Chapo Trap House - 374 - Perverts of Interest (12/9/19)

Episode Date: December 9, 2019

Virgil, Matt and Amber break down the state of the UK election from their embedded elections headquarters in London. Tickets to our UK election special shows: volunteer for jez (he�...�d do it for you) Listen to Don  "Bad News" Huges podcast:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Bad News Hughes with your British Election Update. The second worst country in the world is headed back to the polls. Will the boot of history keep stomping them in the face? Or could they paint the boot red this time? We'll find out soon enough. Poor as Johnson's Conservatives are promising to finally deliver on Brexit. Now, any reasonable person wants to destroy the European Parliament, but why start there? Why not burn down Westminster to the ground before moving on to Brussels?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Did anybody think this through? The Conservatives are the party of landlords and 80-year-olds. Two groups of people who won't even be around in 10 years. Couries are the kind of people that hate when the monarchy does charity work, but love the kind of parties they throw. These people belong in prison. The Labour Party starts out strong by promising to hire 10,000 more police officers. They'll need someone to round up all the Tories.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Things got even better when Jeremy Corbyn promised a green industrial revolution. Building trains and power plants is my favorite part of socialism. Then I learned Corbyn isn't willing to drop the bomb. Are you serious? No nuclear weapons? How do you think the revolution can survive without nuclear blackmail? If you're not willing to vaporize Washington and Berlin at the first sign of foreign intervention, why even overthrow the government?
Starting point is 00:01:25 The Scottish National Party aren't much better. What self-respecting National Liberation Front doesn't have a standing army? It's not like there's a shortage of rifles in the world. The SNP didn't even have the decency to rig their own independence referendum. If you want independence, why not show little guts? Stuff a few ballot boxes. The Liberal Democrats have no reason to insist, even compared to most other politicians. No one likes Liberals.
Starting point is 00:01:53 No one likes bourgeois nerds. No one likes yellow. The Liberal Democrats went all in on defending the European Union status quo, but no one even likes the status quo. Just a waste of time all around. Another insult to consider is the Brexit Party. Party shouldn't be named after a short term goal. It makes the whole thing seem a bit too much like shopping.
Starting point is 00:02:15 A party should be named after a new mode of production, like communism. Something that will last forever. Now we shouldn't forget Wales. Wales is usually an afterthought in British politics. This is a huge mistake. The terrain makes it great for waging a war of the countryside against the cities. A small force could bog down the British army for years. Freedom for Wales is a realistic possibility, if the left is willing to fight for it.
Starting point is 00:02:42 As for the northern part of Ireland, I'm not sure there's much to worry about. The case for a united Ireland seems to be building by the day. But grudges are fading away as support for the republican cause becomes the new consensus. All that's left is to topple the Dublin regime and build a new workers republic. I guess I'm actually pretty optimistic about the whole election. The old United Kingdom appears headed towards oblivion. Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and yes even Cornwall could be free within my lifetime. The Tories could be in jail, and Labour could nationalize the trains.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It's not communism, but it's a start. Thanks, everyone. And it's running, the thing is running? Yeah, it's, yeah, all the doohickeys are, they're going. The globos are moraying. Yeah, everything is going well. There are no technical issues whatsoever. There have never been any technical.
Starting point is 00:03:56 That's an absurd accusation to even to even suggest for a moment that there might be a dare you that in the absence of our producer Chris that we find ourselves as a bunch of just complete technical oaths and incompetence who somehow managed to leave the recorder not recording for a good portion of an attempt to make a podcast. Hey guys, you know what we should do? Let's just record some completely improvised material right now. Oh my gosh, that's a good idea. And just an hour of completely improvised unstructured material not based on anything
Starting point is 00:04:28 we may have recorded just an hour ago. That's my favorite thing in the world to do actually is to do improvisational conversations. Oh, L-O-L-O-L-O, this is Chappo calling. I'm Virgil, that's Amber, and that's Max. They can't see you pointing. Okay, well, I feel like the way I said that would have conjured the image of me pointing. I would like to hear if anybody wants to let us know if they felt that email Virgil. DM Virgil.
Starting point is 00:04:57 DM Virgil, and he will be glad to hear whether or not you could intuit the point. We are coming to you from beautiful, rainy London. Ray, Sooty, Dismal, everything feels like it's at least 20 years old. You literally are in the past, England. And this week we are doing a classic Chappo sitcom with an A-plot, a B-plot, and a C-plot. The A-plot is, of course, the three of us, soon to be joined by Chris here in London to cover the UK election. Really could use Chris there for a little about an hour ago.
Starting point is 00:05:34 That's enough of that. We improvise things. The B-plot is, of course, our special boy, Will, who's in Los Angeles for Porn Carnival West Coast. And the C-plot is Felix's gaming. Yep. And in my version of this episode, we get various short little bits, and the rest of it's just him cursing at 12-year-olds on Fortnite.
Starting point is 00:06:01 But of course, we are the A-plot. Actually, you know, Felix, he actually will have his own adventure later at the end of this week when he goes to Buffalo, New York to go to a music festival with our good friend Keith Buckley. Yeah, it looks like it'll be a fun time, but some of us have higher callings. Some of us have wonkery to do, foreign wonkery. Three of us will be here all week. We are, as you may have heard, doing two shows in London, one show in Liverpool.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Tickets are available for the second London show. Tickets are also still available for our Liverpool show Wednesday. And we're also here to interfere in a foreign election. Of course. We love doing that. We just love doing it. And of course, we're here to cover the election, also, as neutral third-party observers. Which, of course, in a Heisenberg-ian sense, is also interfering with the election by observing
Starting point is 00:06:46 it. Right. Yeah. Neutral, impartial, third-party interference. Yeah, that's correct. This will make the second country to interfere in the UK's election. After the revolution, you're so stupid, fuck me. We're really...
Starting point is 00:07:06 Okay, here's the thing. We were out really late last night. And I think British drinking culture exists for a reason. It's like when you get here, you want to do anything to destroy yourself. Yes. Last time, Amber, I know she has more experience being in London, but for me, I'd never been here before, last time we were here a few months ago, a one-year European tour. I didn't really see very much, but we were just here for like one or two nights.
Starting point is 00:07:35 This time, we've been here for a couple days, and we've had the opportunity to walk around, to interact with things and people. And we can confirm that everything here is wrong. Right. Yeah. Everything here is just wrong enough to be flexing. Love a lot of English people. There's some amazing places in England, just not London, it's hell.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah. There are some absolute legends here, but on the whole, as a culture, this is not okay, this is not acceptable. And when I say things are broken, I'm not just talking about, oh, you drive on the wrong side of the road, which of course you absolutely do. This is stupid. We invented the car. We invented the car.
Starting point is 00:08:14 We do it. The only people who do it are you and places where you enforced it at the barrel of a gun, clearly the wrong side of the road. It's perverse. Come on. You're just doing it to be different. No, I mean, the actual human beings are also wrong. And there is a certain culture in public spaces that is...
