Change Your Brain Every Day - Can Gluten Enable You To Make Unhealthy Decisions? PT. 1 - Dr. David Perlmutter
Episode Date: February 21, 2018There may not always be a simple medical solution for various brain dysfunctions. However, we have learned that there are things we can control, such as lifestyle choices, that have a major impact on ...our health. In this episode of The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen are joined by Dr. David Perlmutter, author of the best-selling book “Grain Brain”, for a discussion on how being informed about gluten sensitivities and the gut-brain connection can help you make better, healthier decisions.
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Welcome to the Brain Warriors Way podcast.
I'm Dr. Daniel Amen.
And I'm Tana Amen.
Here we teach you how to win the fight for your brain to defeat anxiety, depression,
memory loss, ADHD, and addictions.
The Brain Warriors Way podcast is brought to you by Amen Clinics, where we've transformed
lives for three decades using brain spec imaging to better target treatment and natural ways to heal the brain.
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The Brain Warriors Way podcast is also brought to you by BrainMD,
where we produce the highest quality nutraceutical products to support the health of your brain and body.
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visit Welcome to the Brain Warriors Way podcast.
Well, welcome every day, everybody. Today is a very special Brain Warriors Way podcast. We have
our friend, internationally best-selling author, neurologist, teacher, the author of Grain Brain, Brain Maker, The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan. who is also a nutritionist and someone I have referred many patients to over the years.
And he is affectionately called the empowering neurologist. David Perlmutter, welcome, David.
What a joy to spend time with you. Yes, thank you. My pleasure indeed. I like the part about affectionately called.
I've never heard that before, but I like the notion of affection.
That's great.
Thank you.
I just have to say it's such a joy for me because I actually had the pleasure of hearing you speak, gosh, probably 10 years ago.
And I was so fascinated.
And from that point on, I considered you a mentor and I followed you and I was so fascinated and from that point on i considered you a mentor and i followed you and i
was so excited and of course you come home and your friends you became friends with them and
so i i was just so excited to be able to actually have you become my mentor and join us and teach
our community this is amazing so every time you are on well let me just say as they say right back
at you because you guys have taught me a lot,
not the least of which was the important value of buying a ping pong table.
And I just say thank you for that.
That's awesome.
So he also is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
They have published six of my papers.
We had a new paper accepted on using imaging to predict treatment response
with depression. So we're pretty excited about that. And I know both you and I are
huge believers in the concept of preventing Alzheimer's disease. In fact, we should live
our lives in an Alzheimer's prevention program, because it starts in the brain years before
people have any symptoms.
But one of the things that you became famous for was Grain Brain.
Grain Brain was a huge bestseller for a long time.
It really helped change the way people think about their diet. So what triggered
that for you? What got you interested in writing that and particularly talking about gluten?
Well, let's, you know, wind the clock back. Grain Brain was published five years ago.
And at that time, I had reached a real threshold, I think, of frustration in that just seeing Alzheimer's patients day in and day out and looking at the statistics,
indicating that, you know, by age 65, your chances are one in nine.
They increase dramatically to your one in two, 50-50 chance at age 85.
And at the same time, literature coming out in our most well-respected journals indicating
that various lifestyle choices seem to be strongly related to risk.
And you know, as a neurologist, we don't have a lot of treatment options for many of the issues that we deal with.
And certainly as it relates to Alzheimer's disease, we have nothing.
There is nothing in the pharmacy cabinet there that I could give to an Alzheimer's patient that would have any bearing on the course of that disease.
So I don't like to be left empty handed.
I wanted some tools in my toolbox.
And if we had no treatment, okay, I can accept that. And, you know, as we all have this conversation today,
we still have no treatment. That said, we saw this emerging literature saying that there is
this strong correlation between lifestyle choices and various biometric measurements and risk for that very disease that we all fear
and for which there is no treatment.
We began seeing literature that correlated, for example,
even mild elevations of blood sugar, obesity, head trauma,
and all of these various factors
over which we have some degree of control.
Now we don't have control over our genetics,
we don't have any control over our gender,
but we sure as heck have a lot of control
over the food that we eat,
the amount of physical activity that we engage in,
and whether or not we experience head trauma.
John Kennedy said that the time to fix the roof
is when the sun is shining.
And that quote resonated with me for a long, long time, especially as a neurologist, because we have so few treatment options available to us.
