Chapo Trap House - 262 - Blood and Cheesecake (11/12/18)

Episode Date: November 13, 2018

Matt, Will & Chris sum up the aftermath of the midterm elections, defend Western civilization from those who would destroy it, and check in on insufferable public intellectual Bernard Henri Levy's one... twat show.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, folks ladies and gentlemen, it's your chapeau coming to you live from the scene of the crime the chapeau election desk 2018 or we need decides it's been a long week but we're back with you now to help you digest some of the political news and views of the day that has happened since the election sitting in today joining me as usual is Matt Christman but in a slight change of programming we've got producer Chris Wade on the mic stepping out from behind the ones and twos Chris how are you doing I'm doing great Felix we had planned on him being here he's a little AWOL right
Starting point is 00:01:05 now so instead you have me which I guess is a little like reaching for a double tall shot of monster energy and getting a you know a lightly lime flavored seltzer instead but I'll do my best to know it's like getting it's like you're reaching for the monster energy drink but instead you're getting Earl gray hot yeah no I mean as you might know Admiral Felix Biederman has been called by the Navy Seal Army Ranger SWAT team as you may have seen from this past Veterans Day Felix always makes an appearance in local newspapers online and Facebook groups he was on SNL this weekend actually scolding Pete Davidson for
Starting point is 00:01:45 making fun of him last week on weekend update you all see that yeah he just he had a few great jokes and then he looked right into the camera and said submit your blood to the state it was really encourage really what people want from their late-night comedy program yeah there's nothing I like more than kicking back and enjoying a bloodstained paddock level murderer and you know would be voice Roy of America just look into the camera and tell you how important it is to never criticize him and submit to his every whim and those of his fellow his fellow psychotic veterans who want to take over the
Starting point is 00:02:23 country it's pretty great damn I didn't know Felix did that of course we're talking about that that other guy that was on Saturday Night Live first they brought on Felix you know as the good veteran and then they brought on the bad veteran yeah this guy Dan Crenshaw who before he got lightly made fun of on Saturday Night Live for having an eyepatch was most known for helping preside over a psychotically anti-immigrant and racist Facebook page while running for Congress as a Republican in Texas now thankfully that's all gone no one talks about that now they're all just thanking them for
Starting point is 00:02:55 his service you gotta love Saturday Night Live folks it's just the classic satire it's just a classic satire of of feckless Hollywood liberalism and it does a great job every week of reminding you just how pathetic and morally bankrupt that tradition is and just what's interesting to me about the the Pete Davidson and the eyepatch guy thing it's like don't you feel like we're about ten years beyond the like everybody loves the troops stage in our culture like do you think like now it's just like everyone loves Trump's and you know they we'd like the troops or whatever but like it wasn't we were past
Starting point is 00:03:32 the Iraq war height you everybody has to thank a troop constantly you think that cuz Trump remember in his campaign he famously and hilariously said I like the guys who didn't get captured talking about John McCain and that was every reporter thought well he's done for we all love the troops you can't say anything bad about the troops turns out no it doesn't matter and it turns out the only people who still care about this sort of ritualistic cow-towing are libs all totally inverted now because it's the same weekend that they are humping eyepatch dude we have all the Trump stuff where he's avoiding centennial
Starting point is 00:04:10 remembrances because the afraid of getting his hair wet which of course only makes me think about what he looks like with wet hair more which is one of the most horrifying images I can conjure in my mind other than him dancing to hotline bling on I believe it was David Roth friend of the show who said that it's his hair wet is like four or five strands that are the exact size and texture of lasagna just flapping off the side of this temple sort of like a popper doll yeah yeah oh no so I mean who honestly I don't care about all this World War one remembrance like get over it Jesus Christ dude come on like if you
Starting point is 00:04:48 don't know anybody who died in World War one if you like if the people of France and Germany and England really want to remember World War one they should kill their royal families in ruling class like a proper remembrance for that what that war I don't know what you guys are talking about I started the morning by putting lighting two little votive candles next to my framed picture of Archduke France program I put it next to my my copy of their greatest album the first one the first one the only one yes anyone remembers because it had that one song hey take me out how about take me to that war remember with an
Starting point is 00:05:22 umbrella folks folks and of course the other hilarious troop related thing with Trump is that as part of his his campaign to scare people about immigrants he put five crowds and troops to just stand sit in the desert intensity in a tent city thousands of miles away from not only where this caravan is but where it's headed with nothing to do many of them they're going to miss Thanksgiving and of course not a word about it since the election no one said a goddamn thing that to caravan is off of the news Trump isn't talking about it but they're still there and you know what I bet
Starting point is 00:06:01 most of them still love him yes they're gonna be eating fucking MRE on Thanksgiving Day and they're gonna be like God bless you for keeping us safe my beloved president Trump I will die for you putting the troops in boar war style concentration camps to fight the caravan and own the lives and but you know what they're happy to do it I bet you most of them are happy happy happy to do it yeah I really feel like you know it's transition a little bit into the midterm elections which are now thankfully blissfully over now it's time for 2020 oh that started like yesterday yeah no
Starting point is 00:06:38 but um I feel like more wasn't made of the fact that Trump literally dispatched the military on American soil to supposedly combat some entirely made up made up threat and like seems to imply that they would open fire on on migrants if they threw rocks at them yeah we're trying to cross the border or something that's what's insane because it's one thing to to do that kind of fear mongering obviously it's horrible and noxious and transparent but if you're a hog who is terrified of anyone who's you know darker than than a fucking paper bag lunch you kind of respond to it but don't you think like doesn't don't you
Starting point is 00:07:19 stop and think for a second when they just stop talking about it immediately the day after an election happens doesn't that make some sort of vestigial like getting thing in your brain sort of tingle a little bit just get a little itchy oh this thing I was terrified of to my core and two days ago some Honduran showing up at PF Changs with a fucking machete now I don't care about it at all and I've completely forgotten about it like doesn't that do anything to your brain of course of course not of course not but I'll tell you what did something to my brain was the midterm elections and it's been like
Starting point is 00:07:53 it's been a while I'm too I would just like to thank all the Matt Christman's who stopped by our election night live stream yes including black Christman and lady Matt Christmas but it's been a week out and I've had time to digest it and I would say like a week out my take on election night is that it was a huge wet fart for the Democrats and that's still basically my take however things don't look quite as bad for the Democrats as they did on election night particularly Kristen cinema has won her election hell yeah I'm looking forward to Lady Max Bacchus being in the Senate for many years it's gonna be great now
Starting point is 00:08:35 I hope that she reverts to her 2002 oh man can you imagine all these press photos of her digging in the congressional dumpster to get her free lunch imagine if this is all it's the long con that she just suppressed her her friggin anarchism to get to the Senate and now she's just gonna bust loose she's gonna just show up in the Senate like like with a fucking bucket of red paint to throw at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee pink people show up and she's like no no no I got this yeah oh that rule but no that's not gonna happen she's gonna be awesome she just lights up Mitch McConnell with a paintball gun yeah
Starting point is 00:09:12 so cinema one and then in Florida and Georgia the Nelson Scott Gillum DeSantis and Abrams camp races are all still in recounts Gillum in particular has withdrawn his concession and these are all by by state laws going into recounts because of how close they are and of course Trump and the entire Republican Party are doing it's 2000 is back maybe the Brooks Brothers riot once again are trying to send their you know an army of preppies to chant you know you know we must be seen like don't count the votes don't count the votes I believe fucking Roger Stone is back Roger Stone he was there for the 22,000
Starting point is 00:09:57 Brooks Brothers riot season he's there again it is astounding how time is just a flat stupid fucking circle although now he's kind of upgraded from Brooks Brothers to a kind of like advanced cosplay uniform of some kind of a steampunk villain yeah the yeah it's it's the mechanical goggles yes and and steam-powered jetpack riot yeah and he has a little derringer that comes out of his sleeve to shoot hanging chads of people yeah but that so you've got Florida which surprise surprise didn't spend the last 18 years after a historic fuck up doing anything it's electoral system which that's Florida
