Chapo Trap House - 480 - Dr. Jill, Medicine Woman (12/14/20)

Episode Date: December 15, 2020

So, we’re talking about Joe Biden yelling at civil rights leaders, and the whole thing about Dr. Jill Biden’s title, and also the Jimmy Dore/AOC thing...but what’s important to note about this e...p is it’s the one where Amber has a squirrel in her apartment. Kind of a more positive spiritual sequel to the cat shit episode.

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Starting point is 00:00:30 I'm coming in really hot. Okay, here we go. Yeah, that's about negative 18. That's the sweet, that's the G-spot. Like you would know. Your voice. Yeah. Well, I mean, I do when it comes to voices. Not, not pussy stuff. I don't know what that's about. It's a myth. Bait up. Not just a G-spot, it's just like vaginas or a myth. Yeah, it's just females be lying. Yeah, they're just smooth. Like you're supposed to do it in the belly button. Like if you've ever seen the TI vehicle ATL, when they make fun of his brother for fucking the girl in her belly button, that's actually the NWO lying to you. Being like, oh, there's a thing, there's a thing actually between their legs. No, there's not. I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I've gone there. There's nothing there. Some bunch of skin. Whole mound. Yeah, the word mound is so gross. Okay. All right, gang. It's Chapo coming to you from a gray and miserable day here in the New York City. Get cozy. Hope you're warm. It's Christmas season, but it's pissing rain down. I mean, that's the thing about New York, folks. It's the weather. If you can deal with the weather here, you can deal with weather anywhere. It's got the most weather of any city in the country. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right, to kick things off today, if you've been following us recently, you'll know that we're riding the beam of a certain vibration that is very much tuned into movie magic and our hopes that cinema
Starting point is 00:02:17 and the joy of movies can revitalize some of our hope for the future. To that end, I'm wondering if you guys have seen the new Dan Crenshaw trailer because it just dropped over there. And I think we need to do a Dan Crenshaw trailer reaction video for you guys because this fire needs to be shared. I'll be coming in cold, so this will be fun for me. I've seen every Dan Crenshaw trailer and Dan Crenshaw is the fucking worst American because he's the synthesis of the two dominant strains of American culture, which is like Joss Weed and Soy Superhero bullshit. And then like Islamophobic coffee companies for guys who like drove into a TNT laden ditch in Afghanistan. Like the two things you can
Starting point is 00:03:05 be in America if you're a man under 35 or that, and he didn't choose. He's both things and they both fucking suck. Yeah, he is both. He is the El Paso kit with the hard and soft tacos of being the awful. It's a meme meme politician. Yeah, it's like you. You gunned that you gunned down a preschool full of muscle of Afghani children and you're like, so that just happened. But you guys, the eyepatch is so cool. Yeah, he's looks awesome. He looks like snake, snake foreskin with that fucking. Yeah, yeah, no, he's he and on the on the Avengers episode, Chris told us after we stopped recording, but I totally forgotten the fact that he has a Captain American glass eye that he pops in from now on. It's like
Starting point is 00:03:56 he is like the Avengers if they fought, you know, 13 year olds wearing milk cartons for shoes instead of Thanos. Yeah, and lost to them also. And then got washed badly. Also it's got completely destroyed. How do you like make missing an eye lame? I resent that my like a aid to my disability is a hearing age. It will never look cool. I will never look cool in a hearing aid. I would trade it in a heartbeat for an eye patch because I just I would look so cool and he's just wasting it on nerd shit. Amber, you say that because you have not transitioned to an ear horn, which is the coolest. Yeah, it's a nice tin air horn you put up next to your ear and then lean towards. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I got to accessorize better. Yeah, you should go for like Daryl Hannah and Kill Bill. That's that's the look. Yeah, it's so hot. Yeah. All right. So like let's do this. This is the official Chapeau Trap House trailer reaction video to the new Dan Crenshaw trailer. I understand this is an audio form, but we will do our best to narrate for you this new trailer, which should be coming out, you know, summer 2021. Georgia reloaded. The epic saga continues this time in Georgia. Everything is on the line. All right, drop that trailer. The American story is one of true exceptionalism built on the greatest ideas in history. This victory tonight, it's about you. It's about defining those. Okay, Dan is being told something.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Sorry, folks, I'll be right back. He's been given a mission by Nick Fury. Very serious. What do we got? Well, it's not a... Take it off, Ty. Santa races went to a runoff. It's Paul Hollywood from British. I believe this far left activists are attempting to gain full and total control of the U.S. government. Okay, this is Cortana talking. She's like AOC has taken control of the government. Should these Senate seats be lost? All will be lost. You supported the Green New Deal. You supported Medicare for all. Okay, that's great. The mission will be to rally support across Georgia behind these American patriots, Senator
Starting point is 00:06:04 Perdue and Senator Lefler. Yeah, American patriots, 100%. Yeah. You see, they have Kelly Lefler shooting a shotgun and looking like this. He's wearing a black T-shirt under a black long sleeve T under his oxford. Last question. Yeah, that's Marcus Luttrell, by the way, he's talking to. That's the lone survivor. Okay, now he's in an airplane. Now he's jumping out of an airplane. He's got...
Starting point is 00:06:30 Like really actually jumping out of an airplane. Oh my God. Like someone's filming him. Yeah. The production values on this are incredible. Well, I mean, legally, he can't fly it on account of the, you know... Yeah. Control, what's the situation at DLZ? Good evening, sir. Rather lovely form, if I may say so. But we do have small...
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yo, you're so good at falling. Wait, what's that? Oh, shit. Oh, it's a Tifa. They're hanging out in an open field yard. At this point in the trailer, Dan Crenshaw is air-dropping into an empty field that Antipha is controlling. Yeah, he's literally, he's parachuting into a paintball course. Why is she British? Man, where is this guy?
