Chapo Trap House - 430 - Beltway Garage: Redemption (6/22/20)

Episode Date: June 23, 2020

Matt and the prodigal Virgil return to the Beltway Garage to take a look at the state of the presidential race, tomorrow’s primaries in New York and Kentucky, and the slew of Qanon supporters runnin...g for office in 2020.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're on our way to the speed ride we all love We're gonna find out about the politics of the day and know what's going on Even though they might cancel the election, we still wanna know what's going on And the Beltway Garage, that's right, in the Beltway Garage Hi guys, that's right, we're back after months and months of penitence and reflection We have returned to the Beltway Garage And in the Beltway Garage, here he is, Virgil Texas Hello
Starting point is 00:00:45 Hi Junior Mechanics, Virgil here Very excited to talk to you about the only real, actual politics that exists that matter that anyone can engage in By which, of course, I mean electoral politics that's all conducted virtually and through corrupt processes That's it, that's all we have folks, get ready, just deal with it And with that in mind, it is June 21st, a mere 80 months until the general election And as of right now, Joe Biden looks like he's got a comfortable national lead over Donald Trump A high single-digit lead in states such as Wisconsin, Michigan, and a lead in voters over 65 at demographic that Trump beat Clinton in last time around Matt, as a mechanic in the Beltway Garage, how do you feel about Biden's general election chances?
Starting point is 00:01:36 I think he's gonna win It looks right now, as much as people have a hard time accepting that because they're so used to Republicans blowing it, specifically blowing it to Donald Trump I think that they're just failing to acknowledge that, yes, he would have won, certainly beaten Biden if we assume that the economic conditions of early 2020 had held Although I honestly think that there's good reason to believe that, wouldn't have been the case, even minus Corona Because there's a good argument he made that the US was already entering a recession before coronavirus hit the economy But anyway, Trump was in a position where he could have cruised to a reelection on the strength of a strong economy using culture war to depress Democratic turnout while increasing his own among his base And that could have worked, but I think at a certain point, once events start intervening, you gotta acknowledge the reality of that And it feels like everything that makes America feel like it's falling apart to a lot of people, all of those things are personalized in the form of Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:02:44 And that they're very well me might be, at least for one election, a genuine boycotting of the Republican Party, at least at the presidential level by the sort of relatively affluent white suburbanites who determine the election Determine the outcome in the crucial swing states At least in the current system, in the current coalitions Right, and the only things that could possibly intervene between now and then are only more likely to make that outcome happen Because right now, we're staring down the barrel of the Superdoll, as Matt Brunig calls it, the extended and increased unemployment benefits which have really been the only thing keeping the US economy from completely collapsing Expiring at the end of July, I tend to think that at the last minute, they will offer another emergency dispensation But the fear that a lot of people, including people on the show, have had earlier in the crisis of Trump seizing the moment to become a true right populist And become the Huey Long Father Christmas of the white downwardly mobile classes that would signal apocalypse, that is not happening
Starting point is 00:03:55 And in the absence of that, I think we are looking at Trump getting soundly defeated in the fall You know, I try to imagine a hypothetical argument in Trump's favor that he would win, and I just can't do it. I can't concoct that argument, even just to tear it down I think the closest thing for me, the most persuasive thing for me that is a counterargument, is just the person of Joe Biden, his specific mental cognitive decline The fact that he is not up to the moment, and that the more that he is given the platform, the more that he is scrutinized, the more obvious that becomes But I honestly at this point feel like they are absent a catastrophic collapse, which will involve some sort of last minute replacement candidate of his mental or physical health That they have figured out a way to keep him enough in the public mind to remind people that there is an alternative to Trump without reminding them that he isn't a clearly senile man Because the lack of passion around Biden, like people point out, people love Trump, they don't love Biden, that's true, no one loves Biden, but no one hates Biden That is the important distinction, Hillary Clinton was a negative mobilizer, a lot of people voted against Hillary Clinton, that dynamic is gone
Starting point is 00:05:20 Trump now is the negative mobilizer, and Biden cannot match him The person of Biden does not have all of the associated energies that Clinton had to bring people out to vote against him, which means that all of the actual turnout mobilizing force, it will be with his rump base We can see that's not enough to win with, anyone marginally independent, I think, is being fully convinced that, okay, we should stop this ride, and because Trump is so personally associated with every element of the current crisis, it's going to be very clear to most people that the only way to do that is to get rid of Trump Well, Trump's not good with exogenous events, events, occurrences, things of that nature, never really been as strong Very bad for him, and he looked so strong for so long because his first three years of presidency were blessedly event free No, nothing happened, I mean there was shit that he did, that he and his administration concocted Yes, but it was all on their terms, it was not reactive, and now they're reacting and he can't do that The one thing was the hurricane, which he completely fucked up, it made him look awful
Starting point is 00:06:30 But which didn't hurt him because it happened in Puerto Rico, nobody in Puerto Rico can vote for president There you go, it's that Trump is so closely identified with the crisis and identified with his own incompetent reaction to the crisis Yes It's like, if he had just disappeared for the past three months, that would have been way better for him Absolutely But obviously he can't do that, it said he's chosen the worst possible path in response to the police murders, in response to the coronavirus Yep, which is to be, which is to continue to self promote while you're fucking up Yeah, because like Nixon was able to sell himself as a peacekeeper in 1968, Trump cannot do that
Starting point is 00:07:15 He is now the face of violent protest, and sure a lot of people don't think that and they like him and they think this is all Soros plot But that is, that wasn't enough to win in 2016 and it wouldn't be enough to win in 2020 I mean, he won in 2016 because people stayed home or decided to give him a shot because of how repellent the Clinton campaign was That dynamic doesn't favor him now All those people or a large chunk of them will either stay home without voting for him again or go back to the Democrats One indication that the Biden triumphalism isn't just another media delusion like Hillary winning in 2016 was, is that Trump himself is personally apparently incredibly pissed about the way his campaign is going Yeah, no, he's very unhappy, which means that they're going to have to keep shifting to keep him happy, which is not the same thing as maintaining a good operation They've already bought ads in the DC area, they spent money on ads in DC, which is a complete waste of money because that's as blue an area of the country as you can find and barely any electoral votes by the way
