Chapo Trap House - 400 - The Stand (3/9/20)

Episode Date: March 10, 2020

This is a very complicated case, you know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you's. We're doing a show at Murmrr in Brooklyn this April 22nd, come thru:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Corona find your beach. I think that's their slogan or it was where are they gonna change the name of that beer to Maybe they'll just get stop selling it because it's not like it's an independent company. It's just a brand Yeah, exactly, so they'll just be like, oh, yeah, what corona that wasn't anything It's bad by the time by the time they rebrand it like it'll be gone Like it takes too long to roll that shit out. Yeah, that's true. If you hit a million You probably can't call anything corona after that. Yeah, but anything south of a million I think you can probably get away with it. You think corona is mad. I mean my my micro burrow COVID IPA Which just started last month is a epic COVID IPA. I've invested all my money in epic COVID
Starting point is 00:00:48 Well, I was supposed to be corvid, but it was misprinted, you know We wanted to like support crows and Ravens because it's a dark stout porter With chocolate notes of coffee. Yes, it's epic. I've invested all my money and yours from the show Epic COVID-19 It was 20 it was the 2019 vintage Porter stout Yeah, by the way, can I can I store like 400 cases of that in the office? Oh, no, I will only be referring to it as captain trips. Yes, because it's all fitting into the dark hour universe
Starting point is 00:01:47 Just on a darker level of the power net now. I just recently rewatched You know when I was coming back from the west coast By the way, hello. Welcome. We're back. We're back in Brooklyn We are live for the quarantine zone officially declared state of emergency We're live from George Romero's the crazy The head of Port Authority is diagnosed and yeah, what a shock. Of course he does if anyone has it It's going to be that for authority is the largest Petri dish on the planet. There are diseases there There's an airborne gonorrhea. Yeah, there's like there's woolly mammoths have thought out and farted out like less
Starting point is 00:02:31 Contagious diseases than what exists in the bathrooms of the Port Authority So, yes, it's it's Matt Amber and will we are recording Howard Hughes style from my personal projection room We've got Kleenex boxes on our feet The urine is being stored and catalogued by the way Matt. I think you should drink more water Yeah, no, but Matt so I chose to start rewatching the TNT The series adaptation of Stephen King's the stand Yes, I started I rewatched the the 90s made for TV miniseries adaptation Stephen King's the stand great cast very corny, but very effective like like entertaining like TV
Starting point is 00:03:22 miniseries and decently Honestly for such a huge and unwieldy book decently loyal to the source material. Yeah, very well cast It was actually cast in Gary Sinise Gary Sinise. I always think of Jamie Sheridan as Randall flag. Yeah Miguel for air to any wise. Oh, yes fucking Lloyd Henry. Yes, cream Abdul Jibar. Anyway, so I chose Ringwalled anyone. Yeah, there's a there's a ton of Ray Walson. There's just just status ed Harris Kathy Bates has a little small part stacked cast anyway I chose to start rewatching that Returning from the West Coast with I don't know a cough and mild fever
Starting point is 00:04:03 So I've certainly chosen the the right time to dip back into that source material But Matt you see you've told me that the Randall flag shows up in the dark tower books as well Yeah, Randall flag is sort of that. He's he is a character who is a shapeshifter basically He is also known as the man in black Martin Broad cloak Walter O'Dimm he is sort of a man of many faces in many places and places and he shows up in a lot of Stephen King books He's okay like the main the main Major domo of the Crimson King who has the main like evil force in the in the dark tower universe Yeah, so that's a in one like an on one level of the tower like one reality
Starting point is 00:04:47 He is the one who helps unleash the superflu the captain trips. Okay, everyone got it. Well Uh, we're recording this on Monday. Oh by the way, you want to talk about apocalyptic? Yes, the stand. Yes Coronavirus and then you can remember. Oh, they're releasing a remake of the stand Access is it Apple TV or is that Apple TV? Okay Apple TV. Yeah, I think I mean, I'll watch Now well Alexander SARS guard will be playing Randall flag That's good actually, he's very scary when I think he could pull it off. Oh, yeah, he's mad as saying. Yeah I think also he's getting away from the whole SARS thing and going straight to a whole new Association I just I they're gonna have a hard time beating that opening shot though the first episode where it's panning over all the corpses in
Starting point is 00:05:33 The facility after the fire skits out with don't fear the Reaper playing. Oh, yeah Oh, good. So good. Good luck. Good luck beating that. Can't you can't do bluestar cult? No, I think I think I really do think it's highly possible that we already had it. Yeah, probably I mean, we were in Sanford. We weren't like we all northern California, which had a big break out Yeah, we were there. I had about I also had events shaking lots of people's hands We were at a watch party that had probably a thousand people at it at one point We had 700 people in this in the in the in the Palace of Fine Arts together sharing You know a fine art drugs and cigarettes and you know there and I had a bodily cavities. Yes, I had a
Starting point is 00:06:17 I'll speak for yourself. I Had a nurse be like, yeah, like there's she's like containment is kind of not gonna happen Oh, man, it's kind of gone and she's like but the good news is you probably already had it Just thought you had the flu. You know what's so awesome though Is that the one of the reasons it's gonna be so bad here is because it's like People often blame the president for things that aren't his fault, but this one is one where it's directly Yeah, because because he's idiot like germaphobe's more on brain when he found out about this the thought was don't let anyone in so all their effort was in
Starting point is 00:06:56 Like stopping flights and like ceiling borders and shit And then they did yeah, and they said oh, it's a hoax and that sounds like oh, we're gonna contain it We're gonna stop it from ever getting in there, which means they didn't do any early testing Which means it got in there and it was already behind the lines before you could throw up anything And then they intentionally under countered it to keep the number low to make it look like it was contained Amazing. I mean the thing about this, you know a global pandemic like this At this level and like, you know, it's impossible to say like how much anyone should be freaking out or what? I it's actually not impossible. There's pretty like clear instructions about how much you should be freaking out
Starting point is 00:07:33 Tell me please you shouldn't be freaking out If you're immunocompromise a baby or not even a baby doesn't kill babies. It kills infants No, I don't think it's killed anyone. Well, it hasn't yet, but those are the people that don't have the immunities Yeah, the rest of us we are going to feel like shit, and then we won't I do think it's funny though Yeah, there's literally I mean like it's it's going to have like a higher mortality rate than like the last big flu Whatever, but it'll still like the mortality is only going to save people that did that Die of the flu the problem that the issue just is because it's gonna be a lot of people infected and Even though a lot not a lot of people will die a significant number of people are going to need
Starting point is 00:08:17 Medical attention. Yeah, and that's going to put a strain on the medical system that it can't withstand That's gonna be the real problem But I do think that it is funny that the people who are most blasé about this the people who in fact think that it's not a Big deal and that in fact it's the fake news media lying to make the president Trump look bad because he actually has it Perfectly contained because he is a strong president who gets things done are the people most at risk of actually dying of the fucking thing So it's like they're at the in the village is like I'm going to the cheesecake factory I'm gonna show the dummy crats and then two weeks later. They fucking keel over, you know It's like I know it won't happen because it would actually be just I just mean like like a global pandemic of
Starting point is 00:08:52 Of this nature really is like the perfect Stress test not just for like global capitalism, but like do you live in a country with like a competent functioning state? Yeah, it's like the perfect test for that because like can you do the measures necessary to like halt the economy like or just like Or just cover the things that need to get done Yeah With a bare level of competency and the answer if you live in America is absolutely not and you know It's so funny in the very early stages of this people were making fun of China for their bungled response Now it looks like they pass with flying colors
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah, it looks like they have it fully contained because they have an amazing like proactive thing They're testing people they figured out a way to test people by putting them through CT scanners Because CT scanners can see certain like build up in the lungs It is like a part of corona so they could like put like 10 people a minute They are 10 people like an hour through a fucking CT scanner and they're getting everybody tested They're like lock it out. They literally build hospitals So they actually even though it's the fucking ampersand or have it contained and now we're like, oh shit Testing yeah, we'll get on that. Oh, by the way, maybe you should let your employees go home
