Chapo Trap House - 390 - Live from Iowa City: Solidarity Forever (2/3/20)

Episode Date: February 4, 2020

The first 45 minutes and last 45 minutes of our nearly 3 hour show in Iowa City  on Feb 1.  Between canvassing and caucusing didn't have much time to edit this one, so it's dangerously uncut. Also t...he poor hosts couldn't hear the song on stage while singing, please forgive us coming irresponsibly close to posting cringe for Bernie. TOUR DATES:ALL TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Las Vegas, NV Feb 18, @ House of Blues San Diego, CA, Feb 23, @ The Observatory North Park Sacramento, CA Feb 28 @ Ace of Spades

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I I Yeah, yeah The only lie about that is that I do not have a secret account First off first and foremost apologies for the delay and starting the show apparently Okay The rumor is that there was some selfish prick vaping downstairs, and it set off the
Starting point is 00:01:46 extraordinarily sensitive Yeah, vape detecting system here No, but believe you it's probably like One of our biggest shows in terms of the crowd, but probably our biggest show ever certainly in terms of the context for what we're here to talk about So so believe you me when that when that fire alarm started going off all I could think about is oh boy This is our great white moment And I was just thinking you know a Monday the headlines being Bernie loses, Iowa by 700 votes And you know what if that happened I would probably log off for a day or two
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah, we would be really embarrassed if we killed all of you I Mean like I'd be back in a week and be like you know Yeah, dude. Yo juice my last post everybody, but I mean like the episode back We would just be like we just can't talk about it. We just like it just let it blow over. It's fine there's like easily 700 more where that came from and Like we get on just in the in the wakes of all the go fund means for all of your funerals and just be like all right No, it's fine like dude. Literally. No one remembers. Oh nuts. How did Twitter cares about this? Um, so John Chates haven't a normal one
Starting point is 00:03:14 And just to clarify things nobody was vaping anywhere But if they were they had the right to they have the right under federal law to vape you have the right to vape Yeah, this is those protests that you're seeing in France right now. It's about the same thing see unified struggle So Uh, there's some there's some energy in the room tonight So so So Iowa City, Iowa, I heard from someone who speaks very high very highly of you. I heard that you guys canvas houses. I Heard that you canvas houses so my only question is
Starting point is 00:04:12 Would you like to join this fight? Would you like to be a part of this history? You? Know government and big business are coming after our movement and they're coming strong But they won't win because we are the biggest and most honest podcast in America Other than Joe Rogan Looks like John Lovett's just another screenwriter now Iowa City We would like to be a part of this history with you here tonight and with you know our boy on Monday. Yes And you know
Starting point is 00:05:09 Well while we were down waiting to be evacuated due to certain people not having any self-control To be fair no one no one knew the rules. We didn't know the rules. We didn't know it wasn't allowed We were all waiting with baited breath for the eight o'clock CNN drop of the last Des Moines register Poll of Iowa which which my man Virgil pointed out is the most accurate poll Leading up to predictive poll of the Iowa caucus of the last three, you know competitive Democratic caucuses that Des Moines register poll nailed all three They had Hillary edging out Bernie last time around they had Obama surging in the last week to beat
Starting point is 00:05:55 Hillary and Edwards in 2008 and they nailed the top four in 2004 carry then Edwards and Dean and Gephardt and at the last minute CNN said psych We're not we're not gonna release it We're not making this up. No, this just happened just happened downstairs and the reasoning We are somebody because somebody vaped in the CNN green Which was okay What what they're claiming is is that the bootage ish campaign is Complaining that one
Starting point is 00:06:32 Respondent said that bootage edge was not on their questionnaire of possible respondents and That they at a second at a second at a second turn they mispronounced his name and so sorry You don't get the bull guys. Sorry. However However, we have reason to be skeptical of that excuse for not releasing the results Could there be I don't know some other reason they decided to cancel the big CNN TV event touting the most accurate poll leading up to the Iowa caucus the last one before votes are cast. I don't know. What do you think? I? Mean I'm absolutely I'm absolutely positive that it show if this was a poll that showed Bernie stumbling that they would have the same
Starting point is 00:07:19 Reticence due to the complaints of a single campaign. It's like I'm sorry if people just says and no don't release the poll What is he gonna do? No kill your dog. Well, yeah, but just get another fucking dog If Bernie was in third or worse, this phone would fucking autoplay on your phone Yeah, but there was a guy who was on in the lead-up pull lead-up hype show before they canceled it Who had seen it and seemed to imply that it had Bernie up significantly? However We cannot let the bourgeois media get away with this. So does the Des Moines register have a Twitter? Yes, they do amber. Oh Wow, they do. Yes
Starting point is 00:08:11 Did you guys have Twitter? I Just I'm just asking maybe you can ask them Where the fucking poll results are? Do you see? Do you see what they're trying to do to our movement with big business the government and Bobby Kennedy are trying to do To our movement here in Iowa. They're trying to sow division among our ranks when what we need right now is solidarity solidarity I hear you live in your parents houses
Starting point is 00:08:43 I was sitting we need solidarity right now, but like I said, so this is this is this is like our USO tour And that Felix will be wearing a very skin tight white dress by the end of it It'll be it'll end exactly like the full metal jacket scene Apocalypse now apocalypse now the same movie. It just has a different title in France So You guys are gonna I know a lot of you have been canvassing a lot of you're gonna get the opportunity to vote on Monday So like here's a little listen my sort of general patent pep talk for you guys here We obviously are all aware of the
Starting point is 00:09:35 enormous opportunity That we're that we're faced right here that like there is nobody who has been a self identified socialist Who has ever been this close to being president of the United States ever in American history and the last person to do It was probably Eugene Debs exactly a hundred years ago And even he ran from jail even he Who did okay did not have anywhere near the sniff at this that Bernie? Yes, as I ever said he ran from jail and We need to remember and be realistic
Starting point is 00:10:11 That you know, this is this is a small window, but it's the biggest small window this country has ever fucking had We know what this opportunity represents I know you probably have all experienced the joy and excitement of working together towards this goal because you know How important things like medicare for all student student debt relief? Fucking go down the list every fucking thing that is awful and bad about this country You know what we need takes to change it and you know who represents the changes that need to happen That joy that feeling of collective productivity or doing something together for the greater common good. That's good But it's not as good a motivator when you're really going to war as spite. Ah, let the hate feed you
Starting point is 00:11:07 Spite is a great motivator. So let me to pitch you this scenario Should everything go according to plan on Monday You will have the opportunity to drive a stake through the fucking heart of every single one of the most Insufferable cowards and assholes in the world I've been keeping a list have you been keeping a list You keep that fucking list Every one of these despicable Entitled fucking liars
Starting point is 00:11:49 You have the chance to cast them into the fucking wilderness Exercise the demons from this fucking house that we're all living in they're gonna be them out They're gonna have to go door-to-door at offering punditry in exchange for hot meals Please sir for a crust of bread, I'll tell you which of your children won the week David from is gonna go out bit gonna have to go back to Canada and shirtlessly be a Trailer Park deputy David from as mr. Lay he is the greatest Brevis I have ever heard There is there we're so clarifying about this moment is that what it offers us is such a clear dividing line
Starting point is 00:12:42 between people who are on your side and people you if things go as planned if you guys Carry us across that finish line the dividing line between people who are on your side and people who we will hopefully never have to fucking Listen to ever again Well Except when we want to hear it Well, this is my idea is that It's so innervating now because these people actually have power and authority But should we are if we are on the golden path?