Starting point is 00:10:37 baby and then Georgia where everything we said was going to happen happen which is Brian fucking camp stole an election in front of everybody there were massive lines in in the populace minority heavy sectors of Atlanta throughout the the major city state troopers pulling over buses of an elderly after african americans well we knew that that was happening before the election day so that was already trying to remember that was already happening but the thing is on election day is that you had huge huge lines because a lot of polling places had very few machines and they found in warehouses brand new wrapped voting
Starting point is 00:11:21 machines in the thousands that never were like 700 voting machines that's in one place it's over a thousand oh Jesus Christ it's actually almost 2000 and they were never distributed to polling stations it's just literal theft and of course they're just doing the thing where they say it's very unbecoming of you to point out that we stole this election and you should really be a good sport about all of this and just concede which you know has worked in the past and a slight bit of sunlight is the no is to see that it is not actually working this time Stacey Abrams has not conceded Abram and Gillam and Nelson have either
Starting point is 00:12:00 failed to concede or unconceded in Gillam's case I didn't know that that was an option well the thing is it's not an official thing it's just some ceremonial bullshit where you call them on the phone it's it's like they're saying no taking back seats it doesn't fucking matter it's it's all absolutely ceremonial what matters is how when the fucking votes are certified I feel I should remind our young whipper snapper audience that the 2000 election Al Gore conceded and stopped the recount for quote the good of the country basically and helped inaugurate you know the war on terror and the Iraq war but
Starting point is 00:12:36 by every did unconcede to he unconceded but then like as he can then he like stopped the recount right or like what stopped the recount because by any Supreme Court Supreme Court stopped the recount they stole it yeah but by any conceivable measure the recount would have asserted would have certified Al Gore as the winner of Florida probably and the winner of the presidential election most likely I mean obviously there's no way to know for sure because they stopped fucking counting okay what I mean is independent audits of the of the like remaining ballots estimate that yeah he would have what I mean is for the good
Starting point is 00:13:08 of the country is that he did not protest the Supreme Court outright stealing his presidency from him at all yeah he but the thing is how is that going to happen yeah he's fucking Al Gore he's not getting anybody in the streets on his behalf and that's the real reality of this thing is that poorest militia if symbols around the Supreme Court if things if you fail in the the channels of the courts and officials and and and the people who are in charge of certifying these results certify a result what do you have to do the only real action is some sort of mass you know protests or or
Starting point is 00:13:46 disobedience that's not gonna happen I mean who's gonna do that on behalf of Democrats any Democrat so that means that really they can do whatever they want and honestly there's zero percent chance that if Trump loses in 2020 he will accept their outcome that's just the fact and people need to actually have a game plan for that because he's not gonna he's not going to accept the results I don't know I think this Supreme Court will probably make the right decision yes I have full bright faith in Brett Kavanaugh and with Ruth Bader Ginsburg having broken her ribs by that time be a brain and a
Starting point is 00:14:21 stem and a jar after someone after a janitor accidentally knocks out the plug that's keeping her alive she gets replaced by the ultimate warrior or whatever I think they're probably gonna rule in favor of Trump and say you're right there's a not real results Ric Flair drip yeah um but I mean you know a week out now like looking at the midterm elections the Democrats won was it like it's their biggest congressional in the in the house it's their biggest victory since 1974 and like you can look at it like what in the one in one way they you could say they like greatly overperformed given that they're
Starting point is 00:15:00 playing on a map that is literally drawn by the other side to prevent them from winning yeah right yes on the other side this one I'm just want to as an example of that they want to I believe something like 51% of the votes cast for Congress in North Carolina and they got three out of 13 seats so they got 51% of the votes cast in the state of North Carolina for house seats yeah and then got three of the 13 yeah that seemed that's that's that was a map that had been declared unconstitutionally gerrymandered but then in higher court said no actually you know what they call that we live in a republic not a
Starting point is 00:15:37 democracy a republic man if you can keep it yes is what Ben Franklin said to the French widow he just knocked up so like yeah so you know Nancy Pelosi is not going to be speaker of the house and she's you know super happy to get that gavel back but she's super happy to reach across the aisle well yeah that's the thing let the reaching begin so here's you look at it two ways on the one there are there were like a lot of like small bright spots in this election like for instance the like the Democrats seem to have lost most of their major marquee you know big big time matchups like I said except when Florida and Georgia will
Starting point is 00:16:17 see how that recount goes but don't hold your breath like we like Matt like you said considering who's counting the votes yeah or who's in charge of all this shit and again Florida and Georgia just cursed states 100% up and down but like for instance Beto Beto I still don't know how to say that apparently Beto I'm gonna call him Beto we're we're gringos we can call him Beto Beto whatever like he lost the Ted Cruz you know we were really hoping that Cruz would would you know go back to Mordor or wherever the fuck six more years of watching his jiggly face occasionally haunt your television watching him rise out of his
Starting point is 00:16:57 tank of brackish water to to refuse to give him a unanimous consent to a vote to you know extend cancer treatment to orphans or something he'll be issuing a statement from his giant float his giant floating water tank the Bene Gesserit Witch must leave and the Paula Treaties must be killed yeah by the Potashah Emperor and his Sardaukar legions no but like so so a roark lost to Cruz that sucks but like for instance in Texas it turns out that Beto is actually such a strong candidate that this was among the worst massacres for Republicans in Texas at the state level almost ever yeah they got they got really wiped out
Starting point is 00:17:40 down ballot down ticket like even though Beto lost his election he really did get a lot of people out to vote and down ticket was a huge huge boost for the Democrats like winning all kinds of judge judgeships and yeah there were certain areas were like every Republican judge was wiped out of certain districts yeah Houston for example yeah so yeah that's good including one guy who is considered to be like their front-runner to be the next governor of Texas whoop that's good that's good but you know and then again but then overall the Republicans expanded their majority in the Senate and Nancy Pelosi
Starting point is 00:18:20 is of course now like okay biggest in Democratic congressional victory since 1974 and then what's the first thing they said we will not go after the Republicans like they went after us it's our duty to find common ground hell yeah and I don't know passing infrastructure bill or whatever yeah and you know this is Nancy Pelosi this is I mean this is the outcome of this election of whether it's a blue wave or a blue trickle the Democrats get back the house and basically are already looking for ways to compromise not they're they're looking for any way other than to represent the people who
Starting point is 00:18:53 voted for them well they're looking for a way to they are voting for who body what representing for who voting for him and that is really the dark cloud inside the silver lining of all of the these congress could these races flipping is that the reason this happened this is a record-breaking turnout for a midterm like 49% wow give yourself a hand have you guys been seeing the thing where people where people been trying to outdo each other basically with how big the turnout for the midterms was like oh this is the biggest midterm turnout since the civil rights legislation was passed well actually it's the biggest
Starting point is 00:19:27 turnout since women won the right it's like yeah by any mean you you go back it's like the more people voted in midterms in like a century yeah it's a lot and obviously think about this fact think about all those lines that were not just in places like Texas where there was like an actual conspiracy to steal an election but just places where dope dope not enough ballots or a place like New York State where there were massive lines in the city which the Board of Elections head said was just an example of really great enthusiasm and not anything to be annoyed about three of the four machines at my precinct had
Starting point is 00:20:01 broken down by time I got there at 830 is that imagine if we had something even close to full participation in any election in those countries like say even 60% of people voted the entire system would break down there wouldn't be an election they would have to extend it bring out the National Guard like do elections in like fucking stadiums or something there is no this system is designed for people not to participate in it if they participated in it it would fucking break down it's because it's a republic not a democracy sir but part of that is because like this in an off year where the this this if you had told the
