah, oh god, I had something to say but it's gone now. I Mean wait when you miss Elmo now I want to bring him to the podcast and pet him while I do the podcast Oh, don't do that because he screams that is not a good idea. Don't do no also travel and Just put him in a bag put a cat in a bag Like a fucking grocery bag, yeah
Starting point is 00:32:30 But then also we don't want this turning into the fur haven That is Matt's apartment. Yeah, that has just become pretty much The fuck is it called The Shrine of Amana yeah that Matt's house has become where I'm like god fuck There is not a single on the ceiling Yeah, the jokes you make about the grease and oil of my place are real when it comes to cat fur in Matt Oh, I get I get people what the shit people ever like once a month or once every six weeks Like professionals to come in because you hit that moment and the mo it's the moment of like oh, man
Starting point is 00:33:12 Hey, you can't deal with this there is so it was the other night when I was eating chicken I was eating chicken wings and I went to pick up the chicken wing and there was just a ball of fur on the wing And I was like mm-hmm. Yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, yeah through the air. Yeah through just through just didn't Yeah, come anywhere near the table. No, it was so this weekend to get into the week I suppose don't like yeah, I'm good I mean I almost fell down on my chair I mean it'd be hilarious because you'd see your feet go flying backwards on the camera only I mean this thing
Starting point is 00:33:51 Yeah, I mean it goes a certain distance, but Yeah, the So and like like on the part well this weekend was Rocky's wedding and I went and attended that and big Congratulations to yeah big married big big boy big big world well-earned good stuff and You know, of course the the impressions like coming out Like like all weekend super nervous, but it was good and the ride over there, you know, we we Uh Steph and I jumped in
Starting point is 00:34:25 Matt and Lannis car and like it was like oh Zach has been here too Of course it has extended because I gotta take Zach to the vet because he's somewhat ill certainly and usually it's in the little contained You know the little box, but somehow he has an attack That only comes out in the final phase Where the Zach fur just shoots out in all directions and then just cakes everything like snow as the owner of a similar Fluff level cat. I think those act might be fluffier It comes off them naturally and it is so light that it just floats that that's what it's a it's a It's a persistent debuff on the area. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but the thing that like
Starting point is 00:35:09 You know is clear is like I feel like they don't see it anymore And I that is real that is very I feel like they don't see it anymore And I feel like like the give-up has just kicked into the max where it's like this is life now Life is fur. We move on. I mean and I'm just like wow. I'm like I'm trying to keep my shit. So let me let me explain something to you new suit walk Okay, I'm wearing this. I'm wearing an all-black long-sleeve t-shirt. You certainly are Wash it do the do the little wash, right? Yeah Put it in the closet immediately take it out
Starting point is 00:35:46 Covered in fur of the closet. Yeah, which like that's closed Which means that at some point during the folding or hanging up process. I I Put it adjacent to a cat-based surface, but it can't just be his coverage Zone it has to be airborne and just landing. Well the other the other thing it's too much So you know you get the black shirt. What do you do you get you get your cat brush and you go? And then then of course because you can't hit that spot on the back you have this weird cat back Yes, yes, yes, but the I don't know you know, you know what it is I know clothes right because you get all fancy up and then you go to the door and you can't go
Starting point is 00:36:32 Yeah, and you go I love you so much. Oh And you just squeeze them and then you put them down you're like well, and that's the that's it That's the AOE right there, ma'am unstoppable And if you have allergies then you're you're could ripple fucked which I'm really happy I got over I got the over them as well turns out living with a cat for a year plus Solves it recently went to a friend's place and they have a short haired cat which is
Starting point is 00:37:00 Like just instead of the fur, they're spewing out dander like a Bulbasaur sure And I was allergic enough that touching the cat with my hand would cause my fingers to tingle Yeah, like that level of allergy and I was picking him up and and Planted he was a fat fucking cat and just you know fat enough that you can grab the side of the cat and just go Flub yeah, yeah, yeah totally and no sickness. I think I sneezed once It was always just massive congestion and cat pills would help but like At some yeah, just at some point it stopped and went away and your body gets used to it or realizes I This behavior is not stopping the irritant. So I'm just gonna calm it down. Well, it's the toxo
Starting point is 00:37:47 It's the toxo kicking in no one. It's like you're still congestion, but you just don't detect it anymore I don't even care anymore the spore is the spores have completely borrowed in and you're now like a intersect Can we just get a last of us style spinoff, but instead of? Cordyceps it's toxo and it's just it's just body snatchers But with cats dude, what do you think lol cats was about one of the wanted friend then the end cats and all these little internet Memes that would come in their waves over the years You mean like Canada it was just different levels of toxo taken over The penetration goes one layer further deeper into the human
Starting point is 00:38:25 You know what the problem about the toxo is now that I have the toxo You know what? I don't think I ever got it because like I started to act like babying the cat like Day one sure right like I don't think it my I'm just I'm just one of those people that goes googoo gaga for little for little baby animals Because I'm a bitch like that, but Now I'm like I want more I Want more toxo. Yeah, I want to feel this more acutely. Well, you know how to get it, right? Yeah I don't feel like cuz I mean the rats want to want it more than anything and the rats have figured out how to get it You got to just dig in
Starting point is 00:39:07 No, I'm good. You got to hit that litter box No, I'm good and you know don't let a good thing go to waste. No, I'm fine. Okay. Well, I guess you just don't love your cat enough then Next time you say you love Elmo you need to think twice about are you like an anime porn? Like how could you love your cat if you won't even eat his poop? It's so fucked God, all right. Well, anyway So there are the yeah, so that was the those those are wedding and there was a nice big old celebration a good time Good time was had by all
Starting point is 00:39:41 and The other things I guess I did was a really cool escape room I did yesterday. It was the final night for this particular room So I have like no problems spoiling it entirely. Oh, no recommendations other cuz well, no, it was good It was a good room. No, I mean, it's gone. Well, yeah, because they're bringing a new one. It's just a cycle you know, so this was at escape paths on San Juan Ross in Montreal and they had a
Starting point is 00:40:11 80s themed room. So basically the plot here was you and your friends collectively are Melissa and You are basically you you know, you're pretty sure that Kevin likes you Oh, wow, but and you want to ask him to prom. Oh, wow, and the problem is you don't have his number. Oh Jessica has his number man and Jessica knows that you like Kevin Jessica likes Kevin too. God damn it. She's keeping the number away from you. That is She's going out to her part-time job. She's gonna be back in an hour You snuck over to her place
Starting point is 00:40:51 Her parents let you in because you forgot something and you have one hour to rifle through her room and find Kevin's number That is such an amazing Legitimately and then you've got to call Kevin and ask him out to prom So that was dude and this is of course mid-80s So you walk into the room and you get your posters on the walls you get your goonies You're you're back to the future, you know, you're all these different movie posters on the walls You get your your celebrity like magazine Prounouts and then your Nintendo set up and you know music videos and cassette players and such and you're just basically
Starting point is 00:41:30 Doing these puzzles and all these locked rooms and going through like girls room Items with codes and locks through her diary. How do I open the diary? Where's the key to the diary, right? So well, I mean and so there's some really fun stuff in there where like you found a stack of cassettes and they were just labeled mix 1 through 10 Yeah, and then you basically had to so you play them and you'd hear the different 80 songs and they're all like, you know A bunch of popular 80s sure But then somewhere in the room There's a magazine and on one of the pages is the top 10 pop list and top 10 90s hits list as well and
Starting point is 00:42:08 You could basically like match up the song you hear on the cassette number With the ranking, of course, and then that gives you a code that you can then use that's really great, right? We plus one point we pulled out like us a puzzle We had to solve a spider-man puzzle on the floor and then the bottom one of one of the pieces Gave you a hint to a thing. It was really really fun. They're super good really really nice like 80s theme thing We fucking found the cartridge for Cobra Triangle had to pop it into the Nintendo But only after you found the way to wire it up to the TV yet to find the wire and then like popping it in it Loaded up Cobra Triangle, but it was like a hacked version of it where the eyes of the the dragon on the title screen would flash
Starting point is 00:42:51 Different colors that would then give you a sequence, right? And I'm like fuck you. I know this We pulled out and one of the best things was we pulled out a goddamn copy legit magazine Ordering catalog for consumers fucking distributing which if you remember is basically The it was the the the storefront that we we've complained about it on the podcast before But it was like I imagine a Costco, but you weren't allowed to go inside There was just a counter with a person and you had to go tell them what you wanted
Starting point is 00:43:21 And they would spend the 20 minutes to go find it for you and bring it back to the front It's all and if they didn't have it then you waste the 20 minutes with them going. Sorry We don't have it. It was the absolute worst thing and it went out of business Yeah, for sure But if they just let you walk behind and go to the warehouse yourself They would have been Costco today, and I remember them you could have stolen it man I remember them lying to me about having reboot toys for months on end So I have extra special
Starting point is 00:43:48 They're lying because they tell me they had it in and I'd go down there Oh and tell them I had the reverse lying and it'd be like you just check the computer you answered me without checking the computer No, no, we have them. Okay, and I went down and then no, sorry Right and and if you and then you get that fucking like you know like am I talking to the same person? I just spoke to on the phone because now you have to confront me with your bullshit lies You know like it was I remember you're having like a near meltdown over that not because of the item I was trying to buy Call of Duty Modern Warfare Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare the first one
Starting point is 00:44:21 Yeah, it was the hottest thing at the time Yeah, and for whatever reason it was delayed a couple days in Montreal I knew it might have been a packaging thing with the French law, but I Remember calling the guy and be like hey, man. Do you have Call of Duty 4? He's yeah, totally. We got a bunch of copies like Assuredly like I've seen them with my eyes Go down to the EB games. No, man. We don't got no car. Oh, did you sell out? No, we just never got him Yeah, and like
Starting point is 00:44:51 Remember having Like that moment where I'm so like Maybe I was unreasonably angry But it's just like the the audacity and the not caring and I took me an hour to get there Right because I lived I lived off the island at the time and just Like just you lied for no reason you gained nothing you gained nothing. So What what was the store? It was the EB games downtown. Okay, so here's the it was the one
Starting point is 00:45:24 Okay, cuz the EB games downtown in particular not just that not the most profitable store in the country. Yeah The that EB games many times I've come to realize and multiple of my friends have come to realize because you know you'd pick your shit up there all the time We've all known people over they had the policy that forced them to tell you that whatever you asked for you Could never tell them no, we don't have it or like if it's something that's not out yet. You have to tell them Yeah, try next Thursday Basically and this over multiple thought times multiple things. They'd just be like, yeah That should be coming in next Thursday as opposed to we don't have it and it's not in the computer
Starting point is 00:46:04 Or we don't know when if the shipment is coming in and it was just this Did you discover this when you spent the 18 months trying to get KOF 11 KOF 11, right? But then that I'm like and it's and like that was a ridiculous thing But I'm like, maybe it's just KOF 11 and then it happened with other shit as well that we would and then like it And then we would basically be like up down to the point when I was in QA and people would be heading down there You know including including like a shmup god Pat and people that we know people that are the most Well equipped to see through your lies and and it's just like we know everything about this Just check the computer and tell me what it says. It's like, yeah
Starting point is 00:46:42 Not sure we should have had it already, but I guess it's not here. I think it's coming in next Thursday Fucking horseshit, right and their policies to lie to you. So anyway, um, I wonder why digital distribution is terrible I wonder why Amazon took over it's just crazy and best buy actually with their best buy a buyers club Have you seen some of the deals they give out? It's like, but I see I see like cheap ass gamer and like why are you 64 go? Hey, you want to buy this game for six dollars? Yeah, it's like yeah, okay No, like with that anger and frustration you feel stomping out of the EB like fucking baseless is just behind you Shosing your shoulders. So like that that spring in your ear That situation with Call of Duty 4 did escalate because I had that anger where I could have actually stabbed someone
