Change Your Brain Every Day - The Missing Keys You Need to Get The Best Voice - REVEALED - Set Your Voice Free with Roger Love
Episode Date: February 24, 2017Whether it's in business or personal communication, your voice matters. But there's really something more you can do to get the best voice you can possibly have and it all starts with being mindful of... simple things such as your breathing. In today's podcast, you'll learn some of the techniques to get that voice you probably never thought you could have.
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Hi, I'm Donnie Osmond, and welcome to The Brain Warrior's Way, hosted by my friends
Daniel and Tana Amon.
Now, in this podcast, you're going to learn that the war for your health is one between
your ears.
That's right.
If you're ready to be sharper and have better memory, mood, energy, and focus, well then
stay with us.
Here are Daniel and Tana Amen.
Ready to the Brain Warriors Way podcast. I'm Dr. Daniel Amen.
And I'm Tana Amen.
And we are so excited to share with you one of our friends who has just meant a great deal in our life. And we just love that we get to share him with you,
Roger Love, voice coach to the stars.
He's actually been our voice coach.
And we have talked about why your voice is important.
What do you do that hurts your voice? And today what we're going to do is how to find your voice,
strengthen your voice.
Empower you.
Because your voice is your calling card to the world.
It either shows you as someone who's weak and ineffectual or someone who is powerful
that can communicate effectively.
Well, and two of the things I've been doing because I know this and I knew we were going to be talking to you,
drinking water all morning,
because you can't drink it at the time you're going to speak.
You already told us that.
And did you notice when I introduced myself, I went, amen?
So your speech is going up at the end of a sentence rather than down.
And it naturally wants to go down.
So it's interesting. So welcome back. Thank you. And help us have the best voice we can
for decades. So not just for an event, although that's awesome, but how can I keep my voice strong and healthy?
And I know the first thing is you have to care about it, right? Nobody cares about their voice until they lose it. And so the first thing I always say, you know, brain envy is the first thing to have a better brain. You got to care about it. And here we are. And for those people who are just tuning in
now, Roger said, if you sing an hour a day, you actually live eight years longer. So if you like
your life, getting your voice right is really important. Beautiful. Let's start with the fact
that what if I told you that there was no difference between your voice as an instrument, as a piano, as opposed to a piano?
Both instruments.
So, and if I say, here, I'm going to give you a piano.
So I send a piano over to your house.
And you're like, Roger, so nice.
Tana, he just sent us over a piano.
He's very giving.
He got the name Love for a reason.
Isn't that sweet?
And then you go over to the piano and it looks amazing on the outside.
It's beautiful.
It's shiny.
You put it in the living room in a place of honor and you open up the lid and you look
and you see there's about four keys, four black and white ones, just four. And you look over to the left
and you think, hmm, aren't there supposed to be more keys over there? And then you look over to
the right and you say, hmm, I mean, I'm not a pianist, but isn't there something missing?
And then, and then, and then Tana, is there something missing? And Tana says, yes, I think there's supposed to be 88 keys on a piano. And then you say, oh, yes, you're right.
As a matter of fact, I've heard that there's a Bosendorfer piano that has 90 keys, two more.
How come this piano from Roger only has four keys? Something's missing. Well, here's exactly
how I feel every day. People come to me and I hear them speak and sing,
and I realize that they only have four keys of their piano.
And so my job is to show them
that there's all of these sounds they can make lower
and all of these sounds that they can make higher
and that the entire range of the voice
has specific emotions and feelings attached to it.
So if you don't have the high stuff,
you'll never be a successful communicator. And if you don't have the low stuff,
you'll never be a successful communicator. So all I really do is help people put the parts
of their instrument that they didn't have naturally, that they didn't find through
mother nature. I build the voice. So there isn't just one voice. Let's start with that.
Most people think that when they speak, this is their voice. There are really three voices. There's the voice down low. Say this for me.
I can. I can. Now put your hand on the base part of your neck right here.
Okay. And say, I can, Roger. I can, Roger. You feel it kind of buzz in your fingers?
The vibration? That's called chest voice. That's one voice. Now say, we, we, we see how that,
that didn't feel like it vibrated here so much. Kind of feels like it's up here.
Yeah. That's called head voice. Now take your hands away. Most people think maybe that there
are those two voices, but when you try to go from one voice to the other, check out what happens. There's a big break.
Like we're all going through puberty and we're 13 years old. There's a gap. So what happens?
People get stuck in chest voice. And then there's a ceiling or people get stuck in head voice.
Oh, and then they come down and it sounds
ridiculous. So people are stuck in either chest or head, not even realizing there's a third voice
called middle. Check this out. Chest. Head voice. Head voice. Chest voice. Head voice. Middle. A voice that lives in between. So instead of you have. And you say, well, that's cool, Roger, if I wanted to be a singer.
And I say, sorry, maybe you missed that part when I said everyone needs to have all three voices.
Because if you as a speaker, if you as a teacher, if you as a doctor, if you as a lawyer, if you as a parent, if you as a friend, if you as a relationship partner, if you don't have three voices, you will never
have a healthy voice. Yeah. It's so interesting, Roger, that you bring that up. And that's a good
point. Um, I know just as like in my career as a trauma nurse, I had a really hard time after I had
a child because a trauma unit is a really intense place. You're probably down in that deep voice a
lot more and very intense and high driving. And I would go home and I'm like, I don't know how to shut off and be warm and fuzzy.
