Castle Super Beast - SBFC 264: A Children’s Death Game, By Children, for Children

Episode Date: September 18, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh big big big yon's big boy yon's. It's Monday. It is Monday. If you know that I stream Super seducer before we do anything like the night previous you have to assume I got drunk and you have to assume I don't feel good today. That's fair. Hold that thought The podcast is sponsored this week by Acer game from anywhere enter the predator Triton 700 a gaming laptop that offers impossible power on the go equipped with a seventh gen Intel core i7 processor an Ultra thin 18.9 millimeter chassis discover the predator Triton 700 today Go to Acer comm click on store and enter coupon code friendcast at checkout to receive 10% off All right, I wonder if it'd be faster to inject red bull into my blood now that business is out of the way
Starting point is 00:01:10 Let's move on to pleasure Yeah, why why with why with that? Yeah What's that what's Because there's all sorts of crazy word names for mouth stuff. Oh boy Fuck that was great. Jesus. There's all sorts. Okay. No, there's stuff like lateral Prologian and all sorts of you know specific fancy things that you would do when you speak like oh like oh Right vocal cord parasites, right? What is there's various? What are you doing when you're doing such a specific area to attack? Mm-hmm. What are you doing when you're using your sleaze voice? What is that?
Starting point is 00:01:52 What part of your throat is vibrating sleaze voice? What kind of sleaze is different sleaze voice? That's that's not even that's not even my that's not my yeah, that's not that's a cheeks That is so that's all coming in the chiefs really actually uses the voice you're talking about we'd all get blown away like black bolt Yeah, I'm on our slowly slowly Slowly like puffed away. Yeah, I feel like I feel like if I knew what voices I could successfully do Consistently then I could maybe be like a Takahata one day. Yeah, I could aspire But I don't know what I can do a few weeks ago I put out a tweet saying hey does anyone know what to do when your voice really hurts because I've been
Starting point is 00:02:37 Doing ashen the vial blader voice for like the last 15 minutes and everyone's like well What you should do is do not drink any milk beforehand. I'm like I drank a lot of yeah They're like okay that sucks. Well, what you should do now is whatever you do not drink cold water I'm like the first thing They're like you're on your own Just stop moving just yeah, I ran I mean, you know dude don't run hater was was was doing shots of whiskey That was obviously going to be bad long term
Starting point is 00:03:11 Probably Don't give you a cool voice It can you did you know? Hey, I used that they were a buff, right? Basically, I used shots of whiskey as a buff this weekend as well. Uh-huh. I guess like I guess I'll bet on Yeah, I'll grab I'll grab the baton and then take the lead here So Spine day was this weekend. She's spined Oh
Starting point is 00:03:40 So a couple of things a couple of things about this weekend, I guess But yeah today this this weekend was spine day and that means You're going in and there's certain parts of the body that just suck more than others Yeah, yeah teeth teeth suck your spine sucks teeth suck, but I don't in the context of tattooing I don't think that really Like what what what body parts are bad balls are the worst. I think fingernails are pretty awful Way back in the day. There was that crack thing of like tattooing your eyeballs understanding the horrible decision Fingernails are pretty lame
Starting point is 00:04:17 You like painting your fingernails or like tattooing underneath your fingernails. No, I just literally mean like it were just Objectively like staining. Oh, I'm not a big fan of how they keep growing modern man doesn't really need them for function anymore I don't mind ears. They would be like awful But like ears are generally fine, but you know that part where do you feel like the the cartilage? Yeah, that part sucks Yeah, I don't like that part I guess that's the part that can hurt 99 guess 9% of the time I'm unaware that I have ears at all Oh, yeah, your ears would flop down without it because there needs to be some type of structure It's true. It's just that's the first part to hurt whenever something hits it, you know
Starting point is 00:04:56 I'm scared of the soft low, but the bottom is totally a fine thing Well, if it dangles we can punch a hole through it. There you go or not because I'm screw driver I've got piercings on the top side as well of that You can't like you can't ever see them because they're covered by dreads. Yeah or Kirby, but I yes, but uh, I don't have my lobes pierced I have the top like cartilage part pierced one of my lobes is pierced But like I haven't done anything with in a long time, so Um, but but yeah, so uh, I was down at the uh with May at studio Ortiz and Basically, I noticed last time. I think I mentioned it that like
Starting point is 00:05:34 When hitting the exhaustion point a shot of whiskey was like, all right, we're back in there. That'll kick you up for a bit Yeah, that and that's it's horrible No, because it like it literally just you feel a little bit more numb You just feel a little bit more So what you're describing is actually less of a buff and more of like a useful debuff. Yeah Sure sure, but it's what you know, you know the whole thing about like it's a horrible isn't like I don't like a shot of whiskey I just meant like how it shocks your body with like it's the same mentality behind here drink this bottle All right, now we're going to pull the bullet out here drink this bottle now
Starting point is 00:06:10 We're going to cauterize the wound and then we're going to pour it on the thing we're doing Yeah, you know that's it. I've seen lots now think about I've seen lots of movies or comic book Yeah, someone's getting a tattoo done and they're always swinging like a bottle Take a swig of this we're going to pull that tooth out, etc. I fucking wish like all versions of that Um, yeah, it turns out like again, there's just there's just a little some truth to that And knowing that today was going to be on the center of your back where the bumps are Where there's bone and thin skin means you're going to feel it
Starting point is 00:06:45 So how was that? It wasn't fantastic. I bet but it wasn't the worst thing in the world like by by preparing for the worst, you know Well, so all it ends up being not that bad. I'll ask you to try and quantify this There's a there's a really easy way to do this You ever you ever had you ever fucked yourself up and the doctor asked you okay on a scale of one to ten One being a trivial non-thing and ten being the worst pain you've ever felt in your life. Yeah, where's it at? So you had pretty much three hours of
Starting point is 00:07:17 level three Level three, but then occasionally when you hit the right nerve it jumps up to six And then it goes backed out. It's a time that seems by far the worst And so that's what the whole thing is is that uh tattooing is really an endurance run because like you're just gonna you're having these little like Ah Like like just that level right not much more beyond that and occasionally and But you're doing that for just a long period and like you're sweating And you're kind of just like
Starting point is 00:07:48 Okay, like can I handle like just kind of like a low level ongoing thing and that's where the whole like Three hour limit sort of thing kicks in where you're like look I mean you can just kind of grit down and go through this But ultimately like your body's kind of giving you A sign when you're sweating really hard at stuff that you weren't really flinching in at in the beginning of the session So I have a question for you a personal preference Say it's 30 years in the future and we have some magical 3d printed super tattoo gun And it is
Starting point is 00:08:20 It can be 3d printed to the size of your entire back And it is just tens of thousands of micro needles that you just Like a like a sticker. What's the trade the trade is a lot No, same cost But you're combining every single one of those three into one shot into one instance So one really painful. Okay. So like it's a 10 effectively a burn. It's a 10 on the scale. It's like a massive like But it's over in like a second. Yeah Run it. I'm down with that. I'm down with that the
Starting point is 00:08:53 Like The whole thing is that you know, like like low level long low Low level prolonged pain is like, you know, you can tolerate it Yeah, but it's this it's a discomfort kind of thing But when the different but the thing is that like this is like low to mid and it's over the course of hours That would be massive But in a second in a matter of seconds, absolutely go for that. Absolutely. Oh, it's like ripping a bandaid off
Starting point is 00:09:20 Sure, I used to the rip band aids off the stupid way. Yeah, and then That I that I had a real real bad time with one and then ever since then Um, but yeah that uh, you know, so that that kind of got through the the center lower area basically And so what's what's done currently right now? What's done is uh, you can't you can't really see much of it in the Stencil photo I put out but the three ladies at the bottom Um are pretty much done. The center lady just needs her like Head and face kind of done in the next time, but the the the lower I'd say 35 to 40 percent. Oh cool. You know you're getting there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's slowly but surely happening and
Starting point is 00:10:07 Mays doing great. Kessel runs This week was also rip fest So rib fest again happening, uh I'm curious when I found out what waltzed on down to that part of town. It's like I can just eat meat now. Yeah Yeah, if you're if you're keto or carnivore, it's the place to be although that barbecue sauce ain't very Like no, that's that's That doesn't make sense. Yeah. Yeah, you take the hit you take the hit Um, it was good because I saw that arianne saint demore was there
Starting point is 00:10:44 So I was like good really I didn't have to pre run away Oh Because if you had the if it's rip fest to then the possibility of just rib face. Yeah, it's ongoing. Oh boy Well, that's why I I mean I went late and I went and did the like I'm gonna take this to go back to my place situation So it wasn't so much the the fucking the sauces on the beards. It wasn't a lot of that Because that's a bad place to be they thankful that's expected though. It is expected and they give you the roles They get like they come prepared with it
Starting point is 00:11:17 But what if arianne saint demore walks around right and then you're hopefully she has rib face also I would but I had two layers of running Which is general running. Yeah, and then rib face running too. So No matter what and when you rip face run, it's it's very cold because of the The liquid salt, but it's tasty. Yeah, you know as you're running away. Uh, yeah, so there's like it's like six or seven Different huge stands that come out and I mean, I guess in America. This must be common It's especially in the south, but like we don't really have barbecue competitions up here Right. So the whole thing of like these places coming from out of town and setting up shop and putting up these massive massive like
Starting point is 00:12:03 Like trucker style boards like the hog father with like a page dressed as the godfather and everything It's you know, it's very elaborate and and and fun and they all have these tables of trophies up front And like whoever has the biggest pile of trophies is clearly the best So they're all trying to like stack them in such a way that and putting lights on them in such a way that it makes It seem like it's the most but I think about competitions like this or just like fest like this I always think like oh man, I hope there's like backstage ska where people are sabotaging each other Like there's this guy that's sneaking and just put puts a whole bunch of bleach in their fucking rib recipe I'm sure it'd come out with something nutty that they'd be like, yeah, that's not even that bad
Starting point is 00:12:45 Well, yeah, yeah, this is actually the most refreshing ribs. We put a bunch of mango juice in their fucking sauce. Let's see them The uh And and like we walked away with like just box like a pile of boxes And then you just kind of sit down and you're like, oh man, this one's the best. Oh, that one sucks Which one's worth it? You know, because in the end they're kind of just generically able boxes So you kind of don't really know which one you are from where respect. Yeah Because you're you're you're walking around and go wow, that was a good beer and that was a good beer. Where beer where me
Starting point is 00:13:18 Where what uh um So, yeah, rip rip fast. I got destroyed that last beer fest. Yeah Because I found a cider. Well, it was a site rosé cider That was mixed with wine and it was like this ungodly percent and it was good Like but they give you well, that's the thing they give you a glass or you're not really supposed to go back They give you a glass so that like you're supposed to use that to sample and like not get fucked and spit it out or some shit no
Starting point is 00:13:45 Like like the beer fest is kind of like aware of the fact that this is alcohol fest And they're trying and they set it up as much as possible. So you don't get blitzed But if you keep going back then you're gonna get blitz back in the day when I found out that wine tasting You were supposed to spit the wine out and yeah got confused What you're didn't understand what you're supposed to do at at beer fest is Like taste it like it and instead of going back. You're supposed to go buy the case And carry that get their card. Yeah, and carry that back my micro Ask where they sell their stuff are you at SAQ and then I'll go
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah, or they usually the usually they just they do have it live there too, you know, so that's kind of the deal but um Yeah, that that was going down. That was pretty cool. Um caught a Uh burlesque show this weekend as well I'm hanging out with uh volta over at uh the wiggle room and that was just like Asian themed it was Asian. It was just asian night asian themed
Starting point is 00:14:50 And it was amazing. Yeah, and like and it was just hilarious because they're just like they're what they're doing They're callouts are like, what are you guys or they're just like hey you guys here. Are you ready for the show? Yeah And then like someone some girl just shuts up like we're here for the asians And it was like it was a weird like And it's like no the girl that said it was asian And everyone was like that was a weird way to say that but no it was a good time It was it was fun and as the closer you get to pornography the weirder the rules of conduct become So, you know that like burlesque always always always a fun time and the wiggle room has great drinks. They have great cocktails
Starting point is 00:15:31 Um, they've never been so you check it out. They have the one they have some of those fancy ones that use the Egg whites in them because so you know that they've got that special consistency. I just never been Where is it? um, it's on sailor raw. Okay, and uh, yeah anytime you see a cocktail on A bar's list that has egg whites in it like it sounds like the weirdest thing ever But I promise you it's actually super delicious It adds like a consistency that is very different from the other normal mixed drinks And it it just has like a kind of bubbliness to it and a like a little a little bit of a flavor that just works
Starting point is 00:16:11 It just really really works a madman that decided one day All the best cocktails I've had at all of the speakeasies I've been to have been the ones with egg white Probably if he was like cracking an egg over a drink that he himself was drinking in the kitchen And then the egg white falls in he's like, oh Oh, no, and there's whoa It it just I I really do feel like the whole mixology thing was like Mixology is neat Yeah, and like you know, they were in the lab and they pulled the beaker out
Starting point is 00:16:40 And then someone realized that the same thing that works in culinary arts should work in mixology arts And then poured a little bit in and saw the consistency. I like Matt's version better. Yeah I like the idea of like some drunk british guy. He's like 65 and some shithole pub Good Yeah, and then just fuck it. I'll drink it anyway Did you ever see that documentary cocktail? No with with tom cruise. That's not a documentary. I'm pretty sure it is. Okay. All right. That's fine. All right Absolutely
Starting point is 00:17:17 You know what this actually might have come from a place of putting an egg in your beer for breakfast That why have I heard of that before it's you see it in the wire all the all the shorman do it right Right, right. You have a beer with eggs in it And a shot for breakfast That's a whole other thing though because that's just not white and it's not it's the whole egg It's the whole fucking thing and I'm thinking of like fucking of um, um, Will Smith trying to emulate rocky Drinking the egg into the glass drinking it down and then they're just coming right back up
Starting point is 00:17:49 It's it's not the taste. I don't imagine it's the consistencies Yeah, that's one of the big the gloop I don't like weird textures. Don't have to mention smell Oh I went out there. I have almost no sense of smell there used to be um That was one thing in in uh In granada was you know how occasionally you'd catch a skunk like somewhere here. Oh, yeah, right all the time in granada
Starting point is 00:18:15 There'd be like wild roosters and there'd be like hens that are also kind of wild. Okay. Um, and like sometimes they just lay eggs and the eggs would just Stay there for a while and eventually crack or rot or whatever the fuck happens when an egg just sits around and then Like half a block is just nuked For like three days of raw of like rotten eggs because raw rotten egg That no one knows where it is is just there now And boy is that awful. That sounds wonderful. Yeah. Yeah. So
Starting point is 00:18:51 you know And rotten egg is really like similar to not rotten egg in smell in my opinion, but you know Um, I thought I was the one with the disabled sense of smell You just need you just need you need you need to smell it 10 one time So that's a really like yeah, because like even if you don't have like your disabled sense of smell Right, because I know what you mean because I have that too. It means that your low level smells just you get nothing Yeah, I get nothing but the intense ones are still just as bad Yeah, that's right. Like I can smell us gunk walking towards me from a block away
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah, and that and like a nine is a nine for both of us The only difference is like a three or a two just doesn't exist Yeah, right, but your upper threshold still exists like your eq. It sounds like a useful power to have I mean though flowers smell like nothing Which is kind of depressing That is pretty sad. Yeah Um stop and smell the flowers smells like daffodils. I guess I don't know smells like grass I played a whole lot of spider-man. Yeah, you did. I did too. That's more or less what the time was spent doing
