Chapo Trap House - 338 - Live From Traverse City: Michael and We feat. Michael Moore (8/5/19)

Episode Date: August 5, 2019

Our live show from the Traverse City Film Festival, featuring Michael Moore, director of Roger and Me, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko, and Capitalism: a Love Story. Tickets to our show... in Des Moines, Iowa next Tuesday, Aug 13th: and Facebook event here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everyone, Chris Wade here, producer Chris. I just wanted to do a quick plug before the show since this date is quickly coming upon us. We, the Chapo Elections Unit, will be in Des Moines, Iowa this Thursday through next Wednesday. We will be covering the Democratic primary race as it winds through the Iowa State Fair, but more importantly, we will be doing a live show next Tuesday night, August 13th, at Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines, Iowa.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Tickets are on sale now, at a link in the episode description to this very episode. We'd love to see any of you who can make it out there. And also, if you are in Iowa, involved in the campaigns, an organizer, a potential caucus goer, soapbox days, junkie, or even just someone who knows which booths have the best fried butter at the fair, we'd be interested in potentially talking to you while we're out there, so hit us up. Okay, with that, on to our live show from Traverse City, Michigan, featuring Michael Moore.
Starting point is 00:00:56 All right. On to the show. Hey, everyone. Hey, Traverse City, Michigan. T.C., Michigan. Taking care of Michigan. I'm Virgil Texas. With me are Chris Wade.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. Matt. minute to this trip yet to go shopping both producers of the show which I feel
Starting point is 00:02:01 like if you combined us and divided us in two and then added a heaping dose of upper west side misanthropy you would get one equal one will I I often tell many times I sub for will people either mistake me for him because we both have beards and we're white yeah and are roughly he's actually way older than me you're both cowards we show that very visibly sniveling little baby man there's some similarities but so tonight I'll visually represent well maybe you can channel his you can have your head bobble around like he does yeah that must be very frustrating for you guys oh yeah yeah don't you just want to strap
Starting point is 00:02:42 his head into like a like a neck brace I want to make a cow feed harness that just holds the mic in front of him so if we record an hour only a half hour of will's words actually or end up on the track because it's driving in a car past the microphone this isn't being streamed right yeah no he will hear it though he's getting fucking roasted oh yeah for all of you that's what you get for moving when we're in Traverse City motherfucker bitch you get roasted and we are very excited to do what I think is the show we've done in the smallest town yes far here in Traverse City absolutely it it it is a small beam this
Starting point is 00:03:30 is real America there's a lake that's a real American thing you need a like how you know no salt water river yes the water does not have salt in it that's how you know you're in real America we got in earlier this week of course for the film festival and we have been enjoying that local favorite what do they manufacture here painkillers what is it cherries cherries yes cherries we have been enjoying so many cherries you haven't had the cherry flavored fentanyl it's amazing let's seem try to outsource that job they probably already have by the by the
Starting point is 00:04:09 time we began this show yeah but it's been lovely yeah it's it's you have the distinction of being or the smallest place we've ever been in smallest beam smallest beam and and and I hope you've all been enjoying the film festival as well because there's been some good stuff on but now we're here like what like what oh I've seen so much I absolutely have not been just cooped up in the hotel to only occasionally leave to go to Pizza Hut and then do this so why don't you actually talk about your favorite films yeah what were your favorite films about oh a taste of sandpiper yeah what's that about that's
Starting point is 00:04:47 a great one yeah the carpenter's lament one three bells for Aunt Marie did you catch that Q&A with the director of three bells I did was very illuminating no we all have the lanyards as well we're walking on and it says filmmaker on it it's like do we they have to put something so that we're not you know just like confusing if it said podcaster people would throw bricks at us and rightfully so rightly so so we have filmmaker on and we and we have to think very quickly to tell people and so I've been telling people I just yeah I made moonlight and I'm doing the sequel obviously this moonlight to or sunlight
Starting point is 00:05:32 or whatever I would think of the name I just told them I make those fancy portos with talking I directed cars for and here's how the cars deal with loss yeah this does raise the question we were asking earlier if we were to have a film here to show what would it be like if we were gonna make a movie what individually would we want to make anybody have any because we talked about yeah oh yeah lunch yeah yeah uh Brendan oh I didn't prepare any joke I'm sorry pathetic that's why you're behind the goddamn sticks I'm I lost it's hard thinking about I've got what I probably do for a film festival type film like
Starting point is 00:06:19 it's something called like waveform and it would be like a documentary about an obscure synthesizer pioneer that is also all told even though it's a documentary like I shoot and edit the whole thing and then recreate the entire thing in claymation for no discernible artistic commentary yeah and then release the soundtrack on vinyl and it's just like one note slightly modulated for 45 minutes that's why you're that's why you're the producer that's very smart I say this and for the bottom of my heart that sounds terrible I would hate to watch but it would play at least three regional film festivals okay
Starting point is 00:07:02 mine is picture a restaurant and it's called Great American Escape and it's you know got all kinds like flags and stuff like that and all of the tables there are 50 tables and all the tables are in the shape of a state and all the meal items are like baked Alaska I'm sorry this I I also didn't think of when I'm just using my restaurant idea there's only one food named after a state though a New York strip New York Strip that's copyrighted sir you'll be hearing from the Carlos another debate lost by Matt Christian we might there's not 50 okay let's just stipulate that doesn't have to be there's no food named
Starting point is 00:07:52 after South Dakota we might shoot a documentary tomorrow because we're gonna check out that's right interlocking nearby which yeah I'm gonna try to be the Alex like when Alex Jones went to Bohemian Grove because interlocking as you guys know is very near here the very prestigious art school for young gifted children like professor X's Academy but in the 90s it had and for my for my knowledge and from people who have connections there say it still has a cabin that was sponsored by and I guess the property of like he could access it Jeffrey Epstein so yeah it's real so I'm hoping tomorrow to be able to infiltrate
Starting point is 00:08:40 find a cabin and then get inside maybe move some of the books around on the shelf until one of them causes the wall to turn around maybe there's a loose floorboard maybe there's just a black glowing obsidian cube in the middle of the floor either way I want to find out what we're gonna walk by a wall and then the portraits on the wall their eyes will shift and then they'll be real eyes yeah it's basically gonna be like a real wacky episode of Scooby-Doo you all thought you would get away with it but it took us three days to discover the terrible secret of Traverse City and we do this every city we go like when we
Starting point is 00:09:18 went to Washington D.A.C. and realize laws are bullshit you like Scoob yeah why are there references to pizza everywhere we'll get we'll get Epstein we'll find him in his layer and we'll rip off the rubbery mask that he's wearing and it's actually just Bill Clinton you know say I would have gotten away with it too for for weren't for those damn podcasters and we're hoping that that all happens exactly like that tomorrow yeah but I wouldn't have me for that that's not all Matt has been investigating in Traverse City he's also discovered some the delightful local stores yeah I took some
Starting point is 00:10:01 pictures of the town put a few of them online but I was very charmed by I don't even remember where the order so let's put the first one up just to see what it is a slideshow by Curie by Matt Crisman yeah there we go there we go okay no I saw this and I thought there's two types of towns left in America right outside of the knowledge economy you know gentrified cities that are all the money where the coastal population and you know capital are flowing to and where you know the rents are all soon to be buttressed fortress exact refuges of the global yes the global knowledge economy elite yeah New York
Starting point is 00:10:38 San Francisco Chicago whatever every town in the middle of the country there's two types there's one where eat there aren't even grocery stores anymore like the Kroger is now just a fucking shooting gallery and you have to like scrounge for scraps behind the like one open Taco Bell that's only open because that's where people go to like actually buy drugs and then there are towns that have still open and supposedly thriving fucking fudge stores that's it it's this this insane dual nature of America's exerbin reality is that because you're close enough to a lake or you've got some sort of local economy you
Starting point is 00:11:24 worry like you got a lot of cherries or something you can maintain in a little like glass jar this 50s Main Street where everyone can enjoy treats like the fudge store or the model train store adorable you go down the you know a few miles down the highway though where you don't have any cherries or lake front view and it's just like oh yeah here's the combination gas station strip club and that's it that 90% if you're like if you're feeling like you might get scurvy just use some of the lemons they give you in the fucking drinks that's as close as you're getting to a nutrition I also want to say real pizza hut
