Chapo Trap House - 388 - A Perfectly Frumulent Episode (1/28/20)

Episode Date: January 28, 2020

As we enter the home stretch before the first votes are cast, attacks are heating up against Sanders and his campaign. Are any of these lines of attack worth an ounce of attention? Listen to find out!... (no) Hey, why not subscribe to our youtube channel to get that 100k trophy?? TOUR DATES: ALL TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Iowa City, IA Feb 1, @ Englert Civic Theater Derry, NH Feb 9, @ Tupelo Music Hall Las Vegas, NV Feb 18, @ House of Blues San Diego, CA, Feb 23, @ The Observatory North Park Los Angeles, CA Feb 25 @ Lodge Room (2 shows!) Sacramento, CA Feb 28 @ Ace of Spades San Francisco, CA Feb 29 @ Palace of Fine Arts

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone. Welcome to the beginning of the show. We're going to start today with some plugs because we've got a lot going on. We are going on tour imminently starting tomorrow where few of us are leaving the city. But this Saturday, February 1st, we will be in Iowa City at the Englert Civic Theater. On February 9th, Derry, New Hampshire at the Tupelo Music Hall. On February 18th, we're going to be in Las Vegas, Nevada, Vegas, baby at the House of Blues Las Vegas on the strip in the House of Blues. That's going to be a great one sushi. Come of course February 23rd, San Diego, California Observatory North Park. My mom will be at that show. Come and say hi to my mom. Yes, Los Angeles, California February 25th, two shows. I believe late late night is sold out late night
Starting point is 00:00:51 shows sold out unless you're a celebrity unless you're a celebrity. If you're a celeb, absolutely you can still come. Yeah, no, you can be in our Airbnb if you want our early show. Still tickets available. I don't want to promise anything, but I do want to promise that show will be a cavalcade of stars. Sacramento, California, the Ace of Spades, the Ace of Spades also known as the Vagos Clubhouse. That's on February 28th and February 29th, finishing up in San Francisco, California at the Palace of Fine Arts. All these dates are on slash tour. I sure hope I meet cake when we're in Sacramento. They're probably just hanging out there. They're probably hanging out. They have local staples. Yeah, residency every Monday night
Starting point is 00:01:35 at the coffee shop. Yeah, but I have another plug. We have a YouTube page slash chapo trap house. There's a ton of stuff there. Clips full episodes. We're slowly working and getting every free free full episode up on YouTube. A ton of best of clips. We try to keep it up to date with the best clips from the most recent episodes. I have a really great Gray Wolf, new father out in Iowa that I've been working with who has been helping us run the back end of that page. We're doing really well. We're creeping up on 40,000 subscribers. But here's the thing I want you to do is go to that page slash chapo trap house and smash that subscribe button. I don't care if you watch any videos. I don't care if you never go back to YouTube again,
Starting point is 00:02:18 but if we get a hundred thousand subscribers on our YouTube page, YouTube will send me a trophy personally and I want that trophy. I want that little silver play button. I want to put it above my bed and look at it every night before I go to sleep. Please help get me that trophy get Chris's trophy folks. He's asked for nothing from you people. I've never gotten a trophy and I want a trophy and also if we get to a hundred thousand YouTube subscribers, I promise to become a YouTube guy. I will record from the front seat of my car. I will talk a lot about a waste to hip ratio of comic book women care about video games a lot. So I faced Abby. Oh, it's coming. Yeah. Unboxing videos coming. Yeah. If we get a hundred thousand subscribers, I pledge to make all of them leave
Starting point is 00:03:08 by posting cringe and they will come to Chris's house to take away his trophy. No, you can never. You can have it when you pry it. Mullen lobby, motherfucker. Anyway, give me that trophy. A hundred thousand subscribers. Hashtag get Chris a trophy. Hashtag get Chris a trophy. slash trapo trap house. Now the real show fight. Okay. Well, as Chris alluded to in that preamble, this is this is our last show before we deploy to the tactically to the we've deployed tactically to the theater of battle. Yes. We are going to Iowa tomorrow. We are one week away from the first votes being cast. Oh, my God. Time flies. It hasn't felt like every day lasts an eternity. The next time you hear this, Donald Trump may have lost the election to Bernie Sanders
Starting point is 00:04:19 in Iowa. The first day to vote. Honestly, that's not far off. It's possible. That's possible. But OK, so in in in light of that, like we're we're about to go to war. And I know many of you are listeners or have already been deployed. You are you are deployed strategically to New Hampshire, to Iowa. You've been knocking on doors. You've been making calls. You've been texting. You've been putting in the work. You've been making it rain on the campaign for our boy. So it's all it's all about to get real. So going going into battle, I'd like to begin today's episode with a sort of a meditation, a meditation that I'd like us and all of you to like ruminate on and hold with you in the week to come. The way of the samurai is found in death. Meditation on inevitable death
Starting point is 00:05:07 should be performed daily. Every day when one's body and mind are at peace, one should meditate upon being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears and swords, being carried away by surging waves, being thrown into the midst of a great fire, being struck by lightning, being shaken to death by a great earthquake, falling from thousand foot cliffs, dying of disease or committing seppuku at the death of one's master. And every day without fail, one should consider himself as dead. This is the substance of the way of the samurai that Lizzo. No, I love about this is is this is finally the chance like people have been putting it so much work. We're talking about texts. We're talking about donations. We're talking about canvassing. But most importantly enough, of course, we're
Starting point is 00:05:50 talking about online harassment. Yes. Yes. Yes. So much so many years. It's been four years of nonstop fucking online harassment. I'm sure during the depths of a binge where you're posting a pig poop balls and near tanned for the 50th straight time to try to get her to block you, you're feeling like maybe this is worthless. But honestly, think of all that time online as mining for Bitcoin, right? That's your computer mining for Bitcoin. And now Iowa caucus, it is time to turn that mind Bitcoin into the dark web fentanyl of electoral success. Let's do it. The things that have made you a failure in your life, your loud monotone voice, your insistence to just argue about things when no one wants to argue, your propensity to wander into schools and
Starting point is 00:06:34 scream. This will all lead to victory in the Iowa caucuses where all these traits are rewarded. Felix will feel very comfortable in the caucuses. There we go. Because you're like, are you implying that I'm a white man? You just look like one of the Sarnaya brothers. Yeah, I did. No, I have wide cheekbones. I now I do believe in the Gazar theory. I do believe that I am a descendant of gang is Khan and I will and gang and I also believe in an alternative history model where the step is located in Iowa. I mean, this is a very special tour. Those step, you know, those step dwellers, they got around. They really did. Yeah, really were the straw that stirred the drink of like early modern civilization. I still argue
Starting point is 00:07:15 you're the sloppy safty. Well, no, I think I'm the third safty, but we're also all you're all Kazars. Yeah, we're all the descendants of gang is Khan and we will be returning to gang is Khan's homeland of Des Moines, Iowa. Well, and, you know, per gang is Khan, we will also be taking all the other candidates and their supporters and measuring them against the wagon wheel. Oh, god. Well, I think Amy Klobuchar is a direct descendant of Tamer Lane. And I respect her. Correct. Yeah. Well, I don't know. I don't know how you feel, guys, but like I feel like it's the big game is coming up. And I literally we're going to watch the Super Bowl like the day before the fucking caucus. Like it's just the big game is not. I feel like, you know, our team has been we've
Starting point is 00:07:59 been training, we've been practicing. I feel like we have the best players, the best coach, got the killers, the best killers, the best organization. But I just feel like there's a nervous energy. I think we're all feeling and it's sort of like a static electricity. I just want it to be over. Yeah, like, you know, like, but it's just the it's the anticipation of you can taste it in the back of your throat. I could taste it. So like, obviously, you know, everyone's a little bit. Everyone's sort of like walking on a razor blade right now. I just saw that Everson poll. I was, I had to get talked down. I was too horned up. They had to spray me down with a fire extinguisher. Yeah. Biden coming back to second place.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Matt had to hit himself in the head. I had to hit myself in the head with a giant sledgehammer and over and over again. My eyeballs had to be sewn back into my head after bulging out onto their stocks. So I yelled a UGA so much my throat shredded. But, you know, like any, like any good team, you know, I think, I think we go into this expecting to win. But, you know, but also like with a realistic understanding of that, you know, once, once you, once you lace up your cleats, every plan ends when you get hit in the mouth. Yes. No, no battle plan survives contact with the enemy. Exactly. So we are about to make contact with the enemy. And when you know it, they are making contact with us. As I said,
Starting point is 00:09:15 our last episode, oh boy, they're, they're starting to, they're starting to realize here's the thing. It's getting real for all of them to shot bad boys to camera swirling frantically around Martin Lawrence after he finds out that his sister has been kidnapped to Cuba. The shit just got real. Johnny Tapia. He's a legend. So a communist legend. We don't know how much of that money was going to fund like social programs in Cuba. Michael Bay never got into curing AIDS. Like think about that. What if Chubby Campion was like taking money from rich Miami club kids and directly transferring it to like the Cuban state to do hospitals and ship. He was literally a revolutionary hero. They were developing a new condom to replace cheese on
