Chapo Trap House - 354 - Thou, Nature, Art My Goddess (10/1/19)

Episode Date: October 2, 2019

Back from the rejuvenating sea air of beautiful Atlantic City, we find the correct take on impeachment, consider Trump as a tragic Shakespearean hero, and immolate ourselves in the wicker man of New ...Climate Paganism. Tickets for Goth Socialist Variety Hour at Littlefield: The paperback edition of the Chapo Guide to the Revolution:

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Starting point is 00:00:30 I'm ready to fuck okay put it in all right gang gang gang we are back to our regular regularly scheduled programming slightly it's me Matt and Virgil we are back fully recovered from our weekend of that Christmas birthday debauchery and depravity in beautiful Atlantic city I would say America's probably most romantic and gorgeous city oh totally down AC is for lovers AC is for lovers fighters of methamphetamine it was a great time and I really wanted you to will to say the thing you saw because I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since you described it I'm in running kind of annoyed I missed it the advertisement that you saw on the board oh man oh man this is like this is this made
Starting point is 00:01:29 me glad that you know I did not invite many sort of like fear and loathing style enhancements to our trip to this this gambling mecca because we were walking down the Atlantic City boardwalk at night already a you know quite a scene oh yeah what I fear his voice will just echo across the boardwalk without warning yeah I imagine the city from Blade Runner but like all the images and voices are Guy Fieri's there would be like got some red donkey sauce available for you on the off-world colonies spice rub pork sliders coming to you live from the nexus six I've seen deep things you people wouldn't believe deep fried quesadillas off the salad bar yeah I'd like to see me boardwalk already a site so like we're we're
Starting point is 00:02:15 we're all sort of making our way down to the hard rock hotel and casino which was again an absolute site to well we got there as a journey concert was letting out so that was a it was an ocean of Guy Fieri's male and female guy Fieri's the one that really struck me as we came in and I immediately a singing a guy he's got the bright white bleached hair shot up from his head with the bald spot in the top and he's super just cheeto orange but best of all he had a sunglass shaped suntan line around his eyes he looked like one of those guys who is it the first nuclear test well and like took the glasses off and like that was the difference that was house like it's like how long you've been wearing
Starting point is 00:03:06 those glasses and I was like I was pointing at and I was like look at that guy and then you went away and I was taught I was like I can't believe that guy and I turned and out of this corner I'm like oh there he is and I looked and it was not him it was just another guy who looked exactly like him. So Saturday night walking down the Atlantic City board rock to the hard rock hotel and casino again already quite a scene now imagine this you're walking down there like one of the giant video billboards as you're walking down the boardwalk I begin to see an advertisement that is just literally like a sort of first-person shooter style view of a mass shooting where
Starting point is 00:03:45 it's just like a gun going down a hallway and it's like will you be ready for a mass shooting and I'm like holy shit I'm glad I'm glad I'm in a state where like like the vibes don't matter because if I was in a vibe sensitive frame of mind that would have killed me and then it's like I'm watching this I'm like what the fuck is this and it's just showing people cowering under desks and you know trying to like barricade doors and what I realized is that it was an ad for a product that was like some sort of way that you could like bootleg jam a door shut in your office or school in the event of a mass shooting style attack.
Starting point is 00:04:24 A piece of wood. No it was like a door stopper kind of like like a like it was like a rope you could tie around the door and secure it or something like a like a cord attached to like the side of the door from like approximately where the handle is down to the baseboard and you stretch the cord out and pull it over the handle so it's like you the door handle is now corded to the wall. You're supposed to walk around like an alpine mountaineer with a fucking length of paracord or on your chest.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I mean shit this is the world like fucking Gorka. Remember after 9-11 Trump went on TV and said he was interested in getting a parachutes and just like having a parachute all the time in case he was in one of his buildings and it was 9-11. I remember that. She could face jump off of your building. Oh my god. And I don't think that's how parachutes work.
Starting point is 00:05:15 You'd be fine. Yeah so that was a slice of the old dystopia. A definite definite vibe check and we got to monetizing the right way. We got to the hard rock and then as Felix rightly pointed out there was just demonic energy coursing through that entire facility go to the hard rock because I heard it was cool. It was the new it's the new one. I heard it was fun.
Starting point is 00:05:38 It was not. Things are always bad. You know what I think you're right. Yeah. We have a trad podcast. I do want to let everyone know that I did make a matching donation to the Bernie Sanders campaign that equals the quote unquote donation that I made to what I assume is you know the hard rock nonprofit.
Starting point is 00:05:57 They build wells or something or they do you know charter schools or something. No I donated to Bernie Sanders the equivalent amount of money which was you know not insignificant that I lost playing a my cousin Vinnie slot machine. I don't understand how people do this shit for hours. I just sat there for like you know 10 minutes and was like oh there goes my money. I don't. I don't. I don't understand the system.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah. Well anyway so yeah I made a matching donation to Bernie Sanders and the hard rock hotel and casino but good news is a third quarter FEC filing report out Bernie is taking a big hall big old hall. What is it 23 and a half million dollars like that 25 I believe but I got one point in front of me. I can just check it right now. One point eight million individual donors of those donors the top jobs were was it Walmart.
Starting point is 00:06:52 The top employers were Walmart Starbucks and I believe McDonald's and McDonald's and podcast podcasts podcasts and the number one profession is teacher. No it's 25.3 million 1.4 million donations. The top three employers were Starbucks Amazon Walmart. And the average donation was $18 was that 1.4 donations or individual donors 1.4 million donations. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:23 He's only he's got a million donors but I think those a lot of those are repeat because some of us are on the monthly yeah I'm on the monthly plan on the plan yeah. Yeah. So also I mean I guess to go on the fundraising news the other interesting thing that was published is Pete Buttigieg had like an insane hall but like from four people yeah he cut like something like $19 million from like yeah three individuals. I believe it was a friend of the show Jacob back rack who said that Pete Buttigieg is the we work of presidential candidates.
Starting point is 00:07:54 That is that is so because it is just pure Silicon Valley venture capital speculation with no fundamentals underlying it is a someone pointed out I might have been Weigel in 2015 when the Republicans had you know 50 people running for president. Everybody had a single quarter hall as big as Bernie's. Yeah. That's what's up. I just think Buttigieg is interesting because he's pulling it like I don't know like five or six percent.
Starting point is 00:08:22 He's pretty bad. Yeah. He's like holding steady. He's not like you know like Kamala or anything he's in he's in because like he's in the second tier. Yeah. But I think it's interesting like these the huge money that he's pulling in I think is an interesting sign of he's getting enough money that like he can he can hang around
Starting point is 00:08:38 long enough to like wear out any of the big ones flaring out dramatically. And I just think it's a it's an interesting indication of where big money kind of hedging their bets against Biden and backstopping Buttigieg to kind of keep him in the running long enough to perhaps be a kind of dark horse. And like things like we work proof that these motherfuckers just have too much money because they can waste it on total like sky throws like this like Buttigieg is an absolute long shot. But and putting giving money to him is an insane risk.
Starting point is 00:09:14 But hey what else are you going to do with it. The pile can only get so high before it starts falling over. You might as well give it to him. Oh and then also Virgil you should Virgil you showed me this video this weekend and I could not fucking believe it. The video of Buttigieg walking to pick the UAW picket line. Oh yeah. Can we can we put that in?