Starting point is 00:12:09 here real oh yeah that combination bulls that can you ask in New York in New York I'm a big pizza hut head I'm an original pizza guy because I grew up in Washington Pennsylvania Southwest Southwestern Pennsylvania and right around the corner from my Nana's house there's a pizza sit down pizza hut an honest pizza hut a good hard-working people's pizza hut and we would go there all the time and that was my idea of a night out and so in New York you can't find those it's all that as you said the Taco Bell Pizza Hut like closet that you walk and do and it's an express and everything's frozen it's terrible it's
Starting point is 00:12:42 here it's a it's a thunder down yeah like you don't know you're not you're gonna order the pizza the breadsticks and they're gonna come in a tortilla you don't grew up also buy a pizza at the real red roof yeah yeah yeah real real red salad salad ball salad bar you guys probably know this but in the 90s Pizza Hut was the number one purchaser in America of kale but they didn't use them in the salad bar they used them as decoration around this and then some enterprising health guru was at a pizza hut and said wait a minute what if we just know on this shit what do we date this we have to but I got
Starting point is 00:13:19 something I have as a young nerd I have an extra connection to it because I was a very proud and enthusiastic user of the book it's program where you could nerd nerd you read a book they would give you a free personal pan and this is sort of like if you imagine America's like policy for different issues as like whack-a-mole like that book it was trying to whack like youth literacy and they hit it but then youth obesity just popped up next to it yeah let's do the next one can we see the next one please oh yeah we stumbled into a fundraiser for Ferris University you know I'm very proud of Mr. Bueller
Starting point is 00:14:07 for all of his work so you went on to us found an educational facility because in that movie he was so anti education yeah irony but anyway one of the things that they have there apparently is the Jim Crow museum of racist memorabilia for our audience look I understand that the guy donated a lot of money James Crow James Crow is a name but yeah so it says here that Jim Crow Museum is an international leader in the anti-racism movement also the national international irony movement and the nation's largest public collection of artifacts spanning the segregation era from reconstruction until the civil
Starting point is 00:14:49 rights movement and beyond the movement serves as a base for quality scholarship this includes but not limited to producing original research planning and hosting tours and conferences and conducting anti-racism training sessions so if anyone ever asked you where the racism factory is you can tell them it's at Ferris University and like obviously the mission of this place is good and fine but the phrase that memorabilia is so funny to me yeah cuz I've just like imagine going in here and being like oh dude come over here they got a George Wallace rookie card yeah this is from when he was first in
Starting point is 00:15:25 state senate really getting the racism points on the board now when you visit the Jim Crow Museum definitely check out the Nick Mullen wing all right let's do the next one oh yeah just did you oh my god this is not the cool ass shit you could buy so this is a t-shirt and it says yes I do have a beautiful daughter I also have a gun a shovel and an alibi did you get that for me cuz I genuinely want that I didn't know you saw this I don't know is he saying he's going to kill his daughter on the shirt like yeah who's the target that's like who is the implied audience to this it's like dear mr. police
Starting point is 00:16:08 before I kill again all right next one all right this is the last one and this is just to say so you know like I said Traverse City one of the good towns that means they've got a lot of relatively new building and one of the new buildings you've got downtown is this thing where they have put on the the windows this totally superfluous metal great and it I looked at it and it just pissed me off so fucking much because what the fuck is that supposed to be there for is it just to make it harder to clean the windows I mean I guess the idea is like we won't we don't we're not gonna shell out for a
Starting point is 00:16:49 balcony but we wanted to kind of look like a balcony for like a half a second until you realize no that's not balcony it's just a totally pointless piece of fucking metal one of the urinating one of her babies main experiences of traveling with Matt is is walking around with him in various new places and like pointing out shit like that and being like look that's kind of dumb and then having to stand there for five and a half minutes while he screams at a building in the middle of a town we've never been to oh god people are pushing like children and strollers next to him you should have the experience of walking
Starting point is 00:17:19 through a strange town with statues with Matt statues of Civil War guys you know just a guy from the ninth bearded infantry that he will just stop and just have again like a Ferris Bueller moment staring at him and then just exploded a tirade about what a piece of shit he was that only happened once no that is a lie it was probably two statues I've seen Matt you know what I will admit to one we were Providence Rhode Island and there was a statue of Ambrose Burnside there we go that's the most prominent Rhode Islander of the Civil War but also one of the most incompetent generals the Union had just led the Army to
Starting point is 00:17:57 slaughter that Fredericksburg and I've got mad that they would think to commemorate such an oath but that's the only time when we were in Amsterdam I vaguely remember you stopping by every other statue to yell am I gonna yell at there but in London there is a in London there is a a square right outside of Parliament that has statues of every single Prime Minister well he went to every single statue and told every single statue why they sucked ass every single what did you have on pit the younger I prefer the elder I'm sorry before we get to our special guest tonight I have to ask who here
Starting point is 00:18:45 was at our debate live stream a couple nights ago bless you bless you all bless you are really the real heads our loyal bannerman the real heads here did you have a good time at the debate live stream it was it was prime us being drunk and screaming yeah a lot of screaming not everyone did have a good time and the organizers of this festival got an email oh yeah I don't know if perhaps when you were in the audience you noticed some people leaving here's the email we're not just gonna talk about it we're just going to directly read it because you know why not I had a terrible experience at the debate airing
Starting point is 00:19:31 at the festival the podcast announcers made mockery of the debates by the way wait so you didn't say this the podcast is two words you need to that really tells you all you need to know about who wrote this and I would not say we made mockery of the debate I would say we treated the debate with the intellectual respect that it deserves indeed and that it's giving us yes we tried to watch an old town theater basement but the sound did not work at this place as far as I can tell these people that what the fuck is going on down there stop it stop it cut his mic as far as I can tell they so they went down to some
Starting point is 00:20:15 utility area to escape us next to the pizza boxes it was suggested we go home and watch we were it's suggested you fuck off we were I don't know dude this is what's going on tonight go find another place we were camping for the film festival I was almost weird by the way I was almost in tears because I am a patriot are you in the audience right now sorry we have a t-shirt he was free yeah it's a free ticket okay I think our guest is ready oh great really yes I believe so I think Godot is here all right he is a he's a traitor to America capitalism and he he was the director of Fahrenheit 11 yes Fahrenheit 11 9
Starting point is 00:21:20 capitalism love story sicko bowling for color Roger and me bowling for Columbine and he also wrote music video machine sleep now on the fire ladies and gentlemen Michael Moore wow it's an honor to be here with you guys well thank you for the infights my use the reason why we're in northern Michigan right that's true yes have you ever been here before I have not but I lived in Ann Arbor for a year well I did yeah think of this as the Ann Arbor of the north yeah no definitely get that vibe we were on tour not too long ago and we did a show in Detroit where of
Starting point is 00:22:18 course we all stood it we all did not leave the hotel because of the sharia law no surrounding the area we did not amber is an unmarried woman we did not want to run any trouble there right did you so were you right downtown Detroit we were near adjacent to downtown Jason did you see the big fist the Joe Lewis I've seen the fist yes that is you know that is art here in Michigan a giant a giant fist it's like anything it's we want to do any kind of public arts like that's fine but could it be punching something well we saw the what is that installation called with the clocks and the the form a Heidelberg Heidelberg
Starting point is 00:22:59 project Heidelberg project right right we also got when we were there we got taken on a car tour by a local of I guess photojournalist photo blogger yes yes wonderful hell yeah he took us on a tour around just like the totally desecrated it desecrated areas of the Detroit residential neighborhoods were just blocks and blocks and blocks of blasted empty landscape and my favorite detail from it was the landboats which there is like a dumping regulation about boats in the Detroit area I mean please tell me if I'm butchering this story so it makes more sense for people to just drive their boats that
