Chapo Trap House - 286 - Soul Man (2/4/19)

Episode Date: February 5, 2019

We talk healthcare, the growing field of Democratic presidential candidates, and the gobsmacking prevalence of blackface in American culture. To support local theater, please subscribe:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I I Don't want to tell people to switch to support, you know, masterpiece theater type stuff It's Yeah, let's just yeah, I mean We're an urban style podcast you can tell by the sirens going by all the time, okay? Well, it's Monday. It's the Monday after the Super Bowl the day that should be a national holiday We're at the chapeau office here with Matt Virgil and Chris gathered around the water cooler
Starting point is 00:01:26 Everyone here at the company has got one thing on their brain one thing they want to talk about The big game last night boy. You guys check out that game. That was that was really something the game with the pigskin That football game as your seat entertainment. It was a real barn Singer it was a real barn builder And I actually remember just I realized now that one of our early episodes Was when the they won because I guess now they're just winning every other year That's the Patriots Patriots and we talked it was right after Trump had been elected We talked about how like this is just a good symbol of the way nothing can get better in this country is this dull machine
Starting point is 00:02:07 Team just winning these joyless games And then we had that brief respite when the fucking the fucking Eagles They fucking chucked that pigskin. I wanted a game guys were fucking doing cocaine on Eating on children And it's like there is some hope in this world and then we were reminded this year. No, not only will they keep winning They will do it in increasingly Just ugly and nasty fashion. It's like football is now Brechtian It's just this soul-crushing thing where all of the fun
Starting point is 00:02:41 Artifice that the edifice of the bread and circus's cultural Enjoyment the sugary treats were supposed to enjoy as the as the benefit of being in this this grinding empire That's wheezing towards its death. It's all that's falling when all you have is the mechanism of it We'll play a game for three hours. You'll watch it. It will be dog shit Your soul will die for every minute all the commercials will have the form of epic meme commercials, right? But they the content is forgettable The game itself will just poke you in the eye it it's just the rules determine everything all grace and Unexpectedness and interest is gone. It's like watching guys doing their taxes with their bodies
Starting point is 00:03:25 I right before we started the the stream last night I got a voicemail from my dad who was watching the pregame and he was just like are you watching this? What a terrible country I mean, you don't want to get to a goth eyeliner kid. Oh sports ball But the spectacle of the Super Bowl is a concentrated dose of cancer To your soul it's like everything about it from the militarism to the stupid Pomposity these air-headed announcers saying the word football in front of every fucking word Because it can't be a field it can't be a ball it can't be players
Starting point is 00:03:59 It's football because we're playing in the national football league and it just this this and that is fused with the military State and then with corporate culture and all these fucking commercials just these glistening sweating attempts to be relevant or Woke like I believe there was another Martin Luther King thing or like there's John Lewis in a fucking ad or something like that And it's just it's everything in a blender of shit. And yeah To 150 200 million people. Yeah, that's that's the real dispiriting thing It's like it gets worse and worse and more more alienating, but we're locked in and there's no alternative So we just say that I think the alternative is Community theater and see that's the thing we last night
Starting point is 00:04:42 Provided a ray of hope in this this dark Just gloomy cultural landscape a shaft of light broke through the over cloud over coverage a wifely solitude We'll be on the in the criterion collection soon. Absolutely and I'm coming Oh, I'm going to I'm gonna put wifely solitude on YouTube. Hopefully tonight. I'm gonna fix the The sink issues. I'm a fix I'm a fixed wifely solitude Missed the chapel counter half-time shame on you if you did shame on you though. I forget if we actually told people about You know is my personal Barry linden yeah, we we wrote and performed a sort of Edwardian chamber drama in to watch instead of Adam Levine's nipples and
Starting point is 00:05:28 It was heartfelt and and brilliant and if you didn't like it honestly You're a sow and I have no respect for your opinion. Yeah, well The game the big games over the bud night is dead long live the bud night but why don't we go into a A regular a regular format and I want to kick off the show this week talking about a Moment from our sister podcast Pod Pod Save America that went viral this week that I think is very interesting and
Starting point is 00:06:02 Worth listening to you in whole and providing our reaction to because I think it's very indicative of where Democratic party politics are going in the next two years. I like hearing outside perspectives. That's what the show is all about So this is one of the John's or Dan's or Tommy's. I don't know who this guy is But let's just listen to what he has to say here about about health care there are legitimate policy arguments in favor of a And act of Medicare acts as a process as opposed to a Medicare for all approach that is not ideological in the sense that it doesn't make you Less liberal and it doesn't make it doesn't make you less progressive to view it as a positive outcome because Again, we are all going to end up paying for health care. The goal the ultimate goal here is not a process one
Starting point is 00:06:48 It doesn't it is not but you know They're a private health care plan versus a Medicare plan If you have good insurance that you can afford that protects you when you need it most that gives you the option to get the Preventive care that you need without bankrupt you and your family that makes you feel safe and protected That is the goal as a country our goal is to pay for everyone's health care in a way that doesn't eat up a greater and greater Share of our gross domestic product. That is the ultimate goal the debate about policy The debate about process is a really really important one But it should not be always reduced to this ideological question as to whether or not you're going along with Bernie
Starting point is 00:07:22 Or if you're part of the neoliberals, it just isn't it is more complicated and a more nuance than that God damn it. This is why I love health care as a subject and this is why I think it needs to be though the thin Point of the wedge because you see these desperate guys trying to prevent People from realizing the actual ideological stakes at hand here and the real ideological differences And the real structural differences that liberalism and leftism are when they are applied to government and politics What I love so much about That clip is just like he's sort of like Stammering and quavering is he just like pleads with his audience that like listen the Medicare for all approach and the
Starting point is 00:08:04 Access to Medicare for approach. It's not ideological. It doesn't mean you're any more or less liberal If you favor one over the others, I'm going to go into Jordan Peterson here, but he's the same Quavering Quavering pleading that that's going on here and you know We've talked about this many times on the show with Libby Watson or Amber or others about Medicare for all or just the issue of health care in general You'll notice like a couple the couple of the key words that are always tells
Starting point is 00:08:35 I mean he the first one he tells himself because he compares the access approach like access is a huge tell But if you pay attention in that clip the other big tell that he's giving you that he's not aware of is the word affordable Affordable is going to be that's going to be the big buzzword because we're seeing the situation now in which Medicare for all polls extremely highly not just among Democratic voters, but the population over all You're seeing people like Kamala Harris and you know other Democratic hopefuls sign on as part of their platform to say Hey, they just put it on a list of things that they support. Yeah, I'm for Medicare for all But at the same time, you know, we know for sure that
Starting point is 00:09:15 The people who create policy for Democrats and more importantly the people who underwrite them certainly don't want anything like a universal single-payer System or any kind of universal approach to health care so what you're going to see Coming starting now and going to become more and more intense as you know, people have to get drilled down more into this is this Very elaborate and relentless attempt to obfuscate what Medicare for all means Yes, and that is what Tommy John or whoever that was is attempting to do there and to tell you that you know And to plead with you that it's not about ideology or that ideology doesn't matter and like what really matters Just you want everyone to have health care and it's just like well, okay
Starting point is 00:09:54 Well, well, what does that mean? Is that how these guys talk on the show regularly because it's just it's mostly just Political bullshit speak. Well, you know, we the people demand affordable access Let's not access to afford. Let's ask we have a resource at our disposal We I just found this out people make fun of me for watching Saturday Night Live every week But Chris, I think you have something to tell us. Yes much like Matt just needs to know what they're up to on SNL I just need to know what they're up to on Pod Save America and I do listen to almost every episode of that's right folks Pod Save America. We've got a pod hit breaking We've got a friend of the pod. Look, I got to keep up with the abreast with the competition. That's I mean
Starting point is 00:10:31 It's true. It's once again. You're the only one of us doing due diligence I mean, I would say that they do they probably get into bigger policy conversations like this Less frequently than just rundowns of you know, the news or what's new with Russia, which they cover basically every week I bet Trump's really in trouble now. Yeah, he's always very in trouble It's always not good Dan But um, the one thing I will say is that I'm like broadly sympathetic to one of the points that they're saying which is that it This is going to have to be a big policy fight within the Democratic primary And we're going to need to figure out what everybody means when they are saying
Starting point is 00:11:09 Medicare for all and that's going to be and it is going to be work to Convince people that your take on Medicare for all is the right one and that's something that's going to have to be hashed out But the thing that for them is that's the end of the sentence for them Yeah, they are defending the idea that there will need to be a defense of ideas and never go further into saying and This one type of idea or this one ideology will be better for more people Exactly. Well, they're like anything that comes out of this is going to be good because it's going to be affordable access for everyone Well, as you said the word affordable is to tell because affordable is subjective affordable to who?
