Change Your Brain Every Day - Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

Episode Date: February 10, 2017

Today's episode is the episode for every female who just wants to make something different in her life and in her health. We'll be discussing about some interesting topics on genes, diets, and how you... can turn things around with your old school health plan to something that's workable, possible, and believable health and wellness strategy. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Donnie Osmond, and welcome to The Brain Warrior's Way, hosted by my friends Daniel and Tana Amon. Now, in this podcast, you're going to learn that the war for your health is one between your ears. That's right. If you're ready to be sharper and have better memory, mood, energy, and focus, well then stay with us. Here are Daniel and Tana Amon.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Thank you so much for with us. Here are Daniel and Tana Amen. Thank you so much. I really am excited about this segment. More and more, my beautiful wife, Tana, and I speak together as we go around the country and we try to plant these principles into your life. So, you know, I to do the big idea stuff and she tells you actually how to do it. And Tana has a brand new book coming out in April of 2013 called The Omni Diet. Now it all started with change your brain, change your body. So I did the public television show, Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, which was a monster success. The book was a 24 week New York times bestseller. And I asked Hannah if she would write the cookbook for it to actually teach people how we live and eat at home. And it was a huge success. And she subsequently went on and she wrote, get healthy
Starting point is 00:01:27 with the brain doctor's wife, eat healthy with the brain doctor's wife, live longer with the brain doctor's wife. And I love that title because the whole point of it was if you do the things that we ask you to do, you get physically, mentally, cognitively, emotionally healthier. And so I invited her to actually tell you about her new book and give you some practical tips on how to put this information into your life. So I call it feeding the female brain with the Omni diet. Thank you. I'm so excited to be here today. This is fun. So tell people, what are the principles that we live by and that you write about in your new book? Well, the core of the book focuses on very nutrient-dense foods that are calorie sparse. So you eat more volume, you're not hungry, but you're getting so much nutrition,
Starting point is 00:02:31 and it really helps to optimize brain function, decrease mental fog, stabilize the hormones of metabolism, and balance blood sugar. So it does a lot. And the big surprise, so think, nutrient-dense, calorie sparse. Well, that doesn't sound like any fun, does it? But I have to tell you, since I really got healthy, I eat better, tastier, more filling food that leaves me satisfied, excited about dinner or breakfast or lunch without any cravings. See, I'd only tried to get healthy for 30 years. I come from a family where we have fat people. I don't know, how else do you say that? We have fat people in our family. And I tested my own genes and I have a 67% chance of being obese. I'm like, that's horrifying, but I'm not anymore. Why? Because I
Starting point is 00:03:26 don't have the habits that make it likely to happen. But this is in no way about deprivation. This is about abundance. It's about abundance. Yeah, it really is. And like you said, you have the genes that tell you you should be obese, but that doesn't mean you have to be obese. So you get to decide whether you turn those genes on or turn those genes off. You have serious genes. Depression. Heart disease. Heart disease.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Right. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer. I have all of them. And I've suffered quite a bit with my own health until I started really figuring this out. So give them the program. What's the program? Well, it's three two-week phases. And each phase focuses
Starting point is 00:04:05 on something a little different. And that's why I say, give me two weeks and it'll change your life. It's not that you're going to do this program for two weeks. It's that within the first two weeks, you feel so good, you're never going back. So by breaking it down into two-week phases, it makes it more digestible for people. And so we go into, it's not just food. It's actually the food. It's the sleep program. It's exercise program. It's the whole program. This is going to change your life. And it's based on nutrigenomics, which is connected to epigenetics. And that says that the food you eat and the drugs you take talk directly to your genes. So you decide whether you're going to eat inflammation-causing foods
Starting point is 00:04:42 that turn on those genes, the genes of disease, or if you're going to eat the foods that really turn on the genes for health and decrease inflammation. Now, that's a radical new idea because when I was in medical school, it was like, you have your genes and your genes make you more or less vulnerable to illnesses. We didn't hear one thing about how food talks directly to your genes and it turns on certain genes and off certain genes, not only affecting you, but generations. Well, and if you're like me and you've suffered with your health and you've really struggled, you know, we had this idea that our genes were this evil monarchy. They were just there to destroy our lives. And there, it was either a death sentence or you were lucky enough to have good genes. Isn't that what one of your doctors told you? Yes, that it was just genetic and that
Starting point is 00:05:32 I was in denial and I should see a psychiatrist. Because I didn't want to just live on multiple medications for the rest of my life. Didn't he tell you to start playing tennis with 60-year-old women? Yes, he told me to not exercise so hard. I had tell you to start playing tennis with 60-year-old women? Yes, he told me to not exercise so hard. I had to settle down, play tennis with 60-year-old women, which half of them could beat me anyway, but you know, so. And then see, it's a guy at first, I love that. All right, so the first two weeks, what do they do? The first two weeks, you're gonna clean out your pantry.
