Castle Super Beast - SBFC 276: Yiff Room Crash Team Racing Setups (feat. Peach Saliva)

Episode Date: December 11, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pads. Yeah, I know. That's your face dude. I don't want to do that. I thought it would be funny for the people who were watching this live. Pat, why are you taking a knee? What's that in your pocket? Is that a, is that a bulge in your pocket? Yeah. Why are you taking a knee? Pat, what's happening right now? Why'd you give me ammunition? Oh, I get I said, hmm. No, wouldn't that would not be on this podcast to be on top of a mountain or some shit. Well, I got it now. Page. Why are you pointing at this pregnancy test? What is that? What does that say? What are the two lines mean? Oh boy. Yeah. Oh, what a big old shotgun preggers cast. What if, what if like you gave birth and it was like after
Starting point is 00:01:02 two months and it was just a skull? That would be Mae Young. That would be the next level of it. You see, in wrestling, there was once an old lady who had sex with the world's strongest man and she got pregnant and gave birth to a hand. And that hand later grew up into a person that was a hand. The thing? No, like, not the thing, but like thing. No, like Uncle Fester style, like, yeah, no, like he was a man in a hand suit. What? Yeah. Well, not Uncle Fester, but the hand thing that would, you know, thing. Oh, I know that was my fault. I said the thing. I put an article in front of thing, which was my folly. Shut up. Matt, you look different today. Yeah. Oh, boy. Oh, far gas. You look like the other man that
Starting point is 00:01:51 now now to beef. That's been a minute. He stopped. I know. Come on. Fun. Fun. All right. So so so. Yeah. What's what's up with what's up with the the conspiracies and theories and ideas about about. Oh, so well, that's the that's the long story in that. Oh, by the way, hello, Peach. How are you? Hello, I'm well. How are you? I'm good. I'm okay. Oh, is it Peach officially on camera? I mean, I don't care. Page or Peach. I'm doing it for the plug. It depends. It depends on who's like, I don't know, like people from this thing that I do only technically call me page and people from over here only usually call me Peach. I don't I don't mind either way. Okay. If I if you do you do certain accents where it's kind of a little bit
Starting point is 00:02:37 of both quite frankly. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, bitch. Sometimes page. That's my nickname from Pat. Yeah. Hey, bitch. Hey, what's up? Hey, I love you, bitch. How are you dumbass? What was I gonna say? No, so the thing is, is that every time page eats weird food, every time like she ate pickles and ice cream on the fucking weekend, every time I kneel down to get a thing, people are just like pregnant marriage pregnant. Go, go, go, go, go. Something weird. It's like she's stuffed full of baby. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. All right. Page is one of those people. It's funny because when she is pregnant, she's not going to show. So it's going to be like nine months pregnant. And then all of a sudden, baby, wait, why wouldn't I show because you're so thin
Starting point is 00:03:23 and pretty? Wow, he's really trying today. Oh, yeah. Thank you. Yeah, you could like, like come in with like a really huge gut one stream and then like give birth to an Elmo. See, I have said this before, I'm like, what I like, I would be like laying there really tired or drunk and I'll be like, what if that was our son? And he's like, well, he is our son. I'm like, no, no, no, what if I gave birth to him? I'm following. I believe I was like, well, you shouldn't tell anyone because then they would take you away. Well, they would know they would take him away. No, they would take you away too. Why would they take me? Because you're a lady who can give birth to cats. Yeah, it's fucking sick. Think of the value. So Page is Pat's girlfriend
Starting point is 00:04:05 and a streamer. Yeah, I do. And you are joining us today. And we might as well start what I'm going to feel like is probably me sitting in on either A, a stream or B, a domestic. We'll see which way. Listen, I would like to apologize for what you are about to say. So actually, you know, that's very topical. Can we get can we get some Fortnite running up before we take it to its natural conclusion? Because wow. So as much as I'd like to joke about something really horrible, I'm unable to actually joke about it after watching the video. Yeah, that's the kind of thing. Yeah, I mean, we'll I don't want to. It's not it's not gonna. No, no, no, it's just a long story short. Long story short. Some streamer man decides to hit his
Starting point is 00:04:58 pregnant wife off camera with baby crying in ear shots. And you can hear that slap and then tries to play it off and sits back down calmly and then gets back up and goes harder. And then you hear a the baby kind of copying him, which is like, oh, man, that's that's the fucking abuse settling in right there. Possibly. And then and then the second thing is while she's like going like you're a beater, your woman beater and whatnot, you catch him literally immediately going no, I'm not. And you're like, Oh, you're one of those fucking weirdos where you don't even quite understand in the moment what you're doing or you're deflecting it off. And you don't even care about the fact that a stream is running. You could. Yeah. So that's the part for me is that
Starting point is 00:05:42 he even attempts to sit down the first time. Because an average person, let's say you have a really terrible time, you go bam, it's like a smart person with a bad temper would go, Oh, shit, I'm broadcasting live to the world right now. I should run over and turn the internet off, but he goes to sit down and he looks at the camera like women, am I right? It's like and then he calms his voice down and goes, I'll be back out. I'll be out. And she apologized. And he's like, I'll apologize later, like literally as if nothing went down. And yeah. Yeah. She's crying like that's not the first time. Yeah, that's a you know. And again, if that's if that's your restrained on stream version, right, right, right? Anyway, so yeah, it's like when you when
Starting point is 00:06:27 you hang out with that couple and the couple's like they're getting into it in front of everybody. And you're like, this is the version that they're willing to show allow people to see. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I did that time. Those guys almost beat me up. Oh, yeah. Pat, Pat and I, I did hear they both got arrested for for those wondering. Yeah, here's my question. Why was the woman arrested? I have no idea. There was a lot of stuff. Oh, there was a lot of stuff. I have no idea. Okay. Like can like what about the kid? Yeah, for sure. Kids gonna go away. That's what happens in those stories. That's generally how that go. So sad. What was this now? Oh, Pat and I were a little drinky a while ago. And we were outside one of
Starting point is 00:07:12 our favorite restaurants. And Paige was pushing my buttons. So when I was on the street, I was, I was in a playful way yelling at the top of my lungs. I will kill you. I will beat you until you die. I was laughing hysterically. I will kill you woman. I will kill you because look at him. I tower over him. And she was laughing very hard and hysterically. But she was laughing so hard that it looked like she was crying. Yeah, I was doubled over holding my stomach because I was laughing so hard. And these two dudes walk over and they're like, excuse me, is everything all right over here? And I was like, anything's fine. So the correct come up in then of the world occurred in a moment of misunderstanding, which, you know, kudos to those
Starting point is 00:07:52 guys and have that and have that play out. They believed me because I because I'd like really know what he and then I started to look at him. And I was like, guys, look at him, please. And then they were like, oh, yeah, of course, you can get away with anything if you're tiny. See, so yeah, I might have told the story on the podcast before, but like once upon a time, I was that guy. Yeah, because it was Newie Blanche here and we were getting on the 24 hour running subway. And I just saw like this couple and like, I don't know, the girl was eating a bag of chips. And then the guy like smacked the bag out of her hand. And then we just started like grabbing her to try to grab her purse. And she was just like, get away, get the fuck,
Starting point is 00:08:34 just leave me alone. And she's spotting him away and walking ahead. And then he was kind of like following her. And I'm like, okay, whatever. And then like this continued. And then I we walked into the same train. And then he went down and sat next to her and then started to lean in and grab and do stuff again. So I went, yo, dude, what the fuck are you doing? Like seriously, like, can't she wants nothing to do it? You know, and then they both looked at me like super shocked. And then she starts laughing and goes, Oh, no, no, it's okay. No, he's that's my guy. That's my dude, you know, and the guy kind of like goes from shocked to being like, what? Then goes like, Oh, and he's like, Oh, no, no, you're a good dude. You're a good man.
Starting point is 00:09:13 What a nice ending. It's better to be safe than sorry. I get whatever. And and it pulls one of those kind of things. And it's like, okay, I guess, sure. No, that's weird. But yeah, yeah. With the smacking of the chips and the what nots. And then it was really awkward because I mean, I probably should have moved to another seat, but I sat back in the same one and just nearby like close. Yeah, it was it was, you know how there's the, you know how our trains are set up where there's like them, there's the door, and then there's the seats facing each other immediately to the left and right of the door. And then there's two going the opposite way weren't sitting in the facing her. And he was facing
Starting point is 00:09:51 knees like hitting her side, basically. So I was directly in front and I just sat there with my hands in my lap, just staring at my shoes would be here. And then it was whatever, you know, when I was just whatever. And then when I got to my stop, like we had a little bit of a, okay, you guys have a, you know, and then they're like, yeah, you know, and it was like, oh, thought you were thought you were some kind of bad. That's your responsibility as a tall person. Is that what's the cutoff for like helping someone out being a good Samaritan? Is there is there a height standard? Absolutely. Really? And what is it? It's a five three and above. You must help out people in need that you see. Okay. Shmucks like you do. Well, I'm five two. So
Starting point is 00:10:35 it's up to me to run away. Okay. And call for help. What legs? What about the differential? Like, what is that? What like, what is the gap? Like, for example, if you see someone that's six foot causing trouble, and you're five two, so you're going to run away. That's right. If I see someone that's seven feet. That's right. It's still my opportunity. It's still my job to step in. That doesn't know you're good because it's seven feet. Like it's anybody bigger than you get to run away. But by of any size, what's so absolutely. Okay. So basically, there's a rule that I adopted because I am small. Got it. Got it. So if I saw some kids hassling somebody, and I'm bigger than the kids, which is not necessarily even the true sometimes, I could be like, Hey, kids, you stop
Starting point is 00:11:20 that. But not if they're big kids. So you could stop a seven year old. I could. Okay. That's about it. I could. Yeah. But once we start getting up into that like 14 range. Yeah, it gets a little dicey. Hey, hey, gets a little squirrely. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Kids these days, they're getting bigger and bigger. Okay. And I'm not. Okay. So there's there's rules to cowardice then. Got it. Makes sense. Makes sense. We got to write these down. Just sell it. Yeah. Because like, people are probably going to remember shovel, didn't you? What's that shovel, shovel, keep digging. People probably remember that I talked about getting a lot of fights in high school and stuff like that. And I'd fight kids who were bigger than me, because there were dickheads. But that was
Starting point is 00:12:01 back when you're a child, when you're a child, you're able to commit all sorts of fucking violent crimes and not get in trouble. Like you can bite a kid's face, or you can throw like a heavy thing at them. And that's not even against the law. But like when you're an adult, a lot of it goes away when you turn 18. Yeah, you can't do those things anymore. You get in trouble. You can play the shadow of the Colossus music in your head. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think you can bite a kid's face at any point and not get in any sort of trouble. That's where you're wrong. Have you bit a kid's face? Oh, yeah. I totally bit that kid's face. What was his name? His name was Abdul. You get suspended for him. He was like six and a half feet tall in like fucking grade 10 or whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And he was pushing me around. So I jumped up and climbed on his shoulders and bit him in the face. That's a suspension at the very least. Not for me. Are you a fucking howler monkey? What the fuck is that? He was really big. Okay. How did you leap that high into the air? I used to play basketball. I had better legs. I did used to play basketball. Were you the basketball? All right. So now would be a great time. This will now be a great time for me to point out that. Yes. Well, first we'll start with your week. I let everyone know Matt's still in Philadelphia from the Too Many Games event that occurred. So what was your week like? And your week can actually be an extended period of time because for guests, it doesn't actually have to be the
Starting point is 00:13:23 last seven days. Thank you. Well, I went to Midwest Fur Fest in Chicago, Illinois, and that was a wild goddamn roller coaster. Is that exactly what it sounds like? It is. Well, it is. It is and it isn't. So I so my friend Adam, who you know, he was a guest on the show. He's from Adam from Your Movie Sucks. He and I are super, super, super good friends. I adore him. He is like just the moon and the stars in my eyes. I think he's amazing. He, man, it's super weird hearing my own voice in these headphones. Yeah, we don't usually use them at home. Yeah, no, weird. Makes it easier to eat the mic. Yeah, it does, doesn't it? So we started hanging out through my other friend, Dick Masterson. We met up three of the three of us for dinner last year, like right around this time.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And Adam and I ended up hitting it off really well. And he's like, Hey, why don't you come to Midwest Fur Fest with me today? And I was like, Okay, and this was last year. And we went only for like a day. We had the best time. It was the weirdest experience I had had at that point in my life thus far. Because there were people walking around. And at that time, when I was like mascot outfits, right? Like I knew about Furries, I knew, but I'd never been around a large group. Oh, were you not aware of furry culture? Oh, no, I was, I was, but only like removed. I was in the middle of it. Like I was smack dab, and then it was happening around me. Because it's been, it's been years and furry culture has had a chance to really ferment. They have their own like language. Those
Starting point is 00:14:55 are, those are two different words for time passing. But they have their own vernacular, like that. Yipping. Well, yeah, but like straight up, straight up, there was like a moment where Adam was speaking to one of our, one of our other friends and this last week, and they were saying stuff about furry bullshit or whatever. And I looked at them and I was like, Oh, they're fucking speaking. I don't understand a goddamn word. But so I met Adam. By the way, are you blowing him up right now or blowing up his spot? Or is that? Oh, no, Adam is very, like that's one of the things I love about Adam. Because it didn't, it didn't really come up in discussion at any point. So really? Oh, that's interesting. No, he, well, he, he's not like, Hey, everyone,
Starting point is 00:15:33 just so you know, he's just like, if someone asks, he's like, Oh yeah, totally. He's very open about it. He's a horse. So he, we were, yeah, and it was just great. So he's like, Hey, come to Biggest Little Fur Con with me in May. And this was like six months late after the fact. And I was like, Yeah, well, we'll, we'll see, we'll see. And then I happened to have time off and I was like, Well, it's in Reno. I love gambling. So I was like, Yeah, sure. Why not? Whatever. It was a fucking blast. The furries, not a fucking party, dude. I was so, I was so fucked up for four days and I don't drink very much. They got, they got, they got the party zippers and hatches. Dude, dude, dude. Well, that's the weird thing. Most of the dudes I hung out with don't really suit, suit up,
Starting point is 00:16:12 I guess, or whatever the fuck. Okay. Like the, like the, where are the tails? Okay, they go for the tail of the ears. Yeah. Keep it, keep it presentable, optional. Well, some of them do suit, but it's only for certain. Keep it cool mainly, right? Cause the suits are hot by default. Yeah, they're super, super hot. Um, well, some of them have like cooling fans in there and cooling bullshit in there. It's wild. It's wild. The tech, like the tech and bullshit that's involved nowadays. Um, so anyway, and we had such a great time. He's like, well, come to Midwest for fast with me, um, in six months after this. And that was last week. And that, and, and so that, that is where I am now. And so I went, I'm just thinking that like, I've seen those videos of like ridiculous
Starting point is 00:16:50 Iron Man suits where like the mask opens up and awesome transforming like backpack stuff and the Spider-Man or the actual Iron Spider legs are fucking moving. And it's like, I'm sure furry suit tech must be ridiculous at this point. If you've got, if you've got, if you've spent your money on nothing but there was a, there's a cyborg, there was a cyborg one where he, his head like did this and it looked like, it looked like if Daft Punk was like, I don't know, like a foxy, wolfy, canine-y looking thing and a helmet. And like there was like, um, Oh, I saw that. I did see that. Yeah. Where his facial expressions were from a screen. They, they press something in their gloves. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I did see that one.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Wild. It's super cool. Um, Tell me about Sonic Fox and Violent J. Well, yeah, I mean, yeah, because like, you know, and now in a post Sonic Fox, like lighting the main stream on fire at the game awards and fucking, oh god, that was awesome. That was, it was fucking cool. This is so, so you were in there. So I was, yeah. And Sonic Fox was there. He was also the biggest little, um, as well. Um, he, he goes to like fucking all of them. All of them. Yeah. Um, and, um, it's, I don't even know where to start or where to begin. It's, it's, it's, I had no idea that it was like 80% gay and gay dudes or bisexual dudes. It's, um, mostly dudes. I'm shocked that you didn't know that. That was like
Starting point is 00:18:08 the first thing I found out about Furries. See, I had no idea. It's just, it's just a bunch of queer guys and they're all, and here's the thing. When I went the first time to the biggest little, I was like, I was like, ooh, um, I'm ready for the wall of B.O. Not one person smelled. Musky Huskies? Nothing. Yeah. Musky Huskies, as they say, another lingo thing or whatever. I don't know. Uh, but like, like, like, and the second we walk into like MAG Fest or whatever, bam, wall of B.O., right? You know how to talk about the con where that, that, that, that, um, mist of whatever the musk. Musk. Um, but, but not, not, I, not one person. Is the inside of the suit just lined with baby powder? Like, how do you avoid that? I, they, for breeze the fuck, they, they, well,
Starting point is 00:18:50 that's incredible. It was so strange. I felt like a journalist and they were like teaching me how they do things. And Adam was like, he was like my Virgil taking me through the inferno inferno. If you, well, think that fucking boo. Fuck you. No, that was all right. That was all right. Thank you. So anyway, uh, so Allegiri continuing. Yes. So I, so, um, and he got it. I can't, I cannot describe the things I have seen. So, so they're like, it's the, it's simultaneously the cringiest, weirdest shit ever. And also like some of this shit, like, I'm never going to see this anywhere else. This is wild bullshit. And I can't keep my eyes off of it. It was incredible. Uh, so there was, there was one, oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, I was just thinking that like, I know that there's
Starting point is 00:19:36 this, there's this thing that is, um, because you have that, right? And like that first like, ooh, cringe reaction is like, that for me was like, when you first learned about it. And that was years ago. And it's kind of just, but then there's this weird wholesomeness where, um, I want to say it was in Vancouver where, uh, there was a convention happening at a hotel where, um, refugees were landing. And so there were a bunch of refugee kids that were just like, what's going on here? And all the furries and all the furries were like, hey kids. And they just were like, wow. And it was a big like amusement park kind of like vibe off of these kids just going like, who are all these fun cartoon characters? Yeah. And it was like, oh, that's a cool, fun,