So I had already defined myself as being the odd man out in terms of integrative and functional medicine. Being a neurologist involved with that approach,
I think, was unusual because everybody knows, you know, you have the brain that you have. Nothing
you do is going to change its destiny. I chose to be disruptive and not to go along with the party
line. So I made it my mission, probably six and a half years ago, to write this book, Grain Brain,
really letting the public know
that here is a powerful degree of empowerment
that you now have to make choices
that will absolutely change the destiny,
trajectory of your brain.
And I think that the message really hit a lot of people.
That book's in 30 languages,
especially for those who are at risk
by virtue of their gender, by virtue of their heritage,
by virtue of other lifestyle issues
like obesity, diabetes, et cetera,
that certainly are associated with increased risk.
So we can't change our gender,
but I think it's important to note
that Alzheimer's is diagnosed twice as often in women as in men.
And I think that perhaps might have a role in the fact that you don't hear as much as you should
about the importance of preventive activity. So I wrote this book that really focused on
how toxic sugar and carbohydrates are for the brain,
not because Dr. Perlmutter dreamed this stuff up,
but because that is what our most well-respected journals were telling us,
that even subtle elevations of blood sugar had a profound and detrimental effect upon the brain
in terms of increasing risk for dementia.
One study that came out in September of 2013 in the New
England Journal of Medicine followed a group of several thousand individuals for 6.7 years.
And the only test they did at the beginning of the study was their fasting blood sugar. That's it.
Nothing exotic. They didn't do a spinal tap or a brain imaging study. All they looked at was
their blood sugar. They followed this group for close to seven years. And what did they find?
That individuals who had even mild elevation of blood sugar had a dramatic increased risk for
dementia. Well, that doesn't mean that the blood sugar elevation caused the dementia. This is a correlation, not a causation kind of report,
but I sure as heck believe it did. And I sure as heck feel compelled and supported in stating that
lower blood sugar is better. Believe me, not just based upon that one literature citation,
but countless that came at that time and certainly after that. So the other fundamental leg of the stool here in terms of grain
grain was the notion that wheat in itself and by virtue of the fact
that wheat contains gluten weren't going to be good for the brain.
We were beginning to see a host of non gut related issues
to be seen in association with gluten consumption and gluten sensitivity. And this was early in the days when most people didn't believe there was such a thing
as non-celiac gluten sensitivity, meaning a person could have a problem with the protein gluten,
but they didn't have the autoimmune condition celiac disease. And for many years, even after Grain Brain was written, you know, people would roll their
eyes, oh, you know, you guys with the non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
But there was research, there were symposia that were held showing things like schizophrenia,
other psychiatric issues, movement disorders, cognitive performance issues, et cetera, certainly
migraine headaches, things that would come in the radar of a neurologist could be related
to sensitivity to gluten.
And in my practice, I was finding that plenty of patients improved with a variety of issues
when we took them off of gluten.
And we published these case reports, and many people thought they were interesting, especially
in the integrative world, and began using similar protocols, going gluten-free with
their patients and seeing similar results.
Mainstream still had their feet in the mud and wouldn't embrace it.
Either you had celiac disease, and if you didn't, eat whatever in the heck you want. So over the years, more and more
data began to evolve that supported our original contentions. Research, for example, at Harvard,
conducted by Dr. Alessio Fasano and his group, revealed that gliadin, which is a protein that makes up gluten, induces leakiness of the gut
in all humans, not just those with celiac, not just those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity,
but all humans. Wow. Why is that important for me? Why do I care about the gut?
I care about it plenty because the gut regulates
inflammation and it is inflammation that is the cornerstone of things like Alzheimer's,
Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, autism, depression. So we've put these very important
dots together and recognize that, hey, the brain is influenced by the gut. And that opened the door
to the next book, which was Brain Maker, that looked at this relationship between gut and
specifically the bacteria that live within the gut, how those interplay through the process
of inflammation. And as you well know, that area of research has absolutely
exploded, especially in terms of things that you deal with, mood disorders, and, you know,
and getting back to one of the lifestyle issues I mentioned earlier, which is head trauma and its
relationship to developing dementia. You know, certainly you and your team with your work with CTE,
et cetera, can relate to that.
That's where preventive medicine comes into play.
So if you're gonna do a contact sport,
you wear a helmet.
So many things.
You drive a car, you gotta wear a seatbelt.
So many things for us to unpack.
So many things you can do to protect your brain.
We have this sort of notion that the brain is what it is and there's nothing that we do in
our lifestyle choices that has any role to play in changing its destiny. We set out to change that
paradigm. So what's your thought on why women? So, you know, it's well known that women have a
higher incidence of Alzheimer's disease.
