Chapo Trap House - 440 - Arm the Emus (7/27/20)

Episode Date: July 28, 2020

We start off this week looking at the roll of bullying in Massachusetts politics & the inauspicious beginning of the MLB season. From there we kind of transition into the ongoing normalization of COVI...D and Trump’s federal police goon squad in America. Then, after TTRPG’ing contested 2020 election scenarios, we kind of take a left turn towards Brazil’s Looney Tunes fascism, and stick the landing by reflecting on Mormons as the Perfect Americans.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you look at Florida as an example, you have thousands of boats out of the ocean, out of the intercostal, thousands of boats in the role of waving the Trump sign, thousands and thousands, you've seen it, and you're so proud. Hello, friends. We're back again. It's Chappell coming at you. It's me, Will, here, and on deck for this afternoon, we've got Felix, Matt, and Virgil. Gentlemen, how are you? Great to be here. I'd like to kick off this week's show with a little election coverage, specifically Joe Kennedy III versus Ed Markey, and I wanted to bring this up because I saw a clip of their debate last night, like the first thing. When I woke up in the morning, bleary eyed, reached for my phone, decided to put some poison straight into my brain as I normally do every morning. I don't know about you guys, but I feel like I get most tilted at things, like if I see it first thing in the morning. Every time you see me getting in trouble because I yelled at somebody, it's because it's the first thing that I saw when I woke up. Every public feud that I've had has started that way. The further I get into the day, the chiller my tweets and interaction with social media get. It'll be like 7, 8, 9 o'clock, and I'm just posting screenshots from Deadly Premonition being like, the Francis York Morgan, Francis Zach Morgan storyline really touched me, bro. I didn't think a video game could make me feel like that, but in the morning, I'm just looking up, I'm just doing like gift searches for like sniper rifles and then just forcing myself not to tweet them. But I just want to begin now. I'm with you. I'm so chill at night unless I have evening rage, midnight madness, or like the afternoon, I'm fine unless I have like midday anger. But yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:02:24 The morning, I can kind of guess what you saw this morning. Okay, let's share this clip. This is from a clip from last night's debate between Joe Kennedy III and Ed Markey. So let's just take a look at, and keep in mind this is their opening exchange. This is like the first thing they were asked about on stage. So let's just roll that clip of Joe Kennedy. Everybody for tuning in. I don't think that that's what happened at all. There were supporters of mine that tried to put together an event that were targeted. One of Senator Markey supporters literally tweeted that bullying works. And this is an issue not just because of this event, but it's unfortunately been a bit of a history with regards to supporters of mine in this race. Senator Markey supporters have targeted shafts. One of the highest profile black elected officials in the state. They've recently gone after four of my Hispanic colleagues in the House of Representatives. All right, Congressman, that as well, but we want to it's happening again. Okay, so like I just the context of that the very first question Ed Markey was asked at their debate last night was about his online supporters bullying Joe. And here and like, okay, so first things first, Joe Kennedy III talks so fucking fast like he's got Ben Shapiro cadence like he's just like he's got he doesn't have the high pitchedness of Ben Shapiro's voice but he had like his speech patterns follows Ben Shapiro's almost identically.
Starting point is 00:04:01 The difference is he sounds like a high school kid trying to talk his way out of a DUI because his dad knows the police chief. Observation number two, like you'll see who's clearing his throat in that and then like if you if you look at several other clips from that debate like Joe Kennedy is just like like like coughing into his hand throughout most of the time that you know he's trying to speak. And I'm just wondering how does someone with a mouth that wet have a throat that dry like where is that wetness coming from is it just like is he just licking like fruit before he goes on stage is that he have like sort of a syrupy like resin around his mouth. All of his throat moisture goes to his lips. It's a genetic condition. It's fucked up of you to be mean mean about it. I mean like it's just this Joe Kennedy guy I mean like I don't know like last time I checked Joe Kennedy the third was leading Ed Markey in this race and by all accounts I've heard. I haven't been paying too much attention but I've heard that it's looking like it's closing up.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Okay. All right. After the after the initial after after the Innsmouth fish people of Massachusetts saw one of their elder gods emerge from the ocean their immediate instinct was to start worshiping him. Over time they just noticed that even for a great old one is he's just too creepy looking. Yeah I've I've expected Kennedy to win just because it's the worst outcome. I honestly I expected something weird to happen like he wins a nomination but loses to a Republican who like later gets arrested for like trying to defraud somebody through Bonsie Buddy and then they hold another special election and Martha Coakley finally wins. That was my general prediction. But yeah he could blow it.
Starting point is 00:05:42 He has all the ability in the world world to blow it. He kind of some Kennedys kind of have it like they have the they have the Kennedy drip. I mean he literally has drip but he he just sort of scans as an over eager fuck up to people and that could be a problem to him. And you know why you know how you could tell that he's one of the fuck up non charismatic non good Kennedys. He's still alive. Yeah. No all the Kennedys who have the Kennedy drip. Well it gets out of steering wheel and I mean just last week just last week he was doing one of those front facing camera videos of him driving around like just I mean like this guy is this guy is percentage like his batting average for like spitting most platitudes spat out of his wet ass mouth per minute is higher than any other politician in America.
Starting point is 00:06:31 It's shocking but he's behind the wheel of a car and talking into a phone while he's driving like as a Kennedy like come on dude like just just keep your eyes on the road buddy. Stop talking about fucking like the are the hopeful futures that you see in the eyes of your youth supporters. Yeah. He's trying to be he's trying to be like a woke car guy. The Kennedys platitudes I mean he makes the bootage edge you know lighting up the gymnasium with phone speech look like a Michael Perente talk. Oh God yeah. What did the fact checkers say about the debate does bullying work. It depends on the context.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Okay. Why is he is he claiming that bullying doesn't work because I think it works. I think it makes you feel bad. All you'd need I guess is all you need is a couple of counter examples of bullying or bullying working and his whole thesis is exploded. And I don't think that'd be very difficult. Bullying has historically worked on Kennedy's shot at Kennedy got bullied to death. Robert Samgis Samgis Samgis and Connick couldn't stop bullying candidate. Well that's it.
