Chambers of the Occult - EP# 32: Cold Lies & Gold Ties: The Death of Caylee Anthony & Carlingford’s Leprechaun Cavern

Episode Date: March 13, 2025

Send us a textIn this episode of Chambers of the Occult, Kai and J take you on a journey through two tales—one of heartbreak and deception, the other of mystery and legend.First, Kai delves into the... case of Caylee Anthony, a little girl whose disappearance gripped the nation. With a mother whose ever-changing stories raised more questions than answers and a trial that left the public divided, this case remains one of the most controversial in true crime history. Was justice ever truly served, or did the truth vanish like smoke in the Florida heat?Then, J takes us across the Atlantic to Carlingford, Ireland, where a strange discovery in 1989 sparked a legend that would blur the line between folklore and reality. A tiny green suit, charred bones, and four gold coins—was this the remains of a leprechaun or an elaborate hoax? What began as a curious find led to an encounter so surreal that even skeptics had to pause. Could there be truth to Ireland’s age-old stories of hidden folk, fairy rings, and lost time? And how did a small town fight to have leprechauns legally protected under European law?From cold lies to gold ties, join us as we explore deception, myth, and the search for truth in the shadows. Listen now… if you dare.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, imagine this. It is a hot summer evening, the kind where the air is pretty thick, the sun is beaming down just a little bit too hot, as you're driving through the streets of Orlando, Florida, past the malls, the restaurants, all the buildings. You pull into a gas station, nothing too abnormal, but as you step out of your car, you notice another vehicle sitting abandoned near the edge of the lot. It's a white Pontiac Sunfire. Its windows are closed, doors shut tight, everything about it seems pretty normal, but something about it just feels wrong. You know, the breeze shifts and it starts to carry a scent towards you. At first, pretty subtle, just something maybe a little sour, but then it hits
Starting point is 00:01:12 But then it hits a rotting, terrible stench that makes your stomach turn. But you shake it off. You start to head home. You know, maybe it was just some trash, maybe a dead animal. You tell yourself it was nothing. But days later, that same car appears on the news. The police say it belongs to a young woman, Casey Anthony. They say there might have been a body in the trunk. And they say her two-year-old daughter, Kaylee, is missing. A child who hasn't been seen in over a month. A mother who spent those weeks partying, shopping, and telling lie after lie. A grandmother's frantic 911 call. It smells like
Starting point is 00:01:54 there's been a dead body in that damn car. And a story that, even now, leaves the world wondering, that even now leaves the world wondering what really happened to Kaylee Anthony. But the question I have for you is if it was you who was in that parking lot, what would you have done? Chambers of the Occult may contain content that might not be suitable for all listeners. Listener discretion is advised. I had a feeling that you were gonna say like a rotten scent of like flash or something.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yeah. I definitely would have called it in. I would have called it in right there and then. Maybe not like in front of the vehicle, like take down the license plates, like location, and like get in my car and make the call or something. Just to be safe, you know, like worse, you know, not the worst case scenario, like someone left like a piece of like grocery store meat in the trunk or something. But worst case scenario.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I mean, I'm sure you'll get to it. Yeah, yeah. I will get to it. I'll get into this case. What would you do? I guess I already... What would I do? Yeah. I mean, what much can you do, right? Like you said, just sort of get the license plate number, call it in and be like, there's something off about this car. It looks abandoned. It smells really bad. Yeah. You You guys should come check it out My dog is being crazy Love that Anyway, yeah, I already sort of got into it a bit. Yeah, this is the
Starting point is 00:04:17 death of Kaylee Anthony hook line and sinker where we're hooked Anthony hook line and sinker where we're hooked Yeah, so go ahead tell us about Florida and this abandoned vehicle how we got there First of all, I want to say kind of surprised. I hadn't heard of this case before and then it's like we also went to Orlando yeah, and Didn't bother looking at cases in our I know went to Orlando yeah and didn't bother looking at cases in our I know right yeah we didn't like bother to look for anything honestly I wasn't even thinking of that I was like oh yeah we'll get to
Starting point is 00:04:55 it at some point and I was like wait like we have listeners there like we should probably cover something from there yeah we've 100% sure yeah and you know what this is a good case to do so, and we'll get into that just in a second. Also, is it more of a recent case or? Yes, sort of. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, yes and kind of yes. Depends what people consider recent. Yeah. Okay. All right, so, Kaylee Marie Anthony is what I would like to be the focus of this case. Kaylee, she was born on August 9th, 2005. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:39 So it is kind of recent. So it is kind of recent. Yeah. 2005. She was a two-year-old little girl, about to be three in 2008, who lived in March 19th, 1986. She was 22 at this time here in 2008. And like I said it off, it seemed like a pretty standard time in Florida. It was July, nothing too crazy going on.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I also can't think of anything that was happening in 2005. No, seriously, yeah. Well, okay, sorry, this is 2008 now. Yeah, yeah, 2008, got it. She was born in 2005. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Still can't think of things in 2008.
Starting point is 00:06:40 No, yeah, me neither. Maybe the recession, but. We'll leave that to another day. For the historians or, you know, someone else. I like how we're, like, I'm saying for the historians, but there's gonna be people out there that I was like, I lived through it. And I'm like, my bad.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Oh, shit. Hey, it's in history books, so. Yeah. OK, so this case starts on July 15th, 2008. Kaylee's grandmother, her name is Cindy, made a 911 call. She's reported that she had not seen Kaylee, her two-year-old granddaughter, for 31 days. Oh, that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:35 When asked by the dispatchers about the whereabouts of Kaylee, her daughter, and Casey, her daughter her granddaughter and Casey her Daughter god these names are gonna get so hard. Yeah, do you want to call her like Marie or like Kaylee Kaylee Marie? Well, okay, it's Kaylee Marie. They both Kate. They both Marie's for me. Oh, they're both also Kaylee Marie. They're both Marie. Okay And it's not like you can call like girls junior, so. Ha ha ha. All right, okay. Grandmother is Cindy.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Uh-huh. Mother is Casey. Yeah. And daughter, two year old, is Kaylee. Got it, okay. So Cindy, grandmother, she called 911, reported that Kaylee had been missing for 31 days. Um, and she also said that Casey, her daughter, was not being very forthcoming as to what she'd been doing for these past 31 days about where her daughter was.
Starting point is 00:08:51 So that was the first sort of recount of what had happened. And that's when the investigation sort of took off in a way. After the 9-1-1 call? Yeah, because there was a missing girl. There was a mom. Who refused to give information. And the police started really trying to figure out what was actually happening. Yeah. Now, Casey, in order to defend herself, she made up what would be later found out as a lie that...
Starting point is 00:09:24 That her daughter, Kaylee, had been kidnapped by her nanny. A month ago. On June 9th. And she didn't call it in. And she didn't call it in. And that was one of the craziest things about this whole situation. Yeah. So the police get involved. They're talking to Casey, trying to gain more information. And now Casey, she gives the police the name of her nanny, saying that her name was
Starting point is 00:10:00 Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez. Poor nanny. And that the last time that Casey had seen her daughter, Kaylee, was on June 9th earlier that month when she had dropped her off to her nanny. But after that, just like she mentioned, she was kidnapped, ran away, couldn't find her, but it had been 31 days. Yeah. That happened. File a police report, do something. Yeah. That happened. File a police report to something. Yeah, seriously.