Starting point is 00:09:56 pizza. Am I the only one who remembers that legendary post? I do remember it. Yeah. Someone had a post that was like all you people, all you people, glorifying castor on Cuba. Did you know in Cuba they can't even afford cheese and they put condoms on. Damn, what's up? Well, we're, we're all walking along that razor. It's, it's, it's, it's just the energies in the air. Everyone's feeling nervous. There's a nervous energy for us. A big storm. Exactly. And if you're feeling it, the good news is the enemy is certainly feeling it too. And I said, I predicted that this week, this last week leading up to Iowa, especially in light of some of these polls coming out of Iowa, you're going to see a take singularity. And by that, like particularly among Warren supporters
Starting point is 00:10:45 who are going to vote for Biden after she drops out. They're looking for any. They don't want to have to make that pivot, but they know it's coming. They're looking for any reason, any excuse to respond to. And you know, like Joe Rogan is the latest one. Well, we can talk about that. Well, I want to say something about that. We can talk about that in a little bit, but I just want to give you guys a, like, you know, all the articles are coming and wouldn't you know it? They're exactly the same as the ones you read last week and four years ago. So I want to start out with a, probably I think the most delicious of them today. This comes because of us courtesy of Politico headline. This is a, this is just an article that came out just today. Headline,
Starting point is 00:11:22 they let him get away with murder. Dems tormented over how to stop Bernie. The party establishment is caught in a catch 22. You know what? That sounds hyperbolic, but remember, his wife did murder that college. They just, yeah, they just had the remains of a college, the entire dining hall under the foundation of their late house. Buried in the backyard, like a good fellow. Sank with the car. Um, all right, here we go. This is by Natasha Karecki. We're like Natasha Wrongie. I would have gone with N. Karecki, but okay. That's better. Yeah. It's fine. We do punch ups. Okay. Uh, what if it was Natasha Koresh and she was David Koresh's daughter? But I say here we have a winner. Here we go. With Bernie Sanders gaining steam a week before the Iowa
Starting point is 00:12:08 caucuses, tormented Democrats are second guessing what they say was a hands off strategy against the Vermont senator 2020 primary. They fucked up again. I can't believe the DNC fucked up. They fear a repeat of 2016 is in the making when mainstream Republicans scoffed at the idea that Donald Trump could ever win the nomination until he became unstoppable, only this time from the left. The Republican money people were laughing at Trump when he came down the escalator and they kept laughing at him for way too long until holy crap. He's winning primaries. Matt Bennett co-founder of third way. Speak on it, Matt. Bennett said he's attempted for weeks to find an organized effort to combat Sanders rise so far to no avail. Oh, what I fear is one will
Starting point is 00:12:51 emerge too late as with what has happened with Trump. Honestly, it's too late now, I think. I think they already missed their window. Many Democrats say they respect the support behind Sanders, but fear a self-described Democratic socialist would seed must win battlegrounds to Trump. Yeah. Swing state voters have a higher concentration of swing voters. No, sorry, swing states have a higher concentration of swing voters. We need a nominee who draws them. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Correct. Wow. Okay. Swing voters are, they are not moderate. They are lunatics. They have the typical American crazy quilt of beliefs that all contradict each other. I mean, they've never thought about for more than five minutes. That's why they swing. Again, we have to
Starting point is 00:13:33 like also acknowledge the fact that that is normal and we are weird. Absolutely. This way most people respond to politics and it has nothing to do with having a consistent ideology one way or the other. It's about what you care about when you step in the voting booth, what is your paramount issue and different candidates can arouse different ones in you and it has nothing to do with party and that's why they bounce back and forth. People who say they're moderates are actually so conservatives who just want to flatter themselves. Yeah. People swing vote. It doesn't mean necessarily that they, they're swinging between whether they care about the deficit or kitchen table issues. Right. It means they're swinging between like, well, you know, a vote
Starting point is 00:14:10 for Clinton. It's unfortunately a vote for the British royal family, but also last year I didn't vote because that was the year that they used all your DNA, all your DNA fragments from the voting booth to create a clone of you to replace you. That's the swing voter. That's why they swing. I would say though that those people also sometimes refer to themselves as moderate when in fact they are a dick. Absolutely. They think they are, but that doesn't, that doesn't describe them. You can't, in America, you cannot allow people to self describe their politics. What do you hear who this quote is attributed to? Swing states have a higher concentration of swing voters. We need a nominee who draws them to the Democratic column, said Rahm Emanuel.
Starting point is 00:14:51 And she's from the staff to Obama. See, why don't you even bother getting mad at the actual arguments? Just point at who's making them and you make the argument itself. And Manuel continues here. Sanders's theory, like Trump's for the right, is based on the notion of a higher turnout of infrequent voters. Sanders. Yeah, that theory kind of who worked, didn't it? I mean, he won. What if there was, what if this four-fingered cretin had an opportunity to work in the White House and it was because someone won on the model of activating infrequent voters? That would have been crazy, right? That would have been nuts. Oh. Sanders is in a strong position based on recent polls to win Iowa and then New Hampshire,
Starting point is 00:15:33 a one-two punch in the first two states that could make him hard to stop. Joe Biden's firewall, his popularity among African Americans in South Carolina and other southern states, would face a severe test. But the Democratic establishment is caught in a catch-22. Attack Sanders and risk galvanizing his supporters and turning him into a martyr of the far left. Yes. Or leave him alone and watch him continue to gather momentum. That's all you got. Well, they did try the second thing forever, like leaving him out of every fucking hole. That was the plan of 2019. Ignore him and he'll go away. And they're panicking now because they do have, this article is right, that they do have to have a different strategy. But honestly,
Starting point is 00:16:10 they might have waited too long. Too late. They're buying unfolded in plain sight last week when Hillary Clinton complained that nobody likes Sanders and wouldn't initially commit to backing him if he was a nominee. Famously charismatic Hillary Clinton. By the way, we talked about that, that the Clinton saying nobody likes him. But I totally forgot to mention that Sanders' response to that when he just said, on a good day, my wife likes me, was just the perfect David cut. Yeah. Oh my God. Yeah. What about it? It was the perfect contrast. He was the Ariana Grande meme. He never rises to the bait on that shit. Yeah. Yeah. Um, where he goes, she later clarified that she would do show Clinton suffered a
Starting point is 00:16:48 backlash and Sanders has only gained strength in recent days. That's largely why Bennett's push for organized opposition to Sanders isn't gaining traction. We're not wanting to put our finger on the scale in any kind of way. So the board member of priorities never do that. Please don't look at those DNC emails at all. We're not wanting to put our finger on the scale in any way. So a board member of priorities USA, the Democrats largest super PAC. By the way, talking about putting their finger on the scale. I know we're all feeling good, but check out who they've just changed. I was just going to say that. Well, they've nominated them. They've nominated them. But that is clearly their first like bid to control this process. The DNC is including John
Starting point is 00:17:30 Podesta is who they've nominated and Tom Perez has put up a bunch of his other cronies to be on the, what is it? The inspiring Tom Perez, the make-a-wish kid. The ruling committees within the DNC, the convention. Well, the sad thing is like Tom Perez nominated them, but they have to elect them because he is dying. Yeah, he does. He's got to make a wish. Can we want to put a daisy cutter, a daisy cutter munition on the on the electoral board? And they have to because it just sounds like it sounds like his larynx has been irradiated for 20 years straight. All I can say is that I pity the cheese pizzas of Milwaukee, Wisconsin this summer. Watch out gang. Stay safe out there. They're they're clearly preparing for a brokered convention for sure. Honestly,
Starting point is 00:18:24 it was put. I was giving this out earlier like Bernie could win outright. I don't think any of the other ones can win outright. I don't think they could get the boats. I think there, there's a more likelihood that they, they get it through a brokered convention and get into a second ballot that they are rallying around and, and, and, uh, and like concentrating around one anti-Bernie person who wins outright in the, uh, actual primaries. Yeah, but that's the, that's the game and they are, they are going to cheat. So we have to, no, no, I'm just saying, so yeah, that is the real danger is that they get it into the fucking convention. They get it to a second vote that they call in the riders of Rohan, the fucking super delegates to just squash the whole thing. Well,
