Chapo Trap House - 394 - Debbie Just Met My Dad (2/17/20)

Episode Date: February 17, 2020

We tried to take a break from our intense election coverage eps and do a silly one, but we couldn't refrain from getting conspiratorial & angry about Mayor Pete and Mike Bloomberg. Bookended with our ...mandatory review of a DC Movie property and a discussion of Barstool Sports taking on domestic Gladio to try to keep things light. Just a few tickets left for upcoming shows in Las Vegas and San Diego! Pick up new designs and newly restocked chapo merch!

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Starting point is 00:00:30 I had this uncle who told me that he always dreamed of opening a bar in Montana with a quote place to shoot out back. That would be great where you can just, you know, have a few beers and then go off and just shoot into the distance into the field. How could that possibly go wrong? That sounds like a guaranteed success when you'll never hit anyone. There will never be anyone there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yes, that reminded me of the thing that I thought of last night. Okay. We've a new character for the show. Oh boy. No, this is a good one. Okay. We're ready. The manic pixie dream cop.
Starting point is 00:01:12 That sounds real bad. I have some stuff written down here. Oh no. He just wants to, you know, shoot in the rain. Okay. Here's what's happening. You bag of shit. I mean, nachos and sundaes cause it's freaking a maze ball and your slime ball boss doesn't
Starting point is 00:01:29 appreciate you and we're going to put on a musical starring everyone in town and then he puts a six hour pistol in the mouth of the mop headed shoe gaze, uh, protagonist guy's mouth or is that an issue? You cocksucker. Oh dear. Oh, that's terrible. Yeah. Hey dirtbag, get your fucking pussy on the pavement.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Let's get tattoos first thing in the morning. It has to be fucking spontaneous or what's the point? You worthless fucking bag of shit. I should put it lead in you right now. Oh, this is very bad. Yeah. It's very making me sad, making me feel bad. You don't let you don't.
Starting point is 00:02:04 You don't like this guy. I really don't like you. Oh, I wouldn't. I would not like to cross paths with this gentleman. Manic pixie dream. No, no, no. Thank you. Swipe swiping left on that garden state trooper.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Nice. Yeah. We already have the title. All right. Now the movie just writes itself. I mean, this is in the wake of the last project we worked on, The Root for Cops. Yes. Hey, this is a blue, blue, blue excellence.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yeah. It has the headphones like this is disturbed. It'll change your life. So we're doing an episode today. We've been doing a few fairly serious, you know, rallying cry episodes, a lot of news going on that we feel like we need to cover, you know, the primaries going on. And we've been home for just three or four days, nursing our wounds, yeah, but in between tours and both Virgil and Will can't make it.
Starting point is 00:02:58 So we're doing a whole new permutation. This is like, this is a chaos configuration, if ever there was one. A chaos configuration. We've done it once before. We did it. We did it once with like a movie. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Oh, Aquaman. This was the Aquaman team. Oh, this is Aquaman. Aquaman team reunite. Yay. Yeah. This is Aquaman team Bravo. We were extremely like on substance.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Oh, we were all very lit. Now everyone is nicely sober. Yeah. This is actually a good segue. Yeah, this is a good so that was I think was that the last DC? No. Yes. Have we done one since I don't think there's been a DC since well joker, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah. Okay. That doesn't count. That's not part of the more of an art you as a prestige part of it. Yeah. We're talking about the DC movies. The white glove DC. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah. That's the lace curtain DC movies, the Joker, where the shanty Joker, where the shanty DC movies. So the most recent release by of the shanty DC movies was the pseudo sequel to Suicide Squad. Suicide Squad. Girl Joker. Girl Joker.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yes. Starring Harley Quinn called Birds of Prey. Yes. Which me and Chris saw yesterday. Yes, we do. So not the whole team. So this will be sort of like a book report. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:16 We'll explain to you guys what this was like because I actually I was I went in expecting nothing because it looked like garbage and I saw the trailer and it's like, oh, Harley Quinn, I remember her from the from the movie and then black canary. I don't know what is that. I never heard of that. Yeah. Huntress. Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Isn't she like 40? What's going on? And then it's just like Renee Montoya, just like a woman's name and it's Rosie Perez. It's like, I'm sorry. This is a superhero movie. Yeah. You are phoning that in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:49 They have. You've got to have an alter ego. Yes. It's like, what is she? Cop woman. Just just call her her name. Detective Renee Montoya. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So so I was like past, but you know, I didn't have a lot to do. I was still nursing my wounds yesterday where I'll try getting back our power levels after New Hampshire and Chris was like, let's go see it. So we saw it and I got to say I was surprised by how much, you know, I enjoyed it just on a surface level, but also how of the moment, I guess is how what I would call it. Oh, it was. Oh, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It's fun. Well, the parts of it where it's like a Margot Robbie hitting people with a big hammer and roller skates. That's fun. It's colorful. It's it's, you know, it's got kind of a 60s Batman feel to it, especially the ending. You want to expect like zap and pow to come off the screen. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:36 The other parts where they're trying to do back and forth, like mixed timeline character introducing storytelling, I mean, it's not a particularly dialogue driven. Yeah. That's what you're saying. That was a big part of suicide. Yeah. It has the same editing as Suicide Squad. Suicide Squad was.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Yeah. It was like, do you remember when like in like the late 90s when they would give a puff daddy like $300 million to make a music video? Yeah. All right. So the plot of the plot of this video is that I'm the inducted as the president of the mafia, but I'm also releasing the world's most powerful rap album. But the head of the government, Dennis Hopper, that's like it was the same like pacing as
Starting point is 00:06:21 those would be like it would be puff daddy like rapping and then it would be Dennis Hopper like in a sewer for some reason. Yeah. We can't let him rap. It's going to bring down the government. The boardroom table at the head of the FBI saying we have we must stop this from happening. That's like, I'm, I know we're talking about birds of prey that is my favorite style of music video.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Oh yeah. The Mariah Carey Honey video, which has like a jet ski chase. She's too hot. She's so hot. We can't let her hit the hook. She's too sexy. Birds of prey that exact editing style where it keeps jumping back and forth in time until it gets to the conclude the big fight at the end and then that's just played straight
Starting point is 00:07:00 till the end. Yes. It's the exact same style, but what I thought was most entertaining is to what I enjoyed and amuse myself the most with while watching it was reading it as a allegorical tale where Harley Quinn, because it's about Harley Quinn breaking up with the Joker and like going off on her own. That's her arc. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Queen. Yes. It's very ask me. It's very, it's very girl power, but specifically the context that made sense for me was Harley Quinn made sense as a stand in for like Lauren Duka or some other media, young media woman because he's Pizer because or if Pizer somebody like her life in the big city very much mirrors a lot of the tropes that we associate with like, you know, positive, you know, yes, Queen media feminism, like for example, one of her first scenes after she's like, I'm freed
Starting point is 00:07:49 from the Joker is her going to her favorite Bodega Felix to get the best bacon egg and cheese sandwich in the city. But it's like this scene, it's this sensuous minute long slo-mo of them making the sandwich and getting it and she's like the best in the city. This place has got it and it's and it's literally like my Bodega and her fetishizing her her perfect Bodega sandwich, which is what you've been doing jokes about for like two years. This is like Cambridge Analytica stuff. It's like the same as something we're going to talk about later, but it's like it's everything
Starting point is 00:08:24 so micro targeted now, but like the same screenwriters, the same journalists, the same, like just general media shitheads all like read each other's posts. It's all totally incestuous. Four years. So like the result is like some shithead in Silver Lake is like, oh, everyone knows about the Bodega sandwich. Yes. Yes, because they've been following New York people on their fucking tweet for Twitter
Starting point is 00:08:46 feed for the last three years, giving us the worst monoculture of all time. Yeah. This is shitty like general soy aspect. So to Matt to flesh out Matt's thing. It's like the Joker who does not appear in this movie and also we probably it's hilarious. We probably could have used like a sign of give me some let out Joker please. I'm Jones. I thought it was a break up just in our break up scene.
