Chapo Trap House - 414 - Noise Kills feat. Seeking Derangements (4/27/20)

Episode Date: April 28, 2020

We're joined by Palma and Ben Mora of Seeking Derangements to read Letters to Cuomo, discuss NY State's cancellation of its Democratic primary, discuss Zeke Emanual's advice to kill yourself, and lear...n about an old friends' out-of-the-box strategy for defeating COVID. Check out Seeking Derangements here: and here

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Starting point is 00:00:30 All right, I'm not even gonna say my opinions about I don't want to be called Okay, I just think Kelly Lawfler, that's a beautiful senator Kelly Kelly Kelly Lawfler, I think I can fix her Yeah, she just I think I think her the right man. Yeah her hairless husband her hairless husband has goaded her into insider trading and conservative politics but she needs like a nice boy yeah I feel the same way about Melissa Gingrich yeah with bisexual autism who's not bisexual right is is in fact is in fact sees the good in her yeah yeah we're bait her into being a yeah yeah I love
Starting point is 00:01:19 Melissa Gingrich she's first of all she is a bird oh yes like she's actually a cockatiel she's like one of those birds that you're like oh yeah dinosaurs still exist just stalking yeah ever sending a Callista Gingrich pick to the chat right now it's also it's so awesome that her name is Callista Gingrich like that's like that's like a name that a Japanese RPG creator it's a Corella think that it would through yeah would think that an American would have yeah yeah all right we got we got a new we got a name one of the women yeah Callista Gingrich that sounds right one of my
Starting point is 00:02:04 first big trolls was that I pretended to be her on Twitter for like some Catholic woman from like Pennsylvania like the end me like hey can I get a job working at the Vatican Embassy please and so I had had them call the piss line for yeah YKS like basically explain like hey I'm so and so my I used to work for you know such-and-such conservative politician I really want to you know make America great again with Callista and and and like with Miss Gingrich sorry and like bring the back and the United States closer together in Rome like the most psycho shit I'm so happy that she that I trolled there like that we
Starting point is 00:02:48 went on we went on some like one of the many like baffling family vacations we went on when I was a kid we went to like Arizona with my friend from sixth grade when I was like 11 and my dad my dad like I came came to like lunch one day and my dad was like Newt Gingrich was right over there and he pointed to a table and he was like he was talking about how you know the Republicans are going to win forever because of the moron terror and I'm like I was like he had a habit of just not knowing who people were so I think he just saw some like fat Arizona guy yeah that's new Gingrich fucking asshole yeah just all upbeat
Starting point is 00:03:28 obese white Goyish Republicans run together for him they do all look alike like they have the same there's a there's an energy like garbage bags full of coleslaw just yeah yeah yeah but well my mom said like the most apt thing ever about that type of person where she called them like pig faced and it's true yeah yeah like they do have like a pig like face there's a lot of animals there's kind of a raw there's kind of a raw pork thing to it hence the gammon like there's an overly it's very poor sign like like ground beef texture yeah yeah yeah people got it yeah people got a little too epic with the gammon thing but
Starting point is 00:04:05 it is there are like very ham like people like it's true yeah what are we officially kick off the show welcome to your chopper trap house this is the chopper too fast pipeline you know oh yeah long-time listeners of the show will be aware of the fact that you know when we made the decision to bring on amber and Virgil it was because we needed a sort of like a thinly veiled I don't know shield to launder some of our more noxious opinions through tokens so continuing that tradition I'd like to bring on two more tokens of with who will hopefully express some some bash beliefs that you know we I can't get
Starting point is 00:04:48 away with as you know a CIA agent you know it just yeah be able to obvious yeah like as you know this is a Nazi podcast we know it's a Nazi podcast because I'm on it we've had brace on to the biggest not so the biggest Nazis are often Jewish people and it's often like as you would protest it only Protestants are actually not Nazis this is the only people who aren't the only people who can find them so joining us today are the seeking arrangements boys it's Ben Mora and the man we simply know as sweet sweet Palma welcome share welcome to the pipeline welcome to the pipeline welcome to the rat line so happy to be
Starting point is 00:05:31 sliding down that pipeline y'all trying to get the pipeline yeah hey what's up well you know it's a Monday afternoon here and I I love to start off the day and start off the week I'm already I rate deranged and resigned to absolute misery of course talking about the first thing I saw when I woke up this morning is that New York State has removed Bernie Sanders from the ballot line for the Democratic primary when they finally do hold it so I will not even get a chance to symbolically vote for Bernie Sanders thank you Andrew Cuomo and I just you know I originally like I said like when the day he
Starting point is 00:06:19 suspended his campaign Cuomo announced that like if you know by the way everyone will get a vote-by-mail ballot if you want one you know we're gonna keep this safe and now they're saying like well we're not even gonna do that because it's too dangerous or something like now they've discovered that making people vote during a pandemic is dangerous after well after letting Michigan Wisconsin you know Florida like several of the the biggest states in America go through with in-person voting during these primaries well the thing is like if people get that ballot at home and see Bernie Sanders name they might because
Starting point is 00:06:55 they're at home they might go on their personal computers and Google Bernie Sanders and find his rape essay and do all those things yep so I understand but this is uh oh this is this is demoralizing I mean I was already feeling pretty bad but it's just adding insult to injury well I mean like so Bernie was only because he suspended his campaign he was only gonna pick up congressional delegates anyways right like we weren't gonna get yeah yeah and it's nice that people can still like go vote for Bernie we can still get like a raw vote total there but like ultimately like we're going into this
Starting point is 00:07:29 convention with way less leverage than we had in 2016 and really wouldn't have picked up much more in New York it's fucked up that they can even just do this I mean are they saying it's because of corona or are they saying it's because yeah I haven't looked at yeah so they're saying a it's it's not worth the risk and B it's just because he suspended his campaign it's just you know for show anyway so might as well just take his name off the ballot yeah yeah after the like curve kind of flattened in New York I'm glad they waited so long for them to announce this they had months and months and months to
Starting point is 00:08:05 do this and absolutely nothing happened you know like it's been a month since Bernie since Bernie's campaign can a bit the dust even still they hadn't you know that they had months to come up with it with an alternative to you know but home yeah they're at this point so comfortable just being like look we are going to also now stop pretending like there's any kind of like overture towards a democracy now like let's just stop pretending we all do that but now like I feel like maybe just because we're so beaten down they're weirdly comfortable being like yeah we're just not gonna have a primary we'll say it's
Starting point is 00:08:42 because of a disease yeah once you many people excited to vote we've got a we can't yeah well well like I I switched my registration to a Democrat I told all my followers in New York to do that and like just doing the math of how many of my followers can actually do anything at all I'm assuming out of 160,000 people we got six people did that my followers who were able to go to the DMV website without spilling coffee and directly into their PC tower that they got with their bar mitzvah money from I'm not like switching my registration back like I'm gonna do do with this what I do with most things in my life I'm gonna use
