Change Your Brain Every Day - Emotional Eating Triggers, Motivational Tricks & Tips, and more Live Questions with Dr. Amen and The Daniel Plan FB Live Part 2
Episode Date: January 31, 2017If you love the first part of this FB Live on Daniel's Plan Q&A session, you'll sure love this part two where we answered some great questions on motication, emotional eating and more. FULL TRANS...CRIPT Daniel Amen: This next question is really good. What do you recommend to help me maintain my motivation? I'm good for a week, and then motivation goes out the window. What do you think? Tana Amen: I would say that this is where knowing your why and having it firmly planted in your head, and not making it about something temporary ... Daniel Amen: Put it up where you can see it every day. Tana Amen: Absolutely. Daniel Amen: The Daniel Plan book actually have an exercise we call the one page miracle. On one piece of paper, write down what you want, and then ask yourself every day, "Does my behavior get me what I want?" Tana Amen: That's what I was going to say, and it's really what you need to do. When I was training for my black belt test ... Daniel Amen: Did you say that I was brilliant? Tana Amen: Brilliant. You're brilliant. I love you. Daniel Amen: Could we say it one more time? Tana Amen: You are brilliant, my love. Daniel Amen: Thank you. Tana Amen: When I was training for my black belt test, you know that was six years of hard work, and there were times where I'm like, "Okay. I'm just done. I'm tired. It's hard. This is hard. I'm tired of getting bruises and whatever," but what I did was keep ... Stop looking at me like that. He thinks I'm crazy. I kept these signs, and motivational quotes, and things like that around the room where I trained, and that really helped me. I kept pictures of amazing people that inspire me, and the end result, and I kept what my goal was at the end firmly planted, so that I didn't lose sight of it just because I was tired. Daniel Amen: Motivation and why go hand in hand. You have to know your why, and it has to be so important you just stick with it. I wanted to go to medical school. It was a big endeavor, but I wanted to do that, so everything else became around that goal. You just want to know why you want to be healthy. I find I'm my own worst enemy. How can I change this about myself? It's true for everybody who is not healthy that you're your own worst enemy, because you're not focused on being well. That's why Tana and I wrote a book called The Brain Warriors Way, because it's a war. If you're not armed, prepared and aware, then our society is not set up for your health. Our society is set up for your illness. Tana Amen: One thing I would probably say about that, because I think we all have, at some time in our lives, done this sabotage thing. Most of us have done a self-sabotage thing at some point in our lives, and if you look at why you do that and you really figure it out ... What I like to do is have people think about the times, because probably most likely, at some point in your lives, you've, also, really succeeded. You've done something really well. Even if it was when you were in seventh grade and you made the cheerleading team, or the basketball team, or whatever it was, think about that time, what you did, what went into that, and really break it down step by step. Did you go to sleep earlier? Did you practice? Were you just really focused on it and really serious about it? Break it down step by step. Chances are, there's a formula there, and if you apply that same formula and you look at what you're doing now that is sabotaging you, I bet you you can see that there's a big gap in what you're doing now and what you did then to be very successful. Daniel Amen: I'm going to bunch these two questions. How do I overcome emotional eating? I find that food is the first place to go when I'm sad, stressed, or bored. I'm going to combine that with what do you recommend to help with cravings and sugar? I want sugar all day long. Ultimately, sugar and foods that quickly turn to sugar, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, sugar, cause an insulin response in your body. What that means, your body sees sugar. Your pancreas produces a lot of insulin in that way to drive the sugar into your cells. One of the other things it, also, does is it works on an amino acid called tryptophan and drives tryptophan into your brain. Why do you care about that? Tryptophan is the amino acid building block for serotonin. It makes you happy, so, yes, brownies, cupcakes, rocky road ice cream, they all make you happy short term. They give you inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's Disease long term. You want to go short term benefit, long term problem. There are other ways to increase serotonin. Exercise is one. I think you actually use exercise as an anti-depressant. Tana Amen: Yes. Daniel Amen: When you're having a craving, go for a walk, and then there's supplements like 5HTP and saffron that can help naturally boost serotonin in the brain. Tana Amen: I want to touch on something, too. That's absolutely true, and here's the really, really simple thing you can do, stop eating sugar. When you eat sugar and simple carbs, you crave sugar and simple carbs. When you stop, it's hard for a couple days, and then if you eat some fat and healthy protein, like we talked about in the beginning, those cravings will start to go away within a few days. They'll start to subside. I'm getting dozens of messages now that the