Castle Super Beast - SBFC 251: Journal of the Whills: Space Force: A Whole New Kind of Meat

Episode Date: June 19, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is how we start the podcast with a yawn. That mine was fake though. Yeah, mine. Well, I just did it to look cool. I saved mine, but it was, so it's like half fake, but yeah. A yawn and a phone check and a sip of slow cow. I gotta slow it down, man. Energy drinks are overrated.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We need to slow it down these days. Slow it down, slow it down, man. What's up with that? I don't know. Slow cow is old. It came around like five, six years ago. There was that Bob Marley juice that came out before as well. It's called a mind cooler.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I don't think it's called Bob Marley juice. I take it you haven't seen Bob Marley juice. I have not. It's a product. Straight from the source. It's taken from the teat. Yes. It's taken from Bob Marley skeleton.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Yes. You drop his skeleton into a vat with water, you cook to a boil, and then you, oh, it's like a stalk, and then you basically drop it into your cans and you sell it and it makes you mellow. Oh man. Today is like. This beats the pressure and destroys anger. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Is that what it says? Yeah. It says. I think there was also, there was literally a product called Purple Drink. That's not good. Yeah. Someone capitalized on that a while ago, and I remember that to being advertised as an anti-energy drink.
Starting point is 00:01:29 So like anti-energy drinks have been a thing for at least a little bit. Yeah. I got to get up on my Red Bull and then I got to get down on my slow cow. These are not drugs. These are supplements. They should, I need to sleep, but I need to take these, these perk up pills. No. They should have said.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I should have balanced it out. I should have called it blue cow. It shouldn't be cow at all because it makes me think of milk. But Red Bull. Red Bull? Slow cow. Slow turtle. Like, like the logo.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So they're relying on one to. On the joke. Yeah. Well, the logo of the cow is drawn in the same way that the Red Bull is. Yeah, but it's legally distinct. Exactly. It should be blue cow. I think slow cow is supposed to be designed to make you think that it's like Red Bull's
Starting point is 00:02:09 companion product. Exactly. The logo is the cow eating shit. It's eat, wait. Yeah. Like it fell. Oh. The cow, the cows told me.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I don't mean, that's a gross logo to have. Yeah. And if your entire marketing plan is based on parodying another thing, you should go more accurate. Well, I mean it worked because this thing's still around. Dude, it's raining. A sloth. It should be a sloth.
Starting point is 00:02:30 It's raining, but it's also like super hot. Gross. Yeah. It's dark outside. No, this is okay. So, so. And like. But it's also really bright.
Starting point is 00:02:40 If you've ever wanted to know. If you've ever wanted to know what Grenada was like. And I know you want to know. Oh yeah. I think about it every day. I know you really want to know. What could have ruined Woolly's so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And like this is pretty close to that because tropical climates where like I said rainy season, dry season, this is kind of like what it's, what it is where it's pouring. Everything's like, like layered with water. It's not just like. Yeah. It's not just like, like pattering down. Yeah. There's a layer of water on the floor and you're hot to uncomfortable humid levels.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I don't like this. It makes me feel lazy. Yeah. There's a, there's a film. Like I almost fell asleep. Coating every sitting here before you guys came in. It's not nice. I think I've been to Nassau and like that's how I would describe it too when it was, when
Starting point is 00:03:20 it was the bad times with the storms. Like no wonder they would uprise and try to go communists. What are you going to do? It's all grimy and slimy and you'd have to do it against the weather. That's what you're angry about. What you're seeing. Are you telling me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:40 No wonder they attempted to seize the means of production from the sky. They just, you know, just make some cranky. They got cranky. They got upset and a bunch of students got rowdy and then they took over and then America was like, stop that. Didn't they just play rock music for like 10 hours? No, some people got shot and, and it turns out that like, uh, that sucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I shouldn't have said that. That's awful. It does. And like people that I know that are like, uh, not, oh God, how do I, how do I get into this? Oh, you've decided to put your foot in. I'm, I'm, I'm, because I, because a little bit more. A little bit more came out the other day and, um, things about my family keep being discovered
Starting point is 00:04:22 new, new, more like glass, kind of glass breaks from lost Odyssey and, uh, the, the fun one about that was like, for years I'd heard about this like Grenadian revolution and everything that went down with it. And it turns out without getting into details that some, uh, family and or friends of the family were way more involved than I thought with that entire thing. Of course. And it was always something that was like in your blood, man, fight the power, man. It was always.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah. Right. That's kind of, that's kind of the thought process. And I'd heard whispers about things like that, you know, and like, yeah, now Grenada's back to being fine. And there was people that stopped those, you know, the, the crazy communist revolutionaries and the, the Marxists and all the, whatever the Cuban, you know, and then you get your plot twist where it turns out the friends and the family and the people associated were
Starting point is 00:05:12 on the opposite side. And oh no, they were the bad guys. Oh no. So you would say on the bad side of history, uh, grandpa, why do you have a RPG in your basement? Yeah. And it wasn't, it wasn't, but again, like it was like friends of family that almost became family.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Uh huh. Oh, okay. It's not in your blood. Thank God. If not for the bullet. Oh yeah. If that makes any sense, I'm, I'm, I feel no desire to dig deeper. Nope.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Yeah. I'm good. Wow. We hit the bottom of that. Well, really quickly. Thank God. War. Communism.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Thank goodness. Woolly. Video games. It's not part of a secret underground click. Yeah. Trying to overthrow the government. Yeah. Thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:06:04 That takes a lot of work to be honest. It does. You have a lot on your plate already. You've got no time for video games when you're trying to overthrow the government. It's true. It's, it's Especially since the government won't allow you to have video games. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Now that it's, you know, being classified as a disorder. So what are you going to do about that? That should honestly, like I looked at that and it's like, what was that, the World Health Organization? The who? Yeah. That's it. That is nonsense.
Starting point is 00:06:29 There used to be a cool band, but It's nonsense, but not for the reasons. A lot of people are calling it nonsense. People are like, Oh, yeah. So it's very easy. Yeah. It's very easy to like go, I like video games. Fuck you for saying bad things about them, but that's a dumb, that's a dumb way to argue.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah. It's not. Don't do that. The point is, it almost proves the point. Exactly. The point is that everyone has actually totally known that guy and usually, particularly for people our age, it's that guy that you knew in college that disappeared into WoW that just left their life to go live in WoW.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Yeah. Xavier Woods is talking about a friend like his. Yeah. He just completely. He literally, yeah. He literally did. Um, that is totally addictive. And I'm not saying, wow, I'm saying that that behavior is absolutely commensurate with like
Starting point is 00:07:14 compulsion or addiction, but I don't think it has anything to do with games. I think there should be a broader diagnosis for people who have quote unquote, addictive personalities because I've known people who got a, I'm doing big air quotes here, addicted to weed, which has, which is non-addictive and, but that you can get psychologically addicted. People that have got addicted to television or a new box of, yeah, it's, it's a gambling addiction. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Of course. Those, those go one to one, but yeah, it's absolutely like, it's kind of just like a very basic thought when you just go, this thing is the problem in the sense that it's like, we get it. It's a new media. Video games are not as old as books and movies and or gambling or any other form of entertainment and past time. Therefore, new things, scary, demonize, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:08:06 It's an easy reaction to have because it hasn't been around as long. You don't have a sense of reverence for it because it came into existence in your lifetime as opposed to it was always around and you were born with it in the world. Now to me, so, yeah, so, so it's very easy for people to, to, to do that with new things, new things that are around for, let's say 50 years or less. Yeah. I'd say so. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So you guys have been around roughly like what, 40 years, 45 years? Barely, right? So like you, you get this very, this weird like sort of reaction that comes from that, but you also have something where it's like, yeah, anything that can become a way of passing time or being like whatever the, whatever the desire, the person that has this addictive personality is looking for, like it's almost like you drop the feelings into a plinko box and your culture and what's around you will determine where that gets filtered out. Right?
Starting point is 00:08:58 You're, you're saying that this isn't an addiction. This is the devil. I'm saying that like if you have the, it's someone, I'm saying that you're like a lot of factors in your life will take the same source feeling and depending on your culture and like other factors in your life, they'll end up in a certain place. So some of the feelings that might manifest themselves very differently here in North America, if you take them over to Japan and drop them in the plinko box, they become a shut-in.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yeah. We don't, and that's a very specific Japanese expression. Or what is it? Hikikimori. Koki Koki Mori. I tried. I really tried. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And like, you know, and certain types of other cultures where like things like bulimia are not as frequently reported because that's a very Western thing. It's almost like it became a meme and once people sort of see and understand this concept, it becomes an idea and a possible outlet, but certain cultures just don't have these things. So the idea of cutting yourself is not even really a regular popular thing. So I kind of just think that a lot of factors go into what the end result is, but the source often ends up being the same.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And I think with this video game addiction thing, if you don't want to look at the source, you just look at the outlet, you're kind of, you're looking in the wrong place. Does that make sense? It makes sense. I kind of lost you on some of that cultural stuff because I think that's like oversimplifying it to a like relative extreme. Okay. The plinko box is particularly with bulimia and self-cutting, but the one thing I will
Starting point is 00:10:30 say about like the people who are particularly with World Health Organization like pointing fingers at games is that I don't exactly even blame them considering right now there is an ongoing like multi year long massive scandal about video games using gambling techniques to addict people like that was totally going to be the response to this stuff, right? From like health professionals, like EA does their loot box shit forever and then tries to addict the kids to Star Wars. And then people go, Hey, games are innately addictive. And the line between compelling and addictive is quite blurry and will depend on the individual
Starting point is 00:11:23 interacting with it. So like, I'm not, I don't, I don't think I have an addictive personality, but you have a compulsive one, which leads to behavior that can look addictive. It's, it's, it's a, it's a whole fucking thing. The feelings that go into like marathoning certain types of like gacha games and or certain types of mobile games where you're, you're, you're basically gambling are completely different from the ones that go into a lot of other people that spend a lot of time playing a video game and that distinction shouldn't be lost in the large broad category that is
Starting point is 00:12:02 the video game, you know, like it's very, it's a very nuanced thing and you have to look at the right place in order to get an accurate definition that'll actually help in the future. Because it's such a young medium, it requires accurate study. And I think these oversimplified labels like, yeah, I like, like, um, like just saying the end result, which is you put your hands on a controller, therefore that is all it we take into account is, is, uh, is an awful way to go about it. It seems really weird that a respected organization would make such a huge mistake like that.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And I say this as a random, nobody knowing nothing sitting here in my stupid chair. You know? My worry here, and it's the point that Xavier made in the tweet that Matt mentioned, um, which was, uh, and this is, this is probably, I bet I can get a good answer out of both of you. Did you guys ever know somebody that under this kind of mentality would be classified as a hockey addict? Because I sure did.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, absolutely. I used to work with a guy who I would totally classify as a hockey addict because every single fucking word that came out of his mouth was about hockey. But he just loved hockey a lot. Yep. Like that was his thing of choice, was that he knew every statiny, all that stuff. You, you're like, it's kind of different, but, but like in the way that you can throw yourself and your time and, and in the end your life away at almost anything that's leisure.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Yeah. You know, you can, someone who's who like becomes like lost in just books. It's like, there's no screen and no demonization involved because books are older than like Ed then generations upon generations, but you can throw yourself away and get lost in them and they can become an addiction like anything else. Our books drugs. You know, I think, I think it's like, again, like you have a feeling audible to get away from the temptation of the addiction that is books.
Starting point is 00:14:01 There's always, there's always an outlet that you can look at, you know, like as, as a kid, I would know other kids that would, you know, get in trouble because they spend like literally all day playing video games. But I always thought like as I grew older that I'm like, oh, I'm going to grow out of this phase of my mind is so enraptured with this thing. Yeah. I will skirt responsibilities to do it. Like the last that I've mentioned this before, but the last time I think like this is getting
Starting point is 00:14:29 to be a problem. Animal crossing. Was when I was skipping tests at Dawson to go home because a letter was coming in my mailbox and animal crossing. And then that was like maybe a solid two weeks of being so obsessed with the real time nature of that game. And I was like, okay. And then it was the last time I really put out a 3DS or they put out lots of which version
Starting point is 00:14:50 you that problems to solve right there. The switch version would really help. I mean, I never went back and played those games seriously, but like, I always think like for video games, it's like, yeah, you can have it's only circumstances that kind of at least to me when I think about it and think of the people I know as like circumstances bring you to this area of addiction where it's either video games or whatever. I don't know anyone right now in my life that's personally was like a shut in just plays games all the time.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And like, you know, I know a friend whose dad is addicted to gambling and it's because he had like something unfortunate happen to him and he's just fallen into that. It's like, I'm sure there's examples of someone has like literally a normal life where everything's going fine. And they're just like Faberge eggs, you know, eat them all the time. What though, you know, you know, I, I know someone who is like pretty antisocial and like kind of, you know, sorry, sorry, sorry about bleeding gums Murphy where he's eating Faberge.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Someone's like, sir, I don't know why. I know, I know someone that like fits into that category, but like video games are not as much a part of the equation. It's a lot of anime watching. Oh, yeah, that guy. And no, no, no, you know, you someone you don't know. Oh, another guy, but and I know more of that guy than hockey guy. Yeah, anime is a problem, but the point, but the point is that like, do you then look
Starting point is 00:16:18 at that and go, okay, she's way into anime to the point of like neglecting a lot of like life responsibilities and such, and that's an issue there. But do you go anime is an anime addiction is a mental illness? Yes, you do. Because what if it, but then what if they were watching Avatar? Well, that's animal. What about Marvin mystery? What if they were watching Invader Zim or what?
Starting point is 00:16:42 You know what I mean? What if they're, I said, I said Avatar to start some shit. To me that's just, okay, all right, all right, all right, all right, but what, but like that's the point. It wouldn't be anime. But I feel like the short-sightedness of like picking the thing, the end thing they're looking at is the same level of stupid or it's like, no, you're sitting somewhere and your eyeballs are a video, a screen is playing in front of your eyeballs, masking the rest
Starting point is 00:17:06 of the world around you. That's it. You know what I mean? And that's coming from a source. And that source is actually what you want to identify, look at, classify and study. Because it, because, you know, depending like in some cases, so if someone has an addictive personality and they get addicted to a particular type of drug, it's like a lot of the times it's like, what was the easiest thing around?
Starting point is 00:17:26 What was convenient? Did I just have Coke on hand? Did I just have heroin that I could shoot up like in my hand when I felt bad? Oh shit. It was here the whole time. Guess what I meant to? My fridge is stocked with morphine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Gotta use it. This is what my doctor prescribed when I got injured. For whatever. I know somebody who got injured and, and then developed vicious, vicious migraines. And the vicious, vicious migraines that they received turned out to be withdrawal symptoms from the oxycontin addiction that they had accidentally acquired from their injury. And that had been made way, way worse because for years they had been prescribed oxycontin for their migraines.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, it's just an odd thing, you know? I, it's, it's like if, because I, when I look at this particular type of classification as well, I imagine like the version of this that comes a hundred years later with a brand new media. Oh yeah. I like, I can't wait to see that shit.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Oh, that we don't. And I want to be angry at it. Right? Yeah. Yeah. These kids, they're zombieing out with their emotion chips on the street. Give up machines. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Like throw past, go past VR and AR and just enter some other medium realm. Ever, you ever play shadowrun either of you? Oh no. There's, there's a, there's a drug in it called, um, BTLs. And what they are, they're called better than life's. That's better. And what they are is they are memories that you implant into your head and play. Oh God, that sounds familiar.
Starting point is 00:19:02 And they have their, their experience thing cranked up beyond human maximum. Yeah. I also remember me had, wasn't it, in planting memories, like I need a good memory now. No. People went up to kiosks. Uh, that might have been a minor aspect of it, but it was more so remixing people's memories. No, no.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Just the world, the world building around it, not what you did in the game because I remember people, do you not remember this, people going up to kiosks and just going, give me a memory. Yeah. Yeah. That does ring a bell. I know. One of the things, a much louder bell is black mirror.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Yeah. Yeah. Right. Where you're just like, yo, play back that memory. That was a good time. Huh? Yeah. That's good.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And then remember when my mom ripped off her face. She's a robot. Yeah. Yeah. That was a good memory. Oh my God. She's running on batteries. The, the are, are the, the, um, it makes me smile every time.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Hey, you know what's better than having sex, having sex, but just playing back the, your memories in your head of better sex. Yeah. Fuck. That's a nice, we can't let this, what if all your sex is disappointing? Play that back. Yeah. Learn to like that.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Still, still, still what you got. Well, it's disappointing feelings getting me on remix. It's in the context of it's with the same person, except it's back before you hated each other. Oh, that's weird. It's fucking. Oh, why would you want to do that? Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Now I remember that. That's a minor point, but it's just like, yeah, the first time, remember how great that was? Let's go back to that. Okay. And then you're just doing that because it sucks now. Yeah. So the point of this is that we've discovered that, and that we need to shift the blame.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah. No, for real though, actually what I would want to say is that we actually have to like lock down. Okay. What do we, what do you consider addictive? And it's the same reason as what you would consider a disorder, which is addictive, whatever. And it is very simple. It is, it is affecting your quality of life, your responsibilities, your ability to conduct
Starting point is 00:21:12 yourself in a normal manner, what have you. So the difference between a drunk, don't fiend, a gaming addict, a fucking hockey addict, a gambling addict, what matters is, are they able to actually stop when they want to? When they go to work on time? How are you functioning? Do they get into fights with their loved one, you know, et cetera, right? And that can apply to fucking anything. Functioning video game-ism.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Yeah. I'm a functioning video game addict. If I didn't have this job, I'd be a very big addict. That's weird because it's like video games over like 15 years ago, 20 years ago, it's like, you can be a game developer and that's it, then you can play the games. Yeah. But now you can play the games and make a living off it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 We got to really lucky on that. In terms of, well, I mean in terms of like, let's play, but you can like, yeah, have a podcast. You can do whatever. You can do critique, like an iPad or a Jeff. If moms are yelling at you, stop playing video games. It's like, I'm studying for work or like, I'm going to, you know, whatever. You could like throw that.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I wish I had that excuse back then. You want to hear something? You want to play more punch-out? Nightmarish. Got a buddy of mine that works in education, they work at a school, guess what all the old kids want to be when they grow up. Let's players. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:22:29 They don't want to be movie stars anymore. Absolutely. YouTubers. They want to be YouTubers. That's happening constantly because of friends and whenever I'm meeting like some of my girl's friends as well and a conversation that comes up is, hey, I've got this cousin, hey, I've got this grand kid, hey, I've got this son and like they want to get into this game. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:22:47 My wife's sister teaches. It's aspiration. They want me to talk in their class. Right. Right. Right. And I'm going to say, don't do this. I want to hear what I have to say about this because it's all wait until I die and start
Starting point is 00:23:01 10, Troy, start 10 years ago, child that wasn't, that's nine years old. Start 10 years ago. Hey, I'm going to make a shocking Simpsons reference, but in terms, not in terms of referencing it, but you know the episode where it's the guy that created like this weird cartoon on a chain scratchy, but Principal Skinner invites him to talk to the kids like, yo, talk about all that hard work and buckling down and goes, hard work. Are you kidding? All I do is eat ice cream and just sit around in my underwear.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And the kids are like, yeah, presentation over and it's like the new hottest cartoons like a Ren and Stimpy type thing. Yeah. And like that's what like kids are expecting people to say if they meet a YouTuber. But how do we, how do we go about classifying individuals who are so addicted to defending the romance between Rouge and Knuckles that they end up throwing their moms across the room? Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:00 There's, hold on, give me a second. That would be because that's like straight up like Plague sent me this fucking banger of a story about this kid. Do you want to talk about Christian Sonic and all that and whatnot? Like like a whole other level of like not even writing like the fan fiction, just arguing online to defend the purity of the relationship. And that's all it was. That's all it expressed itself as.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And occasionally like just writing like or having pictures of wholesome things of the two of them together to the point. And like it was like he's locking himself away in his room. He's not eating dinner. His parents are concerned, but that's all that he was into was just this pairing and arguing that it was real addiction. But that's not what addicted to the really addicting gameplay as Sonic. No, that's addiction to like.
