Chapo Trap House - 372 - Karmala Police (12/2/19)

Episode Date: December 3, 2019

We take a look at Elizabeth Warren's declining poll numbers and Kamala Harris' fizzling campaign, and wave goodbye to Steve Bullock and The Admiral. So with the field narrowing, we must also consider ...Ross Douthat's backhanded case for Bernie, and wait patiently for the Klobuchar Moment. UK Mini-Tour: 2nd show added in London December 10th! Tickets still available for all shows, London 12/9 + 12/10, Liverpool 12/11! Come thru!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Matt and Amber, hey, where are we going to be one week from today? We're going to be in Charlie. Oh, they good. Hello, mate. That's here. Oh, okay. Yeah, absolutely right. And if you want to hear more of that classic Matt, Christmas, flawless British accent, your uncle, we have three shows. I'd see a crisp. We will be fencing all the crisps all over the two cities of the United Kingdom, the twin jewels of the Royal Crown. We will be in London on December 9th. That show is almost sold out. So we have added a second show London December 10th tickets available for available for both those shows. But the
Starting point is 00:00:43 10th show, the show in the 10th just opened up and on in Liverpool on December 11th, the day before the election, the hard day's night. Yes, it will be a hard day's night. We will be doing only Beatles jokes the entire time. I'm certain that will not get old. No, I love it there. Yes, at all. So 9th to 10th in London, the 11th in Liverpool, UK, chapeau election specials. Jez is going to do it. He's going to do it. I got to say, I'm sort of jealous of, you know, Matt, Amber and Virgil. They get hot. Yeah, well, for that reason, obviously, but also you get to go to the UK and thanks to the Tories, you guys can buy
Starting point is 00:01:23 the NHS now. Yeah, you're going to spend some of that Patreon money buying a national health insurance. I'm just going to come back with like MRIs. I think I could fit one in my anti chamber. My pockets will be full of insulin, which I will not declare on the way back. So yes, the tickets are available for all three of those shows. New show just added December 10th in London. Link in episode description. Go come out and see us. It'll be fun. Chapeau UK. Let's go. Let's go, mates. Okay, we're rolling. Rolling, rolling, rolling. What? Greetings, friends. It is
Starting point is 00:02:19 your chapeau, a twice weekly podcast that I think is the only one that can give you the guarantee of absolutely no malarky, flimflam or monkey shines ever. I just want to say something like you got all types of guys being, being where they do all the time, but when you got, when you listen, man, listen, man, all right, it's like when we, when you get into the Oval Office day one, you got to be around who you got to be to see. And if you're not seeing who you want to, who you want to go to, to be who you are all the time, whether you're Christian, Jewish, Hindu, or just any other type of holiday, see, you're not
Starting point is 00:03:02 going to, you're not going to excuse me. You're not going to, you're not going to excrimate what we're trying to do with the current president. And when you're not, when you're not being, being, being that where you are, you've got to, you've got to do who you know. Thank you. What did we all think of Joe Biden? What do you think Joe and Jill, they still got that chemistry magic touch? Yeah, just, just little nibble, little nibble of the fingers, little snack. When your, when your wife puts her finger in front of where, where you want to, where you want to go, you got to be who
Starting point is 00:03:38 you, who you said you were going to, who you said you were going to say to do. I just remember like typing, I don't remember it actually, but I woke up and saw that I had sent just the word malarkey to the group chat. And I don't remember if I had any observations on it, or if it was just like a reminder for myself later. But anyway, the, the Biden campaign is really heating up. It was a reminder of the thing, reminding yourself of the thing that you don't want. Right. You're like malarkey. No, thanks. Get it away from me. I mean, yeah, no, he has his campaign bus. It just says no malarkey on it.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yes. Which is like, stealing Irish Valor. Yeah. Cause he's a fucking crowd. People need to understand this. He's a phony Irishman. That's so he is less of an Irishman than De Niro. Okay. Well, he's ripping off the straight talk express, which is like the oldest man sounding thing possible back in 2008, but also it's also a specifically a reference to something he said to Paul Ryan in their debate when they were,
Starting point is 00:04:42 when in 2012, he said, he said, this is malarkey about, uh, about Paul Ryan. And I remember at the time all of the web left Democrats, like the daily coast people were like, Oh my God, Joe just annihilated Paul Ryan, blew him off the stage. And I think in his mind, that's still like a ringing moment in his career that everyone wants to be reminded of. That is like the last impressive thing he did. Like it's not, it's just the last thing he remembers television. He's yelling sassafras.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yeah. I like, he thinks he was debating Barry Goldwater at this point, but like he did like kick the shit out of Paul Ryan, which is like more an indictment, but it was like an alpha moment. He felt like an alpha and that basically there are no moments in existence of Democrats feeling like alphas in a public, you know, well, it's true. He is an alpha too. I mean, like a lot of his appeal to people is like, does that, and like, he said he would punch Trump in the face and like, I think people just want to remember a time when Democrats weren't pussies. Even if it means they're
Starting point is 00:05:47 insane. Yeah. Because he's like, Hey, you know, those like old, like crooked Irish board healers, like those Tammany Hall guys from the daily machine, who they're built like refrigerators and they had a toothpick in their mouth and they're always like handing out the local, uh, patronage jobs and they can just beat your ass up on a Friday night. You know, like that kind of fucking Democrat. You know, the, the, the ascendancy of Biden is a testament to the crisis of masculinity. It's true. That's very true.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Biden, Biden's like a, he's the most dialectic candidate because he is like, he's the type of politician that replaced those guys like policy wise, but he just cares around the skins. Right. He just has their affect. Yeah. Well, speaking of that type of, uh, old style corrupt politician and, uh, you know, Irish people in general, I just want to say, I hope everybody listeners, you took the time over the Thanksgiving holiday to, I mean, yes, watch the Irishman, but much more importantly, make every woman in your life. Also watch the Irishman just as a way of saying thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Yes. I haven't watched. Here you go for being around with a dude. I also very, I think I've told you this story before, never saw the final eight minutes of Hoffa because I got in a screaming match with my ex who I was watching it with over whether or not Jimmy Hoffa was justified in using mob muscle to bust up scabs. You can guess which side I was on on the couch for two days. This is the Nicholson DeVito Hoffa movie. Yes. I actually, I actually just rewatched it. I'd never seen before.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Very underrated. DeVito is a great director. Written by David Mann. You know what? The makeup is excellent. Physical effects. He looks like, he looked like make a Hoffa and he sounded like him, too. I'm going to spoil it for you here. The very last scene. Oh, no, no spoilers. I haven't seen it yet. What happens? He's killed by Frank Whaley, the young guy at the diner who like DeVito is
Starting point is 00:07:39 like when it keeps in the present, he's like talking to this young team, sir, at the diner. That's how he's a hit man for the mob. Yeah. But like, but that's bullshit. Like they're just going to bring Hoffa back in Hoffa Infinity War. Listeners, would you like to be a part of this history? Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm pretending to be from the middle Midwest. I heard you post screenshots.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Sorry, that was Catherine's joke. I steal enough from her. But again, you say thank you. I made her watch the Irishman again. Yes. And we saw in the theater together. All right. So we brought up, you know, the non Irishman of this campaign. Joe Biden, the fake. The plastic padding. Actually, a guy who apparently in his life had some contact with Frank Sharon.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yes. Oh, probably. Yeah, yeah. I think they like there is it is like that he met someone either Frank Sharon or someone in that universe has to forget. I don't have the details in front of me. But I think like, you know, for the next hour or so, I would like to take a tour through the other Democratic candidates and check in on all of them, what they're doing. I would like to get to a absolutely delicious piece in the New York Times
Starting point is 00:08:49 that is a, you know, autopsy of the Kamala Harris campaign. And I got to say that it's the thing I've been most glad to be totally wrong about this election. So I remember that like one week when I was scared of Kamala Harris like last February. Well, yeah, no, it was literally one week. And then, like I said, she opened her mouth and she's more wooden than Hillary. She opened her mouth and swallowed a bunch of Xanax. Like she like that announcement really really she had like 20,000 20,000 the biggest until
Starting point is 00:09:18 Bernie and Queens. Yeah. Yeah. The biggest campaign. And who would have seen it coming though? She had such a winning team. Well, yeah, yeah. She got. Yeah, we'll get into we'll get into the funniest thing though. The funniest thing about Harris, though, is that because she looks so good on paper, you know this multi she could be all races to all people, a woman from California, the whole state party basically jumped on her back and she got endorsed out of the gate by most of the Democrats in the state of California. And now they just all look completely impotent