Starting point is 00:47:31 But that's clearly inappropriate. So I went down the list of like were you working here? One hour and five minutes ago, right, right, right was anyone else working here? Yeah, yeah, yeah Let me let me talk to that guy. Yeah, it was the other guy. They go. Hey, man Why'd you tell like yeah, and I got I knew his voice. Yeah, why'd you tell me? Oh because I thought but why did I wasted an hour of my life to come down here for nothing and I ended up speaking to the eye I was so mad that I ended up speaking to their boss because I was so pissed off and in hindsight I now know that the boss got them in trouble for the thing that he told them to do
Starting point is 00:48:09 Yeah, and thus feel like an asshole Yeah, because that management structure is poisonous to an insane degree, but hey man. Hey man foot traffic, right? You got you in the store. Did you see anything else? A person crazy enough to talk to your boss over a game not being in they know Yeah, yeah, so just take your brick and your mortar and fucking lay it to the ground Because how many times did you go to get a physical copy and they pulled one out of a sleeve? They pull it out of the sleeve and they put it in the fucking case for you and hand it to you and you go like What do you mean? What are you doing? Did you did you ever actually buy one? I did I did I did for a little while
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah, because it was the what are you gonna do? That's the only way to get your game I did that for a little while and Then I mean maybe four or five games and I may I would be a shit about it. Yeah, and then I Would have a I would have a plan and the plan was go to the EB downtown Which is the biggest one and the has less and if they do that I go No, put that away Where's my fucking sealed copy that they shipped you and I would still go through the entire process Knowing that all I was doing was wasting their time and
Starting point is 00:49:28 Then I would go to the Best Buy one block away and buy a new copy that was actually sealed like you're buying a used thing from this fucking store That's just running was it who was it that bought a fucking copy of Metroid fusion that we knew Like the god was this a story that I heard but like buying fucking GBA games Day after they came out and they were fucking completed save files on them Wow can't delete them Wow No, I don't and I remember I knew I knew a guy at a EB and this is store-to-store. This is not a Company-wide thing, but hey, you know those discs that are opened for sealed you can do anything you want with those You can take those home. Yeah, if you work you can play if it's halo or some shit, and you have it two weeks early I mean there's gonna be the display copy perks take it home. You're the EB guy perks. Why not? Yeah, no
Starting point is 00:50:21 It's it's infuriating when they had that policy in place And God, what was it? Oh, you know what you know what my favorite one is and I remember hearing I actually ironically despite being a Canadian thing. I heard about it first on the John bombcast, which was People talking and they had sent a photo into the podcast saying what's up with this shit? And they had a photo of re a used game for 49.99 next to Game with a green sticker on it. It said recycled game for 49.99 and if you go down to your EB games now
Starting point is 00:50:58 You'll see that all the games are recycled and they asked you if you would like a recycled game Because recycled works better with the kids and the text test audience and oh as a term It's not used up man as a term. It's recycled and also it's not loose people It's not a game with mileage on it Companies have tried desperately to get away from the word refurbished because everyone now knows that refurbish means it's broken Yep Yeah, and getting inside the little day handed to you inside the glass cake little plastic glass Hey, would you like a refurb PS2? Why don't you just give me up a couple of bricks? Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:34 No that and then of course you you you you know you double down with the whole Pre-order Amazon deals and whatnot and they they fucking you just yeah You're basically signing your own death warrant with each one of these things and I remember one of the most egregious Regis egregious a fun word dude. It's a reason one of the most fucking egregious was Back over at the the the the Eidos and it was a day I think it was Deus Ex where it came with the sleeve inside that gave you the We talked about this on the podcast. This is a news story. Yes, it gave it came with a Pamphlet inside the copy that the PC release. I think yeah, they gave you a free code for the game on
Starting point is 00:52:19 the whatever streaming service Itals had partnered with and yeah, it was part of the Square Enix deal And it was like this is what you're supposed to get with your copy of the game But if you just buy it from eb eb says fuck you you're not undercutting Open every copy and take it out physically remove the code the the sticker and and and the sheet from your cartridge from your Case sealed it back up and sold you it without that see that's stole part of the product from you and acted like it was fine see that's the one of those fun ones while
Starting point is 00:52:54 technically legal because a Fucking merchant has the ability to sell products as a blah blah blah blah blah Clearly asinine right like it's it's like the point of like like what like they You don't play nice by by by you know like by basically Pushing this digital thing that you know hurts us and is our direct competition. We hate digital and We're now stepping over a huge line That is because we've been opening up your cartridges anyway, right? Why not? We've been opening up your discs
Starting point is 00:53:29 So what's the trouble in just taking this little piece of paper out? That is the kind of the thought and it's like fuck you the developer and publisher gave this to you It it's really it's really goofy because you look at your look game the game stop and it's at eb games, which are the same thing and they They're their big profit business models built on use games as many of those types of shops were built at micro play 95% of their money from use games Or I think it was just 90 there were certain blockbusters that ran that kind of store even absolutely
Starting point is 00:54:08 and That makes sense to cling to that because there isn't a huge margin on game sales, right? and everyone in the neighborhood treats it like a library, but the This is the kind of thing Jim Sterling talks about a lot, which is the the chase of the short term Where they would always try and emphasize whatever they could like how you want your trade in bone and you want You know every every possible underhanded tactic to continue to keep that use thing going
Starting point is 00:54:40 Yeah, that they have created an entire Generate it is now a generation of game players now that have been dealing with this Yeah, that will do anything to not buy a game at a retail store That are desperate to not have to deal with Buying a game experience because why should that be a thing? Yeah, why is that even a noteworthy occurrence? I don't have stories about going to buy bread at the grocery store look I mean fortunately this stupid like these stories are just going the way of the of physical copies of things in general in the sense that like
Starting point is 00:55:19 We get to see the early days of them fighting back against digital and thrashing and crying one of which included buying a digital Distribution service that no one uses right and impulse You know and we get to see these these hilarious stories as eventually it just became more and more Practical to just have digital available and be a primary choice. So Fuck it. There's always gonna be a place for physical things But like the the fact that they kind of are like they're they're able to just think they can get away with this type of behavior on a Regular basis. I don't even know what it's like now because I literally I I recently went I have no idea I recently so the only time I ever go to ED games has it even changed. It's changed significantly
Starting point is 00:56:04 Is when I want to buy a controller and I don't want to wait for it in the mail, right? That's the only reason right so you go in and the first thing you notice is boy Now that used games are not as viable anymore. There's a there's a near hot topic levels of T-shirts and funk and lifestyle Funko pops and yeah, yeah, yeah Funko pops cover a whole wall where the GS games used to be. Yeah backpacks accessories Little little goombas shit tons of gift card racks everywhere for iTunes and stuff like that Headphones and a couple iPod that one not big, but they do sell like Mac
Starting point is 00:56:44 Like refurbished Macs and shit like that which is extra nuts or iPads. I think I pads Yeah, and so I'm like, hey, can I get that gray one? Okay, I'll go get it and got it And he says hey, do you want the warranty on this controller? I'm like, no, it's like you sure it's like dude I am buying this one This is the warranty. I'm buying this one because my old controller doesn't feel new Yeah, why would I want a warranty that replaces this one with a used one and he goes, okay Would you like to pre-order any games and I go dude? I have not bought a physical game in a store since New Vegas And that that doesn't count like Wii U or Nintendo games for a while, but sure whatever and he goes
Starting point is 00:57:30 Oh Yeah, like just like visibly like oh, this is the sound of I'm not that I'm not sure if their circle of life stuff is still in place But their numbers still have to exist and me purchasing that means that is a transaction that they had no added value onto Which means I actually brought that guy's numbers down sure by purchasing something sure and the way and that mentality Yeah, is the most toxic fucking thing to the average consumer possible because it means you are Incentivized to push away
Starting point is 00:58:02 Normal people won the circle of life thing. There's a guy on YouTube. I checked out He I went to the deep hole of GameStop like testimonials a few weeks ago He's forget his name But he has a channel called clean price gaming and he did two videos of like I worked at GameStop for four years Let me tell you some shit and just of the Grimiest fucking things if you're in like tricking people that can't speak English into buying edge cards and Convincing kids that are too poor to buy a game to pre-order a different game that they don't want we you draw tablet bundle
Starting point is 00:58:41 Yeah Just the yeah and Situations in which your numbers are on the line your numbers are so bad and because it's a percentage like you know the sales Whatever mm-hmm guy coming in for a new game to buy call of duty for he buys that game and just leaves Your numbers went down. Yep to the point where you could get fired You didn't put what possible incentive. Do you have you didn't push? Yeah, why didn't you push harder? Well, okay, cuz there's only there's only so much blood you can get out of this rock So so no cuz consumers like you and I are the nightmare and I want this and I want this and I want this goodbye and
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah, and I mean I mean like you so you went in and did that for me. I don't even do that I like the last physical things I got that weren't just shipped to my house were things that I got at cons Yeah, just walking by them going like I could use one of those. Yeah, and that's the end of the thought it has it Oh, yeah, so Okay, think about it this way right there's a there's a very specifically Canadian Equivalent of this and it's bell Canada, right? Yeah. Yeah Bell Canada Their phone service for their internet and phone like their tech support
Starting point is 00:59:55 Was so bad for so long that it has created a universal culture of I have to call Videotron I got a call bell. I got a call. Tell us I am Expecting to fight someone. I am prepared to fight someone There's no reason it should be like that But they ruined it for everybody including companies that have good tech support Like I never had a problem once with Videotron and they're just it's evil Well, that's what happens when one company owns all the lines and any other company you work with has to call them Like as a third party to figure out your problem and to defend and to get someone on it because they own the lines
Starting point is 01:00:37 Yeah, no, it's that and that's another particular Canadian. That is very Very weird situation. Oh, yeah, no game stop has raised an entire generation of people to hate going to a store to buy a game Yeah, abysmal which has Killed we'll kill them and they they didn't get in early on the digital shit that steam and GOG and fuck it Origins in a way healthier place than impulse and they only sell EA games and a couple other publishers I Anticipate the day that they die. I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon because there's still a need You think Amazon's gonna kill Best Buy before Amazon kills game stop
Starting point is 01:01:17 I think I think Best Buy is gonna hang on for quite a bit just there's I think I have so many like dude Like when it comes down to average person who wants a television, that's the first and only thought You know, that's like that's still where your brain goes to go go go check out that and you don't need that for video Games, yeah, you really don't it's you know, like there's a there's a way smaller distance to fall for game spot to die Now I'm gonna see best buy like stop brother I'm gonna see Best Buy like take serious hits over the years But I completely are you there has to be a physical place to go to buy a pair of headphones. That's it They're there it that has to exist and and you know
Starting point is 01:01:56 EB is turning itself and morphing and changing and can chameleonizing itself to it solve the issue It's gonna be a Spencer's gifts pretty soon, but that but like that's and you that's them thrashing against the wave Can I get the dildos in the back? Yeah, like that's them trying and clawing or the little um the lava lamps when you see lava lamps That's that's when you know, right Mark the words when you walk into fucking EB games and you see lava lamps up front. That's when That's when it's over Call it time of death That day that exact moment, you know people are gonna send us pictures of fucking lava. Oh, yeah local game stop
Starting point is 01:02:35 But that's what it is. That's the death now. Um, I can't wait for it, but either way It was a great escape room. Oh And it was really funny because the further you went into it like you eventually sort of unlocked this shrine to Kevin Oh, and it's super creepy and you're like, oh this fucking shitty Jessica Was not only holding the number back, but she's like a weird stalker girl that's obsessed It's always the Jessica's. Yep, and then you eventually get the number and you call Kevin in our case Unfortunately, the it was one of those cordlesses, but the battery charge was low So we just have to kind of like pretend do the help button and go like hey