Starting point is 00:23:37 they want to sell into the middle of the city of Detroit decouple them and abandon them in downtown Detroit so you just like driving around through these empty blocks and they'll just be in decaying boat in the middle of the street not tethered to any kind of access to water very unnerving it's a I think Detroit is still a surreal experience very much for if you're not from here but like the idea of a boat graveyard yes that's very possible America does not seem well that is the less America really give a shit about Detroit no it doesn't no not really so likewise Detroit really doesn't give a
Starting point is 00:24:18 shit about America we you know I and I'll give you I'll give you here's the example of it of how true that is in the 2016 election 90,000 Michiganders many of them in Detroit 90,000 stood in line for over two hours to vote and went in and voted for every candidate mostly obviously Democrats Congress State Senate State House all the way down to drain Commissioner which is our lowest office we don't have dog catcher but the person in charge of the sewage you have to vote for that person and they voted for all those offices and left the top box blank didn't vote for president 90,000 Michiganders stood in line and
Starting point is 00:25:10 waited that long just to say fuck you it was it was like wow that is a commitment that is a serious commitment Hillary lost the state by a bottle I think 11,000 but who was the train commissioner but the train commissioner actually beat Hillary in most counties have progressive drain values in Michigan you know the weird thing about that is to is that Bernie won the primary in Michigan yeah yeah silver gave him a zero percent chance to win that primary yeah yeah that's what they gave him no no right that morning I remember that morning on Channel 2 in Detroit they the the forecasters of this
Starting point is 00:25:54 day's election this primary election I think they said Hillary was going to win by 60 or 70% it was some outrageous number and and and even Bernie believed it because he had left the state halfway through the day went to Florida went to bed if you remember when he won Michigan they had to wake him up in his Motel 6 he was like in a Motel 6 and he comes out in a I don't know what that was he was it was either his pajamas or the Motel 6 bathrobe but it was you seriously you could look you could go online and watch this it was the most amazing thing in this city that you're sitting in now when I when I I used the
Starting point is 00:26:34 word city loosely and it's called Traverse City there's only 14,000 people that live here year-round classic irony bros so in this city Hillary beat Bernie 70 to 30 percent 70 percent Bernie 30 percent Hillary and that was a higher percentage Bernie got here that he got in Ann Arbor so where you're you're located in this particular city in a very very progressive left socialist oasis yeah like you know I definitely want to talk to you about 2016 in Michigan and your thoughts on 2020 election before that I want to talk a bit about your early career because Chris and I were talking about this
Starting point is 00:27:17 earlier and he suggested that in some ways you prefigured the what is now called the dirtbag left which is a look look come on just look I look good I don't know what are you saying what are you talking about and in the 80s you attended college you dropped out and then from there you became editor for the right reason if you are of the I would say I was of the sloppy left which is the precursor is the precursor to the dirtbag left but I dropped out I went the first day of my sophomore year went to a commuter campus in Flint and I couldn't find a parking space I drove around for an hour remember that from
Starting point is 00:27:59 your book and after an hour I just said fuck it I'm done with college and I've never been back so true story so how did you go from there to being editor mother Jones that's what I was wondering you know they I was putting out my alternative newspaper in Flint called the Flint voice and it was the sort of the the opposition to General Motors Flint is the hometown of General Motors at that time it was the world's richest company and we thought this you know all we've been done is we've been fed force fed all this bullshit about corporate America General Motors etc so we need and we need some opposition to this you
Starting point is 00:28:41 know and and in Flint there was a tradition a historic tradition of this in 1908 General Motors was founded in Flint after a year of this conglomerate because they had bought Chevrolet and Buick and Cadillac and all these companies together the people of Flint freaked out that this mega corporation something had never really been seen before was taken over the town so in the next election in 1910 the people of Flint elected a socialist mayor to stop General Motors from you know essentially taken over the town this freaked out the people of General Motors so they in the next election decided to run one of
Starting point is 00:29:24 their founders Charles Stewart Mott you might have heard the name the Mott Foundation funds shows on PBS or NPR or whatever and they ran him and they ran in the local newspaper all these scandalous articles about the socialist mayor and convinced the town that he was you know up to no good and and so this head of General Motors essentially took over his mayor and then really ran really turned it into a company town so our newspaper the Flint voice was to go back to that tradition of taking on the powers to be a General Motors somebody mother Jones saw the paper they were losing their editor they called me up
Starting point is 00:30:04 and asked me to come out and talk to them and I did and then they offered me the job and I was so excited that I could do what I was doing in Flint on a national level I took the job and I wasn't there a month when just I realized oh my god I made a horrible mistake the magazine was owned by a very rich man and he wanted me basically to be his to do his work Mr. Jones yeah and Mr. Jones yeah we'll just we'll call him Mr. Jones and and I didn't want to run the articles they wanted to run it was a kind of liberal mushy stuff and I what I had done is I gave a monthly column to an auto worker on the
Starting point is 00:30:46 assembly line in Flint and I started doing articles about the Sandinistas and all this and they were like whoa and then they wanted me to run an anti Sandinista article and then you know the you the staff was unionized and I kept taking the side of the staff basically and I got called in and I was told I was management and I can't take the side of the union and I said well the unions right and this is supposedly a magazine named after a socialist you know you'll be happy to know Mother Jones is back to its progressive yeah it's amazing the turnaround they had they're so good these days not at all a complete fake
Starting point is 00:31:28 mouthpiece for the initial and also listen I know you had your reasons for cutting that anti Sandinista piece but Elliot Abrams has been a pretty good columnist from other Jones the past few years the man can turn a phrase yeah so you got you you got yes from New York media point taken from Big Left they have they fired me they fired me four months into the job appropriately on Labor Day by the way so I was without a job and I didn't know what to do and I was stuck in San Francisco and then one day I saw on the TV that Roger Smith the chairman of General Motors was eliminating another 30,000 jobs nationwide and I
Starting point is 00:32:10 thought you know I should make a movie about this and I didn't have any idea how to make a movie didn't go to film school I only had a year of college in me but you know I'd seen a lot of movies and somebody who's gone to film school we've seen a lot of movies too and that's what encouraged us to become political and social commentator did any of you go to school or you did oh yeah my best experience from film school was running the radio station and so you were I mean you were basically like a suburban kid right like you were the product of the middle class like the deal working well I was yeah I was I was born in the city
Starting point is 00:32:47 of Flint but my my my dad was from the city and he married my mom my mom lived in a in a what was of essentially of her family moved there in the 1830s and so they were like the the first six families that started the Catholic parish there and they were very early settlers in that area of Michigan and and it was just a small little village at the time so so my family had actually been there and in Genesee County for ever from since before Michigan was a state and but yes my dad worked on the assembly line at AC spark plug General Motors and and my mom was a secretary a clerk in a township office and nobody in
Starting point is 00:33:33 their generation or their family had ever been to college and but we had yes we had a working-class life but the by then the union had fought for so many things I mean we had completely free health care no co-pays no deductibles free dental free eye care free lawyers if you needed a lawyer for you know a will or send any kind of civil matter the union provided free attorneys there was four weeks paid vacation every summer and then a week paid at Christmas time and that was five weeks of paid vacation the UAW integrated the assembly lines back in the 40s and so our parents worked beside you know everybody you
Starting point is 00:34:16 know it wasn't just in the old days you know African Americans had to work in the foundry and the worst jobs yeah and by the time you know my dad and my uncle was in the sit-down strike in 1936 37 that founded the UAW so so I so I go away my family was way back in this whole struggle but you know I ended up with decent teeth because of the union you know right well you did Roger and me which was I mean it was a hit it was a notable film that got a lot of attention about something that had been going on for a bit the decline of unions and the de-industrialization of the Midwest of the steel belt the auto industry and so
Starting point is 00:34:58 on you kept that flame alive throughout the 90s you had two TV shows you did the big one you're speaking to her I mean what what do you attribute that decline to generally the decline of a city like Flint yeah I mean which is just the decline of everything by that example wow we don't there's not enough time on this I know I know really get into that but basically well men wearing sandals in public but but all yeah but I would say if you look at all of my movies it is each of them if you put if you strung them all together it is a 20-hour film about the evils of an economic system that is unfair
