Chapo Trap House - 488 - PermabannedPresident45 (1/11/21)

Episode Date: January 12, 2021

A wake for @realDonaldTrump, one of the greatest posters of all time. Also, more fallout from the Capitol Hill riot, social media crack downs, pit bull moms & Hot Soup....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Oscar parties not on fire at the shoulder of Orion. I watched prime rib glitter under heat lamps in the dark near Tenhouser Gate. All those moments will go out in time, just like Stan Sharer's brain, time to die. End of an era, folks, end of an era. One of the greats, one of the all-time greats, a guy who redefined posting, a guy who literally posted his way to the presidency. I see, you know, like everyone knows this is about everyone knows that Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:01:15 has been banned, but you know, I'm already seeing people trying to take the mantle. Like, have you seen the New K-Hive thing where they're like yelling at Vogue for using the wrong picture of Kamala on the cover? It's like, no, you're just trying to take Trump's thing of having like some confusing boring feud with a fashion magazine. You can't do it like him. He spent like six months fixated on getting Rob Pattinson to break up with Kristen Stewart because she was just, she'd already cheated on you once.
Starting point is 00:01:45 She's going to do it again like a dog. Trust me. Take it from me. What's a cheater? Yeah, he's a cheater. You can do better, Rob. The rats are already crawling out of the wood. He didn't Carter made his first post on Twitter ever.
Starting point is 00:01:58 What a bitch move. What a fucking pussy. It's finally safe for him. Yeah, he thinks that's a savage move. That makes me look cool right now. Like you were afraid to post your entire life because the real estate imbecile was there. He was like, he was like, he's really reading me the riot act of my bad food restaurants. I can't show my face here.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I mean, there are so many good ones and like, man, like when that when that when that when that when the, when the, when the perma band, perma band president became like a real thing and not something we said on the show 45 it's just they all, like I said, like tears in the rain, like all those, all those tweets, well, thankfully, I think those are all public records. So they're all, you can access them. I mean, if they, if, okay, yeah. If they had been, well, does the Library of Congress contain all the all the posts he
Starting point is 00:02:55 did before he was president? Yeah. Well, the Library of Congress, I believe, record like a good chunk of Twitter posts. So I think a prominent guy would definitely be in there. I'm just saying, like, if I have to think about all of his, all of his tweets about like the Diet Coke tweet, all the great and Carter tweets, if I had to think about those just being washed away, I was just like, it's like the fire at the great out library of Alexandria. I mean, like the loss to human knowledge and culture that it would represent would be staggering.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I was really happy. Someone saved three of my favorite posts he ever made. These aren't like, these aren't as popular as Wash Up Psycho about Midler or Sissy Great and Carter, but the one that was just like a total aside, like, I think the person he most reminds me of is my 100 year old grandmother, like the way he just like brings up stories in the middle of them. And it was the one where he goes, Victoria's Secret Reps are very nasty to Kate Upton, but now she's doing great.
Starting point is 00:03:59 That one, his repeated post about how sick he was of seeing the Smokey the Bear Ad, and he asked, who's paying? He said, who's funding this? Who's funding these tedious, these tedious Smokey the Vancouver, tedious is such a perfect word there. Yeah. And then it's like Harvey Fierstein's like, oh my God, so tedious. And then I was Smokey the Bear.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Speaking of Harvey Fierstein, this is his most Fierstein post. It was the one where he went, New York Fashion Week used to be so exciting, but now it's so boring. No one takes risks. No big stars. You don't see draping anymore. This masculine president in history. Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yep. And now you know he was a true poster is he never deleted his old posts, even from his pre-woke period. Yeah. No, he was, he was a pimp on that. He was a Kyle Kalinsky on that one. I just, he had a very, he had a very pre-woke tweet that was like, if those idiots just waited to attack Charlie Hebdo, it would have folded.
Starting point is 00:05:07 They're idiots who didn't make any money. And also like a true poster, the day it happened, like you could like, was like one of his like Trump like PR guys like Ron Bobart or something, I forget his name, was already trying to do band evasion. And he was just like, just sent you my email and password. Let's see if this works. And like with the Trump photo and everything. So like folks, be on the lookout for just like Trump alt accounts, like, you know, not
Starting point is 00:05:34 real Donald Trump, punished Trump, Trump wiki feed, you know. Hi, this is, this is real double underscore Donald Trump Patriots continue the fight. Please send blue pictures to my DM and what Eduardo Bolsonaro, Jair Bolsonaro's son changed his avi to Donald Trump's face and said, I am going to, I'm never going to change my profile picture now because like, I have to take a stand for him, which is like, fellas, it's okay to use his face forever on Twitter because he got banned. God, I love the Bolsonaro's. That was a, that's any Trump getting banned from Twitter was like, that was the top five
Starting point is 00:06:17 day in the Trump presidency. Like, you know, like that's up there with him getting COVID. Yeah. There are a few moments that rose that high content gold mine right now. And you know, you got to know, like, like, like Trump is, he's not feeling this. And like, I, well, the idea was like, Oh, like he'll go on parlor and we can talk about what happened to parlor in a second. But the funny thing about that is that like, he would fucking hate that because like the
Starting point is 00:06:40 only people on parlor are the low class pigs who, who, who support him and who love him. Yeah. All right. Because now half of them don't love him. Yeah. People who love him, he takes that for granted. And in fact, it tests those who would be stupid enough to be tricked by him. It's everyone who hasn't yet so capitulated that he needs.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah. Yeah. Did you see the thing that happened? Like the day of the, the, the, like the Capitol Hill riot or whatever where there is like high level Trump sort, like, you know, one of these high place anonymous sources was like Trump was very upset by what he saw on the TV. It was no class. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It was a very low class. Very low class. Oh, he's that guy who got his shirt on. Nipples protruding. Oh, Q. Shaman nipples protruding on the floor of the house. Very disrespectful. I just, more fallout though, uh, from the, uh, the Capitol Hill riot, uh, this is from a Maggie Haberman.