holidays are over about people who were warriors, and then got off track because of the holidays, and now they're really struggling to get back on. That's exactly what happens, because as soon as you start eating those foods, they're addictive, and the more you eat sugar and simple carbs, the more you crave them. The only way to get off of them is to get off of them, so use the same solution ... Daniel Amen: And to see them as a weapon of mass destruction. Tana Amen: Go back to step one, the thing you did in the beginning and start over. Daniel Amen: Eating well and buying all these organic foods you recommend is expensive. I go to grocery stores and compare the price of organic fruit and vegetables to the regular ones, and I just can't do it. Is there a way to make eating well more affordable? Again,, it will tell you which foods ... Tana Amen: Dot org. Daniel Amen: ... that are okay not organic, and which foods you should buy them organic or you just shouldn't eat them. For example, blueberries. I've been talking about blueberries forever. We call them brain berries around here, but they hold more pesticides than almost any other fruit, and you just want to ask yourself when it comes to expense, "Do I want to pay now or do I want to pay later," because all the pesticides in your body promote illness, and, yes, some things are more expensive, but not nearly as expensive as you could attest to as getting cancer. Tana Amen: I want to, also, add to that when the studies were done at the Harvard Public School of Health, they actually found that eating healthy turned out to be $1.50 per day per person. Now, if you have six kids, yes, you have to learn how to budget that and be a little more thoughtful, but one of the things people weren't taking into account is that when you truly are doing it, if you're actually being honest and doing this in a really healthy way, you're cutting out things like expensive coffee drinks, and treats and snacks at the movies, which are just treating you to illness, by the way. You're cutting out a lot of the things that you were doing, so people weren't taking into account the fact that they're saving money on fast food and things like that, because they are now doing things in a more wholesome way. It's about $1.50 per day per person. Daniel Amen: We eat out a lot and go to many social functions. What are some of the things I can do to stay on my healthy eating plan? In your purse, put a little bottle of Sweetly. Tana Amen: I've got Stevia and a bar always with me. Daniel Amen: We carry food with us that's healthy, but, anyway, Sweetly makes ten different flavors. I like chocolate, and you'll always have it in your purse, because you love me. I'll get sparkling water and a lime. Nobody will harass me about that. I'll put a little bit in, because I like something a little bit sweet, and I'm perfectly happy. If it's an event where I will eat ahead of time. Tana Amen: That's what I was going to say. Daniel Amen: That way, I will not be tempted to make a mistake. Tana Amen: What we will often do is eat ahead of time, and then pick at the salad and just eat a little bit of this or that. If they have chicken, order it without the sauce. They're usually willing to accommodate you a little bit. Daniel Amen: I like this one. Which brand of permanent hair color do you recommend? Is the media right to say we should stay away from parabens and PPDs? I'm not ready to go gray yet. Tana Amen: Me either. This is a hard one. Daniel Amen: There is a couple of apps. My favorite one is called Think Dirty. Download it. It's free, or the Environmental Working Group as an app called Healthy Living, another one called Skin Deep, and they actually let you scan the products. When I first did this in my bathroom, I literally threw out 70% of the products in my bathroom. Parabens, phthalates and PEGs are endocrine disrupters. I'm putting all this stuff on my body to be sexy for my beautiful wife, and they're completely dropping my testosterone, so I'm not going to feel like being sexy. You don't want to do that. You don't want to put anything in your body that has pesticides in it, and you don't want to put anything on your body with poison, unless, of course, you don't like yourself. If you don't like yourself, that's a psychiatric issue we should talk about. Tana Amen: As far as the hair color goes, that's a hard one. What I have done ... Yes, I'm not going gray yet. Not going to do it. Daniel Amen: I would love you. Tana Amen: I know. He keeps telling me, "Go gray." It's not going to happen. Daniel Amen: I would love you. Tana Amen: I know you would, and I love you for that, but it's not going to happen. You won't have to worry about it. That is the one thing I'm not ready to do, and I'm hoping that someone comes up with a really healthy hair color. They do make hair color, and I can't remember. I want to say it's Schwarzkopf. I'm not 100% sure. There is a brand that makes it without ammonia and lead, but I do know it just has other chemicals in it. Probably a little better than most, but to make up for that, what I do now is I try to be more careful with all the stuff I use on a day to day basis. Does that make sense? I just try to not daily assault my body with all of the chemicals around the house. Daniel Amen: I think we only have time for one more question. I like this last question. How would you recommend some of the Brain MD health products with the Daniel Plan to help maximize potential? I create supplements and have for a long time. They're