Castle Super Beast - SBFC 272: Your Mukbang Can't Be Too Moist (feat. Michael & Alfredo from Achievement Hunter)

Episode Date: November 13, 2018

Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview The first half is Matt and Woolie with pocket sand and electric magnum dongs. The second half is the Texas Mukbang Hour live from Rooster Teeth. You can watch u...s record the podcast live on Outro: Tetris Effect OST - I'm Yours Forever First Set Images Of Hollywood's Monster Hunter Movie Sunset Overdrive for PC listed on Amazon with November 16 release date Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle levels-up with patch full of fan-requested features Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ‘Run Through’ Japanese TV spot Microsoft acquires Obsidian Entertainment and inXile Entertainment Devs of PS All-Stars Were Making a Rival-Schools like Fighter Ridley Scott Knows How to Bring Maximus Back for Gladiator 2 Square Enix Director Leaves, Cancelling Almost All Future FFXV Content Possible Bloodborne II Storyline hinted in Deracine? Strategy Guide Publisher Prima Games Is Shutting Down After 28 Years POKÉMON Detective Pikachu - Official Trailer #1

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Support for today's show comes from Fallout 76. Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim and Fallout 4, welcome you to Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. Work together, or not, to survive. Fallout 76 will be available worldwide on Wednesday, November 14th. Pre-order now at participating retailers and play the beta. one. Tired Pikachu. Last day on the job. No. No, but a grisly Pikachu is hard to imagine. No Pikachu dropping condoms for his magnum dong on the floor. That's also electrified. Yeah, electrified magnum dong. There you go. Bam. Seconds in. Seconds in. Seconds in,
Starting point is 00:01:17 we got it. Seconds in, got in magnum dong. Electrified magnum dong. Yeah, because, I mean, there's all the other affinities. Poison, water, fire, an electric dong. And, you know, it makes sense for Pikachu. I am super fucking hyped for this movie. I didn't think I would be. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. I see people going, this is awful. I'm super hyped. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it looks something about it. It looks terrible in all the right ways, but it also looks self-aware. So I feel like some of the jokes might land because it knows how ridiculous the entire thing is. It's like the dumbness of things like Dragon Ball Evolution, but that took itself seriously, like it's trying to be a serious
Starting point is 00:01:58 thing. But like this leans in to like, how dumb is this that all of these major companies decided, let's make this. Like the Lego movie almost. Yeah. It's almost like one of those things where it's like, or I mean, so. The Lego Batman, I think more is probably more appropriate. Perhaps. You didn't see that, though. No. Yeah. Just believe me. And I'm thinking about, we've been seeing all these movies of like things like Clue and Battleship and whatnot, where you're just like. Classics. Battleship. Well, it's more just like, why is this a movie now? Why noise? Where's Mouse Trap? Right. So, but point being, like it's almost one of those things where if the movie knows it's a weird premise, it has to kind
Starting point is 00:02:40 of go, Hey, I know, and I'm still going to try to sell you on this. Also, let's get the acting chops of Ken Watanabe in there to legitimize it. It's kind of whatever. Anyway, all I know is that like, Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds, Ryan Reynolds, no one can understand the round Reynolds. And then the girl looks at him and she's like, peeka peeka. I'm like, Yeah, that's such the expected joke, but it was so good. And then live action, like Pokemon gags. It better just be gen one, get all that other garbage. I'll wait for ninjas in there. I will say that they're actually, yes, he is exactly. Dude, you come on, there's favorites, of course, favorites exceed beyond gen one. But the smart thing is that they managed to
Starting point is 00:03:22 basically make the Pokemon live action movie without making it feel like they're doing that. They're kind of making this weird side new story thing, right? Like a different dimension, like Earth, different Earth. Well, it's like Detective Pikachu. It's this weird whatever. That's already strange. But as Pokemon as opposed to the Pokemon live action movie starring live action ash. And here comes live action Team Rocket. Plus, you can't really complain because there's been how many Pokemon movies already. Yeah, that are all anime and just exactly what you would probably want. But but the idea of there being the special American big production live action one is like Godzilla 2014. Like no one really enjoys it. Everyone is either going
Starting point is 00:04:07 to go like that was fine or that was awful. Look at how they put these dumb wigs on, right? Dude, dude, it's about hope. Sure. So America like needs hope. So hopefully this movie can save a nation. Perhaps, but my brain, my brain on the shoulders of Detective Pikachu. My brain thinks that like you don't you don't take the responsibilities of like a live action franchise if you feel like a side story from the get go. But it is a side story. Exactly. But it's still the first real American live action Pokemon movie. You know what I mean? Like you get to be less than you are by pretending you're something you're not. I hope there's a couple of cameos of celebrities that are just super into Pokemon and you didn't
Starting point is 00:04:57 know they were. But they're like, oh, I got to get in on that. Yeah. Like, you know how a lot of actors were in Force Awakens, but you didn't know it was them like Simon Pegg and Daniel Crack. Like I just want of tarp. I just want fan of tarp or I want Daniel Day Lewis being just like, my last role. I got to get in there even as a cameo. I don't care. That'd be great. I'm wondering if Sonic's movie is going to be similar. Where are you going to make the mistake of saying Sonic Hedgehog the movie America? Or are you going to like make it? I know it's just called Sonic the Hedgehog. I don't know if it has another title. Yeah, I just it's just I think I know what you mean though. Expectations get tempered. You know, when you throw a subtitle in there and go,
Starting point is 00:05:44 this is some wacky extra world doesn't even matter. But it happens to be love action fucking. If you like this, then maybe more. Who knows? No big commitment. That's the nice thing about Sonic Boom is already established wackiness and like pocket dimensions of Sonic being really self aware. So if they start off that movie with a Sonic Boom or any other type of Sonic in an animated world and you just bust through or Eggman shoot some dimensional bullshit. How do you feel about that to handle it? Like I go into the real world. It's pretty much like the plot of all bad direct adaptations are that is that ever seen he man? No, that's what that is real real just working Joe's as a girl is involved and she he man gets transported to the real world so you
Starting point is 00:06:29 don't get no grayscale. Motherfucker like we I mean, but here's the thing right right alongside this news is the fucking matching monster hunter live action screenshots from also looks amazing Millie is fucking to a Instagram. Wait, that's Oh, I thought there was a call to duty thing. Jovovich is Twitter. Twitter. God damn it. Instagram. No, it's a bunch of fucking military fatigues. That's that's what I was going for. It's insane. I can't wait. Capcom doesn't get giving no shit. Nothing. You make us money. Do whatever you want with the license. We don't care. And clearly they've they've exactly well they've made money. They made money on Street Fighter. They made money on fucking Resident Evil. Why would they care? It was either.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Don't fuck with the formula. It was killing or somebody that carrying is bad. That was like, haha, that was a bad decision. We make a million dollars every day. Yes, exactly. Based on indication, whatever sales like those we are laughing to the bank forever. Shut up. We see the fucking first set shots of like monster hunters film and we see like military fatigues and fucking like APC's and and armored fucking. I think like Thera said, at best, he was like, it just looks like a transformer. Modern military. Yeah, exactly. And so like the description that people are saying is they're saying there's a possibility that what happens is they go. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, we confirmed in the earliest
Starting point is 00:07:54 talks about this that monsters attack our world and how there's a dimension and and and the like candy like modern military. Can they win against that? Right. So we're going to have a little bit of a gate that anime where you have the Japanese military going into fight a bunch of orcs and monsters and stuff. Right. So but here, the description of this is basically kind of implying that like, oh, they're fighting as a military, but that's super ineffective. And that's only the beginning. And later on, Milia, a.k.a. What was her name? Oh, she has a name. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold on. Like a stupid movie name. It's totally a movie name. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. She was just always called Alice in the Residential Movies, and it was just not the coolest name.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Alice is fine, but her character alpha alpha team between takes. No, no, no, no, no. Here we go. Captain Natalie Artemis. Yes, that's not bad. Natalie Artemis and her military will eventually right find that way more effective is using the other the old school weapons. Yeah, like using like sword and I assume it's basically like, oh, our guns don't work. We have to craft things out of the monsters hides because the only thing weak to the monsters is other monsters. This sounds awesome. That's what I'm saying, right? They like you might have something there where you're like the reason why you're dumb, stupid and guns don't work is because Rathalos hide is needed to defeat the Kieran because fucking armor piercing bullets can't pierce a Rathalos. So
Starting point is 00:09:27 you know, it makes sense. And and so the in theory that she's got and she's got a slinger right here. And so in theory, it's like, OK, so they go back to like swords and and and I guess somehow that evolves into fucking transforming ax blade charge blade things. Yeah, because there's still a level of crazy tech and there's guns and shit. All the while, Paul W. S. Anderson is in his chair, masturbating away to his wife playing Monster Hunter. Absolutely. And I still don't see how fucking Palakos are going to be necessary to killing these monsters. You just don't want Palakos in there. They have to be there. But you don't want them. That's not necessarily the case. They have not knowing the franchise, they have to be there. I know my
Starting point is 00:10:15 likes and I know what I enjoy. But what I enjoy is not as important as references what needs to be there. Yes, I like that. It's going to be in the downtown like it like whenever the monsters are flying around Times Square. Yeah, it's the movie posters for shit in the background. Right. So remember like Will Smith and I am I am legend. You see the Batman Superman. You need those things. The little posters and cameos in the background. Marvel versus Capcom four or background or just like Snake, the Metal Gear movie because they tied in before some dumb shit. I don't know. Movies and video games will be a relationship that never stops given. Yeah, each one amazing. So anyway, that that that's some dumb shit. But we could probably get dumber.
Starting point is 00:11:11 We could get get dumber and we're going to. Here's the problem. Today's a weird week because one little strange. It's a different like we are going to be doing a bit of a shorter episode today live right now because while we were in Texas earlier this week, Pat and I recorded a segment with some of the Achievement Hunter guys over at Rooster Teeth. So later on, the back half of this podcast is going to be Pat and I sitting down with Mike and Alfredo from Achievement Hunter. And that's going to be more or less the last hour or so. So in the meantime, we're going to just cover the front parts and do like a mini episode because a whole lot of shit happened. And we had way too much news this week. So we're going to get through it as much as possible.
Starting point is 00:12:03 But very briefly and first, what did you do? Well, my mom finally got out of the hospital. After the hospital jerked her around a whole bunch where they're like, my mom loves TV. My mom loves Netflix. My mom loves watching shit. And they're like, after two days, you get to move into the room that has a TV, but you pony up, give us the money for TV. And she's like, all right, here you go. Hey, we're actually going to like let you out on Wednesday. So there's really no need to move you into that room if you're going to leave so early anyway. Okay, cool. That's fine, I guess. All right, well, it's Wednesday now, we're going to keep you a bit longer. But it might be tomorrow, so we're not going to give you the
Starting point is 00:12:43 room with the TV. This she never got the TV. Okay, like, like, I that's why I visit my mom like all week, like, like a few hours every day, because I'm like, she's got nothing to do, it's fucking sucks. And I wasn't super happy with that. But she's out now, and she's doing better. So thank you to anyone who said any kind of messages to me on Twitter or whatever. Aside from that, I did get some time in at home usually early in the mornings before I visit my mom to just went back in hard on Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Finally got a copy. Oh, you did. Cool, cool, cool. Because right now, like where I am, I was like, absolutely say this is like one of my top I, you know, I haven't obviously played them all but like my top Assassin's Creed. I'm just I got to
Starting point is 00:13:32 this spot where I'm really enjoying it. Crete, especially is like a major island that nothing really storyline wise happens. But there's some really fun side missions where Crete, they're like, you know, we got the minotaur. Remember that shit? Everyone remembers the minotaur. The first thing that happens is people are hawking minotaur merchandise or minotaur tunics come see where they see has killed the minotaur. Is there like a gimmick labyrinth Disney? So you go in this long side quest that kind of involves like them just trying to spook Cassandra. And she's just like this. There's conversations where she's staring at someone and they're like, oh, hey, so you're not buying it. So Crete was really, really, really fun. There's also a really long side quest you get at
Starting point is 00:14:23 the very start where this daughter of Artemis who's like the daughters are Artemis like this group of like warrior women that are just like we love Artemis. We want to we're like in tune with the animals and they say but there's these legendary beasts that are kind of like a nuisance. And our prophecy says that someone should kill these legendary beasts. So all around the map, there's like these different levels of beasts that are giant, have like mutations like giant horns and they're massive. And they're legendary beasts and kill them bring their pelts to me. And you have this really long side quest that goes forever. And you have like a sort of resolution with the main character that's given this this side quest to you.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And it was really cool. You had like three possible outcomes of how the the quest would go. And that was like really nicely handled. And I'm just like really enjoying it. Plus, yeah, legendary, actual, mystical, bullshit monster beasts are in the game up until this like they kind of showed it in trailers and stuff, but they didn't show all of them. And I found two and I was like, this is awesome. You get like really good rewards for doing them. So I'm not even doing the main storyline. And just I found like where all this good side mission content was for a little while, I was stuck where I think you remember, I was just saying, I'm just getting nothing quests, right? Go there and pick up this. And that was just because
Starting point is 00:15:44 they're message board quests. It's just random little things you do for a civilian that's literally 100 meters that way, come back. And that's just to keep you busy if you want to do it. But you really have to seek out like the fun stuff. And it's fun doing that. And then I found those great areas where it's like, I don't know what this does. I can't get in there. It's very mysterious. I don't know. I haven't figured out. I haven't got to that part of the game where it lets me know, but it lets you find it ahead of time. And like we said before, when you do quests, sometimes you'll not know that you've done them until some person's like, yeah, you got to kill that that kid over there. He's the worst. And she's like, I already killed him. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 00:16:24 You killed him. Good. We'll no longer be terrorized by that devil child. There's a couple side quests in your automata where like, exactly, like you talk to someone and can you go get that shit? And then you just press the button to get it like, you got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So satisfying. I played a good chunk of that. So aside from that, Night Slashers came out on the switch. It sure did. We played Night Slashers X, which had a lot of added stuff. We sure did. So I downloaded Night Slashers, played a good bit of that again, stole one of my like favorite like garbage beat them ups. And then after that, I also finished probably like what one of the strongest titles for if you hear those words, I want to play that. But but it's also for that time for that
Starting point is 00:17:16 era for that genre. It's 93 or 94. It's pretty early to it's so like bullseye for for beat them up from the mid nineties name for a thing. If not, because it's either going to go that way or it's going to be a film, right? Slashers, it just implies there's multiple slashers. I'm going to assume I'm going to be teaming up with a fellow Night Slasher and we will slash and that's what it provides. And it's and it's the because there's a violent version. There's a nonviolent version. I believe in America that we did not get the violent blood version. It was either the Japanese or Korean ROMs, so which had red blood and this version has it. So X is the one where they put the the violence back in. No, X was a fan beats of rage mod. So that's what that was. But the
Starting point is 00:18:06 actual core Night Slashers game had like a violent nonviolent version. Aside from that, I finished Sabrina, the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix. And of the time, the last time I talked about this, I was enjoying it. I was like three episodes in, then I watched more and I started enjoying it big, big less. Because very quickly, they actually make Sabrina like the worst. Let me know if you know of any other things that do this where it's like, hey, this character is really nice. This character is torn between two worlds. This character, unlike say Harry Potter says, I want all the benefits of both worlds. And I can get them. But people are telling me I can't. But I will force my way and I want all the rules to change just for me. That's what
Starting point is 00:18:54 other characters and Harry Potter thought Harry was like. Everyone accused you of like Snape or whoever would be like, Oh, you think you're the hottest shit. He never fucking did ever. But Sabrina's like, I'm the hottest shit. So usually Saturday morning, Billy, Max, Tommy, whatever main character kid with his hat backwards and his letter on his shirt is going to. That's super real with the letter. Yeah, they're gonna, they're gonna want both. But instead of being like, I'm going to bend the rules, they're going to just cheat and figure out a way. And then like all the one all of the people from both worlds will be like, Oh my god, I can't believe you figured out hacks. Yeah, you know, you never told your way through actually
Starting point is 00:19:40 like congratulate you at the end of the day or save the person or whatever like that. This is where I can fix this even if things go wrong and things go wrong. And I'm like, please don't solve this. I don't want you to solve it. I want you to realize that there's repercussions to wanting things your way. And thankfully by the end of the show, she realizes, Oh shit, I don't always get my way, which I liked. But the couple of episodes, like I'd say five episodes is a 10 episode show. Five episodes. I'm like, you are the worst. Okay, so she's just getting stubborn. Bad guys and good guys are like, shut the fuck up. Bad guys are like, No, it doesn't work like this. You have to respect these rules. And the good
Starting point is 00:20:28 guys are like, What are you doing? And she's like, No, I can fix this. I'm Sabrina. And one character finally calls her out where I'm like, she's like, you, you're not some main character that the whole world revolves around like you're you have a lineage and whatever. And that's important. But like, you can't get everything your way. And she's like, No, I can't. I think she literally at some point says, Yes, I can, or something. There is the there is a thing I can think of that has a character that basically decides to go against the rules and everyone goes, What the fuck, you do it? Yeah. Clearly, when a woolly got into this YouTube game, it was not. No, I just Josh. And it's a character who you unzip your shirt, you have a big W.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Put my head on backwards. Yeah. You want to be action man. Action man is the worst in terms of like, you can't do that. No, I just got to dial it in. He's just amping up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Well, I am. That's a promo. If he was a wrestler, shut up or amp up. There you go. There you go. That's your fucking energy drink. Guzzle it. The the the the character that comes to mind in a weird ass way is fucking Musashi from Vagabond because he has moments where like the code of the samurai is to be shut the fuck up. I'm trying not to die. But honorable samurai, the honorable samurai must dool in this and we have a school and a code and he's like, I don't give a shit. You're trying
Starting point is 00:22:09 to kill me. Dirt in your eyes and they're like, what is he? He's like, I don't want to die. Dying sucks. And it's like, you know, he kind of has a point. Dying sort of sucks. Okay. You know, and I think there's certain leeways you can give a samurai, but fucking throwing dirt in eyes is like, that's actually like, that's super carny. Well, because dude, it's the thing that everyone that's scummy is meant to do, right? Cody does it and anyone in any show criminal that's a villain will fucking throw dirt in your eyes, right? Like they do the ambush move. Dude, save this for a future podcast where someone's saying shit you don't like pocket full. Just podcast dirt and run away. There's a guest, you know, like the show should have more gimmicks like that.