Starting point is 00:07:30 And you want to talk about things that are like, I know, or like sending Trump into like a real misery hole, uh, it says a lot has happened in the last week, including the president losing his Twitter feed, impeachment coming to the fore and the PGA withdrawing from Trump national. He's quote gutted by the PGA move, a close source of the White House says, so they're not going to play the PGA championship at the Bedminster golf course. He's getting snubbed by his, the, the beautiful PGA, the golf people that he loves. Beautiful PGA.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Those are high class people. Those are not low class pigs, like the ones who were, uh, storming the Capitol. He's got to be flashing back to when he wasn't allowed to buy an NFL franchise. Oh man. And then, uh, so like, you like, I brought up like, okay, like, uh, baby, oh, Trump will just hop on parlor now to get his message out. Well, no, cause like apparently parlors gone too, but gone in a pretty spectacular way. Like I mean, it was like Apple, Google, and then Amazon, like yanked all of their hosting
Starting point is 00:08:27 or like took them out of the app store, but then like on the way out, it turned out a hacker, like basically ripped 70 terabytes worth of user data from parlor before it went down, including like names, addresses, locations, state IDs, because I wasn't aware of this. Like at some point parlor to like create an account, you got, there's some verification process that involved uploading photos. If you wanted a blue check, basically you had to give them your social security number. If you wanted to like do things like DM, you would have to do that as well. It wasn't just to get a check mark, just to like, they use the basic functionality of
Starting point is 00:09:03 the site. Sounds kind of worth it to me. I mean, yeah, those posts were fire. Yeah. Like the, the MyPillow guy just live tweeting F troop. Good stuff. I'm just, I'm just thinking of all the people who made like parody, like trolling parlor accounts who now are thinking of the fact that like their, their entire like, like digital
Starting point is 00:09:22 profile has been ripped by some, some hacker, I don't know. You know what, you know what parlor was closest to, like in functionality and like user privileges, it was closest to like, there's something awful forums where you have to pay like an extra $10 to use search. Yeah. I mean, this is a, this is the first political movement of solely goon projects. You know, I see a lot of people freaking out about parlor, about how like this is where the terrorists are organizing, but every single screenshot that I've seen from parlor has
Starting point is 00:09:59 just been like the lowest content from like that you can already find on Twitter. It's just like the lowest effort Q and on shit. Yeah. They just do the thing of like, you're going to get yours. Patriots need to arm the site. Yeah. You can get that anywhere. Or that's like, Hey, let's make sure people can see this, re parlor this so that to check
Starting point is 00:10:18 how many people are on this site, like just the dumbest, like tricking grandma crap and parlor this. But the way people talk about it is like, this is like the way the green revolution used Twitter. Speaking of parlor, I mean, like one of the things that like got them, like before the Amazon just like yanked their entire like hosting, the thing that got them kicked off like the Apple App Store was all the people advocating for Mike Pence to be executed and chief among them.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yeah. Linwood. Yeah. We got to talk about Linwood, man. Cause like, I forgot, I forgot to bring this up last week because there's just too much stuff to talk about. But like the saga of Linwood is a fascinating one and one that is like straight in the American.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Meet those. What an American tale. I have a, I had, I had totally forgotten like, I knew at one point and then it just like left my brain before looping back around in this latest incident. Linwood is the guy Sam Rockwell played in Richard Jule. Like he, Sam Rockwell portrayed the actual Linwood, the guy who defended Richard Jule from the federal government went on to be the Linwood to get parlor banned for calling for the execution
Starting point is 00:11:29 of Mike Pence on it's a social media network. And he was the guy, Linwood has been wiling out on parlor up before. I mean, like he was the one saying shit about like, he said, John Roberts was on video like raping and killing a child and that he'd like seen it or something. Yes. And that they were going to execute Mike Pence by firing squad. I mean, oh God, man, what, what a life that guy's had. I mean, I guess like one note though, he wasn't, he wasn't the actual guy Rockwell was playing.
Starting point is 00:11:57 That was a different lawyer. Linwood met Jule after all the stuff happened and then helped him sue the news organizations. Wow. Oh. Oh, okay. That's not nearly as funny. Never find that. So you guys are racking up the Pinocchios today.
Starting point is 00:12:12 God, we are. This is a news fail if ever I have heard one rather we're going to hear it on news fails. You might even be news fail of the week. All right. So yeah, I'm glad I knew that because I, before I was going to be like, well, you know, if you went through that experience with what the FBI did to Richard Jule, you might have some like, you know, rather outro beliefs about the federal government. But no, I guess this guy has no excuse.
Starting point is 00:12:39 He's just, he's just a lunatic. So I read an article about him and apparently when he was like two years ago, he'd been a lawyer and he was, he's also the lawyer for a Sandman, these, these smirking Covington child. Oh, right. He, he had some sort of nervous breakdown and can, and had a born again religious experience where he, and then he turned to his family basically and said, I'm, I'm, I'm Christian now.
Starting point is 00:13:05 You have to forgive me for everything I ever did to you and they said, fuck off. And then he's been like in a, like divorced guy, shame spiral ever since. That sucks when your father becomes based. Yeah. Well, that's the worst man. Yeah. Well, I mean, he, he, he has been spiraling for sure. I mean, I guess like the, the, a lot of things that people are debating is like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:27 is it good or bad for Twitter to ban the account of the president of the United States? And like, oh, like, you know, on this issue, it's just like, I mean, do we care? Does anyone really care? I feel like I don't care enough about it. It's another thing where it's all about like managing your affect. It's like being, how concerned are you supposed to be about the Nazis? It's like, or, or, or the, the, the coup attempt. How much are you supposed to care about it?
Starting point is 00:13:50 How much are you supposed to care when they ban the president? It's all about just managing like your emotional response to something that you can't control. Like the tech monopolies took over. They run our shit. Uh, yeah, it is hilarious that the Republicans are the only people who recognize that it's a public good, uh, but they're too fucking dumb to notice that that means that there's a lot of other shit that needs to be public goods too. Not just the place where you put your posts, like the only time you want public ownership
Starting point is 00:14:17 is when it will like federally mandate your grandkid to click a thumbs up on your fucking Arlie Ernie meme. Yeah, but I mean, there, there is something, I mean, this is, this is one of my favorite things when the, when the, when the ban dropped is like, there is something like especially funny about Twitter taking, making this decision now, like after they've extracted like all the value that they're going to ever get out of this guy being on their website. Because like, let's be honest, well, he added an astonishing amount of value to Twitter, like not just like, in terms of the good posts that we get to read and talk about.
Starting point is 00:14:54 But I mean, the way he said that like the media needed him and they could, they would have failed without him. Same thing applies to Twitter and he's right in both cases. No, yeah, I saw somebody refer to the action to ban him as a victory of worker organization. Oh, that's like a mean joke someone in China would make about America. Yeah, yeah, it's like, oh, after all these, all this ineffectual whining by people working for Google and Twitter and stuff or Twitter to get rid of them, they decided to do it at this moment, right when he was like making them libel for treason.
Starting point is 00:15:29 They decided to listen to you. That was it. That's very first world worker seizing the means of production energy. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly that picture. Yeah. But it really does show you that like, that this whole movement has been good for everybody.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It's been good for Republicans. It's been good for Democrats in its own way. It's been good for the media, but it is now incompatible with the continuing smooth functioning of the machine that everybody is invested with. So he has now outlived his usefulness and his supporters, their zeal for him is no longer useful. So there's going to have to be this like subtle severing away. And so it starts with Twitter saying, okay, that's the line.
Starting point is 00:16:09 And now that Republicans are going to have to find a way to like sell out their constituents without getting murdered. Well, you want to talk about like how people are dealing with it. Like I guess like the other thing they come out of, you know, the Wednesday's events at the Capitol was. I mean, a renewed demand from a number of different corridors for like a call for like new domestic terrorism laws to deal with like this new threat now. And like the chorus of voices like calling for this, I'm just going to read from Ryan
Starting point is 00:16:40 Grimm at the internet here. He says here, quote, can we just accept that the post 9-11 era is over Michigan Democrat Elisa Slotkin, a former Defense Department official who touted her experience as a CIA analyst and her expertise on terrorism and insurgencies when she ran for Congress in 2018 told MSNBC, quote, we're in a new era. While noting that the external threats like Russia and China remained, Slotkin continued that quote, the single greatest national security threat right now is our internal division. It's the threat of domestic terrorism.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's that polarization threatens our democracy. So like, yeah, we let's pass a spate of a new federal terrorism laws to deal with internal political division. Let's just end that division. Let's make laws to make it so you can't disagree. No, don't, don't you get it? It's like, yes. Sure.