Starting point is 00:20:26 wholesome thing. Right. That's, that's the weirdest part about all of it because there is, let's face it, there is a weird sexual component to, to some of it. Let's take it. Yeah. In fact, uh, Adam, Adam brought me to this place. It literally called the fuck place in, in one of the hotels they turned it into a biggest little, by the way, Adam is gay. Like it wasn't like that where he's, he's my buddy. Uh, but he just wanted to show me it. He's like, by the way, this is the look at this shit. And like I popped my head in and it was just like all these glow lights. And like it's mostly like the cull, the, uh, what the cuddle room is what he showed me. And then in the other room was technically the fuck place. Didn't want to go there. The cuddle place and then the
Starting point is 00:21:04 fuck place. Right. The cuddle room fuck place. Right. So, so I'm like, oh, okay. So there is clearly, clearly, clearly a sexual component, but they keep it really, really separate. Um, there's like a, um, 18 plus, um, buyers, like bad dragon bullshit place where they can go and buy their wares and what have you. And then there's the regular buyers market, which is, you know, for everyone. And there were actually a lot of children there. Um, like, and it was super normal, had their parents and everything. It was like, and, um, probably should have created some distance between that and the fuck place talk, but at least at least five sentences begging your pardon. No. Okay. So, so this, this is the marketplace. I'm sorry. I'm speaking very quickly. I had coffee.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Using your hands a lot, but I should mention. Yeah, you can't see my hands. Um, so there's the marketplace. And this was at, um, Midwest Fairfest, the marketplace where, and that's where children go, whatever, that's where anyone can go. The fuck place that was over. And that was months ago and that biggest little, that was far away. That is all the way over there again, where no one can see my hands pointing. Okay. Um, so, uh, but, but there is like a really wholesome component, like, uh, violent J brought his daughter. Um, and he had his own suit and is violent J now, like the world's most shockingly supportive dad ever. That's so supportive. And like, I don't know. I, you know, in St. Clown Posse to Christian furry, yeah, suddenly makes sense.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It makes more sense than I thought it would. I really was like, I, like, there was a level of it where, you know, I was like, wow, the biggest dupe in the world after all these years. But then you just add that little twist of furry to it. And I go, no, it's actually so far around the circle that you come back out the other side. Yeah, I get it. But, um, but anyway, the part I'm trying to spew out of my mouth right now is that, uh, there, there is a wholesome aspect in that, like every time I would meet someone, uh, when I would reach out to shake hands, that was actually not rude, but it was not taboo. Uh, what's the word I'm looking for? It just, just not done. A faux paw. A faux paw. Yeah, okay. Fuck off. Fuck you. So, uh, and, and it was all about,
Starting point is 00:23:08 like, hugging. And it wasn't like the weird hug where it's like, they're, are you okay? It wasn't like, I hate this. I hate you. So the weird hug where it's like, oh, they're clearly trying to. I love, I love puns, but I, but I can't, I can't deny a good one. And that's two for two. Yes. God, I'm great. So, um, so huge. So, so like, it wasn't that kind of hug where they're like, trying to like, feel up my boobs or, you know what I mean? Yeah. Because they're all a bunch of gay guys. So like, I, I always feel really safe at these cons. Not that I don't feel safe, you know, around stage two. That's not the case. So, so, so, so the handshake is. So like, like, I would reach out my hand, they'd be like, what are you doing? And then it's all about like hugging. And it's
Starting point is 00:23:46 like really wholesome. And the whole time I was there, people are like, oh, wow, wow, like hugging and not in like a creepy sex way, except like in places where that probably occurs. But like, it's really, I know that they've faced some scrutiny in the past and even recently, but there, there is an aspect of this fandom that I am envious of, and I wish was in more fandoms in that there's just this real sense of community. Like, I think because I don't know how to describe it. Well, yeah. They've been the internet beating stick. Right. Of course, you have like the you cling together tighter as a result of the outs your how much you can cling to anyone else in the outside world. So you take all the inverse of what you're getting out there
Starting point is 00:24:30 and then you put it into that. And there is an aspect of that at like game console. Like, that's how I felt that magfest. I felt really, you know, but but it's like so strong there. And they were so willing to accept me, even though like I was always the only girl in nearly every room I was in. And also not furry. Yeah. And I'm not a furry. I was gonna ask if you saw other like spectators like yourself kind of just yeah, there were there were two processing who were I was to feel icky saying fans. But people who knew me and were excited viewers, people who knew me and my streams and from the Dick show as well. And they came up to me and it was a couple. And the man was like his wife had recently become a furry and he was just like there. He was like
Starting point is 00:25:13 a human spectator is like, oh, me too, you know. And yeah, and he's like, it's wild. It's so much fun. He's like, and I respect it. And you know, I'm like, oh, wow, that's really cool. But he's like, I have no interest. And I'm like, yeah, me too. It's just really fun. And boy, they could like, and there's a rave. There's a rave. Well, yeah, everyone's wearing the suits. If there's a fuck place, there's definitely a rave, right? But the rave, the rave is open to anyone, of course. And what about the musicals? Oh, man, there was a musical. There was a musical last year. Okay, called Oh, God, like for Fest, the musical or whatever bullshit. It was like three hours long. It was so long. I have to say, though, Pepper Coyote, who I did hang out with, he's, he's an
Starting point is 00:25:51 incredible singer, beautiful musician. Really, really, it's, it's, it's stunning and amazing. Some of the songs he sings, I'm like, is he singing a horse cock? What's happening? But really incredible singer and interestingly, he helped develop this musical thing. And it was like actual musical on stage. And there were readers behind them, like speaking into a mic. But, but then there were first suiters on stage acting it out. So they were like moving their head in their hands like this. If I felt like I was at like a Disney, I don't know, I don't know. Theme attraction sort of. Yeah. It was wild. It was a Disney attraction sponsored by Bad Dragon. Yes. Oh, yeah. One of my friends, Oh, God. So during this, Oh, they, they raised so much. I'm
Starting point is 00:26:37 so sorry. They raised like for the wholesome aspect, they raised God, I think almost $100,000 or even more for this charity call of that where children read, learn to read, and they read by reading to dogs and shelters, because the dogs get attention because children are there, but then the children don't feel judged or whatever. So it's this charity for that. And they raised like $100,000 plus Pepper Coyote's concert raised like 11 or 12,000 on top of that. But at the concert, this guy who works at Bad Dragon, and I think he's a higher up, he, oh, shit. And he did this at Biggest Little as well. He like grabs me and he's wearing like at least suspenders and he has this really wide mustache and he just grabs me and he's like
Starting point is 00:27:24 spinning my ass around on this dance floor. And it's so embarrassing because there's like 300, God, like 200 people watching and like I'm up there dancing and I look like I'm the one who looks like the asshole. Now, for those of you who may not be aware or anything, but I'm the one who looks like a dick. Page is a fantastic dancer. I'm a terrible dancer. I'm a terrible, well, no, I take that back. I'm a good couple dancer. I'm not like I'm, you know, I'm very Elaine White sadness, but I don't know if you see my Instagram feed, but no, no, no, no. Okay, okay. Yeah, it was wild. So I did that. That's, that's the most information I have ever received about furry subculture. I am educated and sorry about that tirade. I just, no, that's
Starting point is 00:28:13 information. And you know, for something that has been, you know, that XKCD map of the internet? No, barely. Okay. Well, XKCD, the webcomic has a map of the internet and it breaks down every subculture into its own little nation and or group and or little islands in some cases. And there's a part of the ocean where they just go off and go here, there be dragons. And it's kind of like, that's where the fog of war exists. And I feel like this is kind of sending a few scout ships out into that fog of war. Of course, I could have just asked, you know, anybody, but yeah, you need an in insight somebody, you need somebody that you know personally, you need to know them well enough that you can ask them really, really embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Yeah, for Furman's knowledge is gained eyes on the inside. Absolutely. Okay. Yeah. And then I think that's then smash came out. Oh, yeah. And then smash came out and that happened. And now we smell. And now we smell the worst you smell the better you are at smash. I don't know if you two are aware of that. I'm aware of. Yeah, I know you are. That's why I'm bad at smash. Because that's nice. Yeah, no, everybody knows. Well, you often remark to others how nice I smell. Yes. Are we just lying out right now? Right on, right on camera in front of microphones. Do you really think he's going to support your bullshit? I don't think so. I don't even do that. I sleep
Starting point is 00:29:38 in a bed with you. Do you throw occasionally? Dude, I wish otherwise. Well, no, I will. Okay, so Pat has this thing where if you breathe near him while he's sleeping, I wake up. He wakes up. So I would always sleep in another room because even though I am like, oh, come sleep with me. And he'd be like, all right, so he would sleep in the bed with me until I pass out and then he would be like, fuck you, bitch. Then I go sleep in the closet. Yeah. So but for the past what? Like seven months or so? Ever since we moved? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because I broke that other bed. He broke my bed. We forgot to put the coffee cans underneath it. All right. All right. Well, we had the Folgers coffee cans because the bed didn't have the frame
Starting point is 00:30:20 support. Okay. And that because that thing's like 20 years old. That's why I need a race car bed. Not getting you a fucking race car. I want one. I'm not getting you a race car. I want one. I want to give a fuck if you want a race car bed. You can get a race car bed when we're married. I feel like I feel like this is a trap. It is a trap. I'm like, should I just, should I hit the mute buttons or just let it rock? I can say I sleep in a big race car bed with my wife. See? Yeah, but what? You just want a fucking race car bed because you want to pretend you're papyrus. No, but you're mixing the, it's not one person sleeps in a race car and the other one sleeps in the bed with our wife. Yeah, that's the irony. Well, he
Starting point is 00:31:02 jokes. Well, no, no, no, because of expectations because there are race car beds that are built for adults. Yes. And I, and I, they're called love hotels. No, no, I mean, for like, you can buy and have in your home and it's, and it's like a double or a queen or a king. And I want one. And I want one of them lights up. No, I've always wanted one. Bullshit. How was your week, Pat? My week was pretty all right. Watch the Game of War, but we'll talk about that later. Obviously, I got and unlocked every character in Smash. The main thing that I want to say, well, you, you probably played some Smash over the weekend. Zero. Zero. Okay. Yeah. Cause the dummy cry. He's been playing that 10 minute demo. Understandable. Yeah. Those characters don't want to get
Starting point is 00:31:47 unlocked. Like it is shocking. Like, Hey, do you unlocked a couple of them as well? I did. And you'll, you'll play, it's, it's quite easy to get the challenger approaching and like you play like one or two matches and they show up. I read about the exploit and then the thing where you just, as soon as you unlock somebody, there's a 10 minute counter to a character restart the language and then the counter disappears. So yeah, play one or two matches and you're basically unlocking a character every two matches. Problem is about half the time that you fight the unlock characters, they're like the fucking toughest CPU fighters I've ever fought in a Smash Bros. game. Like, they're absolutely absurd. And you will have to find a couple more matches until their rematch
Starting point is 00:32:26 option shows up. And then they're dumb as fucking rocks. They're like absolutely brain dead, like CPU level one, but like it's just the most disappointing. Yeah, I can unlock Sonic. Oh, Sonic kicked my fucking shit in. Great. What a fun unlock. You getting sick buddy? A little bit. Don't do that. Oh, was he just going to press a button and make it stop? What, what, what fucking say? He couldn't be sick because he had garlic. Oh, he's so full of shit. So eat garlic, eat a bunch of garlic, eat a big ol' clove of garlic. No, it's just, it's just, it's just like, I get, I get some sniffles sometimes and it doesn't really go much beyond that. But it's in that zone right now. We'll get plenty of sleep and shit. Yeah, I'm starting to like, we'll get there.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Let's see, played Smash, I fucking plunked away at fucking Warframe and the usual, but honestly, aside from that. You watch the video game awards? Oh yes, but yeah, I mean, but that's, that's news. So Smash, I guess, like. Hey, it's good. Yeah. Guess what? It's a good, good Smash game. New characters. They're fun. Any standouts? Yeah, Ridley's probably the worst character in the entire game. Oh my God. You feel it immediately. Like, hey, you picked Ridley at least once, right? And you just go, oh, like immediately, like, he's so, he's so bad, it makes you feel that they made him bad on purpose. Just in terms of movement? Every single thing about him is terrible. He has no strengths. Okay. Okay. You know how everybody, you know, Fox is up B,
Starting point is 00:33:56 where he does, ah, ah, he does the charge. Yeah. Ridley has that, but it only goes in four directions. There's no up diagonal version. There's straight up or left and right. And the left and right often have down tilts. This is like down and to the left 20 degrees. He's a heavy, so, so he's slow, of course, but, but it feels, it feels clumsy. It also feels like when they hit him. Really? Does that make sense? He is God awful. He is like, he might as well not be in the game. What about it? What about the tilts and the A's and the smashes and some of our are okay, but they're at the, his tilts are like really close to his body. So he's getting the downsides of the big hitbox, but not actually big range. But what about the tail is taxed? That stuff seemed like it had a sweet spot on them. That's
Starting point is 00:34:41 you're never gonna range. Yeah. It's especially weird that the sweet spot is there because the Belmonts are there and the Belmonts don't have shit for sweet spots and they have the craziest fucking range ever. And they are amazing. They're so much goddamn fun to play. I wouldn't even care if the game came out and the only new characters were fucking K-Rool and the Belmonts because those are the fucking shit. I want to know about Incineroar and I want to know about. He's great and he's popular. Yeah. Yeah. Seems seems pretty solid. Yeah. His recovery is dog shit. Like he can't get back on the stage for fuck, but his grab is amazing and his revenge is super, super great. And he's got good tilts and good, good smashes. Revenge. So his counter doesn't counter. He does
Starting point is 00:35:27 down B and he'll go, ah, and you'll hit him and he'll get blown back by a little bit of flame, but it's trivialized damage. But the next full hit that he does will be powered up by the amount of damage that he took during just normal attack. Yeah. So like you'll do, yeah, so you'll do fucking revenge, you know, you know, of a smash attack. Yeah. And then the next smash you do could be twice as strong depending. But is it any A button? Any A button that hits. Okay. Which is amazing because you can whiff. It's not. Yeah, you can whiff and it won't, it won't count. Okay. So what you do is you revenge something of significance and then you do his clothes line off his throw and that does like 50, 60% like that. Because it's guaranteed. Yeah. And is it,
Starting point is 00:36:18 can you revenge multiple times and stack? It's only the one hit. It's the one. Okay. And it's great and it's tons of fun. Interesting. And his up, his up B does weird bullshit on the side because it, because it meteors on the way down. If you do it to people at certain edge points, you just kill people at zero. But it's hard to do and get back on yourself. I'd have to see it. I don't even understand. Well, it's because it's like you're going, say, say you're like on the edge of the first platform, and you're facing like the short edge of the stage and you hit up and he jumps up and carries the opponent with him. And then he'll go down at a tilt similar to like Colossus is super. Right. And he will carry that person with him. And then at the bottom of it, he will do
Starting point is 00:36:59 the hit and that'll meteor smash somebody down. Okay. When you're underneath the stage, but then he goes neutral and you can jump and then dodge back on the stage. But the ranges are really, really specific. Okay. Okay. A little Ganon donkey. Yeah. Awesome. Now. Yeah. Well, they gave him like sword smashes. Yeah. So he's great. And inklings, right? Inklings are a thing to do. How are they? They're fun. Yeah. And I don't care for him. Okay. Pay playing smash the page is fun because you get to a character and she's like, that character sucks. I don't want them in the game. So it's appropriate. You're sitting in Matt's chair. But like, who was it Robin? Yeah. Yeah. You're like, Robin sucks. I don't want Robin in
Starting point is 00:37:46 the game. I'm like, but you liked Fire Emblem Awakening. I loved it. But I don't, I think it's inappropriate. Why? I don't know. I just feel like it. I'm trying to think. Gary's a book. He's a nerd. Yeah, I see you. Ken. Just a Gekko fighter, Ken, right? Nothing. Nothing. Piranha Plant's not out yet, right? No, it's not out yet. I find Ken's to be more fun than Ryu, but I don't know if that's just because I like, I think Ken's cool. Like, you know, well, yeah, it's the multi hit versus the single hit, right? It's, it's, it's that type of thing. So cool. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No. It's a good fighting game. And I did unlock all the characters. So we don't have to go back to
Starting point is 00:38:29 whatever the fuck is underneath Line Kill Spirits this week for Fisticuffs. We can properly play Smash. Yeah. No, that's fine. Like, I saw like, like there, there weren't people going like, why didn't you just like, do the unlocking on camera? And it's like, well, because people only figured out the unlocking mid to late Friday. It takes 11 to 13 hours. That's why. And, and I mean, even if you do the cheat, the, the exploit version of it, like people only figured that out well after it was out. Yeah, I did that. And it still took like a day. Well, there you go. It just, it's not a feasible possibility. And all the light takes 20 hours ish. And that's, there you go. That's a really weird way to unlock characters because it's so much slower than just
Starting point is 00:39:05 doing regular versus matches. And quite frankly, I mean, I think the world did need Line Kill Spirits, you know, like it needed it. It needed to happen at some point. And I remember you telling Billy to think long and hard about that thumbnail. And yeah, I think every once in a while, you kind of, you kind of just, you know, you're doing the YouTube thing. And then you just kind of need to remind everybody what this platform is. Yeah, it's a platform that the current garbage LP that we're doing is trending on YouTube. Wait, which LP Star Trek is trending on YouTube for some reason. Oh, really? Yeah, I have no idea why. It sucks. Gotta remind everybody what's, what time it is every once in a while. Because we invented Warframe, that's why.
Starting point is 00:39:48 We had a breakdown collectively on last Friday Night Fisticuffs because while everyone was playing Smash Brothers, we were instead playing a Panty Flip Fighter photo game where you have to What? I showed you the game. You flip up the skirts and then you take a picture when the skirts are up. And that's how you do damage. Nice. And it was. We decided to play that to Smash Brothers. And yeah, and like that was the, that was, that was the world we commit to. And, and, and we just talked about, uh, because recently people had noticed how much our friends that we introduced and, and brought up my iPads and Jeff and the like, uh, all surpassed us in, in, in growth and, and, and such. And it was always like, what is, what is wrong with you guys? Smash Brothers,
Starting point is 00:40:29 we played line kids. That's why it's why it's why instead of playing the cool ass popular game for cool people, we played a fucking damage game PC fucking garbage pantyfighter. The fuck is wrong with you guys? Because it's our artistic integrity. We do it to ourselves. Yeah, coming from you. And that's why it really hurts artistic person. I know. Listen, I can make, I can draw a mean cube or a square and that's art according to some dead guy. Right. Oh, okay. Cubism. That's a thing. It is a thing. Don't tell me it's not. Cubism is a thing. That existed. It is, it is. So then how, how do you, how do you deal with him? Like I deal with him at night. How do you deal with him during now time? Like daytime? How do you guys deal?