Starting point is 00:20:42 Democrats this was gonna happen give them this raw vote total before election they say oh we're gonna win a hundred seats and get the Senate back but it turns out that Trump has changed the math for midterms because his in constant engagement of his followers the rallies the transparent fear mongering the the the con controversy mongering it worked it energize them in a way that doesn't generally happen usually if you win an election your people a lot of them anyway just kind of stop paying attention they feel like I won they're not always aggrieved anymore because they're in charge they they kind of
Starting point is 00:21:18 their their big boys in the big chair and the so they sort of like tune out a little bit they lose their engagement on the issues and on on politics and that has not happened they are fully engaged they're gonna be there every time and that he literally has changed the map in that way the reason so you had a huge engagement of all the Republican base in a way that usually doesn't happen for the party in the presidency huge turnout for their Democratic base which does usually happen in off years for this party that lost the presidency the reason that you saw this big swing is because the suburban's the people who
Starting point is 00:21:58 are supposed to elect Hillary Clinton did finally this time do the switch the the Chuck Schumer prediction that everyone makes fun of worked this time and that's the big reason that they're in charge now which means that these this wave was sponsored by relatively well-off suburbanites who have no real interest in in the kind of you know socialist Democratic Party that people think is the only hope for salvation for this country and as a result we don't have any there's no reason to expect them to to change that to to govern in any to the left of any in any way that compared to how they had right before
Starting point is 00:22:39 as Weigel said on the stream the Panera Democrats came home they did and the Panera Democrats have no interest in shit like I mean maybe you can get along with Medicaid for all just as part of like a larger motive a larger program that's you know grassroots and and just sort of brings along people in its wake but they're not going to be they're not going to be the the spear point for anything so you can kind of write off the house for anything other than maybe some subpoenas which actually the interesting see if they're at if any of them are honored because maybe they start doing the subpoenas that everybody's
Starting point is 00:23:16 been hoping for for all of that sweet oversight and investigation and maybe the people in the White House just don't show up and then what are they gonna do they go to what the federal judiciary that's been stocked with with like a fucking Koi pond with Trump psychopaths for the past two years I can wait for a Trump to get subpoenaed and for him to show up in court in a wheelchair with a shirt that says fuck this court and an American flag fashioned into a diaper and then his fans will love that but I mean like to your to your point Matt about Panera Democrats I thought another interesting thing like a sort of
Starting point is 00:23:50 subtext to this election is that popular left-wing like broadly speaking like more populist like left ideas like Medicaid expansion or for instance re-enfranchising felons in Florida all did well they did much better than any actual Democratic candidate did in those same states yeah absolutely which is very strict like so I think the Democrats who just run just like like a like a file like stock image that says candidate and then candidate and his name is Medicare for all and like doesn't do any press or appearances and is just on the ballot as the name Medicare for all yeah like this guys who always
Starting point is 00:24:27 change their name to lower taxes yeah run in local local races yeah that's and that's the problem is that the Democratic to use a awful term brand is dogshit basically everywhere among voters among sort of ambiently conservative people who might be it might be induced by material platform and by the people who have tuned out of voting I mean the people who are the only real hope for changing you know the electoral math math in this country I was who did not come out either by the way and that that is still well off and honestly as I said it's the only feasible path to electoral reform on any kind of you
Starting point is 00:25:06 know any anywhere on the scale that is necessary to stave off immediate disaster I was kind of wondering if at this point you could try to take up the like outsider mantle that someone like Donald Trump is popularizing the Republican Party and run as a Republican and be like no I'm the new kind of Republican here to break down systems and drain the swamp and I am a Republican who stands for Medicare for all and like all these things that did well on the ballot but just say no no I'm still a Republican but I'm a I'm an outsider Republican now well the problem is that the social issues still are the thing
Starting point is 00:25:40 that like divide people into the buckets like that's the thing that it's the cultural signifiers and social issues stuff that gives people sort of that instant identification for which party they're in and that's the kind of thing you can't really compromise on and honestly be a leftist and which is a deal-breaker for too many people to sort of peel off of Republican voters so there's no real hope there the other big takeaway from the election is just that the Senate is going to be a huge problem and honestly an insurmountable one because it takes a smaller and smaller percentage of the US population
Starting point is 00:26:16 to block any meaningful reform now because these states are large they're becoming the states they're becoming older and whiter are gonna become basically unreachable in terms of flipping Senate seats in the near future and that means that getting even to 51 forget about 60 is is gonna be maybe impossible in the medium term which is all we can really think of I mean I think basically what I said when I came home on Tuesday night like very early in the morning I think basically holds true even you know if let's say DeSantis and Nelson and Abrams all win which would be great is that the
Starting point is 00:26:59 Democrats did the thing that they were supposed to do at the bare minimum which was take back the house we said that that was the chalk bet you know in our preview no wait what are you doing with this chalk I'm making a bets of chalk I'm kidding I'm putting chalk no they did the bare minimum of what they were expected to do but if you were looking at this midterm election to be like that that this is some kind of like strong headwind going into 2020 that like the Democrat that the Trump is gonna be a one-term president or even I'm sorry that like this is evidence that a more hopeful future or a better future is on
Starting point is 00:27:34 the way I gotta say you got to be disappointed by this like I I mean I don't know how else to say yeah you have all you all it's shown is that is that the peep is that the electorate as it has existed in the last generation you know rural whites all of them being Republican minorities largely being Democrat and then urban educated whites sort of being the cherry on the top of the Democratic demographic Sunday that's that's not going anywhere and then you and then the 50% of people who don't vote and most of whom have an economic interest in socialism not engaged and that is just a recipe for
Starting point is 00:28:18 yeah the same sort of turnismo that we've had for the last 20 years of basically whatever party is in charge when the economy inevitably collapses after a bubble bursts gets owned for a few years and then the other one takes over until another bubble bursts and then they get owned there's no real hope for that ending in sight like in in 2010 right that the Tea Party midterm election that was a big wave the Republicans got the House they didn't get the Senate till 2014 so Obama's 2010 midterm election yeah that was a bigger wave than this one in terms of absolute numbers last like 60 and keep in mind
Starting point is 00:28:59 Obama cruise to re-election pretty easily against Mitt Romney yeah like it was not that close and by modern standards it was not a close election yeah who's back I'm so I was so excited to remember that Mitt Romney was coming back as a senator this time just felt like you know a classic season 3 character being written back in and season 8 or something um yeah no the writers are getting real lazy for this bullshit but white bread cut out in a shape of a man Mitt Romney you know like we said it's 2020 season starts the day after the midterm elections and what am I seeing now again don't know how seriously to
Starting point is 00:29:34 take this but I we keep hearing rumblings that chill dog is coming back in 2020 yeah mark pen chill dog is gonna the return she's gonna take another shot at this in 2020 I mean that's according to mark pen who is a old-timey Pat medicine salesman yeah like he he he just got done selling lightning rods to rubes at a county fair and then wrote out a thing for the what Wall Street Journal about how she's coming back so take that with the entire fucking ocean of salt but I mean her actions have indicated that she wants another bite at the apple I have already bet Virgil $100 that she will run in 2020 I just I can't imagine her
Starting point is 00:30:15 ego allowing her not to like how is she going to allow that that be her last gas getting owned by Donald fucking Trump I mean it's just it's inconceivable that she would allow that to happen and the thing is is you can say oh she'd be an idiot to try how would she doesn't she have any kind of you know basic awareness no she lives in an armed compound surrounded by a bunch of fucking yes men and grifters who want a giant slab of the the huge fucking money pie that she's gonna be able to easily get from all of the awful corrupt Democratic donors so all of them are telling her she has a shot they have no
Starting point is 00:30:54 fucking incentive to tell her that the truth it really is it's like the end of downfall they're not gonna fucking tell her that their armies got destroyed on the fucking Vistula or whatever they're gonna want to be like no no we have we can retake we can take Moscow just just give me just give me a few hundred million dollars and I'll give you all the charts and graphs to show how you can win in Ohio by the way another thing we learned is that Ohio is just gonna be a red state now Ohio is is trending away from even being a swing state anymore that that was one state that had no blue wave at all except of course for sure