Starting point is 00:09:28 it spitefully and I will vote for the worst candidates in the Democratic primaries in New York I will vote for like just members of the mafia who are just trying to launder money through a campaign I will vote for like borough presidents who have been accused of misconduct since 1989 I will know I'm just gonna I'm gonna fucking take it I'm gonna take it until like the Republican candidates in New York who are just like named like Cristiano and Bezliano to win the win the elections I don't care who gives a shit I mean what is it people can be like oh well you can still write Bernie in I mean that's it
Starting point is 00:10:12 yeah yeah fucking depressing well I mean it's like that's like you it's it's so cocked it's like you might as well just like right in the jerk store yeah right in Larry summer yeah yeah I didn't Ted Kaczynski okay okay no no like I I let me suggest an alternative there maybe maybe maybe you won't have to write in anyone at all maybe there will be someone on the ballot line who's not Bernie Sanders who all people of good conscience can still pull the lever for oh Tulsi Gabbard yeah yeah yeah the establishment the establishment is afraid of Tulsi Gabbard message is afraid of Tulsi Gabbard's message that
Starting point is 00:10:57 Republicans and Democrats should work together and that you should vote for Joe Biden no it's not Tulsi Gabbard but it is someone who served I'm talking of course all Patrick about former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura Jesse Ventura hell yes currently yes he's he's dipping he's dipping one of his very very large toes into the pool of seeking the Green Party nomination so bye-bye to the loser Howie Hawkins hello to just sexual Tyrannosaurus Jesse the body of Ventura I think that you know his candidacy is one that like as I said as William F. Buckley said of Joseph McCarthy is one that all men of
Starting point is 00:11:44 virtue and conscience can rally around well wwe related politicians are one for one right now at winning the presidency right we got Donald Trump in there and that motherfucker right now so I think you know for Jesse chances are looking good yeah just America like you know since since Bernie has gone away like we've we've we've feeling sort of rudderless and we need a leader we need like a Napoleon an American Caesar and and Jesse Ventura you know or his politics perfect no but he he does have celebrity and that's that's I think good enough yeah howie Hawkins has the vibe of you know like a nice guy who's always
Starting point is 00:12:27 recommending you books he works at the bookstore or not because he needs the money but he just likes hanging around he misses his kids who all go to Bard like he seems like he seems like he seems like a sweet guy but it's like sorry yeah his name is howie like come on I need I need a ultra powerful god of a man I need one of the old two men to ever take a dump off Chris Kyle yep like no no we don't need that era of nice guys are is over we need a guy who has defeated Chris Kyle in both life and death and that man is Jesse Ventura you know I mean we could do a lot worse so you know people don't know this yeah
Starting point is 00:13:10 people don't know this but in that court case one of the conditions that Ventura won was that they have to name they have to rename Chris Kyle's son Jesse Ventura Kyle it's taken over his bloodline so I mean you know it's just uh Jesse Ventura like if it were a straight 1v1 with Donald Trump like we would like we would get rid of Donald Trump like we would end fascism in America would end fascism in America if Donald Trump had to face off toe in the squared circle against so like I said Jesse Ventura I will be supporting you I'm rooting for you brother open-door policy if you want to come on come into
Starting point is 00:13:54 the house and you know find a sympathetic ear for your candidacy I've already been on your show so Jesse please come on mine so speaking of a New York State and Andrew Cuomo our governor here I've got a little something for you I'd like to share this comes courtesy of Gothamist I saw this last week headline Andrew Cuomo's story about a Kansas farmer shows why he's the Don Draper of politics you mean like the Don Draper of politics just an inveterate liar yeah his name is actually not Andrew Cuomo he's an alcoholic and yeah yeah but he loves his damn daughter he loves that freaking
Starting point is 00:14:46 daughter I was gonna risk nipples you know like Don Draper like Don Draper Don Draper if Don Draper was like alive in the 80s he would have gotten pierced nipples for sure so I wasn't aware of this this Kansas farmer story so he goes here at his daily briefings there's a moment when Governor Andrew Cuomo becomes Don Draper in the boardroom selling everyone in there on whatever he needs to do that day it's a comparison I've made before and it happens when the governor pivots to the personal opinions portion of his slide show if Mayor Bill de Blasio is Don Draper having a meltdown during a
Starting point is 00:15:21 Hershey's pitch Cuomo is Draper masterfully driving grown men to tears over a slide carousel have you guys ever seen anybody else like give a presentation before or like yeah paper like that they skip college like in this in this sort of metaphor though that would make the coronavirus the Kodak right because here like everyone else I'm struggling how to assess his performance at the end of the day he's a politician is he trying to sell you on his own humanity through other people's humanity maybe has he done everything right nope can you criticize him for past and current sins sure but he is
Starting point is 00:16:02 proving himself to be a good consoler in chief as further evidence today when he dedicated a portion of his press briefing to reading a letter from a farmer in Kansas and the letter is as such my grandmother I have long been against the Italian in Kansas we do not have your exotic pepperoni we just put the brownest beef on our pizza so he says the Kansas farmer writes my my grandmother on my father's side Mary was a beautiful woman but tough she was New York tough gone through the depression early immigrant worked hard all her life I would say to her you know grandma met this girl met this guy that's
Starting point is 00:16:56 really I think is this just Joe Biden writing him a letter it's Joe but Joe Biden had a dream where he was a farmer he goes she would say nice how do you know they're nice it's easy to be nice when everything is nice I said grandma what does that mean he said you know when they're nice when things get hard that's when you know if they're nice you really get to see people and get to see their character when things get hard it's almost as if the pressure just forces their character and and the weaknesses explode or the strengths explode and that's what we've gone through I'm really glad he's he read this letter on one
Starting point is 00:17:32 of his it's it's beautifully composed but he goes and then he goes end the clincher dear mr. Cuomo I seriously doubt that you will ever read this letter as I know you are busy beyond belief with a disaster that has befallen our country we are a nation in crisis of that there is no doubt I am a retired farmer hunkered down to northeast Kansas with my wife who has put one long and an occasional problems with her remaining long she has also has diabetes we are in our 70s now and I'm frankly afraid for her enclosed find a solitary n95 mask left over from my forming it has never been used if you could please
Starting point is 00:18:08 give it to the mask to a nurse or doctor in your state I have kept four masks for my immediate family please keep on doing what you do so well which is to lead sincerely Dennis and Sharon and then Cuomo says of this you want to talk about a snapshot of humanity you have five masks what do you do you keep all five no you send one mask to the New York nurse or a doctor how beautiful is that I mean how selfless is that how giving is that it's that love and courage and that generosity of spirit that makes this country so beautiful and makes Americans so beautiful take one mask I'll keep before God bless America