Starting point is 00:05:57 So we're gonna do a big pantry cleanse. You're gonna go grocery shopping. We give you the grocery shopping guide and we really guide you through that process. And if you're on an exercise program, stick with it and just up it a little bit. And if you're not, then you need to start off by walking briskly at least four to five days a week. And then in the next phase, we're going to get heavier into the exercise. So. All right. But let's be practical. First two weeks with food, because you and I actually made a video
Starting point is 00:06:22 where we cleaned out someone's cabinet. Right. And it was hysterical. Yeah. She thought she had healthy. Yeah. It was an 80% of her pantry went out the window. So, so look at each food in your pantry and begin to read the labels because she said she was like really healthy and and a pescatarian. Is that right? She eats fish. And so I'm pulling out the Captain Crunch. And I just went like this to her. And Oreo. And she goes, oh, that's the only thing my teenage son, who's a swimmer, would have for breakfast.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And I'm like, seriously? I said, is that true? Right? Remember that's like these little ants we talk about. And she goes, well, no, that's not true. It's like, if you didn't have anything else in the house, he wouldn't, but she's actually supporting. So she is his pusher. Right. If you understand that. Yes. It's a drug. Sugar is a drug. It's totally a drug. It works on the dopamine centers of your brain and is totally addictive. Right. So two more things in the first phase are getting your important numbers checked. That's one. It's critical. You have to know where you're at to know where you're going to get to and
Starting point is 00:07:36 how to get there. So you need to know your BMI. So that's your body mass index. And more importantly, your waist to height ratio, your waist should be half your height in inches or less. So I'm five, six at 66 inches. So my way should be 33 inches or less. And you cannot go by your pant size because the clothing industry has realized everybody hates being fat. So you won't buy their clothes unless they fudge a little bit. Plus, you know, I don't know if you've seen all the pregnant men in our society. Is anybody else bothered by that besides me? You know, the belly is like over the pants. I'm like, dude, deliver the baby. So you got to measure it with a tape measure. And you want to know your thyroid numbers, testosterone, vitamin D. You're not losing weight. You're not getting healthy until those numbers are fixed.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And then also the first two weeks, tell me if I'm wrong, you eliminate sugar, wheat, dairy, corn, soy. All gluten products completely. All gluten products. And that's the secret. But let me clarify something. Sugar, I would just make this connection now. A bowl of rice is equal to a bowl of sugar. There's not much difference in the way your body processes it.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Bowl of pasta. Well, that's got gluten too. So it's not only sugar, but it's gluten. So we want to get rid of all of that stuff. Mashed potatoes. Because we're gluten too. So it's not only sugar, but it's gluten. So we want to get rid of all of that stuff because we're breaking gone, but there's other stuff. There's so many wonderful things. There's so many wonderful things we're adding back. Lava cake. Yeah, but I have a replacement for it. So all of these things, but you will not believe how good her desserts are. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Yeah. And most of them are sugar-free or extremely low. But when people do this, and I know some of you are like going, there's no way in hell.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But when people actually do it and what you eat, we often think of vegetables with really clean, healthy meat. So if you just think vegetables, really clean, healthy meat, some fruit. Well, here's what I say. Eat like a gorilla. That's what you say. Massive amounts of vegetables, mostly greens, a little bit of fruit, nuts and seeds, and add lean protein. Right. So you have to be careful because some people go, oh, I love fruit.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And they'll do 10 times the amount of fruit and like two celery sticks. It's like, no, no, no. Think three times the number of vegetables to fruit. Right. Because fructose, fruit sugar, especially when it's unwrapped, like in juice, turns toxic in your body. It's poison. So, but when you, if you just do this for two weeks, the difference is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Well, the main thing in the first phase is breaking your addiction to sugar. So you've got to eliminate those. It takes three to seven days, depending on the person. Yes. Now, if you go backwards and you start eating sugar again, you're starting all over. So you've got to really stick with it. Yes, you're going back. You'd be like, go clean. Except sugar is one of the most addictive substances. Studies done with rats and mice, they gave them cocaine and they gave them sugar water. They went after the sugar every single time. They gave them both separately, and then they gave them to them together.
