Chapo Trap House - 316 - PBS: Permanent Revolution feat. Hasan Piker (5/19/19)

Episode Date: May 20, 2019

We're joined by Twitch star Hasan Piker @hasanthehun to discuss draconian new abortion laws, the looming prospect of war with Iran, and using gaming streams to spread leftist views online. Finally, w...e read about from an old friend about the perpetual cultural revolution being forced on America by the rodents at PBS.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I You Okay We are here. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. It's your chapeau Matt Amber and myself are coming to you live from the extremely chill vibes of Southern, California the city of angels Los Angeles real manager at the what? Hollywood, California But we are joined by a very special guest You know him as the from the young Turks and from twitch a very popular streamer Hassan piker
Starting point is 00:01:17 Welcome to that far. Well, thank you. I'm also a huge chapeau fan. So this is like kind of intimidating for me I'm not gonna lie. Well, I've been very stoked on this. We're all about chill positive vibes here We're Marianne mindset 24-7. We're so chill. There's no way you could possibly Yeah, fuck this up. Yeah, no, we are Still be chill like it's not guys. It's not my first rodeo Well, you're you're hosting us on your apartment right now. Thank you very much for that a great dog Yeah, you got a wonderful dog Hello, but before we get into today's episode just got a stunt a little bit
Starting point is 00:01:56 Matt Amber and I were Gifted a trip to the Deadwood movie premiere last night kissed by the gods We're among the the Eloi the select the few and I actually prevented myself from leaning over doing that By the way, I've never seen this show, but I prevented myself from leaning over in the middle and whispering There's the dead Which I seriously considered doing because been on a lot of edibles since I've been here and that makes me laugh And then we went to the the after-party, you know No, Caprino. No spoilers, you know HBO will revoke my soul if I if I if I divulge anything about the Deadwood
Starting point is 00:02:36 However, I will say Matt and I did get to Bask in the aura of Ian McShane. I gotta say one of the most powerful auras we've ever experienced just this Absolute power manlet Little a tiny little gentleman with an open collar and slick back here Just run in that whole room, but yeah, it was like a was like our dream country We were at a party with the town of Deadwood. Yeah, they're all there all the stars were there all of your favorite Cast movers. So once again, huge. Thank you to Pat and Oswald for making that dream come true for us Mm-hmm. So
Starting point is 00:03:13 Like I said, we're here in LA with Hassan Things are things are going great in the news though We've so we're sort of insulated it from because we're you know, cool California vibes. Everyone is chill out here But the news sucks Things coming out Pretty bad. Where do you want to start our upcoming war with Iran? Yeah, or our upcoming abortion being illegal in the United States. Neither of those are very Mariam Well, we're gonna start with abortion. Okay, let's start. So
Starting point is 00:03:43 Alabama is now joined Georgia as the latest state. Yeah, say Ohio did it too They're all in a contest to see what state's name will be in the name of the historic Supreme Court decision overturning Roe versus Wade. They want to be Smith versus Alabama not Smith versus Ohio or whatever the fuck So they're clout chasers. They literally are. Yeah, this is all about chasing clout. That's a hundred percent correct It's clousy. It's funny, dude. Yeah, it's funny. It's like it's so not me Yeah Last night though at the movie premiere, I was just thinking there are so many fake LA bitches here and this so is me I can't wait to become one
Starting point is 00:04:26 So Just the Alabama you probably already know about the Georgia one just real quick here reading from the New York Times Right up of this just say what does Alabama do the builder the Republican controlled legislature Overwhelmingly passed sought to prohibit abortions at every stage of pregnancy It includes an exemption in cases for cases where a woman's health is at serious risk But lawmakers rejected a proposal to add exceptions for cases of rape or incest Women who have abortions will not be prosecuted under the measure But if the courts allow the law to stand doctors could be charged with a felony and face up to
Starting point is 00:05:00 99 years in prison for performing the receipt procedure. So they're at least they're holding the death penalty Yeah, you know very enlightened. I guess how many how many doctors that perform abortions are do you think are left in this state? You know of Emma. Yeah, very very few. This sounds like it's It's a little misleading and not that this isn't terrible, but every time one of these things happens It's generally in a state where Like the only providers is like the one-plan parenthood or one doctor with like bulletproof, you know windows The issue first of all, Roe v. Wade is not good legal precedent to defend the right to abortion Second of all in addition to like a firmer legal defense like we are not going to ever have secure
Starting point is 00:05:50 Access to abortion without socialized health care. We're just not and we can't rely on Planned Parenthood because like, you know God bless and they certainly helped me out in a pinch But like they are not they do not have the long game in mind They are truly a liberal institution with extreme limits. They're not good at defending abortion They are being attacked out because I mean the it's sort of like I feel like you sort of forget how much the anti-abortion people like What kind of freaks they really are but they're feeling it They're feeling themselves now for sure and they're sharing some very normal thoughts. I just I just kept this one courtesy of wet-faced fish-lipped freak Matt Walsh
Starting point is 00:06:30 Who says of the new law if a 12 year old is raped by her father and the father takes her to get an abortion? The evidence of the crime will be destroyed and he will go on molesting his victim for years If however the child is born his crime will be discovered and she will be rescued from the abuse So all she has to do is bear her father's child your rape baby be your savior I don't understand so like Matt Walsh is a father right because he talks about yeah being a father all the time But this man is obviously never fucked because like if you if this is your perspective Like do you genuinely think that the only way to prove that someone raped you is if you carry the pregnancy to term at the age of 12?
Starting point is 00:07:08 Well, you have to wait until the kid looks enough like you to be prosecuted His children are the only way he can prove to other people that he's had sex. So that's the terms. He's thinking in yeah Like yeah, there's no there's absolutely no other evidence forensic or otherwise You could ever use to prosecute a testimony from a woman. That's why the rape kit backlog exists Because like these people got abortions. So that's why there's a backlog and they can't test them anymore because there's no children There's no proof. Well, uh Matt Walsh seems to think that Planned Parenthood's main goal is um covering up crimes Like there's just sort of like uh Harvey Keitel's character in pulp fiction essentially so much cooler than they are Well, uh, so it's just if they were like actually doing that if they were, you know in the dead of night, you know running some sort of like
Starting point is 00:07:58 Black market abortion access thing. It would legitimately be Far more impressive than the fight that they're able to put up at this point Well the claim the right wing claims that they sell the baby organs to make impossible burgers. Yes That's not a joke Yeah, oh, yeah, I think it was Azalea Banks. Uh said that it's up there with the pepsi has stem cells in it Well, it doesn't make it taste any better Yeah, whatever they're putting it goes much better. I'm sipping this diet code right now. I can't drink pepsi is awful Bad. Well, yeah, I mean you're you're pro life. So you can't
Starting point is 00:08:36 You can't you lean a london your conscience that easily. Um, just uh, finish up the other New York Times goes on to say, uh A senate vote on Tuesday night moved the proposal to governor k. Ivy a republican who signed the legislation on wednesday afternoon To the bill's many supporters this legislation stands as a powerful testament to alabamians deeply held belief that every life is precious And that every life is a sacred gift from god. Ms. Ivy said in a statement I mean, I know that you can say that but for states like alabama and georgia to say it's a deeply held belief of this state that Um, every life is sacred and precious. It's just like could you could you do a better job of showing that maybe because these states Do have the highest infant maternal and infant mortality rates in america. Yeah once, you know You take it to term then it's your problem. I don't know. I like I don't know how
Starting point is 00:09:28 We're going to actually deal with this. I hope that this is like wrapped up and smashed down really tidy because if it gets drawn out people will pay attention to Nothing but this I do not put it past republicans to like try to drum up so-called culture wars at the last minute to distract people from From the fact that like suddenly like medicare for all is an incredibly popular policy and people are getting behind You know education anti-poverty initiatives. I think that they could very easily Just just keep pulling this shit well into the election so that we pay attention to that to the exclusion of all other things
Starting point is 00:10:09 And everyone runs out of energy But don't you guys think this is kind of a losing battle in some sense because I mean culture wars republicans are really good at it We all already know this but Abortion is like that one issue that definitely mobilizes a significant portion of the republican base But it's still not something that I don't know. I feel like it's not as popular as republicans make it out to be Like in terms of the prospect of making abortion illegal or overturning Roe v. Wade I don't think people are as Extremely, um, but also like we've lost so much. We whatever the democrats have lost so much political footing
Starting point is 00:10:45 Um that I I think it's very easy and again to like these laws are awful and they shouldn't exist And we need better, you know legal precedent than Roe v. Wade, but also The biggest issue is that like no one can afford health care of any kind And that it's incredibly difficult to access any of this stuff I mean the number of doctors that even perform abortions at this point is so low in America And it's been steadily dropping ever since just because it's like not worth it Like they can't they can't rationalize the risk to it. They can't find a place to fucking work Like Planned Parenthood can barely keep its head above water like in terms of like keeping clinics