Starting point is 00:08:34 The best way I can describe it is imagine if everyone in a city were us, constantly complaining about things, and they can't let something go without making some kind of wise-ass remark to a stranger that is supposed to be a witticism, but it's never funny or even that clever. They're leaning on the accent. Half the time, it's just also just a racist thing. And what? What is that? Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:09:00 How many racist jokes have you just politely laughed at? Do you think? Not knowing what they were saying. Not even knowing what they were saying. Yeah. Well, I mean, I have actually heard racist things from strangers in the course of two days, which I mean, for what? I mean, it's way more interactions from strangers than I would have anywhere else, or at least
Starting point is 00:09:25 I would have in New York. Right? Because in New York, if a stranger comes up to you, they're either scamming you in some fashion, you know, hey, buddy, hold this cake, or they're running some PUA lines on you. You know, they're displaying higher value and so on, doing Kino, so on and so forth. Otherwise, oh, a stranger? Great. That's someone to not interact with.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Yeah, that's normal. I think in New York, when someone asks me if I'm Polish, it is because they too are Polish. Here it's dodgy. It's much dodgy. It's bloody pierogies out of the signs, Bruce. I had enough of it, and you leave it out, right? Leave the bloody pierogies out of my bloody signs, Bruce. That's right.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I'm switching it up, guys. No more Tesco. Everyone's sick of Tesco. I've decided. I've pulled the switch. Update your fucking spreadsheets. It's a new era. It's the new era.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It's the same breeze era because it's so fun to say to just like Tesco people. I actually had a guy the other day say to me after I posted a picture of myself in front of Tesco. He goes, what is it with Americans in Tesco? I'm sorry. It's a hilarious word say, especially the British accent, which is also true of Sainsbury's, which apparently is named after a guy named Lord Sainsbury. I don't I know.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I know if there are British people listening. They don't know why we think it's funny. But it's it's so funny. All your shit is funny naming. I'm sorry. Lord Sainsbury. Everything here is hilarious. It's like slightly.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It's like it was every thing here seems like it was named by the guys who did the Looney Toons. Like the people understand the value of like company K's and and all the different things that make a word funny friendship ended with Tesco Sainsbury's is my new friend because you can go. It's Sainsbury's. So I mean, I don't. I don't.
Starting point is 00:11:13 You know, we will be canvassing in Dagenham and barking absurd barking, barking, another place that's real dorking also real barking. That's what you do. No. That's what you do. I don't do that. You don't. I never do it.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I've never done it once. I certainly do it there. You do it in public. I don't do it. So I don't know if it's that's just the way people are here or it's the election or whatever. But I have been involved in multiple conversations that were not solicited from strangers. And I don't. Maybe it's because when will is not in the group, I, you know, fill the de facto will
Starting point is 00:11:54 role, which means I absorb all of the negative attention from other people. Yeah. Because will is the soft little cuddle bug. And so everyone just arms outstretched annihilated it's like no one messes with Matt because they assume maybe he's drunk. Yeah. Or I'm large. I might start yelling at them.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I have resting bitch face. It's really will will kind of draws. Yeah. He's like a fire. It's like a friendly stuffed animal. It's like God's deliver. Hey guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:29 God's deliver. Every time. It's pretty good. Right. That's a cute will. And then some psycho will show up and be like, oh, this is a person I'm going to abuse and harass now and just sort of bully and he just has to take it for guy. So that's you now, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Enjoy. That's me. I guess for the duration of this fucking trip, or maybe at least until we leave London for a nice place like Liverpool or Manchester, lovely people, lovely places. As we said, while we're here, we figure we should interfere in a foreign election and do some canvassing for Jeremy Corbyn. And I want to be clear on this. We don't actually care what happens to your awful island.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Oh, God, no. Like not at all. Everything south of Hadrian's wall is, you know, needs should be blockaded, honestly. But we want just to win. Yeah. I mean, we think like building like an international left is important. You could interpret this maybe a harbinger for Bernie Sanders chances going forward. He would give us a shot in the arm.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Absolutely. Honestly, what it really comes down to is he'd do it for me. Oh my God. You know, he would. He would. Because he is. I realize he's weird. He's so weird.
Starting point is 00:13:40 He's weird. But he's nice. By all accounts, he's a very nice, you know, like morally upstanding man. He's a nice man. And he's honestly maybe one of five politicians alive in either country, who whom I would say is a more moral human being than I am. Obviously, that's a really very low right. But he clears this.
Starting point is 00:14:03 You are a Bret Easton Ellis character. So it's a very low bar. Yeah. How many messes have I seen you create and then walk away from that one time? Have I done that? Really? He's the only mess he can't walk away from truly, truly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:20 He'd do it for us. And so we do it for the weirdos. He's a true believer. So we'll be going out as if you are in the UK. You should also go out and you can do that by going on to the website. What's the website called? I think it's people's momentum. I thought it was like my election.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I yeah. But that's I think in the get this go to your computer. Like just type in how do I stuff? Yeah. Yeah. Something will come out. You know what? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:47 D.M. Virgil. Yes. Don't do that. Ask him where. So what is the area we'll be going to? Dagenham. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:14:57 So Dagenham is sort of in this sad moat around London that actually it's post industrial. They're very they're very big leavers and I mean traditionally obviously you'll find it all kinds of people in all kinds of places and they had a Ford plant shut down. So it will like be it will like be we'll be back in the Midwest, Matt. Oh, yeah. There's a bunch of sad people that used to have nice manufacturing jobs who doesn't love that. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:15:29 They're going to be great. It's going to be like talking to my angry uncles. Oh, God. I'm not a midwesterner. This is going to be another will day. Oh, no. Of course, they might also ask me if I'm Polish. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Like I could go either way. Oh, bruh. What? What? What's it all about? They're going to be great. They're going to be great people and we're going to be talking it's it's a marginal. So we will be talking to people from, you know, different sort of political orientations,
Starting point is 00:15:57 but I I think I think everyone we meet is going to love us and is going to vote for Jeremy Corbyn on the basis of our charm and political dedication. What do you prefer as a walk the term for a a district or or a constituency that can go either way swing district or as they call them here, marginals, I'm kind of charmed my marginals. I will admit, but I would think you would pick swing. I actually do pick swing because I like the the the the visual marginal also sounds like a diss.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Yeah, that's true. There's a double meaning that really does tell you what it means. Yeah. Like you go either way. When I hear marginals, like, yeah, you're like, oh, this is fucking marginal district. Yeah. Don't go. Don't bother with other assholes.
Starting point is 00:16:44 They're in a marginal district. The wonderful people of Dagenham are going to they're not marginal at all. Yeah, no, they're large. So man, I spent a little time today kind of thinking out what, you know, what what responses we may get canvassing and how we should respond to that concerns voters should raise. Yeah, well, this is just like a fun exercise to think that you can do prone, which is what we were most of the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Oh, yeah. I've kind of been drinking. I mean, that's really the only way to function here is to never be sober. Yeah. And it's working. It's it's working. It's going great. Can't wait to get a, you know, Guinness from the Sainsbury's and, you know, go canvassing
Starting point is 00:17:25 bright and early. Yeah. No. So the one thing that might be on a lot of voters minds is, oh, he isn't a isn't labor anti-Semitic. And I do have I do have a few stock responses for this. So first off, my canvassing strategy is to why just make things up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's fine. It doesn't matter. Yeah. I don't know. How are they going to know? Yeah. I will say this. I don't think anyone who doesn't have a column thinks that Jeremy Corbyn is a problem.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I don't think that those people think it either. Right. And I think my response to that is, yeah, you don't really believe that. Okay. Well, here's my here's my response, sir or ma'am, would it surprise you to learn that I myself am a Jew? There's no comeback for that one. That's true.
Starting point is 00:18:16 I do sort of have the vibe. Yeah. You got the Woody Allen. I also have to be the feel. He's not around. Yeah. I'm pulling double duty here. And it is hard.
Starting point is 00:18:26 It is hard to constantly be drunk, getting abused and gaming and like glued to my phone constantly. I'm like, constantly, this must be why people are yelling at me because I'm constantly walking into traffic and bike lanes and shit. Yeah. I actually, yeah, that is the thing. Like I will die that way. I will look the wrong way and get hit by a car.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Okay. Well, there you go. That's that's how you do it. Yeah. That's the ticket. We alluded to this earlier, but yeah. So if the Tories win, like you said, you know, bye-bye, bye-bye, don't have to care about England anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Thank God. And yeah, for English people, yeah, bye-bye, everything you like, everything that makes this place inhabitable. Limitable at all. Minimal standard of living. Yeah. And the big one. And I'm sure Cirrhosis is treated for free.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And the big one. And this honestly really is the only issue in this election. It says this is the only thing that anyone should care about. This is the only salient fucking issue is that the Tories don't even deny that they will sell off the NHS. They will privatize the NHS, sell it to us, which, you know, thank you. Yeah. It's for real, say, baby.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, quite a bit of a, you know, of the chapeau endowment is currently tied up in healthcare companies, pharmaceuticals, various research agencies, things of this nature. Yeah. Now, after the last polling that showed the Conservatives up, I put a large, a long term, what do they call it, a put? Yeah, a put.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah. A put. I did a put on Merck. Yeah. I don't know what either of those words are. Yeah. You will have in, if you elect the Tories, you'll do the Brexit, you'll have an exodus of Europeans and then we were placed by little Mayor Pete's, you know, tape measures, going
Starting point is 00:20:14 to all the hospitals and just sizing up the place. And just, and also just saying, you know, you're not really that sick and you are that sick. I've seen you people. And there was this really interesting video I saw. I forget who put it out. I think it was some publication where it was like a man on the street thing where they asked British people, hey, in America, how much do you think an ambulance ride costs?