Starting point is 00:35:45 unjust and not democratic and as a result the decisions do not get made by the people who are affected by the economy and I've never considered this country a democracy because it's not it to say that we get the vote doesn't make it a democracy that's part of it but the other part is we have to have a say in the economy we have to own the country we the people have to own the country or it's not a democracy so I asked because it seems like that was the wilderness and we talk about this era there's of the past 40 years a lot on the show of the decline of labor unions the the financialization of the economy because
Starting point is 00:36:27 that's how you understand what's happening today is knowing about the era where you were doing this work people got scared and they got manipulated and and I and they the companies and the banks decided the way to stop any kind of revolution or any kind of uprising against this was to have people have their heads spinning so fast force them to be able to live from paycheck to paycheck so they never have a moments rest make them work two jobs or three jobs so that they can't get involved politically because they don't have the time and dumb down the rest of the country and their kids take money
Starting point is 00:37:07 away from the schools shit on the teachers this there's a whole process that's been going on especially since 1980 since Ronald Reagan where the the idea has been to create a frightened nation where people are so scared that they're just not going to make it that statistic this past year that came out that the majority of our fellow Americans do not have enough available cash in the bank or in their pocket that if a loved one died tonight all the way across the country they cannot go to the funeral because they cannot buy a plane ticket there's not this has been a heaven that corporate America never
Starting point is 00:37:50 could have dreamed of that they could have people so debilitated so demoralized so afraid that they better keep their head down and not say a whole lot so afraid that that you know we you know Virgil we just got a we got a we got a vote for Joe Biden sure we don't vote for Joe Biden we don't vote for Joe Biden we're gonna lose because because Joe Biden you know we got to go to the middle and we got to find the middle we got to get those Trump voters back and we gotta and and it's like wow you know and the pundits there I was on that the show after the election the debate the other
Starting point is 00:38:29 night and it was like I couldn't believe the questions they're asking me it was like 1980 lunch bucket Joe questions how you gonna get back to working class and they talk about the working class there was some fucking white guy with a lunch bucket and it's not the working class the majority of the working class are women the majority of the working class are young people and the majority of the working class are people of color that's the working class and when you say working class that's what should be you but that when we say working class that's not what people think is it they've got everyone's mind so polluted
Starting point is 00:39:06 with the way they want us to see the world I want us so afraid that we will not put in somebody who is gonna take their game away from them and so if that's what you want run Hillary run Joe Biden you know and first of all that will guarantee you're losing I mean don't get me wrong Joe Biden Hillary won by three million votes Joe Biden will win by close to five million popular votes and still never enter the Oval Office because Trump will win the electoral college again if we don't get this straight right now that's exactly what's going to happen I said this back in the summer of 16 and nobody listened to me
Starting point is 00:39:50 and I was booed on Bill Maher when I said it and you know then I just said they don't want to hear this he did not want to hear the new rule Michael Bill Maher actually he did he said he said listen to him and but people were like no no no tell us what we want to hear Michael it sounds like you did not go to Joe 3038 because if you had you would know that Biden is the way to victory I don't know what that was supposed to be yes so we had a stroke on national television Michael Michael just like that's fine Michael you say that America does not care about Detroit but I saw 8,000 candidates over the
Starting point is 00:40:34 past week making their case right there and did you not believe any of them we're going to fight for the people that we've been describing tonight I believe Bernie would Bernie has so I believe yep I believe I believe Elizabeth Warren has some very good ideas sure sure sure why she has to keep saying but I'm a capitalist you know it's nice because all her policies are to pull the rug out from under the capitalist so and and I convert you know she's still she's still in that conversion process but I'm trying to I'm trying to put a happy face on something that I don't even know they have a lot of gall to show up in
Starting point is 00:41:16 Detroit or Flint that's true and and you know first of all to just you show up in Michigan when we learned a month after the Flint debate for the 2016 election between Bernie and Hillary that Hillary was fed the questions in advance by one of the CNN people and they use these mothers in Flint at the microphone in the middle of the aisle to ask their questions about the Flint water poisoning and Hillary knew what they were going to ask when Flint found that out people in a city that's already so demoralized people decided to stay home in November 8,000 African Americans who had voted twice for Obama stayed
Starting point is 00:42:01 home now they're not going to ever vote for Trump but they were not going to vote for Hillary Clinton and that's never really been discussed as to how did Hillary lose the state of Michigan a state with four or five majority black cities that's how that's one of the reasons that she lost it the other reason was President Obama who I love came to Flint during the election year and stood in front of people and drank the Flint water telling them it was okay when it wasn't okay and we know that that water that one of the aides brought it from Air Force One there was no way to get water in that high school because
Starting point is 00:42:36 it had been turned off a year and a half earlier there's no water found there's no water there's no kitchen in that high school for the record I would not still love this man knowing that well I say that because I it's hard it's hard for me because because I'm a little bit older than you guys so I live through a different time I live I I in 1968 it was the Thursday before Palm Sunday I'm walking out of our Catholic Church after Mass on this Thursday night one of the dads had gone to warm up the car turned on the radio got out of the car and shouted to all of us coming out of church they've just shot Martin Luther
Starting point is 00:43:13 King and a cheer went up amongst the people coming out of Mass out of church now I'm an eighth grader and that image so was so seared into my head to this day that I that I would live to see a black man voted president of the United States just that alone was so stunning and reduced me to tears at 11 p.m. on that election night coming out after the Bush years and yes someone who claimed to repudiate yet all through his eight years I was very critical of the things he did that were wrong for instance when General Motors went bankrupt and the government took it over like the government owned General Motors in
Starting point is 00:44:01 Chrysler man what an opportunity what an opportunity to say okay we're in charge now now we're not in the business of building cars we're gonna turn this back but not until there are some changes change number one is the internal combustion engine is killing this planet so we're not gonna build those anymore and what Detroit is gonna be known for is building clean transportation for the 21st century we're gonna build bullet trains we're gonna build light rail we're gonna build you know a bus system that works and we're gonna get we're gonna wean ourselves off the automobile what if he
Starting point is 00:44:42 had done that what if he done that where would we be instead he just gave him the car company back and they and they just kept screwing the workers I'd like to link a few of these last questions together I think and also shoehorn in and I hopefully funny anecdote which is that you know you you've been doing the kind of thing that we've been doing very recently for 30 years now and more than that and over that time you've basically been as far as like I can conceive of it in my knowledge of pop culture you know the one of the bleeding left edges of the you know democratic universe the liberal universe in this
Starting point is 00:45:22 country and this is the shoehorn and anecdote because I remember feeling political and like the early Bush years is like a young high school student and like going out and like trying to protest the war and public squares and stuff and then me my friends watching Roger and me for the first time and becoming so insanely angered by it that we spent the rest of the evening in my friend's basement like whittling like weapons like spears out of like extra wood that was in the basement for some reason just because we were so just like omnidirectionally angry and we're like we're just we just need to do something
Starting point is 00:45:52 about this incredible movie that we just saw that made us so angry at every everyone but so over the course of the time that you've been doing what you've been doing hopefully making people very very angry about the people who we should be mad at we're now in this place where since 2016 and now there there is perhaps for the first time in your career like a genuine mass left movement in this country beyond anything that we're right now this weekend 1500 socialists are meeting in Atlanta which might be one of the biggest socialists gathering the biggest socialists gathering in several decades decades yes