Starting point is 00:41:16 My secret is a lot of prayer, a lot of, a lot of, what do you, you know, how it's like, they're like, oh, you just, you decided to sandbag that joke. Like, is that how you're going to do it? Right. My secret is that I'm always sandbagging internally, at least at least every, you know, I demand to be heard 50% of it or so, you know, what gets through is between the cracks, you know, the little, little bits. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Right. Oh, okay. So we'll call that a week. Yeah, that's, that's a week. We'll call that a week. That's fine. What's up with you, man? Let's take a quick word from our sponsors actually. That's what's up with him. Yeah. Very special sponsor this week.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Special sponsor. Brought the podcast this week is brought to us by Adam ruins everything on true TV. If there's, yeah, remember, you ever see, you ever seen those cool, ever seen those videos on, uh, like there, I think I've seen them on Facebook and it's basically, yeah. So he just do, just like picks a topic and then destroys it, right? Listen, you like this, you don't like it no more. Yeah. Here's what's wrong with it. And then ultimately it's like, but what about, and then like crushed. So if there's one thing we love to do with friends, it's game night. And what makes games night better than having a bunch of facts thrown around
Starting point is 00:42:43 about the world's most famous games? For example, did you know that the board game monopoly was invented to be an anti-capitalist teaching tool? Yes. Yes, I did learn that. I did learn that actually a few weeks ago. If you love the super best fancast, you'll love Adam ruins everything. Comedian Adam Conover's, uh, uh, Conover, Conover, excuse me. You can do it, man. Yeah, there we go. Uh, hit investigative comedy TV show on true TV. Uh, if you've never seen the show, the character of Adam pops into people's lives and ruins them by correcting popular misconceptions with facts, often to his own social peril. Like, did you know that there's zero evidence that violent video games calls violence in real life? Yes. Or the, even that, or that even though the Olympics
Starting point is 00:43:28 is a multi-billion dollar industry, everyone from the athletes to the cities that host the games gets royally screwed. Yes. Yes. To catch. We know that firsthand to catch new episodes of Adam ruins everything. Uh, tune in Tuesdays at 10, nine central on true TV or watch anytime on true TV app on demand. Thank you, Adam's, Adam and ruining everything. Thank you, Adam, for ruining everything. Um, please continue to do so. Uh, yeah. So my week was pretty straight forward. How many days did you, if your life are gone to a 10 minute devil may cry five demo? Be honest. I mean, yeah, like it came out two days ago. So it tops would be two. So everybody want to hear a funny thing. So Willie is like on Twitter
Starting point is 00:44:22 being like, Oh, I'll double my cry. Well, right? Basically, then he kind of disappeared. So I assume that's what you're playing. Right. And then I, I contacted him. I go, Hey, man, we finished, we finished the devil may cry DMC devil may cry LP. Uh, you know, how long is the demo? How do you know we could get a couple episodes out of it? And he's like, no, it's like 10 minutes long. I'm like, Hmm, what are you doing? What are you doing in that demo, man? Well, funny part is, is that like I'm on it and then like hours go by and then like I'm on it. And then I take a little over and look over at the friends list and it's like, Oh yeah, Schmuck got past it. Living in there. And like, it's like, it's a silent little like, mm-hmm. Yep. Okay. You in there.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm just getting a feel for like everything that's different and, and how everything works and what's going on and what the changes are. And I'm loving every minute of it, you know, like I'm juicing. So it's really bad, bad sequel. Yeah. Or dropping the ball. This is DMC to part to really curses. Wait, really? It's not, it's not good. So I don't know. So I don't know my own sarcasm at this point. I never know anything. So yeah, I love you. I had a big old, that was the sarcasm, bitch. Yeah, I know. That's why I didn't say it back. Oh my God. Okay. All right, we're going to have to put a stop to something at me. We're going to have to put a stop to, we can't have I love yous on the podcast. That's unacceptable. That's weird. That's not going down. See, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:56 throw whatever the fuck you want, but we can't have, we can't say to each other every time after we finish the podcast. All right. Devil May Cry 5 is a good video game. It, it, it, what they did to the game was, or at least to Nero, was they made him feel heavy. So that's the number one thing that I hear is that the game feels heavier. And I don't want that actually me, but I don't know if it's just Nero or if it's just everybody, but everything is like, it feels like Nero went from being a balanced, you know, how Ryu went from being the middle balanced guy, dead center to being the single hit heavy powerhouse. That's what it is. Right. Ryu, who used to represent the middle, the Yin Yang, and then you get like fast characters like
Starting point is 00:46:44 Chunli or you get big heavies like Zangief and Ryu is no longer the middle. You got nudged over about 75 percent. He's a big boy now and his Shin Shoryukens and his, his impact is high and like he's one of those guys now. Um, like Nicali is actually closer to the middle, you know, or if you want to dial back with like other certain types of characters. So in this case, it looks like Nero got like a class upgrade of sorts where, um, just the gun is just big and explosive and slower, but more impactful and your sword hits and you're jumping and you're moving in the, everything just has a weight to it. I think, uh, I think that's probably across the board because Dante's dodges look heavy, if that makes any sense. They look just as responsive,
Starting point is 00:47:32 but they look heavy and V can barely move. Yeah, exactly. So there's that. He's chaos legioning all over. Uh, it feels like the, the hit stop on every thing that you hit is like amplified. It's much more pronounced. And when you're hitting things with the, um, exact, right, when you're revved up, you're, you're feeling that, that slowed out even more. And then you get a nice, really like, like huge slowdown and then a big flaming spin or, you know, whatever the case is, if you're doing like a high roller or such, uh, they basically like, so universally you have that change, which is amazing. Um, they gave Nero, uh, the ability to one shoot your gun on negative edge. So what that means is you're not pressing the X button
Starting point is 00:48:23 or trigger button, which I'm trying to get used to now. I'm working it. Um, you're not pressing the X button and then having him shoot right away. It's only when you release the button, right? And so what that means is if, if you just want to get a charge shot, which you can now get three, because you have a bullet meter. Okay. Explain this. So Nero has a bullet meter and you can see his, you can see, uh, three twin bullet shots, right? And if you just mash the shoot, shoot button, then he just pops his normal gun, whatever. If you hold it down for a couple, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:53 whatever, it's like one and a half seconds, maybe it's very quickly. He gets three charge shots, bam, bam, bam out of it. They're all multi-hitting and, uh, they basically fire out almost like coyote a style. Like it feels like a shotgun. And when he uses it, you feel the heft of the each fire, right? Um, so you basically get, uh, the ability to shoot those three and then charge it back up very quickly in the meantime. And, uh, uh, what you can do is while you're doing any other action, start holding that down and you don't have to interrupt that action. You don't interrupt to get a shot out to get your charge. So you can, you can passively be amplifying whatever you're doing.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I have a quick question. When you, when you thought, so when you, you hold it and you charge double three and you let go, it'll fire one, it'll fire one. That means the next two trigger pulls just give you charge shots. Yes. That's great. And you, they don't have to be right away. Like you, it's like, it's kind of like Stockholm. Yes. So, uh, have you played lady at all? Yeah. Okay. So you know how ladies pistols, they charge and then you see the bullet, it's the bullet meter that lady has basically. So what you're saying is DMC SC DMC four is a hundred percent a test. Yeah. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. That's good for everyone. Yeah. You're, you're seeing a lot of the carry over. Uh, so they added that they added, um,
Starting point is 00:50:10 the, the, the revving system is, is the same as it's always been. So, you know, um, you can just stand there and rev your, your fucking sword up and get it while you're moving now, right? But now you can do it while you're sprinting with no speed drop whatsoever. Fantastic. Yeah. Right. Um, and of course, like, there's no max act of the demo, but you can level one and level two. So you can get used to like that sort of feeling. There's a couple of new, um, just new animations or new swings added in moments where if you're, if you're revved up, you get like a little extra hit on this combo that wouldn't have been there. And not just like the modified swing, but like literally
Starting point is 00:50:46 a combo string ender that didn't otherwise exist. If you did not have your, your red queen, uh, revved up. So, uh, and then of course there's the new breaker system, which to me is effectively giving Dante style switching to Nero. Yeah. Um, we talked about that like when we first saw it and the conclusion we came to was Nero can now style switch, but it's, it's not as choose your own adventure shit. It's like switch the style to this. Yes. And it, and also on L one, it represents a DT burst. Yes. That you just get. Exactly. So on L one, the, uh, the breakaway is basically Nero destroying one of his arms and
Starting point is 00:51:28 then, uh, getting out of dodge and, and escaping a dangerous situation. Uh, you can do it anytime, whether you're in hit stun or you're about to get hit or whatever. You can do it anytime. Yeah. And it hits done, you can stall, you can, you can, you like save yourself from like really bad situations. There's one point where the boss is like sucking you in with like a giant, like, like fucking Kirby mouth vortex thing when, um, a Goliath, the big demon and the thing, he, he like can suck you in and you can't really do anything while you're getting sucked in, except for breakaway, you know, so you can do it at any, any time, right? Um, so that, what that basically does is you don't have a devil trigger, but you have the first, uh,
Starting point is 00:52:08 explosion that the DT pop causes when Nero brings out, uh, the his stand, basically the damage and the knockback from that is what the breakaway effectively ends up replacing. Wow. It's almost like later in the game, he'll be able to get a DT who knows, but it almost feels like he'll lose a lot of functionality as a result of getting that. No, what he would gain is he would lose the arm because his arm would grow back, right? And he would gain a unified circle button moveset or B button. I don't, I don't know, but it feels, I, I addressed that a little bit because like I, I streamed it in an, and what I felt was that you could give him back his old devil bringer, but you would have to really overpower it because right now, if you just brought back
Starting point is 00:52:52 bringers in the game as one of his, his, his art, like disposable arms. But what I mean is if you want it to like permanently make him have the arm again and not get access to his, his roulette, there's functionality loss in that. Well, what they should do is they should make it unique. They should make it like the stick, like he DTs and then the circle button is the stand or, you know, whatever. Something, something. Yeah. Well, well, you know, we'll see, but, but, but effectively right now the B button, uh, you know, is, yeah, it's your, just your style switch, but he has more styles than any other character in the game, but you have to pick them up and there's, they're pretty generous about it. You know what I mean? You're never really going to
Starting point is 00:53:33 be at zero for that long. I saw in the demos that people were playing like you run through a room and there's like two arms in there. Yeah. You're not really too worried about it. And ultimately, you just can't pick the, the, um, you can't pick which style is coming up next, right? So it's kind of less to use the pasta breaker. Exactly. So this is all stuff we've addressed and sort of, there's a thing that there's an arm that Nero has called the pasta breaker. That's a fork and it lets him spin it. Let's him eat his spaghetti. Is that his dildo arm? No, no, that's sweet surrender. So the pasta, the pasta breaker, it's a fork and it lets him eat spaghetti, but also rotate his, his arms to get the next one he wanted. And the sweet surrender is the
Starting point is 00:54:16 vibrating arm for Curie. That regenerates health and it heals you slowly if you have it on. Yeah. Of course. So, um, Nico's a very, very smart, um, and thoughtful, thoughtful. Yeah. She's, she's good. She's good. So, uh, what you end up getting then is, and then when you hold the B button, you get the big super version of each B button, you know, breaker thing. And that while you're holding it down, uh, you cannot be hit stunned. Huh? So while you're holding it down, you're charging up your big super. If you get hit, the arm breaks, but you do not get stunned. Weird. So basically there's a bit of a like sacrifice your arm instead of just for the taking the hit because it hits and devil may cry, have a big ol, wow. And you go falling down and
Starting point is 00:55:07 you slide and you know how it is, right? Like, like there, like a lot of the time you end up being, um, um, knocked way out of your, your, your, your combo or whatever you were doing. And this lets you just stay in, you know? So sometimes if you're feeling like particularly crafty and you, you know, you're like, oh, I can't escape the situation. You'll do a breakaway. But at the very least, if you're charging up a B button and you want to do like a big super or whatever, if you fuck up and you take a hit, you get to stay in. So it's an interesting trade off sacrifice where you're like, you can be loose with your arms. It's not that bad, but obviously don't get fucking hit. It seems to be a lot more in depth than the worries that people had about. Oh, it's
Starting point is 00:55:43 just a consumable button. Yes. That's what I'm trying to get at. And on what this results in is a situation where you can sprint through the streets with your gun charged and your sword revved up, ready to go with both of these things powered up at all times and you're going, you're starting every fight with that. Um, and the, the, the, the breakaways and the, the, the supers do like real break age, excuse me, do really great damage and like, um, you know, the sacrifice for the thing popping is you get a pretty decent style boost as well for using it. So every single button that Nero has, has depth to it and multiple facets of gameplay to focus on and play with in the same way that it was just revving in the last game. My question is my last question
Starting point is 00:56:34 for this section of the, the, the DMC demo discussion is, did it surpass all of your expectations? Every single one. Wow. Good job with Sousa and team. The taunts are all back and better. And then there's new taunts, which are fantastic. I didn't get the hoodie. I didn't go, I didn't get the hoodie taunt yet. Uh, but there's a lot of, uh, there's a lot of fun new ones and remixed old ones. And like some of the fun new ones include him kind of like, uh, doing like a little Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe, and then doing like a swagger walk up to the next enemy in front of him and then like pulling the gun out. And like when he pulls the gun out, there's a reaction. So you can see if the enemy twitch is basically like, you can fuck with everyone while you're playing.
Starting point is 00:57:29 And if, if you didn't taunt frequently before, it's very clear that you're encouraged to do so now because between that and the midair taunt, which, uh, I don't know if you've seen any of these trailers, but it's Nero basically treating his sword like a skateboard and just getting a huge, like, like fucking Tony Hawk air boost out of it. Uh, there's functional use to getting that high up. Does it leap you? You get really high up. Okay. Wow. Um, and then, and then the Gerbera arm where you just fucking flip around like crazy infinite air dashes. It's just so much fun. Fuck all that. Gun slinger charges the gun while it's just equipped now. Holy shit. And here's the thing is if Dante and all, if the, if the other characters have the amount put into them,
Starting point is 00:58:21 which it seems like they have that Nero has, then it absolutely exceeds all expectations. But right now I have a hard time imagining what would be more fun than Nero with the exception of fucking my favorite boxing cool shit that Dante does. Yeah. You like that? Just, I love that. You like your boxing, but outside of that, it feels like, Oh my God, Nero is better than he's ever been. And he's already so much fun. Right. I'm glad to hear it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm so sorry. Pat, can you stop chewing into the mic? I know you're a mouth breather, but can you just like close your mouth when you chew that gum? No. Because it's so distracting. I could barely understand what Willie was saying. Thank you. I apologize. Go on, Willie. You know, it's funny
Starting point is 00:59:05 because I see his dick every day, but you guys get to see his balls. So I thought I would just push like that on the way over here. I wasn't. I could tell in your mouth. Damn. Damn. And he, and he has to take it. He does. He does have to take it. He gives it back now because of the the news. I can't know. Oh, that's what's stopping you. Yeah. That's what's stopping. It's a high profile now. Current events. Anyway, so there, yeah, that's that's that's Devil May Cry Fives demo. It's just fucking radical. Did you have fun with your video game? I sure did. And I didn't, I didn't do much else except for I streamed and tried to clean up a little bit of near automatic side quests. How many you got a lot? I have completed 28 out of 60. I am not going
Starting point is 00:59:56 to be completing all of them. I'm going to be focusing on the good ones. Yeah. And then I think I did all of them except for the weapon ones. There are some winners and losers. Yes. So with with the helpful suggestions of everybody watching, I'm going to be focusing on just the good story side quest ones and then leveling up the weapons so that I can get the good final thing and then that'll be that'll be near. Do you like that game? It's a good. Is it okay? It's all right. Okay. Are you now retroactively mad that last year they gave near automata the best music award off screen and didn't play it on screen like now even more outrageous to you? Well, I mean, hey, it's no red dead redemption to
Starting point is 01:00:42 you. We'll get there. Well, all I all I all I did besides that though was I scrambled in circles to as I was releasing the new podcast. Yeah, which launched apparently is the number one podcast in the universe. It hit it hit that and launching on a Saturday is a weird time for a podcast because people are not listening to things. They're generally hanging out and doing other stuff. You want cronk? It was a weird one. But I put it out. And yeah, that's that's Willie will figure it out, which is yeah, episode zero and episode one are out. And why an episode zero? Because I had recorded episodes one and a couple others all a while ago. I mean, the one with plague I recorded back in like August or so. And I was
Starting point is 01:01:31 getting so in my head about like what this was supposed to be and how to release this thing. And the the the insanity of it is that the main topic of the podcast is about failing to make a project failing to launch. Well, that's how you know the podcast is super real, almost too real, because the podcast about failing to make things almost failed to happen. And I had a fucking panic attack and just went you moron, you're doing it again. So I went so like instead of like like panicking instead of just continuing to pour over what I recorded, I just went hit the record button, record something new, and that'll be episode zero. And that'll explain exactly why you're starting this right now. And then you'll figure it out as you go. So I decided to just
Starting point is 01:02:18 start it without knowing exactly how to play it. It's funny because I'm surrounded by creative types. And all you creative types are all like, Oh, man, I'm going to create something and it's going to be beautiful. I'm going to work super hard on it. And it's going to be great. And it all got to make sure it's all good and stuff. And like I'm over here. And I'm like, just put out a bunch of garbage, nobody cares, garbage, whatever. Nobody cares. It's all pointless. We're all going to fucking die. Just put out the trash. But you did work out great. The ideas though, right? Yeah. There is so, you know, so that's why there was a zero, right? I listened to it. I'm really proud of you. Oh, thank you. Yeah, no, it was really interesting hearing you talk about failure because
Starting point is 01:03:03 that's all I ever hear when Pat opens his mouth. Oh, shut your goddamn mouth woman. I will make fun of you. Go ahead. Later. That's that's not what you were going to say. Yeah, that's not. So wait a second. How do smash page? We loaded up fucking smash brothers. She's like, cool. I used to play this back in the day. And I'm like, okay, you know how to play it? She's like, yeah. And then she's not killing anyone. I'm like, Paige, use your smash attacks. She's like, how do you smash? How do you smash? It was like four in the morning. I haven't played smash in like God six years. I don't know. I didn't know how to smash. I didn't was not I didn't know what button anymore. Gotcha. Yeah. You know, smashing is a different lingo these days. Yeah. Yeah, I saw somebody actually I