Starting point is 00:31:28 brown well how do you make a sure odd brown though sure odd brown what he is like one of those old-fashioned labor Dems he's not like as far left as Bernie and he endorsed Hillary during the primary which I've heard actually kind of really hurt Bernie's feelings because he kind of thought if anyone in the Senate was gonna endorse him it would have been shot brown but he didn't do it so he's got that careerism in him to not have you know gone with the obvious superior choice for workers but his labor record is very good and he talks he has he's got this raspy voice and he's got you know he dresses in these big
Starting point is 00:32:04 grumpled suits and he's got that sort of Bernie ask presentation of earnestness and you know care for the working man that sort of overcomes the democratic branding so you think more people should be talking about him for 2020 as like a possible solution I honestly still think Bernie is the only choice I really do I think he's the only choice I know he's a million years old and I know that every fucking Democrat is gonna have knives out for him but I just can't the the closest thing to another alternative is is charade brown and he hasn't really given indication that he's gonna run and if he did it would he would just
Starting point is 00:32:43 cannibalize Bernie's base and honestly I don't even see a place where he would do anything else other than deny both of them a chance at the nomination I mean it's two years away but just talking about this with you guys now I just have this horrible vision that like like almost Adam Curtis like that like this like Bernie and Hillary will both run again Hillary will beat Bernie and then lose to Trump and then just this feeling that like politics have now just become like our culture and that they're just remix you know like that we're not producing anything new at all and then we're just sort of doomed to sort of
Starting point is 00:33:17 relive like fucking like the guy in memento or something that we're just doomed to relive the same shit over and over and over again because like we're flapping off a Polaroid of Hillary Clinton that we just like that we're just doomed to like repeat literally the same things over and over again and we like we can't change or just literally imagine anything different yeah no I yeah it's just the structural impediments to first a left-taker of the Democrats and then if that were to happen a left Democrat takeover of the the handles of power in that the federal level are just huge and they could
Starting point is 00:33:59 happen hypothetically but just not on any kind of reasonable timescale given given the economic given the ecological condition of this planet I mean I know that elections are they take up a lot of brain space because of the way that politics is structured and the way that we deal with it in this country and and it's hard to sort of you know take your eyes away from it because it is such a spectacle and it has so many elements of horse race projection and entertain entertainment that make it really really fascinating but I honestly think that it's efficacy in the near term is is pretty minimal so it's hard to say
Starting point is 00:34:40 that because I honestly don't have a lot of alternative ideas but I think one thing we should take away from this is that you know this sort of gridlock and and just metronomic back and forth seems to be the near term reality and as a result people are gonna have to start organizing more outside of electoralism not give it up obviously keep trying to fight where you can because there are a lot of great low especially local results in this election but you know we're gonna have to figure out a way to mill mitigate the worst of what's coming and we can't depend on the government for it and again some of the most hopeful
Starting point is 00:35:16 spots were the the ballot measures on the ballot set that came through that is a new way to think about these things like the re-enfranchisement in Florida if that had taken place before this election and Gillum would probably be handily the governor yeah no they're a lot but and and for the most part the the the ballot measures were encouraging on some things Medicare being a good one even in Utah Medicare expand Medicaid expansion went through our Medicaid rather and but you know there were some bad results measure be obviously a lot failed in LA but also in California the measure to repeal the ban on rent
Starting point is 00:35:57 control failed which is a blow to anybody being able to live in that state parts of it that aren't burned down anyway yeah and maybe that's gonna take care of high rents yeah it's like you know the yimby is he saying that all we need is just new housing stock we need more housing stock so maybe these wildfiles who just destroy enough old housing stock that they'll just have to to build and build and build yeah and let's get rid of all zoning laws because of the fires the fires got rid of the zoning yeah yeah we did we did cover on election night the the measure C in San Francisco did win yes that basically tax
Starting point is 00:36:32 all the rich people in that fucking city to deal with their homeless situation in a slightly reasonable way yeah and the other one the one that really detresses me the most is that Colorado had a huge Democratic wave they were sort of the opposite they're honestly the opposite of Ohio and that they were kind of a red state they turn into a swing state and now they just look like they're gonna swap Ohio and just become now a blue state I think that did it just if we could just get everybody tuned up that's what we need we need to start putting CBD in the water supply be like just make America tuned out and then
Starting point is 00:37:07 like scientists have proven conclusively that the consumption of THC destroys the part of one's brain that appreciates individual liberty it encourages socialism and collectivism I'm just imagining like you know like Tammany Hall New York instead of all the boss tweeds minions handing you know handing out like pints of whiskey to the voters to vote for them it's just a huge spliffs for all the the pre-rolled yeah yeah and but no so they had a huge Democratic wave they basically washed out Republicans that like from the local level on up and they they banned labor forced labor in prisons now which is
Starting point is 00:37:46 good they did around to that they did non-partisan Jarrett Jarrett district redistricting which a lot of states did but they've did they voted down the anti-fracking measure and well the most insane thing about that is that they got on the ballot like an anti-fracking measure that would essentially like regulate fracking in such a way that like it would be not profitable to do it because you couldn't for instance you know drill for natural gas like next to a school or any inhabited or you know like next to like you know water that people drink and the fucking oil and natural gas natural gas industry got
Starting point is 00:38:23 a fucking another ballot measure on the fucking thing they would cover their ass in case the people voted to like pass this regulation on fracking yeah they would have gotten basically a taxpayer bailout for having got another ballot measure that essentially said the state of Colorado would have to pay them for any future profits that theoretically could have made yeah they would have been lost had this measure been passed and both measures failed so well I mean so basically they just said point yeah they were those voters were like well just forget about it which you know the stuff in the ground has to
Starting point is 00:38:59 stay there man I mean if we're not gonna all die the shit that's in the ground the fucking natural gas the oil that's in the ground now it has to stay there forget forget forget the long stick forget thinking long term and by long term I mean like 10 to 15 years in the future yeah I mean right now like how do you like drinking water you like having water that comes out of your thing is that how do you argue against something that makes everybody money you know and and that that's a that's a tough problem even for socialists who want to pitch to miss people's material interests a fracking company giving you
Starting point is 00:39:32 money for for natural gas that's on your property giving you a royalty for the rest of your life that's that's someone's material interest and how do you make up for that with some sort of hypothetical problem about oh you know your oil your your tap water is gonna be on fire and oh we're all gonna fucking cooked to death in 20 years that's just doesn't have the immediacy of a paycheck of a royalty check every month and I don't know how I don't know how you beat that I don't know how you beat the economic imperative to fucking pry every goddamn ounce of that shit out of the out of the ground and in the air well let's let's put a pin in
Starting point is 00:40:08 that one in that discussion and here's a bit of another another bright spot from the election is Orange County Congressman Dana Rohrbacker finally lost you all remember Dana Rohrbacker he's sort of like the the chill like ice I surfing Republican like he wears pukashell necklaces he loves to swim to he's pro weed he's pro weed and he is the one member of Congress who you could legitimately make an argument is like a literally a Putin agent in his he loves Russia goes there all the time other Republicans in the Congress joke about him yeah yeah also in the 80s he was a big um he was not he was a big fan
Starting point is 00:40:49 of the Contras and the oh yeah he would go on like junkets where he like you know would pose with them like you know wielding machetes or whatever and he's just like they're fighting for freedom yeah just like our founding fathers yeah yeah he actually proposed a piece of legislation in Congress that in during the 80s to authorize the transmission of the Konami code to Nicaragua to give them infinite life select and start that's a defeat of the Sandinistas up down up down left right left right so Rohrbacker finally lost and Brent and Brendan actually sent me this article from the OC weekly back in 2013 and it