Starting point is 00:11:26 And then like everything else is like Just death by a thousand cuts. It's like, you know, it's it's austerity anti-abortion activism, you know, like which is Probably more effective at this point than the legal stuff I did see in terms of other, uh, normal people sharing their normal thoughts, uh, ross douthat today, uh, you know big big time Anti-abortion big big boss ross Uh, he seems to be making a case that like, um, you can't say that, uh, you know, women's, uh, full political equality Is you know depends on abortion because you know, there are other countries in the west that Uh, made abortion illegal after Roe v. Wade and you know, women were fine in those countries and the examples he used were Ireland and Chile
Starting point is 00:12:12 And Ireland it was like he really likes those, uh, you know the the mass grave countries Yeah, a big fan of those. Yeah Ireland where you go to jail if you, uh, if you fly over to like the you not anymore They just yeah, but not even yeah Very very recently, but um Yeah, like I mean, yeah the land of Magdalene laundries. Yeah Yeah, it's like women's like, yeah like full political and economic enfranchisement And by the way in the Chile anti-abortion was instituted by pinotchet by a right-wing dictatorship
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah, just misunderstood You hate people of color Sorry, I have to say it. Yeah, we hate people of color. We hate pinotchet. We hate the irish. Yeah, well actually, uh, you said the magic word um This is in my queue as well, but we might as well talk about it now from Bernie Sanders says irish just fight and get drunk many people think And uh, this is coming up. They made it sound like he said it Yeah, which is great. And uh, what's his name? Uh, hillary man, uh, general tom watson was like, well
Starting point is 00:13:21 I guess bernie just lost the irish vote and I love the idea that there's like the irish vote is still something in american politics And the extent that it does exist. They're all republican like blue lives matter, uh, lunatics Yeah, irish for slaves too, mother so Yeah, wait, what I mean beyond like, you know, what uh group you march in for st. patrick's day like does he think that there's like a Legitimate like irish american community at this point. Yeah, they're called the police And the city of boston. Yeah, but no, this is um, they of course were digging into the the archives of this the recently rediscovered because You know everything about there they're trying to find anything about bernie and they discovered his public access show from vermont
Starting point is 00:14:04 Oh my god, we talked about this yet every time they come for him. He only becomes more powerful So, uh, we like the public access show Is wonderful. Yeah. Oh, it's so great. He's adorable My favorite is when he like talks to a baby, but like it's like a person and he's like, hello No, my favorite is when he's talking to like a group of like first graders and he's like, have any of you ever seen the drug cocaine? Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then that yoyo and then one of them was like, do you mean coca-cola? And he was like, no the drug cocaine But uh, so apparently on then he called the kid stupid afterwards. I think you're stupid
Starting point is 00:14:42 So, uh, says bernie and they're making it sound like he gave voice to like the opinion that the irish are leery if he drunk in opinion Which is the real races Bernie sander is called irish drunks and fighters in an old television clip that has resurfaced about stereotypes And one of his old public access tv shows which have just been located Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says the typical view of the irish is they get in fights because they are drunks all the irish are drunks Bernie speaks of the community is full of footage of Sanders discussing relevant issues. Yeah, like irish people being violent drunkards
Starting point is 00:15:21 Look, it's a problem and he's speaking truth to power his remarks on the irish were part of a conversation about stereotypes Black smell sander said he was told as a kid jews are greedy and selfish irish were drunks and the italians were mafia Wait, oh wait, this is from that part. Yeah, because I remember I remember the the first expose that happened in america When they they cut out the irish part, but they only talked about the jews and the blacks that bernie sander Well, yeah, he was addressing school kids. Yeah, it's the same thing and he didn't talk about the second part of the conversation Well, he was probably negative. Yeah, he was like expressing stereotypes to show that like he was like this is what i was told and like they are foolish The irish press that picked up on it too and of course they left with like the irish thing and didn't mention the you know Whatever greedy jews part and like I what's up there as what do they got against bernie?
Starting point is 00:16:15 Well, I think it's pretty clear if like reading this from that you know, I mean whoever wrote it You're just happy someone's talking about you. Well, I mean, I think who wrote it probably wasn't drunk at the time because I think it is pretty clear What the context this year, but uh, yeah, no the irish vote bernie come on do better Yes, he'll be all right. I don't what I don't understand is like every time we find old bernie sanders footage that gets unearthed I mean he first of all he looks exactly the same like why does he look like he's 75 when he was like supposed to be 40? Well, maybe never changed policies and never changed looks man. Now we're talking about this That's sort of like the best move you can do for a politician or like character actor Old early look the same like Ian McShane
Starting point is 00:16:59 We they show like clips before the thing they showed these uh, they showed a bunch of While we were waiting we're sitting down waiting for the show to start they had This montage of pictures from deadwood and they were pictures from the new movie and from the old show And you could easily tell which it was with every character except for McShane He was like is that from now? Is that from this movie or is that from the original show? You didn't know because he's had the exact same face and we talked like philip baker hall has had the same look for decades Oh, too An early old it's a king move to be an early old and like you know you read that statistic that uh when he filmed the
Starting point is 00:17:34 Movie cocoon wilford brimley is like my age And you know he still looks the same I am it's a it's a boss move But then the other thing that I I get upset about whenever I see these old bernie footage is like I feel like he was way cooler back then Like he would just come out and say it like he would just say it like what he'd be like Yeah, i'm on i'm against all us foreign intervention
Starting point is 00:18:02 Like across the board i'm with the the ussr is not that bad actually things like that where I don't know. I feel like he was way cooler back then and now he's kind of Uh gotten a little bit softer with old age. Well, yeah, I think maybe he's hiding his power level. Who knows he's running for president and also, uh, I think You're just not allowed to call kids dumb anymore They would be mad if a presidential candidate did that and I think What we expect of a presidential candidate now is uh a softer kind of thing Which is to our detriment
Starting point is 00:18:34 I would love it if bernie was one loud about wars loud about being anti imperialist and two just calling kids dumb Look at these little dipshit Well, ember you see biden does it and they love to say biden is going around saying like millennials are stupid and lazy And like give me a break that you know you you think your life is hard Uh, so I don't know maybe you can get away with that But then again like children and millennials are different because we associate millennials with like ungrateful You know people in their 20s or right, you know, yeah versus the zoomers who are definitely much better Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:09 Well, you know, so we're going to talk to you a little bit about about your contact with the uh the zoomer generation via Via twitch, but uh just the last thing I want to uh talk about alabama and obviously, uh This sucks or like there's very little that's uh funny or entertaining about it save for The names of some of these alabama state legislators who voted for to pass this abortion ban And I looked at this and I swear to god I had to look up the names to make sure this wasn't a work Like someone just photoshopped it like the the teen roast thing that rob wisman did
Starting point is 00:19:43 Chris tell chris yeah her blurbs and this is like a throwback because this was like the classic Teacot era of twitter where you know one of the original and greatest kush bomb bits were just teacot names Others lives forever. Um, so let's go through like yeah We feel like sort of called a lot of the current world into existence in About 2014 we just pulled these people out of the ether. All right. Let me go through some of the the highlights here I really shouldn't have done all that tweeting from a Ouija board All right, larry stutz hell. Yeah larry stutz it on those o's tim melson tim melson Shea shell nut no
Starting point is 00:20:23 You know, it's like these are the almost names where it almost sounds like a real name. They're just uncanny Shea shell nut. This is one of the best will barfoot barfoot is legal folks Yeah, in alabama barfoot is legal, but a push in is not yeah Uh, and then of course, this is the best of them all. This is the most teacot name. I could not believe this is real garland gudger garland Gudger no First of all making an alliterative name is child abuse But both of those are fake garland. I feel like I
Starting point is 00:20:57 I had some sort of rendezvous with you in my head like five years ago I saw you as a vision of apocalypse coming towards me Like randall tex cob in raising arizona and then I gave you birth I birthed you into existence with my incantation This is the kind of western culture that we're trying to preserve by making sure that abortions are illegal So that everyone has to carry their pregnancies the term and then we can come up with more creative white names like this. Yep I can't wait for president I cannot wait for president bunch huggins
Starting point is 00:21:30 To finally institute the cleansing that we need Streaming fortnight right now on twitch Thinking about his next move. Yeah, no the antichrist is alive right now and he is doing fortnight on twitch right now His name is bunch huggins, hear him Yeah, it's that 14 year old girl. Sof on youtube who is like, uh, you know calling muslims the sand and word and stuff She's gonna be the next president Yeah, um, well, hopefully we'll take some of these kids skills that they've learned playing fortnight And apply them to our next war which looks like it's going to be with
Starting point is 00:22:05 Iran, you know what? I really do feel like we could kill two birds with one stone here gather some of these zoomers Just airdrop them over to ron as you know, like the the iranians were always famous for their child way soldier ways We could just do something similar with our excess their pharaoh pharaoh zoomers. Yeah Uh, this is otherwise. I'm going to have to like dance for them in the afterscape Uh in exchange for like canned goods and a thimble full of rusty water Oh Are we eating today?