Starting point is 00:10:31 So there was already some suspicion going on of what had happened. Casey had been gone for a month. Her mom, Cindy, had no idea where she went. So the police tried to work with Casey, the mom, about what this happened. They learned about the nanny, Zenaida, and so they went to investigate.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Casey then said, okay, I can take you to the apartment where I dropped her off. They took her to the apartment, and the police found out that actually the apartment where I dropped her off. They took her to the apartment and the police found out that actually the apartment hadn't been lived in for the past four months. Oh, oh. So what was going on here? The investigation continues. The police asked Casey where she
Starting point is 00:11:21 had been. She said she was working at Universal Studios in Orlando. And so to be able to prove this, the police actually told Casey to take them to her office over at Universal Studios. Did she have an office? Well, you know, she walked inside to the building. She went into a random building in Universal and then admitted that she actually had worked at Universal Studios
Starting point is 00:11:48 three years prior. Oh Not recently whatsoever. It's not looking good for her. So what did the police do? They arrested her. Good. Usky like, hopefully had some handcuffs on her. Yo, seriously.
Starting point is 00:12:04 They arrested her and they took her in to jail. Now they were under the impression that something wasn't right here. And that's when my little narrative at the start there sort of comes into play. Okay. Along with that 911 call that Cindy had made saying, my daughter's been missing for 31 days. She also told the police that that day, she had found Casey's car. It was abandoned.
Starting point is 00:12:45 OK. It was abandoned and then brought to a... It was towed away, brought into a lot. And Cindy and George, the grandfather, were notified that the car was impounded. They went over and they noticed a very strong odor coming from the truck. That's when Cindy called. She called the police. She let them know her daughter had been missing.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And she said, quote, I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car. Okay. So did Cindy, the grandmother, make the call before they were called about the car or like once they were at the location with the car? Like right after. Okay. Right after they found the car or like once they were at the location with the car? Like right after. Okay. Right after they found the car, I believe. Okay, got it. So that's what led to the phone call? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Okay. Because Cindy finally had enough and was like, I haven't seen my daughter and now I've found her abandoned car. That smells like death. Yeah. So, uh, that was probably the worst part of this all. So the police were trying to work with Casey, but of course she kept on lying to them. Uh, there was so much suspicion, the lies, the abandoned car, the odor coming from the car.
Starting point is 00:14:07 She also showed what appeared to be no concern or no urgency for even finding out where her missing daughter was. Yeah. Red flags. Huge red flag, right? It's your daughter. It was... was it her only daughter. Was it her only daughter? It was her only daughter, yeah. Okay, and was like the father in the picture?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Um, no. Okay. Not that I know of. I believe, yeah. Okay. So, she's arrested. And things are kind of slow for now. It's July 16th when she gets
Starting point is 00:14:51 arrested. She was charged with giving false statements to law enforcement, child neglect, and obstruction of a criminal investigation. But her bail was posted. She got out on bond initially. So she was out of jail, even though all of this was not in her favor. And where this case gets really interesting is when the trial and the evidence starts to come in. So, like in previous or as in previous cases, there's usually a buildup to, you know, what actually happened. But in sort of this one, the brunt of the craziness behind this case happens during
Starting point is 00:15:44 what happened after Casey got arrested. And that's why I've already gotten us to this point. Got it, okay. Before you get into it, do you want to make your camera focus again? Is it out of focus? Now it is. Now it's focused. How long has it been out of focus for? For the last like 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I'm so sorry. No, you're fine. As soon as I said it, you went back into focus. Oh, okay. So I'm good now? You're good now. Okay. Go ahead and get into the case. I thought you were I genuinely thought that you noticed was out of focus and you're waiting for the right spot to like pause in the story. Oh, no, I because I have my camera small right now, so on my screen, so I don't actually see it. No, you're fine now. So I guess the camera just needed to be told to get back into focus. I guess so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:43 All right, so questioning begins. And it's quickly found out that one of the lies that Casey told, right, was that this nanny even existed in the first place. And that she got, last time she saw her was June 9th. But it was quickly found out that the last time Kaylee actually was seen was June 16th. Oh Because on June 16th Casey left her parents house in Orlando along with Kaylee and
Starting point is 00:17:26 They said Casey said that she was taking Kaylee to the nanny. And then they were going to go on a work trip over to Tampa for the next few days. Of course, you know, that wasn't initially said. It was all lied about in the very first place. And yeah, because she's too young to be going even to like preschool, so a nanny is the only thing that makes sense. Exactly, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 But like I mentioned, the investigation is probably the coolest part about this case. How did they go about it? So it was a huge thing They got so many people from all around the state involved In total there were like Over a hundred witnesses called in from both sides of the defense and whatnot
Starting point is 00:18:22 Over a hundred over a hundred witnesses from both sides the defense and whatnot. Over a hundred? Over a hundred witnesses from both sides, the defense and the prosecutors. Wow. But I'll get into that a bit. Yeah, yeah. We have a list to go through. Yes, I do. So all this happened July of 2008. The official indictment happened on October 14th, 2008.
Starting point is 00:18:42 So a couple of months later. So she was indicted for the charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child, and four counts of providing false information to police. Okay. Now, where did the... I mean, I'm sure you'll get into it, but I was like... Where did the charges of like child abuse come from? So... Kind of funny you ask. The charges of child abuse were given based on the assumption that Kaylee was still alive. Oh. Because at this point, no remains or anything like that. Yeah found
Starting point is 00:19:27 However Once her remains were found The the charge was actually removed because in order for there to be child abuse there has to be okay So a circumstantial at the time exactly. Okay, most of the evidence in this case is circumstantial. Oh Oh I don't know how I feel okay. Oh no question mark. Oh, yes wait I Guess it depends what the evidence is but yeah, go ahead Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:20:00 It started October of 20 or 2018 It started October of 2018. Where did I get 2018 from? I don't know. Did it take that long? So I'll get into a bit of the teams that were involved. So the prosecutors team comprised of Linda Burdick. She was the assistant state attorney. She was the lead prosecutor of the case. There was also Frank George and Jeff Ashton. And then so the defense lead was Jose Baez as Well as Jay Cheney Mason and Dorothy Clay Sims, okay
Starting point is 00:20:57 Casey sat in jail for a really long time before her trial was actually even gotten into motion. So how long? It was 2008 when this happened but the trial didn't happen until 2011. No. She was already in prison for three years at this time. Wow. So you're not, you could have very well said 2018. Yeah, no, that's why I was kind of close, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay. I was thinking 2010, but 2011, that is three years. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:35 So the prosecution team over this time, they're putting together all of this evidence, starting from when the indictments are first put on in October of 2008. Not much really happens in these next couple of years because she's just waiting for her trial. There's more stuff that goes on in the investigation and a lot of forensic pieces are discovered, which I will get into. But the biggest forensic piece discovered was, of course, Kaylee's body or her remains. I'm sure you'll get into it, but I'm curious on what was in the trunk.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I will. I will get into it. Yeah, I'll let you get to it whenever you get to it. So I think it's important to say that Kaylee's remains were eventually found. They were found on December 11th, 2008. So it was a couple of months after all of this happened. It was called in by a local to the Orlando, Florida area of like the woods around there. He would go hiking.
Starting point is 00:22:49 He actually called into the police a couple of times and they kind of just... Dismissed it? Put it in the tip line. There's something suspicious. But the third time he said, he saw sort of a weird kind of bag and potentially a human skull. Oh. Yeah. A skull.
Starting point is 00:23:10 A skull. Okay. That's, okay. Yeah. So it was December 11th, the police, they go out to a wooded area close by the Anthony's home, the Anthony family's home in Orlando, Florida, and they would find a laundry bag. Inside of that laundry bag was a blanket as well as a skull. As the police investigated the area further, they did find the bones, a bunch of bones around. And when all of this was examined by the medical examiner, it was identified
Starting point is 00:23:52 to be Kaylee's remains. And the medical examiner actually listed it cause of death as homicide by undetermined means. Okay. So this really pushed forward the idea that this was a homicide. Yeah. And Casey had killed her daughter. So why did it take so long from 2008 to 2011?
