Chapo Trap House - 398 - Live from San Francisco: Mind Palace of Fine Arts feat. TrueAnon (3/2/20)

Episode Date: March 3, 2020

Our live show from the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, featuring Brace Belden and Liz Fanczak of the TrueAnon podcast....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is the end of the video. I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you enjoyed this video. 10 Francisco, how are you guys doing tonight? It's so good to be a fine art. Because this is a Palace of Fine Arts, so you're here to see us. That means that we are fine art. Will, just a little bit of legal business at the top of this.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Warning, this podcast can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the state of California to cause cancer. For more information, go to San Francisco, it is a joy to be with you here tonight on the last stop of our seemingly endless tour. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. We might be magic. I'm not saying we are, but we might be. I mean, look what happened at the state we didn't go to.
Starting point is 00:01:55 No, yeah, every state we went to, Elizabeth Warren got resounding third and fourth place victories. We missed one and the less impressive fifth place victory. It's either, you know, not our fault because we didn't go or our fault for that very same reason. But we wouldn't trade it for the world to be here in California and San Francisco. Yeah, I mean, you got, this is, this makes for a good contrast because we woke up in Sacramento this morning. What the fuck is that place? Yeah, they're trying. Yeah, but to do what?
Starting point is 00:02:42 They're working on that. They have an old West town, you know, we have a train museum. Do you guys have one of those here? Train museum is pretty dope. I gotta tell you guys. It was pretty good. We described Sacramento is basically like it's a city that's like like a Sim City 2000 like template that you start with. That's what Sacramento.
Starting point is 00:03:07 No expansion packs. Sacramento, yeah, Sacramento will chose how highly Californians think of themselves that they made their capital city purgatory. Oh, it should be called. It should just go Sacramento. Good enough. Like what come on? You could do better, but it seems like it'd be a real pain of the ass to be fair out. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:03:33 They were, I think one of our best crowds this tour. Oh, happy someone came to see them. So let's see if you can outdo them. Let's keep that energy up. Let's keep that energy up. Let's keep that energy up and going tonight. Like I said, I will, I will just, you know, start off by shamelessly kissing your ass, you know, it is. I always love coming to San Francisco in my opinion, the most beautiful city in this great state of America.
Starting point is 00:04:06 That happens to be filled with the most obnoxious assholes that this country is capable of producing. We're staying in this really lovely hotel in this place called the Tenderloin. It is actually like a like a recently renovated hotel. So it is kind of nice. But when we went downstairs to like get to the venue. There was a woman with an acoustic guitar in front of a coexist sculpture giving off extreme Lisa Loeb energy. And that's very violent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:49 That was harassment. That was violence. I feel unsafe. I don't even know if I'm going back there tonight. She's one of the many Rebecca Solnitz I've seen here. Your city is full of Rebecca Solnitz. Just like willowy women with giant sad eyes and wispy hair that don't know what happened for the past 20 years. San Francisco special type of demon city.
Starting point is 00:05:15 It's like if you gave Janice Soprano $500 billion to create her perfect society. Well I suppose you should we should begin tonight with today's news which is that Joe Vibein has won his first ever presidential primary. All right. You know what? Thank you. Let's give him one. Thank you for giving it up. It only took him 500 years.
Starting point is 00:05:45 This is his third attempt at running for president and this is the first state he's won. And you know what? Thank you San Francisco. I know we have a rather undeserved reputation about being you know vicious bullies to the candidates that we don't support and their supporters and that's not true. We're nice to Joe Biden. So I just want to show it's a little respect at the top of the show for former vice president Joe Biden. Vibein Joe Biden. Vibein Joe Biden has won his first contested primary since we were on the fucking gold standard.
Starting point is 00:06:23 If you are the soda jerk at that victory party tonight you are sending all your kids to college. The root beer is flowing at Joe headquarters in Charleston right now. You know what? I want to say obviously I would have liked it if you know if if if sweet Bernard did just you know just kept rolling. But here's the thing. Let the other boys play. Let them get a chance you know. Let the baby have his bottle.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah. Just let someone else get a chance to win. You know this is good sportsmanship. No. Yeah. That's why they'll have a primary of every we work in America. So Liz can finally get something. So Joe Joe Vibein has has won South Carolina convincingly.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You know which I know it doesn't it doesn't throw a wrench in the victory plan. It just makes you good people in California all the more important. So let's yeah. Got to get all those delegates baby. Got to catch them all like Pokémons. The power is in all of your hands tonight. Well I mean like are it up until Tuesday. So just keep working and bring home the big W's.
Starting point is 00:07:53 We can go home feeling good. Yes. And it's like that's why you're doing this. Yeah. That's why you're doing this. It's the future of our country and the future of my five hour plane ride back home. Just just give me some good. Give me some good to feel about.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah. Unfortunately Joe Vibein won. We feel good for him but there's some also some bad news to come out of South Carolina and that is the end of Tom Steyer's presidential campaign. It's so hard to say goodbye. That's right. Today and that's funny because he booked boys to men to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Session party. Tom. All he wanted was to invite to the cookout. No. Yeah. Tom Steyer was less seen lowering himself into a vat of molten steel saying to his supporters. I know why you have the cookout but it's something I can never be invited to. And I just want to share with you.
Starting point is 00:08:58 So in the Nevada caucus he booked the surviving members of TLC. Yes. To do an event for him which I thought was pretty great. The T and the C I believe. The T and the C. Yeah. Unfortunately. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:13 You know. Rest her soul. Lisa left. Lopez was not there. But you know if she was I think he could have pulled it out. Yeah. No. That would have had the difference I think.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But I was like out of the billionaires currently or you know used to be running for president or are currently president you know Tom Steyer was my favorite you know we we shared a little moment together where he told me about how to dress and how to you know sort of get up in the morning ready to face the world with a fun cheerful but aggressive attitude. And because of that I'd like I'd like to declare him the moral victor of South Carolina and this presidential race so far. He is definitely he is definitely going to hell he is definitely he is definitely fucking hell he is definitely the Mario to Mike Bloomberg's Wario.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And here's the thing though like you know he you know like he's one of those rare billionaires that made his billions in ways that are bad you know like he unfortunately had to get his hands a little bit dirty to make those billions of dollars is a rare thing. And I think he should be condemned for that. That's right. He made his fortune producing the Norm MacDonald vehicle dirty work. But he did get to produce one of my favorite moments from the campaign so far that we'd like to share with you to start out tonight.
Starting point is 00:10:43 So please can we run the can we run the Tom Steyer pre pre resignation party video when he was still hoping for something a little better. But you know he got something very good out of it. So let's let's roll that clip. Honestly oh god there we go oh god it's like slender man I'm actually really impressed that he kind of knows what to do with his hands like that's the hardest like he's clearly been watching like Punjabi wedding videos like he's he's figured something out it may not be completely appropriate but it's not totally still I mean he's not doing like the
Starting point is 00:11:34 sprinkler or anything. It's not like the hand monster from Pants Labrith went on Soul Train. He's a Tom Steyer both dropping it like it's hot and backing that ass up and if that doesn't spell fun cheerful and aggressive I don't know what does but the thing about Tom Steyer is like you know as far as billionaires who run for president go I feel like he's doing it the right way which is to spend all that money to hang out with Bernie Sanders and Juvenile. Yeah it's cute I mean I think it's cool and also like I Juvenile probably got paid two
Starting point is 00:12:17 million dollars to do three songs there which I think is fucking great I mean if Juvenile is winning I'm happy I don't care who his I don't care who his patron is you know. So Tom Steyer we salute you your jersey will be raised to the rafters. Another absolute legend but you know as long as Bloomberg still in the field fucking up all the votes and distracting everyone from Bernie I think I think we're still in pretty good shit yeah despite Joe Biden winning South Carolina all right you may notice we have we have two empty seats on the stage. So I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:13:00 The Crescent Steed Brothers. No no no no don't encourage that yeah I'm not going to waste any more time let's bring out two of San Francisco's finest Liz and Brace for Truinand podcast. Such a sweetie. Oh yeah yeah. Hi. What's happening fellas. Keep it going for Truinand everybody.
Starting point is 00:13:38 It's great to have you here today and I wanted to get you out you know early in the second the second part of our first act here because we are going to talk about lying loser Liz Warren. We're going to play a game of good Liz bad Liz. I'm good Liz. She's fine yeah. And I want to start with this is this is breaking news this just happened now Warren giving her fifth place victory speech tonight.