Starting point is 01:03:14 Called Kevin. Hey Kevin. Will you go out with us? And he's like guys like yes I'm Kevin we can go to McDonald's if you want or like oh my god So he totally did it. That's great No, that was easily one of the funnest like Themes for a room ever. It's really unique. There's no saving the world. There's no escaping Not a science lab or a military base called a boy It's just get the boys number, but it's still like in that context Yeah, get that urgency of like oh
Starting point is 01:03:48 Man oh edit and when we got the number to I'm looking at it It's a fucking 514 number, and I'm just like what like I'm like which employees phone number is this? You know like who's gonna answer off their thing that I agreed to sacrifice their phone numbers Yes, I am Kevin I will go out with you We are like Kevin continue comes up Look at it. She's it. I did music The other one okay, I'm not Kevin. There's something to do here Fuck yeah Kevin. Oh, I'm calling up every TV
Starting point is 01:04:31 Anyway, it was a really great escape room. That was fun And I also finished off Black Mirror season four. Oh, yeah, and You know I think I think Matt was a little harsh on it Yeah, I can see what he was talking about in the sense that like the Can starts to be just to become a little bit like played You know you start to be able to go like I I see what you're doing here. There's still one incredible episode in it That There's a really really good episode. I forget the title of it, but basically it involves dating
Starting point is 01:05:07 So it's the dating episode and it was like Just it's a traditional Excellent writing. Holy shit, right swerves that you expect and then swerves you don't and fun things Coming in and just fun thought with the technology hang the DJ. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's it hang the DJ was really really good Is does it your mom run on batteries? Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, but the but the thing with it though in particular with this season I'd say hang the DJ was the best episode of the season and and and then there's a finale and the finale is Where you definitely can be left with that feeling of like
Starting point is 01:05:55 It it's a fine episode and it's a fine like there's definitely a lot of interesting concepts But it basically plays like you know how I talked about the John Hamm episode in the previous So it was like remember it was like there's an overall story that has like synanthology episode where there's like three mini stories inside of it and you connect them to like build a larger one and This fun and yeah, this this one episode in particular is Really like it's not written from the point of view of someone who's trying to explore Technology in a in a weird and dark way, which is what the series is supposed to be. Yeah, it's written from an An angle though the it's written in an angle where the person is looking back at previous episodes and going
Starting point is 01:06:37 How do we one up that shit? That's weird And it sucks that you can feel the sausage be made because you're trying to clearly take moments that were like Like halfway through this shock Would have been the finale of a previous episode where you go, holy fuck That's crazy and you talk about it for an hour Yeah, and you go here. You just throw those out like casually because you're trying to really one up the one Oh, you gotta build it man You know and then and then the black mirror to the black mirror like you're really trying to like just compete against previous episodes
Starting point is 01:07:10 As opposed to tell your own story and like that bummed me out a bit because it was trying a little bit real existential crisis right there See it worked you got bummed out. Yeah, I guess sure In an indirect way why not dude don't you get But like yeah, it definitely it was It was it was a black museum is the name of that episode and it just kind of like Even that name is a little on the nose tries to it tries a little bit too hard You start you it doesn't jump a shark, but like you know what I mean? Look at this out
Starting point is 01:07:42 There's a fin yeah fin sticks out and you kind of just like and falls he's out there putting his helmet on The fin yeah, you know it grind you grind the fin a little bit. I like that. Can we use that? Yeah? Yeah, that's a good thing. You just invented. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's what happens You know um so like you know when you kind of look at it and you go alright Hey, maybe they'll come back for season five. I go. You know what? Hey take your time. Take it. Don't worry about it Well, it's England. We don't need it next year. We don't need it for a while. Take your time write five six episodes of something that are self-contained and interesting that don't need to One-up everything you've done before. Yeah, and then we'll be good, you know, but you don't want a series like that
Starting point is 01:08:25 Overstaying it's welcome because fuck it's so good You know and the thoughts it leaves you with are so interesting that you just like it would be such a Disappointment to watch it go downhill like trying to eat its own ass like an Urboros, you know I'll be real I can barely pay attention to know what you're saying because I can't stop thinking about how good the name crying The fin is sure like I sure like all right because I like that is a thing we have had difficulty Yeah, like quantifying in so long add that it's so perfect Add that to the lexicon. It's it is it is the it is the lexicon equivalent of jumping the shark of it's not the end But I could see it. It's not the end of the world, but I could see it from here. Yeah
Starting point is 01:09:09 You did oh, yeah, oh you're smart at that So That's the place that it left off at and I still I still think it's one of the greatest series Like well, I mean, I only watched the first two episodes I would already put it in one of the greatest series just for that second episode by itself That was a completely there you go. Yeah standalone thing. I've never felt more destroyed in my soul It also I realized something that the entire franchise It scratches an itch that we've talked about for years now and it's that it will to quote that exact same line
Starting point is 01:09:43 You just said it's you know how we like seeing the process. Yeah, I don't like the zombie apocalypse I like day one of the zombie apocalypse exactly, right? It's not the technological post apocryphal nightmare It's so easy to fast-forward infinite years and and just create the new setting right be like blam and and oh We're in a Dyson sphere and back on back in the world in the days of Mad Max That was brand new and it's super awesome and interesting Yeah, right, but now we've done that and I've done it so many times that it's the thought of how it happened is more interesting I want to see the part where people are starting to realize oh
Starting point is 01:10:18 We may have horribly damaged our society beyond repair with this thing thus You know like and when when you kind of find things out me's on send like again That had a time too when it was like you were finding that out for the first time now We've done it all and it can and it continues to be why children of men is one of my favorite movies of all time if not the Yeah, it's it's not the end of the world, but the end of the world is literally 50 years away Yeah, I don't think anything's changed since then I still think no my favorite movie of all time is still children It's you know It's just far away that it's probably not even going to affect you in your lifetime
Starting point is 01:10:47 But you can see what it's doing so black mirror More often than not set a time frame like that. Yeah, where you're like you're in a modern day that we Recognize it's not that far the the outdoors look the same It's it's not even as far away from us as say human revolution was yeah Yeah, yeah, no no the outdoors look the same and you're getting into cars and driving from one house to another doing the same things Watch the TV, but the thing you're holding in your pocket slash the way you're navigating that car is ruining your life It's very exactly. That's where the changes, you know, and I really do appreciate the near future Like that that's a fun thing to explore and we've seen so many interesting versions of it with black mirror
Starting point is 01:11:31 And I think that's also why I'm so drawn towards it Fucking incredible. So yeah, that's where that is and yeah, I guess What else there is I spent time with Blanca. Yeah, how's Blanca? Blanca's um, I'm sorry. I can't talk to you. Blanca's Yeah, exactly Smack hand away Vegeta says no gohan dude. So I should mention don't talk to Blanca players That's a funny joke. I like the joke because it is funny
Starting point is 01:11:59 But the amount of those especially after videos coming out of Blanca like clowning on people So very accurately clowning like just stomping all over and people just getting like it Go it went from jokey salty of like I don't like this character to real salty Cuz I'm getting my ass kicked by this character and he has animations at the end of his moves that troll you So they've given him little unique animations after every single move Oh, they know where they do a little like and they kind of like make a troll animation And when you lose with a command grab, he sticks his hands up like what sorry Have you seen those videos of those just complete asinine mirror matches? Yeah, sure have seen them
Starting point is 01:12:39 I've been in them through the worst things I've ever it's goofy shit It is the active form of Honda's sitting in the corner. It's it's hilarious Well, the thing with the blood and the thing with blanket now too is that he's actually more honest than he's been Yeah, he's been toned down and he's become more fair and It might not be apparent like at the basic Eyeballing the screen level because he's still rolling around and hopping like an idiot But like a lot of those balls used to have a giant hitbox on all corners Yeah, now it's only in the front. Yeah, so you don't have to worry about the left right
Starting point is 01:13:13 You don't have to worry about it's huge bizarre goofy hitboxes When they cross us up or hey, I should be safe to hit him with this move But I'm not they took away a whole bunch of that stuff and in exchange. They gave him The the the rainbow roll like the roll where he goes in an arc shape Yeah, and he lands. He doesn't bounce off of you anymore. He stays on top of you and keeps pressing. Oh, that's super good They gave him that but you can still like hit it out of the air, right? So if you're if you see him coming at you from the air, you're just sure you can you know And they gave him the command grab which
Starting point is 01:13:48 Changes him. Yes, it does. But again, both of those things are like if you're sleeping, they will catch you Yeah, don't get caught sleeping, right? So they've made him a more fair character But people that are sleeping get blown up and that's where you see these videos equal to Laura Any one of the any of the any of those videos where you're seeing like crazy shit happening a lot of the time It's like shit. Oh, you know a pen sense. Press a button You'll you'll win but you're freaked out in any of these moments of oh my god What's he press a button? You know like that's let's it's it's crazy
Starting point is 01:14:22 Where usually the answer is don't press a button. Yeah, you know blank is a little bit of the opposite But he's um, but he's fun and he's and he's good. I think he's a good character. I think you'll do Reasonably well, so you're gonna win evo this year. Yeah guaranteed good sure for sure. I'm glad I've been People I'm glad you know, I it's something that kind of turns up every year And I don't know if we have a really fully discussed it, but you don't know the gulf of power You know what I mean between the top and Like and the entry level and like make and pools even like you don't understand the gulf
Starting point is 01:14:59 If you don't understand the first step, right? Oh, man, you don't know what you're looking at So you just you it's not like it's so hard to describe the I Love I love love love that you described it as a gulf in power Not in skill, but in power It's it's like it's imagine if you're a flat lander with no depth perception and you're like, yeah That's just a little it's a little like jump. It's a cliffside, you know, and you just have to take a step over that space What's the problem? Here's what it is, right?
Starting point is 01:15:33 You're you're Gohan and Raditz shows up and you're like, oh That dude's so strong my god. That's the top guy in your local scene. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you don't know You can't even conceive of how strong fucking Frieza. That's exactly exactly, right? So, you know, like all those questions that get thrown around there like yeah, Raditz you have a chance at virus Like you you don't understand you actually don't understand, you know, like it's a it's a Ridiculous conversation to have I have this the smallest taste in which I did go to a few of the meetups way back at the beginning SF for and I play it against Henry and He was very quiet and very nice
Starting point is 01:16:22 but Right like just yeah, just a whole different world and then Like all we got he did he did very well and and like the Montreal attorney and then he goes to Evo and he gets like top 16 I think it was no you never got top 16. Okay. Well, you like exactly like the person whose power I cannot comprehend. Yeah, is in that position. Yeah with other people struggling to I can't even See them from where I'm at That's I can't even come I can't even think and that's the so that's the thing where I'm just like I'm competent enough to know how incompetent I am. Yeah, you're like
Starting point is 01:17:03 Socrates I have enough skill to recognize how much further that the goal the power gap is so I Should mention fighting game skill or other competitive game skill. It's not a bell curve in terms of progression It's an exponential graph. Oh, yeah And as you get further down the line the graph eventually just suits straight up over time with no difference Yeah, it were it might as well be a wall and then you just and that's what top 16 is top 16 is the numbered vertical line of that curve And it's like you can climb this wall. It's not impossible people have done it But you you don't but like the people that do that at that point are the one or like the dedication It takes to have like even if you're already skilled to be able to make it and like even close to that, right?
