Change Your Brain Every Day - Top 5 Strategies for a Stronger Brain & Better Life

Episode Date: December 28, 2017

In the final installment of the Success Starts Here series, Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen give you the five steps you can take to put you on the path towards better brain health today. Implement these... simple habits now and you can truly change your brain and your life

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Brain Warriors Way podcast. I'm Dr. Daniel Amen. And I'm Tana Amen. Here we teach you how to win the fight for your brain to defeat anxiety, depression, memory loss, ADHD, and addictions. The Brain Warriors Way podcast is brought to you by Amen Clinics, where we've transformed lives for three decades using brain spec imaging to better target treatment and natural ways to heal the brain. For more information, visit
Starting point is 00:00:34 The Brain Warriors Way podcast is also brought to you by BrainMD, where we produce the highest quality nutraceutical products to support the health of your brain and body. For more information, visit Welcome to the Brain Warriors Way podcast. Success starts here. This is the last in this series. And success starts here really means between your ears and the three pounds of fat that run your life. Yep. I think most people don't even really think about that. They don't think about that it starts with their brain.
Starting point is 00:01:15 They think about whatever new headlines are out, whatever new gadget or new book or new strategy, but they don't think about their brain. Because why? I think because but they don't think about their brain. Because why? I think because they just don't know. Honestly, I think I never was taught that growing up. I was never told, oh, your brain matters. You know, it was always like, be skinnier, look better, be fitter. But no one ever, ever talked about my brain. Have more passion, have more purpose. Right. But where does all of that start?
Starting point is 00:01:48 Starts in your brain. Between your ears. So as we finish this lesson, what we really want to give you is a strategy to have a better brain and a better life, to really how can you love your brain specifically so you love your life and I had no idea and I was a double board certified psychiatrist right I was actually top in my class in neuroscience right love that, and still never treated my brain as if it was the most important organ in my body.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Right. Right, it's, you know, I sort of cared more about my belly than my brain, which is odd. Well, as a society, it's just what we tell people. But when I met you, it was so interesting when you can actually see what's going on. It makes such a difference. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Isn't that the first part of you I really
Starting point is 00:02:50 wanted to see? Dr. Mary Gamba Yes, it was very odd. But it was so interesting. And it makes sense when you really think about it. We just don't stop and think about it. Dr. Justin Marchegiani So why people don't care about their brain is because they don't see it. They never look. And so we live in Newport Beach, and we have a lot of plastic surgeons here. And we often say people care more about their faces, their boobs, their bellies, and their butts than they do their brain. And you used to work for a plastic surgeon. Yeah, I worked in a trauma unit. And you used to work for a plastic surgeon.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yeah, I worked in a trauma unit, and on our weekends, they would always recruit us to work in their surgery centers. And it was always so interesting going from a trauma unit to a plastic surgery center. The difference was, like, it was a little hard to adjust. And did anybody in the plastic surgery center really care about their brains? Well, they weren't talking about it for sure. No, they were, they cared about fixing the wrinkles or their nose or their chest and so on. And if you really think about it, where does happiness start? In your brain. Where does our relationship start? In your brain. Where does motivation start? In your brain. And it's so interesting. Like I said, it's easy to buy into pop culture and fads
Starting point is 00:04:15 and headlines when you don't know. When I met you, you know, and it's still to this day, there's this idea that drinking a glass of wine every day or even two is good for you. But when I started to see, I bought into that idea. I'm like, oh, I can have a glass of wine every night and it's no big deal, right? It helps you relax, help you sleep. I didn't think it was a big deal because it's what you were told is good for you. And then I started to see scans. You're like, really? You want to see? And you showed me scans of brains. And I was like, holy cow, like that's not good for you. And so when you can see it, it changes everything. Changed everything in my life. Changes everything. When I looked at my brain and it wasn't very
Starting point is 00:04:53 healthy. That's all it took for me. Compared to my 60-year-old mother who had a beautiful brain, which really reflects her life. She was in the hospital this week. I was so sad. And I went and sat with her last night. And we're recording this right before Christmas. And she shopped for 70 people. Crazy. But she knew what she had bought everyone
Starting point is 00:05:21 and why they would like this or that. It was just so special. Here she's in the hospital. She's devastated that we are making the executive decision to cancel Christmas at her house where she's going to cook for almost 100 people. You know, it's like, no, I don't think so. All right. So success starts here between your ears. Let's talk about five simple ways people can have the brain and the success they want. And the first one is you have to develop brain envy, have to really care about your brain, and then act on it every day.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And this is when you come to that fork in the road that people do dozens of time every day and you have a decision to make we just want you to ask yourself is what i'm going to do now good for my brain or bad for so i have to say i tell a funny story so we've effectively done this with our kids right so so chloe the youngest one she is 14 now funny. So she, she's got this idea in her head and I love it that she wants to be that kid who never tries alcohol or drugs. Like, I love that idea, right? Like she just decided this and she's like, I want to be, I want to actually be able to say that I never did this. And so she's got this idea in her head and she's just like, she's a little stubborn which is helpful sometimes sometimes
Starting point is 00:06:47 it's helpful so she's seen what it does to your brain and she just wants nothing to do with it and she's told me why would people do things that they know can ruin the rest of their lives I don't understand poison concert yeah that's what I'm gonna talk about so I took her to a deaf leopard and poison concert, right? And a couple of funny things happened. First of all, she's looking around at all the people my age and all the moms who are acting completely psychotic. And she goes, if I ever see you twerking, I will kill you myself. She goes, is this how mothers act when we're not around? And so I'm like, oh my God, this is so embarrassing. And then all of a sudden the people in front of us,
Starting point is 00:07:26 of course, pull out a joint and they light up and Chloe flips out. She flips out, she's holding her breath. She's trying to get out of the aisle. She's like trying to jump over people to get out of the aisle. She was so upset because she's already made this declaration that she's never going to get high.