Starting point is 00:17:29 The first war on terror involved totally a wasteful counterproductive attempts to protect the thing that was mostly ginned up by the state itself. But this one will be different because I don't like those people on Twitter and they annoy me. Well, I mean, if it's any, if it's anything like the last war on terror, it will end with us like supporting Trump separatists in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Because we created something worse. Like this whole thing was to a degree managed just in the sense that enough, like they did
Starting point is 00:17:59 hold back every step from antagonizing them. And that had to have been some choice at some level, like the degree of coordination is still up in the air. But we already know, like those Hicks who tried to fucking kidnap the governor and put her on a boat, like they got stitched up just like the Miami Haitians and, and Jose Padilla, you know, or even worse. And we're only going to get more of that. That's guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:18:24 But like, you know, Felix, I'm like, I saw you, I saw you reply to that guy, Norm Orange Thien, who was like that. He's like one of the good or poor and he's one of the good Republicans who's been like, you know, critical of the right wing turn of the Republican Party for a while. But you know, he was one of these people calling for like, you know, we need new laws to deal with the kind of people and the thing we saw on Wednesday. And it was just like, I mean, the point that you made that like stuck with me is like, if you don't think that all the laws that we have already are like good enough, then
Starting point is 00:18:52 why do we have them to begin with? I get like, they're not protecting us if we need more fucking laws. Yeah, I don't. I mean, like forget the, you know, Patriot, which is already sort of gives them carte blonde should do whatever they want. You know, what is what capability does the NSA not have to monitor people? Right. And what capability does, you know, the FBI have not to detain people.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And in this case, they didn't even need any of that because they all said it on Facebook. Yeah. They were all, they were all like a next door being like, Hey, do you want to kill Lindsey Graham tomorrow? Like, no, that's not the point. I mean, the thing is like, as long as the Department of Homeland Security and all these agencies exist, their job will be to like stitch up, you know, whatever the dumbest members of whatever group they're ostensibly supposed to be targeting are.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And, you know, in this case, it was those Yahoo's in Michigan, but before it'd be like, you know, literally mentally disabled Muslim teenagers and asking them if they wanted to like assassinate Donald Rumsfeld. It's always going to be that, but any like inking a new law for it is, I mean, it's the same thing as Democratic governor's banning jewel pods. We have to look like we're doing something here. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Just a illusion of motion forward while the machinery cranks on behind doing exactly what it was going to do anyway, but then you get a different thing to talk about and a different ball of string to bat around. And another thing to wonder if you're worried enough about, you know, and everyone who like made hay over the FBI, like ridiculously and racistly, you know, saying that the biggest threat to the country was black identity extremists, you know, in 2017, which was, yeah, absurd and racist and insane and absolutely ruined people's lives, right? And now, you know, a lot, a lot of people are now saying, okay, why don't we call these
Starting point is 00:20:55 people terrorists? Why don't we apply anti-terrorism? That would mean giving more money to the people who said black identity extremists are the number one threat. They don't change. It doesn't like change hands. This is these are the same people. They believe the same things.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Yeah. And they do this job. Yeah. The structures are independent of funding or authorization. And to that point, though, I mean, I like, you know, like many of you, I'm sure I definitely enjoyed seeing videos of these people like crying because they can't get on an airplane. God, shut them. If I was one of these people, I swear to God, I would be disgusted.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You fucking whining little pig, like you're trying to overthrow the government has some fucking dignity. And like, you're basically admitting that you thought that it was like fucking it was like the Kid Rock celebrity crews. You thought you were just having fun. You don't get to brag about this shit if you're like, consequences. I'm like, you know, if you're either a threat to the system and you're going to stop the fucking pedophiles from overruling the government, or you're just fucking at a Buffett concert,
Starting point is 00:22:02 you fucking pussy. And, you know, like, yeah, like I said, the videos would be like, I mean, funny, but I mean, also, there shouldn't be a no fly list, like the no fly list in general, like the fact that it was disproportionately Muslim, that was not the problem with it. Adding white people to balance it will not make it better. And like, yeah, the, you know, why don't you call it terrorism argument or whatever? Like it's like, no, none of this changes. It doesn't make any of this good.
Starting point is 00:22:39 No filers should never have fucking existed. Gitmo should never have fucking existed. None of this shit should never have fucking existed. It's wrong to do it to Muslims. It's wrong. There are people in Gitmo who I'm sure somewhere in their heart wanted to attack America. It doesn't make it right to fucking put it there. Well, if they didn't have that feeling before, they certainly do now.
Starting point is 00:22:59 So I guess we can't ever let them out because then they, you know, want to attack America. I mean, people need to ask themselves, like, what do you really believe? Do you think that the government is really just the gloved fist of capital or not? Do you think that white supremacy and white nationalism are crucial weapons in the toolkit of capitalism to maintain its rule or not? If those things are true, then rooting, I mean, you could do it. You want to, you know, you could root, I don't care if people root for anything, whatever. Do whip it.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It doesn't matter. But just to think that it's going to be good to ratchet that up is lunacy. I'm sorry. And along similar lines, like I said, like as much as we can all enjoy the prospect of and even, you know, video evidence of many of these, you know, boat dealership shitheads facing any kind of consequence for like the first time ever in their fucking shitty, stupid lives is pretty fun. However, I got to say, I was, I have to raise an eyebrow at like all the shit I saw about
Starting point is 00:23:58 people just like putting on their junior G-man badge to be like, oh, at FBI, me, me, me, look, look, so check out this person over here. Like, let's just do the job of the FBI. And it's just like, look, like they don't, they don't need your help and be like, I mean, I just feel like the dominant ethos over the summer was just like ACAP, like, you know, violence in the state is good. Like, you know, and then now just all these people volunteering to just fucking like help out the FBI, do their job, just the same state, like the idea of like, they're going to do
Starting point is 00:24:30 it to us anyway, at least they're going to do it to them now. Well, then if you think that they're like, you're a real threat to them and that they're trying to defeat you, guess what, they won't. They won't do that because it's the same people. It's the same state. They will not act against their interests on your behalf because they're not acting on your behalf. I did see that the QAnon shaman was just arrested in Arizona, though.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And oh wait, there was a Virgil you showed that he is, he is on a hunger strike because the, the, the jail won't give him organic meals, which is just, it's just, that's just a cruel parody of, you know, when prisons won't give halal meals, right? To, to Muslim prisoners or detainees or they won't give, you know, vegan or vegetarian meals. Like that's just the most bullshit whiny thing. Like, oh, are these, are these tomatoes organic? It's also like a Babylon B article about antifa.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah. Babylon B is so fucking funny, dude. Yeah. I don't know how to tell you about stuff, man. Oh my God. Oh my God. It's just, did they say that? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Did you see, did, oh man, you see the one where it's like, um, electoral college bands Ben Shapiro from speaking. Oh God. I just. That guy, the guy, the QAnon shaman with the organic diet, he is an actor. He's a failed actor and that half the people who are there were fucking filming themselves for their followers or hawking t-shirts that they sold on their own Etsy store. They're all doing this partially as a way to fucking make it.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And the QAnon got the shaman is just like, Oh, I'm like the handsomest man in this room wherever I go, go with these people. That's true. They will all look at me. They will all worship me. And now if I peacock with a cool hat, they will treat me like God. Why wouldn't I want to know? Yeah, it's, it's, it's the same thing as like, you know, the influencers and people
Starting point is 00:26:11 like rightfully made fun of her, you know, photographing, doing glamour shots of themselves at BLM protests. Same thing. It's the same idea. It's the same idea. And not, not, you know, not saying, not saying that those, like their equivalent movements, but it's like the same thought process, the same type of person. You're on one side or another of a cultural divide and then you either choose one or the
Starting point is 00:26:31 other, but it's the same impulse. It has nothing really to do with politics. And like, you know, to this idea about this, like this plan, a planned insurrection that managed to like storm the barricades and like, you know, loot the, the, the, the capital building. But like once they got inside, like everyone, no one had any fucking clue or like demand or like any plan about what to do. They just, what did they do?