Starting point is 00:41:31 is quite extraordinary it's called Dana Rohrbacker is dirty and I want to read this this is this article is quite extraordinary again this is from 2013 and I'm screening here it says when congressman Dana Tyrone Rohrbacker moved into a foreign moved into a four bedroom four bathroom million dollar Costa Mesa rental home on April Fool's Day 2010 the immaculate sixty three square sixty three hundred square foot property could have been featured in a glossy real estate magazine built in 1948 the two-story Orange Avenue home had been updated in recent years for comfort and style the carpeting was new
Starting point is 00:42:11 appliances worked and walls were spotless thriving flowers plants and glad grass adorn the idyllic backyard less than four miles from the Pacific Ocean but it's now understandable why Orange County's senior career politician secretly changed the locks and refused to allow homeowner Robert Pollanek inside for an annual inspections when he moved out in August 2012 Rohrbacker left behind a shockingly horrific pigsty a dump worse than a college fraternity house of unhygienic slobs unfamiliar with the most basic tools of cleaning Darlene Whitzel Pollanek's longtime girlfriend entered
Starting point is 00:42:49 the home shortly after the congressman's departure and wept at the scene it was disgusting she said it was unbelievable who lives like that massive black stains and muck covered the carpet throughout the home sticky grime in case dammit in case damage rusted appliances denied water once thriving outside plants and grass dried up and died blinds were cracked black dirt ruin the appearance of the one sparkling tile floors walls inexplicably contained odd holes nail polish wax and some smelly substance that may have been feces Jesus every every toilet seat in the house was broken all right I can relate
Starting point is 00:43:31 to that I feel you Dana I've done that a few times it goes on the ceilings showed smoke damage light switches had been cracked clumps of hair and remnants of what was Jesus Christ clumps of hair and remnants of what may have been balloons or some other rubbery material clogged sinks cracked scarred doors thick solidified grease rendered the air suction vent above the kitchen stove useless use us bathroom towel bars were missing and vanities suffer water damage a second floor suite used by Dana's wife Ronda as her bedroom contained a huge mysterious lubricant like stain something you might expect on the floor
Starting point is 00:44:13 of a Hollywood sex club had seeped through the thick carpet and padding to tarnish a hardwood floor the dishwasher wasn't functioning a wooden chair in the backyard had been crushed and phone lines were strangely severed what an overflowing tub cracked a ceiling with water damage and no joke white maggots squirmed underneath the kitchen stove that may have not have ever been cleaned during Roebacker's three thousand three sorry three thousand three hundred and fifty dollar per month occupancy which was secured in part with character reference from Steve Bannon O.C. Congressman Ed Royce John Campbell and
Starting point is 00:44:51 Ken Calvert paid invoices showed widespread damage total more than twenty five thousand dollars eight hundred according to records reviewed by the weekly Polyonic deducted the six thousand seven hundred dollar security deposit and sent the congressman a bill for the remainder but Roebacker sixty six years old and known even in friendly Republican circles from miserly inclinations even though his family's known income easily tops a quarter million dollars annually before counting lucrative congressional benefits steadfastly ignored seven of his ex landlords polite communications yeah no that's the Steve Bannon home
Starting point is 00:45:26 decorating style right there all I need is the acid burnt jacuzzi to go with it it sounds like he was doing saw shit that people are waking up with electrified dog collars on and Roebacker is coming over the PA like I want to play a game if you were to give me a ten million dollar budget to create a scene in a movie that was a failed summoning sequence for a great old one I don't think I could do a better job than that that's amazing is there any way we can prove at this point that every nationally elected or national level elected Republican official does not secrete a kind of black Ike or wherever
Starting point is 00:46:03 they go they all look like fucking pig pen just walking around with a giant stink lines coming off of them perhaps it's good that Felix wasn't able to be on this one because maybe we're back or would have a defender yeah he'd be like hold on a minute maybe he was gaming really hard just couldn't do any of this bullshit he's got a lot of stuff on he's got a lot of minis to collect give him a break so check this out Roebacker believes that he is the victim of all of this and he wants poyonic his former landlord to pay him $20,000 for not refunding his security in a timely manner that is the fucking Republican
Starting point is 00:46:38 ideology in a nutshell the man who created the stink cat cavern goes I have been wronged like that they're just walking around aggrieved for no reason that's that's the Republican ideology writ large some anti-fustile goons broke into my rental and unloaded a 55 gallon drum of sex lube right onto the floor oh one other good thing from election night that I sadly for some reason wasn't able to notice fucking Scott Walker lost that fuck the one thing I actually really cared about that fucking piece of shit go back to the fucking goosebumps cover god bless America that motherfucker is gone in two years when
Starting point is 00:47:25 you say Scott Walker everyone will know you're talking about the noise musician because he's done for he'll go he'll get some fucking he'll like burrow into one of the Koch brothers thoraxes and just live there like and he will never be seen again thank fucking god I think best possible future for Scott Walker is to became become a lobbyist for the ham industry yes he honestly should be out there every day just knocking on every member of Congress who works in the agricultural committee going have you considered ham I this is Scott Walker's loss is something that it was close and I attribute it entirely to our decision on Monday to release a bonus episode absolutely our roast of him in Madison Wisconsin people heard it
Starting point is 00:48:14 and they're like I can't read from his god awful book unintimidated yeah about his years as governor taking on those greedy public sector unions yeah yes no that is Sean Scotty fucking maggot his brave war against the will of the Wisconsin people he is now he is now taking a job cleaning Dana Rohrbackers rental properties yes and he's taking the skills he learned power washing the precious stone he comes in every day with a thermos of warm milk and two ham sandwiches and he's like I'm a lunch pail type house cleaner I come to work every day cleaning up all the black mold come shit
Starting point is 00:48:53 blood and yeah not be intimidated by this mysterious and the black oil from the x-files it's just seeping into his pores he'll have the exact same dialogue as the cleaning lady played by Terry Jones and Monty Python's meaning speaking of ballot measures and Republican mindset here's another thing from like this is from like a couple weeks ago but I read this article and it really summed up for me like so much of American culture and like the politics that it breeds and I'm speaking of course now this measure failed in Georgia but you may have read this piece about this town in Georgia that had
Starting point is 00:49:39 that basically it's become a very it's like growing in population and they film a lot of movies there it's become sort of like the southern Hollywood because of like a lot of tax breaks it's called Stockbridge Georgia and basically they were voting on election day to resegregate their town yeah they wanted it basically it's a town that just elected its first black mayor and has an all-black city council the white residents of the town were basically got on the ballot a measure to split the city in two between the white part and the black part and basically take away all of the the tax base of the white
Starting point is 00:50:19 part and essentially they were doing this so they could get a cheesecake factory in a PF Changs I'm reading here from this is what they said yeah that's what they said it's just interesting seeing how the goalpost move over the years because for a long time it was all about schools and now it's literally about chain restaurants but I mean is like this is essentially in another in another 10 years our chain restaurants will be our school yeah where'd you go to high school oh cheesecake 11 it says white residents are hoping to split the city into creating a new majority white town known as Eagles Landing the community in
Starting point is 00:50:56 recent years has become a hotbed of activity for film production companies and is often referred to as Hollywood South if you watch the movie Black Panther you will recognize the area upon visiting it as it serve for a shooting location for the popular film white citizens recently enacted a plan to split the city into two taking the most valuable parts of Stockbridge for their own and kind of put up force field around it that disguises the techno utopia that is encased within city lab reports that residents are upset that the community is mostly attracting Bojangles and waffle houses when they
Starting point is 00:51:27 want they want cheese kill for a fucking Bojangles around here when they want cheesecake factory or PF Changs type establishments to move so basically they want to pay more for less good food that's what they want for the daily cost notes that the committee of privileged white people was meeting at a country club to discuss their plans the plan was hatched when the woman running the campaign realized the average income of residents in the area was not high enough to attract the businesses she wanted in the area what is most troubling is that the Eagles Landing plan calls for volunteers to essentially