Starting point is 00:24:57 That's addiction to something pure addiction to shipping. It's ship. It is. It's a ship. Addiction to ship. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I'm rewatching the wire lately because I'm grinding in 14.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's a fun thing to do to like just chill. And it reminds me of something that when Landsman's talking to Rawls in the first season, he says the Jimmy's an addict. What's he addicted to himself? And that's what that sounds like to me. That person is addicted to their own idea. Yeah. It's it's yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah. Anyway, there's like a team from inception to help that person. Yeah. Because I'm like, yeah. Die. Right. Die of deep. And then you go into what they think Knuckles is thinking about.
Starting point is 00:25:43 And then you go, you know, like what's what's beyond that. What's dude. I'd so watch that the world inside the kid inside of Knuckles. Oh, you could you could classify that as a form of like a fantastical narcissism or something like that. But it's like my idea is so much better than everyone else's but then it's just a nuts thing is like it's the first place I go to when I'm thinking of this addiction feeling. But there's no end product.
Starting point is 00:26:08 There's no like I'm he's there for he's watching a lot of this or playing a lot of this. There's no video game. There's no thing. It's just an idea and and and the and like the time is being wasted on writing about that idea. And mom is outside on the floor by the room just talking about memories of your childhood trying to find out what happened to her son. How you listen to me all night.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Luckily for that kid and his sonic shit, there's plenty of drugs in your own brain. Yeah, the love chemicals there are there. There's lots of lots of shit in there just just to caprio trying to be one of those weird humans that are in the hub world of a sonic game and he's like walking around trying to get to like the city plaza and just watch knuckles and I just eventually gets to that point in fucking dream collection where he's in the womb and he sees big the cat and you just hear into big the cat, you know what what's inside the big the cat that's inside of Rouge inside of knuckles, but you don't know what it is inside of a sleeping child.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah, I bet oh it's a cross. It's a cross. If somebody correct me if I'm wrong or if they're excess research Nazareth, but I bet that you could look at dopamine and serotonin levels in people with addictive personality traits and find out that the burst that they get from average interactions is less than what it would be in a normal person and that the burst that they get from their particular thing is higher than average, which creates a situation of day to day doesn't feel as good as everybody else.
Starting point is 00:27:56 But when I do this thing, all of a sudden explosion of happiness and whatnot, I always go back to that discussion from I want to say like 12 years ago or so about the monster of the Andes and it's that that ridiculous like you're not even I remember it doesn't sound real how bad this person this dude just killed children. That was his career. Yeah, I've heard of it. It's ridiculous how fucking evil but and a part of the breakdown of like his psyche was the average day to day feeling was so awful and low and so fucked up because his
Starting point is 00:28:44 origin story is just one of the most fucked up things in the world. His beauty and the beast unit style back MGS for backstory. Yeah, like it's like it's like every paragraph just becomes like more and more horrific type of thing. And so his whole so basically it got his day to day life was so bad in terms of how he felt that the only way to feel anything better would be strangling the life out of a child as he saw their eyes go. And that feeling brought him up to the what you get for the dopamine you get from hugging
Starting point is 00:29:15 your mom. Jesus. That's and that's it. And then it goes away. It drops back to what it was. So the love you want to talk about like walking around in the negatives. Yeah, that's the that's the case that I always comes to mind. Super fucked.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Minds you that meter and indigo prophecy or just always rex walking around wrecked now luckily for us three here this argument will soon go away in our near vicinity with the weeds coming to be the legalized and that will take over the mind share of what's ruining the children. I'm sure it will. There'll always be room for a Jack Thompson style like attention seeker. I don't know. He got super.
Starting point is 00:30:03 He got his ass kicked real bad. But but but that's because he was he was dumb on top of you know what I mean. If someone comes along that tries to flag that way that's like but they're not dumb. Yeah. Then there's a problem. We got to get rid of those. I see like some kind of ad with like a big maple leaf on it that's like weed plus video games and addictive combination.
Starting point is 00:30:26 What are your children smoke playing. There's always like there's anyway there's always room. You know what I mean. And if there's a vacant slot someone will step in to argue with Patrice O'Neill on Fox News. You know. No. Not anymore.
Starting point is 00:30:44 But that but that seat you know what I mean like that seat is always vacant for someone to come along and trumpet something. Oh God. What was it somebody says like oh careful you'll get you'll get sick from people's marijuana needles was a phrase was a phrase that floated past me at some point. That's pretty amazing. Why don't you eat some crack. Is that what you do even.
Starting point is 00:31:08 You smoke it right. Don't eat crack mom. What happens if you just eat cocaine. No. It definitely will work. It'll do. Absolutely. Because you've got pink tissue on the inside.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Any pink tissue is where is an absorb a place where you absorb tissue my mouth even. Yeah. That's why they rub it under the gums and stuff. Damn. That's what that's about. Oh and it's actually faster to go like in the pinker the spot the faster it gets in you. I don't like that phrase but it's real.
Starting point is 00:31:35 So if you just ate drugs like yeah you'd get a whole other thing out of that. The problem with me is that you can tell me almost anything about drugs I'll be like oh shit I have very very almost zero experience. But it's the weirdest part to me is always like how do they invent that method. Who got so fucking every time you bring this up. I have to remind you of the story of acid and the creation of acid in which some jack ass scientist was messing around in his lab his basement and he made this fucking chemical that got on his gloves and then he accidentally tasted it and he tripped hard balls and went
Starting point is 00:32:21 that was cool and then went back the next day and I believe he made what was essentially equivalent to 1000 tabs of acid and took it and got blown out to fucking space forever and now it's like the most hippie-dippy motherfucker in the universe and then gave his formula to the world. The answer of who would test tons of people would test all sorts of shit but it's just the inception of the idea and I always go to the body count that must be associated with eating blowfish to kind of figure out like okay this thing has been every time someone ate it you fucking dropped dead painfully.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Eventually we figured out the exact spot where it was safe to eat but like that's how messed up humans are where we got to look at a thing that's 90% kill you. But there's gotta be a bit. You gotta be a bit. You gotta be a bit. You brute force it you do your live die repeat except you don't repeat. When I first watch you eating a crab for the first time and I'm just watching you you're just like who would go to all this trouble for just such little meat.
Starting point is 00:33:41 The crab's delicious. It is delicious. That must have been a hungry motherfucker you know. Look at this thing. It's moving I'm dying. Oh where the fuck is it? It's gotta be in there somewhere. Well the worst.
Starting point is 00:33:54 And an hour later they got. There's a cow right there. No I want this. An hour later they got a single line out of it. The worst part about crab is that you see it in fucking castaways that if you don't cook the crab it's basically inedible. It's just goo internalized crab goo. Cool.
Starting point is 00:34:11 How was your week man? Oh yeah we're doing a podcast. Yeah this is a podcast bit. Did you get super high? No speaking of crabs though and like fish and sushi I played sushi striker the way of sushi. Speaking of crabs got crabs. Oh man that's rough.
Starting point is 00:34:32 So this is a weird thing where that was just this sushi striker. Nowadays yeah I'm like nowadays I feel like I've heard like a bad. What is this? Every time someone approaches a subject everyone stares at each other. I thought you were like it's just like nowadays you know it's not even that bad. You got it. You got it. You can super still be friends with people with crabs.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I remember when I heard about it as a kid and I thought it was like. Shut up. Don't. Don't. What? Don't say what you're about to say. You had them on you forever. Your whole balls and dick and or vagina are just crabs now and that's all they are forever.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I thought it was small like crustacean crabs that like ticks that would just be on you like they're they came from the sea. Like I mean like that's like visibly because crabs. See I thought you were gonna say what he said. No. No. What I thought was that you know like pig pen and peanuts. You just have that happening around your around your junk forever forever and that's
Starting point is 00:35:41 the end of it. Like what me as my yeah and what pig pen probably had so when when eventually like the I found out that like oh that's a temporary thing and then people just like use this whatever stuff like oh crab killing shampoo that's way not as bad as I thought yeah you got that cream and now it's fun yeah that's a shampoo man that's what I thought a fucking STD was you know like anyway sushi striker that was revealed only a few months ago on a Nintendo Direct and I was like this is like a puzzle thing I'll play it and like as lots of anime fun anime cut scenes and as a really cool world where there's there's two warring states
Starting point is 00:36:19 over sushi and sushi is outlawed for one of the states and the sushi is controlled by the Empire. Okay. Wow. Sushi striker which is I will show I'll bring sushi and the love of sushi around to different people but kids some kids hate sushi because sushi killed their parents what because they died in the war for sushi and your character that you play can either be a boy or a girl and they're like I hate sushi so much my parents disappeared due to sushi and then this guy
Starting point is 00:36:50 is like no you've never you ever tried sushi no I never tried it though because it's outlaw and they're like but have some of this and they're like oh at least they're crying do your do your Nicholas Cage getting burnt in kick ass well yeah yeah yeah yeah do it no but yes I'm just gonna stare at you until you do it yes that thing damn it I prefer him running down the street screaming I'm a vampire so they're super super happy with sushi and when you get down to it the gameplay is like it's very versus competitive the guys are shooting sushi combos at you and you're shooting sushi what is it it's conveyor belts is sushi that go by and okay you connect the different plates it behooves oneself to play
Starting point is 00:37:33 with the stylus your finger is not and the control stick is not good but on the stylus is just like you connect and wait for the other conveyor belts and you try to build up a big line and then okay then it has stacks of that color and then you shoot it to the other you like flick it to the other competitor you knock them out and you win okay so it's like I don't know how to even come okay yeah what food what food hill would you die on in the war what's well for them outlawing it outlawing it outlawing it and you got to go to war to keep to make sure that they don't you know I wouldn't pick my favorite thing in the world but I have to pick what I eat the most and probably be chicken chicken if chicken was
Starting point is 00:38:20 outlaw everything like I want chicken in my salad I want chicken as a thing I can you know like that's the most common thing I can think of cereal it's a second that's a second what so okay now you die for it would you kill for it hey hey listen would you kill for that am I in a world where people regularly kill each other for said food or other food yes do people go to jail for killing they get executed on the spot if they get caught just like regular by the opposite side by the opposite side it's a war man is there a bunch of like minded individuals or a village that think like me and will kill you're backed up you have backup yes you're on a side yes yeah okay as long as I have compatriots okay what what food would I go to war for nothing man I'm a pussy I
Starting point is 00:39:13 don't want to get shot that sucks you just eat fucking leaves the rest of your life hey it's better than being dead I'll just like those leaves fuck it because these leaves taste like being alive because here's the thing right somewhere out there have you heard of the lonestar tick lonestar tick yeah no I believe that's the name of it uh it's the thing that bites you and makes you allergic to me I heard about this gives you meat allergy you get an allergy to me have they weaponized this creature that's what I'm saying if some evil ass vegan were to really get his shit together or her shit together and make an army of fucking weaponized I've I've long since talked about me allergic like where it's weaponized um uh weaponized annoyances yeah like people with guns
Starting point is 00:40:07 that give you pins and needle feeling people with guns that give you brain freeze and people with guns that shoot ticks that make you allergic to all I wouldn't I wouldn't wish that on fuck that you just anyone you describe weaponized annoyance but that already exists and not banned in the UK those this came up in an LP and I mentioned the army speakers that the kids can you that the kids can hear and it's like nails on chalkboard but we can't hear because we're too old and there was also I think it was the stomachache like beam that that was another test that I would hate to get hit with that well there's also the my the crowd control my beam that boils the water under your skin but not that much so it hurts like fucking shit but it don't hurt you right right right I
Starting point is 00:40:48 would rather take a punch than get hit by the stomachache beam I would agree with you but you want to talk nefarious man just making the world allergic to me well I mean that's an actual thing obviously that's nefarious for us it's much less nefarious to many other creatures that would appreciate our newfound meat I'm pretty sure there's some creatures we're lucky we're omnivores I guess but what there's some creatures that just love to be eaten to be eaten yeah like those things from bone the bone they're like they can't wait for you to have my bone boy right here he's the only one I know a siphon sushi striker I also play it Yoku's express delivery what is the name of it it's an it's a game that I keep seeing in like my emails and
Starting point is 00:41:40 stuff and I was like what is this it's it's Yoku's island express and what it is is like picture a Metroidvania style thing got it but the world is a gigantic pinball machine all right when I say pinball machine I mean it's just set up like that it's all it's all forests and creatures but you're rolling around like that's the only your locomotion is is just you're a ball you're actually like a I think you're a bug that's pushing a ball okay and there's like pinball flippers all over the world and like art styles like the the the later rayman games the ubi art engine yeah ubi art and I just kept hearing about this all the time and I started playing it on my switch and I was like this is perfect for portable like whatever just play this for like five minutes
Starting point is 00:42:27 oh oh I locked out or I beat a beast like there'll be a monster that's like ah I need to eat this to progress and you platform and pinball your way over to get that item something something I don't know if you know about me but I fucking love pinball what was the name of this game Yoku's island express okay I think it's out on everything but I got the switch version it's not gum but you could have some what the fuck is it it's a like a raspberry mint um there's no sugar in it would you say you're addicted to pinball no hardly no no hardly I think if we say that to any of any of us about anything are you addicted to Godzilla like no yes you are addicted to Godzilla no okay do you have to hug a big Godzilla before you go to night or to sleep unless you and then
Starting point is 00:43:14 you can't fall asleep I stopped that a few years ago then you're not addicted to Godzilla anymore I also saw cargo on Netflix which is a new Netflix original zombie movie that stars one Bilbo Baggins Martin Freeman and he's in the Australian Outback zombies are a thing are the zombies interesting uh yeah there there's some new things about them like everyone has about 48 hours once they've been bitten and the zombies their faces explode in orange pus or or something and the whole thing is I have my daughter my baby I'm going to turn in 48 hours gotta get her from point A to point B and that's the movie um it was it was like you know it's one of those zombie movies that's like take it very seriously the road not as
Starting point is 00:44:07 dark and as depressing as the road but it's it's it's similar it's it's in the Australian Outback there's like some aborigine tribes that are involved there's a girl there's a young girl that he meets that he needs her help obviously so you know it's got that kind of last of us sort of um atmosphere and it was it was good I enjoyed it and the last thing I kind of saw was um there's another uh horror movie horror thriller that I heard about for months now called Revenge that's good title just as oh revenge yeah sounds like a Chenwu park yeah it does it's actually similar in some ways um basically it's one of those it it follows them all I'm not sure if you guys have heard this so there's a series of movies um well there was like sequels but it's
Starting point is 00:44:52 based on an original thing called I Spit on Your Grave yes I have heard of that so it's basically woman is is um is is uh basically screwed over by men woman becomes like power woman and and and hunts them down loves murder loves no love I will murder you to survive and get out of here okay I was gonna say is it like yeah I was gonna say like is it like business revenge or is it actual physical kill you revenge try to kill me revenge yeah try to kill me so okay and whatever but there happened to be I don't even know where it takes place exactly but there there's like a millionaire's compound that's like out in the desert so him and his buddies like come over and uh she wants to get revenge on them and it's like it was pretty standard for all things to
Starting point is 00:45:39 consider but it was like one of the more crazy cinematography things like in state transition between scenes or like the camera is close enough to an ant that you can see the ants like hair on its back and blood is splashing down in front of the ant and that blood is going to zoom out as blood coming from like uh something that she's stuck on because she fell you know just trying to talk around it but like it'll have like a thing like that and it'll stay on the most high definition camera in the world and then there'll be other like really artsy shots like that and it was it was really enjoyable and it was a lot better than I'm not sure if I talked about it but there is a Ryuhei Kitamura yep yeah this movie's a trash I think I told you did I tell you about downrange
Starting point is 00:46:24 which is you told me you didn't like it yeah so they're similar uh where they're they're stuck in a situation isolated situation there's more characters in that one but I was like I don't like it but that revenge was was good but don't watch it if anyone has a um a easily queasible stomach got it because there are some bits and there I was like you did you did you see a hereditary yet no okay because it's like I haven't but I just I just it's like everywhere yeah I know um okay there's some stuff about that though how like critically it's like 90 whatever on on Ron to me oh but the audience but audience doesn't like it because it it's not like it's not like it
Starting point is 00:47:12 yeah um where it's like hey that was a wham bam horror movie it got scared whoops it's like no you will feel bad okay I've seen this and you will be stressed and anxious and I even heard that it's not like it's not boo scary it's not like oh it's it's psychologically scary it's it's like I love the horror of things passed down from parent to child yeah like like not not jump scare scary but it's scary in every other way in your chest I get so I have so much more respect for that because it's so much harder how could you tell me to watch berserk that's such a horrible show you bastard no yeah that that bad feeling that makes the thing bad but what if the thing meant for you to have the bad feeling yeah so I I do want to see it just just just to you know because it
Starting point is 00:48:02 wasn't really good but yeah that's me what up uh man so uh aside from the usual the only thing of note is that uh I started playing uh Moonlighter for about an hour or two that game is possibly really awesome have you guys heard about it at all I heard of the name okay so Moonlighter is a dungeon crawler okay with a item shop selling mechanic during the day it is pretty much the same exact formula as recitere you remember that game the anime girl she sells the item shop yeah yeah the only difference is is that it plays way way way better and it feels like a melee version of enter the gungeon uh it's pretty solid but nothing like crazy special the other thing is that last night I spent about four or five hours being addicted to something no uh getting back into and
Starting point is 00:49:03 trying to figure out the five seasons that I missed in for honor yeah and um the patch notes are very unhelpful because of their numbering system the for honor patch notes are numbered in 1.0 normal right and then every fucking update is 1.1 something where like why and there's very there's no clear division between what are big updates and what are minor updates which makes it super tough so I had to dig a little deeper and only so you played a ton of for honor right when I was playing a ton of for honor so and we both basically left at the same time which was like end of season one like right before the new characters showed up sure yeah there have been a lot of system changes that very much change how that game feels considerably they've reworked a bunch of characters
Starting point is 00:49:54 so they're totally different like kensai is a completely different character top down but the big ones are very simple one is chip damage is now in the game okay and there's a lot of chip damage so uh they they realized that the defensive meta which was just wait for the other guy to attack you and you can always clean parry and then parry them yeah and then throw them off a cliff or get a guaranteed like heavy off of it that was the worst so one chip damage is in the game I think heavies like 20 percent of the damage goes through is a great life or real life it's real life okay it's you take it okay so fucking hit them yeah okay the second thing is there is now a difference between heavy parries and light parries heavy parries I I'm trying I think I'm because there's