Starting point is 00:07:16 Sexy robot ladies are always British. Oh, so I die a lot. Yeah. Oh, shit. Pulling the cord. Where is that pirate? Oh, right. I don't even know why I'm so angry, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Oh, the news told us to be. Oh, shit, he's just dropped directly on top of the Antipha car. Ahhhh! Punching through the windshield. I don't know. I mean, they were just hanging out in the car. Yeah, yeah. It's like kind of a wild escalation there. Yeah, they were just sitting in a car and Dan Crenshaw punched through the window shield.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And then in the end, it's like, go for Kelly Loeffler and dude for dude. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You know, those guys who literally just let people die while they built fucking Cheesecake Factory mansions. They're your friends. Yeah. Okay, first of all, my first thought was like radical leftists all taking over that whatever. The things they showed were like press conferences and AOC. You could have very well shown protest footage that looks menacing out of context.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Yeah. And he just left that on the ground. Yeah, they just showed a clip of a Chuck Schumer being like, as a New Yorker, I'm a black woman. I've been on both sides of me too. We have footage of people like pulling down monuments. That's Cuomo. You know. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:46 That's Cuomo. I'm a survivor of both sides of me too. I mean, the hottest part of that trailer is, you know, it's like at a time when, as we talked about before, like it's never been clear that spending money on political advertising does nothing. People, the budgets for these are just getting bigger and bigger. And he really did actually jump out of an airplane and someone filmed him like skydiving. And then he's like, I'm going into the LZ hot. And the LZ is just like five guys in black hoodies wandering around a field.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Right. And then he lands on the hood of their car and punches through the windshield to stop the antifa from doing what? Exactly. They were going to make a scary crop circle. Yeah, they were going to work the crass logo into a field of soybeans. Yeah, they were making a soybean field sized issue of ad buster. And no one could have seen that. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:09:44 So Dan Crenshaw is like, yeah, he's probably the like the antichrist because it's like, yeah, most guys like him, they only watch movies like the Bruce Willis movie that Man Cow was in and like, you know, instead watch like range 15 movies and like they all have a coffee company where it's like, oh, we ground, we grinded up pieces of the Quran and we put them in the coffee grounds. It tastes terrible, but Muslims, they know about it and they hate it. And this isn't just like a scheme where me and my brother-in-law are both going to testify against each other for embezzling. Or, you know, they're just a woe jack who like sees, you know, Chris Pratt playing a switch and is like, ah. And again, he's both like these.
Starting point is 00:10:38 He is the worst cultural force in America. Like he had an epic moment on Saturday Night Live. He's hopefully all Americans can unite to deport him to Afghanistan where he belongs. That is the one thing that is kind of heartening about Crenshaw is that he does not seem to, I mean, maybe I'm wrong about this, but he does not seem to have like any real constituency even on the right. Like nobody really likes him because he is, he is that, that attempt to synthesize. He's a try hard. He's a meme.
Starting point is 00:11:09 He's trying to synthesize everything. He's like such a self-conscious attempt to be the meme soy reactionary that hopefully that I mean, I imagine even like awful grippers hate him too. He's a meme that no one asked for. It's like you like this thing and also this thing. What if I combined them and it's like, that's terrible. And like, you know, he wants to be like the Republican AOC in the sense that he wants to get like sort of media hits and credit for being like kind of young and cool. But like the Republican AOC already exists and it's like fucking, it's the Giuliani legal team.
Starting point is 00:11:46 It's Melissa Carone. That's the Republican AOC. She's got the juice. She's got the juice. That's what people want. But what I like about Crenshaw and like people like him, as you were saying, is that yeah, it doesn't land because the very thing that he's trying to sort of make fun of or fight against, which is this kind of, you know, soy snowflake, you know, liberal cancel culture, bullshit, even in his attempts to like fight that in a cinematic, Avenger style, he can't help but recreate the exact thing that he is like,
Starting point is 00:12:18 the soy levels in that fucking video or like reactor for like Chernobyl. It's like looking into fucking reactor for just, Well, he had his contact complement him on his fall. Like bitches love the way I fall. Excellent film. I fall better than anybody. Like that's, there's no way that you're falling. It's a free fall.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Also, really, I mean, if these people are allegedly armed, you're kind of a, that's like duck hunt. He's just in the air there. Yeah. Well, I think if you don't fall correctly, you can start going like, you know, over head over feet and like sort of tumbling, which is bad. I think you're supposed to sort of, you know, control the fall. I don't know. I feel like I could fall. I feel like I could figure it out.
Starting point is 00:12:59 I feel like I could fall better than Dan Crenshaw. It's the way you're supposed to do it is you're supposed to like just get into a fetal position and roll all around and go, Oh God. Oh God. Don't they know I'm afraid of heights? Oh God. I'm allergic to some of this stuff up here. That's how you're supposed to do it. It's just the anti-foss stuff in that video is so funny because like I just, I, the audio doesn't really do it justice because it is just five guys in a field walking around.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And Amber, like you said, like there's not like there's like a, like a dearth of footage of people fighting in like the downtown areas of like major metropolitan areas. These are just four guys who were like, you know, they look like guys who have like gone into the woods to like find the like a fabled copy of Hustler magazine. They're under an abandoned car. Tempo. It's, it's really harmless looking. Well, there we go. Dan Crenshaw's Avengers trailer reaction video. All right. Well, here's some, here's some more videos for you.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I know recently we had just discussed, Ryan Graham had written an article based on leaked audio of a recent meeting that Biden and Harris had with various civil rights activists at which he, you know, appeared to tell them to shut the fuck up and fall online. And wouldn't you know now there's, there's, there's even more audio and video of this zoom call. And there's a couple of really good Biden cuts here. So let's roll the first one. You've never seen me shy away in the middle of the debate. I called him a racist in the middle of the debate with him. I took on white supremacist. I'm the guy that took on every single time somebody was threatened in this country.
Starting point is 00:14:41 The only white boy you know who did it. Period. Okay. Every single time. So look, all I'm saying. I'm the craziest white boy in off. I thought you were joking. I thought you were paraphrasing.
Starting point is 00:14:58 No, you said that shit. Nope. He said it. I'm the Dan Quinn baby. It's gonna happen. There's like, that's literally Dan Quinn has said that, that he's the only white boy to stand up to racism. Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:15:13 This is awesome. And he's not saying this off the cuff. He's saying this to the head of the NAACP. Yeah. Oh my God. He's been looking into a stevia based treatments for dementia lately. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I want to, I want to ask you something, man. When have you ever seen a white boy dance like this? Okay. Like he's, that's awesome. And that meeting probably didn't even start contingently. The guy was like, like every guy who's probably like a big organization that like falls in line behind the Democratic Party. They're like, Oh my God. The president are like, Biden is great to meet you.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Congratulations. There are a few things I want to talk about. And Joe Biden probably just took off his shirt and was like, you ever seen a white boy that looks like this? I'm a weed-smoking pig, man. Also just totally. He's doing that old man thing that my grandpa does where he immediately adopts a defensive posture. Yeah. And it's like, I didn't accuse you of anything.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I just said, Hey, how are you doing? It's good to see you. And you're like, look, the thing about me is, and it's like, whoa, where did this come from? Yeah. Mr. President-elect, I just have a question here on some of your cabinet appointments. Do you mind if I, no, speak on a Chetzawa? Knock on the door. I'm busy.