Starting point is 00:46:30 and so it kind of popped in 2016 with the Bernie campaign and had this huge energizing force behind it and now we are three years later four years later and we're in these debates and Bernie is one of the central candidates of these debates and owning people left and right from the debate stage but also there are like 19 other people around him that are sucking energy out so I just would like to hear your perspective of on our current left moment and if from your perspective of having done this forever does this feel like the real deal with you or does this feel like something that we're gonna have to like
Starting point is 00:47:08 struggle and maybe be disappointed with no no I believe no this is the path to victory into a better country and a better world I'll tell you why first of all there may be 1500 socialist meeting in Atlanta right now but every poll now shows that people under the age of 35 the majority believe in socialism over capitalism yes yes yes so that's the new way it's already I almost could all just I could I could just call it a day at that knowing that statistic here's the other good news every year four million 17 year olds turn 18 yes four million since Obama's election in 08 that means that's 11 years that's almost
Starting point is 00:48:02 40 million 40 million young people have become voters all right that this is the final year according to the data that the baby boomers will will own the show in the sense of the demographic and the numbers rip and so therefore very shortly there will be a president who does the floss dance after they're inaugural when will we have our first streaming president all right but let me just but I'll answer his question but you because you mentioned that you guys you know I listened to you and I got to say first of all the reason I was honored that you asked me to be on the podcast tonight is I really think of you as my
Starting point is 00:48:46 babies and tell you that story about the you know that is baby yes baby you were the guy when I I was much younger that was like oh this is the only person who knows the right thing around now and I imagine if I was the same age I'd be listening I want to go back to what you were talking about earlier about that moment when you are doing your work about Flynn and deindustrialization and its consequences our our man Don shout out to Don told us that you know the people in Traverse City proper you know they're they're good liberals they felt left but and the surrounding areas that's all Trump country and I didn't ask
Starting point is 00:49:31 why but it's it's there's this real question that those are all not just the you know used hot tub salesman and Kia franchise owners who make up Trump's base it's also people who have what what it marks we call false consciousness that who should be the people organized in the working class and that's how we agree that's how you make change by organizing around class lines but then they go off and they become QAnon people they become MAGA people so we we can talk about them and we can also talk about say the majority of people who do not vote at all and are correct to do so I would argue because they recognize
Starting point is 00:50:16 that our politics is a fraud there's no that that voting for someone does not make a material change in your life with our current party system I mean so how do we get well how do we get out of that that's the million dollar question and also we keep getting asked on interviews and I don't have an answer for it how to fix politics so I hope you have a good one and I could just repeat it the first group that you mentioned the ones that vote for Trump and who otherwise you would think you know maybe there's some hope or you could save them or whatever but you can't that's just the you we have to accept we had to quit working so
Starting point is 00:50:47 hard trying to worry about them and trying to convince them they're the minority and they will never change even the good one I can name good people in this area that voted for Trump good but when I say good people I mean you know they raise their kids they're kindie on the street you know they're not assholes but they don't like black people and they're misogynist because they think women are sometimes a little too loud they're talking a little bit too much and really shouldn't have any say over what happens to a fertilized egg and that I can't help them and I have to let them go and I have to trust every year
Starting point is 00:51:30 four million seventeen year olds become 18 and they're not assholes you know and they've also gotten bad from Facebook memes but your generation but your generation and the generation that's come after you the one that's been in height the Parkland generation these kids are so great they don't hate they don't judge you on on who you love it's a very different generation and that's who is becoming voters and the older people who who see black people in a certain way who see women in a certain way they are and God rest their souls dying off and they've been dying off I mean think about this think about this
Starting point is 00:52:13 anybody who was say over the age of 55 in 1980 and voted for Ronald Reagan on average they're dead they're dead and that's why I was really talking to all these people on MSNBC the other night after the debate they keep talking about politics like it's 1980 those people are gone why are you still talking about these Reagan Democrats they died but I'm hearing a lot of good stuff about Ronald Reagan in the news lately yeah I don't know if we want to slander him can we roll the Nixon tape but wait wait a take wait a take I I'm sorry but I don't think you answered my question because you're just saying just waiting the
Starting point is 00:52:53 demographics will sort it out but I know a lot of young people who are the rich fucking country club getting community shit voting and who know where their fucking bread's buttered yeah that is not the majority I am I am asking a specific question yeah how do we rebuild working-class consciousness in this country that has been systematically destroyed over the past 40 years I'm sorry for yelling that no I the second part of your question you don't have to yell Tim Ryan 2020 the people who don't the people who don't vote they make up the largest political party in America is called the non-voter party there are
Starting point is 00:53:34 there are more of them than our Democrats Republicans or independents the non-voters they're the people we should reach out to they're the people that we have a chance but we will not win them with Joe Biden and we won't with them with white privilege platitudes of how we define things it happens because you know I've been saying this for some time now if the swing states will get ballot proposals on the ballots next year to bring out this base we have a chance of winning they're not going to come out for the Democratic like I wrote it in 2004 putting the gay marriage propositions on the ballot to bring out
Starting point is 00:54:14 the conservative right the exactly and it worked 14 states passed the anti gay marriage laws in 2004 in Michigan we kicked the Republicans out of Lansing the governor the lieutenant governor secretary of state and the attorney general all the Democrats they were all elected in November but it was not because of them necessarily although the governor is a woman the lieutenant governor was black the attorney general is a lesbian and the secretary of state can count past 10 that's pretty good well if I were but I mean but we did it because we put two ballot proposals on the ballot to get out the youth vote we
Starting point is 00:54:54 put legalized marijuana not this medical marijuana stuff or partial legal no full legalization full legalization we doubled the youth vote from the last off-year election doubled it speaking of which if anyone after the show has the second ballot proposal was to outlaw gerrymandering that passed with 70 61 percent of the vote to out to make gerrymandering illegal but that brought that brought people out I don't think you're you're so the premise of your question this loss of working-class consciousness I think they're the consciousness is higher than it's ever been because of everybody that's been
Starting point is 00:55:34 put down into the situation of having to live from paycheck to paycheck that's the majority of our fellow citizens you can't have more consciousness than that when you're trying to figure out what the fuck am I gonna do about my bills this week not what I'm talking about is not just awareness of your situation but that translating into political affinities into political action that forces material change 97% of black women voted against Trump 97% I'm telling you we need african-americans especially black women young people women in general 70% of the people were eligible to vote next year and I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:56:11 democrats and relevance the whole of the American voting public 70% of them are either women people of color or between the ages of 18 and 35 or a combination of the three that is 70% of next year's electorate if we can't fucking speak to that if we can't get ballot proposals and pass laws if we can't run candidates that they're gonna be excited to get up in the morning that morning in November of 2020 and vote for them nobody is waking up that morning saying I can't wait to get to the polls to vote for Joe Biden yeah so but that's not gonna happen and that's how we're gonna lose but my yeah but Joe 3088 I mean you I
Starting point is 00:56:56 don't know what that is but it sounds very millennial is it like a hologram is it some sort of one of those things like the QR code that's one of the GTS is Matt what but I mean yes where where we are right now for example it's early days there's no doubt I mean this is it be silly to try to forecast what's going to happen for all the important stuff we've been talking about because we're we're in the Richard Killian level of elections right now but you gave the correct answer which is that earlier that Bernie is the real candidate who offers a vision of change an actual structure of change a plan for change
Starting point is 00:57:40 among these Democratic candidates and he's a street fighter and he's the only way to defeat a street fighter is with a street correct now you've been watching the debates we've been watching them so I guess what I'm asking is how do you see the interminable period we have in front of us shaking out I mean you have Biden he is seen as quote-unquote electable he stays on the top of the polls right now you have Warren as a kind of like sidecar to Bernie that never quite supersedes him but who is certainly appealing to a certain class and to a certain subset of of the Democratic base and so I'm interested to hear a