Starting point is 00:10:55 They picked the sugar every time. So when people are giving me birthday cake? They're poisoning you. That's not loving. So, I mean, it's so wonderful. I have a nine-year-old and she's so great. So I made this, these pumpkin bars. Some of you in the audience told me you saw it on Recipe Rehab.
Starting point is 00:11:13 She was, she's a television star now. She was on Recipe Rehab. She was amazing. So it's really healthy. But I mean, the kids in my neighborhood love, love, love it. It's gluten-free. It's extremely low sugar. You can do it with no sugar. When I say sugar, I mean like, it's like a quarter cup of honey that serves 16 to 24 people, including like if you do icing, it's like very low sugar.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Tastes amazing. And my daughter came up to me and said, I want this for my birthday. I don't want a birthday cake this year. So that's when you know you're doing the right thing. So these things taste great. If I can sell it to a nine-year-old, come on. If she gets it, it's not hard. And she is a redhead like you. She is, yeah. So her natural tendency is to push back.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Oh, yeah. She's oppositional. But if you live the message, then it affects the people in your life. There's this great little thing she said to me one day when we were cooking together. I was teaching her how to make these grainless granola bars, and we were having so much fun. And they came out of the oven. They smelled just like heaven. And so she's like, Mom, I can't wait to dig into those. And I was actually making them for another group.
Starting point is 00:12:22 So I said, you can have one. And she looked at me and she said, how come whenever you have tried to make like bad foods, like you tried to make cookies for one of my school things when she was little, she said, they never turn out right. They turn out horrible. But every time you try to make a new recipe for something healthy, it turns out amazing. I said, I don't know, Chloe, that's a really good point. She said, I think God doesn't want you making unhealthy food. All right. So two weeks and literally you will lose the cravings within a few days. That's sort of the exciting thing. Your taste buds begin to come back and then an orange will actually explode with flavor
Starting point is 00:13:01 in your mouth where before you couldn't even taste it. It's really quite incredible. And then what do they do the second two weeks? So the second phase is where they really up their game with exercise. The only reason I don't do it in the first phase, it's a little overwhelming. There's so many things to start off with. And even though it's not hard, it's so new. It's this new concept. And so I really need them to sink into the philosophy before I start adding a whole bunch of things. So in the second phase, we really up the game with exercise. And I mean, ladies, you need to lift weights. It's imperative that you have muscle mass on your body. One of the number one predictors of longevity, the amount of muscle mass you have on your body. In fact, they have discovered that the elderly, they don't actually die. The
Starting point is 00:13:45 number one cause of death is not really disease. It's frailty. It's the inability to recover when they get something, they fall. But if I'm eight. You need to lift weights. Is it too late? No, no. They've done studies and they've actually done several. And even when they started lifting weights in their late seventies, early eighties, they had radical improvement in their health and muscle mass, bone mass, bone density. But don't hurt yourself. This is very important. So do it in a really smart way. It's often smart to start with a trainer, but not one of the kind that yells at you. You have to make sure the brain of the trainer is normal. Right. And here's one tip. A lot of people think, well, I can't afford a trainer. So I mean, I have several trainers that I work with that will give group discounts. And it's like you get four or five of your friends together, you're paying, you're going to split that. And it's
Starting point is 00:14:42 really not that hard. It's a great gift to give yourself or your spouse. When you're doing it with someone else, you show up. It's one of the big things we learned at Saddleback Church is people got better together. So if you have a group of people that are going to do the program with you, it matters so much. In fact, I have several of my clients here that took my last class and they just had stunning results. But one of the keys was they became so bonded as a group that after the group ended, they decided to keep meeting on their own. And I really thought about what you said in the segment where you talked about Mary and the tragedy that she went through