Starting point is 00:09:31 Yeah. How long do you feel like the strike fund can I guess as long as it takes. Yeah. They got a pretty good check of money in the money. It's been you know 12 years since our last strike so hopefully that will sustain us here. So yeah he's he's talking to one of the strikers and he's just like hey fellow worker. How are you. And then he just asked him on camera point blank.
Starting point is 00:09:57 So how big is the strike fund. How long are you guys going to hold out. Would you say that the unions will to continue striking is waning. What's the feeling at the headquarters in terms of strategy. What kind of concessions would you be willing to make to manage. Yeah what he said Virgil you said that he talked to him like he was interacting like a homeless person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:24 No that's exactly what it was. I mean he's a robot and he you know he just loaded the program for oh I don't know a worker here doesn't have that file not found so just loaded the program for someone who's a kid got shot at a school. Oh jeez man that's sad you're doing all right. Wow so you're really wow so you're just not working well hey you know you'll you'll get back to work soon enough you'll get back on your feet. He loaded the program for like a hobo interaction.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Yeah. He's just like so would you say that this town has good vitals or untrustworthy men. How are the real yard bulls in this in this part of town and no one was buying it like the guy who was talking to clearly did not want to talk to him either. So whose idea was it to set up this fucking. It's one of his gargoyles guys they've looked they know where his his his weaknesses are i.e. everyone who does not own a boat so they're like hey most of those guys pick a pick don't have boats let's see him talk to them.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Oh he was he was doing the Virgin Walk. Yeah. Oh my god. Let's make that the art of him. Yeah. He's like just a side by side of him you know just with his head down in that long stride because he clearly wants to be over with this so he's trying to walk faster to make it you know you know hurry things along.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I could be at Steven Spielberg's house right now. Just housing canapes and having my ass kissed by Kate Capshaw. And that's of course that's the UAW GM strike where which I believe is going into its third week. Yes. Hell yes. And last week Bernie appeared at the CTU vote of Chicago teachers union about whether to go on strike which passed by like 99% he gave a speech there and is huge and really
Starting point is 00:12:11 well received where he attacked by name the Democratic mayor of Chicago Lightfoot. Yes. He told them straight out no you're fighting a class war and then the next day he went out to Detroit and he spoke at the picket line with the UAW workers and was you know very like you know pounding on podium kind of speech and was really well received there and that's just that's such a striking contrast between you had Bernie you know actually giving a speech at the UAW picket and then you had Warren who tweeted about it and then you had Mayor Pete who thought you know I well that's that's the place to go I'll just just head
Starting point is 00:12:49 on over there. No it was very it was very Kendall Roy energy as Blair told me Bernie giving support to potential teacher strike I think is really huge because that is the one type of strike that Democrats won't even pretend to support because they usually are good about pretending to give a shit about private sector strike actions and stuff but when it comes to public workers that's where you know they're looking to have that job that they're looking to negotiate with those people. Yeah they're looking to be the boss that's what the Democrats are the boss is most most
Starting point is 00:13:21 urban municipalities yeah and so they they can't even pretend to support like things like teacher strikes. Also may repeat is the one I candidate I think who is most likely to start rapping awkwardly and like thinking like this is really smart he looks so good this is showing another side of me. He does that thing I think it's on Fallon or it might be Seth might one of those awful fucking late night shows where it's slow jam the new that's Fallon and that's him he's done that who just has done that so yeah he's already halfway Bernie is not slow jammed
Starting point is 00:13:58 he's not slow jammed. He definitely asked him to do it he said no yeah absolutely no time for this nonsense and will not sanction your buffoonery and people who just goes on all the shows and he's doing the carpool karaoke yeah doing the fucking dances with James Gordon. Well I guess like you know it's it's it's really been a fucking dog shit slow news week which is very funny for us to say because everyone else is shitting themselves shitting their stomach lining out because the impeachment is finally happening like I said to me once again boring okay is it boring that in a second anonymous whistleblowers come forward to say
Starting point is 00:14:36 that Mike Pompeo yeah the Secretary of State had an email it was on the same email chain as Olga Kalishnikov that's right buckle up you know and it's like I guess this is like technically I understand like I've already lost interest in it because like all of Trump's surrogates have thrown so much chaff into the air about like they're changing the whistleblower statute and like I understand this is all bullshit and all strategy to like just confuse and you know pedophog the issue or whatever but I've already lost interest well here's why it's working here's why I'm bored with it it's not because I think the Trump says I think I think the response from the Trump camp has been really funny so far no I'm bored
Starting point is 00:15:17 because it just sounds like the same shit from two years ago like this is a rerun and this is a remake yes and it's an remake where once again the basic thing the incipient incident is obvious corruption by a potential Democratic opponent no this is no not a re it's a reboot you are rebooting the fucking Mueller thing this is the force awakens show me a new thing I want to see a new thing I just love another death star fuck you I don't care what you call it it's a death star I love defending a hunter dumb shit crackhead bitons five hundred fifty grand a month job for that with a Ukrainian national gas company that he absolutely got on his merits and was not naked influence peddling but it's like no it's okay that he did that
Starting point is 00:16:03 because that's just how things are and you know if Donald Trump's kids had done it you wouldn't think it's okay good this is fantastic I love that everything that depends on me giving a shit about one element of a massive tapestry of official fucking corruption and sanctioned corruption and being like no this went beyond the line calling the Ukrainian president and asking him if you ever saw Trump's cameo and Home Alone 2 that crosses the line yeah we're just summoning different like elite failed kids yeah like their Pokemon to battle each other yeah they're fighting each other I cast Hunter against the Joe John John Jr. and as we've all stipulated Hunter would destroy him destroy but yeah I just like pass don't
Starting point is 00:16:44 care out of here just by the way Hunter binds Pokemon type rock type he is a geo dude for sure I mean again like it just it's it's hard to know because it's like I think it's technically the correct thing to do because I think it's good to give the Trump people and everyone else kind of a busy a busy box to play with no that's exactly but but and like their their response has been very very funny like when you have Giuliani on TV literally saying say goodbye to the bad guy you think that he's gonna be the hero man I'm gonna be the hero man and just seeing his disgusting as Felix is describing like just piss soaked like feces mouth on television just drool and like just have a seizure on television it's hilarious
Starting point is 00:17:37 but then like again the response to it is all like again can't make you feel too good about all this like the Democrats are in charge of this and the Biden campaign's response to this was to write a letter to all the major news and cable network saying we are asking you very politely but firmly not to have Rudy Giuliani on awful it's just like why wouldn't you want him on dude it's not like we have anything to hide and we're suggesting that because he might be an insane person but he is doggedly fixating on the my kid's job that we don't want you to talk to him it's it's classic Democrat stuff I love it I guess like here here's the best way I mean because you know it's in the ether I think here is the best way to suss out you know what to think
Starting point is 00:18:24 about impeachment and that's through a wall street journal opinion piece from last week that I definitely I definitely bookmarked because I thought it would be good to a good lens to view this and it is simply titled would Shakespeare impeach Trump well he was a playwright he didn't he wasn't in a government yeah he wasn't in parliament and all like he wasn't a politician well the son of a milliner I believe yeah glove maker yeah the as it says here the president is no more corrupt than king lear it's a good good point yeah yeah so this is by uh greg opelka in the pages of the wall street journal let's just let's just let's just dive into this and like maybe through this we can suss out you know how we feel about I believe king lear's casino
