Chapo Trap House - 378 - The Story of Coach O (12/23/19)

Episode Date: December 24, 2019

Dispatches from the posting wars; Debates wrap up; Klobmentum; Some end of  year self-congratulations; TOILETS!; Rod and the Archdruid. TOUR dates for Iowa, New Hampshire (and coming soon Las Vegas)...:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the end of the video. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you enjoyed it. This is the end of the video. You're hot, hot, hot, hot. Hello, friends. Hey, guys, we're back again, here for another choppo.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I'd like to kick things off this week by reading a tweet that I came across today that honestly, you know, we do a lot of, you know, cynical, sarcastic, ironic stuff on this show, but sometimes
Starting point is 00:00:58 I encounter something that kind of fills my heart. makes me feel it makes me feel warm inside and like makes you think of the the good that we're doing in the world and i'm just going to share it with you now it comes courtesy of tom watson what's amazing is that there's a fucking piece of shit centrist wad named tom watson in the uk and it's a different guy yeah which tom watson you're talking about american french this is united states tom manchurian tom watson is there like a tom watson in every country who like just embody shit liberalism no there's a fijian tom watson so this is this is
Starting point is 00:01:30 tom watson uh he's quote tweeting a take that says bernie sanders has the most toxic stands and that's because movements led by and for white men are toxic he doesn't do a single thing to stop this toxicity because he is too scared of his and then it cuts off here you gotta stop singing songs on the show all right the people they they they're very they don't like it we're paying out the ass for these fucking copyright fees fair use uh okay so tom watson replies to this and says the toxicity is a strategy and it works i'll switch to uh to a system of a down then toxicity well he endorsed bernie so yeah we want to um the toxicity is a strategy and it works other candidates are afraid of bernie many reporters are afraid of that's what's up nobody
Starting point is 00:02:32 wants the swarm talk shit get hit that fear is effective you do not want this swarm i guess i had tom read all wrong because you know here he is praising bernie sanders and he's got a fucking successful strategy he's got a fucking army of disciplined drill warriors who get results i mean i guess it's just like this fills my heart because like as long as i've been doing this show or even having been on twitter like i never once thought to myself like wow this is important or matters like i'm having an effect on the real world or politics or doing anything other than what i'd be doing otherwise which is mostly just amusing myself and by you know being anesthetized by the spectacle yeah um but you you just you know you come along and guess what yeah you actually
Starting point is 00:03:16 apparently apparently it does on the board kamala harris bye bye well no like i mean i think the thing is like i've noticed this recently and you know if you follow tom and i can't do to a glitch on twitter um like like what they've been saying for years now is just like whenever they like someone makes fun of them or like is rude to them or gives them the fear what like they'll quote tweet it and be like if you really think this is helping your candidate you know like these like these bernie bernie sanders supporters are his biggest liability you can't build a coalition like this now that all their faves are bye bye they're all they're gone and then the others uh elizabeth warren is circling the drain because uh her her fucking fans are supporting pete yep and
Starting point is 00:04:02 then they're killing each other uh as we will talk about uh during the debate and then they're stuck with what supporting joe biden or amy clobacar or amy clobacar whatever yeah so now that they can read a fucking poll or reading the same polls that you know we've been looking at for the last eight or nine months now they've switched to this is really gonna hurt bernie and like you know this really hurts bernie i know i know you think it's funny to do this to me but like you don't know how bad you look to uh this is really helping bernie and it needs to stop i mean obviously you're saying like you're doing too good a job of politics that's not fair yes it's like sorry there's no rules and the fucking corn cob but they want rules they want the rules
Starting point is 00:04:44 to come back there ain't no fucking rules politics eight bead bag is a bunch of awful douche bags say all the time on there to justify just reptilian awfulness like we said on this show they would rather lose while following the rules absolutely win and maybe break a rule well because breaking the rules would undermine their position within the party so they always take defeat while still holding control of the actual party itself iron law of institutions shout out john and also i love the idea like the original tweet uh that that he's quoting is just like oh like you know movements led by you know white men will always be toxic because it's like well yeah bernie sanders is a white man but um let's stack up his fucking movement against any of the ones that you're fucking
Starting point is 00:05:26 yep standing for to use the every single person every other than biden everybody else's coalition is wildly whiter than bernie's is mayor pete warren fucking mayor pete is like a clan rally come on so you know i mean this is the crowd that's really fond of saying uh twitter is not real life yeah but now they've just like totally regressed to the point where it's no this is all that matters is my mind you know like let's see that's the thing version like i sort of like i've always assumed that twitter was not real life it is like course that it's just this like it's the only way you stay sane on it yeah exactly like that it is just this huge just like um i don't know like like just like it's a busy box it's just a busy box for like all of our anxieties and neuroses about the
Starting point is 00:06:06 world that you just fart out into this like alternate sphere of just like self-contained into a paper bag insanity and and and and just like i don't know yes just like a fucking the human centipede of just like our all of our fears neuroses and you know senses of humor or whatever or whatever now that like it's been for a while now like saying like oh like whatever people say twitter isn't real life what they mean is msnbc is and they always talk about what a small amount of people use twitter and how it's skews to being people who are like higher educated or whiter or more progressive than the overall population who the fuck is what they what they mean is like these are people who work for fucking cable news are saying this shit and then like i'm saying if you
Starting point is 00:06:48 add up the audiences they're pretty much comparable what they're really saying is people on the left who make fun of me and don't take me seriously isn't real it's not real if you close your eyes it can't it can't hurt you because that's the thing you know twitter isn't real life sure but politics as it's currently constituted is also not real life right most people don't vote they don't follow it to this degree yes and it's just us it's all you're all locked in here with us that's the other thing is that the people who are most um sort of pissy about twitter not being real life are people who have to be on twitter for their job yeah and because of that they have the fear they have the fear now because again they're in here with us and we have an audience as big or
Starting point is 00:07:33 compared considerably bigger than theirs and that's why the chief frustration that radiates out of every complaint about a media figure about twitter boils down to i want to be able to fire them yeah and the thing is is that in their mind it's not fair that they can't get those people fired because they could get fired because they are basically on the job they are under the panopticon fucking uh sauron eye of their boss anything they say will get them in trouble so it's not fair that it doesn't apply to you too i think it is very gratifying i saw um yeah ryan ryan lizzo had had a piece in like politico or something about this and he kept using the phrase the cool kids of twitter and like you know sort of derisively or just saying that like it's beginning it's
Starting point is 00:08:20 skewing democratic politics because like you know all these young people are online and they're you know like like the cool kids of twitter are starting to like you know direct uh policy or like you know like a sort of find uh you know a point of pressure on these different campaigns where people are you know looking to appeal to them and i just think it for i i just find it very gratifying that whenever i see the phrase the cool kids of twitter i know they're talking about me yeah freaking fancy over here i'm sorry who the fuck else are they talking about no i mean maybe that's like megalomaniacal or whatever but like we're cool that's how i mean like honestly we're cool listener cool listener sushi cop listener i mean you should you should uh you should take this to