Starting point is 01:03:49 saw some tweet go up says a buddy of mine invited his girlfriend over to smash and she showed up and there were a bunch of nerds in his house playing smash brothers. And it was the funniest like real miscommunication ever. You don't know. It could be real. Even if that one was untrue, I bet it did happen somewhere. But then again, smash player girlfriend. I'm going to go ahead and say that like smash the smell. I'm going to say that that it didn't hit the widespread vernacular until Becky let me smash. Yeah, that's right. It's a bit like skeet, skeet, skeet, like they didn't know until, you know, it was presented. I remember you specifically laughing at me for not knowing what skeet was like long ago. Yeah, that's the noise the penis makes. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:04:30 that's correct. Yes. Because you know, right from skeet shooting back when like, is it really back when all white people didn't know, it was it was funny. It was funny to know a thing that other people didn't know. It was hilarious. Wait a minute. Is that why skeeter is called Skeeter? Yeah. And Doug? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, that is why he's called Skeeter. Why do you think he's always honking over? Yeah, there you go. He's skeeting. This is terrible. Skeet non by original character name was just spooch come man. I hope your childhoods are ruined. Honk honk. Yeah, that's what that's. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, basically.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Alrighty, so how about that news? There's so much. Oh, um, uh, I, I, I, I, I, you mentioned something and then I didn't add it to the docket. And I forgot, but what was it? Because I'm going to forget. Sonic, Sonic, Sonic, that's what it was. Sonic, man. Oh, that's vital. Okay, vital. We discussed this. So that is Sonic expert here today. That is really impressive because they teased so little. There's almost nothing in that. But yet got so much, so wrong. It's such a small amount of time that I don't even know, uh, uh, how you fuck that up today or at least the teaser poster or whatever you call, and it shows what the live action Sonic will kind of look like in his general
Starting point is 01:06:09 shape. He's silhouetted though, right? Yeah. You see just tinges of his coloring and fucking horrific, just disturbing. Like we'll creep out the children. He's buff kind of looks like a, like a muscular primate wearing like a mascot head with like regular tennis shoes. Like with just a silhouette, he's already like fucking not great. Um, trying to find it here, but I found a piece of art that's pretty close. Let me see on Google. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like it's just, you can just type in Sonic movie poster. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, we found it. So the Sonic movie poster from the producer of the Fast and the Furious and, uh, he, it's a little moving animatic poster actually. So you see him zipping and zapping around in the background for
Starting point is 01:07:05 a minute. And then he lands in front and then you see the kicks lightning, lightning up and whatnot. And the silhouette is just horrifying. I mean, everyone expected there to be like, you know, the fur spikes and all that shape to be what it is, but it looks like when this thing starts moving, it's like a toddler head on like a buff munchkin body three or four times too large. And his proportions are not sonic proportions. They're like human or even proportions of his body. So it's just creepy and entering into that like Sonic dreams collection place. That's the place we don't want to go. You point out that like his eyeball is so large that it's like cresting past the front of his
Starting point is 01:07:49 face. Yes. Yeah. The dot of his eyeball is, is, is protruding. Um, I saw some tweets about, uh, producers and such on the film talking about how Sega is not happy with how the eyes look, but they came around because movies in Hollywood. Wow. Wow. So like no, no one's happy with it. Well, at least Sonic's arms appear to be blue. So that's one thing we don't have to worry about. His hands are not right. But his hands are humanoid monkey hands. Like this could have been, if you, if I didn't know what Sonic was, I would have called it a gorilla between the brow like a chimpanzee or something between the brow protruding and like the hands and like the fur. I would have expected this to be some sort of funky gorilla movie. Like there, like there's so many,
Starting point is 01:08:35 like his eyes are going to be too big or too small or they're going to be divided weird and also how like his, his, his, his spikes on the, in the, in the anime cartoon look are they're like, ah, hedgehogs, but like his hedgehogs don't have fucking fur like blue fur, man. And why does he not have gloves? Why are you doing weird flesh hands? He doesn't have gloves because gloves are like what man, you know, Mickey Mouse kind of loony tunes kind of look, right? Fine. Fine. Fine. Morphine characters look normal, but I bet he would actually look even creepier with live action, like white gloves. Yeah. Because then he would look like a fucking rape fiend. He would look like a murderer. I just, I'm like, I'm like, this is the least amount of information
Starting point is 01:09:20 it takes to upset the most amount of people and that's a magical thing. That's a magical thing to do. I don't, I don't get how they thought this would go over well. Maybe this is one of those let's get it out of the system. Let's just show everybody and soften the blow kind of like how they announced the name we before, before it came out. They're like, okay, all right, all right. And then the next time it happens, you're like, ah, it's still dumb, but it's not as much of a fucking, you know. Do you have any aspects of the script been leaked yet? No, just that James Marsden is in it. And Jim Carrey is going to be Robotnik. Shut up, really? And there are some cast and set photos. And the set photos look like, like a almost like Hill Valley type of like
Starting point is 01:10:13 idyllic suburb kind of thing. Okay. Like they're going for that 90s, 90s kind of look. All right. Aside from that, nothing. Jim Carrey is Robotnik. They couldn't get DeVito. He refuses. Yeah. I mean, Nintendo couldn't get DeVito. Right. We wanted it. Like Jim Carrey is kind of like out of the game. He's just painting and reflecting and having that beard and, you know, getting into his whatever phase of his life where he's past like sending those creepy videos out about or like putting out a video about like him playing Andy Kaufman where he's kind of just a dick. And he's in that place and he's like, I'm saying no to all projects, but I'm saying yes to Sonic the Hedgehog. Do you have any predictions on what the script will be like? Because I
Starting point is 01:11:04 suspect I said this to Pat as soon as we saw this, I was like, I suspect that Sonic will in fact be human. I know so little. Will in fact be human and will somehow through the power of magic or he gets a horrible head thing like that. And that's why he kind of looks like he's doing track because he's like some kind of high school track star or something. Oh, wow. That is what I suspect. Wow. No, I'm thinking he's just going to come from a land of creepy other animals. And I bet you he's going to come from his world and like he's going to get stuck in our world or something like that because it takes place in our realm, right? I'm going to I'm going to assume so and that like the sort of like teaser or hint or the big thing that might happen later in the
Starting point is 01:11:49 movie is introducing a hint of a tails or a hint of a knuckles or another character. I think the page is right and that his name is going to be Miles Prower as a little hint towards tails, but his nickname on the track. It's like you're you're so fast. You're like Sonic. I think his track nickname is going to be Sonic. I believe this whole thing. You think you think they're going to fuse the characters into one? That's right. Yeah, why not? Okay. And I think that he's gonna he's gonna fucking be a normal kid and then he will wear hog out into the Sonic page. That was my I know, but I think you're right about that. I know. I think I'm right. That is when he gets a ring. He'll wear hog out. That is the most horrifying prediction. It'll be a ring. Yeah, because they
Starting point is 01:12:37 got to put ring and it'll be the ring of like a family member. It won't be like a magic ring. It'll be like the ring that reminds him of like his dead girlfriend, the Robotnik Killers. Yeah, and then when he sees the ring, they play all the single ladies. Yeah, what's Jim Carrey's beef? Jim Carrey. He's mad because he wants to fuck Sonic, but it's like that. All right, listen, and now we're now we're Jim Carrey's gonna be a fucking like oil. Yeah, now we're going back. Now we're going into your territory and kind of fucking magnate guy wants to bulldoze the forest. Yeah, I just it will. Generally, it'll probably have something to do with the environment. It's gonna be like Ferngali. Yeah. But instead of a hot fairy
Starting point is 01:13:20 lady and an oil monster, it'll be a talk monster. Man, what a fucking instant. Yeah, yeah, check it out. So is is Sonic going to have a love interest? And it's good. Oh, yeah. No, so I have a love interest a human. Yeah, regular girl or or a girl named Elise, right? And there's going to be a scene where he's okay. Oh, okay. Okay, it's Amy or at least the human girl, right? And he's not going to be able to go back to being the kid. He's going to be stuck as the mutant forever. And she's going to be like, I still love you, Sonic. And then they're going to have the human hedgehog freakazoid make out. Oh, God, wait, wait, can we just give a shout out because this is they they've reposted it. And this thing is it's an old article, but the idea doesn't every once in a while
Starting point is 01:14:11 because what it's relevant, it's relevant. So they're reposting the same one, but nothing is more attractive than confidence says woman who was apparently never seen Sonic the Hedgehog cosplay. Oh, boy. Anyway, so yeah, they made that mistake. And that pretty much confirms it's going this is going to fall into the live action fucking travesty, you know, category and they're going to at the very least this is the potential to be like one of the worst though, right? But it's like here's the thing. This is a universally reviled like poster of a hint of a character's silhouette. There's zero chance that Sega is going to not take the data from this and be like, guys, guys, and fucking panic movies probably already made probably, but there's definitely going to be
Starting point is 01:15:04 some level of like horrible sweating happening in the background as a result of this happening. I think it'll be as self aware as the Detective Pikachu seems to be. I mean, it's your only shot at working because Detective Pikachu actually looks funny because of the fact that it's self aware. Like nobody like as creepy as furry jigglypuff was. Everyone kind of went like, yeah, this is kind of playing into the fact that it knows how weird this whole thing is. You know, there's a possibility that the trailer will drop and it'll just be like, oh, it'll be like hilarious and perfect. And it'll be like, oh, it totally gets it. There's a chance. There's a chance. But just in terms of judging the model of the Sonic,
Starting point is 01:15:42 it's like, woof, woof. Hey, do you got any follow 76 news in that pile? I didn't because there's a lot of other things on the pile. I'm just going to skim over it twice. Skim. Skim the milk. The Bethesda support tickets shenanigans happened where somehow users of the service were being sent other people's support tickets, including their home address. Oh Jesus. You didn't see that? Oh God. All their personal information. Fuck. Random users were just given like full on like fucking moderation powers over the fucking support system. So that's not even to do with fall 76. Because what happened was people sent in their demands for the new bag, the new line along the new bag, the new canvas bag.
Starting point is 01:16:26 And some users were getting hundreds of these support tickets, including everyone's personal information, their phone number, where they bought it. The only thing they didn't get is the full credit card numbers and the passwords. Wow. Okay. That's been happening. That is unfixed currently. And on top of that, I just got sent a Reddit post of somebody who is complaining on the fall 76 Reddit, where they have been able to reproduce that there is a bug with their character, that if their character dies within a certain proximity of other people, the server will crash. What? They have been able to reproduce it nine times in which if they kill their character or their character is killed, their entire server will crash. So that's fun. This is the actual
Starting point is 01:17:24 worst it's ever been. You know, you know, because if it's all consistently within the same category of things going wrong, at least you're like, it's one hole and you just keep falling further and further down. But the depth, the breadth of this is expanding into tech support and pre-order bonuses? Like what? Wow. Okay. You're having a good time. Hey, man. When something crashes and burns, I want it to burn and this is burning. It's hilarious. Will it burn? Don't put your address into that fucking Bethesda launcher. It's fucking sketchy. God. Will it burn like this sense of justice that the Phantom Thieves install into their hearts of Hey, man. Did you watch this live? I saw this and this was, I screamed. Yeah. I think everybody
Starting point is 01:18:37 screamed. We all screamed. And then I saw a Wolf on Twitter talk about how he went to Reggie and he was like, oh, you got a good job keeping that under wraps. That was crazy. And Reggie was like, so you didn't see it coming? It was like, it was so satisfying. You fucking vis-a-mise, vis-a-mise. It was such a perfect announcement because when, when you see like Isabel hanging out in the Animal Crossing town hall during a Nintendo Direct, your brain goes, well, it's either smash or it's an Animal Crossing game, right? When you see like Luigi going through the Dracula Castle in a Nintendo Direct, you're like, oh, they're going to put Simon Belm on it. But Joker being announced for smash during the game awards at random, there's no, there was no way
Starting point is 01:19:29 to be sure. The only time I got it was when Mona says it's like, we're not the one sending the invite out this time. So yeah, I, when I saw this trailer start, like I called over my girl and I was like, look, look, look, we don't know what this is. And we're just watching. And like, there was no hint of a thought of a possibility of this being related to smash. So now, because I know you can still say it's tangentially related because Persona Q2 exists. This is horseshit. The stops are all off. There's no holding back. There is absolutely any character from any video game that has appeared on a Nintendo console in some form. I feel like that's even well, you can't say that it's discounted by this thing that clearly has a real example that proves it. It's so okay. Okay, how about this?
Starting point is 01:20:23 The thread is allowed to be like microscopic. Absolutely. Like if there was a sticker in a, you know what I mean? Or like the furthest possible tangential relation, you can exploit it and use it. Because there's characters that, like Metal Gear as a franchise, like yes, there's been a game that appeared, but then like the boss and these characters that have no existence on your game showing up are the fact that they use the theme of love. The boss is in the 3DS version of Snake Eater. Okay, fine. They use the theme of love in that first appearance, which had no business being there. Well, I mean, Cloud was just as tangential when he showed up. He was in the theater rhythm games or whatever. It's so fucking out there, you know? It's a page when it happened,
Starting point is 01:21:14 like it's so goofy because as correct or incorrect as it is, Cloud might as well be a fucking PlayStation one head man. That's the craziest part. Snake to me looks like a PS2 and Joker might as well look like a PS4 walking around. That's the craziest part. And then don't forget Akira is showing up in this game as well and stuff. Like the whole joke about the real PlayStation All-Stars, it's like, no, they're actually taking your mascots. Like hard, you know? I'm throwing my hands up like there's just, I'm not even going to guess anymore. I don't think I can. You want to get him on this? Pat and I have a bet on who will be among the next four. We made this bet before Joker got it out. Is it just the Goku thing again? No, no, no. But Joker empowered this bet because our
Starting point is 01:22:05 predictions became much less ridiculous once Joker showed up. So I believe that Sans Undertale will be in Smash within the next four announcements. He will be in the past. And he'll be a playable character. He will not be a assist trophy. And that that will happen before my pick of Doom Man Guy Marine will get in. Both of whom are completely eligible in every way. Undertale is on the Switch and Doom has both the original Doom on the Super Nintendo and the new Doom on the Switch. You can't even dare to shake your head. I agree that Undertale is a decent shot. And furthermore, it might not even be Sans. It might just be another character or it could even be a cow or a frisk, right? It would be odd, but it's like, you know, it's possible if they
Starting point is 01:23:09 want it to go with main character representation, right? Because like you can go for popularity or you can go for what should we call it? You can go for popularity or you can go for like series representation. And I feel like they're going to have that discussion. But like, I think that that's an I think Undertale is totally plausible. I think Doom is I it doesn't feel like they would go there. It doesn't feel like they would reach into like, okay, but at least people at home can't tell. I'm just pointing at the screen from persona five on the screen. But watch where I go next, though, right? Unless I'm forgetting somebody, everything has at least been Japanese. Wait, wait, started in Japan for every guest character has at least been Japanese.
Starting point is 01:24:05 There's no American characters. Shovel Knight is an assist trophy. Yeah, Shovel Knight's an assist trophy. Well, Undertale was released in Japanese. But are you saying he's created? I see. Okay. And Undertale isn't either. You're right. That's true. That's true. They're both Undertale is very, very popular over there as well. Donkey Kong and K-Rool. K-Rool is definitely yeah, that's American as well. No, okay. That's that's that's not really. No, that's not as valid as he's a violent murderer. He's a violent murderer. So is Bayonetta. Yeah, like see like Bayonetta shoot gun. I'm trying to it just it doesn't feel like a like someone smashed a pick. So here's the thing. And here's the other thing like I feel like if they wanted a first person
Starting point is 01:24:47 shoot man, like I think I think another character I am they go another way with it. Lara Croft. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like I could see that happening, right? Like I could see that possibly if they're going with an American Square Enix rep of the deal if you're going with like a like but like it just feels like I mean Doom guys iconic. It's a history thing. 25 years old today. And it feels you know, and it comes from the same place that like Pac-Man showing up comes from right or and such. But let's face it. Lara Croft is in a very wide scope of games. She's going to continue being in all of these games. Sans has now been in two games technically. So yeah, I think it's more likely. Yeah, I'd sooner put money on has been in like a bunch of games. I'd sooner put money on
Starting point is 01:25:33 a fortnight. Yes. Oh, well, whatever, doom doom to all the I would sooner put money on fortnight. Okay, you know, what about how do you feel about Salaire? I think it's possible. I wouldn't. I wouldn't be too surprised. It would fit perfectly next to Joker. It is Salaire would rock everybody and it's just it's just close enough to the feeling. Yeah, like there's something hard to discuss whenever these current discussions come up that is just like there's also an undescribable vibe of smashness. Yeah, right. Where like Beyo, I was like the farthest to the furthest you can push. I feel right. And until something upsets that further, right? Because Joker is a crazy ass pick. But it's not further beyond than
Starting point is 01:26:26 Beyo would. I would write, you know, so that's the thing is you still kind of have that intangible like, yeah, doom guys just too far out from the feeling. And that's all I got to go on. I agree. That's all I got to go on. I think it would be cool. But I just don't think it's likely and will he just solidified how my choices are logical. I'm also going to say that I'm also going to say that that Atlas is represented by this character. Yeah, right. So they also like to comment it from the perspective of the reason why I say doom guys so consistently is because a while ago, I think it was Todd Hollenstead or somebody over at Bethesda was like, oh, yeah, we straight up told Nintendo you can have anybody you want. Who's a guy over Bethesda was like,
Starting point is 01:27:11 we told Nintendo we're super down for anybody. Okay. And if anybody from Bethesda slash in software would be there, it would be Skyrim man, please God, no, or who's how would they do that though? It would be Dovahki to be the guy from the trailers. Oh, yeah, the North sky with the helmet. That would get every that would that would wake up the the masses. Yeah, you know, to it. But like Dark Souls could definitely happen. Yeah, that feels very plausible now. Remember when me and Paige and some friends of ours were talking about like, who's going to get who could possibly get in? There was a weird point where like the characters started to matter less. And it became more about like, Oh, my God, we're going to have a persona stage. We're gonna have persona music.
Starting point is 01:27:56 I think Sans could show up as an assist trophy that throws bones at you. Well, I think Paige, you suggested that it could be somebody. I think it's I think it'll be. I think, wait, what? You suggested that he would be somebody else's final smash. Was that? No, no, my suggestion was I would suspect that Undyne would be an assist trophy and it would shoot spears. Oh, you think they'd get two in there? I don't know. I don't think Toby's gonna get this trophy and then Sans would be. Yeah, I don't think I don't think Toby's going to get two characters in Smash. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I think I think I think I think I'm just gonna get one if they get it one rep. And then that would be that.