Starting point is 00:09:57 I know we've like created a culture where nobody can ever go home from work because then they'll lose money that will literally Keep them alive, but if you're talking about like employees going home or like working, you know Tell a you know commuting or whatever like that's like only like that's like a certain like swath of the economy like if you're in the service Economy like you can't just stay home. Oh, you know, you don't have sick leave You don't have fucking like benefits or whatever and you're preparing people's food or whatever what not, you know Yeah, so and now we actually have the fucking government saying that they might impose like Sick leave now for the first time in response to this crisis just saying like wow Maybe there would have been a good idea to have just hanging around anyway
Starting point is 00:10:36 So this doesn't happen in the first place. Well, I can't do that and you know like on top of that It's like, you know America is a basket case country But at the same time you think about like the CDC like this is what they do, right? And I imagine there are a lot of it since they cut But like what did you think about? Yeah, their budget has been slashed and they're being actively censored by so one guy with a lot of paperwork Yeah, and they're being actively like censored like they cannot yeah even like publicly state Yeah, like any of their data about who's been tested or for what or whatever
Starting point is 00:11:09 No, and the people actually in charge of this are litter are all of like Trump's fucking like It's like Pets is prayer circle. Yeah, just a prayer circle. Yeah, the laying of hands The fucking my pillow guy Yeah, exactly. Yeah, just like top to bottom just tent revival Salesman cronies They're all just like they're too busy scamming each other with multi-level marketing schemes to even bother with their jobs Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:40 Do you see? Gifted hands Ben Carson being interviewed hell Yeah, that's the brightest where they were like, okay like this this cruise ship full of this plague ship It's gonna dock like tomorrow morning. Do you have any plans to deal with it? He was like, yes, we do I'm not gonna tell them to you now, but they'll be ready in 72 hours And they're like well the boat's docking in 12 He's like, oh, yeah, I just We're ready. We're prepared for this and it's like Mike Pence the guy who's in charge of it also probably exposed to the coronavirus
Starting point is 00:12:11 Oh, yeah, and then like their press release for it was a prayer circle with the laying of hands on Mike Pence. It's good stuff Let's just start killing cats, right? Yeah, you know, it's just throwing them down the well Yeah, they're really cursed which is familiar. Yeah, I I mean, I do think that there does seem to be some kind of like organic like medical community kind of Response that at least I'm hearing from like a lot of like nurses who are like Okay, here's what you need to do, but it's like they don't really have like a platform Yeah, no the platform is well being held by these absolute fucking oaths
Starting point is 00:12:49 Well, as you said Amber like it's a scary idea But like we do know like exactly the steps you need to do. Yeah, like to you to like, you know Flatten this sort of like Yeah, don't you know don't go rollerblading through a retirement community Yeah, and wash your hands wash your hands stay home Not gonna do that. Yeah, I'm not shaving my beard. I'm not gonna stop vaping. It's like it is. I live. Can I live, please? Let me live. Yes, exactly. Let will live. Can I live? So instead people are just panicking and freaking out and it's kind of racist and that's cool. And there's stockpiling
Starting point is 00:13:30 Toilet paper? I don't think they know what disease is. I don't know. I just think they're just thinking of oh if I'm in the bed If I do work if I got to stay home for a month, you know, I'm shit Yeah, but I mean like the set out the doo-doo ass, but you know, well, you know, as long as as long as the water stays on Take a duty and they just show in the shower just backdraft blast. That's good, baby I mean really we should have the days anyway, you know what though like that, you know It's it's you know, it is unnerving like I feel like that we are with both the election and this new global pandemic I kind of feel like we're entering a sort of a new continent an unexplored Oh, yes in in global capitalist democracy or a new experiment a new level that we haven't played yet
Starting point is 00:14:22 But that being said like I do like thinking about like if it ever gets really really bad Like, you know all like the politicians and these rich powerful assholes will just be like in there Like they'll they'll be stitched up. They'll be fine But because everyone is so like ignorant and it's been so badly handled. There is just a small chance, you know Like the Ted Cruz's 10 quick self-quarantine himself I know I'd like just think I'm sorry just thinking about an entire weekend of CPAC and APAC attendees just Gobbing on each other shaking each other's hand showing each other like the fucking Judean infinity stone
Starting point is 00:15:00 Yeah, yeah proves that judo bet was here and they're all fucking like Overwhelmingly elderly. Oh god. They're so they're all just like spitting in each other's fucking coffee cups and just touching each other sucking and Just because this Felix said they just had to have Zionist prom and if this is the time of like Larry Kudlow was just saying Yeah, it's contained. Yeah, it's pretty well contained like go shopping everybody. It's fine or Trump is going. It's a hoax. It's hoax folks It just it makes anything like you know will will God ever punish? Yeah I kind of can't believe it at this point Yeah, if they started dropping man if Sheldon Adelston just like dried up. Yeah, a fucking pee pot
Starting point is 00:15:47 Blowed away like I haven't been dead for years. It has been like been replaced by Like a year ago. There was a big thing where it's like Sheldon Adelston near death and then it was like, oh, no, he's fine Yeah, well, I guess a Chuck E. Cheese Yeah, like I said we're recording this on Monday the stock market has been officially It's doing great folks. It's doing fantastic That doesn't mean actually you this means you should double down on phone banking Yeah, and if you get a hard bite and supporter just remind them that voting booths are vectors for disease It's true. Just tell these all those any old person, you know, just tell them about how dangerous the shit is and about
Starting point is 00:16:33 to use pure hard by libraries like well careful school gymnasiums libraries firehouses police stations Places where people tend to do things like churches churches places with poles. Maybe don't go you will die God, this is so frustrating because like with this shit happening It's really is an opportunity. It feels like but we're also like awfully wrong-footed to actually meet it It's insanely frustrating news reports today that Trump has asked to convene an Oval Office meeting of Wall Street and bank executives to deal with the coronavirus economic crisis Please go ahead with this, sir. Mr. President, please please attempt. Please hold this meeting bring the jobs back, sir
Starting point is 00:17:20 Jamie diamonds, sir our future Treasury Secretary. Are you listening? Sir? Yes, you must attend this meeting for the good of the country He must save America all this Jamie diamond. You must open mouth kiss Trump for the good of the country, sir Yes, it's like yeah, like I said Stock market just just pause they hit just the pause yeah on that to avoid I don't know the single biggest drop in the history of the market Yeah, it was 1600 points in the first like two minutes And then they stopped it and then they started it back up and I think it went back up a little oh and then end on top of all this the Saudis have just kicked up oil production. Just to fuck the entire planet. Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:58 Like his dad's dead or grandfather or something. Maybe we don't know There's been reports, but no confirmation that's King Solomon is dead Also, just he's arrested a bunch of his brother. He's arrested a whole bunch of princes as well Again now this it appears to be an attack on Russia to try to undermine Russia's economy even further by Crashing oil prices and now that led to a matte a trillion dollars lost in the in in the oil futures They're a barrel barrel of oil $30. It's really cool to live in interesting times. Oh, it's very interesting times It's I mean the thing of us and with the thing isn't that is gonna be a shock on like because it's like people But talk about corporate debt and how it's huge and unsustainable
Starting point is 00:18:39 But the only that's not a problem as long as like the flows of money continue like the flows are sort of infinite So it's fine. It all feeds itself. But if there's some sort of massive shock to the system An exogenous shock like say a huge collapse of one of the big markets, you know a commodity or say a massive demand Collapse caused by a pandemic disease that makes people stay home and not shop and go outside or do anything those things create Situations where the flow gets interrupted and suddenly somebody can't pay their note Which means they can't pay their note, which means it's a cascading Series of defaults, which is essentially what happened in the housing market in 2007
