Chambers of the Occult - EP# 12 Flight and Fright: The Disappearance of D. B. Cooper and The Southend Werewolf Case

Episode Date: June 25, 2024

In this spine-chilling episode, we delve into two of the most baffling and eerie mysteries of modern times. First, we soar into the clouds to unravel the disappearance of D. B. Cooper, the audacious h...ijacker who vanished without a trace after leaping from a Boeing 727 with $200,000 in ransom money. Despite decades of investigation, his fate remains a tantalizing mystery, filled with theories and speculation that continue to captivate the public imagination.Then, we journey to the fog-shrouded streets of Southend-on-Sea, where the legend of the Southend Werewolf emerged. This case involved Bill Ramsey, a man from Southend, England, who believed he was possessed by a werewolf spirit. The Warrens, famous paranormal investigators, were called in to investigate and performed an exorcism on Ramsey in 1989. This case is one of the more unusual and well-known investigations conducted by the Warrens.As a special treat, our bonus story takes us far from Earth to explore an extraordinary tale of discovery and deception that captivated readers in the 19th century. This mysterious account, filled with wonders and marvels, will leave you questioning the boundaries of reality and fiction.Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, "Flight and Fright" will entertain and intrigue you with fascinating stories and a light-hearted exploration of the boundaries of reality and the supernatural.Send us a Text Message.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Chambers of the occult may contain content that might not be suitable for all listeners. Hello everybody! Hello! That's... What? Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello, everybody. Hello. That's him. What? I'm Jay. Welcome back. Chambers of the Occult. Jay, I'm Kai. Alexis, this is where you say your name! I literally said it. My name's Alexis.
Starting point is 00:01:08 There we go! Let's go! We were both just waiting on you. Every time. Every time. I literally said it. Anyway, welcome back. Thanks for joining us once again. We hope you enjoyed the last episode.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yeah, let us know what you guys thought of old news nonsense. We have a lot of fun recording that. So we want to do more if you guys are interested. Yeah, we do have more for you. Yeah, anyway, right before we started recording, I was talking about becoming a fencer, like learning how to fence, like the sport. I think that would be sick. You 100% should do it. I will join you in that journey.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Sick. No, it's because lately I've been doing research into like old timey, like, martial techniques with like sword fighting and stuff for for D&D, like for my character, to like get an idea of like how he fights and stuff like that. And it's just got me really interested in sword fighting. And I'm like, I should do that because it's cool. I don't know if I wanted to do fencing when I first saw it like in the parent trap or like in some anime or cartoon. But I really wanted to do it. And when I first saw it, like in the parent trap or like in some anime or cartoon. But I really wanted to do it.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And when I got to community college, the catalog had fencing in it. And I couldn't find it when I had to register for classes. So I was really upset. And I ended up going to like talk to the people in charge of like, the department, the department, you know, of all sports and things like that. And they talked to them and they're like, oh yeah, we have an update at the catalog. The guy that teaches it passed away last year. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Oh, I never got the chance to do it. That's so tragic. Oh. Literally. Yeah. Yeah. But if you want to go on that journey, I'm definitely down to do that. We should all do it. Yeah, we should.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Is a fencing class a thing? I'm looking that up right now. I mean, most likely. This fencing class is by me on center road. Really? Yes. Let's do it. it triangulate your location Alexis do you guys know that there are three different types of fencing no there is
Starting point is 00:03:36 foil there's EP and there's a saber oh my god. That's so cool. You learn something new every day. I don't know. Sword fighting is cool. Anyway, um, sleepy. Anyway. Alexis, do you think that you could be a fencer? What? I don't think. I know. Like Olympic level? No, I'm definitely not.
Starting point is 00:04:13 No. Wow. Not with that attitude. Yeah, come on. Come on. I think- Have some faith in yourself. I think I would do better at like boxing or like kickboxing.
Starting point is 00:04:34 But not fencing? Fencing? I just, it's just too easy, you know what I'm saying? Even though you just said you couldn't do it? Oh my god. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Oh my god. I'm so down to do fencing I just don't think I would do it for like competition I guess. Okay. Like competitively yeah. You would do it to learn and to like tell people that you know how to fence. learn and to like tell people that you'll know how to fence. Yes, chicks dig that.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah, guys, you dig my food around. OK. All right. All right. Let's get started. Oh, OK. My Carly thing. Oh, yeah. I was going to mention the iCarly thing. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That one episode. It reminded me of that... It's Spencer, it's Freddie, and it's Freddie's mom because they're the Fenson Vensens.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Oh, okay. That should be our team name Already taken No, it's not you definitely I'll kill whoever has a we'll duel for it. We'll duel them. Yeah Yeah, that's right. Do it legally. I hope it would be legally. No, I said I said I was going to kill whoever had that name. Yeah, I did hear that. And then he said, do OK, so you just. For real.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Cool. We read. Yeah. Yeah. We bring you folks like always three stories. You just lined it up. Liar liar, pants on fire. Maximum Fencing Club. We offer group classes. Are you looking at the one I sent you? Oh wait, you sent one? I sent one in the group chat.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Oh yeah, the fencing site. Yeah. They're actually so down. They're open from 4 pm to 10 30 pm on weekdays. That's actually kind of good hours. It's really good hours to be honest. Yeah, it is. Cool. All right, we can talk about this after. Yeah, no, that's totally fine. We'll give you folks an update if we sign up for Fencing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, we have some stories and I will start us off this week. Alright. Woo!
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah, so for this story, let me get this ready. I don't know why I closed it by accident. Not important. We're all closing our tabs today. Honestly. Not for real. Okay, so for this story, November 24, 1971. And we're going to go to North, we're going to go to Portland, Oregon. Okay. We're going to an airport.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Oh, not where I thought we would be going, but Oregon. Okay. Yeah, so we're going to go to Northwest Orient Airlines, and we're going to be talking about Flight 303. So this was a flight at the time from Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington. It was about a 30 minute flight and we're gonna be talking about a plane hijacking. Oh, shit. Oh, wait. Okay. Let's see. What? Continue. Do you know what this is? Yes, I think so, but I don't know anything about it really. I just know. Like the name? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Okay, so this man shows up and it's 1971. He buys a $20 ticket with cash under the name of Dan Cooper. Dan Cooper! And he boards the plane and people said that he was wearing a very business-like attire. And it was documented by passengers and the crew as well. So his description was that he was wearing a suit and a tie, a dress shirt, black dress shoes, and then you know a tie with a pearl tie clip. And then he also had a suitcase with him. He had sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:09:56 They were like the aviator style sunglasses, Ray-Ban ones. Hey Milo. Basically. And he was also wearing an overcoat Okay, so his hair was he had dark hair and it was neatly combed He gets in the plane and the people on the plane described him that he was
Starting point is 00:10:20 well built average built around five feet ten inches between 5 feet and 10 inches to 6 feet tall and Man visibly he weighed about the average, you know 170 180 180 pounds He appeared to be in his mid 40s So pretty normal dude so far, yeah It's a pretty normal dude so far. Yeah, he just looks like the business travel man, Dan Cooper just bought his $20 ticket with cash.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And that's what made it interesting. It wasn't unusual for people to buy plane tickets with cash at the time. Yeah. But like always, when you have a cash transaction, it's a lot harder to track back. Exactly. Yeah. So there's a lot of things regarding this case and I have a lot of information. I try to condense that into as little as I could without going overboard. But while they were in the air, Cooper, he had a seat towards the back of the plane okay and he sat down he sat down and he asked for a regular drink like an alcoholic beverage
Starting point is 00:11:36 from the stewardess um she brought him his drink and then he handed her a note him his drink and then he handed her a note. And at first the stewardess, she thought that he was trying to flirt with her because it wasn't unusual for her to flirt with them. So she kind of disregarded the note. And then that's when... So there's two different things. So one of the things is that he leaned towards her and he told her something. Another thing says that she read the letter. And if he leaned towards her, he told her, Miss, you better take a look at that note. I have a bomb. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:22 He went right to it. Yeah. Because she kind of dismissed it. She was like, not going to take it. And that's when he's like, you want to take a look at that. I have a bomb. The other side of the story says that she took the letter she the paper she read it. It said, I have a bomb. I need you to sit next to me." So she sat down next to him. But it's, there's no exact wording of what was in the letter because after she read it, he took it back from her. And her name, the stewardess was, her last name is Schaffner and she alerted the cockpit the cockpit crew mm-hmm and he made a very few a demand like always like people that yeah you
Starting point is 00:13:19 know yeah he demanded four parachutes which and $200,000 in ransom money. What the fuck? From the flight attendant from Chavne? Yeah, he's like, this are my demands. Okay. Now the $200,000 in 1971, you know know with inflation and all that stuff nowadays it would be equivalent to about one million dollars. Damn. Oh my goodness. Great. Yeah so he was gonna go big or go home. Yeah yeah I feel you brother.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yeah so after she told you know the people on the like the pilot in the cockpit, they immediately called. You know, they did the calling through the radio and then the airport in Seattle contacted the FBI because it was an airplane hijacking. Yeah. And the FBI got involved right off the bat. They were able to get the money. And they got 10,000 bills, 10,020 dollar bills.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Yeah, so they were unmarked 20 dollar bills, but they had recorded all the serial numbers. Oh, okay. Yeah I forgot the name of the machine but they put it through a machine that recorded all the serial numbers but the bills were still unmarked. Okay. So they arrived at Seattle and they're refueling the aircraft and that's when the airline president authorized the payment for the ransom. And of course, he instructed all the employees to cooperate.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Also very interestingly, during this whole time, none of the passengers knew what was going on. Damn. Yeah. They would want to keep it secret not to raise alarm. Yeah. So the passengers were not aware of that they got to Seattle and the passengers disembarked all 36 of them
Starting point is 00:15:32 and he also let two flight attendants leave the plane and that also included shaft nor Jenner how generous of him yeah it did it did retain the pilot, the co-pilot, and a flight attendant as well. Okay. And the authorities secured the perimeter of the airport, they ensured the safety of the passengers, and Cooper ordered them to take the plane to fly to New Mexico. Oh, okay. Yeah, so from Seattle to New Mexico, it's quite a bit of distance.