Starting point is 00:14:09 We love it. You're doing amazing sweetie. She fucking rocks. I'm back to liking her now. When we. She's. Joker-fied. Beautiful loser.
Starting point is 00:14:19 When my fam runs the train I'm the caboose. This will be the third straight state where she won zero delegates. Well it's funny. No way to go but up. Yeah. Next year is practice. You're after that's the playoffs. Let's go baby.
Starting point is 00:14:35 She won 100 percent reason to remember the name two percent Cherokee. So what was it? So you said this is the third state where she's third straight state. Third straight state in which she is leaving with no delegates but she gave her yeah her her fifth place victory speech and went on to explain why she is staying in the race. She says we want to gain as many delegates as we can going into a great job. Yeah. You're doing wonderfully.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Good. She's on track. You suck. So so like yeah like and this strategy has become more explicit in in just the last few days and I want to play just a video here of like one of her top surrogates this guy Adam Green explaining on MSNBC what Liz is. This is the Lily. This is the Liz path to victory that he's going to describe now is this from the only
Starting point is 00:15:28 fans leak. So we are very optimistic that she will enter those states with big momentum. Do you think she's going to win any particular state or do you have an expectation for the delicate delegate count that she'll walk away with after Tuesday. I'm blanking. Well my expectation is that when you look at the totality of candidates on the playing field she'll be you know in the top tier when it comes to your delegate count. Well I'm not saying that what I'm saying is if you had to choose between you know winning
Starting point is 00:15:57 one state here one state there versus crushing it when it comes to delegates you would much rather have delegates you know I saw that Amy Klobuchar is going to North Dakota. I wish her well there but if she you know leaves Super Tuesday with a couple delegates from North Dakota that would not be as desirable as Elizabeth Warren crushing it when it comes to delegates in Colorado Texas so that's a long term path to her victory. He's talking about the crushed videos continuing the top tier after Super Tuesday as some other candidates fall by the wayside. So I know Elizabeth Warren has said that she wants to go into the convention with the delegates
Starting point is 00:16:29 that she has earned and there's also a story out from the New York Times talking about super delegates trying to stop Senator Sanders and it says since Mr. Sanders victory in Nevada's caucuses on Saturday the Times has interviewed 93 party officials all of them super delegates who could have a say on the nominee at the convention and found overwhelming opposition to handing the nomination this guy I'm serious she went from a nickel to a dime man this is fucking she is the damn Joker I'm loving it I hope my concession speech makes more sense in my campaign that that Adam Green guy rocks he's like a dole is all but for being a reptilian he like he like got his tongue sharpened got some surgery where he
Starting point is 00:17:20 doesn't have to blink he just wants people to think he's a lizard yeah so I mean yeah not only are they not winning delegates or states they're making clear that their plan is to keep doing that and it will result in smooth sailing from here well she's the most people I mean I could I think I can speak forever in this room none of us have earned a single delegate this entire cycle so she really is the people's candidate I have accrued several delegates I think it's like you know Amy is like say what you all about Amy but like she's gonna win her home state she can't even no no exactly like no they're gonna be like that professor they will not give a shit yeah also thank God Amy is because I would
Starting point is 00:18:08 worry about the like safety and lives of her staff yes well you know how you know how like Elizabeth Warren on our website in like it's like a Q&A or like clearing up the facts or whatever this is a section well there's a section you showed it to me that said that she doesn't have a racist artifact right yeah so okay Liz this is so great so everyone forgets this but when Liz Warren opened her campaign she there's like a section on our website called fact squad which first of all sick respect and there was like two things that I always think about and one of them was no it was like debunking the myths woo and it was like no Elizabeth Warren does not have a racist artifact in her kitchen but if what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:18:53 is if she just took that off her fucking website and said that she did have a racist artifact in her kitchen she would sweep Massachusetts every delicate no I mean like that's the sad thing about the Warren campaign she is on track to complete the 2022 get primaried by Dave Fortnoy challenge yeah it's like her entire staff is like made up of like the HR team of the net roots conference so the question is yeah like what's really going on here and like yeah here's a clue she also said this at her like I said her fifth place victory speech tonight on Bernie Sanders she says this crisis demands more than a senator who has good ideas but whose 30 year track record shows he consistently calls for things he fails
Starting point is 00:19:44 to get done and consistently opposes things he nevertheless fails to stop so like yeah he failed to stop the Iraq war from happening yes he's called for the you know the institution of eight like a modest new deal social welfare failed to stop Reagan for being elected whom she voted for do better Bernie Jesus Christ what's so incredible it's literally like two days ago she was like damn we shouldn't have sanctions against Iran because of coronavirus and it's like bitch you voted for them so what is she even talking about like that's such a perfect example because like the selling point among her her fans and surrogates is like she is the best person to be president because she has a supernatural ability to
Starting point is 00:20:28 just like absorb data and understand like plans and like legislation in a way and she was like oops I guess I voted for the sanctions that preclude any possibility of humanitarian aid to a country now where the coronavirus is rapidly spreading they think the president is a mentat like you just you don't have to do that you just sit by the desk and say go go figure it out yeah and other people do it who cares if you write the best legislation that's not the president's job and also those are to do that these people keep forgetting when they talk about how oh Elizabeth Warren her plans and she's so smart and she's he's that what they're forgetting is the most important fact which is that Liz Warren fucking sucks
Starting point is 00:21:07 yeah fucking sucks they do forget that she just comprehensively sucks ass doesn't here line for the New York Times article about us it just said you know at their live show in Iowa Chapel Trap House was light on policy specifics dude I was really earlier today if if so not stires if Bloomberg drops out of the race she'll be richer than all the other candidates combined well here's okay I'm glad you brought that up here here's it she is she is richer in one specific way wampum Elizabeth Warren now has the largest super PAC in the Democratic field who has spent much of her presidential campaign condemning super PACs as part of a corrupt fight campaign finance system that favors the wealthy and
Starting point is 00:22:14 powerful now appears to be the single biggest beneficiary of super PACs in the 2020 Democratic presidential what persist PAC the super PAC backing Warren's candidacy announced on Thursday night it would spend an additional 9 million helping Warren with television and digital advertising and some of the most expensive media markets in the country including Los Angeles and San Francisco ahead of so-called super Tuesday so it goes on here Warren believes persist PAC and all other super PACs should disclose their donors before super Tuesday campaign spokesperson Chris Hayden said but a spokesperson for persist PAC said the group would stick to the legally required March 20th deadline to report its donors to the
Starting point is 00:23:01 FEC after roughly three-fifths of the delegates to the convention will have been awarded oh here's your name so she's saying like okay she's saying like as you saw from her surrogate and like in her comments in her fifth place victory speech she's saying look we have no plan to win any state no we just want to get like a bare minimum of delegates to do like some maneuver at the convention but here's the thing it's like why are why is she now the biggest recipient of super PAC money out of any of these candidates when she's obviously she's saying like I'm a loser I'm not going to win this thing out right by any means and I'm probably not even gonna get it given to me at the convention why are they giving
Starting point is 00:23:39 her all this money to fuck with Bernie Sanders and stop him from becoming president this is a kneecap Bernie Sanders PAC yes I would not be surprised I think it's gonna be difficult and I mean there are still real journalists as much as it pains me to say that out there but I think that if people do enough digging I would not be surprised to find out that Bloomberg's money is right in super PAC persist fact I think it's just like rich people who trip do tripping what is that I'll tell you about it in the break I never know what brace is talking about yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna go with brace and say that like persist PAC is probably funded by like you know people who got a class action settlement from her
Starting point is 00:24:31 life what here's what I don't get you know I understand why a guy like Adam Green is simping for Warren even though she categorically will not win the nomination I don't know maybe the moldy peaches residual checks have dried up or something let's but I'll take it face value that Warren's goal is to be president right and her idea is okay I want to cruise many delegates pledge delegates as possible and keep them in some kind of like multi-ballot situation at the convention it just seems to me that if you wanted to position yourself as the you know the the consensus unity candidate someone who swoops in and takes it because it's deadlocked it seems like you'd be better positioned if you had not just eaten shit