Starting point is 00:08:30 But because Trump was getting mad that there wasn't enough television telling him he's good, so they had to spend money just to reassure him on his local stations that he watches that people still like him That's not a campaign geared around persuading people, bringing people back into the fold who might have been disillusioned by the last year or so Right, and the campaign also held a rally in Tulsa yesterday Yes Just to keep Trump happy Yeah, they went out, they did a big corona exposure event, a potential super spreading event A corona party A big corona party that it was the worst of all worlds for him because it got everybody riled up, but it did not provide onage because it was notably sparsely attended
Starting point is 00:09:14 And that was a story that emerged from it, and now, just like he spent a week explaining that, I went down the ramp perfectly I went down the ramp, I went down the ramp perfectly, it was a perfect ramp, it was a perfect phone call, it was a perfect ramp walk, and I drank the water perfectly Now he's gonna have to be if actually it was full, or at the fuck, kept everyone out Either way, he is on his back foot, and I just have to say that I don't think that there is adequate language to describe the sensation of watching a room full of adult voting age Americans Spontaneously rising to their feet to applaud a 74 year old man for successfully drinking a glass of water without spilling it on himself I thought you said cryptically at first, and I thought, okay, that's a cool direction, Trump is gonna become a mystery guy He's gonna start peacocking and using Alpha Kino Yeah, I'm just a little twisted, you know
Starting point is 00:10:11 On that rally, yes, the rally was a huge embarrassing disaster, and I do kind of think it's funny that in order to placate Trump, his campaign is now engaging in activities that will murder his base of support I have two notes from the news about that rally, this was from the New York Times Masks were being handed out as supporters filed into a designated area at the arena Saturday afternoon, but wearing them was not enforced Some people threw masks out immediately after they received them Hell yeah, you gotta do that That little image of defiance at the Trump rally, just throwing your mask on the ground Living your freedom, I respect it Now they've already decided that they're going to have a maskless convention in America's Wild West Commerce Zone, Florida, instead of having to worry about the nanny state of North Carolina
Starting point is 00:11:03 Stopping them from just licking all the handles of the convention center Florida Those people at those conventions, those people actually matter, and they're all even just as old as the convention goers And they will be strategically and intentionally exposing themselves to coronavirus to make an obscure point That I honestly feel like most people think is some version of insanity Well, I don't think that the actual smart people in the Republican party, the rich, you know, the people who are in on the scam are going to be in Jacksonville It'll be interesting to find out, I honestly have talked about this, I would like to go I think it's not really going to be a convention, I think it's just going to be a rally or series of rallies
Starting point is 00:11:43 That's my intuition We'll see, we'll see, we'll see how committed they are to the bit, either way I'd like to go There's been a lot of Michigas about this on Twitter the last 24 hours, and I don't think it's truly important, but do you think the anemic attendance was a factor of his base being actually scared of Corolla? I honestly think that that's it, and some people say that that means like, well, it's not really, it doesn't really bode for his, it doesn't bode poorly for his enthusiasm If they're not really worried about enthusiasm, if they're not really not enthusiastic, they're actually worried about Corona Well, if they're worried about Corona, then to some degree they have accepted that it's real and dangerous, and honestly, once you've accepted those premises, Trump's entire thing becomes less compelling The true believers are going to become more and more wrapped up in their belief QAnon is going to become more and more prominent as a dominant ideological coherence amongst them and an explanatory model for why things aren't going the way that they should with God, Emperor, Trump and the charge But I think a lot of people are just going to start kind of getting vaguely embarrassed about the whole thing and certainly less likely to go vote when there's no chance it's going to be less of a fucking contagion festival in November than it is now
Starting point is 00:12:57 Honestly, the only argument I could make that Trump would be reelected is that it would have to be a combination of two factors. One, that people believe Biden is such an overwhelming favorite that they either don't vote, especially because there's a pandemic going on, or they vote their party, they vote their conscience A recent poll showed that a majority of Biden voters say they're not voting for him, they're just voting against Trump. It would be a combination of that, and oh yeah, I guess the second one would just be the virus reducing turnout, but as we've seen in recent primaries, that's just not the case Yeah, people are still very motivated, but the wild card for the election, in my opinion, is just the wildly disparate standards that are going to exist between states. Republican states are going to be demanding that people go to these corona filled polling places, which will of course be reduced in number to deal with the virus, which will have the effect of decreasing or increasing wait times I mean, we already saw catastrophic wait times in Georgia. They've already reduced the number of polling places in Kentucky for the upcoming primary there, from 3,000 something to 200 That will persist into November, and I mean, we can talk about how there's still this huge amount of enthusiasm, but on an election day, and on a general election day, you could have a genuine, if this pattern persists, you could have an actual breakdown in the legitimacy of those votes Well, it depends if anyone actually calls the election illegitimate, or specifically Joe Biden. If he just says, well, if they just tell him, Joe, you're not president, he goes, well, okay, back, then it's not going to be a thing See, I disagree with that a little bit just because I mean, people think back to 2000 and everyone just sort of rolled over and accepted that the conditions right now are not the conditions that obtained in 2000, which was the tail end of the largest post longest post war job creation era in America. This I mean, it was it was all obviously a rickety tech bubble that that purse shortly after that. But it was a moment of relative peace. I mean, no foreign wars happening, no terrorist threats looming in people's minds anyway, and a secure and growing