Starting point is 00:09:50 because she was pulling behind Yang at this point in California. I want to get to this big article on Kamala Harris, but before there, it does behoop us to check in on Elizabeth Warren, whose campaign is a bit of a speed bump, shall we say, based entirely around over. Yeah. Well, based entirely around the roll out of her, her Medicare for all those who wanted plans. Yes. You know, when she decided to be cut, pull the mask off and reveal the mayor Pete underneath. What's so fascinating about that, though, is that like pundits are
Starting point is 00:10:24 noticing that she's taken a slight dip in the polls and hilariously, they're all attributing it to the fact that she tied her campaign to Medicare for all and not the fact that she backed away from it. It's baffling like Bernie isn't going anywhere and he's Mr. Medicare for all. Meanwhile, she was going up while being for Medicare for all. It was only when she decided to take the to go bow to the pressure of the media and stuff that all of a sudden she goes, you have another to take on this. But the other thing I want to note is the other thing
Starting point is 00:10:53 they're saying is they're like, well, Warren is dipping slightly in the polls, you know, but like Bernie clearly isn't benefiting from it. Like, why is that? And it's just like, well, because all of her support goes to Pete Buttigieg, which just shows you that like, as I said earlier, Warren supporters are not really going to not that many of them are going to be committed to Bernie. These people are begging, begging for a reason to vote for someone like me or Pete. And I think as polling will show out, it's actually Biden is the guy who if he, you know, just like walks into a
Starting point is 00:11:23 swimming pool and drowns himself or something, most of his, as I said, Amber correct again. No, that's the thing. It's that is that the the Warren supporters were always not going to have a class interest in common with a working class political movement that Bernie represented. That was always the case. And the thing is, is that those Biden supporters, because he's to the right of Warren in some way, people think, well, those voters are to the right. No, no, they're voting for pop voting for papa. Those are low information voters. And guess what? In any political coalition,
Starting point is 00:11:53 they're going to be hugely important, right? Like, even if they don't know or care that much, even if they don't care that much or know that much about issues, but if they like Bernie, because he seems honest and they trust him, he is also all you need. And that's what you're going to need out of tons of people to sustain a majority. Right. No one likes Biden's policy positions. They like that he like, you know, he makes him feel good. Yeah. And he, and he threatens to punch people. He's cool. Biden like doesn't have policy positions. Like they fucking ask him,
Starting point is 00:12:23 what it's your healthcare thing. And he's like, I think all types of people should go to the doctor and go, Hey, man, you're a really great guy. And it's like, right. It's like the, the political media has spent like the last 20 years just doing bullshit. Like who won the dinner plate primary? Just fucking idiotic bullshit. And they're just, they now think the American electorate is focused on policy when like the way most people like take these candidates in is not really through fucking policy at all. Like of course, like yeah, Liz supporters are going to want someone who they feel
Starting point is 00:13:00 is like closer in personality and like signal, cultural signaling than Liz. And you know, Biden supporters are just going to, when Biden finally like decapitates himself with an electric razor are going to look themselves in the mirror and go, it doesn't matter whether you're celebrating Christmas or the other one, you can be who I want to see as my neighbor that I vote for because they're not going to be, even if they aren't ideologically sophisticated, they're not in, they don't have a class conflict with the Sanders campaign. These fucking war supporters are just, they don't have the same class
Starting point is 00:13:37 interest end of story. And that is what we found out today. One of the reasons that she ended up switching from Medicare for all to the mayor Pete two step plan was because of the composition of her voting base. There's an article in the Washington Post today that talked about her decision to switch on Medicare for all and embrace choice. It says here that on the ground of the early states warned her skeptical questions about Medicare for all in her public town hall meetings and during private meetings with her staff frequently arranges that her staff
Starting point is 00:14:10 frequently arranges with key community leaders before she goes on stage. Here we go. The exchanges were a reminder that many in Warren's base are largely educated, affluent voters who might not be ready to give up their private health plans because these are people who already have good health insurance, the best there is in the private market. So they actually do have something to lose with Medicare for all in the sense that, oh no, now poor people can access my level of medical care. And now I have to worry that's not going to be as good for me.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I got to note about this like the Warren, the committed Warren people have now developed this line where the smartest of them realize that you cannot with a straight face make the argument anymore that they her and Sanders are indistinguishable from one another. That's the malarkey. You know, for like basically a year now that was the argument which was a de facto argument for Warren because it's like, well, if they're the same then it behooves you to support the woman and the old white guy, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:15:07 blah. You can't make that argument with a straight face anymore. So what they're doing now is that they're saying that how preemptively disappointing she is as a candidate is actually very smart on her behalf and good for us, the people, because it'll mean she'll disappoint us less later when she's actually president. Yeah. I mean, that really is like she's playing three-dimensional chess because it's boring and no one cares. But this really goes to show that what matters about a politician is the
Starting point is 00:15:37 composition of their base, not their personal views, because so much arguing about this war and gets bogged down because the question is what does she actually believe? It doesn't fucking matter what she believes. The matter is that her base is a bunch of well off people who aren't really invest wouldn't really have a skin in the game the way that Bernie's base is and that's what determines. That's where it flows up from.
Starting point is 00:15:59 The policy change flew up from her base, not from down from Liz's personal beliefs. And also like the middle class are not loyal. Those hoes ain't loyal. Always. They go with the hot hand. They go with who looks like they're winning. And that means they could be the tail end of a working class group.
Starting point is 00:16:15 They're rear garters. They're rear garters. Which is good. I mean, it's good for us. It sounds like overly romantic, but Bernie's base is stronger and more committed than any middle class base could ever be because they're not rear garters. And because of that also gives us, you know, us personally and then you're
Starting point is 00:16:37 the listener. We were 100% right on Warren. It's awesome. Everyone tried to tell you otherwise, but like now it's undeniable and I would just say like keep at it. The Warren supporters, they're very weak. They're weak. They really don't like people being mean to them.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Oh, they can't handle it. They're just full force ahead. And what they'll always try to do is just like, wow, you're only hurting Bernie by being mean to me. You were never. You were never. If you actually gave a shit, this would not register. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:08 You cared about any of this shit you wouldn't have supported. No, but the thing is they can't. You know, the future of the human race and, you know, dignity for all humans. But someone being mean to me on Twitter, I don't know. You never gave a shit. They're very weak. And do not believe them when they're just like not believe their lies. A good political Biden supporter.
Starting point is 00:17:27 They just like a strong man. If you like, if you criticize Biden on Twitter, you don't really get swarmed. You get like a reply from like a 62 year old retired like RN. And they just hear my grandchildren. Right. They shit. They're like, my grandson got dressed up as Trump for Halloween. You're like, that is nothing to do with anything.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Really? But like, have a good day. I guess, like, you know what? They really are the just want to grill. Yeah. That is 90 percent of all of the Web betrayal flies over their heads. They're like, yes, I think Joe Biden is a corn cob. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Yeah. No, you're you're like fucking white knuckling your keyboard and crying and you're like Joe Biden is a fucking bitch. He's going to get memed on, you know, and he's going to tap out. Oh, Joe, Mike Bravel is going to drive on burden. And you're you're that pleasant 63 year old who's just on the best cocktail drugs you can imagine is just like, well, I hope you get some good grilling in today. But the beauty part of that is that means that when Biden starts falling
Starting point is 00:18:36 and they got to go somewhere else, there's going to be no hard feelings. Yeah. Well, the war people just got lives. They just taught their granddaughter to fly a kite. Exactly. They're seventy two years old and are just now like getting into model airplanes. Yeah, like they rule like those. The hard core of the Japanese Islander Kalamala people.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Oh, they'll they'll create. They'll do their own third party or they'll like do ritual suicide before they vote for Bernie. I don't think these Biden people are like whatever dude. The Biden people. Okay, so if like the Kamala people are kind of like the Japanese holdouts in Okinawa, I guess the Biden people are like the Italian army. Yes. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:13 They're waiting to surrender. They just want they wandered into Ethiopia. They'll surrender to the press corps. Yeah, yeah. They'll surrender to a medic who's going out to take a leak. Yeah. I know I don't have to fight a bomb. I will say this though.