Starting point is 00:25:21 in all 50 states including your home state like if she had just honestly Kamala Harris is better positioned for that role no hey I'm not a loser I dropped out before any voting happened no no no no virtual it's it's it's she's doing the King Solomon she's like okay but what if someone no one liked one didn't cut a baby in half because at most she's getting like what hundred delegates even with all this fucking dark money like that's nothing that's not enough to fucking negotiate and they're all gonna die of like anaphylaxis from a peanut allergy so anyway what she doesn't get what Warren and her people do not get is that if they do take it from in the second round their gesture towards democracy is that
Starting point is 00:26:05 the person they nominate is going to be somebody who didn't run because if it's anybody else it's like they got way fewer votes than Bernie how fucked up is it that they're the nominee if it's somebody who didn't run then well if they'd run hypothetically they could have gotten all the votes that's fight well all right so it's not gonna be more like I've already run it by Sherrod Brown and he's like yes I will you know take the responsibility so like all war all this is like warrent best case scenario she gets to be the VP to like Hillary as like a gesture to the left to be like yeah but look warrants the VP Hillary might die of crew at any moment that's not that or or it's just spite because it none
Starting point is 00:26:51 of it makes sense I really did show her fight she's joker fight folks she's joker fight I think they really did leak out the Sherrod Brown thing to sort of test the waters and the fact that he even made kind of a comment on it where he was just like yeah I would do that which infuriates people indicates to me that they didn't want to actually use him but they wanted to like see how they deal with this show him the one like Sherrod Brown either yeah the other thing the other thing that's happening now is you know in advance of Super Tuesday Bernie just did a massive rally in Boston Commons I think there was like 12 or 13,000 people there in Boston and presidential harassment like he's like the
Starting point is 00:27:31 Bernie blackout yeah he's doing he's doing big events in Massachusetts and I really love like that the new take from the media is like poor form on Bernie for humiliating Elizabeth Warren in her home state where's his sportsmanship how dare he try to win an election and like I saw someone was humiliating Elizabeth Warren is the only thing Elizabeth Warren does better than Bernie so briefly I would like to I would like to dive into courtesy of the New York Times is Michelle Goldberg the case for Elizabeth Warren and I know it may I know it may look grim because of you know polling and her general I don't know personality the fact that she sucks but here is here is the best case for Elizabeth Warren it's because she wants to
Starting point is 00:28:22 purify capitalism so that it works as it should I hate toxic there should be there should be a great cleansing within the capitalist class we should purify it by the way are any of you in the audience New York Times reporters if so could you please leave you know so she I'm skipping ahead a little bit but she goes Warren has an almost supernatural ability to identify problems before anyone else and work to relentlessly solve them of all the democratic candidates I'm sorry 9-11 still happened yeah she wasn't that fucking perceptive Matt it might not have we don't we don't fully know if Elizabeth if Elizabeth Warren was on that plane she would have got in the aisle of flight 93 and been like I'm mad no
Starting point is 00:29:23 she would have been like I'm I'm from Saudi Arabia to when I really like about this one line where she says she has a supernatural ability to identify problems before anyone else she was a Republican until like 1997 what were these I think the problems I guess was people who had AIDS was to Elizabeth Warren she did not see that one coming yeah voted for Reagan twice pathetic so she goes she would make the most effective president in parentheses full disclosure my husband a graphic designer and creative director works as a consultant for her and your wife I I would love to see the work her husband is done for Elizabeth Warren well he doesn't heal backgrounds no I know I will we will get to that I mean
Starting point is 00:30:11 like I kind of know what it is but I miss I'm also assuming in addition to the famous thing he did it's like yeah drawing of Elizabeth Warren is Rosa Parks that they like apologize for on Vimeo Twitch YouTube and Twitter I'll be honest with you if you drew Elizabeth Warren is Rosa Luxemburg about a fifth a DSA would probably be tricky to read a book I feel like creative directors for Warren is the most creative director thing of so she goes on to talk about like I like her the big the big jewel in her crown is the consumer financial protection burger you're up delicious Warren realized that complexity was being used against consumers no pointing out that a typical credit card pointing out that a
Starting point is 00:31:01 typical credit card contract had grown from one page in the 1980s and more than 30 pages two decades that ordinary people didn't understand the terms they were agreeing to allowing lenders to fleece them however something that I brought up one of the other reasons that she doesn't resonate or her her forms don't resonate with millennials is that all of us have had have been in defaults for student loans for so long that we can't even get a credit card it doesn't mean anything to anyone under 50 but I like this thing was like if ordinary ordinary people just don't understand the terms that allow them to be fleeced I just also really quick I just want to say that like the CFPB fucking did shit like I'm sorry this whole idea that
Starting point is 00:31:45 it was like the savior of the fucking recession is fake news lion news media like and I just want to say like it you know her number two hire at the CFPB left to go work at a startup for fucking predatory loan sharking he was probably work there too they probably do but I just saying like even her approach to all of this is emblematic of the way that she approaches everything which is that the only thing we need to do is regulate things efficiently so that markets can do their magic and the way you do that is through law right now this is called neoliberalism that's literally the fucking academic definition for calling her a neoliberal you're the dumb dumb not me I would like to I'd like to just maybe I would
Starting point is 00:32:43 like to maybe just offer a slight correction to that you say that the CFP did nothing but according to Michelle Goldberg it got her and her husband an eleven thousand dollar refund for some great thing how many millions of Americans lost their fucking homes wait for what why did they get a refund that's not what the CFPB would they buy for eleven thousand dollars they were they were focused on banking fraud and and basically refunding I mean I'm seriously done a lot of big but like refunding fines and stuff so here's like so we were refunded more than eleven thousand dollars that experience is part of why my husband signed up to consult with Warren to design her logo that makes it sound so mafia
Starting point is 00:33:30 like and one day I will ask you for a favor to design her logo he went with the Statue of Liberty to provide to provide the fight to find the precise color of green that fucking mint shit fucking Casper mattress as presidential yeah yeah he also he also designed a full sized a big structural Bailey with yeah genitals the wicker dog yeah I can't handle how all her staff have this matching like ours with the mint background it's like so dorky it's swear they're fealty to the lich kid you don't know what I'm saying that yeah at this point in the campaign the matching green Abbey's may as well be matching Nike's on a bunk bed yeah so skipping ahead here she says unlike Bernie Sanders she doesn't carry around the
Starting point is 00:34:30 electoral albatross of socialism she wants to purify capitalism of stifling corruption so that it works as it should not for nothing is her dog Bailey named after the virtuous small town banker played by Jimmy Stewart and it's a wonderful I'm not kidding this lady cannot be any less Jewish oh my god I hate that movie so much I regret having sex with her every fucking day second okay the albatross of socialism that doesn't even make sense like what it first of all she's the painted ship upon the painted sea so I don't even understand what's going on like but like that's not a literary reference to anything I like the new way new agey language of we're going to purify capitalism is Warren's whole
Starting point is 00:35:21 policy is homeopathy for capital break up with the bad parts like all my girlfriends do to me that is like what the CFPB is like the whole idea is it's like Usha for capitalism yeah it's like that's why she said she left the Republican Party she said because she thought it wasn't maintaining and fostering capitalism well enough anymore which funny enough happened in the mid 90s now if anyone knows what the history of the Democratic Party it's like oh wait what else happened in the mid 90s in the Democratic Party the CFPB works I was thinking of the dick second thing but yeah no that was late 90s first under Trump American government has become a squalid orgy of self-dealing sounds like a damn podcast
Starting point is 00:36:17 backstage oh so Liz my favorite thing that happened the CFPB under Trump is that the guy in charge of it now literally got the job by running to the office and locking the door and saying he's the head of the CFPB I mean I respect that with you virtually that does sound like something you would might do yeah if I thought it would work yeah well clearly we got someone on the ball here so all smooth sailing capitalism being purified yeah there was probably a bathroom in there the most yeah yeah there probably is a bathroom in there because I don't know you know luxury offices have bathrooms and I only said luxury offices will yeah the most like Trump admin move is just like a whole bunch of like people
Starting point is 00:37:04 they bring in just running into offices yelling squatters right yeah yeah there's all cross bunks from Germany stop making it sound cool man just finish it out here there is not a person on earth better suited to clean it up than Warren so cleaning it up she wants to get Lloyd blank find in a room and run about eight gallons of coffee through his asshole and he'll be he'll be feeling great capitalism will be chakras will be realized we need a cofee fee and stuff like what are they gonna do dude it's their fucking job to rip us off like why would the credit cards don't exist to like help people buy things they exist to make fucking banks money I wish I yeah it's funny you're hey go off King your credit