under our Brand MD health line, and I think everybody should be taking a great multiple vitamin. We make one called Neurovite Plus, an awesome Omega 3 fatty acid supplement. We make Omega 3 Power, and these are different than what you can buy in the store, because they're concentrated, highly purified. Each batch is filtered for 256 toxins, and then I think you should check your vitamin D level and optimize it. We have products, if you tend to be a worrier and over focused, if your mood is not good, if you feel too anxious, you can't focus, or you have memory issues. I think supplements help you mind the gap between that perfect diet and what most people do. Tana Amen: I would add to that one last thing, and that is that we make an awesome protein powder, because a lot of the recipes you will see, are things like smoothies and stuff like that, so we make a plant based protein powder that includes all the amino acids, branch chain amino acids, if you're a vegan. It's got fiber in it. It's got no sugar, so it's really clean. Tastes really good, chocolate and vanilla. I think that that's another product that goes really nicely with The Daniel Plan. I'm biased, because I helped create it. Daniel Amen: Yes, you did. Tana Amen: I really like it, and because we use it in so many recipes. That's one thing. I just want to touch really quickly before we end on that question, because it's just been stuck in my head, about the person who does the self-sabotage. Chances are you have learned to ... You've learned a series of habits that are sabotaging you, and you can learn tiny habits that will help you get back on track. It's about those daily habits. That's why we call it training, the daily training of a warrior. You just have to start that training and start with small habits, and build on them, but it's about daily training. You can't show up for the fight, you can't show up on fight day and expect to win if you're not training every day, so just every day, start those small things that are going to help build you up and get back on track. Daniel Amen: One habit that I just really love, actually it's on the top of my to do list, it's every morning, I start with today is going to be a great day, because then my brain will find why today is going to be a great day. I, also, start with what I'm going to do today. Is it good for my brain or bad for my brain? In the Daniel Plan, there are literally hundreds of daily habits that you can begin to put in your life. Just do one thing at a time. Tana Amen: One thing at a time. Daniel Amen: When you make a mistake, learn from it. Tana Amen: Just get back. Up fell down. Get back up. You only fail if you stay down. Daniel Amen: We are praying for your success. We are thrilled to be on this journey with you. You can tune in. The Daniel Plan has so many different resources. Tana and I have two new books called The Brain Warrior's Way, The Brain Warrior's Way Cookbook. It's all Daniel Plan friendly. We're just grateful you're part of our communities. Tana Amen: Thank you so much.
Discussion (0)
Hi, I'm Donnie Osmond, and welcome to the Brain Warrior's Way, hosted by my friends
Daniel and Tana Amon.
Now, in this podcast, you're going to learn that the war for your health is one between
your ears.
That's right.
If you're ready to be sharper and have better memory, mood, energy, and focus, well then
stay with us.
Here are Daniel and Tana Amen.
This next question is really good.
What do you recommend to help me maintain my motivation?
I'm good for a week and then motivation goes out the window.
So what do you think?
I would say that this is where knowing your why
and having it firmly planted in your head
and not making it about something temporary.
Put it up where you can see it every day. The Daniel plan book actually have an exercise.
We call the one page miracle on one piece of paper, write down what you want and then ask
yourself every day. It is my behavior. Get me what I want. That's, that's what I was going to say.
And it's brilliant. It's what you really need to do. When I was training for my black belt test,
brilliant. You're brilliant. I love you. Um, so could we say it one more time?
You are brilliant, my love. So when I was training for my black belt test,
you know, the six years of hard work and there were times where I'm like, okay, I'm just done.
I'm tired. It's hard. This is hard. I'm tired of getting bruises and whatever. And, but what I did
was keep, stop looking at me like that. So he thinks I'm crazy. So I kept these
signs and motivational quotes and things like that around the room where I train. And that
really helps me. I kept pictures of amazing people that inspire me and the end result.
And I kept what my goal was at the end firmly planted so that I didn't lose sight of it just
because I was tired. So motivation and why go hand in hand. You have to know your why, and it has to be so important.
You just stick with it. Like I wanted to go to medical school. It was a big endeavor,
but I wanted to do that. So everything else became around that goal. So you just want to know
why you want to be healthy. I find I'm my own worst enemy.
How can I change this about myself? Well, it's true for everybody who's not healthy, right? It's
your own worst enemy because you're not focused on being well. So I, Tana and I wrote a book called
The Brain Warrior's Way because it's a war. If you're not arm prepared and aware, then,
you know, our society is not set up for your health. Our society is set up for your illness.