Starting point is 00:13:15 They will be just come another harmless American subculture of loons like flat earth people Yes, they will be less cool furries. I Just got yift by Jonathan shade So So yeah, everyone you know, so we're here this is our USO tour we're going to battle There's a lot of you that have been canvassing a lot of you come from out of state. We've hold we've told it You're from out of state. Let's hear it. Yeah, who came here from out of state? Okay, well, did did did anyone come here from Indiana?
Starting point is 00:13:56 All right, there's at least a few. Okay. How many people here are actually from Iowa and can vote on Monday? There we go. Okay Get him Now here are 17 reasons why you should cast your caucus vote for Bernie Sanders Hold on hold on before we we got any Illinoisans here. We're experienced. Yeah All right, yeah, all you Iowans stay close to them. They know how to do election fraud Buddy system more like
Starting point is 00:14:29 So our Soldiers our loyal soldiers from out of state you have brought us this far But to the Iowans in the crowd tonight, you must carry us to the promised land. You must get us across that finish line The whole world is counting on you. I also also I just have one quick one. Is anyone here from out of the country? Thank you for committing foreign election interference. That is cool We have been calling for that for years The rubles are in the mail So to my broader point about how spite is a great motivator
Starting point is 00:15:13 I think we should sort of begin talking about the sort of the news of the hour percolating on this campaign here And that is of course, I'm talking about boo gate Boo gate or what I'm hoping will be the last fucking one of these utterly contrived Controversies that we'll have to hear or care about ever So We were there we were there last night at the the Bob Iger concert. I Was really excited to hear what's gonna happen with Marvel Phase four and and
Starting point is 00:15:52 On stage there was a like a panel with Rashid it's a lab Ilan Omar and Pramila Jayapal Nice. Well done. No way to go during the panel The moderator brought up Hillary Clinton's line about how nobody likes Bernie Sanders and the audience. What would they do by the boo? Yes It was it was honestly, excuse me. I gotta leave How dare you people?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah, booing moderators. Who do you think keeps forums safe? You guys actually booed far more powerfully than that it was like the boo less. I was like a boo Honestly, it was a quaint boo. It's a quaint polite. It was an Iowa nice boo Yeah, that was it. That was like that was the boo you made if you didn't like the train movie that they showed in theaters in 1910 Probably at this theater I didn't even get run over this is bullshit The audience there's a mattering of booze at the invocation of Hillary Clinton's name and the moderator says no, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:17:06 They're like, you know, like be let's be polite here and they're rushing it to love says no, I'll boo. Yeah Yeah, a real G People losing their shit over this is insane to me It's like when you look at like videos of like Polish Parliament just beating the shit out of each other It's like a boo. Oh, how dare you and like I said, wouldn't you know it? it's just They have lost their fucking minds today I mean if they have already but now they are they they're just jibbering like just clawing the fucking window of the box that they live in
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's it's bizarre. It's because it's like they're having this mental break because they're confronting the fact that Not just nobody But three of the most exciting young Congresswoman in America Agree with the rest of us that everybody fucking hates Hillary Clinton wants her to go away and think she should be booed every time Her name is mentioned in public Just just for a second Imagine having that kind of confidence Imagine not walking into a bodega or whatever it is you people have here barn come and go baby
Starting point is 00:18:26 And not cheapy cheapy and and like you know dropping a nickel and you know when you're trying to like buy You know cigarettes or whatever and not being like oh my god Everyone here hates me or not being like is my coat too loud when it moves and These people have never once for a moment in their lives ever considered the possibility of Anything other than a world that worships and adores them Hillary Clinton What must that be like Where's the most thing you said like that the comment that you said that like really clarified to me about everyone who voted for oh
Starting point is 00:19:15 Yeah, yeah We so in the midst of this, you know, I guess we're going on the multi-day freak out about boogate I saw you know a rando online, you know one of the deranged what is it eight percenters who are anti-burny people and They said you know, this is a this is an insult to the 62.8 million of us who proudly voted for Hillary Clinton and are her ardent supporters And it's like you genuinely believe that you don't realize that because of the two-party system It's a fucking hostage situation, okay
Starting point is 00:19:55 Most people voted her with a gun in their head and they were sick as shit after they did it. All right We can we can test that right here. All right, let's let's do a little box popular here Let me know who here did vote for Hillary Clinton 2016 Who here proudly voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 I Guess it's not it's citation fucking needed. It's not enough that Jill Scott, I know we're doing the show. It's okay. It's not a cool. It's cool auditions for seventh-mic or next week No, it's not it's not enough. It's not enough that you have to go out there and vote for her It's not enough that they say you didn't now you are retroactively being grieved into fucking liking her
Starting point is 00:20:48 It's basically like it's the way that Mormons retroactively baptized dead people. Yes We're in Frank Yeah, it's like well guess what you voted for Hillary that means that the afterlife you have to hang out with her and do The fucking name a with her and Ellen fraternity. Sorry You will be check the box. You will be at least hey at least you did your part to beat Trump No, but like speaking like specifically about those three women on stage who I get up until now an AOC to I don't know how these people have maintained in their own head or compartmentalized the idea They're like, oh, they all believe exactly the same things. I do and have the same political vision for the world
Starting point is 00:21:35 Well now they can't do that anymore. So what are they gonna do? insult and attack them and exactly as vicious and vile terms as I feel about them look We're all in the same fucking game here except what it happens to them They act like like someone just murdered them. I've been murdered. It's like it's all that they're floppers They're winging fucking cowards. They can't fucking take it. Well, that's why they lost okay when Reggie Miller doesn't well There is one explanation for why this is such a ridiculous Overheated controversy and how everyone indicated in it is clearly in a frothing hysteria that calls to mind the children Who accuse people during the Salem witch trials and that is that they know in their deep little hearts that fucking pretty is gonna win
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah These are yeah These aren't these these aren't people who are confident about the longevity of this game These are like the last tantrums you throw before getting dragged out of the place Drag them out get him out of here turn those machines get on Get those traders back in here And it's just that the way they talk about they're like I just I supported them But like this is too far. They owe Hillary Clinton everything. I
Starting point is 00:22:49 mean in a way in a way a Massive failure laid the ground for it's like oh, actually we do need left-wing candidates. Yes. Yes Yeah, it wasn't you know, it was it was the I was saying Boris is I was saying thank you That's what it was They basically yeah, they treat Hillary like this amazing path grunt finder But she fucking just lost and ate shit and everything she ever tried It's like if Jackie Robinson like it went 0 for 4 and broke his leg and his first and only at bat. I Don't think we've been putting him on the jerseys every year