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah, and then as you said Matt like once you're introducing the concept of affordability You're introducing the concept of means testing right and that like the way nothing the modern like liberal Technocracy can ever produce can ever be anything. That's just simple. Yeah, that's just like universal coverage free at the point Of service for everyone no matter what yeah, you don't have to fucking worry about it or think about it Yes, it has to be, you know, some like, you know deferred tax savings account. It's all just about like, you know Making you I have to figure out and you know basically just do your taxes It's a consumer understand your ideas that you're supposed to be a consumer of a product of health care and so you have to navigate the Marketplace and this this whole segment came from them responding to Kamala Harris's
Starting point is 00:12:34 I support destroying the insurance industry in the next day her people being like no, she doesn't really Wow, yeah Fantastic and that's what they were responding to in this and you know They are all for ex-Obama guys and I think the even deeper funniest thing about this whole segment was it was like seven to ten minutes Of them just as I said online Sweatily running laps around how to avoid another if you like your insurance you can keep it thing About about being like well, we can't like spring promises and then make a backup and people like some you know sometimes that one Tiny shield of a thing that's keeping them alive. They're employer given health insurance
Starting point is 00:13:12 They have some affinity to that The only thing that they have that's the nub of it now there's two things going on one is the actual thing Which is that the Democratic Party's actual rulers and the interests of these motherfuckers is not for getting rid of The insurance industry run for nationalizing health care in any meaningful way They don't want that and that that is the but that Reality they want to obfuscate because that makes it just look like hey look we've got etna to deal with that We don't want to mess with them That's good. That's people like really what is politics if we're just gonna like be at the whim of these fucking vampires
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yeah, or on a deeper level. They're Maybe slightly different level. It's not that they can't even imagine Wanting to get rid of that thing or have that thought percolate in their head because it's too scary Yeah, the idea of taking on I mean at least it seems the idea of Dismantling an industry that big yeah for something that could possibly be a good a greater human good is just too Too scary of an idea. There's gonna be too much backlash people are gonna be Wigged out by it by this possibility. We can't even we can't even we need to win the next election We can't think ideas. I mean to be sure there will be huge backlash and it is a huge endeavor and I mean that and
Starting point is 00:14:21 You know Carl Rove had a op-ed in the Wall Street Journal You know making the case the same kid, you know the the sort of oh, yeah Medicare for all polls very high But like that poll like 70% like you know cuts and gets cut in half when you explain or like when you tell people in The poll that like they're gonna lose their employer provided and that's been that's the hook for all of this back Democrats because they because you have the Senate like I'm saying you've got the one level of the cynical people who are actually just Behold into fucking the insurance industry and then you have the terrified regular libs who aren't necessarily committed to the insurance industry But are just awfully always terrified of losing and as soon as I hear ooh this people like their insurance
Starting point is 00:15:01 They shoot that fucking cloud of squid ink and terror and that's when the cynical people can exploit that and say ah see It's more complicated than that We should really be thinking about expanding access music affordability and smother them with all those fucking fake buzzwords But the fact is 70% of people like their fucking health want to keep their health insurance because the alternative in a world Where everything only gets worse is just like an empty fucking chasm and it's you you know And people like their insurance until they have to use it Yeah, they usually don't actually enjoy paying as much as they are employer employer base What people actually like about their employer base insurance?
Starting point is 00:15:36 It's not necessarily that it's it's it's objectively good or comparably good to Medicare or anything else like that They like it because they don't have to worry about it. Yes very many times. They're not paying premiums or at least I mean they technically are but it's just all going on their employer, right? They like it because like I don't have to be anxious about it. I don't have to navigate a market I don't have to think about a government bureaucracy or whatever. I know as well Chances are I'm young and healthy and in the workforce. I've never had to use it. Yeah in any serious way I've never been in a situation, but everyone's familiar with situations where Somebody who has the good private health insurance still gets a fucking $50,000 bill because they're they were unconscious
Starting point is 00:16:16 And an ambulance took them to an out-of-network hospital Yeah, and but the thing is is that like they cling to this Oh, people are going to be scared of the change one that ignores the fact that anything you try to propose is going to get Fearmongered Obamacare was the wet dream of all the techno liberals And it was supposed to preserve all the things that people liked and prevent Alienation and backlash and it was still treated by included by Republicans and the fucking insurance companies as this monstrous Stalinist takeover and they still treated it that way. So you're not getting off the hook Even if you remember the original not getting off the hook remember the original idea of Medicare for all is this is kind of a
Starting point is 00:16:55 lonesome attempt to frame the narrative By appealing to people sense that Medicare is an extremely extremely popular and well-functioning government program. So we're just going to slap that name on it and When it comes to the fact that yes, a lot of people who have currently have health insurance And they don't have to worry about it. I still think that in the back of their minds They think well, I do have insurance and I feel safe
Starting point is 00:17:23 But I could get fucked any day like I something bad could happen because those people Fundamentally don't have my best interest in mind And I think that if you want to if you have to go through those people these like, you know Middle-up or middle-class professionals who have employer-based health insurance I think you have to appeal to their fundamental sense of anxiety about that I know like and the the the backlash or people's fear about big changes to something like their health care I think is is real and it can't be Waved away, but however, it's like the the answer to that is
Starting point is 00:17:56 Explain to people that look you don't really like your fucking insurance company No, you like you you like it when you have to use it for something or like God forbid if anything really bad happened Would you think you'd find out that how this it is? I think the answer to that is to say Yeah, okay, like yeah, your employer-backed health insurance. Yeah, you're gonna lose that but in its place You're never gonna have to talk to a fucking insurance company You're never have to go through a phone tree of like automated responses saying operator operator over and over again as you're like bleeding out And then even better than that No co-pays no fees no deductibles no premiums ever
Starting point is 00:18:30 Well, you're never gonna have to learn anything and that's what they that's what they forget because they never they always assume The end point because they're never thinking of politics. They're always thinking of policy because that thing That's what makes them think they're smart Even though you only get to the policy by having an effective politics that gets you in that room in the first place They always assume they're in the room and so for them. Okay, you're trying to get a focus group of you know Slackjawed yokels to sign on for Medicare for all but they're too scared of the alternative Oh, I don't know I like my shirt because that's how they see the hogs obviously But the idea is once you're in that you if you've campaigned on Medicare for all it's not just a slogan anymore
Starting point is 00:19:10 It's a concept. It is an alternative You're presenting an alternative to this shit world We're in that people could be like, okay Maybe I'm not so scared of losing my insurance anymore And also that's how you get people to fucking vote for it because it's simple and it's it engages people and it's something They can grasp quickly any of these fucking affordability alternatives. They know this. It's just Obamacare all over again Yeah, it has to be if you're preserving private insurance if you're preserving Employer-based insurance then it's a it's a group Goldger contraption of subsidies and and and and plans and shit like that
