Chapo Trap House - 468 - Judgment Night (11/2/20)

Episode Date: November 3, 2020

One day moreā€¦ Join us tomorrow night for ELECTION NIGHT COVERAGE, live on, starting at 7pm eastern....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 like the great Pavarotti the singer when you know he's a very he was a diva he was the greatest of all divas he was an incredible talent with the most unbelievable voice and I've gone to conscious where he would say no no no no I do not feel good I will not sing tonight and he'll live see and then I've gone to somewhere it was the most unbelievable voice that ever lived I mean the greatest right Pavarotti but he was he liked me for whatever reason he was very terrible to other people to me he was nice he liked me but he goes don't look don't look I will not sing tonight you don't have a thousand people I will
Starting point is 00:00:36 not sing tonight because I do not feel I will leave tonight I and it leaves a ladies and gentlemen he's just canceled but what he was great he was great but now I feel like him I say ladies and gentlemen thank you very much I'm getting no I don't have that I'm not a diva greetings friends it's choppo we are back I am back and it is less than one day for the 2020 US presidential election and we are back where it all began with me Matt and Felix pondering where we are once again before for zero hour and just at the top of the show I would like to say I have been away
Starting point is 00:01:36 because in case you hadn't heard already my dad died last week and I just wanted to say at the top of the show to everybody who reached out to me just by email DM tweet text everything I just really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart the outpouring of love was astonishing I mean I think actually my my tweet announcing the death of my father I think is I think the most liked tweet I've ever done so let's juice this one but I said let's send this one let's send this one to the moon patreon I'm in the bio let's keep it going with that but no no genuinely
Starting point is 00:02:18 though I mean it was just like an astonishing number of people friends strangers fans of the show for guests people who I've never never met me or him or us or just have only know about us or our relationship or him and what he's like through his his guest episode his appearance on the show I would like to genuinely thank all of you if I didn't get a chance to respond to you personally it's just because they simply were too many messages but rest assured that I read almost every one of them and as as did my mom and sister and genuinely it was a huge huge comfort to me in a moment where I was feeling only
Starting point is 00:02:58 sadness and it really did lift my spirits and they have stayed that way ever since so I want to thank my co-host for holding it down while I was gone and I'll say a little something more about my dad at the end of the show but there is business to attend to there's a there's a there's an election the fate of the free world is depending on what we say in this episode so let's get into it and I will say as long as we're talking about things that were a bomb to my soul in a sad time in my life I would like to mention at the top of the show Felix's Halloween online Halloween costume that he did for a couple of
Starting point is 00:03:35 days I don't know how many of you noticed that or were conned by it or got angry at it or stopped following him or blocked him or maybe even just like I don't know well did a wellness check on him or on yourself because of how fucking bad the tweets were Felix it was one of the best one of the best bits absolute masterclass I have never I've been yelled at a lot in my online life like dating back to when I was 11 years old but I've never been yelled at by so many like friends and close friends as I was at this time like it's one thing to get yelled at by your enemies like you kind of want that but I had friends you know
Starting point is 00:04:21 telling me please stop I fucking hate this I'm going to block you until this is done this fucking sucks and mission accomplished everyone hated it so for those of you who are not on Twitter I just decided to do everything that I hate online I changed my picture to me making the vote face is that what you're calling it the vote yeah it's the voting face it was it was it was it was the it was just a rictus of death it was it was awful it was it it was the man behind Winky's diner and Mulholland Drive looking at that avi every time I just passed out because of how fucking wretched that that that twisted little
Starting point is 00:05:01 grin and just oh it's oh man it was it was really bad brace told me he wanted to take an SLR and shove it up my cock and empty the mag into it but yeah so I would just write like the most like annoying like just groveling fucking signaling like left liberal media tweets the last four years like every like just like oh Glenn Greenwald's having a normal one but I would come up with just like the most mind-seeringly awful jokes and I would work really hard on coming up with something that would alienate the majority of my followers and when I ran out of ideas like when I didn't have
Starting point is 00:05:42 anything elaborate planned I would just like find a screencap of like Max Blumenthal and Fox News and be like we need to hold him accountable like when you run out of things you just have to hold it say you have to hold people that is my favorite that is my favorite tick is holding people accountable on Twitter yeah you're like we got a whole Bernie accountable y'all and then and then the thread you did about disinformation and misinformation was like okay the brilliance of this bit though is because like there's been so many shitty parody accounts who try to do this like you know like like Joe Keck's gold and
Starting point is 00:06:13 stuff like that you know like or maybe they're funny to begin with but they get old really fast and like the thing is all all like those bits that they're doing are all based on like hyperbole they're all doing a kind of a grotesque exaggeration of the thing that they're making fun of and after a while it just gets sort of too easy and kind of hack Felix's your tweets were not an exaggeration at all it was it was like a perfect like note like it was an exact exact copy of like exactly the way these people think their sense of humor and I really appreciated like all the fucking all of those exact type of person all
Starting point is 00:06:48 that like that so many of those like media guys like have to follow you for their job and then had to see that reflection of themselves for like at least 72 hours those tweets were like a void comp test for anyone who saw them if you're a human with human blood in your veins you see those things that you get a little nausea you get a little pit in your stomach just thinking about the empty soul that wrote that but if you're one of those people you read that you're like oh someone's getting epic today they might they might warrant a retweet of this one yes please and that if you can look at that and you could use that as
Starting point is 00:07:26 essentially a human that humanity test it's like putting the wire into the petri dish of blood in the thing how they react to these tweets I am your display name was Felix once Jack Dorsey to listen to journalists and then and then you ended the misinformation thread by by suggesting that you have a family slack channel to vet news stories and you say like something about like if you want to hold the people accountable like stop evading paywalls I wrote what of the jokes I wrote in the first day like actually physically hurt me to write and I could only do it because I knew how much it would upset people and
Starting point is 00:08:03 it was it was like well looks like the Christian right was correct we're all got socialists now but it's extremely good and I I think I got like a thousand on ironic likes on that just from like lizard humans but I am I do have a huge prize to show for this I have a new follower some of you may know her name is Ann Applebaum these tweets were so fucking shitty that Ann Applebaum was like oh I need to follow this guy I don't know who this guy is or what fucked up face he's making but I got to see more of these and I obviously I despise her work and I'm figuring out a way to get blocked by her without you know between
Starting point is 00:08:49 a goat see which is my usual go-to that's how I've gotten people don't fall in the past but I'm thinking about DMing Ann Applebaum like an Instagram drug dealer all right perks 15 sans 10 my cart my cart guys Unick I called up in the idea of no cart sorry hit my line and then giving her giving her like the YKS complaint line yeah Ann Applebaum was am cation I'm really her latest book was about like how did the right wing get so crazy and it begins in the description of like her at like I don't know but basically a party that was attended by I don't know the like everyone who was in the war room and Dr. Strangelove or the party at Eyes Wide