Starting point is 00:23:31 Yeah, there'd be someone else someone good that we would remember You know, you may not agree with them always, but the Three Stooges really paved the way for safe movers Hillary I mean she never really cracked the glass dealing she more like fell down the glass staircase We I mean we were on the car right over here We were gaming out, you know again don't want to jinx it But what a general would look like with our boy I guess I guess Donald and he could immediately shift to be like Donald he lied about your jobs He lied about the trade deals. He lied about the wall and he lied about locking up Hillary. She's still free
Starting point is 00:24:13 She's still walking the streets If I am president, she's going to jail Hillary is not going to the jail she deserves the Magneto jail Due to a compromise Hillary will be going to a 1930s jail where you play the harmonica Breaking a rock with a pickaxe got it balled to connect to a chain to her leg I may not be Bill Murray, but I'm in stripes I like the idea of Hillary being like I can eat 50 eggs Cool hand puke I can eat 50 children's pinnial glands
Starting point is 00:25:04 Each children's fuck we all like to joke about here We I mean I'm parody that's count one of the indictment there Everything else is like fucking giving booking Hitler for jaywalking Well, as you know, they got as you know, they they they got Hitler on tax evasion, so No fucking I just locker up locker up Locker up, all right, so I'm gonna put her in jail. At least my no, no, no No, cut his mic cut as Mike no, I'm just saying we're everyone's it's like a community service where every day She has to climb into a dunk tank and an American citizen could pay a thousand dollars to dunk her into fucking water
Starting point is 00:25:58 So okay, it's a rather new shit, it's a revenue raising tool Oh, I like it because it's an ironic punishment because of her career just collecting fat checks. I like it. Okay. All right. Now that we've stirred the pot a little bit, now we've got a little spice in the air.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Let's simmer. Okay. We're simmering. It's not simmer now. It's a nice... We're ready to cook here. Oh, you can't vape, but you can smoke spice. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah, I mean, why do you think this is the first primary in the country? It's because this is where America's spice lobby is the strongest. All the K2 fields we saw coming in here. All right. I'd like to move away from hate and spite to... They'll be more later, trust me,
Starting point is 00:26:50 to sharing with you, Iowa, a little bit about our Iowa journey. We got in here on Tuesday, Felix and Amber, a little bit after that, but I just want to take you through... We hit the ground running and we have already started to cover and interact with campaign workers, volunteers, gadflies, politicos,
Starting point is 00:27:12 and presidential candidates. I think we'd like to share a little bit of our experience so far with you, starting with... We've already pushed it out, so I'm sure you guys have probably seen it already, but I'd just like to share with you, together here, the probably the last question John Delaney was ever asked. I mean, also, keep in mind, this guy has been running
Starting point is 00:27:38 for president for over two years and self-funding all of it, and he's not even a billionaire. I mean, he's rich as shit, but this is not like Bloomberg where just his interest can pay for like $150 million. No, he's taking a fucking hit here to his net worth. He's taking a fucking haircut to do this.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Okay, settle an argument for us. Should we get a Peloton for our office? Do you have an opinion on this new workout device? Yeah, I like a Peloton. I mean, I've never done the treadmill, but we have a Peloton at our house, and I do a Peloton. I mean, I think it's great.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I like the music. The sound system is really good. John Delaney, thank you for your time. Best of luck on Monday. Thanks, man. Cheers. And he dropped out the next day. So this is, of course, our way of announcing
Starting point is 00:28:33 we're getting that Peloton for the office. We talked about it, and, you know, we had conversations about it, and so, you know, we're doing it. He dropped out the next day, and I swear to God it was because of that interview, because we thought about it, and it's like, so we showed up at the Delaney offices
Starting point is 00:28:51 just to, like, see what everything was up, and we just knocked on the door. They were very happy to see people. They had had nobody. They had had nobody. And they literally were on the phone with, like, his director of media, and they just said, hey, you want to talk to him?
Starting point is 00:29:05 He just gave us the phone. And then he said, hey, you want to talk to John? We can get him out of here. And they drove the bus. They drove the Delaney bus, which has the incredibly inspiring slogan. I believe it's something like, like, sensible solutions, not impossible promises.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Woo! Cool. The hairs on your arms are just standing up. And he drove that motherfucker into the parking lot. Our truck was actually blocking him, and we had to move it. So it took an extra 10 minutes. Popped out, did that interview,
Starting point is 00:29:37 and then they drove right off. So they took a detour to talk to us, and I really believe they got on the bus after that, and he just sat there and thought about what he had just done, and said, this is the first media hit I have done in four months. And it was some podcast assholes who asked me about my workout regime and Peloton. We realized something.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I'm sorry, Amber. I was just saying he really shouldn't have, like, tried to lower the standards, because he looks like a retired astronaut, and he should promise people the moon. We realized something at the Delaney office. It's a big campaign office. It was nicer than the other ones we saw.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Oh, the nicest one we saw, for sure. Because he spent a lot of money on it, and everyone there was paid to be there, and nobody was doing any work. There were two guys playing mind-sweepers. Five days from the office. Yeah, everyone was just sitting around. They were clearly bored.
Starting point is 00:30:31 They clearly were excited that we were there. And we were just like, hey, you want to play Xbox? Bernie's offices, by the way, still have, like, the stationary hairdryers from the hair salon used to be, and the fucking strip mall. Those guys, they were like Tom Hanks' castaway. They were talking to volleyball. And he's thrifty.
Starting point is 00:30:49 And I think we... I think, you know, they recognize us. You know, they do. We were the chapel guys. They're like, oh, that's cool. Hey, I realized something. You know, it's really good practice to volunteer for Bernie Sanders
Starting point is 00:31:04 and to work on the Bernie Sanders campaign. But another good thing you can do is get a paid staff position, like a regional organizing position for, I don't know, Tom Steyer, Michael Bennett, or something, and just collect some fat checks and do nothing. Just wait for podcasters to come over.
Starting point is 00:31:28 You get a... Just do a bad job. We know you're all good at that. You get a paid can-missing gig. They give you a big stack of door hangers and shit. You walk out of the office and you just drop them in a fucking trash can. Just dump them in the sewer.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And then you go to Derek Queen, get the Blizzard of the Month. So, I'm gonna give you a little bit background of that full interview here. So, the first question I asked him was, how are you gonna win this thing on Monday? Which... That's...
Starting point is 00:31:58 By the way, Will is the nicest one of us. And that is the meanest thing any of us have ever done. Yeah, but like, think about how he made his hundreds of millions of dollars, okay? All right, so his answer to that question, though, was, we've been on the bus, and we've been doing a tour of the smallest towns in Iowa, and like, unincorporated townships.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And I was just thinking to myself, I wanna follow up the John Delaney experience like a year from now at all those unincorporated townships and just, it'd be like, you show up at them and ask about John Delaney, and they're like Ogdenville and North Haverbrook and the Monterey. There was no John Delaney, and there never was.