Starting point is 00:26:52 They started live streaming themselves, taking selfies, tell selfies of them, like farting in the AOC share. Stealing AOC share. Yeah. Stealing yourself. You know, put those on Etsy. I mean, come on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:04 We got it. We got it. There's a, that's a buyer's market out there for those puppies. But yeah, like, and I just love the idea that like, I, I didn't mention this on our last episode where we talked about it like the day after it happened, but like one of the funniest parts about Trump's actual address to the stop the steal rally is that all he talked about was like Oprah being mean to him and didn't say anything about like the evidence or like any, any of the shit that these people are like hyped up about.
Starting point is 00:27:28 They were like, where's the evidence and then he just talked about, he complained about Oprah for like 20 minutes. And then he was like, bye-bye. All right. Everybody go do your thing. And then they like, and he's like, I'm going to go with you to the Capitol. And then he's like, no, I'm not going to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Did anyone, did anyone in the world think he would do that? I'm going to walk with the people to the Capitol. Yeah. Yeah. But you know, like he's going to do that. Like in the minds of these people, like, you know, I mean, like they were loving like, you know, play, this was like a big, this was play acting the storm. This was the thing that they'd all been waiting for of like the people rising up, storming
Starting point is 00:28:04 the halls of power, taking it over. And then like, obviously the fact that they were like, you know, like the Capitol police seemingly was just like, right this way, okay, a tour starts at one o'clock, just line up and just orderly, we'll just send you right in there to the floor of Congress. That being said, like that they could hold those, that thought in their head of like, this is it. We are, we are beginning the revolution against like the armed revolution against like, like our oppressive, like evil, illegitimate government.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And then they get in the building, not only do they not cover their face and like have their cell phone on them at all times, they're live streaming the entire event, being like, hey, everybody, it's me, Will Medeker here in Nancy Pelosi's office. That's right. Me, I'm doing it. And then it just like, and then they're like, oh, oh, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. It just, it seems like I've created something like a permanent record of this like, it's me.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Right. We're doing crimes. Will Medeker of Brooklyn, New York, committing illegal acts right here. What are them said that one of them was like, his name was Dwight Evans or something. He said Dwight Evans is in the Capitol. That was the legislator. That was a West Virginia legislator Dwight Evans in the building. I'm still fixated on the idea that we need a Patriot Act for partisanship.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And I kind of, I kind of like the idea, honestly, and I see it working is if you, you know, if you post something like, you know, I don't care about the deficit or, you know, Social Security is not in trouble, then you, you immediately get banned, you know, there's no probable cause. You immediately get banned from like Twitter and TikTok and Facebook and everything. And then you get extraordinarily renditioned to hot soup where you are, where it's basically like those Saudi Arabian detox clinics they had for terrorists where you learn to take practical ideas from both sides and put them together.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And then eventually, you know, you're deprogrammed after like 10 years or whatever. And then, you know, you're released back into the general population. Yeah. No, America can finally have a reeducation camps, but they're run by Ron Fornie and Michael Smirkonish. Everybody's in fucking like the uniform is like David Brooks, like khakis. He just reads from the book of virtues every morning. I've been noticing, by the way, I don't know who's been following Ron for the past year,
Starting point is 00:30:23 but Ron's been, dude, no one's safe for it from it. Ron's been affecting a lot of AAV. Really? Are we going to have to hold Ron accountable? I don't think anyone, even the most like, you know, absurd like campus, you know, cultural appropriation person, I don't think they could find it in their heart to yell at Ron. But it is, it is, it is funny when he's like, Oh, someone been told you all about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:50 He's just like quote tweeting, like national review articles that are like Trump's violating his own red line in Syria with y'all. Yeah. He never did. He, we've followed him for like five years. He never did that before. He never did that. I don't know what it is, but like he's, I mean, at the age of 62 is like, yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:31:13 I'm, I'm a blues man. But you know what? Like they should let him do it. It's fine. He's the only guy, he's the only guy like that who doesn't annoy me when he does that. It's like he's taking the best parts of every vernacular and just putting them together, like his own kind of Esperanto of moderation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Another thing I noticed about some of the people that we're now finding out about because you know, everyone's like looking to sort of identify them now, like all the people on these photos and videos of ransacking the Capitol, it does seem like a, not long, I wouldn't say like a large percentage, but it does seem like of the people that are being identified. It does seem to be like a, a strangely like larger over-representation of like Air Force colonels and intelligence officers. It's a little weird.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Like one of the ladies that was found out was like literally, literally running one of like the, like an Air Force like PSYOP operation. And this begs the question, like who is PSYOP and who here? Yeah. I think that's like, who's being played. This is like PSYOP themselves. It's like almost like, I kind of imagined it as like, so these guys are in the deep state. They work at doing the deep state's bidding, but they also think they're good people and
Starting point is 00:32:23 then they encounter, but they, but they have to do bad things that they live in a bad country and it causes cognitive dissonance that they can't have over time, can't manage. And then Q comes along and it allows them to kind of like pull the fucking, pull the, the tablecloth away and leave the flowers standing and like supply a new basis of like, oh, I actually am. There are white hats and I'm one of them. There's white hats and I'm one of them. And then by acting as a white hat, I will have faith that all the other white hacks
Starting point is 00:32:50 who surely must work amongst me will work together and we will essentially just will ourselves into power. Yeah. I think that like, I did also notice the Air Force thing and I, I received a lot too. Um, you know, I've, I think I might've told the story on the show or somewhere else before, but one time when I was working as a bouncer at a, as a bouncer at a bar, um, we, uh, we had to throw this guy out and one of the other bouncers working with me was just like, he was wearing like a camo Minnesota twins flat brim.