Starting point is 00:09:33 Shut and I don't know I'm Poland or Ukraine and then there was just like half of the people at that party are Nazis now what happened these are all people who was like she was like these are all people who are my friends and now they won't talk to me yeah she's a she's a real piece of work but she's about to get a great deal in perks well as I mentioned guys it is it's a one day out from one day since we it's been one day it will be one day till we vote again it's one day one day it's just one day we have one chance do not miss this chance to blow and you know I mean I just I don't know man it's just like if
Starting point is 00:10:15 if I didn't if I was sick of this fucking election and didn't care about it before my dad died imagine how I feel about it now I mean like I guess just like okay here we go just just this was just this afternoon in Pennsylvania Trump is on stage complaining about how celebrities don't like him and said quote I could tell you some stories about Lady Gaga now he's got Lady Gaga Lady Gaga I could tell you plenty of stories I could tell you stories about Lady Gaga I know a lot of stories and Lady Gaga and John Bon Jovi every time I see him he kisses my ass oh I could tell you some stories honey he's so fucking alpha
Starting point is 00:10:58 that's a real hair I he he also said what's trending on Twitter so boring I've been trending since the day I was born god that's just I hate he's destroyed he has destroyed irony and now even the concept of subtext completely because that's the kind of thing that you're supposed to tease out like oh the entire Trump lot his entire life has been about being famous because of this howling void at the center of him that needs to be filled by other people's adulation because his dad didn't love him and it's like that's just so obvious and cardboard and like you know cod Freudian but then he just goes out there
Starting point is 00:11:32 and says I've been trending since the day I was born everyone loves me oh you love me love me please love me so much this guy pursued single-mindedly the goal of being famous and in so doing he became president of the United States by accident that's not that is not an exaggeration of what happened I guess it's like if the Biden people haven't colossal you've blown it which is always okay you gotta factor yeah knock on wood it will be sort of the greatest beginning middle of end of an amazing story that like he was what every what everyone every American liberal interventionist and center-right
Starting point is 00:12:14 imperialist describes it's like the chaos event for American Empire right like you get a man in there who's a bad character and blah blah blah and if he just does for years the country didn't end we didn't get taken over and then everything just resumes it's like it's ongoing shitty steady decline that the worst thing happened and it didn't change one way they didn't make anything dramatically better or worse years after years after it's barely even a memory that's the perfect ending that he's just enveloped into nothingness the Republicans will figure out a new way to make enough of whatever group white in
Starting point is 00:12:52 order to retain power as they always have the Democrats will like you know continually say they need to do pay go for stimulus bills quality of life and check and birth rates will steadily decline people won't be able to afford to have families but for like a brief window we just had this weird like Queenie asexual every week was like every week was like general math this isn't a star like like this is in the middle of you know irreversible levels of climate-related catastrophes start mounting and a global pandemic and like the whole global economy starting to buckle and just our guys in charge it's
Starting point is 00:13:40 like oh my god television so boring it's nothing on the historians of the future you know will I mean like you know depending on what happens tomorrow I mean they will look back at this four-year period of that that one brief shining moment before the water wars began when America was ruled by a bisexual woman with mental health problems two days before the kid ended the fucking race and he's like my friend Pavarotti he'd come out that was so good freezing to death behind him okay well Matt yes sir sir yes sir Pavarotti great man I do not recall him ever
Starting point is 00:14:29 seeing him in concert but I recall he might have been in the naked gun I think he called he called Pavarotti the greatest diva of all time not me I'm not a diva I'm not a diva and no but like a little context that joke he is the most diva diva who's ever divaed and the context of that joke was of course that Pavarotti according to Trump would often just not show up for concerts or it'd be in the dressing room and go no no no I cannot sing tonight is no good and he was like I wish I could do that I don't want to be here like I shouldn't have to be here they said you're a good in Georgia and today did you see this is
Starting point is 00:15:08 just a few seconds before we started recording but he tweeted out Texas and Pennsylvania remember Joe Biden wants to ban fracking it's like that's a confident campaign I mean look everything everything's going awesome I mean look it's just like as you mentioned before like everyone is so gunshot because of 2016 because like you know everyone the polls assured everyone that there's no way Donald Trump could win and you know I do remember basically the day or two before the last election I remember Virgil Texas in one of our DMs was just talking about all the state polls and just basically saying that they were all
Starting point is 00:15:44 screaming red and that this was going to be a disaster and I just remember thinking no no not gonna happen so again you can't under I mean it basically you can't underestimate like any scenario I would give it a 50-50 chance of anything happening at any given point in the future but it's just it does seem if you're like if you're just going from Trump himself his campaign the Republican Party around him like the Republican media apparatus it does seem like they're playing pretty tight I mean it seems like they are grinding their teeth to the gums right now and it just I think what it comes down to is that I think it's
Starting point is 00:16:19 pretty clear to everyone that in his four years as presidency like Trump has not only not widened his base of support but like that's all he has and voter suppression so I think like that's basically the strategy but I mean like two court rulings out of Texas and Pennsylvania by very hard-line partisan right-wing judges basically throwing out these cases to invalidate the hundreds of thousands of ballots for some spurious reason I mean like they're not it doesn't seem like at least those two judges are really willing to stop the stop the counting of votes because I mean like this is the thing here
Starting point is 00:16:53 Trump is basically and like and the Supreme Court or Kavanaugh or like a Supreme Court of like they oh last week came out and said that like invented this standard that like if it's not called by midnight in saying that the counting of TV that's not even from history or anything and to be fair like that you know the media has played a large part in oh no it's their fault that he could pull this out of his ass just like because that's what Trump thinks because he's got no object permanence it's like no no I know the election night you turn it on and then at some point they say when they turn it
Starting point is 00:17:27 off that's the legal election period and now you got to just go yeah that the thing is is that they'd have to do it I think what they're doing is they're setting forward a standard whereby yeah if there's ever a chance where there's they feel like there's a real contest for power in this country that might subvert them in some significant way they would not hesitate to use them the question is is will they do it on behalf of Donald Trump and I just don't think that they will I think they got what they want out of Trump I got the judges yeah they're done it's like now it's just they want another four years
Starting point is 00:18:01 like with a huge recession that he's gonna be dealing with and a continued uncontrolled pandemic that he's gonna deal with and they're just gonna have to respond to his daily temper tantrums and try to justify him to the public that never really liked him anyway and just I mean it wouldn't be worth it and I mean I think the thing is like I have no doubt in my mind that like the judiciary the media and the Democratic Party would essentially allow them yeah completely just steal it if the results were clear to almost everybody that Biden had won the popular vote and then the electoral college narrowly and maybe