Starting point is 00:52:00 steal the business district that already exists leaving Stockbridge revenue residents with a massive loss of sales and property taxes residents didn't believe state officials would allow the measure to reach the ballot but that's exactly what happened in the areas white affluent voters pass the measure is Eagles Landing will feature six-figure income and a business district that was built from the ground up with help from a largely the largely black community even though Stockbridge residents won't be allowed to vote on the measure unless they are in the Eagles Landing area it will be their community
Starting point is 00:52:30 that is torn apart especially an annexation of their rightfully owned city oh my god so it was landing was iron cross George so that that measure did not pass weirdly considering it was only the people in Eagles Landing that would be voted honestly kind of encouraging that they did not vote to yeah recreate segregation so that they could have overpriced wantons the the phrase blood and soil was not pulling well so they changed it to blood and cheesecake but that just didn't have the direct appeal that they were hoping no but I read that article and like it it just really made me like think that like
Starting point is 00:53:08 it really summed up a lot of me like what our politics is really all about who the people who vote in our elections like what what they're really thinking about what they want politics to achieve for them and it is that they want to create like you know these all-white suburban enclaves that don't have to pay a single dime of taxes for anyone outside of their little like yeah doamed city yeah they want to recreate the village the village is their utopia it's there it's their model of the future that they and they don't want they don't want any a single dime of the taxes the property area or sales taxes they pay
Starting point is 00:53:44 going to anything like you know public transit or education for anyone that isn't their kids and I got to say like it's not couched in these terms but this is literally like this is the ethno-state shit that like all right people are obsessed with yes they don't conceive of it in those terms but this is what they want to do they want essentially an a la carte taxation system in which like what little in taxes they do pay goes to things exclusively that serve them and only them and by them I mean they're kin and kind and other well well to do white people right and what the and basically this is when you're a rung down from the
Starting point is 00:54:20 ultra-wealthy who are able to do this stuff unilaterally exactly they don't have to worry about any drawing measure doing ballot measures and and you know any of that bullshit they just keep their money out of the public out of range of public revenues and recreate private infrastructure by themselves because that's the glory of having that much money when you're a little bit lower on the on the the economic rung you have to still do this kind of stuff but the idea is still the same as I said I think a few weeks ago it's it's it is how one of the big things that I do the Roman Empire is that local rich people local
Starting point is 00:54:55 people you know at the Latifundia people who owned largest states just stop sending people to the to the army and stop sending tax revenue up and started building walls around their little things and saying no I got this and that's what's we're seeing that recreated here at everywhere above like the top you know like 10% people are doing that and yeah it's only gonna get more more prevalent over time I do think it's funny though and very revealing and honestly should even be an embarrassment to like the white nationalist types who see this kind of thing as a model and have you know like Roman
Starting point is 00:55:32 fucking busts as their avatars on Twitter and post nothing but pictures of columns and are like and are obsessed with eagles yeah this is how things should be this is the fucking whites Western culture that you're defending it has nothing to do with any of these ancient verities it's fucking cheesecake factory and pf Chang's it's pf Chang's it's this air zots corporatized poured concrete cheap-ass recreation of of things that you never even experienced it's just it's somebody else's dream of somebody else's dream of a culture and you're getting just it covered in fucking MSG and high fructose corn syrup and that's the
Starting point is 00:56:13 fucking culture that you're willing to kill what three-quarters of the world population to maintain just think of the fucking psychotic awful heart of anyone who is motivated by that to see to see all that death as like grimly necessary not something you necessarily want to you know celebrate but something that must be done for the good of the culture and this is what it is well this is fucking yeah like these are the people like you know like like even like the intelligent racists who will be like you know like people like Andrew Sullivan or whatever yeah we're like you know we should be you know like you
Starting point is 00:56:49 know Trump is a demagogue but like you know people on the left who poo poo you know concerns about immigration or whatever are playing into his hands you know we should speak to the fears of people who are like afraid of the caravan because you know it's a real issue like you know what what if what happens when you know Western culture or American culture changes and I'm like fucking good let's like dude our culture is dog shit our culture is terrible and when I say barely even it's calling it a culture is a fucking insult to that concept like here's the thing like American culture like as a whole still
Starting point is 00:57:23 does like carries a lot of weight in the world and that like we set popular culture for the world yeah largely but like anything that is valuable in our culture I'm sorry is not being produced by white suburbanized no like we talk about like white American culture there is no culture they don't well that's the thing is people would rather have fucking cheesecake factory than breathable air or drinkable water in the next 30 years they don't produce any culture they've produced nothing they consume they consume fucking minions t-shirts and Isis Hunter fucking bumper stickers for a cheese case and yeah
Starting point is 00:57:59 Ford F-150s and a shitload of guns yeah and it's just like I don't think this culture is worth preserving they oh oh oh it's our democratic culture that's worth preserving these people don't believe in democracy no we just explicitly told you they're trying to like literally annex territory for themselves so they don't have to like live and share any property with like black people the governor's the governors of two states and the president of the United States are currently in public carrying out an attempt to steal fucking three elections there's but there's nothing but content for
Starting point is 00:58:31 democracy and all they want is the freedom to consume yeah garbage dog consume dog shit food idiot television shitty movies and fucking petrochemicals that yeah yeah so yeah like again so if you're looking at you know 5,000 people fleeing warfare and horrible emissorating conditions that largely this country is responsible for in Central America trying to enter a nation of what 320 million people yeah God I just don't know if we can handle another 5,000 people in this country I know I don't think what that these people are are looking for like a job or so just anything because they're the way of
Starting point is 00:59:12 life has been uprooted by a horrible global capitalism somebody might so what they're gonna come to America and they're gonna change our culture by I don't know introducing food that isn't awful look look if they come here we're no longer going to have a melting pot by that I mean the chain fun I will not stand idly by and seen this nation's fud rockers turned into taquillera anything that's that's you know a bearable or interesting about American culture is not being produced by these people nothing is being produced they don't produce culture they just consume a corporate fucking monetized just gravy pipe of
Starting point is 00:59:55 shit it's like it all of American culture it's like that Simpsons episode where they go to the duff fucking brewery and all the different flavors are coming out of one pipe that's it yeah all the pipe it's like the food the beverage the television it's all just a corporate shit and the funny thing is is these Nazi guys see that and they're like horrified by it too yeah but they somehow think that their fellow whites in these cults in these places are gonna somehow rise up against this commodified awful even modern corporate monoculture like they don't love it more than life itself well even those people
Starting point is 01:00:29 like the people who have marble bust out well they're full of fucking well they're full of shit if you asked any one of those people who like you know has like hashtag defend Western civilization or whatever from you know from people in Central America or immigrants or whatever like ask them what their favorite symphony is and watch their fucking gormless shithead slack jawed face just go the one from clockwork or yeah yeah yeah my favorite moment of that ever and this is a year ago now is that there was a thread where one of these fucking mutants posted this picture of a statue and he said this is the culture we're
Starting point is 01:01:04 trying to preserve and he got owned immediately because somebody pointed out it was actually made by an Asian woman oh yeah no is it was a statue it was like a marble statue of like you know like a woman in a diaphanous clingy dress like a like a classic like representational like looked realistic and he was like this is Western civilization and it was actually a Chinese American woman sculptor and everyone was owning him for that and I feel like that sort of missed the even bigger point which says the fucking statue is dog shit the statue is basically just a fucking marble real doll there's nothing to it
Starting point is 01:01:37 there's there's it's just look a sexy lady and it's hard it's like impressed by the technical skill of like making stone look like fabric it's like that's fine but like just looking at that being like I'll kill three quarters of the world population yes your brain is is a dog's brain and you know whenever I think about whether it's Eagles landing or the villages or any of this shit Matt I think you've seen it have you ever you know the movie a boy and his dog oh yeah Don Johnson it's like Jason Robards yeah post apocalyptic movie where Don Johnson is this sort of like teenage wanderer through this like post-nuclear