Starting point is 00:16:12 You know what city, what airport it was, I guess, in New Mexico? I will get into that because they didn't actually make it to New Mexico. Oh, all right, all right. Yeah, because they actually told Cooper that due to fuel limitations, they would have to stop somewhere else to refuel. Because the plane wasn't designed to fly that long distance. So they would have to get more fuel to get there. Yeah, exactly. So the crew and
Starting point is 00:16:42 Cooper discussed the options and they settled on Reno, Nevada as the refueling stop. Got it. Yeah, exactly. So the crew and Cooper discussed the options and they settled on Reno, Nevada as the refueling stop. Got it. Yeah. Now, what's very interesting is that this was a very well thought out plan. This was not like a casual hijacking. Like you wake up one morning and you're like, Oh, I want a million dollars. Let me kidnap a plane. Yeah. No, like everything he did was like with purpose, which is very interesting because all the letters that he wrote, he took back. So like, there was no handwriting left behind for anyone to compare to anything else. Nothing to trace and stuff. Yeah. So the plane starts going south, starts flying to Reno, Nevada, which is where they're going to refill the plane. And then from there, they would fly to New Mexico.
Starting point is 00:17:34 But he made a few demands while they were flying to Nevada. Cooper instructed the crew to maintain an altitude of 10,000 feet. Okay, very specific. And yeah, and that's not where it stopped. She also told them that they had to maintain an airspeed, a minimum airspeed of 200 knots, which is approximately 230 miles per hour. So this was likely to ensure the plane's stability at a low altitude where it could fly slowly and steadily. Yeah, we're going to sound like that's very low and not nearly as fast as it could go. So yeah. And then he also instructed a few more things. He said he talked about the landing gear and the flaps. He specified that the landing gear should be kept down and the wings the wing flaps were they needed to be set to a 15 degrees. Okay I assume you'll get
Starting point is 00:18:37 you'll get into it but it's yeah yeah so the reason that he's specific yeah it's what kind of like drove me crazy I was like like this man knew what he was doing. So the reason for those two requests was because the configuration of the gears and the flaps, they would further slow the plane and make it easier for him to exit with those parachutes. Makes sense. Yeah. Now he also demanded that the cabin remain unpressurized. And this was crucial for his plan to jump. That way, because he was going to jump from the rear air
Starting point is 00:19:18 stair without facing the hazards of rapid decompression or the high altitude. So the whole, you got to fly at this altitude, slow down. So he could easily just jump out when he needed to. Yeah, without having to adjust so rapidly. Yeah. Yeah. So like I said, initially he wanted them to fly to New Mexico, but after discussion,
Starting point is 00:19:51 they agreed that they were going to stop in Reno, Nevada. And like I said, why he wanted four parachutes and one of the theories was that he might have wanted to make it look like he was going to have hostages jump off the plane with him. That was my thought like, oh is he going to take. Yeah. So, we'll get more into some of the parachutes, because it's actually quite interesting that something happened with them. But the stewardess that was still left in there, she helped Cooper with whatever he asked, and then he sent her back to the cockpit. And then around 8 p.m. the cockpit,
Starting point is 00:20:48 a warning light indicated that the rear air steer had been lowered. So this alerted the pilots that Cooper was in the process of opening the rear exit. Go ahead. No, just say like, say that again. exits. Go ahead. No, just say like, say that again. No, no, that's fine. So it was around 8pm. In the cockpit, they got a warning light that indicated that the rear air stair had been lowered. And this alert, yeah, this just kind of told the pilot, the pilot that Cooper was like in the process of opening the rear exits. Yeah. Yeah. It gave them the idea of like, OK, it's happening. He's jumping. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And it was around 813 that the aircraft experienced a sudden upward movement, which required the pilots to retrim the plane. And this sudden change in the aircraft's behavior kind of suggested that like Cooper had jumped as the change in the weight would have affected the plane's flight dynamic. Sorry to catch you off.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Like that's what I was thinking, but also like would just the weight of himself alone be enough to manipulate the plane that much? Well, it's not just the weight of himself alone be enough to manipulate the plane that much? Well, it's not just the weight of him. It's also the weight of him with the money. With the money and with the patience. It was a lot of money. So. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And also he's technically at the very edge. So I think it would be a lot more noticeable when like something happened. Okay, fair. During this whole time there was two other planes following this this plane like like FBI got involved they called like the Air Force or someone there are two planes that were following this aircraft but because Cooper had told them to go at like 230 miles per hour,
Starting point is 00:22:45 like 200 knots. Is that what it was? Yeah. Yeah, they're going through the other planes because they're designed to go fast. They couldn't keep up. They couldn't slow down enough. So they had to go around.
Starting point is 00:22:59 And theories are that when they went around, that's when Cooper jumped. That would make sense. So that's why I'm saying like this man planned it all out. Yeah like it also makes friends also know that he's going slow because it's like yeah the fighter jets they can't go that slow. Exactly. Okay. Yeah so what were you about to say Alexis? Yeah Alexis. No, I wasn't gonna say anything. I was just agreeing with you guys. Okay. Is this a story that I was gonna be sharing? I don't know anything about it. I'm learning so much right now. Yeah, no, there's so many like details that I started like looking through and finding and like, there's so much like different resources out there.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Yeah, this is crazy. So the crew remain in the cockpit and they were as they were instructed by Cooper, they never stepped out to check if he had jumped or not. They remained there because like he had a bomb. Oh yeah. Going to go back to that part. There was people that said, not people, the stewardess, Schaffner, that said that like he opened the suitcase and that like you could see that there was bomb things in there or what would look like a bomb. There was never confirmation if he actually had a bomb or what if it was just like a decoy. Okay. So they just took the threat seriously, but they didn't like actually check. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so during this flight to Reno, um, the the door, the back exit door that Cooper jumped from
Starting point is 00:24:37 what remained open. Because once again, they didn't know if he had jumped if he was waiting for another time to jump or they were not going to risk it. They were just following instructions. So they landed in Reno. The plane landed safely in Reno, approximately at 10, 15 PM. This was two hours after they suspect that he jumped. Oh, shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Damn. So like they really just did not check Oh, shit, okay. Damn! So like they really just did not check? No! Yeah. Yeah, cause they were just following his instructions. They were like, if this man has a bomb, we gotta stay in the cockpit unless he tells us to like, step out. Yeah. So if he jumped at 8, you know, 8 13, 8 15, yeah, 8 13. By 10 15, that's two hours of like,
Starting point is 00:25:24 Hooper on the yeah, 813. By 1015, that's two hours of like, Cooper on the ground just disappearing. Yeah. Once they were on the ground, the crew confirmed that Cooper was no longer in the aircraft and they found their rear air steer deployed. What was very interesting is that this was one of the few planes, I think I have, yeah, the Boeing 727 that was able to continue flying with the exit down. So once again, we don't know if Cooper knew that in advance when he booked this plane or not, but it just worked interestingly that this plane was able to deploy that exit as the plane was flying. You probably planned it.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I don't know. Yeah, yeah, no, like I 100% had to. There's a lot here that is definitely planned. Of course, Cooper was not longer in the aircraft. The ransom money was gone and the parachutes were gone. Two parachutes were gone. Now out of the four parachutes, this is where, say, it gets interesting. He only took two.