Starting point is 00:19:56 Uh, yeah, man. That is a very good Not doing anything Like new new thing It just in video games in general. Yeah, not It's just a really good, uh, you know Time it's always fun to swing everywhere off course. Of course, the swinging is the best thing ever Of course, I'm in love with that. Of course. I just fucking can't get enough and You know an hour the other day swinging around
Starting point is 00:20:24 But I didn't put my skill points towards as much traversal as I thought I would because there's not much traversal There's like one or there's one really good move and it's the point launch Yeah, the point launch is what I was thinking of and I got I ended up getting that really late because the other stuff Seemed more appealing to me including like like, uh, dodge zip and stuff like that. You know, there's like a perfect counter too Exactly. So, uh, perfect counters. Fucking godlike. So basically, uh That stuff really solid version of I guess the archiming stuff right is what I'm told. Yeah, so the
Starting point is 00:21:02 No, I don't find it's very close to arch them at all the way the way I fight Okay, because I'm using a lot of like because when spider-man counters, he never hits. Yeah, he jumps out of the way. That's right. Okay Can is always an offensive count. So I wasn't even thinking of the fighting when I said that but oh, sorry You mean the general structure. Yeah, I mean the optional missions into Like, okay, I've had enough optionals for now. Let's go into the main one. Oh, I've unlocked a new type of optional Very similar to city and night Like asylum is much more locked down
Starting point is 00:21:37 I realized like just going across the city basically that I'm always in the mood for something And I don't know what I'm in the mood for Right, when I see a crime, I'll go stop it. But otherwise I'm like, I don't know if I want to chase a bird or fix oscorp's problems or the best, you know, do a A construction site. Yeah, you know Yeah, the the fucking base construction sites like do I want to fight five waves and have my fingers sometimes I do Sometimes I I'll do them because I want that suit. So like I'll I'll be Swinging around and I've done it the total opposite of what you're describing is every single time
Starting point is 00:22:18 You clear it out. Yeah clear it out. Yeah And I think that they've nailed it perfectly for both types of players because both like if you're swinging around like, oh, yeah Naturally, you're gonna end up completing like half the map's worth of stuff just In the course of it and for me when I unlock birdman and it's like hey find my pigeons. God damn it. It's like, oh, there's 12 There's just 12. Yeah, so you can do it pretty black cat. Hey, I'm evil or whatever. I steal things. How many there's 12 That's so easy to actually do it. It is and like I remember I was just I just wanted to get the combat system down So I was like, I'm just going to go do another construction base Yeah, to just get work at this and then before I knew it. He's like, okay, how many he's left and they're like, that's all of them
Starting point is 00:23:04 Pete like you did it. You know, I was like, oh shit You'll unlock uh challenges later. I think there's five combat challenges. So yeah, it's not really too taxing on that in that regard But it's again, I just uh, as you go further through this story, you'll get more bases Having to do. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, it's exactly so I am at that point So like well I've gotten to that And I've progressed further far enough into the story that I'm like, you know, I'm enjoying what's going on I like the characters every if so far everyone is like, yeah, you're fine the
Starting point is 00:23:35 Like I mean the from the from the get go like you're like second one. You're working under auto octavius Yeah, so you're just kind of like, all right. How are we going to play this out? You know and so far I'm like, yeah, this is a nice slow burn As you to hope they would handle it one of my favorite things and the entire thing how they handle that they don't push it to Like they don't throw well, they You know who he is. You know what's going on. You know what's going on, but they they it's a such a great gradient of where it goes And I'll just I just want to say really quickly like I finished the game and like having finished the last Two hours of encounters and fights like it has become my favorite spider-man media
Starting point is 00:24:18 I've ever consumed And it's mostly due to the story and and how octavius and then how everyone's relationships wind up There's a certain point where it just goes bam, and then you just go. Whoa. This is really Just interesting the way the word where this is going and I don't think you're quite there yet But you use the term cinematic I mean I use the term sony. Yeah first party game You're uh, you're not the the only person that I've heard say that pretty much exactly Yeah, like it seems to be a very consistent thing of like when this game gets to its final act. It just
Starting point is 00:24:52 Fucking ramps up young child p Tom Holland is a fun dynamic In the mcu because it's very different from the adults who run it around doing business. Yeah, right that's Your unique thing is a child is on the battlefield, right? I'm the baby pew pew The fun of this spider-man is the fact that there's been almost a decade of it happening without us So eight, I know So yeah, everyone. Yeah, so the fact that they just go through it like, you know, we know we all know
Starting point is 00:25:27 And things have moved on in ways that you you don't expect since then Even compared to movies, there's never a spider-man that was Super experienced knew what was up was super confident. I mean, he's not a hundred percent confident when he's peter park He still stumbles all of his words, but this the the spider-man that's on display here is like I got this is even Amazing spider-man movies where he's supposed to be a little bit older But he was still in school even though andrew garfield's like 45 but like
Starting point is 00:25:57 What Yeah, no, I'm just gonna say like there's even stuff where I like I didn't I guess it's dumb because it's obvious But I didn't really realize that like you're looking at your newspaper clippings of like, oh, yeah These are all the bad guys you dealt with and it's like he's like, oh, there's fucking fisk and there's rhino And then gargain and all of them and then he looks over at electro who's like another one down down there And he's like, yeah Electro's the first time I had to fight somebody that wasn't just some guy in a suit
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah, it was an actual dude that was super powered that changed things A lot and I was like That's true. Like I had six or seven years prior. I had to rethink my suit I had to like and you just don't think about that in the context context of the sinister six and all that you're like No, yeah, that's a very different classification of villain because you're not just dealing with you know dudes in a suit And then obviously sandman and some of the other characters that like take after that are like Classics as well, but a lot of the rogues gallery is just humans Still a lot of the villains that are in here like they're they're they're these guys and they stay those guys
Starting point is 00:27:05 And they have a lot of villains that they didn't even touch. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like spider-man has three types of villains He has dudes Like the kingpin hammerhead tombstone But they really they but they roll out the ones that are like You would they're less popular, I guess in this list. So it's interesting and then he has uh, then he has elementalists such as Electro, Sandman, Hydro Man, people that are Physical property man. Yeah, tombstone even maybe if he's concrete man or
Starting point is 00:27:37 Mega man villains. Yes, mega man villains. I even put rhino in there just because he's like this mussel man Muscle guy Which is all the the big villains, which is animal man Which all include craven and And vampire man if they're a super genius too because there's so many characters that are actually like Auto octavius is smart. Uh, Norman Osborn is smart. Like a lizard. Well, oh, I guess and he isn't I guess I I guess Dock honors is but yeah, I guess. Yeah, but but there's science enemies science enemies I guess there'd be a fourth tier and the fourth tier would be goo person
Starting point is 00:28:14 Which would be the side of the symbiote. I don't know. I'd say Hydro Man is a goo person. Oh, no, you know, I mean, right? Well, I mean like well then that that other category is like alt spideys, right? Yeah in a way But uh, they yeah So they they just they go about things in a really fun way and play on relationships and in a fun way as well That's refreshing. Yeah Uh single downside so far Um is boy. Hey switching off controls for those stealth sections is not fantastic You sometimes are amazing nor spectacular. Some of those missions. Uh, oh, you mean in general some of those missions go like, hey
Starting point is 00:28:54 Uh, let's catch you up on like what happened to someone else and you basically do Stealth sections as not spider-man where you lose all of your regular controls and you're and you're doing very basic hide around the corner from the flashlight reticle and The first one I mean takes forever The first one's really long. Yeah, because you have to wait for other things the second one's way better and yeah, but but like Three in the second one is is is way better at them and for you know reasons but either way they're all not great compared to normal gameplay and um,
Starting point is 00:29:32 Which is weird because just to jump as slightly They each one each of the characters has a final stealth mission and both of them for both of them are great like it's almost like the culmination of These are fine Inoffensive I guess but they don't really add anything to proceedings But the last two and they're both very different from each other doing doing very different things and I'm like, man I would have preferred just one of these for each of them or or something Yeah, because all the other ones are like how hum and sometimes I'm just I will actually just be like
Starting point is 00:30:04 I can fucking break this and get ahead and it's like because I want them over with And then I'll die because I'm like, oh No, I've had I'm more or less exactly There's definitely a couple of moments where I'm like I'm doing it perfectly and I'm just like, okay Fuck this and I cut a corner and then like I like the yellow goes up And I'm like that's fine and then it turned out to be fine And I love though and they're like they can't make the game too violent game overs So it can't be like Leon getting his head exploded or again
Starting point is 00:30:30 Oh, I haven't what happens when you get caught like the the one time I got caught when I was uh, I think uh, Mary Jane I was just like fuck this and I yeah, I did I cut a corner No, and then it just good. You failed. Hmm. And like it's unclear what's happening. It's just no It's hilarious Can't show Mary Jane riddled with gunfire. That's not good for the kids. Um Um Yeah, so those are those are a low point and
Starting point is 00:30:59 Yeah, and like the other stuff that it's like just variety gameplay like oh you want to solve these fucking slidey But not road these rotate pipe puzzles like if you're down with pipe puzzles, that's cool If you're not down with pipe puzzles don't fucking do them if you're not down with them There's more than enough research points in the game to get everything and if you're not down with the one like here's the thing There's the ones that you that you do that are optional. Yeah after like I don't know what it is like a minute or two. It'll just said you want to skip this. We know this was a bad idea Oh, yeah, the skip button just appears after staring at it for a while Wow, I didn't know the accessibility options in this game. I've seen there's a lot of them
Starting point is 00:31:33 But they are astonishing. They include such things as big fucking subtitles. Yeah that I have They are fucking big and I've been using them because they're great. They also have remove every puzzle from the game I didn't see that They also have Remove all qte's from the game Or turn all tap qte's into holds. Okay I uh, I mean look at that stuff So the yeah the the pipe puzzles are are fine to me because I've always enjoyed them
Starting point is 00:32:03 Like I did my like I said by a shock too, you know, I was able to fucking I think I'm gonna say this last time though But there's story ones that actually I feel kill like the momentum of the game Where you're in like I know what you mean like a bat not a battle, but like you have to sell you have to disarm the bomb It's because that's that's there too and some bombs you don't even have to disarm like uh the challenge mode The challenge missions you just throw them and chew webs at them, but like there's like into into crowded new york No, he throws them in the air and then webs them up Like they thought about it. Okay. No, the one of the missions I saw was like there's a bomb in that van
Starting point is 00:32:40 And then you just crack the van open and he grabs the bomb and your heel And rolls it down the street like I had like a fucking uh, olympic hammer. Yeah, and it's like there was people But yeah, I want to say there's three instances where the pipe things came up Where I'm like this actually hurts the tension of the scene because you now have infinite time To do this puzzle and those are the ones that up like those are the ones that actually only that really bother me But because I enjoy those types of puzzles. I didn't mind what I don't enjoy are the um, there's these uh The bar matching the bar matching on like the the sort of the rainbow slides I hated those at first then I started to like them
Starting point is 00:33:20 I yeah, those are not much to me like I find them They're just kind of and like the like They're they're you're basically matching up the lines on a on a pattern and then you have to learn how to like Subtract and add almost like slides Peter Parker's a big nerd. He's got to do big nerd stuff. They're not particularly challenging. Um They just are slow to move the cursor and drag them around So i'm like if I could just go It'd be fine, but you have to slowly move. It's weird that it uses a cursor at all
Starting point is 00:33:49 It should just be highlighting these boxes, you know, so those are another downside as we talk about them. Yeah, um But you know again beyond that I've just it's I've been having a blast with it and really Controlling it at your own pace and the fact that like you can do Certain types of missions when you want until you're tired of them or until you just don't feel like it anymore um The unlocked trees are all like you got to work to get a full tree But they're not out of reach. There's absolutely no way anyone could ever finish this game and not have maxed out every tree By the only you're past where I'm at and I'm almost maxed out. There you go. Um
Starting point is 00:34:29 And one huge huge smart decision decision They made was being fast loose and liberal with the suits is awesome This kind of game could have decided to make it like Really really premium dlc only get this one soon Yeah, because using suits is a huge thing that feels good, right? That's a big reward for a game like this is different types of suits because aesthetically
Starting point is 00:35:00 It's what you're staring at and enjoying right and then it comes with a certain specific power What uh, what is the suits that you guys have been using most you can guess what i'm using the whole time Uh, I i'm using the standard game one the one of the white white spider. I actually like that one a lot more I thought the amer the americans the american man I want to put that in when I think like a really important story missions coming up. So don't look ridiculous Uh spider-man 2099 the white suit. Oh, that's what I haven't I haven't gotten that yet either It's my favorite. Yeah, um, then there's other suits that I can say what their name is, but you might not know there's like the last uh, the
Starting point is 00:35:39 The last stand suit um the homecoming suit Uh, this the suit you get from doing black cats missions. That's the one I've been using Is the homecoming is the homecoming suit the like the yellow jacket? No, it's from homecoming. Oh just a straight up homecoming. It has homecoming default. Yeah, it has three suits from homecoming the iron spider The the standard homecoming suit and his his made up one Oh, cool fun fun fun. Yeah, uh, I played the trash one for a bit The the spider armor the one that looks like he makes he's a common rider Which one there's three there's four spider ours big red armor with a red anti sinister six one
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yeah, I think that's like Deadpool iron man spider man. Let's say Deadpool and iron man. There's a cool big time one. That's uh, Yeah, that's all right But I went straight from the mark two one, which is the yellow and black to the black cat one And so I mean I I switch occasionally when I see something I like like I'll be I'll do punk for a little bit or I'll do um The wrestler outfit for a little bit or there or whatever. I didn't like the wrestler one in the game I really didn't like it either, but um generally 95% of the time if I'm not just testing something out
Starting point is 00:36:51 My favorite spider man of all time is fucking Ben Riley. Oh, yeah scarlet. I I did wear always forever It's all red and he's got a fucking ripped hoodie over it And that and he uses a sharpie to draw the fucking spider on it. I love it so much Aesthetically, it's exactly the type of spider man suit. I love they're still missing a lot No webs They're still missing a lot of like standard suits that have been in games before like the silver spider armor That's all shiny. They don't have the scarlet spider the scarlet spider There's a bunch of rows that are still black for me. So
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, each DLC comes with more suits. I'm super excited But they're fast and loose with them right any game that decides to put these at a premium They do it because they know that again, it feels really good to use a different suit and just take photos and have fun with it That's locking like credentials. I think are a bit ridiculous One of them is the bottom two like lock lock ones. I'm not sure if it's the bottom two, but um One's complete every side one's complete everything in the game that one That's one of the ones I mean, but I kind of understand in terms of this is the ultimate reward if you see everything It looks like shit
Starting point is 00:38:04 But the the other one I talked about which I think you'd really like when you see it But um that one is like Get 20 tokens of one thing and I was it was one it was the one thing that personally I was like I I didn't do that many token. I think it was 20 base tokens. Okay. Okay. I think I enjoy the bases. So I'm gonna be getting one with a red leather jacket and black jeans. Oh, I haven't gotten it It's soup. That's that sounds fucking great. It's 20 base tokens is A good time in my opinion. It's like it's like an entire set of bases But here's the thing right everyone can custom build your your combat, right?
