Castle Super Beast - SBFC 263: Blubber Against The Dying of the Light

Episode Date: September 11, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Game from anywhere. Enter the Predator Triton 700, a gaming laptop that offers impossible power on the go. Equipped with a 7th gen Intel Core i7 processor and ultra-thin 18.9 millimeter chassis. Discover the Predator Triton 700 today. Go to, click on store, and enter coupon code FRIENDCAST at checkout to receive 10% off. Stop. Put up, put up, put up, put up, put up. Oh, hello. What, what is, what is up? Um, I sure hope that piano doesn't become a issue. What is up piano aficionados? Someone in our building somewhere is playing a piano quite loudly. And poorly.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah, they were just kind of raking it. Maybe they're just testing. For maximum noise making. Podcast disturbances. And it's like we're supposed to be. The disturbance. Yeah. Republic enemy number one. We've let everyone know. Thanks. One, one, one. Thank you. One, one, one. We've let everyone know. That's all I ask. We've let everyone know. It's gone now, so hopefully that doesn't return. But if it. Don't worry, it'll return every Monday from one to five. That's the worry, right? We immediately need to investigate and find out what is happening. I hope it returns just for a bit today, just so people don't think we're crazy. Perhaps, but if mad caps piano or like the Mr. Bean
Starting point is 00:01:41 theme starts playing at any point, then, uh, know that it's not us. I thought you said mad cats piano. Mad caps. I think it's what's called mad cats instead of making arcades. Well, I mean, shit. Trick Greg would love that. The dude that played, uh, fighting games last year at Dreamhack on his keyboard, cause that dude was crazy and you can do that. Mad cats can even do that. Anyway, it would be great to be able to make piano inputs. Oh shit. I think, I think Reggie and I literally made that joke when we saw him go up there and it's kind of like, yeah, it's, it's the Duh. It's very Duh. It's why I went for it. It's one of those things where like, yeah, it's kind of like, oh, you're, you're clever.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You came up with that. Did you feel, you feel like a big boy? I have one later today. Yeah. I have another one. It's almost like, it's almost like anyone with a woolly hole reference in 2018. It's a little bit like, really? Really? We're still doing this? Okay. I guess. What is the Pat's wrong joke going to be done? When you stop, but. Do you specifically mean crazy talk or do you just? No. Okay. Woolly didn't do anything for the whole. It doesn't mean anything. That was, that was 100% manufactured. Like a fabricated location in a dream scape. Well, what I caught, what I caught like, like literally as of this morning even was like, there's other Canadian or Montreal YouTubers and what not that are involved and people
Starting point is 00:03:17 that are tagging and cross referencing things that have a peripheral idea of who we are or what we do sort of might have heard the term woolly hole like four years ago. YouTube group. Yeah. So it's like, no, what, well, it wouldn't be played out and dry there because it's like, you only kind of heard it once or twice and then that was the end and then there was that tweet. Oh, so what? So did someone at Dreamhack say something? No, no, no. It was, there was that someone was like, yo, woolly, it was the way it was phrased was just like, come on, man, open an arcade. And I was like, yeah, I saw that. Damn. I had that thing and call it. Exactly. And then it was followed by no less than 25, no more
Starting point is 00:04:02 than about 80 suggestions that you call that arcade the woolly hole. And it's like, legally could not name it if it's in Quebec like that. I feel like you've gone through that whole like path multiple times very much. I've known you. Yeah. And it's always like, man, I love I love arcades. I should open up an arcade. Wait, why did arcades die? Right. Okay, because I'll go broke. Also, that's why I have to open up a David Buster style or a cinema. Yes, or cinema, but it's not only that you'd go broke. It's also that even if you started making money, the city would actively be sending in informants. And what's the term blockbusters? You know what I mean? Like like like sleeper cell agents to disrupt your business. Just
Starting point is 00:04:56 like like fucking they hate arcades and they want arcades to go away. So the few that exist that haven't died off, they're basically like the ones that stood up to the bullshit that the city is trying. They're the ones who went over to Jimmy and paid Jimmy the money to pay the person in the municipal government the money to ignore their arcade. No one in amusement 2000 paid no one. Well, here's the thing, though, like they're like leave one. I bet you was leave one and they got to amusement 2000. It's because amusement 2000 is next to Crescent Street, which is tourism central. It's true. And they're definitely handing brown envelopes to motherfuckers. Absolutely. But they're allegedly, I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:42 you're just saying brown envelopes. It's no, it could be anything. It could be candy. It could be empty. It could be handing a brown envelope and stars to somebody that collects tokens to play in the arcade. That's exactly what it is. It's a self-sustaining economy. Hey, you're my friend. I'll give you a bunch of tokens for the arcade. You can play our no fighting games with these tokens. If I were to go to City Hall and be like, excuse me, Régis d'entreprise, I would like to open up an arcade. I'd like to call it Castle Super Beast and it'll be a video game place and it'll be fun. They'll be like, so you want to open up a crack den, do you? Yes. What types of... Can't you just open up...
Starting point is 00:06:24 Child's kidnappings and crimes. Would you say you plan to create with this crack den? I'm with you with Barry and someone and saying they're shitty, but at the same time, it's really in this day and age when Montreal has advertisements like on the subway, whatever, for video games. Would anyone still really think like this? Excuse me, Mr. Madden, we're saying here that you're opening up a crack arcade. Could you not open up something more respectable, such as a bar next to a school, a sex shop, a strip club with nap rooms, a contact dance nude place with nap rooms. What's the fucking thing called? There's a term. It's not just a special massage. It's called a nuru massage. Oh, the
Starting point is 00:07:13 one that... Yeah. It's called a nuru massage. That place is right next to the Fuzo. You walk by the Lebanese place and every time somebody goes in there, you're wondering if they're going to get dinner or dinner. That's why I am Leanna's idea of opening an arcade slash strip club. Yes, exactly. You feel Montreal would be like, I can't stop it. Can't stop it. Nope. We hate video games, but we love strip clubs. We have to let this pass. It's a racket. It really is. It would be called insert coins. But I think, but I really do couldn't name it that here though. No, it would be unless you made like a clothing brand and then trademarked it and then named it insert coin. Yeah, maybe. Insert coin. Insert coin.
Starting point is 00:08:02 The strippers would be dressed up as light cosplay. Legally distinct. All you need is like some yellow goggles and spike your hair up your tracer. There you go. No, it's brilliant. It's brilliant. But yeah, I think it's just a de facto thing that nowadays we can just look around the landscape and see the graveyards of old arcades and know exactly what they wanted. I walked by where they wanted arcades like ousted. I walked by where Daniel Amusement used to be like on Saturday. I was just walking on St. Calvin's. I'm like, God damn it. So many good terrifying memories. My only thing though is here's the thing though with insert coin, right? So are you your clientele? What are you going for? Are you going for the
Starting point is 00:08:49 huge or are you going for the occasional shy? I probably wouldn't have gone here going for the latter that you just said, but they're transitioning into the former into the former exactly because the question is having to be because the latter world of strippers. Your target or your target audience is someone who has never done this and might do it once as a curiosity, but where do you get your repeat business that covers the bills? Especially on some place as expensive as St. Catherine Street, the center of Montreal. I'll tell you where you get your repeat business. I'll put it on St. Catherine Street just because that would be over the top. So you could take it down to the seedy sides. So you want your
Starting point is 00:09:29 arcade repeat business. Put it near Ubisoft's main office. That's a de facto. That area is a shithole, so that we're perfect. And the office has a thousand people. And if you use the code Ubisoft on the way in, you get your special like free lab dance for Ubisoft employees. You want your repeat business for your arcade, but you don't want it to be crack. Yes, you don't want it to be drugs. Yes. Okay. What about video poker? That seems to be the city's favorite. So that was where I was going to go, actually, because I hate video poker. We've talked about it a couple of times, but like the most like egregious to take your term example. I don't own that. No, and you haven't used it in a while. Conscientiously.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Ever since Takahata burned me with it. Yeah. Fuck. Choginga. Damn. But anyway, the video poker deal with Montreal is one that's particularly fucking bad because some of the greasiest, scummiest deals ever happened in this city. People are slipping during this deal on the floor specifically because video poker arcade machines are also they're like they're considered gambling machines and it's a similar thing to how they got rid of all arcades. They let you grandfather in a video poker machine if you happen to already have one, right? Yeah. The only one that existed in the downtown core was in this bar near it was basically the the the cock and bowl, right? That area. Oh, yeah. So there was this whole story about how like,
Starting point is 00:11:14 I mean, it's long and it's a this whole like ridiculous thing about in order for this kind of more or less all evil business corporate guy that owns, you know, the guy that, okay, you know, the guy that owns all the major bars in downtown. Well, I don't know him personally, but you know, I love him. Yes. And like the guy that introduced the we're going to pay for the parking spot. Fucking hate that. We're going to pay for the parking spot in front of the business and build a terrace on it, terrace on it and pay the fucking fine for blocking sidewalk every day. And that makes up for itself because when you go eat a sandwich there, that pays for the parking of that spot. So really, we just walking down the fucking
Starting point is 00:11:58 street in the house in the entire shade side of the street was covered by by like terraces. Exactly. And like, I'm your thank God, it's a fucking pedestrian street now, because otherwise you'd be walking in the middle of the road like that. This was started by like a business owner and then it eventually like traveled and became something that everyone's doing now. But like you just pay for the parking spot and build a more extended restaurant on top of it, restaurant extended. And then and then the sidewalk itself gets reduced to a one single file lane. Yeah. You know, so people are squeezing sideways to get past each other walking downtown where our office is. There's like a really like a chip bottle neck. There's
Starting point is 00:12:37 lots of go through some there's lots of that sometimes it's all around the city to be perfectly honest. And St. Catherine's the worst because it's the main pedestrian thoroughfare, but it's also extending out to the fucking street. So that kind of happened. And then that happened alongside a lot of these these bars and businesses that are again owned by the same family, like extending and extending and taking up more blocks of downtown to time, time to time, extend and then eventually got down to a point where they're like, we want to own the cock and bull and the cock and bull is like, no, we're a bar. We've been here for years. And they're like, nah, okay, how about you sell us the video poker machine that you guys
Starting point is 00:13:11 have because it's the last one in the area and you can't buy any more. And that thing makes tons of money. And they're like, nah, you can't have it. And they're like, and they're like, we want it though. And it's like, nah, and this whole battle goes back and forth until they're like, the guy is like, okay, you know what? And how about this? I bought the building you're in. I own the building now. Yeah, I'm jacking your rent up pay me. And they're like, we can't afford to exist here. Well, then I guess you better cut a deal, huh? Type thing. And so like they have to pick up and move. And eventually are they announced they're moving down the block to another place. Guess what happens? They fuck you. We own that
Starting point is 00:13:57 too. Jack the rent up pay me. And it gets it's this so like the dude wants that fucking video poker machine and is doing this sinister shit. And the and the and the clock and bull can't relocate. So eventually, they basically announced on their Facebook page, they're like, okay, everyone that's been following us along side the struggle, we have a new place, we're not going to announce the address until we're open, because they're afraid that this fucking thing is going to happen again. So they had to secretly announce their new opening when they finally did get that place. And I think and I think it worked out for them. But like the old build, but this thing that they the old building they had to move out of, I think
Starting point is 00:14:39 they had to give up the machine in the process because the dude just by owning the building more or less. Well, the thing couldn't move. You know, it was a weird thing that I don't know about. But he just strong armed that fucking video poker machine because business is amazing. It's brutal. It's just fighting games, but in a different way. It's brutal, man. What's it's such a goofy. You're reading my inputs. How did you know I was going to move my build my business over here? I already own that shit. It's such a goofy system with those video poker machines because gambling is otherwise pretty heavily regulated outside of the casino and the lotto except for the remaining video fucking poker machines and
Starting point is 00:15:21 every bar that I've ever been in that has some of those grandfather did has that fucking guy at them. Yeah, you know, that guy, the one you can tell whose life has been ruined by the fucking video poker machine. I had to walk by that guy every time I wanted to get to third strike. Yeah, when we were going to college. Yeah, there was that back before that arcade was gone. There was an arcade that was, you know, at the back of a bar and in the front at the front of the bar was the video poker to let you see the sadness, advertise it, but not too dissimilar is we talked about a few weeks ago, but the one strip club erotic dance place Cleopatra that has the go ghastly picture of the woman's
Starting point is 00:16:04 torso. Are you sure it was Cleopatra? Yeah, you sure it wasn't pussy core. It was Cleopatra. I know we're pussy. Okay, Cleopatra. They it used to be that used to be in the middle of like the red light district and since then they've every single place got bought out. Yeah. And now it's like, you know, places for millennials. Well, I went there like this year for just for laughs. Okay, like it's a venue there. They also have like they have drag shows there. They're just lots of stuff. But when they don't have the things like it's still that and it has that gaudy sign. So every single business has been like, please allow us to buy you out buy you out. Nope. And the guys like, Nope. They're like, why
Starting point is 00:16:45 yours is like the last eyesore. And he's like, exactly. Yeah, I love being an eyesore. Like MTL blogs just like, this is the biggest hero of all time refuses to sell the city hideous. They have no like dirt on them. Like there's nothing they can do. They have to really die. And it's and I think and I feel like the light of that garish sign, it shines on right across the street, the pool room, which is like, yeah, it's like right next door, which is another old school bar thing that's been around for a while. And like, yeah, they're you're kind of fighting out the buyouts and the conversions into another sort of venue. I love the idea of those lights of the clear patch of our shining bright down
Starting point is 00:17:27 and there's like this child looking up just going, Wow, that's what a lady looks like. What gigantic bulky torso. That's the one day. Yeah, I hope there's a video game team strip club somewhere. I mean, no one has those those like, I'm sure there's a forum online somewhere of collectors of airbrushed out of business strip club signs. Just neon signs in general. They're like the same ilk, you know, I would not be surprised. Yeah, like like like one where like the leg has like a little animation on it. But then the titties are going fucking Vegas, man, Vegas science. Yeah, we live in a fucking weird city. We do and I love it. It's so weird. Key Montreal weird. It doesn't need help. It's good. You
Starting point is 00:18:19 could judge or fly every fucking neighborhood and try and get all those weird signs off the streets and all that shit. And it would still be fucking weird because Montrealers have to live here. Oh, yeah, look, there's a really nice coffee shop. And right next door is the military store that has a giant statue of bumblebee. Yeah, fuck you. And right after that, that's that's the kingdom. The stroke like it's it's do you variety. Do you remember when for like a blink of a moment there was a really cool toy store that was downtown? Yes, it was failed so hard. The most central location St. Catherine's right in the middle of the cross from the Eaton Center. It was such a prime real estate spot. What was that like
Starting point is 00:19:04 maybe a month and a half. Had it had like it had a terminator in the window and I want to say like all white walls all white inside nice shells either Robocop or Batman on the other side clean and like yeah just like a little anime shelf on one side like Western collectibles on the other like awesome. It was an extension of like I forgot what it's called but it was a extension of the place that sells that stuff early up and man did they not make the profit margins you need. Why the fuck would you open your store there motherfucker? Maybe people want to buy cool stuff. You need a high volume business like a fucking fast food joint, a nice restaurant, a phone store, urban outfitters like shoes, tons of
Starting point is 00:19:50 shoes, something. Oh honey can we swing by and we'll just pick up a terminator, life-size stat tanks. Yeah you can go to the Sephora it's just over there. It's setting up a business that needs to basically run on impulse buys right and the idea that you're going to do that in the primest real estate in all of Montreal is insane. Plus I'm pretty sure that shit was not inexpensive like the two main toys like Captain Quebec doesn't really count because it has like comics as well. The two other main toys and I know Toys on Fire is like in Ultraman and then the other one is near like St Mary Expressway and that's hard to get to sometimes and I'm like that's where those stores thrive where you can't find them.
Starting point is 00:20:35 It's the idea of like I came here to buy the comic that I wanted and it wasn't here but I drove all the way out here so I might as well leave something. So one friend of mine opened up his anime shop and like he was trying to get a nice location downtown as well and he's been bumping around to a couple different places and eventually settled in but like when he was talking about how much it would cost to exist in like again the prime spots, every month that you didn't turn a profit was the equivalent of a year of lost profits elsewhere. So you know when you start up a business and you go I'm starting this up at a loss and you're going to eventually, you're eventually going to turn it around
Starting point is 00:21:19 but you're expecting that loss initially. Yeah, costs overhead. Yeah, until exactly until you're clear you know. That process is accelerated to the by the month. So if you were going to die in three years of like not turning it around turn that into three months effectively. It's that expensive. And if there's like simple rules like if you're starting up at a restaurant and you want to have people have fun maybe you have like two little tables outside on the sidewalk don't start, don't like time it so you start your restaurant up in December.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah. Because then that's at least four months of no profits because no one's coming to your restaurant because it's fucking cold. Who the fuck is going outside? There's no everywhere. Hope you're on, hope you're on fucking Uber Eats. Yeah, yeah. So you want to start up in May or something you know.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I remember reading an article way back and it was last year where of Canadian cities Montreal was listed as dead last of every major Canadian city in the country in terms of starting a business. Because and this doesn't apply to all businesses that obviously does not apply to our business for example. But if you open up a restaurant, if you open up a toy store, if you open up anything that requires a person to physically walk in the fucking door to buy a product, the city can just kill your business randomly by parking construction outside of it for six months.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yes. That's true. We have that little mark that's up the way. There's lots of that. There's a little mark that's on a street nearby. And when they started up I was like, oh fantastic, a little mark that has a bit more types of food that we can just like if we ever need something before we go into a podcast or recording. And they started constructing on the apartments right in front of it and they had to close
Starting point is 00:23:06 down their main door and it says please use side door. Why as well just quit now? Well somehow they stuck it out and then the construction was finished. Today a week later they can start constructing on the other side, do not use this side door and they're still there. So big ups to them. And like they don't even have the decency to have the little sign with the bowing guy, the bowing construction man that's like you know the one where he's like oh we're so sorry,
Starting point is 00:23:36 we're sorry that this place is not available. I remember going down to the west end of NDG near the university. No damn good? Yeah. And that's not like that neighborhood. Notre Dame de Grasse. I was seeing a friend there and like they had a fucking sign next to, oh god, what was it? That sign next to that overpass, you know the one that used to feed onto the highway?
Starting point is 00:24:03 Sure do. This was back in 2015. And the sign said construction until 2019. Because they're rebuilding that fucking overpass? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So here's the thing though, tinfoil hat time, right? Yeah, no. Because you're saying that, right?
Starting point is 00:24:22 And I've thought about this before and what my conclusion with like the way it's like your business gets shut the fuck down, all right? Think about the Falcone crime family, right? You're setting your business up. Someone walks in, Montreal at 300% corruption means it takes about an hour after you put that first day, first sign, we're open for business. Yeah. For someone to walk in and be like, hey.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Hey, man. Oh, you guys look like you need some protection around here, right? No, we're good. No, I think you need some protection. That's a joke with an Italian accent, but it'd be a very thick French accent. And the guy would have a biker jacket on. He would have a fucking biker jacket on. He sure would.
Starting point is 00:25:08 And he'd be revving his motorcycle. Don't you want to help mom out? So they'd come on over and then someone would have a conversation and let's say that the biker leaves unpleased with the way things were to go for some reason. Yeah. All right. He would let someone know someone else would say something to someone and who knows? Hey, look, there's a construction job that happens to be necessary right in front of
Starting point is 00:25:34 this business. In front of my only parking spot. A construction job that I have literally never seen anyone work ever in my whole life. A statistic just came out in our city that stated that over 80% of construction jobs, I think that were our contracts that were dealt out this year were like competed by two companies or sometimes one. Yes. I am a competitive, so competitive company.
Starting point is 00:26:02 It's pretty clear cut and dry why the construction workers also show up to the construction site on their motorcycles. Yes. And perhaps that decision. The construction cycles. To keep that construction site in its place. Listen, dude. And shut that business down.
Starting point is 00:26:18 You need eight guys to watch that one guy work that back home. Yeah. And that happens to be right in front of the business that didn't feel like it needed protection. 10-4 hat time. I don't know. That's a crazy story. I don't know. I'm going to say that not less, but a slightly more than 50% of all businesses have that problem.
Starting point is 00:26:39 It's that one that you're describing. I remember. I did you. It's bad. We used to know a guy. I don't know if you either of you guys would remember him because I don't know if you guys were in any of his classes, but he was his brother ran one of the clubs downtown back in Seja and his brother was like, Hey man, you can you can fucking you can fucking run
Starting point is 00:27:03 the club tonight. I got to go. I got to go. Got to go. But that also happened to be the night that Morris came in for his envelope. And he described it as like, Oh, everyone's like, Oh, hey, I'm making up a figure. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Hey, how are you doing? Hey, give me that. Jeff. Yeah. And then, okay, bye. Yeah. I'm on my way to the Versa center, the new like fighting game hangout spot. Like I it's, it's, you know, off sail or Ross.