Starting point is 00:26:39 One primary parachute and one reserve. Yeah. And interestingly enough, one of the parachutes that was left behind was a non-functional dummy. Oh. So it was accidentally mistaken as an active parachute and it was given to Cooper. Was it accidentally or was it given to him? From what I was able to find it was accidentally because they didn't realize that it was a dummy parachute until they they looked at the two that he left behind. So there were only a few things that he left behind, but nothing that could really help authorities out. He left his tie and the tie clip. That's it. And a tie clip? Yeah. The Mother
Starting point is 00:27:30 of Pearl tie clip that he was wearing. Yeah. So that's the tie clip that he left behind. Now- Mother of Pearl? Yeah. And I want to make it very clear that when he booked this a tick this plane this flight the name that he used was Dan Cooper but when News outlets and medias and like everyone started to hear about it and they started reporting it There was one. I think it was a newspaper that got his name wrong and
Starting point is 00:28:02 That rather than calling him Dan Cooper they called him DB Cooper and what happened yeah and after that one like source like newspaper call them DB Cooper everyone else started to call him DB Cooper okay Okay. So yeah, anyway, he, there's a manhunt for this man. He jumped out of the plane with basically a million dollars. They're trying to search this man. People volunteer. And the government, the FBI says like, hey, just FYI, if you find the money, there's no reward if you find this man or if you find this money. People kept searching, no one was able to find him. There was no idea where he had jumped.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Nothing was found out. He kind of just disappeared into the darkness, basically. Yeah. Into the abyss. yeah now something very yeah I was gonna bring that up as well not the abyss but it was a stormy night when he jumped out it wasn't ideal weather for someone to like jump off a plane you know we can't what do you mean so ideally, if you're going to jump off a plane, you want clear skies, you don't want the winds to be too crazy. But he jumped out. That day, it
Starting point is 00:29:34 was an ideal weather because there was a storm. So he ended up jumping. Yeah. And you're also jumping during a storm from high altitude, it's going to be freezing cold. Yeah. So it was a combination of things that he had a lot of things planned out, but the weather did not help him out with that one aspect. Also, there's a lot there. I think there's a new Netflix series or show about D.V. Cooper. I did not watch it just because it's an actual series rather than a documentary. DB Cooper. I did not watch it just because it's an actual series rather than a documentary. I did watch a few things on YouTube like History Channel or like, what was it, National Geographic, that's what it was. And they ended up saying that out of the two, out of the pair, air, Whoa, tongue tie. The parachute that he took, there was two different types of parachutes.
Starting point is 00:30:32 One was more for beginners and one was easier to open than the other one. And he took the parachute that was more for beginners. That was a little harder to tug on the release. Um, and they think that that kind of like, let them to show that like, he didn't know the difference between the parachutes because there was a theory for a long time that maybe he was like a professional, like skydiver and that's why he was ready to do this. Um, but because he took the parachute that was that a professional skydiver and that's why he was ready to do this. But because he took the parachute that was that a professional skydiver would know not
Starting point is 00:31:09 to take if given the chance to not take it. That's kind of what like debunks that theory that he was like a professional like skydiver. The FBI of course is already involved and they're asking the stewardess that worked with... that talked to DB Cooper to write it, like, to give them a sketch, like, describe him. Yeah. And I just sent the group chat a picture of what his sketch looks like. Okay. It's just a generic guy.
Starting point is 00:31:43 They have him with the sunglasses and without the sunglasses. A literal just average guy. Like, oh my god. Yeah. So this picture ends up in the newspapers. People are looking for him. People are accusing their neighbors, their spouses. the DB Cooper, which is wild. There's like death confessions of like, I am DB Cooper type of thing, but nothing concrete until 1980. So nine years after his disappearance, it would be in February of that year that an eight-year-old boy named Brian Ingram, he discovered several deteriorating $20 bills. And it was just along the banks of the Columbia River in Washington State. He kind of was just doing what kids do. And he kind of found like a wad of $20 bills that were like deteriorating and the serial numbers in those 20 bills matched the serial numbers of the
Starting point is 00:33:09 ransom money that was given to D.B. Cooper. Oh, shit. Now, this was just... Go ahead. So, like, the kid found the bills and then, like, they got turned in to, like, the police or something? Yeah, because they were not, like, you couldn't go use them even if you wanted to So like the kid found the bills and then like they got turned in to like the police or something Yeah, because they were not like you he couldn't go use them even if you wanted to because they were just in such bad condition But it's more like like he told his dad and then word got out to the police or they gave them to the police and They were able to measure zero numbers Yeah, okay Actually send you a picture what they look like because I think it's just kind of cool to see what they look like after nine years in the wilderness. I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:49 I'm kind of imagining because like, I don't think a kid would just leave money behind. He probably was like, oh, these are cool. And he like, grabbed them. He definitely took them, showed it to his dad. And then he was like, oh, wait, these could be like part of something blah, blah, blah. And then I don't know. Yeah, no, it definitely was. Take a look at that picture and you're going to see just the horrible condition that they're in. Okay. Also as a kid, I would be like, oh wow, like this is kind of cool. Look at how badly that like damage they are.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah, like I just picked them up just because. Yeah. Okay. I see. So they find this money and it's not the whole $200,000. It's only a small portion of it. It's about $5,800. So it's just like if one WAD fell out during the jump, but none of the other bills were found by the kid. That was it. Now, during this whole time and then whole investigation, of course, the case grows cold. It's still an open case last I heard. And it would be in 2001, where DB Cooper kind of makes a name for himself. He does not like
Starting point is 00:35:01 reemerge, the money does not appear. But I think just like a fun fact is that there's a in Washington in in Kamas, Washington They open up a bar named DB Cooper bar and grill We got a girl Yeah, yeah That's sick. So they didn't call him like a hero, but he was like the hijacker that got away. Like the only successful person that has taken like
Starting point is 00:35:34 ransom money in like for a plane hijacking and got it away. He's a legend. Yeah, technically. He's infamous. And the bar is known, you know, it's all D.B. Cooper themed. It was featuring like memorabilia, like newspaper clippings and things like that. And it's just like an atmosphere like surrounding the like the infamous skyjacker.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And I would love to go there as well because they did something that was really fun. So there used to be a DB Cooper lookalike contest. No way. Yeah. That's crazy. And it would be on the day of the jacking, I think like the December, sorry November 24, like they'll all gather there, like people will gather there for like the lookalike contest of DB Cooper. That's so dumb. Like why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:35 It's weird. I would love to just go check out the bar, but unfortunately it got rebranded in 2016. So now it's, yeah. So now it's just called the Poor House. Damn. Yeah so it's it's shifting away from DB Cooper and it's just a regular bar with craft beers and a large menu selection that's about it. Um. The hell. Yeah other than that
Starting point is 00:37:02 something else did happen in 2008 which which is related to the case, but not necessarily about DB Cooper. In 2008, the bills that were recovered were actually auctioned off. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. So the individual bills, like the pictures that I sent you, they were all sold for different varying amounts. Some of them fetched several thousand dollars just because of the historical significance and the rarity of them. And the best preserved one, the one that was like decomposed the least, was sold for like I think five thousand dollars, something like that. And then like in total from all those like $20 bills, like they got about $37,000. Oh my god. Yeah. Deteriorating bills. Yeah. Now, I want to make it clear. This $20 bills,
Starting point is 00:38:01 this ransom money is still out there because none of those serial numbers have been found on circulation. Oh, damn. Yeah. So all that people, yeah, all those people that say I was, I am DB Cooper or that like point finger set there like dead husband. There's really no proof. They're like, yeah yeah like he bought a
Starting point is 00:38:25 house cash but like nothing adds up so what Phoebe so you didn't spend any of that money no which is the crazy thing because theories are that he did not survive and theories are that he did survive but he can't spend any of the money. Um, yeah. Yeah. It's been 30, it's been like 50 years, 50 plus years since this hijacking took place and those $20 bills have never been in circulation. I'm going to find them. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I'm going to find them. But yeah, so I tried to see if there was any like news about the DB Cooper case. I did see a few articles. One of them said that they found some like pollot, well, pollen on the tie, which kind of like helped them out because they're like, okay, now we can see what plant this belongs to, and then we can trace it down to like where that's a regional plant type of thing. Nothing really came out of it. It's still once again a dead end. This man was very meticulous with his hijacking. Yeah. That's crazy. There was? Go ahead. Can you continue? No, can you continue? Ask. Oh, okay. I was just going to say they're still like, actively working on the case like today still. I don't know. Yeah, the last thing I heard when I was looking at the National Geographic's documentary,
Starting point is 00:40:05 they try to talk to the FBI to like get them to give a statement or something. And the FBI just said that because it's an open case, they're not gonna give a statement. So at least of the, you know, the last couple of years, it was still open. I don't know if today it's still an open case, but yeah, about a million dollars out there that have never been in circulation.