Starting point is 00:19:19 And it would be in the corporate debt area and that could very well be triggered by this I mean the real so you're saying buy toilet paper Those ensure maybe that's very nutrient rich I was gonna say I mean the hardest thing involves people not going to the movies Seriously guys, you got a fucking support film got a support movie magic I'm spending this whole next week at metrograph cuz Chinatown and movie theater. No one will be there. Yeah Oh, it'll be empty. I just want to I just want to watch things on the big I know I saw the Pixar's onward had a very disappointing 40 million dollar opening weekend. It's like come on people
Starting point is 00:20:00 Let's get out there and even make dreams. Let's support. Let's support our dream weavers If Tarantino makes a movie straight for Netflix, I'm gonna fucking kill my I Guess like to transition like I said like we are like I said experiencing like a you know, maybe I won't say unprecedented, but it's a problem It's like a stress test of like global capitalism and democracy We are not handling it. Well, the likes of which I certainly have not seen in my lifetime Yeah, but like, you know God if only there were a I don't know
Starting point is 00:20:33 A political candidate who offered a steady hand at the till who's been like, I don't know right about all these Alternatives that could like get gather people, you know to a common good Basic lucidity a kind of stability. It kind of like I don't know shared purpose and like Democratic management of the resources of our society in a way that fosters investing a new infrastructure Structure coming good or minimizing the health and well-being collapse. Yeah, like actually making things better for people Instead of just telling everyone now we all have to tighten our belts even more Michigan in Washington, are you listening? Because the alternative is as I alluded to earlier apparently according to Axios
Starting point is 00:21:19 And I don't know who the fucking Joe Biden's campaign would leak this or if anything It may be it's pretty Sandra's campaign that legally so we're I don't care that apparently he's considering a Jamie diamond for Treasury Secretary Yeah, Jamie diamond or Elizabeth Warren, which is fucking hysterical Of course simps on the internet are saying well that's how you know, it's not true because that's silly No administration would have both of those people in it. Yes One that was just throwing you scraps and pursuing a corporate agenda like every other Democrat has ever done in history Also, Michael Bloomberg for president of the World Bank. Oh hell. Yeah, he's gonna make all the country's be hey Hey, yeah bills
Starting point is 00:21:58 Equator, I mean it is like the ideal position for someone like him. He's a punitive freak Yeah, awful monster and that entire apparatus exists. Yeah, honey. He's like the Robocop of global capital is it? Oh Boy, that would be his economic mech I love the idea also that putting Warren in the cabinet would be a stop to the left. It's like she did your handiwork She is the one who made you viable That's like if you're it's like hey Republicans after the Civil War your Democrats Sorry about Lincoln getting killed, but we're gonna make fucking we're gonna put John Wilkes Booth on the Supreme Court It's like she is one of the bad guys. I just like, you know
Starting point is 00:22:38 If you can't recognize that you're either a liar or a fucking moron since our last recording. There's been your man of Glacias Who was both? Yeah. Yes, there's been so much, you know, ink and posts spilled about you know God now is more important than ever for Elizabeth Warren to endorse Bernie Sanders and you know like It's just you really, you know, it seems like you and by you I mean will men occur you individually of an out of a nation of people have really Sour the chances of this by being so mean to her and her supporters personally To which I say it doesn't fucking matter at this point No, take that fucking endorsement and create a new asshole for yourself and stuff it up there
Starting point is 00:23:23 And besides we already have the most important endorsement the working families part I was gonna say Timmy thick fucking yesterday Yeah, the working well better late than never right ember. It's just like fucking idiots, okay imagine being so bad at opportunism that you Can't even put like a facade of like seriousness on your bullshit press releases
Starting point is 00:23:52 The working families party which by the way, I worked for a while Nalini stamp was my boss by the way if you want any good stories and run it to me at bar. I might tell you They are sort of one half cult and one half one of those sort of Machines for PMC people to like work at for three months So they have something to put on there are Ivy League law school applications. They are the most degraded Completely, I would say okay. I would say degraded implies that at some point
Starting point is 00:24:30 They had an agenda that was in any way like serious. They are the most hollow collection of Bullshit PMC Community organizers self-appointed leaders of this or that group Organization I could possibly imagine I I Could not wish worse upon them and here's the one thing I want to drive home
Starting point is 00:25:00 there used to be a Mandatory fun nights when I worked there. Oh Where you would all have to go to the same bar At working 60 hours a week Oh, no, and they would do the chance like they would literally chance there to lead and This was What my mother calls mandatory fun the work the worst thing works. Yo, how the worst thing in the world and If you did not go to these things you were seen as a problem. Oh boy
Starting point is 00:25:37 That is the internal culture of this organization. I notice you don't have enough flair It's just wild-eyed psychopaths with no values Zero political sort of commitments just the justification of the organization itself Bosker was right when he said that they have written themselves out of history Back when they endorsed Warren he originally that was a placeholder Title he was not supposed to be the ending title. He thought that the the person posting it Would get that that is actually a reference to something Stalin said and get that it's a joke It's like put put real title here and it's like no they kept it because they didn't get the reference, but it's correct
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yeah, it is literally correct. They have written themselves out of history indeed. These people are scum Shove your endorsement up your fucking ass. Go fuck yourself. It's not just too little too late It's like it's actually worse that you did. Yeah, no, here's the thing like like the whole week It was just like all these fucking Warren people and it's weird like I feel like you know all this like I'm being scolded Individually, which is hilarious. It was a little bit more. We're unscouldable It was more diffuse in 2016. Oh, yeah No, like in 2020 no, we weren't we weren't on the fucking front page of the New York Times in 2016. I'm like individually Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:27:03 Yeah, by the way, if you have a copy We'd like to have one framed for me. Please email shopper apparently I am on the cover. Yes. I think it's below the fold Yes, okay. It was a one page. I need to see this. So someone's pretty cool. Um, anyway So it is it is a weird feeling of being like I Personally am being blamed for why Elizabeth Warren hasn't endorsed Bernie Sanders Which is hysterical because here's I was I was like if anything I blame us for not bullying her hard enough to drop out. Yes for that We take full responsibility. You know, I take full credit for not being mean enough to her
Starting point is 00:27:39 It's because you know why we held up because we were worried about this exact thing Because we didn't want to appear too mean and then guess what once the bad faith becomes unavoidable And you have to call it out all of a sudden. Oh, you know, you should have been fucking nicer Even though we were fucking nice because it was never real. It was always bullshit. It was always a exposed fact or rationalization You know, like these people will invent anything justification possible to cover their own ass and their own Sorry class interests about why they would never or could never support her entire base was people who made over six fucking figures These are people who are who have no class interest in socialism But have a social and cultural interest in appearing to be socialist or appearing to be left wing
Starting point is 00:28:23 That is that then you have to fucking make them confront Not the conflict between that and make them choose their fucking cultural values, honestly And when kvush came to shove they never they didn't and they never were because the the cultural pressure was never going to be strong enough Because that fucking lane of like delusional progressivism is still given too much fucking credibility Well and people like michelle goldberg did get like a 1200 dollar rebate or whatever. Yeah, yeah Well, I mean like so I was thinking back like if you go back like from like the time she announced that she was running for president I think was our minnesota live show. We made fun of her because of the ludicrous DNA test and we said outright She's a dork. Yeah, and lose that the one she's a weak candidate. Yes, right? I was writing about how she sucked in 2015 by the way