In fact, while you were talking, I was beginning to put together two dots.
Women have lower levels of serotonin than men.
According to one study from Montreal, 52% less serotonin than men do.
Serotonin is obviously associated with depression. The way to increase
serotonin in the brain is simple carbohydrates that cause an insulin response that drives
tryptophan into the brain. So now I'm thinking of women and cupcakes and their chocolate.
But I know it's more complicated than that. What's your sense? women and cupcakes and their chocolate.
But I know it's more complicated than that.
What's your sense?
It may not be. And here is what I took away from the Montreal study.
Our job is to connect dots,
is to bring seemingly disparate information together
to have those aha moments.
Louis Pasteur told us the chance favors the prepared mind.
So you're reading some obscure journal on the one hand,
and you find this study,
and you bring to bear other information that you may have.
So we take a step back in terms of serotonin
and recognize two things.
Number one, that the creation of serotonin from tryptophan
is at most a process that is occurring at about a 5% rate,
meaning that about 5% of tryptophan ultimately becomes serotonin.
Not a lot of wiggle room here.
And that any factor that could influence that conversion to serotonin negatively could further decrease the availability of serotonin. Well, it turns out that inflammation
itself, perhaps the cupcakes, perhaps the changes in the gut bacteria that women may have for
reasons that we'll talk about in a moment, can influence the ability to convert tryptophan
into serotonin called the kynurenic acid pathway. Any inflammation ultimately reduces availability of serotonin.
So we wonder what else could influence that pathway. Could hormones influence the pathway?
I think that's interesting. We know that women have different arrays and diversity
of their gut bacteria, which are directly involved in inflammation as well, plus or minus.
I think that as we recognize Alzheimer's and depression for that moment as well,
and its relation to serotonin, both of these are now considered inflammatory disorders.
I think if we take a step back and say, look at women's rates of depression,
women's rates of Alzheimer's disease, women's rates of autoimmune conditions as well, which
are twice as high as men, that there may be something going on within the gut and downstream
from that at the gut lining in terms of permeability that may relate and explain these observances. Now, I think the party line would have us believe
that obviously changes in hormones may be related as well,
and I'm willing to explore that,
and obviously we have explored that.
But beyond that, I think that there are other issues
that relate to the exposure that women have to genes that are not parts of their bodies,
challenging a woman's body with genetic information with an organism that is only 50% hers. In other
words, pregnancy. What is pregnancy? When that fetus is developing within a woman, that woman is to some degree
confronting her immune system with an organism that's only 50% genetically the same as she.
Might that induce some changes in her immune tolerance and in her immune reactivity? So I
think there are a lot of factors to consider. I mean, these are the kinds of things you think of in that brief moment before you fall
asleep at night.
You bring these things together.
And I think a lot of people think about that stuff.
So I want to get practical, if I could, and go back to a couple of things you said in
the beginning.
As a nurse and a coach, my job is to sort of advocate for patients and their questions,
and I get lots
of them. I had the, as I said earlier, the pleasure and the privilege of hearing you speak a long time
ago. And so I've written eight books and a lot of them are influenced by you and Dr. Hyman and some
of my other mentors. And so I've been pushing on this gluten issue for a long time because I cut
it out of my life and saw a radical change in my life.
Never understood why I had so many issues.
When I changed my lifestyle, a lot of things changed.
But I got a lot of pushback.
So one of the questions that I get,
and so I'm grateful for Grain Brain
because a nurse saying it
versus someone who does research on the brain,
it really helps.
It backs up that message.
But one of the questions I get,
and I'm gonna give you two questions.
One of them is how much gluten
can I actually get away with eating
before it becomes a problem?
Like, is it all or none?
Is it black and white?
That's one question.
The other one is you're talking a lot about
really cutting back significantly,
pretty much on all carbohydrates. Now for vegans, we have a very big vegan community. The other one is you're talking a lot about really cutting back significantly, pretty
much on all carbohydrates.
Now, for vegans, we have a very big vegan community.
They tend to really go after the carbohydrates.
I tend to tell them, make it more plant-based than anything else, you know, and include
some protein in there, even if it's plant-based protein.
But what would you say to these people?
Because they tend to fill that gap with carbs.
Well, since that part of the question or second question is fresh in mind,
I would say that we've got to, like we do with fats, good fats, bad fats, we need to
talk about carbohydrates in terms of good and bad.