Starting point is 00:15:16 economy. We are basically in the exact opposite of that condition now. So I think like a genuinely botched election could have results that would reverberate farther than I think we can assume now, and certainly by comparing them to previous cases that happened with much different social political frameworks, but it's contingent on the results. And yes, in the states that matter. You know, they have Democrats running the elections, Michigan will have Democrats running the election, Wisconsin will have Democrats running the election, Georgia will have Democrats, which is why I kind of think Georgia's fools gold this time around. But what you would there have there. See, this is a flip side of that, presumably in those Democratic states, you will have a large use of absentee balance. But Republicans, all the way from the president to his base, and Republican governors, Republican senators, the infrastructure of the political party itself have deemed those votes illegitimate already. They say that if you're mailing in boats, that's as good as having MSNBC and MSNBC and MSNBC and MS3, MS13, MS3K and MS13. They're letting robots vote. They're letting Rachel Maddow just check out all the things. And they do not like that is to them a mail-in ballot is prima facie fraudulent. And so you will have the other thing you will have a vote that is not considered legitimate by Republicans. And of course, the vast majority of those voters are just going to mumble because they are more comfortable. But you also have Republican controlled states with hegemonic Republican political parties. And in the aftermath of a Trump loss, a motive to become the next champion of America, the rump America that these people think that they're representing.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Well, it's a question of whether they can expand past that 25, 35% or so of the country who will deem a Biden win illegitimate, no matter what, in the way that they thought Obama was illegitimate, that Clinton was illegitimate and so on. Right. But once again, the conditions are different. It's a fucking pandemic and an economic collapse at the same time. I just think that the edges are going to be sharper this time. And that one way or the other, some significant group with significant political representation will end with an incentive structure that will move towards that energy being funneled by demagogues and by power seekers that you will have a gender. You could have a genuine crisis. Now, I think it would probably subsume short of violence for the for the meantime, but it would be the context of the Biden presidency. There's going to be a Raytheon Acres Autonomous Zone starting out. Depending on how things break down, I'm not ruling it out. One last note from that Trump rally. This is a tweet by Robert Clemcoe. At the Trump rally, Brian Clothier 61 is wearing an adult diaper over his pants. That reads, scientists say farts spread the virus. I COVID my ass to stop the spread.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Well done, sir. Thank you for your service. Another thing that I think, you know, might hurt Biden is third party candidates. Because again, people have do not like Biden or really think about him or give a shit about him, which, you know, is is licensed to vote against the Democratic nominee. The Libertarian Party had their virtual convention last month where bugging the recent trend of nominating ex Republican losers, they passed over Justin Amash to nominate two complete randos. Oh snap. Joe Jorgensen is their nominee and Spike Cohen is their VP pick. Spike Cohen, who took his name from the My Little Pony movie in the 1980s. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:07 His Wikipedia page lists him as an American activist, entrepreneur and podcaster. Oh God. All right. Never mind. I support him. It might be critical support for podcasting politician. It might interest it might interest you to know that Spike Cohen is a little random. He's epic. Is he epic, sir? From ABC 15. We are giving you free ponies, Cohen said, explaining a central national security proposal. We are also going to harm them with 20 millimeter Vulcan cannons.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I'm so facing so hard right now. You guys can see me in the zoom chat. I am fucking soy facing my balls off right now. Yes. You know, the Libertarian Party probably could have taken a lot of these anti Trump votes this time around if they pick that fucking guy. Well, that's bad. It's like they love doing that. They love nominating extra Republican office holders. He's he's still in power. He's still in office.
Starting point is 00:20:00 What the hell? I would love to know how that happened because that he's like, I got like honestly because they saw. Bob Barlews and Gary Johnson lose and thought, OK, we got to go in another direction here because clearly what the people want is a random person that nobody's ever heard of. I believe that their shadow secretary of state is a Ron Swanson Funko pop. Let's move on a little. Let's change gears a little bit here and talk. Use a word that again is only acceptable in the safe space of the Beltway garage that you might induce a little bit of cringing in you to hear this term operated. But you are not allowed to feel bad or make fun of this in any way.
Starting point is 00:20:53 We're going to talk about the Veep steaks. Oh, yeah. Love a good Veep steak. Late last week, Amy Klobuchar, who seemed to me to be a good fit for Joe Biden's vice presidential nominee, bowed out and said that Biden should put pick a woman of color. Biden has already promised to nominate a female, pick a female vice presidential nominee. Yes, I Klobuchar is must be one of the most angry people in the world right now because I genuinely do think that she was on the glide path to get the. I think it would have. I think it would have been her also. It made sense because they were terrified of losing the upper Midwest.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Even though, as I've said, it's the Balkans of America. We all hate each other. Wisconsinites don't give a fuck if you're from Minnesota. Fuck you. Fuck the Vikings. Fuck off. Fuck. Well, they would call and they would.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Humphrey. They would call what's the straight from what's his face from Wisconsin, Minnesota's third. Senator McCarty. Yeah. Humphrey and he lost to Kennedy in 60. Fuck off. So, but anyway, it was specious reasoning, but they were convinced of it. But then the George Floyd thing happened and her not only did that necessitate it being a woman of color, but it all is her personal involvement.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Her, her office as district attorney in Hennepin County, declining to charge Chauvin on a previous police killing. That's, that was game over for her. Yeah. Her, her closeness to law enforcement in Minnesota was pretty much her, you know. I think that it's, it's based. It's, this is a very interesting example of how we think of the presidency as, as this sort of unbound office and the president is someone with unbounded power. And in some respects, certainly post the national security state. That's true, but it's still an office that is a fundamentally reactive.
Starting point is 00:22:44 You're reacting to political and social and material conditions that are emerging. You just have to ride that wave. You have limited degree to actually all of your decisions are within a limited window of options. And so now you have something like this is his first real choice, right? This is his first independent pick as the nominee. This is a preview of his presidency because in the, in the current moment, the president has basically free reign to choose whatever VP they would like. And yet he has found himself by, by happenstance, by the eruption of the Black Lives Matter protests and by his, his, his need to appeal to the female voters who make up a majority of Democrats. Now he is essentially has to pick instead of between anyone he would want, he's bound to like two or three viable options.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Maybe, maybe just two. And, and that really does speak to how his presidency would operate. Well, I don't think there has, I don't think it's a, I don't think it's a definite mandate to pick a woman of color. That's just something Amy Klobuchar said to save face. I think that they have made a calculation that they don't have any other options. They being buy and buy in, would indicate that that's what they think anyway, because the, the short list is all except for Elizabeth Warren, who bravo to, to Amy, the fucking queen, bitter and spiteful to the end with from hell's heart. I stab at the for hate sake. I spit my last breath at the going down with the ship.