Starting point is 00:38:43 So I saw you talking on twitter about like you're like fuck the gadgets Just going I almost never use it ever. So I I didn't until I realized. Oh, I can level up all gadgets I had them all maxed out. So I I like using certain ones not all I built so I switched up my bill I respect a couple times basically right and they're all valid and in terms of just like speed at which you take people out Like I had a spec the and the thing that I prefer is basically just like damage, right? So damage and focus so that you're you're taking on bonus I'm saying put on the focus mod. Yeah, right
Starting point is 00:39:20 Put on the And put on and basically like use your put your skills up so that you get the double takedowns And then you just do a series of takedowns. Yeah, no, that's right. That's what I've been doing for ever since I locked them It's like air combo one guy you have enough meter if you did the perfect presses for like four takedowns A couple takedowns and that's really cool. That's a valid speedy way to get through it, right? But then I was like, all right, that works. What else can I try and I went with let's try There's these web zip based ones where it's like you can zip people up without even having to fucking, you know Whatever and I was like, okay. I'm gonna try that and then you buff the zipping so that you can like
Starting point is 00:39:58 Keep it going. Yeah, you make it so that um You get the the power up which is you jump in a circle and just web everybody. Oh, that's web blossom Yeah, and like suddenly every fight just gets trivialized because you just pop that and then throw throw throw throw throw and it's done For a web blossom specifically if you keep using it further and further you go in the game I find less and less people get webbed up like they the baby. Yeah experts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah It depends on what type of mission the web that the one gadget that I have found to be extraordinarily useful 100% of the time is impact webbing Yeah, anyone is near a wall at all. It's just they're on it. Yeah Just web the web ball like the little like the d. Lee that if you throw it explodes like after a little while
Starting point is 00:40:40 That's just as good as impact bottom the bottom. It's just slightly slower. Yeah And the tripmines take out two people usually. Yeah. Yeah Do you want to see that suit? Do you want to this suit to be the one I was just show me? Oh, that's fucking good He just showed us what's it called It's called the last stand suit. Okay. That's fucking good um, anyway, the um, damn The the gadgets and I decided to like see let's let's see how these gadgets work to you know, I'm like, what what what's pack
Starting point is 00:41:15 Completed about so in the process of complaining. I did learn some things Yeah, and I found something out as well And what I learned is anyone who hits a wall under any circumstances while in a web state becomes Nullified removed from the battle which changes things slightly Um, similarly to on a rooftop kicking someone off of it. They're gone ends that yeah, hold on. Hold on spider-man last stand suit Uh suit power spider-man gets super pissed and enemies can't block or interrupt any of your attacks while this is That's fucking good. I get angry The uh, the heavies are like
Starting point is 00:41:53 It took it took me it took me like a couple rounds to really learn that you're not supposed to Time you have to time them a little bit more precisely than the other enemies It took me about three quarters of the game to stop getting hit by every single heavy punch But the heavies because hit by one their follow-ups are so fast and you're not and they wind up But their animation is misleading because it looks like that wind up is going to result in no full swing But they kind of lunge forward and it takes an extra second on it. But in any case, um, the Uh gadget setup was I'm like, okay, call in a spider buddy and then use three Support spider drones options and now you have four things just cleaning up the battlefield
Starting point is 00:42:34 I should mention that the the the spider bro And the the web loss of moves are the best moves They're not even close The third best one is probably the first one you get which is the focus ability where it just gives you Yeah, yeah, well the one I want to one suit with I don't forget which one there's one of the suits power is just Quads your damage. That's what I was about to bring up. It's the the red one with the big arms on it Yeah, I hate that suit. It's very ugly. It looks hideous. It's very ugly, but I want that power up Quad damage is one punch kills. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Yeah, so all all that to say that every style works
Starting point is 00:43:10 If you decide to fucking unlock Uh, Tony Hawk tricks and then super jump and then do a uh death from above Like that's a valid way to take out enemies too. Did you unlock the challenges yet? No, I'm I'm really low on uh, or rather. I haven't seen challenge tokens. Uh, uh, it just says right now play through the mission The main mission. Okay. Yeah, you'll get that. Okay. So you're not farther than me. Um is and uh in this story There's there's uh, there's four types. I want to say four. I've done three self stealth sections. Okay. So there's combat There's stealth. There's uh Bombs reception and bombs
Starting point is 00:43:46 And the the the the fuck was it called the camera one, you know the one where you follow the camera Yeah, those what it's web swing through points essentially Those are those are outrageous. They are I I Super tough. I was really glad that fly through the rings was At least the only way they did that was fly through the smog And the web through the smog and it's kind of contextual in a way Floating bullshit rings We're chasing a drone and the drone will fly all over and then when it reaches a certain point
Starting point is 00:44:21 It's root. It'll drop a ring that you have to swing through. Yeah And There is no solution to those other than learning the root perfectly or else you'll never complete it fast Not like dude, it's not to mention some of those chase missions. Like there's a helicopter chase that's like It's very clear during the chase missions. It's like At the 32nd mark is when you can catch up to it There is nothing you can do at that point in time the same thing for birds where it's actually there's you're on top of the Birds ass like because as soon as I got there, I just happened to swing in that direction five meters away from the bird
Starting point is 00:44:51 I'm in the middle. It's like no no you got to wait and that helicopter one was like come the fuck on guys How is the helicopter cornering around buildings better than I am? You know and also why wouldn't you just fly above the city? Why would you stay low amongst the building? You gotta give spider a chance. It's way. Yeah, I guess it's way today. Yeah spider-man, but boy You know the little little bit of out of like, yeah, come on god. That's so much money Yeah, a lot of money in in a lot of money the fucking let's any time you see let's destroy the overworld You know even partially you're like, oh shit. Okay Fun to see the uh the overworld change as the game goes on. Yes. I didn't expect that
Starting point is 00:45:35 There's an old spider-man game where it does this but in the worst shittiest dumbest awfulest way ever It's web of shadows and new york is fine. And then maybe I don't know Three hours into the game. It's like symbiotes have taken over the earth. Oh god. And now everything Everything just bam is just just destroyed and there's no NPCs any longer. Okay, everyone is symbiote Okay, and it's so I mean it's based on the run's planted of the symbiots, but this is not the I don't even know if it's based on I don't I think I might even taken place beforehand. I don't know But it's so poorly handled the
Starting point is 00:46:15 I was supposed to I think my only thing that I just like about the game at all so far Is uh, I don't know if you guys saw but too mellow retweeted a pretty good a funny article A few days ago, which was they made that video game again, but now spider-man's in it Ha ha ha ha ha ha Specifically it's a very it's a very it's a very sunny thing now because microsoft doesn't put out games And nintendo puts out nintendo games, but it's like That game is out and it's spider. That's very true. The difference here is that it feels best to be spider-man Yeah, totally no one if I could take any of those games and pick one
Starting point is 00:46:54 It would be I want the spider-man flying doesn't feel as good as web swinging And that is a huge because there's no testament problem with flying. There's no There's no challenge. You just fly. Yeah, there's no moments of boundless gravity that you get to fucking slow Taking photos as spider-man Gliding while you do use focus and slow down and get the perfect shot has never felt more like oh, yeah This is how he does it gliding in the arkham games feels better than flying because at least there's like a resistance there At least you're falling. Yeah. Yeah falling to stop but sometimes when i'm just like I don't want to swing right now I just want to point to point and boost off of the points
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah, because you can't and you can do that as like until you get to central park You're like fuck. Yeah, like if you want to be ohio spider-man you can do that You can you can be the lamp post jumper and the game lets you get around like that the fact that central park Central park and spider-man is always so great because it's this giant fucking area in the middle of the map That's like a mobility death zone That like I'll all fucking swing around central park to not go through it I haven't like I have sometimes but like oftentimes when there's like missions in central park like that bird watching one And i'm just like I can I can do it. It's just it's just it's much harder
Starting point is 00:48:10 Yeah, it just every moment feels like that first reveal of like the big the big end of the fucking first spider-man movie Where he lands on the flag speaking of landing on the flag I don't know if you landed on the flag But have you noticed that if you land and just pose up on the flag the fucking birds never go away They're always doing circles around the flag because it's like so you can photo up and the birds are like, all right Is he taking it? No. All right curve back and they just do circles So you get the perfect moment type of thing It's it's it's it's funny. What if this is a weird thing to say, but it's like I one tiny thing
Starting point is 00:48:44 I'm like and whatever. It's not really a Negative, but it's like they went out their way to be like there's no venom content. There's no venom anything That's not in this game. We're not doing that and i'm like, okay fine. I respect that Fuck you Because that means I'll never get the agent venom flash thompson secret agent costume because they're not going to just throw a red I hear you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's no black costumes. No, I hear it. I'm like, I just want that so I mean there are but not They're not symbiotic. Yeah There's no symbiote based costume. Like even even if it was just a black and white cloth costume
Starting point is 00:49:17 You could understand the kind of worms that comes alongside that. Of course. That's a whole game in itself There's such a massive like feeling around the symbiote or lack thereof in this game that it's like Boy, it'd be cool if they made another one of these Like norman osborn and auto octavius just walking around as norman osborn and auto octavius for the vast majority of the game at At least where i'm at they haven't become anybody yet It's like oh, huh I guess either later here or much later in two And and this spider-man has dealt with the symbiote before because he has his little lines about it
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah, so You know, it's it's like that's lethal protector. That's such a big thing I don't know if those were actual like in-game story lines or winks at the audience a wink winks like I think they're both I mean, I think it's unclear if he had fought symbiots and he would have meant to try it out So if in one of those items you're pulling from the past where he talks about oh, this is my first whatever He probably would have pulled out like a leather jacket and been like, oh This is when I dressed like a douchebag when I had that symbiote on Yeah, but he doesn't say that
Starting point is 00:50:28 But anyway But finish the game the game the game has like two setups for sequels where it's like one is on the villain side And one is on the hero side and they're both fantastic cool cool Yay Yeah, man It like yeah, just uh if you haven't I mean like I think you're fucking everybody's playing this But if you have yes, everyone is playing this if you haven't like the funnest thing about it and like
Starting point is 00:50:52 What you'll probably enjoy right away is like the fact that you beat two missions and then it just goes new suit available New those just like free every one more mission new suit available every half hour You just get a new suit you can wear and there's a giant character select screen and it's fucking as somebody who's not It's a comics that experience has been like. Oh, what the why this suit? Yeah What is that? Enjoy it if you want it. Did you get the weird flaming one? No, uh the the skull one I didn't get it But it was the last suit that I got like the ability to unlock and I'm just looking at you want a hilarious play through
Starting point is 00:51:29 Play through the story and look at the cutscenes where he speaks in that suit Oh, what he has a modulated voice. I know like just animation wise. Hey, I'm a skull monster Hey I think uh, I think miles is is is all right so far. Uh, it's only been it's only been like really limited exposure I only have one problem with miles on his storyline The first part of his storyline is is insane is no it's not no It's it's aggressively foreshadowed to a absurd degree. Yeah, there's that but also it's like You're going to the thing. Yeah, boy. I wonder what's gonna happen. No, but you know how like your regular
Starting point is 00:52:09 Your regular person that becomes a hero has to have the bravery that shows that they're willing to felt like that sludge monster Even though I got no powers. Uh Yeah, fucking macadamia. Yeah The level of like miles. What are you doing? He should have died in that scene beyond insane He should have died for sure There's a couple of moments of like this family is so wholesome and pure that they're the throwing themselves into danger He's a hothead that would know that they're this family so wholesome and pure that they're throwing themselves into danger Which is established and then they go beyond the point that that makes any sense to do anymore
Starting point is 00:52:44 And they're still like no, I'm doing it though I think it's because his dad hammers home that lesson was it's like you couldn't like all you need to be It to be a hero is not be a coward I I guess like what was the difference between cowardice and running into running into gunfire gunfire You know what I mean like I think that's just what they're going for is all I'm not saying to make sense like Yeah, it's what that scene is wild Like it's just it's there's a difference between those two things, you know Like sometimes you can help other times you cannot and in times when you cannot but you decide you're still going to try
Starting point is 00:53:20 It feels a bit like you're kind of just running to your death You know, I can't parse that. It's not an intelligence. This is also a slight negative This won't mean anything to woolly but it would to Pat is like Towards the end, uh, like, you know the scarecrow moment of the Arkham games Spider-man once says I want to have six or seven of those and I'm like that's a lot of them Scarecrow's worked because they were really far apart. Yeah Like really far apart. They were like four or five hours apart I'm I'm saying sevens way too many. I want to say there's four, but how in what span are we talking?
Starting point is 00:53:55 Three hours. That's too much They're cool. Sure. They're totally cool, but that makes you For like get ready for this the next one. Yeah, yeah Ah, interesting Interesting games rad games super rad games very rad. It's very good um And like wall like in uh, like north american numbers are not in it's like apparently like like, you know It's demolishing god of war. It's in the uk. I think someone said it's like it's sold more in its first week
Starting point is 00:54:24 Then god award did in its first month in the uk. There was that So also Spider-man, did you see that fucking world is obsessed with spider-man? Sure, but the last couple of games did not sell well No, but it is the character that is like bootlegging on all those weird elsegate videos For a reason that I think it was forbs or wall street journal or something put out some fucking online article It was like spider-man for the playstation proves that the right ip can still motivate sales And it's like it's spider-man
Starting point is 00:54:59 That is always the right ip. It's the ip. That's insane. There is no I cannot think of a single property ever that would be more likely to sell a product than spider-man We know how much people that are that don't speak english love spider-man That doesn't apply to a lot of other characters. I like I apparently did really well in japan. There you go spider-man invented cabin rider and sentai directly Directly he couldn't be more worldwide, but it is true that yes This game has been released and this time spider-man is it's like I'll it's it's the simplest formula in the world
Starting point is 00:55:38 studio with a good name plus spider-man Equals a shit zillion dollars. I enjoy doing marvel versus capcom spider-man moves a lot I really try to recreate those straight up have them a whole bunch giant web spider standing. Oh, it's really clear Yeah, spider spider staying spider swing. It's really clear that they don't mess with the web ball Oh, you can almost do it. You can almost do it, but it's not a point launch and the wall jumps you can almost do it Fair enough. Um
Starting point is 00:56:11 Boy ea is fucking wasted that star wars license, haven't they? Yeah, I remember there were talks about disney maybe taking it away from them because like they've they've wasted it Battlefront was the franchise that like got people in though, right? Like that was the most that was the best like Super star wars feeling one jedi outcast and you know the you're you're mistaking the feet that that good feeling for battlefront because it died Like the battlefront like one and two with the original ones when they came out We're like back-to-back big successes because it was the game It was the game that brought all the different star wars games together, right?
Starting point is 00:56:51 It was the game that just lets you pilot anything and control anything But also in other before that you had to play like x-wing game or the the resurgence of off the popular star wars game Is the one that you played was cotor right was the one was like fucking star wars games. Yeah That's true too Yeah And just like for me it was rogue leader and then and force unleash came out Yeah, I'd say more importantly, um the the paranoia of making a studio build something around the movie coming out You should relax that you should let them take their time and do something
Starting point is 00:57:27 That what are the two examples like cancel all those? Spider-man and and batman were we're not even no movies. No explicitly Let them hear before even let the game build its own strength Well, you're completely right and that's what star wars 13 13 was gonna be and then they killed that because Amy Hennig doesn't know how to write a single-player storyline that people would buy apparently Well, just we'll just that's sarcasm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well as you mentioned cotor It just makes me think of the fact that it's like, yeah, look at all these games that are not tie-ins that had time to become their own Developed worlds and these familiar things we love and and cotor came out alongside the fucking prequel trilogy
Starting point is 00:58:08 And it was like a replacement It came out alongside trash movies disappointed everyone and succeeded in spite of it. Yeah, so you gotta let it go Anyway, um, yeah, man spider-man's really good spider talk I finished disenchanted. It's it was funny. It was worth watching. I'm gonna check out season two Still no belly laughs, but definitely a story line actually took a hold where I'm like, well, this is actually a bit more Interesting kept me going to the port room like I'm I'm invested. I'm gonna I'm gonna watch this disenchanted is it's funny enough But no, that's not true. I feel like there were you see here's the problem I did have one or two really big laughs, but I can't remember what they were. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:58:50 You know, it kind of has that problem. There was one that killed me. It's like It was something somewhere, you know, but Say an episode six or seven. Yeah You know um But but that's that's the whole thing exactly right like it's still it's still fun enough to watch and it even has its action moments And it's like, you know fight scenes if you would it's not even Strictly season two it'll be part two, which is weird distinction. I guess a certain Netflix
Starting point is 00:59:21 Now they don't even call them seasons now, but then they have shows where they're called seasons So I don't I don't know how they're separate in it. What'd you do, man? Uh played a bunch of spider-man and beat it, but uh, we kind of went over that but I did um With a heavy heart see the predator It turns out not a whole lot of people were in the mood to go see the predator No, almost the exact same amount that went to go see predators years ago They almost made the exact same amount of money
Starting point is 00:59:50 And um in terms of box office stuff, but I saw it. I'm I'm I'm gonna have a full on maybe almost two hour plus Uh video mumbling with matt where I uh do a retrospective of the entire predator franchise with the guys from osw reviews So look forward to that, but we're gonna, you know record our reactions to uh the predator there But I'll give a basic thing is that like There there's a good movie here But this is the biggest example since Suicide Squad of man. They fucked up this movie in in post with
Starting point is 01:00:28 really poor editing A lot of probably a lot of scenes chopped out a better ending That was probably in there originally or it even confirmed wise um But There's still fun to be had. There's still some fun characters. This is probably the best cast of any predator movie since the first one Like I enjoyed the characters and some of the dialogue Do I enjoy autism being presented as a superpower?
