Change Your Brain Every Day - Inside the Mind of Clara Woods: A Nonverbal Artist with a Powerful Voice

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

Clara Woods is a neurodivergent artist who suffered a prenatal stroke, leaving her unable to speak, read, or write. Despite her challenges, Clara's vibrant artwork has been featured at world-renowned ...exhibits like Art Basel. In this powerful episode, Dr. Amen and Tana explore Clara’s brain scan, uncovering the remarkable ways her mind adapts. Joined by her mother, Betina, they discuss Clara’s journey, the impact of also having ADHD, and essential strategies for supporting individuals with special needs. 00:00 Intro 01:23 Sponsor 02:30 Clara & Betina 03:57 Prenatal Stroke 10:40 Painting 15:19 Inspiring Others 18:41 ADHD/Conflict Seeking Behavior 21:56 Clara’s SPECT Scans 27:48 How Art Helps the Mind 30:16 Overcoming Communication Challenges 31:41 Navigating Family Issues 35:24 Spreading the Message of Inclusion 37:26 Seizures and the Brain 41:30 The Impact of ADD on the Family 43:42 Your Brain Can Get Better 45:09 Sponsor 45:36 Wrap Up

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Art is my happy place. When I paint, it's like my brain takes a big deep breath and relaxes. Sometimes when I feel sad or frustrated, painting helps me let all those feelings out like magic. I can put all my colors, shades, and ideas on the candles and suddenly I feel so much better. It's like my paintbrush is talking for me since I can't use my words. Painting helps me show the world what's in my heart and mind. It makes me feel strong and proud like I can do anything. Art is my superpower.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Every day, you are making your brain better or you are making it worse. Stay with us to learn how you can change your brain for the better every day. In this week's episode on the Change Your Brain Every Day podcast, Tan and I are joined by a mother daughter duo, Clara and Bettina Woods. I met Clara at our 35th anniversary event and was blown away by her story. Clara suffered a stroke in the womb and had come to see us at Amon Clinics Costa Mesa for treatment. This is her powerful story of resilience, hope and healing. Hope you enjoy this week's episode. I hope you enjoy this week's episode. Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, obsessive thinking, past emotional trauma,
Starting point is 00:01:32 ADHD, or brain fog and don't know where to turn? Are your relationships a mess and you don't know why? Have you had a brain injury, concussion, or just don't feel the same after COVID? Is your memory worse than it was 10 years ago? Or do you have a parent or grandparent with dementia and want to work on prevention? Yes, prevention is possible, but the sooner you start, the better. For 35 years, we've been changing people's brains and their lives using brain-spec imaging and a personalized natural approach to brain
Starting point is 00:02:13 and mental health care and we have some of the best published outcomes anywhere. Go to to learn more. And when you call us, mention Podcast 10 for a 10% discount. Joining us today are Clara and Bettina Woods, a remarkable mother-daughter duo who have overcome incredible challenges. Clara is a talented painter and model, suffered a prenatal stroke, leaving her unable to read, write or speak. But her art speaks volumes with her mother's support. Clara has hosted over 30 exhibitions worldwide, including exhibitions worldwide, including at Art Basel in Miami with Louis Vuitton. So I met Clara at our 35th anniversary opening at our Costa Mesa Clinic. And I was, there was a long line of people and I was talking to people. Then I saw Clara out of the corner of my eye.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And she's so beautiful. And she started crying when she saw me. And I started crying too. And then when I heard her story, I'm like, Clara's the reason we do what we do here at Amen Clinics. And I just had to have her and her mom on the podcast. So having the stroke even before you're born, that I've actually seen a number of them in my career.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And I don't think I've ever seen someone who became an artist. And I'm just so proud of you. And now they're seeing Dr. Amina, who's one of our really great child and adult psychiatrists. We just want to share your journey, share your story. Do we want to present ourselves? You can go, I go, okay. You are a bit nervous? Okay. Because Clara has some things in her...