Starting point is 00:37:55 card is literally lower if you pay off your credit card diligently that's true so it says here if this were a Jimmy Stewart movie just laos I don't I don't know why you keep tacking this is Bernie Sanders he's a good man she'd come from behind to win the nomination right now that possibility looks remote but as long as she's still in the race and most of America hasn't voted it's not too late for the nightmare of the Trump era to give way to a Hollywood ending and that Hollywood ending is when Tracy flick ends up working for a Republican senator it's it's not it's not a Jimmy Stewart movie it's a Jack Lemon movie did I'm sorry why women are racist as hell and I fucking come on fellas not you guys the chicks here cool
Starting point is 00:38:53 so I don't want what is the president I'm just kidding I didn't go as well as I thought it's white women so here we go they're they're they're they're hoping over that Hollywood ending we're like I don't know after she finishes third in California with not third not third okay no so get on stage and like you know she'll be walking up there hobbled and then it's like the I don't know the German hyper efficient electoral team the one really tough guy you thought was evil we'll just start doing this yes and then the whole room well elected applause Lenny Riefenstahl zooms out we see all the teal backgrounds alright San Francisco that is your perfect case for electing Elizabeth Warren in case any of you were on
Starting point is 00:39:51 the fence going into Tuesday that just keep that in mind keep it's a wonderful life in mind when you're you know out canvassing for Elizabeth Warren this weekend she will turn all the entire country into Emeryville I promise you I promise you the streets will be paid with a weird thing that just no one on the sidewalk what do we call her lion Liz Rucker Warren yeah right there we go San Francisco we're gonna take our intermission now please stick around we got another video for you in the intermission act we should be back at like 15 minutes and we've got a dossier prepared by our colleagues over here on another certain presidential candidate and his connection to one of our good friends we'll be back stick
Starting point is 00:40:41 around yeah yeah you want like Matt Christmas because he had the pro pit bull position yeah they know the truth these people though I'm so gentle giants before we go anywhere I just got to say we are in the neighborhood where a famous case of a murder by two pit bulls by this fucking rich couple who fucked the dogs took place can we start okay everything Tucker said about this you guys are all the forums right yeah can we just stop going in on Warren people in the second half like you know we're going for unity now they weren't pit bulls they're fucking live you know sir they were not pit bulls pit bulls I've still never done any kind of harm to anyone in history I love that that is the fact that you guys
Starting point is 00:42:03 are focusing on and not the fact that he just said they fucked the dog the dog yeah but the dogs were not pit bulls that needs to be recorded in the record well moving on from a dog fucking just some more good news I just want to take some time at the top of the second act to uh briefly address uh you know another issue in the news that's causing you know me a great deal of anxiety I'm talking of course about uh coronavirus let's let's uh I uh yeah I am actually I'm on a lot of student fed right now but I did not have corona excuse me COVID-19 please don't dead name the virus yeah I have COVID-20 you fucking loser that's what I really realized it could be serious because it's like coronavirus that sounds like a joke but it sounds
Starting point is 00:42:55 like a dad joke about a hangover they're like you got that corona but but COVID-19 oh I could see that happening they should call it ultra herpes and everyone would be terrified of it I could just see a sci-fi story of someone on a ravaged future earth it was after COVID-19 I've been diagnosed with x-vid 19 you don't know what that is not you all right so uh San Francisco I want you to I want to do a little exercise here tonight everyone in the audience look to your left look to your right both of those people you saw tonight will have had a great time at the chapeau trap house live show here at the palace of fine arts theater and none of them will die of coronavirus so I just want to I just want to like I I don't know how I feel I think I think Xanax
Starting point is 00:43:50 backstage because people were talking about this shit uh so he means me okay I think we have like a sort of like a I think we have the full spectrum of like just how afraid or not afraid we should be of coronavirus so I'm gonna I'm gonna start with um the most uh red pills the contingent of the stage the the most deep down the rabbit hole you can go here sharks on you motherfucker the red pill is the only cure for coronavirus yeah I am I'm like so blackpilled that I watched an hour youtube about how 5g caused coronavirus yes yes she did uh brace tell me on this uh should I be scared or not scared of well the thing is they engineered coronavirus to erase the memory of the man who could have saved china limbao
Starting point is 00:44:49 but no I mean what one percent of people die how about one percent of people in the audience stand up no that's we'll get dark they don't know they're left from their right we just learned about yeah well hey yeah everybody tap the guy to your left have him stand up that person's gonna die uh here's the thing I am heavily armed both now and at home so here's a little here's a little life hack you do not need to make a go bag you just need a high powered rifle a pistol and then a backup pistol you keep in the truck that you steal from your neighbor because you could just take people's water after that you got to go to the fucking New York Times ladies parents house get the water from them after you see I I am so cucked by the election that when I hear this story I read
Starting point is 00:45:37 about how ooh coronavirus might overcome the entire earth within a half a year I'm thinking man given its mortality rate among old people if it hit like a month before the election exactly Bernie can win all 50 states but Matt Matt my theory is because you know how like the entire upper leadership of the Iranian government like might have it now they're gonna fucking try to give it to Bernie they're gonna try to but he is blessed by god and I think like I'm leaning towards that this is a the Jewish god this is a plague this is a plague sent by god real one to you to help to help to help Bernie so I think I think he is like like like yeah no this plague has been set to help Bernie well I never said believe that he's an old testament fucking locust
Starting point is 00:46:28 sorry you love you guys Bernie is nothing like a public health crisis to sell a lot of Americans on a public health system yeah yeah no Bernie is King David and Moses wrapped into one well I think I'm in the center you know in terms of the two polls and how we're feeling about the coronavirus I think a pandemic can be avoided by engaging in emergency hygiene procedures for instance if you use the bathroom uh don't just run the water to make anyone listening think you wash your hands uh actually don't actually get your hands a little wet when it really and uh also if you are a let's say a celebrity podcaster a stranger should not touch you or really look at you at all solid solid stuff I'm very famously a zero on the on the fear scale for this one
Starting point is 00:47:26 one I just think statistically I'm not worried for myself for my loved ones two I have consciously made an effort to dissociate completely as soon as Bernie started running so that I felt no fear about anything I cannot die from coronavirus because I am already dead it's not my choice when I go it's up to a higher power and his name is Bernie Sanders uh again Jewish God Felix you're sort of our our tactics guy what are you yes what what what do you make of this uh but again I think like big vaccine is pushing this narrative and if you follow the the money in the mainstream media you'll find that every journalist on CNN their parents work at the free flu shot clinic at CVS so follow the money stay
Starting point is 00:48:28 based uh think about think about think about you know which of your neighbors would look good you know running down your hallways like a resident evil four you know spanyard type zombie but you know just but keep doing what you're doing watch the bachelor with your wife uh uh go to your go to your job at the graphic design firm uh yeah just keep being in california sicko that's what I think I thought we were pro vaccine on this show I mean it's the only reason we have any listeners I don't know that was good I don't know I don't know where I'm gonna land on this one but I will say I think if you die from coronavirus it's proof that you're a pussy so if I either do or don't die from this we'll finally get an answer to that question we already know I am
Starting point is 00:49:31 I am halfway convinced that it was created by bill gates yeah oh no no yeah okay okay okay we no this this is a union town we have a hard out on this night yeah give me give me like a tiny bit of the of the bill gates yeah this is crazy you guys but you have to remember bill gates never made anything so last year they did a pandemic simulation and by they I mean hosted by the bill and melinda gates foundation and it was featuring a novel coronavirus that started in south america and spread and they were testing I guess I don't really fucking understand like how that works but um they were testing to like see what the like media and public responses would be they were seeing how like different institutions in the simulation would respond
Starting point is 00:50:31 and and that was last year now wait one question yes what was the simulation like how does that is it like the sims for disease like I don't know how that works I don't totally know I figure it's like it's the sims basically like the sims it's gotta be a model yeah I feel like they it's like it's like when high schoolers go to like model EU model UN or whatever the hell they do it's like that but for like oligarchs but so then so they do this simulation last year I'm not going to tell you what happened because it's a little dark and I don't want to ruin the mood but I will say that just yesterday or two days ago I can't remember bill gates published a piece in the Harvard business review recommending public private partnerships for what he calls disease surveillance
Starting point is 00:51:23 technology yes that's right they can finally check dudes for HPV no baby I'm sorry it's cool I'm immune but it's like really freaky shit also Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation you know they love global health particularly in the global south so you know eyes wide open guys stay woke okay I have this is a give a mean give me an addendum theory good what if the only way you could be immune from the coronavirus was yes if you had HPV which means that it would be like the matrix yes but you know the trinity morpheus like those would all be people who don't use condoms yeah something to think about and you know I'm not saying this is the case I'm saying like this is just like a scenario that we ponder at this institute I've