Starting point is 00:50:41 unblockable attacks and I feel like didn't wooden wasn't uh there was some attacks that did chip but I guess they were just more rare I don't remember in the original original version of the game nothing gave chip damage and then there was an update that put chip damage into the game but the chip damage was negligible it was like off of a light attack you would do two percent of its damage value because I seem to remember I think I remember chugoki having like something that would whittle away at you but that might just be the command grab anyway yeah go ahead but now like chip damage up to like 15 20 percent of each strike the other thing is there's a difference between light and heavy parries now so heavy parries which is what everybody parried all the time
Starting point is 00:51:24 they give you enough of a window to get one light hit in okay and now um light parries which are way harder to do because they're parrying the much faster light attacks give you enough of a window to get a heavy in okay to reward you for the way way harder thing which same input but result the same input it just depends what's coming at you what's coming at you yeah um so that results in a situation like parries are still really good and then the biggest change is they remove the un-techable guard break after a parry okay that no longer exists the only way to get an un-techable guard break is to attack somebody during a failed guard break of theirs or I believe after they miss like a heavy or something but it removes the situation of they swing at you
Starting point is 00:52:13 you parry it and then you immediately throw them off a cliff and there's nothing that they can fucking do so now they can tech that you can always tech it and instead what you end up going for after a big parry is like hits and combos and stuff like that and the game feels way better and it's a lot less defensive and I had a blast also the people you're going to be playing with are a refined audience that have stuck with it yeah and you're not playing with like a chaotic new player set there has been something that has mitigated that significantly and that is the introduction of the starter version which is free I thought you're gonna say like they introduced revenge moves well no revenge come back mechanic yeah yeah there but if they're the starter edition
Starting point is 00:52:58 which is like either super cheap or free until like the 21st there's a lot of new people playing so like there's new blood in there that aren't as seasoned let's say the other thing though is that some of the new characters some of the dlc ones are like fucking out of control like the centurion can just punch you in the face after every blocked attack and it causes that stun state in which you lose your ui and it's it's the most intense rush down ever wow okay all almost all the new characters are all weird they're almost all like which is what they should be they're all they're all like goofy and like weird variants of existing things yeah your your your grandfathered characters set up the state and then the new characters mess with the system you know like
Starting point is 00:53:46 that's that's generally the best way to have fun with it but yeah well it's good it's actually you should probably check it out because it's it's cool I want to know if my berserker is still a berserker they change they reworked that thing a couple times like they were reworked the timing on a bunch of it but I was playing with some friends of mine who also came back and the berserker for anybody that can't parry reliably is now like dominant because the you know they're they're infinite chain yeah with the chip damage changes oh it's real just goes and goes and it becomes real yeah that's true that's true cool interesting that's it yeah I you have the mode that it's just it's just intimidating and then you eventually have to
Starting point is 00:54:32 sit down and be like all right dude we missed five seasons yeah of course yeah you got to sit down and be like all right came out like the start of last year but they never stopped making content just it was just five in that amount of time seems like rolls what uh what team did you pick when you started uh viking okay so guess what when you log in there's going to be a almost buggy explosion of rewards because your your choice never changed and they will credit you for every win that has that has ever happened on that thing so you're gonna you're gonna log in and I think you're gonna get 32 of the the scavenge boxes oh cool off the bat and like 10 000 steel like that harder and a bunch of ornaments from winning the faction war and all that shit well he did his part
Starting point is 00:55:22 absolutely it took me like it's like car insurance it took me no shit like 10 minutes to get to the main menu because of the the explosion of like look you got the melee pack from winning okay when what how nice that's like if there was a like in universe there's this one viking that ran off for a year then showed up during their celebration and then just got hey guys just just a parade of gifts and showered in glory for running away and coming back and you didn't even really come back you kind of stuck your head in the door you went anyone still here a bunch of melee packs and just gold showered in gold not bad that's great that's how we would war is playing that game really gets the feeling of like despite its early you should win things by not playing that despite its early
Starting point is 00:56:15 issues like they really turned it around almost like there's very smart people on their live team working very hard on it yeah I mean I honestly like I feel like it it like a lot of those slipaways were addressed super right quick and the the guard break thing took like six months to come in but it but like for me at least it was never it was never a like like oh my like I'm frustrated in leaving this it was just I'm overwhelmed yeah well for for me I was it's frustrated in leaving this and it's when I got to that point where it's like every match becomes a double e Honda mirror match in which the best way is amazing the best way to fight is to wait for the other guy to swing um did you try did you go to the chaotic fucking mode that is the team-based shit or
Starting point is 00:56:59 did you did you just I was just playing like one and two v twos with friends of mine okay because like I played a couple duels against randoms and I didn't get blown up which made me happy the only issue is that with all these changes the original cast of characters some of them have been rendered fucking awful by this because they're they they were built around mechanics that like no longer exist so they're doing it's very moba-esque where they're like announcing the shagoky rework in which they totally change god that sounds like a moba so probably the the the one that I know well you you would recognize in your head the most is with kensai oh remember him yes so do you remember how his unblockable he would do this huge jump
Starting point is 00:57:46 yeah he no longer does that okay because it was so obvious yeah his feet left the ground oh I know the timing on this no problem okay so his feet no longer leave the ground and it looks like a normal attack until halfway through the fire comes on okay and you know stuff like that he also he can also dodge and block like you know the the characters that can dodge and they gain a block property yeah he got that okay so did conqueror and stuff like that it's there's a lot interesting no bushi is currently trash apparently I was going to so that's I was trying to remember her name but like I was like yeah annoying as fuck early on like what happened to no bushi yeah okay she apparently the system changes rendered her like impotence so same with shagoky those are the
Starting point is 00:58:29 two the people were telling me we're just mega trash peacekeeper remains the top tier okay all right the in fact they buffed it recently by allowing her bleed to stack with her bleed how about that all right it's interesting yeah uh definitely definitely on the short list yeah no peacekeepers topped here forever that care the the way that character works like unless they nerf the shit out of it um as for me uh I went to see Incredibles 2 yeah yeah that's a good that's a good one it's definitely like you're like what happened 14 years ago again it was a while um but I saw the weirdest thing about it is that uh it's very it's good very good Bradberg doing good shit does it sound accurate a lot of people say it's better than the first one I like the
Starting point is 00:59:22 first one more I don't remember it's too long ago okay and I haven't rewatched it I watched Incredibles once in the theater when it came out and that was it and I liked it a lot and all that so um the weirdest thing about it is in the beginning there's this little moment where all the voice actors are going oh man it's been so long but these things are very hard movies are very very very hard they take a lot of effort animation takes a lot of time and work so hope you enjoy it and then it'll be worth it and Sam Jackson's like yeah and I was like what what is this what the fuck is this and um I and then it cuts to uh it was a very good but it was a short uh in the film about like um anyway it's like there's a there's a short that comes before it right like a
Starting point is 01:00:08 Pixar a Pixar exactly and I thought about that and I was as I was staring at it I'm like it's the fucking Olaf adventure backlash it's the it's the the frozen thing that you told me about that was a whole bit where when Coco came out um there was apparently a 20 minute frozen short film before the movie and then and 20 minutes is not a short no and then 20 minutes is like a half hour of TV so after the previews that's 40 minutes into the theater that the actual movie you came to see starts like kids in Mexico were crying every like where's Coco so it was a whole yeah yeah there was a there's a big backlash a lot of a lot of people were upset by like watching this thing they didn't ask for um and it was also a mixture of Disney animation was the the the thing and
Starting point is 01:01:01 Pixar and it was a Pixar movie yeah but they usually don't cross cross pollinate like that they usually keep them separate so um anyway I feel like that little like disclaimer was put in front to be like don't worry you're there's a short but you you're still in the right theater yeah maybe let me ask you a question about Incredibles 2 because you don't remember the first one that much do they start fighting the mole people at the very beginning of the movie the underminer the underminer do they fight that guy yeah fucking sick that's nice that's my favorite fucking thing ever where the sequel takes place up one second after the end is that how the first one I did yeah the very last fucking thing that happens is they defeat syndrome and all that
Starting point is 01:01:39 shit and then this fucking asshole mole guy comes up because I'm the underminer oh and then they do an action pose oh wow it's exactly like when the first Mortal Kombat movie ends and the second one starts up it's that that I'm okay yeah I I don't even remember that I love a movie series that you can watch as a big movie one big line um yeah absolutely so there's that and uh you know beyond that like it goes into a lot of places that you can expect and it's it's very predictable um the I'd say the other the second weirdest thing about it is just because of the amount of time that's passed like everyone sounds way older yeah and in some cases that but they're literally the same characters yeah and in some cases that's fine but in other cases it's worse the kids be
Starting point is 01:02:30 yeah right like uh it is really bad with the daughter like she sounds almost older than than Helen Parr wow you know and it's it reminds me it reminds me of watching Yuki Kou's blunt videos sure it's very very weird you can't and I can't stop paying attention to how old she sounds as she's playing this child while Dash is still Dash and you know and whatever but um yeah uh or the Vi Violet whatever anyway uh the the the the rest of it though is just you know that's that's good Brad Bird Pixar thing and stuff happens and it's it's exactly what you expect wonder if he's ever gonna go back to live action because it's like animated for like most of his career then Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol then Tomorrowland which was like a huge disaster
Starting point is 01:03:24 then runs back to animation what was Tomorrowland exactly I fucking can't remember that at all yep uh based based on based on the Disney ride George Clooney with oh man that thing looks like shit yeah well anyway even George Clooney couldn't save it what was my life you can save anything more about Incredibles yeah um fuck fuck fuck Brad Bird no no no no no that's it it's that um the fucking seizure warning thing you've been hearing about yeah is that legit oh my god this movie doesn't give a shit wow oh it's as bad as it's ever been I can't believe you get a seizure no but I felt it wow I felt all the things around the world things are like probably just you know going into their fucking seizure shocks like be careful no it's actually really bad it's the worst
Starting point is 01:04:22 I've seen in a main screen I'm surprised that a Disney would allow that it's crazy that it didn't because especially Disney's trying to weed out the weak children that can't go to Disney so I always think about how during the seizure sequence does it say sex on the screen the the like you could imagine like I'm because I'm fucking predictable where my brain goes right to Nintendo compliance Pokemon and I go right to the unique guideline that Nintendo always had which was these games cannot have seizure inducing flashes like they they just can't we don't care if you put a warning or not and there's an actual breakdown it's a really interesting thing where they did the research in the science and they have the exact numbers that say when you flash
Starting point is 01:05:04 between a hue of this number and a hue of this number with the difference in how far they are apart from each other you can't alternate between those at a rate of at least this fast it's very so there's two facets of it's the the tone and then the time between exactly so what you're saying is that Incredibles 2 looked at those guidelines and went now we know exactly what to put into the movie it looks like they squeezed it as hard as possible because like that you like if you alternate between colors that are too far apart like if you do it between like like purple and blue for example you'd be probably fine yeah um but if you do it between red and blue or like red and black and the one that got all the kids in japan with the pokemon was uh pikachu's eyes
Starting point is 01:05:46 flashing between red and black super fast so um um when you look at uh there's certain moments in like my hero academia for example where it when a really bright power is glowing on the screen the screen literally just dims and it's like because anime has just put in an auto dimmer yeah to avoid this and and the whites become gray in those moments when all my fights nomu in the in the fucking it dims first season like all of a sudden the scene gets like 30% yeah when when um um uh decus is fighting uh uh totoroki yeah right like same thing they they fucking they dim it they um yeah anyway so so so in this case it's black and white alternating strobing as hard and as fast as possible and it happens many times for extended periods of time wow it's aggressively bad and i can
Starting point is 01:06:42 and it's just how did they not fucking stop this in in line when kids movie yeah when you know the weakest eyes of all it's so weird that that's okay while like you know again like nintendo and anime have like put in these really specific countermeasures to stop it man that's wild oh god like like yeah and i feel like i feel like they're going to have to like if there's they're going to have to like like that this movie will recall and reality and then it's so aggressive well i mean like christopher nullin refuses to audio mix his movies right and he never fixed it when people complain but this is about this is about hurting children man like the weakest of us the easiest reading them out they're not incredible uh yeah you'll never be a super i was thinking of uh that
Starting point is 01:07:38 you mentioned it did you catch i did yeah and then i caught up after the catch up yeah you did um uh yeah good stuff my hero academia is is doing big things right now and i'm very excited for where the fuck it's gonna go from here i certainly am too can i just say that the new intro has the worst build up to the best song yeah it fucking kills me because i'm like that's basically what jeff said in his video about it holy shit get to that chorus faster it's it's like it's a whole it's a it's a it's an anime intro that's like a minute long and is like 45 seconds of build up to a bass drop and the worst the worst part is that the animation like goes crazy on the beginning of the build up as opposed to the end so if you just took that extremely awesome chorus and made
Starting point is 01:08:30 more of that the fucking intro would be the best one the entire show has but instead you have this awful build up and then it fucking the beat drops and it becomes incredible i can't stand it i cut forward i cut forward into that part every single time but um yeah no my hero is making big moves good time to good time to to catch up on that really weird the anime has all these rules for that shit and then Incredibles is just blasting kids and assholes from their eyes and oh my god like again like that'd be a quirk fucking black and white seas man yeah well here's the deal i'm watching it with at 3d glasses on too so it feels like it's like targeting both retinas and like oh it's you know it's coming at you your eyes will be a wasteland it's not just the flash the
Starting point is 01:09:16 flash is coming at you i love how it's like it didn't last for five seconds it's numerous times throughout the movie for extended periods of time accompanied with an aggressive loud noise is him no tone accompanied with a like it's fucked anyway go watch it if you if you're strong go watch it testing your strength is an important thing making sure you're incredible um speaking of incredible oh he's doing it let's take a word from our sponsors let's do it our incredible sponsor this week is the best way to get some incredible sleep i'll tell you right now i wish i was very asleep right now if you i'm just saying if you are a weak child which i am i've known to be and a movie
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Starting point is 01:10:51 saying well there there is no both parts of the box there's no i mean like the size and the weight are also incongruous yeah yeah i moved it by myself i got it where i needed to go that's weird and then i hit the button and then it just went flaw so there's a but i never really yeah there well there there there are teams of witches and warlocks that somehow get these mattresses in these boxes no it's just science it's just science and you've got three mattress models to choose from the original casper the wave and the essential casper mattresses they're they're great they're perfectly designed i want the last matches to be called the predator xrl no no we want soothing names that doesn't make sense for sleep branding because so you're always you get such a good rest that
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Starting point is 01:13:12 replace it with no max it's the highest possible recorded quality that you could see and max does and goes everywhere and tests out every gameplay feature that i wanted to know at a boy which the number one was hey blows someone's blows a zombie's arm off yeah and but it's like do can you kill zombies with body damage can you and the answer is yes headshot damage is just a damage multiplier but it wastes more bullets if you miss which you will that sometimes just cap them in the knee and keep walking so we remember when they talked about like they did interviews like oh we're really proud of the graphics technology the layers of muscle in the in the in the skin and all that when leon finds a guy dead on the ground and then pulls back to look at the guy's head wound you
Starting point is 01:13:55 could see every muscle that's ever existed in a human face yeah yeah yeah yeah but the one the one that the one that got me and it's like okay these these are these are the highest end zombies that i've ever been in anything is not is not when the guy gets popped at the shotgun and his head balloons and explodes it's not the guy who gets his head sheared in half yeah i saw that guy it's the guy that gets like i don't know what's going on with the angle of firing or whatever but from hit the the bottom of his rib cage to the top of his face he gets his like first three or four layers sheared off so like he's bisected down the front into meat and it's probably the most violent thing i have ever seen in the game so i like between last of us and that like i feel like we're getting
Starting point is 01:14:42 a new era of meat the the so it's been a while since the capcom guys like if you read the interview you realize that what they basically did is they uh that's not the video it's that one the bottom right yeah uh it's it's the uh it's the they're basically using the same feature set that soldier fortune did jesus where soldier fortune had localized body damage with multiple layers that game was like from like 2000 2000 but yeah no like for the zombies like the important thing is headshot rules are loose because in maxis footage there is a guy with half his head missing and he is putting handgun bullets into the side of his visible brain and it is still counting as like damage yeah you can also kill them with your knife and that's important for the balancing
Starting point is 01:15:31 because like if if it was just all headshots this would be incompletable for many players and i like how it's it's a knife that you can use normally but it's also a get out it's a defensive knife that you can lose and get more so the efficient thing to do is incapacitated then knife to finish off right yeah that like the knife the knife looks good but like the way that zombie grabs in this look astonishing like they they so looking at a lot of this footage and seeing uh the way zombie grabs work in this game actually is what sold me on the camera angle because what happens is is when a zombie gets within a certain distance of you it triggers a can animation right of of them coming at you the camera zooms in like fucking crazy on like the back into your neck into your neck
Starting point is 01:16:17 essentially okay and the zombie grabs you and there's a big scuffle animation and then Leon pushes you off and your sense of awareness of what direction you were looking at and where you are is ruined okay it's completely fucked up and it takes like a second or two to reorient yourself yeah so the zombie comes up behind you then grabs you and you don't know then the camera will zoom in but then it'll zoom back to where you were previously so you'll be like but is the zombie still behind me i can't tell like yeah and there's also i saw this just earlier what it wasn't in max footage but if there is a second or uh maybe third but i you can only see second but if there's a second zombie within proximity it it smooths into a double zombie attack right right right
Starting point is 01:17:04 and does more damage and just like everything about this game is like because i've been i've spent the weekend staring at footage yeah yeah of course you did everything they are doing is perfect um every single aspect of how they're handling things from the health to the shooting to it's perfect but now is is it true that you can still do traditional camera as well no oh that's not true okay no in fact they gave another interview today saying that they focused on this angle and focused instead of having both or whatever to recreate the original feelings and tension and what have you now they specifically say there's not going to be any set pieces in the game yeah there's not going to be any big action moments that is going to be a slow crawl with backtracking
