Change Your Brain Every Day - The Toxin Solution Effective Detoxification Tips - That Work

Episode Date: March 2, 2017

NOTE: If you have not yet listened to the first three episodes of this five part series, we highly recommend that you get back to The Toxin Solution Parts 1,2,&3. Now that you know how horrifying thes...e toxins, today we're going to learn some tips on how you detoxify your body effectively.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Donnie Osmond, and welcome to The Brain Warrior's Way, hosted by my friends Daniel and Tana Amon. Now, in this podcast, you're going to learn that the war for your health is one between your ears. That's right. If you're ready to be sharper and have better memory, mood, energy, and focus, well then stay with us. Here are Daniel and Tana Amen.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Welcome back to the Brain Warriors Way podcast. I'm Dr. Daniel Amen. I am here with Tana and our new friend, Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, founder of Bastyr University, naturopath, and the author of truly a very special book that I recommend you read called The Toxin Solution. Yes, it will horrify you, but it will give you a very practical way to decrease the toxic load in your body, in the bodies of the people you love, your children and even your future grandchildren. It's just such a critical issue. And one of the reasons why diabetes and obesity, Alzheimer's disease, depression, ADHD, and autism are soaring in our society. We have talked about toxins in food, personal products, the environment. And what we're going to do in this podcast is talk about detoxification. And going on a detox is a fad. I actually have a number of celebrity clients. That's an overused expression. And my thought has always been, you should always be detoxing.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Right. You should always be thinking clean. The two weeks after Christmas. But we are being assaulted every day with whether it's air pollution or water pollution, the pollution in our food. How can we activate our detoxification systems, which you point out in the book? It's not just your liver. Your liver is important, but so is your skin. So are your kidneys. What are the best ways for people to live supporting the detoxification pathways in their body?
Starting point is 00:02:20 So that's obviously a great question. And number one is avoid, avoid, avoid. Don't let them in. But then once they're in, and unfortunately, that's our whole population, we want to get the toxins out, but you must be up, you got to make sure your body can get rid of them. And our body's detox systems are now so damaged that people are as likely to hurt themselves as they are to benefit until they prepare their body. So first off, what I've done with the book, I provide people with an eight-week detox program with a nine-week, I might say, bonus. So during the first eight weeks, I prepare the body to detoxify. The first two weeks, I basically spend educating people about where the toxins come from, how do you avoid them. Then the next two weeks, I say, okay, now let's get your gut ready.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Because it turns out one of the heaviest loads on the liver actually comes from having toxic bacteria in your gut. So I teach people how to get rid of toxic bacteria, replace them with healthy bacteria, get the gut working the way it's supposed to, so it stops overloading the liver. Then go through two weeks, get the liver ready for detoxification. What that means is optimizing the liver's detox pathways and making sure that the gall bladder and the bile are working properly, make sure we've got enough fiber in the gut so that when the liver does get rid of toxins, we can get out of the body. And then the final two weeks, we talk about the kidneys. As I'm sure you've noticed, is we've got a kidney failure epidemic in the US. And it's not surprising because so many of these
Starting point is 00:03:57 toxins have to be eliminated by the kidneys. And so we're overloading our poor kidneys, and now we're getting kidney failure. Look at all these centers all over the country where people do dialysis to help with their kidneys. Well, that shouldn't have happened. Right. I used to be a dialysis nurse. And I have a question, too, because I know a lot of women, I've had my gallbladder removed. So as part of my past medical history, which was a disaster, and I'm listening to you going, oh, well, maybe some of this makes sense now. Because your gallbladder was overloaded with toxins. Whatever it was, I had my gallbladder removed as have a lot of people and especially a lot of women in their 40s, you know, ends up
Starting point is 00:04:35 being a big issue. What can you do if that's one of your detox pathways? You know, we need to give people an idea of what they can do because right now we're all a bit horrified. So, yeah, the gallbladder is an important part of the detox mechanism. So if you don't have your gallbladder anymore, there are two factors which are especially important for you. Number one is the whole issue of fiber. You've got to keep the fiber going out because now you don't have your gallbladder, you might say, kind of storing toxins until the gut's ready with some extra fiber in it and then dumping out once is the best time.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Now you dump it all the time. So you have to make sure that you have fiber going through all the time. Another big factor, of course, is the fat-soluble vitamins. One of the reasons that the gallbladder secretes what are called the bile salts is to help facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. And so people who have lost their gallbladder have facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. And so people who have lost their gallbladder have more trouble absorbing the fat-soluble vitamins. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I mean, I know I have to take a much higher dose of vitamin D than most people do to stay at a normal level. So it's D, it's A, and also you have to look at the vitamin Ks, particularly vitamin K2. Because one of the challenges we have now because of our modern diet and we're feeding cows corn instead of grass, is people now have less vitamin K in their diet. And vitamin K2 is absolutely critical to make sure that when the vitamin D tells your body to absorb calcium, it puts the calcium in the bones, not into the soft tissues. So if you have vitamin K,
Starting point is 00:06:02 vitamin D, but you don't have vitamin K, you now have increased risk of soft tissue calcium deposition. Very interesting. So what I'm hearing you say and what I read in the book, it's supporting your liver, supporting your kidneys, supporting your gut and your skin. And so whenever we talk about liver, people will write in and they'll say, but isn't alcohol a health food? So maybe you can address that. So another good question. So alcohol is quite interesting because, as we all know, light to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with increased longevity. But here's the challenge.