Starting point is 00:20:36 And they're like, I don't know, 50 bucks. That's a ride. No. It's like $2,500. $2,500. Like something. It's to the point where people literally take Uber's and Uber's turn them down because you're bleeding in the Uber and they don't like that and it's like, well, what do you
Starting point is 00:20:51 want from me? Yeah. What do you want from me life? Stop this world. I want to get off. So, I mean, I guess I think, I think maybe your average British person, it definitely depends on the NHS, who would probably be in poverty if it were not for the NHS. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Of course. They're horribly unhealthy people. Cannot fathom exactly how bad a private health insurance system is. They don't get it. And it's actually very frustrating. So the first time, which was years ago when I started following the Corbin campaign because I'm like, maybe someday someone will give me a book deal for this because I think a thing is going to happen and oh, fortune smiled upon me.
Starting point is 00:21:27 And I stayed at the warehouse fucking squat of a former anarchist who later became an assistant to Labour MP. Very nice boy, you know, whatever, let me sleep in his living room. But at one point I said, well, you guys have the NHS and so like it's a really big deal for us to like push for, you know, Bernie and he's like, well, you guys have like, you know, Obamacare. And I was like, I hope you get cancer. Oh, you so much.
Starting point is 00:22:03 They really have no idea and they try and do this faux modesty thing that I fucking hate about Europeans where they're like, well, you know, the grass is always greener. No, the grass is clearly greener. Fuck off. It's a weird empirically provable. It's kind of weird because both that is on both sides of the pond. This is a imaginative hurdle that's going to be a problem for both sides because and it's the same phenomenon, but it's just a reverse.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So in Britain, because they've had the NHS forever, they cannot conceive of what an American healthcare system is. So when you tell them like, yeah, no, you can just they will just not give you if you have cancer, you can't pay for it. Then you just won't get it. Yes. I'll die. The guess I'll die.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I mean, you will not get cancer treatment and you will die. They cannot fathom the barbarism of that because they have been raised their entire lives to believe like, oh, yes, an advanced industrial society. And so even though we have this thing here and we could point it to you and show you all the horror stories, they just can't imagine that it would ever happen there. Let me like, no, they'll never do that. And it's the exact same thing in the United States. A lot of people who don't want Medicare for all because they're like a mouth care system
Starting point is 00:23:13 where I don't pay anything, but I get I actually get to go to the doctor and they treat me and I don't pay, that's not real. That's a made up thing. You can't have that. It's real estate. They got it. It's over there. And they're like, no, there's a catch.
Starting point is 00:23:28 There's got to be a catch. Well, anytime you hear someone talk about like, oh, well, you know, the NHS has problems. Like, of course it has problems. Fuck off. It's still better. Like, grow up. Well, that's the main problem is underfunding it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:40 That would be austerity. I mean, the catch is that you constantly have to defend it against the people who want to dismantle it. Yeah. I hate them so much. By the way, here's what you as an American can do to help if you're just, you know, a poster, a classic poster, just constantly tweet and post about how much you owe in healthcare. Just tell them all.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Like there's that. There's the one tweet where the person had to pay like an extra $200 or something for skin to skin contact with their kid. Like the idea that it costs thousands of dollars just to have a baby, that's just to have it. That's just to never mind what, you know, if it's got any problems, you know, spanner in the works. Could you imagine having to explain to a British person like copays and deductibles and all that shit, they would just chuckle and pat you on the head and say, oh, that's a fairy
Starting point is 00:24:33 tale. Well, that's the thing about Obamacare is the things even in America, nobody really got their head around the fucking deductible. That was the real thing that made Obamacare a farce was that, oh, yeah, but you get all these subsidies, but there's still a minimum amount. You'd have to accrue in payment before they would kick in a cent, which means it's still cost out. You would still have to pay thousands of dollars for anything.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Most people don't have an extra $500. Right. Exactly. A little less $6,000 and the idea and like that idea, that reality that in America for millions of people like as a appendicitis broken bone could literally throw your entire life in a baby fucking tailspin, they just can't get their head around that's like, no, that's insane. What's the site?
Starting point is 00:25:20 What kind of society would do that? Us, baby. We are doing it every day and we love it. We are not prepared and we're not prepared to live in a society and we're a bunch of fucking Plato's cave dwellers trying to throw shit at Bernie Sanders saying, no, look, all these other things doable. They're like, fuck you, old man. That's not possible.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Being a medical debt around your neck for your entire life, that's just, that's a part of life. It's as immutable as the tides. Oh, God. It weren't so depressing. It is. The NHS really is a wonder of the modern world. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I mean, honestly, I prefer that. I would prefer the model of that. What has Britain like given the world? It's, you know, the good parts. Jarvis Cocker. Okay. I agree. Even though I think he's a really big remoner.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Anyway, but like Shakespeare, David Attenborough Nature Documentaries, and a model for healthcare that is like, should be emulated by the world. Okay. So what should have been the turning point in this election was a couple of weeks ago when Jez got the documents. Folks. Folks, I've seen documents. Folks.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I've seen the documents, folks, and they're right here for me. Jez got the documents. So maybe rewind a moment and say, okay, they're doing the damn Brexit. You all vaguely, you don't know what that word means. It doesn't matter. Who cares? They're doing the Brexit. They're doing the damn Brexit.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And Boris Johnson says, you know, if you elect me, I'll do the damn Brexit and no bad things will happen. We found the documents that validate labor's charge this whole time, this whole election, that, oh, actually, he's lying to you. Yes, he'll do the Brexit technically and then immediately go to the United States to negotiate a trade deal where the NHS is on the table, where privatizing that, opening that up to private equity firms in the United States, that's going to happen. And it's, you know, it's going to get worse.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And you got the documents. You got the documents. It's right there. Yeah. And nobody denied that the documents are real. Yeah. No, they're real. No.
Starting point is 00:27:28 They just smirked with that lollipop eating fucking grin. Yeah. Well, he knew that everyone in the press would be like, very interesting, but anti-Semitism, though. Yeah. And so about a week after that, a couple of days ago, Reddit released a statement saying that. What the fuck's Reddit doing releasing statements?
Starting point is 00:27:45 Yeah, that is a really fucked up thing. Reddit is releasing a statement saying, it was one word, and we can't say it on the show. Yeah. Yes. It took a minute, but you got there. I still don't get it. Oh, there it is.
Starting point is 00:28:01 There it is. My will. Hi. Yeah. No, Reddit released a statement on their official Upskirt channel to, they released a statement saying, you know, we did an analysis here and it turns out that the account that leaked the documents is linked to Russian disinformation. Well, there we go.
Starting point is 00:28:26 So that's the story now. Again, the validity of the documents is not in question, which means by definition, it is not disinformation. No, it's for me. It's a Russian information. Yeah. A helpful Russian disinformation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Helpful Russian information. Thank you. Thank you. Russian information man. The information man is a figure for Russian folklore. He comes to the villages. It's just like some 75 year old like stalwart communists that just before the end of history, I was information man for Soviet systems.