Starting point is 00:24:18 She still has a moment to shiv someone who ran against her and who she probably didn't like because she took the snacks from the green room. snacks from the green room or something. Elizabeth Warren, brava. But everyone else, Suzanne, who's been leaked as a, as a shortlist candidate is in fact a woman of color. That's not true. That's not true. That's not true. That's not true. Who else? Uh, Tammy Baldwin, Gretchen Whitmer, Gina Raimondo, unless you're counting Italians, you're talking about the information that I am because I'm okay. Well, then I will read you Biden shortlist. These are the, wait, what is this from? These are the people confirmed to be getting vetted by Joe Biden. I saw, I'm just saying aggregated from news sources. You can take it with a
Starting point is 00:25:00 grain of salt. Before you list them, I'm just going to say that I saw a final vet list of like five names and none of them, but was with Warren was white. So you tell me what you heard. Okay. The list that I have includes Tammy Baldwin, Keisha Bottoms, Val Demings, Tammy Duckworth, Kamala Harris, Maggie Hassan, Michelle Graham, Gina Raimondo, Susan Rice, Liz Warren, and Gretchen Whitmer Whitmer. I saw a much shorter list is rice, uh, Val Dennings from Florida, the mayor of Atlanta, Elizabeth Warren, and I think Stacey Abrams. Uh, I actually thought that Abrams wasn't being vetted because, uh, 10 days ago, she said on the Stephen Colbert program that she was not called by the Biden campaign, but
Starting point is 00:25:48 obviously that could have changed. Uh, no, I don't think she's the, I don't think she's going to be the, the pick, but I do think it's going to be one of those people. I found it conspicuously. Her name conspicuously absent from that list. And of course, obviously this is not something that the campaign is putting out. This is something that's, uh, weedled out by, uh, journalists from sources. Uh, obviously if it's not, if it's not a woman of color, I will be very surprised, but the specific one it is, I actually don't really have a strong, uh, hunch. I don't, I don't really know. Well, I don't think it would be Warren in any case. I didn't think, I did not think
Starting point is 00:26:23 so before the protests. No, no, she never made sense before the coronavirus. It's very clear that Warren and Biden don't have a great, you know, affinity for each other. Uh, Warren, I mean, just a clip of Warren attacking Biden at the last debate where they both stood on stage together. Uh, I mean, that's enough to disqualify her. I mean, just because it's just not good footage to have around. I also don't see the upside in it. You have to basically adopt all of Warren's policies, but you don't agree with them or do it on all of it. I think Warren would be pretty, uh, agreeable if they put her on the ticket. I don't think they have to worry too much about her, but she's also a fucking dishrag with no political
Starting point is 00:27:09 instincts, a terrible politician, both retail and onto camera. I'm not saying, I'm not saying she changes. I'm not saying she changes the policies. I'm saying that's the way the ticket will get discussed is, Oh yeah, Joe Biden's not so moderate, which is obviously the wedge that Republicans want to use that he's an anti far MS 13, uh, far left, uh, lunatic, uh, putting Warren on the ticket helps them make that argument as, uh, disingenuous as it is. I, I, she, she's the worst of both worlds because yes, she, she is associated on the right with extreme leftism and, uh, on the left with being a loser that there's, there's
Starting point is 00:27:46 no plus. Right. And she also doesn't, uh, you know, bring anyone to the ticket who was not already going to vote for vice president Biden. Yeah. Uh, so it's all downside. So if you want to, if you say that Biden is, if we look at your list and say that Biden is going to, uh, abide by the rule that a vice president should first do no harm, uh, who would that be, uh, between uh, bottoms, Deming's Harris and Rice Harris to me seems like, uh, I could see Rice maybe because she was never a prosecutor and you don't have to deal with the whole cop thing, which you would have a problem with with Deming's too, who was a literal police chief. Uh,
Starting point is 00:28:24 but at the same time, Rice is not a politician really. Uh, and yeah. And so I think the, I think the safe choice is, uh, Harris. And I think that they're going to do the same. She's the Tim Kaine of the available options and they're the Democratic party. So they're going to go with the Tim Kaine. I don't know. I mean, Harris's downsides are one, she's a loser. Uh, she flamed out on the national stage. Uh, two, she's from a very, very safe state, you know, doesn't really matter. She's not moving any votes anywhere else. Uh, and yeah, three, it is the prosecutor thing. I think that does engender a, uh, a lot of criticism from the left. I don't know
Starting point is 00:29:04 if that's going to be decisive. Uh, but you know, Deming's and Harris being so closely tied to, uh, the criminal justice system, obviously as African American women, it is harder to tie them to the various in multiple injustices of the criminal justice system. But nevertheless, I mean, that argument is going to be there. Like that's, that's a way for the right to say, uh, oh, what about this? You know, unarmed black man who was murdered by the police when Kamala Harris was the California attorney general and not prosecuted. I think so, but here's, honestly, I feel like this is going to be a return to the same understanding that vice presidential picks don't really do anything. I don't think it's going to really
Starting point is 00:29:53 matter either way. This is going to be like most elections about an incumbent, a referendum on the incumbent. And with given how things are right now, 20% real unemployment, uh, maybe to buy by November, maybe, uh, 300,000 dead from Corona and so we saw, we saw that continual, uh, convulsive, uh, social unrest, all of which are associated in the mind of the public with Trump, that that is going to be the motivator and any kind of Brad Parscale mind warfare is going to be, be not have much impact beyond the people who are obsessively paying attention to that shit online. Can I throw one wrinkle in this conversation, which is, uh, Biden is a very old and increasingly
Starting point is 00:30:42 so older every day and he, uh, he certainly has not said anything. There is kind of the looming implication. It's the implication of it all that he might, uh, only do one term. He's apparently, that was leaked from a, a funder dinner. He had less, uh, like a few months ago, apparently he was saying he would do, which saying offhandedly that he would do one term. I don't think anyone realistically thinks he would serve more than one term. Well, I mean, presidents, presidents live to be pretty old now. Yeah. But he's already out to lunch at, Well, yeah, that's true. I mean, we don't, I mean, you know, he might wander into traffic.