Starting point is 00:07:36 That's the real thing the Warren Commission covered up was that Kennedy self harmed to death. But I mean he was cutting long before the Dallas trip. You can't say that Texas doesn't bully you. Mr. Kennedy. I just like I think this clip is significant though because I mean regardless of the outcome of this race it just seems like this was the first question Ed Markey got at this debate and I think this was like maybe the first debate that they've had that was televised and I think this is significant because it's just like I think it proves that like what happened to the Bernie campaign was not just a one-off thing based on the fact that Democrats didn't regard Bernie as
Starting point is 00:08:20 a Democrat or just didn't like his personality or found him pushy or too Jewish or too shouty or too Jewish. But I mean I just think it just shows that the template is there for like this is how you defenestrate a more progressive candidate when you are you know a soulless husk with a wet mouth. But I mean it's still the bullying thing like we talk about bullying and that I think that there's plenty of examples of that working but I just still am not convinced that that ever actually worked on anyone that I don't really think it's why Bernie lost. You can make maybe a case in 2016. I absolutely don't think it was a reason for 2020 but these people are are chimps and so they see something that is correlated with something and because
Starting point is 00:09:06 of the chimp brains they make a causative leap. I don't I don't agree with insinuation that Irish people are chimps now that's a little. I think that's a little too far apropos of nothing. I would love to find a Thomas Nast conjuring spell hey you guys know that Joe Kennedy the third his dad is Joe Kennedy. His dad is Joe Kennedy the second but his grandfather is RFK Joe Kennedy. The first is the elder brother who's idiotically smashed his fucking fighter bomb fighter play or bomber plane into the side of a mountain during World War two and was never able to be president. So RFK like in tribute to his older brother named his kid after the brother but like exactly the same name. So he was the second Joe Kennedy
Starting point is 00:09:51 is that legal. Well the Kennedy's they paid off the courts and changed the naming system in Massachusetts because they didn't want the word you in any of their names. Everyone's the second. It's just it seems like if you're if you're the third you should be the third in a row. I mean I believe to your point earlier Matt like I I I don't know what's the extent that this like narrative about cyber bullying played any had any effect on any any voter but like I think I think it just shows that whether it works or not it's just like the template is set and like well it's a thing for them to do and that's all they really have to do is sell their candidates on a plausible strategy. Doesn't matter if it works because
Starting point is 00:10:31 there's no real way of knowing. It just has to be something they could point to having we're having been used somewhere else in a campaign that won and they're halfway there because they're all fucking fraudsters essentially at the end of the day. Yeah I mean like if Kennedy wins it's because I mean remember how Tony just loved the Kennedy's for no reason he could actually describe. Like that's why it's because like people in Massachusetts are that way. Like most of yeah the venerated political experts of consultants. They're like Jim Messina or James Carville just dopes. They're just throwing they're just throwing shit out there and then their candidate wins or loses for whatever reason. Yeah they just
Starting point is 00:11:10 never had on the placard and they're like oh yeah no it was it was because of refillable coffee cup moms. I hate online stuff. They hate online bullying. Think about this. They're trying to sell. They're trying to denounce a candidate as a bully in Massachusetts. Yeah. And expecting people to not like it because of that. I'm going to say Matthew just got to be one of the most pro bullying state flag is a guy getting a swirly Massachusetts does PSAs of like new synonyms for gay that bullies call children. Try these ones. There's gonna be a there's a new outside of Fenway Park. You know like they're sort of like the t-shirt sale. There's gonna be a new t-shirt you can buy that says the Jeter is a Markey. There
Starting point is 00:12:00 is a I'm actually working on a new campaign for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The it gets worse campaign. It's bad now. Fucking pussy. I mean I guess I think like I'm interested in this race because it's like you know Ed Markey is not exactly like the second coming either. He's a pretty standard Democrat but he just happens to be one that is you know like I would say like on the on the better side of the bell curve when it comes to the Democrat. Oh he's definitely top quartile which is not difficult but he is. Yeah. He's the height of the bell curve. He's not Irish is a very high IQ comparatively. I'm pretty sure he's Irish dude. But you know like I mean he. All right. I withdraw my support.
Starting point is 00:12:41 But you know I mean he supports the Green New Deal. I don't think he's the legislation. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean he's if he's for the decriminalization of marijuana which is already decriminalized in Massachusetts. So I don't know why Joe Kennedy is holding out being against that at this point. He has said he has said it's because when cops pull someone over being a smelling weed or suspecting weed is a good excuse to do a search. And if it's legal they won't be able to have that as a cause probable cause. Oh well OK. So that's just like just just a brief view view into the some domestic politics. But let's talk about we mentioned Fenway. We mentioned the captain the number one most respected man in
Starting point is 00:13:20 America Derek Jeter. But let's talk let's talk a little baseball. Let's talk America's cast. And I'm just going to bring this up here. According to CNN here. Trump postpones first pitch at New York Yankees game. President Donald Trump said Sunday he's postponed his plan to throw out the opening pitch at a New York Yankees game next month. Extending his run is the only modern president to not take part in this longstanding tradition. I wonder the fuck why the president cited the president cited quote his strong focus on the coronavirus pandemic and the economy as reasons for the delay but still promised we will make it later in the season. No the actual motive the actual motive is that picture of him trying to catch
Starting point is 00:14:04 a football or no he tried to catch a baseball. It was a baseball. Yeah. On the White House lot. He looked like he looked like he was it was like he was going to get a mortar round to the stomach. He was terrified. No he was he was trying to catch like an underhanded throw of baseball and he was doing the thing with the glove that you do when you're a kid and when you're afraid of the ball you you have his face was just a death rictus of terror. Like you have that you have that glove underhanded like you're trying to catch it in a basket rather than like you know out front and facing you like you know to sort of you know swatted out of the air. Yeah. No he looked terrified of that ball approaching him and this is a
Starting point is 00:14:39 guy who claimed that when he was in high school he was the best baseball player in the city of New York. Absolutely. I believe why would you lie. And you know and but and the thing is like this is this is coming on the heels of Dr. Fauci's disastrous first guy the Washington Nationals game in D.C. that was just not only did it not get to the plate it was just you know down it was just across the fucking first baseline and the next day after this fucking asshole who everyone thinks is Mr. two damn covid responsible just does a ritualistic blessing of yeah sure baseball why not the entire Miami Marlins test positive for fucking covid like they're going to have to just take about back like fucking broke leg race horses.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Yeah. I mean I guess that's where I was going next to this baseball thing because it's just like yeah like baseball has officially started their season and they're doing like they're putting like like sort of movie standouts like cardboard cutouts of fans in like the background so it doesn't look like empty on television they're doing they're digitally adding like virtual NPCs to baseball games that you can pay for the privilege of having like you know like a sort of like a a three second loop of you like sipping a beer sitting in your seat like behind home plate added digitally to like broadcasts of major league baseball games and yeah it's it's it's turned into a fucking disaster because as Matt mentioned
Starting point is 00:16:00 of course the team from Florida like 30 players have tested positive for covid and in like baseball it's like you know if you're if you're on the road you're using like the teams are shuffling in and out of those locker rooms like every other day yeah so I mean it's just like there's it just seems like there's no fucking way that like I mean like they're just going to have to stop it eventually or just keep eliminating teams yeah if they get a covid test like the the world series will just be like the last team that doesn't have a positive test after like 30 or 40 games yeah versus like the first eight people who like went on to a website who were able to pass a covid test on the other side um but