Starting point is 00:22:41 And they're like, no, we're gonna fucking i'm gonna make an iphone case out of your back flesh So I have I would rather we send them to us to ron And then out the ranks of it. Well, you may get your wish mat because uh, this is like I just feel like It's it's evidence of the time this we live in now that like We all know like we all remember like the iraq war and like how bullshit that was But I really feel like they tried as hard as possible To sell that and roll that out full core press with like the un presentation and the media and everything like they Don't need to tell us all hands on board with this. I just think like they're this is just lazy the shit
Starting point is 00:23:21 They've come out with this like saudi oil tanker. They just said were attacked by iran with no visible evidence of any kind of damage And it's also just they know that they don't have to they know they can phone it in We've already resigned ourselves to the fact that we're going to war All the time everywhere in the world without any sort of popular support I just want to read from the the wall street journal account of this and like, you know The wall street journal I think is like a pretty good paper of record and like if you read through the lines You can just see what us says iran likely behind ship attacks Officials say too saudi oil tankers and vessels from norway and the ua e were damaged
Starting point is 00:23:58 As someone else pointed this out, but like I feel like when it was the uss main and the gulf of tonkin At least we pretend at least they were our ships. We were pretending Yeah, I volunteered like you will not go after my best friend norway Or no, it's like the fucking ua e and shit. It's like, yeah I volunteered to be just turned into human hamburger to avenge some fucking sheik's slave yacht Or a saudi oil tanker. Yeah. Yeah, this is actually full of all their pet falcons Oh, no somebody scuffed the yacht from the end of takin And we must we must get we must pay them back with blood
Starting point is 00:24:36 Even the people that they're using are the same people. They're just plagiarizing the same talking points Let's jump into everything is identical to iraq. It doesn't matter anymore The whole gang's here They're in a problem though is that in terms of the the media world and and and and like the Obstacles to action. Yeah, nothing matters anymore. They could go to war with the rain tomorrow With and not feel like they have to build up Uh, they don't have to manufacture consent the way that the bush administration did problem is this is post iraq So we're not in any shape to take the fucking iranians and they're like the thing pushing against this
Starting point is 00:25:12 I think of the how corridors of power are actual military guys. Yes. We're like, dude I'm gonna get my oh, yeah Yeah, we're gonna open up a two front war against iran and venezuela with the current state and like not only that But like I think we'll just have it all done by drones Which we which will be driven by the zoomers that has son plays with all day. Yeah Yeah, I mean that's not gonna cut it against iran or venezuela. You can do like a limited strike or something To try to like knock out the nuclear program But that's pretty clear that they don't give a shit about the nuclear program because the way they tore up the fucking
Starting point is 00:25:45 Agreement they had that was working. It's about causing which was a soft ass move on behalf of iran by the way That's my take Soft ass move, dude. Don't negotiate with the united states, right? Yeah, why would you waste your fucking time talking to the united states? Oh, yeah, anything we agree and agree to could be canceled on a whim by the brain damaged sexual assaulting game show host Uh, but you know ember to your point like I feel like yeah, everyone is so beaten down That they're not even trying to sell this bullshit. However, if it did happen unlike the iraq war or war on terrorism I think it would immediately be overwhelmingly unpopular like I just feel like considering what it would entail
Starting point is 00:26:23 Right. Well, uh, again, we cared more about those two very large buildings than we do about a norwegian boat That's a thing. We're so far from 9 11. We just have this ambient Well, we have left as an ambient islamophobia, which we kind of never dealt with But the the the the payback desire has dissipated and now all it has is this remorse about oh, man We really fucking stepped into this I mean, I just want to read from this wall street journal piece to just like give you a sense of like how lazy this shit is An initial u.s. Assessment indicated iran was likely behind the attack on two saudi arabian oil tankers and two other vessels Damaged over the weekend near the Strait of Hormuz a u.s. Official said a finding that if confirmed
Starting point is 00:27:06 Would further inflame military tensions in the persian gulf the assessment while not conclusive was the first suggestion by any nation That around was responsible for the attack and comes after a series of u.s. Warnings against aggression by iran or its allies and proxies against military or commercial vessels in the region Oh Convenient that we made that warning right before this happened Well, because and they were they were citing they were citing some sort of rising threat that has there's been no actual proof of Nothing. Yeah, they just totally made up at least it wouldn't come and it got fucking reported in the new york times as uh
Starting point is 00:27:39 Iranian threats in the region no questioning about where the fuck that idea came from and again And when when when cohen pal went before the un at least they had like an artist rendition of what his mobile biological weapons labs would look like Yeah, where's the concepts art? Alex j brady if you're out there, please Please contribute, but it just says here um the u.s. Official who declined to be identified Okay, didn't offer details about what led to the assessment or its implications for a possible u.s. Response the u.s. Has said in the past week that it was sending an aircraft carrier an amphibious assault ship A bomber task force and an anti-missile system to the region
Starting point is 00:28:18 After it alleged intelligence showed iran posed a threat to its troops I think they just wanted an excuse to take out the amphibious assault ship first been Like first of all, I don't even know what that is. Isn't that just a submarine? That is no an amphibious assault ship is designed to To take troops from a water to uh to a beach to a beach. I think it's like a giant version of like the d-day Crafts, okay used to land on a beach. Very cool. We have to we have to make use of them somehow So, you know, they're just testing them out. No, but I do just want to like test out toys that aren't helicopters because we're not going to Those anymore
Starting point is 00:28:54 I mean, I I wish felix was here because this move to send the the aircraft carrier group to the person golf like does strike me like a Like a felix ohio guy character kind of thing to do You know, it should be like, you know, I'm I'm gonna drive my car in front of your house And you buddy you better see what the fuck I'll do if you throw you throw a can at it Well, but the presence of us vehicle there of us forces that increases the likelihood of some sort of contact Which is what you want. You want them to Yeah, no, they're rolling. They're swinging their arms and saying I'm not hitting you. I'm not hitting you I'm hitting you. Yeah, I'm gonna close my eyes and kick and if you get hit that's your roll
Starting point is 00:29:30 It's not even saber rattling. It's like baby rattle rattling. It's very immature There's a top british general in the us-led coalition that also contradicted those claims as well but then the united states was Not very happy about that where it's a Um, the top british general in the us-led coalition against isis said that there's no increase that from iranian backed forces in iraq or syria Directly contradicting us assertions used to justify military buildup in the region. So it's the wrong kind of expert then Yeah, they're gonna just his his career's over. Yeah, but yeah, unlike the the u.s. Official, you know being quoted here I mean, I'm sure that guy put his name to that. Yeah major general chris, uh, giga
Starting point is 00:30:12 Okay, never mind never mind The u.s. publicly rebuked them so that guy's an op for sure. Oh, yeah, and then I saw today also, um future apocalypse starter Senator tom cotton. Yes, Greg Stilson Uh, I I eat the guy who joe biden will lose to 2024 if he gets in the white house You know, he was on this a pbs show the new firing line with margaret hoover And she was interviewing him about a war with iran and like it was so bone-chilling because she was like Do you she said like do you want to go to war with iran? He was just like No
Starting point is 00:30:48 You know, and I'm just like that And then like he said one he was like, you know, like uh, like what will you know a conflict with iran be like and he's just like Only be two actions the first one and the last one could we went in a war with iran? Yes That didn't take you a second two strikes the first strike and the last strike And ron if you take a swing at me You're gonna be two hits me and you and you hitting all of our fucking military bases with hezbollah car bomb attacks And causing our fucking civil society to collapse in two weeks It's just it's not even like at least when we used to be
Starting point is 00:31:21 A horrific war hawks like the macchismo was believable. They didn't sound like Dermot from venture brothers like arguing about how many people he could potentially beat up like just don't panic Hank i've handled this kind of mess before. Why do you think they used to call me the wolf? Nobody calls you that well they get back my old neighborhood when they weren't call me psycho At least there was some kind of conservative This is so childish and embarrassing It's just at the end of the day iran is too big a fucking task. It's too big of a country. It's got too big of a military It's just it's too big of a bite to chew on and basically all you have is this