Starting point is 00:23:06 This is an audio medium. No, dude, and it's the fucking, it's the grimiest and scummiest of things you can do. There's no honor to be found anywhere remotely close. No, no, no single grain of that sand had any honor. There's zero, right? Honor, but it's totally like when you zoom out and you're like, fuck honor, I'm trying to live, you know, and then, and then, but then there's revelations above that. And then that's why it's such a good fucking story because eventually he's like, oh man, like shoving dirt in people's eyes sucks, but not for the reasons you think. You know, not because it's like, oh, it was dishonorable, fuck honor. That's stupid. It's like, oh, I actually feel bad of the damage I'm calling. No, it's because like it's there, there's, there's more to life than
Starting point is 00:23:56 just scurrying to survive. Oh, okay. Right. Okay. But I mean, it's shitty because it's an easy way out. There's, there's a lot more to under to the understanding of what this big journey we are on is called life. However, in the moment, if I want to get out and scurry away, like and survive, then yeah, dirt in your eyes. Okay, really, really quickly. I know this is a thing, but like, Leanna had to go babysit for a friend's, a friend's child who's like four or five. And I'm going to say the start of this situation, then I'm going to say if I was in that place, I would need an easy way out because I don't know what to do. So yeah, I can't maybe throw sand in the child's eyes, but I'll tell you and then you said maybe you should have as Leanna is over there and there's a bottle
Starting point is 00:24:43 water on a window ledge. And the child goes over there and looks at the bottle and looks at Leanna who's sitting in a chair. She goes, I'm going to spill this water all over. And Leanna is like, okay, I say, I'm going to spill it. I'm going to make it and I'm just going to make it fall and spill all over. Leanna was like, do you want to do that? So stop right there. Some kid that I'm babysitting or whatever is in my home or whatever. And it's like, Matt, I'm going to take this Pashoujo or Godzilla and smash it on the floor. And if it's someone else's child, I think I would just start crying. Because what do you do? I'm not going to reprimand the child harshly because I don't know how to do that. And I don't know what to do. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:25:35 would I just throw up at the indecision? Leanna goes, okay, go ahead. And she's like, I will. So go ahead. It's water. She spills it all over and Leanna goes clean it up. She's like, no, why not? Because I don't want to. And Leanna is like, well, Santa saw all of this. And she's like, no, he didn't. He's not watching right now. And man, I was like, maybe he's not, but I'm watching. How old is the kid? Four or five. I'm watching. And I can tell him and she's like, no, yes. Starts cleaning it up. I forget about Santa. I forget that this is as close to a God having real power as the threat of Santa. The mind games have been established Santa exists so that you can blackmail children and that's an easy way out in the sense that if they have this fear of this
Starting point is 00:26:34 of this vengeful God, it's a free W would have thought of that. Absolutely. And I don't have a pocket of sand. No, but it's the fucking it's the it's the your carte blanche. It's your your fucking trump card. Easy. You can only use it for so long, though. Well, yes, there's a but but you can use it in the time frame in which other negotiations are bound to fail. Because you cannot reason with this creature. You cannot rationalize. Logic does not apply. I'm going to do this thing like break a thing. I mean, like, I think you might be pure evil. I mean, why would your mind work like this? You know, like the the the fucking the household I was raised in was one that tells me to just fucking take the thing away. And you get no thing. Yeah. And then the next thing you go to
Starting point is 00:27:19 do you don't get that either. It's just a bottle of water. Unless you mean a toy. Well, whatever the case is, it's like, well, now you're being a little shit. So, you know, like that, I mean, usually a belt would come out at some point as well. But that's a whole other discussion because anyway, I'd be like the most like pacified dad. I couldn't oh my god, Matt, because I just think like I don't want to be yelled at. You can when I was a kid. So I don't know. You can you that's why the fake gods exist exactly so that you can scare the kids. That's why all the the show the characters from American gods are like these fake gods. Remember, though, that back before it was Jolly St. Nick, it was old Nick or Krampus and old Nick what fuck around there was there was the
Starting point is 00:28:09 evil Santa that would take you away. Yes, you were bad. Yes. So it wasn't just you don't get your fucking presence. You die. You lose your life. You need a hell or something. You throw sand in your eyes. Your existence is forfeit. Yeah, you know, don't break that pashoujo. Aside from that, yeah, finished that Sabrina. But yeah, it ended on like, oh, that's cool. Okay. It ended on like, hey, she learned a lesson and and this is actually interesting what's what could be going for. So was it then like the Marvel Netflix arc? It was it was better. It was because it was only 10 episodes and all the episodes had something that I felt was like worth that episode existing. Like either like that character got some decent
Starting point is 00:28:59 development or that's cool or a new thing was revealed. And like many Marvel shows lack that where like, I want to say on average, four episodes right in the middle, just have nothing going on. Not for all of them. I just when I think back in my head. And now since there's two less Marvel shows on Netflix ever returning, that probably wouldn't be as bad. But yeah, I guess I guess that's me for the most part. Right on. On that note, like too, because there's too much news, we can just briefly say that Marvel decides to just go fuck all that cancelled noise. Let's try some TV shows with the actual movie characters in them. Yeah, I saw that there's like a low key one and there's like another one. And it to me, it's like, I think I get it because
Starting point is 00:29:47 the first attempt, which was successful at initially at least with Daredevil and Luke Cage and so on was like, let's create a pocket universe that's related but still its own thing. Well, these are all prequely shows or sides to who knows, you know, dimension. Yeah. But like the idea of them being like, yo, let's just make something about Loki and it's Tom's Tom's here. It's the guy you like from the movies, you know, not doing much right now in the movies. So obviously the budget's going to be lower and things are going to be much more writing driven, picking characters. Like, do you know what's going to be? It's going to be Loki and street clothes, walking around on Earth or some shit, probably because they're not going to do Asgard or if they do, they're going to
Starting point is 00:30:32 have one room, one Asgard room. That's going to be you. Yes, the whole time, big old CG background. And I'll tell you what, they're going to get the right to use the establishing shots from some of the movies. Oh, yeah. That's how you save it. Saving money all the time. You fucking save it, dude. Yeah, you got to use. You can't do these shows with characters I really want to see on because they have special effects. It's like, do I really want Ghost Rider have his own show? Like the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. version of Ghost Rider? Yes, they're not going to fucking have an entire show when someone's like, oh, the fire SFX cost how much per episode now? Like Ghost Rider was only in a couple of and he was human most of the time. Did you see that
Starting point is 00:31:15 clip that went around on Twitter of the Fantastic Four cartoon show? No, but I know because I've seen the actual show. The Fox Kids version, not the old one. Okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So the Fox Kids one, which didn't last long, everyone's fighting Galactus and Galactus is voiced by Tony J, which I didn't even realize. I'm like, yeah, that makes sense. Cool. Galactus is just building size and he's just like, and everyone turns around. Human turns around and they hear this screechy noise. Something's coming up over the road and it's Ghost Rider. Why would Ghost Rider be here? He comes in and just starts just starts cutting a promo while on the bike and just starts screaming at Galactus is like, I'm here to make sure that you pay for what you've done in Galactus.
Starting point is 00:32:01 It's like, what is this demon? I don't know what you are, but I'm turning away from you and goes, feel the guilt of a million billion worlds and shoots it a pen and stare in a Galactus. I'm like, Galactus wouldn't feel guilty about this. If you feel guilty eating a pizza or an apple, he's also a different kind of being, you know what I mean? Like he would not feel guilty. He's in the realm of fucking Celestials and Eternals and shit. Like when you use the Punisher, the Punisher just stared back at him super hard. Also, if you don't think, if you don't have guilt, dude, there's been, there's been wars raged across the subreddit about the pen and stare. And the writing changes the court, the meaning of it and so on, sins as a ethical concept versus
Starting point is 00:32:50 sins as a personal objective concept. Like a gauge in your body. Because that means that anyone who doesn't feel bad about what they did. Let me ask you, do you like that? If you don't feel guilty, then I think it's cool because it's the same as why again, doesn't get hurt by the raging demon. It is cool, right? It's the idea. It's the idea of like, yo, I lived a life that I have no regrets by and nothing I did is really a sin. And then the demons like, oh, and then Akuma lets go and goes, what happened? The only problem is that they can't, they can only have one person ever do it. If they have, then everyone's like only one person should have ever beat the Undertaker, not basically everyone after a certain point because he's old. So it's like, it should either
Starting point is 00:33:37 be the Punisher because I think it's cool where it's just like a man or it should not be the Punisher and it should be someone like Thanos or Galactus. But Thanos has shown that he feels guilt all the time. It's because it serves as an answer to a riddle, right? It's like this invincible power has a really obvious clear quote unquote weakness, but it's not really a weakness. But if you keep exploiting it, then it sucks. Then everyone just goes, all right, what is Ghost Rider? Well, you have a soldier, an army of soldiers going, okay, if Ghost Rider shows up, what do you do? And everyone just goes, don't feel bad about nothing. All right, cool. Good. Pen and spare broke, you know. Pen and spare broke. You have to have the conviction. The other problem to
Starting point is 00:34:19 his Galactus, I like the Galactus I like is the one that's used as almost an agent of entropy. So that it's like after the big bang and after and then towards the big crunch, he's like, I am redistributing matter and I'm bringing it all into me. Circle life. Because this is part of the circle of life. Exactly. And then when the universe is reborn, there needs to be a great destroyer. It's just the way things are. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do. So the idea of it being guilt ridden is like, yeah, I'm like, you're taking human mortal concepts and you're applying it to a big dumb purple. Let us know in comics, has Ghost Rider ever shot like an 180 foot long pen and stare in the Galactus? Because I'm pretty sure this is just
Starting point is 00:35:02 dumb cartoon chicanery. The basic. So it's not, you shouldn't even really think about it. And again, when you get into those like those, uh, uh, the infinite beings and whatnot, like the concept of good and evil becomes so trivialized at eternity. That's what I'm saying. Life becomes a much more complex beast, you know, um, on that note, you shot it at death. It would probably orgasm if anything. I mean, it goes right. I was like, this isn't what I thought would happen. It, it would be, it would be weird. But, uh, regardless, and because we're talking about Marvel, uh, rest in peace to Stanley, he's, uh, what just passed away. Are you serious? Right now. Oh my God. Holy shit. Yeah, that just happened. So, oh, that's at 95, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:55 uh, he did it, man. He fucking did it. He did it. And they got him in there everywhere. And, uh, you know, that's, that's what it is. It sucks. I'm sure he's already like maybe like done his bit for Avengers four, even if he's in an interlock. I'm sure they, it's like, I hope he did because then the last movie he goes out on is fucking like Deadpool two. No, Venom. I was furious when I saw him in Venom. I don't, I booed the screen. Wow. I just imagined it was like, didn't do anything. I just imagine it's like, it's, it's become like a little like, you know, running gag. So it's, I think, I think it's just meant to be like a cute little thing. You know, I don't, I don't, we reading too much into it is probably,
Starting point is 00:36:44 but I love reading too much. Okay. Well, then fine. I wasn't a ghost writer, dude. It's, there's no need to read too hard into it. Yes. The idea of for that one second or the like, Oh, what if he was the watcher was a funny little bit, but ultimately they're just little fun cameos and everyone knows the guy's 95. He's done it. You know what I mean? So rest in peace, Stanley. That's really sad. I really, you knew it was going to happen at some point because you're like, fuck it 95, but still outside of the bit. I hope that all that garbage with like his, his, his family and stuff. I don't know if the ins and outs, but I heard a big, big mess about that. So I think it got kind of relieved in the last couple of months. So it
Starting point is 00:37:28 seemed because I remember you made a big Twitter post just saying proudly like, Hey, everyone, I am now in full control of all my social media and like, I will be saying stuff. And he always said nice things to like the actors. Like he gave us like super nice like statement to like my, my, my friend Tom, meaning Tom Holland, Spider-Man. He's like, Oh, I'm so proud that he's Spider-Man. And the Tom Holland's just like, Oh, we're going to see you soon. Stan. Like we need to hang out. I'm like, Oh, you got to be very emotional. And then there's that there's a video that he kind of just recorded. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That one where he's basically, it's one of those like, you know, I know, you know, this isn't, there isn't going to be a whole lot more of these, you know.
