Castle Super Beast - SBFC079: Sneaky Stab Attack at the Start of the 2nd Round

Episode Date: February 10, 2015

Much ado about Persona 5, MKX, Oatmeal Itagaki and the woes of Peter Molyneux's mouth....

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 To answer your question on the air... Yep. ...where do I stand on Other M right now? Yeah as of right now. As of right now. Other M is, ...enquiring minds want terrible story. It is a bad metroid game, it is a mediocre video game.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Yeah, thank you. That's all. I want to apologize for the way I completely fucking exploded like crazy right before we started performing it. Everyone would think that this is a fire that has burned to cinders, but it rages on consistently and thoroughly. That's right, Other M continues to be a hot topic in our friend Pat's hand. The deal is, is it does burn down to cinders, but those cinders are sitting on like an oil
Starting point is 00:00:53 drum. Okay, not like an oil drum, more like oil soaked rags on top of like oak or pine. So like... And the cinders are on top of that. Yeah, and it's like... And you're saying the fire never ignited them in the first place. No, it's like, no, they're infinite. And like a slight gust of just the right kind of wind can reignite the cinder, which starts
Starting point is 00:01:15 up the oil soaked rags. The infinite oil rags. Which is where I start to get all like, ooh, it makes me so mad. And then the tinder catches onto the wood when anyone disagrees with me in any way about the topic. And then I just go up into a bonfire. See, the problem is that that screenshot of me with the words Other M Apologist will far last.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah. Far from last. This podcast and this explanation. And possibly our lives. Yes, no. When I am growing fields of puppies. But we all spoke about it. I think we're all satisfied with our responses from five minutes ago, so we'll just leave
Starting point is 00:01:53 it at that. Yeah, we'll leave it at that. Other M's bad game, your level of intensity on that statement will vary. I think it's a fun game, but it's not a good Metroid game. It's a bad Metroid game. It's a bad Metroid game. I'll put a little... I'll say that.
Starting point is 00:02:09 You know. Asterisk. Axel Circumflex. You're drawing things. Yeah, essentially. Yeah. Or the other... Chapo Chinoise, the other one, he used to call it.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Oh, jeez. That was really bad. Oh, that's weird Chinese shit in French. Makes no sense. It's so weird. Petit Chinoise makes no sense at all. No, but it does. They call it Petit Chinoise because that's what they used to give the dudes who are making
Starting point is 00:02:32 the railroads in Canada. Oh, that's rough. Yeah. But it's so delicious. It is really tasty. If you ever make a railroad, you'll probably get some. No, we were done with the railroads. I think they're due for a comeback, man.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Any time now. Yeah, just like that. If you run from San Francisco to LA, that's going to cost like 800 trillion dollars. I was wondering if you were going to say dollars or lives. No. Because we as a society have decided that the dollars-to-lives ratio should be modified slightly from the old West days. The currency, the value, inflation, all that shit.
Starting point is 00:03:07 The economy. The Canadian dollars really weak, so we can just throw more lives at it. Yeah. It's life economy. It's like 20% of its fucking value. How do you live to be the throw at this before it fixes itself? So you want to know how bad the fucking Canadian dollars, I got a fucking perfect story for you.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I get a phone call from my bank at noon or such, and it wakes me up because I'm a piece of shit. Right? Yeah. Yes. The guy is, hey, I'm from the security thing at MasterCard, and they go, whoa, hey, somebody using my car. He's like, yeah, we got this weird-
Starting point is 00:03:40 We have reports that someone bought Arkana cars. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Love Max. Does that make any sense? No, and he says, police are on the way. There's this charge that was made like 15 minutes ago, and I'm like, okay, I was asleep, so I don't think I did that.
Starting point is 00:03:57 What's the charge for? He's like, it's for $625. And I go, pretty sure I didn't spend almost $700 while I was asleep. That sounds illegitimate to me. And then he says, it's for this thing called Kickstarter, and I go, oh, God, is the dollar that fucking bad, but that's what our $500 pledge turned into. What a perfect confluence of numbers to make it easy to understand, where $500 turns into $625.
Starting point is 00:04:33 That's a pretty plain- Oh, yeah. Right, still totally worth it. I said a little while ago, I took out $600 when we were going to go to MAG Fest here, so I'd have American money, and the guy goes, yeah, it'll be $785. Yeah, exactly. And I was like, uh, and he goes, it's a bad time to go to the States, and I was like, yes.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Because of all the expensive color dyes they used to print our money, and the cost difference is all bad. When you can't get enough bees to color the 20s, you have to make do. Okay, what the fuck are you talking about? That's how they do it. You need to use bees. Yeah. No, you need to use them against the ground.
Starting point is 00:05:08 You need grasshoppers for the 20s. The bees are for, like, the 10s. Oh, well, the new ones, though. Right? The new ones are made for the bees, I swear. Do you ever know, like, bee shit or something? No, just bees. Oh, just rub the bees.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Rub the bees all over. Okay. Anyway, when you can't get bees, because it's the middle of winter, and the American bee doll is really high, you get fucked. Yeah, it's traces of bees better than traces of cocaine, man, so yeah, that's true. He knows what's up. I don't know. You wouldn't sniff a line of bees if it was in front of you?
Starting point is 00:05:35 I actually wouldn't. What the hell is this? What's going on here? Well, in the Super Best Bee Cast. In the Super Best Bee Cast. In the Super Best Bee Cast. Of the podcast. Of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Super Best Bee Cast. Super Best Bee Cast. Almost at 80. Almost at 80. Yeah. Then the podcast can die. Really senior. No, then it can just be forgotten by all its loved ones.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Oh. Oh. It can fly down to Florida forever. Forever. And fight Florida man. Florida man is getting stronger. I got to make the difference about the forgot about all the loved ones. To cut ahead, I went to a hundredth birthday this week.
Starting point is 00:06:05 You didn't forget. That was some of the most loving of forgotten loved ones I have ever seen. I thought you were going to say the hype ass party I've ever been to. A hundred years. It was pretty cool actually. There was so many people there. A hundred years. A hundred years.
Starting point is 00:06:19 A hundred years. You're playing with your trucks at the close of the first world war. Well like, the perspective of that was. The way they used fucking muskets apparently. The perspective of that was. There was a slide show on the wall. And the pictures kind of disappear when she's in her thirties. And I was like, huh, I wonder why that.
Starting point is 00:06:39 World war two. Yeah, that was the war. Yeah. There's a Facebook article. You couldn't get photos. No. Because of the war. There's a Facebook article I saw where it said like, Japanese woman celebrates her hundred and
Starting point is 00:06:50 sixteenth birthday. And she looked really hype. She was doing table hoppers and shit. And she was blowing out the candles. And it just said like, here are the things that happened during her life. A lot of stuff. Every thing. Every time I read that shit, I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Like five years ago, a person died that was alive when Lincoln was shot. So, okay, let's extrapolate this forward. Basing the progress on VCR onwards. Yeah. Tenille that I went to was awesome because it ended with Frank Castle breaking through a window and fucking murdering that old man. Oh man. He killed a fucking hundred year old man.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Hey, someone's got to do it. Hey, when you have them on the ropes, you pulp their stomachs. Like, that's got to be so harsh. They're a hundred years old. I don't know. And you're going to pulp their stomachs. No, no, no, no. He kills a hundred year old guy.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And then when they're having a funeral, he cleans up the rest. Oh, okay. Like, I don't know that much about the Punisher. It's usually shit mats, told me. But the fact that Punisher would go out of his way to kill a fucking invalid one hundred year old man at his birthday. As bait. As bait is the most amazing thing in the universe.
Starting point is 00:08:04 That's how a military guy would do it, right? Yeah. So it does towards enemies. He's still guilty. Draw aggro. Yeah. Right, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Frank the Tank. Is that what you're saying? Frank the Tank. Yeah, we're not. Yeah. You started with your 100 year old birthday badge. What did you do, Liam? I played some video games.
Starting point is 00:08:24 I'm still stuck in the dank hole that is Hyrule Warriors. Still? Man, that game's fucking good. They keep putting out more stuff. That's why you're stuck in the hole. It's not over 91 hours in 90 years. Good for you. That game's fucking good.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I keep wanting to go back to it and try out all that DLC. You've played so much of it. Can I get a clear answer at this point? Yes. Is this just the best Musou game that I've ever played? Okay, thank you. Because I've seen people asking, it's like, hey, this game's great. I love Hyrule Warriors.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Is it worth going back to the old ones? And I feel like the answer is no. The answer's yeah, not really. If you're feeling adventurous, give it a swing because you can find the old ones for like 10 bucks on a bad day. I wonder if the changes will make it over to Dragon Quest Heroes. I feel like it's going to be the next one. If I was the Sony guy in charge of making this deal go and it wasn't as good as Hyrule Warriors,
Starting point is 00:09:16 there would be hell to pay. Sure, yeah. Right? How come you made a good one for Nintendo and you made a shit one for us? Although the hands of the old Dragon Quest Heroes... Kind of like PlayStation All Star. Yeah! Well, that was different people.
Starting point is 00:09:30 The hands on for DQ Heroes have been really positive. So I'm actually pretty excited for that. Except that there's no off-screen, like second screen. I'm not looking forward to playing split screen in Warriors again. When you go back to it, I suppose. Yeah, exactly. Especially the amount of hours you've put into Hyrule Warriors. So many.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I was going to say, it's great that it's actually succeeded sales-wise. Because remember, they were hoping to sell a million copies. They sold over a million copies. And then I just hope we can get a fucking sequel. I don't think they sold, they didn't sell a million. They shipped a ton. No, it was just like the last couple of days. I saw a thing that said...
Starting point is 00:10:02 Wow. North America or something. They shipped a lot. I don't think they sold a million. Anyway. A sequel? Groose. I really hope they do a sequel.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I really hope they do it in like 2016. Because I'm not going to be done until 2016. Oh shit. I don't think you have to worry. That'll be far off. The New DLC, like, Young Link is so overpowered. It's dumb. He's super fun to play as.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Because they wanted people to come back. And like, he's such a good... I wasn't sure what I thought about him. But he's such a good exemplification of what Majora's Mask is. My only gripe is like, I wish he had the Deku Mask and the Gwon Mask and the sword. Does he come with a bunch of weapons to upgrade like the other characters as well? Or is he just with his own sword? No, he just has the regular sword.
Starting point is 00:10:47 The Kokiri Sword, I think he uses it. No, it's way bigger. It's way bigger. Regardless, he only has his regular weapon. It's the knockmaster sword. His weapon is the sword and the damn mask. That's it. And he has the Keaton Mask that lets him run as fast as all the other Hyrule Warriors.
Starting point is 00:11:02 That game's fucking good. I was looking at it, I was talking to my girlfriend last night. And even pre-patches without any of the DLC, we were thinking we might have only just finished all the content in there. Yeah, like... Without even the patches. We just the base. Just the base adventure map and story content.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Fucking Sterling over, Jimquisition did his thing. I watched it this morning. And he's completely right in that I have not played that game that much, but I was eager to buy the season pass because the core game has way more than it needs to have. When that game felt totally complete and packed with shit. And if you do get the patches, then like... Yeah, and then they put out patches with free shit.
Starting point is 00:11:44 So like, yeah, okay, I'll get the DLC because I didn't feel like this was ripped out. It doesn't feel like a rip-off. No, that game's fucking good. In Japan though, the season pass is like $35 or something. I remember Jim Sterling's tweets during the game awards is like, how come everything that's winning is not Hyrule Warriors? Yeah, basically.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Well, he should be winning first person shooter of the year. I think it should. You haven't played as Tingle yet, have you? I have not. It's pretty vicious. He does the coolest Red Hawk kick. Wait, wait, wait, stop it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:15 He does such a cool Red Hawk kick for his boss finisher. It's sick. I don't know if I can play as Tingle because he has the problem that Ren and Stimpy have. His face is so much detailed. It has so much detail. No, he definitely looks really creepy in this game. So much more than every other character in the game.
Starting point is 00:12:35 He's the only one with like skin texture. No, he looks great in this game. Super creepy though. Yeah, it's like Tingle was designed by Nintendo, the body up, and then his face is designed by John Christie. John Tay, all the way. Yeah, yeah, for the face. That's Liam's weekly Hyrule update, Hyrule Warriors update.
Starting point is 00:12:52 That game's gonna keep the line. Yeah, exactly. There's still one more DLC. Seriously, shut up. No more characters. The next one is just new game modes. I thought there was more. But there's already enough fun.
Starting point is 00:13:04 That's still hoping for grace. Isn't this nice to be able to feel really good about DLC? Isn't this a nice change? Because DLC is such a good idea. And when there's good DLC, guess what? You end up with Brood Wars and this. You know? Those are the two guys.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Those are the two. Can I? What? When it's not that... Brood Wars is obviously not literally DLC. That is the most revisionist shit I've ever heard in my life. When it's not the Mona Lisa picture where it's way into chunks. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:37 That we all know. I'll shit on Nintendo all day because they don't know how to do business, but they do know how to do fucking DLC apparently. Most of the time. Yeah. And Mario Kart stuff was really good too. Definitely. Don't look at News of Mario Bros. 2 though.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Oh, don't do that. $2 for a 40-second level? Is that the first one they did? That was the first one they did. So I think they did that and they were like... Fuck Fire Emblems was like 60% Garbage and 40% Resilience. That's why we want something like another new Punch-Out or another new F-Zero because those are perfect for DLC.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yeah, definitely. And I respect them not doing DLC and Animal Crossing. That was a money hole that they could have just... Animal Crossing lends itself so easily to a free-to-play gameplay model. It's unbelievable. And they held strong until the next one. If they announced free-to-play Animal Crossing, shit Nintendo is real.
Starting point is 00:14:28 If the mobile AT field that they have in place ever shatters, Animal Crossing is the second game that they'll throw on the market. What's the first one? Mario. Yeah, definitely. As shit as it would be. They'll do it instantly. And it's just an endless runner with Super Mario like three bad guys.
Starting point is 00:14:44 What else would you want? Sonic Runners. I was gonna say Sonic Runners. I'm excited to see the footage, but I'm cautiously bummed. The only thing to be excited about Sonic right now is that amazing, that amazing three screenshots of Sonic Runners in the show. That show is pretty goofy. And everyone looks at it and goes,
Starting point is 00:15:05 that's stupid. And then they go, wait, that's the funniest thing ever. I feel like the people who are making that show are totally removed from every single person that made the game. Oh yeah. Well, they're in France. When they put out that fucking tweet saying, hey, all you people laughing about fucking Knuckles' stupid jump glitch,
Starting point is 00:15:26 we made it canon. And they link to a clip of the show of Knuckles jumping into space. Shut up. I did not know this. That's in the show? Yeah. And the show's Twitter said we made it canon. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I need to watch this show for reals now. The show's funny. It's good. It's a kicker. It's the funniest thing in the world. Because that's just a liver blow. Just like, yeah. We love you.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Holy crap. I don't know. The only other thing I really did is I played a bunch of criminal girls and that game is like... Are you serious? That's the fucking name of whatever you played? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Okay, what's it about? It's about criminal girls. Your character gets pulled into the hell and this girl's explaining like, okay, now your job is to make these girls get out of the underworld. They have to become good people again. Okay. And you're like, no, I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And then this girl fucking kicks your ass and says, no, you're going to do it. So what would it do about that cool skull girl's character that never made it? It's not. It's not. And so you have to bring these girls who are criminals and you have to make them go through the afterlife and become good people again.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And it's an RPG. And it's all right. And all that controversy is super overblown. But it is kind of creepy, right? I mean, a little bit. Yeah. But just anything else. But no more than any of the other creepies.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Exactly. Do they start as Genguro and then get purified up? No. Is it like applying one of them? One of them is like a mega bitch. But the rest of them are just assholes in different ways. But they're no worse than typical anime trope like Sim character or something. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:04 You know what I mean? If you want to learn more about Genguro's, download the flash Genguro girl. Oh my God. That's like fucking a little bit of a surprise. Damn. We bring it back. Damn.
Starting point is 00:17:15 That's nuts. You and that and Phoenix Force always coming back. No, Phoenix Drive. Phoenix Drive. Thank you. The tragedy of Phoenix Drive is that you can't even find the funny review of it anymore. It got taken off something awful. Why don't you make a new one?
Starting point is 00:17:27 You think? No. My God, that thing's the funniest article on the internet. We're long overdue for a booty call reference. Oh, yeah. Well, there it goes. We're officer corrupt. Remember that one?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Remember that one? He said the clock. Yeah. There you go. It was on the makers of booty call. It was my Xiao Xiao fighting game. Yeah. And the only other thing was there was a game that came out on PS Plus called Kick and Fennec.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Kick and Fennec. It's like a 2D platformer published by Abstraction Games. We're from like the Netherlands or the Netherrealm or something. And same difference, same difference. And it's a platformer where you play as a little kid who has this giant gun that he finds. If only I had a gun. And the gun's too heavy to properly wield, so he uses it to launch himself around the environment.
Starting point is 00:18:11 It's his jet pack. If only I had a gun that I could use to use this gun. Exactly. It's actually pretty darn good. And if you have PS Plus, don't ignore it just because it's anything. PS Plus, huh? Darn good. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:18:23 It's a neat perspective. Or it's that the camera's slightly angled in a new way. Yeah, it's a 2D game, but they lowered and angled the camera a bit. It's like lowering and angled upwards a bit because it makes jumps slightly easier to imagine. Yeah. But the actual art, the design is kind of hard. Kind of bland. It's certainly better than those other two fucking games I talked to you about.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Juju on the 360. Oh boy. That really shitty... The banjo game. Not banjo. Donkey Kong Country Returns rip off by Flying Wild Hog. Yeah. No-no-why.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And Funk of the Titans, which I told Woolly about, and Woolly simply left the room and just didn't finish. Didn't let me finish what I was describing. Oh, hey! I was sitting here on your Xbox the other night and I said, oh, Funk of the Titans. And I said, what's it about? And you didn't say anything, and then you did a stupid chuckle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And I was like, no, what's it about? And you said, let's play the game. And then we did whatever we did. We did? We did. We did. Anyway. That was my week, Matt.
Starting point is 00:19:24 What was your week? Hey, Matt. Did you do anything this week? What did you do? Did you watch a horror movie? Did you have a week? I was going to say, by the way, your shirt's really nice. Thank you, it's pretty.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Oh, fuck off. It's pretty jawsome. Anyway. I was trying to not acknowledge it, but thank you. You kids not acknowledge it. It's kind of hypocritical of me because of how I act towards Woolly with things like this, in which I'm always on the other side of him and like, no, look at it. But on this particular thing, I am right there with you, Woolly.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Just don't pay attention to his fish-based cartoon entertainment. This is the guy wearing a shirt with his own face on it. It has your face on it, too. Yeah, I know. I'm not wearing it. It's a television show. Nope. Don't give it power.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It could be mice or rodents, so be thankful. Which one do you hate more, by the way? Mice or sharks? I'm... That's a tough one. No, mice go down to the core of my fucking... Really? The mice more.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Oh, right in there. The reason why is because mice were alongside the turtles whereas the sharks were later. The law firm was a way more pure rip-off. For me, the street sharks are way, way worse because they are so visually garbage. They are. They are like... But they made for an awesome shirt. They look amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:39 They are like the worst designers. And now they're coming back. Thank God. It's a more pure form rip-off with the mice because like you said, it was right during the timeframe. They didn't... It's like one word to one word rip-off. And then I also had to fight them for my dog's sake. That's true.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I don't like mice. They were from Mars? They're from Mars. They're from Grenada. That's worse. Or what are you saying? There's a space elevator from Grenada to Mars. Hungry mice from Grenada.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Way worse than biker mice from Mars, dude. And also, Woolie is especially like really angry and pissy about this because the biker mice came back. Yeah. And had like another thing. I like the third guy with the robot arm. Yeah, Vinny. What the fuck did you do with your week?