Starting point is 01:28:34 And it's kind of like a nod to the fact that like your indie Western thing was gangbusters. Yeah, you know, I could see that. I could see Papyrus being the character and and it's just one tiny bone could see it could be could be. But it's like, again, popularity wise, right? Like Sans is the go to. Yeah. Um, I mean, there's definitely probably going to be a lot of people that like don't know why it would be funny because they like skeleton or no, no, no, no, no, what I mean is people who like, oh, played through and then didn't do genocide. Sans be a fighter. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Right. Like people who play them just go like, yeah, okay, but why him as opposed to any of the other bosses or what's with this NPC, you know, so that would be funny. They should put out a
Starting point is 01:29:19 costume pack that lets you play as movie Sonic. The worst possible result, I think we can all agree, though, is imagine everything we just said showing up instead as a mebo costume, not a mebo, um, me, me, uh, me costumes. Yeah. Yeah. I feel bad for Xenoblade 2 fans because they like they got Rex as a fucking me costume and it looks bad. It looks like shit. You know, Isaac got a spot, but he didn't actually get a spot, you know? Fuck, Isaac. I don't even know those games. Can you play that game? Like I never play Gold and Son. Well, anyway, um, yeah. I uh... With the crying? What? The binding of Isaac. No, no, no, no, no, that Isaac. We're talking- Oh, no, no, no. Gold and Son. No, I was just saying. No fucking binding of Isaac, Isaac getting in. That'd be the shit. Yeah. That's
Starting point is 01:30:13 okay. Oh, that'd be fucking awesome. Uh, they could also just go for like a hard, crazy, like, um... Dante. Dante? But I was gonna say like they could go for like a, but like, you know, Capcom's in there already and well, like they could go back to a Super Nintendo character, you know? They could go back to like a fucking, I mean, a possible Chrono or some crazy shader. You know, Geno was always there. But Geno coming up would always be like, that's the sign that this leak is the fake, this list is fake, you know? But we're having the same conversation for the fucking 12th time. So I'd like to point out that according to the rules that Nintendo set up, which is the character has to have appeared in the Nintendo game, that's it. Ever, right? Just once. Uh, let's not forget
Starting point is 01:31:00 the project X Zone 2 came out. Project Cross Zone does exist. Right. And that includes everyone. Everyone. That's everyone. Everyone ever. Yeah. That's everyone. Everybody. Find the popular company that never got a shot that deserves it, though, or slash would be fair to represent that everyone's a fan of. Fromsoft is one of them, Rare, but yeah, they got DK and K-Rool. Yeah. Yeah. Right. But like Atlas and Fromsoft are like the caliber of massive company now that does not have a representation that is on the platform. So SNK does not have anybody. That is, that is, that is a thing. Can we hit Geese Howard? That'd be cool. On Negan, of course. Yeah. All right. All right. We got all, we got some other stories. All right. Let's blaster
Starting point is 01:31:47 the work. I like fucking, when you get into Smosh, I hate getting into Smosh. Smash roster shit. That's a different thing, man. Because Smash roster shit just doesn't fucking end. Yeah. Well, it used to be like, and it's no, there's no content besides, oh, but what about there's nothing to it. It's just that conversation. It's way worse now because I remember talking about, I want Soler and Sans and Doom guy and everyone was like, shut up, Pat. Those pics are stupid and they'll never happen. And I'm like, uh-huh. I'm like, I'm looking at the wall behind you and I'm seeing Tracer on it and I'm going, sure. Is there any way? No, because it never happens. But they would if they could. Okay. What other blizzard characters have shown
Starting point is 01:32:31 up on Nintendo consoles? Everything from Diablo. Diablo. They put a blizzard in there. They'd get blizzard in there. Yeah. You know, like that's a company that's big that would that that's not representing a warframe could get in. Yeah. Warframe, man. Excalibur could get in there. That's still just not like a pocket of the video games though. It's not like, I don't know. Is it is it popular enough? Is it popular enough? Okay. Well, like, maybe, maybe I'm just not aware of that. It's weird because it's free. Yeah. But war, but Fortnite man. But that's why I said a Fortnite man. That's why I said a Fortnite man. Could you imagine he was just called Fortnite like the way duck hunt dog is just called duck hunt. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If Capybara were to get a
Starting point is 01:33:11 character in there, they'd get a character from below, which is finally fucking coming out. Believe that we below is coming out this week. Hey, do you remember when we holy shit prime all those years ago in Seattle below looked done then. Capybara after five years has announced that below first announced in 2013 will be coming out December 14th on Xbox one PC and that's it. So this game was fantastic. We played like very like played like an hour of it. Yeah. So that's the problem is they let you sit at the kiosk at packs or wherever and just play until you're done. But the line of people behind you don't get to play. So like if 50 people line up, maybe 10 showing up early in the day and I got like an hour but then I walk by and there were
Starting point is 01:34:09 people standing for hours. They just let you go until there's no they had no policy of like tapping people and saying, hey, give someone else a shot type of thing. So but it is effectively there. I mean, in a in a world where we've since seen a lot of souls clones come and go, this is kind of like a very drab far out 2D difficult mysterious semi souls like game. But I don't want to call it souls like I don't know if there's enemies in this fucking game. There are. There are. Are you sure? Okay, there are enemies. But there's a lot of it that is just like, yeah, big old world of unknown shit and you're going forward and you know, seems like your your move sets a little bit limited. But then again, who knows how much further that's going to go
Starting point is 01:35:01 or what you can unlock and such is not a lot being put out by Capybara about this game for five years of its development. I don't know if we'll find out later on where all that time went. I hope so because it looks like a really cool experience about how like the game was somewhat sparse in terms of like it was very simple. And then they decided they play tested it and they wanted to add like way more stuff like more combat instead of almost none stuff like that. I remember where I heard that might have been talking to the guy at the show, but that was like four years ago. Hmm. Apparently I'm saying something incorrect and I'm not sure what it is. What? How? I'm curious by calling it souls adjacent, perhaps was that the lie?
Starting point is 01:35:47 I'm here. It's my job to say things like that. I don't know. Well, anyway, below looks to be very cool. I just, I'm like, what, what, what happens? What lies below, man? If it needs time in the oven, it needs time in the oven. I just, I would love to find out why. Think about like compare below to like Ashen, right? I haven't seen too much of Ashen. Yeah. A lot of people, a lot of people are playing it. Yeah. That's the thing. Yeah. Ashen just came out. It was announced and it came out and apparently it's really good. Okay. What? Yeah. That's my, that's my, that's my incredulous noise. Feel free to use that. You did love it. So yeah, Cappy, get that paycheck after half a decade.
Starting point is 01:36:36 You know what? I don't know what the fuck Cappy did to manage to do that, but a lot of companies would have fucking gone in that time. Like five years is insane for an indie game. Yeah. That is madness. How do you pay people over the course of five years and stay open with no problems? Like, is it going to be something like Pillars? I don't know. No, it's like wandering around in a direct control. Oh, I see. Okay. But it's very sparse. We're honestly kind of, I played it for an hour. I'm actually, I don't know how to describe what it actually fucking is. Right? Which? Below. It is. Yeah. Because it, well, I would describe it as like it's mysterious on purpose, but all you, but the cameras really zoomed out. You're playing it. There's almost no
Starting point is 01:37:21 HUD. You have some basic combat options and you kind of just wander into the darkness and encounter enemies occasionally and things, but like, there's a lot of sparse, quiet moments and a lot of like really pretty environments that you're kind of like investigating. And then sometimes a shadow might move and come at you. And it's just this, it's just meant to be this like, solo feeling scary. Crawl, I guess. Crawl experience, you know? And it's great. But we just don't know anything about where it goes or what you encounter. And the game is very much been like, they've been very secretive about it, you know? So like, it feels like it could last five or 50 hours. You really can't tell. So we'll see, you know, I'm excited. Cool.
Starting point is 01:38:20 This fucking, this one sucks. Oh yeah? So Street Fighter V will display in-game ads starting December 11th, which is tomorrow. Basically, they're going to be, so they've had a couple of things that they've, that have become slightly more interactive. Besides these Capcom Pro Tour, they've had these Capcom Pro Tour packs where you buy a new stage, you buy some special costumes and stuff. And then what ends up happening is you more or less fund the pot and the results for the disaster nearly averted as Paige steps out with the headphones still on. So what was happening was, yeah, you had these little things where you'd fund like the player payouts and stuff like that, community packs. And then you would see these stages that came out
Starting point is 01:39:12 that had like EVO or like the local events that were happening. And, you know, they're like referenced that stuff. So like the little like touching into the real world part of it or like stages that would update with graphics that were connected online were introduced via that. Okay. So now Capcom says, yeah, fighting game fans are used to seeing ads in tournaments, which is true. A lot of streams are sponsored by ads. So now, but now they're infiltrating the games themselves. Capcom is introducing sponsored content, the Street Fighter 5 Arcade Edition to promote purchasable bundles, costumes in the Pro Tour. You'll see the costumes in certain stages and preload fight screens. And you can turn the ads off. However, if you do, you will lose extra
Starting point is 01:39:56 fight money and access to sponsored material like costumes. So you can either live with the ads or accept that you won't unlock as much content as your ad friendly peers. This is a pile of shit. This sucks. And here's the thing, right? I feel as if, I mean, the fact that there's a turn it off, turn it on option makes me feel that, well, one, it's nice that you can do that. But I feel like even though they're saying this is just going to be right now, they're talking about it being related to like Capcom bundle stuff or game bundle stuff. You don't put that option on unless you're going to go outside of that. No. So the other thing is Red Bull is going to step in there. Like they got their costumes and I'm sure the Red Bull would like to be able to get a more
Starting point is 01:40:40 persistent presence in the game. This is also being talked about and deployed alongside. The game's going to be free for a week in the upcoming month, I believe. And this feels like they are dipping their toe into what if it was ad supported, free to play with micro or whatever. They should have made it that way from the launch, but this dope, this toe tipping version of it just makes the game shit during that process sucks because this would have been fine. If you actually embraced that model and went, we want to get the most eyes on this video game as possible. And we realize that monetization is changing. So let's go that route too late and make it free and then support it with these ads and these options and such. You could have gone that way
Starting point is 01:41:29 too late. Now Street Fighter six that had this or like a super duper Street Fighter five that started there. Now you're fucking reintroducing it into a purchased product that we own because we bought it. I mean, you spent like a couple hundred bucks on this game, right? I bought a bunch of costumes. I bought a ton of stuff. I've supported it with a ton of packs and costumes as well. Yes. And of course, remember that this is the the prior to the game coming out. They're like Street Fighter five is a platform. We want this to not be constantly updated with different versions. We want it to consistently be the same one you own can be updated until you're current and you're not going to have to go and buy new shit. So that the noble goal of the rock
Starting point is 01:42:10 band platform, right? If you would once again, comes out and didn't add fucking commercials in between songs, man. And it's it sounds great until it doesn't work out. And I don't know if it's just a matter of like, well, new content costs money and we don't have it coming in right now. Or if it's like we want to test the waters of this free to play system or which, but you can't fuck around by taking a thing that people have already paid for and then deciding to go all but some new free players will be coming in so we can mix them in with the the same like free to play model and have it be at supported. But you're playing against people that have already paid for the game that spent money on this shit. Like why would you cross that path? I want to ask Paige a
Starting point is 01:42:55 question because she doesn't play fighting game or she barely does right now. Street Fighter five. I mean, you've been, I hope you've been paying attention. Okay, no, but so the fact that the ads are on the fucking characters as gloves and back, that's weird, right? Like would it not be more natural for there to be stages that were like fighting arenas and you had like ads and like on billboards and shit? Oh, sorry. Oh, no, go ahead. Go ahead. That's what you're saying. I don't think that's what this is going to be necessarily the screenshot you're seeing is the cap is the pro tour outfits, but that's already existing. Okay, that's like what
Starting point is 01:43:35 they're describing here is a new thing that I think is going to be more in the line of stages and or on the actual loading screen, a little window somewhere or something. That's clumsy. I think it's I'm guessing it's going to be like that what this like these costume things are just like parts of existing costumes that they've had promoting stuff. But go ahead. Well, that would make sense because fighters do wear sponsored gear. So see, that would make sense to me that that would that would actually make a little bit of sense. McDonald's. Yeah, McDonald's. Why not? But or like, you know how in baseball when you have, you know, on the walls of the whatever the fuck, yes, that would make sense. Yeah, on the edge, how it is in real life, you know, but to have
Starting point is 01:44:18 just the loading screen be like, are you loving it? Well, there's a there's a there's a there's a problem. Like I'm looking at the Capcom pro tour screenshot that you pulled up. It's got Ryu with the Capcom pro tour logos on his gloves. Ryu is homeless. Like, if more doesn't matter in this country, Lord doesn't matter here, dude. Like it's not about that. McDonald's jersey. Quite frankly, what they should have done, I would have loved that outfit way more. If he was wearing a super modern MMA sponsored gear thing, where it was like, look at this, Ryu got a sponsor, and it's just logoed out to shit, but he's still homeless. I would have been way more on board for that. But but but but either way. Yeah, I don't think the screenshot is representative necessarily
Starting point is 01:45:02 of what we're going to get. I think more so, it's going to be probably be worse. I think it's going to be stages and loading screen, like buttons and or click here to better or whatever the fuck, you know, that's gross. And it's just a mistake. And I can't see how they're letting this go through considering this. And you know what? I got to say that there's definitely there's definitely the possibility that they've been watching these streams, right? Because Capcom runs its own streams for Capcom pro tour events. And like when you're watching Evo and stuff. And as soon as you get to like top 16, it's it's very controlled, right? But the events themselves often run by like tons of sponsors coming in, you know, razors got their thing. And, you know,
Starting point is 01:45:46 everyone's got their like, every stream has its own sponsors. And so there's ads for like monster on the screen itself, you know, and stuff. And like, they're kind of looking at this probably going like, Well, fuck, like people. If the stream itself has these sponsors on it, then why are we missing out on the opportunity where there's real estate, we could put these ads. Oh, I can tell you why. Because the stream is fucking free. Oh, there's that. And the ads pay for the stream. So I don't have to pay for the stream. I bought Street Fighter five. Unless you go at 95. But yeah, that's another story. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Street Fighter five. I bought costumes for it. So why would I need to be advertised to further? Yeah, no, that's that's just any time you're
Starting point is 01:46:29 getting into that dicey place of we're going to show ads to people that paid money, you're getting dicey. Like it's just why get that squarely why not let the cost of what I purchased free me from the need to supplement with that, you know, or I mean, if they this opens them up to a weird argument, or if they're going to use add money to support these things and then eventually switch free to play them, like a crazy person like me would go, Oh, cool. Give me my money back. Hmm. Yeah, that is a weird thing. Right? I ads pay for it now and I have to wash the ads. So give my money back. I mean, you don't have to you can turn them off. But you know what I mean? Pay to turn them off. No, but you get less fight money. So you'll
Starting point is 01:47:15 so here's what the here's what might happen in the future. Here's what might happen though, right? If you want to have a moral ground, you can make it so that you don't make less fight money. You make more by turning ads. See, that'd be smart. Right. So the game stays the same, but you can go full on monetize shell version and you get the extra for the Warcraft rest system trick. You're familiar with that? No. So, uh, Paige, you ever play? Well, no, no, I'm an adult. Um, back run audience back when WoW was in, uh, beta, uh, the Institute, the rest system, which is the way to keep people from playing 15 hours a day and dying. Right. And what it, what happened was you would start at 100% experience and then as you would continue
Starting point is 01:48:02 per kill, you would then go down to 90% experience and eventually you would only earn like 40 or 50% experience universally refiled by the player base. Everyone I don't want to stop now so much. Oh, you're, you're, you're punishing me for playing the game. Literally all they did was change the numbers in the rested bar from instead of it being 100% and 50%, it's 200% and regular 100%. Right, right, right, right, right, right. And so it's like, okay, well, when you're not rested, you'll earn regular experience. Yes. But when you are rested, you'll earn bonus experience. Right. Yes, yes, yes, yes, exactly. And FF14 has tons of memos to that. Yeah. That's all you do. Don't punish the default, add the options for, for other, yeah. It's not a punishment. It's a bonus.
Starting point is 01:48:52 It's not a bonus, a feature. Yeah, I got it. That's, and you know what? Yeah, it's a perspective change, but it 100% would work. And if Capcom, like here's the thing now, right? If this turns out to be a, okay, we will now be offering a free version of the game that's just rife with ads, with bullshit ads everywhere. But it's free. And the, you can only use ad costumes and you can only play on ad stages and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but it's free. Then you're, Yeah, sure, sure. Yeah. You're, you're, you're throwing that out there and you're not punishing people who've already paid for their product. Or if you say, Hey, if you turn the ads on, you make double the fight money. Hey, well, that's a, that's a thing that I would want.
Starting point is 01:49:34 The ads are helping me buy characters later. But you're not, you're not decreasing the quality of the experience for existing customers. And that's the key here. This looks really bad. So this looks really awful. And I hope they take all the negative feedback they're getting for this. It also looks like tasteless. Like just, it just, not just like bad, like for the, it looks like gross for what is supposed to be the marquee fighting game, right? Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. So Capcom, that's a no no. Bad Capcom. Like Cap God, Cap, God, God, Cap, God, Cap, God, Cap, Oh, you just couldn't keep the GOD, could you? Everyone's yelling about a Monster Hunter World expansion. Not much to be known other than it's called Iceborne. Some people are misspelling it.
Starting point is 01:50:29 This article that you pulled up from Engadget, straight up misspells it in the got, even though the first thing is a screenshot of the title. Iceborne, no you. And yes. Iceborne. Good job, Iceborne, Engadget. All right, what do we know? Narcacuga's coming back. That means nothing to either of you. You don't know who Narcacuga is, but Narcacuga is an old flagship monster from the, the 2G era. Is this Monster Hunter World G rank? It is Monster Hunter World G rank. Okay. It will include new quest ranks, a new area, tons of new monsters, yada, yada, yada. Cool. No date, 2019? Autumn of 2019. All right. No news on the PC release being day in date. And I can confirm that
Starting point is 01:51:16 there's no news because I spoke to somebody at Capcom today and was like, Hey, what about the PC version? And they're like, we have no, no definitive dates for you at this time. And I was like, Okie doke. Well, there were rumors that there would be a Monster Hunter related announcement soon. So the rumors were also back at E3 were like that there would be an ice continent expansion. Mainly because there's no ice area in the game. Right. And there's that weird continent that's shown in one of the world maps. And then I'm assuming there's a whole bunch of ice themed winter monsters that could fit in. There's a shit home. There's a billion, but it won't all be. Yeah. Right. But like, there's some obvious picks like Anarchicuga and Tigrex will probably be there.
Starting point is 01:51:59 Zemtros. Okay. Nobody knows what I'm talking about. But there's going to be a ton of monsters. A ton of ice type Pokemon coming in. There's probably going to add like 10 to 10. Dugong Lapras. Articuno. They're probably going to add 10 to 15 new monsters and they're going to add tougher G rank equivalents of everything in the game. So it'll be like the whole game over again. Yay. Okay. What's interesting is that they're not calling it G rank. And the phrasing around it makes it seem like this is not the only expansion that will happen. Like there might be another expansion the year afterwards. So they can just drop these names that sound like MMO expansions. Yes. They can. And something about a Witcher showing up.
Starting point is 01:52:41 Yes. Also, there will be a Witcher crossover coming in the next couple months. And it is unlike the other crossovers they've done where it's like, hey, go and take costume. No, there are cut scenes and there is a story element with some quests where Geralt falls through another portal. He falls through a portal in Soul Calibur. He loves those. And he goes, damn, I hate portals in front of a bunch of monster hunters and goes, hey, I'm super good at hunting monsters. We should tag along and hunt monsters. If I kill enough of them, then I can go back home. Probably. Seems appropriate. Yeah, it does. I like how they're calling it a massive expansion DLC. Yeah. That's that's all like, I love Monster Hunter.