Starting point is 00:31:17 He might, uh, command the secret service, uh, a secret service member to give him his gun so he can play Russian roulette, you know, all kinds of things can happen. He will no matter what be one, one term president is because as I've said before, he is not operating from a base of power. He is borrowing one from the Obamas, but if the party decides that he has an 88 year old geriatric, uh, person whose brain is gone and sundowns at noon, uh, is, is a liability for reelection. He will have no, even after four years, even if he does well, he will have no base to operate off of because he's stranded. He's, he's up there alone at the top of the ticket without any organic support.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Wait. So that means more than, more than usual, the VEEP would be presumed to be the future leader of the park. So weird about it though, because either way, because of the way that they've decided the options have been limited to them, they're going to be picking from people who also don't have any support within the party. Either way, you're like, you're not realistically creating somebody who could plausibly fill a gap and like, uh, take the party on there, like take possession of the party as a war. They're still going to be on loan from the Obamas. And so that's, that's why the person who makes the most sense is Michelle Obama. Honestly.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yes. That, well, that is the only person who would be a consequential pick. And if he, if by the word of pick, Michelle Obama, it would be complete game over, you know, wave the white shirt right now. I do think that's guarantee a potentially 400 electoral vote victory. Yeah. No, that is the one pick that could actually be consequential. There are no, there are no downsides to it. She is someone who is liked, yes, by a broad, you know, section of society, like 65% likeability. And the amount of time that it would take to tarnish a reputation. Uh, one, it's just not enough. It's not enough time, even if you're spending,
Starting point is 00:33:17 you know, $300 million in negative ads. And two, you look like an asshole when you attack her. I was the lady who wants to make our kids, uh, eat carrots. Yeah. The only people who let's make my awful round son eat fucking vegetables. So he's more pleasing to look at. There are people who ate Michelle Obama, but they are 201 Facebook, Wahabist psychopaths who are utterly unintelligible to people outside of their subculture. Uh, meanwhile, uh, it would, I mean, Biden, this is the one thing that would guarantee Biden, African American turnout at Obama 2008 levels, which if you combine that, this is
Starting point is 00:33:53 where this is really where it all comes down to. If through a savvy VP pick or just the negative, negative mobilization power of Trump being the face of white supremacy, uh, you get back to something like a 2016 or a 2012 African American voter turnout with a significant shift from white college educated suburbanites to the Democrats. That is, I mean, honestly, land landslides are now much more relative than they were in the past. It's harder to do the kind of blowout that happened in like 1964, but it would be huge. It would, you could see Texas fall at that scenario. You could see Georgia, even with the, with the scam governor in there falling in that scenario,
Starting point is 00:34:33 especially with older voters, um, supporting Biden by high single digits over Trump. Yeah. Uh, senior citizens because Biden is, he, he speaks in certain tones that are only picked up on by people over 65. He is, he, it's a battle of like the, the electorate is old. The electorate is dying. The country is dying. And they're in the, in the contest is between two different ways to be a dying old person. There's the Trump method of raging against the dying of the light and refusing to admit your diminished capacities. Or there's the Biden way of slowly assimilating
Starting point is 00:35:16 the understanding that you don't have it anymore, which is exemplified by his tendency now to in the middle of sentences, when he gets lost to give up and apologize to the person he's talking to a thing that Donald Trump would never do in a million years. And I feel like because of the, because of the catastrophe, catastrophic nature of the moment, most people are terrified and I think they want someone who can help them through to talk them through their hospice stay as opposed to just smash all the fucking, smash all the flower pots and overturn the, the, the, the, the, the kraftmatic adjustable bed like Orson Wells at the end of citizen gain, like Trump wants to do, a eulogizer in chief, the eulogizer
Starting point is 00:35:59 chief. They've been pitching that. There've been the multiple stories planted in the past month about how, about how Joe Biden is great at eulogies and it offering people condolence. Like the recognition that like your job now is to be the hostile house You are the hospice patient in chief and the hospice administrator of this terminal National patient. I will say one thing. I have no idea why Rice is on Biden's shortlist I think because she's somebody from the Obama administration. She stands in for what she wanted What did she hold the elevator for him once she reinforced? She is a she is a woman of color who actually who reinforces by having been in the Obama administration
Starting point is 00:36:40 Connection to the Obama administration and unlike basically every other option that's on the table She never served and a capacity as a law enforcement officer or prosecutor Yeah, but then you then you have to yeah, well Geisha bottoms has not but yes But she's a mayor that puts her way lower on the on the totem pole as possible options fine But with rice and she's never held elective office before she has no national profile And it means that you have to own all the Obama foreign policy shit that otherwise people would just forget about Because that was her portfolio. Yeah, but I think Felix is once again, correct
Starting point is 00:37:16 People don't care or to people don't vote on foreign policy and and Susan Rice. I mean, it's a few more You know gray zone articles about the butchery of the Obama years, which will all be correct But which will be irrelevant to the people the mass majority of people voting It just feels like an unwelcome distraction if again the goal here is to have a VP pick who will not Provide any distractions though. I kind of wonder if distractions are good for Biden because If the right is talking about Biden's vice president, they're not talking about Biden. Yeah, they're there. They are squandering time they could be using to smear Biden and and Distractions are famously beloved for old people because it breaks your teen and allows them to
Starting point is 00:38:01 Exercise their remaining in neuro-elasticity Bottom line, who's the VP? I don't know may I Harris Two months ago, I would have said absolutely not Harris It's just so it's hard to see it. I'm came pick. I also think there's no I also think there's no love loss between Harris and Biden Certainly not. No, but I don't think they care. I mean at that level I don't think either of them give a shit like he doesn't give a shit about anything Because he's not conscious and she just wants power. I do think at some point I mean to some degree Biden wants a governing partner and I do think that right now
Starting point is 00:38:43 You need someone to smooth Jello into his mouth right now The polling number should convince him that he's got this thing in the bag So I'm gonna look at putting together the best administration and I think if if that's what he's going for it would not be Harris But who's the option who's the alternative right that being said everyone else is just a total unknown for me um Predict it right now has Harris at over 50% to be the VP nominee. Yeah, I'm just gonna go go with the chalk That's my only instinct. I will well It's not fun if we both say Harris true. So you got to pick someone else get get creative with it get nutty
Starting point is 00:39:21 You know what fuck it? I'll say Abrams, but only because I cannot allow to say Harris. Okay, I mean in some way She is the safest pick. She doesn't have any kind of I mean she doesn't even have a statewide profile true But that's that's where that's where it's just her lack of experience and connections Hobbles her she does I don't think she has an advocate within the part of the within the campaign or the party and I think that's probably not true of Harris because she's She's actually held office and she's and she's integrated into the top levels of the party in a way that Abrams hasn't been Well, it is I mean it is just so hard to say because we are again talking about a sundowning man And they're gonna put five names in front of him or