Starting point is 01:00:57 worth of interstellar travel what is Why you thought that was everyone talking about? Oh So in the trailers they show a child. I have no idea what anyone's talking about a child briefly in the trailers And then late they basically go he has autism I'm like, okay, and then apparently he has the world's craziest most special autism that predators Want to know about he's super rain man and the predators want it that sounds dumb. It's it's sure dumb So I didn't see it and heard that and was like that sounds dumb and laughed and laughed and laughed and then I asked Matt Haha, is that true? He was like
Starting point is 01:01:34 um That one said there's still like, you know sequences and like that's really cool I like that weapon whatever but it really follows this cast of like Cookie guys have been disavowed by the US government. They're all military dudes The main guy who is do you remember the bad guy in logan the one with blonde hair and the glasses Yeah, the robot arm. Yeah. Yeah, he's a cool guy and he's he plays the main hero here a sniper And he runs a fowl of a predator at the very start the first like half hour of this is like really good Actually, I was enjoying it a lot and then midway through and then the third act especially it just
Starting point is 01:02:11 It we were talking about a bit before characters just show up out of nowhere when you thought they were over there Because they're just I don't know they either didn't film it or just the editing was so hack slash that I was just confused about not not confused about what was going on but like Just it just felt so disjointed Um, it's it's it's rated r It leads into that really well because that's usually what you do when you want to make up for a lack of a consistent story um
Starting point is 01:02:42 The the the main thing I kind of really didn't enjoy is that like predators are in the movie quite a bit But they don't actually do anything other than attack So unlike the first three even predators, there's not a scene of a predator doing something that's Like more than fighting like he's not like going through his weapons repairing himself Doing something they're always either running or shooting or attacking and I'm like that's cool for like action fans Like and then I was thinking maybe is this trying to be the aliens of predator Oh, okay, or they're just like the army But it's like don't do that because he'll never be as good as aliens
Starting point is 01:03:20 So it kind of doesn't work that way either Which redirected it? Shane black who played hawkins and the original predator and directed iron man 3 and kiss kiss bang bang and and all these pretty good movies and stuff and like I like won't go into it, but they have an ending stinger That is the most laughable like this is ridiculous and I do not like this Right now and they had to rewrite it because originally it was supposed to involve Arnold Schwarzenegger And they sent the script to him. This is like in an interview and Schwarzenegger was like I didn't want to do it
Starting point is 01:03:57 Like I don't want to I don't blame him. I don't want to be in the movie for like eight seconds Um, and I I think if you want me to be in the movie I should be not the main star because I'm not but I should be in it a bit more and they're like well We're not going to do that. He's like well, I'm not going to be into it So they have to come up with plan b and plan b. No, they didn't come up with plan b They came up with like a plan f it does if it feels like a plan f Yeah, when I saw it because I knew I wasn't going to go see this Like I laughed out loud
Starting point is 01:04:28 Like you saw a clip or you just read it. Oh, I just if you fucking say jesse the body vinter No, it's completely But it still serves the purposes of a stinger like oh shit, but no one in the crowd said oh shit I didn't go. I said an actual. Oh shit like oh shit really flat out ridiculous. Okay, but um I mean, it's still probably like if it comes out on netflix, I guess it's definitely still worth a watch It wasn't boring governor. It wasn't boy harp system That's why I'm going no the stinger is a bunch of chem trails just leaking to the predator mask Very crazy
Starting point is 01:05:14 But uh, I saw that I played a little bit of uh senren kagura reflect reflect reflections. Yeah, you did which is Probably the stupidest entry in the senren kagura series because Wow Is daidoji in it No, damn it because at the end the jay checking out the mainline seven kagura games are enjoyable fluffy beat them ups with sexy anime ladies And even beach beachy peachy splashy washy is the is the splatoon game where you're just Watering each girl with like super soakers. That's a game watering watering watering them and reflections is Barely a game it's rubbing down girls with your joy cons and the hd rumble is put to creepy effect
Starting point is 01:06:04 Yeah, and that's the game. Yeah, and i'm like this should be the mini game In between stages of the actual no, but then they will be able to sell it twice And it's just it's just There's not much there. Of course. I recorded a video time was spent. Yeah, I was gonna say Like like but I didn't enjoy it Like I didn't even get the the girls I even like in senren kagura. I don't even think they're in it. So Fuck me. I guess but it's just like You bring that to the table
Starting point is 01:06:38 it's because There's a fucking elgato in the background recording what's happening here, right? Right. Yes. Okay. All right, but yeah, I guess that's yeah, man. What are you doing? I'm recording I think I even have a line where I'm like I gotta finish this quickly before someone opens a door. Yeah And uh, yeah, it's the police. Yeah. Well, that's the thing is that's not even It's not even that risque. I retweeted this tweet. Uh, someone put it of like they're loading up They're they're loading up dmc 3 It's like wait
Starting point is 01:07:13 How old is lady in dmc 3 17 or 16 years old? No, and then the fbi just spawns in his house and he's just running from the fbi Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but yeah, that's aside from spider-man. That's me Uh, I don't really have much new this week aside aside from spider-man I've been plunking away in the uh, the old favorites 14 in warframe and monster hunter Nothing to say on that other than Monster hunter modding is coming a long way like a long way They're cracking that shit open and like a bunch of my friends got into it
Starting point is 01:07:55 Are they just putting old armor back in? No, they're actually doing a lot of zany shit They're figuring out how to add new quests to the game a rejigger some monsters They're ripping all the music out of the game so that you can change Like the generic battle theme that when you fight a wrath loss to like lock and load Um, there are some legitimately fantastic mods that have already come out There is somehow a transmog mod that lets you change your appearance to whatever you want and other players can see it So that's just all that's good. There's a mod that makes all the dropables For you know when you hit a monster the little little tiny white speck
Starting point is 01:08:33 Now they now shoot up beams of light so that you can actually fucking find them. Okay stuff like that There's also people just modding the game into absolute nonsense like uh, the fucking heavy wyvern fire has now been replaced by missiles And just shit dies in one second Uh, so it's kind of the wild west over there on monster hunter. It's awesome. Hmm Are people doing um like uh mod characters or mod mod armor Not really the main thing modding Ryu into can or no right now the the number one thing is they're they're
Starting point is 01:09:07 Retexturing existing monsters So the very first one that's probably going to come out is they're going to retexture Devil joe into savage devil joe and change his stats So that he is that different one to just add some species into the game But the game is weird and it was never meant to be modded So it's one of those but there's so many people that care about doing it that progress is happening regardless If someone turns kirin into rapidash, let me know That's a that's a palette swap even that's just turn it from i want to see it although although kirin has weird feet
Starting point is 01:09:40 I don't know if you've ever seen but kirin does not have hooves. You're right. They're just spikes, right? It's It's I don't I don't know. It's weird. I don't like them. They're not hooves Uh Nothing new in warframe other than chroma prime who who here gives a shit about that Does anyone even know what i'm saying if I'd say chroma prime? No, I mean it's the prime version of chroma He's cool Crumble like a dragon. That's it Uh
Starting point is 01:10:05 And 14's dragging me back in because there's a new patch and that's it They're adding alarms, which has me excited and it's one of the you ever You know, well you follow fighting games a good deal man You don't play any long-term games as a surface type games every year all I did was I played friday the 13th and over watch Okay, okay, because there's this weird thing that happens when you follow a game real real real close And they announce a feature change And to the average person you look like a psychopath for getting excited about it Because it's like a quality of life. It's a small quality of life change that means nothing
Starting point is 01:10:44 But then you go, oh, yeah, so they're adding alarms to the game And that's the most exciting thing in the new patch In dragon ball fighters They made this character select screen cursor move faster. Oh, man, and that is that is actually fantastic huge It's the it's so insignificant And and oh simultaneously huge that's the perfect example because yeah, you look crazy, but I told I'm gonna make some for us I totally understand like the reason why the reason why the alarms matters is because in game
Starting point is 01:11:17 There are materials that only spawn at certain in-game times So you would need an extra tab open to have the fucking little alarm go off for you And now you can just set those yourself. Wow. Wow, but when you try to tell people about that they go Got my face. Mm-hmm Is the didn't world of warcraft just kind of like thrive on Um taking modded ui stuff and making it official. Yeah Right. Yeah It also thrived on not
Starting point is 01:11:47 On not integrating core features for like a decade because well, there's a mod for it So why waste development time on it? No, no, you got to make it official. No, you got to put it in there Well 14 by comparison has no modding support of any kind So anything that you want that game they're like Okay, I guess we got to put it in That's it for me nothing nothing big outside of the usuals in spider-man like like life changing quality of life Should not be understated should not be sandbag It's much much bigger deal than like the biggest thing that got me back into playing 14
Starting point is 01:12:25 Was that they changed how the system works to change your look where they made it so that instead of changing every single piece of gear on your body with a one-time use consumable item Which took for and you had to have the original Look item like if you want to change to the sword you always had to keep that sword They made it so that you can just set up plates that you just switched to I want to be a cowboy I want to be a ninja. I want to be a cowboy a different cowboy. So the I'm trying to think of I'm thinking of these examples and uh The fact that persona for arena had no rematch button was outrageous. It was over time
Starting point is 01:13:03 A bigger and bigger problem. It's the worst part of the entire game as you start it. You're like, ah, that's annoying But okay, and then months in you're just fucking mashing that button. Did they add it in ultimate? Yes, they sure did. Okay, but they never patched it in arena, but we can know they didn't So you go back every time you have to fucking hit that select screen every time But we can go further with this because something because adding the rematch button. We can even we can do more Akatsuki Blitzkampf has the single best version of this ever The moment the frame that is about to say ko flashes hit that start button. You're you're done. Really? We're back in we're going
Starting point is 01:13:47 You can salty mash the start button on the Moment the round ends so when you're dying from a combo that you know is going to kill you You just mash the start button and then at a certain point It'll look like you hit the reset button and then you'll be you'll be on the select screen going back into another fight That's great like holy fuck. They let you aggressively salty run it back in seconds And that's the that's the only game. I know that does it that yeah The situation for you is the upcoming patch notes and Akatsuki Blitzkampf Faster restart on rematch option and will ease over there going
Starting point is 01:14:21 Yay And then people who don't play that are going over don't it's not even a new character or a new move or it's quality of life Yeah, it's quality of life You're going to play a game for a long time these kinds of changes are actually the lifeblood of what Like make you happy because those little resentments just build up and build up So there's things where I I don't know if an rpg's ever done this, but I've always thought about like If I want a one hand play an rpg Right if I'm really fucking lazy. I know like I was thinking about like
Starting point is 01:14:54 What if and you just what if uh, you're you had a instead of like selecting your attack item run Magic whatever, you know, like you just you held like Right trigger and then just weapon wield it weapon wield your options to get to what you want to do pretty basic rpg It has to be very basic But I kind of it was just like thought about like the ability to do that or be an option Like an accessibility option would be really. Why would you move? You just fucking? Option Because like sometimes I'm in that one armed switch mode, you know
Starting point is 01:15:25 Sometimes I'm in that one armed we mode mode Where you're just like lying in a weird like I blame the we because that brought in like the I'm lying on my couch I really don't want to it's the ultimate do this kind of situation And I feel like that would be a nice way to go through selecting the menus as my video game the only game I can think of and what you can do that as an rpg is Final fantasy 12 Because you can completely automate The process okay, and then you just need to be able to move and hit the turbo with the gambits
Starting point is 01:15:59 Yeah, cool I hated gambits when it came out back in the day like way back in the day And then when I replayed it on the on the ps4, I should I gotta go back to that but uh the international you can you can actually just automate the the entire game. Yeah, and The the game becomes not about like how to beat certain bosses with like turn by turn It becomes how to build your party to be able to just okay Is that still fun? Absolutely cool But it's only fun and this is important in the re-releases that have the international version
Starting point is 01:16:33 Yeah, because that's the one that has the whole del one too fast forward. Okay. That's when it becomes fun Yeah, those re-releases are fun. Especially those ones of the final fantasy eight Yeah Yeah, man, I can't wait for the re-release of final fantasy eight On the nintendo anything the fact that there's a gif of squall Turning in his bed and then just slowly going fetal It's my favorite. My favorite is him and I think it's ranoa and they're just both saying whatever my favorite My favorite is that that brady bunch grid that has not all the final fantasy characters
Starting point is 01:17:08 Is like your favorite final fantasy not you It's got squall in the middle Hold that thought let's take a quick word from responses. Let's do that uh This week The podcast is sponsored by DC universe Do you like dc love dc?
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Starting point is 01:21:19 seven nine ten and ten two and cc and world of final fantasy and 12 and 12 It's so embarrassing every non mmo final fantasy game released from 1997 to i want to say 2006 Including world of final fantasy, which is brand new. Yeah, we'll be released for the switch at some point in the next year pocket edition oh 15 pocket, you know, it's it's never oh and chocobo mysterious dungeon too
Starting point is 01:21:58 Yeah, well, I mean those are really friends But I I'm gonna say that during that nintendo direct rate you guys are more of the final fantasy seven fans Like I played it at a friend's house a bunch, but it was not my game I played like eight no not eight of course not I played nine I played nine way more than I ever played seven and obviously played 10 more But when you see eris's face show up in a trailer like I get excited still and I was like, oh What is this? And I like the last thing like you know, this is a random nintendo direct and it's like oh
Starting point is 01:22:32 All final fantasy is coming now cloud being in and fucking smash is like yeah, whatever I mean quite frankly, uh You have to remember every 10 years you need to give the kids an opportunity to Play these old games that they go they people keep talking about And now that the switch is fucking gangbusters and porting to it is the hot shit It's the time it's like why wouldn't they I have a piece of context for this The question is which version of seven? Probably the pc version
Starting point is 01:23:01 Because I I seriously doubt you'll be seeing the playstation versions being used Yeah, they'll be the so I have two pieces of context for this that make it make a little more sense As to why now and why all of these right? Why now is because back when Square pictures fucking Wait the fuck under we all remember that back in square could have actually gone out of business Due to that being such a debacle. Yeah, so that eventually led to the merger blame ackee with uh that eventually led to the merger with inix By the second but before it did that it led to sony
Starting point is 01:23:40 uh, sony just sony Buying I think I want to say like 14 percent share maybe 18 percent in square Which is kind of why you saw them have a lot of sony games, especially the games in that era, right? Yeah back in 2014 They sold that share off so that there was no longer any part of sony involved Now that meant these could have come to the wii you I guess That's stupid, but That would be stupid Right, so oh here. We're everything's free and clear and now we can just shoot everything everywhere as for eight
Starting point is 01:24:18 I have been seeing a lot of people talk about the reasons why eight has not been re-released on almost anything The the for the chief reason among them is because it doesn't have an existing port It does have an existing port on the pc like an old way back That's what I mean because it has it has a bad port. It has a bad port from like 1999 Yeah, okay, because I was around for the new seven ports that were being done. Yeah, and uh, So the they changed the law the general conspiracy theory consensus on what the deal with eight is is that eight used a shit ton of V backdrops. Yeah
Starting point is 01:25:00 And it's quite possible that square might have lost them Which means they don't have the original files Because the ff7 recreation nine they use higher res versions of those backdrops I mean, is it really an snk situation? Well, here's the thing they can't take it from The ps1 version to put on other platforms So if they lost like, you know remember all those well, did you guys even play it? But there's a lot of battle scenes that have like big fmv backdrops If they if those are gone, you can't like those would look like fucking trash on today's stuff
Starting point is 01:25:39 And then there's no way super low res they're like three and there'd be no way they'd put the work in to try to like recreate it And then the other thing I heard is because the the the game has so many like notable Musical tracks that they might have lost the licenses to put out again such as eyes on me eyes on me Well, if you were looking forward it Junctioning on your switch on the go. I guess you're not going to be allowed to do that So sorry fans of junction. How a pro whatever whatever
Starting point is 01:26:12 It is it is so Fitting that the game that this happens to is the one that has a purpose made Like dismissal of its own problems Hey, man triple triad triple triad lives on in other forms There are both homebrew and official triple triad solutions for you They should have announced triple triad is is getting poured in Oh, man, just to really hammer that home
Starting point is 01:26:42 Just to really get it to the core, you know, because quite a lot. I mean, who's got time Who's got time for the filler, you know Um, whatever Yeah, so that's uh, the story here by the way being that final fantasy 7 9 10 10 2 and 11 Our 12 rather are coming to the switch in 2019 squares going big on the back catalog on the switch, which makes perfect sense Uh, yeah, okay A bunch of those games are really fantastic really want the octopath team to like remake six I see a lot of people saying that and one in that style. Yeah, one of those people is me
Starting point is 01:27:20 So the hd remake that's not a remake the hd remake that's um Still sprite face I should say at the same time. I would much actually rather see them do something new But to to solve that one of the problem with that is that they're currently is no I talked about this before there's no good version of six. Yeah There needs to be a good version of six that games an absolute classic Weird that I mean over the years these things just kind of end up in these Like places where you're like, oh fuck. What are we going to port forward?
Starting point is 01:27:54 Well, when was the last port of this? How bad was it or was it okay? Yeah, do we are we going to just go back and do it from scratch? And if so, do we still have like do we still have the ability to do that? When final fantasy 5 and 6 came out on the play station and there were a bunch of people that didn't know in super nintendo I was like, yeah, I'm like don't play that fucking version That version's so bad And but and I mean it's it sucks that that's not obvious, you know And the sense that like you have to know when these things happen because now when you say ff7 for the pc
Starting point is 01:28:22 It's like, yeah, okay, that's fine. That's the good one But but I remember when there was a battle before that but if you just if you weren't around If you want to if you want to go hard on it, uh, you can you can do the model swap mod and that game looks really wild It's like a model swap mod. It's like, oh shit. Croto trigger came out on steam today. You know, that it's bad that kind of problem Now it's fixed, but is it better than the ds version? I don't know Uh, so that's happening also Fucking dope. I hope you guys got a chance to check out the trailer for lethal league blaze. I did
Starting point is 01:28:56 I remember seeing people post screenshots of game is going. This is not jet set radio This game is fucking fire because yeah, no, not just anyone by the way, Hideki Naganuma, the jet set radio, um fucking A composer. Yeah Tweeted that out because he's also doing tracks for lethal league. Wow and the music is fucking incredible because yeah, it fits into that aesthetic And lethal league blaze looks like they basically took Like frame by frame gameplay from lethal league and and translated it perfectly into 3d. Yeah, it looks way better Like it really has Nothing lost in the translation to 3d. Yeah, and I'm really impressed by that more than anything else
Starting point is 01:29:41 Like the animation like by being 3d could afford to be like they could have made it smoother But they chose not to they made it chunkier. They're made it. Yep. It's still keyframing It's still doing all the things that you know in the same way that guilty gear exert decided to keep it. Um Keep it on the important keyframes. They it's it's emulating traditional animation Lethal league blaze is absolutely doing that and rotating the camera a little bit just to remind you sometimes and it looks fucking great There's coming out on everything and it's coming out on everything in one month No, uh, no, it's uh, it's october 24th for steam and then spring next year for the concerts Oh, okay. Well, it's coming out on steam in one month. Yeah. Yeah, but we sent this before when it was announced
Starting point is 01:30:25 Yeah, exactly like the the name lethal lethal league blaze is money Yeah, that's fucking cash right there, man. Absolutely Yo, I don't like I don't mind blaze getting introduced into the the lexicon of You know titan and and and over Yeah, it's nice that they they're paying homage to the character from Mortal Kombat Like just add that word to the like to the list on both on both columns on the x and the y axis So we can now start getting like soul blaze and blaze titans and blaze blaze
Starting point is 01:31:05 Yeah, um Fuck yeah, lexicon league right on lethal league We also got a bunch of announcements. So yeah, basically there was a Nintendo direct And that's where a lot of this is sure was which is a neat direct because it didn't have any absolute like Oh, I didn't see this coming type things. I mean it did but they're always like It was just a nice direct sparkled with like that's really cool. That's really cool That's really cool. You're gonna look me in the eye and tell me that you saw animal crossing coming. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, okay Most people do. Yeah. Oh, okay. It's just when are they gonna announce a new animal crossing after so much silence
Starting point is 01:31:44 I I was like animal crossing is like one of nintendo's biggest money makers Yeah, it's wild. They've announced the new mainline entry coming to switch in 2019 in Yeah, I'll play that on my switch. Yeah, you will because I won't have to like duck out of exams and waste time on on school On stupid school. Yeah So and of course, this is the one to punch where it's like, yay, isabel is gonna be in smash. That's cool. Yeah Okay, hold on. I mean, that's a separate story. Yeah They're they're a hand in hand and then it's like, yeah, man Really could use a new animal crossing and then they're like here's a new animal crossing. Okay
Starting point is 01:32:20 So at least for now animal crossing fans can stop ruining every direct Um, but who's next in the lineup of ruining of ruining metroid fans. No, no because we still have a metroid come in Well, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's what you mean. Okay. It's f zero fans. They're all fans. Well, I have slotted back in Yeah, well, it's a while luigi fans are still while luigi, but it's also. Yeah, what character what franchise doesn't have at least two representatives captain falcon is is is uh Alone captain falcon is alone F zero fans. But do you go? Do you go black bull? Do you go samurai? Goro, do you go?