Starting point is 01:17:54 You're talking about Knowing and playing the game like a full-time job Yes, and knowing it inside out to the point where every move you've got the number talking about those Those Korean guys who fucking live at the PC bong Out in South Korea because they got to get good for the team man because fucking league tournaments coming up to try and to try And break it down even slightly. It's like sports Any time an action happens on the screen, which is a character that you're fighting presses a button and you and you block it Like you're talking about knowing
Starting point is 01:18:28 What every other button or action in the game can do in response to that? So so you know the exchange and you know whether it'll hit not hit What be blocked and leave you at an advantage or completely not with entirely let me ask you there was a video series a guy put out it was a Punch by punch analysis, I believe it was Ken versus evil Ryu match You're probably talking about core a gaming analysis. No, I've watched all of core a gaming's videos This this was like 20 minutes long. You recommend it was like oh, it was one of the tweets I put out of like Explaining the footsies that was explaining every single punch. Yes. Yes every button for an entire set the thought process that went into every button
Starting point is 01:19:14 Yes, you remember who made I don't remember who made it. No if anybody remembers who made that please send it out It's a tweet. It's an amazing video. Yeah, in that I did not know half of the shit Yeah, I know it expand like I like this is I saw it and I went this is fantastic But is because it explains what I know in my head But don't say and it's happening millisecond to millisecond for this and it explains it for the layperson to really get what each Movement means. I'm sure somebody is gonna remember this. Please send that to us on Twitter. Yeah, we'll re-broadcast It's buried somewhere in my old tweets for sure, but that's exactly that's a really good video Yeah, and I was I remember being disappointed because I checked back on that guy's channel and he didn't make more of them
Starting point is 01:19:57 I imagined because it's an exhaustive and incredibly long Process to make those yeah, but I would love to see that of big matches for sure I'd love to see it. Well, I'd love to see a DVZ version of that But that would take like an hour for a single round. Yeah, and I mean like God I mean that'd be fun to make but like you also have to definitely be at that level, right? You have to be able to understand that, too I And I guess like what was I fuck was I gonna say I was gonna say Yeah, so the idea of like, you know, someone that you recognize like, you know myself or max going to compete or
Starting point is 01:20:34 playing these things and whatnot like You have to sort of realize that if you're seeing me and I'm not like if you're seeing me at all here talking to you That means I'm not practicing and that means you're not there. Hey, guess what? Well, he hasn't hit higher egg and monster higher yet currently, right? Yeah, okay. That means that his block is shit Like that like like that is a one-to-one It's you know, and so it's like it's like so the question of like, you know Like competing and doing all these things when you're someone that people kind of are like oh like hey like I know you really like this
Starting point is 01:21:10 Like are you good? And it's like yeah, I'm gonna try I'm gonna play because I like the game and you you set your goals differently You so that I would like to not drown in pools Yeah, yeah, but but to really understand the scope you have to understand that like if I ever were to actually be doing this for real and Trying for real seriously again to like do my best at tournaments to the maximum that means you don't see me anymore I'm gone. Yeah, because I'm practicing because that's what it takes goodbye get there So it's a self like it's like it's evident. You will know when that's happening because Later, it's all gonna be Matt and Pat LPs for the next two months until July And it's just like an anything shy of that kind of effort is just not good enough
Starting point is 01:21:53 Unless you're a prodigy, which you really play other games. You're not really, you know, yeah So they're fighting games maybe but even then by the way, I have suddenly Spontaneously remembered with no help from the outside world. That is a guy named Jay Rigo Okay with a channel of Man, this guy has almost nobody watching. He's got 4k subs and 39 videos I'm not sure if he's updated in quite some time, but it is J. A. Y. R. E. G. Oh, yes And it is the Analyze this video series. Okay. Yes done fest games. I'm going to retweet
Starting point is 01:22:31 I'm going to retweet it right now that my old tweet from 2015. It was from fucking. Yeah, that's gone A long time ago So those of you who have no who have no interest in fighting games continue to ignore this part But for those of you who are in that weird period of like fighting games look cool, huh? This kind of it explains it a little bit more of like why more than a little bit Explains it a lot of it. Yeah, but it but it gives it definitely gives you a glimpse into what your brain is doing and I'm really yeah, I fucking love that video man because like most people walk away from it going. Oh my god And I'm just see that I'm gonna watch as soon as I leave. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm just like yeah
Starting point is 01:23:17 That's what it is. And isn't it? It's like it's insane, but it's like fuck. That's why we love it, you know Analyze this Bobochi versus Daigo And I believe he goes through multiple of the games in that set It's very good. That is a very good video series Yeah, but I that's that's about it, you know, I mean I'm continuing to to try and get my blanket to not shit Status and I'm also drunk as shit And I'm also like I'm getting so I'm getting a little salt with it with with the dragon ball Cuz cuz honeymoon the honeymoon's over right moon is over honey moon's over and so what we got to see now
Starting point is 01:23:57 I actually like the game more now that the honey moon's over sure But that's because of me that's because I've changed so what's funny is watching how the the wave 2 is like kind of coming about now and I'm somebody who as you know Like I tend to just be like I like these characters because I like them and then I'm gonna play him hell or high water We see what happens right and I Really like you get in and sell so you get the frustration you get the frustration sometimes of like you know all like they're not gonna be
Starting point is 01:24:28 They're not that great or there's other things so in this case I'm like everyone's using Goku black and everyone's using Vegeta pick your character and then pick those two There's your team right and it was just like very good exactly and then you just got like you're just like I'm so like oh my god Fine, this is the army that we're dealing with okay, so be it right brainless. Let's go dude I tried right. I tried like a dozen different combinations of my team Nothing works as well as Vegeta on on on assist and and he's so far and away the best assist in the game It's not even close. Well, it's crazy because it's like he is and that breeds a level of dependency. Oh, totally that breeds non
Starting point is 01:25:10 Preparedness to deal with not having Vegeta sure and totally so you have a crutch you're leaning on and it gets swept from under your feet And then you have nothing well the other problem that I have is that I really like Ssj's Vegeta and like he's not the best character, but I feel very comfortable with him as like my anchor even wow That's okay. I mean he's he's he's he's lacking But anyway the point being that like so suddenly so now the new wave is people moving over to the 16 train And I'm like oh now you're showing up now you're fucking coming We finally get a guy and fighting game where the grappler is the top tier a plus everybody is yeah Now now you want a piece of this shit, huh? Like day one wasn't good enough for you always the wrong
Starting point is 01:25:53 He's the wrong genre. Okay, right wrong type of character for this game, huh? Uh-huh, and now the fucking 16 trains rolling. I'm like god damn it fine fine And now I look like not a day minus 32 60 you know this is yeah, remember you remember when that that Oh, this is gonna be a poll do you remember when that? Boy band musician came to Doug's town with his new style That was just the clothes the Doug wears every day sure and everyone was like Doug why you fucking rip copy it You're so lame absolutely. He's like I wear this every day. It's like oh shut up Doug Yeah, you're so uncool and then when the guy left. Oh my god Doug can't believe you're still wearing that old style
Starting point is 01:26:34 Yeah, yeah, it's like this is my clothes. I just want to go listen to the beats Yeah, yeah, it's that it's it's it's Android 16 hipsterism and it's Fidest because when because when you when that comes out of the meta or the popular whatever and you're still playing that team The guy in his mind when he goes to fight you say oh this guy one of those Still stuck on that old shit. Yeah, it's like wow. It's always it's always funny. It's always funny to see that So, you know, but whatever God bless God bless, you know like some people move with the tides I like planting planting my rock and sinking with it or that's correct or it becomes a tower I don't know and that's why Sanford Kelly's advice will always always remain
Starting point is 01:27:21 Just pick a top tier Why you got to be different? Why you got to be special? Just pick a top tier. Just do it. What are you doing? Yeah, do it. Just do it. Just put picks a guy Just picks a got pick a top. Just pick a top tier. Why are you making it hard for yourself? That will live in into me forever Yeah, and you know what like that voice echoes every time you lose with the character you love. Yeah, no You feel like I probably could have won that well, there's I well, what happens is there's moments. There's moments where people will You'll you'll you'll have the most part in a game where you'll just pick out like like the bandwagon character at some point and then just go
Starting point is 01:28:05 Oh my god, this is so easy. I barely you don't have to work for anything. It's all free. It's like no wonder Yeah, exactly. I can hit confirm this off a job You know, so so and and that's how I felt picking up Goku black where I picked I picked him up late I was one of the last characters. I started bright. I'm like oh Oh, he oh, I could just do anything that I want anywhere And I'm gonna get it real hilarious with this fucking game in particular because the characters that I'm like day one Love that guy got to do it which are hit 16 and sell which are are everyone like it's like. Oh, you've just you pick the top three
Starting point is 01:28:48 You picked one two three You picked you picked one two four in the meta with the gena being number three God it's camis a gat Blanca all over it's yeah, no you you have a gift It is what this is this is CVS to all over your time. I The characters I like are in that. Well, you have defined the meta. Oh my god. Oh my god. It's hilarious. I can't believe it Anyway, how about you? Oh, let's see. I hung out with Clems got to hang out with Volta as well That was a weird little United Nations party with me paged the fucking Clems and Volta very nice people Clems is a little baby
Starting point is 01:29:31 I got to play some DBZ with him And I got to get the moment that I've not had in years and years and years of playing a fighting game with somebody who is Actually starting at what is essentially zero? Hmm, right like Actually zero hasn't done Street Fighter only easy Clems is British What fighting games do you think he has actually played? Okay, so we can probably assume that
Starting point is 01:30:01 He played himself a good wee bit of perhaps a virtual fighter. No really no Is a is England big on virtual fighter and another I mean Sega, you know, yes No, the answer is soul caliber. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a that's a France thing, but yeah, but they're right there Yeah, yeah, fine. That's fine. But soul caliber too is a long time ago. Okay, and yeah, and just I got to appreciate DBZ fighters from a new lens which we already saw but I got to appreciate it more which is There is an obvious path for brand new players here. There is actually There's the the auto combo thing and the ease of input thing. Yeah, like there's a ramp
Starting point is 01:30:44 There's actually a ramp. Yeah, Street Fighter 5 still they they've tried. There's still it's still steps It's still a staircase. Well, you're still standing there going I have a lot of things I can do right now, but I don't know what to do Whereas DBZ has fly at the guy fly at the guy and then when that stops working Don't fly at the guy. Yeah What a great game. Also, I was Finished Darth Moringi's dark place one of the funniest things I've ever had the pleasure of ceiling the ceiling ceiling See and I left that going
Starting point is 01:31:17 God, I need more. I need more What do I need more of I need more awkward painful British comedy and So what with many of the actors in Garth Moringi's dark place dwarf actors on it crowd IT crowd I decided to actually watch IT crowd, which I had never done before Okay, the only thing I had ever done with the IT crowd is Seeing a snippet from the theater episode in which Roy gets caught using the handicap bathroom Have you seen this? No, it might be the funniest Piece of time. It's like always sunny, but British. This is not on the level of
Starting point is 01:31:57 curb With that it is okay because it is Larry coming out of the stall No, it's it. No, it is Roy is trying to flush the toilet and discovers that he has instead been Yanking on the emergency button for the disabled. Oh Only to turn and see people trying to break down the door because someone's had an accident We need to get in there and save them for him to drop to the floor Awkward pretending to have his legs not work What happened and just this Irish fuck just going
Starting point is 01:32:33 I'm disabled and and an entire episode of hijinks. Okay, what kind of disabled? leg disabled yeah, yeah, and and so that show is great cringe and I forget the actor's name. He plays the producer on Garth Moringes dark place and he's a moss Guy with the huge hair. Yeah big glasses Frickers that he is the best the black guy. Yes, the black guy I was I was trying to not say fucking Christ the black can we do can we not live in this world? Can we just live in a world where it's easy and we just say no
Starting point is 01:33:09 Well, I didn't I didn't want to bring race into it, but I guess we have to now Yes, it's not the most obvious signifier. Let's just fucking dance around it. Yeah, he's he's the best He's absolutely the best. He is I I look at him and I see Everything wrong with the Big Bang Theory Sure, I see sure I I had this realization was like why is this British comedy that? Ostensibly has almost an identical premise even to the of the normal person in the office being the chick right Why is this so funny and I like these characters like I could see that like moss is a little ridiculous
Starting point is 01:33:51 But right and then you look at Big Bang Theory. He's like, oh This is uncomfortable and gross and so I remember watching part of the first episode and then like I remember why but for some reason I didn't finish. Oh Dean learners not moss my bad. I got two black guys confused. That's bad Oh, dear. Well, baby. That's why you chose not to signify that. See yeah, see, you know, you were whoops very Whoops, that's what you get. That's what you get for trying That's what I get for trying Fucking whoops, you know what happens when you fail Means you shouldn't have tried shouldn't have tried shouldn't have tried. That's what you get