Starting point is 00:40:01 Probably five pictures in front of him and he you know, they're gonna put They're gonna put peanut butter on the one they want him to pick and then that'll take care of it It'll be Eric Trump with the magazine covers all over again. Absolutely that exactly it By the way, if you go on Eric Trump's Instagram page, the latest post that he's made is a picture of Joe Biden With the caption happy Mother's Day owned He's a girl. He's a fucking girl They're really struggling. I mean, I think people are having a hard time watching Trump not know what to do
Starting point is 00:40:35 But he's clearly absolutely at sea right now. Actually, you know what? Fuck it. I'm gonna say Harris, too I don't want to feel left out of the Harris campaign Chris. How do you feel? I'll be wild and say that that he's gonna do the the the meme candidate and do a Michelle Obama Why not? You're right. It would work. Everybody would work. We're insanely hype about it The democractic you can get it too. That's the other thing. I don't think she wants it. I don't think she wants it Is that I think that's why I don't say it's gonna be her if she wanted it Serves the cap that isn't that isn't that is interesting because being Joe Biden's vice president is a virtual guarantee that you will get to be
Starting point is 00:41:11 President. Oh, yeah, either that he passes away in office or You know, you just get to succeed him Well, that would be the thing that is as I was saying earlier that that thing about like the continuity And what is the future of the party who is the person after Joe Biden? I mean, then you just you lock in What the Clintons wanted to do and just have it be an an an Obama's docracy for a you know a whole generation Yep, just like it's like gonna be it's it's like they say on the alt right, you know, God Emperor Baron Trump
Starting point is 00:41:41 It's gonna be God Empress Sasha Malia. Yeah, exactly That would be the goofiest way for this to go. And so I think it's probably the most accurate eight years of Emperor Sasha eight years of Empress Malia and then I Mean Obama's they're gonna have to have more kids. Sorry. That's does he have any Nephews does that we're at that point at that point the White House will have been relocated to the Pacific Garbage Patch Yeah, then after Sasha and Malia Obama's weird maga cousin in Africa if that guy has any kids Malia Malik Obama. Yeah, that's actually the one thing that will bring the country back together. Yes, that yeah
Starting point is 00:42:16 That's like that's like a Hapsburg marrying a profound. Yes brings a priest to the continent. Yes, the two thrones United. Okay, let's go down ballot New York and Kentucky vote this week and in New York's 16th congressional district 16-term congressman Elliott Engel is facing a primary challenge from high school principal Jamal Bowman This is a diverse district that includes parts of the Bronx and Westchester a majority minority district represented by a white person Which is almost exactly the same circumstance that Joe Crowley found himself in next door in in 2018 when he was defeated in the primary by AOC Bowman has the support of Bernie AOC justice Dems and the working families party Engel has the support of Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer the establishment and Hillary Clinton
Starting point is 00:43:06 she Out at Engel was Hillary Clinton's first endorsement of the cycle because she is never not the worst person to ever exist Engel was recently caught on a hot mic at a BLM rally saying If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care Which is probably not the thing you should say I look I actually looking at that tape I think that he's right, but it doesn't help because he is his defense was is that he was he was badgering The guy who was in charge of the rally for a speaking spot
Starting point is 00:43:37 He wasn't on the dais and he was he wanted to get on there and the guy kept shining him on And he said if I wasn't having a primary wouldn't care I think what he was trying to do is like mollify me like hey I'm not trying to bust your balls. I wouldn't care if I didn't have a primary But I need to get on the dais not specifically about like the issue they were protesting Oh, okay I see but even if that's the case and I think it is it's still bespeak someone who is a hollow shell of a fucking person It's it's cheapy behavior
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yes Engel is best known for showing up to the state of the union address hours early So he can get an aisle seat and shake the president's hand Do I which by my reckoning he has done nearly 30 times fucking He said quote it's an honor to shake the hand of the president of the united states no matter who it is loser Fucking dork. No wonder he he is taking this this challenge very poorly. He's whining about it He's hilariously talked about how
Starting point is 00:44:35 AOC's endorsement of bowman is dictatorship and him being in the same office as a city cure for 30 years It's not Very no, he's very whiny. He's panicking Crowley kind of took it in on the chin He famously played a little song for a OC after she beat him And then went off to be a lucrative not run in third party which he could have because he had the wfp endorsement Right line. Uh, he was like fine. I'll just be I'll be a delegate or I mean, I'll be I'll be a lobbyist. I'll make my nut It's fine. Yeah Elliott Engel as an older man
Starting point is 00:45:06 Clearly this is his ambition Engel is like Jerry's hand the majored in civics shaking the president's hand like a make-a-wish kid every year Is a special treaty treat and it's like sorry, Elliott. You don't get to do that. You don't get taxpayer funded vicious meets the president Trips you fucking work now couldn't this just be resolved by some kind of special dispensation where bowman becomes the congressman and Engel just gets to attend the state of the union every year and make a deal president's hand
Starting point is 00:45:40 They should this it seems like a perfect opportunity for a grand bargain that honestly State of the union is boring as hell if somebody could if I was a congressman and somebody could go in my place Hell, yes Yeah, I bet you if you gave this to bowman and said bowman you get to be this the 19th district Representative you you're in the you're in the congress. You're in the subcommittees. You're doing the stuff But every year you got to give your ticket to Elliott Engel so he could shake the president's hand He would say sure if he's if he and if he wouldn't I don't want him in congress either If he wouldn't make that deal
Starting point is 00:46:10 I don't want him in congress because that means he really wants to shake the president's hand and get that fucking dork away from me Well, I will say this in Engel's defense. He stopped his ritual when trump became president Oh, okay, so it's no longer an honor to shake the president's hand. No matter Oh, shit. He should do more actually talking about that. It actually does matter who it is Which classic flip flop play the flip flop alert Well, uh, if Engel loses and apparently there is some polling to indicate that he's he's behind down by 10 apparently Uh, this will be interesting because one of the big ways that aoc's victory was sort of minimized was the argument Which was true is that she caught Crowley napping Crowley
Starting point is 00:46:53 I don't know. I don't believe that's true. I think that's a little bit of a little bit of myth making there Crowley was a lot of money He did take it seriously at least in the last month of it Well, okay, fine But before that she got she was able to build up momentum without a real Uh opposition whereas this is Engel has been fighting like a cat in a sack for this the entire primary Well, he knows I mean again. I mean he is uh, one of a a small number of White Democrats who represent a majority minority district. I can't really think I know there's one in, um