Starting point is 01:33:01 Samurai Goro's cool. I guess you know what I mean? Like there's choices there. There's a whole cast How does a stupid blonde kid from the anime human human, um, um, mccloud? Yeah James mccloud God, what's this? Yeah, his name is james mccloud and then he changed his name somewhere along the line stew I forget where I love it Like blood falcon Where do you go with it?
Starting point is 01:33:25 Like if they just ported the f zero gx like that that everyone some people would probably prefer that over a new game, honestly That's what they're like. I think everyone would prefer a new f zero. I don't know. It's like smash fans. Just re-release melee Take all these characters out. I think I Dude, I can't think of a single person who would be like not. Don't give me a new f zero to be fair I don't know a single person who cares about f zero because a new f zero could just be anyone that cares about jet moto So but a new and you have zero could just be all the things they loved about the old f zero but now better Like I like even melee fans admit that what if we got melee too?
Starting point is 01:34:08 I I I have just seen online like just port f zero gx. That's all I want It would be a good opportunity to bring attention to the franchise. Yeah, I'll say that much Um But yeah But that's who's a bell was an unexpected that's who's coming up in the ruining directs The instant is a bell showed up on the screen. I'm like, oh boy This is good. Ah, there she is. I fucking love the picture of she's like turns over a new leaf And then there's the bottom little Mac is little Mac punching her in the gut as far as there's
Starting point is 01:34:41 There's uh, there's a whole body covers his fist. There's there's fucking like captain falcon in front of her going falcon and then she's like And then like, uh, I think I think Ike comes up behind or whatever and goes Hey, what's going on? And then he just turns around and like punch Those of you that are unaware is a bell Is a sheet suit So and her head is shaped like a bell I thought I thought she was a bag of gold because there's that one thing of someone pulling the ribbon And her head just opens up like a spur lap sack and it's fucking
Starting point is 01:35:13 No, but what I mean is is that if you want to fully imagine your your dumb smash image Just imagine captain falcon and like a 10 pound sheets Going bark bark bark bark Uh, uh, shit. I lost the announcement of her being in smash, but yes, she is in smash as well. Yeah um And I she looks like she has she is not the villager. She is her own character. Yeah, not an echo fighter at all Hmm, okay um
Starting point is 01:35:51 Do you think there's gonna be more characters? Yes I cannot imagine one one more. I cannot imagine that isabel would be the last one You think you think we're gonna be getting announcements up until the release date No up until but I'd say there's at least one more character. I would say I agree with matt because isabel is Isabel is like, yes, that is a pick that makes perfect sense Right isabel is not a bomb to drop And I feel like no matter who they had for the roster Like I don't put this if there wasn't one more character
Starting point is 01:36:21 Simon would have been the last one we would see they'd have to go they have to go well No, they don't have to but just appropriate wise hype wise go out on another guest Right as cool as simon is it's not The but like what I was gonna say what blockbusters are left. We said this last time but Fuck we we had we had it have to be complete left field, right? Yeah, we actually thought of water too last time All right, Marvin Jesus Christ I I yeah, it would it would really have to just be like unprecedented and like waluigi coming from the realm like
Starting point is 01:37:00 Goku, I still am just like could you imagine if the last character was actually waluigi could you fuck it like It's not memes they're not gonna go for memes What if he was always planned and then they saw the memes and then they're like, oh, shit Gino Gino's a big one there too. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know But it would have to be like the only way to create a blockbuster like you said Like that effect would have to be from something that something that breaks the rules banjo We talked about microsoft right actually. Yeah Did I don't know if you guys saw it something that breaks the rules
Starting point is 01:37:33 But I know one that that just barely breaks the rules and technically counts where Bethesda Put out a fucking statement says yeah, we're talking to nintendo about smash We totally want some of our characters in smash And that opens up fucking doom guy doom guy to be in smash or bj and also blizzard was like yeah throw diablo in there I mean, I could I could see nintendo being like here's doom guy. Uh, you know, he's not doing anything Like signature rip and tear He's just gonna be shooting you and you're gonna just kind of get hit from the bullets Like I would love that and he's not enough like there's been enough doom. There's a legacy of games there. Yeah
Starting point is 01:38:13 Yeah, but again, he just he can't I want he can't do anything I want his final smash to just have the comic panel of you have huge guts show up on the screen and just zooms in it turns red You know what I'd say I'd say it would just say doom slayer rips and tears into smash Yeah, nintendo might I could see them being willing to like be like like he grabs you and then it's like censored out somehow Like it's like a blur. He's just snake at the end of the day. Anything snake can do he can do Yeah, he's got a point. There doesn't need to be blood. He could just hit you really hard He's just a gunman or shoot you with a big gun big old guy. Oh, no, you know, it'd be his final smash It wouldn't be a cut. It would be a fucking bfg shot
Starting point is 01:38:51 Yeah, he would just hit you and then he would shoot you and he would hit you with a bfg you'd be like monster hunters level three in infinite But instead of the bomb would be the bfg Or like terry bogard just fucking like just throw him in there too. No Honestly, if SNK has absolutely no representation, I wouldn't even mind if it's gonna be another fighting game character like terry It's terry v. Hey, hachi Namco's helping make the game. It's so weird that there's no tech and character in there
Starting point is 01:39:20 Because they got back man. I also love hey hachi. That's yep. They decided on pacman Uh They also announced luigi's mansion 3 Sure did just really shocking because i'm like, oh, yes Is luigi's mansion game for the 3ds that i'm probably not going to play Well, that's just one dimension So i'm like, yes and put it on the console that people want you to put it on Were you actively booing the screen during the 3ds segment?
Starting point is 01:39:45 Uh, um Because I was booing I wasn't booing but I wasn't in love with that section I was like boo. Am I booing the fact that dylan's role in western is not a big cool Fucking action game on the switch. Yes. I am but dylan needs to be It's he didn't dylan needs to be more popular so that he could be in fact He needs to get over but he can't because he's stuck in the 3ds quagmire. Yeah, it's it's such it's such a little children He's such a cool character. It sucks that it's not a bigger deal I really like dylan a lot
Starting point is 01:40:21 Like if he was big enough, what if they like Given that release what it should have been and spun it off. He could be in smash right now As a playable character, but because he's not a huge deal. He's an assistant. That's bad. Yeah, that's fine. That's what he deserves right now It's what he deserves right now But I just I love him enough to hope that he himself Built this path of cobblestones with fucking tower defense It's Anyway, um, yeah, man, we just mentioned it like they announced its co-op as well. So
Starting point is 01:40:53 That's cool. It's gonna continue to be what it is And I didn't say he was making it because some american developers helped make dark moon not helped make but like The developer behind punchdown similar strikers make dark moon and some clear. I didn't see whether he was developing this Um Yeah Oh, yeah, there's the bundle that they announced with the ugly bundle the ugly bundle that doesn't have the game in it The super smash brothers has a download code You know like a big box with a piece of paper in it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:41:23 Are we pre-ordering it? Okay, you're just looking at all right. Yeah Yeah, because smash come out of here because it's got the because I saw a tweet I was like someone had just they just took two stickers On put it on their joy cons and like just peel them left and right to create the smash cross Because that's exactly what you're getting with so yeah You get the bundle but the game the game the download code isn't uh active until december How exciting The fact that bundle comes with the regular controller and not the game cube one is baffling to me
Starting point is 01:41:56 That's weird. I only want to I want to get that money I do like the uh, I do like the the the actual case though having the smash characters on the left and right I don't know. It's I like it. It's okay I hope I like I'm hoping that it's kind of they're kind of silver Like if they're helping they're kind of shiny I can't really tell based on the photo if they're just white or like reflective or not I don't know about any of you but aside from portables. I don't care about special edition consoles I don't I completely agree. I don't care about the spider-man one. I never cared about all the blood red
Starting point is 01:42:26 I've not even looked at I like face plates. I think that's a cool thing But ultimately yeah, you don't really look at them that much and when you do see one you kind of go Oh, what is that? Oh, why is it the portables are different? I see a like that that fucking because it's on you all the time And it fits in your pocket fits in your pocket. You know, it's always on you It's like a phone case in that case like I wish I could skin I had the balls to skin my Switch to be all white that'd be awesome
Starting point is 01:42:52 But I'm not like at at dream hack There was all these like play ps4s and someone brought out like the black ops 3 one and it was like what the fuck is that Is that some weird laptop? Yeah, dude. It's the cobblops Yeah, you know like it just it takes you by surprise every time Uh, so cobblops is a surprise every time I never I never played that blackout beta. I hope it's I should talk to Max, but I feel like that Uh
Starting point is 01:43:22 Talking about surprises every time How about that super combat fighter? Uh, yeah, no this I'd seen take it away, man I've seen this at pax east and it's just a guy it's just like think about if kenny Could make a game right now by himself It would be super combat fighter because it's a huge homage to mortal combat digitized mortal combat and It's in Kickstarter right now. Um, now we've seen a lot of uh, and we've played a lot of steam games that
Starting point is 01:43:54 Are doing the mortal combat thing But what makes super combat fighters stand out? As far as I can tell this I haven't played the game actually, uh, we might get sent a bill to check it out But it seems like it's like, you know, it's going to be silly and over the top and stuff But it's still going to have sound Mechanics and you can have fun with that outside of like a silly context and stuff And like the Kickstarter video is like one of those classic, uh, like straight foe 80s 90s promo things um
Starting point is 01:44:27 and If you want you can be in the game and i'm like cool We can get zubas in there maybe and they're like no you're in the game It would have to be you have to you have to be physically fit. Yeah, and i'm like all right You're the one that's getting uh digitized into the game. So yeah, and we can see there's like there's like crazy modes Where your giants and you're attacking each other. So, you know, the stakes are much higher when our guts are on the line Like yeah, you know what i mean our full-on fucking all of our all of our flop
Starting point is 01:45:04 And and and extra excess skin Is actually on the line. How badly do you want that bass joke now idiots emotionally slapping against each other? Do you have the balls boy that really slaps? I don't the only thing i'd say about this is that like i Super combat fighter is not a great game for what this looks like. I always thought it would be called like immortal combat or Something like it's stupid combat. I mean the name. I mean the name almost fits into like super nintendo. You know like in that way I guess so but um Like I can't see too that you can tell that it's like
Starting point is 01:45:39 Back in the day if they could have had the sprites look this I like that fucking high quality Mortal Kombat remake that never happened that you blew up at. Yeah You're like what when did this happen? You're you we've got like a bunch of uh like color-coded ninjas You're right. They're actually called ninja team so uh Yeah
Starting point is 01:46:01 Okay, that giant fighter bit where they can grow into giants Looks pretty cool right blood and gore and fatalities. Anyway, so this is super combat fighter on Kickstarter Yeah, it's asking for like 50 k. It's asking for 45 Canadian k wow and it's at currently at 13 Yeah, so it needs a bit of help like six American dollars with 25 percent 29 funded with 25 days remaining. So it's possible and uh And they even have kino from mortal from uh ninja turtles Starting in the game surf ninjas and I didn't know he was in the rundown with the rock and beat him up
Starting point is 01:46:43 One of the rocks earlier. Oh, I remember because the trailer had the whip in it. Didn't yeah. Yeah. Yeah I remember the rundown You see the problem is that I sometimes confuse it with the trailer for walking tall. Yeah, yeah fair enough Uh, yeah, okay, right on See how this looks see how this goes although Yeah, it really brings your your balls into question when it's like get yourself in the game Okay, but do everything that entails don't just send the stupid zubas art down
Starting point is 01:47:15 And fucking go do it Yeah, you have to fucking let's see new challenge your pledge 5000 or more be in the game as a fighter and mortalize yourself Uh design your own character perform your moves, but remember this is physically demanding. Damn it. Remember that Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay I can do it I can't do it I mean You could do it if you decided to make a character that was like
Starting point is 01:47:44 Fighting out of like some kind of like toilet gunmen. Yeah You're like mode off like ride armor, you know, then you could be then you could do it You can do it. All you really need to do is to put your ass into it and then you can do it Put my ass into it. Yeah, what about your back? You can eat if you that that logically follows after the ass ass back ass back buh, buh, buh, buh, buh Do you have that new capcom bundle in there? I do Yeah, we can go there. I was gonna go into
Starting point is 01:48:15 Something else that was weird. Oh, go ahead. No, no, let's pull it up. Where are we at? So the capcom beat him up bundle got announced, but also it's coming out tomorrow Got announced and it's coming out delayed on pc. However That would make sense if this was supposed to be announced So the weirdest thing about this is like two days ago But the day before this got announced, I just decided out of nowhere to turn on It's fucking crazy. My my arcade machine and just play through all of captain commando for no reason Yeah, I just felt like playing captain commando suddenly for no
Starting point is 01:48:47 I don't know and I did and I play and I beat it and then I saw Uh, that that big old beef girl in it and I was like, yo plague Do you know about this beef girl and plague didn't say anything? Yeah, he didn't say anything I don't know why but either way busy beefing But the capcom beat him up bundle immediately after I beat the game got announced It's almost as if like I created this bundle. Yeah, you did it. You created it It's almost as if capcom once again tapped into my brain. That's right and stole. They stole it stole my brain And now we've got this giant bundle with a fuck ton of games on it
Starting point is 01:49:19 This is seven games. Now. Let me see if I can remember all them final fight. Obviously. Yes captain commando Warriors of fate. Yes armored warriors Yes, battle circuit. That's correct nights of the round. That's one That's six. Are you looking? No, I'm not nights of the round um Not punisher of course not avp, which you're missing one. You're missing one Fuck you remembered way more than that. Yeah, it involves a king Nights of the realm of king of dragons. There you go
Starting point is 01:50:00 um So We will beat him a bundle specifically the yeah showing off the switch version here Like you can just fucking grab a joy con and go in because what do you need besides two buttons and a d-pad? um Like a lot of all of these are quality like final fights obviously aged the worst of all but like I really like nights of the round nights of the round So I always had a huge problem though was sometimes I'd feel like playing this and I'd accidentally boot up king arthur
Starting point is 01:50:28 And sometimes when I felt like playing king arthur, I'd boot up fucking nights of the round Have you guys actually played armoured warriors? Yes. It's amazing. It's incredible. Armoured warriors Yeah, I pitched that for a best friends beat him up. So we never got around to it because it's three players Yeah, and you fucking you can combine Like it's so sick because you you straight up do a gacti And everybody gets the control part of the mecca and you have these combo forms Yeah, and it's basically like what if you took you know, um, our you know much. We love hybrid cyber justice
Starting point is 01:51:00 Imagine if you Fucking had capcom make a beat him up cyber justice seek follow-up. That's that'd be pretty. That's more or less what armoured warriors is Yeah, that'd be pretty okay The art that accompanied this announcement Is super good by three different artists. I think uh, yeah max max put them out there Bangus is one of them max put them out there But the there's just new art with all the beat them up characters to hanging out together And they're all really nice and if you have any love for these old characters, this is like
Starting point is 01:51:33 Super awesome to see them getting like some a lot of them are the who's that? Yeah And the centerpiece around captain commando and kody Is the oil drum with meat on it because they know old-fashioned street meat And there's a couple of the nights from from nights of the rather just kind of staring at nothing Guy is hanging out with a horse Did you know that captain commando? For short is capcom. I did know that he was their mascot for a while. It's the best
Starting point is 01:52:06 He's cool. It's the best I would love like do you remember the villain? Do you remember the final boss of captain commando? I don't remember The final villain the ultimate evil of the universe. Was it s and k? scum aside strong as strong a villain name Saturday morning
Starting point is 01:52:29 Just like captain commando. Wow I'd imagine captain commando and his and his commandos Baby commando ninja commando back the knife mommy commando. Yeah, but back the knife. Yes The like, you know the the the fucking future bushin master like the fact that the lore all wraps in So as cool as this is it'd be really cool if they can make somehow Talk to somebody and get their licensed ones in there like as a second beat them up bundle Like catalanx and dinosaurs. How do you do that to get there as a bundle? I don't know. How do you split that that no money with?