Starting point is 00:16:38 yeah it's our national pass on but yeah like I'm a baseball game I'm aware of that but yeah the thing with Trump is obviously like there there is no chance that he would not humiliate himself throwing out a first pitch at a baseball game like so that's why the thought of Trump doing any human activity that normal people do is I would want a super slow mo version of it just to see the action ripple across his body this is a new body fat analysis test I start to jiggling and measure how long it takes to stop just like just like that's why the one thing even more than throwing a ball although that would be hilarious I mean my guess is that he would just like spike it into the first like 10 feet in front of
Starting point is 00:17:24 the mound but if he did other than that I've said this before but I just would really love to see him fire a handgun I always um you remember that story of him like punching Don Jr. for not wearing a suit for not wearing a suit to the ball game I always thought that was bullshit because like Donald Trump would have to be hospitalized if he punched somebody no he's never he's never made a fist and connected with anything he might have slapped him but he absolutely didn't punch him he slapped him with a glove yes you disgrace yeah but um I just just in line with like Trump and and the ongoing like you know disastrous response to COVID in this country I have a quote here from Trump from a press conference he did
Starting point is 00:18:11 just like just the other day and I just want to read this very brief just segment of it this is it from his opening remarks to the press he says here this morning I spoke with President Putin of Russia and they're going through a very hard time with this in Moscow in particular I spoke to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia they're doing well but they're going through a lot everybody is going through a lot yesterday I spoke to the heads of four different countries all four are going through a lot they're going through a hard time this could have been stopped it could have been stopped quickly and easily but for some reason it wasn't and we'll figure out we'll figure out what that reason was I can't wait we're
Starting point is 00:19:01 just trying to find out who did this it's just like alright it's like the equivalent of Trump just being like you know 150,000 dead from COVID in America no signs that it's slowing down whatsoever and if anything it's only proliferating and probably going to head to like a second spike in places like New York and elsewhere where it's gone down it's just him like getting out there and just like his aides of course through the media you know we're receiving many accounts that like you know the people around him on his campaign are really urging him to adopt a more empathetic tone about this virus and really communicate to the American public how seriously he takes it and how like deeply he feels you know like
Starting point is 00:19:40 the the loss of life and suffering that it's caused and it just be like if he just comes out there and just says like you know I can't help but feel partly responsible for how things turned out what was it he as recently as like a week ago he was on record is saying once again for the millionth time look we have a lot of positive tests are positive results because we're testing people if we didn't test them there wouldn't be the cases the idea that he's operating in his role as like pandemic response officer in chief from a position of not having object permanence not understanding the idea of transmission of a communicable disease being independent of your awareness of whether you have it or not maybe that is
Starting point is 00:20:26 something to do with it a little bit like months back we talked about like to me like the most chilling thing that's happened you know during this pandemic is when he brought out that like that graph that just looked like a like a just a pitch black hill of death and he was like look twenty two hundred thousand you know anything that comes in under that is a big win for us because he was just cat like saying like two hundred thousand deaths is acceptable whereas like well we're at a hundred and fifty now and like I said it shows no signs of slowing down so there's a good chance we're going to blow past two hundred thousand and I've noticed that like the shift in the sort of I don't know COVID contrarians
Starting point is 00:21:03 or defenders of the president have moved entire like that Alex Berenson guy who wrote the book about like the sort of reefer madness about for the twenty first century who's become like the go-to like just absolutely like lunatic ex-journalist who's made like this idea that like oh everyone's just freaking out over nothing and like this is all unnecessary like it's not that big a deal you know the the cure is worse than the disease like he started out by saying deal unlike weed pandemic hundreds of thousands of people killed by that soup by super strong fucking yeah strong pack yeah um yeah exactly so like yeah I mean a lot of people like that that clay Travis idiot like a lot of people just saying like look
Starting point is 00:21:49 I'd be surprised if even a thousand people died of this disease yeah and they were saying that in April and now that it's at a hundred and fifty thousand dead like they've switched entirely to just sort of saying like well look like we're all going to die yeah like it's just we're going to let your body die you can't you can't just live in fear of death you know like it's just a thing that happens and the new the statistic that they're trotting out is like look 2.8 million Americans die every year you know I mean we're gonna be afraid of that and it's just like now it went from two hundred thousand is the new victory number to any of any death toll lower than the number of overall Americans that
Starting point is 00:22:25 die every single year that's a win for us that's a win if it comes in under 2.8 million people dead hey they died like a little bit early they were gonna die anyway you know the thing is if we if we actually embrace that fully as a culture that kind of attitude towards death we would be way healthier we would be way better but it only counts for these people in this case like do any of them want to end the war on terror because how many people are real realistically gonna get killed by terrorism even if we don't lift a finger not even fucking forget even military occupations don't close the FBI's counterterrorism office and I'm not joking do that because realistically how many Americans are gonna
Starting point is 00:23:06 get killed by terrorism in a year even if everything even if you get rid of the TSA and everybody can get take absolutely just like a plane how many people are gonna die yeah how many times have you fucking watched some fucking moron grope your kid while you're taking your shitty vacation to gabelson and you're like this is fine we have to we have to you know prevent against the point oh oh oh one percent chance that anyone will hijack this plane yeah yes and it's like we have these absurd over the top things that other countries don't have and it's not like people are doing the terrorism in the other countries on the airplanes that don't have what we do but no we're the number one target okay fine
Starting point is 00:23:47 one guy a year maybe two guys a year how many people is that and the thing is that's the correct attitude to have towards something like that because you're talking about a real cost benefit question but here it's a galloping fucking pandemic and most importantly not evenly distributed in exposure across populations concentrated like most fucking illnesses and and systemic pathologies in a culture among the most vulnerable people and these are all rich assholes saying you people should be more willing to die because I guarantee you if you sat them down and said well what how many of your family members are you willing to lose to go to fud ruckers they'd say of course none because they're already operating
Starting point is 00:24:28 from an assumption that it can't touch them or maybe it kills an annoying old aunt that they were waiting to kick off anyway and hey now I gotta I get that armoire and her will no I know but you gotta spend a night in the armoire yeah I was gonna say they're just waiting to spend a night in the spooky spooky mansion to inherit it that's all you know on Ethel was it we have been waiting for that that brought to kick off forever and it finally COVID did it for us but yeah I mean like the other thing they point to is the just catastrophic number of people that die in car accidents or in homicides in America every year is sort of like well what are you gonna do not drive a car and I'm like well I mean I understand
Starting point is 00:25:06 that like technically if you're under 35 you are more likely in this country to die in a mass shooting than of COVID but that's not exactly reassuring nor does it give me like hope that we're living in a functioning country because I mean we've talked about this before and I think what COVID is really laying bare is that we have like we're living in a failed state but it's like two states there's like the world's richest most powerful country like ever in human history is just grafted on top of like a massive failed state and that like if you're in that little circle at top everything seems pretty fine to you and that like you know well America is working just as it was intended to for you but it's just like out
Starting point is 00:25:47 you know 90% of the rest of the country is just a yeah we're all just choking to death of fucking disease or fucking dying in car accidents or shootings or fucking things that just simply don't happen in any other comparable country or they do happen not nearly at the fucking rate that it does here. I said that shit about the fucking car accidents I said that's what happened with cars when cars showed up they started killing people and people were dying in huge numbers who were not dying before that. Kids were getting run over in the street who weren't used to looking both ways and what the car industry did was invent jaywalking as a concept and