Starting point is 00:52:29 been accused of having HPV by a lot of girls they all get tested they don't fucking have it they just have warts I guess I don't fucking know just kidding okay all right well uh that was about you baby do you want to something um even more sickening than a global pandemic I'm fine don't worry about it see that it's the cough of a condom user that's what trinity says in the lobby scene heads up latex top you think that's latex you're breathing so uh we we got bracing lives on stage tonight and I wanted to take the opportunity to task them with assembling just a a brief dossier on uh another political candidate and we you know we've alluded to this uh and some of our live
Starting point is 00:53:31 shows on this tour before but of course I'm talking about former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg absolutely so this guy it's just he's got like like I said his close friends and family like the little green circle on instagram is filled with some very interesting people and they're sort of a common denominator to all of them so bracing lives would you like to just take us briefly through the mayor bloomberg connection I think first we should just let's you know refer to him by his proper name mini-mike yes absolutely mini-mike look at me satani I hate I hate to do it but I have to do it look at how little he is trump ducking today that would win him the election oh my god did you guys see this
Starting point is 00:54:22 he got down he ducked behind the fucking desk he was like hey I'm mini-mike he would win 50 states listen I'm five six with a small dick and that guy looks like a pussy next to me it's like a doorbell um but so Mike Bloomberg as well first of all his face I've been like trying to figure out a non-antisemitic way to describe it I can do it all right well you can't do it but uh it looks like he looks like it's someone made a crisper baby only for eating pussy like it's like sloped in such a way it's triangular it's fucking disgusting which is that's of course ironic because as we know Michael Bloomberg has never eaten pussy once in his life why me in his life that man's never eaten pussy in his dad gum life and that's what's wrong with him
Starting point is 00:55:21 that is totally what they're going to use crisper for too yeah to make Mike blue no he is never he has never given pleasure to another human being well he's about to give pleasure to you pretty well under him yeah yeah so Mike Bloomberg has five different numbers in Epstein's black book which I know fellas a lot of us kind of on our ways in there but it's usually five is a lot he uh have we got the pictures let's go the first one so we have here first of all Jeffrey Epstein is is doing like the Felix thing he's got a navy seal navy seals uniform on lieutenant colonel Epstein yeah yeah incredible valor is doing kind of a virtual thing yeah yeah yeah it's Virgil's just just really weighty she's peacock king uh and of course we have um uh clinton confedon
Starting point is 00:56:18 Harvey Weinstein uh looking like uh gotta imagine being raped by a penguin oh yeah I mean between these three they've raped like possibly thousands and thousands and thousands of women he looks like a sentient intestine yeah yes um hideous anyways a really dark game of clue with the candlestick really Jesus oh anyways real quick Chris can you go to the next picture please so vibe check we've got Mike Bloomberg here with the guy does fuck Jerry and Harvey Weinstein on the far right here oh my god can we talk about his outfit which one okay cool lots cool lots yeah why do you guys keep saying cool what are you saying cool cool and what is that he's wearing cool he's wearing short for ladies yeah it's like ladies wear as shorts look they're not
Starting point is 00:57:21 flattering for me and they're not flattering for him usually they're high-waisted I don't think he's wearing socks well he is high-waisted for him he is wearing socks he's wearing this less colored socks yeah Bloomberg Bloomberg Bloomberg is dressed like he's getting a UTI from having unprotected sex at tish school for the performing arts it looks like he's like shrinking into his outfit so actually I don't think he literally can't shrink anymore I know um so Bloomberg and Harvey Weinstein have a very very very close connection of course both of them are connected to Epstein but I think this is just interesting uh Weinstein actually recorded a robo call for Bloomberg in 2005 and he referred to him so Weinstein is a a Clinton surrogate and by Clinton
Starting point is 00:58:06 surrogate I mean a serial rapist and he allegedly yeah and oh wait no arrest and not anymore no allegedly dude freedom from allegedly unfortunately the people who arrested him are also like covering for a pet of foul rings I don't know but yeah Weinstein like loved Bloomberg they were good friends in fact he called him a transvestite republican because he was such a that's problematic I know it's you know don't listen it was 2005 don't think up people's old tweets it's like you know people change he was posting on something awful oh he's a bit thinner than most of those guys but yeah good friends let's go to the next slide real quick oh wait that's just more
Starting point is 00:58:59 of that sorry I sent you too much email next one wow good quality brace that's uh that one's this is a drawing I did all right hello dude her her breasts get larger in saggier as the how do they get bigger that's quite jean I think she got bigger I think she had a boom job yeah she probably had him done yeah it doesn't look usually when you get them done though you also like you know push them up no she got them done in her 40s oh I love this they're all like Joan Rivers for pedophiles yeah yeah so you know of course is Michael now is not the time to body shame yeah okay I'm sorry yeah I'm sorry I love to do bodies and speaks more proof like lubricants five foot two he's dammit looks like you're really smoking a sick uh that's why
Starting point is 00:59:54 body with glaine Maxwell glaine Maxwell as many of you know is uh the secret prime minister of Israel the daughter check this shit out check this shit out she is I don't know why I'm doing it like this she is I gotta stand up she is she I'm so excited to talk about this because we have not only a Bloomberg connection here we have a Pete connection as well so she is the daughter of Israel well technically British check but really Israeli super spy Robert Maxwell who was pushed off his fucking boat who also uh yeah pushed off the boat which was named ladies geland who also had a huge hand in busting the 1984 1985 miners strike which brought down the British welfare state really yes that's weird because he was also a labor mp oh funny how that works they were good
Starting point is 01:00:49 for like two years you guys don't have to like them anymore uh so you know she's standing here with them all right you might think okay okay whatever these are just like some socialites hanging out but her whole family so check this shit out whatever whatever nephews speak on it was working about the what is this 2013 in fact this very year was working in the Clinton State Department the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs now Near Eastern actually means Middle Eastern uh it goes from Iran all the way I think to Libya and her nephew actually presided over the friends of Libya group like working group in in uh in the State Department which was the group that coordinated the attack on our fallen martyr Muammar Gaddafi yes not the best friends of Syria no enemies the other the other
Starting point is 01:01:42 group he was part of while he was working in the State Department was the friends of Syria committee trying to overthrow the democratically elected president of Syria Bashar al-Assad the lion the lion unfortunately he was vanquished imagine imagine someone going there to do that yeah I oh no no no no no no no no no oh yeah because Felix is ISIS thing um look everyone has a gap year uh there were yeah um so you're like oh damn that's fucking crazy he's one of two political appointees in the Clinton State Department the other one is George Mitchell who's one of the people that Virginia Jeffrey one of the main Epstein victims said raped her so both Clinton appointees to the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs were uh intimately connected with Glane Maxwell her other
Starting point is 01:02:32 nephew who I won't name because I feel like I get no doc saying no doc scene uh currently volunteers on 18th incastro for Pete Buttigieg every weekend yeah respect I don't know I like it when people get politically active all right let's go to the next one yes there we go my god so good looking yeah that is the the most vibe checks ever passed okay tag yourself tag yourself uh I'm Leslie Wexner uh I am the bowtide pervert the bowtide guy is like dark Matthew Lesko yes well he's going to go he's a college president right yeah I don't fucking deal with that shit no he's the ex-president of oh man no I'm gonna get really into it is it Orville Renbacher of Ohio State University now you guys might know a little bit about Ohio State University in their athletic
Starting point is 01:03:33 department why would they know about that because the race you're supposed to know about this the what's his name Jim what's uh the republican Jim Jordan oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I should say that I believe this is allegedly I'm glad we're recording this so this will be on record but this is off the record uh I think Leslie Wexner is a big contributor to the Ohio State University athletic department oh definitely is now if any of you are sports fans and I should say I am because I'm based as hell yeah uh you know that Ohio State is I mean that's the number one college football department in the country and a lot of it is because of the funding that they receive so you can thank these guys up here who are in no way connected to allegedly international
Starting point is 01:04:29 pedophile rings and the CIA for that fucking shit say so a little bit about Leslie Wexner Leslie Wexner is there's a lot to go in about Leslie Wexner he is like uh uh but he is the he's the guy who gave Jeffrey Epstein his like real start in life he taught him how to fuck kids he he he basically like when when he owns Victoria's Secret right among a bunch of other things including unfortunately the majority share of true and on but he he that's just through the CIA yeah well it's you know it's a cutout whatever um he he actually did own what became or he didn't own but he was a frequent and most frequent user of uh air america's next iteration after air america uh the hair on uh not the radio yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he was always that's what's the what's the