Starting point is 00:19:12 did not go under after six months you know let's see what what would the bard do you know yeah so it says here the democrats pushing impeachment simply don't understand donald trump their latest theory that mr trump leaned on ukraine's newly elected president zelinski to tarnish joe biden and ease the path to reelection in 2020 has one glaring flaw it isn't in keeping with mr trump's character mm-hmm okay let's just try to think about that like what about this wouldn't be in keeping with everything we know about the transcript or not a transcript whatever you want to call yeah phone call yeah the thing where he sounds like himself yeah it wasn't you who said like you know I know this is funny but it actually does kind of feel bad that that's the president
Starting point is 00:19:57 and he talks like no you look at that you look at the thing and you're like every world leader is listening to this child babble in their ear and I do feel embarrassed because you have a presumption when you see a politician like like Obama or Schumer or Romney or whoever uh that you know okay what they're saying on stage that's that's a lot of bullshit like when they when they're alone when they're talking to their advisors or foreign leaders it's like okay let's get down to brass tacks yeah and then with Trump it's like no there's no there's nothing secret no he might as well be talking to a bunch of you know retired orthopedists in a fucking suburban basketball stadium the it's just it's like it's like one of his rallies and well so what's what president me about
Starting point is 00:20:38 the phone call is the Ukrainian president just mirroring what Trump says because I think at this point every other world leader gets it oh yeah they know how to treat him now he is the easiest nut ever to crack in terms of how you get on his good side and he's just saying you know yeah thank you no it was it was a great win uh very good yeah no Anna Wintour did look look terrible she's very nasty person mr president by the way those Jupiter missiles you know just want to make sure that's a great deal um my favorite thing about his reaction to this is that he keeps describing it as a perfect phone it's a perfect phone that's such a fucking good phrase have you ever had a perfect phone call had a good phone yeah exactly every phone
Starting point is 00:21:22 call I've ever had is suck it's dog shit it's why once people once they created the technology where you didn't have to give make phone calls no one does anymore no one makes phone calls now because it's a terrible interaction it's a perfect it's awful well it's awful because a normal person when when you're talking to someone you want to see that person so you can like read their body right and think because you kind of care about what the other person is trying to communicate with you but we know that trump doesn't care what other people are trying to say to him to him it's just like he's talking on the flintstone phone the only phone you ever do mr president I like talking to you the only phone calls I get now are in Chinese or or like someone in India telling me the IRS is
Starting point is 00:22:07 on their way to my house to arrest me unless I give them a five thousand dollar amazon gift card or my dad calling me to like coordinate a playlist to be played at his funeral again he's in perfect health he's doing fine but he just wants to update me on like his yeah his death spotify playlist um but just going on here let's you know back back to this wood shakespeare and piece of trump it says here the democrats it like it don't understand trump's character because I guess they haven't he doesn't have a character we talk about he has zero virtues as a human being like even the virtues of like a cruel like Titus Andronic yeah like he has no personal virtues he has nothing but vice and weakness 100 percent we've known this for over three years why is anyone
Starting point is 00:22:54 pretending over 20 years like everything about this guy's public persona like yeah just a scumbag like again the first paragraph they're saying like you know the one glaring flaw with this is that like everything we know about trump's character would lead us to believe that he's not the kind of person to do an embarrassing sleazy fucking like just pathetic attempt at uh graft and bribery over the phone it's like that's what he's been doing the guy who used to brag about how how close he was to the fucking Gambino family so going on here it says anyone who observed this man during his 2015-16 run for the White House learned one thing he doesn't think he needs anyone's help defeating his political opponents oh i see okay okay i get it he sees himself as Gulliver and his
Starting point is 00:23:39 challengers his little no no wrong fuck you you cannot have two literary fucking metaphors here you're it's lear it's it's fucking swift or Shakespeare you gotta pick fuck off trying to extort a mafia like favor to defeat mr. Biden would it be would be an admission of weakness likely the most odious of character traits to mr trump i mean that's true like trump despises that in other people but it's not like he doesn't exhibit that like he doesn't view himself exhibiting that trait as a character flaw no because that is like as you said that's his only character trait no this is just a classic trump scheme it's uh completely half-assed and it's just straight up just saying to someone yeah you'll get to the bottom of this for me won't you
Starting point is 00:24:23 i mean everyone the the democrats still remember him saying in 2015 during the during the race or 2016 saying hey russia give me some more stuff i love it and of course yeah they say oh that was a joke but even if it's a joke the premise of the joke is he would like help and he admitted that even jokingly in public so the idea that he is psychologically incapable of asking for help to beat somebody wrong going on here it says even more ludicrous is the notion that he would reveal such need for assistance on a high-profile phone call being overheard by a dozen officials in both countries in mr trump's world real warriors don't connive they conquer what does this guy think donald trump is and also if this is so ludicrous to think that he would never make such an embarrassing
Starting point is 00:25:08 phone call why did they immediately scrub it and like put it on a secret server to keep it out of official government channels also you conquer by conniving he's not fucking patent he's a fucking real estate scumbag you go behind people's backs yeah and you just like fucked them over and don't i mean like well yeah would you say about him oh there's no way he just stiffed all the contractors on one of his projects because that would admit he doesn't have money he did that we know for a fact it would be like yeah you owe me half a million dollars for putting in these windows he's like no i don't fuck you good already i'm good luck at sumi and he did that so he clipped there's no amazing already a mystifying editorial we haven't even gotten to the shakes
Starting point is 00:25:49 yet seriously the obvious explanation for trump's request of a favor springs from what seems to be the prime motivation behind all of mr trump's behavior a profound sense of pride in his accomplishments and deep indignation when anyone calls them into question having been lambasted as corrupt mr trump likely wanted to expose mr briden as a weasel and not the honorable moderate man the former vice president styles himself as but wouldn't it be the same the motive wouldn't matter it's the same action it's it's it's it's yeah it's trying to use a leverage of this weapon deal yeah to get information about biden that's it doesn't matter what if it's about pride or wanting to beat him it's the same thing well let's go further
Starting point is 00:26:34 here i'll say i mean maybe it'll make sense if i keep reading if democrats really want to understand i'll put laundry bags on our heads first if democrats really want to understand the president they would read shakespeare's king lear yes all the aging monarch wants is to be loved and appreciated by his three daughters how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child he laments about his eldest gonoral gonoral gonorrhea gonorrhea trump hates his fucking kids though and it's not because they don't kiss his ass enough no because they're weak little shitheads yeah um yeah mr trump is lear and the country is the king's daughters what wounded the king more than anything was filial and gratitude what seems to gall mr trump most is the thought that his achievements
Starting point is 00:27:17 record low unemployment substantial tax cuts a booming stock market deregulation judges go unacknowledged by his gonoral reagan enemies who instead seek to obstruct him at every turn after a series of seemingly never-ending assaults on his dignity lear painfully observes out on the rainy heath i am a man more sinned against than sinning it isn't difficult to envision mr trump saying the same absolutely yeah no totally agree dude it's not difficult at all to envision trump saying that yeah that complete sentence with a subject and an object uh totally i love you that like yeah yeah what galls mr trump is that the country just doesn't like him enough also this person has never read the fucking play uh you know at the beginning of it you know what the
Starting point is 00:28:02 inciting incident of it is it's he's stepping down from power yeah and he's giving his power to his kids and rainy gonoral and reagan do kiss his ass it's cordelia who who refuses to kiss his ass and he gets mad at her and then doesn't give her any of any of his kingdom right yeah does this lack the opposite of what happens in the play also god damn it saying that he's like a conqueror and a monarch who like he despises weakness and like values strength if you're a monarch what the fuck do you care if you're ignorant dipshit subjects like or love you seriously and also yeah like the your kids are not the same thing as the fucking rabble the the the the the fucking pig fucking peasantry who you've never interact with even okay so going around here says this is