Starting point is 00:26:19 make it into a crime so that it was your fault if you got run over by this new monstrous machinery instead of ever having any reckoning with what it was going to do to people and then over time we just normalized the deaths associated with it and as soon as I could tell as soon as the containment strategy failed because of lack of infrastructure normalizing was the only way to go and that's now where we are like fully normalized and that means that like everything else it's just going to get absorbed into like the cultural firmament as a thing to abstractly argue about without any assumption that you can do any real thing about it so yeah grandma dies, grandpa dies, your uncle dies, you're sick for three weeks
Starting point is 00:27:01 maybe your mom has an enlarged fucking inflamed heart for the rest of her life and that's just more of the stuff that goes and then you just yell to your cousin on Facebook about it I just wanted to quote a tweet that Bill Mitchell did today that is hell yeah hell yeah this is so perfect because to me this this absolutely embodies the American mindset the the the the prosperity gospel that that wraps up the minds of like our our our tick like bourgeois the virus is over because I said so and if we all say so and start ignoring it it will lose its power it will lose its power over us and the hashtag media will stop pushing it and it will from a propaganda standpoint be over time for us to create a new reality
Starting point is 00:27:49 here on social media hashtag ignore the virus he's right he's a hundred he's a hundred percent right I love him that's so much like they should give him Alex Barron's job because that's so much more like he's so much more philosophically interesting than really like any other conservative like his I mean you think about his previous things like if there is a be big enough to kill a human like the condom that only kind of like he's like clearly a man who is interested in the world in a way that like no one else is he is and also like this like like in episodes like this he gets in a fundamental truth that other people are I guess too self-aware to allow to escape their mind which is he's technically correct
Starting point is 00:28:36 in that tweet because I mean all right say we totally let covid go wild it's not going to probably end civilization right we'll probably be able to absorb it even if you have this huge spike in hospitalizations and and like a knock on effect of people not being able to get care it's gonna bump up mortality but not to a level that will necessarily endanger our infrastructure if while that's happening we give up any hope that anything can be done about it and therefore stop talking about it and stop making it an issue and all of a sudden you have turned this thing into just one more part of being an American you might get covid when you go out well you might get shot you might get killed walking your
Starting point is 00:29:19 doggy and and it's just another thing another thing that we can't do anything about because our politics have occluded the possible any possible alternative to this just okay I just got one last one last thing here and this comes courtesy of our secretary of education Betsy DeVos obviously you know we've talked about like that there's this big big sort of fight going on right now and parents and politicians and communities all over the country about like you know do we just open up schools again in the fall because you know realistically like it's we can't you know kids are gonna miss an entire year of education you know like parents someone's got to take care of them people got to go back that's the big
Starting point is 00:29:59 thing is that they need that if they're gonna send everybody if they're gonna coerce everybody to go back to work then they need to have these kids in school so here is here is here is a quote from Betsy DeVos in an interview on the conservative circus on I heart radio from July that's like the more I think about it politics kind of is it's sort of is a clown show if you think about it imagine yeah bill Mitchell like putting the chair in front of the bear or whatever the fuck they do I would love to go there picture a dog and pony show but it's a donkey and elephant show now you're thinking about the political circus that's very true here is Betsy DeVos here's what she said this is again education secretary
Starting point is 00:30:42 Betsy DeVos more and more studies show that kids are actually stoppers of the disease and they don't get it and transmit it themselves so we should be an impostor of the default should be getting back to school kids in person in the classroom so there you have it from Betsy DeVos children are stoppers of the disease and what she was referring to is a study out of Germany that found that there was no evidence that school children play a role in spreading the virus however that that study is currently undergoing peer review it's by the Lancet and I'm not saying that that study is wrong but the crucial detail left out of it according to the author of the study is quote our results depict a situation with low infection rates
Starting point is 00:31:29 after the initial transmission peak is under control rising infection rates as in the United States currently putting people in close contact will obviously lead to a transmission of respiratory viruses as SARS-CoV-2 no it's like it's like the study is about Germany a country that has handled this crisis like diligently and rationally and has seen good results in the results like you know transitions have gone down whereas like as Matt you said this virus is just ravaging across this country so any results applied to America our children will not be the stoppers no our children are not stoppers they're goers so there we go just just another little and then actually this segues nicely because as we know about Betsy
Starting point is 00:32:16 DeVos you guys remember who her brother is yeah Eric Prince Eric Prince Eric Prince and it has come out this week that on the sort of like the the the federal orc cops that are being deployed to Portland to stop that you know federal courthouse from you know being ravaged by protesters our source from the the basically the border patrols own it's like it's like a it's a unit within the border patrol called bore tack that's like the Navy seals of the border patrol and guess what they hire directly out of black water out of Eric Prince's the secretary of education's brother's private mercenary force so this is what we're looking at here these fucking orcs who are basically just shooting like moms dads grads
Starting point is 00:33:02 vets kids just blasting them in the head with fucking rubber bullets and tear gas canisters are being you know handpicked by like the black water to hear square fucking squad and and the thing is you know if we all could just forget about COVID or pretend it doesn't exist like maybe we'd be better off but the thing is like that the horses left the barn on that people are concerned about this they're not to live people people value their lives and those of even strangers or neighbors well I think it's not well you know to a certain degree but you know the thing is like it's unquestionable now that like the response to this in this country has been a fucking disaster and it just like especially now that
Starting point is 00:33:44 you're seeing you know footage of other countries and they're out and about their love and life they're fucking they're having drinks outside they're having fun with friends they're they're living life and this country we're just still fucking stuck in this I mean like and I don't think people are like people are starting to cotton to it but like I saw I saw a tweet last week that was like someone it was like a it was a birthday cake and someone just added text to like a blank birthday cake and it was like hey hey y'all just a reminder to like you know wear masks and you're outside wash your hands and socially distance because if we don't Halloween is going to be cancelled this year and I was like I was like there's
Starting point is 00:34:18 there's no we're not having a Halloween this year regardless like fuck there's nothing happening this year at all nothing Chris let's forget about it the tenant is going to be released in theaters that's not happening dude there's going to be no fucking Halloween this we're having Halloween we're having Halloween just listen to listen to Bill Mitchell you imagine it a world with Halloween we're going to have Halloween so start thinking about your costume right now everyone should dress as a dead relative I would you guys don't like the idea of like zoom Halloween with the cast of Saturday Night Live the mega return of David pumpkins yeah one of the costumes is like Joe Exotic Donald Trump let's go let's
Starting point is 00:35:05 go let's go I mean we could have Carol Baskin Fauci do you think mid-summer is too dated for this Halloween or was that more of a last Halloween thing because I think it still holds up I think you know I think you could still get in there mid-summer I think is like we did the meme potential for those costumes are still quite strong can I tell you guys what I'm going to do please all right so it's going to be like a big boxy thing on me that just says facts machine because I don't know what one looks like but then it's going to say the word alternative on the back and it's just going to be like hey remember this remember this for three years ago remember alternative facts and then I'm just going to sort of like