Starting point is 00:09:08 There's they break up off screen. She's thrown out of a room and like the doors closed and she does they never show him. Yeah, so in this movie Joker is basically like Brian Goldberg like the guy who owns the muscle, yes, and he has and he is downsizing his operation and all the people that he bought for brought on for his like Mike style, I bet it happened to me editing unit gets fired and that's like the Harley Quinn and now they have to go freelance yes by and like the birds of prayer are basically the people that they meet at like the wing or something right there. Everyone who got fired when like Gawker got like when when the place I worked like this
Starting point is 00:09:43 is making me really sad. So now they have to like make it really sad right now, make it in the city and you and McGregor plays back. I best part of the movie is McGregor. He does a delightful job. Chewing scene classic over the top villain you might say Chew and McGregor. I would honestly give him a like say he at some points he has sort of a Rick Manian element to him.
Starting point is 00:10:03 He represents another one level, you know, like a hegemonic, you know, like maybe the guy who ruined dead spin or yeah, Spurnbacher or something or whoever owns vice right now. Yes, yeah, whoever is like the big like media, you know, and vice would actually be good. I think it might be vice yeah, because he also represents bro culture. Yes, like he hates them because they're women like that's very clearly said in the movie and he has like a subtext that sizes like like Orientalism. He like shows off. I don't know if this Orientalism but has like up the shrunken collection like Africa.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah, exactly. There's a whole scene where he introduces like here's the African mask and here are the shrunken heads and here's the Ecuadorian and the act it's like oh my God, he's the fucking he's Shane Smith. Yes. Okay. So McGregor is Shane Smith. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Perfect. This is too perfect. And oh, another element of media feminist culture that we found on the movie Harley Quinn. She moves into an apartment above a Chinese restaurant and she has her. She introduces someone to the old Chinese man who runs the restaurant and she's like this is my he's like my father. Oh, no. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:11 There's a whole scene where she's like no, no, no, no. This guy raised me basically like this guy's the guy after I left Mr. J. He took me under his wing. I love him so much. This is. Yes. Yes. One of the most legend.
Starting point is 00:11:24 So this is someone who read every post we did for the last five, six years. Yes. It's just the monocultural milieu of Twitter absorbed by Hollywood hacked screenwriters. They don't even know what they're referencing. Well, hold on. What's the name of the guy? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I think it's a lady. Is there a word for that? Like they don't. That would be even better. That's even more perfect. Osmosis. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah. If it's oh it is a woman, which is even more perfect. She's literally she's describing her her her demographic cohort, her fellow media of women of the same age and and Harley Quinn is her their story, the story of media women in the city. Yes. It's pretty interesting, actually, and and depressing, as Amber has pointed out. I'd say it's entertaining.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Women are unhappy. 6.5 out of 10. Very unhappy. It's so unhappy. But if they'd be so much happier, though, the movie says, if they just hit men in the head with a giant cartoon amber, if they just smashed him with a mallet, they'd feel better. That's basically what it says. So so basically the message is that both the problem with and solution to your lives problems
Starting point is 00:12:29 lies in men. Yes. Well, yes, by crushing them instead of sucking up to them, they're they're they're your problem. No matter what it is, no matter what you do, everything is male focused. Yeah. Yes. They get they get older at the end of the movie. They get their sense of identity and and just from the relationship to men while beating
Starting point is 00:12:49 them up. Yes. A relationship. Absolutely. Yes. So that's birds of prey. No, no, no, no. Give it like a three out of five stars.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah. If you don't have anything better to do worth seeing it was fine. I was sold to me by Chris on the on the reviews that said they had good fight choreography. And I will say that for one of these movies, the fights are pretty good. It's not not the raid or anything, but compared to the blurry, you know, CGI bullshit in most action scenes and in superhero movies, it's pretty good. Yeah. I like for it.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Nice and colorful. I like seeing Mariah Robbie is a delight is a delight as always. Yeah, I like seeing her. She's fun. About that is that like she's sort of like, I mean, she's like a movie star. Oh, yeah. She's fun. She produced this movie.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I mean, she has like star power. Oh, yeah. Yeah. She's got that face. It's like, give it. Get out of here. It's not just like like the face like it's like even like Wolf of Wall Street, like she's oh, she's good.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Good. Yeah. She does. Part of me is just like, why are you doing this? We made fun of how like she did a terrible like she only did the the joe, the Harley Quinn voice like in half the scenes in Suicide Squad, but we figure that's because she had like four directors. They shot it over two and a half years.
Starting point is 00:13:58 She had no consistent thing. That thing was just like picked up off of cutting her. Yeah, exactly. Whereas she doesn't going into work and doing like that. And like literally every day a new person's there being like, turn it up to 10. No, that turned out to be suicide. Suicide Squad was run like the Bay of Pigs. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Absolutely. Constantly people like in and out. But she does it the whole time in this one. Very consistent. Very good. Like when she does like a non-joke Brooklyn accent in Wall Street, she's great. If you want to see Margot Robbie shoot several cops in the chest with a beanbag shotgun, it's a set of beanbags.