Starting point is 00:09:00 their heart yeah it you'll be cool too if you're on our side doing the work i mean i'm being i'm being semi sarcastic here but semi sarcastic life baby what did i tell you god damn it what did i tell you what tom is what tom is actually saying is they're winning the meme wars yes we are that's how infantile is analysis has become he's always been a crank but like this is just dumber than normal you know and also that they've realized that uh they've been hitting the uh racism and misogyny buttons so many times that like just nobody cares or believes about it because like the evidence for it it just gets thinner and thinner and thinner and like you know this time around it poll after poll says that he is bernie sanders has by far the most
Starting point is 00:09:47 support among non-white people in this democratic primary no they're they're they're hopelessly addicted to it now they're not getting the same high off a regular hit it's kind of sad actually they're sought they're they have to seek out bigger and bigger and more insane arguments yeah like bernie's an anti-semi yeah you got a really clever oh yeah oh yeah um so like i said uh you know like i i wouldn't take it too seriously because you know anything that goes on online is this kind of weird like simulacra of reality it's like it's a freaking matrix it's gazing into you know this this weird like a mirror abyss of our reality but maybe occasionally like you know in a lovecraftian sense we can sort of pierce that membrane and jog shagath sort of will seep
Starting point is 00:10:30 into our universe and uh well i think it's already happened i think we've already hit that inflection point where the map has become the territory and then we this is the matrix and we are all the albino twins we are all oh yeah enlisted in the meme wars and as tom said we're winning the meme wars i would like to think that i am uh the the kardassian or whatever yeah the guy who makes a woman come by giving her a piece of cake or something yeah he uses the the programming of the matrix i would like to be neo he is the central character of the film i'm agent smith because humanity disgusts me well last thing i want to say about that is what tom is saying is uh bernie's media strategy it's so effective it's changing the narratives around him it has his opponents
Starting point is 00:11:14 afraid and uh he has uh by far the biggest digital army at his back and call it sounds like he should be the nominee then yeah sounds like he's the only guy who could stand a chance against trump do you not want that digital army that crack squad who could fight on the mean battlefield that we all know is important because there's all those russian bots we're gonna have to contend with you're telling me you don't want the bernie army on your side yeah what are you saying uh people who judge is losing the meme war therefore he should get the sympathy vote he gets a participant it really is that they think that like doing good memes is cheating it's like sorry motherfucker that's the game do not hate the player you do you want the unsullied on your side these are
Starting point is 00:11:51 our our fans are the unsullied and by that i mean they've never had sex all right should we go back into the the debate yeah all right so uh obviously we covered uh the debate i hope you all watched uh our live stream of it it was really you do not watch it we have taken down your names there was a sign-in sheet uh no no it was uh it was against hype because most of these the ones we've done have been absolutely excruciating to get through and like i don't even know where i am by like hour two and i just i just blank out i forget everything it feels horrible real dog shit um this most recent one though was actually entertaining it was good they got they allowed they i thought it was intelligently moderated by by pbs and judy woodruff and politico um but like
Starting point is 00:12:40 more importantly i don't know it's because there was fewer of them but uh they got into it they got actually had a few like i think the smaller stage definitely helped that we had some uh we had a few kinetic exchanges and like shout out also to the fucking moderators for having a question about climate change in the first half an hour as opposed to the last five fucking minutes i mean they asked the first question was about impeachment thankfully they did not spend too much time on that and like more importantly they did not spend the first like 40 minutes talking about healthcare and like the most interminable way imaginable but let's let's get into some of the uh some of the the highlights the highlights i mean i think you know matt when you were watching it you were going
Starting point is 00:13:17 you were going bananas because you were like in uh bridge too far hackman k this is my thesis this is my thesis closing statement this is what i've been at what i've been dreaming of hoping to happen has finally occurred which is because like a lot of people have said that bernie should be tougher on maybe warren it won't it changes some people say he should be tougher to warren some people say he should be tougher to biden or bare peat and what they don't realize is that it's well established that while negative campaigning is effective in lowering the favorability of your opponent it also lowers your favorability and in a two-way race that could be a a play that makes sense because if you lower theirs more than yours it's a net plus but in a multi-party candidate
Starting point is 00:13:58 race like this there's a third person who can benefit from your going negative and who doesn't have to expend anything and that's why it's tough to know when to throw a punch and so when i was just hoping is for somebody else to throw the first punch so that bernie could kind of rise above it and then that's exactly what happened because warren knows that mayor peat is the reason she's going down and so she decided she needed to stance the fucking bleeding by going after mayor peat on the question of uh fundraisers and stuff and and and donors and it started this glorious slap fight between peat and uh and warren that bernie just got to come in at the end of and like reassert his grander you know socialist narrative it was exactly how i would have drawn it up um bernie
Starting point is 00:14:42 had um definitely the line of the night he put down peat so beautifully and biden with the thing about like he's like joe's got 44 billionaires he's like peat's a bright and he said he's a bright energetic competitive kid yeah and he goes he's got 39 and he goes if he wants to compete with joe and that i say let him have at it and like that was the moment where you saw like people have like slowed down the video of that and you can see peat's face trying to curl into a smile and then people who zoomed in on his hand under the thing and you see it just his nails are digging into his palm blood is shooting out of him he's literally doing the the arthur meme yeah he's doing the clenched fist meme he was doing the arthur meme oh god it's beautiful and you know
Starting point is 00:15:29 as feel as felix said and others have pointed out immediately after the debate was over he just he went to los angeles city pound and just fucking he went ham he went reverse john whit at the pound once that debate was over now he fucking stole the fucking 50 caliber machine gun from a local army depot and just went to town what i liked about all the anti uh negative scraps with mayor peat is even people like elizabeth warren and amy cloud bachar look at him and think who is this rat face fuck what are you doing do you think you are amy destroyed peat even more than bernie did like but bernie got one really good line against peat but amy the dragon ate his fucking bones on stage well that's because she knows that's where her lane is yeah that the thing standing
Starting point is 00:16:18 between her and the top tier is mayor peat and she could be the one and you know what you see the press they're ready to pass the baton they realize oh shit we inflated mayor peat maybe a month too early he can't withstand this much pressure we need one more to tag in at the end and who's left it's fucking amy last one standing the last lady standing genuinely good line from amy cloud bachar saying something along the lines of two mayor peat far be it for me to denigrate a local official oh ice oh she was just like she was like you like peat was like if you want someone to to win it or a blue guy to win it in red state i'm your man and then amy cloud bachar was like you did try that and you got your ass kicked he lost by 25 percent he got destroyed in a statewide race