Starting point is 00:28:56 So that's the narrative now. It's the, hey, the phony bully Russia bullshit that all the Libs are obsessed with the United States. I don't know. Are you guys going to buy that one too? I mean, we'll see. I mean, the real thing that makes it interesting and I don't know if you want to talk about this now is that and though it makes this fraught and a different political calculation
Starting point is 00:29:15 than the US is the existence of the multi-parliamentary system and those guys, the liberal Democrats. Oh, those bloody Lib Dems. Okay. Yeah. Let's go to this. Let's talk about this. So, of course, the two major parties are the conservatives, good guys in the back guys. Their conservatives are, you know, they're generally slated to get in every election somewhere
Starting point is 00:29:39 between 38 and 42% of the vote. You can identify the mother black cowboy hats, hunting regalia and the rest of the country correctly hates them. Yeah. And the problem is those votes are dispersed mainly like obviously labor is they've consistently been at least either the majority party or the runner up and then there's a third party called the Lib Dems, the liberal Democrats, which are the two worst words you can find which bad news use in his intro correctly roasted and yes, yellow is a horrible fucking
Starting point is 00:30:12 link. I mean, honestly, that your dog shit, well, I mean, this might is the color of piss. It's the color of a cowards, a stripe on their back just thought that was a good guy. I mean, I get it. Red and blue are taken and those are good. The good ones. Obviously, the green greens are taken. Greens took green.
Starting point is 00:30:31 So green. Fine. But come on, man. Think for a minute. Green is definitely called dibs on that one. They got that one. They're entitled. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yeah. Come on. The Lib Dems are actually fascinating because I think it is just a party formed by failures. I mean, like, I don't mean like because they don't they're moving target politically. Yeah. They switch their position all the time. I think it's just literally people who are not talented or connected enough to get like internships in either of the two major parties.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Yeah. I mean, it's it's a it's a party of like, yeah, like the bourgeois middle class people who like have maybe a cultural affect that makes it untenable for them to be a Tory, but they're very grossed out by all of the anti-semitism wink-wink, i.e. class politics of of labor. So they're stuck in the middle. And unlike in America, they have their own party and they can make the difference. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Yeah. Yeah. In America, their own party is the Democrats. Well, that's the thing. So, you know, to their credit, I just mean what I mean by that is just like both like right now, Bernie Sanders is attempting to take over the Democratic Party and we'll see how it goes. But if he does it like he actually does it, the lad does it and he gets control of that
Starting point is 00:31:50 party. Thanks to our archaic shitty two to two party system, there's really nothing for the reactionary Democratic people to do except what support Bloomberg and a third party right run a little bit questionable, though. I don't know if his project is one of of realignment. I think that could potentially be the result of his success, but I don't know if it's necessarily the goal. But I don't know what goes on in Bernie's head.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Well, I'm sure. And also, you know, if he does get to presidency, like we've seen we've seen it before. These people do not fall in line. Yeah. Well, I know what goes through Bernie shoots them down like dogs, which he should. I know what goes through Bernie had. It's just an endless tape of really misogynistic rap. I thought it was just like Dodgers, Dodgers corned beef.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Bring them back. Bring it back to the budget. You know, but whether he's going to take over the party or not is that if he got was the nomination, that will be like disaster scenario for many people in the Democratic Party and they won't have anything to do. Like their best. The only thing that you will be able to do is like back a pathetic forlorn vanity Bloomberg candidacy that will get like 2% of the vote in the richest handful of congressional districts
Starting point is 00:33:04 in the country. God, I want that to happen. So I want Bernie to be president. Obviously, but I want to see these people attempt to splinter. Oh, God. Oh, yeah. It'll be hilarious. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:33:17 It'll be so good. The other thing is I really don't think it's a I think if either Bernie or Warren gets the nomination, I think it would arouse this kind of reaction to, you know, varying sizes. But no matter what, it's going to be like one, two percent, something like that. And I really think if Bernie was the nominee, he could just say bye, bitch. That does not matter at all. But if Warren were the nominee, I think it actually might make the difference. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:42 No, he has, I believe Bernie would have the margins to absorb a third party challenge. But I think a Warren, Warren Trump with Bloomberg in there might not, might tip it over. But of course, famously Hillary Clinton could not fucking withstand that. Yeah. It's just so many factors too that it almost feels like a complete, I mean, it feels like an absolute fantasy considering any possible potential reality, which I don't know. Like they just, at this point, I question things so much that I'm just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:14 That's also possible. The most random thing I could think of is also possible and they could introduce an entirely new factor that I would have not have anticipated that completely changes the field. Yeah. But as I was saying, so the Bernie would basically be in the cat bird seat there with the democratic establishment would have little electoral wiggle room there at the presidential level. But because of the glorious multi-party system we have here in the UK, there's this ready-made vehicle for disaffected urbanites to flee to in moments where things look like they
Starting point is 00:34:47 might get a little too red, which is what's happening right now. So who are the lived at? They were in a coalition with James Cameron, which was the beginning of the austerity decade and that really destroyed them and discredited them. And they're still really, you know, they're still like painted with the austerity brush right now. They've still got, they're still wearing the yellow A. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:14 And also that's saying a lot because the Labour Party is also painted with the austerity brush as well. So if you are, I mean, at least from the Blair years on, so like if you are more austere than austerity, Labour, that's pretty bloody austere, mate. You might be austere then. If you're more austere, if you, if you got more tuppence in your, in your bloody car truck, car, what's it called in your, you didn't think this bit out, boot, I'm trying to think of the word boot.
Starting point is 00:35:51 If you got more tuppence in your car, never mind if you're, if your privatized nursing home has another broken privatized nursing home on top of it, you just might be austerity. There you go. Yes. The glorious Lib Dems who were, yeah, they were, I still like thinking of them as working under James Cameron. Like that's, that's the funniest joke for the night for me because you know, they're all really into Titanic.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Like they're the people that like saw it, saw it multiple times. And a few of them have. I've seen it multiple times. It's a popcorn classic. And a few of them, I swear to God, no Neve. No, not to get too deep in it, but Titanic objectively, a phenomenal film. No, it's not. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Something for everyone. It's only worth looking at because it reminds you the leader of the Caprio was never hot. The we're getting hot takes hot take Amber. He never was. Yes. She is a reporter reporting for business all complains to me and I'm trying to get a job here. I'm trying to lay down roots here.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I need my own column. So I got to start. You got a piping hot take. The romantic stuff is like, you know, okay, whatever, but the the visuals, the awesome badass kicks ass. It's like when the thing sinks, it's pretty good. You can't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:04 You can't say otherwise. There you go. But like that's our three of a three hour film. That's not good. Ever. It's the biggest ship. And they said, there's no way it's going to say not this time. There's no way and it's not even just a bad screenplay because they really said it.
Starting point is 00:37:21 There's no way it's going to sing, which is like, have you ever been on a boat and said there's no way this will sink like that's that's bad vibes. Do you not know the word hubris because it's right there? It's the point of many. They should have called it the SS hubris. It's the point of many a tail, actually, but the Lib Dems were basically, yeah, they were cooked after being in the in the coalition because we were like, what are you, what are you for?
Starting point is 00:37:47 And now they've changed their mind a thousand times then like a phoenix from the ashes. They rose thanks to Brexit. The last election sponge, they fit in any space. The last election, their big thing was we're anti-Brexit. If you elect us, that undoes the referendum, which, you know, people did not think would pass. And it's still like very contentious, like basically 50-50 all around whatever. And voters said, I don't care, I don't give a shit, like 80 plus 80 plus percent of the
Starting point is 00:38:15 vote went to the Tories and labor correctly. So that failed this time around, they've got a new leader and what Peter Jackson and what's their, what's their position now? They're the anti-Brexit party. They are anti-Brexit, but the things about a, some of the things about a Tory Brexit, which would be bad, there is, there's a, there are different ways to do a Brexit. See, you got your left Brexit and you got your right Brexit. I tell you what, you don't want one of them right Brexit.