Starting point is 01:53:23 A big descriptor. I love Monster Hunter World. But my biggest problem with Monster Hunter World is that number of monsters is super low compared to the other games. Which it would be for a reset. Yeah. So bring on more monsters, man. Just tons of more monsters. Give us more. Monster. More monster. More monster, more hunt. Anyway, so that happened. And here we can just very briefly mention that The Walking Dead is going to continue in January. So they're going to finish off the final season. They telltale handed it off to Skybound Games. And they're basically they've got a team, the still not bitten team, more than 40 people who worked on the series at Telltale. That is a dark ass name. Yeah, I was just gonna say that. So yeah. We didn't get fired.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Yeah. So the story will will continue and we can find out what Clementine is. Is it even ethical to buy that game? Like, I don't even know. Like, is it even were there any were there any like dev team updates? No, as far as we know, we're all just fired. And without their severance and all that shit. I mean, if you're looking at if you're looking at something where the another team entirely steps up and says we would like to continue this to the people who fired us. Unless they got it from there. I don't know how I don't I don't know. That's still be under the original shareholders and stuff, right? What it? I don't fucking know. It might not. It might not. Someone tell me it certainly might not. I would I thought I don't know. I don't know what I know. I know
Starting point is 01:55:12 nothing. But that's what's happening. I'll just watch somebody else play it. I'll just move on and we won't have to guess anymore. Okay. Yeah, that is some downers to in a row. Do you got something good or I got a good or I got a big good or and and for for for our boys down at your video games, it was the best. Oh, it's ever been. But let's get that hip hop role in our MK 11 announcement trailers. Let's have Ed Boone walk out on stage and say the nominees for the best sports racing, whatever yawn are, and then a fucking MK 11 announcement trailer drops. That shit was so boon. The timing was so perfect. It was great because Ed Boone walks out and Page is not personally familiar with Ed Boone doesn't recognize his face. Him walking out on stage is
Starting point is 01:56:08 a punchline for various jokes that we've set up in the past. So he walks out on stage and I go, oh, there's Ed Boone. He's the biggest liar in the industry. And I went, oh, no. And I went, no, unlike Todd Coward, everyone loves it when Ed lies. Yeah. And right as I finished saying that, he let out a big old lie. Huge lying. Huge. And and and like, yeah, like we've set up things where it's just like, okay, like Capcom has their big captivate event, right? They're announcing new games. And then Ed Boone walks on stage, everyone immediately goes, because it's one of those things when he shows up, you're kind of like, you know what it means, you know? So his kind of lie is like Santa Claus is real and yeah, sort of. Yeah. Yeah. But he'll also tweet things that aren't real
Starting point is 01:56:58 and kind of just put things out into the ether. Red herring. He'll tweet like fake logos for games that he's not working on or or or yeah, or just put ideas out there for guests that are not confirmed, but kind of hope that some groundswell makes it a thing. He's the kind of guy who would tweet out like today, hey, hey, what if there was a spear throwing character in Smash Bros? Wouldn't that be cool? Despite the fact that he would not have talked to anyone in Nintendo and was just fucking with people. Okay. Unexpected move dropping 21 Savage on the on the trailer as well, like going straight into like current hip hop. Just like the last time. But I guess it's it's just that that's a nod to your community. You know, you're going in the direction that the
Starting point is 01:57:46 basically Kenny and Steve more or less forced them to do it. And I'm sure Sonic Fox wasn't complaining. So yeah. And then this trailer seems to show off right in dark evil right in that is from the end of Armageddon era, taking out new Scorpion and then old Scorpion walks up and kills Dark Raiden. And then we see us an hourglass and some sort of new villain. Time travel again. Time travel once again. So here's an excuse to get the old roster back. Yeah. Also, like considering the existing, you know, engine and everything that they have with all the new characters, like, they really could just make a game out of dropping the rest of the people you love back into that system, you know, and preorder to get Shao Kahn access. You don't got it. Yeah. But anyway, so
Starting point is 01:58:42 that's happening. And I think there's a like a gameplay something something's happening next year, January. Yeah, it's gonna be a Max's house, a big, big, big, big event. Max's house is just giving a build. Oh, here you go. But Kenny can't play it. Yeah, probably. That'd be funny. But that's good. Yeah, there's some some like, I think it's going to be like more information revealed in January or something along those lines. Oh, yeah, here we go. A community reveal event will be held on January 17th. Sounds like they'll show off the game and then like let people play it at some time. I might go to there. Yeah, we're where LA. Okay, maybe. Maybe. Do you truly care about more combat that much? Now I do. Okay, I didn't back in the day when it was Street Fighter
Starting point is 01:59:33 Tour. Fuck you, kid. But now it's like now Mortal Kombat's a fucking good game now. And absolutely like ever since nine, I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's that. We got another piece of here. Well, this is a bummer for anyone who knows. But Sakurai pretty much confirms that Kid Icarus uprising will never get ported ever. And that fucking sucks because it's one of his best games ever. He refuses to put it on a system without being able to guarantee that he will cripple people. That's the problem, right? So Sakurai, the guy that makes Smash Brothers is he also made a Kid Icarus game. And like he put as he worked on Kirby games as well. And like every game that he works on, he treats like Smash, he just breathes apart a piece of his
Starting point is 02:00:26 soul into it and puts everything like he overflows the cartridge or whatever or disc with too much content and like goes back in after it's already too much and then crams in more like he really, really goes over the top with everything. So Kid Icarus uprising was like his was like every other Kirby game where he put in too much game or Smash Brothers games where he puts in too much game. Kid Icarus has so much going on in it. And it's like a 3DS exclusive that like, you know, you had to be around playing that version when that came out. And if you missed it, that was pretty much it. Never got dropped anywhere else, but it's an amazing game. It's really like it's got a it's just got a lot of modes and a lot of replayability and it's long and it's
Starting point is 02:01:12 got a full story and I'm completely unable to play it for any length of time because my wrist sear and in flame within about 15 minutes. So the thing about that is that the easy mode is you could probably coast through it on easy. You wouldn't have a problem with these baby hands like there's it's it's like you can scroll that that difficulty slider up from 0.0 to you know 10 or 11 or whatever the number is. And you get like big rewards for big crazy hard difficulty or lower rewards for low difficulty. When you play it on the maximum, you will ruin your hands. And that's how Liam's wrist got broken. That's the game that crushed his wrist. And that's how Sakurai got damaged to his wrists as well. And I played a few stages on nine and went yeah,
Starting point is 02:02:02 100 percent. There is no way you're going to go through every single stage in this game and not come out damaged. So you as a person page who got horrible damaged wrists from five levels of bandetta. Yeah, don't even look at this game. Yeah, don't even glance. You're not going to have to because they just won't port it. But you can still play it on easy and it's fine. And it's it's a really it's a huge shame because Kid Icarus is a cool old Nintendo franchise that got rebooted. And it's it's a fantastic new reboot world. And everything about it is, you know, like Kid Icarus and Palutena and all the characters in Smash, like they're kind of charming and fun. And you get to see more of that little interaction in that world and stuff such. So this to me says
Starting point is 02:02:48 like it's definitely going worth going back to and playing it if you haven't. Just keep it below five, maybe seven, put it to seven at most. If you're going to go the long route or if you're going to go hard, go hard for one stage, get the rewards and then don't play it at all for the entire remainder of the day. Yeah. Also, yeah, so what Sakura had to say about this was speaking to Edge Magazine, he was again, espouses that creating the game pushed both his team in the three days hardware to its limit, noting that it was so close to becoming the most difficult project of his entire career. He muses that he couldn't push the three days as far as they wanted to at the start, because it started off early in the life cycle of the system. And he only found out about the
Starting point is 02:03:27 Circle Pad Pro when Nintendo announced it to all of us. That was that's that's brutal considering that like, yes, that would have made the game way different. Also, the default control scheme is nearly impossible for left handed people to play. I saw a lot of lefties complaining that they couldn't use the Circle Pad Pro to reverse the control scheme. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not fun. Yeah, that wouldn't be fun at all, because you have to hold, you have to basically hold it at like, like, like stylus in one hand on the touchscreen, while like, controlling it with the regular, you know, it puts on the opposite and like you're just doing both. And it can get nightmarish, but again, at low difficulties, it's a lot less challenging. I'll reiterate that. Anyway,
Starting point is 02:04:16 although folks want a modern port to the switch, he doesn't think it'll be possible. So that's the end of that. Bummer, go dig it up. That sucks. It does. So yeah, the demo for Devil May Cry came out, but also there was a trailer. The trailer showed some dank shit. It sure did. And we got details about V, including his summons, Shadow, Griffin and Big Boy Nightmare. What a great set of goddamn summons. Yeah. So, hey, our call out on the genres of these characters continues. Nero remains punk as ever. Dante remains rock as ever. And V is hard goth. Yeah, hard goth. So V, as predicted by his cane, can't walk, can't run. So he walks very slowly. He also teleports, which is helpful. He summons his stand animals to do his attacking for him. And then he does what I
Starting point is 02:05:11 can only describe as a noctis teleport. Yeah. To finish off the enemies with cane strikes. He's got Nightmare, which is basically a smack talking pet shop. No, you're thinking of Griffin. Excuse me. Griffin is a smack talking pet shop. You've got Nightmare, which is basically like a panther, or Shadow's a panther. Am I getting it all wrong? I'm getting it all wrong. Shadow's the Beast panther. Well, these are Devil May Cry 1 enemies. That's the whole point. Griffin is there. And then Nightmare as a monster, the big monster. Yes, that has the laser beam attack. You're super totally right. I didn't draw that connection until this moment. The shadow uses all his moves. I did not draw. I had, I did not draw that connection all until the second Shadow
Starting point is 02:06:00 Griffin and Nightmare 100%. Holy fuck. Wow. I didn't get it. How do you not get there? I have no idea. Because we did it. We did the LP. I know. I just didn't, I just didn't do it. My brain, my brain didn't draw that. My brain, fake fan, fake fan exposed, exposed, fake fan. I'm mad too. Are you? How mad are you? Nightmare doesn't look like a, like, Well, he didn't recognize the magic hat. Nightmare doesn't look like a big like train this time around. Because he's, he's the core with the goo. Yeah. Like he was last time. Yeah. Fuck. Nightmare. Wow. That's so cool. Holy shit. Fuck. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. Cause look at the, Oh, and then you see when Nightmare comes out at the end, he's kind of sort of like the train form.
Starting point is 02:06:51 Yeah. Yeah. Cause he's sticking out a little bit. Yeah. Oh man. Look. Shit. And he does the big beam. And that's why he does the big beam. And Griffin there and his mouth opens and it's like looking birds. Yeah. I'm dumb. I'm sorry. I didn't fucking catch that at all. Well, that's rad. Anyway. So, so V fights with his summons, which are the bosses from devil may cry one. There are people who think he's a reincarnated Moondust because of this. That's so cool. Right. Wow. Yeah. Well, anyway. Um, but his leg don't work. Leg don't work. Yeah. What's, what's the, if I may ask you, do we know? No, it's just, he's the, the first thing we ever saw was him running after Dante and he trips and falls on his face because his one of his legs is bad. So he needs a cane. He can't
Starting point is 02:07:38 run. Yeah. He's a, he's a gang banger. So he's a gang banger. He runs, runs with the crypts. But no, damn it. Boo. Boo. But uh, South Park. Yeah. He's going to be weird to use because he'll, he either moves really slowly or he teleports instantly. So he moves like a serial killer with no in between. Yeah, I guess. And so the concern would be that, oh no, this might be another big the cat. Are you familiar with big the cat? No, actually, not, not, not very well. Not in all of your travels. Have you encountered big the cat? Well, uh, so when it comes to Sonic and the characters of the expanded Sonic friendship universe, uh, big the cat is a particular favorite because, uh, well, you just need to look at him.
Starting point is 02:08:23 And well, I saw him in, I've seen him in Sonic dreams. So I've seen, I think I've been inside of him. Yes. Yes. And big the cat's gameplay generally consists of walking around very slowly and fishing, which if you know Sonic the Hedgehog games, that's exactly what people who play Sonic want to do. Yeah. Uh, so it was the worst part of Sonic adventures. So bad. So the idea in a game where like everyone's flip flipping and sprinting and style-beasting all over the place that you're going to play a slow walking dude that has to like, literally cannot run and can barely fight for himself and has to do the summons. Sounds like, Oh no, that might be a big the cat anti-fun mode, but I have confidence in this man and this team and this game that they will not do that. And
Starting point is 02:09:12 that this will, despite the fact that it's going to be a slower mode, end up being really fun as well. If I had to guess, I look at V and I look like a character whose entire move set is based off of the properties of the round trip. Yeah, sure. The entire character based off of round trip. Yeah. Yeah. Throw it out, throw it out in an attack and let it do its thing. Yeah. Yeah. And it's going to be interesting to see how his style meter works because, you know, yeah, what's, what do you mean? You'll get bonus points. How are you styling an enemy that your, your familiars are also hitting? Sure. And does, we see the nightmare summon coming as a comment from this. God, that's so cool. Oh man. Wow. That thing you didn't know was really cool. And you didn't know it. And now
Starting point is 02:10:02 it's cool. It's like, it's a surprise again. I'm really happy that that's what they are. Yeah. It's a big old reference and I'm getting happy for references. Yeah, look, because look, did you clap? Did I clap? I clapped when I saw it. I remember the enemies from Devil May Cry one. Apparently not. I'm glad that they took shadow because shadow is the best enemy the series ever had and having that as like a buddy is cool. I wonder if you'll be able to ride him as the sprint. I wonder. That'd be cool. Like Baio. Like Baio. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be fun. That'd be fun. Oh God. Fake fan or just stupid. You decide. Anyway. Which would you prefer personally? I didn't decide. So what we see here as well as the introduction of the cameo system, which is
Starting point is 02:10:54 basically ghosts joining your game. And this sounds fun as an addition to normal gameplay, but if it's the only version of multiplayer that we thought we were going to get more from, that might be a bummer because Bayonetta 2 did figure out multiplayer. The description says, encounter players from all over the world to battle alongside them in this new form of online play. And some missions may even have you and other players fight side by side. You never know who you'll meet. So make it count. And you see some screenshots or some end in video in the game of like multiple characters fighting, like, yeah, playing through a mission while someone else is doing stuff. Name of encounter players will appear as special guest stars and you can award stylish
Starting point is 02:11:39 ratings to them for their stellar gameplay, rackups, points, get gold orbs. But yeah, it seems like this is going to be replays of their game and not necessarily this sounds like it'll be connected online like journey. Then why am I why was I told some people I was told that this was going to be not looks like multiplayer. And I don't know where I don't know where that that this looks like they're describing like you could be playing and the dog there could be a Dante in your game. We could be somebody else. Yeah, like that's what it reads like I mean, if it's just because like there's if we're doing Dark Souls ghosts or or or something like that where it affects what's happening in your iteration, then that again, that's an interesting concept. But I think everyone
Starting point is 02:12:22 much prefer to actively be, you know, playing together at the same time. I'm sure so. Yeah, if that's the case, then fuck. Yeah, cool. Awesome. But I've been like, like I got a few tweets and messages about like, hey, what do you think of this new cameo system? It seems like it's just going to be like Mario Kart ghosts in your game. Well, I was like, oh, okay, I'll have to describe it slightly more I assume. I don't know. So there's there's that. And then there's the announcement as well that the Bloody Palace will be coming back in an April update, which that's a bummer. I know, because Bloody Palace is the main game. Oh, no. You know, like Bloody Palace is the real Dark Souls. Yeah. Yeah, that's not it looks very pretty.
Starting point is 02:13:10 And it's a bunch of platforms with dudes running around chopping shit up. So that's all good. But yeah, you're going to have to wait till middle of next year to get it. And I am in fact bummed about that. So it'll only be a month after the game comes out. There is your third negative piece of information about this game. I don't I don't need to go too far into it, but I will say this, these theme appropriate for a new golf boy, I would say suits this character, not the kind of music I want to hear for a very long time. Don't want to hear it for a really long time. There's a crimson cloud, but something to switch it out. Fits the boy. Yep. Can't say it doesn't be appropriate. Better than subhuman way better than subhuman. But that's not saying
Starting point is 02:14:01 much. There you go. No crimes being committed. People like it. Like people who like that kind of music, like people who like that. Yeah. Unlike some human. Exactly. And that's that's mainly the thing is like people are like, dude, it's like nine inch nails. What the fuck? You taste sucks. Like, I guess so. But I just it's not not digging. It's music. What are you gonna? What? Yeah. But it does suit it does suit the boy. So yeah, there's that. Then there was other some other game awards announcements. Marvel Ultimate Alliance three switch exclusive weird. What's the deal with that? Why would that happen? I can't figure it out. But that's cool because people have been
Starting point is 02:14:49 dying for a new Ultimate Alliance for years now. But why just the switch? I don't know. Um, developed by Team Ninja, exclusively for switch. Yeah. So like a get Wolverine and Smash Bros. And it's like, you know, for the longest while, I mean, well, I think in after post Marvel, it was kind of like Marvel versus Capcom, that is. It was kind of like, okay, so we get it, you're pushing the Avengers and yes, the Guardians are safe. But are we just going to ignore the X-Men forever because of the Fox thing? And it's like, nah, everybody's here. And it is a straight up like Avengers movie tie in kind of. It's not it's not direct, but it's about Thanos and that shit. Nintendo is the publisher. Okay. So that perhaps
Starting point is 02:15:38 is exactly why then they're literally just like, no, we're we're we're we're funding this bank rolling or but yeah, in which case, then that makes sense. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. So there's a trailer for that that popped up and it, you know, it looks like Ultimate Alliance. What's like what's the camera pulls out? At first, you're like, this could be anything, you know, and you're seeing like various characters being shown off an Ultron and everything is kind of like pseudo inspired by MCU, but also still comic booking, you know, it's like that sort of like half and half where it's like, oh, if you saw the movies, you'd be like, I recognize that. But then yeah,
Starting point is 02:16:17 the camera pulls out and you see the circle icon around the playable characters and you're like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's Ultimate Alliance. So that's cool. They didn't drop a date on it, though. They just said 2019. So we're getting that. And yeah. So okay, I don't know how this is going to play. I don't know if you guys have anything on this. I don't. What do we got? But I know a lot of people have big feelings. Let's see it for crash team racing. Huh. And crash. I have one big feeling. It's not Mario Kart. It's fucking just having a PlayStation and having a bunch of friends with PlayStation and having a buddy of mine that had N64 and I went and played Mario Kart at his house. Then I played my crash team racing. And then just like,
Starting point is 02:17:07 it's better than Mario Kart. It's just as good, man. It's better than Mario Kart. And it's like fucking. I have no idea. Pull it out of your fucking ass. I've never played it. I don't know. Have you ever played crash team racing? I have not. I have not. Who knows? It might play just as well or better. Who knows? I do. You do. It doesn't. This game? Yeah. How do you know? It's a remake. Oh, it's one like completely. Yeah, it's just a. Oh, I see. Yeah. It's nitrous oxide edition. Yeah. Oh, excuse me. I see. Nitrofueled. So racing and suck my fucking. They're bringing it. They're bringing back CTR. There's a feeling. People. People are really into CTR. People are also really into NTR. But hey, that's neither here nor there. That's,
Starting point is 02:17:59 I don't know. You're trying to segue too hard. There's no segue. And there's no story here. He's making a joke. Pat. Oh, there's no segue whatsoever. There's you comparing crash team racing. I might be. It's in the fuck room over there. The crash team racing. The crash team racing is way back. There's that one screen right in the fuck place. Oh, Jesus. Oh, shit. You have to step over all the all that and get the crash team racing set up. And then you sit down and you're like, this is as much fun as the Mario Kart set up in the other fuck place. Trying to know there's mother might be a podcast title there. I know. Don't do it. You know, it's no. It's got it. It's got it. We got to workshop it a little bit. We got to find it.