Starting point is 00:19:03 lesson here is if they did that, they would break the party in half. Yeah. Like they would literally, like there would be thousands of Bernie delegates in that room who would lock out. It would be 1968 all over again. And I'm not saying that that would necessarily lead to some revolt of the fucking delegates or something. They take over the party by violence. Like it's 1917. I just mean the part of the democratic party would be like the fucking wigs before the civil war. And that might be too, they might be too scared to risk that even, even though they're panicking about Bernie, that might be the thing that are most scared of more than him. Maybe. And if that's how they figure it, if they're more scared of that, then they might not be able to even try it.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It depends, but the lesson here is, uh, you, if it ain't close, you can't steal it. Absolutely. No, he, but that's the thing and he can, he's the only one who can. Bernie can fucking make super Tuesday into a coronation and get over the threshold by the time we even get to New York. It's really possible. And so much of it is about confidence. Yeah. And like that's, that's really what a lot of people's reticence about Bernie and where we're just like, they're not, and you know what? Rightfully, they're like, they're like, they're not going to let him win. Are dying for it. Yeah. People are dying to vote. That's the, look at his favorability. People are dying to vote for Bernie, but they've been conditioned by the democratic party to expect
Starting point is 00:20:16 nothing. They have internalized, uh, they're afraid to love again propaganda. Exactly. And so they're like, I don't want to get hurt again. I don't want to get hurt again. It's like fucking Rob, uh, Robert Williams is going, it's not your fault. It's not your fault. No, no, no, shut up. No. You're like, it's not your felt will. And finally just breaks and hugs them. They're waiting to hear it's not your fault one more time. And if Bernie starts winning primaries and Mr. Electability, who's literally just admitting now, I suck, but I can win loses. The case is made. We don't have to worry about breaking out of the bubble. The case is made by like history. I'm really going to miss Joe Biden like a lot. He is a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:53 He is honestly the only guy, like the only person is any, any, any entertaining at all. I think what we should do is just not tell him who wins and let him keep going. Yeah. Yeah. Cause like he's, he's having a good time. We can have little, you know, we can set up little stage for it'll be, you know, goodbye, Lenin. It'll have a real serious question. Did they ever disassemble the West wing set? Oh my God, still somewhere in Hollywood. There you go. Because you could literally just say, Joe, tomorrow you could wake up and say, Joe, you won. Yeah. And then take him to the white house and you're set. He'll sit there. He'll sign bills. He'll talk to the ambassadors. There'll be cardboard cutouts. It'll be like Rupert
Starting point is 00:21:34 Pupkin in his basement and the king of comedy. That, oh, that's my dream to be Joe's like fake chief of staff in the West wing set. That's how I want to spend the next day running out to get him ice cream. That would make me so happy. That would be the greatest moment of my life. Hunter Hunter trying to like cut deals with PAs. He thinks they're ambassadors. I would love to do this going on here. It says here, uh, Sanders struggled to break out in polls for months in 2019 as fellow progressive Elizabeth Warren mounted a strong campaign, but Warren regressed after she was besieged with questions over how she would pay for Medicare for all. Warren progressed because her heart beat Kool-Aid.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Ironically, Sanders signature issue, but over which he had not been pressed for similar specifics, critics said. Last week, he again gave a vague answer about its cost to CBS's Nora O'Donnell. Again, this is why Bernie is smart and Liz Warren is done. They're all saying, oh, he's not going to get into specifics of what it'll cost or how he'll pay for it. That is a sucker move. That's your begging. You're getting thrown at the prior patch. Nobody fucking talks about these things. Like, oh, how are you going to count out for it 70 years in the future? Let me see the books for this. You think when they want to like start the Iraq war that anyone was like, oh, like, how are you going to do that? No, Sanders just says, here's the plan. Here's what I believe
Starting point is 00:22:50 in. We can do it. We're going to do it. Do you think the new deal was pitched on specific fucking things? The entire thing was created on the fly once they were in power. Exactly. There was no specifics to the new deal. It was literally just shit's fucked up and we are going to fix it. Bennett blamed the media for not holding Sanders to the same standard as Warren. They let him get away with murder, he said. They let him bluster past hard questions. Again, by saying like they let him get away with murder means he didn't play by the artificial rules that we have, you know, that we enforce on everyone else or expect them to play by. He's realized that that's a fucking mugs game and he's refusing to play fair like we all, you know, supposedly
Starting point is 00:23:30 want. It's like, it's not fair. He jumped over the trap door that we had there. Warren walked right over it. He's cheating. So it goes here. Jumping ahead a little bit here. It says a raft of polls out this weekend had Sanders leading or in second place in Iowa, vying with Biden for the top spot. The enthusiasm for Sanders was on display in Iowa on Sunday when 1100 people, according to his campaign, turned out to a rally in Sioux City hosted by Ocasio-Cortez and Michael Moore. He's in a position to win Iowa and New Hampshire at this point, said Ben LeBolt, Obama's former national press secretary. Now's the moment. We're a week out from Iowa. It might be too late for some states already, but it's not too late for the nomination. LeBolt said Sanders
Starting point is 00:24:09 competitors should have hit him harder on the debate stage and on the campaign trail. He argued there's less of a risk going negative now than the field now that the field has narrowed to four or five viable candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire. He added, there should be a paid media strategy that would challenge him. Who should do that? I don't have the answer for that. Democrats faced the same trick box that Republicans faced in 2016. Attacking Sanders only jins up his already enthusiastic base. We're not changing our game plan, a Biden associate familiar with the campaign strategy said. We don't feel a need to attack Bernie or anyone else. Also, he can't really handle any new information. Seriously question. Doesn't that can't don't the quotes on that sound
Starting point is 00:24:49 like campaign strategists drumming up like the demand for their product? Like they're literally saying, wow, somebody should really organize somebody. Somebody should pay somebody. No, it's just a strategy. It's total job to take this guy on. Somebody needs to get serious about this. Some people who do work like this, such as I don't know me and all of my friends. Yeah, it's consultancy like, you know, LeBolt's argued that Trump is pushing for Sanders to win pointing to a recent tweet from the president alleging that the Democratic Party was rigging the election against Bernie Sanders. Here's what I love about this. This is all happening in the shadow of the impeachment saga that we have all roundly agreed to largely ignore. Boring. Here's
Starting point is 00:25:30 the thing though. All of these people who are obsessed with it and watching MSNBC every single hour of the day, doing new tweet threads, new bombshells breaking every day, new affronts to the republic. Oh my God. Is John Bolton going to testify now? It seems to me over the past week, there's one bit of ephemera to come out of this that none of them have made a tweet thread about or taken any note of at all, which is the recording of Donald Trump in private talking about how Bernie would have kicked his ass in 2015. Even if he had been Clinton's vice president, he said. He was worried that he just beyond the ticket could have been enough to cost it for him. And honestly, it might have been. Especially because like any of like the kind of working
Starting point is 00:26:07 class support that Trump got was on the basis of jobs. Yep. And he was like, he's tough on trade. He's a job and trade guy. Like I was, I'm better than him, of course, I'm better, but it would have been, it would have been harder to have a contrast. And like, so when Trump and when Trump does that, whether he likes to treat looks like the DNC is stealing it from crazy Bernie. He's doing it, assuming Bernie will lose and that that will alienate Bernie supporters from voting for the eventual candidate. But guess what? If Bernie wins all of those tweets blow up in his face, because it's like, yeah, now this guy you say is pretty kind of good. He's now fucking actually the guy with the nomination. You have to run against him. You can't run against the crooked
Starting point is 00:26:44 DNC because they literally fought against him and he beat them. Okay. So that was that article with people just like, you know, somebody needs to do something. We don't know what. And the other interesting thing with this is like they are, this is like saw for them. This is like, would you like to play a game? They had to choose between sawing off their like hand or foot at this point. And the thing is in throughout all 2019, you're right. The strategy was ignore him. And we made fun of forever. Like just polls that he was leading in that they were just like, you know, that they just didn't show his face. They would literally have polls where Bernie was like a point up. He would have like 23 or Biden would have 22 and they would just flip the bars and it would say the
Starting point is 00:27:25 right ones, but Biden would be on top of Bernie. They would just change the rules of presenting information because Bernie was on top. But here's the problem though. They thought they were going to just ignore him because here's the problem with that though. Every other candidate, including the, you know, Elizabeth Warren, the other person running in the progressive lane, her, but especially like everyone else too, basically all said at the get go that his 2016 plan for his 2016 platform, they were more or less all on board with. So what are they going to attack him on now? Not policy. They can't do that because they're slitting their own throat. So what are they going to attack him on? Well, you know the answer to that. It's Bernie Bros.