Starting point is 00:24:17 That's just how courts work, honestly. Like things just take time. Even with the discovery of a body? I guess so. Wow. I mean, if you look at lots of cases historically, like, the suspects will just sit in jail for years until the trial actually happens.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I don't know how I feel about that. Right? It's kind of crazy to think about because she wasn't formally, like, convicted of anything yet. But she still was in jail for three years before the trial. I mean, the only thing I can assume is that she was put on bail, but she couldn't afford it. So she just had to spend the time there until her trial started. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 00:25:13 the facts of the case. We'll get into those a little bit. So, this is what they could rely on in the court. The July 15th, 2008, 911 call from Cindy learning of the car that smelled like a dead body, The July 15th, 2008 911 call from Cindy, learning of the car that smelled like a dead body, the disappearance of the child for so long. The fact that June 16th was the last time that she had been seen, and the fact that the nanny that was reported did not exist at all.
Starting point is 00:25:49 One of the biggest facts was that Casey continuously lied to the police in this investigation. Yeah, I think that's like the biggest red flag and the biggest reason to like interrogate her just because we can't rely on anything you've said so far, so. Exactly. So it was like, what the fuck are we supposed to believe of anything that you're saying? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Yeah, if it like, the fact that even if she lied about, I mean, everything was a lie, but like even if her daughter was to be kidnapped by the nanny, the fact that she didn't call it in until... She never called it in. Her grandmother had to get involved. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Which is so crazy. And I'll get into a theory of why that is or a couple of them later on. Yeah, I had a question, but I'm sure you'll get in. It might be a theory or it might just be a question related to her. Ask the question. I want to hear it. I wanted to know if it was like the... That medical term I forgot, but like after you give birth like the woman feels like super depressed after giving birth to her child. Like postpartum depression?
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah. I don't know, maybe it could have been something like that. Okay. It's pretty cool. Yeah, I mean I just thought of it because I was like, what leads a mother, I'm assuming a mother to like kill her child. I'm assuming that's what happened. I don't know. Like, yeah. Yeah. So the prosecutors, the prosecution side, they of, were arguing that Casey killed her daughter. The defense side was trying to spin it that it was an accidental death of some kind.
Starting point is 00:27:35 But there was a lot of evidence that actually came in. The first thing that they were going to do was they checked that car. They, of course, opened the trunk. This was years prior, expecting to find maybe some type of dead something. Yeah. It was just some rotted trash that was inside the trunk. So they didn't really have much to go on until they started running tests. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Sorry, go ahead. No, I was going to say like, did they do anything else with the car? No. Okay, sorry go ahead. No, I was gonna say like did they do anything else with the car? No, I mean they didn't really like Look into the car or they didn't do anything else with it I mean they investigated the car and did some forensic evidence, which I'll talk about Right now so What they did is Teams from the FBI,
Starting point is 00:28:26 from the, fuck, what's it called? The Medical Examiner's Office. I was like, I don't know, what other government agencies out there? Just list all of them, like all the investigations. So as they were canvassing through the car, they actually found one single hair. I was going to say hair? One hair.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And so they brought in an FBI hair analyst. His name was Sebastian Shaw. And so they tried out, they looked for this piece of evidence, this hair, and they of course found that it had human DNA, but they couldn't figure out exactly what human DNA it was from. There was mitochondrial DNA that they used, which could narrow down lineage, so family lineage, but not actual, like, DNA. So they did determine that this hair did come from a female in the Anthony family. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:36 But it was one single hair. Wow. Another thing about this hair is that, according to Sebastian Shaw, the analyst, it actually had banding around the root of the hair. And that banding, like, I think, discoloration of it, he had been doing some provisional studies, and he had determined that that type of root banding could only be caused in a hair after death. Um... Oh, I don't like where this is going. Yeah, so that was one of the pieces of evidence.
Starting point is 00:30:15 They also checked the car and they looked for like an air examination. So, um... How do you do that? ...tested the air that was in the car. I have no clue. So yeah, it was an air analysis. The odor analysis, it was developed by Dr. Vass. And so he, I don't know how exactly it works, but yeah, he tested the air inside of the car for chemicals, chemicals that aid in decomposition. And he did, the doctor, Dr. Vass did find out that
Starting point is 00:30:59 there were some elements of decomposition in the air, but it was nothing that was really too substantial of evidence. Okay. But when they also, but when they checked this car, they also found trace amounts of chloroform in the air. How? I just want to know how people get chloroform. They search it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:26 So did they go through the mothers through her history? They did. Okay. Go ahead, Kai. You keep going. They actually got a search warrant. The police got a search warrant to look through the search history on a computer at the Anthony house. And so they actually found that there were searches
Starting point is 00:31:50 for chloroform that were deleted. It was deleted search history. And so once again, it was more circumstantial evidence. You know, the prosecutor said it was Casey. Casey had to have searched this. The defense said that this was the family computer. Any one of them could have searched it. A three-year-old is not going to know how to spell chloroform.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Well, like, grandma or grandpa, George or Cindy. Okay, fair. Okay, so they all live together? Yeah, so she was primarily at, she primarily she probably lived at her parents house the grandparents house. Okay. Yeah. Got it. Okay More so more circumstantial evidence fair So There was the the decomposition there was the chloroform, there was the human hair, there was the piece of duct tape that was found on the skull that was found there in the woods.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Now you're saying that they found a skull, does that mean that it had already decomposed? Yes, it was skeletal. Because that's what I assumed. So it was already cuz that's what I assumed. Yeah. Okay, so there was it was already decomposed and everything There was a bit of duct tape and so the combination of this duct tape as well as the chloroform sought out the prosecutions
Starting point is 00:33:27 The prosecutions theory of what had happened. Casey was fed up of being 22 and having a child. She just wanted to live her young, fun life. So what she did is she searched up chloroform. She found some and she killed, dosed her daughter and then put the duct tape on her and dumped her in the woods. Yeah. Is there any theories as to how she just killed her? Did she just dump her and like, left? Yeah, I mean, there, she probably tried to bury her out in the woods or something like that.
Starting point is 00:34:07 But... Yeah, there's nothing... Once again, it's all substantial, right? Yeah. Which is wild to think that after three years, you have all this evidence, and it's all substantial evidence. Yeah. No, seriously. And that's the craziest thing about... everything that happened here. Mm-hmm. Am I out of focus again? No, you're I think you're good Okay, no, I'm good. Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:38 Um, everything is Circu- no, I think I'm out of focus Everything is... no, I think I'm out of focus. Hello. It's fine. I'm just going to be out of focus this video. Don't worry about it. Okay. Hey, this is not the out of focus you were the first time I talked about.
Starting point is 00:34:57 I was like, severe, like very, very out of focus. You're fine right now. Okay, okay, good. Yeah. Yeah. So, you're fine right now. Okay, okay, good. Yeah, yeah, so you're good. Yeah. So that was the evidence that the prosecution was using.
Starting point is 00:35:12 That was the story that they were running with, that Casey was fed up. And another little thing that they used was the fact that in the 31 days that the kid was not reported missing there were you know posts and pictures on the internet showing Casey partying having fun circumstantial being carefree I hate how everything is so circumstantial in this case. Yeah. Also, there's a picture from June 20th that shows Casey getting a tattoo
Starting point is 00:35:52 that reads, Bella Vita, which is Italian for beautiful life. And she seemed perfectly fine, but June 20th would have been four days after the last known time that Kaylee was seen. Yeah. That's also like way too many days after quote-unquote her babysitter kidnapped her. Exactly. It was you know like a week, something like that. Yeah. Over a week Yeah, two weeks almost. And so that's what the prosecutors really tried to drive home.