Starting point is 02:18:59 Someone's got to say it out loud. The Nuggets podcast. The Nugget. The Nuggets in there. We've yeah, there's a nugget. Hey, King of Fighters 15 confirmed. Oh, yay. Under development released in 2020. Fuck off. So they're just straight up going, yeah, we're making it, but whatever. Is that it? Is that the whole fucking announcement? Just that's what it is. That's what it is. We're making it. So there's that. Um, Ruli web, the fucking God, every SNK story, they still exist. Ruli web is being thanked in the story for this SNK news, which is insane to me because man, oh man, did I used to get my news from Ruli web. That's that's nutty. So that's in case doing that. And you know, while we're here, I'll just click on this ad for Hades because guess what? The people
Starting point is 02:19:46 who made Bastion, a.k.a. super giant fucking games, a.k.a. transistor, one of my favorite games of all time. Don't forget Pyre. Make an announcement for Hades, which is just awesome. It looks cool. It looks like everything I love about all their games, all the art firing on all cylinders. And yeah, you can, I guess it's an early access. That's what this is. But it's fucking super giant. Like they've never failed at like all of their games are amazing. And they're just arting as hard as possible. And I saw this announcement and I saw them basically like showing off the characters in the in the trailer. Like just look at our look at these bosses, look at these designs and you're just like, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, everything,
Starting point is 02:20:36 everything firing on all cylinders. They're cool. I like it. Fuck. Yeah. Hades. I wonder what the early access part is. It's mostly done as a bug testing. I'm surprised that they were going back to like what appears to be like just a straight up. Well, supposedly it's a road like, oh, okay, okay. Because yeah, everything because like Bastion was a pretty straightforward game. And then after, but then they had to like the narrative fun stuff. And then like transistor immediately goes into like the like, no, it's like plan based programming turns. And then Pyre goes into sports ball. And they just kind of like the camera is always the same, but the gameplay and genre change the fuck up heavy, you know. So Hades looked very
Starting point is 02:21:20 straightforward again. And I was like, hmm, is it? But if it's roguelike, then that is new for them. So cool. Fuck yeah. Is that yeah? And that's that's that's this week we defeated the news. We defeated the news. Hey, do you have any other news that you we didn't bring up that you were aware of? Okay, that works. Because I didn't have it. Oh, yeah, I don't think so. This is where we usually bring up the crap. The crap that wasn't good enough to even mention a willy before the podcast. Oh, yeah, I don't think so. Okay. You want to do emails? Let's do an email. Hey, or two or three. Hey, Paige, if you were to send an email to the super best friend cast, where would you send that
Starting point is 02:21:58 email? Um, you would send it to super best friend cast at super gmail. Can't read your lips very well. That's great page. That's super best friend cast at I thought you would have practiced this. You would think and I just remembered just now. Pat, why did you remember it better when you held up your fist? Oh, my God. Well, hey, listen, everybody remembers things better when they can see how cute and adorable your tiny little which is the thing that you would usually write cheat sheets on. And it reminds you of memories. Wow, we got what audio version of this podcast can be fucking dark to listen to. We got what coming in from Diego says,
Starting point is 02:22:56 Deris surpassed panty shot hemophiliac fighters. Got it. Just wanted to share my personal experience with you guys about being robbed from a contest because I told the story last week about how I got the ultimate you didn't win from an asshole where I want a video game competition. And then the guy just said, no, you didn't. And then I didn't win because he said no. And that was it. I couldn't do anything about it. That's awful. Prior to the release of MK9, Walk Mart was going to have a tournament on April 18th. I was aware of this because I worked there. The winner takes a free copy of MK9. My brother calls me from work saying that the tournament is happening and that I should try to play. I was hesitant because my friend won free tickets to
Starting point is 02:23:34 scream for and we plan to hang out on my day off. He tells me that it's okay since he knew I was waiting to get my hands on it. So I head on over to the bus and out of the 22 people who signed up, only eight were present. So the electronics guy says it's okay. Let's see who makes it the furthest in the arcade on the highest difficulty. Needless to say it was dumb. Not only was the not only was the idea dumb, nobody was allowed to check the character move list. I trusted my dumb ass brother when he said it plays just like MK3 and picked noob in hopes of doing the cloud loop cheese. Obviously this was a name K3 and I was lividly pissed in wasting my pick on noob and at my brother. I didn't get that far in and some jackass got the furthest was Liu Kang.
Starting point is 02:24:14 Later on, the rest of the 22 guys were here for the real tournament. Funny enough, I won by using smoke and beating the shit out of fuckboy Liu Kang. So I stood up to claim my rightful prize and the electronics guy went to talk to the manager. In a total Montreal Screwjob fashion, I'm disqualified because of being an employee and I personally entered into the tournament by the same manager. So now I'm robbed of a free copy of MK9 but it's too late to take the bus home. I missed scary movie four and now I gotta wait on my brother to clock out at 3 a.m. With that said, don't trust shitty Walmart tournaments. That's a bunch of bullshit. They should have fucking told him up front. Hey, you can't win this. A lot of bad decisions.
Starting point is 02:24:48 A lot of bad decisions made there. You should have burned that place down. Robbed. Really just burned down the Walmart. That's right. No one will miss it. I think maybe a few people might wonder where the Walmart went, my dear. To a better place. Someone else tags in and says, Michael says, Hey, Zibatsu, from your recent stories about missing out on video game contests wins from smelly grownups. I'd share one with you. Back in the 90s, my two older brothers entered a contest at Toys R Us for Super Mario World simply to have the highest score in a time limit. Because they don't know because the people who make it don't know every fucking term.
Starting point is 02:25:33 Do you remember the one that happened at one of the fighting game tournament back last week? Yeah, exactly. Where it was like, fucking, let's run Super Mario three. Oh, that one. Oh, God. Yeah, we have fucking fighting game tournament and then the final, the final thing, the final challenge for the, for the two, the people that made it the furthest in the fighting game tournament was to play Mario three and see how far you get. And the winner gets decided by who gets further. Yeah, exact. Like people who don't know just don't understand. You've never run a tournament before. You don't, you've never thought about these things. You're just going, that would work, right? Anyway, so there's a trick very early on where a bunch of Koopas are lined up for,
Starting point is 02:26:14 for you to shell and you can exit the level and do it a bajillion times for good points. Long story short, it was within the rules and the adults had to let it go. So our family had not only our picture in the local newspaper over the win, but we went home with two Super Nintendos and copies of Donkey Kong Country. Scumbag tactics provided my childhood. Love from Australia, Michael. So that's the difference, right? Cause some of these stories go, I played within the rules and the person running the show fucked me cause fuck it. And then there's other stories where it's like we were technically in the rules and then the person running it was like, oh, I guess it's in the rules. And then they won. And the main thing, the only thing that really
Starting point is 02:26:52 changed between these stories is whether or not the people running it are fucking pieces of shit or not. That's it. Am I running this tournament for children? Do I hold myself to any standard whatsoever? Also, are you aware of anything about running a tournament or how it should work? You know, that's part of it too. But there's joystick warriors with all the remakes being done that got me thinking about other games that could be remade like Soul Reaver, assuming they update the look, change the engine to be less clunky. I prefer if it ran like DMC and transferred the voice work because of course some of the key voice actors are dead. Do you think it would be possible to work with a story like Soul Reaver and would it sell nowadays? Absolutely not. And
Starting point is 02:27:34 absolutely not. I love Soul Reaver, but that that franchise is the one of the most labyrinth and confusing fucking time travel storylines ever. And some of the voice actors are dead. That doesn't help. And they won't even make a new game in that series. It's a reboot without canceling it and then turning it into an Asga that like no part of that is realistic. So you have to start from scratch. You would have you would start from scratch. You would say Legacy of Cain, it would be a hard reboot. Yeah, it'd be about Cain being a dick and vampire. Turn it to wolves, bats and yeah. It's basically playing as Dracula and Castlevania. Yeah. Ever, no? Any, any, any, any, yeah, any. Oh, is there any game I would want?
Starting point is 02:28:15 No, no, no, more, more like have you ever touched Legacy of Cain or any of those older games? Because I only watched from a distance personally and I've been told that there are. I'm a big fan and I regret being a big fan because everything about the way that series died kills me inside and the knife always keeps turning. There will always be Lara Croft. And the Guardia of Light costumes that got the voice actors back. Actually got the voice actors. Which means there are people and that's the worst because it means people in the studio care, but not enough. That's like. But more than a little. Yeah. Woolly the Liar hates Kirby. If Woolly loved Kirby so much, why did he cow it out hard when
Starting point is 02:28:57 Matt approached him to do the first YouTube video? Actually, Matt and Pat are the true Kirby fans. Yeah, that's right. That's true. Yeah, that's correct. That's true. You had Street Fighter to watch. Well, I mean, if you really want to like, if you, if we can get, because you see the thing I talked about like this week where I'm like, you know, that thing where you're just obsessing over how to make a project to exist or whatever. So like, yeah, basically my whole thing was like, oh, but it like, oh, it needs like an ending or it needs a, I did the thing that I did, which I'm the fucking like, we'll figure it out is about. Oh yeah, you need, you need to what the button my like, I'm like, oh, but we can figure out, we need to make it work to make it succeed. We got
Starting point is 02:29:31 to work it a little more and find like a nice little like punchline or an ending or something. And that whole stupid neurotic thing that I do that I'm talking about now, I did that way back way. Uh huh. And that's what that's what that's what happened. And I was like, no, just do the garbage. Just do it. And the garbage was like, okay, yeah, yeah, just do, Hey, folks at home, just do the garbage. Yeah. That's, that's exactly. If you think your idea sucks, that's fine. That's fine. It's done. It's supposed to suck at first until you fix it and make it better. Plus a lot of podcasts start out as like one thing and then it like morphs into whatever it becomes. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Like the first 10 episodes of almost every podcast I love is some weird
Starting point is 02:30:10 yeah. And you're free something. Also, your, your history in streaming now, it started in one very highly specific place. Yeah. Very, very niche. And then post bloodborne, it turned into something else. Yeah. More trash. Yeah. So you make garbage and then you just make it bigger. And then you find a new flavor of garbage to eat. Delicious. Early episodes of this thing. Probably unlistable at this point. I can't watch them. Uh, you saw, you remember a little while back, I streamed to RE2 on the, on my stream. Okay. You know why I did that? Like the, the, the number one reason why I did that, I can't look at the LP we did of RE2. Okay. Like the sound desyncs, the, the microphone, the video, like I can't even look at it. It makes me sick. Like it's so bad. There you
Starting point is 02:30:55 go. And I'm like, Oh, the new game is coming out. I got, there has to be something watchable. Like that's it. Yeah. No. Um, I always talk about how like season one reboot is like, what are the fuck? What are we doing with this? And then it's just, you gotta, well, I think it's, yeah, ready, fire, aim, right? Like you fucking X throw out, you have a bunch of shit that's supposed to be shit. So why not get, there's a, there's a number in your inventory of fecal matter projects that have to come out of your body. And the longer you wait, the more time you're impacted, they will become, but it's a nugget of corn. But you're, but you, but like until your inventory is clear of the shit, you know,
Starting point is 02:31:39 until you drop all the dung, you're going to have it in you. So you might as well start dropping it now. And then it starts to turn into something else after maybe hopefully not always. Uh, yeah. We got one coming in from Jonas. He says music that deserves a boss fight slash whole world game made around them. Hello from hell or hell difficulty of the world. Also known as Brazil. Oh, hey, what's up in Brazil? God damn having fun. I've recently, uh, heard a song called return of the kung fu world champion. And let me tell you, this shit needs a boss fight built around it. What songs locations do you think deserve a boss fight slash game inspired by thanks for all the laughs? I think
Starting point is 02:32:27 the most disturbed songs should have boss fights accompanied with them. I think that there we have missed out on a down with the sickness soundtrack to a boss fight. That's what I think now that the piercings are gone from his mouth. It's too late. Oh, they're gone. He took them out. Now he looks like Moby. Like a, like a thicker Moby though, right? Moby kind of scrawny. Yeah. It's basically just Moby. So, so the question is what music, what song, what locations and or music do you think deserve like a game boss fight built around it? Um, Britney Spears toxic. Oh, yeah. See, you're, I know, I can see the thought bubbles and I can see, I can see into it. It could be a sludge monster. I don't, okay. I see, I see it as not the boss fight itself,
Starting point is 02:33:26 but like the race to or away from the fight almost like I see the sequence like a running the sequence leading up to it. Yeah. It should be the fucking background music for the report function in League of Legends. Yeah. Yeah. Toxic is up there because it's how toxic I'm a joke man. I'm going to go, I'm going to say the little finger. There you go. The intro to the intro to my stream is a Yoko Kano song called Exaltheus and it's the most over the top fucking like just a choir and just like orchestras and everything coming together and the world is exploding kind of music. Uh, Origa who sang the intro to Ghost in the Shell standalone complex and Yoko Kano doing their most to sing the song that ends the earth. I think that song deserves a boss fight built
Starting point is 02:34:26 around it. And as far as locations go, the two that come to mind are, uh, one, the Shin Umeda building in Osaka, uh, which is where platinum games is located where we went to go visit it. And there was a, it's a, it's a like it's two, it's a skyscraper and it's kind of connected and has an open space in the middle of it. And then at the top, I think it might be a helicopter pad, but from the ground, it just looks like a spherical glowing arena, not unlike a, a, a, uh, bloody palace platform. That sounds, I mean, it's not a sphere, but there are, uh, about 3,500 boss fights on top of the Tokyo of the millennium. Millennium tower building. Right. Which is, it's a square, but it's very similar to what you're just. So this is a circle,
Starting point is 02:35:11 like a soul caliber stage and there's a glowing edge to the sphere, to the circle that you can see from the bottom and it looks like two champions fight their way up to the top and then come out each respective side and fucking do gangbusters, sky battle. Um, so that's location number one and location number two would 100% be the Eglinton Valley in New Zealand, aka the place where I popped the question because that would just be a, is that how it happened? Yeah. Right. So immediately after handing the ring over, an announcer went round one and then like you won. Moonlit Wilderness kicked in. You won. So the ring go on. That's, that's, that's my ring now. I earned it. Yeah. Fucking red juggles. Should have seen it. Ground bound combos screwed up, man.
Starting point is 02:36:00 How could you do that in New Zealand? She should have learned how to fucking deflect one plus two fucking directional in the Korean backdashing. Oh no. Yeah. That location is just the better daylight version of Moonlit Wilderness and it's amazing. So that's where I go. Like I'm thinking of a bunch of cool places that I went to in Japan and like a bunch, most of those are already fighting game stages. So that doesn't really work. Uh, I would like, you know what I would like actually as a, as a boss fight area, I'd like, what was it? Beppo? But what the fuck? Mount Beppo. Mount Beppo. The, the smallest mountain. The smallest. Oh, the smallest mountain. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:41 Paraswheel. Right. It's like a Sakura, kind of like, like friendly, happy, go lucky, kind of boss fights, ass fighting game stage. Okay. I could see that. I could see that. Also at night, that place is creepy as shit. Oh, I didn't think of a location. Uh, what we're doing, we did the songs and now we're doing locations. So now it'd be your turn, Paige. Oh, um, so location for, for boss fight, built around, uh, Mount Beppo is a really good choice. Um, Jesus Christ, all the places I've been, uh, there is a really cool place in Italy called Sarzana and it's a castle town. Okay. And it's, it's like circular and people live inside of the castles that have now been converted into condos and it's really cool. And, um, there's, there's just a huge like circle and there's a
Starting point is 02:37:24 giant like horse sculpture, man riding on horse and like yee-haw or whatever in the center and it just looks like a really cool, it would be cool. Yee-haw? Yee-haw. Is that American? I don't know what's a yee-haw. I don't know what's Italian for yee-haw. I don't know. You know what I'm saying. Oh, but spaghetti westerns. No, it works. Yeah. Italian spaghetti westerns. Yeah, that's right. Uh, wait, wait, Italian spaghetti westerns? Yeah, because it's spaghetti. As opposed to Dutch spaghetti? Yeah, you know, they, they make spaghetti. Spaghetti. What is it? Oh crap. What is it called? The, the noodles. The noodles? The new. Tsukiyaki Western Django. Yes. The noodles. No, never mind. Vermicelli? No. Pasta, pasta? No, just fuck off. I don't remember. Spaghetti.
Starting point is 02:38:15 Spaghetti. Yes. Uh, yeah. Yeah. All right. Oh, you know. Linguine. No. I think, is it called like spazzo or um, spazzo? No. Um, I'm helping. Okay. Well, now we're, now we're, now, well, no, it does. Now we're just going to find out what it is. So we're just, we're, what is the thing you were trying to do? There's a, there's a noodle. It's very tiny. All right. Let's see here. All right. Types of noodle. Sorry. Um, what are we looking at? Mario. Uh, Cappellini? No. No. These are, these are all Italian. Angel hair pasta? Oh, these are all Italian. These are, so this is not Italian? No, no. What is, what type of, what type of, where, where is it from? Uh, try, uh, Switzerland, maybe? Switzerland.
