Change Your Brain Every Day - How to Salvage Your Brain from Slowly Melting Away with Dr Derose
Episode Date: March 15, 2017We have a very special guest today, Dr David DeRose, who wrote a book called 30 Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control. Dr DeRose is a board certified specialist in internal medicine and preventive me...dicine, he also holds a master in Public Health with an emphasis in health promotion and health education, that's what you and I do all the time. He currently serves as president of Compass Health Consulting where he helps develop media resources and services that enable individuals and groups to better harness lifestyle and other natural therapies.
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Hi, I'm Donnie Osmond, and welcome to The Brain Warrior's Way, hosted by my friends
Daniel and Tana Amon.
Now, in this podcast, you're going to learn that the war for your health is one between
your ears.
That's right.
If you're ready to be sharper and have better memory, mood, energy, and focus, well then
stay with us.
Here are Daniel and Tana Amen.
Welcome to the Brain Warriors Way podcast. I'm Tana Amen. I'm here with my husband,
Dr. Daniel Amen. We have a very special show for you. Many of you know I'm working on a book called Memory Rescue. And it's based on how you rescue it is you get rid of all the risk
factors that deteriorate your brain. And one of the major risk factors is having hypertension,
high blood pressure, or even pre-hypertension. And we have a very special guest today, Dr. David DeRose, who wrote a book
called 30 Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control. Dr. DeRose is a board-certified specialist in
internal medicine and preventive medicine. He also holds a master in public health with an
emphasis in health promotion and health education. That's what you and I do all the time. He currently serves as president of Compass Health Consulting, where he helps develop media resources and services that enable individuals and groups to better harness lifestyle and other natural therapies. As a published medical
researcher, syndicated radio show host, heard on over 140 stations, popular lecturer and practicing
physician, Dr. DeRose has been helping people address disease processes naturally for some
three decades. So I really love his bio, but I really want to take a
moment to give him a personal introduction because I had so much fun on your radio station, Dr. De
Rose, and I love that you are so service-oriented, which I have a big heart for as well. So welcome.
Thanks so much, Tana and Daniel. It's great to be with you guys.
So talk to us about why this particular issue, hypertension, is so important
to you that you wrote a book about it. And rather than most physicians who have a pill for every ill,
you decided to tackle this from a natural or integrative medicine approach.
Well, Daniel, I think both you and
Tana well know, I mean, this is a huge epidemic in America. About a third of the population have
high blood pressure, the adult population, and it's getting worse. I mean, if you look at data,
I mean, it's really startling. If you look at individuals in their 50s and 60s in the U.S.
who don't have high blood pressure today, if they live into their 80s, the current
statistic is about 90% of them will have high blood pressure. And so we've got this huge,
huge epidemic. And people are largely complacent about it. I mean, the current data is only about
50% of people even have their blood pressure controlled to the current guidelines, which
are really not optimal for brain health. So whether you look at the risk
of stroke, whether you look at cognitive decline, the whole host of things that's getting the
attention of Americans today and that you guys are doing such a great job highlighting, we're
not addressing adequately with the current medication approaches. So why do you think
there is such a dramatic increase? And if I remember right, I was just at a conference and they said a third of us
have high blood pressure, but another third of us are pre-hypertensive. And the imaging work that
we have done here at Amon Clinics, we have seen as your blood pressure goes up, blood flow to the brain goes down, even if you're prehypertensive compared to people in a
more optimal range. Yeah. I mean, we've had data now for several decades that indicate that probably
an optimal blood pressure off of medication is somewhere around 110 over 75 or actually lower.
That's where cardiovascular risk is the lowest. The problem
is once you start using medications to treat it, you're adding really a host of things that bring
their own side effects. And a lot of the data suggests that to get your blood pressure down
that low with medications for many people is counterproductive. So we've got this epidemic
and it probably has to do with our lifestyles with basically arteriosclerosis,
the hardening of those small blood vessels. So they're not as flexible. The body is having to
generate more pressure to circulate the blood. And so we're dealing with a problem that then
we treat with medications that sometimes bring their own side effects as well.
So I love that you work from a preventive standpoint. That's what we really like as well.
I was a trauma nurse and to just give the
medications, I think of it as the equivalent of putting a Band-Aid over a bullet hole.