Starting point is 00:17:10 which is why he's running for president because he cannot win a statewide race in indiana so uh so yeah like uh i've been saying for a while now that like the last couple debates the media like even before the debates they just like were all they wrote the pieces is this amy cloud bachar's moment now and now they moderate crying out for a new champion and now they have it and uh you know to extend to whether it's a drill or not uh doesn't mean that you gotta think biden is also in amy's way isn't isn't he oh yeah i mean he's suck it he's still sucking up a good amount of oxygen it's true but i think like if you're that far back i think you have to have more narrow focus on doing something like surprising in iowa and their mayor pete is more of an
Starting point is 00:17:51 obstacle than biden depends on what polls you believe about they're both you know it's it's a four car pile up in iowa right now and i mean i think i think amy just senses that weakness yeah no that's one of the things out of there you get it you get a couple weeks of good press and then the shucks sharks come out it happened to warren happened to fucking kamala back in february it'll have it'll it's it's happening to mayor pete now and by the way by the way warren going to pete over the wine kid fundraiser was probably the worst fucking thing she attacked him over because she's just as vulnerable and all the same shit and it came out today that she's doing fundraisers where people got got like thousand dollar bottles of wine as like a
Starting point is 00:18:31 and of course she did most of that in her senate races which she could be like that's technically not my presidential race but of course she capitalized her presidential race with ten million dollars from her last senate campaign which included big ticket fundraisers it's like if you're gonna go purity politics on fucking fundraisers and uh and donors there's only one person who looks good that's when that's the fucking terrain and that's motherfucking birdie because there's no secret wine bottles handed out again there's no coarse caves or wine caves there's nothing but small donations you know it's like like warren sitting next to bernie uh bernie is in like a uh is in the bunker that iran is building a nuke in right now
Starting point is 00:19:12 and elizabeth warren is in like just a just a glass yep just like a fishbowl she's in a teacup waiting to get just destroyed by a light breeze i guess what i'm thinking is you know okay it's it's less than 50 days to iowa so if you're sticking it on iowa you're probably sweating right now if you're still in single digits more of an impetus to start throwing some punches but the treatment of bindness still been pretty genteel so far i feel like uh there's a sense that his base like bernie's is relatively immovable whereas all these other people seem to have the classic uh characteristics of the flash in the pan yeah and that means that those voters are really up for grabs they're being for warren referring for bait really doesn't indicate there where they're gonna end up it indicates
Starting point is 00:19:59 that they're up for grabs and so you go for whoever represents that vote in the moment it feel like they're looking at the burden binding and the bernie bases as more stable less worth going after maybe they also look at buying and think you know what i've been what i've thought for the past year that he's just on a downward trajectory no point in even and you look and and like because part of the reason that he's on the downward trajectory is because he appears feeble confused not up to it that if you're the person who puts the dagger in then you look like it's like what bruce dirne kills john wane and the cowboy spoilers it's like it's just it's like you can't be the good guy in that situation you're gonna look like a like a vampire you know yeah
Starting point is 00:20:41 because people have good feelings for whatever reason about but thanks to the onion or thanks to obama halo they like biden and they don't like the people being mean to the old man they're not going to vote for it maybe and his numbers are going to keep going down hopefully inshallah but you don't also want to see him get publicly owned like julian castrow had a perfectly good own on him yeah i know people say that was too mean to grasp even the basics of health care policy but the universal uh conclusion was that he was a fucking asshole and his numbers it's not like you you know the press has one thing and then the public says a different one his numbers didn't go anywhere either so there's no there's no percentage in going after bite
Starting point is 00:21:19 well let's take a closer look at um the the clomentum the cloboom the clobo the clobo clobo uh this comes courtesy of matt uglesius at fox of course it does amy clobashar deserves a closer look from electability minded democrats bernie is doing as well as anyone in the head to head shut the fuck up i love i love i love following the bonks guys because it is so funny to watch them just like teeter totter back and forth trying to cover all their bases so that they can always look always look right yeah they can always look right and smart and cool but it's just like because they have a they have a finger in every pot it's all just one big mexican standoff it's like the last scene of reservoir dogs if you were pointing two guns at your own head it's so funny all right
Starting point is 00:22:05 so oh by the way 2016 should have killed the notion of electability forever oh my god yeah it's like that is that was the number one argument for fucking hillary was it we can't have a radical she's got a better she's more experienced people know her and it led to her and trump's too dangerous to not to not beat and it fucking failed so you know you know it doesn't mean anything because everyone who was convinced what it meant didn't know so well here's here's here's mattie he was over the past year i've heard from lots of democrats who say they're primarily interested in beating president donald trump and if that is sincerely is your interest if that is interested in breathing every day i'm drinking uh liquid eating food and if that is sincere you say you're
Starting point is 00:22:48 interested in drinking liquid but i've seen you do it you're a tyro if that is a man's game matt not for children i could drink any kind of liquid you want buddy yeah i got a liquid all right yeah i want to go to the bathroom real quick oh thank you and if that sincerely is your interest i hope you saw senator amy klobuchar of minnesota on the debate stage thursday night in the earlier rounds klobuchar tended to get lost among other middle of the pack candidates she doesn't have a goofy outsider message like entrepreneur andrew yang or billionaire tom steyer or house representative talsy gabard doesn't have the comic effect of tom steyer what is the goofy outsider fucking appeal of tom steyer i'm a billionaire i divorce my wife and i have nothing else to do no clue this is the
Starting point is 00:23:37 billionaire equivalent of buying a sports car here's here's a better line though and she doesn't have a particularly distinctive ideological take yes she does well yeah she absolutely does she does it's it is there on the alternative she is she's thatcher reborn like this is the neoliberal capitalist realist president it will never change no the distinctively ideological take that she has is the one shared by matt glasius of the staff of fox um but she's done well enough in polls i think what she's four three three four percent and fundraising to outlast the likes of beto rourke montana governor steve bullock who's the other guy that the all the vox guys were like why isn't he getting a fairer shake or a better look uh john hickenlooper come on harris cory booker and get
Starting point is 00:24:18 up on stage alongside the more widely covered top four candidates and while she's not an incredible dynamo of charisma i mean she's a dynamo something when you look at that forelock vibrate she does have a kind of she probably power a small town she does have a kind of charming dorky midwestern schtick and best of all she really does have a strong electability pitch and then the electability pitch is just the subhead amy klobuchar is good at winning elections you mean in a state that has been traditionally a democratic stronghold making the case for herself klobuchar raised a key question at one point thursday night for the candidates running can you bring in those rural and suburban areas particularly in the midwest as a popular senator from minnesota
Starting point is 00:25:00 klobuchar's answer is yes she can the fear that haunts democrats is that even with trump unpopular they could beat him by three or four percentage points in the nationwide the nationwide vote total and still lose if he does well enough in the midwest specifically in wisconsin wisconsin is not minnesota well it just goes on to talk about 1960 hubert humphrey when he was running for president he was considered the third they called him the third senator from wisconsin because he was considered an absolute ally on all of the dairy based issues that came up in the senate not kidding and he ran in 60 uh in in when there were only a few competitive primaries that a lot of delegates that it was more of like a show race and he ran it in 1960 against jfk uh there's a great