Starting point is 00:27:36 So like it's on sale or excuse me. I'm still like going up to it. Sometimes you mean the eSports place? It's so Montreal eSports opened up and right next door, they have some extra like rooms that they own. And one of them is being rented out by the Versa center where Montreal Street Fighter and the smash players and the anime air dashers and stuff. And the blade strangers.
Starting point is 00:27:57 All of the, all of them. Yeah. All the communities come together for fighting games and hang out up here. Yes. And K heroine. Exactly. But so I was going up there sometimes. Obviously it's like a busy spot.
Starting point is 00:28:08 You see some shit. And I remember specifically, I want to say it was maybe like two and a half to three weeks ago going up there and seeing like at least two like the areas were like, okay, the one there was a car and it was, it was a car parked and like three police cars surrounding it. Right. Like serious type looking situation of them. But like everyone's just kind of standing around not really, doesn't look like a serious
Starting point is 00:28:37 situation in terms of how people's looks kind of casual, but there's a lot of cop cars just parked around this one car not moving and then further up another motorcycle with a cop and next to it and just kind of whatever's going on up there. And I remember like on the way up, just kind of going to turn into my friend, the runs place and just being like, yeah, a lot of, a lot of something going on. Like what's up? And he's like, oh yeah. So the rally, the bike rally is in town and you know, the angels are having their out
Starting point is 00:29:07 of town specials come in to visit the VIPs. And so I don't know who wasn't given what, but seems that down at the precinct, the order was given to just give him a hard time. Rattle some cage. Just shake, you know, like, like drag your, your, across the bar is a little bit and like that, not, nothing's going on, you know, but just ride up and hey, hey, what's up? Yeah. Hey, and that was the vibe coming off of that.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Cause like, you know, when you see like a car that's like, like, um, someone's trying to run away or escape and you'd like you surround them and you're like, you're locked in, you're not going anywhere. It looked like one of those, but just a bunch of cops going like, yeah, anyways. And it's just like, oh man, no, I'm good. Uh, you know, so like, yeah, that's it. That's just weird here, man. Montreal is bad with it.
Starting point is 00:29:56 And I think the only way we can solve our problem is with battle construction vehicles. I was just thinking about this and thinking about like the differences between like, say, let's take New York or Chicago areas, which I'm sure have many organized crimes occurring. There's a system. Why would you break a person's legs when you could just then instead politely put a construction? Right. Why would you, why would you threaten somebody instead of just by their building? Do you see the difference?
Starting point is 00:30:26 And then that business goes away and then perhaps a business that allows me to what my beak, you know, with so many nickels and dimes might open up in this favorable location. Construction hole where three guys are staring into the hole for weeks on end. There's nothing. And the poor like guy that's trying to sell like, you know, artisanal latte donuts is staring outside his window, seeing the guys look at the hole and seeing his empty restaurant. What is the, what is his actual course of action there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Nothing. Nothing. I mean, you could put up signs on the fences and lead people with an arrow and say, we're still here if you want your donut, but it doesn't fucking work. There's a regular haunt that anyone in any major metropolitan city knows very well, like I know exactly where it is. And you ever wonder why do they, if there is construction nearer around it, if you ever wonder, I know where it is.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Why do they have this giant sign saying we are open is because they are so scared of people that are new, not knowing where the fuck you are. And if you are open, because the entire sidewalk is cordoned off and there's like a little wooden ramp over a moat to try to get to it. Okay. Fucking hate those little wooden ramps. They're terrifying. There's a really good wooden ramp that's very solid and doesn't like bend and bounce, but
Starting point is 00:31:45 you see it very rarely. They use plywood. They use plywood. Most of the time. Yeah. Most of the time. Okay. Now take all of this that we're saying and apply the modifier that is your business only
Starting point is 00:31:55 gets foot traffic when it's not taking damage cold outside. Yeah. So that's two debuffs. You get a huge status ailment. Just being here. There are four and a half. Business at rest. Because there are just a quarter of the year.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Four and a half to five months in some cases. Let's honestly, let's call it six most of the time. Maybe eight. There are six months. Okay. There are four months in which your foot traffic is going to kick down to like 10% of normal. Who are we kidding? They're about there's eight months total.
Starting point is 00:32:28 There are two bonus months I would add on either end in which foot traffic will be about 50%. You really only have six good months of foot traffic in this city a year and it's sometimes three. And if someone decides to put a couple pylons and a fence up in front of that door, it takes and then of course you got the whole digger watchers and then the whole diggers standing in front of your business like bouncers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And if someone were to be like, perhaps I feel like an artisanal doughnut today. No, no. My favorite is, you know, my favorite is when you can have a suspicion that that are that our police friends and our biker pals have made some sort and our construction bros have made some form of informal arrangement. The construct the cons you have the construction site that is never worked on ever but shuts down multiple lanes with the hidden cop car to cut the people cutting through the restaurant which is the same as running a stop sign for tickets and sure enough when people get
Starting point is 00:33:36 fed up with the construction go fuck it and just drive through the fucking parking lot of a Burger King or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's all a rich tapestry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:49 What did what did you do? Well, it's a it's a fun city. It's always something new to look down the street. I love it. You you dream hacked over the weekend. I hacked a dream. I attended. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Yeah. Yeah. So I guess I'll just yeah, I guess I'll just start there because I mean, whatever I I didn't do it like the only other things I did was I played more messenger and got a little bit further. Does that continue to be high quality? Yeah, it does. But you know, more to say when I'm done, I guess, yeah, which I've gotten the impression
Starting point is 00:34:22 that that's going to take a while because surprisingly long. I got a buddy mine who 100% of it, but it took him 32 hours. I was saying. So that's nuts, considering you're looking at a nest style video game, right? Are you though? Well, that's the question, right? But yeah, the idea of that becoming a full on like more than five hour experience. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:47 It's surprising considering I expected something more like the blood stain. Sure. Then you could be like two hours, right? Even shovel night, which is long, but not that long, right? It's long as a Mega Man, longer, longer than Mega Man. Yeah. Get everything it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Um, but anyway, no, so that's fine and, um, yeah, I played a little bit more too, but not that much more because, yeah, because, well, yeah, because obviously, because obviously, and same thing for like, you know, disenchanted going through the rest of that and eventually going to catch up and so on. How many more did you watch? You watched the first four last time. Yeah. I think I'm on like seven or eight now.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Okay. There's only 10. So. Okay. So then, yeah, I'm most of the way through it for sure. Um, and, uh, that continues to be fine as well. But yeah, DreamHack Montreal 2018 happened and, uh, it happened at the big O. So if we want to continue the Montreal speak, it was probably free to rent the shot of DreamHack
Starting point is 00:35:53 from the stands. Yes. It's amazing. It makes that place look not like a shithole. Yeah. But that place is a fucking shithole. So, um, the, the Olympic stadium in Montreal is this weird shaped building that anytime you see a skyline.
Starting point is 00:36:07 It's the pikes building from Deus Ex Human Revival. Exactly. And anytime it's the most unique thing about our skyline and it's the way you recognize the city from afar and it's the biggest mistake the city has ever made. Ever. However. I'll bring it out once again. No, the Olympics can no more lose money than a man can have a baby.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Current Mayor of Montreal in 1972 or four. I want to say seventy. Guess what? We lost a shit ton of money. It was the biggest mistake ever. We built it because we dolled ourselves up for the Olympic Commission who, like any other country, like they came, they saw, they left and then stuck us with the bill. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:49 You know, at least we have our baseball team. Yeah. What? At least we have the Metro at home. Yeah. Because those are built for the Olympics. Yeah. Let's go Nordiques.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Fuck. Hey, you know what? I will say this. The Expo's leaving town turned the Expo's brand into the most fashionable, like. Turn it into Dave Lang's brand. Americans love wearing Expo's hats. Well, there's a lot of Expo's fans that were outside of Montreal. When I was in Florida, I saw at least three kids that had Expo.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And now it's the ultimate throwback because it's a fucking dead team. Yeah. People love dead teams. You get that chops on it. Exactly. It was my whalers jersey. Dude, exactly, right? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:37:36 So all that to say that alongside Expo's sixty-four, sixty-seven, I forget which one it was. Seventy-six. Where we built the giant fucking man-made island and all that and the dome, the evil dome on it. Yeah. The roof of the Olympic Stadium, this weird-shaped building, it looks like a turtle with a weird head. Backwards head.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Right? Head that's sticking up. Yeah. And whoever designed this fucking thing clearly was not an architect of any kind because this turtle shell, if you would, is a dome covering. So it's a giant, imagine a football stadium. Yeah, they're football stadiums, baseball stadiums in the States that have this design. But it has a dome covering it that's made of like, gauze harp.
Starting point is 00:38:27 It's made of cotton candy, it seems. That is pierced by hundreds of wire threads that are pulling at it constantly. So it looks like it's like this torture person that wants to be suspended. I should also mention that issues with the roof and the hideousness of the spire, I'm going to call it, are also in part caused by the fact that the construction just straight up ran out of money, that the spire is supposed to be about ten to twenty percent taller. That's why it's uneven looking. It's supposed to be the same width at the top as it is at the base.
Starting point is 00:39:02 But because they didn't finish it, I think there's a fucking burger shop on the top of the fucking thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it looks like a parking lot. Now we compete with the CN Tower, but regardless, the fact that this roof, every time it rained a little bit more than a drizzle, it would all leak through when it snowed and then it collapsed and it froze every couple of years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And so that thing that happened on my roof happened every couple of years in Montreal. It would straight up collapse into the place and that would be more money spent fixing the roof and fixing the damage. I remember it fucking fell apart during a fucking car show three or five or six years ago. Just a fucking piece just fell in. It fell into the part of the field that was not occupied, so fine. But what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:39:54 Anyway. That being said. The perfect spot for a dream. Having not been there in like solid twelve to thirteen years. Yeah, me similar. You go there as a kid for your your class trip and then never again because why? No, I went to like one or two actual games ever in a monster truck rally and that was it.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah, I remember going there and we swam in the Olympic pool and that was really cool. But yeah, they have the giant wave maker and stuff there. Yeah, Montreal cast this week. That's what's going on. It's fine. We never do it. It's a it's a we do it about once a year, but we never do it in depth to this degree. So I think it's fun and I enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:40:32 They go as fast. There's a movie theater there. That's interesting. Yeah, there's a there's a botanical garden and that sucks. That sucks. Insectarium. That sucks. Oh, those places have gotten beaten up over the years.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah, they used to be all right. I remember seeing them as a child and then I saw them a couple of years ago and like it looks like they have not repaired a single fucking thing since I was a baby. I'll say this when the land interior designers come and decide to set up that stadium to be, you know, like a dream hack or a major land event. It looks pretty cool and like if you go, like you said, you go look at the photos from a distance of the surrounding stadium area where all the seats are and then the floor itself where the where the land event is happening.
Starting point is 00:41:17 It reminds me of the like ring of power stage from the Capcom process. Absolutely. It looks gorgeous. And of course, you know, to mention Capcom Pro Tour, this was a premier event. So this was the kind of event that I've been trying back when I was running tournaments here and organizing stuff. I was trying to get this type of event to happen here in this town because it's brought this is the one that is worth a lot of CPT points for Street Fighter competitors.
Starting point is 00:41:48 So a lot of international players flew out because it's one of the few events left where they can actually get sufficient like a sizable increase in their CPT rankings worth going to basically. Absolutely. So and you can touch the strippers and take that fighting game nerves. Absolutely. So in addition to, you know, Ultra David, James, have discounts for anyone that has a dream hack badge at insert coins when there's a tournament.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yes. And then you have to hand a shillier for my make believe business. Well, you could actually have a booth there with a single pole, you know, and then just hand out the cards. I mean, it's attached to what? Well, yeah. Yeah. Anyway, hopes and dreams.
Starting point is 00:42:37 No marns allowed. The way it was set up was, yeah, like, like, so in addition to like, okay, I've done commentary like a couple of times for the last few years at it. So and this time around, they're like, okay, so CPT premiere event, Capcom flies in their people. They do an official style. So yeah, for the first time, we got to have, we got to welcome James Chan and Ultra David and Yipes and Sage M and the full man, imagine Obama, like the full commentary crew was in
Starting point is 00:43:09 town, you know, like that was awesome as the bond came out and ran the production. Did you get one of their secret little decoder rings? I did not, but, you know, we, we, we all, we all, we showed them a good time, you know, they got to experience Montreal Biggles and, and, and, and, uh, Poutine, I believe, happened afterwards and so on and so forth. They went to the bunkies afterwards. Exactly. Um, and then player wise, we had, uh, I mean, so that the smash also happened that weekend
Starting point is 00:43:38 as well. But like, yeah, Problem X, Hungry Box, Punk, Knuckle Do, Justin Wong, Chris G, Mimochi, Bon Chan, Smug, Hi, Tiny, Gamer B, like all the, all the, all the gods, all the gods were out. Um, a gigantic list of players. It was really cool to see a bunch of familiar faces coming out and, uh, just play in the most aggressive bracket I have ever seen, like it was almost like an invitational because the way this thing was set up was you have the, you have Montreal locals, Toronto locals
Starting point is 00:44:09 and a couple of other folks sort of traveling out, Moncton locals, of course, representing and then every bracket has to be like seated according to like points and, you know, and so on and so forth. So to spread apart the skill levels into this bracket, uh, you are starting out either against or one match away from fighting a God. Like no matter where you are, right? My first, that's exciting. My first match.
Starting point is 00:44:39 That's what, that's what I guess I'd call bracket crush and it's terrifying. That's a really good name. Um, my first match was against show hi. You know what I mean? It's like you, this is the most ridiculous stack bracket and it's also really fun because it cuts out all the filler. It just gets down to the meat and bones of it. You're like, you get, you get to just go like every battle is a battle for survival.
Starting point is 00:45:00 There's nothing free. There's no coasts. There's no buys here. Uh, and if you win two matches, you're instantly top 32 and you're getting a point. You're getting one CPT point under all these guys fucking show. So when two matches and you're in there, but nothing's free. It was high tension, high stakes to the nth degree. It was fucking sick.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Like you, it was one of, you know, those situations where, um, well, perhaps not, but if you're at a tournament, you'll be, there's always going to be the stream running, right? And you'll be seeing a big match on stream, but a lot of the time there'll be little pockets of groups of people watching different things going in, happening around. Oh shit. Um, uh, Chris, the terrarium is fighting John Tecauchi over here. That doesn't happen to me on stream, but it's over there. But we're all crying around this system to watch it.
Starting point is 00:45:53 You know what I mean? And like that little, little pockets are happening on the tournament. This was just all, all times you're spinning in circles with amazing matches going on around you, you know, um, like world caliber matches happening like at every single setup. It was, it was really intense and really fun and turned out to just, yeah, be a great weekend. Um, so yeah, obviously commentary, like set and locked down on the Capcom side of things for dragon ball.
Starting point is 00:46:17 I came in and did a top eight, had a good time with, uh, my friend, Jew. And, uh, yeah, I mean, you can go check it out and see, uh, you know, the results if you're interested in any street fighter, five or dragon ball fighters action, but I'm, I'm, you know, putting, putting in the work and building a reel for, for scream, Lord in, and, uh, I feel like it's something that I always have fun doing, even though like, even if I'm like out of touch with like the latest patch or something like that, I was about to ask the last time we played dragon ball, you were like, I haven't seen zoom.
Starting point is 00:46:53 So, uh, yeah, basically what it amounts to is if I, if something's coming up and I'm like, I'm going to, I'm going to scream for that homework, going to do my homework, I'm going to get my notebook out. I'm going to go watch some, you know, I mean, I'm like, I watch streams. Right. But like, yeah, in a lot of cases, it's like, okay, if I haven't gotten hands on time with myself, with it myself, I don't want to be up there being the commentator that fucking is taking a guess at what's going on.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'm just doing the awful thing. Exactly. Like you're a fraud. You're a goddamn put like, what are you doing? I don't want to be that guy. So, you know, um, unless you want that to be your gimmick. I mean, like there's always the idea of there's the info man and then the hype man, right?
Starting point is 00:47:31 That's kind of the thing. And you know, you can't, you don't have to play both roles. Some people do it versatile. So info man and hype man. I would think of like, I say a James Chen and a Yipes. That means that's a good example. Right. Um, an ultra David and, uh, but, but the two example, but the
Starting point is 00:47:46 chanted ultra, uh, ultra Chen is the name because ultra David and James Chen work together. Yes. And, and like in that situation, the hype man mantle exactly from match to match and when Yipes works with Lee Chung, you know, and Yipes is the hype man, but Lee Chung is even more hype. So then Yipes becomes the info guy. Like there's a dynamic.
Starting point is 00:48:05 If Yipes becomes the info guy, it's a regular thing, you know, it's a regular thing, but like this is how it sort of works. And if you have someone that you're working with really well, then like, you know how to pass it off back and forth. And, uh, a couple of Montreal commentators, I've gotten used to working with them and, and like we, we feel that out, you know, um, but anyway, all that to say that, um, I feel like this is something that like, yeah, I'm like, I can, I can come back and do this and have a fun time with it.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I just got to make sure to stay on top of things. And, uh, I, I don't know, we'll see how far this can go. You know, I'll see you hanging out with that killing an Evo on a stage. Is that what we're going to say? Come on. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Well, I mean, like, you could be commentating with that Kelly. That's what I bet. No, not with him, but I mean, I'll maybe forget this. Maybe someone else do it. Yeah. I mean, cause, um, my friend Jackie, Jackie O'Manner, uh, she, we did a commentary at dream hack last year, for example. And, uh, she used that reel of us doing it there to apply for Evo commentary
Starting point is 00:49:03 and landed it. You've got it this year. Tell me this. This is fascinating. You submit reels like, like you're a voice actor, like how they would do it. I mean, I just think that's cool. They want to, yeah, they want to see what you're, what your commentary is like. Do me a favor next time you're running to Eskil, can you remind him that our,
Starting point is 00:49:18 our stupid OC is more popular than he is? Yeah, that's true. I mean, dude, submit a reel where I take, oh no, you can see my reflection in the TV, huh? It's submit a reel. It's like a joke reel and see how far it gets you. I mean, this guy's got something new. Dude, like as far as time can go, like I was hanging out with Jabali all weekend
Starting point is 00:49:42 cause he runs, he runs the gaming section for dream hack basically. And like, uh, like the disrespect this guy, this, but like, fuck it, Alex. He's like, he's a good guy, but just the level of like, like what he came in cause I've met him before. I like more than like a couple of times, but like there was another dude that's just large black guy that he's playing CVS too with. And like, I was, I was playing, you know, that's like, I get to keep Blitzcamp, which is an amazing game.
Starting point is 00:50:07 And like, anyway, after they play CVS too, the guy gets up and he's like, Hey, anyway, yeah, good games. You're woolly, right? And I'm like, Jabali, you motherfucker. Like, did you just do that after we've already met after we've already talked on the random black guy, you dick. And also I'm right here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yeah. And within ear shot, I got jabated. I didn't tell you this. I, I forgot about this, but at Evo, uh, the one that just passed, I walked by and I see, I see hell pockets and I go, and he, and just as he's finishing getting up from a setup and he turns and he's like, he's just turning towards me. I go, Hey, woolly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:43 And he goes like, and walked off dude. Like, we just, we, we keep track at this point. Yeah. We straight up, we keep track and exchange or like how many at that tournament? Oh, seven, eight. Yeah. Day one.
Starting point is 00:51:00 All right. Cool. Like, uh, yeah. Anyway, but, uh, no, do you have, cause a great time and, um, you know, whatever the, that's the only thing of significance were hacked. They were, um, nocturnal emissions were canceled. Okay. And, uh, fighting games moves on.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I, I really, really want to, um, I want a big up at cat's suki Blitz camp because that is so much fun. Really? It's so good and like it's got so much like going forward in terms of just basic fundamentals and solid, simple gameplay, footsies based characters, classic things, parry and dodge. And that's all you know, you know what I mean? Like not even dodge, but like parry and throw are like your only real mechanics
Starting point is 00:51:45 that you're working with outside of like your basic setup. It's a three button game. It just feels really great. And it like, it rewards fundamentals. The, oh, it just sucks that it's not more popular. And the only reason why is because it's about fucking Nazis. If the game was not about Nazis, this would have been way more popular. All of its aesthetic and its name was different than things would be different.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I would say that it's content or whatever is less of a thing than its title. It's title is difficult to actually say. Katsuki Blitz camp. I just defer Japanese word, German word. Yeah. I just defer to it as that game. Just call it, if it was called fight bringers or some shit. Axis of evil fight lords.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Axis of evil would be a great name for a fight. That is actually fine. Omen of sorrow. Axis of evil. There you go. Uh, what up that? Um, I, I did two things. I'll get the first thing out of the way.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Cause then I'm sure me and maybe, maybe Pat will talk about the other thing. Yeah. I'm, I'm pretty certain. Um, yeah. No. Bladeschangers is good. Oh, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:51 We played Bladeschangers. That's what we did all weekend. No, I'm just joking. Bladesfuck. It's jokes. Those Isaac, those Isaac combo as well. Hey, I saw some crazy shoveled night tech. I was, he does a command grab and then he shovels you out of the ground and
Starting point is 00:53:05 then does the fucking like hop, hop, hop, hop, hop. And it does like half your life. It's fucking crazy. Everyone's talking about it. Um, I saw, I saw a movie over the weekend. I saw the nun, which is the fourth spin off in the conjure verse. Now I'm not, I'm sure you guys are, are like, you know, like, Oh, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is like a huge thing.