Starting point is 00:31:58 This schizophrenic response because you have Elements in this in the government who truly believe that we have to take out iran for a bunch of reasons And ones who believe know that that would undermine our long-term interests because of the difficulty of the task given our Stretched military. I mean we're fighting seven fucking wars simultaneously. And this would be a bigger This would be a bigger project than all of them put together Invading and holding iran it absolutely would and so they're like what the fuck are you talking about and that stalemate Is why we see shit like this because when you get a chance you push on the lever and see well Maybe we can spark a confrontation get something moving and then all of a sudden all those
Starting point is 00:32:35 Uh institutional roadblocks they fall away because it's happening too fast And just leslie says um if they do anything they will suffer greatly We'll see what happens with iran president trump saying while meeting with hungary's prime minister victor orban at the white house Earlier on monday that that whole quote like if you listen to it It's actually like they make him sound less Stupid and childish by cutting out the things he said before and after that because he's doing the repetitive Sundowning thing when he was giving the quote and when he talks about The foreign policy that's when the press that usually makes fun of him and questions him and undermines all of his claims
Starting point is 00:33:12 And says he's a big dumb baby all of a sudden decides. Whoa. This is serious stuff We have to take him seriously and we're not gonna undermine underline the fact that he's a sundowning old clown because all the institutions that uh, the press has to maintain are Doing their cost benefit analysis right now Just like you said trying to figure out if it's worth it to to do boots on the ground military warfare with ron Which it won't be so, you know, that's why they're but but if push came to shove And they realize that this would be beneficial for the military industrial complex without a doubt They would do it right now are the things stopping all these any new wars is all of our old wars
Starting point is 00:33:54 That's basically it. It's the fact that we have all these open accounts on the books This is the only thing stopping us from doing this that and as liz warren said climate change It's amazing because it's such an easy pitch not only is the military a Soaked imperial monster on the world stage It is a huge financial Albatross around the neck of a country that's trying to provide any kind of social safety net because of how much it fucking costs Uh, and it's the world's number one
Starting point is 00:34:33 Institutional carbon producer. Yeah the number one force for climate change. It's in the world It's a death machine both actively and passively and so if the pitch to say cutting it drastically It reduces. Hey mayhem violence in the world It cuts. It gives us money. We can send use to do other things like green energy Reinvestment and and and and greening and decarbonizing energy and all that stuff It allows us to do that uh, and
Starting point is 00:35:04 It fucking cuts greenhouse emissions To the degree to which you cut the military and like shut bases and stop stop it doing stuff That's a degree of carbon that is not being replaced. No one else is putting in carbon that you stop putting in you are net Reducing carbon. It's a three for one. All you got to say is cut the fucking thing not this shit We're gonna invest it and change it so it's more effective and efficient. What the fuck are you even talking about now? She can't do it inside her head right now. She's realizing She's come to a conflict that will not change. It's just you know that video of turkeys just circling a tree That's what's happening in her brain right now. Yes
Starting point is 00:35:44 It's like a friend a friend of mine had that had like the he laid out the logic in like a formal proof Or whatever and he said the military is a massive part of the problem The problem also has become a problem for the military So I will use the cause of the problem to solve the problem So the problem doesn't get in the way of the cause of the problem doing the thing that it mostly is the problem Yes, exactly and it's because and this is the people on how do you do that? She's got like a she's got like a tesseract brain. Well a lot of them will be a strip a lot of left to say well Why not Warren? I like Warren. She's got all these great policies. She's a woman. I feel like I'm not going to get the Bernie bro thing
Starting point is 00:36:18 Come on. Let me let me support Warren. I want to support Warren and what and there's a lot of there are differences In terms of their policies, but the real difference comes down to the fact that there are these Incommensurabilities at the heart of American politics these genuine conflicts that can't be overcome with language And when and Bernie has an idea what to do with them You can argue whether it's possible or not, but it's the idea of the political revolution where you have outside forces Organized American citizens putting pressure on government to do what is best for the American people That's the theory So it's like if there's a conflict you bulldoze it and you challenge it outright
Starting point is 00:36:53 And you bring in people to help you defeat it from outside If Elizabeth Warren believes in the old-fashioned idea of at the center of this there are any conflicts And then what do you do you try to triangulate around them? And so but everybody every certainly every democrat who gets an office With that rhetoric when it comes to the reality of triangulating ends up always doing it in the terms of how Of of of the right and traditional politics and it all gets compromised into oblivion She's trying to do the obama thing, but honestly, she's not crafty enough. Exactly Like it's not just there are substantial policy differences, but also Liz Warren is too conflict diverse and
Starting point is 00:37:33 She's goofy. That's the dumbest thing. She is very goofy. That was just dumb. That was just embarrassingly dumb If obama was we I'm sure he would try and do something similar and you know in in his peak in his heyday But he wouldn't have sounded that stupid doing it. Bernie has a theory of change and none of the other ones do Here's my idea all of our aircraft carriers. They're wonderful. They're beautiful beautiful ships folks We take the giant decks that they use to launch air like fighter jets solar panels We make them giant floating solar panels and the the boats will go where the sun is All the time, but they'll be like trailing a giant cable like a usb cord or something
Starting point is 00:38:12 Look, there's still some kinks to be worked out, but I think there's right. There's something there I think there's something very liberal about taking the military and like turning it green as though That's the only problem that we have with the military Legitimately that level of liberalism you usually have to go to israel to find something like you know vegan idf soldiers Find something that liberal in in mindset You usually have to yeah, usually have to go to israel. They're they're the best at it But we're catching up with this whole greening of the military military, but yeah So the military it's the military and they're just green right we're gonna paint the tanks green
Starting point is 00:38:51 Okay, I'm hearing the tanks are already green well, um going on moving on enough from um, but potentially real wars to You know the the virtual wars the combat that takes place every day in our vigil game systems Aslan, I wanted to talk to you about your experiences you know a being on twitch and the kind of uh I don't know like a sort of weird and very specific culture of twitch that you know these kids are into You know our our our friends are sort of the chopper satellite the fym boys. They have their own
Starting point is 00:39:26 twitch stream That uh that we love and they're doing a lot of stuff with that I try to get training. I try to get them to to Participate in twitch culture as much as possible, but they've refused for some weird reason So don't let them fool you like they are the boomers of That is frightening. Holy shit. Oh my god. You're about they already seem just hopelessly gone Yeah, but also you are about to get anthrax in the mail from felix for that comment No, no, he knows he know I try to get him to get like emotes and stuff like bttv moes
Starting point is 00:39:58 I'm not going to get too deep into it. Some of the people that follow you already Follow my channel and chopo is well, obviously I just love that but um, I mean I mentioned like the thing like I know you you've you've told me about this before And I I've talked about it with like uh with with erin and felix and them like Like, you know my my prejudice going into this like thinking about what the culture and community of twitch is like Is you know like the the gamer stereotype of sort of reactionary Incell young man, which is why I joined the platform originally is this is not a joke So when I first joined twitch, I was like
Starting point is 00:40:34 This is relatively new Uh, I need a place to build habitual viewership anyway because I'm on fucking facebook duty at tyt and everyone That watches facebook news now is like 68 years old plus so it's awful I mean they vote but whatever they don't care for my leftist takes regardless They think i'm trying to separate the party as a kremlin agent. So um So I got on twitch because I knew that like these this is a young audience mostly male probably prone to reactionary politics But their political idols are a bunch of idiots
Starting point is 00:41:09 I mean they they don't know anything and and all the takes that they've heard All the takes that they've heard about like uh leftist politics have been just strawmen from the likes of steven crowder and And ben Shapiro and and all these other people so youtube like pettis. Yeah, exactly And it's always as you guys have left to their own devices and it's not good. It's very load of the flies Yeah, but at the same time twitch is this like huge phenomenon that's like Seem like seemingly inaccessible to like someone like me, but like you know among the the zoomers the teens It's super insular. So most people don't know what the hell's going on at twitch, but they're so they are so active Like they are so active. They're young. They're constantly on the platform