Starting point is 00:38:52 They're real bad. So they like some of the anti-immigrant policies like associated with a right-wing Brexit. So they're like, okay, so what we really like is being, you know, under the boot of an unaccountable international capitalist cabal, what we don't like is immigrants. So they've really like picked the worst of every aspect. I know that's now, I don't, that's what, that's what they do to you. That's what the Lib Dems do to you. Well, that's also what Brexit does to you because like right now the positions are pretty
Starting point is 00:39:29 clear. The Tory position is, I'm going to do the Brexit, which honestly, it kind of is a winning message. Oh, no, it's very smart. Apparently get Brexit done is the Tory slogan, which I think even if, for one thing, yes, who doesn't love Boris the Cable gentlemen, Boris the Campbell Lord, it would be Boris the, what is it, the Boris, the TV license guy, they have, by the way, you have to get a license for TV in this country. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:39:59 Yeah, weird. I don't even understand what it is, but I always just say that I have one. Sure. Why not? And I don't. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. I didn't get a license.
Starting point is 00:40:09 You forgot to do that before I came here. Oh, no. Don't worry. I'm sorry. I registered all of our television. I'm sorry. Like, I don't know if this is an indirect, but do you want to hear what Neera Tandon has to say about?
Starting point is 00:40:19 Oh, yes, absolutely. Oh, God. Yes. Another county heard from. Oh, she did it. She did a tweet. Oh, thank goodness. That this letter has been written by so many I admire, including John Le Carré or John
Starting point is 00:40:32 Le Carr, which by the way, good fucking writer. I don't care what he has to think. He's also 90 years old. He's a million billion years old. And also like he works in a right wing genre. Let's be honest. And literally a secretation. Sony and fire, including John Le Carr, Oz Carter G. Oh, who doesn't have hired him?
Starting point is 00:40:53 Apparently his co-workers are our sweet boy. Tom Holland is a tragedy. Labor's anti-semitism problem should have been brooded out long ago. Wait a minute. Spider-Man? Spider-Man. Yeah, Spider-Man. Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Oh, not a lot of people know this, but all Hollywood actors and directors are British. It's a weird thing now, they're all like British people who do perfect American accents. Concerns about anti-semitism means we cannot vote labor. Thank you, Nira. Thanks, Nira. Once again, a great, a great put in from Nira. But this is a good lead into what I want to talk about here, which is the Lib Dem mindset.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Because they're pulling about above where they should be, just because the Ramoners, the people who say, you know, well, I definitely don't want the Tories in, but you know, jazz is a little too much for me, you know, and made up whatever fucking reason to oppose fucking labor. Even though that's, even if it doesn't align with your class interests, it's literally the only way to avoid Armageddon is to vote labor at this point. But they pretend that voting for Lib Dem, you can still be a decent human being. Honestly, I think if you vote for Lib Dem, you're a worse human being.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Oh, yeah. Because at least there's some honesty, some bald-faced honesty to being a fucking Tory. That's the thing. Yeah, you're just like, oh, yeah, I'm a bad person. Or like, there are literally people who are like, well, I just think there's no way, there's, I mean, I have friends who are knocking on doors, and they're like, go to these areas, these post-industrial areas, and they're like, the only way we're ever going to have, you know, our welfare state restored is if we get out from under the boot of the EU.
Starting point is 00:42:37 And it's like, sir, okay, but like, people literally like, one friend of mine said, he's like, I talked to some guy who had a daughter who was like on permanent disability, and he was the care for, and he was like, look, I don't like him, but Boris is our only way out because he's going to get Brexit done. And he's like, sir. Such an easy message. And the thing is, Libre has to have a muddled message because Brexit scrambled the deck. Jez just wants to fight a straight class war.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Pretty easy. But the majority against the few in control of the economy who get all the privileges, they get all the wealth. And Brexit just kind of like, just sliced it in half now. So now there's like four constituencies to appeal to. And like traditional, like urban upscale labor voters are hardcore remainers now. And now he's got to love their vacations. He's got to worry about both flanks when, you know, Jez is like, he's always been obviously
Starting point is 00:43:37 a pro Brexit. He's a critic of the European Union and the traditional Tony ban. I mean, like that used to be the thing that the people were, if you were on the left. So, you know, his position, it's a little more complicated. You can't, you know, write it on a card. You have to explain it to someone, which is essentially that, OK, look, I've got to do the Brexit deal, but then you get to vote on it. And that'll be the end of it.
Starting point is 00:44:01 So it's just exactly one step. It's one extra step. But that's still one more step that you want, but that's the Petorius just get to say, elect us and you won't have to hear about it anymore. You won't have to think this literally. You won't have to think. Would you like to stop talking about Brexit? Because I want such a winning message.
Starting point is 00:44:17 I don't want to hear the word ever again. I only have to see it on Twitter and on TV once in a while, and I never want to fucking see the guy there. I can't imagine living here and having that be the only thing anyone has talked about for three years for three years and also keep in mind the majority of like no American knows what the European Union is. Only like five British people do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:41 It makes no sense. It's purposefully opaque. Yeah. The organization was invented to obfuscate its own purpose. It's a confusing, horrible thing that no one knows what it is. I mean, I honestly, as I said that thing about, I can't imagine like talking about one thing. That's us with Trump. And I've got to tell you that is also terrible, but he's so much more entertaining than Brexit.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Oh, God, he was talking about how you have flushed the toilet less than 15 times the other day. That's cool. So delightful. He apparently he's he like he digests like skeletons and like because like how does it take? I think he shits once a year, but most of the time he you know what owl pellets are? I think that's that's how he digests most of the time.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Yeah. No, he takes one shit a year and it's the size of a Buick. And of course it takes 15 flushes. But anyway, that's the kind of gold you get with Trump, even though all of us are getting dumber every second that all we've been talking about is dumb, senile old man going at like this king leader play that we're all part of the world sipping dumb bitch juice. But at least they're doing deeply of the dumb bitch. There's some zip.
Starting point is 00:45:48 There's some like there's some riffs like he is a clown. He has funny stuff. This is like. But also sometimes he gets in his anger against people we also hate. Yeah, exactly. Which is fun for us. Otherwise it's like, oh, but what about the backstop and what about the sense and the passport color?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Blow my brains out for your average person. Brexit just means. Oh, that's the thing that assholes talk about. There's no normal person talking about anyway. So here's my theory. This is one I articulated to Matt earlier today. Let me know what you think about this one, Amber. If Brexit is like if if if remaining in the EU is your top priority, is your most salient
Starting point is 00:46:28 issue in this election. If you're a single issue anti-Brexiteer, you are a pervert. And I realized this actually a few months ago, agree. I realized I like where this is going and I and here's what here's what caused me to realize this when I saw the Twitter profile, some random guy who was like, you know, had like the pro remain hashtags and all that shit. And he had the EU flag in his display name. And I just thought, fuck you, you fucking dipshit.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Like because no one talks about this. I'm sorry to interrupt, but no one talks about this. One of the things that they bring up when they talk about like, you know, the value of the European Union, nothing to do with, you know, like being able to shift around like third world workers to the benefit of capital. But they bring up the phrase European culture, which to me is Nazi shit. Like first of all, there's you people have nothing in common with the French, nothing. You guys, you're just code for like whiteness.
Starting point is 00:47:38 You guys spent a thousand years fighting each other for God's sakes. If you have like the European fucking flag in your display name and your header image is the EU parliament, you're a pervert. You are a degenerate. Yes. Perfect. Yeah. Sicko sick brain person.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah. Like you, I would respect you more if you had the galactic Senate in your fucking Twitter profile. Yeah. I'm sitting around thinking like, you know, the agriculture subsidies for Andalusian orange growers, I find very scintillating as a way they destroyed the economies of all of those peripheral countries. Oh, that was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah. People who, by the way, speak Klingon, never destroyed Southern European countries. Seriously. And if I lived here, honestly, you know, I don't know where I stand on the matter and I mean, I understand the arguments of both sides, but at some point I would just stop caring. I would be like, OK, this is not real politics at some point. This is a distraction.
Starting point is 00:48:36 This is just, this is just libidinal excess right now being manifested in the lamest possible fucking way, which is an obsession with, like you said, the European culture, which is so creepy is manifested in what the artificial symbols they invented to pretend that Europe is a nation. It's a thing. Yeah. I mean, it isn't that it's like geographically a thing or whatever, but like it's different countries.