Starting point is 00:28:05 It's sexism. It's Joe Rogan, which is landing with the velocity of a big wet chart in your underwear. It's really true. He's like fucking, he's like George Reeves, just bullets bouncing off of him. So, but here, so that article set up like, you know, what are worried Democrats going to do about this? Who's going to attack Bernie Sanders courtesy of the Daily Beast just this afternoon? Worried Democratic operatives scrambled to fund a network to take down Bernie Sanders. This is under the vertical called a little more aggressive. A group of loosely affiliated Democratic operatives have been in discussions about putting together an effort to attack Senator Bernie Sanders should he end up winning next week's Iowa caucus and potentially
Starting point is 00:28:50 the New Hampshire primary a week later. The talks, which two sources describe to the Daily Beast, are in their nascent stages, but have already hit a snag. Big money Democrats have shown reluctance at funding such an effort, which could consist of ads attacking Sanders and institutions associated with Democratic politics have largely shied away from being part of any campaign that goes after the senator, either out of fear of the back over the backlash or growing acceptance at the prospect of him becoming the party's nominee. It's not any one group of people trying to build the anti Sanders effort, said one of the Democratic sources. It is a loose network of people who think he would be very problematic as a nominee. There is at this stage
Starting point is 00:29:26 calls to and conversations with donors and organizations that might support such an effort. But as far as I can tell, nobody has found sufficient financial support to get it off the ground. I like how they like we would like to do a conspiracy of sabotage of a left populist candidate, but we are too incompetent. And also we have no money to open this milk for us. This is funny. According to FEC records, the sum total of reported independent expenditures exposed opposing Bernie Sanders directly and by name was just $32 and 72 cents as of Monday. Big things coming, y'all. Yo, watch this space. Big things coming. New stop Sanders shirts coming out sometime in August. Yo, we're getting into dropshipping. We've got, yo, we've got all the,
Starting point is 00:30:15 yo, just like follow, you know, follow this Instagram account that has zero followers right now. We're going to be putting all the stop Bernie merch right there. I got a dropshipping contact in China right now. Let's do it, y'all. That $32 and 72 cents was spent by Club for growth. What? How do you spend $32? Is that just like, is that just like, did they miss a decimal? Or is it just like the cost of like web hosting, buying a domain name? I think they did. That's like what it costs is your ox, like a hundred flyers to put on people's windshields. Yeah. Yeah. To make a, to make a big print out that says like one bad senator put it over like the main street in Burlington. So it goes, uh, yeah, that may very well change in the coming days.
Starting point is 00:31:02 The organization, Democratic majority for Israel. Yes, sir. Let's go. Which is run by pollster, Marty Melman. No, sorry, Mark Melman. Oh, wow. Okay. You just did a trope there. Doing tropes. By Hanukkah Torah. Is buying tens of thousands of dollars in airtime in Iowa, according to documents filed with the federal communications commission on Monday. Melman was quoted as saying 2020 is going to be my year. People don't like Israel anymore, though. Neither Melman nor his organization. I mean, the thing is there's not enough, they don't care enough about it to move the policy, but like just personally, they don't like it unless you're a snake handling Southern psychopathic evangelical who wants to like do,
Starting point is 00:31:51 you know, a doom level in when the rapture happens, you don't give a shit or you think Israel sucks. Right, right. The only people left in America who like actively give a shit about Israel are like, yeah, people who have raised their truck 36 feet off the frame. And like, and people who have to go on Tucker Carlson to reiterate that they're not a pedophile. Those are like the only two groups that are like really like into it. Yeah. The Ted Haggard vote, basically. This is my, this is my new book. That's actually my niece and I was taking her to dinner. Thank you for having me, Tucker. Allegedly, parody. Parody. Even members of Biden's official campaign suggest that a sharper contrast may be drawn between the candidates
Starting point is 00:32:38 soon. Yeah, but Biden looks shitty in comparison to Bernie. Here we go. One is, okay, one is a socialist. One is not said Dick Harpoot. Dick Harpoot Lee in this former South Carolina state party chair. And it comes from a long line. It comes from a long line of Armenian whalers. Quickest, quickest gun in the quickest gun in Queens. Dick Harpoot Lee in the former state party chair and member of Biden's national finance committee. If the democratic party believes nominating a socialist is the way to win in November, they need to start drug testing at the national committee. Which, by the way, is a policy I'd like to introduce. Hey, you're a man. Come get your man. If it were up to me, I would be a little more aggressive, said Harpoot Lee in,
Starting point is 00:33:32 addressing a question about post Iowa posturing. No, this is silly. This is silly. I'm sorry. Get a real deal. Come on. Wake up. Get a real name in certain circles. However, there is confusion and fear that the nomination process has gotten to this juncture with little pushback against Sanders at all. Reasons for that vary. But among operatives on competing campaigns, the main explanation is that few, if any, saw utility in going after the senator at all. Read between the lines. Too scared. Yeah. Well, they also thought he wouldn't win because they have internalized every element of the ideology. And one of them is that the America is a vast ocean of reactionary bigotry that most Americans are what are very
Starting point is 00:34:13 conservative to fascist. And your job as someone who is even vaguely to the left of center is to massage this beast softly without getting bucked off of his back. Because if you're awake at him, you will eat you. And that is their underlying assumption. And so they really do think Bernie would lose because they really do think that when America hears socialist, even though they've heard nothing with socialists for the 21st century, they'll go crazy. Yeah. Poll after poll shows that Americans generally are to the left of your average like democratic politician. And they just don't believe as much as they like polls, they always ignore those ones. It's true. It's just there. They don't care enough to vote because none of it changes. Yeah. They're not represented.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Biden and Sanders have gone after each other on social security with Sanders correctly noting that Biden previously called for reductions to the program in the Senate and the former VP accusing his opponent of muddying his record. Warren went public recalling a conversation she had with Sanders in which she said that the senator expressed his expressed his belief that a woman could not beat Donald Trump with Sanders denied multiple times. And on Saturday, Buttigieg sent a fundraising email titled Bernie Sanders could be the nominee. The post goes on to say that Bernie Sanders is raising tons of money. He's surging in the polls and he has dark money groups attacking his campaign. What? What? You just just renaming shit? Someone said, I forget who made this joke
Starting point is 00:35:39 on Twitter, but they said that dark money groups is what Buttigieg's campaign calls Black Voters. Yes, that's very good. So it goes here. Just at the end here, one more funny name. He is not my first choice, said Rufus Gifford, a prominent democratic fundraiser who supports Biden, a rooster who is a courtroom lawyer, a bashful hound dog and a straw boater. He has suspenders on his suspenders. Part-time lobbyist and full-time riverboat gambler. So, I mean, that's just, I have a last one, which is truly, truly nauseating, but that gets into, this gets into, like I said, they're in the coyote that has to wonder like, do I know off my own leg to get out of this bear trap or just starve to death and die of exposure
Starting point is 00:36:37 or being eaten by another animal? They're facing this right now because they genuinely cannot attack him on policy because they've all said to the democratic electorate that we want all the same things he does. To spend the lie of the Democratic Party since time immemorial and they never got called on it because there was nobody, anybody running credibly who was actually promising to do that stuff. They can't really, I mean, they're gonna, they're trying to say, oh, it's so dangerous because he's such a radical, like, you know, he's such a risk to nominate him. But I mean, the lie to that is any national poll. Yeah. Like any poll of him versus Trump in any of the states that are going to decide it or just overall likeability or how about the actual Democratic
Starting point is 00:37:17 primaries that are about to happen? Yeah. The Skuldudgery gentleman waived some singular poll, some Mason Dixon poll that had Biden up in Florida and Virginia has proof of something. There was a poll out of Florida like two days ago with Bernie beating Trump by 10 points. So, okay, what date are you going to go? They can try to do that. It's possible. But that seems increasingly ineffective. What are they left with? Well, I said it before, the same shit they did in 2016. Bernie Bro stuff. His supporters are harassing journalists. My, you know, my men, she is her violence, misogyny, sexism, Joe Rogan. Oh, God. Joe Rogan is the new thing now. Well, I thought you were going to get to the Atlantic. I am. Oh, I'm going there after this.