Starting point is 00:19:27 As intense and Taipei as the Kamala people are, they're not going to commit ritual suicide because they all just came from Hillary and they're just going to move on to the next person. Like they are just bloodless, dead. They're sharks. Can I say like I do kind of respect the Kamala people, like the diehards because it is like. The K-Hive.
Starting point is 00:19:48 The K-Hive. The K-Hole. Yeah. I kind of like them because it's like it's easy to be a diehard for someone who's winning. Like it's easy to just take someone who has momentum and be like, yeah, I've always loved them. You know, I've always been a fan.
Starting point is 00:20:03 It's like being, being like a fan of the New York Yankees, the winning his team in NYC baseball. That's right. I think they're the minority though. No, obviously. I mean, she's pulling it like just like below the margin of error. Like she's fucking dog shit, but it is awesome to like take a candidate like that and be like, yeah, I know she's pulling it 3%, but I will die
Starting point is 00:20:25 for her. Yeah. I'm not voting for anyone else. She fucking rocks and it's like she doesn't even like really bring anything, but she brings nothing. I kind of like even they can't really say why they like her. Yeah. I think it's her lustrous hair.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Whereas the warren people, wimps and simps, we've already seen about a third of them have already already peeled off. Buttigieg. I think a small number of them will go to Bernie. Yeah. The best majority, but only if you continue to be very, very mean to them on Twitter. They're pay pigs.
Starting point is 00:20:55 You're for the third daddy. That could be you. Just just just neg them. Just dominate them completely. The ones on Twitter are not going to Bernie. There are probably people who are passive warren supporters who see who will go to Bernie and there's a few of them, but they're not the ones online. No, no, like, no, but they're, I think they are online, but they will witness
Starting point is 00:21:16 what happens to the simps. It will be exemplary. Yeah. Exactly. The terror will be. We're doing like a demonstration execution. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:25 You know, when Rome would crucify a thousand people on the road and everyone knew. All right. I guess that slave rebellion is over. So, okay. Let's let's go into Kamala now because you know her campaign. Yeah. That line.
Starting point is 00:21:36 And it's about to come back. That is not what those machines sound like. Well, you know, I mean, I haven't spent a whole lot of time in hospital. So, you know, I mean, I'm going from what cartoons have told me about what it sounds like when someone dies. I go to the hospital every day just to cheer people up. I hear those machines literally every day. So there, there, there is a big reenacting choker.
Starting point is 00:21:56 There's a big article in the New York times that is kind of like, you know, a death knell for this campaign about like what went wrong. So I'd like to just apparently they got 30 people to go on the record, which is pretty much unprecedented. If a campaign has any lifelift in it. So again, they're probably all just doing it to get out and find the next campaign. Trying to get that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Actually, like what happened is one of her top, top advisors jump ship to Mayor Bloomberg. Oh my God. That's the worst. She wants that. She wants that check. That's it. A guy who is not even running in the first four primaries because yeah, it's just about the money.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Right. Like a guy who's like staking all his presidential hopes on winning the little St. James primary. The real super Tuesday. So this is the New York Times headline. How Kamala Harris's campaign unraveled. Whoops. Kamala Harris is the only 2020 Democrat who has fallen hard out of the top tier of candidates. She has proved to be an uneven campaigner who changes her message and tactics to little
Starting point is 00:23:02 effect and has staff torn into factions. So like there's there's a long article, but there's some good stuff in here. So begins here in early November, a few days after Senator Kamala Harris's presidential campaign announced widespread layoffs and she intensified focus on Iowa. Her senior aides gathered for a staff meeting at their Baltimore headquarters and pelted campaign manager Juan Rodriguez with questions. What exactly was Miss Harris's new strategy? How much money and manpower could they put into Iowa?
Starting point is 00:23:29 And what would their presence be like in other early voting states? Mr. Rodriguez offered general tentative answers that didn't satisfy the room according to two campaign officials directly familiar with the conversation. Some Harris aides sitting at the table could barely suppress their fury about what they saw as an undoing of a once promising campaign. Their feelings were reflected days later by Kelly Mellenbacher, the state operations director in a blistering resignation letter obtained by the Times. This is basically the downfall bunker scene, but for Democrats.
Starting point is 00:24:00 So yeah, like so resigning. What it goes on to say is that like this was this was an interesting detail that I had no idea about until I read this article. One of Kamala's top people running her campaign is her sister. Sure. Well, like who knows you better? Hey, it worked for the Kennedys. Yeah, it's right.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Boom. It goes here. Even to some Harris allies, her decline is more predictable than surprising. In one instance after another, Miss Harris and her closest advisors made flawed decisions about which states to focus on, issues to emphasize and opponents to targets, all the while refusing to make difficult personnel choices to impose order on an unwieldy campaign, according to more than 50 current and former campaign staff and members and allies. Many of her own advisors are now pointing a finger directly at Miss Harris.
Starting point is 00:24:48 In interviews, several of them criticized her for going on the offensive against rivals, only to retreat and not for not firmly choosing a side in the party's ideological feud between liberals and moderates. I mean, Matt, this speaks to your point where her biggest mistake was trying to start the campaign as like a progressive leftist. Yeah. Or like early. She was going to be on the left wing.
Starting point is 00:25:11 For Medicare for all, she was, she was originally going to be the electable, diverse, a leftist candidate. I mean, within the confines of the Democratic establishment, obviously. And then, yeah, she lost credibility on that instantly because she did the Warren Medicare for all blink in the face of media scrutiny instantly. Except she did over 10 years, which is even funnier. But she, she, she, she blinked like the first debate, like she buckled instantly. And so then boom, she immediately lost her credibility on the left.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And then she tried to go to the moderate position, but there is no room there. And nobody bought it at that point. She'd already been mean to Biden. And they didn't like that. Here's another good thing from this article. It features several characters who you may remember from Chapo classic episode. The Donner Brazil book episode. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:26:00 It's representative Marcia Fudge. Oh no. Let's go, baby. I still wonder about Donna. I have told her there needs to be a change, said Ms. Fudge. One of several women of color who have been delivering hard to hear advice to Ms. Harris in recent weeks. The weakness is at the top and it's clearly one.
Starting point is 00:26:19 He needs to take responsibility. That's where the buck stops. So it says like the subhead of one of the, the graphs is a team of rivals with no clear message. The fact that Ms. Harris is just sounds like a group of people that don't like each other. It's just a bad party. When she entered the race in January, she bet that the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire would matter less to her than her political fortunes in South Carolina,
Starting point is 00:26:44 which is predominantly black democratic electorate. In this view, a strong show against South Carolina, which votes fourth, would vault her into racially diverse Super Tuesday states like California that would propel her candidacy. So for much of the year, she focused on competing against Joe Biden in South Carolina and beyond. What her campaign did not anticipate was that Mr. Biden would remain strong with many black voters and that Senator Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete Buttigieg would rise as threats in Iowa and New Hampshire. I said this before as well.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Black people like Joe Biden more than they like Kamala Harris. There you go. Well, that's pretty clear by now. Her assumptions about the issues that would inspire Democrats were also muddled. She began running on a tax cut aimed at lower and middle income voters and then turned to a pay raise for teachers. But those proposals also did little to animate voters, especially those riveted by the ambitious policies of Ms. Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And before long, Ms. Harris was downplaying what were her signature proposals. For a time, she sought to highlight a pragmatic agenda about matters she said voters thought about while lying awake at 3 a.m. Today, her aides are given to gallows humor about just how many slogans and one-liners she has cycled through with one recalling how to quote the speak truth spring gave way to a 3 a.m. Summer before the current Trump focus justice winter. Good Lord.