Starting point is 01:53:07 Matt think it through no absolutely Think it through just get a vp And then release it and then the people that made predators get that cut And then capcom's like what was the point of this? Let me play it legit take every petty that it makes and fucking slice it down the middle What else is there? There's avp. There's punisher catalanx and dinosaurs And probably like one or two other things d&d d&d
Starting point is 01:53:35 But they already well they already did have the ability to do that And I think that got added a backwards compatibility on the xbox one, but I don't know for sure But still I assumed that mistar isn't part of this bundle because they can sell it by itself On there and they already put out on the switch not a switch. No, but but but there was a recent No, we know we played it, but like still because shout out from the stars It's amazing and how put final fight two or three on there, too Three is still really rare like in terms of physical copy The only place I know you can play it legit is the fucking we use so not enough people know about scrap dunk
Starting point is 01:54:13 Not enough people know about the final boss black He's just black Fuck man Yo, push scrap scrap dunk if you could push scrap dunk push it get it over It's so under It'll never get over um
Starting point is 01:54:37 Also, we got happy to announce that tetris effect is coming out on november 9th. Yay All footage continues to be just fucking visual sex because Yeah, it just looks perfect. It's pretty. It just looks perfect um Everyone mark your calendars for November 9th dust off your vr. Is it is it exclusive to vr? It's not exclusive to vr. Thank awesome
Starting point is 01:55:03 It is vr compatible But this glory that's how it should be is optional as it says here Right on that on that uh, tetris effect dot game website Um We got a new collaboration studio That is interesting that got announced two keel games Uh, which is a combination of a couple of known folks
Starting point is 01:55:34 So in particular two keel games announced their existence earlier this week Um including the director of dangin rampa the composer of dangin rampa and hundred uh sleeping princes in the kingdom of dreams um Illustrator of dangin rampa and fate grand order um We got the director of ever 17 and root double the writer from ultra despair Uh girls, I guess also the ultra despair haga kurei. I don't know if that's the same thing. Is that it? Is that the same thing? Let me just find out. I probably know
Starting point is 01:56:10 That's just the name ultra despair doesn't seem yep Ultra despair haga kurei is a novella centered around yasuhiro. Okay, so it's a side story that came out got it and uh the director And katara ushikoshi. Yeah, the zero escape series director as well So they're all basically announcing they're working and collaborating. It's the japanese visual novel guys They're all coming together and they've announced in a strange Thing that you don't usually do we're making four games and they now not four games for four projects And they've straight up announced what these four projects are and they're all like bullet point pitch Like introductions of these concepts that raccoon on that. So the first one you got is crash panda project
Starting point is 01:56:53 Number one is a game With uh koraka and uchikochi joint scenario limit cross despair A video game that features all the creators of tokyo will concentrate their abilities on the genre is not revealed yet Koraka and uchikoshi will make a scenario It's a visual novel That's a strong suspicion that it would be I mean the art is definitely right out of the of um Danganronpa. So, you know like they're they're yeah, they're they're they're pulling it all together some some
Starting point is 01:57:23 You know very danganronpa looking characters here, but also some more dangan likes Uh extreme character designs, I'd say Um including skullman horns in the back there. That was just like a guy from frank for and orbit chef in the upper left That's true too Uh project number two is an anime where everyone is a villain The an anime in collaboration with studio pierrot Uh and they have again a just a promo picture of like a cast hanging out and
Starting point is 01:57:54 They're just telling you right away what the character what the project is more or less uh They will depict an image of action films such as pulp fiction and the professional Uh project three is also a game. Oh, uh children. Yeah, please read a children's death game Buy children for children. That's the name of the podcast What the fuck um It is very shocking
Starting point is 01:58:21 Like Yeah, that's really what they're pushing here Uh koraka's general manager Uchikoshi is through a scenario writer. So you're gonna get your 999 flavor and of course death games is Uchikoshi's fucking like uh uh forte So school children playing a death game. It is very shocking very shocking much shock Ua Ua shock. I am Um and project four is a game spike shunsoft x cross two kyo games dark fantasy esque mystery
Starting point is 01:58:55 It's a lot of words. I think that better be the final name. These are all visual novels and this is uh Someone in a dark sci-fi fantasy esque mystery the the anime's visual staring at a uh date landscape of cyberpunk esque A couple a couple of weeks ago There was a nintendo indie event and they unveiled the game where you play as this annoying goose and you attack people Yeah, that is that uh donut counting. No untitled goose untitled goose game and that's the final title Yes, amazing. Yes, you're right. What like that's that's that's how you make games. What about it? No, that's it Okay, I want that to be the final name of this game is like some games will just be like
Starting point is 01:59:37 Are that is our final name or they know they never come out with a project They never escaped the project title. So they just call the final thing project. Whatever. Yeah They get it. It's like, oh, we got attached to the project name in development did you Although project katana would have still been around Project dolphin. Yeah, you know can't hate that. Yeah uh So that's two kio games
Starting point is 02:00:06 And that's two as in too space ky o not the number two Um Hey, did you guys see pictures of Joaquin Phoenix just hanging out? I just be just being a normal guy. Yeah, and then they they decided to take pictures of them So Joaquin Phoenix was just hanging out being a normal guy and then they took photos of it And then they put them out and they said this is our film in a joker movie This is about Arthur What this guy is just hanging out
Starting point is 02:00:36 And his name is Arthur. I don't get it So there's this uh, they announced a while ago that there's a Joaquin Phoenix a Joker origin story movie that was being made that is unrelated to any other properties Do you know did you not catch that when they announced it? Ages ago. He forgot about it. So this is the first screens of this unannounced or a rather This this rated r Scorsese fashion. Yeah
Starting point is 02:01:08 Joker origin story and uh, so did you catch a few weeks ago? And they announced that alec Baldwin was going to play at thomas wane and then he immediately backed out. I did catch that So weird Who does that? Uh, I saw that um, what's his name? um, mad men John ham. John ham wants to consider doing bruce wane He'd be he'd make a bruce wane. He'd make a bruce wane. I don't know how he'd look in the bat suit Yeah, but everyone doesn't you know, everyone looks weird at first. Generally. This sounds really exciting
Starting point is 02:01:42 Well, king phoenix is a very good actor. Oh, absolutely, but He's like jarred leto without being jarred leto. Yeah He has that like so he has that like greasy moth. She has that quality. Yeah without the the leto Without the insufferableness of being jarred leto Because jarred leto is also a very good actor, but he's also jarred leto So for all your plot your pros and cons, um, I do like wakim phoenix This is gonna be a weird one I have there's nothing there's not enough information to make to form an opinion off of
Starting point is 02:02:18 except for They're showing you a character that looks like a guy and it is not at all what you'd expect the joker to be Of course, um This is probably going to be again a self-contained. It's joker in its own short type situation much like Venom in his own world Can be a thing I suppose so wow. These are all really good novel and successful ideas. Oh, venom's not out yet But I'm sure it'll be great
Starting point is 02:02:49 And I say that with all confidence So great Uh, there is the announcement for Catherine the full body More with its trailer second gig the third character is now called Catherine with a cue Instead of just yeah, she didn't have a name of this round. She was right. She was originally Rin Oh, wait, yeah, who cares about that now it's quathrin. It's all about them voice packs Uh there
Starting point is 02:03:23 So this game has won a new A new uh, uh, yeah, so as a new cat quathrin It has 11 Selectable voice packs for Catherine so you can choose what you want your Catherine voice actor to type To sound like which is nuts because that's a lot of recording. Yeah Was one of the choices. Wait. Is it the same actors doing reading the lines differently? It is different actors That's crazy. That's every every Catherine voice pack is a different voice actor Well, I guess since they're not like remaking the game too much like there's new stuff
Starting point is 02:03:58 But they're not making a brand new game. I guess there's apparently just like way more new stuff than I I thought apparently there's like hundreds of new scenes Maybe they'll fix the weird stuff Uh, hopefully hope not I hope they add more weird stuff. Yeah Uh, yeah, you can choose your type for Catherine so that if you want her to hate you you can if you want her to love you You can if you want her to be nice or mean or crazy Um, there's also the announcement that that came at the end of this trailer with uh
Starting point is 02:04:35 The fact that the fucking the phantom thieves are just showing up And you can control joker and and and and fight against these manifestations of uh, like Fear of your future in your dreams as joker while the phantom thieves cheers them on And there's also um, um a a screenshot of all the phantom thieves thieves at uh, Leblanc Looking at trisha. Yeah, just hanging out golden playhouse style But she's got two afros in a weird twin two afros. She's got she's rough and tough with her afro puffs It's Mickey Mouse in it and I don't like that. Yeah, I really don't like that It looks awful compared to her original afro fun here. Maybe she just gets it for a bit
Starting point is 02:05:22 Maybe she's just trying to I think it's trying to be like hey look sequel means two puffs But I don't like the what about the the sequel to that. I don't like that. How would you even have three puffs? Obviously, but how? Um, yeah, where'd they go? Uh, you remember remember, um jada pink it in the matrix? No I do. Okay. We'll just think about that. Okay. Nyobi Yeah, she has little mini puffs. I remember she just drove up at the end of that that seed Well, you can just you can if you can make two puffs you can make three. Okay. Hmm You know jamais 203 not a big uh expert on hairstyling. No problem. I got you with the bald Did you watch the movie?
Starting point is 02:06:01 Yeah, but I don't matrix. You don't remember. I don't remember Uh, but yeah, so if the catherine box set is fucking it's got a million crazy things in it and like I like 11 11 voices to pick from and a ton of other shit. So, um The question is whether or not those voice packs will have english variants Are they going to go to that that extent to get 11 different voice actresses in english? It's a weird thing because it's a very japanese thing to pick all these voices. So they might they might not that's a good question
Starting point is 02:06:35 It would be cool But yeah, either way, I feel like dasa bro just willed this into existence Uh Because this is going to mean that catheter and finals at evo will be even easier much easier Um, it'll be a code to unlock tournament mode. Let's do it at the game menu. But yeah, fix the weird stuff guys Uh No add more Take that puzzle shit out that that's the worst part. No the bad weird stuff
Starting point is 02:07:02 Speaking of bad weird stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah Yeah, what's aron paul up to you ask? Oh, no, not again joining the cast of westworld season three Oh bitch Did you imagine it's just jesse pigman Okay, right that and that announcement changes my in my demeanor entirely Like jesse pigman joins the cast of westworld. Yeah, i'm here to fuck some robots, bitch That's completely different and I am way on board for that
Starting point is 02:07:38 However, um I like this line, uh, certainly it'll be better than his film career Like when he was in a need for speed film. Oh, did we forget about that? I guess we did I didn't even realize that happened. It did it did Hey, man Bojack horseman is doing all right. Yeah Aaron paul's still hot He's he's
Starting point is 02:08:05 He's a commodity won an emmy. He's doing good. Did he win an emmy? Yeah, he won the emmy He has a distinct voice that uh, that's that I enjoy sure uh, anyway So, yeah, jesse get out of here the people that made papers, please I'm making a different aka lucas pope have announced their latest game the return of the obradin And this looks like very strange, but it's a puzzle game And it's I just saw the description since you're playing as an insurance adjuster and you are walking around on a pirate ship And pirate ship ship things are happening
Starting point is 02:08:41 Are that's a neat art style the art style is very cool Like it's hard to describe, but it almost feels like you're playing this in it's a 3d game But it's almost like you're playing it on a ti calculator. Yeah, it's very monochrome or something Uh, really go check it out. Um return of the obradin And yeah, you seem to be a passive character in a world where people are being pirates And you have to I guess deal with that while solving puzzles or some sort I don't know. I don't care papers, please is one of the best games I've ever played. I trust this guy I trust lucas pope
Starting point is 02:09:14 I trust this will be great um Interesting the very least yeah, and uh If he's taken years to you know, kind of put this out as the next thing It's probably got some really good ideas in it But yeah, lots of what look like flip lock pistols looks like uh, looks like it might be A monochrome pirate boat version of cryostasis If matt remembers that I do I do what's cryostasis is a russian ice-based horror game on a crashed ice ship
Starting point is 02:09:47 In which you walk up to ghost things and recreate the final moments of people's lives in order to solve puzzles It's kind of like ghost trick actually a little bit kind of like Murdered soul suspects. No And it predates murderous also by about About five to ten russian years. Are you sure? It's not like murdered soul suspects. I'll be real I'll be really real with you right now. I forgot what you're doing. I don't remember what you do in myrtle. It's myrtle Myrtle. I also heard myrtle myrtle myrtle sold Whatever, I don't remember what you've actually do in myrtle myrtle sirs blur. I don't remember
Starting point is 02:10:25 Almost most of that game you walked around you find ghosts and you saw their Yeah, I do remember that I remember getting caught as a rat in some tunnels in the church I remember the ending which was very bad And I remember skulking around uh, a big orphanage fighting ghosts with self attacks That's all I remember that whole thing. So the return of the uber dent Has this really cool. I love these like old school like hand out flyer ads for the ship. The ship name is the uber dent and um Yeah, the city. Yeah, the music is pretty is pretty cool in it as well in the trailer if you check it out
Starting point is 02:11:01 There's a short demo build from a couple years ago that you can actually try out. Oh really? I've never heard of it before. Okay, I go play It's even got the papers, please fog sometimes too. Anyway, so that's what's going on with him cool Game freak at the nintendo direct announced a new game. What's the new game town? Not pokemon. It's called project town It's just known only as town not even project town Just town simple that the project name Uh walking title
Starting point is 02:11:35 bred here spunky character running around Doing things helping villagers kind of reminds me of dark cloud. Yeah Yeah, it reminds me a little king story. Okay, I see that too I see that as well Fights a big big red nose thing and there's a combat system that looks interesting, but I can't make out what exactly it's doing Yeah, I also can't you're kind of slot. It's like here you're picking these gems and then there's like a progression thing So one character has an idea thinks of a light bulb that pops up and then he grabs the idea light bulb and throws it But yeah, this is just town by game freak
Starting point is 02:12:11 Game freak makes good games between this pokemon and drill dozer Harmonite was the law. None of the one that they did a few years ago on the 3ds. Um Let's see what the fuck this is And Is there anything else detail wise? Nope. Nope Yeah, it's it's literally the description of the trailer. So How much to go on beyond that industry giant? Yeah, that's true um
Starting point is 02:12:41 There's that and yeah, I guess just uh more of a little fun heads up is If you ever wanted to go back and watch classic Conan O'Brien Oh, yeah, they're throwing all that shit up there. Oh, really? Yeah first 25th anniversary um Team coco put up pot They put they put out the pamphlet bot 5000
Starting point is 02:13:06 You know, but you remember the characters Oh, yeah, we're trying forgot his origin story So they put up the first episode of conan, but like they're gonna be putting up all of his nbc stuff um huh In uh commemoration of 25 years. So Dude's still at it. Does he play any video games on his old show? No
Starting point is 02:13:28 Darn But he does in the game in the spin-off show that it's all about playing video games This clueless gamer became its own thing. You saw that steven sherry challenged Japan to the conan town I didn't watch the segment, but I saw the photo of him with the yakuzas jacket. Yeah So, you know became the conan patriarch I don't know about you, but I fucking watched a shit ton of conan back in the day So i'm definitely gonna enjoy this although like I really enjoy going through the the best Stubs that they did over the years because like let's be real like this is literally years and years of content
Starting point is 02:14:02 Why don't we get to get the back catalog of andi ricketer controls the universe? Do you actually want that? Hell, no, I don't Then we just you just bring it up. Yeah, it's tangentially related. They tried for the name drop. What about what about um, um uh, god was some uh, fuck something paterson the um, the the It was the the show that uh, kistanza got after seinfeld where he was a motivational speaker Yeah, and his life is a mess, but he's trying to help everybody. Yeah, I remember I don't remember the exact name though It reminds me of andi ricketer
Starting point is 02:14:40 Yeah controls the universe because there's a similar bob paterson. Yeah, bob. It was totally just like wait. This what is this? George, what are you doing? Why is this? That's unfortunate. Did you not see joey? This won't work out. Yeah, but joey Oh, okay, but you say that but then look at veep, right? Veep fucking won tons of awards and is doing super well. The fuck is veep? Oh, oh veep. Yeah. Yeah, julia louis dryfus But to be fair that was like that's like fucking 20 years later. She tried a couple of shows in between that didn't work out also It's julia louis dryfus. She's great Yeah, jason obzander's great as larry david I'm just saying, you know any random
Starting point is 02:15:25 Sinefeld character that could get a spin-off. Unfortunately. There was the curse crammer zone show The curse the curse existed uh Where people from sinefels couldn't get really anything going and uh, I can't believe joey's the one that got the spin-off man Should have been phoebe. Nobody else wanted to do it though. Yeah, well, uh, phoebe did get a spin-off in the form Of the comeback and it's really good. Oh, I didn't know that it's really fun. It's not a real spin-off. It's just not actually about phoebe It's about oh, well, no The actress that plays yeah
Starting point is 02:16:02 um, and it's like it's a good show Breaking news give me some breaking news What's this here? Nintendo switch online nes games can be played offline for up to seven days That's a version check to make sure that you own the plan So you might lose your digital games if you're offline for more than a week. Yeah Everything I we skimmed over it. Um, everything about nintendo's online thing is like laughable. It's also really vague It's really vague. It's really bad. The only thing I'll say is that its prices are the best
Starting point is 02:16:35 It's price is the best because it's the worst it feels Everything about switch online stuff is felt as reluctant as you can Get for this for this generation Like we're still on they very much don't really want to commit like they'll know they're committing to online But I mean it's very reluctant if you it's very like toes in the water even though we're years into this We're still on friend codes. We um The this stuff of the nes games
Starting point is 02:17:02 Locking your shit offline It'd be because of a version check which is the thing everyone got mad about with the xbox one. Are we still on friend codes? I added some friends on the switch without typing in a friend code. I have never had that work I've had to use the fucking friend codes. Yeah, I've had that work. No, I've typed in names and just added people um The the voice chat is still limited to your fucking smartphone in that nonsense um, because I there's Just use this for it
Starting point is 02:17:31 I'm just disappointed that it's still just nes stuff like I thought you're taking such a long time because you're gonna be like Here's everything or here's a lot of stuff You know what the worst part about that nest the what is this called the just nest classic Nest games the worst part about it is the uh, I watched uh, I watched it while chatting with some people on discord And a friend of mine who's like crazy emulation person was able to tell at a glance that they were using the shitty wii u emulators you know the nintendo emulators that they made that are like accuracy and Color worse than any emulator you can get on the market for free. Mm-hmm like these aren't just
Starting point is 02:18:10 ROMs that you buy they're also bad versions of the game in some cases. So yeah, their price point is uh four bucks for a month and 20 bucks for a year So that's dirt cheap like they killed emu paradise so that we could get these shitty versions of these nest games Or you bought if you bought the nest classic you also have a bunch of those too Yeah, because again a lot like a lot of people are just rebuying titles at this point, right? It's just it's just a matter of like where you like to play them I will say that the lineup of any s games is actually quite different than I would think like There's a couple of like random oddballs that I don't remember
Starting point is 02:18:46 I don't think they're on the wii u but then again, I haven't checked that in a couple of decades So I'm like that at least bodes well to get stuff that's out of the general Um virtual console like loop that they did always just have it'd be the same usual suspects over and over and they're certainly in here But it's like ninja guide in one is cool like so the cloud save parts the worst part by far Well, it's there's two reasons And I went and checked with the other companies So steam keeps your shit forever because it's decentralized whatever Xbox's cloud service is free just like steams and is forever
Starting point is 02:19:23 PlayStation plus I haven't sorry. I haven't used I haven't gotten any like whenever I've had a steam game and I come over here Yeah, my shit is not well. They're not it's not a system-wide feature. It's the certain games. Okay, okay The game decides to use steam cloud and then it becomes on the publisher, but then it's forever That would make our lives a lot easier Yeah, um xbox is for everything and it's free which makes it by far the best of all of them Playstations is for everything and They don't guarantee that your shit stays if you unsub for six months Which sucks, but it's six months