Starting point is 00:29:10 I don't think that that's like incredibly mean or whatever All throughout like the last year or so I think basically the hardest shit thing we had to say about elizabeth warren is that Her and bernie sanders can both not win at the same time. Yeah, you have to choose one of them They both can't be the nominee Everyone who has like unity thing that's like they're running together is was a delusional maniac It's a direct competition and then even though Their campaigns and never attacked each other bernie sanders never attacked her once or even mentioned
Starting point is 00:29:40 I mean like he was they were they played nice the entire time All we said was that like it's a zero-sum game. You got to choose eventually We're choosing bernie sanders. Yeah, because we think he's a better candidate And then she decided fucking to you know as soon as she dropped in the polls after backing off medicare for all And then get started to get closer to iowa Uh, what did she do? She fucking planted a completely spurious story about bernie sanders. How is that that part of this? She lied about grandpa. She uh like again invented totally spurious allegations of both sexism and racism about like bernie sanders supporters Went all in on like this idea that she literally said bernie sanders like movement is based on a foundation of hatred
Starting point is 00:30:22 The sanders campaign themselves never fucking attacked her once once We did not the snake emoji shit never started and we never started getting really going in on warren until after that happened And all of these fucking like ex warren staffers now Who were trying to worm their way back into like anyone's good graces salvage their reputation or get their next job By trying to play nice or trying to like fucking Broke or some truce with with the dirtbag left or whatever no can fuck off forever And here's why because it's just like you fucked up. This is on you This is on you you you invent like you tried to run with these bullshit allegations. It blew up in your face
Starting point is 00:31:02 Sorry, I wasn't nicer about it But guess what if I had held my tongue the entire time or not a single snake emoji was ever sent You know, whatever happened the exact same thing that happened now Where everyone who voted for warren on super tuesday effectively voted for biden Do you think that um, I know I said this in the last episode But it bears repeating certainly like a week a week out and of the deal seeing this bullshit Do you think that she was given became the single largest recipient of super PAC money overnight? To keep her afloat through super tuesday after everyone else had dropped out and endorsed biden
Starting point is 00:31:35 You think they gave her all that money because they thought she was so fucking smart because they thought she was gonna fucking win those plans Yeah, all those plans that they all supported. It was because she was a woman and she deserved a pack Oh, well, you know because the boys had one of these Right, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. I mean it could not first of all. We don't even know we still don't know who gave her all that money Yeah, um, it could not be more obvious. She did her fucking job And here's the thing and this is why I don't even think she knew who she was working for And here's the she is fucking dumb and here's the thing about drinks deeply of the dumb bitch juice
Starting point is 00:32:10 And she is completely high on her own support and um, I'm sorry like all I can say though is that wow the new york times sure can't pick winners Yeah, yeah, and you know for they should have just endorsed biden and uh, you know, and of course like Us and me individually are of course going to be blamed for this which you know Try it if you like it. I don't give a fuck because here's the thing if you want us to apologize or grovel for her endorsement I'll say it again. It doesn't fucking matter She all she did her job, which was I'll say at this point. Maybe there's still votes to be cast But maybe Basically dealt a mortal blow to our last best hope at having a decent future
Starting point is 00:32:51 So an endorsement now After the fact who cares Save it. These people endorse biden These people shove it up your ass. These people only want her to endorse bernie so that they don't look like idiots. That's why they want it So they can be like see she did it. I was right. Yeah They don't want to be revealed. She was the good person. Yeah, I don't want to be Also, no, she's not because she does she does want to be in biden's cabinet She has about 12 hours left to endorse bernie. I I hope she does the right thing guys
Starting point is 00:33:20 And also one of the funniest spectacles that happened at least online last week. I hope she does the right thing and gets on a cruise ship One of the funniest spectacles that happened at least online over this last week was all of the warren staffers who were like We're on leash now Like it's time to it's time to serve some tea and a bunch of them like went in on pete bootage edge And then immediately deleted the tweets and apologized for it. Yeah, and it was just like oh going in on pete bootage edge now Thanks a lot. We could we can do it. We could slay Uh, we're gonna epically drag people. Huh? We're all on the same seat now that we're all for bernie, right? Yeah, there's this one warren staffer who talked about she did not name the candidate
Starting point is 00:34:00 She said an an unspecified candidate before iowa Spread rumors on like the college campuses that elizabeth warren was in favor of conversion therapy She left it at that so everyone thought it was the bernie sanders campaign Then deleted the tweet and locked her account after apologizing to pete bootage edge who she was actually talking about Because this was let's be honest probably a liz smith joint. Yeah, you know what I mean? And it's just like oh now they're gonna be like, you know what it's really sad pete is such a great communicator, but you know, he just doesn't stand for anything Yeah, imagine that
Starting point is 00:34:33 Imagine working for a candidate who doesn't really actually believe in anything or uh is actively abetting um evil in the world I bet you'd feel bad about that if you uh did that right the thing is is that is that A lot of people made the calculation that you needed to be gentle with the liberal left that warren represented Because you needed them For just to be able to win Like numerically the like the working class part of the democratic coalition or the sanders coalition couldn't stand on its own The ones that were the number of people who were would be amenable to sanders We'll vote for sanders now that liz is gone the ones that aren't won't it's as simple as that
Starting point is 00:35:18 We don't influence that. Yeah. No, no, exactly like there's and it's also a pretty small number of people Sorry, that's the real thing is that the joke of at the end of the whole deal is that I don't think warren's even if Warren not not dropping out Uh, I mean you could argue that that wouldn't even have mattered in the long run Because she by the by super tuesday she represented almost nobody. Well, we'll never know now, you know It's like who what is her even support at this point? It's it's a small group of dead enders who you can't even argue have any kind of coherent, you know interest between them Well, like you're basically talking about larouches. Yes, they're doing hot structural girl summer jihad and like that's it
Starting point is 00:35:58 and you know, I the only way that they were ever going to be brought along is if the the left left the The socialists left the working-class left was able to become so powerful quickly enough within the process to just bowl them over And make them do what they want to do. They were never going to be they were never going to be equals They were never going to be partners And if the left showed weakness at any point they were going to turn on them working Always will always have and that has nothing to do with any fucking tweets That's nothing to do with posts and if you think it does you have swallowed the entire line There's no way that this is different than any of the other fucking propaganda operations around this worship
Starting point is 00:36:33 But did you see did you see her on snl though? Oh my god, okay. I'm just saying like a she deserves it all the epic department deserves it It's okay to have fun. I mean she's in mourning. Okay. It's like she died And it's for her supporters It's like a death has happened and they needed something Good in this in this friggin hell world to laugh about and i'm sorry Her appearance as snl was life itself. It was freaking epic. No, she needs some time She needs to get off. She needs to be able to heal
Starting point is 00:37:05 I hope 30 Rock gets corona No, but this really shows why it was always silly to have any kind of faith in the liberal end of the coalition Because look at look at the way they approach this look at the way they approach war and look at the way war and approach this That self-interested idea that politics is basically about their therapeutic personal interaction with it And that's what happened. She might have had ideas at one point, but power corrupts and she immediately Her her political project became herself right and the people who like her like her to the degree that they feel that she Psychically represents them. Yes, and therefore they're being represented by her and that is a purely personal psychic bond It has nothing to do with their material interests. Their material interests are against socialism. They're mostly very wealthy