Starting point is 00:53:28 No one can replicate it. The conjuring horror franchise became a franchise has totally become the actual successful when no one was paying attention. Well, here's what you do. Define successful. I will, I will easily. Um, you market, you, you spend a decent amount marketing a movie and you put it in a release date, a horror movie where you put it in release date where there's not
Starting point is 00:53:52 much competition, like it makes $40 million over the weekend. It costs 12 million to make. Okay. And you say, Hey, just in case, instead of the main ghost that we're going to show that the, this movie is about, why don't we show some teaser ghosts? When the audience, test audience to see the movie, like that movie was really good. That ghost was pretty scary, but it was really scary. That doll that you showed us in the movie, holy shit, that was scary.
Starting point is 00:54:18 They make the first Annabelle movie, which is the name of the scary doll that was shown in the conjuring. Okay. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that the conjuring introduced threads that went nowhere? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Like, because the characters just to set up the franchise to not like go into the mystery, tell the paranormal investigators in the couple that are in this movie franchise, they have a whole room where they have locked the demonic camera and they're like, don't look at this. Right, right, right, right. It's like if Batman went down into the fucking Batcave, the new Batman movie, and then looked at the big penny and went, Oh, that one day, right, right, right. So maybe I'll tell it someday.
Starting point is 00:55:01 So the camera bathes over a bunch of like objects that can be in the first conjuring. They showed this creepy doll. They made three movies based on this creepy doll. They all made mad bank. In the second conjuring movie that doll is done with. Nobody cares anymore, but they show a creepy nun ghost. It's basically a demon just wearing the disguise of a nun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:25 So they spun it off into another movie called the nun back in the habit. And I watched this. This is just double from Skullgirls. It's just got a ghost face and like sunken black eyes. It's seven feet tall. Okay. It's scary. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:43 See, that's scary. Yeah. It takes place in the 1950s in Romania. And it's like, wow, bad things happen. This church is really fucked up in the Vatican. It's like, what the fuck's happening? Send, send someone to check this shit out. So it's a little, little very exorcist, like an exorcist basically gets sent,
Starting point is 00:56:02 checks things out. There's one guy in Romania that like does it all show you to the church. It's fucked up anytime, anytime anyone in my village talks about this church. They spit on the floor in a very European style, like, oh, that abbey. And they're like, wow, you kind of have a French accent. He's like, yes, just call me Frenchy. And this, this young girl that gets brought to the, brought on this mission, who's from England, she's a nun in practice.
Starting point is 00:56:32 She hasn't taken her vows yet. She's not wearing the habit yet. And the guy's like, hell, I did not know that's such a pretty girl like you. Yes. And the priest is like, he's, she's a mega nun. And he's like, oh, that empowers him. Don't do that. Damn, fuck.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah. And he's like, don't empower J.F. Did you, did you take your vows yet? And she's like, no, I haven't. Maybe you won't. Very later on, they're like, so what part of France from you? I just say that because it's more romantic. I am a French Canadian.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Don't empower J.F. Yeah. Too late. But all this to say, this is a really good setup. And when I saw it, this movie has three scares and they do it over and over and over and over again. And it got really old, really fast. It's look, the big is panning towards the protagonist's face. And then when the camera moves, there's a dark, like none figure behind them.
Starting point is 00:57:28 And that's the scare scary. And they do it six or seven times in the course of six or seven minutes. And I'm like, uh, and it was fine. It was not amazing. It wasn't particularly scary to me. It was very gothic, almost no CG, which is nice. It's just spooks in the camera and just scares. And repetitive, lame, uncreative scares means I check out.
Starting point is 00:57:54 So I would hate this way more. You would hate this even more because the audience gobbling it up. Everyone screaming, everyone yelling. I'm just kind of non plus. It looked nice. It had, it had good acting, but I kind of, I kind of checked out. Anyway, that shit's done. Spider-Man, Spider-Man's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Did you do anything else before Spider-Man? No, just Spider-Man cares. I played, I played some of my old standby games and I caught up on attack on Titan, which I want to point out. Somebody on the subreddit pointed out as well. But they're, they are actually talking about the basement on attack on Titan and a character who wasn't paying attention goes, huh? So that was important or something after all, which is the best.
Starting point is 00:58:40 But fuck that Spider-Man. Are you a fucking 100% it or whatever? No, I only 100% it at the parts that I have unlocked. So without actually playing the story. Yeah. Why would you do that? 100% everything as they unlock. How long does it take?
Starting point is 00:58:52 Not long. I actually very easy to do. I kind of do that, but not with everything. Like all I'm going to get every backpack, but I'm not going to get every, um, a New York sightseeing thing, the landmarks. No, I'm like, no, I'll get every black cat mission, but I won't get in every research, look, whatever the, what I like, exactly, I'll match right there. Like the main issue with those research things is they unlock all the technological
Starting point is 00:59:18 suits, which are all fucking super cool. Yeah. But a lot of those research things are annoying. Yes. I think, um, like it's in open world games where you go, you zoom out to the map and you just see that fucking thousand icon situation. Well, you don't cause when you start this up, it's barren cause you have to discover it tower.
Starting point is 00:59:37 You have to discover it piece by piece. Okay. Well, it's, it's two fold. One is you Ubisoft tower it, which takes like half an hour. It doesn't take long, but it's still annoying to have to do. Cause what you have to do is just get to like a little tower and just do the Batman, move the sticks to like three wavelengths, but are any, are any like neighborhoods progression blocks?
Starting point is 00:59:59 No, not story blocks. So what ends up happening is you have the full thing and then you do the bat with the Batman tower. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah. Um, and then there's fucking nothing on the map. There's actually just shit all and then you do a story mission and then you unlock the backpacks and then you do a story mission and you unlock crimes.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And then you do a story mission and you unlock landmarks and black cat missions and bases and every progression unlocks the type every one or two story missions fills the map with one of, I think 10 different types of little, okay. So you had to go a bit into the story to actually do this. So what I've been doing is I've been doing story, story, story, clean the map, story, story, story, clean the map. Um, and, uh, those landmarks are actually really easy to do.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Yeah. Like, uh, like casually, as long as you click on the stick to see exactly where you need to be to like take the picture. Cause there's a lot of photography in this game, which I like because you can do it while web-swinging cause the, the camera slows down to slow down. There are a ton of those that are like, this is a university that's in New York.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Okay. Straight up. And then there's like, this is a famous jazz bar or, or like restaurant. And then there are about eight or 10 that are like, this is Dr. Strange's house. Yeah. So this is, it's the same. Jessica Jones is apart.
Starting point is 01:01:19 This is the Avengers tower. Uh, is it just that it looks like it? Or do they call it, they call it out? No. When, when Spider-Man takes the picture of the San Torm, uh, the Sanctum Sum Torm, whatever, I'm probably saying it wrong. He's like, wow, that really cool window. I bet stuff that happens down there is really.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Rain. Thanks, Willie. That was a great catch. It, he just says it, whatever's going on in there. Okay. So when, cause like, I was going to say, like, when you say like the Jessica Jones apartment, it's like, does he just look at a random apartment? No, it's the least investigations.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Uh, he goes, uh, and one of the items you pick up is Matt Murdoch's card and it's like, how does blind lawyer know I was Spider-Man? Whoa. So I think it's whatever it, like no fantastic for, in fact, Marvel went out of their way to say there will be no Baxter building. And absolutely not, but, but, but, but the start, the start buildings there. Clearly the start building. No, start building got turned into Avengers tower.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Yeah. If you're right. Yeah. Well, that's, yeah. And, uh, you got J Jonah Jameson on your radio being, uh, doing his best. Alex Jones, kind of like a half Alex, half rush. So not on the radio then. He's not, he's not hard.
Starting point is 01:02:33 No, he's got a podcast. He's got a podcast. You're listening to his podcast. So, okay. Toasted on nothing nowhere. Yes. Right. Just to get ahead of it.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Cause you probably already know, but this, this, this particular surrounding game does a lot of things where it's like, takes everything familiar, but it just mixes them up a little bit. So J Jonah does not work for the daily bugle anymore. Retired now has a podcast. Oh wow. Okay. So everyone has a little something that's slightly different.
Starting point is 01:02:58 MJ works for the daily bugle. Yes. And Peter doesn't Peter doesn't. Whoa. So the deal with this is they, they establish it really clearly in the first. So the very first thing you do is you beat up Kingpin and you take Kingpin in, right in that sequence, there are about five different times where characters go, wow, Spider-Man, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:21 You've been doing this for eight years. When you look at the buyers of the characters, crazy that I've been doing this for over eight years and then you run into Kingpin and it's like, I've had a check of you for eight years. So everyone is where we are basically. They're like, yeah, we know the deal because they're so desperate to get away from origin stories, which they're right to do. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Uh, and, but they, they hammer it a little, little hard. Well, it's, it's, they have, so everything important that you could ever think of happened in Spider-Man with some very obvious exceptions, totally already happened. So when you run into shocker, it's, oh, you're robbing banks again. Huh? Shocker. I love the daily bugle headline is don't be shocked.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Shocker is robbing banks again. Right. Uh, the city itself is as like non plus as, as Spider-Man himself is. Oh yeah. You land on the street and you go, oh, hey, Spider-Man. Anyway, some people will ask for high fives and stuff. And you can, you can point at them and stuff. Very casual thing you can do.
Starting point is 01:04:28 Uh, so how did you, or rather like, are you still unlocking things even though you've done everything? Oh yeah. Cause you, you unlock and do everything and then you go to one story mission and then you unlock and I didn't know there were black cat missions in the game cause I hadn't gotten that far. Oh, you have to do them. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:45 So what you're, if you want a suit, okay. So you're progressing horizontally and then one step up and then horizontally. Uh, I'd say two steps up right now. I've been, I've been hanging out and doing all this stuff and every, uh, five or 10 minutes, but he's like, I really should check about that. Shocker mask. Okay. Oh, why won't I go check about the mask?
Starting point is 01:05:05 But there's never any requirement to have to do like a story mission. He'll just say that occasionally. And oftentimes he'll say the helpful line of like, man, that took a while. Um, I should probably like, uh, pay it forward by doing some stuff in the city. And the game will simply say, it's like, just do whatever. So the setting sounds pretty dope. How's the, uh, gameplay? It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:05:27 It's amazing. It's amazing. The best. It's spectacular. Um, here's the thing. I'm going to maybe even try if I can like articulate myself all enough to do a video essay on this, but there's two key, key areas where this game is only doing something better than all the other Spider-Man games, which is money.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Yes. And it's doing money big. It looks like it's because I was sorry. Go ahead. Money and, uh, just story. Someone actually sitting down saying, let's make a compelling story. Cause I will say very honestly, it's like even good Spider-Man games, like shadow dimensions or whatever have like lame comic book, like style.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Like it's not too serious. It's whatever. This game has like real stakes. That's law. Like I would say so far that this story is average to good, which is a massive fucking improvement for Spider-Man games. Now, as an outsider so far, what it looks like is pretty much like any other Spider-Man game, except with tons of polish.
Starting point is 01:06:27 So yeah, that's what the money, that's what he meant by money. Exactly. Yeah, that, that, that's all it appears to be. So there's no, there's no, like, no movie release date to have to match. So there's no like, yeah, particular like gimmick or special angle that is, you know, it's just, uh, it's just big old Spider-Man, the biggest money that I've seen and I look at that and I went money. In fact, I looked at it and didn't understand money.
Starting point is 01:06:53 And then someone told me money, uh, was when I saw people talking about, uh, the fact that every single, uh, word that comes out of Yuri Lohanthal's voice out in the city has been recorded twice. One for if you're standing around and the other, if you're doing anything that would exert him. So he has a, oh, hey, man, what's it going? And, whoa, hey, man, what's going, if he's swinging. You could be in the middle of a fight and if someone will be talking to him on
Starting point is 01:07:20 the phone, cause he's got like, you know, communications in his mask and he sounds really hurried and, and, oh, I got a jump and I'm like air comboing guys. Yeah, I may love you. That's really cool. If you were not doing that, it would be a casual walk, cool. That's the money. That's amazing. The other thing is that, um, I picked up the game.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I played it. I pressed start. Spider-Man jumps out his window and the very first thing you do is hit R2. The very first thing you do is hit R2 to swing and that first swing is a tutorial swing. So it's like you're already in the arc and then you let go. And then on the second swing, you go, oh yeah, this is better than Spider-Man twos web swinging.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Just like that. It's better. Good, good, good, good, good. The sense of speed, momentum, weight, physics, uh, para, the, the arc of your parallelism, did you get the upgrade where when you jump off something? Okay. Just making sure it is very powerful bosses. Uh, I've only fought, I'd say two bosses right now, Kingpin and shocker.
Starting point is 01:08:19 And I've, and, and there were both good. I had no problems with them. Like, but those are, those are just those guys. Like I haven't fought like I fought Rhino in every game. When I fight Rhino this time, I wonder if he'll run at me and all gosh, and then you've crashed into the wall. So that's the parts I'm really interested in. Like, please tell me you've made Rhino more of a not Rhino fight.
Starting point is 01:08:46 I played him in the shitty PC version of Spider-Man. It's always the same. So that's the stuff I'm really interested in. Probably the thing that I'm actually the most surprised about is how good the melee combat is. It's, it's like on the surface. You're like, eh, but then you're like, okay, no, suit mods, no, okay, gadgets. And then air combos and then, uh, stuff that you can throw attached to your
Starting point is 01:09:09 webs to it's actually really fun. Like I, I haven't gotten tired of it yet. It's very Batman-y. It's obviously very Batman-y with some very core differences. Yeah. In Batman, you hit a button to attach to Arkemi. No, uh, yeah, sure. Arkemi, Arkemi, well, that's Batman to everybody.
Starting point is 01:09:27 But, um, when in Arkham games, when you hit the punch button, you just fucking zip, zoom, zabbity over there. Yeah, it doesn't really happen to the guy. Um, and that's that. And then you have your triangle, which is your counter and you have X, which is your jump and you have circle, which is Cape, which is, I feel always like misused as a whole button. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Here you have attack and counter, but then triangle, instead of, uh, of being like Cape or whatever, it's web zip and it's just fucking teleport your ass over to somebody to punch them and keep the combo going. I, uh, the, the, the best move or not the best move, but like the most like, oh, this is so good is just when you're in an air combo holding square, which is just your normal attack button. If you hold it in the air, Spider-Man just swings on a web and automatically like, does a big kick, uh, drop kicks a guy by swinging into them.
Starting point is 01:10:18 And that's such a momentum build. It's like snatch in DMC four or something like that. It's just a way to extend the combo and hit a guy. If you're on a building, it's like, just always do that. Yeah. You'll always knock a guy off and that's like an instant kill each time. And then there's like the focus meter, which if you build it up by doing combos, you get your, you get your Batman execution, special move thing.
Starting point is 01:10:39 But then there's like the special moves, the, the suit powers. Like if you're scarlet spider, you can create a clone of yourself, a holographic clone that zips around and starts throwing insults at other enemies. Of course. And every single suit, not every single suit, some of them don't actually have a power, but almost every single one has some type of power. And you can mix and match them on the suit as you desire. It's on top of that.
Starting point is 01:11:04 There's all these little details in it that make a big difference. Like you have a lot of guys firing guns at you, right? From somewhat outside your frame of vision, Batman kind of had this problem and they explicitly fix it here where guys would be running at you. And the indicator for the counter in the Batman series appears over the thugs head and sometimes you would not see it or you would not pay attention because you're looking at Batman and so you wouldn't see the red one. The red one means like dodge knife attacks or whatever.
Starting point is 01:11:33 All the counter indicators appear on Spidey with his traditional Spidey sense. Like this is a little white halo and since you're always looking at Spidey, you always, always, always have a view of that. In addition, if somebody's aiming a gun at you, it'll be this nice little Spidey line that goes to them and when, if you perfect dodge them, you'll web them up so they won't shoot at you a little bit. Like all these tiny little things. Also, the more I play it, the more I realize a lot of his normals are from Marvel.
Starting point is 01:12:01 How cool. His, his air launcher is, is, is Spider Sting. Cool. Okay. That's fun. Like it's great. This would be shocking, but in Spider-Man 2, the combat actually works very similarly where he just had a little spider
Starting point is 01:12:15 sense around his head, meaning an incoming attack. And then you just do that. And he had a launcher too. It's actually kind of similar to that stuff in general. I talked about this on Twitter and I want to talk about it again here, like here really quickly. It's like, I just did an exhausting mission that had like, you know, all these explosions or whatever.
Starting point is 01:12:32 And then I just go home and Peter's like, Oh, I've been evicted from my apartment. And then it's like, I don't really care about that, but I have a really like important piece and they could have just, had this be like, I have a USB drive that was really important. I had, I had all my research, all my spider gadgets, all the blueprints, whatever, I need to get that. They could have done a thing where it's like, well, that sucks.
Starting point is 01:12:59 That'll lead into the next story mission. And then I'll sleep with a like at Aunt May's house or whatever it is. Uh, but he's like, no, I didn't upload this digitally. So I have to find it. So he has to call up the New York sanitation department and talk to a sanitation worker on the phone. I was like, Hey, um, dumpster. And he like with spider strength kicks the dumpster.
Starting point is 01:13:20 It looks like, uh, dumpster six, five, two, three. Um, I mistakenly have really important stuff get sent there. And he's like, and you hear a guy on the line. Uh, okay. A kid, um, that's route 35. You might find it over there. And you're like, okay, thanks. And you spider swing over there.
Starting point is 01:13:36 And you're like, I don't know where it is. I can't find it. And he calls up the guy again. He's like, actually, I think the guys might try to go to a pizza place at this time of the night, right before they bring back to the distribution center. So you could try that. And he's like, um, okay. What, what pizza place, uh, he's like, it's in Chinatown.
Starting point is 01:13:53 It's one of those mom and pops places. And your web is swinging while this conversation is taking place. He's like, uh, uh, Leo's is like, ah, no, I'm not Leo's. Oh, that place is garbage. No, that's on the East side. Anyway, it's like, okay, what about Larry's? He's like, no, no, that's in Greenwich village. Now you can, that's just goes on and on.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Spider-Man's like, oh, okay. Could it be Larry's? Yeah, Larry's. That's gotta be it. And like, it's just two New Yorkers helping each other. Right. Okay. It's, it's, it's the Spider-Man equivalent of, oh man, I left my arcade stick and
Starting point is 01:14:27 that guy's strong, but nicer. Um, I was, so yeah, that answers my final question, which was just like, I assume it's like great laughs and great writing. I've, I've laughed out loud in certain places and certain like actual cutscenes of gravitas, like, like him and Mary Jane have been together and have broken up already. It's very awkward. It's very awkward and they have a very awkward date.
Starting point is 01:14:52 And I still like was like, oh, that was a really nice cutscene or I just started playing as the third playable character. And I'm like, holy shit, this would, this was a crazy cutscene. And then like, that's literally where I am right now. I just paused it to, to come over here. And I'm like, I don't know what's, I, I don't know what's going to happen next. And that, I can't say that for any Spider-Man game, but a lot of the stuff that makes this good is like stuff that was prototyped in Amazing Spider-Man 2, but
Starting point is 01:15:22 no one really cared about the game. Cause it was based on Amazing Spider-Man 2, the movie, a lot of stuff was prototyped where you had Peter Parker sections where you're walking around talking with people, but it was just, they didn't have enough time. They didn't have enough money. They just weren't able to do it all that well. And here it's just, it's done to the Mth degree. The only thing I can say, like negative about it is like, yeah, I didn't
Starting point is 01:15:42 really particularly care for, I have to fill in out the map with Ubisoft towers. That was just a time waste of like, there, there wasn't particularly. Well, if it only takes half an hour, that's not it. Yeah. It's the other, the, the, you sit down and have to do all the, the thing that saves that is that you're like, Oh no, I got to get across town to do that. Ubisoft.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Are you, as you swing there? Well, I guess what I'm wondering is. I've used fast travel once and now it's because I was on opposite ends of the map. Are you unlocking like different web abilities? Yes. All the time. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Constantly impact webbing, web bomb and, and they're all different. How you get them. One you'll get from a story mission. One you'll get from like, Oh shit. I, I completed this collectible side quest and now I'm rewarded. So it's always kind of varied, but like fight stuff or navigation stuff. There are three skill trees that have moves of different types. One is mainly traversal.