Starting point is 00:33:23 And the guy was like, Hey, I was in the Air Force. I fought for your right to wear camo. So I was thinking about that when the Air Force comes up. I think the reason is, is like, obviously like there really are no good, no good, no good jobs in the military, but I think like the Air Force is probably like, if you really think about it, it probably feels the least defensible, right? Like if you're, if you're, yeah, if you're infantry and you kill somebody, you can be like, well, they were shooting at me.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Like what the fuck am I supposed to do? Like I needed to, how else am I going to go to Disney world or buy a Dodge Charger, blah, blah, blah. Or if you're in the Navy, it's going to be like, Oh, I just like drove a ship around and like I got lost a lot. But if you're in the Air Force, you are like fucking dropping a million tons of explosives on guys wearing sandals and like killing these civilians. And I think you probably like do need something.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And like Air Force guys are like usually pretty way more susceptible to like right wing crank shit. And it's probably because it's like, it is like, I mean, like who gives a shit about their trauma, you know, versus the people they're doing it to, but it is probably like not psychologically good for you to be in the Air Force and actually drop bombs on people and be involved with that. Well, out of like all the branches of the military, especially in like their officer class, like the Air Force has always had this like weird like, I don't know, penetration
Starting point is 00:34:49 by like, I mean, there's like James Dobbson's focus on the family. Like they had a big, big presence of like, you know, sending people, like recruiting people and then sending them or sort of like, I don't know, I won't say infiltrating, but like, there's always been this sort of like, you know, like a sort of click, I guess, and like the upper ranks of like the Air Force in particular of like really, you know, really like sort of ideological that in the wall, like right wing sort of fundamentalist people. Like, you know, one of the guys in the photos was like, apparently like a retired Air Force Colonel, but like a pretty high up one.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And like, think about that as like, I'm sure like most of these people like in the upper ranks of the military are like probably pretty dull, stupid people and like most respects. But like to get there, like you have to be like a pretty like smart organized or at least just sort of like put together kind of person, you know, it's like you have a lot of responsibility over like a very large bureaucracy that you're like accountable for. So I mean, it's just funny to me that like that's where they're ending up now. Well, well, there is another thing to it. Something this is true in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Starting point is 00:35:54 But in those countries, like if you're Royal Royal adjacent or your upper middle class, so to say, as close of an equivalent as we have to here, right, you're not going to go into the army. Are you? I mean, the army's for the armies for fucking villagers. It's for Colombians that you pay to be in there. You're going to go into the Air Force. And I think like it's not a one to one thing, but I think in general, in countries that
Starting point is 00:36:22 have an actual Air Force like Saudi Arabia or like here, it's the closest thing to the cavalry. Yeah. Like that's where you got like you can't like if you want to be a pilot, you have to have like some level of education and some background in it. And I think that yeah, generally, if you're like, you know, military, like you're you are someone who would be in the cavalry at any other time period, you're probably more susceptible to like far right wing, political.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And not only that, but like also like like all cults though, like I like like all cults, like whether it's QAnon or like anything else is actually the people who are more susceptible to it are people who have higher levels of education. And like that's why like, you know, in analyzing like, you know, who were these people who stormed the capital? It's like they weren't like just, you know, like toothless, shoeless rubes, you know, like these were people who did have like, you know, businesses, a certain amount of wealth and education, because I think like you have to be like to even be interested in this shit
Starting point is 00:37:22 or like like or know what they're talking about to begin with implies a certain level of engagement or education that like, you know, you wouldn't otherwise have if you were just like if they were just like the the like how they're like a lot of people like to portray them as like the absolute fringes of society, like some sort of like fever base of like sort of juggalo conspiracy people or something like that and not like, you know, fairly normal fucking middle of the like, you know, sort of suburban yahoos. Yeah. Felix, the best example of what you're saying is Bobby Bush, right?
Starting point is 00:37:53 That's literally why he joined the military left Yale to join the join the Air Force and become a fighter guy because he said, oh, it's like being a knight in the sky. Yeah. Bobby Bush, Bobby Bush, by the way, youngest naval aviator in history. Congrats to him. Just a little tidbit. If you want to get a girl fucking wet, tell her that. Actually one note, there was not an Air Force back then.
Starting point is 00:38:14 No. Yeah. It was the Army Air Force. He was a Navy pilot. It was a Navy pilot. Yeah. But there wasn't the Air Force a separate damage branch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:22 And there shouldn't be. Let's let's dip this in the bud by. Yeah, you're right. Let's just get rid of the Air Force. There's no need to have it. It does. It should not exist. It was administrative.
Starting point is 00:38:30 It was post-war administrative bloat that never should have happened. Get rid of the Air Force. And like all in charge of the sky. Well, I'll play with the Navy. No, the Navy. The Navy. The Navy. They're in charge of the sea.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Goose. You can't have two things. Goose. You can't have one. Sidewinder. Joker. Those are all Navy aces. Fuck the Air Force.
Starting point is 00:38:48 The Navy is the sea of the air. I don't know about having the Joker involved with that. Seems like you're just asking for tears, though. You need the sky. You need the different branches. I'm sorry. I mean, you need the land one. Maybe you could just have a space force.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You need the air one. Well, space is another different thing. And you need the underground one. Yes. We need the ball force. Oh, yeah. Well, how is it cute? I wish we'd asked.
Starting point is 00:39:10 We'll summer that. Like, where? How are they? How's it going with the mole people? Because that was my favorite QAnon storyline. Yeah. The mole people? Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:39:20 There was a thing where it was like Donald Trump is rescuing the mole people. Yeah. You remember? Remember with the height of COVID? Okay. No, no. You remember this? No, no.
Starting point is 00:39:30 During the height of COVID, during the height of COVID, when like that military hospital ship docked in New York Harbor to like take like excess medical capacity. Yeah, they were delivering the mole people. I remember that. That was like that. That medical ship is where they were like, they were taking all of the mole children and mole people who have been kept in underground tunnels as sex slaves by the Illuminati elite. They were liberated from a massive underground facility and put onto the Army hospital ship
Starting point is 00:39:55 in New York Harbor. Like Donald Trump wouldn't just be like disgusted with mole people. Oh, my God. I've never been a fan of moles. I've never been a fan of moles. I don't like them. He would be so mean to like a Hans Molman type guy who's wearing a pino sack. He was so fucking mean to him.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Oh, Trump. He feels like a peanut. Yeah. We had a great lost riff where we were reading the tweets of a woman who loved Trump and thought he was going to rescue, he was going to use his presidency for pit bull rescues. Oh, my God. I love that. I love that riff.
Starting point is 00:40:31 And we were just dying because there's no one on earth who would kill every dog, forget pit bull, every dog on earth with a push of a button that Donald Trump disgusted by. He hates dogs. Except for that hero dog. And even then he was acting. I know. Yeah. I mean, I got to figure pit bulls are probably the most popular dog with like Q and on women.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The one who, uh, uh, Boebert is a, is a pit bull mom. Of course she is. Yeah. What else was that woman's deal? She was pretending to sue the Washington Post for like $30 million because they wouldn't
Starting point is 00:41:06 run her pro pit bull savior. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was something, some elaborate kaka maybe scheme like that that was going to end up with liberating all the pit bulls. Uh, yeah. I miss, I miss that woman.
Starting point is 00:41:19 That's like, yeah, she rolled. No. Yeah. That's like why all those like stupid things that are like, you know, why, why a populist bubble block and succeed. It's like, you just have to activate like every woman like that, like that's the story of Trump success. Like we talked about it with, you know, the woman who is just drunk at the voter fraud
Starting point is 00:41:38 thing. Yeah. But it's like, yeah, every woman who like fought files a frivolous lawsuit. Yeah. Yeah. That's the secret to Republican success. Yeah. That I believe that the, uh, the woman who got killed, uh, by the secret service had some
Starting point is 00:41:52 sort of disc legal dispute with her, uh, husband's ex girlfriend or something. Yeah. No. Yeah. She's, no, she was that, that type of person like 10 years ago wouldn't vote. They would just be like, you're on to like always like hits you up about a fraudulent business opportunity, but now she's like so politically active, she's dying at the Capitol building.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Yep. Yep. And that's true of dudes too. A lot of dudes who would just be like into, you know, uh, vaping or something are, are now decided that politics are a lot of them cynically, like apparently there is some guy who was like some sort of, uh, Brooklyn like gay tastemaker and then he got me tooed and then now he's storming the Capitol. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:34 His name is Matt. Just people were like, Oh, that's where the, no, it's no, no, that's not true. That is false. I'm suing you for that. Very unfair. Very filled with medical. A lot of them just like, Hey, that's where the money is. That's where the eyeballs are.