Starting point is 00:16:33 He continues talking into the camera, addressed to corn pop, telling him to get on a CV to melt down. It's like, I, that like random hostility thing. I'm thinking about when Biden, uh, at the, I think it was the end of the second debate where it was like one of his worst debate performances ever. One of the worst ones I've ever seen. And he's like doing their usual Biden thing at the end where he's like, you know, man, just John McCain. I want to give a shout out to John McCain. He gave me, told me, man, man, you got to be the Paul bearer at my funeral. He said, you're a never guy.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I'm a never guy. Try to be. And that's what it's all about. Instead of this vague bullshit, like just start screaming at the end because he's like, he's like, he couldn't go. I yield my time man at the end. Like he was usually doing it because he was like mad that he couldn't get out of the sentence. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah. It's like, it's like, it's like forcing open an elevator door with your arm. Yeah. He was, he was, he was angry at language. Yeah. What's your, why don't we roll that next clip of Biden from, from the same, from the same meeting? Because the success of this administration will be the ability of the city to confirm your nominee. We have an opportunity here.
Starting point is 00:17:53 We want to make sure we see these opposite opportunities and allowing for the input necessary. 10 more appointments to go. A lot of people in our community are getting a little anxious because they are not seeing enough of the progress. They thought they would have seen at this point. Let's not disappoint them. And let's not get to a place where voters in Georgia began the second gas. Okay. Let me respond.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I gotta, I gotta go. Let me respond. There's a lot to respond to here. Let's get something straight. You shouldn't be disappointed. What I've done so far is more than anybody else has done this far. Okay. Number one.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Oh, man. He's owning. What I've done this far is more than anybody has done to this point. What do you, what do you even say to that? Like, yeah, I guess. I remember this guy's president and not Donald Trump. They're so different after all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Well, and like the NAACP has kind of been like pretty neutered for a long time now. It's not like they're, they're lobbing, you know, like hard balls at them. No, they're, yeah, it's literally like, what are they demanding? They're just freaking out. They're like, well, well, you know, we'd like, let's all work together and not let these people down. And, and he's like, okay, first of all, I feel really attached right now. And it's like, I,
Starting point is 00:19:16 Yeah. The NAACP guy is literally like just doing like NGO speak. He's just like, it's a great time for all of our opportunities to come together. Yeah. And create, and create, create an era. And Biden's like, I have never criticized you and you are fucking stabbing me in the back right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Piece of shit. I have always been your biggest supporter. Yeah. You were, I'm used to tell people you were the realest guy I ever met. And now you're betraying me, the craziest white boy who's ever lived. Listen, listen, I gotta, I gotta respond. I gotta respond to that. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I'm taking off these glasses. I've seen too much, man. Put me in a wheelchair because I can't stand y'all. Yeah. I'm so Biden thinks he's giving them the dozens. Yeah. No, I mean, I remember when I was like, when we talked about that Ryan grim piece, I remember like, there was a lot of reaction to it from people defending Biden who are also, we were
Starting point is 00:20:16 saying, how did this audio get leaked? And like, you know, a president should be able to talk to people in private without fear of like the audio becoming public. And then he just said, there's another person. I remember reading them say, listen, you know, I was on the line in that meeting and like, you know, yeah, Biden was passionate, but it's not the way it's being characterized here. Passionate. He's fucking pissed off at these.
Starting point is 00:20:35 He's fucking telling them to kiss his ass straight up. He is furious at being questioned. And they're not questioning him. No, they're not. Like he like wants the NAACP to give him the award for best white boy dancer. Yeah. Like he's already mad at them for not doing it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I think there's, I think there's one more clip. I think there's one more clip of Biden. It ain't worth the job. If I can't say what I believe, I didn't want to run this time. I ran this time because of the racist son of a gun who was president of the United States of America. That's why I ran. I'm not even supposed to be here, man.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's my day off. I guess everyone would be happier if I just killed myself. You want me to start smoking? Everyone wants me to start smoking. I guess I might as well start. Okay, man. This is the, but like Derek Johnson is not, I mean, like, I just can't get over how, like Derek Johnson gave the image award to Rihanna.
Starting point is 00:21:30 This is not Harry Belafonte. Like it's pretty, it's pretty chill and liberal and. No, I think it's like the point about all this and like, you know, we mentioned this when we brought up the article itself, which is just like for all those people like on the call with Joe Biden. Like can any of them really say that like, like Joe Biden lied to them about who he was? I mean, like I'm saying like Joe Biden is right to tell these people to kiss his ass.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And like, what were they expecting in the first place? Yeah. They all knew who he was. They all went all in on have supporting him and forget, forget supporting Bernie, but like, like, and literally any other candidate, they all fell in line because Biden was the Democratic guy. Like he was the pick. It was always going to be him.
Starting point is 00:22:12 And they were like, okay, well, we better get on board for this. And then now it's just like, they think that they can be like, Oh, please give us like you just, could you please appoint a black person to different department of transportation? And he's like, no, no, man. I gotta go. All the, all the brothers at the barbecue shop, I go to listen, man, they don't care for brothers at the department of miss, miss, miss association. They want, you know, listen, man, listen, I was the first white boy to buy a jug of
Starting point is 00:22:43 molasses. Okay. Try to tell me, you try to tell me who the fuck I am. Listen, before I tell you to tell me who you are, you got to think about what you are. We can do jumping jacks right now. Take your shirt off. Let's compare. Yeah, I've gotten any.
Starting point is 00:23:02 You got an Audi. I was trying to remember the last time I read something about Derek Johnson because I was like, there was something really funny and dorky he did. And it's right here on Wikipedia. Uh, if you guys are interested on June 1st, 2020, President Johnson joined Jimmy Fallon on the tonight show. In the interview, Fallon apologized for wearing blackface and an old SNL sketch that had resurfaced. Jimmy Fallon express the silence is the biggest crime that white guys like me and the rest
Starting point is 00:23:35 of us are doing staying silent. We need to say something. We need to keep saying something. And we need to say that's not okay. More than one day on Twitter. You need to retire, Jimmy. Uh, in response to the apology, Derek Johnson noted that was powerful, but most importantly, that's about courage.