Starting point is 02:19:58 So it's unlikely that your shit will lapse or do you don't have the ability to do it Put your stuff put your shit local before you unsub. No, uh, nintendo says we can't guarantee that your shit won't just be deleted instantaneously upon the fucking laps of your sub And they also won't be enabled for all games Such games that we already know the switch will not allow cloud saves for our dark souls pokemon and splatoon Two of which are first party titles One of which is pokemon which god damn would losing your pokemon save be disastrous Would that not be disastrous pokemon? What of any pokemon that comes out on the fucking system pokemon, uh,
Starting point is 02:20:40 Evie and uh, whatever. Okay, that's weird. That game won't support cloud saves and neither will the later on pokemon What if I want to hang on to my 13 gig final fantasy 15 save with all my photos? one Have you guys noticed that those that that game save files are What does that do with this? No, I'm just saying like like like the whole thing about like they're deleting your saves or like keeping it keeping it going That I'm just thinking of that game in particular and how that's probably the worst perpetrator of like save inflation
Starting point is 02:21:11 I've seen all generation. I fixed that by going deleting all the photos. I mean that that helps that Yeah, no, it's like this this every game that I actually wanted to use the cloud saves for with this service Said oh, we we're not going to allow it for those games to prevent Like the pokemon one is like they don't want to have people duplicate their pokemon Because they need to prevent cheating But pokemon is already rampant with cheating on every single version on every platform And is in fact the de facto standard for competitive play Because no one has time to grind up those pokemon for competitions
Starting point is 02:21:44 You just hack them in with whatever fucking thing that you do It's it's nonsense and the the thing about the save data with the cloud that makes it really worrying If you if your pokemon bank subscription Like waivers for one day they delete all your pokemon So Your saves will probably disappear the day you unsub from the nintendo online service But as matt said luckily it's dirt cheap So weird that like
Starting point is 02:22:16 Everyone is not just doing the best existing version of these services. They literally don't understand They just they still don't get it. I mean, I guess you can't keep it dirt cheap anymore if that's what you're offering though, right? I guess you have to actually like Yeah, you can't go at four bucks a month if you're going to be hosting people's clouds shit indefinitely Or or at the very least until further notice Anyway, I'm getting a lot of people messaging me that I'm super wrong about the pokemon bank. So what's up then? I don't know
Starting point is 02:22:51 I'm not getting anyone saying that I'm the with a correction. I'm just getting people saying that I'm wrong. Okay Uh So it's quite possible when you find out what that's about. Let us know in the meantime It's more likely that it's just random then whether or not your shit disappears when you're unsubbed Uh, we'll make the correction or in the correction segment because that's more or less It's coming up as we go into letter time. Oh, yeah Yeah, if you want to correct us on anything we've ever said and god knows there's a lot of it Send the letter in please twitter. That's at woolly wools. No, that's no actually give send pat's mistakes to pat
Starting point is 02:23:27 And send not pat's mistakes to pat. Well, we don't need to tell them to do that because they already do that but we have been getting the uh At super best friendcast at letters that begin with the term correction Oh, no, you know, so that that has continued to be a thing woolly. What are you doing? Stop dragging that. Oh, no, uh, for example Corrections. Oh, no. Hey, super best friends nothing to do with the actual game But more about uh, when matt was utterly disgusted with the name phonon in under night Yeah
Starting point is 02:23:56 Phonon is an actual scientific term being given to a quantum packet of discrete mechanical vibrations Real world and both of you are like, no, well, I didn't know well No, and we all didn't know think of an atom like a sphere held by springs in all directions Causing a small back and forth vibration in that system similar to how the word photon is the name for an individualized packet of light That's it for your science lesson today. Yes, it'll be on the test next time you see a bullshit stupid name for a character Think that it might be a bullshit stupid name based on some crazy ass science All the best jordan queen's university faculty of engineering and applied science motherfucker
Starting point is 02:24:39 Because I think I was thinking of of proton Yeah What science term is ragn of the blood? faculty man Well, a blood edge is actually is your approach a fucking Uh Let's take one over here um
Starting point is 02:25:05 Donovan says I was at a poster sale looking to buy something for my dorm room When I saw a bunch of posters that were literally for nobody For instance a poster for the amazing spider-man 2. Oh man My question is what's the worst poster slash decoration you've seen in someone's dormer apartment Whether it be big anime titties or a poster or something. That's just objectively bad Shout out to my cousin Estelle from Donovan Estelle Yo Estelle, I don't know man
Starting point is 02:25:32 The only posters and shit I could think of are the ones that I've seen at your places So like and they've all been stuff that like makes sense I I have a friend uh, that's a part of the the anime air dashers the fgc and they Like Always Always like so here's the thing you go to you go to his place for casuals
Starting point is 02:25:54 And the fucking titty hentai posters and facu merch is just all over the walls Um alongside other things, but it's out there and it's aggressively in your face And I remember just being like wow this guy puts his shit out there and wants everyone to know about it But later on I realized it's not even like it's off brand because he also wears anime titty t-shirts And a hegao face like shirts living the dream and he's just aggressively always wearing hentai So you can't even he's that guy with the porn on his fight stick. Absolutely. Nice. It's like you can't really Say he's inconsistent about it. Yeah. Yeah. If anything consistent if anything he carries it through to the end I'm very inconsistent with this shit and he fucking he wins. He's a fucking top player. So
Starting point is 02:26:48 Uh near uh the god. Oh, what's the um, what's the uh art school in in near oakland ontario the big one In ontario. Oh, you're okad. No Um, share it in sure. Uh, yeah sure Um, there was someone's uh, because they had like uh, you know dorms up there and uh, I was visiting And someone had a poster of mars needs moms Which is a super obscure and shitty cg movie And I was like Wow, I didn't really say anything
Starting point is 02:27:24 And I didn't ask why I just assumed it was because they know they didn't because there was still That someone they liked a friend perhaps a professor. They really liked Um may have worked on it. That's that's stunning That's a stunning piece of merch That's the only thing I could think of because there's some other person because in the shared in college There would be posters for really bad shit movies that everyone hates Yeah, but they're proud of them because they did good cg work or whatever. Yeah, it makes sense So there would be lots of like over the hedge with with avril avine and bruce willis
Starting point is 02:27:57 There's something to be said though about getting free posters walking through like future shop or some shit Like because I'm like never forget that like one of the things that lee would love to do is wear that broken destiny t-shirt Right kills or just like random merch from random hangout for a handout for game that you wouldn't think about in your life again ever Um, I feel weird if I went into someone's place and even if they really like call of duty They have a call of duty poster. There's something off about that. I'll agree with that Because it's always a gray picture of a zoomed up shot of a gun or like a guy's like visor or whatever I'm like, that's not
Starting point is 02:28:38 like I had a visually interesting get ready for blackout I had I had I had an assassin's creed poster in my old room right above the couch if you guys remember Yeah, yes, and that was just like, you know, it was really liked it. It was a whole it was a holdover from the time Yes, it's fair. I know everyone has stuff like that Uh, by the way, I got a text uh in regard to pats cloud save comment about the pokey bank Wow, people are people from all over the world basically cloud save hand blah
Starting point is 02:29:09 Is the pokey bank is basically cloud save and has been unstable for years Sometimes they delete all your pokemon immediately after you unsub or up to six months. It sounds like that but worse Okay, so that the reason was as I heard from somebody who told me their shit disappeared as soon as they unsubbed So I guess that's just luck of the draw. So If you're gonna have a subservice like that to delete your save data after a while If you're gonna do that one that sucks and I didn't know that about sonys until like I looked this up But at least tell people how fucking long it is, right? At least tell them. Hey, it's it's immediate or it's two weeks or it's a month or something
Starting point is 02:29:51 Uh Next one is coming in from Juan. He says they're super best amigos Have you ever started doing something ironically that ended up creeping in and becoming an actual habit 10 years ago? My friends and I started yeah like that. You just he did a silent dab for those of you who couldn't Hear it. I couldn't hear it Um the slap noises for people at home who can't hear the dad again. I it's I miss 2015 too Yeah, it's just it's beyond the point of irony even working anymore. Oh, yeah, really not ruining it for anybody Oh, I'm ruining it for a lot of you're not because no one the fact that you're a noise right now
Starting point is 02:30:28 No one holds on to the dab. I want you to ruin more current things Well while you need to tell me what they are fortnite dances. I can't do that even that's kind of it's super easy Also that ruined scrubs So that's its own thing like you throw your stupid fucking arms to one side and then you cross them over to the other one And then you spill your red bull and then you ruin out for everybody ruin the current shit. No I'm ruining the old stuff that everyone likes I saw a gif Of like a hundred kids at a party in a room doing the fortnite dance. Yeah, and it was fucking cancer
Starting point is 02:31:01 Yeah, but anyway, old man. It's just kids having fun. Yeah for real though. You sound like a fucking old man Think of all the fucking dork shit you did when you were their age Sorry, they can't be as cool as your metal gear solid my metal gear solid movie want awards my friend Yeah, one award dances can write awards. I created a film project a film A film budget and and a program in my high school with that shit You are you know what man? You are taking away for one brief moment of the curmudgeonly old man title from pat Yeah, this week's podcast to complain about that shit. Your dances are stupid says neruto fan
Starting point is 02:31:39 No run like this stupid children this way My arms back Uh, so what's the question? It's just when it it's just when it hits the You're gonna start doing something ironically, but then it became unironic Yes, uh, 10 years ago my friends and I started calling each other bro as a joke. Oh, man That's a good before we knew what everyone was bro. Yeah, bro more recently happened to me with emojis while texting Now I fear I'm dangerously close to saying A song fucking slaps and actually meaning it. I've never heard that one. I don't know that's dude. That's where
Starting point is 02:32:12 That is new by the way. That's that song slap. That's what I got that from. That's just slaps But it's only for music. So I'm using it for everything badly. Gotcha. Well boy that question sir sir slaps uh, I Really don't like the term stan and and a lot of that weird twitter lingo is pretty awful too But anyway, have you ever started doing something ironically only for it to become unironic accidentally? Uh, I think there was a brief period is about a year When the kevin smith talks first started happening where me and some people I hung out with you started started started using sir A lot. Oh, I remember like oh sir
Starting point is 02:32:54 I don't know about that sir because that was basically like it was just a lingo thing that was funny And so because it was a thing we were laughing at at the time We just started using it to make certain things funny and then you that's that's where like sir sir Sir that like things like that came from to put your pants back on sir And uh, and then that went away, you know really but I can't I can't think of any others where it like It accidentally became a real thing. Yeah, it's like a subtle thing. It's hard to remember All right, I'm old no one's gotten anything. All right. Well, I'm already doing anything. It's a good question, but uh We have no I start smoking weed ironically
Starting point is 02:33:40 Um That's a cool thing that people like on 420 so that you can finally call your net yourself smoke blunts 420 420 every day It's every day, bro. No no Don't correct me that that that leads to accuracy, which is you know what you should start doing. Yeah, you should start doing challenges Whenever new challenges come up you should do those so I watched like hours and hours of that shit last week Like there's like fucking 80. I'm gonna eat 10 pounds of butter. I'm gonna. Yeah They're beyond that now you have to do like the ones that that are associated with like drake or the ones that are like
Starting point is 02:34:20 That creepy-faced bug-eyed girl or whatever There's a creepy Momo oh, yeah Yeah, we know about that. We did a momo challenge. Did you was there a game with momo in it? Yes. Oh, I didn't know that Yeah, it's good. I didn't know that That's news to me. I thought it was the frog girl from that guy. I thought it was I thought it was frappy too First time I saw it. I thought it was frappy. It turns out momo's not frappy Turns out so I was corrected
Starting point is 02:34:50 Turns out was much to my surprise Do the cinnamon challenge Yeah, I don't want to do that Edward says That was good, I was I was gonna say do you know that one line in spider-man where he's like you guys need to stop trying to challenge me Maybe you should stick to your stupid cinnamon shit or something. He's fighting a bunch of guys Hey super smoking style cast I recently started playing through dmc4 Thanks to your play through and all of nero's part I struggled with x-act max act as a result of
Starting point is 02:35:28 And as a result I barely made use of the sword's main mechanic It's tough as shit It also reminds me of what happened when I went through ony musha 2 and 3 with a similar problem with the isen mechanic It's tough as shit something about the timing of the attacks just didn't click with me So my question is is there a mechanic in a game that you couldn't get the hang of and so you just beat the game without it Style switching in dmc4 is the easiest answer. Sure. That's a good one never got good at switching between them in a fight I would just pick one before every fight and use it. That is that is a good one Uh, I remember there was a mechanic that they tried to push pretty hard
Starting point is 02:35:59 I'm trying to remember what it was in mad max and I'm like, I'm not gonna fucking do that I'm just gonna punch things and then that'll be fine. It was like a buff It was like a it was like an upgrade tree or something and it kept like saying like do this or you know This point is really useful and I was like, oh, I can do it without it. There's probably a better example of this I don't know Oh blocking in mortal combat I mean I can I can win a match or two. I'm happy Like like dmc3 lets you stick to a style if you like it. So that's not really a thing I'd go to
Starting point is 02:36:34 um, I remember Like remember early blood or like early blood born I remember I had a I had a really hard time getting used to the idea of you just got hit So go in. Yeah, it's very weird because you're like, but I'm about to die You know, like the idea of like you took damage Heal it by going and like get aggressive to heal it back. It's the opposite It's the opposite of your instincts and it took a while to get to get the use to get the hang of that um
Starting point is 02:37:02 But yeah, uh, that's that's all I can think of that say I want to say there's like a character in overwatch. I'm like, I never used that Oh, there's a bunch of characters in overwatch. I never got no like a character. I like there was like that has a thing You never did I didn't use it. Oh I know That doesn't sound good. There's like a character. I didn't I liked but I didn't play. Okay, so maybe that's why I can't remember that uh We got one coming in from
Starting point is 02:37:32 Chris he says Dare spf nocturne featuring woolly from the devil take pie series. That is fantastic. It's not bad I've been listening to a backlog of podcasts recently came across one of the former and current I recently came across by one by former and current game journalists discussing ps1 resident evil games The early parts of the discussion were fine and they brought up the interesting facts about the original However, when the host started gushing about re2 One of them after discussing how the zapping system was supposed to work Uh, and what it changed between scenarios casually dropped the fact that they never actually played either b story
Starting point is 02:38:09 And thus never actually saw what the zapping system does Are you fucking serious? More importantly, they never actually finished re2 This would be fine for anyone to admit even a game journalist But when but then goes on to discuss playing post game content like hunk and extreme battle modes back in the day Content would only be available to people who did beat both b scenarios at least once So, uh, including moments of crazy talk. What are your favorite most memorable moments of supposed experts showing their balls on stream? Uh, i'm a big fan of snoop dog lighting a blunt while his Game still keeps getting played in front of him on stream a few weeks ago
Starting point is 02:38:47 That was really great. He's just stopped playing the game. He's okay. He's playing a fuck. I think it was overwatch He's playing overwatch and his hands are below the camera line He's playing it. He's like, oh, hey, and he lights a blunt and starts smoking as his character keeps moving It's amazing. It's fucking amazing. Oh his hands are just off camera Yeah, his hands are usually off camera and then he just starts smoking weed and the game keeps going Why snoop? You didn't think snoop. Why you got snoop? This comes from the same man of hey meme this snoop Snoop if you suck, it's better. It's okay. People will still like it
Starting point is 02:39:25 Uh, the verge recently put out PC building article And video that shows all sorts of shit wrong with it that can destroy your personal computer They showed screwing in the wrong screws that can puncture your your motherboard They don't apply thermal paste at any point in the entire process They route things wrong like it's it is likely it is shocking that the thing fucking booted and if people followed that tutorial It could like destroy hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of shit multiple steps are flawed. Yes Multiple steps are flawed. Okay
Starting point is 02:40:02 Uh, I mean current favorite and gonna be for a while is uh, the the music in devil may cry five You know, like that's that's that's that's just a strong People are supposed experts. No, no, but definitely being like yeah It lacks the bombastic soundtrack that it used that of the older games is like that's a really funny thing Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry. They used too much thermal paste my bad, which is just as bad. I'll say um, I think when uh, murphigator is running on double dragon neon and um The people that directed the game from yacht club. Yeah, or from way forward at the time Yeah watching and he's like
Starting point is 02:40:40 Yeah, this is double damage, but I don't even know why it says that because it's not actually double damage and they're like Yeah, yeah, we couldn't actually figure out how to make it double damage. So it's actually like 2.9 So it's almost triple damage and anytime he's like, I don't know why this happens if I duck here these missiles just stop and he's like, uh I don't know why that happens either because they're watching them speed run the game And they have absolutely no answers to a lot of the fucked up things that are in the game And it's not even stuff that's really hidden. It's some basic info and they're just like I'm blast the entire time You see people like that are just miracle class bug testers. Yeah in the wild, you know That's the that's the person you come in that comes in with the briefcase
Starting point is 02:41:23 And like you just let them rock with your build for a while and see what happens Uh They're super best, uh, hurricane florins distractors Yes, I've been seeing a lot of that lately. Stay safe everybody. Yeah um On friday september 14th zeno blade chronicles twos dlc tomah the golden's country Released I was excited for this dlc despite ultimately being disappointed by the base game Loved part one and loved x but twos change in tone slow story character designs and gameplay mechanics overall lack of polish
Starting point is 02:41:55 Upon release greatly disappointed me, but I've still come to appreciate the game for what it is and what it does well The dlc story however blew me away with how it took it almost every issue I had with the base game and fixed it removed it replaced it with much better alternatives The shitty gacha system is gone the battle system isn't as repetitive as really Main cast is made up of new characters with good designs and the characters with the best designs from the base game Uh, the tone is more how I like it and the game is infinitely more polished Has there ever been a dlc for a game you played and ended up liking more than the base game? Because there's a great piece of dlc for a fix that's a lot of the problems that you have
Starting point is 02:42:32 I did not personally play it, but everyone that I knew who played manerva's den for I was just thinking that said that that was so much better than the base game There's a lot. Yeah, I never played it either, but that's the ad that comes to mind I've heard that multiple times. Didn't infinite have similar things with the um Return to rapture stuff and everything as well. I never I don't remember what people said about it. It was pretty mixed Uh Yeah, yeah, yeah, so there's that that game. Uh, I'm we think Jet stream sam was fun, but it wasn't better than the original came
Starting point is 02:43:04 Um, um, I've heard from people that are like I like red deb redemption, but I can't do it Zombie nightmare there's so much and they're like the zombie nightmare thing is is perfect Like I'd rather just play that I've got the reverse In which the pre lc was better than the main game. Well dead rising to that rising to and dead rising k0 100 percent dead rising to Uh, there was also um dead rising k0 was way better than depressing. Like it's nuts Absolutely easy free Uh scholar the first sin adds maria, but also adds the offer of costs Yeah, it's kind of I don't think um, hold on freedom. Was freedom cry uh for
Starting point is 02:43:48 I don't want to know it's black flag black flag. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Like me and other people I've also said like that was great. That was great. But it was for a good game already A lot of the assassins creeds at least have one or two good dlc things that you know Trying to think it's a pretty rare phenomenon, but it totally happens where they fix everything afterwards And and like this is very specific because we can't include things like A new revision of a game or an expansion of a game like sieve that just adds on stuff. Yeah, we're talking about a separate self-contained self-contained campaign, um Blood dragon
Starting point is 02:44:25 Blood dragon is really good Good one solid. I don't know if it counts I really don't know if it counts because it's so fucking crazy. No, not blood dragon. I'm just thinking it's like I don't know if Dark arisen for dragon stogma counts because the area that they add in dragon stogma dark arisen Is of a completely different structure from the entire rest of the game, but it's added into the game Yeah, it is added into the game, but I'm like Because it is it is essentially dragon stogma does dark souls Well, if we did it is a whole extra game of that type if we count souls games, right?