Starting point is 00:38:01 A perfectly fromulant article. Yes. Well, I'm bringing up the Rogan thing because the whole preamble of I'm sorry, I'll just say like this is David from writing in the Atlantic titled Bernie can't win. This is by the way, he wrote an article in 2016 in the Atlantic called Trump can't win. Yeah. So, but of course, another point for Bernie. But what he means by can't is not what you think he means by can't. He doesn't mean it's not possible for Bernie to win. Yes. But that headline cannot, that would be disastrous for me. But that headline, however, was intended to be read both days. Exactly. It's very, it's, it's, there's a Straussian meaning underline. Well, exactly. Like with all of you. Straussian. Yes. No, this is real. This is this is perfectly
Starting point is 00:38:43 Straussian map because with all of these, like especially the David from thing that I'm going to read, it's like you have to understand the SO and exoteric truths that are being communicated here and like the exoteric truth that from and everyone like him, Jennifer Rubin, literally every Iraq war criminal coming out of like who are now all just being like, it would be a huge mistake for the Democrats to nominate Bernie Sanders. Take it from me. Yeah. Someone whose opinion you should fucking, you know, someone who doesn't want anything good ever to happen for anyone. And the exoteric truth that they're telling you there is that, you know, like we've said about before, this is their last ditch effort to get you to doubt yourself
Starting point is 00:39:24 and to be like, no, no, no, you don't understand. It's too dangerous. It's too dangerous. This will never happen. Even if you get what you want, like, you know, you're going to fail in the long run. This just it'll never happen. This is their last ditch effort to just try that one more time. The esoteric truth is that this is an existential threat to me personally. Absolutely. So actually, you know what? Let's just go into David from thing. This is David from writing in America's worst magazine, The Atlantic dog shit, the magazine run by the the poor sign prison guard, Jeffrey Goldberg, Bernie can't win subhead. But unless other Democrats take a page from his book, stressing the practical over the theoretical, the universal
Starting point is 00:40:03 over the particular, they won't prevail either. Left but not woke is the Bernie Sanders brand. If anyone failed to recognize it before, if anyone, if anybody failed to recognize it before, nobody can miss it now. Last week, the mega podcaster Joe Rogan endorsed Sanders. Sanders campaign tweeted a video of the Rogan endorsement from Sanders own account. The tweet then triggered an avalanche of disapproval from other voices in the Democratic coalition. Rogan is not an ally to the cultural causes that have come to predominate on the contemporary left. He even mocks many of those causes while also dancing around conspiratorial thinking of the from of the left and right fringes 9 11 denialism, Obama birtherism and speculation about dark deeds concerning Hillary Clinton and
Starting point is 00:40:48 the Clinton founded. Oh, crazy man over here. But again, you are describing a normal person. Right. You're describing a normal person who like I remember once when we were I don't remember we were on tour somewhere, but I had an earbuds and we were waiting for a train. And I was just, I start I was laughing so hard, I was like crying, because Joe Rogan was trying to explain the concept of bees. And it was so because, you know, just a benevolent man with a genuine curiosity about the world, trying so hard. I think he was like trying to explain that the decline in the bee population, but he couldn't get there because he had to first explain the concept of a bee and pollination and what bees do. Did Joe Rogan touch on the fact or like,
Starting point is 00:41:47 did he have like a DMT mind blowing a moment, bring up the fact that according to all laws of dynamics, we don't understand how they do that. You know, that's my Joe Rogan voice, but you know the tone like how do they it's like what he is is he he is one of those guys who gives politics the rational proper amount of attention it deserves from a regular person, which is basically zero. Yeah, like they don't think about politics. So they're literally open minded, which is impossible to imagine if you spend all day doing mind combat on Twitter, where you assume all people have like this fully hardened intellectual and ideological identity that is like fused to them as opposed to people just kind of don't think about things and then like
Starting point is 00:42:27 make their opinion of them as they're saying it and they never think about it again. And then this nice humble man who starts out in every interview with like, look, I'm dumb and don't know what's going on. Like he literally says that and it's like, well, you understand like his entire appeal is a bunch of guys who respect that modesty because they are themselves are well, they're they're not as cool enough to be able to admit that they're dumb. He is he is the moderate voter. That's your moderate fucking voter. And it's like he does stuff that's racist and sexist and bad. That's because that's the ambient thing. You say that all the time that America is sexist and racist to patriarchal stuff. Why wouldn't regular people have that as some
Starting point is 00:43:09 sort of background radiation of their thinking? I think the thing with like Rogan is like, you know, Matt, you've described him before as like he has the literal definition of an open mind. He's like, he said his mind is like a lint roller and that it just picks up whatever it rolls over. Absolutely. But like the thing is like, I think Rogan is like the a synthesis of like jock and pothead. Yes. And like that describes a lot of people and like the article goes a lot of young men these days. Yeah, the article talks about like how popular he is among young men, right? Like, and you know, like, yeah, from rights here. Sorry. As the Atlantic reported in a memorable appreciation of Rogan back in August, Rogan is a voice for men. But here's the thing is like, I think that it just these are people who were not completely
Starting point is 00:43:52 nerds. They don't have like politics in the same way. You know, you you freak still. Yes, everyone listening to this. But what they have is a sort of a vague sense of being against authority of any kind. Right. So that's why they are open to ideas that fall to the left and right of the conventional wisdom because they're given the credence by them because they're outside the norm. And that is why that's what they're attracted to. Which also I think separates them from guys who might otherwise go like alt right or whatever, because they're just outsider enough to not be particularly malicious to difference. Right. They're just like, huh, so that's your thing. They don't hold police like that. Yeah. So it goes on to quote from an Atlantic piece about Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And then from continues here, former Vice President Joe Biden replied to Sanders Rogan tweet with a pointed tweet of his own. The tweet was, Let's be clear. Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights. Yeah. Joe Biden said that. First of all, I would like to say that like why I was talking about this earlier and I'm like, you know what? Joe Biden is probably not transphobic. He's probably like, Oh, that's the thing you're doing. Huh. Like he's so confused and gone at this point that he does not care. They asked him how many genders are there? And he said at least three. That is one of the funniest answers. That is adorable. Give it to a question. You want to kiss him on
Starting point is 00:45:23 the head like Hans Molman after he's. Bless you for trying. He's trying. Yeah. Yeah. I would also, the civil rights, you know, like battle of our time is a little bit of a weird phrasing because it implies that we're done with all the other civil rights stuff. We're still got a lot of we're not. I don't think it's malicious, but like the idea they would have you believe that Joe Rogan, I mean, sorry, the Joe Biden is just all of a sudden being like, Oh, no, it was completely opportunistic from his campaign. 100%. And again, throughout this whole Rogan controversy, he does not know that tweet was made. And I'm using controversy here very generously because this is so not a thing. 300 people online who are completely fine with, say,
Starting point is 00:46:10 that spent all of their time, you know, using Harry Potter metaphors who have no fucking problem with J.K. Rowling. Yeah, like all of the sudden, like this is their cause celebs. And also, why are you going to hit him? Like again, it's not like Bernie went on Rogan and cosigned everything Rogan had ever said. Well, he does. But no, he did. He did. You have to really have to believe that for these people, him going on that show is an endorsement of everything he's ever said. No, I think there are two types. Well, I think most people are cynical and are saying that the people who like are just posters and feel like they need. Yeah, there's a few nutjobs who are like, This is what it's like. You're not allowed to talk to people that don't share your
Starting point is 00:46:53 exact everything. Yes, that's a real strain. But the larger category, though, I think is the cynical or maybe the more influential categories, the more. Well, yeah, right. That's the people with jobs who are based on this shit. It's the Biden people, not the, you know, whatever Maoists, right? If you don't have your paycheck on the line, I think you're more likely to really believe that contagion theory of politics. But yeah, if you will have anybody, if you, if your job depends on any of the shit, it's all cynical. Right. And it's the Warren people who maybe do or don't realize that it's over for her. She's not picked up the requisite amount of black support to have any life past Nevada. Maybe they should be looking for another job soon. But who have been speaking