Starting point is 00:23:52 In this time of many people searching for answers and the display of anger and hopelessness and wondering more people need to speak about where they are with a really authentic voice. And I think you did that with the opening monologue. This guy is basically Eldridge Cleaver. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This guy is the most insane extreme.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah. Well, that's the best thing. So they, they both come into this conversation, uh, Johnson and Biden, uh, like unable to speak the truth that they both know or have forgotten in Biden's case, which is that, uh, like there is no, there is no more pressure that could be placed on Biden from anything, anyone within, within the, uh, within the movement, the NAACP, NAACP or any other organization, they can't make him do anything he doesn't want to do with that. What Johnson wanted from him was just give me a little pro forma, uh, like ritualize.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Give me something to take back to my people. Give me something I can take back to my people and Biden, but what Biden wanted was fucking the ring. Uh, he wanted his ring kissed. He wanted gratitude. He wanted him to, to validate him as president and in public, like neither one of them could do that. And so Biden just got fucking pissed because he wasn't giving him what he thought he was
Starting point is 00:25:09 due. And that is a very instructive that all of the stuff he points to that like show him to be the white boy of the century who's going to save black people boils down to, I said this, I said that, I, I, I said the, I said the thing about Charlottesville. What more do you people want? Which is, this was like Trump. And that's very much like Trump and that because his brain is decaying, he is saying the loud, he's saying the thing that you're supposed to be a subtext, which is that's all I was
Starting point is 00:25:35 ever going to do was say some shit. Yeah. I do wonder how many times he did say you people. Yeah. Yeah. Seriously. Yeah. And like it's, it's things he said and then like running for president and winning.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yeah. What do you want from me? They, they're, they're, Amber, there is another clip. I mean, I can't find it, but one of the things that he said, like most vociferously there, he was like, I'm the guy that did it. Okay. I got it done. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Like, you know, so he's like, I won. Like that's, that, that was me, you know, defeating white supremacy or whatever. Or what else did he say? Like I'm the guy who stood up for everybody all the time, but that's the thing. It's like, like people, people who like are more on like the left liberal side of media are going to be like the same people who unconditionally supported Biden said you were racist if you didn't vote are going to be like, oh, this is bad. We need to hold Biden accountable.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Even though, as Matt said, there's like literally no mechanism, but this is also what Obama was like. Yeah. Yeah. This is what they're like. This is what they're all like. They all think we should thank them for the fact that they ran for president or ran for Congress or did whatever in one, or it didn't win.
Starting point is 00:26:49 They raised awareness of the seat maybe. Like Obama, this is exactly how much of a fricking prick Obama was to activists he met with. Yeah. But he wasn't angry when he did it. Yeah. Exactly. He wasn't as funny as this.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah. He wasn't as cool. This is so funny. This is, I mean, I am really excited for these four years because I feel like there's going to be this incredible tension and contradiction between like the liberal media and then the actual president that's going to be hilarious. Like there's going to be, like they're still going to try to do the woke thing where there will be articles.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's like, you know, how to hold somebody accountable for not voting for John O'Sauff or whatever. But then the president is going to be like, it's all right to be in the clan. You could be in the clan and be a patriot. Do you know, by the way, by the way, just because someone sings jazz doesn't mean they're a bad person. A lot of bad people sing jazz. Listen, listen, listen.
Starting point is 00:27:46 A lot of good people sing blues. Okay. I think, I think that Jimmy Fallon gives all right and Chris Rock's funny too. And he can, he can do an impression of him. It's more realistic. Jack with the makeup. Listen, this country's all about taking who you are and being who you're supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Jimmy Fallon started out his career as a black fellow. He's no longer one of those, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have the same attitude towards what they should be doing towards him. That's what it's all about. I think Felix hit the nail on the head when a while back he said, I was worried, you know, because it wasn't going to be as funny because, you know, Trump is such a relentless kind of comedy. But the thing about Biden is that he's got, he's a sleeper.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And every once in a while, we're going to get a big, we're not going to be so desensitized by it. And every once in a while, he's going to do something so stupid and insane and angry defensive old man, and it's so goddamn funny. Yeah. We're going to see him like once a month, if that, because like the rest of the time, he's going to be in like the carbonite they froze Han Solo in. But like when we do see him, it's going to be a laugh riot every time.
Starting point is 00:29:02 It's going to be so like, I keep in mind we're only seeing this because someone leaked it. Like they want to hide this is what they want to keep from you. He's going to give Justin Trudeau's wife a hickey. Yeah. Now you're mine. Yeah. You're married to that Indian fella. I mean, like, there's another article, I mean, I don't have it in my fingertips, but it was
Starting point is 00:29:30 another article about how immigration activists were complaining because there was just like a like a recent statement with a transition team where they listed like our four top priorities and immigration wasn't on them, which is like kind of a stupid metric to begin with because it's not like, you know, any incoming, it's like any White House, like, oh, we can only do four things and let's rank them in terms of our priority. And the four things were like the economy, COVID, COVID relief, like racial justice and global warming, which is sort of like, okay, well, then if you want to slot immigration in there, like, you know, which one do you take out, but like, I mean, it's a pointless
Starting point is 00:30:04 way of thinking. Also, what was important about the article, though, is that like the Biden administration made clear in quotes that the reason that they were doing this is that they felt that immigration activists were getting too fucking, you know, fresh with them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a snub.
Starting point is 00:30:21 They cannot set any precedent of being responsive to pressure. Yeah. And the thing is, is that they're not responsive to pressure, but it's easier for them if everyone is aware of that, if everyone internalizes that so that they don't have to deal with it. And you know what? I respect that. It's just a PR problem that they, it's a headache that they don't want to have to deal
Starting point is 00:30:38 with. And you know, I don't respect it in any like moral sense, but I respect it in a political one because like A, there are a hundred percent right that these people have no leverage over them whatsoever. They owe them no favors. I mean, these people gave away the store up front and he's just being honest up front by just saying, stop bitching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Like, I mean, like, don't even ask. Don't even bitch. I said the thing. I said the thing you wanted me to say, that's what you get. Yeah. Like, I will never figure out that you got to get the money up front. Yeah. Well, there you go with Biden.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I'd like to, I'd like to move on now to perhaps my favorite pseudo controversy of the last week. Wait, actually, can I pee real quick? Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure. Cause I got, okay, let's pause. I got a pee on empty for this. Like sugar gliders.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Oh, yeah. Oh, those are great. And those are awesome. I love them. They throw them and they love it. Yeah. Did you see the brisk God video with the sugar glider? Yes, I love that.
Starting point is 00:31:38 That's fucking awesome. Yeah. That guy was zooming. Yeah. He was zooming real good. Okay. So are we all ready to go back in? Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, moving on from Joe Biden to his wife, I would now like to address my favorite idiotic pseudo controversy of the past week, involving, as we've loved to affectionately refer to her as and affectionately and appropriately refer to as Dr. Jill Biden. Dr. Jill Biden. Is there a doctor in the White House?