Starting point is 00:14:36 It's confetti when it hits them. Yeah. This is the movie for you. Yeah. Yeah. She's Auntie Fatou. Go out. Go crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:44 All right. You know, like the other best actress in the world, Eva Green. What if you did a movie where Margot Robbie and Eva Green are like New York media women who hate each other secretly, but like pretend to be friends. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, didn't they do that? That sounds like bombshell.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah. They did that in that. Did anybody see bombshell? I don't. I didn't see bombshell. Bombshell is like two pro journalists. I would make an answer. Bombshell is like one of those movies that's like, you know how they say there's a four
Starting point is 00:15:11 quadrant hit where it gets all the demographic quadrants. That is a rare no quadrant hit is a movie that is critical of Fox News, right? And it's about the horrible culture of Fox News. So it's supposed to appeal to Libs, but the protagonists are Fox News contributors and hosts. Yeah. Who those people hate. It's like doing a movie about the guy who fell out the guard tower.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yes. Taking of it's like a legal suit that he brings to the like yeah, sexual harassment, like Fox News, bad, that's that's heroin for Libs, but Fox News, bad, but these Fox News women who I've spent my whole life hating, I'm supposed to sympathize with. But if that movie was made by, I don't know, a French director, like that could be cool because it's like, here's a shitty person being sabotaged by a, but they would, but it's because it wouldn't hit you over the head with the moralism of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yeah. If it was a French movie, so like four hours, smoking hot babes, that are all 61 years old. And he would still have 61 year old babes, fucking a disgusting man with no shoulders. I gotta say, every French movie. So John Lithgow, I believe plays Roger Ailes in this, Russell Crow played Roger Ailes in a showtime movie about Roger Ailes. The ideal Roger Ailes is Gerard Deepardu.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Oh, yeah. That is another reason it should have been a French movie. I mean, he basically played him as Jonathan Strauss Conn at that fucking, that Able for our movie. That movie on that, I love thinking about French Fox News. French Fox News. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah. Yeah. We have, we have interview with Eric Trump. Yes. He's going to show us how he runs his business. The French Hannity is just an hour of him, like just shrugging sarcastically at pictures of Democrats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Yeah. Adam Sheaf. Ah, the French would probably like, if they didn't like really know it's probably politics. Like they'd think they'd like Hannity for some, you've seen reason, red-faced Oaf. Yeah. They love, they love the Oaf you're Americans. It confirms their ideas of us.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Well, you could just run Hannity in France and it would come off as like a delightful satire of the fish American. Yeah. I look at him. I like that. It'll be like that. You know. Well, what else?
Starting point is 00:17:32 What else do we want to talk about? What else is in the news, folks? Should we talk about a Liz Smith? All right. So the case is going, but we need to talk about it. So this is like literally breaking news because now there are conflicting sources and there are claims being made by certain people. Claims are being made.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Of which I do not credit one way or the other, that this thing might actually be a real person. I doubt it highly from what I've seen, but so this morning it was revealed that there is a Twitter user who claims to be a Nigerian man living in Nigeria, who loves wine and politics and exclusively tweets at and about Liz Smith, the comms director for Mayor Pete's campaign. Correct. These are the facts that these are the facts as seen and accepted by all. And what people noticed was that some of these replies were very odd.
Starting point is 00:18:24 One of the chief things odd about them is that they were often made during late evening in American time zones where it would say something like going to sleep and dreaming of a Pete victory at a time when it would have been in the early morning, like six or seven in Nigeria. That's IRAs. The lack of use and British spelling in the English, the cadence, things like that. But the one thing that really tripped it was the word diarrhea had six vowel or didn't have six vowels.
Starting point is 00:18:53 The one thing that tripped it was they posted a tweet that was that literally said, this is Liz going to go out there and rock it or something. It's time to we're moving into phase five. This is Liz. Yes. We're entering phase four. Yes. Now is the time to go by the way.
Starting point is 00:19:09 The thought is more disturbing. Oh God. The thought that there's a whiteboard in Mayor Pete headquarters that just says phase four on it. Yes. That is blood currently. Yes. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Might as well just say like not the CIA. Yes. Your headquarters. It implies that there's a war room somewhere full of like sweet green. Yeah. Oh God. No, it's honestly to me, it implies like eldritch rituals. The idea that phase four is Cthulhu rises out of the center of the reflecting pool in
Starting point is 00:19:37 DC. I see. I see more like strange love runoff of an iPad. So this thing, this tweet was posted now later, people pointed out seven subsequently that this was actually an email blast that had been copy and pasted, which is still weird. But anyway, people pointed this out and had a few had a little fun with it. And then it was reviewed by Liz. That's the big thing that made it news is that she said, this is not true.
Starting point is 00:20:05 You think that I'm tweeting from a sock puppet account? You guys are crazy. You had a lot of losers. Yes. This is pathetic. John Favreau replies. People are people have lost their minds. All of the phalanx of God's simp American voice who showed up to White Night was frankly
Starting point is 00:20:21 disgusting and media media scumbags in general, honestly, a disgusting display of simperies. One of the worst I've seen those guys still have not, to my knowledge, publicly acknowledged or discussed their close relationship with the the stupid Iowa app. Yeah. So very intimately related with the peep Buddha judge campaign, Shroking my beard on all of this. Yes. So they're claiming now it isn't real.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Even though they beat the history, this account has a history. And until like until 2019, it basically only posted about Bitcoin and selling accounts, selling socks, selling sock pocket accounts. So even if there is some real guy's name connected to this, that there may be pulling out of a hat now to claim actually he was posting all of this. I don't believe that whatever they come up with, because this is like I said, there might be somebody right now on tape going, I'm the guy who did this. I'm putting my marker down, sight unseen, I don't buy that these tweets were written
Starting point is 00:21:22 by that person. No, yeah. They gave the either because of ideology or for money, they gave the peep campaign access to their account. But I'm looking at the rebuttal from BuzzFeed News, which is just no, this is not a peep Buddha judge campaign sock puppet account. But then they're like the man who runs the account is confirmed to BuzzFeed News has confirmed to BuzzFeed News that he's a genuine, it's genuine owner and a support of the South
Starting point is 00:21:49 Bend Mayor's candidacy candidacy from Nigeria, the man who runs easy Chinadu account widely accused of being a sock puppet for a mayor peep Buddha judge staffer told BuzzFeed. By the way, a mayor peep Buddha judge staffer is, it's kind of a weird, like just say list man. Yes. Yeah. His head of comms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 We all know her. Told BuzzFeed News that he is a genuine supporter. It's nothing to do with the South Bend Mayor's campaign tweets falsely implying his account was actually a Buddha judge campaign community advisor, Liz Smith, garnered thousands of retweets and likes on Sunday, despite Smith's tongue and cheek denial. Okay, but, okay, they explain it, but then they're not saying how what their contact with him is. They just said, I read the campaign email regarding phase four and Liz introduced herself
Starting point is 00:22:34 like that. I don't receive campaign emails just to clarify. I just read one on Twitter. I was just having a little fun with that said the man who runs the account. He's asked for his full name to be withheld because he's been getting harassed and doxed online after the false narrative went viral. Clearly, I am not Liz Smith. That's the whole point.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I also want to apologize to Pete's campaign and Liz for contributing unintentionally to this new controversy. This is not like, what is, that doesn't prove anything. This is what there's, you're not saying like, yes, we spoke with him, we confirmed his, you know, we confirmed his location, we confirmed his identification, but we, we're not, you know. No, they got an email from an email address. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I mean, like most, most. Maybe they got a phone call. Maybe it was Mayor Pete doing African guy voice. Yeah. Most, you know, he's very proud of his African guy voice. Most like AstroTurfing campaigns like that use somebody's real identity. Yeah, absolutely. Most of the time, like this is what people did when they went crazy about Russian bots.