Starting point is 01:34:31 I saw this is Clemsis fault. Yeah, because he said oh, there's people from the IT crowd on this and I made that Connection before Rick Sanchez was in the show. That's Clemsis fault I I've seen that gif of him typing on the computer and he looks over at a fire and then he continues typing on the computer That's like episode two. Okay. It's super early. Yeah, well, you know what? You know what he's typing? Well, he's typing the email to the fire department. Okay. Got it. Yeah, right. So that I've seen Oh dear headphones exploded. Good job, Billy Reminder find though. Was that you? No. Oh, okay Um, it's a quick word for my sponsors. Yeah. Yeah, let's do it
Starting point is 01:35:13 Today the podcast is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club hey Dollar Shave Club What up? Yeah, that's the that's the name you should you should you've read it before how's it hanging Dollar Shave Club? Well, you know when I say Dollar Shave Club you think of you think of an amazing affordable shave That's what comes to mind. Maybe considering I'm basically shaving myself of pine cones. I could use a better razor Maybe you think about you know Looking and smelling your best being sharp, but but but but but but do you think about? I have thought about shave butter
Starting point is 01:35:54 I thought about how delicious it would be Dr. Carver shave butter. Okay. Wait, that's a different he is the hero of any shape more That is a beautification product. He's not to be consumed. He's the hero of every morning and That is included in your Dollar Shave Club package alongside your executive razor high quality shave all of that stuff They got the shampoo the body wash the toothpaste. You got the whole experience Waiting for you with Dollar Shave Club. You don't have to be treated like a criminal Don't head on down to your pharmacy and and line up and take your mug shot and then turn left and take your other mug shot
Starting point is 01:36:35 Tell me I gotta wait five day waiting period for these razors And then they gotta they gotta buzz it through the thing and then like and then they clink open the gates And then you pick the razor you want you ring the metal detector on the way out And then you got you got all that community service. It's a problem. Don't do it. Don't do it you want to head on over to Dollar Shave Club comm slash friendcast and For just five bucks a month with free shipping you get the six executive razor blade trial Plus the shave butter the body cleanser the one wipe Charlize Like what one wipe Charlize? I think those are the butt wipes. Okay. That's pretty good. That's pretty good
Starting point is 01:37:12 Well, that's it's you know, I mean you can either you can throw the word butt wipe on that is that a barber term though Is that a service that a barber would offer? I you know, it's a try. It's a very old-fashioned term It makes me it makes me think of you know barber shops and things like that and like, oh, we got a one-wipe Charlie He's gonna help you out. There you go. Exactly. So Once again for just five bucks. You want to head on over to dollar shave club comm slash friendcast That's dollar shave club comm slash friendcast. Thank you dollar shave club. Thank you dollar shave club. Thank you. Dr. Carver It's getting to the bubba bubba bubba bubba bub. I have anything else. I really want to talk about not really Played like 25 hours of pillars
Starting point is 01:37:53 Not much to say other than that's a good game and RPGs should let you stomp all over the game if you get super strong RPGs that force scaling are bad. It makes me sad or Kotor is locked planet Kotor locks it. It's like when you arrive basically But what I mean is like I did all the expansions before the second half of the game So I'm level cap right so going into areas you got huge that had a level cap lower than what I'm currently at Yeah, and it's just like oh man Well again, I think I've referred to it a couple times but earthbounds like you run into the enemy on the map and just blow it
Starting point is 01:38:31 Open as you walk over it. It's great. It's amazing very satisfying All right so Couple of things is in the news I suppose we can start out on the announcement that P3d and P5d are
Starting point is 01:38:54 Going to include VR support Now these games are already visually like incredible because the persona like UI team is the best in the business. Well, that's when they're making props for a dancing game. Oh boy. I Mean, it's still very pretty. It's not usable functional Rhythm game purpose or rather rhythm games have solved this problem. Yes, that's more. I think that's about better way to put it And here there's gonna be VR compatibility So you can get way up close with all these awesome costumes extremely close because hey
Starting point is 01:39:33 Your husband does and wife who's dressed as they are As we've seen you skates hot new Hot new jacket and they all look great. They look incredible They're not like you're pointing out you skate and yet like that's a good thing to do but also like everybody Yeah, everybody the only one is futaba isn't her regular costume Because her regular outfit completely fits the tone of everything else. Yeah, the only thing is she has shredded nylons and that's it So, yeah, there's VR support or they're cementing her place as the best of the wife who's no changes needed All others needed to be improved for dancing game. I'll take that. That's fine
Starting point is 01:40:14 We can call that persona giving up all night. Yeah, that's correct coming straight soon and May 24th Yeah, no, that's though. I I'm glad that's gonna happen because I mean while I didn't make it through to the end of p4d Because I don't know who did no one did Leamton Leam did I suppose I I'm definitely I'm definitely gonna be picking this up and I'm yeah, I'll grab a VR version. Hey, listen. I Have an idea. I have an idea if you work in a big office people people out there We're gonna make office have employees to play video games You can chart how well you like your coworkers based on what days they they take off Take off the day of Madden. All right, that guy's pretty normal take off the day of Skyrim. Okay, that guy's pretty cool
Starting point is 01:40:58 Take the day off on May 24th 2018 That guy's really cool. I Think you can yeah. Yeah, sure Look at the look at the calendar. It's like all right look around the office and be unless guess what who's not here You're at the office. Oh, yeah, that means you're not cool. Yeah So No, I'm just playing at my desk. No, they can't see it. Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 01:41:24 Makoto looks fucking great She looks great. She has also had her design like very little has changed because her look fits that just fine She's got like the little like leather studs and shit though. Yeah dig it gloves dig it. Oh So there give me my underage waifu dancing game now. Hey, man. The main the protag is not underage That's what's important. That's fine. The self-insert is not. No, you're in high school, too Yeah, man, I'm in high school Necessary necessary framing. There's a really funny It's it's the moment where all I did was repeat what you said
Starting point is 01:42:13 But for some reason that just that little perspective shift just made that so nefarious. Yeah. Oh, man Well, anyway, this was a story that was meant for you know Discussion that I guess we're not really gonna have But to rock one and two being remastered for X-Bone launch March 2nd I audibly groaned when somebody sent me this Just like they're trying. I believe I believe I was even on stream and Somebody put that in chat. I went
Starting point is 01:42:47 Ah There's no way we're getting out of playing these there's no way night dive is trying man They're they're doing their work. Did Matt make this happen? Well night dive brought it back to begin with, you know The the existing version and then like every port since has just been them taking their work and continuing to Force it down everyone's throat. All right, so it says on the thing up there that they're already currently available for the PC Exactly. So maybe we can just well. We did take it. We did take a look already. Oh, we did. I took a look fuck Yeah, I'm glad that was you. Yeah, it was it was a thing
Starting point is 01:43:27 Fuck Talks Hey, man, you shoot dinosaurs. There's something to be appreciated there I would rather hit a dinosaur with a sword look every once in a while You just got appeased Matt let him have his way and then it'll be fine You know he gets let him let him have his wins where he takes them. Look at that. That's like a monster hunter You know what you need? You just just You just our t-rex with a metal head
Starting point is 01:43:53 You know what you do you just get the box a monster hunter and you just like cut out a picture of Godzilla's head and just slap it On Rathalos and I here's the new Godzilla. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. See if that works guaranteed You know what I didn't realize is that the new Xbox one consoles acronym? Have you seen it written out? I have not it's X one X. That's good, right? Yeah, six. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that actually makes sense I Appreciate one you don't have a shitty acronym for your like the X bonks Yeah, or the boner X bone X
Starting point is 01:44:33 Final fantasy 15 continues to fucking stop Like the presses. This is the most ridiculous. It's a final fantasy 15 Refuses to stop going in so this it swears before all Friends and foes and family that it will never stop going in this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen because a game comes out and you're like this game needed more time in the oven that happens relatively often Yes, and then often times and then not yeah, and oftentimes then they'll go like hey
Starting point is 01:45:09 We're gonna put it back in the oven so to speak and give you a little little sprinkle some salt on you know Whatever and you come out. You're like, okay. This is This is so they put it back in the oven with the goddamn fucking quality of life updates and then they did the three DLC episodes and then they're like Nah a whole other year of this shit now Here's the thing is again I always am forced to think about the part where this game was so expensive that they're making back all their money over the course of 10 years they already made back all their money, okay, so then dude
Starting point is 01:45:46 It's sold like crazy, but like do you think this was still in the roadmap in case it didn't they have talked about how this was not in The roadmap Okay, they have literally they so they were like the road. This is what the roadmap was get the game out Put some quality of life stuff out Do some DLC episodes right that was that was it and Then they're getting to the end of episode Ignis and they they ended up putting out way more quality of life things And then the PC release which had been a maybe at release became a reality and that's coming out in March Yeah, and then alongside that they're like
Starting point is 01:46:24 No, there's more we can do yeah, and it really does feel like the development team is like There is still stuff that we want to do and there's still holes in the game story that we want to fill essentially so they're like Okay What are the prop? What are the problems in the game right? Here's the problem your villain comes out of nowhere and your main female character essentially doesn't exist Well, here's entire DLC episodes are those characters including the villain, which is gonna be so interesting Yeah, I hope that takes place way far back in the past. That'd be cool. That'd be cool And then here's the thing they said they said that
Starting point is 01:47:04 Luna and Arden are they gonna be the two DLC episodes, but there's two more What are those? Yeah? Right now they've only named those two and Four new episodes being produced into 2019 like fuck Not to mention they're working on comrades comrades just got a big thing right mods and multiplayer quests being improved Yeah, and they're and and New development different from the current episode add-ons are the the support this so we're At this point in time. Let's let's assume somebody buys the PC release on like they're still thinking about
Starting point is 01:47:45 More in addition to this and PC release on March 6 right say that's their first experience with the game, right? Yeah, that game I would call finished it still has flaws, right? But it is absolutely complete package, right? It includes all the DLCs thus far At this point for that person it was more than worthwhile that the game came out in the way that it did because they're going to get Way more as a result Right if the game had no development troubles, it might be a little more cohesive And and such but the amount of support that this game has gotten as a direct result of them feeling like they didn't do a good enough job on release Yeah, is crazy, right like I'm not saying it's a good good thing that the game came out kind of half-baked
Starting point is 01:48:29 But in the end we're gonna get over compensation Then we would have gotten the overcompensation is absolutely pushing it over. Yes, you have to pay for it So obviously take that in consideration, but like yeah, what the fuck I'm gonna say episode Cindy Yeah That's what I think. Yeah, that'd be cool. All right, just a car fix-up mini game. Yeah with VR support. Yep. Yeah No, it's gonna be episode Glad to you sister. What's your name Iris episode Iris? I
Starting point is 01:49:09 All right, no I There's okay, there's there are a couple characters that people want have you met Aranae in your play? Oh, yeah, Aranae has to be has to be one of those that could be a thing She is that could be the best man. She is that and the other one but episode Iris would be cute She doesn't fight man. She's cute. Yeah, well neither does Luna now. I think of it I would like to see And there is one episode they're missing big time and the assets for a lot of it exist and it's episode
Starting point is 01:49:45 What's his name? Oh, Kenny? No, it's it's Kingsglave episode Kingsglave. Oh That takes place in the city and the huge battle That happens that you know the single most important thing that happens That's not actually gone into the past. Yes The events that lead up to the beginning of the game. Yes That would actually be a really cool thing to put in Yes, I was does join your party for a little bit ariana. Yeah, no, no, no both iris and iris Actually, they should they do fight that she does a little team up like yay
Starting point is 01:50:20 Episode car Fuck yeah, no, that's nuts man. I've I've wow so like I think oh and I should mention I played the gladio one It's very very simple, but it is fun and it was fun to go through it again And the combat changes they gave to those characters are really cool And I haven't gotten through the prompto and Ignis ones yet But everybody tells me that each one is like Significantly better than the last hmm like the Ignis one is like legit amazing. So like That ardent one man. Oh man, they could do anything with that feels like
Starting point is 01:50:57 This is approaching like Neo, you know, yeah a little we're getting to that like a little super support System going on so you are gonna so FF 15 Let's let's fast-forward 10 years from now when people are talking about favorite Final Fantasies You are going to have people arguing about 15 being good or great or whatever Wildly varying opinions based on what month they played when they played it and stopped. Yeah, exactly It's like did you go back and fucking cuz like think about it because there's gonna be people like me who played it like more or less on Release or you you did as well, right and go. Yeah, I was good wasn't the best Well, then there's gonna be the people who pick it up after 16 comes out and go wow
Starting point is 01:51:36 There's so much stuff yet. Well, here's what I if you think about it from another point of view, right? Imagine if FF 13 2 and 3 We're just part of the original game and released you know be great perspective would be so different You could just you could just combine you just Scythe seal off the shit into its own little universe the lightning returns wouldn't have been seen as lightning returns For example, I've been seen as the third DLC that changes things up in a crazy way in a crazy way and you go like oh shit What that's really innovative? Yeah, whatever. So like we're we're probably going to buy the end of the game's life cycle see At least two full games worth of effort in DLC, right?