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah. Yeah. And her name is Dr. Jill Biden. She's Jill Biden, medicine woman. She's amazing. This is a controversy that, again, like everything about it is just like, is the laziest fucking recital of like a pro forma fucking recitation of one of these idiotic controversies that was kicked off when the Wall Street Journal opinion page, you know, you know, you know
Starting point is 00:32:34 you're in for some good stuff whenever you hear that phrase, published an op-ed by a guy named Joseph Epstein. Any relations? No, really. I'm not sure. Okay. Is there a doctor in the White House? Not if you need an MD.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Jill Biden should think about dropping the honorific, which feels fraudulent, even comic. So he's basically making, you know, at Dr. Jill on behalf of the Wall Street Journal, and like I said, this astonishingly lazy act of provocation, just basically making the point like, stop demanding people call you doctor when you are not a fucking surgeon. Okay. You say that. I agree with. I agree with.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I agree with. It's a lazy provocation, but it worked. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And just get our eyes out of these people. It's nothing. It's nothing.
Starting point is 00:33:23 This minor thing. They all lose their fucking shit. I don't even know if Dr. Jill, medicine woman, like actually introduces herself as doctor. Generally, apparently she is, she is a stickler for being called doctor, although Larry, uh, if you, if, if anyone has memory beyond the last three months, the, the doctor got hit real hard, uh, around the same time that the Democrats and Biden were trying to tell everybody at the beginning of COVID that it's okay to vote in person, uh, and they're in the primaries, uh, Dr. Joe Biden says that, uh, there was a, there was a pretty asserted effort
Starting point is 00:33:59 to make people think that she had some sort of healthcare. Yeah. That's a lie. A knowledge. But like, even the honorific thing in, in like an academic sense, like if you're a, if you have a, you know, a doctorate of whatever, it's literally, if you are a professor only in like formal emails from support, like there's no context in which someone with like a liberal arts or whatever PhD asks the, to be called a doctor unless they are an otter freak.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And my theory was that actually this was just Joe's pet name for her because he's like, you got a PhD. Hey, Dr. Jill Biden making me some eggs today. Like, doesn't that sound like a thing that he would do, you know? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. I, uh, well he also, he calls her Dr. Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:34:52 That's a big, big part of the story. He's always, you know, again, if you've watched any Biden rallies, he's always saying, my wife, Dr. Joe Biden, uh, so, you know, the guy in the article got that wrong too. But, um, he, um, no, like there is, this is the equivalent to when like liberals during the Trump administration would post like, Hey everybody, let's get, uh, Donald, Donald Trump sodas trending today because he like dropped a soda on the ambassador's lap or something. Like one of the mindless controversies.
Starting point is 00:35:29 And I would always be like, this is so fucking lame. Who would ever like be threatened by this? And then you would like go to a Q and on person's page and it would be like, we have to kill these dangerous pedophiles where they kill us. Look at what they're doing. And like, and, and then like this is the equivalent because it's like, this is so lazy. Like this is like just, uh, like a very base lazy attempt to offend like the biggest part of the, uh, democratic hyper media consumer base, which is like upper middle class older
Starting point is 00:35:58 people with useless fucking PhD is a demand. You call them doctor. And it's like, when I saw it, I was like, Oh, who's going to get offended by that? And everyone, like every, every, every one on Twitter is like, I, I list you, you fucking asshole. I have a PhD in John Green novels. How fucking dairy, I paid $380,000 to have a degree in human sexuality. Who do you fucking cocksucker?
Starting point is 00:36:25 We get a clip here of the critic saying, I have a PhD in film. I'm Karim Abdul-Jabbar. And this is little nuthead. This is so demeaning. I have a PhD in film. Fuck you. But Hey, like you said, they, they spent a $300,000 and they, they made like 10 grand a year for a decade, uh, in order to have this thing.
Starting point is 00:36:51 It's really, it is the symbol of any social capital they've accrued through their life choices. They sure as hell want to hold on to that because what the hell else do they have to show for it? Yeah. That just, that just means you're not confident in the work you do. Like my sister has a PhD and she was like, yeah, this shit's fucking stupid. She's, my sister has a PhD, not one of those things is like, oh, I got a PhD in fucking
Starting point is 00:37:13 Riverdale. She got a PhD in actual thing, uh, in an actual liberal arts. Wait, hold on a second. I have a PhD in Riverdale, feel like. I'm, I'm, I'm sorry. With an emphasis on dark jug head studies. Yeah. I, uh, and she never, it never makes anyone call her doctor.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It's like, cause it's such a real, you do call me Dr. Biederman at every holiday. Yeah, I mean, I do think like it, it betrayed like what freaks they are. And you know, all, all they have is like their title because these PMC freaks love credentials. And two, like it's the most pathetic thing because it's like younger people getting mad about it. Like someone who got a PhD who's incredible debt and I mean the older people, like whatever they're, that the people who actually, you know, came of age at a time when you could be an idle intellectual and write a few monographs every few years and teach two classes and
Starting point is 00:38:12 you know, like have a summer home, like, you know, of course they're like, oh no, people are going to figure out that this whole thing is a grift, but it's the younger people. It's these like, it's these academic cucks that are like millennials that are like, you know, teaching like 12 fucking, they're adjuncting 12 different classes and making like $12,000 a year. Them getting mad about it. It's like, this is the most pathetic thing in the world because the only thing that you can at this point dream of is having like a title that you know is not going to pay.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You have to know on some level it's not going to pay. It's like, it's, it's neurotic that they think of themselves as being in the same category with a generation of academics that actually had a decent standard of living. Well, it's the sunk costs like they're, they're in their pot committed. You might as well get, you might as well get something out of knowing that you're a doctor and that that means something because you're not getting anything else out of it. You know, like there's, it's like, if you reject that, cool, you still, you're still owe $300,000 in student loans.
Starting point is 00:39:16 You can't just have, you can't just have them invalidate that because you don't care about being called a doctor anymore. Yeah. So you might as well be a prick about it. It's all they have. Yeah. Yeah. I, I mean, I thought it was amazing.
Starting point is 00:39:27 It was just like, sorry, Felix brought up about the, about what it reminded him of. What it reminded me of was a mall Clooney and the, she's a famous civil rights lawyer. It's like, first of all, or a human rights lawyer. It's like, first of all, there's no such thing as a famous, like you can't name another human rights lawyer. He's the most other most famous human rights lawyer is not one 1000s as famous as George Clooney is. They're not celebrities.