Starting point is 00:18:35 one state I have no doubt that they would appoint Trump president of course and it has to be it has to be vanishingly close for that to happen and the thing is like or if there were if came down to a recount and what they're talking about is simply stopping the counting of votes yeah in states were like you know the all these things are based on projections like I mean they're they're talking about like the days of counting thousands and thousands of votes and they're just saying that like no we're just gonna stop that we're just gonna like invalidate like voting and you know you're right I can see them
Starting point is 00:19:07 like I have no doubt that they would do that at some point or maybe they'll do it tomorrow who the fuck knows but it just it I did those two court cases it just these are hard right-wing fucking judges like these these these guys are fucking monsters and like even they can't bring themselves to find standing for these cases they I mean you could tell in their rulings that they wanted to invalidate these votes but they just couldn't find a fig leaf fucking bare enough to provide these cases standing so and not and on behalf of Trump who as much as the base of the party is Trump I don't think even among the people he
Starting point is 00:19:45 appoints into court that's necessarily the case too because they are able to I think for the most part separate the fortunes of the party and themselves from Trump which of course at the psychic level the supporters can't do because it's a total in the total like mind-meld there but they have suffered and start incentives as members of like an actual political elite and I just don't think that there's been enough time for them to have been to fully absorbed ideologically Trumpism to make them overlook the fact that there's so nor short-term self-interest here is to let Trump lose if that's what it looks
Starting point is 00:20:20 like and because and I think I think particularly if you're talking about the judiciary or the Supreme Court I mean like if it's close enough and they can get away with it they'll do it but not if it's just them blatantly just invalidating the entire American legal system in the process because the thing is they don't need to they've already got it they've got what they wanted so it doesn't matter if a Republican is president whether or not 40 fucking years it doesn't matter they don't need to do it they got what they wanted and why would you want to have your have the part why would you want to be the party
Starting point is 00:20:51 in power during two coming crisis that have very much been proven in the last eight months cannot be dealt with with given the current outlay of power within our insanely idiotic constitutional governmental structure like they can't be dealt with do you want to be holding that fucking hot potato for the next four years and I mean you're Trump you're speaking about like just COVID no one insight there and then the next economic crash yeah almost certainly gonna happen over the next year or so yeah there you go there's clearly like they can't even think of the Trump the guy who has more like populist instincts than
Starting point is 00:21:24 most people in the Republican Party and of course it's all that was all just pandering to people to what he thinks he thought they wanted because he cared more about that than any underlying ideology he still couldn't get more than one check out there he still couldn't like do spend enough attention not watching fucking TV or go in front of a bunch of chuds to hooten holler blow COVID in their face to sit down and insist on a deal getting done which he could have done you certainly could have done more than he did he'd let them not go out couldn't get a second check with his name on it before the election but
Starting point is 00:21:57 he really doesn't want to lose win which I think he doesn't want to win deep down but in his conscious mind he has to win because he can't he can't you like like like is his conscious mind cannot bear the thought of being a loser but I think he does he never wanted to be president to begin with yes and now he's like any pleasure he ever got from it is gone like years ago he wants this to be over but he doesn't want to lose and that's why he's in this situation yeah I mean also like going back a little bit to why would they want to hold be left holding this flaming bag of shit I mean Biden is
Starting point is 00:22:31 really holding a bag of shit should should they prevail which it looks like they will and beyond a margin of reasonable theft that everyone would let them get away with Biden's Bay Biden's base by this coalition which is not the Obama coalition is no older no way wider way formally right leaning than the old Obama base and even if Biden had the political will to do some of the things that he's hinted at wanting to do he I don't think he would deeply deficit spend for a necessary stimulus I don't think he can unfold he has the political will or any of his people had the will or experience to unfuck up
Starting point is 00:23:17 things like state unemployment funds I feel like any ambitious program or ambitious by Biden standards they would feel like they would have to show their voters that it's already fully funded because they're creatures of the 80s and 90s and I feel like anything they would do to try to fund these programs would be broadly unpopular with the people that swept him into power and especially the people that swept him into power in the primary now if they do what some people think they're gonna do which is run Harris in four years that presents its own set of problems which is literally getting anyone to vote for
Starting point is 00:23:52 her which is a primary so they are they have a huge bag of shit to hold on to and I I presume Joe's clogs will fall off while stomping it out who knows who knows yeah I just like I don't know I mean like thinking back to you know before year zero kicked off and you know we left California you know after Super Tuesday with the you know stench of doom and defeat all around us I thought like there Trump was a shoe in for reelection against Joe Biden and I would think he actually still would be we're not for COVID which was the real fucking wild card that it's the one thing he couldn't completely evade
Starting point is 00:24:33 responsibility for yeah as president of the United States it's the one thing that just he can't lie about enough for it to go away and that's the joke is it hasn't gone away but I mean look as long as we're considering outcomes and not avoiding mistakes of previous elections can you imagine how fucking funny it will be if the Democrats lose this election and like oh my god and lose it fairly and I like I think there's no way he's gonna win the popular vote no they're there may not be a Republican president who will win a popular vote in an election like as long as we're alive yeah I mean like like but you know
Starting point is 00:25:13 if Trump wins the Electoral College if he gets like 271 and it's not just like I'm sure like obviously you know suppression and just how generally rotten our democracy is we'll factor into that but if it's like basically they win this election can you fucking imagine how fucking like insane and funny that would be it's almost indescribable it's almost indescribable what would you even do like that what they would do after would be so fun like they would like be like all right fuck it you like this and like make Anthony Weiner the head of the DMC it would be it would be the funniest like seeing Tom
Starting point is 00:25:51 Perez croak onto TV and going oh there's some really exciting results still you know former former like CIA Drone Operator Craig fuck what in Texas in a special election that he's gonna lose in 16 months like that would be because it's like after that what do you what do you even do nothing it's mind-boggling but it could it could definitely happen it does not be it is not like do not like just think that this is some like fantasy scenario that we're ginning up for I think it's unlikely and I think I don't know I'm trying to find where the were the actual like professional gamblers are putting their money in this
Starting point is 00:26:28 election and it seems like they're going with Biden so I mean let's say take make of that what you will and it's just like I don't mean it just overall it's just like if Hillary Clinton had just won one of those fucking states that she lost on that night four years ago she would be president right now and it seems very unlikely to me that Biden is gonna lose any states that she won in 2016 yeah and then and then and then and then not win a single other one yeah it's like and he's up in all of them I'll all like the close the closest one I think is Ohio like I think and he's good I think he's gonna lose Ohio but like