Starting point is 00:58:26 little bit on the stage tonight about what you think we can expect after this these opening shots with the 8,000 interchangeable I don't want to sound too woke about it but really they are white eyebrow lists or extra eyebrows or too many eyebrows the only slider on the Democratic candidate is the eyebrows Joe Joe Biden as you said Joe Biden NPCs you know you relabel them you know it's a swamp Joe Biden it's a fucking mountain Joe Biden Michael Bannett John Hickenlooper and then Joe Biden himself like they were confronted with all these do you think they just slay them away and we're fine or do you think there's an
Starting point is 00:59:10 actual threat posed by the legacy of Obama wielded by Joe Biden which would be a real worry for anyone expecting Bernie to cut through the 2020 race remember that open mic on Biden when they were gonna sign some bill and the ACA right big fucking deal big fucking deal that was the ACA okay root beer tasted a lot better we need we need an oh we need an accidental open mic on Obama when he says to Biden get the fuck out of this race you know because it's you really do you really think that Obama would know no he won't do it he won't do it partially because he he doesn't want Bernie to get the nomination yeah right
Starting point is 00:59:57 Bernie is the most dangerous thing to all of them because Bernie will upend the whole game that they're playing all these Democrats that are pundits on the on the cable news networks they're all working for somebody they're all answering to some some money somewhere you have to know that yes these X well I want to know who Claire McCaskill what what is she doing who was she lobbying for famous winner Claire McCaskill and that was funny because the last cycle grab me if I'm wrong there was a ballot initiative in Missouri that passed yes for the raise of minimum wage exactly while Claire McCaskill got owned right but she
Starting point is 01:00:36 has decided that she lost because the National Party was too far to the left that's right she's a hundred percent convinced that she is let me tell you I ran on can I read something here this is this is what this is another example if we stay on this path of how we're going to how we're going to lose and this is Kamala Harris this week announced her new policy position oh yes yes we talked about this oh yeah but please read on stage I actually don't think we've read it on the show so this might be the reading in into it this is crime quoting her quoting her all right and I love this so much I'm not gonna
Starting point is 01:01:14 add just say that because we're gonna be wounding the entire time this is exact words here she goes yesterday I announced that as president I'll establish a student loan debt forgiveness program yes for Pell Grant recipients who who start a business yeah that operates for three years in disadvantaged communities I really hope I'm not I really hope that I'm not stealing Amber's joke from an actual episode but the day after this happened she texted us saying that we needed to cover this on the show because that literally describes her that's true we did do that yes she is a Pell Grant recipient who
Starting point is 01:02:23 started a small business that operates in my family neighborhood Brooklyn New York I mean somebody actually did the numbers on that and if that was a current program it would forgive the the Pell grants of something like 15,000 people in the United States wonderful no this will keep people home yeah exactly this will keep people home and and and this is why this is why they're afraid of Bernie because he doesn't put all bullshit like this he just says exactly what it is that he's going to do and and so there if we end up along these lines with a candidate like this if Bernie can't look I don't know if the
Starting point is 01:03:10 polls if the polls if you can believe the polls let's say a year from now or let's say nine months from now while the primaries are going on and so they start in probably six months from now like February January yeah February yeah so if the if the polls keep showing that Bernie would be Trump Biden would be Trump Harris would be Trump Warren would be Trump if there's four of them will be Trump then there's a clear one of them that will be on our side and will fight for the working people and the poor of this country and that is obviously Bernie Sanders and he will take Trump down now we keep imagining the debates
Starting point is 01:03:52 well would that be great Bernie versus Trump who love it okay I'm gonna I'll make a prediction right now should Bernie be the candidate Trump will refuse to debate yes if I think Trump may just refuse to debate period because just because he can and he loves to do these things where we're all planning for it being normal and he is the anti-normal and he will not show up to the debate I disagree I think he's gonna be regular he's gonna do he's gonna be great I think he's gonna be normal with it he's gonna be great he's gonna be look folks I've been president for four years I've been low-key nutty with it I'm not
Starting point is 01:04:30 I don't admit folks folks I've got her I've got it on the sticks I'm nice with it I've got it on the sticks I'm cracked but but honestly but honestly I think that he'll do one maybe and then it'll go horribly and then I don't know what's different so give us a shit as Sterling Hayden said yeah Mike I know we're going along but I was hoping we could do just two more things with you and one is you told me the other night you have a three-point plan for winning next year yes it's it's very simple 999 thank you finally I said this last night but for the others wine and dinam 999 in order for the three-point plan to work the
Starting point is 01:05:22 majority of us have to start owning the fact that we are the majority we are the American majority the majority of Americans agree with us on every single issue the majority of Americans take the progressive position on every name the issue go ahead name whether it's a minimum wage mass incarceration choice it doesn't matter what the issue is every poll shows that the majority of Americans agree with us that is a gift that is rarely handed to you throughout history I mean Martin Luther King didn't have the majority with him no not at all you know Gloria Steinem didn't have the majority with her that this rarely
Starting point is 01:05:59 happens the fact that and it's so perfect especially for the amount of alcohol that's been consumed here tonight there is I'm still good to try here the work's already been done for us the people thank God are already with us we don't have to go out and convince anyone that a fertilized egg is not a human being we don't have to go out and convince anyone that it is wrong to lock up millions of African Americans in our prisons we don't have to convince people that we should that marijuana is the evilest thing that could never that ever exist no we don't have to do any of that they're already with us that's the
Starting point is 01:06:40 power and forget about wasting your time on anything else right now a third of the white guys will come along just because you know some will make a rock contingent yes yes so here's the three so here's the three ways to victory because they're so extreme in that we will tell them that we won't like you if you don't vote the way we like number one people came out out of the woodwork last November to vote we had one of the huge the largest turnouts for an off your election ever and what did they do they put the Democrats back in charge of the house if the Democrats don't do anything in these two years and
Starting point is 01:07:25 one year is almost up they are not going to come back out next year they will think that that was a waste of time the Democrats in the house have to do something and they can sit back and say well we can't do anything because it's in it won't do it you know they can't impeach they don't need the Senate to impeach they need to impeach they need to create a historical record that what this president has done is criminal it's immoral and it's wrong just plain wrong and they need to go on the record and say that and we don't need to take five months with it but the impeachment should take a week right
Starting point is 01:08:05 the evidence already exists the evidence exists we don't have to do any evidence collection I agree with you but I am not optimistic on this one I am I think if the Democrats are missing about Nancy number are they at now how many are they at now or they broke the majority of the caucus today is supports an impeachment this is the rare thing where the out of snow song we got to do something comes into play because just do literally anything forgive me for my pessimism but the fact that Nancy Pelosi just breeze through the fucking US House billions of dollars for the president to continue running his fucking
Starting point is 01:08:48 concentration camps on the border fucking the continued lack of accountability for our fucking Gestapo on the fucking border gives and then also responded to criticism from AOC from Ilan Omar from progressives in that caucus by going after them and demonizing them gives me very little hope for Nancy Pelosi yeah it should give you a little hope for us winning next year because what Pelosi's behavior guarantees that those people that came out in November who hadn't voted in a long time are gonna stay at home yeah because what they've seen her piss on the very people that they put in there
Starting point is 01:09:25 because they want to change and if change doesn't occur if they can't take a stand against Trump and I'm not talking about Russia I'm talking about it's enough for me to impeach him because he said last week that article two two article two gives me the right to do anything I want now you don't have that power and now I have to impeach you for it I agree but I want to see the damn impeachment one I want to see the impeachment as long as one of the articles is it is charged that the president wears a diaper because that's all he would talk about for the next two years he would just be like I don't