Starting point is 01:02:11 hellscape yep and eventually he gets kidnapped by basically the underground version of the villages led by Jason Robards where they've used robots to recreate this kind of like 1950s like new guitar yeah 1950s suburban existence and they want to get him so that they can literally milk his sperm and create more like apple cheeks young lads exactly yeah so yeah check out a boy and his dog directed by IQ Jones the Sam Peckin LQ Jones LQ Jones LQ oh LQ Jones IQ Joe the same the much no Sam Peckin paw like yeah yeah from Wild Butch based on a Harlan Ellison short story anyway boy and his
Starting point is 01:02:57 dog very good movie lastly though we're talking about you know observations on American culture today and I want to go to someone who is his cast his glance at American culture from a broad the Alexis the Tocqueville of the modern era literally thinks about yeah I know you wrote a book explicitly making that comparison I'm talking of course about Bernard Henri Levy but you damn open collar Bernard Henri Levy if you're not familiar is a incredibly full of shit French public intellectual a self-described public intellectual who's mainly known for never buttoning his shirt up and showing off his like
Starting point is 01:03:38 bird-like chest anyone like the French like to look down on America because we really don't have those guys for the most part and good exactly you own any of them by saying if that is what a public intellectual is no thanks I will take I'll take fucking Terry Bradshaw talking about this fucking lineup of games on NFL Sunday over that guy as our version of a public intellectual he's you know he considers himself like yeah like that like a defender of liberal society but of course there's he's not met a single US-backed military intervention that he didn't back he supported the Libya intervention after the Iraq war thought
Starting point is 01:04:16 it wasn't going to be a great idea he talked Hillary Clinton about it helped convince her to convince Obama to do it and they brought slavery back so well done so can I interest you in a Bernard Henri Levy one-man show currently being seen at the public theater in New York wait a minute this is in New York yes okay we're getting no price too high for this can I interest you though in a review of French public intellectual and Alexis de Tocqueville wannabe Bernard Henri Levy's one-man show called Looking for Europe reviewed by young James Kerchick you know I normally would be worried with spoilers since I
Starting point is 01:04:56 absolutely will be seeing this but it's Jamie Kerchick how can you not read a Jamie Kerchick this is Jamie Kerchick writing in tablet looking for Europe finding America adrift Bernard Henri Levy's one-man show Looking for Europe makes the case that America makes for the case for America better than most Americans ever do sometimes it does it doesn't have Bernard Henri Levy it sometimes it takes a foreigner to remind you of America's promise and potential this is certainly one of those times watching Bernard Henri Levy perform his one-man one-night only show oh no oh no he's wait how can it be a one-man show
Starting point is 01:05:36 if he's only doing it one night that's just a lecture yeah yeah watching his one-night only show Looking for Europe imagine the crowd at that thing yeah Bernard Bernard cosplayers showing up with the shirt unbutton the two just the two bottom buttons done and then everything just like he man just wafting open scalpers out front I got to I got to so he said when I saw BHL perform his one-man one-night only show Looking for Europe Monday night at the public theater I thought I witnessed the flash of Thomas Jefferson it wasn't only the perfectly coiffed bouffant permanently sported by the celebrity
Starting point is 01:06:19 French intellectual which precipitated this momentary sense wait a minute is he saying that Bernard Henri Levy has a wig because that's sort of the big thing about those dudes they love wigs that wasn't Thomas Jefferson's actual hair precipitated this momentary sense of synthesis with the most frank a file of the American founders not the only kind of file he was Felix is an era but I'm I know that would that's what he would be chiming in with over the course of an hour and 45 minutes oh Jesus Christ no theater should be longer than 90 minutes Levy made the case for America it's meaning its values its purpose in the
Starting point is 01:06:57 world better than most Americans ever do yeah we'll be our way of a coming together around the love of flag of a constitution amongst us does not enjoy the NASCAR and basically an idea okay that's I'm not gonna do the French accent anymore just imagine it just imagine it every word is in that voice the American Levy proclaimed the Americans represent everything that the European advocates of the nation rooted in soil race and blood to test less and less so I don't know if you notice who's president also they were all there yeah exactly a lot is coming from inside the house yeah and then Jamie says alas there are many
Starting point is 01:07:40 Americans who share this conception of the nation and they happen to be in power okay thanks for acknowledging that Jamie maybe you can vote for Trump again in 2020 but looking for Europe is the latest version of a show Levy originally performed at Sarajevo's National Theatre in 2014 called Hotel Europe and has since presented in Odessa Venice Paris and London I really hope that it was presented in the form of a farce where there were each character was in a different room representing a ruling ideal ideology of Europe over the last several centuries they all like came out and tried to solve the murder of
Starting point is 01:08:15 Butler or something this is also really this is also really funny for for Kerchak of course who is you know a mainly a partisan of you know Israel and America yeah like that that's pretty much what defines the limits of his politics is what party in power can do the most for Netanyahu's government and he's like you know holding up this banner of like you know we believe in liberty as an ideal more than you know race or soil or tradition this must be inconvenient for him at a time when Netanyahu is literally like shaking hands and closing up with Victor Orban and hungry and quantum and like legally
Starting point is 01:08:49 defining Israel as an ethno-state oops the V who in 2006 barnstormed across our fruited plains produced the rollicking travel down American vertigo American vertigo just just imagine him just smelling his own for just smelling his farts in a wine glass and going wee-wee I smell and notes of it it's Thomas Jefferson's sheets yeah that book was absolutely destroyed in a review by Garrison Keeler oh great it's a great review and when you get just owned by that fucking snooze that that guy who spent the last 30 years nose whistling into a microphone and PR and he just goes beast mode on you that's how bad you
Starting point is 01:09:36 fucked up like Garrison Keeler can write though and when he's on he's on and I remember that review it was it was fantastic because what you know he is it like a guy who has been you know channeling the middle American Minnesota ethos to have this French asshole come in and try to do his like you know polite musings on American culture is just a vomitus so he says Bernard BHL is unabashedly pro-American in the best sense in that he admires the idea of America even when the country fails as it often does and is doing to live up to its promise America fails but it's it's drone program never does America is
Starting point is 01:10:16 Europe saved and relaunched Levy declared so America is the save point that Europe did before before it fucked up the two World War is if only they could just go back to that restart point and then fast travel to the Treaty of Versailles yeah so an inveterate name dropper Levy recalled his relationship with the socialite and former American ambassador to Paris Pamela Harriman in whose residence he watched alongside NATO Supreme Allied commander Wesley Clark and the diplomat Richard Holbrook the NATO planes saving Sarajevo at last geez that only mother fucker could consider that name dropping was a
Starting point is 01:10:53 patricial hair of flan invite if Levy cannot countenance the nationalist xenophobic right so too is he fed up with the increasingly illiberal and parochial left when Levy and his comrades man the barricades of Paris in 1968 we are all German Jews was the cry their rallying cry of solidarity with the world's oppressed today he bemoans the agenda of the western left is all about terroir and local cheeses the agenda of the internet of the western left is about local cheeses I think he's talking about sort of the sort of the idea that I think that the left is just defined by sort of hostility to
Starting point is 01:11:38 monoculture like we were talking about you know do the idea to have like artisanal local stuff and once again he's probably yeah if you're talking about a certain strain of like urban liberalism that's probably true but once again you know that's just the people he hangs out with I'm mostly interested in the mouth feel of today's left envisioning a morally upended future where a president Mary on Mary shell Le Pen in tombs the ashes of Vichy collaborator Philippe Peton in the hotel the hotel days in Valides wait a minute didn't that just happen fucking do that but Macron did fucking honor
Starting point is 01:12:12 peton that's true so keep in mind that Kerchic is describing this as like a fascinating and really entertaining show Levy asked hypothetically whether remains of DeGal Lloyd Byron and Winston Churchill should not be removed from their places of national honor and whether America ought not return John McCain to Hanoi because they should put his ass like as an animatronic bear like the fucking Hanoi Chucky cheese who comes every out every every hour and apologizes in a song playing a banjo for fucking murdering those people next spring in the imagine watching this shit a one-man show featuring this