Starting point is 00:19:45 And it's the same thing that alienates and makes people check out every time when you're trying to propose reform You have to go to war with private health insurance interests If you want to make any structural change to the health care sector in this society and that's a fact And you know, we learned that lesson from one the ACA which was Built it was built to win the support of the private health insurers because they had internalized lessons of Hillary care in 1993 where the Clinton administration did not really want to go to war with health insurers But the everything they propose the health insurer just said no to and then they
Starting point is 00:20:22 Put their money in order to sink that and as Ryan Cooper points out There's something like what a trillion dollars and profits private profits and just the health insurance industry overall a Significant amount of that money is going to go to fight any sort of structural change to the way people get health care in this country That threatens private profits So you have to go for the jugular on that you have to have a campaign to demonize every health insurer Ideally the CEOs and the major stakeholders in these health insurance companies. There's no way around it and it's obvious that Certain people like Booker and Harris don't have the spine to do that I just wanted to point out along the same
Starting point is 00:20:58 I believe that a new raft of polling came out or maybe even just one new poll came out recently about how people respond to certain issues And I think that this is something that like Karl Rove was responding to but this is actually something Libby Watson points out in her Recent splinter article about single payer is that in the same polls where they ask questions that are individual like what? How would you feel if your private insurance disappeared tomorrow? Like most people will respond to questions like that as how would you feel if you woke up in the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean grafting driftwood Like all these different gradations in the same poll that people you know when you just get a one-line question You're like, yeah, that's not bad But in that same poll and I'm reading straight from Libby now the poll also found that a majority of American support quote
Starting point is 00:21:40 Having a national health plan something called Medicare for all in which all Americans would get their insurance from a single government plan the majority So the majority Supported that and as she says which would seem to be the ballgame to me But whatever and that's true like if when you so you can come at this issue from different ways and the different responses to it Will can be used to support these various Doing the politics of it They just think of it as like this is this is the public opinion and there's nothing to be done with it you just work with it And if you want to talk about public opinion or like messaging or engaging people's you know imaginations or just the lived experience of their everyday life
Starting point is 00:22:19 Compare you know what the Johns are saying or like anyone else who tries to obfuscate this by saying oh, it's actually more nuanced and complicated You know we have to be You know of access and tax deferred savings accounts and shit like that Compare that to what I always think about whenever I think about this was what Libby herself wrote about her own family's experience of the NHS in the UK And her mom's illness is when she said every day the NHS gives my mother life for free Yeah, and like that's what's at stake here and that's that is the horizon of what of Possibility yeah, and what people can understand secondly. I want to read this one thing now This is from Amy Klobuchar. Oh, this is this is a tweet she had this week that again
Starting point is 00:23:04 I think she's by the way Hey, she is likely running for president somebody in DC found I guess one of her staff members left and a folder of Test images for their campaign literature and her her not her symbol is like this triangle It looks like something from a fucking horror movie. It's it's like this triangle with like a little mountain on it This is what she tweeted last week. She says here. The American workforce is changing and there isn't one path to success I've introduced bipartisan legislation with senator sass. Oh pause. Okay. If you've got Ben sass to sign on to any piece of legislation It's dog shit. It's worthless. I will do more absolutely do more harm than good. That guy's a pig One of the worst nothing. He believes in is good. Uh, if he if he agrees with you, you're wrong
Starting point is 00:23:52 Let's start again. The American workforce is changing and there isn't one path to success I've introduced bipartisan legislation with senator sass to allow people to use tax advantage savings accounts to pay for educational expenses life skills trainings apprenticeships and professional development go off queen. Yes This is the ship. We are living in the workforce that we've always dreamed of. Oh my god You have more paths to success at your fingertip than previous generations had in their entire lives This is my shit And I just want to say here
Starting point is 00:24:25 I forget who said it but someone responding to this said like the 22 like the 2020 election is not going to be decided by The left. Yeah, it's going to be decided by everyone who hears the phrase Tax advantage savings account on msnbc and just fucking gives up like they did the last time It just completely tunes out or decides to vote for trump again because I'm hilarious That was that's so good and a jake aback or a friend of the show pointed out that This I mean even on its own merits. This is the garbage non-reform because those Savings accounts are obviously not accessed by people who don't have any money because you don't have money to save And they are too they give too shitty return for rich people to bother with so there's not even there's no
Starting point is 00:25:09 Is this for it's for no one. Yeah, no one literally nobody look like you're doing something. It is it's it's it's make work For a senator to look like she has a portfolio You buy parties and buy parties exactly and um to another point by the way She's absolutely right. There are so many paths to become successful in america now Finding buried treasure inventing a new type of pornography a long-lost uncle dies and bequeaths you's mansion Absolutely, but it's once it and you have to stay in it for one night. Oh, yes kidnap a local industrialist's fancy lad son But and then uh, you pay them to give him back because he turns up being such a Henry story. Yeah Yeah, no, I'm moving on now. I want uh, I just want to say one thing. Yeah, finally like the cop this off
Starting point is 00:25:53 realistically I don't even think even a best-case scenario in 2020 bernie wins and they bring in a whole fresh batch of Bernie baby bros in the congress to back them up. Yeah. Yeah I don't think you're going to get medicare fraul in the near future anyway Because we have the united states senate and the supreme court to deal with and there's no there is not at this point The political the political capital the political mobilized mobilized force to sidestep or neutralize those institutions What medicare fraul does what a bernie campaign would do what this entire political season is going to do if it's going to have any value at all and that's still up in the air is to
Starting point is 00:26:30 To heighten the contradictions within the democratic coalition And expose the ideological fault lines that have until this point been totally covered up intentionally by people like the fucking johns And by saying these are two distinct Approaches to politics and politics and that yes ideology does that ideology matters and that the reason these guys Don't want medicare fraul. It's not because they're too goddamn smart It's not because they're mr. Too damn wonk and they understand how complicated it is. It's because they have vested interests that are opposed to that
Starting point is 00:27:03 Reform and that is the only way that electoral politics has any meaning in the near future Uh, I just want to say this son, uh, you're going to hear a lot of obfuscations like you heard from the nega johns Uh about you know, oh We we just want to expand access to medicare or just have some like government public option That's going to coexist with private health insurance. Uh, that's not going to work And if you're on that side, you you're carrying water for capital I understand it if you're kamala harrison you say that because presumably you or or your allies take a lot of money from the health insurance company If you're a fucking podcast host not getting paid by anyone to say that, uh, you're a stooge. That's it the existence of