Starting point is 00:32:38 They slammed some like screen door in your face, and their kids scurry away, looking at you with glassy, vacant eyes. John Delaney hinged his campaign on towns that only exist because like, one part of the family was cast away for being the wrong type of Methodist. You make fun of him, but he got an endorsement from he who walks behind the rows.
Starting point is 00:33:02 No, what we realized is like, he explained his process to us. He said, we're going out where other people aren't going. And what he meant by that is like he said, unincorporated areas with like, five people. Which is these single least effective, inefficient use of resources you could possibly have. You're spending all day to drive out there.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You're probably spending like half a million dollars in staff time and like gas and shit in order to talk to five people. And he would have all five of them canvas for you. Then, okay, congratulations, you got no percent. But I realized that his real role in doing this, his real, that was just what he told us. The real strategy, the deep game that he was doing was,
Starting point is 00:33:43 he was looking for that one kid from the Twilight Zone episode who could wish people into the cornfield. Because if he got that kid's endorsement, it's over. He shows up at caucus and says, it's John Delaney. And everyone else says, what? And then he closes his eyes and their mouths disappear. And then on CNN that night, they go, we have news out of, shocking news out of Iowa
Starting point is 00:34:06 as John Delaney has swept the Iowa caucus because of one good boy, one very smart boy who we all love very much. And it's good that he did that. You know, I was a little worried they wouldn't get that reference, but I'm glad everyone saw the Twilight Zone movie. Yeah. It's good.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Our average listener was born in 1952. Now, the other thing with Delaney is that, you know, this is not my first encounter with John. Yes. I had a chance to shout a question at him during the Iowa State Fair. And I asked him, and like, here's the thing is, you know, he was covered up because it's cold out.
Starting point is 00:34:48 So it was hiding the truth about him, which is that if he were elected, he would be the swollest president we've ever had. By far. There's no competition. Because what do you got? You got Teddy Roosevelt. Teddy is the only one.
Starting point is 00:34:59 It's like, you're just a fat guy. Shut up. Well, I mean, I vouched for Teddy. He's like, baseball fat. He was just a barrel. He was shaped like a barrel. Yeah. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:35:08 So that was, I mean, that was being jacked back then. The way he used to be strong is to be like, the shape of Wario. Yeah. You ate hard tack and you lifted up barbells that had perfectly spherical orbs on either side. And then you rode a horse and you died at 42. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:28 It's hot. Yeah, like, you're... Alpha. Yeah, your thing was like, dude, when I hear the hottest song right now, Camp Town Races, me and my friend, we just fucking whip that medicine ball at each other.
Starting point is 00:35:40 I grab my cousin and we go for a dance. I eat three pot roasts a day and I have never taken a shit. Some call this the golden age of colon cancer. So, I said, like, you know, I got a chance to ask you a question at the Iowa State Fair. Do you remember what it was? And he absolutely did. And he even remembered his response to me.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I asked, like, I said, you're looking great out there. Can you tell us what your workout routine is? He said, I'm wrestling with the press. So, in this one... You know what? Good for him. It was a pretty witty answer.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Good for him. And in this one, I said, like, I got to ask a follow-up question. What is your workout routine? And his answer was, just do something every day. Doesn't matter what. Just go with Jim for 34 minutes. It changed.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Oh, motherfucker, there's a juice head. And no, it was so vague. I wanted to hear... First of all, he's from New Jersey, so juice head. I wanted to get his whole thing about, like, squatting or probably shit Felix knows about, and just sort of nod politely. But he was keeping it vague
Starting point is 00:36:46 because his routine is, like, fucking gear. It's, like, obviously... Whoa! Or allegedly, you know, H-G-H-T... We're just gonna say letters. Ground up horse ethical. You can't just, like, do steroids and then you're, like, that big.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Like, he is doing something. But the videos I see of him, he's, like, wearing jeans and using a bow flex. So, like... I think it's, like, a combination of alleged chemical help, not accusing him of anything, saying that he clearly has the money
Starting point is 00:37:17 to spend on muscle farm products, very expensive. But, I mean, he could be... That could be the most jacked anyone has ever gotten, like, just on machines, while wearing Dockers Denim. It's a very puzzling routine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:33 John Galani was not the only weirdo presidential candidate that we got to interact with. This next one, nobody has seen, including Amber and Felix. But, Matt Virgil and myself got a chance to do a five-minute phone interview with Tom Steyer. CHEERING
Starting point is 00:37:55 We're gonna put the whole thing out on YouTube. This is world premiere, never-before-seen footage. Yeah. World premiere, never-before-seen footage. This is a clip that is the end of our phone interview. This is the last question I asked him and his answer. Okay, Tom, last question.
Starting point is 00:38:14 This one's a bit of a wild card. But, we've... I'm holding onto my seat, Will. Okay, so we've watched... We've been following all the debates. We've watched all the debates. And what I've noticed about you, what sets you apart from all the other male candidates,
Starting point is 00:38:30 is that you've been rocking a tartan tie at every one of the debates. I was wondering, it's a bold choice. I thought it was very sharp. Could you talk about the tartan ties and where that comes from, your whole look? You know, Will, I get up in the morning. I've been going to work for a long time
Starting point is 00:38:48 in a red tartan tie. And the reason is, I just want to get up in the morning with something cheerful and aggressive so I can go out about my business in a cheerful way thinking this is gonna be fun today and we're gonna be on our fun foot. As opposed to, I'm gonna be boring as heck. How about we go back to having a little bit of fun in life
Starting point is 00:39:07 and be cheerful and enjoy ourselves? How about that? Tom Steyer, I want to thank you so much for the little bit of time you give us today. Best of luck to you in your campaign this coming Monday. Seriously, I've enjoyed this. I respect what you guys are doing. And I look forward to meeting you in person.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Thank you very much. We love that. Absolutely. Bye. Sorry for party rockin', dude. You saw, I was trying to, like, swallow my laughter. And it's like, when you said, I put on the tartan tie, because when I go to work every morning, I just want something fun and a little exciting.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I was swallowing my laughter. But when he said, all right, dude, he heard me laugh and I had to get up and tip my face directly into the hotel bed to just scream. And that's what occurred to me, like a diamond bullet. Tom Steyer is Michael Scott with $2 billion. We, so, I'm not sure how many of you are aware of how Steyer made his money.
Starting point is 00:40:24 He was a hedge fund manager. I don't know how much about hedge fund managers, you know, but I'll give you an example of one. Steve Cohn, one of the most successful hedge fund managers of all time, produces double digit returns every year, worth tens of billions of dollars. We'll just give you, like, a little tidbit about him. He was under federal investigation for dosing several employees
Starting point is 00:40:47 with pharmaceuticals and hormones. This is a very, like, evil, sordid group of people. And I think that Tom Steyer, you kind of understand him more when you realize he initially probably tried to hang out with his fellow hedge fund managers. And they were like, hey, Tom, do you have an infant? You could sacrifice to Molok. And he was like, what...