Starting point is 00:42:47 That's where the rubes are. It's also, I mean, it's also a lot of, on the male sense, a lot of divorce guy energy. I remember reading, uh, one indictment of a guy who he just sent a bunch of like, this is like threatening text messages to his moron friend, brought a bunch of guns to the Capitol. The FBI came into his hotel room and said, Hey, can we, uh, can we search your shit? And he said, Yeah, sure. I was like, can you, can we search your phone? Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And they put all the texts in the indictment. This guy actually slept in and missed the fucking storming of the Capitol building. But so they searched his car and they, they literally wrote this in the indictment among the stuff they found. You know, they found all the ammunition and the guns and shit. They also found, uh, just low T pills. They found like new, new genics testosterone. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Well, virtually bring that up. And another thing I've been seeing is like, a lot of these people that are getting like scooped up after the fact, after being like identified as taking part of this, a lot of the people who snitched on them, like were their ex-wives, like the ex-wives are the ones who like, like notified the feds to be like, Yeah, I know that guy. His name is, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I was married to him for six years. We need to, we need to have a conversation about carceral ex-wives.
Starting point is 00:44:01 We need, we need restorative justice instead of a punitive system. Well, Matt, like you said, am I right guys? Matt, you said like, that's where the rubes are. And like, you know, I said earlier that like a lot of people are, are, would, would love to portray, you know, the people who are into QAnon or the people who, who storm the Capitol as being like, representing some kind of like rump fringe of American politics and like, or not like, you know, culturally, economically, politically in every way, like a, people fairly within, you know, I think could fairly be called a kind of mainstream as far as that
Starting point is 00:44:34 goes in America. Yeah. But the thing is, despite the fact that like, yes, these, these people are of a higher income bracket than like, you know, they certainly not, I would say overwhelmingly working class. But that being said, like money and education in America today is no inoculation whatsoever about being an absolute like slack jawed Rube, like mouth of gay flies buzzing around you Rube. So to, to call someone a Rube doesn't necessarily mean that they're, they're a low class.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Well, I mean, all these people, all these people have decided that even if they weren't going to die for Trump, they were going to go to Washington DC and try to overrule the government for Donald Trump. I cannot, I cannot respect that. I can't respect it. No. You, you know the man, right? You've seen him on television.
Starting point is 00:45:21 If you, if you see him and think that there's anything positive there, anything we're suffering for, then you have put a needing needle up your nose and like scooped out your frontal lobe. I don't know what else to tell you. Well, I mean, it goes back to the frivolous lawsuit thing and like people who have, you know, their career is having like five simultaneous MLM schemes going and they think that they're on top of things and they're a genius entrepreneur or like the Robin Hood stock morons that you see on Twitter, the cryptocurrency idiots who convinced themselves of their own fraud.
Starting point is 00:45:52 They see Trump and they intuit, oh, this guy's, he's a British genius because he's defrauded the most people. Yeah. Yeah. Like I'm like him. The most people. Yeah. And we're all in this together, right, Donald?
Starting point is 00:46:03 Yeah. Right. And then when he fucking, and yet they, they just have to compartmentalize it when they have their own protests and he drives through with a cattle catcher in the front of his car, just a white glove from the window. Well, yeah, we're all in this together. In reading, you know, some of the, some of the reactions still like, cause you know, like when Trump finally, you know, I had to go out there and say that like there will
Starting point is 00:46:25 be a peaceful transition of power and a new administration will be inaugurated like the day of this thing happening. And like reading a lot of the, like the reactions of the, like the true believers, I mean like a lot of them feel like very betrayed. And they're like surprised. They're like, we were doing this for him. He asked us to do this. Like how could he turn around and do that to us now?
Starting point is 00:46:46 And it's just like, yeah, Matt, it's just, like what you said, like it's just like, who were you watching on TV the last 20 years? Like who the fuck do you think this guy is? The guy who sold out everyone he ever built with was never faithful to a wife, was never faithful to a business partner, never succeeded in anything other than by scamming people. Never paid a single contract. You don't have, I'm sorry, but like you're paying attention. The fact that he was on TV and he looked like you knew what he was doing when he was firing
Starting point is 00:47:12 meatloaf. It's one of the hardest decisions anyone's ever had today. I'm sorry, you have to put more thought into it than that. Well, as long as we're talking about people who have given themselves lobotomies or like what's going to take the place of the Q people now that they've all been pretty much universally banned from like all social media platforms. We talked about the very beginning, but honestly, the number one contender, the people who are coming out of the gate hot is the K-Hive, like the K-Hive like, oh, they have the brain
Starting point is 00:47:48 power, they have the brain power and like the mind palace to rival Q and like the thing that like just that there's immediately clocked it, literally saying that Vanity Fair magazine has committed treason by putting a photo of Kamala Harris on the cover of their new issue where she's wearing sneakers. Like I didn't, I didn't imagine that like that was a thing like look, people were curious about that. Her, her legitimacy is vice president and they're going to see her on the shirt, the magazine looking very nasty and then they're going to even more believe that.
Starting point is 00:48:25 What I don't get is they think it's like a creep shot or something like she's just walking around and they've snapped the picture. She's not dignified enough or hot enough. I don't know. She looks fine. She looks fine. She posed for the photograph. She looked fine.
Starting point is 00:48:37 She's posing for the photograph and the fact that she wears like a sneak, she wears Converse or like Timberlands has been something that she has fucking played up relentlessly as part of her like, hey, I'm a cool girl just like you fucking personality, you know, charm offensive for like months now. And then they use the photo of like the outfit like that. I don't know if she was wearing or she chose to wear someone dressed her in and they were like, okay, that photo. I'm like, nope.
Starting point is 00:49:03 My sources say the death penalty for Anna Wintour is being considered for treason. Hey, man. Hey, man. Banana, banana winter. Man. No one, no one's eating going to her hot dog stand. You know what? I'm, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I shouldn't have said that. Man. From Trump. They were incensed over that. Condi Nast can't catch a break. No. Yeah. They've run a fashion magazine.
Starting point is 00:49:27 They've been the locusts of all presidential focus for, you know, it'll be eight years of that. I don't know if the industry will ever recover. You know what? That's called realignment. Now that the left has taken the mantle of being anti-Anna Wintour. Yeah. Well, do you remember that Trump like wanted to appoint Anna Wintour to be ambassador of
Starting point is 00:49:44 the UK? It just. What? That, that's, no, yeah. That's like, that's the sliding scales. It's like. You remember who he actually gave it to? Woody Johnson.
Starting point is 00:49:54 The owner of the Jets. But like, no, that's the thing. It's like, Democrats get in, great and Carter is king. Republicans get in, Anna Wintour is queen. That's the only difference. But, you know, I truly believe that the K-Hive will inaugurate like the QAnon, but for the Biden administration of the next four years, like they will become the most like insane and baroque conspiracies and like, they will be talking about sealed indictments for like,
Starting point is 00:50:24 you know, this podcast or Bernie Sanders or something. Well, yeah, no, that's, I mean, and it's, it's the stylistic difference between Democrats and Republicans. For a Republican, you make like an insane personality cult based on like dying for a guy who's never done anything for anybody and like doesn't like anyone. It has like, has never sacrificed anything. And for Democrats, you make an insane personality cult for like someone who just like inspires nothing in anyone else.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Like you are operating at a frequent, like it's like when there's a frequency only dogs can hear. I honestly kind of think that they credit like her total lack of any kind of affect or charisma or character to her benefit because it means she didn't cheat her way to the top by like using, you know, likability or personality to get people to like her. She just had to be that good. Well, yeah, that has been, that has been a liberal thing that it's like sexist to talk about a politician's likability.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Yeah. And that isn't like the thing they focus on. That's who I people vote for these fucking people. Like people like Donald Trump. You might not get it, but they'd fuck it just like more than anything they like him. Everything is built on the like. Everything came later after that. They like him.