Starting point is 01:17:53 and stuff like that just like the original okay now when we first talked about it you mentioned that the uh the hallways and the like actual architecture are built in such a way that support the original camera does are there are there modifications to what the world that you're seeing we are watching max's footage right now and he just ran up to the second floor along a staircase that didn't exist yeah okay um also when he sees a liquor it's completely in a different spot yeah it's the same scare but they just moved it so people people have talked to the devs and they asked like how are you going to do the liquor scene because the liquor scene is very early in our a2 and what happens is that the the liquor exists off the vision of the camera like you just
Starting point is 01:18:37 can't see it because the camera doesn't show there whereas you go into this hallway here and you could clearly see where it is right so what they did is they moved it to a different area of the game in which the liquor is hiding in pitch black darkness okay so that you can't see it okay until it comes out at you so yeah they're they're they're changing what they need to that being said most of the game's original layout has been maintained there's a lot of really narrow corridors yeah in our a2 where it's just enough to juke around a zombie maybe um and with the extraordinarily high durability zombies like man you watched a bunch of footage these are really really durable enemies they take a shit ton of damage like the the claustrophobia and like the inability to get
Starting point is 01:19:23 around them has been maintained like they're doing a great job um zapping's dead i was gonna say the elephant in the room straight up said i heard about people are asking in interviews what about the zapping system mm-hmm and the answer is that zapping is dead and what they have done instead is they have system they have made it so that leon has one entire scenario that is now very very different from clairs so they showed it off in this demo where at the end of leon's demo you see claire stuck outside the police station at the back entrance which is what used to happen if you played leon a clair b and so like they will have different boss fights they will they will be sick they will explore different areas it'll be very significantly different but what i didn't get
Starting point is 01:20:11 or gleam from anything did they say whether it's like you can pick one before the other like no you can play them in either order it's going to be leon or claire but it'll always they'll see it from different perspective yeah so now like the cutscene matt you're familiar with it with the cutscene where you crash the car and you both get out out on opposite sides now leon will always get out on one side and claire will always get out on one side so leon's always gonna go in the front and claire's always gonna go in the back door and then they're gonna see the fucking helicopter explode behind them and etc etc so it's basically leon a and claire a uh it looks like it's actually using leon a claire b which is weird because claire a leon b was the canon for decades
Starting point is 01:20:55 but whatever i i wonder if like they're gonna make it so that one character still mostly fights berkin and one character mostly fights mr ailes so i i i foresee them having mostly that but one character like i think leon will probably run into mr x at least once probably at some point mr x has a new hat i see alligator it's nice that it's nice that you can walk through a door without a door on a mission yeah it has been a while since i mean you say that but there is the there is a big gameplay change on that is that zombies now follow you from room to room to room to right and they're only they're only gated by like large areas and running running must like actually just build it up over time i assume eventually they'll catch you if you like they
Starting point is 01:21:40 can't get into the main hall it looks like but they can follow you throughout the like entire east or west section of an entire map which leads to elements in some of the footage where like as max is escaping there are like six just crowding a hallway and it's like i don't know how the fuck he's gonna get back in there well luckily it's a demo but yeah so we got to a point and woolly's just watching the footage i don't know if you've seen this bit no but uh this is absurdly violent this is uh the part where the guy is getting pulled out from under the shutter yeah and has the most realistic modeled intestines ever seen in a video game yeah uh it's crazy how how messy this game is uh it makes me super excited are you will you are you familiar with
Starting point is 01:22:27 william berkins design i don't think he is a thing monster that morphs into different monsters that was extraordinarily impressive on the ps1 i'm super excited to see the goo physics we're seeing here attributed to like his face melting into his chest and stuff like that 90% of his shoulder is a nighball yeah okay yes i i know that but i mean i'm also thinking of that tarantino looking weirdo from five remember that guy oh yeah and like he kind of had a whole bunch of morphing too didn't he that's our go-to example of when a guy was like i'll inject myself with the virus to beat you but then i'm stuck as a gross giant whale forever like wesker is the only one that got out unscathed it's ridiculous and even then he still has goo he's still amok i really appreciate max
Starting point is 01:23:18 for not just uploading this footage but like recording the footage in such a way in which he is clearly testing out features and gameplay stuff he's testing out what happens when you shoot their knees what happens when you shoot their arms what you know what have you uh good job man he's a pro the most interesting thing that you're looking at right now woolly and this is about i don't know five ten minutes in is that your aim just falls apart if you move at all oh yeah like it can move it has a crosshair and you can move and shoot but you have to stay still for like a full second for the crosshair to be accurate and if you move at all it becomes garbo okay so they've waited it so that like you know it you're still stopping and shooting
Starting point is 01:23:57 yeah and it's and it's and it's a matter of fact and yeah exactly like you can't full-on action game it with ease even though the camera is in that action gameplay well i mean the main thing about the action game is like matt you remember woolly you remember when you got the fucking shotgun and re4 how much of a game changer that was in terms of crowd control and stuff like that like all the footage of the guys firing shotgun rounds at zombies like half the time they still keep walking towards you like it is not the same empowerment okay okay cool yeah man that's uh that's a whole lot of footage you can check out over on max million dude and also the acting from marvin in particular here is actually really good like it's got really good voice acting
Starting point is 01:24:41 which is creepy i don't know if i like unlock the old voice acting dude on pc this game is gonna have every dumb variant of every dumb thing you can think of unlocking i thought actually one of the pre-order bonuses was to get the original music yeah so one of the pre-order bonuses is that you will unlock the ability to swap in all the new soundtrack with all the old soundtrack i want that final pc mod where the old models the old soundtrack the old voice acting and everything are all back to what they were but the camera is different and that's it including the new environments yes yes they worked and they modded to make it happen you guys like you know you know more than anyone how crazy the re fanbase is well i i easily foresee the mod that just changes how
Starting point is 01:25:27 aiming works and rebalances enemy health and adds camera angles here's a question any word from the people that were making the unofficial remake word from them yeah uh they we the ones that we talked about that on the podcast like about a month ago in which they were making that game that used like resident evil 2 assets or whatever um and it's its own thing now they basically they were making it and then capcom was like no dude well we're doing it but then there was yeah yeah there was that original original group that made one that was straight up an re2 thing and they were swapping out models or doing something and then they're like okay we talked to capcom when this was when this was at the we do it phase and then they were like okay capcom actually gave
Starting point is 01:26:15 us a bunch of advice and we're going to take what we learned from doing this re2 remake and make daymare right right right yeah so that's still coming out of this this doesn't just look like the remake that i always wanted from like re2 this is also what i want this style is what i've wanted resident evil to be for like 10 years like i wish re7 was more like the full i also wish that where like i i hope this does i can only imagine this will do very well but i would absolutely flip my shit if they made new games in this style that being said if this does really really well i have a strong feeling that re3 might be like on its way yeah i can see that there's already re3 locations that got recreated in this demo let alone the uh the the new canon leon face is very
Starting point is 01:27:11 james martson yeah the new claire face looks pretty weird until you realize what they're designing it off of they're designing it off the girl who played claire in the japanese re2 commercial directed by romero like she looks just like her uh okay you can just leave that running the whole talk i have other stories but it would run out to oh i'll just i'll leave it running and i'll put the tabs over it um so here's the big one that one it's the other big story oh yeah um and and it it bears detail correction arcsis x kill the kill right big old cool thing happening first we found out trigger cross arc system works that was a big countdown there's a big countdown and then they announced kill a kill and it's like you know striking while that iron is
Starting point is 01:28:03 lukewarm but hey kill a kill is a property that deserves a video game and we can we can fucking just we can yeah there's we can icebox that one i feel like there's a problem here the problem is that arc system works announced it and then said by the way a plus is developing it thank you now some people seem worried about a plus i don't know anything about them well here's all you need to know uh it's not it's not that it's a worrying thing it's just that it's not arcsis so there's a there's a a bit of a misconception because the idea of arcsis cross trigger is a super hype one based on the idea of them that's how they marketed it but that's not actually happening tino presents liar monkey yeah so a plus are the folks that made little witch academia which is
Starting point is 01:28:47 pretty cool and uh demastas that demastas demastas gear which is that other cool mecha thing so they're they they're fine it's cool there's some it's fine but um just keep in mind that it's not it that arcsis is just publishing that being said yay kill the kills getting a video game and you know just like any other shonen like yeah one-on-one arena battles with these superpowered teenagers why not um what's also surprising i didn't expect i expected to just get a logo and they actually have like screenshots of in-game models and they look on fucking point um that looks like the accurate arcsis style that's episode three right there the accurate arcsis style cel shading at least is is clearly employed here if you go to anime expo you'll see more
Starting point is 01:29:37 countdown timer to an announcement saying go to ax yeah but uh you know it looks like it's gonna be a 3d arena one eight one-on-one um thing i'm a bob that's fine as long as we can do a fisticuff of it's fine yeah man that's that's the that's the yeah i uh i've wanted this for a while uh when are we gonna get that girl in the gun from software the armored core game i don't even want it anymore yeah you do you fucking liar so what you're saying is if that gets announced you're gonna be like can't play it don't like it no but the only way to measure my expectations is to pretend i don't want it anymore okay fair enough i'm tempering them so what you're saying is i don't even want that anymore babaka thank you there you go uh yeah man this looks cool
Starting point is 01:30:23 and i i i hope that um it has the extensive roster done justice because it's very easy to just go like mainline characters generals right and last boss yeah call it a day but we want what about all the two-star weirdos i want those fucking i want that boxer dude i want that tennis girl what about plant man right i want all the i want all those freaks i want the freak picks don't just give me the four plus plus um whatever the nudist beach guy and then stuff like give me the freaks i want it you're gonna get like one to three freaks and and uh when you do um god you see it's been so long what's her name the most annoying character in the on the planet earth newy newy when newy shows up make her like she gets her hurt but she's not really hurt
Starting point is 01:31:13 and when she's KO'd she's not really KO'd she's just annoyed do one of those okay but yeah like when slayer and lies down and he's like ah you got me yeah all right do it do it do it do it do it um give me fucking uh oh my god osaka gangster uh money dude what's his name takata he was so good give me that fucking nerd i want it so bad yeah yeah yeah yeah there's a lot to go back to that that uh i'm hoping they they they do i want i want a nice big roster here but uh no other things besides 2019 and say quote unquote battle action game yeah and July 5th we're gonna see more like battle action games it's a good word like button bashers battle action's a good word oh man i'm so sleepy we've got uh some fun ass tidbits that popped up fun ass titties yeah i also
Starting point is 01:32:14 thought i was gonna say that please tell me the stories about that it's not damn damn there's fun ass titties on screen right now you're looking at the i seen them killer kills all about fun ass titties but we're moving on to um the fun little tidbits that came out came out about smash ultimate after the initial announcement stuff so the big one that that that wasn't on the the main trailers was the fact that stage hazards are going to be optionally removed yep and that's really important because now i want to see if that means everything gets legal right on a tournament level are all everything but walkoffs i bet so walkoffs are still gonna be yeah yeah that's true everything but like walkoffs and like anything where you can like lame it out and run away because it's too big
Starting point is 01:33:02 i assume you know but i but like the legal amount of stages is gonna go up and i want to see if that plus the battlefield stuff is gonna that's banned open it up because uh yeah stuff like mega man was like legal stages that's a fine stage if yellow devil wasn't being an asshole right um so that's a really cool big big one is way too much even for casual play like it's constant no it was very norm but oh the yellow devil you mean yeah well not just that but they also said by the way all the 3ds stuff from mega man stage will also be a hazard in this so it's going to be like two types of hazards sure plus yellow devil turn that shit off yeah um now and then a couple of i think you could put in more yeah you could put the disappearing platform random spike like my platforms
Starting point is 01:33:46 and there's some fun little details of like small things that changed so toad when he gets pulled out by peach to block attacks no longer gets held out in the way that that made him just be like oh no yeah he's hold on in a way to make woolly feel good it's like because because she because peach used to always pull him out and like of her pocket and be like take the hit for me bitch get get fucked up exactly and toad's like all right but now he's like willingly diving yes diving out to take the head of the old one and yeah and features cowering over in that way toads being brave take the hit for me big toad man as opposed to peach being in an asshole that's great and disposed like making her disposable bodyguards take the head her royal persona using the little
Starting point is 01:34:32 fucking grow toads in the dirt yeah in the garbage they have no value the old or the old like toad attacks screenshot of toad about to suck on a missile yeah the old toad shots were always like oh god why are you doing this to me but now he's like fuck you i'm saving my princess anyways but it's just fun fun fun like when they're going through the move list and then saccharize like we need to fix this right this needs to be this needs to be fixed and like all the other things as we go down it's like yeah the shit like that toad must win battlefield has a bunch of so the bat in the new battlefield has other floating islands in the background that are the previous battlefield games from other that's what it is okay we notice those
Starting point is 01:35:16 in the we notice those during the the thing we're like what are those right um chic gets updated to the breath of the wild chic outfit wow good eyes there holy really subtle when you think when you look at the actual designs but what she's wearing is way more chic a outfit from breath of the wild than chic okay cool um of course yeah Kirby gets his new copy ability yeah he turns into futaba pokemon trainer gets reference colors to the older trainers from that's awesome the original games yeah ridley doing that mario cap twist thing is like fuck you i killed you mario also i like i like this of this uh matt your tweet about not wanting violence and gore at e3 and then just like ridley's tail impaling mega man mega man right in front snake's icon is no longer
Starting point is 01:36:09 a koji pro logo oh i didn't see this it's an exclamation mark because it's too much but it's foxhounds no it's koji pro no it started as fuck you not can it be the old no it's koji pro that's how petty yeah yeah whatever it's too koji pro we gotta move on that's dumb yeah yeah yeah although like shout outs to the eagle eyes that fucking caught these small things like that's amazing um yeah it's just an exclamation mark now on snakes like logo plus snakes butt is of course a big point of content it's been ruined ddd's final smash is a super reference to uh mask ddd plus the um the missile she shoots out from a fucking uh uh fight in in kirby's blockball so that's cool shit what yeah they just went in on
Starting point is 01:37:06 it they went deep b sides um yeah there's an eclipse and uh ultra battlefield the the pokemon god i love saffron city the pokemon that jump out of saffron city and south co are the same sprites from fucking yeah they're the same as sprites they've never changed that's super dumb not even once and this is the game where mind you all the pokemon are in the game in 3d because they're trophies but they're still using those old sprites that's super dumb yeah yeah yeah the ultimate call bat mr game and watch has updated so that is he looks a bit more like the accurate game and watch models but like one thing in particular is when he turns into the ball juggler and with his throw it grabs your stock icon and he juggles that as the ball instead of the character so just to make
Starting point is 01:38:01 it more accurate to like the ball that he used to juggle back in the day again just revisions for accuracy uh there's a joke in kid Icarus uprising where he yells after falling from the sky i never learned to read that's now his death shout are you serious in game he shouts i never learned to read as he gets like knocked at blast oh that's sad that pit can't read yeah if it's canon it happened in uprising it's important to learn how to read kids it's ancient Greece not everyone had an education in the earthbound references the special effects look a lot more like stuff from the actual mother games between the two depending on what game they're from yeah so sparks are updated like background flashes are updated things are just like parking back to those games in a little
Starting point is 01:38:48 bit more detail so i bet you palatina doesn't know how to read that's cool uh breath of the wild weapons are more accurate so link is breath of the wild link has differences in his in just more than just his outfit right his moves are like actually control bombs but what else yes uh arrows can be picked up and thrown as items oh okay uh at zero percent life he can use the sword to shoot a slash out nice right so you get your master sword projectile by only but while you're at zero uh and yeah like i said like he can pick up um his arrows that land on the ground and throw them back at you as like fast projectile kind of thing so you know there's like actual differences there uh snakes ass of course we all saw it so i want to point out that it's not just like uh his delicious man buns
Starting point is 01:39:40 are gone it's like his legs now look deformed because he has no glutes yeah so he has big fucking thick ass quads and zero glass i think his legs look fine but i think he has hand kill ass no but no his legs look fine but like that's that doesn't fucking happen that's not a it looks like they shrunk it later um looks like they put a shrink ray on his buttocks yeah also and there's similarly zero suit samus is a smaller cup but more muscular yeah that's a big step up which is like a big step down that's well for samus that's just like a change in audience yeah you know it's like hey guys you guys might not get this but you people but even as you're like muscle girls i don't mind big something was rump yeah so it's not canon to the character
Starting point is 01:40:32 so the the the details keep pouring in um some fun stuff i like what i like unnecessary detail changes there's also that bit where it's like you go on the site they inadvertently confirm like like eight more stages because everyone's profile has their stage behind it so all the returning characters yeah like have stages that they didn't announce during the oh fun show but they're like oh well these stages are in it because they're on the site not sure how accurate they'll be in the end but it's like what about the echo fighters do the echo fighters get echo stages maybe so you call you call clones echo fighters yes it's a regional dialogue normal boots to just be like call them clothes you cowards there are some good normal boots tweets or something uh yeah so i kind of
Starting point is 01:41:23 turned around on this where initially when they were showing i was i was a little disappointed because i was expecting slash hoping like a brand new smash and new mechanics and whatever but this actually after like just looking at all the changes i'm like actually this is more in the opposite direction where it's like let's not make it just a smash like whatever for that they're not sane it's even a port but let's go so far in the other direction we're going to take everything that we have to the basics and yeah but like add like all these little changes and everything where i'm like okay that's like that all stars but that's the cost of revising that thoroughly is new shit is expensive yeah but also going back and doing this this takes time this is like they
Starting point is 01:42:09 added tech throw tech you know what i mean like would you agree that after something like this smash brothers ultimate yeah can you possibly just do a regular old smash that has more characters i feel like what you can do after this is allowed to be a hard reboot yeah okay i agree and i don't think anyone would mind because this is mk ultimate yes this is so complete with all the shit that like you know like we never got our shovel night we never got our run wonder red but i feel like it's it they're kind of open it's almost never asked me for anything again you know and i feel like you can hammer that home i wish that had the character select screen in this just got obnoxious to the point where it looked like a mugen screen it's getting there man
Starting point is 01:42:53 but i want it i want it to be like like clarity has been minimized we want you to feel how much is here so that you anytime you go oh but i want it did you look at this screen did you and you go oh and then they go yeah where you're like oh i remember my character was on the right side of the screen you know like that moment where you're like but i wanted newt and then you just go yeah i'll be that's fair out of out of everything and regardless like i think the biggest change is going to be the way dodges have been changed right yeah dodge spamming that that changes the whole fucking game to the fth degree dodge spamming is big um directional dodging as well and um the 1v1 damage is huge too i think all the final smashes changes are really smart yeah yeah for