Starting point is 02:44:56 Where you go into a teleporter and then end up in the dlc world Then oh, well our torreous is better than most of dark souls one. Yep, and yep, um A fucking uh, what was it the the first dark souls 2 dlc is better than uh, uh ivory king No, no, no ivory king. Um The the king underground with the pyramid the ziggurat Oh, that is better than almost the entirety of dark souls 2 Um wait, isn't that isn't that what's her name?
Starting point is 02:45:29 um The girl that she calls in uh an ad Uh Like like like the oh the queen the queen. Yeah, yeah Yeah, no Well, whatever that boss fight sucks, but the dragon boss fight afterwards is amazing Yeah, because that boss fight is not great. I'm talking about the zone in particular. I do remember because it's two zones or its biggest problem Um suck in crown sucking suck in crown. That's it. Um, what's the one with the lawn?
Starting point is 02:45:59 Alon, that's uh, that's the the ash Ember one whatever the second one. Yeah, that has a lawn and it has uh few night and that is absolutely Those are the best the fucking best. Those are the best bosses, but the zone is awful. Do you remember how bad? I remember the run. I remember the run. I do I do uh old iron king Yeah, man, um ring city is really good I don't know if it's better than dark souls 3, but it's really fantastic I'm not beating it. This is this is an interesting phenomenon. This is send us more of these
Starting point is 02:46:33 Yeah, I like this a lot because like we know we know it happens and I know there's stuff that's that we're forgetting I definitely know there's like campaigns that were like much better like perhaps You know one of the arkham games had like these really concise smaller campaigns that I think like That did some improvements. That's the worst wrath epilogue Yeah, if you count getting your ending I guess or or pop zero. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No pop zero is one wasn't that great What was mass effect three citadel? It was dlc that was um I didn't play it
Starting point is 02:47:07 But I have friends who did and it is basically the best thing that mass effect ever did uh, it is The it is it is a dlc that is supposed to be the absolute absolute last thing you ever do before you beat the game Okay, because it is You guys going okay. Well, we might all die Let's have a big party with every character that has ever existed in this story Okay, and it is and you go on little fucking goofy hijinks college adventures With every single fucking member of the cast and it's a total non canon. No, it's canon. Oh this party happened
Starting point is 02:47:45 Okay, um, I think blasto's there the fucking Uh, hanard movie star and all like it's goofy as shit and it is like it is all of our people that are dead there No, that's what I'm trying to do. They died or not. Okay, but it is all the goofy. Yeah, let's hang out moments that Right, right. Right. Okay. Okay. That's fun. Um, Someone said There's only one problem with citadel and it's a big problem in all of mass effect three as you're having that party One million people died on earth Yeah
Starting point is 02:48:15 Jesus christ like mass effect three has this massive structural problem in which they tell you one million People on earth are dying every day that you are doing anything So when you're doing a side quest for some guy's shop You're like one million dead humans taking care of fish. Wow. Okay. So like that whole game suffers from that real bad um Someone just said, uh, uh batgirl's campaign is better than all of arkham knight. Okay. Well, that's easy That's really easy. I mean if you're talking, uh, if you're talking fought expansions Probably old world blues
Starting point is 02:48:53 It's better than anything that one million people problem Is a is a thing that i'm sure there's got to be a trope name for That's really recently reading about something else like another movie the world's gonna end in 10 minutes Well, not just that but i gotta take care of my plants the other the other version of this. It was a movie that basically it was like, um horrible amounts of Of catastrophe and casualties in the final battle occur um, but the heroes defeat the villain and then kind of hug and have a laughing Credits fake to credits as everyone laughs happily and it's like 40 of earth's population is dead
Starting point is 02:49:30 And it's like how could you possibly have these emotions? Like these emotions fit the end of your emotional journey They do not fit the reality of the reality of the situation and you're standing on one million dead babies Like i find the most ridiculous, uh, uh, uh, break of immersion. That's called the man of steel Sure, sure. I like there's gotta be a repeating name for that, but that's a fucking bad one. Let's make out over 1,911 And whatever you do don't turn up the sound mix so you can hear everyone screaming while we kiss um
Starting point is 02:50:06 Last gen i had that Oh, it's super dead last gen i absolutely had that i had that it had a wild really bad version of that It's true. It's true. Fuck. Yeah. Yeah, we did it like did you? All right, um, yeah, that's a good one. That's a good question. I like that a lot But What is Happening what is happening life life
Starting point is 02:50:40 Life as we know it Tales tales are happening tales of life and of the borderlands Is happening. Yeah, I heard that a guy shot a torque gun in that show But it didn't shoot rockets That's not correct All torque guns shoot rockets Well, anyway, that's a fun story and that keeps going and I keep Enjoying and for and loving the fact that i've been a while
Starting point is 02:51:10 I love the fact that I forgot how much I enjoyed it Excited that you never completed it so you can see Oh, did you never actually complete it? Yeah. Oh, that's a special kind of excitement. Yeah. Yeah, I never wrapped it up Like I said, I was playing it with the lady and we just never got around to finishing the last two episodes because time and stuff but Tales of the borderlands continues We did some one-offs. Yeah, those should be to help help pad the The shitstorm prep downtime me and well, they got to go sit down and uh
Starting point is 02:51:46 polish off the last 45 minutes still may cry one Just kind of you know tilt the bottle kind of like we're right there. It's right there. We ended at mission 21 last time No idea. We'll play next don't even have any single clue not even a one have no idea That don't make cry one was really short though. We kind of thought don't make cry would be on the channel for a lot longer uh And I guess that's all that's running besides those quick looks we took. Yeah, I guess so far And should storm prep continues for all you wonderful people who like to see shitty spooky games and occasionally some real gems Did you guys see how much people enjoyed like walking through the systems of unist?
Starting point is 02:52:27 Uh, yes, it did. They enjoyed it a lot. Yes, I've heard Just putting it out putting it out uh And I guess then like Well, what is it today's no today's monday woolly. Yeah, it's the 17th though I was like how close is oh, it's not that close. Uh, all right
Starting point is 02:52:48 Well, anyway, okay. Well, I was I was gonna ask how close the shit storm. I'm like, oh, it's good still another two weeks away So I I've been some stuff has to be sorted out. I guess recording wise, but um Yeah, I guess that's fine. Yeah Uh, what was the get excited for shit storm? It takes place this year during november Uh, I fooled you. No, I was gonna say like are are are we going to start doing more one-offs then to kind of I guess you're gonna have to right that should then it's like when shit storm is done Then we like have like there's no pressure go back to normal man. Go go back to normal So two more weeks of unnormal of not normal
Starting point is 02:53:31 But uh, taking taking a look at some one off should be a good a good way to help out the schedule Um in the meantime, of course, uh, you can always supplement with content Yes from many supplementary sources other places Such as of vision entertainment Oh, Matt's eyes were closed. Such as yawned. You but your eyes were fizzled up. We didn't actually get to talk about this But if there's ever a day where I'm streaming super seducer the next day, I will be hungover and tired No, that's totally in the first 10 seconds of this podcast. I can't can I talk about that for one second
Starting point is 02:54:05 Yeah, he just takes pro gerrard's footage What and puts it in the game to make fun of pro gerrard I I guess he's allowed to is he because it's pro gerrard's footage of him playing his game. That's weird It's fair. That's bizarre. It's fair use of fair use. I guess I guess yeah But it's still weird, right? UbeBall can do it and like I I don't think I'll say exactly why but if you look it up It's
Starting point is 02:54:32 Terrible the way he tries to take a clip and try to flip it and be like look at how gross this youtuber is That's not very nice. I'm like, didn't he fire a missile at jim sterling? Yes, he did. Oh, well, whatever. He had missiles fired at jim sterling. Excuse me So Yeah, no, it's fine. He gets a bunch of his friends mac mood is an older Gentleman of middle and middle eastern descent and he's just like here's how you date someone if you're kind of an older guy You're trying to date someone that's like, you know 10 20 years younger than you within the legal limits Obviously and he's like this character and he's used as the guy that shoots the nukes at jim sterling
Starting point is 02:55:12 So it's kind of horrible. Anyway, um But yeah on the flop house, like I said, I'll take a quick look at centering kagura reflections It's stupid And um, I did a lot of research On tomb raider angel of darkness for another what happened episode Did you know they flirted with it being an episodic digital download in 2002? I did that might have been good I actually used to be a big tomb raider fan and that game was the one that killed it out of me killed it Super hard
Starting point is 02:55:43 It killed it so fast that if they had delayed it one more time Idos might have gone bankrupt So they had to get it before the fiscal quarter ended And if they hadn't and cores begging them let us polish what we have And they're like no because if we do we have no money This has to go out now And like it didn't kill the brand but it did for a couple of years That is the
Starting point is 02:56:07 That is a tale as classic as kane and fucking abel is producer and developer deadlines profit No, no the game will be good. We don't have any money, but here's the thing deadlines. Oh, no, no profit polish and That's the last word integrity No intelligence because it has to be it has to be like justice because i'm like like commitment It has to be a triangle and you can only pick two. Yeah, you know what I mean, um
Starting point is 02:56:37 But here's the the like they made staying in business They made four giant environments and the Tomb Raider angel darkness box game has two of them And they were going to separate the other two to be the digital download that you would download onto your ps2 console That could barely function online and they're like there's no infrastructure for this. There's no way we can do it Ah, fuck it. Let's just release them in a sequel called the lost dominion, which never came out Okay, let's do that The problem is is that all four environments and various states of development? So let's just cut out the two that are the most along
Starting point is 02:57:12 Despite the fact sequentially through the storyline. They don't add up great That's why the story is such a mess because they have bits of stellar story that has no lead up It's almost like they should have dropped it and restarted the whole thing They almost should have kind of but uh, yeah, that's coming up. Hopefully in the next week or two. So that's main. Gotcha What's going on pat? I'm gonna be streaming spider-man Uh Over time or maybe some other bullshit. I don't know over at angriest pat. Sorry slash angriest pat
Starting point is 02:57:45 You sometimes also catch me over at slash piece of live if she doing some bullshit Uh That's it. That's easy to say Um, I'm done come watch that when it goes live and you'll be bored, but maybe not Over on woolly versus. It's every day, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so we bra. We've been doing. Um, yeah, bra Every day near automata dab the paint away route c or uh
Starting point is 02:58:15 Naruto currently just um, and a lot of people are are jones and hard for near as I saw and uh You know, we gotta let those people know that you've seen the end of that session Yeah, I there needs to be another more has to be recorded. So there won't be more until I record more this week Um in the meantime, however, the adventures of nalt continue And that that the third iteration of this lp Is by far the most fun and entertaining. What do you mean by that exactly? Because um, we're all sitting there in the costumes So for no it was you then you had a ready Naruto ultimate
Starting point is 02:58:56 No, Naruto ultimate ninja storm back in Has uh gone through uh different versions and the first version of it was me just doing an edited lp talking to myself Trying to figure out what the fuck I was doing and why? Yeah. Um, eventually, uh, I brought in red I roped in regi along for the ride and we both went through these Naruto memories together and uh recently, uh, billy has joined the group and The three of us are going through it and then interrupting whenever the game skips over Important bits or to do flashbacks or moments to literally go watch Naruto on netflix And it is all there and we are time stamped watching full fucking moments
Starting point is 02:59:42 Going over them to get what we missed in the games and it is a blast I saw a clip of you talking about what if itachi just let sasuke win early That was real good Um, man, oh man It's a really good time and the fact that we're seeing dumb shit happen like fucking crows going into Naruto's mouth Like over this is is great The best way to supplement goofy Naruto shit in the game is with actual Naruto shit in the terms of real footage from it So that that fortnite dance is really stupid, huh? Oh man. So if you want to come alongside and watch
Starting point is 03:00:21 Uh, woolly regi and billy Literally just watch Naruto and also play the game. I guess Uh, please tune on in to back in over at woolly versus and of course back in for a while Yeah, and of course the um the other projects continue when you're gonna get back into bleach I was never ah Back out that was never that was never in the car. You can have that name for a series For free back out. Eisen floated away into the clouds and so did I? Oh, no, what'll happen next?
Starting point is 03:00:58 There I go. I I talked to my hair back and fucking called it a day. Uh, that's over on woolly versus God i'm sleeping today i'm gonna hold go home and nap Okay, well don't end the podcast on that. Please god say something interesting. No No Nothing we got nothing. How about this? Yeah predator all right predators Predators the predator. This is the predator. Is it better than predators? Where are we? Where are we? Where are we? Where are we going? This is way worse even I think it's slightly worse because I couldn't get I couldn't get a feel for how bad is bad
Starting point is 03:01:42 It's slightly worse than predators very slightly Like you haven't yelled at me to force me to do it like an alien covenant style thing Oh, yeah, and you still need to do that. It's in one of those plays it in that place No, it's because alien covenant is like a two Where I like I hate it so much. There's aliens, but it's Interesting and it doesn't feature weaponized autism. Just yeah, just alien predators slap I'm gonna slap you. No, that doesn't slap at all Oh
Starting point is 03:03:08 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

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