Starting point is 00:41:13 I thought we were going to talk about NBC's The Slap. I thought we were going to show each other some viral videos. And I think he's engaged now in the world's most expensive friend-making mission. Here's the irrational thing about hedge funds. It's essentially gambling. And your, like, average hedge fund if you had, like, I don't know, in the past 30 years,
Starting point is 00:41:40 let's say that timeframe, just invested in an index fund, which is, like, a fund representative of all the stocks in the market, you would have a higher return than your... if you had given your money to, you know, a galleon or any, like, median fucking hedge fund. Tom Steyer, he made a couple billion dollars being a hedge fund guy, like, you know, starting in the 80s, I think. And for that to be the case, it's not because you're smart
Starting point is 00:42:07 or anything like that, it means you're lucky. It means you're a guy who called heads on 10 coin flips in a row and it came up heads. And so because of that, you get to say, like, well, I'm kind of an investing genius. Yeah, it's not like making money through, like, a skill, like playing slots. You're podcasting.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah, yeah. The folks you said, he said, Cohen dosed his employees with pharmaceutical... Allegedly, according to... Allegedly. I mean, that's... I've done that to you guys. Well, no, we're just like... He's just dosed virtual. Earlier this night.
Starting point is 00:42:46 No, so I was like... That's what Cohen... Should have done a pratfall, should have committed to the bid. That's what Cohen does. Steyer, I'd imagine, he'd be like, office meeting everybody, guess what? You've all been dosed with Baskin Robbins and he just, like, wheels it into the room
Starting point is 00:43:02 because he's a fun, crazy, office guy. Like, he invites all of his employees to a private island and then he says, we're here to hunt the most dangerous game of all. Friendship. That was a producer's joke. Chris Wayne, shout out to Chris Wayne. Shout out to our producer.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Shout out to Chris Wayne. We figured out, like, this is the sort of guy who has a moral universe that exists maybe, like, 20 yards in radius. So he's, like, you know, like the... In hot fuzz, the guy that runs the police station or whatever, he's like the nicest guy and he's like, oh, we're all getting chunky monkey,
Starting point is 00:43:43 but he will murder you. He will fucking murder you. He makes his subordinates play Russian roulette with two nerf darts in the chamber. No, he has a Jeffrey Epstein island but it's for rope courses, trust falls, and laser tag. Yeah. He's, like, that's what I like.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Like, in business, just fucking killer. Like, just like, hey, this is, like, a zero-sum game. Like, I have to just make as much money as possible. I have to not blink when the other guy does. Like, I'm sorry that, like, there are private prisons, but I will make money off of them. But then his vibe is that of, like, an over-eager father, like, presiding over his sleepover
Starting point is 00:44:23 of girls that hate each other. So he's still from Chris, but he's still from me because he's never been to a girl's sleepover. Here's a delightful thing that happened to me just earlier. You know, you saw what it's like today. You're all out canvassing for Bernie. And, you know, and then there's, like, online people arguing about Hillary Clinton booing and all that crap,
Starting point is 00:44:45 and, like, that's what everyone is screaming about right now. It's two days before the Iowa caucus, and I'm just scrolling through and I see Tom Steyer did a thread about Black History Month. Thank God. Everyone was begging for that. I'm like, thanks, Tom. I will see you.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I would love to, like, I love the idea of just, like, you're leaving, like, the Warren press full of just all these fucking PMC snakes who fucking hate each other, stabbing each other in the back to different members of the press. Just the most transactional, shitty people. And you bump into Tom Steyer and he's like, hey, want to know some facts about George Washington Carver? And you're like, yeah, I like do, actually.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Tom Steyer, Michael Scott with $2 billion. Tom Steyer on Black History Month, the whiteboard. The time for justice is now. MLK-Tom Steyer. All right. We're going to take, we're going to break for an intermission. We have another little short film for you during the break. 15, 20 minutes, I guess.
Starting point is 00:45:52 We'll be back in the second act to talk about the Biden event we went to. And also, feel free to ask Des Moines Register what happened. Yeah, what's up? I'd like to see the results of that poll. You know, because I, you know, we're all interested. It would seem real. No, that URL is slash dmregister. One, one, one, one, one.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Wait, once more before we go. Iowa, is this shit for fucking real this weekend? We're not there yet. Let's keep fucking going. Iowa City, I gotta be honest with you. The energy in this room tonight is fucking crackling, man. Like, you guys, I just, I, we, we, this whole week I've been here, man.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It's just like, it's like we, we, we all can feel it, but we don't want to name it. We don't want to say it, but we all feel it. And I just, let's just take a fucking moment, man. It looks really good right now. As you know, when God damn it. When we came in town on Tuesday night, we were told by the birdie campaign,
Starting point is 00:47:30 there were 1000 people who came from out of state to canvas in the last week to elect birdie in Iowa. I asked again this morning and I was told the new estimate, 1700 people just to elect birdie Sanders in Iowa. You know what's going on here, and you know that the bourgeois media lies. We don't want to jinx it, obviously, but we have to admit the past few days,
Starting point is 00:48:18 we've been getting really giddy about, of course, the possibility of having a future period and a sentence, but of course as well of humiliating all of our enemies. We love it, we love to see it, folks. You know what I'm talking about, the lunatic anti-Bernie crowd who are currently going through the five stages of grief, but not just them, but one, for example, the Lilly Lyford-Liz Warren supporters,
Starting point is 00:48:58 the people who have been on the fence. I remember hearing earlier this year, well, they're actually the same people, so why don't we just pick the woman? Literally the argument. Straddle that fence as long as you want, you're going to get splinters in your ass. Well, as it looks very, very clear that,
Starting point is 00:49:22 well, you know what, fine, let's fucking take that logic. There's two of them, exactly one of them is a viable candidate and the snakes are leaving the ship. And something we're all really happy about is, you know, like coming here and, you know, again, we're not trying to jinx it, we're not trying to spike the football before, you know, we're in the fucking end zone, but, the football,
Starting point is 00:49:49 but I've got to say it really feels like this is the fulfillment of something my friend and colleague Will Manniker said in 2017, which is if there is going to be effective opposition against the white supremacist minority right wing in this country, the oligarchy in this country, it has to be led by the socialist left and you have to bend the knee to the socialist left. And the fact that Bernie Sanders can bring 700 people
Starting point is 00:50:36 in the dead of winter to Iowa to make the Bernie journey to make that happen means he has an army both offline and online and everyone feels it and I can confirm to you that Bernie Sanders himself feels it and knows that this is a revolution that is happening. And that means, again, not trying to jinx anything, but when Bernie wins Iowa and he wins New Hampshire and he wins Nevada, when Elizabeth Warren has to leave the race,
Starting point is 00:51:15 it means... When Elizabeth Warren has to crawl into a hole and pour the dirt back over herself. Holy shit, I'm going to come. It means that if her supporters have any fucking actual ideals, they have to get behind Bernie Sanders. And as well... Get in line!