Starting point is 00:28:06 From the start, the campaign structure seemed ripe for conflict. I mean, they talked about like they split her campaign headquarters between the Bay area and Baltimore with like two different people basically running two different campaigns often at odds with one another. Sounds like a great way to organize it. That's how if we learned anything from Obama, it's if you want to accomplish something, just get everyone who hates each other and make them fight it out. There were also generational fissures.
Starting point is 00:28:34 One advisor said the fixation that some young staffers have with liberals on Twitter distorted their view of what issues and moments really mattered. We did it. We did it. We broke their heads. We broke their brains. They were in there like swat and flies on Twitter like, oh, these pesky. She's not a cop.
Starting point is 00:28:51 She's not a cop. It's like you idiots. Nobody cares about that in the greater electorate. You're just going crazy with these these Twitter gadflies. Which is us. So take a bow everyone. You own them. No, they're not talking about you guys.
Starting point is 00:29:04 They're talking about me. They're like they're like Senator Harris would walk around the office for weeks wondering if crazy towns butterfly was actually a good song. I suggested she would go. Maybe it's time for me to watch me on Genesis Evangelion. You don't really think that's a good song. I don't know. It depends on like how badly I need to feel something.
Starting point is 00:29:31 It depends also how badly he wants to troll you. Someone who's favorite song as you have said is camp town races. Butterfly is a terrible song. I don't know. Sometimes you just got to you just got to argue shit. You just got to be like niptox better than midsummer. You don't know what the fuck you mean. Keeps him on their toes.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah. So it goes up, you know, basically listen or take a bow. Once again, trolling made it happen. Troll. Troll. Fucked up their entire campaign. Well, like Ian Sam. Ian Sam is my favorite figure from the Kamala campaign who like.
Starting point is 00:30:14 He just like give us off a vibe. Like he has a son on Xbox who abuses him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't, but it's like. I just like see his like I just see him coming home and there's just a room filled with like monster energy posters and like master chief sculptures. And he's just like our internet sucks. Dad, you're a fucking pussy.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And he like almost apologized to him, but Ian Sam's like for like someone must have told him to stop because for like two months he would just reply to every fucking like rose. He was like DMing people and emailing them. Oh, wow. This is good coverage you got here. Wow. Real fair.
Starting point is 00:30:52 DM someone who like this is like he DM like a political reporter who's like pretty much just middle of the road. Yeah. Like boring. He just had said something like, wow, like, you know, Kamala's big thing at the debate about banning Trump's Twitter account really didn't land. And then like long paragraph DM just being like, normally I
Starting point is 00:31:10 respect your work, but like this is whiteness personified. I have to say that that is maybe the single most purely cringe moment I've ever witnessed in a debate. Oh, man. The where she thought her moment was going to meet the rest of the field. Join her demand for Twitter to ban Trump because he violates the terms of service and it's not even the what he says is bad,
Starting point is 00:31:34 but that it's not fair that he violates the terms of service and everyone else. They don't get to stay on when they may need to. They really like the Democratic Party defy just whiny little hall monitors. All they care about is that the rules get followed. Look at our staff though. Like they were definitely leading that charge like what
Starting point is 00:31:57 matters is Twitter because they're the most bullyable people on earth. Well, it goes on to say right here. They could like that's their disability like zero in on things that literally 5,000 people in America care about. Like it was just this tin ear for issues and statements that like for 5,000 people, they're like, I've been waiting for someone to say that.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And for the rest of Americans to just turn their head sideways like a dog who heard a weird noise. The forgiveness policy that would literally only benefit me. Like the one person. The one that got that one that got plagued by Mayor Pete. It was only for people who had low income Pell grants. So like like poor people who needed a lot of money to go to college who had started a business in a low income neighborhood
Starting point is 00:32:50 for three years for three years. So literally Amber, the Brooklyn podcaster from Indiana. That's I, I don't, I don't know anyone else who would have liked about it though is that yeah, one of the worst most like cartoonish neoliberal program that doesn't even help the people it's designed for. It got taken by Mayor Pete for his Douglas plan who made it even worse.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yes. They did shit here. Also calling it the Douglas plan is some balls. Oh yeah. That is some balls. Yeah. True to his vision. Who told him he could do that?
Starting point is 00:33:29 It was everything else about it was so deeply offensive that like no one even commented on that. Yeah. It's like, oh yeah. Here's, here's the Malcolm X national national highway volunteer plan. Like what the fuck we're going to increase minority entrepreneurship by any means necessary.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Eventually they're going to run out of people. They're just going to start moving on to like Marcus Garvey and like, I can't wait. I can't wait for you to get on that black star line to a earned income tax credit. I would like to see Mayor Pete with that hat. The heart of the Garvey hat. Mayor Pete announces Thomas Sinkara literacy program school
Starting point is 00:34:12 charter school program. He's, he just, it was like the Three Stooges syndrome for Mr. Burns. There's just so much wrong with it that like it all sort of got itself out. By the way, this is all happening at a time when I keep reading stories about how like in Mayor Pete, South Bend, Indiana, like they are just literally like bulldozing the
Starting point is 00:34:32 black neighborhoods. Like it's West Bank or something like for develop. Well, there was a headline yesterday that said that Mayor Pete was slow to realize that South Bend schools are not integrated. Yeah. He's ready to be president. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:46 He's like, are our schools segregated? He did not know and it took him a while to realize. Well, I'm sure he'll be a faster. Which is weird because I'm sure the answer will be charter school. So that'll somehow fix the segregation, even though that's what creates segregation. But Matt, to your point about the unbelievably cringe worthy
Starting point is 00:35:04 stunt to try to get Twitter to ban Trump's account. It says here, her own staff joked that it was not president Trump's account that should be taken offline as Ms. Harris or as, but rather their own trigger happy communications team. Boom. Ian. Sam's say it was the Samuels or Sam's Sam's Ian Sam's
Starting point is 00:35:23 which by the way, I know it's not New York Times, which by the way, hilariously, his name isn't even mentioned in this article, but he was sub tweeted as a bad poster in the New York Times. Can you imagine the fate? Where's the death? So it goes on. Some of Ms. Harris's AIDS said she had better instincts
Starting point is 00:35:40 than her brain trust. One official recalled that during the flight from Oakland to Iowa on the night she announced her campaign in January, Ms. Harris told senior members of her campaign team that she wanted to quote ghost stealth. Okay. However, instead of she was going to do a halo insertion to the boy.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Senator Harris, this is a sneaking mission. You have to obtain support by what by the people you meet. However, there's no such thing as that. There's no such thing as having better instincts than your brain trust because you are deferring to your brain trust. Which means your instincts are bad. Just because you're ambivalent about something, you don't get credit for being like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Right. It's like, oh, she doubted the terrible fans before signing off on that. Yeah. Who would have said that about anything? Also a bad instinct making your sister one of your chief campaign adversaries. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:36:32 So it goes here. However, instead of pursuing a retail politics and introducing herself to voters in more intimate settings, in intimate, the Boudoir setting, as Ms. Harris suggested, she preferred her senior aides determined it was more important to cement herself in the top tier and play for big television moments. I will say this. They were correct about that because she is not a warm person.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Oh, no. I don't know if an intimate setting would have benefited her at all. The second subhead of this article is just quote, she lost me today. Oh, no. This is like a George Jones song. This article here.
Starting point is 00:37:07 He stopped loving her today. Yeah, so it says, the organizational unsteadiness of Ms. Harris's campaign reflects a long time personal trait according to allies. She is a candidate who seeks input from a stable of advisors, but her personal political convictions can be unclear. So once again, doesn't actually believe in anything.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Doesn't really believe in anything. When they're like, oh, you're not going to get a good impression of who people are by doing these big events. It's like, well, you're not going to do that in six months either. Like you can't just cram for the test of the American populace. Yeah, that is a funny thing. It's like they actually think she's saying something by
Starting point is 00:37:42 saying, oh, I don't want to go to a big rally to understand the people. I want to have like what a bunch of 10 second conversations with random people in diners. That's going to add up to any kind of insight on criminal justice. One of Ms. Harris's calling cards. She did not unveil her own proposals until months after
Starting point is 00:38:00 she began meeting with activists. Ms. Harris said she was being deliberate, but several AIDS familiar with the process, said she was knocked off, killed her by criticism from progressives and spent months. Well, she was knocked off, killed her by Benzos. AIDS said her campaign at times appeared slow mo. With certain top staff saying that they'd gone from the justice winter to the chopped and screwed January.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I am knocked off, killed her by criticism from progressives again. Yeah, did it guys. They were so rattled by that Kamala is a cop. Bullying works. Don't believe the hype and spent months torn between embracing her prosecutor record and acknowledging some of its faults.