Starting point is 00:18:47 oh my god rather get a pipe bomb in the mail first of all I don't believe this children's letter to Santa Claus no like I that's that there's no way if anything like I guess he must have been like a really big fan of Cuomo's work for his dad in 1977 during the mayoral race where Mario Cuomo did the vote for Cuomo not the homo the homo was a catch by the way in case anyone was confused about that you know this letter isn't authentic because of like the lack some they give towards the beginning where like it was clear that this letter was written by like a 28 year old who's had ten non-paid internships and like this
Starting point is 00:19:41 letter went to the fucking new school to like major in hablem it's like a thing major actually the letter was written by the guy who runs the stakums account yeah that guy I'm not even gonna get started on that guy is so cool yeah he's off he's I want what he I need Morrissey to more and Morrissey just has to do one interview where he isn't racist to destroy the stake of his guy yeah he can't but but like I want Morrissey to call him like the gerbils of the cow hall but yeah the accent in that letter is so clearly just written by some piece of shit who's like both parents are like visual artists or some crap because
Starting point is 00:20:30 it's like just imagining what a Kansas simple thing would say it's nice to be good but it's good to be nice like by the way I wouldn't that guy wonder the only reason that guy would write a letter to Cuomo is because he thought like Cuomo is gonna be this the future super governor of like an NWO superstate and he's like you you you are not gonna give my daughter septum piercings as is your tradition in New York yeah and I you know not to be uncharitable but if I had a wife who had diabetes and only one lung I'd hold on to the extra nine and 95 yes yes I mean I support you know obviously all the nurses and doctors in
Starting point is 00:21:14 New York I clap for them I clap my cheeks for them at seven o'clock every day but yeah like the letter the the letter writer here should maybe consider holding on to just one extra mask yeah yeah the nurses and doctors would recommend that they keep that mask yeah yeah quote to quote Kanye West dead wife contest you in first place yeah no it's like also Cuomo's not gonna give that mouse to a doctor or anyone he's like pure antipathy for like anyone who's below him and that's evidence by him cutting Medicaid during this yeah grab a mask and put it directly in the trash just yeah yeah even look at it he's
Starting point is 00:21:56 like oh it's this Chachki and then just immediately like framed it and put it up on his wall to be like this sweet low IQ cans and sent this to us isn't that so nice yeah thank you for your corn totem simpleton like if it's if it's an actual at 95 like Cuomo's Cuomo's like at the end of the day like an overbearing Italian asshole so he like probably gave it to one of his daughters who he has an ankle monitor on so she doesn't I mean you know you know what Italian guys hate but but listen oh this is for my principia she has like he has all the masks in New York speaking of up pulling
Starting point is 00:22:39 on the heartstrings you know I mean obviously great humanitarian that Andrew Cuomo is actually Alec Baldwin asked him the other day you know why he doesn't let more people out of the death house that is Rikers Island right now and he responded by saying I suppose you just we should let out all the violent criminals are like what are you gonna call my piggy like no but I mean yeah like it's just like this this is like you know yeah he's the Don Draper of politics if Don Draper convinced everyone that you should get cut health care during a fucking plague and then keep people you know awaiting truck
Starting point is 00:23:23 awaiting trial for like a parole violation in like again though massive liar massive liar that manipulates people with like sentimental pablum yes does work no yeah absolutely absolutely um Cuomo is going to we're gonna have to deal with this fucking guy for I think like at least another three years because like someone you all you know someone's like they have staying power in liberal circles when they make sexual fantasies about them and that's how you know like none of them none of them want Biden there's no like they're not no one no one get dick down by Biden all the people want to get years ago yeah all the
Starting point is 00:24:00 people want to get dick down by Biden are just like they don't know how to use Twitter at all if he is like sexually like legally capable of consent like mentally that would be abuse well his campaign it probably has power of attorney so if you can get his campaign to just sign off Simon Sanders is running the fuck a fan contest yeah I mean I mean like normally I would expect them them to be working overtime to meet you know like you know Chomsky and Herman's favorite you know famous work on manufacturing horniness I like the the Dem Sios would be working around the clock to try to convince you that you
Starting point is 00:24:42 know women are you know like fantasizing about being being you know giving a nice massage by Uncle Joe but my guess is now they're probably trying not to remind people about Biden being Randy at all for certain reasons and also they're just trying not to have him be talked about at all really I mean I think they have found a winning strategy which is just like he's the nominee on paper it's the name you vote for but like he's not gonna like be seen or heard from anywhere like I think they're just gonna try to hide him as much as possible and just think that like you know maybe just like the momentum in
Starting point is 00:25:21 people's just general resignation will we'll get them across the finish line yeah I mean so many voters have already taught like castley accepted that though like a lot of Democratic voters if you asked them like are you excited to vote for Biden you're gonna do anything for his campaign you know there's like no I'm not really excited but I'm just gonna vote for him because it's anyone but Trump you know like they they don't care there's they don't care who it is you know what I mean like they are just voting for Biden because he is like a generic Democrat so none of them would even tune in if he was like actually
Starting point is 00:25:49 appearing right you know what I mean like it's not it's not a factor for half of them I don't think they'd answer the door if Biden knocked yeah isn't that isn't that like I mean the thing that's been working the one formula that's been working the thing that I strayed from during the primary later in the primary but it's actually always holds true the funniest outcome the funniest chaos outcome will always happen and it's like isn't that the funniest outcome that just like this guy that no one fucking wants wins and becomes president yeah and then just dies and then like like he just like he just like wanders into a
Starting point is 00:26:30 like thorny bush and dies of several cuts and infections and then like yeah that's like I mean that's like what's gonna happen because it would be funny after all the like these four years of fake dem enthusiast like you gotta resist you gotta resist like pretend pretending like they're fighting fascism or whatever and like this shit like I'm excited for a great candidate so they just get the they're just saddled with this shitty old guy I mean I like like Biden you know all those articles those breathless articles that were like America is Trump America is the the racist outburst the ignorance of
Starting point is 00:27:13 it I mean America's also Biden though America is like a guy who's not particularly good at anything not like kind of like by all the right people but not like super well like a guy who just got to be in the position he's in just because he's been around the longest and like probably committed a sex crime that's also America so it's like by that by the logic of those people like yeah Biden will like that's the perfect outcome that Biden just wins without trying and campaigning and then you never fucking see him and then all these fucking people that flooded into that like into party politics in the last