Starting point is 00:21:21 I mentioned it a little while ago that I was starting to watch Spartacus and now it was like, yeah. Man, this show. The new one, right? Not the old movie. Yes, the newer shows. And then we started watching again because it all got added all four seasons. I went, they're still much like Dragon Ball games.
Starting point is 00:21:38 They're still making this. Yeah, man. And it got to four seasons. Spartacus Zeno. And I'm watching it again. And they turn to my fiance and they go, this is just a soap opera straight up. But there's tons of boobs and tons of tons of balls leaving all over the place. I'm gonna blow your fucking mind right here.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Wrestling is also a soap opera. No. This is different because in wrestling, it's like, oh, I stabbed you in the back or you didn't get your title shot. But Spartacus is all about I'm sleeping with them and they're my brother and you're sleeping with his brother and sister. You are describing wrestling storylines. I'm describing some of them.
Starting point is 00:22:17 You're the person who told me that Ray Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero fought over the custody of a child. Yes, they did. That's the most soap opera shit in the universe. But that's one moment out of like 50 years. It's condensed. It's condensed. And I'm watching it.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I'm like, man, this is trashy, but I can't stop watching it. No, no, no. That's how it is. Because it's still a good show. And then when my fiance told me that the main actor to play Spartacus got diagnosed with a serious form of cancer, then they had to scrap their entire second season and they said, let's make a prequel to that. And then they actually churned out a decent season.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Everyone tells a story about how it's like they got fucked and then they somehow brought it back. And this dude is like a perfect, like, Apollo-esque god, the way this guy looks. And it's like, you're not, you're never safe. You're never safe from this blight on humanity. This guy's perfect. Red means what does it. Red means what does it.
Starting point is 00:23:09 That's what the scientists say. And then the other scientists say that it's the lottery and you're like, oh, fuck this. I watched that. I enjoyed that. I did a bunch of home repairs. I did. Okay. If you guys don't have this.
Starting point is 00:23:22 You're missing an apartment. What do you need to do home repairs? Well, not home repairs. Home repairs. Home improvements. All right. All right. If you guys don't have this, I suggest it.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I got one of those mirrors that are on those like folding, like it extends and it's for shaving. Yeah. It's the wall of my bathtub. And while I'm in like taking a shower, you just fold that out and it goes flat again. It sounds fucking useful. And we got it at, uh, I hear or whatever. And now I'm like, oh my God, this is so much better because I can move it all around my
Starting point is 00:23:50 fucking face. Yeah. Whereas like just looking at a static mirror. I'm just like, it sucks, man. Why can't, isn't there a better way? I have actually not had this problem ever, but I keep mostly a full beard. It is a miracle that your diamond chiseled laser specific beard managed up to this point without that in your life.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Right. Right. And that's, that's only going up from here. I just want, this is the future of throwing sharp objects against your skin. This is really good. I really like this in your face area. Well, being careful. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:24 Well, being careful. Okay. That's cause, um, I don't want to, I don't want to get the fucking phone call from your fiance of like, Hey Pat, get ready to do way more work. Cause Matt just killed himself shaving. You're really below in the list of the call priority cause that call them all. Well that would know he'd be eating the blood, you know, that's that shit. Also I picked up a comic book.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I suggest Willie at the very least maybe reads it. Afterlife with Archie. This is a fucking awesome comic book. Are you sure? Yes. Okay. I started reading it. And the basic premise is that Reggie runs over Jughead's dog and Sabrina needs to bring
Starting point is 00:25:06 it back from the dead and Salem goes, this is a bad idea. Don't do this. Cut forward to zombie dog biting Jughead and then zombie apocalypse in Riverdale. It is hilarious. Good job Jughead. Now is that, is this anything like zombie Spider-Man chasing Rhino into? Here we go. I've been talking to you go ahead.
Starting point is 00:25:29 You tell that story right now. Go. We're on the plane and Matt just brings up a comic where I think it's a Punisher kills Marvel Universe. Marvel Universe and a zombie Spider-Man is chasing the Rhino and they eventually break into I guess Yankee Stadium and it's a full crowd there cause there's a game going on. And I guess the crowd doesn't know that Spider-Man is a zombie so Spider-Man is just beating the shit out of the Rhino.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And everyone's like yeah they're cheering from like go Spider-Man go and then he starts pounding him more and more viciously. Everyone's like uh okay yeah yeah and then Spider-Man just leans in and rips a chunk of fucking Rhino flesh out of his neck and turns to the cat, to everyone and goes this me is mine and so like I know we were just saying like what the fuck does the crowd react to that with and I was imagining an entire like fucking bleacher full of people just turning and doing the Parkson Wreck like blank face like as these would do most like oh shit this is my meat and they're like yeah no you enjoy that Spider-Man treat yourself.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I feel like the alternate is shock silence like crowd shot and all you hear way in the back is wow super track yeah pretty much. So the comic book is just really funny if you're into like horror at all they constantly reference movies and stuff and people just quote movies and like Dilton and Nerds are just like look Michael Myers can totally kill Freddy they're like no because you idiot Michael Myers doesn't sleep and they're like no shut up and Mr. Weatherby just comes in and starts eating their innards. Oh yeah it's amazing it's amazing and I played three games really quickly I won with Woolly
Starting point is 00:27:18 one with Pat one by myself Pat how would you describe a plain Assassin's Creed unity for an hour and 40 minutes. I think I was probably a little hard on that game but just like I was I hated it for not the reasons I expected to. I expected to go in and be like this technical fucking mess like oh crap but instead I came away with like the most disappointing thing about that game is the magnetized running and how you can't jump a block from any object in the environment. Because of the new parkour system there will be times where we jump across like a roof
Starting point is 00:27:57 to up to a roof to up and we're going one way. You're in the air and then your character will be sucked towards an object and you see them go up to it. Full disclaimer the Ubisoft repairman showed up at your door and said would you like me to fix that for you sir and you guys said no away from here sir. But we did play the most unpatched version we think. But to be I totally think it's fair to judge a game based on its unpatched version because that doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:28:23 But you did refuse the patches and just the story just seems like the fucking most awful. For me it starts as the worst and then it has like a peak that I've never seen in an Assassin's Creed game and then it goes back down to the average. It goes zero to sixty on a head girl and then just the instant like oh you just killed my dad. I don't like we were fooling around and then you ran out the window and then immediately killed my dad. Yeah I'll believe that.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah. Like what. I had two things where I kept telling me about this. Oh yeah. I completely forgot. I completely forgot. All week and I was like we have to play Assassin's Creed Unity soon let's let's give it a go. I back up saying you know this happens right you know this happens right and I go yeah
Starting point is 00:29:10 okay Pat. I don't believe you. Pat that always like yeah Pat the liar and then we play it and every single main character is English and not just why we're not talking we're not talking like they speak English because that's to be assumed if you're buying the game in North America they're from England they're they all speak with posh London accents. But all of the PCs all NPCs speak in French speak in French and you were saying how it's like they said no this won't play everyone will hate the game if everyone's French so
Starting point is 00:29:41 make them English just like how in Greek movies about Greek mythology everyone's British. Except we have already established and all I saw people saying well of course it sounds like that it said the animus changes it to whatever accent the the person in the animus feels right yeah except here it's not Desmond what what ethnicity would you say Desmond you say he's a regular ass boring white guy no he's super mixed he's super mixed okay what accent does Desmond speak with he speaks a little like regular North American right so when he went to Altair and everyone spoke with an Arabic accent that made sense when he went to Italy with Ezio everyone spoke with more or less an Italian accent or in
Starting point is 00:30:27 some case a Istanbul accent right but when he goes to France or no sorry when the new person everyone speaks with a fucking British accent no we mustn't forget the animus 2.0 is an entertainment product I have I've never seen like a like a like a theming detail or whatever you would call it just ripped me so hard I never saw Arno's face right he's that's him he looks exactly like that's him I was hoping that they'd have a bit more of a unique thing for him going on there I'd rather he look like a aristocratic French douchebag yeah like a prince like he's supposed to because like like I hate it as much as you want Connor and his and Hatham and there is that Edward all look like different people yeah absolutely you know and
Starting point is 00:31:18 they get distinct and but this guy just looks like Ezio the ponytail and it's like well I can't believe how much it brought brought brought me out of it like I can't take a single line of dialogue in that entire game seriously because it's all you think you can get used to and someone then says someone yeah so you're starting to get used to it and but all the names are in French and then they're subtitling the word monsieur in brackets with translations in the in the subtitles they're like boy how's it going then monsieur and you're like what the fuck is this yeah it's it's a total it's and it's not like that and all the others no it's not like that all the others uh so tell them these bollocks actually worse than that probably the thing that
Starting point is 00:32:00 that hit me the worst is that when you start that game it's a really cool idea that ends up being like a big middle finger to you or the very first thing that you start the game is you see 16 other games that you could play including including china it's like the front end of the animus two point and they're all and they're all locked and all of the old Assassin's Creed games are on there and that's fine but so are a bunch of other ones and every single one of them is a game i would rather play than this one teases so long man i mean i'm glad it's like china's there and it's a real thing but we still don't have like even a release window for that unfortunately well i mean it's you know it's coming so that's eventually one day um and you and i played Game of Thrones uh
Starting point is 00:32:43 episode two yep and we enjoyed that sorry lost lords lost lords we enjoyed that a lot that was actually just a good time guys we lost we didn't encounter we don't know where they went they were right there yeah people are saying that there's like crippling save issues it's not counting your your on the xbox some yeah some people are having like they're they're booting it up and they're it's not recognizing their seat their season one say are their episode one save but we didn't have that problem tell tell needs to get their fucking tell tell tools this is what what who said it leon last week about if they make uh if they make the uh the minecraft where that's gonna get really embarrassing when that game i was really embarrassing now but i still agree with you it's
Starting point is 00:33:22 like this it's embarrassing this needs to stop because this makes me never want to play a tell tell game ever because there's like a 10 risk that the halfway through the season your shit will just fuck up and break i started doing it their own way without these issues yeah and it's like wait a second it's not the format is hard it's you guys just fuck yeah general generationally i keep expecting their games to get better like when when walking that season two and we'll come on that's when i pick those up i was like yeah these will be better what where do you make them up which would be better uh the beat a version which i played the previous one and then uh again like uh game of thrones and borderlands came out and it's like yes still not there and it's like
Starting point is 00:34:02 yeah we did have a close third we had at least two close calls like oh did we freeze oh god we didn't freeze did we and yeah there was like one moment in game and then the rest were like when it was loading up our choices for the on the next episode yeah but that that's the thing is that like this mar is a perfectly good example of telltale doing like justice to a franchise and it feels different than the other telltale games because you jump around to so many different characters in so many different locations where it wasn't like that with walking dead or wolf among us you're always usually the main yeah the main character and it just like and the second episode i was i was like i think i said to you like i really hope they don't try to have a shocking twist in this one as
Starting point is 00:34:42 well because that just lessens the shocking you have one shocking twist per thing and there's six episodes you can have maybe three of their total and the six the jumping around definitely feels like the show does you know like your pullout changes are literally like a contrasting character it's based on the show right yes yes um cool something that's interesting to go behind the curtain a little bit was as i was chopping that up i noticed that every half an hour there was a transition loading screen you want specifically you want to talk about pacing when when i was chopping up silent hill oh when we were recording and chopping up silent hill two every single time we were blow every time we finished we were blown away at the pacing in which every single gameplay
Starting point is 00:35:26 sequence in that game lasts exactly two and a half hours huh and and when i'm chopping it up and i'm going like in half hour chunks like every half hour there was a very natural progression yeah transition no like that game is paced oh my gosh making making lps you get to kind of appreciate that a little bit because you don't think about that when you're playing it the first time no instead instead when you get to the end you realize man our e4 had really good pacing but you don't like get the granularness yeah i know when you're when you're cutting it up into episodes you go wow like every half an hour chunk has a natural re r4 still has the best pacing because when i was i was at 30 episodes or some shit like something cool happens in every single
Starting point is 00:36:08 fucking episode it's unbelievable how good the pacing is and then the last little thing i played was maybe Liam you've heard of it a little in the game called castle in the darkness it's a little is that the um uh metroidvania quote-unquote yeah it's like a metroidvania castlevania it's by the yeah it's by the artist behind us super meat boy and and binding of isek it's a neat little game and it's like very i mean it feels like castlevania because it's kind of a hub world but also but it looks exactly like the really bad nes game deadly towers where you're just like a shitty little night looking guy and you just whip little swords in front of you i saw the screens of the game i didn't play it because does the art hold up or does it actually look like not amazing
Starting point is 00:36:48 no it's extraordinary enough especially when you meet an npc and the npcs are nicely animated and it's not like blowing anything out of the water but i was like oh this is a neat little thing and that's cool and i i actually bought a couple games on steam but if you heard this one where you're a sailing ship it's called like sunless sea sunless sea i bought that as well i bought that as well that fucking game is so overloaded at the start with like all the information you want to put in about yourself i didn't get very far in it because that game has no fucking text options what do you mean by text off there's no way to change the size of the text in that game so i have to play it at like 720 which my monitor my tv goes on when it's pc stuff
Starting point is 00:37:25 so i can't i can but i ended up taking like an hour to figure that out but that's getting a lot of high reviews and basically it's like an old gamer who loves that game yeah it's an overhead perspective where you're driving a little ship and you're like in an under like London has been caved in and now it's like the world is an ocean and old gods are beneath the ocean it's a top down it's what what happened is like bats uh picked up and stole london oh and uh and what was underneath was the old gods and it's basically a big about like like like uh just traveling around in wind waker yes but it's like dotted with tons more shit and it's just yeah it's it's it's really more say about that last uh next week but i couldn't like that is really front loaded yeah i spent
Starting point is 00:38:15 maybe an hour playing it but i didn't leave the town you create your character's entire history at the start by saying where were you an orphan are you devious what's your name oh man blood born's doing that too did you see that no dude there's no classes anymore it's it's uh when i didn't put out the character creator there's no classes now it's your past mother good do you have you have a violent cast well adjusted are you and the new deprived is waste of skin Liam time to go trash that fucking game concept i had so right where your character creation screen is a like mad libs thing almost straight in the garden you're your past adventure grab the blinds choose what you want and that's your character it always feels good to know your effort was useless
Starting point is 00:39:00 yep yep hey i invented children of the atom way before capcom did in my head okay yeah yeah so it's like we have a friend that was really pissed that Naruto became a thing because he had the exact same concept yeah yeah yeah and he hated Naruto well this is a stupid question we're all buying blood born right uh yeah yeah so i wonder why plague doesn't like the soul series as much as we do oh that motherfucker i wait what is the deal with plague you know just because how woolly goes hey i guess i just love being dead and more than yeah okay now i'll be a member of stars you want to call fucking plague out on some shit that dude loves the soul series he loves yeah apparently and he refuses to buy a console of any kind well how's he gonna play blood born he's not well what's
Starting point is 00:39:47 wrong with him exactly he doesn't like this is the whole game where i'll talk to him about fucking dark souls one or dark souls two for hours yeah and then i'll start to go into blood born yeah i'm not playing in his defense he's got to get that fence up man he's got to get that fence gotta get that fence in the puppies unless he does it's going to be a poor harvest it's it's takes a lot of his time yeah oh man that guy's a fucking weirdo i spent way too much time talking into to play through this show is that all you did this week no but there were there was the moments where i'm talking plague too much i gotta just i was talking about kona kona the barbarian he was like well i want a konan game where it's like konan does super dickery konan things
Starting point is 00:40:29 like a guy's about to stab konan and konan takes a woman and puts her in front of him as a shield like as apparently he's known to do in the comics all the time what a hero did did plague talk to you guys about horses i hope because this was the moment that i was like time time to take a break because we were talking about dark souls yeah normal uh and then and then he just said hey man did you know that horses are like vicious cannibals and i don't shut up no and i don't want information i don't want it and he just starts sending me like article after book after research paper after a piece of photos of horses eating intestines and stuff and i just don't answer and like my phone keeps going because you i haven't answered in like 20 minutes and he's still
Starting point is 00:41:26 like sending more and like dude it's the fucking oh stop did you do your fault you taste like oats yeah why don't you message him now and say it's really cool and then see what we get during the no no he's asleep now or something that dude's nuts maladjust like like did you know that puppies actually squirt acid from their eyes i didn't actually i didn't know that that's what cuteness is it's it's you're being fooled be fooled by acid so who's we do we want to jump to minor i'm playing a bunch of games i played more dying like that game story is fucking terrible like the wrecking oh yeah ever kind of going it's not that great last no but then you then you get to a point in which you are how do i put this so the the game is like hey you might have to do bad things for the greater
Starting point is 00:42:14 good right and every single fucking mission you get told what to do something by the bad guy or whatever and you call your home base and you're like i don't want to do this this is bad and the home base is no do it for the greater good and your guy goes okay and every mission every single mission and i know exactly where it's going it's going to go to like no you've you you i'm not gonna do it anymore and just like it's so take it to fucking rip the whole story out of that game and it is just a better game just let you survive rip the whole fucking thing out well and do missions and side quests and stuff like that like a couple of times right so where there's your story it didn't really have an actual story right dead island story is better than the
Starting point is 00:43:01 story dead island no story i feel like that's what really separates like indie survival games from like what could be a triple a one is the presence of a big impactful story and this is terrible deliver on that it's like i guess you have an impressive open world but otherwise and and at some point i saw like footage of uh of a fucking gameplay of death of not the christ dying light of a guy shooting other humans with guns and i haven't played it since because i don't want to get there i don't want all i don't want to do it do you remember how you remember how fucking bad it was when right after the bear mission in condemned to you get an assault rifle and yeah flies in that house yeah i hate that's why i stopped playing connecter i remember that that like when
Starting point is 00:43:49 that happens in a game that is the actual worst yeah where you decided to throw away your awesome game for a bad shooter yeah i also played a bunch of darkest dungeon when you sorry whoa when you said the thing like i don't want to do it i remember there was one other game i played this week i played the witcher witcher one oh oh oh oh that's a fucking mobot why did i do this you played the mobile witcher what a waste of my time why did you do that because i turned on my shield and i was like oh it's fully compatible and it's free all right that was deleted within that one i have a second cd just lying there and i feel it's the same thing as the shield or it's like hey let's turn this thing on for a laugh that has lethal enforcers though how much
Starting point is 00:44:37 does the shield cost uh 300 more dollars than it should how much is it 300 dollars cost 300 bucks right on a good day okay so that means the next nintendo handheld better have a good screen yeah yeah basically that's all that no this is fucking beefy like the best the next nintendo hardware better they better be yeah well i don't know if i like dork beefy to describe the handheld no it's really powerful how about how about competent like i fully expect nintendo to give us a 300p screen next time like fucking yeah anyway well if that we use the thing to go on it's like you know what i mean let's like it's good the the good piece of hardware that you want that you should have gotten like four years ago is going to be the one you're going to get next well it's
Starting point is 00:45:18 like then it's never going to be a fucking ipad screen no that's not the problem the problem is like there was recently a pixels per inch like breakdown uh that i read and like dorontes in there going like oh wow it's actually the xl the 3ds xl has the worst pixels per inch of any nintendo product except for maybe the original game boy going back to the gba anyway yeah it's terrible it looks so bad on the xl you can see every pixel ah just put it make a vita just make a vita nintendo just make a vita please i'll settle for it they want it to be successful the fact that i did say a vita with nintendo games wouldn't be successful oh i'm just i just realized recently that the the 2ds screen at the 3ds screen sorry is actually a lower resolution than the the psp