Starting point is 01:05:22 handsy guy who got uh who was the fucking congressman yeah yeah that guy yeah yeah he was friends without franken um that's not true so he owned Victoria's Secret when he owned Victoria's Secret and tell nothing we say is true yeah it's all legend until a few days ago he owned Victoria's Secret now and he he owned it for a long time I think he was the longest serving CEO on like the fortune 500 lists uh list or whatever uh Jeffrey Epstein would pretend to be like a talents guy these guys love pretending to be talents guys ladies listen there's no such thing as a talent there is no such thing as a talent there's no such thing do not fall for it sometimes people are like you know you would be great in a podcast we should go out to dinner sometime but but
Starting point is 01:06:08 actually there's no but to that you would I think all of you would be great in a podcast uh so Jeffrey Epstein would pose as a talent scout and you know you know the rest of that so Leslie Wexner a few days ago after some more revelations about one of his right-hand men uh Ed Razik who of course who would a guest is a serial rapist every guy who works at that company allegedly come on you're working in Victoria's Secret you're 65 years old you're trying to get some pussy yeah it's not a welcome secret don't fucking yeah yeah perfect anyways I'm I used to be a model so this this is difficult for me uh Leslie Wexner is basically forced to step down from Victoria's Secret a few days ago Victoria's Secret immediately the majority share is bought up by something
Starting point is 01:06:52 called Sycamore Capital and our dear friend of the pod Lee Fung uh discovered that discovered that Michael Bloomberg's money is heavily invested in Sycamore Capital so it's looking likely that while Leslie Wexner steps down Michael Bloomberg steps in so that's called leadership that's the plan I was trying to take over the whole board yes for every pedophile that steps down in Washington Michael Bloomberg will step up yep he's gonna take over with the help of a ladder because he can't really he's gonna take over the weird pedophile peristates he's gonna become president we're bringing back girdles women are wearing girdles again I can't wait to see what he has in play in store for the line of Victoria's Secret there's a lot of flesh colored full coverage
Starting point is 01:07:47 broad it's actually more like a sheet like we've got we've got a new type of corset that hurts women even more so there's one more thing actually there's a bunch more things about Michael Bloomberg first of all he would be worse than Trump hands down yes yes bro he would be the architect I take the menaker pledge to vote for Donald Trump no matter who I don't know if I'm full menaker pledge yeah because I don't support Donald Trump either but if you do will I respect you yeah I am standing firm in upholding the menaker promises to keep America great by the way I put Nellie on the list tonight Bloomberg is like legit though the like black pill acceleration oh yeah oh yeah like if you
Starting point is 01:08:43 want to see America like turn into Singapore Bloomberg's your guy what do you mean clean free of graffiti and drug use a socialist government like he is the most like mask off candidate maybe in history he I mean it's literally like he's like okay I mean he literally you guys don't understand he could if he were the president he would just go to congress and say okay I'm gonna pay for all your reelection so you don't have to do anything just pass every single bill I want and they would say okay because that's all they care about like yeah it would be full mask off the masses realize you live in a one-party fucking state yeah well that is just authoritarian executive power and brought this up to me earlier too because like again like I just don't think
Starting point is 01:09:40 Trump has the attention span or vision or agenda to meet the standards of fascism no but Bloomberg even down to the details so this this election isn't the first time Bloomberg and Bernie have butted heads during Occupy Wall Street want to send it the encampment and one of them was shutting them down so does anyone remember why Bloomberg said we have to raise this uh this village hygiene cleanliness they're filthy they're a filthy too many sodas yes they're filthy people we have to uh you know pogrom I mean like we gotta we gotta get them out of there is the thing I should get away with this shit because I don't know New York was like dirty and dangerous for a while so people sort of want you know some kind of order or whatever but he is a
Starting point is 01:10:31 legit fucking freak yeah I'm not purifying yeah I would also just remind people that that occurred under a democratic president yeah absolutely and like you know Barack Obama was president when that all went down and absolutely knew and was okay with all of that so I just want to like put that out there well Obama famously uh when Michael Bloomberg is running for his third term as mayor which he uh was banned by the city constitution but he did it anyway uh Obama uh technically endorsed his opponent Bill Thompson it was a uh a black guy who would have been the second black mayor of New York if he had won uh but Obama famously refused to go to New York City and campaign for Bill Thompson because he was very much so hedging his bets in the matter
Starting point is 01:11:19 very Bloomberg won by a hair no people forget that Barack Obama had gone to campaign against Bloomberg just made one or two appearances in the city Bill Thompson would have won yeah it was that close we love our old bungler don't we he doesn't love you he doesn't love you so I think it was like what was it 2008 or like 2012 maybe that Bloomberg kind of surrogate go on tv and offer either political party a billion dollars to let him become vice president I mean he literally said that on alpha fucking move alpha fucking yeah kind of respect yeah like that is that is the evil the more evil version of uh damblazerian pain being blown survivor yes and then he sued them too he fucking ruled it's too bad that damblazerian did post snapchats while he was flying over
Starting point is 01:12:06 jeffrey epson's island in the version and you can match it with the island and it looks like he is landing there uh I mean I don't I don't respect all other armenians I don't think that people really comprehend like how much money and influence Bloomberg has already spent more money he's already spent more money than anyone ever has to ever run for president and he's only been doing it for like two months yeah it's all on $27 donations I really really really don't think Bloomberg maybe in some fluke situation can prevent Bernie from getting the nomination but there's no universe where Bloomberg wins I don't think that's going to be possible no I don't think but if he were to win then there would we would never have another non-billionaire president that would be
Starting point is 01:12:54 it yeah it would be like it would be bloom it would be Bloomberg and then zuckerberg and then fucking Bezos it would be a tarantulas robot jar the uh the Maria Teresa sort of like enlightened despot period would be all the catholic pizza billionaires yeah monahand soda yeah I mean I don't know if everyone caught it at the debate but like he accidentally whatever power praxis he got a little bit came out and said I bought all of the yeah he said I bought but like he literally did like I don't think you guys understand like every town his his um you know a gun you know organization by the way if you want your fucking guns to be taken away by Michael Bloomberg yeah you're a cuck yeah um that is cringe and fucking blue pill no but like they literally funneled
Starting point is 01:13:52 so much money into the midterm elections they basically bought the entire virginia legislature which is that was a big story about how virginia you know who we flipped it red to blue or whatever and it's because of white face the black face and it's paid off and I will say if you want to you know I'm going to give a shout out because the intercept has been doing amazing reporting and it's really hard to find good honest reporting on all of the dark money moves and you know you know how much I hate journalists so that that means a lot all right who here voted for London breed oh fuck nobody so all right this is a little ironic that I always get accused of being sexist I'm the only person who you're fucking voted for a woman so our mayor who is psychotic
Starting point is 01:14:45 uh allegedly no no no okay you try to hit me and Jen in a car was as well as London breed that's not someone from the young of the restless well so a little backstory on this about I think it was seven or eight years ago a guy named Durf Butler came out with a guy well I don't know if you guys remember shrimp boy that's right shrimp boy this is a free shrimp boy podcast by the way that by the way that nickname is like pretty unfair like my dick does get bigger by the way I just want to say I wish I could eat shellfish Durf Butler outed shrimp boy yeah which is just a great statement he really he kind of ratted on London breed he was like you know she actually she was taking fucking uh what do you call it gift cards untraceable gift cards from shrimp boy
Starting point is 01:15:52 of course our city is a piece of shit yes so no one looked at their all just like well I don't know really brown pays all of us so she's technically my fucking co-worker so what's the point of looking into it anyways fast forward down the line and very recently uh our our progressive mayor um our our progressive mayor uh love progressive yes uh she endorsed Michael Bloomberg and a lot of people were like that's fucking crazy yeah and all those stupid pieces shit fucking democratic clubs wrote a letter to her being like oh but he's transphobic it's like motherfucker you voted for London I don't know what to tell you you voted for fucking London breed she is like Bloomberg uh but uh yeah it is um it it also came out that she has uh she had been taking possibly some
Starting point is 01:16:43 untoward donations from her employee the DPW had Mahaba Nuru who is the inventor uh of Nuru massage it's he gave him oh he lied to me then I'll tell you after uh so uh she she had her 18 year old car fixed for fifty six hundred dollars from him which I mean obviously isn't fucking true uh and I am uh I am he's arrested by the FBI now and I cannot wait to see what happens to her but that's a lesson here I think that every single person who endorsed Michael Bloomberg should be arrested yes absolutely this should not be a controversial stance this is basic justice yeah you're a traitor to humanity you cannot be rehabilitated if you're a Bloomberg booster that's it you're one of the people who has the sign that says hail ants when the alien ants show up