Starting point is 01:16:37 One is throw and what mainly web throwing and one is just combat abilities similar to a Batman game. You've got the gadget tree, which is its own fucking thing. Right. And then you have your suit, your suit shit, which is your fucking mods that you're equipping on your Spider-Man. Like you get more XP, you take less damage from gunshots and you can mix and match. So if you want to be Spider-Man war, Spider-Man war's, uh, suitability is, uh,
Starting point is 01:17:05 no one gets alerted when you've stealth someone. Oh, okay. So cause he's stealthy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but at like, you can, that Mac, you can put that in to the costume from homecoming. Yeah. The costume cameo stuff is really cool. It's still not obviously like having the setting of the character, like in, in, um,
Starting point is 01:17:24 shattered dimensions or was it? Cause that was a different style of game play. Was the shadow dimensions or web of shadows, which is the one that actually jumps you into each different one, uh, shadow dimensions. Yeah. But that was each character had different styles of gameplay, but this is like Spider-Man war gets shot once he's dead. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:40 So he's also, but this is just like, like, like cosmetic, like, uh, that kind of reflects, right. That's fun. That's fun. That's cool. Yeah. Um, I'm just going to grab a, uh, energy drink real quick. Sure.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Um, but, but like, uh, for, for the suits and stuff. I mean, this is a thing that I'm like, I need to unlock all of them. And like, I said on Twitter, I don't want to say which one it is cause it might be, you know, like spoilers in case anyone's not seen, cause I spoiled myself. I just watched a video that was like, here are all the costumes and here are what they do. Big move, the table, man, shake around. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Um, and the, the one that I want, it's like, it's super locked. I'm assuming it's locked by my level. Cause every level you unlock, um, I've noticed, cause I did all the shit. So I'm like level 14 super early. Yeah. I'm like level 14 every single level you unlock a suit to create whether or not you have the ability to actually make it.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Cause one thing that's annoying, Willie, that I'd say it's a little annoying, but it just depends on how you play the game, but it's like, once you've reached a certain level or story progression, the game, they'll be like, you've unlocked the suit because this suit has like an electrical buff or debuff or whatever it is because you just fought shocker. Yeah. So you've unlocked that super, but you've unlocked the ability to unlock it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:00 You need these three components to craft. And these three components are like, if you picked up five backpacks, if you've done one research thing, so you said you weren't going to do all those landmarks, but you, you're going to have to do a bunch of them already. I just haven't maxed them out at all. Cause that's the thing is in my, in my head, it's like, the, you know, it's like, how do you determine what you should and shouldn't do or what you're going to do and like for me, it's like, okay, if I happened, if I happened
Starting point is 01:19:25 to cross a mission in front of me, wherever I am in a game like this, I'll do that because sure. And if there's something that is like, I do a side mission of one type and that type is really fun, then you go out of your way to do those. But if the rewards are like spread across all of them, is say you like the default web shooter the best, right? The default web shooter uses backpack tokens, crime tokens, which is my favorite term for anything and landmark tokens to upgrade.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And those upgrades are locked by your level. So we need it level 12. You can get the third upgrade for your web shooter, but you need to have enough crime tokens to crime tokens, unlock crime. No, no, it's when you've defeated crime, you get a token for crime beat. So if you wanted to unlock and upgrade everything, I bet you actually totally have to get every single thing in the game. So the way that it ends up working is you go, say you're, say you're just
Starting point is 01:20:16 storying through and you don't give a fuck, but then you're like, fuck, I want to unlock that suit. God damn, it's cool. It's all robot-y and stuff. Okay. Well, now I got to go do the Octavius minigames with the, with the, with the, the lines do his homework. And now I got to go do the landmark things and I got to get enough
Starting point is 01:20:32 backpacks to unlock the suit Octavius. Yeah. Yeah. He's, he's a character. He's a character. Peter works for them. They, they're working on prosthetic limbs. It's really fun.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Interesting. I wonder if that'll turn out well. What one thing, one thing is that in amazing Spider-Man 2, they had a bunch of suits. I don't really hope so. He's always the funnest character to fight. He's the best boss ever in, in games. And who?
Starting point is 01:20:53 Octa, Doc Ock beat him in Spider-Man 2 at the very end of the game. And let me know. Oh, no. Okay. Not all send you a video of the very, very end. Yes. Oh man. That version of Doc Ock is the dumbest I on the flop house.
Starting point is 01:21:08 I have a thing that was cut for time where I'm like, this is the worst boss fight I think I might have ever done. What's his name again, big, big, big, yellow. What's his New York boss? No, wait, which Spider-Man 2? The PS1 one? Yeah. PS2, PS2.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Okay. I'm thinking of the PS1 one where he's octopus carnage. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's just a chase. It's bad, but it's not as bad as this. Anyway, an amazing Spider-Man 2. You had costumes and they all had different, uh, like stats.
Starting point is 01:21:39 So that's where this started. And they, again, Insomniac has done it like way better, but it's still like, you know, something that's happened before, but those suits. There are two ways to find them. And one was like kind of an Oz like that, that the research centers, it's kind of like you do a little like map, like a little like mapper. You just kill a bunch of guys really fast and stuff. And then you just get inside a research thing.
Starting point is 01:22:02 And then he tinkers around a computer and he figures out how to make a new suit, nerd stuff, that incorporates this technology. And the other costumes you found in New York city, there were tokens that were just in hard to reach places. And that was it. And once you got them, you had them and then you mix, you could just wear them, but they didn't have a special move associated with them, which I think this brings it to another level because I'm like, Oh, punk Spider-Man wails on a
Starting point is 01:22:28 guitar and shoot sonic waves. That's the awesome punk man. That's super punk. Well, when you're, when you're swinging, J. John and Jameson is constantly in your ear because you're listening to his podcast and it gives you the option to unsubscribe from his podcast. If you don't want to hear it. You don't want to hear it anymore.
Starting point is 01:22:46 That's annoying. Yeah, that's all it is on the options on the map screen. If you hit square, you just go to Spidey's Twitter account. And it's a NYC wall crawler. So I was going to, how many followers do you think Spider-Man in universe has just wrote a number? Yeah, like 20,000 15 billion million. Yeah, my favorite one.
Starting point is 01:23:12 My favorite one by far was I found a guy webbed to my car this morning and now I'm late for work and my boss doesn't believe me. Thanks, Spider-Man. I'm trying to enjoy the, the hockey game, but the sirens outside are too loud. Thanks, Spider-Man. You're reading his at mentions. You're reading his at mentions. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Okay. Okay. Okay. Got it. Got it. Again, this was something that was amazing. Spider-Man two, there was a social feed that showed people's like growing, like either hatred of Spider-Man, but that game would have this annoying thing where
Starting point is 01:23:50 if you didn't do like helpful missions to help out civilians, your public opinion go down and then robots get sent to attack you. Wow. So you constantly had to do missions, even if you didn't want to do that was an annoying when you're talking about that like, um, that a phone mission thing with the pizza place, like were you on the phone as Spider-Man? He was Spider-Man at the time, but he was just like, I'm just some guy. Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Okay. Some guy. All right. All right. Yeah. Um, you're alone. Thor was without a doubt the correct choice for Spider-Man. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:24:24 There's so much style. He is 100% like acing it as, as Yosuke. Yeah. He's just Yosuke the way that's all I'm, all I'm imagining is like, come on. Yeah. And his voice perfectly fits like the kind of goofy, stupid idiot. Nervous, odd.
Starting point is 01:24:40 He's all man, but he's not really nervous cause he's like 23 and you're eight years into the job. So you're not a kid anymore, but you're still pretty like, I guess unconfident and or like, no, he's actually quite confident in the spider shit at this point. And getting the backpacks is great because every backpack that you get has some kind of stupid collectible that he talks about. You get a little bit of flavor tech.
Starting point is 01:25:06 So there's one that is a newspaper article from the Daily Bugle. And he describes that this article was why he quit the bugle. And it is a article titled Spider-Man kills cops. And he goes, yeah, I took this photo of a policeman's funeral of a bunch of cops that got killed by Electro. And then Jameson fucking turned it into this article. That's my question. I'm like, I am out of here.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Wow. Okay. Or you'll find like a, a Spider-Man islands and it'd be like, this is the island that cracked when vulture hit me in the face and made me realize I need to make better islands. Okay. So it's always like an item that has to do with past battles or. So like, and so this is a spider that's also like, you know, post-Avengers
Starting point is 01:25:49 team up, probably knows Wolverine. In fact, when you go to the Avengers building and take the landmark thing, they're like, they're never around here anymore. They're always hanging out on the West coast or something. And I'm like, is this a fucking West coast Avengers reference? Cause those guys are lame. Yeah. There's been, there's been some really sneaky.
Starting point is 01:26:09 They, then Marvel said, like very on the outside, there's no venom. There's no venom in this game. Boy, is there not. There's nothing, but they're like, there's one nod and there's a nod in the thing that's like, at first I read through something really fast and I'm like, Oh, Oh shit. That's where, that's where there's, there's two nods mentioned. There's the, there's his, a good luck at your new job that Eddie Brock signs.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Hey, great working with you. It's just a really nice thing for Eddie Brock. And then one of the first conversations in the game is somebody asks you to a policeman's ball and asks if you have a black and white suit and you're, you're, he goes, oh, wait, there's potentially a third nod. Cause I did a side mission where there's another Spider-Man saving, saving people and, uh, you find his first, like you find the, the remnants of his first fight, this other Spider-Man.
Starting point is 01:27:04 And I'm like, Oh, where are we going? Where are we going? And you see all these guys and Spiderman puts his hand on their, on their necks. He's like, okay, they all got a pulse. So I guess this isn't a lethal protector. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:27:18 That, that game's fantastic. That's big to everyone who likes Spider-Man or that type of open world action game should look at it. Yeah, no, let's take a quick word from our sponsors. Sure. This week, the podcast is sponsored by Acer. Hey, Acer, what up? You make good computers.
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Starting point is 01:27:58 Incredible. Well, though those processors, the main thing is that they will not be, um, um, melt that. No, what's the, they won't be, they won't hold back any GPU or anything. They're stronger than need be. They're, they're almost overpowered. They're very useful. Kaioken.
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Starting point is 01:30:04 Like, I, I, I, uh, uh, uh, Carl was asking me about the Dan rather was asking me about that. And it was just like, I was like, yeah, you say those matches are pretty good. How good are they? And I'm like, like legit, it's the actual best extremely high quality. Like all, all kidding aside, like God damn memory foam for real. And then you sleep and like, uh, uh, I mean, you know, hotel beds are nice, I guess, but there's been times where it's like you sleep on, not sure your
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Starting point is 01:30:53 So do you got, you got to see that now. I did. I saw how that was bullshit. I really did. And then the box opened up and you go, and it goes, and then the big, the big, uh, soft round guy from, uh, a big hero six right came out of the box and then it flates and you go, that's great. No, it's not inflating, but yeah.
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Starting point is 01:32:02 Kind of stumbles. Sleeps. Yeah, it's fine. Dude, we understand sleep is a drug. I need to get more sleep. I, I, I like between a night before yesterday and, and yesterday, I had that like, like not off, wake up, not off where I got to like experience the, the pleasantness of the drift off a couple of times.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Those are so good. I fell asleep in the bathtub last night. That is definitely not as good as a Casper mattress. In fact, that is an awful experience. Don't fall asleep in the bathtub. No, don't do that. And if you're a teenager, you need those extra hours of sleep even. So it's like, yo, 30% of your life, that's a long time.
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Starting point is 01:33:06 So TGS is going on. Yeah, a bunch of shit just came out like five hours ago. I thought it was going to be a slow news week, but it certainly is not. No, no, no, this up until this morning, it came in hot. Finally, the Monday podcast is paying for itself. Hey, it's paid off with the Monday date, but it's just Monday and Tuesday are both days of video gaming leisure. All right.
Starting point is 01:33:32 So my main excitement is like, what order did Willie want to actually put these in because these will reflect the order of importance. And we'll explain not necessarily. It's just when he got the stories, well, uh, he reorders them. He does not out of love. I do not fuck. That's not, but I do. Actually, I kind of do both.
Starting point is 01:33:51 See, it's to be perfectly honest. We were both wrong. I kind of do both. Um, the first one I put up definitely was the one I was the most excited for. I know it and it's not the one you're thinking. I also don't know that because there's two games that are very woolly that got announced five hours ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:13 But the one that I'm the most excited about. Okay. What is it though? It's called project judge. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I didn't.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Interesting. Binary domain didn't do it. Yakuza didn't do it, but now Yakuza did it, but I just never got around to it. Yeah. But Kewami one is the place. Yakuza is the place where I was the most excited about it. Yeah. But Kewami one is the place.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Yakuza is super cool. Yeah. I just never did. But what about this shit? This looks really good. Do you like Yakuza and Phoenix, right? This looks really, really good. Project judge for the PS4, as has been announced.
Starting point is 01:34:52 I think it's called Judge Eyes. I saw that too. Judge Eyes, Shinigami, no, you, you, you, you were gone? Yeah. You were gone. I bet that means like a judge. Yeah. Well, no, because it's not Gagotoku, but.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Yeah, you know what I mean. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the demo is available now. So this, this game appears to be basically going the Onamusha route of like hiring real actors and putting them in the, in the starting role. I should mention that Yakuza also does that. Oh, that's a real person? No, Kiryu is not a real person.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Almost everybody else is a real person to the point where Matt, do you remember the dickhead cop that was the antagonist and for the detective? And then you went and saw the raid two and he was one of the bosses that he was Yakuza. Okay. Well, then it's in that case that it is more Onimusha in the sense that they're still smart enough not to have the main protagonist. Yeah. Those are all creative characters, but yes, that's how they, that's how this has the trademark
Starting point is 01:35:57 Yakuza face. So the way this game was announced is really fun because it's interesting because there's a story trailer which you watch to get a sense of like what the drama is going to be like and how you are a detective ex lawyer and, you know, like a detective with a detective with a law degree. Interesting. Okay. And, you know, it kind of sets up like the types of like murder cases you're going to
Starting point is 01:36:22 be investigating and what, and whatnot. Interesting. The drama play out with, you know, very Yakuza style visual. Honestly, if you showed me this and didn't tell me the title, I might, I would have just told you it's a fucking Yakuza. Yeah. Yeah. Like I can say I'm Asian.
Starting point is 01:36:38 It's the same look. I can see the models and I can, I see the way the camera is positioned. Yeah. And I feel it emanating off the screen. Not unlike the energy. Look at that. Fuck. They're not unlike the energy.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Yeah. Yeah. So we're playing the story trailer right now. Uh, that's, that's kind of showing off the setup in the setting. However, it's immediately followed by a second video. There's a five minute story trailer and there's a second video. That's just the gameplay trailer and boy, oh boy, could it not be more radically different. Totally different in terms of like what they're showing off because you just got a very serious
Starting point is 01:37:15 tragic tale that was introduced in the, in the story trailer about a murder of a client that I guess he just got off the hook. Yeah. Right. And then you're like, oh no. And you're kind of figuring out, okay, where's the story going to go from here. And then the gameplay trailer starts off with the introduction of tailing. Then it eventually moves on to the chase mechanic.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Okay. No way. I think this is actually taking place in Camerocha. Yes, it is. Did you watch these trailers? No, I did not. Yeah. Oh, it's literally Yakuza spinoff.
Starting point is 01:37:47 They, they said it's, it's in Camerocha. Oh, okay. Well then. Yeah. Sorry. I thought, I thought you saw these. Okay. So it introduces the tailing mechanic, right?
Starting point is 01:37:57 Um, and then it eventually gets to the combat where you're just fucking. It's just fun. I know that exact intersection energy, fucking pawn shop energy aura is like blazing up full on, uh, Yakuza style again. And you're like, I thought this was going to be Phoenix writing crime scenes and stuff. And it's like, oh yeah, you are, you do investigate crime scenes, but you got to take some names. But sometimes you got to kick some ass. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Right. Have you seen the way they direct Yakuza trailers? They direct them like Japanese crime films, like serious, slow, quiet shots, but then it goes. All right. Now investigation mode, you have different costumes. You're going to have to hide. They're including literally just becoming Dracula.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Um, it shows you sneaking around in buildings and like you're taking, uh, um, evidence shots and lockpicking and like you're catching people in compromising positions, excuse me. You know, uh, like it's super and it starts, it starts basically losing the plot and getting super goofy. You're, you're spying on a guy and getting torture act by Japanese Lex Luger. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Um, that's a very compromising position. Very, very compromising. Like, like, like what's like some sort of politician and, uh, and exactly it's a compensated dating happening going into taking the pictures. And like, if you get his face in the shot and enter her entering the love hotel, then you get paid way more money for it. Well, yeah. And then you just get to the crazy bonus game modes, including pinball and rocket launchers
Starting point is 01:39:37 and mascot men running away that get chased that again, audio, but I know like grenades and city blowing up and I'm like, what is this game and why is he wearing a virtual goggle doing a kick flip kick off his date board in a Tron world and dragon kicking a man out of a window? What the fuck is this video game? I should point out that all of this, every single thing that you have just straight up yakuza is par for the course. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Yeah. Yeah. It's just one of those things that you don't get via osmosis, but then somebody sends you a bunch of screenshots of, of Kiryu hanging out with Doc Brown in the VR universe. This shit is incredible. There's one shot at the beginning of the trailer, the gameplay trailer. It's really cool as well where I like, it's this, it's introducing the tailing mechanic and it's like the guy that you're supposed to tail, like look at, look at your eyes,
Starting point is 01:40:36 right? The way the eyes slightly turned to look at you as the guy walks by and then you start to tailing thing. It's very, very stylish. This fucking game project judge, man. This looks like, I can't, I can't emphasize this is what the franchise is. This is what it has always been. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:40:53 It's just the detective angle is, is like bringing it closer to your eyes because you could play this game right now. Yes. It's just called Yakuza. Yes. Always, always was always interested. Super cool. There's a, this is, this game looks fucking dope.
Starting point is 01:41:09 I saw some screenshots, maybe it's in the story trailer of like you're talking to a witness behind glass, like, or a criminal behind glass. So that made me just think like, oh, it's like Phoenix Ray. Like you're a lawyer. He does the Phoenix Wright point in the trailer. Yeah. Yeah. I saw that.
Starting point is 01:41:24 You know, there's a moment where they just straight up let your character, let's your character out. There's certainly a component of figuring out who's doing the crimes. I wonder if this is going to deal with the Japanese law system being massively fucked in terms of convictions, because this is the exactly the type of like when it gets serious that it could actually deal with like, Hey, my brother went to trial and he got convicted because everyone gets convicted, getting caught means you're guilty. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:54 Yeah. Or if you catch the wrong person or something like that, well, there's a term that I read about. It was, uh, what is it? It's the, the culture of saving face. Yeah. Right. So yeah, like conviction rates are absurd.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Conviction rates in Japan, I believe are 99% or something similar. Um, but like, yeah, it's painfully obvious looking at the always get their man. It's painfully obvious looking at the character faces that like, uh, yeah, these are super modeled after real people. Oh, absolutely. You know, so, um, yeah, it's also nice that they just straight out out of the gate said it's coming to the West. They're say it's coming to the West or it's never coming to the West that don't say not
Starting point is 01:42:32 anything. Uh, the era of these game of this team's games not coming out here is super over. Yeah. No, I just mean how like fist of the North Star wasn't announced for like a year. I imagine that was more about the licensing with fist of the North Star. So there's, there's project judge. Yeah, looks cool. Or judge eyes, whichever you prefer, judge, those are both really dumb names.
Starting point is 01:43:01 Judge eyes works for me. Project judge is never the final name for anything. No, no. Western working title is what it says, but the eyes of judgment. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, that is already taken.
Starting point is 01:43:13 We're, we're in that Sony card game. Where do you guys want to go from here? Which way? I want to go to Samurai show. Okay. I want to show down. Let's go to the other working titles. If you want to talk about Western names, Samurai spirits.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Actually, but the, the Twitter account for SNK said Samurai showdown is coming. Did they have, was the W missing again? Yes, it was. Damn straight. So I think they're just like, it's going to be, you know, the same called Samurai spirits in Japan. So a teaser trailer, which is just a regular trailer actually for not a teaser Samurai spirits came out.
Starting point is 01:43:48 So the, the SNK website we were talking about last week, uh, the reveal has, has, you know, the countdown timer like finished up and, uh, it opens with what is essentially a brand new street fighter for KOF 14 esque Samurai showdown game and is 3D, but in 2.5 D. It is. It does not continue the Samurai showdown, send franchise, they decided to walk away from this is literally the best I could hope for. Absolutely. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Completely. They put models from the Pachinko games and they put them in a fighting game and put a nice filter on it, just called it a day. Good. Backgrounds. So we got to see, uh, how, how, Maru, we got to see, uh, Nakaruru, Galford, Earthquake, Galford and Poppy, Jubei, Jubei as well. So there's blood full on cast of, uh, classics so far, the, uh, the big slashes have great
Starting point is 01:44:48 cool, huge hits. Massive. You landed that heavy slash, nothing more satisfying in all of this Samurai showdown or CVS two than landing that close slash. This looks very much street fighter for, for same show. It does. It looks more like street fighter four than KOF. Yes.