Starting point is 00:37:48 They're mostly successes people who have six-figure jobs in the knowledge economy in our coastal areas People who are in the suburbs people who have made it. They have no real reason for something like Medicare for all to be A credo core or anything else. It's not going to help them materially It's only going to make them feel better feel feel more enlightened And that is represented by warren and there's no breaking that spell and there never was And they were only going to be brought along at the barrel of a gun basically by creating a bigger Bigger group and it's just the tragedy of the campaign so far is that it has not materialized if mean tweets were Capable of you know herding those rear garters
Starting point is 00:38:32 I would be on twitter. Yeah, of course. Oh my god. Yeah um, you know, I like I I realize now that um You know many many articles have already been written and are being written right now. There are sort of the uh, you know in memoriam or For the birdie standards campaign and I know that like, you know, we and I feature pretty heavily at all of them Which I'll till the day I die whereas a badge of honor the fact that they uh, they need to you know, pawn it off on on me um, but here's the thing though like when you talk about like, you know, that Socialist working class left coalition that he was trying to build was never really got big enough to bowl over the
Starting point is 00:39:10 Institution of the democratic party and the media and just basically the On-track democratic voter, but here's the thing all their auxiliary organizations too today. I got fucking like mailers from Uh, or well a few days ago. I got mailers from both Emily's list and Planned Parenthood And I'm going to take advantage of their prepaid postage and mail them a nice letter about what would actually be good for women Um, I also used to open those letters when I worked for dsa So I know that someone does read them personally and uh, I just look at these things and I'm just like you are There is something too
Starting point is 00:39:50 Like a friend of mine said he's like, you know, there was something to the uh, the republicans complained about acorn And about patronage organizations and like no, there are these they have like these fucking organizations That are essentially apparatuses of the democratic party that people are like, well, they're good they provide services or maybe they represent values I like and You know, they fucking push people over such as the democratic parties like Talons and tentacles are everywhere. Here's the thing though, and I don't quite know how to Talk about this, you know, because like as amber said, uh, it's very important that you not seem insane or uh, seem like you know, whinging or a sore loser
Starting point is 00:40:32 But when you really think about what sanders actually did It's astonishing that he like Went toe to toe and I'm sorry if you look at some of these weird voting irregularities or the fact that like A ton of california's votes haven't even been counted yet to like actually allocate the The maximum number of delegates you think about the seven hour wait lines and like dallas houston los angeles You think about The insane disparities in exit polls and something that went down in massachusetts
Starting point is 00:41:05 Like it could just be polls are inaccurate or polls are bad But a 15 point swing is what the un or organization of american states would regard as a fixed election at the end of the day The sanders campaign is an insurgent attack on the democratic party as an apparatus And that party apparatus is at every level both legally and practically what carries out the fucking elections Yep Like both in the sense that they locally like coordinated. God knows they don't do anything else the rules But like it's you say oh like states control elections. Yes states whose governments are entirely manned by democrats Or republicans that's literally all they do. Yes, it's they're not good at anything else
Starting point is 00:41:46 They're not even really good at this. No, they're just sort of um, you know, like a like a a blockage. Yeah, you know Well, that's just it. There's just so much bias in the direction of of entropy That it's almost impossible to push against it. They don't have to be good at it big push If you're listening to this now Whatever fucking get out the vote do everything you can. Oh, no. Yeah, I don't I mean, I don't know what No one can else could have me. I mean literally guys do Biden could literally get corroded. Yeah Oh, exactly. Like we're in like like wild card mode like we honestly are like there is going to be a debate
Starting point is 00:42:24 And even though I don't know what is going to change the rules of the debate. Yes. Yes. Yes So the town hall might could sit down. Yeah, they change the fucking rules. Yeah Yeah, no, but not only that, you're a Tulsi guy now. Not only that, he could still have his eyeball could still turn bright red Just he could still start reciting the alphabet or doing Dutch Schultz's last words bitter end to the bitter end To the last man, this is Die spitting in their eyes from hell's heart. I stab at thee with for hate's sake. I spit my last breath at thee Yeah, but like again, like I would just say don't be you know discouraged when you read these like, uh Uh pieces about how it just didn't work. I think you should fucking like if you really look at all of it
Starting point is 00:43:08 I think you need to be a fucking amazed. I'm even bowled over about how much it absolutely did fucking work Oh my god And just how many people are dying for fucking this like we're just so fucking ready for this. There's just so many goddamn Obstacles. I know it just like it's like, oh, well, I guess our podcast couldn't um, universally, uh Surmount the the entire news media is by partisan media and government conspiracy But you know what to stop it. That's not it. That's not crazy people. That's what happened Yeah, you know what we kind of almost did. I don't know and still may be good
Starting point is 00:43:43 You know what I said, oh my god, Michigan, Washington or under the breach once more Michigan around Washington. Are you out there? Are you listening? Bernie was 30 points behind in Michigan before the vote then and he won it. Yeah, remember that That happened. How the fuck do you know? Nobody fucking knows nobody knows Nobody knows and you know what if all the polls were right again. Hillary would be president. It's true Fuck around and find out and here's the thing though. What do we always say though? We made them do this to themselves. Yeah where it's like if their answer is
Starting point is 00:44:15 A guy whose brain is literally melt like like oozing out of his ears as he talks The probably one of the weakest general election like even weaker than Hillary Clinton Yes, because his physical frail all of her flaws would be worse Yeah, like in more visible and more of an hindrance to him than her just personal Unlikeability and corruption was to her. Yeah, like especially since he's gonna have corruption too Yeah, thanks to hunter by the way though. There is one. Oh, this is the real wild card This is the true wild card. This is the one silver lining of a potential Disastrous apocalyptic trump biden general election is that our boy don jr. Donald trump jr. The heir apparent
Starting point is 00:44:56 Has issued a challenge to hunter biden. Yes debate We made it happen another thing that happened fail sons debate I do you know what at this point. Can you really say somewhere if there's no way it would happen Somewhere Felix is so hard. Oh, he is rock. Can you really say this is too ridiculous? It won't happen. You don't think that hunter biden is exactly the type of guy to like just get us a suit in him and be like Fuck you, buddy. You think I got something to hide just load up a big old rock Get that butane torch on it pick up the phone make it happen make it happen. Let's go Oh, just run through a fucking wall. Yes amazing. I bet it'll be pay-per-view and fucking hunter will
Starting point is 00:45:41 Cream him. He will make fucking don jr. Piss himself. Yes don jr. Is cowardly He is a coward. He has a coward's heart. Yeah, as we've said hunter fucking He's a warrior on a skid row got a gun put through his head So he could buy crack that is don jr. Goes to south africa and like walks up to a tiger that's been chained to a tree It shoots in the head. He is an absolutely disgusting coward. Hunter is a fucking g You fucking get punk his ass out in a minute. Oh my god and rock bottom hunter. Oh my god Just catch him on the right day. He's a painter now. He's got an artist's temperament I know the conventional wisdom here is that if biden is the nominee trump will
Starting point is 00:46:22 Roll on his ass like he will win the popular and electoral vote. However, however, like we said, we're in a world now We're like all bets are off and it's like if this corona virus should continues and the economy crashes This is a genuine like significant Uh, uh recessions trigger to the next month. Also, that's exactly the situation where basically every incumbent president Any incumbent president would lose and if like hundreds of thousands of memos and peps they start dropping dead In the streets and it's like abundantly clear that like at every level it was mishandled by the federal government I have to go all brace and live here
Starting point is 00:47:00 but Maybe some people feel like they can benefit from the panic probably but here's the thing though like Everything favors trump in in this election, right? But I'm saying what I'm saying is that there is a conceivable reality In which biden can win. Oh, yeah, all that's rough. Oh, we could have You can't predict anything. Oh my god. We could have a president biden Absolutely, we could have a president trump. We could have a president bernie. We don't know folks We are at the nexus of the tower We are in the nexus of the tower all the possibilities are whirling and spinning around us