Starting point is 00:27:45 A trillion dollars a year in profits going into private hands Uh from the health insurance industry is a knife at all of our throats And any sort of attempt to accommodate that trillion dollar revenue stream, uh by making some sort of minor reform Uh, that's going to fall flat on its face. Even if there is a public option. That's what they attempted That's what they attempted in the obama administration and we ended up with the aca which pisses everyone off To your point though, and as as you said earlier, virginal like it is unavoidable if you'd like to have a A more humane society that you have to identify enemies enemies i.e. health insurance companies and the people who run them Uh, which brings us to uh, the next topic. I want to talk about well
Starting point is 00:28:27 I'd just like to say that uh, I personally would love for any of the john stand or tommy to come on and debate These ideas with us and the winner of said debate can either, uh, gets to choose to either give or not give a nuclear weapon to iran Just what also just very quickly nerd people will go. Actually all of these, uh, precious all your precious universal programs in other countries They have private insurance. Yeah, they're these there's it's a tiny Appendix industry that exists to supplement and fill some cracks It's just like if you have money to afford it you can get hbo in your hospital or or like to fray the cost of like the actual Kopeh you have to do like there's their private insurance in iran. Yeah, yeah, canada nhs is private, but it does not own the entire fucking
Starting point is 00:29:12 uh, health care Market it does it is not the it does not set the parameters of health care in the country Okay, but uh to my broader point this idea about identifying enemies is one approach. Then there's another approach. Um Perhaps best embodied by the latest absolute dud to enter the democratic race in 2020 I'm talking of course about crore brookings institute crore, uh, crore, crore, crore bookman. Um, it is basically explicitly running a campaign on I think his motto is basically I'm running because I love everyone And and he embodies molly and he just wants to hug everyone in America
Starting point is 00:29:50 And I think he embodies this tendency and you know modern liberal politics is that they genuinely believe that um, uh politics about that were that identifies bad people and enemies to a common good Is gauche or at gauche at best or actually evil and authoritarian at worst Uh, it's populist can't have that crore booker absolute fucking turkey, uh, announced this week Um, say okay. What did he say? He said I got my degree at stanford But my phd on the streets of newer hell. Yes, Cory Booker I mean just one of the most laughable fraudulent stooge. He got his really unbelievable He got his phd and getting cats out of trees and interacting with made-up drug dealers
Starting point is 00:30:36 Yeah, t-bone. Let's not forget his friend t-bone. Uh, he was not there at the campaign announcement But no, Cory Booker is running, uh, you know a I love everybody bring everyone together campaign and I'm sorry That's that's fucking doa. Yeah, it's doa from an electoral standpoint I just basically purely on like if you want a democrat to defeat trump and get elected and it's also dead morally Yes, don't forget that Cory Booker did clean up the mean streets of Newark. He kicked out the infamous choon gang Uh, he sold the public schools to facebook, uh, Cory Booker has already said That he would not do away with the filibuster and he would not abolish private insurance. Oh, yeah So again already doa. Yeah, I mean well, that's the thing
Starting point is 00:31:19 We talk about needing enemies and how that is vital and you look at these guys You know, we don't need I'd rather not have enemies, but I mean you identify. Yeah Yeah, the need to identify enemies is is necessary and you you say well these guys are politicians. They want to win Why wouldn't they realize the effect efficacy of this? It's because if you recognize if you do Operate on the principle of these are the enemies to us The finger is going to point towards everyone who supports your campaign and that's just that is too fundamental Uh, a element of your career and of the architecture of the party to ever be Confronted even if it would be good politics because you'd be cutting off your nose
Starting point is 00:31:58 Let's not also let's also not forget that uh, Cory Booker spent a lot of his early career Having this sort of like weird like bozo friendship with the rabbi schmooly biotech I mean one of the most dingbat grifters alive as well in addition to actually being like an evil lunatic Uh, so yeah, that's also very promising as far as you know, his future uh beliefs or hopes for america Yeah, no, I'll I'll like you to criticize someone for having friends No, I would really look forward to Booker getting in there and then you know He's his his announcements of the bombing of Tehran while like wearing a Barney suit or something Well, because if you want to talk about some of you might fucking go to war in Iran
Starting point is 00:32:40 Cory Booker is a very good candidate again, not much more to say about um, Cory Bookman But other than I'm very much looking forward to him getting like two or three percent in Iowa and then just Disappearing forever. He spoke at a charter school like like a week or so ago All the la teachers were on strike on that very issue about school privatization and uh to his credit you know, he was in New Orleans where uh Every school is a charter school now. Yes, like entirely privatized system We talked about it when it was happening shortly after our uh episode about the la teacher strike It was resolved in favor of the teachers and I think we can say with full confidence
Starting point is 00:33:18 That was a hundred percent due to the our show. Yes due to our show. So I mean, thank you met and Virgil You're welcome. And the one and the one and the one thing is uh, I should hope that the union movement You know, which has kind of been feeling its oats the past couple years right now And is you know, really really going on a rampage post this Janus decision Uh that they just say no to Cory Booker like that's it and full I mean, I'm pretty sure the teachers are going to say no I I do think it's interesting and Booker's the second one to wait into this that the uh the breaking the filibuster Thing is going to end up being kind of a flash point issue. I mean, it has to be yeah
Starting point is 00:33:51 Because someone there are there is a growing realization among democrats a very self-interested one that oh We should probably do something about the the absolute banana republic state of voting in this country The the patchwork of local fiefdoms doing all kinds of suppressive maneuvers just out of the interests of our Our winning elections, but that also Right, but then there's the deeper issue of the structural barriers to any change that exist in things like that I think it's important to point out though when uh and when Booker said he does not want to do away with the filibuster The excuse that he used involved a completely um horseshit understanding of american history, you know another fairytale that uh, the filibuster is important to
Starting point is 00:34:34 Uh, you know protect the rights of minorities from you know, the rampaging mob and it's important You know for I mean for comedy. I mean forget that but it was basically the idea that like we need the filibuster as like a the final Uh protection or fail the only time that ever happened is literally if the filibuster has Overwhelmingly in american history been used to take away the rights of minorities the only time that ever happened was in the movie Mr. Smith goes to washington because The filibuster wasn't really an issue in politics for a long time because it was considered an extraordinary thing that mitch mcconnell
Starting point is 00:35:08 Really did revolutionized politics by just saying yeah, we're just gonna filibuster everything and the democrats were totally flat foot Because they didn't know what to do because nobody had done that before For the longest time filibusters were almost exclusively used to prevent the passage of civil rights legislation and anti lynching laws That's what they were for that's it the filibuster exists to protect the rights of a minority if you stipulate that that minority is The deeply hide-bound reactionary rump 25 25 percent of american like aging white lunatics And the thing is is that they will say well, what if we're out of power? It's like well, you know, you don't have power now exactly And you're not going to get it if you keep doing this weak sauce bullshit and get your ass kicked after