Starting point is 01:45:06 And, uh, I am, uh, cautiously optimistic because it looks great. I mean, again, the fact that we're looking at, um, you know, 3D fighters on a 2D plane is a really good sign because, uh, Samurai showdown send, you know, like it wasn't just like that it was bad, but it was the, the, it was bad, but I mean, like the, the decision to make it 3D and add the side stuff, it's like you added nothing and you, you ignored the core of what made Samurai showdown good and you added nothing with the 3D fighting on a 2D plane because Soul Calibur already pretty much had it down on a 3D plane. Well, you're going to compete with Soul Calibur, the other game that crashed.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Now the thing is too, is that it didn't like, so Samurai showdown can work in 3D, but no, but none of the 3D games have nailed it. You know? These backgrounds are really interesting because they're realistic in the, not realistic rather, they're in the same style as the characters. They have the same filters, but they have more, but they look like woodblock paintings almost like prints. Like there's a quality to them that looks very illustration.
Starting point is 01:46:08 There's a, yeah, it looks like it's, it's, uh, uh, an illustrated, but also realistic like depiction of the background. It's hard to explain, but it's very, it's like there's a woodblock filter on the whole game. On the world around them. But the further the, the can, the further you are from the camera, the more the filter affects it. So things in the way background are, are like woodblock for sure.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Yeah. Yeah. Just that, like that, like the watercolor brush stroke that kind of looks like a tree's shape in the distance. Yeah. Um, as you get closer and closer, it becomes a little more readable or more interesting. See Nakoru with the blood splurred everywhere. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:46:46 And then she just says, I'm sorry. Yeah. Well, clearly Nakoru has the troubles. You know who looks fucking great in this trailer? Fucking Earthquake. Uh, Earthquake looks great. So there's a, there's a shot where, uh, how Maru is clashing swords with Jubei and, uh, how Maru's face is super red, which makes, he has pow.
Starting point is 01:47:08 So I'm wondering if it's the pow mechanic or if it's that Jubei drinking thing where he, or where he takes a swig of his, how Maru takes a swig, Jubei has, it takes a swig. I'm wondering if he can buff himself by taking a swig. I'm wondering cause it's really like how Maru looks drunk. Yeah. I don't know what, what's up with that? Um, Galford's there. He's got his, Galford is another Terry Bogart.
Starting point is 01:47:31 If you really like, listen to the way he's like, scram, just you and me, let's go puppy. Like he's really ingress with it and he's got, he's great. He's got his Azuna drop and he's got his dog and Mama has there and it all looks fucking cool. Yeah. Man. Samurai spirits. I would not.
Starting point is 01:47:51 And you know what? It's just called Samurai spirits. So Samurai showdown. It's just the reboot name. You know, it is what it is. I wish that spirits was misspelled. It would be nice if it was called Samurai spritz. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:04 Yeah. Now actually sequentially, wouldn't this be called six? Uh, yeah. If we're skipping cause you go five and then you go, well, no, but, but, five special and then there's five special, but no, no, no. Cause there was the anthology six is technically actually called six. No, but like it basically could be that right. So the one, so there was a version that could be called six in the sense that it brought
Starting point is 01:48:28 out all the characters. And just calling your game the same name that you called your other game. So actually be pretty ridiculous to officially call the Samurai showdown seven. This could have been a Samurai showdown seven. Yeah. I mean, it's a brand new reboot after years. So I would have, I could have gone for a subtitle or Samurai showdown three, Samurai showdown three blades of blood.
Starting point is 01:48:51 Wow. I don't know. But the game was not because they didn't figure it out yet. Three was like, I was like a bad, it was like a low point. Three was a bad version of four. Yeah. Exactly. You know, cool.
Starting point is 01:49:04 Amox's revenge. Some good stuff camera. That's TGS. That's a winner's really. Yeah. I'm hoping someone gets cut in half. Yeah. I don't see that.
Starting point is 01:49:17 What I see as a solution to the, because they don't, they, they cut away from every time they would have that effect in this trailer. And I think the trailer though. Yeah. No, but I think for some characters like Nakaruru, you notice that you can't see the character she's stabbing. Yeah. For her, that's what it's going to be.
Starting point is 01:49:36 Could be. For other, for how Maru, I bet they're going to have a huge slash effect. And then the whole fucking screen will turn black and white. Yeah. And then the, the 2D thing will fall over and then you'll see blood spray out. Stylishly. Well, so that you don't cut in a 3D model in half. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:54 We don't have the, the, the details of the game in sense of like, we can't see a rating on it. Uh, so it probably has not yet been rated, but like, yeah, it could be, they could go though the full on fucking see people get cut in half route of the earlier games or they could go for a more modern, not get a, a rating that I would like to them to split the different Sero Zed or would be Sero Zed, but it'd be like whatever it is before I like them to split the difference. Uh, so that's that, so that it, we've got something that yeah, let's go the mat route
Starting point is 01:50:34 with this, but it's really the mat and wooly route because you must have caught this announcement. Oh no. There's a new game coming out. I mean, it's the return of Brandon heat in gun grave gore. Yeah, I saw a bit of, a bit of this, so they announced a new gun grave game a while ago and we brought up the fact that they announced a new gun grave game, but the name has just been announced and it's called fucking gun grave. G O R E stands for, uh, I don't.
Starting point is 01:51:06 And the tape, the trailer does not say what it stands for, but brandon hito and Harry McDougal are going to be gunslinger of resurrection. That's what it stands for. Nevermind. It's the first thing in the trailer when you click play. I didn't, I didn't piece that together. I just read those words and assumed they just were like, yeah, so there he is night. Yes.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Yeah. So this is Yashiro Nightau. Uh, of course, and, uh, this, this trailer, it isn't show off a lot, but it introduces Brandon heat and the same, you know, uh, what do it? And it looks like he's wearing his, um, gun grave one outfit minus the hat. Yeah. Cause in two, he has a bit of a different, oh, excuse me. BEYONDOS AGRAVE.
Starting point is 01:52:00 Not Brandon heat, uh, still no explanation for why he's dressed the way he is and has that outfit. It's the thing about the story that makes the least amount of sense, but fuck it. I was a mobster. I came back as a cowboy. Shut up. But it's called gun grave gore. I have nothing else.
Starting point is 01:52:19 I have nothing else. 2019 winter. Fuck it. You see when he does the fucking, he goes into his shooting mode and then he starts jumping around and he, he has the whole, uh, uh, like wild murder mechanic or whatever. And it's like Brandon was never that kind of guy. When he was a sweeper, he was just a normal, quiet. He liked flowers and then you turn him into, it's so stupid.
Starting point is 01:52:44 It's great. It's like in the game or via DLC, we could have like the night tau universe and have gazelle in there and just maybe even a bash. Even though they're on another planet across the galaxy, find a way to make it work. We never got our game based on planet gun smoke. Like that got announced and then immediately canceled immediately. But yeah, the funniest thing, like the thing I love the most about fucking Brandon heat and gun grave in general is the fact that like he is just being, he like someone that
Starting point is 01:53:15 the, like he, when he died and came back, he basically has the, the scientists cosplay on him and has nothing to do with his personality. He's burning skulls and graves he's dragging around that are chained to his arms have nothing to do with his own sensibilities and style. It's everything that was thrust on him because he's like, you're coming back as a zombie, but you're an extreme edge stylo gun. I might as well. It's sitting right here.
Starting point is 01:53:44 The stuff, put the fucking cowboy hat on idiot. You can't come back to life until you put on the cowboy hat and at the end of the trailer as well, a voice kicks in and says a couple of things in Japanese and it's the voice of Kugashira Bunji. So there might be an implication that Bunji is back. Okay. Maybe. Anyway, that's winter 2019.
Starting point is 01:54:10 Gun grave gore. Guns over his hair. Oh, wow. Uh, zombie cowboy gunman, not even really. That's what I know about that. Well, that's all I see. Right. Thank you, mighty mouse.
Starting point is 01:54:23 I don't know. I yawn and I get weird voices and I figure I'll roll into it. Uh, I think it slaps. I liked this announcement a lot. Space Channel five at attack on dancing show debut trailer space channel five continues to not die. The VR experience is being is announced, uh, coming in 2019. And yeah, it's exactly what you'd expect.
Starting point is 01:54:49 It's space channel five plus VR. Space. Basically just, um, got, um, res VR. Sure. And re-upping this is absolutely a franchise that works in VR like fuck it, bring it back. Love space panel. Channel five. Super fun.
Starting point is 01:55:07 Super dope. Michael Jackson was in the first one. Space. Final. Chive. Yeah, man. Good for good for cooking. Uh, if you've never played it, you should do it.
Starting point is 01:55:17 The last level of that game has one of the most awesome, uh, light motif bring backs in all of video games. You want to talk about establishing a theme and then making it strong at the end. The end of space channel five is the shit. It's so fucking cool. Also, when Michael Jackson joins your party, the way you walk in this game is you take, you rescue people and they join like your little triangle as you're doing a kind of, um, uh, um, God, what's the fucking, what's the, what's the musical, um, what they, what
Starting point is 01:55:54 the fucking gangs, uh, uh, uh, West Side Story. You're walking in a West Side Story triangle formation and, uh, and everyone's following your moves, you know, so you're, you're, you kind of lead the pack and they, and they match your style. And when you get MJ in MJ is not in the front, but he still takes over because everyone's doing the, the Michael Jackson walk, you know, and like doing all his moves and slipping and sliding around the place. And it's fucking great.
Starting point is 01:56:19 I love space channel five. Uh, so that was announced and let me know when you're done with the TGS stuff because I, uh, I just found some breaking news. Go for it. Uh, so, uh, I don't know how to credit this to you when I sent it to you because it's from a Belgian newspaper website, but I do have the Google translate, which is basically, uh, EA told Belgium to go fuck themselves in their gambling commission and refused to stop selling loot boxes in FIFA.
Starting point is 01:56:47 So this, uh, uh, back it up to the original Belgium commission has said, Hey, loot boxes are totally gambling. So you have to fall under gambling commission laws and regulatory purchases, which includes you can't sell gambling to kids, right? And various other things, uh, to K currently is in the process of telling people to beg people, pay, beg their government for loot boxes. Please, please, please beg, beg, beg. EA has taken the opposite stance, which is telling the sovereign government of a country
Starting point is 01:57:21 to go fuck itself. Uh, this is the latest gym position, I believe. Yeah. Uh, and going, nah, fuck it. We're going to keep selling them, which is now leading to the, uh, Belgian public prosecutor's office is now, uh, taking a, uh, criminal investigation into EA with a possible, uh, end result of the nation suing the company. Oh wow.
Starting point is 01:57:50 So EA really feels like they need to ruin it for everyone, it seems, because I'm not an expert on EU law, but from what I can tell with the consumer advocacy stuff that they've done over there, when, uh, what, like, when France or something does a law against this, most of the EU just integrates it into EU law, which means EA could be pushing essentially for loot boxes and everything similar to just get banned from Europe entirely. Now I remember when I first heard about Belgium making this and then it was followed by Blizzard going, so yeah, we pulled them out of the over. Overwatch's Belgian version is going to not have them in the end.
Starting point is 01:58:32 That's the end of that. And 2k also flipped the switch, but then went, please, please, please ask you, ask them to put them back in, please on Twitter in like the most pathetic fucking thing I've ever seen. And go bathroom. It was very sad. And EA goes, fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:58:48 You, you can't touch our FIFA's. You come out. No one gives two sheets for a loot box. This is so weird that they would ask you to contact your local Belgian politician. I don't think it works like that in Belgium. Did someone not inform that that's not the case? I think that works out here and I think it works down in the States, but I don't think it works like that in the EU.
Starting point is 01:59:10 I have a sneaking suspicion. I'm not a super expert on how foreign countries governments work, but this seems like, I don't know, the gambling commission that got elected said fuck that. It's really, it's interesting because like every country is going to have its own rulings on this and like massive corporations that are gaming corporations that have to like put out tons of games that have that run on this, but like loot box economy have to adapt. And so like, I remember that the Chinese way was interesting because it was like, okay, you can have them.
Starting point is 01:59:45 But you have to disclose the odds. You have to disclose the odds. Exactly. And, and you know what the solution of that was? Do you remember how they actually handled it? Didn't they just have the, it wasn't like on a website or something like that? Well, I forget. We did the story.
Starting point is 01:59:57 I forget what the results were. One is they did in fact disclose the odds on a public website available for everyone. Yes, that's what that happens. They also juiced the odds for those customers so that they wouldn't reflect the odds everywhere else in the world. So that the real odds that everyone else uses are actually not disclosed. Okay, okay, okay. Got it.
Starting point is 02:00:17 Yeah. I remember that story. And I remember when people were talking about like, oh, can we use this as a barometer for what we're getting? And then I guess the result was no, they changed the numbers pre-publicized. So I'm having people send me stuff and say that real real gambling with money in video games in the EU is already banned. Yes.
Starting point is 02:00:38 So if they lose this, they will have essentially killed loot boxes in all of Europe instead of just taking them out of one small country. I mean, the idea of contact your local politician and ask them to put gambling back in the game is sounds a little desperate. So here's Jim put up a video about this like two hours ago, Jim Sterling, you should go check it out. Jim does great work and he does great work, particularly early talking about these things. The idea that 2k appears to be banking on is that these games, if you can't skip past
Starting point is 02:01:13 the grind are terrible. But because they're FIFA and football and all that shit, that players who are used to paying the 200 bucks to skip all the bullshit will complain because the games are now shit. Instead of going, hey, why'd you make the game shit? So they can pass it off as a quality issue? 2k thinks that instead of people getting mad at them for making a shitty game that you need to buy your way into it being good, people are instead going to get mad at their local gambling commission for stopping.
Starting point is 02:01:53 I got to watch that Jim position. The statement by Jim goes into it over and over and it's like the statement by 2k is like some people don't have time for the grind and Jim rightly points out that that grind is something that 2k created to sell loot boxes. This is super pathetic. I think the original statement by 2k before they begged was that we disagree with the Belgian gambling commission's interpretation of Belgian law, which is saying, you know that law you guys made?
Starting point is 02:02:26 We don't think you know what you're doing when you made it, which is really fucking high and mighty for where is fucking 2k even based? I would assume. For fuck's sake, when China said no skeletons, nobody fucking wagged their finger at China, they just took their skeletons out. It doesn't mean much, but it's kind of funny to see that alongside the statement, it has to include the terminology used in the game, so it's describing how they had to make changes to my team mode and the my team pack purchases and things like that.
Starting point is 02:03:07 EA's current legal argument is that it can't be gambling because you know the amount of items you will receive. I mean, look, I guess at the end of the day when this ends up being like a story of the past and like all versions of this kind of, well, no, they're never going to really go away, but like, you know, the whole thing we talked about where it's like you create an egregious number and then you expect outrage and then you dial it down and that's what you actually wanted the first one and so on and so forth. Is there a way to do that with the governments of different countries?
Starting point is 02:03:45 The way the governments of different countries work is you cross the line and they slap your shit. So then what ends up happening is these games lose the revenue stream they expected and design the game around and then are forced to I guess scrabble to figure out another way to make that. There's an interview that Jim goes over in his latest video in which it describes that you know, loot boxes are just an unfortunate, unfortunate reality of video games nowadays. Every game out there has some kind of virtual currency and it's like, wait, fucking what?
Starting point is 02:04:14 No, that is, that is not true at all. It's all bullshit. It's all crap. Go watch Jim's video. It'll explain it better than we can. But yes, 2K in the air, completely fucking full of shit. Blizzard at least knows it's full of shit and just goes, ah, you caught us. And Ubisoft at least like in the case of like For Honor was like they pulled those prices
Starting point is 02:04:35 back on like the amount of ridiculous. Yeah. Well, it happens to them quite often. They do the thing and then everyone freaks out in Siege and they fix it and then they do the thing in For Honor. The call out. The call out. You know.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Yeah. That's, that's, that's a. It's fascinating because like in them trying to explain like what you pointed out here with this statement, the 2K statement in trying to explain why it's not scummy is like the scummiest thing I've read all week. It's dripping with fucking slime. The gambling thing like in the loot box thing like that's not going to die quietly. It's not going to go gentle into that good night, you know.
Starting point is 02:05:13 It is going to rage and cry and scream and blubber against the dying of the light. I'm actually very. I'm actually very interested in seeing how this, how this plays out down in the U.S. Yeah, maybe because the U.S. or Southern neighbors have all sorts of goofy fucking gambling laws that vary state to state. So are there states in which you can only open loot boxes if you're on a body of water? Everything's legal out there, right? Are there states in which you can't open a loot box on a Sunday?
Starting point is 02:05:46 All right. So we would like to introduce the new 2K floating barge office. Yeah. Yeah. We are now. It goes down to Mississippi for all your loot box and needs. We are somewhere on the Atlantic. We won't disclose where.
Starting point is 02:06:06 And we have the hottest my team pack. They're banned in certain countries. You have to come over to where we are and use our Wi-Fi to download the newest my team's 2K sea land off the coast of fucking the UK, running out of a barge server. It's like that fucking gambling criminal island in X-Men that Wolverine always goes to Madropour or something. Like just straight up fucking using Bitcoin and Silk Road transactions to buy your my team purchase packs.
Starting point is 02:06:50 But it's like the worst part of all. For a fucking basketball game. It's the weird condescension that comes off. It's like, look, we're giving you, look, we're allowing you to skip the thing that we made for you to skip. Look, look how kind we are. It's like, like, Matt, you've been playing a bunch of Spider-Man. You know what's really refreshing about Spider-Man?
Starting point is 02:07:13 None of this. Not even a one. Now they did announce DLC for the game before the games out, but I mean, that's standard practice. Yeah. But it's like, it's like missions. Like you don't feel the upgrade tree being weird and bloated or I think it's like if you if you digitally or whatever you pre-order the game, you're going to get the season pass
Starting point is 02:07:33 of the city never sleeps DLCs, which is three separate like campaigns. And I'm like, that's fine. That's cool. Yeah. People are still not. There's like a certain percentage that are just like, I didn't like that you told me there is DLC. Well, there's going to be DLC for anything, especially anything Sony puts out.
Starting point is 02:07:49 Anything big. Anything big money. Anything large money and large spider money. But like, yeah, it definitely puts a like, like I play battlefield games. I might, I might skip this one though. It doesn't look very good. But and battlefield added the thing, remember back in Call of Duty four, the big thing was like, you level up and you unlock weapons, right?
Starting point is 02:08:10 And then battlefield did that. But then battlefield also sold you the ability to unlock every single weapon of the game. And when they did that, I was like, boy, it fucking takes forever to unlock guns now. Sure does. Wow. Huh. It's almost like they did that to pressure me into just buying all the guns. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:29 Almost. How how courteous. I mean, that's pretty, that's pretty sneaky sis. But then everyone was like, that's not as sneaky as you thought. Yeah, it's like no one's fooled. We're just kind of putting up with it. Kind of noticed it within the second one. I just find it hilarious because like EA with Battlefront got everybody talking about
Starting point is 02:08:49 this. Yeah. And now their refusal might actually cause the shit to get banned because the stupid company can't think farther ahead than the one quarter. Yeah. Yeah. One quarter at a time. Wouldn't it be smarter for EA to maybe scale this back and work in such a way that they
Starting point is 02:09:06 could integrate this into local country's laws rather than forcing the issue and getting shit banned out? When you live by the quarter. Okay. It's only three months. Okay, but what if every three months a gigantic swarm of wasps flew and latched itself onto your head and didn't stop buzzing about investments? I'd define another job.
Starting point is 02:09:32 And then you had to explain to the bees and the wasps and the hornets that you have a new profit margin that's going to work out this quarter. We hope. Look, I mean, it's just a lot of the time, you know, like it's straight up, you've seen the transcripts of calls where they have to explain the situation. Sometimes and surely get the karkin. It's rough, right? People show up and go like, what's happening?
Starting point is 02:10:03 Why isn't the money I invested in this video game company returning back to me in fort night numbers? You should make a fortnight. Oh, is that just for me a matter to remember what the fucker left? Surely you'll get the karkin. Yes. The karkin comes up like once a month. It gets me every time.
Starting point is 02:10:28 Comes up like once a month. You will surely get the karkin. Um, you're super right, I'm just karkining out. Investors, investors asking when we're going to get that fortnight book. Yeah. I don't get it. How come we don't have my grandkids love the fortnight? I have a friend.