Starting point is 00:15:22 your sister. She was actually in my group, but it was amazing because this group stayed together. And we have another gal here who went through a recent, pretty significant tragedy, but she had formed such great friendships with the women in this group. It kept all of them on track, regardless of what was going on in their lives. Next thing I know, I called to check on her and she had like six of the people from the group over at her house. So it's really critical to really have that group accountability. And so, you know, in a simple way, exercise is not hard. So I like to say, walk like you're late 45 minutes, four times a week. Right. And what I'd actually say, it's more important, take four 30-second, 60-second periods and burst. So walk like you're late and then run or walk really fast because those bursts
Starting point is 00:16:15 have been shown to actually increase the number of mitochondria in your cells, the little energy powerhouses in your cell, and then lift weights and then do coordination exercises. So Joe class who actually owns Contexture, who's our executive producer here, he's been hearing me talk for years. And for the last couple of years, he and his wife have been dancing together. It's a great thing to do together. And what he says is not only is his weight better, but his mental clarity is better. Right. If you want to be sharp when you're 80, do you think you should wait till you're 80? Or maybe now is a good time to get started.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Too often, it's like, well, I'll get healthy later. And if you did do that, then by all means, get started. But the sooner you do it, the better. And that's why. So any exercise that really requires bursting is great. Like I love karate and tennis and cause it's sometimes, you know, you don't just want to do the same thing every day. Some people love doing the same thing every day. Some people do not. So you don't have to just go out and run and walk and lift weights. I mean, you can do a lot of other things that are really fun. So what's the last two weeks. Okay. Oh, and also in, in phase
Starting point is 00:17:25 two, we really walk them through supplements, like which ones are critical. We have a quiz to really tell you which ones might optimize your brain and your body. And then in phase three, let me just talk about that for a minute. All of you should be taking a multiple vitamin every day and fish oil and vitamin D, even if you're vegetarian, I recommend you take fish oil. And vitamin D. Even if you're vegetarian, I recommend you take fish oil because fish have certain types of omega-3 fatty acids you can't get in plants. And I just think it's critical. We actually measure people's ratio of omega-3 fatty acids and the good ones for the brain. Really hard to get in a vegetarian.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Oh, we have people who follow vegetarian diets who are amazing with their diet that really know they're combining, they're doing all these things. And they almost always show up like 23 to one ratio, which it should be one to one. So that's, that's disastrous. So that, vitamin D there are there's so vitamin D, so multiple vitamin fish oil, vitamin D. So multiple vitamin, fish oil, vitamin D. And probiotics. And probiotics. Absolutely. If I had longer in the show, I'd have done a whole thing in my new book on the gut-brain connection. Your gut makes more neurotransmitters than your brain. And when gut health isn't right,
Starting point is 00:18:40 brain health isn't right. So probiotic can be really helpful. And then one last one, because 80% of our population is low in magnesium. So I think everyone should be taking magnesium because so many things deplete magnesium. And it's critical. Well, you can start with two or 300 milligrams and just keep working up until you find your limit. And it doesn't make you sick. There's not like horrible side effects to it. It actually just, the only thing that will happen is you might get loose stools and that's when you know you're at your limit. So back off just a little and then go from there. But certain drugs deplete magnesium like crazy. So you really need to pay attention to magnesium. Like birth control pills. Yes. Yes. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah. And anti-diabetic medication and heart medication. And I mean, a lot of them. And you don't want diabetes. If any of you are pre-diabetic or you're diabetic, you need to think of that as an emergency and really get your health habits right. Because with obesity, you get a smaller brain. With hypertension, you get a smaller brain. Being pre-diabetic or diabetic, you get a smaller brain. Being pre-diabetic or diabetic, you get a smaller brain. And it matters. You don't want to have a smaller brain.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So getting your physical health habits early will make a huge difference on how well you can think when you're 60, 70, 80, or 90. And the problem is in our country, people don't plan. All the adults in our country are acting like children, like teenagers too, thinking we'll live together and well, at some point I'll get healthy. Well, that's a big message in my show. You don't have later.