Starting point is 00:35:48 Dissolutioning people like obama did and also if you do real mean and radical reforms guess what they can't be undone Social security is still around medicare is still around that's I mean that's really the important thing Let's say you have a democratic trifecta going to 2021 And you have like I don't know 53 democratic senators It's probably the high water market this absolute point Who you might be able to drag away from oblivion? you have one shot to shoot And you better make it count and something like the hr1 right now the package electoral forms
Starting point is 00:36:23 Okay, that might actually go a long way towards structurally Ensuring that you have at least an opportunity for a majority to actually rule in this country And a majority to actually vote in this country and if your curry book or or even better anyone running against him I mean, I think he should be made to make a defense that uh Yeah, the rump of maga america should have veto power over the rest of our lives If you want to get their rights or what or what we should be worried about or concerned with and if you want to Uh get rid of the filibuster with you know 50 53 votes or so, uh Then you really absolutely have to use that opportunity to just pass statehood for dc in portor ego like immediately day one
Starting point is 00:37:03 I'll be I'll be interested to see who the first candidate who comes out and says Oh, yeah, we should get rid of that thing because I don't think anybody has yet said Well, the thing is the thing is it's a process issue and process issues you just tend to avoid and don't worry about it Also, keep in mind it you're running for president. You're running for president of the senate exactly you there is a limited amount I mean, this is something that all of the fucking johns of the world kept harping on during obama's Feckless first term But it there is truth to the fact that there is limited leverage that a president has over an individual member of the senate And also, you know, uh, like we said liberals are very anxious and scared right now as we see in this whole howard schultz thing
Starting point is 00:37:40 So they are they will they will immediately their minds will go to oh, no What if we lose the senate or what if we continue to not have the senate? We can't say that that's going to empower the other side and it's in the interest of the individual senators to Keep their influence by maintaining the filibuster. So if you've got all you'd need is like A handful of Democrats to say yeah, no, we're not doing that and then what can you do? Maybe you try to shame them publicly? Maybe you do but like fb fdr tried to do that 19 What's actually going to work?
Starting point is 00:38:10 We think is what's actually going to work and it's this is technically a process issue But it's way way clearer in people's minds is to stack the supreme court And that's as easy as saying donald trump is an illegitimate president who put two illegitimate supreme court justices on the court And so we're going to enlarge the size of the court and i'm putting my justices on That's easier to get people to rally around right now after the cavanaugh hears and especially if rpg dies And trump gets to a point the replacement kid liberals will go apoplectic You brought you brought the next guy i want to talk about the the next the next duck to be you know hunted in this democratic field Howard saltz we haven't talked about him on the show since we were on stage in seattle reading from his um
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah, his dog brain fucking books and memoirs I recommend going we we did that as a release that as a bonus when this He doesn't the thing about him is that he didn't make his money selling coffee. He sold community I saw matt by I forget where he was writing and he's got one of the oh He's one of the worst, but he was like, you know, you may make fun of howard schultz You know, or you may think he doesn't get politics But like who other than howard schultz is like, you know changed america And like introduced coffee and like having coffee meetings, you know
Starting point is 00:39:20 Like he's changed the culture of america in the way no one has and you know, who can who can who can say they've done that? That's a big thing Well, these guys love going to starbucks So they think hey the coffee is good. Maybe the governance would be good too Okay, the interesting thing about schultz is I mean, who knows how far he's going to go with this I'm thoroughly convinced that this is Just a grift by t steve schmitt and another consultant or political professional who's convinced him that he can run for president to line their pockets while the getting is good or
Starting point is 00:39:50 I'm beginning to become more and convinced that howard schultz knows. He's a spoiler for the democratic party and is trying to You you basically run for president as insurance on elizabeth warren or bernie getting the nomination or even potentially winning because Look, i'm sure he hates trump and finds him to be ghost and awful and racist and whatnot, but he doesn't want to tax his Of course, and uh bloomberg did the exact same thing. He said that explicitly. He didn't he didn't have this this book Book tour rollout that schultz does But he did put it out there of i'm worried if it's bernie versus uh versus trump I'm gonna need to rescue america for extremism. Yeah, and now they're doing it again
Starting point is 00:40:30 And of course the same terrified liberals are like, oh god. No. Oh my god. No Well, what this really is i mean again the election is 21 months away and uh, whatever filing deadlines That it would take for an independent candidacy are probably like what 16 17 months away ross pro didn't Announce that he would be in the race until what april of 1992 or so So it's it's it's very very premature and I think the the the left freak out over howard schultz right now Uh, you know, that's just an anxiety of oh no, the vote's gonna be split and then trump's gonna win the presidency in a walk I that to me just says that oh nobody's just internalized the actual lessons of
Starting point is 00:41:07 2016 and we just sort of think in terms of we still have this we're we're still sort of uh clinging to this uh Orthodox view and political science of oh, uh, you know the the electorate is a is a continuum That's evenly distributed and uh people make up their minds based on which candidates have positions closest to them That is absolutely 100 not the case if you're there no such thing as a never trump republican If you're a republican you're going to vote for trump He's going to get somewhere in the balance of 42 45 of the vote this time around he got 45.8 percent last time around That's it and enough piss off democrats are not going to go to a third party like at the uh the day
Starting point is 00:41:46 There's going to be a lot of bullshitting election, but the day of the election in 2020 21 months away If you don't like trump, you're voting for the democrat because it's the only person who can possibly win and that's it And it doesn't help that power schultz's big rollout of his vision was saying uh, you can't do anything That's all we don't have the money for anything and also anyone trying to raise my taxes or be mean to me personally is uh, A communist well, what's an american he calls everything unamerican, which is so funny It's uh, uh, that's actually unamerican to give health care to people What's hilarious about schultz though is that you know every time I've seen him be interviewed about you know This this supposed presidential runner or his defenders will be like, you know, he's offering something new
Starting point is 00:42:27 He's like he's changing like he's going to change the way we think about politics like something new what we need to Cut the deficit. You can never raise taxes. Um, and i'm socially liberal fiscally conservative That is the ruling orthodoxy of government and media and every everything in this country for at least 40 fucking years Yet has no actual consistent. There's no constituency there and that is what I think is interesting about schultz And you know what should be noted Is that we like people have got to fucking realize the socially liberal fiscally conservative thing is a contradiction in terms No, it's completely untenable. It makes no fucking sense And what he's doing is yeah, he's running for the constituency of
Starting point is 00:43:06 Rich people who find trump and the republican party go shit and embarrassing because of the hooting yahoos that support them And you know, maybe they don't openly hate gay people They don't Have any outward antagonism towards black people or minorities of any kind just as long as you know Their kids don't have to school go to school with them or they have to see or deal with them in any regard Or the idea that their their their money would go to you know benefit them in any way Um, yeah, like but essentially are republicans. Yeah, they're republicans But they're embarrassed by the current state of the republican party and they're like, oh