Starting point is 00:47:37 This is yeah, like this is like like all all of the uh, the time currents have entered like a milstrom now Yes, it's like fucking highlander too Yeah, so again Here we are born to be kings So, yeah, I mean that's I mean no that's reason enough not to despair one last one last push man You know like that's the thing. It's like, oh, it's I'm so despair. It's like I'm sorry If any of you motherfuckers think you know what's gonna happen Uh, fill us in dude. Like nobody knows
Starting point is 00:48:14 What's the despair when you can have no way of knowing what's gonna happen? Holy shit. Yeah, it's true freedom. Yeah, and it's like the if you're if you're despairing you are in fact overestimating, uh, your Exactly your ability to predict things. Yeah, I honestly feel talking about this. You are not miss Cleo I feel like the fucking yoke of history is like coming off of my shoulders right now. I honestly feel buoyant Yeah, it does feel like an untethered. Oh my god floating away into space We have no idea what the fuck's going on I'm like, I was just saying how exciting oh my god. We have no idea what's happening
Starting point is 00:48:50 And like never before have like any of the things that like you take for granted been less Less firm. Yeah shirt of any of this just shifting and here's the thing I I mentioned before but I would like to to bring it up again. I simply must stress this example of the A new level of reality that we're entering to or just something that we should all be proud of Like us personally you listening to the show anyone who has been even vaguely sympathetic to whatever Could be loosely called the dirtbag left over the last four years There have been there have been there is a cottage industry right now of posts
Starting point is 00:49:30 essays and front page newspaper day one new york times articles basically blaming choppo trap house your favorite podcast your number one patreon in the world For the apocalypse. Yep. Yep. Oh snap We did it We did it And I mean like but just think of the absurdity of that that that is what they are left with we're the guerrilla
Starting point is 00:49:56 principle of the 21st century that is what they are left with that is the excuse that they have for why The rude podcast did this It was clearly the rude podcasting That's brought about the end times. We also also personally brought back coronavirus from the west coast as well Probably did actually. Yeah, come to your children around the fire. I will speak to you of the before time The time of the bad podcast. Yeah, the podcast spoke evil into the people's ears They fell against one another they killed where the pie piper and this is where the pie piper is the pie piper's baby
Starting point is 00:50:33 Which means that everyone's what a child. Yeah, everyone's a little sticky baby That's what the new york times thinks of everyone. Everyone's a big sticky baby And it cannot be more hilarious that like the new york times is just like Oh, uh, all this shit. Oh, we're not responsible for any of that. No. No. Oh like oh like the the uh The the death throes of the democratic party. Oh, oh, we didn't do that. It was the podcast. It was the podcast It wasn't any of the the the people or policies that we've supported. No, not at all over the last three decade four decades No, not the electoral coalition massively accruing misery. I think I've reached a fucking critical mass Annihilating the social fabric to a point that it's impossible to have any sort of
Starting point is 00:51:16 Collective action of any kind Auctioning off every fucking goodness service start eight 21st century year 2016 a couple of friends started Um being cruel To politicians Democratic politicians and women uh women female politicians elizabeth warren and hillary clinton And that is what inaugurated the apocalypse brought the end of the that brought the end times. We killed the republic I was uh, uh, as recline had an amazing tweet thread today Where he said people think that we need what we need in this country for the coronavirus response is competent
Starting point is 00:51:51 Uh, like science and listening to the scientists. That's wrong. We're gonna need political leadership We're entering a crisis where people are gonna have to come together And we're gonna need people to trust people empowered that they have their best interests at heart And we're gonna need a whole a nation coming together because we're gonna have to share Where's his hands across america? We're gonna have to share it together and we're gonna have to suffer together And we're gonna have to trust one another and i'm like damn too bad We fucking put a dollar sign on every human interaction and fucking a human need for the past 40 years And it made it impossible for anybody to have any kind of relationship with one another that wasn't completely fucking commercial
Starting point is 00:52:25 Fuck you shouldn't have let that happen, dude. His solution to this is essentially like a vegan potluck Yeah, it's like it's too late, dude. You did this How you you've been here for the entire time from your little blog perch waving on the neoliberal fucking marketization of every facet of life and now you're like, oh shit now We don't have a social fabric to fall back on in times of crisis. Well. Yeah, that's kind of what happens when you If i can strip the goddamn copper wiring out of the fucking building asshole the larger point though about like Uh, and then vox also said that sack bokeshamp guy has been doing an article after article Is that the fucking dipshit the bridge to gaza guy? Oh my god. Do you know about that amber?
Starting point is 00:53:03 No, he's one of the you wrote a he wrote a vox explainer about the about the The palestinian territories and said that there is a bridge connecting the gaza strip to the west bank It's a hell of a bridge. It's a good one. It's one of the best. Yeah, it's one of the best bridges Uh, no, like I mean like, you know, like I said, it's this cottage industry of like, you know The dirtbag left is like a real problem for like the left going forward in the future. It's like what left in this country There is no left. I mean, yeah, Adolf is right every time when we say the left what we're really talking about is like Uh, a small number of self-identified people who might consider themselves Uh, the precursor to the nation to the, um
Starting point is 00:53:47 You know to the birth of something that might one day be able to call itself a left Basically, what are you saying is that the real problem That if biden gets the nomination and then of course loses to trump. Oops the oops The real problem will have been we were mean to elizabeth warren when I knew that could have made a difference And like really what these people are saying is That it's beyond the pale To make fun of Beam or even just be mean to
Starting point is 00:54:15 People running for president that you don't like in a public forum. Look, here's the that that is beyond the pale It's like the cruelty or derision and mockery making fun of people's appearances That's just too far and I guess like what my response to that is like Or is there anyone in the world you think is deserving of cruelty because I got a real fucking long list, dude And the thing is I know you don't believe that I know you think it's okay to make fun of republicans, right? Yeah, it's just that they think it's not okay to do that to democrat Me the politics is like we they're like, but we're all on the same team. No, you don't get it. We're not on the same team Yes, exactly. We're opponents. Oh, by the way political space and here's the other thing
Starting point is 00:54:57 This is the thing this is the undergirding fact that destroys the entire thing And that's why you can't give any credence to the even concept of it because Every supporters every candidate supporters have psychos online who yell at people on their behalf and are mean And every person who is pro bernie with a big public profile gets psychos yelling at them every single one It is only the bernie bernie bros exist because they chose to pick them And cherry pick it and say that is what happens and they ignore everyone else doing it and that means it's not real It's literally a fiction. It is a it is a incomplete piece of data presented as a whole The other thing is it betrays like a huge amount of jealousy on their part is that they know that there is
Starting point is 00:55:40 Absolutely, nobody who's funny or smart who's willing to do that for free on behalf of their Candidate political agenda because we have a legitimate like passion for a political project And they know that frankly like the supporters of liz warren are relatively bloodless just like self-interested freaks Oh, and guess what? I don't really like buy the punch up putsch down thing. But I mean either But I really do think it's Insane that the people they are most concerned with us making fun of are people trying to become the most powerful people in the world the people who frankly Are the people who need to be one strong enough to take us teasing them about their weird head shape