Starting point is 00:38:11 And he had all those health scares like two years ago, one year ago when he was canceling a bunch of appearances in the last second. So, you know, obviously something was up, but that's sad to hear. Yeah. Anyway, what about you? Okay. Well, a couple of things I suppose. Let's see. I guess. Yeah. Well, the big one right off the bat is Tetris Effect fucking. Yes. How's that going? It's just like a lot of praise. It's the fucking, it's just the fucking best. It's just the best. And you're not playing in VR. You are. I've so, so far I haven't, I've haven't had a ton of time. So I've only been able to like beat it twice, but the, the journey mode. But the, yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to take a shot at going through the VR
Starting point is 00:39:04 soon. But yeah. I tried out, but Rocky has my PS4. It's just, dude, it's just fucking magical, man. Like honestly, the, so there's some weird stuff in the sense that they chained like, yeah, because now you're playing the full version of last time we talked about this, it was the demo full version, quote unquote, balancing wise, changes some things around. And I don't know how much people care to hear to listen about Tetris balancing, but I'll keep it brief and just say that. Give us a general, but brief overview. I've noticed a lot of little things that I'm like, I like the way the demo handled this better. All right. But I'll keep it general and say like one clear example is,
Starting point is 00:39:47 so the way you're playing the journey mode, the way this, the, the way the game speeds up in the demo, it was a natural progression of difficulty based on your line clear, right? So you would have a, you know, your level goes up as you go further into the stage and then things drop faster. Seems normal. In this, what they did was they decided to ratchet up the speed to either low throttle or max speed almost or not max, but like really high. And have it happen instantly based on the music. Now, now on the surface, it would sound like you would like that because it's cool music, but not between only two levels. It's really cool when it happens because you're like, Oh yeah, the music and you're like,
Starting point is 00:40:35 this is an intense moment. This is a music Gucci game. But yes. And so I understand completely why they did that. However, it does really add a weird like difficulty aspect to it where you're like, okay, so now I have to kind of just memorize like how the song beats when the beat drops. So I have to kind of get there for the upcoming difficulties. Yeah. And the thing is, and you're not quite sure how fast it's going to go up too as well. So you're, you're not, it's the, it's the pot and the, it's the hot, the, the frog in the pot, you know what I mean? Like you turn it up slowly and then you can stand, you can boil them alive, but throw them in a hot pot and jumps out. This isn't something that's in the options menu. I didn't scroll to find it
Starting point is 00:41:12 if there was an option for it, but what ends up happening, that's like a huge change. But what it, what it ends up doing is it actually goes back to being slow afterwards too. So you'll have the music comms. Yeah. Because you, because the stages are basically like play it, playlists. So it's cool. It's really cool. And like what you end up seeing is a multiple selection of like, like songs that like, as after you get a certain amount of points and you clear a certain amount of lines, it transitions you into the next track, you know? So there's natural points where it's like slowing back down makes sense, but I need to play it more to really understand the exact, I'm giving my like quick observation on the run through. I need to go
Starting point is 00:42:01 like actually like, I look it up and then play a bit more to understand exactly what makes the speed up and slow downs occur, but that's a thing that changed. I noticed. Might be wrong about the details of it. I'm sorry if I am, I'm just just my, my, you know, initial impression there. The other thing is just all the fucking just glorious backgrounds and music and the mood and just the fact that there's these, these no reason to change that between no, dude, it's just some levels are just these quiet Zen gardens. And like every time you rotate a block, a little bit of wind blows, you know, and then another time you're at like a New Year's Eve party and fireworks are exploding and you're just going all around and you're just celebrating like music and life in the world and
Starting point is 00:42:46 all that res shit, you know, and, and, and man, it's just, yeah, it's absolutely my aesthetic and it's a great time. Tetris the most on the PC on like a Windows or maybe it was Windows 3.1, I don't remember, but that's where me and my parents played the most Tetris. So it was just the classic like just, you know, Russian backgrounds and the background art and just regular old Tetris and never even played the Game Boy version. This is definitely like res a game that you can throw on at a party and it's super, yeah, okay, everyone just watches and enjoys what's happening. In fact, there's a theater mode, which is kind of like traveling mode in res where you don't die, you just go through it, right? Okay. So basically traveling mode is party mode in res where there
Starting point is 00:43:31 is no damage, you just go through target things and make the beat journey mode and the journey mode has what I just said. I forgot. Sorry. Oh, was it travel? No, not traveling. It was any theater theater mode. Sorry. Yeah. So what you do is you go into the stage, right? And there's no actual Tetris blocks or well, and there's just the background. And okay, it's like a screensaver basically and the buttons cause effects to happen. That's right. And then like you can make the beat like ramp up, ramp down, move forward like rudimentary being a DJ kind of you could plug this game into a screen and go to a fucking club and actually be a DJ with a PS4 controller and just run the effects, you know, and then like it and the songs are very like they're
Starting point is 00:44:21 great songs like people would love them. So like it feels like you could absolutely just go up there and just DJ your your way into super stardom with with with a bullshit set of trough songs you have nothing to do with that you didn't make. But still, right? Yeah, other DJs hit the button. Yeah, we see used to Steve Aoki started getting booked around the country and he's like, how did this get so far? I never told them that I didn't actually do anything. Just the nightmare that is the camera behind the DJ that shows you the play button and then like I'm not pressing anything. I'm just I'm moving my hands around. But it looks like shit's happening. Dance, everybody. It's great. There was like there was a cool there was a JPEG I saw years ago that was like
Starting point is 00:45:05 glance at the DJ's laptop screen. If you see this, they just hit play. Yeah. If you see this, they're mixing the tracks but on the spot, but not much else. It's kind of like more or less dragging playlists around. But if you see this, you're getting an original mix right here right now. Fucking respect that shit, you know, it shows you like what the software looks like is pretty good. Anyway, so yeah, Tetris Effect fucking rules. And I'm going to be playing more of that this week. I'll elaborate a little bit more. You're going to the Tetris World Championships. No, I'm going to be I'm going to be attempting to take a look and hopefully some of you maybe will want to join me as my other thing I did this week was attempt to set up my stream stuff. So
Starting point is 00:45:58 getting into that world by getting stuff together and initial attempts to plug in camera and open up streaming program literally detonated my computer and my power supply exploded. So for some fucking reason exploded, you mean like, oh, I think it's dead or there was a bright spark. It's been a minute since I've used X split. So I opened it up while plugging the cameras in and then it just stopped doing anything. And I was like, okay, and then the Elgato froze. And I was like, okay, let me do a hard restart. And then I go for a hard restart. And then the computer just goes nope. And then nothing happens anymore. And I'm like, fucking sick. That's what I get for making the decision to enter the forbidden realm. Yeah, you're not allowed in here. Not allowed
Starting point is 00:46:56 in. You know, there's I mean, fuck. But anyway, you streamed before a bit like on this on like the random super like secret streams on this exactly. This is starting from scratch. Yes, I haven't I haven't done any wooly versus streaming yet, though that I've made the Twitch will I made the slash wooly versus a long time ago. But I just haven't actually used it. And I'm going to, I guess do that and try to get over some of my stupid hangups and see how that goes. Not to put more blood into the reddest ocean. That is Twitch. I apologize in advance for elbowing in Hey, just on that fact, like, it's not a hard thing. But I haven't mean to kind of say something about this. But it's like, I'm actually thinking to like, maybe really, really cut back on streaming
Starting point is 00:47:46 myself. Okay. Because I'm finding that I'm not streaming enough to make it worth it for people that are subscribers. Because with just flop house YT content, and and just how busy I was in October, versus the takeovers like ramping up to just be finished. And, and then have another project in the works. And I'm like, I really don't want to give like a like, like a shitty product. You know, so I'm like, something has to cut back. Now, I'm not sure if you saw or heard, but like, ego Raptor put out a video saying, Hey, I'm really sorry. It's my fault. We didn't do any ghoul grumps was just like them playing spooky games in October, because we prioritized starting to stream. We were doing this, the 10, the 10 minute power hour. And he just they said, like,
Starting point is 00:48:34 something had to give because we're doing too much. So doing more like spooky videos on top of it. I was just like, I don't think we can he had a very impassionate video about that. I kind of thought about that. But I'm like, Yeah, I'm not streaming like as I should. Like the last time I did work a really good run was like a year ago, like last October, where I was streaming like twice a week almost, because I wasn't nearly as busy as I was then. So I don't know when but I was like maybe at the start of next year, I'd be like, I might stream like things like once every so often where I'm like, No, this would make a great stream or it's a game that I'm like, really anticipating something. But like, I'm thinking of like, taking a further step back,
Starting point is 00:49:16 like right now, I we haven't streamed since like October. Okay. And that was like, even before that like that was like the last couple days walked over. So I might like step away. Like I haven't really decided about my kind of leaning towards it just I can't keep up with everything. Okay, plus this all the stuff we do plus everything is everything. Right. As Lauren Hill said, or destiny is destiny. Yeah, there's that they're the same lyric. Really? Really? Okay, sorry to kind of know but no, no, no, it's it's I mean, it's related because it's it's yeah. And I'm, I'm, you know, turning to all you guys that have like done this, you know, and trying to figure out this stuff a little bit even though I've done it a bunch myself and even stream when Mac streams.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yeah, well, there's that. That's the iron rule. Yeah. But that but I mean, ultimately that level of like, you know, like dodging and like being another channel on at the same time as friends is always like a rough thought. But regardless, I'm setting that up and I'm going to I'm going to try to play a little bit of Tetris and maybe some other fun stuff. One to start off with. And you know, I mean, obviously, like fighting games are out there and other things. So, you know, we're going day one combos. But it doesn't work out when your fucking power supply roasts. So unlike your desktop, you know, so I mean, I'm and I'm one of those people where it's like, I had plans, I had things I was going, nothing fucking matters. My computer's dead.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah. Yeah. All when mine died and was in was in like a fucking future shop shop for like a month. I'm like, yes, so little gets you know, Liam's like, I'm coming over it too. And I'm like, no, you're not. You know, like everything fucking canceled. So I mean, but you know, I did get an idea. So I stopped at my power supply and things are fine there. But I also just what I think, you know, like also for streaming purposes, let's just grab a fucking streaming laptop as well. And make sure this is not a problem and make sure that my back up. Right. I mean, it's weird because it's a I guess it's a donkey now just because of how old it is. But like I my fucking I seven was really it was pretty fucking good five years ago. We all have machines like that,
Starting point is 00:51:27 you know, or we're like it did it. You did it. Did the job. I can't feel bad about the job you've done. Yeah. I will not look back on your career with regrets. Yeah. So so you know, basically is spent spent the weekend tinkering and fucking prodding, yeah, and dusting fans and whatnot. Sometimes you have to get your fist really deep into the desktops. Yeah. Oh, I also want to point out that people tend to ask to like, what's up with Willie's laptop? This laptop I'm on for this podcast is not mine. FYI. Yeah, it's just you bought it. I did not buy this. Oh, wait. Yeah, okay. This is past when he got rid of. Yeah, and brought in so that we could use it here. But anyway, the thing I did after I got that all set
Starting point is 00:52:18 up, though, was I went in for another tattoo session. Right. So now I'm at 40%. I was about I was going to ask what the percentage is because that's always what I 40% clear. I love when video game developers say we are at 40%. I'm like, it means nothing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But you're not because everyone can tell where the halfway point is. And I'm like, I'm just before the halfway point. I just fought. I just fought the nine tails. Yes. That sadly is 40%. You know, I fought the nine tails and I'm getting ready to reach the halfway point. Okay. So that that the tattoo continues. Nice to learn that I went, you know, apparently like the further up my back you go, like the more the back fat kicks in. That's good. So the less
Starting point is 00:53:09 I feel it. And like some of that spine work didn't hurt as much this time. So that was cool. So shout outs to Kessel runs for continuing on that project. I always love when, you know, the new movies out but in the girl with the dragon tattoo when she's like, I need you to tattoo my foot like on the like on the front part of your foot. And he's like, the skin's really thin. This is going to hurt. She just kind of goes like, yeah, shrugs. Oh, I'm like, oh, shit. Yeah. That's like, like I got some fat there, but still it's super thin. It's very scary. I'm so bummed that they're continuing the series without the people we wanted. But now what are you going to do? Well, this go back and watch the fucking Swedish ones. That's probably going to be the
Starting point is 00:53:55 last one because I imagine do well. Oh, it's out. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Holy shit. It came out on Friday. I saw the trailer for it like earlier this week. And I assume it was coming up in the next the new Elizabeth is apparently very good. But the core movie itself is like really born It's a story now based on the books, right? No, it's based on the books based on a book by a different author. Yeah, I just picked up the story. Right. I almost read that book, like I almost finished it. But I lost the fucking book. I read it like a year ago. And I was like, this seems pretty good serviceable. I'm enjoying this. But like, I didn't finish it. And then apparently this is like a worse version of that the core movie plot. Yeah, disappointing. I mean,
Starting point is 00:54:38 it's from the director of Don't Breathe. And I'm like, I like that guy. So whatever. I was basically going to go back, watch the Swedish ones and then maybe check this one out after just for a complete understanding of what's happening. But yeah, you know, the jump from what we saw. I know it doesn't. I know it doesn't relate. This one has some story threads, but they're not like major. But but I do know that it takes place after Hornets Nest and yeah, yeah, I think it does. Spider's Web, right? So anyway, this is spider's web. This is spider's web. Hornets Nest and I for whatever the third one was. Then there's a whole comic book series. Remember you got me one? Yeah, that that didn't stop. Cool. That kept going. I even saw like a like a hard bound like
Starting point is 00:55:26 copy of it of like another series altogether. And they all have cool names though. You got me a adaptation of Dragon Tattoo. This is like they just continued making more stories and comic books. So is 2D Salander the truth? Is that the real the real wife? I don't know how they reviewed. Who knows? I like to check them out. Dude, there's a raid comic like the raid. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. With like, yeah, actors on it. I'm like, whoa, comics are amazing. Um, all right. Yeah, you know, whatever stuff. Yeah, that stuff stuff and things. Here's the break we'll take for our sponsors. Okay. Today, the podcast is sponsored by Casper. They're the sleep brand that continues to
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Starting point is 00:58:00 Terms and conditions apply. Thanks Casper. And support for today's show comes from Fallout 76. Bethesda Game Studios award-winning creators of games like Skyrim and Fallout 4, have you heard of those? Yeah, you have. Welcome you to Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. Work together or don't to survive. Under the threat of nuclear annihilation, you'll experience the largest, most dynamic world ever created in the legendary Fallout universe, Reclamation Day 2102. 25 years after the bombs fall, you and your fellow vault dwellers, chosen from the nation's best and brightest, emerge into post-nuclear America, play solo,
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Starting point is 00:59:41 Thanks for joining the Super Metroid Cat. That's all of the news. The first piece of news that actually popped up right last week was that Prima would be shutting down after more years than I thought they were in the game. I knew guides were still being made, but I forgot who was making them. 28 years means they were around since 1990, and that's kind of nuts though, because I didn't think they were around that long. Yeah, I just, Prima, I'm like, maybe it's Brady games? I don't know. Yeah. Who made that awesome Mortal Kombat 9 guide, the one that gave a tier list before the game was out? Either Prima or Brady. And I know that they had a website for the Street Fighter one where you had to sign up,
Starting point is 01:00:23 and they had the online data, and they wanted you to use the website as their portal for frame data and stuff, and it was like, this is rough. Plus, then you had things like the Limited Special Edition Hardcover Mother 3 guide that was just fan-printed, and then it just became yeah, these are losing relevancy, unfortunately. It looks weird. It is what it is. I still think a physical guide is handy. It's probably a superior way to get through a game if you want a guide, but it's like, I'm not going to buy one. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, right now. I know this is probably the best thing if I need a guide, but... But we're in a digital world, and we have our phones in our laps at the end of the day.