Starting point is 00:41:49 And they watch I mean they watch my streams for Six hours on average, which is insane. They're all needs. So they all love andre ang they all okay Yeah, so they all want a thousand dollars. They want their notebooks and you know, so open your third eyes What is the money to you if your soul? Is is encumbered And and darkened Look into the light of marianne mindsets But uh, but I sound like the other thing that I was again like, you know, uh, maybe foolishly surprised to discover
Starting point is 00:42:22 Is that I mean like like that kind of reactionary thing that that's there on twitch But they're like a big there is a big big subculture on on twitch of like queer and trans teenagers Oh, yeah, and like that's like a big part of the culture like when we got here You were trying to explain to matt like they're weird remix music videos featuring the sound effects from gay porn Yeah, there's this gay porn that's very famous in japan and why is it famous in japan? I wonder why they're famous gay ponds in japan. I don't know How are they the famous gay ponds in america every time you know what happens every time someone tries to explain this to me It only raises more questions. Yeah, that's what japan is. It's just this horrifying onion of context
Starting point is 00:43:04 So, yeah, there's gay porn in japan with this white dude and another japanese gay porn star And they took sounds they took like little sound bites from the gay porn of like ass slapping and men Uh saying like oh, fuck. That's so tight things of that nature And they remix every song. Yeah, they remix every popular song with those sounds And that's like a big part of twitch culture for some reason. I don't know who started it. I don't know why they do it It's very weird because on the one hand, um, you know, they're calling everybody soy boys and whatever But on the other hand, they're like, oh, no, but we're all gay, which is weird. I don't know what's I don't know Are they doing it zoomers are hard to decipher
Starting point is 00:43:43 But I mean, are they doing it ironically they're like, uh, just using soys and insult because it's just no, I don't think so I think that I think that the next generation is way more open-minded about the fluidity of sexuality But they still like they still care about like white ethno-state stuff, obviously But they're like, oh, no, you can be gay and a nazi at the same time. Oh great. That's wonderful Well, I mean the things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive certainly not tell ask Ernst room. Yeah But um, like in in in your interaction would be a fantastic gay bar ask Ernst But um in in your uh, you know in in your streaming and interactions with this community like coming from a like a left-wing Uh perspective or point of view like what do you find this like is what what resonates to them?
Starting point is 00:44:31 Or like you find that you are convincing them or is it? Oh, yeah Like so like like like what what about a point of view that you're bringing? Yeah, like like what do they respond to you about that the memes for the most part and also here's the thing Also, do they know what you look like? Yeah. Okay, so okay. I guess we've understood why Queer teenage audience. Yeah There's that it don't hurt for sure is definitely a part of it, but
Starting point is 00:44:58 um, the thing is like They don't have a lot of access to proper leftist representation And uh, that's why I love choppo because you guys do a great job of representing leftist values by being dirtbags But also talking about the material things that are important, right? and and they're definitely fed up with all of the uh The the cultural elements that we talk about the minutia that that don't actually impact people's lives Especially if you're apolitical and privileged in some respects So when someone comes in and it's like, oh no, both parties are pretty bad
Starting point is 00:45:31 And here's what we should be doing like the rest of the world and um, and this is why it's wrong And as a leftist, I'm not Similar to the hysterical blue-haired college You know college shaw compilation video A representative of the left they're like, oh, this is a little different than what I expected the left to be like Right, but at the same time like you get the feeling that like in their social context like Like offline like that these are like sort of outcast, you know the the outcasts of the communities that they're in or just they don't feel like they fit in Oh, for sure. I mean, dude, they spend six to eight hours on twitch
Starting point is 00:46:06 But literally does anyone that age fit into anything anymore? I mean like these like They seem really atomized like all young people now seem really That's where I really do feel like and I try to resist this I really do feel like computers are fundamentally changing social relationships because well the internet not computers per se grandpa a computer You get a big bank of spinning cartridges. No, he likes he likes the computers because that's where he watches his programs but The internet because
Starting point is 00:46:41 Because as you say at that age nobody fits in anywhere Yeah, but in the old days you didn't have a choice now if that pressure is too much and for most of us It is at some point or another you could opt out You can drop out and go online and have a simulated version of that life where there's much less risk and danger and awkwardness Yeah, simulacrum with only the good stuff only the dopamine and so a lot of people making that choice And that's a choice previous misfits didn't have and that made them sort of push through it And now a lot of people don't feel they can't have to push through it because they could just go online retreat Yeah, exactly. You have the alternative. It shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:47:17 Option of retreat shouldn't be there. You maybe need to be like bullied a little bit just a little Just push go Psychiatrists that was saying like um the way to healthy growth is uh a series of Small to mid-sized manageable traumas. Yeah, like too big and and it's like you're just you're gonna crack your brain like an egg But nothing you just become gelatinous, you know Yeah, I think that's why they're so malleable on youtube and and all that right-wing commentary gets super popular there Because it's a sense of belonging if you feel like you're pushed away and and disenfranchised There's like a a young boy living in Idaho or whatever then you have a sense of community of like-minded individuals
Starting point is 00:48:05 Who also hate the sjw's and the and the libtards and like to own them too that these things are so Like the youtube video thing are just like a guy talking into a screen I mean that is I mean we joke about podcasts being friendship simulators or whatever But this is like a conversation simulator Like yeah, there's no they're they're really low quality. They don't like light anything. They don't go to it for that That's not what it's about. There's not even any interest in making it look, you know, like a produced show half the time These people Want their dad jordan peterson to give them a lecture like that's literally what it is
Starting point is 00:48:44 And they've gotten to the point where they can only recognize interactions that come that way I mean, I'm sure that most of these people who had their mind blown by jordan peterson had been told by their parents to Fucking clean the room about 500 Never for a second penetrated because it was in the because they've been on the internet since birth Awful meat space that they don't get to edit and it's only one somebody that goes through Like the signifiers that tell them that there's someone to listen to and they say have you considered clean in your room? They're like, oh my god, you're genius No, I but like so like there's there's just there's a social aspect to switch
Starting point is 00:49:16 But like, you know, like the the meat and potatoes and tell me if I'm wrong It's still just playing video games and with your friends are watching. Yeah, that's changing to video games It's becoming more of an open source just interact like interaction of any kind or commentary like what you're doing Yeah, and and luckily and surprisingly, uh, they're not I mean, they've only come down hard on me once or twice One for watching a michael moore documentary and there was gore. So I got banned And then kill the rabbits and uh No, it was actually I was talking about Latin American intervention and I think it was like a part from bowling for Columbine and there was gore like real dead bodies. It was a bullshit ban
Starting point is 00:49:55 But yeah, yeah, but ultimately like I mean what I was gonna say is like they're they are pretty good at banning hate speech and they're they're really hands-on so It's more moderated than a lot of yeah, there's not a lot of ringers on the platform And and there are a lot of left-wingers now on the platform a lot of leftists like destiny is another one who you guys Share members in your community with Who debates like all of these people on the alt right and also on the right and he does a really good job and Um, he has that same like ben Shapiro style of like logic and reasoning and I'm gonna debate you
Starting point is 00:50:33 He's not a chud. I swear. He's he's cool But uh, he does a really good job of converting a lot of these kids because The all they care about is the is their side winning or being on the winning team and ownage and bloodshed I mean for a certain age group of Man like we kind of like laugh about the idea of debate because it's sort of a you know a precy school boys Pursuit or whatever It's the it's the masculinity of nerds, but for a certain age of young boys
Starting point is 00:51:05 like That's how they do things. I remember like like Angela was talking about when she taught She said like, you know young women are and I think a lot of this has to do with like just sort of being socialized in kind of conformist ways where um, you're more likely to be punished for a dissident opinion if you're a girl and guys she said sort of like Really young ones like, you know 17 18 start out by just picking a position and being like this is the thing I believe