Starting point is 00:47:34 this language of giving a platform to Rogan? Rogan has one of the biggest fucking platforms in the country, independent of Bernie. Yeah. But of course, you know, you go where the people are, you don't fucking preach to the choir. Think of it magically. It's like he's, he's, he's given him this magical potion that makes him now credible and mainstream, not the fact that he is credible and mainstream by virtue of the size of his fucking show. It's this liberal brain rot that says like, like, actually, you, you don't preach to the sinners. You don't like, it's like this weird thing where it's like, we have to just like, make our ranks as small. It's, it's like a weird kind of like Trotsky I'd over, over hold where it's just like, okay, well, we're forming a cadre. And it's
Starting point is 00:48:15 like, you know, you only get one vote, right? Yeah. You know, can you fucking count? Yeah. Learn to fucking count. It's this weird form of like, mutated Protestantism and Puritanism and American culture that just keeps wearing its ugly head where it's like, it's not enough to like, support a like, like as Bernie, him says so many times, signing on, no matter where you're from, to enthusiastically endorse, no matter where you come from, the most left-wing candidate that's run for president since Eugene Debs, probably, that is pitching a like multiracial, multi-general racial working class coalition based around working class issues and the redistribution, not of just of wealth, but of political power to the working class in this country. It's just
Starting point is 00:48:57 not just enough. You have to do that. But unless you are a totally pure heart and free from sin, not just not just sin, like that you do in like, what things you say, but free from sin in your heart. Yes. That and like, that is the problem that they have with it because none of they think none of these policies will cure people will change what's inside people's hearts. Yeah. Well, and it's contagion theory too, because they're like, this is going to bring the filth into the Bernie movement. Not Bernie is actually changing people's ideas in mind. Exactly. This is the thing that they have a fundamental misapprehension of how the shit works. They view ideology and political movements as a contagion, as a virus. You let one Joe Rogan listener, one unreconstructed Joe
Starting point is 00:49:38 Rogan listener who maybe didn't go to college, hasn't learned the right words to use, hasn't gone through the literal like social conditioning to make you value those things like being not racist and being, you know, a trans positive as personality traits. You literally do learn that shit in college. And so if you let those guys in, they're going to spread, they're going to like bite people like vampires and spread like that or like the thing, you know, but that's not how it works because they're a smaller group. And because everyone else is already in this fucking coalition organized around a collective interest, which is, you know, all the working class power we were talking about. That means that if they do have bad views on social stuff, they end up
Starting point is 00:50:17 getting diluted. Their power gets on that with those issues gets diluted. All they end up contributing is their support to the fucking platform that's supported by everybody and helps everyone. This was the thing I wrote about when I like was talking to someone, they were trying to unionize like some tech stuff. And I like someone asked like, well, what do I do if an alt right guy wants to be in my union? And I'm like, if an alt right guy wants to be in your union, you want. Yes. It never, but like going back a little, this never goes both ways. No, this is never, it's never, it's never that Warren or Biden is giving a platform to CNN, which has never seen a fucking war they don't like. It's never, it's never that Warren gave a platform to Netanyahu.
Starting point is 00:50:56 It's not that anyone gave a platform to APAC. It only, it is, you're only giving a platform. It's only in this fucking, this fucking fake new liberal sort of faux and Tifa language that has been conjured since 2017 when it's something that directly benefits one candidate. Yes. And it just so happens that that's the one candidate that's actually on the left. Yeah. And here's, no, here's a perfect example of that, Felix. Fucking, what's his name? Bakari Sellers being like, how dare you compare Joe Rogan to Colin Powell? Yeah, Joe Rogan is a way fucking better person than Colin Powell. And I'm like, yeah, I agree with you, dude. Oh, wait, oh, wait, you, you met that as a
Starting point is 00:51:32 defensive Colin Powell. Yeah. Oh my God, dude. No, I had somebody in my mentees explicitly say to me, well, it's like, yeah, okay, Colin Powell, bad, that war in Iraq was pretty bad, but man, Rogan really is a piece of shit. Like he just wanted me to admit that Rogan's bad. And I said, that is, that's a disgusting worldview. If you, yes, on the same scale, that means you think most people are a piece of shit being problematic or killing 2 million people in the Middle East. And if you think those are on the same scale, you're a fucking sick pervert. And here's the other idiotic thing about it. Even on a real politic level, it's fucking brainless. Like Hillary Clinton actively courted and received Henry Kissinger's
Starting point is 00:52:13 endorsement. Henry Kissinger is like a world historical Hitler level mass murderer. Hillary Clinton had no problem touting and giving a platform to that person, but here's why it's idiotic. It garnered her probably zero votes. Nothing, nobody liked it. No one who wasn't already on board voted, like who was waiting for the fucking kiss your endorsement? Who wasn't already on board? Yeah, even if Joe Rogan were like the absolute furthest character of him is like the most evil person with a large media platform in this country that you could imagine. He would still a candle in the sun compared to Colin Powell, who by the way, Iraq war aside, started out
Starting point is 00:52:51 his career covering up the me line massacre. A company man to the bitter fucking end. Yeah. Yeah. In between that, he'll probably helped oversee the fucking highway of death, a career of fucking bloodshed, but the thing is, is I really think the reason that resonates like this and the reason that they do act treat differently part of its cynical, but there's also that ideological undercurrent like the real, the real heavy like ideology shit that undercurs their whole worldview, which is wrote Joe Rogan, uh, broke the rules. He's not part of the club. Like they really do have that ingrained meritocracy where like institutions like Colin Powell or CNN or anything. These things are exempt from these things
Starting point is 00:53:29 because they should be there. They're part of the institutions. They're part of the elite, but Joe Rogan is not controlled outside. And here's what puts the lie to all of this. And why he didn't fill, he didn't take a job. He didn't fill out a job application to go to college. Why I truly must part ways with people who are, uh, coveching over this or like saying, Oh, you can take this endorsement, but don't tout it or whatever. Joe Rogan's audience is like 311, 12, 13 million people. Yeah. I mean, we've got a pretty popular podcast, but that is a fucking drop in the bucket. Joe Rogan doesn't vote, which means Bernie Sanders is reaching non-voter. Yes. Yes. This is insanely important. More people listened to the Bernie episode of
Starting point is 00:54:10 the Joe Rogan podcast than have watched every single democratic debate combined. Yeah. The people that have watched like Bernie on Rogan are more likely to be a pool of people he could appeal to than the sort of freaks like us that watch fucking democratic debates. And you know what? The Rogan endorsement, the way he said it actually proves this entire, it proves why Bernie is the only one who can win, honestly, because he wasn't touting any issues that Bernie supports. When he said he supported Bernie, he said, Bernie's been consistent. Bernie's been consistent for 30 years. He's said the same thing this whole time. And I want to, I got to credit somebody who is that consistent. Now, of course, for establishment liberals,
Starting point is 00:54:51 that's horrifying. John Chay wrote an article, or he wrote a tweet saying, actually, oh, no, he did write an article. Actually, it's actually an insult to someone to say they haven't changed in 30 years, because of course, as a meritocratic liberal elite, the idea of that being nuanced, the idea of always being willing to admit I was wrong, that's a value. But what that reads like to regular people is being a fucking snake and being someone I can't trust. Being oily. Yes. Because I don't, oh, that's actually a virtue. Being a sponge that fits in any space. Exactly. And they don't trust it. And the thing is, the reason that's a rubric to care about is because they don't have the ideological commitment to pick it otherwise. They can't sort by what they like
Starting point is 00:55:29 because they don't really know what they want, but they know one guy isn't full of shit. They're not even vote for the one who isn't full of shit. They're not even snakes, snakes have spines. Exactly. And, you know, if we if we are indeed walking the golden path, and this goes the way that we that we hope it does, we will look back on this and the Rogan endorsement will be as important, if not more, than Ocasio-Cortez's endorsement. It'll be certainly on the same level of how much endorsement that actually really matters. She brought in a few people who might otherwise have gone to Warren. Rogan is going to bring in people that weren't going to vote for anybody and a lot more of them. A lot more of them. Yes, absolutely. Well, I do credit where
Starting point is 00:56:13 credits do. AOC thing. It came at a crucial moment. It came at during a real gut check moment. We're Warren researching after the Bernie Hart thing, a time where a lot of us were feeling on edge and credit where credits do. But the Rogan thing is fucking huge. And she got him some wobbly Warren supporters, too. Yeah, yes, yes. But like, again, I'm just back to the David From article here because, again, you just in taking this in, you just have to admire the absolute perversity of one of the architects of the Iraq War. Again, killed a million people, a million civilians, probably. Sort of, A, pretending that he gives a shit about trans people or trans civil rights or anything like that. He's a conservative. He's a fucking conservative.