Starting point is 00:51:38 They like him so much that they created like like a hundred thousand pages of collaborative fiction about why he's actually like doing a good job. Yeah. That's what QAnon is more than anything. It's like, I like this guy, here's like an insane novel. Like here's, you know, the what's the Bible called for Hinduism again? Let's have a Gita. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:01 About like why he's a good president with like a 50,000 other idiots. Yeah. I remember talking about a while ago about like a Glenn Beck and his whiteboard and how like, you know, figures like him are now trying to get back on the train. Or for instance, Alex Jones was like screaming about like, you know, I'm sick of QAnon. Don't tell me this crap anymore because it's like, you know, they're competing for the same market share. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:25 But like the genius of QAnon and like the phenomenon that even if Q goes away, the phenomenon like that it's created will not, which is that like we're like everyone is is drawing arrows on a whiteboard now. Like the whiteboard. That's everybody. We're all we're all Glenn Beck. It's crowd sourced. It's like it's a crowdsourced, collaborative sort of storytelling and like investigation
Starting point is 00:52:50 to figure out what is reality. Well, you know, it's very Philip K. Dick. It's like extremely Philip K. Dick, like this kind of this crowd sourced collective delusion in which we are all figuring out that we're insane by contributing to our ongoing schizophrenic break from reality. Well, like, you know, another place where they did that, like created collaborative fiction about the deep state Turkey. It was it was another case where it was like, yeah, there actually was a deep state that
Starting point is 00:53:19 actually did do like a lot of bad stuff. But it was like, it was like a mentally ill way of reconciling with like Gladio and the Cold War in the same way that Q is. It's like where you identify like one or two correct things, but the rest is just like, you know, a combination of like MLM religion scams, being an evangelical, like just being a sort of credit perfect, like consciously credulous person. Well, what it is, but it is at the end of the day, it's like, it's more than anything. It's just like the DMT visions at your death and that death is the death of Empire.
Starting point is 00:53:54 That's what you do when the Empire is over. You just you have to come up with like incredible, fantastical fiction that's like partly based on real things, but is mostly like you coming to terms with like why you why you had to be alive to see the Empire fall. Like it isn't fair. Why can't it go? Like at least extend to my lifetime. That's what all of this is.
Starting point is 00:54:14 It's like for everyone, for everyone in like mainstream American politics. It's like, why does this have to end in my lifetime? Yeah. Why do I have to get the shithead? Why am I the one standing when the music stops in the, this is bullshit. We were promised it wouldn't be us. What the fuck? We thought until very recently it wouldn't be us and I have to say, although I made fun
Starting point is 00:54:33 of them and said that I don't respect any of them, their intelligence because they were conned by Donald Trump and I'm sorry, I don't, I have to say though, you know, like if we're all being buffeted by the horrible precarity of, of, you know, in insipid like globalized commodification of everything, while all of like the material basis for our underlying economy collapses, we're all fucking trying to figure out what's going on. And like we can all, all of us on the left can, can pat ourselves on the back that we've solved it. We know the right answer.
Starting point is 00:55:03 We're not idiots like these guys with their stupid prescriptions and they're dumb. Who do we have a material understanding? That's luck, man, because where we end up in like our, our cultural understanding are like a heuristic for, for evaluating the world and making sense of it. It's determined demographically. It's not determined by your decisions and your virtue as a person, like over the populations, it boils down to where you grew up, who you grew up around, what you grew up watching. And that when you find yourself in distress and wanting to understand why the world is
Starting point is 00:55:33 the way it is, you seek the cultural explanation, the people around you and what they're all putting out into the fucking ether and then sucking back in because we're all in these like segmented cultural ghettos. And so it's only going to create idiocy. It can only create incoherent idiocy because it's not grounded in anything. It doesn't come from class experience. It doesn't come from common struggle. It comes from experience as media consumers in a market.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Well, before we sign off for today, I'd just like to return to the beginning, return to where we started out today. Donald Trump's Twitter account is no more. It's gone forever, lost and gone. But I mean, I would just like to, I would just like to take the phrase, bad food restaurant. Bad food restaurant. Embroider it, embroider it on a banner and raise it to the rafters. Because that phrase, bad food restaurant, it's just, Trump's style of tweeting, his
Starting point is 00:56:33 way of talking, but like his Twitter account in particular, I truly believe like is the punty pool mind virus that has probably caused the apocalypse. Like I think it's just, it has spread to all of us. It is the prodromal schizophrenia that we're never ever going to be rid of. And the thing is, it has changed the structure of my brain, like I think and talk like Trump now because it's fun. We all did. It's really fun.
Starting point is 00:56:58 We love it. Don't we, folks? Yes, we love it. It's good. It's tremendous. He's done the most to change the English language of anyone in the past four years. And he pretty much kept that, unilaterally kept that website afloat for the past four years.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Absolutely. And all these Republicans talk like him now. Yeah. No, Donald Trump, I think it's safe to say, has a greater cultural legacy than Barack Obama. Well, yeah, no. Barack Obama only set the stage for Trump to enter. Like he was an avoid on purpose. That was what he was getting off on a little sicko was being not there.
Starting point is 00:57:27 And that just created a silhouette for fucking Trump to burst through like the goddamn Kool-Aid man. He is the greatest poster of all time, and it is not even close. Nobody has done more with the medium of Twitter than he will, and we will never see his likes again. The king. The king. The king.
Starting point is 00:57:48 The purge, the day of the post is when, like the day after, Trump called a meeting with his advisors and they strategized about how to get him posting again. We got to get him out there. We got to get him posted. This is like the national security crisis in the situation room. And they're just like looking at dots on a screen like, well, there's Parler. There's TikTok. He's, I think he probably like put more personal thought into this than he did COVID.
Starting point is 00:58:17 And it's like, you know what? He did. Absolutely. Absolutely. Go where your heart is. Okay. Felix, do you think that like back in December of last year, when like the first memo came across his desk being like, like global pandemic headed to the United States, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:34 like projections of upwards of half a million dead, if like, you know, XYZ isn't followed. Do you think that like that set off the alarms in his brain to the same degree as him getting banned from Twitter did? No, absolutely not. Yeah. I mean, like maybe it made him like upset as we all were. He probably didn't call a meeting with his like entire cabinet about what we do about this.
Starting point is 00:58:58 It probably made him upset, you know, in the way that we were all upset when we found out that it's not safety pangolin stew anymore. But no, he probably like, he probably like maybe someone mentioned it in passing and he's like, oh, that would be bad. Good thing it's not happening. Like, yeah. No. I mean, what I feel bad for the most is it's not just for Trump.
Starting point is 00:59:19 I mean, well, it's not about Trump. I don't give a shit about him. It's the various Trump reply remoras like the doctor Eugene Goose of the world who have tea. I feel like they're all I feel like they're all just going to die off like when we, you know, pollute the ocean and kill a frickin coral reef and it's just delicate ecosystem that just dies now. It is very sad.
Starting point is 00:59:41 I mean, Jeff Teedrick, I think we'll take it in stride because Jeff Teedrick, he's not like these other people who just like weren't doing anything and then became Trump reply guys. Like he was a crooks and liars guy or no, the smirking champ smirking champ. He did run the smirking champ. He still does. He put in his time. I respect Jeff Teedrick.
Starting point is 01:00:03 But the other one, like I don't know where Dr. Eugene Goose no, hopefully nowhere. I don't know where the Palma report goes. Oh, that douche. Trifax dated Scott. We we. Crass and Steve. Oh, there you see there. Tony Paznanski.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Tony. Yeah. I I am. Yeah. Palma report is my least favorite. I hate the videos. He retweets. The Palma report.