And you know, by and large, the types of carbohydrates that our ancestors were exposed to were not high in freely available carbs,
rapidly digested, rapidly releasing of sugar, that these complex carbohydrates that are
non-grain-based, that are based upon fiber-rich foods, have added.
I think that we've got to – it's a really good point that you raise, and that is, you
know, we need to look at net carbs.
We need to look at, you know, encouraging people to enrich their diets with foods that are going to give them fiber.
And especially prebiotic fiber that don't offer any caloric content to your physiology, but certainly act as fuel and a source for metabolic production
on the basis of your bacteria.
So if I could just give them that simple tip.
So when you're looking at carbohydrates, what I often tell people is subtract the fiber.
So the amount of fiber.
Yeah, I think the notion of net carbs is actually very good.
Because a recent study came out, it was really quite quite interesting and it looked at risk for cardiovascular
disease in the gluten-free community versus those who ate gluten add uh rod and what they found was
there was actually an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in the people who went
gluten-free uh and the headlines were ah you gluten-free gwyneth paltrow people look what
you're doing to yourself because you need gluten because here's a study showing that the gluten-free community is a higher risk for cardiovascular disease.
That's not what the study concluded.
If you read the study, the author stated that people who go gluten-free tend to consume less fiber overall, and that's a big mistake. So I would say, I know where you're going with this,
but the caveat here is gluten-free is good with the caveat that make sure you get enough fiber
in your diet to nurture your microbiome so that your microbiota can nurture your gut lining so
you can reduce the permeability so you can have a better functioning immune system and less inflammation.
Inflammation is the cornerstone of cardiovascular disease.
So people cut out fiber, they increase inflammation
by virtue of the fact that they don't nurture
their gut bacteria, which is what the authors concluded,
but that's not what the mainstream press jumped on. They said, all you gluten-free people see, you're killing yourself.
Well, when you look at gluten-free packaged foods, it's often terrible.
They're just as bad as other processed foods.
They're just processed foods.
They're terrible.
So they're full of starch.
I would say that you say gluten-free packaged foods.
So there's a great tip there. Most of your food should come unpackaged. Plants. What does that mean? That
means all the aisles in the grocery store are pretty much going to be off the list. Right.
You know, your coconut oil and stuff. Yeah. But all the fruits and vegetables and hopefully grass
fed beef or fish are all going to be around the periphery of the grocery store, in the freezer case or just sitting on shelves.
Right. And so what would you say about how much gluten you can get away with? Is it black and
white or what is the amount you can get away with?
That's not an easy question because it tends to lead people to the place of
everything in moderation. I will tell you that having just said those words, the hair is going up in the back of
my head.
I know.
Me too.
Because there's a little bit of sniffing glue in a bag from time to time.
A little bit of cocaine.
It's not a lot.
It's in moderation, A. And B, what in a fair?
Having an affair in moderation.
So I think we do our very best.
We stay as gluten-free as we possibly can. Do I have gluten
in my diet sometimes? I bet that I do. When I go to someone's house, do I know what the ingredients
are in the sauce that's going over the wild salmon? I don't know for sure, but I do my best.
So I'm not eating wheat, barley, and rye. I'm doing my very best to avoid it.
So I think less is better.
We want to do everything we can.
The whole focus of the discussion is everything we can to maintain the integrity of the gut lining,
and that's from me, a neurologist.
It's certainly a stretch.
But the neurologist is also a medical doctor. Well, and I want to emphasize that we're not talking about going and having cheat days
of gluten and bread and pasta and rice.
So that's what I wanted to emphasize.
But I have another question because there is also gluten in personal products and cosmetics.
So if you just think why women than men have a higher incidence, you just wonder if they're
not also exposed to more toxins because what they spend on personal products is 10 times
what males spent on personal.
You look a whole lot-
Do you see how long it takes us to get ready?
Cuter than i am but but you
just wonder when i wrote memory rescue i think the biggest takeaway for me is the impact of toxins on
the brain and just how ubiquitous they are in our personal products actually we you and i had
breakfast and talked about that a couple of years ago in outside of
los angeles as i recall right up in westlake where we were speaking together all right well we have
to stop this podcast we are going to move on to the next one so you're going to be joining us
again let's make sure two more and we're going to talk about toxins, gluten, and the glycemic index, what people need to know, which is sort of going to be a continuation of the discussion we're having.
Stay with us.
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Warriors Way cookbook we give away every month.