Starting point is 00:35:46 leave the party in anger when a David S. pumpkin costume wins the zoom Halloween party leave meeting now yeah but like my point is like like that it just this is a political liability for Trump you know and anyway any way you put it and you know to the extent that you take polls seriously I mean that's being borne out I mean it's just like he I mean obviously anything can happen but I mean here's where I'm going with this this this is I'm leading into a very chilling Washington Post article that essentially reports that things like what you're seeing in Portland right now and this like insane level of like police violence like the orcs rampaging through our streets and brutalizing protesters and as they're
Starting point is 00:36:33 egged on by Trump supporters and the president himself is essentially a campaign tactic that you create viral videos of like liberals and black people and enemies of the president being you know brutalized by his private like his just own personal sort of Sadukar Legion and it's called the thing is it's called Operation Diligent Valor can you believe that shit and it just says here this began with like just sort of Trump's executive orders to use the Department of Homeland Security to protect statues of Confederate generals and slavers and it says here the order order signal Trump's eagerness to mobilize federal power against the societal upheaval that had coursed through America since George Floyd's
Starting point is 00:37:16 death he sought to frame and create a culture war right verse left right verse wrong and was taking a stand at the money at the monuments that some view as historical homages and many other views view as symbols of oppression sinking in the polls over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic Trump sees a chance to appear as a field general in a wider American cultural conflict over racial justice police misconduct and the reexamination of American history and monuments in Portland he found a theater for his fight and it just goes on to like just just document like the ways in which like these sort of pitched battles between his sort of federal security forces and protesters are like it's it's a conscious
Starting point is 00:37:56 strategy of of escalating and escalating and escalating to create as they say viral video moments that he can put in campaign ads and that he can juice his supporters with and it just everyone's and just get his base excited about it because like as we've talked about many times before in this campaign I mean on this show I mean what what they're offering people is the punishment of their enemies it certainly isn't like any building a wall or ending you know bad trade deals or improving anyone's you know quality of life but what they are offering his you know his supporters is the now like literal violence against the people that you don't like and like these sort of symbolic representations of the the
Starting point is 00:38:37 grandkids that don't talk to you the black people that you're afraid of you know like the the college professors that have you know turned your children against you or shit like that and I really think like the the worst this coronavirus gets and like the further he sinks in the polls like the greater escalation of violence on the behalf of these like you know Bortak SWAT units are going to be and not only that but violence among the you know like people just just freelancing on their own I mean just the other night in Austin a guy was murdered by someone in his car for stopping his car let's just I just bring it up here his name was Garrett Foster he was a protester was shot and killed after an altercation
Starting point is 00:39:19 with a motorist who apparently tried to aggressively drive past marching protesters at a downtown intersection Foster was openly carrying an AK-47 during the protest which is legal to do in Texas Austin police announced on Sunday night that the driver said he fired on Forrester Foster after he pointed his rifle at the car while some witnesses have said for foster did not the law enforcement investigation is ongoing and yeah like this was a guy just shot from you know a guy in his car and he was there with apparently with his partner who was a quadriplegic and he was pushing her in a wheelchair when this happened but I just I think back to our most recent episode with Dan Beckner when we talked about like
Starting point is 00:39:58 the Gabriel Wortman type figures of like this this sort of serial killer mindset where like one of the most common denominators is this like weird reverence and hatred for law enforcement for like not accepting you or thinking you could be a better cop than the cops and I think the question is it's like obviously Trump has given the go ahead to his own federal goon squad but like among his supporters it's like you know it's an open question about how you know how explicitly like the permission he's going to give them to engage in their most violent fantasies or is going to play out and I you know I've spoken before that I at least hold out some hope that America as a population or the demographics of our
Starting point is 00:40:38 country that are most interested in some sort of violent counter insurgency style civil war against their political enemies are essentially too old and lazy to ever really follow through with it in any organized fashion but the caveat to that is if you can do it from your front porch or just sitting in your car there's really nothing that these people wouldn't count in its or like are incapable of carrying out absolutely I do think it's funny that so a lot of people have been freaking out rightly about this huge escalation in federal of you know authoritarianism and of course destroying the entire federalist tradition in one swoop that all all these conservatives claim they give a shit about by just ignoring the the
Starting point is 00:41:20 requests of governors and mayors in order to create these escalations of conflict and they're rightly pointing out this is establishing new new standards and new it's setting precedents that are terrifying and that in the future will absolutely be utilized to to this quality well descent to the face of growing anger and alienation but it's all just because this dumbass wants some good campaign ads because all he can do is press the culture war button and and the TV button and it really goes to show that no matter what our discrete personalities of our presidents are and what their motivations might be like Barack Obama spent eight years trying to de-escalate culture war I know Republicans will you go insane to hear me say that but
Starting point is 00:42:10 it's true you guys just couldn't accept that because they're especially after the fucking 2008 collapse there's no way the culture war was gonna do anything other than escalate because people were fucking miserable and they'd all lost their goddamn houses and jobs and money and shit it was gonna get worse and he but he few unlike Trump who tries to stoke it he tried to tamp it down but what did he really do what's his real legacy expanding authoritarian precedents for the use of force a broad end at home and that's the only thing that happens no matter what the discrete motivations of these guys are the only thing they end up doing is in in reach enriching the power of the office to suppress their own citizens
Starting point is 00:42:50 and people in other countries here here's the actual code here it says one of the officials said the White House had long wanted to amplify strife in cities encouraging DHS officials to talk about arrests of violent criminals in sanctuary cities and repeatedly urging ICE to disclose more details of raids than some in the agency were comfortable doing it was about getting viral online content one of the officials said US representative Peter T. King a New York Republican and Trump ally said he understands why federal reinforcements are in many of the cities and argued that mayors are embarrassing themselves I understand why the feds are here something has to be done King said noting that he believes any
Starting point is 00:43:28 action should be only in certain places you have to be careful how far you go and what you do thanks Peter King I mean that by the way that doesn't extend to the Irish Republican Army and certainly not sending British troops to any cities like Belfast or Dairy or anything like that if that's the case whoo boys it's open season on those boys up the raw and so that's that but like okay this moves into the last thing I want to talk about which is this is an article from the Boston Globe the headline is a bipartisan group secretly gathered to game out a contested Trump Biden election it wasn't pretty now this is about like a they sort of like think tanks that was assembled to sort of essentially role
Starting point is 00:44:08 play a scenario in which Trump loses the 2020 election or like either closely or decisively and decides simply not to leave office now this is something that I you know many liberals have just sort of been gooseing themselves with is like this boogeyman of like oh like we're not even gonna have an election or Trump's not gonna leave office and I've been sort of somewhat skeptical of that because essentially for me it comes down to to really do that you would need the backing of the military like they would be the tiebreaker in any situation like this and I truly don't have any like I don't believe that the military really thinks that Trump is like reliable enough or on their side enough to to essentially do a coup in
Starting point is 00:44:52 this country like I don't think he is to protect against the threat of Joe Biden becoming president now yeah but I mean it is interesting and like the article is pretty interesting and I think it's worth considering because like I mean let's be honest like is there any scenario too fucking insane at this point to like completely right off out of hand like I don't fucking know but let's just hear it's it'd be in here it says on the second Friday in June a group of political operatives former government and military officials and academics quietly convened online for what became a disturbing exercise in the fragility of American democracy the group which included Democrats and Republicans gathered to game out possible results of the