So I love this idea that you work on the prevention, you're looking for the root cause
because to just treat with medication, you're never teaching people how to actually change it
for real. And those medications, a lot of them have a lot of side effects.
No, you're exactly right. And I think the reason, and we suggest this in the book, is that the reason why we have such poor rates of
control, I've seen it as a clinician. People come in, stop their medications because of the side
effects. So go through with us the natural approach to getting your blood pressure under
control. I read your book and I really liked it a lot. I was inspired
by it. And who gets inspired about blood pressure, right? But I just know the damage it can do to
someone's brain. And if it damages your brain, it's damaging anywhere where there is blood flow.
And think about this as an ICU nurse. I mean, that's one of our major things we're watching like a hawk is blood pressure. So it's important.
And we also want to talk about, we give a basically a 10 point approach to dealing with
blood pressure naturally. And it's actually summarized in the subtitle of the book. So
the book is called 30 Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control, but the subtitle is The No Pressure Solution.
And I kind of joke with my audiences, we're not talking about no pressure as in getting
your blood pressure down to zero over zero. I like that.
Yeah, no pressure is a mnemonic. So N stands for nutrition. O stands for optimal choice of
beverages. P is for physical activity. R is for rest. E is for environment,
some amazing stuff on environment and how that impacts blood pressure. Then we talk about stress
management and social support. Those are those two S's in the heart of the word pressure. Then
we talk about use of natural adjuncts. The R is for refraining from pressors. Those are things
that actually raise
your blood pressure. And then the E is basically a spiritual component. So exercising faith in a
creator or looking for that spiritual connectedness that a lot of us are missing.
That's interesting. It's very similar to our approach. I like that.
I love the mnemonic in Memory Rescue. We talk a lot about how do you remember things. So no pressure is awesome.
So go into detail, at least a little bit, with each of those.
What are the one or two things you want people to go away with?
Let me give you some of the things that really people miss.
So let's start with nutrition.
We talk about a number of things.
It's one of the longest chapters in the book.
But let me just highlight one, which actually was news to me probably six years ago
when I started researching this topic. And that is some of the most common drugs that we have today
target a fairly complex system that I know you both are well aware of, but a lot of people
have never heard of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. But this hormonal system
actually is perpetuating high
blood pressure in many people. And we've got a whole host of drugs, last count, something like
40 different medications out there that target this system in some shape or fashion.
The amazing thing about plant foods, foods from plant sources, many of them have natural
ACE inhibitory compounds. In plain English, these are natural phytochemicals that
actually, it's like small amounts of drugs that are actually helping naturally lower your blood
pressure when you're eating peanuts or when you're eating soybeans or when you're eating a host of
things that have been identified. The potatoes have these ACE inhibitory peptides. So eating
these foods actually have benefits as far as lowering blood pressure.
That's so interesting.
So we talk about using food as medicine.
And clearly, in this case, what's good for your brain really is good for your heart and vice versa.
So I want to clarify one thing with you, though.
When you talk about soybeans, we often say that some organic soybeans are fine.
We just don't want people eating the processed soy.
So like the cheap soy oils.
What are your thoughts on that?
No, this is a great message.
We talk in the book about whole plant foods. Once you start refining things is when you get in
trouble. So we're, we're basically, we're right on the same page. Excellent. So I want to bring
something up too. And just because I want our listeners to really hear this, we don't want
anybody going off their medication without the help of their doctor, which I did.
Okay. Because I was really sick at one point and I had a very high heart rate when I was going through treatments for thyroid cancer. They put me on a beta blocker. And I have to tell you,
it was one of the most miserable experiences I can remember through that whole process.
So anybody listening, there are a lot of people who know what I'm saying. Probably not everyone
experiences that, but it was terrible for me. So I took myself off of it, ended up with a very high heart rate. It was
scary. So don't do that. But we want you to know that there's hope if you go to a physician or you
read a book like this, and then you work with a physician to try some of these natural ways
to manage your blood pressure. So what would you say to that?
No, Tana, you are right on point. We spend a lot of time early in the book. And one person was a little bit frustrated because we take a lot
of time talking about these things. You cannot just stop blood pressure medications. And you
were fortunate that you were young and healthy or relatively healthy when you stopped that beta
blocker because people have stopped that class of drugs and have actually triggered a heart attack.