Starting point is 02:39:06 Swiss noodles. Types of Swiss noodles. No. Fuck. Spatzl? Uh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Spatzl. It's a soft egg noodle. There it is. Founded in the cuisines of Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary. Uh, I don't know how to pronounce that. Moselle and South Tyrol. What's the deal with that shit? Spatzl. So it's Spatzl Western? Like, well, no, because it's in Italy, but whatever. You just said Dutch and I was like, oh, like Switzerland. I don't know. I'm sorry. Those pictures are, they're not at all the same. Well, at least it's not like me saying porticles in goddamn South America. Yeah, I know. Someone said that they saw my face when, when you said that and they were like, wow, it's like watching the visual of one of those
Starting point is 02:39:54 six word novels or whatever. You know what I'm talking about? Like, charades? No, no, no. The two, like, you know, the little girl shoes never worn. Oh yeah, one, yeah, six word story. Yeah, six word story. Yeah. Because my face just. Two words. All over the place when you, well, no, I was thinking of the two shoes, the shoes. Baby for sale, baby shoes never worn. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Why wouldn't you wear your own baby shoes? Because you're dead. Because I'm dead. No, the baby's dead. Oh, that's, that's. Why would you buy shoes for a baby? They can't walk. Babies have babies have baby shoes. Babies wear baby shoes. Babies have baby clothes. Just put. Do you think it's just constant swaddle? Yeah. No,
Starting point is 02:40:36 read to them. Your parents probably have baby shoes that unwrap them when they're done. You probably wore baby shoes. I don't know. You wore them. I guess. I know you do. I've seen pictures. You were participating and you participated in this thing. You don't understand. Yeah. Well, I wasn't aware at the time. Jesus Christ, I thought I looked stupid. I would have thought, I would have told my parents that it was dumb and that I didn't need shoes. But why wouldn't, wouldn't your tootsies get cold? No. Why wouldn't they? I wish your parents so never use baby shoes. Maybe I would have grown taller. No, you see, you wouldn't have been around. Yeah, you would have been dead or never have existed. That's the joke. I was a beloved child.
Starting point is 02:41:13 You would have been deceased. Yeah, you were spoiled. The punchline is that you would have been deceased. Yeah, you'd be dead. That's the. You guys are jackasses. I like that. We're alive. You both come alive when it is to dump on Pat. It feels good. It feels good inside. We are alive unlike you as a baby. I am alive and baby me survived many near death experiences. And you're still a baby. Well, I have baby arms. Look at you. Yeah. Someone actually says, someone actually says, never forget near being swept under the rug at the game awards. So they literally brought up the thing that we brought up. Yeah. You're right, Jim. You're right. It's gonna come up every single fucking time.
Starting point is 02:41:59 I think about like game awards and music. So every year that I watch it, I'm probably going to point it out because it's ridiculous. The auto blow AI is getting stronger. Oh, yeah. Greetings, gentlemen. In my search for weird news, I stumbled yesterday on the new and improved auto blow successful crowdfunding campaign. The inputted 7000 minutes of pornographic mouth on dick video into different types of machine learning algorithms. It resulted in a 16 type different fallatio technique, which they programmed into 10 different experiences, one of which the AI will keep changing its technique until the user finishes. So my question to you is, do you see the new emerging field of machine learning and deep learning
Starting point is 02:42:47 as an effective use of video game AI? That sounded like a bunch of preamble about the auto blow. And then, hey, how about video games so that it would be topical? Wait, what is the question? I just, what do you think about deep learning for video games? I think that the revolutionary new tech that the smash computer difficulty is displaying will be used to get you off in the future. Yeah, for the auto blow. Yeah, they'll figure it out. Machine learning will take everyone's jobs, even the oldest job. Like we smash washing. We talked about it last podcast, but like there's different types of bots and you can customize their bots and their types and their personalities. So you just
Starting point is 02:43:34 start applying that to your dick sucking. Wait, so you're so what? How many modes of blow job can Apparently 10. 10 different experiences based on 16 techniques. So is there teeth? Like what the fuck else? Maybe I don't keep up with the blow job machines. It has, from when we last saw it, I don't know if it's updated since, but there is a toothless opening and then there is a stabilizer and then there is a sort of gyro based tongue. No, it is a, it is a, you ever see a piston engine? Imagine a piston engine with like an opening on it. Why would you ever stick your dick near a piston? So the funniest thing about this is that in the very first ad for the pinch of the auto blow to that, why would you ever stick your dick in a insert here is the history of mankind.
Starting point is 02:44:25 Yeah, it's like, Hey, you plug in the auto blow into the wall and he plugs this fucking device on the wall and he turns it on. It's like, it sounds like a fucking dryer on full tilt with the tat with too many, you know, when we, in our old dryer, when we had too many fucking towels in the thing, sounds like that. Yeah. And so I put your dick in it and hit the fucking tag line was it won't electrocute your dick. And, and, and anything you have to plug into a wall is terrifying. However, I have since learned that the Hitachi magic wand plugs into the fucking wall. Yeah. So that thing is already happening in terms of like getting over the wall outlet fears. How do you feel about all outlet based sex machines? I am, I'm not going to stop anyone from
Starting point is 02:45:07 doing that. I personally would not indulge in something that is directly you're comfortable with battery power, right? Battery power you can trust, but wall power is on. But how else are you supposed to get the level of power? Yeah. What? Like nuclear energy? I mean, numbs it until it doesn't do it. It doesn't, you don't feel it anymore. What else is you need? You need, you know, those dryer plugs for your washing machine. You gotta, you mean the weapon to surpass metal gear? You, I'm talking about your building's power going every time you turn it on. Oh, the misses must be home. You know. It's like, did we just electrocute a prisoner? No, electrocuted something. It's date night, but power. I need more power. Would you guys use
Starting point is 02:45:54 like a nuclear powered like? No, I would not use nuclear power to anything ever. I know. What if it were like allegedly like super safe? The alleged part would be the project. I'm pretty good. I don't want to Randy Marsh my balls over here. In Japan. In Japan, we went over to the donkey and like walked into the little like adult corner and there was a gash upon machine and I popped in a 100 yen piece and got out what was basically just a sleeve. One of those like like two end open hole on a whole sleeve. I was like, wow, I've heard of these things, but this is it and it's worth 100 yen. And I laughed and I laughed and I dunked it and into the garbage. Oh, I was like, oh, dunked yourself
Starting point is 02:46:47 into it and I was like, yeah. Well, interesting. You should ask live review. No, as long as you keep the camera up from like chest up. You're good. I ask Phil, he'll tell you. I didn't realize I didn't realize that. Yeah, like just like that in a vending machine. Oh, yeah. That's how you do it. But no interest in the nuclear anything happening anywhere near understandable. You know, but the AI is learning and getting stronger. So thank you for that, Ahmed. Uh, what in Detroit where the robot sex is better than the human sex? Yeah, you remember that? Yeah, in the article. Yeah, in the article, it's like most men prefer sex with robots. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Robot prostitutes are totally way up and humans are way down. And
Starting point is 02:47:43 you can fucking use like a carpet cleaner like fucking jet vac on that shit. What the fuck? This is clean. Clean the robot. Like a pressure washer. You would want it to have a self cleaning function, probably just put it through the car wash, but made for robot sex robots. I feel like everyone would want to. Yeah, because like, wouldn't that be the moment of self reflection, right? Isn't the cleanup part where you're like, Oh boy, you know, right? Where it really just kind of dawns on you and you've got to take stock of everything. Well, the real and why why not like skip that moment of introspection with tech that does it for you? Well, the real the real problem is those who desire no introspection at all and just there
Starting point is 02:48:31 is no cleanup process. Oh, well, I refuse to introspect this. Would the would the would the let's say let's say it's a female prostitute and she's all like, would she like squirt the enemas, some like fucking alcohol up in there like herself, or would her body just like whatever, clean the switch and the fucking it would sound like a dishwasher kicking on. And then it would just shoot out cleaning liquid and hopefully get all of it. Let's leave. Let's let's leave that industry to discover the most efficient methods. I think that's probably the best way to go about it. Yeah. Well, I have to check in on the fucking to Robo brothel.
Starting point is 02:49:16 That's true. What's at what level are those? They're just they're just sex dolls. They're just dolls. They're not robots yet. Okay. But it's like, like, okay, can you open a business where a bunch of people can just come in and sit in a room and jack off? Probably maybe probably. Can you do the same and but then give them stuff to use? Probably. Okay. At what point does it cross into, you know what I mean? Like at what point does the inanimate object have to become becomes a health hazard once? Yeah. Well, you know, hard questions that Toronto government has to answer. And guts you got to have to go fuck a sex robot in a room that in a building that's unmanned.
Starting point is 02:50:03 And like, you're just gonna have to take the place's word for it. Somebody came in to clean it. Then again, trusting that again, some dudes will stick their dicks through the holes and doors and just let's see what happens. So who knows? What I bet something good will happen coming up. What's coming out? What's going on? There's a there's a Lazarus pit of sticky robots that we need to climb out of here, but let's do that and all right, hey, next segment. Hey, woolly, we're still playing devil may cry just a little tiny bit. Well, in terms of general releases below was coming out. Oh, we're doing the release part. I thought we're doing the channel
Starting point is 02:50:49 stuff. My bad. Below is coming out. Ashen just came out. Ashen just came out. Smash Brothers just came out. If you blow the dust off your Xbox one like I did, you can play the devil may cry. I have something to ask you from the people that watch the podcast in response to you blowing the dust off your Xbox, which is why are you able to blow the dust off of your Xbox but not wipe down that laptop. Right. So the dust on my Xbox was fake. I pulled it out of the dryer and I used a lit filter. I knew it and that was just a staged photo. It was actually dust free where it was being kept. This is your laptop. So is my responsibility. I just kind of left it. Okay, that's fine. I will deal with it. It is not my laptop. It is yours. I will fix it. I hope
Starting point is 02:51:43 that's a satisfactory answer. Yeah. And that's what's coming out. And as far as I guess the channel goes, there we got devil may cry. We got Star Trek. You guys are doing Kingdom Hearts. We're going to switch off to something else after DMC. I'm not sure what yet. Yeah. I'm talking about it, but we haven't really settled on anything yet. Well, I mean, yeah. So like we're doing this now open thing right of openly discussing. So we were throwing around a few ideas. You literally you threw out action. I was like, how about action? And then I kept watching footage and I was like, Oh, there's a huge co-op focus to that game. And the game is balanced around having two players at all times. A lot of people do want to see the character action continue over into Bayonetta.
Starting point is 02:52:22 That's a bit much. We kind of it's a bit much. It's like a little bit. It would be a bit exhausting to go through the Bayo series right now, to be honest, after four or five devil may cries. I swear to God, anyone who says DMC to shake my finger at to be perfectly honest. Like I I it's not the worst suggestion. It's a natural progression since we're doing character action. But yeah, we do want to break that up just a little bit. So that's where the suggestion of Bayo goes for now. So yeah, that's that's kind of, you know, that's just the open discussion, but we're going to figure something out. Pick something that you don't want to worry about. And, you know, there's there's always a couple ideas out there. So yeah. Okay. And so wait, Star Trek,
Starting point is 02:53:08 Star Trek Kingdom Hearts, Devil May Cry, and that's the only overplay set. Oh, man. I got a nice I got a I got a fun I got I went I went I was playing more of a Virgil's downfall at home. And why I wanted to see some stuff. And I got a nice little bit I'll tweet it out later. Okay. Yeah, Virgil's real downfall. Oh, yeah. Out of the world. Good times. Yeah. So that that's coming. What's coming up in the woolly versus empire then is that where we're going? Fuck it. You got like three, five things, 10 things. I thought it was a pile of garbage bags. You know, that can be an empire in its own way. That's I've seen a hobo trash empire. I've seen hobos make wild claims. Yeah, I'll I'll I'll be the Lord of Lord of the trash,
Starting point is 02:53:55 the trash pile. I'll take that if you want to call that a kingdom. Well, a lot is going on. So yeah, the podcast, the woolly, we'll figure it out podcast will continue and that's currently available. iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud. I'm trying to get it on Google, but that's not up to me. That's an automatic process. Google has to just find it listed themselves. But I did confirm it's on Spotify now. And I'm also looking at I'm probably going to be just uploading them to YouTube as well. The second one, I know I have the two ahead otherwise that you can download, but second one should pop up soon. YouTube and podcasts, it's a bit of a weird thing in terms of just views and what people there's a whole bit there. But
Starting point is 02:54:39 anyway, I'm going to try to get it in as many people's heads as possible. What is the timing format of woolly? We'll figure it out. Like, is there one or is it? I'll figure it out. I was feeling like I wanted to say Fridays, but the honest truth is no, no, no, I meant like, is it a I made one here it is? Or is it like a weekly, bi-weekly thing? I'm not sure yet. So currently under that, it would be the former. I planned for weekly, but I don't want to commit in case I can't. Okay. So I'm being I'm trying to be realistic about it, just like streaming, which is also happening at woolly versus on Twitch. And as of last night, I got a sub button. Yeah, before you started streaming, like the application. No, I looked it. I saw I looked
Starting point is 02:55:29 it. There's the achievements that every channel has. Oh, that must make it go faster and the achievements. If you accomplish all the achievements, then you can you can go, all right, you'll get fast tracked or whatever for a page. And I took like, like over a month for somebody to actually look at our apps. Okay. And then they hit yes, go. So yeah, like when I looked at the thing, it was like, yeah, if you complete these achievements, then you get fast tracked or whatever the case is. And yeah, it was just one of those things where I was like, okay, let me see what these say. And then, you know, the thing came in after the last one. Wonderful. So yeah, ready to make some shitty emotes. I already have they should they were pending. I hope they're approved. There's some
Starting point is 02:56:04 fun stuff. How crappy are they? I mean, I don't mean like low quality. I mean, like just like, it's stupid. Oh, yeah, there's some there's some there's some good ones in there. I have some some good ideas. And someone just I haven't I haven't been able to use it yet, but someone just offered a really good one that we we finished working out on Twitter. And it was at the one where you told him to get rid of the. Yeah, so it's a bit of a visual goodness. It's a bit of a visual but good old very nice good old Virgil Virgil confused Virgil. And you can't see it, but he has a really long neck sticking out from the corner. For some reason, we're gonna I'm gonna try to get that one up there. So that's a fun time. And some other fun stuff. So yeah, that's
Starting point is 02:56:56 over on Willy versus and yeah, please, if you'd like to support then by all means subscribe. It should be a fun time. Yay. The channel continues as well. And there's more fighter pd releases the Willy versus channel on YouTube, more fighter pd releases, more podcast releases, more stream highlights, and the finishing of near automata are currently on the slate. What's going on? That seems like a lot. It is. It is. And the idea is to pace it at a pace that I can handle. So don't fucking burn out, man. Don't do it. Yeah, I think I almost burn out and I barely work at all. I think well, I mean, I explained it to you like off camera. But like, you know, the idea was that the the podcast was something that I had sitting there for a while and was
Starting point is 02:57:47 just like getting two in my head about it. So I just got frustrated and went, fuck it, let's just go. Right. And then the stream was another similar thing where it was kind of like, we had a talk and it was kind of like, just fucking, just fucking go, you know, I'm like, yeah, okay, just go. And ultimately, it's like having a schedule and sticking to it is really what helps these things grow. Regularity is important. The moment you break that regularity, it hurts a lot, right. But the moment you break your schedule of expectations for when you're going to show up or put out this type of thing, it hurts a lot. But you know what, I've been doing the Woolly versus channel with irregular scheduling anyway. So if a regular scheduling is how I have
Starting point is 02:58:26 to work, then I'll just, I'll just do that. Once time, it's time. I'll just do that. But it's better existing on an irregular schedule than not existing at all while you try to figure out how to make it into a regular schedule, which might never happen. So trying to get out of my own fucking head on this stuff, you know. But that's the plan. I used to shit analogy. I heard it. Just go when it goes. I heard it. Feels good. Peach. Yes. Hello. Yeah. So I stream a little less usual than I should be. Because I've been kind of ill and busy. It's honestly relatively similar to what Woolly just said. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a long story. I have lupus. So when I get sick, it's just, it's not attractive. And I'm just like, and I don't, I don't want
Starting point is 02:59:11 people to see that. So when I'm having a bad health day, I don't stream. So sometimes I go stretches, but I do try to do it quite often. January, I'm going to try to crack down all things if depending on a couple of things. But you can find me on slash peach saliva. Yes, I know the name sounds bad. It's not what you think. And so I play a game. Sometimes I read bad, bad erotic fan fiction because it makes me laugh. And I also sing parody songs on my friend Dick's podcast, The Dick Show. Also not what you think. And yeah. And that's what I do. There's no winning on that, is there? No, there really isn't. But I do plan on streaming a little bit more. And yeah, that's that's what I'm streaming tonight. I probably will. Yes. Probably around
Starting point is 02:59:57 10 p.m. Eastern on at peach saliva. That is where I will stream probably probably the finale of Detroit. Yeah, I'm very excited for that. So that'll be that'll be fun. What's going on on your side? I stream sometimes a slash angry angry angriest pat angriest pat. It's getting late. It's okay. No, I just sometimes forget I sometimes four p.m. Sometimes I tell people slash Pat stares at and then they go to the website that doesn't fucking exist. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because I've confused my brands. Yeah, yeah, but I'm still I'm still plucking away at Dark Souls three because fuck it. Yeah, dude, like I the brand cross confusion thing is the worst. Don't worry about it. You're talking
Starting point is 03:00:44 to someone who's like trying to consistent like has a logo that says woolly vs. But you spell it out the word versus in those places. And when you go to the woolly, we'll figure it thing. It redirects to woolly versus podcast. So it's just a nightmare of the woolly versus podcast. We will figure it out. Woolly versus just if you just type my name in, I hope you find stuff. That's all I can say. But yes, that's exactly it. So over on anger is Pat and yeah, okay, we did. Wow, the energy just sapped out evaporated questions. We all just kind of died a little bit. Yeah, evaporated. And and all the good news in the stories were near the beginning. By the way, I just realized, I don't think we talked about outer worlds, did we? About what?
Starting point is 03:01:32 Outer worlds? Oh, no, we didn't. We didn't talk about outer world. Okay, what? What? Outer worlds is the new obsidian game that looks like a fallout in space. New Vegas in space. And it uses the Unreal Engine. And you can tell that the game isn't falling apart. And it looks fine. Oh, wasn't that a trailer who's just like a cinematic thing? Yeah, but then they put out like 15 minutes of gameplay. Okay, because yeah, I saw that trailer and I was like, Oh, it's it's it's a cinematic. It's it's upsetting. I didn't really know what to make of it. Better engine than they ever had a Bethesda. Right. They're making another fallout game in space. Right, right, right. It's like the timing of it is poetic, especially considering their history of Bethesda.
Starting point is 03:02:11 So no old chains from the past holding them down. Yeah, nothing brand new IP. They probably own it. Well, probably Microsoft owns it now, actually. But hopefully it comes out and it's stable. And it's just as good as it ever ever was with obsidian. Cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I was I was going to comment on the fact that my my tiredness and energy and whatnot is 100% coming from the like waking up early in the morning. Yeah. And like and like like immediately exercising means by the time 10 comes around, you're actually getting sleepy. So that's weird. I'm going to keep talking about it because I'm still trying to figure out how to defeat it because I like my body will refuse to change. And your body is like, No, well, you will sleep
Starting point is 03:03:01 these hours. It's weird and I don't like it. All right, you'll live. And you know why because you'll figure it out. This guy, this guy button.

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