Starting point is 00:46:06 exactly and that's i've been telling you that i work better than psp and like that's the most embarrassing shit in the world anyway what else did you do uh i played darkest dodger dude that game is hard that game that game is super hard well actually i don't know if it's hard or not it's really hard by your conventional metric of don't let your team die but the game doesn't end when you wipe well that's what the thing is is that it's hard but that's you keeping in mind the whole i don't want anyone to ever die ever and i need to keep everyone as sane as possible i'm gonna have to break that rule i'm gonna have to break that you gotta let me you gotta let them go you gotta let one rule you said you'd never break because there's more than enough opportunities to
Starting point is 00:46:43 beat the dungeon with two of your guys not making it and that's good enough and you get more guys yeah sometimes you gotta just do it man that game's amazing i cannot like if that game had it was like a little less buggy and didn't have the markers on the map well it's really bad said that there was more stuff coming all fairness it's still the unfinished game yeah but no that's what i'm saying if it was it was slightly less buggy and it just it didn't have the parts of the map that said this is coming soon yeah like that game would probably be worth like $15 also i like as it is right now i feel i feel that there's a giant wall of like penetration for anyone who's unfamiliar with with that style that style of game with that much like micro on your screen
Starting point is 00:47:25 to handle i played it for like 10 minutes because i bought it too and like this is kind of what will he's saying is that like that's that style of game where it's like really really harsh and you're not sure if you're playing it even right am i losing but the character art is so good i'm kind of selfish i'm like i'd love to beat him up with these characters because the character art so strong i just say it's it's outstandingly polished and it's incredibly fun um i'm just kind of thinking about somebody who would mouse over one of their attacks and try to figure out what that means yeah you know if you don't have any background what type of attack is this is that stun i don't yeah guess what it's a learning experience yeah like you learn you learn like fucking it up yeah i
Starting point is 00:48:04 played a tiny tiny bit of dark souls 2 uh a couple days ago because that patch to check the patch stuff yeah yeah so i check the patch stuff not a good patch no no good what bad things that now this is the patch the original not the new release the patch original of dark souls 2 not the new release this is the scholar of the first sin patch those item description changes are really bad right they are really really really bad like it is it is it is like we fucked up on the writing of the lore and so they threw more bad writing instead of fixing the bad writing perfect which is uh but the real problem is that uh all dia has been added to the game it was a character that was implied in the original in the original release and he appears at three bonfires throughout
Starting point is 00:48:58 the game okay and you talk to him and he's the new final boss if you complete the the dlc he's the new final boss and i ran and i talked to him and was like yeah this is interesting it's a little it's a little on the nose but it's interesting and then i went to go fight him and he never appeared and so i had to go do some research as to what the hell is going on so the way they have actually designed this is that you have to beat all of the dlc before fighting the final boss and then this new guy will show up as the new final boss and if you have a save game that's before new game plus the game already says well you already got an ending so you can't get two endings well it's a checkpoint that says game clear yeah so you can't fight him again but woolly and Liam you both beat
Starting point is 00:49:45 dark no you did not beat dark souls too yes i did okay you did you did make a deal you didn't need the dlc yeah okay well you you saw the game you played the game who the fuck without knowing this beforehand is actually going to boot the dlc before fighting the final boss no one absolutely no one you just you think about it in terms of oh the release or the way the dlc worked and the way the difficulty of the way the dlc is it is clearly intended to be done after the final boss as post game content but if you do that you cannot actually fight well do you think in scholar the first sin is going to be rebalanced such that that might not be the experience i really hope so i hope this is just a weird hold over but all in all like super now that's
Starting point is 00:50:33 super disappointed did you go look at it look at oh the the boss fight yeah it's terrible because i went i just said it's like so that's the other finding that out i was like yeah well that's the other part of it is that that boss fight is terrible it is like absolutely awful i kind of felt like i was thinking it's like okay here's an opportunity to sort of tack another finale onto the one that's what i thought we could do like if we could just go and do it we would do epilogue yeah but you can't no the king's brother is a tentacle monster and that doesn't move well i mean they shouldn't because that's too much of it no but he literally teleports around and he has a ring of fire around him so it's hard to hit him in manly release he's almost
Starting point is 00:51:11 no he's almost pretty much invincible while the fire is that's it's and you can hit him when he teleports and then on top of that i'd like all that new scholar the first sin footage came out and you like they show off a bunch of areas like look what we did here the song is fucking great though yeah the song that plays is absolutely cool look look what we did to this zone we made it way worse we made this part way shittier it's like oh all you all all the big changes usually amount to we threw way more enemies into the room but you know what though it's kind of like it's almost like well yeah but too bad it's not for you it's for the new person that's never played it i guess i guess and they still refuse to talk about what that pc version is going to cost
Starting point is 00:51:49 like are they actually going to think that people are going to completely rebuy the whole game i think they know they're in a shitty spot with what they've done with that like that that the way that the standard for that yeah well it wouldn't call it a standard because it's very rare what should be the actual standard is do you already own the base game then it's 50 off do you own the base game and all the dlc then it's 75 off this is like this is like dark souls just the way that that namco is handling it's like the street fighter four of like no that's way it's way worse way worse i just i just mean the general contribution for that you carry over your safe file and costumes to the next game oh yeah uh so i played that and just got like really just
Starting point is 00:52:30 bummed out and i can't talk about too much but most of my time has actually just been spent playing monster hunter just so much of it i'm at oh god i'm at like 80 hours now are you sure whether or not you like it yet um oh god i think you could probably figure out how much i feel about that game that is crack that game that game is crack right into your fucking not how do you do crack i don't even know you start it i don't i don't believe you smoke you smoke crack you you you fucking honky mother fuckers you smoke it a bunch of times you snort cocaine is like look at it really hard that is like smoking crack all day fucking every day it's the best for dessert i will have a more conclusive uh opinion opinion there you go coming up get your
Starting point is 00:53:19 hot knives out oh it's so good all right that's my week cool um excuse me uh i basically i'll i guess i'll start with liam texting me uh to let me know that doc louis punch doc doc loose punch out his back on the club did you manage to get in on that and i went all right i guess it's time to finally join club nintendo oh wow so i i went through my library opened up all my fucking things probably a shitload i had a shitload of them i did that last year and i had like fucking 1200 or something and a ton of them were uh not even valid anymore because they expired unfortunately that sucks yeah um so i found out the hard way that it's like before it was called club nintendo there's a small window right around 2007 to 2008 where it was called my nintendo my nintendo life
Starting point is 00:54:07 and you'd sign up and you enter the same code and it would be like if it was 2007 uh it was too early if 2008 then it worked and then you get the club nintendo ones after that um yeah so i got a punch i got the punch out and i've got a bunch of spare points and i don't know what to spend them on maybe nothing um not enough for the major's mask puzzle get gold sun then golden sun yeah uh what was that other game that you said is exclusive to oh uh i i still haven't fucking looked at that i'm sick uh there's some six i need to look that up just to make sure i'm gonna google it i don't want to get i don't want to get anything that i can i can get elsewhere off of that i want to get the stuff that is not anywhere else at all let me check let me check just for the sake of like you
Starting point is 00:54:49 know i bet you if you take all your points you talk and then you send nintendo like your liver they'll give you that giant ganondorf tp statue oh fuck man yeah uh and then i end up at doors i got a 3ds excel pouch that's what i did with my uh well and there's a bunch of points that i had from um the the 3ds games i picked up the 3ds guy from of course which i entered and i was like oh wait these don't work because liam took these points you snatched them and you brought them back because you're like you're not using them and i was like oh i guess not might as well target uh it's fine i never did any of that stuff it goes through it does seem to be still a okay but it seems like i should write intelligence say here i just didn't i just didn't care but i want
Starting point is 00:55:29 dox Lewis punch out because these things are never coming out elsewhere but you say that but maybe there'll be some hd re-release of punch out it'll be included i'm not taking the chance you never know but if you want you want something to look at about that club nintendo fire sale to just be like oh come on right is uh i bought a fucking 3ds excel pouch that cost 600 coins yeah a bunch of super nintendo games are on there for six uh for 700 coins you know it's on there for 600 coins wait no they're not 700 coins to bring in and ask into 200 coins really then i saw something like 700 coins are like full titles okay yeah the big games are like that because 700 to 800 is like the big ass there's like wonderful 101 is on there for 600 yep so wonderful 101 is equal to my 3ds excel
Starting point is 00:56:15 pouch but i mean that's not right i also discovered that i have prices i also discovered that i had a free digital copy of wonderful 101 inside my uh louis gu fucking box that i don't know where it came from but the code was in there and i was like what the fuck i don't wait what was it it was a it was a digital code for a wonderful 101 inside my louis gu green box and what did you do when you put it in i didn't enter it i just i was like oh i guess i have a digital copy of this that i've never used i don't know how did you miss that i have no idea also why do you have louis gu i bought louis gu okay i bought it too you must be the one yeah the green box is nice i like it oh fuck oh that's why i have stupid yeah i hate when nintendo does their whatever color box for
Starting point is 00:57:01 their games it's fucking garbage i like i like the green box nintendo is so strict about everybody following their rules but they get to break the rules they break the rules all the time so what you say is that nintendo are basically the police no they're worse than the police that's a little that's a bit extreme to be talking about box arts how about that seno play chronicles x box well let me get to the docket before we get there but i think you'd have that in there oh there's a lot in there uh yeah no so i finally got around to watching wrestle kingdom 9 finally yeah it's a different type of show it's a different type of show and you and you can hear it in jr's voice he doesn't know what he's not sure how to deal with a lot of the new japan like fucking wrestling
Starting point is 00:57:46 for things like the the quiet from the crowd it's like maybe maybe the jr during like all the tlc matches when they first started maybe that jr could call it but this jr is just too old and he just can't keep up but he was enjoying it no no it was great i fucking i the thing that i love the most about japanese wrestling that they don't do in in wwe is the the combos the actual combos actual strike combos and the fact that the games themselves took them out of the american versions yeah it just shows you how fucking bad i said this when i watched wrestle kingdom i was like woolly how about a wrestling game that was this level of like combos and tag team maneuvers like these are doing like elbow strike into gut punch into low kick that's how it should be roundhouse the guy goes
Starting point is 00:58:34 down yeah you know exactly it's essentially a fighting game now it's so cool um that you have that stuff and the other thing that's fantastic is whenever they do the come on hit me hit me right yeah those spots are it's the same spot every time but it's always really great the crowd fucking loves it that's why they do it's like yes that's like what the crowd reacts yeah yeah they have an exchange you're right for the most part but i've seen some japanese wrestling shows where the crowd actually went nuts in japan yeah i would say that's something that's what it's going that's what everything is going fucking to 11 when the crowd is picking up um but they do these spot these spots and they do it doing a full exchange and then you get like some unapplauded
Starting point is 00:59:13 break afterwards as the guys breathe and stare at each other like yeah you know it's like it's like they there's moments there's segments too yeah have you cut have you uh converted from the rainmaker to the king of strong style no i have not because i'm i'm i'm thinking over nakamura is fucking cool right like now he's cool but in that fight i liked ibushi way more yeah yeah you know you're not wrong because when i saw the animated gif of nakamura just dancing in a white bag i'm like okay no this is too good and he does a great like bray wyatt style like twist upside down like i'm crazy seroton japanese can do that really well yeah but what is that anime what you didn't explain to me was that the king of strong style was basically fighting
Starting point is 00:59:55 guy tendo yeah slash grappler backie so i'm like no that's my dude um and the fight before that with the rainmaker against uh tanahashi was really cool as well because i i had never seen like a japanese face and that dude is like the you were in japan so like yeah he was so tall so the the dude that the rainmaker fought is like the ultimate like brett hart style kissing the children thanks i'm gonna fight for the honor of japan type of guy and like his whole thing is almost ipo-esque in that like he bows and he says like adigato to everyone all the time and like he's walking out and p and kids are throwing him towels and he's wiping his sweat with a towel and throwing it back it's it's it was a cool exchange for for like him
Starting point is 01:00:44 versus uh um yeah the rainmaker who's dressed up like business geese howard walking up the steps of this mansion turning around and cutting his promos from the top of a mansion stairway yeah it's fucking majestic the thing that we didn't really understand all the rainmakers we thought his name was rainmaker no but that's just his persona yeah that he just i'm now the rainmaker but my name is still this yeah kezuchika okada yeah okada okada and like yeah he did the rainmaker is his title in the sense that king of strong style is uh nakamura's title it's like uh i'm not i'm not stunning steve austin anymore and stone cold steve austin um you gotta love the the bullet club the bullet club that's the name of like the healer group it's amazing stiles and all the
Starting point is 01:01:27 fucking shitty americans and the traitor japanese oh no the concept they're the worst the concept is that they've joined up with the westerners and they're we're resort resorting to western tactics like awo style swarming the rain oh my god and they're literally doing the two to each other yeah yeah i like it it's fucking great because remember the whole concept of nwo came from new japan eric bischoff straight up admitting i stole this angle from new japan no it's fucking great oh it's good stuff and then and like the you know all in all solid event it's really long though yeah it's three hours and it's like it's really long of just matches and it's like so i say it's a different type of show is there too much wrestling in this it's almost as if there's a basic like almost every
Starting point is 01:02:13 card was like a belt you know what i mean what it was really intense dense yeah there was like there was the the intercom mental there was the heavyweight there was the tag team there was the other tag team and one of the titles you get is the best of the super juniors yes that's the best title to win and all in all my takeaway is just i'm sad that i missed the event that happened right before it that was called the body maker we need to do a let's watch with some old like rust like japanese get some of the good shit just like a condensed version and there's enough western guys there too to see get what's going on you know in russian tonight they have jeff jerry like shelter benjamin the british bulldogs uh son
Starting point is 01:03:13 and yeah i know that there's a bunch man um i want i want i know i want i want fucking um uh scott hall to walk on they go oh drunk character with huge body there you go so that's cool um i have passed the threshold in ipo where the full demcy finally showed its it's a lot later than you expect finally revealed itself oh there's nothing like that fucking reveal man what do you think about a main character what do you think about main character developing a whole new move that he thought was on his own on his own independent and then someone goes dude you just did this crazy this legendary old move that already existed you independently invented you created the boxing radio yeah yeah no it that's a cool thing that should happen more
Starting point is 01:04:10 often like even though i knew what was coming and i the whole thing i couldn't i couldn't believe i was fighting my bottom lips how many years i had known about the demcy world the demcy world was the very first thing i ever saw in me too exactly and you get there and it's there's no impact lost whatsoever it's so perfect because when you saw the animated i made a gift through i should probably stop posting and i should probably stop posting and the moment where like like he fun he figures it out beforehand and like he does it off camera and all you see his friend reacting to him yeah what is this and the smoke is coming off the post yes bam bam yeah that's whatever like i said i obviously it's my favorite you know how about
Starting point is 01:04:58 that face turn on the mizawa kun yeah isn't that the facist turn that's ever faced waiting waiting for him to get his ass beat and it never happens and it's like no befriend your bullies yeah it's the best i'm willing to say to me they'll save your career will you say man is a guy it's i really hope that ifo is not going to be this indestructible never loses guy and you know kind of i was yeah happy with the way it's a legitimate fear with a with a story like this yeah and then like no yeah and you get the uh the full fallout that comes with it that being said like usually we don't have to worry about that because auki and kimura exist to lose that's true too yeah so you get you get the reverse yeah and like i said before the other the other shorter series that come
Starting point is 01:05:47 after they focus on different characters for like a long time and you post kind of just there including the best flashback ever yes so the last flashback the last flashback what characters boxing career would you like to flash back the most takamura no no no there's no more okay you're thinking of someone who's not an active boxer okay uh it's the coach yeah yeah post war yeah yeah where they had to fight more four matches in one day um and i do appreciate that although i really really appreciate the the kimura and um flashbacks where you get oh fucking g to stop playing with your dick it's gto and it's literally the same voice actor doing the same delinquent high school bullshit with the hands in the pocket it's fucking great yeah scooters like uh doing the squat
Starting point is 01:06:41 staring at you with your head tilted awesome so that was cool um i was surprised to discover this week i went to a friend's birthday thing at laser quest and i found out that laser quest has not run out of business yet no that that place on st kathrin booming will never go away because that place is awesome and i found out why because i went basically i was a kid that used to go there all the time and then i discovered a virtual world where i could have my sick yeah virtual world and then later on i discovered um paintball and it was like yo this is like laser quest but there's adrenaline because you don't want to get hurt no it hurts it's fucking great i'm and i never looked back paintball is not for the weak of skin exactly it's and well it's in ships i was surprised to find out
Starting point is 01:07:24 upon returning that no it's booming it's still doing great because drunken people stumbling off coming from the big rich uh what is the mastery what is the minimum group size uh that you can that you can start again yeah you think it has to be 12 no that well there doesn't matter they always throw you in with other people unless you pay a fuck ton of money so you know what if you is that like let's say you show up and it's slow and it's slow and there's only like four of you will they let you go in if no one's coming at all then i assume so but when we went in we were we joined the full group that was going in because what is the full group size 36 36 yeah we get 36 people we can go have our own if we all call enough individual friends yeah we'll eventually there's
Starting point is 01:08:07 you know then there's some some bullshit tactics you learn over the years that you can use yeah i remember and they teach you some of those bullshit tactics by telling you not to do them yeah please do not hit other players with your gun don't melee them don't don't work do not cover the sensors with your hands well that's what the sensor on the actual gun is for that's why that's the one you cover that's but you gotta shoot too anyway uh and of course you get i got into the inevitable discussion that i do every time which is all right how do you step this up because paintball and could introduce real gun grenades paintball introduced smoke grenades and like sniper rifles and fucking all paintball is always going to be like one step ahead because it has physical effects
Starting point is 01:08:48 to hit you with yeah and you're and you can do outside weather crazy scenarios of airsoft that's why i think laser quest has to step it up by just like emphasizing the fact that you're shooting lasers yeah the fantasy elements make me feel like like uh uh fucking captains not captains captain power captain power and the soldiers of the future want to feel like that yeah so i was talking with my friend about it and i was like okay step one laser grenades all right you roll it in it shoots an army directional grenade just the ball array effect grenade is like the number one thing you can do to a combat game like this that changes the whole fucking thing right you get that going like number two you can probably get not like a melee thing but it'd be great if you could like
Starting point is 01:09:35 have the equivalent of a flash grenade where it's like you you don't let you stop their gun from working temporarily okay you know i like there would be a very like i don't know they have to have stricter rules sure but there could easily be like some kind of uh like key card or some shit in the shoulder the left shoulder of your thing and then if somebody pulls it out physically yanks it you become just totally disabled like that's all right that's right like like touch the ball yeah exactly right but you have to be playing with people that are not going to escalate into a fist fight over that of course if you have drunk people yeah so that's probably back when i used to live across the bridge in fucking laval whoa there was another place called qzar and i
Starting point is 01:10:17 remember they i remember the distinct difference between the bat and laser quest was qzar was a you have limited shots oh that's a big fucking difference and but then qzar but then you have to run back to your base to fill up to recharge that's not bad no but the problem was that you get way more points for shooting the enemy's base than for shooting the individual players okay so the game broke because everyone would run past each other to get to the opposite basis it is a real life equivalent of the problem in some capture the flag shooters exactly and so this so like you know like we were i was i was discussing how it's like you tried to do the game theory thing here but it fell apart in real life right and so what i'd like to see is what would your equivalent be of
Starting point is 01:11:02 um waypoint capture where you'd have i guess like like sensor pads that know which team you're on and you get to the waypoint you stand there for 10 or 30 seconds like maybe something like that could work but the whole capture the flag do they still have a vip at laser quest uh because i went there like 10 years ago of the game mode yeah okay so uh we all know generally we alternate between teams and free for all okay because the last time i went there like 10 years ago when i was in high school they had three game modes and it was free for all was the first then there was team mode and then the second team mode was vip and one one person would be designated the vip yeah and gave out 10 times as many points yeah for being for being shot yeah in uh like i'm used to i'm familiar with