Starting point is 01:01:03 It feels much like, the fact that you can't control F a piece of paper is not great. You have to go back to the table of contents, see where is level six or whatever. Once upon a time, Game Facts was the place you could go that like, you know, I was like, okay, well, I don't have a guide. I can use this, but I have to go over to the computer in the living room to fucking read the part and then come back and go... Or print it out on paper. Yeah, and then I put it in a Trapper Keeper, and now I have a big binder that talks about like, Yon's Ginajian combos. I really like those hint and cheat books that always have some generic warrior fighting like a ninja, and it's like for the NES or whatever,
Starting point is 01:01:43 and it's just like little thing, just the codes. Just a little Game FAQs in your head. Tips and tricks. I had a couple of those. They also printed tournament results, so that was cool. But Prima Games, you know, I mean, it's just the future is here, and they couldn't make the jump. They had to have had other stuff, like online guides. Yeah. And I mean, here's the thing, right? So like fighting games came up with like frame data apps became the norm, and now those are a big thing. I don't know how many other types of games have like apps that are specific to them, but I imagine... I would say a couple. But like, I imagine Prima must have experimented with like... How Smash Brothers is getting an app
Starting point is 01:02:23 Nintendo announced that little appy thing. Yeah. Yeah. That's gonna be like a little portal or whatever. I don't know what you're gonna do on there, but whatever. So it's sad, right? Because these also double as art books in a lot of cases, right? Like when there is no art book, the best thing you're gonna get is these printed large glossy photos of artwork from the game and a glorified booklet, you know? Yeah. I like those back sections where they're just like, we need a quote of 200 pages, so here's some artwork. There's a nice Mirazan's hardcover, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, there's nostalgia here that I'm really gonna miss, but I also at the same time feel adapt or die. And you know what? You did not know this company
Starting point is 01:03:04 was still in business, which is very telling. I mean, I did, but like, I think the perfect example is like, quite frankly, you know who should have died? Netflix. Because Netflix used to be, we're gonna send you DVDs in the fucking mail. It really started like that? And then, yes. It's a red box. The first, first time I heard about Netflix ages ago, I was in fucking high school, probably, when they were like, we will send you DVDs, right? And then it became a pop this PlayStation 2 disc in and browse through this awful menu on your PlayStation 2, right? Netflix was not what it is today. Netflix has gone through multiple shapes where the main thing everyone cared about changed completely, and they stayed up with the times. And the reason why
Starting point is 01:04:00 it's like broadband was going to be like available to like a certain amount of people. They were fucking ready for it. Let's just do it now. But they also, they also adapted constantly for like, what, however many years they've been around now, probably well over 20. Like, it's fucking crazy, right? It's like Massachian vagabond. He's like, I don't want to die. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Pocket's end, pocket's end. Adapt, adapt. It really is. It really is like a perfect example of like, you know, for all intents and purposes, Prima games represents like these printed video game guides. But really what they could have represented was video game like information and guides in a way that is not game facts.
Starting point is 01:04:44 That you can, and they could have come up with multiple ways to bring that forward, you know? It's not saying much in this article, but it's like, since we don't really know much, like, maybe they did try to have that on their website where they tried to have online guides and I don't know. Maybe they did try, but it's like, obviously it didn't work. No, it obviously needed to be not what it was and needed to be something else, you know? But ultimately, like, you just like, I bring up Netflix because it's just a great example of like, you become like you float around, you stick and move, you keep staying relevant, and then you become irreplaceable. Yeah. You know, and that's what they've done. And in this case, Prima didn't
Starting point is 01:05:25 do that. Napster couldn't do that, even though Napster was positioned to be a fucking global champion of music if they weren't idiots back then. Yeah, there's also an element to luck of it where it's like, oh, I think this is going to be the next big thing and I want to adapt and like live on. But, oh, fuck, that was the wrong thing. Like, oh, let's all bet on HD DVD versus Blu-ray. Oh, yeah. There's gambles. And I mean, again, who's saying yes to porn? Okay, back that one. Exactly. Exactly. I was telling someone over the weekend, I'm like, if porn backs your blank, you'll be okay. There's definitely a little bit of a gamble that you've got to worry about, for sure, but choosing to, when you see the world go a certain way, when technology is going a certain
Starting point is 01:06:13 way, choosing to find a way to force people back into your fucking brick-and-mortar game stop. It's also why all those chains like Applebee's and whatever, just no one's coming to our shit. Well, no one's coming to your shit because everyone doesn't want to go out. It's very, very different and you've got to change shit up in some ways. And the thing is, as a company, like in theory, if you're not super in the red, you can figure out how to, you can afford to change up your formula and start finding ways to work with the moving times. Yeah, if you're big enough, you can try it and you see that there's a downturn. Create a department to try shit out. Yeah, have that on the door, say department of trying shit
Starting point is 01:07:00 out and just have that try to figure out where to go in the next five years because if you don't, you're going to be like any one of these other companies just like, well, well, work on. And that's super naive business 101 with fucking best friends. Yeah, yeah. Telling everyone how they should do it. But it really comes down to that. You're constantly told that we've done everything wrong, but somehow, because of all you, we're here. So we can, we can, we can fucking, yeah, we can optimize in many ways that we don't. We refuse to adapt. Redapt in some ways. Then perish. Yeah. Evolve or die. Make your choice.
Starting point is 01:07:46 So rip Prima, rip Prima. The lot of casualties this week. The next one goes to. Oh, yeah, yeah. Leaving. Look at that. Spider man, iron spider hoodie. It's almost like it knows. Forget this story. There's an ad and Matt's Matt's enticed by it. There's an ad for iron spider. And it's so fucking cool. I'm enticed by it too. It's quite rad, but anyway, dude. Okay, look, so I'm not going to lie, like fucking ads and bullshit and whatever stuff. Okay. Right. But something about the targeted ones on Instagram fucking get me because I've purchased numerous. Dude, I got those tech and
Starting point is 01:08:37 pants over the weekend. Yeah, exactly. Because I saw that on Instagram and I saw one today, which was, which was of the scarlet spider hoodie. I've seen that one. I've seen that one too. It keeps pushing it at me and I keep saying no. Why? Because it's expensive. No, because like, there's a lot of spider man hoodies out there. Yeah. But there's a lot of spider man hoodies out there. There is. There is. But anyway, Final Fantasy 15, unfortunately, is going to be canceling all of its planned DLC. There's like one episode that's almost done that they're releasing, but every other one they're canceling. So there was episode Arden, Aranea, Ludifreya, and episode Noctis. And we're told that only episode Arden is going to get actually released. Yeah. The rest
Starting point is 01:09:27 are getting canned. And that is alongside announcements that they lost around 33 million. Yeah. And that's a huge, it doesn't specify whether that's the cancellations. That can be like a budget for a whole other game. Like that's a whole game lost. Yeah. Whatever happened, it doesn't make it clear whether or not it's like, oh, the canceling is the projected loss of this much. Or if it was the clear, like something else occurred. But it sounds like something else occurred. And we won't know what. However, Tabata is the guy that directed Crisis Core and some good shit. And he was the one that saved Final Fantasy 15 after it wasn't really. Sure did. With the Realm Reborn.
Starting point is 01:10:11 That's just, yeah. He fucking, he did a ton, man. He's been around since 99. And yeah, Crisis Core, Last Order, Kingdom Hearts, Coded, Type Zero, Agito, Type Zero HD 15. He was the co-director for, he was the director of Third Birthday. So a mixed bag, certainly. But yeah, those last couple of things were all good shit. And so, you know, ultimately, this led to his resignation. And he also, he had an internal studio called Luminous Productions, which he also walked away from. And it sounds like they're still going to stick around, but they're working on an entirely new IP. Yeah, it says they want to work on like a big thing after that. So, yeah, big. Very, it doesn't happen that often in the
Starting point is 01:11:03 Japanese game industry. Happens a lot in the North American one, but like a big megastar just leaving. Happens like what, once every couple of years? It does. Like an Inafune or like, you know, it's basically, it's basically, there's like, they'll reassess a couple of times a decade. And like, if things are good or like trending badly, then someone big might step down and, you know, fall on the sword, so to speak. They also, alongside that, mentioned that the multiplayer stuff is going to become, is it standalone, I think? Yeah. So they're, yeah, Comrades is getting a standalone release for both consoles. An episode Arden is even going to get like an anime prologue. So. So they're still committing to that one. I mean, it's to be like, like the way things
Starting point is 01:11:48 sounded, uh, FF 15 with those four. Is this a success? Like in terms of money? I don't know. It was. And now I don't know what 33 off the top turns it into. But I will say that like, it sounded like by the time episode Noctis came out, you were basically going to be looking at a sequel's worth of content. I'd say so. Right. All those episodes of the, the episodes of each of the four boys and then episodes of the extra characters and then episodes and then the Comrades thing as well. Like the monsters of the deep and then the VR monsters of the deep. Like there's a lot of shit there. That really sounds like another entire game's worth of content, you know. It's because it's like, for FF 13, they're like, oh, this shit sucks and it costs a lot. So let's
Starting point is 01:12:34 just make two sequels right after to like recoup all these huge losses. And like that didn't work out. I don't know if that made square money, but then they're like, okay, well, let's try this instead. Make one big game and then just add tons and tons and tons of DLC. And like maybe that's not working out. I don't know. Well, and when you cancel all of these, it's kind of the equivalent of saying we've canceled FF 15 too. Because I guess the cancellation is like working on this. Money was spent on them, but we're canceling them. So that's a loss. So here's what you do. You buy your time until FF 7 comes out. Yeah, absolutely. We don't need a new Final Fantasy until maybe after that.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Because that thing is not getting canceled unless the company shuts down. And I'd imagine that thing would make money on max alone. Solo. He will buy all of the copies. He'll buy a copy every day. He'll wake up in the morning. Buy a copy, have breakfast, you know, pour some coffee and just purchase. While he's in the bathroom, Amazon is ringing his door saying, here's your next copy. Why leave an open door open? Why don't we go to bed and just maybe grab another copy? He's gonna look at the fiscal reports and be like, what the fuck? Maximilian!
Starting point is 01:13:54 Like you're looking, he's looking at the cart that just says like it has a copy or two of FF 7. And he's like, three, four, five, six, who cares? Like, hey, you know what? Might as well make it seven. Check out. Yeah. Anyway, that's kind of a sad end to Final Fantasy 15, which it seemed like fans really liked, but or a good portion of fans really liked. But it's like, I don't, I feel like it's probably a loss in terms of money because it had all those other years of production when it was 13 versus. Well, here's the thing now, but is it fair to count this budget and. Yes, in a business perspective. Is it all the same product here? Because you have a,
Starting point is 01:14:37 you have a, you have a game that shipped and then you have an anime and then you have. It depends on how you want to spin it to your board of directors or board investors or whatever. I mean, I imagine that like Marvel will look at things and go phase two was profitable. This movie individually was not, you know, or whatever. And I think you got to spin it. So you pick whichever and you look at it in totality. But yeah, they accumulate a certain amount of budget towards the entire FF 15 brand and 33 down is a huge, huge impact on whatever profits they made, like for sure. Anyway, that's big. Alongside that, there was the XO 18 event where Microsoft talked about some stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:27 The event of nothing. I mean, so, you know, like I had to scrub a couple of these stories off because whatever, but like crackdown three got bumped up and release date and they talked about the subscription service adding like 16 new games, including the missing. Or is it the good life, I think? Oh, excuse me. Yeah. Sorry. I saw a thumb. There's so much missing talk. It's lately. It's fine. But that's cool because it's like that puts a lot of eyes at least on that product for swearing. So that's cool. Yes. But they also mentioned sense that overdrive is coming to PC further making the Xbox one completely pointless. Yeah. PC listed on Amazon within November 16th release date. So since that overdrive appears
Starting point is 01:16:15 to be just popping up again. Yeah. I'm that's a surprise announcement, but I mean, I don't want to talk bad. Although actually, no, rather, it's not an announcement. It's not an official announcement. This is a an Amazon leak. Yeah. Yeah. And it was also had a steam registry made for it recently. People were able to dig up. So yeah, it's not an official announcement, but it might as well be at this point. But yeah, I don't think they actually announced it. But like I don't talk shit about sunset overdrive. It's like, I just stopped playing that. I was just like, I am not. I'm good. Yeah. It just got a little repetitive. It had its time frame. It certainly was exciting for the time and enjoyed what I did play of it. But I may I don't want to
Starting point is 01:16:57 go back to it. I don't know. Yep. 20 bucks. So there's that thq Nordic is is Publishing. That's so fucking weird. It was Microsoft that published it last anyway. Seems like thq Nordic is handling the PC release. Okay. Microsoft's XO 18 event also. Yeah, the only actual real news out of it mentioned that they have acquired obsidian and in exile, which had been rumored at least obsidian for a long time. And it's like, yeah, I guess you need all the fucking help you can get. They own all the internet has that list of all the studios they own. Yeah. And it's like, but you have no fucking games.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Well, they have big RPG company on their on their fucking cards now. I guess it has been said that obsidian it has been working on something for Microsoft and that like they decided like, oh, now we're just going to like like acquire you now. So hopefully a game is shown. Is this the doom bitch kiss of death? Is this the Yoko? Why is this the the the Microsoft? Is this the now it's going now they go under or now they get obsidian? Yeah. That's EA really. It is EA or it's the reverse if you decide to break away from Nintendo. You also become doomed. I'm just thinking of scale bound. You know, Platinum's fine. But like it's different. Yeah, I'm just I don't know. Because like, I'm sure I'm sure a couple of studios
Starting point is 01:18:37 have closed under Microsoft's wash. But it's like when I think about the last couple years, more more studios have closed under Sony than like they they they they got rid of the developer of wipeout and they got rid of like another one or two super bot. Okay, but what about also died under their wash? Like, well, what about like the the the rare situation where rare still making games? The zombie version of your of yourself. It. Okay. It's a marketed step down from rare as heritage. But like think about it after so much years of inactivity and like shitty things that they've done still alive. So that's what it's like. You're kind of almost safe. Like Sea of Thieves is the last thing I remember that they made other than some connect game connect
Starting point is 01:19:21 adventures that the connect connect. You remember? Yeah. Like that's the last thing I think they may think yeah, they made avatars and shit too. But it's like, think about it. They have so many years of just not really doing anything. They have so many canceled games under Microsoft over the years on the rare replay collection. They're like, yeah, we had a horror game that that Guillermo del Toro was going to work on with us. Microsoft canceled it. We had a perfect dark pitch. They canceled it. They always said no to their pitches. See if these is the one thing they didn't get to work on fucking killer angst. Yeah. So I mean, whatever, I guess, look forward to big exclusive X bone RPG sometime. And in exile is the people that made Wasteland two,
Starting point is 01:20:09 Wasteland three, Bard's Tale and Torment. So yeah, they get big RPG companies, I guess. That's where we're going. They bought them both. I was just screaming at like producers of Microsoft on Twitter for not announcing killer angst. I was just shouting at them. It's so stupid. So yeah, Microsoft's umbrella now contains undead labs, playground, Ninja Theory and compulsion. I forgot they bought Ninja Theory. They bought Ninja Theory and said no sacrifice. So hey, but I it's weird because like my like Xbox has become really quiet. Yeah, like this generation and you are the only person I know that still uses it. And the reason why I use it is because that's where all my stuff is and
Starting point is 01:21:04 Netflix shit. Yeah, I don't have any ass my PS4. Yeah. And like I'll play games. I mean, I'm playing Assassin's Creed on it, but that's like the only thing I played consistently on it for months. And it's like, yeah, that's the only real reason I have a plugged in. Mine has been fucking plugged out for ages. Like, you know, it is what it is. All right, let's roll through some of these other small things. So one, what the fuck is this about Superbots working on their own rival schools inspired before they closed under Sony after PlayStation All Stars failed in 2009, Sony's company, Sony's, but Superbot, the guys that made PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale, we're working on something being called an untitled
Starting point is 01:21:57 fight on game inspired by rival schools and Unseen 64 has some screenshots of our rather artwork and concept art. And this was when Seth was there, wasn't it? I believe so. He joined just as the game was like maybe a month or two before PlayStation All Stars came out. And we were like, oh, shit. Could him being there have anything to do with this? I'd like to think a little bit. He would be here at the time. Well, anyway, it was canceled. And then they worked on Cuttlefish Friends and then made no money. And that was the end of Superbot. But looking at some of this artwork, there's some Western, I guess, look at that just looks like a cure. We're looking at the art from this unseen article about you can Google Superbot canceled fighting game rival schools.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Yeah, I'm just looking at some of these character designs. And I didn't find anything here to be particularly strong. Oh, no. But I mean, if you're trying to, if you say, man, that looks like such a Japanese game here, the guy in the middle, he's got this stance that looks like I've seen that pose a million times. I was unimpressed thoroughly with with these character designs. I didn't see much. Again, audio, audio, medium, you know, we're not going to spend too long looking at this shit. But it looks like American anime, you know, that feel I will. What I will say is that there is a there's one or two that one that she's quite this is probably the best of the lot. Sure, the the stockings like gothic gothic, but there's multiple gothic girls. So
Starting point is 01:23:30 the second to last one. But anyway, the the what I will say is that there is definitely a large gap for a rival schools and or a rival schools spiritual successor. That school days aesthetic. Yes, there's no yeah, nothing is filled that nothing has come in. And Capcom has not indicated any interest in going back there. Any time the further sandbagging of battle high continues. That's that's not what we said. It's schools. Do you remember what we said gets what do we say? Justice University. Okay. Justice you. Fine. Fine. Fine. I forgot. We will never get there. No, I am always shoutouts to your boxy, I guess. Yeah. I'm always really sad when I hear fighting game canceled or like fighting game, you didn't know existed canceled because I want to
Starting point is 01:24:23 see all of them or get like a build or whatever. You know, I was talking about that that WWE brawl game. That's just like Power Stone with like crazy WWE characters. Like I'm sad that was canceled. There's that that other fighting game 10th degree that DJ's worked on for a bit and that got canceled. That was almost done. And I'm just like there's something about like when fighting games just never come out. I'm like, Oh, that sucks. I'm a rage to the I hear you but between that art and between PlayStation All Stars that probably would have been a hot steamer when you see when you put both those together. Let's not let the word rival schools blind us from but also I want to be blinded by the words rival schools. I want rival schools to throw some sand in my
Starting point is 01:25:09 face. We hold these truths to be self evident, my friend. How about getting blinded by the word Bloodborne 2? Did you actually look at the videos and stuff? I didn't look at the video, but I saw the screenshots. We have a story coming from the new FromSoft game, which has been put out, and they teased it. It was that VR kind of like flowery thing. I don't really know what it is about, but it showed up. There was a house. All their echo games or it's like this slow paced kind of adventurey thing with some let's say horror elements, but whatever. Max did a really good video on this where he catalogs everything where there's several items in the game like books that seem to really be hinting like at a Yarnham type place, but the book is
Starting point is 01:25:54 called Blood and Bone. Oh, there's other references besides this. Oh yeah, there's this doll that looks just like the or like, you know, similar to the doll from Bloodborne. And if you hold the doll, she just does the make the contact. So it's so yeah, the actual story is in Deracine. There is a doll that you find that is holding the make contact pose. And the description given is all these items have descriptions a lot like from software. The description given is a doll of the stone girl Fiona, who appears in the unfinished tale when a person has a bad dream, Fiona appears and helps them flee. So the thought process is if this is referring to there's several items that that talk about this unfinished tale, like some type of story. And one
Starting point is 01:26:39 of them says a book, Blood and Bone says this is about the unfinished tale. And it goes on to say like, people start altering their own bones to help with this disease or it's just stuff that it's like there's too much. Yeah, yeah. There's too much. The word blood, the fact that it's literally is even written in almost the exact blood. There you fucking go. The doll, the dream, the pose and calling it unfinished. Yeah, seems to heavily imply that and there is more. Deracine is also a PlayStation exclusive. It's only on PSVR. Okay. So that would be crudence to know if Dark Souls three on the Xbox said this shit, then you'd be like, I don't know, you know, but the ex Santergoo. Yeah, I know but I don't have time for that.