Starting point is 00:43:40 I hate that I have to vote for trump because he's so bad and you know Only there was a coffee. Yeah that I could vote for and I think these people need to be exposed to what they are which are cowards and Sick of fans and just evil people overall That's why really you don't have to worry about how we're Schultz because anyone who I think might vote for him Is probably just a republican basically and that's it and you can't expand the democratic electorate to the right One is it's just going to destroy the party. It's going to make it, you know, this fun Fundamentally ungovernable coalition
Starting point is 00:44:11 Uh, and two is those people at the end of the day just want republican supreme court justices So fuck them stop paying attention to them. You don't have to win max boots vote Especially when the majority of the country doesn't vote at all. Actually, you do this in france. Yeah. No. Yeah, you must You if you if the democrats can't win over max boot I got to tell you that last couple last week or so. He has reached maximum No, the boot levels are off the card First he wrote the thing saying we need to think of our engagement in afghanistan the way that you think about the indian wars of the planes and like the colonial wars of like the
Starting point is 00:44:47 british empire in the british empire and people were like that's pretty psychotic and racist and he's like, uh And then he wrote a column. He had to write a column. Another column being like the mob Bob came for me and it's just like you're a fucking opinion columnist And i'm sorry. I'm sorry people didn't like your fucking column, but like that You know, he's like you're doing he's he's the guy. He's the guy who's now saying you're doing literal violence to me They're they're doing dog piling on me But that's the thing 80 to 90 percent of opinion column in writing now is people for the first time ever having to Read reader responses to their work, which they never used to have to do
Starting point is 00:45:25 What like two or three fucking letters to the editor from known cranks as opposed to five thousand people like calling you a Fucking genocidal dipshit get booted telling you that you're more like minimum boot Or making fun of his stupid little hat. Yeah, I mean that is so And so like that's already the number one sign that you're dealing with just a terminally narcissistic shithead is when they write a whole Call about oh wow the mob And then he follows that up by saying, you know, I I'm the I'm the voter that the democrats need to Decatur to yes, it's me the guy who loves in period who the guy who's worried about entitlement spending because it makes it hard for us to Afford eternal warfare the guy who very popular opinion that many americans hold
Starting point is 00:46:08 Americans are like I will sacrifice my social security so that we could build a fud ruckers and cobble not even that No, he's because he's even he's abandoned nation building. He's just saying We need to commit to eternal warfare on the frontiers of our empire for at least a few centuries I like that max who has just been reading howards in No, he's right. That is exactly how I view our our our various imperial adventures That's the thing. That's what's so that's why this moment is so breathtaking because you're seeing like all of this fucking Artifice fall away. I mean, it's dispiriting when you watch the Super Bowl, but then you know, you got something like Howard Schultz run a Insurgent third-party campaign where all of the unchallenged premises of the the
Starting point is 00:46:51 Bipartisan consensus are revealed and people are like, oh, yeah, that sucks. We don't like that or maximum boot a guy who in Generate who in his own lifetime said no these wars are about freedom and expanding human, you know A possibility of democracy and now just yeah, no, we're just an empire and we have to maintain our imperial influence We have a what like it's all just coming out now But to your point about how every other opinion column now is is uh these incredibly Cosseted morons having to deal with the fact that like they have to like put something out there and like
Starting point is 00:47:27 Nobody wants to you know, no one wants this I've been I've deleted the comment about how we need to big heap scalp our enemies Afghanistan because uh, I realized I have to be more careful about my words But the more important I realized the thing I realized is that The mob has taken over and we must stand Affirmly against them. This is actually the next segue into my next thing. We need to police the frontiers of my mentions Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:55 This isn't I said when the next thing I want to talk about about how sort of the internet has uh changed The way we react to things and made us aware of things that otherwise wouldn't have would have caught on I'm talking of course about the hilarious Ralph Northam blackface scandal. Oh boy. All right now. Oh, yeah, he's in deep You know and he's trying to hold on he's having all hands on decks meetings just being like Just give me away Just give me a way out of this that I can hang on or like that. I can just weather the storm
Starting point is 00:48:27 His latest thing today He had a cabinet meeting or he said he's not going to resign and he begged his cabinet to give him time to prove That he is not In the yearbook picture as either the clansman or the guy in blackface That is the premise of an 80s movie. It's like Steve Johnson who's had thought he had it all he was the governor of a major state But now he has 72 hours to prove that he wasn't doing blackface And then also, uh, his nickname was koon man. Koon man. That's not it
Starting point is 00:49:01 That's not hot as they say it old lady But like we're talking about this. It's just like this shit was just like so prevalent Like white people love doing blackface in yearbooks White people preserve forever And the thing is as we know every year on halloween white people even in the air Do it woke era of the of the instagram era of the era of dragging Still can't not do it something in there It's something in their dna like like salmon just know to swim upstream to the same spawning location
Starting point is 00:49:32 White people like the the the blood moon comes out on halloween And they really go to cbs and buy some black nail polish. It's the al jolson gene But yeah, the the northern thing So funny dude, and this was a week after another blackface scandal from the outfucking florida Secretary of state He was doing it in 2005 and then what was the northern thing at the he was like, uh, uh, it wasn't me in the photo But I did do blackface at another event There was a dance competition in which I moonwalked like michael jackson
Starting point is 00:50:03 And had like a slightly lighter hue of blackface on and then at the press cover and someone was like, can you still moonwalk? And he was about to fucking do it until his wife stopped him But which make i route northam's wife Villain of the week absolute ding ding ding ding ding route northam's wife villian of the week for robbing us the governor of Moonwalking route north of prove he can try to moonwalk at a press conference about his blackface Coon man scandal. I don't I don't think there's ever been a more direct
Starting point is 00:50:35 representation of the turning a dial to see how How racist Uh, I also if you're if you are playing michael jackson Like during the moonwalk era Like maybe I can understand if jackson five But you just really love doing blackface because that was when he was already getting kind of light Wasn't him quarry felton when he was doing all that michael jackson stuff. He wasn't
Starting point is 00:50:57 It's like everyone gets it One guy he he he moonwalks. He was also by that point already liking his skin pretty significantly You just really like doing blackface at that point. Yeah You just look at that. I guess I got just a little just just come on man My daddy needs a little bit just a little bit of bronzer. I just just just a little bit on the cheeks I mean, is this is this like a southern thing? I mean, this was like, you know, what is it? I mean, it is a southern thing, but it's also Everywhere else thing too. Yeah, I mean people just love doing black. George Wallace said the whole nation is the south
Starting point is 00:51:29 The uh, I mean that was the last straw with megan kelly recently. We're just getting Like what's the big deal? Yeah, but yeah, we just want to go there's sort of a how about a brief history of blackface scandals Because for a long time there was no such thing as a blackface scandal Exactly, what I'm saying is like this would happen and like because of the internet was not everything on the internet is forever And it immediately opens you up to like a kind of universal instant response that is just instantly proliferated everywhere Yeah, uh, you know, it's it's because of the internet woke this because up to like the the mid 90s Uh, everyone was doing blackface at all times and nobody could no wipers It could fathom that that was bad in some way because they're you know