Starting point is 00:49:03 It's not a thing. And so I'll tell you a story from earlier today. Oh, well, we're getting lunch and it's one of those places where it's like a big bench, so you're sitting next to strangers. Oh, no, I hate that family style eating is no. And I honestly, that's perverts. See, I have not, I had not realized yet that I'm will. So this should know that he was absorbing all of the energies for will, because it will
Starting point is 00:49:25 saw something like that. I mean, guys, let's go to another place because he knows like danger zone, danger zone, other people. He gets stranger danger at this point. He's learned the hard way. Yeah. And I was telling Matt at a reasonable volume, my theory that, yes, if you if your only obsession is pro-remain, you're a pervert.
Starting point is 00:49:44 And the guy sitting next to me could not hold it in. Yeah. And he started talking to me and say, well, you know, it's not that's not the only issue. Well, no, what it was is that you just care more about that than you do a health care. What he said is that you said, at this point, it has transcended being an issue and it's just a symbol of like an identity and you say it's just symbolic politics and he turns and goes, it's not just symbolic. And literally the next words out of his mouth were, I'm a European.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And so I asked him, you sound racist when you say, so he said, he said, I'm a European. And I thought that's literally symbolic. What are you talking about? But the thing is, no, no, but I thought what he meant was, you fucking loser, I thought what he meant was, oh, I'm from like Poland or something. I like, I'm literally like a continental European who because of the EU, the free labor zone gets to live and work in the UK. And like, maybe I'm afraid that, you know, like, sure, you know, because the risk of
Starting point is 00:50:37 the racist stories get in and, you know, they, they kick me out of a place that I've lived, worked, paid taxes and for so long. So I asked him where he's from and he said, well, I'm from Leeds, but, you know, I'm European and then he continued talking for a while and it just sucked and it was awful. I was just like a lot of fucking bullshit that sucked ass was stupid. But as far as I can tell, his core issue is I like to feel that I'm a European. And when pressed pervert, pervert, absolute, when pressed on the question of like deeper issues and, you know, inequality and whatever, and the way that, you know, people have been
Starting point is 00:51:15 feeling like large numbers of people in Britain have been feeling the effects of a Brexit long before it happened because they've been just getting annihilated by austerity for a decade. And he basically just went blackpilled like, well, nothing can change. That's absurd. Nothing's going to change. This is the system. This is the system.
Starting point is 00:51:31 So it's, so he's like totally acceded to the system. Also, by the way, by the way, if nothing can change, then shut the fuck up and let us leave. Yeah. That's the thing is that they need to have, it's like they're totally, uh, he has to be because he doesn't want things to change. He's got that, the, the fake, uh, like, uh, cynical thing of like, well, I guess stuff can, oh no, the sit, the thing that was given me a very comfortable lifestyle can't change.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Oh darn. That's, that's, that's too, but he gets to just like calling like, I mean, I think this is still this, the last hangover of the nineties is the kind of like nihilism blackpill shit where it's like, when can we just start calling these people lazy and unimaginative? Yeah. Like fucking lazy. But like, it's like, that's fine, but he's still, he has to, because he's a fucking, you know, a, a, a Londoner now, uh, he's a fancy lad.
Starting point is 00:52:19 He has to have some thing, some identity about him that rises him above the rabble. By the way, it's, I'm, I'm a European. Well, I agree with you though that like, so I was like very like reticent about Brexit specifically cause you kid was around and all this stuff and I was like, oh no. And then like the things that I was worried about didn't happen. And I was like, oh, well, I mean, this is like, this is a thing and they, you, I went more with you and it's bad or whatever. But if I lived here, I would be like, just flip a coin.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I don't give like, at this point, I would just be like, I want to labor government, just just fucking move on. And I mean, like that really is the winning message for jazz is to say, look, whatever fucking happens with it, who do you want to be in charge of this process? We're going to have the best, uh, policies for workers, the best policies for trades, the best policies for immigrants, like just keep your eye on the fucking price. Yeah. No matter what happens.
Starting point is 00:53:16 And, uh, uh, and you know, he threw us up to the remote owners and said, look, you get a vote on it. Okay. That's your last ditch. You want to go play politics, you know, pretend that like this is some big important thing that fucking matters in your life. Fine. Go have fun.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Do it. Do another thing, whatever. But after that, it's done. Yeah. Okay. Meal out. That's pretty fair. That's more than these fucking people deserve.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Right. The Lib Dems have the, the, the, the, the, the, the remain party is basically said that they will not cooperate with labor, but they're open to cooperating with the Tories and honestly shouldn't that tell you everything you need to know about the actual fucking, uh, stakes here? And I want to clarify here. I'm obviously being a bit glib. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I understand the fucking threat that Brexit poses. I'm specifically talking about brain psychology right now of the fucking egg eating fucking perverts. It was like, well, I'm a European. No, you're not. Fuck off. And also, by the way, everyone in the rest of Europe hates you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:18 You are objectively the worst people in every fucking city. You are, these, you're the ugliest Europeans. These people managed to be worse tourists than us. And I'm not, I know they are, they're monsters. They're monsters. I'm sick of the ugly American stereotype. British people's idea of vacations is just vomiting on foreign soil. No, no, I'm not saying that America's, I'm saying then us, the three people here, wow,
Starting point is 00:54:42 there are somehow more antisocial than we are. No, I swear to God, the hand of God happened. There's a number of years ago I was on a cheap budget flight from Manchester to Prague. And that is a very popular lads night, lads weekend vacation, beer is like tree, basically, especially compared to the UK. So it's just a plain load of lads, guys named Colin, 15 guys named Colin and Colin Farrell, Colin Firth were there, all of them, all the guys who said the queen was dead and got my hopes up.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Uh, they're all in the plane and we went and they're of course very loud, you know, uh, they love being loud, insanely loud, insanely loud, like getting on the plane. I thought, Oh God, this is going to be a nightmare. Thankfully they were relatively subdued on the plane. But as we left, like I was waiting, I usually wait a little bit. I don't like to stand up and all that stuff. And so it was like kind of me and doesn't like to stand up and all that surprise, you know, and all that stuff, the standing, standing, no, I'm with them.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I'm a sit guy, sit guy, do or die, that's my brother, that's my Brexit, one of these fancy standards. Anyway, I'm just saying by the time you could lie prone on a plane, I waited for most people to leave and it was me and the Collins and then they're like moving on the aisle and then one of the Collins runs back and he planked across the top of the airplane seats while his other column friends took pictures of it and this was at least a year after planking was a thing. Air marshal, air marshal, taste, taste, obliterated.
Starting point is 00:56:22 No, the British are the worst tourist in the world. Giant red faced men barfing in your face. Can I just say that there are, there are two modes, exactly two modes here. One is loud, obnoxious, drunk and bothering me and the other is complete stone silence and getting mad at me. Exactly. Again, I was losing. Also, I've said this before, I think maybe even on the show, but I'll say it again.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I feel like the British colonized Ireland just so they could pretend like there was a worse drinking culture than yours, but Ireland is basically like Southern Europe in the north. Like they drink like, I hate this word, but Europeans. They're a little bit drunk all the time, literally all the time. They are marathon runners. The English are fucking sprinters. Oh yeah. They just binge drink.
Starting point is 00:57:14 It's just like they get off work and then they just start pounding and they're not fun and they're not cool and they're, it's just, they don't enjoy drinking. It's just compulsive. So when you see those, you know, the people with the European flags and their fucking bios and shit, the remote owners who are contemplating or hardcore voting Lib Dem, just know, okay, those are our resistance lives. They're also, they're doing an equally, also a symbolic thing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:44 They have the same class position as our resistance lives do. And they had the same psychic trauma of an election in 2016, going away that they did not expect it to. And they have not, and they've been spending the next three years, last three years trying to like recontextualize their world. And they fixed on one thing and one explanation, why everything is bad in their life and why everything doesn't make sense anymore and how they can fix this, get rid of that Trump or Brexit.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Because so the, you know, in our country, yeah, Trump's election like obliterated the symbolic order of Libs and they've been trying to put it wasn't supposed to happen. Desperately trying to scotch tape it back together. The exact same thing happened here with Brexit, totally destroyed it. I woke up and I didn't know what country I was living in. Shut the fuck up. You're fucking like Jackie Kennedy trying to put pieces of skull back on your husband. Get your shit together.