Starting point is 01:52:14 Like would these eight episodes on their own be one it will be an entire game They wouldn't be a an entire RPG, but they would be an entire game Action game absolutely and throw in comrades with it Yeah, and you've got a video game that you would pay on a for a disk on they made a whole other game Yeah, and I think that's gonna continue and you're gonna just be seeing 15 2 and 3 But in the form of DLC was so weird perspective changes. Oh weird. It's really smart. I am I Good job turning a weakness into a strength Final fantasy 15 team. Yeah, sure good job turning that around genuinely impressive
Starting point is 01:52:50 I wish more people would do more teams would Take this level of care and the only reason we're seeing that is because Final Fantasy games If they can be salvaged can't be bad Square doesn't allow it Like what they did with 14 the amount of money they spent on that so that 14 wasn't a disaster With 13 being a notable example, you can release the same content and Just depending on how you present it. Yeah context is everything you say you change all of the reception For example if you present your fighting game like an April Fool's joke
Starting point is 01:53:25 No one has any expectations of it and so everybody gets fucking hype when you get Shadow Geese Announced for fighting ex-layer. Oh my god. He looks so fucking cool. Is that evil skullomania? Yeah, it is evil skullomania Are you familiar with Shadow Geist? No Shadow Geist is the evil skullomania. Oh He existed in Street Fighter EX too and onwards and he was always The badass villain to skullomania's hero. He's so awesome. He's radical. Yes, and finally He's coming back and So good. It's it's there's nothing else to say like Evil skullomania badass villain guys now back joining the likes of Alan Snyder Blair Dame Darren mister doctrine dark Gerudo
Starting point is 01:54:11 Hokuto Jack Kyrie and Scullo. I think that game is gonna be complete trash, and I'm very excited to play it It's quality trash. Yeah. Have you played the demo at all? Yeah, okay, so you know I played it with that for about 10 minutes It's like yeah, it's good shit. It's like a fake fighting game. It's good shit April Fool's Full game this games development has been the weirdest I've ever seen Cuz it's like it's almost like where's the money coming from? That's the only thing we can't figure out like the whole time They're doing like haha. It's a joke. It'll be coming out next year. No wait What where is Erika getting the money from we don't know and I mean we've seen you know fighting lair
Starting point is 01:54:53 In the arcades before we've seen the the piece the the was it there was a 3ds development project That was for around for a while that never went anywhere, you know and like this is just like years and years of trying to bring back these characters, but With no funding from any other previous projects I want to read a very confusing line in this release This press thing that we're looking at the standard edition of fighting ex fighting lair ex will cost $59.99 and include 15 googie And 12 characters a light version will include five googie Decks and 10 characters for $39.99. What? Yeah, I
Starting point is 01:55:36 Don't know that's weird. I don't know gogie is a thing How many gogies do I need to be competitive? You can have as many gogies as you want Can I put a hundred gogies on my character? Not if you're using the Hades gokey. Oh, no not the Hades gokey It's gonna take up all your slots This game. Yeah, it's dumb. It's Jim. It's Jim's. This is the ultimate Chris. Okay for sure. I I Want the ultimate gogie version that includes all the gogies and then past and future That's exactly future gogie will just show up and you and we'll find its way into your
Starting point is 01:56:17 And then when you and then please announce a custom gogie That we can you know make this gogie my own this gogie was made for me create a gogie create them perfect nailed it gogy gogy So Alongside what's your gogy? Yeah alongside that came the
Starting point is 01:56:42 Announcement for the next DLC character in KOF you feel any better by the way you seem to have pepped up a little bit. No, no, no I'm actually dying out. I'm looking to wrap this up. Okay. So I'm starting to get weak. Hey, Hyderns and KOF 14 He is back and he's younger than ever awesome weird. It's so weird that he's looking so young But the man himself Leona's dad Hyderns great He's uh Hyderns legitimately great and he's one of the like wouldn't say he's not popular, but he's he's not a big Super popular character. So I have no I have no ill will towards whip whip is a pretty cool girl. Yeah, but to me
Starting point is 01:57:23 The team the I carry team. Yeah is Hydern Ralph Clark Leona. Yeah, you're right whip exists as a gameplay character like like her range and stuff is is interesting and goofy But Hydern is Hydern Leona or that KOF thing where it's like it's the kid and they're very different But you can see You can see where they are similar Yeah, in a way that I think KOF does really really well between like masters and disciples Yeah, you can see the progression of the style. They're not clones not even close But you can see they do share similar ideologies with their moves and stuff like that. It's cool. He's a charge character, right?
Starting point is 01:58:03 Leona's a hybrid The other the other thing of course is I Hope he gets his badass trench coat intro I haven't seen it in the trailer, but he has a really dope trench coat look and with Hydern and Oswald being in the list already you've got a winning fucking set Oh, yeah, totally. That's like who like it doesn't even matter who comes also I should mention that Hydern in that silhouette covers most of the screen So like they anybody could be hiding back there, but they continue to know exactly what people want come on
Starting point is 01:58:36 Shermie Louise my rank So what it is gonna be is the person behind Hydern there is gonna be peeking out And that's gonna be the cloak and there's gonna be somebody crouching in front of them and the person crouching in front Could be anybody well again We already we already are pretty sure that the cloak thing is that the contest winner, right? So there's just a fourth character. That's a normal person that we have no idea who it could be Yeah, yeah Maybe it's maybe it's Gogi maybe it's Mukai
Starting point is 01:59:08 Everybody forgets about Mukai Kai is the worst one dude He's the worst one everybody remembers the arochi. Nobody loves Mukai. I remember Mukai Kai sucks. I would take she on actually she on would be a really good pull Because that was one of the most creative fun bosses The rope dart shit. Oh man speed that turns into a spear like yeah, man It's Rick Stroud Don't fuck with me. Yeah, it's Rick Stroud right there and that billowing shit is his hair
Starting point is 01:59:43 Alongside Vanessa, it's not gonna happen. Yeah, it's just fucking how would you feel about Rick Stroud as an alternate costume for Vanessa? Weird but sure what it still has Vanessa same move look at yeah God damn it. Yeah, some hackers are working on it. I've been so awesome Oh, no are back Zasola sassalem. Well sad asses as a lot me taz is back in So caliber six, you know what? It's nice to see Zazz back He's the only character that disappeared after one game and never came back Well, I mean setzaka disappeared, but then her move. Yeah, but she's dumped on petroclos Yeah, Pat sucks. So what you know, what are you gonna? What do you get a what?
Starting point is 02:00:27 Ivy has been announced for a soul caliber game Is a Bella Valentine to you sir. Oh, whatever. I am She's back in her soul caliber one like BDSM outfit. Yeah Ivy couldn't be Like announcing Ivy for a soul caliber game is like announcing Ken Yeah, yeah, right or or Chun Lee it is But they're doing they're doing the thing they do, you know, like one normal one weirdo Like again, we we've said this a couple times But it's like your announcement for fighting game should be all
Starting point is 02:01:06 Expected normal cast are in the first trailer. Yeah, and then you just have nothing but hype from there on out And of course summon suffering is gonna be a thing of course it is So yeah, Ivy's back and she's she's uh, you know Zazz is back Tata's a poppin Bigger than ever. Yeah, but every game. She's like power girl. What are what armor is it a break-off? I don't even know. Yeah, the titty part could but it's already but it's already titty part Willie The titty part will fall off and then you'll have seen it. You'll have seen everything Michael a Clark Duncan returns to soul caliber
Starting point is 02:01:43 And he's uh, yeah, if anything just based on his weapon alone, you've got you got a really unique move set so He's got a cool design He's always had a really cool design and he just never came back for unknown reasons. So I'm going to assume The Zossel Amel's Inclusion in this game will tell us something about why we are going back to this time in time What yeah, considering he is a time traveler exactly exactly as time stop He has time travel his entire theme is time control and his stage was a clock tower in the gears
Starting point is 02:02:19 And he's an outsider to the to the entire cast like it is very likely We are actually just we are back to the future in soul caliber And I bet the the person that's back to the future in it is the new kid the edgelord guy. Yeah grow. Yeah And that's fine until we find out that old Cadan was behind the whole thing. Oh man. Oh, I love old Cadan Oh He was lame. He's a lot less lame than weapon master Edgemaster, whatever his name is the old man. Yeah, the old man. He's random select Yeah, but you know what's better than that a random select man. That's a big owl. Well, what about a random select man?