Starting point is 00:23:40 They'd be like, they'd find someone tweeting like pro Trump stuff and be like, oh, you died six years ago. Yeah. And apparently that was cause for war, but this is like cause to like tweet the like tongue out face at Liz Smith. Yeah. Yeah. No, the simpary levels have become dangerous and unacceptable online right now.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Well, what this also. This is fishy. Yeah. Well, that's the thing is that all of this stuff is fishy and it also covers up another thing where the very same day the P campaign seemed to announce that they were getting an endorsement from Keegan Michael Key. And then they had to walk that back because he was like, no, no, no, I'm not endorsing Pete.
Starting point is 00:24:13 I'm endorsing the idea of voting. I would, I would pay anything for an oral history of the boff Keegan Michael Key. Just Pete and like Liz Smith and just a table full of fucking great clips here cuz there's it. There was a comedy program on a comedy central less reballed than Chappelle show, but expressly for African-Americans, perhaps we could secure an endorsement of that during phase 4.5. But it's the exact same. Also, though, that's such a bitch move to endorse voting.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Celebrities get off the fucking fence. Fuck off. Celebrities love like endorsing the concept of voting. Do you guys remember vote or die? Oh hell yeah. Which is like. I remember the t-shirts. Vote or die, baby.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Never like a like a fucking Christine Aguilera with a duct tape over like a single tear. I remember. I remember puffy wearing this. I love that. That idea because they're trying to be so hard with the idea of like seven mindedness. Yeah. It's like literally like fucking metal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Like old dirty bastard is going to come to your house and kill you if you don't vote. Yeah. For anybody you can vote for Bush. We don't care. Yeah. Hey, what's on? I want certain people not to vote. Or yeah, if you're going to vote for the wrong person, stay fucking home.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I have no interest in you seeing you carry out your civic duty so you could vote for fucking like the reanimated corpse of Harlan Sanders. I don't want you to fucking vote. You can stay home. Yeah. So long as we don't have mandatory voting. You know what? I would like my candidate to win and not some other people's.
Starting point is 00:25:48 That was a big thing in the early to mid 2000s was like aggressive pro voting songs. Yep. That was like I'm going to I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to fuck your mom if you don't vote. What it was such a late 90s fight for your right to party is a more political. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. But what it was was is that voting participation was going down and it was because there was
Starting point is 00:26:14 nothing left to vote over. We had a neoliberal consensus. What was the point of this? And so there was no material reason for anyone to vote really anymore. And so culture panics because you need voting to legitimize the state. So it comes back and says, Hey, no, vote. It's cool. It's fresh, Daddy.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Oh, just because now you're having to like use culture to basically fucking, you know, resuscitate the corpse of democracy because you fucking killed it by eliminating any economic choice and voting. God, I'm sorry. I'm still looking at this. Nigerian shadow account conspiracy theories are the new rat emojis. Yes. Sad, but not surprising.
Starting point is 00:26:51 That Matt Corridonia, sorry, I'm just upset. I want to like lens this out a little bit because also on Friday Slate's Mike Peska. Hi, Mike. Pa Fangu. It's called out. Peska, talk about something being fishy. Just kidding. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Vibes. Called out the show on Slate's the gist for engaging in a reckless conspiracy theorizing about Mayor Pete's CIA, so called CIA links. And it's just stuff like this, stuff like the CIA thing, all the fishiness that is coming out of the Pete campaign, this is like what, what Amber said about the Iowa caucus, doesn't matter if it is directed and a conspiracy or is it just idiocy and incompetence. It doesn't matter because whether or not Pete literally works for the CIA, would his resume and life and effect and policies be any different whether he was an asset or whether he was
Starting point is 00:27:49 he's behaving as such, it's a distinction without a difference. So it doesn't matter if the CIA is paying for him or he's an unpaid intern because he will serve the interests of the agency and power, either due to either consciously or due to ideological commitment and social status or just because he's literally getting a paycheck. Like if my friend came over and was like, Hey, I just got back from a break, taking a family vacation to a breakaway African Republic where I met with local leaders. I'd be like, dude, you're acting like you're in the CIA. Dude, that's what CIA people.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Oh, no, but hold on a minute. I'm also getting an op-ed about it published in the New York Times for some reason. Yes. Even though I'm some 25 year old assholes as I went there for vacation. Yes. No, I love it. Well, the thing I loved the most about that though is that they published their transcripts of their podcasts.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Oh God, so janky. But they use like an app or like some kind of like bad AI thing, which is weird too because how, what is their budget like because do you know how cheap it is to transcribe? Like that is a third world outsourced thing. Busted. Yeah. It is busted, dude. It is a bad look, Mike.