Starting point is 00:20:20 You need to do it now. So I often say, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. And something I learned from one of my clients, which I just love when men take the class because they just get it and they go after it like it's a business deal. For women, it's more touchy-feely. They need the support. Men are just like, just give me the plan. So one of the men in my class recently actually gave me this analogy that I love.
Starting point is 00:20:38 He said, would you ever plan a European vacation and not plan ahead? You have to think about your passport. You have to think about where you're going to stay, what type of clothes are appropriate for where you're going. You would never just show up because it would be disastrous for your vacation. But if you plan everything in advance, you get there and it's all done and you're having a great time. Same thing. Now, why would you plan more for a vacation than you would for your life? That just doesn't make sense. So you need to plan ahead. All right. So phase one is really getting your diet to serve you rather than steal your health. Two is to really focus on exercise and supplements, still eating right. Talk about three.
Starting point is 00:21:18 So phase three, we really walk you through. We want to figure out if you're not sleeping, why you're not sleeping. So I walk through a lot of steps to figure out why you're not sleeping. And then we give you the plan to help you sleep. And then also stress, stress reduction. Stress will make you fat and kill you early. There is no doubt about it. So it's not something that it's like, oh, I have chronic stress. You heard me talk about it in the show.
Starting point is 00:21:38 So figure out a way to manage it. You heard me talk about it in the show. And I wish I had more time because I'd have gone into this. Especially when I was talking about ADD. When a little boy is struggling in school, parents get upset because he's going to have to take care of the family someday. And so they get him help. When a little girl is struggling in school, in their minds, they're still sort of hoping she marries somebody nice. And that's not reasonable because what's happening in our society is that women are doing a lot more than men. We're the sandwich generation.
Starting point is 00:22:14 We're taking care of kids. Thank God I'm not taking care of my parent yet, but I have. I took care of my father. My mom stays healthy, so that's good. But we're taking care of all of these people and we're working. Full time. Right. Which is different than in the past. So you don't get time to rest. There isn't downtime or more time for socialization. And the chronic stress that a lot of women are experiencing. So as cortisol goes up, so that's your stress hormone,
Starting point is 00:22:44 it actually begins to shrink your hippocampus, that memory center of your brain and puts fat around your belly, which I'm sure you hate. And it's just, it packs your immune system in a negative way. So getting a regular stress management program is so important. So you're not using simple carbs, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, sugar, as a way to boost serotonin and calm you down. And so in that phase, we actually go through a stress management program, which is really good, but you need to find a way to manage. We're all under stress.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I mean, the things are just busy, especially our lives are really busy, but if you don't figure out a way to manage it, you can work out, you can do the diet perfectly, and you're still going to have a muffin top. So there's no way around that. That's the belly because it raises cortisol. And that constant cortisol is going to cause problems with depositing fat around your belly. And same thing, I hate to say this because I always get hate mail on this, but vegetarian diets, I want you to understand one thing. Vegan and vegetarian diets do not automatically equal health. They just don't. Everyone has this idea that they do. So when you're eating, you're substituting some of those protein-based foods. You are,