Starting point is 00:27:05 he's up and you could say oh the polls are cucked and of course they might very well be cucked but he wasn't but Hillary was not there in those bowls election day it was looking very very very thin there and it was just us it was it happened so late people basically didn't have a time to notice it Hillary's lead was also very fluid in that last month it was up and down and up and down and whenever you would point this out to people they'd go oh well she's ahead by nine points yeah and she was you know ahead by two points yesterday today she's under by one point like Biden it's been like his floor has
Starting point is 00:27:38 been what like seven oh yeah and he's he's and this is a thing Hillary never wasn't any of those states even when she was up he's a consistently above 50% and that to me more than anything is the real sign that the coat polls would have to be cucked to a degree that kind of makes the whole point yeah you can't make that decision until something like that happens because it's so yeah just absurd another factor is you know like the the Anthony Weiner's laptop and the Comey memo and shit like that did hurt her and you're coming around Tony Bob a loot Bob a loot Tony Bob a looty at the Hunter
Starting point is 00:28:15 Hunter Biden's cock I think a huge dick I didn't get a chance to talk to you about the Hunter Biden photos and by the way the right wing is totally right that the media has spiked that story oh yeah oh yeah there's they're spiking that story because it would be unfair for Biden they would unfairly throw the election to Biden because I remember reading like all like like two people and like right wing right wingers if they're like I've seen the laptop photos they're unspeakable hunter Biden is eating children he was torturing Chinese children in a hotel room then you see the photos and he's just like he's
Starting point is 00:28:50 just balling out hot milfs who have like C-section scars did you guys see okay did you guys see the photo of the woman just sucking his cock while smoking a cigarette at the same time and then like and he's got his leg and he's got his legs locked around her head from the back like a wrestling hold and she's just but burning a cig while she's topping him off the M&Ms lined up on his cock dude like I just like did you can you see him fucking the girl in the worst room of all yeah that looks like a gaming basement he looked like he was fucking a woman in the gaming basement he was fucking he was just rallying out
Starting point is 00:29:28 two chicks on a floor mattress with the worst purple sheets ever made and 30 to 50 empty McDonald's like my man yeah yeah when people are like oh he spent like the new thing where he spent like 21k on the like live jasmine or whatever it's like he has 10 million dollars yeah it's like what do you think what people do with money that's what money's for yes and like here's the thing though it's like oh like you know making oh you guys are making hunter Biden into a cool guy and like the thing is though like yes everything about these stories does prove that hunter Biden Joe Biden Joe Biden's brother his whole fucking family
Starting point is 00:30:13 are deeply deeply corrupt but it's like I can't follow this shit because it's like I already knew that everyone is and it doesn't it doesn't benefit Trump because like his fucking give shit family is the most people on earth it's it's a perfect irony this whole thing is like Twilight Zone stuff so when Trump was running against Hillary and he wasn't even trying to win remember he was just trying to pump up his profile and get more famous and maybe turn it into a string of like of mid-chain rest of Trump branded hotels and like mid-sized city cities across the red states or a TV network or something he was just
Starting point is 00:30:53 going with the flow and he was seeing where Hillary had weaknesses and attacking her and what Hillary did was play defense because she was freaking out about wanting to win and she was stiff and she was defensive and so she would say well what about what about all these things that's wrong with Trump and the problem was everyone that she was talking about she had corruption yes a crooked charity yes sex shit with her husband yes so there was nothing that landed and since she was essentially the incumbent like she had to fend off the challenge from the guy saying hey let's do something different now with
Starting point is 00:31:30 everything bad Trump has to convince people to stick with him and he's got Biden here and he wants to he's like freaking out he wants to win and what does he do he goes well look look at what's wrong with Biden and everything he's got Trump has exactly yes fucking crooked kids he's fucking crook we've already metabolized that you're a crook so if you're both crooks you're the crook who is in charge when we everyone died of COVID and that's you know this fucking thing and it gets all of it all of it works like that way for Joe like when they say that Joe is senile and has dementia yes but what is Trump what is
Starting point is 00:32:07 Trump just mincing around singing YMCA and talking about Lady Gaga it's like you are too he is Hillary every attack he gives on Biden to try to unseat the challenge to the status quo that's intolerable is just yeah but that's you dude and here's the thing it's like it's just sort of like you know there's our last episode before election night I'm like just trying to sum up what like the the final blessed finally home stress of this election like the last two weeks have felt like and it has been this bizarre repetition of the last fucking election it does all the same shit over again for B it's it's so boring and stupid and it's
Starting point is 00:32:48 like our friend Ed from age of Napoleon put it best and I was like the last week of the election Tony Bababooie and fucking Miles Teller like he's like oh I'm not anonymous anymore Trump's a bad guy these fucking nobodies and like what Eves said was like it would be like running a clip show during sweeps week and that's what it felt like this election it felt like the clips week of the last fucking election but it has to be because if you watch that second debate where they had the beeper and Trump was said it's heavily sedated and coming off that that steroid high and they actually did get to talk things out
Starting point is 00:33:23 a little bit I was watching that thing and the first they were going very contentiously at the first 45 minutes at no point did they actually disagree on a policy basically like everything about COVID it was just we're not gonna shut anything down but we are gonna get rid of the virus like that was it like there was no cuz you know they're both good they're both admitting we're not gonna do the thing that would that would give people you know a some leeway and allow us to fight this thing which is send everybody home and pay them to stay home just do that Biden isn't saying that Biden is still saying we need to
Starting point is 00:33:56 keep the economy open which means all he's doing is they're gonna add some filigree to Trump's thing there's no disagreement there is no real argument and then there's the the stimulus what is it gonna be well we're gonna give some money to people and we're gonna do some much like tested trash shit it's all just the same amorphous thing there's no actual difference they're both governing as a neoliberal button pusher would because at this point they're just the mere expression of those impulses I will say though the what the one thing over the last week or so that has been quite special to me and unique to this
Starting point is 00:34:32 election is the phenomenon of Trump the Trump campaign stranding tens of thousands of his supporters in either like bitter cold or like oppressive heat because like I don't know please it's just a subtext alone due to you and I think it's just it's like the first one the one in Nebraska and like that night we were following this count that was like the Omaha Nebraska police scanner and it was fucking insane it was it was it was so fucking nuts it was thousands of people like suffering like hypothermia falling down in snowdrifts trying to get back to their car because like they did this
Starting point is 00:35:12 whole thing where it was like they bust thousands of people from the parking lot like three or four miles away to the you know to the cattle corral where they all shove them in and then provided no plans for buses to take them back to their cars and it's already it's already ludicrous that they're stuffing all these people into buses to begin with in the middle of COVID I mean I've got a story I mean this isn't the hill so take it with a grain of salt but 18 Trump rallies have led to 30,000 COVID-19 cases stand for you University studies says 30,000 COVID cases and at least 700 deaths it's it's it's like a Stephen
Starting point is 00:35:48 King book I mean this yeah it's just it's just it's too much it's too much writes itself but that's annoying it's like we're people want to write give people a chance to write and you can't do it because like hey how about as how about they just leave people because they didn't want to fucking pay for buses or the card was declined which apparently happened yeah well that was happening that all the people at the rally were convinced it was a deep state plot to cancel the bus just a perfect encapsulation of the entire fucking base just these fucking rubes who have hypnotized themselves into believing