So one thing I'd probably say about that, because I think we all have at some time in our lives
done this sabotage thing. You know, most of us have done like a self-sabotage thing at some
point in our lives. And if you look at why you do that and you really figure it out, what I like to do
is have people think about the times because we probably most likely at some point in your lives,
you've also really succeeded. You've done something really well. So even if it was,
you know, when you were in seventh grade and you made the cheerleading team or the,
you know, the basketball team or whatever it was, think about that time, what you did,
what went into that and really break it down step-by that time, what you did, what went into
that and really break it down step-by-step. Did you go to sleep earlier? Did you practice? Were
you just really focused on it and really serious about it? Break it down step-by-step. Chances are
there's a formula there. And if you apply that same formula and you look at what you're doing
now that is sabotaging you, I bet you can see that there's a big gap in what you're doing now
and what you did then to be very successful. So I'm going to bunch these two questions. How do I overcome emotional
eating? I find that food is the first place to go when I'm sad, stressed, or bored. I'm going
to combine that with what do you recommend to help with cravings and sugar? I want sugar all day long. And ultimately, sugar and foods that quickly turn to sugar, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice,
sugar, cause an insulin response in your body.
So what that means, your body sees sugar, your pancreas produces a lot of insulin in
that way to drive the sugar into your cells. Well, one of the other things it also does
is it works on an amino acid called tryptophan and drives tryptophan into your brain. Well,
why do you care about that? Tryptophan is the amino acid building block for serotonin.
It makes you happy. So yes, brownies, cupcakes, Rocky Road ice cream, they all make you happy
short term. They give you inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, cupcakes, Rocky Road ice cream. They all make you happy short-term. They give you
inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, and Alzheimer's disease long-term.
So you want to go short-term benefit, long-term problem. There are other ways to increase
serotonin. Exercise is one. I think you actually use exercise as an antidepressant. So when you're having a craving,
go for a walk. And then there's supplements like 5-HTP and saffron that can help naturally boost
serotonin in the brain. I want to touch on something too. That's absolutely true. And
here's the really, really simple thing you can do. Stop eating sugar. So when you eat sugar and
simple carbs, you crave some sugar and simple carbs. When you stop, it's hard for a couple of days. And then if you eat some fat and
healthy protein, like we talked about in the beginning, those cravings will start to go away
within a few days. They'll start to subside. But we're like, I'm getting dozens of messages now
that the holidays are over about people who were warriors and then got off track because of the
holidays. And now they're really struggling to get back on. That's exactly what happens because as soon as you start eating those
foods, they're addictive. And the more you eat sugar and simple carbs, the more you crave them.
So the only way to get off of them is to get off of them. So use the same solution.
And to see them as a weapon of mass destruction.
So go back to step one, the thing you did in the beginning and start over.
Eating well and buying all these organic foods you recommend is expensive. I go to grocery stores
and compare the price of organic fruit and vegetables to the regular ones. And I just
can't do it. Is there a way to make eating well, more affordable? So again,, it'll tell you which foods
that are okay, not organic, and which foods you should buy them organic or you just shouldn't
eat them. So for example, blueberries, I've been talking about blueberries forever. We call them
brain berries around here, but they hold more pesticides than almost any other fruit. And
you just want to ask
yourself when it comes to expense, do I want to pay now or do I want to pay later? Because all
the pesticides in your body promote illness. And yes, some things are more expensive, but not nearly
as expensive as you could attest to as getting cancer. And I want to also add to that.
When the studies were done at the Harvard Public School of Health,
they actually found that eating healthy turned out to be $1.50 per day per person.
Now, if you have six kids, yes, you have to learn how to budget that
and be a little more thoughtful.
But one of the things people weren't taking into account
is that when you truly are doing it,
if you're actually being honest and doing this in a really healthy way, you're cutting out things like expensive coffee
drinks and treats and snacks at the movies, which are just treating you to illness, by the way.
You're cutting out a lot of the things that you were doing. So people weren't taking into account
the fact that they're saving money on fast food and things like that because they are
now doing things in a more wholesome way. So it's about $1.50 per day per person.
We eat out a lot and go to many social functions. What are some of the things I can do to stay
on my healthy eating plan? In your purse, put a little bottle of sweet leaf.
I've got Stevia and like a bar always with me. So we carry food with us that's healthy.
But anyway, sweet leaf makes like 10 different flavors.
I like chocolate.
And you'll always have it in your purse because you love me.
So I'll get sparkling water and a lime.
Nobody will harass me about that.
I'll put a little bit in because I like something a little bit sweet.
And I'm like perfectly happy.
And if it's an event where I will eat ahead of time,
that way I will not be tempted to make a mistake.
And so what we will often do is eat ahead of time
and then pick at the salad
and just eat a little bit of this or that.
If they have chicken, order it without the sauce.