Starting point is 01:11:48 that in paintball where it's protect the president yeah and that is my favorite version yeah because it's just instantaneous loss and like i remember that game where i was the president and the way it's set up is uh you have the terrorists you have a special secret service and then you have two guys with shields next to the president yeah you have to make it to the other end protect the potas and yeah and i i that's the story i might have told you guys before but like uh my two guards got shot and i was right near the end i was in like sprinting distance so i sprinted for it and i was surrounded getting shot at so i dived to do like a kind of like land on the ground snake style land but i fucking hit a root before i did oh no and i did a flip and fell into like a hole
Starting point is 01:12:28 oh no and fucking like by this shit yeah and i invaded the shots and everyone was like yo woolly just did a sick flip holy shit that was nuts and you're like hell and they ran up to me and i was on the back on my back going ah you know and they're like oh it wasn't cool at all i appreciate paintball being a much higher quality version but there's one thing i remember about paintball that is just it's it can be a deal breaker and it's like you go to a paint well a large paintball thing where you're dealing with huge groups of people and in those huge groups of people what is what do you do when you get hit by a paintball woolly you put your hands up you put your hands up oh and say stop shooting me right yes yeah yeah except they don't except they fucking don't and
Starting point is 01:13:11 that's where that's where you get the welts that's where you need good rep but that's also where the ref goes all right you the fucking dickhole that kept shooting out you get executed after this place that i went to was such a large location that the refs were totally ineffectual it was it was like one of those like square kilometer things like yeah and that's awesome but it's like literally like i'm both of my hands are up and all i'm doing is causing my stomach to be more easily targeted and fucked up because what we had after every match was the dick bags that had to go stand and get executed on the wall by everyone brutal for fucking shooting someone that was a good solution exactly there's a game maybe maybe leon would know a little bit more about it but that that was
Starting point is 01:13:56 weirdly highly reviewed and it was nerf and strike on the weed yeah i know the one that got really high at the nerf thing that went in your rear it was a nerf thing and it was just like kind of a safe fish first person arena based thing and it got high reviews for whatever and i feel like there's something weird about a safe first person shooter that you could do something about the idea the idea of refs not being there in real life the idea of dumbing down gun warfare so that children can enjoy it is always a funny one it's awesome platoon yeah sure so that's it all comes down to like paintball feels better has more options and cooler shit but it has to often rely on the honor system yeah and you're not you said the days that are super military like
Starting point is 01:14:40 they just go airsoft oh yeah they go away they go all the way in there but i do like the professional paintballers that have the fucking gun in one hand and the gauntlet in the other yeah to flex bullets out of the air because you can see the speed is way slower than an arrow yeah like you can do it like with oxygen as tanks you can totally see the bullet coming and like knock it away with nos it's a bit harder but still if you have the fucking gauntlet you can do it and that's ridiculously cool you just want a gauntlet yeah i still remember that moment you look like a character design hey really you remember that moment where you went to paintball and you you got to realize whether or not you were a pussy or not where you got the really really bad shot in the
Starting point is 01:15:21 place that you're not supposed to get and you you were like okay no i'm i'm fine like i got one straight in the mouth oh through the mask that's fun that's fun i've got like the paint just shot all over my mouth it was like i have to wear a bandana so i thought the worst one would be the dick no but it wasn't no the worst one for me was going up the wooden stairway getting shot five times in the legs and then falling down don't get shot mid crawling the stairs is a yeah that's a castle beanie don't get hit where you're going it's a liability it's a liability you're gonna get hit you want to turn around so they can hit your ass because that'll take a lot of damage you take a lot of damage in your ass yeah i mean there's there's only so many things you can do yeah that's
Starting point is 01:16:06 why they're calling an ass beating ass damage yeah ass damage heals no problem your ass just takes damage um but and yeah and then there's a bunch of games i've played that i can't talk about so oh there you are what do you want me what do you want me to say not mention it all tell us tell us later yeah so what's new in the world this week a lot of things uh i want to first and foremost uh have a short break for our sponsors you know valentine's day is just around the corner gentlemen wait what it was last week too less than a week away man we're getting there oh shit it's like oh yes yes exactly 72 hours away do the mental math so what you're saying is the the moon face that is like valentine's day
Starting point is 01:16:52 is going to crash into our town yes into the hearts of all your loved ones it's crashing down soon and unless you use the song of oh this is not working love love this isn't working it was it was our song of time yes but but the point is the point is is that what it's too late and when everything is destroyed because you didn't prepare you didn't get your shit together you're gonna wish you could go back in time and get pro flowers for your loved ones and your significant others who's to say that i didn't come back in time to this moment so that i could take advantage of pro flowers well you're confused right now clearly demonstrates that you don't know what you're doing and you need help so yeah and that's why i'm here to help you because i'm your friend
Starting point is 01:17:35 i'm here to tell you about pro flowers professional flowers what are these guys are the flowers professionals they are pro flowers as opposed to being anti flowers or amateur oh oh oh this is a new interpretation do you understand what i'm saying oh oh i get it i for one welcome our plant like overlords into helping us deliver these plant like insectoids yes flowers instead of no for flowers exactly what better way to communicate your love than with two dozen assorted roses decadent chocolates and a glass vase all available from pro flowers nothing that i can say on this podcast females like roses you want to upgrade that and get a cherry vase in there you want to get what the fuck is a cherry vase cherry oh that's okay you want to get all in there you want to
Starting point is 01:18:23 really show your love you head on down to pro flowers dot com and you use the code friend cast you click on the blue mic the type of friend cast you let them know who sent you so that's pretty good as the moon closes in you can you're gonna listen to this and they're gonna like i'll do it later and then it's gonna be like right before like oh dawn of the final day oh shit and then they're like oh wait it's still it's still works yes they have the flash working for them to get those flowers in there in time it's amazing we can we fit any like more video game references into our flower ad to sell it harder i don't buy these flowers they do anything you want you deliver these flowers friendship is yours your s lick is guaranteed that's it there you go yeah for February it's
Starting point is 01:19:10 maxed out three points is with the arcana this would be four points because you have an extra gift item there you go there you go resident arcana master over here they will take a mortal blow for you they will so once again we do not guarantee the mortal blow we don't guarantee it we don't guarantee it can't but pro flowers honestly it's quick it's easy it's convenient it's got a really great deal that you can pick up to get your valentine's flowers in in time and uh yeah there's a lots of customizable options for you if you go on down and check it at where is that again i think you said it's pro flowers that's right and you use the code friend cast on the on the blue microphone button that's the one indeed to do order today don't fuck this up save your
Starting point is 01:19:57 relationship now thanks pro flowers thanks you know valentine's day is just around the corner you guys it's coming it's coming real soon i felt like we passed this already yeah and if we have to do this every year it does in fact happen annually it's kind of rough but if a girl likes you you get white day the next week so you know it's a plus only if you live in japan yeah well rumor has it i you know but the scrolls tell of it but if you've got a geek that loves you or you've got a geek that you love okay yeah could you imagine the surprise on their face if you show them a box full of geeky goodies such as a loot crate box i think they're good for that too they're good for anything how can they possibly serve this many purposes it's amazing you get a crate
Starting point is 01:20:51 of goodies sent to your house every month and you know what some of those things might make good gifts yeah you can cannibalize this box that's also love for emotion you do dang you are a geek they are a geek you share the same interests here's a loot you telleth of this will get us the affection the affection if not in the box will come from the contents they're it'll add another dice into the dice roll like risk attacking with more armies so when i look at our friendship i could do better yeah it's it's not guaranteed but it'll add extra people if you use every part of the loot crate instead of much like much like much like the name americans they would make sure that every part does not go to waste yeah i even have that cool nes box exactly the last new crate instead of
Starting point is 01:21:39 rolling a d20 for their love if you get 18 and above you roll a d4 yeah that's great dang it's hard to get 18 above on a d4 but wait wait wait where where could i get a loot crate at a time like this that is in this economy an excellent question oh geez you want to make sure to head down to slash super you want to enter the promo code super and save three bucks on any of your new subscription that's on the internet it's great the geeks are they shipped over nine countries and check it out check out their site for more info on that but they guarantee 40 bucks of value in every crate and sometimes even more than that yeah does the crate come with a hole in it it doesn't come with a hole in it can you cut a hole
Starting point is 01:22:26 in it you could but then your things might fall out some of the goodies in the loot no you take you take the things out you put your own goodies in there if you theoretically cut a hole in the box you could see the love and goodness inside but that'd be a spoiler yeah why would you want to do that geeks hate spoilers they fucking hate them you want to know right when you open it up and get all the awesomeness right there and you know what again if you think that anything in there could be of great valentines they supplementary gift work that shit out uh oh uh oh i fucked up i didn't okay wait there's cool shit in this box this will work and then you can solution and you will source the box and it turns into a nest like last month oh yeah that box is a super cool box of
Starting point is 01:23:07 NES goodness so once again that's slash super promo code super check it out see if you like it you probably will probably will it's pretty rad thanks ludecrate thank you thank you ludecrate uh before we get into the the full on news i just want to give a shout out to truly original name this dude on the subreddit that's a good that's his name damn name um you can't fuck with that name made a fucking really good chrome extension for our website oh yeah i saw that yeah adds the adds the most recent podcast to the top of the page remembers your place in the videos and shows you a progress bar of where you're at on the front page of where the on each video intriguing yes so where would you go get that uh i made a link to it on this otherwise it's on the
Starting point is 01:23:57 reddit it's on the subreddit yeah and you can go on the the you probably look for it in the chrome it's for it's for chrome if you have chrome so you know nothing for firefox just yet however um it would be really cool if things like this could be integrated into the site full time i'm looking into it we're looking into it yeah oh i'm looking into it uh so so for news i got a big question right before we get to real news i got a big question i see it who stayed up late wednesday night oh i did i did i also as well i was actually on tuesday on monday i decided i'm gonna fix my sleep schedule so i'm gonna wake up early in the morning i'm gonna wake up nine a.m. tuesday morning and i did and i didn't get tired and then at midnight on wednesday i was like
Starting point is 01:24:40 oh fucking shit this is the one night this is the one night i have to stay up till eight in the fucking morning and i did and lean was it totally worth it it was totally worth it because i go to bed at five because we knew when the time was yeah so i like waking up and then having my news hit me that's no no that's great there's nothing compared to the news is happening in 10 seconds the news is gonna happen in five seconds the news happening right now and you see it and you see what it did happen right now the impact is incredible it took a while yeah so they it was no right they had this fucking thing or i was just playing games so yeah i was staring at me oh my god the amount of fucking troll shit per the fucking atlas stream through it people was unbelievable
Starting point is 01:25:25 was literally with beyond belief with that fucking teddy countdown to nothing that was the best that was the best one where they had teddy countdown five times and at the end of teddy's countdown nothing happened yep yep it's great i saw the five three there's three amazing terrible so uh let's like the crime time version yeah yeah the crime time version is pretty special fucking strong yeah strong style right there but king of strong um no like let's just keep it to bullet points that bullet point you know uh that is probable well me and lean we're talking about before this like i think that's the one of the best trailers for me i'd say that's my favorite trailer for anything of all time it's it's unbelievable uh my takeaways is like you know
Starting point is 01:26:08 you're a fucking god when you can show menus menu trailer as your as your sizzle as they're still excited and people are like yeah yeah look at that pause man that's the hottest pause menu i've ever seen yeah no i i think that trailer was like way above everyone's expectations oh yeah that's fun stuff expected to be that good what did you think of the trailer man did you watch it i know um watch the crime time version oh it's you did be like impressive no did you watch the godzilla announcement a few weeks ago no all the same thing it's pretty cool and it's actually very very similar okay um i i'm not a fan of blonde resa just yes i am so i'm getting really like she looks not like she looks less like resa than the guy looks like acajica i saw there's that one picture
Starting point is 01:26:55 i saw and she's blonde and she's got the pigtails looks like he's got short hair like acajico so we just want acajico i know i'm just saying blonde pigtails blonde resa for the guy like for the guy who like gets bothered when people post pictures of people with dreads and they get called woolly i'm surprised you'd be so quick to call something else someone else yeah liam i'll try not to offend resa the real life person good no but it's good real life but it's like good person that resembles that's what's at stake here yeah so am i even joking yes so i i uh i got really excited because i thought that was the stray sheep but it's not no it's not it's a it's a coffee shop it's a coffee shop yeah that yeah um yeah that's that game looks gorgeous oh uh did you see the
Starting point is 01:27:44 new details that came out today or yesterday rather uh the the the mcs persona has been named and it's arsene oh fuck yeah god that's you want to talk about on the money you want to talk about on the nose yeah like they're like hey we want to make lupay the third game so here's the name here's the fucking god oh geez uh and also uh god what was it um not all the dungeons are going to be randomized but some are but sucks which which makes it seem like there's going to be the one random dungeon and there's going to be your heists i i really hope there's very few random dungeons well let's stop hoping i'm gonna keep hope leverage your expectations appropriately of course of p1 and 2 had the random ones no they didn't know okay no three and four added it p1 and
Starting point is 01:28:32 two arguably had the best dungeons designs yeah probably because of that okay three random dungeons or like yes three three and four added the random dungeons so they could spend more time making social links well my main problem with the the the three the ones in three was that they're super exploitable once you know how to run through the yep you know how to corner every fucking shadow particularly it's just interesting yeah they had no visual design differences whatsoever i'm gonna stand on this pillar and you can't get me yeah man uh it's all that problem there we go so uh let's move no dancing all night looks really good as well it you know what my soundtrack is amazing that list of names was a list of names that i did not recognize kiri yamaoka kiri yama
Starting point is 01:29:11 is on that list is everyone you want in there is in there so i'm gonna call it right now that final boss of that game because i noticed the songs that were not mentioned in that list boss yeah there's probably going to be a final boss in dancing well final song okay sorry and i noticed that i'll face myself is not on that track list as of yet and i'm going to bet but i will bet money if anyone wants to take it that the final thing of that game is an i'll face myself remix against kandaman's shadow i'm personally praying for the collective funk of the human unconsciousness yeah i know it's persona four dancing all night i was really hoping for some tracks from other persona games that will barely you still see apparently i i really hope they have like german
Starting point is 01:29:57 butterflies why not there's a lot of good p3 tracks that's a p1 track i know but i'm just saying because i don't know the other persona games oh okay i know p3 they're really good they're too old i can't it's it's a shame i can't go back to that that's like someone's saying i don't know about the spinal fantasy sex i don't know about this balder's game it's too old no there there are things there are things that at the time i didn't like about those games right like positional attacks and i think having a different persona like having the the the menagerie of persona for every single member on your team is a little complex and maybe that makes me stupid there's a few songs i wish i could extract lotus juice out of but no no don't take pagan men out of our
Starting point is 01:30:37 persona did you see did you see what i'm talking about i didn't like you just turning into that lian you just saw him at the concert that he has his transformation is nearly complete he was even wearing purple as his primary color he's often used him as reference he looks so much like pagan men it is it is fucking hilarious i mean it is a character design that i can see people thinking of asian cool guy yeah with mohawk fang mohawk foppish haircut in a suit uh you should play far cry for we'll hand something i'm gonna get through three first but yes no don't no but i want to okay it's just pours like lexan's room it's fine uh all right so i want to start off with moly news yeah all the news oh my god that's pagan men let me see it i just
Starting point is 01:31:27 yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's it's hilarious it looks a little like rainmaker too yeah same haircut so uh new segment we're gonna be calling it moly news moly news fucking bad shit this time this isn't a good one so this one's not a good one i want to read i'm i'm happy to kind of see that like yet like lian you can see this no this is not microsoft money getting wasted here so here here's the setup that that i was gonna go with it's like i remember almost like it might have been the first podcast but it was it was one of the very first podcast almost two years ago yeah in which we got into like a heated argument over goddess and moly new yeah and you made goddess was really yeah before was the thing and i i was being perhaps unfair in my extremeness i guess moly new but i felt
Starting point is 01:32:17 justified by his track record yeah and leave you said what was actually the reasonable thing at the time you're gonna wait till goddess is out yeah before throwing him under the bus well and low well are we still in the middle of chiseling off the fucking cube or whatever at the time yes yes we were absolutely and this is before the because the cube said that the guy would have a one-percent profit share for goddess all right cube was needed in goddess oh absolutely i don't know if we got i don't know if we did they give a percentage on how much yeah i think it's the one i said he'd have these royalties involved right yeah he said we'll take a number so what's up with goddess willy so uh a goddess dev says the guy that got brought in from the community unpaid to
Starting point is 01:32:58 work on the game is being extremely frank about the situation i like i like that terminology frank is the term and so like before we even go to that goddess for android and ios came out the free-to-play version of goddess transaction he not and it is a solid three out of five microtransaction city-building it's not very good oh it's even worse than what metacritic led me very good oh wow okay so it's either way do you like the idea of uh no i don't free-to-play city-building no microtransactions like that's not very good i like the idea of gavelang civilization i'm sorry for cutting you off fully but i just want to i i thought it was important that the free-to-play versions exist that day yeah that they came out yeah no uh so basically um um no no
Starting point is 01:33:43 it wasn't the community manager it was the designer yeah um and uh rock paper shot then spoke to them and he basically came out and said that the kickstarter promises are not looking like they're on track no way they're they're gonna have yeah um so that has a lot to do with like the multiplayer modes and and like that game's been early access for over two years right almost to a while yeah and like every kickstarter that does well blows past its release date because they put more stuff in but what this guy is saying is that most of that stuff isn't gonna get in anyway yeah so so what excuse is there a lot of the multiplayer stuff is looking shaky seriously shaking right now especially the persistent stuff like the hub world as for
Starting point is 01:34:25 the kickstarter promises it's not looking good the silliest claim made was that it would be finished in seven to nine months that wasn't even true of the money raking mobile versions and the pc gamer is an early was an early access since september 2013 uh it's missed the further 17 months on top the linux version as an added achieved stretch goal has shown no signs of appearing that sucks it was built on an engine that does not support linux yeah no a student forum was promised for providing feedback on game designs and career advice but we can't find that but fuck that what about his new project his new game the trial will be an experience never seen before and will build on feelings and emotions untapped so far it's going to be emotional so all that
Starting point is 01:35:08 shit is really fucking bad but if that's all they were doing i'd say right but the fact that they're jumping to the fucking next project before even coming close to finishing the old one fucking come on so how you're responsible of him to to pitch a new problem to pitch goddess and say this is the amount of money and for it to come nowhere near nowhere and for them to end up needing purchases which clearly aren't there yeah in order to fund goddess how incredibly irresponsible of them considering how much experience he has in the this is and this is and also there there was always the argument when this came up was like molinou should be able to get funding for a game he is peter molinou he does have a development studio and that may
Starting point is 01:35:57 be not be true but it adds just this nice little extra shit to that feeling of like the vanilla on you you have under you have oversold and under delivered every single project but you have worked on dozens of games i was saying to pat that i think maybe it's because it's how malinou speaks in a way presents himself but i almost feel like i was bored with this concept and instead of well i'm sure he's always moved on to the next thing that i'm thinking about multiple things and yeah and it's almost hard to resist that urge you know i mean he's working on it for two and a half maybe three years now so i get it but it's like it's like no finish it people paid you no i i i know that no i'm not talking to you i'm talking to phantom molinou that's over
Starting point is 01:36:42 there yeah i think it was with the maladu game jam more progress to be seen on that side of things perhaps that thing's sick embarrassing um yeah man all credibility is now gone it's and hey take a guess at what the first image in that thread was um uh it was my love it was no it was memento exactly don't believe it of course of course it was you know um i like i i went through the trouble of like asking people and like okay he's made a lot of games what's the last game he actually just completely delivered on it's not anything in the fable series i mean i why i play black and white i think he delivered pretty well on his vision for fable it's it's not black and white black and white's a good game but i like i don't remember the way he fucking talked that shit i