Other people, there's other drugs
that you can stop and you can actually end up with what we call rebound hypertension where the blood
pressure goes higher than it's ever been before. So we talk about all that in the book and you are
totally making one of the most key points that we make and that is don't just do this on your own,
start making the changes, but bring your health practitioner into that dialogue from day one,
check your blood pressure and keep in touch with that individual.
No, I love that. And the other thing that I like to tell people, because I had a physician who
just wouldn't go along with the fact that I wanted to try some natural things. And your doctor is not
your daddy or mommy or your boss. You really want to find a physician who will work with you. So
they're supposed to be your partner. So if you really want to find a physician who will work with you. So they're supposed to be
your partner. So if you really want to try some natural things and you're not getting the answer
you want, one, it may be that you really do need the drugs, but there's a good chance that you need
a doctor who is more savvy to the natural methods. And I'd love to hear your thoughts on that as well.
No, I mean, there's a great group. I've been connected with them in the past,
American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
That's one group.
There's other groups that you can go through
to try to find people
that have more of that natural orientation.
Really, you do want care providers
that are your allies
and not someone that you feel like
you're locking horns with
every time you walk in the office.
No, I like that.
The other one where I've taken a lot of my classes is the American Academy of
Anti-Aging Medicine. So A4M is also, they have a huge resource, a huge network.
So let's go through the rest of the mnemonic because I'm always with,
so what are the practical things I can do? So O stands for?
Optimal choice of beverages. And really, if you want one takeaway point is just
get the water out because just about every other beverage, at least ones that are consumed in large
amounts in America, are contributing to hypertension, whether it's the caffeinated
soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, a lot of people don't realize those are contributing to the
epidemic. So really, water is the best beverage you can drink.
What about green tea?
You know, green tea has got a number of healthy phytochemicals in it.
The EGCG is one of those things that is, you know, an antioxidant, particularly powerful.
But I'm telling people they've got to be on some rigid program.
We're just educating them.
And then they apply things.
We actually encourage them through the book.
We have worksheets where people are making decisions as they go through what they're going to fine-tune
to try to move their blood pressure in the right direction. Excellent. I like that a lot. Water,
be careful with caffeine. Alcohol is not a health food. It's now associated with seven
different cancers. This is the first heart specialist I've heard say that.
Well, it's just this mythology that runs around that I should have two glasses of red wine a day because it's good for my heart.
Yeah, but you're going to make bad decisions.
No, you got it.
You guys are right on track.
And it's always great to deal with people who are looking at the big picture.
In our ranks is actually scary.
So what about P?
P is physical activity. I try to give people a simple message is, look, it's another day,
you're going to eat, right? You're going to sleep, you're going to exercise. What do you get that connection in? You're going to make a big difference as far as your blood pressure.
And R? I mean, we're all about physical activity. R?
Yeah. R is for rest. And it's scary when you look at data on how we're driving ourselves as a
society. When we're short on sleep, we are ramping up those stress hormones and they're raising our
blood pressure as well as worsening insulin resistance and a host of other things. So
whether you think, well, hey, I don't even need any caffeine. If you're cutting yourself short on sleep, you're driving those stress hormones and
you're raising your blood pressure. Absolutely essential. And sleep apnea is at epidemic
proportions. And people even get diagnosed with it and won't get it treated, which makes me a
little crazy. We actually see sleep apnea on our spec scans look like early Alzheimer's disease.
And the E?
E is for environment.
Let me give you more on aspects of environment.
And that is noise.
Some of the research is fascinating on where you live affects your blood pressure.
If you're living by a noisy street, your blood pressure will be higher than if you're
living in a quieter rural area.
Now, some people say,
I got a reverse mortgage. And what am I going to do? Just moving your bedroom to the side of
the house away from the busy street by actual research data will lower your blood pressure.
Yeah, I've certainly experienced that myself. I'm highly affected by
noisy environments. I just feel my entire energy shifting.
Imagine what it was like growing up with five sisters.
It's a wonder my pressure is okay. I think that that's why you're so mellow now. They inoculated you. And the first S? First S is for stress management. We've been a little bit already.