Starting point is 00:24:00 a lot of vegetarians and vegans, not all, but a lot of vegetarians and vegans, they'll substitute those with rice and pasta and processed foods and French fries. And it's amazing to me, but these foods are going to make you, they're going to give you mental fog. They're going to make you sleepy and fat and tired, and it's not going to work. So you can be doing this great philosophy, but your body doesn't care about your food philosophy. It needs what it needs. So if you are, if it's against your values to eat meat, if it's a core value for you, then you need to figure out the best way to get that protein in there and get rid of the starches, get rid of the sugars. And I said in the show that people who have a carbohydrate-based diet
Starting point is 00:24:40 have four times the risk for something called mild cognitive impairment. That's like on the road to Alzheimer's disease. But people who had a fat-based diet, they ate more healthy oils and nuts and 42% less risk of getting Alzheimer's disease. And people who had a protein-based diet had 21% less risk. So if you don't want Alzheimer's disease, getting rid of those simple carbohydrates in your diet will help you. I have a granddaughter that has a really wicked seizure disorder. And the last eight months, she's not had one seizure because she's on something called a ketogenic diet, which is mostly protein and fat.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Well, they're using ketogenic diets for different brain disorders as well as depression. And then we read some studies today about cancer. Right, cancer. Because what feeds cancer is sugar. Your cancer cells are eight times more metabolically active than regular cells. They have to have sugar to survive, to thrive. And they cannot digest fat. So having healthy fat in your diet, I want to make it very clear.
Starting point is 00:25:48 This does not include processed fats. We're talking about healthy fat, nuts, seeds, olive oil, macadamia nut oil, coconut oil. Those are the fats we're talking about. So avocados, get rid of the processed foods because there's just, I don't even want to go into that because it's a whole show. All right. So let's be really practical now. Let's go through our diet with him. So I start every day with the protein shake. Tana's got great recipes for protein shakes. And
Starting point is 00:26:16 so what do you put it? So I make, and this is the other principle of my book is that it's a balance. It's balanced between you have the right ratios of protein to fat to the carbohydrates from vegetables and just a little bit of fruit. So it needs to be a balance of that. And so what I do with my smoothies is the same thing. I balance them. The reason I love smoothies is because they're the best food that you can drink or meal that you can have that really optimizes nutrients. So there was actually a study done where they actually did blenderized vegetables versus just eating vegetables. You absorb about 20 to 25% of the nutrients when you eat vegetables because no one sits there and chews them for 20 minutes. It doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:26:54 But when you blenderize them, you get 80%. So it's a huge difference. So I start with smoothies and I eat your fruit and drink your vegetables. Right. So kale and spinach and chard. You put kale in my smoothie? Yeah. First time he saw me doing it, he said, you will never get me to eat that. I'm not a cow.
Starting point is 00:27:16 And he had no idea he had been having them for months. So yeah, so I use a lot of greens. And as far as fruit to vegetables, it's four to one. So I use four times more greens than I do fruit. You only get about a half cup of fruit in the morning, and it's always berries. And you cannot tell at all. No, it tastes great. And then I use protein powder, a high-quality protein powder that's sugar-free.
Starting point is 00:27:37 So personally, I like pea protein. Read the label. Don't just go and say healthy protein powder. No. Anytime it says healthy on the label. You can almost guarantee. Read the ingredient. Don't just go and say healthy protein. Anytime it says healthy on the label, almost guaranteed read the ingredient. And if you don't recognize them as food, if your grandmother wouldn't recognize that it's food, if you need a chemist with you to decipher it, then don't buy it. So, and usually we say, we try to say like five or
Starting point is 00:28:00 less ingredients, not all foods have five or less, but make sure that the ingredients are at least things that you know what they are. Because there's so many things that, you know, we look over them and we think, oh, well, everything in there is great. This one thing, I don't know what it is. Maybe it's carrageenan, which is just terrible for creating inflammation and ripping up your gut. And it also is an excitotoxin, a neurotoxin.