Starting point is 01:37:32 didn't that's where the the malinou talk shit up stuff came from though i thought it came from fable one no no it started earlier yeah no but the black and white shit was almost as bad all right it was the last game that that guy made with his people that just completely delivered was dungeon keeper two in 97 well 18 years ago hey i mean did curiosity not deliver on it's i don't think it did because i think the clear intention of the phrase life changing secret yeah does not imply a lottery winning of money and a possible job it's like saying hey there's this amazing what is your fascination in my forbidden closet of mystery what it what is in like that's hyping yourself up to have nothing really it's also and it's also kind of linking
Starting point is 01:38:30 the life changing aspect to the success of your game yeah i guess which which on pc at this point may never actually release but i don't think there were any other promises with curiosity i think that's yeah that's it yeah and i and it's close enough to achieving it's fucking you know i may as well be that throw it up on the board yes throw it up on the board but yeah this is shameful shit this is this is it's not good like that's the one group you don't want to not be able to deliver to is your fans you're directly your fucking backers the people that are willing to shell out shit on faith faith in you peter yeah like if this was just something that he completely funded himself yeah and just experimented with it's whatever you know it's like hey unlike the company
Starting point is 01:39:15 money being wasted situations this is the court of public opinion and you only get one shot man you know so like i'm sure he's i don't think that's true i want that to be true i don't think that's true no i'm not saying a publisher can't now no that's not what i mean i mean you go you go in there and you see people who bat that game and got hosed yeah and they're like i just can't get mad at him because he's just so enthusiastic about the future of games well in all fairness that's the one thing he manages to always be yeah yeah i guess please look forward to the trial indiegogo not kickstarter the indiegogo you can get the money right away when you when you yeah whatever this new feeling is that every it better be something like between emotions lust and devotion
Starting point is 01:40:06 it better be a wouldn't i'm not going to be nuts if at the end of the trial like you opened it up and we got us was just finished exactly that's what i was trying to get somewhere there but that's pretty much it yes uh anyway boom at the end of the trial like you plant the seed and fail and this has just been a 15 year cycle social experiment making into making a fable and making fable a real game so let me ask so what you're saying is the title fable was the seed itself it was total work so so let me it was a 15 year war all over and microsoft comes out and says that's bravo thank you for enjoying the xbox too let me ask you guys congratulations shinji there are two there are two possible explanations for this thing happening for 18
Starting point is 01:41:01 fucking years in a row yeah one that this dude just legitimately believes that he can like he just dramatically overestimates his own abilities and that of his team or he knows the instant the words leave his mouth that what he just said was a complete crock of shit he answered this yeah he answered this uh and officially well really yeah well what's the official the same interview where he ended up crying at the end of which is he because he feels that his team can deliver on these ideas but he gets caught up in the moment and just wants to promise something because he the excitement he feels for the idea can't be bottled in that was the bit where he yeah he was at himself for that well if you were that angry at yourself maybe you wouldn't have stopped it to your fucking backers
Starting point is 01:41:50 but i mean that's like there's really some sort of psychological thing going on yeah i know but it's like i know you shouldn't know when you say i feel so guilty about how i led people on now hold on give me some money so i can lead you on someone like yeah it's you know it's important like instead of just being still selling his injuries he's also a pitch man and he's a hell of a pitch man crazy and it yeah he's talked about him exactly like hating himself for the way he goes about these things which is sad but fuck man also by not by not delivering milo we were denied great material yes personally personally personal level that'd be amazing at least the daily best friends check in with my yeah why don't you fuck off oh good about that then a couple
Starting point is 01:42:37 months of more gone down set it get to the british slider and just max it out all the way to the end or it's like even brick top can't understand this motherfucking kid set the mode to my little hey milo do you hey milo do you want some cake no thanks i'm sweet enough so deep into the east and he's in the ocean yeah or the channel yeah god hold your hand you know what nemesis means brushes virtual teeth brushes oh don't eat off this teeth though don't do that no yo fucking netflix huh mm-hmm i like oh yeah about netflix question mark we don't know what is netflix leaving canada too no they're bringing the legend of zelda i think it's still not a hundred percent confirmed
Starting point is 01:43:32 trying i i don't know wall street journal seems like a legitimate source of information i think well i think the leaked mario movie details from sony actually lends credence to the things existence they were trying again yeah like nintendo is like a lot of things uh that it doesn't traditionally do to get in fucking short movies to get well i mean yeah i mean like like this means with let's players individually like hey let's go meet smosh games with me yeah um where they've been doing so many things to get their name out because their machines are not doing the best i remember nintendo had a press release that kind of said we want to license out our characters more frequently now it was like a year ago or a little bit longer and now good smile can't get enough of
Starting point is 01:44:18 making nintendo figures yeah that's true that's right there are so many linked figures you see that shit no i wonder khan figure it looks great it's it's you know that artwork a skyward sword link that's just like this with the master sword like this yeah he looks super tough yeah there's a figure of that now and it's the most metal looking link figure i've ever seen i just read it's unpainted right now i happened to randomly google um not google i i was on ebay and i looked up the first four figures fierce tidy link the one i have yeah it's fucking three thousand dollars how many you got it for way way less he's after like two hundred three hundred four hundred yeah like well you know that that common i have the where he's just pointing out yeah that's like seven hundred
Starting point is 01:45:01 bucks oh man he was like fifties what whispers what no nothing nothing about your three thousand dollar figure that you keep in your in your room okay it's only three thousand dollars and someone will buy it it's not worth that to like for msrp but someone but apparently you have to get the box that's the fucking people try to sell it for that yes the one that's in the glass case okay so you coming back to it a live action legend of zelda is a terrible terrible idea and should it's a satirical ironic wand of gamelan there's yes you're right you're right but how much would you rather a over the garden wall style zelda thing i absolutely would like an over the garden wall style zelda thing because that's the only way you can properly do a zelda
Starting point is 01:45:49 with waker lake i guess michael sarah is link uh hard you're absolutely right i bet there's a meeting where a bunch of businessmen are sitting around with the water i was like the water we got to do something we either put shit on phones or you start selling shit to movies uh no honestly what's the tagline for this it's it's game of thrones for families which is the dumbest sounding thing ever because the reason why you watch game of thrones is because it's not for families and uh honestly what i get what they're saying no they're saying no honestly there's like one word changes my reaction is it octorox is it olivia wild no it's like simply it's just it the the inclusion of the word live action is what changes my feeling about this because i would if it was
Starting point is 01:46:36 animated i would fucking be like yes yes yes absolutely but the decision to make it live action so here's what we're gonna see we're gonna all those naruto actors looked amazing like let's in the play in japan but like but that's something like let's wait and see what we're gonna see the first like test footage or whatever and it is going to be like 30 below the average good link cosplayer is it good is it good that's my worry is it gonna look like storm riders are shallow and soccer if not then move the fuck on well exactly but let's give it a chance to be shallow and soccer well we don't have a choice to give it a chance on it this is either happening or a i've seen a million zelda live action things ig and put out that that really over the top
Starting point is 01:47:21 trailer for anyone that makes a nice enough cosplay every time i see it i'm like this looks like the worst shit ever why would anyone those are like fan made on a budget of less than a thousand dollars yeah and i just like it just like netflix just no that's that's like maybe maybe that's why they get animated route is so much safer and like so much safer yes yeah it's it's so much safer and i'd rather see it i always thought that wind waker the way it's design and the way its characters are i'm like miyazaki could animate this if you wanted to oh my god yeah it looks like that instead of like taking things already exists like um what's the what's the uh the ghibli movie with the the small little princess and everything's big it was it was like two or three years ago arieti
Starting point is 01:48:03 arieti yeah that was based on an adaptation of the borrower and then uh the borrowers and then house moving castles and adaptation and they weren't great adaptations they were like the weakest ghibli movies by far i've always found uh you know what i would have liked to have seen i would like to see uh a tribute style like video kind of like the the dark night one where different studios do a different take on like oh you mean a gotham night gotham night style that would be some a short story so you have some live action in there so you have some of that you have the over the garden wall style adventure with wind waker you have a ninja scroll style type type legend of zelda with hyrule warriors can have nine seasons of that no no just i can't just the shorts
Starting point is 01:48:45 a collection of shorts no you need nine seasons that would be really cool um but hey you like always sunny would you like to watch tales of hyrule zelda uh sunny and hyrule yeah yeah i'm a skeptical that one is linked just do it and so i'm doing that you can have different interpretations so you can take out some risks and kind of see how it works out but with this this is going to be the most risk averse thing you will ever see but i mean i'll tell you what though i am glad in general that nintendo is not scared of like you know the medium i guess yes it's good but like at the same time i'm skeptical skeptical this will ever even come out just because almost every video game adaptation in the last 10 years you remember the hey i just generated such a huge buzz yeah
Starting point is 01:49:29 i hope it pushes it to getting you remember halo movie getting stopped because of the halo bible do you remember that yes i do like do you imagine the rules that nintendo i got stopped i thought it got stopped because blunt camp was just like no it's because the the the halo bible that they couldn't they couldn't find a studio that would be willing to accept those terms and the amount of money that the budget right yes yes sorry can you imagine the rulebook on what how you can frame and show zelda i don't think it's that bad just because high rule warriors exist maybe but these are westerners they are westerners it's true is shiggy gonna come in and do the classic yell until like shiggy's gotta be ganon shiggy will come in and say you can't no no he means that shiggy
Starting point is 01:50:16 walks into the boardroom or the the netflix boardroom and starts screaming for an hour and then then the translator goes he is very upset i want him to flip a boardroom table and then realize it's too long and it just hits the ceiling this is a great idea for a game yeah a table flipping game you say you can't flip the table my wife flips tables like this all the time all the how to make pikmin or fucking whatever that story yeah so it's a really interesting story i don't know about this at all and you know while we're talking about adaptations i'll tell you what i do know about which i know that van gellion oh yeah you see that short i did no that short is really cool so is it a fan of van gellion thing or is it a original thing it is completely
Starting point is 01:51:02 it is the highest level production fan fiction short i've ever seen in my life cg oh yeah okay is the closest you're gonna get for now to seeing something of that like budget level applied to ava um and like it's fucking sweet it's a really nice just little moment with a unit going berserk and stuff but as they as they do it fucks up one detail one little detail and i agree it's really when i would rewatch it after you told me about it i was like oh that's there's a moment where the ava's shooting up the elevator and then it pops up on the on the top side but it but it slows down it slowly comes and it releases the latch and it doesn't do that sudden joe weird yeah with the jaw clinking where it stopped yeah because that's such a defining ava thing and it's like they
Starting point is 01:51:50 didn't do that and i was like ah i love that every time it's a miss yeah yeah um but you go look at that if you haven't seen it it's really cool i made a link to it down there um it'd be like if you had like a fan metal gear thing and also i just like reloaded his revolver in the most plain way yeah exactly just a little detail no gun tricks or something oh you know you're right that is really quickly screening adaptations i think we talked on the podcast that a robotech movie got greenlit then it got cancelled and then it just got re greenlit like three days ago that's a good sign that that always makes you feel good especially what was that one that toby it was toby maguire that was supposed to be that you remember that story like that yeah and like these things just
Starting point is 01:52:31 fall apart sometimes sometimes they get reignited but in this case though the toby's a vangallion or something that's out that you can go be lands on his feet uh now speaking of things going berserk in china berserk what so two dudes are playing a match of kof 97 in an arcade that's right as you would in china in 2015 what this is an accurate story they play each other intensely for a while and eventually dude a uh beats dude b with a raw spec a raw special and beats him dude b gets upset because it's kind of like a disrespectful thing to do is it yeah to like uh there in those house rules or wherever i guess okay i can't believe you did that like it's like like basically like in fgc they'd say like no respect raw ultra you know what i mean like oh you mean like you're just
Starting point is 01:53:23 you just threw it out in a world if it hits you don't deserve respect remember what that's exactly all right so it's one of those things um and so dude that gets hit by it jokingly gets up and grabs his chair to swing it dude a as like oh you motherfucker uh dude a doesn't realize this pulls out his knife and stabs dude b and like that's reasonable arcade culture being kept alive in china uh what is this respect he just threw it the knife and he walked into it i'm like like just a raw knife how disrespectful it was in the news report of candy cabs with blood all over them like like they're in smear i even made you really got me bro no no no no uh candy cabs the white japanese cabs i know what they are it was a joke about how you have blood on your arcade
Starting point is 01:54:11 oh yes okay i even made that joke in like a best friend's brawl where it's got the third strike cabinet and the knife and the knife comes in held by a scary hand but the thing is is that immediately after doing it that guy that stabbed him super like apologized and went oh my god like i didn't know that he was joking you know i'll unstab you and then a rising tackle and apparently they reconciled before he got brought that happened sometimes you know that's friendship um my takeaway on it is was the guy okay wasn't worth it for 97 should have been 98 should have been 98 should have been 98 okay man yeah okay i thought you were going to describe like that entire scene from chapo lang no no that's 2002 oh god in that in that movie there's a pattern go watch scl you guys
Starting point is 01:54:57 there's a pattern on these stabbings and it all started in 94 it all began in 94 yeah kept on going in 95 the stabbing continued at 96 the blood spurred it in 97 now imagine someone gets stabbed he's like oh someone got stabbed something wicked it is wake up sneaky stab attack perfect oh god who stabbed this guy i mean what's up with that that knife is too strong you have a knife oh god oh that's best oh i do that all day yeah yeah and you know and all we can really say is like over here the arcade stabbings were drug related not yeah ever ever due to the game nope due to yeah so uh it's like most easily in your local arcade i stabbed him first oh i guess i can mention too as you mentioned that did i finally finished watching episode six with the girl oh yeah
Starting point is 01:56:05 and uh yeah i i i kept quiet and i just watched the facial reactions absolutely out of the corner of my eye because i don't want to you know do most of the order you did again just one two three four five six one two three four five gendie clone wars six okay um and uh yeah i get like just hearing the scoffing and watching the smacking of lips and like laughter as it just progresses worse and worse towards the end shouldn't you technically be sorry not six three episode three okay okay my mistake sorry that's why i'm asking revenge of the six revenge of the six yeah okay thank you um and see you in four five six one two one one two three yeah release order yeah and um yeah it was just i i'm like i'm getting to the end of it i didn't even have to say anything or point anything out
Starting point is 01:56:49 you just feel the air she's just new she's just new you have a you have a gap there shouldn't between five and six you and her sit down and play force on leash oh well you know that should be because star killer is a significant no i g88 gets to be introduced um the scene where they kill chui and han solo you need that in there you don't want to get shadows of the empire in that i just i just um shadows of the empire is actually because that's wrong i was like one of my favorite what would be g88 that's what you really need to do is read about the expanded universe you know you can do the x-wing books are fantastic all right i'll tell you what i did do was immediately after the credits rolled i queued up fucking part one yeah plinket yeah we went right in there at
Starting point is 01:57:32 this point watching the prequel trilogy is just the pre is the foreplay and i was like and i was like these are really funny reviews you're probably gonna like them give them a shot and i'm telling you like it's weird at first but just trust me stay with it yeah the problem is the inertia on hey let's watch a 70 minute review of a shitty movie that you just watch that's a huge inertia but then 10 minutes and you're like no but the thing is one he's creepy guy so it makes it funny and it's like the editing is good but what actually locks you in and i remembered this i forgot at the time it's like the the thought experiment in the first episode fucking locks you in yeah it's like okay it's it's the one where they describe all the he describes every version of events that could
Starting point is 01:58:17 have occurred in which uh they try to kill the jedi in the opening scene not that one not that one is it the one where it's described the characters describing their character without describing their appearance job or actions they've done for me the the lock in was uh let's split up and go down to the planet separately and he describes like why would you do this increase the chances of getting caught by 100 yeah and like that that was the line i'm like oh oh this is trash oh my god and it was also the people that split up all right so you're leaving obi one and the and pata maze guard the two most useful members yeah to go with a stupid robot a a a jar jar binks and a child that's no but that's not part one though part one is just uh
Starting point is 01:59:06 one of the 10 of the part one yeah i forgot they were even split up yeah the one part one for characters is uh who's the main character i don't know the main character she's not this guy it's not yeah it's not these jedi these two jedi guys they don't care you know and it's not this princess because she's just a peripheral she can't be this kid we only see him 45 minutes into the so you know so that and then it's the thought experiment on the characters it's like also what a great opening statement also near the end of the the review the first one is when they say okay so you have five different story points happening towards the end that it shows george lucas going i we kind of wrote ourselves into a a corner and okay so we're really bright
Starting point is 01:59:54 and happy with anakin then slightly comedic with jar jar then dark and mourning the loss there's oh god so and so so now we're trapped in this vortex of competing emotions and it becomes a huge it's it's the shot of when lucas is having the editor explain that to him and you get a fucking full-on shot of rick bergman in the fucking crowd going oh we fuck this up yeah just like biting his hand going oh shit yeah pretty strong one is lucas going hey sometimes if i forget to say uh action you just ask for me just do it for me okay anyway because there's no time for that when you need to drink your coffee and look at your monitors the best anyway um love you red letter meaning you guys are great so just back to the the news though yeah why are we getting to
Starting point is 02:00:42 star wars because yeah because you mentioned um um you mentioned something about sorry you mentioned maus eyes lead yeah but uh no so as far as the the crimes go and then dudes getting stabbed and whatnot um hey there's more of that if you're one of those idiots out there that thinks it's funny to swat people don't do that god well i was so happy with this you can now get locked up for five years so not enough time actually the five years is combined felony charges on multiple crimes the swatting charge would be like a year and a half uh the well you the the guy that got pulled in yeah he did have fires for hacking and all sorts of shit threatening to fucking don't swap people don't do that don't fucking do that unless they really deserve it no don't why
Starting point is 02:01:26 is that there's evil people unless they're actively committing it unless someone is actively committing a crime here's the deal never called here's the deal swapping you for example no no no what are you saying no this is like not even joking it's not a joke like this is like you saying go actively murder your congressman don't do that is for emergencies only yes here's the here's the times you can swap someone in which when you would say the thing to the swap people to get swap people to show up and it's accurate like that guy is waving a gun and shooting out his window or he's screaming i have a baby here with a knife crime is happening no it's just you get your laugh while watching the guy get pulled away on stream and then pull the way on stream no no no not the dude with this case
Starting point is 02:02:14 but the one of the early cases you see a dude on stream pulled away by the cops breaking into you go and then the cops coming to your house exactly you're next buddy like you need to stop doing this so don't do that don't do that um hey hey hey hold on hold on i have a broader broader piece of advice don't commit crimes yeah hey yeah yeah wait would that work yeah it would it would it oh shit you're right yeah it would help um don't don't brandish like weapons and kids and whatnot yeah don't do that don't don't stab your body for over over mail don't threaten male people that come to your door knock on your door but you know what though good thing i didn't threaten those people oh well but i'll tell you what though uh uh uh back in the 80s some they're they're
Starting point is 02:02:57 if you got toys oh shit back in the 80s if you got toys from ljn then wait ljn so fucking toys you might have been in trouble anyways because there's an article that popped up on destructoid called wow ljn really hated kids but did they have had knives and syringes so the legacy of ljn's terrible games is no fucking isn't ljn just activation uh no a lot of ljn's old games were developed by atlas okay weird i i said that on our friday the 13th video atlas made it yeah and they they were just publishing as a secondary thing to get around rare made a lot of that nintendo's right limitations on your releases however prior to that the uh uh the video game historian does did a video looking into like the history of where ljn came from and whatnot
Starting point is 02:03:46 it turns out they made toys before they made video games right or published video games to that matter and some of the toys they made included uh water guns that looked and sounded like real guns that had no orange nib on the cover no and you can go watch the commercial that legal and then it was until kids got shot because they were playing with this and cops were like what the fuck yeah remember when we spray painted those guns so that they wouldn't have the orange tips and this is the almost exact scenario took place it was fucking ridiculous not even ljn but a lot of like console makers like there was like uh i remember abgn found this three prong system that had one wheel on the side and a black revolver attached to the other one