Starting point is 01:27:33 I don't have time for ex Santergoos. Deracine, say it right. Derakini. Derasine. Derasine. Deracine. Deracine. Yep. Yep. Yep. I like the sounds of that PlayStation VR was. I'd hook it up and play this. Uh, there was that. There was the. This fucking god damn it. I hate the story so much. I saw a tweet from Fred Wood where he basically was replying and I'm playing that like, oh, dude, don't even get mad about this Gladiator. Yeah, you didn't even hear about what it was going to be. And I'm like, please read this out. Please read this out. It's amazing. Okay. Like the way I can't go back. The way it
Starting point is 01:28:31 was tweeted was even better. But what we got is this article and here's here's the way it's worded. Ridley Scott moving forward on a sequel to Gladiator. Ridley Scott has an idea on how to bring back Maximus. Yes. Okay. Notice how to bring back Russell Crow. Fucking 18 years ago was when Gladiator came out and Ridley Scott's moving forward with the sequel. I've heard. I've heard talk of sequels for years, including yes, including Peter Craig from the town who wrote the script. And so they're saying this, the claiming is that the sequel will continue the story of Lucius, who was the son of Lucila, the nephew of Commodus. Yeah, a little kid. And basically, Maximus influenced him greatly. And then he grows up in the movies about him.
Starting point is 01:29:23 That's fine. Sure. You know, you go to Elysium and Maximus is there in a dream. That's probably what what what that idea would be. But there was an original script. So it turns out that Nick Cave, that fuck from Lawless, sat down on Mark Maron's podcast and fucking went on to talk about the film that was originally called Christ Killer. And it would feature Maximus from Gladiator. Yes. In purgatory. Okay. I'm with you. Sent down by the gods who are dying in heaven because there's this one God and this Christ character down on earth, gaining popularity. So the many gods are dying and they send Gladiator back to kill Christ and his followers. However, the script would have Maximus tricking the gods as the Christ character that they've sent to kill
Starting point is 01:30:24 was his own son. You know, the one that died in the first movie. Yes. Yes. However, we would find that Maximus would go on to then live forever fighting battles throughout history, such as World War Two and Vietnam before ending as a general in modern day. Working in the Pentagon. Now Russell Co read the script and he said, don't like it, mate. So this script did not happen. Dude, this reads like Rob Liefeld's fucking Odyssey. Not yet. Not until the gods come back and then World War Two and Adolf Hitler and then 9 11, then Maximus. I think Lucius being the emperor of Rome and then he just have to deal with all the things. That's probably the safer bet. You know what? Christians don't like movies called Christ killer. They don't like that. Like once upon a time,
Starting point is 01:31:50 the strongest thing in the world was just the step over Joaquin Phoenix's body as a sign of disrespect. That's your favorite. And now we're talking about the fucking Pentagon and modern day Russell Crow. Olympia has fallen, but not really. That would be a killer subtitle. Well, that's the real movie. What? Olympus has fallen. The movie said Olympia, which sounds like a little more in line with the way they would say it. Olympus meaning. Yeah, those movies. Someone decided not someone Nick Cave decided, yo, but what about Kratos, though? Yeah. Yeah. He probably played the game and then all shit. This is what it should be. So here. Yeah. Gladiator, that high fantasy. Don't like it, mate. I don't like it. So anyway, really, Scott favorite moving forward
Starting point is 01:32:51 with really Scott's like the fucking worst and the best. I kind of don't want that sequel either. I just don't think it needs. I think I think it could have had a sequel, maybe five years after the movie. But now it's just like it's smacks of him again, being like, Hey, let me try another alien after 40 years. Oh, wait, I'm bad at it. It's like it's 20 fucking years ago. It's a good ass movie. It's it's it's nice in a vacuum. I don't think we need to continue it. But whatever. Really, Scott thinks you want it, you know, everyone got their their hip hop fucking sound bites in there. Right. Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you're here? Everyone got everything they needed out of it. And now we need a new a new generation of sound
Starting point is 01:33:36 bites and anime music video with every I'm sure you want to say anime music video. I just mean like, you know, so yeah, speaking of anime music. Okay, look, I literally have not even seen the original version. So I don't even know what the deal is. All it is is the same thing with no music. Okay, that's so the there was no new upload this smash Nintendo didn't know someone on someone specifically meme savvy. Oh, someone in the market at Nintendo. Yes, Bill Trin and our fucking someone made the decision. So you know what they're doing? They were getting ready to put the trailer together and no, no, take out the music. There was a there was an initial render with the music in. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, I'm saying they they were going to pick which song right and they
Starting point is 01:34:21 were going and then they got the render with no music and then they went huh. And now yeah, work with me on this. We uploaded with no music and they're like that's brilliant. Yeah. So Smash Brothers Ultimate run through TV spot. Um, I have literally only seen the music versions and the first one I saw was the best and I thought it was real because I saw it almost without context. It was because I was queen. Don't stop me now. No, no, I didn't think it was that I saw one with I saw when mama said knock you out and it had the lyrics altered to have like no swears or whatever. Sure. And I thought that was it. I thought Nintendo was like, yeah, that's a safe song. Nobody knows where the original is.
Starting point is 01:35:10 I think the goal is to make it so that there is no original. Now, Nintendo's Twitter just I know, but then they delete it. And now all that exists is the fucking mashups. Right. So I saw I obviously there's infinite. Everyone's doing their own. And another notable was fucking Annie up. Annie up was good shit. But yeah, you know, I think my back to rise one was pretty good. There was that too. So guess what? I upload that on my YouTube and I just go, not only will this not get monetized, it will have two step verification, no monetization. Yes, exactly. Everyone came for me. Nintendo, Nick Gordon and Omega Sparks were all like, they're holding the phone down there.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Whatever. I was I was like, there's no way I just want to upload that for fun. Surprisingly, my dual language mix of life light was not at all an issue. So that was interesting. I'm surprised about that. But what we are talking about is the trailer that Nintendo put out. That's a really cool trailer with Smash Brothers characters fighting and doing stuff. But they put out sound effects only. There's no music on it. So obviously, the internet has gone to town on it. So fucking plan to genius. Brilliant. Absolutely fucking Indestructible of Street Fighter 4 is also a really good one on there. Has anyone done You Say Run? It's really hard to actually search for this. When I was searching to see if like has anyone
Starting point is 01:36:40 done this set, like on Twitter, it's like it's hard. You can't find it because no one writes what that is in the thing. So you have to like maybe use hashtags. I don't know. On YouTube, it's a lot easier to search for. I feel like You Say Run would be the the the obvious to the I fucking I was in the when we were down in Texas and and and we had a great time with the with the roosterseeth guys, by the way, we'll talk about that a bit later. But the I saw a commercial for League of Legends on American TV that was just like fucking straight up from the OST of my hero academia playing You Say Run with it. And it was like, oh, they knew. And they know that this music is like it's a meme on TV, basically. But they know that this music is great. And they
Starting point is 01:37:25 fucking dropped it on on a real commercial for their League of Legends game is is not him. Like that's the point we're at where we're just getting licensed Japanese anime music on our commercials. Yeah, man. Good job, Smash Brothers. Good job for putting in not a lot of work in your audio design. That just makes it better for all of us. That being said, I promise you by next week, we'll be thoroughly sick of it. Oh, I just imagine everyone's sick of it by like today. Give it. It's not a thing with legs. It's not give it give it six days for everyone to be know because the problem is the folks that come super late. Yeah, like a week. How late is that? Right? If you're going to come a week or a week late, though, you better come. You better come
Starting point is 01:38:15 correct. You better be dressed proper. You come with the king. You better have an idea. Yeah. I put the end of the world from Jojo on there. That works almost great. The beat of the song. I tried messing around with the BPM and stuff. I tried making the the actual smash video a little bit a little bit faster a little bit and I couldn't get it to work. And I was like, damn it. That would have been good, though. I didn't try so I didn't try the the OP from the part one. But I'm like, that's someone's probably done that. Everyone's like, oh, where's rules of nature? I'm like, don't even try. Who hasn't done that? You know what doesn't sadly work at all is a double trigger. Yeah, this fucking doesn't.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Unlike Bowsette, this doesn't have a ton of legs. But yeah, Bowsette's got a pair of legs, even though I haven't seen like, you know, it's more like Bowsette has moved to cosplay still. Got a lot of yeah, it's like exploded into the cosplay scene, but also now's around the time where people who've been working on really detailed animation down on long animation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like this is we've evolved, adapt or die phase two phase, you know, you know, phase one of Bowsette was really profitable for us. Yeah, yeah, can't wait for phase four. Mm hmm. Bowsette infinity wars. So we are going to be moving into the the the rooster teeth segment, the Texas segment, right after this. So before we head out,
Starting point is 01:40:00 why don't we let the people know what's up? What's up? Yeah, for us ourselves, together as a unit as a pair as we do what you want to say what the actual LP will be, because I think people would get so confirmed that it. All right, confirm what? Yeah, so yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so we took a quick look at psycho knots. That's going to be wrapping up either today or tomorrow. Intros in the works. Intros done. That was fucking fast. He's good. I'll show it to you. Oh, wow. Okay, who? Ellie again. Oh, man, what a champ. So when he's finished school, he has a lot of time. Like whenever he's like done with his school work, he's like, oh, shit, yeah, just give me
Starting point is 01:40:49 some work. Okay. I mean, there's only one time you can drop this this bomb. This give you a ton. Yeah. How about I do you have a do you have a pun? Not really. We're playing Kingdom Hearts guys. Have you played Kingdom Hearts? I played a bunch. I want to say like a dozen hours of Kingdom Hearts two. I never touched one. Okay. When one was out, I didn't have a PlayStation two at the time. So I played it. I paid Kingdom Hearts to a bunch. I watched my friend play the first hour of part one and that's all I got. So I am the freshest of fresh eyes. You know what? It'll be fine because it's not a hard story to keep track of. It's very similar. Apparently not. No, that's not true. Um, for years, I've had people not just not just like not just the level I'm talking about literally
Starting point is 01:41:41 in my ear, literally like lips to my ears, whispering all the truths and secrets whisper song right into your ears. So I've always wanted to know what the deal is and I've always wanted to know because I've had long, meaningful heart to hearts with Liam where he's like, okay, but really at the end of the day, at the end of the day, every Kingdom Hearts conversation starts with at the end of the day. Right. When you strip it all down and you get rid of the cell phone, there's something there. You know, he's by it and more than him, many people have. So let's find out truly where the end of the day is. It would be interesting for us to play through this now because it's like we are, I think, want to say two and a half months away from Kingdom Hearts three,
Starting point is 01:42:29 not a single Square Enix character shown yet, leading many to believe that they're just not in it anymore. I mean, not legacy characters. Like no, like because Sephiroth is always a secret final boss or whatever or some kind of type of like legacy character from a Square Enix franchise. And it's like they've shown zero. It's only been Disney. And everyone's like, Holobastians for sure in the game, which is like the final fantasy world or whatever the town. And they've still shown zero and like people are worried. I need to know how we get to the parking lot. That's how I need to know, you know, the journey to the parking lot starts here. So we're going to be taking a look at that. And I'm a bit scared of like the path this
Starting point is 01:43:19 will lead us down the lock in because there's you're like, Hey, let's just randomly play DMC one, I guess I will probably lead to nothing. Five L part to gotta let it out. Gotta let it out. Yeah. So we'll see. So, you know, yeah, we will see, I guess. But it should be easy because there's Kingdom Hearts one, two and three, that's coming out next year. So that's a straight shot. Can't take that long. I can't imagine. All right. So now it's out there. There's no putting it back in the bottle. Yeah, yeah, no, it's very true. That's that. So that look forward to that. We haven't even started it yet. So like relax, but it's coming. And Devil May Cry 4 should be wrapping up today. And Pat and I will be continuing to a new a new a new a new game
Starting point is 01:44:10 after that new game. It should become clear by the time we hit the credits that what we're going to be doing. And Call of Cthulhu continues as well. Well, not really. It's it's going to be continuing whenever Pat comes into the office. So I think maybe Wednesday at the earliest for that to return. I'm not sure. I don't know for sure. Okay, but it I mean, it's not getting canceled. Well, no, it's not getting canceled. But I don't think we've had new episodes like Thursday. I forget. Anyway, whatever that that will continue. So there we go. Meanwhile, over on the individuals, I personally have like a new what happened coming up for
Starting point is 01:44:59 right the hell retribution. Anyway, there's that coming up. And I think by the end of the week, hopefully I can have like a new short LP coming up. It's Necropara. Very good. The uncensored version. The answer, of course, because they're I don't even have my PS4 that has the censored version. You know, Matt, I didn't realize this was a thing. But apparently, like porn LPers are like a category. And I actually did not know that you are you are leading the charge. You're in there. Not really, because I had to take down. That's that's true, too. That's true, too. So yeah, over on Willy versus something old, something new, something borrowed,
Starting point is 01:45:49 something bluest something. Fuck. Yeah, the the yeah, no, we're gonna, you know, the return of a classic and the introduction of something new. Hmm. This week in short order. And of course, once I stop fucking like bumbling around and once things are like kind of, I guess, working, I might just click the stream button. And if you want to tune in and see what I stream and how that works out, if you want to see a mess, you can you can worry because all the tests you'll do will be meaningless because problems that didn't happen during the tests will have, I mean, I still like I trust me, like I still like I fucking I cobble this shit together,
Starting point is 01:46:34 you know, I've learned this down mostly to a science where I'm like, I'm like here and then you come in and then you open up the laptop, press the button, you're like, OK, going live. And I'm like, well, that was fast. Yeah. But if you want to check out a new hot mess because a new setup in a new place with a tired of the old mess, yeah, a new setup in a new place with a new computer and new things means lots of new mistakes to go wrong. It's exciting. So definitely be sure to keep an eye out and a near out to slash woolly versus. And you have to spell out the word versus. OK, so it's good to know.