Starting point is 00:04:49 If she wants to speak, then she can use that or I can translate for her. So, yeah, Clara had a stroke. So, I'm from Brazil and then I moved to Italy when I was 22 years old. Just to know, to have an experience and then I got married. Clara was born but we didn't know that she had the stroke and then we knew when she was around one year because she couldn't open her right hand and I was always going to the doctor and saying something is wrong, something's wrong and they they say, no, every child has their own time. Until I went to IKEA and I saw a child of her age doing everything and I said, no, something is really wrong.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And then after the MRI, the doctor called me and said, it's really bad, Clara will not be able to do anything. She will be like a vegetable. I know I should not use this word, but this is what she said. And then I start crying and she said, you are right to cry, your life will be a nightmare and all that.
Starting point is 00:05:57 So, it's nice. No. All by phone and Carlo was out of the couch, so I was alone and I ran back home and I said, but Clara isn't anything what she's saying because she's happy, she's beautiful, she's you know, she was really always laughing and doing so. I was, no, it's not her. And then from there we always tried to live our life like I say normal,
Starting point is 00:06:28 not... I never thought she had a disability, you know. I always live, let's do everything and we never went through like hospitals things and I don't know if for me it was good. Now with Facebook groups all these we get so much fear what can happen, what cannot good. Now with Facebook groups, all these, we get so much fear. What can happen, what cannot happen. I was so grateful that I was not in these things before, because we could try to give her a life. Like, it's okay, let's do what happened and just let's try to navigate. But when she was growing up, then things always were more difficult because when the elementary school we start, we thought she could be able to write or read
Starting point is 00:07:16 and didn't happen. So it was more difficult, the interactions with kids and everything. And I think anyone is prepared to face what's happening in all the school families because they don't know when it has a lot of fear. So when she was in the elementary, like she was throwing rocks or pushing the hair
Starting point is 00:07:42 and then because she's lonely, she was lonely and not because she was mean and not because the other kids were mean. They just doesn't know how to deal with her. And yeah, so. So can I ask a question? Would this technically be considered like a cerebral palsy type of situation or was it something different?
Starting point is 00:08:02 I think yes, it's a cerebral palsy because from the stroke she had a lot of things. She has kind of 12 different diagnosis, but I don't know well all of them. So as a nurse, I worked with Medtronic for a long time. And one of my specialties, I worked with kids with cerebral palsy. And one thing I know is there's a very vast continuum
Starting point is 00:08:26 of, you know, everyone's not the same, right? So vast continuum of function and what kids can do. And I used to get very, very frustrated because one thing people didn't understand was it was almost like sort of being trapped in the body and they understood everything and they knew everything that was going on and people would sort of overlook and talk to you and not to to her and not to Clara and
Starting point is 00:08:54 It was almost like they just didn't know that they were able to process everything they were saying and that's got to be pretty frustrating I don't know she can understand English Italian and Portuguese So she can understand more than anything. And I always say she can understand more because she always understand beforehand what's happening. She can read. So mostly we cannot keep secrets from her. And I say when she starts speaking, I think we need to change the planet because I don't know what's coming from her. But she can communicate really well, like expressing herself with gestures. We tried sign language in Italian here, but it's difficult for her because she's... Most of what the doctor explained,
Starting point is 00:09:45 her biggest problem is using the output of the information. So all kinds of information that goes out, but not in the input because of that, she cannot write, read or. But she paints and so that's one expressive way. And she- And her talker. Yeah, she can use the AAC even if she refuses to use and I'm sure if she starts using more
Starting point is 00:10:10 and more, she will be able to write with her photograph memory and with the phone because when the phone gives suggestions and she knows how to write the word, then it's easier for her. write the word, then it's easier for her, but we are fighting that she will use more. Because she knows even how to program the soft brush, so she knows how to do, but she just says it's, I don't like it. Okay, but she likes painting. Yeah. When did you know you liked painting? Yeah. When did you know you liked painting? Do you want me to say? Okay, you correct me.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Mostly she started just for fun. So when in the beginning she was destroying everything because she thought she was not good enough as the other kids, you know. And then we started seeing colors, forms and we were, ah, this is nice! And then I gave her the book of Frida Kahlo, and she was in love with Frida, I think the story of Frida and hers. And she was kissing the book, she was sleeping with the book, everything.