Starting point is 00:36:34 All of what we've seen of Casey has been carefree. Her demeanor has been not urgent. She hasn't cared about trying to find her daughter. She is just worried about herself. You know, she was young. She was fed up with being a mom, so she killed her daughter and buried her in the woods. And then just went on to have her day to day. Yeah. Now,
Starting point is 00:37:02 the defense had to come up with something as well. Of course. Right, of course they did. They tried to push the fact that it was an accidental drowning that had happened. That Kaylee had drowned in the pool. Okay, but the autopsy didn't say that, did it? No, it didn't. So what the defense really tried to push was that she drowned in the pool
Starting point is 00:37:36 and then grandfather George covered all of this up for Kaysee, took the daughter, took Kaylee, and buried her in the woods in order to avoid getting a child neglect charge. And so they kept it hidden for a whole month. I don't like that theory. I don't either. Like, was, how did the grandpa feel about getting dragged into this? He did not like it. He did not like it. Mainly because they really did throw him under the bus for this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:21 But not only that, but one of the things is, the question was, well, why did Casey go along with it? Why did she let her grandfather, or let her father, George, do this? It was to protect both of them. One of the pieces of evidence that the defense tried to use, quote unquote, evidence, was the fact that George had abused Casey as a child.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And now Casey was scared and let her dad do that. It doesn't make sense why Casey's mother would also be asking her, hey, where's our granddaughter? When can we see her? Where have you? Go ahead, go ahead. Okay, yeah. Is that one of the things that they brought up?
Starting point is 00:39:13 That's one of the things that they brought up. Okay. And so there was actually like testimonies from both George and Cindy, grandma and grandpa, in this whole thing. And man, it's just so crazy to think about because it seems like the whole family was sort of at odds with each other in a way.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Okay, I was gonna be like, what's the word? Like not malfunctioning, but like. There's another word for it, yeah, yeah. There's another word for it, yeah, yeah. So this trial goes on. Like I said, it started in 2011. Yeah. Which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Three years after the kid went missing. Yeah, it began on May 24th, 2011. Yeah, which is three years easy after she the kid went missing Yeah, it began in on May 24th 2011 That's when they question did they find the body like the remains in 2008 or 2011? 2008 okay Yeah, right at the end of 2008 so They they had the remains and that was their biggest thing of like, well, she was murdered and she was probably murdered by her mom. So it was May 24th when the trial did begin. It went on for six weeks total. I think one of the craziest pieces of info I read about this was that the jury,
Starting point is 00:40:48 they were actually, they were sequestered the entire six weeks. And so them being sequestered means that they were all essentially housed in a hotel and cut off from the entire outside world around them for six weeks. Because they didn't want outside influence. Yeah, so the media can't get to them, so they can't get to the media, so they can't be tampered with. That's... wild. Because that doesn't happen with every jury.
Starting point is 00:41:18 No, it doesn't. And I mean, most juries, or most trials, really only take like a few days at most. I don't know. So, the second week of the trial is when some testimony happened. That's when the defense brought in a lot of circumstantial evidence of their pool drowning theory. The third week was pretty much just forensic analysis. That was them looking into the computer search history, the
Starting point is 00:41:53 composition of the air in the car, the the hair analysis, the duct tape. Did they talk to like any neighbors or anything like that? Um, I believe they did. There's not really much on record that I'm reading of. So it probably didn't come out to anything significant. No, not really.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So the fourth week of the trial is when the defense really started to try to fight back against these claims. That's when they brought on some more of their witnesses. So the defense actually- Who was who? Sorry? No, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I'm just curious what the witnesses were. Who were the witnesses? One of the biggest witnesses that they brought on was actually another forensic pathologist. So essentially medical examiner, Dr. Warner Spitz. So they had this doctor perform another autopsy on Kaylee. Okay. Remember the first medical examiner said that it was a homicide. Yeah, homicide.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Well, Dr. Spitz called the first doctor's autopsy not good. Yes, yeah. And so he did his own autopsy, and in this one it was determined, he could not determine whether the child's death was a homicide or not. Okay, so inconclusive. It was inconclusive.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And so this was huge coming from another medical examiner, pathologist. It definitely brought a lot of the blame, pulled it back from Casey. Yeah. God, I still have to think about the names before I say it. Fair, fair. Casey, Kaylee. Casey, Kaylee, Cindy. Yeah. Another thing that that doctor said, Dr. Spitz, was he believed that the piece of duct tape
Starting point is 00:43:53 was there afterwards, put on afterwards, potentially to close the bag that the body was buried in. Okay. So the duct tape had nothing to do with the death of Kayleigh. So like the duct tape was there, but it wasn't necessarily for the reason people think. Exactly. Okay. So another one of the witnesses that were brought on was actually Cindy, the grandma. Did they throw her under the bus? Surprisingly, no. witnesses is brought on was actually Cindy, the grandma. Did they throw her under the bus?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Surprisingly, no. Okay. Well, I guess, in a way, you remember that chloroform search? Mm hmm. Well, Cindy testified and said that it was her that searched that. Oh, actually meant to search chlorophyll But just typed the term wrong or misremembered, okay? I Can see that happening though They're very like I can see that happening and then like Google could be like did you mean?
Starting point is 00:44:59 chloroform Chloroform, chlorophyll, not too far off. Yeah. Listeners, let us know if you've ever made that simple mistake before. Yeah, did you ever, if you're a biology major, you know, did you try typing chlorophyll and get chloroform. So there was evidence like that. People, different examiners, different people, witnesses that were brought in. And so like I mentioned, there were a lot. There were 59 witnesses for the prosecution and there were 47
Starting point is 00:45:41 witnesses for the defense. That's a lot. Wait, witnesses for the defense. So that's a lot of people brought in. Wait, 47 for the defense? Yeah. That's a lot. Yeah. I thought it was gonna be like the other way around. Prosecution would have more. I mean, technically, if it's like around 100,
Starting point is 00:46:00 I guess they have like 60 something, but that's still a lot. Yeah, prosecution had 59, defense had lot. Yeah prosecution had 59. Okay. Defense had 47 So prosecution did have 12 more. Mm-hmm There was a ton of evidence that was presented but it was all Circumstantial we should take a shot every time we hear the word circumstantial Circumstantial. We should take a shot every time we hear the word circumstantial. July 3rd and July 4th were the closing days of the argument.
Starting point is 00:46:36 The prosecution, of course, kept reiterating. She killed her daughter. She didn't want to be a mother. And the defense, of course, kept reiterating that there was a lack of evidence. There was nothing that could actually go on. This very well could have been an accidental drowning that they just tried to cover up for a little bit. Um, the jury began their deliberations on July 4th and on July 5th, the next day, July 5th, 2011, the jury decided that Casey was not guilty of first degree murder. I need to find something. Aggravated manslaughter of a child or child abuse. But they did find her guilty for the four counts of false information to law enforcement.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Good, good. So she did get, you know, an actual sentencing. You know, she did get jail time. She only got about 10 days of jail time. That's a slap in the wrist compared to the three years that she spent waiting for trial. Well that's exactly it. So technically she was sentenced to over a thousand days in jail. But because of the three years.
Starting point is 00:48:02 But because of the three years she already met that thousand days. That's wild. So she was in jail for ten days before she was released. She had to pay $4,000 for the four counts of providing false information. Also, I'm just curious, where do you get $4,000 after you spend three years in prison? I have no clue. Like, did you have a savings account? Because I hope you did, but at the same time... I have no clue. Ah...
Starting point is 00:48:38 I mean, you can work in prison to like get money, but... Yeah, yeah. No, I'm just upset about the sentencing. Oh, yeah. I mean just upset about the sentencing oh yeah I mean it's stupid like she literally got nothing she got away with this murder essentially mm-hmm and just as you and I right now are like stop it like no fuck like why why does she not get sentenced? What is the jury doing? So was the entire world. Oh, good. Because this case blew up.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It was the media frenzy of the century, pretty much, is what it's called. Everybody was following this case. Everybody had their opinions to give. Yeah. And most people think that Casey did it. And you know what? I can't say I disagree. So everybody was so mad, so mad about this conviction and what she was convicted for. But this isn't where like the, how upset I am ends. Okay. Oh, does it get worse?