Starting point is 00:06:42 The more alcohol we consume, the more we deplete glutathione levels in the body. So when people are consuming more than two or three drinks of alcohol a day, they're now less able to protect themselves from the environmental toxins. Interestingly enough, however, drinking alcohol in the form of wine or beer is not as big a problem because there's something in wine and beer that actually promotes the production of glutathione. So that's why you see people drink red wine, for example, have lower body load versus all diseases. It's because that resveratrol helps both the production of glutathione in the body. But equally, those who lack the scotch and the whiskey and such, they're making things much worse because not only does the body have to detoxify the alcohol, now we have all these aldehydes and ketones
Starting point is 00:07:28 and such, which are really toxic substances and hard for the body to get rid of. So modest consumption of alcohol and it must be in the form of wine or beer. Interesting. So the ninth week of my detox program, I then say, now that your body's ready, let's start getting the toxins out. There's a number of ways to do this. And kind of the keys are, number one is mild caloric restriction. Now, I don't want people fasting because then things come out too quickly. But I like them to cut their caloric calories to 500 to 1,000 calories less than necessary to maintain body weight.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Second thing I have them do is to consume alkalinizing substances. Because it turns out that most people are on a very acid-forming diet, and that acid-forming diet makes it difficult for the body to get rid of certain kinds of toxins, which then build up in the cells and in the paracellular space, like I said, the fluids and tissues around the cells. So we slightly alkalinize. We substantially increase fiber. So as the toxins are being excreted by the liver, we can get them out of the body. And the third thing is I recommend a nutritional supplement
Starting point is 00:08:34 called inositol system. So NAC for short is very, very helpful because when you take about 500 milligrams of NAC twice a day, you increase the amount of glutathione in the blood cells by about 30%. Wow. We love NAC. That's amazing. But I want to ask you one question about the alkalinizing. Right. Me too. And that's about alkalinizing water. And drops. People come in a lot and I'm like, no, I'm not a fan. Why would you decrease the acid in your stomach? Because the acid is there for a reason.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Right, isn't it? But tell us how you would respond. Well, let me ask really quickly though, because I want him to respond all at once. I've always been taught that it's better, like you don't want to over alkalinize with things like drops artificially and water too much, maybe occasionally,
Starting point is 00:09:21 but not very often. Not your primary source of water, but that it's better to alkalinize through food, foods that help the alkaline process. And one of the things, I just want to point this out because I want you to respond to it. My daughter and I, in the mornings, we drink some warm lemon water with ginger and cayenne, or I have green drinks pretty frequently, which I know some people have to be careful of, but I've heard that that helps. So I would love to get your response to that. Great. Two excellent questions and observations. So I'm glad to hear that you have the same concern I had of drinking these alkaline fluids because we need
Starting point is 00:09:55 the hydrochloric acid in our stomach to break down our food and protect us from bacteria in the foods. So the issue with whether a diet is acid-forming or alkaline-forming is totally independent of the pH or the acidity of the food itself. It's totally dependent upon how the food is metabolized in the body. So it turns out that things like citrus fruit, like your lemon juice, although it's acid in your mouth, the way the body metabolizes citric acid is alkalinizing in nature. So if you look at our diet as we evolved as a species, it was actually alkaline-inducing by quite a significant margin. But now our modern diet is acid-forming, which means that we are forcing the body to adapt to the excess acidity. And the primary way we have to adapt to excess acidity is through the kidneys having to get rid of excess acid through the
Starting point is 00:10:43 kidneys. So if the kidneys are spending all their metabolic energy to get rid of excess acid through the kidneys. So if the kidneys are spending all their metabolic energy to get rid of excess acidity, they have less capability to get rid of toxins. Oh, that's so interesting. Yeah. So one reason why kind of the people who made these observations that an acid-formed diet is bad for you is they were saying that people who have an acid-formed diet
Starting point is 00:11:03 have more disease because the liver is not as able to get rid of the, the kidneys are not as able to get rid of the toxins. But not only that, if you look at the cells themselves, the cells themselves become more acidic, the blood doesn't. And the reason the blood does not become more acidic is because we have all these buffering processes to maintain a very exact pH in the blood because if your blood gets off very far, you die. But unfortunately, what's happening is the cells become more acidic and try to respond
Starting point is 00:11:30 to it, and we lose bone. So as people get older, their kidney function starts to go down. They're less and less able to get rid of excess acidity. Now they have to go to the bone more to break down the bone to take calcium out to help alkalinize that excess acidity. Now they have to go to the bone more to break down the bone to take calcium out to help alkalinize that excess acidity. And when you're breaking down bone, not only does calcium come out, but so does the lead and the mercury and the other toxins restored in the bone. So what about green drinks? We are going to have to stop because we're running out of time and we have one more podcast to do.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Okay, just let him say yes or no. Green drinks, yes or no? Yes, as long as they're clean. Excellent. All right. Alkaline water, no. Green drinks, yes or no? Yes, as long as they're clean. Excellent. All right. Alkaline water, no. Would you agree with that? My best assessment is no for the alkaline water until somebody shows me that alkaline water actually decreases the acidity in the body. I don't think it does.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Okay. For detoxification systems, I mean, I know there's more, but liver, so don't poison it. Gut, add more fiber, perhaps. And right bacteria. And heal it. Probiotics. Kidneys, water to make sure that they can flush things out. And skin is sweat.
Starting point is 00:12:42 So exercise saunas, infrared saunas you talk about in the book. The book is phenomenal. The toxin solution. You can go to the toxin to learn more about it, to order it, to connect with Dr. Prezorno. We are going to be back and talk about the big things he has learned as a naturopathic physician over the last four or five decades. Stay with us. Thanks for listening to today's show, The Brain Warrior's Way. Why don't you head over to That's, where Daniel and Tana have a gift for you just for
Starting point is 00:13:21 subscribing to the show. And when you post your review on iTunes, you'll be entered into a drawing where you can win a VIP visit to one of the Amen Clinics. I'm Donnie Osmond, and I invite you to step up your brain game by joining us in the next episode.

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