Starting point is 02:10:48 Night please. The fortnight's on the phone. Where's the fortnight? We did. We don't own fortnight. Okay. So why are all the nerds on the newspapers complaining about your fortnight? Because we're the best.
Starting point is 02:11:01 They're the greatest. People talk shit about the best fortnight. Um, to the point that even Japan is like, yo, where's the fortnight at? Maybe tell me tonight. It's like, where's the fortnight? Maybe we can get it on the fortnight at the shoot. I'm not going to the shoot if there's not a fortnight. Can I have some fortnight please?
Starting point is 02:11:20 So, uh, Japan, Japan announced, you can do it, you can do it. Japan went and announced the fortnight. Japanese developer NetEase, also owned by China, uh, announces knives out. Yeah. I saw this headline. Free to play battle royale game knives out coming to PlayStation 4 in spring 2019. Where's my fortnight? Any questions?
Starting point is 02:11:44 It's a fortnight. It's a battle royale game. No. Hold on. Let's, let's break it down here. It's literally a battle royale. Let's read the description. Knives out is a battle royale style game where a hundred players drop down onto the battlefield
Starting point is 02:11:56 and defeat enemies while escaping from a poisonous gas area with the goal of being the last player standing. It first launched for smartphones in November 2017 and has been downloaded over two hundred and fifty million times. Okay. See, that's the actual important part is that it's an existing thing that is already popular. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Thus giving it a way larger chance than almost everyone else's fortnight right out the gate. I've heard of it. By the way, did you see Call of Duty and Battlefield out like unveil their fortnights? No. Battlefields looks fucking awful. Like real bad. Is it? It's 64 people only and it's only in four man squads.
Starting point is 02:12:34 Well, hey, the bullet points for knives out say a hundred enter but only one emerges. I like that. Explore the islands. You should make a game based office. They really should. They should make a book and then a manga and then a movie. Yeah. Then a manga.
Starting point is 02:12:49 And look, this one has a solo mode, a duo mode and a squad mode. How interesting. There should be an animatrix based on this. So a while ago, six different stories about Battle Royales. We talked about, you probably don't remember because the name is not super memorable, but the game was called Left Alive. I do remember the name. I don't remember when we talked about it, but this is a popped up once or twice in that
Starting point is 02:13:14 this exists. A new trailer. Yogi and that Yogi Shinkawa Metal Gear fame has done some design. Yogi that boy Shinkawa is working alongside your armored core director and the mech designer from Ghost in the Shell Arise, Gundam 00, and so on and so forth. And also, there was another name in the trailer. But anyway, this is the thing we looked at where it's a war game with armored core happening around.
Starting point is 02:13:52 Wait, is it armored core? It's not armored core. Is it in the armored core universe? But there's mech designs that definitely. I thought it was front mission. No, I don't. Was it based on, was it in the front mission world? I don't.
Starting point is 02:14:05 I don't. I believe they are bonzers. If I remember correctly, unless I'm crazy or crazy talking. Is it made by Square Enix? It's a brand new survival action shooter coming to Wartor, Nova Slava. Left Alive tells a human story of survival. It is the front mission universe. Yes.
Starting point is 02:14:23 Yes. Because I remember that's what disappointed me about. That's a bonzer. Yes. Yes. I love it when humanity doesn't learn from its mistakes. So this takes place in the front mission universe. Yeah, those are bonzers.
Starting point is 02:14:33 And you were bummed out because. It's not a front mission. Right. It's a strategy RPG front mission. It's a side story. It's a spin off. Could the last mission be a front mission tactical RPG mission, please? No.
Starting point is 02:14:48 It could. The camera could just zoom out. Please enjoy Left Alive. I mean, I'm sure this game will be very cool, but like it's one of those things where it's like, I trust Yoji. Well, it means just to make cool art and yeah, we already saw the cool art. It's really cool. Shinji Hashimoto, there we go.
Starting point is 02:15:09 The director is Toshifumi Neveshima. Yeah. Armored Core. So yeah, man, that's a lineup. If they come out here and say, if this sells well, maybe we'll think about Armored Core. Sorry, front mission. I'm going to fucking puke. They're not going to say that.
Starting point is 02:15:27 At least they'll have the decency not to say that. Capcom says that. No one else says that. No one else does that. No. Namco says that. Namco does that. I guess.
Starting point is 02:15:38 If you want Kiryu and Majima, maybe you could buy Negan. We were surprised by the, yeah. I was thinking, I didn't do it, but I was thinking about like. I didn't do it, but I thought about it because there was an article that was along the lines of like, we're not currently researching how much of our fan base would be interested with the Yakuza franchise. There was something along, it was a sentence that was kind of like, we're researching that. And I was kind of just like, why don't we just have a fucking like hashtag and a hold
Starting point is 02:16:17 up your Tekken and Yakuza game photo and go, hey, Harada. They're aware. Interest. That's a thing. This is interest right here. They already know. You know. He was the number one.
Starting point is 02:16:30 I know, but I just mean like, but then it's like, it's a Twitter swarm effectively and it would probably be annoying, but. Don't ask me for shit. Exactly. That's a great t-shirt. But no, the phrasing of that sentence in particular, though, made me kind of laugh because it's like, they're researching it is what's happening, but they already know huge, but like we said, it's totally plausible.
Starting point is 02:16:48 I mean, it's totally of everyone. They had that fucking street fighter poll of what characters do you want in for and every character on that fucking poll ended up being in the game. I reiterate from last time, what if Harada just doesn't care about Yakuza? That's totally plausible. That's the case. And that's what happened. I don't like any of these Yakuza nerds.
Starting point is 02:17:12 I don't like them, said Harada. It's his game. As he spat his sunglasses out on the floor, Psygames announces project awakening. This looks really interesting. It sure does. Who are Psygames? Psygames are the people that made Psygames. So they make a bunch of mobile games.
Starting point is 02:17:33 They also sponsor Daigo and they do a bunch of mobile games. They sponsor Daigo and they have made very few console games, but one of those includes Zone of the Enders Mars. Okay. So they're currently known as the Zone of the Enders Mars people because they put out a little trailer of a guy, Dragon's Dogming, a big dog monster, and it looks really good. Okay. So my brain saw it as like Soul's monster-huntering, but is that what Dragon's Dog was doing?
Starting point is 02:18:07 Yeah. The cross that you just described is please look straight at us. Great. Okay. I felt it. I felt it. I didn't realize there was a more accurate way to describe it because yes, it's dogming. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:18 Got it. Got it. Very pretty visually, you know, the guy. But like, while I was kind of like, is this in-game or is this rendered? This is in-game. Hello. And when the fight starts, it looks like it's in-game. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:32 So look at your future next-gen product that is being unveiled now. That's how I feel when I look at this trailer. What we're seeing is Nightman with face exposed fighting a large dragon that has no wings. It's a... Like a dinosaur. Oh, that wasn't in-game. This is in-game. Okay.
Starting point is 02:18:50 But it's still very visually impressive. And yeah, he's just doing, like I said, the thing I didn't know how to label, but I guess it's dogma-ing. Yeah. There's a cool smack where he gets hit against the wall there that looks pretty hell. He bounces off the wall. It's very like, yeah, that's what would happen if you got hit by a giant fucking thing. And then, after fighting this...
Starting point is 02:19:10 Dogmaster. Dragon. This dragon dog for a while. This dragon's dra... Dogma. Yeah, this dragon's dog. Nailing it. Ma.
Starting point is 02:19:20 Nailing it. It then goes back to some fantasy bullshit. And he looks up at the sky, and then the silhouette of giants with horns. Big fucking giants. Arriving as an army is seen in the distance, and then the logo cuts in. So this could be something interesting. But yes, that's what PSYGames is known for. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:44 PSYGames is known for the thing that we're talking about right now, essentially. Endzone of the Ender's Marsh. This comes out, and it's cool. And well, let me pull it up, because when you look at their list, it's very brief in the console world. Granblue Fantasy is the other one. What's Granblue Fantasy? That's the thing that Platinum is making of a Platinum game.
Starting point is 02:20:09 Oh, the key IPs include Rage of Balmant. So all right, all these mobile stuffs. Oh, Tiger and Bunny. Oh, wow. Granblue Fantasy, the big mobile game franchise, which is getting adapted into a Platinum game. And then Shadowverse. Yeah, Shadowverse is getting huge push. I'm seeing a lot of idle games in here.
Starting point is 02:20:31 Shadowverse is big. They were like way all over Dreamhack. And Dragalia Lost, which is the Nintendo's new mobile thing that they're about to release. FYI, we only covered it briefly, but the Lost Order, Granblue Fantasy Lost Order footage, it's like, yeah, that's a Platinum happening. There's some cool stuff there. But anyway. That's a Platinum.
Starting point is 02:20:55 But in console... Wait, Odin Crown? What the fuck is that? Not Sphere. Okay, all right. That's not at all George Camitami. Darn. But anyway, so yes.
Starting point is 02:21:06 What's Aegis? Console-wise, you got Wondership Q, Idolmaster, Zodavander's Mars, Granblue Fantasy, Project Relinked, and this new thing. So yeah, they made enough money off of that mobile to start making PS4 games. That's what's up. Also, got to try that, I picked up Zone of the Enders, I didn't get to pop in the VR mode yet. That's proper out now, right?
Starting point is 02:21:30 But yeah, it's proper out now. And I was hearing some interesting things about how it actually works really well. But there's one thing about it where, you know the grab and spin? Oh boy. That doesn't... Oh boy. There's no spin. I can't imagine.
Starting point is 02:21:44 Oh no, because you can't. Damn it, the spin was so cool and useful, because you would use it as an ongoing, like, hit shield, you know, as you... You want to kill the children? Yeah, sure. But you could also see your Jehuti in the corner to know where you are at all times. But anyway, so that's happening. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:22:02 There was an announcement for Dead or Alive 6. Coming out. February. 15th. Alongside the most matte character of all time. I can buy this. And buy this for my mom's birthday, she'll be really excited. You should.
Starting point is 02:22:18 You literally should. Yeah, so that's coming out February 15th. Oh, I didn't notice that, that if you pre-order you get a Neo Tengu, who's a really cool character. Yes, and? She's the best character. And I also think there's a, what should we call it? The clone of Kazumi? Ayane.
Starting point is 02:22:35 Alpha. Project Alpha... Alpha 152. Alpha... There you are. No, it wasn't that. Oh god. Ayane's not a clone.
Starting point is 02:22:43 But sure. It's just her. Anyway. Project Cronus. Code Cronus. It's coming. Um, and what was your boy's name again? The guy?
Starting point is 02:22:53 Yeah. Diego. That's the one, right? And it seems like there's some type of cinematic story mode. I hope it's as incomprehensible as the last one. The way it's always been. I hope it's more incomprehensible. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:08 Why does Rigg have glowing red evil eyes? Because he's evil. Because he's Canadian. Oh, okay. Oh, he's not a grappler. Rigg? Yeah. No.
Starting point is 02:23:19 No. He's like, tight-quandos. I was just saying the other day, almost all Canadian fighting game characters are grapplers. Oh yeah. You forgot about Rigg. I forgot about Rigg. I forgot Rigg's Canadian. Which is weird because you're the one who just did this now.
Starting point is 02:23:31 True. True. True. True. Canada. Yeah. We're a country. So, uh, like, I just, I mean, I thought, we talked about it during the EVO cast, but
Starting point is 02:23:41 Matt comes over so excited about a brand new character and like, like my eyes, like I blink and I just see Travis touched out and it's like, well, of course. And I didn't. And I didn't. He didn't even notice that they were baiting you. Uh, anyway, so yeah. I love how Mary Rose is going to fall into a slip and slide. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:00 And then they cut away from it because they don't want to show. They'll show it later to the late night stream. I also like for this trailer specifically, they're like, oh shit, all the fucking drooling nerds, we got to put in their normal costumes from previous games and not have the cool new ones that we designed. Um, well, we've, we've seen what they've decided to do. They've decided to tone down the creep in a dead or alive and tone it up in volleyball. Separate your audience, tone it up to the max.
Starting point is 02:24:34 They're like, let's be honest, the perverts don't care about the fighting game. They just don't care. We're just going to sell them this one and let's crank it up to the maximum. Then we have announcements that no one would have fucking called. Yes. That no one asked for, but here it is. Final fantasy. No one called Crystal Chronicles remastered on Switch and PS4.
Starting point is 02:24:56 I have heard. Wowie. Wow. Kazooie. I've never played this game. And you almost did. I have heard 100% opposing things from everyone I've ever talked to about this game. I've heard this game is amazing.
Starting point is 02:25:11 I've heard this game is the worst and I can't figure out why those are so. Why is a very easy answer? The fun you have is determined by who you're playing with. I see. So if you're playing, so it's the worst that it's, what is the state of humanity? The worst. What's really right? What is the nature of a man?
Starting point is 02:25:32 That is how much fun you will have with this. And basically Crystal Chronicles, we tried to get a, I actually brought all four fucking cross link wires and attempt. I brought over a bunch of game boys. I, we actually sat and almost had this going like some of them are regular GBAs and you couldn't see shit. The here's the problem, right? The amount of effort it takes to get this going, the game is not worth it.
Starting point is 02:26:00 It is not worth that effort. If it were brainless and easy to turn on and do, then perhaps you might have something, but you're holding a fucking GBA connected with these wires. One of your batteries are dying. So the game has to stop and you're plugged into the fucking GameCube and some of your saves are not where you remembered them to be. And it's such a logistical nightmare, especially since it's intended to be played with four players and one person's carrying the, the, the crystal bearer, you know, like, so you're
Starting point is 02:26:31 just GBAing, but you're not really doing much. So one person's job is to not have fun while the other three have fun. Like, that sounds great. Yeah. One person's job to not have fun sounds like a really easy way to get into huge fucking fights. It's incredible. It's incredible.
Starting point is 02:26:51 And you always make your little brother be the crystal bear and then he freaks out. So yeah, and like we played this and I played with different friends, but like one time I was playing with a group that included two people that were like playing it normal and one person that was an asshole. That was like, I'm just going to run ahead and just ruin everything because that's how I play. And it's like, it's a co-op game. If we play cooperatively, like it's, it's the, it's the, um, it was Leroy Jenkins before
Starting point is 02:27:19 Leroy Jenkins. Yeah. It's, you know, about the MMO versions of that. Yes. I'm like listening to you describe it. Yeah. It was a list and just change that into, he ran and attacked the monster without flash bombs and he fainted twice and now we only have one faint.
Starting point is 02:27:34 Exactly. Exactly. He carted out. It's universal. It's, but now you're sitting in the room with the person who did that and you look over at them and go, what the fuck? Yes. Why?
Starting point is 02:27:48 And they got no answer for you. And that's that. And you go, cool, we'll, we'll pick this up next time and then you never pick it up again. I tell you about a friend of mine. Or you run another group and then you just fucking, you just, that, that Facebook group that doesn't exist anymore. I tell you about a buddy of mine who plays games, a buddy of his from high school and
Starting point is 02:28:10 his buddy is just like an absolute mega toxic piece of shit. And so they'll get into League of Legends and the buddy will get fucking banned and go, this game sucks. We should try a new game and my friend goes, no, that's amazing. I'm into League now or, or, or Overwatch or, or, or Hots or whatever the fuck. And it's just like this as soon as I get banned because I'm such an asshole. This game sucks. I didn't like it anyway.
Starting point is 02:28:39 Onto the new game. Oh yeah. That's a great person to be friends with. I know. Right. Fuck the world. What did I do wrong? Ever.
Starting point is 02:28:50 Ever. Um, it's that, it's a, it's a walking version of those forum posts of the Overwatch bannings. Yeah. Just cheat it. What's the big deal? Nobody has time to play these fucking games to get at them anyway, you stupid nerd. It's why you let me cheat. I just tried it once.
Starting point is 02:29:11 What's the fucking big deal? It's, it's why I love scrub coats, Twitter cats so much. Every day there's a gem. Blizzard is going to go out of business anyway. This game sucks. LOL. I got banned. LOL.
Starting point is 02:29:23 Don't you want to do research on whether Blizzard might actually be going under before you say such a ridiculous statement? No, the decision making process that let them cheat in the first place is the same one that's right in this post. It's like, it's the thing that happens to me constantly where you go, how stupid are you going to know the decision that made you land in this place is also determining what you're saying about the situation. Yes.
Starting point is 02:29:54 Yes. You know what I mean? They're hand in hand. So that popped up and then we got my favorite nothing story of the week. In Mega Man 11's demo came out and it's available on the Switch, I haven't had a chance to touch it yet. I, I, you know, I'll jump in for a real quick second. I did have a chance, I've actually forgot to talk about this because you played it.
Starting point is 02:30:24 It didn't make much of an impression on me in all honesty, I played through, I played through the demo and I'm like, maybe it's because I just recently beat like X1 and almost I think X2 not X3 and I beat X4 like, you know, a month ago. Yep. I'm not really into this and I can't even tell you why I was just not into it. But I did notice when I went through a boss store, I'm like, huh, that's different. And then I moved on with my life. Okay.
Starting point is 02:30:52 You all thought Puddlegate was overblown. Okay. Now here's the thing. Here's the thing though. Get ready. Somebody has opinions. He's going to do it. What?
Starting point is 02:31:01 He's going to do it. Will he put it on the dog? Oh, no. I didn't know I brought it up and I didn't know where it was going to go because we haven't talked about this yet. So we all don't know how we all feel about this. Yeah. But I will, all I got to say is that this story is about how in Mega Man 11, when you
Starting point is 02:31:25 jump through a door on a boss door, you the classic Mega Man ways you float and the screen tranches slides to the side and then you fall through the gate. But in this case, you hit the door and then fall to the ground and then you walk through the thing. All leisurely life. And I guess people are going to call it gate gate because the tweet came out from BY2K who was like, how dare you Capcom? Because you just fall to the ground now instead of sliding through and I'm just like, man,
Starting point is 02:31:56 I sure did enjoy that little thing in the old games. It's really not a big deal and it means nothing. But I did like it. And that's that's the end of the thought. So it's not even really a podcast story, but it's because it's hilarious that it's coming that it's become such a because it's such a small thing that no one ever really talks about. But as soon as it's missing a bunch of people went, oh, wait, I like because it's such every
Starting point is 02:32:29 single Mega Man game doesn't exactly. And the thing is, is that you have to think about anyone who's played a Mega Man game sees that and knows what that is, you know? So it would be weird for like the person in the moment of doing this. Maybe there was a bug that they had to get rid of that was like happening if they didn't have the drop occur. Because I've seen this type of thing happen where they put it in place. He freezes in front of the door, right?
Starting point is 02:32:53 So maybe it's like it could have been a bug that had to get fixed or whatever. Who knows? We don't know. Or in a fune, I love this thing. Oh, yeah. So now they're making one of them and they're like, fuck them. But it's like it doesn't like my brain kind of goes like, chances are the people working on this.
Starting point is 02:33:10 Like they think about how those articles where they paid attention to Mega Man's look down to like the inches of height, right? And look about look at all the different Mega Man 11 models they went through and we were looking at them on the podcast even. There were so many subtle changes that they really hemmed and hawed over about making sure they got it right. There's no way they didn't think about this. Yeah, it was thought about for sure.
Starting point is 02:33:36 You know what I'd like? It's like on the final level, you have to get down this tube and the tube's all grimy. It's like a sewer tube. And they're like, no, hey, Mega Man, you have to get in a funnel. And he's like, no, but in a funnel is disgusting and slimy. Yes. I sure hate in a fun new. These Japanese developers will make an English joke.
Starting point is 02:34:03 You never know. You never know. They love puns. It's really simple. I hope that like they put this in the final. They just see this noise being made about the gate gate. Oh, you know what? And then they change it.
Starting point is 02:34:17 You know what? It's an upgrade in the shop. You've got to unlock it. You can use one of your skill points. Yeah, I'll do it. I'd spend it. And if it doesn't end up in the final game, guess what? That's fine.
Starting point is 02:34:29 That's fine. It's fine. It's totally. Don't be that one weird one. Totally fine. But man, oh man. In 35 years, did you know gaming will go? Did you know that in Mega Man 11, the doors don't work the same?
Starting point is 02:34:43 It's the type of thing that comedians write bits about. It's an observational thing that we all know and we all accept. But until you point it out, you go, oh, yeah, it's a nerd Seidenfeld tweet in the making. It really is, right? You get to the end of a Mario, a Mario side scrolling level, and then he runs up to the flag and then he pulls the flag down manually with the with the flagpole string and then runs in the castle. What's up with that?
Starting point is 02:35:07 And you're like, but did Mario just get, I guess the flag went up and it's a sad thing that Mega Man has not evolved in so many years that this thing will rouse. It kept trying to evolve and then people didn't like it. You run past the sonic sign and it floats up into the air and then you try to hit it a second time and then it has no collision bars. In terms of Sonic 2006, that probably happened, right? Are there any others? Probably a lot of them.