They're usually willing to accommodate you a little bit.
So I like this one.
Which brand of permanent hair color do you recommend? Is the media right to say
we should stay away from parabens and PPDs? I'm not ready to go green.
Me either. Okay. So this is a hard one.
So there is a couple of apps. My favorite one is called Think Dirty, but you can actually download it.
It's free.
Or the Environmental Working Group has an app called Healthy Living, another one called Skin Deep.
And they actually let you scan the products.
And when I first did this in my bathroom, I literally threw out 70% of the products in my bathroom.
Parabens and phthalates and PEGs are endocrine disruptors.
So, you know, I'm putting all this stuff on my body to be sexy for my beautiful wife and they're
completely dropping my testosterone. So I'm not going to feel like being sexy. You don't want to
do that. You don't want to put anything in your body that has pesticides in it. And you don't want to
put anything on your body with poison, unless of course you don't like yourself. And if you don't
like yourself, you know, that's a psychiatric issue we should talk about. So as far as the
hair color goes, that's a hard one. So what I have done, yes, I'm not going gray yet.
Not going to do it. So I know he keeps telling me, go gray. It's not going to happen.
I would love you.
I know you would. And I love you for that, but it's not going to happen. You won't have to
worry about it. So that is the one thing I'm not ready to do. And I'm hoping that someone comes up
with a really healthy hair color. They do make hair color. And I can't remember. I want to say
it's Schwarzkopf. I'm not a hundred percent sure. There is a brand that makes it without ammonia
and lead, but I do know it's, it just has other chemicals in it, probably a little better than most.
But to make up for that, what I do now is I try to be more careful with all the stuff I use on a day-to-day basis. Does that make sense? So I just try to not daily assault my body with all of the
chemicals around the house. All right. So I think we only have time for one more question. I like
this last question. How would you recommend some of the BrainMD health products with the Daniel plan to help
maximize potential?
So I create supplements and have for a long time.
They're under our BrainMD health line.
And I think everybody should be taking a great multiple vitamin.
We make one called Neurovite Plus, an awesome omega-3 fatty acid supplement.
We make omega-3 power. And these are different
than what you can buy in the store because they're concentrated, highly purified. Each
batch is filtered for 256 toxins. And then I think you should check your vitamin D level
and optimize it. And then we have products if you tend to be a worrier and over-focused,
if your mood's not good, if you feel too anxious, you can't focus or you have memory
issues. So I think supplements help you mind the gap between, you know, that perfect diet
and what most people do. I would add to that one last thing. And that is that we make an
awesome protein powder because a lot of the recipes you will see are things like smoothies and stuff like that. So we make a plant
based protein powder that includes all the amino acids. If you are branch chain amino acids, if
you're a vegan, it's got fiber in it, it's got no sugar. So it's really clean, tastes really good
chocolate and vanilla. So I think that that's another product that goes really nicely with
the Daniel plan. So I'm biased because I helped create it. So I really like it. And because we use it in so
many recipes. So that's one thing I just want to touch really quickly before we end on that
question, because it's just been stuck in my head about the person who does the self-sabotage.
Chances are you have learned to, you've learned a series of habits that are sabotaging you,
and you can learn tiny habits that will help
you get back on track. It's about those daily habits. That's why we call it training, the daily
training of a warrior. So you just have to start that training and start with small habits and
build on them. But it's about daily training. You can't show up for the fight. You can't show up on
fight day and expect to win if you're not training every day. So just every day, start those small
things that are going to help build you up and get back on track. So one habit that I just really love,
actually, that's on the top of my to-do list. It's every morning I start with today is going
to be a great day because then my brain will find why today is going to be a great day.
I also start with what I'm going to do today. Is it good for my brain or bad for my brain?
So you in the Daniel plan there,
I mean, literally hundreds of daily habits
that you can begin to put in your life.
Just do one thing at a time.
And when you make a mistake, learn from it.
Just get back up.
You fell down, get back up.
You only fail if you stay down.
So we are praying for your success. We are thrilled to be on this journey with you. You can
tune in. The Daniel Plan has so many different resources. Tana and I have two new books called
The Brain Warrior's Way, The Brain Warrior's Way Cookbook. It's all Daniel Plan friendly.
We're just grateful you're part of our communities.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for listening to today's show, The Brain Warrior's Way. Why don't you head over to That's, where Daniel and Tana have a gift for you
just for subscribing to the show. And when you post your review on iTunes, you'll be entered
into a drawing where you can win a VIP visit to one of the Amen clinics.
I'm Donnie Osmond, and I invite you to step up your brain game by joining us in the next episode.
Thank you.