Starting point is 00:51:36 And but that doesn't mean that they're actually committed to it because it's just like it's just the shoes They're wearing that week or whatever and so there are more receptive to Like it's like it's almost like a youthful like stage of development like debate or something like that And we've kind of eliminated the idea of conversation from like political discourse But when you are that age like especially if you're maybe a guy and you sort of like are just trying on an identity for the first time Like you kind of have to talk to them. There's no getting around talking to them The thing is they love it because it's a mental MMA Mind combat. Yeah, it's my combat
Starting point is 00:52:12 They don't want to watch the crude spectacle of the doze jocks punching each other But a mental combat now that's that's entertaining That would also make sense as to why Ben Shapiro is so popular is by being a giant nerd and incredibly boring and People say why would you want to listen to this droning nerd? No one else is doing it because you are one and you relate to him. Yeah Also makes him feel smart too. Oh, yeah, Sam Harris and and all these other IDW guys I mean who is like on his face an idiot like like genuinely people don't know anything She's like a genuinely dumb guy. Yeah, but he what he does is a very good impression of like an intelligent person
Starting point is 00:52:48 It's an ad hominem by the way. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, but I mean in terms of like another form of combat What do you like? What do you make of like the most popular? Video games that people play obviously like fortnight. We've joked about it before Oh god, like that kind of this battle royale. That's just because it's like free, right? But no, but people spend a shitload of money on it to dress a different costume But it is like I've got my do the materialist explanation is like a low price point for entry. Yeah You might not take the leap on something that complicated. All I know is a game like that if they charged for it I paid 50 bucks. That's why they don't that other games don't actually succeed as well as fortnight
Starting point is 00:53:24 Did because they charge like call the duty black ops is not as popular as fortnight because it's not free Yeah, and there are a lot of people who just simply can't pay $60 for a game Well, yeah, yeah, but you know say it's free, but I still paid 50 bucks for my steven paddock skin Yeah, uh, oh god my opponents they're sushi is calm every every time But uh, so is it really is that is it really just popular because it's it's free Why is it still popular part of it? Well, it seems like it's because they constantly reinvent themselves So the game mechanics are pretty the game mechanics are consistent, right? It's a battle royale You get dropped in there's an element of like randomness to it and you're trying to accumulate as many resources as possible
Starting point is 00:54:05 So that's I think hegel bond had like a piece on I forget. He did. Yeah, but he talked about like the capitalist element of it Yeah, so I think they do play on that a little bit, which is interesting But um, the reason why it's so successful is because they take feedback like crazy from the fan base and they're constantly tweaking it so um the game Throughout the different seasons kind of changes, uh, and it changes along with um, like user feedback The the mechanics are still the same. You're still shooting, but there are new guns. The dynamic is different So it's almost like it's a new game all the time and it's free Well, it might be a new game all the time and that might help you get some new subscribers and keep some but a year upon the urge
Starting point is 00:54:45 I'm not talking to you but epic epic You're on the verge of losing one of your own death's most dedicated Customers because felix has been playing fortnight 30 hours a day for the past year Is now on the suicide watch because they stretch the res Is that what they took away the fov slider? Yeah, they took away the field of vision uh slider So it's it's stuck now and and felix was very comfortable with this field of vision that he slid it to Well, but very unhappy, but I think there is something to I like obviously like you get them hooked with the free sample
Starting point is 00:55:19 So like the free thing is a good thing. Yeah, like crack. Exactly. No, I did not make that comparison lightly um, and then The fact that you acquire things Is like very like it's like it does seem like collecting resources like maybe appeals to some kind of acquisitive Thing, especially maybe for a generation that's like completely hopeless about like, you know Ever buying a house or getting married or having children or anything like that There's also a lot of building in fortnight. So you can sort of build a little yeah You can have a little you can have a little legacy for that game
Starting point is 00:55:52 The little pine back that you'll never have Yeah, it goes away immediately shoot it down, but But at least you you can have an effect on the world I think maybe it does like poke your brain in special little primitive places But it's just yeah, it's like it's like the concept is you know, it's like a hundred people on an island you team up You go to war with each other. That sounds cool. It's the it's the lego part that I feel like Yeah, I'm not a fan of that also. I think you should be able to either kill your opponent or seduce them And then at the end of it you win either by killing all your opponents or seducing them all
Starting point is 00:56:27 Uh, so other than fortnight, they're like, what are the other what are the other hot games that the kids are playing these days? What are the cool ones? So it just it comes it comes in waves, right? So, uh, whenever whenever a new game comes out of it's really cool Like all the streamers start playing it. Never one wants you to play it as well Uh, apex legends was a big one for a little bit, but I think that's basically the same concept is fortnight The same concept also a free game, but they didn't have like cool characters or well It was every character had like a different ability Which made it a little different than fortnight and there was no building and it was an fps game
Starting point is 00:57:04 Um, so we thought or everyone thought that apex was going to be the fortnight killer, but fortnight became too powerful I mean, it's just it's too consistent. Like nothing is nothing is going to knock for no Yeah, you have league of legends and we're only talking about the american marketplace because like China and like the asian marketplace is entirely different. What are they? What are they playing? They're all playing league that they really love league out there. Uh, and I think they play overwatch still too Um, but still it's like it's the same basically like team up and like you always like there is no part of these games In which you were playing against the computer. No, yeah, these are all online Yeah, like I guess this is like this is the generational like gap for me with like video games
Starting point is 00:57:42 Just because like when I play video games now, I I don't like playing the ones where you play against other human beings Yeah, my whatever a single player. Yeah, like I want like a like a curated video game experience It's kind of like a like a synod like the last video game I got really into was the resident evil 2 remake on playstation. Yeah, I mean they still have that Yeah, that's a great game. No, I it's really cool But like I it just stresses me out playing against other people because they're all too fucking good And at this point in my life, I'm not gonna get good enough at video games. No, we both had a very intense like uh A Zelda period. Oh, I love Zelda. And by intense it was the opposite of intense. It was a very Marianne experience
Starting point is 00:58:17 And like we had the thing where like we liked wandering around in a sandbox And having the option to do things on the basis of like what we were up for that day So it's like you were never going to be surprised with like a big boss You might go do a little puzzle thing. You might go catch all the chickens or whatever But just like that's a complete you might just fucking ride a horse across the map Whatever. So like that was that's a completely different Like boutique experience where you can pick what you want to do in the game that day And it seems like with Fortnite you're immediately thrown in and people are trying to kill you
Starting point is 00:58:52 And that is the only thing that's happening that is the only thing that's happening is people trying to kill you I played one time and it was honestly a little upsetting. It scared you You get those gunshots and it's like, ah Quit shooting at me. I'm nice. They don't even have a tutorial either Which is kind of crazy. I mean games like that they don't even have tutorials anymore They just literally drop you in like your drill sergeant just like threw you off the plane You're in there. You're you're fighting you're in the shit trying to figure it out. Yeah, it's basically edge of tomorrow But you die and you just start another game die up in another game. Yeah live die repeat, baby
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yeah, I mean, but single player games still exist. By the way, they just don't make it It requires a tremendous amount of time to to put together like a story like that It still takes like five to seven years to make like a great triple a title It's single player and the payoff is not as great as a multiplayer experience where you just keep throwing in like bullshit It's capitalism that has ruined the gaming industry and uh, they they've no it's literally that though And like loot boxes are another master problem as well I'm pretty sure that it is five guys and they're burgers and fries that ruin the gaming industry Probably. Oh, but yeah, like now that I have PlayStation, you know, I'm waiting for this
Starting point is 01:00:05 Kojima game waiting for Death Stranding and then I'm like Felix, what is this game coming out? And he's like, oh, you don't know what it's like to wait for a Kojima game It's gonna be seven years before he gets done tweaking that But I like this sort of like cinematic world that Kojima creates in like like in the Metal Gear Solid games You know, Felix has got me fascinated in you know by default just being around him So good, but like yeah, they're they're great and like but the thing is like to write like a script and create that world Like takes a lot of time and and labor whereas like with fortnight and it's like a sort of a template that's infinitely repeatable and and variable and