Starting point is 00:11:25 So it touched her. You liked that book. Did you feel that you could be like Frida doing things despite your disability? Yeah, so it inspired you. So she asked me to show me the page that Frida was in New York and she asked me to go to New York. So we were living in Florence, Italy and then I said, okay, let's try and I always say that this year has changed all our lives because I said we will need to sacrifice like it will not be easy and I could have said to her, no, you have a disability, it will never happen,
Starting point is 00:12:07 or like it's, you know, it's difficult. And then next day we went to a place that they do art exhibitions and we asked to do her exhibition. She was 12. And first they asked to see her artwork if they would like. So then she made the exhibition with 12 years.
Starting point is 00:12:27 That's amazing! So her first exhibition was in Florence? Yes, when she was 12. Yeah, which is the city of art. Yeah, wow! And then it went sold out. There are people who spend their entire lives like trying to get to that point. Yeah, so it went so that I started doing, I had another company so I started managing the two things and then Clara was the first kid to have her own company in Italy because it's not easy like here we need to ask a judge the authorization to open a company for her. And in that time, we decided to not do a non-profit, so people would buy if they want, not to help. So they could see she's an artist and we will treat her as an artist. Maybe it was foolish, but in the sense of all the work behind.
Starting point is 00:13:24 in the sense of all the work behind, you know. And then the same year she went to Japan to do an exhibition in Japan and the first time in Art Basel for a charity event. And when the first time. And then after that in 2019, I sold my business to invest in her, to do with her. And then we asked the visa because my dream was to come to California. And everyone said, you will never get because Clara is 14.
Starting point is 00:13:59 She has a disability and like it's crazy. And then we got the visa in the middle of the pandemic. Oh, wow. We moved here with six bags in 2020. That's amazing. That's so cool. So you went to Art Basel sponsored with Louis Vuitton. Yeah, then in 2021, then we arrive in 2020.
Starting point is 00:14:25 In 2021, then we arrived in 2020. She sold like at that time, I think around 700 artworks around. Wow. So we got a connection with Virgil Abloh and she was doing a project with Off-White. And then- Wow. Yeah, and then what happened that they invited us That's so impressive.
Starting point is 00:14:48 through the Louis Vuitton group, they host this exhibition, but unfortunately Virgil died right before. And then we did the exhibition, but she was expecting to meet him. She had an artwork for him, but it was really nice. And she exhibited with two other artists there. That is so cool, yeah. That's pretty wild. And why didn't you move to California?
Starting point is 00:15:20 So I'm from Brazil and I was 17 years in Europe and I think it's a lot like close-minded. So, when you have ideas it's mostly no, it's too difficult, it's too risky and you know doing this work with her, it's everything against the odds because nobody believes, everyone lives behind your back, even our family, they don't believe that we can do it. And with time became much more about the message than about Clara. And I start realizing after a while, it's not the business or but the message
Starting point is 00:16:02 because we got a lot of messages about people saying they start painting again. They are going out of depression seeing Clara's video. They are like also people said I didn't suicide because I saw your video that day or people with disabilities that you they can do or family. So I think here we have much more opportunities and if we fail, it's okay. People will just cheer you up.
Starting point is 00:16:34 In Europe, it's more you fail like, you know. We told you so. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Wow, you've inspired a lot of people. That's pretty amazing. It reminds me a little bit of the story Johnny when, you know, she broke her neck and just... She is reading the book of Johnny right now.
Starting point is 00:16:54 We have a history of Johnny because with our other business, we used to donate power wheelchairs with her charity in Italy. And this last summer we were in one of her summer camps giving in the week speaking for the families. I have a very good friend who he had pretty severe cerebral palsy but he wanted to get a black belt and And he, it was pretty wild. He had to work really, really hard. It was very difficult, but he ended up getting his black belt. His name was Jacob. He was amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:31 But just having a family that supports you with those dreams and doesn't have that mindset of you can't do that because I hate the word disability, but just really pushes you and encourages you. You remember Jacob? It was such a cool story. Yeah, because we see for us, like Clara, she's amazing and she can do things. She's smart and I'm always saying to her, I'm sorry I'm your mom because I will never let...