Starting point is 00:40:30 That's insane. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I've heard his name before. I definitely have, but I don't know anything about even why I know his name or where I've heard it from. So. And like it's unfortunate but he he inspired other people to do the same thing. Um because. Have there been other hijackings from. There have been other hijackings. Um this one man rather than asking for two hundred
Starting point is 00:41:00 thousand dollars asked for half a million dollars. God damn. But he was not as discreet as DB Cooper was and he got kind of like tackled down by the passengers. So the passengers kind of just stopped him. They're like you're not hijacking or playing type of thing. And there was another case where someone else did the same thing. But because they were a blabbermouth, I think it was like they were in a bar and they told the person, like, if I was DB Cooper, like, I would have asked for more, blah, blah, blah. And then they ratted them out. So they have another attempts to recreate like a DB Cooper type of like planejackingacking but it's not been successful. He is the only man in history that has gotten away. The one and only. The one and only. The man amidst the legend. Yeah. That's so crazy. I don't know like every time I just take a second to think about it I'm like
Starting point is 00:42:03 what the fuck? Like this dude his real identity not known, and he has never been discovered ever. No, so something very cool about Dan Cooper was definitely not his real name. Yeah. No. Of course not. Just, the only reason I'm saying this is because as the FBI kept doing more and more research, they found out that there's actually a Dan Cooper comic book. What? What? So he, like, he's a comic book character.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yeah. So the name Dan Cooper comes straight out of a cartoon, like a comic book. That's funny as hell. And it actually comes from like a, I'm gonna send you the picture right now, just cause I think it's so cool. I'm looking at it right now, or I'm looking at the comics. Yeah, and the thing is,
Starting point is 00:42:55 the whole Dan Cooper name, definitely not his real name, especially when you realize that there is a comic with an exact same name, and he's literally skydiving. Oh my god. That's so funny, dude. I actually love that. I don't know. Yeah. Like I can't even add up this dude. I'm just like full respect. I don't know. I'm a be Dan Cooper for Halloween. I don't know. I'm going to be Dan Cooper for Halloween. Yeah, but that's the case of Dan Cooper, the mysterious skyjacker that nothing is known
Starting point is 00:43:32 about him. That's so crazy. That's so crazy. I mean, like, can you be mad at the dude? He didn't hurt anyone. And he took money from somebody who was a company that was rich. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Like I understand that he committed a crime and like, he could have put people in danger if it was like a real bomb, even if it wasn't. But at the same time, I'm like, everything was really well thought out. I can't be mad at this man. And the fact that he chose the name from a cart like a comic book. Yes, exactly. I was like, oh, it's the frosting on the cake is like the best part, even though I hate frosting. So No, but yeah, like the whole me being like named dan cooper Um, I feel like that was like a big middle finger to like the FBI. I was like try catching me now Like that's not even my real name like I I understand that he committed a crime and he did have a bomb threat but like
Starting point is 00:44:47 I gotta respect this dude he pulled this thing off it's crazy yeah go big or go home and he went big a million dollars back in that day and he probably went home he could have gone home or like destroyed the money or something and like made a new home It's wild And it was just really easy because it was a domestic flight in 1971 There was no bet there was no one to check your luggage You could walk in with a gun a knife a bomb no one would ask your there was literally zero airport security like it's great. Yeah so Yeah This is the disappearance of DB Cooper because he was never seen again. Okay, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I definitely heard the title, like the disappearance of DB Cooper. I've definitely heard that as a title before, but I didn't like look into it. I hope you enjoyed it. No one got killed this time. You know, I think I have a feeling today's episode is going to be pretty tame. I hope so. Oh, we'll find out. Who knows. Who knows what Alexis will hit us up with. True. I'll do a complete like 180. Yeah, she turns out to have the dark story. Yeah. Well, actually, it depends on how you see it. Anyways. All Okay buddy. So I'm the paranormal story for today.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I'm spooky. Do you guys ever, I guess I'll start this with a question. What is my number one red flag? Sean, I hate you man. I mean me personally, I think my number one red flag is that you can't hang out with me on a full moon. Sean, I hate you so much. I got two wolves inside of me. on a full moon.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I got two wolves inside of me. Both are gay. I love that. Can we get it on a t-shirt? Can we get that on a t-shirt? My number one red flag is you can't hang out with me on a full moon. Full moon. Yeah. Oh. Full moon? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Oh? That's so good. Anyway, yeah, for those of you who don't know, I'm actually like a werewolf. Oh my god. It's like my whole brand. Yeah, he's really hairy. Like, oh. I mean, that's not really part of it. I'm ashamed, okay? Leave me alone. But do you guys ever stay awake at night and sort of like dream of like running wild
Starting point is 00:48:08 in the forest and howling at a full moon and gabbling with your pack? No, that's just cute. Oh. Whoa, whoa, it's like Alexis might be the red flag. Oh. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm just a girl. A girl who's a werewolf? Is that your secret? No. That did not sound very convincing.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I guess we never know. Well, I'm a werewolf. Alexis is apparently a werewolf. And you know who else is a werewolf? A man named Bill Ramsey. Wait, wait, wait. Is he related to Gordon Ramsay? I was going to say we're going back to the Ramses. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, sure you'll tell us. I mean, it would be pretty crazy if there was relation but I but there definitely isn't. Anyway, you know, we've all heard of a werewolves and other creatures and I've experienced being a
Starting point is 00:49:37 werewolf. You're not part of them. But you know, usually that's just in like stories and fairy tales and... Yeah. Fantasy. Unless you like personally know me. But for Bill Ramsey, it was very much a reality. So there's not really too much about Bill himself.
Starting point is 00:50:06 He was born in 1943 in the town of Essex, England. It's sort of a south end, like sea town. So it's like a beach town sort of close to the ocean, not very far away. It's a, I was going to say like a breezy kind of tropical town, but it's England, so it's definitely not. Yeah. Oh, no. Yeah. No, but it's like a seaport town. I'm sure it has salty air and stuff like that, slight breeze. He grew up with a pretty normal childhood.
Starting point is 00:50:50 He had lots of land with his parents just out sort of in that small town, play outside, and he was a pretty normal kid. That was until when he was nine years old. And his life kind of completely changed from then on. He was playing outside. And you know, it was usual, it was a nice, warm, sunny day. He was having a good time, but he suddenly felt his body start to change a bit. He felt like an icy wind, a breeze was just kind of sweeping across his body. And he started to feel very cold, cold and like sweaty, like a cold sweat. And that was just very out of place because it was a nice normal day. What? puberty oh I mean, I mean, I is that what puberty feels like?
Starting point is 00:51:59 Did you have an Well, how do you know? I'm asking if we're talking about you right now. But he started to feel very stressed out. He didn't know what was happening with his body. So he broke into a cold sweat. And apparently the chilling coldness, rose the sweat that was on his skin. Rose?
Starting point is 00:52:29 Yeah, something like that. So Bill, in a later account, he stated, quote, have you ever walked into a meat locker right after you've been outside on a hot day? That's what this was like, end quote. Because yeah, we've definitely all done that. Yeah. Is that sarcasm? Yes. I mean, I'm sure back then it was pretty common. It was 1950, early, late 1940s. Oh, well, I'm comparing it to walking into into like the cold thing at cosco like a cold oh my gosh dude like in like a big gas station or something
Starting point is 00:53:12 walking to the back room where all the beer is held whatever oh yeah um like the freezer yeah yeah okay that makes make more sense so that's how he described this feeling as. He also said that he was, um, that there was a super strong, pungent, overpowering stench and it was so bad that he became super nauseous and he was barely able to actually stop himself from throwing up because of how bad that smell was. Oh damn. And this all came out of nowhere and so he was stressed, he was confused, but it wasn't just sort of like the the physical kind of symptoms that he was experiencing. He also started to sort of think a little bit differently.