Starting point is 01:00:31 The Palma report. I. Yeah, no, I mean, funder. It's so funny. That guy's name is Funder. Scott. Scott Funder. Scott Funder's work and Andrea Dworkin's son. I think he probably just still like does bullshit things where it's like, hey, give me $5 to
Starting point is 01:00:52 wish Joe button a happy birthday. I think Dr. Eugene Goose is just like he disappears into the ether, probably. Right. Yeah. This is always like Leonard Nimoy. This is very end of animal house. Dr. Eugene Goose developed one of the vaccines for coronavirus 48 hours after leaving Twitter. I actually I think it's like the end of Evangelion.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations. And you know, like they all get medals pinned on them. Yeah. They're all Miss Sato is Alyssa Milano. We can debate about whether who's being authoritarian here, a big tech for censoring the president or the president for demanding that they allow him to have a Twitter account.
Starting point is 01:01:42 But here's the thing. I have a sort of boutique moral, ethical and political position here that I would like to see Donald Trump die in prison for, I don't know, being Donald Trump for living his entire life up until this second. Yeah. No, his life is a crime. Siring his sons is a crime. But I would like to see him put in prison and like put in prison also like without
Starting point is 01:02:05 trial, like a like a pure show trial, political prosecution. But I would like to have him be able to tweet for the rest of his life. I would like I would like to maintain his access to social media and posting while he is in ADX, Florence, Supermax prison. Well, there's no reason why prisoners shouldn't be able to tweet, period. Yeah. Don't be don't be. Don't be.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I mean, there's Prague parties are just great. What goes to them anymore? At Abisey's hat, at Abisey's hat is no longer on his head. Very not good. Oh, great. Augustus Hill is boring everyone with his tedious monologues in the middle of the prison. Oh, God, well, RIP, RIP to the greatest, to the greatest Twitter account of all time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:00 The poster's poster. There'll be no others like no one has ever accomplished what he has. And by that, I mean, like destroy the United States of America, like pretty much lead to the collapse of like the American state. Like so. Good job. Yeah. Way to go, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:16 I love it. Everyone else has been trying to do it with social media. Without ever trying to do any of it. That's the amazing thing. You know? You did it all in an accident. I don't know if you guys also think this, but the posts are markedly worse now. It's like everyone's kind of in a shell shock, you know.
Starting point is 01:03:31 It's like there's no energy coming into the site anymore. It's true. The past two weeks of posting have been like among the worst I've ever seen. Been very poor posting. So bad. Yeah, really dog shit. I don't know. There needs to be, I guess there needs to be, I don't know what there needs to be, maybe
Starting point is 01:03:49 like a new object of people's. Maybe it's like, you know, how in a new object just dropped, you know, like so like in dark souls, when you like kill everyone in hell, you have to become like the god of hell kind of. I don't know. This is like another Wikipedia article I read really late, but you have to like, you have to like live in an apartment in hells to like to protect everyone, I guess. So there has to be like, maybe it is Jeff Teedrick, like Jeff Teedrick has to be like
Starting point is 01:04:18 the new Trump, the new guy that everyone yells at. You know what it is, Felix? You know what it's like, Felix? It's like at the end of Chronicles of Riddick, where Riddick defeats the, what they call the Necromages, but like then he has to become king of the Necromages. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So that's what Jeff Teedrick has to do.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Yeah. Well, somebody has to do it. Somebody has to just step up and be the next Trump and emulate the same kind of derangement and total narcissism and just dickishness. It can't be copied though. It can't be copied because he's sui generis. Even the Republicans who try to copy him, even like all of these like social media consultant assholes who try to copy him, I think it always falls flat because nothing is like the real
Starting point is 01:04:59 thing. And speaking of Republicans falling flat, like there are Republicans who are not trying to copy him because they are too, just they're too soy, bitch-made, like fucking, just bitch-made bow tie, fucking nerds. But like they tried to copy him in so much as that they like support him with these stupid resolutions about the election. Josh Howley and Ted Cruz got fucking washed by this. You think that they had, they were feeling this, they were feeling their oats up until
Starting point is 01:05:25 like they were like the very thing that they were fucking like trying to basically like gratify these people with led them to fucking storm the Capitol. And then they were like, oh, I know, the violence I saw was, was shocking. We stand with all the Capitol belief omethers and it's just like, guess what, now you lost them too. The very, the very fucking Cretans that you were trying to like flatter with your like, to give an intellectual veneer to this absolute horseshit. So bye-bye, throw them in the fucking toilet.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Just Josh Howley, Ted Cruz, only fit for the sewer pipe. Well, I'm sick as shit of the Ted Cruz consultant soy posts. I hate you. And to be fair, and you know, to be fair, you know, to both sides, this one, frankly, I'm sick of the AOC arguing with Ted Cruz, you know, epic comeback posts. Yeah. No, thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:14 None of that. Stop posting politicians. By the same, probably by the same fucking social media. Same person. Yeah. No, it's just like two people across, like sitting in desks across from each other. I think like the only guy who I think has a totally genuine form of dementedness and well-centeredness and drill, drill.
Starting point is 01:06:35 You heard of this guy? I think Joe Biden has it, but he just like he's not like Joe Biden will never post for himself. No, no. It would be awesome if he did. No. But it's like. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 01:06:49 I remember the Sonny and Cher show. Everything would be on Twitter longer. Everything would be just screenshots of a Word document that goes for multiple pages and just cuts off midway through. He had an awesome week where he first, he said, he said that that guy was a one horse pony. Then the poor. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Yeah. That was awesome. Then he said, President Trump, President Trump, Joe Biden gave the worst speech and he was never. Yeah. It was not reassuring. If people were worried about the Joan and like whether they was going to be there to get us through the choppy waters, it was not reassuring.
Starting point is 01:07:33 He is. Joe Biden is, I think, I said this, you know, in 2018 and I still believe it. I think like all like put all the pieces on the table. He is funnier than Trump, but it's just like we never see him. They never like let him out to play. It's like only when they're like, Joe, the country's hurting. You need to give the shittiest speech and then his speech is like, it's like George Orwell running animal farm.
Starting point is 01:07:57 There's, there's some pigs with two feet and some with four, but they're still pigs, man. They're good pigs. Listen, listen, man. I remember when I was killed during the 1964 Freedom Riders that is, that is my message. Let Joe out to play if you're yeah, let him run buck. Yeah. We got to get, we got to squeeze some more juice out of this fucking lemon.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Yeah. This is a huge come down. I'm going to put this on the stuff because he's not going to post, so he's got to do something. Yeah. Give us Joe videos like we daily. Oh God. You should get on TikTok.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Joe on TikTok. He's like the TikTok president. Now we're talking Joe on TikTok. That could, that could be a new, that could like be acknowledging the changing media habits of the young consumers. Just like ask him about like cultural events. Yes. Did you see soul, Mr. President?
Starting point is 01:08:51 Yeah. Yeah. Listen, listen, man, I was one of the first guys, I came up with the idea for the movie soul plane. I said, there's no reason why a black guy can own an airplane. I'm the first guy to ever say that. All right gang, let's wrap it up there. Until next time everybody, just watch the posts.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Watch the posts. Bye bye. Maybe I could love myself, maybe my life would have a greater value. That's right. I'm no more or less than myself. I am me. I want to be myself. I want to continue existing in this world.
Starting point is 01:09:40 My life is worth living here. Congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. Thank you all.

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