Starting point is 00:49:53 Because Casey just kind of went on to live her life. Yeah, it sounds like it. She disappeared for a while. She disappeared for a while, she like laid low, and she sort of just lived her life afterwards. And she dropped off the face of the earth for a while. Over the years it was said that, it was found out that she was working under like a private investigator's firm in some type of law area. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And she was, I don't know, and she was just acting like nothing had ever happened. And I mean, I'm sure all bridges with her parents were burned down. 100%. So she just kept on going. She lived a completely normal life afterwards. The craziest part about all of it
Starting point is 00:51:00 is that on March 1st, 2025 No! 10 days ago Is that on March 1st? 2025 No Ten days ago from guy this recording stop it. I don't even know what to expect at this point ah Casey Anthony has Resurfaced nope. Nope. Tell me she doesn't have children. Oh, thank God. No, she's okay Casey Anthony has resurfaced. Take a wild guess as to how she's come back.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I don't know. I don't know. I genuinely don't know. Did she make a big appearance in like tik-tok or like something Yes, she did. No No Stop it you're kidding me. No, she pulled a gypsy rose. Yes Do you
Starting point is 00:52:09 Do you want to hear what like she did what she said? Yeah about this? Yeah Oh, she spoke up about this case that happened years ago. Well a little bit. Let me Tell you what she said in her tick-tock If I can find Let me tell you what she said in her TikTok. If I can find the- Casey. So yeah, on March 1st, she posted a TikTok to reintroduce herself. She said that she...
Starting point is 00:52:49 essentially is a law advocate and a researcher, and it's now gonna be her job to advocate for herself, her daughter, and those in the LGBTQ community. Hey, Casey. Why don't you start looking into what happened to your daughter then? Cause if she wasn't found guilty, then who was guilty for it? I'm so glad you brought that up. I am so glad you brought that up. Because that's another thing that really pisses people off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Why did she not care? Why was she not trying to find who did it? Well, an interview from 2022 from Casey Anthony maybe sheds a little bit of light on that. Yeah. Casey Anthony, maybe sheds a little bit of light on that. Yeah. So in 2022, Casey Anthony, she starred in a documentary. It was called Casey Anthony, Where the Truth Lies. Essentially, it was about showing Casey's side of the story and her view going through this whole process Mm-hmm, and what she actually did, you know, we were talking about throwing her grit her dad George under the bus
Starting point is 00:54:17 Yeah, well, she really threw him she doubled down on it. She doubled down. Oh She doubled down, um What she did is... She said that the whole drowning thing, in my opinion, I think she sort of capitalized on that. Because she directly blamed that drowning on her dad, George. So, she said that one day, she was at her house, the Anthony home, Casey was, when she took a nap with her daughter, Kaylee. But later that day, she woke up to see her father, George, holding Kaylee in his arms. Yeah. Casey said, quote, she's soaking wet.
Starting point is 00:55:09 I can see him standing there with her and he handed her to me and telling me that it's my fault. So Casey said she didn't know what to do next. She really didn't know. So apparently what happened is that, I guess George killed her and then buried her. And the reason why this wasn't put out, why this wasn't investigated, why those 30 days went by is because her dad
Starting point is 00:55:42 was abusive towards her, right? You know, all the memories and the fear of being sexually abused when she was a child. So she was lying to protect her father because her father had drowned her daughter. Yeah. So, is she saying that her dad drowned her daughter or like that it was an accident at the pool? I think it's kind of ambiguous. Okay. I think it's kind of ambiguous.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Maybe it... I think where the blame happens is it probably was seen as an accidental drowning, but what Kaylee said is that her father just, George just took the baby and then George kept saying that, oh Kaylee's okay, don't worry about it. And so Casey didn't worry about it for the next 30 days, 31 days. Yeah. And so now she blames her dad on this death. It's wishy washy to me. You know, there's not really much to go on.
Starting point is 00:56:58 It is. And I don't like how she used the card of like, well, he was abusive to me, like physically, emotionally, and sexually when I was a child. So like now as a full grown woman, I'm still traumatized living in this house with this man that now has my child and his arms. Yeah. Yep. What? Why did she wait 11 years to say this?
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah. Do you know if her dad already passed by then? Um, that might be it, actually. Because I was thinking that she might have just waited for him to pass. Um... Because if he... Yeah, that's the only thing I can think of. If she waited so long, maybe it was for him to pass. I think he's still alive.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Okay. Yeah, I think he's still alive. Okay. Yeah, I think he's still alive. Wow. I mean, I'm sure that when she came out into the public eye again, like, everyone, it was comments left and right. But... And this is... but the media coverage doesn't even end here either. Wait, this was at the start? Well, yeah, yeah. This was like what 10 days ago that she like made her great reappearance.
Starting point is 00:58:33 So I'm sure that people want to like interview her and talk to her and yeah, she has stories. In 2022 though, after she blamed her father, George, there was so much talk, right? So much investigation and interviews on what actually happened. So, George actually decided he was, he said he was telling the truth and he was gonna put that to the test. So what he did, he joined a series called, a TV series, short one, called Casey Anthony's Parents, the lie detector test. So he went on the lie detector, the calligraphy graph, to actually answer some questions. And so there is some video out there of it. But when the interviewer asked George if he concealed Kaylee's whereabouts, you know, where she was buried or where she was at,
Starting point is 00:59:46 Kaylee's whereabouts, you know, where she was buried or where she was at, the... It says George appears to hesitate momentarily before saying no. And the interviewer then said, quote, So you're struggling with that one a little bit. Tell me why. And George said, quote, Maybe it's because it was so close to our house that she was found. I was just visualizing the woods where she was found. Okay. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I'm sorry. So, do with that information what you will, but... I mean, I'm glad that he was like, I'm going to prove I wasn't lying. But nowadays we know that lie detectors aren't foolproof. Exactly. Yeah. So, you you know back in the day Maybe he was like yeah, like I'm gonna prove it, but now we're like we need more than that Mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:00:32 Wow and I Just think it's I just think it's dumb like she's resurfaced now Casey and Yeah, trying to be like the Savior she's trying to advocate well advocate and Like what the not get over saying that it's wrong to be an advocate, but I am saying that it is Not great based on her history is not great based on her history. No, seriously, like girl, what do you think you're doing? It also didn't seem like she actually ever grieved
Starting point is 01:01:11 the loss of her child, even like when the body was found. No, she didn't. Like, she didn't in all counts of the way she talked about the case, people just described her as being cold or disengaged or... Like, there was no urgency with trying to find her daughter. Which, to be fair, if it was 30 days when she gets interviewed and caught and taken to prison and all that stuff, technically, she had those 30 days to grieve.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Not saying that, you know, that's enough time, but maybe that's also why she didn't show much emotion. I genuinely don't know. idealize her or idolize her now like girls on TikTok or whatever because God that would be so shitty. I think it's stupid. It is. I get that there's both points. I am in my opinion. I believe she did it Mm-hmm So I think she did too. I don't see why People would idolize her but there's always this fashion fascination with like
Starting point is 01:02:37 Serial it's the same reason people write like love letters to like serial killers in prison and death row Mm-hmm, like we're just fascinated by them. Yeah. And it sucks that we are because we end up idolizing these like terrible people. And these killers are rapists or whatever. I mean, there's the whole Issei Sagao case that you covered. He became like a celebrity in his country. He seriously did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:16 That's sort of, I did think of that when I was looking at this case. I was like, man, just continuing to live life and really not be affected, like, not by the way. Yeah, and it's crazy, because you think, I was like, oh, like, people, like, learn their lesson, but, like, we might be living through it now again with people idolizing people that we shouldn't. Yeah. Anyway, if you see her on TikTok,
Starting point is 01:03:46 make sure to leave angry comments about her. I was gonna say don't even interact, just go ahead and block. Oh yeah, I mean that's probably actually, that's actually probably better. Just don't interact with the content. Oh my God, dude. She even like, in this TikTok,
Starting point is 01:04:03 she even pushed her like sub stack to make people follow her sub stack and to like to get a it's like a membership thing You have to pay ten dollars a month No, like she was trying to get money from people on her first Day back and with like all the phones currently listen like always listening I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she shows up on my feed or something about her I'm gonna be like hey, I guess it just showed up on my feed Not interested no definitely not but I I didn't cover like all of the like super scientific details of the forensic
Starting point is 01:04:47 evidence investigations whatnot, but there's a lot of info actually out there And it's I think it's interesting to take a look at so if anybody is interested in some of the like science behind Some of this investigation definitely look into this case a bit more and You know figure out investigation, definitely look into this case a bit more. And you know, figure out your perspective for yourself or what you think. Personally, I think she did it. Yeah. Like, that's the only explanation that makes sense to me.