Starting point is 00:28:56 very short there's only two paragraphs left but he says even adamant supporters of the president aren't blind to his annoying character flaws the endless self aggrandizement the bravado the hyperbole the unpresidential disregard no they like all that stuff yeah no yeah no like adam by adamant supporters he means the never trump conservatives yeah those are the people who are annoyed by his yeah they like everything but that stuff yeah as opposed to the trump supporters who like everything especially that stuff mr trump's brashness invites his mistreatment to some extent his mistreatment that is so funny shakespeare's lira was full of himself too and like the king mr trump has been subjected to a daily barrage of indignities distortions and outright falsehoods which render
Starting point is 00:29:37 him a folk hero to his followers haters there was not full of himself he was genuinely screwed over by his daughter in the trump lear story mr trump's champions resemble the faithful kent who called the monarch every inch a king every uncut inch and mr trump they see every inch a president impeachment may turn some against mr trump but it will only rally those who actually understand him see this is why i support impeachment is because every never trump conservative after saying you know we need to do something about trump has now now said of impeachment bad timing not good so like that's just a good bellwether for why i think it's probably a good idea because uh trump like lear is a senile man and uh impeachment is basically trolling him and
Starting point is 00:30:30 causing him to react online a funny way and of course i support that i see i don't think i think i think he's missing a beat i don't think see so much a shakespearean figure in trump but more of like a crap classical um greek tragic figure i mean like in so much that he's uh fucked his mother and ate his children uh his pronos yeah yeah i don't know i'm i don't i don't know about this impeachment thing the good thing is it doesn't matter what i think or what any of us think oh yeah it's being done by the house democrats who by definition are terrible so it will be bad in practice regardless of what its theoretical merits might be it's it's going to be bad to the degree that impeachment is limited to this ukraine thing to a very specific
Starting point is 00:31:16 act of collusion just one phone call that the republicans can then you know throw up all this stuff and and obfuscate the matter and make it ambiguous and confusing in people's minds i mean i guess the other the other like a buzzword uh that came out of this week outside of impeachment was of course civil war yep get ready folks it's happening trope retweeted uh something from pastor robert jeffrey's another apocalyptic yahoo who said that if the democrats go ahead with impeachment it will cause a civil war in this country i mean this is this is something that you know right wingers have been fantasizing about since like the the golden age of the teacot internet oh yeah like the early tea party stuff was like this cosplaying of the american
Starting point is 00:31:58 revolution and now now they're moving into more of a civil war thing where they're like you know we need to uphold the constitution by killing half the people in the country yes who don't revere it the same way we do and you know like obviously it is disturbing to have a sitting president invoke a civil war if his you know you know if we use the democratic mechanisms of our government to uphold them accountable or you know attempt to uh i don't know punish him in any way for his various uh misdeeds however i think we need to be clear and this goes back to i think the fourth episode we ever did with y'all bear yes when we talked about the conservative fantasy of uh yeah any kind of like uh civil insurrection or civil war against the federal government
Starting point is 00:32:40 and how funny an idea that was in the 21st century but i i just want to like reiterate that there is absolutely nobody no one in this country on either side that actually is serious about having a civil war because nobody at the end of the day really wants to die no any of this shit and honestly that's like it's a good news because it's going to prevent a civil war but it's also the kind of thing that would prevent uh like a revolution americans don't want to die or more importantly uh they're not some of his supporters they're not willing to die for anything bigger than themselves and that is the going to stop people from doing anything that violent i eat on some of the in any large numbers supporters do and uh but that's that's more stochastic
Starting point is 00:33:23 violence see that's the thing is that yes his supporters are on the whole uh pissed off and much more heavily armed than his opponents well that's what they're always like to tell you fragmented and you know dissociated and like largely comfortable middle-class fat asses and and there are a few guys who have nothing left to lose but you know worst-case scenario trump gets impeached you'll see uh like the bikers for trump will show up in washington for sure uh they'll they'll like they'll block the the road for like two minutes until the cop shop and ask them nicely to stop and then they will because they love the cop so much that's the real problem is that trump does not i don't think have any kind of buy-in with like any kind of significant
Starting point is 00:34:09 sector of the military or like the the police uh mechanism in this country so that if he was removed through ordinal functions of government that they would say no we're backing him uh yeah because he's not integral to anything now members might like him i'm sure cops love trump sure cops especially yeah but also if the cop if their boss tells them to clear never of some bikers for trump from blocking the street they're gonna do it yeah uh and so that means that there is not going to be any kind of main major uh uprising i mean there might be a few guys who like yeah like try to go kill Nancy Pelosi or something like that yeah i mean i don't want to downplay like the potential for sporadic individualized acts of violence or terrorism but
Starting point is 00:34:54 like any kind of you know yeah like mass secession or like organized you know battlefront against i don't know uh urban liberals or whatever not not gonna happen you know most of the people who are most obsessed with this idea are in a rascal scooter right now so like you know nothing like that could possibly happen as long as the donkey sauce continues to flow the lights go on and you know like well you can get your fucking seales prescription we talked about this for like again you know don't don't take too much heart from this idea because i'm i think you know matt i know you've talked about this before the far more likely outcome than civil war in this country is just a kind of soft military dictatorship like you know egypt or uh it's pakistan or
Starting point is 00:35:38 thailand or we're you know turkey or whatever we're just basically the military as like the biggest most durable most powerful sector of power in american you know society just basically takes over the resources and ordering of civil society yeah just to keep the donkey sauce flowing and the supply chains you know running you know but like i if there's any kind of like significant economic crisis that precipitates a political crisis the very rich will just secede from the public sphere and then the military will come in to organize the the the economy along like sort of like a bunkhouse uh matter and so everything's going to be run through like px's and shit and like in that 2014 in thailand you actually had something like a real civil war precipitating
Starting point is 00:36:30 moment over the prime minister who was beloved by the rural peasantry and hated by the urban middle class and they were in the streets in in different colored shirts fighting it out for like six months and then the military one day just rolled in the streets and said okay no no more of this knock it off and uh and that's that's what would happen is that the military as like a third force would i mean obviously the rule that they would enforce would be much more to the liking of the trump supporters sure than the trump opponents but it would not it would not necessarily be like a trump infused like blood and soil thing so much as a man like a managerial police state yeah and that is why you know any you know a sanders presidency or like any left-wing movement or
Starting point is 00:37:20 like government or like let's say it achieves power of any level in this country it goes unspoken and like you know nobody certainly sanders isn't really talking about it but i would say like priority number one would be shrinking the size absolutely the military and intelligence communities in this country and the police okay getting rid of the cia and s a whole set of course turning landling landling into a parking lot that would probably be easier the military is a much tougher not to crack but the best possible thing would be to just simply reduce the size and scope of the military to about if even i'm being generous here a tenth of their current size yeah like and of course doing something like that could precipitate a real conflict exactly that that would might lead
Starting point is 00:38:02 to a military coup but i mean that's the kind of thing where if you can't do that uh that's most likely hope at all what's going to happen in the future yeah a good bottle is sanders plan for criminal justice reform and one of the components of something that criminal justice advocates have talked about for a while now is the fact that the police have to do the job that a social worker should do so it's about reducing the size of the gun police and increasing the what the fuck is that oh god oh no what do we do the army just to hack into that this is attacking us oh no no yeah but like uh and again like the the people uh you know the founder the founder fuckers and constitution humpers in this country talk about their love of constitutional governments