Starting point is 00:51:38 Get in line! Amber hates when I say this, but again, it is a gamble-thrones term. They have to bend the knee. Elizabeth Warren will be the Bailon Greyjoy after his failed rebellion, bending the knee to Robert Baratheon, giving big structural baili as a ward to Brooklyn. He will be returned safe and well after Bernie Sanders
Starting point is 00:52:08 has inaugurated the next president of the United States January 2021! Fuck yeah! I'm cheering, but I don't understand that reference because I lost my virginity before college. Bernie! Bernie! Bernie! All right, let's do a song. Okay, on that note...
Starting point is 00:53:03 I got it. On that note, I mean, we're going to close out the show here today doing a rare thing. We're going to have a little sincerity circle. I started the show talking tonight about... I'm not kidding, I started the show talking about the emotion I felt this whole week since I've been here. And I think, like, you know, any of us would just want to say
Starting point is 00:53:23 or just talk a little bit about... I know you guys all feel it, but, like, what it means for us to be here in Iowa at this moment in time with you guys right now. Matt? What? Oh, fuck. Oh, I was going to go last! He literally wants to close.
Starting point is 00:53:51 He's like, whatever, I have a beard and I'm male, so I'm a diva, and I'm going to pretend like I'm not, but I want to close the show. No, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm going to close the show, but I'm the largest white man so I can pretend like I'm not a diva. All right, I'll go then, fine, fuck off. No, no, I got it.
Starting point is 00:54:11 I did it, I'm going to do it, I'll go. You're going to have the best act anyway, why do you care? What do you mean? What am I doing it now, hush? One of the things that I'm sure you all know in your bones and that we certainly talked about a lot on our show is just how shitty it feels to be alive right now. We all have stuff. We're not in the worst physical circumstances,
Starting point is 00:54:44 but everything just feels hollow and cynical and empty. And I really do think that one of the big reasons for that is because we all know deep down inside that there's something wrong with this country, with this world, with this fucking social order. We know deep down that no humane society would be ordered this way. This stuff is just not... If good people of good faith, like the people you know in your lives
Starting point is 00:55:14 got together to create a society, they wouldn't make this one. But that knowledge sits right next to the messages we get every fucking day from our parents, from our fucking bosses, from the media that this devil's bargain that we've struck where you get creature comforts and you get convenience in exchange for precarity and alienation and fucking despair and the steady erosion of the fucking living environment that we need to survive is some sort of choice that we all made.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And that we all opted for this option. We all opted for the 30 Brands of Toothpaste that Bernie talked about when he was debating Hillary in 2016. But we know in our hearts that that's not fucking true. We know that we never asked for this. We never wanted this. But the problem is that we're all fucking powerless against it. As an individual, what are you supposed to do
Starting point is 00:56:07 against these massive world-spanning powers that determine the world that you live in? And so you're left in this position of being hyper-aware of the awfulness and the rot of the world around you coupled with a complete and hyper-specific knowledge of your own inability to do anything about it. And what that does over time is that it starts to eat away at you. And honestly, I'm speaking for myself anyway,
Starting point is 00:56:34 it makes you start to hate yourself a little bit. You hate yourself for how fucking powerless you are. And more importantly, and even worse and more insidiously than that, you start to feel complicit in your own misery. You start to feel complicit in the misery of others. You start to blame yourself because why aren't you doing anything? But what's to be done?
Starting point is 00:56:57 And this campaign, the Bernie Sanders campaign, I swear to God, guys, this is the first moment, this is the first movement that any of us have seen in our living lives that has the promise of bringing a mass, a critical mass of people, to the realization that they aren't alone. That there's such a thing as a common, that there is a common dream of a more humane world
Starting point is 00:57:32 that we can fucking make. But it's because, yes, none of us, by ourselves, can do anything. That's what they tell you every day to keep you where you are. But what the Bernie campaign can tell you, what the Bernie campaign is telling you, and what we're all telling ourselves, what we're all telling each other, what all you fucking canvassers are saying,
Starting point is 00:57:55 what people are saying at dinner tables, what people are talking about, what people are saying more and more, they're saying it more and more, folks. So many people are saying it, so many people. Is that all of us together can do anything. Not me, us.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Not me, us. Not us, you mean us. I agree with you guys, not you guys, like us on stage here. We personally. Chopo Trap House, thank you for your support. I could either keep it super short or tell an antisemitic joke. Short, short. If you want to do the second one, I'm fun.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Let's do a round of applause. Just do what I do. Super short. Antisemitic joke. Yeah, no, go for it. I'm sorry, I'm a sucker. Amber, just do what I do and just whisper your antisemitic jokes to Felix. Just launder them through Felix.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Just to show up outside my window, yelling them. With a boombox. Just hold it, it's beautiful. All right, there are three approaches to faith in American history. And I'm going to lay them out to you in a joke, but it's not really a joke, it's a parable. Which means it's not actually funny, but it has a borscht belt rhythm, which makes up for the antisemitism a little bit.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Okay, so the Protestant, he goes to church. He finds his ministry, he says, preacher, preacher, I'm terrified. I'm terrified I'm going to burn in the fires of hell. I no longer feel the presence of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, every day. I pray every day to God and I speak to him and I don't hear him speaking back. Preacher, I'm terrified, I'm going to burn in hell. What do I do? And the preacher says, you need to leave.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Because we have a whole thing going on here and you should probably not infect us with your skepticism. Why don't you fuck off, pray every day and come back when you speak to God and you hear him speaking back to you. And so he leaves and he never comes back because he's not insane. The Catholic. The Catholic goes to St. Pat's and he finds the confession booth and he says, Father, Father, I have such guilt. Father, I go to Mass every Sunday and I hear the music and I hear the sermon
Starting point is 01:01:03 and I take communion and I look at the stained glass windows and I used to feel something but now I feel nothing and I don't know. I used to think I was maybe a part of a bigger thing and I don't feel it right now. Father, I'm so worried, I'm a bad Catholic because I've lost my faith. What do I do? And the priest says, shit, yeah, I know what you mean. I don't know man, I'll see you on Sunday. I'll see you, who gets to close the act because they are such divas,
Starting point is 01:01:51 that you goes to synagogue and he finds the rabbi and let's be honest, he's a bit hysterical. And he finds him and he says, rabbi, I'm having a crisis. What do I do? I don't know who to speak to. I don't know where to go. What do I do because I look back on my life and I see my family. I built this beautiful family. I'm so proud of my children.
Starting point is 01:02:17 They're so good. They're so hardworking. They're so thoughtful. They're so kind. I look at my career and I'm so proud of myself because I built it from nothing and I made enough to be able to take care of my parents and they're proud of me and I'm proud of my children. I feel like I'm part of a trajectory.
Starting point is 01:02:37 My wife, oh my God, 30 years, 30 years of a beautiful marriage. And let me tell you, it hasn't always been easy. But still, I realized a couple months ago that I'm going to die and I'm horrified by that because when I was young, I thought, well, that means I will go to meet Hashem and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But then I was like, oh wait, that's stupid. That's really dumb. I tried to think about that and it doesn't make any sense. So I became a scholar and I thought really hard and I studied the Torah, I studied the Talmud
Starting point is 01:03:15 and I'm like, I'm going to figure out a way to get back to being the person I was when I could believe that I was a part of a bigger thing and I can't do it. Rabbi, I've lost my faith. What do I do? And the Rabbi goes, you believed in God? As an adult? What is wrong with you? Why are you bothering me, right?