Starting point is 00:47:32 Kentucky Chandler, I think his name is no no, uh, uh, Steve Cohen in Memphis Steve Cohen. Thank you. Yeah The guy who is applied for a membership in the congressional black caucus Which by the way endorsed the white angle over His african-american opponent. Really? Yes, cdc officially endorsed angle It's almost like none of this shit matters and it's all about fucking money. Well, again these The dynamic of this race. It's very very similar to the dynamic in 2018. It's uh, that polling showed that Bowman was uh leading in black voters, uh Engels leading in white voters white voters make up maybe a third of that district. Good luck, buddy in Kentucky
Starting point is 00:48:12 Amy McGrath failed candidate for the house in 2018 is the establishment pick to take on mitch mcconnell Last cycle McGrath endeared herself to the msnbc set with a video about how she overcame misogyny to bomb muslims in asia She's raised an astonishing 40 million dollars Now she's found herself in a suddenly tight primary campaign after the murder of brianna taylor by police in louisville Progressive state rep charles booker's campaign has gained momentum and it's possible Booker is the one kind of insurgent. McGrath can't take out with a hellfire missile From the new york times I'm traveling kentucky talking about structural racism and i'm seeing folks even 99 white putting their fists in the air because they know
Starting point is 00:48:56 That we can't let this moment pass mr. Booker clad in a no more knocks t-shirt recounted to a multiracial audience on saturday in lexington later in the same article In an interview outside a form on race relations. She attended in lexington ms. McGrath 45 said that quote Most kentuckians believe in common-sense approaches approaches to solutions And I would hope so If you've got a state where the majority does not prefer common-sense solutions That then you're in trouble and are quote tired of the partisanship. I know I am i've had it
Starting point is 00:49:29 I've had it with the partisanship I want something that transcends partisanship some sort of a third position That encompasses all of politics and subsumes politics I don't know into maybe like an aestheticized spectacle of nationalism That that that makes us all part of like a corporate Identity within the state and then democracy is replaced with just this this uh daily enactment of of of an authoritarian state religious
Starting point is 00:49:57 Attitude essentially. I think that has some legs. We could try that out matt. She's a troop. She's a troop She she was the first marine A fighter pilot. She did. Yes. She's uh marine tash. What's a girl's name? That's like todd, but never mind Uh, the adora all of that. That's terrible. Um But it looks like this is another one where uh, the insurgent might win which I Upforce a support and I hope booker wins. Uh, I do not think you will beat mitch mcconnell But there are a lot of potential outcomes in this fall race including the runaway A landslide model where late breakers go to biden and
Starting point is 00:50:36 Democrats in general out of a generalized revulsion at the moment an association of it with the republican party And if that's the case you want somebody who could take advantage of that to be as As progressive as possible and bookers clearly to the left of mcgrath I also want me to think that I'm afraid of is that it's going to be like 2016 where a lot of people split their tickets And they assumed that again hillary would win Where they were uh repelled by mr trump But they voted third party in the presidential level and then they voted for republican and local level because they assumed Hillary would win. We don't like her
Starting point is 00:51:14 Uh, we want her to be constrained in some fashion by a republican congress It's possible Though I don't really see the same thing happening because of course biden and clinton are different people It's possible that the same kind of vote splitting would happen, especially among these suburban upscale whites who are the swing voters who Uh, largely have reactionary views
Starting point is 00:51:42 Uh, that they would say yes, okay. I want to vote. I'm going to vote for biden up because I like him But I want to get trump out and then I'm going to vote uh republican for senate and House and dog catcher because I want someone to keep tabs on biden Well, I don't even think there was a number of people there's a number of people who actually have Who actually believe that divided government is a good thing. There it is true. It's hilarious and they're all they're they're morons But they've got they've not taught that way by our idiot school system and it's idiotic fetishization of the constitution And the separation of powers and all that obsolete gobbledygook But I don't think you don't even have to say that to to to talk about the the uphill battle of booker
Starting point is 00:52:19 because Uh, Trump's not going to lose kentucky Even in the worst-case scenario So unless you have reverse ticket splitting and people like decide that mitch mcconnell is the bad guy But still like trump you don't even have a chance there. I suppose so. I mean I would guess that you know trump wins in a rob in kentucky. Oh, yeah. No He will he will win, uh, alabama Or he will talk he's the one on talk kentucky's the one on top of tennessee as we all know
Starting point is 00:52:47 Yes, it's the one pay. It's the one pegging tennessee. Yes. Uh, so that's the more appellation character Uh, one second. I gotta get something and then we'll finish up Uh, while matt retrieves his papa's One the one thing that I uh, I did want to say about mcgraph is democrats they just love Going all in on the person who lost their last election She's like the fourth person of the trump era that the democrat that loses
Starting point is 00:53:15 To a republican and then the democrats are like no, this is the person like stacey abrams. Obviously, that's extent. I mean Lincoln lost his last election before being elected president No, I don't think that that amy mcgraph is the new abraham lincoln. You don't think that bloodbath mcgraph is the next abraham lincoln I think she is I don't know in fact I guarantee amy mcgraph is the next abraham lincoln Well, I guess I would want a military experience to preside over the uh, the civil war two That's true. There is a difference. Uh, lincoln was a self-taught lawyer and migrath. Um, you know, she went to the school of america
Starting point is 00:53:53 Learned all the torture techniques Uh, I mean, you remember that video, right from 2018. Which one the epic the epic amy mcgraph video That's like mitch mitch mcconnell doesn't want me to bomb fucking In the muslims in the middle east. I I know that she's had a bunch of ads where she basically says the thing she's not Doesn't like about republicans is that they are restraining the military. Yeah, I do know that Well, it's back to the rama manual strategy from 2006 Uh troops and cops, but now it's lady troops and lady cops. We love our troops and our cops folks, don't we? Moving on now to primaries that are already over
Starting point is 00:54:31 According to media matters at least 51 people running for congress this cycle have promoted q Uh q one of my side projects is a government insider who uh leaves cryptic clues about the uh, Deep state cabal. They're called proofs virtual Uh, they are called proofs. You also need the fucking decoder ring in a box of kicks to uh, understand the proofs Uh, and once you've added up the numbers and divided by seven Uh, you realize that trump has secretly arrested all the pedophiles and uh, all the the A billion chinese people for doing a virus. Yeah, and replace them with holograms. That's important to remember
Starting point is 00:55:10 That's why none of them appear to be gone because they've been replaced by holograms Joe ray perkins the republican senate nominee in oregon is a q believer in her primary victory speech She said quote. I stand with president trump. I stand with q and the team. Yes Yes, thank you annans and repeatedly said where we go one we go all which I mean you want to talk about solidarity Yeah, they're practicing it. It's there's two there's two groups of people practicing solidarity in america q and on supporters and cop unions Yes, that's the actual solidarity. That's basically you you are always my brother no matter what you do Even if it is grotesquely immoral and evil and monstrous
Starting point is 00:55:55 While Perkins won't win Marjorie taylor green stands a pretty big chance to be seated in the 117th congress. She finished in the top two uh In the primaries a couple weeks ago in a district that is very very red in northwest georgia she beat her opponent by about 20 points and Even though the republican establishment is coming down on her Chances are she's gonna win just based on those numbers. Ah, yes the inevitable little thing