Starting point is 00:36:26 that because Trump is like the most obnoxious asshole on earth and they are too that they're like in some way psychically identical is that the end of the day that what that means is that since you don't care about anybody neither does he which means he'll leave your ass at the fucking woods dude you're on your own it's like you said Matt it's just it is no subtext it is just the one-to-one perfect like like play it's like if you staged a play about a president who has allowed allowed hundreds of thousands of people to die because he just doesn't give a fuck about human life including the people who
Starting point is 00:37:01 like him and probably them least and probably them least of all of course and then and then you wanted to stage some sort of experimental theater or performance art to literally rehearse that exact same phenomenon it is him abandoning thousands of people in snowdrifts in Nebraska because they wanted to come out and see him and cheer for him and it's just he he really hates his own fans more than anyone else in the country like more than any motivated democratic like liberal voter like he hates that he hates maga people worse than them yep absolute swine look at you you guys love your guns don't
Starting point is 00:37:35 you oh bang and you love the Bible don't you love it I'd say people say I'm the famous first most famous person in the world but no there's one more person who's more famous Jesus Christ oh that was so good that was so good that was so good the shit-eating grid out his face like yeah you like that don't you like he points up he looks upstairs and he's like I'm talking to you big guy at the end of the night Trump knows he's getting something over on people by getting them to pay attention to him and so if you fall for it you're fucking rude yeah could you not have like utter contempt for for the people you get over
Starting point is 00:38:12 on so easily but as always we're talking about fucking at fucking rubes who just cannot fucking buy a clue if it's blinking right in front of their face you know the democratic base is just maybe even more rubified at this point and maybe not that nothing maybe not the democratic base but like the progressive liberal like media shithead like fucking all these people who have backed themselves into some fucking argument about what like oh I'm voting for Joe Biden for because you know like some conceivable theory about how it like it redounds to the benefit of the left in this country you're an even
Starting point is 00:38:51 bigger room than those people in Nebraska gotta be gotta show but Biden that we're gonna push him left or some shit that you he needs you so then he'll have to he'll he'll owe you something no no there's nothing here it'll be Obama all over again because if you win you either weren't needed or you weren't able to stop them so what gives a shit because nobody is like there's no organized left it's just a bunch of individual voters and then people in the media who vaguely speak for them but there's no coordination of activity there's no self-consciousness of it so we cannot apply pressure and I also just
Starting point is 00:39:27 like this idea that like scolding non-voters or people who say like fucking I'm not waiting nine hours in line to fucking I'm not gonna put my life on the line for Joe Biden are you fucking kidding me like because nothing's gonna change who gives a fuck and then like those people will always be hectered by some smog asshole who's just like pretty easy for you to say you're your that's privilege you're a marginalized person your life won't suffer how could you possibly say things are gonna stay the same and it's just like well okay I believe that because that's what Joe Biden says every time
Starting point is 00:39:57 he gets a fucking chance to explain himself and also this whole idea that like it's also being incredibly condescending to these marginalized people that they claim to speak on behalf or that they're like I'm voting for them well it's just like well if those people believed as you do they would vote themselves so how about you just vote for your own fucking reasons and don't use other people as some sort of fucking moral shield for your own for your own what you're gonna do anyway and don't use it as a cudgel to fucking hit other people because they don't feel the same way yes stop it leave alone people are
Starting point is 00:40:28 just trying to grill for God's sakes also it's not fun to vote I disagree I like doing it I did it I did at the Barclays Center this year not fun yeah I was breezing you get the form you get to fill it out with bubbles I get the right in names which is fun I voted for Hillary finally it took me four years but and then my favorite part you put it in the machine and it goes look look goes and then you get a little sticker I do it even if I'm just writing in my friend's names which I do sometimes I just like the roots the experience pretty cute the civic ritual of it I enjoy pretty cute to write in your friend's
Starting point is 00:41:10 names to be honest well actually I I enjoyed voting in New York City a lot more before they had like the the bubble where you fill it out I missed out on the machine I wanted there was a machine it used to be like there was like a little shower stall and you pull the curtain over and it was this like very archaic like like punch card machine where you would like you would punch in your vote and you would lock it in and then you would pull a big lever that would punch in the ballot and like lock it into the like the security box or whatever but there's this big red lever that you had pushed and you would pull
Starting point is 00:41:42 the big red lever and that was very fun it was like you know like a like an elevator a train or you know the you people you're our listeners love those things so that's you love those guys you love it you love the little chuchu you love to get out the train well so yeah I mean who knows it's gonna happen tomorrow but I'm just I'm fuck I just I wanted to be over like that's the thing like my nightmare scenario is one of the work gets dragged out for like weeks and months I don't think that's going to happen although it's obviously on the board is why possibility yeah that's that's always possible but I from what I
Starting point is 00:42:19 can tell I feel like it's gonna be pretty resounding the last few months of the Trump presidency could be the funniest thing that will have ever happened a lame duck Trump presidency God that's gonna be so fucking good really think that a lot of people who think that Trump has a real chance here I think he's gonna win or think that people are being either deluded or Polly Anish if they really want find a win and they're just they can't accept reality or some other lib obfuscation I honestly think there is driven there obviously one of the fact that 2016 scrambled everybody's brains but also to I think it's this
Starting point is 00:42:56 sense that Biden deserves to lose and that therefore and that he should lose to punish the Democratic Party for its fecklessness and that therefore he will and that his inability to do anything other than repeat the Hillary campaign with a different gloss should should not be allowed to succeed there's sort of like a submitting an odd for an is at the heart of it and I got to say it's wrong for Biden to win it's monstrous for this cadaver to take this spot in this moment in history it's a it's a profanement of the very concept of American democracy but that doesn't stop this shit from happening
Starting point is 00:43:34 and the reality of having president United States who was never that popular to begin with and one running against the single worst person in American political history to run for a major party spot the only person who could have lost to him and presiding over a massive calamity of public health and the economy just it doesn't happen I mean the simple fact that Biden and the Democratic Party so richly deserve to lose election is good enough evidence for me that they will have a good chance of winning it
Starting point is 00:44:08 honestly that's the thing it's like all your thoughts about the Democratic Party because you know most people have become disillusioned over years with the Democrats and so they always even if they hated the Democrats they have a naive sympathy for and preference for the Democrats winning over a Republican you know it's it might even be more cultural than political and so uh what that means is that then when the Democrats lose they're sad in a way because they wanted the Democrats lose even though they hate them