I love something called NLP, which is neuro-linguistic programming, teaches you how to
change your state. And one of the ways you do that is through your body and your voice, right?
So by physically changing certain things, you begin to then take that new state on,
but I couldn't make that shift. So what you're saying, so you have a different voice as a trauma
nurse or a surgeon, a different voice. If you come home and you are married, you can't use that same
voice, at least not with me. And, or different if you have a child and you need to switch, right?
Yes. What I'm saying is once you learn that you can go from low
to chest voice, to middle voice, to head voice and own all the instrument and make all of these
sounds that are powerful and strong and without pressure. Once you learn that you have all these
other sounds in you, you start to use those to create a full life. For example, as you were a trauma nurse during your days, I'm a voice
teacher during my days. And the voice teacher voice is big and thick and strong. I can fix it.
I can solve it. Let me get my hands on your throat. I can fix anything. I know everything.
You're not going to look fat because people are going to be talking to you in front of you. So
you can stick your stomach out. They're not talking to you on the side. You're not having conversations
like this. Forget about loose clothing. Breathe the way I want. I have a voice that gets people
to do what they need to do. If I go home with that voice teacher voice and come in, I am home.
I am omnipresent. I can solve all of your problems. Lay your problems out on the table
and let me teach you. My wife would be like, shut up. Exactly. That's hilarious.
Take the trash out, come back as a husband. And then I would come back from taking the trash out
with a softer voice, with less arm waving, with more pauses at commas so that I was listening.
I could just see how that would go.
Oh yeah, that would go really well with me too.
So how do people do that?
A husband voice.
And then when my kids come, if I try to use my husband voice on the kids,
they're never going to stop eating chocolate chip cookies right before dinner.
So I have to have my parent voice.
And what we realize is that great actors do this all the time, play this role or that
role or this role.
And I help them win Academy Awards sometimes.
But we are trying to make it through our whole lives with one voice, that voice that we have
on our answering machine that we hate, that nobody else really likes.
And we're trying to use that voice all day and night
in every business situation,
in every romantic situation,
in every communication.
And we are losing out
because we don't have enough of the right sounds
that would work for those communications.
So in Set Your Voice Free
and in the coaching courses you have,
tell people what are the practical things they're going to learn and then give us another story.
We only have about five minutes left.
They're going to learn how to make their voice a musical instrument so that when they open their mouth and speak, everyone thinks that they're singing their favorite song. And as a byproduct, those people that want to learn how
to sing are going to learn how to sing like their favorite singers. High, like Christina Aguilera
and Jennifer Hudson and Ariana Grande. And low, like other singers that they like and high like Bruno Mars
and sting and, and, and low like Drake, they're going to be able to do whatever they want with
their voices. Now, uh, another story is I show up three weeks before they're set to film Walk the Line. And neither Reese nor Joaquin
can sing the songs. Oh no. And Reese is like, I'm thinking of, I don't want to do it. Maybe
I shouldn't do the picture. And Joaquin is thinking, I shouldn't do the picture.
And then I say, give me three weeks.
Give me an hour a day for three weeks,
and I will turn you into Johnny Cash.
I will do whatever it takes to make you sound like Johnny Cash
and make you an amazing singer playing the
role of June Carter Cash. Have faith in me that we can move mountains in moments. And the end
result was he won every award there was to win. And she even won an Academy Award and the film
won every award. And that's just one story. So most of us believe that we have limitations,
that we're never going to find our voice never
find our singing voice never find our speaking voice never find that voice that really shows
the best of us and what i'm telling you is that you'll learn the awareness first how are people
really reacting to the sounds you're making and why and then how to immediately change it in
moments so that you can be the star of your own life,
so that you can be the authentic character in your own movie, so that you can move from
communication to communication and have the desired outcome so that you open your mouth
and people not only like you, they are moved by you. And that is how to set your voice free. Awesome.
So powerful.
We are so grateful for you.
And I'm just trying to summarize it in my head.
So you need air, diaphragmatic breathing.
You need water.
You need exercise.
Chef's middle and head.
You need to find the parts of the voice that you're not
using right now so that you can add the highs and lows and the emotion. And you, and Yogi bear,
you should probably go watch Yogi bear just to get that voice. So what I'm noticing here,
that's so interesting is what he recommends for strengthening your voice is what we recommend
for getting healthy.
Very interesting. So, and also like we taught, we just barely touched on it. Maybe we could do another one in the future, how you use your voice actually can influence your mood. And that's
fascinating. So, I mean, it really is important in your overall health.
Set your voice free. Roger Love, uh, go to His book is available also on Amazon
and Barnes and Noble. You just have to get to know him. So much fun. And use one of the most
important instruments that God gave you to communicate with the world. Your power is
often found not just in your ideas, but in your voice.
Stay with us.
Thanks for listening to today's show, The Brain Warrior's Way.
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I'm Donnie Osmond,
and I invite you to step up your brain game
by joining us in the next episode.