Starting point is 00:25:43 documentary about a call election short very very interesting and uh he fucking lost he got his own he got owned by jfk in wisconsin yes why uh well because there's a lot of catholics in milwaukee uh he was a younger vigorous like you know celebrity factor who knows there's not a lot of like granular voting data about that era but or polling data but uh but yeah like the idea that he's gonna inherently back you just because you're from the midwest it's like we hate vikings fans no i mean you fuck they set them on fire sometimes yeah you all hate each other yeah every midwestern state hates the one i'm not even gonna read you know what this is this is the same article that appears every four years when they drag out someone from the rocky mountain west or some
Starting point is 00:26:25 fucking flannel millionaire from wisconsin or ohio or something like that and say this is it this is the white people whisper yeah no it's all it's all the fucking it's the tiger rock for the simpsons all of the these electability things are just cargo cult like like superstition like well she's from here and we need to get them there they're next to each other remember this is what glacius does to the next couple paragraphs like just talking about wisconsin in minnesota on to refute the argument on its merits like the thing that you always hear about Amy klobuchar is like oh she can win blue in a purple state so she can be like the that's that centers whisper and to refute that on its merits the current governor of vermont is republican like vermont is and
Starting point is 00:27:08 beloved there vermont is held out as like this left liberal bastion but it is the same as the rest of america a crazy grab bag of people with very divergent believes defeated a republican for the house seat yeah and so like you could just as easily say that bernie has a record of winning statewide elections in a purple state well the thing is minnesota has also not elected a president not voted for a not voted for a republican at the presidential level since i believe 1980 because yes monday was minnesota was the only state monday all carried in 84 so i believe 1980 is last time minnesota went to a republican uh no wait a minute wouldn't know wouldn't have been that either it might be 72 it's not a purple state it's been trending
Starting point is 00:27:54 republican but if baseline is a is a is a relatively liberal state i remember in the mid 2000s the mid aughts when the the thing the press corps was trying to push was these rocky mountain libertarian democrats they were bolotais that's how you could tell them yeah that was the thing and at one point i read one article from that era from that horrible horrible era i think it was jocline uh that coined the term king of the hill democrat yes even though every character on that show is a republican yeah uh and their messiah was brian schweizer uh the governor montan at the time who never actually did he kind of flirted with running for president never did it uh and then his prep his successor steve bullock tried and uh failed miserably
Starting point is 00:28:43 well but to your point about how this is all a cargo called like i mean just ignore most of this bullshit i'm not going to read it it's too boring but to the idea that this is a cargo cult uh listen to this earlier this year 538 computed a popularity above replacement senator score for every member of the upper house it compares each bring it here to my mouth it compares each senator's home state favorable rating to the underlying partisan attributes of the state number one and number two are west virginia senator joe manchin and alabama senator doug joan who would have won run and won in deep red states number three is globa char democrat who is just really good in making midwesterners like her not midwesterners people in a state that has gone democrat since
Starting point is 00:29:30 fucking nixon i mean he's he begins here uh if you want a political revolution or to take a shot at imposing a wealth tax on america's billionaires i like that he splits up the idea of a political revolution which is uh that's funny and dismissive you can that's you can be dismissive of and imposing a wealth tax which is warren's senator issue as like two opposing like lanes of political interest right um but then he goes then probably none of this is very persuasive fair enough but right now the leader in every poll is former president joe biden who is not promising either of those things when he is promising instead is something much simpler to beat trump and restore a basic competence and integrity to government if that message appeals to you and clearly it does
Starting point is 00:30:10 appeal to a lot of democrats you owe it to yourself to ask if globa char isn't a more effective vehicle for that message she's younger she doesn't have the specific baggage of having supported the iraq war unlike myself matt glasius doesn't have the specific baggage of hunter biden her policy ideas are broadly continuous with brock obama's just like biden's and her pitch is electability just like biden's but unlike biden she has a record of winning landslide elections in a midwestern state you could do a lot worse than that the last two republic i looked it up the last two republicans to win the presidential uh primary the to win the state of minnesota or russia dixon and eisenhower that's it it's like you're acting like it's fucking indiana
Starting point is 00:30:55 or something which is she also likes to do because she's like my repeat hasn't won in the midwest but i have indiana is a wildly more republican state than minnesota is acting like they're all the same because they're largely white people but that's one of the weird things about the upper midwest is that there's this odd spine of white people on both sides of lake michigan in minnesota and wisconsin that are demographically identical to all the republican white people around them but that vote democrat no one knows to this day why that is i'm not kidding but it changes the entire thing and you're not talking about everywhere else you're certainly talking about ohio or fucking trouble just romped romped to victory or michigan um did you make this most
Starting point is 00:31:36 of those same facile arguments about mayor pete he's from midwest therefore he won yeah we never won a midway he didn't win a statewide race it's all bullshit bernie won all those primaries easily yep he won the michigan primary against all prognostications he's gonna win him again too except one except us yes you were the only one all right um this is a segue unrelated to the the debate but when we were uh taking uh questions and trivia in the post game i i rewatched some of it and i there was a spate of questions about this that we missed and uh they were all asking how do we feel about starring in what is now an award-winning video game i'm speaking of disco elysium which won like indie game of the year at i don't know the gaming awards it's like the
Starting point is 00:32:26 the gaming awards the game yeah it won the game yeah yeah i don't know i mean like in the guys like they they went on stage and gave a fucking speech or they thanked marks and angles for giving them the idea to do the game and um so yeah no we are we had uh sort of i'll just say leading parts in that video yeah well we started it yeah we were we were the star the voices in that video game so uh what do you guys have to feel about that because i have i have a very specific feeling that i'm going to share in a second i obviously feel dirty and wrong uh i mean i guess just like i wanted to help them out and i was flattered by their fandom uh but it was deeply conflicting to participate in a video gaming enterprise uh but apparently people like it and they think that it's
Starting point is 00:33:11 relatively you know as games go uh engaging and interesting so i'll take that as a small consolation for violating all of my principles it's deeply gratifying for me to gain recognition for my good work at being a celebrity hey hey keep them coming hi um i'm kind of blown away because uh as soon as the game came out uh it's been immensely well received and i think it's really cool what um the creators uh have done with this they've been working on this game for for years and years and years and everyone says it's like really fun and smart and incredibly layered and like you know deeply written and textured and everything like that uh as soon as you move into gaming pc to our our new office i'd like to i'd like to stream it on twitch