Starting point is 00:18:01 I will never see you for people with disabilities. For me, you are not. And everyone has... And it would be much easier if I would, for me, for my life. You don't have to push her. Yeah, yeah. And then she would be in an institute and I could live my life, but I think she can.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And she has so much to offer. You must be so proud though. And yeah, it's a hard work. She's like, you're not gonna have it so easy. How did you hear about us? So, I'm doing all this social media for Clara. So it's like a lot. I'm doing all the social media for Clara, so it's like a lot. We have one and a million followers around,
Starting point is 00:18:51 and I'm managing, so I'm always trying to look for people or listen, but I saw one video that changed my life because Carlo, my husband, is poor ADHD and Cara is ADHD. And it was a video that said about conflict seeking. And I said, this is what I live every day and I never knew. Both of them. And like... She's laughing.
Starting point is 00:19:21 She has ADHD too. I don't. I actually don't believe it. I don't believe I have ADHD. Okay. But she's laughing so she knows I don't. I actually don't believe it. I don't believe I have ADD. But she's laughing, so she knows she does. So, you don't believe it? No. So, I was...
Starting point is 00:19:33 Know the truth. The truth will set you free. So, I was... This is my life and I'm suffering for this and all that. So I start following you and I start sending, I bought the book and I send for everyone that they know that's the ADHD. And in Italy, they don't believe. And I was, because when I got married, I said, Karo, something's really wrong with you. I don't know what.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And you're still married though. So we start going. So something must be wrong with you. I don't know what. And you're still married though. So we start going. So something must be wrong with you. We start going to all the doctors in Italy, but they don't believe, they don't know. So I was okay, one, another, another, anything. And once we came here today, Wes and Carlos saw a flyer and about ADHD and he said, it's me.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And then when we came back, we tried to seek for treatment, but we didn't find, because then they just give a medicine, but it's not about that, you know. And his family didn't believe, they made fun, so it was. And then the conflict seeking for me was, okay, this is, and one day I was really bad because Clara was behaving so bad and Carlo and everything. And because I was, I need to understand Clara's brain.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Is she doing this because it's her character? And then I need to act in one thing or because it's her brain because then I need to do... Very different. Yeah. And I don't know. And if I go to the normal doctors, they will give me like medicine for her that will just knock her down.
Starting point is 00:21:17 So what should I do? It could affect her creativity. Yeah. And like we don't want her under medatched just that it's easier you know or and then I was so desperate that I wrote an email. I'm a desperate mom and I need my life back so I explain everything like I have this husband and I have Clara and all that so I ask for help. have that and all that. So I asked for help. Um, we were honored to help. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:52 And we have your scam. Should we talk about your scam? She can't wait. So you have a beautiful. Yeah. I was going to say it looks really good. Well, this isn't healthy. Oh, it's not hurt. I'm like, wow. So. So the one on the bottom is rest and the one on the top is concentration.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And you really do have a beautiful brand. But if you look here, so probably the stroke was in her right temple. Mostly the left side, it was the more affected because she has all the right side block it of the body. I don't know like. Yeah. of the body. I don't know like... Yeah, what I see, it's mostly on her right, it's her temple. But the thing is it could be better. And that's why I talked about hyperbaric oxygen. That I've treated lots of kids with cerebral palsy and cerebral palsy is sort of this big
Starting point is 00:23:07 umbrella term which means there was an insult either when they were born or right before they were born and the decreases. She's right handed? No, left. She's left handed. So it actually makes sense that she has issues with language, which would be for her, most people saw on the left, but when you're left-handed, on the right. Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:23:34 But if we can stimulate it, it will actually help her a lot. But a lot of your brain is very healthy. I think that's really important to understand. Now when we look at the active sides, again, rest on the bottom, concentration on the top, you have this big hotspot right here in your vasom ganglia and that can make you anxious. Yeah, she's a lot anxious. And so, strategies to calm it down but your cerebellum is sleepy and so, finding ways to stimulate it can be really good. But there's a brain that can be better. That's what I get super excited