Starting point is 00:45:30 November election grappling with questions that seemed less far-fetched by the day what if President Trump refuses to concede a loss as he publicly hinted he recently might do how far could he go to preserve his power and what if Democrats refuse to give in all our scenarios ended in both street level violence and political impasse at Rosa Brooks a Georgetown law professor and former Defense Department official who co-organized the group known as the transition integrity project she described what they found in bleak terms the law is essentially it's almost helpless against the president who's willing to ignore it using a role-playing game that is a fixture of military and national security planning the
Starting point is 00:46:08 group envisioned a dark 11 weeks between election day and inauguration one in which Trump and his Republican allies used every apparatus of government the postal service state lawmakers the Justice Department federal agents and the military to hold on to power and Democrats took to the courts and streets to stop it first of all I would like to get at least for Virgil a copy of the sort of like Dungeon Masters manual for this sort of federal role playing game gaming system it sounds pretty awesome oh yeah what are the classes well I think they just said here uh you know postal service state law yeah yeah yeah a patriot emergency podcaster dr. Eugene goo that's his own class you need the expansion to place goo yeah it's
Starting point is 00:46:54 worth it though um going ahead here it says uh he doesn't have to win the election said Niles Gilman a historian who leads research at a think tank called the bear grune institute and was an organizer of the exercise he just has to create a plausible narrative that he didn't lose we have norms in our transition rather than laws said Rachel Kleinfeld a senior fellow in democracy conflict and governance program at the Carnegie Foundation who was not part of the game the entire election season is something a democracy expert should worry about um and you know like I mean essentially what they're pointing out is true is that you know we don't have laws to govern the the sort of transfer the peaceful transfer
Starting point is 00:47:35 of power in this country we just have norms and you know Trump has certainly shown no regard for them uh here to four and and you know has made you know hints in recent interviews that he believes that like mail-in ballots are going to essentially delegitimize the entire election um but you know I mean what do you guys make of this I think it's unlikely it's just it's just kind of a lot of liberal worry war shit because in order to to put all this together Trump needs the backing of this sprawling bureaucracy and he hasn't really completed his project of replacing career bureaucrats with uh apparatchiks who are loyal to him he also has a very a relatively small pool of people who are willing to fight
Starting point is 00:48:18 and die for Trump uh it's more um he's more filling these roles with uh conservative opportunists and people who are just kind of looking out for themselves and their opportunities in the private sector and the other thing is I think Trump genuinely does not want to continue being president yes the only thing he's concerned about is just you know getting the w to to you know brag about and say yeah I'm a two-termer like that's that's the end goal once I've done that I've completed all of my ambitions I've gotten the high score also he can make you know at this point he can make a lot more money in the private sector which is why it's really funny that he's he he and his family do this this tiki-taki fucking corruption
Starting point is 00:48:57 like overbilling the government to stay at his fucking resorts and shit when you know he has an audience of millions tens of millions of slavering imbeciles who are ready to give him his money give him their money yeah I mean other than the military would be the check on uh Trump refusing to you know concede a a loss in the election is that I don't think he wants to be president at all I mean I think I think he hates it he hates it he would be so much happier I mean he wouldn't be happy but he would just be like he would I don't know as as close to not being miserable as he could be not being president but I mean again I I sort of pull that back a little bit when I just think that like my analysis
Starting point is 00:49:38 you know like in thinking about him that like his primary motivation in life is just not being seen as a loser or being seen as weak and the question is how far would he go to avoid having to turn on the TV and have to you know see himself talked about in the terms of being a loser or a failure I think to what to what degree like to how how how far would he break like the norms of American governance and like our peaceful transition of power to avoid just like feeling that embarrassment well the thing I don't think is going to happen is like if he just says I don't I don't I don't accept the results it doesn't matter that the US marshals will just take him out of there it's not a big deal and he wouldn't
Starting point is 00:50:19 do that because that would look even worse so he would back down like coward he is the way that this could happen the one I've thought of that seems like it's the only one that's possible is there's some sort of specious lawsuits that goes because you talk about how they have not the Trump admit the Trump people have not thoroughly taken over the bureaucracy but they've done a pretty good job in the last three and a half years taken over the fucking judiciary thanks to Mitch McConnell and his laser like focus on filling judicial appointments so if there's a specious lawsuit challenging the results of the one or two states based on some bullshit and it makes it to the the five four Supreme Court
Starting point is 00:50:57 at they's rule in Trump's favor and maybe they throw it to the House of Representatives where they vote one state state votes what would what would the Democrats or anyone else do about that because then he doesn't need the military to break with norms to defend his grab for power he is following procedures he has been anointed by the constitutional order of operations and then what people are going to go in the streets and die for Joe Biden it depends exactly what the controversy is going to be because as it looks right now Joe Biden is probably on track for something in the mid to low three hundreds in electoral votes and that's a pretty ironclad margin at that point I mean you can read the scoreboard
Starting point is 00:51:41 this isn't like a Bush v Gore type situation okay that's obviously more controversial and more easy to you know screw around with and steal the election like Bush did in 2000 and by the way and that Al Gore allowed to happen because he didn't want to kick up a fuss and he wanted to preserve like the the sort of the peace of norms of America but he don't beat up the Supremes is what he famously told us yeah yeah exactly like he he thought like him conceding was more important to the country and allowing George Bush to essentially steal steal that election was yeah I mean like so I mean don't underestimate like you know the role-playing scenario that they were that they were gaming out here did depend on the
Starting point is 00:52:21 Democrats contesting this but I think now that I think I think they would definitely contest it rather than but I think they're they're they're they're pot committed to like getting Trump out of office at this point and I think there's basically nothing they wouldn't do to fight this if they thought it was being robbed from them by the guy like Donald Trump also the other thing is this is a stealing election this way is a very complex matter and Trump in his life has never crafted a complex plan yeah he has it but that doesn't mean that there aren't Dracula like ghouls probably who cut their teeth stopping the ballots being counted in Palm Beach by as part of the Brooks Brothers riot which was
Starting point is 00:52:58 coordinated by recently pardoned dirty trickster Roger Stone himself there are people there who could do the shit he doesn't have to do it there's an entire party that is based around winning elections illegitimately like that's their number one tactic now is reducing the electorate through fair means and mostly foul and and then squeaking out wins using suppression and outright theft they're already very skilled at that they're gonna be doing it on his behalf again it requires a very very close election which I don't well yeah that's the thing I do think I mean we're talking about this scenario we're talking about isn't just the sort of mundane voter suppression tactics and ballot stuff and the shit the Republicans do we're
Starting point is 00:53:44 talking about Trump like looking at the score and saying no that's bullshit I actually won I'm saying nobody around him is going to follow him at that point because they're all in their their self interest is not lying him nobody around him is loyal to him no I agree with that completely if he gets blown out everyone will just like avoid eye contact with him and then he'll just walk away that I agree with that but I don't think you could assume a blowout no matter what the polls say or well if it I do think that if in the 45 days before the election it looks clear enough to people that he's going to lose and lose badly people will start distancing themselves then and in that case it will be it would be harder