Starting point is 02:04:30 with no nib and he goes look look at this they weren't fucking around with this and and also a couple people were used to guns in like bank robberies back then as well because hey you can put your hand in your pocket and um and and it was only my hand bam and so they and eventually those got fucking pulled and they followed it up with uh home paintball guns for kids home paintball so that's a concept lg and then and then of course we got the karate kid game somewhere around that ljn really hated children bet you can't shoot out both my eyes oh so we can punish you guys with physical weapons on here's a bunch of shitty games the mental damage will stand with you forever a concept of home paintball it defeats the purpose and did you know
Starting point is 02:05:27 as well that like just while i'm talking about that same video then the y'all sprout up the guy that founded it it got sold because like they're just like the video games is where it's at that's all we're gonna make it he wanted to make toys so then he left and founded toy headquarters yeah which also made toys until they realized no way video games were exact and so he fucking left them then he made fucking jacks so yeah he meant well yep anyway um that's nuts uh did ljn also make that vibrating harry potter brewing you would think yeah only because of the amazon review page only because of that yeah you're right uh but it's also just like when you see the box for the first time you immediately just go wait what like a fucking 80 page review is like my wife won't
Starting point is 02:06:14 stop playing with it it's amazing it's great for your daughter too you know it's firebolt did you know i'm the seca did you know that capcom is working on not nine but ten online games right now so that's just capcom online games right the company capcom online they're in the division yeah so that includes of course dragon's dogma online that includes deep down which they will apparently support for 15 years yeah and that includes frontiers at what eight years now so yeah i guess yeah i guess they kind of like the term that they use when they describe that we are hedging all our bets on this don't ever say that a lot of things yeah he does but don't say that about any product ever of course not um i don't think this is a smart idea yeah for all of capcom breath of fire six as well yeah um this includes
Starting point is 02:07:06 their mobile games and stuff because that's what those guys i'm glad this is where all their beloved ip's are going and apparently dragon's dogma looks good so yeah apparently uh just working on deep down itself requires five to six more times the effort than monster hunter frontier g it's gonna be a big game it's gonna be a fucking big game and it will be one percent as successful oh wait is it frontier g no yeah frontier g yeah but as compared to monster hunter it's proper like come on only only three and four yeah but uh i don't i'm excited to see what they have because i mean the the recent announcements have been great uh stuff like dmc special edition dragon's dogma online and stuff yeah i'm they they went from like what are they doing of course just a little bit
Starting point is 02:07:49 coming out i they must have a lot more that they're working on that they're there i haven't they have to i mean right after the terrible like two years of uh western published games that was just a complete like company damaging debacle a terrible terrible moment uh after that you know hopefully they doubled out on on good games i thought years ago that they were just going to buy out dimps but they just they never did no kind of shocking actually dimps is too big dimps is still making riddo shit they and they're no they're making tons of shit like they're working with everybody now they're getting they were getting like almost like a platinum style but they they brought they brought their hands over a thousand people oh wow they're that big dimps is massive okay they're like um
Starting point is 02:08:29 tosey who made star fee and a million other games that they weren't credited for star fee they're they're like a background team they did yeah dims did freedom work yeah they did see everything secret credit fucking company yeah um they're pretty they're pretty great and now they're working with square on their new arena fighter arena fighter a school of ragnarok have you guys yeah i think it looks cool it does look cool like although i just think i think it's using that with rise of incarnates or whatever there's a thrill like arena-based japanese game one of them is pc so you'll be able to play it the other ones are kates so you won't which one's which ragnarok is arcade yeah exactly so one no i trust nips yeah no i mean like this is not a
Starting point is 02:09:15 cyberconnect thing shenanigans i thought the designs would turn you off no no no no i reminded me a bit of um um gunslinger gunslinger yeah okay yeah and though the execution is a bit similar what the nothing nothing nothing we're sorry we're excited for them what i mean sorry i was just saying it wasn't always so because before like when the first dbz game started coming out everyone's like and then dims kind of just you know came out of that and started making really good stuff yeah but i mean i just remember initially i hate this company the dbz game they made right before street fighter four was not good yeah uh sure get to ninja tyson going way back when when that that shit was happening was aiding aiding aiding you're right yeah i was like
Starting point is 02:10:03 aiding made the game cuba aiding is the other background yes they are totally are aiding working on nowadays but you'll never know about marvel not definitely not marvel no it looks good though i agree with you i think it looks pretty cool um it looks like you basically have your you know a japanese cool kid and then you've got like a giant summon stand thing yeah and you can turn it into a stand's are big right now it's fun it's fun yeah uh you got the resin evil stuff on there uh no because it is capcom and it is something that they did extraordinarily well uh resin evil hd remake uh is their fastest selling digital title that capcom has ever put out and it even put out a little and it's also the fastest selling digital title in the playstation
Starting point is 02:10:47 store sounds like a cat that's to me yeah yeah so already that you like you say that but that's still a real thing no so here no so here's the thing that is actually a real thing and they put that and they've the guy who made it like there's there's little hints in there like oh we might do more so here's the problem with the capcom test remake is one of the best selling games of this type they have ever put out this version it's no it's the best selling yeah yeah you're right it's the best selling digital so what's next on the list well we already pretty much know that zero is coming for sure and zero is easily the worst mainline resin evil game sure and so that will bomb and then they'll look at that and say well i guess people don't want the old resin evil games done
Starting point is 02:11:33 like this or they don't want this style and so we're fucking back to square one in which we're never gonna get the only reason that would be so is unless they they are aware before the fact that zero is not great and was not critically like even close to i hope they understand the difference because i'm sure the other test was like here here's a version of re4 for the we what it sold two million copies for no reason here's a real shooter instead of a we exclusive re4 engine pointer control game which would have been the most awesome shit ever built to take advantage of i would have adored that game i would have adored it too that's my worry on these types of things well or or it's like wow this resin evil h remake hd sold super well and it's great i guess i guess
Starting point is 02:12:22 what they really want is hd remasters of the otamusha series that's what i would or you know like capcom always gets the wrong idea from sales numbers every time with every time but with the possible singular exception of the dmc for special edition that we're getting because because a brand is a brand and that's what sells the individual elements that make a game good or bad don't fucking yeah special edition is definitely one of the reasons i'm optimistic that we're probably anyway maybe um because i think it's like i will shit i think i know you will from the spot the moment it is announced now done um now i'll probably do this and just start rising in pitch but i don't know i i think they get it now like they wouldn't have brought this back unless they
Starting point is 02:13:12 didn't see that people wanted it back you know unless unless it was just like what can we put out which i think kind of is what it was sure which considering their low output might be if not the entire reason must be a factor and while we're talking about um games from that era the capcom put out like onymusha re yeah crisis and stuff that the cap god era yep uh a little after that too extended camea when i heard that my colleague shoot to call colleague shoot to kumi was gonna direct dino crisis i was so jealous i couldn't stand it yeah i love dinosaurs i love dinosaurs doesn't he go on to say if you'll notice in many beautiful joe and even wonderful one there's lots of dinosaurs and fucking everything he touches there's dinosaurs all fucking scale
Starting point is 02:13:59 bound too it's just the thing he's been trying to get done in all his other games but they wouldn't let him get to do yeah but now the time is past because now he has to put in fucking feather dinosaurs yeah feather but he likes dragons too so it's fine yeah so yeah there's your non feather that's your way out of feathers they look so stupid and and uh his reflection on on um working with western versus working with eastern publishers is camea camea yeah that uh western publishers are more about uh they're like say fair and there's like as long as it gets done in the end right as long as we get to the finish line and uh the west is like we want progress checks we want everything yeah we want to know what's going on as it's going on and the progress and the process and
Starting point is 02:14:46 the thing with which happens it's a mystery if they're just told you have to get it done they'll just stay in the office forever until it's done whereas you can't really like there's not guys in microsoft or whoever or activision's offices that stay in the office 24 seven to check on them because fucking laws laws and this this like i know it's like 20 years ago but this is how you get situations like fighting street in which somebody finally does go to check in on it and goes miss communicates what the fuck is this exactly this is not what we asked did you just spend six months working on the wrong game you mean making making final fight out of yeah yeah yeah hey like i said that's how that shit happened like he said as long as it works out in the end
Starting point is 02:15:32 as long as we make money and that's why i think platinum's done so well with like collaborations with other like japanese developers like rising i think it's a good ideology rather than like designed by committee and shit right depends on who you're doing exactly it depends on like is the company going to stick their fingers in so deep that like yeah like these these processes came up for reasons in these different places i think i think microsoft's generally been very good with working with uh third party companies and not jamming their fingers in there too deeply i mean generally all the games that they collaborate on like they're clearly targeting a specific like audience but other than that everyone's kind of allowed a certain sometimes
Starting point is 02:16:15 it even helps make a product better in the case i'm thinking of of course is of course d4 because d4 is so much more focused and like slightly more polished but still dumb like deadly premonition but it's just got enough you know and at the same time like you look at certain things and you go well man they should have fucking stuck their fingers in a little bit more with something like the master chief collection yeah it's like maybe you should have been sending guys down there where's the bible then did they sell i don't know i'm not sure i'm gonna put the games okay from their perspective money's made money's made man game remains broken still counting the bit no i know that game master chief remains completely broken like and drive club
Starting point is 02:17:00 ps plus edition has yet to come out and unity's still if unity's better is better unity unity release last and call it the fastest you know what that's not fair to say because all assassin's creeds are all but it would be soft defense unity was the final release of all those super fucked up things and it caught up by far the fastest yeah whereas drive club ps plus and master chief like i don't think we're ever gonna fucking get drive club ps plus at this point i think we're gonna get it it's gonna be a minute and frankly i don't care because no i don't care i know there are some people but they told me that i was gonna get it so i want it it's like over 170 days now or some shit the extreme version of designed by committee as you mentioned i guess would be uh ea's designed
Starting point is 02:17:45 by committee plus designed by marketing plus designed by board of directors yeah when they all get together to say our games are actually still too hard to learn and uh spending two hours so want to spend two hours to learn how to play the most basic game so they want to talk about uh unifying control schemes it's like a really sick segue and i apologize because i just want to talk about something tim schaefer talked about in his uh broken age videos all right go where he has a microsoft marketing document from uh the tests they did for psycho knots back when that was going to be oh okay i want to hear this and some of the stuff in there is like can you not set this in a summer camp so it can appeal to a wider audience summer camps are really american concept
Starting point is 02:18:29 can you make the humor a bit more obvious unless uh less subtle clever subtle can you dumb the whole fucking game and he's reading through these things that are completely against what psycho knots and would destroy anything that made it interesting exactly what sucks is that it failed commercially super hard so that document was accurate he proved them right he proved them right that the game is better that's that's a running joke he always says we're like you know broken age is either going to be a big success or we're going to prove everyone right like the market is like wait like look at platinum platinum makes whatever fucking games they want to make and they bomb every time it's not so when you can pay money for the most beautiful
Starting point is 02:19:14 vendy project ever you do it they bomb every time but not a lot of money gets made a lot of money gets put into the games begin with so they're not failure yeah a lot gets cut now the thing is that this was a response no i mean like they're not over budgeted and they're not giant but they're expensive as fuck yeah but they they're they're they're they're coming in at multi or under budget but they're coming in as under budget um so this statement was like one of four on one's budget was bigger than bayonetta yeah but they for example sorry they hit it they can they hit their budget or came in under they spent millions of dollars selling a hundred thousand units you know what i mean like but yeah but since the publisher gave them that money all that matters is they hit
Starting point is 02:19:53 the budget oh i'm they didn't lose they didn't i'm just saying they're huge money and if they were developing and publishing their own games like like a movie soft or something like that just and then the budget thing goes out the fucking window because it's all profit yes and then nintendo looks on metacritic and goes oh look we have like the highest metacritic so it'd be nice if latin can just keep hopping to different publishers and just burning them with bad sales um but what about ea telling telling me that i'm too dumb move on no it's just not yeah that was the ea so it's only that well and the thing is that this was in response to uh p home saying that uh he'd like controller layouts and button mapping to stay the same across franchises in different
Starting point is 02:20:30 games in the same series and such franchises i totally get that right um but the thing is is that like of course there's always room for simplified things for new people that aren't familiar with games and stuff yeah and whatnot that's super fine but obviously the problem would be like dumbing down things that are that we enjoy as this is why people that don't have this problem still have to suffer from your changes that i think that this is why call of duty and fortunately halo all have like controller mappings named after the other games fortunately i don't think any of us enjoys ea games i was gonna ask aside from i think we're gonna dodge this bullet until mirrors edge two comes out i was about to say aside from battlefield and sports games what is ea release
Starting point is 02:21:22 in the last two years a lot probably no but aside from those two so that so they probably did and i probably forgot they public they publish a lot of smaller things but i'm like i'm blanking garden warfare garden warfare that was a big game it's called battlefield why wait why doesn't that count this is a good game no but i mean like long lost over the days of dead space and mirrors edge and these weirder experiment games and garden warfare is a weird experiment game but it was already a thing it's just battlefield too yeah i just mean like i can't remember the last game that they put out but i'm i'm also i'm also coming for speeds i suppose i mean they come out in acquisition i don't always sort this by year how do i darken age you know i need to sort this by year can i move on
Starting point is 02:22:07 or there's nothing you know well they put out titanfall oh wow yeah i love i'm exposed yeah you're right all right you like ea games i guess i do who gives a shit anymore um newbie soft and fucking ea and activision are just like in a three-way constant like pyrrhic battle who can know sysa sysafian battle to determine who is the worst they're all pushing the bowler at each other i want to take you guys back to a magical time a magical year okay what year is that is 98 oh fuck yeah it's 98 yeah i knew it and picture if you will an alternate reality in which all harry potter was property of nintendo like in terms of high p video games well there would be no movies pre movie no no they're no they're okay yeah yeah this was nintendo possibly getting exclusive
Starting point is 02:23:02 rights to harry potter period from the books period meaning that they would be in charge of whether or not it would get movie representation yeah and and the story here is jk rallon said i'm going to go with the thing that offers me the most money for the most media yes movies and everything she was to be a hobo so she wants that cash which is really rich at that one million dollar deal with warner brothers a million dollars a million dollar deal wasn't it as a single billion dollar um and warner then godie involved and they did the thing and then they ruined harry potter video games they made it they made a cut i think the first two were okay some of the best videos on this channel yeah that's true change okay first of all the video you're talking about
Starting point is 02:23:44 on our channel unfortunately it's obviously made you who you are yes but i think chamber and quidditch chamber of secrets and quidditch world cup are the only decent harry potter games and the rest are like bad to middle yeah some of the gameboy ones are good like the rpgs but otherwise yeah bad to middle and someone's there's a gear is a war harry potter somewhere out there someone wants to argue with you but no one in this room gives a shit i bet daniel radcliffe and emma watson are pretty stoked that this didn't happen they got more than a million dollars on this deal yes but but imagine if nintendo owned all of harry potter yeah i think we would all feel very different about this presidency smash bros would be a little more interesting yeah oh boy what a
Starting point is 02:24:29 fucking nintendo's artists cre creation of what those characters look like i'm just trying to think about it it's hard to think about it like it's one of those that's one of those watershed moments that you think about what if nintendo didn't stick with cartridges from the n64 what if nintendo owned all that said this was nst developing it the american which is a good developer no they're good they're bad they're good but i can't ever think of the last time they had like an original art style this just means that like fling smash is the last one i could think of where they didn't original art thing it's a thing this just means but before fling but if they started with harry potter they'd probably be like more of a force to even think about you know what i mean maybe no
Starting point is 02:25:10 when i think that's wave race bluestorm yeah no exactly and that's a pretty game but it's not like a ton going on like artists you know but you know but you'd say you'd say princess peach daisy jacklyn and her mayony and that group wouldn't be weird i'm just yeah it's true i'm just luna love good fucking awesome i can't get it out of my brain i can't get it out of my brain but it's just you know blade but it's harry potter and ron is going oh i'm really feeling like harry no one wants to it's ron time it's ron time and dunban is who who would be dunban in this uh uh snape no no uh cedric diggery this is fucking named dobby this is fucking no malfoy not dunban his fucking uncle he turns into a wolf oh that cool guy oh uh lupin yes exactly yeah okay
Starting point is 02:26:02 giant magic monado dude that game would be so fucking cool that'd be amazing um yeah although it's ron time now it's really close sorry i was in my own head okay now i for one would welcome zeno potter yeah now let's talk about that sick ass japanese cover for zeno blade cross aka zeno blade cross it is beautiful probably the coolest car i've seen a long time i'd be disappointed if i saw it in a store and someone didn't start playing the trailer music next to me right away oh my god yeah we haven't seen it i haven't seen it beautiful i'll pull it up for you no i'm looking i don't think it'll look as good on one of our bright blue wii boxes so i don't like that dark tinge man i think i don't like the dark tinge on the japanese box there's something
Starting point is 02:26:51 about it it's just for uh games rated yeah but it's like it's like you know take like black wii boxes zero zero zero but you know but it's like okay so from the guys that brought you that sick ass title screen yeah in the original probably one of the best title screens probably this box oh a fucking robot in there that's a sick the fact that the mech is looking away from the from the kiss to the back meaning it's not like look at this big action mech it has it's not about that it's like you can that is zeno you may look at this big action that is cold from a larger it suits your feeling right exactly but this mech is having emotions right now this is emotional feelings i'm having a problem with this what the x is no longer the red cross yeah oh but watch it
Starting point is 02:27:40 i'll be red in america that's all that would be the only change because they i was like oh what if they screw up this cover but i was like oh wait all the zeno blade covers for the we were all the same please put ellie in this game please you have such an obvious in universe you like the reason to put ellie in this game i want the front of the box quote that says it's ryan time yeah that'd be great i posted this on my twitter and i just wrote eye sex it's like sex for your eyes no it's you know what it is it's his alarm clock yeah yeah and it's the single sector and it's just it's ryan's time ryan master flex yeah no um paul marketing or should i say like tukashi marketing yeah didn't fucking get his hands on the box art this time yeah it looks there should be a guy with a gun
Starting point is 02:28:24 well technically the mech is a gun yeah yeah well but you need to know who you're playing i don't know in japan box art yeah the people are pick sir on sir this game is about a child with a stick holding a girl's hand i said a guy with a gun like i was talking with a friend about it and he was saying he was really worried they change it for north america and i was like you know i like i really want it to be this one but at the end of the day this game is going to be on shelves for two months and we're never going to see it again and also like i used to get passionate about box art it'll be on digital that and now that i always did a little icon now that i've discarded my my earthly shackles yeah more discs you've
Starting point is 02:29:05 ascended i've ascended to my new form all right guys so it's time to make the decision lazy your pattern can't go to a store it's time to make i can't i just don't want to i want that box i want that box too what's the decision black dragon lin kway special forces white lotus or brotherhood of shadow it's a really hard choice actually i gotta go link way i want to go with special special forces because it's the dumbest because they have the outworld investigation i want to be the military idiot fighting against martin martin yeah yeah yeah see that's good i want to be the ice ninjas they're cool also brotherhood of shadow is is one because just noob yeah but it's special forces just noob but he's part of it you want to be with new you want to be chasing