Starting point is 00:57:00 And that, B, he is in any position to gain, say, the morality of Joe fucking Rogan or Bernie Sanders. Right. Rogan is Francis Assisi compared to fucking David. David, yeah. David From, if you're going to have deportations, deport fucking immediately. Don't let him take any of his things. Send him to fucking Calgary. Don't even send him to fucking none of it. Yeah. Get in the reality. Get in the fuck out of here. A genuinely vile and morally abominable person who is a pig man who is here to like, you know, scold you one more time, just one last time. So let's just get into this. So after pretending that, you know, he gives, he cares about trans people at all. And by the way, about all this stuff about Bernie Sanders as mayor of Burlington in the
Starting point is 00:57:47 nineteen fucking eighties, like literally created a safe space for trans people because of the policies he instituted as mayor of Burlington. He is fucking, Joe, they all, all these fucking people ran against gay marriage as recently as like, yeah, fucking 10 years ago. Yep. Well, past the point at which a lot of people, yeah. When, when David From's war started blowing up in their face, they use gay, they use gay marriage as fucking wedge issue to fucking fucking do that. Yes. Yeah. They're so proud of themselves. Well, we placed on swing states, we placed controversial gay marriage referenda on the ballot, hoping it would just turn out among evangelicals. Yeah. If we, yeah, if we're going to be talking about this, how many fucking
Starting point is 00:58:27 people killed themselves because they made that a national issue when they're thinking about coming out as kids or something like that. David From, yeah. Well, and Sanders did that in Burlington. Well, From was doing what? Fucking polishing Irving Irving Podoritz's taint. What the fuck was he doing in the eighties? Well, again, this goes back to Rogan's thing about consistency. Not only has he been pro gay rights, he's been pro trans. Yeah. So for most people, even knew what that was for fucking 40, 30 years before, not just before anyone knew about it, but before it was not only cool, but politically feasible to do so. John Stewart was doing like chicks with dicks jokes in the second Bush term. That's how fucking recently no one gave a shit
Starting point is 00:59:10 about trans issues at all. I thought it was a joke. So here he goes from here. But Sanders is a Marxist of the old school of dialectical materialism from the land that time forgot. Class relations are foundational. Everything else is epiphenomenal. Sanders may have outgrown the revolutionary socialism of his youth. He seems to think in terms of ameliorating bourgeois hegemony rather than overthrowing it. He is not necessarily hostile to transgender claims. He has cosponsored the current version of the Equality Act, which includes transgender people in the classes to be provided equal public accommodation and to be protected from job discrimination. Oh, yeah. It would seem like... Well, he didn't read out a list while crying. Oh, Amber, here it goes. So he says he
Starting point is 00:59:50 seems to not be hostile to transgender claims because he's literally sponsoring the Civil Rights Act that would cover discrimination. And has historically well before anyone even knew what that was. But he goes here, he continues, but Sanders certainly does seem to think that such concerns are secondary. Comparing contrast, the answer is that he and Elizabeth Warren gave at the December 19th Democratic debate in Los Angeles. I mean, again, you can read the article. I'm skipping ahead here. No, but that's the one where she says I'm going to read out the names of trans people. And I've got to say, if you hear... If you are thinking of the answer to the question, what policy would do more to help the lives of trans people in this country? Would it be the legislation
Starting point is 01:00:30 that Bernie is sponsoring? Or would it be reading out the names? Liz Warren's History Onyx. Which one of those is going to actually help someone's life? And if you pick reading the names, you are in Cloud Cuckoo Land. You want... It's all a show. Imbicillic. Fucking Imbicill. So he goes here. Pretty sure trans people need healthcare. Yeah. And not only that, it's actually access to healthcare free from discrimination is probably the most important issue to trans rights in the trans community. It's like the biggest barrier to being any way close to being able to fulfill yourself if you're trans. So he goes on here. Bernie Sanders is a fragile candidate. He's like a little China doll. I don't know, man. He seems pretty durable. Yeah. It seems like he's... His numbers
Starting point is 01:01:12 don't go anywhere. He's got three baboon hearts. I mean, the guy just had a fucking heart attack and then came back to me. They all went up. The numbers went up. No, it's like Larry David said, he's indestructible, this guy. So he has never fought a race in which he has had to face serious personal scrutiny. None of his democratic rivals is subjecting him to such scrutiny in 2020. Hillary Clinton refrained from scrutinizing Sanders in 2016. It did not happen either in his many races in Vermont. A political profile in 2015 by Michael Cruz argued that Sanders had benefited from an unwritten compact between Sanders, his supporters and local reporters who have steered clear of writing about Sanders personal history rather than risk lectures about the twisted
Starting point is 01:01:54 priorities of the press. The question, isn't the Occam's razor explanation for this that he just doesn't have anything you can use against him? Well, you'll be just coincidentally when soft out of his whole career. Well, you'll be supposed to. There's nothing there. This will reveal itself mad as it goes on here. The Trump campaign will not steer clear. This is where it gets really good. Hell yeah. The Trump campaign will not steer clear. It will hit him with everything it's got. It will depict him as a communist in the grip of twisted sexual fantasies, referring to, of course, that article he wrote back in the 70s that we all know about because people attacked it with him in 2016. They're all talking about like, there's just like, oh, he's never going to face what we
Starting point is 01:02:35 all know is out there. And then when they go to list the things he will face, it's all shit like that that we already knew about where Sanders is just like, a lot of ladies, they're thinking about gang bags. What they say, they're going to use this stuff. It's like they're threatening to put a flu vaccine in the water supply. It's also like, we know this shit doesn't work. He's nice. It's also like, yeah, Trump's going to hit him on this. This is even better. This one thing I hate. It's a Jewish pervert. Oh my God. No, no, no. So disgusting. Check us out. He's saying this is what he's saying. Forget the Democrats. He's saying that this is what Trump will throw against Bernie in the general.