Starting point is 00:07:43 She's never going to do drugs or drink or anything. So she's so angry at this that she's never going to get high. She's never going to do drugs or drink or anything. So she's so angry at this person in front of us. So I'm trying to shield her so she doesn't have a, like, so she literally doesn't go off on this guy in front of us. And she's trying to get out of the aisle and get away from him because she just does not want to have to say that she even got a contact high. And so she gets out of the aisle. She's really mad. She's like, why would you bring me to a concert where people are smoking pot all around me? She calls Daniel on the phone in the aisle. She goes, if you scan me and it shows up on my skin, I didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Mom did it. She was really upset. So she has brain envy. Right. She wants a better brain. And actually when we scanned her, it was so helpful because it showed the stubbornness. It showed that stubbornness. It showed the anxiety and the stubbornness, the intensity.
Starting point is 00:08:30 So you have to care. I mean, and then you make every decision from a mindset of love. You love yourself. You love your brain. You love your life. You love your mission. You love your wife. You love your brain you love your life you love your mission you love your wife you love your daughters so you make the right decision people go oh it's hard or oh don't you want to
Starting point is 00:08:54 have any fun and it's like i have more fun than anybody i know and i don't want to hurt myself because I love myself. It's an act of love to do the right thing. Until you get that concept, it'll be really hard for you to be well. It's part of the Brain Warriors Way concept. Our book has come out in paperback. It's so exciting. The second part of this five-step process is you avoid anything that hurts your brain. And you just have to know the list. And if you listen to the Brain Warriors Way podcast, we've been talking about it. So we've already talked about a couple today. Drugs, alcohol, head trauma, environmental toxins, stressful relationships, which is why we try to keep ours reasonably stress-free.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Yeah, the stress in our lives is because we're busy doing cool things, which can still be really stressful. You have to be able to manage it. And you finish remodeling the house. Oh, don't ever. Never again. Never again. So that would be on the list of bad things for your brain.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Very stressful. And then some unexpected things. I mean, like getting Lyme infections, environmental toxins like mold. I was talking to someone recently, and they had really bad. It was actually my mom. They had to move out of their house because of all the mold, and she kept getting pneumonia over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And the mold was damaging her immune system. So that's the second thing. The third thing is to engage in regular brain healthy habits to create a strong foundation for success. So what are the things you do that strengthen your brain? Well, I mean, I love to meditate. So waking up in the morning and meditating and focusing on what I'm grateful for with my family. You know, we do that a lot, even at dinnertime, we'll just be sitting around and it's like, wow, we just have a really good life. And we focus on the things we love because we're really busy and it would be really easy to focus on the stress or the busyness or the, you know...