Starting point is 00:38:45 At times she avoided the topic, even initially rejecting her current campaign slogan. Justice is on the ballot. Damn, that's that's where they lost. That was a winning. That is some robo-cop downy shit. I don't even know that was it. That's terrible.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Justice is on the ballot. That's terrible. When it was presented to her earlier this summer. It's back on the menu. Justice is back. At one point during the preparations, tensions flared so high that one senior aide pleaded with the candidates to provide some direction.
Starting point is 00:39:16 You know this stuff better than us, the aide said, according to those present. It's the thing is she doesn't. No, no, they're kissing her ass. It was hardly the only time as Harris has appeared uneasy or indecisive about whether to go on the offensive. In the July, I mean, the perfect example of that was the
Starting point is 00:39:32 last fucking debate where they teed up for her a fucking softball to just knock Mayor Pete's little fucking howdy-duty head out of the park about the week of his unbelievably embarrassing, like inventing black support in South Carolina. Did he lay a glove on us? I think probably intentionally. His spitters moment.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I honestly think it might. Yeah, I think their hands off Mayor Pete. They're seeing how far they could. They could roll that fucking. Yeah, like don't touch him because we're there. They're rats. They're rats and she's a sinking ship. So don't touch Mayor Pete.
Starting point is 00:40:07 And also like she probably knows that like her, she's not going to be president. She could be his VP and she could see where everything was, where the gravity is going with Pete. So she's like, you know, well, you know, I can't scorch his ass. She's Harris. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:22 There you go. So it goes. That's a winning ticket in the July debate. Miss Harris, that would, that would lose. They would lose that. I think they would lose so much. Every state Trump. Literally.
Starting point is 00:40:33 In the July debate, Miss Harris did not respond sharply to an attack on her prosecutorial record from Representative Tulsi Gabbard. Why? Even after Mrs. Harris prepared for the topic. God bless Tulsi, man. She knows bullying works. She is a mean girl.
Starting point is 00:40:45 She's the meanest girl of all. Tulsi's not really a mean guy. She's not mean. She's, she's, uh, she's a scrapper. Tulsi. Yeah. She's one of the vibes of like the computer kid who gets bullied too hard and then just one day beats the shit out of
Starting point is 00:40:59 the football player. Yeah. Yeah. She never, she never, she never directs her rage at, at anyone undeserving. Tulsi has spoke up. That's it. That's why, that's why I want to moderate one of these debates
Starting point is 00:41:14 and like my question for Tulsi is like, so Tulsi, like a lot of people are wondering like, what fucking kind of person are you? Are you like, are you like, are you like, are you like, you're not stupid, right? You're just like anxious or something. Like what's up? Is that why you like that?
Starting point is 00:41:29 It's really difficult to get a read off. Tulsi, is that the inch a stare? Yeah. Yeah. No, Tulsi is the inch a candidate for sure. Yeah. By the way, uh, I know Virgil was being driven insane by this, but like there's a fair amount of Tulsi supporters who seem to
Starting point is 00:41:45 think that her staying in the race benefit Sanders because they can pull their delegates, but they don't realize that you only get a share of the delegates. If you get like 15% of a state of which, you know, she has no chance. No, it's in a month. All she can do is reduce Bernie's top line, which she cannot gain delegates, which is why I have said that like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:05 Tulsi, if there is anything worthwhile there, it is when you smoked Harris on that debate. That was great. So I mean Tulsi, if you're out there and you want to do something good in this with your platform that you still have, go all out in the next month, throwing everything possible and fucking peep into a crevasse. Everything.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Like I said, tell your supporters that he is shadow banning and demonetizing their content. Yes. Yes. Everything that is both true and not true about people to judge. She's also one of these people that it's like she'd be a really cool next door neighbor. She's like a nice person.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Who just like she believes whatever she last read on Facebook. She's a Joe Rogan candidate. Yeah. She's a nice person who doesn't quite, you know, reality is kind of a moving target for her. Yeah. Tulsi would knock on your door one day and just be like, I'd like to help you make a bookshelf.
Starting point is 00:43:02 What? Okay. Yeah. So she should go all in. She needs to go completely. And drop out of the race. Scorched earth. Like, like, like when Curtis LeMay flew B 52 is 5,000 feet
Starting point is 00:43:14 over Tokyo. Yes. She needs to do like, yeah, 30 seconds over Tokyo against Peabody judge, then drop out right before I will endorse Sanders. Absolutely. Only like if she does that, then like honest, God bless her. Fine.
Starting point is 00:43:28 She's a lot of like weird crank fire from Bernie during the campaign. It was great. Like again, like her. She was a a a a center of gravity for every crank who was either for or exactly and got to keep up. Bernie got to keep his hands clean of all that. I mean a laser pointer for all the cats.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Absolutely. And I honestly think that's probably what's going to happen. So I mean, good. I'm going to. She does that. Like bless you. Because I think she is like kind of an authentically
Starting point is 00:43:54 committed person. Absolutely. Yeah. She went like she's not sell out. Pete is like Pete has so much fucking suppressed rage. Oh my God. He's a Hoosier. Like there is a seething rage to weird Midwestern nice
Starting point is 00:44:11 and nice. Where is the malice? It was in the palace. That's right. Yeah. It's just like we do have this. We think we're nice because we'll like help you change your tire.
Starting point is 00:44:22 But that's not even that nice. You just like repress everything and then we shove our wives into wood chipper. You ever think about you ever just think about like he never shows it publicly. But do you ever just think about like how fucking angry like Pete Buttigieg gets it like chasing for not updating their shared Google calendar for like going shopping.
Starting point is 00:44:41 100. You can see it. You can see it in his eyes. He has late and bubbling Midwestern rage. Yeah. Like he's what is the meanest thing he says to chase him during their fights is like well I would expect this for someone who entered Boston Consulting fucking storm.
Starting point is 00:44:59 This guy has wanted to be president actively like not like as a passing fancy but as a driving desire since he is six years old. I mean there was that Twitter thread this week. So that appears to check out because it was from years ago and someone actually from where he's from who was like isn't it funny that like someone Mayor Butt is a kid I went to school with.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Yeah. And like you know again take it with a grain of salt. It's on Twitter but like I mean it's certainly kind of like I was old. It's not funny. He was like he was trying to it's like what age he was trying to figure out whether Pete or Peter sounded more presidential and yet he kept Buttigieg or no he like also
Starting point is 00:45:37 works at the pronunciation of that a couple times in different races. He's trying to figure out different products. Oh my God because the Merch Motherfucker don't even know his own name. The Merch that his campaign sells boot edge that tells you how to pronounce it which says boot edge edge. It's like a phonetic.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I thought it was. Yeah. Well no. Yeah. But that's not what he's using. When he was running for state treasurer. He pronounced it differently. We'll have to look and say how it was.