Starting point is 00:39:56 He's George Clooney. Like it was insane. I would like to read that man for God's sake. I would like to read the first paragraph of this though, cause it just goes to my point about just lazily chumming the waters and the guy writing it is himself a totally embittered failed academic as well, which is funny, but it just says here, uh, madam first lady, Mrs. Biden, Jill kiddo, a bit of advice on what may seem like a small, but I think not a not no unimportant matter.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Any chance you might drop the doctor before your name, Dr. Jill Biden sounds and feels fraudulent. Not to say a touch comic. Your degree is, I believe an E8D EDD, a doctorate of education earned at the University of Delaware through a dissertation with the unpromising title, student retention at the community college level meeting students needs. A wise man once said that no one should call himself doctor unless he has delivered a child. Think about it.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Dr. Jill. And forthwith, drop the doc. And then he goes, I taught at Northwestern University for 30 years without a doctorate or any advanced degree. Got to drop down. B.A. Got to drop his own. The University of Chicago.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah. He's got to drop his own. All of course this is a U Chicago guy. Yeah. Of course. Oh my God. This guy probably, I know exactly how this guy's had academic career when. And it's just like.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah. He got censured by his department for calling a red-haired student red and winking at her. He tried to get Richard Perl to come to his Hanukkah party. I know exactly what this guy's dealing with. Of course, though. Because everybody swallowed the hook on this, just inhaled it straight down their gullet. And Hillary Clinton tweeted about this and said, she literally tweeted, she is Dr. Jill Budden.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And don't you dare say otherwise. Making it all fodder for this misogyny or whatever, which I'm sure this guy is. But it's just like, how easy would it be to just be like, ignore it entirely? Yeah. You don't have to say anything about it. You don't have to say anything about it. And in fact, don't you get that these people's entire fucking business model and even intellectual project is based on getting you to fucking get mad at them?
Starting point is 00:42:21 And in Paul Gigolo or Paul Gigo or Paul Gio, the guy who's the head of the Wall Street Journal editorial page has already published another editorial loudly proclaiming that they will not censor themselves to meet the demands of the incoming administration or academia or whatever, where it's just like, yeah, like their guy lost a presidential election. So they're, but they're smart enough to realize that all their juice in the next four years or so and their political success depends on squeezing this particular fucking lemon. And they can't do it without a dance partner, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:42:57 And like these guys, they just, God, just they fall for it every fucking time. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's like, they don't have anything else they'd want to talk about either. I mean, like it helps them because, Hey, we're talking about this. We're not talking about the fact that, you know, this is a, that what is coming into view will be an administration that in no way will be defensible on any, any access. If you're even making even vague gestures towards supporting, uh, progressivism, even mere progressivism, uh, so why not talk about Dr. Jill Biden and her fucking PhD for the
Starting point is 00:43:29 next four years? I, uh, I saw the greatest. This caused me to see the greatest post of all time yesterday. Uh, it was someone saying that there should be an a million woman with PhD March on. Oh, didn't, didn't we already have the fucking pussy hat March? Like wasn't that the ranks were highly overrepresented there. The PhD March is like the best shitty idea I've ever read. I don't want to make it sound like I'm over it.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Like this is just like some random person I found. They're not like anybody, like they're not like a famous journalist or anything. But it's like, it was so funny that it's like, yeah, they would look really bad if you did that. Like, yeah, I know you, you would own them, that would probably be the least popular March in America. Oh my God. Like, yeah, it would really take the heat off of Antifa.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah. Oh my God. Um, but no, yeah, that's the thing is the people who freak out about this, it's like, I think some of them, they're not, not all of them are totally stupid. Like a lot of them know that they're just keeping this awful, awful or a burrow's going. Like they, they react to the thing that the epic Republican said, the epic Republican says more things. They go, you know, you sir have little dick energy to 100,000 re-quits and it keeps going
Starting point is 00:44:58 forever, but they will never stop because A, that's all there is. That's the only thing America can make are these news cycles. B, it's the only thing that makes them feel good, just reaction to their reaction. And C, at a certain point, your job can depend on this. Your job is to be like a liberal reactor. It's the same thing as being those YouTubers who are like, you know, Minecraft, Minecraft player reacts to home birth. It's the same shitty culture of recyclables everywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah. They're just plugging things in. The real smart move, the kingly move, the galaxy brain move is to comment on the Libs and conservatives arguing like us. Yeah. That's the way to do it. That's the kingly move. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:44 That's what you call the Statler and Waldorf model and frankly, it's way more fun for everybody. Absolutely. And it doesn't premise, it's not premised on a fly that this is going to do anything. Yeah. No. Yeah. Well, we know we're just talking shit.
Starting point is 00:45:59 We know we're not. Yeah. Yeah. No. I mean, the fourth option, the most elevated option, it is to sit around, wait, roll yourself a nice cone and wait to see what Matt and Trey say about it. Well, I mean, as long as we're going in this direction, I mean, I wanted to bring it up because I just, I would like somebody to explain to me what the latest beef is, the drama report
Starting point is 00:46:29 on Jimmy Dorr versus AOC because it seems like it's just a giant who care to me. But like it's just, it's best I can understand it, it has to do with people that are mad that AOC is not using the vote for Pelosi's leadership position to force another vote on Medicare for all, which will surely be defeated, but like activists or people think will be just forced to the vote or something. I mean, is this a thing? Is there anything here? I haven't kept up with this business.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I actually, I do see Dorr's point on this. I do. I'm sympathetic to it. And it is like, there is a huge friction there where you're like, all right, we're starting a new type of politics where this is an electoral revolution. Oh yeah, I'm re-electing Nancy Pelosi's speaker. Like I do kind of agree with that, but at the end of the day, I do think this is going to be one of those things that in three weeks, unfortunately, no one's really going to remember.
Starting point is 00:47:32 And I also don't really think a vote for Medicare for all, a failed vote for Medicare. Like I do, like I do think maybe it's instructed for some people to see like who, what Democrats vote against healthcare for all, but the thing is they're always going to have obfuscation. It'll always get buried in the liberal and conservative media because they don't want to talk about it. They, I think most people, most, yeah, most people who are for Medicare for all know it's a problem of getting, and it's a problem of getting people who are in favor of Medicare for all, but vote for normal Democrats to withhold that vote.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Yeah. That's the whole problem. This is the idea that I had about thinking about this because it's like, I know Felix like to your point, like I do understand like that the first part of it, like we know, like you must be aware on some point that Nancy Pelosi is your enemy. And if you're not, then like you are a fraud and a charlatan. And the thing is like that on its own, not voting for her or whipping votes against her leadership should be like a good enough fucking reason to do something.