Starting point is 00:52:09 Sides just segregated strong thurman and jessie helms were in the senate and they were in senior positions because they've been there Since they were dixie crats for fuck's sake and you like and you can't you can't imagine like, you know If you're if you're a political consultant in 1988 or so looking for oppo on your on your on your opponents Uh, you're just going through the yearbook after yearbook and all you see is blackface photos. I know get me something good Get me something good on gary heart. Yeah, you know, if I'm sorry Joe Biden when he plagiarized that speech what he was doing it in blackface That was part of the scandal Just give me a guy and one of those russian fur hats if he's if he's a democrat That's way better than blackface
Starting point is 00:52:47 I it does just make me curious about like deep in state houses of like every state house below the mason dixon Just how many photos of former governors in blackface there are just moldering in basements It's like oh like either you're doing blackface or they're having like a dinner party that's like plantation themed Or it's just like oh like oh i'm i'm i'm white in this in this scenario for sure But we were talking about I think the first actual blackface scandal in america was the ted dancin roast of whoopee goldberg Yes, who he was dating at the time and he did it in like the full big ol like white the white lips and everything All the jokes were about how white black women's vaginas were big I remember that part
Starting point is 00:53:30 And I think that that was actually I talked down to holland. Absolutely. He remembers uh real heads. No good god. Oh man Ted dan one of the whitest guys. Oh, yeah, the whitest man survived uncancelled to this day Yeah, but now he's like so white that his hair is Skinner but like I think that was actually the first irony blackface scandal because of course Whoopee as we know from the uh a poo documentary has a huge collection of like minstrel You know advertisements and toys and things like that and she loved she was dating ted dancin at the time and thought it was hilarious Well, wasn't it wasn't it was her idea to do it. Yeah. Yeah, I think so I think he got dragged talking about samson and delilah and dragged for a little bit
Starting point is 00:54:09 But there wasn't really such a thing as dragging. Yeah, there was no social media, but it went away pretty quickly I mean, he never lost a job and he he's been like uninterruptedly on television During from that period until now. Oh my god. I totally forgotten just last week You know, I'm sorry 10,000 years ago those fucking covington cap like high school students With that thing was just like, uh, yeah How dare you say these kids are racist and then like these people to defend them We're literally showing videos of basketball games where the the kids in the crowd were in fucking blackface black potty And they were like full black and then like the idiot who was just like was just like wow
Starting point is 00:54:46 Here comes the mob. I can't believe they're trying to do these, you know, what they're doing to these kids is disgusting It's a blackout game It's a normal thing that happens at high schools everywhere and it was just I don't know maybe wearing everyone wears a black t-shirt, but Black skin and then the white lips. I mean And this was like this is now these these are kids in high school now Yeah, and it's like that is that is some powerful powerful. Like we say there's a there's a genetic component It's like the thing that allows you to digest lactose also makes you want to do blackface
Starting point is 00:55:18 This should be just the the generic rejoinder for anytime like any conservative shithead is like Oh, well the people the left tries to to elevate the racial issue and we really have done a long way to solve it You just have to point out that blackface is still a huge problem in america Well into the 20% like this isn't a high school basketball game It's like a it's like a big like, you know, it's like a community thing That's it's public in that thing and like there are teachers there and thing like I have just like Everyone's in blackface and like nobody's just like hey this maybe maybe we you shouldn't do that I don't know. Maybe this maybe this is wrong
Starting point is 00:55:54 Or or or or claiming that there's absolutely no racial elements in this whatsoever I you can't tell someone don't do blackface because that means then you can't do it later when you want to One of the things I read about northam today is that he says he doesn't want to resign because he'll be tagged forever Is like the racist guy, but that's because he thinks he could Fix this he thinks that there's some cgs like csi Like face recognition zoom in and enhanced software that will somehow definitively prove that it wasn't him He's going if I could get like little consultant mode right now. He's got to pull some jujitsu and just start doing blackface now And act like it's totally okay and be confused when people get mad at him just say wait. No, I thought this was fine
Starting point is 00:56:39 I don't wait. That's just called black. I I thought blackface was a different thing This is just what I do But I mean we talk about the prevalence of this not baffling it is but honestly the blackface scandals do have a meaningful Uh, they they form a meaningful function in the american political the digestive system in that they provide this the episodic cathartic
Starting point is 00:57:04 symbolic acts of humbling to make up for the absolute lack of any real material progress on racial outcomes in america for the last 30 years Like nothing has gotten better for black people In like 30 years and it's gotten actually significantly worse since the the crash But every year or so some dipshit Puts on blackface and he gets dragged now and that can give you like the little symbolic thing of like we're making progress Right, that's the thing is if if if covington high school just pass around a memo saying by the way, don't do blackface
Starting point is 00:57:38 Okay, that hasn't really made any structural change Right, exactly. We've stamped out the blackface or just made it, you know a passe to do Yeah, and meanwhile all you then have is oh, yeah Nothing's getting better But if some jamoke can get owned and loses job for doing blackface then we are making progress I do also like the thing, uh, especially in the post trump era of the uh How when scandals like this come up in the democratic party or on the left in general like this or like say the franken thing How they'll be the initial reaction from like some conservative guys of being like
Starting point is 00:58:10 Oh now the democrats have a guy fucking up on their side. We'll see how willing they are to throw him under the bus And then immediately everybody is like no, fuck this guy. He's gotta go Eric Erickson did exactly that this week where he was like I I deleted this suite He when he did is like his original thing was like, uh, wow for the party that thinks, you know wearing a hat is racist Like we'll see how they react to their you know governor democratic governor doing blackface And then of course immediately everyone was like he should resign and eric was like deleted the original tweet because you know The reaction went against what I was saying, but thinking about it now It was 35 years ago and are we really gonna you know condemn a man for something, you know something he did that long ago
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah, because that's the only it was the fucking 80s when that happened. Yeah, we were talking about this There used to be a movie I would watch on comedy central They would play it every other week called soul man from the 80s with c tomas howl that was attempting to make like a non-racist point by a movie about a guy Who just uh, pretends to be black to get into harvard because of affirmative action or something to get a scholar to get a scholar He's a it's actually horrifying when you think about it I I watched this movie a million times too the premise is that c tomas howl is the callous son of a super rich Asshole who gets in the harvard that you end up having to pay the ransom for because he's too much exactly
Starting point is 00:59:24 Hard he gets into harvard and he's like great. I'm gonna go to harvard But his dad says i'm gonna try to give you i'm gonna toughen you up I'm gonna make you pay for it and of course he freaks out and instead of doing literally anything else He uses an experimental school. I don't know he uses experimental skin darkeners And applies for a scholarship that's set aside for black students weird race science and then he ends up That's very funny. That's excellent That's very good He ends up dating