Starting point is 02:29:53 noob from behind thousand year old clans and the swat team i want to play offline multiplayer so here's what we got mkx reveals a fuck ton of shit you got a strong argument there lamb i really don't like these like persistent like and keep getting xp when you're not getting xp always gain xp always look at those meters tick i hate i i like it i think fighting game online modes could use all the juice and bumping they could take but i'd rather something more substantial than just like people join this group and make the metrics tick i'd rather i'd rather be killer instincts apparently there's an invasion system of or like yeah and that might be cool you know sure but the question is what do you get when you win do you get numbers you get numbers then fuck it who cares
Starting point is 02:30:38 well then don't ignore it i will i will well there you go it's all the problems are solved are you guys like killer instincts killer instinct does it's online unlockable shit like super well you can also do that when i saw this i was like wow something new and different in fighting game online modes that's just one game you know there's a million fighting game what i want this in every game no of course not standard you're getting like standard fighting game online features are in everything now and i just think anything that can like get people to play a little longer the other thing that i find kind of disappointing is i think the stuff they did with nine well with the the the spectator stuff and betting on matches i think that's the coolest thing you could have
Starting point is 02:31:16 done but none of it worked it's yeah well so i'd rather them do that and it works sure sure it might still be in there the salty that's you would be like genius if they fucking boy what if they can make it anyway they can make it run but also uh air mac air macro air macro i i air macro so they revealed a shitload of characters in a small amount of time all these marketing times three orders are live accidentally i one of them i told you is accidentally gets and the bow and arrow person bow and arrow god an ultimate marvel situation it was no not even because that was most hilarious it was just like type in the website slash virtual dot jpg yeah no this was uh the the uh trailer showed off uh and talking out showed off the challenge tower and then you see
Starting point is 02:31:57 screenshots of characters on the tower whoops and it's like oh hey look there's here's some character with a bone arrow shit uh and this score screen has like points for brutality so that we know the brutalities are going to be oh wow fucking brutality which which are interesting because it's like okay when the ultimate mortal combat three it was like like a six button sequence and like light punch hard punch light punch whatever blah blah blah then it just activated the same combo three times and the guy exploded yeah brutality sucked it sucked but what is it now and it might be way cooler yeah it's it might be the fatalities but like more difficult to do and with like an extra step or something you know uh but i was going to say that they revealed ermac they revealed
Starting point is 02:32:42 reptile and i don't like i need to do i i actually everyone's like man pat you must be super hyped about reptile like no every time they fucking do reptile in the the farther in time he gets more like a lizard and less like a ninja to be fair this is the least egregious one the worst one was deadly alliance where he had the tail and the crab style well because he was halfway turning into the dragon king and k9's reptile is like probably the best reptile and they did the same mistake again we're like put more scales and reptile shit on yeah and your hope is that well i want him to be a reptilian ninja well yeah but guess what their their whole thing is like oh shit we have like five pellet swap ninjas we need to differentiate them from being not ninjas as much as possible i like
Starting point is 02:33:24 them that they're ninjas yeah but no one has this problem me and pat bull have this problem i don't care like ermac is fine rain is fine it's just reptile where i'm like no you're cooler as a ninja everyone else like urbex urbex way cooler as a fucking space wizard as a space wizard he's great i think i think reptile looking like a lizard man with a black hood on is the dumbest thing ever shut up that's super good it's the fucking super good we've also reached with all this new footage of moral comment actually we've also reached a point where i've seen one or two fatalities where i'm like this is this might be a little too much no no the one where what was it it was someone ermac crushes your head into your body and then crushes you all together then telekinesis
Starting point is 02:34:07 like grabs your head and it comes out of your stomach yeah can you just not take it anymore there's just something about it where like i go ha ha ha that's hilarious i know and then some of these are just like wow but i had to go too far so that i can watch clueless gamer cone and freak the fuck out like i don't know man i was watching this and all the fatality i was seeing like oh that's pretty gnarly i can go for about 40 percent more violence i think i look really good yeah they still look great we're not quite at pain olympics yet i i think i'm still down i think that kotol conne's heart rip is actually kind of classy yeah it is compared to compared to some of the other ones you're right you're not like quanchi's one i mean reptiles you see quanchi's is awesome i don't
Starting point is 02:34:53 know how quanchi has like the monopoly on the coolest fatalities or some shit he also has one of the lamest ever if you remember it you remember what i'm talking about it was in like deadly alliance where he gets on top of his shoulders he gets on top and he does the neck pulls your neck and your neck just elongates and it's like as long as a pencil and he just leaves you like that and edwin's like yeah it's cool huh ship it's the worst you like it yet i feel like that's supposed to be a reference to knight of living dead three where like a guy's spine gets pulled out of his like head by that but the spine doesn't come out his neck just gets long oh it just gets about the one about the one more it a gacky takes his glasses off leans into your ear and whispers that fatal frame is
Starting point is 02:35:29 probably gonna get localized they're like how would you between the lines man i'm like it a gacky that's a brutality right what yeah are you snooping i just i just screamed on my twitter saying you better not be lying you oatmeal cookie because if anything anyone's heard me complain about every nintendo direct it's like why haven't you announced this yeah now if you haven't ever listened to us talking about it a gacky you might think that that's a compliment no call someone about delicious well yeah exactly he's like oh how nice of you no it's not a compliment you look like it's very gay because he's probably a creepy dirt bag yeah we know he's a creepy dirt all right yeah we know it we actually know that for a fact i used to confirm i used to i used to
Starting point is 02:36:12 i used to feel really bad making fun of his oatmeal face but now it's like it's like it's like clean it's like and also like exercising my sins and he's also he hates tech i i love that he hates tech it's amazing because he sticks to it and he never backs down from it but yeah like the only thing that saves a potential uh fatal frame five localization where it's a bayonetta situation where the hd port a fatal frame four along with it i would like that boy that'd be impressive that would be so impressive and everyone's hope is that they're just delaying this announcement to coincide with the movie of fatal frame that's coming yeah that's that's that's a good point or another halloween but i was like but the game was finished last halloween i wasn't there don't
Starting point is 02:36:55 expect nintendo particularly nintendo america to make sense on fucking timing of releases particularly along with tecmo where they both go ask tecmo and then tecmo goes ask nintendo aren't you guys friends i don't know higher award higher award yes pretty prompt no spirit camera was pretty prompt that's the fact that it's spirit camera that's why i think that they don't because it didn't sell well i'll lend you spirit camera you gotta play that thing no i'm not telling that's quality i'm talking about how it failed like funny actually it did ruin harvester whatever the fuck it is didn't sell enough so fuck off mother fans i can't wait i can't wait for ruin factory what the fuck was that game that's a different combination magical star sign magical star signs are brown and brown yeah
Starting point is 02:37:36 okay yeah that's that could have been the one that i can't wait for devil's third not for the game but because there's a new round of interviews with up with a chance to interview it agaki and get his updated tecan reactions so we can keep the bit going hey what do you think about tecan seven what do you think about dead or alive five last round you also think this is garbage and like and extend it into poking fighters yeah extend it into summer lesson instead extend the smash project treasure he'll like he'll like summer lesson though oh yeah you know well i want to yeah i want to give a special shout out to tecmo uh for being assholes about the pc release of yeah that's some weird shit they're saying now i i always assume the core problem of that is that
Starting point is 02:38:19 we don't want people making these girls actually naked and that's our i think the core problem is we want to say that we don't want that but implicitly allow it it's kind of because there are already nude mods for the 360 nps three versions yeah but they're like like they're like it's so they're tiny tiny tiny fucking hoops do you have to jump through to get that running like you will eat the heart yeah why are we playing the important thing is that on pc those hoops will be one step yes no two steps download the thing drop it into the folder go to or go to community page yeah yeah and the i guess part of the other reason is like they probably plan on putting out hundreds of costumes for this i imagine i don't see is going to be out day one yeah
Starting point is 02:39:11 but no they'll be more later yeah because i finished all their uh DLC no i thought last round it was like something because yeah they say that every time they're going to give it extra costumes on top of and and the thing and the thing about them delaying the pc version reminds me of ubisoft where i forget what it was i think it was from black and no it was a black flag i wrote it was ac3 i think it was ac3 in which uh journal is asking at e3 he's like okay so i see that your pc release date for Assassin's Creed 3 is the same as the console versions he's like yeah of course so when are you gonna delay it by two weeks uh and he goes what we're not it's like no come on you are when are you gonna do it and he goes no in the interview ends and then like a month before the fucking game
Starting point is 02:39:54 comes out they delay the Assassin's Creed 3 by two weeks because they're so afraid of pc piracy that they uh uh all that delayed on pc shit drives me fucking crazy uh um console master i say what can you say all right time for me to read i'm just gonna read a headline and drop a quote they're poorer but less uh prone to disease yes that's exactly definitely that's the way that works whereas the pc is the british royal crown with all the hemophilia and they don't take the proper precautions sometimes they just don't work yeah i don't like to wear that's the worst i bought deadhead fred that game doesn't work i brought i bought brain dead 13 oh yeah and it didn't work and it didn't work fuck so i've never seen it damn it my drivers for my gamecube controllers
Starting point is 02:40:45 just stopped working mid-match in melee wow that's like i was like what the fuck that's ridiculous what the fuck whole and they haven't worked since and i restarted my tank in the morning again oh wow they mid-match i just i just fell and i just died and i was like oh wow and then i threw my pc out the window no he didn't and i put a ps4 on my desk and i started typing that's a main word document yes right well because uh with the playstation because with the playstation 3 onwards you won't need a computer after this no um i'll fill harrison you fucking shit i've been an interesting future yeah and ken don't forget ken baby you know teach me to play phil all ken seemed like he was insane whereas phil just seemed like an asshole my favorite ps my playstation overblown thing is when
Starting point is 02:41:32 when the ps2 came out and they're like this will deliver toy story grab the ultimate because it's so dated yeah right you get a nice time pay yeah you just try to time set that shit we still can't yeah we can no i'm gonna toy story 3 yeah okay because toy story 3 is a looker yeah we we can barely get toy story this will deliver reboot season one graphics uh okay i will i'm gonna just read a headline read the headline read it league of legends tournament openly discriminates lgbt players update and then removes restrictions and apologizes so what why and the quote here is uh philippines esports uh all feminine league of legend legends tournament the iron slurry would limit teams to have one gay or one transgendered woman per team because they probably have some unfair advantage
Starting point is 02:42:33 that's just like yeah that's the best yeah already exclusively that's the part of the patient by being assholes that's it moving on moving on moving on moving on the title of that on the ghost would just be like gay and transgender people have super powers at league at league unfair like small league teams aggressively start hiring gay and transgender players well the all gay and all transgender teams ended up in the finals so i guess so they back the fuck down from this yeah so now they're on two oh yeah we can't too much power man it's gotta be balanced over step essentially the dream team if you have to it's the mega powers
Starting point is 02:43:37 we don't know what's going on here brother two members on the same team and the old brother we don't we did not make that up that's real yeah let's take some fucking letters oh wait hold on oh fuck it oh no fuck that the news is just pulling up compulsion games the guys that made contrast that live right down the street they're right over there yeah you can go see them they're making a new game and they're teasing the project at the creepy happy face they made they made contrast yeah okay yeah anyway letter time wow okay i like contrast yeah okay and uh technical issues that's your right it was nice to see a company make a 3d platformer in this day and it's a great art style and story but the gameplay is just kind
Starting point is 02:44:26 of basic yeah i will i will try and reserve i will try and reserve judgment because i hate puzzle games so i guess i'm not the right person to the fact that he calls it a puzzle game is very telling okay yeah we should stop off right there just go tell them like what's your game give us an exclusive what do you want what do you want me to do hold on are you just trying to to like poke me into booing people now is that what i want a recreation of the giant bomb panel with fucking the ninja theory people going up on stage but i want it as they work yeah well the problem is is like the ninja theory is special like you gotta you gotta get you gotta get special developers like they may i don't like contrast but i'm not gonna boo contrast like you
Starting point is 02:45:14 know what comedians say hey man i don't go to your work and boo you i want to do that i want to see that that's one of my favorite seinfeld episodes where jerry goes to candy griffith's fucking place of business and booze her and then she runs out of the street and the streets we were cut off her pinky toe it's the best so specific and then fucking kramer tells his bus story i don't go to where you work and knock the cotton candy out of your hand and then kathy griffin's actual like actual rebuttal that i forget where the fuck it was like i don't go to where you work and knock the dicks out of your mouth like oh yeah well yeah yeah okay so if you want to stay classy kathy if you want to write in a letter and tell us about your bus stories there are bus stories around you
Starting point is 02:45:59 send it to 5 2 7 5 1 shut up oh my god you asshole uh super best friend cast at that's super best friend cast at i would tell you the story about my friend who caught a guy uh doing a line of coke off the window of the metro yeah you did yeah the window of the like the edge on the on the sill passing through line old group and he looks over and the guy on the opposite side is doing a line of coke off the window sill well like you know that sometimes systemic the uh the metro system the orange line route maxes out like 20 minutes bad you need your coke uh so we're gonna take one from what do we got actually someone made a suggestion i don't know if this is a good idea or not you think i should put on an auto replyer to tell people hey i got
Starting point is 02:46:51 your letter so that when they send it to the long place yeah that might get annoying though you know it's kind of yeah depending on the number of yeah it's hard to say you're right you're right oh we got one from captain morgan's like the best question what that would do is if you send it there and you don't get the auto reply you know you fucked up yeah but most people don't yeah it seems like too much work um captain morgan wants to like your spiced rum sir yeah if your vocal cords got utterly annihilated and they could be replaced with a voice from any medium oh that's a great way to okay so woolly wants the japanese voice actor guy that's yeah no wakamoto no i don't uh you want megabyte nope oh tony jay's a good one that's a good one too but nope i'm megatron nope you want
Starting point is 02:47:37 i take david sam yeah super that fucking 50 year old baseball like america and dirk fucking dirtbag surfer hipster let's play ball america yeah like i get what you're saying but when you play like when you play deus x a lot and we had to because we tested it it's like initially you're like nah that's voice i don't know but then after 20 hours you're like there's something about sarah's voice that just it's like this fucking it like need you to get down there figure out man techno surfer hippie fucking scumbag like like day like jobs in like 50 years yeah it's like oh you fucking piece of shit oh my pick is go instantly and fucking undoubtably gilbert godfrey oh i want it so bad uh announcer from k o f mira that's not bad i can
Starting point is 02:48:33 just imitate him and do better though you know but like i can't control it your entire life goes down oh man uh how does that go when you're at the bank how's how's that i was gonna say how's that go in during the intimate times if we pick a voice actor that has a lot of range can we embody that range no you get one because it's the chords you get one man you get one you have to pick us on an awesome oh i don't know man it's tony j lemon grab like michael bell's voice that's really good let me grab and grab it uh i don't know this is a tough one i guess there's my lame choice which is louis ck and then why not john leguizamo oh i know it's not you're just doing that so that that tumblr page
Starting point is 02:49:31 reset yes i am i fucking reset the clock i fucking hate john leguizamo put the clock back to zero you know it can't be louis ck because that's more of his cadence and not as yeah i'd go with i'd probably i thought you're gonna say brock less than i thought so too maybe maybe like oh god like anyone in the front the legacy of canes series like tony j simon templeman or michael bell all three of them boring oh fuck off it's so cool now tony j is megabyte i mean come on yeah fuck that i would love to be i want to be 28 years old and have like a fucking 90-year-old elder yeah that's coming out of my head no i want to tell the most unforgettable version of the uh the aristocrats you ever know get out of here also the guy running that fucking tumblr page
Starting point is 02:50:19 you should probably change the title to the times that's shit talk john leguizamo on air yeah because astronomic there is a huge like if that thing usually is never goes beyond three if we include all discussions yeah you should have the opposites like how many times he's complimented john leguizamo you never have to do anything he's not dead i guess so good for him we got one coming in from our buddy levi oh hey actually cool he wants to know uh once we'll once we'll he's done ipo you guys want to do a ipo spoiler cast are you down yeah sure sure let's do it enjoy all right um i'm not gonna watch initial d not a racing show man isn't it let's look at a lifestyle if you if you told me that like 80 episodes into initial d it took like a
Starting point is 02:51:12 hard left into a totally different thing but then didn't tell me what that thing was i would consider watching no 80 episodes into initial d they take a hard left and a hard right and then a hard left and then they put the drain pipe like and that's how drifts work yeah there's someone who were to tell me you're going to be really into a sports anime didn't clarify what sport but it said sports anime i'd be like no never sports lane there's this but but boxing is like more of a street fighter boxing isn't a sport it's a blood sport but now that i've watched it now i'm like okay maybe i should look at eye shield or here's the thing is i because i know you once you see it you know the formula but it's still fun to watch because it just changes a subject matter
Starting point is 02:51:50 21 is fun man i know that's why i love eye shield 21 there's one i really want to read and i forgot the name of it but i heard about it last week and it's a judo manga for a while a long time and then because the viewership or the the readership was declining it did a hard swerve and became a baseball manga successful that's a swerve i think that's why the japanese is not want to watch like baseball they love baseball so but it became more successful yeah baseball's real big and for Japan go crack open garrison break blow go crack open i have it crying i think i have the opposite problem when people tell me to watch something good i don't want to do it but if people tell me not to watch something bad you aggressively kind of won't watch crying
Starting point is 02:52:36 freeman is the original boxing uh series okay because apparently it's not great okay well i'll still try to give it a go um that will come in from ben and he won't been from wascassan uh okay how's the cows well it's interesting because he's asking a question that i think hi ben see yeah like i think we it's kind of obvious yeah nice thank you it's funny because you guys did that joke without me seeing that part in the LP but i got it right away because the exact same thing happened to me right um spot on so yeah ben's asking a question that i think a lot of people kind of might not be aware of but we do and might just take it for granted what's up but you talk a lot about japanese games that should be localized uh that's right or nintendo's case get rid of region
Starting point is 02:53:20 locking on it that's all right but uh what is the main reason why we're not seeing these games is it's strictly money is it just that there's not a lot of localization teams or companies that work on games uh no it's it's the cost of localization is it costs money and the localization costs an amount of money localization costs dramatically more than you would assume yeah and depending on what depending on what kind of game it is it can scale wildly so fighting game pretty easy so right you don't have to translate all that much yakuza or a big rpg you have a publisher that's him that's like a huge publisher they're they definitely don't want to let your game sit in one region and just yeah they want to cover their they want to cover
Starting point is 02:54:00 their bases they want to spread out the risks so when they uh go in and like have the when they design the game and then they start budgeting it and everything like that oftentimes you'll see they'll go all right this is the japanese studio making this game for this region they'll budget just that and then the localization will be like we'll figure that shit out afterwards and we'll get someone else to have and sometimes they'll make a game it's like this is gonna hit like step one this is gonna be a game for every region and localization is budgeted accordingly and so is the budget of the game because it's gonna hit three regions this sort of one yeah yeah um and the problem that's happens is games that come out in only one region and then people from other
Starting point is 02:54:37 regions find out about it and want it but the fucking localization was not factored in yeah and now we have to make the gamble is it gonna pay for itself expect any decently sized game to cost multiple millions of dollars and remember when you're doing your armchair ceo business that the game publisher will get less than half the sticker price on the box now to get really inside of it um a rigid before i uh was uh at um square enix there with you guys yes absolutely i was at another company where i was doing evaluations on yeah you were freelancing a lot of localization stuff a lot of localization jobs a lot of qa stuff and i can i got the numbers that you were pitching me were well here's what's up the entire cost of the qa process from a game from alpha all the way
Starting point is 02:55:23 down to release take that and the whole qa the entire qa process qa as well yeah multiply that by three to four times and that's if your game that goes well in five languages yes and don't just pick you don't just pick randomly go i which want to do english no you do english french italian german spanish you have to and then in some cases russian polish yeah and very scandy languages as well this is why europe gets shafted on so yeah because if you're doing e figs that's way more expensive than edge which is ej sure i just made that i said e figs d rp um so no it is insane it costs a fuck ton of money and when you're already worried about like you don't want to have localization costs in the same pool that um making your game good money is coming so that's why