Starting point is 01:10:00 wear diaper fake news and he would get everybody in the cabinet on press conferences be like do I wear a diaper and they'd be like no look at these wonderful things that I don't wear a diaper and then whoever got the nomination they would spend the entire campaign every commercial would be hello I present down Trump I don't wear a diaper this message we would be like what the fuck I what about health care yeah diaper I do not wear one just so you know that's fake news that's the only way it's gonna work well number two what I mentioned earlier we need ballot proposals in the in the dozen swing
Starting point is 01:10:37 states where on the ballot there are these measures that will bring out the base the people that will vote for our candidate that if we do that I'm telling you it's a slam dunk if we have minimum wage ballot proposals yeah we'll write some amendment for women I mean just there's a whole list of things we could put on there student loan relief free college you know we need the candidates for the proposals because as we saw in Missouri you know that people came out for the damn minimum wage increase but not for freaking Claire McCaskin not for her you also be working harder that's correct so that brings me to point
Starting point is 01:11:21 number three we need to run a beloved candidate who is a street fighter for the working people in the poor of this country because they're the majority of the country and when they see somebody fighting for them not not telling them for the umpteenth time that they're from Oklahoma and their four and my four brothers were all in the military and trying to do all this stuff to patronize what they think the working class wants to hear when what they want is to be able to fly to the funeral of an aunt or a grandparent and have the money to be able to do that that's all they're asking for hang on don't you think the
Starting point is 01:12:01 working class might want someone who skateboards or no seven languages they don't that's something that every single for dinner tables across the country that they are talking about God I just want someone who speaks finish as a caveat as far as skateboarding a number of countries have lowered the voting age to 16 I support this I need more YouTubers directing on YouTube that are this is my Sephora hall and also why you should be voting for Bernie Sanders every single person who owns Felix in fortnight should be entitled to vote yes no matter if they are nine years old now that you guys you're punk on the you're
Starting point is 01:12:54 pumpkin on the teenagers you know you don't turn into your parents come on we have to you know that my circle of life I just watch I just watch a video today of probably 50 teenagers bum rushing the fence at Lollapalooza in Chicago and getting all over together through a feat of collective action and because they could not stop them all and they all got into Lollapalooza so one guy was arrested and I hope he had a smirk on his face and said you could not get us all now look we we have to do this I like I know we're running a bit long but if you if you do this for us we have a regular segment on chapeau
Starting point is 01:13:46 trap house called the duck hunt where we go why the hell is it been a while since the duck hunt why is it called that it was originally death threats and then we were worried about getting sued so since we are talking about 2020 and the two debates which you saw the last two debates yes the New York Times has an interactive feature up an opinion piece featuring just a stable of commentators some of their in-house call legs pundits genius thoughts yeah thoughts pugs who all snacks snacks who was and they gave they assigned a a numeric grade to each candidate and explained why and it is batshit crazy and we will we would like
Starting point is 01:14:44 to read out and then a roast the responses would you do us the honors of doing this with us I'd absolutely okay are you okay with this okay let's do it all right I'm you haven't seen this have you no okay yeah it's a bummer folks I'm just gonna be honest with you cuz we got Liz mayor doing a lot of commentary now Liz mayor a Republican strategist who correct me if I'm wrong I love exile in Guideville it's a great album she worked for Walker Paul Perry Perry news Republican fucking news is folks sure you've noticed like just saying you're a never Trump Republican means you get so many writing gigs in the liberal media yeah
Starting point is 01:15:35 it's easy so we're gonna get a bit from her now Sanders the New York Times response I'm I'm a plucking I'm cherry-picking you heard of this guy you know from the first night five out of ten Liz mayor Sanders made the same mistake warranted punching down but he's also what what the man who's a populist you know Sam Winder the pharmaceutical executives who she punched out owners of big shares in these companies she doesn't explain no no I because she said the one thing when she says punching down she means attacking Tim Ryan and John Delaney because they are low in the polls yeah that makes them minorities
Starting point is 01:16:22 but Tim Ryan having one percent in presidential polls basically makes you a man or about now don't hold America we debate over who is baby on the show but uh John Delaney's 100% beat oh my god that punching our baby punching down but he's also Sanders far less policy fluent than warrant is and he gets a lower mark as a result like Warren Sanders got fairly pinned on banning private health insurance and no one other just again contrast what you experienced during this debate with what the New York Times is registering this as like Warren Sanders got fairly pinned on banning private health insurance and
Starting point is 01:17:00 no one other than unions will like his trade answer well it's with dating now Sarah vowel three out of ten when when senators Warren and Sanders dismissed legitimate critiques of their similar health plans particularly the radical proposal of abolishing private health insurance applause line as Republican talking points I was enraged to a degree that I cannot adequately describe family newspaper she's basically like one of those mothers who get superhuman strength to lift a car off of her kid but her kid is etna she adds an apology would be nice
Starting point is 01:17:45 apology he does Sarah vowel apologize to blue cross may have made him cry mayor mayor PD with the little with the little nat on his head apparently which was happening the first night someone gives him seven out of ten says he's super progressive Brett Stevens shout out he was far and away the most poised and confident speaker persuasive and pleasantly ingratiating even when I didn't agree so he's loving him and Sarah vowel sorry she gave the worst answers is gonna be a theme eight out of ten if you had read his memoir and he had me at gym class was not my scene he was educated he was educated at by
Starting point is 01:18:25 Oxford and the Navy oh my god I educated by the Navy he knows a sheep shank from a clove hitch she assures us he's going to be president um clobachar you know you know clobachar we all love clobachar everyone in this room has had a shoe thrown at them by Amy clobachar and if you're not her pledge is that she will come to each and every American house and throw a piece of her office at you also the the Midwest I believe Minnesota and the state that Clinton almost lost did it was close will work our big thing is I wanted multiple times will work and son I literally do not know who that is will
Starting point is 01:19:12 Wilkinson for the New York Times Senate so yeah he's such shit senator senator clobachar is a stone-cold killer but she's playing it cool she's going slow and steady up the middle without being a jerk to the left like Delaney her no-nonsense practical that's it Monty climb the ladder her no-nonsense practical Gator done Midwestern affect is thrilling but it connects I can't I believe who are you talking about you are some asshole in New York you have never talked into a person you've not spoken to a person who makes under six figures who is not taking your goddamn drink order in 30
Starting point is 01:20:01 fucking years who are you talking about that is the Matt Crisman that ladies and gentlemen is the Matt Crisman that we've been watching the debates with in a hotel room and publicly for the past couple of days Amy clobachar has a crossbow aimed right squarely at my forehead her aim is incredibly good yeah if you would like to call the police that would be wonderful she's doing very well right now though all right here we go Biden this is the New York Times review of Biden you heard about that you heard of this guy you heard it yeah mr. Biden I'm gonna go through I'm gonna go through everybody
Starting point is 01:20:39 no Charles blow gave him seven out of ten this was okay this is my own personal thing he says this was a make-or-break moment and he made it or precisely he scraped by so he didn't make or break he did something you can't say make or break and then it is something else besides make or break it's not a pastor failed Charles bro blow not as good a writer earlier as his father Curtis Curtis blow much better okay Liz mayor right oh by the way Liz mayor I used to be a media reporter okay and when I was a media reporter I worked for I worked for Haverbrook I worked for Springfield when I was I
Starting point is 01:21:21 worked for vice I worked for a newsweek and every time private prisons were in danger Liz mayor would hit me up and she would give me the skinny on why they're being given a raw deal and when the Obama administration and their last legs were federally trying to crack down our private prisons I got a huge fucking dump from Liz mayor in my inbox so she's not only a bad person bad person in a metaphysical sense you are bad not only a representative of losers but just a bad person now she says eight out of ten for Biden haha wild the hits just keep on coming but he was much more fluid tonight 30330033 yeah
Starting point is 01:22:00 three great the great matter between his ears was much more fluid than it was at the beginning of the debate his solid brain matter was fluid by the end of the night it was wonderful he basically had a fucking me when he turned his head he had a Wendy's frosty between his ears by the end of the debate fluid folks willing to throw many punches and showcase his experience he handled Harris well in many exchanges I suspect the frequent invocation of Obama the fact that isn't sounds scripted and looks just aggressive enough will keep him in good standing well I Biden was very tough against people who were