Starting point is 00:54:24 for him to you know develop a core of support for a coup and there's also the problem of like you know they couldn't even really fully repeal Obamacare like these are incompetent people and there's like morally no limit to what they'll do but there is a logistical limit to what they're able to pull off yeah kind of a similar limit to what Bolsonaro is running into I mean yes then they more openly and by a way you meet your right are you talking about emus yeah yeah yeah no the same problem the same problem yeah they're both tormented by emus they're both both routinely get covid every week and get bitten by an emu every other day as they try as they try to offer chloroquine hydrochloroquine I love
Starting point is 00:55:09 that but he's still on that shit it like Trump's drop that like two months ago and oh Bolsonaro is still on that tip well that is that does track because Brazil gets our pop music like four years after yeah and so like they're like if like cage the elephant came to Brazil they would become the emperors like they would post Bolsonaro so like yeah makes it I mean they're probably like they're probably to get the Karen meme in 2026 and love it Carino yeah do you think we could convince I mean I guess Bolsonaro like in in Brasilia there's just emus out and about or you can you can go and hang out with them I mean it seems pretty cool I wouldn't want to get nipped by one but do you think we could convince Bolsonaro somewhere somehow
Starting point is 00:55:54 maybe our Brazilian listeners to just start hanging around cassowaries maybe hey Jair there's that bird you love arguing with I love we're so we're so the human race is so fucking pathetic like a Bolsonaro is one of a handful of people who is like most directly threatening the continued existence of life on this planet and the only people trying to murk his ass are fucking emus only people who understand the stakes are giant flightless birds well you know what they defeated Australia's army once they do you know who's who's to say that they can't topple you know fascism in Brazil arm the emus folks I'm in favor of this is the one foreign policy thing I will go on don't far don't fund the FSA for the love of God
Starting point is 00:56:42 fund the emus I like how the guns I like how it's happened twice and like this act like what was the thought process the second time like that was just like that was just a mean I'll show you that was just you think you could but he was probably trying to bite the bird back yeah that family rules because like those kids are dumber than the Trump sons they are amazingly they somehow are dumber than the fucking Don Jr. and fucking Eric who are absolute guppy brain and I love I love that Trump has like a steve for me spouting down like even he's sort of oh my god that's so absolutely
Starting point is 00:57:24 oh my god down down yeah it's just like like the next the next like big international summit Jair is going to show up wearing one of those giant blousey suits just like Trump how it's like pant cuffs the size of fucking like an elevator shaft and he's just like hey Trump you like my new look and then he's just like change yourself for me I could definitely see him getting a chin implant that's for sure he needs one he needs one badly like the Bolsonaro's are horrible criminals and like have definitely directly ordered the deaths of people yeah in in Rio de Janeiro politics but like also like they're so funny I mean I guess that's like sort of get used to that type of person just someone who's so
Starting point is 00:58:08 funny and fucked up and buffoonish but is also like oh yeah this person's murdered like 20 communist activists like personally that's going to be like half the presidents we get and the other half will be like Macron types Joe Biden was really like the last of his type he's the last sort of like doddering old centrist manager everyone else is just going to be like a sort of neoliberal crackhead who says they're a jupiter in God or like yeah a guy who's constantly at war with like Chinese salamanders showing up to a press conference and like up to up to their calf is just like they're they're deep in a fucking one of those giant Japanese salamanders we're just slowly working with this yeah look it's
Starting point is 00:58:58 under control here yeah I cannot I can't wait for the Yugoslav war to crack off again due to the provocations of a man known as the Serbian Guy Fieri yeah we're going to have like Josh Howley and Tom Cotton all the guys we think we have to be afraid of they're going to lose the next Republican primary to like a guy that's constantly getting caught in Venus fly traps something we thought only happened in cartoons me and my son are currently joined at the the genitals through a Chinese finger yeah so we'll be doing all the press conferences face to face now but please please do not make fun of us oh yeah cyber bullion also I've personally killed like 50 unarmed activists oh yeah they drove a Mack truck
Starting point is 00:59:44 over a fucking like people sitting in the front of a in on a highway they're going to have the G seven in a in a pit of quicksand slowly slowly sinking into it talking about like exchange rates and shit everything that happened to people and man from uncle will happen to the conservative leaders of tomorrow yeah but you know what they'll all survive it absolutely none of them will drive will drive a car at 90 miles an hour into a tunnel that's painted into a wall by a coyote or some of some kind and it'll go straight through the windshield into the fucking wall and then just the next day he'll be given the thumbs up from like a hospital in traction here's the most hospitalized man in the world like
Starting point is 01:00:24 I count he's going to be he's sort of like going to be the Obama of people with neck braces like he's going to be the first world leader in a neck brace I'm currently involved in a lawsuit against the ACME company happy 80th birthday to bugs bunny by the way oh yeah sorry the first bugs bunny cartoons today but like I guess like he's getting the last thing I want to say in terms of this like this role playing scenario and and by that I mean like not not a hot one not a not a cool sexy one but like a really a really bleak and awful one is like you know like like I think we've I think we're like not really all that afraid of like because even if like Trump decides to like contest this election
Starting point is 01:01:08 or not concede it it's hard to imagine like the levers of power or like the things lining up to essentially allow him to do that or that like thinking that he was reliable or good enough that that would be worth doing I mean they might do it if it looked like Bernie Sanders would win the fucking presidency that's possible yeah I mean yeah you know with Joe Biden they have a sure thing right there and they're not gonna fuck up you know why you know what why fuck and why mess with a good thing and that's that but I was just gonna say like just back to like the example of that fucking psycho who just murdered that guy in Austin because he was standing in front of his car or like I said like the Gabriel
Starting point is 01:01:44 Wartman type of like want to be law enforcement serial killers in this country is it like the the factor is like regardless of the outcome whether it's like a close election or Trump loses very convincingly a good chunk of his base and the Republican Party will simply not view the results of any election that goes against them to be legitimate at all and I think there's a question of like that how far do they really want to push it I just saw yesterday about how Louis Gohmert's campaign just beat the shit out of his challengers campaign manager in Texas yeah that's an escalation so I mean like that's it is like several notches I mean like this is just sort of what I was getting out with like the second half of this show is that like Trump has explicitly given permission to you know basically like
Starting point is 01:02:30 a federal fucking like it just yeah like death squad I mean almost to escalate violence in liberal cities against people who they that he regards and his supporters regards as enemies of the president and enemies of the country you know black people college students just just anyone who opposes them and can be tagged as being I don't know fascist communist anti-fab terrorist groups or whatever um yeah like privately hired mercenaries or he's given them like the explicit green light to fucking do whatever they want to any you know any any protest or anyone who challenges their their authority but like in terms of the people who are just his supporters and who are not currently employed by the border patrol or
Starting point is 01:03:15 ice or fucking black water or something like that the freelancers the wannabes the fucking losers I mean it's not like he's had to like dog whistle these people it's more like a fog horn but I think the question is like how explicit will the permission be for them to live out their the fantasies that they love sharing with people and social media and I you know I mean like I think I've spoken about this before but like authoritarian personalities who I mean and that is the personality type who makes up most of the president's supporters and pretty much all right-wingers or conservatives in this country in general they seek permission for the things that they want to do from guess who authority figures and Trump is their authority
Starting point is 01:03:56 figure and then like it's just like it's an open question I don't think they'll get very far with it but I mean I think we're long past the point we're like I think like that good 30% rump of this country simply does not regard political authority that they don't agree with is legitimate and the question is like you know just how how big of an like how big of an asshole can one be up to the point of you know mass murder or are you gonna see people take it and you know I don't know it's an open question I'd like to tell myself that essentially people are doing what everyone else does which is talk shit on the internet and just sort of vent their spleen but I mean it we've seen you know examples of it going