Starting point is 01:03:45 I'll see you on the high holidays. Fuck off, I'm busy. So basically, long story short, the Jew keeps going. For the high holidays, for every bar in Bad Mitzvah, for every wedding, for every funeral, every event. And at the end of his life, he doesn't know, but he hopes maybe. And that's the three approaches to faith in America, performed by these three things.
Starting point is 01:04:14 There's the Protestant version, which is insane, which is like we're going to build an institution out of faith, which is like building a house out of fire. It's insane, it's really stupid, and it's unstable. And then there's the Catholic thing, where it's like, oh, we're building a greenhouse, we're building a beautiful place where we can foster the faith. And there's stained glass windows, and there's music,
Starting point is 01:04:38 and there's a whole homily and all the bullshit. And that is more stable than the Protestantism, but it's a little insular, and we all know what happens when we leave them to themselves. And then there's the Jewish approach, which is like, look, the faith thing, we don't really have time for that. We do have to reproduce an institution. And that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:05:05 And to accidentally mix metaphors here, what we're trying to do is build an institution. And unfortunately, that means you're not always going to be confident in what you're doing all the time. In fact, some days you're going to be like, I don't know why I'm doing this at all. But you fucking do it anyway. Because triumphalism is a psychosis, believing like,
Starting point is 01:05:30 yes, we're going to win. I've been a socialist for like 15 years, and people are like, yeah, we're going to win. I'm like, look, I've never won. So calm down. But pessimism is childish, and it's fucking lazy because there's no fucking excuse. Even if you believe you're going to lose,
Starting point is 01:05:49 you do it fucking anyway. You lazy fuck. You show up every day. And that is something called orthopraxis. And not praxis in the like, practice Twitter way, but it's a theological term where it's like, I don't believe anything, but I'm just going to keep going in case I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:06:10 And that's what we're doing right now. You just keep going. We're building a temple. And it's going to take 300 years to build, and you're only going to live to be 45, and you're never going to see it finish. It doesn't matter. It didn't start with you.
Starting point is 01:06:31 It won't end with you. You just do it. And you just hope that your part of it is important. And that has to be enough. That has to be enough. And that is enough. I'm sorry about the anti-Semitism. It wasn't really as bad as I expected.
Starting point is 01:06:58 I'll give you the unedited version later. He was like, oh man, I got like 10 that are way more anti-Semitic than that pocket. Now watch this, Amber. Now watch this drive. Hold my beer. Hold my jewel. So the reason that this show exists, I guess,
Starting point is 01:07:20 is because the initial three of us, we felt like we were just sort of tossing these opinions out there. Tossing, not really, I wouldn't really say opinions. Opinions is not the right way to describe them. Just sort of tossing catharsis out there. And you can only do catharsis as a sane person or mostly sane person for so long
Starting point is 01:07:41 before you read it back and you go, this looks fucking ridiculous. No one's reading this. And you can go to someone's timeline and it's just all like, fuck you, all the profiteers. You can't do that all day. You read it back to yourself, it's unreadable. It's not that you seem like a crazy person.
Starting point is 01:08:02 It's just so defeated. And I think along the way, independently, all three of us, me, Matt and Will in the beginning, before we knew each other, we found it was actually more cathartic and more... Sorry, I'm sorry. I saw something go. You can pick it up.
Starting point is 01:08:23 He's doing catharsis. He's doing catharsis. No, I'll tell you when you're done. I'm sorry. I got something to tell you guys. Continue. Okay, okay, okay. It was...
Starting point is 01:08:35 He's just tapping that, Ken. It actually made us feel better to sort of laugh at the inanities of it. To notice that a certain pundit, their mouth was 95% gum, or that, you know, Ezra Klein would lean on this simile too much, or usually just appearance, let's be honest.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Usually just appearance. Usually it was the way that, you know, a Vox writer's gut would roll over his belt and leave an imprint that said Massimo right under his belly button after sitting down for a full shift. And, you know, just doing that, you feel alone, because it's easy.
Starting point is 01:09:19 It's really fucking easy to feel alone in America. It's the loneliest place and the loneliest time. But eventually, people started to gather around all these posts into the void. And eventually, we reviewed the seminal film, 13 Hours, the story of how Killery and the Clinton crime family killed those brave operators.
Starting point is 01:09:44 And, you know, being who we are, it took us a few months to actually do our own thing. And we didn't know what the fuck we were doing at all. We still don't know. We also didn't then. But it was the same thing. It was like there was, I'd say, 40% that element of just rage of how bad this all is,
Starting point is 01:10:02 of how culturally unfulfilling, how fucking needlessly cruel, how randomly cruel, how uneven it all is, and just the pointlessness of it all, that we have to occupy all these fucking countries that a cop can just pick somebody out of a fucking lineup, basically, and railroad their lives,
Starting point is 01:10:22 railroad the lives of their fucking families. That someone can stub their toe in the wrong way, and they'll be in debt for generations. It's not just cruelty. There's no sense to it. And there is rage at that. But we also, I would say the reason it caught on was that we were able to laugh at it.
Starting point is 01:10:43 And it can't be all one thing or the other. If you're just talking about the cruelty, it's joyless. It's just fucking cold, lumpy oatmeal. And if it's just laughter, I don't think people would have listened to that as much either. But it blew up in that year way quicker than we had ever intended. And I had felt the same thing working with Berzel before,
Starting point is 01:11:04 knowing Amber before, and we, of course, rolled them in, and we became this tangible thing. And it was around that time, after Trump, and after enough defeats, that I started, I felt some difficulty doing it. Because it's hard to pick out what's funny all the time, and it's hard to fucking laugh at it all the time,
Starting point is 01:11:28 when you feel like you're always fucking losing. It's hard to just fucking chuckle along with it and get into the rhythm that, when it's just defeat after fucking defeat, and the only thing you can grasp onto is, maybe you can lose to the center-left party next time. It fucking sucks. It fucking sucks shit to do. I couldn't do it a lot of the time.
Starting point is 01:11:55 You know, credit to everyone on the show who could do it when I couldn't. Sometimes, in those couple years, you just wouldn't hear me for a stretch, because it was fucking hard for me to do. I didn't know how to put it, because it just felt like we were just fucking lost. And it was insurmountable.
Starting point is 01:12:11 At your worst, it feels fucking insurmountable. I feel like you were staring up at a skyscraper. You were seeing all the countries we occupy. You were seeing all the fucking trillions of dollars aligned against you, against everyone you know, everyone who just hits a fucking, a patch of bad luck in their life. And it seems impossible.