Starting point is 02:02:58 That's just fire. What about inferno? That's boring. That is boring. That's so boring. He's bad sender Nah, man. Get out boy in there. I didn't like all could that all good dance great What about the fucking item shop girls those were cool One of them in particular looked like someone I knew and it was kind of weird use the incredibly shitty fucking creative character movesets Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, but the red girl the redhead she had the grieves and she was busty and that was a thing Gonna see nekered He's from that time period. I don't think we can avoid it. Yeah, I Think Todd McFarlane is gonna swerve out and sell his baseball collection to get the funds together. So it's a put nekered back
Starting point is 02:03:46 Just in case you forgot about nekered Burnout Paradise coming back remastered announced for ps4 xbox one of PC March 16th now this had a very funny side story attest I was going to say That this is not the first I heard of this game The first I heard of it was the controversy that popped up a couple days prior to its announcement Oh, it was it was the day of its announcement. Was it today? Yeah so what happened is Burnout Paradise remaster got announced for xbox ps4 and
Starting point is 02:04:17 later for PC like a month or two later and On the store page it listed yada yada yada you a little that shit. Oh microtransaction And people went what what are you? Why would what the fuck and I want to say yeah, it was lightning fast It was so fast. Yeah, it was within like 10 hours of that happening. Yeah, it came out like that's a fucking typo No way man, there's not even a little bit of battlefront in this. I don't even know what battlefront is The back down inning so there's two possibilities here reverse gear, right? Here's the possibilities that I see one EA has become so focused on putting these big old microtransactions and minibus minibus in their games
Starting point is 02:05:09 that their boilerplate template Store page shit just has it in there as a default or or the Shit for this game was drawn up in the past like six months ago and it was done and nobody thought to To change it and then it came out and then they went oh oh shit. Oh No, pull it out put out put out or we've got two builds one has a switch toggle that shows you micro the other one doesn't and
Starting point is 02:05:44 You like and you have the the correction announcement ready to roll And you put it out there. You just see what happens you see what happens But this time that they had that ready and then like two months ago. They're like, we're gonna go with the one without the switch We're gonna go with the normal one, but they forgot to change all the stuff. Oh Yeah, no that was that was really funny because that that would be the most That would be awful because you're going back in time to your memory ruin and ruining them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, a hundred percent a hundred percent I mean fuck the whole like Call of Duty Modern Warfare thing where there was like you could only get it
Starting point is 02:06:19 If you buy the new one you didn't want to buy. Yeah was already kind of like You like the past don't you that's a bummer, so clearly they're willing to do this, but still you know That's activision, but I keep fucking you know what they might as well be the same The only difference is that activision is better at what it does Activision is much more successful than EA in every venture. Yeah, I'm just they own blizzard I'm just remembering the fucking the vivendi fight back and all that crazy shit. Anyway, oh, that's you be soft That that's no that's no wait. That's activision and then also then later. Yes, you'll be soft Wow, he's just so evil. Yeah
Starting point is 02:07:02 It's not I'm just fucking rolling in wow, but yes, um Burnout Paradise Coming back, which is dope. You think the song's gonna come back You think they still have the money to get the rights to the fucking guns and roses song Because that song is all over that game. It's ubiquitous. I don't know if they would bother without it But then again, I kind of care more about Burnout 3. You know what I would rather have I would rather I'm one of those people I would rather have a bad legally distinct not quite cover of Paradise City God I
Starting point is 02:07:35 I'm one of those people that likes the fucking the old ridiculous crash systems and crash modes and all that stuff From three there was a there was a definite like yeah para paradise is a shift Definitely, it's not the same. What's the open-worldness, but it's a good goddamn game Yeah, I don't think it's I don't which is why I'm like I'm like I don't you know I'm not gonna Lord. I'm not gonna push my my my views, but I just I just have good times with the crash systems I like those. Do you like revenge's crash system? Oh, they ruined it a bit. Yeah, they ruined it. Yeah, they ruined it a little bit It was like a golf game Paradise was better than revenge, but yeah to me three was was the three was also the breakout hit exact. Yeah
Starting point is 02:08:15 Three was when people would oh shit burn out like just wow We've got What do we got we got this fun? Yeah, Dragon Balls online issues are gonna get patched. They announced their patches I was very happy with how they actually talked about that. They basically said yeah We know ring mode ring battles aren't working and disconnects are constant the nice Producer lady just sat down for a minute and a half and said hey guys. We're aware that it is fucked We are making two patches to unfuck it
Starting point is 02:08:48 Yeah, one will come in like a week or two the other come will like maybe two weeks after that Yeah, we hope it will be unfucked if it's not unfucked. We will continue to unfuck it also see me in pools scrubs Yeah It's been banned for the longest while due to multiple companies just Acknowledging that it is wrong for the devs to fight the players But ArcSys seems to give zero fucks not to mention that Daisuke Ishtowari himself has shown up to Evo every year and played Casuals in the anime suite, okay, but Casuals, you know that's but Tomoko herself is like nah nah man see me in the bracket
Starting point is 02:09:28 We go in I'm gonna hold you under the water Chris Okay, yeah, apparently I need to check out that Sonic Fox versus Christy match. I hear it's interesting There's some good shit. I didn't I haven't caught up on you heard what the results are I saw the results live on Twitter. Okay, cuz that's funny. Yeah, that's really funny But but no, I need to I need to go back in a second Chris I would love for more game developers to show up to fucking pools Yeah, I don't even care. I don't even care Show up and do busted shit like turn on debug mode
Starting point is 02:10:06 Because the problem is what happens if your first like or your first couple matches and pools are not against the strong players You expect but against like like child that has his parents behind them That's like I want to play and like person that made the game is here to crush your soul child You got beat down by the person who made your video games hopes so there's I'm gonna go back a little bit. So when me and clubs are playing DBZ I put them online and he got a match against a guy with a with a weird slap-dash team and zero matches and zero wins and zero Losses and from button press one. It's like this person has never Played the game ever like this is their first match. Mm-hmm, and I found myself yelling
Starting point is 02:10:50 Ruin the game for them Make them quit Right and that and that attitude is absolutely appropriate for Evo Developer shows up. I'm gonna make sure this child hates my game By ruining their little childlike existence and destroying their soul. That's the nature of competing You found nigga you thought this is the mistake. Yeah, the children compete. They're allowed to compete. It's not a way limit no, but That kid better be ready to get fucking crushed into the dirt by adults who don't give a fucking are cold-hearted murderers
Starting point is 02:11:28 Yeah, and then at the end you can just be like don't worry kid like you you didn't lose cuz you suck you lost because I made it that way Yeah, I made sure that your defeat was painful We've also got I'm so glad we're at a point with with competitive games now or we can actually have people going like you're 22 20 years too early Okay, I'm starting to get really weak, so okay I'm gonna skim it all skim it all off into Josh Sweden exits Batgirl film Batgirl film He says basically Josh weed and was like yeah, I never had a story. I realized it took me months to realize I didn't have a story and
Starting point is 02:12:10 He's basically like I don't even know why I signed up to do this in the first place So he's done. He's out. He's like nope. I give up and you know what better to do that than to trudge along and make a piece of shit And catch it later on and then have a million people try to fix it, and then it's all terrible agreed and especially in the light of Black Panther, you know being like you know very good very like and and doing what it does right now You kind of don't want to be that person that's Redirecting the DC you further down the Zack Snyder path You know and I mean look they've already pretty much like look confirmed that like the end of the Snyder verse is now
Starting point is 02:12:50 Like just this leaves was a Articles about how is that you should more you should mourn the loss of the Snyder verse no no cuz that was a ridiculous That's insane, but that the it is actually looking very likely that Zack did not actually leave due to the unfortunate death of his daughter He was in fact fired and then that happened right afterwards. I don't believe that That sounds a little bit like there are a bunch of there are a bunch of sources saying that the original cut of Justice League was unwatchable like it was just the worst thing ever
Starting point is 02:13:28 Yeah, no that sounds like like that sounds like what the internet does where they like to make up stupid bullshit And as someone who's been on the inside watching the truth happen bullshit, and then watching people create stupid bullshit And they like the story seems attractive so everyone gets attached to it I'm gonna go ahead and say that that's definitely feels like stupid There's no explicit confirmation. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like horses. I mentioned it because it's even mentioned in the article We're looking at Speculated to have been fired from the film Yeah
Starting point is 02:14:00 Let's let's let me find out cuz I didn't hear that rumor it sounds ridiculous though like cuz that's like why would you why would you even? That's the most fucking disrespectful thing out like it's crazy to like to make that up Yeah, it's crazy. That's a crazy thing to do like it's such a fucking shitty thing to happen that you're gonna Yeah, you know What's the what's the basis of this rumor? There was a guy quitting his his job as an entertainment reporter and was basically like alright on the way out Here's all this shit and It included this which also his his particular
Starting point is 02:14:40 Complaints about the cut of the film echoed a lot of very specific ones from other sources So basically somebody quitting the business and going and throwing all their trash on the table Hey, that's just really gross and then that and then that becomes like basically how much do you put in stock of the words of this Particular individual that's fucked up man. That's really fucked up Okay Well anyway Yeah, I don't even know what to make of that but
Starting point is 02:15:14 Last but not least I'll tell you is it least. Yeah, actually it is least Because it has to do with metal gear survive. Oh, man, and it's awesome. It's really awesome. Oh I thought it was gonna be a different thing you pulled up the thing that I Okay, well, I have a different thing about no gear survive after this. What did I say? I said metal gear survive No, I have a different story about this game. Okay, so You have early on in the game there is a list of names on a piece of paper and
Starting point is 02:15:48 That includes such things as vengeful mosquito and iron Marlin and all these code names But then if you go down to the fourth line and you take the last names and you line them up you get the letters KJP space Forever also, it should be mentioned. There's way more than is seen in this image And okay, so there is a there's a person whose name is hay tie in the middle Which is it counts a space here because it's the only one that's not code name You notice at the bottom that says bastard Yoda and cunning you cunning Yuji Yota and Yuji are the directors of
Starting point is 02:16:26 Metal gears survive the director and producer director and producer. Yes, and there's another one That was found inside this image. Mm-hmm. The other one is that the only names listed as killed in actions are M and G Wow On these papers, there are three names at the top listed as MMG killed in action Yeah, MMG. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. KIA. KIA. Yeah, they're the only names missing a missing in action Yeah, they're all a wall or whatever. Yeah, and also the director and the producers names are listed as a wall Yeah, absolutely without leave. Yeah. Yeah. No MG has been killed in action Kojima productions forever and these two are fucked bastard Yoda cunning Yogi Yuji
Starting point is 02:17:14 What is vengeful mosquito? I wonder. I don't know. Oh well Yeah, blood sucker who knows but Venom but it's This is super obviously, maybe maybe could it be Venom missing in action vengeful mosquito I don't know Venom but point it back That could just be the one name to throw them off the track But like there's a lot of conspiracy theories that people find in these games this one is feels so Hilariously overt. It's pretty pretty over the top with like how disrespectful it is right off the bat The only names of the only real names in this entire list are the producer and the director
Starting point is 02:17:58 Yeah, like it's straight up like you're looking at fucking Like the people working on this like doing what they can to get the people who are still locked into their non Compete agreements. I mean, it's it's either this it's either code KGP forever or it's help Pachinko help help The mines are cold The thing that I had to say about Metal Gear survive is that numbers are coming out and it is a disastrous flop. Oh for sure. It is it's 85% less Yeah, and vengeance
Starting point is 02:18:33 Of course, of course, which is and revisions was a spinoff and it's a platinum game Which we as we all know are not allowed to sell units. Well, you know, whoever it was that put this page into the game Here's to you hopefully multiple people could have put that into the game and Or or one person put it in multiple people saw it and and moved on right, but I specifically mean Like depending on what do you know what your development environment is? You could go like only one person had the ability to change these names or whatever, right? Or when we talk about Like remember Lupinco remember him how he'd leak all this fighting game shit all the place
Starting point is 02:19:15 Yeah, and it's like, you know, you talk to people and they're like listen There's 40 people that guy could be Now that's a really small number. Mm-hmm, but that's way too high to actually figure out. Yeah But this in a development studio like let's hope that number is 30 people instead of two. I got my suspicions I also have a few suspicions About the pinco. Yeah. Yeah, I have I have a big suspicion big big suspicion Giant giant I'll never I'll never ever be able to confirm it I could I could I could get a hold of that person and be like are you fucking the pinco and they could be like
Starting point is 02:19:55 Yeah, and I wouldn't believe it even though. I think it's true. Mm-hmm. I got I got them, too It's the same person. I think so. It's a fun one and I got to sit down Liam and ask him. What's the deal? Cuz he's apparently it's decent man. He's putting some hours. I think he started streaming it right before Yeah, he's putting ours in well, I mean again it as a just you know Put this put the barriers up and stop the zombies game, right? It's got stopped apparently as that it's decent But it's just because it's based on the engine that is like incredible combat But it's just the taint of everything that follows around it feels bad man
Starting point is 02:20:31 I'm kind of astonished that that actually mattered because game players and game buyers are notoriously bad at boycotts Hmm, right? Yeah, and I guess it just seems like Kojima was right. It's his name on the box. Yeah, it's absolutely his name. It's not Metal Gear Right and we'll see the proof of that with that stranding. I'm starting to die. All right I'm kind of starting to let's get one email. Let's get one email. That's super best friendcast at That's super best friendcast at You want to send your email in you might get it read like this one email We will read this week, which will be a good email. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's not true
Starting point is 02:21:10 It is me Dio. It is you Dio. They're super best friends. Hey Dio Your shadow the Colossus LP has reminded me of the Adam Sandler movie rain over me Yes, a movie in which Adam Sandler obsessively plays shadow the Colossus is a way to cope with his family dying in 9-11 Yep, it's also a way to bond with his co-star Don Cheadle. It's been years since I saw the movie I don't remember if this movie was good or not But I've always thought it was neat how they use the game as a part of the story rather than lazy product placement I watched a clip of that on the way to the podcast because somebody sent it to me It's weird. What is your favorite product placement? My favorite plot product placement?