Starting point is 01:03:15 His twisted sexual fantasies. Okay, compare that to let's say Trump's record on this. You mean like as a recorded voice on tape saying, grab them by the pussy. He said that a useless career politician who oversaw a culture of sexual harassment in his 2016 campaign. Yeah, Trump's going to hit him on that. Donald Trump is going to, folks, Bernie, it's his toxic masculinity. Bernie's doing no growth. He's doing bodies and spaces. He's pretty bad. How on earth is, I mean, I know they're going to try, of course, but like they're going to do anything. That is not what he is going to do. Donald Trump is just going to be like Bernie's old. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. And crazy. And crazy. Which shows he doesn't even know what he's doing. Donald fucking Trump is going to make an issue out
Starting point is 01:04:01 of the culture of sexual harassment on Bernie's 2016 campaign. Folks, the bros, they're terrible. At least with Bill, I mean, obviously he did the same thing when he, after the actual Hollywood tape and he brought out Juanita Broderick and stuff to go to the next debate, which is an astounding move. But like, you couldn't even do that to Bernie because this is just like some fucking like HuffPo shit. It's not like an actual, you know, accusers through 2019 against him. Through 2019, Donald Trump and his proxies held Sanders as a true voice of the people thwarted by the evil machinations of the Hillary Clinton machine. They will not pause a minute before pivoting in 2020 to attack him as a seething stew of toxic masculinity, whose vicious
Starting point is 01:04:42 online followers martyred the Democratic Party's first female nominee. He's going to attack Bernie Sanders by saying that Bernie was too mean to Hillary Clinton. The guy who he ran on putting in prison. He needs to get deported for this article alone. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That's legitimately the stupidest thing I've ever heard. This is so fucking dumb. At the Sundance Film. Okay, this is the details in this are so funny and telling. At the Sundance Film Festival in Utah this past weekend, Clinton told Jeffrey Goldberg, the Atlantic's editor-in-chief, that Sanders, alone among the Democratic aspirants in 2020, had refused to meet with her. God, that makes it sound so cool. But that's an attack ad. I was at the Sundance Film Festival
Starting point is 01:05:30 and Bernie did not even pick up the phone to ask me if he could hurt my permission to run for president. Can you believe that? Which is amazing too, because it probably wasn't even a snub. He was probably sitting in a windowless room eating coleslaw. I like it better when it's room temperature. Those ads are pitched at like Hillary dead enders at my work. They end it with a picture of Hillary at Trump's wedding when they're all smiling. I'm the actual friend of Hillary. Yeah. I think she's a special lady. It was her moment. Victory Hillary turns to Bill. I'm just saying, I think that that would probably secure Sally Albright's vote. Okay. Are you ready to have your mind blown by this next? Strap me in, Haas. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:06:17 If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination, you will hear Clinton's negative assessment of him repeated so often by pro-Trump talkers that you will almost think Clinton is Trump's running mate. Everyone hates her. The person who lost, who ate shit last election. All of the least popular people in America. What David Frum is saying is what the person who will beat Bernie Sanders, what Trump will use to beat Bernie Sanders is Hillary Clinton, the person he beat in 2016 and who literally no one likes. Here we go. Trump will terrorize the suburban moderates with the threat that Sanders will confiscate their health insurance and stock holdings, if not their homes. Trump accused Democrats of pro-Iatollist sympathies for noticing
Starting point is 01:07:06 that his story about the killing of Qasim Soleimani was full of holes. In 1980, Sanders joined a left-wing party whose presidential candidate condemned anti-Iranian hysteria around the U.S. hostages being held at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, suggesting that many of them are simply spies or people assigned to protect the spies. Correct. Correct. 100% true. Okay. The members of the team around Sanders are experts in Democratic Party factional infighting. Few have dealt with people who do not play by the rules of the mainstream Democratic Party. They have always been the rule breakers, the people who got inside other teams' decision cycle. They have been the Minutemen fighting the Redcoats, picking off the other side's regulars from behind trees and fences.
Starting point is 01:07:45 What? Now they are... Okay. This is really great. Now they are about to experience what happens when a militia faces off on an open field against a ruthless modern army with cluster bombs and napalm. They will be shredded and torched. Okay. That is a very specific list of war crimes that a modern military can achieve coming from David Frum. It seems like he's actually very quite familiar with the process of that. You will be strafed with the pleaded uranium from an Apache longbow. Okay. Again, keep in mind David Frum in the Bush White House in his first term could not be more closely tied to the war on terror and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. David, how did those actually turn out when a modern ruthless army armed with cluster bombs, white phosphorus, the pleaded uranium
Starting point is 01:08:32 faced off against an irregular guerrilla force and counterinsurgency? Can we check the scoreboard on that and then Vietnam before it? Because the actual record here you seem to be saying is actually quite good for Sanders in this metaphor here. Yeah. But also hilarious that he's talking about the fact that he can use this metaphor of people being scorched and shredded by cluster munitions and napalm but have never even once in his life reflected on what he did to actually have make that happen in the real world. Not as a metaphor for a political campaign, but to actually, let's say, cover the city of Fallujah and depleted uranium. He thinks it was still a good idea. And here's the other thing about Frum and all these guys. Frum voted for
Starting point is 01:09:15 Trump in 2016. He's lying about that and he's going to vote for him in 2020 as well. They all are. That's what's going to be so awesome is watching all of these never Trumpers buckle like a belt and become Trump surrogates. It's already happening with Brett Stevens. Brett Stevens just wrote an article. Mr. He was the never Trump conservative. That's why he's on the New York Times because they could never imagine having a fan of that lautish Trump on their beloved op-ed page. But he just wrote an article saying, actually, you know, Trump is not bad. People kind of give him a bad rap because he sees Bernie possibly being the nominee. The economy. As for Sanders himself, as for Sanders himself, if there's one thing the political world has learned about him by now,
Starting point is 01:09:51 it is this. He does not cope well with criticism. He does not cope well with interruption. The Sanders campaign is a bet that the 2020 race can be won by mobilizing the Americans least committed to the political process while alienating and even offending the Americans most committed to it. It's a hell of a gamble. And for what? To elect to the presidency of person with a proven record of accomplishing little for the causes he espouses despite almost 32 years in the House and Senate. Yeah. Sorry, he hasn't created universal health care yet as the only independent socialist of the United States Senate. Let's be honest, a paltry achievement for anyone could anyone could do that. Yeah. Going from being mayor to congressman to senator
Starting point is 01:10:30 as a socialist in America. Yeah. Yeah. That's not very impressive at all. And here's the other thing. Oh, what is he? Post office is his name. What is he actually achieved? I guess like, you know, on par, you want to put his record up against Biden. I'd rather go to the guys who didn't achieve anything rather than the people who everything they achieved is pure fucking evil. I made the fucking Eiffel Tower of shit. There's one thing at the end here that is just truly, truly incredible. There are many ways to divide the democratic field by ideology, by gender, by ethnicity, by age, but perhaps the most important is this, for Buttigieg, for Bloomberg, as well as for me and very likely you, reader of the Atlantic, one of the most decisive days
Starting point is 01:11:09 of our lives was the day we received the fat envelope of acceptance from a selective educational institution. Oh my God. What were the other things he mentioned? Age, ethnicity, ideology and gender. No class in there. Well, he's saying class, but like he's reflecting it like on himself because he's like, the most important day of my life was when I got a fat letter of acceptance to an Ivy League institution. Like the education is a way of skirting around class. Yes. That is what that is. So here he goes. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden speak to Americans for whom the fat envelope, thin envelope decision means little. If it means anything at all, it's not accident or name recognition that explains why they lead the field. They are both being carried by something big and real.
Starting point is 01:11:56 The challenge for the person who will succeed in beating Trump in 2020 is not merely to ride that force, but to guide it. Here is what is so fucking incredible about that is because he goes on to, he in that article, as I pointed out, he obliquely references by way of metaphor analogy to a political campaign, mass murder, the imperial, like the death machine of a modern nation state's army. At the end of it, he says, the most important day in my life was when I got accepted into college. What do you think the most important day of an Iraqi's life was? Probably the one that they didn't meet the end of. Yeah. But for that, but for David Frum, and everyone like a wife and children. Yeah, he does. The most important day is when my, when my wife got thrown off a plane for.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Well, she threw herself off. Yeah. For my, for when my wife inflated the emergency slide because she saw a man in a turban. So yeah, for David Frum, for David Frum, for everyone who reads the Atlantic, for everyone who takes his horseshit advice seriously or even counts it, counts as him as a moral person who deserves anything less than being the full exit from civil society. The acceptance letter, the fat envelope, the thin envelope, that's the most crucial thing you'll ever face in your life. The millions of people that they've killed, total abstraction. Let's make David Frum's second most important day in his life, the thin envelope he gets, bus tickets back to Canada, never to return. That about wraps it up for this. This is a
Starting point is 01:13:27 brief sampling of the things that come this week. We are going to Iowa tomorrow. We hope to see you there. I got a plug. Speaking of left, but not woke, I urge you all to check out the Not Really podcast. I went on and did an interview with Patrick and Paul with the legend Lady Bunny. A lot of people do not know their drag queen history. Lady Bunny is the founder of Wigstock. She's a contemporary of RuPaul's. Her parody songs often sound like Comtown songs because they're about having sex with your dad. She is amazing and she is a fucking OG Bernie bro and always has been extremely into class politics. We talked with the New York nightlife and drag legend about Bernie and about politics and it was amazing. There is a two-parter on Not Really. I think the
Starting point is 01:14:26 free part, which you can get without subscribing to the Patreon, Paul and I are very drunk. Maybe consider subscribing to hear us being much more coherent, but it's a great interview and it rules. Yeah, please subscribe to Not Really. There we go. I am headed to Iowa tomorrow. I hope to see you there. Like I said, we can't be stopped. None of that mean me rapping. We let your mother fucking ass know what's happening. Bitches get played, niggas get murdered, adult fucking kids are now all of a sudden hurt up. It's on the news every hour. Why can't I talk about it? Everybody seemed to be after us. Even the manufacturers wouldn't press like this. You know it wasn't fair. Fuck everybody who worked
Starting point is 01:15:44 there. And every mother fucking reporter across every mother fucking border.

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