Starting point is 00:27:54 four years and helped like keep this right word shift to the party they just evaporate yeah like they'll be they'll pretend to be disappointed it's not listed with Warren for a while but they don't really want to fucking do this for the rest of their lives they're going to go back to like writing late night and fucking you writing a children's book about a female district attorney no one will fucking care like the culture warship will roll back and we'll just get like the exact same conditions didn't get like Larry Summers on as like an economic advisor in like the past week yep yeah yeah yeah it's clear like
Starting point is 00:28:29 what's going to happen it's just gonna be another Obama administration by the same ghouls but minus the like actual enthusiasm and like charisma Obama was able to garner you know yeah like used a horrible ends but like it will be so fucking depressing that we get that there's just like no everyone fucking hates it I want to talk about Larry Summers in a second but before that like my new favorite genre of tweet are our Democrats who are you know like working overtime to find a way to dismiss the tower read thing but basically in their in their heart of hearts know it's true and have accepted it so they say things
Starting point is 00:29:11 like even if he did do that I'd still but it's like you know it's a sort of way of a sort of like an inforidian psychoanalysis if you say things like you know well I did I didn't do X but even if I did you know it's sort of a tell and you know like I so this is a credit to our friend Sean Morehead on Twitter but he replied to one of these people who was just said I he's this woman said I would vote for Biden if he raped a hundred women at gunpoint at gunpoint respect and Sean respect political convictions like and Sean replies to them surely there's something else he can do to win your vote
Starting point is 00:30:02 no but like it's crazy like they think that they're like rational for that they think that they're like operating on some like superior like moral plane for being like you know what that's just that's just how bad Trump is and I'm willing to make some sacrifices and and be an adult if that's what it takes to get the orange man out of office it's insane it's insane I mean like certainly certainly if you weigh that against the reasons that they gave themselves and others or why they could never in a million years vote for Bernie Sanders yeah you know like it's it's it makes it makes a good contrast you know but I'm
Starting point is 00:30:36 in like you know I'd like a Jason's all like all this shit like is like yeah like announcements this week that like Larry Summers will be like the economic advisor to Joe Biden and the guy who if he becomes president will be put in charge of the economic recovery caused by this next collapse of our economy I mean Larry Summers just a brief refresher course for those who may not remember is the guy who is among like probably two or three people during the Clinton years most responsible for creating the policies that led to the economic crash in 2008 like this is a guy who's like an ideologically like
Starting point is 00:31:14 fanatical free marketer who passed all of the reforms that like deregulated derivatives Wall Street and like repeal of Glass-Steagall or whatever like created the very conditions that led to the 2008 economic crash and then was brought on by Obama in 2008 to be in charge of the bailout and recovery for the economic crash of which he personally made sure was insufficient in how much money it was and only went to making banks whole again and like definitely not to like homeowner mortgage relief or anything like that so like this asshole you if you have to make a list of like the people the
Starting point is 00:31:55 living Americans who have done the most damage to this society Larry Summers would be like near the top of the list if not number one and it's just so fucking grim to just be like this is you know like that the classic cliche definition of insanity but like to them it's not insane like this is just these are the this is the goals that they want to pursue and are going to pursue on top of that I saw another report today that says that they're considering naming Lawrence Fink CEO of the Black Rock Group as Treasury Secretary under a Biden administration so this idea that there's any like any leverage to be had
Starting point is 00:32:31 from the left or progressive wing of the party or if like oh like yeah make Elizabeth Warren the VP you know she'll keep him in check I was I said I would fucking love Elizabeth Warren to be his VP and then just be like cut off like at the fucking knees every single day by people like Larry Summers and Lawrence is a yes absolutely no really like what leverage do we have like we we like I said we have less leverage over the party than we did in 2016 it's like we can throw a fit about it as much as we want but like the Biden campaign is like okay we're getting rid of Larry Summers and instead of bringing on like
Starting point is 00:33:05 one of those super intelligent like psychic octopus to ask it what decisions Milton Friedman would make yeah what's gonna happen you know like it's it's fucked we have no leveraging we have no no power over this we're not even we're not even getting like new shitty people yeah like we're not like we're getting Larry by the way like if you're one of these people who fucking bitches about Russia all the time no enjoy enjoy Larry Summers one of the one of the men most responsible for Putin like fucking enjoy that enjoy the same cycle of absolutely just fucking scum yeah we have no positive qualities
Starting point is 00:33:48 who have actually like engineered like engineered everything that you personally pretend to be to care about and be against like just they've like Joe Biden have been on the wrong side of everything for like 40 fucking years like no enjoy it fucking enjoy it and you know I actually I should I should add to my thing like the person most responsible for doing the most damage to America he's also one of the people who's done the most damage to Russia probably second to Adolf Hitler like like those guys with a guy they presided over the neoliberal reforms through the Soviet Union that like dropped that life
Starting point is 00:34:19 expectancy that country by like 10 years in a very short amount of time so these guys this is these are this is the wrecking crew and like they're all quite they're very out in the open about it and I remember a Larry Summers quote that surfaced recently where he was asked about if he if he regards like you know really like accelerated the rates of inequality and like I just like a vast chasm between like the ultra ultra wealthy and everyone else and he said no I don't think inequality like is a bad sign for an economy in fact I think growing in a cut inequality is a good sign or just like is
Starting point is 00:34:56 incorrectly interpreted as negative when really what it reflects is the market becoming more efficient at determining the value of an individual's like worth or labor so he's just saying like you're all you're all working more and making less money while people like me are just looting everything because actually the market has figured out that you were making too much money before and it's sorting itself out now so that like yeah like of course you're making less money and I'm making more that's just the market has decided that like they it's all quite in the open about what these people believe no and Larry Summers
Starting point is 00:35:32 isn't even for girl bosses so like everyone everyone who said it's like sexist to not vote for Biden like no I'm fucking enjoy that too no they're would like that is the thing that is the kind of thing I do I do think is poetic about it being Biden is that Biden has no like that world has no use for any any fucking shithead who sold like the very cynical employment of identity politics to to brow be people devoted for Democrats for the last six years who specialize in the shit that like everyone pretended to care about for the last six years like they have no fucking use for it they have none and
Starting point is 00:36:12 like those people like everyone who writes for you know fucking like any Condé Nast publication telling people that they're sexist and racist they're going to be out of a job because like no one reads that shit and the one utility it has which is to sheepdog people into the Democratic Party it's done like Biden just wants like fat white suburbanites like he might as well be going for villages people because what is he actually right like this the thing actually represents the voters returning to normal returning to like and America you could quote-unquote respect and global leadership whatever