Starting point is 01:05:21 I think so as well. And I haven't seen all the evidence you did, so... Anyway, that is the story of Casey Anthony and the death of her daughter, Kaylee. Thank you. Wow. Did not expect her to resurface. did not expect her to resurface. Right? That's the craziest thing. I actually didn't know that it had resurfaced this quickly when I decided to research this case.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Oh. So it wasn't like, oh my God, Kaylee Anthony is back and then I decided to research it. I just decided to research it and then found out that it's now a thing again. It's like when I covered this Lenderman case and I was like, now even to this day, there's still talk about whether they're going to be releasing parole or not. But like, yeah. Yeah. It's strangely like...
Starting point is 01:06:15 It's somewhat of a relevant case and I think that's why there's still things happening. But wow. Yeah. Seriously. Well... I don't even know where to go from here. I do have a case, so I will go there. Now for this case, I wanted to do something relevant, but I'm like, how do you do relevant when it comes to paranormal?
Starting point is 01:06:42 Hmm. That's a good question. to like paranormal. That's a good question. I found something that is somewhat relevant, I would say, for this episode, this case. We're gonna leave Florida and we're gonna go across the pond to Ireland. Oh, nice. Okay. Yeah, so we're back in Ireland.
Starting point is 01:07:07 No, Ireland. Ireland. Oh, nice. OK. Yeah, so we're back in Ireland. No Ireland. Ireland. Now, there's a place in Ireland where legend wasn't just whispers across town, folks. It turned out to be protected by law. What? Yeah. So nestled between the misty peaks of silver... It's Ireland.
Starting point is 01:07:30 I'm gonna butcher some of the words. You got this. Sleefafoy. Oh. Okay. Yeah. And the rugged coastline of Carollingford, a discovery was made. So the year was 1989,
Starting point is 01:07:59 and a local businessman named P.J., wow, that's in English. Wow, P.J. O'Hare, he was weeding flower beds in the town in the early mornings just as the sun was rising. And that's when he made a discovery that would change everything. It started with a voice. A faint cry for help that was carried by the wind. A piercing scream that came from an area of slate rock on Foy Mountain. So he headed upwards towards the scream to investigate. When he followed the sound, he found something that people would say impossible. Lying on the ground, close to an area that had been scorched, was a small pile of charred bones.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Oh shit. And a tiny green suit. Oh shit! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! So, this is the story of the Carollling Ford Leprechaun Cavern. Okay, hell yeah, leprechauns! Because next year we have St. Patrick's Day. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Well, when is St. Patrick's Day? What day is it? I think it falls on Monday. Okay. Yeah. Alright. So, um, PJ O'Hare picked up the little green suit, um, and he found four gold coins in the trouser's pockets. So immediately, almost immediately, PJ knew what we had found, what he had found.
Starting point is 01:09:44 The first authentic leprechaun suit ever found in Ireland. Now the question is, was it a hoax? Was it a trick of the mind? Or had he actually stumbled across some proof of something else? Dude. I hope to God this is a real leprechaun. So, before we get more into the story, let's talk a little bit more about what leprechauns are and how they originated. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:15 So, the first reference of leprechauns comes from folklore stories that were written in the 8th century. The Celts refer to them as water spirits, which I did not know. That's cool. There are ones known as luchur pain, meaning small body. Because, you know, you describe what you see. Others associated them with Lug, a god of sunshine and light, and a member of... I'm gonna butcher things again. The Twata de Danann, which was a group of supernatural beings that existed in mythological Ireland. So the god Lug or Lugh gives his name to the county of Louth in modern Ireland.
Starting point is 01:11:11 So from the 1880s on, they became part of Irish folklore. And most of the leprechauns were shoemakers or cobblers who danced the night away. Which I'm sure we've all heard some story of like a shoemaker leprechauns were shoemakers or cobblers who danced the night away. Which I'm sure we've all heard some story of like, a shoemaker leprechaun or something. Yeah. Their shoes were regularly worn out and needed constant repair. Others said that they spend their time digging for gold, and others that they spend their time being mischievous.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Also, the great Irish writer William Butler Yeats wrote a 19th century of leprechauns being solitary figures and different than fairies, but he agreed that they did play pranks on people and he warned them to keep their distance from them. Now sadly they have been portrayed as monsters through film by Hollywood in recent times. Particularly one starring Jennifer Aniston. What? There's a couple of leprechaun movies that are designed to be horror. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:16 They're not great movies. They haven't, oh, we could definitely have like a watch party, folks. Folks, if you want us to watch some leprechaun horror movies that haven't aged well, let us know. Oh, that'd be fun. Yeah. So yeah, the leprechauns were never associated with anything bad. They are like an entirely different type of being where like the fairies would pretty much bad things can happen with fairies. Leprechauns, not so much. Fairy trees, a lone tree field under which fairies live.
Starting point is 01:12:59 It's said that it couldn't be cut down, even in modern Ireland, for the fear of what might happen if, like, they're destroyed like this family's household. Bad news, and luck is bound to follow you for the rest of your days. Yep. And then fairy rings or forts are still common in Ireland. There are like stone circles where it's like set that fairies and changelings are left in place. Which a changeling is just like a human... It's a fairy that takes a human form. Okay. Okay, so originally leprechauns were seen as small, old, crinkled face, red-haired men. Damn. I'm so mean to them.
Starting point is 01:13:34 It's just how they were described. They were dressed in red jackets and trousers edged with gold. Floppy hats, black belts with gold buckles, and wearing black boots with gold buckles. So kind of like standard leprechaun? Yeah. So it was just thought that the dominant red was burned into the Irish psyche by like the never-ending presence of the English soldiers. So following the Irish independence in 1921,
Starting point is 01:14:11 green became the dominant color for the leprechauns. Gotcha. So that's something that was like a little history lesson. I was like, oh, before their independence, leprechauns were red. After their independence, leprechauns were green. Got it. Yeah. So it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:25 So it seemed like a natural progression to move away from like a deep red to like a deep green and that's when like Ireland became known as like the Emerald Isle. Now let's see. Okay so let's get back to the story now. There was a little history in leprechauns. So PJ O'Hare, he found this little leprechaun outfit, this bones, and this four gold coins. And he picked it up and he took it to his pub to have it displayed. The bones were in a glass case for everyone to see and thousands came to see what many believed to be authentic leprechaun clothing.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Sick. close friend and a confidant to PJ who was named McCoylite, Coil, Coili, Coilt. Wow. McCoylte. McCoylte. Let's call him McCoylte. I love Irish people. Their names are so... Yeah. McCoyllt didn't believe it. So McCoylt was very skeptical about the existance of like leprechauns. So he had a mission. Yeah. As I am as well.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Fair. His mission was to set out to prove that Leprechauns did not exist. Okay, I like it. I like it, I'm in after my own heart. So, what did he do? He said, you know what? I'm gonna hold the first national Leprechaun hunt. Dude, I wanna be there. I wanna be there too, they still do them. I'll get into there. I want to be there too.