Starting point is 00:38:56 and how we strayed from the founders if you were to like bring any of them back to life and show them contemporary america the the thing that would seem most alien and horrifying to them is the vast standing army and bureaucracy military bureaucracy that pervades every level of the u.s. government that is the thing that they would probably be most horrified about and honestly that i'm a free free black people it'd be neck and neck with those two things but yeah like i mean that is a thing that that would be abhorrent to the you know founders of the country is having a standing military the size and scope of the one we have and i think yeah project number one if you ever get into power is scale vastly scaling back the size
Starting point is 00:39:38 of the u.s. military yeah and that do not need a standing army just keep a couple hundred nukes around as a deterrent against any other invasion but other than that i think most of it eventually you'd want to get rid of nuclear weapons entirely obviously but yeah but and that is why i think standards is so fixated on like the idea of maintaining a uh a a movement one season power it's not just to make sure that they can pressure you know the senate and passing medicare for all or something like that it is providing a copular counterweight to these institutions so that they can't they won't be able to resist uh uh reform without encountering real uh like a real pushback from actual people instead of people just going back home after election day and watching
Starting point is 00:40:24 as things play out on tv and then like and then one day they're watching tv and there's a guy in a uniform there instead of the president like oh shit what happened which is exactly what impeachment is and that's why you know that's another reason to tune out of all the impeachment analysis uh because it i don't get to vote on it doesn't fucking matter to me so i i support impeachment at the beginning of the year and i support it now for the same reasons that it you know as we saw in the mother investigation which did take out some of the guys underneath trump uh it's it's good it's something that will will will cause inertia in his administration hopefully uh create a rift between him and some of the people underneath him uh which isn't just funny but it also has the practical
Starting point is 00:41:03 effect of ideally slowing down the you know of his white supremacist project and as well i mean we know that trump won't be removed from office there's absolutely zero chance so that's why there's no reason to really care about this uh the other thing is the house which is supposed to be the you know the probably the most important element of our government uh we know the democratic controlled house is not going to do any real thing to stop trump like they're not going to defund ice they're not going to reduce the size of the defense budget uh they're not going to reduce you know take away his spying powers or anything like that uh so if that's the case the best possible thing they can do is hold these public hearings like nadler's committee is doing to like get these
Starting point is 00:41:51 thugs at goons you know you know drag them in front of a camera and then pry into you know their finances and then their their their emails and shit like that and uh you know created a historical record of the profundity of the criminality of the administration even if it doesn't lead to anything even if it doesn't lead to indictments what though it might you know some of the evidence they turn up might very well lead to indictments but even if it doesn't you know at the end of this whole constitutional process the senate acquits trump that's fine because what the hell else would they be doing except trying to uh cut a fucking grand bargain with trump or find common ground or some bullshit like that like no there wouldn't be no no legislation don't don't even try
Starting point is 00:42:33 well that's a busy box that was what's so funny about trump threatening to shut down the legislative process yeah well no he said he said he says now he's like now we won't be talking about gun regulation yeah that was gonna happen oh really yeah well this is i mean this gets to another point like uh a lot of people when they um try to give you sort of realistic arguments for like why uh bernie sanders would be like a bad president they're like realistically what's he gonna do what's he gonna get done with like a republican senate and like you know the house to the state of where it is to be like honestly four years who are president not doing anything is actually pretty good blessed like it's always he's not doing anything bad yeah you know what i'm saying just
Starting point is 00:43:17 sort of like holding in a kind of stasis but like in doing so naming and shaming the actual individuals who are causing all of like preventing any of the good things from happening is not totally bad and it's like actually preferable to a president you know a democratic or progressive president who would get things done and by that i mean compromise and some deeply you know awful way this is a separate conversation but i believe american prospect is running a series on what a president can do like just through executive order just on day one with the powers already granted to the president and it's an immense amount of stuff it's more than just you know it's more than just the height amendment or student loans yeah yeah yeah student like a president could just like immediately
Starting point is 00:44:07 wipe out like every student look trump already did it for veterans he already fucking did that and nobody fucking cared about it i mean that's the other thing is like uh trump is sort of established a precedent that like the president uh can basically do whatever they want or just ignore congress so like just use that yeah yeah absolutely yeah just like exactly but you know and and like the final thing i've been thinking about is impeachment about impeachment is it's you know this it's a show this is this is a tv show it's it's a movie it's a fucking reboot that's what's so boring for all of us because it doesn't matter it doesn't fundamentally matter what happens to trump already the the ending's been written we already know what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:44:46 but like the the forces that you know still dominate our government that produce trump like that's that's still going to exist because the people who are most obsessed with impeachment don't care about reckoning with those forces they don't care about that fight against capital they are watching a tv show and they're getting really obsessed with it and i can't help but think you know good for you buddy you know all the russian people names uh you're saying oh we oh this is it we got him this time oh have you no shame sir oh when when susan collins gets my phone call she's going to uh she's going to do the right thing and you know i'm just like you know have fun have fun you're you're posting you're watching tv uh racial mad out must be
Starting point is 00:45:26 just vibrating out of her seat these days it's it's it's it's one prophecy fail shit the mother prophecy failed and like here's the new thing and all remember all of this took you know like the congressional committees have been investigating the trump administration since day one but all this took was nancy polosi saying you know this this will start a formal impeachment inquiry nothing else has happened since then yeah and that's them that's that's the the the liberal media consumer you listening to this you know it you should at least try to be a little smarter than that and realize how little this impacts your life and i mean you can you can you know find it funny and you can think it's good that that uh trump is melting down online turning on the
Starting point is 00:46:06 people under him because it is funny and good but ultimately you shouldn't like try to contribute to this process in any way you certainly shouldn't give money to fucking democrats in congress the fucking uh frontline democrats who are in swing districts who only now came around to impeachments just because of all that pressure and you certainly shouldn't think that that collection of x cia agents and health care executives or yeah oh my god yeah this is a litmus test for how left you are his impeachment that's all bullshit this is all a show you're smarter than that that's that that reminds me uh the guy the whistleblower is apparently a cia agents yeah so this so q is once again half right in that there is a deep state war against trump and this is part of it the only
Starting point is 00:46:52 thing they're wrong about is that he is too much of a diarrhea fountain moron to actually be able to effectively fighting back against them no yeah the the ci angle is hilarious because it could just be like this leak is just all about making sure that that missile deal goes yeah exactly you know what i mean like like they heard that and they were like they were like when white house insiders heard the content of the tape they were horrified like what they were horrified about is the idea that he might not sell all these weapons to ukraine yes yeah it's like there's probably some insanely complicated like guns and money laundering operation going through there like those those missiles end up in like Syria or some shit and that's like you cannot we can't have this idiot
Starting point is 00:47:35 blundering in there and fucking this up and you know like obviously like a lot the democratic uh congress congress people who were like you know the the most out front of the impeachment thing was sort of like the the gang like rachita to live and yeah aoc and others and like you know their argument is like just impeach now because trump is like an existential danger to uh the civil liberties exactly as it was in uh fucking february 2017 exactly but yeah no that new gang of uh the the ci agents and health care executives oh my god that that was really that was this fucking site my goodness there were puff pieces about them calling them the moderate squad yeah yeah political and shit even before they were elected you have adopted the badass label these freshmen