Starting point is 02:35:37 You know what I mean? Like, I feel like you're just right on that level, completely worthless, but oh man. This is funny. Also, I feel like GateGate is like also poking fun and for some reason Americans have to name everything. It's so ridiculous. After Watergate. It's been like 60 years.
Starting point is 02:36:01 And it was the end of the world. It's gotta be named something, you know? And you instantly know what it means when someone says, Can't you call something a scandal for once? Just generalize. GateGate's hilarious though. GateGate's great. Yeah, hashtag GateGate.
Starting point is 02:36:22 Only classic games have these, though. I was just, I was trying to grab another classic game and like go like slightly changed. I think I'm a legend, doesn't have it. I don't think ZX has. Final Fantasy Remake comes out and like the fanfare plays and it goes. That would be MusicGate. I don't know. It's plastic.
Starting point is 02:36:45 That's Blast for me. It's just, it's all there. You've put it into perspective because now I remember when I booted up FF13 and Prelude isn't on the fucking main menu and it's not the rolling intro and it's nowhere to be found. I went, wow, this game sucks. Like right out the gate. Play that new Metro game. What?
Starting point is 02:37:16 What are you doing? It's just, it's just a little thing. And the game is amazing. Fuck it. Fuck it. What a piece of shit. Fix it. Oh God.
Starting point is 02:37:30 I enjoy that so much. But it's like in Mega Man games it would change the boss introduction music. Like when they're selected. Like they would be different games. We went from, you know, to the, he destroys Steve Irwin and escaped into the sea chesting. You're gonna be, you're gonna be like fucking dying and have horrible dementia and you're fucking, you're fucking death bed Willie and you're gonna be singing that song. And scaring this shit out of the whole of your relatives.
Starting point is 02:38:13 Oh man. Is this where the treasure is buried? Willie's treasure. Anyway, there's, there's, there's few franchises that like hit this feeling and fucking Mega Man is one of them, you know. Anyway, even when you get a brand new game, you complain. We got, so this one popped up a while ago, but it was just more footage of Jump Force if you want to feel weird. I'm good. Do you guys feel like no?
Starting point is 02:38:45 It looks so bad. If you want to feel weird, we can watch the Statue of Liberty in the background as the Jump Force characters are fighting. And then what appears to I guess possibly be Hunter X Hunter like form spoilers. Apparently this was a change made to appeal to Western audiences only for Western audiences to go because it looks bad. Gone with a giant hair thing sticking out of his head. And then and then Naruto in this crazy form and Frieza and then whatever. And then the Ichigo with a sword I've never seen. And they're fighting in Times Square and they're fighting in the Unreal field.
Starting point is 02:39:35 The Unreal field. The Unreal Kirby Zelda game field. And then that clown Kefka thing. That's the cool thing apparently. And then that's Blackbeard. And then there's the hair again. Wow that. That Hunter X Hunter form looks super cool.
Starting point is 02:39:52 Yeah, it's too bad it's stuck in such a lame show. No, it's super cool. What are you talking about? The really long hair or the closest tight looks awesome. No, I'm saying the form is cool. I'm just sad that it's such a bad show. Look how much hair he's got. He's got many hairs.
Starting point is 02:40:10 Yeah, this game is just strange. And I guess, like I said before, they've made a bunch of these. Battle Stadium D.O.N. not withstanding. So why not just try something? Because nobody made any games where that like when you see Sonic and Kirby running around the way they should look in the Unreal Engine tests. They just decided, you know what? Yeah, we're going to make that actually.
Starting point is 02:40:34 It's fucking weird and hideous looking. It looks like your creepy sex plastic dolls are fighting. We're going to. It's going to be a joke looking back on it as we go forward in time. But gameplay wise. Squeeze them in there. You had a little window. You got it.
Starting point is 02:40:54 Thank you. The gameplay is it's more or less it looks the same as. An anime arena brawler. Kill a kill. Hero Aka. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm. You know, you're doing that thing. So give it props for being called jump force.
Starting point is 02:41:11 I think it's still awesome. Well, for a naming convention that you want it to sound very Western. Yeah. Yes. Thing force with really like NYPD looking font. Yeah, totally. And a Statue of Liberty falling next to a Namekian. Next to Frieza's ship.
Starting point is 02:41:29 Yeah, that's Frieza's ship. Christ. So fucking weird looking. We have a really weird one. Yeah, it better be weirder. Well, because do you see Neo Geoclassics coming back and they're like, you know, Garou, Sen Goku, Metal Slug. You're like, yeah, you know, the ACA collection.
Starting point is 02:41:56 And then they're like, we're bringing back Ninja Commando. And you're like, wait, what? Just like a top down schmup. Ninja Commando is the like Japanese version of Sunset Riders, if you would, where you're a ninja schmup running from top, from bottom to top. You're going, you're going Tate, as they say. Do you remember this game at all? No, no.
Starting point is 02:42:20 Zero. Oh, wow. Okay. I know Ninja Masters, which is a fighting game. You know what? Okay. You probably, here's where you probably seen it. You probably seen it and never touched it.
Starting point is 02:42:29 Scrolling through the Neo Rage X list and seeing a little preview. You would have, you would catch a game where a ninja is running from, is running, and it's like Sunset Riders Camera View. And it's a three, is it three players? I believe, no, it's two players. And you just run up and schmup and you're just blowing shit up with your giant flaming ninja fists and stars. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:54 As you'd want to do. So yeah, that's, that's, that's up and out. I thought, I thought you knew it, but I guess not. It's an obscure pick. It's an obscure Neo Geo pick. Well, they've, they've released some obscure ones. They really have. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 02:43:10 I agree with that. Man, Ninja Warriors. Ninja Warriors. Once again. Ninja Warriors once again. Hold on a second. Let me just pull up Sunset Riders. Sunset Riders is like side scrolling though.
Starting point is 02:43:23 I'm not thinking of Sunset Riders. You're thinking of gun dot smoke. Or maybe, I don't know. I'm so wrong. It's not Sunset Riders at all. Sunset Riders is a side scroller. And I'm thinking of gun smoke. You're, yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:40 Gun dot smoke. Because there's another show called gun smoke. So you put a dot between gun and smoke. I mean, I don't think that's going to affect a YouTube search. Maybe not. Space. It'll snap us. Arcade game.
Starting point is 02:43:53 There you go. Gun smoke is 1,000% what I was thinking. Capcom. Which is also Night Carry Warriors. Yeah. It's a Night Carry Warriors-like. Yeah. That's correct.
Starting point is 02:44:06 Wrong cowboy game. Whoops. My mistake. Anyway. That came back. And lasts. And probably could have been earlier in the podcast. That fucking Dante trailer come out yet?
Starting point is 02:44:20 No. Fuck. Wait, hold on. What did you just mention? There was another thing that wasn't on- Ninja Warriors again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ninja Warriors?
Starting point is 02:44:29 Once again. Once again. Thank you. That's the best. Thank you. Oh man. They're bringing it back. Warrows.
Starting point is 02:44:37 Ninja Warrows. It's fine. It's more than fine. It is fine. I would have liked that. The Ninja Warriors once again. It's becoming a full phrase. I love it.
Starting point is 02:44:51 Is this the one? Yeah, I think this is the one. Yeah. September 4th, 2008. So yeah, Ninja Warriors is back. And it's two player co-op. And it's wider screen than it's ever been. With two other characters.
Starting point is 02:45:02 So there's five now. There's a young robot girl who has like Dalsim-like arms and then a fucking tank. The animation is better than it's ever been. They haven't shown them yet. They just shown silhouettes. But I'm like, they're five playable characters. That's fucking sick. The original Ninja Warriors featuring Ninja Kamaitachi.
Starting point is 02:45:20 And Kunuichi, I believe. Yeah. The least original names you could ever hope for. They're bringing it back. Yeah, I'm so happy it's this. And there's two new characters. I haven't seen the new characters actually. There's just silhouettes.
Starting point is 02:45:33 I believe it's on the website. Let's take a look. There's a section just called Once Again on the website. I love it. It's like sick art. Kunuichi Ninja Kamaitachi. Some weird, okay. Wow.
Starting point is 02:45:50 Strange silhouette for Yaksha. You're an extending arm. Looks like an arms character. Looks like the chick from the vending machine from TMS. Yeah, that's right. Oh, Tiki? Her head. Oh, I'm seeing that as a boy.
Starting point is 02:46:08 For sure. I read on the website that it's a girl. It's a girl robot. I'm seeing, okay. Oh, okay. Because I'm seeing this. I saw this as like a visor goggle thing. No.
Starting point is 02:46:18 It's a head crown. It's a crown. You're right. And then I saw this like hair flick thing as like a cool kid Beyblade hair. Yeah. Now, before you scroll down, what do you, what other ninja or Japanese like name do you think the big, huge, bulky character could be? Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:46:31 Oni. Shinobi. You're very close. Tengu. Kage. You're all close, but. Right in. The bigger one.
Starting point is 02:46:40 Look at them. He weighs 3,200 kilograms. It's a robot. That's more than two cars. That's awesome. All right. Very much looking forward to this. The Ninja Warriors.
Starting point is 02:46:52 Once again. It's such a naming convention that's lost on the West. It was never called that. And we had belly laughs about that like eight years ago. And I, and the fact that like they're leaning into it makes me so happy. It's a sequel to a game that like, they call it what Ninja Warriors again, but they just called it Ninja Warriors in North America. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:47:18 Oh no. Oh God. We want to talk about this. You brought it up. I did. You did. You said, oh no to the story. They asked you if you had it and then you said, no, I didn't.
Starting point is 02:47:30 And that was the whole end of the conversation. But we can talk about it. Because all the long and short of it is that a big Spider-Man fan, a big insomniac fan, loved his girlfriend very much and wanted to propose to her via the Spider-Man video game. And so he contacted Insomniac and said, hey, Insomniac, can you put like a, I think it's Maddie, will you marry me somewhere in the game? And then Insomniac was like, yeah, buddy. And then they put it on a movie theater and movie theater has Maddie, will you marry me
Starting point is 02:47:56 on it? And then the game came out and then Insomniac was like, huh, she say yes. And he's like, she dumped me five months ago for my brother. And also she hated this. Also she thought that this was fucking lame. And now I think it was Insomniac's art director on Twitter just keeps going. You want us to change it? We'll change it right now.
Starting point is 02:48:17 We'll put out a fucking patch, fix this shit like tomorrow. You want, huh? And the guy's like, oh. Do you want, do you want it to be written Maddie, you're a bitch now? What do you want? Oh, he wants to change it to his grandmother. That's because he said, regardless, I'm kind of happy it's in the game. If ever wants to use it as a proposal, please do.
Starting point is 02:48:35 I just want to see someone get married through that thing. And then later he said, uh, no, it's not here in this article, but he did mention that he's like, I want to change it to, uh, my grandmother's name because she got me into Spider-Man. That's a cool grandmother. Grandma, you don't marry me? Yeah. Is that what he means? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:48:54 Marry the Spider-Man. How about that? But apparently what they first said, hey, do you want to change it? He went, nah, LOL. And then he went, no way. So yeah, we'll see what happens. But either way. A developing story.
Starting point is 02:49:05 He himself called it the saddest Easter egg of all time. It's very sad. It is. And every time you go by that theater, it'll just remind you of the marriage that never was. Christmas is going to get real awkward around that house. You know, by, by classical definition, a story that doesn't end in a wedding. Is a tragedy. Automatically.
Starting point is 02:49:27 But it also means everyone has to die. Yeah. Well, I mean, if a long form, all life is tragedy. Because everyone dies. Yeah. A lot. Well, not me. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:49:38 No, you're not. Hey, people who, who, what is it? It's an old Stan O'Connor joke. It's like my uncle went peacefully in his sleep, unlike the people in his car. And it's like, well, they didn't go alone at all. No. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:01 Yeah. All right. That's ancient. I remember seeing that on like, just for laughs, like 10 years ago. I mean, the worst part is everyone knows her name is Maddie. We don't even know the name of the guy. Yeah. I mean, we do.
Starting point is 02:50:16 I, we could have read it. It was right there. Yeah. But Maddie is a short and could be short for many names. Damn. Maddie, why you hate Spider-Man? What's up with that? Because it's probably like, she's probably like an Xbox fan.
Starting point is 02:50:29 Yeah. Is that where we're going on this one? Yes. Yeah. Maddie loves the Xbox way into Superman returns way into it. Oh, man. Why couldn't you propose to me in that piece of shit? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:50:44 If you have a marriage proposal and you want it to happen live on the super best friend cast, fucking make sure it'll go through. You can send it along. No, actually, actually, we're not doing that. We let's just back it down immediately. Yeah. But it's not going to stop a couple people, but it's still a preemptive. No, not really.
Starting point is 02:51:07 Let's not. Oh, yeah. True. Right. The undo button controls that because we can talk about the fact that they released a shorter version of the Kingdom Hearts 3 gamescom trailer. Sure. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 02:51:24 But in that shorter trailer, they revealed big hero six. Exactly. That was already announced. Maybe they didn't show it. Maybe. You know, the articles are saying that it introduces Baymax. It's big hero six. It's a Disney movie.
Starting point is 02:51:39 Got it. Right. They're like, hey, is it this big hero six and Iron Man? No. He's not. But beer hero six did come from Marvel comics. Yeah, it was a reinvent like I was so Iron Man. It was very strange.
Starting point is 02:51:58 I didn't realize that is Iron Man and Kingdom Hearts. He isn't. I think doesn't even said don't worry. We're not going to have any hype like that. What kind of weird statement is that? Don't worry. You won't be excited. Wow.
Starting point is 02:52:15 Thanks. It's like there's going to be no Marvel and no Star Wars. Though the end of the movie had that little like little marvelous stinger to it. No. Yeah. So it's really just the same trailer, right? Oh, hey, no play back on that one. All right.
Starting point is 02:52:32 Well, anyway. Yeah. And we didn't know that they were going to be in this world because we did, I believe see. Did they not show off? Super like big. No. I guess.
Starting point is 02:52:45 Absolutely not. No. I don't know. All right. Well, anyway, in the screenshot, we're looking at Sora and is that Sora? Yeah. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 02:52:56 Yeah. Okay. And he's alongside. He's alongside. He's never been in a Kingdom Hearts game. He's alongside the kid from Big Hero 6. Is that Iron Man? It's a big man.
Starting point is 02:53:06 There's something about Kingdom Hearts at this point where it's a series that I like, but I find it one million percent impossible to take even somewhat seriously in any context because it's so stupid. If you're not going to have any Final Fantasy characters, can we have some more? No. They put out that thing. You see that interview with, I think it was Nomura where it's like, Sakaguchi told me to fucking jam a bunch of Final Fantasy characters in the games to make it so it's more of a
Starting point is 02:53:38 crossover. But now that he's dead. But now that he's dead to me, and I killed him, and I'm in the middle of killing his work. Yeah. I choked him with a belt. I'm in the middle of strangling myself while I jerk on FF7's remake. And we can get rid of all that stuff to much of your happiness, and everyone in the world
Starting point is 02:53:57 was like, what? No. Put more fun of every game that has come out. People have been asking Duke for them to put more Final Fantasy characters in. It's weird. And every game has had less. It's weird because it forces the logic of that being a planet, right? That's fine.
Starting point is 02:54:14 But imagine there were like five or six catcom versus SNK games, but in every single one, there's less and less SNK characters, you know, until there's zero. The fact that they started with it and then backed it off is weird. Also, the Final Fantasy planet, Hollow Bastion, is the most important planet in the game's universe. Because it's where the humans come from. It's where, no, it's where all the villains came from. Oh, Agent 13.
Starting point is 02:54:39 Agent 13. No. Oh, okay. Come on. Get with the Heartless. I won't get with the Heartless. Get with the Heartless. What about the Nobodies?
Starting point is 02:54:47 Yeah, that sounds cool. Maybe I'm a nobody too. We're all nobodies to somebody. Thanos was a Heartless all along. Get with the Nobodies, Licks, whoa. No, you see that? There was a Final Fantasy character right there. That was good.
Starting point is 02:55:04 That was good. That was good. I got that. I got that reference. That was good. Yeah. Yeah. Because I watched that video.
Starting point is 02:55:12 There's a video of Liam realizing that naming convention for the first time. And it was like, we all realized it like back in the fucking 2000s. He caught it. I went to him like two months ago and he freaked to the fuck out and it was fantastic. And I was like, oh man, what? So I caught that. Like Matt would be zamped. Wow, you're good at this.
Starting point is 02:55:28 I've thought of a lot of that. Would you be? Prick Tarks. It's the worst. It's the worst ever. Oh, okay. Third Patrick has too many. But can you put the syllables anywhere?
Starting point is 02:55:39 You can put them anywhere. Okay. You can, the X can go anywhere and all the other letters can go anywhere. Can you be zapped? I could be zapped. Zapped. Zapped. Or packed.
Starting point is 02:55:54 Yeah, but that's obvious. Yeah, zapped. Zapped. Yeah. Zapped. Licks Woo. And what was it? Zamped.
Starting point is 02:56:02 Zamped. I think Matt gets out the easiest. Zapped and zamped. That works out. Anyway, yeah, Big Hero 6 is cool. But yes, it is weird that they've been slowly dialing that down considering the whole thing. It's their own brand. It's the one from the company that's making the game.
Starting point is 02:56:21 And when I think about the new Disney franchises and how they, there's so many more every time they do one of these, and I think about how many didn't get included last time, and about how they treated Marvel when they had MVC, and how their branding is just this like governing body. Think about how little sway they get. The deal with Marvel went through. They had the Disney Infinity games and started pumping shitloads and bullshit. He's 100% right.
Starting point is 02:56:51 So why they're like, no, here is like beyond me. It really feels like Western companies are a hell of a lot better at pushing Marvel around and getting the characters that they want compared to Eastern company. Hey, what? So, where in X and Marvel, sorry, and Capcom have had all these weird restrictions on their games, whereas fucking Activision and all that shit had everyone that they wanted. Why are they fighting Adam Sandler's pixels? Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 02:57:21 Oh, that better be a world. I'm not. I'm really not worried about it. The Adam Sandler verse? It's probably the Tron powers, because they went to Tron. You get to meet up with... It was a Mughal. Deuce Bigelow.
Starting point is 02:57:35 Sure. Joe Dirt. The whole Sandler verse. Eight crazy days of Christmas. Is that Vanitas? Is he alive? What the hell? Was that a Tron helmet?
Starting point is 02:57:47 Anyway. Death has never meant less than in Kingdom Hearts. I just saw a young anime, Sagat. So put that. Oh, that guy? He got half Nordid. Nordid, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:00 Half Nordid. Got it. He's the gun guy. Does that have anything to do with Tron? No. Okay. Just check it. Tron is its own thing.
Starting point is 02:58:10 Okay. So anyway, emails can get sent into the super best friendcast at Super best friendcast at We use gmail so that when we all run away, we can just burn down all your emails. All right. Burn the emails down. Perhaps your email. Burned email.
Starting point is 02:58:37 My sound. This is a frame broiled chart email. Nice. That was good. Cooked to perfection. That was a good one. Let's hear this Cooked to Perfection email. At the cank.
Starting point is 02:58:48 A little something. Like this. Logan says, hello, hello, servants of Castle Superbeast. Yo, recently went to a mini-gorf. Oh, God. Now, did he write gorf or do you say gorf? I just said it. So what did you do on this gorfing adventure?
Starting point is 02:59:17 Oh, man. That's so bad, dude. That's what I do. That's what I was doing on the bad side last week. That's like a possible stroke. Oh boy. All right. I recently went to a mini-golf course in Calgary
Starting point is 02:59:37 named Monster Golf. Cool. It was horror themed with many famous monsters painted on the walls. That sounds awesome. Interacting with their own OCs. And those OCs were created by none other than Todd McFarlane. Shut up. Because he's from Calgary.
Starting point is 02:59:54 It's true. There's a part of the wall with him cosplaying as Frankenstein's monster with the dolls of such winners, such as a girl named Stella Scalarina, a bulldog named Jawbone, and a cat named Eve L. This is great. Have you ever encountered an artist or designer's work
Starting point is 03:00:13 in a place you wouldn't expect? Cheers from Logan. Here's a picture of Todd as well. Let's open this up. Let's open this up. Let me get this going. There it is. Todd McFarlane's Gorf.
Starting point is 03:00:31 Todd McFarlane designed characters for a mini-golf thing, apparently. So, yeah. I was about to say he used his OCs and he created Tom McFarlane's Evil Prophecy for Konami, where he redesigned Frankenstein and shit. That is a great piece of information. That's awesome. That's a really fun find.
Starting point is 03:00:53 Good job, Logan. I fucking love mini-golf. If you've ever encountered an artist's work in a place you wouldn't expect in the fact. I have personally not. That's the one right there, even though I've been in personal experience. The only thing I can think of
Starting point is 03:01:10 is not a particular artist's art, but things drawn in places. Like, when there's this corner in San Jose that used to, for like a decade, had this fucking, I want to say, 50-foot-tall Rey Ayanami portrait on it going back to, like, 2001. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:26 I recently passed by and it's gone. There used to be, right downtown on St. Catherine here, there used to be a giant mural of Gen. It's gone now. That's also gone, and that was above one of the famous buildings in the corner as well. But that's like a character or a graffiti thing? Not an artist.