Starting point is 01:12:56 unbearably pretentious ass pretentious asshole name-dropping General Wesley Clark and be like this is what America is about this guy sees America more than the actual people who live here next spring in the run-up to the European Parliament elections Levy plans to take his show on the road to 20 European cities it will be challenging territory hoping to capitalize upon the recent advances they have made in national parliament's right-wing populist parties across Europe are expected to increase their presence in the body at their side will be Steve Bannon freed from Trump's employee to wreak his mad
Starting point is 01:13:30 vision upon the old continent if Levy sticks to custom and rewrites the script for each locale addressing the local personalities and idiosyncrasies of Berlin to Budapest it will be an impressive feat to be honest that's that that sounds like what we do when we're on the road and for Champo-Trampos give a little look at a little local flavor from Pittsburgh to Minneapolis this motherfucker honestly thinks that's what's going to stem the tide is this fucking dingus this bare-chested pretentious dickhead this guy who's just like a combination of like Charlie Rose and Madeleine Albright wandering around
Starting point is 01:14:10 Europe and being like no we are better than this that is the most delusional thing I think I've ever heard more so than Hillary running in 2020 this is breathtaking okay this is how just think of how fucked liberalism is yeah how are we the avatars it is completely collapsed it has no popular legitimacy and the only ideas these people have for getting it back is well I will go before them before the richest of them of course who can afford to see my mature and I will remind them of Liberty and then they will not be fascist anymore it's like you have this word fucking doomed because honestly what's
Starting point is 01:14:48 terrifying about this is that like right now they literally are the only thing standing between us and the resurgent right because the left is still too fucking weak I just want to underscore again that both BHL and Jamie Kerchick were huge supporters of the Iraq war and still are to this day of course I mean they're in favor of you know basically yeah every military adventure that just laid a fucking wrecking ball to the Middle East and unleashed all kinds of horrors across the entire world and on really be and Kerchick of course did it because they're such good liberals wanted to
Starting point is 01:15:18 bring values yeah the values they wanted to be wanted they wanted to bring the idea of America to Baghdad Libya and Yemen thank you just the depleted uranium values of the West needed to be exported this honestly reminds me of the thing from the other week we're from debated Bannon on the values about this apparently the monk debates fucked up the voting on this oh great and they did like the Pricewaterhouse Cooper guys didn't tell him is claiming and his supporters I'm not sure I believe it but I'm willing to print the legend and say that David from is such an unappealing worm that he can be convinced
Starting point is 01:15:58 a room full of people who were once sympathetic with him just to become open fascists just by dint of how awful he is yes and so they're saying that that he that like that he actually won the debate or whatever I don't fucking care one way or the other yeah I really don't matter that's all a jack-off anyway like who was going to this fucking debates to watch these moldering Cretans talk to each other it's just people who literally have nothing better to do with their lives no so here's the like here's the final paragraph it's all been leading to this because this is maybe the most concentrated paragraph of pure
Starting point is 01:16:38 brain cancer that I think I've maybe come across as yet doing this show feed it to me and we've done a lot of it so be prepared get get get the get the chemo therapy ready if you're listening to this and give your mind that that Kerchik again is talking about how rapturous and entertaining and amazing this was and like this is the future of liberty and liberal values okay the plays most inspired moment comes at the end when envisioning a political union of America and Europe dubbed your America your America World Police would be a good name for it actually Levy lists the members of his dream cabinet no John
Starting point is 01:17:20 Locke in Rosa Parks would be placed in charge of human rights okay I could see one problem this is a dream cabinet in that it's it's going by dream logic rules we're all having dinner and I'm not wearing pants and my teeth are dissolving out of my mouth this is like this is like the games Bernard and leave relieve Bernard Henri Levy plays when he's at a dinner party with Wesley Clark and Jimmy Saville or whoever he was he's like I want to your dream a guest party of anyone who is alive or dead or fictional yeah and it's like who would you invite to come see my one-man show these ideas I got them from the
Starting point is 01:18:00 great Bernard Pivo and James Lipton I ask you and Jimmy Jaime Krocheck if God is real and you meet him or what would you want him to say to you that the wreck was good idea so okay John Locke and Rosa Parks your teeth are not too big for your face Tony Stark as Minister of Defense John Locke and Rosa Parks would be placed in charge of human rights I wonder how the real John Locke would feel about sharing an office of power with Rosa Parks you probably wouldn't be too cool with it I gotta tell you that's interesting okay you ready Lin Manuel Miranda at the Department of Education what no Johnny's son that
Starting point is 01:18:48 one hurts Barney the dinosaur Jan Karski and Woodrow Wilson to take the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does this Woodrow Wilson the guy who literally was maybe one of the worst American presidents of all time he would have probably he would definitely a problem with Rosa Parks team of rivals Woodrow Wilson like the guy who like literally League of Nations like that was a huge success there was a big big success in his foreign affairs getting America involved in World War two sorry World War one and literally paving the way for World War two yeah no it worked great he was a great great even get his
Starting point is 01:19:32 own country to join the League of Nations he was a great leader and great American president John Karski was some fucking Georgetown professor he probably knew him or something okay they okay Woodrow Wilson will take the Ministry of Foreign Affairs while Pussy Riot and Sylvia Beach the American expat who founded the world-famous Shakespeare and company bookshop along the C.N. assume the women's rights portfolio and Salman Rushdie is put in charge of secularization what is that what would that actually entail Salman Rushdie just going around and just like just grabbing women's headscarves off and
Starting point is 01:20:10 being like hey it's him hey I'm I'm Salman Rushdie everybody after after every girl in a Muslim household in Europe reaches a certain age they get a visit from Salman Rushdie he's like Santa Claus and he makes them his wife for a week Salman Rushdie is put in charge of secularization and then he concludes by saying yes a fantasy but these are fantastical times all the liberal heroes coming for a huge party and I'm like Jamie is this what your imagination is like is this literally what you fantasize about is this the art and culture again that you want to see like extant in the world is this
Starting point is 01:20:51 unbelievably boring div shit just play the dinner party game about like this is my liberal we're bringing Woodrow Wilson back League of Nations will be a success now he just pounds off to the idea of having brunch with Dean Atchison oh but that's an amazing way to end the paragraph or the thing because they're actually saying that you don't even have to infer it they're saying there's no power here there's no popular legitimacy none we're literally just talking to each other a very small group of wealthy elite liberals no connection to any sort of popular constituency all we have left is
Starting point is 01:21:27 to retreat into our brain like in Brazil and pretend that we could resurrect this dying liberal order they're admitting the total impotence of their ideology and it's in simpant destruction in Jamie's fantasy Woodrow Wilson will now be screening the film waiting for Superman so yeah that that it is history written in code what was his it was his goal to take this on the road to like the nations of Europe yes present this to like the Polish people and be and have them be like oh damn Woodrow Wilson was cool yeah I guess I'm not embracing this
Starting point is 01:22:09 authoritarian turn yeah no I can't wait for the members of the Bobby R reenactment society to sit down and watch this to be like you know what maybe the Jews are okay so I mean grim times folks again whether it's cheesecake factory or literally one of the world's most insufferable bullshit artists literally telling you about his dream dinner parties like this this is Western civilization I hope you're happy with all the wars we've fought to supposedly defend it and you can't even fucking make the the the Yates quote you can't say the best lack all conviction because under no circumstances are these people
Starting point is 01:22:44 the best of anything the mediocre are having fantasy dinner parties while the worst are filled with pants of passionate intensity that's where we are now so imagine that one man show better fucking shit together really holy fuck because the center has absolutely collapsed and the only thing that can beat these fucking jackals is the left at least we've cheesecake yeah indeed at least we've at least we've wantons and pf checks yep well I think that's a good place to leave it for this week but I continue to be sorry that I'm not Felix but he just woke up so hopefully we'll get him for the next recording we have
Starting point is 01:23:24 today well that's it for us today but Felix we'll be coming over later the whole gang will we are have some exciting programming coming for you sometime in the not too distant future so until next time guys bye bye see ya wouldn't want to be a bernard on the levy bye oh the French

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