Starting point is 00:54:07 He was caught in this trance, this stasis of the cold feeling, the nauseous smell. But also, his mind was suddenly filled entirely and only with the thoughts of running away towards the ocean on all fours like and also did any of you run on all fours as a child yes okay cool maybe a little I I I 100% used to like go up the stairs on all fours. Yeah, I've done that as well. But I've never had the desire to run towards the ocean on all fours. No. Have you guys seen those videos on YouTube where like people practice, literally practice running like on all fours? And they like, yes, I have.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So crazy. It's so awkward. They have that urge. It is. They do. They literally do. They're werewolves.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Okay, but do they also have the very vivid repeated imagery of wolves inside of their head at the same time. Oh, whoa! Because that's exactly what Ramsay did. So his desire, his pull to run towards the ocean, as well as just seeing wolves in his head, and that's when he knew, you know, something had changed. He was not himself anymore. And from there, his life was forever changed. So he was outside, of course, and his mom saw him acting super fucking weird outside. So he ran out there or she ran out there, his mom, um, and she tried snapping him out of like the trance. Uh, what do you laugh? Was he an only child? Um from everything that I've read, I do believe he is an only child. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:19 What are you laughing at? This this this story, this is just, yeah. He's just like me for real. He's a werewolf. You're a werewolf, so you admit it. No, no, no, no, no. I don't admit it. You heard it here, folks. No, my loyalty lies with vampires. Oh my god, bro. Look at my lawyer, bro. I'm going to jail. So his mom comes running out. She's like, honey, honey, like, what the fuck are you doing? And tries to break him out of the trance. Honey, honey? Yes, papa? No way. It does break him out of his thoughts for just a minute. You know, the images of the wolves, the urge to run away, all went away, but that was really just for a second, because right after that, he was entirely filled with rage,
Starting point is 00:57:31 violent rage, hatred. Yeah, you can't hold back the beast. All right, I'm not continuing on with this story. What was that, you want? I don't know, I don't know. Like... I'm sorry. I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was like, I was, the rage, everything, it basically manifested itself as like a supernatural or superhuman strength inside of Ramsey. And so in his rage with his strength,
Starting point is 00:58:15 he actually started to tear the metal fence posts out of the ground and started to swing them around like a club. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, it's my boy right there. Shut up. Um... Um...
Starting point is 00:58:33 This is starting to sound like an X-Men. Hehehehe. Wolverine for real. He basically was. Imagine if Wolverine was in a Wolverine and he was actually a werewolf instead. Yeah. So this dude, Ramsay, is like violently swinging around the metal fence post like a club. His
Starting point is 00:58:54 parents are terrified at that point. They try to go up to him to like take the postway, rip it out of his hands. But of course, with his supernatural strength, he had on it, they can't get it free. But because of how freaking scared they are of this kid, they run inside, they're taking shelter, they're letting him do whatever he has to do because they are deathly afraid of him. That is your child. But it's not, but he's like very violent behavior. That's what I get in that moment. He's being around a club, but really like set them off to actually run away is because Ramsey got on all fours. No. He began to growl and snarl like a wolf. Stop! And then he put the metal wire of the fence in his mouth and just started gnawing on it.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Oh god, okay. I thought you were gonna say he started chasing them. Well, he probably would have been about to. That's what I was about to... like, I was like, don't tell me that he like chases them and attacks them. He's hungry like a wolf. He probably would have if his parents didn't run inside. No, because you made it sound like that. Like they started running away and he got on all fours. True, true, true, true. I'm going to chase you guys. You get on all fours. Yeah. Yeah. Don't catch me on a full moon a phone. They were watching him from the safety of inside their
Starting point is 01:00:28 home. And eventually, Ramsey did calm down. His parents very, very skeptically, very fearfully let him inside the house. And after that, they of course had, you know, $10 wounds because his mouth his lips were like bleeding, almost torn open by the fence that he was literally gnawing on. But he knew what happened. You know, Ramsey barely even remembered what he did. His parents did not know what the hell just happened. But they all sort of vowed to like never
Starting point is 01:01:05 discuss it ever again, and so they didn't. So that was just when he was nine years old though, but for the rest of his life, I mentioned things would change. For the next about 15 years of his life, nothing would actually happen. It was pretty normal. He lived a normal life. What happened was just like the very faint memory in the back of his mind because he barely remembered it anyway. But he grew up. He, you know, got a wife. He had three children. And according to like all of his family, all of his friends, Ramsey was a wonderful father. He did greats, nothing out of the norm, the ordinary. He was a
Starting point is 01:01:52 carpenter. So pretty, just ordinary family man, essentially. So it was about 1965 at this point when he sort of gets married and he's grown up 15 years had gone by. And so but a bit after he got married, he was started to become, I guess, plagued by some pretty horrible nightmares. Um, in these nightmares, he actually would find himself chasing after his wife, like either after- Oh no! Or he's running up, like on his feet entirely. The nightmares would always be him running, chasing after his wife, and they would always end with her turning around to look at him, her face filled with terror, of course, and
Starting point is 01:02:57 then Ramsay would wake up in a cold sweat. And so that's how his nightmares went for about two years or so. He had two years of those nightmares that he never really did anything about. But I kind of think that the craziest part of these nightmares is some nights when he would wake up very quickly from these dreams, he. He was laughing. No, it's nothing. Everything you guys are saying are making me think of different songs in my head because you said some nights and I was thinking of some nights by fun. Oh my god. Okay continue I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I'm literally about to transform right now dude. But yeah I think the craziest thing is that he would sometimes wake up from his dreams to hear like the loud panting of like a wild animal coming from inside of the room. So he was so confused, he didn't know where it was coming from, but eventually he realized that these, you know, panting animal sounds were coming from himself. He was the one who was making those noises. I feel like that would be concerning though. 100%. That would be very concerning. Like I understand that maybe like a doctor probably couldn't do much about it but like
Starting point is 01:04:31 go to a doctor. Yeah. Just let it continue for two years. And I would understand like just missing the dreams because they're like it's just a dream but as soon as like you're like oh um those sounds are coming from me. Yeah, they're like deep, like, malistic, like, noises, like, coming from his own throat. It's crazy, dude. Yeah. So yeah, two years it happened, those nightmares. 1967 would come around, two years after the wedding, two years after the dream started. And in 1967, after those two years, the dreams just suddenly stopped. And after that, he just went back on to living
Starting point is 01:05:12 out his normal life, you know, caring father, caring husband that everyone knew. Another 15 years go by without any incident. Everything's normal. That was, again, until 1983 after those 15 years. So Ramsey, he goes out to a pub for the night with some of his best friends. Of course, he's having a good time. He's tossed back some drinks when all of a sudden a very terrifyingly familiar feeling does creep over him. He's sitting there on the bar stool, perched over the bar, and he feels the same sort of like icy chill like kind of breeze pass over him that did overtake him on that day when he was nine years old. But
Starting point is 01:06:14 this time he was sort of prepared. He recognized it was a familiar feeling and he recognized that maybe you know that rage might be coming over. He ran to the bathroom of the tub and when he looked in the mirror the face that stared back at him was a wolf. No way. No I don't know if he transformed or if it was just in his head, but that's what he said. It was a woof that he saw in the mirror. Woof. Woof. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:53 So he saw that. He's scared, he's anxious, so he runs out of the bathroom and rams. He's like, hey guys, we gotta go. We gotta get out of here. And his friends are actually like warm. He was like, we gotta get out of here. His friends surprisingly agree like really quickly. And they all you know know cram into the car that they drove there in during the drive though Ramsey he begins to deeply growl with like a deep growl from his throat and his friends start to watch in terror as Ramsey twists his hands into the shape of claws and then he lept,
Starting point is 01:07:49 he like jumped out to one of his passengers and attempted to like claw and bite him in the leg. No. No. Yeah. And imagine this happening in a big car. A human bite is dangerous. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Yeah. I mean any bite, but like. I like I keep our strong you have so many germs Exactly the bacteria and the infection and stuff. Yeah, crazy. Oh god. Yeah 15 years of just knowing your friend and they're normal and then one day this happens out of nowhere You're like what the fuck? happens out of nowhere. You're like, what the fuck? I would think that they're on drugs or something. Yeah. Like, what did you put in your drink?
Starting point is 01:08:40 Apparently the driver, whoever it is, like remain super calm. And like, he quickly pulled over. They got out, they tried to pull Bill out from the car, but you know, his supernatural strength came back and they were completely unable to like restrain him or get him out of the car or anything. But after a few minutes, he calmed down and then his friends were able to actually get him out of the car. But then after that, he actually said that he didn't remember anything that happened in the car. So no recollection of anything. This goes 18 more months go by. A year and a half, Ramsey tries to move on and forget about it. But suddenly after those 18 months, he begins to experience a really bad chest pain. He broke out into a cold sweat.