Starting point is 00:58:36 That is the best image of the episode right there. Yeah. No, same kind of psychos. And what is refreshing is I have not actually concerned myself with American Libs in a while because they've all been off hanging, having fun with their impeachment busy box. Yeah. And it's like, I don't have to follow it. I don't have to argue with them or whatever.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Remember those folks? Oh yeah. They're having so much fun and I just, you know, pat on the head, you know, have fun with you. You're lucky with that picture, guys. We'll elect Bernie while you're, you know, not minding the store. Apparently, like the Senate approval rate is just like not even done anything. Like no one's noticing.
Starting point is 00:59:12 Like literally no one is noticing that there's just like an impeachment hearing going on. Like no one cares. No one cares. And they're going to quit him on party line and then they'll be over and everyone will have forgotten it ever happened. By the way, you know, I follow a little legislation bot on Twitter and one more. You are a legislation. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Well, I'll stop it. Stop it. I need, I need people to be nice to me now. And while, yeah, while, while the impeachment busy box has been going on, what the Senate's been doing is just rubber stamping every maniac in the country to the federal judiciary. Yes. So yeah. So like that thing's happening.
Starting point is 00:59:46 The problem here is, of course, your lips, they don't have a busy box because they're actually doing something dangerous, which is voting for the fucking Lib Dem. Because they have a viable quote unquote third party to put their energies into and take over and completely invest themselves in. Whereas ours are kind of costages. Like they would have to vote for Bernie. They would have no choice. Not after spending a lifetime screaming at third party voters.
Starting point is 01:00:13 I would try to do it. Like that's what I want to see is like 25% or something like that. That's honestly, for me, one of the top reasons to make Bernie the nominee is to make Bernie the nominee is to see all of these these moralizing fucking perverts who spent, yeah, blue no matter what spent years squealing about, you know, what a fucking threat to constitutional democracy, what a tyrant Trump is and how, you know, oh, it was it was those those Bernie supporters who, you know, didn't vote for Hillary and got him elected just to watch them crawl back and say, actually, for this reason, the right thing to do is support Michael Bloomberg.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Even if he'll lose, I can't vote labor because of anti-semitism. I am a big, yeah, it's going to be awesome seeing the people try to, oh, what we saw now is, we saw an amazing glimpse of the first stage of this psychosis that will eventually, you know, I mean, it'll be a Kubla Ross cycle that will end in acceptance. Most of them wanted voting for Bernie was after Kamala Harris dropped out and her, oh, so much seppuku. Yeah, no, no, not seppuku. No, no, a kamikaze. They have all collectively taken the black pill. Yeah, they're now also Bukaki. Yeah. Fuck the Democrats. Fuck elections. Fuck America. It can all burn to the ground
Starting point is 01:01:38 if you're not going to make Kamala Harris president. They are Ronan's now, who's Samurai, whose liege Lord has died. But they they roam the countryside. Well, they're going to avenge Kamala because I saw so many posts that said, okay, K high new mission, take down Tulsi Gabbard. I also like marginal person. Also, how that old mission go seems like old mission was elect Kamala Harris president. That did very poorly. So maybe take a second and like reassess your capabilities before getting a new mission. Yeah. And I saw actually to be fair, going after Tulsi is they're well more capable of doing that than actually getting someone elected. I also saw a lot of them say, you know, if
Starting point is 01:02:21 Tulsi is the nominee, I'm not voting for it. So it's not a lot you got to worry about there, chief. Well, some of them. The thing is, is that they all hate Tulsi, of course, because she had the she kind of helped bring Kamala's numbers, not at least, I mean, who know, in their in their minds, in their mind. Yeah. Yeah. But they also hate Yang. They hate Bernie, Bernie, of course, and they hate Warren, and they hate Pete, and they hate Mayor Pete, which is true because they're like, that's cool. It's kind of in the same lane that she is in. Yeah, they're working in the same. So it's like, yeah. So are these are these people who are the most intersectionally minded of people? Like the reason they like
Starting point is 01:02:57 Kamala is because like a woman of color, like hit all their pleasure centers. Are they? How are they going to get to the point where they end up backing by, which is inevitable if he's the only one that you don't have a blood oath against? Honestly, because it's easy to support him because he's just on it at this point. I don't know. I mean, I fully agree with Felix's argument that it's just so entertaining. Yeah. And also that I'm like, I actually want him to debate Trump. Yeah, that's the thing. I'm also not. I'm also not. Can we make a deal? I just want to see like, you know, because like I'm kind of convinced that Trump, if Bernie is the nominee, I'm kind of convinced that Trump
Starting point is 01:03:30 will not debate him. I because he really because he doesn't need to debate him. Like he nobody has. Nixon said no in 72. And it's not like anything happened. Nobody spanked him with a big election naughty stick for violating the rules. No, it doesn't matter. So I could see Trump being like, No, I don't I don't want to be ready just because he doesn't want to get in it on issues, especially against the guy who he can't, you know, smear as a swamp creature or whatever. But so fine. Bernie's a nominee. He doesn't debate Trump. Just have Biden debate Trump. Yes, I just want to watch it. I would. I wanted an extension of the grumpy old men franchise. I just want just these two men in terminal cognitive
Starting point is 01:04:12 decline, having competing and non intersecting conversations with people who are not in the room. Yeah, I also think I released to see Felix do like a stage adaptation of what it might be. Yes, that's what we should. We should do the Sorkin thing and like like write it out. Yeah, but also with Biden. I mean, look, I know it would be bad. It would not be good. But he's got maybe nine months of object permanence left. How much damage could he do? I guess it depends who his VP is. Yeah. So I'm not that. I mean, or Jill Biden, and she might pull up Florence Wilson and just become the president. They can't from the same state. So they would not get Delaware's. No, I just mean that she wouldn't be the VP is the way
Starting point is 01:04:56 that Woodrow Wilson's wife in his last term when he had the stroke, she basically was governing for him. Oh, yeah. So it would just be the Jill Biden show. Oh, I thought you meant more like a Southern governor type thing. No, really. Yeah. I mean, I mean, it's bad, but in terms of like all the non Bernie candidates getting in there would be bad, maybe bad, at least with Biden. One, it's entertaining. And two, yeah, he'll just be a vegetable. So that's way, I mean, honestly, any like non Bernie type candidate, anyone not in that same ideological space getting in. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 01:05:35 type candidate, anyone not in that same ideological space getting in. The best thing we could all hope for is like total gridlock, nothing happening. Yeah, basically. And it's, you know, it's good to have, it's good to hope. I think it's so good to just keep in mind that Bernie could win. He could really win. We could pull it off. He could be president. You have a president Sanders. Hey, we have a president Jewish. We could have the first anti Semitic Jewish president. And yeah, and we could actually, I mean, he's going to face insane opposition, particularly from within his own party, just like jazz has. But he's got people behind him and he didn't, he didn't put all his eggs in the party basket. He put
Starting point is 01:06:21 his eggs in like building a movement. Yeah, exactly. Which is really why it honestly doesn't matter who it is. If it isn't Bernie, because from Warren to fucking Mayor Pete, whatever, Harry Booker, throw it out. Amy Klobuchar. She poisons everyone red wedding or purple wedding style. And she's the last one standing. Oh, what's there? The gridlock at this point is baked in an intransigence. Nothing will change in the current array with the Senate, the way it is, the house, the way it is, the judiciary. We have a sedimentary accruation. Well, another, another, well, another grand bargain type scenario, right? That's the best case. Yeah. Best case scenario is something that just cuts entitlements. That's it. That's
Starting point is 01:07:02 the only big thing that works case scenario. Yeah. Well, no, I mean, like that's the best case in terms of any large legislation getting through. And that's terrible. And like that's going to happen no matter what, because none of them can fucking change the arithmetic. Only Bernie can change the math by creating that movement that provides, that creates pressure from outside of the system. Because within the system, it's just, it's dead. There's no, there's nothing going on anymore. The bacteria, they're all. Bernie is the true math. He's the only one. It's all anaerobic. Breving. We're getting high on few. You're getting high on few. We need to throw something else. No, yeah. Like you're in the car. Like