Starting point is 02:21:47 The Red Bull can in snakes on a plane that was served as evidence that then has to be slapped out in front of the frame Five times zoomed in on and then slowly put out of the frame. I don't remember that beginning of the movie I don't have any specific product placement that I can think of But I like it when a product put I Got it cup noodle Pepsi in Wayne's world Pepsi in Wayne's world paint Pepsi pizza hut in Wayne's world Because that's what I want. I want oh man. We'd never sell out All this Pepsi so delicious there was Garth, would you like a delicious ice-cold Pepsi? Yeah, yeah, I mean the Pepsi and the Pepsi transformer was
Starting point is 02:22:32 Just like bio the Xbox transform. Oh, yeah I mean dude like that level is like that's the one I embrace but yeah, I'm gonna go with cup noodle on but in games Oh cup noodle for sure that there's over the top just To the max. Do you know? Do you know about the photo? Well, I mean I've seen the ad and I've seen the gameplay stuff and there's a part of FF 15 in which You pick a photo out of all the photos that you've played I've seen the whole game, right? And it's the guy. It's your completion screen essentially and almost every single person. I know
Starting point is 02:23:04 It's a fucking photo cup noodle It's a fun. It's the photo of cup noodle that you get during gladio's fucking cup noodle quest. Yeah, nice nice It's hilarious. It's so and it by the way it breaks the ending it makes the ending make no sense If you do that, it's so good. Oh man. Yeah cup noodle forever. Good job cup noodle Oh, I think that costumes in the city also And Me and Matt were just playing binary domain and one of the scenes has characters talking Two cops talking on the highway while they nonchalantly eat their cup noodle
Starting point is 02:23:42 With big brand shots of the cup noodle the cup noodle is also killing it on the just plain ad department with their with their trailers Or you saw the one where like this couple is arguing as the world is ending around them It's fucking crazy, man. Like and it's this really high budget cuts Commercial and like it's like basically like this couple like having a fight and well not even having a fight They're kind of confessing to each other like oh being cute But like the world is being destroyed around them and footage of like Like helicopters are crashing and buildings are exploding and it's like just really well animated You're like, what is this? This is so compelling and interesting and then it ends with a brother fucking cup noodle
Starting point is 02:24:17 If you think that's great I have a thing that you shouldn't watch if you don't want to cry Don't watch south korean life insurance advertisements. No They're like nine minute long Like story of my life with my children and how it's it's all it's too much. Um, talk about berserk. No What was it? Whatever. There's nothing. What do you want? What do you want to say? I already talked about berserk on my stream. Yeah, all I had to say was cool. Cool. What like, you know what I mean? All right. Yeah, um talk about reboot. Okay. Well, oh, yeah. Yeah. Um, I'm gonna watch all that
Starting point is 02:24:52 Okay, uh, and we're gonna talk about it. Sure and you can't stop me. That's fine. Are you gonna watch it? Yeah Yeah, I like it's it's like the slowest softball underhand pitch Like of all time still banned by the reboot twitter account No, I think they undid it. Oh, yeah, you need to step it up then. Oh, yeah, I gotta redouble my efforts. Um No, it's just like what is there? What is there to say? It's like, yeah, guess what? It's they've delivered footage of the thing that we all expected. Where's the surprise probably the only surprise is that It's exactly as expected to the letter. Well, the problem is no the like it's it's just that every it continues to be the like A whole it's what it is is the group of people that are
Starting point is 02:25:34 Finding about it for the first time every time. Yeah every time something drops It's like people are finding out for the first time going woolly. Did you like oh and it's like, yeah, man Yeah, I wrote it It's it's it's been it's been over 15 years. It was me. What is there to say, you know, all right Uh Okay, I guess we're done. Hey woolly anything coming up on woolly verses. Absolutely. There was a recent woolly versus god That was quite good. Yeah, um, um, um, uh, I I hope uh new wife and kids better than the old wife and kids I hope you guys appreciated that one. I like it. That was a pretty solid bit. Um socks hanging off the foot
Starting point is 02:26:11 Not bad not bad at all It's a nice touch and um Yeah, alongside of course woolly versus there's other there's other content coming but um the the uh It's kind of like the the the scrub guides got like offense video like I'm taking a little bit of time with it And I feel like the honeymoon not honeymoon But like the period in which point like casual people are dropping off is starting to kick in now anyway
Starting point is 02:26:36 Yeah, so I don't know what to say, but like I'll have that put out the shitty version of it now No, no, I want it to be good. I want it to be good. Um So that's your problem. So you make you may curated video content and you're all concerned about being it being good You just got to shit it out Shit it out. Just make it bad. That's what streams are You show up and you fart and vomit on yourself. Oh man, and you don't get caught jerking off again I'm not that far right now. I know No, honestly, it's because uh, I took some I took some painkillers before coming
Starting point is 02:27:11 And they're wearing off. Oh So here we go. Oh, wow. What is hurting you now? Uh, it was a little more It was just like the headache headache and and flu stuff. Yeah, exactly So they just they just they suddenly faded out Towards the end of the podcast and there went my stamina bar shitting out content is like picking a top tier Just do it just do it man. You're gonna regret it when you don't do it In fact, you're just gonna be sitting there going. Why didn't I do it? Should have done it? Yeah, I should have done it. Uh, I'll probably stream some bullshit over at angriest pad problem. Okay, I'm gonna have to
Starting point is 02:27:45 Duck out on hack a class today. Yeah. Yeah, this is not you want to take tomorrow off. We'll just do nothing Well, uh, I mean, so that was the thing is we kind of needed to anyway based. Well, rather Um, matt was still taking care of the shit. So it's like it's gonna take a bit it And we were gonna do more of our cotor But I don't we got plenty of shit right now. Yeah, I might I might need that I might need that because I'm not doing great. So everyone follow woolly's twitter tomorrow so that you can see whether or not What he's vomiting into Or follow my did you ever have a bucket? I know no, no, we had we had we have the the hospital barf container
Starting point is 02:28:21 Oh, yeah, you were like a real head. Yeah. Yeah, because my mom worked at a hospital Oh, well that makes it because back at the house. We just had this big orange bucket Yeah, and whenever the bucket came out you you'd fucking throw up Like it became at the point by the time it was like 11 or 12 the site of the bucket wouldn't do vomiting Yeah, no, no, no, and then I'd feel better. No, don't don't don't follow my twitter for updates. Follow my vero What is that? It's the new social media thing. Is it is that what the kids are using? Yeah, but nobody knows what to do with it yet So I saw you I saw you tweet everyone's got a vero, but nobody knows what to do with it So there's I thought you were talking about like venereal disease or something
Starting point is 02:28:54 So it's this everyone has an account and you can have all your friends on it and you're just staring at everyone's empty page Because nobody knows what to do with it yet. Is it like a twitter? What it's it's like all of it It's a new it's an instagram and facebook and a twitter It's all of it together But it's just but no one knows what to use it for yet because no one's said any things Or like there's no precedent use it for loons. We don't know probably it's up there. Well, probably yeah, probably where that's gonna go I'm I'll check that out. Yeah, but Um, but the main thing with it is that
Starting point is 02:29:25 Because facebook and instagram do this stupid thing where if you have a bunch of followers It doesn't show your post to your followers It shows it to a a subset and then watches as The do they get the impressions it caps the number of people that see your stuff And then it makes you pay to show it to the rest of them So this is the main thing is a backlash against that that policy is the point of using vero because it's a really stupid Shitty thing. So how long can you post on vero? You can do whatever you want so far
Starting point is 02:29:57 You need to cut that down Give me 280 characters and make everybody else who's 140. You don't need a lot of characters for ludes, man I'll tell you one thing. Yeah, you need two Emojis, yeah one that emoji and the other emoji, but um, I tell you what man about boudoir sets That's the same exact fucking thing. However, that's exactly the same. I fucking hate that word So ugly It's the ugliest word ever. It's so uh, and it's the same. It's exactly the same But for some reason it makes me feel really uncomfortable. So so so so vero is basically just it's it's a brand new
Starting point is 02:30:34 It's a new like frontier that hasn't been directed in any one way yet But we can steer the ship. Yeah towards ludes. Yeah The ship is steered by the dowsing rod. That is the internet. I think it's I think we're going that way anyway All right, let's get out of here. Well, you go home. You get some rest. Goodbye everybody. Good night. Bye everybody Oh By Come on Oh
Starting point is 02:32:49 Oh Oh On the mic with the liberal weapons let it in just to keep y'all stepping up the old City, I'm repping art and music collab intersection bring it on if you think you can hang But if not, then let me ease your pain got a lot of years on my belt So my passion is felt and it's living through the things that I say the woman come and come off the mic Stay silent shut up if they cut off my tongue in the records I cut up if they cut off my hands and I use my feet
Starting point is 02:33:46 Kick the beat rock the beat flip the beat live the beat master and give the beat The streets been wheels making extra sleep which is something I ain't had all week I'm a weak oak leaf, but you know it's the heat when I speak the streets are filled with blood We're running out of options the richer in the houses. We're gonna buy their coffins. I wish I knew my future I dream about it often. I should be reppin softly from now. There ain't no stopping Rock the fucking beat rock the beat

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