Starting point is 00:33:59 i'd like to give it a shot uh for you guys on twitch but how do i actually feel about it i feel that maybe we should have asked for any money at all or signed any sort of documents or paper business and just ask for anything see you know i thought i assumed like anyone who's gonna ask us to be in a video game like when the i say video game it's like an eight-bit like fucking app-based thing that like people share for depression quest to exactly and then i then if it comes out it's like oh this is an actual game that people are buying and playing and i'm standing here like a schmuck and my beak ain't wet i gotta try peek over here you guys didn't ask for anything i asked for a bottle of water a diet red bull a third beverage uh
Starting point is 00:34:52 and a bagel lightly toasted with egg on it and i saw it coming out ahead in this deal and i got them all another another great deal no my beak is bone dry because yeah when i was pitched to it they were like uh you know we are some socialists from estonia we love you and would like you to be in our video game and i was like oh like that's cool i'd like to be in a video game sure yeah you know for a day's work could could be best but like you know now it's fucking i don't know what are they selling this game at 70 dollars a pop my faggot blowing out the steam uh you know servers people downloading this shit uh like a little yeah we gotta get a little taste we gotta get a little grease do any of you guys know how to play the how i can play this game it's available
Starting point is 00:35:37 on steam but you need a pc oh okay so i can play it i've got the prima strategy guide you do yeah so i can let you know we want to come over and we'll just uh you know grind through uh sure we'll do it on the screen yeah but uh genuinely though uh congratulations to the disco at least him the game does look fantastic and um i am very gratified to have uh volunteered to be a part of it um also oh here's here's just another bit of um self-congratulation boys we were in the new yorker christmas poem this year as a otter ian frazier ian motherfucking frazier uh gave us a shout out in the new yorker this year and scram old eggs uh alumna alumnus of army man one of the low-key most influential uh comedy like publications publications of the last there are 40 years a
Starting point is 00:36:29 zine yes one of the og zines shut up the zine don't turn into will zine is his thing uh no yes so yeah we made the annual new yorker christmas poem alongside just luminaries as lizzo and billy eilish we made it all right well here's actually i'm gonna i'm gonna give you guys some some deep deep secret lore here this is super embarrassing and this is like um all of the lunatics out there who um despise me i'm like i'm handing them a loaded gun with this but to them i say shoot you will only kill a man um this is the second new yorker christmas poem that i will medicare in reference then oh no oh no i'm not i'm gonna i'm not gonna make it easy for you guys i will just say it is one of them that was written by the roger angel the great new yorker uh baseball
Starting point is 00:37:21 writer boys of summer yeah he used to he used to do every the the christmas poem every year and i get a shout out in one of them uh documenting my arrival on the scene i will just say during the 1980s i know which one it is track that down which one it is 1989 the poem uh the dumb baby who says that was you fatality there we go you've been roasted like i said i just i'm not like i'll hand everyone else a gun to shoot at me uh but yeah maybe you i'm sure eagle eyed uh eagle eyed listeners will be tracking that down shortly unless of course my parents lied to me about that in which case we'll all look stupid but we're all the baby from the diaper commercial yeah um all right so you know oh here here here's this is some fun you know it's it's like get into the
Starting point is 00:38:16 end of the year we're talking a lot about the fucking the fucking the dummy crats uh i'm sick of these the fucking dummy crats but you know what liberals let's just check in on our boy because god um he has had some by our boy i mean my president and yours donald trump because he's just had he said some great great quotes he's not really something very poorly to the soul impeachment thing which really is all the evidence you need that he is a moron because everyone with any two two brain cells can see that nothing is going to happen he will be acquitted as a senate but he still can't stop posting about it these are uh three quotes once again documented by uh daniel dale the guy who follows all this shit and really minds most of like the really good
Starting point is 00:39:03 shit out there which i was thinking about this the other day when we saw trump at cpaq even i was kind of blown away by how fucking insane everything he was saying was and i was just like and like you but apparently like daniel dale the guy or like the other guys who just follow every single public event he gives and just like documents every bit of it i mean like it all comes back the same shit like but you never ever see this on tv yeah on like network news i mean like fox that's that's one thing but i really do think that like the mainstream media is going out of their way to make it seem like he's less insane yeah like he's now he's president well yeah you know he's president i think they're really kind of like as much as they dislike him or like or against him i'm sure
Starting point is 00:39:44 like they can't destabilize things by really practically how insane you know like exactly like they they still want to keep like the ship of state essentially upright by not putting on tv he's his mental break out so like he's losing he is just an absolute maniac yeah okay so like i think i've mentioned this to you guys before off mic but i would just like to say i would love to have daniel dale on the show only to just ask him how doing this coverage has made him feel yeah and maybe just buy him a drink and be like i can i'm imagining him i'm imagining him after sharply's office just like at a loss and just like going to nursing homes to just randomly transcribe conversations between people isn't on all timers war just to feel normal because as
Starting point is 00:40:28 as you said well seen one trump speech seen three quarters of one channel we ain't left halfway through it wasn't even take it cute feeling of of a an astral drill just going straight into your test you feel if you're in a room if you're in a room with trump just stroking out in front of you and the crowd people just eating it up you really feel like reality has slipped no yeah for dale to have watched literally every trump speech for four going on five years now yeah i mean honestly just salute salute to a hero watching i mean i apparently watch about all and i find myself will just you know i'm going to i'm at a restaurant and i go to refill my soda and i just like coca-cola we love it folks don't we it's coca-cola coca-cola we love it i what the hell
Starting point is 00:41:19 would you do that if every day you're watching him and i only really pay attention to him very very i try not to pay too much attention but i'm still just like walking around out there just like folks it's pathetic like a dog like a dog no i mean i'm watching that him speak at cpaq i felt like sam neal at the end of in the mouth of madness just just laughing while absolutely all right let's get let's get into just just a couple a couple quick hits from our president and yours trump says f-35 pilots are better looking than tom cruise who is who is a good guy with equal faces but better bodies he says the f-35 pilots are as handsome as tom cruise but with better bodies i will not save at the end like midway through the sentence he's like oh is this too mean to tom he's a good guy
Starting point is 00:42:10 he's got a great face the face the face honestly equal but the bodies even better the bodies are better look at the bodies oh my god they're so precious look at the precious bodies i also like that he's like tom cruise who is a good guy yeah that's that thing that we all know about tom cruise he's widely regarded as a guy with slaves as a good guy a guy who literally has slaves pleasant to be around yes slaves what inside the fucking sea org oh those aren't slaves well okay if they could leave any time i'm sure they could leave any time they want well they signed the contract yeah they signed a contract yeah a billion year service contract so again like remember they got the better bodies the faces though are good when he talks about the beautiful handsome generals is
Starting point is 00:42:50 always talking about the f-35 pilots who are like they're like tom cruise except tall and like well hung i just look like the words he uses like equal face is like he is like danie zucco and the guys in greece talking about like fucking olivia newton jar like they're just imagine like oh boy when i see one of those f-35 pilots oh my god a real tragedy that they have those beautiful faces because they're all gonna get decapitated by the mouth their beautiful faces will get ripped off by the ejection mechanism on the f-35 just scrape oh we miscalibrated the angle and you just scraped your face off on the edge of the window all right this is another good one uh later on trump says that you used to press a dishwasher once and it was an explosion and five minutes later