Starting point is 03:01:44 Not like an artist in particular, though. Well, I guess it's about the same, but I think I'm going to mention before, but near the catacomb, the hard rock club, they have a mural right out back, which is just a bunch of aliens and predators fighting each other, so. Yeah, I want to move into that Raiden building, right?
Starting point is 03:02:01 There's that big old Metal Gear Rising Raiden, like, ad. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it's in England. In England, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you wanted to look up this Todd McFarlane shit, because he sent in the picture in the email, but I think you can just Google
Starting point is 03:02:17 Todd McFarlane minigorf, and it should be the first picture, or at least it should be. Amongst the lists of Google Image Churches there. That's a good find. That's a good ass find. That's wild, man. We got one coming in.
Starting point is 03:02:35 From... I asked Todd McFarlane to draw album covers for, like, where the sidewalk ends. Corn, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And swollen members. He drew the album cover for a swollen members album.
Starting point is 03:02:51 Did he draw the cover of AT-Elians, or was that someone else? That might have been him. I don't know. It was in his style. Outcast. Oh, shit. I want to say no, but, like, yeah, maybe look it up. He also did an album coming
Starting point is 03:03:07 for Disturbed, so I never expect to see it in music in general. Searching for the artist behind AT-Elians is not going to be helpful at all, because the artist is outcast. It doesn't work, but, uh... Cover artist? I don't know, maybe.
Starting point is 03:03:23 Anyway. Oh, yeah, because artist, it means different things. It means a different thing. There's artists who slap an artist. If you've never seen it, just do a quick Google search for Outcast AT-L-I-E-N-S.
Starting point is 03:03:39 And the art style is very much in the style of, like, it's an image comic style cover. Yes, it is. You know? But, uh... I don't know if it was actually... Wait, look up, look up, look up, uh,
Starting point is 03:03:55 the, uh, Swollen Members album for me, because you'll just laugh, because it's the most Todd McFarland thing ever. All right, podcast listeners, Google at home. Yeah. Shall we? I'm going to Google and I'm typing... Swollen Members, Todd McFarland. Swollen Members...
Starting point is 03:04:11 I forget the name of the album, so I don't want to mess around and try to... Let's go to images. And let's see what we got. I see it, all right. There you go! There's two albums, actually. Yeah, there's two. Yeah, there's Heavy, and then there's, yeah,
Starting point is 03:04:27 both on Battle Axe Records, I remember that stuff, yeah. Oh, no, it's the same album. It's just two different pieces of art for them, so... Gotcha. Yeah. Swollen Members, Heavy, look at that Todd McFarland shit. Google image that for a throwback. What kind of band names their band Hard Dicks? Um...
Starting point is 03:04:43 Butthole ones. Butthole surfers? Yeah, I guess you're right. Still weird to me, though. Who named it that? He slinks back into the corner. I'm out of here. With his music commentary. Um...
Starting point is 03:05:01 Man, the band that you guys like is stupid. Dear... Okay, well, I guess. Dear Cool Tat, Woolly and the Quebecers. Um... If battle music existed in real life, and, uh... I think it would act as a spider sense
Starting point is 03:05:17 for mostly mundane tasks. Absolutely, absolutely. Building as annoyance gets closer. Like, you notice the pile in your roommate's dirty dishes, and it's gotten out of hand, and then you start hearing rivers in the desert, or FF7 battle music. No, no, no.
Starting point is 03:05:33 Or as an annoying manager, heads towards your desk. You know what you hear? You look at the dishes, and out in the distance, it's just... Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby... And you're like, what? What? Fucking, uh, what's his name?
Starting point is 03:05:49 What's the goddamn rapper's name? Lotus Shoes. Fucking Lotus Shoes kicks in. Oh, yeah. Burn, burn, burn, burn, like, what? It's just the dishes, man! What would trigger your battle music in real life?
Starting point is 03:06:05 And what would it be? Um... My wife suggested Dula the Fates when we argue about nerd shit. That's strong, Miles. If someone's coming up to me on the street to ask me directions, because I always get super flustered and nervous,
Starting point is 03:06:21 because I never want to lead someone astray. So... So when someone asks me, I'm like, and it's like, literally, I know exactly where it is, but since you asked me on the spot, I'm like, three, I don't know. I have a similar but different answer.
Starting point is 03:06:37 Okay. Walking down the street, walking to the metro, bup, bup, bup, bup, regular overworld music in my brain. See, two or three people standing around. They're all kind of dressed the same and they have a pamphlet. Now, the pamphlet may be about
Starting point is 03:06:53 Jesus, Buddha, the evil government that is underneath our current secret government. Um, this blood drive, uh, a charity thing. Many things. What have you? Many things. And the battle music starts
Starting point is 03:07:09 when eye contact is made. Okay, okay. And, and this is a, I don't know if this is every city, but Montreal is a real hobo problem, so everybody has like this highly tuned sense of avoidance of passersby.
Starting point is 03:07:25 So there's, the eye contact is made, and step one is breaking the contact. Breaking the icon tells them you don't want to talk to them. Now, did they take one step forward to dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah.
Starting point is 03:07:41 All right. We have a couple options here. We have attack. We have it's great out of the deciding. We have talk, we have flee, and then we have what I would call pacify. Pacify is
Starting point is 03:07:57 aah, dah, and you wave their hand. You go dah dah dah dah dah dah dah and it fades away and they look kind of sad and then you pass them by. Ok, fair. Fair. uh no!
Starting point is 03:08:13 or alternatively yes. hey no thank you but don't look at them when you say no thank you You don't look at them. You don't make them sad don't slow your stride. Slow your stride is the side of weakness. I remember what I did the first time in front of page
Starting point is 03:08:28 what the fuck are you doing? That's just how you have to walk by people in this city. I've got my cart full of groceries and I'm pulling up and I'm about to choose which line to go into and I know that I have the number that's fewer enough for the fast line which is not actually fast
Starting point is 03:08:44 but there's a bigger line over there and the rest is all pretty full up and there's one person at the end but they've got a mountain of groceries they're buying and fucking queue the golden sun battle theme buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh
Starting point is 03:09:00 because where do you go? which line do you pick? you pick one? ok cool someone else comes in behind you and then the one that was shorter moves forward and you're like fuck is it a dick move if I switch lines now? I have we've started moving forward and I'm sure the person behind me that's not going into the shorter line
Starting point is 03:09:16 wouldn't mind if they went first so I might give them a better spot if I move over to that one or do you hold that line that you're in with your groceries I have legitimate advice on this topic as somebody who worked in a grocery store for a long time do you hold the line? hold the line
Starting point is 03:09:32 the question is so most people have the wrong question in their head because they look at the I want to get through these lines the fastest so they go who has the most groceries as the indicator of length of time that is not the indicator of length of time
Starting point is 03:09:48 the indicator of length of time is how old are the people in this okay and it becomes amplified it becomes amplified on line 1 and 2 because the line 1 and 2 are the place you can buy your lotto tickets and that is the
Starting point is 03:10:04 single longest thing you can do at the grocery store returning cans is also up there so the problem with line 1 and 2 is line 1 and 2 may appear shorter and may have young people in it but if you see a guy at the can service he is going to take the line
Starting point is 03:10:20 line 1 or 2 person away from you often times line 3 or 4 even if they appear longer as long as there is nobody in there over the age of 40 will actually be much faster no matter how much groceries those people have now the older the person gets
Starting point is 03:10:36 the higher the percentage chance that a coupon book will come out yes or when the coupon book starts coming out that is your modifier if you hit 70 the chance of getting this under my thing I can't hold this
Starting point is 03:10:52 I can't whatever which will take much much more time so the number one thing you look at how many people the number two thing are any of these time bombs that is are any of them old people if there are old people switch to a different line even if it seems longer
Starting point is 03:11:08 it might actually be longer but the chance of it being way longer is nullified and it's funny because so the modifier of the coupon book often times comes with the modifier of the argue for the coupon that's no longer valid because that's a level 2 coupon book
Starting point is 03:11:24 to stall the delay is unexpected as somebody who worked in a grocery store I will tell you one thing and it's very clear no one over the age of 25 has ever argued about a price ever ever ever never final boss the coupon doesn't work young people you know what they do
Starting point is 03:11:40 okay I'll leave it then they don't buy it because you're saving that 40 cents or whatever final boss coupon book old argue for coupon agrees finally gets price that is satisfactory that's correct the change dump
Starting point is 03:11:56 that's quite rare nowadays change dump on the counter still see it still see it a few days ago and I don't mean like homeless change dump I mean like old person I'm counting this out let you know what it would just be faster by far the most common one is
Starting point is 03:12:12 don't want any change so I'll make sure to give it to you exact so we're dumping it out and we're counting it together and you were right behind them you were almost home free but then the final boss encounter kicked and welcome to get back which I'm sure
Starting point is 03:12:28 this is a problem in other areas but I've seen it many times at a grocery store the ultimate bonus round that starts at the beginning of wrong language yes oh my god okay battle theme from lost odyssey for that one the fucking the battle with the
Starting point is 03:12:44 with the large monsters or whatever the fuck it's called with the horns god damn it dude it is the ultimate option select which grocery line to get into is the worst because I swear to god almost all of you listening at home are Americans and most of you don't speak
Starting point is 03:13:00 French let's see if you can figure this out you want to pay with your credit card and see who Debbie who Debbie who cash yeah what is that
Starting point is 03:13:16 no and in reverse it's much rarer in the reverse the shopping cart wheel brakes debuff very nice the I told you guys the story about the bro everyone the bros behind me and then the small
Starting point is 03:13:32 the small thick glasses guy in front arguing about the seven items in the six item lane and the you look at have this cross in my life bro right the fight that starts up in the lane in front of you as you're trying to get your single item out of the shop by the way everyone
Starting point is 03:13:48 who is correctly answering in their mind is he asking for credit card or cash or debit you're right it's that simple all three the land the words are the same in both languages I don't get it I've had it I've seen it both ways
Starting point is 03:14:04 just the person who goes what I'm sorry I don't speak any this is the ultimate struggle and you know what some new tech has recently been announced so I've leveled up enough to learn how to run from battle yeah which means I might just do that thing where you can order
Starting point is 03:14:20 and have them come to your house and say hey the IGA can you just bring that to my house please I have yeah some bad news for you what's that a human being has to go pick those items out yeah and they don't pick out you know what we don't have any diet coke so
Starting point is 03:14:36 fuck it your doctor he gets barks yeah yeah and you know when you discover that when everyone is gone and you're going through your groceries I like I'm thinking about it but I've also been like because I know people do that regularly but it's like
Starting point is 03:14:52 generally you know it seems like okay you give you like someone brings up your stuff you don't have to worry about that line battle don't worry about that line battle just spend a little extra on a tip and you're good to go that's correct yeah well no you have to pay delivery fee plus your tip oh that would make sense too
Starting point is 03:15:08 you pay your six to fifteen dollars plus you get on the phone call with the person if need be then you tip the delivery guys and you hey I worked in grocery store fucking tip those delivery guys if you you want your shit because they will smash
Starting point is 03:15:24 your shit to pieces if you never tip them but if they already got it you ever intend to shop there again they'll memorize the address and what not willy but also the amount of that's just the natural like don't be when you're in retail someone's doing a literal service like you're in retail you have all the time of the fucking world
Starting point is 03:15:40 to remember a specific customer it's like that's not obvious like the situations that are more nebulous is when you walk in an order takeout and then you're standing at the door and walk away yeah I'm like that's not really no that's not no that's more of you so we need to get a far away from this conversation I just realized this
Starting point is 03:15:56 is one of those conversations that no matter what the fuck we say it's always bad we will be monstrous you're right you're right you should tip everyone all the time they're all deserving of your money and they all do great jobs I overcompensate because apparently black people don't tip so hey that's a thing I fucking conscientiously started
Starting point is 03:16:12 doing at some point because I heard about that and then someone reinforced that was working in the waiting industry that was like no that's real and I was like oh god damn it are you fucking kidding me like it's one of those like wow this is such a stupid shitty thing to hear and then someone that does the job goes actually that really happens
Starting point is 03:16:28 and I go fuck me fuck fuck I hate this so much I wanted I don't know about this I fucking hate this so much I'm just gonna say that that's an interesting
Starting point is 03:16:46 conclusion yeah I'm throwing down the fucking 20% that was reached god that's very interesting that people would say that that's very weird I've been fucking guilt tipped for years so that continues that's holy shit what a what a what a
Starting point is 03:17:04 what a strange thing to say god damn it fuck why is it gotta be so real uh every Jewish friend that I have over tips like crazed oh yeah oh man
Starting point is 03:17:20 like 30 25 30% so it's not just me no it's not just black folk well it's black folk don't tip and Jewish folk don't tip well and then it becomes everybody that I know over tips like crazy god meanwhile I'm going ha ha
Starting point is 03:17:36 regular tips because you know no stereotype it's a rough world out there Josh just got into Destiny 2 and was reminded that his least favorite aspect of MMOs is the fact that certain content is simultaneously waved in front of your face like carried on a stick
Starting point is 03:17:56 but it's also locked behind the experienced player level and walls of that nature yeah they'd be curious about certain trademark game genres that grab a hold of your jimmies and give them a good Russell that's uh the statement I guess and it reminded
Starting point is 03:18:14 me I guess that reminds me of when we'd see someone online with one of those really hard to unlock costumes and KI yeah or when you and I were playing a game not too long ago and someone in the chat asked how did you get that skin oh yeah
Starting point is 03:18:30 Killer Instinct has some sick ass colors that you only get when you get to level 10 yeah that you can't get any other way and you're on the and guess what the skin you're gonna ask that question about will always be the level 10 skin yeah you know that's I guess the closest
Starting point is 03:18:46 it is to it is to provide in games that have a social component of any kind it is to provide the truly die hard crazies with a badge of honor that they can wear whether it be
Starting point is 03:19:02 a shiny skin dick ruler but yeah whether it be a shiny skin or a unique mount or whatever like that it part of nearly every genre with a social element that you can see somebody else's character it is vital that the crazies have
Starting point is 03:19:18 their shiny stick that they can show off feels good to have it it feels great to have it and it feels bad to not have it sure do play more which is why you see it more in games that have monthly fees it sure do what is coming up what's coming out
Starting point is 03:19:34 well we started one one something I don't think I've seen really is excited to see the tales of the borderland as he was it was so much fun where you're kind of quiet and reserved as soon as the shit starts popping you're just like this is amazing
Starting point is 03:19:50 I haven't honestly like well no because I'm just remembering how fun it was and I'm also remembering and as we're going through it because like episode one was a while ago for me you know 2014 and I was just going through it and remembering all that stuff
Starting point is 03:20:06 and also like it's such a ride-along LP you know what I mean in the sense that it's like Tales of the Borderlands is going to carry itself no matter what we say or do and no matter how ridiculous awful or great our decisions are
Starting point is 03:20:22 it's going to work out and it's going to be fucking great so you're just riding it out for wherever it goes and it's been a blast so far it's only the first episode and you guys are DMC yes we are going through our surprisingly
Starting point is 03:20:38 quick DMC LP DMC 1 LP this game is two hours long we forgot we really really did we really really must be because of my mad skills that's the only explanation and once that
Starting point is 03:20:54 must be because of my mad skills it's the only explanation it must be so we're rocking through that who knows what we'll do afterwards who knows
Starting point is 03:21:10 no no no really who knows yeah actually who knows we have a suspicion I know but what else me and Matt are working diligently in the background for your future enjoyment but that means
Starting point is 03:21:26 every now and then it's at cost of current enjoyment every now and then you will miss one enjoyment because there are only so many days a week we can record video well I mean obviously the idea in terms of logistics is that each pairing does an LP
Starting point is 03:21:44 or there's a group of three men but in this case like each pairing is doing one but you guys are not because you have to like front load shitstorm stuff there has to be shits to storm on straight out set it front loading shitstorm means sometimes you gotta front load a shit
Starting point is 03:22:00 sometimes that's when you back up into the urinal keep it stocked so RE5 didn't have a baton pass that baton is still in the air now luckily if there is an enjoyment that you missed
Starting point is 03:22:16 or rather didn't happen on a particular three or nine p.m. you could probably go over to either woolly verses or the flop house and there will likely be an enjoyment there I saw today that like Nier and Naruto
Starting point is 03:22:32 went up for example or was that yesterday yeah I've been putting out dailies for the last couple days so did you just like stockpile the shit ton or what I stockpiled a bunch and I'm gonna do that and I mean it's probably bad in the end because people are creatures of habit and breaking that habit is not good it's good for now though
Starting point is 03:22:48 it's good for now but I mean there's definitely been a couple videos that I guess some people haven't noticed yet because maybe they didn't click the bell who fucking knows hahaha you know it's so weird because we all we've all had this channel for fucking forever and it's had its size
Starting point is 03:23:04 and it's had its dedicated thing the bell wasn't a thing when we started and now we all have little baby side channels and all of a sudden we're thrust back into building up a fucking youtube channel boy oh boy and guess what it sucks is that so much that but it's like man I spent
Starting point is 03:23:20 17,000 hours making this one video I don't even care if it makes money but I do care that some people saw it oh yeah dude I like how many of those are like operated at a loss based on the intros alone come on it's it's yeah but it's for the funsies you know but um
Starting point is 03:23:36 either way if you have been tuning into near automata or you would like to tune into near automata you can catch more of that LP over at woolly versus we are about in fact I saw you accidentally finished B yeah we're on route C so we're
Starting point is 03:23:52 moving when you say that we're moving incredibly important question did you actually start route C yes okay yes yeah let's have a chat right after the end of the podcast and um there's also
Starting point is 03:24:08 uh alternating with uh uh near automata with Liam I'm alternating with uh Billy and Reggie on Naruto ultimate ninja storm you drag poor Billy in yep that's so sad put him in some tights and sit him down in front of a mic and fucking said go
Starting point is 03:24:24 that's unfortunate he he dragged himself in but was he in Naruto though yes okay and um that that's all over at woolly versus hey Matt over at the flop house which I believe is slash matt mcmuscles right yeah where's it matt mcmuscles
Starting point is 03:24:40 it's matt okay the stream is matt mcmuscles yes okay matt was taken somehow onto it is the is somebody actually using it I don't know okay uh what's up I didn't look since I got angry what's up is tonight a crime
Starting point is 03:24:56 Tina critiques on SNK heroine's tag team frenzy because of course that game seems built for that three costume I guess that's yeah those are that's fashion that's true is SNK fact like SNK used to be fashion but I mean would you do a critiques on like the DOA bikinis it's like they're
Starting point is 03:25:12 bikinis right no but they're all crazy you do you do a critiques on the DOA mookow costume that's true yeah that's true and later on the week uh what happened on two human is done now that super is interesting
Starting point is 03:25:28 what do because that was a lot of what happens there's lots everyone along the way was going what happened diax looking at the burning shit pile of the two human discs going what happened you know originally two human was
Starting point is 03:25:44 supposed to be on the playstation one sure was four to six discs I remember reading the very first preview I ever saw of it in tips and tricks magazine in the back and then it had nothing about Norse mythology and then it got teased as a gamecube game for a very long time space world
Starting point is 03:26:00 no less which you can't find a video of by the way you can only find screenshots of the video playing on exactly I know this guy with a little I remember I remember fuck it
Starting point is 03:26:16 I was planning a stream tonight over slash angriest pad but I'm developing a massive fucking migraine right now so that will have to wait till later in the week it'll probably be spider-man or maybe the messenger I don't know Matt you said the messenger's good well you said the messenger's good so far so good
Starting point is 03:26:32 yeah maybe okay but right now I feel like I'm gonna fucking vomit because my head is exploding thanks brain chemistry so I think we've I think we've done it I think we finished the podcast yeah you guys want to go play some minigorf after this
Starting point is 03:26:50 I actually really do I wanted to go play minigorf a few weeks ago but it was closed the place that we've had did you go to the underground place? no it wasn't even here mmm I forgot there was one other thing oh hey did you play any all night at all
Starting point is 03:27:06 a more of it when I said I'm gonna get a back around to that you put it back on the list yeah exactly after some other things I'm very interested to talk to you about some of that stuff when you actually get to it yeah fucking Jehuti is up there right now
Starting point is 03:27:22 the Jehuti VR experience man we're in it now it's time for all of it I mean no I wish I could spin when I grab the enemy that's a bit of a bummer but you know is what it is
Starting point is 03:27:38 alright it's time for all those video games which means you guys have to stop listening to this podcast because it'll end in a few seconds hopefully let's go play some minigorf GORF hey y'all hey
Starting point is 03:29:06 oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah

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