Starting point is 01:09:31 And so those are actually, you know, some pretty common symptoms of a heart attack. So he immediately went to the hospital, went to the local emergency room, checked himself in. He said he was having a heart attack. So he got moved to a bed on a gurney. He was being examined and while he was being examined though, he felt that same icy chill wash over him once again. The nurse that was taking care of him was about like halfway through, you know, examining his blood pressure and things like that when suddenly he just turned to her and bit right into her arm. No. Yeah. So there's two people that have gotten bitten by this man.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Essentially, yeah. I mean, he didn't bite his friend in the car, but like, he came very close to it. So this is the first person he actually bit. But still crazy. So the nurse, she is freaked the fuck out. She yells, she screams, bloody murder, she runs through the hospital to get as far away as he can. But Ramsey essentially chased her. He begins running through the hospital, his back hunched, his hands curled in the claws once again, and his teeth bared as he growled and snarled at all the people while he was running through the hospital. So many people tried to restrain him.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Nobody could, of course, because of his strength. A police officer managed to actually very temporarily subdue him, put handcuffs on Ramsey, but it did not stop him. He just continued on with the rampage. Eventually, a bunch of them were able to essentially tackle him, control him. He just continued on with the rampage. Eventually, a bunch of them were able to essentially tackle him, control him. He was sedated. So he was given a sedative. He was essentially put to sleep. Not dead, put to sleep, but like, sleep, sleep. Yeah. Do you want me to? Hi, Mimi. But then when he woke up from his little nap, he was back to normal.
Starting point is 01:11:50 He's back to normal. He didn't remember anything about the incident. Yeah. He was like, that was a crazy dream I just had, bro. Hate to tell you. That yeah, I was maybe like, that wasn't a dream. He didn't remember anything. But honestly, what surprised me the most about all of this, the craziest part of this encounter, was since he was a voluntary patient and he voluntarily checked himself into the hospital,
Starting point is 01:12:22 he had every right to voluntarily check himself out. No! I know where you were going with this! And that's exactly what he did. That's exactly what he did. Of course the doctor tried to like, stop him, but he was like, no, I'm fine, you guys treated me, and he left. Damn. Luckily, nothing else really happened for another two months. But after those two months went by, Ramsey again went back to that same hospital because
Starting point is 01:12:58 he was once again experiencing the icy chill that he attributed to the heart attack from earlier. So he shows up to the emergency room of the hospital. And nobody really wants to treat him because they know what happened last time. It's also interesting how this is becoming a more common thing for him. Like 15 years and now two months. 15 years, 18 months. Had it again.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Yeah. It's like, ah, shucks, man. Too many full moons. Anyway, he goes to the hospital. they begrudgingly check him in. The nurse that's treating him is completely terrified, but of course she has to go through with checking him out anyway. But very soon after, her greatest fears came true. Ramsey leapt at her and another orderly in the hospital, once again being violent in his little rage. Thankfully, by sheer luck, there was actually a group
Starting point is 01:14:15 of police officers that made their way into the hospital basically at that time. And they were able to restrain him. One of those officers though was actually like so badly injured in the encounter that he had to spend four days in the hospital. To like mend from his wounds essentially. I also feel because he got to injure a police officer that he should technically be under custody or something. Yeah. So he was, but surprisingly not for long. He was restrained, he was detained, and he was locked up in a jail cell. But it doesn't say exactly for how long, but it was not long at all, I believe. He was very quickly released from jail when he returned to normal. So I imagine probably the next day. And once again, he did not have a single memory about
Starting point is 01:15:13 any of the details that happened. Yeah. And that was another thing that kind of perplexed me. It was like, why do they keep releasing him? Like, even if it's like, oh, you know, he's like, you know, use like a like a clinically like insane, like, like arguments. So it's like, he's not responsible for it. It's like, you still keep custody of him because he's a danger to the public. So he is. Yeah, he's a danger to the hospital staff. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Um, in... So, at this point, what year is it again? It's, um, it's like 1984, like late 1984, maybe early 1985 when all this happened. And he's like, once again, he's just let free for a bit more time for another two years, actually. For another two years, nothing happened. So it was now 1987. And this time, Ramsey, he actually returns back to that police station where he
Starting point is 01:16:36 had spent that night in jail before. He found a young prostitute on the street, and of course, you know, prostitutes were treated as like some of the worst criminals out there. So he made like a citizens arrest on her and he brought her down to the police station. But while, which is, which is crazy to me, by the way, like how, are you just going to grab someone and be like, you're committing a crime? And it's like a young girl and then you take her to go to jail. I don't know. It's kind of crazy to me. Anyway, they were driving to the police station. And unfortunately,
Starting point is 01:17:20 for her, going to jail was not going to be the worst thing that could have happened that night. Once again, Ramsey, he begins to snarl, growl, his hands turn into claws, he sort of goes back into his wolf rage. Thankfully, even though she is terrified, she actually manages to get out of the car, she gets out, and she herself runs to the police station because they were pretty close to it. Of course, Ramsay, you know, follows her to the police station in his rage.
Starting point is 01:18:00 He's almost calmed down just like just a tiny bit, but he's still in his werewolf rage. They get to that police station. Of course, there's a large buff, jacked officer who shows up and he's like, hey man, you gotta take a chill pill. So he goes up to him and he actually like attempts to calm him down. He gives him a choco. He like, you know, there's like a little pat, like a little touch on the Ramsey's arm to get close enough to try to calm him down.
Starting point is 01:18:40 But that was a big mistake. Yeah, I had a feeling. Oh. Yeah. Oh. Ramsey snaps. He goes off in his rage even worse. He tackles the officer, nearly chokes him to death. Oh my god. Damn. And while this is happening, Ramsey yells, the devil is in me.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I am going to kill you. Yeah, so a normal Tuesday afternoon. Yeah, number one. Ramsey yells that while he is on top of this officer trying to choke him. Six more officers rush out. They restrain him. they sedate him once again. But now this time, Ramsey wakes up in the hospital. He actually stays in the hospital for 10 days of testing, essentially. But nobody was able to figure out what caused his condition, his rages, his lycanthropy, if you will. Nobody could figure it out. But where this turns into sort of a paranormal story is the fact that Ed and Lorraine Warren, noted demonologists, they actually get involved
Starting point is 01:20:10 in the case as well. So I'm also taking an Ed and Lorraine Warren case, guys. That's right! Thank you very much. Bye-bye! My time to shine. Anyway. Yay! My time to shine. Anyway, Ed and Lorraine, they become very interested. So of course, Lorraine is like, you know, fascinated by werewolves just in general. And so Ed and Lorraine, they, you know, they're in their normal travels doing their work.
Starting point is 01:20:47 But sort of where they first heard of Ramsey was just in their hometown of Monroe, Connecticut. So they were at home, they're watching a show on TV called Sightings. And in this episode, they actually see that there was like a bunch of police officers and locals from the city of Essex, London or Essex, England. And they were interviewing people about encounters with the local werewolf, a man named Bill Ramsey. And at this point on the news and the TV, Bill was known as the South End werewolf. And so yeah, yeah, the South End werewolf. And that's how Ed and Lorraine first learned about him. You know, like in the show, they're interviewing police officers, locals, they actually even talked to Bill himself about, you know, about his condition. Lorraine being the, I guess, what would you call her?
Starting point is 01:21:56 Like the sensitive or the... Yeah. The clairvoyant. The clairvoyant that she is. she feels a very unexplainable, strange connection to Bill Ramsey. And so at this point, she decides that she is going to find him and help him. At first, it's really just Lorraine that's invested because Ed is very skeptical of it. I mean, he's usually the skeptical one out of the two of them. And for some reason, it seems like he's always proved wrong by Lorraine. I mean, technically, we only hear of the cases that are kind of paranormal. That's true. And none of the like smaller ones that turn out to be nothing. Yeah. So I guess at some point he has been right.