Starting point is 00:46:00 No. No. This man is a complete psychopath. He should have used his middle name except it's probably Fonto Royer. Does anybody remember that? Oh it's Montgomery. It's just Peter Paul Montgomery.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Buttigieg. Actually he should have gone with Montgomery. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think? It makes him sound ethnic. Yeah. I think so.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Honestly. Yeah. Yes. If fucking if Pete and Tom Cotton ever shake hands they'll like just birth a demonic LinkedIn child fucking pure ambition. Shake hands. It'll be like when Ron Silver touches past Ron Silver
Starting point is 00:46:33 from time. Yeah. No. Like he's the kind of guy. I don't know. He loses. Make God have mercy on us all. Chase was chasing.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Make God have mercy. Pete is going to put a fucking M4A1 stop mod in their dog that they bought in 2018's mouth. And just fucking paint the walls of their like. Dude. That Midwestern rage. They have some dumb shit. They have some dumb shit in their house called like oh this is our
Starting point is 00:47:03 premium TV room. We watch premium cable shows in this room. And we watch this. This is us in the kitchen. But premium cable. That's this room. We don't have a TV in our bedroom. We're not this kind of.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Yeah. No. We read books in there. But Pete's going to just the premium cable room is getting a dog blood makeover when he leaves. That corgi is blowing up. He's going to making seven five five six NATO rounds. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:47:29 In Indiana that's legal. He's going to make Jason do it though. Yeah. Yeah. He's going to make Jason pull the trigger. Show me how fucking show me how sorry you are. You're rolling. I don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:47:39 But I would if you told me that when bootages is at home he just curls up into a cardboard box for eight hours and then gets out and then goes and does this work. I would believe you. I believe that he would just sit there that he does not have a life. I bet he has a side of him. A soundproof screaming room.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Yeah. But just something like he has no desires for any conventional things. No sexual desires. Yeah. But he's a LGBT CIA. He is a hungry ghost. He's just an empty vessel who cannot be sated.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Power is his only desire. OK. Well, we did bit of judge. There's really nothing left in the Kamala piece. I think we pretty much covered it. But you know, again, Beto dead. Kamala dead. Today.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Your nest parody metaphor. Not actually a threat. By the way, Steve Bullock today. Steve Bullock out. Oh, and also forgot. Actually, can we just take a brief moment to salute Admiral Sestak? Can we get the tabs going?
Starting point is 00:48:40 We get the tabs going. Was he lost at sea? I'm not going to lie. Two Japanese torpedo sent to the side of his campaign. 400 men going into the water. Only a Sestak came out. I honestly really respect the Admiral. He has a charisma and a passion that I found very disarmament.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And I certainly would have rather have seen him in the debates and in the top tier of candidates than basically every other person we've had to deal with other than fucking Bernie. Like if we'd had some Sestak action instead of fucking Mike Bennett for two months, I would have really appreciated that. So, you know, salute and respect to the Admiral. Again, I think it was basically only him on that campaign. Really like was incredible.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It was one man band when he came to the dojo in Des Moines. And he had no staff with him at all. That owns. We like we could like I said, like at the time I was like, we could kidnap him right. This is insane. This guy's a former Admiral. What's he doing here?
Starting point is 00:49:39 He did bring a bottle of barbecue sauce. You will see that in our short film about Des Moines. Because we thought because he we kind of had told him we were going to be barbecuing. But of course, you're going to have a cook, a lyrical cook out. Oh, my God. It's like come to the cipher spin. Please tell me didn't show this nice man lyrical no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:50:01 The worst thing ever. God, God, God, God, God, God, God. He probably would have liked it though. He'd be like, that's neat. No, that's what we're trying to get here in America. Creativity. So salute to the Admiral. Bye bye to Seth.
Starting point is 00:50:14 You know, Sheriff Bullock, Beto, Kamala, people. But like, here's the thing. Can't rest on your laurels. No people to judge Biden and Warren. That's it. All still there. They've got to go down. They've got to go down. It's like a video game.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Keep moving up to bigger and bigger bosses. Yes, exactly. Let's move to our boy Bernard and another section of the New York Times checking in on our good boy freeway Ross Dalfit, who comes out this week with his case for Bernie. All right. Yeah. What's the trick here? What's he playing at here?
Starting point is 00:50:47 What's the sneaky little fuck up do? What's the catch here? So Ross, in his New York Times opinion column, presents his case for Bernie Sanders. Now I will of course never give Ross credit for anything, and then I think as we go through, I have a theory about what he's really doing here, but what is interesting about this piece is that out of anyone who works to the New York Times, and I'm including their political reporters and the op-ed people, in this column is the first time I've read in the New York Times any kind of like what approaches like, not opinion, but just an accurate accounting
Starting point is 00:51:23 of like the facts about Bernie Sanders and his campaign that I have never encountered anywhere else in the Times. Because liberal hegemony is tight, and because he's a weird conservative, he could be like, I don't know, I think I'll write this today. So I mean, like I'm going to skip the beginning. Like, you know, he talks about like he goes through, you know, Kamala Harris and why that doesn't work and like why the Democrats are still looking for like, you know, someone to covalence around.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And he goes here, there's an interesting case that the candidate best positioned to do this, the one who support is the most diverse right now, is the candidate whom Obama allegedly promised to intervene against if his nominations seemed likely. The resilient socialist from Vermont, Bernie Sanders. And Ross does use the word resilient, which is honestly, Bernie at every level has just a solid as a rock, just like a little engine that could, he never budged, he never changed. He hasn't moved. And the campaign is staying where it is, he hasn't changed his message, his support has
Starting point is 00:52:23 remained consistent in about the two liberals. That's a mistake. Yeah. So he goes here, like other candidates, Sanders support has a demographic core. Just as Elizabeth Warren depends on very liberal professionals and Joe Biden on older minorities and moderates. Correct. Bernie depends intensely on the young, but his polling also shows an interesting better
Starting point is 00:52:43 than you expect pattern given stereotypes about his support. He does better than you expect with minorities, despite having struggled with them in 2016 with moderate voters and a hundred K plus earners, despite being famously left wing. And with young women, despite all the Bernie bro business, always the case, this pattern explains why in early state polling, Sanders shows the most strength in very different environments. He's leading Warren everywhere in the latest 538 average. Again, I love that little dig at Nate Silver.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yeah. Fuck you, brother. Fuck you. He's tried over and over and over again to invent any reason, but like real clear politics, like just two weeks ago, like they're the ones who do the aggregate of all the polls. And like they're the ones that like put everything to like just overall, who is leading in the demographic. Like two weeks ago, Sanders got back into the number two spot over Warren.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Nate Silver had this whole lengthy thread about like, well, if you look at our modeling, it doesn't really indicate that. So yeah, again, according to the latest 538 average, beating Biden in Iowa, challenging him in more diverse Nevada, matching Buttigieg in New Hampshire and leading him easily in South Carolina and California. Yes. Now, I've stacked the argument slightly and left out a crucial access of division where Sanders does worse than you expect.
Starting point is 00:53:59 He struggles badly with his fellow social security recipients, the over 65. Oh yeah. He's old fucks. Well, old people also hate people who remind them of themselves. Exactly. Yes. And they also have more money because if they're old and you are still alive, it's because you have money.
Starting point is 00:54:14 One of the polls I did actually kind of want to look out was, and I don't know if they have this information, but like comparing senior support for Bernie in states ranked by senior poverty levels. Because like so Indiana, for example, we have the most poor old people. We just, we just don't really care. We just throw them out in the woods when we're done with them. You're not useful anymore, grandma. Indiana, number one in leading cause of death, exposure.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Pretty much. No, by the way, since we're going to be in the UK, Matt, I suggest you watch some television because they have these lovely commercials about like, you know, loneliness is really tough for older people around the holidays. And I found this hilarious because I'm like, we just let them die. But anyway. Yeah. They're cold, they're cold, bring your grandfather inside for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I really bet like it's also ranked by like, by wealth and because like there are a lot of poor older people too. So he goes, this weakness in Biden's strength of the same voters are obvious reasons to doubt the case for Bernie as the unifier, Bernie as the eventual nominee, especially since Sanders has thus far ignored my advice, I know the nerve that he reassures skeptics by telling them that he has a record as a deal maker, that he can moderate on certain issues so they can feel safe supporting him even if they aren't ready for the revolution. That literally the only reason we like him is that he doesn't do that.
Starting point is 00:55:40 But still, Ross continues, if you are a wavering Democrat concerned about both party unity and ultimate electability about exciting all the diverse factions of your base while also competing for the disaffected, both the relative breadth of Bernie's primary coalition and his decent polling among non voters and Obama Trump voters are reasons to give him another look. The decent polling I suspect reflects a sense among voters drawn to populism that Bernie is different from not only the more centrist candidates, late comers Michael Bloomberg and Deval Patrick especially, but Buttigieg as well.