Starting point is 00:24:31 about but if you don't look, you don't know. Yeah. And so. Yeah, because since we are coming here, we are much better like also an understanding and trying to relate with her or like giving limits it's important but she's dealing a lot with the nutrition so this is the I know we had a conversation about sugar yeah so she has also the book that she's trying to do some recipes, but it's really difficult for her. But she's trying step by step.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Do you have Tana's cookbook? Yes. Yeah. The nutty butter cups are amazing. Yeah. So she's trying and yeah... And the other day, normally she does... She had seizures for a while.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Back then, we got her under meds and then she was not having... We took out the meds and then she had a small seizure two weeks ago after a long time without... But she handled all by herself because we were at yoga and it was the only time we were out trying to make the independent and all this autonomy life and then she had a small seizure and she wrote me, are you at yoga? I said yes, but she didn't tell me anything. So when we arrived home, she was crying and crying,
Starting point is 00:26:08 but she handled by herself. And you told Dr. Amina that? No, I need to write him now. Yeah, I'm a little bit late. Yeah, because sometimes when there's a focal hotspot. Because that's the one on the right, right? The one on the right or left? It's on the left. Sometimes when there's a focal hotspot, because that's the one on the right, right? Well, on the right or left? It's on the left.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Sometimes the medicine can actually calm that down and also decrease anxiety. So if it's this hot, something to consider. And sugar, another reason to get rid of it, increases the vulnerability of seizures. In fact, I have a granddaughter who was born with a genetic problem and has struggled. And when she was five months old, she had wicked seizures. In fact, in one day, she had 160 of them. And on a ketogenic diet, her seizures went away. So ketogenic diet is basically getting rid of all carbohydrates. And over time, her
Starting point is 00:27:19 diet is better, but she takes medicine. And it's really helpful. Yeah, because it can also help mood stability and make you just a little bit more level. But I like the idea of a hyperbaric chambers. You might talk to Dr. Amina about that. Yeah. And may even help her more. Now, how do you think your art helps your mind? How do you think it helps your mental health? Let me find for you because it's so small. Because we prepare some answers.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Here, this one. It's here. Go. I saw. Go. Art is my happy place. When I paint, it's like my brain takes a big, deep breath and relaxes. Sometimes when I feel sad or frustrated, painting helps me let all those feelings out, like magic. I can put all my colors, shapes, and ideas on the canvas, and suddenly I feel so much better. It's like my paintbrush is talking for me since I can't use my words.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Painting helps me show the world what's in my heart and mind. And you know what? It makes me feel strong and proud like I can do anything. Art is my superpower. I want to hear more. Do we want to tell all of you? Do we want to tell others? It's pretty great communication. I was still in my mom's tummy when it happened. My brain works a little differently because of that. And that's why I have something called cerebral palsy.
Starting point is 00:29:20 When you look at my brain scan, you'll see some parts that look like they've been on a little adventure. They had to find new parts. and that's why I have something called cerebral palsy. When you look at my brain scan you'll see some parts that look like they've been on a little adventure they had to find new ways to work. It's like my brain is a big puzzle and the pieces had to fit together in a different way. I think that makes me unique and I love showing people how special every brain is even if it's a little broken like mine. I hope sharing my story helps people understand more about cerebral palsy and how amazing our brains are.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And guess what? Even with a brain like mine, I can paint, travel and have so much fun. Our differences make us awesome. That's amazing. I love that. We wrote that yesterday. We've shared GPT. So we, she told me what she wants to say. And then we wrote and. It's pretty awesome communication. Is that the AAC software?
Starting point is 00:30:08 Yes. Yeah. Is that what, is that what Emmy uses? Yes. Yeah. Our granddaughter uses that. And she can put together so many different things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:16 So, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:24 So, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. So. Yeah. Is that what is that what Emmy uses? Yes. Yeah. Our granddaughter uses that. And she can put together so many words where you would have no idea. She can't verbalize otherwise. Yeah, Clara, she can, I understand her a lot, like, just like this. understand her a lot like just like this. She can write some words and now with the phone it's much easier but I think it when she use this but it's too slow for her so she doesn't like it. And then you need to search but I'm saying if you use half a day half an hour a day and then you will to search, but I'm saying if you use half an hour a day, and then you will be able to find fast the words, then I think she will be able to write, but I'm still trying to convince her.