We go through a whole construct of things people can do. So important. And U? U is for use of
natural adjuncts. And there we talk about everything from L-arginine to coenzyme
Q10 to a beverage. I know Tana was a little disturbed. It seemed like that we were sweeping
all the teas under the bus, if you will. But we didn't do that. It's actually a natural blood
pressure lowering herbal beverage. Does omega-3 fatty acids have any impact natural blood pressure lowering herbal beverage.
Does omega-3 fatty acids have any impact on blood pressure?
Oh, yes, most definitely. Yeah. We actually recommend omega-3 fat intake. We suggest that you're probably best off getting it from plant sources to avoid the heavy metals,
which actually come under that R, the last R, which is refraining from pressors. Many of the
heavy metals actually have blood pressure raising effects. It's also true of these commonly used
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the Motrins, the ibuprofen, Advil. These things
actually, they raise blood pressure. And when we think about adjuncts for pain management,
we mentioned things like turmeric, we mentioned omega-3 fats. We mentioned Boswellia. So there's a number of natural things you can use to help with the pain that do not
raise blood pressure, may even tend to lower it. So yeah, one thing I've learned is turmeric with
a little bit of black pepper in it. So some of the supplements helps it absorb better
and decreases inflammation. Except not brain curcumens. The one that we make here,
it actually doesn't need black pepper because
it is absorbed so well, which is often awesome. And then the E.
Well, the E is actually a question. And the question for the chapter is exercising faith
in God is a question. And we've really written that chapter to deal with the broad topic of
spirituality. For some people, it is tied to a personal spiritual being. For
other people, they relate more from an atheistic or agnostic perspective, but they're spiritual
beings as well. And we talk in that chapter about how important it is to cultivate what a lot of
people in the mental health field are calling virtues, talking about humility and compassion,
mercy, things of this nature that have been held in esteem across spiritual tradition.
So I'm a huge fan of Viktor Frankl and Man's Search for Meaning. Unfortunately,
Freud won and we got psychoanalysis. Frankl developed something called Logos Therapy,
which is getting in touch with your deepest sense of meaning and purpose. And I always found that as
a psychiatrist, much more helpful, much more healing
than thinking about the Oedipal complex and wanting to have sex with your mother. I always
thought that was a little odd and bizarre and difficult to bring up in therapy.
And as somebody who's been through severe depression, going through a health crisis,
one thing we teach is helping people turn pain into purpose. And it's so powerful.
So powerful.
That's certainly been a huge part of your story.
So I know we're running out of time, David.
We are so grateful for your book, for your time.
And where can people learn more about your work and natural strategies for treating high blood pressure?
The single best place to go is on Amazon. The book, 30 Days to Natural Blood Pressure,
is readily available. And I'm learning that the book actually has a special benefit
helping people deal with stress. We found that a few people with slow internet connections,
because it's such an information-dense book over a hundred graphs, one time to download. We've had a few people get frustrated trying to download the
Kindle edition and saying bad things about the book because they couldn't get it to download.
That's hilarious.
They need it because they're getting stressed out with their impatience.
I just have one more question before we have to stop. And that's actually the opposite end
of blood pressure. Because one of the things in
writing Memory Rescue that I learned is, yes, high blood pressure doubles your risk for Alzheimer's
disease. It's bad for every organ in your body. But the older you get, having low blood pressure
is a risk factor for Alzheimer's in older people. So what do people do
if their blood pressure is too low? Well, I think what we're looking at is people that are
over-medicated. We put more and more people on these cardiovascular drugs and we may say,
well, they're not being treated for blood pressure. We have an ACE inhibitor to protect
their kidneys, a beta blocker for their heart failure. I think this is really where we're getting into trouble. And the research
does indicate that if you've got vascular disease, you don't want to lower your blood pressure to
110 over 70 with medications. So that's really the message I'm trying to get out there. Stick
with the natural approaches and try to minimize really pushing those meds so much. And that's
something that we got to keep in touch with as a medical profession. Great. Well, thank you so much
for being part of the Brain Warriors Way podcast. We look forward to meeting you in person and
helping to support your work in any way we can. Thanks, Dr. DeRose. It's mutual. Thanks, guys.
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I'm Donnie Osmond, and I invite you to step up your brain game by joining us in
the next episode.