Starting point is 00:48:35 But it's when you, when you, it's just this idea of adding on this forcing a vote on Medicare for all, it becomes this just a very stupid and my brain always turns out, it's this question of like strategy and things like that. And I don't really see the point here because the vote's going to fail. And then like the way they, I don't expect people to waste time on symbolic stands. Like I understand it, but there have already been votes on different Medicare bills. We know where people stand doing it again, going through this ritual over and over again. It's like, well, let's see who's supported.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Well, Kamala fucking like supported. Like, like it doesn't really mean anything. And that's my bigger point here is we don't need a vote on this because we already know where the Democratic Party's going to get Medicare for all because Joe Biden is fucking president now. And like this idea, like, you know, sure, according to polls, Medicare for all is popular at a rate of about 88% if you're going just on Democratic voters. But guess what?
Starting point is 00:49:33 The primary and the election itself is another kind of a poll. And like it would seem to be clear what Democratic voters actually think about or care about as far as Medicare for all and like the people who support and don't support it. I mean, like this, do we really need another like a roll call, another demonstration of who doesn't, doesn't support it? I think the way to make sense of this is it's not really about anything that happens in the halls of Congress because we don't have a say on any of this. There's no strategy.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Like if you decide that AOC should do a Medicare for all vote in exchange for voting for Pelosi, and if she doesn't, it means that she's on the wrong side, that she is on the side of the Democrats. That doesn't change anything about your life. It doesn't, you can't, and you cannot make her do it. Like there is no public to rally. There is no pressure to apply. Like the, the incentive structures of individual actors within government are independent of
Starting point is 00:50:30 any like left because there isn't a left. There's just a bunch of essentially media consumers and, and social media participants. And then, you know, you've got orgs, but they're all separate and they don't have any kind of umbrella organization to coordinate their activities either. What this really is, is a part of the meta war that's going to now, that's already fighting in the progressive media sphere to determine essentially your demographic pitch in the coming Biden term. Like who are you going to be speaking towards as a media, as a left media voice?
Starting point is 00:51:06 Who are you going to, going to be pitching yourself to in the new world of a Biden presidency and, and which is going to be in many ways different than, than like trying to do left media under Trump. And so, throwing down the gauntlet about like AOC now, she has a litmus test and if she fails it, she must be condemned. That is putting a shit out there. And then that's, that's a, that's a, that's a message to the audience where you stand relative to AOC and the Democratic party.
Starting point is 00:51:40 And if you say no, that's short-sighted and you shouldn't be, shouldn't be dismissing AOC like that or, or it's more complicated. You're setting out a pitch to a different group of people. And this, this question is just a way for the sides to sort out in what is essentially a, a media nexus that operates the same way that sports media does. Like you call in the mic and the mad dog and you talk about how what the giants should draft, that's the same conversation as saying whether AOC should demand a vote for Medicare for all.
Starting point is 00:52:15 You have as little connection to their decision as you do to the front office of the giants. But you can talk about it and specifically you talk about it and you listen to people who have a point of view on those questions that you find amenable. And this is all about the greater question of like, who are you going to be talking to? And what, what like segment of the left media audience is going to be where you reside in the coming four years? Yeah. And I think that the sports metaphor especially holds up because you think about like a, you
Starting point is 00:52:48 know, someone just like whatever armchair quarterbacking and they're like, what they should do is run the ball. And it's like, look, I understand what you're saying. It's not complicated what they should do. And they keep trying to say, oh, it's complicated. No, it's not complicated. It is however hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 It is difficult. It's not a, it's not a, you know, a sticky wicket that you have to like navigate and figure out. It's like, no, it's just literally like lacking the brute force and power to be able to do it. And I think that's, I think people's response to say, look, it's very simple. Yes, it is simple. It's also very difficult.
Starting point is 00:53:25 It's very simple to lift 300 pounds. It's also very difficult. The simple thing is, is finding a emotional like narrative whereby your powerlessness can be turned into like a sucker where, because, you know, if you're, if you're, if you're consuming, if you're consuming left media, it's in the premise, it's, it's on the context of being hyper aware of your powerlessness within the system and your powerlessness over elected officials. And how are you going to deal with that?
Starting point is 00:53:53 How are you going to, to synthesize that into your like understanding of the world? And that comes with the way that, like the emotional attitude that you have towards people in power. And then you seek media that will reflect and, and validate that emotional response. And then that stands in for action you can't take in, in, in, in the real world of politics. Holy shit. I told you. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Sorry. That's kitty. Fuck. It's okay. Sorry. Squirrel? What? Holy mackerel.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Amber, Amber Squirrel just showed up on the zoom call. Wow. She's great. Sorry. Um, politics. They're very important. Um. That was making a very intelligent.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I know. I know. Distracted by a squirrel. Squirrels are better than anything I'm ever going to say in my life. No. 90% of the reason people tune into my backyard stream is to watch the squirrels run behind me. They're charming.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah. They're, they're, they're rat dogs. Yeah. No, but okay. But I was listening and, uh, yeah, I think, I think a lot about this is, is it is literally psychological. It's literally people trying to find a way to rationalize their powerlessness and holding people to, um, let's say like pretty like meaningless arbitrary standards of, of a symbolic
Starting point is 00:55:21 action is a do this to prove you still care about me. And it's like, I get that, but it won't do anything. I mean, outside the realm of symbolic action, though, I think it's not, it's probably not, it's not too much to ask that like, you know, the people who are supposed to represent us in Congress, like maybe make a bigger fucking, but they can't fucking like, we, we can't make them. We have no, we, and that's saying, oh my God, I'm not saying that we never will be able to, I'm not being like, oh, just let them do whatever they want.
Starting point is 00:55:50 There's no hope. But like as at the current moment, fixating on, on like anybody in power as though you have a relationship to them that is, that is in any way equitable, that you are part of any public that can meaningfully press them and change the calculus of their decision is wrong. And that will change if we're going to have a future for this country and this planet that will change. But like the, the, the, the challenge is figuring out how to change that, not how to, how to
Starting point is 00:56:22 like divine who are the good and the bad guys in politics. Because at the end of the day, no matter what's in their heart, they're bad guys because they're part of a system whose, whose incentives only run towards evil. Yeah. They're bad guys because we have no leverage. Yes. Like if we're going to like, people need to stop thinking of politicians as good or bad people and start thinking of them as tools.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Absolutely. And because the powerlessness makes us vulnerable to their whim, it's like, it really does and it, and it is, it is up to their whim, but the cumulation, the cumulative effect of like the, the, the political affect or personalities or, or virtues of individual politicians is never going to accrue to stand up to the demands of capital. I would, I would add to like whim, even more so than whim. It's every other person that does have leverage on them. And I always hated the whole, like, I remember seeing Van Jones stump at a draft Warren event
Starting point is 00:57:26 back in like 2015 and he's like, imagine how he was talking about campaign finance reform and which is such a cute thing to think about. It's like, it's like the left wing version of being into tort reform. It's, he was saying, imagine, you know, when all of our democratic politicians are freed from the, the, the restrictions placed on them by big, you know, by wall street and, you know, big finance and it's like, okay, look, I'm the first to admit that free political will basically doesn't exist in America. However, you could set them free and they would run right back into the cage.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Most of them. And it is worse. And I do think one of the reason people like gravitated towards Bernie Sanders is because they got that he actually is an honest man, but that's just as irrelevant as someone who is a bastard now at this point, because he's not running anymore, because he can't do anything because, because Bernie was, Bernie's was supporting because his virtue plus a movement could have done something, but virtue minus a movement in an individual politician, certainly south of being president and certainly any members of Congress, we have, we, we are at
Starting point is 00:58:50 the mercy of the system until we change the, the matrix until we change that their decision matrix and until they have to factor us into their decisions. And right now they don't have to. And that challenge, our challenge is to change that and we can get mad at them along the way and we should. Right. We could certainly find enemies and, and you know, know how to fight against them, but, but our emotional relationship to politicians is completely beside the point.