Starting point is 00:48:19 congresswomen created their own group the badasses badasses kind of came organically from the group since we all had either served in the military or in the cia oh man yeah just the yeah but the other thing and i i tried to i tried to say this earlier i'm gonna give it another shot at articulating this like we don't trump is a deranged white supremacist but and who has who just like says these these these these these these projects these that he wants to do like building a wall on the southern border and everyone else is like okay well that's that's the thing we tell the the dum-dums you know we don't actually do crap like that because that's insane uh but he actually wants it to happen and and the one thing that's really held him back for
Starting point is 00:48:55 all these schemes is the lack of a a a bureaucracy of an infrastructure that's loyal to him incompetent he has not been able to get that and things like the Mueller investigation ideally impeachment hearings would target that that that that division between trump and the people underneath him who sense intuitively that oh he this guy's just gonna turn on me in like the span of a tweet i'm gonna wake up and there's gonna be a million magamoron screaming at me because he found an email where i said he sits on the toilet too long or something like that and uh and like it's good to go after those people those people they they should have there should be a professional and social cost to being to working for the trump administration
Starting point is 00:49:40 and it's one that liberals generally don't want to impose on these people because especially if you are you know uh members of congress and their staff members like those are your friends oh you disagree with each other but you go to the same shitty fucking bars you marry each other you're all married to fucking the same pool of hedge fund people and media executive there certainly was a heavy social cost imposed on everyone who's worked in the bush administration right remember that exactly it's the same thing so like i'm saying i'm saying unless an impeachment inquiry is going to go hard on those people to target those people which i actually i i i'm afraid it won't because Nancy Pelosi has said she wants to curtail it make it just about this
Starting point is 00:50:18 fucking ukraine phone call then the next time we get a fucking a white supremacist autocrat president he'll have a competent you know group of people who are loyal to him because presumably he won't be senile remember how christian nilson the the uh the homeland security secretary who oversaw the the tensions at the border she was supposed to be a pariah forever when she got fired i believe she would just spoke at an atlantic conference yeah if all these people like end up on the conference circuit or they fucking you know end up in like a lobbyist jobs or a hill staff or jobs or on dancing with the stars or whatever the fuck then they'll they'll realize there's no fucking penalty for doing any of this shit and if you don't want them to be penalized then then
Starting point is 00:51:02 you're admitting that this doesn't matter to you this is all a fucking tv show you're watching all right well moving on let's talk about um another thing that's uh making right wingers incredibly angry incredibly angry and incredibly horny oh yeah i'm talking about the uh the teenage climate strike going on right now and they've really uh i noticed this the other week they've really um moved on from focusing all of their uh deep-seated sexual pathologies on the parkland teens to uh the climate strikers and uh gretta thunberg oh yeah thunberg thumingberg as we film them they're really mad at her they're terrified of her uh she's hitler to them which of course is wonderful because once again it it's the same thing actually kind of with the fucking
Starting point is 00:51:49 gun teens is that is that their frothing psychosexual rage at this girl obscures the degree to which i mean i have no problem with her i think she's doing what she thinks is right but she at this point clearly has been co-opted but i mean like silicon valley is behind this shit she's got people marketing those climate strikes like fucking justin true doe who's mr fucking pipeline hillary fucking clinton who we know from the fucking leaked cables when she was secretary of state was all about expanding uh about oil drilling and shit and she's out there like gretta you speak for us so it's another co-opted horseshit well it was the same thing with malala right yeah it's it's it's all there's all just ends up being a fucking they become
Starting point is 00:52:28 mascots for a corporatized movement that is designed basically to monetize a social crisis and never actually fix it uh but that's it's hard to remember that when you have all the worst ghouls in the world just jacking their dicks and screaming about these people and how their demons spawn well right but remember that i mean the the climate activism isn't isn't just gretta no no of course i'm just saying that the that the the whole i mean that's i mean that's climate strike thing that's this i mean yeah i agree with you that's disappointing uh that she's getting recuperated uh uh but it's you know it's it's it's not a criticism of her buying no no no i mean i think she's she's i don't think that she is an op personally uh but i feel and that's
Starting point is 00:53:15 it's like when people come and help you people offer you help and you're in a position like that it's not you're not really in a position to turn it down sure yeah and i mean those are the power problems and in the real the real problem is that we just don't have a model an effective model for dealing with climate change i always she's going for the model we've always used and the thing is is that awareness raising model you know mass protest thing it's its record is pretty bad but there's nothing else no it's right i mean the energy is there and the thing about gretta is she is more symbolic of the reality for people her age yeah who are just learning about the history and the state of things in the climate and they're going wait what's gonna happen when i'm
Starting point is 00:53:56 30 yeah wait wait hang on you realize i'm 15 right yeah i don't get the luxury of being dead so i mean the energy is there and that's great but like yes there has to be there has to be a firm ideology there else that energy gets dispersed or recuperated like when you see like woody harrelson and billy eilish being like you know lend your voice to this cause like you know to raise awareness and they're just like you can't talk about climate change like yeah enough of this awareness just start saying we need to nationalize the fossil fuel industry right now and phase it out because i think these are the only way it's going to happen yeah all right so like but i want to talk more about uh let's see let's do a reading series this
Starting point is 00:54:36 week this is this is this is some hot fire here and uh let's um let's go back to our friends at the federalists oh because they have had a a very very federalist style reaction are they just writing to get on our show with yeah yeah because we were talking about how coolette had blown them out of the water and now i think they heard about that and they were like rolling up their sleeves like we can give you some crazy sexy shit right now you you think you think we've been lapped in terms of providing you with psychosexual uh dream journal entries we have them this show makes up 25 percent of the readership of the federalists and i'm not talking about the listeners i mean the five of us no we've answered the question who funds the federalists yeah
Starting point is 00:55:17 and look in the mirror yeah um no yeah like uh quill it um sort of uh they lapped them for a short period because quill it like the federalist is incredibly horny but it's the type of horny energy for people who like read or jack off to erotica whereas the federalist is like just wild like like you know people who whip themselves and like you know put wrap their dick and barb wire and shit like that and you will see it very much so in in this article here so this is buck comes to us courtesy of a guy named um uh sumantra matra writing in the federalist a headline climate worship is nothing more than rebranded paganism oh yeah climate worship i mean i guess i mean do you worship oxygen i mean do you worship food do you worship water do you worship the
Starting point is 00:56:11 things that allow you to live every day i guess you should you could argue uh but i mean i guess she's saying no you take them for granted until they're gone and then you just die well well you know before i mean i was i was reading daomi klainz's book before the enlightenment uh she writes before the enlightenment uh you know we consider nature as as divinity as a divine thing and then after that uh it became a machine to us mm-hmm well the subhead here is we're seeing sexualized dances oh shit hallucinogens oh worshiping nature no confessing sins and pagan animism worshiping purified teen saints all to promote a supposedly greater cause keth Christianity Catholicism no purified teen saints not a thing sexualized dances is like from an op-ed in the