Starting point is 00:28:55 You can pay someone in India like 10 bucks to transcribe the whole thing. So if they wanted to be like exploitative and just get it done, they could. Or they could pay someone a decent number, like, but they use this thing. So it kind of, it's kind of like the, um, I thought it was like, uh, the, like it read like the dialogue, the dwarf from the red room in Twin Peaks, your word, your word and like it was kind of made sense. But then it didn't. And you could sort of tell like what it was supposed to sound like.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And so I was like, having trouble figuring out what the actual point of what they were saying was because I was reading it because I didn't want to listen to it. You had to look at it through a mirror. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, red rum. Yeah. But they didn't, they appeared to not give me credit for my, um, agnosticism, which.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Well, the thing is, is that they missed the point because like we were saying the point of talking about him in terms of being a CIA agent is to connect him to the agency as a, as a player in American politics with interests and how he serves them. It's like, isn't there any kind of ecstatic truth? You fucking nerd. Like, like the MEC, the peska approach to the world is like, well, we have, we're going to fight, we're going to settle on arguing the narrow and ultimately unverifiable either way claim that he was a CIA agent.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Like they have not disproven that he was by any. They're just saying it's absurd to say he was and they literally have no evidence that he isn't. I mean, it's the same way of favor of replying being like people's brand exactly. So the fact that we are at the point where these questions seem legitimate is the point. Exactly. And so what they would rather do is argue over narrow points of fact that can never be verified one way or the other because that means that they don't have to ask any of the actual
Starting point is 00:30:37 important or bigger questions, they can just narrow, they can pick the net, the net shit out of pepper. Yeah. Now that I know, by the way, after seeing JFK for the fiftieth time, someone told me somebody DM me and said that that that picking that shit out of pepper means because I said I didn't know. And now it's, I use it all the time because it's an incredibly useful term. It means focusing on minutia, the minutia of the minutia of the great broader reality.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Right. Mike, thank you for showing your total failure to do your job, Mike Casca, in an episode where before he talked about us, he talked about the fucking Iran Contra. And let me just, when fucking Gary Webb was putting out a dark alliance after Iran Contra, what would you have said about that? You would have called it a crazy conspiracy theory and you would have said it was irresponsible to even speculate that the CIA had anything to do with drug trafficking. And now it is basically a confirmed fact.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And he even has, he's confirmed enough for him to fucking talk about it, blasély on his fucking podcast, but at the time he would have said it was absurd. It was absurd and irresponsible to even bring up. So fuck him. Fuck his bald ass. I'm really unhappy that he's in our documentary. Honestly, I wish we could blur his face out. He's a fan of the show.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Fuck him. Well, good. Good. Fuck you, Mike. Oh, shit. What's next? Did you have a thing? My thing was a manic pixie dream car.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Okay. That's been the thing I've been thinking about. I kind of wanted to talk about that, about the Washington Post Bloomberg article. Oh, yeah. Speaking of something written by AI. That was very odd. It took a very weird track on the whole thing. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So what is this article? I saw you posting it yesterday, but I didn't have time to look into it. So it's kind of chronicling all of the horrible, horrible, horrible things that Mike Bloomberg has done to his colleagues and inferiors throughout his career as a professional bastard. He's a real piece of shit. He's a real piece of shit. There are literally things he does in there where I'm like, Donald Trump would never say that.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Oh, no. It's too mean. Yeah. I mean, like that is. And Donald Trump likes to think of himself still as a benevolent person, despite being like a cruel, petty bully. He's not like sadistically aggro the way Blueberg is. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I mean, that calls into question. This is the weirdest thing about it. And I think generally the reason a Bloomberg campaign would be uniquely doomed. The whole point of a Bloomberg campaign is the idea that literally everyone in America consumes as much media as you and is as obsessed with Donald Trump and Lev Parnas and can't believe Lev Parnas revealed the truth about fucking Barnack Greyjoy and testified against Hunt scrim back and revealed through his testimony that Margot Margot Guzmazian was paid off. But that it's the idea that they have that everyone thinks like them and is obsessed.
Starting point is 00:33:41 But I think we're at this point now in American history where the gulf between hyper because there's always been media hyper consumers. But now probably more and more in the last 50 years, the gulf in communication between them and normal people is completely it's insurmountable. And the only way Bloomberg could like actually win a general election is if everyone was like these people. Yes, exactly. And it's like at some point you kind of go, is Trump like the better person here?
Starting point is 00:34:12 I don't know. I don't know. Sorry. If there was some sort of soul task you could take, like a blood test of the soul to determine your evil level as a part like your soul cancer, Bloomberg is a worse person than Donald Trump. I would say so. It's not close.
Starting point is 00:34:27 No. It's he is a worse person. He's a more vicious. He's more aggressively vicious person like Donald Trump is obviously like an evil rotten person awful. But one of the worst people ever created. But also a little bit of a coward is like an elementary schoolers like a like a school yard because one of because he's a coward.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I've said this before to he is not bellicose. He is antagonistic because he's a coward. And that's the thing. The anecdote that you know might be apocryphal, but someone tells about like when he was a kid and like baseballs would end up in his yard, he would yell from the window that if you go into my yard, I'll call the police on you. Whereas Bloomberg would come out with a baseball bat and beat the shit out of you. You know what?
Starting point is 00:35:11 Bloomberg would leave his yard to find you to beat the shit out of you. Or he would get his friends in blue to do it for him. Yeah. His private army. And watch. Yeah. But yeah. And that's the difference is that he is not a coward.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And that is the cowardliness of Trump is something that sometimes that makes him less awful sometimes. You've noticed that how like at Trump's rallies, he seems afraid of his own supporters sometimes. Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah. He's like, boy, you people sure love yelling, huh? But it's like Bloomberg is looking out in the crowd and salivating at the idea of just performing medical experiments on these paid dummies.
Starting point is 00:35:46 He's just pricing their organs like, oh, we've got $500 million with the spleens in the air. And it's like if I if Trump's Trump's campaign people are like pretty competent and it's like wouldn't you use a campaign you just run be like President cool imbecile versus the moribund Jew versus just like a guy who's just like one of the most charmless. Talk about zero. He like positive. Not about zero.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Trump having positive quality. Yes. That's funny or the Bloomberg Bloomberg's never said anything funny. Like every Bloomberg clip where he tells like all like the the memes that he's trying to make people like the subtext is like, oh, the joke is that I'm aware that I'm not cool. Yeah. And it just it just completely it fills you with this existential dread that Trump is not.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah. I'm just thinking about like this is just prominent examples we know and just thinking about like Donald Trump coercing through money like porn star to what come to his hotel suite and watch Shark Week with him versus Bloomberg being openly accused by I believe verified of probably fed someone to a shark telling a subordinate kill your baby have an abortion kill it. Yeah. But one is so like they're both like awful and sexist but like that is article is insane.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Oh yeah. So what is this article like so it's it's a collection of complaints but then there's also like they leaked this I guess like a a a a ribald present that one of a Bloomberg Bloomberg's they made a quote book of him and distributed around is the wit and wisdom of Michael Bloomberg. It's really weird. They're really weird or wise like the actual like first of all the corporate culture that does stuff like this that's so self referential it's like like they're all at like summer
Starting point is 00:37:48 camp. Yeah. Let's let's literally make a zine of our bosses sexual harassment. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So but like if you look at some of these but the way it's the way this guy wrote it it's almost this is a thing that I'm almost conspiratorial about where it's just like
Starting point is 00:38:05 did they do this to like downplay how awful he is. Yeah. Like we have to write an article about the sex stuff. Let's run it through Google translate 14 times. That's what I said. I said it sounds like it was originally written in Japanese and they write it through Babbel Fish. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Yeah. But like here's like complaint number 44 upon information and belief in or about July 1993 Bloomberg heard that a female company salesperson had just had a baby was having difficulty finding nanny. He yelled loudly at her in the presence of a large group of employees. They say so they I think it's a fucking baby. It's a fucking baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:42 And by the way I don't know are you are you a child. Print the curse. Print the swear. Print the swear. Are you a fucking child. He wants to be president said. Thank you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:52 All it does is eat and shit. It doesn't know the difference between you and anyone else. All you need is some black but black some black who doesn't even have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building. The salesperson cried at hearing her employer say such things to her in such a public manner. Such things. So like this guy that wrote this it's just he has this really flat affect and like this weird puritanical kind of what I don't understand it.