Starting point is 00:11:10 And we could totally be bitter. Oh, absolutely. I mean, you and I could just like make a list of all the things we're bitter for. We have, you know, multiple family members that we help and we take care of and we're getting, you know, but we don't. But we're not bitter about that. But instead we focus on the fact that we can and we're grateful for that, right? So that we can make a difference in somebody's life. So it's really how you frame things.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And I think that's really important. Exercise, eating healthy, staying hydrated, making sure you focus on sleep. All of it's important. And I start every day with today is going to be a great day. In fact, I have that on my to-do list. So the list I look at every morning on what I need to get done that day. It starts with, today is going to be a great day. And then my brain will find why it is going to be a great day. And then one of the things I do for you is I make your pumpkin spice cappuccino every
Starting point is 00:12:00 morning. You're so funny because you call me, he calls me like almost every day. He's like, did I tell you I love you today? And occasionally it's like, you know, we were running out the door and he didn't tell me. I'm like, no, but you made my coffee. So it's like, that's a big deal. That's how I tell her I love her. Plus, I love it. So engage in regular brain healthy habits. And then one that probably nobody else will tell you about is you have to know your brain type.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Not everybody has the same brain. And so you want to know your brain. I think one of the reasons Chloe's awesome, besides you read to her every day, every night. And I've read really cool books. For years. Really cool books. I attribute that so much. And we eat dinner together. Yeah. years. Really cool books. I attribute that so much. It's, and we
Starting point is 00:12:46 dinner together, it's actual physical time that relationships require actual physical time. I was cleaning out her little library and I'm like, I had some cool books I read to that kid. You know, kid versions of
Starting point is 00:13:03 you know, John Wooden and Stephen Covey and all these really cool books and your books and Byron Katie books and like just tons of them, stacks of them that I had read to her when she was little. It was so cool. So the brain has hardware and software. So by feeding you right, by not letting kids engage in sports that could damage their brain, that is helpful, but then you have to program it. I need to say something about this, this idea of brain types, because when Chloe was little, she was very not an easy child when she was little. She's an amazing teenager,
Starting point is 00:13:38 but she was not that easy when she was little, right? So there was this time where in addition to her anxiety, we actually suspected that she might have ADD. Like I wasn't sure what was going on. Her anxiety was making it really hard for her to focus. I didn't know if she had ADD or what. Well, without getting checked, I actually put her on one of our supplements to help her focus more. And I didn't really know her type. And it was not a good move. Okay?
Starting point is 00:14:03 It made her like really over-focused. So when she got scanned, it turned out that was like totally the wrong thing. Because she actually has a really over-anxious brain. So to put her on something that's like going to stimulate her more was not a good move. Right. So. And flip. The flip.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Wait. The other side of it was I have a niece that we, that wanted to be scanned. We thought for sure she had like, well, I thought for sure, she had anxiety like off the charts, and that's not what it was. She had like something toxic, and she had really low activity. So you can't guess. It is critical to know your type. And there are five major types.
Starting point is 00:14:42 There's the balanced type, which is fairly rare. People who have nothing going on. You know, they just have a healthy brain. The second type is spontaneous. These are the people who have trouble focusing. They're spontaneous. They tend to be impulsive. They don't have a great filter.
Starting point is 00:15:04 They just sort of say the first thing that comes into their mind. But they're often very creative. They tend to be impulsive. They don't have a great filter. They just sort of say the first thing that comes into their mind. But they're often very creative. They often have sleepy frontal lobes. Type three is the persistent type, that would be Chloe, where the front part of their brain works too hard, usually due to low levels of serotonin. And worried, rigid and flexible. And can beat themselves up if things aren't perfect. They get upset.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Uh, they tend to see too many errors in themselves, but sometimes also in other people, um, is very important. I often see that type in children or grandchildren of alcoholics. And then there's the sensitive type, can be really sad, and the cautious type, which tends to be anxious. And we have recommendations for supplements for each of these types, also behavioral interventions. And it's just critical to know your type. If you want to know your type, go to
Starting point is 00:16:17 It's completely free. You'll learn your type and what are the things I recommend to help people with that type. Much better than guessing. You don't want to guess. And then the last thing to optimize your brain to really welcome success in your life is I think everybody should take a multiple vitamin.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Brand new study out by the CDC, 90% of Americans do not get anywhere near five servings of fruits and vegetables. And even if you do, I'm just going to jump in here because most people don't eat the way that they should. But even if they did, it's not just about that. It's about the environmental toxins in the air. Unless you're getting perfect sleep, you're not being exposed to toxins. You're under no stress. It's what that multiple vitamin does is it just bridges the gap. Omega-3 fatty acids, a study we did, 98% of the patients we see have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids that are associated with every bad thing, pretty much in the body, heart disease, cancer, inflammation, dementia, depression.
Starting point is 00:17:26 So I think everybody should be taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements, particularly fish oil. And then everybody should measure and optimize their vitamin D level. Now, when I was working on my next book, I came across this quote from Warren Buffett, and it's his rules of investing. Rule number one, don't lose money. Don't lose what you have. Rule number two was refer back to rule number one. And as I thought about it, I said this is perfect for our work here at Amon Clinics.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Rule number one is don't lose brain cells. Right? So you go, oh, it's New Year's Eve. I need to get drunk. And it's like, okay, you're going to murder millions of brain cells. Murder brain cells. And, you know, they don't come back that easily. Right?
Starting point is 00:18:25 I mean, there's this whole new concept of neuroplasticity and your brain makes new cells. But not at that kind of rate. Right? I mean, hippocampus makes 700 new stem cells every day. You really want to be murdering millions when you're making 700 a day? I'm not thinking that's a great idea. In order for you to have the best success of your life, it is absolutely essential for you to take care of the three pounds of fat between your ears. Success starts here, between your ears. Stay with us. Thank you for listening to the Brain Warriors Way podcast.
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