Starting point is 00:56:58 fifties about buddy holly you i mean i would love to see like the the the the english the english army and the fucking brigundians writing this about jonavark like look at these sicko catholics worshiping this these sicko french people worshiping this the sanctified teen the sanctified teen the federalists is the local paper from the town in footloose oh my god i could just imagine people getting uh as mad as jonavark as they are about greta yeah look at this fucking you got a fucking girl over there you you're not gonna fucking take it kick me out and fucking or leon you bitch you take my broad sword when you cry it from my cold dead hand all right so let's let's let's let's let's delve into the psychology here uh lin towns and white jr an american historian from
Starting point is 00:57:45 princeton wrote an influential essay in 1967 at the height of the cultural revolution in western campuses arguing that christianity and judaeo christian values ding ding ding there's that abuzz word that tells you what you're about to read is absolute horseshit from a moron uh doesn't understand anything about history or the religion he's proposes to a spouse uh so you guys here um our judaeo christian and judaeo christian values are responsible for ecological disaster and climate change the essay naturally was adapted by generations after ironically almost like a document of faith the central argument went like this white argued the victory of christianity over paganism was the greatest psychic revolution in the history of our culture
Starting point is 00:58:29 by destroying pagan animism christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the feelings of natural objects if nothing else the last few days should be enough proof enough to prove that western civilization a product of more than 1500 years of judaeo christian values is facing its most significant and sustained challenge in centuries from tribalistic paganism a force that seeks not only to turn back time but essentially to destroy the entire current edifice i'm sorry what is western culture if not at least partially influenced by paganism it's all built on the it's built on the top of paganism exactly like it's that's why there's a fucking easter bunny you fucking dumbass that's why they add the judaeo christian part to make it
Starting point is 00:59:12 seem like western civilization is just always synonymous with uh monotheism circa palestine in the first century yeah um okay so next next section gretta thunberg thunberg how do you say thunberg gretta thunberg thumenberg gretta thunberg thunberg thunberg gretta thunberg and the church gretta tunepound gretta thunberg and the church of mother earth as secular liberalism destroyed the fundamental ties that bind society faith flag and family flag flag flag damn you secular liberalism oh the human instincts for faith to believe worship submit and fear didn't just go away but manifested in various other pre-civilized tribal ways for example a liberal liberal seminary encouraged its students to skip classes to pray and confess
Starting point is 01:00:02 sins in front of potted plants in switzerland 250 people in full funeral garb mourn the apparent approaching death of a glacier that is why members of extinction rebellion do what they do extinction rebellion is an apocalyptic cult that wants to radically and wow takes on a no one i thought they were trying to stop the apocalypse from happening well no it's an apocalyptic cult that wants to radically end everything around you from your private cars to the burgers you eat but they're going and the plastic chairs in your yard right but that's a plastic chairs in your yard is a new thing that i i obviously burgers in your car people very worried take away your yard your yard chairs your yard chairs gotta keep those they're coming for your lawn they're coming for your yard
Starting point is 01:00:46 chairs so it is a cult that was formed after its member its founder took psychedelic drugs and prayed for social change members have blocked dc and london intersections twerking the way people in pre-civilized era would perform a fertility gas to pray to gaya yeah that's what they're doing in those rap videos again i mean i like that they they're that he just has twinned pagan culture with a cinnamon as like a synonym for pre-civilized yeah where it's just like all of the major early civilizations were all pagan yeah and they were like a hell of a lot more civilized than fucking early modern christian europe yeah like you're talking the romans the romans the greeks you know like even you know like the galls and druids the original yeah they had a level of civilization
Starting point is 01:01:34 yeah yeah for sure um so yeah and also i i love twerking yeah like that that's like the dry queen story hour like the twerking thing is like they're terrified of that yeah this is an ass in motion that's the devil doing his work and then their saint gretta our perpetual teen of sorrow i've been comparing her to worship her worship to jonah vark ever since she was invited to the british parliament the birthplace of modern democracy well why is that okay but this isn't that's pretty hypocritical she was surrounded by buffoons nodding their heads like they were listening to gospel truth i wrote about her long speech before the new woke capital fanatics adopted her as a pawn in a recent speech to the un while clearly having an emotional meltdown she told the
Starting point is 01:02:18 assorted leaders voice trembling that they have failed the children in history won't be kind the gatekeepers immediately held her as a brave savior as well as a vulnerable autistic teen who shouldn't be bullied so there you have it sexualized dances psychedelic hallucinogens worshiping nature confessing sins and pagan animism worshiping purified teen saints and throwing them up on an altar bereft of their childhood to promote a greater cause does it say anything about polyamory in that because that that would be a good evening add to that which is hexingbreck cavanaugh and having a weegee board to invoke that with climate change and well she's he's just talking about the general sort of uh the the new dawn of witchcraft they're very afraid of you know using weegee boards
Starting point is 01:03:02 that's also terrible uh and everything old is new again again the early early christianity uh they definitely did hallucinogens i mean not to not to be like bong hit uh dorm room conversation here but like the book of revelation was written under the influence by saint john of potmos potmos an island in the aegean i think known for its hallucinogenic cacti yeah and if you know you read the book of revelation man no man that's dude that you was trippin in balls man balls seven headed bees dude what are you spoken and i love it like uh which is hexingbreck cavanaugh well obviously it didn't fucking work yeah i mean maybe they've covered up the fact that his dick has shriveled up and fallen off but i mean he's still going to be on the supreme court as long
Starting point is 01:03:45 as we're all fucking alive yeah so i mean we get what are you what are you worried about dude i just think like it's just like he's just describing the elements of like all the things that convulse his weirdo christian yeah mindset are being replicated but not in the way that he would prefer yeah and he's just like well yeah this is scary and bad so he goes the reality of course is completely different oh let's hear about the reality much less than destroying the planet climate change isn't even settled science oh okay when conservatives don't disagree that the climate is changing that is a straw man conservatives however are opposed hysteria have skepticism about the rate of climate change and would like to see an actual cost benefit analysis of the radical
Starting point is 01:04:27 change being demanded i don't think says he has skepticism about the rate of climate change he already mentioned people having a funeral for a fucking glacier what do you think happened to it it committed suicide it was twerking it's worked out it's worked itself to death more important than that conservatives understand that climate change is cynically used by a certain section of people to justify their political goals of steering the west away from its way of life i love it because climate change denial is exactly the same thing but being steered in the opposite direction which is good yeah he goes a way that is perceived to be evil and harmful heteropatriarchal and capitalist how appealing to the faith-based part of human
Starting point is 01:05:09 brains the need for subservience and propping up children as human shields again conservatives never had problem with smoking human shields when it's in like you know any other context you know if they just happen to be palestinian or whatever they're just like well they shouldn't have been fucking there in the first place well that's the thing they hate them they hate the rule yeah they hate using human shield because then they have to kill it and then that's the pr problem having to kill the human shield so he goes on here say here uh the left created a climate crisis and worships it consider a new letter by more than 500 scientists which the mainstream media completely ignored it urges the united nations to have an open debate between scientists from
Starting point is 01:05:46 both sides of the argument and states there's no climate emergency i would like okay i'm just going to click through 500 scientists 500 engineers who work for exxon yeah let me just i'm just clicking the link to see uh it's just there is no climate emergency yeah who are the scientists professor goose burk out the netherlands he's good does it say what their field is uh no they just say professor oh they're all they're all oh at the at the very end of this letter though the viscount monkton of brec and brenshley of the uk he doesn't believe in this so they're just their their professors ironically these are all gender studies professor so it goes here in short everything you you're being told is wrong or flawed and you're a chump who is being taken for