Starting point is 01:16:25 They still do them. I'll get into it. Sick. Okay. So, the first National Leprechaun hunt was on Sleeve Floyd Mountain to see if anyone could find a leprechaun. So what he did is that he hid five ceramic leprechauns with a thousand pounds underneath each of them. So it would encourage people to be like, hey, and he sold leprechaun hunting licenses for
Starting point is 01:16:55 ten pounds each. Oh my god. That was probably a lot of money. Yeah. Back then. So. This guy was making bank. He was scamming these people.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I mean, people knew what they were standing up for. It was like a leprechaun hunt. So hunters paid £10, they got their hunting leprechaun license, and they were off. Hunters found the fake leprechauns, those ceramic ones, but no real leprechauns. So, a few years later, PJ died and his pub was sold, but the suit and the bones were placed on the wall in a glass case, so people could still see them. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:44 However, no one ever knew what happened to the gold coins. Oh, so they just disappeared. Yeah, for some time. They were found? Yeah. McCoylt was fixing an old stone wall on property on Grand Road in Cliffford, Wow. Carollingford when he came across an old leather purse hidden away in a cavity in the wall. It was covered with dust and lime. He opened that little bag and to his surprise, what do you think was in there?
Starting point is 01:18:27 Gold! Gold! Four gold coins! Gold coins! The exact four gold coins that PJ had found. So before he died, he left them on property for his friend to find. Got it. Yeah. So Mr. McCoylt kept them on himself for many years until one morning with his dog, he was crossing Carolling Forts Mountain where the suit was found. And McCoylt came
Starting point is 01:19:04 across three leprechauns sitting on a rock. No way! Yes. So, he was just transfixed and he really couldn't communicate with them. He was like frozen. The doc too, he was just rendered motionless. The three leprechauns were talking to each other, but they were paying no attention to McCoyle. And then they disappeared under a rock, as if they went out of sight.
Starting point is 01:19:33 And as they went out of sight, McCoyle and the dog were able to move again. So, he came back home, and he was just unsure whether to tell his wife what had happened. So he's like, do I tell my wife I saw three leprechauns? Because it's like, well, she might think I'm crazy if I do. Yeah, yeah. Like there was no need to have her worried. But the minute he walked into that door, she attacked him.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Not physically, but like, verbally. She like walked up to him and she's like, where did you disappear all day? And he's like, all day? Sure, I'm only gone for like an hour and a half. And she said, it's eight o'clock in the evening. What? Mr. McCoy was, yep, Mr. McCoy was down founded. He, so that's when he told her what happened to him and the dog.
Starting point is 01:20:37 But he might as well have been talking to a wall because she didn't believe a word out of it. So like, he's like, I was gone for an hour and a half. What do you mean it's eight o'clock in the evening? Yeah. Yeah. So like the leprechauns literally stopped like they slayed like kept him in a bubble and they like slowed time around him or like with magic or something. That's crazy. Like when they were stuck. So that actually I actually have a little thing to say about that because His experience with the loss of time, it's very similar to what other people experience
Starting point is 01:21:13 When they are like around like quote-unquote fairies or UFO abductions. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he thought he was gone for just over an hour when in reality a whole day had passed. That's crazy. It fits like eerily into the pattern that we see like in other paranormal things. Because in traditional fairy folklore, people that are taken by like the good folks sometimes return days, months or even years, believing that they were only gone for a short while.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Yeah. And when it comes to modern UFO abductions, people have missing time. It's often reported that they're like, we don't know how much time went by. So like, could there be like a strange connection between like Irish fairy encounters and like aliens or like just other leprechauns? Could this also explain people disappearing in Ireland in remote regions, only to reappear with no memory of what happened? Dude, that's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Leprechauns might be real. So, what does Nikolai do? He returned to the mountain the day after. Good. Honestly. He wanted to see those Lep, he wanted to see those leprechauns one more time. And this time he could communicate with them. No way. So Mr. McCollough met the little folk again. And it turned out that one of the gold coins gifted to him allowed allowed him to talk and see them. Oh, okay. So then, I have a little script here, not too much, but it says,
Starting point is 01:22:52 he heard a tiny voice say, hello, Macaulite. He turned to the little fellow that was now sitting no more than 18 inches tall. He stared at him for a while, his mind numbed in disbelief. Who are you? He asked. My name is Kerrig. He replied. I am the clan elder of the last remaining 233 leprechauns left in Ireland.
Starting point is 01:23:21 That's so little. Yeah. He said, one of the coins you found allows you to communicate with me. We are a dying species and we need human help in our efforts to survive. Save the leprechauns. Save the leprechauns.
Starting point is 01:23:39 And then Mr. McCulloch had asked, are you not human? He replied, no, I am a spirit. You can see me in the image you want to see me in. Others who might receive your gifts in the future might see me as a fairy or angel or any form they are comfortable with. What do you need me to do? Mr. McCullough asked. I need you to listen to our story, write it down, and let the world know that we exist. So that's exactly what he did. That's exactly what he did. So he communicated directly and regularly with the elder of the clan.
Starting point is 01:24:24 A leprechaun called Kerig. He was one of 230 leprechauns who lived below the Slate Rock in Carollingford. And Kerig wanted their story to be told. Apparently, according to Kerig, the leprechaun leader, he said that there had been millions of them in Ireland and they all had died out. All that were left in the whole of Ireland were 236. He said that that's not a lot. He said that the only species in the world that could help them survive were humans. And he said the suits and the bones, the suits, bones and coins were a ploy to get the attention of someone.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Oh, so that's where they do it. Yeah. So I don't know if it was like a leprechaun dying off and they're like, let's use this chance to get someone who comes like help us. Probably. Or like, yeah. So it went crazy. It's crazy because McCoylt originally didn't believe in leprechauns. He's like, you're full of shit.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I'm going to have a leprechaun hunt. And now here he is talking to three leprechauns and writing down all the history. So McCorlett took out his notebook and as Craig began to speak, he told him of their lives from the beginning of time until today. Holy shit. Yes. He covered geological, mythological, and social history of Ireland. And in particular, that of the Carollingford and Cooley Peninsula. Holy fuck, so they've existed since the beginning of time. Yeah, according to him, yes.
Starting point is 01:26:18 So he said that they lived below ground during the Ice Age. Oh shit. Until it ended in Ireland 11,000 years ago. They say that they saw the first humans to arrive in Ireland 10,000 years ago from Central Europe. Okay. And that 5000 years ago, they watched as the Druids and slaves built the Neolithic tomb at Newgray, and that they saw St. Patrick arrive in Ireland in 432.
Starting point is 01:27:00 Did they see Jesus? Did they see the Big Bang? Did they see the dinosaur going extinct? Good question. Did they see Jesus? Did they see the Big Bang? Did they see the dinosaurs going extinct? Good question. I don't know if Jesus came to Ireland, but... That's a good point. I mean, maybe they saw dinosaurs, but I don't think Jesus made a stop at Ireland at any point. I didn't even think of that. Yeah, what the hell would Jesus be in Ireland?
Starting point is 01:27:26 Yeah. Like, how would they know about him? Oh my god. They also said that they were there when the Vikings burned Carlingford twice in 832. And that they watched the nomads arrive in 1169. So they are going through a whole history that they're just having this man right down to share with the world. And then came the English. And with them came Cromwell who set fire to St. Peter's Church in Drakhida and slaughtered 2,000 people including priests and friars in 1649.