Starting point is 01:22:34 mysteriously burning toast in his vicinity is getting a lot of traction just from knowing who the last guy he worked for is now this is the last one we're gonna do I skipped over a couple y'all remember Delaney John John Oh yeah friend of the show John Delaney of the show we're gonna get him our big baby human thumb John you are John Delaney right Mike I don't want to lose John Delaney because that's the entertainment right there he is the heel he's the beautiful villain in any of one one of these debates okay now this is the New York Times all of the reviews that I've that I've highlighted here are looks at
Starting point is 01:23:18 every moment on those debates like he's about to edit an entry at wiki feet folks okay we're gonna go through four John Delaney reviews from the New York Times Liz mayor starting it up at nine out of ten oh hell yeah that's a bar burner you were there you remember how it was clearly a nine out of ten you look like an anthropomorphized fucking goofy yeah we like every time he smiled there should have been like a little bubble of his head that went oh look if Mario was on the stage you would jump on him you get a coin from his fucking head okay Liz mayor nine out of ten unbelievable nine out of ten a virtual no-name or who
Starting point is 01:24:07 seemed to garner more attacks from senator Sanders Warren both of whom were not unnecessarily and dangerously punching down that be fair got way more oxygen than he deserved and that's what he wants and he's a stay alive now everyone knows his name that wasn't true before tonight on trade he and Beto are far closer to the actual Democratic electorate than Sanders Warren and he forced them to spend a lot of airtime showing how out of step they are with their own voters bottom line he got the big dogs to elevate him which should have been completely impossible and even if he's not where the base is on policy
Starting point is 01:24:49 overall he'll probably do better as a result he really can't do worse I love that it's like he made a name for himself it's like yeah like that scrappy a go-getter John Wayne Gacy okay the name for himself they call him diaper John Delaney and everyone they call him shithead John Delaney everyone's they call it a ball dipshit John Delaney it's on everyone's lips no one can stop saying it okay Brett Stevens but you know as we all know climate denier Wall Street Journal asshole never written an interesting or memorable phrase in his life sponge like scum accretion one-man indictment of Western civilization
Starting point is 01:25:30 suffered like the fact that he has a job he has honestly means that society should not exist if those are the kind of results that it will put out Iraq war promoter anti-air abrasive Brett Stevens friend of the show friend of the show eight out of ten for John Delaney well well I agree with much of what he says and Democrats desperately need to hear the voice of someone like him who speaks for a lot of voters turned off by the constant demonization of the private sector the Democratic electorate has been dying lover private sector folks it's been dying for the voice of the teacher from peanuts yes we want to make
Starting point is 01:26:11 it so that people can actually access healthcare this country well next and this is the second-to-last Peter Weiner that's just me his real name no as Chris said he has two names for penis and Richard your times columnist Dick Johnson eight out of ten for John Delaney he helped himself the most known by almost no one before tonight he was quite effective criticizing the healthcare plans of Warren and Sanders he's serious and made the essential point Warren's and Sanders agenda is essentially anti-private sector oh no who doesn't love the private sector you know that thing that is like he strap
Starting point is 01:26:59 you down to a table and been force feeding you bold and dog and horse shit in your mouth for the last 30 years he's against it folks but I do you think Warren and Sanders and his anti-private sector that we will not hear the words private sector five years from now yeah fuck yeah thanks to the 18 to 35 year old socialist majority let's hope you go you go to small town America you go to diners everywhere and everybody's like we love our private sector we're just worried about it no this is we're so worried that what you will not hear it because of the compliance cube which requires us all to have good thoughts at
Starting point is 01:27:38 all times why do these people have jobs who is paying them this is absolute yeah for it now I'm thinking of running for president because hey I am like go for listening to this one of my platform planks will be to round up all the pundits yes okay I'm gonna round up yes and now I'm a nonviolent person there's a lot of room out in Utah we can build them a nice town there's I fear there's a nice unoccupied ranch called skin Walker yeah I don't know I I don't know if anybody plays a trumpet but somebody should play taps for the New York Times oh my god because it is over it is over it's so over it's it's amazing you
Starting point is 01:28:37 know and and and we do need an inquisitive aggressive press in this country and we don't have it we do not have it and this what you just read is the most stunning thing that that would my god you know a lot of money it's been digitized now and and if the world is still here in 50 to 100 years this exists people are gonna read it they're gonna have symposiums where they're just gonna laugh at us right now they're not gonna believe this was called the paper of record that this is the most important newspaper oh yeah and and it's gonna look awful and their range of commentary is five different people who
Starting point is 01:29:21 all give John Delaney 8 out of 10 8 out of 10 folks look that sounds stupid but you're forgetting they're actually referring to his physical attractive yes yes yes he's a god damn dog he's a dog he's a big booty bitch back I live in a country where the majority of voters the 70% who are women people of color and young adults I believe the majority of voters the actual people are to the left of Elizabeth Warren they paint her as as someone who's some leftist pipe piper the actual people yes out there struggling day in and day out you know they may not have a label for themselves but the things they believe in are to the
Starting point is 01:30:02 left of Elizabeth Warren and and in some ways to the left of Bernie you know the way you we have to look at Bernie and Elizabeth Warren is there is there there as good as we've got and they will act as servants of the people the people need to direct them to do the job that needs to get done and all these networks they have an agenda that they're pushing it's clear what the agenda is you guys have called them out on it and and I do they listen I hope they listen to this we know they're listening they're some sick little very mad listening to the show even things at them there are some little pain pigs who enjoy getting their
Starting point is 01:30:40 inside all stepped out they are in there for sure there are some of them that honestly we cannot even tell you because then we would lose the satisfaction of them continuing to get mad well if they are listening right now let me just tell you one of them is a treat boy I'll tell you how much to these New York Times columnist to the right-wingers who are pundits on MSNBC America is laughing at you you are a joke and and we're lucky enough to have this show as a means to amplify the fact that we think you're a joke do you hear me all you eight out of tenors you're here you're a goddamn joke you're a fraud we're on to you and and by
Starting point is 01:31:30 God we are gonna somehow do an end run around you so that we are going to run the country from this point on we the working people the poor of America the majority of Americans who believe in these things you know somewhat tepid applause from the audience because it's hard to believe that we would ever be in charge because it's been destroyed the idea of working people coming together and extracting concessions and demanding their fair share that idea has been destroyed not in me it has a limited from this country not in me it hasn't and not in the people I know and and when I'm in the White House here we
Starting point is 01:32:12 go here we go Secretary of State right here God that's too much for me a pretty general yes secretary of agriculture that fuck it sucks no no no no you're gonna grow the weed you're gonna grow the weed for us yeah we are gonna grow the weed for a new America that's your job thank you Michael no I mean I think that's is as inspiring as a place to end on is us all ruling a different fiefdom of future like you have any closing thoughts I want to thank you for coming to Traverse City I want to thank this great audience for being here and I want to and I want to remind you of
Starting point is 01:33:05 something there are more of us than there are of them yes that will never change so take the power that's already in your hands we can make something very important happen in in the next 18 months we have to do this folks we don't have a choice no choice no no choice because we have someone in the White House who truly thinks he's never leaving and may actually act in a way or do something whether it's to start a war or to create a fake terrorist incident or to just say I'm not leaving because all these illegal aliens voted for the Democrat whatever it is he's got up up in his mind this is this is truly the
Starting point is 01:33:49 most dangerous time that we've ever been in and and to sit by and not do anything will will certainly be our ruin so take take pride in the power that you have you're not alone if you're listening to this someplace out there in the middle of the country you are not alone you are the majority and and we will succeed because we are smarter than Brett Stevens that is that is the message of Jeremy Corbyn we are many there are few and that is the message of Bernie Sanders not me us us we we the very first American word it's in the constant the first word that we wrote down we the people not me the people we
Starting point is 01:34:43 the people that's who we are this is our last chance folks it's in your hands this is our last chance Michael Moore thank you so much for joining us

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