Starting point is 00:31:14 But I can see where if you're in a general conversation and you're wanting to respond quickly, she probably gets frustrated. And it's really hard in the family because like if I say to her, I can't understand you. So you need to use that. Our days are already so busy and some days hard and some days then it's difficult to put also this block and the other side, how she will learn. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I'm trying to figure out. And you have another child too. Yeah. He's 12. He's 12. And how is he doing? He's okay. We, he just turned 13. And I think the most beautiful thing
Starting point is 00:31:56 that when he was like three, he was not speaking. So I was, how we will now have another child that's not speaking? Maybe because we speak three languages, but I don't know. And then, Clara went to a summer camp and as soon as she was out, he started speaking. Oh, interesting! All the week, he spoke everything and then when she came back, he stopped speaking again. I wonder why!
Starting point is 00:32:23 And then, I said, OK, this is strange. So we went to speak with him and I said, do you know what Clara has? And he said, her brain is broken. Oh! And then mostly he had Clara's permission to speak and he started speaking again. So it was really incredible and then when
Starting point is 00:32:49 everything started like the business, Clara being the more the center of the attention, it's hard but we try always to put him out. So, and now it's more normal. So like we have things that's business related and it's not daughter, mother related, you know? And we have things and he's really aware of the things now and we try to make him always be part. How do they get along? The face says it all.
Starting point is 00:33:30 They're like brother and sister. Regular brother and sister. That's funny. So you have an ADHD husband. Yeah. You have a daughter with special needs that's special in so many ways. How are you managing it for you? I don't know. I think for me it's God.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I believe that He is doing this and I fought with him so many times because I was you can heal Clara Why are you not doing that? All right? Why did you give me Carlo? I believe he gave me Carlo, but why? Then Now I think I can understand better and it's not So perfect and I tried to speak with him. I need this and I'm feeling this way, I'm trying to take care more like doing yoga and eating better, doing exercise, all these things but sometimes and I cry a lot, yeah, but I think it's God and now I can see But I think it's God and now I can see, like, have the vision that's much more a mission about talking about inclusion, diversity, how to manage, not just Clara, if we can help
Starting point is 00:34:57 much more people. What we did with Clara is so much work behind all the videos posting. Like if she sold 900 paintings, all the paintings have a certificate, pictures, history behind, and a lot of people think we have so much money and we are just doing this for fun. It's not true, right? And we are trying, like, we are investing everything we have to make this and now it's like,
Starting point is 00:35:29 let's do for others. So, we are launching a podcast where Clara will be hosting with Aiden. He is in the spectrum and he's a musician. He is really great, so they will be hosting. musician, he is really great, so they will be hosting. So it's a way of saying she can't speak but she's hosting a podcast and aiding, he is really great and it will be called the inclusion matters podcast. So the idea is to have not just people with disabilities but other people that can give visibility, can bring and then and we can have a platform to help other people that can give visibility, can bring, and then, and we can have a platform to help other people. Because we have so many people with talent, even Clara, you know, she has videos with more than 30 million views, everything, but brands does not reach to her so easily, but they reach to girls naked, almost naked, you know? Where is the values of how can we show that maybe her content has much more
Starting point is 00:36:33 value than someone just, you know, for sure. Yeah. So this is, yeah. Oh, my task. We are so honored to help. What questions do you have for me? You can say it. Think, because you always say, when you see Dr. Amen, I can't translate. Do we want to ask about seizures, eating, the treatment in the future?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Seizures, eating, treatment, seizures. Do we want to understand what happened? So, Svart, the study we did on you, when it was first developed in the 1980s, it was developed for strokes and seizures, dementia and head trauma. And with seizures, what it says is when you're having a seizure, there's too much activity and blood flow in a certain area, just like this.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And in between times, it's low in activity. But I suspect this is busy a lot because we saw it at rest. And then we see it again with concentration. So these were done on two different days. So I would be thinking how can I calm that down? Either with something like a ketogenic diet, something to think about, or medicine. And I always say this to my patients,
Starting point is 00:38:39 it's not a good or bad thing, it's just the thing. And you wanna use all the tools, like as an artist, you use all the tools that you have, right? And as a doctor, you want to use all the tools you have. And if it calms it, well, that's a good thing. Because if it's always busy, it's always interrupting and you can think of it as, oh well she has ADD and that's why she can't concentrate or her brain is always overfiring and that's why she can't concentrate. Yeah because I think also if anxiety she's always controlling like she needs to know everything what's happening
Starting point is 00:39:27 and I'm like, it's not helping because she never rests or even when she's sleeping, she calls us just to know like what's happening, anything because we are asleep. But you know, so if she sleeps in our room, she relax because she can understand what's happening or not. So if she sleeps in our room, she relax because she can understand what's happening or not. I'm not the only one. I'm not the only one. What are you saying? Medicine can be a good thing.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Medicine can be a good thing. Yeah, so I'm like, Clara, like she wants to see all the messages and no, like, but, and this anxiety doesn't make good for her. But when we went to the neurologist, ours, like, he said, where is, where is her exam? Because for him, she should be having seizures all the time. I don't know what means. So that may actually be what I'm seeing. So he said that based on an EEG.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Yes, and he said, it's not possible where he's like, it's not the right, why she's not having seizures because, and I said, I don't know, and for me it's God, but he was worried why she's not having. And then she stayed, I think for eight years, no seizures and then she had one after a big surgery and the doctor said it was for the anesthesia and she had another one just because she was taking a medicine for dystonia and it's a seizure. We didn't know when she stopped it like this and now she had this one.