Starting point is 00:56:21 and two like I'm sorry. We're vetting you and we don't like you and we don't want you to be in charge of anything So we're going to be mean to you. It's actually because it makes us feel bad the implications of it are actually and it's funny And we enjoy it. It's pleasurable The implications of that idea that you're not a lot of make fun of people running for president or something are really that Like what do you need like you need less majesty laws? Like it's it's illegal because you're you're basically giving like sovereign's power over you Those are the people that are most deserving of like one that they just they need to be vetted because we want to make sure
Starting point is 00:56:54 They don't cry if someone calls them a doodoo head I mean again like hilariously Elizabeth Warren and like all the people who like she would have been the best president ever And you know, it's just we're you know, we're not good enough for her You're telling me you thought you think she could have won the general election when you're at the same time saying A podcast and their fans being mean to you was enough to derail the whole Oh, well, you forget she would have destroyed trump in the debates. Oh the debates That only we watch. Yeah The thing that hillary won all three of easily and that did not matter at all
Starting point is 00:57:28 Uh, but like ever like with my other favorite line this week about like Elizabeth Warren going on snl And then you know not endorsing the the only candidate who like actually supports anything close to what her plans actually stand for Uh, these people say she doesn't owe you anything She doesn't owe anyone anything. It's like, oh what you mean this person who's a public servant U.S. Senator auditioning to be president of the united states. She actually doesn't owe anyone anything She doesn't owe anyone even like an ounce of political leadership or judgment literally Just a plain supporter of bernie sanders Believes that they owe the campaign something whether it's twenty seven dollars or a few phone calls
Starting point is 00:58:11 Like your average fucking, you know, just bernie bro has a sense of responsibility To the world more than liz warren. Yes. No totally feckless And it really shows that their politics are completely narcissistic totally all that matters is her feelings and like they will say It's like they will say what matters now her feelings don't matter now i.e. my feelings are Yes, she's she's an avatar It's like well, that's how politics is lady in the language of it. They said they said we need time to mourn and greet Bitch, there is an election suck it up. There is an election going on You mourn when you are dead six states are gonna vote in like in less than 24 hours right now
Starting point is 00:58:53 Oh, sorry. You need an extra day Before you fucking i mean if anything i would i would respect her and her supporters so much more if she just endorsed show biden Absolutely. Yes, so much more. I mean we know she wants to spot in the cabinet Yeah, and then everybody who fucking and then everybody who fucking Pop propped her up and try and i mean the in the fucking lefto sphere trying to like no no she's on our side I promise i promise is she's just a little airborne. It's still good. She's still good Like the way all the way to the end if you're if you're fucking still Running any of that bullshit you fucking you're a total fucking chump or you're full of shit
Starting point is 00:59:29 And again, if you uh worked for her or voted for her on super tuesday Congratulations, you are complicit and probably maybe the single most effective kneecapping of like a better future that has ever happened in american politics And people say well you can't shit on these people because you need them and i think this is shown that when push comes to shove You don't have them ever unless you're in a dominant position So you have to go back to the drawing board and build those goddamn working class coalitions that failed to materialize so far That's it back to the drawing board and you just get bigger you got bigger you got to get bigger than them You can't you can't give them fucking co-equal status so you can't let them drive the wheel You can't give them any of them you can't negotiate with them and that they have to be bullied and it's not here yet
Starting point is 01:00:09 Remember who gets the carrot remember who gets the sticks. We got to keep building it. That's it We got to build capacity till they could be cowed and here's the thing And if you don't accept that you're doing their fucking bidding and you're not understanding the stakes one last example from like this cottage industry of Will menikers responsible for the apocalypse one of the pod johns Took a took a you know a try at that this week Because you know I made another tweet making fun of elizabeth warren saying Basically like we should all
Starting point is 01:00:39 Take stock of like just how brilliant Farsighted and genius her strategy of electing Joe Biden nominating Joe Biden was and he was like you know This really hurts the candidate you support and like you need to regard yourself as a leader and take like you understand That like you're the things you say have consequences the same thing was like you actually like the things you say you're actually very powerful It's like no, we're not no What we've done it's because they think they're powerful no exactly And they clearly aren't either exactly because they think if we're not powerful and they're not powerful and i'm sorry That's the truth. Yeah, which frankly is very freeing. That's why we can act like it's not a podcast
Starting point is 01:01:14 We're not fucking bernie sir. You're exactly right all we've done is create independently like based on its numbers A platform that is like the equivalent of a weekend show on msnbc. Yeah, that's about it Yeah, the people who have those jobs think that that's like a hugely influential powerful position It's really not yeah, and neither are we are but we have received a certain level of parity with them So they have to be that's why they're gone. So ape shit about us influence We've had has been essentially passing around sign-up sheets these people already believed what we believed
Starting point is 01:01:48 Yeah, yeah, exactly and like to the extent that like i'm sorry pot pod love it or whatever Uh to the extent that anyone regards me or this show as leaders. Haha. That's funny in and of itself But to the extent that they do it's because I just say things that I believe are true that it turns out hundreds of thousands of other people also believe are true And among those things are is elizabeth warren is a snake and a fraud. Yeah, uh, they wouldn't I wouldn't have influence if I Said the shit you did. Yeah, you're already doing it pull a shit Yeah, they have this insane like like hyper-gramscian fucking like miasma theory of meat media where they think that like You know, we're doing some kind of subliminal messaging or like crawling into people's rooms at night whispering on the earth
Starting point is 01:02:32 You don't like elizabeth warren. They already don't like elizabeth warren. They don't trust her They think she's a phony and then when they hear us they're like, yeah, those guys make sense If we started saying actually well, elizabeth warren is dope and fly and she's a home girl girl boss They'd be like, oh, these guys are full of shit and you know And then I replied to pod love it and I was just like, okay Who's done more damage to their to a candidate? Us by being mean to elizabeth warren or you by getting her to take that dna test and he was just like, oh You know, uh, funny that you think I have such power to influence a candidate's decisions like on that level and i'm like
Starting point is 01:03:08 Oh, so you're saying that candidates don't actually give a shit with people on podcast Tell them to do or not do like fucking both you can't have it both ways And then he said the line that we've come back to again and again He's like there's nothing you can do that will will convict like that will convince me that we're not on the same side And i'm like, buddy All it took was like someone erin mate replied immediately with a clip of john love it Saying that trump is right about me of regime change in venezuela. He's just going about it the wrong way I'm against that dude. I'm a guy in the same square against that. We're not on the same side
Starting point is 01:03:41 All of the he literally had felix on his show and cut 15 minutes of his Out of it because of how much he didn't want his precious ear readers listeners to hear it And that's how much of the same side he was on Just that smug and also it's like buddy. Why do you think I give a shit what you believe? I don't give a fuck who side you think you are on i know who side you're on i'll treat you accordingly fuck off uh It's it's it's hilarious though Uh, and then like dude, they got bedo to run for president instead of senate
Starting point is 01:04:12 They gassed him up so much to himself He's just that seems like that hurt if I cared enough about the democratic party. I'd be pretty pissed off Yeah, I took him off about how that hurt the democratic party It's like they talk about how bad their bench is or down ballot or whatever To get like a big down ballot star for the party for generations and they absolutely fucked the dog on that They absolutely fucked the fucking pooch and now beto is going to be like what an instant like a dad instagram fucking influencer He could have been the next president of the united states and here's I thought about this He could have fucking