Starting point is 00:44:32 and I think 2016 for a lot of people galvanize them to a point where they hate the Democrats more than they hate the Republicans and so they they will be a little sad if Trump loses and the thing is you're supposed to be sad at every electoral outcome sad is the correct electoral outcome so if you find yourself it's sad then you're right so guess what if you believe that like the Democratic Party has to be destroyed in an accelerationist you know a catastrophic a collision with Trumpism
Starting point is 00:44:59 as this immutable a movable object that like splits it open if you believe that and you think that's the way forward well good news nothing has ever been right you've never been correct you've we've only ever failed America's only ever slid in further towards catastrophe and guess what you don't get that either you get Joe Biden sliding in there because people remember him from Obama and he uh he doesn't have like the the taint of Hillary Clinton and he wasn't defined by Donald Trump and people just kind of want to turn off politics for a little bit
Starting point is 00:45:30 and watch the damn game and those are political realities that destroy any of your conception about what should happen having any reflection on what will I mean obviously like I've taken on sort of a sort of a the gravity of a certain existential cast of mind over the last week as you might imagine and I still like the way I look at it is that like no matter what the outcome is on Tuesday the end result will be stupid and evil but it will yeah yeah but it will also be funny oh yes so we'll be here but I mean once again that being said I simply have to
Starting point is 00:46:07 say it again I almost cannot comprehend how insane this country is gonna gonna gonna go if Donald Trump wins tomorrow oh it's gonna be something it's almost incomprehensible like just just how people have raised the stakes raised the emotional stakes and I honestly think this is one of the big reasons people are gonna vote for Biden in the suburbs especially the emotional stakes of trumping president are now so high that if we basically cannot psychically conceive of him becoming president and yeah we would adapt to it
Starting point is 00:46:39 but it would like turn everybody an extra crank overtuned we're gonna be vibrating we're going to be humming if that happens and I think subconsciously or consciously a lot of people are gonna vote to just turn it down and like bring down the frequency so that you're not vibrating so hard you're cracking your fucking the pavement under your feet you know it'd be a funny outcome though if if trump won re-election or even if he even if he loses if he expands his share of the african-american and latino vote this time around as some well they had the
Starting point is 00:47:09 anti-racism training works I mean I there's a want me to say there was a Bloomberg article the other day about how a lot of biden advisors are feeling pretty fucking nervous right now about the latino vote in this country or like based on early voting which again i mean hard to read into like it's you know who votes early and who doesn't but it i mean it would again like that would that would torque up people's insanity like it would just the cognitive dissonance there would really it would it would break people even further than they are now and by
Starting point is 00:47:39 that i mean like people are already completely broken everyone's completely insane that's why it's it's hard to imagine it getting any crazier right exactly if we kind of we we consciously or subconsciously are going to steer away from that if we feel like we have an alternative and as as long as we've got mountain dew code red coming out of the taps in this country as tenuous as it's all being held together it's still there i think there's too much comfort to sacrifice for people to decide to just say fuck it and by the way
Starting point is 00:48:06 and here's the other thing like you know we talked about how um certainly during the democratic primary the democrats have absolutely tossed like the me too movement into the fucking trash can bye bye and if they can safely cruise to this election with suburban white people back on their side black lives matter is the next one to go overboard oh yeah i mean they already did that basically like in the last few months they've uh when there was the uh uprising in philadelphia uh biden was immediately out to denounce
Starting point is 00:48:36 looting and rioting and it's like you know that's probably smart electorally i gotta say i mean people say oh it's you're gonna depress leftist turnout i i mean considering the coalition they seem to be as a assembling right now it's like he's made his choice you know yeah it's there's no point in like swerving now to try to pick up some college kids when you have been this successful at making inroads into like the more moneyed uh like uh like suburban white upper middle
Starting point is 00:49:04 class you you you're playing there well in these key suburbs it keeps working they're gonna keep doing that and so if if if that kind of police violence that cycle of violence and uprising and reprisal continues and there's no reason to believe it'll stop i mean it really started under obama uh then yes it'll absolutely have to slowly whittle away at black lives matter as a concept well that is one thing i've been looking forward to see during the biden administration uh all the
Starting point is 00:49:33 the media bloodbath that is going to happen to specialized online publications that have become democratic party auxiliaries so they are not gonna need them anymore there is a lot of things that the democrats are not gonna need with the new biden coalition if it really is as old as white as we think it is maybe they'll call you back up for a freelance job if uh you know kamala harris actually does run and in that case no one's gonna want you after because you're probably gonna
Starting point is 00:50:02 have been a stenographer for a fucking loser a really bad loser i think that uh people have talked about how they they fear or anticipate that if biden gets in there uh you know presides over a hunger chancellorship which we're all assuming it's gonna be some version of that uh that we will emerge this like right wing economic populist sort of coherent trumpist ideology that's going to come into a party and i really think that that comes mostly from people just seeing tv's
Starting point is 00:50:33 and watching narratives form it like the intellectual level that we know for a fact don't necessarily connect to regular people like all the stuff about you know tucker carlson it's like i think that's a trend but if you look at these polling if the polling data comes back showing that you're seeing a depolarization on race uh uh among like uh latino and black men or whatever then you're really going towards a point where there might be a re polarization and a realignment but it'll be between a party of
Starting point is 00:51:00 college educated americans and a non college educated americans of all races and that'll be and and there will be no and it will not be about economics because economics will be off the table completely as an issue because we went through this crisis everybody one check and said no you're on your own it's catch us catch again there is no more real government intervention to be had so what there is is we can fight over the scraps and blame each other and which whose team you're on whose grievances you're going to accept is going to depend on whether you went
Starting point is 00:51:30 through the like middle class uh uh uh bourgeois ification of uh of your mores that happens when you go to college and then the the political battle will be just at the at the level of of culture war fought between college educated and non college educated people over the age of 50 and everyone else will have been rung out of the system because they would have seen the the pointlessness of inter in uh engaging with it and their uh their turnout numbers will will dwindle
Starting point is 00:51:58 yes and uh every time we're gonna see a bunch of articles after this uh you know how how does the republican party gonna rebuild like we didn't read the exact same fucking things after obama they always find a way and the way that they always find a way is they decide to make a certain number of people a slice of them white that's always what they've done that's always what they will do and they will always succeed at that yeah and one of the way they're gonna do it i think is by
Starting point is 00:52:28 by by evoking a civic nationalism that like is racialized to an extent but it's not like specifically racial the people doing like one drop racism nowadays are exclusively people uh on the left that's that's where people care about like you're 23 and me to determine you're standing to speak in the progressive stack like the whole republican thing is you know it is it's colorblind now of course in practice it isn't but there's it's it's able to assimilate new types of people it's the it's the left that is trying to divide