Starting point is 01:00:40 It also like the $60 like buying a game like that's like the floor now Whereas like instead of spending $60 once to get like a disc or to download it Now it's like a thing where like you can get it for free, but you'll spend way over $60 over the course of your lifetime playing this game Yeah, getting things like the the loot crates, but like is in the twist community. Are there a sort of like a a gamer Rebellion against their exploitation of via loot crates and skins and things like that So Jim Sterling is a pretty decent content creator on youtube. He's pretty big The bearded was literally telling me to watch Jim Sterling Yeah, he talks about this quite frequently. I think he's a social democrat or like maybe he's a democratic socialist
Starting point is 01:01:23 I don't know, but he talks about this a lot He talks about like unions in the gaming industry and and all that but yeah It's there is a little bit and I think it's actually a perfect way to radicalize the youth I'm not going to lie to like because it immediately impacts them. Everybody hates dlcs dlcs makes dlcs make games awful dlcs for what you guys if you don't know what that is it's downloadable content So you're basically buying a 60 dollar game and then you're spending another 30 dollars to unlock additional parts in that Single player like I already paid for it. Yeah that you already paid for and and it's not good enough it's not like an entire game and
Starting point is 01:02:00 EA and like these big giant companies that merge with all these other smaller companies Have kind of made this their business model And then now we're moving away from that to the online like battle royale style where the games are free But then it's the exact same game with like minor tweaks every month or so Making it like an endless repeatable experience But also you brought up like the labor issues like I keep hearing about these these games like the new Mortal Kombat or wherever Where it's like to meet a deadline They're just like making people work like a hundred hours a week. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:02:32 Like they're like they're really like like these programmers and people working for these video game companies. It's like Like really like hardcore exploitation and like there is, you know, no union for these people or whatever like they're just being like Well, it's like a multi-billion dollar industry too. Like yeah, and and like Ubisoft for example will Show record profits and then and I think they recently laid off like a quarter of their staff or something like crazy So everything that's happening in in all these other industries. You're seeing in the gaming world as well And you know with automation They're also suffering like the coders are also suffering as well with the more the more efficient the process is And the less like the less they need artists and writers and story editors and whatnot
Starting point is 01:03:20 The more people are getting fired for no reason But yeah, like another like, you know, very easy to understand an object lesson for like, you know Young inquisitive minds about like oh these companies are making Um insane profits off these video games. What do they do immediately with it lay people off? They're not gonna like yeah reinvested in the people who created the game or anything like that Of course, a lot of fuck would they? Yeah. Yeah video games. It's a way to future and you know, uh, I'm playing, you know, I'm playing them now and I do agree with Amber though a breath of the wild is like my favorite My favorite video game. Very Marianas. Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:52 So to close out today, uh, I've got a very funny a very funny story about Probably one of our, you know, one of our favorite characters on the show Sebastian Gorka It's too bad. James isn't here. We just did. I'm too bad at this story didn't come out, you know, before we talked to James But uh, Sebastian Gorka Is very angry. He is incredibly angry and he's mad because usually he's so chill. Yeah Incandescently in range and this is from the washington post a little mini reading series here This is a war. This is a war for our culture. Sebastian Gorka anguished by gay wedding on Arthur
Starting point is 01:04:31 Yeah That's not that's not the uh, the fucking Dudley Moore, uh bird backer act movie. This is uh, the pbs show about an artvark Long-running a children's cartoon show a show that friend of the show, uh, steven Crowder. Yes Crowder was a part of Yeah, he was a voice on Arthur. I wonder what his take is Well, I can imagine Arthur also best done for one of the the the fist meme. Yeah, one of my favorite memes. It's a really good one Yeah, getting tuned up. Yeah, so, uh, gorka it says here Sebastian gorka the former breitbart editor in white house aid goes live every weekday from 3 p.m.
Starting point is 01:05:09 To 6 p.m. Eastern time on the Salem radio network I don't know why the washington post is just beginning this article with a plug for his check it out It's killing it. Yeah, my man's killing it. He went for the white house to it's an insightful in-depth review of the news of the week What is the Salem network? Do you guys I'm sure it's probably one of these like online just insane right wing? Like yeah, like like uh, it's founded by cotton mother What happened is sinclair fire him or something because he I thought he had like a gig at at sinko a sinclair broadcasting We're yeah, my man gorka loves getting losing jobs Yeah, he loves getting fired. So it says here on tuesday
Starting point is 01:05:46 He provided a new raison d'etre for america first the title of his show and the slogan for president trump's approach to foreign policy Which was also used by isolationists and nazi sympathizers before the second world war again odd thing to throw in there Gorka's grandfather shout out to gorka's family The reason the 22nd season of arthur the animated children series about an anthropomorphic ardvark Gorka who brandished the insignia of historically nazi-aligned hungarian group called the vitesi rend at an inauguration ball in january 2007 flew into a rage because the season's monday premiere featured a gay wedding arthur's third-grade teacher third-grade teacher nizal nijal ratburn Exchanges vows of the local. Oh, well. I mean that's it's not the gay wedding. It's just he thought it was jewish
Starting point is 01:06:34 No, he literally no, he actually calls them rodents on the show. I watched the video No, he goes these rodents are getting married. He's rodent like figures Oh, wow Yeah, this is uh, yeah Nigel ratburn is exchanging vows of the local chocolatier an ardvark named patrick So not only is it a gay marriage. It's an interspecies marriage as well. Do you see how they're mind the brainwashing our children? Yeah, you know the great replacement is happening on author as well It's like they pass gay marriage and then people are gonna be fucking dogs. They're gonna be fucking ardvarks. Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:09 Well, they got that snout. Yeah They got that snout in that tongue Yeah, you know what they work for any gender. It's the dog. It really does Be like a sexy dog cleaner in your urethra This is uh, this is a this is a war for our culture And that's why we exist here on america first on Salem radio network gorka said Um, so he goes uh gorka who briefly served as a spokesman for trump on national security matters before he left the white house in the summer of 2007 2017
Starting point is 01:07:43 Saw something we're talking about the battle of australic so much Saw something insidious at work the diversity showcased on arthur fit a pattern of left-wing demagoguery He identified in everything from the revolutionary reign of terror in france to the administration of president barack obama The idea the ideology on display and mr. Ratburn's nultra nuptials and the rest was that quote civil society doesn't exist Friendship doesn't exist family doesn't exist gorka maintained only permanent revolution again talking about A children's cartoon show featuring a gay marriage. Yeah, the similarities between the french revolution and and barack obama is that they both Wanted to catch his tail. They both wanted to do gay shit Like this is what I don't understand though
Starting point is 01:08:33 Like do they think that like if they hide the truth that gay people exist from their children as long as they possibly can that They're just going to be like confused one day or something when they see a gay person Yeah, it doesn't make sense. I really it's just they're not I mean it's being it's intolerance in the literal sense that they Cannot accept a public sphere in which some people are able to like, you know, just exist outwardly But I think I think that train has left the station gays have been high profile on television since the 90s Yeah, no, well, they have to know that this is a useless fight. It's just something to get people riled up Well, there's maggots for children like they're like, oh, it's a cartoon. So it's the gay agenda. It's gay propaganda
Starting point is 01:09:17 They're like making your children gay Well, which is not even true, but also I mean, okay. Well, gay people exist in society. What? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, what do you what do you think like? How are you gonna mask the truth from them? Are you gonna hide that? No, that's what's so weird about it. I think it's like it's the same attitude towards like Uh abstinence only sex education where they're like, oh if kids learn about filth this filth. Yeah, they're gonna do it Yeah, it's just like no, they're gonna. They're gonna do it. I mean like this is a part of human life Yeah, nothing gets kids going like you're fucking sweaty gym teacher teaching you about like
Starting point is 01:09:51 Thatcher's commission on HIV It's amazing how to all of these old like a tory freaks that weren't associated with public health at all and the roundtable trying to figure out What to do about what was very quickly becoming like a massive epidemic? and She didn't want to put any sexual practices on there because she said they might it might give them ideas Because if it had never occurred to her to do it like she she the whole thing she thinks of sex as a discovery or something And then someone else brought up like well They should know that also like oral sex can like, you know