Starting point is 00:36:46 the fuck that means especially as we're collapsing as an empire and literally no one fucking respects us and for good reason it's as it's as a femoral and insane and spiritual as what the people in the villages want they just like they they want like a more explicitly racist you know return to American glory and the Biden people want like see you know something with some some peons to identity and general sense of progress but really it's just kind of the same shit it's kind of the same shit appealing to the same people it just like one one group of people went to Pepperdine and one group of people went to I don't know
Starting point is 00:37:32 fucking UMass it just seems like the exact same shit it just seems like regardless of who wins this next election what we're gonna get in the face of like a global depression is like what would have happened if Herbert Hoover had like one another term yeah and we're yeah I mean and it's all we're also just gonna get like the dying fever dreams of old people yeah who just like still still think still think like Eisenhower's president and anyone gives a shit about America's moral leadership like the entire world just doesn't think we're this fucking idiotic old dying eunuch which is what we are and that
Starting point is 00:38:10 everything won't just get worse that will be the I mean but they'll they'll like they'll die happy because they're like we did it we defeat we defeated the orange president and we got Biden in there we made American good a good again and then they'll fucking die if you're not depressed enough already another story another story here links to I think this is very much in the same lane as Larry Summers comments about like how basically markets are just getting more efficient at deciding what the value of people are so the vast majority of people are going to be worth less this comes courtesy of the MIT
Starting point is 00:38:45 technology review Felix I know you clock this story as well headline a doctor and medical ethicist argues life after 75 is not worth living that doctor that doctor in medical ethicist would be Ezekiel Ezekiel Emmanuel brother of Ram Emmanuel yeah I was gonna say like either Jewish or Abish those are the two those are the two options there with that name so he says it says here in October 2014 Ezekiel Emanuel published an essay in the Atlantic called why I hope to die at 75 because Emanuel is a medical doctor and chair of the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy as
Starting point is 00:39:31 well as a chief architect of Obamacare the article stirred enormous controversy Emanuel vowed not to vow to refuse not only heroic medical interventions once he turned 75 but also antibiotics and vaccinations his argument older Americans live too long in a diminished state raising the question of has he put it whether our consumption is worth our contribution you know he wrote that because he got he got mad that he got denied a table at Nobu because he was too old just fucking dog what's even a fucking point yeah he wrote that article on his
Starting point is 00:40:08 phone in the coat room he's like no one would care if I was gone I want to use his tweet drafts and his text there is no tap for sure and yeah prominent medical ethicist recommends filling your pockets with stones and walking into the sea because nobody's your kids are not calling you on the phone Pete they my birthday was forgotten again guess I'll just die I didn't think about that that but that probably like is this up because I don't think like anyone in the Emanuel family likes each other like they're just all completely transactional dog shit people and the moment that his kids became self-sufficient
Starting point is 00:40:50 they're just like see you old bitch also he literally does have nothing to live for Felix I bet these I bet I bet the Emanuel's are long livers and I bet that this was sort of a sub-tweet about someone even older than him who they all just hate oh yeah they have they have probably have a mom who is incredibly just really old bitchy woman who will not die this happened if you took more honors classes in high school rom she's still bitching about him fucking up the questions that pass over and he's like actually you need to die for society your GPA have to be so low in high school you know I still don't
Starting point is 00:41:37 like your wife who died of old age last you know but like I like the implication here that like okay a this guy was as it says an architect of Obamacare so that that's that's reassuring you know like the you know the Logan's Run Society was involved in crafting that wonderful healthcare reform but also I mean I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that Ezekiel Emanuel probably not just supports Joe Biden but it probably has some connection to either the campaign or Democratic politics at that level it's like Biden is five times at least Biden is like over 75 so what is he gonna say
Starting point is 00:42:16 as soon as he gets in the White House like hey stop taking medicine Jack like ever like oh you have a bit of a fever like just ride it out not doing anything for you and I like are any of these assholes like if they I really doubt that if once he crosses 75 he's not gonna like suck every last drop of marrow out of like every like insane high-tech medical advance that he can take advantage of right yeah no yes they're putting him in there putting him in the master chief suit like this thing like really fucking pissed me off and the specific like there's a lot of reasons it's angry but I think like specific
Starting point is 00:42:50 reason is few people on the Democratic side have done more for austerity and center-right economics than the Emanuel's and okay like they you know would talk about like the need to cut social security to like make to quote quote make sure it's solvent to just generally do everything they can to make the social welfare net in their words leaner and more efficient but it's like you don't even even after you work forever because they want everyone to work till they're 70 till they can literally squeeze the last bit of juice out of them you don't even get to spend time with your family you don't even get
Starting point is 00:43:34 that you don't even get like the last like 10 15 years just not with the burden of work and have a second childhood you know like you've done your job you've had a career you raised the family like you know just records yeah yeah you don't watch your grandkids grow don't try to like impart with I'm part of the then like the lessons you learned in your life don't try to like you know make your relationship with your kids better just fucking die because Skeletor said that that you're causing well Felix produced out here here's the actual quote that's even more chilling he's asked in this interview what's wrong with simply
Starting point is 00:44:17 enjoying an extended life he he says here his answer is these people who live a vigorous life to 70 80 90 years of age when I look at what these people quote do almost all of what it is almost all of it is what I classify as play it's not meaningful work they're riding motorcycles they're hiking which can all have value don't get me wrong but if that's the main thing in your life that's probably not a meaningful life why don't we just have like child labor then like why yeah why don't you start working when you're for all your fucking weight send them back to the minds when I look at the way
Starting point is 00:45:03 when I look at the people who are enjoying life at you know let's say six seven eight nine years of age what are they actually doing you know most of it's if they're doing Minecraft they're picking their nose they're imagining things that are real like a senior poverty is skyrocketing like you see people in their 70s being fucking Walmart graders like those people actually do work at horrible jobs they have fucking shitty lives like that's the whole point that's the point you get to you get to sit around and be the fun grandparent that doesn't have to do any of the parenting and and can just like