Starting point is 00:39:18 The other thing is like he just keeps saying like about the crude things that I'll say about like women it says Bloomberg also allegedly said about Garrison that he would have sex with her quote in a minute but that he regretted that she didn't have legs and an a dash dash like a certain actress. You won't say who the actress is. What the fuck. Yes. That's not a libel thing.
Starting point is 00:39:39 They were just referenced. You could. That's not a libelist. I'm sorry. I also I want to know. I need to know. What if it's what if it's like Anne Ramsey or Patty Bates throw mama from the train. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Lucille Ball. Mama Fratelli from Gula Goonies. It's just insane. I don't even know. He keeps saying okay the postage ain't a copy of the booklet. Bloomberg is quoted as desiring oral sex from a well-known actress first of all desiring oral sex is like again that's like a Google translate thing. I desire oral sex from you.
Starting point is 00:40:11 That's someone trying to get late reading from a phrase book. Yeah. Also Hungarian. You could desire. You could desire oral sex with someone without anyone knowing. Yes. It's all in your head. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I'm trying to figure out how you would even say something out loud that would be translated into that legalese. Like he was making a statement desiring. Yeah. Desiring of. Yeah. And then like I just say the actress. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Why are you saying the actor. I need to know who it is. The things if women wanted to be appreciated for their brains they go to the library instead of Bloomingdale's which is like why not just say Gimbles you. How old are you. I think how fucking old are you. Bloomberg the worst thing about like Bloomberg not being funny is that he thinks he is. Oh he thinks he's.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Oh yeah. He thinks he's fucking hilarious. Yeah. It's like weird like attempts at jokes. It's very weird when you like you know my friend who like she teaches it and she went from going to teaching at Philadelphia private schools to teaching at like private schools in in New York. She taught at Baron Trump's school and I'm like so what was it like one of the kids like
Starting point is 00:41:16 and she's like I'll be honest I didn't know that Jews could be stupid with her name but like and it's like with Bloomberg you're like I thought you people were supposed to be funny. Because he has like the like the active like being funny is like you have to have some level of human understanding of humanity and Bloomberg has none. No he is absolutely none like he's one of the few guys that like was in the Epstein Black Book and hung out with Glenn and did all this stuff. However you may interpret that purely for networking. He would commit any sensual person.
Starting point is 00:41:54 He would become a capo at Auschwitz just to put it on his resume. Wait 23 upon information and belief Bloomberg was unhappy with the outcome of business meeting. He said to a newly hired female company salesperson if the clients told you to lay down and strip naked so they could F blank blank you would you do that too. He repeated similar word at sometimes a freaking intervals throughout the period of the plaintiff's employment. Okay that's like a horrible shitty like again Trump wouldn't do that. No he's like get out of a hoot is yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:27 So but then the way this guy frames it. Other Democratic candidates have dealt with related issues. Senator Bernie Sanders last year apologized to female staff members in from of his twenty sixteen campaign who said they were sexually harassed by coworkers saying it was unacceptable behavior. How is that a similar issue what the how is that a similar issue that Bernie had no contact with in a field office. I got to do with Bernie they also like even like a former vice president Joe Biden facing
Starting point is 00:42:53 allegations he did touch or kiss women without consent said last year that his expressions of affection were misconstrued and that he would pay attention to the concerns. How is that. It not. He isn't even close to like he's not like kill it like that is completely and the Bernie shit is just like. How is that one. Well of course that one's first of course that one's first of course I wish journalists
Starting point is 00:43:13 were under the conditions in this country that they fucking act like they are really they. No one has it fucking coming like them. This is to range it's and who and here's the thing that makes me conspiratorial about it in this kind of post me to era. This should be red fucking meat. Yeah. And yet he softballs.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Yeah. The whole time. Hey there's equivalent cases just at the very least just to be a piece of shit self serving journalist which like you know just to just to like boost his career you'd think he would seize on the red meat here awful because he leaves it. Yeah. Comparing it to Joe Biden too is awful because I'm sorry but Joe Biden's sexual harassment stuff is fucking wholesome compared to Bloomberg compared to Bloomberg 100 percent is it's like
Starting point is 00:43:59 well he got a little close he smelled my hair touch my shoulder he said he reminded him of Sarah Bernhardt first lady of the American theater literally is is that is that intent does matter and Joe Biden is intending to be like a whatever an affectionate old grandfatherly type and fucking Bloomberg is trying to intimidate and harass he wants you to feel scared of him he wants you to humiliated and you want you to feel bad about yourself that's why these women are all his subordinates Joe Biden has never been I'm sorry I'm not aware of any accusations against Joe Biden by any female subordinate it's always people he meets in a bar or somebody some daughter somebody he meets on stage there are people like associated
Starting point is 00:44:39 with different campaigns right but I don't think there's anyone directly that has been like he used his position above me yeah to there are no secretaries or whatever yeah Bloomberg exclusively harasses because he has power over them that's off on it that's the only thing that gets him hard yes the idea of someone else being afraid of yes yeah it's an actual sadist is disgusting and I'm sorry like that is worse yeah and just to go back into you know the consp... let's get back into conspiracy stuff it is hard you know it's like a sm... where there's smoke there's fire thing it is hard to read something like that in that overly defensive legalese of something that should be for the democratic
Starting point is 00:45:17 constituency as Amber said huge red flag and not imagine that it's because Bloomberg has just sacks of money hit the amount of money he is dropping on this campaign people do not I don't think people still have grasped the unprecedented nature of this no one in American history has put this much money of their own into a political campaign at this quickly yes ever yeah already he's blown through every he's destroyed the Martians and he's Tom Steyer at this point and he's a piker compared to him and we have no idea what kind of distorting force that's gonna have we already know that Cap had a fucking chapter in a book they put out in 2015 about police abuse in cities about Black Lives Matter they had a
Starting point is 00:45:55 chapter about stop and frisk and then after a big donation for Bloomberg they cut it out of the reprint we know they did that we know that Bloomberg has he has his own goddamn channel he's literally a media mogul one of the biggest in the industry and the amount of money that he is putting in on ads on all stations local and national there means they're buying boats for everybody who works in media everywhere in this country he's been also for years and years and years paying off local politicians that's why every mayor in America he has a mayor's Institute it's like a school of the American mayors where he gives money to a mayor's and that's why every mayor big city mayor is fucking endorsing Bloomberg
Starting point is 00:46:33 they've got legislators across the country because they're all literally they pays them off and it's like a cartoon so far it's like some Thomas Nast every single big bag with a dollar sign on it every single major endorsement I've seen so far of Bloomberg has a one to two million dollar check on it within 18 the last 18 months yes you have monthly kick back you just couldn't have picked the worst time it's like the most unlikable person in the world but what's so amazing about this is like I would I if it was him versus Pete I would max out to Pete well it comes if Bloomberg was I do have some lines yeah it was somebody get the nomination which I'm not that worried about yet I said this is an unprecedented