Starting point is 00:28:20 So there's a lot of things. She doesn't look like a nerd, does she? But she's totally a nerd. All right. So smoothie for breakfast. And I often will bring up cut up veggies for me. And I'll munch on them during the morning, maybe with half of an avocado. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 00:28:35 You have to have healthy fat in your morning smoothie, because if you're going to have supplements, you need the healthy fat with them too. And it sustains you. Go ahead. So what do you put for healthy fat in the smoothie? Either a little bit of avocado, a little bit of coconut butter, or like some unsweetened sugar-free almond butter. So just a little bit.
Starting point is 00:28:53 You don't need a lot. You just need enough to sort of sustain you through a few hours. You never want to let yourself get hungry. Because when blood sugar levels go low, blood flow to your brain goes low, more bad decisions. So I'm always munching. When I did this program at Saddleback Church with Tana Mamet-Oz and Mark Hyman, we're all like squirrels. You know, everywhere you look, we have food.
Starting point is 00:29:17 But I do want to point something out. You guys are really busy, and so you're not stopping to buy food because my plan is designed so that you're not hungry, you're eating large volumes of the right foods and they're breaking your addictions and it's balancing your hormones. So you're eating, you know, four or five times a day up to six. If you're a person who's like gone all day and you're, you have late hours, but you shouldn't
Starting point is 00:29:35 be snacking in between because we do want to give your insulin a chance to rest. You don't want to be constantly stimulating that insulin. So you don't want to just graze all day. You want to plan those meals out so, so that you're not picking up things in between. And then how about lunch? So now for me, lunch, even though I have 126 recipes in my new book, I give people all these different ways they can eat. So to show them it's not boring, there's no way I have time to do all of those meals in
Starting point is 00:30:03 a day. It's just not going to happen. So what we do is we make leftovers. there's no way I have time to do all of those meals in a day. It's just not going to happen. So what we do is we make leftovers. Um, like I, whatever I'm making for dinner, I always make sure I have enough for lunch the next day. I immediately pack it in my little to-go containers and put it in a lunch box and put it in the fridge. So it's ready to go. Cause I don't have time in the morning to think about it. I'll be running out the door and I will forget it. But if it's ready to go, I have it. So I usually pack because I'm gone for a long time. I usually will pack some nuts. I'll pack, you know, I usually have a salad, some kind of a great salad. And I do always homemade salad dressing. It's so easy. It takes five minutes and
Starting point is 00:30:35 you can make it for a week. And then I have some sort of leftovers for protein. So usually it's chicken or fish or whatever it is we had the night before. And I usually have another vegetable. And occasionally I'll have a piece of fruit. So I don't eat fruit all day long. So once we get you through your insulin resistance and your sugar addiction, we still don't want you going back to eating a ton of fruit. We'll add a little more back in because the first phase we really restrict a lot. And then we add a little bit back in. So maybe a piece of fruit. And then there's, you know, if you're going to buy protein bars, make sure you read the ingredients. I make my own at home because you can make a huge batch of them.
Starting point is 00:31:10 They last for a long time. And I make them grainless with high protein, the right fats, and I know what's in them. Because if they're loaded with, you know, soy protein isolate and they've got or hydrolyzed vegetable protein and all these crazy things, They're actually neurotoxic. So they kill brain cells. They get them too excited in a bad way. All right. Well, for time, we have to stop. Thank you so much. Well, thank you. Thanks for listening to today's show, The Brain Warrior's Way. Why don't you head over to That's,
Starting point is 00:31:58 where Daniel and Tana have a gift for you just for subscribing to the show. And when you post your review on iTunes, you'll be entered into a drawing where you can win a VIP visit to one of the Amen Clinics. I'm Donnie Osmond, and I invite you to step up your brain game by joining us in the next episode.

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