Starting point is 00:45:48 give them like candy and soda and you just get to be worshipped and everyone has to be nice to you because like you fucking you did your time you earn it you fucking earned it like and it's just like yeah but like my grandparent like my grandmother my one survivor like she's had like one of the hardest lives that I've ever heard of anyone having and it's like yeah she should she's 99 now I like honestly like she seems to actually enjoy life it's like yeah she should get another 20 years of like getting drunk and like being mean to people you rock like you know she fucking oh she did her time it's like but
Starting point is 00:46:26 it's like I mean this is this is one of the most nihilistic fucking things I've ever heard it's that I don't see how this is like this is as bad as like any of the worst shit Trump's ever said or proposed yeah and it's like this you would only write this if like no one in your family gave a shit about you and you didn't give a shit about them if you're a completely valueless fucking person I mean what it actually is and I'm like not kidding here is social hygiene yeah it's yeah yes yes he's suggesting that people that are not way he describes productive is whether they're you know contributing to the
Starting point is 00:47:07 fatherland yeah like that's fucking freak I look forward to all of them offing themselves as soon as yeah put your money where I do mind you lead the way buddy this is Nazi ism with but instead of Hugo boss is fucking bonobos yeah if every SS officer had one of those like like like zip up vests you know that all the tech guys where now hey hey so I did a thing I have to go to Nuremberg that's why Biden that's why Biden is hiding right now he's afraid of being picked up I want to be a man but like 98 and was like very like lucid and active and happy like right up until the very end and one of the greatest
Starting point is 00:48:05 benefits that you have to having like a multi-generational yes we have them young where I'm from having like a multi-generational family is that just socially coherently it allows you to forgive your parents and your grandparents more so like people don't fucking get that like because when you're a self-absorbed little shit and you're like why is my fucking mom such a bitch and then you meet her mom and you're like oh okay okay I'm gonna go a little easier on you because I love grandma but I get to be her grandchild and why is grandma such a bitch I got to know my great-grandma and I'm like I get it
Starting point is 00:48:44 okay like it there is such value in having like a multi-generational family just because it makes you more sympathetic and understand other human beings and it makes you more forgiving of how stupid and insane everyone in your family is and you know that this be the verse and you're gonna do the same thing and you know I like Amber I think if you get it exactly right what you said earlier that this is a form of of social hygiene basically and what I find so disturbing about this is I really view this as them like they sort of like and you know I like the Emanuel's Larry Summers like these are all Democratic
Starting point is 00:49:23 liberal guys these are not people from like the Heritage Foundation these people would not be in charge of like liberals have always had a thing for eugenics I know but like what I want to say is like like this this is supposedly like the good people like not Trump this is these are the people that are gonna save us from Trump and what they're basically telling you now is like I think they're saying this kind of shit to kind of prep the battle space to kind of prepare people like mentally for when they say hey like if you're under 40 if you're you know under 45 and unemployed yeah where it's just like where they like Larry
Starting point is 00:49:55 Summers says where like the market will decide the value of your life and if you're taking more than you're giving back or you're not productive then we can be okay with you dying either of this you know coronavirus or just you know the million other ailments that we like you we could help but don't you know and like you know we had Barbara Ehrenreich on the show a while ago who made like a kind of similar case and I don't want to confuse the two where she was arguing against like an over medicalization of death and like she said something similar like look I've got to the age or like I'm not gonna seek like
Starting point is 00:50:27 I've had breast cancer if it comes back like I don't need to go through chemo again like I've had I've had a good enough life and we don't need to like we don't need to over medicalize death or seek treatment like you know past a certain point but she's making a very different case than what he is which is that like you know if you're hiking and or you know like just having fun with your life like that's not productive and you shouldn't take it like even at antibiotics or medicine of any kind because it's like take because it's taking away from like you know people who like like better people valuable
Starting point is 00:50:59 people. Ehrenreich was arguing that we should focus on quality of life rather than quantity of life. He's arguing that we should focus on I don't know lucrativeness of life, productivity of life. And the awful thing is like when he's saying like oh like you know these what these people do like it just play like that's not a meaningful life to me. It's like who asked you fucking fucking asshole like who had to me that sounds like the most meaningful. Yeah like that sounds like the most meaningful life to me one in which you don't have to go to a fucking job every day and you can like yeah ride a fucking bike you know
Starting point is 00:51:39 like. There's no one I don't think there's like any prominent family in America who knows less about the meaning of life than the Emanuels. Honestly like those parents should be actually fucking ashamed of themselves for creating such piece of shit children who have no value in human life. There's no joke here just a fucking rotten family who's contributed nothing but pain and ambition to the fucking world. I mean not to like go to Freud on it but like the whole like thing I was talking about earlier like the social value of living a multi-generational life and knowing people that are old and
Starting point is 00:52:21 knowing people with children and having children like these are clearly people like that being like a facet of like human empathy it's like oh now the Emanuels make so much sense when you know that like it's like okay their parents don't love their children the children don't love their parents no one likes anyone at all and that has formed their worldview and you know political ethos. Yeah everyone has to be just as miserable as them. Yeah. And hate their families just as much as they do. Amber you know what another benefit of a multi-generational household and being around old people is? Extra N95 mask.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Alright so moving on here I would very much like to return now to a shop at trap house Hall of Famer. We haven't talked about them in a while but they came back on the scene this week in a big way and I knew I knew I needed to share. I'm talking of course about all all city all varsity columnist Megan McCartle. She has the letter in jacket. She is at my absolute favorite. My brother gave me her book Feeling Upwards when I was in high school and after I read it I did not. Okay I changed my mind. I'm against a family now. A single like school assignment until I graduated actually before I you know
Starting point is 00:53:51 until I was kicked out of high school for not doing anything. She had an amazing thing about how noise. That's where I'm going. That's where I'm going. She's so smart man. I love her. I love her. I would break gay for her. I would absolutely. I want her to slam her cheeks on my face and like brick my nose. To begin with though I should I should point out that like I should preface this by saying Megan started out by talking about how her elder her own elderly father has been ejected from his like nursing home without any testing and that like he like his has had the coronavirus or