Starting point is 00:47:13 infusion of money into the campaign it's disgusting we don't know the thing is we can't predict because we've never happened before so but I still don't it's too it's too hard for him specifically to do it but I'll tell you right now if you became the nominee people say would you vote for Bloomberg obviously not would you help Bloomberg obviously not but beyond that a Bloomberg winning win is worse for America objectively and the world Trump second term yes because there's never going to be a non-billionaire president yeah no yeah it's over boss literally they just bought it and it's done yeah well and also like Trump is not a fascist Bloomberg could be and way more effective and efficient and whatever
Starting point is 00:47:51 he wanted to do because there's 100 the tanks would just be like would be police crews and it would be Ubers the because like Bloomberg or Trump ran effect effectively as like a culture war candidate yeah and that was and he was basically doing like Fox News culture war stuff the Bloomberg presidency is the if de facto just outright merging of the political class or the political functioning of our country with the billionaire class they become a safe they become fused they've always obviously been very deeply intertwined but this is the final fusion dance between the two great one mecca super cyan I just don't under I again I just I can't help but be like this is the conspiratorial thing for me because like you
Starting point is 00:48:36 know being somewhat you know one-footed and one foot out of this journalism world like the stuff you see and I'm like you're just gonna leave that there yeah that's the most unjournalisty thing I've ever heard of whether you're a good journalist which means you have a responsibility to be just like clear and and stoic and just kind of have a flat affect about it and not equivocate or you're a bad journalist and you're just trying to like fucking you know blow up your own career either way it's insane to leave that situation where you kind of have like an ethical imperative to treat this stuff with seriously it would be it would be great if there was a some kind of a site that gawked at yeah that gawked
Starting point is 00:49:17 at seriously if it's bloomberg versus trump trump and that's still a disaster honestly at this point it's just like a question of time it's a question of acceleration alien versus predator exactly yeah and maybe we live a little longer hanging out with the predator but yeah yeah but trump is definitely the predator bloomberg is the xenomorph there's no question so I'm sorry I would vote for trump America America after bloomberg I can't even imagine what just day-to-day lives like yeah but the political the political environment would be you just roving bands and marauders go from billionaire estate to billionaire estate trying to convince their eldest son to join their their after they're like cultural
Starting point is 00:50:03 liberal or culture conservative warrior affectation yeah and just convincing them to put their hat in for the race for next king yep now what a nightmare what a fucking nightmare better hope yeah better hope you can get you know if you're religious you can get to one of the pizza company Catholics if you're if you're a live you can get one of those fucking tech CEO freaks who has like a foundation like a sucker bird a sucker bird presidency will come immediately comes immediately after the next president will be great will be sucker bird no yeah no but the thing that's exhilarating about this is because we've talked on the show about how like the trump thing one thing about it is is that it will never be the same after
Starting point is 00:50:43 that like a lot of people a lot of Democrats are voting based on who can bring it back like that was the Biden dream who can just snap their fingers and make it 2008 again or something and it's just that's not going to happen man things are different now and the proof of that is that first of all that the shock of trump trump winning discredit the Democrats enough that Bernie has a chance and that the Democratic Party is so undermined and destroyed from within by its own rot that it can't mount a significant enough challenge so that the gleaming terminator face of capital in the form of Michael Bloomberg has to step directly in and say yes this literally is about billionaires trying to maintain control
Starting point is 00:51:22 this country that is literally what is happening there is no denying it it is no longer hidden by any artifice or superstructure that's the reality is now we're confronting it there's no we have to deal with it we don't even have to do like super packs this time and where's the money coming from it's all right plausible the night ability bullshit that thing that you're just saying is like what I think most people don't get especially like the the msnbc poisoned people that we were talking about earlier is that yeah you're right there is the only way out is through exactly there's no there's no reset we have to confront the issue here which is this fabulous and we are confronting it and it's so much easier now because so
Starting point is 00:51:57 much is becoming clear look at all of the look at the way that I mean I don't maybe it won't go as far as we would want it to but look at the way that uh liberal identity politics uh like autoimmunity has revealed itself to be fraudulent how many people who spent 2016 saying Bernie wasn't intersectional enough Bernie didn't understand black and uh brown bodies enough and have been concerned trolling him over being uh uh not attuned enough on race for his entire time in the public era we're talking about he said nice things about George Wallace in the 70s as long as little as a month ago and now on a dime they're telling you that it's actually racist not to vote for stop and frisk bloomberg a guy who basically is on record saying
Starting point is 00:52:39 that blacks are inferior need to be controlled and contained that that's his job I mean how you don't have to say anything at a certain point and that that is so much it's so much it's it's exhilarating to be able to fight on these contours and in with this reality and not have to deal I mean it just at this point it feels like bullets bouncing off superman well hell yeah this is going to be a this is supposed to be a fun silly I had fun no I had fun I'm like 95 healthy now yeah no I feel much better it's worth my voice is a little rough but that's I swear to god it's fine it's the end feel it's it's very sexy you have a Kathleen Turner kind of I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way I have a question for Felix would you care to speculate at why the barstool
Starting point is 00:53:22 flag is that half-mast yes I saw an image of a hauntingly beautiful image today this is like this is like American beauty like you're tracking the the plastic bag in the yeah it's like maybe beautiful only to me but I saw an image of the apartment complex or like a vacation home where the barstool flag was flown at half-mast and it's like what could that be it could be a number of things it could be like a stoolie you know has passed on uh it's a salute to the fallen smoke shows right well well it could be that there's still POWs held held for the protest of Roger Goodell and you know find them or I'll find you it could be a number of things but it is like it was it was my my my belief I bet it's it's probably been down since the Patriots lost
Starting point is 00:54:14 uh the playoff game that's I think it's I think they realized Portnoy realized and I think everyone realized who watched the game is that that was the end of the Patriots dynasty that they're not going to be in the Super Bowl every year anymore uh they're Brady's errors over there uh and so I think when he realized that he brought it down to half-mast what if the own what if like the Bloomberg experiment is successful on that part on their part and they just like a month or now it like turns out they can buy everyone's like they can manufacture the most consent anyone ever has and uh dude we like the only so much consent dude the only thing that can stop them is barstool yeah that is the book of revelation of the american story that only like barstools
Starting point is 00:55:00 unparalleled page views and culture the culture of barstool the physical army that barstool brings barstool got bodies out there to protest Roger Goodell like no other organization the appropriate disposal procedure for a barstool flag that's a great kind of rules I think you roll that shit up in the blunt and you smoke it I think you smoke that shit you just put all the weed you make a blunt for the ages uh you it has to be uh lowered into a a vat of lukewarm natty ice until it just dissolves into the beer and then it's chugged by our brother the two of the unknown smoke show oh man I mean barstool like you know if we're going to make making comparisons and anger people but are correct barstool is this significantly has significantly