Starting point is 00:56:12 But also from his fellow left winger Warren, who has fully embraced the culture war breath of the new progressivism while Sanders remains fundamentally an economic policy monomaniac. Now here is where like Ross's explanation of this does get into I think a little bit of the sort of trickery that he's doing here because as a New York Times columnist, he knows that he's writing for an audience largely of Warren and Buttigieg supporters. So he does this little turn at the end where he basically says, my case for Bernie, he gets here, he's still a social liberal of course and he isn't in the culturally conservative economic populist quadrant where so many underrepresented voters reside.
Starting point is 00:56:52 But for the kind of American who is mostly with the Democrats on economics, but wary of progressivism zest for the culture war, Sanders socialism might be strangely reassuring as a signal of what he actually cares about and what battles he might eschew for the sake of his anti-plutocratic goals. At the least he's no more radical on an issue like abortion than a studied moderate like Mayor Pete. This is why despite technically preferring a moderate like Biden or Amy Klobuchar, I keep coming back to the conservatives case for Bernie, which rests on the perhaps wrong
Starting point is 00:57:21 but still attractive supposition that he's the liberal most likely to spend all his time trying to tax the rich and leave cultural conservatives alone. Hey, I'm sorry. Do that's right. What I interpret by do that here is that he is, this is his way. You don't want to give him an inch, I know, but he's right. This is his way of sticking the knife in and assuring the people he knows who actually read him and take him seriously that he's giving them a reason not to vote for Bernie,
Starting point is 00:57:51 which is like he's implying that he's a squish on abortion or gay rights or any of the social issues, which I don't think he is at all, but none of his readers were going to vote for Bernie anyway. Exactly. But also this idea that like he will leave cultural conservatives alone. What the fuck would that look like? Well, that's I mean, no, he doesn't run a culture work in, but that's true. But that implies that if he doesn't, that Republicans won't like they're going to have
Starting point is 00:58:16 even more of an incentive to push culture war stuff. If Bernie is the nominee. Yeah, well, I mean, I think that's completely fine. I mean, the left allegedly won the culture war. Give it to the right. I don't care. Let them like have their own TV. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:58:31 They have a few TV stations. I don't give a shit. Let them like, you know, have their dumb bullshit. They're dumb like fucking media bullshit. It doesn't do anything. We control like the media now and we don't have any power. I think that doing a culture war lead on economic issues has failed us over and over again. And it's also specifically produced policies and institutions that are focused on culture
Starting point is 00:58:59 war with no economic basis. For the Ross doubt, that's the world. Like if Bernie had like a purely like policy based approach, like healthcare of which like abortion was like absolutely a major, just accepted as a de facto part of right wingers. But we don't also need to alienate people who are going to start assuming that you're dumb libs. But Ross would like by definition like perceive that as antagonizing cultural conservatives. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Well, we're not trying to win Ross, but I'm saying is like there's no winning with fucking Ross do that. I guess is what I'm saying. I don't like my my take on this thing is I think it's funny that in this piece, he, you know, because he's a right-winger playing to a liberal audience has managed to smuggle in a few of the only like actually factually accurate descriptions of, let's say Bernie's campaign and who supports him as opposed to the other Democrats. But overall, like he he's not thrilled about the idea of Bernie Sanders being president.
Starting point is 00:59:53 And I think he's couching it in this terms that basically implies that Sanders is a squish on social issues to signal to his liberal readership not to vote for him. That's my take on what Ross is doing. I think that's entirely possible, but I don't think anyone who's like, we've got to read Ross today is going to be swayed by this because he's a little shitty snake, but he's not wrong about this. Well, let's let's move on to finally, the final candidate who, you know, let's be honest, often gets lost in the mix of the people we talk about on this show.
Starting point is 01:00:24 But this one's for you, Felix Klobuchar, Amy Klobuchar, the last dragon. When you believe it, there's even people writing columns about her. This comes courtesy of Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post, who writes, Klobuchar isn't in the top tier, but here's why she might be before long. That's what I've been saying. I think Klobuchar is pulling at about 1% nationally right now. Talk about Midwestern rage. Remember when we were watching her the debates and like Nick was like, she's vibrating.
Starting point is 01:00:53 The last two debates, her forelock keeps just vibrating at the frequency of her. She's thrumming. Yeah. She's clearly filled with incredible levels of anger. That was the last one where she went, yeah, a lot of people don't think I'm like pretty or tall enough to be here and like, that's not a requirement. You're next to like Cory Booker, like no one, no, this is not a looks contest, I guarantee you.
Starting point is 01:01:19 But she owns, she's like, she's just like a perfect square of rage. I love her. I mean, obviously like Pete Buttigieg is the perfect example of like media manufacturing consent behind like a candidate made out of whole cloth who's been mayor of a shitty city of like, we're getting two elections were like 8,000 people voted for him. And now he has, you know, courtesy of, you know, media propaganda, like they've put full force behind him to like make his candidacy a thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And it's working. Yeah. Because he won the David Geffen primary. And it's working. Really? That's really it. Yeah. But what's fascinating is that they're still trying to do it for Klobuchar.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Like before the, before like the Democratic debate, the most, they were pumping her up. There was like all these spate of articles that we were, I was reading going into that debate being like tonight could be Klobuchar's moment. And it's like, it still hasn't happened to distinguish yourself to get a bump in the polls to have a moment. That's another reason why she rocks is because like with Pete, there's clearly like, even if there isn't like any conscious back and forth between him and the media, like there's this understood thing like, Oh, Pete's going to have a moment tonight and he goes up there
Starting point is 01:02:25 and he like, you know, the only thing he really can do, which is like make an Obama like truism that really animates like two pieces of shit who own Pelotons type of thing. But for Amy, like they keep trying to do this with her. And all she just does is just like vibrate her perfect rectangle of anger and be like, do you honestly think you deserve healthcare? I love, I fucking love her. Like she's, they're trying to like set up, they're trying to set up a t-ball for her and she's just angrily sitting in the batting cage, throwing a ball in the air and missing.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Like she's fucking awesome. Well you will really like this article then. This is a courtesy of Jennifer Rubin, one of the resident goblins of the Washington Post who writes here, no one is going to outwork Senator Amy Klobuchar. The candidate who kicked off her campaign in a snowstorm is going all out to win in her neighboring state of Iowa. Well she wasn't pulling a plow, that's not crazy. Although I have no doubt that she could.
Starting point is 01:03:30 That's like, that was the moment I started supporting her was when she made all those political reporters like just stand in like terrible weather. Just the worst they could like out of any announcement, just the worst weather. Just raging blizzard, she didn't have a fucking hat on. It was so cool. Oh my god. This little thing about, I kicked off my campaign in a snowstorm. When Matt Virgil and I saw her in Iowa, that was like a huge part of her Iowa stump speech.
Starting point is 01:03:58 She was just like, I remember when I was in a snowstorm and there was snow on my head and like was so funny about that is you know as soon as that was over she just like reamed out her step. Absolutely. It was like the scene in the Irish movie with Hoffa. You dumb motherfucker. How did you let me do that on a snowstorm? You don't check the weather.
Starting point is 01:04:19 You let him sell insurance. Yeah. Fucking father. Again, this was the first hit used against Amy, but it's like, you know, who deserves to be abused? People who are like excited to go and work for Amy Klobuchar. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Yeah. So she goes, she does not shy away as some candidates do from the mainstream media's top interviewers. She made the TV rounds on Sunday. That's so brave of her to go on TV. She's running for president. On Meet the Press, she made clear that she is not the richest candidate, but she has little patience with the late entrance trying to buy their way into contention.