Starting point is 00:52:57 everybody into like ethnic uh uh cantons well that is going to have its appeal to people especially if people see themselves more as american or male and and associate like the the values of like a republican party that is organized around like nationalist aggressive concepts and like hierarchical social relationships that reinforce like a patriarchy that is revolved around like ritualized violence they're gonna go for it because that's how people end up in this fucking country if you're not civilized
Starting point is 00:53:29 by uh ascension to a more feminized public space through intervention with things like fucking higher education well okay along those lines of that um i i think it's a good time to segue to uh away from our shores to something i want to talk about because you know like i said tomorrow's the election uh it all seems fucking miserable but i think it is good to remind ourselves that there are still a few major world democracies whose government culture and just national
Starting point is 00:54:03 character are infinitely more miserable doomed and stupid than ours and i'm talking of course about england it's a bloody shambles mate and what then what then what the labor party just did to jeremy corbin which is i guess expel him from the party for refusing to uh agree with their fucking uh hatchet job fucking report on labor anti-semitism i mean i don't know not much not much more to say about this i mean this is kind of like i we we we've imposed on ourselves a fucking a ban on talking
Starting point is 00:54:36 about england ever since that election because you know they're doing or depressing no thank you no i'm well i mean that's always there's no point in it like i mean there's no hope for them and they largely deserve whatever happens to them but i mean it's just this this corbin anti-semitism thing and some of the shit i've had to read over the past week from these fucking winers who just are all without any fucking sense without an ounce of shame are all pretending that like corbin was going to do show up part two
Starting point is 00:55:03 if he had fucking won that election is just so fucking nauseating and it's just like you cannot we said it before i'll say it again you cannot give these people a fucking inch and guess what and corbin kind of did give them an inch corbin's greatest sin was weakness these people i wish they had taken the tract just telling them to fuck off if we learned anything from donald trump go vote lib dem you probably fucking did in 2019 anyway there are owners and the zionists uh they made their fucking call and i just i i love this idea that like
Starting point is 00:55:37 there's so many people now who who call themselves and a lot of them are i mean i'm seeing most of it now i mean there's a lot of it in america but i i'm just seeing recently in england all these people who like say that they're leftists and say that they're pro-palestinian zionists and it's just like to matt the point you were making about like just sort of dividing everyone up into these cantons and setting them against each other it's this idea that like zionism is a political project it's a government and like it's like a real thing that exists in the world
Starting point is 00:56:08 that people live under and deal with and like you can talk about it in those terms or you can talk about it in the sense that it's an identity that it's a vague feeling it's a vague feeling that i have and to criticize it and also to criticize me if you're jewish is like you can't do that that's out of bounds and it's anti-semitic to like make fun of me or question this idea that like i literally feel like i fear for my life because of uh jeremy corbin keep in mind someone whose identity
Starting point is 00:56:38 in a western democracy who is trying to talk to you from the left as a zionist as a pro-palestinian zionist their identity isn't that they think jews should have a homeland they think that the country that you both live in that you have probably both lived in your entire lives most of your family lives there you vote there you work there you pay taxes there that it should have some special involvement maintaining and aiding that state it's not that it should just exist it's that you must be intimately involved in funding
Starting point is 00:57:13 and furthering the goals of this one fucking country who does nothing to affect your quality of life except for probably making it worse except for probably electing helping electioneer politicians for helping poison the issues on on certain matters and i feel like i don't know if you guys have noticed this but uh there's there's been a move like a lot of these like hasbarist accounts have done recently where if you if you if you talk about zionism in the constant in in if you talk about zionism
Starting point is 00:57:45 as a political project that is about building an ethno state at the expense of you know the millions of displaced people or the people living under military occupation they'll immediately bring up the Uighurs in china and they're like well i see you haven't tweeted anything about um the Uighur concentration camps in china and it's like my taxes don't go to that cop sucker and it's also like you do realize that in this analogy you're comparing yourself to the people putting other human beings in concentration camps and you're just like oh well we're doing it
Starting point is 00:58:13 less than they are yeah we don't have a chinese american political action committee where all my senators and all my representatives go and punch filthy to china i don't have the governor of my state doesn't visit fucking shijing province every fucking financial quarter what the fuck are you talking about there isn't a lot of course of course there's other atrocities that go on in the world but this one my country is intimately involved the fucking except the the lieutenant governor for milano for
Starting point is 00:58:44 illinois the candidate for lieutenant governor of illinois illinois the state in the dead center of the fucking country does not border any oceans they said he could not be lieutenant governor because if he stands on bds he did not say i want a nuke televieve he said i think it shouldn't be against the law to boycott this station and you got fucking rid of him carlos rosa and his warren cuck uh governor gubernatorial candidate threw him under the bus anyway but what point one thing like that
Starting point is 00:59:16 ever fucking happening with china in america it doesn't happen no no no felix they just passed a law in texas requiring state employees to take an oath to the chinese communist party exactly yeah yeah yeah but i i just love it's like they're they're way out of this moral bind that they find themselves in because they because they all they i'm i think because they they say like oh if you criticize zionism in any way that's anti-semitism and it's attacking me as as a jewish person it's making jewish people unsafe
Starting point is 00:59:45 they just say well why don't you care about what china is doing and it's just like you're admitting that you're doing it too like if that's your way out of this that that's your that that's your fucking get out of jail free card and this standpoint theory horseshit that you have to listen to everyone who says they feel unsafe all right let's have let's have a fucking round table with cuban emigres in miami i'm sure you'll love what they have to say yeah but you have to listen to them because they feel unsafe and also i like that
Starting point is 01:00:13 it was the thing that's part of the campaign like that was a little it was a calamity on him and the because it's a calamity in there that means there's no real evidence that there's of it there's no indication his actual life of any anti-semitism it's absurd even think of it considering especially considering the party he's running against the fucking tories old pedophilic anti-semitism and so you have to have a grievance you have to have a harm and since there's nothing visible it becomes the feelings of people which cannot be invalidated
Starting point is 01:00:44 by definition how can i prove that you don't feel unsafe that you're lying about that i can't do it and since you're in a press group you are you are higher than me in the progressive stack you can't challenge that that expression of lived experience without uh proving that you are actually anti-semitic for asking and the end is the future of america yep what they've done because they have it both ways if you are a Tory leaning Jewish person you get all the identity politics in the world you constantly get to talk about
Starting point is 01:01:15 feeling unsafe your voice not being heard being uh run over in the progressive stack in the labor party if you're a muslim fuck you put your fucking face against the wall be thankful that you don't die while we're deporting yep and the and the and those tories that were just shivering a few seconds ago they will be eating whatever pedophilic snack that they eat in that country while watching you be deported they have both things which we are going to have very soon well i mean like what what they have