Starting point is 01:04:35 in a completely other other way leading to terrible outcomes so I don't know that's an open question for me I don't know how to feel about it for most of for well for my entire life and I'd say really since about the 50s or 60s Americans are way more into talking than doing but maybe that changes I mean one way that you become a talker rather than a doer is if your quality of life is at the standard and your biggest fear is it falling away from that but that is happening I mean people can't even afford to have kids so let's see well but what I mean there's the problem with any claim about like the people doing anything either good or bad is it both cases total atomization and lack of coordination
Starting point is 01:05:19 like people are more willing to do something that violates like not just the law but serious and ethical things if they feel like they're doing it with other people and the the illusion of the internet I mean I think we're we've seen the degree to which the feeling that you have a community online doesn't translate into feeling like you have any any standing to coordinate your activities with anybody else in the real world I would agree I would I mean like I think like if Trump loses you're definitely going to see a lone wolf attacks like some oath trying to like run it drive into the Congress and a fucking ATV with a bazooka around his shoulders but that's going to be it we're atomized we are uncoordinated
Starting point is 01:06:00 we have no political or social concepts or or we or abilities that we can exploit to direct political alienation anywhere other than just a personal expression right or on the or on the other side you know we've had four years of of like you know another half of the country basically saying that we are being ruled by a hostile foreign entity and the only like physical manifestation of that was just like one goofball hitting steve's gleece and his fat thigh yeah like you know I mean I do think you're right about that but I do think the result of that is yeah an increase in lone wolf behaviors can you can you imagine QAnon supporters trying to do like a fucking declaration of independence or like continental congress
Starting point is 01:06:51 or like pull off an organized American revolution like they can't even decide which celebrities have been cloned and executed or not well you know I mean like how quickly would that just split into like a fractal like ongoing war against each other like it just you know who's like one of the only groups of people in America that still does things together and why I think they would be eventually the kings in a broken up destroyed America it would be the Mormons the Mormons do like lame activities of each other they do like you know sacrifice yeah I was literally good but like you know they're they're killers they're killers they're kind of like what every American used yeah no shit the CIA knows
Starting point is 01:07:33 that very well they love they love because they perfected they perfected being Americans they are the descendants of the most farsighted federal minds of mid-twentieth century America who saw somehow they couldn't articulate it probably but they saw the fundamental incongruity between European Christianity and the American project and also the centrality of capitalism but also it's the poison pill that it's that it represented to like their social cohesion and they perfected both Protestantism and then capitalism and fuse them together they they're the only people who like solve the meta of the United States yeah they will rise from the ashes they understood it they will rule over us I mean it's amazing how much
Starting point is 01:08:17 how far this country tried to go pretending we believed in like northern European Protestantism the thinking where like I would say their core ideology past religion is that it's like good to suffer it's good to feel bad could you think of anything less American than that yeah no like the whole promise of America is is internal internal indulgence yeah because of the of its resource uh uh plentitude like they even solved they even solved the problem of eternity and the problem of like of God as a concept being compatible with like individual like eternal spirituality because heaven doesn't really make sense so the the the more you're gonna like being anywhere forever doesn't work the like the time bound concept of the human
Starting point is 01:09:05 ego does not correspond to the eternal the concept of eternity so what do they do they say no if you do a good enough job in heaven you get to be God right because nothing nothing bedevils nothing bedevils uh people in modernity more than the idea of time it's why you see so many fucking crackpot statements about time like the people oh the zoomers are going to save us or the zoomers are based or you know it's all everyone has this fundamental fear of time so it gets turned into time is fundamentally on our side because time is it's the only interaction we have with the only physical interaction we have with something on the level of a God so it terrifies us so much that we decide that it's fundamentally with us with
Starting point is 01:09:50 whatever we believe but Mormons solve that problem you will ascend and become time yep you know it won't don't over it won't be this daunting thing over you because you will be it and they realize that capitalism cannot work that overtime capitalism will dissolve social bonds to such a degree that anything you any polity you think you're building in america is going to not be recognizable to your descendants it will be something monstrous to you inevitably because capitalism just dissolves everything like they they in some way i think they got it because they now have have suborned in their little pocket capitalism to their social order like their economy is just like paying each other to like do the shingles on the roof or like
Starting point is 01:10:39 install a swimming pool for the guys and then the gals go out down into their unfinished basements every weekend and sell each other multi-level marketing projects which for everybody else in america mlm is a scam because you run out of friends but you'd never do that if you're a Mormon yeah guess who the one of the only groups in america is still having kids and can afford to it's them so they're not running out of people anytime soon like the rest of us jumps yeah i mean how do you want to spend eternity playing a harp hanging out with the angel gabriel and the founding fathers and you know jimmy hendrix or whatever or do you want to live actually live on the ring world from halo tooling around with your with your family with all your friends and family
Starting point is 01:11:22 but you're actually living in halo and you're the god of that ring yeah you get everything that it goes on there is under you you are you get all the all of the the opposite of all the fear and doubt that you live your life in you get to experience forever yeah i yeah maybe we should be not a bad not a bad model not a bad model honestly um well i think we should probably wrap it up for today but um uh i would actually like to take this time at the end of the show as long as we're talking about eternity love indulgence and kindness to recognize a little personal news from our producer and brother chris our good friend chris got married this weekend uh i would just like to extend on behalf of choppo trap house
Starting point is 01:12:12 and our listenership wishes for many many happy years in the future with you and your absolute queen molly molly is someone who um is not just is not just an absolute ace and a queen for chris she has been a queen for all of choppo coming on the road with us shooting footage she's been our sort of our unofficial cinematographer for a lot of the stuff we've done at the live shows and the short films we've done so i would like to extend a hearty congratulations to chris and molly uh they're originally going to get married in june but kovat put a big damper on all of that so i think bravely and correctly you just decided to say fuck it and just do a tiny small quick marriage and just stop stop delaying and get on with uh get on into the future so eternal love and
Starting point is 01:12:58 congratulations to both chris and molly congratulations congratulations guys congrats guys thank you guys very much i just had to plug in my microphone to say thank you it was a very lovely ceremony i'm glad that had happened i'm glad to be able to share it with uh you guys and through the show all the fans and i'm most of all glad that i did get a twitter shout out from maryan williamson on the day of the wedding with with uh wishing that the greatest gift you could have possibly imagined that blesses the union so uh that that was a um it felt like a small blessing of its own the good witch has has has blessed your union with the power of the orb all right i think to to go out today i think we should just uh we should throw on uh it's just you know there's this new
Starting point is 01:13:45 electronic musician is a new electronic artist out there who's pretty fire and i think i think i like him we all like him i'd like to share him with you i'm talking of course about dj d sol he is the uh the goldman sacks dj i think he's like the vice president of goldman sacks who moonlights as a fucking uh yeah like as a dj he is he's a beat smith so i think we'll just go out with sharing the excellent vibes of dj d sol drop yes hear that goldman sacks his finest rave artist i feel good i'm vibing i like this i'm vibing hard this sounds like dkr this sounds like this sounds like empty bottle remix 2.0 all right cheers you guys bye bye bye everybody
Starting point is 01:15:05 you you

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