Change Your Brain Every Day - Dr Amen's Q&A Session - Part 3

Episode Date: December 24, 2016

Check out the third and final part of Dr Amen's question and answer segment. To listen to the previous Q&A sessions go to: Part 1: Part 2:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, Dr. Amy. My name is Carla and I'm very, very inspired to change my really awful, horrible diet. I'm very much madly in love with coffee with lots of sugar and cream. It's like hot ice cream. That's how I like my coffee. And my diet is horrible. And you have so inspired me to change. And I'm a little confused. Okay, so let's get rid of the ant that I am in love with coffee, sugar, and fat. See, if you keep that thought, you have just defeated yourself. Because who would give up something that they love?
Starting point is 00:00:53 It's really a good question for all of us. How can we fall in love with things that are great for us? Okay, so let's say I break up with coffee. And, you know, there's a good chance I might turn into someone who's not a very nice person for a while. And I'm wondering if there's some kind of replacement to kind of lean into the life without coffee. So let me give you some suggestions. Please. Start with decaf. And if you can't do decaf, then the love really is not with coffee.
Starting point is 00:01:30 It's with caffeine. I mean, you should just be honest with whatever you're in love with. All right. Right. Okay, so you can have decaf. Clearly, coffee without the caffeine has 160 antioxidants in it, and it's not bad for you. That's good. And then one of my favorites is you can get almond milk.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I love almond milk. And you can get unsweetened vanilla or original flavor almond milk. Put that in your coffee. It is so sweet. And then you can sweeten it with stevia now i know a lot of people say but stevia can be bitter it's actually 300 times sweeter than sugar but there's this one company that actually makes like nine different flavors of stevia my favorite is cinnamon right i course, right? But it also comes in lemon and Valencia orange and grape and English toffee and chocolate raspberry. I mean, it's like
Starting point is 00:02:38 there are so many healthy options. So you're in love with something that's going to kill you early. Or why not? And it's the same thing as if you were on, right? Do you tend to pick the bad boys? Or do you tend to pick the ones that are good for you? It's your choice. I just choose to really think about my food and put things in my body that serve me rather than steal from me. Thank you. Thank you. Hi, Dr. Amen. My name is Wendy. I have a three-part question about gluten.
Starting point is 00:03:22 How would you know if you are allergic to gluten? And what symptoms would you have? And is there such a thing as mildly allergic to gluten? Or is it just, are you allergic or are you not? No, there are degrees of allergies for people. I mean, some people with certain allergies, if they get the food, it will kill them. There are other people, it just irritates them or it irritates the people they love. So some of the symptoms of gluten allergies, people get tired after they get bread or something with gluten in it. They could get mentally foggy. They could be irritable, more depressed, emotional, have trouble concentrating, get distracted easily. And I sense food allergies when people tell me
Starting point is 00:04:17 his behavior is erratic. I don't consistently have these problems. I have them periodically, and I can't figure out when they are. Let me tell you about a very interesting study. It was from the Netherlands. They took 100 ADD children. So hyperactive, restless, impulsive, can't concentrate. They put them on an elimination diet. What that means is they gave them fruit, vegetables, rice, turkey, lamb, hair juice, and water.
Starting point is 00:04:56 That's it. 84% of them lost their ADD symptoms. It had the same effectiveness as giving them Ritalin, but no side effects. It is the food that we are feeding our children and ourselves that is poisoning our brains and our bodies. We clean up the food, there's going to be dramatically less psychotropic medications. And in my mind, when I see a new child at the Amen Clinics for ADD, my first thought is clean up his diet, get his parents to act rationally, which means I might have to get them on the right diet, fish oil, multiple vitamins, let's do it for four months and see. Now, if somebody comes
Starting point is 00:05:55 in suicidal, I'd deal with it. I'd do whatever degree I have to do. But more and more, I've been a psychiatrist almost 30 years. And more and more, I start with natural things first. Why? Because they work. And if I can get it with that, why the heck not? And I always have the big guns if I need them. Thank you. Hi, Dr. Ayman. My name is Gosha. And I have a question about eating disorders. Would you say that most people with a history of eating disorder are in the third brain category,
Starting point is 00:06:30 or would you also talk a little bit about the way from brain damage to health? Okay, so let's talk about eating disorders. Now, I think of obesity. It's an eating disorder. I mean, let's just be honest. I mean, too often, psychiatrists are not involved in treating obesity when it's clearly a food addiction. But there are other eating disorders, like anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is more type 1. People who have anorexic brains tend to be compulsive. When they decide to eat, they don't. It's not an issue of impulsivity.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It's more their brain gets stuck, locked into these negative thoughts and negative behaviors. Bulimics clearly are type three. They have problems being over-focused on things. Things have to be just so, or they get really upset. They have problems controlling their impulses. You find they interrupt more frequently. They're more easily distracted. They tend to be more disorganized. People who have bulimia are diagnosed with ADD like three times more than people who have anorexia. But as I said, I think that really all eating disorders are at least in part thinking disorders. And when you really help to get people to correct their ants, their automatic negative thoughts, their eating behavior becomes much more normal.