Starting point is 01:22:42 the smaller ones that turn out to be nothing. Yeah. So I guess at some point he has been right. Yeah. So Ed and Lorraine, they travel a bit. They try to get in contact with anyone who might be involved as they can. They uncover more information. They eventually make themselves, make their way over to London, to Southend, eventually making their way to contacting the Essex police or the South End at Sea Police Department, something like that, to learn more about Bill, his whereabouts. Eventually they do manage to get some more info and they eventually have enough to reach out and make contact with Bill himself. They talk to Bill, they learn about his past, of his condition, how it started as he was a kid. And at this point, Ed is sort of like,
Starting point is 01:23:39 no longer really too skeptical. He believes something is really going on. longer really too skeptical. He believes something is really going on. But they don't really think he was like a werewolf himself, I guess. He doesn't have a werewolf bite, he doesn't change in full moons, unfortunately. It's nothing that's like... Unfortunately. It's nothing that's like a physical condition that he has. So Lorraine very strongly believed that he was possessed by an evil wolf spirit. Oh. And he needed of course help. He needed to get exorcised out of him. Wait, is this an exorcism case? Yes it is. needed of course help. He needed to get
Starting point is 01:24:45 I can't help but laugh every time it says Lorraine was like, or he was possessed by a wolf spirit. Like, how do you get possessed by a wolf spirit, bro? We technically know someone that also is by two wolf spirits. It isn't me. No. Alexis? No. It's me.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Is who? Milo. Milo. No Alexis no Milo Milo Oh Cuz he has two gay wolves inside of him. Yeah. Hey, yeah, and they're making out Wait, are they? Yeah, they are I Just know that they're both named Milo. I love that like if people don't know us like personally, they only know Milo through our bonus episode and that's if they watched it or if they listened to it. Yeah. But yeah, Lorraine believes she was he was possessed by a werewolf demon or werewolf spirit, something like that.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Scary. Okay. They offered to help. They managed to convince Ramsay and his wife to travel to Connecticut with them, very reluctantly. Ramsay did not want to go, but they wanted to get him back to Connecticut to get him treated, you know, exercised by their bishop, Robert McKenna. And so, Bishop Robert McKenna, he was with the Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Monroe, Connecticut, so where they were from. He did work with the Warrens a lot on lots of exorcisms and other, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:25 paranormal cases, things like that. Okay. They made their way to Monroe, Connecticut. They got there and the night before the exorcism was supposed to take place, the werewolf actually did once again take hold of Ramsey and he tried to strangle his wife in their sleep. Oh. So this wife is well aware of what's happening. Oh, 100%. Props to her for staying with him, but also like, why haven't you gotten him more help? I would say props to her is sleeping in the same bed. Seriously, I would not want to sleep in the same bed as him. I'm going to be so...
Starting point is 01:27:11 Especially once like, once Ed and Lorraine get involved. Like that's how you know it's serious. At that point it's like, I love you honey, you're sleeping in the couch. Yeah. So, night before, he tries to strangle his wife. He's unsuccessful, thankfully. But, from here on out, this would be really the last time the south end werewolf had time to attack. The next day, the exorcism was carried out. The first 30 minutes of the exorcism were pretty uneventful. Nothing really happened. Bishop Robert McKenna, he was conducting it in Latin, of course. The first 30 minutes were uneventful, but then suddenly Ramsey just took on the characteristics of a werewolf.
Starting point is 01:28:09 Actually, his hands curled into talons. He had snarling, growling, baring his teeth at the bishop. That rage managed to take back over. The werewolf was there with him. take back over. The werewolf was there with him. Bishop McKenna commanded the demon to leave and for a moment it didn't seem like that managed to help. Ramsay got even more enraged, more powerful, he was stronger, he was trying to break out of his restraints, becoming even more aggressive, then all of a sudden, it stopped. Everything stopped. He went back to normal. And that was the last time that the South End werewolf ever did bear its teeth. So a successful exorcism.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Apparently, yeah. So this exorcism was in probably about 1988, I do want to say, somewhere around there. It doesn't give an exact date, but I would say anywhere from like 1988 to like 1990. But in 1992, Bill Ramsey did actually make his last public appearance. It was like a little interview that he had. He said, ever since the exorcism, there were no more incidents, no more attacks. And so it seems like, you know, the werewolf demon was banished by the exorcism. I mean, I'm glad, but also this story is wild. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Oh, my God. Yeah. Um... It was the demon vanish though. Wait, Kai, you can't do this! Because as we know, there's gone lots of time in between his little transformations, his outbreaks. True? Who knows? Maybe like in another 15 years, it would have showed its face once again. I don't know. You can't just throw that out into the universe.
Starting point is 01:30:43 I do believe Bill is still alive, so. Okay, wow. I knew that there was a werewolf case that involved Ed and Lorraine Warren. I never knew the details though. So I don't know. I never really need the details either. I don't know. I think it's kind of weird. I never really need the details either. I'm fascinated by werewolves. I am just fascinated since young age. Oh! Oh! Yeah. Um, I, when I went to my public library, there used to be a book about werewolves.
Starting point is 01:31:21 And I would check it out. I checked it out at least like six times and I was like testing a theory out because it was placed in the nonfiction section So like every time I would return it I'm like it's probably an accident It's gonna be in the fiction section next time and every time I went to check it out. It was in the nonfiction section section next time. And every time I went to check it out, it was in the nonfiction section. It just had really cool information about werewolves. A fun fact that I never forgot was that werewolves pee purple. Oh, how do we know that?
Starting point is 01:31:59 I don't know. Like, is what they're going in the urinal, you like, take a look? You know, one of the like the library texts at library aids must have been a strong werewolf believer, I guess. But I get in the nonfiction. Yeah, no, I'm sure that if I went back to the library, it could still be there and I could find it in nonfiction. Anyway, the south end werewolf. Thank you. He looks like a normal British man. It's kind of funny. It's kind of funny. It's always the one you expect the least. Once you guys see the picture of him,
Starting point is 01:32:41 and listeners too, you know, we're going to post it on the Instagram. Yeah. You'll see what I mean. It's just like a normal British dude. All right. Well, Alexis, thank you. What do you got for us? Yeah. Cracking. Crack a lock.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Okay. Well, I got something interesting. I don't know. So, I'm not going to tell you where we're going yet. I'm going to tell you when we're going though. 1835. Um, actually, we can't go to a time. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:33:23 It's my story. I make up whatever I want. 1835. Um. The great moon hoax. Wait, what? Yeah. The moon hoax?
Starting point is 01:33:40 The moon hoax. Oh, this is perfect, bro. Honestly. Honestly. So it started August 25th, 1835. That's when the first article was published. There were six articles total. They were published in the Sun. And wait, do you get the irony there? In the Sun?
Starting point is 01:34:03 Yeah. Wait, do you get the irony there? In the sun? Yeah! No, you're fine. But they basically, the articles talked about how there was a recent discovery of life and civilization on Dum Moon. No way. Is it werewolves?
Starting point is 01:34:24 Yup! Yeah, actually! On dumb moon. No way. Is it werewolves? Yup. Yeah, actually. There's no such thing as extraterrestrials. It's werewolves out on space. Yeah. But it looked weird. So, these claims,
Starting point is 01:34:40 they were made by Sir John Herschel. And his bud bud Andrew Grant. The articles, they were actually promoted like four days before, so August 21st, 1835. They were promoted by the Edenberg Courant. It's French. I don't know. But.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Wait. Jane has had a penance. Is it French? Yeah. it's French I don't know but yeah yeah see yeah I'm not gonna say it in French I don't know that's what it's felt like let me let me type it in the chat here I got you brother I might butcher it but at least we'll have a French accent. Yes. No, you will. Courant. Because you don't pronounce the T. All right. OK, so. It's the thing about the French, they're kind of lazy when it comes to pronouncing the ends of the words. Yeah. comes to pronouncing the ends of the words. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:44 But the Sun newspaper, they admitted that the articles were fabricated on September 16, 1835. The headline of the article read, Great Astronomical Discoveries Lately Made by Sir John Herschel, LLD FRS ANSI company at the Cape of Good Hope. And it says in parentheses from the supplement to the Edenberg Journal of Science. And it talks about how on the moon there was like temples being built by all sorts of animals Dude, they said bison
Starting point is 01:36:28 unicorns single horned goats tailless beavers Mini zebras and then like bat like humanoids What yeah, can you go back to the tailless beavers? That's for beavers, bruh. Peridot blooded boys. Yeah, so all those animals. Really fun. The way they describe it, they say like trees, beaches, and oceans, which
Starting point is 01:37:07 beaches and oceans. Basically, it sounds like an island. And when I was reading this, I was like, man, but like, how'd they figure this out? You know? Yeah, so I figured that out and I saw them too Yeah, I actually did So they were they were They were using this quote an immense telescope of an entirely new principle end quote so a big telescope and it was shipped from New England to South Africa. They said it was many times larger than any other telescope in the world.
Starting point is 01:37:59 The lens was 24 feet in diameter and it weighed seven tons. What the fuck? That's a shit ton. Well, that's seven. Yeah. I was like, this thing's big. And I mentioned, okay, I mentioned how they said they were like, there was animals and stuff, building the temples on the moon. But I also mentioned there was like, back like humanoids, They were referred to as Vespertillo Homo, which is like Batman in Latin. It's Batman in Latin. Batman? Batman? Yeah, Batman. Nice.