Starting point is 01:06:28 a ride for all of the marxists faults the old left at least wanted to conquer nature instead of turning subservient to it of course that went to its own extremes but one can imagine joseph stalin uh putting all twerking climate fanatics as mentally ill people in a forced labor camp to build railroads in ciberia i mean again that's what you want to do yeah the current silent did nothing wrong that's what he's saying the current chinese government likewise gives two hoots about climate change and for all the bravery of greenpeace and saint gretta there's nothing they can do about china burning more cold than the rest of humanity combined the modern left is a combination of two of the worst impulses in human history first are the ultra privilege bourgeoisie which having lost
Starting point is 01:07:07 their old judaeo christian faith are instinctively attracted to pre-civilized rituals from overt sexuality to fewer familiar time familial ties again you're not selling me on what exactly i'm supposed to what what the benefit here is to hewing to these judaeo christian values also i mean that sounds cool but that's also that sounds cool but that's not actually the case like the actual people at the very top are incredibly fucking boring people yeah like they're not even doing the fun things they're not doing the fucking decadent parties and shit consider late roman public orgies and you get an idea i like he just says that he's just no you just think about people fucking in public and you get the idea of what i'm talking about just have that image in your brain
Starting point is 01:07:50 and like yeah think about people fucking in public like i do all the time non-stop every minute of the day at the same time which people in their their voyeuristic fuck parties at the same time human minds feel a gaping void that there's gaping human minds feel a need to gape um no human minds feel a gaping void that still needs to be filled by an alternative faith it is in that intersection where this occultist apocalyptic climate paganism comes from it gives some privileged people a noble purpose as french philosopher uh pascal brookner wrote in his book the fanaticism of the apocalypse save the earth punish human beings the current movement has all the trappings of religion saints sinners providential end apocalyptic
Starting point is 01:08:34 fear punishment and penance it appears emperor constancy and children clearly failed to civilize the future their future generations the pagan barbarians from the north are back circling outside the citadel again he just comes down to this thing where he's like uh they're doing and believing all the exact same things i do but um they're in the wrong way yeah yeah so like i'm just saying like i i fully i i'll agree with him that like all this shit just is repurposed religious fervor in a pagan context but like you get to do cool like you know uh wicker man style stuff which is way better than going to church church sucks oh yeah well i mean i assume this person is a tried catheter yeah yeah he's a pretty good guy yeah he's obviously yeah and so you know chances
Starting point is 01:09:18 are you also made this decision like that yeah exactly consumer choice chances are you were not you know inculcated into this life from dot the bottom you don't know any other possible world because you're not you're not amish you're not hermetically sealed off from the world uh so you're probably attracted traditionalism for the same reasons but can you read the persons uh like you're i'm sorry you're attracted to ritual and shit for the same reasons but can you read the the person's uh byline uh says uh sumantra matra is a doctoral researcher at the university of nottingham uk and a senior contributor to the federalist his research is in great power politics and neorealism you can find him on twitter at mr matra very cool so he's a he's a climate expert
Starting point is 01:10:02 in other words yes he can tell you don't worry about it's fine no it's funny because every month every month is literally the hottest month ever it's fine don't worry about it he's saying that like you know like the the neopagans have glommed on to climate change as like their apocalyptic event and he's like yeah made up not a thing no need to worry about it let's not get hysterical the apocalyptic thing you've glommed on to is weegee boards and drag queen story hour dude so who has the better story okay like i'm saying that what if it's all if it's all just the science yeah like well forget science you know what i'm saying who has a more compelling apocalyptic narrative even if it's all bullshit you know i'm saying like we're all just choosing our narratives and religious uh
Starting point is 01:10:43 uh instincts to glom on to and punish uh uh uh heretics yeah and extoll saints over i'm just saying the story you're telling is uh really unconvincing really boring and makes you seem like a huge fucking dork even if you again you know like even if you assume climate change is made up which it definitely isn't like you can see like i mean again your apocalyptic narrative and the saints that you extoll are like again like who like Molly Hemingway Brett Kavanaugh like these are your fucking martyrs like give me come on so if you're good if you look my advice to these federalist people is you're right all the teens they're poly they're witches they're they're twerking they're worshiping rocks but i'm saying to compete with that you're gonna have to start playing the
Starting point is 01:11:31 game yeah oh yeah you're gonna have to start playing the game and if one side is offering roman-style public orgies hallucinogenic experiences um and yeah mid-summer-style stuff you're gonna have to do a little bit better you're gonna have to start reaching into the pope should do dmt because right now it's it's because of papal infallibility the uh you know we just have to uh assume that the pope is right and like talks to god and shit and like people are just not really buying that anymore but if the pope just you know just went into just a total fucking drug binge for you know 48 hours and came out of it and said yeah i saw god and here's what he told me i'd i'd kind of believe it look they're saying that like you know modern liberal society
Starting point is 01:12:12 now that we're post-judeo christian are you know reaching into the past to uh you know resurrect these older you know pagan traditions which is also somehow not western and not civilized which is also very funny um i'm just saying like the the trad cats or whatever you're trying to reach back you're trying to do the same thing and for exactly the same reasons as everyone else is because you're another alienated modern fucking you know bug person or whatever but you're not reaching back far enough or hard enough yeah because i'm saying like your modern martyr are like the covington teens and brett cavanaugh i'm sorry that's not selling it dude yeah you're gonna have to try harder okay you need your own Joan of Arc she actually did go to fucking war yeah and got burned at the
Starting point is 01:12:54 stake yeah brett cavanaugh is sitting on the supreme court and probably still doing rapes allegedly yeah so i mean come on okay okay you know who i really want to worship uh these like sami shamans who would eat like some kind of like psychedelic berry and then uh piss it out and then drink the piss because you have to you actually have to metabolize it in order to to make it uh it's like proactive yeah and then they'd have visions and then convulsions and shit and then uh i don't know i guess uh tell you what where to where the reindeer are you know that's what that's that's what i'd like to worship but the reindeer that's metaphor like i don't need the rain i don't need reindeer access information but it's more like you know uh where can i get
Starting point is 01:13:44 really good to tacos where should i go where should i go for dinner just just cut should i dye my hair i'm just saying like they they they they see the pagan elements you know coming back in our society and i'm saying if you're gonna want to fight the witches you're gonna have to uh you know become more of a witch finder you know i'm sorry you're too weak you're too much of a baby to do it you are no gerult of review yeah exactly at least rod tells better stories yeah oh yeah no rod rod is doing spiritual warfare he's definitely closer this guy you're just a grad student dude yeah lame you're just a grad student who's just like they're they're doing they're doing orgies not in public but it's presumably elsewhere in private according to these sketchings yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:14:30 so yeah um there you go these people love western civilization until they don't that's that's basically it well it's gonna be hard to go to church when it's 12 feet underwater have fun with that have fun putting out a fucking snorkel to get fucking communion anyway should we uh wrap it up for this week yeah okay uh plug plug plug time plug virgil and i will be appearing in a as yet undetermined role it'll be good though i promise uh at at the goth socialist variety hour uh at littlefield uh sat next saturday october 12th from seven to ten with the antifada and pod to america and uh i leslie lee is going to be there i believe yes from struggle session yeah uh that's a good crew it'll be fun i think we'll put the link to ticket in the description of the show
Starting point is 01:15:22 come out yeah also a paperback edition of our book is coming out yes all right yeah yeah uh it's got a much better cover than the original i don't know now we you know we accrued a few more listeners since our book came out a year ago uh so you know for those if you're new here uh we wrote a book and uh we command you to read it how about this buy the paperback book uh uh there you go buy the paperback book we'll put link to preorder on amazon in the show description we're not going to link the amazon in the show oh no okay not okay link to preorder on the indie bound okay there we go all right bye bye

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