Starting point is 01:43:44 sure but but like in terms of like the way you're going to see tournaments go down like 1v1 damage changes things go higher that that's come quicker combos are different now yeah because you're not you know what i mean like the percentages are actually affected like it's it's very interesting that they did that and the special edition will come with a bar of soap he said it for smell of the of the smash player because they're unwashed yeah okay just and they it's hard you know you would you would think that it'd be hard to see the game through the stink lines but you know it's hard to acquire this skill i don't think you can see your own stink okay i think that might be it you know what i mean you're too close like you you can't really
Starting point is 01:44:26 smell your own breath it's like that heat wave coming too close to your body you gotta see that you know it's hard what's that be in a youtuber not one person can see their own stink so athena from kof yet another reason for me to dislike athena uh athena from kof to go alongside the kof ios game new thing announcement did you see those movies i didn't the gameplay trailers i didn't i'm not sure it's a new mobile game isn't it it's a new mobile game that's a beat-em-up rpg and it actually looks quite nice there's videos of everyone doing their movesets there was a beat them up on the 360 do you remember no you mean skystage yeah no i mean the side scrolling beat them up that was terrible that was on the xbox 360 right um it was bad is this better than that
Starting point is 01:45:19 well you'll see in a second this is what it looks like and it goes through all their their ultimate skills and whatever and it has a bunch of characters they have a bunch of videos with the guys they have terry yori my okay and that looks not bad i mean it's probably actually a bad mobile game but it's a mobile game so you're gonna not control it with a controller and i wish i could play this with a controller that's a boat man that's a bummer touch controls of the future damn all battle cars are out of here i saw battle battle cards the battle card unlocks the final like super so go go look for your the things that you like of yori it's probably in here oh i like that yori stuff and i guess uh you have to pay for those battle cards no idea right now i think this
Starting point is 01:46:02 is just you can opt for the this is called king of fighters all stars by the way we didn't actually yes that's true and and because of this event where they're showing off this game they announced that athena is going to be a youtuber yeah that's she's moving from being an idol to a youtuber cool so yes what happens is um let me see this battle card hold on a second he goes a ruchi oh that's the yeah that's yeah okay uh huh yes okay so the the thing with um why i want to see more i'm sorry i just kind of want to see some i didn't know about this talking while you see well anyway athena is becoming a vtuber oh and in promotion of the king of fighters all star ios thing um she's i guess going to have a channel and then be doing youtube stuff
Starting point is 01:46:56 doesn't quite say what type of stuff um but she'll be saying thank you a bunch of times what's what's interesting in an idea in an idea though is like using like kizuna i as a promotion yeah in the sense that you could take your characters and make them youtubers for a while to promote your product but the thing about that means you have to be playing other games right and unless you're just playing the game that you're promoting you gotta play other games if you want to be legit yeah but they're not interested in being like she's gotta play fortnite yeah yeah exactly or or you have athena playing a car athena playing a capcom game and just shitting all over it and talking about how bad how much he hates it no dude rio and uh uh what's this the other guy's name
Starting point is 01:47:39 robert robert and yuri playing a street fighter game and shitting all over yeah now that's what needs to happen and they're playing like super high level too like and they're playing damn and they're going who is this guy sucks well i don't know if you remember in the uh the kof manhwa when kio and yuri both respectively sat down at an arcade machine and fought each other but they they used their powers to do things in the game that you couldn't do otherwise and it was like their power their fire powers were reprogramming the game and everyone watching was like these guys are out of this world what do you think terry's battle car buster fucking wolf no lost power that's cool he did bust a wolf earlier oh no it has a super no i know i'm like oh that's cool
Starting point is 01:48:27 that's nice okay well anyway um these fucking robots are coming to take our jobs guys they sure are we gotta step it up so yeah like one of you has to become a cute anime girl yeah that's gonna be mad just put on a wig it'll be i was on a comment i'm down um why can't i be down because only one you're already a red panda no bad could be a girl anime girl red panda oh this is one farther than i expected to be a grover model i didn't expect to see you guys fight over this you can do some boudoir sets every time someone does grow woolly it's the hottest shit ever i agree i'm like god damn i don't mind would you fuck me um yeah i guess we'll find out i hope this thing does come out and it's not horrible that'd be cool if it's just
Starting point is 01:49:23 not horrible i'd enjoy it's done by the voice actor uh vatina so no it's gonna be horrible haruna it is our youtube channel is gonna be talking about welcome psychobot psychoshii psychoso i hate it i hate it okay that's enough oh that pierce my ears there that's enough like the throw is just a shriek i can't believe that her and bison get their moves from the same psychosource man is that the psychosource my dude it's real um she has she gains her powers from all the negative energy in the soul once masters submits to my psycho power maybe she will play some fortnite but if she does uh she won't be able to play cross play this is buys the playstation this is buy is free but um excuse me
Starting point is 01:50:18 this is the stupidest fucking thing ever but it's also to be expected i feel because the i feel like i feel like the fact that new development of specifically fortnite though i feel like the fact that cross play is enabled between xbox and switch is surprising yeah and pc by the way and pc i feel like that's a surprising level of like everyone being like yeah who cares it's fine i'm like whoa that's really unusual and playstation is like no they're doing it the way it's always been done the fact that they're saying no yeah that's totally unsurprising that's yeah the fact that the instant your account touches a sony device it becomes locked from other devices that is not like i didn't know that that's the point of the story i completely miss that part
Starting point is 01:51:06 because what i read here was um the reaction to to them saying yeah people are upset about it in general still because it's happening with a big game and because this is a response to the main story i didn't catch that the main story was the lock oh i'll break it down real quick so this fortnite's been out on the xbox and the playstation and the pc for quite some time if you played it on the pc you could play it on the playstation if you played it on the pc you could play it on the xbox however your account for a playstation in your account for an xbox would not coexist they wouldn't play it again they would never actually be in matches together right and people knew that when the switch version of fortnite came out of a few days ago
Starting point is 01:51:48 i want to say it it got found out that not only can sony not play nice with the others but if you've ever logged into anything on your playstation with an epic games account it becomes locked to sony devices and becomes ineligible for play on xboxes or switches that's which means that if you that's crazy if you play the game primarily on pc and you switch and you spent a bunch of money on that account and you and you then switch to playstation for a while i don't know whatever reason and then you were like oh i'm going back to pc and i want to play on my switch when i'm out of town fuck you make a new account it it essentially steals your account and puts it on the playstation that's incredibly unreasonable um yeah that's the new facet of
Starting point is 01:52:33 and and the worst part is is that it's super sony because when it happens there's a fucking thing on the screen that says epic games cannot help you do not ask epic games or epic games customer service they cannot do anything about this you have to contact sony and sony's comment didn't really say anything sony's comments a bunch of bullshit it's like we are very excited to the people playing we have nothing further to add you on this point so are you just trying to steal people into your trying to lock people into because every you know that everyone you know everyone's playing fortnite and you're just fucking trying to steal their accounts hey play on a playstation now you can only play on a playstation that's so nice you're like it's popular and we've
Starting point is 01:53:16 got to just you know your shit it's such the opposite of how sony started the ps4 with like hey take games sure nobody cares we don't care because of how microsoft started yeah because it was the perfect i said it was the perfect like contrast to them but now it's like why this i said it five or six years ago in that uh interview we did or it's like the video game industry is an industry defined by failure and this happens every single time who fails so sony killing it for years and now they're all big in their britches and now they're doing shit like this meanwhile microsoft did really poor at the beginning of this gen guess what they're begging everybody to tell we love you would give free games pay games pad standing still while your opponent blows
Starting point is 01:53:59 themself up so last gen we all had xboxes primarily this gen we all had playstations primarily next gen we're probably all going to be back to xboxes and the gen after that we're probably all gonna play stations like every single fucking time that is really nuts that they're doing this and and the answer they give is one that's so dodgy that it seems like like they don't even want to address it no they clearly don't want to the only thing that's going to cause them to address this is a lawsuit and that's going to be like you know that takes years to happen i yeah i mean it's like you're not gonna like people are not going to stop playing fortnite so it's brilliantly deep hey woolly you know in this fuck like you played street fighter four yeah
Starting point is 01:54:48 street fighter five on the on the playstation well yeah you can no longer use those costumes on the pc and i guess and it's and it's and you have to imagine too it's kind of like um like if it's just out of convenience that you jump around like you you know one place you have one thing i was at my friend's i was at my friend's place exactly yeah like my friend only has a playstation 4 so i'll get the playstation 4 version for him or i just a free game why not yeah or having it on switch is ideal so i can continue to use my accountant but yeah yeah absolutely it's it's it's the worst this is this is one of the worst things in a long time man okay take your account your accounts hours now um yeah i i i imagine the backlash will force them into a response they gave their response
Starting point is 01:55:36 their response of nothing i think i a real one like i do appreciate um uh epic games just throwing sony under the bus instantaneously now even throwing them under the bus just been like come like they're not saying call capcom to complain they're not saying call sony to complain but they're just like we can't do anything yeah it's not us yeah this is a technical thing that is not within our control that's the base amount of facts you can get out there without throwing sony under the bus also i think jim pointed it out uh jim sterling like fucking nintendo allows crossplay fucking nintendo that's the world the most ass backwards online fuckers ever well here's the thing fortnite's bigger than that yeah fortnite's bigger than all of those things it's ridiculous
Starting point is 01:56:24 and that game sucks too so played it i have it sucks it's a bad game for idiots i hear good things about it but uh sure yeah i bet you heard good things about it it's like eating a fart it's a bad game for dummies um so another important post e3 clarification yeah because usually there's a lot there's a lot of clarifying that needs to be happening hey whoa hey whoa so some of those hype pops just put them back in where they were oh no i don't know stuff them back in there was one we definitely got to stuff back in jump force yeah what about jump light and lights not actually playable yeah he's just part of the story yeah fuck you why'd you put him in this so misleading that they did that he has story importance he can make he making a big
Starting point is 01:57:17 difference in the story but his light a character that would hit someone yes yeah well we're not gonna put that in the game wasn't there wasn't there another game that did this where they tease something at the end that wasn't real i don't remember i feel like a fighting game or something a hundred million different there's something that in and not even recent memory but like something any videos of colonial marines so yeah uh they went what's the deal with light and ruk in the trailer and uh the bed bed ben and i'm gonna basically said um more or less they're like yeah there's story characters only and um there's people that don't really are not well suited to fighting so he can't reply because it reminds me of of pestilence and uh famine famine
Starting point is 01:58:07 and and uh darksiders games not everyone is suited to fighting but they'll have a part of the story or you could think a bit more or you could think yeah and like and that's the or you could be forced to be creative the like the reason behind the pop is the recognition that creativity is happening yeah right at the core source the reason why we go oh shit when you see light you got me standing in a fucking fighting game is because you go what are they gonna do and then the answer is like no we're not gonna be creative shut up you're dumb so and you look super lame and then everyone just points at phoenix right yeah phoenix right is the go to but like more so than that we train her when there's restrictions in something be a designer like a character thing like i just found out
Starting point is 01:58:52 over the weekend and watched a an f0 a retrospective video from slopes game room and he's like do you know why the f0 has ships that are hover ships was it because there weren't going to be there are going to be four-wheeled uh vehicles like monster trucks uh-huh then they're like doing mode seven of that has so many fucking pixels this is annoying what can we lose tires that's the only reason f0 is f0 that's because we didn't want to do the work so we thought of a reason to build it around that art from adversity art from adversity it's my favorite it's too hard to model the limbs on these starfox animals why can't we look fucking hit a guy hey did you guys did you guys see the fuck it is speaking of art from adversity and dumb story shit this is nothing to do with
Starting point is 01:59:42 nothing but did you see that fucking interview with george lucas about what he would have made i saw i saw snippets episode sevens eights and nines no what's that about he's like it was gonna be a microbial story about mediclorians in the in the biological world and explain that there's these creatures called the wills that are the real power behind did he finish this off with like people would have hated it yeah all the fans would have hated it but they hate all the other movies anyway so it's fine we're talking george black slavers lucas that's correct what it was that i didn't hear this at all it's it's go find the fucking quote because the quote's the fucking wildest shit ever lucas plans for episode seven eight nine oh there it is the next three star wars
Starting point is 02:00:28 films we're going to get a microbiotic world but there's this world of creatures that operate differently than we do i call them the will list the wills and the wills are the ones who actually control the universe they feed off the force if i'd held on to the company i could have done it and then it would have been done of course a lot of fans would have hated it but just like they did phantom menace and everything but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told oh my god oh wow wow that disney the hero that's the worst thing ever disney the saviour disney movies are perfect but they're hell of a lot better than that the new star wars movies are not perfect they have problems but jesus christ oh my god so i do applaud a man that says people
Starting point is 02:01:20 would hate this but i wouldn't i can't wait to make a series of movies that people would hate matt i was hanging out with a friend and that friend asked me have you seen solo and i said mario ven peoples 1996 action movie solo and he went what and i went what and he said no solo and i'm like dude that's my what are you talking about because and he's like the f***ing star wars movie and i literally forgot the movie existed because the same thing it was kenny going hey we're gonna go see solo and he went cool why are you watching that like it's a cool movie it's on my birthday in 1996 and then he's like i forgot it was out i come like you see sencha i had nothing that's great right this is great
Starting point is 02:02:15 this is great this right here microbiota world of the wills that says a lot about you or i or whoever that would think similarly that why was that at the forefront of your mind because solo there's been a solo this is another solo there's a superhero there's an inspiring comment called solo who wore green and just had a bunch of guns sure it was yeah i i like i'm looking at that as straight up them going has there ever been a movie called solo they google it they see it and they just go no no one's gonna fight you i remember i didn't forget i remember that shit that's that's the stuff and when i think about like how i react and i'm like i love my brain yeah i would not change that that part and quite frankly my mind jumped to mario van people's 1990s fucking mario
Starting point is 02:03:07 van people should come out now and say we're starting the solo cinematic universe fuck you because you thought you could just shit all over us well now we're back solos back this is wild solo super cool this is wild so basically soldier so it was universal soldier but it wasn't uh so no soldier the um kurt russell movie where they're just really well trained guys and they have no emotions solo was that i thought it was like the universal soldier but i guess so i want to point out this makes have you guys ever heard of strange magic that fucking uh musical animated film that george made about fairies yeah it's terrible it's fucking awful but like seeing that movie and how their fairies and they're all in a big tiny world and
Starting point is 02:04:02 they're moving to the flower petals makes this make way more sense where george wants to go small for some reason why why have i heard the word wills before because it's the will of the force he's used it though the wills is a thing that's come up somewhere because it's not the first time i've seen that worry um wow at this fucking mad man that would have nuked that that would have retroactively made the phrase the will of the force the worst thing yeah well actually this would have meant that those movies just wouldn't have happened and they didn't happen forever and people would have looked at it and saw what he wanted to do no one would want to look at what he did just now back in 2k1 and went you're not gonna we're not doing this you're not getting
Starting point is 02:04:53 the approval to do this from a who he owned everything i own everything okay but but all he has to do is pay people but okay but we'll show up but you think he's gonna self publish and pay for a trilogy of star work like he did for the the fucking prequel trilogy was it in there was no funding whatsoever he was the top he owns every lucas film always did its thing but was there literally no other outside yeah no boss yeah no boss okay that's why the movies are so fucking bad all right because he had total control of everything he had less control in the original movies then yeah i guess he could have just brute forced it i didn't realize that that's that's the worst thing ever there thank god he waited so long and wanted money i think the wills
Starting point is 02:05:36 are mentioned in some kind of religious context in star wars they are because i've know this word people have talked about it at some point during the course of the play through it came up the star wars force religion is about microbiology it's about my country it's about my country as the powerhouse of the force well what i'm reading here because this is the craziest part is that universally reviled concept that is midichlorians was going to be the basis of three entire films i'm gonna double down on that you hate it well but i have more to say about george you remember the interview he did a couple years ago when somebody asked him who his favorite character was yeah he said i don't know uh jar jar like he is a spiteful man
Starting point is 02:06:24 nothing beats the the red letter media line i was like well why why don't you just take his blood so you can see how much force you got in him yeah because that's how bad they established that concept you could just look at palpatine's blood and just see oh man this dude's like a big old he's jacked up on the force i have never before felt the emotion that you're feeling right now yeah i'm like i'm feeling i'm cheering on a baby being ripped from its parents hands that's what i'm cheering on right now yeah topical yeah i was gonna say you're right time i'm literally like nah you know what you know what fucking to be fair daddy doesn't deserve that to be fair that parent sold that child to a bigger richer parent sure did and and now they're just talking about what they would have
Starting point is 02:07:18 raised their kid to be exactly that's that's that's the more accurate this is just letting them know that hey if you stayed under my roof i wish a billionaire owned the rights to solo and he could bring it back whenever he wanted why did mario van peoples get rich that sucks why he would have done it what a weird question he would have done it um are you tony hawk yeah why why they would have hated it but at least the whole story would be told i applaud that that's awesome oh my god all right oh oh it's in the it's in the article the wills are one of the franchise
Starting point is 02:08:05 oldest concepts that race in their book the journey of the wills were present in earlier drafts of lucas's original script for star wars and everything the original star wars was good because he had to change it because it was all stupid although lucas himself removed it by the final draft they were mentioned in the novelization and were later referenced in various media including fun wars the in continuity descriptions and world building right wasn't the eight wasn't the one of the first titles of star wars the the mystical story a tale of the wills or something like that i don't know there was a there was a a title that never happened for star wars that was all the other stuff like han solos was to be a fucking weird iguana or like c3po is used car