Starting point is 01:07:37 the American political system is in the. It's the car in the drive in the car in the garage. The car in the garage with the fucking key turn. In the car hole. It's the car in the car hole with the engine on and the window down. And you're just taking deep, nice breaths. And it's just slowly that carbon monoxide is replacing your blood cells. And you don't even know it. Well, so only Bernie can open the garage door. One button on this conversation. I'm sure you all saw this. This is an advertisement that the lib dad posted on Facebook. You come here like twice. And you say like that. I have actually said it that way for a long time. No, no, you know what? I back him on this because this is a man who has in multiple
Starting point is 01:08:23 times in my presence ordered a Kaiser salad. So yeah. Okay. Live was sponsored by Lib Dems. The liberal Democrats will build a brighter future and a fairer economy. Find out more about her plans and attached as a photo with a picture of Boris Johnson in black and white and a little frowny with more of the same written. And then there's a picture of Peter Jackson, the Lib Dem leader, you know, nice and colorful with a caption. Skills wallets. Skills wallets. Folks, don't worry. Don't worry. Your grandmother's blood is being replaced with a caro syrup by Kaiser Permanente while you're talking while I'm talking to you, but you get a skills wallet. There's nothing that I think encapsulates the Lib Dem pervert
Starting point is 01:09:14 mindset better than skills wallets. The skills wallet was the most perfect. Honestly, that ad should be sponsored by labor. Yeah. Hang on. So what is a skills wallet? Did anyone figure it out? I know what a skill wallet is. You shouldn't learn. That's true. That is my motto. Yeah, you know what? Okay, I'll ask you, what do you think a skills wallet is? Oh, fuck shit. Just imagine it. Fuck dude. I guess it's called a vulva. And I don't appreciate this vulgar slang. Okay. Maybe it's a wallet that holds a bunch of certifications of like classes you took. Okay, wait a minute. So what? So would they say we're offering a skills wallet? Do you think the Lib Dems are saying you'll get a literal wallet? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:52 I don't know. Maybe. Okay. I guess it's figurative then. So it's, I guess they mean like a skills portfolio. Fuck this sucks. How are they going to give you the skills? It's a fucking unpleasant image. How are they going to put the skills in your wallet? Wallets are ugly things, you know. They're utilitarian. Yeah, exactly. I mean, they work, but they're not pretty. But no, how do you put the skills in the wallet? What are they going to do to put those skills in your wallet? How is baby formed? Okay. Do you want to know? Or do you want to keep the mystery? I think we need to know. Okay, fine. What is it? So the skills wallet is a series of educational grants basically to British people that are released. It's 10,000
Starting point is 01:10:37 pounds total that are released in trances over your working life. So you get like you graduate from fourth form or you get your A levels or whatever the fuck you call it. Yeah. And you get like two grand to go towards skills. And then you hit 30. So it's like a micro thing. That's like, oh, the reason why you're poor is because you're stupid. Exactly. Well, that's stupid. The only neoliberal answer to do industrialization and all this stuff is just you need skills skills wallets. So yeah, and then like you hit 40, you get another last order, a last tranche of 2000 pounds, then you hit 45 and you are humanely euthanized. Okay, I'm kind of ashamed of this, but a few years ago I found a skills wallet
Starting point is 01:11:18 on the subway and I was kind of hard up at the time. So I just I just pocketed the skills and I left it there. Yeah, one more. Joe Swinson tweeted this with the hashtag brighter future Jackson, the head of the Lib Dems. This is their solution to the horrible housing crisis in the UK where you have to pay almost as much as New York rents to live in a wet cave. We will reform the private rental sector with sector with a help to rent scheme giving all first time renters under 30 tenancy deposit loans to help get into the market. Oh, no. Brighter future. This is in the side, but this 30 under 30 tenancy deposit loans help them get into the market. I'm getting wet on this shit. This used to be by the way one
Starting point is 01:12:05 of the countries with some of the best public housing. Yeah, no, no, that's the thing is after World War Two, we both the US and Britain both had it's Goofers and Gallant really after World War Two. Yeah, one kick the hand on the one allowed the AMA to strangle Medicare, strangle socialized medicine in the crib and build a bunch of suburbs with private money that and then subsidize it through, you know, FHA loans. The other just fucking created a government insurance industry or a government health care, a government health care. What do you call it? A government health care system? I'm sorry. It's late and I'm very punchy. One of them and then the other one created a government health care system and just built
Starting point is 01:12:47 a bunch of houses. Yeah, social housing. What if you just built the houses, but then it's actually like socialism was actually way more easy and less complicated and less bureaucratic than? Well, the horror, though, is that over time we're arriving at a we're hitting a point. We're coming together after that initial divergence after World War Two. We're slowly coming together, but not in the good direction. Yeah, in that they're coming, they're becoming in the process of getting as shitty as us. Well, you're being pulled. Congratulations, shithead. Enjoy it. Pull your asses out of the fire. Yeah, you have a chance to do that before you're just all gig economy people with like an organ on loan that is pumping some blood. Steaks
Starting point is 01:13:33 are very high. Pull yourself out of the fire. Corbin, good. Bernie, good. That's all you need to know. Yeah, pretty easy, pretty straightforward. I think I might yell that at some people tomorrow. Yeah. Once again, UK, thank you so much for your hospitality. We will see you in London Monday night, Tuesday night, tickets available for the Tuesday night show, and we will see you Liverpool on Wednesday night. And then after that, we're going to go hang out in Manchester. Yeah, you don't need to know that. And also, if you found if you're British subject and you found anything we said in this episode, objectionable, and if our analysis of your culture, it's borays, it's politics, incorrect. D M. Or just yell at me like you've
Starting point is 01:14:17 been doing it. Your last episode was a lot of politics, isn't it? Yeah, like, I'm not going to understand what you're saying. I'm just going to smile. I can't see me. I can't perceive whether you're mad or like threatening me or you're joshing around. It doesn't matter. Just yell it and I'll just smile and then we'll go on with our day. Just last is the last thing just to bring the politics and just the general wrongness of Britain together. Like when Amber was reading off the last hot fire of Lib Dem proposal, she reminded me that in Britain, they call plant and political policy plans schemes. Oh, I love it. It's the devious. But it's like that's it's really I'm
Starting point is 01:14:59 tenting my fingers right now. It's like, yeah, it's like, we've got a health care scheme. It's like, I bet you do. It's like, you shifty bastard. You're just doing the hand rub together while you say that. It's I guess the word has a different connotation. It does. Yeah. Well, I mean, it must. It has to. Yeah. Or else I mean, we're from a scheme implies devious. Yes, it's that someone's up to something. Yeah, the government's here. The government's here. Americans don't Americans don't really trust planning, I guess. Of any kind at all. Yeah, it has a different connotation. The government's here aren't just like releasing documents saying our evil plan. I'm just imagining a British Liz Warren saying, I've got a scheme
Starting point is 01:15:34 for that. Imagine that literally somebody running to be like, that's just Joe Swinson. Yeah, basically. But like, that's that that would be somebody running to be like Galactic Overlord. I have a scheme for that. I will turn you on the nutrient paste with my laser. Okay, let that be the last little image that's, you know, you go off to sleep is blissfully liquidated into nutrient goo for the next generation of influencers and data driven job creators. All right, one last big push for labor. Do it. Knock doors. Do it. Do it. One last big push. One last big push. He would do it for you. He would do it. He's way better person than you. If you're cold, he's cold. Let him in. Bye, everyone. Bye.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Ta-ta. Every night in my dreams, I see you. I feel you. That is how I know you go. Far across the distance and spaces between us, you have come to show you go on.

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