Starting point is 01:04:56 I actually did like that. This is really funny though, this exchange here. Chuck Todd, what's the criticism of your campaign so far that's resonated the most with you that you think, you know what, that's fair. I'm trying to change. I can suck. What a great question. She goes, well, I think it would always be nice to get in more money and we have, you
Starting point is 01:05:15 know, they're always saying, oh, you haven't raised as much money as some of the other guys. She goes on, Todd says, you seem particularly insulted by Bloomberg's entry. She goes, well, it's not about, it's about money and politics for me. I have admiration for the work he's done. She's like, oh, no, no, no, like I'm not mad at Bloomberg because like he spoke at the Republican convention is like a cynical billionaire, like running to prevent the Democratic Party from ever doing anything good.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Like, no, I have some abstract complaint with him about campaign finance. Yeah. I mean, it's also, it's more also, I think to her that she's in her mind a scholarship kid and I would never insult the money. I would never insult that much money. It's such an amazing amount of money, but that was great when like, it was like, you know, there was this rash of people saying, you can't buy your way. Like every candidate's like comments about Bloomberg entering the race was covered and
Starting point is 01:06:07 like Klobucharist was just like, no, no, I worked hard to get you, you don't just get to cut in line. I think like Tom Steyer, he got into the race because it's like a long con plot to get abused by Amy. He's like, oh, I hated it if you stepped on the back of my head for entering the race late with all my money. He does seem like he's winging it. He must have an ulterior motive.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Yeah. Yeah. No, he wants to, he wants Amy. He did get divorced right before he ran. Yeah. No, exactly. He wants Amy to tie him up against the wall of the green room and just fucking whip his stapler at his forehead.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Shoot him with paintballs. Yeah. Just like that, you little fucking pig. Can you buy a Facebook ad about this, you little fucking cunt? On CNN, she reminded viewers she was working hard, but also not allowing herself to get knocked off course by the Twitterverse and far left members of her party. Yes. Unlike Beto, Kamala and soon Elizabeth Warren.
Starting point is 01:07:05 If you told Amy Klobucharist she was corn cobbing, she just fucking beat your ass. Yeah. But again, I mean she's not allowing me in the parking lot kind of posts. I was respect to her like cuz she's not getting thrown off base by The Twitter Roddy like feel like she did like she just says you don't deserve health care Yeah, you don't deserve shit. I'm not gonna give it to you Maybe if you're nice, I'll like let you refinance your student loan It's so like Pete's like there's so many fucking worms in this shit who like like last January. It was just like Oh
Starting point is 01:07:39 Listener be one of my cats is crawling under a blanket right now, and it's adorable. No, don't be fooled She's a demon. There's a little demon. How they get evil evil little cat January 2019 It was like, whoa. Oh, wow. This is amazing. Am I watching am I watching the Naxalite primary? Just everyone this is amazing everyone everyone just wants, you know fucking card check and Medicare for all It's you know, either everything's like really moot like these people had a huge change of heart or they're fucking lying like always But with Amy like from the get-go. She's just like I'm gonna stand up there and we're gonna talk affordable mortgages Like fucking realistic. Okay, folks. I mean exactly what she says Yeah, I mean like respect for her for being a real one, you know not playing to the crowd and by the crowd
Starting point is 01:08:29 I mean literally any voter cuz she's pulling it like, you know 1% But yeah, I know she's just saying like she's like the mom in a romantic comedy badger your daughter into settling Like you're not getting any younger buddies. She's like, yeah, like I still think ever is a Pam poofy without the sex appeal. I think that's her ideal kind of character. She's got a lot. She's got a lot of like hearty Sturdy energy. She is who she is. She likes herself. She's confident Asked about her new line that quote we can't afford to screw this up Klobuchar explained that if Donald Trump gets elected shame on us I mean that we need to bring our party together and bring with us independence and moderate Republicans
Starting point is 01:09:08 Just like I have done in all my races. She continued what I'm saying is we need to put someone at the head of the ticket that can actually bring people with us and I'm the only one on that debate stage that has led a ticket over and over again where I have brought in suburbs Rural areas and urban areas in a big big way and every time I have led a ticket We flipped the state house in my state. She argued that I can do the same nationally Felix you think that like doing that in Minnesota is the same as doing it nationally Absolutely not Like she's just bullshit. That's just complete bullshit. Like it's a very unique state
Starting point is 01:09:42 But I mean the reason Amy like did so well in Minnesota a she did a family in politics would be like she's grinder Amy's such a fucking grinder and like people in Minnesota are I mean, they're not really nice like that's a joke But like they will be rolled over by a force by a forceful personality and that's Amy on health care Klobuchar made clear she is not repeating the mistakes of Senator Elizabeth Warren in Attaching herself to Medicare for all just as Democratic voters are wisely thinking ahead to Electability and how the nominee would be characterized in the general election again. I respect it. Yeah, Klobuchar has embraced her No, nonsense image of someone willing to tell constituents. No
Starting point is 01:10:23 Yeah, no, it is it's I will say this like Minnesota like they have like a left-eer Democratic Party in a lot of places Okay, farm labor. Yeah, and so it is like kind of accomplishment that like even if it was at a time when the Democratic Party was moving Significantly to the right that she just willed her way in there like and her thing has always just been no It is kind of impressive. She has developed an unusual signature move Namely debunk the pie in the sky proposals of stars progressive. Yeah, it's her finishing move Yeah, undaunted by their arguments that she is not thinking big enough if Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders do not win the nomination Much of the credit should go to Klobuchar Who has effectively grabbed the party by the lapels and told its members to snap out of it?
Starting point is 01:11:10 I mean Klobisch. I mean if they don't get the nomination. It's not fucking Klobuchar No, it's fucking Barack Obama. Yeah, who again literally we know like this last week has come I will personally intervene if Sanders is the nomination and also I Despise Elizabeth Warren and we'll do anything to prevent her from getting the nomination Because it will be a refutation of my legacy, which is one of absolute compromise failure Yeah, I mean Obama if this was like on the table someone was like Sacrifice like one of your kids and Amy Klobuchar will be the nominee he would do it or probably Deval Patrick is probably who he Would prefer but right right, but he would take Amy
Starting point is 01:11:47 Yeah, if she were another electable moderate gets the nomination the party will be in her debt She is doing her best to make certain Democrats do not screw this up So there you go Jennifer Warren on Jennifer Warren. Oh God. I Love it Jennifer Rubin people more people writing about politics who had the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind procedure done on Their memory of the 2016 election. Yeah. Yeah, because all of this is always predicated on and if as if we didn't live in a world Where Hillary ran that campaign and lost yeah, and also like it's this they're stuck in the Obama era We're like he kind of ran on no. Yeah, but you know, they're like, oh, well, we'll just do that again He was the most he was such a uniquely charismatic figure that he he convinced Democrats that they could get away with that's a little
Starting point is 01:12:38 How did he win? How did he do so much better than the rest? I think we had eight years of president. We're all not too excited about and we're like, oh God fine Whatever, I'm just saying like yeah, like Obama charm whatever, but also like he definitely, you know, it was greased for him Yeah, no, he was he was willing to do the thing of reassuring all the big Stakeholders in oh eight that he wasn't that kind of insurgent candidate and he also like fit He was a horoscope candidate. He spoke in vague enough to mean anything to anyone Yeah, so when he said no which he did still many times run on we're not doing that Like he did it in such a way that people like yeah, but I know what you really mean
Starting point is 01:13:17 But I mean but I mean like yeah same time. That's like a lot of candidates. That's most of them. Yeah except Amy Who's just like no, yeah, yeah, you can't have it. I'm not gonna we're not even discussing that. Yeah Well, it doesn't appear to be working to know. Yeah, absolutely not coming any day If the theory that these are all bubbles in Iowa and Mayor Pete is the latest bubble and somebody else is gonna get take the baton from him Who's left? Maybe it is Amy. She is right next door and I in Minneapolis, Minnesota I mean who knows but again, let's just close out by saying Again, if you're in Iowa or any neighboring state, you know what to do Time money door-to-door
Starting point is 01:13:58 Standards, that's it. Yeah, you gotta win Iowa. He's gotta win Iowa gotta win Iowa I honestly, I swear to God. I feel like the dominoes fall gotta win Iowa and Totally totally within our grasp. Oh, absolutely. It's very like he's very well positioned. I'll also say about Biden This is like, you know, like sort of campaign trivial like horse race shit But like not a single nominee who has led at this point in the race has ever been the not like nominee. Yeah Yeah, no none of the front runners have ever Like don't get fucking imagine yeah poles at all. Exactly holes are cooked. Yeah We you know what you need to do in Iowa, New Hampshire or just anywhere you are, you know
Starting point is 01:14:37 What you need to do for Bernie? I'll just say to close out this episode. We've gone through a whole list of the candidates I'll just remind you again Beto dead on dead Kamala Harris I'm on her death on the fucking life support Buttigieg Lauren Biden. That's it. You know what to do climb the staircase Bye everybody. Bye

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