Starting point is 00:56:27 It was it was inevitable the moment q emerged and trump became president It was inevitable that eventually it would infiltrate the highest lungs of government because it is the only way to explain The current moment It's the only way to square the knowledge of what's happening in the world with your Emotional and psychic connection to donald trump as a transcendent world historical figure Because he doesn't look like one Unless you're looking through the lens of the proofs unless you're looking into the hat to see the uh, the the the golden Plates that were dug up. I'm looking at the i'm looking at the uh, uh, uh da vinci code number wheel
Starting point is 00:57:09 and i'm adding all the numbers together and And they told me this in the videos miss, uh, this is from the new york times in the videos Miss green said she would feel proud to see a confederate monument if she were black because it would symbolize progress since the end of the civil war political also reported that miss green said that black people quote are held held slaves to the democratic party Uh, that the 2018 elections were part of quote an Islamic invasion of our government that george soros Uh was a nazi trying to continue what was not finished miss green also rejected the idea that racial disparities affect life outcomes Saying quote guess what slavery is over black people have equal rights according to politico
Starting point is 00:57:50 I cannot wait for her to get to dc and try to meet q She's gonna get into whatever subcommittee like the fucking hog future subcommittee. They put her on and she's going to be peppering uh The deep state with demands for uh information because members of congress can request almost any information they want Uh, and I really hope that she if she's a real true believer. She's just gonna go ham They can we're gonna find out about ros accidentally while she's looking for q we're gonna find out about roswell Who killed jfk? Uh lost city of atlantis. We're gonna find it all out just her digging to try to find q q is a patriot miss green said in a video
Starting point is 00:58:28 Posted to youtube. We know that for sure. She added there is a once in a lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal Of satan worshiping pedophiles out and I think we have the president to do it Well, yeah, that'll be really interesting when she gets elected on the day trump loses The entire undergirding of her worldview destroyed the day that she has to take power that'll be interesting Somebody should be doing it Morph hasn't it it's not it doesn't have to be that trump sure, but it will still have to accommodate all the satanist Pedophiles and they've been replaced by holograms, but it's more like oh, we're all in this together And you know, we're we're all fighting the the deep state satanists
Starting point is 00:59:10 Together and that was the real message of q. It's a message of friendship Maybe but that'll be possible for some other crowd, but she's gonna be in office She's gonna have to have a narrative of what she's doing there And that's when you get to the really interesting prophecy fails like millerite improvisation and that's what i'm really interested She might I mean it's not the obviously not going to be the first time we had a right-wing conspiracy person In congress. No, uh, steve king was there for a well over a decade Yeah, but there's something specific about qanon is that it has i mean qanon is just i don't know qanon It's just a modern manifestation. It's also
Starting point is 00:59:49 uh, you know, there is a watered-down version of qanon compared to the you know the the Uncut pure strain version that you could just shoot into your eyeball orthodox qanon. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, uh, there was a congressman from Idaho in the 1990s who endorsed the black helicopter conspiracy theory that Said that her constituents were being tracked by black government helicopters. They probably were is the thing Yeah, and i mean i mean good because that in her district I would say a good 80 percent of her constituents were people living in cabins making bombs Male to various college professors
Starting point is 01:00:29 Uh, the anti-masonic party sent six members to congress in the 18 30s and did they get rid of the masons? They did not and in fact, uh, the guy who ended up heading the uh, the masonic party's Uh presidential campaign william worth was a former mason himself And what happened is when they got to congress they realized not only were all these guys masons But even other members of the anti-masonic party. They weren't really serious about About getting rid of the masons and the whole movement kind of Broke apart into solution. So what you're what you're saying is that it helped form the back back backbone of the no-nothing's later on Wait, so what you're saying is that everything is controlled by the mason still that we never solved the mason problem
Starting point is 01:01:13 We never did And that there's like most presidents are still masons that have been to this day So if you were elected to congress like the first thing they do is they sit you in this room and they show you a side show Uh about you know, hey, welcome to the masonic dominated deep state government. Yep. You're gonna have a great time here Yeah, we we're all gonna open. Uh the eye of mallock together. They show you they show you a version of those Anti-union videos. They show you when you start working for target. That's yeah Hey, if you're not a mason and you don't pledge your allegiance to the 13th level of the fucking Eye pyramid you won't be able to help your constituents. You don't want that. Do you no?
Starting point is 01:01:55 Yeah, you want to stay in office so that you can make things better for your for your district And that's by talking into the asshole of the 33rd scottish, right? Lodgemaster as he's bathes himself in orphan blood. You know how they built the washington monument masonry Wow Yes, oh, yeah. Oh you are you surprised? You know who built the levees and new arleens
Starting point is 01:02:19 Masons ones that fell apart during hurricane katrina killed thousands. They kind of built everything So like even if you're in a house right now the masons control it. I guess what I'm saying is if you see anyone with a Trowel make a citizen's arrest do it if or an apron if what's her name gets elected in georgia I would like to move to her district and run against her as an anti-masonic party candidate saying That she may be taking on cue, but she uh has she's leaving the mason. She's soft on the masons She's soft on the mason issue. Let's do it. Well, the thing is is that the masons are folded into qanon They've already thought of this if you've looked at like the big maps They've absorbed basically every occult conspiracy into itself. It's a unified field theory
Starting point is 01:03:01 So you're going to need to invent a new thing for her to be soft on I don't know. What if she is soft on q she gets in there. She's like look We really we really need to give the deep state a chance to tell their side of the story Yeah, she works, you know, we you know, we need to Uh, I I'm trying to advance legislation and that means Uh collaborating with uh deep state pedophiles Do you guys look do you guys do you guys want that a bird sanctuary in your district or not? We need to reach across the aisle to the deep state pedophiles to absolutely the only way to get things done
Starting point is 01:03:35 We got to be adults about this if biden becomes president Uh, do you think the democrats suffer catastrophic midterm losses? Oh, yeah 20? 2022 rather. Oh, yeah big time. Yeah, that's the tom cotton 2024 Q wave 2020. I still think it's gonna be michael indell I'm not kidding. I actually do think it's going to be michael indell before I pick anybody in congress Well, that's the real thing about bidenism to the degree that it's it's that we understand it that it's an it's it's an articulable concept of governance that it will not break the wheel of
Starting point is 01:04:11 Republicans and democrats trading places because of people's widespread discontent Just more already in homes pinwheeling into rick and bock falls for eternity. All right. That's a fun, uh image to close on Thanks guys for visiting the beltway garage. Uh, stay greasy out there Always, uh, always a pleasure to have you By the way garage by the way girl

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