Starting point is 00:54:35 something and the nursing home isn't telling me. Like he was bounced. He was stealing people up and got thrown out. He got 86. Shit hold on. Sir sir sir you've put too much scar on the jukebox. Here's the context. She says I had elevated risk for dying of COVID and now locked into a house with a COVID positive patient because his nursing home discharged him without retesting. If you are among those who keep saying the risk of COVID is low I invite you over. I invite you to come over. We need help moving furniture. Please take care of my father so I mean I you know obviously
Starting point is 00:55:22 it's a tough situation to be in for Megan but I'm sort of surprised that she isn't coming at this with her usual sort of like contrarian a skew glance at the world which is like at one level it's like yeah it seems like that nursing home is behaving irresponsibly but you know I mean they have responsibilities to the shareholders of the nursing home corporation and like would she prefer that they're just not be nursing homes from the wrong angle I mean like could he operate like a kitchen aid is there a way that he could like use all of her kitchen gadgets maybe he'd be more valuable on the streets you know he
Starting point is 00:55:58 could get a broom start sweeping up some of the garbage out there you know yeah and also like you know I mean obviously a lot of people are dying of a coronavirus but like you know I take Megan seriously so like I know for a fact that maybe we shouldn't the risk is actually low because there's a good chance they could have died of you know anything else independent of the coronavirus I could have it never happened like you know they could have got hit by a car stung by a you know hornet's nest like we have a massive outbreak of botulism like some yeah 1900s disease I'm just saying like look
Starting point is 00:56:33 we don't know anything it's very and then like in this in this crazy mixed up world it's often very hard to tell what is right and what is wrong and you know so I'm just saying I'm a little surprised Megan is taking this tack but I'm more surprised with the tack she takes here where she shares this thought this is not a scientific assessment just an idle speculation I'm glad she practices that she uses that qualifier to bring this up she's just spinning her wheels you know there's no bad bad ideas and brainstorming don't don't keep yourself down you are a genius please she is I feel I feel about her
Starting point is 00:57:16 like I feel like about like guys feel about Mariah Carey now following fucking the zero quality Zeke manual with it like she's I love her because she's never succeeded anything she sucks at everything like even like her marriage like she's like every day every day she goes out there and she's like what yeah what if what if the thing killing people with coronavirus was that way was that they were cursed by a wizard is writing her articles I love her this is like she's like the non-practicing Catholic version of the Eman the Emanuals like that transposed into like oh you learned about Jesus or
Starting point is 00:58:08 whatever in grade school and then like never followed up yeah so so good so she goes here you know please take please take it in that light the light of idle speculation but she says you're looking at all the infections at choir practice soccer games restaurants etc what if one big problem is noise this would also help explain why NYC happened so fast okay continuing interesting would like to know more and she says here as I say this is completely idle speculation I am just noodling what policy recommendations might come out of a discovery that noise spreads COVID do we redesign restaurants to be like
Starting point is 00:58:51 those 1950s places with drapery everywhere instead of cool industrial vibe does noise pollution become a bigger priority and then she says sorry to be clear noise is a problem because when it is noisy people raise their voices to be heard which facilitates a droplet transmission I'm not suggesting that like noise gives you COVID she's like do we invest billions into tin cans connected by a place that this is why I love her is because like she's one of the like most articles we read it just like no one's even fucking trying they're just like they're just droning along on the keyboard until they get their pay
Starting point is 00:59:35 check but McArdle is special you know like I feel about these columnists that we follow did you ever watch a sniper with Tom Berenger of course and Billy Zane yeah okay you know the part where Berenger is like yeah if you watch these targets long enough you kind of grow to like them because you see the routine like you see how they're uniqueness is people and sometimes you have to like tell stories about them in order to pull the trigger and that's how I feel about her and I love her specifically because she's one of the only columnist who actually tries it's just like her try is so shitty because she's such a like
Starting point is 01:00:08 dumb fail person but it's like this is like the the regular conservative article about Corona would be like oh it's like not really happening or like we need to we need to like just to protect the economy but like this is so fucking stupid it rocks it's like using her logical pathways like you could write an article about mass shootings that are like you know most mass shootings happen in places of learning so we have to like make schools worse no no you know Felix wait wait wait Felix you bring up the school thing but she said just the other week she's like wow like we haven't had a school shooting in a while
Starting point is 01:00:46 like what's it like we should like what's the deal with that or like she's applied like is COVID leading to it like a decline in school shootings and it's just like well yeah all the schools are closed that's that's that's why but so like a couple people tried to test this theory here and she had answers for everything one of the things that I really like about this is that she continually tries to bring whatever is going on into her wheelhouse like she has kind of an inductive reasoning way of thinking where she's like look I don't I'm not like a medical science person but you know what curtains what about
Starting point is 01:01:25 curtains the solution maybe I'm the girl to write a column about it yeah and again just like with all these people like with you know Larry Summers or the scientists who wants people to die at at 75 go ahead be the first one Megan shut the fuck up never never talk go for it please to a woman with a crate and barrel catalog it's like every problem just requires curtains Megan do not listen to him you don't try to fit don't try to fit in a world where you were born to stand out I love you so I like I said like a few people tested this theorem here and the first one is I love this an account an account just
Starting point is 01:02:07 titled marketplace fairness yes it says sorry they say here nursing homes aren't exactly raucous noisy places I'd probably delete this one but you know what like they like they didn't attack counter-attack senior citizens how senior citizens however are often hard of hearing so people stand close to them and talk real loud she's you know sis mill I get now why Felix loves her anything ridiculous he is able to argue how it is how like well trains are a kind of architecture like she's got that touche energy where she just you know needs to like join the circus or something like I really just like her
Starting point is 01:03:07 talents are just like being really good at thinking on her feet yeah I love her here's the here's the here's the best one though like I thought Nick so so another guy says but funerals are also letters and they are quiet and solemn good point let's see that let's hear the riposte depends on the culture the funeral like shivers the funeral itself may be solemn or there may be a lot of singing etc and the after-party can be very crowded social etc this is Megan doing anti-pirish bigotry she is against Irish wigs she's trying to say that getting drunk and spitting whiskey into your uncle's mouth is some kind of super spreader behavior
Starting point is 01:03:55 and I would really appreciate it if she deleted that one she you know we got a D platformer and also I like the it could noise be the killer I have to credit I have to credit Jacob back rack with this one but she has reverse engineered the the probably the least successful David Lynch alteration to the dude narrative which of course is the invention of the the killing word and the the the weirding way with the yes yeah wait when Megan was a child her mom came into her room with a typewriter don't woman born child has ever written an article this shitty so there you go you know just stop stop washing your hands