Starting point is 00:07:59 But scans can be just so helpful with eating disorder patients because we see many people, especially with anorexia and bulimia, have had a car accident at some point, and they've actually damaged certain areas of their brain that when we try to remediate, they get much better as well. Thank you. Thank you. Hi, Dr. Amon. My name is Gina, And my question is, I was wondering why I crave certain foods when I'm PMSing. Ah, what happens to PMS in the brain? I have five sisters and three daughters. I know more about PMS than I want to know. I have done many scans of women in the healthy time of their cycle
Starting point is 00:08:48 and in the difficult time of their cycle. And what we find is the attention part of your brain goes up, so you get stuck on things. That's why people can be a little bit more irritable. Things don't go a certain way. They get upset. So they're going to crave simple carbohydrates because simple carbohydrates like bread are mood foods. They boost serotonin in the brain. But what also happens, so you get over-focused on things
Starting point is 00:09:18 and your prefrontal cortex drops as well. So you become like our type three person, the impulsive compulsive overeater, where you get these cravings and you don't have good control over your impulses. So a little bit of 5-HTP and green tea with exercise can so help PMS and it can help those cravings during that difficult time. Thank you. Thank you. Hi, Dr. Amen. My name is Tori. And I have a question about, I have a family member who's kind of lived very unhealthy
Starting point is 00:09:59 kind of life and made very poor choices. And watching that is very difficult, of course, and we all want to help this person, but I'm just wondering what is it that we can do to help someone that's just basically living in denial? Like, what influence can we have? Ah, it's a very good question. You know, I think about that every single day of my life because I have people in my life that are really,
Starting point is 00:10:23 if you look at their behavior, they're suicidal. And it's like, come on, but you can't change anybody. You can influence them. You can influence them by giving them books, by telling them about exciting things that you've learned. But what I've learned is, you know, there's some people, especially the type ones that are just resistant to change. You know, there's some people, especially the type ones, that are just resistant to change. You know, it's their way, their way. They don't listen to anybody. It's for these people you plant seeds. So it can be a book.
Starting point is 00:10:53 It can be a program. It can be taking them to a lecture. It can be, you know, oh, I learned this very interesting thing. And, you know, for me what I found is that when my behavior is right, I'm such a good influence on them. When my behavior is not right, then I'm not a good influence. So getting your own life squared away and people go, I want that. I want what you have. And then they're going to be more open to sharing. But I've just seen there's this whole group of people.
Starting point is 00:11:21 As soon as you push, they push back. And that is not the time to then hit them over the head. It's the time to back up. And, you know, you just figure out the dance that you can do with them. Thank you. Hello, Dr. Amen. My name is Rob. And I was wondering if you could tell me what supplements help with cravings.