Starting point is 01:12:32 What's the point? How can I even fucking laugh at this? And I was able to sort of roll out of that, and I didn't necessarily get totally more optimistic all of a sudden. I still thought, you know, last year, mid-last year, I still thought Biden was going to win. But I realized it wasn't, the thing I was afraid of was not, it's not the idea that this is all impossible to defeat,
Starting point is 01:13:01 that we lose all the time, that we've always lost, so we will always lose. It's the idea that we'll feel something different. Because all that stuff I just mentioned, it's not scary to me or to you, because it's all we've ever fucking seen. What's scary is the idea that this could end, and it could end in two fucking days.
Starting point is 01:13:19 What's scary is that we're not just tossing out catharsis and jokes into the void, that this is part of something real, but we are there. All of us, everyone here, we are all part of something real that is happening. And the reason, we're all part of it, the reason that Bernie is part of it,
Starting point is 01:13:53 is because no one else in my fucking lifetime has been able to point out everything that I just mentioned and not just say, why is it here, but no, I can end it. We will end it. And this is going to be fucking hard for everyone. It's going to be harder for probably some of you, it's going to be harder for a lot more, it's going to be, wow, I'm really fucking turning on the Biden.
Starting point is 01:14:27 And I'm like, listen to it, Jack. I really fucking pulled out the... You've been through too much method, as I said before, Daniel Gay Jewish, but no one likes that joke. This Bernie Sanders character, he's got a real Rory Calhoun vibe. It's going to be harder for some than others. And of course, we don't just snap our fingers and it's real and it's over, we've won.
Starting point is 01:14:54 There's going to be so many more infuriating fucking things like the Des Moines Register poll. Things I can't even name yet. I don't know what they'll do. You don't. But this is real, it's becoming more real every fucking day. And this is a chance I've never seen before in my life. It's a chance probably you've never fucking seen before. We don't just have to resign
Starting point is 01:15:23 to being in the rhythm of defeat and working, just working up enough serotonin to laugh at it. That doesn't have to be your fucking lives. Virgil. I kind of think I already did my thing. You know, people applauded and all that. If I could give them... Felix, I forgive you for crucifying our Lord.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I do... I do have one thing which I think is a, you know, a good button for the show. So, that Des Moines Register poll that we alluded to at the very beginning, I spoke to some of my real journalist sources and they said that a leaked version is essentially what they had also seen.
Starting point is 01:16:25 But, of course, not on the record at all. But these results quite conform to what one might expect. So, I will read this. This is why I dropped my phone earlier. Yeah. All right. That's right, it's a gift of Carmen Electro. And she's fucking hot.
Starting point is 01:16:49 I... I like the podcasters who don't drop their phone. And I also have journalist confirmation on this. So, I will read it from number four. They're at 13% in the Iowa caucus. No, Joe Biden. Ooh! Ooh, that one hurts!
Starting point is 01:17:16 That hurts! Coming in at number three. 16% just above the threshold for delegates. Pete Buttigieg. Pete Buttigieg can have a little delegate as a treat. This result is genuinely fascinating and not what we've seen in a lot of other surveys. So, number two.
Starting point is 01:17:54 18% Elizabeth Warren. Senator Elizabeth Warren. Yeah, give her the proper honor. Now, look, look, look, look. Now, this might be surprising to you. At number one. Beyond the margin of error with 22% of the vote. Ooh!
Starting point is 01:18:22 Bam! Your boy and mine! Uh, come on, you know how he is. You know how he is. You tell me. Bernie motherfucking Sanders! That's, wait a minute. That's an eight-point lead, right? That's a four-point lead. Four-point lead.
Starting point is 01:18:51 That's pretty good. He's the Kool-Aid man, just bursting through the wall. Okay. I'll be quick. I don't want to... Well, let's just keep that in mind here. But, you know, it's not real yet. It's not real. We've got to make it real.
Starting point is 01:19:07 You guys, you guys, you've got to carry us across that finish line. You've got to bring us to the promised land because we're lazy. Yeah. And incompetent. We can't do it for, we can't do it for you. But...
Starting point is 01:19:20 You don't want me talking to the public, trust me. When I started out talking about the emotion that I've been feeling here being in this week, which is, you know, included doing things like looking out my window or brushing my teeth and then just starting to cry when I think about what's actually happening or what could happen here
Starting point is 01:19:43 and just being here as part of this, I really feel like no matter what happens in this on Monday or in this election, and thankfully due to, you know, Alan Moore, I now have the philosophical and intellectual framework by which I can understand that anything that can happen already has happened billions of times before. But, but even if all free will is an illusion,
Starting point is 01:20:17 we have no choice but to act as if it was not the case. We have no choice but to pretend or behave as if we do have a choice. You keep going. Even if you think you're going to lose. You keep going. I can't go on. I don't want to go on.
Starting point is 01:20:34 No matter what happens on Monday and no matter what happens in this election, I can tell you that being on stage here tonight for you, for my friends that are also on stage, for Bernie, is the privilege of my life. And we are going to close out the show tonight. You're going to help us. We are going to close out the show tonight
Starting point is 01:21:09 with the first time ever chop a thing. We are getting dangerously into the territory of doing cringe, but if you're luckily, if you're us, you have accrued so many social credit points, you can indeed spend them a little on something like this. So we are for the first time ever, we're going to do a chop-o-sing along. Before we do that,
Starting point is 01:21:28 before we do that, I have to say thank you tonight to producer Chris Wade. Yes. We would be dead in a ditch without this. We would be literally, we would literally not be here without Chris Wade and Molly O'Brien, who has edited and filmed most, Molly O'Brien who has both edited and filmed
Starting point is 01:21:52 most of the videos that you saw tonight. So big shout out, biggest round of applause for Molly and Chris. One more thing, if you've done any work for the Bernie campaign, big shout out for yourselves. Give yourselves a hand everybody. We're going to close out tonight with the first ever chop-o-sing along.
Starting point is 01:22:26 And you guys are going to help us and you're going to sing it with us. The song is One You Might Know and it is a message of tonight for the team that I've begun with, Solidarity. Solidarity! Don't start it yet, don't start it yet, don't start it yet. Don't start it yet, don't start it yet, don't start it yet.
Starting point is 01:22:48 It's very fun on the fancy floor. Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong. The union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run. There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun. Any forces on earth is weaker than the people's strength of one. For the union makes us strong.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong. It is we who plowed the prairies, Built the cities where they ride, Dugged the mines and built the workshops, Endless miles of railroad laid.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Now we stand up cast and starving, Miss the wonders that we have made, For the union makes us strong. Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong. They have taken untold millions that they have never told a word,
Starting point is 01:24:21 And without our brain and muscle, Not a single wheel can turn. We can break their haughty power and our freedom when they learn, For the union makes us strong. Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong.
Starting point is 01:24:51 In our heads is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold, Greater than the might of Adam's magnified thousand fold, We can break the birth of a new world, The ashes of the old, For the union makes us strong. Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever,
Starting point is 01:25:22 For the union makes us strong. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. This is the delight of a lifetime. Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Herdy! Ladies and Gentlemen, Will Mannacher... Iowa City.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Iowa City, thank you so much. Let's do this on Monday. That song and... that song in this show is dedicated to my dad thank you thank you you

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