Starting point is 00:59:18 We need to be a little more cold blooded, honestly. Yeah. It's just to be like, this person is on our side, but can't do anything for us. This person will never be on our side, but if we have enough power, they're going to work for us anyway. But the challenge there is that if you take the emotions out of it, then it's, it's just a hard, challenging job. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I'd rather it be a, a psychodrama that they can participate in because that stands in for their sense of, God damn it, I can't stop looking at this little squirrel buddy. I know. She's so great. It stands in for like a clear-eyed understanding of the situation. Like it, it's, it's, it's the, it's the baby laxative we cut the cocaine with is that, is that emotional connection to these, these narratives that, you know, we're never going to go away, but that we, it's, it's our challenge to just on a daily basis try to discharge
Starting point is 01:00:11 away from our like sense of self or else they'll overtake us and we will lose our connection to the moment and we will, we'll start running down, running down blind hallways into, into dead ends. I would just think like, I just think on a basic level though, like anyone who's trying to rep the progressive or even socialist brand in politics should obviously not support Nancy Pelosi, not just not support Nancy Pelosi, but like actively be insulting her publicly and working to, I don't know, destroy her politically. To the second point though, just like to reiterate the thing, I don't see any point in a symbolic
Starting point is 01:00:48 vote on Medicare for all because as you stated earlier, Amber, all the Democrats who ran for president in 2020, like almost all of them pretended to support Medicare for all and we all know that that was full of shit. And guess what? The only one who didn't pretend to support it won. Yep. I mean, like it's been tallied up, like we know already. And then like, and also these symbolic votes that we know we're going to lose, like it's
Starting point is 01:01:12 fucking demoralizing, like this is what we're working for, like we need to get everyone on record about how bad they all are. Yeah. But the actual thing that we're working for is as far away as it's ever been, if not more so. Yeah. I mean, most people don't want to, I guess show trial is not the right word. Most people don't want to, you know, a grand reveal.
Starting point is 01:01:35 They want politics to happen. They want, you know, politics for most people is a means to an end, not, you know, an identity or, or finding out which sides you're going to be on. That's like a media thing. That's like a weird cultural thing. Like, and I think the good news is, I mean, not to be too much of a downer, but like people, normal people broadly do support Medicare for all. So that's the most important thing.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Like we are there to that, we're to that point. We just don't have any power at all. And that's, that's the more, that's the bigger, longer build, but we're over that first fucking hump, which is like, I remember during Obamacare, like the way they scared people was insane, like normal people. I mean, obviously there were like the Tea Party zealots, but people were like, I don't know, maybe this isn't a good idea. Like maybe because there was, there were multiple levels of propaganda against it.
Starting point is 01:02:35 And some of it was aimed at people who, you know, were like, well, I'd like better healthcare for people. And I, you know, I don't know, Medicare for all sounds good. Oh, wait, this is going to be the problem. Oh, yeah. No, that seems, oh, wait, this is, it's going to have these political repercussions. And you know, I think we're past that point and that's good. It's just that like now we have to work on building, you know, the we that can actually
Starting point is 01:02:58 like yield some amount of power, but like, we're on the same page. We have a huge constituency of people that support Medicare for all. It's just now we need to get big and strong. Well, I think that's a good place to leave it for today, wrap it up for this week. Yeah. I mean, any, I don't have any closing thoughts, nothing to plug, just like to just say happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas. It's that season and, you know, get, start getting your presents now because, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:29 I mean, there's not much time left. And yeah, we all, we all need a present. And you know, honestly, the gift blesses the giver, honestly, that's the reason for the season. It's about giving gifts. Yeah. If you, if you're Jewish, don't let the Hanukkah Marma said, but we all know, we all know, we all know about our favorite Hanukkah fable, the Hanukkah Marma said, the Hanukkah Marma
Starting point is 01:03:57 said is he's a cute, he's a cute little guy, but he's got sharp teeth. And for people who purposely don't buy enough gifts for people because they forgot or like, you know, whatever, they get bitten by the Marma said in their sleep and it gives them chronic Lyme and so you don't want that to happen. Be generous. This is the time to be generous. You don't have money. Make a really bad painting.
Starting point is 01:04:22 If you don't know how to paint, sing a song. If you can't sing, like you don't have a voice or a throat or something, um, I don't cook a nice meal. Figure it out. As the Talmud says, stay away from that Marma said. Yeah. You don't want that Marma said biting you. You don't want a year of chronic Lyme and also bar and also that if you don't know what
Starting point is 01:04:42 to get and you end up getting a friend, a family member, a lover, a gift card, you're telling them that I've given up and don't care. Yep. If you are my family member listening to this, that's not true. It's not true at all. That actually shows that you love them even more because you respect their freedom of choice at the marketplace. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Exactly. Like I know your taste is better than mine ever could be, but I also got you other things. There you go. And you shall soon see them. No Marma said for you. I did the Hanukkah Marma said, but embrace the Christmas pig, which is so weird. The Christmas pig, yes. Christmas pig is wonderful.
Starting point is 01:05:24 It's a Swedish thing. Yeah. It's a Swedish thing. Embrace the ecumenical winter seasonal holiday squirrel. Yes. My little peanut. My little peanut. Oh, look at the peanut.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Look at the little peanut. Oh, my God. Oh, my goodness. I took several screenshots. Can we make this the episode art? I mean, it's not. People need to see the due justice to like what we were like getting distracted by. She's so cute.
Starting point is 01:05:55 It's worth it. Yeah. All right. Till next time, gang. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Bye. Bye.

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