Starting point is 02:08:47 cells yeah oh god the secret ancient order of the wills oh fuck oh we're going deep i've done i've gone too far there was there was some places yeah there was another there was a thing where they're like originally star wars was just like a subtitle it was just a jedi outcast in the dark forces jedi academy series with the colons and on both sides i would have loved if george instead of talking about the wills like oh i was going to bring masters of terrace cassiole been that shit oh i have uh i have i have the money he could have just made it and put it out and went what i should mention somebody told me something about solo that you two will want to know that matt just reminded me of real solo or fake new solo new fake new solo oh you know how pazakh was
Starting point is 02:09:35 like a cool pole because you know landos playing pazakh in the trailer yeah there's a dude in solo that's doing kung fu and they're like what's that guy shut up terrace cassai that's do they say it yes oh time to go see solo awesome new solo like the deepest fuck stupid old solo i would have popped i would have popped so hard for that with nobody else no i'm gonna be in an empty theater tonight just go oh you have a copy in your hand where's marron jade just and just pointed the show everyone in the audience when they go shut up you just point point at it that was your name i forget marriage a deep marriage a deepest poles of all that's the best ever but i thought they cut all other world no the way that it works is that it's canon unless the movie contradicts it
Starting point is 02:10:33 okay and the movies contradict a million things so most of it got erased but yeah the journal of the wills is the original storyline fucking furious with happiness yeah yeah yeah there you go would you have clapped early drafts of a new hope clapped absolutely i would have slapped my knee at the very least uh god i don't have to go see it at least it's gonna dive deep online to dumb now i gotta know now i gotta know you fucking you did it mission accomplished um well good thing we're talking about movies because then we can just move right on into we can move you right on in right on into um do you know about this fat i do know about this this sucks this is one of the craziest things ever so you want to you want to explain yeah i take this away
Starting point is 02:11:24 i don't know what's happening you're much more knowledgeable on this so it's about friday the 13th the game and like before i get into this like about like i don't know a year two years ago they were they were gonna make a new friday the 13th movie then it just stopped and no one is unsure why and it was just like yeah the script and we just never made it so this brings it to light is that friday the 13th got a big update the game a few weeks ago and it got single-player missions that work like hitman where you're jason you have to figure out the right ways to kill everyone on the map right and it's really really good content i i i made a video of it and i was like wow this is fantastic can't wait for uber jason the cyborg one can't wait for a map and
Starting point is 02:12:03 whatever and then all of a sudden people started sending me this story about like yeah they just announced there's gonna be no more dlc for this game ever i'm like what they because they've had they've shown future dlc that they're like yeah this is what we have coming down the line like cyber jason so this story is basically how the developers are like actually starting from now we can't make any new content what we can do is still implement servers for the game local servers balance it fix what's there quality of life stuff quality of life stuff and it was like what the fuck so what it comes down to is that like two years ago the original script writer for friday the 13th one part one in like 1979 got paid nine thousand dollars to
Starting point is 02:12:52 write that script and then that's the only one that he worked on and then subsequent ones were written by other people that's how it works but like 10 15 years ago a new law was passed in california saying if you're a part of something that gets really successful and you don't get a part of it after 40 years you can contend to be like no i own part of this that is bizarre what it gives you a second shot to go hey did this thing get really successful and i got i made no money off it except for the the what i was paid wait so what about like everyone who created a legendary superhero what about the fucking superman batman dead i don't i don't know i don't know if it applies just to move can your can there a state kind of come in the most baffling part about this is that
Starting point is 02:13:41 it's 40 years because my first question is well what if you're dead what it will then i don't know because fucking superman so everyone didn't know why like you swoosh guy everyone didn't know why this was happening why why can't they make no content a guy that played a character on friday the 13th has now become an entertainment lawyer in the 40 years that he's been since that friday the 13th movie and he explained why this is so so this guy two years ago said hey current rights holders of friday the 13th shan cunningham who produced or whatever directed the first movie he's like i'm gonna like do this and we're gonna work on the the percentage i should be getting because i created these characters by writing them and he goes uh well we'll see and he goes no
Starting point is 02:14:24 actually no i'm gonna fight you over this and you're not gonna get anything fine let's bring it to a judge the judge was supposed to rule on this two years ago but because this law is so new and there's no precedent for it i don't know what we don't know what to do i don't want to make bad precedent because everything comes back to me exactly so that this should have been like finalized and figured out two years ago but it's lingered and lingered and lingered and now current stuff like this game is caught in the middle of it they're like well now is the cutoff date where i get like that two years of leeway time and to give you to get your shit in order figure out what you're going to do with your licenses your games whatever because after that two years is up you
Starting point is 02:15:06 got to stop everything until we figured out this issue but we're supposed to have two years of time to figure this out together but the judge never made a ruling so now everything gets cut off so the Friday 13 developers said we have to get the most important piece of content done which is the single player missions which is every what everyone was thinking the game lacked and now like now that this has reached this point it's like it's going to be a year another two years before we even figure out this new mess this this so for all intents and purposes we're going to stop because we can't just wait on our hands and feet for this game to get it all of its i i understand the point behind this law i do what it's trying to do but the first thing
Starting point is 02:15:48 that i think of is that the california and hollywood in particular are going to enter into the new age of loopholes in which they say okay write the script and then we'll fly you out to to fucking vegas or denver or some shit and then you write the last page of the script and submit it via email from there so that the script was written in the state in which this law doesn't apply yeah and shit like that so there's a the article like does a little bit better it's not 40 years it's 35 but still that's that's massive well um and the cutoff date what was the cutoff date june 2018 and yeah they got that big cool piece of content out there before that but this is one of those what there's no new movies can be made yeah so there's like there had to be a brand
Starting point is 02:16:38 that was the sacrificial lamb for the rest of media to figure out what the fuck to do about the 13th i guess sorry jason it's cursed marvel's probably shitting its ass well the comic books are in a bad state if this is a thing but i don't know if comic books i think it might just be movies right now i don't know how many stories about fucked over artists or people that all of them will take care of you back in the day that kirby's estate is coming back fucking again oh man you know go back to your your bob canes and you're just everyone but lately for superhero movies because superhero movies got so big so quickly people that were not credited before now get credit like batman is not just credited as bob can now excuse credit as bob canan like the
Starting point is 02:17:25 sorry i forget his name the artist or stan lee has it rough enough man jack Kirby gets credit nowadays do you have anything about uh joseph and gordon levitt's company with beyond good and evil too oh forgot about it record um that's that's no no i didn't but i i saw a bit of that because i saw two mellow going off on that and i started doing some digging yeah it's it's honestly like his hit records been around for a while i remember first hearing about it back with um before looper actually looper and uh you know like it was always just kind of this like again like i've reminded me of a current dot tv type of thing well the the but but the main thing with this story yeah exactly it's just i was not familiar with the term spec work yeah before i i uh looked
Starting point is 02:18:07 this up and uh spec work is the fucking worst yeah it's just an extension of it's an extension of um do it for exposure yeah right and it's a it's a it's a common thing that like a lot of uh artists are are like starting to make well known is hey shitty clients treat artists and creative types like shit when they want you to do things for free and they get really really mad when you don't and an extension of that is is when a large company will basically ask for fans to submit their work and it'll become part of a thing but effectively you're kind of just farming outsourced and then it becomes if it's if it's really great we'll pay you peanuts type thing i think that i think the best way was stated is that because i at first i saw people going like oh complain about
Starting point is 02:18:54 i'm like oh that sucks they don't get paid but then i was like they get paid i'm like okay that's good but then someone's like it still doesn't matter because all the people whose work did not like make it or get chosen they're still working for free they still made unpaid labor what this is is a glorified contest yeah but they're getting tons of free work from so if you if you for example you had beyond good and evil too and you had 10 artists under your employee that were supposed to be assigned to the graffiti task and whatnot yeah you're probably not going to use all of the art that they make there's probably going to be art that you don't personally agree with or it doesn't fit the scene or it's too high or fucking whatever for any particular reason but those people
Starting point is 02:19:33 still got paid making it yeah because they have salaries yeah like a concept artist is like hey draw me up some monster designs for god of war and then they would do them like no no no no oh that was good that one's good that person then goes back to work and then gets a paycheck at the end of the day that's how it works this is a contest designed in order to figure out how to get like hundreds of thousands of hours of free labor out of people now there's nothing wrong with reaching out publicly and asking for the public to make themselves known to work with them we do it all the time yeah we literally do it all the time the difference is is once you're working with someone you got to fucking pay them yeah um so yes that's uh here's a difference
Starting point is 02:20:17 but but but the nature but but you see the problem too is that like the nature of hit record before this was based on fan submitted collaboration projects that were not big popular triple a game well triple a not big popular games yeah they were oftentimes indie things and whatnot so that's why it's like like they're working with hit record because what hit record did in the past was actually create like little indie shorts and things where people came together to work on an original project out of interest for working on that thing yeah so there was no commercial interest attached to those products also we have never gone hey everybody send us a bunch of stuff and if we like it we'll buy it off of you we just say hey make art because i want to see art
Starting point is 02:21:03 a difference would be like in a in a fighting game or like a collection if you go hey we're going to have a fan art gallery in the game the vault or the whatever i forgot the mortal combat x has a whole section of fan art in it did you know that i did not buried in the crypt you can just find fan oh yeah just buried in there yeah and it's like that's different or it's like yeah that's not going to be in the game it's not be used as an in-game asset it's for everyone to hey hey that literally is for exposure i don't know if they pay them for it but i'm like you know what you're getting yeah this is you know what you're doing this is almost more nefarious by the inclusion of payment because it implies that you'll get paid for it but you probably won't and if it gets used
Starting point is 02:21:47 you're supposed to the other thing about spec work is that this will not this none of this will lead to employment none of this will lead to jobs uh unless you blow someone's ass out of the water with your work uh but back in the day if you submitted a really good mod like a level for doom it might be like oh that's a cool move you're a better designer than but again like i can i definitely see like i'm right here it's a really it's a really shitty like twist based on like comb your hair john no i already spent most of my day combing it i'm sorry based on the the idea because like you're like when people do just kind of collaborate on original projects like as when it's not attached to something that's actually like a commercial property that's fine
Starting point is 02:22:33 you know it's an indie project from the get-go uh but like in this situation i gotta submit that changes perception you know what i'm gonna submit a little thing for zubas to be in a game i paid money for that do you remember they don't pay me yeah yeah yeah you saw we didn't sell out we bought in there's uh there's a comment that i forget who wrote it to us but i will now retroactively go and blow them out again which is what this reminds me of do you remember when we had to stop the percent of five LP because atlas was like no no we'll fuck you there was somebody who commented i think to me on twitter it's like why don't you just record the whole LP and if the ban ever gets listed then you can upload it that's what this is this is do your job and do a whole piece of work
Starting point is 02:23:23 for your job and maybe just maybe we'll pay you later yeah that was the single most unreasonable that was the most under that was out of all the requests we've ever received of how to do this stuff that might be single most that was number one that was the i remember like i remember i even responded rudely and i was i was actually mad i was like do you go to work for free for months because i don't i don't go to work for free that's not that's nuts but that's what you're being asked to do here you're being asked to say you're an artist or you're what have you go to work for free and maybe if we really like you we'll pay you it's gross can i just back up a bit and just go back to the ancient order of the wills because listen i'll let you go back once okay you can't go back
Starting point is 02:24:15 later this is your one go back so make sure it's the one you want it's very important okay that's what is the deal with stories and or ip's that as time goes on and they get put under further scrutiny under a further microscope you might as well you actually start to say no the answer was to your magic and your powers was actually just cellular it's cellular was actually just microscopic it's in your blood it's why do sayings have s cells an answer to finding out who can because it's embarrassment over how stupid the concept is that everyone is fine with and it wasn't well thought out to begin with and we just needed the end result like like arrows shooting you yeah and you then you were like wait what yeah and then you forget
Starting point is 02:25:00 what it does because if you look early on in the part you can see that being stabbed with an arrow doesn't do anything that's so fucking sick masters it's crazy isn't that movie gold experience gets stabbed with an arrow before it got stabbed with an arrow and nothing happens um don't worry about it yeah what's up with that okay there's there's two trains of thought there's let's say hierarchy's train of thought and um let's say the lucas train of thought there the one train of thought is a man don't worry about it that's one train of thought we'll we'll cross that bridge when we get to it and the grognards get mad and people wiki it into death and then there's like okay you know when that fucking asshole goes
Starting point is 02:25:46 hey how come uh scratchy gets played two different notes is this a magic xylophone there's a type of personality that goes oh yeah they're right um um it was uh nanomachines yeah and then you write your answer yeah forever how do you explain magic well yeah what's up with that like because they're embarrassed by magic but that's but that answer is even more embarrassing yes it is but they don't think that saying nothing would have been better because someone feels pressure like oh i should give an answer to that because your brain autocompletes and just says assumes it's fine but they don't they don't realize that the allure of a lot of things in fiction is like maybe not explaining it forever and and the force was weird because it was
Starting point is 02:26:33 a thing that i person was like yeah it's a mystical force it's in the universe because it's a fantasy dumb land because i don't it's fucking space wizards man because if i find out that like fucking quirks came from like some fungus in the air some some fucking fungus i'm getting really worried that you're saying this out loud right now i'm just gonna take a shit i'm getting really really worried that you're saying that out loud because like the answer is gonna come back well and it's gonna be one way or the other i just had a thought i'm like it'd be really fucking annoying to find some dumb shit you know just yeah you don't always need that on the opposite spectrum i read a thing about uh detroit where it's like how come the game never explains what is happening at all
Starting point is 02:27:19 what do you mean how like how come it's never explained at least until the point that we played that it's like it doesn't explain why do the robots feel that they're human and deserve well that's that's gonna be a big reveal you think that's gonna be a big reveal the character that plays the billionaire like elon musk type that guy has been in the trailer for the before the game has not showed up yet okay but we know he has a more a model voice actor we want those answers and they must lie in autocon okay but we want those answers like we like i don't want to know what the force is but i want to know why these these these robots feel this one oh my god alert apple music alert Beyonce and Jay-Z have released a surprise album yeah it was a few days
Starting point is 02:28:02 ago man well what the fuck is my phone telling me about this now i read about your phone's telling you to get hit with the kids like it's like nine songs it's just like out of nowhere good job man that's the new thing you got to make your small albums which you know what if they're all bangers i don't mind but um yeah that's some shit all right quanchi jen right there all right so uh meanwhile meanwhile back on the cleanup after the e3 spill we got 30 minutes of daemon x machina oh really i just put out a bunch of footage that's cool and it uh it has a 500 internal server oh don't do that yeah look at that and it oh no and it's broken well will he go into your mentions i sent it to you yeah you did wait did you look at it i sure did it looked good it did
Starting point is 02:28:56 look good this game we thought was um we thought was uh armored core turns out to be armored core just skip forward someone so i can look at the robots yeah no just go there first things first you got a character creator oh that looks like that looks fine and you make your pilot and then you walk around your hanger oh that's cool and then you do your stuff with your customizing yeah you make your robot look cool and then you pilot your fucking armored core that's just an armored core you saw what these are called right what are they called they're called arsenals that's a good name that's a good name i like that uh so this apparently femto is in this game because we can see his life bar or something up above that's concerning there's uh there's a lot
Starting point is 02:29:38 there's a you know a slow mission that they go through and you get to see some of the combat you get to see this again just sell shaded fucking armored core um you get to see a boss fight towards the end where they fight a giant like giant giant crazy mech you heard me um that is a crazy mech if that's what it is but important tiny oh yeah it is a huge mech battle at the end of the this half an hour playthrough of daemon x machina the new switch mecha game uh switch turning out to be the console for all your mecha needs looks like there's a bunch of these now um there is well there's that one we played and then there's another mecha game that came out after the one we played that was just like a random ass mecha action game out of nowhere okay that was
Starting point is 02:30:21 not the one we took a look at too so there's like a like yeah there's a handful um surprise little thing i caught in watching this footage is at some point uh you gall in for reinforcements and one of these characters shows up and is called crimson lord jeez and uh it is 100 and if you pay a fucking tension over underneath the voice of the treehouse people talking crimson lord is a thousand percent just char as nabble that's great and the voice actor is go char char they just put char they just put char in armored core done and done and done and done and done great yeah great so like fuck you they know exactly what they're doing and yes he moves three times faster because it's red because it's red does that make char an orc same philosophy how about that absolutely
Starting point is 02:31:19 red makes it go faster it's super fucking cool speed holes in my red mac like i went and i after i heard that and i went back in i kind of just did a little like searching out i'm like does anyone notice this and it doesn't look like anyone noticed it no one's fine no one mentioned it just you willy no one's talking about it put the fucking red comet only you confirmed there he is only you care nerd dude he's so cool and he has a very distinct voice and lisp you know what i'm talking about we're gonna get quattro bajina in here the weird lift but it's cool it's a cool guy lisp you know i'm talking about amaro not amaro sorry char why are you looking at me like that okay well anyway i just want you to keep talking about this weeb nonsense all right well we also
Starting point is 02:32:10 got more footage you and your fucking japanese voice actor boners are getting bigger and creepier he only has like one or two guys when they're when they're when they're when they're when they're very distinctly like a thing i don't know i like when you sound very different and you have a very specific specific style i'm a fan this game looks like trash hey woolly do you know norio wakamoto's in it oh i bought ten copies there's probably lots you don't own that he's been in i mean what do you want me like i like voice actors i also like i like english voice actors too i like me some paul dobson i'm a fan uh he plays matrix he's got the you know i like that i think he's been in anything in a while no it's been a minute but he does some stuff
Starting point is 02:32:55 i like me some acajico um leo mabryan yeah he leveled luckily for you you get him everywhere leo mabryan's a good guy i like that anyway i like voice acting um so there's some extended footage you can check out of that there's also um some footage of the game control which if you recall was the alan wake was the game that looks like past care uh is the game that kind of looks like quantum break is the remedy thing um and it is really interesting color wise like if you remember how weird that trailer was we didn't know what we were looking at we didn't we were looking at past care and and uh in the walkthrough that they do of it you get to see how many fun some some better footage but you get to see like some really interesting art design and visuals i i thought was