Starting point is 01:17:42 okay so uh Bloomberg is the is the guy who like a lot of the people in the democratic party are like I mean like they're it's just like they're they're playing musical chairs right now I mean after Biden won South Carolina maybe they're gonna go back to him to be like you know here's our next dope yeah because Bloomberg is just is I mean after those debate performances I mean come on what do you want from me people I'm rich so they're playing me like who's gonna be the guy to stop Bernie Sanders right and I want to talk now about uh their their plan for doing that and and this is uh comes courtesy of the New York Times and once again this is a sort of a theme on this this tour here for these primaries is we were right we continue to be right forever everything eternally
Starting point is 01:18:32 always eternally corrected all matters always eternally we continue to be right about everything it's just the things that we're right about are all blood curdlingly awful but here's the thing we are right about one very big thing that's quite good you know what I'm talking about Bernie Sanders um yeah okay he is big too he is big I met him at the I he came and interviewed for the ILW the man walks in he's like where the hell can I get a cup of coffee which was really I found I found that very charming but he's like six three chat we got a chat on our hands fantastic absolutely did not give a shit so they're they're strategy for they're strategy for dealing with Bernie Sanders should he continue to win and he will if every one of this audience continues to
Starting point is 01:19:19 do he will win he will get ready so their strategy for dealing with this is their the Democratic Party is currently in a tailor shop getting fitted for a bespoke suicide vest yeah they're going to detonate should they get the chance oh they'll do it they don't care and I'm speaking of course about this comes courtesy of the New York Times just this last week Democratic leaders willing to risk party damage to stop Bernie Sanders which is ironic because I'm willing to risk the same thing to elect him so yeah that's fine in fact it's a requirement yeah exactly you can't have one without the other yes we will see who is bluffing soon enough yeah yeah if these people think that we will that's this game of chicken oh my god I have nothing to lose if these
Starting point is 01:20:13 people think that we will not destroy the Democratic Party they do not understand what's happening but that's like the whole point we live in a fucking San Francisco is a Democratic city and it's fucking horrible to live here yes it's fucking I've never lived more than like 10 miles from where we're sitting right now and I'll tell you fucking what it is it's like every it's every so fucking expensive it's disgusting the fucking pigs everyone sucks shit everyone sucks shit it's all fucking rich people they give fuck even I they give fucking Twitter I mean Twitter's fucking sitting sitting down there like the fucking Obergrupenfuhrer bureau some of you are some of you are I'll tell you what what's corona gets here and gets here bad they'll
Starting point is 01:21:00 fucking start putting those homeless people in camps where the fucking god fema let them breathe and I'm a new rule already fucking get a head start on that yeah so fuck them we literally live in a society you guys know what I mean so here's the dammit brace at least you can't vape I know it's fucking Julie's band here it's not even banded goddamn red that's why you make me buy you guys soda's here did they ban the sodas like thank god they closed down the fucking one gun store in San Francisco and banned fucking flavored tobacco and now all fucking jewel because at least you know at least my rent is still fucking my rent isn't actually this but most people says like three to thirty five hundred dollars brace and I are becoming preppers you guys we're going
Starting point is 01:21:42 all fucking crazy so here you go this goes uh I mean they're they're just telling you what they're gonna do so I mean like I'm taking them at their word for this and they should take me at my word for what I'm gonna do if they fucking do it interviews with dozens of democratic party officials including 93 super delegates found overwhelming opposition to handing Mr. Sanders a nomination if he fell short of a majority of delegates since Mr. Sanders victory in the Nevada Nevada caucuses on Saturday the Times has interviewed 93 party officials all of them super delegates who could have a say in the nominee at the convention and found overwhelming opposition to handing from okay from California to the Carolinas party leaders say they worry
Starting point is 01:22:29 Mr. Sanders a democratic socialist was passionate but limited support so far I love that line hey hey do you know do you know do you know do you know do you know what's even more limited support than Sanders so far every other fucking candidate and and what they're doing and what they're doing is that they're trying to say well you know 60 percent of the people that have voted so far didn't vote for Bernie Sanders so that's the majority and it's like wait a second that would only be the case if you put the remaining assholes into the brindle fly teleporter and just had them vote for the steaming mass of flesh and innards that came out the other side of it well you could also put them in like a large compact it's just really funny to watch them all
Starting point is 01:23:14 like kind of play these language game I'm really excited to watch what the media response to super Tuesday is because it's just so wild watching it's like oh actually majority doesn't uh plural he has plurality not majority plurality is the word that we all need to use and they're all using all these oh well all these other people have these mixes that make majority not plural it's like shut the fuck up Bernie Sanders plural gang it's like I don't know it's just really fun watching all these gymnastics by the mainstream media it's 2016 all over again it is but it's on geopinion except this time we're trump dude yes it's insane yeah no it's like they say that they're like oh like trump it's like yes exactly like trump no but exactly like trump but that's
Starting point is 01:24:03 what's so crazy is like they had virtually we're just talking about this when we were smoking cigarettes like cool people and uh you know it's so crazy they had four years to prepare for the scenario and like literally they're like kids that didn't study for the exam or whatever it's like it's insane they don't know what they're doing it's it's like watching all of these things fall into place and you're like how did they fuck this up it's it's fucking wild and it really shows and I you know I'm really serious about this like the democratic party is not a party in any meaningful sense no yeah yeah and like if it were there literally would have been a smoke filled room there would have been a fucking candidate yes but there's not and I have to say and this is what I
Starting point is 01:24:49 said you know outside is that like there's a really important piece to be written about how Obama dismantled the democratic yes thank you Obama well yeah it's like it's literally just a coterie of consultants who are all looking out for their own ass I mean look at all the x where's ex-Obama people okay they're all vcs yep line of their pockets Uber yeah you know what this says they're marketeers you know what this means is that Barack Obama is the most joker-fied politician of 20% damn wow he is the joker he's the chief joker but you know the presence of joker requires the birth of a Batman yes and the gentle touch of a lady joker and you know what and uh like like Batman uh both the Bernie Sanders parents died when he was very young as well
Starting point is 01:25:48 sorry okay it's a good thing it's why he's a hero also like Bernie Sanders is rich he's got a bad habit that's like my little cabin is his bad game with the little chicken batwoman's school college now we're getting a little anti-Semitic again okay no but you you mentioned you mentioned Obama and it is going on in this article it says others are urging former president Barack Obama to get involved to broker a truce either among the four monitor candidates or between the standards and the establishment wings according to three people familiar with these conservationist conversations William Owen a DNC member from Tennessee suggested that if mr. Obama was unwilling his wife Michelle could be nominated as vice president giving the
Starting point is 01:26:33 party a figure they could still rally behind how is she gonna do that when she's got to produce her Netflix shows here's my here's my favorite part about this article you're talking about like the kids who hadn't studied for the Kermit term and they're cramming this is what they're coming up with but representative Don Byer of Virginia cast an even wider net suggesting senators from Virginia and Delaware along with Ms. Pelosi as possible nominees at some point you can imagine someone saying let's go get Mark Warner Chris Coons Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi said the gang back together somebody that could win and we could all get behind and celebrate that's weird because neither of those things would happen they would lose and no one would
Starting point is 01:27:24 celebrate here's the thing yes I just want to like make this clear we talked about Elizabeth Warren in the first act and we're talking about like just and anyone that they can get in if they can they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna rat fuck him out of that even if he comes with vastly more votes and delegates than any of the other candidates if he doesn't cross that 1991 threshold they're gonna do it yeah so here's the thing I know you know we've been or certainly I have been considered of being coercive being threatening people to withhold the votes of my podcast from a general election alpha doing toxic masculinity yeah but here's a thing you're going to lose subscriber DNC but here's the thing let's be clear sure I'll cop to that but this is a
Starting point is 01:28:10 Mexican standoff they're holding a gun to my head too this is the end of reservoir dogs and like who's gonna pull the fucking trigger first and you know like you know we're making the offer and for the first time because of the strength and size of the Sanders room movement and its success so far this is the first time in my lifetime in which we have the actual power to make the same offer to them that they've been making to us for our entire lives and guess what we have the upper hand for the first time in forever and I think we are being very generous I've said this before the worst thing about a Bernie presidency is that it will save the democratic party so yeah very true you want to live but like race as you said it's sort of like first of all I know like we were we're gaming