Starting point is 01:38:57 I love Batman. This is 1836 too. Well, they reprinted a version 1836 a year later and but they made it like a second type so they added something new to it and it was named the the verse batiliones or like batmen. And it was written, I know for a room, it was written by none other than the fictitious Andrew Grant. He had been traveling with Sir John Herschel at the time. But later, the authors like destroyed the telescope so that they wouldn't be able to see what they observed. So, telescope is gone, unfortunately. And then I'm going to tell you a little bit about the authors because there's a little confusing thing about them. So originally they thought the authorship was,
Starting point is 01:40:09 like it belonged to Richard Adams Locke. He was a reporter at the time working for the Sun. He started working there the same month that these issues started happening, August, 1835. And he did announce publicly later to the New World Weekly Paper in 1840 that he was the author. But there were a lot of people that kind of had their suspicions. Maybe they thought there's more to this and they thought other people were involved. These other people, so people saw it to be these two men.
Starting point is 01:40:47 But one was a French astronaut. His name. Yeah. His name is John Nicholas Nicolet, who was traveling in America at the time. So it was like perfect timing for him to be there, I guess. But he wasn't staying in New York. He was in Mississippi at the time. So it's not, there's a lack of evidence for him. But the other man that they thought it was, his name is great, by the way, name is great, by the way. Louis Gaylord Clark. Yeah, Lord. Yeah, Gaylord. He was the editor of the literary magazine, the Knickerbocker. And despite everything after this, they found
Starting point is 01:41:42 there was like a lack of evidence for either one of them being involved in it. So they just stuck with the fact that Locke did say he was the author of these articles. Now, if that was true, if he was the one and only author, a lot of people were questioning his intentions. Some thought that he was trying to ridicule like a recently published paper on astronomical theories. And then the other theory was that he was just trying to be like spontaneous and he was just trying to create a sensational story to make him name for himself. But he meant for it to show how science can can be and is influenced by the thoughts of religion.
Starting point is 01:42:38 So I mentioned that. He was trying to ridicule a paper. This is the paper that they believe it might have been. It was published by Franz von Paula Grusin. I don't know how to pronounce his name. He was a professor at Munich University. So German man. And he published a paper and it was named, quote, discovery of many distinct traces of lunar inhabitants, especially one of their colossal buildings, end quote. And so that was published in 1824. So they believe that that's the same article that like Locke was trying to kind of make
Starting point is 01:43:24 fun of a little bit. Okay, yeah. So the man who read the paper, he actually made an observation for a while, like. Discovering different colors in the lunar surface, which might have meant that there was some sort of climate or vegetation on there. And then he saw these like lines and geometrical shapes, which he thought might have been buildings or roads. Now whether or not that's true exactly what he saw, there's really no evidence of him that being true. All it says is that these were just observations that he made,
Starting point is 01:44:07 nothing about it being true or not. But this was a pretty popular thing at that point. However, after it kind of died down a little bit, the Sun, you know, declared that it was a kind of hoax article that didn't really mean to be published, I guess. And then Edgar Allan Poe got into this because he claimed that it was a plagiarism from a story that he wrote. No way. Yeah, it was called The Unparalleled Adventure of Hans Fah. There's so many. I'm going to be so real.
Starting point is 01:44:57 There's like so many names and titles of books. I'm not keeping up with all of them. Oh, no, same. Sorry. No, you're good. Not your fault. Yeah, there was a lot. They, they, they republished that story too in 1835. Which is kind of funny. But other than that, it just talks about how so many people believed that there was actually like
Starting point is 01:45:28 life and civilization on the moon. Really nothing other than that, just a whole legend. Nothing was ever proved to be true or even really false other than the fact that they actually find anything. I mean, I really yes, continue. No, no, no, no, no, no, go ahead. I really hope there's life on the moon because I want to go to the moon. No, same. I was about to say, like, I 100% believe there is life out there. Like, we cannot be the only, like, life form that is in our universe. It just doesn't make sense. Whether it's, like, intelligent creatures or, like, not, but, like, there's definitely something out there, you know? Yeah. Yeah. And, like, we've been to the moon, but we haven't like
Starting point is 01:46:25 fully explored the moon. I mean, we've had like, we have robots out there, but not people. Yeah, I went steal the moon. I steal the moon. Okay Vector, okay Gru. I'm Gru, bruh. No like, we've had rovers on the moon, right? Because I've never had the Mars rovers. We do.
Starting point is 01:47:05 And they've been on the moon for years, but no life has been seen. I don't know, maybe they're hiding. They could be inside of the planet and like, what? You're going to create life on the moon? Yes. You are a woman. You can create life.
Starting point is 01:47:23 I just don't know about the moon anymore. That's what I was thinking. I was like, I don't know if a woman you can't create life I was like, I don't know if you think you're that how I'm thinking of that right now I don't know. Maybe they're like hiding out in like the core of the moon or something, but oh That's a when this when this when did this all take place? 1835. OK, so it was definitely a very plausible idea for them to be like, oh, yeah, there's life on the moon because we hadn't gone to the moon yet. So yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:04 Got it. Got it. There's life to the moon yet. So yeah, yeah. Got it. Got it. There's life on the moon. I shot myself. No way. Yeah, I had the right. What was that? I know we found water on the moon, right? Yes. Okay. I don't know if it's in both North Pole source and South Pole, but it's in that
Starting point is 01:48:25 definitely in one of them Which means like there is a support life Yeah moon, so I know we found have we found water on Mars as well. All right, I Think I'm not sure about. Let me see Is there water on? Yeah, let's see on yeah Abundant water ice is also present beneath the permanent carbon dioxide ice cap at the Martian South Pole so there's Ice so there's ice water
Starting point is 01:49:00 Yeah Mars is like very cold Yeah. Okay. I forgot Mars is like very cold. What was I gonna say? Is it drinkable? Let me take a sip. Try it out. Die from the sucks. Honestly, cool way to go out. For real? Yeah. Sometimes I like, not often, I'm kind of lying.
Starting point is 01:49:34 What? I think we lost my dog's barking. Yeah, I was gonna say I was like, I heard him bark say I heard you say, nope. Sometimes I think about like what it was like to be like an ancient philosopher or like a researcher or something like that. Back in the day. Yeah, like, cuz there was so literally like, everything was unknown. So like, you can just think about everything. I don't know. I think that's like so crazy to me. It's so funny that there's things that we don't know. True. Yeah. There's so many like philosophical theories and ideas from people back then that are just like, nowadays if somebody came out with that, it'd be like, dude, you're stupid.
Starting point is 01:50:18 Like why are you thinking of it like that? But since it was back then and nobody knew about anything, it was like, oh, that's a valid thought. Yeah. I still think it's a valid thought. You're stupid. I saw life on the moon. No way. He was vector from despicable me. I'm having a bad bad day. Bill Ramsey when he was nine years old.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Anyway, thank you for sharing Alexis. Okay, thank you. sharing Alexis. Yeah, thank you. Oh, okay. Thank you. Thank you for listening. Yeah. That was the great moon hoax of 1835. Boy, was it a hoax. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:17 It was. Yippee. This was surprisingly like a very light-hearted episode today, I feel. Yeah, I was literally looking for some light-hearted shit because I was like, oh my god, I don't know what to prepare for. Sick. And I already had the DB Cooper case, like me working on it. And I was like, just searching for more like true crime stories.
Starting point is 01:51:41 I'm like, hey, let's keep the true crime light hard at this time yeah yeah it worked well i love that yeah sick thank you everyone for listening um make some suggestions um uh um social media is the same thing, but without the dot com. Thanks for listening. Thank you for listening. We love you so much. Leave a review. Remember as always, guys. Drop a like.
Starting point is 01:52:10 Leave a comment down below. Pull back your shoulders, put it in your back, take some deep breaths, drink some water. Yeah, yeah. Crack your knuckles. Stand up if you've been seated. I was cracking my knuckles, but he couldn't hear it. Make sure to get 10 minutes of standing time for every hour of your life. That's the recommended. Did you say for every hour of your life. That's the recommended. Did you say for every hour of your life? Yeah, you're supposed to sit, you're supposed to stand for at least 10 minutes every hour.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Okay, it just sounded weird when you were like, for every hour of your life. How do I know how many hours I have in my life? Well, you gotta calculate them. That's for me to figure out Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's meant as a threat anyway, we love you Thank you for listening water water Music

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