Starting point is 02:33:51 pretty cool um yeah unfortunately though when i started watching one of the the longer like stage demos i was like eight minutes long i was like my actual gameplay happens i'm like yeah it's kind of the exact same stuff you're doing in quantum break like it looked like a tighter version of psyops and um force unleashed because you walk through the environment you grab the thing you throw it at your enemies but uh it feels it feels like a lot of that was a lot like again just tighter there's uh that power that you keep you keep seeing as well come back as like the um you know the uh metal shield you do in titan fall where you kind of like just absorb bullets and they float around in front of you and shields you and then you shoot them back yeah you basically
Starting point is 02:34:36 have that and you're doing it like as a constant like sort of defensive tactic as well um there's there's some some there i i have a lot less enthusiasm for this game coming from remedy where i'm like you guys love the guys with guns and some type of gimmick and i'm like kind of wishing that i don't do something a little bit more different i don't know man like yeah i agree if you max pain was wild and alan wake was wild and then i kind of quantum break was not wild and this is not wild i think this is visually interesting as fuck and i and i'm very down to see it's more interesting than quantum break more of the style because in that nine minutes she goes through a bunch of different crazy ass environments that are um like like they're like i'm we're looking at
Starting point is 02:35:21 this super red shot here that reminds me of blade runner 2049 for a sec and then she drips into like another dimension that looks like a completely different style and i was like this artistically i really i there's some cool shit some cool ideas happening here that i want to see all admit and not actually joking but the art art one off of past cure makes me less excited for this game because it reminds me of believe us when i say that that game does almost the exact same thing okay it's wild it's super gonzo gosh that game is so obscure that i'm sure it's like this is just fucking no they ripped it off they ripped off past but what worries me a little bit for remedy is that hey the max pain one i think it was published by 3d realms maybe yeah max pain two by 2k i'm pretty
Starting point is 02:36:07 sure that they published it or maybe published the home ports um alan wake uh microsoft quantum break microsoft control 505 games is this the only well they haven't had a hit since publisher that that that was interested in remedy are they what are they what you'd call goods for hire i just mean that's like kind of a drop off of publishers a quality drop of quality publishers 505 has been putting out some decent stuff in in terms of publishing but like for the longest time i like i have so much so many garbage games i have 505 published on the bottom corner and it just makes me go i hope this isn't a trend alan wake was so fucking cool man yeah damn i'm i'm bummed to hear that you guys are bummed because i thought go play pass cure i thought that i thought
Starting point is 02:37:01 what we saw of this control footage looks like i'll give this a go and i hope it when it comes out it's good it's just like it's not exciting me right now is all go play pass cure actually don't no do it you shouldn't um you can but don't so there's that uh there is uh the actual impressions and details that people that were allowed to play cyberpunk 2077 started giving there's an hour long demo that was private that uh a lot of people went through and they kind of described they described that it's some dank hotness yep um a lot of people having really strong things to say about the the character is the world the setting um some of the posty three details that we got included one really huge bummer for me what's that you can imagine it's first
Starting point is 02:37:59 person and the reasons why it's first person are so that you feel the oppression and when you walk around the streets they want you to look up to these like giant towers and see how crummy it is on the bottom and feel that and i get that but i really really want to play as my custom character in a way that i can see it so um there is an easter egg in this game that i desperately desperately want to happen because you guys didn't play witcher three right no so in witcher three gerald's daughter is a lady named siri who has all sorts of gonzo magic powers right and one of the most defining is the ability to jump around dimensions i saw someone sent me that that a clip trailer and there is a scene in which she says you wouldn't even believe all the crazy
Starting point is 02:38:49 shit i've seen and he goes like what and she no shit describes the cyberpunk trailer yeah like one to one yeah and that would be just a single quest line about this weirdo bitch with the white hair that zaps in yeah it's like oh it's crazy just and they own the video game rights to the witcher series forever so they could do it no problem um yeah i like someone sent the trailer overlapped with that girl that's great and i'm cut is but i was watching it going is this a trailer i didn't see and then it cuts to witcher footage and i went oh this is a thing i guess but that's a thing it was a little preview of cyberpunk yeah in in witcher three but it was it was it was lost on me because it was presented without context
Starting point is 02:39:37 so i just didn't at all get what it was going for but i was like oh yeah that's a cool thing um i uh i like everything else i'm hearing about like how open and free you can like play this game um some of what they were saying too is that like uh there's some like like some someone was talking about the the the very disposable nature of people in this world is harder and more like it's more brutal than ever in the way people are just like there's a dead body there okay grab the sd card out of that person's head i guess that's you know and like and just they kind of uh everything is everything feels apparently like extremely just replaceable and depressing uh despite how amazing the technology is and um this is always what i think of when i
Starting point is 02:40:32 think of like cyberpunk yeah and a selfish world the whole point of cyberpunk is the future is cool but the future sucks yeah and and it's really cool that this all sucks as hard as it does and think about walking through the streets of ruiner you know and like that's what i had the nails that they have they have the mood down and yeah and i think um a lot of this is is also being done right with like i think they said the interview and the presentation was being done with the guy who invented the original tabletop game who who's like right there with them handling the story as well uh so it's like it sounds fucking amazing i just god i wish i could i wish i could zoom out i wish i could see it i don't want to be that guy i don't want to be that guy but i will be that guy
Starting point is 02:41:16 when you tell us we have nothing to show you showed an hour of it and you know what yeah there's that that's my that's my thing where i'm like i'd rather like you stick to your guns and be like we're not gonna show anyone this because there's a certain allure to that where it's just like no one gets to see it yet and it's that exclusive but you're showing game reviewer critiquers that work for sites the people that you probably want to hide it from the most almost they did say though when you like from the impressions i listened to that just like that trailer these were hands-off demos i will say that yeah they didn't let them play it just like that trailer's hidden message being extremely candid the demo presentation was the same and when they some busted fucking
Starting point is 02:42:05 shit well here's the thing no they started they sat you down and they went they went look man this isn't done there's some weird stuff that's probably gonna happen we just want to give you guys an idea of what it is but obviously we're not really like we don't want this we're showing this to give an impression but expect to see some weird stuff i don't know and it was very like they talked it down and they were like we saw no problems yeah they didn't say any bugs it actually was fine yeah uh i was gonna say that the but i'm excited enough about all the hands-on things i'm like i'll just absolutely yes so i'm curious because you guys never got into the witcher series is sorry hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna lose i know that the first person thing
Starting point is 02:42:49 is uh like the go-to answers on that go well bully what about deus x and what about metro and prime and it's like yeah those are good games that do frequently jump out to show you third person moments but those third person moments are moments that i love that i just want to happen all the time you just prefer to control a character as a character destiny does the same thing my favorite parts of destiny are when you can see yourself and then it goes back in and i go oh but it's a genre thing though so i i you know i get it it's like you never really dove deep on or did you ever touch the elder scrolls games or the no ever because those games no no no if you played one of those like all the way through you would understand what they're talking about in
Starting point is 02:43:32 terms of like place in the world you're on foot you're in the first person perspective does add a lot um but what i was saying but it's hey but for me personally it takes away a lot too well yeah but like i said try to play one of those and get back to me and see if that perspective changed at all right because yeah i'm fine with this being first because like all the all the games that you've played are ones that like could have been third person and then like they put it into first person whereas like that type of rpg genre is very explicitly a first person style that's its default yeah i feel like um i i it it started as a preference based on comfort but it definitely became like a a preference based on art for me to be able to see my character
Starting point is 02:44:20 there is a very different feel say like in skyrim if you're gonna play the whole game versus in first person versus third person and i think everyone's of the agreement that playing it in the first person is by far the better way then the intended design gets the best treatment yeah that's clear that's definitely clear yeah like honestly when i heard that this is first person i was like cool because i assumed like the makers of the witcher would keep making third person games forever i just that was just my assumption because they they they nailed those was like contrasted to remedy who made one little top-down racing game then made third person shooters for the rest of their careers that all have similar that all have similar aesthetics i i i'm like cool
Starting point is 02:45:03 that you're trying to do something slightly different for yourself obviously first person rpg games are not that rare of a breed of a game anymore anyway yeah anymore exactly and if and if they and if they said that you know um yeah like basically because you know you can sometimes you can have both but like it's hard to make sure one is always janky one is always janky right mirror's edge you know well i mean the number one thing but i was going to say that uh if that is clear and there and it's like again like so much of the game is heavily designed for this to be the other experience i understand i'm just disappointed because like you you look at it's reasonable let's take a look at a witcher skyrim and deus x which is you know each extreme it's
Starting point is 02:45:48 like first person and then first person with third person and and then all third person the number one thing is how close you're expected to be able to look at things so in the witcher when you walk into a room you have a zoomed out room the view of the room and you're picking things up and you're reading them in a menu right yeah whereas in a skyrim or deus x you're walking over to a guy's computer screen and you're looking at the screen yeah yeah right and there's a very different feel to that absolutely and i will and i will say that like um i felt that playing bio shock yeah yeah i i understand the feeling i do get it what it means to see a little sister crawl into the hole and the big you know like in every environment has a
Starting point is 02:46:32 very personal thing when you're going through these rooms and you're reading these diaries and stuff like i absolutely understand that part there is also another thing that is that makes a lot of sense is that if you're going to be cybernetically enhancing yourself that fucking with your vision modes doesn't make a whole lot of sense in third person you can just do it anyway yeah but it looks way better at first first yeah it looks yeah i know what he's talking about i know what you mean but you can do it anyway it's like when you have night vision goggles on in in splinter cell and you're staring at your own back yeah you know like i i know but you can just do it uh so what i was saying before is like you guys never really got into the witcher series but i see your ears all
Starting point is 02:47:12 perking up and shit for this is that just the change in tone and setting primarily well i play like 20 hours of witcher too and when someone's like yeah you're like through the tutorials okay i i gotta play other games now that's about a third that's a guy who's only you're like you're barely through anything but i think it'd be whatever but i enjoyed witcher too but i just like didn't have the time to continue well this is this is also gonna be super long i'm sure i change change in tone and setting are big um the fact that it's like based on an old paper thing uh tabletop thing is is is cool because i forgot about that i completely forgot that it was based off in the same way that vampire the masquerade and shit was which were games that
Starting point is 02:47:53 like my brother and i played way back in the day um how the fuck did your mom let you play fucking vampire the masquerade that was later that came later uh and but those are small parts the biggest part by far is that the trailers just though they're pre-rendered what they are are fucking brilliant yeah like you sold that world harder than anything has sold cyberpunk is a concept and i fucking adored everything about those trailers that's that you know what i mean that's like i can look at a cyberpunk thing and be like yeah that's a cyberpunk theme but yeah it's not necessarily going to be compelling you know and some things are more compelling than others depending on how it's written despite the fact
Starting point is 02:48:44 that the visual direction can be cool there's a clear sea blade writer the original there's a clear difference between this game and say syndicate the first person game that i don't think anyone remembers i remember damn do you remember anything about it you went there there was a there was a part in which he shot his own head and then to get to stop you from getting his chip then you had to use like little tendrils to get the data off his chip anyway and dubstep in the trailers yeah i did bullfrog syndicate was so good it was so good what's that the original syndicate oh you mean the one on the xbox syndicate minigun and syndicate wars too uh
Starting point is 02:49:32 and there is finally nothing we're good cool can i become a bitcoin miner in cyberpunk you sound like you're dying i feel it's very tired do it for nina struthers check a look for nina roll the garbage man oh she's ah that that one was the best yeah i'm i'm i'm missing out anytime anytime you want to show us stuff they're half an hour long by the way they're super short they're easy to check out yeah you see ronda which ronda ronda rousey she can wrestle yeah that's not apparently she did she did some cool moves let's take some emails she knows the secret moves she did the thing that i like whenever like someone like okay you know you're like a get
Starting point is 02:50:23 like a guest star wrestler comes in and they have like like a style or a thing that fits there of their thing void mayweather yeah so she does like a flurry of punches and then there's like a running like like uh knee to the face kind of thing and it's a like this is the ufc special it would under create a character if you went to your car you there'd be one of yeah one of them would be mma flurry yeah and she got it what it would be called to like for like super legit let's take some when she does all that stuff they want people in the crowd to go yeah she's doing the thing we all expect if you got an email send it to super best friendcast at that's super best friendcast at your email might sound
Starting point is 02:51:10 like this they're super best fgc thuggery he's talking to our work friend about new animes this season uh i recommend you're addicted stop of course i recommended megalobox and galactic heroes this guy starts talking about how excited he is for the new season of high school dxd uh if if you aren't in the know high school dxd isn't your normal harem trash it's straight up pentai to the scene we weren't we weren't hanging to the scene we weren't hanging out at his house or something we were in the middle of a busy grocery store and this dude just straight up starts talking about porn all i could say was oh so you're one of those people huh it was the what's the weirdest thing you randomly found out about someone that you didn't know very well
Starting point is 02:51:55 is it like finding out someone means blanka i i i don't know if he talked about this on camera but really knows the story enough where i'm like you know i i years ago it's like especially it's like i enjoy ladies with dark hair and cool dark makeup and maybe tattoos and things like that i'm going to like this page on facebook which is what it used to be i'm not sure if it's around anymore but suicide girls yeah yeah yeah oh my boss at work also seems to enjoy this page as well huh my married kids boss all i say is the same super normal but it's weird i maintain the same thing if you're if you're doing that on your public profile you deserve what you get you deserve that feeling but one other person likes this and i was like who is it who am i who do i know on
Starting point is 02:52:51 facebook when i used to use facebook who do i know oh my boss i think i remember i used to know a guy who casually mentioned that he was in a multi-level marketing plan and that he had a great deal for me and i was like nah man i'm i'm fucking i'm good i'm good don't don't you worry about it there was a dude back in college that was a little bit too into elfin lide and he was the reason that i bothered because having not at not knowing the person super well i got a super strong recommend from him and it was like dude i don't know this looks like trash and he's like no trust me it goes places it's good it's worth it it gets super good and that was what led to me bothering to go through it hitting the point of no return and then going you know what
Starting point is 02:53:52 i'm gonna finish it just so that i can come back and go what the fuck is wrong with you but then actually answer all the questions and an attack with pinpoint needle right right right accuracy accuracy yeah um so how'd that turn out not great oh why why um but and and you know the more we learned the the worse off it it got but uh yeah a little bit too into your your your fucking your grow a little bit dude a little bit yeah it was great i remember i made a girl cry when i was in university because uh she meant she was reading twilight like we had to were like casual queens in class and uh well she was a friend of a friend of mine kind of casual queens you know that kind of thing and she was reading their twilight she was reading them like oh you're reading twilight
Starting point is 02:54:43 she said yeah i just reread them they're so good i was like what's up with that werewolf that wants to fuck a baby and she's like what no that didn't happen she's like no no look look i looked it up look here it is it's uh this guy he's one he looks at the baby and he's like i want to fuck that and she's like no no it's it's he's imprint no it's like it's weird and she like started to get like like you know that you know that escalation too upset and then she ran away and i don't think i ever spoke to that person for well because they're faced to choose between you know the thing they love and social uh embarrassment and a werewolf trying to fuck a baby yeah yeah and i remember sometimes you just have to lay it out on the plate what one of the fucking comebacks was no she
Starting point is 02:55:36 grows up really fast though like how fast oh in a week she's like 10 and i'm like she's still 10 you fucking weirdo yeah says another week says she's 18 here um the same dude by the way wait do i know this person was super into i know this person probably all right was super into iken which if you i don't know if you remember that one but that's the one with the little girls and the huge huge like blobs attached to them i don't even know what you're talking about it's literally little girls running around with giant titties yeah it's ridiculous yeah yeah he was into that one too so anyway um sometimes you learn too much can't unlearn it it's like you know it's like i'll i'll be frank here i make fun of all you creepy foot people
Starting point is 02:56:34 and and i make fun of like furries and time to time but those are mockeries of endearment you guys are funny the person woolly is describing is scary is uh uh we got there's pawies like people that are into paws yeah furries that like the paw parts i like paw parts i was gonna say matt's talked like strongly about like in the pop art i like the kitty pizza you've never touched the kitten puppy's paw pad puppy's paw pads um we got what coming in here from rafts rough says uh super best infinity cast i was looking through the old kof games and noticed a variety of designs some characters went through since it all began in 94 nice all began in 94 the same can be said for games like tech and guilty gear mk and sf do you have a favorite character redesign
Starting point is 02:57:26 ooh and which is the worst um there's a lot of strong ones just look at that castle wild wolf terry uh wild fucking fiking wild wolf yeah that's the end of that that's the end of that i'm very tempted to agree with that um i can't think of anything else i vote i vote absolutely wow i didn't fucking bogey you're never gonna know you don't he cut his hair he put on a bomber jacket i'm a huge fan of alpha chun li uh that's strong alpha chun li's uh i'm i mean clothes changing is always a fun thing and kof ko going through his different jackets is always nice going from student to white coat was very slick uh but like yeah he already doing the reverse and losing his fire because of plot purposes was i thought it was interesting um i think i mean it's a genre shift
Starting point is 02:58:20 right but like the the the kids are from p3 growing up for p4 arena oh man went suru those are all great that's great those are all great those are all great like straight up where do these characters but go in a couple in one or two years they go to anime world yeah and they just become what they should be and it fits in so well that you're like absolutely maybe with the exception of one fucking well i just she becomes a sentai it's fine it's cool she's on a tv show she's cool she's a feather man yeah but she's not cool feather man's cool man you man you're holding that one close to your heart for a long time wow what else are you gonna do with her throw her throw her away yukaris trash trash like people shit on yukiko and that's correct to do but i still would have