Starting point is 00:43:38 steam would come out never used to dish now you now you've seen them on television uh trump says that you used to press a dishwasher once and it was an explosion and five minutes later steam would come out yeah now you press it 12 times women tell me you know they'll just come up to be crying they come up to be crying and say mr pres Mr president i press the button and it doesn't do anything there's only four drops of water mr president please they're crying folks they're crying to me you used to press a dishwasher and it was an explosion that would five minutes later dish is done steam coming out like with every every one of these things he is describing a commercial he saw in 1985 that's it finally this is my favorite referencing his own bathroom tweet
Starting point is 00:44:19 he says to the crowd of of hogs who are oinking for him sinks showers and what goes with a sink and a shower the crowd toilets the president the i just i i love to just in a crowd yelling toilets at your commander in chief i love to yell toilets i love politics politics is where you get in a room with your fellow uncles and yell toilets at the president so the crowd toilets the president responds ten times right ten times he adds not me of course not me but you you you people you take a giant dump so i've seen them i see the way you eat you just disgusting you take three pound dumps toilet could ever handle it that'd be small ones small tiny bumps little bitty right he shits like a rabbit little bitty poops little bitty poops beep beep
Starting point is 00:45:14 i love the fact that trump hates his supporters more than every liberal like these guys spend their days stewing about all the liberals who look down on them and none of them hate them with the visceral insectile loathing that trump does like imagine trump having to go to the bathroom in the homes of one of his supporters in like Ohio you know and i'm not i'm not saying like i'm not being classist like they would be a fine home you know like a split level in a suburb like in mason butler county ohio and just like go to the regular human normal human bathroom he would be he would be like fucking uh ewan mcgregor in train spotting just like repressing his gorge to not vomit around the disgusting pig people that he would never touch
Starting point is 00:46:02 in a million years amazing and they love him for it because they know deep down that's all they are and they love trump because he's not a fucking phony he will admit to that he will tell them to their faces that their pigs and then we like thank you for being honest for once the first person of my life to be honest to my face and tell me that i'm a disgusting little hog he'd like my bathroom is nice he'd like my bathroom is it gold i don't think he would well no he has a literal golden toilet in the white house in the in the penthouse of the the his house what does he do in the white house save it i think he probably made somebody made it gold somebody made it go they spray painted or something there'd be a receipt for it they went out to fucking a's hardware
Starting point is 00:46:43 and got some fucking spray paint they they they liberated san josein's golden toilet and installed it right off the oval office might be i'm thinking about you know if i ever had to have trump over my apartment i'd be nervous as hell so i'd be showing him all the lights and stuff and thinking ah he thinks it sucks he's he's just criticizing me in his head well i mean your toilet does take many times to flush the problem actually that's true that's a low flow thing well that's what he's talking about that's what he's talking about he's deep times so you know i mean i that's why i'd have him over to say you know mr president take a look at this this is an outrage are you gonna do something about this sir i remember years ago seeing some fucking pig man from the wall street
Starting point is 00:47:24 journal editorial page on fucking on bill marshow was this he's just like sort of gap tooth fucking little oinker oh john john fund oh yes john fund john fund and he was talking about um like why you know like why is he conservative and like like he just like to illustrate like his differences he was just like you know i don't think you people like you know and again this is a guy who's like from the upper crust of like of course they all are literally and he was like you know i don't think you understand and like you know i like conservatives like aren't so evil or bad we just like you know we want to be left alone by the government and like you know and the example he used to illustrate this point is he was like we don't want people telling us how much water we
Starting point is 00:48:03 can put in our john to when we flush our toilets and i was just like just yeah just thinking about that's how he thinks about the people he's dating to speak for yeah is just guys taking massive dumps and they're just having to keep flushing and flushing and flushing because the government yeah they go in they they snuffle at the trough at your old country buffet or they go to a fast food restaurant and just stuff their disgusting faces and that creates huge protein rich dumps that the low flow toilet simply can't handle no i just realized that like the reason uh the reason that trump is popular and the reason that uh the final battle for america's soul will be between him and bernie is because bernie and trump are the only nationally known politicians
Starting point is 00:48:52 who do not condescend to the american people every single other politician at both party sides is at some level being like well you all right how you're the pigs uh hello pigs hello nice little piggies you're you're very look that'll do pig look at how clean your hooves are oh you're standing on two legs very impressive and in a certain level in this today they all think that they're the spider who come right and everybody everybody getting that every eventually it's just like shut the fuck up be fucking real for a minute quit lying to me and the and burton trump is not kind of sounding to them you people love your bible don't you you love guns don't you you little piggies you're freaking your turds are so huge look how big your turds are and and
Starting point is 00:49:35 then you know every other democrat including especially fucking hillary clinton got pollacks by him because they are their entire politics is based on condescension to middle class american families hard working hard working americans it's all like i'm a fucking trash pig you need to admit it and bernie is the only one because he doesn't use the fucking malarkey to borrow a phrase from uh joe biden and speaks to like visceral class interests uh he's like going underneath the palatescent like all the manneristic bullshit and the only two politicians who really do that are him and trump which is why they need to finally confront one another in an apocalyptic showdown it's gonna happen all right so moving on from uh trump i'd like to um close out this episode and
Starting point is 00:50:21 really um one of our episodes of the year with checking in with our old friend rod rare who does not disappoint and continues to have he's a king he's some of the most normal thoughts possible black rod so i got i got two rod takes to close out the year with here uh one's a bit longer one's a bit shorter you want to do the longer one first let's have the short one short one first right i do think if i'm memory serves one of our last episodes from last year was the excellent rod reading about the bimbification of the western oh yes we were all going to get big bimbo boobs uh which was one of my personal which led to some of the most disturbing fan art ever made uh awesome fan art yeah let's see let's see more of that hopefully this will generate just
Starting point is 00:51:10 equally as disturbing uh it was mostly just how attractive i was to the virtual bimbo after it it was not cool i did that i was not happy about it keep it going folks you'll you'll you'll don't convert him eventually um all right so this is uh rod rare uh this is the shorter one it's the uh the ed uh ogeron rule for start was it what is the lsu head coach how do you say his name or go or go on energy yeah ed the ed organ rule for sartorial normalcy shut up fuck off okay that the phrase using the word sartorial is not normal the shut the fuck up the rule for sartorial normal okay quinton chris let's hear from some normal man about normal clothing and believe me what comes after is some very very normal hell yes i'm so happy so all right this begins the way the rod