Starting point is 01:28:06 So these leprechauns are just recounting everything that they've seen. They know everything that's happened in Ireland, I guess. Yeah. And that they were horrified to see poverty and mystery in Ireland during the famine in 1849, in 1845. Good for them. Yeah. So they said that by the... Yeah, no, they were like, oh, I feel so bad for them. What can we do for them?
Starting point is 01:28:28 I don't know. What can leprechauns do for people? Nothing. And by the 1900s, and for the next 90 years, the leprechauns population dwindled until only 236 were left. Damn. dwindled until only 236 were left. The leprechauns also claim that there were tunnels underground. He learned about the tunnels that millions of years ago leprechauns lived in clans all over Ireland. So they communicated with each through a series of tunnels that connected to the central
Starting point is 01:29:05 gathering point in a vast plain below Athlone. So it's said that once a year, the clan elders met in Athlone to exchange information on the happening of all parts in Ireland. Dude. Many tunnels still exist today following the Leprechaun's demise. And the 236 Leprechauns still alive now live in a cave below the Kuli Mountains. And this is linked to a tunnel under Kerlingford to a cavern on the shores of Carlingford Laos. So it lies beneath the Carlingford Folklore Park.
Starting point is 01:29:50 And Mr. McCollight is now a believer. Well, Mr. McCollight... was like on some type of drugs or something. I don't know. Well, if he was in some type of drugs or something, I don't know. Well, if he was in some type of drug, uh, he got the whole EU to be on that drug. Are leprechauns like official? In the EU now?
Starting point is 01:30:17 So... Yes. And no. Okay. So, what he did is that he gathered a group of like-minded people together for years, and he lobbied to the EU to have the directive protections of flora, fauna, and wild animals. They lobbied to have leprechauns added in there. Included in...
Starting point is 01:30:41 Yep. That's sick. And it was a tough fight, but they finally achieved their goal in 2009. That's sick. So, in 2009, it's when they became officially recognized. The EU sent Madame Isabelle Jane from FECAMP in Brittany, France, to Carollingford with the official letter declaring that leprechauns of Carollingford Mountains were protected under the European Habitats Directive
Starting point is 01:31:14 on the grounds that they could not prove or disprove their existence. So it's like, hey, if they are here, we might as well protect them. Yeah. If they're not here, well then as well protect them. Yeah. If they're not here, well then, it doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:28 And Nicoleite was excited. He had his committee sell leprechaun hunting licenses, and he organized a ceramic leprechaun hunt on the mountain with 2,000 pounds, 2,000 euros in total. He hit them under to celebrate for the protection of the zone. And this is happening to this day. So it's held every year at 2 p.m. on the Sunday in March when the clock moves forward an hour to summertime. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Yes! Okay, that just happened. We just missed it. We just missed it, like two days ago. Yes! Fuck! Alright, we're going on a trip to Ireland next year. We do, we do.
Starting point is 01:32:19 At this point, we just need to like mark our calendars. It's like March, we're gonna go hunt leprechauns. Yep. Yep. Thousands of people turn up, which I think it's great. There's also a small passageway in the main chamber with like the glass door of one of the five used by leprechauns when they came down to Kareling Ford.
Starting point is 01:32:40 And it was only discovered in 2011 when Keurig agreed to make its whereabouts known to McCollight. So, McCollight wrote all this stuff down and he published five books. The first book was published in October 2011. And I have the five titles of the books. The first book is published in October 2011. And I have the five titles of the books. The first book is called At the Beginning. The second book is called Fire and Ice. The third book is called Humans and Druids.
Starting point is 01:33:16 The fourth book is called Kings and Queens and the Brown Fool of Cooley. And the fifth one is called Pots of Gold Wedding at St. Patrick's. I need to read these books. They're apparently they were on Amazon because it said like find them on Amazon and I couldn't find them. It was like oh this link is no longer active so it's probably out there somewhere. They're in English so I'm sure we can read them. Oh yeah I would love to read those.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Yeah. That's sick. I would love leprechauns to be real, but that guy was probably just like high. Well the thing is, if you go to the pub, they still have the bones and the little green suit there on display. Doesn't mean that they're real, but it could also be like, was it a hoax? Or... I don't know. Was it a hoax to drink, like draw attention to his bar, get him like more patrons patronage and I don't know. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:34:15 Maybe leprechauns are real. I hope they're real. If they are, I saw a sign when it says like that it's the UU it's under protection. It has like fauna flora and it also lists leprechauns, which I just think it's really fun. That's cool. Yeah. So that's it. Leprechauns fought to be seen, to have their story told, and to prove that they were more than just a myth.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Well, thank you for telling their story. Yeah. And it worked. You know, someone finally paid attention. Which makes you think, how many things, how many people go unnoticed until the right person finally looks a little closer. Yeah. Who knows? A lot goes unnoticed. But not you, listeners. Thank you for being here. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. This was a fun episode.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Hope you all have a good St. Patrick's Day. Yeah. If you celebrate or want to or, you know. And hope your sleep schedule wasn't thrown off by that. Oh, man. My sleep schedule definitely was. I'm so recovering. I'm so tired.
Starting point is 01:35:23 I've yawned a few times during this episode. Yeah, no. Same here. I'm so tired. I've yawned a few times during this episode. Yeah, no, same here. Like, I'm so tired. So, this was a fun one though. We hope you enjoyed. Let us know your thoughts. Seriously, like, out of any episode, like this one, I really want to hear thoughts on the Anthony case. Because listeners like, I don't know, if you think Casey is guilty about it or not. And also, I wanna hear if you think leprechauns are real or not. Yeah, I wanna hear both.
Starting point is 01:35:53 I wanna know if you think Casey was, you know, guilty, because in my opinion she was. There's no other possibility to me. Like, she just is, I don't know. Yeah, and also leprechauns. Yeah Do you think leprechauns are real? quick side note Oregon Portland Oregon, I think it's in Portland Oregon has the smallest leprechaun
Starting point is 01:36:17 Park What? Yeah, just a side note while I was researching it does it's not enough to cover a full story But it's like a to cover a full story, but it's like a tiny little square of like grass. For fleprecons? That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:32 But yeah, so that's all folks. Thanks for tuning in. Yeah, thanks for being here. Next week, next episode folks, it's a little special one. It's going to be a double true crime episode. Yeah. So stay tuned. It's going to be a little special one. It's gonna be a double True Crime episode. Yeah. So stay tuned. It's gonna be a pretty special episode. We've got something, I guess, important about it.
Starting point is 01:36:53 Yeah. So stay tuned. So if you like True Crime. You know what I also realized? What? We didn't do an introduction for this episode. Hi everybody, I'm Kai. And I'm Jay, and you've been listening to Chambers of the Occult.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Chambers of the Occult. Wow, I didn't even realize that. Yeah, we just hopped right into it. Yeah. I guess we both were that hooked into the story. I mean, you had a really good hook. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Thank you folks. care everybody yeah until next time ahhhhhhh thanks for listening to chambers of the occult for photos sources and anything else mentioned during the episode check out our website at You'll find everything you need there if you do find yourself wanting more. You can also follow us on all of our socials at chambersoftheoccult and on Twitter at COTOpodcast. If you have any questions, comments, recommendations, personal anecdotes, or concerns, let us know. Fill out our contact form on our website, email
Starting point is 01:38:05 us at, or leave us a message on our socials. We would love to hear from you. And if you enjoyed what you heard, we would greatly appreciate it if you could drop a like, leave a comment, and subscribe. It is absolutely the best way to show your support, and it would mean the world. Until next time. Thanks for watching!

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