Starting point is 00:55:58 more integrity as an organization than cnn or washington oh one million oh clearly undoubtedly like undoubtedly yeah it's not even close it's not even close what do you think bloomberg's ad buy on barstool is right now ooh I mean I don't know I haven't been to the what if like what if like this was like one thing where Dave Portman was like no yeah it's like I got put down yeah I love maga too much yeah that would be sick like if barstool took down bloomberg I mean trump would still be president but it would also be like it would be cool because it would be like they would yeah the most ambitious man ever like the the more than Pete just like the fucking the symbol of just American sociopathy yeah absolute achievement psychotic greed and
Starting point is 00:56:45 hoarding just complete zero humanity and the thing that stops him dead in his track the thing that stops him dead in his tracks Felix did you hack the barstool sports what's a website to make parody ads have you or a loved one vapes have you or a loved one vapes vaping attorneys may surprise you have you or a loved one vapes vaping attorneys may surprise you I vapes I vapes my loved one vapes yeah um political ads right nice bring it down bloomberg yeah be the most way watchers dead in his track by the whole gang barstool schmitty yeah barstool kfc yep el presidente yeah poor cat poor even dude the girls from chicks in the office podcast yeah I've learned a lot about how even the guys who've been on the show like Duncan hunter get him in here yeah yeah well
Starting point is 00:57:47 what Jeremy ran it could just got fired for going on to that podcast and saying you want to a three-way with his co-host yes yes like we like if that's what stops bloomberg that is like true American excellent heads yeah the heart and soul of the capital of the usa boston massachusetts yeah god bless it that would be pure thundering american meatheadery feeding the machinations of the satanic elite yeah no like if the if it's barstool versus satan i'm with barstool yeah yeah they're like it's the care bears movie and they're like we can all we can all help like imagine like it's like return of the king it's like all everyone's there it's like the warren soy guys the bernie guys barstool is that dane cook yeah dane cook yeah
Starting point is 00:58:36 oh my god they have a women's vertical called chicks yeah yeah that is where the chicks in the office podcast barstools flagship women's podcast i'm glad that you're bringing so much a barstool lore i've been learning a lot about barstool in the past like month i'd say brushing up but you're you're in the barstool weeky clearing up barstool now that i know i've read it several times now that i know that that's the thing that will felix has spent a month learning up learning up about it's good to know that that'll be the thing that i'm not going to uh non consensually find out a lot about in the coming oh yeah you and will are going to know the entire mouse by the end of this floor i've kept myself very blissfully unaware of the goings on it at fucking barstool i don't
Starting point is 00:59:16 know very much about it i try not to pay attention and now in a month i'm going to leave every podcast every contributor oh god yeah the frequent gets already happened oh i can already happen i would run an article by seymour her it's the last american publication will run her she's ex probably yeah ever wonder what an adriana lima and a mila cunis baby would like i think they mean would look like no what it would like there's a line what it would like ice dream the mass eyeliner probably eyeliner they they how could they have a baby they're both women doesn't make um yeah we haven't figured that one out yo we invented gene splicing in the last barstool blackout we got we got that doctor who was arrested in hong kong for making crisper babies
Starting point is 00:59:59 or hib resistance and he is fairly respectful to all the females at barstool blackout and fairly nice with it we used advanced genetics to create a clone of each lima yeah we are creating the hottest smoke show of all time in the barstool uh labs yeah oh is this open like barstool versus usa id barstool versus uh the p2 masonic yes again i like barstool in that context yes barstool versus illuminati barstool wins oh i want all of these barstool versus the black eagle trust yes yes barstool versus majestic 12 oh god barstool versus mckinsey like the oh man oh this is so good barstool versus black rock yes oh man barstool versus eric prince this doesn't appear to be actually the zepstein
Starting point is 01:00:52 they're oh my god what if they won that yeah what if they had already won that like one of these posts is just debbie just met my dad i don't i don't know this is a really closed loop yeah hey you guys you know debbie gosh met my dad okay do we have to post about that's wicked awesome sully it's just all the goings on in summerville who's debbie yeah i'm trying to get my summerville news as i go out the barstool this is literally better than cnn you walk i don't know what debbie is but also she's taking over datona hey hey hey you're not out of datona debbie's taking it over i like that this is like ostensibly a real like news and culture website but it looks it's the effectively the same as like scrolling through like any of those youtube bloggers where
Starting point is 01:01:37 every every thumbnail is like my girlfriend killed me if like like if i could do an experiment where i got two 60 year olds or three 60 year olds rather i get one to only watch 60 year olds if you have a 60 year old you don't need they're just sitting around in your house you have any access to those uh 61 year old french smoke shows yeah i need them for a project and that project is we're gonna have one only watch fox news we're gonna have one only watch cnn or msnbc maybe we need four 60 year olds for this and then we're gonna have one only watch barstool tv yes and i think i know which one walks away with a better like world view absolutely no question you get thrown a curve ball with the ads warning signs of metastatic breast cancer shouldn't be ignored
Starting point is 01:02:21 well you are on the women's vertical no i'm not oh wow hey we all respect the titties am i right guys yeah we all respect the titties i mean those those ads are probably you know targeted for specifically ever maybe yeah that's that's i don't know what you're getting ads i yeah presents i just wow well right i'm i'm in it i'm in it i'm i'm with you on barstool now feel like yeah and like you know this isn't an endorsement i'm just saying like if these things happen like the p2 masonic lodge took on barstool i think barstool wins oh man the vines is engaged absolutely this is the only news i'm reading i'm replacing empty with this yeah it's fucking good news like it's like when you read cnn it's like you know uh the bernie sander is dying soon just nonsense
Starting point is 01:03:06 but like this is like dude fucking debbie met that guy's dad yeah she did they're not lying inarguable it's inarguable that was debbie was there's photographic evidence yeah dave would never let a lobbyist write articles and barstool cnn does allow that okay all right all right this is a weird episode yeah i like this is a chaotic at the winter yeah i think this is a good one well is not here we really we get nutty with it as they say we get nutty with no we yeah this is a crew where none of us are the shepherds that's the thing like the couple like virgil's kind of a shepherd the monkeys are running the zoo yeah everybody can monkeys are the shepherds yeah well i mean i'll be honest is like you know and i saw that will was gonna have trouble scheduling today and virgil
Starting point is 01:03:49 had trouble scheduling today i kind of purposely drove this to be like we should just do something as stupid as possible because we've been like again last few episodes pretty intense pretty intense like primary stuff pretty intense like rallying around the sanders campaign i think that we the host and also you the listener deserve a little deep stupidity for no it's all fine and if you didn't like it please contact virgil you know it was virgil's in the end wrote the entire episode where we want he wants all of your feedback on every single bit of it oh wait hold on i got something to close this out oh you are ready for this yeah in the communities that i represent we're less interested in salo and more interested in halo all right there we go all right bye

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