Starting point is 02:59:12 yukiko in the room yeah i'm she's allowed to watch she's hanging out that's fine but yukaris trash into the bin close it seal it shut weld it fire fire now to the sun it's over um the only good thing about her she has that cool choker that's literally the only good thing about that attack i don't even i don't even give her that credit that's a cool choker that's it like not even that she's wearing it but it's a cool thing to have hmm i mean can we get a voice clip of mike saying garbage over yukaris face trash uh the roll the garbage the jinn on learning is always a funsy oh the hoodie the hoodie jinn is always a funsy but then like he gets worse he gets actually pretty bad you know jinn player mishima players would argue right jenn
Starting point is 03:00:06 players would got happy so yeah do we know and some bad ones is that like because that's kind of debatable i don't like potemkin new potemkin oh you know what was cool was um um sub zero to sub zero's brother what from scarface i don't like scarface that's trash mk3 yeah never i like i like i like scarface never hated him but didn't didn't think it was better i thought it was a cool thing unexpected at the time was like oh shit this is who's this guy uh actually bad yeah reptile reptiles all reptile form and mortal climate deadly uh alliance where he has a tail the bad the what not good yeah there's a lot of bad soul caliber ones oh there's some really bad one i said i said when we we did a stream of uh soul caliber five uh rafael is real he gets real dumb um
Starting point is 03:01:00 some asteroths are huge misses yeah asteroth original is like the thumbs up good job that's a simple design and then he starts turning all green and frankenstein what are you doing uh it doesn't really count because it's a different character but i always really like totally order soul i like that a lot design wise it was fucking cool i like to see that i like daunte's new grandpa look i like that grant a you grant yeah uncle grant a yeah and i mean at the end of the day like the devil bringer is still the coolest looking fucking arms so the the devil breakers that someone took exactly that's why i'm not mad i'm not mad at all because i'm like oh yeah no someone cool took it what do you what do you
Starting point is 03:01:49 feel now that you're the loud pigeon singing gotta let it out gotta let it out what do you feel and all the quiet all the like the quiet devil may cry music yeah right step and forth from the soul the cure is demise like like that quiet pigeon yeah that's little whispering to himself we are falling the night is calling it comes in woolly pigeon gotta let it out oh man i'm i'm i'm i embrace it i embrace that dumb short-haired pigeon with its with its fucking like spike cut and bloom red jacket uh yeah yeah there's there's a couple out there but i think those cover it um and let's see let's see uh
Starting point is 03:02:50 dearest hey there seasoned soul veteran cast and also pat lesson what's the line between something being an homage or a parody versus when it crosses into being a ripoff if it's good wait we already did this didn't we yeah whoops but that's my quick answer that's an old question if it's good or not okay let's just take a new one quick sorry i didn't untag that that's the easiest way to tell it was fatal fury the original good it was better than street fighter one okay but worse than street fighter two so yeah that's that's a that's an homage it's not a ripoff yeah because the director of street fighter one was the director of street yeah that one's
Starting point is 03:03:33 actually somewhat weird yeah it's i'm ripping myself off what is it i want to make a better game than i made last time but he didn't know street fighter two is in development you guys see that why why would it be that fucking photo of barbra strizans dogs the clone dogs looking at the grave of the dog they're oh my god i did not what the fuck are you serious it's she has two dogs staring at the grave of the the original dog they were cloned from and it's like metal gear but dogs and they're little little dogs are you that's fucking weird it's also really crazy that's really a crazy thing to do has anyone lost it harder than that that's fucking weird man and it's it's it's it's it's appropriate that it comes from the woman whose name now literally
Starting point is 03:04:22 means don't look at me know everyone look at this effect but you're not in the picture to be fair but that's the clone dogs looking at the fucking original dog it's grave it's fucking big boss i really like that story on the top right that's tommy about tommy lee you can you can have it it's a picture of tommy lee the most folks probably don't remember him but he's a drummer and he has this picture of a son and it says tommy lee son rips him on father's day i'm twice the man you'll ever be and has a picture telling you going it's great this is what happens when you're on tmz yeah and shook night can't leave jail for mom's funeral well maybe you shouldn't kill so many people then shook night no but i didn't know
Starting point is 03:05:19 i didn't know my mom would have a funeral it was me i i know i'm gonna go there shook night will kill me too uh dark side blues is gonna be brief on this one i'll get get tmz on the fucking screen that's not good to have up there for long periods uh old re fan from 96 onward born in 88 favorite re game is ps1 re1 good whoa three is the best overall re2 remake zombies appear to be bullet sponges that have and that damn flashlight please no flashlight you can be scary without flashlight mechanics please just know what's wrong with the flashlight what he's saying is that he wants brightly lit areas that are still scary and to that i answer um in in all the in most of the areas of the police station that leon has gone through that have flashlight mechanics um there
Starting point is 03:06:13 are notable fuse boxes on the side that you will be able to use a fuse to turn the lights on in those regions and you'll likely have to do that to get through certain security doors or some such like in particular the area at the beginning of the demo that's super super super dark there's a fuse box right next to the door when you come in because i thought he meant like flashlights that like require batteries and yeah that could be annoying he just doesn't he wants it to be brightly like like the original and like sorry what was the question that was that was how do you feel about the the fact that they're including i think it looks the flashlight mechanic from other like there's no mechanic it's just you aim and you have a fucking flashlight yeah yeah i think it
Starting point is 03:06:49 looks great i think it looks great i think it looks great um it's gonna be great and yeah one last one every image is so dense take one from kudur with gore uh kudobar saying hey kudu what happened yeah brah brah brah best friend's pop after reading death stranding reddit uh that must be an insane place right i think i have a vague idea of what the game will be but if you can bear the frustration i want to know what you think it's gonna be kajima stated that the gameplay shown was deliberately from calm atmospheric moments uh can video games do atmosphere trailers or do they only work for movies oh tone trailers are totally tone trailers are fantastic i there's definitely been a we a backlash with death stranding that is uh negative
Starting point is 03:07:32 online i'm in that backlash absolutely yeah yeah i i said it uh later i i think was talking to people whatever but it's like i'm at the point with death stranding where i am now this was one too many trailers where i still have no idea what it is and that i'm like i'm not i'm not disliking it but it's like i have now hit the point where it's like oh i'm not gonna get anything out of the cut out of the the the real so i'm just gonna throw up my hand yeah just kind of wait patiently i didn't for me it's still it's not negative but it's definitely like as i said at the time right well at the time what it is is i'm gonna stop trying yeah like i've spiritually given up on trying to know i'm just gonna wait to see what it is because like i'm frustrated at how my and my
Starting point is 03:08:21 efforts at analysis and trying it you know what i mean i'm frustrated that worthless yes i'm frustrated that squinting at the sun has made me blind so i would like to go into that in a little more depth and and i'm sure a shit ton of people who read read our podcast now who watch our videos or listen to the podcast or just follow the games in general are going to empathize with this feeling you play games for long enough and you play enough games that you start to be able to look at trailers and pre-release footage and you fucking know what that game is you fucking know in your heart and you can often but not always ascertain the quality and in some cases how much you are personally going to enjoy something from its pre-release because you can pull five direct
Starting point is 03:09:06 comparisons you can pull direct comparisons from its genre you can pull comparisons from the company or the team that's making it the kind of stuff that you see in the trailer what they choose to focus on you fucking know absolutely so when we saw mgs3 trailers for example and we saw oh man is that right oh man we could feel how crazy the story was but what kind of crazy story it was going to be right we could we knew what type of gameplay we're going to encounter uh with fighting games you you look at footage and you're like oh it's gonna it's gonna feel loose or it's gonna feel you know um i don't know fucking shit about this game i don't i don't know a fucking thing i've seen and spent so much time looking at it and thinking about it and i am i am without um impression i i'm
Starting point is 03:09:56 without like prediction he has a gun and it makes me you're going to not just be running from those monsters right yeah but like the the unknowableness makes me excited in its own way of like the ability to sit down and go what is this right but like i can't get excited over a thing i don't understand at all i will say this after all this build up if we do finally get oh i hope this game sucks a gameplay trailer and it's just shooting yeah the monsters and then covering and then reloading and shooting them again like i'd be super disappointed i'll be very bummed with that yeah if there's no aspect of the moment-to-moment conflict resolution that's not equally as weird as everything else we've seen i'm gonna get way bummed out and the game will probably still be super good and i bet
Starting point is 03:10:49 you fucking bummed out and if you think about like the mechanics in in um phantom pain and what not you're like this is nuts how much thing how much you can do as a character just standing in this map but if moment-to-moment your problem solving is pew pew bang fall amounts to invisible dead baby's radar and that's it it's gonna be a huge letdown from the implied potential nuttiness of the world to not be reflected in your combat or you're not i'm not i don't want to say combat i want to say conflict resolution because it's unclear yeah i was gonna say i'm just glad that what we saw was gameplay if they showed another fmv trailer that still had weren't they all an engine everything's an engine but you know what he means not a character was never controlled in the earlier
Starting point is 03:11:36 trailers yeah right so i just mean that type of trailer like does nothing for me anymore i'm like that's cool that you're you're like i can do one you know and do one where i'm like okay cool tone and setting an atmosphere awesome but like after that i'm like what do you do and this showed some of what you do and i'm kind of satiated by that for now and i'm like yeah i'll just i'll just kind of wait because yeah i can't fucking predict slash know what the hell you there are actually there are two types of ways to show a game there's the tone trailer which is what is why you buy why are your eyes continue there's the tone trailer which is nearly every trailer ever it shows gameplay it's got music it's got a tone yeah look it's gonna be cool yeah and then there's the rock star informational
Starting point is 03:12:21 style that i like and that's the fucking style i want to see in almost every single aspect especially for this game yeah i mean too i want to hear a translator talking over kajima explaining the mechanics of how you walk around destraining and the invisible monsters why are your eyes fucking out what are you looking at i'm gonna break a golden rule right now because we have to yeah what that'd be good what's the golden rule the what the space force has just been created 13 minutes ago okay we must have american dominance in space very importantly i'm here by directing the department of defense and the pentagon to immediately begin processing the necessary this is the process to establish the onion this onion is the space force as the sixth
Starting point is 03:13:05 branch of the armed forces that's a big step we're gonna have the air force and we're gonna have the space force separate but equal it's gonna be something so important this is totally absurd considering this would never i literally and i'm used the word literally get off is that a picture from a tom clancy game yeah probably but it will literally never get off the ground into space within the next four to eight years so this is nonsense this is a funny quote will you just saw the word space force and lost his shit i saw the word space force and i lost my shit we're living in a world of jump who could beat between the jump force and the space force jump force it's got anime but is this not an actual thing because it sounds like it's a thing what do
Starting point is 03:13:50 you mean it's a thing that they put on down on paper and then you have to fund it and then you have to build it and then you have to staff space is a war fighting domain so it's vital that our military maintains its dominance and competitive edge in that domain how many joint staff will work closely with the office of secretary and defense stakeholders and the congress to implant the president's guidance how many conflict resolutions have had to happen space do you think the president's direction to begin planning is clear we're implementing this direction space policy directive focused on sidelight traffic management and mitigating debris in space space force nothing nothing all right all right i'm sorry i'm sorry it's nothing but i apologize
Starting point is 03:14:37 it's nothing because uh how are you supposed to react to something that you believe is a farcical article but it you can see that it's not like i got nothing here like other than the hilarity of space we've discovered gundanium alloy what do you want from me here's the deal willy if that article was the space forces launching that would be one thing that would be something to talk about but this is this is a bureaucrat saying we're gonna put some fucking plans down on paper that aren't gonna happen like it's it's also it's like if true it's it's like if true dough said we're gonna make heroin legal and everyone wanted to know you're not that's not gonna let me know when there's a cartoon theme song for this force why'd you just get excited when
Starting point is 03:15:26 i said the stupid thing um space force coming at you i hear you and you make a lot of sense but you don't care because you sell the word space but fuck you space force that's uh that's we're just gonna powerful we're gonna leave it at that but powerful hey what branch of the military do you want to sign up for at your local recruiter is it the space force because that's a branch you can sign up for doesn't it sound very starship troopers it does sign out it does would you like to know more i don't think the space force yeah i do i don't think the navy does enough because they only fight on the water i want underwater force dude what are you what are you talking about the navy
Starting point is 03:16:16 is what maybe maybe is that oh no i mean like men like soldiers like i want like scuba gear and shit again submarines don't count like i want full skill it would be their territory if anything but but you know that the ending of what aquaman movie will be i want that listen i want people riding mechanical sharks space force uniforms yeah flags yes what does the flag look like in your space force well is it a giant fist punching a planet i mean it's it's earth but then there's like a fist on the end we are little fish shooting out of the planet out of the planet into space which is the background and the fists are launching you want war planets that's what you want shadow raiders shadow raiders i mean until we can convert planet earth into a weapon itself
Starting point is 03:17:12 i think we should stare clear that's the final step but i think the space force is a talking until then it's a talking point uniforms what are we doing we go and united earth alliance we go and zion no you have what are we doing you have to have it very consistent because you don't want aliens going hey what's up with the uniforms i guess you cannot confuse them we're going rough next on this there's a discussion all right that will save for another day all right when we badly need a backup podcast i got i got excited okay what's coming up oh wait there's other bits we gotta do right what's coming out all right the space force is coming up and out no all right i think god of war finishes this week yeah yeah surprisingly it does surprisingly uh i expected
Starting point is 03:18:08 something to take us a little longer than it did did you see that uh wait till they announced the soldiers are gonna have implants for new lungs and fucking hearts and see what happens then did you see how uh the world serpent staring at your fight with sigran in the background he turns his head and he's like peeking around the mountain to look at it the president reveals codex astartis uncovered uh detroit continues uh tokyo mirage continues although apparently we're relatively close to the end of detroit so it looks like we'll be switching stuff up relatively soon i guess so matt you got anything going on over at uh magic mcmuscles i thought it was funny and uh matt mcmuscles and matt mcmuscles incorporated the flop house basically uh gonna be streaming on wednesday
Starting point is 03:18:57 looking at mortal combat x and because i finally bought mortal combat xl i never actually got that that's just everything right that's just everything and there's a lot of shit i missed and i was just like hey well it's kind of actually like a good deal now it was like ten dollars so i'm gonna be streaming that uh and uh uh gonna be taking a look at those friday the 13th uh missions on friday before they get deleted due to legal they don't get deleted they just can't sell anything new that's fucking weird be taking a look at a bug report game tonight later on uh franklin the turtle which was a ps2 game that i tested for a little while i used to have those books yeah did you used to have the game i didn't know that was a franklin the turtle ps2 ps2 is awfully late
Starting point is 03:19:49 for franklin the turtle no franklin the turtle had cartoons afterwards all right i didn't wow yeah cartoons so that's like a baron's uh bear what is it burnstein burn burnstein sorry burn burnstein bearstain burnstein bears oh hey i hate that you should uh if you guys liked a few weeks ago matt describing the nonsense that is the halloween naming structure yep go over and check out james rolf's explanation of that fucking nonsense it made me want to throw up it made me so confused is it essentially what we covered yeah but he breaks it down fast and confusing that's the best type of breakdown yeah uh hey wools what's going on i'm gonna guess automatic tomatoes continue it does and uh yeah and uh they're fine but there's a little there's a little um
Starting point is 03:20:42 what bro i i didn't like the low end of the audio that we recorded okay and like was there something wrong with it you just not like yeah it came out a little bit tinny um so i'm putting them i'm putting up double episodes for a little bit so so the next couple sessions are gonna be hour-long episodes um and that continues alongside uh Naruto and secret projects and yeah stay tuned right now the release schedule is basically a video's going up every second day oh wow that's a lot that's about as that's about the pace we're keeping good for you man um yeah and that'll slow down once you run out of this batch because hour-long episodes like get eaten up very quick well we've already continued past it actually yeah so um yeah so uh new things will replace the old things
Starting point is 03:21:30 and like the air force being replaced i mean it's obsolete at this point i'm giving a layup like if you think about the planet earth and then you think about the air right there's a lot of space there well there's a certain point where the air stops because you have your stratosphere and it goes up until until what matt until space but how much of that is actually air the air force is supreme and dominates yeah it's like uncharted as an international waters yeah it's like congrats you you you you anyone can rule there yeah you're the basement force good job you you rule the basement meanwhile everything from the ground flooring up is dominated by the space force what oh the roof yeah we up there i just like basement force right oh you're like
Starting point is 03:22:20 literally that's it the air is just the basement to the skyscraper that is space so who the fuck cares about the basement kings how we got uh it made sense and you know it no current plans yet but i'll be streaming something over at pat stairs at this oh no that's not the name of the channel angriest pat this week i'm torn between doing dark souls remastered and which i was tinking around and just going back and playing a bunch already too because of the new hotness you know you know i'm right it's true it was no we don't even have an argument not even talking to you to be denied uh shit um i'm also gonna be going to combo con which was that the fuck and where's that combo con is happening at the end of this month slash the beginning of next month
Starting point is 03:23:24 combo con uh please tell me it's all like fast food uh and it's not has nothing to do with fighting games no no it's not that it's not that um da da da da da da da where's the quick link to it damn it shit stalling for time bye everybody no well he has control literally only him don't be me can't oh by the way i forgot to ask you where'd you get those curvy headphones you seem very happy with that um i'm i'm made them in his basement amazon dark curvy lab amazon it's usually amazon made them in their basement how do you not have the information for the con that you because i'm finding the cool picture okay there it is oh that's why that's fucking awesome holy kenny's gonna be there what are you guys gonna i'm gonna be there it's gonna be in michigan
Starting point is 03:24:19 and it's gonna be on seven one twenty eighteen no but what are you guys gonna fight in a bunch of shit okay a bunch of different fighting games you beat him in sub zero and smash looks like that wasn't a sentence that made sense you know what i'm at right i'm like i'm looking at this and laying eyes on it right now and so i'm guessing it's going to be the logos on this poster which are mortal combat nine tech n seven and ultra street fighter four eddy gordo and syrax yeah that's really cool and um uh kill monger well because his hair has been shaved yeah he did that no but i think the hair is just supposed to be syrax because it's like i don't know anyway this is a cool poster but combo con is happening on um the it's the first of july yes and uh that's gonna be in michigan
Starting point is 03:25:07 so yay fun i mean st john's michigan right yeah st john's michigan's a whole state it is a whole state you find us in michigan come get well we're out there um i'm i'm just cool art sorry i just saw it yes well you look you look very cool in your art and my bianna commando you look very actually actually like kenny looks way cooler as a guy that's what i was trying to step around before oh no kenny looks way cooler in this i'm not pretending anything the space force comes hiring he's going you're staying you're staying in the basement i'd get rejected with this hair i don't because i'd have to shave it it's for space all right we're gonna have to record a podcast announcement video where i'm sure willy will talk about space force watch me not do it watch watch
Starting point is 03:26:05 so So you

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