Starting point is 01:01:44 is like what they have achieved in england is a way to permanently shut the left out of the democratic power process and and they've done it and and they've done it and like just about like yeah through through this calamity of a man who i i'm sorry is just about the most decent person to hold any major office in western politics in my entire life corbett's biggest gaff his biggest joe biden gaff in english politics was not being a pedophile himself yep yep how we're supposed to trust him if he's not going to the noughts parties and you know and it's just like to the extent
Starting point is 01:02:20 that i i i couldn't help myself from engaging with these fucking people who are just whining about they're like you don't understand how afraid i've been the last five years and that like we need to we're gonna take years to for like to create jewish spaces in england where we can feel safe again and in america the anti-semitism i've seen is so so unspeakably evil and what i just want to say to these people is just well now you have now you've got the lad boris taking care of you enjoy he you know you know enjoy
Starting point is 01:02:47 yeah he's gonna guide you through these very troubled times such a big fan of the jewish people him jacob rees moog and fucking boris johnson raise a fucking pint to them uh you got what you wanted scotland wales dude now's your chance manchester actually manchester and liverpool actually yeah the north should become its own fucking state uh ireland by god is that shin fain's music i think we could very well see a fucking united ireland it's not too far in the distant future that is a very real possibility and then you know corbin
Starting point is 01:03:19 dude move to america man do come here and just try to be an american politician corbin jeremy corbin uh here's what i will do for you if you move to america and attempt to become like the senator from new york or california i will run uh i will run the most anti-semitic campaign you have ever seen in the primary and you will get huge points for denouncing me i will do operation mockingbird for you you've earned it buddy you're gonna suck up all the anti-semitic energy there won't be any left to throw in it
Starting point is 01:03:53 you should you should see some of the ads i'm working on well uh there you have it um uh before before i close out the show today i think we should mention tomorrow night you will be spending election night with your boys live broadcasting live from the choppa office i think this will probably the first time we've all been in the same room together for like a long fucking time i'm really yeah it has six like march right i'm like coming back from tour yeah yeah um so like uh yeah spend election night with us
Starting point is 01:04:28 on twitch we're gonna be live streaming all election night long we've got a pretty killer we got a killer lineup of guests coming up coming at you um we've got a bottle of just 151 rum that we're just gonna give to matt and just see what happens but matt we're losing viewers that's what people want to see yeah vibe yourself and everyone you know we will be love it we'll be loving ourselves and everyone we know tomorrow night on twitch uh please come hang out it yeah i mean if there's a terrible outburst it will
Starting point is 01:04:59 be me not matt oh for sure yeah i'm geared up for it yeah i might have to play cs go on the computer during the results i don't know luckily we have a computer there yeah we we can game actually now we finally got the monitor set up you guys want to play cs go let's yeah actually that'd be fun that'd be fun i've never played i've never played it's like really hard right if it'd be like it's very it's very difficult um i read it just a very mean young man less it wasn't my fault the way last game but anyway uh choppo election night on
Starting point is 01:05:30 twitch killer lineup of guests soon to be confirmed we'll uh we'll confirm the details for you tomorrow but it'll be starting 7 p.m eastern and then going till christ knows how question mark baby yeah we're gonna we're gonna be partying all night long on twitch uh if you'd like to you know just just come to hell with us don't be afraid to let your body die don't be afraid just join us sometimes join us um and then finally but before i sign off uh for for this episode i would like to return to uh my father and uh just just a few thoughts
Starting point is 01:06:05 that i'd like to share with you guys um a lot of the people a lot of the comments uh that i received from from fans of the show and from listeners of the show um reference the episode that he was on and spoke of what they perceived as like a a uniquely close and special relationship that i had with him and you know i mean i'm glad that came across in the episode because we were very close and i i miss him terribly and i i really have to say that if you're listening to this right now if you find anything
Starting point is 01:06:41 that i've done on this show or any success that i've had with this show because you think i'm funny you like my writing you like my personality it is almost entirely due to him it is because of him and i i just feel like you know what i what i said and we know in my tweet announcing his death was that like you know i am him and he is me in so many ways and it's something that i've come to realize and like really understand in a way that i hadn't you know for most of my life and a lot of it happened over the last last 10 years or so
Starting point is 01:07:15 um sort of when i sort of beat the final boss of growing up and like and that means like feeling that like i have achieved adulthood that i've like defeated my parents in some way and i thought for a long time i never thought i would i that was going to occur but then when i did i it's like it took me a while to realize it but i spent with my dad i realized that you know you you go through your life it's your father starts out as like you know this this sort of like almost like a like a god
Starting point is 01:07:45 like figure the patriarch then he's your father then he's your dad then maybe he's your old man during you know your teenage years and you resent him but what i really realized is that uh eventually he just became my friend and a very a very very close one and that was the thing that that hurts the most is the loss of of my friend and it's but the thing is like i'm i really i i miss him terribly and i will feel that acutely in the days and years to follow without him
Starting point is 01:08:16 but i don't feel depressed i don't feel bereft i don't feel destroyed by grief you know because like considering you know like the magnitude of such a loss uh even in spite of that i don't feel destroyed by it in fact i feel happy in a way i feel i feel just so incredibly lucky that he was my dad and then i i got to spend so much time with him especially during the end through much of this this summer and fall and it's it is you know it is his memory and it is my life really that is his
Starting point is 01:08:53 and that is what fills me with with happiness and with love and i've felt so much love over the past couple weeks and despite the fact that it really does feel like a large part of my heart is gone at the same time i feel like my heart has grown uh immensely um especially over the last week and in dealing with the with dealing with losing him so i just want to say thank you again to um my co-hosts for being there for me and for all the fans and listeners of the show who shared their very kind words
Starting point is 01:09:25 and love with me and my family over the last couple days uh i love you dad and i'll always miss you that's it that's all i wanted to say oh and oh wait actually one more thing uh i found out about it in uh in january and i found out about it about an hour before we went on stage to 800 people to kick off our fucking primary store in iowa city if you go back and listen to that live episode you can probably hear it in my voice but um more than anything i just like to say over the last year if i've been rude to you haven't responded to
Starting point is 01:10:00 an email or just been a dick this is the reason why and you can't get mad at me nor can anyone get mad at me in the year to come because i'm dealing with a loss to my father so keep that in mind next time you're a part of it through the valleys of this life uh what what have you made of all this i i don't get half the references on the one hand i don't get half the references and the and the jargon and the accents on the other hand i don't understand the other half either oh what a stupid fucking show this is such a stupid show
Starting point is 01:10:40 lord i've been faithful in the service you have given and the hardest of the feels lord i have done but now my steps are growing weary lord i'm waiting i'm ready to go home

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