Starting point is 02:56:17 you want the developers to be able to focus exactly so that's why this happens and just like today in this generation is just like it costs so much to make a game now to begin with whereas like 16 bit you know uh psd game qx box isn't too much but so many games so many more games are being released back then that could have been localized action games and stuff whereas like the only thing that doesn't get localized now is like the odd uh fatal frame or whatever most games and then there's just novels they don't get brought over a lot too i i think atlas deserves an atlas usa deserves like a lot of like that boys on the and pats on the back for the way they've started to do their localization where they've decided to lock dialogue really early they started this with smt4 and they said
Starting point is 02:57:01 they're going to do it for everything that they plan to localize in the future they locked smt4's dialogue incredibly early in development and had the localization team had almost the entire development cycle to localize and that's why smt4 only came out two months after the japanese release in certain regions interesting fair enough atlas desperately needs to get a fucking long term european publisher oh man they're europe so yeah no they deserve they deserve claps for how they handle english localization they deserve huge fucking boos and thumbs down for how they handle figs for fucking europe man every came every time atlas shrugged if i was an atlas fan in england i would buy you would not be atlas fan no i would be and i would just say well i can
Starting point is 02:57:45 speak english so i'm gonna fucking buy whatever i need to fucking buy and guess what that does that damages the bottom line for the european localization like that no and it's no one leaves no one leaves here exactly but like that's how tough like i've seen no planes there's so many factors the fucking uk version because it wasn't going to come out of here forever apparently and then and then i skipped on the the local version because i already had it no the the the european fans that are asking us to play persona for arena are not like the normal fans asking us they're asking us because they can't fucking get their hands on it at the time if this situation continues i i foresee a lot of limey noise coming around the time of persona fives release i think they'll
Starting point is 02:58:29 do better on that i fucking hope so i hope sony just straight up publishes it in europe wouldn't that be a solution you know what they should that that would be a solution if atlas would let them a cloud of chuff has appeared above the city oh shit it looks proper we got i don't think we're using those no i don't know i don't know i love it we got one coming in from musashi and uh you're such a brave fencer i was just like yeah i was working that joke in my head and you already polished that's a damn good game you're also a fucking vagabond and a half i'll tell you what yeah i like that you're the best character in shining force one and the next question okay we can't get samurai showdown version in there okay um so you have died yeah you're defeated
Starting point is 02:59:26 in uh an rpg style game and fair enough what key unique item do you drop oh when you're killed oh that's tough one house key sure all right someone can carry on your legacy uh i don't care what it is i want it to be trivial and i want it to be fucking cursed yeah no i want like a clip yeah like a like a like a wristband or a gauntlet or a fireball that you put it on and you're like oh why should oh fuck so remember like a gauntlet that you put on and when you hit you have a 50-50 chance of either critting or stealing a pie and healing a little bit there you go but you whiffed that attack so it's probably probably the mask that i got the last time i killed the previous limb as soon as they put on the mask their life will change forever okay well you've left us all in
Starting point is 03:00:20 the dust all right someone out there gets that i uh i dropped my hat and you wear my hat and after that you have a 50-50 chance of throwing away your best weapon there you go there you go it's a fall back it's fall back it's an original bit i mean what else should have stuck with husky i like husky it's husky is still there husky strong husky is still there strong i want the mask to probably i want the cursed item to force you to vomit into the nearest person's hair yeah and then then they're cursed they're cursed to vomit into the sensation of their hair being vomited off what if like god forbid you hit two people with the vomit well let's say amen kaleb says vomiting's gross i don't like this dare zibatsu how long did it take you before you realized that jotaro's
Starting point is 03:01:06 name is a play on the word tarot as in tarot cards i'll fuck off i didn't realize it until just i know you can say that is that actually true is it actually i don't know but it sounds like it it sounds like it sounds legit it sounds legit sounds like a dumb shit thing that ariki would do how i trust ariki you know see that fucking italian cooking show oh so good it's great it's great that dude's way into i think that tattoo is real yeah no italian cooking show with uh a bluff fucking italian guy that's a huge perfect perfect person to have that fucking tattoo yeah that's good times um okay name some good power armors besides vanquish go power armor our armors or our power suits besides vanquish yeah that's tough because that's the best is that max or just i
Starting point is 03:01:55 mean suits i really like pat yours come on the good one the power armor yeah i'm blanking here take a man blade i really like that's a suit that's it's power it's armor that's horseshit that's a fucking man that's a that's a that thing is eight meters tall yeah well okay but like in like like apple seed like uh biroids for example or like no various suit is a suit yeah it's a gravity suit a lot yeah i know this question is for human sized suit yeah a mobile suit okay what okay then what i guess what's the height cut off right because there's like human sized but if you're in a suit you're not going to be six feet tall well maybe you'd be but they're going to be that is like a three inch thick suit or or like or an uh advanced warfare or edge of tomorrow those are exo suits
Starting point is 03:02:43 yeah well edge of tomorrow suits you're probably like eight feet high you know what i mean when you're wearing that thing it's like it's like it's like a it's on top of you no there's gonna the difference is piloting versus not piloting yes piloting or wearing yeah you're right i like the suits from the manga adaptation all you need is kill okay because they are fucking sick and that is what should have been uh carousel yeah it's a it's a it's a henshin suit but it counts that's yeah it's got robotic shit all over it yeah if you well if you throw that in there then you can throw in geiver and you can throw in um um a scryde uh proud fist shell bullet uh great fox fireman yeah great fox game is not great but the final suit you get in um in uh dark sector
Starting point is 03:03:34 oh really okay dark sector the one that just has just that like oh i know what my fucking favorite is i've got one too but it's the brotherhood of steel power armor oh yeah that shit is awesome okay might that is the clunky is for the winterized one or it's hard to say i like i like i like the the newer i like the actually i like the the new the non-paladin armor the paladin armors a little bulky i like the non-paladin armor and the enclave one's too too much the the the final rig in uh dead space two that you get all that thing is really good yeah okay oh dead space i'm gonna go i'm gonna go backwards from all of those aesthetics and say the gants suit yeah it's black i don't know anything about gants since you told me about
Starting point is 03:04:21 that chapter that it's the black skin tight suit but it's got like the uh like the power cells at various points on it and it like the suit the mechanics of what the suit does are fucking awesome sure but let's let's be real here the problem with this question is the the question was raised perfectly because the fucking vanquish suit is yes well you know they know they know it has one thing i mean of course it can do one thing and that's go fast holy shit you can go so and of course the best samus suit zero i really i thought it was the like out of your own house matt wasn't the like fuck out of your house the light suit like and i really like the dark phase on suit from one sure yeah but but we don't even really i thought light suit was a unified fucking understanding
Starting point is 03:05:13 it's really nice the lights should be in more things it should have been in other games well no if metroid prime isn't canon apparently it came i would have loved if samus's default and smash forward and the light suit now i would have loved i love that maybe this is a bit much why ask this different maybe this is a bit much to ask but it's like it's like making fire mario default mario uh yeah be sick yeah but super mario's default mario now yeah i would have loved that instead of losing your suit or whatever that every single metroid game just you start as the suit that you wore last corruption start as the light suit and go up from there oh the corrupt itself is really good like the phase on the corruption suit that you have and that would make fusion like
Starting point is 03:05:57 i was gonna say crazy just like the suits oh yeah i wish that was in a metroid game instead of when you got killed your suit just fucking broke and you had to make do yeah zero suit um how far can you get with your zero suit right yeah imagine instead of uh you just fucking you're powering down functions are not working good luck star fox voice oh no how will i oh jeez it's so scanty i can't and you get the whip and you get the mobility and the jet boosts you're mixing and matching your chun lee kicks yeah yeah interesting you would just throw yourself down a cliff immediately to get the suit off but but like the following that stack at all on top of it rule though like by the next metro game it'd be fucking gurren legan yeah so yeah how many layers down
Starting point is 03:06:47 you have to go you know like i was about to say ride in suit and i was like wait no that is right body that's a body oh this the skull suit yeah that's a gas now because there is like the whole like um uh not argument or whatever debate between like what counts as power armor what counts as like a mech and like votoms are like the smallest you generally get as far as like a mech gets considered i believe i feel like but i feel that argument is primarily size driven yeah like if it's within the the event within a realm of human actual proportion then it's a suit but okay if it's are you wearing an exo squad suit are you piloting it you're piloting it are you wearing a power loader are you piloting a power loader you're piloting a power arm is on the arm your arm is
Starting point is 03:07:34 on the arm but there's there but there's various little knobs and tools and only i know where this direction goes because then you go well what's the difference between piloting and wearing it well i would go direct human natural control and then you because you know the levers and all that shit and then you would go well in evangelion they fucking just mind shit that fucking shit those aren't max either those aren't suits either okay well that we can't go there because that's a fucking that's a 50 page threat those are evangelians they are somewhat unique in the discussion let's say for another day um no we're never gonna have that discussion yeah oliver says yo zubas in vgc w that was amazing for all y'all that don't know the bass himself is now sold the star road
Starting point is 03:08:23 champion he was voted in by not us remember guys remember his first his first match in the roster is the 18th of this month sick yeah so the final match he had at star road two against fucking awesomer is so amazing it is only way it could be better as if he beat the shit out of david cage it is it is a genuinely amazing match to watch how many roll pins do you need back and forth yeah take it anymore that's why the super best friends thread on neo gab is one two one two one two one two the fucking the oh man the watching that thing and i got to it after i knew the the decision though i thought it was so good just watching the the chat just go insane okay at the very first pin in which bass no cells oscarus finisher and kicks out after a fucking one count what now i want to
Starting point is 03:09:21 believe that if you type in not all caps you get banned because the way that shit was flying how's going oh my god i really appreciate it baza was rooting for bass absolutely so shout out to bass mcman yeah bass mcman you want to head on over to twitch tv slash baza 87 i appreciate all the people who are angry that a meme character was winning though fuck he's a video game character from such i know he's a giant kick and shovel liked also he has more lore and is more interestingly designed that a sura it's true better voice acted too that way you know the the other thing take that lemo brand the other thing about it though is that when people are watching the stream and then michael cole would occasionally go the electricity is in the air everyone also probably
Starting point is 03:10:08 did the parks and rec like oh that heralded the wind so his first matches on the 18th i'm actually i knew about uh video game champions but i don't know how it actually works or how like you go to that twitch page which is baza 87 right events that happen when designated days you have to watch the next one to see when the next one is going to be okay that's it but it's on a like wrestling like schedule and they have a roster and they go they go through the whole thing yeah okay but it's also like they got to start tuning in now i mean dude and like at the very least to see the creativity and how he makes the characters and the names that he comes up with like kanji being ken g yeah and then the metal man and shit um we got quick ones we're gonna have like an infinite series
Starting point is 03:10:59 of animated gifts like the all the snakes like curb stomping kajima and then the middle of the race oh god that's what really made me take notice exactly exactly exactly same here same here that gift is the best it's so good um dylan wants to know what's the worst place to have a boss battle um a worse place in a phone booth and or a public porta potty uh and no more heroes comes pretty close to that um uh on a horse carriage yeah now it's like it's like it's this like an internalization but there's another good horse but rondo of blood has a good horse yeah this is the internalization of the character i'm like man i wouldn't want to have a boss battle here or is it like actual gameplay it's like what yeah location that's why i ask do you
Starting point is 03:11:45 think a boss battle sucks creative get creative i think the worst place to have a boss battle is a clearing in a forest like just just like in terms of genericness but but but a clearing not in a forest yeah is awesome yeah it's like it's like you'd expect something like oh you know what's boring like at the side of the road next to a highway in the dirt it's like no that's actually awesome yeah resin uh you know you know what you know what the worst place to have a boss battle is it is in the like astral negative plane on an impossible magic dimension yeah the all the like like a lot of the final fantasy final bosses what the fuck you got against digital devil saga you spoiled that game for me your piece of shit whoops that just means in terms of a generic
Starting point is 03:12:36 you've seen a zillion times and that's and that's not what i'm describing i'm fed up i'm fed up a fight god as well think think think of the ff10 final boss fight okay but that that location so are you gonna include uh uh true levels i hope not because fighting no because that fighting us twice time no no that's that's no that's fighting across time and that's fighting inside the final boss yes that's different okay hat's talking about like ff6 where it's just all of a sudden you're fighting in ff10 is the thing that actually comes to mind uh i guess i guess that act not the not the real final boss the final boss after that or it's just like we're standing on energy you're fucking it's like fuck off come on give me an environment the clients like a non
Starting point is 03:13:21 environment is the worst yeah have it be an actual place i don't know what the fuck that place is i agree i'm struggling on like any other area because most other areas i'm like you know you can make it cool you make it cool and i agree with you it has to be somewhere awkward like a like a bathroom a phone booth a bathroom but that could be hype though in a way you can still make something work for sure like if you had a slap fight in a phone booth oh yeah like a quick gun battle like a fucking in there but a boss a boss fight remember that boss fight against the russian in the ps2 punisher game where it's like it does happen in a bathroom but it's a bunch of fun but then it's through a wall and then it goes through the whole thing so that's a non-descript place
Starting point is 03:13:58 anything can be really cool as long as it has like like a defined location it's well enough thought right like i'm so sick of fighting things in the void the void is the void is the worst yeah and it used to be the best with the with the only exception to that rule being uh the four kings and dark souls because it's the voidest void that ever is that ever it's it's black like actual night black in every direction forever isn't that kind of cool yeah that is cool that's the one exception okay and they didn't even repeat it for the other boss fight that takes place in the abyss kind of just like a hole a hole in the water is not a big bore in terms of underwater boss fights never usually no yeah like unless it's a unless it's a game that doesn't have fiddly underwater
Starting point is 03:14:47 controls like a schmup or something like star fox 64 yeah yeah no that that's fine um cave hole in the wall like dark lurker for example yeah that's fucking man wait like what side dark lurker the original boss from dark souls too oh okay yeah at the point of dark right yeah okay yeah i got sure for his name for his name but he's cool enough to fucking like to not have the environment matter too much but no i don't know he didn't seem very i don't think he was very cool considering his environment considering what we went through yeah we had no we had a good one there um uh oh this last one doesn't make any sense because right i have to wait for things to happen first so spoilers i'm not going to bring up oh the timeline hasn't occurred it has not occurred yet
Starting point is 03:15:31 the future refused to change what are you watching and what are you putting on the watch this week uh majority mask 3d comes out on friday hell yeah i'm uh really looking forward to that because i've only ever gotten to the penultimate environment and for whatever reason probably because i never own an n64 i never actually finished i've been in penultimate environment but i know exactly what happens and i can't wait to play through that i've been fucking screaming for a majority make for so long i know that it's about to happen i don't know what to do with myself you don't like to scream i like to buy as many copies as you possibly can because any less would be a disappointment uh i'm gonna take it i'm gonna step up in a high rank in monster hunter and then
Starting point is 03:16:13 i'm going to play major's mask because i didn't i don't like that game and i didn't get i know that i didn't like it because i was young and stupid like that that's the worst feeling you're gonna update your fucking and like i remember i remember getting to like the zora dungeon and like fuck this fuck this garbage and like i um yeah i know i fucking know i will also be looking forward to majority because i think i discussed how i could only rent majority and not have the money yeah the next time i tried to rent it wait hold on a minute am i the only one that's beaten it yes oh my god okay but i mean like i know i know everything if you want to do a full i see the ending the the virtual console version just i'll know that no no no i might be fine what's wrong with that
Starting point is 03:16:57 well it's just now the universe is coming out yeah no of course this is coming out like right now uh also this week i i i got really awesome news or i just saw that uh abgn is reviewing like all friday the 13th movies which is something the most requested thing he's never not done he's done everything but that and they try to go him and mike tried a 45 minute video of them trying to beat the nes game oh and and failing in every regard message me when jason x comes up uh that's the that's gonna be the last one because there's three friday the 13th the dates happened this year oh february and march and november and all these uh the reviews all the movies like finish in the march friday the 13th the year of the friday the 13th the friday the 13th the movie is not even
Starting point is 03:17:43 scheduled to come out this year it's fucking the worst i feel i feel like when you're making that movie you should look on a calendar okay like okay let's just plan this whole because it's only gonna be like ten of a let's plan this whole fucking thing yeah around hitting a friday the 13th because it's the only thing that like writes itself like it's slotted in there for you like moral combat can do all sorts of dumb bullshit they have mortal monday they can have fatal friday you do anything else whatever the fuck combat tuesday fuck it i don't think i'm gonna have combat time thursday i'm not gonna have time to watch uh a ton more like full japanese wrestling events but i'm definitely gonna hunt out some okada matches and uh just some of the you
Starting point is 03:18:22 know some specific cards that are good you know you know how that helps along just go on your twitter and ask people what should i watch yeah every suggestion especially for japanese wrestling they've always been good okay yeah no please by all means especially stuff with ibushi or okada that you've got link me to it guys i want to see it yeah that shit was great and i'm gonna fucking probably top off ipo by the time we get around the first series yeah what what so if you're halfway more than halfway more than yeah more than halfway you can do the first series and the ova and the little it's an ova in a movie no it's not an ova in the movie they're both of this special anyway yeah okay all of the time here's what matters which one's first no it doesn't matter all of it no no
Starting point is 03:19:03 no which the two movies they which ones first i think it's mashaba versus kimura first yeah and then champion road yeah because champion road goes into into a new challenger yeah mashaba versus there's a boxer that's a fucking really there's a boxer who's a doctor yeah well that i saw already because we watched me he palpates your organs to see how much you're taking the damage we i already did see that one but um mashaba versus kimura yeah because remember at this point in your in your watching thing mashaba is a thing yeah yeah and that's kimura's way class okay well okay it's a sick match so good why don't i have any weapons it has no right to be that sick yeah interesting job or versus former villain why is this the sickest thing yeah so so remember when
Starting point is 03:19:58 you you were talking about one punch man you said two or three jokes from it i went all that joke was not as good because you told me but this joke was somehow way way better now that you told me there's i think i'm pretty sure i told you how in ipo i'm not going to say who in case you forget but uh there is a one character whose move is to look off that he hasn't gotten there yet no but we we had spoiled we had talked about that move look away since we look away yeah yeah yeah yeah look off and to know that everyone looks and then something has happened and even the audience looked at some direction wait how do you get hit well no no one knows how he got hit but it wins that's gonna be the attack of ours like i can't believe i fell for it that's the level up to the
Starting point is 03:20:39 frog jump isn't it yeah yeah what you need to think i need to attack the kato punch yeah cool something like that you felt so fucking good god damn so we're gonna call this a day or what yeah well no wait what's coming up on uh what's coming up on on our lives and uh you guys played a game which you talked about today yeah and there's a dark dungeon yeah well there you go dark extension a lot of tales will be told uh we recorded a session that was way too long to put into one video so it's two videos there you go and then uh me and woolly i'll just say that i took a game of thrones uh yeah game of thrones and we took a look at apotheon that's coming up this week and is coming up as usual uh that's that's not yeah that's not the game of thrones yeah
Starting point is 03:21:27 mary rpg continues one game of thrones then game of thrones is like 16 16 okay so yeah not for a bit yeah mary rpg will continue unless we get too lazy well me i mean we have enough footage that we really can't possibly get that lazy we can't even get too lazy that would be terrible um and the time you're lazy i see what i see what you're doing um you're dropping that world yeah the the fisticuffs this week uh once again will be the last of the three set animatology i think people are people are like yep yep i get it we got it but this is the best game it was two it was two i know but we have but now we have that one this one's the best game yes this is the best this game is awesome oh it's really good we didn't know there's no qualifications required for this yeah no james
Starting point is 03:22:15 either tastes feels like we were a bit late to the party playing it you guys don't get it because no i know i got it but like i'm like thinking how could you say something else without just punching it in the nose yeah wait till the fisticuffs gives birth this friday i was i was trying to figure that out too oh shit it's getting pretty late out it looks like it's night time it's time for us to go what the fuck is this before we are we know what it is and we can't figure out what entire jokes are being pulled under the bus yeah that's the one all right let's call it yeah this podcast is dead as uh this minute or whatever ah fuck it sure we're gonna finish that time you don't end it now this podcast will be excellent

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