Starting point is 01:47:14 S.U.S. And yeah, I'm going to I'm going to jump in there and see what's up, I guess. I don't know. I have the first jump in the pool is the hardest. Exactly. That's the that's the noise. Shaking the motion of you're just I don't know if I should stream. All right. We had a great time in Texas. Thanks to the Rooster Teeth guys. That was really fun. Please enjoy as we move into that. We got some hardware there. Is that a vape? All right, welcome to the Mukbang podcast. Oh, we're gonna Mukbang all over your ears. Yeah, pieces of shit. What what are the ingredients of a good Mukbang stream? What do you need?
Starting point is 01:48:03 How do you start with a good some of the ASMR? Yeah, you got to really swirl it from the papers. Swirl it in your mouth is what you want to do. No, no, you got to aerate it. You probably want a good lighting rig for your food. You want to make lots of that slurp. You got the slurps. That's the canteen slurp. That's good in the desert. Oh, that sounds moist. Well, yeah, of course, it's moist. It's liquid. Shit. Too moist. So like too much saliva. No, no. I'm drowning over here. Your Mukbang can't be too moist. Yeah, I feel like I feel like pastas would be really just nice and slurpy. Chewing and slurping, right? Are Asian noodles pasta? It's a category.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Is it? I feel like it'd be in the category, right? Who calls it pasta, though? I'm asking right now because he's saying pasta, but I'm thinking of noodles. It's a technicality. They're both. They're both the same thing. Like pasta is a category of Asian noodles. Yeah, it works out. Yeah, okay. They're not all pasta or noodles, though, right? There's some like non-pasta. It could be like a ravioli. Is that a noodle? I had penne yesterday. It felt pretty noodly. I'm not going to die on the hill. We're on to something. This is not, you know what I mean? I was here to talk about mukbanging and we're trying to act all spaghetti Asian pasta. We're trying to fucking be all fancy, but I mean, the mukbang here just consists of some Snickers
Starting point is 01:49:31 and some Red Bull and oh, you have some M&Ms as well. What's up, peanut M&Ms? Peanut. That's good for crunch. I really don't like the peanut M&Ms. No, I like the almond M&Ms. Do you like peanuts? Peanuts are great, but I feel like the peanut is too much. I'm going to eat something a little subtle. I'm going to go out on a limb, fuck all nuts in an M&M. Just give me the clean chocolate. I don't want that melted. Yeah, but you don't even like chocolate. No, it's, yeah. You don't even like chocolate. He doesn't even like chocolate. It's a complicated history. Okay. All right. Before I fucking blow my... We got time. Before we get into it. Yeah. We will get into that, but first things first, what's going on? Where are we at? Hey, okay,
Starting point is 01:50:07 so I'm Pat. You probably know me from the podcast that you listen to. Stop hitting the fucking table. You don't tell me what to do. I will stop hitting the table. But only because I want to. We have a different mic setup. What are you fucking doing? Yeah, okay. So, hey, the person admonishing me is Woolly, as you always know. However, the two other voices you probably are also familiar with. You guys are... We're a chief hunter. Well, that's not your name. That's your fucking name. I'm Mr. Chief Hunter. This is Michael from Achievement Hunter. I'm here with Alf. No, yeah. It's Alfredo. Patrick, it's Alfredo. I'm pretty sure we christened at Alf earlier. Yeah. No, you like to eat cats. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:50:45 yeah. I wasn't happy about it. Well, he likes pussy. Yeah. Clearly. Bam. I'll take that. Yeah, no Alf. Yeah. Alf the pussy destroyer. In the war against DJ Khaled, you're against DJ Khaled. Yeah. Nice. This is a tough war. Nice. He didn't do it. He got a lot on me. Which is last week we talked about. We talked about the fact that he doesn't do it. And that's what the Overwatch story is, is the omnics in DJ Khaled are on the side of not going down. Not going down. And the Overwatch heroes led by Tracer are all about going down. And that's what we... No, I get it. It makes sense. That feeds into the Lord too. Okay. So what we can get is like a good Photoshop of like the alien Alf versus a robot DJ Khaled. Oh, I can see it. I'm wearing Achievement Hunter
Starting point is 01:51:33 shirt. Yeah. And their slogan is, we will never go down. Right? So it's... Anyway. Regardless, Rooster Teeth was nice enough to drag us down to Texas. Very kind. I mean, well, when you say drag down to Texas... Well, they put us on a plane and they gave it to us, which is very nice, actually. Because, you know... Hey, nice hotel. Thank you. I'll take credit. Sure. Yeah. Thanks, you too. Yeah, we got it done. Mr. Hunter, I will gladly take full credit. Oh, your Mr. Achievement? What are you talking about? No, he's Mr. Achievement Hunter. I'm here a week. I don't know what the hell he's talking about. So we just... I get a real feeling that you're completely full of shit, Alfredo. Me? Just going out on a limb. I'm full of a lot of things. Just like about like a couple...
Starting point is 01:52:18 Like what? A few hours of conversation in. Just making a hard read. Yeah. I'm gonna make a hard read on that one. Yeah. I'm just, you know, telling you how it is. Okay. So the reason why this fucking kid's going on about me hating chocolate is because when I was younger, a family friend worked at the Lint factory, so they would bring over Lint high quality chocolates all the time. Oh, okay. And they had fancy shits. Okay, gotcha. Infinite free high quality chocolate. And we just got fucking sick of it after. Sure. So it eventually just... He dropped the peanut. He dropped the peanut on him. He dropped the garbage on their floor. It was my last one. Yeah. But you dropped the peanut. You fucked it. You fucked it. You put it in your mouth
Starting point is 01:53:07 and fucking chew it. He's listening to this goddamn story right now. He's throwing M&M's, and now you stepped on it in your shoe. Put it in your mouth. He's sucking up like the muckbanger you are. All right. And yeah, when you get infinite fucking chocolate as a kid, you get sick of it. And then like you only like the weird stuff. So like white chocolate is the only kind of chocolate I really actually dig because we didn't get that often. And now they're getting married. There you go. Wow. Wow. Yeah. All right. Inside. Anyways. So yeah, that's it. And you know, I had a friend whose uncle like worked at a pop tart factory and he got infinite pop tarts as a kid, which is fucking great until you get sick of pop tarts. Danny switched to
Starting point is 01:53:45 toaster strudel. Yeah. And then that happened. Exactly. It's just, you know, whenever you're a kid, like you love the thing and then you get too much of it, who fucking doesn't get into November after Halloween and not be kind of fucking sick. Like the candy. Me. Really? Yeah. It's a problem. Who in this room eats candy corn? Let's get down to that. Fuck that. Fuck it, right? That is gross, right? Disgusting. Yes. Send. Send. All right. Go for all the original. Like cardboard poison. Disgusting. We were playing. We're playing a deceit earlier and like you're picking up candy all over the place. Something was candy. And I saw fucking candy corn and I didn't barf on Mike, but like shit, man. You know, a little gag, a little bit of a
Starting point is 01:54:24 gag there. Yeah. Fuck candy corn. It was blacks at it first, pretty much. But like, I think no, again, no one's dying on the hill for candy corn. It's fucking hamster pellets. It's fucking nasty. I think it's made of like ground up like elbows and knees. You know what? You guys stall for time. I'm going to look up with the fuck candy corn. Yeah, it's got to be extra shit, right? No one takes an ingredient like we have this thing. What can we make with this candy? Yeah, it's got to be leftover. Yeah. The egg, the scrapings. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like a back fat scraping or some shit. Oh God. So it was invented in Philadelphia. Yeah. Oh, it's only born and raised. Holy shit. One of, oh my God, no wonder it's disgusting. It's just in order of ingredient, sugar, corn syrup.
Starting point is 01:55:13 Yeah. And then carnubal wax. What the hell is that? The hell is carnubal wax? Oh, just. So it's, it's ear wax with five pounds of sugar. And now that Philly is attached to the origins, I can feel it. I can feel it. Whatever that, the accent candy corn or key corn, whatever they do. I don't know what the hell that was. It was awful. That's not Philly at all. Yeah, I didn't know it. But comes out of Philly. I mean, they got cheesesteaks. Good. Candy corn, bad. Yeah, you go to a Wawa. Nice speaking my language, fucking Wawa. And they just changed the 76ers jerseys to Rocky jerseys. Oh, did they? Yeah, the officials. Wait, really? They actually, like they are like literally like the jerseys and the uniform are now based on Creed and Rocky, because their fake
Starting point is 01:56:00 boxers are the biggest. Yeah, the Creed II looks kind of cool. They had that statue and then they took the statue down because they knew it was stupid. It's not real. Yeah, but he went up those steps. Yeah, he really did. He ran up those steps. He beat that meat. Oh, like they even do it in Rocky fire and Rocky Balboa where they're talking to Rocky. I was like, you just man, they took down your statue. Maybe he girdled something. Yeah, no, but usually we get into like what you guys have been like playing recently. But as you've never been on the podcast, you can just talk about whatever the fuck you want to talk about. You want to bullshit some farts in the microphone, go for it. What's up? How do I bullshit a fart? Yeah, is that just farting? Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Like a half ass fart, maybe. Have any games or movies or shows, anything like that caught your attention recently that you're kind of diving it on. Red Dead is great. Yeah, as for shows, got to watch The Haunting of Hill House. That's pretty good. I heard that is like better than usual scary shows because it focuses on the aftermath as opposed to just the main thing. Yeah, it's good. It's a really good character story. And it's, I'm not a huge fan of horror, but it's like, it's like spooky. It's legitimately good without bullshit jumpscares every two seconds. You know what I mean? It's very much like you see a lot of the ghosts, you know, and they're like, the creepiness is they're in the shot and you see them, but the actors don't
Starting point is 01:57:34 kind of deal. It was good. And it's like a quick 10 episode. I'm a fan of being able to dive into something and finish it because everything's like 50 seasons long, especially in the fucking, in the US. I really do fucking hate jumpscare like culture, I guess. I can't stand it being startled as my least favorite movie. It's a cheap way to get your your your spook across. You know what I mean? Like you can build it up with better like tension. And there's so much more to it when you know what's happening. You can see a bit, but you can't quite see what's going on. Like there's so much you can play with in storytelling and filmmaking and whatnot that it doesn't rely on you know, like the table. Yeah, but he scared him. He jumped. It always makes me think of Alien,
Starting point is 01:58:17 the original exact and how there I can't think of like, I think there's one jump scare in the entire movie. And that's when he turns around in the vent. And it's there. But but like most of it, oh, the cat, the cat's a jump scare as well. It's always a cat. Yeah. That's the same sound. But then the alien actually getting the drop on the guy is like you just see the alien and it's there and the guy doesn't see it. Yeah. And they're like screaming on the comments right next to you. Like the best part of the movie is near the end spoilers for for alien. But it's like where you realize you're looking at the alien in a long shot from long period of time on the escape pot and then it just moves. Oh, shit. There the whole time. Yeah, yeah, way better that way.
Starting point is 01:58:58 I'll accept it in some places like have you seen the quiet place? Yeah. Yes. So it's good jump scares in that context work because it's playing with the sound and they don't abuse it. There's a couple where I'm like, I don't hate that, you know, you can kind of feel it coming a little bit. But yeah, I'm glad that that Netflix show doesn't do that. That's that solid. Red Dead. I heard really slow. You heard that from me. Yep. I heard really slow. That's why I haven't played it. It's uh, oh, that's why you have not played it. Yeah, I wanted I just want to jump into it. Everyone's like, I mean, it takes forever to get into it. Huge opener. Yeah, the opening crawl is I want to say like four hours before you get to the proper game before you get to talk to Jeff.
Starting point is 01:59:39 I thought you would say like two. Yeah, that's it. That's like two and a half, three hours. Yeah, I tend to take longer. So kick it down to two and a half, three. Sure. But yeah, it's it's hyper linear. You're in the snow. It's the cowboy simulator. Yeah. And it's like, it's you you that game tells you on its face what it's going to be. Because the very first controllable mission has you trudging somewhere in knee deep snow. Yeah. And it takes multiple minutes to get to the cabin you're walking towards. Okay. Okay. And it goes, this is what you're signing up for. Do you hate this shit? Too bad because you can't return games anymore. But if you love it, if you dig that you have to actually haul your ass down there. Okay, you're set. You're good to go.