Starting point is 01:10:28 Because people don't know about sexually transmitted disease at this point And like one of the tory MPs goes do we even know how many people are doing this sort of thing? Sexy english people find out about it, you know, like it'll be like like it would never occur to them Also, what if I put that in my mouth, you know, yeah Or what if the word came out of my mouth? Uh, but you know, yeah, but that faster thing she didn't want to have like she's just like the PM cannot sign any document that has the word Sodomy in it And it's just like you think British people had to be told about sodomy especially coming from the Thatcher administration. Come on
Starting point is 01:11:05 Wait, isn't that literally the reason why Japan still censors penises though? Because like no one wants to be the brave Legislator that comes out and says what are we doing with the censorship? Yeah, you don't want that to be your issue. Yeah No, who's gonna come out? I'm the de-pixelate the porno That is yeah, that is not a dignified It's amazing that these people are almost all Christians because the Christian Of sin is that it is inherent to humanity We're all sinners, but this approach really does say that no you are a perfect innocent angel until you are sullied by contact
Starting point is 01:11:39 With something from outside of you, but that's goes against the entire concept of original sin Well, we have original sin, but like you know We have to also avoid the occasion of sin aka the knowledge that gay people exist That's just that's not realistic folks. I think it's it's partially like the rick parry problem, right? Like I don't know if you guys remember, but he used to say something like oh, you know Avoiding dicks is like alcohol. I mean not in those I'm paraphrasing it, but he's like, you know an alcoholic can't stop himself from drinking alcohol But you got to fight it and and I remember thinking at the time like no, dude
Starting point is 01:12:14 That's not I'm not fighting my my need to have dick inside of me every day Like like a fucking alcoholic That's kind of a you thing So I think like partially like if they if I see it. I mean I crave it. Dicks are delicious. I crave it all the time For a while there I was up to two or three packs of dicks a day. Yeah, it's just like Well, I remember um, uh, similar to that uh rick warren the saddleback church guy who fucking obama got to do his first in the Bearback church guy. Yeah, that should have been fucking a clue one about where obama's presidency was going But yeah, he like he was asked something about like, you know, come on like, you know, if you're gay
Starting point is 01:12:51 You're gay like and he was just like, well, you know, I've struggled with my weight I'm like, I really like eating pizza, but sometimes I just got to say no to that pizza You know, I'm like Does that mean that he occasionally Sucks guy. Yeah, like it's not it's like I got once a month. I could have pizza What if that was it what if what if it was actually like they were okay with homosexual sex in moderation? By the way, that's not even a joke But that's like actually what ben shipiro said on the joe rogan show where he was like
Starting point is 01:13:22 Oh, well, if you're jewish and you're gay you have to marry a woman And you have to tell your wife that you're gay, but you still have to wear it marry a woman Like you can't you can't be jewish and gay at the same time Like it was insane that he's still trying to justify Yeah, yeah, no, there are Catholics like that too that are like, okay, you're gay And it's not a choice and god loves you now get married to a nice heterosexual wedding Which is woke, I guess right isn't that woke is there admitting that like it's a thing that you are It's definitely better than the complete denial of the fact that like people are gay. I think more like bareback ranch
Starting point is 01:13:57 Did uh, asando, did you see the uh, the interview with a fucking He's so proud of himself Did you see the interview with a fucking another absolute cretin, uh, dave rubin and ben shipiro where dave used to work together Oh, yeah, he was on. Yeah, he was on the young turks. Holy shit a basketball with the boy every sunday Holy shit, even after he left and started talking shit and he would still come to the sunday basketball sessions He's actually pretty good. I mean, he's not bad at basketball ball his life Yeah, he did. Yeah, you know, and you know, dave rubin's like an openly gay guy Who's now, you know, fucking caping for like the most evil people on the planet assure assuring them that like I'm cool with you
Starting point is 01:14:38 And hey, they're cool with me, right? And it's like, dude, they will stuff you in a fucking camp like the first chance they get dude Like there's another people never learned. They're like, I will be the favorite homo. Yeah, like a denis prager Yeah, he really likes you, dude Um, but no you're talking with a ben shipiro and he was like, you know ben You know, I think um, you know, maybe like, you know, you move me a little bit on the abortion issue You know, like because this whole thing is like, you know, open debate and he's like, you know I think I could uh, you know Move you on the issue of like having dinner with me and my husband and ben was like, I'll think about it
Starting point is 01:15:07 I'll think about it. Yeah It's like, can you give me dignity? Like I'll I've listened to you rant on about how abortion is Yeah And what ben shipiro said to him was like, you know, well if it's just if it's just a party You know with you and your husband and it's not a gay party. Uh, I you know, I could do that What does he think parties are? Well, he was like, do you think it's a key party? He thinks if you get two or more gay people in a room, they immediately start having sex
Starting point is 01:15:37 Yeah Oh god So, uh, just to finish it out here with gorka here. He says, um The permanent revolution pursued by arthur gorka steamed had to do with he does wear the same glasses as traffic Because uh, the permanent revolution had to do with family He said his issue with arthur, which began in 1996 and airs on pbs kids was personal My children used to My children used to watch arthur 15 years ago about a rodent like creature that lived and had fun in his cartoon world
Starting point is 01:16:11 First of all, art barks are nothing like rodents. You idiot Uh, yeah, get your shit together. The new season of arthur will have one of arthur's teachers at school A male teacher married to a fellow male rodent. Yeah, there he's He just he just sees things that are like rodent or jewish like and he's just like the rodents are at it again No, he he made his children watch arthur so that they were like less anti-semitic because he thought that that was the Representation. Yeah, it's like it's good. It was woke for my time But the right-wing commentator and rabble rouser you guys here Did you have any questions about there being a culture war ladies and gentlemen?
Starting point is 01:16:47 He asked his listeners. Did you have any doubt in your mind? uh, it says it's not It's not the first time that themes in the animated the universe have drawn conservative ire in 2005 pbs chose not to distribute an episode of postcards from buster a spin-off following arthur's rabbit confidant Which include uh, that rabbits are rodents by the way, um Which included lesbian mothers the decision came after margaret spellings then education secretary on president george w bush Raised strong and very serious concerns about the episode many parents would not want their young children exposed to the lifestyles Portrayed in this episode. She wrote the pbs executives. Okay. Okay. Like I just basic like, you know tipper gore conservative
Starting point is 01:17:33 Kind of thing like I get but why does gorka have to talk about it? Like he's delivering the tears in the rain monologue Like that's what makes it war, man Isn't war it's a culture war for the future of civilization This this particular culture war issue and it is fine. I'm fine calling it a culture war issue Like is the purview of pta moms? like Why are you sounding like bane when you talk about it? You can't make it cool Take control of your city
Starting point is 01:18:09 I've seen things you people wouldn't believe rodents ardvarks fucking and sucking rats On a pbs children's tv show and doctrine Son, I think I think you get it right though because it's like the will and grace ship has passed I think it's just all about like anything that has to do with children And like they think it's like educating kids about Gender ideology, but the thing is like it's not even educating kids. It's just like what really drives them crazy They're just there is the show is like it's not making a big deal out of it It just assumes that this is a reality that these kids will encounter in their daily lives
Starting point is 01:18:47 So it's a realistic part about it is that kids would ever go to their teacher's wedding. That's weird Yeah, that's that's bizarre Sure, but I don't know hasn't he been his teacher for 25 years now? What is this L hole that arthur lives in this loop? By the way, how fucking stupid is arthur? He's still in middle school Come on, you know why because his teachers are gay. I just I just love that You know the the grand conspiracy of the frankfurt school and all these cultural marxists was to Make child shows like put gay characters. Oh my god. Yeah
Starting point is 01:19:22 I don't know what I hate arthur. Yeah, that's what it comes down to like this was the entire this was the shtick That's what they wanted and and and they're finally winning. They are I guess This was the long march through the institutions and the institution was pbs. Yeah, but socialism. That's yeah, right? public broadcasting disgusting pubic broadcast Well, uh, I think that about uh does it for this episode I want to thank Hassan piker for hosting us here today and having us over Thank you for having me guys and uh the wonder and all the chill and good vibes of the wonderful state of california
Starting point is 01:19:59 Yeah, and uh, I can barely move and ian mcshane for bestowing his aura and power and energy on me Just by being in proxym just through osmosis. Just I feel like I have mcshane energy. Oh man. Such a swagger You love you I love you All right. Goodbye everybody. Bye. Bye. Bye. You

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