Starting point is 00:52:01 just begins this piece okay i'm ready for it and this he spells it with a capital r okay i'm ready for reaction now and please make it anti-capitalist this ad okay so he's like oh anti-capitalist like what he what he could do he'd be referring to like you know pharmaceutical companies wall street uh you know hedge fund whatever commanding heights yeah this ad for a dress for boys makes me think that oh boy makes me think that anything to the left of lsu tiger's coach ed organ on the masculinity spectrum ought to be sent to ciberia or at least long island so you yes you're talking about the fancy lad who made a bouyabase for his hillbilly relatives which they poured down the toilet because it looked like 15 times because it looked like a devil's brew they said i'll never
Starting point is 00:52:51 forget the liner they like he spent the whole day making them a nice bouyabase yep and then they spit it into the toilet and they go i prefer food from a contraffod cook they probably just came from some nice five star restaurant they probably just don't like him yeah like rod like rod is i'm sorry on the masculinity spectrum yes is getting sent to the gender reabsolutely sure sure re-gender five and like i don't i don't follow college football but like is the lsu coach a very bright wing i don't know he's probably just like you know he's probably got like some of those those epic fucking quotes that end up in facebook memes and shit about so then like uh then he then he has like an ad here of like a you know a teenage boy in a sort of a blue long sleeve dress and then rod
Starting point is 00:53:34 in italic says that's a teenage boy if you don't believe me the coding on the image says the boys long sleeve dress little cobalt front dot jpg jpeg the mom who sent me that thing is disgusted that gender ideology is now creeping into everyday shopping for her kids woke capitalism people i'm telling you in our consumerist republic big business is a greater threat to normalcy than big government which is funny because he's just sort of admitting like just so like where you got it where you gonna go rod yeah what do you want to do well that's the thing is what do you want is that this is a thing that's been like implicit in capitalism obviously since it was vetted but there was for a long time they were able to sort of allied it but yeah there's a fundamental
Starting point is 00:54:19 conflict between maintaining traditional gender roles and family structures and capitalism because capitalism will fucking dissolve all social order mark saw that fucking 1948 he goes here needless to say we won't be buying anything from primary dot com at all thing is the clothes aren't bad this is how the business presents itself on the website i think i said the reasons to love primary kids choose favorite colors from an entire rainbow and are celebrated for who they are on the inside and outside and then he goes it was founded by and he uses scare quotes two moms gaolin and christina gaolin or so he goes yeah i guess and then like from an ad from the site here like our story part it says a basic story we're two moms who had been shopping for kids clothes for over
Starting point is 00:55:09 12 years but still didn't have a go to for awesome basics and reasonable prices so many things didn't make sense and he goes yeah you know what else doesn't make sense you rich capitalist women normalizing putting boys in dresses here is a crew okay this is this is this is the this is the nut graph here here is a crude but effective rule of thumb when trying to decide how to dress your son imagine co asking coach oh what he thinks of the outfit hey coach oh does my boy look good in this that'll stop every bit of this crap cold so uh yeah when you're thinking about dressing your son be sure to use this mental exercise imagining in your head asking a coach a football coach hey coach how does my boy look hot hey hey coach uh did you see where the defensive coordinator took
Starting point is 00:55:59 that 12 year old i heard something in the in the locker room coach what was that where are you going coach where are you going coach come back uh no at the end of the day the thing is is like these guys want to like recapture like anti-capitalism and then like rebranded as a as a way to win the culture war but i'm sorry that's like the class first shit cuts both ways it cuts against the you know identitarian mania and the desire to to make like you know personal grievance or like you know identity based political appeals the center of your politics yeah that can't work you have to go with class but that means these fucking these finicky bitches like rod drea i'm sorry you can't have a movement based on fucking right wing culture we're bullshit it has to be
Starting point is 00:56:47 based on class interest first and foremost and that's the only way you're gonna actually get the numbers that could actually push back on this otherwise all you're gonna do is slowly sign off on fascism while shaking your head and all the cultural stuff and then honestly at the end of the day using the drift of culture as a excuse for why when they start fucking killing people you're not going to work feel too bad about it speaking of the drift of culture this brings me to rod's next piece which is headline porn is demonic says top occultist i will i would like to note about this piece it was filed on the american conservative website little little dateline here at 452 a.m. rod on several so i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna skip the uh i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:57:37 skip the beginning of the article because he just sort of summarizes like all like a whole bunch of articles about like why pornography isn't free speech and should be banned by the government by people like you know matthew shits and sorab amare but but it was boring who gives a shit goes on and on and on and he just says read the whole thing it's important you might be thinking no wonder these three guys are so against porn they're all three conservative catholics well have i got something for you a reader sent this jaw dropping exchange from the eco sofia blog which is written by the occultist and authority on esotericism john michael greer i've cited greer from time to time in this space when he was writing the arch druid report blog
Starting point is 00:58:18 we are very very different people in terms of our religious commitments he's a polytheistic pagan i'm an orthodox christian but he writes some of the most we've adopted 15 kids we gotta make it work we have to live for a month at a haunted house in order to get the will i i hate to tell rod but the arch druid brought blog is a blog i've been writing in character for my dnd character for the last 10 years so you can't take any of that stuff is true he goes um but he writes uh some of the most interesting stuff on the internet this piece definitely is definitely that in it greer tells a reader that pornography is demonic not symbolically demonic but actually a tool of evil spirits and offers him pagan spiritual advice for conquering it once a week greer takes questions
Starting point is 00:59:06 from his readers on monday a reader wrote to say that he was struggling with a demon of pornography the anonymous reader follows up on the post he wrote the previous week in which he said i've been doing some journaling on my poor news i've been doing some scrapbooking on my poor but subconscious my subconscious seems to determine that it is a major source of my issues and i'm trying to get to the bottom of it when i asked why i use it the first thing came into my head was because i tell you to i mean i i use it to masturbate i i use it yeah that's number one reason um uh this sort of thing has never come up during journaling and felt rather alien to me is like is this journaling where he's just like write stuff down he's like asking his own brain
Starting point is 00:59:49 questions and seeing what comes out like remote viewing yeah like remote viewing yeah yeah yeah because i told you to okay greer told him that yes this sounds like a maligned spirit well this week the man was back and said to greer of the maligned spirit it seems to be hammering home on a few points all of which seem intended to do one of a few things break me down so i can't resist it keep me sexually aroused so i feel the need for porn make the rest of my life horrible so i have no real reason to fight it or keep me from making it harder for myself to access porn my life is currently a mess you mentioned last week something about how demonic obsession and about how victims aren't entirely sane i've been questioning my sanity for a while now this is part of why i picked up
Starting point is 01:00:34 journaling so it may fit me does this sound like a case for me uh i'm going on here you mentioned last week it lightly it likely feeds on me during orgasm would you mind elaborating what you meant by that i've been looking at the no-fap uh porn free communities online and a lot of people describe porn as a demonic force which takes over their lives nearly everyone clarifies it's a metaphor and one of the things in which the spirit is trying to do is question my sanity whenever i replace close enough attention to notice it i'm just going to give you some of the answers he uh okay where he goes i always when we do rod pieces the thing that i always have to remind myself through it is that he's not using like a metaphorical device he's talking about a literal demon