Starting point is 02:00:20 And I think it's like I'm coming off of like Spider-Man where it's like, oh, yeah, go, go, go, go. Yeah. I mean, even though it's completely opposite of Spider-Man, you're like, okay, I know what's happening, but I'm guess I'm fighting Fisk. Like it's just go, go, go. The second you start, jumps out the window and I'm Spider-Man. Yeah. Yeah. Just like that dream. That's a good game though. It's fucking great. Yeah. I'm sure red dead is great. It's just, I don't feel like I felt maybe December. I'll get into it. It'll take me 1000 years to play it anyway. So it didn't bother me. Like I wasn't in a rush to play it. I've been, I've been plunking away at it like for evenings. Like I'll, this is a red dead evening. And I put like five or six of those
Starting point is 02:01:00 in. I mean, chapter two. Yeah. And I'm like, Oh, there must be like four acts to this game. And then I see a buddy of my time. So I'm in chapter seven and I can't figure it. I'm like, Oh, they were not kidding. When Rockstar said the main, the main is 60 hours. They're going hard, man. Yeah. That's good though. But it's like, yeah. That's what happens when you don't let people go home. They wanted to stay. All right. Oh my God. That's what they say. Say it. That. Yeah. But like, the other thing too, they're like, I just personally don't have a lot of time to play it. Same thing. I put like every couple of nights, I can put a few hours into it. And I just feel like it's fun as I'm playing it. But I do have that feeling at the end of the night where I'm like, I didn't do
Starting point is 02:01:43 anything. Yeah. I hunted a rabbit for two hours. Yeah. You know, but it's like they're not a blue 70 minutes on one poker game. Oh my God. They take forever. Yeah. I played dominoes, right? The first thing you could do when you get to the camp, when you're finally like, I opened the game. Yeah. It's like, I have the whole game ahead of me. I'm finally out of the snow. I can finally do whatever I want. I guess I'll play dominoes. I don't know how to play dominoes. I'm going to spend 25 minutes reading out of play dominoes. I've never played it before. I know how to order dominoes. Wow. Okay. I also don't have. So then I spent 40 minutes playing dominoes. I don't know how. You play it with like the black women in the camp. So maybe it might
Starting point is 02:02:22 just be a therapy. I grew up with a Nintendo. That's what I played. I now know how to play dominoes. Yeah. So there's no fair. But like then I do that. I'm like, what the fuck did I just do that? I spent an hour playing dominoes. Got to know her better. Got to know her better. But Rockstar isn't going to make another game for five years. So I'm going to know what. You know what I mean? It's like GTA five was going to make Red Dead online as their next game. Yeah. Yeah. There's definitely like always place for the game that you can chip away at. Yeah. Right. Almost forever in a way. But you kind of just want to know like where like, you know, am I going to beat this in this lifetime? Or will this kind of just, you know, will something else always overtake you?
Starting point is 02:03:01 You know what games are really good at that? Warframe. Oh, yeah. Fortune is out today. So we can't talk about it because I mean, it's not like we haven't touched it. Okay. How many hours are you at at this point? Would you say with Warframe? Yeah. Probably like 40. Okay. So I'm not too far into it. But I'm coming. I'm one of the people that's like fresh coming off of like destiny where destiny I probably spent like 2000 hours on the first one and like 500 on the second one. Okay. Yeah. So you're hard convert. Yeah. I saw the most I've never seen a conversion so direct as from destiny to to Warframe. Like Warframe every it has these bursts of popularity, but destiny to kind of floppy. And then that no clip documentary by Daniel Dwyer came out. And then everyone just
Starting point is 02:03:47 went and shout out. He's a cool guy. 40, huh? I have I have one question for you. Have you played the second dream? No, not yet. Okay. Have people asked you about the second dream? Not yet. Okay. I have right now I'm just like I only the reason why I haven't dumped like 100 hours in yet is because I I'm at that point where I'm like, you know what? I just want to have a Sherpa with me the whole time and be like, we're gonna go from here to here. And then I'm just like, like sliding around, dashing, messing stuff up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You got a buddy. We're gonna talk. Yo, yo, for real. We're gonna we're gonna play some games. I was just on the level clear podcast with with Nick and Salty talking to his dudes and preaching the word. I got the same thing back.
Starting point is 02:04:32 Like, yeah. Oh, I don't know. Oh, just I think I'd like somebody to show me what you're calling me. I'm like, yo, do call me. That's my favorite. That's my favorite thing. Do you feel though, like this game can take your soul? Like you. Oh, 100%. Yeah, it's in there. It's just feels like a better destiny. You know what I mean? It's not far, not far at all. You make it to you make it to Mars. The second set of plans or whatever. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I mean, there's definitely more than enough like equipment and weapons and friends frames, what and stuff going on. We're to the frames. What style do you like? What do you want? There are there are like, I like punches. They're like, yeah, we got. Yeah, it's okay. It's all there. They got everyone's
Starting point is 02:05:15 base cover. It's it's become like, and it's become like a type of intimidating that I wouldn't even say certain MMOs have become because MMOs have that level of intimidation where it's like, the maximum thing that you can like, keeping your brain is whatever the newest expansion is is really what matters, right? That's all the current stuff. But the way they've done Warframe is like, kind of everything stays not viable, but like appropriate kind of forever. So so much. What? I don't know. That's what is that my future? I just want you to play and then when you get to his point, a key can be released from the game. Yeah, he's like, you're the prisoner now. So I'm one of those where people were like,
Starting point is 02:06:08 my thing with destiny is that I just wish the whole game was third person. Well, that's right. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Like, like it was literally I'm like, oh man, it's so cool when you do your abilities and like that for a minute and then you have to go back into fucking my my thing with destiny is just like, it's great when it hits like it's taking king or this one the forsaken like it has that one like it'll come out, it'll be lackluster, there'll be like two lackluster expansions. And then there's that one that like completely changes the game. Then he goes back to being lackluster again, and it's like, can't can't ride that wave anymore. So you're finally somebody can talk to about this at like because when I talked about it on the
Starting point is 02:06:48 when I got off destiny, because I never played one or I played one a little bit and I hated it right away. And then I played two and then I fell off of it. And I fell off it really hard. And it's like, I've never seen a game like trip over itself so many times in such a short period of time. Like every change they would make was awful. Everything they said was disastrous. I'm curious to know like what eventually just kind of what was your breaking point? Or was it simply because of the fact that like, even though I pick up destiny to do you muck bang a little bit? Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's delicious. This snicker bar is good. We got a mic right in the middle of the thing. If you can laugh, wrap your mouth around it like
Starting point is 02:07:33 make out with it. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's good. Good muck bang. Good muck bang. God damn, I knew you were going to call me out on it. Yeah. Um, I don't know. I just don't want to keep being invested in something that I know it's like, there's just going to be like a huge lull. It's going to crash and burn in the next six months. Yeah, it's just like great. It came out. It's lackluster, right? And like, it's just exactly what I said. The two expanses will come out. They'll be shit. They'll be one great one. And then it goes back to being shit for like a year. And then it goes great for six months and then back down. And then you have that feeling in your chest, which I'm sure destiny one players had was like, Oh man, can't wait for them to fucking fix
Starting point is 02:08:13 all this shit for destiny two. And then they start right back at the beginning of the cycle. And that's going to happen with destiny three again, where people are going to go, Oh man, they finally after like two or three years fix destiny two up. It's the best that's ever been. It's so good. Can't wait for them to roll all these improvements forward. Yeah. No. It was unfortunate because I was like, you know what, they have a great opportunity, especially because they parted up with, uh, was it Actors and Blizzard? It's on the, you know, battle net and everything like that. And I was like, cool, like they're going to bring in that PC audience. Like they have a plan, I think to bring in this PC audience real hard. And they're going to have to
Starting point is 02:08:48 show up because you know, PC has games like World of Warcraft, you know, all that kind of stuff. And it was just came out and it was just so bland. And I was like, how, why was it based on your hour count? Was it one of those things where like your last few logins just felt like you're doing your duty just because of the amount of time you've. Oh yeah. I mean, those are the laws. We're just like, I'm just doing my duty. We're talking about Pat earlier. It's about Xer. It's like, I'm vlogging in for Xer to get nothing to wall. You probably don't know. So Xer shows up every week and Xer is a merchant and you just, he will, he will show up with exotic gear. He will show up with three or four pieces, four. Yeah, they're like three and then they're like a weapon.
Starting point is 02:09:22 Whatever. Yeah, three pieces and a weapon of exotic. One for each class. And they're all the unique items, right? So you'd show up and you're like, okay, what's Xer got this week? Okay, I have all four of those. Great. I'll see you next week. Okay. Like that's at its worst. And at better, you'll do like, oh, run my night falls until I get a strike. I'll run my night falls, I'll run my strikes until you get the, you know, each task or weekly task will get your powerful gear. And that is also like, sir, and you'll do it, you'll got that one, get everything done in like two hours. Didn't have that one, but it sucks. And yeah, street fighter five, okay, duty fighter five for a lot of duty. You punch in, you do your costume challenge,
Starting point is 02:10:06 you do your, your, your fight money challenge, and then you punch back out. And it take you, basically it's like every, every seven days, you play an hour and then turn it off, you know, type of thing. It's like slow death with a game where like, you're pumping hours in and like, it really gradually just wears down instead of falling off a cliff. I don't know that I've ever done that with any of the game besides destiny, because I was pretty big into destiny one. And like you said, it had its ups and downs, you know, like we, it was bad, it was bad when it came out, but we all played it anyway, because we were like, for achievement hunter, you know, like making content in it. So we're like, okay, well, we're gonna play it. We're gonna got to make that
Starting point is 02:10:44 fucking internet money. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, finna. So, so we were playing it. And I think we played it basically till the first raid came out, right? I think that was relatively soon when the game came out, did the raid, and then we were done. But like, that's it. There's nothing else to do. You beat the raid. You did the hardest. We beat the game. That's it. And then like, they'd add little things throughout. And like Alfredo said, it would be like, I don't really feel like going back into all that. It's just so much work of like getting in, logging in, doing the strikes, doing this, blah, blah, blah. I remember being in destiny one and like that upgrade process back in the day was nightmarish. Yeah. I mean, and like you said, it changed so many times.
Starting point is 02:11:24 We're like that, like, and then finally taking King came out, which was like a decent fix for the game. Like they improved a lot of shit. They improved like how the, how the drops work. You know, there was like, I think that was the third raid by the time they came out. And I never played the second one because I was already like, I don't care about this game anymore. So I went back and did the second one. But like you were saying with the expansion, it's like, fuck this other shit, nobody can get the new ones out now. So like even doing the second one was like, I just breezed through it because everybody knew how to do it. It wasn't hard anymore. It was over leveled for it to really badly fuck up their old content with their expansions, where they'll accidentally
Starting point is 02:11:59 lock out modes because you don't have the expansion. So like certain PvP playlists, well, all of a sudden, they'll have the main playlist everybody plays now to require the new maps. So uh-oh, I got locked out. I got locked out. And, and they, they did the same thing with like in Destiny 2 with the prestige raid. It's like, well, the new prestige raid is uses a power level that's not available to people that don't have the expansion. So people who used to be able to do it can no longer do it because they don't have the expansion. It's like, uh-oh, it's like they're treating it like a monthly fee, but with expansions, but it's not, but it is and it fucks it. It's like they botched it. That's every step of the way. Yeah, there's a lot of things that
Starting point is 02:12:38 they do wrong, but like at the end of the day, though, I think a lot of us who play Destiny at this table have spent copious amount of hours playing it though. I spent a fuck ton of hours on Destiny 1. 100%. You know, it had, it had something. Well, like you said, Destiny 2 came out and like going from where they left off to me in Destiny 1, I'm like, this is worse. I don't like this as much. I like Destiny 1 more, like at the end of its cycle than I did at Destiny 2 at the beginning. And we did the first raid and I was done. I literally put the game down the day I beat the very first raid of Destiny 2 and I've never played it ever again. I beat that raid and I think I stayed on for a couple of weeks and then I went back for one of the expansions with the raid layer.
Starting point is 02:13:19 And I did the raid layer. I'm like, that was terrible. Like that was like an entire night and it was no fun at all. Those things too. Like they just, I feel like they lost the any kind of like yeah, the raid's hard, but it's also fun. It's just like, get people that you know that play the game, have the appropriate levels. There's a gimmick, but it's hard. You know, as compared to what do you do in the game? You shoot people on a field, you know, or you shoot people, like that's it. The raid gimmicks became, they became just absurd. I hated it. There's, there's a, in the main raid gimmick, there is a room in which players have to run a fucking circular race while other players have to shoot targets that simultaneously, that only the people on the
Starting point is 02:14:05 inside can see what target they have to shoot. So you have to call out, shoot the top one and just hit that. I hate it. Do you not have a microphone? Hey, get fucked. It's just insanity. That type of thing. I can see how on GDD paper, on the design document, that sounds like a blast because you're co-opping and helping. It's too much. And then the execution for every single one of those is the margin of error is so small. Yeah. That was even like in the first raid, Destiny 1, even the second one really, like Vault of, I think Vault of Glass was the first one, and then Crota was the second one. It's like, you could have someone die and still beat it, you know, like, oops, we fucked up. But they got harder and harder and harder, and then they didn't,
Starting point is 02:14:45 they didn't reset it from Destiny 2. Like Destiny 2's first raid was harder than the last raid from Destiny 1. And I was just like, I was just like, it's just like, as far as the tedium of like, you have to be, it's like, I'm sitting there playing the game, like, yelling at everyone, you know, like, one person keeps fucking it up over and over again, and you want to punch them in the face through the headset. And it's like, I just want to have like the, I never really played it, but like the almost world of Warcraft, like, hey, we're going on a raid, you know, we're going to go together, like, yeah, there's hard shit, but it's not like I hate everyone I'm playing with, it's pissing me off. I raided for a while in 14. And throughout 14, Final Fantasy 14,
Starting point is 02:15:24 its expansions, the devs like, would flip flop on how hard stuff was supposed to be. And then there was a raid tier that they fucked up and made it too hard for everyone. And it was like, it was a static breaker. It like, destroyed people's groups. And it damaged the games rating scene for two years. Even though they released other raids afterwards, there was no community to get groups to do raids after that one, because it was so bad. Like, it is almost always in my mind, because I'm not a super hardcore great player, I guess, but like maybe err on the side of caution to make it a little too easy than too hard, because at least those people will keep playing the game. See, I'm, I was the, it's very interesting, like, hearing
Starting point is 02:16:11 guys perspective, because I'm on that complete other end, like, and what you want that hard shit. Yeah, because in the first Destiny, I actually ran, like, races to do the world's first, like, when the raids came out. Yeah, yeah. And for Crota's End, would you say you were hunting Simicina? I thought it, and then I went shut up. And then I didn't say it. And then he said it. You should have just looked at me. Yeah. And then I like gagged a little bit. But now, like, for Crota's End, my raid team, we had the world record for like about six months. So like, I'm, I'd like the hardcore. Yeah, I like the like, okay, this is hard. This is difficult. But I feel like they could find that balance of like, okay, here's the raid. Here's like the normal version.