Starting point is 00:11:44 You know, this is very important. And it's something that I've learned a lot about. Supplements that help cravings are things that help balance your blood sugar. So alpha-lipoic acid and chromium can help. One other very interesting supplement is something called N-acetylcysteine. N-acetylcysteine. There are actually four studies now with N-acetylcysteine. It decreases cravings in cocaine addicts. It decreases cravings in alcoholics. It decreases compulsive behaviors like compulsive gambling. And it's a brand new study that it
Starting point is 00:12:29 decreased compulsive hair pulling. There's a condition called trichotillomania, which is people who pull their own hair out. And it worked better than Prozac in decreasing that compulsive behavior. There's also supplements that increase endorphins in the brain like DL-phenylalanine. There's another supplement called phenylethylamine that increases the alerting response in your brain that something fun is about to happen. So it's the same thing that one of the reasons that chocolate people get get addicted to it and happy about it. So there are actually a number of different supplements that people can use to get that sort of craving monster under control. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Hello, Dr. Eamon. My name is Joel. And I've not been too bad at my eating habits, but I appreciate the information so I can do better than I have been. One question I have is, do you have any ideas or suggestions about how parents can teach their children how to be healthier? You know, this is so critical, and this is something that we need to focus a lot of energy on because the incidence of obesity in children is just skyrocketing. I think of it really as a scandal. And we're at a disadvantage because if you look at the food companies
Starting point is 00:13:55 and all the advertising that they're doing to children for unhealthy, addictive foods, it is just flat out horrifying. Now, how do you compete with that? And you compete with it with interventions. And what are the interventions? Is you get rid of the crap at home. You don't think of cake as a celebratory food. What is the matter with us? I turn 50 and there's like a big cake. And I'm like, what, you don't want me to be 52? This is a very important point. Exposure equals preference.
Starting point is 00:14:40 What you expose children to is what they're going to want. So at dinner, Chloe and I, Chloe's our six-year-old, we often play this game, this is good for my brain or bad for my brain. And so we're really working on the education part so, one, she knows, and two, expose her to foods that are healthy for her rather than immediately going for the licorice to soothe her. Her favorite snack is red bell peppers, raw red bell peppers with guacamole. She loves whole grain breads.
Starting point is 00:15:24 She really understands, although we're having this issue now that Halloween is coming up. She loves whole grain breads. She really understands, although we're having this issue now that Halloween is coming up. How much can I eat? Not much. Exposure equals preference. What you expose them to is what they're going to want. Thank you. Hi, Dr. Amen. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Hi, Dr. Amen. My name is Jack, and I'm curious. Are all sugars the same? I'm curious about the thing about milk chocolate. I'm sure I have people in my life, if it came between me and their milk chocolate, I'd probably lose. Are all sugars the same? No, they're not all the same. But get rid of most of them in your diet. Is there anything about milk chocolate?
Starting point is 00:16:10 Dr. Chocolate is very interesting, especially dark chocolate. Milk chocolate has too much sugar in it. Milk chocolate is something that you'll have trouble stopping eating and crave more. But dark chocolate without much sugar, so think of low sugar dark chocolate, which is very tasty, increases blood flow to your brain. Studies show that it decreases blood pressure. There's other studies that show it decreases your cravings for sweet, salty, or fatty foods. You just want to get it in your head, okay, less sugar. Sugar is not going to help me live longer and do the work that I love. Thank you. Hi, Dr. Amen.
Starting point is 00:17:02 My name's Aaron. I'm a college student right now, and I have what I would describe as a pretty typical college diet. Amen. My name's Aaron. I'm a college student right now, and I have what I would describe as a pretty typical college diet. That's the reaction I was expecting. So I'm wondering, how completely do I have to take out the junk food? How completely do you want to be healthy? Pretty completely. I mean, it depends on what you want. And what a lot of people don't understand is that you can go to a fast food restaurant
Starting point is 00:17:36 and actually order a fairly healthy meal if you're thoughtful. When we have a high school course, it's in 40 states and seven countries, and we have this whole lesson on nutrition. And we have the kids write down what they typically eat from their favorite fast food place. And then we look up the number of calories and salt and saturated fat and sugars that they're getting. And they, once they get a little bit of education, they're actually quite horrified by their own behavior. And then we teach them how to choose more wisely. So, you know, you can get a great chicken salad, grilled chicken salad at some of these places, dressing on the side, or really count the calories in the dressing. It can make just a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And as a college student, don't you want to take this investment that you're making in yourself and really make it mean something long-term rather than not sleeping, eating terrible things, getting unhealthy? That's not really your goal. Your goal is I'm in college to make my life better, not to where, OK, when I'm 30, I'm going to have to spend a year losing weight in order to get healthy. Thank you.

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