Starting point is 01:04:44 but like but please whisper in public you know if we're gonna get on top of this thing let's just use your use your library voice people I'm glad we closed with me she fucking rocks I like I was so I felt like so bad after that Ramam or Zeke manual thing and now we're like they're still yeah there's some like there's some light at the end of the tunnel shine on I love her my mood has gotten like immeasurably better after hearing that lovely lovely yeah he's still out there tanking it easy for all us sinners I'm not gonna I'm not gonna read the whole thing but the last time Megan
Starting point is 01:05:29 dipped her toe into like big big time like you know health care issues aside from to argue against universal health care of any kind it was this piece in the Washington Post I'm just gonna read the headline what if we paid people to donate their kidneys to strangers like like like every dude every week Brett Stevens writes an article that's like the pomposity of the liberal hexagon it's like everyone screenshots and it gets mad but he's not trying like he's just like a shitty thinker and like the only thing he can think of is like stuff that will make people who are obsessed with newspapers annoyed but Megan like
Starting point is 01:06:13 actually thinks she can help the world and she's also she's trying as hardy she can't it just sucks yeah sorry I really like my Megan physical insult on here oh let's hear it Lisa damaged frontal lobe I'm sorry I just I got to read just a little of this I'm gonna read just the beginning and end here so again what if we paid people to sell their kidneys what what if a simple policy could save tens of thousands of people every year from a deeply unpleasant treatment followed by death a policy that would disproportionately help the most disadvantage while actually saving
Starting point is 01:07:21 taxpayer money tell me you're not chewing that loud Jesus Christ lady get a fucking grip and then at the end I mean like her her answer is in you know pure libertarian reasoning here is to create a you know a new competitive market for your organs so she could she close by saying like soldiers kidney donors except some risk of bodily harm if paying them outright is too repugnant why not treating them like veterans with similar hiring preferences scholarships and so forth undoubtedly some people would donate for the wrong reasons just as some people foolishly enlist yet that risk still seems preferable to leaving
Starting point is 01:08:03 so many desperate dialysis patients dependent on the kindness of strangers they know they should be dependent on my need for a college scholarship yeah like a JROTC program in high schools but just be like hey kids you know you don't really need your kidney you can even doesn't that still cut like a good chunk of your life off of you I mean like you can still live for a while but like it definitely it's it's you're taking it to bite in a big chunk off the end serious yeah also and like organ transplants are kind of not super perfected like even if they go really really really well and you find someone
Starting point is 01:08:46 who is a match and your body doesn't like reject it which is difficult to do like there's a good chance that maybe that donor kidney will last maybe two or three years like I don't know I also kind of think that maybe people are pretty good about organ donation like I don't really think like the profit incentive is gonna like it's just a little box check at the DMV now you say that Amber and you know like certainly I would donate a kidney to you but let's say the kidney didn't take and you know you died I wasted a kidney seems bad right but I will have gotten like you know a tax credit that I can file on
Starting point is 01:09:28 next year's return that would you know allow me to purchase health care at a slightly discounted rate or you know yeah exactly I can get it I can get a Nintendo switch I can get a voucher yeah yeah I mean like yeah whatever I'm an organ donor I'm an organ donor and everything but and you know people should be but like she seems to be under the impression that like there are all these people dying all the time despite having perfectly good like despite like there's a bunch of compatible kidneys just lying around that people just aren't even using like that's kind of not how it works once again we just we need market
Starting point is 01:10:10 efficiency in human life and let's get a little further right like what if what if this happened right and this became reality well good news for feel like so would be people who would be like stealing kidney kidney donation valor oh totally just a guy just a guy just a guy who like you can literally see the bulging his kidneys in the back or clearly too yeah I actually actually gave them to a veteran mm-hmm like that would be awesome I don't need it probably be the first guy to do that buddy I donated both my kidneys all right I got none I got none yeah but I'm paid I'm caked up I don't even need it now imagine
Starting point is 01:10:55 imagine like giving a kidney to a soldier that becomes the next American sniper those kills are basically yours oh yeah you get to take credit yeah it's like being the father of the NFL quarterback all right I think that does it for this week I want to thank Ben and Paul most seeking derangement sir joining us today why don't you uh plug that podcast for our audience yeah Paul might have a podcast it's like if it's like if Terry Gross stopped being a coward and just said faggot like we all want he can do it he can do it don't give Adam yeah I don't okay we're on itunes
Starting point is 01:11:43 what sorry sorry we will have we will have the links here but uh check out seeking derangements if you're looking for something one more plug incredibly fun and funny show I give seeking derangements the highest praise I can give a podcast which is when I can't sleep and feel bad I listen to seeking derangements while playing video games alone as all my friends went to bed one last plug if anyone can let us know or if anyone can help us get Molly Klein on the podcast please oh my god I would be able to die peacefully after that like I wouldn't care if I died after that so please if you have a Molly's contact
Starting point is 01:12:23 info please send her over to seeking derangements at I will flex all of my personal connections with her oh well well well you guys have the same super we have the same hand we have the same handler we have the same handler yeah yeah the way I would describe her is that she's the person for like we've seen how Twitter makes people like mentally ill and develop these whole paranoid kind of mind palaces which by the way like I feel like just to intervene slightly on that stuff when someone is being super crazy and you're like you're fucking crazy like yeah no they are crazy treat them the way you
Starting point is 01:13:07 would treat a crazy person if you saw them on the subway platform you're not going to own or mean them into sanity so you know maybe just politely avert your eyes yeah yeah just retweet a queen but like Molly is the person who we never even saw her evolution so like she has this mysterious like you know kind of eldritch possibly sane past like we don't know her story so she's like so she's like this very intriguing very early and sane online leftist that you know we don't know the backstory so I think if you guys could get that I mean I would be great episode oh yes well amber amber what do I do when I see a
Starting point is 01:13:53 crazy person on the subway I invite them to do showtime with me in a classic NYC moment and then everyone can do show time yeah slow clap on the train all the guys who work in the child molestation unit of Goldman Sachs humans all the humans of New York the the naked cowboy comes medic M&M steak comes account they're all there they're all cheering for me as I do showtime with this one of the most downtrodden memories that is a right that is a beautiful vision and we will leave you there thank you very much everybody till next time oh bye bye Oh

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