Starting point is 00:59:56 An actual black woman at harvard raydon shong who was the person who he beat for the scholarship And of course they end up together instead of her murder And like james ral jones is your father or something? Well, he's like or the d or something like that He's not john hausman. Okay. Yeah. Distinguished professor guy but but going back to the eric erickson and then The earlier like mask off thing it's just hilarious because it's the only thing they ever have is like when they're like Oh, well now let's see if the left thinks racism bad is bad and everybody's like well Yeah, the racism is bad and then the only thing they have left is well actually racism is good and or no
Starting point is 01:00:33 Or just saying like, uh, uh, you know our culture has just become too punitive and you know, yeah the mob once again The mob has spoken Hilarious Ralph. I mean, honestly, I hope you try. I hope he keeps trying to stick it out I just I just want to find the real blackface Him and oj can get together. You know what they should do They should swap oj finds the real blackface guy Ralph Northam finds the real killer and all works out He's doing focus groups right now to be like, what would be more harmful if I copped to the blackface or the clan robe and hood
Starting point is 01:01:04 I think everyone seems to be on the same page that uh, the clan hood would be worse That seems like I mean, I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. A lot of people seem to be like Yeah, clan hood would be worse a real sophies choice Yeah, the problem is is that he's wearing a hood in that picture. So I it's sort of he can't prove that isn't him Because you can't see the face. They're gonna have to do the uh, the the graphic analysis like Ben Shapiro and the flag Also, how tall is also hilariously, you know, hillary land, uh, I saw tom watson the other day Like bernie had a statement that was like, I think northern should resign. This is no good And tom watson was like, wow better late than never after everyone else has already said this, you know tone deaf
Starting point is 01:01:47 Bernie and all it's like, uh, bernie came in for the guy who ran against him in the democratic primary And then bernie famously did not endorse ralph northam, which everyone got pissed about And then northam won in a landside and they use this as a as a dogging point that you know Oh, looks like the bernie a lot. We don't need the bernie I gotta say though like the guy that he did endorse tom parillo like what the fuck man You can't look at a fucking Yeah, I will never go on one of your tours of idly sir. Well, it did turn out later. I thought I saw that uh northam had asked Bernie not to step in
Starting point is 01:02:17 Yeah, yeah, because they thought it was gonna be bad for him in in in raytheon acres And people were yelling at him for not uh for not supporting northam And he didn't say anything about it because bernie is a gentleman and does not Say when he doesn't throw out his drama on the streets Well, uh, this actually gets to the last thing I want to talk about uh that I took note of this week The salarious thing that's going on right now. It's like all sourced to this one twitter account It's this woman something mendoza and whenever I see it. I just think of mcbane from the simpsons going Mendoza
Starting point is 01:02:49 Where it's like they've They're sort of leaking the the bernie oppo file which includes all these videos from his time uh in vermont And like when he was way cooler than it's all coming out now is these things like wow I cannot believe we didn't see this in 2016. I'm like shit. I wish we fucking did maybe he would have won but like all these videos of him um being cool and being right owning libs and It's like it's all set up to be like wow. This is incredibly damning But like each one of them are more hilarious than the next and the really funny one recently was like He's talking to a classroom of kids about how racial stereotypes are dehumanizing and stupid and wrong
Starting point is 01:03:29 And like he gives voice to uh racial stereotypes about like, you know, when I was a kid You know, uh, they said that black people uh smelled and it was like and and then goes into like checking about Stereotypes about jews and about how they're you know miserly or whatever And like the one posting it is literally trying to portray that it's evidence of him actually saying what like racist things about Black people. No, it's the classic rock bottom type situation. Yeah, I touched her sweet And yeah, and uh what I like about so the these are all videos from birdie's time as he was the independent mayor of Burlington, Vermont He was very very cool as mayor. Like I remember he was uh, um openly in support of the sandinistas in like 1982 He tried to give Burlington a foreign policy. It was pretty good. No, that's what he said
Starting point is 01:04:13 And uh, as far as I can tell this woman is going through some database of Burlington public access uh, which had a lot a lot of hemp necklaces and uh and fucking Uh maple syrup. Yeah, I can't wait to watch 700 hours of the fish live set review show to see if there's any comments on Bernie's Burlington foreign policy You gotta go through 500 hours of a guy making uh Birkenstocks out of wicker and uh from what I could tell I mean for one You know, it's pretty clear that this woman's brain has been irreparably damaged by the internet now
Starting point is 01:04:47 It's being irreparably damaged by going through hundreds of hours Of Burlington 80s public access VHS's and some database. I have no idea where it's from Uh, and she can't even the thing is she doesn't even articulate a critique of any of these videos She doesn't explain why it's bad. She just thinks she just presents them as they are self evidently She starts a sentence and then just can't even end them and and just sort of goes to uh, Whom this is troubling to me This is problematic and the content of the actual videos one once she posted recently Was bernie talking about martin luther king talking about the poor people's campaign and uh, uh, how you know
Starting point is 01:05:24 Oh, the whole establishment turned on him when he posed the vietnam war and when he started organizing white and black workers Against poverty and for federal jobs program, uh, which is all like a true and mainline, you know left Uh left point to make uh, and all she said was uh, here's bernie calling asians yellow Hmm seems seems problematic to me and the very first clip that she released is you know from one of these debates Where he talks about you know why he's a socialist and he says i'm a socialist because i want a radical redistribution of wealth and power in America and she was just like wow wow I can't believe we haven't heard this, you know before this is scary stuff And if anything approves that if anything approves that he was better back then he had more a little bit more
Starting point is 01:06:09 Spark to him back then i didn't have as much to lose. Yeah, um, and i'd like to hear more of that from him now I mean I mean And also just shows that he's been basically saying the same thing for over 30 years now and has been right about it Yeah, give me young bernie young bernie young, uh, cinema Uh, unity ticket young. Yeah, seriously when she was dumpster diving freaking. Yeah dumpster diving and uh comparing american soldiers to Scarlet's Oh, man, it is hilarious. Now keep those videos coming. Yeah. Oh, she was shirtless singing in the yeah
Starting point is 01:06:42 She's gonna need to serious therapy to cope with watching all those hours of like uh, like hampshire college assistant professors, uh, you know Just like talking about their divorce or whatever the fuck is on there. I can't even wait Uh, bernie in the ussr taking off his shirt and singing union songs going pretty hard for the matt christman vote Not a fan of the shirtlessness, but I did enjoy the singing keep your shirt on all men keep your shirt on so, uh Yeah, I think that about uh wraps it up for this week. Yeah, I I do want to say, uh, you know again congratulations to you if you tuned into our halftime stream and our second half coverage of the big game and our post game coverage with all the special guests
Starting point is 01:07:24 Thanks to everyone who made that work, especially chris wade on the office. Uh, if you Uh, if you want to support community theater, uh, subscribe to us at slash chapo trap house If you haven't have an amazon prime account, you automatically have twitch prime, which entitles you to one, uh, free subscription you can give uh to the streamer of your choice and Uh, if it's all the same to you instead of using that free subscription on a 17 year old, uh, Scandinavian guy who plays fortnight and yells foreign racial slurs, uh, bequeath it to us At chapo trap house, so you can watch felix do that same thing
Starting point is 01:08:03 I would also like to add that if you, uh, work at crooked media and are a secret gray wolf Uh, get in touch with me. I'd like a mole on the inside cheers everybody till next time. Bye. Bye Oh That was his highway this land was made for you and me

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