Starting point is 00:41:12 So, I don't know. I was saying, OK, I don't want to be negative and I think God speaks in something. So, let's be OK. She had a seizure and she managed by herself. That was a big thing. How do you think ADD's impacted your family? Oh. Every day, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And it's something that I want to speak more because I think Kyle and I, we were resilient to be together and to raise the family and he had a big impact in saying, okay, I want to be better, I want to understand that I have something and he tried so hard against the symptoms of ADHD. But really, in fact, we were separated for a while. We were running a business together and he stepped out, but it was not okay, I will step out. He was working 23 hours a day. We didn't know he had ADHD,
Starting point is 00:42:21 so if you have ADHD, you need to sleep. So it was like fire all the time and I was trying to handle the family, the business and everything so I said go out. Ten days before W was born I asked him to step out the house and then the business and I was with a newborn so it affected a lot. And we didn't know, this is the thing, we didn't know. We said, okay, he's crazy or you know, he's just inconsequent and he's not. And even he has a big heart so he donated everything for everyone and I was like,
Starting point is 00:43:02 you don't need to do that. And all these things, we start find answers when we knew that he had ADHD. And even now with my son, because let's say we are more normal. So sometimes we just need time, us because we can't handle like, if we are in the home just us,'s calm it's quiet we do our thing you know so it's important too to just understand and until we didn't know it was hell.
Starting point is 00:43:40 I understand. Yeah. I understand. Thank you so much for coming today. Thank you so much. A lot of families doesn't know. Yeah. Because they don't know. Oh no, and you feel guilty and you think you're bad and you don't know. You think everybody else is happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:02 It's hard. But people can get better. I mean that's sort of the exciting news is your brain can be better even if it was hurt before you were born or even if it was hurt after you were born. That's what we love, making brains better. Thank you for your vulnerability. It's really great. So how can people find more about Clara and her work and your company?
Starting point is 00:44:39 So we are everywhere. So just you can Google Clara Woods and all the social medias, tiktok, instagram, facebook, linkedin, everything so yeah. Well we will put links to everything and I will look forward to hearing more about your progress. Amazing. Thank you so much for having us. and we'll look forward to hearing more about your progress. Amazing. Thank you so much for having us. Are you excited to optimize your brain
Starting point is 00:45:15 and help the brains of those you love? Do you want to prevent or treat memory problems, anxiety or depression. Do you wanna be happier? That's why I created Amon University, to take what I've learned over the last 45 years and help you have a better brain, a better mind and a better body.
Starting point is 00:45:40 You can take courses like our 30 Day Happiness Challenge, which was shown in research to increase happiness by 32% in just 30 days, or memory rescue, or overcoming anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief, or healing ADD at home in 30 days and much more. We also have professional courses and courses for kids including Brain Thrive by 25 which was found in independent research to decrease depression
Starting point is 00:46:17 and improve self-esteem. And as a special offer just for our listeners. You can save 20% on your next course. Visit and use the code podcast20. If you like this week's episode, please make sure to leave us a review on iTunes or Spotify and follow me on Instagram and TikTok at DocAmen.

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