Starting point is 01:04:44 Gamed his ass into like being the successor to bernie if you'd like Quarterback medicare for all through the senate instead. Well if you weren't moron and had completely exactly and wasn't listening to Dip shits like the bad job. Here's the thing the proof is in the pudding I know we like we joke a lot that we're just like we're we're you know, we're just having fun We're dumb babies like we're just being rude and having fun with our homies on a podcast that people like But here's the thing is like the proof is in the pudding I do actually take the shit I say on this show seriously or the ramifications of it seriously And I take it a hell of a lot more seriously than anyone on pod save america does and the evidence of that is
Starting point is 01:05:21 Reality. Yeah, look at the world. We live in look at the shit that they've stood for and said on their show And how little they fucking give about the ramifications of that You know what else you never on your show you've never had to impassion totally talk about how great blue apron is And also and then I tried I asked him I was like, okay, we're blue chew do or die I said like okay party unity like I'll delete the tweet and apologize if you endorse bernie before No, not gonna do that. Nope. Not gonna do that pretty much care teaching out on my side, buddy And then I said oh, so you're gonna endorse biden and then he says no, we're not doing that either and it's just like Dude, you don't believe in anything
Starting point is 01:05:59 I don't believe in anything so the idea that I would Accept being lectured by a fucking bug like you is Sitting on the fence so long They've got splinters in their asshole and they'll do it forever and people will just completely and they need to be made irrelevant Like what is your point? That's the only way to keep them. What is the point of you pot say? Why are you why why are you it's just for the brand of the democratic party? Yeah, they're without it. Which means whoever they whoever they got Whoever they got we're not great for them. Yeah, no, it's good. It's going great. They're basically the pr wing of the democratic party
Starting point is 01:06:35 That's the job just one fun detail. Uh, Joe Biden is the only candidate who refused to come on Okay. Yeah. Well, here's the thing. Uh, like I said, we've talked about like conventional wisdom would have it that if the democrats managed to uh drag Old uncle Joe across the finish line and You know and uh consolidate like all the institutional party behind him and everyone votes for him and like you know He just walks away with it. No brokered convention He's the nominee that trump will win both the electoral college and the popular vote
Starting point is 01:07:14 We as we have said on this show though Nobody knows anything. There is a easily conceivable reality of which Joe Biden We've got tube neck running wild through the nation. We have no idea how that's going to affect things does become president Like what if it runs through the villages and like they have like a 15 percent mortality rate in the villages Around november of next year That's going to destroy his base in florida. Uh, yeah, keep in mind Bernie Sanders could still be president. You could we're i'm i'm not gonna we're in the chamber We're in the multi-verse chamber. Yes, you got to push towards the one you want
Starting point is 01:07:46 That's the best possible reality, right? But if we if we encounter the what is left to us it's like the two bad realities left to us at the end of the day Oh god, by the way speaking of believing nothing. I'm sorry The kamala endorsement cracks me. Oh, man cracks me. That girl was me That girl endorsing you was me. Yeah They believe nothing. They believe in nothing about ski, uh, but like if you if you ponder the two dark reality the two dark futures at the end of the day
Starting point is 01:08:18 There's plenty to build on there because we can keep saying I told you so Yeah, we tried to warn you. Yeah all you the pod john people all of the progressives and liberals and democrats We tried to help you. Yeah, we tried to give you a better way and whether it's trump Easily trouncing biden or biden becoming president and like all of these manifest social evils continuing to metastasize at an alarming rate The complete diamond city group cabinet all over again complete gridlock and governor. Yeah, just like he probably gets impeached Yeah, it'd be so funny if you if they lost the fucking uh, so they didn't they biden wins, but they don't get the senate Uh, and they lose the house in the midterms and then they uh And then they fucking impeach and remove from office biden over the ukraine stuff that the democrats impeach trump for
Starting point is 01:09:07 How awesome would that be? I mean, it'll be a world historical atrocity either way, but at least it'll be hilarious Um, but here's the thing is like the problem is is that after bernie? There's no person. No, you need an individual. You need a leader. You need a politician But the I guess like but the thing is The other option is still there. There is another way out of this That I think a critical mass of people. There's no going back now. No, no No, we're making there's no going back like making something new It's just we don't know what it's going to look like yet because events are still coherent
Starting point is 01:09:40 You need we need a leader right now the only thing to do right now Only events right now. The only thing to do is go all in on bernie right now Because everything else is only going to become the aftermath of events that we die in breath We cannot foresee events well enough We cannot foresee events well enough to say we can prepare for any other eventuality The only thing we know is that bernie has a shot So every effort has to go into bernie right now because there is still this opened Chasm these different realities bending through the the cavern and we can still push and reach towards the good one
Starting point is 01:10:12 And you know bernie one and people towards bernie and people have asked me like, you know Uh, is it still possible or was it ever possible for uh, bernie sanders and this movement to overcome the institutional force of I don't know global capital the entire media and democratic party All things are possible. Who knows? All I do know is that the only thing that we have control over or the only power that's really in our hands Is to pick up the phone Knock on the doors and just keep fucking pushing for bernie sanders. No matter what fucking pushing no matter what fucking happens get coronavirus shake hands with joe bite
Starting point is 01:10:49 parody at least parody just go to uh, go to uh, uh the cheesecake factory walk around shake hands Say hello to everybody. Say hi. No, just write a short story in which you do these things. Okay. I think that'll cover our literature That'll cover us. Um, yeah, that'll cover us until next time literally again, too He's not doing well It is Rapid we gotta do it and look i'm not praying for anyone's senility. I don't have to yeah, it's happening on its own There's so many variables. There's so many variables right now. It's so many in so many out so many what have yous So just don't stop so just push on forward
Starting point is 01:11:29 The only thing we can do the only thing we can control keep on pushing a lot of ends a lot of outs A lot of what have yous till next time guys right before oh, yeah, yeah, we should actually acknowledge this Uh, I did want to commemorate in some way that this is in fact our 400th episode. Holy mackerel It will be officially the the calendar four-year anniversary in three days Holy mackerel, uh, and you know, I thought that we should do something to commemorate it But honestly, I think this retrospective of the bizarre strange journey uh from three shitheads on uh on a Google chat to six shitheads to six shitheads on the front page of the times. Yep. Oh boy
Starting point is 01:12:11 Just had some vertigo. Oh boy. I'd be the live act either alternately spearheading the largest leftist movement or absolutely tanking it to spending a Defending who you ask. I'm feeling a little lightheaded right now. This is a little much to take. Uh, it's it's it's it's been a It's been a wild ride and I'm glad to be here for some of it. Well, like I said, uh What we've done can never be Undone Whether it's for good or bad. Yep. It will never be undone. I sleep fine at night. Yeah, no, I'm I'm yeah Oh, this has happened before all this will happen again
Starting point is 01:12:46 Chris all things serve the beam All things serve the beam Uh, play us out with that Hang and Johnny song Which I think would be a very appropriate way to end this episode and commemorate our 400th episode We'll all hang together. So hang boys hang Bye Calls me hang and Johnny They say I hangs for money
Starting point is 01:13:21 They say I hangs for money Because hanging is so funny Oh First I hung my daddy And then I hung my mommy Oh, yes, I hung my mother Oh way boys away My sister and my brother
Starting point is 01:14:03 So hang boys hang Oh, I hung my sister Sally Oh way boys away I hung a whole damn family So hang boys hang Oh, then I hung the granny Oh way boys away I hung her up quite canny
Starting point is 01:14:33 So hang boys hang Oh hang the bloody copper Oh way boys away I'll give him the long dropper So hang boys hang I'll hang the bloody boson Oh way boys away The dirty rotten horse son
Starting point is 01:15:03 So hang boys hang I'll hang all mates and skippers Oh way boys away I'll hang and buy the flippers So hang boys hang A rope, a beam, a ladder Oh way boys away I'll hang you all together
Starting point is 01:15:32 So hang boys hang We'll haul and hang together Oh way boys away We'll hang for bird or weather So hang boys hang We'll hang him to the yard arm Oh way boys away Hang the sea and buy a pig farm
Starting point is 01:16:02 So hang boys hang

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