Starting point is 01:29:05 out of plan because these people are just telling you what they're going to do yeah but here's a thing it doesn't even have to be like that we can save them from killing themselves if we really want to by winning so many fucking delegates I will say it is like very fucking sweet to see like all these pansy ass like cook say bitches no he said it I'll say dorks uh fucking saying oh what do I oh I have to choose between the lesser of two evils it's like welcome to the fucking party bitch like nice uh nice to see you here bye bye so we know what we know what they're saying like yeah they're they're holding everyone hostage everyone hold up today's newspaper and we'll take a photo of the whole audience tonight and send it to dnc headquarters to and you know
Starting point is 01:30:03 like I'm already I'm I'm already you just all have Stockholm syndrome where the Pied Piper says we've heard from the beautiful gray lady and guess what I I have already bought one of those like scream vocal distortion things so when I call Tom Perez it'll sound cool you know yeah also Amber I fucked a gray lady I bet you did but uh just just like like close this out like they're they're telling you what they're gonna do and I just want to like provide here now like a vision of what what they're trying to stop of what these people would literally sacrifice their like only child to prevent from happening which is a sweet man from Vermont giving you health care no anything to stop that it's not intersectional health care
Starting point is 01:31:00 black women should get different health care yeah this is will's burning so like yeah like I sort of this is a like a like a good Bernie bad Bernie good cop bad cop and like I took start with two selections of uh the Bernie Sanders that I love and respond to this and and this and this and this is who they're trying to destroy these awful these awful people these awful men this is this is what they're trying to stop and they're not gonna it's not gonna work but this is what they're trying to do this is the man that they're trying to stop the baseball yeah I eat extra shop that's what I eat you know like there's great cheese and we wish them the very best of luck in another 90 years
Starting point is 01:31:46 that's Bernie professing his love for extra sharp cheddar cheese which I gotta be honest keep that shit away from him now dude also I'm respect for one of us not being lactose intolerant I think not I think he does what a lot of us do which is like realize he's intolerant and just go anyway not me not me not me I take care of myself no so some of us like the bathroom and like going there no it's fine cheese is good for you we all know that's like vaping it's just good for you when I when I interviewed Bernie you know after you know after the camera stopped rolling I offered him a few hits of my jewel because you know like hey center you've never seen something like this you've never met a cool guy before uh just have some and he was like
Starting point is 01:32:35 you know I heard that might cause heart palpitations so I said no it doesn't it's good for you it makes you so this is right for us no no it's fine and then wait a minute what happened a week later I don't know I don't read the news I I yeah he had an artifact dude he said it was okay he said Jooling's cool though okay here here is here is my clip number two of the Bernie Sanders I know and love actually this is one of the fun days of the year for me I love it yeah and just we don't get the scores by Philip Glass sorry 200 people I'm sorry for this like uh like uh just like barrage of like David Lynch ominous noises here but he's actually planting that brain tree from the red room yes the G love getting brain from the tree 15 city workers for a week
Starting point is 01:33:25 and concentrating that energy in one area such as tree planting can really transform the city so so he's saying he's uh this is from his public access show in Vermont he's talking about concentrating the energy of his community to coming together and planting 200 trees in Burlington oh what a sweetheart how can you not love this man I love him so much sounds like hippie bullshit to me yeah emmer you give you give the counter the countercase here I have a different Bernie that I love this shit fine it plays well with the soft kids but the Bernie in my heart in my cold black little heart which beats only for the glorious cause of the workers movement you'll see that here in my clip of my Bernie so I'm gonna need you to hold your fucking applause
Starting point is 01:34:21 so help me god San Francisco I will punch every hippie I see if you do not hold your fucking applause until the end of this clip I know you're gonna want to clap but there is an arc you got it you just gotta be patient you gotta wait for it you gotta wait for it builds it builds here Sacramento was able to hold their applause yeah they did a great job Sacramento is better than San Francisco those dirt worshiping sad people they can manage to do it if you hold your applause till the end yes come on I support the important amendment brought forth by congressman Dellums and congresswoman waters sometimes I think that the people in this institution and in the White House are really losing contact and not knowing what's going on with the American people in case
Starting point is 01:35:16 you don't know and you haven't seen the latest polls the American people hold the president of the United States in contempt they hold this institution in contempt they hold the Republican party in contempt they hold the Democratic party in contempt they think that maybe given all of the crises facing this country it's about time that there was some bold leadership here and that this institution made some hard choices and this is what the choice is about we are spending 270 billion dollars a year on the military but we don't have a major enemy I know it hurts your feelings I know you're upset about it I know you're hoping and praying that maybe we'll have another war maybe somebody will rise up but it ain't happening the Soviet Union doesn't exist the war
Starting point is 01:36:12 so a pack is through who you're worried about Iraq Panama who you're worried about I'll tell you who I'm worried about I'm worried about the fact that our workers are seeing a decline in their standard of living they want to see our industry no more B2 bombers no more Star Wars let's make the quality products we need let's invest in American industry no I won't yield the American people want to see our kids educated they want a head start program they want their kids to be able to go to college they want to wipe out the fact that five million children in this country go to bed hungry they want childcare for their kids they want decent education let's have the guts to give some leadership to this country the cold war is over let's reinvest in America
Starting point is 01:37:03 let's support this amendment thank you the gentleman's expired the gentleman from california uh Woo! San Francisco, California, I will tell you what I have now had the privilege of telling San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and now all the way to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday cannot just win California. No. He has to fucking blow it out of the water. Yeah. California! California! Do you want to win by one point,
Starting point is 01:38:00 or do you want to win by fucking 30 points? Oh, uh... I've heard Santa Cruz needs volunteers. They need canvassers in Santa Cruz. I got it. I got it. I got it. Coach, go there if you can. I got a little information for you. There are official Bernie canvassers and phone banks
Starting point is 01:38:23 all day over the Bay Area, and you can find one close to you at Additionally, there is a non-stop Bernie operation being run out of the East Bay DSA office. You can walk right in at any time between now and Tuesday, and you'll be put straight to work. The address is 3832 Market Street in Oakland.
Starting point is 01:38:48 You can also sign up to the San Francisco DSA. They're doing that shit too. It's in the fucking lobby. One more bit of a... Just sort of like a PSA here. This is a make-or-break state, but there's a catch. Voters who are registered no-party preference must request a Democratic crossover ballot
Starting point is 01:39:09 in order to vote for Bernie in the California primary on March 3rd. If you have already received a ballot in the mail and Bernie Sanders' name does not appear, do not use the ballot. Instead, go to your polling place at the local county elections office to get one. Some voting centers have already opened.
Starting point is 01:39:25 If you need any more information or have any questions at all, please go to slash California or call the California's campaign hotline at 818-856-5083. We will tweet this out in case you need to check it out. But, California, this is the last stop on our tour. We have been... We have been to Iowa, which we won.
Starting point is 01:39:54 We have been to New Hampshire, which we won. We have been to Nevada, which was a fucking massacre for Bernie Sanders. California, do you want that, like, weird desert state that's next door to you guys to show you up? Fuck no. Our goal when we go home on Wednesday is to fly back to the shitty cold-ass northeast.
Starting point is 01:40:18 It's to fly back warm, deep inside by knowing that all 415 of California's delegates are safe in the back pocket of Bernie fucking Sanders! Get that brain! Every other candidate, fuck them! Go home! You get nothing! San Francisco, California, this has been a joy before we go.
Starting point is 01:40:49 As always, we must pay homage to the man behind the ones and twos, the man who makes it all possible, producer Chris Wade! Let's come out of the air on the stage! Also, real quick, a thank you to Maly O'Brien, our director of photography and co-producer. We did a masterful editing job on our political ads
Starting point is 01:41:16 that you saw at intermission. And last, but certainly not least, to Brace and Liz from Truinand Podcast. Yes! The king and queen of the Bay Area! Please like and subscribe to Truinand to destroy your brain even further than listening to our podcast.
Starting point is 01:41:39 This is San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts Theatre. We are Trap Out Trap House. This is the end of our tour. Let's go out and finish this fucking fight on Tuesday! Yes! Good night and Twitter for fucking Ferdy! Hey, come on, babe. Follow me.
Starting point is 01:42:25 I'm the firefighter. Follow me. I'm the firefighter. And I'll show you where it's at. Come on, babe. Can't you see? I'm the firefighter. Trust in me.
Starting point is 01:42:43 I'm the firefighter. And I'll show you where it's at. Girl, don't be scared to move. Hey, babe, what are you trying to prove?

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