Starting point is 02:16:55 And then here's like the prestige version. Boom, go and make some dickhead Alfredo. If I get the game, I want to beat the game. I want to do what's in the game. But I don't want to be like, you better clear your schedule, because you're not playing any other game for 2000 hours to play this. I hate that. It's funny. It was it was a week of your life. All of this destiny stuff in regards to like, and now you've gone over to Warframe Warframe used to have raids, they removed them from the game. They're completely gone. Why? Because they were terrible, because they were awful, because it is a randomized level based loot shooter. Raids were goddamn awful. So then they there was nothing for a while, then they added what's called
Starting point is 02:17:36 sorties. And a sortie is doesn't sound cool. It's not. It's three. Randomly do. It's three levels that are randomly chosen from anywhere in the game that have modifiers on them to make them considerably more difficult that have the enemy scaling kicked up to like 100. So Alfredo, you were going through levels and enemies were appropriate to your level. Yeah. Well, the max level of Warframe can be as 30. And then the levels in the enemy level in the final sortie levels is 100. And it and the scaling gets fucky, like you have to be proper kitted, and it will have shit like shotguns only and that. So that's what they had for the longest time. And that was your daily. That was you would run that daily and would give you a set of rewards,
Starting point is 02:18:24 but they but they really are that like rage were working and they just fucking raids don't work with the system they built. They just made something just like two weeks ago, which are elite alerts, which are basically their endless style missions where the enemies will get stronger stronger per wave. And they will give massive rewards. But again, the enemy layout is kicked up to like 100 plus. And it is one life. So it is just get your get your bullshit out to be like Destiny and Warframe a complete different focus. Destiny is to get good at your kit and get the best kit. Warframe is to break your kit is to take your kit and just crank it into just absurdity, just completely annihilate the game's balance like Diablo. Yeah, like Diablo. And they then go
Starting point is 02:19:15 for the longest time, they have trouble giving players something they can kill them. So now they go, Okay, here's the strongest shit we can send at you. And if you even down get down, fuck you. Yeah. So yeah, just give, you know, give it the options. So it's like, here's here's the ultra hard shit you sweat for. And then here's a lot of the casual stuff. I will say though, I like that games nowadays can like revive themselves. Like Warframe when Warframe came out, it was not a good game. Yeah, it was a it will warframe had like three or four different punch, but it just kept getting better. A couple of them were bad games. So like bad. I mean, I can definitely say that like from an inside industry perspective, even planning DLC drops
Starting point is 02:19:57 and like packages like that in certain games cases, it's like you read through the new cycle, if the content is big enough, and if it if you bring out like a piece of DLC plus a ton of patches to the main game and whatever genre it is, it's a relaunch of the game. Yeah, as well be in your back in the new cycle, everyone's talking about it. For Honor recently got that for Honor is for two of those, right? Like they they they came out and it was it was good, but it was busted. Yeah. And then they got dedicated servers. Yeah. And they fix some shit. And I was like, Hey, for honor is good again. It was the classic Ubisoft server issue. Yeah. They always did the same exact same thing with siege, right? Oh, yeah. The server is very social shit. Oh, it was like,
Starting point is 02:20:36 Hey, siege is good. That's my game. Now everybody's in the sea. The relaunch. Yeah, it works. And yeah, like back in the day that there was once you're out, you're out. So that is one nice new thing for sure. Fighting games have gotten like a really long afterlife based on that ability as well. Like there's something I love as like, you know, one of the fighting game community guy, there's something I love about the like growing to learn all the bugs and bullshit in a game and like using those and then the competitive meta is built around like using these these bullshit bugs, you know, like in some cases, the there's like, there's a like Capcom versus SDK to is a game where like, there's literally like invincibility and bullshit that was completely
Starting point is 02:21:22 discovered in testing. And some of the testers that were competitive kept it to themselves so that when the game was released, they'd be able to use it competitively. And people weren't even mad because they're like, yo, those bugs make the game better. They love it, you know, like, it's a weird different type of thing. It used to be, hey, new generation sucks. Hope second impact is good. Hope the next game disc, you know, and of course, people hate buying the same game twice or three times. And, you know, like, that's why they pretty much like Street Fighter was infamous for that. That was the first time it was like 400 Street Fighter twos. You know,
Starting point is 02:21:57 championship edition is great. Ultra championship hyper super terrible. Turbo's the best. HD remixes fine. And even if you were interested, like your parents didn't understand why the fuck you're buying the same. It was the fucking worst. So like, yeah, the platform thing helps that genre immensely, I'd say. Yeah. Um, that and then just to keep piggybacking off that topic, uh, seasonal content. God, I love seasonal content. Reasons to revisit depends on what I mean. Not all of it's good. Not lean. I mean, not everyone does it and executes really well. But the fact that like, it's more and more a thing. It's just like, man, like I don't play Fortnite, but my God, it's seasonal. It's like fucking weekly. Did you guys see PUBG? God,
Starting point is 02:22:48 it's hot new, uh, comic book tie in. Oh my God. Yeah, Harley Quinn and Joker's like decked out skins and like that's the, oh man. Has anyone, has anyone dropped the ball harder from being number one as fucking PUBG did? Daybreak. I'd say it's questionably up there too. What's that, sir? Daybreak. H1Z1. Yeah. Yeah. They came out. They had it for one. The one that unreleased, right? Is that, was that? Yeah, I think. Daybreak too, didn't it? Or am I thinking of the same thing? You're thinking of something different. You're thinking of the Purge. Yeah, I'm sure you're thinking of the Purge that came back in. They released the Purge too and then they unreleased the Purge too and just said, sorry, you didn't like it. Just play the Purge one instead. Right,
Starting point is 02:23:39 right. Yeah, I know. Daybreak was out there. They had it for a hot minute and just like, just keep putting on content, man. You'll be fine. And then this sat on for two, three years and PUBG came out, made the hotness. Yeah. But then PUBG didn't change ever. Yeah. They wouldn't even fix their bullshit. They wouldn't even fix the frame. And then Fortnite came out and then PUBG was like, oh, now we're going to sue you. And then it's like, oh my. I would say Fortnite came out. Fortnite was out. Yeah. They switched gears. We're just gonna do that. I love us though. That's the mode. That's free. They had everyone working it at their just going, hey, just make shit. Don't stop making shit. What are you doing today? I don't know. You're making a
Starting point is 02:24:17 fucking dance is what you're doing. Get over that. Yeah, you do. Get over there. It's fucking smart, man. It works. You see that clip from kids watch. It's the little little kid watching the Snoop Dogg drop it like it's hot video. Oh yeah, Fortnite. And you're just like, oh, that hurts a sore fucking kill me now. God, I'm I've run it up a couple of times, but like, I just really want the original Battle Royale, the Japanese, like the movie. Yes, I want a game that's that. Mm hmm. All my weapons and the one guy gets the gun. Yeah, such a good buck. Different, yeah, different areas getting shut down. They didn't do it like the sequel. You know how the sequels like you had the the explosive collars, you get too far away from
Starting point is 02:25:04 your partner, blow up. Imagine like a B-R-M-L. We had to stay next to your guy. Jeff would die. Yeah, all the time. Like there's so much from that original source material that the new comes from. So good. Like they're getting none of this and fucking cash. The industry's making off. And the funny thing is that Purge one for like went to shit that was kind of getting close to what you're talking about because it was melee based. There is no melee based like high quality. Anyway, Battle Royale that that spot is not taken. It's ripe and planned. I would I plan it would fucking it should be the energy rains and just character action. Devil May Cry. A melee Battle Royale mode needs to exist in some way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we could work. We've we've
Starting point is 02:25:50 workshopped the wrestling wrestling. Battle Royale rumble. Battle Royale rumble. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're like the giant the outside the death field is just the ropes the ropes. If you toss people over the ropes, then you're dead. You know, it's it's yeah, it's a whole thing. You just spear someone is not looking and just pin them. It's great. It's how is now that it's now that's been a couple weeks. How's blackout doing? It's crushing so I fucking love blackout. It's it's solid. It's a perfect blend of PUBG and fortnight not being a fan of fortnight. And the biggest thing is the building aspect. Like I just I'm just not into it. This is my favorite by far facto game for the for the battle royale game that you want to play where you want to shoot
Starting point is 02:26:40 people. Yeah, everybody and just I mean because it's called duty looks fucking gorgeous. Like it finally looks good plays good like I play it on a console because I get the same here. Same here. It's fast paced quick matches. Yeah, it's it's not nearly as long as PUBG. You don't have like 40 minute matches. It's long enough. It's like it's like 15 20 minutes. Yeah, it's not as kiddy as fortnight. Like Michael was saying, you don't have a building fun. It's like that perfectly metal ground. I really really like it. I've been giving a shit about Call of Duty like five years and PUBG is like dude and do what radical heights couldn't do. Oh, yeah. That's what radical heights was even dumber. It aimed at fortnight and not to try to try. Yeah, we downloaded that.
Starting point is 02:27:23 Did we record anything? We got like two matches out of it the day that it shut down. Oh, wow. We got it in like last it was and like and I remember like while we were recording it, we're just looking around like look at all these other let's play streamers just like, you know, like also playing these matches because everyone wants to get their little everybody's video footage and that's all there's no actual player based unfortunately. I remember like the probably most embarrassing one is purge two because I remember Jim Sterling got it that like within an hour of its release and he couldn't get one match ever. He got what he got into a match and three people and that out of a 100 person. That's the ultimate sell. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:06 Oh, man, like because games released to death quite often like there's Oh, look, it's an old port of a fighting game on steam. Like yeah, okay, there's no online population, right? But nothing can release to death harder than one that requires a certain amount of people to be in the match for it to start like Battleborn is unplayable at this point. You can't play because there aren't enough people to start a game. Okay, I guess one last thing. Oh, jeez. Did we already do a bunch of podcasts? We did a bunch of podcasts. We didn't do enough muck banging. I gave it a little bit. It was heavy at that start podcast. What should get a podcast? Think about it more. If you each if you each have like a game or a thing you're super
Starting point is 02:28:57 looking forward to that you're just what's on the horizon? I'm fucking really looking forward to Resident Evil two next year. Huge red right here. Yeah, I fucking ran. I'm excited the other night and got a fucking 157. Damn. It's my best time ever and I hadn't played the game in seven years. So happy. I'm so ready for that. Yeah, could not be more obsessed. It looks awesome. You're doing that thing where you're looking at the trailer and going, okay, what room is that? It's not really. I saw I watched a bunch of like the early early shit like I had no idea what the game was going to look like kind of deal. And the only thing I saw was it was like some gameplay footage and it was at the police station where you meet the liquor for the first time in that hallway and and well
Starting point is 02:29:43 he's walking out there and I'm watching him like all the liquors around this corner and the guy's playing and he's like, yeah, the liquor's not here. We moved stuff. And I was like, oh my god. And then I was like, I stopped watching at that point. I was just like, I'm out. I'm sold. Because there's that thing. Yeah. Depending on your remake of like, yeah, I got this. Yeah. The instant it's it's so funny. That's awesome. An enemy in a place that's not supposed to be that's spooky. But what's actually so much more intimidating is okay, there's supposed to be a guy here and there's nothing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But now the fear is coming from your own memory. Exactly. Exactly. Not knowing is one thing. But I'm like, I know it's there. I don't know
Starting point is 02:30:20 anything. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm I'm just fucking super, super hyped about it. It's a weird question. But like, are you guys as like, are remarks like, are you happy that it took this long in a weird way? No, you'd rather it have been sooner. But like, I guess it would have more flaws than what you're seeing right now. What more flaws the reasonable remake is a perfect game. I would have just like more games. I didn't have to be to just make more like this. Why don't what the fucking around? It's an interesting question because it's been so long. Yeah. That the style they're going for now, they're saying it's not outrageous to remake remake in this third person style. It's a completely different fucking game. So in my heart, I'm what the hell? Okay,
Starting point is 02:31:04 there's a door. If we had gotten remake two in 2008, like we were supposed to, we could still be getting remaked now. Yeah. Okay, as it is now, it would be remake to two or whatever. Because there's there's just something in my head or again, like I know like for years, he's been you've been tank controls and pre rendered. And you kind of have to wonder like if you got like a half step in between, if that would have been welcome. I love that game so much. It's like, you know how we just keep rewind reasonable for sure. What if instead they actually changed it a little bit? Yeah. Yeah. I would. It's the best game. I would two and four are my favorite. And they're pretty different as far as like the tank controls to the to the like over the shoulder
Starting point is 02:31:51 style. So like what I have played two of those little tank controls, sure, but I'm like cool. Now it's like four. I don't give a shit. I'll play that too. It's a little pissy when I saw it. And then I watched a couple minutes of gameplay. I'm like, no, this is fine. This is fine. Put it on that stack of like Reebok or Kami. There's a couple of games that you just like, yeah, throw it on the line. If anything, it to me too, it looks like it'll be fucking spookier than four because even by the time they got to the four, it was so like different. Four is your fucking kick ass judo kick through Europe. And it's just like a lot of huge open spaces and shit. Like adding that play style of like limited kind of like, I don't know, visibility in the police station is like,
Starting point is 02:32:33 oh, shit, like, like there can be shit all over the place. And I can't see it. Like I actually was like, Oh, this game's got a creepy watch in the trailers. They kept the thing in residual because in you know what I'm talking about, but I'm just for woolly and the people at home and the classic Resident Evil, the main issue with an enemy wasn't even your ability to kill it. It's your ability to kill it without wasting all your shit, because you can't actually get past them without them touching you. Yeah, you can't physically make it because it's all narrow hallways, right? Yeah. In Resident Evil four, holy shit, the areas are enormous. You are almost training zombies. Like you don't really train them here in the castle. It's like big wide open
Starting point is 02:33:10 ball rates, right? So you have all this free movement. Resident Evil two, even though it keeps the old aiming, it narrows you down and it makes the enemies durable enough that it becomes a problem. Like there is one zombie in my way. How do you like it past him without it touching me? That's it. It's the whole opening of two is like, there's six zombies on the screen. And they did something that would never have been possible without this new camera is that when a zombie bites you, it will randomly invert your direction. So if it bites you, it will just sometimes it'll put you at 90 degrees when you're out of the bite, sometimes it'll put you 170 degrees or 360. So you're fully disorganized. So you will net because in the old games, your cameras above,
Starting point is 02:33:54 you always knew what direction to point when you came out of it. That is not going to be the case, which gives you that two seconds of I mean, I was hoping during BlizzCon, we get a little forward now. You did though. There are multiple projects being worked on. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, I'm hoping like I really want to get into some some more loop based games. So I'm hoping at that point, Division two is good. I play a lot of the first one. If anything, I'm like that's a coin toss. I'm gonna suck. Yeah, that could be good or bad. God help me. Division one never got good, did it? Not that good. It did get better. I was one of the people that 400 hours vanilla and then like, like, wow, then like another 400 after that. I played a lot. Yeah, I go in if I like a game, I
Starting point is 02:34:51 go in hard. So I guess just my default answer is kind of like the next season of Rainbow Six. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah. Okay, I like the game a lot. I played I played enough of it to know that I'm too bad at it. It's like fantastic. But once I started to learn about pre shooting around corners, oh, this is a fun ocean. Like the latency is better for the person peeking or or all that shit. I'm just like, no, back to fighting games. I respect it. I respect it from a distance. But if that's back to grinding mods, I gave him is my bread and butter. Guys, thank you so much for coming on ever so this was fantastic. Thanks for having us. This was fun for coming coming down to Austin. And if you guys have a show or website that you'd like to
Starting point is 02:35:43 plug now would be the time. Yeah. Alfredo, what are you plugging? What do you want? We could we could plug in just but They didn't do anything. Plug yourself. You know, what do you what do you need? You know, you have like a PO box or something. No, you fax me. I don't know if you like hearing us ramble. We have a podcast called off topic. You watch that. It's like two to three hours long. Yeah. And we get drunk. Yeah. And yell at each other. Yeah. But that sounds about right. Yeah. Yeah. It's all about it's about all we're capable of. Yeah. There are a couple of the YouTube channels. You won't know. No. They're already pissed off. We're on the spot. First thing that happened when we walked into that
Starting point is 02:36:29 warehouse is we got stayed. We got fucking stun baton. Yeah, you guys walked in. I hit you with a cattle. Yeah, it was like, Hey, nice to meet you. And you're like, I hit me with that cattle prod you're holding. Because you okay, let's be clear. They were hitting each other with the cattle. And you're like, well, and then we're like the guests. We don't we don't want to. Yeah. And I'm like, no, fucking do it pussy fucking shocked me waiting for corporate culture. Actually, you jumped in. You didn't say fucking go. Yeah, I thought well, it was shaking somebody's hand. And he's like, No, I'm not going to cattle prod me. All right. Wasting time. Yeah, cool. They get it. They get it. They get it. Thanks guys. Thank you.

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