Starting point is 01:01:20 like an entity from another plane he's talking about he's talking about a guy with horns jumps around as a little fork he also talks about demons like he's some guy who works at home depot that sounds like a classic demon you're gonna want to go uh you're gonna want to go get the three and seven eighths drill for that one here let me let me take you over there yeah to the trepanning station so uh this is just some of the uh the the replies this is just one i want to read so those quotes were all from this someone asking questions no no no these are the this is a guy asking questions of the arch druid okay describing their their demon problem this this is just one of the arch uh this is the arch druids well it's not a problem for them like that's the
Starting point is 01:02:00 thing you want you want demons right we'll see this is why i'm trying to resolve well no no like the arch druid guy he doesn't believe he does believe in the demons are real in the sense rod does but he believes them in like a different way because he's not a christian but he does say here and i think this is important orgasm takes place on the etheric as well as the material plane yeah trip and just as you ejaculate on the physical plane you extrude a certain amount of etheric substance the substance of the life force on the etheric plane so you're going energy there's a ghost nut yes yes there is yes if you're having sex with another person that's not a problem because the other person's body absorbs your etheric substance just as you absorb the substance
Starting point is 01:02:40 the other person extrudes one of the reasons lover is so often feel nourished and healed by lovemaking is that each of them has taken in some in some of the other's life force which can then flow through the subtle body and fill in where there is a shortage in masturbation there isn't anyone else to absorb the etheric substance and so a noxious spirit can dine on it thus the feeling of weakness and depression so many people experience after masturbation so when you come that's like leaving trash out for raccoon yeah yeah yeah exactly so so demon swallow that's what we know definitively but the etheric nut not the material nut right uh that goes under the ear sock so it goes here um this this is back to rod now the reader and grier continue their exchange do i even need to encourage
Starting point is 01:03:28 you to read the whole thing oh you don't i i repeat john michael grier is not a catholic priest or an evangelical pastor but a practicing pagan cleric you don't have to believe in etheric substance or share all his religious beliefs but as an orthodox christian i have no trouble at all believing that evil discarnate entities feed spiritually on people who are in sexual bondage i i love that rod is an orthodox christian in reading the the blog of an arch mage druid and is just like yeah game recognize game this has been fucking with me is because i i mean i'm not obviously a theologian but i'm relatively sure that the conventional christian our argument about paganism is that it is all demonic is that all spirits are demonic all inherently all spiritual
Starting point is 01:04:17 shit is demonic all pagan religions everything that they worship is demons all of it so he can see because i saw the headline to this and i assumed he found some guy on the internet was like yep take it for me the arch druid demon is full of porn is full of demons and that's awesome where we're taking over more and more bodies every year thanks to the demons in the porn but this guy's saying no these are bad spirits but he's also a demonic fourth quarter demon estimates looking good these trends continue i uh i i can't i can't fully explain it either but i just want to just keep reading here i guess any any fucking ally in a fight yeah any any port in a storm uh later in their exchange greer says it is likely that the chaos and darkness
Starting point is 01:05:04 of foot in the world now has a lot to do with the internet making hardcore porn easily accessible almost everywhere in the world he also speculates about whether the collapse of fertility is connected to porn connected events in the spiritual world and then there's my favorite wild just wild about demons greer advises his reader not to underestimate what he's dealing with they are smarter than we are i'm quoting from uh the arch druid here they are smarter than we are that's something to keep in mind human beings are far from the most intelligent entities around obviously with most rod things a lot of the real heat comes in the updates oh yeah this is on update two after update one i put the wrong link to the initial career exchange it's fixed now again you're
Starting point is 01:05:48 posting at five in the morning you know you're you're you're in you're in the den yeah it's dark it's lit by a dim glow you're furiously posting about pornography and you just have to get something out of you get it out there on the etheric plane you got to organ it up okay so update number two mat in virginia mat in brooklyn it says here what no no yeah no that was not me mat in in in let's just say somewhere um taking on the porn version of the boomer chestnut well elvis was controversial when he first came on the scene mat writes is this the hole my parents had a playboy on the coffee table uh back in 1962 so nothing has really changed because 15 year olds watching anal ex excavators complete with footage of the blown out prolapse for four hours a night
Starting point is 01:06:41 is a very different thing uh i'm you watch you watch that a lot shorter than four hours let's for you to come on what were all these demons doing before internet porn existed like were they did internet porn generate the demons in his theology were they just sitting around waiting to be called up now the demons are just sitting around yeah the demons have been there they're in the city of pandemonium but like the now thanks to the internet they can game with us yes through through the ethereal they finally got a land connection to our of our through through nut magic yes to our to our ethereal ethereal nuts read the whole post if you'd like to know the arch druids thoughts on like what what are the demons he's talking about are they
Starting point is 01:07:24 purely evil should pornography be banned is masturbation bad yes also like what's the best way to defeat a goblin band in the enchanted forest you know do you go with spells or edge weapons it's like we said in a previous episode rod lives in an actual dnd world yes and he's constantly getting sent sub quests side quests by his readers right you know my wife is possessed i've got a jackoff demon uh there's uh my son's been bimbo fight stuff like that he is and you know those are side quests that have rewards and then he's got the main quest which is the benedict option yes he is a paladin in his own adventure uh and honestly it sounds really cool to live in a world in which you are literally engaged in spiritual magical warfare against
Starting point is 01:08:11 not just the armies of reality but like literally the armies of god and the devil are on your side all the time roll a 1d 20 to see if you can summon coach oh to tell you if your boy looks good or not a future episode let's let's actually get the dnd rulebook and roll up rod stats oh i would love to do that that's a great idea maybe for our next gaming episode we should do a rod dnd campaign honestly the honestly that's for you gets to be rod the five e players handbook is about one foot from your head virtual we we shouldn't do it right now but but we could and i would love to do that he really is i'm realizing he is the alex jones of social issues in that he is this sort of lint roller for all the ambient anxieties around you know changing uh cultural values and
Starting point is 01:08:56 stuff and he reflects genuine uh fault lines and and contradictions that need to be dealt with but he does it in the most frenetic and hysteric and conspiratorial and frankly delusional register that it's just he looks like a maniac and there's just nothing to credit there because you're like oh you're just having an episode but you want me to put my wallet in your mouth uh i think he's pretty cool he's extremely cool i think he's pretty cool i'll just be thinking about that line hey coach oh does how does my boy look in this for a while hey coach oh uh you know it's 97 degrees out they've been practicing for four hours do you think you can get some water uh no fuck him he's a pussy oh no he's dead now i will be i will be i will be writing uh the story of coach oh
Starting point is 01:09:47 over over the christmas and the winter break which i think we should uh depart to right now guys we're gonna go we can go see the star war we're gonna go see the star war don't wait hey i just want to let you guys know um i've read all the spoilers i'm gonna tell you guys them all right now no

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